Counter surfing

2003-08-14 Thread Janice Parky
Does anyone have any creative ways to discourage counter surfing?  At 4
months, Wrigley has discovered the abundance of treats above his head.
Training my family not to leave food out is impossible, although I am
determined to try.  I suddenly value the single life.A firm (as in loud,
screaming) "NO" when caught in the act does not faze him.  This morning,
after our walk, I wiped his muddy paw prints off the counter.  He may think
he is clever, but he left a trail of evidence behind.  He was attempting to
reach some defrosting chicken left there by my husband who has already
witnessed his chicken thievery, but apparently thought he'd ignore it this
time  At lunch time, I listened to my 17 year old say, "Mom, Wrigley is
eating a plastic bag." As he stood there and watched.  I grabbed it out of
his mouth.  The sandwich roll was gone.  I rescued the wrapper.  Just before
dinner, I managed to salvage the wedge of Brie he had scarfed up.  I
unwrapped it so no one would see the teeth marks in the wrapper.  It was
enjoyed by all, except Wrigley and Halley.

I use postive training methods, but goD forgive me, when he went for my
glass of Chardonnay tonight, I resorted to spraying him in the face with a
spray bottle full of water.  He loved it!

Any advice would be appreciated.  His breeder warned me, and if she is
laughing at me...

Janice Parky, Halley and Wrigley
Cape Cod, MA

Re: Counter surfing

2003-08-14 Thread Dr. William B. Neff
OH NO!!   It must be a gene in these dogs   Nick is a thief too!!!
So far he hasn't taken food off the counter, but then he's still only 7
months old and around 75 pounds.   I guess he could easily get up on the
counter and reach things from the very back if he wanted to.   But having
no 'teens' in the house does help.
Nick has stolen 2 teatowels on 2 different occasions (about a month apart)
and torn them into little pieces (1x2 inches each) and eaten them.   If he
hadn't left a 4x4 inch piece of evidence in the hallway each time, we would
have had no idea that he had eaten them.   It only took him a minute to
steal the teatowel off the counter and devour it.I called his vet (a
Berner owner too) for instructions and then used a syringe to give him
diluted peroxide.   Both times he got this very funny look on his face
about a minute later and threw up a lot of tea towel pieces with his
recently eaten dinner.   I then pulled out the teatowel pieces from the
pile and pieced them together like a puzzle to make sure we had them all. I
was happy to see that he had at least had torn both teatowels into tiny
pieces before swallowing them.   We have to watch him closely, because he
likes to steal shoes and other items.   He doesn't seem to be chewing them
now, but he does carry them around.He gives them back when you ask,
sometimes more willingly than others.   He's not going to be trusted when
we are at work for awhile longer yet.   Other than this quirk, he's just
about perfect   ;-D   (I'm not prejudiced in any way here, mind you.)
Joye Neff and Nicky (But MOM, I'm only bringing you treasures)
(and Ben - who always brings us a toy when we get back home)
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA)

RE: The Fundraiser & Pay-pal

2003-08-14 Thread Cecilia Ståhl
Hi Joye!

Though I never win anything, ever, I would just love to join in on the
current fundraiser and have a couple of questions:

1. Since personal cheques are no longer used over here, I have opened a
Pay-Pal account specifically for this purpose - are you familiar with this
mode of payment? Will it work for the fundraiser? (I have yet to use the
account myself, been waiting for a Berner-fundraiser!)

2. How is the fundraiser going so far? When is the deadline for received

Thanks in advance,
Cecilia Ståhl & Griffin
Stockholm Sweden

Re: Counter Surfing

2003-08-14 Thread Brnrmom
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more BARF questions

2003-08-14 Thread Vicky Whitney
Hi, Kendra.  I'll BRIEFLY address your BARF questions, as this is sort of a 
taboo subject here on the Berner-L.  Like some other emotionally-charged 
topics it has caused big flame wars in the past.  A more appropriate place 
for discussion and getting some EXCELLENT information, support, and advice 
is the NaturalBerners list on yahoogroups.  To join, simply send a blank 
e-mail to:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  This is a restricted, private 
list so you won't find it on  Deb Tripp, list moderator, 
will respond and get you on.

1.  There are many books on the subject, but the one I recommend is Ian 
Billinghurst's "The BARF Diet."  His earlier books, "Give Your Dog A Bone" 
and "Grow Your Pups With Bones" are also excellent, but his third book 
contains much of the same information, with recipes and feeding plans.

2.  Easy way to make BARF?  Depends.  I relate this to how "easy" it is to 
feed my own family.  Some people feed whole raw animal parts with no fear or 
problems (after all, this is the way canids ate for thousands of years 
before man and then kibble manufacturers appeared on the scene).  The 
smaller percentage of veggies you feed do need to be ground up, however.  
The easiest is buying one of the excellent pre-made frozen raw products now 
on the market.  A BARF diet does require variety, but not in every meal, 
just over say a week's time (just like we eat -- we generally don't eat 
"balanced" meals every single day).

3.  More or less expensive to BARF?  Also depends.  Pre-made frozen products 
will cost about double the cost of a super premium kibble, and will require 
very few supplements -- just as easy as kibble.  The cost of making it on 
your own is usually less, but depends on your sources for ingredients and 
what you're actually feeding.  Most of us believe our lower vet bills offset 
any higher cost of feeding BARF (no teeth cleaning, fewer allergies, overall 
healthier dogs with stronger immune systems).

And on that note, I'm stopping -- I'm just answering questions, not trying 
to promote anything here.  Please join us at NaturalBerners for more 

Vicky Whitney in Bozeman, Montana

Subject :more BARF questions
Hi again, I'm starting to think about trying BARF again, and have a few 

1.  Is there a simple book I can get, with information, and most of  all,
2.  Is there an easy way to make the BARF diet?  Does it have to consist of
"tons" of ingredients, and does it have to involve "grinding"?  (Vegetarian
mommy- yikes!)  *I remember when I was a little girl we lived in France and 
mom made our dogs food- chicken, rice, and vegetables- they didn't have 
kibble then.

3.  Is it less expensive, more expensive, or cost the same to do totally
homemade BARF than kibble and supplements?
Thanks for going over this again with me!


Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.


2003-08-14 Thread JSTELMAK

I am trying to locate the winner of this year's National Specialty "People's Choice" 
Award, Coleen Carroll.  I cannot find her name in the September 2002 BMDCA membership 

Does anyone have any contact information for me?

Thank you.


Julene Stelmak
Los Angeles, CA

Turbo Bumps

2003-08-14 Thread Vicky Whitney
The "turbo bumps" I'm envisioning are not a "jumping up" problem, but more a 
lack-of-brakes-on-a-locomotive problem, right?  Maddie used to do that when 
she was young, and knocked me down a couple of times.  The last time she did 
it, she came barrelling at me from the front and I was like a deer frozen in 
car headlights.  She crashed head first into my knees.  Now knees don't bend 
very well when hit from the front, so she bounced off shaking her head.  I, 
on the other hand, was still in shock wondering at the miracle that my legs 
weren't broken.  They must have felt like a brick wall to her, as she never 
did it again -- she miraculously "found" her brakes and power steering and 
now either speeds around me or stops.

I don't recommend this remedy, actually, but it did stop her from turbo 

Good luck with your hairy locomotive.

Vicky Whitney in Bozeman, Montana

The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*

Trip to the New England Coast

2003-08-14 Thread Carol Bailey
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RE: Counter Surfing

2003-08-14 Thread Pat Long & Paul Dangel
-Original Message-
From: Janice Parky
>Where is Daisy Crifasi and her surfing knowlege when you need her??


Why, she's right here staying with me, just as good as gold! I don't
believe any of those horrible rumors spread by her owner about supposed
counter surfing incidents, I've never seen any evidence of it! Of
course, I haven't left any lasagna on the counter to cool. Would that
involve something called cooking?

Pat Long, a babysat Daisy & Buddy, (& LUTHER)
Berwyn PA

Re: BERNER-L digest 4533

2003-08-14 Thread baileybmd
My Bailey has started counter surfing a few weeks ago! It shocks me cuz
she's such a "well behaved" girl!She's 4 & has never done this before.When I
leave the house,she gets into whatever is there.I don't leave food out
uncovered,but she got a cake w/ plastic wrap covering it, packaged cheese &
crackers,etc.A little rebellion perhaps? Ü

Top AKC Agility Berner!

2003-08-14 Thread Clark & Kris Osojnicki
I just received "the letter" in the mail this week, that Lexi is the Top AKC
Agility Berner again, for 2002.

They determine the recipient, through a calculation of:  Each Double Q
earned during the year is awarded 10 points, and each MACH point represents
one point.  So, your MACH points earned during the year, added to the 10
points per Double Q.  In 2002, Lexi earned 238 MACH points, and 14 Double

This is the 4th year that Lexi has received this honor.

Pat Krause presents the awards to the recipients at the banquet held during
the AKC National agility Championships.  This will also be the 5th straight
year that Lexi and I have qualified for and competed at the AKC National
Agility Championships.

It is such fun to participate at such an event, and truly icing on the cake,
to receive this recognition for being the top Berner during the event!

Pat, I will send you a "brag" check!

Clark and Kris Osojnicki and the Bevy of mostly Berners
Haley, Mara, Lexi, Cassie & Niko (& Pearle the Border Collie)
Chalet & Tiki (both in loving memory)

Oops, sorry

2003-08-14 Thread Karen
Sorry about the wording in my post about Travelling to Toronto. I said in
the first line that the hotel had decided NOT to open its doors to dogs of
course this should have read that they had NOW decided to.
Too hurried this morning.
Berner hugs to all.
Karen and Stevie
NB, Canada

Ordering supplements....

2003-08-14 Thread Dr. William B. Neff
I need to order Dog Bloom C-2 Sodium Ascorate and Glyco-Flex II and 
wondered if anyone has a good place to order these at a good price. 

Joye Neff and Nicky (and Ben)
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA

cat litter

2003-08-14 Thread lizmurray
"Cat food goes on top of the fridge, and that solves that
  problem. Now cat
  litter, that's another story..."

