[CODE4LIB] EasyBib and Innovative proxy

2014-05-30 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer
Hi all,

Is anyone using EasyBib with the III proxy solution? One of our customers is 
experiencing problems creating and deleting projects while proxied.

Many thanks,
Yitzchak Schaffer
Software Engineer
Imagine Easy Solutions / EasyBib

[CODE4LIB] NYC chapter meeting Oct 14

2010-09-16 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Hello all,

I'm pleased to announce on behalf of the METRO code4lib-nyc SIG that we 
have scheduled our first meeting of the year for Thursday, October 14, 
from 10am-noon at METRO headquarters, 57 E 11th Street.

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
(212) 463-0400 x5230

Re: [CODE4LIB] LDAP Issues

2010-10-06 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

On 10/6/2010 10:44, Amy wrote:

We are having a problem with a single student whose account was deleted from
LDAP by Technology, and then had her account re-established.   She has the
same username and status as she used to have.

She is now unable to login to any of the library resources that use LDAP to
authenticate patrons.  This includes our catalog&  e-resources (through III)
and a Ruby on Rails group study room web application that uses LDAP

In situations like these, I find you just have to keep digging at it 
until you figure out what the problem is. If you have access to the LDAP 
queries in III and the RoR app, check them to make sure there isn't 
anything the systems are expecting to find that wasn't regenerated. Like 
when the record was created, or some default settings or something. 
Also, check whatever mechanism is used for batch-creation (assuming 
there is one) to see if it sets anything differently than whoever did 
the re-creation.

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
(212) 463-0400 x5230

Access Problems? Contact systems.libr...@touro.edu

[CODE4LIB] NYC meeting next Thursday

2010-10-07 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Hello all,

This is a reminder for the first meeting of the year for the METRO 
code4lib-nyc SIG next Thursday, October 14, from 10am to noon at METRO 
headquarters, 57 E 11th Street.

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
(212) 463-0400 x5230

Re: [CODE4LIB] PHP MVC frameworks

2010-11-15 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

On 11/15/2010 6:19 AM, David Kane wrote:

I am interested to hear if anyone is using PHP MVC frameworks to help with
their code.  From what I have learned, they seem to be a very good idea

We use symfony here, such that it's our go-to framework if we have a 
fairly standard web app to write. I used CodeIgniter (and migrated to 
Kohana 2) for our Greenstone front-end, which is not MVC.

Yitzchak Schaffer

Re: [CODE4LIB] PHP MVC frameworks

2010-11-15 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

On 11/15/2010 12:09 PM, Yitzchak Schaffer wrote:

We use symfony here, such that it's our go-to framework if we have a
fairly standard web app to write. I used CodeIgniter (and migrated to
Kohana 2) for our Greenstone front-end, which is not MVC.

Actually, it really is MVC, just not based on a relational database.

Yitzchak Schaffer

The ideas in man's heart are many;
It is God's plan that prevails.
- Proverbs 19

[CODE4LIB] NYC Spring Forum: Web Frameworks, March 16

2010-11-29 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer
The code4lib-nyc METRO SIG is pleased to announce our Spring Forum on 
Wednesday, March 16, 2011, 10am-noon at METRO (57 E 11th Street). The 
Forum will explore web frameworks, and will consist of a series of 
presentations, similar to last year's program on project management.

If you have experience with a framework and would like to share, or even 
give a crash course in your framework of choice, please be in touch with 
me or kevin.re...@gmail.com

Thank you!

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
212.742.8770 ext. 2432

[CODE4LIB] EmeraldView release: Greenstone front-end

2010-12-20 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

The EmeraldView team is pleased to announce the first release of our
second major series: version 0.2.0

EmeraldView is a PHP frontend for the Greenstone Digital Library
software. Building on the successes of Greenstone, it offers an
environment that we think library staff and current web professionals
will find more familiar and easy to customize. EmeraldView uses version 
2.3 of the Kohana PHP framework.

EmeraldView 0.2.0 includes many enhancements, including preliminary 
support for Solr.

Our main wiki:


Our collection in production:


Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
212.742.8770 ext. 2432

Re: [CODE4LIB] experiences with Liferay/Unicon and/or CampusEAI

2010-12-21 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer
I don't (yet) have any personal experience, but our IT dept is in the midst of 
implementing campusEAI. We plan on integrating our stuff with CAS. If you want 
I can put you in touch with the PM. 

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
212.742.8770 ext. 2432

Access problems? Contact systems.libr...@touro.edu

On Dec 21, 2010, at 14:34, Rob Casson  wrote:

> our university is currently evaluating products/vendors for our campus
> portal, and i'd be interested in hearing anyone's opinions/experiences
> with Liferay/Unicon and/or CampusEAI.

[CODE4LIB] c4l-NYC Spring Forum: Web Frameworks

2011-02-16 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Hello all,

I hope everyone enjoyed the con - I wasn't personally able to go, but I 
almost felt like I was there thanks to the stream + #code4lib - hats off 
to the live stream organizer(s).

We are one month away from the METRO code4lib-nyc SIG spring meeting, 
Wed. March 16, 10a-noon, at METRO HQ (57 E 11th Street). We hope to have 
several presenters speaking about web frameworks.

At this point we are short on presenters, so if you are proficient in a 
framework (or in proud c4l tradition want to crash-course it and talk 
about how it went), drop a line to me or kevin.re...@gmail.com and we 
will put you in the lineup.

Yitzchak Schaffer

[CODE4LIB] Solr and AJAX

2011-02-27 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer
Hello all,

We are working on creating a public-facing biographical index. We're planning 
on using Solr with faceting, and building an AJAXy search frontend. We have 
experience with symfony for overall framework, so we have begun the project 
using that.

The only robust-looking material I was able to find on Solr with AJAX tonight 


Can anyone offer any alternate projects or approaches? I'm just getting my feet 
wet in both advanced JS/frontend dev techniques, and Solr.


Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
212.742.8770 ext. 2432

Re: [CODE4LIB] Solr and AJAX

2011-03-01 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

On 2011-02-28 17:53, Jonathan Rochkind wrote:

But I dunno, I guess it could work. Personally I generally don't like
writing interfaces that _only_ work via javascript, which is what that
approach would result in. I prefer writing an interface that works with
plain HTML, with some AJAX on top, but degrading fine if there is no JS.
But that's not the approach you are talking about taking, and apparently
you are not alone!

In truth I had AJAX on my brain from another (gracefully degrading) area 
of the project, and it was late at night; but upon later brain reboot, I 
realized that AJAX is not necessary for what we want to do. And 
regarding Mike Taylor's earlier comment about VuFind and Blacklight, 
I'll have a look at how much we can peel off of VuFind. I don't think 
we're equipped to consider a non-PHP solution at this point.

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
212.742.8770 ext. 2432

[CODE4LIB] code4lib-nyc METRO SIG Spring Forum, March 16

2011-03-08 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Apologies for cross-post.

Co-conveners Joanna DiPasquale, Kevin Reiss and Yitzchak Schaffer are 
pleased to announce the code4lib-nyc METRO SIG Spring Forum, next 
Wednesday, March 16, at METRO (Metropolitan New York Library Council), 
57 E. 11th Street, New York.

Please register (it's free) at

Web frameworks [1] are a great facilitator for building web projects, 
allowing the coder to focus on the problem domain by outsourcing common 
web processing tasks to the framework, and often steering it into a 
standardized architecture (such as MVC).

In the code4lib SIG Spring Forum, we will be introducing the web 
framework, and examining symfony (PHP) [2] and Sinatra (Ruby) [3]. 
symfony is a full-scale MVC framework, while Sinatra is a 
micro-framework designed for quickly creating web applications in Ruby 
with minimal effort.

After the presentations and Q&A, there will be time available for 
lightning talks - you will have the chance to share your framework 
experience in a 5-minute session. We will also facilitate a discussion 
of Drupal (PHP) [4]. Sharing some of the characteristics of both 
frameworks and content management systems (CMS), Drupal has also found 
much use in the library world.

See you there! Please register (it's free) at

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_application_framework
[2] http://www.symfony-project.org/
[3] http://www.sinatrarb.com/
[4] http://drupal.org/

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
212.742.8770 ext. 2432

[CODE4LIB] code4lib-nyc meeting, May 17; one-day conf in fall?

2011-03-21 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer
The next meeting of the METRO code4lib SIG (aka code4lib-nyc) is 
scheduled for Tuesday, May 17 from 10a-12n at METRO, 57 E 11th Street.

In response to interest from folks in the greater-greater New York area, 
for whom a two-hour event doesn't justify the travel, we are also 
proposing a one-day mini-conference to take place in the second half of 
2011. More details to follow; feel free to send your ideas to myself or 

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
212.742.8770 ext. 2432

Re: [CODE4LIB] What do you wish you had time to learn?

2011-04-28 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

On 2011-04-26 08:30, Edward Iglesias wrote:

I am doing a presentation at RILA (Rhode Island Library Association) on
changing skill sets for Systems Librarians.  I did a formal survey a while
back (if you participated, thank you) but this stuff changes so quickly I
thought I would ask this another way.  What do you wish you had time to

Git (I use Git and hg, but to really learn them properly)
Real solid networking
BDD (I'm slithering in that direction)

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
212.742.8770 ext. 2432

[CODE4LIB] Blogs/news you follow

2011-05-02 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Hello all,

In the spirit of last week's inspiring and procrastination-enhancing 
thread on what-to-learn, a new survey: what tech/library news outlets 
and blogs do folks follow? My list follows, in the sections I use in my 

I used to follow more tech news outlets, but it was too overwhelming, so 
I scrolled through all of them to get their vibe, and chose Ars and RWW.

