KVO observing across to-many relationships

2008-09-26 Thread Roland King
I managed to think myself into a corner with KVC/KVO, I was wondering  
if you can automatically observe across a to-many relationship, I  
can't see how you could, but cocoa often surprises me.

Simple example would be ..  I have a instance, race, of a Race object  
which has an array property 'competitors', it returns an NSArray* of  
Competitor objects. Each Competitor has a energy property, which is an  
NSInteger. As the race goes on, energy changes.

so Race has this

@property( readonly, retain ) NSArray* competitors;

and Competitor has this (as well as other properties)

@property( readonly, assign ) NSInteger *energy;

(you can assume that the insertObject:inCompetitorsAtIndex: and other  
KVO methods are properly defined and used)

I can do this just fine

[ race getValueForKeyPath:@competitors.energy ]

and I get an NSArray  of all the energies of all the competitors in  
the race. getValueForKeyPath happily iterates the array property, gets  
each competitor and gets the energy property of it and returns the lot.

Now I want to observe stuff, so I added

	[ race addObserver:self forKeyPath:@competitors options:15  
context:NULL ]

and all was fine and I got notified nicely as the array of competitors  
changed (which it does as things start up and people give up etc).

then I added, blindly following the same pattern for the key path I'd  
used in the getValueForKeyPath call, and not really thinking about it  
a lot

	[ race addObserver:self forKeyPath:@competitors.energy options:15  
context NULL ]

and that failed dismally with

*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception  
'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '[NSCFArray 0x1053c0  
addObserver:forKeyPath:options:context:] is not supported. Key path:  

Thinking about it I realise I was asking rather a lot, I wanted KVO to  
automatically notice changes in the array, register and unregister  
observers for each of the competitor objects and tell me when their  
energy level changed, I'm not even quite sure what notification I  
really expected to get. Anyway, it didn't work. So I was just about to  
write code which observed the competitors property, then added  
notifications onto each of the objects for the keypath energy, dealt  
with additions and deletions from the competitors array etc and I  
wondered .. this sounds a bit like bindings and that seems to work  
across paths (ie arrangedObjects.property for table views).

Did I miss something here? Is there a way I can get KVO to do this  
automagically with a @competitors.energy path in  
addObserver:forKeyPath or is my feeling that KVO doesn't support that  
correct? If it does, what on earth kind of notifications would I even  
get as things were added to the competitors array (in a KVO compliant  
manner of course). I thought perhaps instead of using an NSArray I  
could write a class which looks like an Array, but overrides  
addObserverForKeyPath .. remembers what key paths you've asked for,  
and registers/unregisters them on each object added to or removed from  
the array.


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NSOutlineView example

2008-09-26 Thread Arun

Does anyone know or has good example code showing how to create a
NSOutlineView, create a datasource and information to the datasource and
display the final result.
I am trying to dispaly a NSDictionary in an oultlineview.


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Re: NSOutlineView example

2008-09-26 Thread chaitanya pandit

Have a look at /Developer/Examples/Appkit/OutlineView

On 26-Sep-08, at 2:08 PM, Arun wrote:


Does anyone know or has good example code showing how to create a
NSOutlineView, create a datasource and information to the datasource  

display the final result.
I am trying to dispaly a NSDictionary in an oultlineview.


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unrecognized selector sent to instance

2008-09-26 Thread pan xuan

Hi, I am having a strange problem of my class declaration. I used to declare 
some methods of a class in a category, Private. After I have done some 
refactoring work (basically moving some classes into another framework), it 
seems those methods declared in the category, Private do not belong to the 
object anymore. If I load the code in my debugger and try to invoke a method 
declared as Private, the program receives a doesNotRecognizeSelector error 
and crashes after receiving the signal SIGTRAP. And if I move those methods 
into the main implementation of the class, it all works out. Any idea why is 
that? Thanks for your help. BR, Pan
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Re: Properties and bindings

2008-09-26 Thread D.K. Johnston
It's working now, but I don't understand why. I've got two objects:  
MyController and MyModel. The interesting parts of the headers look  
like this:

@interface MyModel : NSObject
NSInteger myInteger;
@property(assign) NSInteger myInteger;

- (void)changeMyInteger;

@interface MyController : NSObject
MyModel *model;
@property(assign) MyModel *model;

- (IBAction)buttonClick:(id)sender;

Both properties are synthesized in the implementation files. Here's  
what buttonClick: does:

[self.model changeMyInteger];

A MyController instance is in the nib file, and it creates an instance  
of MyModel when it awakes. I have a view in the nib with an  
NSTextField, which is bound to MyController with the key path  

I start it up, and the initial value of myInteger (set by MyModel) is  
in the textfield. But when I click the button, nothing happens: the  
textfield stays the same.

I get buttonClick: to do this instead:

[self willChangeValueForKey:@model]; // Thanks Jason!
[model changeMyInteger];
[self didChangeValueForKey:@model];

and it works just as it should: the value in the text field changes  
when I click the button.

So now I'm trying to understand why the message to self.model won't  
work. Doesn't that form do the KVO notification?

I suppose I could just surround everything with willChange... and  
didChange...; but I would like to understand what's going on.


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Re: Image processing in Cocoa

2008-09-26 Thread Helder da Rocha

Since you can't use NSImage, you could try Core Image.

You can do all that with CGImage in your restricted environment. You can 
use a bitmap or layer context and then later render it on whatever view 
you wish.

There is a good Core Graphics Quartz tutorial at 


Helder da Rocha ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Christian Giordano wrote:

Thanks Mike, I can't use NSImage (guess why) but a subset. Btw, the
problem I have is that I have a view which contains an image. I would
like to draw in the image, not in the container view so I need to
provide to the draw method the image context. Is this a good approach
or all the drawing should happen in the view context? Should I extend
the image view and handle the routing internally?

Thanks, chr

On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 11:08 AM, Mike Abdullah

On 24 Sep 2008, at 10:50, Christian Giordano wrote:

Hi guys, is there some good tutorial around about how to manipulate
bitmaps in Cocoa?

I would be interested on:

- copy portion of image over another with a mask (this should be
pretty straight forward with quartz2d)

[[NSImage alloc] initWithSize:]
[image lockFocus]
[sourceImage drawAtPoint:point fromRect:imagePortionRect operation:operation
[image unlockFocus]

- apply threshold
- apply effects like blur

Core Image is your friend

Not sure if some of this, like the blur, is recommended to do from an
higher level instead of doing it pixel by pixel. In case of the
latter, how to get the bytearray with all the pixels info?

Thanks a lot, chr

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Re: lauchd and svnserve

2008-09-26 Thread Kevin McEnhill
I ran svnserve under launchd on 10.4 but found that using the built in
Apache2 and svn_dav mod on 10.5 MUCH easier and less finicky. If
anyone in interested in a crudely assembled document about how I did
it, you are more than welcome to visit
I want to eventually turn on https access but I am not there yet.

FYI, this is my wiki that I am using to document everything I seem to forget.

On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 6:52 AM, Patrick Mau [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I hope you don't mind sharing my plist.

 Please note the 'PathState', that avoids the mentioned mount issues.
 In addition, I use User/Group settings and decimal umask 23 (027 octal).

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
 !DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC -//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN
 plist version=1.0

 On 24.09.2008, at 12:49, Roland King wrote:

 don't run it like that. the 'd' argument means daemon-ize and it's a
 requirement of launchd that processes do NOT do that. What's happening is
 the process is starting, it immediately backgrounds itself, which means the
 process launchd starts dies, then launchd tries to start it up again but it
 can't because there is a background daemon process (the one you just
 started) hogging the socket. Eventually launchd gives up trying to respawn
 it and the error messages in the console stop, and the daemon one is still
 there. launchd cannot control processes which do that.

 You're also clearly trying to start it up too early, so the first few
 really do actually just die and launchd starts them up again, but it doesn't
 really know what it's doing.

 You could run it in foreground mode by changing that '-d' to
 '--foreground'. That will stop launchd going totally nuts trying to keep
 starting it up again because it will stay up, and if it does fall down,
 launchd will correctly start it for you again.

 however a much better idea is to put it into inetd mode and only start up
 on demand when someone asks for it, I don't know about you but I don't use
 my repository very much. For that you need the file which follows. That will
 start one in inetd mode when someone makes a request on the svn port. In
 that way the process will be down most of the time which is less strain on
 the server and it won't start until someone asks for it, which means you
 shouldn't have all those volume mounting issues.

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
 !DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC -//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN
 plist version=1.0
 stringSubversion Standalone Server/string

 On Sep 24, 2008, at 4:24 PM, René v Amerongen wrote:

 Dear list

 Not sure where to put this question, but I did see here more of launchd

 I got svnserve running with the following plist.

