Re: [Coworking] Launching 'Hire' as a gig portal for coworking members.

2012-11-02 Thread Toni Hogan
This is awesome! We're implementing a similar service.

Toni Hogan
*The Office Connexion*
11920 Walters Road (map
Houston, TX 77067
Got Mail?
832-534-CONX (2669)
The Office Connexion is a social enterprise. Social enterprises are
businesses whose primary purpose is the common good. They use the methods
and disciplines of business and the power of the marketplace to advance
their social, environmental and human justice agendas.

Three characteristics distinguish a social enterprise from other types of
businesses, nonprofits and government agencies:

   - *It directly addresses an intractable social need and serves the
   common good*, either through its products and services or through the
   number of disadvantaged people it employs.
   - *Its commercial activity is a strong revenue driver*, whether a
   significant earned income stream within a nonprofit’s mixed revenue
   portfolio, or a for profit enterprise.
   - *The common good is its primary purpose*, literally “baked into” the
   organization’s DNA, and trumping all others.

On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 12:46 PM, Craig Baute - Creative Density Coworking wrote:

 Yesterday I launched 
 * on Creative Density's site where local Denver companies can submit
 projects to the freelancers that cowork at Creative Density. I'm branding
 it as a personal recommendation service for freelancers versus a straight
 jobs connector because so many of those already exist and this is a more
 curated service.  How it works is pretty simple, companies say what type of
 project they want to work on, the budget, and further details. I then
 respond to the company with three or less recommendations of people that I
 know would be interested and meet the job requirements. This process will
 change as membership increases and the community will be asked for input
 into the process because I want to avoid favoring people and creating
 politics. I simply want to give honest feedback to companies on freelancers
 that I work with on a daily basis and understand their strengths and

 I take no cut of work and it is a service and benefit to the coworkers.

 The need CD is trying to solve:
 Companies don't know where to go to find talent. They often just post on
 Craigslist or go through their current networks. This is a long process or
 the company is limited to how many freelancers they actually know. *Hire 
 *becomes a
 hub for local talent.

 Freelancers have a new opportunity to work with local companies and get
 discovered. They get more work, able to spend more time coworking, we build
 a stronger community.

 Creative Density benefits by becoming a hub and support system for
 freelancers. As Tony would say, we'd help fix this stupid job crisis. In
 addition, I'm starting to see more work passed between members and I'm
 getting approached by companies looking for talent already. *Hire *will
 provide a formal outlet for outside companies and to encourage them to use
 coworking members for gigs. What I don't want is for people to join
 Creative Density just because of job leads, but I'm going to react versus
 worry too much about it up front because I think good community management
 and culture can overcome this problem.

 I'm not sure if any other coworking spaces are launching services like
 this but I would love to know your reactions or how you'd change it. This
 is a beta and will be adjusted as need.

 Creative Density
 Denver, CO

 Visit this forum on the web at

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[Coworking] Re: Forcing Density At First Sparks Community

2012-08-14 Thread Toni Hogan
Confirmation! We've only furnished the lounge and plan to grow into the 
other spaces. There has to be an absolute good reason for someone to have a 
private office (i.e. government regulations, nature of the business) but we 
will still encourage them to blend when possible. We give a full tour of 
the 13,000sf vision and never apologize for the empty space. It's amazing 
how people get it.


On Tuesday, August 14, 2012 1:32:40 PM UTC-5, Craig Baute - Creative 
Density Coworking wrote:

 When I first started Creative Density in Denver I rented out a 3500 sf 
 space, but only really wanted 2000 sf after a hard lesson learned when 
 helping out a space in Toronto that had 7500 sf and no members. In Toronto 
 people would join but spread way out because they could. New members 
 naturally wanted to give everyone enough space so they rarely naturally had 
 a conversation or get to know each other unless I, as a community manager 
 played an active role, which I did. It reminded that space design needed to 
 play a more active role in creating the culture I envisioned.

 Advice (for what's it worth): Force Density
 This lesson reminded me about how Daniel Pink and Richard Florida 
 described how the close proximity of people in cities spurred innovation 
 and conversations. After all, this is what coworking is trying to do on a 
 micro level (hence the name Creative Density). I was inspired by this idea 
 and would use the 3500 sf I signed a lease for in a different way.

 First, when the space opened I only made around 1500 sf. available to the 
 members by furnishing a limited segment of the space and closing doors. 
 This allowed the space to have different rooms for different work styles 
 (quiet room, lounge, energy, and open floor desks) but people were forced 
 to be close enough to each other that they would they would have 
 conversations more frequently and get to know each other. This had 
 a dramatic positive effect on creating community compared to my experience 
 in Toronto. As the membership grew I slowly opened the doors up, furnished 
 rooms, and included them in the tour. At 40 members, we still have a large 
 600ish sf room that is not being used very regularly so I have plenty of 
 room to grow into.

 Second, I lived in 3 of the rooms taking up a quater of the building for 
 the first 11 months of operations. This is more of me being lean since the 
 place was zoned accordingly and knowing Creative Density didn't need 3500 
 sf at launch. It worked out well but I couldn't allow Creative Density to 
 be a 24/7 space.

 Overall, it's okay as a new space owner to not furnish and open the entire 
 space for use at first, and can actually damage your culture that you are 
 trying to create. Don't be afraid to block some spots off and limit your 
 space to encourage conversations and community.

 Creative Density

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Re: [Coworking] Re: Industry Specific Communities

2012-08-13 Thread Toni Hogan
Revisiting this thread... (Tried to make this short...FAILED) After trying 
to build our community the regular way, {I know there's really no one 
regular way} it looks like we're back to our original plan. I may be 
speaking prematurely but I think a real estate focused community will begin 
to grow organically. :-)

Now that we're done with getting the space ready to receive members and 
guest, we've been able to refocus our energies on what pays the bills. I 
stopped practicing residential real estate at the beginning of this year 
and went back to my calling as a Real Estate Virtual Administrator. Instead 
of trying to pull one new agent-client at a time I cast out a net.

My first client is with a firm that has over 1,500 agents. I prepared a 
presentation, called the broker and went to see him the next day. I walked 
out of there as one of his new agents, although I not practicing, and 
access to all of the firm's agents. In addition, I have a verbal commitment 
from him to help me grow my REVA business. He called two agents while I was 
in the office, gave my number to two or three more, and sent an email to 
everyone Sunday night.

Exciting right? But, wait!!! They (I mean we) have about nine offices 
throughout Houston but they are not really setup as workspaces and have 
limited space for meeting clients. The broker sent out an email to all 
1,500 agents about a training last week, but the conference room only holds 
6 people. SOOO, I told him my facility could accommodate up to 30 people 
(major understatement) and sent him the link to The Office Connexion 

His reply, Now Toni, I am proud of you.  I'll do my best to help you make 
your business take off.  I'll come see you there and look it over. We may 
do meetings there and give you more exposure.  We can talk later. Today, 
he said we need to plan for him to come see my little office soon. I 
didn't mention to him that our little office is actually 13K square feet. 
{giggle} Seriously, he's really an awesome person and I see why his firm 
has grown while others are dropping agents like flies.

On another note, we signed our first private office member last Friday. 
yippee! We've also launched a Small Business Chamber of Commerce and are 
expecting quite a few business owners at our networking event this Friday. 
Exciting things happening...finally!


On Sunday, March 18, 2012 6:25:09 PM UTC-5, Alex Hillman wrote:

 After this response, I temper my previous answer of we learn more from 
 people less like us to include the caveat but everybody can benefit from 
 coworking principals when applied with thought and intent. 

 You said so much in this reply that shows the thoughtfulness and intent 
 behind your approach. I'm truly loving what you've described.

 Excited to see this unfold, keep the posts like this flowing!


 coworking in philadelphia

 On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 7:03 PM, OC Houston 

 Jerome, KW is a traditional brokerage and they do provide desk space
 for agents. With the growing popularity of 100% firms many new agents
 think they can keep all of their commissions. They soon find out that
 100% of zero is a really less than zero when you figure in the out-of-
 pocket marketing, start-up, and vehicle expenses. Most 100% firms
 don't offer the training a new agent needs and most brokers won't say
 that because they make their money by stacking licenses. If a broker
 has 1500 agents paying $175 a year or 800 agents paying $175 PLUS $95
 a month with no expectation of any real value then why do anything
 more than hang licenses and collect fees? It's sad and it's hurting
 our industry. I'm belong to a social networking group of agents and
 some of the questions posted by even experienced agents should have
 been answered by the agent's some cases years ago.

 The way I envision the coworking community, a new agent can have a
 membership AND receive group coaching for the same price as being a
 regular coworking member. They don't have to change brokerages. When
 they complete the program they will be in better position to have 100%
 of something to keep.

 Beyond this, as the community begins to grow the agents can
 collaborate with other business minded people and use ideas from other
 industries to build their own business models. The market is saturated
 with cookie cutter agents. I've always had more success with out-of-
 the-box business models than with chasing buyers and sellers. I
 accredit this to my diverse background in various industries and my
 husband's third eye as a graphics and marketing guru.

 So, while the Keller Williams and Re/MAX firms exist there is a great
 need for what I envision. Although most 100% firms provide conference
 rooms and workstations there's no sense of community and the spirit of
 competition is often thick. Very few agents utilize the space because
 there's no other benefit to being there.


[Coworking] Re: Windows or no Windows that is the question

2012-08-01 Thread Toni Hogan
the blinds are heat-resistant and designed to help control room temp
as well as block direct sunlight.


On Aug 1, 3:04 pm, Jerome Chang wrote:
 FYI, blinds do not stop the heat, since the heat will have penetrated thru 
 the glass by the time it hits the blinds on the interior.  The only thing 
 blinds do is reduce/stop glare.
 The best is double-pane glass, and the cheapest is a window film to reduce 
 infrared and UV rays.  An overhang can help if it's large enough for your 
 building direction/longitude-latitude/etc.

 work FOR yourself, not BY yourself
 5405 Wilshire Blvd (2 blocks west of La Brea) Los Angeles, CA 90036
 323.330.9505 (office)

 On Aug 1, 2012, at 12:50 PM, Toni Hogan wrote:

  I personally like natural lighting. We have four quads, each with a
  skylight. The bordering offices have windows some regular windows,
  some 6 inches wide...they look 6 inches to me. We are in the lounge.
  There's natural lighting from the front doors, a regular window, and
  a skinny window. We are in Texas and the front of the building faces
  west, so right about evening time it gets hotter'n heck. But, I
  wouldn't trade it. May get blinds or a window shade though. ;-)


  On Aug 1, 1:17 pm, Adam Dean wrote:
  Hi All,
  First off thank you all for the incredible insights I've gathered from the
  group. I just have a simple question and all feedback would be great! Would
  you rather open a space with a lot natural light or have a space with an
  innovative design but would rely on artificial light? Thank you all for
  your time and I look forward to hearing the responses!

  Adam Dean

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[Coworking] Re: Windows or no Windows that is the question

2012-08-01 Thread Toni Hogan
my husband would, and probably will if he sees this, agree with
Jerome. We've had the discussion. I'm not distracted by the normal
flow of traffic on the street, but rather the people who use our
parking lot as a turnaround. My hope is that as we fill up our parking
lot with member cars it will deter the turnarounds.

you have lots to consider. ;-)


On Aug 1, 5:33 pm, Tom Brandt wrote:

 I find a windowless environment pretty oppressive. Yes, street noise spills
 in. We are on the ground floor, and so passers-by are always peering in
 wondering what is going in our space. But those distractions are minor
 compared to the closed-in feeling I have when I can't see outside.

 Light is important. Artificial lighting, no matter how much it tries to
 emulate sunlight, just isn't the same, and doesn't feel that same.

 On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 6:12 PM, Jerome Chang wrote:
  I'm going to provide a dissenting opinion on this, but not to say I would
  avoid windows altogether: windows can be distracting (outside noises like
  fire trucks, buses, trucks, etc. can spill in much easier) and focus people
  to look out, vs. within the office where the community is.  Windows were
  traditionally viewed as ideal because perimeter office people could stare
  out to a view and think.  To me, that sounds like someone who wants to
  isolate himself, vs. be in the mix of a community in the central open space.

  Something to think about.  Design your space appropriately.

  work FOR yourself, not BY yourself
  5405 Wilshire Blvd (2 blocks west of La Brea) Los Angeles, CA 90036
  323.330.9505 (office)

  On Aug 1, 2012, at 2:55 PM, Adam Dean wrote:

  Thank you all for the feedback! Basically what we have now is the option
  to go into a 12000 SqFt space with a lot of beautiful windows or take a
  space in the interior of the building w are considering that has no windows
  but would have a glass wall looking out into an atrium of sorts. Personally
  I really like the window space over the other space since we aren't selling
  widgets there is no need to have retail frontage. Once I am home I'll post
  some Pictures of the space we are looking at as well as a general layout!
  Thanks everyone.

  On Wednesday, August 1, 2012 2:17:01 PM UTC-4, Adam Dean wrote:

  Hi All,
  First off thank you all for the incredible insights I've gathered from
  the group. I just have a simple question and all feedback would be great!
  Would you rather open a space with a lot natural light or have a space with
  an innovative design but would rely on artificial light? Thank you all for
  your time and I look forward to hearing the responses!

  Adam Dean

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 member, Workantile

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[Coworking] Global Workspace Association

2012-07-30 Thread Toni Hogan
Has anyone ever heard of this organization? If so, do tell...

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[Coworking] Re: Global Workspace Association

2012-07-30 Thread Toni Hogan
Thanks! I received a call this morning. I always check out everything!
Looking at the membership rates on their website. Interesting...


On Jul 30, 10:38 am, Alex Hillman
 I'm a member of the LinkedIn group. Most of the discussion trends to the real 
 estate side of the conversation, but there's periodically a good link or 
 comment. One guy in particular, Ray Lindenberg, writes EPIC long posts but 
 they're thoughtful and interesting.

 Met some of the regulars (including Ray) at the Coworking Unconference in 
 Austin, but that's as much as I've interacted with them.


 coworking in philadelphia

 On Monday, July 30, 2012 at 11:33 AM, Toni Hogan wrote:
  Has anyone ever heard of this organization? If so, do tell...

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[Coworking] Re: Global Workspace Association

2012-07-30 Thread Toni Hogan
I could tell from the intro on the website that they just stuck
coworking spaces in. :-)

On Jul 30, 11:02 am, Alex Hillman
 Heh, as I hit send I got an email from them.

 Looks like they're doing a push into coworking spaces as we speak. Anybody
 else get a call?

 On Monday, July 30, 2012 11:56:04 AM UTC-4, Alex Hillman wrote:

   I honestly didn't even know that they had a website :)

  coworking in philadelphia

  On Monday, July 30, 2012 at 11:53 AM, Toni Hogan wrote:

  Thanks! I received a call this morning. I always check out everything!
  Looking at the membership rates on their website. Interesting...


  On Jul 30, 10:38 am, Alex Hillman

  I'm a member of the LinkedIn group. Most of the discussion trends to the
  real estate side of the conversation, but there's periodically a good link
  or comment. One guy in particular, Ray Lindenberg, writes EPIC long posts
  but they're thoughtful and interesting.

  Met some of the regulars (including Ray) at the Coworking Unconference in
  Austin, but that's as much as I've interacted with them.


  coworking in philadelphia

  On Monday, July 30, 2012 at 11:33 AM, Toni Hogan wrote:

  Has anyone ever heard of this organization? If so, do tell...

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[Coworking] Re: Space catalyst in Indianapolis all input is welcome!

2012-07-24 Thread Toni Hogan
have you searched coworking indianapolis?

On Jul 24, 12:05 pm, bfogle wrote:
 Hey everyone,
 Let me start out by saying I am new here so I don't really know the forum
 all that well. I have been researching coworking for several months now and
 I think that it is great! I just moved to the Indianapolis area and would
 love to start up a space here. Like I said I just moved here so this is
 really my first step I dont yet no anyone else in the area that would be
 interested in coworking so I am looking to meet some like minded people and
 see what kind of interest Indianapolis has in coworking. Soo if anyone is
 in the area please get in contact with me I would love to meet you

 So alittle about myself and how I ended up with my interest in starting a
 space. I have been doing freelance graphic design for many years mostly at
 my dining room table or at my office at my real job. My wife is a
 photographer as well and works from home. We have 2 small kids and trying
 to get any kind of real work done at home is a complete challange. Soo I
 stumbled apon coworking and have loved the idea every since.

 Anyone who has any feedback for a beginner please feel free to reply and
 anyone in the Indy area please let me know your out there!


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[Coworking] Launch Party/Open House Finally!