Coyle's InFormation (kcoyle)
Infomotions Mini-Musings (Eric Lease Morgan)
Library Stuff

Ars Technica

UX Myths
Coding Horror
A List Apart

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
212.742.8770 ext. 2432

[CODE4LIB] code4lib-nyc meeting, May 17

2011-05-05 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer
The next meeting of the METRO code4lib SIG (aka code4lib-nyc) is 
scheduled for Tuesday, May 17 from 10a-12n at METRO, 57 E 11th Street.

All are invited free of charge, to share and discuss library software 
that you are working with or developing, or want to know more about. See 
you there!

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
212.742.8770 ext. 2432

Re: [CODE4LIB] code4lib-nyc meeting, May 17

2011-05-05 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

On 2011-05-05 13:52, Yitzchak Schaffer wrote:

The next meeting of the METRO code4lib SIG (aka code4lib-nyc) is
scheduled for Tuesday, May 17 from 10a-12n at METRO, 57 E 11th Street.

If you plan to come, please hit up the registration (free) at

Yitzchak Schaffer

[CODE4LIB] Version control and local changes

2011-05-09 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Hello all,

We primarily use Mercurial for version control, having migrated from SVN 
over the past year or so. I am currently trying to figure out the best 
way to version local (production) changes to controlled libraries. I'm 
still trying to understand the different branching possibilities of hg 
and git; this helped:


Seems to me like the best thing would be to maintain a production clone 
of the main, public repo, separate from the actual production code, and 
push/pull to and from this clone. This way it would be possible to test 
without polluting the production code and creating the mess of tweaks we 
have on our server now.

Does anyone have any success stories with this or another method?


Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
212.742.8770 ext. 2432

[CODE4LIB] code4lib NYC SIG meeting Tuesday

2011-05-16 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer
Apologies for cross-post. Just a last-minute reminder of the code4lib 
NYC METRO SIG meeting tomorrow morning, Tues May 17, 10a-12n at METRO, 
57 East 11th Street in New York. Come hang out, share your latest 
project, etc. etc.

code4lib is:

Free! Register at:

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
212.742.8770 ext. 2432

Re: [CODE4LIB] Seth Godin on The future of the library

2011-05-19 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

On 2011-05-18 20:30, Eric Hellman wrote:

Exactly. I apologize if my comment was perceived as coy, but I've chosen to 
invest in the possibility that Creative Commons licensing is a viable way 
forward for libraries, authors, readers, etc. Here's a link the last of a 5 
part series on open-access ebooks. I hope it inspires work in the code4lib 
community to make libraries more friendly to free stuff.


Here's a post from a Jewish Studies scholar about his own decision to 
self-publish under a CC license


Yitzchak Schaffer

[CODE4LIB] code4lib New York one-day minicon, Mon Sept 26

2011-07-07 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Hello everybody,

Plans are underway for a one-day code4lib [1] mini-conference in New 
York, in conjunction with METRO [2], which has graciously hosted our 
local "chapter" for several years as a SIG.

After ruling out large swaths of time this fall for various reasons, we 
arrived at Monday, Sept. 26 as the potential date.

Kevin Reiss [kevin.re...@gmail.com], Joanna DiPasquale and I are 
co-conveners of the local group. We would like to confirm that the date 
is not evil before concretizing it, so: if you know of some conflict 
that would prevent people attending, please let one of us know.

More information should be forthcoming.

[1] http://code4lib.org/
[2] http://metro.org/

Many thanks,

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
212.742.8770 ext. 2432

Re: [CODE4LIB] code4lib New York one-day minicon, Mon Sept 26

2011-07-08 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

On 2011-07-07 13:44, Wilfred Drew wrote:

New York City? Please be more specific than just New York. There is a lot of 
New York State north and west of Manhattan.

We expect the event to take place at
METRO Training Center
57 E 11th Street
New York NY

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
212.742.8770 ext. 2432

Access Problems? Contact systems.libr...@touro.edu

Re: [CODE4LIB] code4lib NYC one-day minicon - date

2011-07-12 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Hello all,

We heard about a conflict with DC-2011 on our proposed date of Mon Sept 
26. We also have the date Mon Oct 3 available. Does anyone have known 
issues with Oct 3?


Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
212.742.8770 ext. 2432

Access Problems? Contact systems.libr...@touro.edu

[CODE4LIB] code4lib nyc mini-con postponed

2011-07-26 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer
The one-day mini-conference event planned for October has been POSTPONED 
to a Spring 2012 date TBD, for lack of time to organize.

We will hold a regular meeting on the date announced earlier, Monday 
Oct. 3, from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon at:

METRO Training Center
57 E 11th Street
New York, NY

The meeting is free of charge. Come talk about what you're working on, 
curious about, whatever. Meetings are informal and interactive.

Apologies if we've disappointed anyone. Let myself or 
kevin.re...@gmail.com know if you would like to join us in planning the 
spring event, or have suggestions of swathes of dates to avoid. We are 
thinking late April into May to give folks time to recover from the 
(inter)?national conference.

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
212.742.8770 ext. 2432

[CODE4LIB] Puppet module for EZproxy on Ubuntu

2011-08-24 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Hello all,

For your sys-adminning enjoyment, a Puppet module for administering one 
or more instances of EZproxy on Ubuntu. Modular config.txt entries. 
Should be easy enough to mod for other *Nix flava's. BSD 3-clause license.


Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
212.742.8770 ext. 2432

Access Problems? Contact systems.libr...@touro.edu

[CODE4LIB] Web platform for digitized books

2011-09-08 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Hello all,

Can anyone suggest projects or general approaches for providing access 
to digitized books on the web? We're not interested in CONTENTdm, 
Greenstone has worked for us in the past but will not work for our 
ongoing projects.

I don't have real experience with DSpace and such repository products, 
but they seemed ill-suited for this purpose when I've examined them in 
the past. Omeka (at last evaluation) is not compatible with hierarchic 
objects (like books).

I am rather amazed that I have not been able to find any FOSS dedicated 
to this. I am currently favoring the idea of creating a web app using a 
decent framework (symfony2) designed for this purpose (web presentation 
of hierarchic text-based entities).

Many thanks,

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
212.742.8770 ext. 2432

Re: [CODE4LIB] Web platform for digitized books

2011-09-08 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Rephrase to avoid ambiguity:

On 09/08/2011 14:22, Yitzchak Schaffer wrote:

I am currently favoring the idea of using a decent framework (symfony2)

> to create a web app designed for this purpose (web presentation

of hierarchic text-based entities).

Yitzchak Schaffer

Re: [CODE4LIB] Web platform for digitized books

2011-09-08 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

On 09/08/2011 14:38, todd.d.robb...@gmail.com wrote:

The Internet Archive's Book Reader might also fit into your model:


I recall finding this and thinking it cool, but that it's only a 
frontend library (i.e. JS/CSS); I'm chiefly interested (at this point) 
in the backend data storage, metadata, structure, indexing, etc.

Thanks to the recommenders of XTF, looks like this is what I hadn't 
stumbled across before.

Calibre seems to be a tool to manage and perhaps share one's personal 
ebook collection, but not for hosting.

Forgot to mention in my initial salvo: I tried toying around with 
Drupal. We built our main website in D6. I looked at D7 for this, and 
was left with the impression that the D7 data model and Field API 
(really the API) is complex enough that it's not worth learning it 
unless you're going to be developing Drupal apps on a serious and 
continuous basis.

I truly could not fathom the API calls involved in doing anything 
interesting with content types, etc. Like spending 45 minutes wading 
through docs and tuts to write a few lines of field-definition code. And 
not being able to do it again the next day. May as well just create my 
own tables, but that defeats the whole point of using the Drupal APIs. 
Sorry for hijacking my own thread into a Drupal rant :) If anybody knows 
of any magical tutorials, let me know.

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
212.742.8770 ext. 2432

Access Problems? Contact systems.libr...@touro.edu

[CODE4LIB] c4l NYC chapter meetup Oct 3

2011-09-20 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Hi all,

The code4lib METRO SIG (aka chapter) is scheduled to meet
Monday, Oct. 3 10a-12m at METRO HQ, 57 E 11th Street, NYC

Come talk about code. Or sysadmin. Or.. whatever. Fun! Coffee! Free!

Let us know you're coming via:

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
212.742.8770 ext. 2432

Access Problems? Contact systems.libr...@touro.edu

[CODE4LIB] Release: PHP/symfony1 faculty publications app

2011-10-11 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Hello all,

We have just released the code for our faculty publications site. 
Written on symfony-1.4 (PHP)

Production with branding: http://facpubs.tourolib.org/
Demo (includes admin): http://yitznewton.org/facpubs-demo
github: https://github.com/yitznewton/facpubs

BSD 2-clause license. Enjoy!

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
212.742.8770 ext. 2432

Access Problems? Contact systems.libr...@touro.edu

Re: [CODE4LIB] Can a library automate without a computer yet?

2011-10-11 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

On 09/24/2011 18:45, Roy Tennant wrote:

Actually, I have an even better option from OCLC:

Web Site for Small Libraries (WSSL)


Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
212.742.8770 ext. 2432

Access Problems? Contact systems.libr...@touro.edu

[CODE4LIB] Domain lookup madness

2011-11-09 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Hello all,

Mystified. A drupal module on our site makes a call to an OCLC server to 
get status of chat service. This has been working fine until this morning.