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
 !DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC -//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN
 plist version=1.0




2008-09-26 Thread Tilo Villwock

i have the following piece of code in my controller class:

- (id)tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView objectValueForTableColumn: 
(NSTableColumn *)aTableColumn row:(int)rowIndex{

id object = nil;
if([tableView columnWithIdentifier:[aTableColumn identifier]] == 1){
object = [[files objectAtIndex:rowIndex] name];
if([tableView columnWithIdentifier:[aTableColumn identifier]] == 2){
object = (id)[[files objectAtIndex:rowIndex] sizeOfFile];
return object;

it provides the NSTableView in my app with content. For some reason i  
cannot assign:

object = (id)[[files objectAtIndex:rowIndex] sizeOfFile];

or at least an error occurs i cannot figure out. In the debugger the  
last item on top of the stack is something like objc_msgSend_ptr.  
Now files here is an instance of NSMutableArray and the method  
sizeOfFile belongs to a custom class and returns the size properly.

I'm pretty new to Cocoa and Objective-C and being used to java, i'm  
not quite familiar with memory management (alloc/release/retain  
etc.). Maybe there is something i'm missing here. I'm running 10.4  

Thanks in advance.


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[NSCFNumber intValue]: unrecognized selector

2008-09-26 Thread Steve Rossi
Sorry in advance for a long-winded post, I need help debugging a  
application crash caused by this unrecognized selector which requires  
some explanation
I've deduced that he crash seems to be something timing related which  
occurs only at application startup, and only under certain conditions  
(i.e. reproduce occassionlly by opening an NSOpenPanel modal dialog  
before the application is fully up and running). When I say the  
application is fully up and running, I mean a secondary thread has  
retrieved data from a network source and populated a model class. This  
secondary thread cyclically updates the data about 8x per second by  
means of a timer in the secondary thread's run loop.
I use Cocoa bindings to display the data in the UI. I'm sure the  
problem is happening in the bindings,

but I'm having trouble finding where.

The actual error is : -[NSCFNumber intValue]: unrecognized selector  
sent to instance 0x815a10

Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException

The instance is always 0x815a10 every time the application crashes. So  
if I could figure out what that instance is and where its being used,  
I could probably fix the problem. That's what I've been unable to do  
and what I need help with. GDB has got no love for me.
The stack backtrace printed in the log (after converting to symbols)  
shows this:

__raiseError (in CoreFoundation) + 331
objc_exception_throw (in libobjc.A.dylib) + 40
-[NSObject doesNotRecognizeSelector:] (in CoreFoundation) + 186
___forwarding___ (in CoreFoundation) + 892
_CF_forwarding_prep_0 (in CoreFoundation) + 50
_notifyObserversForKeyPath:change:] (in Foundation) + 508

-[NSController _notifyObserversForKeyPath:change:] (in AppKit) + 248
-[NSController observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context:] (in  
AppKit) + 949

NSKVONotify (in Foundation) + 62
-[NSObject(NSKeyValueObserverNotification) didChangeValueForKey:] (in  
Foundation) + 546
-[snmpHandler setValue:forIndex:inModel:] (in splNetTREND)  
-[snmpHandler process_result:apdu:forModel:session:] (in splNetTREND)  
-[snmpHandler updateVals:forSession:inModel:] (in splNetTREND)  
-[snmpHandler updateDynamicValsForSession:inModel:] (in splNetTREND)  
-[snmpSession updateDynamicValsInModel:] (in splNetTREND)  

-[splNetProcess handleTimer:] (in splNetTREND) (splNetProcess.m:180)
__NSFireTimer (in Foundation) + 147
CFRunLoopRunSpecific (in CoreFoundation) + 4469
CFRunLoopRunInMode (in CoreFoundation) + 88
-[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] (in Foundation) + 213
-[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runUntilDate:] (in Foundation) + 93
-[splNetProcess splNetThread:] (in splNetTREND) (splNetProcess.m:95)
-[NSThread main] (in Foundation) + 45
__NSThread__main__ (in Foundation) + 308
_pthread_start (in libSystem.B.dylib) + 321
thread_start (in libSystem.B.dylib) + 34

If I could see the [snmpHandler setValue: forIndex: inModel] context  
in GDB I think I could determine the root of the problem, but the GDB  
backtrace only shows me this:

#0  0x96e160fb in objc_exception_throw ()
#1  0x93de7ad3 in CFRunLoopRunSpecific ()
#2  0x93de7cf8 in CFRunLoopRunInMode ()
#3  0x9420f4a5 in -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] ()
#4  0x9428d8ed in -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runUntilDate:] ()
#5  0xc8bb in -[splNetProcess splNetThread:] (self=0x85d950,  
_cmd=0x8dbe5, arg=0x0) at /Users/steve/Work/src/splNetTREND/ 

#6  0x941daf1d in -[NSThread main] ()
#7  0x941daac4 in __NSThread__main__ ()
#8  0x926e36f5 in _pthread_start ()
#9  0x926e35b2 in thread_start ()

So my question is how do I figure out  what instance 0x815a10 is? Or  
better yet, is there a way to get GDB to show me the same backtrace as  
is printed in the log?

Thanks in advance for any advice. Sorry again for the long post.



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Loading mechanism with NSAtomicStore

2008-09-26 Thread Alexander Lamb (dev)

Hello List,

As I understand, when using NSAtomicStore, there is only a load  
method to load the data. It looks like it is an all or nothing  
However, if I want to load data from a server through some kind of  
HTTP/XML/Whatever method and only receive a subset of data. How would  
I implement this? For example, I want to retrieve a list of patients  
from a hospital system. Obviously, I am not going to load all the  
patients of the hospital!

Now, I can imagine having some king of global variable read by the  
load method I implement to load only the list of patients I need.  
But then, how is the faulting handled? A patient will refer to a list  
of medications, a list of visits, etc... My load method, again, can't  
deeply fetch all the objects potentially needed because I would end up  
with all the objects in memory. So I suspect, if a fault is triggered  
on an object in memory and the object is not (yet) in the local cache,  
I need my NSAtomicStore (subclass) to be notified to read from my  
distant store (HTTP/XML...) the missing object(s).

Is this possible currently?

Any thoughts or solutions for this problem are welcome!




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Re: Converting from Carbon Event Manager to NSTimer

2008-09-26 Thread Graham Cox

On 25 Sep 2008, at 9:18 am, Dan Birns wrote:

I must say, after 20 years of C malloc(), I find retain/release  
mysterious.  It's probably no better or worse than malloc/free, but  
confusing to me.  It seems to me that it has exactly the same  
advantages/disadvantages, but it's just wildly different.  Who does  
the free()?  Who does the retain/release? Pretty much the same  

retain/release is not the same as malloc/free, and I don't think it  
will help you to consider them somehow equivalent. FWIW, malloc/free  
still work normally in Obj-C, retain/release is in addition.  
[someObject alloc] probably calls malloc() internally.

Do read this:


When I first encountered retain/release, it was through Hillegasse's  
book, and his analogy stood me in very good stead when getting my head  
around retain/release. To paraphrase Hillegasse:

An object is like a dog. When you retain it, you attach a leash to it,  
so it stays with you. When you release it, you unclip your leash. If  
another person also retains the dog, they attach their own leash to  
it. As long as at least one person has attached a leash to the dog,  
the dog is under control and sticks around. When everyone unclips  
their leashes, the dog goes free - it still exists, but now not on  
anyone's leash, so it runs off and gets flattened by a bus (thus  
finally deallocating it). Autorelease is nothing magic either, it's  
just an automatic leash which unclips itself when the current event  

In code, the dog is guaranteed to be flattened by a bus when no-one  
has a leash on it (apologies to dog-lovers), at which point [dog  
dealloc] is called (which probably internally calls free()).



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Re: NSURLDownload resumeData always nil

2008-09-26 Thread Andrew Zahra
Sorry I didn't see your reply earlier due to digest mode...
I have confirmed with Wireshark that my test download file:
includes and ETag.
Then I do this:

- (void)cancel


   [download cancel];

  resumeData = [download resumeData];

 if (resumeData == nil)
 NSLog(@STILL No resume data :();

   [self setDownloading:NO];

And still the result is no resume data.

Any ideas or working examples?

Almost forgot additionally, you have to call the Cancel method
before checking resumeData, otherwise it's nil.

On Sep 23, 2008, at 12:17 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If the response header does not include an ETag, NSURLDownload will
 always return a nil resumeData.

 On Sep 22, 2008, at 10:41 PM, Andrew Zahra wrote:

 I am experimenting with the resume functionality in NSURLDownload,
 however I
 always get nil back when I call resumeData. I have tried a couple of
 different sites and then tried using wget to get the files. wget
 resumes the
 files fine, so I think I am doing something wrong.
 This is the code in question, which is a modification of the
 example supplied by Apple:

 download = [[WebDownload alloc] initWithRequest:[NSURLRequest

 [download setDeletesFileUponFailure:NO];

 resumeData = [download resumeData];

 if (resumeData == nil)


 NSLog(@No resume data :();


 Any suggestions?


