Re: [clutter] ideas for a opacity dissolving text

2009-05-27 Thread Reid van Melle
Thanks for the suggestion.  Not as fancy of a solution as I might have  
hoped for:) but I'm sure if works just fine... and quick and easy to  

- Reid

On 27-May-09, at 2:54 PM, Kristjan Vaga wrote:

i'd put simply a background colored image with gradual alpha channel
over the text box edge.

btw. one of the most wanted features by designers in Clutter is
probably the technique to produce image-based clipping masks. this
feature would fit to your case as well...


On Sun, May 24, 2009 at 5:58 PM, Reid van Melle wrote:
I'm trying to produce a dissolving text effect near a clipping  
edge, so

that the text appears to fade-out as it approaches the edge.

Can anybody point me in the right direction for the best way to  
produce this
type of effect in clutter/cogl?  It looks like the fog effect in  
clutter may
do something related, but it appears to be purely based on z- 
index.  Is
there an easy way for me to shoe-horn this to my purposes.   
Alternately, I
found a openGL example with a linear fog effect on the x-axis... is  
this a

better model?

- Reid

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[clutter] ideas for a opacity dissolving text

2009-05-24 Thread Reid van Melle
I'm trying to produce a dissolving text effect near a clipping edge,  
so that the text appears to fade-out as it approaches the edge.

Can anybody point me in the right direction for the best way to  
produce this type of effect in clutter/cogl?  It looks like the fog  
effect in clutter may do something related, but it appears to be  
purely based on z-index.  Is there an easy way for me to shoe-horn  
this to my purposes.  Alternately, I found a openGL example with a  
linear fog effect on the x-axis... is this a better model?

- Reid

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[clutter] clutter 0.9.2 on OSX 10.5

2009-03-31 Thread Reid van Melle
I've finally got around to working with the 0.9.2. release on OSX 10.5  
in hopes of using it with a client and eventually updating my OCaml  
bindings to 1.0.  The updated API looks great so I'm excited to be on  
the new tree!

First thing I ran into was a compile problem which I think may have  
been patched because I found some reference to it... basically needed  
to manually modify the LDFLAGS to add CLUTTER_LIBS in both Makefiles  
in tests/interactive and tests/conform.  After that, everything  
compiled and installed great.

However :( I cannot seem to run anything successfully in 0.9.2.  A  
window comes up but there must be something wrong with the event loop  
and/or redraw because the scene only progresses if I manually drag the  
window edges which seems to trigger a redraw.  This seems to be the  
case with all of the interactive tests.

Can I provide more info to help?  or is this a known problem?  Should  
I try the git trunk?  or just stick with the 0.8 series for now?

Hoping somebody has fought this battle already and lived to tell the  

- Reid
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[clutter] version advice for a new project

2009-03-26 Thread Reid van Melle
I've been working with a clutter for a while now, but most of my time  
has been spent around the 0.8 release.

I'm just starting a new project with a client, and wondering whether  
anybody has some friendly advice about whether to use 0.8 vs 0.9 ?  I  
realize that 0.8 is the stable release, but the final delivery for  
the  project is in the fall of 2009.  At that point, I'm sure the  
project would want to be on the most up-to-date 1.0 release of clutter.

I guess I'm asking, what is likely going to be the least pain:

1) building on 0.8 now, and then porting to 1.0
2) dealing with minor problems etc. on slushy 0.9, and hopefully  
having an easier port to 1.0

I realize that this is a difficult question without more specific, but  
I'm looking for a gut reaction.

** ALSO **

I should mention that I did get the OCaml bindings for Clutter-0.8 to  
about a 90% state and it is hosted on bitbucket.  It is certainly  
usable but needs a bit more TLC and probably leaks a few bytes.

OClutter site:

I'm hoping to invest some more time once the 1.0 release comes out.   
Also, it is extremely likely that this will get pushed over to github  
soon, but I'll leave a trail of breadcrumbs regardless.

- Reid
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Re: [clutter] Easiest way to install 0.8.4 on OSX?

2008-12-29 Thread Reid van Melle
I wasn't sure whether you mean not use Macports to install clutter  
or not use Macports at all sorry if the rest of this email is  
useless (I don't have any experience with jhbuild).

You can easily compile and install from source, but you can't dodge  
Macports very easily when it comes to resolving clutter dependencies.

You will need to have the Developer Tools installed etc. as you would  
normally for Macports.  Also X11 is required methinks.

The deps off the top of my head:

% sudo port install glib2
% sudo port install gobject
% sudo port install pango
% sudo port install cairo

This will likely cover most of the dependencies, though there might be  
a few holes that will become obvious during the configure.

Download the tarball, unzip it etc.:

$ configure --with-flavour=osx
$ make all
$ sudo make install

Bob's your uncle.