The way we solved the problem is we put a baby gate across the doorway where the food 
and litter are and have it high enough off the ground that the cats can get under but 
the dogs can't. Although the dogs could easily jump it and my TM's know how to pop 
them out of the door frames, they've learned to respect them and to not intrude. My 
berner is scared of them ever since he was a pup and knocked one over. The noise did 
him in!

Liz Murray
Calgary Alberta

Re: Counter/Floor surfing

2003-08-14 Thread Ray & Pat Burgett
We were at our daughters a number of years ago for Christmas and our now
nearly 11 year old Talee was with us, She is always good as gold but the
nice Bunt Cake setting on the floor in the corner of the Dinning room was
more than she could resist.  She removed the foil cover on one side and ate
a few small lady like bites.
It was not a total loss, we trimed some off where she had sampled it and had
the rest for desert w/Ice Cream.
And yes, she had a wee bit more with Ice Cream, after all it was Christmas.


Eaglecap Bernese
Talee, Lexi, Bell, Shadow & Max
Honest Kitchen Dog Food
Dehydrated Raw Dog Food

Re: Courtney and her Berner

2003-08-14 Thread EKDAL3
Hello All

Courtney Cox, her Berner, her other dogs, and her marvelous wardrobe can be seen in 
Town and County.

Esta Dalsass

RE: Old Berner List change

2003-08-14 Thread Pat Long & Paul Dangel
Doug Smith is a very special sort of person. When an idea for keeping a
list of people who would want to take in an older or a special needs
Berner was developed, Doug jumped right in and took on the job. He's
worked hard at it over the years, and everyone knew that they could
contact Doug for help in rehoming an older dog, or find a possible home
for a blind dog. I didn't realize that he's helped find 15 Berners new
homes, but I think that's just fantastic! 

People like Doug make being in Berners as rewarding an experience as it
gets. Caring about the older Berners is something that I think all of us
find important. But Doug went the extra step to find a way to help when
help was needed.

Doug - thank you! From the very bottom of my heart.

Pat Long (& Luther)
Berwyn PA

Re: BERNER-L digest 4531

2003-08-14 Thread Paul Bruzza
Love these stories of being "run down/over." by the freight train known as
Berners.   I was playing with our male Wallace last year when he belly
flopped on me while I was laying on my back.  Result?  One broken rib.  As I
lay there thinking I'm goning to die, he drops his tug rope on my head!
Gotta love 'em.

Paul, April, Wallace and Gromit, and of course little Sierra.
- Original Message - 
From: "Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2003 7:32 PM
Subject: BERNER-L digest 4531

> BERNER-L Digest 4531
> Topics covered in this issue include:
>   1) Turbo Bump
> by "Karen Alexander" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   2) RE: The Fundraiser & Pay-pal
> by =?iso-8859-1?Q?Cecilia_St=E5hl?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   3) Pay-pal and the Name the Berner Contest
> by "Dr. William B. Neff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   4) Re: Counter surfing
> by "Dr. William B. Neff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   5) Re: Counter surfing
> by Andie Reid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   6) Re: more BARF questions
> by "Karyn Waugh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   7) Re: Counter surfing
> by Molly Bass <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   8) FW: peeyuw farts!!
> by "Nobles.Carrie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   9) BMDCFL Supported Entry
> by "Kathy Mihalek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  10) von Willebrand's Disease
> by "Ellen Lauber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  12) RE: Counter surfing
> by "Nancy Melone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  13) RE: Smelly subjects
> by "Nancy Melone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  14) RE: Counter surfing
> by "Andrea Brin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  15) This n That
> by "Susan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  16) RE: Heel Nipping
> by Rose Tierney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  17) RE: peeyuw farts!!
> by Rose Tierney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  18) Looking for Coleen Carroll?
>  19) Looking for COLEEN CARROLL?
>  20) Turbo Bumps
> by "Vicky Whitney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  21) Counter Surfing
> by "Valerie Whitman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  22) more BARF questions
> by "Vicky Whitney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  23) Turbo Bumps
> by "Claudia Brydon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  24) RE: Counter surfing
> by "Pat Long & Paul Dangel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  25) Re: Counter surfing
>  26) Longlease Updates and the UK Heatwave!
> by "Jean Cheesman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  27) Dog cars
> by Andrea Stefanac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  28) Re: Puppy Photos
> by "Ray & Pat Burgett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  29) Re: peeyuw farts!!
> by "Gail Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  30) 2004 Berner Calendar: STYLIN' BERNERS
> by tml <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  31) Re: Counter surfing
> by "Susan Berlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  32) Counter Surfing
> by "Janice Parky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Happy Birthday to my Tugboat

2003-08-14 Thread Andie Reid
My baby is three today! Hard to believe - time flies. He is lying on the 
floor remembering his halcion days of youth, I'm sure...

Andie and Tugboat (I'm three!) and Steamboat (Is it time to eat yet?)


2003-08-14 Thread Vicki Fallin

Our berner Samson had two cysts removed almost 2 weeks ago (biopsies are
back, nothing to worry about). When we picked him up our vet gave us
medication for pain but no antibiotics.  The area on his back is healing
fine.  The other area, on his right front leg against his chest opened
up after the stitches were removed on Friday.  We were back to the vet
Saturday.  This time the vet used staples to close the incision.  Samson
came home with Pala-tech for pain and Keflex 500 mg capsules (twice a
day for 10 days).  Seems like a lot of pills.  I would not have thought
too much about it but I'm sure I read some discussion about problems
brought on by the use of antibiotics.


Any advice would be appreciated.


Thank you


Vicki Fallin


Re: Puppy Rescue

2003-08-14 Thread Brnrmom
In a message dated 8/10/2003 9:42:57 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 

>  I have crate trained our other dogs and agree that crate training is a
>  wonderful thing but this little guy completely flipped when I tried to put
>  him in a crate with toys and treats. I really can't bear to do it to him
>  because he is free of a cage for the first time in his life.  Any comments
>  on use of a crate in this situation?

What a sad story. Poor little thing!

Using a tether (tie his 6 foot leash to your bed or the foot of any 
furniture) instead of a crate could work for nighttime and housetraining. Then later 
gradually get him used to the crate, as a "good" thing. Leave crate door always 
open and put tasty special treats in  thru the day, have a nice soft blanket 
and let him come and go as he pleases, dont close the door on him, feed his 
dinner close to it until he is willing to go in and eat. Also try a different 
kind of crate and a  really large one  (if he was in a wire crate at the puppy 
mill, then get a plastic  VariKennel or vice versa. )

Or use a tall ex-pen (exercise pen) for necessary confinement. It wont look 
like a crate to him, you can open it very large by unhooking 2 segments and it 
has no top. Put a few of these ex-pens around the house in places you will be 
hanging out w/ him and of course treats and chew toys and water and blankets 

>  3. I would love to hear from any of you who have kept two male Berners.  
>  is 2 years old and definitely the alpha dog. 

Does Gus get along w/ other dogs generally? Is he neutered? Adding a puppy 
who is neutered young shouldnt be a real problem, especially since you said 
Rufus is quite submissive. Of course you will watch them carefully but most normal 
dogs do well if socialised and raised together from before adolescance. 

And last of all THANK YOU for your courage .

Vilma Briggs

RE: Brag

2003-08-14 Thread Pat Long & Paul Dangel

I always love hearing about Berners passing TDI tests, I think they're
one of my very favorite brags!

As for the brag check, why not send it to Joye Neff for the current
fundraiser? I'd name that Costco Berner Brio or Briggs if I were you...

Hugs to Brio and Briggs!!

Pat Long (& Luther)
Berwyn PA gallery

2003-08-14 Thread Hugh Hayes
If anyone knows the owner, or the owner themselves, of the following dogs
please drop me a quick line.



BMDCA e-list

2003-08-14 Thread Pat Long & Paul Dangel

There is a yahoogroups for BMDCA members, run by Sandie Hawkins (thank
you Sandie!!), and you can ask to subscribe by sending an email to:

Pat Long (& Luther)
Berwyn PA


2003-08-14 Thread Rose Tierney

Hi Everybody,
Here in the Ottawa area we are enduring unbelievable levels of humidity
coupled with stifling heat, the dogs do not want to go outside and walking
in the forest was limited this past weekend. I'm of an age when air
conditioning is paramount to my sanity so I amused myself yesterday
afternoon "doing ears".  I was surprised at the number of yeasty ears but
realised the weather conditions are ideal for yeast infections in those
warm dark places and perfect for hot spot manifestation (fortunately none
of those) so I thought I'd just remind folk in this region to do a quick
ear check and make sure no mushrooms are growing!!  If your dogs are
swimming in the lake at the cottage make sure you dry them thoroughly and
watch out for hot spots under the damp coat.

So looking forward to winter:-) Bring on the snow and goodbye mosquitoes!

Rose T.

Updated Website

2003-08-14 Thread Dreamline BMDs

Hey All,

 I haven't had alot oftime to update Kozzie's website ntil now.  To those of
you that saw pictures of him at 8 weeks old, I think you'll be very
surprised how much he has grown up in the past 3 months.  Kozzi's first
show is this wekend, We'll let you know how he does.  I can't wait to get
him in the ring.
Now back to his website, There are new update pictures on "Kozzie's Picture
page"  His Pedigree is up on "Kozzie's Pedigree Page" and there are more
"Family Photo's" too.  I'd love for all of you to see my boy grown up, (kind
of)  He's still obviously a baby, but he's my "big man" as we call him.
Good luck to Kozzie and his Sister in thier first show ever on Saturday.
Hope everyone enjoys the page.

Jenny Pollard & Kozzie
St. Paul, MN

moving to PA

2003-08-14 Thread Rachael Ferguson
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remove from list

2003-08-14 Thread Montgomery, Frances H.
I would like to be removed from the Berner-L list.  Thanks you, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BMDCGS Draft Test October 18, 2003

2003-08-14 Thread Susan Downing-Thompson
Hi all,

Just want to announce our upcoming Draft Test to be held in the 'greater 
Seattle' area (Graham WA, about an hour south of Seattle) on October 18th. 
Our entry will include five Open teams, four Brace teams and twelve Novice 

The Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Greater Seattle sponsors a draft test at 
least once per year and we always have fun. Our theme for this test will be 
"Oktoberfest" and we encourage creativity!