2012-07-09 Thread Toni Hogan
We hosting our official launch party this Friday. We have a theme,
food and drinks planned, and a couple of activities. Honestly, I'm a
bit nervous about the whole thing. What did some of you actually DO at
your launch/open house? Specifically, the formalities...speech,
invitation to sign up, guided tours???

Toni Hogan
The Office Connexion

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[Coworking] Re: Launch Party/Open House Finally!

2012-07-09 Thread Toni Hogan
nope. no dinner or cocktail parties. i'm somewhat of an introvert. ;-)
but what we have planned already (people bingo, speed networking,
collaboration challenge) should be enough and fun based on what you
suggest. i won't stress over the other stuffy stuff. LOL oh, and a New
Orleans style second line parking lot parade or facility tour. depends
on the turnout and the weather.



On Jul 9, 10:41 pm, Alex Hillman wrote:
 Have you ever thrown a dinner or cocktail party for friends? Think like that.

 Make your priority helping people get to know each other more than the 
 formalities. If there's any activities, they should be for guests to do 

 Remember, this is a celebration, not a sales pitch! ;)


 coworking in philadelphia

 On Tuesday, July 10, 2012 at 1:26 PM, Toni Hogan wrote:
  We hosting our official launch party this Friday. We have a theme,
  food and drinks planned, and a couple of activities. Honestly, I'm a
  bit nervous about the whole thing. What did some of you actually DO at
  your launch/open house? Specifically, the formalities...speech,
  invitation to sign up, guided tours???

  Toni Hogan
  The Office Connexion

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[Coworking] Re: Launch Party/Open House Finally!

2012-07-09 Thread Toni Hogan
hahahaaa! yes, wait for it, ok? ;-)


On Jul 9, 11:03 pm, Joshua Marpet wrote:
 Congrats!  Good luck!!!  Get lots of easel paper, and encourage people
 to build connections.  Give em some free time, and put up easel paper and
 markers all over the place.  Do a slogan competition, best slogan gets
 posted in a main conference room for a month or something.  As a trust
 exercise, have em mail all their credit cards to me.  (Inline IQ test.  If
 you followed this last one, you fail, and you can call me on my ferrari's
 car phone to get them back.  grin  )

 Well done!


 On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 11:57 PM, Toni Hogan 

  nope. no dinner or cocktail parties. i'm somewhat of an introvert. ;-)
  but what we have planned already (people bingo, speed networking,
  collaboration challenge) should be enough and fun based on what you
  suggest. i won't stress over the other stuffy stuff. LOL oh, and a New
  Orleans style second line parking lot parade or facility tour. depends
  on the turnout and the weather.



  On Jul 9, 10:41 pm, Alex Hillman wrote:
   Have you ever thrown a dinner or cocktail party for friends? Think like

   Make your priority helping people get to know each other more than the
  formalities. If there's any activities, they should be for guests to do

   Remember, this is a celebration, not a sales pitch! ;)


   coworking in philadelphia

   On Tuesday, July 10, 2012 at 1:26 PM, Toni Hogan wrote:
We hosting our official launch party this Friday. We have a theme,
food and drinks planned, and a couple of activities. Honestly, I'm a
bit nervous about the whole thing. What did some of you actually DO at
your launch/open house? Specifically, the formalities...speech,
invitation to sign up, guided tours???

Toni Hogan
The Office Connexion

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[Coworking] Re: Chase and LivingSocial Mission: Small Business $250K Grant

2012-07-04 Thread Toni Hogan
It assumes the entrants believe that just by getting the requisite
votes they will win a grant.
It assumes that once entrants receive at least 250 votes they will
THEN have to complete an application for the grant, and many that
won't be able to do so.

The program rules are very clearly stated. If anyone believes that by
simply getting 250 votes they will win a $250K grant, that might be
the fault of the entrant and not the sponsors.

Once the votes have been received and validated, there's nothing else
for the entrant to do but wait. The application is done at the start
of the process before the entrant begins to solicit votes. (you can
find ours on our website) Sure, chances might be slim but I believe it
gives serious business owners another opportunity to look at their
goals and business plans. While many might not have mustered up 250
votes, they have revisited their vision and will hopefully move
forward with a renewed commitment to do everything they said they
would do if they received the grant. This goes for those who did get
the required number of votes as well.


On Jul 4, 7:29 am, Tom Brandt wrote:
 What is it missing?

 Sent from my Phone of i

 On Jul 3, 2012, at 7:37 PM, Toni Hogan wrote:

  yeah, so...I think this might fall short of a few facts.


  On Jul 3, 6:22 pm, Alex Hillman wrote:
  For all of you who are in the running for this grant, some food for 


  coworking in philadelphia

  On Thursday, June 28, 2012 at 5:07 PM, Jeff McMahan wrote:

  On Sunday, June 17, 2012 1:35:33 AM UTC-4, Toni Hogan wrote:
  Hi All,

  Thanks to a program sponsored by Chase and LivingSocial called
  Mission: Small Business℠, your support could translate into a $250,000
  grant that would help promote economic empowerment through
  entrepreneurship. But we need at least 250 votes at ( If you 
  haven't already, please visit and 
 search/vote for The Office

  Thanks a quarter-million.

  If anyone else has entered their space/company please reply here so
  that we can vote for you as well.


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[Coworking] Re: Chase and LivingSocial Mission: Small Business $250K Grant

2012-07-03 Thread Toni Hogan
yeah, so...I think this might fall short of a few facts.


On Jul 3, 6:22 pm, Alex Hillman wrote:
 For all of you who are in the running for this grant, some food for thought:


 coworking in philadelphia

 On Thursday, June 28, 2012 at 5:07 PM, Jeff McMahan wrote:

  On Sunday, June 17, 2012 1:35:33 AM UTC-4, Toni Hogan wrote:
   Hi All,

   Thanks to a program sponsored by Chase and LivingSocial called
   Mission: Small Business℠, your support could translate into a $250,000
   grant that would help promote economic empowerment through
   entrepreneurship. But we need at least 250 votes at ( If you 
   haven't already, please visit and 
  search/vote for The Office

   Thanks a quarter-million.

   If anyone else has entered their space/company please reply here so
   that we can vote for you as well.


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[Coworking] Re: Regus doth protest too much, me thinks...

2012-07-02 Thread Toni Hogan
If my memory serves me correctly, I recently saw an ad from Regus (of
similar) saying they invented coworking.


On Jul 2, 4:29 pm, Jordan Running wrote:
 I don't know if this is new, but I thought others might be interested that
 Regus is advertising against coworking on Google search results. See
 attached screenshot. The ad links to this

 Jordan Running
 Busy Coworking
 Iowa City, IA

 On Thursday, December 8, 2011 12:40:38 AM UTC-6, Will Bennis, Locus

 Workspace wrote:

  Go New Work City, getting a rise out of the Man:

  The defensive undercurrent of the article aside, however, part of me
  agrees with Dixon: Coworking isn't a new invention, it's been going on
  for millenia, no doubt, and in many stellar examples in ways that many
  coworking spaces can only long for. Arguing that coworking didn't
  begin until 2005 because that's when the word was first used to
  describe a particular set of values about how to cowork seems to me to
  be a bit off the mark and to focus on labels over content (especially
  since there are so many self-identified coworking spaces that have not
  yet achieved their lofty ideals, my own space included).

  That said, Regus is clearly not one of those venues where coworking
  (between independent workers or members of different organizations)
  tends to happen. And if their way of coworking counts, then they
  clearly aren't the first, since there have been business lounges since
  long-before Regus was founded in 1989, I'm sure some airport or dozens
  of hotel chains could make better claims to being the first. :)

  Screen Shot 2012-07-02 at 4.21.53 PM.png

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[Coworking] It's a Launch Party Gras! ...finally

2012-06-30 Thread Toni Hogan
We are finally ready for our official opening and launch party. We
using a Mardi Gras theme and hope to lock down a brass band for an
authentic second line parade in the parking lot.

Here's our invitation designed by my awesome graphics guy! We hope you
will join us in spirit. :-)

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[Coworking] Liquor Sponsorship Proposal

2012-06-25 Thread Toni Hogan
Does anyone have a sample liquor sponsorship proposal or guidelines
for drafting one? We are seeking a sponsorship for our Open House/
Launch Party. Thanks in advance.

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[Coworking] Re: Liquor Sponsorship Proposal

2012-06-25 Thread Toni Hogan
LOL! Hey, I'm getting requests for proposals instead of NO so you
might need to pack a quick getaway bag. :-) I have three waiting.


On Jun 25, 5:10 pm, Tom Brandt wrote:
 I don't, but if you get one I'm coming to your party!

 On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 12:26 PM, Toni Hogan 

  Does anyone have a sample liquor sponsorship proposal or guidelines
  for drafting one? We are seeking a sponsorship for our Open House/
  Launch Party. Thanks in advance.

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 member, Workantile

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2012-06-23 Thread Toni Hogan
are any of you using STAYWITH.IT? better yet, has anyone heard of it?
specifically...NextSpace San Jose and Collaboc

Toni Hogan

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[Coworking] Re: Local 64 Insights

2012-06-20 Thread Toni Hogan
Awesome! We have a panic/exit bar on our front door that remains
locked. There's noway to put the lock in the unlocked position without
a key. I just found quite a few inexpensive keyless entry options,
sparked by this conversation. :-)


On Jun 20, 2:22 pm, Craig Baute - Creative Density Coworking wrote:

 Thanks for the awesome info. For an entry system we have a key code system
 where members simply create their own code so I don't have to worry about
 purchasing cards. It really has made my life easier as an owner.

 It is always valuable when us space owner give a brief summary of our
 spaces and encourage more spaces to do so.

 Creative Density

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[Coworking] Re: Starting a new space in Dallas - Please join me for the first Jelly!

2012-06-18 Thread Toni Hogan
Awesome! I-45 neighbor. We are in ramp up stage and will continue to
hold our weekly Jelly, but NOW attendees can stay and enjoy coworking
for the remainder of the day. We'll be following your progress and
hopefully make it up that way one day.

By the way, love the name obvious and creative at the same time.

Toni Hogan
The Office Connexion

On Jun 18, 3:19 am,
 Hey there coworkers,

 This is my first thread on this Google Group, so I hope it doesn't offend
 any OG's that it's an announcement. I've replied to a few threads and taken
 Alex H's course on opening a coworking space. I've actually taken it twice
 because I learned so much the first time, I tried it again and learned more!

 That being said, I'll keep this shameless announcement brief:

 I'm opening a coworking space in Dallas in the very near future and wanted
 to get things started by hosting a jelly in the unfinished space. My goal
 is that by meeting regularly in the space as it's finished out, the space
 and community can grow together. Currently I have a small core of
 interested members, but certainly not large enough for what I'd like to
 call my first 10 coworkers. There are desks, the kitchen is operational,
 and no actual construction or painting will be taking place during the
 jelly. It's a large, quiet and workable space, just a bit raw and

 To learn more about the jelly and the space (Dallas Fort Work), please
 click through to the Facebook event page of the first 

 Thanks and I look forward to seeing you at the next Jelly,

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[Coworking] Re: Un-boring space/meeting room names

2012-06-17 Thread Toni Hogan
agreed. and question was had anyone done it, not so much will
someone help me do it. we've talked about naming rights but my partner
wants to wait until we've been open a while. it's a marketing thing
and the whole perceived value concept. in the meantime we have ton of
space in a building that every single person who has walked through
the door has referred to as a maze. so, i would like to establish an
easy point of reference. ;-)


On Jun 17, 11:40 am, Alex Hillman
 Great point, Peter. Choosing names like these now don't really bring value 
 and are more likely to be confusing or alienating members before they even 
 join. If you're going with fun names, they should come from your 
 membership, not the people in this google group who are unlikely to ever use 
 the rooms.

 That said, a couple of ideas based on things I've seen.

 Directions - our conference rooms are north and south.

 Member/sponsor names - you can use these names as a way to raise money, 
 allowing early members or sponsors to have the room named after them for a 
 (probably significant) contributions.

 Functions - does the room have a special feature or utility? Name it that.

 coworking in philadelphia

 On Sunday, June 17, 2012 at 12:07 PM, wrote:
  Remember if you get to cheesy with it, it won't be funny. Joke conference 
  names are funny the first time and the second time...but the 10th or 20th 
  time you see it it won't be funny at all. I would choose a theme that makes 
  the names memorable and avoid joke names or any inside jokes that your 
  customers won't get. Don't use words that are hard to pronounce correctly, 
  foreign language terms, etc. It only works if the customers remember the 
  names and like them, otherwise it just gets in the way of remembering the 
  reference to the space you want to use.


  - Original Message -
  From: Toni Hogan
  To: Coworking
  Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 1:38 PM
  Subject: [Coworking] Re: Un-boring space/meeting room names

  Greetings! That's a thought. We have several rooms/areas to name so it
  will have to be something that we can keep a common theme throughout.
  Teams would work.


  On Jun 16, 5:16 am, Coworking Akademie wrote:
   Hi Toni,

   what about names of cities, continents or planets? If you have 2, 3 or 
   rooms, check out names of couples or teams with interesting names, e.g.
   Asterix, Comic or Manga heros etc.

   Greetings from Germany



   Am Freitag, 15. Juni 2012 22:49:39 UTC+2 schrieb Toni Hogan:

Have any of you given your meeting areas and other areas within your
space creative names? Conference Room 1 is kind of blah. I was
thinking of selling/raffling/auctioning naming rights but we'd still
probably end up in the blah-zone. I'm scribbling some ideas to pass
along to the board (my husband) but I just wanted to see what others
have done.

Toni Hogan
The Office Connexion

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[Coworking] Re: Chase and LivingSocial Mission: Small Business $250K Grant

2012-06-17 Thread Toni Hogan
You are halfway there now. :-)


On Jun 17, 10:02 pm, Jenifer Ross
 W@tercooler has also applied!

 Thanks for voting for us as well... we are in Tarrytown, NY - almost half
 way to 250 right now, so getting there!

 Thank Coworking Community! - and good luck Connexion!!

 Jen Ross

 On Sun, Jun 17, 2012 at 1:35 AM, Toni Hogan 

  Hi All,

  Thanks to a program sponsored by Chase and LivingSocial called
  Mission: Small Business℠, your support could translate into a $250,000
  grant that would help promote economic empowerment through
  entrepreneurship. But we need at least 250 votes at If you haven't already, please visit
 www.missionsmallbusiness.comand search/vote for The Office

  Thanks a quarter-million.

  If anyone else has entered their space/company please reply here so
  that we can vote for you as well.


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 *Jenifer Ross
 21 North Broadway
 Tarrytown, NY
 914-261-1470 c

 facebook + twitter: watercoolerhub


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[Coworking] Re: Un-boring space/meeting room names

2012-06-16 Thread Toni Hogan
Greetings! That's a thought. We have several rooms/areas to name so it
will have to be something that we can keep a common theme throughout.
Teams would work.


On Jun 16, 5:16 am, Coworking Akademie wrote:
 Hi Toni,

 what about names of cities, continents or planets? If you have 2, 3 or more
 rooms, check out names of couples or teams with interesting names, e.g.
 Asterix, Comic or Manga heros etc.

 Greetings from Germany



 Am Freitag, 15. Juni 2012 22:49:39 UTC+2 schrieb Toni Hogan:

  Have any of you given your meeting areas and other areas within your
  space creative names? Conference Room 1 is kind of blah. I was
  thinking of selling/raffling/auctioning naming rights but we'd still
  probably end up in the blah-zone. I'm scribbling some ideas to pass
  along to the board (my husband) but I just wanted to see what others
  have done.

  Toni Hogan
  The Office Connexion

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[Coworking] Re: Un-boring space/meeting room names

2012-06-16 Thread Toni Hogan
I like the Tank and the Hole. We already had two spaces way in the
back named the Hideout and the Dive. They are just miscellaneous areas
where we'll put sofas or comfy chairs for people who want to get away
for a while. I started scribbling yesterday and the two names would
fit. Here are some others I came up with...but the jury is still out.

The Situation Room - the boardroom like conference room
Central Intelligence Area - the library
Area 51 - our big training room. I think instead of telling people we
can fit up to 60 people I will say we can fit at least 51. LOL
Secret Ops and Covert Ops - two small meeting rooms
Janes and Joes - the restrooms
Hush Rooms - the phone rooms off Area 51
Command Central - the lounge

There are a few more. If we go this route I will post the rest. :-)


On Jun 16, 6:40 am, Mojo wrote:
 The newly expanded Mojo Coworking in Asheville will have 3 conference.  The 
 large glass conference room on the second floor that overlooks the entry - 
 will be called The Lookout.

 The smaller glass room - will be called The Tank.

 The dark one in the way back will be called The Hole.