I can open a browser and successfully browse the URL of the status 
service. But when I use file_get_contents() or php-curl (or command-line 
curl for that matter), on the same box, I get a domain lookup error, see 
below. What the heck is going on? TIA!

yitzchas@ubu-dev:/www/websites/drupal/sites/all$ dig 
www.questionpoint.org +short

yitzchas@ubu-dev:/www/websites/drupal/sites/all$ curl 
-m 3 -v

* name lookup timed out
* Couldn't resolve host 'www.questionpoint.org'
* Closing connection #0
curl: (6) name lookup timed out

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
212.742.8770 ext. 2432

Access Problems? Contact systems.libr...@touro.edu

Re: [CODE4LIB] Domain lookup madness

2011-11-09 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

On 11/09/2011 16:01, Michael Della Bitta wrote:

Have you tried running dig or nslookup on the server from the command
line? Maybe your server is using DNS that is broken or has cached a
bad record.

Look again at my msg ;) that's the mystifying part

yitzchas@ubu-dev:/www/websites/drupal/sites/all$ dig www.questionpoint.org

yitzchas@ubu-dev:/www/websites/drupal/sites/all$ curl
-m 3 -v
* name lookup timed out
* Couldn't resolve host 'www.questionpoint.org'
* Closing connection #0
curl: (6) name lookup timed out

Re: [CODE4LIB] Domain lookup madness

2011-11-09 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

On 11/09/2011 16:03, Chad Benjamin Nelson wrote:

I upped it to ten and it still failed, but when I dropped the "-m 3" it does 
return the same as the browser.

So it's just real slow, that's all.

When I use dig to resolve it, it's as good as instantaneous (from my 
human perspective). That's what I don't understand.

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
212.742.8770 ext. 2432

Access Problems? Contact systems.libr...@touro.edu

Re: [CODE4LIB] Domain lookup madness

2011-11-09 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

On 11/09/2011 16:33, Roy Tennant wrote:

OCLC staff says "We changed the way questionpoint.org DNS resolution
was performed last night and the graceful handling of IPv6 lookups was
inadvertently left off.  That has been corrected so please try again.

Confirmed working. For once I shoulda talked to the vendor before 
tearing out my hair and posting to code4lib :)

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
212.742.8770 ext. 2432

Access Problems? Contact systems.libr...@touro.edu

[CODE4LIB] Chaos created by a butterfly in Ohio

2011-11-09 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer
This is just a reflection on the earlier name resolution incident. I 
find it remarkable how much goes into solving a problem, and the 
corollary, how much impact a simple problem can have. Just my braindump 
as a relatively novice sysadmin.

Here's the chain of events:
- This morning at 9am, our web server chokes. I see apache is using up 
- After poking around the various daemons and looking at logs, I figure 
out that everything is running correctly
- I somehow narrow it down to the script that pings the OCLC chat 
availability service waiting for 20+ seconds and finally timing out, 
*despite* the fact that I thought it was set up with a 2-second timeout 
(I don't remember how I got it down to that)
- I shut that down temporarily and disabled our chat function, which got 
the server back to normal.
- I browsed the service manually, which worked, and tried two different 
techniques in the PHP (file_get_contents() and curl), both of which failed.
- I went to Brooklyn to do some vigilante digitization and have lunch 
with my boss
- I got back to the office, saw nothing had changed, and started digging 
deeper into the curl request

- I found the name resolution error, which blew my mind
- I tried resolving multiple ways, and failing that, came here

Thanks to all who contributed ideas... amazing how one change to a 
vendor DNS server can lead to our web server DOS'ing itself. More 
networking knowledge... must get more networking knowledge...

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
212.742.8770 ext. 2432

Access Problems? Contact systems.libr...@touro.edu

Re: [CODE4LIB] Experience with codeIgniter?

2011-12-14 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

On 12/14/2011 08:14, Karen Coyle wrote:

I'm helping some folks find a new platform for their web site, and
someone has suggested codeIgniter as being simpler than Drupal or
Wordpress. Anyone here have anything to say about it, good or bad? The
site is small and light weight but it does have a database that needs to
be managed.

I built an app several years ago [1] in Kohana 2.3, which was a fork of 
CodeIgniter. Since then CI has become more of what made me opt for 
Kohana instead of CI to begin with: they dropped legacy support for PHP4 
(which they had been ideologically hanging onto) and became more OO.

I liked it. It was a lean full framework, featured without being a 
massive superpower like symfony. (FTR most of my work is in symfony.) 
It's easy to grok and extend core, and includes utility classes to help, 
for example, construct forms. syfmony2 and CI are both very flexible, 
but CI is much simpler, so miles easier to jump into.

That said, I don't think any framework (as one usually understands the 
term) will work well for a small library to build a "regular" content 
website - hosted WordPress sounds typical of a good match for these folks.

[1] https://github.com/yitznewton/emeraldview

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
212.742.8770 ext. 2432

Access Problems? Contact systems.libr...@touro.edu

[CODE4LIB] Hash table vulnerability - PHP solution

2011-12-30 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Hi all,

In case y'all haven't heard, there's this mega-evil hash table DDoS 
domesday thing? Right. The NY PHP list pointed out that the problem can 
be handled deftly on PHP servers by using the Suhosin extension (not the 
patch) with the suhosin.request.max_vars setting (default should work).


More on this issue:

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
212.742.8770 ext. 2432

[CODE4LIB] NYC regional mtg: Weds Apr 25

2012-01-03 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Hello all,

The next meeting of the code4lib NYC regional / METRO SIG is scheduled 
for Wednesday, April 25, 10a-12m at the METRO Training Center, 57 E 11th 

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
212.742.8770 ext. 2432

Access Problems? Contact systems.libr...@touro.edu

[CODE4LIB] WorldCat API account

2008-06-25 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Greetings CODE4LIBers:

Does anyone know how to get a test account for the WorldCat API?  The 
wiki, last I checked, instructed to "contact OCLC," but my e-mail to 
their generic address yielded no response.


Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Librarian
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x230
Fax (212) 627-3197

Re: [CODE4LIB] Ser Sol 360 Search

2008-07-07 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Walker, David wrote:

I'm giving a conference presentation later this month on metasearch.  If your 
library licenses Serial Solutions' metasearch system, would you mind contacting 
me off-list?  I'd like to ask a couple of questions.  Thanks!

We do.  As it happens I was working on a PHP class for the 360 Search 
API a couple months ago.  Inasmuch as there's an NDA involved, I don't 
know how much you'll be able to include about it, but I'd be happy to 
share the ambiguous and vague.

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Librarian
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x230
Fax (212) 627-3197

Re: [CODE4LIB] local Code4Lib group -- opinions?

2008-08-14 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Joanna DiPasquale wrote:

Although we're called the Library 2.0 
group, we really like to come together to focus more on coding 
techniques and software implementation.

This would be awesome.  I doubt this is the best forum, but let me 
interject my interest in exploring the possibility of alternative 
meeting times... (on the wiki I see that meetings have in the past been 
convened on Friday afternoons)

Thanks for getting the word out!

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Librarian
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x5230
Fax (212) 627-3197

[CODE4LIB] Roman-script to Hebrew-script automation

2008-08-15 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer


Greetings all:

It occurs to me now that I might have checked for existing work on the 
lists before I did this, but anyway -- we are in the finishing stages of 
creating scripts that will automatically convert a library's existing 
Romanized MARC Hebrew fields (e.g. "Sefer {dotb}Hatan Torah") into 
Hebrew-script, and add them to the records already in the ILS.  It's 
quite accurate; not bulletproof, but at least it's a way to quickly get 
Hebrew script into thousands of Roman-only records, where many Hebrew 
users (including staff) may not understand the transliteration rules 100%.

The Hebrew conversion itself is done by a PHP script (haven't finished 
learning Perl) acting on a MARC dump of Roman-only Hebrew records in MRK 
(broken MARCedit) format.  This outputs two files of converted fields: 
an XML file for proofing, and a tab-delimited text file for the 
inputting script to devour.  This inputting is done by an Expect script 
using the character-based ILS client.

We are an III shop.  This could presumably be adapted easily enough for 
another ILS, whether using Expect or direct manipulation of database 
tables.  (I'm not volunteering, though...) It would probably be easy 
enough to adapt to another language also, assuming that language were at 
least as predictable in MARC as Hebrew.  (It's pretty good - my list of 
"manual override" words that the auto-algorithm botches is now totaling 
about 35 in preliminary testing.)

Note that I can't imagine automating the other direction, Hebrew- to 
Roman-script, unless there's some algorithm for this already floating 
around out there.

If anyone's interested, I'll clean up the code and open-source it.

Cheers, Shabbat shalom,

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Librarian
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x5230
Fax (212) 627-3197

Re: [CODE4LIB] Roman-script to Hebrew-script automation

2008-08-17 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Mark A. Matienzo wrote:

This is great news! I'd love to see you share the code with the
greater community. This may prove particularly useful for the
automated addition of non-Roman data into authority records for NACO
members (see [1]; see also [2]).

Okay, y'all can check out the code at

svn checkout 

The more reusable file is the .class.php file; hebrify.php is a messier 
file that pulls certain fields out of MARC-broken files and spits out 
the XML- and III/OPAC-encoded renditions I mentioned earlier.

I'll have to clean up the Expect scripts later.

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Librarian
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x5230
Fax (212) 627-3197

[CODE4LIB] Position: Systems Librarian - Maine State Library

2008-09-03 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

 Original Message 
Subject: [Web4lib] Fwd: [Publib] Systems Librarian Needed
Date: Wed, 03 Sep 2008 10:13:22 -0400
From: Rachel Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

- Original Message -


Code: MH30 Salary Range 30 (Confidential) Salary:* $52,000 - $72,529.60
*Includes a 10% Recruitment and Retention Stipend
Value of State-paid Health & Dental - $336.80/bi-weekly
Retirement Benefits $24.52% of pay
Re-Opened to Applications: August 15, 2008
Date Closed to Applications” September 19, 2008

The Maine State Library seeks applications for the position of Systems
Librarian (Agency Technology Officer (ATO)) located in Bangor/Orono, Me.
The Systems Librarian (ATO) is a key member of the 6_FTE Maine InfoNet
team and will report to its Executive Director.  The successful candidate
will: (a) provide technology management and leadership; (b) build and
maintain momentum in the effective use of information technology among
libraries utilizing Maine InfoNet services; (c) assist in understanding
and taking advantage of new technological developments that bear on
library operations statewide and help Maine InfoNet  achieve its mission
and realize its plans; and (d) establish and maintain effective
cooperative and collaborative relationships with a variety of
constituencies statewide in support of Maine InfoNet technological goals.
Statewide travel is required.