To obtain a premium and entry form go to:, click on 
'Calendar' (upper left corner), scroll down to the date, October 18th, 
follow the instructions to download the forms in Word format.

Entries close on October 4th so get those entries in.

We have three great judges; Pat Tackett from Texas, Bernadette van Klaveren 
from Nanaimo BC and a judge performing her apprentice assignment, Nancy Van 
Horne from Renton WA.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Susan Thompson, Draft Test Chair

ps.  If you need a 'snail mail' premium please contact our Draft Test 
Secretary, Sherri Antonucci at:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or by snail mail at:  6619 E. Tonia St., Tacoma 
WA  98404

Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.

re: Courtney Cox's Berner

2003-08-14 Thread KendyBo
I didn't see the magazine myself, but my friend did.  She said it was either in People 
magazine (I think the one with Angelina Jolie and her son on the cover) or US Weekly 
from that same week.  AND I heard there were pictures with two Berners- a new puppy 
and her older one, Ella.

Also, there was an article about her over the summer in Glamour, I think.  One of the 
pictures showed her and David Arquette walking down the beach with their big Berner.  
Apparently the photo editors didn't notice the bag she was carrying was a POOP 
BAG!  So funny!!

Kendra, Jackson, and Sallie

Re: old Berner

2003-08-14 Thread Molly Bass

I thought I had located the oldest Berner in  history but I was 
wrong.  Our neighbor has had this dog for a long time.  I remember when I 
got a puppy in 1992 - Loyal was an adult dog.

Tonight, I saw my neighbor loading him into the car and asked how old is 
Loyal?  He is almost 17!   I mentioned that would probably be a record for 
a Berner and my neighbor said even though he looks purebred - he isn't - 
he has some Springer in him.
There is a berner in the record books in Germany who lived to 17. I have 
his name and line at home as he is behind a male I was looking at who was 
to sire a litter I was watching

Quellen Bernese
Charlottesville, VA

Kids clothes

2003-08-14 Thread strodes
Hi All,

I'm just curious, does anyone get The Wooden Soldier (clothes for kids) catalog?  On 
page 40 there is a crew sweater and a pair of bib overalls with a Bernese on the front 
and also a turtle neck with little Bernese all over.  Check it outthe only thing 
I'm not certain about are the eyes, but then it's hard to tell from a catalog.  Just 
thought some of you might be interested.


pet travel on airlines

2003-08-14 Thread Laura C. Tharney
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Getting Odors Out of Carpets

2003-08-14 Thread steeles
Hi All,
I am sure that you have probably already covered this topic time and time again,
but I have managed to miss it.
How do you get bad odors (such as excrement)out of carpets? (It is not my very
well-behaved Berner who is responsible for this. It is, instead, my very recalcitrant
pit bull who gets into everything she shouldn't and thus makes herself so sick
she explodes at both ends.) We have been cleaning and scrubbing and shampooing,
but we cannot get rid of the foul odor. Please help! Thanks, Sara Steele

RE: BERNER-L digest 4539

2003-08-14 Thread Ivana Leonard

I'm just new to the Berner-l list & am loving all the stories - some of them
make me cry and others laugh & I'm learning so much.  I'm wondering if there
are any Bernese Mountain Dog clubs in Australia.  I often look at the photos
of get togethers on the page & would love to take my two boys,
Oscar & Leo to a Berner party.  There is nothing more beautiful than seeing
a bunch of Berners all in one place at one time.  So if anyone knows of a
Bernese Club or group of Berner owners who live in Australia (I live in
Canberra) who would like to get together, please email me personally.  I'd
love to hear from you.


Canberra - Australia

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Bernese Mountain Dog
Mailing List
Sent: Thursday, 14 August 2003 3:01 PM
To: Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List
Subject: BERNER-L digest 4539

BERNER-L Digest 4539

Topics covered in this issue include:

  1) Getting Odors Out of Carpets
  2) Virus!
by "Karen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  3) Re: Getting Odors Out of Carpets
by "sudansfarm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  4) re: Courtney Cox's Berner
  5) Courtney Cox Berner
by "Diane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  6) Re: Courtney Cox's Berner
by Andie Reid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  7) Re: old Berner
by Molly Bass <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  8) pet travel on airlines
by "Laura C. Tharney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  9) Please remove me from your list, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 10) Kids clothes
 11) Stinky Problem
by "DreamlineBMDs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 12) Breeder - Bunch
by Robin Disler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 13) Re: Kids clothes
by "Dr. William B. Neff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 14) Blue Ridge BMDC trip to Kings Dominion
 15) help needed
by "Amy Kessler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 16) Teething question
by "Janice Parky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

OT: Lost deaf Aussie in Southeastern PA

2003-08-14 Thread Barbara Flook
A very distraught junior handler is missing this boy - thought
some on the list might be in the vicinity . . .

Date:Wed, 13 Aug 2003 07:47:43 -0400
Subject: Lost deaf aussie in Southeastern PA

Lost Deaf Aussie in the New Hope/Peddlers Village area of Bucks County, PA.
Elton got thru a broken fence at the place where he was being boarded on
Saturday morning at 8:00. We've only had 2 sightings, the last on Sunday
morning. He's a blue merle, deaf, 3+ years old, one blue eye, one marble
brown/blue. (both ears and eyes have coloring so you would not know he is
deaf to look at him.)  One ear up, one ear down.
Very white all around chest and collar. 45 lbs. Love frisbees.
Responds to hand signals, like the universal "come", moving your hand and
arm in a circular motion toward your chest. Pointing to the ground is
"down". Probably shy with people, but hard to tell what he'll do now, he's
probably so hungry.

I have a picture if anyone would like to see if. If anyone has info please
let me know and I will forward it to the owners.

His handler is a junior and is very distraught over his absense.


Re: Teething question

2003-08-14 Thread Eileen Morgan

- Original Message -
From: "Janice Parky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Do dogs drool more when they are "teething" the way human babies do?  The
> thought just occurred to me.  Or, am I destined to have that lovely
> Patina" on my floors forever

Some do, some don't. Two of my four most recent puppies were drooling more
during teething. Of course, the rock hard frozen old bagels we used as
teething rings probably helped that . . .

Eileen Morgan
The Mare's Nest

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.509 / Virus Database: 306 - Release Date: 8/12/2003

Courtney Coxs' Berner

2003-08-14 Thread dvick . willbeck
Last night on Entertainment Tonight I caught a glimpse of a picture of 
Courtney Cox-Arquette (from friends) with her berner and Cavaliers. 
They said she was on the cover of a magazine and inside was an article 
with this picture.  I did not however catch the name of the magazine. 
Does anyone know which magazine I'm talking about?

Stinky Problem

2003-08-14 Thread DreamlineBMDs
Hey all,

  We have a slight problem here at our house.  We left for a dog
show/vacation and were gone for 10 days.  When we got back we (or I
unfortunatly) found out the hard way that the dog freezer (half full of
chicken and steak) had gotten unplugged somehow while we were packing to
leave, and had been sitting rotting for the 10 days we were gone.  We thank
god for good seals, no maggots, but the stentch is insain.  We managed to
clean the nasty gunk out of the freezer, but we cannot get the smell out of
the freezer.  Does anyone have any idea's on how to get it out.  We have
tried bleech, and have packages of baking soda sitting in it now.  if anyone
has any idea's we'd appriciate it.

PS. If you feel sorry for me, and the smell we came home to, just think of
what the garbage man felt like, a week later when he picked up the garbage
:(  poor guy

Jenny Pollard & Kozzie
St Paul, MN

Breeder - Bunch

2003-08-14 Thread Robin Disler
Hi all,  

I was wondering if anyone has any information on a breeder from
Colorado with the last name of Bunch.  Not sure of the first name.

If you know this breeder or know about this breeder, please contact
me privately. 

Thank you - 
Berryville, VA

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software

Blue Ridge BMDC trip to Kings Dominion

2003-08-14 Thread mzebley

This Saturday (August 16), the Blue Ridge Bernese Mountain 
Dog Club is giving the dogs a break from the August heat, and 
meeting without them at the Kings Dominion amusement park 20 
miles north of Richmond, VA.  Any other berner lovers near enough 
to join us would be most welcome.  We are planning on meeting 
under the "Eiffel Tower" at 11 am.  Just show up, or email me 
before Friday night and I'll give you a couple of numbers to track us 
down with in case you miss the meeting.


Melissa, Tyra and Orry  Granite Falls, NC
BEHAF Homepage:

old Berner

2003-08-14 Thread Ruth Rudesill
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BMDCA list

2003-08-14 Thread Christine Kabler
Pat, Could you please repost on the Berner-L info. on how BMDCA members
can access the internet discussion for BMDCA members--or email me

Thanks, Christy Kabler

New Web Site

2003-08-14 Thread Denise Birse
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Heatwave - Longlease Updates!

2003-08-14 Thread Jean Cheesman
Been ever so hot here!

My thermometer indoors read 80, normally 70, is hot! Despite all the fans

Even my balcony where I usually get a breeze, tonight was late before that
breeze picked up!!

However have some fun pics I have just uploaded to the Longlease Site! Me
and the Heatwave Gang, had great visit from young friend, James, today! And
caught Barney and Sim in their dens though not together!

Enjoy the latest Longlease Updates and hope you are staying cool!

