Re: [Computer-go] Alphago and solving Go

2017-08-09 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck
Except 361! (~10^768) couldn't plausibly be an estimate of the number of 
legal positions, since ignoring the rules in that case gives the trivial 
upper bound of 3^361 (~10^172).

More likely it is a very, very bad attempt at estimating the number of 
games. Even with the extremely unsharp bound given in

10^(10^48) < number of games < 10^(10^171)

the 361! estimate comes nowhere close to that interval.


On 08/07/2017 04:14 AM, David Doshay wrote:
Yes, that zeroth order number (the one you get to without any thinking 
about how the game’s rules affect the calculation) is outdated since 
early last year when this result gave us the exact number of legal board 

So, a complete game tree for 19x19 Go would contain about 2.08 * 10^170 
unique nodes (see the paper for all 171 digits) but some number of 
duplicates of those nodes for the different paths to each legal position.

In an unfortunate bit of timing, it seems that many people missed this 
result because of the Alpha Go news.

David G Doshay <>

On 6, Aug 2017, at 3:17 PM, Gunnar Farnebäck < 
<>> wrote:

On 08/06/2017 04:39 PM, Vincent Richard wrote:
No, simply because there are way to many possibilities in the game, 
roughly (19x19)!

Can we lay this particular number to rest? Not that "possibilities in 
the game" is very well defined (what does it even mean?) but the 
number of permutations of 19x19 points has no meaningful connection to 
the game of go at all, not even "roughly".

Computer-go mailing list <>

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Computer-go mailing list

Re: [Computer-go] Alphago and solving Go

2017-08-06 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

On 08/06/2017 04:39 PM, Vincent Richard wrote:
No, simply because there are way to many possibilities in the game, 
roughly (19x19)!

Can we lay this particular number to rest? Not that "possibilities in 
the game" is very well defined (what does it even mean?) but the number 
of permutations of 19x19 points has no meaningful connection to the game 
of go at all, not even "roughly".

Computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Interesting endgame case

2009-08-15 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Petr Baudis wrote:
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
 A - - O - - - - - -
 B X X X O X - - - -
 C O O X O X X - - -
 D O - O X X - X X -
 E - O O O X X O X X
 F - X O - X O O O X
 G - X O - X O O - O
 H O X O - X X O O -
 J - - - O X - X O -
 O to play

 I don't see how J3 works, black still can win the ko, can't he?

 J3 - H4 - G4 - F4 - J6

Here's your mistake, don't exchange G4-F4. To begin with white can
save G4 for use as a ko threat but in this case that is also wrong. By
keeping G4 and F4 open white has enough outer liberties so that black
only gets a single ko threat in the lower left (E1).

 now they play the ko:
 H9 - J9 - J5 black takes
 A4 - A5 - J6 white takes
 F1 - J2 - J5 black takes
 A2 - A1 - J6 white takes
 E1 - G1 - J5 black takes
 and white has no threats.

 I admit I didn't see F1 immediately and went at E1 right away, maybe
 that's the hard part for the bots?

With two outer liberties F1 can be ignored.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Mirror Go against Zen

2009-07-23 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Ingo Althöfer wrote:

Alain Baeckeroot wrote:

gnugo --mirror   will try to play mirror go :)

How does it do this?

In the simplest possible way. If there is a legal move obtaining mirror 
symmetry it will play it, otherwise revert to normal move generation. It 
does not worry about komi, nor about tactical disasters.

As you may guess this was primarily implemented in order to test the 
anti-mirror-go strategies in GNU Go.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Random weighted patterns

2009-07-20 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Isaac Deutsch wrote:
 I'm about to implement this. Since I have multiple features
 (patterns, is in atari, is adjacent to last play, etc.), the weight
 is the product of the weight of all matching features.

 I'm thinking about having a table of weights, storing the sum of
 each row and the total (like Rémi suggested). I want to do this
 incrementally, so if I find a new feature match in a position, I can
 multiply its weight by the feature's weight. If I remove a feature,
 I can divide.

 My question/problem: How do I deal with features that have a weight
 of zero? I'm sure there are certain 3x3 patterns that have the
 weight zero, such as


 with * to be played. It's clear that when this pattern matches, the
 total weight is set to zero. How do I find the resulting weight when
 removing this pattern, though? Since I can't divide by zero, I would
 have to reconstruct the weight by checking all features, which would
 be relatively slow. Is there a way this can be avoided, such as
 setting all weights to a very low value instead of zero?

Cache what features you have, then recomputing the weight will be fast.

GNU Go incrementally keeps track of the following features:

Black suicide (true/false)
White suicide (true/false)
Black self-atari (true/false)
White self-atari (true/false)
Number of stones captured by black move (0, 1, 2, 3+)
Number of stones captured by white move (0, 1, 2, 3+)
Color to the southeast (empty, white, black, off board)
Color to the northeast (empty, white, black, off board)
Color to the northwest (empty, white, black, off board)
Color to the southwest (empty, white, black, off board)
Color to the east (empty, white, black, off board)
Color to the north (empty, white, black, off board)
Color to the west (empty, white, black, off board)
Color to the south (empty, white, black, off board)

This information is stored in 24 bits of an integer. The 16 bits
related to the local 3x3 pattern are mapped by table lookup to the
1107 rotation/mirroring invariant patterns. The remaining 8 bits are
mapped to the following features:

Opponent suicide (1 bit)
Our self-atari (1 bit)
Opponent self-atari (1 bit)
Our captures (2 bits)
Opponent captures (2 bits)

by simple bit transposition depending on color to play. Additionally
nearness to the previous move is added as a feature giving 1107*256
combinations, which are finally mapped to pattern weight by table

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Go + code + environment

2009-05-23 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Joshua Shriver wrote:
 Perhaps I'm mistaken in my reading, but isn't Mogo a clusterized and
 highly tuned version of gnugo? Things like that made me want to make
 this post. As I find the Go programming community more open to sharing
 ideas and code than my chess world counter part.

You are mistaken.

You may have mixed things up with SlugGo, which at least at some time
could be loosely described as a clusterized GNU Go, although I
don't believe highly tuned fits. I don't know what the current status
of SlugGo is.

MoGo is based on entirely other ideas than classical GNU Go and it's
rather MoGo that has inspired the newer parts of the GNU Go algorithms
than the other way round.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Pseudo liberties: Detect 2 unique liberties?

2009-04-08 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Łukasz Lew wrote:
 For a reference you can take a look for a libego implementation:
 Ah, so you already use this idea in libego?

 libego uses this idea only for list of stones in chain.
 list of liberties are not implemented.
 but I guess I will implement it sometime soon.

You can find this idea in the GNU Go montecarlo board implementation,
although with doubly linked lists, see for example
starting at line 43. This code is doing quite a lot of book-keeping to
support tunable pattern-based heavy playouts, however, so it may be
easier to start with a previous iteration of the code at

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Pseudo liberties: Detect 2 unique liberties?

2009-04-08 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Łukasz Lew wrote:
 2009/4/8 Gunnar Farnebäck
 Łukasz Lew wrote:
 For a reference you can take a look for a libego implementation:
 Ah, so you already use this idea in libego?
 libego uses this idea only for list of stones in chain.
 list of liberties are not implemented.
 but I guess I will implement it sometime soon.
 You can find this idea in the GNU Go montecarlo board implementation,
 although with doubly linked lists, see for example
 starting at line 43. This code is doing quite a lot of book-keeping to
 support tunable pattern-based heavy playouts, however, so it may be
 easier to start with a previous iteration of the code at

 Indeed that's almost exactly what I meant.
 I can see that you are using doubly linked list to have a constant
 time liberty_edge removal. Is there any other reason?

To be honest I don't really remember but that was probably the most
important reason. Another possibility is that I became annoyed by the look
of the code needed to traverse around a single linked cyclic list. :-)

 Have you considered amortized constant time (we remove it when we have
 an occasion) approach?

No, not seriously at least. Actually this code hasn't been optimized
at all, so there should be some gains left to be made.

 This is nice code to read :)


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: static evaluators for tree search

2009-02-17 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Dave Dyer wrote:
 If you look at GnuGo or some other available program, I'm pretty sure
 you'll find a line of code where the evaluator is called, and you could
 replace it, but you'll find it's connected to a pile of spaghetti.

That would have to be some other available program. GNU Go doesn't
have a static position evaluator and consequently no line of code
calling it.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] GPGPU

2009-02-10 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Mark Boon wrote:
I don't know if that's what you're already looking at, but recently 
Apple announced their new version of OS X called 'Snow Leopard' which 
supposedly focuses mostly on improvements in the use of multiple 
processing. And that includes the GPU. The module that binds it all 
together is called 'Grand Central'. I don't know much of the details, 
just picked up some buzz-words from articles like these: 

If you google around a bit you may easily find more information about it.

The most relevant part for GPU programming is OpenCL, which is expected 
to have about the same expressive power as nvidia's CUDA. But it won't 
change the processing and communication characteristics of the GPU. You 
still need to come up with some really clever vectorization tricks 
yourself, if you want to make good use of the GPU for go algorithms.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] regression testing

2008-12-03 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Mark Boon wrote:
 Yes, I asked that question.

 So GnuGo already uses a comment-node to store the information in the SGF
 tree. But twogtp uses information from the .tst file. So why the

No, GNU Go does not put the tests in the sgf files. We did so for a
short while long ago, but it wasn't manageable. Instead we started to
write tests as GTP commands (which was one of the reasons for
introducing GTP in the first place) and soon also to include the
correct answers as GTP comments in .tst files. This format has served
us well.

For those who need more context it can look like this, from

# E5 is two points gote, J3 one point sente, and J2 three points gote.
# J2 wins the game by 0.5, all other moves lose.
loadsgf games/endgame14.sgf
1000 reg_genmove black
#? [J2]

The first two lines are comments about the test, the third line loads
the position, the fourth line specifies the test, and the fifth line
is a specially formatted comment defining the correct answer. There
may also be multiple correct answers like in this test:

# See also 9x9:250.
loadsgf games/nngs/evand-gnugo-3.5.2gf1-200312161910.sgf 52
207 attack A6
#? [3 (B4|C4|C1)]*

This is a tactical reading test which is expected to give the result
code 3 (win by ko where the attacker must make the first ko threat)
for either of the moves B4, C4, and C1. There is also an asterisk at
the end indicating that this test is expected to fail.