APPLICATIONS: Interested candidates may call Lynn Kimmel, Personnel
Specialist at (207) 624-7412 for a full job description and direct hire
application or access the Division of Financial and Personnel Services’
web page ([ http://www.maine.gov/fps/opportunities
The State of Maine is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
Publib mailing list
Web4lib mailing list

Re: [CODE4LIB] PHP Frameworks

2008-10-27 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Susan Teague Rector wrote:
We're exploring Zend as a framework for php based Web applications. I'm 
curious to see if anyone out there is using this framework (or another 
MVC framework). Also, I wondering how many full-time developers you have 
on staff programming.

We're working on a project in Symfony.  I'm quite happy with it - I 
rolled out a non-work-related project a couple weeks ago, and it went 
quite smoothly.  There are two of us on the systems team, programming 
when we don't have anything else that needs taking care of.

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Librarian
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x5230
Fax (212) 627-3197

[CODE4LIB] Javascript trees

2008-11-05 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer


Have you had any successful experiences with trees in JS frameworks? 
I'm trying to find one for the site I'm building, in order to "entree" 
the results of an API search; here's what I've found:

Treeview (standalone)
old, no built-in support for asynch loading?

YUI TreeView
don't remember exactly the problem, but there seemed some mismatch 
between versions in the docs and downloads

the JS files are pretty hefty (smallest possible arrangement looked like 

appears abandoned
other than that, I found a couple of plugins, but nothing too 

I'm tentatively working with Drupal, so perhaps there's a way to 
repurpose the native menu tree code...  In any case, TIA for any input!

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Librarian
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x5230
Fax (212) 627-3197

Re: [CODE4LIB] Javascript trees

2008-11-05 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Joe Hourcle wrote:

appears abandoned
other than that, I found a couple of plugins, but nothing too 

As has already been mentioned -- jQuery is _not_ dead, but there's also 
a plugin for a more fully featured tree:

Didn't mean to imply that jQuery were dead, rather just the Tree widget. 
 I'll take a look at treeview.


Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Librarian
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x5230
Fax (212) 627-3197

[CODE4LIB] Job Posting: Programmer Analyst, Yale University Library

2008-11-06 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

*Programmer Analyst II *
*Systems Office*
*Yale University *

* *

*The University and the Library *

One of the world's leading research libraries, Yale University Library
is a full partner in teaching, research, and learning at Yale and is
visited by scholars from around the world.  A distinctive strength is
its rich spectrum of resources, including approximately thirteen million
volumes and information in all media, ranging from ancient papyri to
early printed books to electronic databases.  The Library is engaging in
numerous projects to expand access to its physical and digital
collections.  Housed in twenty-two buildings including the Sterling
Memorial Library, the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, and the
new Bass Library, it employs a dynamic and diverse staff of nearly
six-hundred who offer innovative and flexible services to library
readers.  To learn more about Yale University Library and its
collections and services, visit http://www.library.yale.edu.

*The Position  *

Reporting to the Programmer Analyst III in Library Access Integration
Services, the Programmer Analyst is responsible for the design,
development, testing, installation, and maintenance of Library web and
database applications and analyzes the technical needs of staff, faculty
and readers, and develops proposals to acquire or develop the tools to
answer those needs.


Plans and implements project scope, schedule and budgetary
requirements.  Creates and maintains the databases that support and make
possible the successful implementation of Library’s Digital
Collections.  Works with other Library technology staff and IT staff
across the University, collaborates on the development and
implementation of a variety of automation and digitization projects
conducted in and for the Library.  Produces related documentation and
user manuals as needed.  May design and conduct technical training
sessions for Library staff.  Provides high-level support for the use of
ILLiad.  May be required to assist with disaster recovery efforts.  May
be assigned to work on the West Campus.

*Qualifications *

Bachelor's degree in a relevant area and three years of programming
experience; or an equivalent combination of education and experience.

Demonstrated expertise in MS SQL Server 2005/2008 database development.
Demonstrated high-level expertise supporting Windows XP or Vista.
Demonstrated experience developing web sites using HTML, CSS and XML.
 Experience with object oriented programming using one or more of the
following: VBScript, java, Visual Basic, ASP or C#.  Experience in
developing SOAP and REST Web Service applications.  Experience with MS
SQL Server 2005/2008 programming and development.  Experience with
digital asset management systems used at Yale such as Luna Insight,
Extensis Portfolio, ContentDM, etc.  Experience using image creation /
manipulation tools including PhotoShop.  Experience with classroom
presentation tools including PowerPoint or Keynote.  Demonstrated
experience assisting users with various levels of technical expertise.

Well developed analytical and problem solving skills.  Excellent oral
and written communication skills, particularly a demonstrated ability to
conduct technical training sessions and prepare appropriate on-line
documentation for use by non-technical and technical staff.  Skill at
working with and leading teams of IT and non-IT staff.  Excellent
planning and organizational skills.  Advanced knowledge of HTML and Web
programming and scripting languages such as VBScript, Visual Basic, ASP
and [dot]Net.  Experience with MS SQL Server 2005 programming and
development.  Demonstrated experience developing database-driven web
sites.  Demonstrated success in network and/or workstation application
development using Microsoft .NET using either Visual Basic or C#.
Strong service orientation and excellent analytical, organizational, and
problem resolution skills.  Solid working knowledge of Windows Server
2003/2008, IIS.  Solid working knowledge of Windows XP.  Demonstrated
ability to work well independently and with others in a rapidly changing
and demanding environment.  *Preferred:*  Experience with MS SQL Server
2005/2008 programming and development; experience creating stored
procedures and user defined types.  Experience in the use of Windows
Active Directory infrastructure and MAC OS.  Experience with XSL and
XSLT.  Experience in application development with one of more of the
following: C/C++, Delphi, Java/J# or F#.  Experience with Visual Studio
2005/2008, .NET 2/3, LINQ.  Formal project management training or PMP

*Salary and Benefits*

Rank and competitive salary will be based upon the successful
candidate's qualifications and experience. Full benefits package
including pro-rated 22 vacation days; 18 holiday, recess and personal
days; comprehensive health care; TIAA/CREF or Yale retirement plan; and
relocation assistance. Applications will be accepte

[CODE4LIB] [Fwd: Drupal 6 version of Millennium module available for download]

2008-11-13 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

 Original Message 
Subject: Drupal 6 version of Millennium module available for download
Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2008 15:28:28 -0600
From: Alejandro Garza Gonzalez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Next generation catalogs for libraries <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: Dirección de Biblioteca, Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus 


Just a quick note...

The development version (e.g. "still changing")  of the Millennium
integration module for Drupal 6 is now out.


This module imports bibliographic information from the Millennium
WebOpac (library catalog) and generates Drupal pages which include
real-time holdings information.

The module was already available for Drupal 5, but some told me they
were meaning to use or already using Drupal 6 in their institutions.
Enjoy! =)

Module Features

   * auto-crawl or manual import of items with each cron run
   * support for external book jacket image services
   * imports Library of Congress book description and Table of Contents
along with item, available for searching
   * choose between real-time holdings information or just a link to
the original item in your WebOpac
   * maps MARC fields to taxonomy vocabularies for navigation and RSS
   * Google Books links for items available online

We are currently using the Drupal 5 version of the module at our
Library, which is also using Apache Solr. For a demo search, try this link:


_ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
*Ing. Alejandro Garza González*
Coordinación de proyectos y desarrollo de sistemas
Centro [EMAIL PROTECTED], Centro para la Innovación en Tecnología y Educación
Tecnológico de Monterrey

Tel. +52 [81] 8358.2000, Ext. 6751
Enlace intercampus: 80.689.6751, 80.788.6106

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disclosed through any means without the authorization of the original
sender. If you are not the addressee, you are forbidden from using it,
either totally or partially, for any purpose.

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Librarian
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x5230
Fax (212) 627-3197

Re: [CODE4LIB] T-Shirt Design Contest

2009-01-06 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer
Eek!  A humble request that submitters post graphics online rather than 
attaching, as my box only holds 50M total...

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Librarian
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x5230
Fax (212) 627-3197

Re: [CODE4LIB] Code4libNYC January 29th Meeting - Call for Speakers

2009-01-15 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Kevin Reiss wrote:
All are welcome to attend. If you are thinking of coming please 
RSVP to me so we can have a general head count prior to the meeting.

Hi Kevin --

We're planning on sending two.  I'd like to talk about our open-source 
ERMS project, FreERMS.


Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Librarian
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x5230
Fax (212) 627-3197

Re: [CODE4LIB] PHP Frameworks: An informal survey.

2009-02-12 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Cloutman, David wrote:

This morning I was curious to see how the battle for domination between
PHP frameworks was shaping up, and which one was most economically
sensible for a developer with limited time to learn. I thought I'd share
my results with the list, as this may be of interest to some of you.

