Re: [css-d] absolute positioning

2010-07-30 Thread Luc
Good afternoon Angela, 

It was foretold that
on 30/07/2010 @ 12:25:52 GMT-0700 (which was 16:25:52 where I live)
Angela French would write:

snipped a bit

 I'm being driving nuts by absolute positioning rendering between IE
 and FF.  I just want to confirm what I think is correct about
 absolute positioning.  My understanding is that an absolutely
 position element positions itself relative to its parent container. 
 If the parent has not positioning, then it positions itself
 absolutely relative to the grandparent container, and so forth, up to the 
 body.  Is this correct?  

An  absolutely  positioned  element is removed from the normal flow of
the  document  and  placed  precisely at the co-ordinates specified by
top,left, right or bottom.

But  what  is the element absolutely positioned from? It is positioned
absolutely from the top left hand corner of its containing block (i.e.
its  parent).  The  containing  block of the positioned element is the
nearest  ancestor  element which has a value for the property position
other  than  static. If there is no ancestor then the containing block
is the root element , which is the html element outside of all margins
set on the body.

So  what  this  boils  down  to  is that an element will be absolutely
positioned  from  the  top left of the viewport unless it is nested in
another  element that has a value for the property position other than
static.  e.g.  position:relative  or position:absolute. In these cases
the  element  will  position  itself the specified amount from the top
left of its parent elements.

So  the  usual way to place an element in relation to its parent is to
give  the  parent a position:relative without co-ordinates which keeps
the  parent in the flow of the document. The nested child element will
then takes its absolute positioning co-ordinates using the parents top
left co-ordinates as its starting point.

If i'm mistaken, i'm sure somebody here will correct me :-)
Best regards,

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[css-d] Page shift on loading - IE6 (auto-expansion bug?)

2009-09-01 Thread Luc
 Good evening list,  

 IE6 does a page shift on load and on refresh. Is this some
 auto-expansion bug in IE6?
Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.2.6 with
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Re: [css-d] Page shift on loading - IE6 (auto-expansion bug?)

2009-09-01 Thread Luc
Good evening David, 

It was foretold that
on 01/09/2009 @ 21:41:18 GMT-0400 (which was 22:41:18 where I live)
David Laakso would write:

snipped a bit

 The page is wider in IE/6.
 Dunno. But, try this and see if it helps:


no go i'm afraid

 #container { border: 1px dashed fuchsia; }-- :: compliant browsers
 get fuchsia ::

 * html #container {
 border: 1px dashed lime; -- :: IE/6 gets lime ::
 overflow-y: /*visible*/hidden; -- :: amend to read hidden ::
 height: 1%;

 PS Do you give those truckers flashlights so they can read that page?

Well, clients' wishes ;-)

Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.2.6 with
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[css-d] collapsing margin blues

2009-08-28 Thread Luc
 Hello list,  

 I know this should be simple but it seems i have a collapsing margin
 issue and can't seem to solve it.

 The image just won't go down 



 Any hints for these tired eyes?
Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.2.6 with
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Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just
sit there. - Will Rogers.

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Re: [css-d] collapsing margin blues

2009-08-28 Thread Luc
Hello David, 

It was foretold that
on 29/08/2009 @ 00:48:37 GMT-0400 (which was 01:48:37 where I live)
David Laakso would write:

oops, sorry for that: tested in opera 9, IE6 on XP pro

 I give up. You got a hint? For those of us who don't have a crystal 
 ball, in exactly what OS, and exactly what browser, will the image not down?  

Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.2.6 with
Windows XP (build 2600), version
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A Flatterer is a man that tells you your opinion and not his own. 

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Re: [css-d] collapsing margin blues

2009-08-28 Thread Luc
 Hello list,  

 Skip my problem please just noticed the problem: setting a
 padding resolved it.

 It's getting way to late for me..

 Please forgive me for wasting somebodies (David?) time :-)
Best regards,

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Re: [css-d] IE6 and percentages

2009-08-20 Thread Luc
Hello Philippe, 

It was foretold that
on 19/08/2009 @ 14:54:36 GMT+0900 (which was 02:54:36 where I live)
Philippe Wittenbergh would write:

snipped a bit

Philippe, sorry for the late reply.

Okay, removing the block makes it a bit better in IE6 but triggers
another problem in IE6: when hoving over the thumbnails the whole page
gets shifted.

And i tried the zoom trick but still the big image is distorted.

Guess i'm up against something that's impossible with IE6 ...

 Actually, scrap that, you have a little issue with this:
 * html #maincontainer * { position: relative; zoom:1; }
 /* __everything__ has pos. relative */
 remove that block and only apply 'zoom' to specific elements.  

Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.2.6 with
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[css-d] IE6 and percentages

2009-08-18 Thread Luc
 Good evening list,  

 A few days ago i posted a problem with a gallery i had in a liquid
 lay-out. Our friend David provided me with a good alternative
 (originally post: gallery in liquid lay-out: can of worms).

 However, for my own learning experience i experimented a bit and got
 some initial result where, when you resize the viewport, the gallery
 and the bigger image on hover, is contained within it's container and
 the image resizes. For this i used a percentage as the image width
 because i couldn't get the desired results with ems.

 Now, in opera it works fairly well but IE6 well, shocking effect:

 css embedded.

 Is this some IE6 bug or does IE6 really chokes on percentages in this
Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.2.6 with
Windows XP (build 2600), version
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You need a witness when you get married. Just like when you have an
accident or a duel… - Sacha Guitry - French actor

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Re: [css-d] IE6 and percentages

2009-08-18 Thread Luc
For those who already took a look: i did the unspeakable: posting
without validating first. HTML now validates. Css doesn't because of
the IE stuff.

Sorry about that guys and girls.

But the problem still exists.

Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.2.6 with
Windows XP (build 2600), version
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Observe your enemies for they first find out your faults. 

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Re: [css-d] gallery in liquid lay-out: can of worms

2009-08-15 Thread Luc
Good evening David, 

It was foretold that
on 15/08/2009 @ 16:53:25 GMT-0400 (which was 17:53:25 where I live)
David Laakso would write:

 What prevents the large image from sliding all the way across, and 
 beneath, all the thumbs is that you forgot to add left: 0; in #thumbs 
 a:hover img {...}.

Oops... good catch David :-)

 The image distortion and maintaining proportionality of the images as 
 the window size decreases is yet another matter. Easy to do if the image
 dimension is not hard-coded. However, I did not find a way -- perhaps 
 someone else will --to do this and still maintain the image 
 functionality on-hover.

Well, opera has a distortion but is nearly not as bad as in IE6:
that's just painful to see.

If i feed IE6 a fixed width with the star html hack it plays nice
but messes the positioning up.

Giving the big images a fixed dimension (width and height) doesn't
work of course when resizing the viewport unless i give the container
a fixed width, with a result it will cover the right column.