 New space should be open on September 1.

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[Coworking] Chase and LivingSocial Mission: Small Business $250K Grant

2012-06-16 Thread Toni Hogan
Hi All,

Thanks to a program sponsored by Chase and LivingSocial called
Mission: Small Business℠, your support could translate into a $250,000
grant that would help promote economic empowerment through
entrepreneurship. But we need at least 250 votes at If you haven't already, please visit and search/vote for The Office

Thanks a quarter-million.

If anyone else has entered their space/company please reply here so
that we can vote for you as well.


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[Coworking] Re: Hiring at New Work City - advice and onboarding

2012-06-15 Thread Toni Hogan
Coolerific. I was just thinking about this yesterday and we only have
one member. LOL! In order for us to grow our space we need to be more
active in networking, which means we have to leave the space
unattended. At this stage, I am thinking of an intern or bartering. It
would be super awesome if we could get a business concierge pro in
here that increase their business by offering services to the
community as we grow. hmmm

Good luck and congratulations on reaching the growing up phase!

Toni Hogan

On Jun 15, 11:26 am, Tony Bacigalupo wrote:
 Howdy everyone! We're taking a big step at New Work City and hiring someone
 to help us manage the space. Bringing on this new person will empower us to
 have a bigger impact growing coworking communities in NYC and everywhere.

 You can find a post detailing my thinking behind the move here and the full
 description here:

 If you happen to know anyone in NYC or who's maybe moving to NYC sometime
 soon, feel free to pass it along!

 What I'm wondering from everyone here is: what techniques did you employ to
 reach and then identify the right person, and how did you get them
 onboarded into the community in a healthy way? I'll share my experiences as
 I go.


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[Coworking] Re: Hiring at New Work City - advice and onboarding

2012-06-15 Thread Toni Hogan

In the olden days (just five years ago) they were virtual/personal
assistants. But, today most of them prefer to be called Executive or
Personal Concierge. As such, they provide a wide range of services for
the busy professional. In addition to administrative services they
also run errands, make travel arrangements, schedule appointments,


On Jun 15, 12:15 pm, Alex Hillman
   It would be super awesome if we could get a business concierge pro in 
   here that increase their business by offering services to the community 
   as we grow.

  I've thought a lot about this. Has anyone tried something like this?

 Can you explain a bit more about what this means? I'm not sure I follow.


 coworking in philadelphia

 On Friday, June 15, 2012 at 12:47 PM, Tony Bacigalupo wrote:
   It would be super awesome if we could get a business concierge pro in 
   here that increase their business by offering services to the community 
   as we grow.

  I've thought a lot about this. Has anyone tried something like this?


  On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 12:37 PM, Toni Hogan 
  ( wrote:
   Coolerific. I was just thinking about this yesterday and we only have
   one member. LOL! In order for us to grow our space we need to be more
   active in networking, which means we have to leave the space
   unattended. At this stage, I am thinking of an intern or bartering. It
   would be super awesome if we could get a business concierge pro in
   here that increase their business by offering services to the
   community as we grow. hmmm

   Good luck and congratulations on reaching the growing up phase!

   Toni Hogan

   On Jun 15, 11:26 am, Tony Bacigalupo ( 
Howdy everyone! We're taking a big step at New Work City and hiring 
to help us manage the space. Bringing on this new person will empower 
us to
have a bigger impact growing coworking communities in NYC and 

You can find a post detailing my thinking behind the move here and the 
description here:

If you happen to know anyone in NYC or who's maybe moving to NYC 
soon, feel free to pass it along!

What I'm wondering from everyone here is: what techniques did you 
employ to
reach and then identify the right person, and how did you get them
onboarded into the community in a healthy way? I'll share my 
experiences as
I go.


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[Coworking] Un-boring space/meeting room names

2012-06-15 Thread Toni Hogan
Have any of you given your meeting areas and other areas within your
space creative names? Conference Room 1 is kind of blah. I was
thinking of selling/raffling/auctioning naming rights but we'd still
probably end up in the blah-zone. I'm scribbling some ideas to pass
along to the board (my husband) but I just wanted to see what others
have done.

Toni Hogan
The Office Connexion

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[Coworking] Re: Las Vegas Coworking

2012-06-14 Thread Toni Hogan
I don't see a direct website, but CoBiz just opened in Las Vegas.

Also, search this group for cobiz or las vegas and you should find
the post from the founder.

Toni Hogan

On Jun 11, 11:27 pm, Don Miller wrote:
 Is there an active Las Vegas coworking community?  I am visiting and would 
 love to stop by. I am part of the Toledo Coworking community, Seed.


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[Coworking] Re: New Space Question

2012-06-13 Thread Toni Hogan
This is REALLY making my head hurt! :-(

Toni Hogan

On Jun 4, 10:59 am, Alex Hillman wrote:
 I'm working on a complete redux of the evolution of our networking equipment 
 as we've grown for my blog, I'll share it here when it's done. Here's a bit 
 of a preview of the latest evolution.

 On the router side of things, we now have a pfSense-based appliance called a 
 Firebox. pfSense is a very robust piece of router software and can be run on 
 a variety of appliances that range in price, but we were able to pick one of 
 the older models (RX6264S) up on EBay for ~$220.

 pfSense itself is free and open source, but specialized hardware can run it 
 optimally. We looked at new hardware 
 from and it runs $800-1500.

 It's a LOT more powerful than anything in the consumer arena, handling 1000's 
 of users and millions of connections. Consumer gear starts to slow down with 
 anything north of 50 users. It' usable, but you'll start noticing problems. 
 Also, pfSense gives us REALLY great analytics for finding and squashing 
 problems, like connections that are flooding the network for all users and 
 also gives us really useful tools for giving things that need connection 
 priority (like Skype and SSH connections) over things like Youtube and 

 For us, that means a much easier to manage network policy. You can use just 
 about anything on our network, and the router figures out if it's causing 
 problems and throttles the amount of network it has access to.

 The hardware we bought also allows for bridged WAN, which means we can 
 install a fallback ISP for when our primary ISP is having issues, and that 
 way people don't' ever lose their connection.

 On the wireless side of things, we tested Meraki and Ruckus and went with 
 Ruckus. Meraki APs seemed to have a shorter range and while the Cloud Control 
 system was badass, we'd never use 99% of it. The sales people were really 
 nice and helpful, but it didn't seem like a good fit for us.

 Ruckus, on the other hand, was challenging to work with through their normal 
 enterprise sales channels so we went to Ebay again and bought a new AP for 
 25% off list price and it works awesome. We don't get their enterprise 
 support, but I'm not too worried about it. I'm very happy with the 
 performance of a single access point (covering and supporting 100 users on 2 
 floors) and plan to buy a 2nd AP to beef up the coverage. We're using the 
 Ruckus 7962 -

 Thanks for the recommendation for Ruckus from the Cambridge Innovation Center 
 crew. I'm a happy customer.

 I also strongly recommend NetSpot ( for doing a site 
 survey, which I was recommended by Chris Johnson (copied on this email). It's 
 a free app that lets you do a heat map of signal strength and signal to noise 
 ratios. It gave me a TON of insight into placement and the resulting coverage 
 of wifi. Probably the most useful tool I learned about last month!


 coworking in philadelphia

 On Monday, June 4, 2012 at 11:34 AM, Angel Kwiatkowski wrote:
  I lied, we use Netgear routers. They're odd. They needed to be restarted 
  constantly when we first moved in but now run very smoothly.

  On Sunday, June 3, 2012 8:55:04 PM UTC-6, Angel Kwiatkowski wrote:
   We use Dlink routers. One in the basement conference room where the juice 
   line comes in that's hardwired up to the 3rd floor where most of the 
   coworking happens. Both are activated for wireless. Additionally, I think 
   the guys ran hard wires all the way upstairs and then hooked up a couple 
   of switches. Several people hard wire in while at Cohere but the majority 
   We have 5-10 people in the space at any time and we have Comcast Biz 
   class 50/10 for $200/mo. It all depends on how your city is wired up. We 
   have some special consideration being just a couple of blocks away from a 
   large university here.


   On Thursday, August 25, 2011 9:09:58 AM UTC-6, JJ wrote:
Hey all,

Without getting into too much introduction and details, I'll just cut 
right to it.

I'm opening a space next week in South Dakota.  Working on finalizing 
details right now, and one thing I'm not too sure about is internet.  
We've got 20 members or so pre-signed to move in day 1 and in trying to 
plan for the future, am trying to figure out what sort of internet 
speed I need, and what sort of router to handle the space's size and 
amount of people.  It's a long space, about 150ft, and we could very 
easily have 100 people accessing the network at any given time.

Any of the larger spaces out there have insight?  I'm currently looking 
at an internet speed of 50 down/10up or 100 down/15 up.  Also am 
looking at 801.11n routers that have two to three adjustable networks 

[Coworking] Re: New Space Question

2012-06-13 Thread Toni Hogan
I had an Airport Extreme in my hands about an hour ago but I got
nervous. We only had 4 people here today and the Linksys and been
blocking additional users since yesterday. It's only letting on person
connect. The Netgear only works for about 10 minutes. I had to go home
to get my Clear Puck...imagine that. It's working just fine. We are
broadcasting two free coworking days next week and a few people have
already signed up for Wednesday so we have to be ready...and we will
be. :-)

Toni Hogan

On Jun 13, 2:17 pm, Jacob Sayles wrote:
 Yes, just one Airport Extreme.  At the moment we have 42 devices connected
 to the wireless out of 63 in the space... but it's also a quiet day.  Last
 Wednesday, our busiest day ever, we had 107 devices in the space.  I can't
 see how many of those were on the wifi.  I say devices because most users
 are at least 2 with their phone and their laptop.  Today we have 26 members
 in the space.


 Office Nomads - Individuality without Isolation  
 (206) 323-6500

 On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 12:09 PM, Alex Hillman

   Just one Airport Extreme How many people share that AP?

  coworking in philadelphia

  On Wednesday, June 13, 2012 at 3:01 PM, Jacob Sayles wrote:

  We run pfsense on an old P3 machine and it works great.  The WAN fail-over
  is a little clunky so don't expect seamless transitions.  It takes about 10
  seconds to switch over and all VPNs, file transfers, etc are dropped.  That
  said, 10 seconds of outage is better then being down.  That's why we pay
  $200/month for a second internet connection.  We balance it out by having
  that line (comcast) handle all our phones (4).

  Wifi we are happy with our Airport Extreme.  5000sqft and solid coverage.


  Office Nomads - Individuality without Isolation  (206) 323-6500

  On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 8:59 AM, Alex Hillman

   I'm working on a complete redux of the evolution of our networking
  equipment as we've grown for my blog, I'll share it here when it's done.
  Here's a bit of a preview of the latest evolution.

  On the router side of things, we now have a pfSense-based appliance called
  a Firebox. pfSense is a very robust piece of router software and can be run
  on a variety of appliances that range in price, but we were able to pick
  one of the older models (RX6264S) up on EBay for ~$220.

  pfSense itself is free and open source, but specialized hardware can run
  it optimally. We looked at new hardware fromhttp://www.hacom.netand
  it runs $800-1500.

  It's a LOT more powerful than anything in the consumer arena, handling
  1000's of users and millions of connections. Consumer gear starts to slow
  down with anything north of 50 users. It' usable, but you'll start noticing
  problems. Also, pfSense gives us REALLY great analytics for finding and
  squashing problems, like connections that are flooding the network for all
  users and also gives us really useful tools for giving things that need
  connection priority (like Skype and SSH connections) over things like
  Youtube and torrents.

  For us, that means a much easier to manage network policy. You can use
  just about anything on our network, and the router figures out if it's
  causing problems and throttles the amount of network it has access to.

  The hardware we bought also allows for bridged WAN, which means we can
  install a fallback ISP for when our primary ISP is having issues, and that
  way people don't' ever lose their connection.

  On the wireless side of things, we tested Meraki and Ruckus and went with
  Ruckus. Meraki APs seemed to have a shorter range and while the Cloud
  Control system was badass, we'd never use 99% of it. The sales people were
  really nice and helpful, but it didn't seem like a good fit for us.

  Ruckus, on the other hand, was challenging to work with through their
  normal enterprise sales channels so we went to Ebay again and bought a new
  AP for 25% off list price and it works awesome. We don't get their
  enterprise support, but I'm not too worried about it. I'm very happy with
  the performance of a single access point (covering and supporting 100
  users on 2 floors) and plan to buy a 2nd AP to beef up the coverage. We're
  using the Ruckus 7962 -

  Thanks for the recommendation for Ruckus from the Cambridge Innovation
  Center crew. I'm a happy customer.

  I also strongly recommend NetSpot ( for doing a site
  survey, which I was recommended by Chris Johnson (copied on this email).
  It's a free app that lets you do a heat map of signal strength and signal
  to noise ratios. It gave me a TON of insight into placement and the
  resulting coverage of wifi. Probably the most useful tool I learned about
  last month

[Coworking] Re: Hi there!

2012-06-10 Thread Toni Hogan
Howdy Blossom! Austin seems to be a hotspot for coworking. We are
catching on here in Houston. Best wishes and happy coworking!

Toni Hogan

On Jun 10, 8:31 pm, Posh CoWorking wrote:
 I have just opened my new Co working space in Austin TX and am seeking
 connection with others in the same position.  Our vibe is an upscale
 wedding industry/women focused coworking space that collaborated and
 teaches others how to grow their business through shared knowledge!

 My name is Blossom, and I am here saying HOWDY!  Looking forward to reading
 through all of your posts and getting to know all of you amazing

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[Coworking] Re: My first Pub on Coworking Launch

2012-05-27 Thread Toni Hogan
Awesome. I'm going to have to get some tips from you. ;-)


On May 27, 6:55 pm, CAJ wrote:
 Hello Everyone,

 I want to begin by saying I could not have pulled this off without the
 help of this site and all the peeps in this groupYou guys ROCK!

 Okay...Please support the first Pub on The HIVE@44 on it is
 a area online mag, but it is good for usand he spelled coworking
 right...!!! If you could go there and comment or LIKE or tweet
 something and let him know that coworking people support coworking
 people and that are alot of us out here trying to educate the
 publicmaybe he will do more on coworking and help me to educate my

 The Laucnh was a success an I am LOVING it!200+ people attened and
 I have gotten wonderful feed back and many people interrested in
 trying it out

 The LINK to

 Lots of Buzz at the HIVE@44 as New Company is Launched - Fenton-High
 Ridge, MO 

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[Coworking] Help us become eligible for 1 of 12 grants for $250,000+

2012-05-24 Thread Toni Hogan
We missed entering the Turnstone contest by a hair. But, we have
another chance to throw our name in the bucket for another contest.

Thanks to a program sponsored by Chase and LivingSocial called
Mission: Small Business℠, your support could translate into a $250,000
grant. But we need at least 250 votes at
Please visit the link below and search for The Office Connexion.

Thanks a quarter-million. LOL

OK. maybe that was cheesy. but your vote would be appreciated.

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[Coworking] Re: Help us become eligible for 1 of 12 grants for $250,000+

2012-05-24 Thread Toni Hogan

On May 24, 11:23 pm, Veel Hoeden- Where Many Hats Meet! wrote:
 Voted and tweeted.  Good luck!

 Thanks  God Bless,

 Joel Bennett
 Chief Dreamchaser
 Veel Hoeden
 Join Us on Facebook!

 -Original Message-
 From: [] On 
 Behalf Of Toni Hogan
 Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2012 10:08 PM
 To: Coworking
 Subject: [Coworking] Help us become eligible for 1 of 12 grants for $250,000+

 We missed entering the Turnstone contest by a hair. But, we have another 
 chance to throw our name in the bucket for another contest.

 Thanks to a program sponsored by Chase and LivingSocial called
 Mission: Small Business℠, your support could translate into a $250,000 grant. 
 But we need at least 250 votes at
 Please visit the link below and search for The Office Connexion.

 Thanks a quarter-million. LOL

 OK. maybe that was cheesy. but your vote would be appreciated.

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[Coworking] Re: Indy Hall V3 coming June 1st

2012-05-24 Thread Toni Hogan
Awesomely cool!


On May 24, 5:16 pm, Alex Hillman wrote:
 I don't like doing announcement emails like this, but I'm so excited about 
 what's going on at Indy Hall right now I wanted to give everyone a chance to 
 be updated. Apologies if you're receiving this multiple times as I've sent a 
 very similar email to the Indy Hall public newsletter list as well.

 On April 1st, we announced 
 that we were going to be executing an expansion and redesign of Indy Hall 
 to include the 1st AND 2nd floor of 20 N.3rd St.