All Love,

Jean, Sunny, Sim, Barney and the Longlease Gang

Please remove me from your list,

2003-08-14 Thread Bbaab9
Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   BERNER-L Digest 4538
>Topics covered in this issue include:
>  1) RE: Rescued Puppy Update
>   by "Pat Long & Paul Dangel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  2) Re: Stevie's Mum is worried!!
>   by "Barbie Beck-Wilczek & Bill Wilczek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  3) remove from list
>   by "Montgomery, Frances H." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  4) RE: Antibiotics?
>   by Rose Tierney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  5) Updated Website
>   by "Dreamline BMDs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  6) Lost Bernese Mountain Dog; Zionsville, PA
>   by "Pat Long & Paul Dangel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  7) Courtney Coxs' Berner
>  8) Re: Puppy Pictures
>   by "Ray & Pat Burgett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  9) Dingo Driving
>   by "Jean Cheesman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 10) Re: Free Roam
>   by SJM Modlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 11) New Web Site
>   by "Denise Birse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 12) Doug Smith and old Berners
>   by catherine green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 13) old Berner
>   by "Ruth Rudesill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: Rescued Puppy Update
>Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2003 05:01:07 -0400
>From: "Pat Long & Paul Dangel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "'BetsyRich'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Forwarded in plain text for Betsy:
>Thanks to all of you who answered my questions and offered
>encouragement, support and congratulations.  People on the "L" are kind,
>supportive and very generous with their experiences and expertise.
>Here's an update on the puppy rescued from Puppy Club in Mahopac NY last
>We decided to change Rufus' name to Maximum BMD.  He is more responsive
>to Max and we feel it suits him well. He is happy confined in our
>kitchen.  It has a tiled floor, a soft mat for him to lie on and is
>close to the door to the outside potty area.  Now that Max's projectile
>diarrhea is under control, house training is going well. He seems to
>appreciate being clean and our other dogs set a wonderful example for
>him to follow in our outdoor potty place.  We do have a crate available
>in the kitchen- it has a soft blanket, toys and treats in it but he is
>giving it a wide berth and we are not forcing the issue.  Linda Seaver
>also loaned us a Vari-Kennel and we'll try that too.  He is such a
>sweet, well-mannered boy that if the crate training is too stressful for
>him, I'm not inclined to force the issue.  Others have recommended an
>x-pen, we'll see if it is necessary. Relations with Berner Boy Gus are
>going well too. Gus is 2 years old, neutered and an alpha dog who gets
>along very well with the other dog in our home as well as with
>strangers.  The only problem is that Gus is quite exuberant and wants to
>play chase with Max.  Since the puppy never had a chance to build
>muscle, we are not allowing him to run for more than a few steps... a
>development that neither Gus or Max appreciate :-)  Max is respectful
>and submissive with Gus and our elderly, neutered airedale/golden boy,
>Scooter.   When the puppy oversteps, the older dogs correct him
>appropriately.  We're monitoring that carefully too.  Max really loves
>the Maine Coon cats.  Most will allow him to sniff and kiss them for a
>little while.
>It has been a privilege and a joy to watch Max blossom and turn into a
>happy, well adjusted Berner puppy in two and a half days.  He is
>learning his name, to come and sit on command.  From barely being able
>to walk more than 5 steps- he is now walking beautifully on a leash
>around our yard.  I think he is a genius!!! He LOVES grass- his favorite
>outdoor activity is to roll over and over on our lawn..  He gets up,
>shakes and GRINS!  He is enjoying outings to the bank, the vegetable
>market and the park.  Last night we took Max to our favorite ice cream
>parlor and he drew an enormous crowd. He educated more people about
>puppy mills and evil puppy brokers by being his sweet adorable Berner
>self while we described his rescue more vividly than any newspaper
>article or brochure could ever do.  We keep telling ourselves that we
>may still be only foster parents but with more time comes more bonding
>and more love... something I know all of you understand.
>Stay tuned...
>Betsy Rich, Max (formerly known as Rufus), Gus, Scooter and a mess of
>Maine Coon Cats!
>Subject: Re: Stevie's Mum is worried!!
>Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2003 07:36:50 -0400
>From: "Barbie Beck-Wilczek & Bill Wilczek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Karen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,"berner list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Hi Karen,
>We had something very similar to that happen last year. Our Mac started
>coughing like something was caught in there, but we couldn't see anything.
>As time went on he became lethargic most likely because of not sleeping.. We
>brought him to the vet. He couldn't find anything. Treated him for the
>coughing, and that was it.. When he was able to stop coughing his throut was
>able to heal from whatever he ate most likely..He has been fine since..

Re: Stevie's Mum is worried!!

2003-08-14 Thread Barbie Beck-Wilczek & Bill Wilczek
Hi Karen,
We had something very similar to that happen last year. Our Mac started
coughing like something was caught in there, but we couldn't see anything.
As time went on he became lethargic most likely because of not sleeping.. We
brought him to the vet. He couldn't find anything. Treated him for the
coughing, and that was it.. When he was able to stop coughing his throut was
able to heal from whatever he ate most likely..He has been fine since..
Bill Wilczek
Wilczek Woodworks

struvite crystals and stones

2003-08-14 Thread Alicia Mejia
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Re: Counter surfing

2003-08-14 Thread gwebara
Counter surfing once discovered is very hard to stop. Good smells with
tasty rewards for surfing can make Fido a real sneak theif. I have found
there is no safe place to leave food except the cupboard, fridge, 
microwave or other closed container. My dogs are really good about not
surfing my counters however, I have been shocked and horrified to see one
or another of my darlings counter surf at other peoples homes when we
have visited! 
Haley bless her soul who never ever tried counter surfing at home helped
herself to my hostesses chicken enchiladas before she put them in the
oven for our dinner one night. Norma Jean who isn't beyond counter
surfing but does not do so at home ate an entire roast when she was at a
friends house for a breeding. She was kept in the kitchen and the roast
was not on the counter but left in the sink to thaw 
The biggest problem I've had is my young girl who likes to eat cat food.
I keep the cat food on the kitchen table away from the edge so the cat
can hop up there to eat when he wants. None of the other dogs touch this
food. Miranda has learned to clean what's left in the bowl. I have
corrected her when I catch her and she is very sneaky now. I found her
one day standing all 85 pounds of her and all 4 feet on the table helping
herself! I now only leave cat food out when the cat is there and slowly
things are improving or am I just being lulled into a false sense of

Susan Ablon
Gweebarra BMD
Balch Springs, Tx

Re: Teething question

2003-08-14 Thread HenochNJ

In a message dated 8/13/2003 10:34:21 PM Eastern Daylight Time, "Janice Parky" <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> writes:

>Never one to be afraid to ask a "stupid" question..
>Do dogs drool more when they are "teething" the way human babies do?  The
>thought just occurred to me.  Or, am I destined to have that lovely "Berner
>Patina" on my floors forever
>Slippin' and a Slidin"
>Janice Parky
>Halley and Wrigley

I'm sure there is a correlation between teething and drool...or your boy may just be 
inclined to be a bit more "wet mouthed." My Maddie does not drool at all...but Titan 
stands beside me as I prepare his food and a puddle quickly forms in front of him as 
he waits.
They could bottle this stuff and sell it as a lubricant, I'm convinced! I have a Pergo 
laminate floor, and we are all like Bambi on ice if I forget to wipe up the drool. 
It's really treacherous!
Cranford, NJ
with Maddie and Titan

Re: Courtney Cox's Berner

2003-08-14 Thread Andie Reid
AUGH! I just read an excerpt from some movie magazine article on her and 
the interviewer called it (yes, folks, you guessed it) a Burmese 
mountain dog. Holy cow. They're everywhere.


Re: Getting Odors Out of Carpets

2003-08-14 Thread sudansfarm
I think the absolutely best purchase we ever made was a steam cleaner from
Sears.  We've had it for about 20 years, with only minor repairs.  The only
place to get sick is on the carpet of course!  I use the hottest water I can get
from my tap and use one of the pet stain & odor removers - I've used several,
right now I'm using Pet Force, an all natural product, and it works great on
urine, feces, and throw up!  I have very light carpet and there are no stains
left on it or odors.
Sue Sanvido

Courtney Cox Berner

2003-08-14 Thread Diane
In response to Denise's question about what magazine Courtney was in
with her Berner. I saw this one day while waiting for my daughter in
swim lessons last week. It was US magazine I believe. Don't remember the
issue, but assuming it must be recent. It was a small pic with her and
her husband David walking their dogs. Of course the Berner stood out!
Looks like a beautiful one.
Diane Hanson (Lucas)

RE: gallery

2003-08-14 Thread Pat Long & Paul Dangel
Do contact Hugh on this one, you never know - someone could want to use
your photo for a fundraising effort. We have some great photos on the
website, and I'd love to see some of them as paintings that I could

Pat Long (& Luther)
Berwyn PA

-Original Message-
From: Hugh Hayes at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If anyone knows the owner, or the owner themselves, of the following
please drop me a quick line.

Re: Putting things BACK together

2003-08-14 Thread Dr. William B. Neff
Actually, Nell, I can't take credit for the money puzzle.   It must have 
been another 'Berner Mom' - brilliant way to not "lose" the money, though!!!

Joye Neff and Nicky

--On Thursday, August 07, 2003 8:56 AM -0400 Nell Ward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Joye wrote:

It only took him a minute to steal the teatowel off the counter and
devour it.I called his vet (a Berner owner too) for instructions and
then used a syringe to give him diluted peroxide.   Both times he got
this very funny look on his face about a minute later and threw up a lot
of tea towel pieces with his recently eaten dinner.   I then pulled out
the teatowel pieces from the pile and pieced them together like a puzzle
to make sure we had them all. I was happy to see that he had at least had
torn both teatowels into tiny pieces before swallowing them.
Joye, aren't you the same person that put some paper money back together
after it had passed through digestion?  I recall that the bank was
unwilling to take it out of the zip-lock but they gave you replacement
money.  So you are good at putting puzzle pieces together.
Our first Berner, Merlin, helped me coin the phrase - two tail disease -
where the normal tail went up and the sock hung down.  I've assisted
Merlin and Pilgrim with the removal of lots of socks.  The worse was an
ace bandage.  I'd gently pull, cut off excess and wait for Pilgrim to
push out some more.  Pilgrim did have a $800 sockectomy.  He also grabbed
the Christmas turkey breast off the counter.  It was a sign of how far my
mother had come that, after we wrestled it away from him, she washed it
off, cut up the bite marks, and served the rest.
Now both Sunny and Pilgrim are grown up boys and don't bother even
delectable things on the counters.