So, unless somebody knows a solution i'll go with your solution: works
for IE6 also :-). I'm sure i'll have no hard time to 'convince' the
client in the slight change of lay-out ;-).

Tnx for the help!!

 If you can change the mark-up, the possibility of a different -- yet 
 functional -- image gallery is possible. Set a fixed width  and height
 for the parent block and the large images. And move that block from the
 center column, to beneath all 3 colums. I only checked this quickly in
 FF. Seems to hold in a 640 window. You will need to adjust the position
 of this paragraph:

 pPara ampliar as fotos, passe o mouse sobre as miniaturas./p

 Please see:  

Best regards,
 Luc aka desperado ;-)

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.2.6 with
Windows XP (build 2600), version
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[css-d] gallery in liquid lay-out: can of worms

2009-08-14 Thread Luc
 Hello list,  

 Problem page:

 Css embedded.

 Desired result:

 i'm looking to keep the big image on hover to be centred inside the
 gallery when resizing the viewport to a smaller viewport.

 Problems i'm encountering: image is distorted and not centred.
 The #thumbs.bigpix class to have the first image always displayed
 also doesn't kick in.

The gallery styles are at the end of the css.

Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.2.6 with
Windows XP (build 2600), version
5.1 Service Pack 3 and
using the best browser: Opera.

Envy plus rhetoric equals social justice. - Thomas Sowell.

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Re: [css-d] percentage bug IE6

2009-05-09 Thread Luc
Good evening Georg,

It was foretold that on 09/05/2009 @ 22:19:15 GMT+0200 (which was
17:19:15 where I live) Georg Sørtun would write:

 You're attacking the wrong IE6 bugs - this has nothing whatsoever to do
 with the percentage bug. Thus, all fixes are misplaced.

I see. On one hand i'm glad because it means i don't have to fiddle
with expressions :-)

I must say, i really was convinced it was that bug ...

 It is the automatic box-expansion caused by too wide content you're
 dealing with, and it's affecting #header, #leftcol, #maincontainer and
 #rightcol in your layout.

So, i'f i understand it correctly it's a mix of the expanding box bug
and the nav not being isolated. 2 problems where i thought it was only
1 that caused all...

 1: #header contains an image that is 200px too wider than min-width even
 on normal font-size. Consequently IE6 expands header to contain that
 image regardless of actual page-width.
 The trick is to pull in both side-margins on the image so it appears to
 be narrower but still has /some/ width left. This will keep the image
 centered, and allow it to overflow #header also in IE6 without causing
 #header to expand.
 IE6, and all other browsers for that matter, now thinks the image is
 only 400px wide, and center it on windows that are wider than that.

using negative margins, i understand.

 2: Especially #leftcol has too wide content, and when #leftcol is
 affected by box-expansion all the other columns get pushed to the right.
 By hiding the overflow on all 3 columns in IE6 only, no expansion takes
 place even if the content becomes too wide. Then, by declaring
 'position: relative' on all content-elements in all 3 columns, the
 overflowing part of the content stays visible but takes up no space.
 The result is that IE6 treats overflowing content same as IE7, which is
 wrong but appears right in most cases.

overflow:hidden in combination with a relative position on all 3
columns? Upon reading it, it makes sense to me now!

 3: The little shift of columns when you hovered over nav in IE6, is best
 fixed by isolating nav from the columns in the markup, in IE6 only. IE6
 reacts best - most consistent - on a br / styled to take up no space,
 placed in a conditional comment.

This was the part that got me confused... that shift really made me
think it was that percentage bug and that something in my 'solution'
caused the other problems.

 All these fixes are included, and commented, in this copy of your page...
 ...and all fixes for imaginary IE6 bugs are removed.

Just grabbed it Georg, gonna study on it later...

Once again, thank you for the help and the detailed explanation.

Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.1.5 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 3 and using the best browser:

If you argue with an idiot, people watching may not be able to tell
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Re: [css-d] Weird nav menu problem in IE6

2009-04-04 Thread Luc
Good afternoon Georg,

It was foretold that on 03/04/2009 @ 18:24:35 GMT+0200 (which was
13:24:35 where I live) Gunlaug Sørtun would write:

snipped a bit

 - text on the page shift is caused only on window-width wide enough to
 trigger max-width in the minmax.js - above around 1200 wide. Narrower
 window - below max-width, or disabled script, makes that problem go away.
 Have never used that script, or that nav, and can after testing only
 conclude that the problem isn't correctable, AFAICS, in CSS.

I switched to an IE expression but still there's something fishy going
on: making the window smaller makes the logo disappear and reappear
again. Something with the width problems in the expressions?

 - nav tabs shift is caused by bolder first letter on :hover not making
 all tabs a particular amount wider. Thus the correction -
 margin-left:-.1em; - isn't correct for all tabs.
 Suggest you restyle slightly to stabilize the nav tab shift, like in
 this revised copy of your document...

Right on the spot, like always Georg.

Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.1.5 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

Everyone talks about apathy, but no one does anything about it. 

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Re: [css-d] Weird nav menu problem in IE6

2009-04-04 Thread Luc
Good evening,

It was foretold that on 04/04/2009 @ 17:15:35 GMT-0300 (which was
17:15:35 where I live) Luc would write:

snipped a bit

 I switched to an IE expression but still there's something fishy going
 on: making the window smaller makes the logo disappear and reappear
 again. Something with the width problems in the expressions?

Ooops, forgot the link

If the IE expression is considered OT, you can write me off list :-)

Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.1.5 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 3 and using the best browser:

Beauty lies in the hands of the beer holder. 

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Re: [css-d] Weird nav menu problem in IE6

2009-04-03 Thread Luc
Good morning Jon, 

It was foretold that on 03/04/2009 @ 11:38:32 GMT+0300 (which was
05:38:32 where I live) Jon Wickström would write:

snipped a bit

 In my FF there is also some shifting on hovering. To mee it seems
 you have a liquid layout and bolding the first letter (the SPAN)
 changes its width. Why not go with just changeing the color?

I was bolding the first letter to let it stand out more :-)

 I see no trace of the solution in your page. What am I 

Have you looked at the code here:

 Uses the method as described by I copied the
 code also from his examples just to see how it should behave with a
 liitle different styling. I used the talltabs orange example.

Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.1.5 with Windows XP
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The devil was the first democrat. - Byron. 

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[css-d] Weird nav menu problem in IE6

2009-04-02 Thread Luc
 Hello list,  

 I'm experimenting with a horizontal nav:

 Css embedded.

 But in IE6 i'm encountering several problems, probably all related to
 one thing:

 When hovering over the nav, sometimes the logo image disappears, the
 text on the page shifts, the nav tabs shift,...

 And after hovering everything seems to be ok, except the shifting of
 the nav tabs.

 I thought it had to do with my hover styles and tried to isolate them
 but to no avail. I also thought a HasLayout problem but the zoom:1
 doesn't seem to work.