Hope this helps.

- Reid

On 29-Dec-08, at 11:39 PM, Z. S. O. wrote:

Hi, I've been trying with no success to install the latest clutter  
on my Leopard machine. I'd rather not use Macports because it's  
probably out of date (and in fact isn't working at all for me right  
now). I read Emmanuel's post from March ( 
)  but I'm not familiar with Jhbuild and haven't had any success  
with it. Anyone come up with a simpler way to get clutter up and  

Thank you.

Re: [clutter] Animations not smooth

2008-07-04 Thread Reid van Melle
WRT creating bindings for self-made actors, that is relatively  
straightforward.  I have done similar things for the OCAML bindings  
I'm building.

Basically, you need to follow the recipe for creating a new Gobject- 
based actor class as discussed in the Clutter documentation.  Even  
better, you can copy some of the stuff implemented for the coglbox  
examples which used a private data structure in the object (you will  
need something like this).

In the private data structure, you will need to keep references to  
all of the python closures/lambdas (whatever you call them:).  In the  
foo_actor_init, you can pass in all of the python closures or  
Py_NULL or whatever for methods you don't want to implement.

Then you write C functions that correspond to all of the routines  
that you might want to override.  The C function will simply check  
the private structure to see if, for example the pick function has  
a python closure, and then invoke it with the appropriate arguments.

I hope this helps.  I can send you an incomplete example if it helps,  
but it will be for OCAML, so may not be that illuminating.

WRT threads and cairo, I think you should be pretty safe as long as  
you implement it properly.  I mean, you really just need to make sure  
that your thread is operating on its own Cairo context, maybe just to  
a backing pixmap.  The you can blit this in using a Cairo.paint or  
other mechanism.

- Reid
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Re: [clutter] Some help with Ruby and Clutter

2008-07-04 Thread Reid van Melle
Well, I haven't run the ruby bindings but I did just take a quick  
look and the README says they were built for version 0.4 back in 2007  
and then updated for 0.5.  So... you should check for an older  
clutter package or just download the appropriate tarball from the  
clutter web page and install from source.  If you want to be a bit  
more adventuresome, I'm sure you would make many friends by working  
off the SVN trunk and updating the bindings to work with latest trunk  
version.  It looks like there are also bindings for gstreamer and gtk.

If you cannot find a package with the rbclutter bindings (they  
certainly don't exist for ports on a mac), then it may just be  
easiest to check out the source from svn.  There is an examples  
directory in the ruby bindings with a few example files.  Once you  
get the hang of it, you should be able to translate a C or python  
example very mechanically and easily.

Hope this helps.

- Reid

On 4-Jul-08, at 8:54 PM, Fred Warren wrote:

I'd like to try out using clutter in Ruby, testing gstreamer and  
gtk too.

I'm using Ubuntu 8.04.

 What packages I have to install to get it setup?
 What documentation is there?
 What example files are there?

F. Warren

Making the world a better place one message at a time. Check out  
the i'm Talkathon.

[clutter] several questions

2008-07-03 Thread Reid van Melle

Sorry for this dump of questions...

1. Full Screen Mode

I'm just throwing this out before I start digging through code.  I  
translated one of the cairo-actor test programs ( into  
OCAML for the bindings that I'm working on.  Everything works except  
the full-screen mode setting.  I'm 99% confident that I've replicated  
the exact sequence of C-calls from OCAML, yet the behaviour is  
slightly different (alla the full-screen mode setting).  This  
suggests that there is some difference related to the way the program  
is linked and/or executed.  Would this make any sense?  Does anybody  
have any clues as to the underlying full-screen mode behaviour/ 
decision process that might impact this?

2. X11 Backend on Mac

I'm very happy to have the native OSX backend and have been using  
that exclusively.  However, this means that I can't embed clutter  
into the GTK applications that I'm building etc.  I think I saw a  
posting from somebody about disabling a number of the X extensions  
that are not found in the apple-provided X11 server.  Are there other  
options?  Is this an easy process?  What is the associated  
performance impact as an order of magnitude?  i.e. is it just slower  
but still usable?  Does anybody happen to know if these extensions  
are available in 10.5 or have experience with building/using a non- 
apple X11 server?

3. Clutter Test Programs

There are a few test programs (i.e. cluttter/tests/*) that crash and  
potentially a few others that are not executing properly.  Is this  
expected?  Or is every instance of a failing test program a bug that  
should be investigated and filed?