Nell and John Ward  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
New Bern, North Carolina
Sunshine - 9 y.o. male Bernese Mountain Dog, CGC
Pilgrim - 6 year old male Bernese Mountain Dog CGC/TDI
In memory of Merlin (Berner), Kasey Anne (Aussie), and Sasha (Amer.

Doug Smith and old Berners

2003-08-14 Thread catherine green
I, too, want to thank Doug for his efforts. When we heard about Jenny
and Canoe last fall on the List I wrote to Doug and he hooked me up with
the rescue folks and now we have another wonderful dog in our lives.
While we were greatly saddened by Canoe's bloat episode and subsequent
death, and we mourn her, we are also grateful every day for what Jenny
has brought into our lives. She is the Grande Dame of our house -- she
reclines regally while our 2 yr old son puts party hats and bowls on her
head. She doesn't care at all if he accidentally steps on her tail. She
just hangs out while he hugs her and snuggles her on the floor. We are
so happy to be able to give her someplace to enjoy what years she has
left. And in return, she sleeps by our bedside, snoring gently (or
sometimes not so gently!) and gazes at us with devotion in her big brown
eyes (or maybe it's just that sandwich I was holding...). In two weeks
she will take her CGC test. We love her to bits and we wouldn't have
known about her if it hadn't been for Doug.

Catherine Young
Cross Plains WI
Shadow, Mickey & Jenny
Max & Emily (pesky cats)

RE: Heel Nipping

2003-08-14 Thread Rose Tierney
Hi Radha,
If the dog's body is relaxed and facial expression friendly then the
wagging tail and desire for contact is good, the bowing down of the the
front end with ears relaxed and tail wagging is an invitation for play. I
would interpret Smokey's attempt at heel nipping in this instance as a
friendly over familiarity, sounds like he liked this man and wanted more
contact. You should have laughed, praised and offered a happy distraction.
Dog body language is very powerful and if the body is rigid and the ears
and expression alert with the mouth closed only opening to emit gruff
noises and the tail waving in short abrupt stiff motions then you have a
guardy dog (this will escalate if unchecked) and you need to block the eye
contact or change direction or command to settle (latter only works if you
are a true leader) If you know your dog is unhappy in certain situations
then it is best to avoid them where possible or pick up the attention focus
on yourself and do some about turns and changes of pace and keep things
positive. If you are cautious about someone's approach either on their own
or with another dog it is perfectly okay to call out and warn them. If you
are not comfortable with a stranger your dog will pick that up immediately
and if confident will move to protect you or if lacking in confidence will
want to bolt. Just remember that while eye contact and big toothy smiles
are human social they are not so to a dog and strangers looking like this
can be misinterpreted as threatening, couple that with the stranger leaning
over to pet the dog and the dog has got some very strong signals of
dog-interpreted aggression and will likely react according to his strength
of character. Socialisation continues to be important throughout a dog's
life and they learn to accept our weird behaviour:-)
Young dogs will go through stages where they are not quite sure what their
job is so it is important you continue with your obedience classes so he
learns that you make the decisions in his life and he doesn't need too. He
will gain confidence as he ages just take things nice and steady:-)

Play-bowing is good, find Smokey some dog friends and a safe place to
interact and you'll see this familiarity and invitation to play happen more
often the next few times they meet. Sounds to me like he liked this man.


Travelling to Toronto,Canada

2003-08-14 Thread Karen
Just for interest sake, for anyone travelling to Toronto this summer. One of
the oldest and grandiose hotels in the city has not decided to open its
doors to dogs! Big and small alike. They are pampered and made comfortable.
They receive a puppy welcome kit when they arrive, which includes delectable
treats and a "Pawsport", and their own bed! Not sure about Berner size beds!
The only stipulation is that the dog must be crated or kenneled in the room
when you are not there. I guess they didn't want bed jumping, window
licking, counter surfing, towel stealing Berners loose in the rooms
unsupervised!! It is pricey though. Starting at $215 Canadian per night. (By
the way I have no affiliation with this hotel nor its sister hotels). I just
thought that someone maybe interested. I am travelling to Toronto this fall
some time and my sister and I may just treat ourselves and my big Stevie boy
to a special treat.
Karen and Stevie

Re: peeyuw farts!!

2003-08-14 Thread Janice Parky

 > I have a lovely question to ask.   My girl farts like you wouldn't
believe- mostly at night and mostly when she's going up stairs (exertion
farts!).  My boy doesn't fart at all- hmmm.
> Does anyone have a great insight into the gastrointestinal system of my
lovely and stinky little bitch?

I have no great insite, just my own experience with Halley and her
Halley-atosis.  Different end, but both I think are digestive problems.
Halley had breath that could curl your hair and at age 2, tartar on her
teeth.  I added Nupro to her diet, which at the time was a chicken based raw
diet.  Her breath improved immensely.  I had her teeth cleaned and the
tartar has not returned.  Then, due to the difficulty of getting raw chicken
necks in my area, adding another dog to the family and my laziness, I
switched her to 'Back to Basics,"  a high quality chicken based kibble.  The
bad breath returned. She is now off all chicken products, still getting
Nupro in her food and her breath is sweet.  It may help to try different
foods with your girl.  She may be less tolerant of one over another.
Whether you feed kibble or raw, it seems as if something is not agreeing
with her.  I also found Nupro which is full of digestive enzymes to be

Janice Parky
Cape Cod, MA

BMDCFL Supported Entry

2003-08-14 Thread Kathy Mihalek

Hi folks,
For any one who is interested, the Bernese Mountain Dog Club of the 
Finger Lakes is holding a Supported Entry, along with the Wine Country 
Circuit show on September 27th.  This is in Sampson State Park, Romulus, New 
York.  The preimums have gone out, and the closing date is September 10th.  
We also have an information booth set up near the rings.  We have a picnic 
and club meeting after comformation is finished.  They also offer agility as 
well as obedience at this show.We have the picnic at my campsite.  
Everyone is welcome.  For further information, please contact me.
Kathy Mihalek

Help STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*

Re: more BARF questions

2003-08-14 Thread Karyn Waugh
There are several books out there that you can read about BARF.  My personal 
favorites are:  all of Dr. Ian Billinghurst's books (Give your dog a bone, 
grow your pup on bones, and his new one BARF Diet), and Susan Johnson's 
book, Switching to Raw.

You may want to consider joining the Naturalberner list as well.  This list 
is specifically for the discussion of the BARF diet (Natural Diet).  You can 
try to use this link to sign up:
If that doesn't work, try sending an e-mail to:  

Another good source that I've found to be really helpful, is some of Brenda 
Hagel's sites.  She has one that has links to quite a bit of Natrual feeding 
sites, including one that has recipes.  If you do a search for Brenda Hagel, 
you'll find it.

Good luck,
Karyn Waugh
STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*

Heel Nipping

2003-08-14 Thread Radha Iyengar
Dear L'ers,
I am having a bit of an issue with my dog Smokey.
Background: Smokey is an 18mo old neutered male. I
had him since he was 8 weeks and got him from a
breeder. He has done basic training and has passed the
Canine Good Citizen test.
Problem: Smokey tends to be nervous around new people.
 Usually this is not a problem as he just keeps to
himself, occasionally stopping to smell people. But he
does sometimes, on walks, bark at people who come too
close and sometimes tries to chase runners.  A quick
correction usually does the trick. Yesterday a man
stopped to say hello. Smokey had his tail up and was
wagging and sniffed the man and let him scratch his
chin. Then as the man turned to go, Smokey crouched
down in the front (but and tail in the air), tail
still up and wagging but ears down and started to
bark. Then he sort of hopped/jumped forward to try to
nip the man's heel. I had him on a leash and quickly
returned him to a sit position but the whole thing had
me startled.  He has never done anything like this and
I am not sure if he was playing or what.  Does anyone
have any thoughts about what this means?  Suggestions
on how to make sure this doesn't happen again?

Thanks a lot for any help,
Radha and Smokey 

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Re: Counter surfing

2003-08-14 Thread Liz Bradbury
Hi Janice,
It sounds like you have a true blue Berner on your hands!
Is he training Halley yet?
My Newfy pup cured herself of counter surfing at about 4 months old,
though I would definitely NOT promote this as a cure-all... It scared
the living day lights out of me.
We have a small, muddley kitchen and all surfaces are within dog
reach.  We don't leave food out, as Boots (my Best Berner Boy) once
helped himself and Annie to a whole beef joint!  But cups of tea and
coffee are often left on the counter while they cool.
Maggie was often seen with her nose at counter top height, but as
there was nothing to eat, she never jumped up, until one day.  A tin
of cat food had been left out with the lid unsealed (all humans
denied doing this of course, me included) and next to it was a cup of
my fruit tea, freshly made, with boiling water.
Can you see where this is going?
Of course you can...
Maggie jumped up to get at the cat food and knocked the mug of near
boiling liquid over.  My heart rate must have tripled.  But we were
really lucky, and the liquid never touched any bare skin thanks to a
thick, wooly puppy coat.  Maggie must have got the shock of her young
life though, as she has never jumped up at the tops again.
Mind you, not long after, she did lever the top off their food tub
and help herself to a few pounds of food, and then found where I
stash the expensive type cat food that comes in little foil sachets
and tins... I came home from shopping to find chewed up foil all over
the floor, licked completely clean!  These days, their food container
is placed in front of the cat food store, with one of their feeding
bowl stands wedged on top...
And I've come to a compromise with Maggie, she doesn't steal food and
I let her dive into the food barrel when I feed them (I can hear the
shocked gasps from here!).  She gets a reduced amount in her bowl,
and has even learnt when the barrel is too low on food for her to
reach in in comfort.  I know, I know, it's a bad habit, but she
doesn't abuse my 'generosity' and the others don't emulate her (yet,
though I fancy Roxie would be in there like a shot, if only Maggie
didn't take up all the free space by the container!)  I'm not too
sure when this started; in fact, come to think of it, I suspect it
wasn't my fault at all, it must have been during the 2002 Specialty
when my husband was looking after them all...
Good luck with Wrigley!
Liz Bradbury in Scotland, with Roxie the bouncing Berner; Newfs Toby
and Maggie; & the 6 Feline Fiends.