 In just under 2 months, we've pulled everything together and will be opening 
 the new 1st floor on June 1st. It being a First Friday in Old City and our 
 new space being accessible to the sidewalk, we're hosting our opening party 
 with beer, snacks, art, and music and we hope that if you're anywhere near 
 Philly, you can make it.

 If you're not anywhere near Philly, I hope you'll join us in spirit.

 RSVP at

 Festivities begin at 6pm. Hope to see you there!


 Sponsor A Step to Success

 One of my favorite aphorisms is,
 there's no elevator to success, you have to take the steps.

 As a part of Indy Hall's redesign, the elevator between the floors will be 
 reserved for freight and handicapped access, so the aphorism will translate 
 nicely - there's no elevator at Indy Hall, you have to take the steps!

 We thought, wouldn't it be cool to have members, friends, and companies 
 leave words of inspiration and wisdom on the steps for Indy Hall members, 
 really making them 'the steps to success'?.

 If you'd like to be immortalized as an important part of an Indy Hall 
 centerpiece, we'll be selling sponsorships for $1500 per step. If Indy Hall's 
 had an impact on you, and you're in a position to join as a sponsor (or 
 gather a group of cosponsors), we'd be thrilled to have members of the global 
 coworking community a forever-part of Indy Hall as well.

 A sponsorship helps cover the cost of the stair installation as well as the 
 art/typography prep and laser cutting process. If you're interested, please 
 reply to me personally to get on board as a sponsor - you can even choose 
 which step you want to be yours.

 Our first few steps have already been spoken for thanks to a couple of 
 generous lenders from the Indy Hall community, so get in touch quickly to be 
 a part of this unique centerpiece for Philly's coworking community.


 There's too many people to thank individually for their help and 
 contributions and support over the last couple of months, but it's important 
 to remember that this kind of project is more like a barn raising than 
 anything else and wouldn't be possible if it weren't for the dedication and 
 support of community members and friends like you. We're lucky to be members 
 of the larger communities here in Old City, in Philadelphia, and the world.

 Thank you for the opportunity to lead the effort, and allowing me to be a 
 part of something so special.

 Co-founder  Fearless Leader of Indy Hall

 coworking in philadelphia

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[Coworking] Re: Coworking Space in Need of a Makeover

2012-05-21 Thread Toni Hogan
And you thought it was going to be tough! CONGRATULATIONS! This is the
most awesome news I've read all day. When were you going to tell us?

Toni Hogan

On Apr 28, 7:02 pm, Veel Hoeden- Where Many Hats Meet! wrote:
 Thanks Toni!  We're excited, but we have a little of an uphill battle.  A
 few of the companies in the running are professional marketing firms. A win
 against them will take a team effort.

 Thanks for your support.

 Thanks  God Bless,

 Joel Bennett
 Chief Dreamchaser
 Veel Hoeden
 Join Us on Facebook!

 -Original Message-
 From: [] On

 Behalf Of Toni Hogan
 Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2012 6:46 PM
 To: Coworking
 Subject: [Coworking] Re: Coworking Space in Need of a Makeover

 Wooo ho! That's awesomest thing I've seen all day. Well, next to the $20
 table desks big enough for six people I went to see today.
 Going to give it a look now!


 On Apr 28, 6:40 pm, Joel Bennett wrote:
  Our small town coworking space in Pella, IA, entered theTurnstone
  $25,000 Furniture Makeover contest and made the finals.  Asking for
  the group's help in the following ways:

  1.       If your space also made the finals, please respond so we can
  support you.  There will be five winners of $25k, so why not make them
  all coworking spaces!

  2.       We'd appreciate your vote.  My understanding of the rules
  (however poorly communicated) is that you can only vote once per
  video, but you can vote for as many videos as you like.  If that is
  the case, we need a broad group of people voting with no responsibility to
 vote daily.

  You can vote by going here and scrolling down to the video you like to
  vote for (ermmhrmm Veel Hoeden...hrmm) and logging in to vote.
  About 60 seconds of your time, but a big impact for those on the
  receiving end of your vote.

  I appreciate your support!

  Thanks  God Bless,

  Joel Bennett

  Chief Dreamchaser

  Veel Hoeden


  Join Us on Facebook ! Follow us on Twitter


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[Coworking] Re: Prospective Member Question: Days vs. Hours

2012-05-20 Thread Toni Hogan
hahah! right!

On May 20, 3:49 pm, Jeannine wrote:
 Oh, in that casetell him that in most US cities there are hotels
 by the freeway that rent by the hour for hookups. :-)


 On May 20, 8:05 pm, Toni Hogan wrote:


  I don't think he ever looked at the website. He wanted to know what he
  got for $50/month. He thinks with that plan he can come in a couple of
  hours at a time to meet clients without using a meeting room. That's
  what I got from the conversation. Either way, I can't track hours the
  way he wants, as I need to get back to my own business before I'm
  living out of the space. :-) I like the idea of four hour blocks. He
  assumed that because we will be open from 8am to 6pm his one day a
  week would allow him 10 hours to allocate over four days. We'll work
  it out but we won't be doing a few hours here and there. We're also
  implementing a hotspot manager for visitors so that might be an
  option for half day folks as well.


  On May 20, 5:45 am, Jeannine wrote:

   I'm with you, Angel.  The only time I keep track of is when people
   have reserved a particular part of the space.

   The flip side of this, however, is that somebody who needs the space 4
   days a week (for however long) is not the same as somebody who needs
   the space 1 day a week (for however long).  They are not, as Alex
   says, buying hours.  They are sharing the space.

   I have clear day segments, because of the workshop/meeting needs; I
   have three segments of 4 hours each with an hour in between free for
   setup: 800 to 1200, 1300 to 1700, 1800 to 2200, If people run over
   into the loose hour, I don't care -- if they don't care that I am
   potentially walking through with my vacuum cleaner and changing out
   the furniture. Most members solve this quite handily by doing it
   themselves. The night crew knows perfectly well that I am not coming
   in at 2200 to kick them out and as long as they do not piss off my
   neighbors I don't care how long they stay.

   Toni, I am looking at the web site and I am seeing a confusing number
   of different plans and add ons and so forth.  It doesn't surprise me
   that he is asking, because the plan he wants is not there.  He wants
   what appears to me to be a promotional price, and why not.  He doesn't
   know what he wants yet and wants to limit his risk.

   As I read it, he wants to come in *up to* 4 half days a week in the
   shared space.  He doesn't want conference room/private room time.  He
   does want an address.  He is offering to pay 25$ a week for this.

   He wants essentially your Coworker Connection plan, but without the
   private space and with one day less, or your Community Connection
   plan, without the private space and one or two days more, both with
   the addition of a business address.   Because I have no plans which
   allocate time based on hours, I would probably just tell him what that
   would cost, and then add a clause in the contract which allowed him to
   book conference room time at some rate should he need it, but
   restrict it to at any time the conference room was not already booked
   by folks who have it included in their plans.

   Based on your current prices, I think that would come in somewhere
   between 140$ and 165$ a month. Assuming my math is right, I would
   offer him that membership for 165 a month and 140 for six months. Or
   assuming he is indeed a starter, I would offer him the first month for
   140$ and agree to have a look together at his actual use at the end of
   two months.  Or something like that.

   Just a thought.


   On May 19, 6:59 pm, Angel Kwiatkowski wrote:

I disagree! I let part time members break their day into half days if 
works better for their schedule. We have so many working parents and
freelancers who are running all around for various reasons that many
members couldn't find a full day in their schedules every week to come
cowork. Our more flexible stance on this has made the difference between
getting members or not. We've seen no negative impact on community
participation and no abuse of the system. In fact, there is no system. I
don't keep track of when they attend. They can remember if they've used 
1 or 2 half days in any given week.

I consider a full day to be about 9 hours and a half day to be about 4
hours but again, who's counting?!

On Friday, May 18, 2012 8:48:04 AM UTC-6, Toni Hogan wrote:

 We have a community membership (a.k.a. Casual Connexion) as most of
 you call it that offers one day a week plus benefits. We opted for
 days over hourly plans to avoid the extra administration. Some asked
 if they opted for the Casual Connexion could he spread the hours over
 4 days...2 or 3 hours at a time. We need members, but we

[Coworking] Re: Prospective Member Question: Days vs. Hours

2012-05-19 Thread Toni Hogan
Angel, half days would be better than a few hours here and there. This
guy wants to spread one day a week over four days.


On May 19, 11:59 am, Angel Kwiatkowski wrote:
 I disagree! I let part time members break their day into half days if that
 works better for their schedule. We have so many working parents and
 freelancers who are running all around for various reasons that many
 members couldn't find a full day in their schedules every week to come
 cowork. Our more flexible stance on this has made the difference between
 getting members or not. We've seen no negative impact on community
 participation and no abuse of the system. In fact, there is no system. I
 don't keep track of when they attend. They can remember if they've used 0,
 1 or 2 half days in any given week.

 I consider a full day to be about 9 hours and a half day to be about 4
 hours but again, who's counting?!

 On Friday, May 18, 2012 8:48:04 AM UTC-6, Toni Hogan wrote:

  We have a community membership (a.k.a. Casual Connexion) as most of
  you call it that offers one day a week plus benefits. We opted for
  days over hourly plans to avoid the extra administration. Some asked
  if they opted for the Casual Connexion could he spread the hours over
  4 days...2 or 3 hours at a time. We need members, but we can't make
  exceptions to every rule. Oh, do you have a limit to daily hours for
  members who are not full-time. For example, one day = 6 hours even if
  the space is open 10 hours a day?

  So, what say you on this one?

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[Coworking] Prospective Member Question: Storage

2012-05-18 Thread Toni Hogan
I've have two prospective members ask if they can store things at our
space as part of their membership fee. One is a CPR instructor, who
asks if her stuff will be safe. The other is a granite kitchen guy
who has worthless samples that he says don't need to be locked up.
If we provide a storage closet the CPR girl wouldn't have to have a
private office and it would significantly reduce her expense. She
needs about 54 hours a month of meeting room space.

I think I might have answered my own question when I typed storage
closet because I immediately thought of the spaces that provide
lockers. But, what say you?

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[Coworking] Prospective Member Question: Days vs. Hours

2012-05-18 Thread Toni Hogan
We have a community membership (a.k.a. Casual Connexion) as most of
you call it that offers one day a week plus benefits. We opted for
days over hourly plans to avoid the extra administration. Some asked
if they opted for the Casual Connexion could he spread the hours over
4 days...2 or 3 hours at a time. We need members, but we can't make
exceptions to every rule. Oh, do you have a limit to daily hours for
members who are not full-time. For example, one day = 6 hours even if
the space is open 10 hours a day?

So, what say you on this one?

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[Coworking] Re: Prospective Member Question: Storage

2012-05-18 Thread Toni Hogan
We have a room with shelves that can be used for open storage and
locked if we put the door back. LOL! With this lady, I understand
because of the nature of her equipment. I can imagine someone being
tempted to joke around with CPR Annie. The point you bring up about
general storage makes me NOT want to put the door up, though. I never
considered using the room for that. It also has a clothes hanging bar
that would be great for coats in the winter. There is an unused phone/
fire panel room that we could offer her though. ;-)


On May 18, 6:36 pm, Jacob Sayles wrote:
 We have 6 lockers, and a shelf with cubbies on it.  It's all
 first-come-first-server style storage and none of it is locked.  If anyone
 needs to store a lot more or has specific needs, we direct them to the
 Resident membership.  We've learned the different ways conversations tend
 to flow over the years and it makes it pretty easy to respond.

 Questions about security are another matter.  If people don't trust their
 stuff to be safe it's hard to counter that with words, or worse promises.
  It's a tricky beast because if you respond by locking everything up, it
 sends the message that everything needs to be locked up.

 Keep it simple is a good answer for all of it.  Keep it simple and
 encourage lots of coworking to open up in your city so people can find the
 right place to work.  It's a win win for everyone.


 Office Nomads - Individuality without Isolation  
 (206) 323-6500

 On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 7:41 AM, Toni Hogan 

  I've have two prospective members ask if they can store things at our
  space as part of their membership fee. One is a CPR instructor, who
  asks if her stuff will be safe. The other is a granite kitchen guy
  who has worthless samples that he says don't need to be locked up.
  If we provide a storage closet the CPR girl wouldn't have to have a
  private office and it would significantly reduce her expense. She
  needs about 54 hours a month of meeting room space.

  I think I might have answered my own question when I typed storage
  closet because I immediately thought of the spaces that provide
  lockers. But, what say you?

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[Coworking] Re: Prospective Member Question: Days vs. Hours

2012-05-18 Thread Toni Hogan
Yeah, I think we'll stick to the original plan for now. I think this
is the same guy that called last weekend asking if he could have mail
sent here even if he rarely came by for coworking. Suspect. :-)


On May 18, 6:42 pm, Jacob Sayles wrote:
 We do days not hours.  Conversations about partial days are often someone
 trying to really understand how it all works and it can easily be turned
 around.  The ones that aren't, who are maybe more persistent, are more like
 what Alex suggested and honestly that's the only time I break out the hard
 and fast rules.  Most of the time we are pretty flexible and the simplicity
 of our model makes that easier to maintain while keeping a positive

 In the beginning, you have the wiggle room to play around.  Try different
 things out and see if the patterns we mention present themselves.  Just try
 and keep an eye on finding members that want to be there as much as you do.
  Invest in those members and it pays off over time.


 Office Nomads - Individuality without Isolation  
 (206) 323-6500

 On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 7:55 AM, Alex Hillman

   We do not do partial days because:

  1) it's extra overhead, as you've mentioned
  2) people start thinking that they are paying for time instead of paying
  for participation

  We don't want our members counting their hours any more than we want to be
  counting them. The experience of feeling like my time is up! isn't very
  friendly to the community-bonding experiences that we want in our spaces.

  We need members, but we can't make
  exceptions to every rule.

  This is the most important part: set up a system that's simple and
  flexible. No matter what you do, people will want exceptions. Most people
  who will be good members will happily accept that the options are there for
  a reason, and work within them rather than demand exceptions. The ones who
  want special treatment tend to be problem-members long term. Give 'em an
  inch…you know the rest.


  coworking in philadelphia

  On Friday, May 18, 2012 at 10:48 AM, Toni Hogan wrote:

  We have a community membership (a.k.a. Casual Connexion) as most of
  you call it that offers one day a week plus benefits. We opted for
  days over hourly plans to avoid the extra administration. Some asked
  if they opted for the Casual Connexion could he spread the hours over
  4 days...2 or 3 hours at a time. We need members, but we can't make
  exceptions to every rule. Oh, do you have a limit to daily hours for
  members who are not full-time. For example, one day = 6 hours even if
  the space is open 10 hours a day?

  So, what say you on this one?

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[Coworking] Re: Community Revolving Loan Fund - Anyone?

2012-05-18 Thread Toni Hogan
Thanks and will do! I am going to compare what we have written already
to the Walnut Street Co-op investor packet and tweak if needed. I
think we've actually covered everything except the revolving loan
part. Instead of coworking they are co-living. Cool!


On May 18, 6:49 pm, Jacob Sayles wrote:
 Yes and they published a book about it too.  We got our copy a few weeks
 ago and I plan to dig in to it.  Not that we are planning to buy a building
 but the model fascinates me.  Toni, I love seeing the ideas you are
 throwing around too.  Take good notes so we can all learn from your


 Office Nomads - Individuality without Isolation  
 (206) 323-6500

 On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 3:17 PM, Craig Baute - Creative Density Coworking wrote:
  I don't know how complicated you wanna get but CSI in Toronto set
  themselves up as a non-profit and sold bonds to raise the money to buy
  their building. However, if you want to keep things simple and need
  less than $100,000 then I would try and pre-sell membership or take
  loans out from members as Alex suggested.

  Creative Density

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[Coworking] Community Revolving Loan Fund - Anyone?

2012-05-17 Thread Toni Hogan
We are thinking of starting a community revolving loan fund. We've
checked out a model used by a housing co-op and it appears to be
something that would be very useful. It's closely related to
crowdfunding except there's an above market interest rate
incorporated. Has anyone used this vehicle to fund a coworking space?
I have another important use in mind as well.

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[Coworking] Re: Community Revolving Loan Fund - Anyone?

2012-05-17 Thread Toni Hogan
Check out this link. It explains for better than I could in a few
words. Just looking at it again, got me excited. LOL


On May 17, 12:55 pm, Jacob Sayles wrote:

 That sounds very interesting.  Can you talk a little more about how it
 would work?