 I implemented the method explained here:

 with a slightly adjusted version of this:

 But the strange thing is that on my original menu i seem to have the
 same problem: (css

 What could be the culprit?
Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.1.5 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

The best computer is a man, and it's the only one that can be
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Re: [css-d] Chrome and css

2008-12-22 Thread Luc
Good morning Philippe, 

It was foretold that on 20/12/2008 @ 10:28:19 GMT+0900 (which was
23:28:19 where I live) Philippe Wittenbergh would write:

snipped a bit

 So you gonna worry about Chrome, a browser that is barely out of beta
 (if at all...) and is only used by a handful of geeks, but you don't  
 test you work in Safari ? Interesting.

I don't test in Safari because it originally was intended for the Mac
and never came around to install the windows version ...

I asked around because i think Chrome will get more exposure. It seems
pretty  slick  but  i'm not planning to test in each and every browser
that's  available. Besides that my post wasn't intended to start a 'in
which browser doe you _need_ to test' ;-)

 That said, as far as I've been able to see, Chrome's CSS support is  
 the same as Safari 3.0. The have a few glitches, but not much. The  
 main problem is the graphical rendering layer, which is different than
 Safari. But that has not much to do with CSS (it does affect things  
 like border-radius and opacity, though, it leaves some not-so-pretty  

Well, if it works in Chrome, it seems to work in Safari too... so
that's like killing 2 birds with 1 stone ;-)

Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

You are traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of
sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land of
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[css-d] Chrome and css

2008-12-20 Thread Luc
 Good afternoon list,  

 Now that Chrome left the beta stage
 i guess we have 1 more beast to tame. At the moment i'm installing
 it but i was wondering if any one here is already using it and if
 so, what major css glitches does it have, i.o.w. does it have some
 IE6 like standard bugs and workarounds?

 If it's considered OT, replies can be sent off-list :-)
Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

Be the change that you want to see in the world.  (Mohandas Gandhi)

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Re: [css-d] Chrome and css

2008-12-20 Thread Luc
Good afternoon Barrett, 

It was foretold that on 20/12/2008 @ 09:33:49 GMT-0500 (which was
12:33:49 where I live) Barrett would write:

snipped a bit

 Subject = adjacent sibling issue with radio buttons  

Reading it now :-)
Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
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To exercise is human; not to is divine. - Robert Orben. 

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Re: [css-d] Chrome and css

2008-12-20 Thread Luc
Good afternoon Benjamin, 

It was foretold that on 20/12/2008 @ 14:34:58 GMT+ (which was
12:34:58 where I live) Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis would write:

 Its CSS engine is WebKit like Safari, so if you've already tested in 
 Safari (which has a significantly larger user base), things shouldn't be
 too bad. It's the JS engine and UI in Chrome which are novelties.

I  just had a play with it  and using it for a project, things are
looking  real  good.  The only glitch i've found so far is that Chrome
puts  a  small  triangular  shape that consists of tiny bullets in the
down right corner of the textarea tag on my form.

One might even think that it's a clever styling used on the form but
i assure you it's not ;-)

Maybe it renders the same as in Safari but i don't use and test for

Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

It's not the pace of life that concerns us, it's the sudden stop at
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Re: [css-d] Chrome and css

2008-12-20 Thread Luc
Good afternoon Gunlaug, 

It was foretold that on 20/12/2008 @ 16:13:45 GMT+0100 (which was
13:13:45 where I live) Gunlaug Sørtun would write:

snipped a bit

 See the table over graphical browsers vs. rendering engines...
 ...and my comments around the issue.  

Pretty impressive table.

Don't think you're mad, but quite a high number of browser developers
and promoters do have lost their mind ;-)
Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

There is nothing more exhilarating than to be shot at without
result. - Winston Churchill (1874-1965) - British Prime Minister,

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Re: [css-d] Chrome and css

2008-12-20 Thread Luc
Good afternoon J.C., 

It was foretold that on 20/12/2008 @ 09:44:58 GMT-0600 (which was
13:44:58 where I live) J.C. Johnson would write:

 Actually, that's the grab point for resizing the textarea. :-)

Jeez, so it is oh man, what do they invent next :-)

Right, back to the help file ;-)

Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

If passion drives you, let reason hold the reigns. 

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Re: [css-d] easy clearing

2008-12-20 Thread Luc
Good afternoon David, 

It was foretold that on 20/12/2008 @ 13:29:24 GMT-0500 (which was
16:29:24 where I live) David Laakso would write:

 Anyone found a less cumbersome or more efficient way of writing the 
 rules for it?

Don't know if that's what you're after but maybe this might be of
interest to you?

Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

The years that a woman can shed are not lost. They are added to the
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Re: [css-d] easy clearing

2008-12-20 Thread Luc
Good evening David, 

It was foretold that on 20/12/2008 @ 14:31:44 GMT-0500 (which was
17:31:44 where I live) David Laakso would write:

 Thanks, but I am looking specifically at the method sometimes known as
 easy clearing as first described here [1], and latter here [2], and 
 here [3], and elsewhere.

No problem although i don't quite understand what you're after: the
sitepoints' article sums up the problem as in PIE and goes over the
several solutions (including the PIE one) to end with a 'simple'
solution... unless ofcourse we're talking about 2 different problems

Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

Draft beer, not people! 

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[css-d] font-size and padding

2008-11-08 Thread Luc
 Good afternoon list,  



I've  got  an image above the footer and because the page doesn't have
much filling, unlike some other pages, the distance between it and the
footer  was  real  small.  The footer sit's outside the container so i
thought in my wisdom to create a class with a padding-bottom and apply
that  to the #content. Worked nicely but upon bumping the font-size up
(not  page-zoom)  in  IE,  Firefox  and Mozilla, the vertical distance
between the footer and the nav menu get's smaller.

It  probably has to do with the fact that the font-size on #sidebar is
set  to  .75em  so  the  padding will scale at a smaller rate. I tried
setting the font-size on the internal elements of the sidebar (the ul)
and not on the sidebar itself.

But i had no luck.

Could somebody enlighten me?
Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

You need a witness when you get married. Just like when you have an
accident or a duel… - Sacha Guitry - French actor

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Re: [css-d] unfloated form drops in IE

2008-11-08 Thread Luc
Good evening list,

David Hucklesby wrote:

 I'm not seeing this behavior in IE 6 nor IE 7 this end (Win xp).
 Did you fix it, or are you using a different version of IE ?

Me myself and i wrote in reply

 You don't see it? Strange, haven't fixed it. Using Win xp IE6.0.2900.
 IE7 is a stand alone version.

 Font-size at largest and resizing the browser window and you don't
 get the drop? Hmmm  well, if it's only at my end,there's
 something rotten in the state of my system :-)

Well, i've gotten some reports from users that have the same
experience... so am i really loosing it?