I found this post and comments to be of value:


FWIW I have been working with symfony (to the exclusion of other 
framewords) for... about a year now, I think?  I'm very pleased, 
particularly with the amount of new functionality that's come with each 
of the major new releases (1.1 and 1.2)


Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Librarian
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x5230
Fax (212) 627-3197

[CODE4LIB] Cancelled hotel room for conf

2009-02-19 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer


I've just cancelled my reservation for the conference next week.  Not 
sure if there's a waiting list, but have at it!


Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Librarian
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x5230
Fax (212) 627-3197

[CODE4LIB] Serials Solutions Summon

2009-04-17 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Hello all:

I see that there was an Andrew Nagy-led breakout on Summon at the con. 
Summon is a NGC product with the distinction of using a local copy of 
indexes of licensed content (by agreement with Elsevier, JSTOR, et alia) 
for federated search - rather than the traditional Z39.50 or API calls 
to vendor servers.

Can anyone offer a brief summary of what was discussed?  I am 
particularly interested in the feasibility of obtaining local indexes 
for use in an OSS product.


Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x5230
Fax (212) 627-3197
Email yitzc...@touro.edu
Twitter /torahsyslib

Re: [CODE4LIB] Serials Solutions Summon

2009-04-21 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Andrew Nagy wrote:

Summon is really more than an NGC as we are selling it as a service - a
unified discovery service.  This means that it is a single repository of the
library's content ( subscription content, catalog records, IR data, etc.).
Federated search is not apart of Summon

Well, if we understand "federated" to mean "bringing stuff together by 
searching all of it at once," then it is, as opposed to "broadcast 
searching," a term you used later in this sentence.  As in, "Origin:
1665–75; < L foederātus leagued together, allied, equiv. to foeder- 
(nom. s. foedus) league" from


It is, though, a great *breakthrough* in the area of federated search, 
which is why we ordered an onsite demo immediately on hearing about this 

But I don't think I was clear with my question in any case; it occurs to 
me now that my true question wasn't code-related, but seeing Summon on 
the conf agenda prompted me to bring it up here.  Namely: has anyone 
investigated whether the arrangements SerSol has with content vendors 
are easily duplicable by institutions for home-baked/potential OSS products

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x5230
Fax (212) 627-3197
Email yitzc...@touro.edu
Twitter /torahsyslib

Re: [CODE4LIB] Serials Solutions Summon

2009-04-22 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Jonathan Rochkind wrote:
It _would_ be great if SerSol would actually give you (if you were 
subscribed) a feed of their harvested and normalized metadata, so you 
could still pay them to collect and normalize it, but then use it for 
your own purposes outside of Summon. I hope SerSol will consider this 
down the line, if Summon is succesful.

This is available as a dump for their traditional holdings product, 
which makes it possible to do just this (i.e. use SerSol cleaned 
holdings/access info in a local system).  My working with SerSol has 
brought me to see them as essentially a great data aggregation service 
with some OK software bundled in.  We are looking ahead to possibly 
using this technique by loading their data into a local ERMS.

Agreed that such an availability of data would be a great service with 
the Summon metadata as well.

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x5230
Fax (212) 627-3197
Email yitzc...@touro.edu
Twitter /torahsyslib

[CODE4LIB] EmeraldView, a new frontend for Greenstone

2009-06-02 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer


Have you ever worked with Greenstone, the open-source collection hosting 
solution Greenstone?  Ever try to do anything more that superficial 
customization of the interface?

Have you ever held your breath, waiting for someone's reaction when you 
nonchalantly send a link to a page of your collection (in the 
pre-tinyurl days) looking something like


We needed the proven Unicode support of Greenstone, but shuddered at 
this and similar issues arising out of the antiquity of Greenstone's 
codebase.  [cue triumphant music]  So we set out to create: EmeraldView! 
a new lightweight (for now) PHP frontend for Greenstone, using the 
CodeIgniter framework.  The above URL becomes


Happily, Greenstone collections can be configured out of the box to 
build using Sqlite for metadata storage, and Lucene for indexing, as 
opposed to default MG or MG++ [http://www.cs.mu.OZ.AU/mg/].  This makes 
it surprisingly easy to tap into the backend.  Using EmeraldView 
requires no modifications to the native Greenstone code; it simply sits 
on top.

Theming and i18n/l10n are supported, though we're still working out the 
details.  Check us out at http://emeraldview.tourolib.org/ - there's a 
demo there which reflects our current stage of development.  (We don't 
have a designer working on it yet, so it still looks rather brutish.)

We'd love to hear your suggestions or Greenstone hacking stories.  You 
can checkout the code using

$ svn co https://svn.tourolib.org/emeraldview/trunk dest-dir


Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x5230
Fax (212) 627-3197
Email yitzchak.schaf...@tourolib.org

[CODE4LIB] EmeraldView, a PHP frontend for Greenstone

2009-07-10 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer
The systems team at Touro College Libraries is pleased to announce the 
beta release of EmeraldView, a new open-source PHP frontend for the 
Greenstone digital library system.

More information is available at the project website at

A live demo is running at

We would be excited if anyone has a bit of time to contribute to the 
project, particularly in the design department, as the user interface is 
still waiting for a visionary.

We will also be thrilled to hear any and all feedback.  We know you are 
checking out the site and downloading the code!  Hit us up.


Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x5230
Fax (212) 627-3197
Email yitzchak.schaf...@tourolib.org

[CODE4LIB] Greenstone: tweaking Lucene indexing

2009-09-29 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer


Sorry for any cross-posting annoyance.  I have a request for a 
Greenstone collection I'm working on, to add context snippets to search 
results; for example a search for "yak culture" might return this in the 
list of results:

... addressing the fine points of yak culture, the 
zoosociologists took into account ...

Sounds like a pretty basic feature, say our sponsors, and I agree.  (Ah, 
it's also an old Trac ticket at http://trac.greenstone.org/ticket/444)

I see that GS out-of-the-box is set *not* to store the fulltext in the 
index, which seems to be a prerequisite for this kind of thing, as in 
http://bit.ly/ljNkL .  Has anyone modified the Lucene indexing wrapper 
locally to do this?

Given that we don't have any Java coders on staff, I've started porting 
the Lucene wrapper to PHP for use with a custombuilder.pl and 
Zend_Search_Lucene.  I already have a PHP frontend, so adjusting that to 
display the results shouldn't be a problem; OTOH because the frontend is 
PHP, I'm restricted to using buildtype lucene, or something else with 
good PHP support.

Many thanks,

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x5230
Fax (212) 627-3197
Email yitzchak.schaf...@gmx.com

Re: [CODE4LIB] Greenstone: tweaking Lucene indexing

2009-09-29 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Erik Hatcher wrote:
The Lucene Highlighter doesn't require that the text you want 
highlighted be stored.  In fact, you can pass in any arbitrary text to 
the Highlighter.

Thanks Erik,

What I'm looking for is to return the context of the search result, not 
just the ID of the containing document - e.g. when all I input is "yak 
culture," I get back the context from the document as a search result, 
without having to retrieve the doc itself:

... addressing the fine points of yak culture, the 
zoosociologists took into account ...

GS out of the box does not appear to support this, as it does not store 
the fulltext in the index.  So yes, I can highlight stuff, but as it 
stands, I don't have the text to work with.  IANA Lucene guru, so 
correct me if I misunderstand.

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x5230
Fax (212) 627-3197
Email yitzchak.schaf...@gmx.com

Re: [CODE4LIB] Greenstone: tweaking Lucene indexing

2009-09-29 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Erik Hatcher wrote:
I'm a bit confused then.  You mentioned that somehow Zend Lucene was 
going to help, but if you don't have the text to highlight anywhere then 
the Highlighter isn't going to be of any use.  Again, you don't need the 
full text in the Lucene index, but you do need it get it from somewhere 
in order to be able to highlight it.


I started to port the native Greenstone Java Lucene wrapper to PHP, so I 
could then modify it to add this feature, as I don't know Java.  This 
would mean using Zend Lucene for the actual indexing implementation.  My 
question is whether anyone's already done it, in Java or otherwise.

Thanks for the clarification,

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x5230
Fax (212) 627-3197
Email yitzchak.schaf...@gmx.com

Re: [CODE4LIB] Greenstone: tweaking Lucene indexing

2009-09-29 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Ross Singer wrote:

Yitzchak, are you interested in actually searching the fulltext?  Or just
highlighting the terms?

Sorry this wasn't clearer.  Let me re-summarize, and report on a new 

- Greenstone allows for Lucene as one of the indexing plugins

- I took advantage of this for use in our PHP frontend, EmeraldView 

- Greenstone includes a Java wrapper class for Lucene which indexes 
documents as the collection is built

- This wrapper class indexes but does not store the document full text; 
thus a search only returns document IDs of hits.  This means that, in 
order to place search terms in context, we have to load the actual 
documents.  I want the search API itself to return the surrounding text.

New info:

I was in fact able to hack the Java to include the full text in the 
index.  Just a matter of adding a line of code and an "if" statement, 
once I'd been immersed in the code long enough.  Trying to port it to 
PHP (i.e. rewrite it) was instrumental in figuring out why in the world 
the Greenstone indexing code is structured the way it is.

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x5230
Fax (212) 627-3197
Email yitzchak.schaf...@gmx.com

Re: [CODE4LIB] Greenstone: tweaking Lucene indexing

2009-09-29 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Ross Singer wrote:

Yitzchak, are you interested in actually searching the fulltext?  Or just
highlighting the terms?

Just in case my earlier response didn't make it crystal clear: we're 
trying to search the fulltext, and put the search string in context 
within the document which includes it.

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x5230
Fax (212) 627-3197
Email yitzchak.schaf...@gmx.com

[CODE4LIB] NYC Carpool?