On Tue, 5 Aug 2003 22:58:21 -0400, Janice Parky wrote:
>Does anyone have any creative ways to discourage counter surfing?
>At 4
>months, Wrigley has discovered the abundance of treats above his

Finding a breeder and a puppy

2003-08-14 Thread Annes4
 Dear Deasun & Judith
A good place to start looking for a breeder in your area as well as get to 
meet the dogs is to go to the Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America (BMDCA) web 
site.  On that site is a page that has some good information about how to go 
about looking for a breeder as well as a link to volunteers in the various 
states who can answer your questions, direct you to Berner events in their area, 
put you in touch with local BMD clubs and possible breeder contacts.  I have put 
the link to that page in this message.  If you still need additional 
assistance, please let me know and we will be glad to help you.";>Click here: Finding a 
breeder and a puppy 

Anne Copeland (Flash CGC, TDIA, 9 yrs. old, Berner; Gypsy CGC, TDI, 2 yrs. 
old, Cavalier)
Northern Illinois   [EMAIL PROTECTED], Corr. Sec. BMDCA

RE: Cats and Dogs

2003-08-14 Thread Rose Tierney
Hi Mike,
Cats will urinate outside their boxes for a number of reasons, are they
sharing one box? Are you scrubbing out the box on a regular basis? Are the
cats elderly? Is the box readily accessible to them without a peanut
gallery ready to nose them and clean out the tray (ie Gertie) You might
want to have the kitties checked out by the vet for urinary tract problems,
if they are related it's possible they may both be susceptible to stones
and if cats are in discomfort they will urinate outside their box.  One may
have a problem and the other doesn't like the smell in her tray?

I would check kitties out with the vet and review the location of the boxes
and whether or not they have easy access to toilet without the hot breath
of a Berner checking them out:-) Then there is the psychological side of
things, are they getting enough attention now that this big tri-coloured
oaf is in the house?:-)

Oh and some kitties don't like those covered boxes or the sides might be
too high, when I had kitties they had a box each and when one started
favouring the other despite my cleaning attempts I threw it out and bought
her a new one. Then she was happy again. Be mindful what you are cleaning
them with as well, cats have sensitive noses and also if you have those
stinky plug in air fresheners nearby they might not like those.

All the best:-)


-Original Message-
From: Sportster [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: August 8, 2003 4:04 PM
To: Berner L
Subject: Cats and Dogs

I have a question that's not directly related to our 11 month old Berner, least I hope it's not. Specifically, the question concerns our
two cats. Prior to bringing Gertie into our home, the two cats were well
trained with the litter pans. About 3 weeks ago, we started noticing small
wet spots on the floor. Then, this morning we caught them in the act...BOTH
cats urinating right there on the rug.

Obviously, we have a problem here. We've tried changing litter over the
few weeks, yet the problem seems to persist. Does anyone have any
with this behavior ?  What is causing it, or how can it be eliminated?

and Gertie (it's not me, Dad !! I'm trained and besides...I'd fill the
entire corner of the room)

Re: Counter surfing

2003-08-14 Thread Molly Bass

Does anyone have any creative ways to discourage counter surfing?
Fortunately I have not had to use all of these but Babs may have to test 
them out..

1. Place loaded mouse traps UNDER sheets of newspaper - when they hit the 
paper, the traps go off. It will not hurt the dog as they are under the 
paper but the noise serves as a good deterrent.

2. Tie the coveted food to a metal bowl or colander and place the food as 
you would. When the dog grabs the food, the colander comes too and often 
bonks them on the head or makes such a horrible noise crashing to floor 
that is works. Use a bowl or colander light enough not to hurt him but big 
enough to have an effect. I have heard of this working very well.

3. If you catch him with his paws on the counter, make a fist and bop the 
paws between your fist and the counter. Not too hard but hard enough to 
make it unpleasant and he should remove his feet from the counter. I tried 
this with Babs and she just kept moving her feet back and forth on the 
counter - what a challenge she is :).

4. A scat mat - they can be bought through most pet supplies places. They 
deliver a small electric charge to the paws when touched. I do not advocate 
this method but it is one that can be considered.

Good Luck,
Molly and the growing gang
Charlottesville, VA

Potential rescues

2003-08-14 Thread kdeyo
If anyone is in the Fairmont, West Virginia or New Castle, Indiana areas
and can check on dogs for me this
weekend, please reply privately?  Thanks in advance!

Kathy M. Deyo
BMDCA National Rescue & Rehome Coordinator

Gt. Swiss and herding instinct.

2003-08-14 Thread Coral and David Denis
I was so impressed with the following message about some Gt. Swiss that live
near Toronto, Ontario, thought you might like to hear about it.  The owners
also breed Norwegian fjord horses as well as Amstaffs

"I can honestly say that I have had experience with these dogs moving
horses. Both of my dogs have the most amazing natural droving abilities &
both have very different techniques. My bitch is a calm drover, she swings
back & forth behind the animals (up to 6 horses at a time when we are
leading them to & from fields) & keeps them moving forward in a tight group.
She acts like a 25+ ft extension of my arm, I signal to her & she'll move
out or in depending on where the horses we are trying to catch or move are.
My male, on the other hand will work much the same way, but if a horse falls
out of the group (his circle), he will bark. He works very close to their
hocks (too close to get kicked), with the occasional woof to keep them
moving forward. Once the horse gets his point, he continues driving them
silently. I was truly amazed at how they took to this on their own.

My male had his first experience working on his own with horses at 8 months
old. My two fillies got loose & I took him alone to see how he'd deal with
them (every other time he was working with my older bitch). When I pointed
out the two loose youngsters, he ran to them, they went back to the horse
yard & stopped. He stopped quietly beside them. I led one of them & he
worked the other filly (she's totally untrained) in beside the one I was
leading. He barked at her hocks until she was right beside the one I was
leading. He then quietly drove them (close at their hocks) until they were
right up against the gate & they both walked back in calmly. It was

What I find interesting is how the horses respect these dogs. They stay calm
& calm down when the dog dictates it. I've never seen such a confident
natural drover.

This is the added bonus of this breed when you live on a farm!"



Old Berner List change

2003-08-14 Thread Doug Smith
Berner friends

 Over the past few years I have had the privilege to perform a service
of referral for older Berners as an adjunct to rescue. During that time I am
happy to say that we have helped over 15 older Berners find new homes as
well as some Berner and Newf  mixes and 2 Goldens. Also during this time I
have had the honor of becoming friends with more Berner families.

   I have come to a point in my personal life where I need to relinquish
this list due to some difficult life stresses. ( For those who know us
personally, it is not a marital problem ).  I am very happy to announce that
Sylvia Katvala will be taking over the Old Berner Referral List.  Due to a
lack of dogs in need until recently the list has become " stale" so Sylvia
will need help from those who have contacted me before if you are still
interested. I will be forwarding previous messages to her but most are older
so should be reinforced if interest still exists.

I thank all who have helped me in this effort in taking in older
Berners and those who offered their moral support. I also thank Pat Long for
trusting me with this responsibility. It has been a trying experience at
times but also very rewarding when things fell together for the good of the

Bernerly in memory of Nic the Berner and  Boswell the very senior Newf.

Doug Smith
Enfield, NH

Counter Surfing

2003-08-14 Thread Valerie Whitman
In a word….sorry.  I have NEVER heard of or seen a true counter surfer
actually become reformed.  I swear that once they learn there is good stuff
to be had, they will keep checking back, even if there has been nothing up
there for months.  The best you can do is train your family to never leave
ANYTHING on the counters – in a cupboard should be OK, until they learn how
to open those too.  Mulligan came to counter surfing later in life, but once
he discovered his true avocation, he perfected it to an art.  Bananas were
not safe, entire bags of groceries were not safe – even while just going
back to the car to get another bag.  He would not do it in front of me, but
the minute your back was turned, it was all gone.  I think BORN counter
surfers are the worst, though.  Some dogs just seem to come out really
loving food, and they discover early on there is a snack source above their
heads.  My sister has a Golden puppy – 5 months now – and he has been a
surfer from day 1.  She begs me for advice on what to do, and short of
painful methods (mouse traps, shock mats, etc), there is not much you can
do.  Your family will learn, when he finally takes something of theirs that
they really wanted.  Fortunately for me, my current Berner, Boomer, is a
sweetie that hasn’t really thought about clearing off the counters.  Both my
Tollers will pop up to check what is up there, but their reach is a whole
lot smaller in scope than a Berner.  Not exactly the advice I’m sure you
were seeking, but at least you have my sympathy!!!

Valerie Whitman 


2003-08-14 Thread Ugo Innocenti
Yesterday both my boys passed their Therapy Dogs International test.
Brio was handled by his favorite handler, June Brascisco, and behaved 
like the champ he is.

I handled Briggs, and to be honest was a little apprehensive. Briggs 
looked at me as if to say "Relax, piece of cake!" And sure enough, he 
made me look as if I knew what I was doing.

Brio and Briggs are already recognized Companion Dogs through LITA (Love 
Is The Answer)a local Marin County organization similar to TDI. Brio is 
already visiting the Windchimes Altzheimer Center in Ross and its 
patients look forward to his visit every week.  Briggs is the favorite 
dog at the St. Joseph's convalescent home in San Rafael.

PS: Where do I send my brag check?