Tests can also be more complex like this:

# See also connection:119.
loadsgf games/kgs/llk-GNU.sgf 150
trymove W N10
trymove B M10
trymove W M9
trymove B L10
trymove W M11
trymove B L14
219 defend K12
#? [1 M14]*

This is derived from a failed connection test where it turns out that
the problem is a tactical misreading starting six moves deep in the
connection reading, which is set up with the six trymove commands and
cleared up with the corresponding popgo commands.

There are a number of reasons why it's useful to separate the test
definitions from the sgf files. I'll list a few of them:

1. When working in a distributed group you need a succinct way of
referring to specific tests, such as endgame:1000 for the first
example above (the test numbered 1000 in the file
endgame.tst). Talking about the fifth test at move number 150 in the
file games/kgs/11k-GNU.sgf is way too inconvenient. Short names are
also good in status reports like
or (click one of the details links)

2. The marks for expected failures need to be updated periodically
(e.g. at the time of a release) when the state changes and it's nicer
to have your revision control showing repeated changes in a few tens
of tst files than in thousands of sgf files. Yes, you really want to
keep track of the expected status. For the record GNU Go 3.7.12
contains 86 tst files with a total of 5445 tests from 1760 sgf files.

3. It's practical to be able to say run the tests in semeai.tst for
a quick sanity check of a change to the semeai reading.

Btw, the sgf file with a test defined in a comment, that Terry dug up,
was kindly contributed by Tristan Cazenave in a collection of test
cases from his Golois program. That sgf comment has never been used by

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Publishing source for (yet another) MC simulator

2008-11-04 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Don Dailey wrote:
 On Tue, 2008-11-04 at 07:43 +0100, Heikki Levanto wrote:
 My personal preference might be C, but at
 work I have to learn more Java... Anyway, I don't want to start a
 war here, not again...

 Oh, you want a war :-)

 Seriously,  Java has it's place but if you really get serious about
 developing the highest performance strong playing bot I think you pretty
 much are forced into a low level language.   I see only a very few
 reasonable choices if you want to go that way:

C or C++

If you look for performance you can hardly discount Fortran. Actually
there's a fair chance that the majority of the world's Monte Carlo
programs are written in that language.

Anecdote: My very first experience of games programming was in
Fortran. As an intern I was given the assignment to update one of the
last, and not exactly business critical, pieces of a large power
distribution surveillance product (think lots of power plants and
nationwide distribution networks) in a migration from one operating
system to another. This was the operator's console distraction, an
othello program written in a pre-Fortran77 version of Fortran,
littered with arithmetic if statements. I had absolutely no clue
(neither had anyone else) how the program worked until I had line by
line translated it into C and unravelled the code structure into
sensible (logical) if statements and while loops.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] The Enemy's Key Point Is My Own

2008-10-28 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

David Doshay wrote:
 One nasty form of The Enemy's Key Point Is My Own was the reverse
 monkey jump, where SlugGo would properly recognize that the opponent's
 best move against it was a monkey jump, and properly see that stopping
 that monkey jump was the best move, but it would then play the same
 exact point the opponent would have, thus playing way too far inside its
 own area. So, as I said in my earlier post, near is the right idea,
 not at the same point. There are other easy examples involving them
 extending towards our stones, where we should not take their extension
 as our move, but we should prevent their extension my moving into that
 area farther from our own stones than they would have approached.

An extreme case is this life and death problem where playing the
opponent's key point is the worst you can do locally.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] From zero to playing on CGOS in 10 minutes

2008-10-22 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Mark Boon wrote:
 I'm getting close to something I'd like to show people and get feedback.

 One thing to decide is how to make it public. Previously I used to host my project. But I stopped using it because I had a
 very slow internet connection and I was getting annoyed with the time it
 took to communicate with Subversion on the remote host. At the moment I
 have a bit more decent internet connection, but it's still not fast. Nor
 reliable. So ideally I'd like to keep the stuff in my local repository.
 Like a two-step process. I can store versions locally and when I want I
 can migrate or merge it with the one online. I know ClearCase is ideal
 for this kind of settup. But too expensive and I doubt there's an online
 service that supports it. Does anyone know if something like this is
 possible to setup with Subversion? anyone having experience with
 something like this?

Subversion 1.4 can do repository replication (see heading svnsync at, which should
work for a one-way mirroring. There's also svk,, which adds distributed version control
on top of subversion. But I really agree with the people recommending
git or mercurial. I haven't used mercurial myself yet but I have very
positive experience with git.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] GUI GTP Engine (not Controller)?

2008-10-17 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

gogui-display does exactly what you want.


Ross Werner wrote:

Hi all,

I'm looking for a very simple GUI GTP engine--not a controller. Programs 
like Jago or GoGUI are great GTP controllers--they can connect to a GTP 
engine like GnuGo and play against it just fine. What I'm looking for is 
a program that *cannot* directly attach to GnuGo, but instead requires a 
third controller program (like twogtp) to connect the two clients 

Does that make sense?

Thanks in advance,
~ Ross

p.s. preferably it would be Java or at least cross-platform.
computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Go/Games with modified scores

2008-10-15 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Claus Reinke wrote:
 Just out of curiosity, what did you expect from the playouts?

 Nothing in particular, really; at this point I'm just trying to
 build up an intuition about what I can or cannot expect from them.
 At first, I thought light playouts would not fully explore, but at
 least randomly cover all possible games, so we wouldn't get good
 move sequences directly, but lots of useful statistics to work with;
 while heavy playouts would try to mimick more realistic games, so
 the statistics would be biased, but there'd be a better chance of
 getting good moves directly. That turned out to be somewhat naive on
 all counts, as the answers to my earlier messages showed!-)

 There is no chance of covering all possible games,

That's a major understatement! The number of all possible games is
really enormously huge.

 so uniformly random play (light playouts) definitely ignores some,
 and if realistic games are unlikely, and good move sequences even
 more so, then they get the least coverage. So, in the presence of
 limited resources, no bias is a bias on its own.

Uniform simulations are badly biased but I wouldn't say it has
anything to do with coverage.

 And the way eyes and other rules knowledge are encoded for
 efficiency reasons introduces other biases as well.

Eye rules are not primarily there for efficiency reasons but to save
information about the original position from dissipating completely.

 Heavy playouts never drop possible sequences,

Heavy playouts may or may not drop some moves completely, depending on
the design.

 they just try to focus the available resources away from sequences
 that appear less promising. That can have unpredictable effects, so
 the unpromising sequences are kept in the pool, at low priority,
 and the resulting focussed playouts need heavy testing to get some
 measure of confidence in any improvements.

No, heavy playouts are not about finding promising sequences. The
purpose is to get simulations that more often let living groups stay
alive, let dead groups stay dead, let solid territory remain
territory, and so on, so that the score of the final position
correlates reasonably well with the value of the initial position.
That's why uniform simulations are badly biased; solidly connected
stones almost always win against more loosely connected but perfectly
sound formations, causing the program to play very heavy and

 In sum, there doesn't seem to be a good basis for understanding playouts
 and their optimisation, other than by trial and error. [...]

Some things are possible to understand, such as the often play close
to the previous move idea resulting in fewer tenukis and therefore
fewer opportunities for solidly living groups to die, or for
hopelessly dead groups to spring alive. If this is not obvious I would
recommend playing a number of games against a uniform random player
with some 40-50 handicap stones on 9x9.

But as far as fine tuning of playouts go I would say it's pretty much
black magic. Actually that's true for everything but the most
rudimentary principles.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Go/Games with modified scores

2008-10-15 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Darren Cook wrote:

What do your program's playouts think when presented with the board
position in the article? This is a terminal position, both players have
passed, a comfortable white win, yet pure random playouts think black
will win more often.

Any chance to get an sgf of the position?

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Go/Games with modified scores

2008-10-14 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Claus Reinke wrote:
 Second, having now looked at some more random light playouts
 (just instrument your engine to output sgf before starting the next run),
 I feel that the name is highly misleading. These simulation runs have
 very little in common with actual play, eg, in a 19x19 run from an
 empty board, one might see an opening period, with 200 moves of
 randomly placed stones, followed by a middle period, with 100 or
 so moves occasionally making a firm connection or a true single-space
 eye, followed by an endgame with 100-200 moves exploring possible
 consequences of those little bits of random mess that cannot be ruined
 by random play.

Just out of curiosity, what did you expect from the playouts?

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] 7.5-komi for 9x9 in Beijing

2008-10-08 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Don Dailey wrote:
 On Wed, 2008-10-08 at 15:18 +0200, Erik van der Werf wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 2:33 PM, Don Dailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I had heard somewhere that there are some who believe 8.0 is the right
 komi for 9x9 Chinese.   I personally believed for a long time it 
was 7.0

 based on statistical data of games.However that can be misleading.
 Do you understand why even numbers are very unlikely?

 Yes, I understand that.   I compiled from CGOS statistics all possible
 results and their frequency.   Here is a list of white results where the
 actual games end with a score.   You will  notice that even scores are
 much more common.There were just a few games that used 6.5 komi
 because when I first started CGOS I had set 6.5 by mistake but I think
 that was just for a few hours at most.   The vast majority of these are
 7.5 komi games:


I suspect that quite a few of the odd scores are not due to the
presence of seki with an odd number of neutral points but are caused
by uncaptured dead stones.

computer-go mailing list

[computer-go] Another 6x6 analysis.

2008-10-02 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

At you can find an ongoing analysis of
6x6. This is a very big and quite raw sgf file where each node has a
comment block looking like this:

-2.5: 0 4 black
-0.5: 5 9 black
 1.5: 9 10 black
 3.5: 9 34 white
 5.5: 38 20 white
 7.5: 22 7 white
 9.5: 6 0 white
B3 4b47e72a68d23f011 +
B4 4b47e72a68d23f011 +
F5 00f9e9a88c0120581
F6 01f9ba0f1b5c68e11

The first line is the id of the position in the form of a symmetry
invariant 64-bit Zobrist board hash, written in hexadecimal,
concatenated with the move number.

Following are the results for different komi values. Listed on each
line is komi value, number of observed white wins, number of observed
black wins, and minimax winner.