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Re: objc_msgSend_ptr

2008-09-26 Thread chaitanya pandit
if your sizeOfFile: method is returning an integer, then you should  
convert it to NSNumber

	object = [NSNumber numberWithInt:[[files objectAtIndex:rowIndex]  


On 25-Sep-08, at 5:22 PM, Tilo Villwock wrote:

i have the following piece of code in my controller class:

- (id)tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView objectValueForTableColumn: 
(NSTableColumn *)aTableColumn row:(int)rowIndex{

id object = nil;
if([tableView columnWithIdentifier:[aTableColumn identifier]] == 1){
object = [[files objectAtIndex:rowIndex] name];
if([tableView columnWithIdentifier:[aTableColumn identifier]] == 2){
object = (id)[[files objectAtIndex:rowIndex] sizeOfFile];
return object;

it provides the NSTableView in my app with content. For some reason  
i cannot assign:

object = (id)[[files objectAtIndex:rowIndex] sizeOfFile];

or at least an error occurs i cannot figure out. In the debugger the  
last item on top of the stack is something like objc_msgSend_ptr.  
Now files here is an instance of NSMutableArray and the method  
sizeOfFile belongs to a custom class and returns the size properly.

I'm pretty new to Cocoa and Objective-C and being used to java, i'm  
not quite familiar with memory management (alloc/release/retain  
etc.). Maybe there is something i'm missing here. I'm running 10.4  

Thanks in advance.


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2008-09-26 Thread John Love

Within MyController, I call:

  notifyCenter = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];

  [notifyCenter addObserver:self




  // We will be the observer and sentNotifyObject will equal the

  // object encapsulated in the NSNotification passed to the  

  // When this encapsulated [NSNotification object] = nil, the  

  // is notified when *any* encapsulated object is sent to the  

and mySelector looks like:

- (void) mySelector:(NSNotification*)sentNotification {

  MyController *theNotifyObject;

  theNotifyObject = [sentNotification object];

  if (theNotifyObject == myOtherController) {




Note that the sent notifyObject encapsulated in the NSNotification is  
a different controller than the observer, myController.

Now, the questions.  It appears that everytime I see a need to check  
the Status, I need to call:

- (void) postCalculationStatusChanged:(id)sentNotifyObject {

  [notifyCenter postNotificationName:StatusChanged  


Shouldn't my call to -addObserver automatically monitor  
StatusChanged rather than my having to -postNotificationName??

John Love


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Re: NSNotificationCenter

2008-09-26 Thread Graham Cox

On 26 Sep 2008, at 10:14 pm, John Love wrote:

Shouldn't my call to -addObserver automatically monitor  
StatusChanged rather than my having to -postNotificationName??

Well, no.

It's not magic - something needs to transmit so that there is  
something to receive. All the NSNotificationCenter is is a relay  
station for messages, so that observers don't need intimate knowledge  
(and hence strong coupling) to the objects they are observing, and  
vice versa.

The reality of sending notifications is that typically objects are  
designed to blindly transmit all sorts of notifications that the  
design deems useful. This happened, that will happen and so on. If  
you have a sender A and a receiver B that set up a notification for  
some single purpose the advantage of this may seem hard to see, and  
you certainly don't get much for free. But when you have a complex  
object with lots of behaviours that other objects might want to  
observe then the posting of notifications built into the design of  
object A is great - it means you can simply observe those  
notifications without revisiting the design of A - a real boon if you  
don't even have its source code, as with many Cocoa objects.

So, to your case:

- (void) postCalculationStatusChanged:(id)sentNotifyObject {

 [notifyCenter postNotificationName:StatusChanged  


This violates the spirit and purpose of notifications. Your receiver  
shouldn't also be forcing the transmitter to transmit, as you are  
doing here. Instead, the transmitter object should always send a  
status changed message whenever its status changes. Then the fact  
that it has changed can be observed by the receiver *and also any  
other object that might be interested*. What you're doing here is  
absurd - if you already know the transmitter's status has changed,  
then you can act on that directly - you don't need to pretend to send  
a notification to yourself.

Somewhere, you should have some code that is part of the  
'sentNotifyObject' class that looks like this:

- (void) postStatusChanged
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]  
postNotificationName:kStatusChangedNotification object:self];


In almost all cases, whenever you call the -postNotificationName:  
method of NSNotificationCenter, the object you pass is 'self'. If it's  
any other, chances are you've done something weird.

So, short answer: your design is a bit whiffy. ;)



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Re: Saving an annotated PDF to a flat image

2008-09-26 Thread Danny Greg
PDFDocument has methods for saving PDF's � since Leopard,  

are preserved as annotations.

I thought that, but if I load annotations into a PDFPage  
programatically and then save that page's document the annotations are  
not saved.

I load a document from disk, get it's first page (they are all 1 page  
docs), add the annotations by calling addAnnotation: and then save out  
the document. Am I missing  a stage?

Realmac Software
Danny Greg, Cocoa Junior

We are Realmac Software. We make nice things for Apple Macs.

Website: www.realmacsoftware.com

Office 4, 100 North Road
Brighton, BN1 1YE
United Kingdom


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Re: Converting from Carbon Event Manager to NSTimer

2008-09-26 Thread Uli Kusterer

On 25.09.2008, at 01:18, Dan Birns wrote:
So what happened when I used [NSTimer  
scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval... I was getting another timer.  The  
result was that my selector would get called maybe 10X more often  
than intended.  This didn't break anything, but impaired  
performance.  So now I simply add a call to [timer invalidate];  
before adding a new timer.  It's true that we're allocating a new  
timer with every call, and I'd prefer not to do that, but this seems  
to be working okay for now.

 That can't really have happened unless you set the 'repeats' flag on  
that timer, too.

 Timers are a special case because they get retained both by the  
current run loop when they're attached to it, and by you. Hence the  
'invalidate' call, which removes it from the run loop again.

I must say, after 20 years of C malloc(), I find retain/release  
mysterious.  It's probably no better or worse than malloc/free, but  
confusing to me.  It seems to me that it has exactly the same  
advantages/disadvantages, but it's just wildly different.  Who does  
the free()?  Who does the retain/release?  Pretty much the same  

The main idea behind retain/release is to make shared ownership over a  
given block of memory and passing memory between scopes easier. This  
isn't supposed to be saving you from having to do memory management  
manually. If you want less manual management, turn on the garbage  

This might be a good opportunity for me to mention Episode 10 of Late  
Night Cocoa:


where you can hear me going on and on about memory management and the  
purpose and ideas behind retain/release.

-- Uli Kusterer
The Witnesses of TeachText are everywhere...


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Re: NSNotificationCenter

2008-09-26 Thread Andy Lee

On Sep 26, 2008, at 8:14 AM, John Love wrote:
Shouldn't my call to -addObserver automatically monitor  
StatusChanged rather than my having to -postNotificationName??

I wonder if you're confusing notifications with KVO or bindings.   
Notifications have to be explicitly posted in order for observers to  
respond to them.



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problems in runModal in NSOpenPanel used with defaults

2008-09-26 Thread spartan g
I am writing an utility which needs to open a panel to browse files and
select one.

- (IBAction)browseClicked:(id)sender


NSOpenPanel *panel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];

if ([panel runModal]) {

NSArray *filenames = [panel filenames];

 NSString *filename = [filenames objectAtIndex:0];

 if (filename){

 printf(\n browseClicked: filename = %s \n, [filename cString]);

 if ([appToOpenText stringValue] != NULL ){

[appToOpenText setStringValue: filename];


else  printf(\n browseClicked: appToOpenText has NULL value \n);


 else printf (\n *** browseClicked: Filename is NULL *** \n);


The filename chosen is assigned to the textfield. I have used defaults to
synchronize this filename and storing it in a pList file.
[_defaults setObject: [appToOpenText stringValue] forKey: @AppToOpen ];

[_defaults synchronize];

But whenever I click Browse plIst file is automatically updated with the
following junk values

What could be the possible reasons to this problem, please help.


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Fastest color detection in image?

2008-09-26 Thread Christian Klotz


I'm trying to scan an image for existence of a given color. So I was  
wondering what the most performing way is to achieve this goal.

Basically I want to find out which amount of the given color that  
image has.
Furthermore, are there ways to find all regions of the image having  
the color? So it would be easy to show the user which parts of the  
image are matching.

Really appreciating any help on this.



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Re: Properties and bindings

2008-09-26 Thread mmalc crawford

On Sep 24, 2008, at 4:32 PM, D.K. Johnston wrote:

- (IBAction)buttonClick:(id)sender;
Both properties are synthesized in the implementation files. Here's  
what buttonClick: does:

[self.model changeMyInteger];

This method is not KVO compliant (http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/KeyValueObserving/Concepts/KVOCompliance.html 
I'd guess that the implementation of changeMyInteger is not KVO- 
compliant for 'integer' either.

A MyController instance is in the nib file, and it creates an  
instance of MyModel when it awakes. I have a view in the nib with an  
NSTextField, which is bound to MyController with the key path  
I start it up, and the initial value of myInteger (set by MyModel)  
is in the textfield. But when I click the button, nothing happens:  
the textfield stays the same.