Could i have some more checks please with IE ... just to be sure ...
it really puzzles me

Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

When an Australian buys a new boomerang, how does he throw the old
one away? - Zap - Italian comedian 

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Re: [css-d] font-size and padding

2008-11-08 Thread Luc
Good evening David, 

It was foretold that on 08/11/2008 @ 16:14:46 GMT-0500 (which was
19:14:46 where I live) David Laakso would write:

 If the use of a border causes a problem when de-bugging, such as causing
 a float drop, in a too tight width situation-- use a background-color on
 the element (takes up no width) instead.

Ah, nice one ... will do David.

Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax. -
Albert Einstein 

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Re: [css-d] font-size and padding

2008-11-08 Thread Luc
Good evening Gunlaug, 

It was foretold that on 08/11/2008 @ 22:21:37 GMT+0100 (which was
19:21:37 where I live) Gunlaug would write:

snipped a bit

 Of course it does ... borders take up space and may break tightly
 organized layouts. To me that's an excellent reason for using borders
 while debugging, so I don't have to introduce other means to the same
 effect. Tightly organized layouts tend to break under stress anyway, so
 better break them early.

 I hardly ever use developer tools since they add unnecessary delay to
 the debugging process by not allowing me to challenge layouts quickly
 and easy enough. I generally find it much quicker to go straight to the
 problem - the code, and break everything across the entire browser-land
 before introducing fixes that will work in all browsers.

That's an excellent advice ... i'll use that in the future for
debugging ... i tried some of the debugging tools but to me they
always seem to make it more difficult to see what's going on.

 Better save your excuses and stay in the circles of designers who beg,
 steal and borrow and work hard on understanding how things work.

I didn't meant that as an excuse ... i was just trying to be polite
and a bite 'loose' .
Believe me, i do try to understand how everything works ... :-)

Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

Wit is a weapon. Jokes are a masculine way of inflicting superiority.
But humour is the pursuit of a gentle grin, usually in solitude. -
Frank Muir (1920-1998) - humourist 

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Re: [css-d] font-size and padding

2008-11-08 Thread Luc
Good evening David, 

It was foretold that on 08/11/2008 @ 14:29:06 GMT-0800 (which was
20:29:06 where I live) David Hucklesby would write:

snipped a bit

 Otherwise  I add background-color (usually as extra DEBUG rules at
 the bottom of my style sheet.

Funny you mention that ... i'm just reading about debug scaffolding:

 Glad you got sorted.

Me too :-)

Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

If passion drives you, let reason hold the reigns. 

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Re: [css-d] unfloated form drops in IE

2008-11-08 Thread Luc
Good evening Gunlaug, 

It was foretold that on 08/11/2008 @ 22:37:31 GMT+0100 (which was
19:37:31 where I live) Gunlaug Sørtun would write:

snipped a bit

 You're using a px/px based IE-expression to control min/max width, but
 the container and several elements inside it have width based on 'em'.
 Such a combination can never work.

Ah yes... the ie.css needs the container and those elements in px
otherwise ie will use the dimensions set in the MP.css 

No excuse ;-)

Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

Start by doing the necessary, then the possible and suddenly you are
doing the impossible. (St. Francis of Assisi) 

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Re: [css-d] unfloated form drops in IE

2008-11-08 Thread Luc
Good evening Gunlaug, 

It was foretold that on 08/11/2008 @ 00:08:20 GMT+0100 (which was
21:08:20 where I live) Gunlaug Sørtun would write:

snipped a bit

 Or the other way around: using an em/em based IE-expression and let IE6
 use the existing 'em' dimensions the same way other browsers do.
 Of course, this means moving all font-sizing inwards from html and body,
 as otherwise IE6 will pick up _your_ font-sizes instead of its own.

Yeah, i know that from your page: em/em based requires no font
setting on the html or body :-)

For the sake of sanity: i have set a px width on the container in the
ie.css and low and behold: no drop anymore :-)

 I think you need to read my article one more time... all these issues for each expression-variant are explained there.

The beg, steal and borrow part i already know... the understanding
part is something else... but i'm trying to stay on course :-)

Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

He that is taken and put into prison or chains is not conquered,
though overcome; for he is still an enemy. - Thomas Hobbes
(1588–1679) - British philosopher 

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Re: [css-d] unfloated form drops in IE

2008-11-07 Thread Luc
Good evening David, 

It was foretold that on 07/11/2008 @ 11:39:23 GMT-0800 (which was
17:39:23 where I live) David Hucklesby would write:

 I'm not seeing this behavior in IE 6 nor IE 7 this end (Win xp).
 Did you fix it, or are you using a different version of IE ?

You don't see it? Strange, haven't fixed it. Using Win xp IE6.0.2900.
IE7 is a stand alone version.

Font-size at largest and resizing the browser window and you don't
get the drop? Hmmm  well, if it's only at my end,there's
something rotten in the state of my system :-)

Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

All women wait for the man of their life - in the meantime, they get
married. - Anonymous 

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[css-d] unfloated form drops in IE

2008-11-06 Thread Luc
 Good evening list,  


 The problem: if you set the font-size in IE to largest and resize
 the viewport, the form drops all the way down. What puzzles me is
 that the form isn't floated so i can't put my finger on it. Firefox,
 Mozilla seem to do fine.

 The width for the containing div is bigger than for the fieldset. So
 i'm not sure what's going one:  some bug, or math that doesn't add
 up somewhere else?

 Css compliant browsers:

 IE style sheet:
Best regards,


Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

Why did God create man before woman? He didn't want any advice.

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[css-d] padding-effect and bumping up font-size

2008-11-04 Thread Luc
 Good evening list,  



I've  got  an image above the footer and because the page doesn't have
much filling, unlike some other pages, the distance between it and the
footer  was  real  small.  The footer sit's outside the container so i
thought in my wisdom to create a class with a padding-bottom and apply
that to the #content. Worked nicely but upon bumping the font-size
up, the effect of the padding disappeared.  And i can't understand

Could somebody enlighten me?
Best regards,


Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

I am not young enough to know everything. - Oscar Wilde (1854-1900).

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[css-d] relationship between headings - can't seem to clear my head

2008-11-03 Thread Luc
 Good afternoon list,  


 Problem: the 'fale conosco' heading is to close to the ones above.

 What i need is what you see here:

 Obviously something is wrong in my sheet:

 When i leave the 'Transporte com eficiência e segurança' heading in
 my html, i get the desired result. As soon as i remove that, i get
 the undesired result and i need to remove that heading on that page.