4. Intent of the COGL API

I was confused as-to the usage intent of the COGL API... mostly  
because of the use of ClutterFixed.  I wrapped this as part of the  
bindings, since it seemed like a very easy-to-use 2D OpenGL  
abstraction.  However, I remembered reading that ClutterFixed was not  
intended for use in bindings etc which made me think that perhaps  
this was intended only for embedded environments where FPUs were not  
available.  Is this the case?  I realize that ClutterFixed are really  
ClutterUnits under-the-hood... is this just an oversight in the  

As a side note, my intent is to provide equivalent the equivalent  
OCAML macros for ClutterUnits conversions which should offer  
approximately the same performance as the C macros without having to  
cross the C/OCAML barrier.  What was the intent with other language  

5. Direct Usage of OpenGL

Question #4 led me to try direct use of the OpenGL API within a  
Coglbox actor paint function.  It did not seem to work as I hoped.   
I was just drawing a simple rectangular polygon via OpenGL... I saw  
the rectangle appear and then disappear very quickly in subsequent  
calls to the paint function.  Would this be expected behaviour i.e.  
does this make sense?  It is intended to be able to use OpenGL  
directly within actors?  Are there additional instructions and/or  
examples that I have overlooked?

- Reid van Melle

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Re: [clutter] several questions

2008-07-03 Thread Reid van Melle
I'm running straight out of SVN so have the most recent features and  
bugs:)  This is on a 10.4 Intel box with an ATI Radeon X1600.   
Everything is compiled and run with --with-flavour OSX (that is my  
only option at this point).

wrt Full Screen Mode: perhaps I didn't explain properly, but the  
vanilla C version of the program enters full-screen mode just fine.   
However, the OCAML version (which as I said, I'm 99% sure executes  
exactly the same sequence of calls into the clutter API) does not  
enter full-screen mode.  i.e. I set the property, check it, and it is  
still set to false.  So, it just seemed very odd that the C version  
worked and the OCAML one didn't and I didn't have a logical  
explanation.  It made me think that there is some underlying decision  
making process wrt full-screen mode that is affected by how the  
program is compiled, executed, started etc.  Since I have a working C  
version and  broken OCAML version, I can certainly at some point  
narrow it down to exactly what the difference is that causes this,  
however, it may be somewhat painstaking.  I was just posting this on  
the off-chance that somebody had a one line explanation.

wrt The Test Program: I will file bugs on ones which aren't working.   
I feel compelled to perform a minimum amount of debugging on my own  
before filing bugs on these, but I'll try to get them into the system  
initially and then hopefully find some time to perform some  
debugging.  There are a couple test programs that I'm not sure what  
the intended behaviour/success criteria.  I very short README file  
would do wonders (I know, I know, that makes me a volunteer)

- Reid

On 3-Jul-08, at 10:00 AM, Emmanuele Bassi wrote:

On Thu, 2008-07-03 at 14:52 +0100, Matthew Allum wrote:


On Thu, 2008-07-03 at 08:54 -0400, Reid van Melle wrote:

Sorry for this dump of questions...

1. Full Screen Mode

What version of Clutter are you using here and with what backend ?

I think fullscreen on OSX (the one that Reid is using, as far as I
understood) is not entirely working:

3. Clutter Test Programs

There are a few test programs (i.e. cluttter/tests/*) that crash and
potentially a few others that are not executing properly.  Is this
expected?  Or is every instance of a failing test program a bug that
should be investigated and filed?

Again what version and backend are you using here ? Either way these
'tests' shouldn't crash - if they do please do post a bug on  

yes, some tests do crash on OSX; I've been going over them on the 10.5
with i965 box we have, but could not figure out why. most of the
crashing ones were the COGL tests, as far as I could see.

an open bug about them would be great indeed.


Emmanuele Bassi, OpenedHand Ltd.
Unit R, Homesdale Business Centre
216-218 Homesdale Rd., Bromley - BR12QZ

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Re: [clutter] crashing on mac os 10.4

2008-06-27 Thread Reid van Melle
I do indeed have the exact same setup as was described by Tommi.  I  
have a workaround plus this patch, so I'm good to go for now.

I'm going to comb through the other OSX clutter bugs and see what  
other treasures I can uncover in advance.  Getting into the bugzilla  
database might have saved the list this email chain... sorry guys.

As a matter of etiquette, does this project prefer to receive  
potential bugs first on the list and then in bugzilla or just  
directly in bugzilla?

I'll graciously await Tommi's patch:)  No pressure dude.

- Reid

On 27-Jun-08, at 6:15 AM, Tommi Komulainen wrote:

On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 1:23 AM, Reid van Melle  
I've been trying to run the SVN head (3044 as of this email) on my  
Mac, of course, compiled --with-flavour osx.  I kept having bus  
errors with

certain test programs.

Happens to me always. Do you also happen to have OS X 10.4 + ATI  
Radeon X1600?
Running CLUTTER_DEBUG=backend ./test-actors will print GL_RENDERER  

There's a patch in,
though Matthew was wanting to restructure code somewhat more that it
can be dealt with in the backend.

Tommi Komulainen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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