Because you're not invoking a KVO-compliant method.

I get buttonClick: to do this instead:

[self willChangeValueForKey:@model]; // Thanks Jason!
[model changeMyInteger];
[self didChangeValueForKey:@model];

Don't do this.  You should make sure you're invoking KVO-compliant  
methods, not sprinkling KVO change notification method invocations  
throughout your code.

and it works just as it should: the value in the text field changes  
when I click the button.
So now I'm trying to understand why the message to self.model won't  
work. Doesn't that form do the KVO notification?

No.  Why would it?  It's not changing a value.

This works because you're telling the object controller that the  
whole model object has changed, so everything downstream from it is  

I suppose I could just surround everything with willChange... and  

Don't do that.

but I would like to understand what's going on.

It's all documented in http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/KeyValueObserving/ 

Unless you've opted out of automatic change notification (http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/KeyValueObserving/Concepts/AutoVsManual.html 
), you should simply invoke the relevant set accessor, either  
directly from your controller or within the body of your changeInteger  

- (IBAction)buttonClick:(id)sender {
NSInteger currentValue = model.myInteger;
model.myInteger = currentValue + 1;
// exactly the same as [model setMyInteger:(currentValue + 1)];


- (void)changeMyInteger {
self.myInteger = myInteger + 1;
// exactly the same as [self setMyInteger:(myInteger + 1)];




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Re: Fastest color detection in image?

2008-09-26 Thread Ricky Sharp
On Friday, September 26, 2008, at 09:04AM, Christian Klotz [EMAIL 

I'm trying to scan an image for existence of a given color. So I was  
wondering what the most performing way is to achieve this goal.

You probably want to look into direct-pixel access (there are some code 
examples out there that show you how)

Basically I want to find out which amount of the given color that  
image has.
Furthermore, are there ways to find all regions of the image having  
the color? So it would be easy to show the user which parts of the  
image are matching.

Sounds like Photoshop's feature of showing non-NTSC colors.

I would create a secondary bit-map image.  I would then read the first one and 
for each pixel that matches your criteria, I would add a pixel to the secondary 
image of a certain color.  Such a color could be in a user-preference.  I think 
Photoshop defaults to bright red.  Then, when rendering your image, you can 
optionally composite the secondary image to show the matching pixels.

Important: your matching logic should take color spaces into account when 
comparing values.  This actually gets a bit tricky.   You may also choose to 
define a certain amount of slop when comparing actual RGB, HSB, CMYK, etc. 

Rick Sharp
Instant Interactive(tm)


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Porting 'operator' to Obj-C

2008-09-26 Thread Alex Finkel
Hi there.
I am in a process of porting some C++ code to ObjC.  How to port the code
bellow (operators).  Thanks.

typedef struct encoding_tag


byte encodings[ 16 ];

ushort count;

encoding_tag() { count = 0; }

encoding_tag( encoding_tag encoding ) { *this = encoding; }

void operator = ( encoding_tag encoding )


count = encoding.count;

for ( int i = 0; i  count; i++ )

encodings[i] = encoding.encodings[i];


bool operator == ( encoding_tag cmp )


if ( count != cmp.count ) return false;

return (*this = cmp);


bool operator != ( encoding_tag cmp )


return !(*this == cmp);



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Re: Porting 'operator' to Obj-C

2008-09-26 Thread Dave DeLong

Objective-C does not support operator overloading. [1, 2]

If you're looking to compare equality, the convention is to implement  
your own isEqual: method that returns a BOOL (YES or NO).



[2]  http://theocacao.com/comment/4600

On Sep 26, 2008, at 9:03 AM, Alex Finkel wrote:

Hi there.
I am in a process of porting some C++ code to ObjC.  How to port the  

bellow (operators).  Thanks.

typedef struct encoding_tag


   byte encodings[ 16 ];

   ushort count;

   encoding_tag() { count = 0; }

   encoding_tag( encoding_tag encoding ) { *this = encoding; }

   void operator = ( encoding_tag encoding )


   count = encoding.count;

   for ( int i = 0; i  count; i++ )

   encodings[i] = encoding.encodings[i];


   bool operator == ( encoding_tag cmp )


   if ( count != cmp.count ) return false;

   return (*this = cmp);


   bool operator != ( encoding_tag cmp )


   return !(*this == cmp);



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Re: Fastest color detection in image?

2008-09-26 Thread douglas welton

On Sep 26, 2008, at 10:04 AM, Christian Klotz wrote:


I'm trying to scan an image for existence of a given color. So I was  
wondering what the most performing way is to achieve this goal.

Take a look at the vImage Programming Guide and the associated  
reference.  vImage contains several APIs to do histogram generation.   
I'm sure one of them will be just perfect for you.

Basically I want to find out which amount of the given color that  
image has.
Furthermore, are there ways to find all regions of the image having  
the color? So it would be easy to show the user which parts of the  
image are matching.

Have you taken a look at any of the Core Image filters?  Perhaps  
something like CIColorCube or one of the compositing filters might be  
what you need to highlight the region of a selected color.

additionally, if you can't find what you need, you can always write  
your on custom filter using the Core Image Kernal Language.  (for more  
info, see the Core Image Programming Guide)


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Re: Porting 'operator' to Obj-C

2008-09-26 Thread Robert Claeson

On 26 Sep 2008, at 17:03, Alex Finkel wrote:

Hi there.
I am in a process of porting some C++ code to ObjC.  How to port the  

bellow (operators).  Thanks.

 snip -

operator= is a normal assignment method that takes an NSArray as its  
argument. Something like the following (untested) code, depending on  
what the rest of the C++ class looks like:

- (void)setEncodings:(NSArray *)encoding {
_count = [encoding size];
_encodings = [encoding copy];

But I wouldn't even have the _count instance variable. It's just as  
easy to just ask the _encodings array for its size whenever needed.

The other methods are left as an exercise to the reader.

I originally learned C++ back in the 80's from a guy named Bjarne  
Stroustrup, but I'd pick Objective C any time.


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Re: objc_msgSend_ptr

2008-09-26 Thread Tilo Villwock

That did the trick, thanks a lot. Seems like I need to review a few concepts

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: chaitanya pandit [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Gesendet: Freitag, 26. September 2008 12:25
An: Tilo Villwock
Cc: cocoa-dev@lists.apple.com
Betreff: Re: objc_msgSend_ptr

if your sizeOfFile: method is returning an integer, then you should  
convert it to NSNumber
object = [NSNumber numberWithInt:[[files objectAtIndex:rowIndex]  


On 25-Sep-08, at 5:22 PM, Tilo Villwock wrote:

 i have the following piece of code in my controller class:

 - (id)tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView objectValueForTableColumn: 
 (NSTableColumn *)aTableColumn row:(int)rowIndex{
   id object = nil;
   if([tableView columnWithIdentifier:[aTableColumn identifier]] == 1){
   object = [[files objectAtIndex:rowIndex] name];
   if([tableView columnWithIdentifier:[aTableColumn identifier]] == 2){
   object = (id)[[files objectAtIndex:rowIndex] sizeOfFile];
   return object;

 it provides the NSTableView in my app with content. For some reason  
 i cannot assign:

   object = (id)[[files objectAtIndex:rowIndex] sizeOfFile];

 or at least an error occurs i cannot figure out. In the debugger the  
 last item on top of the stack is something like objc_msgSend_ptr.  
 Now files here is an instance of NSMutableArray and the method  
 sizeOfFile belongs to a custom class and returns the size properly.

 I'm pretty new to Cocoa and Objective-C and being used to java, i'm  
 not quite familiar with memory management (alloc/release/retain  
 etc.). Maybe there is something i'm missing here. I'm running 10.4  

 Thanks in advance.


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Re: showing window causes EXC_BAD_ACCESS

2008-09-26 Thread Scott Ribe
 I can't think of a single reasonable use case for it

An app with many windows, many of which can display multiple instances at a
time--they should be released when closed.

I'd turn the question around--why do people assume that a single instance of
a window can be closed and then re-displayed, especially when the reference
to it was obviously not retained properly to begin with.

Scott Ribe
(303) 722-0567 voice


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Re: Porting 'operator' to Obj-C

2008-09-26 Thread Alex Finkel
Thanks,  but can you point me in the right direction.  The code bellow does
not build.  Am I doing something wrong with the struct?

typedef struct dbnames {

short  Handle;

short Version;

int   Size;


char   Name[ 32 ];



Version ( 0),

Size (0),

NumEntries ( 0),


Name[0] = '\0';


 dbnames( struct dbnames const other )

:Handle( other.Handle ),

Version( other.Version ),

Size( other.Size ),

NumEntries( other.NumEntries )


for ( unsigned int i = 0; i  sizeof( Name ); i ++ )


Name[i] = other.Name[i];




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NSLevelIndicator - setEnabled not respected

2008-09-26 Thread Michael LaMorte
I have a Core Data application, several fields of which are Int16s  
which are bound to NSLevelIndicators and a NSLevelIndicatorCell. I  
have some methods that calculate and set the values of these  
properties in a subclass of NSManagedObject, using old-style accessor  

I'm aware of the broken nature of the Editable checkbox for  
NSLevelIndicator and NSLevelIndicatorCell elements in Interface  
Builder, so I subclassed them, set the UI objects to the subclass, and  
added the following method:

- (void) awakeFromNib {
[self setEnabled:NO];
NSLog(@checking isEnabled: %d, [self isEnabled]);

Checking the log, it's returning a value of 0, so it should be  
disabled, right? Wrong. The level indicators are still responding to  
mouse events (click, click-and-drag).