Last comes a list of moves and id of the obtained positions. If the id
is followed by a plus sign it means that move has been played and can
be found as a child node. If it is followed by a minus sign the move
has been played but gives a transposition of a a position that has
been expanded elsewhere in the tree.

The example above is from the root node and means that correct komi
currently is supposed to be between 1.5 and 3.5 (i.e. 2 or possibly,
but unlikely, 3). This may very well have changed by the time you
download the sgf.

So far this analysis has only been done by GNU Go, with and without
the --monte-carlo option. I would like other, stronger programs to
join in.

To do that, just point your regular cgos client to,
port 6867. This is of an experimental nature and hopefully works for
more people than me. Don't worry about user names and passwords, those
are not used for anything yet, just fill in something. Time controls
are not used and the server will always report five minutes remaining
time. Interrupted games are lost forever, but that's not really a

If you know how to play manually on cgos, feel free to do so here.

Btw, programs are not playing against each other, but against the
server following supposedly winning lines, falling back on GNU Go when
it finds an unseen position.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Another 6x6 analysis.

2008-10-02 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

A couple of hours.


Michael Williams wrote:

Very cool.  How long has this been going on?

Gunnar Farnebäck wrote:

At you can find an ongoing analysis of
6x6. This is a very big and quite raw sgf file where each node has a
comment block looking like this:

-2.5: 0 4 black
-0.5: 5 9 black
 1.5: 9 10 black
 3.5: 9 34 white
 5.5: 38 20 white
 7.5: 22 7 white
 9.5: 6 0 white
B3 4b47e72a68d23f011 +
B4 4b47e72a68d23f011 +
F5 00f9e9a88c0120581
F6 01f9ba0f1b5c68e11

The first line is the id of the position in the form of a symmetry
invariant 64-bit Zobrist board hash, written in hexadecimal,
concatenated with the move number.

Following are the results for different komi values. Listed on each
line is komi value, number of observed white wins, number of observed
black wins, and minimax winner.

Last comes a list of moves and id of the obtained positions. If the id
is followed by a plus sign it means that move has been played and can
be found as a child node. If it is followed by a minus sign the move
has been played but gives a transposition of a a position that has
been expanded elsewhere in the tree.

The example above is from the root node and means that correct komi
currently is supposed to be between 1.5 and 3.5 (i.e. 2 or possibly,
but unlikely, 3). This may very well have changed by the time you
download the sgf.

So far this analysis has only been done by GNU Go, with and without
the --monte-carlo option. I would like other, stronger programs to
join in.

To do that, just point your regular cgos client to,
port 6867. This is of an experimental nature and hopefully works for
more people than me. Don't worry about user names and passwords, those
are not used for anything yet, just fill in something. Time controls
are not used and the server will always report five minutes remaining
time. Interrupted games are lost forever, but that's not really a

If you know how to play manually on cgos, feel free to do so here.

Btw, programs are not playing against each other, but against the
server following supposedly winning lines, falling back on GNU Go when
it finds an unseen position.

computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Another 6x6 analysis.

2008-10-02 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Markus Enzenberger wrote:
 Gunnar Farnebäck wrote:
 To do that, just point your regular cgos client to,
 port 6867.

 what rules does GNU Go use in the 6x6 analysis?

Uh, whatever I happened to remember to set it to. :-)

In this case that would be area scoring, no suicide, simple ko, three
passes to end the game, scoring performed by GNU Go (unless there's a

 I connected Fuego configured with CGOS rules. After a while it
 terminated, because Fuego returned an error response to a play command
 with a move that violated the positional superko rule. (By default,
 Fuego does not accept illegal moves to avoid that configuration errors
 in experiments go by unnoticed.)

Did you notice whether there was something interesting about that

Anyway, I'll let it run like this for a while. I can restart it later
with some superko rule in effect.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] semeai

2008-09-22 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

terry mcintyre wrote:
 On Thu, 2008-09-04 at 18:07 +0200, Rémi Coulom wrote:
 When the playouts evaluate a critical semeai the wrong way, then no
 supercomputer can help, even at long time control. Semeais require a
 better algorithm, because no computing power can search them out with
 tree, and playouts have to be extremely intelligent in order to
 them correctly.

 Has anyone tried implementing the ideas in Richard Hunter's Counting 
Liberties in a manner which can be used to guide the playouts?

Static analysis is hopeless. Local search may work with some level of
precision but you will have to read much further ahead than in Richard
Hunter's model positions before you can even reliably recognize them.
In particular I wouldn't advise trying to cancel outside liberties
without playing out the moves in some order, otherwise detecting the
need for approach moves is extremely difficult.

GNU Go makes an attempt at reading semeais but has trouble already
differentiating between outside liberties, inside liberties, and
eyespace, not to speak about weird interactions with the tactical
reading (which mostly doesn't understand semeai) in low liberty

If you think this should be simple, have a look at e.g. page 53,
diagram 17, in Hunter's book or try to do a static evaluation of the
semeai in upper left corner at

Things to think about for the latter position:

* How big eye does black have around F19?
* What can white do around E9?
* How to handle white sacrificing the C11 tail?
* Is there a liberty to be gained by playing A14?
* Does white need an approach move at M18?
* Does black need an approach move at B10?
* What is A16? Eyespace, some other kind of liberty, or neither?

For some more semeai fun I can recommend
(which has an incorrect solution in GNU Go's test suite).

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] yesterday's KGS bot tournament

2008-08-18 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Nick Wedd wrote:
 My report is at

In the round 10 game between AyaMC and CrazyStone, the marked H8 move
has no effect on life and death; the white stones are already dead.
The killing move was 27 at E9. As far as I can tell white couldn't
afford to save the group with 26 at E9 either. The lower left would
have lived but too small, ending in a 1.5 point loss or so. :-)

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] yesterday's KGS bot tournament

2008-08-18 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Nick Wedd wrote:

My report is at

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] yesterday's KGS bot tournament

2008-08-18 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Nick Wedd wrote:
 My report is at

[Please ignore the previous empty mail.]

 In round 9, MonteGNU appeared to misread a ladder in its game
 against CrazyStone. SGF. But maybe it knew it had no way to win.

Yes, it was the usual Monte Carlo nonsense in hopeless positions.
MonteGNU tries to cut some of that short by reverting to traditional
GNU Go move generation, but not until the Monte Carlo search is
sufficiently certain about the hopelessness.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] rz-74 on CGOS ?

2008-08-18 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Rémi Coulom wrote:
 Don Dailey wrote:
 I was curious about that too,  who is rz-74?   The name is perhaps a
 clue.  Is it at version 74?I haven't been watching the games, but
 are you saying it behaves like a Monte Carlo program?

 - Don

 After watching more games, I am less impressed by its strength. It is
 definitely a Monte-Carlo program (constant thinking time per move, weird
 moves in the opening, hopeless tricks when losing). Maybe Monte GNU,
 after all.

I'm flattered by the guess that MonteGNU would be playing strongish at
19x19 but so far I'm happy if it manages to even place the stones on
the intersections and not somewhere between. Oh well, maybe it can do
a little better than that but compared to the strong programs it feels
that much behind.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: What's happening at the European Go Congress?

2008-08-11 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Erik van der Werf wrote:
 For the final position in the game record any strong human player will
 tell you that the game is clearly over. No points are left to be
 gained and the result is obvious.

Actually there's one point left to gain in the seki, since the game is
played with Chinese rules. ;-)

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] cgos 19x19 has no anchor

2008-08-09 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Don Dailey wrote:

Hi Markus,

Run gnugo 3.7.10 using these exact options:

./gnugo --mode gtp --score aftermath --capture-all-dead --chinese-rules
--min-level 10 --max-level 10 --positional-superko

This should work fine but you might as well remove --score aftermath. 
It has no effect at all in combination with --mode gtp.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Strange problem while connecting to CGOS

2008-08-06 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Thomas Lavergne wrote:


I will have very few free time until end of this year to work on my go
program, so I have decided to cleanup the code and release it in free
software sooner that what I've wanted.

So after some work I'e obtained a version of goober with light
Monte-Carlo, hash-tree exploration with UCT for planing and some
optimisations like AMAF, benson-life and opening book.

There is still missing things like time handling instead of fixed
iteration and seki detection, but it works and before releasing it I've
wanted to retest it on CGOS 9x9 and 13x13.

So I've downloaded last client and made config files for the 2 version
and run them. All works ok and players go in the waiting queue. But when
the game start, the engine ask my program to play, wait for response,
and when it get it, it stop saying my program have crashed.
This is the output of the client :

14:54:10S-C username
14:54:10C-S Goober-0.6.0-25k-1
14:54:10S-C password
14:54:10C-S Hy13yn
15:02:07S-C setup 553666 9 7.5 30 Goober-0.6.0-25k-1(1200?) 
15:02:07C-E boardsize 9
15:02:07E-C =
15:02:07C-E clear_board
15:02:07E-C =
15:02:07C-E komi 7.5
15:02:07E-C =
15:02:10S-C play b H5 30
15:02:10C-E play b H5
15:02:10E-C =
15:02:10S-C genmove w 30
15:02:10C-E genmove w
15:02:10E-C =c5
15:02:10Apparently, engine crashed

But there is no sign of crash in my engine, all goes like if the cgos
client have interrupt my engine. If I restart the client, it replay this
start, send correctly the move made by my oponent but re-ask my engine
to think about the move already send, like if the client have discarded
the previous response.

I've checked my GTP code and all seems ok, when I use gogui to play
against it or gogui tools to make tests, all works ok.

I have no time for the moment to investigate this more but does anyone
of you have encoutered this type of strange things with cgos client ?



PS: The code is not fully ready to be realeased but if some of you want
to take a look at it, you can download the current version at :
It's only 2000 lines of code with 25% of comments.

Try the attached patch.