2009-10-14 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Hi all, apologies for cross-post from con list:

My conference proposal last year was turned down b/c of our budget
crunch, and I'm wondering what I can do to increase the likelihood of
approval this year.  I'm wondering if anyone in a similar situation
would be interested in the idea of an NYC metro carpool for the ~12
hour drive to and from Asheville in Feb?  If someone has a car
available (I don't) we could use it, or else rent a car if we had at
least, say, 4 people.  (Also perhaps this wouldn't be as feasible for
the luggage-heavy travelers among us.)

We would have to discuss whether to go for the precons or not.
My estimation of car rental + gas is roughly $500 total for a 5-
seater, so figure about $100 per person with five.  Airfare, by
contrast, is about $300.  I would suggest that each person put in a
deposit of $75, so in case of one or more bailouts, no one gets stuck
paying for (much) more than expected.  If all bail, all get the money

There's no telling until prob. after registration whether MPOW will
give me registration & hotel money, so I might myself bail; if it does
go through, I'd be up for renting & driving.

Any interested parties?

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY  10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x5230
Fax (212) 627-3197
Email yitzchak.schaf...@gmx.com

Re: [CODE4LIB] NYC Carpool?

2009-10-14 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Mark A. Matienzo wrote:

Hi Yitzchak -

I might be interested. A few code4lib folks and I did this for
code4lib 2007 in Athens, Georgia; our carpool started in Philadelphia,
went through DC, and picked up a few folks along the way in Virginia.
Even if you can't get a whole lot of people from New York proper, you
may be able to snag some others along the way.

Hi Mark,

Good point.  Aside from the direct route through Allentown and along 
I-81 to Harrisburg PA and through VA, the route could alternately follow 
I-95 through Philly, Balto/DC and Richmond, then cut west through NC 
without too much extra mileage.

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY  10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x5230
Fax (212) 627-3197
Email yitzchak.schaf...@gmx.com

Access Problems? Contact systems.libr...@touro.edu

Re: [CODE4LIB] NYC Carpool?

2009-10-15 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

I started a new RoommatesRidesEtc wiki page at


I included the names of those who have expressed interest; feel free to 
obfuscate if you don't want your full name there.

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY  10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x5230
Fax (212) 627-3197
Email yitzchak.schaf...@gmx.com

Access Problems? Contact systems.libr...@touro.edu

[CODE4LIB] Web analytics for POST data

2009-11-19 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Hello coders,

I'm looking at tracking our III OPAC usage via a Google Analytics-like 
tool.  As far as I can tell, GA itself doesn't track POST data for 
privacy reasons.  Anyone here know of something for this?  I found an 
open-source GA-like, on-your-own-server PHP project called Piwik 
[http://piwik.org] which I imagine does this, or could be modified 
easily enough.

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x5230
Fax (212) 627-3197
Email yitzchak.schaf...@tourolib.org

[CODE4LIB] MongoDB slides

2009-11-22 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

FYI, a posting with slides from a presentation on MongoDB (I didn't go)

From mongodb.org:

"MongoDB (from "humongous") is a scalable, high-performance, open 
source, schema-free, document-oriented database. Written in C++, MongoDB 
features: ..."

"MongoDB bridges the gap between key-value stores (which are fast and 
highly scalable) and traditional RDBMS systems (which provide structured 
schemas and powerful queries)."

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x5230
Fax (212) 627-3197
Email yitzchak.schaf...@tourolib.org

Re: [CODE4LIB] Web analytics for POST data

2009-11-23 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Alejandro Garza Gonzalez wrote:
1) You *can* use GA and some Javascript embedded in your III pages to 
log "events" (as they´re called in GA lingo). The javascript (depending 
on your coding wizardry level) could track anything from hovers over 
elements, form submission, "next page" events, etc.

Hi Alejandro,

Thanks for a great suggestion.  I tried poking around at it; it seems to 
me like Events aren't built for what I'm really interested in doing, 
namely systematic exploration and analysis of the search sessions.  IOW, 
let's say a form looks like


It looks like I could log this as three separate events, or one; but 
either way, how would one analyze this?  I'm not interested (solely) in 
how many times this particular query was entered.

I started looking at ways to funnel the params into my own tracking 
script, the prototype of which just writes a line to a text file with a 
JSON serialization of the form data; but I'm not a JS ninja, so I'm 
still trying to figure out how to get around the XSS problems.

Ruddy III turnkey...

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x5230
Fax (212) 627-3197
Email yitzchak.schaf...@tourolib.org

[CODE4LIB] SVN/Mercurial hosting

2009-12-16 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Hello all,

As I was considering whether to migrate our SVN repositories to 
Mercurial (or possibly Bazaar) so as to allow for distributed control 
(like if I'm on the train or otherwise off the grid), I got word from 
our IT higher-ups that they want us to stop hosting our code on our 
domain and server.

Before I start trekking around looking for hosting, does anyone in the 
crowd here have a server set up, and is potentially willing to host 
Trac+SVN or Trac+HG for our open-source projects?  We currently have two.

Alternately, I'd love to hear suggestions on regular hosting providers - 
particularly for Trac+Mercurial.

Many thanks,

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY  10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x5230
Fax (212) 627-3197
Email yitzchak.schaf...@gmx.com

Access Problems? Contact systems.libr...@touro.edu

Re: [CODE4LIB] NYC carpool?

2009-12-16 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

On 12/16/2009 2:27 PM, Schwartz, Raymond wrote:

Anyone in the New York City area interested in this?  /Ray

As an addendum, the wiki page for updates on the carpool is

I am still planning to go, pending getting funding approval.  I do *not* 
plan on attending the preconferences; if this were a breaking factor in 
the carpool, I would reconsider.

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY  10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x5230
Fax (212) 627-3197
Email yitzchak.schaf...@gmx.com

Access Problems? Contact systems.libr...@touro.edu

Re: [CODE4LIB] ipsCA Certs

2009-12-18 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

On 12/18/2009 12:03 PM, John Wynstra wrote:

We are going to purchase a certificate elseware, because we can't wait
for ipsCA root Cert to get into popular browsers.

Ergh.  Anyone have any fresh research on cheap education wildcard certs? 
 We're using SSL on three (soon to be four) publicly-used hosts.  TLD 
is .org though.

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY  10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x5230
Fax (212) 627-3197
Email yitzchak.schaf...@gmx.com

Access Problems? Contact systems.libr...@touro.edu

Re: [CODE4LIB] ipsCA Certs

2009-12-25 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer
Whew.  Just survived an Ubuntu dist-upgrade which broke our Apache SSL 
virtual hosts configuration.  I had thought the foulup on the test 
server was because we were testing various certs in the wake of the root 
CA expiration!

We estimate that 15-25% of our users will be affected (the new root CA 
seems to work in Google Chrome as well as IE), and that a new wildcart 
cert could be had for $40 or $80 from StartSSL for two years - not quite 
sure yet what level verification we'd need, hence the 40/80 doubt.

We're running multiple name-based hosts at one IP address (for 
encryption), hence the reliance on the wildcart cert.  We could 
conceivably get more IP addresses, but I don't know if I want to take 
that one up with IT.  Methinks we're going to try scraping together 
40/80 bucks, which isn't as simple here as it may sound.

Twitter's been very helpful in keeping up with this.

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY  10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x5230
Fax (212) 627-3197
Email yitzchak.schaf...@gmx.com

Access Problems? Contact systems.libr...@touro.edu

[CODE4LIB] OOP architecture, Greenstone/EmeraldView

2010-01-12 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Hello all,

A question on MVC-like architecture for EmeraldView, the Greenstone PHP 
frontend I'm working on.  First, a crash-course in the Greenstone data 

The biggest unit of content in Greenstone is the "collection."  Within 
each collection, G references content in "documents" which are broken 
into "sections."  Each document and section (I've taken to calling them 
nodes) is represented in a datastore by a record with metadata.  So for 
example, represented in YAML:

  Title: "Pigs in space"
  Subject: "pigs, space"
  Contains: DOC123.1,DOC123.2
  Title: "The mission begins"
  Contains: DOC123.1.1
  Title: "More of the mission beginning"
  Title: "The mission continues"

Browse trees can be created on arbitrary metadata fields, and are called 
"classifiers."  They also consist of a root "node" and subnodes; for 

  Title: "Author"
  Contains: CL1.1,CL1.2
  Title: "Aardvark, Larry"
  Contains: DOC123,DOC456
  Title: "Milton, John"
  Contains: DOC789,DOC654

Okay, now for the question.  I have written a Node class to represent 
this most basic level of organization, with subclasses Node_Document 
(representing a document or section thereof) and Node_Classifier (for a 
classifier or subnode thereof).  This makes sense to me for representing 
the metadata, as described above.


What happens when I need to deal with the *web page* representing the 
content of a node?  In Greenstone (and thus in EmeraldView), each 
classifier, document, and section has a page view associated with it. 
There are certain behaviors that apply to a web page and not a 
"Model"-level node, such as getUrl(), getSourceDocumentUrl(), getHTML()...

I have been using wrapper classes for the Nodes (Classifier and 
DocumentSection), and, realizing that there is much duplicate 
functionality between the two, thought to make them inherit from a 
common class.

[there are a couple of obsolete duplicate methods in here that I haven't 
cleaned out yet]


When I came to the question of what to call this parent class, I took a 
step back, wondering, what sort of class is this, exactly?  Does it 
merit a distinct class apart from Node?  I looked through Gang of Four, 
but couldn't find anything that really reflected what I'm trying to do - 
this seems simpler than most of their patterns.  Intuitively it feels to 
me like this should indeed be a separate class from Node, as Node is for 
metadata, and this class is to be for web page behavior.  Perhaps:



Thanks so much!