Ugo Innocenti
Novato, California
Am./Int. Ch. Ayla's Opus Brigante Toscano, CGC, TDI (Briggs)
Am./Int. Ch. Sunshine's Fire & Ice, CGC, TDI (Brio)

counter surfing

2003-08-14 Thread Jan Ward
Here's an idea that MIGHT work for the counter surfing furkids, at least 
when cooking or bringing in bags of groceries. When making dinner, and the 
counter is full of food (especially Sunday morning breakfast), I take a big 
slice of his favorite treat (Natures blend lamb roll) and let him see it, 
make it very clear that he is going to get it. I put it somewhere he can't 
reach it but can see it (in our case on a high shelf in the kitchen). I tell 
him to sit and be a good boy. He patiently watches me cook, or go get more 
groceries from the car, and hasn't jumped up on the counter since, even if I 
leave the room, he is too concentrated on his treat sitting on the shelf, 
wondering when he is going to get it. Of course, when I am through, he gets 
his treat and a huge hug and praise. He only counter surfed two disasterous 
times, and ever since I tried this method, he stopped completely. Either it 
worked or I don't have a "die-hard" counter surfer on my hands. Maybe give 
it a try?
Janice Ward
Titan Faust
Pgh PA

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Re: Prong Collars

2003-08-14 Thread Ray & Pat Burgett
We have one and use it only when teaching a young dog to walk at our side.
We never have to do any correction with it, just the fact that it is there
on the dog tells them we must walk by our master.
With a regular collar, leather or choke chain our 10 month old male wants to
meet and love each person he meets and does not care who is on the end of
the leash.
He goes with me often to town and loves the bank as he will set by the
tellers counter and when they bring a bone for him he will put his front
feet on the counter and take the bone ever so easy.. In fact if I go to town
withour him everone wants to know where Shadow is.

Ray Burgett

Eaglecap Bernese
Talee, Lexi, Bell, Shadow & Max
Honest Kitchen Dog Food
Dehydrated Raw Dog Food

Re:counter surfing and catfood

2003-08-14 Thread Beverly Arnold
The image of  a berner on a table eating catfood what a hoot! Silas (KT
Silas Hope TD CD CGC 1992-2002) looved cat food but he knew he wasn't
supposed to eat it. At the time my kitten couldn't climb so the catfood was
on the floor.  One morning while I was at the computer Silas brought me the
bowl full of catfood ( Hey mom, he didn't eat it so can I?)  I was laughing
so hard that I spilled the bowl on the floor so Silas helped me clean it up.
Thanks for the great image and for bringing back a priceless memory.

Beverly Arnold, Han and Liesl
Gainesville Fl

Dingo Driving????

2003-08-14 Thread Jean Cheesman
Have just added latest pic of Dingo from Willem to the Friends's Gallery!

Willem has a new car! Guess who is in the front seat???

Dingo Rules OK!

Find on the Friends' Gallery recent updates!

(Sorry Folks, am so behind with these Friends' Updates! Weather report here
UK is that it will come cooler! Hope so, my 'puter has been overheating!)

All Love,

Jean, Sunny, Sim, Barney and the Longlease Gang

Happy Birthday to my Tugboat

2003-08-14 Thread Andie Reid

My baby is three today! Hard to believe - time
flies. He is lying on the floor remembering his halcion days of youth,
I'm sure... 

Andie and Tugboat (I'm three!) and Steamboat (Is it time to eat yet?)


2003-08-14 Thread sheri bowe
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Greater Swiss lists

2003-08-14 Thread Patricia Tackett
Here's what I found on yahoogroups, the list do not
seem to be very active though:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  --  Mailing list
for the Northwest Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Club,
which has full membership privileges in the states of
Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana.   Mailing list
discussions to cover Club events and anything having
to do with Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs

Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Club. This club is
comprised of GSMD owners and enthusiasts from
Missouri, Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- did not
say exactly what area of USA this covered.

Here's link to National club:

HTH your friend,

Pat T.

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The Reality of Rescue

2003-08-14 Thread Andie Reid
This is just a little too true.

Hello: You have reached 123-4567, Tender Hearts Rescue. Due to the high
volume of calls we have been receiving, please listen closely to the following options 
and choose the one that best describes you or your situation:
Press 1 if you think we are veterinarians and want free medical advice.

Press 2 if you know we are a rescue organization but want to save money and have us give you free, untrained medical advice anyway.

Press 3 if you make $200,000 a year but still want us to pay to spay the "stray" in your yard (house).

Press 4 if you have a 10-year-old dog and your 15-year-old son has suddenly become allergic and you need to find the dog a new home right away.

Press 5 if you have three dogs, had a baby and want to get rid of your dogs because you are the only person in the world to have a baby and dogs at the same time.

Press 6 if your dog is sick and needs a vet but you need the money for your vacation.

Press 7 if you just got a brand new puppy and your old dog is having problems adjusting so you want to get rid of the old one right away.

Press 8 if your little puppy has grown up and is no longer small and cute and you want to trade it in for a new model.

Press 9 if you are elderly and want to adopt a cute puppy who is not active and is going to outlive you.

Press 10 if your relative has died and you don't want to care for their elderly dog because it doesn't fit your lifestyle.

Press 11 if you are moving today and need to immediately place your 15 pound, 8-year-old dog.

Press 12 if you want an unpaid volunteer to come to your home today and pick up the dog you no longer want.

Press 13 if you have been feeding and caring for a "stray" for the last three years, are moving and suddenly determine it's not your dog.

Press 14 if you are calling at 6 a.m. to make sure you wake me up before I have to go to work so you can drop a dog off on your way to work.

Press 15 to leave us an anonymous garbled message, letting us know you have left a dog in our yard in the middle of January, which is in fact, better than just leaving the dog with no message.

Press 16 if you are going to get angry because we are not going to take your dog that you have had for fifteen years, because it is not our responsibility.

Press 17 if you are going to threaten to take your ten year old dog to be euthanized because I won't take it.

Press 18 if you're going to get angry because the volunteers had the audacity to go on vacation and leave the dogs in care of a trusted volunteer who is not authorized to take your personal pet.

Press 19 if you want one of our perfectly trained, housebroken, kid and cat friendly purebred tiny dogs that we have an abundance of.

Press 20 if you want us to take your dog that has a slight aggression problem, i.e. has only bitten a few people and killed your neighbor's cats.

Press 21 if you have already called once and been told we don't take personal surrenders but thought you would get a different person this time with a different answer.

Press 22 if you want us to use space that would go to a stray to board your personal dog while you are on vacation, free of charge, of course.

Press 23 if it is Christmas Eve or Easter morning and you want me to deliver an eight week old puppy to your house by 6:30 am before your kids wake up.

Press 24 if you have bought your children a duckling, chick or baby bunny for Easter and it is now Christmas and no longer cute. 

Press 25 if you want us to take your female dog who has already had ten litters, but we can't spay her because she is pregnant again and it is against your religion.

Press 26 if you're lying to make one of our younger volunteers feel bad and take your personal pet off your hands.  

Press 27 if your cat is biting and not using the litter box because it is declawed, but are not willing to accept the responsibility that the cat's behavior is altered because of your nice furniture.

Press 28 if your two year old male dog is marking all over your house but you just haven't gotten around to having him neutered.

Press 29 if you previously had an outdoor only dog and are calling because she is suddenly pregnant.

Press 30 if you have done "everything" to housebreak your dog and have had no success but you don't want to crate the dog because it is cruel.

Press 31 if you didn't listen to the message asking for an evening phone number and you left your work number when all volunteers are also working and you are angry because no one called you back.

Press 32 if you need a puppy immediately and cannot wait because today is your daughter's birthday and you forgot when she was born.

Press 33 if your dog's coat doesn't match your new furniture and you need a different color or breed. 

Press 34 if your new love doesn't like your dog and you are too stupid to get rid of the new friend (who will dump you in the next month anyway) instead of the dog.

Press 35 if you went through all these 'presses' and didn't

Lost Bernese Mountain Dog; Zionsville, PA

2003-08-14 Thread Pat Long & Paul Dangel
Cross posting by request. 

I don't have too many specifics, but the dog escaped from the yard and
is now lost. The Berner answers to the name of Godiva, or Lovebug, and I
know there must be a very desperate family out there! They have put up
posters, and if anyone can help or finds the dog, please call
610-965-7901 (Pete Roland).

I have a copy of the poster with a picture of Godiva.

Pat Long (& Luther)
Berwyn PA

RE: Old Berner List change

2003-08-14 Thread Rose Tierney
Dear Doug,
I would like to thank you for your excellent work in this area and for
helping so many older Berners find loving homes.

I wish you all the best for the present and the future:-)

Rose T.

Teething question

2003-08-14 Thread Janice Parky
Never one to be afraid to ask a "stupid" question..

Do dogs drool more when they are "teething" the way human babies do?  The
thought just occurred to me.  Or, am I destined to have that lovely "Berner
Patina" on my floors forever

Slippin' and a Slidin"
Janice Parky
Halley and Wrigley

Re: Puppy Pictures

2003-08-14 Thread Ray & Pat Burgett
The new pictures ar 6 weeks of age are now on the website.  Some good and
some not so good. Oh well one of these days I will get this camera stuff
figured out.

Ray & Pat Burgett

Eaglecap Bernese
Talee, Lexi, Bell, Shadow & Max
Honest Kitchen Dog Food
Dehydrated Raw Dog Food

[no subject]

2003-08-14 Thread BERNER1
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Seven years old already?

2003-08-14 Thread _Adam Conn
Sunday, August 10, Nor-Ham's Q litter (of 9) turns 7.
It's been amazing to watch Panda (aka Nor-Ham's
Quellen Panda Conn) mature from a grumpy old man (at
the age of 12 weeks) to a sweet mellow fellow. 

Two of his sister's are conformation champions (and at
least one has had litters of her own). Panda
attempting to add a CD to his litter's
accomplishments. Today, he would have had a 171 for
his second leg, but broke the sit stay. It would have
been nice to have a shot at finishing on his seventh
birthday, but I think he's trying to prolong the
training as long as possible (more treats!)

His biggest accomplishment, beyond that first leg (at
188 1/2!), has been the amount of work he's done on (aka the Internet Bernese
Mountain Dog Consortium's PandaSite). 

So happy seventh birthday to all the Qs! (and if you
are out there with a Q or an offspring of a Q, contact

And if Panda does finish his CD this fall and I take
Bison to the National, I'll take him for the Parade of
Veterans and Titleholders! (And who knows, I just
might enter him in Veterans so folks can see what an
amazing mover he is!)

Adam Conn (and Amy Conn)
Nor-Ham's Quellen Panda Conn 
Capezza's Pick Your Pockets (leading the ASCA
National's Parade of Rescues in September!)
Southwind TME Purple Majesty (attempting to be the
wettest showberner ever in his kiddie pool!)