--- goober.c.old	2008-08-06 15:54:39.0 +0200
+++ goober.c	2008-08-06 15:54:51.0 +0200
@@ -1645,9 +1645,10 @@
 static void ge_send(const char *msg, ...) {
 	va_list args;
 	if (ge_status == false) {
+		putchar('=');
 		if (ge_id != -1)
 			printf(%d, ge_id);
-		putchar('=');
+		putchar(' ');
 		ge_status = true;
 	va_start(args, msg);
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Ladders and UCT again

2008-08-02 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Peter Drake wrote:
 On Aug 1, 2008, at 8:08 AM, Mark Boon wrote:

 The neighbours of the last move come in the picture because usually
 it's only the last stone played that can be escaping a ladder and it's
 the neighbours of the last move that could have been put into atari.
 Nothing to do with the additional complexities Don mentioned.

 Let me give a specific example. Suppose that, during a playout, the tree
 leads us to this position, with O to play:


 Having reached the frontier of the tree, we now finish the game using
 Monte Carlo with a ladder reader. The last stone played, to the left of
 a, is trapped in a ladder, but can escape if not chased. Our ladder
 reader therefore suggests O play at a.

 For the next move in the playout, if # only reads ladders from the last
 move played, it will see that the O stone at a is not in a ladder, so
 move is suggested. The playout now turns completely random, and it's a
 coin toss as to whether the group will escape.

It's often a good idea to bias capturing moves in the playouts,
regardless whether it's a ladder or not. This would result in those
stones being captured in most simulations.

 If we also search stones next to the last stone played, things only get
 slightly better. # sees that its stones are in a ladder from which they
 cannot escape, so it doesn't suggest b. If we tell it to play a ladder
 breaker in such situations, it might play c, which is fine. However, on
 O's next turn, c is not in a ladder, nor is any stone next to c, so no
 move is suggested. Specifically, O does not make the vital capture at b.

 It seems too expensive to search every point on the board for ladders.
 What to do?

Don't bother with ladder breakers in playouts. If the tree part of the
search has started to run a ladder, the best thing the playout can do
is to keep running it until the bitter end. This way the losing player
in the ladder will be rightfully punished and discouraged from trying
that line of play.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] question about a situation

2008-05-29 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Norbert Gábor Papp wrote:
 Thanks for your reply! I've tried to make the links workable...


 Here is a situation, from phase1-phase5 (I hope you'll se the pictures).


 I've used SmartGo, which engine is based on GNUGo, and tried to make
 some very beginner examples.

No, SmartGo is not based on GNU Go. Also GNU Go has no difficulty
getting the life and death status correct in those positions.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] 10k UCT bots

2008-05-19 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

I wrote:
 Hideki Kato wrote:
 Gunnar Farnebäck: [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Hideki Kato wrote:
 I didn't against you, Álvaro, rather I just made a caution for
 programmers who will use your pseudo code as is. :)

 First, I prefer SFMT (SIMD-oriented Fast Mersenne Twister) rather
 than integer pseudo random number generators in practice where the
 quality of play-out is important.  Modern processors execute floating
 operations as fast as interger ones and
 picked = mt_rand() * (double) num_candidates;
 is the simplest and safe.
 Please note that for uniformity purists this method has exactly the
 same problem as good_quality_int_rand() % num_candidates.

 Mt_rand() has very good uniform distributions in [0..1)
 good_quality_int_rand() % num_candidates
 doesn't disribute uniformly when num_candidates is not a power of 2,
 assuming good_quality_int_rand() ranges [0..2^32 or so) due to modulo
 operations.  They are not the same, aren't they?

 Well, there's nothing magic about floating point numbers. Even a very
 good uniform distribution in some interval is implemented by
 distributing N discrete values over the interval as uniformly as
 possible. When those N values by some mapping procedure are transformed
 into a smaller range M, some of those will get at least one more hit
 than some others, unless M divides N. It doesn't matter whether the
 mapping procedure is an integer modulo operation or a floating point
 multiplication + rounding.

It seems like this short explanation was too abstract. Let's try with
a more concrete one.

The function dsfmt_genrand_close1_open2 in the file dSFMT.h from
dSFMT-src-1.3, downloadable from,
generates uniformly distributed double precision floating point
numbers in the interval 1 = x  2.  This is done by taking uniformly
distributed 52 bit integers and placing those as the least significant
bits of a 64 bit IEEE 754 double precision floating point number with
the bit pattern

0 011 y,

where y denotes the 52 bits uniformly distributed integer. This is
interpreted as the floating point number with value

x = 1 + y / 2^52

The function dsfmt_genrand_close_open generates uniformly distributed
double precision floating point numbers in the interval 0 = x  1
simply by subtracting one from the numbers above. These are still
exactly representable by IEEE754 double precision floating point
numbers although their bit representations become somewhat more
involved due precisely to the point floating around.

Thus we now have the uniform integer distribution 0, ..., 2^52-1
mapped onto the floating point numbers 0, 1*2^(-52), 2*2^(-52), ...,

Next we multiply this by num_candidates and round down to the nearest
integer. Let's say that num_candidates is 7. Then the 52 bit integers
are mapped onto the interval 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 so that

   0 -  643371375338642 are mapped to 0
 643371375338643 - 1286742750677284 are mapped to 1
1286742750677285 - 1930114126015926 are mapped to 2
1930114126015927 - 2573485501354569 are mapped to 3
2573485501354570 - 3216856876693211 are mapped to 4
3216856876693212 - 3860228252031853 are mapped to 5
3860228252031854 - 4503599627370495 are mapped to 6

This means that moves 0, 3 have a relative chance of 643371375338643
to be chosen whereas moves 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 have a relative chance of
only 643371375338642. Of course this is for almost any purpose
negligible but it is exactly the same bias you get by taking a
uniformly distributed 52-bit integer modulo 7, except that then it's
the moves 0 and 1 that are favored instead of 0 and 3.

Well, that's what naive theoretical computations give at least, but
it's usually dangerous to trust intuition too much when dealing with
floating point numbers. Actually trying this out with the attached
program gives the following result on my computer,

0 0.00 0
643371375338642 0.142857 0
643371375338643 0.142857 1
1286742750677284 0.285714 1
1286742750677285 0.285714 2
1930114126015926 0.428571 2
1930114126015927 0.428571 3
2573485501354568 0.571429 3
2573485501354569 0.571429 4
2573485501354570 0.571429 4
3216856876693211 0.714286 4
3216856876693212 0.714286 5
3860228252031853 0.857143 5
3860228252031854 0.857143 6
4503599627370495 1.00 6

showing that 2573485501354569 maps to 4 rather than 3, meaning that
it's moves 0 and 4 which are favored.

I could go on but I think this should be enough to demonstrate my

#include stdio.h

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  unsigned long u;
  double x;
  int k;

  unsigned long v[] = {

  for (k = 0; k  (int) (sizeof

Re: [computer-go] 10k UCT bots

2008-05-18 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Hideki Kato wrote:
 I didn't against you, Álvaro, rather I just made a caution for
 programmers who will use your pseudo code as is. :)

 First, I prefer SFMT (SIMD-oriented Fast Mersenne Twister) rather
 than integer pseudo random number generators in practice where the
 quality of play-out is important.  Modern processors execute floating
 operations as fast as interger ones and
picked = mt_rand() * (double) num_candidates;
 is the simplest and safe.

Please note that for uniformity purists this method has exactly the
same problem as good_quality_int_rand() % num_candidates.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] a few more questions

2008-05-14 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Álvaro Begué wrote:
 On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 8:10 PM, Weston Markham
 On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 7:08 PM, Gunnar Farnebäck 

And I agree, don't even think of doing this with floating point

  This is a bit tangential to computer go.  But you have piqued my 

  Offhand, that sounds rather extreme to me.  Perhaps I haven't really
  thought this through completely, but it seems as if there is a simple
  modification to the stated algorithm, that would ensure that it works
  fine with floating point numbers.  Or at least well enough for any
  conceivable purpose:

  Make sure that you select each random number from a slightly larger
  range than prescribed by the exact totals.  (For example, always round
  up while calculating the totals.  If you do not have control over the
  rounding mode, just add on some small fraction of the largest weight.)
   Then, in the event that subtracting the weights of the
  points/rows/buckets never reduced the selected number to a
  non-positive value, just select a new random number and start over.

  Would this work fine, or is there some flaw in my thinking that Álvaro
  and Gunnar have already considered?

 John Tromp and I spent quite a bit of time patching the
 floating-point implementation and hunting down the subsequent
 bugs. I am not saying that making it robust is impossible, but I
 ended up so frustrated that I don't think I will ever try again.
 Integers are much better behaved and are sufficient for everything
 we wanted to do.

I did the same, until I decided that it was utterly pointless.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] a few more questions

2008-05-13 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Álvaro Begué wrote:
 On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 4:22 PM, Carter Cheng 

 2) When generating random variables for the case where the values
of placing a stone on different points on the board are
different. Are there good ways to throw and determine which
point has been selected for the next move by the random player?

 I can answer this. The best way I know of getting a random point with
 different weights (proportional to probabilities) for each point is to
 keep a sum of weights per row and a total sum of weights for the
 entire board. These are easy to update dynamically when an individual
 weight changes. In order to pick a point, start with a random number
 between 0 and the total sum. Go down row by row subtracting the weight
 of each row, until you would get a negative number. Then walk the row
 subtracting the weight of each point until you would get a negative
 number. The place where you stop is the selected point.

 This method may not be very robust if you use floating-point numbers
 to represent weights (because you can't rely on associativity of
 addition), but it works fine if you use an integer type.

 If the description is not good enough, I can write some C++ code for you.

Or you can read the source code of GNU Go 3.7.12, lines 1629-1658 of

The only difference is that GNU Go doesn't bother about actual rows
but instead makes a two level structure where it uses the N lowest
bits of the board coordinate to determine a partition number. N varies
from 1 to 4 depending on the maximum board size GNU Go is compiled for
(3 for 9x9, 4 for 19x19).

And I agree, don't even think of doing this with floating point

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] The effect of the UCT-constant on Valkyria

2008-05-04 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

David Fotland wrote:
 So I'm curious then.  With simple UCT (no rave, no priors, no progressive
 widening), many people said the best constant was about 0.45.  What 
are the

 new concepts that let you avoid the constant?

Whatever concepts are used it must indirectly be a question of
improved move ordering. The better the move ordering, the smaller the
need to do exploration.

 Is it RAVE, because the information gathered during the search lets you
 focus the search accurately without the UCT term?  Many people have said
 that RAVE has no benefit for them.