 I tried padding/margin on the 'fale conosco' heading to get it to
 lower but to no avail

Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

The brain is a wonderful organ; it starts working the moment you get
up in the morning and doesn't stop until you get into the office! -
Dogbert (from Scott Adams' Dilbert)

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Re: [css-d] relationship between headings - can't seem to clear my head

2008-11-03 Thread Luc
Hello David, 

It was foretold that on 04/11/2008 @ 21:10:42 GMT-0500 (which was
00:10:42 where I live) David Laakso would write:

 Not sure-- looks as though you have an unnecessarily complicated 
 construct with headings nested within headings. Does this help?:
 h3 {padding-bottom: 7em; }

Spot on about complicated construct ... at the moment i can't figure
out how to make something that should be simple into really something simple ...

the 7 em makes it much better but a quick test with 3 em gives me the
same result at a first glance ... so the structure is indeed
complicated and bad 

Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

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Re: [css-d] center problem - img gallery

2008-11-01 Thread Luc
Good afternoon Philippe, 

It was foretold that on 01/11/2008 @ 11:04:04 GMT+0900 (which was
00:04:04 where I live) Philippe Wittenbergh would write:

snipped a bit

 when you scale down the font-size, you bump into the min- 
 width set on #container (width set in em, it will scale up/down with  
 font-resizing, but at one point the width will be smaller than the min-
 But the gallery will continue to scale down, that is the width will  
 become smaller than the that of the column.

I  see  ...  The  whole  layout  depends  on  the  fact  that i wanted
everything scale nicely with font-setting but keep the logo centred at
all  times  (i.e.  not scale). So the min-width (in px) is set to the width of
the logo (in ems). It's like you say... at one point it _will_ break.
As far as i could tell when bumping up the font-size it's doing all
right, just when scaling down the font-size it will break.

Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

A prune is a plum with experience. 

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[css-d] center problem - img gallery

2008-10-31 Thread Luc
 Good evening list,  



 Compliant browsers:



 I have an img gallery inside my maincontent div that i'm trying to
 center. Because i gave the gallery in IE a fixed with i thought it would be 
 to use the margin:0 auto trick.

 For compliant browsers (opera, Firefox, Mozilla) the width is in ems
 and the gallery is floated. So i tried a different approach in
 centering the floated gallery.

 The problems start when doing stress testing:

 IE with smaller font-sizes: the gallery is shoved to the left.
 Firefox, Mozilla with smaller font-sizes: same problem.

 What am i missing here?

Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it.

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Re: [css-d] Misterious Firefox bug?

2008-10-27 Thread Luc
Good afternoon Gunlaug, 

It was foretold that on 26/10/2008 @ 19:45:47 GMT+0100 (which was
16:45:47 where I live) Gunlaug Sørtun would write:

snipped a bit

 - A width (min/max/whatever) in '%' on the outer container is relative
 to body-width/window-width, and that's not a constant since every single
 end-user on earth can decide on their own screen width and
 browser-window width.

 - A width (min/max/whatever) in 'em' on the outer container is relative
 to actual font-size in each end-user's browser.

I see. learning something new every day :-)

 The reason your layout could take both window-width and font-size into
 account, is that 'width' is in '%' and 'min/max' are in 'em'. I call
 that conditional elastic, and it'll make the most out of available
 software, hardware and user-preferences for all end-users.
 Changing units turns it into something else, that may not fit well
 Advice: leave it as it was before.

Advice that i will follow to the letter :-)

 No doubt you can find values that work on default-settings at your end,
 but try font-resizing on those percentages. No adjustment of
 layout-width to font-size anymore.

You're absolutely right.

 The ie-expression works totally independent of any regular min/max
 declarations - IE6 doesn't understand those regulars anyway and other
 browsers don't understand ie-expressions. The expression also overrides
 'width', and you don't have to tell other browsers what IE6 uses either.
 Advice: leave the ie-expression as is.

Will do :-)

Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

The best computer is a man, and it's the only one that can be
mass-produced by unskilled labour. - Wernher Von Braun. 

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Re: [css-d] Misterious Firefox bug?

2008-10-26 Thread Luc
Good afternoon Gunlaug, 

It was foretold that on 25/10/2008 @ 01:01:08 GMT+0200 (which was
21:01:08 where I live) Gunlaug Sørtun would write:

snipped a bit

 FWIW: My Opera does the same - probably because I have 'minimum font
 size' set (didn't check).

Didn't check with minimum font size lol.

 There is a general problem with your code, in that you have headlines
 with the same styles but in different places/environments. Would be
 easier to get each of them right if you targeted them a bit more precise.

 To fix that broken h1 line it might be suitable to add...

 #main-top h1 {
 clear: both;
 padding: .5em 0 0 .5em;

 ...which is targeted, and works - if you like the alignment :-)

Darn, i knew it! I was too happy when David didn't mention it...
thought for once my code was ok :-)

It works and yes ... i'm happy with the alignment ;-)

 There is what seems to be a real Gecko-bug in there - a
 change/regression from Firefox 2.x to 3.x, in that the size of the
 h3:first-letter seems to determine the width of h3. It should be the
 width of h3's text that determined its width when no width is declared -
 as it is in Fx 2.x and all other browsers I've checked in. Only checked
 on windows (2K/XP/Vista).

 If you want that h3 to line up more identical across browser-land, you
 have to declare width on h3, for instance...

 #main-top h3 {
 width: 20em;  

Worked like a charm.

But here's something strange that also seems to work:

I got a private message from a list member like follows:

Change this to a percentage and it should fix it in firefox

#container {
After some testing (forgot the formula to calculate
ems into %, stupid me) i came up with  :


and the headings came in place.

But i wasn't sure if that would go nicely with your ie-expression

Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

My education was interrupted only by my schooling. - Winston

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[css-d] Misterious Firefox bug?

2008-10-25 Thread Luc
 Good afternoon list,  

 This page is how it should look:

 This is how it looks in Firefox:

 As you can see, the 'departamento logistica' heading is way off base.

 Opera, IE6 (couldn't check IE7 yet) and Mozilla have it right.

 Something is affecting just Firefox. My bad or some obscure Firefox
 bug (although my money is on my bad ;-) )?

 CSS embedded.
Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't
matter. - Mark Twain (1835-1910) - US author

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Re: [css-d] float problem: not being contained or something else?

2008-10-24 Thread Luc
Good morning Gunlaug, 

It was foretold that on 24/10/2008 @ 06:35:22 GMT+0200 (which was
02:35:22 where I live) Gunlaug Sørtun would write:

snipped a bit

 Delete 'width: 18em' on #puller2 and let that float default to 'width:
 auto' and shrink-wrap. Delete 'margin-left: 1em' while you're at it.
 That will give you the most stable line-up, at the right edge of #main-top.

When trying to correct it myself yesterday, i indeed used the
'width:auto' but ofcourse forgot about the margin-left.

Works like a charm!!

 I also have a float drop in IE: resizing drops the whole content 
 beneath the nav. Have i messed up my math somewhere?

 Think so :-)

 It is the percentage (not 100%) that makes it a little harder to
 calculate trigger-points.
 A quick test gives me these values for near-flawless operation on 96dpi
 resolution screens...