I've googled for over a week, and I can't find out what I'm missing  

Can anyone shed some light on this?

- Mike

Michael A. LaMorte

  In matters of style, swim with the current;
   In matters of principle, stand like a rock
 -Thomas Jefferson


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Re: Porting 'operator' to Obj-C

2008-09-26 Thread Jonathan Prescott
This is C++, not C.  You need to be compiling this as Objective-C++,  
not Objective-C.  Easiest way is to change the extension of the file  
from .m to .mm if you are using Xcode.
As an aside, you do not need the typedef in C++.  Simply declaring  
the struct (or class) is enough to declare the type.


On Sep 26, 2008, at 11:40 AM, Alex Finkel wrote:

Thanks,  but can you point me in the right direction.  The code  
bellow does

not build.  Am I doing something wrong with the struct?

typedef struct dbnames {

   short  Handle;

short Version;

int   Size;


   char   Name[ 32 ];



Version ( 0),

Size (0),

NumEntries ( 0),


Name[0] = '\0';


dbnames( struct dbnames const other )

:Handle( other.Handle ),

Version( other.Version ),

Size( other.Size ),

NumEntries( other.NumEntries )


   for ( unsigned int i = 0; i  sizeof( Name ); i ++ )


   Name[i] = other.Name[i];




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Re: Use other key than tab to cycle through text fields

2008-09-26 Thread Gerd Knops

On Sep 25, 2008, at 9:18 PM, Graham Cox wrote:

On 26 Sep 2008, at 10:24 am, Gerd Knops wrote:

I would like to use a key other than tab to advance to the next  
text field, so that users can use a numeric keypad to enter  
something like 11-22-33 and have 11, 22 and 33 end up in  
different text fields.

I'd suggest not using a different key from 'Tab', since that's very  
much hardwired into every Mac user.

I don't want to replace it, just duplicate it's functionality for the  
'-' key. Reason being that there is no tab key on a numeric keypad.

Alternative, why not just detect when the field has the required  
number of characters and move to the next field automatically? For  
numeric entry this is much more user-friendly.

The number of digits in the field is variable.




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Re: Causing systemUIServer to update the User Menu for Fast User Switching.

2008-09-26 Thread Ken Andrews
This turned out to be pretty simple.
I just needed to send out either com.apple.UserWasRemovedNotification or
com.apple.UserWasAddedNotification and the switch screenname list gets

// We need to send the standard OS notification so that the switch
screen name list will be updated
[[NSDistributedNotificationCenter defaultCenter]

On 9/25/08 2:49 PM, Ken Andrews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I¹ve got an app that creates users via dscl.  The users get created and
 themselves are set up fine.
 The problem I have is that the list of users in the fast user switching menu
 does not get updated.
 Using the login screen works fine.  The user is there just not in the fast
 user switch pull down.
 I can make it update by restarting systemUIServer but that is not something I
 want to do.
 If I add users from the system prefs they are immediately added to the user
 list so there must be some method to get the list to update.
 I send all the same notifications that system prefs sends but they do not seem
 to help.
 One thing that I did notice was in
 string/System/Library/CoreServices/Menu Extras/User.menu/string
 This makes me think that there is some simple way to tell the ui server to
 update just the user list.
 Anyone have an idea of what it is?


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Re: What does @loader_path refer to when loading ibplugins from a linked-in framework?

2008-09-26 Thread Dalzhim Dalzhim
Hello Michael,

I have tried many things to get my plugin to load automatically in Interface
Builder but I still haven't made it.  I tried many things before testing
something I assumed would work but I realized that even this wasn't enough.

I changed DYLD_FALLBACK_FRAMEWORK_PATH to add the folder which contains my
MyComponent.framework framework but even this didn't help me load up my
plugin.  My guess is that either I modified DYLD_FALLBACK_FRAMEWORK_PATH the
wrong way, either the problem isn't about the framework not being found.

Here is the command line I used:

cd /Developer/Applications/Interface\ Builder.app/Contents/MacOS
./Interface\ Builder



2008/9/25 Michael Ash [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 This just sets a shell variable. IB won't see it. Either export it:


 Or set it as part of running the binary:

 DYLD_PRINT_BINDINGS=1 ./Interface\ Builder


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Re: Use other key than tab to cycle through text fields

2008-09-26 Thread Gerd Knops

On Sep 25, 2008, at 10:37 PM, Ken Thomases wrote:

On Sep 25, 2008, at 9:18 PM, Graham Cox wrote:

On 26 Sep 2008, at 10:24 am, Gerd Knops wrote:

I would like to use a key other than tab to advance to the next  
text field, so that users can use a numeric keypad to enter  
something like 11-22-33 and have 11, 22 and 33 end up in  
different text fields.

I'd suggest not using a different key from 'Tab', since that's very  
much hardwired into every Mac user.

Alternative, why not just detect when the field has the required  
number of characters and move to the next field automatically? For  
numeric entry this is much more user-friendly.

For implementing such a thing, see -[NSWindow selectNextKeyView:].

I know how to do that part. The tricky part is intercepting and  
filtering the '-' key. given field editors etc.

One approach I tried was to implement -validateValue:forKey:error: and  
intercept the key values of the fields I am interested in, testing for  
a '-' as last character, removing it and advancing to the next key  
field. That works (after setting the involved bindings to  
'Continuously updates value' and 'Verify immediately'), but for some  
odd reason when the '-' character is entered that method is called  
twice, causing it to skip a field. I hoped to avoid having to also add  
connections for the individual views so that I can find the next key  
view for the key field in question, but it seems to be the least  
bothersome approach at that point.




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Re: unrecognized selector sent to instance

2008-09-26 Thread j o a r

On Sep 25, 2008, at 4:01 AM, pan xuan wrote:

Hi, I am having a strange problem of my class declaration. I used to  
declare some methods of a class in a category, Private. After I  
have done some refactoring work (basically moving some classes into  
another framework), it seems those methods declared in the category,  
Private do not belong to the object anymore. If I load the code in  
my debugger and try to invoke a method declared as Private, the  
program receives a doesNotRecognizeSelector error and crashes after  
receiving the signal SIGTRAP. And if I move those methods into the  
main implementation of the class, it all works out. Any idea why is  
that? Thanks for your help. BR, Pan

Perhaps a memory management error somewhere? Try to run your app with  
NSZombieEnabled (Google for the details) and see what that turns up.

j o a r


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Re: [NSCFNumber intValue]: unrecognized selector

2008-09-26 Thread j o a r

On Sep 25, 2008, at 6:22 AM, Steve Rossi wrote:

I've deduced that he crash seems to be something timing related  
which occurs only at application startup, and only under certain  
conditions (i.e. reproduce occassionlly by opening an NSOpenPanel  
modal dialog before the application is fully up and running). When I  
say the application is fully up and running, I mean a secondary  
thread has retrieved data from a network source and populated a  
model class. This secondary thread cyclically updates the data about  
8x per second by means of a timer in the secondary thread's run loop.
I use Cocoa bindings to display the data in the UI. I'm sure the  
problem is happening in the bindings, but I'm having trouble finding  

In the general case, and with few exceptions, you can't call your UI  
on non-main threads. This means that you can't drive UI updates based  
on KVO notifications from non-main threads. Could this be your problem?

j o a r


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sending email with attachement from cocoa

2008-09-26 Thread Alexander Cohen
Is there a way to use a url request to open mail with all its fields  
completed but most importantly, contain an image attachement?



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Re: showing window causes EXC_BAD_ACCESS

2008-09-26 Thread Michael Ash
On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 11:34 AM, Scott Ribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I can't think of a single reasonable use case for it

 An app with many windows, many of which can display multiple instances at a
 time--they should be released when closed.

Sure. By the objects that own them. Them's the rules, after all.

 I'd turn the question around--why do people assume that a single instance of
 a window can be closed and then re-displayed, especially when the reference
 to it was obviously not retained properly to begin with.

How was it not retained properly to begin with? The window releases
*itself*. Generally the nib owner will continue to own a reference to
every window inside. But that won't prevent an object which breaks the
rules and does a [self release] from going a way, which is exactly
what happens here.

People quite correctly assume that if they retain an object (whether
explicitly or, in the case of being file's owner of a nib, implicitly)
that this object stays alive until they release it. This NSWindow
setting breaks that contract. Thus my inability to see its usefulness.