 Do most of the strongest programs use RAVE?  I think from Crazystone's
 papers, that it does not use RAVE.  Gnugomc does not use rave.

I've never had success with RAVE but I might make a new attempt for
GNU Go some time.

 Is it the prior values from go knowledge, like opening books, reading
 tactics before the search etc?  Do all of the top programs have opening
 books now?  I know mogo does.

The MonteGNU account on CGOS (9x9) has a self-learnt opening book with
currently slightly more than 16000 moves. Over the last 1000 games it
has played on average 4 moves (own moves that is, opponent moves not
counted) from the book. The record is 22 moves from book.

 Do most of the top programs read tactics before the search?  I know Aya

GNU Go in Monte Carlo mode reads lots of tactics before the MC search.
But it doesn't use the tactics for the MC search. :-/

 Does it matter how prior values are used to guide the search?  I 
think mogo

 uses prior knowledge to initialize the RAVE values.  Do other programs
 include it some other way, by initializing the FPU value, or by 
 the UCT visits and confidence, or some extra, prior term in the 

 Are there other techniques (not RAVE) that people are using to get
 information from the search to guide the move ordering?  I think 

 estimates ownership of each point and uses it to set prior values in some

GNU Go uses a global move ordering shared by all nodes in the tree and
initialized from the results of the normal move generation.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Test position set for MC programs

2008-04-26 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

David Fotland wrote:
 Another alternate move.  On problem 108 it seems that a2 works, 
although it

 looks inferior.
 A2, a3, g1, h1, a4, and if white cuts at b4, black captures and white 
has no

 ko threats.
 If white doesn’t answer at h1, black can live in the corner and white 

 live on the left.

 Gunnar, does this look correct?

Yes, and I get the same score as with A3, so it's not even inferior,
only more complicated. With the given komi it's also possible to play
A2, A3, A4 directly without the G1, H1 exchange but this is inferior
in points.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Test position set for MC programs

2008-04-23 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

David Fotland wrote:

on problem 101, Many Faces likes A4, which I think also works, but I didn't
have time to check it thoroughly.  If A4 doesn't work, then Many Faces is
back to 37.

A4 doesn't work. White plays E1 and is safe. Black G1 is answered by J3.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Test position set for MC programs

2008-04-23 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Yamato wrote:
 Thanks Gian-Carlo, Gunnar.

 Current list of results.

 GNU Go 3.7.12 level 0  : 24/50
 GNU Go 3.7.12 level 10 : 34/50
 GNU Go 3.7.12 level 15 : 37/50
 GNU Go 3.7.12 mc, 1k   : 30/50
 GNU Go 3.7.12 mc, 10k  : 31/50
 GNU Go 3.7.12 mc, 100k : 38/50
 GNU Go 3.7.12 mc, light, 1k: 33/50
 GNU Go 3.7.12 mc, light, 10k   : 30/50
 GNU Go 3.7.12 mc, light, 100k  : 25/50
 GNU Go 3.7.12 mc, mogo, 1k : 34/50
 GNU Go 3.7.12 mc, mogo, 10k: 33/50
 GNU Go 3.7.12 mc, mogo, 100k   : 35/50
 Leela 0.3.14, 1k   : 19/50
 Leela 0.3.14, 10k  : 28/50
 Leela 0.3.14, 100k : 36/50
 Zen 1.5, 1k: 19/50
 Zen 1.5, 10k   : 22/50
 Zen 1.5, 100k  : 24/50

 Leela seems to have good scalability. 36/50 passes is fine.
 The results of GNU Go are a bit irregular because of its hybrid
 strategy. If GNU Go could run on the MC only mode, it might be more
 interesting, I guess.

Ok, I patched out the contributions from normal move generation in the
final move selection (but there's still some influence on UCT tree
move ordering), giving this list:

Only MC
GNU Go 3.7.12 level 0  : 24/50-
GNU Go 3.7.12 level 10 : 34/50-
GNU Go 3.7.12 level 15 : 37/50-
GNU Go 3.7.12 mc, 1k   : 30/50   14/50
GNU Go 3.7.12 mc, 10k  : 31/50   29/50
GNU Go 3.7.12 mc, 100k : 38/50   35/50
GNU Go 3.7.12 mc, light, 1k: 33/507/50
GNU Go 3.7.12 mc, light, 10k   : 30/50   14/50
GNU Go 3.7.12 mc, light, 100k  : 25/50   22/50
GNU Go 3.7.12 mc, mogo, 1k : 34/50   14/50
GNU Go 3.7.12 mc, mogo, 10k: 33/50   21/50
GNU Go 3.7.12 mc, mogo, 100k   : 35/50   34/50

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Test position set for MC programs

2008-04-22 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Yamato wrote:
 Gunnar Farnebäck wrote:
 143: I don't see how A3 could win the semeai. A2 and C4 look more
 Typo, it was A2. C4 cannot work.
 How does white defend against C4? I'm looking at B C4, W B4, B B5,
 W B6, B A2 without finding a way out for white. Did I miss something?

 Oh, I see...
 I quoted this problem from a book, but it did not mention C4.
 If C4 works, it is not a good test, then I modify it a little.

 I attached the fixed version to this email. Thanks for your help.

One more correction. The fixed version added B1 as a correct move in
113, but that point is occupied.

GNU Go 3.7.12 results for the fixed version:

GNU Go 3.7.12 level 0  : 24/50
GNU Go 3.7.12 level 10 : 34/50
GNU Go 3.7.12 level 15 : 37/50
GNU Go 3.7.12 mc, 1k   : 30/50
GNU Go 3.7.12 mc, 10k  : 31/50
GNU Go 3.7.12 mc, 100k : 38/50
GNU Go 3.7.12 mc, light, 1k: 33/50
GNU Go 3.7.12 mc, light, 10k   : 30/50
GNU Go 3.7.12 mc, light, 100k  : 25/50
GNU Go 3.7.12 mc, mogo, 1k : 34/50
GNU Go 3.7.12 mc, mogo, 10k: 33/50
GNU Go 3.7.12 mc, mogo, 100k   : 35/50

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Test position set for MC programs

2008-04-21 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Don Dailey wrote:
 Go problems don't work for MC programs unless you can arrange them so
 that finding the right move wins, and anything else loses.   I found you
 can modify some problems by manipulating the komi to make this true.

You can manipulate komi to turn any unfinished position into a
win/lose testcase. It might not have a unique solution but that's not
required for a testcase to be useful.

The difficulty is of course to find the proper komi so that the
minimum number of moves are winning moves, and to find which those
moves are. If you can do that you will in most cases get an
interesting testcase.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Test position set for MC programs

2008-04-21 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Yamato wrote:
 Hi all.

 I'd like to share my test set for MC programs.
 This is a gnugo-style regression test file. To use it, you need
 to implement 2 GTP commands, loadsgf and reg_genmove.
 Then, run your program like this:

 gnugo --mode gtp  mctest.tst | awk -f regress.awk tst=mctest.tst

 This set contains 50 problems. They are relatively easy to human
 players and perhaps classic Go programs, but hard to MC programs.

 Here are my results.

 Zen-1.5 (1k playouts): 15/50
 Zen-1.5 (10k playouts)   : 20/50
 Zen-1.5 (100k playouts)  : 22/50
 gnugo-3.7.10 (Level 0)   : 22/50
 gnugo-3.7.10 (Level 10)  : 32/50

 I want to know the results of other programs. Please post here.

GNU Go 3.7.12 level 0 : 21/50
GNU Go 3.7.12 level 10: 32/50
GNU Go 3.7.12 mc, 1k (*1) : 28/50
GNU Go 3.7.12 mc, 10k (*2): 28/50
GNU Go 3.7.12 mc, 100k (*3)   : 35/50
GNU Go 3.7.12 mc, light, 1k (*4)  : 30/50
GNU Go 3.7.12 mc, light, 10k (*5) : 27/50
GNU Go 3.7.12 mc, light, 100k (*6): 22/50
GNU Go 3.7.12 mc, mogo, 1k (*7)   : 32/50
GNU Go 3.7.12 mc, mogo, 10k (*8)  : 28/50
GNU Go 3.7.12 mc, mogo, 100k (*9) : 30/50

(*1) gnugo --monte-carlo --mc-games-per-level 100
(*2) gnugo --monte-carlo --mc-games-per-level 1000
(*3) gnugo --monte-carlo --mc-games-per-level 1
(*4) gnugo --monte-carlo --mc-patterns uniform --mc-games-per-level 100
(*5) gnugo --monte-carlo --mc-patterns uniform --mc-games-per-level 1000
(*6) gnugo --monte-carlo --mc-patterns uniform --mc-games-per-level 1
(*7) gnugo --monte-carlo --mc-patterns mogo_classic --mc-games-per-level 100
(*8) gnugo --monte-carlo --mc-patterns mogo_classic --mc-games-per-level 
(*9) gnugo --monte-carlo --mc-patterns mogo_classic --mc-games-per-level 

--mc-patterns uniform is uniform distribution except for filling eyes,
i.e. so called light playouts.

--mc-patterns mogo_classic is an approximation of the simulation
policy from the report Modification of UCT with Patterns in
Monte-Carlo Go by the MoGo team.

The reason why light playouts do better with 1k simulations than
100k simulations is that the --monte-carlo move generation is a hybrid
between UCT search and normal move generation and with few
simulations, especially light playouts, the influence of normal move
generation (in this case at default level 10) tends to be stronger.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Test position set for MC programs

2008-04-21 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Yamato wrote:
 Don Dailey wrote:
 Go problems don't work for MC programs unless you can arrange them so
 that finding the right move wins, and anything else loses.   I found you
 can modify some problems by manipulating the komi to make this true.

 I intend to have adjusted all of them like that (only 1 move = win).
 Do you mean you found some problems are wrong?

108: If I'm not mistaken A3 and G1 both give B+3.5 whereas A2 gives
B+1.5 so komi could be 9.5 but there would still be two solutions.

113: Black can also start with E8 and still have sufficient ko

125: B1 also kills.

128: D2 kills, not C2.

130: D2 becomes more complicated but looks good enough to win with
komi 7.5.

131: It looks like B4 wins by 3.5 and D1 by 1.5 so komi should be 9.5
to give a unique winning move.