 * html #container{ width:expression(
 (document.documentElement.offsetWidth) (830/12)
 * parseInt(document.body.currentStyle.fontSize)?  48.75em
 : ((document.documentElement.offsetWidth) (600/12)
 * parseInt(document.body.currentStyle.fontSize)? 34.75em : 96%)); }

 I raised min-width to 34.75em because IE6 has a tendency to drop content
 too early on narrow windows.

Darn, i recalculated all my widths yesterday except for the
expression. Never thought that would be culprit. On the
hand it's the first time i used that technique so i hope i'll be
forgiven ;-)

Guess i need to read your excellent article again :-)

 That expression do not work well on other screen-resolutions than 96dpi
 - the most widespread one that IE6 may be found on at the moment, and
 there's not much I can do about that since resolution can't be easily
 checked and used as a variable in expressions.

Oh well, for me it suffices ... i guess if we want to consider all
possible screen resolutions out there and users that change default
font size etc we'll be in the magic business :-)

Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

Doctors automatically know what's wrong with you. They have a sick
sense. - Beau M., age 10. 

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Re: [css-d] float problem: not being contained or something else?

2008-10-24 Thread Luc
Good afternoon Gunlaug, 

It was foretold that on 24/10/2008 @ 17:18:28 GMT+0200 (which was
13:18:28 where I live) Gunlaug Sørtun would write:

 You're right: web design isn't magic - just code :-)

Yup and code is already difficult enough for me, let alone magic ;-)

 FWIW: my expression takes height for font resizing. That's the whole
 idea behind extracting the browser's own font-size and using it to
 calculate dimensional trigger-points.

I see ... it starts to fall into place now!

 And, yes, ideally we should take all those variants and options at the
 user-end into account while designing. Someone may actually use them.
 Pity those who create hardware and software don't always agree on how to
 make all those variants and options interact, as that would have made it
 much easier for us.

 As more and more browsers come around to support mediaqueries, we can
 start doing something useful for end-users with other set-ups and
 preferences than our own. Still need some leveling on the hardware and
 software front for it to work consistently though.

Couldn't agree more.

Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

A democracy is a government in the hands of men of low birth, no
property, and vulgar employments. - Aristotle, Rhetoric,

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[css-d] float problem: not being contained or something else?

2008-10-23 Thread Luc
 Good afternoon list,  


 Problem: next to the heading Departamento Logistica, you'll see two
 other headings, one on top of the other:

 Grupo Mendes Peres with the www..

 When resizing your browser, and also on resizing the font, all the
 headings shift way over. At first i thought it was a containing
 float problem but if i'm correct that only effects escaping floats

 I can't figure out how to resolve it. I tried using text-align
 instead of floats but no go.

 Any takers?
Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just
sit there. - Will Rogers.

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Re: [css-d] float problem: not being contained or something else?

2008-10-23 Thread Luc
Hello Gunlaug, 

It was foretold that on 23/10/2008 @ 01:26:02 GMT+0200 (which was
21:26:02 where I live) Gunlaug Sørtun would write:

snipped a bit

 Those headings are contained in #main-top, which has a 'width: 36em'
 declared on it. This means it'll have a certain width, and that width
 will change with font-resizing but _not_ with window-resizing.

 By simply changing that to...

 #main-top {width: 100%;}

 ...and deleting the left paddings on h1 and h2, the line-up will adjust
 to window-size with the rest of the page, and won't be affected by

That's indeed simple lol.

Your solution works for the main-top but i tried the same for the
nested puller2 div but i had no luck. That one still gives me the
same problem.

I also have a float drop in IE: resizing drops the whole content
beneath the nav. Have i messed up my math somewhere?

Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

To bookmark this homepage or not to bookmark, that is the question. 

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Re: [css-d] Hello, spent the time learning CSS now understood some questions

2008-10-02 Thread Luc
Good evening Majestic, 

It was foretold that on 01/10/2008 @ 20:56:47 GMT-0400 (which was
21:56:47 where I live) Majestic would write:

snipped a bit

  I have spent the longest time trying to get PNG 24 images
 to work with IE6.  I have tried from IEPNGFIX to IEFIX all javascript
 none of them worked infact I did get one to work but only and
 literally once, that was it.

Have you tried this:

It's a JavaScript   library   to   make  MSIE  behave  like  a
standards-compliant  browser.  It  fixes  many  CSS  issues  and makes
transparent PNG work correctly under IE5 and IE6.

Never used it myself

Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

To bookmark this homepage or not to bookmark, that is the question. 

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Re: [css-d] footer doesn't occupy width in IE6

2008-10-01 Thread Luc
Good morning David, 

It was foretold that on 01/10/2008 @ 01:07:52 GMT-0400 (which was
02:07:52 where I live) David Laakso would write:

snipped a bit

 Only IE/7 has the 
 mickey mouse zoom thingy. It zooms *the page* up or down. So I guess
 there's not much you can do about the page being 50 percent shorter than
 you intend. OTOH, there may be something you could do to prevent what 
 happens to your page at text-size smallest in IE browsers; and, at minus
 font-scaling settings in Camino, WebKit, Safari, and Firefox.

Well,  with the Debugbar i can zoom in IE6 but i guess it's not much
of an issue because not so many users will surf at small text, right?

I was more worried about how it looks at large resolutions: if the
footer keeps sticking at the bottom 

PS: sorry about not changing the topic of the e-mail was already
late when i hit the send button

Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence that it
is not utterly absurd. - Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) - British

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Re: [css-d] footer doesn't occupy width in IE6

2008-10-01 Thread Luc
Good afternoon David, 

It was foretold that on 01/10/2008 @ 10:55:00 GMT-0400 (which was
11:55:00 where I live) David Laakso would write:

snipped a bit

 Average users are not running around with IE debuggers in order to zoom
 fonts in IE/6, so it's a mute point in my opinion. The IE/7 page-zoom 
 thing -- unlike Opera's font-zoom, and FF/3's introduction of 
 font-scaling to include everything within the page -- scales only the 
 width of your page; consequently, the footer will not touch the bottom
 of the viewport on plus zoom. Afaik, there is no fix for this.

True, but i was talking about page-zoom, not about the font zoom,
sorry if i didn't make myself clear...

 Not everyone in the world has their browser fonts set at default. So it
 is risky to assume not so many users will surf at small text. The
 breaking out of the content from its container at smaller than default
 font size in compliant browsers, and even IE/6 and IE/7 is correctable
 (and of greater priority in my opinion than your IE/7 plus zoom problem).

As far i can tell, at the moment, it's the gallery and logo that
breaks apart at smaller than default... which i haven't corrected yet
.. hopefully i'll be able to do that later today (fingers crossed).

With not so many users will surf at small text i meant at tiny
page zoom.

So, to sum it up:

get the gallery and logo in shape.

Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

Suddenly his chin slips from the palm of the hand supported by an
elbow resting on the desk. His head hits the desktop violently. And so
another civil servant dies...  

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Re: [css-d] footer doesn't occupy width in IE6

2008-09-30 Thread Luc
Good evening Gunlaug, 

It was foretold that on 30/09/2008 @ 00:28:57 GMT+0200 (which was
19:28:57 where I live) Gunlaug Sørtun would write:

 Short on the right side at my end.

oops ... my bad

 Page suffers from the auto-expansion bug in IE6 - something is too
 wide in there, making the page too wide.
 The footer OTOH stretches only '100%' of the intended
 'width:48.75em;', so it appears to be too narrow.

 You either add...

 * html .twoColElsLtHdr #container{
 overflow-x: hidden; kill the auto-expansion bug, or you find what's causing the
 expansion and removes that.

I'll go for the easy solution lol... the overflow-x method did it of

Tnx Gunlaug!!!

Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

Love is the answer - but while you're waiting for the answer sex
raises some pretty good questions. - Woody Allen 

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[css-d] Page doesn't hold up on zooming text

2008-09-16 Thread Luc
 Good afternoon list,  

Following up on my post footer gets pushed to the left on page zoom
i tried another approach which fairly behaves the way i want.

But i'm still struggling with some problems:

[1] Moz, FF, IE (6  7): page falls apart on zoom text. IE only seems
to have a problem with the left nav menu when switching to view ---

[2] In Moz, when zooming to 33%, the text underneath the footer nav,
starts breaking out of the footer. FF doesn't seem to have that

Css embedded

Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

Flattery makes friends and truth makes enemiesYiddish proverb

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Re: [css-d] Page doesn't hold up on zooming text

2008-09-16 Thread Luc
Good evening David, 

It was foretold that on 16/09/2008 @ 14:35:43 GMT-0400 (which was
15:35:43 where I live) David Laakso would write:

snipped a bit

 All browsers have difficulty with the long-words in the vertical nav 
 with font-scaling.

Yeah i know, just haven't figured out a solution yet banging head on table

 Moz? What Moz you got? Only got Mac FF/3.0.1 and Mac SeaMonkey/1.1.11 on
 this end.

Mozilla 1.7.13

 html, body {
 /*height: 100%;delete*/

 body { /*position:absolute;width:100%; delete*/}

I used these to get the sticky footer'...

 /* use easy clearing to open the container vertically and contain it's
 content in IE/6 */
 #contentwrapper { border: 1px dashed teal/* for position only */;
 overflow : hidden;

 #contentwrapper:after {
 content : '.';
 display : block;
 height : 0;
 clear : both;
 visibility : hidden;

 #contentwrapper {
 display : inline-block;

 #contentwrapper {
 display : block;
 }/* end easy clearing*/

Darn, didn't even notice that the clearing method was needed.

#contentwrapper {
display : inline-block;}

For the Mac, right?

#contentwrapper {
 display : block;}

Ah, resetting for IE

Doesn't #contentwrapper need zoom: 1; to get hasLayout for IE7 in
this case?

 /** html #wrapper{height:100%} delete**/

Was part of my 'sticky' footer approach

 Also needed:
 #signature {
   /*  margin-top: 3em; margin-left: -35px; delete*/
   margin : 3em auto 0 auto; width: 400px; /*add to keep this stuff
 from breaking the container with font-scalling*/

Of course

I'll implement the changes 2morrow...


Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

Not a single one of your ancestors died young. They all copulated at
least once. - A cheery thought from Richard Dawkins - British

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Re: [css-d] Faux column - check on high res please + accessibility problems

2008-09-13 Thread Luc
Good morning Gunlaug, 

It was foretold that on 12/09/2008 @ 03:51:01 GMT+0200 (which was
22:51:01 where I live) Gunlaug Sørtun would write:

snipped a bit

 Border stretches down. Footer stays below content.
 You can check this yourself by zooming down in Opera and/or Firefox.
 Page-zoom: 20% in Opera should give you a clear picture.

Hey, neat trick didn't knew about that one lol

But i see i need to do some rethinking... the footer stays below
content indeed but not to the bottom of the viewport at 20%... dunno
if that's visually speaking a good thing..

 [2] Besides that i have a huge accessibility problem:
 The page falls apart on:
 Mozilla 1.7.13 : at 200%
 IE6 and IE7 also
 Opera is ok at + 300% and Firefox also with 8 times ctrl +

 Page-zoom, yes. Font-resizing, no.

Ah yes... forgot that the zoom in Opera rescales the whole page lol

 Better go back to using all px for dimensions, margins and paddings,
 as mixing px and em as you do now rarely ever works well.

Indeed, changing to px holds IE fairly together, except the last link
in the footer which wraps to the last line and isn't indented...

FF and Moz also have troubles with the nav...

Back to the drawing board i guess...

Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

The harder you work the luckier you become. 

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[css-d] Faux column - check on high res please + accessibility problems

2008-09-12 Thread Luc
 Good afternoon list,

 A few snags, i'm running in:

[1] I'm using the faux column technique to achieve the following:

avoiding  that  on high res monitors the borders are stretched all the
way  down  the viewport regardless the content. In other words, to
avoid  e.g.  putting a bottom border on the wrapper so users know it's
the end. I'm assuming that this technique is the 'easiest'

Could somebody check for me if the borders stretch until the bottom
of the viewport on high res (above 1440 x 900) and that the footer
sticks to the bottom?

[2] Besides that i have a huge accessibility problem:

The page falls apart on:

Mozilla 1.7.13 : at 200%

IE6 and IE7 also

Opera is ok at + 300% and Firefox also with 8 times ctrl +

How do i resolve that? Has this to do with the widths applied
on the #contentleft and #contentright? Seems weird that 2 out of 6
get it right (but hey, what do i know?).

[3] And  to  top  it  all off, after changing the width on those divs from
pixels  to  ems,  the  left  and  right borders on the li items didn't
stretch  anymore until the bottom-border. Adding the height: 1%; trick
on  the  #navcontainer  li resolved that but as a result, the distance
between the li are 2px wider in IE as opposed to Opera, Moz and FF. Do
i have to feed IE 6 and IE 7 other paddings through a hack for this?

css embedded

Best regards,


Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

And how is 'education' supposed to make me smarter? - The Simpsons.

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Re: [css-d] solving nav problem: advise on my solution please

2008-09-05 Thread Luc
Good morning Gunlaug, 

It was foretold that on 05/09/2008 @ 12:10:04 GMT+0200 (which was
07:10:04 where I live) Gunlaug Sørtun would write:

snipped a bit

 I would normally only tune such details in/for browsers that don't
 support more proper CSS, as 'CSS table' goes a long way in letting good
 browsers auto-adjust vertical alignment...