 Office Nomads - Individuality without Isolation  
 (206) 323-6500

 On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 10:41 AM, Toni Hogan 

  We are thinking of starting a community revolving loan fund. We've
  checked out a model used by a housing co-op and it appears to be
  something that would be very useful. It's closely related to
  crowdfunding except there's an above market interest rate
  incorporated. Has anyone used this vehicle to fund a coworking space?
  I have another important use in mind as well.

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[Coworking] Re: Community Revolving Loan Fund - Anyone?

2012-05-17 Thread Toni Hogan
Awesome! We're seriously considering this option.

On May 17, 2:00 pm, Alex Hillman wrote:
 IndyHall and all of its growth has been financed this way. We're doing it 
 again in our current expansion and were able to very quickly raise the money 
 we needed from within our membership.

 coworking in philadelphia

 On Thursday, May 17, 2012 at 2:53 PM, Toni Hogan wrote:
  Check out this link. It explains for better than I could in a few
  words. Just looking at it again, got me excited. LOL


  On May 17, 12:55 pm, Jacob Sayles wrote:

   That sounds very interesting.  Can you talk a little more about how it
   would work?


   Office Nomads - Individuality without 
   Isolation (206) 323-6500

   On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 10:41 AM, Toni Hogan 

We are thinking of starting a community revolving loan fund. We've
checked out a model used by a housing co-op and it appears to be
something that would be very useful. It's closely related to
crowdfunding except there's an above market interest rate
incorporated. Has anyone used this vehicle to fund a coworking space?
I have another important use in mind as well.

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[Coworking] Re: Community Revolving Loan Fund - Anyone?

2012-05-17 Thread Toni Hogan
yep. we've taken that into consideration as well...thanks to you. :-)


On May 17, 2:15 pm, Alex Hillman wrote:
 Don't forget that membership pre-sells can help raise early money too! You 
 need to account for it in cash-flow, but it's a great way to get cash on hand 
 and be help to project membership up to 6 months out.

 coworking in philadelphia

 On Thursday, May 17, 2012 at 3:05 PM, Toni Hogan wrote:
  Awesome! We're seriously considering this option.

  On May 17, 2:00 pm, Alex Hillman 
  ( wrote:
   IndyHall and all of its growth has been financed this way. We're doing it 
   again in our current expansion and were able to very quickly raise the 
   money we needed from within our membership.

   /ah (
   coworking in philadelphia

   On Thursday, May 17, 2012 at 2:53 PM, Toni Hogan wrote:
Check out this link. It explains for better than I could in a few
words. Just looking at it again, got me excited. LOL


On May 17, 12:55 pm, Jacob Sayles 
( wrote:

 That sounds very interesting.  Can you talk a little more about how it
 would work?


 Office Nomads - Individuality without 
 Isolation 323-6500

 On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 10:41 AM, Toni Hogan (

  We are thinking of starting a community revolving loan fund. We've
  checked out a model used by a housing co-op and it appears to be
  something that would be very useful. It's closely related to
  crowdfunding except there's an above market interest rate
  incorporated. Has anyone used this vehicle to fund a coworking 
  I have another important use in mind as well.

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[Coworking] Re: Community Revolving Loan Fund - Anyone?

2012-05-17 Thread Toni Hogan
That's interesting, Craig. We will eventually set up a hybrid with our
community organization set up as a non-profit with 51% ownership in
the coworking space. Using bonds would be something to consider since
our space is located in a residential area and we plan for it to be
THE small business community center. h


On May 17, 5:17 pm, Craig Baute - Creative Density Coworking wrote:
 I don't know how complicated you wanna get but CSI in Toronto set
 themselves up as a non-profit and sold bonds to raise the money to buy
 their building. However, if you want to keep things simple and need
 less than $100,000 then I would try and pre-sell membership or take
 loans out from members as Alex suggested.

 Creative Density

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[Coworking] Re: The Office Connexion's latest press release

2012-05-10 Thread Toni Hogan
Hey Laban,

good to see you here. yep, we are doing all of that and we have a
media list that includes HBJ. i just don't think the media really gets
what's happening in the coworking world. so, we keep pushing and we're
forming a local coworking alliance with the other spaces.


On May 10, 10:04 am, @LabanJohnson wrote:

 Try the Houston Business Journal, also various local business and
 startup-related Facebook, Google and Yahoo groups.
 Get listed in as many directories as you can, but most importantly, talk to
 as many people as you can. Keep a log of your marketing activity, and do
 more of what works :)

 Best of luck,

 Laban Johnson

 On Monday, April 30, 2012 1:17:50 PM UTC-5, Toni Hogan wrote:
  If I keep making noise we'll get someone to pick up coworking news in

  Toni Hogan

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[Coworking] Re: The Office Connexion's latest press release

2012-05-10 Thread Toni Hogan
will do

On May 10, 10:20 am, @LabanJohnson wrote:
 Toni, connect with me on LinkedIn so i can send you some local contacts you
 need to know :)

 laban at labanjohnson . com

 On Thursday, May 10, 2012 10:07:29 AM UTC-5, Toni Hogan wrote:
  Hey Laban,

  good to see you here. yep, we are doing all of that and we have a
  media list that includes HBJ. i just don't think the media really gets
  what's happening in the coworking world. so, we keep pushing and we're
  forming a local coworking alliance with the other spaces.


  On May 10, 10:04 am, @LabanJohnson wrote:

   Try the Houston Business Journal, also various local business and
   startup-related Facebook, Google and Yahoo groups.
   Get listed in as many directories as you can, but most importantly, talk
   as many people as you can. Keep a log of your marketing activity, and do
   more of what works :)

   Best of luck,

   Laban Johnson

   On Monday, April 30, 2012 1:17:50 PM UTC-5, Toni Hogan wrote:
If I keep making noise we'll get someone to pick up coworking news in

Toni Hogan

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[Coworking] Re: Last push to support Coworking Startups

2012-05-09 Thread Toni Hogan
is the wildbits video posted somewhere else? i can hear it but i can't
see it.


On May 9, 1:16 pm, Joel Bennett wrote:
 Coworkers- A week or more ago I asked the group to support my coworking
 space by watching our video and voting for us in Turnstone's $25,000
 furniture/space makeover contest that was announced at GCUC.  Although I'm
 not sure if there are other coworking spaces participating in the Top 25, I
 am aware that our own Alex Hillman (IndyHall) and their startup Wildbit is.

 Could you take a few moments to view out videos, both quite good I would
 add, and drop a thumbs up vote for both of us?  Top 5 vote winners each get
 $25,000 to totally transform their space into their dream space.

 Just use this link, then click on Veel Hoeden  Wildbit's videos.  -

 Voting ends May 13.  Winners announced May 31.  I hope we'll be able to
 deliver the news that we BOTH will be sitting pretty.

 Thanks  God Bless,

 Joel Bennett

 Chief Dreamchaser

 Veel Hoeden

 Join Us on Facebook ! Follow us on Twitter


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[Coworking] Re: Your Space Community Wiki

2012-05-07 Thread Toni Hogan
Thanks Bill. I knew about that wiki. I am just wondering if/why it
would be necessary for an individual space.


On May 7, 11:45 am, Bill Forsyth, III wrote:
 On Monday, May 7, 2012 12:39:14 AM UTC-4, Toni Hogan wrote:

  I am testing as our member portal and it has a wiki
  feature. Does anyone have a wiki for their space? I guess I can ask
  any additional questions based on the responses. Not sure what else to
  ask at this point, if anything. TIA


 Check this out

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[Coworking] Re: Best CRM for coworking space management

2012-05-07 Thread Toni Hogan
I don't know how sophisticated you guys need your system to be, but
for now I've decided to go with I chose the $19.99
plan to get rid of the adds. The plan offers email and google
analytics if that's important. Features:

Up to 2,500 members
Unlimited member lists
Event manager...members can add events so this works for meeting
rooms. i will still use an external meeting room system for non-
Member database
Group mailing list
Group website
Membership forms
Custom newsletters
Send invites  RSVPs
Forms  wikis
E-mail subscriptions
Member lists
E-mail archive
File repository

I set up each membership plan as recurring subscriptions. I can also
set up a passes, additional meeting hours, add-ons, etc. I
can create invoices too. Being a novice, this seems pretty cool to me.
We'll see. Our first member is ready to sign up so I had to have
something up and running.

Oh, add looks like our website (coincidence) and the forum
feels like old google groups.

My 2 cent of the day! i will add another 2 cent when I come back from
picking up my kid. :-)

Toni Hogan

On Mar 23, 1:07 pm, Martin wrote:
 Hello everyone. I wanted to know what CRM's people where successfully
 using out there to successfully manage your spaces.

 We have 2 locations in Buenos Aires, Argentina (I'm from the US) that
 are each aprox 5,500 sq. ft and have a mix of offices (teams from 2 to
 20 people) , fixed desks and a shared livingroomspace.

 We're looking at highrise, zoho and a few other hosted solutions.

 Mainly want to use it to track customer contacts and member details.
 To that I'd love to be able to integrate our forthcoming access
 control system. We're developing a separate online tool to manage our
 meeting rooms.

 Curious what services people have used and been happy with. Thanks for
 any feedback!

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[Coworking] for space management

2012-05-07 Thread Toni Hogan
I decided to make this a new topic...

I don't know how sophisticated you guys need your space management
system to be, but for now I've decided to go with I
chose the $19.99 plan to get rid of the adds. The plan offers email
and google analytics if that's important. Features:

-Up to 2,500 members
-Unlimited member lists (i.e. by membership plan)
-Event manager...members can add events so this works for meeting
rooms. i will still use an external meeting room system for non-
-Member database
-Group mailing list
-Group website
-Membership forms (captures info for database)
-Custom newsletters
-Send invites  RSVPs
-Forms  wikis
-E-mail subscriptions
-Member lists
-E-mail archive
-File repository

I set up each membership plan as recurring subscriptions. I can also
set up a passes, additional meeting room hours, add-ons,
etc. I can create invoices too. Being a novice, this seems pretty cool
to me. We'll see. Our first member is ready to sign up so I had to
have something up and running.

I suffer from PWS (perfect world syndrome). In this world, we will
have a totally paperless system. I converted the membership agreement
to pdf and attached as a file/link on the approval/welcome email that
generates automatically when I approve a membership. However, you can
also add a page with the membership agreement and link to that. In the
approval email, they are directed to read the MA because there will be
a quiz. The quiz...I have read and accept the terms blah, blah,
blah. Click Yes/No

Oh, added kind of looks like our website (coincidence) and
the forum feels like old google groups. You can see the home page for
the member site and take a quick peek at my website. You won't be able
to see anything on the member site except the home page.

My 2 cent of the day!

Toni Hogan

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[Coworking] Dropcards instead of dropping real quarters

2012-05-07 Thread Toni Hogan
Remember this conversation about dropping quarters with an info
sticker on one side? This may (or may not) be a better idea. LOL!
Money dropcards that look like cash folded but has your info printed
on one side. I'm going to try them for grins and giggles if nothing


On Apr 13, 12:09 pm, Mike Pihlman wrote:
 I know the pain.  and I did AltamontCowork the same way open it and they
 will come.  Three years later...I'm am still getting the word out, and
 still hoping to bring in enough to break even (hmmm, a bank account with $$
 in it is helpful!):

 1. Craigslist ad every time you can renew it.
 2. The chamber sort of helpsif you are great at face-to-face
 networking...even better.  Go to ALL the's, evening mixers,
 dances, socials, trade show,etc.
 3. Join a local BNI chapter (it is expensive, but, they help other members
 find business).
 4. Offer your one member an incentive to bring in others :-)
 5. Facebook (your personal page PLUS your business page)
 6. Google +, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc etc and keep at it.
 7. Blog about coworking and put links to that blog on everything in 5 and 6.
 8. Talk to your local chamberI have done that a few times.
 9. a normal economy (at least out here in depressed land) it
 takes TWO years for people to get to know you, trust you, etc.  I am at
 three years, but, I have long-time Tracy resident status which is helping
 (since 1985).
 10. Put a magnetic sign on your car and go get Starbucks!  Then leave your
 cards on the table...ooops.  :-)
 11. The BEST thing I ever did was talk to the building owner to let me put
 a sign (actually two on the corner of the building).  I have gotten over
 the years 8 or 9 members from those $50 signs.  (Our town made us take down
 the A frame signsarrrghhh...)
 12. We did this too:  On a quarter, we put a small label on one side with
 our info on it...then dropped the quarters around town.  Similar with
 pensjust drop them everywhere
 13. I did TweetUps, DonutUP's, Pizza on the Patios...truthfullyall
 those did was cost me money when people only showed up for free food.  But
 your town might be different...


 On Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 9:25 AM, Franki Lindstrom 

  Thanks so much! We own the building and thought this would be a great
  opportunity to use it. I will be getting in touch with all your

  On Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 12:12 PM, Alex Hillman wrote:

  I don't need to chime in when you beat me to it, Joshua :)

  All good stuff in here already, just a few additional reminders to make
  the most of Joshua's great advice:

  The goal here isn't to get any members butts in seats, but to focus on a
  group of ~10 people who are attracted to each other and can use your space
  as a clubhouse. They'll become the main attraction moving forward (as
  opposed to the space itself).

  As Joshua suggests, you can jump-start this process by finding clubs (or
  other groups) who need a clubhouse.

  Also important is to realize that once you find this group, you may have
  to change your business model to make more sense. You've got a bunch of
  options on your website for membership, you might benefit from simplifying.
  Giving people too many options confuses them into making zero 

  Remember, though, that it's not necessarily the first 10 people you can
  convince to walk in the door, but their interest in *each other* instead
  of the office itself that changes the game you're playing.


  coworking in philadelphia

  On Friday, April 13, 2012 at 11:55 AM, Joshua Marpet wrote:

   Alex Hillman will probably chime in that you did it backwards.  And
  he's probably right. I mean, hell, like I know what I'm talking about?  :)

  Alex has written some great stuff, and his premise was basically, Get a
  group together who want to be part of the community you want to build.
  Then build the community and space to encompass them.

  I bastardized it.  Don't kill me, Alex.  :)

  ok, enough recrimination.  Let's talk positively.

  You have a space, with awesome stuff.  No members.  Now what?

  Have you located the local Linux Users Group?

  Chamber of Commerce?
  Rotary Club

  Invite them to meet inyour space.  Hey, free coffee!!!

  Free meeting space.

  Network the hell out of those meetings.

  After one or two, go and tell them, Hey, your group should meet this
  other group.  Similar people, differing aims, but wow, I think you all will
  get along.  How about I set up a mixer, meet your counterpart type of
  event?  Free coffee!!!

  Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association
  Certified Fraud Examiners
  Society of Professional Investigators

[Coworking] Re: Too good not to share!

2012-05-03 Thread Toni Hogan
I was thinking the same thing! I could have just posted the SOCKS link
and typed what Joshua said! LOL


On May 3, 3:47 pm, Joshua Marpet wrote:
 Toni!  Great Minds!!!  :D  Awesome!

 On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 4:46 PM, Toni Hogan 
  Although we haven't opened I'd have to say I agree with a coworking
  space being an UN-office. It's my understanding that each space has
  it's own culture,, and not everyone will fit
  everywhere. Some spaces will be able to accommodate both sides of the

  Fortunately for us, our space has all common areas in the middle of
  the building and then four quads. Each quad could essentially have
  it's own personality. Yeah, our space could be quadripolar! We have an
  executive quad, a coworking quad, a training quad that can be used
  for coworking, and a special purpose quad. Meeting rooms are in the
  training quad and because of where our Kid Connexion is located
  (between the lounge and coworking quad) guests will never be directed
  through the coworking quad. But, even so, I think it would be a nice
  change from the stuffy office type. I've become a polo, jeans and
  socks kind of girl since my escape from the corporate world. My socks
  NEVER match and I'm frick'n proud of it. :-)



  On May 3, 3:08 pm, wrote:
  Thought some of you might get a kick out of today's exchange with one
  of our members. Anybody have any similar experiences to share?

  So, a member sent this email to our host... (names changed to protect
  the innocent)


  Here I am having to be the old lame again BUT

  My clients come into this space and I dont want them to see bare feet.
  Sandals on men are bad enough.

  Given the number of gear head folks, I will have to live with tee

  Dont like shorts either on the men. Most of the gals seem to be dpoing
  ok in this department

  Its still an OFFICE isnt it?

  The simple dress code would be wear what you wear to see clients vs
  what you wear when your working from home


  Our host wrote back...

  Yeah, great questions, but unfortunately you won't like the answer.
  This is NOT an office, in fact, it's designed to run counter to
  traditional office norms, top to bottom.