139: C2 and B1 also live.

143: I don't see how A3 could win the semeai. A2 and C4 look more

148: D1 also wins?

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Test position set for MC programs

2008-04-21 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Yamato wrote:
 Gunnar Farnebäck wrote:
 130: D2 becomes more complicated but looks good enough to win with
 komi 7.5.

 I don't see why D2 works. After E2, can black live?

You're right. I was busy counting how much damage white could do on
the right with various moves cutting the threatened connection and
quickly forgot about the shortage of liberties that stopped the other
1-2 point from working in the first place...

 139: C2 and B1 also live.

 Yes, but will not win with komi 7.5.

Fair enough.

 143: I don't see how A3 could win the semeai. A2 and C4 look more

 Typo, it was A2. C4 cannot work.

How does white defend against C4? I'm looking at B C4, W B4, B B5,
W B6, B A2 without finding a way out for white. Did I miss something?

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] State of the art of pattern matching

2008-03-26 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Mark Boon wrote:
Lately I have been putting some effort into pattern-matching. Although I 
have made progress, the result was not as good as what I had hoped for 
by about an order of magnitude. This makes me wonder what is currently 
actually the state of the art of pattern matching in Go.

Of course it's a bit of a vague question, as there are many possible 
forms of pattern-matching. Fixed-size patterns are the easiest since a 
hash-code can be used. Nothing is going to beat that in terms of speed, 
but its use is limited to some special occasions. Joseki is one and 
apparently 3x3 patterns are used in Monte-Carlo programs.

But I think the most generally useful form is one that can do 
pattern-matching for variable shapes. (Or which can have don't-care 
points if you like.) I thought I had a solution that would be pretty 
close to the theoretical best performance. Formally proving that would 
probably be a dissertation in itself, most important for me is in itself 
it works and with modest memory requirements. That is the good part. The 
bad part is, if I'm right this is the best it can get I'm a bit 
disappointed it isn't faster. I'd rather be proven wrong here. It's 
written in Java so making it in C would possibly give a two-fold 
speedup, but that's all I can think of.

What I have now takes 10-15 microseconds on a 2Ghz Intel computer to 
find all the patterns on a board (on average for 9x9, for 19x19 it's 
more like 15-20 usec) and it also gives me the 'new' patterns i.e. 
patterns that match now but didn't match the previous move (I believe 
that's a useful feature, but it's a detail). The set of patterns is 
under a thousand patterns. Somehow smaller sets don't go much faster, 
but larger sets do slow down, every ten-fold increase in number of 
patterns seems to double the time.

So I was wondering if others cared to share the performance of their 
pattern-matcher. I just want to find out if I'm chasing a unicorn or not 
by trying to make something faster.

I tried this with GNU Go and got about 40-80 usec on 9x9 for a database 
of 500 patterns with in some cases lots of wildcards (black or empty, 
white or empty, black or white or empty (but not off board)). This was 
on a 2.2 GHz AMD64.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] 9x9

2008-03-25 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Olivier Teytaud wrote:
 We have removed most of the openings, because they have been generated
 before we modify the behavior of mogo in front of Nakade, and the mogo
 with new nakade-behavior seemingly does not like the openings generated
 before the nakade-improvement. I guess a very
 strong improvement will come easily, just by restarting the complete
 (long and boring) process of generating opening books.

Hey, are you going to stop playing games like ?
MonteGNU had learned that sequence and played from book all the way up
to move 31. How is MonteGNU now supposed to be able to win any games
against MoGo? ;-)

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] More statistics and conclusions from CGOS data

2008-02-20 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Christoph Birk wrote:

On Thu, 14 Feb 2008, Gunnar Farnebäck wrote:

Interesting. If I do the same with MonteGNU's fuseki database, which
is based on online learning from own CGOS games, and cut off at 200
samples I get:

E5  8101
|  C3  2950
|   |  G5  1798
|   |   |  G3  1145 (A)

And the results (win/loss %) ?

Due to the way the learning is done and because wins against weaker 
opponents are excluded, the win/loss statistics don't mean anything and 
are in fact close to 50% for most popular moves. Look at the numbers 
above as indications of how often the corresponding move historically 
has seemed like a good idea to play for the fuseki algorithm.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] gpugo

2008-02-13 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Florian Erhardt wrote:
 Hello !

 My name is Florian Erhardt, I am a bachelor student of computer sciences
 and am in the process of optimizing libEGO for gpgpu. For now I
 implemented the SFMT (even I can do copy and paste) on the gpu and am
 now atomizing the MC to be done by the gpu. If everything works as I
 planned it, I'll  have a releasable program in a few months (I still
 have to learn lots about parallelizing, gpu programming and programming
 in general [maybe leaning about genetic algorithms can't hurt either -
 The RAVE algorithm is more like a genetic algorithm - Right ?] - and I
 have to go to university :-) ).

 For now I'm using a  MC-engine with UCT, trying out how much patterns
 and other things might make the results better.
 Now as I understand it, using patterns, groupstatus, ... during the
 MC-playout makes the results from the playout more meaningful (stronger
 - 30k instead of random), so if I would make the playout with a small
 engine (the easiest way to use the power of the gpu) the result should
 be more meaningful too. Has anyone done any test like that (like use
 gnugo level 0 instead of an MC-playout) ? Does anyone have a
 minimalistic non-MC go engine I could look at ? One more thing - has
 anyone tried using quasi-MC for go ?

I don't want to discourage you but this doesn't match my experience
of GPGPU from other applications, nor my experience of MC go.

First, using GNU Go level 0 for playouts is pointless. It's too slow
and deterministic for an MC approach and too slow and weak for a
non-MC approach.

Second, as other people have pointed out, the strength of individual
playouts does not have a strong connection with the strength of an UCT
program. I would go as far as to conjecture that it's entirely
irrelevant. (Patterns are indeed useful but for other reasons than
playout strength.)

Third, if you want to get any kind of speed from the GPU you must go
massively parallel. Think in terms of a big texture filled by lots of
go boards side by side and try to operate on all of them
simultaneously in a reasonably uniform manner. Forget everything about
group status and other complicated concepts. If you can just implement
an UCT engine with uniformly random playouts on the GPU and get
significantly better performance than on CPU it's a major achievement
in my book.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] More statistics and conclusions from CGOS data

2008-02-13 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Don Dailey wrote:
 Here is the entire tree, where I drop nodes if they have less than 500
 samples.  These are games between 1700+ players who are within 100 ELO
 of each others rating.

 E5  49.1%  19630
  |  C4  49.6%  5894
  |   |  C5  49.9%  1558
  |   |   |  B5  54.7%  788
  |   |   |   |  C6  48.4%  566
  |   |  C6  51.3%  1106
  |   |  D4  53.5%  737
  |   |   |  C5  52.0%  765
  |   |  E3  50.6%  678
  |   |  D3  51.9%  620
  |  C5  56.0%  4131
  |   |  D4  48.4%  1226
  |   |   |  C4  52.0%  765
  |   |  C4  47.6%  710
  |   |  D3  39.0%  605
  |  C3  54.2%  3702
  |   |  C5  50.1%  1532
  |   |  E7  50.3%  557
  |  D4  50.5%  3634
  |   |  D5  52.3%  2730
  |   |   |  C5  37.3%  585
  |   |   |  E4  49.0%  582
  |  D5  39.3%  1688
  |   |  D4  63.0%  1253
  |   |  E4  58.4%  611
  |   |   |  D4  49.0%  582
 D5  47.9%  8405
  |  F5  56.1%  2465
  |   |  F4  47.2%  895
  |   |   |  G4  54.1%  512
  |   |  E4  39.6%  528
  |  F4  52.9%  1516
  |   |  F5  47.4%  529
  |  E5  50.8%  758
  |   |  D4  45.9%  848
  |   |  E4  50.4%  544
  |  G4  51.9%  698
  |  E4  49.1%  696
  |   |  E5  58.4%  611
  |   |   |  D4  49.0%  582
  |   |  E6  39.6%  528
  |  F3  49.5%  553
 D4  47.4%  7963
  |  E6  51.4%  1466
  |  E5  55.2%  1355
  |   |  D5  45.9%  848
  |  F6  53.1%  1019
  |  F7  51.3%  967
  |  D6  58.7%  652
  |  G7  58.5%  535
 C4  44.6%  3206
 C5  47.9%  2270
 C3  40.3%  1438

Interesting. If I do the same with MonteGNU's fuseki database, which
is based on online learning from own CGOS games, and cut off at 200
samples I get:

E5  8101
 |  C3  2950
 |   |  G5  1798
 |   |   |  G3  1145 (A)
 |   |   |   |  C5  403
 |   |   |  C7  310
 |   |  E3  622
 |   |   |  C7  1145 (transposition of A)
 |  C4  2249
 |   |  C5  714
 |   |   |  B5  459
 |   |   |   |  C6  403
 |   |  D4  443
 |   |   |  C5  277 (B)
 |   |  C6  351
 |   |  D6  286
 |   |  E3  239
 |  C5  1708
 |   |  D4  612
 |   |   |  C4  277 (transposition of B)
 |   |  C4  343
 |   |  C3  297
 |  D4  864
 |   |  E4  698
 |   |   |  D5  205
 |  D5  295
 |   |  D4  216
D4  1608
 |  E5  681
 |   |  E4  520
 |   |   |  D5  351
 |   |   |   |  C5  212
 |  F6  279
 |  F5  250
D5  1521
 |  F5  508
 |   |  F4  190
 |  F4  320
C4  585
C5  391
(C3  149)

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] More UCT / Monte-Carlo questions

2008-02-05 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

David Fotland wrote:
 Can you elaborate on what is in a node, and what you mean by expand?   I
 assume you have simple node, where each node represents a position and
 the single move to get there.  Then when you find a node with no
 children and expand it, you allocate up to 81 new nodes, but you only
 make one random playout.  If uct picks a different leaf next time, you
 end up with most of the leaf nodes never visited.  In this case you run
 out of memory quickly.  If there are a few hundred K playouts to pick a
 move, and 90% of the leaves have no visits, then you need over a million
 nodes of memory.

 How do other programs handle this?  I see that aya has an array of all
 children in each node.  This still means allocating memory for all
 children when a new node is allocated.