As Kyle pointed out, the real problem is that this flag is enabled by
default. NSWindow has more than one setting which will completely
destroy its functionality in non-obvious ways, but all the other
settings are given a sane default in IB.


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Re: problems in runModal in NSOpenPanel used with defaults

2008-09-26 Thread Corbin Dunn

Howdy spartan,

Oh! A few little tips:

On Sep 26, 2008, at 3:11 AM, spartan g wrote:

I am writing an utility which needs to open a panel to browse files  

select one.

- (IBAction)browseClicked:(id)sender


NSOpenPanel *panel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];

if ([panel runModal]) {

   NSArray *filenames = [panel filenames];

NSString *filename = [filenames objectAtIndex:0];

Always check the array length first, or just use [panel filename];

if (filename){

printf(\n browseClicked: filename = %s \n, [filename cString]);

Just a side note: most cocoa people move to NSLog, but printf still  
works. Try:

NSLog(@%@, filename); -- much easier!

if ([appToOpenText stringValue] != NULL ){

nil is preferred to NULL.

   [appToOpenText setStringValue: filename];


else  printf(\n browseClicked: appToOpenText has NULL value \n);


else printf (\n *** browseClicked: Filename is NULL *** \n);


The filename chosen is assigned to the textfield. I have used  
defaults to

synchronize this filename and storing it in a pList file.
[_defaults setObject: [appToOpenText stringValue] forKey:  
@AppToOpen ];

It seems strange to use the user defaults as your model to store  
objects, but i'm sure there is a reason you do this.

[_defaults synchronize];

You probably don't want to hold onto the userdefaults instance as an  
ivar, and instead always query it with [NSUserDefaults  
standardUserDefaults]. It may be possible that something is calling  
resetStandardUserDefaults, and blowing away the old instance.



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Re: NSNotificationCenter

2008-09-26 Thread John Love

Graham Cox, Andy Lee, et. al:

This violates the spirit and purpose of notifications. Your receiver  
shouldn't also be forcing the transmitter to transmit, as you are  
doing here. Instead, the transmitter object should always send a  
status changed message whenever its status changes. Then the fact  
that it has changed can be observed by the receiver *and also any  
other object that might be interested*. What you're doing here is  
absurd - if you already know the transmitter's status has changed,  
then you can act on that directly - you don't need to pretend to  
send a notification to yourself.

Somewhere, you should have some code that is part of the  
'sentNotifyObject' class that looks like this:

- (void) postStatusChanged
   [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]  
postNotificationName:kStatusChangedNotification object:self];


In almost all cases, whenever you call the -postNotificationName:  
method of NSNotificationCenter, the object you pass is 'self'. If  
it's any other, chances are you've done something weird.

So, short answer: your design is a bit whiffy. ;)

I love that word whiffy .. so bloody English, so Rex Harrison.

I moved all -postNotificationName:object: to the receiver and so  
that's done; not only that, it makes sense. I am the observer, so it's  
the receiver that is responsible for posting  or sending changes to  
the defaultCenter.

In addition, maybe Andy is also correct when he said:

I wonder if you're confusing notifications with KVO or bindings.   
Notifications have to be explicitly posted in order for observers to  
respond to them.

I said originally:

Shouldn't my call to -addObserver automatically monitor  
StatusChanged rather than my having to -postNotificationName??

It does, but only when the receiver posts.

Having said that, let me restate it, perhaps a little more accurately:

I would like to some how bind the observer to the receiver so that  
every time the receiver changes a parameter, it automatically posts  
that a change has occurred, without having to explicitly post.

I believe that KVO stands for key-value-order .. so obviously I've  
got a lot of digging to do, starting with Chapter #1, where ever that  

John Love


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Re: sending email with attachement from cocoa

2008-09-26 Thread j o a r

On Sep 26, 2008, at 10:03 AM, Alexander Cohen wrote:

Is there a way to use a url request to open mail with all its fields  
completed but most importantly, contain an image attachement?

Not using the frameworks provided by Apple.

Your problem, in particular, is that you can't assume that all users  
are running the same email client.

There are some third party attempts at solving this problem - Google.

j o a r


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addTrackingRect strangness

2008-09-26 Thread Mudi Dandan

Hi Guys,

I have a custom view which is set  in an NSMenuItem.
This view contains 9 rectangles which I would like to track for mouse- 
over event.
I use the the very same method for calculating the size of the rects  
for drawing and the for defining the tracking rects.
What I experience is that  events are fired as if the tracking rects  
are shifted about 4 pixels upwards.

Any ideas?


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[Q] Which mailing list is for the functions like valloc()?

2008-09-26 Thread JongAm Park

Hello, all.

I think I found a bug in the valloc(). However, before reporting it to 
Apple, I would like to ask if it is really a bug or if anyone also 
noticed the problem.
So, I tried figuring out what mailing list is for, but couldn't 
determined it.
Can it be here, Cocoa-dev, or others like *Darwin-x86* 
http://lists.apple.com/mailman/listinfo/darwin-x86 or *Darwin-dev* 



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window controllers and managed object contexts

2008-09-26 Thread Daniel Child
To avoid cluttering up my main AppController (which had five windows),  
I've started placing the individual windows into separate xib files.  
Pre-Core Data (for a regular cocoa app), I would simply set up a  
window controller, establish a reference to it in the main controller  
(initWithWindowNibNamed), and load the window when needed.

I tried this, but with Core Data, I'm getting a message that I need a  
managed object context (moc). I know how to get the moc, but I can't  
figure out who is calling for the moc in the first place. Something  
inside of the underneath NSWindowController code, I suspect. The  
window controller's initialization goes fine, as does awakeFromNib.  
Also, the File's Owner is set to the window controller class. So which  
method (one called by Cocoa, not me) needs to be overwritten so I can  
pass the moc to it?

Or is there something else entirely going on?


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Re: showing window causes EXC_BAD_ACCESS

2008-09-26 Thread Daniel Child
I should? Then how do I get the reference back? If windowA is a window  
outlet in my AppController, then first time around I don't do  
anything. It is automatically assigned a reference when the window  
loads, and I can use makeKeyAndOrderFront.

But if I choose to automatically release the window on closing, how do  
I get the variable windowA reassigned to the window? I don't want to  
reload the entire nib because there may be other things in the nib  
that don't need to be reloaded

On Sep 26, 2008, at 1:33 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Message: 1
Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2008 10:34:50 -0500
From: Scott Ribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: showing window causes EXC_BAD_ACCESS
To: Michael Ash [EMAIL PROTECTED],  Cocoa Developers
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset=US-ASCII

I can't think of a single reasonable use case for it

An app with many windows, many of which can display multiple  
instances at a

time--they should be released when closed.


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Re: window controllers and managed object contexts

2008-09-26 Thread Kyle Sluder
On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 2:33 PM, Daniel Child [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I tried this, but with Core Data, I'm getting a message that I need a
 managed object context (moc). I know how to get the moc, but I can't figure
 out who is calling for the moc in the first place. Something inside of the
 underneath NSWindowController code, I suspect. The window controller's
 initialization goes fine, as does awakeFromNib. Also, the File's Owner is
 set to the window controller class. So which method (one called by Cocoa,
 not me) needs to be overwritten so I can pass the moc to it?

Erm, NSWindowController shouldn't be asking for a MOC.  Perhaps
whatever NSControllers you have in your nibs haven't had their
managedObjectContext bindings fixed?

--Kyle Sluder

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Re: Saving an annotated PDF to a flat image

2008-09-26 Thread John Calhoun

On Sep 26, 2008, at 5:55 AM, Danny Greg wrote:
I load a document from disk, get it's first page (they are all 1  
page docs), add the annotations by calling addAnnotation: and then  
save out the document. Am I missing  a stage?

No, that sounds right — assuming you are saving the PDF document by  
calling PDFDocument's writeToFile/URL methods.

Can you share some swatch of code?

John Calhoun—___

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Re: addTrackingRect strangness

2008-09-26 Thread Peter Ammon

On Sep 26, 2008, at 11:17 AM, Mudi Dandan wrote:

Hi Guys,

I have a custom view which is set  in an NSMenuItem.
This view contains 9 rectangles which I would like to track for  
mouse-over event.
I use the the very same method for calculating the size of the rects  
for drawing and the for defining the tracking rects.
What I experience is that  events are fired as if the tracking rects  
are shifted about 4 pixels upwards.

Any ideas?


Can you send me a sample project that reproduces this?  I'm not aware  
of any outstanding bugs here.



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Re: Always allowing drags from WebView inside a global NSPanel

2008-09-26 Thread Nick Beadman
Just wanted to follow up on this so the list archive has a solution in  
case anyone searches for anything similar in the future. The solution  
is courtesy of Darin Adler over on webkitsdk-dev.