  Bicycles in the hall, Xbox, dart boards and TVs, Nerf machine gun
  wars, afternoon beers, bean bags and umbrellas, an Old Trading Pit for
  a lounge, jazz with a Van Morrison chaser, bumper of The Rap, few
  hours of Mozart concertos . . .  embrace the New Economy, Bob!!  Blow
  your clients' minds with your hyper-progressive foresight and carefree
  nonchalance!  Eschew the shoes!

  I know it's not for everyone, but I hope you can adjust and make it
  work for you. It's really nice having you here.  Maybe you could teach
  these kids a thing or two about class.

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[Coworking] Re: eWorky space management tool available for free in english / french / spanish

2012-05-02 Thread Toni Hogan
Just added our space. Will check out the tool as compared to what I am
testing. It has to be better. :-)


On May 2, 11:58 am, Cecilia Durieu wrote:
 Hi guys,

 eWorky space management tool has been beta-tested by dozens of spaces
 (thank you guys ;)) and is now open to everybody !
 It is available for free for coworking spaces, and it enables you to:
 -       Manage your bookings
 -       Manage your calendar
 -       Secure payment
 -       Automatic invoice system
 -       Community aspects for coworkers

 If you would like to use our tool:
 -       you should add your space on eWorky and then ask to use the space
 management tool
 -       if your space is already listed on eWorky, click on the right on
 “Contact/show details” and then “Are you the manager of this
 workspace ?”
 -       send an email to

 I hope you’ll like it ! Please let us know if you need more features,
 we'll improve the tool.

 Kind regards

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[Coworking] The Office Connexion's latest press release

2012-04-30 Thread Toni Hogan
If I keep making noise we'll get someone to pick up coworking news in

Toni Hogan

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[Coworking] Re: Brick Interior Walls? What Gives???

2012-04-28 Thread Toni Hogan
Ha! Angel, my husband said if I added faux brick next I'd want a faux
fireplace. So, I am leaving well enough alone. :-)


On Apr 28, 9:20 am, Angel Kwiatkowski wrote:
 Who doesn't love some good exposed brick!? Cohere's entire brand was based
 off of the exposed brick in our last building ( I don't recommend that
 approach). The background of our site is an actual photo of the brick too
 seen at you can imagine my panic when we
 were looking at new spaces. Thankfully the members picked a brick building
 and our area has a large brick fireplace so I was able to keep going with
 that theme. The rest of our space is plain old drywall which is why I had
 to add hot pink desks and turquoise desks of course. :)  To answer your
 question more directly, I think creative types who are drawn to coworking
 just dig the rough edges as Alex said whereas other people like the more
 seamless look of drywall. Now we have both-- so yay!

 On Thursday, April 26, 2012 6:14:19 PM UTC-6, Toni Hogan wrote:

  So, my curiosity has finally gotten the best of me. Is it just a
  coincidence that most of the coworking spaces I am checking out on the
  web have brick interior walls. Or, is this a faux feature that was
  added? I'm feeling left out. :-)

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[Coworking] Re: Coworking Space in Need of a Makeover

2012-04-28 Thread Toni Hogan
Wooo ho! That's awesomest thing I've seen all day. Well, next to
the $20 table desks big enough for six people I went to see today.
Going to give it a look now!


On Apr 28, 6:40 pm, Joel Bennett wrote:
 Our small town coworking space in Pella, IA, entered the Turnstone $25,000
 Furniture Makeover contest and made the finals.  Asking for the group's help
 in the following ways:

 1.       If your space also made the finals, please respond so we can
 support you.  There will be five winners of $25k, so why not make them all
 coworking spaces!

 2.       We'd appreciate your vote.  My understanding of the rules (however
 poorly communicated) is that you can only vote once per video, but you can
 vote for as many videos as you like.  If that is the case, we need a broad
 group of people voting with no responsibility to vote daily.

 You can vote by going here and scrolling down to the video you like to vote
 for (ermmhrmm Veel Hoeden...hrmm) and logging in to vote. About 60
 seconds of your time, but a big impact for those on the receiving end of
 your vote.

 I appreciate your support!

 Thanks  God Bless,

 Joel Bennett

 Chief Dreamchaser

 Veel Hoeden


 Join Us on Facebook ! Follow us on Twitter


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[Coworking] Re: Brick Interior Walls? What Gives???

2012-04-27 Thread Toni Hogan
Chris, my husband is working on gathering youth and adult artists so
he would love the idea of a weekend art studio. He and our 15 year
old son are the co-founders of YoungMAC (Young Minds are Creative) so
our space will be their lab/studio. Our 13 year old daughter is an
artist with talent in pencil, chalks, digital and photography. She's
getting into paints so a weekend studio would be awesome for her to be
around other more experienced artists. h, Art Connexion

Out of curiosity I search for faux brick and it actually exists. LOL!
But, we won't go there. I am actually sitting in the space alone now
getting a feel for it. :-)


On Apr 27, 12:15 pm, Chris Ritchie wrote:
 There are also a lot of ways to dress a place up without resorting to
 installing brick walls and ventilation pipes. Natural light is good,
 creative gathering spaces are excellent. Local artist galleries are a great
 way of giving your space a creative feel. I actually thought up an idea for
 doing a weekend art studio day, where folks would come down and use paint
 and canvases I provided to create art to be displayed. Team building +
 community building all in one.

 On Thursday, April 26, 2012 7:14:19 PM UTC-5, Toni Hogan wrote:

  So, my curiosity has finally gotten the best of me. Is it just a
  coincidence that most of the coworking spaces I am checking out on the
  web have brick interior walls. Or, is this a faux feature that was
  added? I'm feeling left out. :-)

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[Coworking] Re: Working with economic development group has been the most productive...

2012-04-26 Thread Toni Hogan
Hi Becky,

I've actually been working on starting dialogue with several
organizations this week for this exact purpose.


On Apr 26, 12:38 pm, Becky H Smith, Ed.D.
 At Blue Ocean Innovation Center, our economic development group has been
 phenomenal.  All the hotels want post cards to give to their business
 clients.  We are a member of Chamber as well.  The city and county are
 working with us too on creating a downtown HUB and see it as an important
 part of economic development.  Good never stop learning.  Becky,


 *Becky H. Smith, Ed.D., Chair*

 *Vistage International, Inc.*
 1820 W. Lincoln St.
 Bozeman, MT 59715




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[Coworking] Brick Interior Walls? What Gives???

2012-04-26 Thread Toni Hogan
So, my curiosity has finally gotten the best of me. Is it just a
coincidence that most of the coworking spaces I am checking out on the
web have brick interior walls. Or, is this a faux feature that was
added? I'm feeling left out. :-)

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[Coworking] Re: Annual Membership

2012-04-24 Thread Toni Hogan
Will, I know every area is different but I'll ask this question
anyway. Why are you in competition with any of the other organizations
rather than partnering with them? They have their thing and we have
ours. It properly meshed they should be complementary.


On Apr 24, 7:23 am, Wes wrote:
 Thanks for your comments, Will. Reason #3 is exactly why I'm
 considering the switch. The reason I'm thinking about changing our
 cost structure isn't really a cash flow issue, as most people that
 join our space do so at our highest rate, and stick around for 7 - 8
 months, which is actually really good for where we're located - it
 needs to be much better though. As a space focused primarily on
 supporting the (slow) growing Delaware startup community, we're very
 happy to provide people with a safe place to get on their feet. Even
 better, the majority of the startups that have come out of The coIN
 Loft found co-founders at our events or working next to them in the
 space. We're certainly building up a great story.

 The other side:
 Delaware has always been starved for independent talent, which is
 obviously bad for a coworking space. We have a deep history as a
 corporate state, so most people that come here to build a career are
 doing it at legacy companies, in the banking, pharma and law related
 industries. With Delaware being such a small state the lines of
 competitiveness have been thoroughly entrenched for many years - way
 before The coIN Loft came around. There are a few non-profit
 professional organizations (chambers of commerce, rotary groups,
 networking groups) and economic development groups (sba  its
 affiliates) that rule over the entrepreneurial community here. These
 places aren't communities - they're bragging rights - so you're a
 nobody as a professional if you don't join their circles. Despite all
 of our PR and marketing efforts, we've struggled to compete with these
 groups. We consistently hear that the month-to-month membership fee is
 a deterrent. The other groups, specifically the Chambers of Commerce,
 who we're in direct competition with, charge a annual fee, plus fees
 for every event. For the penny wise entrepreneur, they're looking at
 either $300 per year for the Chamber or $2400 per year for us. It
 doesn't take much to see why they'd be slow to choose us. We've
 tracked the average time it took a person to join us and found that of
 the 80 people that have joined, over 50% thought about it for more
 than 5 months before pulling the trigger. They also let us know that
 the monthly payments were an issue. I don't think we need to be as
 cheap as $300 per year, nor do I think people are expecting that. I
 just think we need to disassociate monthly financial requirements as a
 barrier to entry. The main reason is that our target audience
 (creatives  developers within the first year (hopefully first couple
 of months) of their startup) aren't cash flow positive yet. The money
 they're using to pay us is also coming out of the reserves they have
 to live on until they're financially stable.

 I think a fee structure like the one you (Will) use at Locus would
 certainly be a good way for us to be thinking about annual

 On Apr 23, 5:09 am, Will Bennis, Locus Workspace wrote:
  Our standard prices are based on a 6 month membership commitment. For
  any membership less than six months, we charge 20% more. If you pay
  for your entire 6 month membership up front, we give a 15% discount on
  the standard price. If you pay for an entire year up front, we give a
  25% discount. We used to also charge less for a year-long commitment
  (without needing to pay it up front), but stopped just for the sake of
  keeping things simpler (and there's still an argument for simplifying
  it more).

  We provide discounts for both long-term commitments and for paying up
  front for several reasons:

  1) Cash flow. This only applies to the long-term memberships where the
  people pay up front. It's nice to have the money now as we're a young
  business and need the money to pay bills. As the space grows in the
  future, that lost future income is not so crucial.

  2) For better and for worse, financial gain: People who sign a long-
  term contract are much more likely to stick with the space than those
  who don't. Even if they don't stick with using the space, most of them
  keep paying according to their contract, playing a big role in my
  ability to keep prices as low as they are and stay in business. The
  incentive for paying for it all up front adds to this, since that
  group always pays for the entire term of the contract, while some
  small percentage of members who commit long-term but don't pay it all
  up front don't ever end up paying.

  3) I prefer longer-term members for the sake of the community, and so
  giving an incentive for a longer commitment seems to make sense.

  4) Paperwork and associated 

[Coworking] The Office Connexion has a home

2012-04-23 Thread Toni Hogan
Hey all, we signed the lease today on our new home. Now, it's time to
get serious, serious. LOL

We decided on the 13,000 square foot space. There's plenty of room to
grow and enough space to do as planned. I've been like a mad woman
browsing craigslist. I hope all of the super deals I found are still
findable when we are ready to start shopping. EXCITED!

Thanks for all of the advice, current and searchable. Stay tuned for
updates. :-)

P.S. We have an entire wing dedicated to private offices, a.k.a.
executive suites. There are nine offices and a conference room. It can
even have its own waiting area. I think we'll call it the REGUS Wing.
hahahaaa (jokes)

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[Coworking] Re: The Office Connexion has a home

2012-04-23 Thread Toni Hogan
yes, it is exciting. my husband would love that aquarium. i think we
might get one...a regular one. :-)


On Apr 23, 7:16 pm, Cheryl Jaycox
 Congrats Toni,
 Its very exciting when you take that first jump into coworking with the
 first investment (big check). It has only been a few months since we too
 took the big leap into coworking and I still get the rush of excitement
 with every finished project, the arrival of furniture and the signing of
 new members. Enjoy the Rush...LOL! I am having a receptionist/Greeting desk
 made out of a aquarium!...Driving my husband nuts! LOL!

 On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 4:39 PM, Toni Hogan 

  Hey all, we signed the lease today on our new home. Now, it's time to
  get serious, serious. LOL

  We decided on the 13,000 square foot space. There's plenty of room to
  grow and enough space to do as planned. I've been like a mad woman
  browsing craigslist. I hope all of the super deals I found are still
  findable when we are ready to start shopping. EXCITED!

  Thanks for all of the advice, current and searchable. Stay tuned for
  updates. :-)

  P.S. We have an entire wing dedicated to private offices, a.k.a.
  executive suites. There are nine offices and a conference room. It can
  even have its own waiting area. I think we'll call it the REGUS Wing.
  hahahaaa (jokes)

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 Cheryl Jaycox
 Community Manager
 Micro Office Suites  Business Center
 The HIVE@44,Business Coworking Community
 Phone: 636-405-3130
 Cell: 314-800-4305

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[Coworking] Re: Private Industry Accessibility Standards? - insurance, real estate agents, and lawyers

2012-04-23 Thread Toni Hogan
I would think as long as you have private offices for lawyers there
should be no other restrictions. Real estate agents are a great target
if they work for non-franchise and/or 100% brokers. They can work in a
shared environment but may need access to a place to make phone calls.
If you can find a way to provide continuing education courses through
a provider it would add value for agents. Wow! I just had another one
of my brilliant ideas. Thanks Tyler! ;-)


On Apr 23, 8:23 pm, hssmedia wrote:

 I have a quick question:

 Is it worth pursuing the tight lipped industries of real estate,
 lawyers, and insurance agents in coworking? Do their industry and
 rules prohibit them from participating in an open, collaborative
 environment, or are they an available market to pursue? It seems like
 privacy may be an issue.

 Just curious


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[Coworking] Re: Private Industry Accessibility Standards? - insurance, real estate agents, and lawyers

2012-04-23 Thread Toni Hogan
Actually, what's funny is the real estate agent handling the landlord
side of the deal is no longer with the company he was with when we
started negotiations. He said he might need to office at our space for
a couple of months. LOL


On Apr 23, 8:44 pm, Toni Hogan wrote:
 I would think as long as you have private offices for lawyers there
 should be no other restrictions. Real estate agents are a great target
 if they work for non-franchise and/or 100% brokers. They can work in a
 shared environment but may need access to a place to make phone calls.
 If you can find a way to provide continuing education courses through
 a provider it would add value for agents. Wow! I just had another one
 of my brilliant ideas. Thanks Tyler! ;-)


 On Apr 23, 8:23 pm, hssmedia wrote:


  I have a quick question:

  Is it worth pursuing the tight lipped industries of real estate,
  lawyers, and insurance agents in coworking? Do their industry and
  rules prohibit them from participating in an open, collaborative
  environment, or are they an available market to pursue? It seems like
  privacy may be an issue.

  Just curious


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[Coworking] Re: Launching Classes. This is the start and will update on progress and model

2012-04-20 Thread Toni Hogan

This is exactly the angle we're taking. We're promoting our space as a
community coworking and business resource center. We want most of our
classes to be free so we are partnering with local business
development programs who already have funding and programs in place. I
am also creating a program for new real estate agents. That one will
have a fee associated with it but will be priced like one of our
membership plans and include benefits of membership.

There are many opportunities for coworking that will enhance but not
take away from the true experience of community. I am hoping that when/
if we teach prospecting to agents they will go to a workspace or phone
room after the class and practice what they've learned. I say IF
because my focus is really on the business side of real estate
practice. There are a million classes for prospecting...but we'll see.

Wishing you the best and looking forward to hearing more about CDU!


On Apr 19, 12:18 pm, Craig Baute - Creative Density Coworking wrote:
 After attending the GCUC last month I set the goal to get this
 education series called Creative Density University 
 (CDU),, going and we are hosting our first
 class on May 8th. This is an important step to making Creative Density
 a hub of ideas for Denver beyond a destination for coworking, Meetups,
 and social gathers for the independent community. I would first like
 to thank PariSoma for sharing some many details about their successful
 program that launched in Sept. 2011. I also closely studied General
 Assembly in NY.

 Overview of CDU:

 The need: Freelancers and startups often are very talented in two or
 three areas but have to wear many additional hats and don't have the
 time to learn news skills. They also want to continually improve their
 skills they have already acquired but many current offerings are
 expense and time consuming.

 What we are trying to do: Be a continued education platform
 (intermediate to advanced skill level) in the areas of business and
 technology. We have made the assumption that many coworkers and
 creative professionals have already taught themselves the basics
 through online tutorials and blogs and we don't need to start at
 square one.

 Format: $30 / 90 min sessions in a classroom size of 15 people. Each
 instructor needs to have a Q+A time and one takeaway for the students.
 The 90 min. format is based on survey results asking what members and
 the others in the community would like and 90 mins won out because
 people are often busy between family and work. All of the the classes
 will start at 6PM at launch. Members will be able to attend the
 classes for $25.

 Instructors: We have aligned with CU-Boulder professors in
 entrepreneurship, lawyers, people that work for Automattic, and
 successful entrepreneurs in the area to teach. They have all been
 vetted to ensure quality and I will request feedback from students
 after each class. The instructors are also the best paid for a 90 min.