MonteGNU has a linked list of visited children and a bitboard marking
moves which have not yet been visited. A new node is created without
children and the bitboard marks all possible moves.

 It think many programs run several simulations through a node before
 allocating the children.  I can see how this saves memory, but then how
 do you save the RAVE information from the early simulations?

I have never managed to implement RAVE successfully. It made my
program significantly slower but no stronger even at a fixed number of

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Congratulations to AyaMC, GNU, and MonteGNU!

2008-02-04 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

terry mcintyre wrote:
 Does the KGS protocol permit one to propose a set of dead groups,
 then upon discovery of a conflict, to say Ok, your proposal still
 leads to my win, I'm perfectly happy to accept that result?

No, at least not in any way that the engine can influence.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Hydra theory (was Hybrid theory)

2008-02-02 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

David Doshay wrote:
 I looked up borda voting on Wikipedia. I did not know this was called
 Borda voting, and it might be called a zeroth-order version of what I
 am thinking. Rather than just take rank order from each, I intended to
 try to include other metrics, for example, some measure of distance
 from top. One engine may evaluate that there is one really great move
 with all others considered very bad. That is different than many nearly
 equal good moves.

[Commenting a somewhat arbitrary message in the thread.]

MonteGNU (and gnugo --monte-carlo in the next development release)
is doing a simple form of voting. Internally there are two engines;
one UCT-MC engine and the ordinary GNU Go move generation. The UCT
engine is allowed to nominate a number of moves and the ordinary move
generation must choose one of those.

More specifically the UCT engine nominates the following moves:

1. The highest scoring move in terms of win rate. Let N be the number
   of simulations for this move.
2. All moves with more than N/2 simulations
3. All moves with win rate win rate greater than 0.9 and more than
   N/10 simulations.
4. All moves if the highest scoring move has win rate less than 0.1.

The move values from the ordinary move generation are then used to
choose one of the nominated moves. If all nominated moves are thought
useless the highest scoring UCT move is chosen. Pass is generated if
and only if the ordinary move generation wants to pass.

Usually this works fairly well. Most of the strength (on 9x9) comes
from the UCT part and if it finds a clear winner the ordinary move
generation only has a single move to choose from. When safely ahead
many moves are nominated and the ordinary move generation gets to play
for points, providing sensibly looking moves. Similarly when clearly
losing and resignation is disabled, ordinary move generation gets to
finish the game off in a tidy manner.

A nice point is that with too few simulations the UCT engine will
nominate lots of moves and the total result is that it more or less
reverts to the ordinary move generation.

Occasionally, however, it gives the worst of two worlds. The UCT
engine may have a good move A first but a bad move B close behind and
also nominated . The ordinary move generation maybe likes another good
move C best and hates B but has completely missed A. Then B will be
played, although both engines prefer better moves.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] gtp two way

2008-02-02 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Joshua Shriver wrote:

In addition to my previous email is there a cli based app for doing
two way gtp based head on head competitions between two engines?

The GNU Go distribution provides multiple twogtp scripts in the 
interface/gtp_examples directory. These are written in Perl, Python, and 
Pike respectively with varying amounts of features. Additionally I also 
believe that GoGui includes a twogtp script (in Java).

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Go board recap

2008-02-02 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Joshua Shriver wrote:

For whatever reason my email grep'ing skills haven't spawns answers to
a previously emailed question.

In chess we have xboard/winboard. What clients do you recommend for
linux for GTP playing?

I recommend Quarry.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Suicide question

2008-01-17 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Don Dailey wrote:
 Never mind,  I found what I want:

 gnugo --mode gtp --score aftermath --capture-all-dead --chinese-rules
 --min-level 8 --max-level 8 --positional-superko

Forget about --score aftermath. It does absolutely nothing when
combined with --mode gtp.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Suicide question

2008-01-17 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Don Dailey wrote:
 Thanks,  will do that!

 Someone once told me that level 8 is faster and plays just as well.   Is
 there any truth to that?   I am planning to  run this study at level 10.

Level 8 is certainly faster and it ought to be weaker but I can't say
anything about how much.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Suicide question

2008-01-16 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Heikki Levanto wrote:
 On Wed, Jan 16, 2008 at 04:12:26PM -0500, Don Dailey wrote:
 There is no question that there are positions where suicide or eye
 filling are correct.

 I know suicide can be used as a ko-threat, but are there *any* other
 positions where it would be a correct move?

Yes, but as far as I know only in obscure positions. is
mandatory reading.

 If not, then it makes sense to forbid that in a random playout, since 
it is
 just a forcing move, and the (equally) random opponent is quite 
unlikely to
 answer the right way anyway. So the suicide move may look like a 
better move

 than it really is.

 I can not think of any situation where filling a one-point eye would be a
 correct move (provided that it is a real eye and not a false one).

 Can anyone come with concrete examples?

This has been discussed before on this list. See e.g.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Suicide question

2008-01-16 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Erik van der Werf wrote:
 On Jan 16, 2008 10:42 PM, Heikki Levanto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I can not think of any situation where filling a one-point eye 
would be a

   correct move (provided that it is a real eye and not a false one).
   Can anyone come with concrete examples?

 Sure, for example with the following shape filling the eye makes a bulky
 five nakade in the corner
 |. # #
 |# #

 Under cgos rules you may in rare cases even have to fill eyes of
 pass-alive groups.

This reminds me that one of the games in the January KGS tournament
featured a case of moon-shine life because GNU Go by principle doesn't
play inside unconditional territory unless it needs to remove all dead
opponent stones, but even then only if there are dead stones in the
same eye. The game record can be found at

This is the final position, in cleanup mode after disagreement:

   A B C D E F G H J
 9 . O . O O . . O . 9
 8 . O O . O O . O O 8
 7 O O + . O . + O O 7
 6 O . O O O O . O O 6
 5 . O O . + O . O . 5
 4 O . O . . O O O O 4
 3 O . + O . O X O X 3
 2 O O . O O O X X . 2
 1 . O O O X X X . X 1
   A B C D E F G H J

Black has just captured ko at J3, white passed since it refused to
play inside any of its empty eyes, black of course passed too and the
game was counted as it stood with the black stones considered alive.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: language efficiency

2007-12-18 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Forrest Curo wrote:
 So Scheme is one of the languages I've been considering, and in the
 process I stumbled upon a list of programs it was used to write. One of
 them: GIMP (Graphic Images Manipulation Program). Relevance?--Graphic
 images of any detail are enormous chunks of data; doing even a simple
 computation on one of these files has got to require a lot of
 bit-crunching, which used to be pretty time-consuming even when I was
 processing low-resolution grayscale photos for a monthly tabloid. I
 haven't run a direct comparison with GIMP's commercial rivals, but it's
 impressively fast by my standards...

If something seems too good to be true, it is. All the heavy lifting
in GIMP is done by C code, with scheme available as a scripting
language on top.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] low-hanging fruit - yose

2007-12-12 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Heikki Levanto wrote:
 On Mon, Dec 10, 2007 at 04:08:48PM -0500, Don Dailey wrote:
 Would you rather be 95% confident of a win or 90% confident?There is
 only 1 correct answer to that question.

 Yes, if you can offer me reliable confidence numbers. We all (should) 

 that MC evaluations suffer from systematic problems that can not just be
 averaged away statistically.

 Compare these two positions:

 playout_benchmark 1
 = Initial board:
 komi 7.5
  9 . . . . . O O O O 9
  8 O O O O O O O O O 8
  7 O O O O O O O O O 7
  6 O O O O O O O O O 6
  5 # # # # # # # # # 5
  4 O O O # # # # # # 4
  3 O O O O . # # # # 3
  2 . O O O . # # # . 2
  1 # . O O . # # . # 1
   1 playouts
   0.032002 seconds
   312.481 kpps
 Black wins = 1937
 White wins = 8063
 P(black win) = 0.1937

 playout_benchmark 1
 = Initial board:
 komi 7.5
  9 . # . . . O O O O 9
  8 O O O O O O O O O 8
  7 O O O O O O O O O 7
  6 O O O O O O # # # 6
  5 # # # # # # # # # 5
  4 O O O # # # # # # 4
  3 O O O O . # # # # 3
  2 . O O O . # # # . 2
  1 . . O O . # # . # 1
   1 playouts
   0.084006 seconds
   119.039 kpps
 Black wins = 7746
 White wins = 2254
 P(black win) = 0.7746

 Which one is better, 77% or 19%?

This reminds me of the first testcase I wrote when I started with
MonteGNU. Black to play, no komi.

   A B C D E F G H J
 9 . . O O X . X . X 9
 8 . . . O X . X O X 8
 7 O . O O X X O O X 7
 6 O O O . X . X O O 6
 5 X X X X X O O O . 5
 4 . . X . O O . O . 4
 3 X X O X O . + O . 3
 2 X X O X O . . O . 2
 1 . O O O O . . . . 1
   A B C D E F G H J

Naturally B has to play B8, or white plays there and wins big. This is
trivial to find for a classic program and easy enough for a Monte
Carlo program. What's interesting is that it takes some work to make
black think that it has better than even winning chances after B8. The
Monte Carlo code in GNU Go CVS version gets 0.079 with 10k, 0.387 with
100k, and 0.475 with 1M simulations. I suspect that stronger programs
tend to be more optimistic about winning chances here. So please fill
in this table if you have an MC program:

 10k100k   1M

GNU Go CVS   0.079  0.387  0.475

The sgf file is attached, load it before the first move. The positions
before move 3 and 5 are also relevant tests.


Description: application/go-sgf
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] A thought about Bot-server communications

2007-12-11 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Nick Wedd wrote:

Sorry, but I can't take this seriously. If your board update routine
fails, just fix it. As long as you trust the controller to send legal
moves, it's well defined how the board will look. The same board
update logic can be used for all rulesets. If you don't agree about
the legality, complain in a logfile. If you don't trust the controller
to send legal moves, you have a problem that is hardly properly solved
by asking it for a different board state description.

I agree that the server knows better than me about the legality.  I 
trust the server to make legal moves.  I just might not know how to 
update the board state after a move I had not realised was possible.