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Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software

Missy Wright's phone number....

2003-08-14 Thread Dr. William B. Neff
Linda Seaver & Belline wrote:   Missy Wright got me  to try it and I 
love the flexibility. You can feed only kibble ( convenient  for 
housesitters) or feed kibble plus meat in the am and kibble plus veggies or 
fruit at night.  Sometimes I add a hardboiled egg or cooked salmon (from 
Costco) & other times organ meats. Chicken or beef can be cooked or 
raw..  P.S. Missy now has her own line of dog food and treats now 
called Natural
Concepts in Pet Nutrition.440.257.6461 for an order form. Great dog cookies
and  dehydrated organ meats for training - my guys love them.

** Nicky got to have some of Missy's wonderful dog cookies a few weeks ago, 
when Missy did a conformation and grooming seminar for our Three Rivers' 
Bernese Mountain Dog Club.   She brought some of her terrific cookies for 
all of our dogs.   Nick had the doggie dookies again at the Canfield Dog 
show last weekend, where Missy had her dog food and treats for sale.   By 
the way, there was a typo on Missy's phone number - the correct phone 
number for Missy is:   (440) 357-6461.Nicky and Ben also really enjoyed 
the big raw bones that I bought from Missy and their teeth look wonderful!!!

Joye Neff and Nick (Got more bones and doggie cookies, Mom?)
(and Ben) (How come Nicky always gets to go get doggie cookies?)
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA

re: farting dogs

2003-08-14 Thread Lisa Baldwin
i have a few remedies that may help to cut down on this problem.

1. diet. there are some things that any individual dog may have an issue
with as has been discussed on the list before. you may want to keep a diary
of what your dog is eating & when you have the problem.  had to pretty much
stop on the broccoli with one of the dogs, since it got way too thick in
here after!

2. there is a beano for dogs. i think it is called 'curtail'. i haven't used
it, but have talked to some people who have & thought that it worked well
with their dogs.

3. enzymes. some dogs just seem to need a little digestive enzyme additive.
there are a lot of different ones out there. i have used one of these
products for my girl with the sensitive stomach & it has helped with both

4. fennel. fennel tea can help with excess gas. you can usually buy fennel
seed in the bulk herb section of the store. crush the seeds & steep for
10-15 minutes.  works for people too.

lisa baldwin 
(dickens, bark & zel)
seattle, wa

mast cell cancer question

2003-08-14 Thread JMDB92
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The Creation Story: As Told by the Dog

2003-08-14 Thread Jim Johnson
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2003-08-14 Thread Andie Reid
Well, it is with some sadness that I report that Orbo has been returned 
to Janet Grandstaff. The family decided they just weren't comfortable 
with his "unpredictable behavior". I spoke with the obedience trainer, 
who is a good friend of mine, and we both agreed that in assessing the 
situation, the couple wanted an instant "good dog". In other words, they 
wanted the puppy to behave like a four-year-old, extensively trained 
Berner. They didn't seem to realize, despite us telling them repeatedly, 
that they would see some of these behaviors in ANY puppy they had, and 
that it was only consistent training that made almost any dog a "good dog".

At any rate, this is probably the best situation for Orbo, who is back 
with his mum and littermates. The trainer and I would both like to 
contact Janet, however, and assure her that neither of us feel she has a 
problem dog on her hands. (Not that she can't tell that herself, of 
course.) Could someone pass along her phone number to me again? I have 
lost it in a sea of emails.

Much thanks for all the input and the information.

Andie and Tugboat (I was ALWAYS good, Mom... until now) and Steamboat 
(Is it time to eat yet?)

New Michael Johnson Puppy Paintings!

2003-08-14 Thread Jean Cheesman
Hi All,

Michael's Mom, Robin, just sent me previews of his latest BMD Puppy
paintings. So very special!

Have just uploaded to Michael's Page on my BernerArt Section, find the quick
link to the page on my recent updates.

All Love,

Jean, Sunny, Sim, Barney and the Longlease Gang

Re: Puppy Photos

2003-08-14 Thread Ray & Pat Burgett
We have the 5 week old photos on our webpages now for those that would like
to see them.
It took some work with our ISP where we have our web site to get things
squared away.


Eaglecap Bernese
Talee, Lexi, Bell, Shadow & Max
Honest Kitchen Dog Food
Dehydrated Raw Dog Food

Dog rules

2003-08-14 Thread John Engstrom
All about dogs.
1. Dogs are never permitted in the house. The dog stays outside in a
specially built wooden compartment named, for very good reason, the dog
2. Okay, the dog can enter the house, but only for short visits or if his
own house is under renovation.
3. Okay, the dog can stay in the house on a permanent basis, provided his
dog house can be sold in a yard sale to a rookie dog owner.
4. Inside the house, the dog is not allowed to run free and is confined
to a comfortable but secure metal cage.
5. Okay, the cage becomes part of a two-for-one deal along with the dog
house in the yard sale, and the dog can go wherever the hell he pleases.
6. The dog is never allowed on the furniture.

7. Okay, the dog can get on the old furniture but not the new furniture.

8. Okay, the dog can get up on the new furniture until it looks like the
old furniture and then we'll sell the whole damn works and buy new
furniture...upon which the dog will most definitely not be allowed.
9. The dog never sleeps on the bed. Period.

10. Okay, the dog can sleep at the foot of the bed.

11. Okay, the dog can sleep alongside you, but he's not allowed under the
12. Okay, the dog can sleep under the covers but not with his head on the
13. Okay, the dog can sleep alongside you under the covers with his head
on the pillow, but if he snores he's got to leave the room.
14. Okay, the dog can sleep and snore and have nightmares in bed, but
he's not to come in and sleep on the couch in the TV room, where I'm now
sleeping. That's just not fair.
15. The dog never gets listed on the census questionnaire as "primary
resident," even if it's true.

John Engstrom
Plano, TX
Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.

RE: Antibiotics?

2003-08-14 Thread Rose Tierney
Follow your vet's advice and give the full course of Keflex, if the wound
opened up and was stapled it may still take time to heal unless the
surgical edges were debrided. Keep the area clean and dry. You might like
to give Samson some lactobacillus acidophilus capsules while he is on the
antibiotics as some dogs may get an imbalance in the bowel flora and
experience loose stools. I give these capsules anytime my dogs experience
stress or antibiotic therapy and give one open and sprinkled and one
closed. Costco sell them at a good price otherwise your pharmacy or local
health food store will stock it.
Live yoghurt contains beneficial probiotics but often not sufficient so you
can add the capsule to a spoonful of live yoghurt as well if you prefer:-)

Rose T.

Counter surfing-nothing to do with food!

2003-08-14 Thread Jane Heggen
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2004 Berner Calendar: STYLIN' BERNERS

2003-08-14 Thread tml
***  Posted for Ann Landeros please reply to:
I am looking for new stars for the 2004 edition of the
Berner calendar sponsored by the Lone Star Bernese
Mountain Dog Club.  This year's title/theme is
"Stylin' Berners."   Berner fanciers can help by
coming up with their own definition for  stylin'  and
sending in a photo of a favorite Berner wearing
fanciful duds or au naturel in an action pose.  I need
at least 13 photos so all submissions will be
gratefully accepted (and space permitting, included). 

Please send you photo to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED], in
.jpeg large format if possible.  Profits from the sale
will go to a Berner cause such as last year's
recipient, the Light One Candle lobbying effort, which
received $1500 when the money was counted.  I'd love
to have the selections for  the calendar photos by the
end of this month (August).
Thanks. Ann Landeros 

Prayers Needed

2003-08-14 Thread dvick . willbeck
Dear Listers,
On Monday a lesion was surgically removed from Bueford side.  The vet 
suspects histiocytoma and we are awaiting lab results.  Keep your paws 
crossed and say a little prayer for us.  
-Denise &
Bueford Justice Pusser (age 2)

Fw: Swiss List?

2003-08-14 Thread Sudansfarm
For the person looking for the swissy list

> The person looking into Swissies may want to check out a site:
> This is a discussion list in Bulletin Board format.  It is owned and
> administered by Michael Garvey.  You can read the messages/discussions in
> the different categories of the BB without registering as a participant.
> you decide you want to register, contact Michael Garvey.

Sue Sanvido

Re: Old Berner List change

2003-08-14 Thread S K

Thank you so very much.
Pat said it wonderfully as always.
15 older Berners finding a new forever home, plus the mixed and Golden:)

Doug gave me some names of people and will contact you as soon as I can for
an update. Need to know who is still interested in taking in an older or
special needs dog.
Will also compose a resume to fill out. Need to know what animals you
already have, etc. 

Thanks to all the people who open their hearts and homes to a special dog.

Sylvia Katvala and 6 year old Neala, and an almost 8 year old black cat
names Lisa
Angeldog Caolan and Toby our Sheltie
Tucson, AZ

Stevie's Mum is worried!!

2003-08-14 Thread Karen

Hi All,
I am worried tonight about my big boy. Stevie has been coughing and off his
food since Saturday. Today it was much worse and he appeared somewhat more
distressed. At times it seems that he has something caught in his throat
that he is trying to get rid of. He has been unable to rest comfortably and
of course unable to eat. Drinking is ok. I took him to the vet tonight, he
examined him thoroughly and found nothing in his throat, foreign anyways.
He has drawn blood to try to find some answers. In the mean time, he has put
him on Amoxicillin and a cough suppressant so that he might get some rest.
His lymph glands are very enlarged in his neck and very firm. His throat is
very red but of course he has been coughing for almost three days. He is not
himself and is quite lethargic. So, I am turning to the list for any
suggestions, thoughts, feelings, and perhaps a prayer or two. I realize that
it may seem inconsequential to some, but for those of you who know Stevie's
story, as well as me, you also know that his mum is a terrible worrier!!!
Stevie of course is my heart and my soul, he is my confidante and my buddy,
he is my support and he is my strength. Please let me know if anyone has any
experience with these symptoms.
Karen and Stevie
NB, Canada

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