 Getting the word out: I built up a coalition of local business leaders
 and city departments to promote the classes in newsletters. Overall,
 the announcement will go out to over 5,000 people in Denver. The
 instructors are encouraging their clients to join and the coworking
 members are pretty excited about the offerings and sharing it. CD is
 will also have a booth at the Create Denver convention to promote it.

 What amenities we provide: We have a large room that will turn from
 coworking during the day to a classroom in the evening with a total of
 15 spots in 4 rows. Projector, screen, whiteboard.

 Staffing: I will sit in the classes the first or second time an
 instructor presents to make sure they are comfortable with
 everything.  After that if there is a class that a member wants to
 take I will let them take my role with checking people in and setting
 up the projector while getting a chance to attend the class for free.

 Launched: We are launching with over a dozen classes in 6 weeks. This
 may be a bit ambitious and I will share this experience with you.

 I will continue to share my experiences with everyone about this
 launch. It seems like many more coworking spaces are interested in
 offering this to the coworking community and their city. If you have
 any advice please feel free to share them.

 Creative Density

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[Coworking] Re: Launching Classes. This is the start and will update on progress and model

2012-04-20 Thread Toni Hogan
Most definitely. We will have other offerings as well. However,
because of our location we will provide services to the community-at-
large. Our membership materials do state that some class offerings
will be fee-based. :-)


On Apr 20, 11:47 am, Craig Baute - Creative Density Coworking wrote:
 Thanks for the kind words Toni. I decided not to partner with existing
 programs, like the chamber of commerce, because they generally serve
 new businesses with the basics of starting a business, 101 style of
 courses. We didn't want to be that and wanted to take it up to 200 to
 300 level (to keep with the University language). I noticed most of
 the offerings in Denver serve the low end (free or affordable) to the
 very technical and high-leve courses for hundreds of dollars and days
 at a time.  I wanted to serve right in that middle that would help
 most of the coworkers continue their education or expand it beyond the
 basics. I was able to find to quality instructors (very important to
 me) that shared my vision and so I set up a plan to share revenue more
 generously than other venues.

 The classes are not free for a reason. If the courses are paid for
 then there isan  accountability of quality on the instructor side and
 allows for me to figuratively slap them if they try to make it a sales
 pitch. There are plenty of free venues to learn stuff with Meetups and
 they vary in quality, and the revenue allows me to spend money to
 ensure a level of quality. It also helps Creative Density sustain
 itself and keep te coworking movement alive in Denver.


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[Coworking] Liability Insurance Classification

2012-04-20 Thread Toni Hogan
I am getting quotes on liability insurance. My agent is pretty good at
matching classifications for new business concepts. She was able to
get my policy through underwriting for a hometending business which
was as rare as coworking is in Houston. But, I want to get a few other
quotes. What classification is typically used for coworking spaces?
Someone must know because I am sure you all have insurance. LOL

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[Coworking] Re: Liability Insurance Classification

2012-04-20 Thread Toni Hogan
Thanks! I'll give them a holler!


On Apr 20, 12:12 pm, Alex Hillman
 We've worked with a local agency to get a policy through The Hartford for our 
 liability. They've been awesome, and helpful in figuring out the ideal 
 classification for a coworking space since we're a little weird. They were 
 able to help us get something that met our landlord requirements, allowed us 
 to do events and other things that we need the flexibility to do.

 You can contact these fine 
 Our account manager is Diane, but Stuart is great to work with as well. Let 
 them know that Indy Hall sent you and they can likely help you get oriented.

 coworking in philadelphia

 On Friday, April 20, 2012 at 1:06 PM, Toni Hogan wrote:
  I am getting quotes on liability insurance. My agent is pretty good at
  matching classifications for new business concepts. She was able to
  get my policy through underwriting for a hometending business which
  was as rare as coworking is in Houston. But, I want to get a few other
  quotes. What classification is typically used for coworking spaces?
  Someone must know because I am sure you all have insurance. LOL

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[Coworking] Re: Launching Classes. This is the start and will update on progress and model

2012-04-20 Thread Toni Hogan
hehe @ LAME! We're going to give them a try starting up, but I have
no problem firing ineffectiveness. :-)


On Apr 20, 12:19 pm, Chad Ballantyne wrote:
 The combination of coworking space and business Centre is great!  Makes sense.
 We've launched our Small Business Success Workshops focusing on that middle 
 ground as Craig calls it.
 We are also providing similar classes as the Chamber or other city/government 
 funded business support centres, but we are filling a major gap as we see it!
 The 3 main differentiators are:
 1. Our classes are styled to be uber practical offering more hands on 
 learning, interaction, QA, tools and tips while the other guys offer 
 pamphlets.(we've heard around town how the other classes put on by the 
 chamber or city funded resource centres are lame)
 2. Doing it our Space inspires the pre-members ;o) towards coworking and 
 being introduced to businesses at their level or higher.
 3. The speakers are mostly members or affiliates and have agreed to be 
 along-the-way mentors. The attendees can book a follow up meeting with them 
 if QA doesn't cover all their questions. (just one for now - but we're 
 working on a mentorship program for those that want more access to 

 We did a Blogathon last weekend as part of our Small Business Success 
 extra-ciriuclar events and have a new member already!

 We'll share more as they roll out.


   We offer discounts for TCS members.
 On 2012-04-20, at 12:47 PM, Craig Baute - Creative Density Coworking wrote:

  Thanks for the kind words Toni. I decided not to partner with existing
  programs, like the chamber of commerce, because they generally serve
  new businesses with the basics of starting a business, 101 style of
  courses. We didn't want to be that and wanted to take it up to 200 to
  300 level (to keep with the University language). I noticed most of
  the offerings in Denver serve the low end (free or affordable) to the
  very technical and high-leve courses for hundreds of dollars and days
  at a time.  I wanted to serve right in that middle that would help
  most of the coworkers continue their education or expand it beyond the
  basics. I was able to find to quality instructors (very important to
  me) that shared my vision and so I set up a plan to share revenue more
  generously than other venues.

  The classes are not free for a reason. If the courses are paid for
  then there isan  accountability of quality on the instructor side and
  allows for me to figuratively slap them if they try to make it a sales
  pitch. There are plenty of free venues to learn stuff with Meetups and
  they vary in quality, and the revenue allows me to spend money to
  ensure a level of quality. It also helps Creative Density sustain
  itself and keep te coworking movement alive in Denver.


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 Chad Ballantyne
 The Creative Space Director


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[Coworking] Awesome list: 64 Co-working Spaces For Every Entrepreneur

2012-04-19 Thread Toni Hogan
We've got to get Houston on this list. LOL

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[Coworking] Membership plans and member moniker

2012-04-18 Thread Toni Hogan
We've finally come up with our creative names for our membership
plans. Yeah, I'm anal and this was a big deal for me. Our members will
be called Connexions...obviously. The plans are as follows:

Citizen Connexion (residents)
Community Connexion (flexible)
Casual Connexion (day pass)
Virtual Connexion (mail service, 2 days, event access)

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[Coworking] Coworking Finally Gets Local Publicity in Houston

2012-04-17 Thread Toni Hogan
Someone is finally talking about coworking in Houston...and The Office

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[Coworking] Re: Coworking Finally Gets Local Publicity in Houston

2012-04-17 Thread Toni Hogan
they just copied and pasted from the press release. LOL

Thanks CJay!

On Apr 17, 10:30 pm, Cheryl Jaycox
 Very NiceWoot!Woot! for you...Did they pick that up from your press
 release? or did you contact directly?  Good Job...
 On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 9:45 AM, Toni Hogan 

  Someone is finally talking about coworking in Houston...and The Office

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 Cheryl Jaycox
 Community Manager
 Micro Office Suites  Business Center
 The HIVE@44,Business Coworking Community
 Phone: 636-405-3130
 Cell: 314-800-4305

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[Coworking] Re: Launch Party Ideas

2012-04-15 Thread Toni Hogan
nice. i especially like the future of... presentation and the
pitching contest. I can see the pitching contest with a year of
membership as a prize. we could also set it up so that everyone is a
winner...full-time and two different levels of our flexible plans.

On Apr 15, 6:26 am, Audun Ueland wrote:

 On Sunday, April 15, 2012 1:20:41 AM UTC+2, Toni Hogan wrote:

  I'm already thinking ahead to our launch party. Aside from the local
  VIPs...politicians, chamber folks, etc, what have others done to host
  an exciting launch party?

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[Coworking] Re: Launch Party Ideas

2012-04-15 Thread Toni Hogan
Thanks Rachel! That sounds like a fun night. I don't think we have
anything has vintage as a Commodore 64 but I do recall seeing a couple
of consoles in the garage that made me as why. LOL! There is actually
a store in one of our malls that sells early gaming systems and games.
they are by no means cheap.


On Apr 14, 9:22 pm, rachel young wrote:
 My co-founder and I are huge Commodore geeks, so we brought in our old
 computers, my Vic20 and his 64, and some of our old games, and that was the
 entertainment for the night. It fit right in for our community and kept it
 low key, which was what we were hoping for.
  On Apr 14, 2012 7:20 PM, Toni Hogan wrote:

  I'm already thinking ahead to our launch party. Aside from the local
  VIPs...politicians, chamber folks, etc, what have others done to host
  an exciting launch party?

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[Coworking] Re: Launch Party Ideas

2012-04-15 Thread Toni Hogan
Rachel, we will have a ribbon cutting. That's one of the benefits of
joining the Chamber of Commerce. The elected officials and media are a
must. One of the reasons I want to start planning now is to make sure
they can fit it in their schedules. We have about 5 or 6 other
coworking spaces in our city/area. One will just be opening in a
couple of weeks. The other is Caroline Collective. I am sure we can
get someone from both to pop by.

We're planning to have a youth program as well, so we could probably
have a pitch contest for teens with a small scholarship prize. hmmm, i
thinking now. LOL

On Apr 15, 8:35 am, rachel young wrote:
 Other thoughts:

 I like the idea of a ribbon cutting, but only if it also includes first
 members holding or cutting the ribbon.

 I encourage media, especially if you are the only space in town.

 If there are other spaces, I encourage an invitation be sent to them too
 and if you have some brief speeches  ask them to say a few words about how
 awesome and essential coworking is.

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[Coworking] Re: Launch Party Ideas

2012-04-15 Thread Toni Hogan
Hey Cheryl. We saw it on Auden's link: Three ambitious startups from
Mesh will do a pitching contest in front of a jury... It seems akin
to what they do at Startup Weekend events or Shark Tank, if you've
ever watched that show. A, Shark Tank! I wonder is I could use the
name. LOL


On Apr 15, 12:38 pm, Cheryl Jaycox
 Toni, Rachel,
 Can I ask a really silly question? I too am looking for Launch Ideas...What
 is a pitch contest?
 Great idea inviting other cowork spaces to talk, we have a few in the city
 of St. Louis, but none that I know of in St. Louis County.

 On Sun, Apr 15, 2012 at 8:47 AM, Toni Hogan 

  Rachel, we will have a ribbon cutting. That's one of the benefits of
  joining the Chamber of Commerce. The elected officials and media are a
  must. One of the reasons I want to start planning now is to make sure
  they can fit it in their schedules. We have about 5 or 6 other
  coworking spaces in our city/area. One will just be opening in a
  couple of weeks. The other is Caroline Collective. I am sure we can
  get someone from both to pop by.

  We're planning to have a youth program as well, so we could probably
  have a pitch contest for teens with a small scholarship prize. hmmm, i
  thinking now. LOL

  On Apr 15, 8:35 am, rachel young wrote:
   Other thoughts:

   I like the idea of a ribbon cutting, but only if it also includes first
   members holding or cutting the ribbon.

   I encourage media, especially if you are the only space in town.

   If there are other spaces, I encourage an invitation be sent to them too
   and if you have some brief speeches  ask them to say a few words about
   awesome and essential coworking is.

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 Cheryl Jaycox
 Community Manager
 Micro Office Suites  Business Center
 The HIVE@44,Business Coworking Community
 Phone: 636-405-3130
 Cell: 314-800-4305

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[Coworking] Re: New space HELP!!!

2012-04-13 Thread Toni Hogan
So, Joshua... Do you just walk in to Starbucks and MickeyD's
passing out coupons all willy-nilly? I ask because it's really been on
the top of my aggressive marketing list. :-)


On Apr 13, 10:55 am, Joshua Marpet
 Alex Hillman will probably chime in that you did it backwards.  And he's
 probably right. I mean, hell, like I know what I'm talking about?  :)

 Alex has written some great stuff, and his premise was basically, Get a
 group together who want to be part of the community you want to build.
 Then build the community and space to encompass them.

 I bastardized it.  Don't kill me, Alex.  :)

 ok, enough recrimination.  Let's talk positively.

 You have a space, with awesome stuff.  No members.  Now what?

 Have you located the local Linux Users Group?

 Chamber of Commerce?
 Rotary Club

 Invite them to meet inyour space.  Hey, free coffee!!!

 Free meeting space.

 Network the hell out of those meetings.

 After one or two, go and tell them, Hey, your group should meet this other
 group.  Similar people, differing aims, but wow, I think you all will get
 along.  How about I set up a mixer, meet your counterpart type of event?
 Free coffee!!!

 Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association
 Certified Fraud Examiners
 Society of Professional Investigators
 Do a meetup for freelancers

 Sorry for rambling, this is off the cuff.

 Hope this helps.

 Oh!!! Anybody live in the local starbucks/mickeyD's, etc?  As in work live,
 not homeless living.  Walk in, hand them a coupon for a free day pass.
 Free Coffee!!!

 On Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 10:24 AM, Franki7225 wrote:
  We opened 7225CoWorking in North Canton, Ohio in January. We have a
  beautiful open space, cool whiteboard furniture, and 1 member. Being
  the first space to open in our county,people just don't seem to be
  getting it. We need suggestions,please! We have advertised in the
  local paper and mailed out a hundred free day passes. We have the
  space, the coffee, the wi-fi... Now we need members! Our website is   Thanks so much for your comments.

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[Coworking] Re: Thank you, thank you, thank you!

2012-04-12 Thread Toni Hogan
That's awesome! We're still trying to get there. I'm keeping the faith
that we will.


On Apr 12, 8:45 am, Jamie Wright wrote:
 Today we reached our funding goal on Kickstarter for Seed
 We could not of done it without the generosity from the coworking

 Some of you, from California to Michigan, donated your hard earned money to
 back something you believe in. I am floored by the generosity, although to
 some part, it doesn't surprise me. Everyone in this group knows the value
 of community.

 Thank you again. Be well.

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[Coworking] Re: Furniture for Spaces

2012-04-11 Thread Toni Hogan
Great info Joshua!

On Apr 11, 2:03 pm, Joshua Marpet wrote:
 IKEA, Costco folding tables, Salvation Army, Habitat For Humanity ReStore,
 Harbor Freight Tools,

 Can you attach to wall?  Get MDF Door blanks and big shelf brackets.  Go to
 Lowe's or homedepot, look up interior doors, Flush/Luaun style doors.  Slab
 doors essentially.
 Cheap as dirt, shelf brackets just as cheap, attach to wall, paint em or
 buy em white.  Done!!!

 On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 2:38 PM, Beth Michael Fine 2033cr...@gmail.comwrote:

  Looking for a bar height cowork tables preferrably white at a great price.

  What are you doing in terms of furniture for your space?   We are opening
  up our coworking space in the front spot of our executive office suites.
  It measures 81 feet long by 10 feet wide.   Looking for some bar height
  tables - preferably in white.

  What types of resources have you used for your furniture.


  Beth Avery Fine
  Palencia Business Center

  Now booking for summer cowork spaces in the historical city of St.
  Augustine, Florida.   Minutes away from beautiful beaches, historical sites
  and many, many public golf courses.

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[Coworking] Meetup Rocks!

2012-04-11 Thread Toni Hogan
I finally gave in and started using Meetup. We had 8 people (including
us) RSVP for today's Jelly and 6 showed up. It was a super awesome
meeting and everyone is excited about the next meeting. I should have
started using Meetup initially. Never too late to learn! :-)

What was so awesome was after we did the business profile/introduction
everyone went back around to mention at least one way they could
connect with everyone else. It's funny how much you have in common
with other people...cheerleading, women in the military, youth groups,
tax prep. The list goes on and that was from just 6 people. LOL

Making Connexions!


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[Coworking] Re: Need Photos for Video/Slideshow

2012-04-09 Thread Toni Hogan
Thanks! i will check it out now. :-)


On Apr 8, 10:00 pm, Mike Pihlman wrote:
 If there is something here,  feel free to download..