The solution is to override -[NSWindow sendEvent:] and if the window  
is not main send the NSLeftMouseDown event twice. The first time the  
window will become main (and possibly key) and the second will start  
the drag:

if (NSLeftMouseDown == [event type]
 ![self isMainWindow])
			 [_webView mouse:[_webView convertPoint:[event locationInWindow]  
fromView:nil] inRect:[_webView visibleRect]]) {

[super sendEvent:event];

[super sendEvent:event];

The side effect of this is that the NSPanel is now at least the main  
window, which brings me to my next question.

This application is an 'agent' where LSUIElement is set to YES in  
Info.plist. However, I don't want the agent application to come to the  
front as this stops events being directed at the last current  
application. In practice this is OK for some events (mouse down for  
example) as they change the current application. However, it is  
confusing in that if you, for example, use cmd+Q then the NSPanel  
application is quit rather than the one that was in the front.

How do I make the agent application I am working on forward on events  
to the last current application?


On Sep 23, 2008, at 3:36 pm, Nick Beadman wrote:


On Sep 23, 2008, at 8:19 am, Benjamin Stiglitz wrote:

The problem I am having is that to drag out of the WebView the  
panel has to be main (i.e. the close/minimize/zoom buttons are  
filled in).  However, if you hold down the command key, the drag  
out of that window works fine.

Where do I start looking to make this work without having to hold  
down the command key?

Have you looked at -[NSView acceptsFirstMouse:]?

Thanks for the heads up. This does look like what I need, however,  
it requires me to override the NSView's that make up WebView. Simply  
sub-classing WebView and returning YES from acceptsFirstMouse:  
doesn't work.

Looking back through the stack trace from the WebUIDelegate methods  
it appears that the actual class I am trying to change the  
implementation of acceptsFirstMouse: is the private WebHTMLView.

It is not clear to me where to go from here. poseAs: is deprecated  
and even then I am dealing with a private class. I am going to try  
and see if I can get either -[NSApplication sendEvent:] or - 
[NSWindow sendEvent:] to temporarily bring the window to the front  
before sending on the event.

Any other ideas are welcomed,

Nick Beadman
(sent from my mailing list account, [EMAIL PROTECTED])


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Changing slide back destination during drag

2008-09-26 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt
I have a view that allows users to drag copies of the items it  
contains. I'd like to add autoscrolling to the view, which will move  
the drag's source item. However, I can find no way to change the drag  
properties so that upon failure the image will slide back to where the  
item *is* rather than where it *was* before the view autoscrolled.

I did find the NSDraggingInfo protocol's slideDraggedImageTo: which I  
suppose I could have called in my draggedImage:endedAt:operation:  
dragging source method. But this method is a strange one! The Leopard  
release notes state the following:

-[NSDraggingInfo slideDraggedImageTo:] is now implemented to behave  
as documented. This change is enabled only for applications built on  
Leopard or later to avoid changing behavior of older binaries in ways  
that may be incorrect.

So it's working as documented which would be great, but the  
documentation says it's deprecated (as of Leopard!) with no  
alternative method! Was -slideDraggedImageTo: really deprecated in the  
exact release it was also fixed? Or are the release notes just making  
a little joke (it now behaves as...deprecated)?

(And even if it weren't deprecated, would it have enabled me to do  
what I want?)


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Re: NSNotificationCenter

2008-09-26 Thread Graham Cox

On 27 Sep 2008, at 3:28 am, John Love wrote:

In almost all cases, whenever you call the -postNotificationName:  
method of NSNotificationCenter, the object you pass is 'self'. If  
it's any other, chances are you've done something weird.

So, short answer: your design is a bit whiffy. ;)

I love that word whiffy .. so bloody English, so Rex Harrison.

Well, I am English, FWIW

I moved all -postNotificationName:object: to the receiver and so  
that's done; not only that, it makes sense. I am the observer, so  
it's the receiver that is responsible for posting  or sending  
changes to the defaultCenter.

First off, let's be clear about terms. I used the terms 'receiver' and  
'transmitter' as an analogy for 'observer' and 'observed'  
respectively. Of course the term 'receiver' also is used frequently  
when talking about Objective-C to mean 'the object that receives a  
message' - in other words the instance of a class implementing a  
particular method. I wasn't using it in that sense so perhaps my  
choice of terms was misleading.

So let's stick to 'observer' (the one responding to the notification)  
and the 'sender' (the object I want to know about).

I said originally:

Shouldn't my call to -addObserver automatically monitor  
StatusChanged rather than my having to -postNotificationName??

It does, but only when the receiver posts.

Having said that, let me restate it, perhaps a little more accurately:

I would like to some how bind the observer to the receiver so that  
every time the receiver changes a parameter, it automatically  
posts that a change has occurred, without having to explicitly post.

So now I'm confused about how you're using the term 'receiver'. Do you  
mean it in the Objective-C sense or as receiver of a notification?

You need to ensure that the posting of the notifications is done  
solely by the sender.

Here's how notifications work, in a nutshell:

Object A (the sender) changes state. It posts a notification to say  
so. By some mechanism, Object B (the observer) receives that  
notification and acts upon it. Maybe another object, C, wants to find  
out about that same state change, so it can also register itself as an  
observer of A. When A changes state, both B and C get the  
notification, etc. By some mechanism is the role of  
NSNotificationCenter. It just acts as a channel through which these  
notifications get passed around - otherwise object A would have to  
know about B and C and every other Tom, Dick or Harry that wanted the  
info. Instead, using NSNotificationCenter, it only has to know about  
that, and there is but one global instance, so there is a minimum of  
coupling between objects.

Now, in your case, you were forcing object B to ask object A to tell  
it about the status change. This is somewhat crazy on a number of  
levels. First off, if Object B already has a reference to Object A, it  
can just ask it directly for its status - it doesn't need to say hey,  
transmit your state to me using a notification please! That's just  
adding a layer of message wrapping that just isn't needed. But worse,  
it's polling. Object B is polling Object A for a status change.  
Polling is bad, so don't do it. The very point of notifications is to  
eliminate polling.

What I said before about passing 'self' is a vital clue. If you're not  
passing 'self' to -postNotificationName:, you're doing it wrong.  
Object A is fully and exclusively responsible for posting  
notifications when it deems that something notifiably important has  
occurred. Then B, C, Tom, Dick, etc all get the notification and do  
with it what they will. At no point should B or anyone else be telling  
A to send a notification. Doing so is wrong, plain and simple.

I believe that KVO stands for key-value-order .. so obviously I've  
got a lot of digging to do, starting with Chapter #1, where ever  
that is.

KVO stands for Key-Value Observation. Personally my advice would be to  
get ordinary common-or-garden notifications straight before diving  
into KVO. Ordinary notifications are very simple, straightforward and  
have no hidden magic. As far as I can tell they will serve your needs  
for the situation so far described, so I think you're on the right  

While KVO may also fit the bill, it's far, far trickier to get right,  
and is very unforgiving of not using it exactly properly. I didn't  
touch KVO until I'd been bashing away with Cocoa for about four years,  
and even then it took me several false starts before it started  
working for me instead of the other way around. Unlike ordinary  
notifications, at first a lot of what KVO does does indeed seem like  
magic - which in turn implies that you really have to know what you're  
doing because debugging magic is very hard indeed.

KVO builds on KVC, so learn that first. Bindings builds on KVO.  
Bindings is not for beginners - you really need to have at least the  
theoretical side of KVC/KVO down pat 

Re: [NSCFNumber intValue]: unrecognized selector

2008-09-26 Thread j o a r

On Sep 26, 2008, at 4:36 PM, Steve Rossi wrote:

Yes, that is correct. A separate thread is spawned which updates the  
model - consequently driving UI updates based on KVO notifications.
It is the only thread that is updating the model - the main thread  
does very little except respond to fairly minimal UI events.
It works very reliably it seems ... except on these occassions when  
the OpenPanel is opened from the main thread.

That might appear to be the case on your machine, on this version of  
your application, and on this version of Mac OS X - But as soon as you  
change any of these variables, it might well start to fall apart.

I can think through whether I really need that separate thread. But  
is there a way to make the model updates from the 2nd thread safe?

If you're doing blocking work, having it on a separate thread is  
probably a good thing - But you need to forward your UI updates to the  
main thread. That's typically easy to do using  

j o a r


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NSURLConnection issues

2008-09-26 Thread Colin Cornaby
I'm doing an async NSURLConnection and am having issues. It's an http  
connection, and at first it seems to work. The server sends an  
authentication challenge (as it should), I respond with credentials,  
the servers seems to accept the credentials. Then the server responds  
with an HTTP header like this:

2008-09-26 17:43:20.681 TestApp[27403:10b] 200 - no error
2008-09-26 17:43:20.682 TestApp[27403:10b] {
Date = 26 Sep 2008 17:43:20 -0800;
Max-Age = 0;

There's no content length, and I never get data from the server. Other  
programs interact with this same server just fine, so I don't think  
it's the server end. Also, if I set a breakpoint on the line where I  
set the credentials, pause the program there, and then resume it, it  
works just fine.

Code is pasted below...