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x5230
Fax (212) 627-3197
Email yitzchak.schaf...@tourolib.org

[CODE4LIB] PTFS to Acquire LibLime

2010-01-14 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer


Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x5230
Fax (212) 627-3197
Email yitzchak.schaf...@tourolib.org

Access Problems? Contact systems.libr...@touro.edu

[CODE4LIB] EmeraldView 0.2 beta release

2010-02-24 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Hello all,

We are excited to announce the first beta release in the 0.2 branch of 
EmeraldView, a PHP frontend for Greenstone.  EmeraldView is now built on 
the Kohana framework, and adds search snippet functionality.  The 
project homepage is http://yitznewton.org/emeraldview/ - feel free to 
send questions my way.

If you're at the code4lib conference, check out my lightning talk this 

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x5230
Fax (212) 627-3197
Email yitzchak.schaf...@tourolib.org

Access Problems? Contact systems.libr...@touro.edu

[CODE4LIB] The conf; my EmeraldView presentation

2010-03-01 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer
Hi all, thanks for a great conference!  Special thanks to Naomi Dushay, 
Jessie Keck, and Bess Sadler and the rest of the Blacklight team for an 
awesome precon which gave me a good kick in the pants in terms of TDD, 
and more goodies.

I notice that Solr has gone from preconference curiosity a few years 
back (IIRC) to a de facto standard in so much of our best software.

In terms of my own lightning talk, apologies if it lacked coherency and 
direction; I spent most of my prep time bashing out the last of the 
pre-beta bug fixes & enhancements, and getting the wiki up on the 
hosting site, etc.

My main intention was to share an approach to dealing with a 
showstopping problem in an otherwise-useful mature OSS app, that worked 
for us.  I was also hoping to demo the blasted thing, but ran out of 
time.  So, the closing remarks I didn't get to give: if you have some 
product, part of which works, and part of which is useless, see if you 
can manage to get your tentacles into the working part and hack it. 
Once I discovered that Greenstone collections can be configured to use 
Lucene (for fulltext and metadata indexing) and SQLite (descriptive and 
structural metadata store), and PHP has good support for those 
technologies, I figured it was worth a shot - and a few thousand lines 
of code later, it works.  We hope.

Bonus points for hacking in a foreign language - I wanted to add search 
result snippet support, and after rummaging around in the Greenstone 
collection-building code (and giving up in despair buried to my waist in 
mind-bending, weirdly-formatted OOP Perl code, then discovering 
perl-tidy and going back to it again), I discovered that the indexing 
tweak I needed involved some Java that works with the native Lucene 
libraries.  I don't really know Java, but who cares - I read the code, 
added a line, did a make - and it works!  Try the impossible.

Yitzchak Schaffer (yitznewton)
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x5230
Fax (212) 627-3197
Email yitzchak.schaf...@tourolib.org

Access Problems? Contact systems.libr...@touro.edu

[CODE4LIB] New Nagios PHP plugin library

2010-03-19 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Hello all,

I've just posted a couple of PHP classes for Nagios; so far there is 
functionality for an EZproxy proxy-ready check (virtual hosts not 
exceeded, etc.) that scrapes the web admin interface.


If anyone wants to contribute, just let me know.

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x5230
Fax (212) 627-3197
Email yitzchak.schaf...@tourolib.org

Access Problems? Contact systems.libr...@touro.edu

Re: [CODE4LIB] newbie

2010-03-25 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

On 3/25/2010 10:24, Brian Stamper wrote:

On Wed, 24 Mar 2010 17:51:38 -0400, Mark Tomko 

I wouldn't recommend PHP to learn as a programming language, if your
goal is to have a general purpose programming language at your
disposal. PHP is a fine language for building dynamic web pages, but
it won't help you to slice and dice a big text file or process a bunch
of XML or do some other "odd job" that you don't want to do by hand.

To be precise, PHP can indeed do these kind of things, particularly in
command line mode. I certainly don't recommend it, but if you're used to
PHP for other reasons, and you already have it available to you, you can
do 'odd jobs' with PHP. You can also use your teeth to open a tight
bottle cap, the edge of a knife as a screwdriver, and duct tape to
perform auto repairs.


Especially if you're doing or thinking of doing things in the general 
web arena, PHP is widely used, well-supported by a variety of 
open-source libraries/frameworks/other projects, and webhosts.  It can 
probably do X, though something else might do it better.  That's why I 
adopted PHP: overall success.

See also http://i.imgur.com/pG3q7.jpg

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x5230
Fax (212) 627-3197
Email yitzchak.schaf...@tourolib.org

Access Problems? Contact systems.libr...@touro.edu

Re: [CODE4LIB] newbie

2010-03-25 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

On 3/24/2010 17:43, Joe Hourcle wrote:

I know there's a lot of stuff written in it, but *please* don't
recommend PHP to beginners.

Yes, you can get a lot of stuff done with it, but I've had way too many
incidents where newbie coders didn't check their inputs, and we've had
to clean up after them.

Another way of looking at this: part of learning a language is learning 
its vulnerabilities and how to deal with them.  And how to avoid 
security holes in web code in general.

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x5230
Fax (212) 627-3197
Email yitzchak.schaf...@tourolib.org

Access Problems? Contact systems.libr...@touro.edu

Re: [CODE4LIB] Running a repository on Debian Stable

2010-04-08 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

On 4/8/2010 11:14, Mike Taylor wrote:

I want to run a simple repository on a Debian Stable box -- something
that lets me and other authorized people upload PDFs and create and
edit metadata describing them, and that lets anyone search the archive
and download the PDFs.  In short, I want something like DSpace or
EPrints, although I don't need anything like the full power of those

Most of all, I want something that I can install from the standard
operating system packages, using apt-get.  (I am not looking to invest
time in becoming an expert in the archive system, and don't want to
mess about installing from source.)

I was surprised to find that there seems to be no package for DSpace,
EPrints, Fedora, or any of the other half-dozen names that I tried.

Hi Mike,


# not sure if this is like "from source"


Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x5230
Fax (212) 627-3197
Email yitzchak.schaf...@tourolib.org

Access Problems? Contact systems.libr...@touro.edu

[CODE4LIB] New open-source inventory system

2010-04-30 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Hello all, apologies for cross-posting.

We have just released a PHP/symfony application for processing the 
inventory of ILS item, under the new BSD license.  This is great for 
those of us with an ILS that can do data export, but lacks an inventory 
module.  Code is included for importing items from III export files, as 
well as checking LC shelf-order.


Have fun; let me know if you want to contribute.

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x5230
Fax (212) 627-3197
Email yitzchak.schaf...@tourolib.org

Access Problems? Contact systems.libr...@touro.edu

Re: [CODE4LIB] A call for your OPAC (or other system) statistics! (Browse interfaces)

2010-05-04 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

On 5/3/2010 16:26, Tod Olson wrote:

In addition to known-item searching, our grad students also use title browse to be 
confident that we do _not_ own something.  In our relevance-ranked interface, sometimes 
the scholar may blame relevance ranking for "hiding" a title from them which we 
don't actually own.  It's an understandable reaction.

Yeah, I do this too.  III.

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x5230
Fax (212) 627-3197
Email yitzchak.schaf...@tourolib.org

Access Problems? Contact systems.libr...@touro.edu

[CODE4LIB] EZproxy startup scripts and ezproxy.lck

2012-02-23 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Hi all,

Just wanted to pass on some info folks may know already. Sorry about the 

The Linux box running our EZproxy instances crashed hard last night. 
(Not sure why yet, I don't admin the hardware.)

When this happens, the ezproxy.lck file remains. EZproxy will not start 
with that file in place, and apparently fails silently as far as STDERR 
is concerned (i.e. no mention in the logs). I had to try running the 
ezproxy binary manually to see the STDOUT output.

So: your startup script needs to take that into account. Our custom 
script didn't :\ Not sure if the one generated by [ezproxy -si] does.

(P.S. Nagios FTW!)

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
212.742.8770 ext. 2432

Access Problems? Contact systems.libr...@touro.edu

Re: [CODE4LIB] Transcription/dictation software?

2012-02-27 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

On 02/27/2012 15:22, Nathan Tallman wrote:

Is Amazon Mechanical Turk expensive? Anyone know an average cost for an
hour of audio?

I used to do transcriptions on the worker side. I preferred clips of 
30-60 seconds; there seemed to be a better going rate. Often there would 
be a big set of such clips, and I would end up doing a bunch of them. I 
think they went for 10 or 20 cents a clip. But there's a wide range. 
You'll probably want to double them up, i.e. get two or three workers to 
do each bit, and then normalize and diff them for QA.

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
212.742.8770 ext. 2432

Access Problems? Contact systems.libr...@touro.edu

Re: [CODE4LIB] symfony

2012-03-13 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

On 03/08/2012 17:36, Nate Hill wrote:

2. tight with the Symfony PHP framework

I presume you're interested in v2.0? (I'm neither going nor up to speed 
on 2)

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
212.742.8770 ext. 2432

Access Problems? Contact systems.libr...@touro.edu

[CODE4LIB] NYC code4lib meetup: next Weds April 25

2012-04-19 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Hello all,

The code4lib-nyc chapter in conjunction with METRO is holding our 
somewhat-quarterly jam session:

next Wednesday, April 25 10am-noon at the METRO Training Center,
57 E 11th Street, NYC.

Come talk about your projects, and find out what everybody's working on! 
Folks without technical background are welcome to join us.