In 1998, running the Ing Cup, I tested all the entrants for their 
behaviour when someone played a suicide move at them.  Many Faces put up 
a polite dialog box explaining that this was an illegal move.  Go++ was 
more amusing:  it allowed the move (which you would approve) but left 
the suicided stones on the board, where they became almost unkillable, 
it could not capture them by removing their last liberty as they didn't 
have one, the only way to lose them was to capture exactly one of their 
surrounding stones, in a perverted kind of snapback.  I would have 
preferred these programs to have been able to respond wtf is going on, 
please tell me the current board state.

Well, the thing is that fixing the board update logic should in most 
cases be a matter of adding a small number of lines, or in extreme cases 
even removing some lines. In terms of programming it's a much bigger 
operation to obtain information by external communication and then 
trying to recover the internal data structures.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] A thought about Bot-server communications

2007-12-10 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Nick Wedd wrote:
 When I play Go on a Go server, I do not try to remember the board
 position.  I can always find out what it is by looking at the client
 window on my screen.

 When a bot plays on a Go server, it does remember the position. This is
 something that programs are good at, so it seems reasonable to require
 them to do it.

 But there can be, very rarely, circumstances where a bot would like to
 ask the server what is the current board position?.  Here are some
 (1)  My bot's opponent has just made a suicide move.  My bot does
 not realise that, under the ruleset we are using, suicide is permitted.
 Therefore its board-update routine fails.  It knows that its opponent
 has moved, and it knows that it does not know the current position.  It
 would like to ask the server to send the current position.

Sorry, but I can't take this seriously. If your board update routine
fails, just fix it. As long as you trust the controller to send legal
moves, it's well defined how the board will look. The same board
update logic can be used for all rulesets. If you don't agree about
the legality, complain in a logfile. If you don't trust the controller
to send legal moves, you have a problem that is hardly properly solved
by asking it for a different board state description.

 (2)  As (1), but with a move that my bot thinks, wrongly, is
 forbidden by superko.

Same as (1).

 (3)  My bot, or the platform on which it is running, has had a
 serious accident.  I have relaunched my bot and it wants to resume its
 game but has no knowledge of the position.

It's standard practice for the controller to send play commands up
to the point of resumption. If the engine has to be restarted the
controller knows that it has lost state, there's no need for the
engine to ask. KgsGtp knows how to do this, the CGOS client knows how
to do this.

 If my understanding of the GTP spec at is
 correct, it is not possible for a bot to say please tell me the
 position.  Should it be possible?

No it shouldn't. GTP is designed to make it easy for engine authors to
implement what the engine needs to play a game. For a go server
protocol it can be useful to have methods to negotiate komi, negotiate
opponents, ask the server all kinds of questions, and so on, but this
is out of scope for GTP.

 A similar question applies to time.  When I play in a tournament, I am
 allowed to look at my clock to find out how much time I have left.  I am
 surprised to find that GTP provides no way for a bot to ask this. (Maybe
 I am misunderstanding the spec.  I see that there are commands
 'time_settings' and 'time-left' that the server can use to inform the
 bot of its remaining time, but I can find no indication of when, if
 ever, these commands will be issued.)

For a game with time controls the controller is expected to send
time_left commands once per move to keep the engine informed about the
time situation. While thinking on a move the engine is expected to
keep track of time by itself.

By the way, if this has anything to do with KGS, the real problem
there is that people who want to do advanced things with bots cannot
modify kgsGtp, nor speak the server protocol themselves, since those
are both proprietary.

And just to be clear, the normal mode of communication between a bot
and a server, if GTP is involved, is

Server ---server protocol--- Client ---GTP--- Engine

The server protocol and GTP have very different roles, capabilities,
and complexities. In some cases the server protocol can be near GTP in
complexity (CGOS), in some cases the server protocol is not available
(KGS), and in some cases the server protocol can be hugely complex
(IGS and NNGS clones). For the best result the client should have open
code and be very configurable.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Where and How to Test the Strong Programs?

2007-12-04 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

terry mcintyre wrote:
 Some of the MonteGNU code was just released on CVS. Check out Gnugo's
 development pages.

Don't expect that code to do better than 2000 on CGOS though
(mgtest2). The remaining code used by MonteGNU is still too messy.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] CGOS down? Java client - basic GTP problem

2007-11-27 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Harri Salakoski wrote:

command genmove w 30
reply=30 E3
cgos replys   gameover 2007-11-27 B+Illegal do not understand syntax

The cgos server does not speak GTP. A common solution is to let the cgos 
client cgosGtp.tcl translate the server protocol into GTP before 
connecting the engine.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] use for Monte Carlo on 19X19?

2007-11-08 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Stefan Mertin wrote:

on 07.11.2007 07:35 Gunnar Farnebäck wrote:

Stefan Mertin wrote:

I am using GnuGo scoring in my tournaments.
But GnuGo 3.7.10 mostly doesn´t score seki correctly,
has this been revised for v3.7.11 ...?!

What scoring mode are you using?


SORRY - I was completely wrong here,
I just realize that I was still using GnuGo 3.6
for scoring instead of 3.7.10!

(for chinese :
--score estimate --chinese-rules 
for japanese:

--score estimate)

In my actual computer Go tournament 
I just set up SmartGo2.7 to play GoIntellect10,

and from 150 9x9games there are 7 with a seki in the final position.

5 of these were scored wrongly because I mistakingly had
scored with GnuGo3.6 - I now have changed it to 3.7.11 and
everything seams to be perfect! 

With GNU Go 3.6 you can try --score aftermath instead. It plays out 
the game until all stones except ones in seki are unconditionally 
settled, which usually gives a reliable seki detection. Also with 
current development versions --score aftermath is expected to be the 
most reliable scoring option, but the difference is much smaller nowadays.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] use for Monte Carlo on 19X19?

2007-11-06 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Don Dailey wrote:


If I do anything to CGOS it would be handicap games.  But I think your
suggestion is sensible for Japanese scoring.GnuGo won't score
perfectly every time, but I understand it is rarely incorrect.

Does anyone have statistics on how well GnuGo scores professional 19x19

That depends on how difficult you make the problem. I have used Dave 
Dyer's test set of 623 scored professional 19x19 games, see for 
information. As can be seen in the example on that page, those game 
records generally leave out all dame moves and even some moves required 
to finalize territories when it's clear how many points will be obtained 
there. Worse still, final endgame kos are frequently left out since it's 
assumed to be obvious who will win them.

With this in mind, the results for GNU Go 3.7.11 are 534 (85.7%) 
correctly scored, 79 (12.7%) off by one point, 5 off by 2 points, 2 off 
by 3 points, and 1 each off by 12, 34, and 38 points.

But mind you, GNU Go is trained on those games. It would certainly do 
worse on unseen games of a similar difficulty.

On the other hand, if the game records are complete up to and including 
dame filling, I would expect the error rate to be less than 1%, possibly 
much better.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] 19x19 CGOS

2007-10-27 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Don Dailey wrote:

Who is running gnugo 10?You must using the right options.  Here is
how I run it:

gnugo --mode gtp --score aftermath --capture-all-dead --chinese-rules 

You can skip --score aftermath, it has no effect when --mode gtp is 
used. (Without --mode gtp it would instead try to score the position 
but complain that no position was loaded with the -l option.)

There is also a min-level and max-level setting - not sure what that
does but I think this puts in some default level mode which is reasonbly

When playing without time controls you only have to specify --level n 
to play at level n, where level 10 is default.

When playing with time controls GNU Go doesn't have infrastructure to 
spend a specific amount of time or abort the move generation based on 
time constraints. Instead it adjusts its playing level after each move, 
decreased level if it plays too slowly, increased level if it plays 
unnecessarily fast. This control is kind of crude and it's advisable to 
limit how high the level may become. Also a lower limit is sometimes 
useful as GNU Go tends to be rather erratic (more so than usual, that 
is) at really low level.

Thus --min-level and --max-level sets these lower and higher limits 
that the time control is allowed to adjust the level between. By default 
min-level is 0 and max-level is 10 or the value set by --level, 
whichever is highest.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] XML alternatives to SGF

2007-10-23 Thread Gunnar Farnebäck

Jason House wrote:
An XML alternative [1] to SGF has recently come to my attention.  What 
do others think of this alternative?  Personally, the effect of a tag 
affecting the previous tag seems kind of strange to me.

For use in GNU Go it would need to have quite compelling benefits to 
become interesting.

Let's look at numbers. GNU Go 3.7.10 roughly consists of 2.4 MB C code 
(83000 lines), 1.4 MB pattern data, 0.45 MB testcase files, 1.8 MB sgf 
game records (1500 sgf files), and 2 MB documentation. Of the C code 
2600 lines come from the sgf library.

If we want to use an available C library for XML, expat seems like a 
possible choice. The whole distribution is 2.5 MB but maybe it's 
possible to get away with the 400 kB (13000 lines) C code in the lib 
directory. Five times bigger than our sgf library but manageable. (That 
cannot be said of libxml2 though, with some 14 lines of code.)

A potential problem with an XML library is the internal representation 
of the game tree. For debugging purposes it's not unusual to dump 
reading trees containing literally millions of moves, sometimes up to 
the limit of the available RAM. If an XML tree requires more bytes per 
move, the functionality would suffer. Does anybody know how big a node 
would become in expat for a move tag?

Next problem is of course the file size of the game records. If they are 
5 or 10 times as large we're talking 9 MB or 18 MB for the game records. 
 Not a huge amount by itself but when considering the number of copies 
of GNU Go being distributed it sums up.

So what are the benefits? So far I haven't seen anything that is 
relevant for GNU Go. The readability is not really an issue, it's almost 
never possible to visualize a game record without a graphical viewer 
anyway, regardless of coordinate representation, and from the examples 
I've seen XML has been worse off than sgf on readability. Character sets 
are a non-issue for GNU Go, information about players is simply ignored. 
Version control conflicts have never happened with game records and I 
don't foresee it for the future.

But I can provide a hint for something I would find useful. If it's 
something I'm missing in today's sgf viewers it's a good way to dump and 
inspect a transposition table. It's possible to expand the 
transpositions into a big tree with duplicate subtrees but that makes it 
very difficult to traverse it efficiently. Alternatively the tree is cut 
off when the same position is reached again but then there's no easy way 
to find where the position was first reached, which is needed to follow 
the continuations.

computer-go mailing list