	NSString *requestText = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:@/ 

NSDictionary *headerFieldsDict = [NSDictionary
  @text/xml; charset=utf-8,  

	 [NSString stringWithFormat:@%d, [[requestText  
dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] length]],@Content-Length,  
	NSMutableURLRequest *request = [[NSMutableURLRequest alloc]  
initWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@https://staging.common.virtualearth.net/find-30/common.asmx 
	[request setHTTPBody:[requestText  

[request setAllHTTPHeaderFields:headerFieldsDict];
[request setHTTPMethod:@POST];
[request setCachePolicy:NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringLocalCacheData];
NSLog([[request allHTTPHeaderFields] description]);
NSLog([NSString stringWithUTF8String:[[request HTTPBody] bytes]]);
	NSURLConnection *connection = [[NSURLConnection alloc]  
initWithRequest:request delegate:self];

[connection start];

- (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection  

//pause here using gdb and the program works
NSLog(@Wanted authentication...);
	NSURLCredential *credential = [NSURLCredential  
credentialWithUser:@user password:@pass  

NSLog([[challenge sender] description]);
	[[challenge sender] useCredential:credential  


- (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection  

NSLog(@authentication canceled..);

- (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didReceiveData: 
(NSData *)data

NSLog(@Got data...);
NSLog([NSString stringWithUTF8String:(const char *)[data bytes]]);

- (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didReceiveResponse: 
(NSHTTPURLResponse *)response

NSLog(@Got Response..);
NSLog(@Expected return length %i, [response expectedContentLength]);
	NSLog(@%d - %@, [response statusCode], [NSHTTPURLResponse  
localizedStringForStatusCode:[response statusCode]]);

NSLog([[response allHeaderFields] description]);

- (void)connectionDidFinishLoading:(NSURLConnection *)connection

- (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didFailWithError: 
(NSError *)error


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Re: sending email with attachement from cocoa

2008-09-26 Thread has

Alexander Cohen wrote:

Is there a way to use a url request to open mail with all its fields
completed but most importantly, contain an image attachement?

Nope. If you want to send an email in the background, you'll need to  
look into a third-party framework option:


If you're talking specifically about creating an outgoing message in  
Mail.app, you'll need to control it via its Apple events  
('AppleScript') interface. It's somewhat buggy (chronically so), but  
can usually be coaxed into doing roughly what you want. I've got an  
sample project (SendEmail) in appscript's svn repository that shows  
how to do this using ObjC and appscript:

svn checkout http://appscript.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/appscript/objc-appscript/trunk 

I believe there's a sample project somewhere on Apple's site that  
shows how to do the same sort of thing using Leopard's Scripting  
Bridge (but I'll not link to that here as I don't have a very high  
opinion of Scripting Bridge:).


Control AppleScriptable applications from Python, Ruby and ObjC:


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Re: sending email with attachement from cocoa

2008-09-26 Thread Chris Suter
On Sat, Sep 27, 2008 at 4:11 AM, has [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Alexander Cohen wrote:

 Is there a way to use a url request to open mail with all its fields
 completed but most importantly, contain an image attachement?

 Nope. If you want to send an email in the background, you'll need to look
 into a third-party framework option:


 If you're talking specifically about creating an outgoing message in
 Mail.app, you'll need to control it via its Apple events ('AppleScript')
 interface. It's somewhat buggy (chronically so), but can usually be coaxed
 into doing roughly what you want. I've got an sample project (SendEmail) in
 appscript's svn repository that shows how to do this using ObjC and

 svn checkout

 I believe there's a sample project somewhere on Apple's site that shows how
 to do the same sort of thing using Leopard's Scripting Bridge (but I'll not
 link to that here as I don't have a very high opinion of Scripting Bridge:).

There's also our CSMail framework which, unlike the others above,
talks to the locally installed e-mail client rather than using SMTP
directly. It supports Mail, Entourage and Eudora at the moment.



-- Chris

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Re: [NSCFNumber intValue]: unrecognized selector

2008-09-26 Thread cocoa-dev-owner

On Sep 26, 2008, at 11:22 AM, j o a r wrote:

On Sep 25, 2008, at 6:22 AM, Steve Rossi wrote:

I've deduced that he crash seems to be something timing related  
which occurs only at application startup, and only under certain  
conditions (i.e. reproduce occassionlly by opening an NSOpenPanel  
modal dialog before the application is fully up and running). When  
I say the application is fully up and running, I mean a secondary  
thread has retrieved data from a network source and populated a  
model class. This secondary thread cyclically updates the data  
about 8x per second by means of a timer in the secondary thread's  
run loop.
I use Cocoa bindings to display the data in the UI. I'm sure the  
problem is happening in the bindings, but I'm having trouble  
finding where.

In the general case, and with few exceptions, you can't call your UI  
on non-main threads. This means that you can't drive UI updates  
based on KVO notifications from non-main threads. Could this be your  

j o a r

Yes, that is correct. A separate thread is spawned which updates the  
model - consequently driving UI updates based on KVO notifications.
It is the only thread that is updating the model - the main thread  
does very little except respond to fairly minimal UI events.
It works very reliably it seems ... except on these occassions when  
the OpenPanel is opened from the main thread.
I can think through whether I really need that separate thread. But is  
there a way to make the model updates from the 2nd thread safe?


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Re: Using aggregate functions in a Core Data Fetch Request

2008-09-26 Thread Jamie Hardt
What about taking your objects and sorting them by value, and popping  
the last object?

NSFetchPredicate *fr = /* lets say this is setEntity to your entity */;
NSManagedObjectContext *moc = /* your moc here */;

[fr setSortDescriptor: [[[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:@value  
ascending:YES] autorelease]];

NSArray *result = [moc executeFetchRequest:fr error:nil];

id maxObj = [result lastObject];

If you're using the id as a sort of UID, however, I would just use  
CFUUIDCreate() to make an ID that's guaranteed to be unique without  
quizzing the data store.

On Sep 26, 2008, at 12:25 PM, Fred McCann wrote:

I'm attempting to find an object that has a maximum value in the  
data store. In sql, the query would be something like this:

select * from foo where value = select max(value) from foo.

Actually, I would be thrilled if I could just get select max(value)  
from foo.

I've read through the Core Data and Predicates pdfs, and there is a  
mention of a max function in the BNF Definition of Cocoa  
Predicates of the Predicates document, but I've had no luck. My  
current attempt is to create a fetch request in the XCode Data  
Modeler using the predicate:

id == max:(

When I try to execute this, I get this error:

Unable to generate SQL for predicate (id == max:(
)) (problem on RHS)

I'm currently using Sqlite as the backing store.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to do this? Is this even  
possible? What I'm trying to accomplish is to maintain ids across  
multiple persistent stores that can weakly linked as fetched  

- Fred McCann


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Re: problems in runModal in NSOpenPanel used with defaults

2008-09-26 Thread spartan g
Thanks Corbin,
I have used your tips in the updated code.
Besides, my aim is to save the filename selected through the panel to a
pList file timely whenever it is changed, so I am using synchronization of
defaults. I checked and found that there is no resetStandardUserDefaults
used anywhere in the entire project.
I tried implementing dictionary insted of defaults and updating the pList
contents accordingly.
But to my surprise, in either cases(dictionary/defaults), whenever I click
browse and click cancel/open the junk values are appended automatically in
the pList file!!! For the time being I am deleting and recreating the file,
but it doesn't seem a good alternative!!!
How can a 'Panel runModal' add such junk in the pList!!!


On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 10:48 PM, Corbin Dunn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Howdy spartan,

 Oh! A few little tips:

 On Sep 26, 2008, at 3:11 AM, spartan g wrote:

 I am writing an utility which needs to open a panel to browse files and
 select one.

 - (IBAction)browseClicked:(id)sender


 NSOpenPanel *panel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];

 if ([panel runModal]) {

   NSArray *filenames = [panel filenames];

NSString *filename = [filenames objectAtIndex:0];

 Always check the array length first, or just use [panel filename];

if (filename){

 printf(\n browseClicked: filename = %s \n, [filename cString]);

 Just a side note: most cocoa people move to NSLog, but printf still works.
 NSLog(@%@, filename); -- much easier!

 if ([appToOpenText stringValue] != NULL ){

 nil is preferred to NULL.

   [appToOpenText setStringValue: filename];


 else  printf(\n browseClicked: appToOpenText has NULL value \n);


else printf (\n *** browseClicked: Filename is NULL *** \n);


 The filename chosen is assigned to the textfield. I have used defaults to
 synchronize this filename and storing it in a pList file.
 [_defaults setObject: [appToOpenText stringValue] forKey: @AppToOpen ];

 It seems strange to use the user defaults as your model to store objects,
 but i'm sure there is a reason you do this.

 [_defaults synchronize];

 You probably don't want to hold onto the userdefaults instance as an ivar,
 and instead always query it with [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]. It
 may be possible that something is calling resetStandardUserDefaults, and
 blowing away the old instance.



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