No charge; please register at

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
212.742.8770 ext. 2432

Access Problems? Contact systems.libr...@touro.edu

[CODE4LIB] Job: Mid-level LAMP Developer, Touro College (Lower Manhattan)

2012-04-27 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Mid-level LAMP Developer (Lower Manhattan)

Reports to: Associate Director of Libraries
Status: Full Time/35 hrs. per week
FLSA: Exempt
Location: Lower Manhattan

About Touro College

Touro is a system of Jewish-sponsored non-profit institutions of higher
and professional education. Touro College was chartered in 1970
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branch campuses and programs in Berlin, Jerusalem, Moscow, Paris, and
Florida. Touro University California and its Nevada branch campus, as
well as Touro College Los Angeles and Touro University Worldwide, are
separately accredited institutions within the Touro College and
University System. For further information on Touro College, please go
to: http://www.touro.edu/media/.

Job Summary

Touro seeks a self-directed developer/sysadmin committed to excellent
user service, to maintain and grow our web presence. Management is
non-technical, so the Developer will be required to take initiative in
planning the Libraries' web projects and overall direction, as well as
keeping up to date on web and mobile practice, and bringing it to our
sites. Our week is 35 hours with no expectation of working after hours,
excepting server emergencies.

We run Drupal 6, Mediawiki and several MVC applications on a single
Ubuntu server. Our stack includes nginx, symfony, Kohana, jQuery, Apache
Solr, MySQL, Nagios, and Puppet. One full-time support technician
reports to this position. Some of our sites are:

- http://www.tourolib.org/ (Drupal)
- http://www.tidhar.tourolib.org/ (Kohana, Solr search)
- http://facpubs.tourolib.org/ (symfony)

Job Responsibilities

Includes the following but not limited to:

- web development
- systems administration
- user support
- occasional training of non-technical library staff
- participation in college-wide IT committee


### Education, Preparation, and Training

- Bachelor's degree

### Skills

- Project management experience
- User support background
- Desirable but not required: library experience, especially integrated
  library systems (we use III); knowledge of Hebrew

### Physical Demands

- Extensive Use of Computers
- Extensive time sitting
- Ability to lift 5 lbs.

### Computer Skills

- 2+ years PHP experience on LAMP
- Hand-coding of HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- DVCS (we use git)
- Linux command line
- Apache or nginx configuration
- Experience with CMS, including management of contributed modules
- Desirable but not required: Drupal, symphony, nginx configuration,
  Basic Perl experience, Experience compiling software from source
  (we do this for PHP and nginx)

### Travel



To apply, send resume, cover letter, and code samples to

No calls or third parties, please.


Touro College is committed to the principles of equal employment
opportunity. Our practices and employment decisions regarding
employment, hiring, assignment, promotion, compensation, and other terms
and conditions of employment are not to be based on an employee's race,
color, sex, age, religion, national origin, disability, ancestry,
military discharge status, sexual orientation, marital status, genetic
predisposition, housing status, or any other protected status, in
accordance with applicable law. Our policies are in conformance with
Title IX, 1972 Education Amendments

Re: [CODE4LIB] Job: Head of Web Services (Ohio University Libraries, Ohio) at Ohio University

2012-12-13 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

On 12/13/2012 10:40 AM, j...@code4lib.org wrote:

Head of Web Services

The Ohio University Libraries seeks applications and nominations for an
innovative and collaborative professional to provide leadership and direction
as Head of Web Services. This recently formed department will bring vision and
expertise to planning, developing, implementing and maintaining robust web
technology supporting the Libraries' mission.

More details from the Univ site:

LocationAthens Campus [45701]
Typically 8-5, M-F. Some evenings and weekends may be required
Pay Grade   Admin & Professional |87|
Posting End Date01/27/2013

Re: [CODE4LIB] Job: Systems Librarian at 3M

2012-12-19 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

On 12/17/2012 09:02 PM, j...@code4lib.org wrote:

For more details and to apply for this position online, visit
http://3m.com/careers and search for Job Number 1210368.

Location USA Region-United States-Minnesota-Maplewood, USA

[CODE4LIB] Position Opening: Entry Web Developer, Touro College Libraries, New York, NY

2007-10-22 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer
Technical & Electronic Services
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY  10010

Position Opening (available immediately)

*** Entry Level Web Developer (FT) ***

No library experience necessary.  Reporting to the Systems Librarian, the
Web Developer will work with the Systems Librarian and other staff to
design, implement, and maintain the electronic services managed by Technical
& Electronic Services (TES).  Our department provides expert cataloging and
web-based applications and content to Touro Libraries and their users
worldwide.  We are a quiet office of nine professionals and clerical staff.
Although we work independently on specialized tasks most of the time,
collaboration at key points in our projects is critical.  Given the
complexity and specialized nature of library services and their supporting
technology, the Web Developer will have a particular need to maintain close
consultation with colleagues within and beyond TES.


- Participate in a redesign of the Libraries' website, including development
and maintenance of public areas, as well as intranet services to optimize
workflow and staff communication within the Libraries.

- Develop and maintain an Electronic Resource Management System (complex
database-driven web application integrated with EZproxy servers
<http://www.usefulutilities.com/> for access management and administration
of licensed e-content.

- Implement and maintain an OAIS-minded digital repository (e.g. Fedora
Commons <http://www.fedora-commons.org/> to archive and provide access to
the Libraries' growing digital collections.

- Maintain the web-based front end ("catalog") of the Libraries' Innovative
Interfaces Integrated Library System <http://www.iii.com/>.

- Ensure ongoing access to licensed e-content services.  Perform regular
updates to the Libraries' Serials Solutions e-content discovery system.


- Strong knowledge of current (X)HTML and CSS standards and accepted
standards-based web design practices.  Knowledge of XML standards.

- Knowledge of scripting languages such as JavaScript, PHP, ASP, Perl.

- Proven ability to develop database-driven websites (i.e. WAMP/LAMP),
taking into account appropriate security considerations.

- Ability to acquire a working knowledge of new languages and environments
quickly and independently.


- BA/BS degree in Computer Science or equivalent experience.

- Demonstrated design of database-driven websites which successfully meet
the needs of clients or users.  "Clients or users" is freely interpretable
but is understood to refer to parties other than the applicant.


Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.  For immediate
consideration, please submit your resume via e-mail, postal mail, or fax.
No calls, please.

Yitzchak Schaffer, MLS
Systems Librarian
Touro College Libraries
Technical & Electronic Services
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY  10010
Fax (212) 627-3197

Touro College does not currently sponsor graduated foreign students to
obtain "H" status.
Touro College is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

[CODE4LIB] 2008 Conference - registration?

2007-12-04 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Greetings all --

I've been following the conference site, and haven't seen any mention of
registration.  I just want to make sure I don't miss the boat - is
registration happening yet?

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Librarian
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x230
Fax (212) 627-3197

[CODE4LIB] Evergreen preconference at code4lib 2008

2008-01-07 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer


Is there any information available on the specifics of the Evergreen
pre-conference workshop?  I'd very much like to attend, but the idea of
red-eyeing it or being away an extra day for the 9:00 am session is less
than joysome.

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Librarian
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x230
Fax (212) 627-3197

[CODE4LIB] Conference cancellation fee

2008-01-07 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer


Might be useful for you to know - from the confirmation letter returned
upon registering:

"[Cancellation] requests made on or before February 4, 2008 will receive
a full refund of their conference registration (*minus a $45
administrative fee*)..."

(emphasis mine)
Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Librarian
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x230
Fax (212) 627-3197

Re: [CODE4LIB] perl questions

2008-01-23 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

I second this - especially for those of us who aren't currently learning
Perl, but who expect they probably will at some point.

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Librarian
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x230
Fax (212) 627-3197

Cloutman, David wrote:

I don't code PERL, but I enjoy reading about languages that aren't in my 
toolkit. Often I find that I can learn something more high-leve from such 
discussion. The PERL 6 thread on Web4lib was particularly interesting this week.

- David

David Cloutman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Electronic Services Librarian
Marin County Free Library

[CODE4LIB] Open-source ERMS?

2008-02-14 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Greetings --

We are finally working on putting together a proper ERMS.  Our internal
structure is consortium-like, with member institutions able to buy into
our resources; so although we are a Serials Solutions client, it seems
their system is not capable of handling this.  I know from experience
that we've had to stretch the custom-name fields in the user display to
indicate which members have access to which resources.

We are following the DLF ERM report closely, at least in designing the
database, which is where we're at now.  My questions: firstly, are there
any other such projects going on out there?  I've looked at the HERMES
webpage [http://hermes.mse.jhu.edu:8008/hermesdocs/] which was helpful,
but it seems that they stopped releasing code with 0.1 who knows how
long ago.  The DLF report itself refers to that project.  My
pokings-around haven't yielded any recent open-source/other homegrown
projects informed by their initiative.

Secondly: would anyone out there be potentially interested in using our
ERMS if we would end up releasing it as open-source?  (FreERMS[tm]?)  Up
until now we have been steering towards a implementation-specific
database design, omitting parts of the DLF report prototype, but if
others are interested, perhaps it makes sense to extend it to include
other elements.

Any thoughts and suggestions are welcome.  Thanks!
Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Librarian
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x230
Fax (212) 627-3197


2008-03-04 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Greetings all:

Many thanks to all the presenters for a great conference!

One thing that people kept mentioning was SKOS.  That was a duhh point
for me; I just took a look at the w3.org and Wikipedia pages on it, but
it doesn't look like something I can spend time trying to figure out
right now. Does anyone have a quick explanation comparing this to other
projects/concepts in Libraryland?

Many thanks,

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Librarian
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x230
Fax (212) 627-3197


2008-03-05 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Jon Phipps wrote:

Hi Yitzchak,

Probably the quickest explanation is to look at the first few slides
from a presentation that I gave on SKOS at the Open Forum on Metadata
Registries last year...

Just what I needed.  Thanks Jon!

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Librarian
Touro College Libraries
33 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel (212) 463-0400 x230
Fax (212) 627-3197

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