 See gallery...
 On Apr 8, 2012 4:48 PM, Toni Hogan wrote:

  I am creating a narrated slideshow for my Indiegogo crowdfunding
  campaign (camera shy). If anyone would like a guest appearance of
  photos from your space and a mention let me know. :-)

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[Coworking] Re: Need Photos for Video/Slideshow

2012-04-09 Thread Toni Hogan

I hope I pronounced AltamontCowork correctly. You're mentioned at
2:00...thanks again!


On Apr 8, 10:00 pm, Mike Pihlman wrote:
 If there is something here,  feel free to download..


 See gallery...
 On Apr 8, 2012 4:48 PM, Toni Hogan wrote:

  I am creating a narrated slideshow for my Indiegogo crowdfunding
  campaign (camera shy). If anyone would like a guest appearance of
  photos from your space and a mention let me know. :-)

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[Coworking] Need Photos for Video/Slideshow

2012-04-08 Thread Toni Hogan
I am creating a narrated slideshow for my Indiegogo crowdfunding
campaign (camera shy). If anyone would like a guest appearance of
photos from your space and a mention let me know. :-)

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[Coworking] Kicked Off a Crowfunding Campaign

2012-04-06 Thread Toni Hogan
Hey all! We kicked off a crowdfunding campaign this week. It is taking
off slowly but surely. I will spend today and the rest of this weekend
working on a plan to reach out to the community next week. If anyone
has any ideas or suggestions on how to give the campaign a big boost,
I'd love to hear them.

Have a SUPER weekend!

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[Coworking] Re: Successful Meetup for new space

2012-04-04 Thread Toni Hogan
That's absolutely AWESOME! Congratulations.


On Apr 4, 9:56 am, CAJ wrote:
 Hello Gang,

 Last nite I had my first / St. Louis Business Coworking.
 Although there was 21 signed up to attend we had 12 attend we had 5
 sign up and 2 take applications home with them.

 I am very excited about this, I used a power point presentation with
 two videos about coworking to make my point and understanding of what
 we are doing. It really made an impact.

 The group also decided that they like the idea of having a monthly
 JELLY to bring in new people to the concept of coworking.

 One of the guest from last nite, became a full time member, he wants
 to be a core member, a community builder. He is a fantastic addition
 to the space and is very connected in the business community here in
 St. Louis.

 Although the space in still under constructionair condition being
 installed as we speak and the carpet going in Saturday, the vision of
 a coworking community and building it together was very successful!

 I owe this group a big THANK YOU for all of your insight into building
 a coworking community.

 Alex: To you a big excited HUG and a slapping high five!! It works!


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[Coworking] Press Release Mentions: IndyHall, BlankSpaces and New Work City

2012-04-04 Thread Toni Hogan
I am writing a press release for our soon to come coworking space in
Houston. I am making honorable mentions of IndyHall, BlankSpaces and
New Work City. Let me know if you object. If there are no objections,
let me know if you want to be quoted. :-)

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[Coworking] Re: Press Release Mentions: IndyHall, BlankSpaces and New Work City

2012-04-04 Thread Toni Hogan
The release date shows 4/5 but I think it is still viewable. Thanks
guys! ;-)

Oh, there's still time for corrections if anyone notices a typo. I
proofread it just short of 100 times but proofing my own writing is
not my strong point. I always read what it's supposed to say. ha!


On Apr 4, 12:27 pm, Toni Hogan wrote:
 I am writing a press release for our soon to come coworking space in
 Houston. I am making honorable mentions of IndyHall, BlankSpaces and
 New Work City. Let me know if you object. If there are no objections,
 let me know if you want to be quoted. :-)

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[Coworking] Re: Introducing Seed, Toledo's first coworking space

2012-04-03 Thread Toni Hogan
Congrats! I watched your Kickstarter video the other day when I was
looking for a place to start a campaign. I agree with Chad...your
video ROCKS! The outtakes are hilarious. And, the magically
reappearing dog...ha! I want a video. {pouty kid face}

Wishing you much success on your space and your Kickstarter campaign!

Toni Hogan

On Apr 3, 8:06 am, Jamie Wright wrote:
 Hello all.

 I want to first introduce myself. I have been a long time stalker in this
 group and I have learned a lot from each of you. Thank you for your

 I am software developer from Toledo, Ohio and I have visited several
 coworking spaces over the last few years. These include Workantile and Tech
 Brewery in Ann Arbor, Sandbox in Columbus, OpenSpace in Charlottesville,
 and The Coop in Chicago.

 I fell in love with the idea of coworking several years and I have since
 been working on building the community locally. My partners and I are proud
 to announce that Toledo will finally be opening it's first coworking space
 in about a month. We are calling it Seed. (

 The space is almost completely renovated and the interest has been great.
 The biggest lesson that Alex Hillman (his coworking class rocked) is to
 build the community first and the space will follow. That is exactly what
 we have been doing over the past few years and we already may have a
 waiting list.

 I will hopefully have a lot more to contribute over the coming months as we
 learn some lessons of our own.

 Thank you again.

 -- Jamie

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[Coworking] Re: New to the group

2012-04-03 Thread Toni Hogan
Hey Adrienne, thanks for the LIKE! I'm not sure how I missed it. :-) I
asked a question about industry specific centers a couple of weeks
ago. If you search industry specific the discussion should come up.


On Apr 1, 11:52 pm, Adrienne Normand wrote:
 Hello All,

 For those of you whose coworking space caters mostly to a specific industry
 besides tech, what are the common issues you deal with regularly?
 Challenges?  Benefits?  What would you change?

 Does anyone's space cater to or attract the following industries:
 1.  *Medical
 2.  Government*
 3.  University/ Higher Ed
 4.  Architecture/ Real Estate
 5.  ..fill in the blank here..what other industries are flocking to
 coworking besides entrepreneurs, high tech, and creative studio space for
 creative industries?

 Thank you all in advance for your help.


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[Coworking] Re: Office Nomads Power Outlet Pole Thingys

2012-04-02 Thread Toni Hogan
Whoooh! This is awesome. We've been in a meeting with the landlord
this morning and talked about this very thing. Great to come back to
this conversation. I'm loving the auto shop power cord idea because of
the flexibility in rearranging a room!

Total awesomeness!


On Apr 2, 11:35 am, Jenny at eeko wrote:
 We asked some auto shop folks locally and they ordered for us but here are 
 some on amazon. You can search retractable electric reel to find.

         Bayco SL-800 Professional Retractable Reel with 30-Foot Triple Tap
 $43.99 $42.70

 Sent using Amazon Mobile for iPhone

 Kindest Regards,
 Jenny Poon

 On Apr 2, 2012, at 9:27 AM, Alex Hillman wrote:

  Where are people buying the auto-shop power cords from? Any links to share?

  coworking in philadelphia
  On Monday, April 2, 2012 at 12:25 PM, Jenny at eeko wrote:

  We did the hanging auto shop outlets and they have been great. Keeps the 
  floors clean from cords and we even attached these hangman guys to them so 
  they're easier to pull down for us shorties

  Kindest Regards,
  Jenny Poon

  On Apr 2, 2012, at 9:17 AM, Adrienne Normand wrote:

  One thing you could do is get tables with power that daisy-chains.  That 
  way not all tables are dependent on your one power sourceonly the 
  first one is.

  On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 10:58 AM, Jacob Sayles 
  I'd like to find ones that are flexible.  We have a couple areas where 
  the tables get moved around quite a bit when we have events and such and 
  it would be nice if we weren't confined by these poles.  The trick is 
  making it look nice and not just hanging an extension cord from the 
  ceiling.  Any ideas on that sort of thing?


  Office Nomads - Individuality without Isolation  (206) 323-6500

  On Sun, Apr 1, 2012 at 9:31 PM, Toni Hogan 
  Thanks. Believe or not, I searched for power poles and didn't get
  what I was looking for. I'll bet it comes up now. LOL!

  thanks again


  On Apr 1, 11:24 pm, Adrienne Normand wrote:
   They are called Power poles and are metal housings made UL listed 
   for the
   purpose of running electrical conduit from the J-box in the ceiling 
   to the
   When you buy electrified modular furniture (AKA: Cubes, but now there 
   many alternatives without getting panels), the product will come with 
   poles.  However, I believe any commercial licensed electrician (who 
   will need to do the work) can supply them as well.


   On Sun, Apr 1, 2012 at 10:04 PM, Toni Hogan 

Office Nomads has some poles throughout the middle of their space 
power outlet cluster at the bottom (see link for photo). I can't 
if they are home made or OEM (manufactured). Either way I need to
know how to get 'em! :-)

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[Coworking] Re: First Coworking Jelly!

2012-04-02 Thread Toni Hogan
So, today we had our second Jelly in two weeks. Only two other people
showed up, a couple, but the conversation was just as invigorating as
last week's. The couple own a store that has additional space for a
yoga room that they thought of using as a networking/meetup
room...coworking, but they just don't know it. Anyway, they offered to
let us use it at no charge. They are a real estate agent and broker.
Since I will be training new agents and he is going to be hiring
agents that could be another win-win situation. We are going to stop
by their store later this week. Now, if we can get everyone to come to
the Jelly on the SAME day that would be awesome. :-)


On Mar 28, 6:22 am, Liam Gooding
 Hi Toni

 Our firstJellyat Fruitworks had 3 people. 2 of which were friends
 who came down to support us (and provide social proof) and one was a
 new person, who subsequently signed up as a £75 monthly member! So
 they do work.

 OurJellyyesterday (2nd one) had 5 new people show up. 4 just signed
 up today and the 5th is signing up when he comes back from holiday!

 I'm so impressed with how open days work that I'm tempted to have one
 every 2 weeks instead of every month.

 Liam Gooding
 Fruitworks Cowoking. Making Canterbury the startup capital of Kent

 On Mar 27, 6:03 pm, OC Houston wrote:

  We had a whopping one person show up for our firstJellybut the
  conversation was awesome. Even after yesterday's meeting we still had
  people signing up. I think there may have been some confusion as to
  how the meetings were scheduled. We set them up as recurring meetings
  but I think people may have thought they should choose one date,
  because we have people signed up for next week and the week after. No
  one signed up for all three weeks. I sent an email yesterday to
  clarify. Hopefully, more people will show next week.

  The person that showed up is a business broker and management
  consultant. He was mainly looking for networking opportunities. After
  looking at our website he told us what we are doing (coworking) won't
  work. Ha! After we told him why it WILL work, he was sold. :-)

  Toni Hogan

  On Mar 25, 4:13 pm, OC Houston wrote:

   Ann, we should probably wait until tomorrow to ask/answer that
   question. LOL! You know people sign up but some don't show. I compiled
   a list of new real estate agents and sent an invitation through
   eventbright. While I am developing a training program for new real
   estate agents, it is my hope that we can grow thisJelly! beyond real
   estate by encouraging attendees to invite people who are not agents.
   The list also includes people who have let their licenses expire or
   haven't yet activated. They are likely entrepreneurial and have other
   business interests as well.

   I will post an update about actual attendance tomorrow.


   On Mar 25, 4:06 pm, Ann Kingman wrote:

May I ask how you were able to get such a great turnout for the first
   Jelly? Congrats!

Books on the Nightstand: illuminating conversation about books and 

On Sun, Mar 25, 2012 at 5:00 PM, SantiagoR1@SoBeCoWorks wrote:
 That's a slam dunk, good planning.


 -Original Message-
 From: [] 
 Behalf Of OC Houston
 Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2012 4:54 PM
 To: Coworking
 Subject: [Coworking] Re: First CoworkingJelly!

 Yes, the library has a meeting room that accommodates up to 60 people.
 They also have audio-visual equipment available at no cost.


 On Mar 25, 3:34 pm, santiagor1@SoBeCoWorks wrote:
  I think that's a great idea Toni.

  Does the library have a separate area for you to meet?

  Have fun with it, if I was in your city I'd join you for that

  Good luck,

  Santiago Rivera
  807 E4th St Suite B
  Bethlehem, PA 18015
  Twitter: @SoBeCoWorks

  -Original Message-
  From: []

  Behalf Of OC Houston
  Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2012 2:26 PM
  To: Coworking
  Subject: [Coworking] First CoworkingJelly!

  We are hosting our first coworkingJelly! tomorrow at the local
  library. We have 14 people so far signed up to come. We will be
  introducing coworking through a semi-structured open discussion. Is
  that an oxymoron? LOL! The topic is You, Inc. - The Business of You!

  Wish us luck!

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[Coworking] Re: Creative Co Working Place Business Plan

2012-04-02 Thread Toni Hogan
Hey Alex, thanks again. The meeting went well. We covered everything
on the one pager but didn't give it to him until the end of the
meeting. if nothing else he really liked us. :-) we're waiting for the

On Apr 1, 8:29 pm, Alex Hillman wrote:
 Right on. Good luck!

 coworking in philadelphia

 On Sunday, April 1, 2012 at 9:27 PM, Toni Hogan wrote:
  fortunately, this landlord gets it. they've turned away other
  startups and existing businesses because they didn't seem stable. both
  buildings have been vacant since August. i really wanted the building
  next to the one we'll be discussing but they're already in
  negotiations. he's really interested in the coworking concept based on
  the information we've already provided and wants to see how we can
  make the other building work for our business. We met him for about
  three minutes Friday and it sounds like he's just looking for that
  confidence you mentioned being that it is a startup...his words.

  So, I guess I will put together that one page document. LOL!

  Thanks, as always.


  On Apr 1, 8:14 pm, Alex Hillman 
  ( wrote:
   Yep, that's all we gave them.

   They could have asked for more and we would have drawn it up if we had 
   to, but the overview gave them the confidence that we'd through it 

   Every landlord is different, of course. We've put a lot of emphasis on 
   finding landlords that get us, or at least try to, and it's paid off 
   long term. Someone who can't get it from a conversation and the overview 
   is probably going to cause problems for you sooner than later.

   Life's too short for crappy landlords.


   /ah (
   coworking in philadelphia

   On Sunday, April 1, 2012 at 9:09 PM, Toni Hogan wrote:
Alex, is the one-page overview the only thing you gave to the
landlord? I've been working on our business plan all day but I have no
intentions of putting the entire document in his hands when we meet
tomorrow. He already has our use of space overview.


On Mar 21, 9:59 am, Alex Hillman 
( wrote:
 Not exactly a business plan, but here's a few things you might find 

 We wrote a business plan when we were pursuing our first lease 
 the landlord wanted to make sure we were thinking beyond our 

 The most important line, of course:
 *Membership commitments are currently sustainable to launch the space*


 /ah (
 coworking in philadelphia

 On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 9:16 AM, phungrrl 
 ( wrote:
  I'm right there with you  Sandra. I won't even look at space until 
  have a plan. Once I do, I'll be ready to roll quickly. I very much
  could use help especially on logistics.

  Phred Huber
  Atlanta, GA

  On Mar 20, 12:26 pm, Joshua Marpet 
   Follow up - When you are told there are some on the Wiki, all I 
   can find

   one in German.

   Sorry guys, calling it like it is.

   Sandra, I'm happy to help, as I'm writing one for my upcoming 

   Anybody else in the throes of biz plan pain?  Let's talk.


   On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 12:22 PM, Sandra K (

Iam establishing a co working place for talents. Can any body 
help in
providing useful information such a co working place business 
marketing ideas..etc.


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[Coworking] Re: Creative Co Working Place Business Plan

2012-04-01 Thread Toni Hogan
Alex, is the one-page overview the only thing you gave to the
landlord? I've been working on our business plan all day but I have no
intentions of putting the entire document in his hands when we meet
tomorrow. He already has our use of space overview.


On Mar 21, 9:59 am, Alex Hillman wrote:
 Not exactly a business plan, but here's a few things you might find useful:

 We wrote a business plan when we were pursuing our first lease because
 the landlord wanted to make sure we were thinking beyond our 

 The most important line, of course:
 *Membership commitments are currently sustainable to launch the space*


 coworking in philadelphia

 On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 9:16 AM, phungrrl wrote:
  I'm right there with you  Sandra. I won't even look at space until I
  have a plan. Once I do, I'll be ready to roll quickly. I very much
  could use help especially on logistics.

  Phred Huber
  Atlanta, GA

  On Mar 20, 12:26 pm, Joshua Marpet
   Follow up - When you are told there are some on the Wiki, all I can find
   one in German.

   Sorry guys, calling it like it is.

   Sandra, I'm happy to help, as I'm writing one for my upcoming space.

   Anybody else in the throes of biz plan pain?  Let's talk.


   On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 12:22 PM, Sandra K

Iam establishing a co working place for talents. Can any body help in
providing useful information such a co working place business plan,
marketing ideas..etc.


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