I see... never thought about the 'css table' 

 For IE6 I've added the necessary padding and relevant height correction
 - notice that I've only used top-padding, and achieved higher
 specificity through a more complete selector-chain instead of using
 !important. IE7 needs something like it - or a CC.

The use of the top-padding is indeed interesting. Just one more
question: how would you target IE7 in this case?

Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

Never look down on anybody unless you're helping him up. - Jesse

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Re: [css-d] solving nav problem: advise on my solution please

2008-09-05 Thread Luc
Good afternoon Gunlaug, 

It was foretold that on 05/09/2008 @ 19:11:48 GMT+0200 (which was
14:11:48 where I live) Gunlaug Sørtun would write:

snipped a bit

 If only a small set of less important IE corrections are needed, I might
 use the IE7 targeting hack documented here...

 If IE7 and lower need many corrections I'd serve them a separate 
 stylesheet using the @import hack described here...

Tnx for the advice Gunlaug. In the mean time i ended up with using
the star html hack with a small correction:

* + html

That also does the trick although i must admit i've never seen it

Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

A democracy is a government in the hands of men of low birth, no
property, and vulgar employments. - Aristotle, Rhetoric,

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[css-d] solving nav problem: advise on my solution please

2008-09-04 Thread Luc
 Hello list,  

 I'm  fiddling with a classic vertical menu. The middle link is bigger
 then  the  other  two,  so  it wraps and upon trying to get the space
 above  and  beneath  that  link  in  the  boxes in such a way that it
 wouldn't  stand  to  much  out, compared to other two links, i had to
 adjust the padding. The padding for the first and last link is set on
 #navlist  li  and to avoid that padding being applied to the middle
 link  i  made  a  class  for  that  link: .navpadder. Probably due to
 specificity  problems  that  didn't fell to well. So to make sure the
 class would kick in, i added !important to the class to resolve it.

 Now, is this approach a sound one or are there better methods to go
 about this?

 css embedded.
Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

Consult a real expert--Call your mother!

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[css-d] IE bug with list - can anybody confirm?

2008-08-27 Thread Luc
 Good evening list,  

 I'm fiddling about with a nav and stumbled upon an IE bug (what a
 surprise) which i could solve but i wanted some confirmation wether this
 is some old obscure IE bug.

 page with the bug (css embedded):

 page with bug solved:

 As you will see, the first page displays a mysterious gap which i
 could only get rid off by changing the html as so:

 /lili and ending with /li/ul

 IOW: the li and /ul tags can't be on a separate line.

 Also, is this the only way to prevent this bug from happening?
Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

»Stay« is a charming word in a friend's vocabulary. - Bronson

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Re: [css-d] IE bug with list - can anybody confirm?

2008-08-27 Thread Luc
Good afternoon Gunlaug, 

It was foretold that on 27/08/2008 @ 11:51:29 GMT+0200 (which was
06:51:29 where I live) Gunlaug Sørtun would write:

snipped a bit

 Adding a 'hasLayout' trigger to the right element(s) will have the
 same effect. In your case...

 #navlist li a

 height: 1% /* haslayout trigger */;

Tnx Gunlaug and Alan. I messed with the hasLayout but the key is
indeed the right element Somehow i always have a hard time to
find out which element needs the trigger...  More trial and error i
guess lol.

As a bonus, the solution also resulted in the fact that i didn't have
to use a width to ensure that the whole link is clickable upon hover
and not only the text (the other famous IE problem).

Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

Don't waste time worrying about future difficulties - they may never

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Re: [css-d] 100% Height problem

2008-07-02 Thread Luc
Good afternoon David, 

It was foretold that on 02/07/2008 @ 10:06:21 GMT-0700 (which was
14:06:21 where I live) David Hucklesby would write:

snipped a bit

 FWIW - Paul's method does not put the footer at the bottom on my
 (Win xp) version of Opera - 9.50 build 10063.  

Strange... on my end it does... Winxp, Opera 9.50, build 10063
Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday. 

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[css-d] 100% Height problem

2008-07-01 Thread Luc
 Good afternoon list,  

 I'm experimenting with 100% height and ran into some x-browser
 inconsistencies (no surprise here).


 [1] IE seems to do the trick, except the footer overlaps a bit the

 [2] Opera, FF and Moz all have the same trouble: the header doesn't
 sit snug at the top of the viewport, the content overflows the grey
 area and the footer. The footer doesn't stay below.

 What i'm aiming for is the way IE almost presents it, but without the
 footer  overlapping  the  content, i.o.w. if the document goes beyond
 one  full  page,the div should be the height of the actual document.

CSS embedded.

Page validates.
Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

And so, my fellow net surfers, ask not what your homepage can do for
you; ask what you can do for your homepage.

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Re: [css-d] 100% Height problem

2008-07-01 Thread Luc
Good evening Bill, 
It was foretold that on 01/07/2008 @ 16:46:09 GMT-0400 (which was
17:46:09 where I live) Bill Brown would write:

snipped a bit

 I've tweaked your code a bit and published my results at:

 Let me know if it helps!  

Excellent Bill... worked like a charm.

But could/would you enlighten me as to the errors i had?

You removed the star html hack i had and the min-height on the #wrapper and in 
#wrapper you added:

{height: auto !important;
  height: 100%;

Also the #header you changed from height:100px to 99px

the #content: you removed the float:left

and the #footer, you added position:relative

Just trying to understand those changes...
Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

The taxpayer is someone who works for the federal government but
doesn't have to take a civil service examination. - Attributed to:
Ronald Reagan 

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Re: [css-d] 100% Height problem

2008-07-01 Thread Luc
Good evening David,
It was foretold that on 01/07/2008 @ 17:00:39 GMT-0400 (which was
18:00:39 where I live) David Laakso would write:

 Maybe Paul O'Brien's method might help?  

That's a nice one too David, tnx!
Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

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Re: [css-d] UL based Event Calendar CSS

2008-06-24 Thread Luc
Hello Sohail, 
It was foretold that on 25/06/2008 @ 23:32:08 GMT-0400 (which was
00:32:08 where I live) Sohail Aboobaker would write:

snipped a bit

 We are looking for example event calendar CSS that outputs event in calendar
 format. The html contains an unordered list of days with events as a
 sub-line wherever applicable.

Something like this?

Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

Doctors automatically know what's wrong with you. They have a sick
sense. - Beau M., age 10. 

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[css-d] Stretch question

2008-06-13 Thread Luc
Good afternoon list,

First of all, my question is a theoretical one, meaning i don't have
a mock-up to show, just a question for future reference.

I was wondering, if you have a basic 2 column set-up, with an outer
wrapper and a contentwrapper:

 div id=wrapper
 div id=contentwrapper
 div id=contentleft
  div id=contentright
   div id=footer

Contentwrapper wraps contenleft and right and the footer where
wrapper holds everything.  

Now  the  question: how do you make sure that on high res monitors the
borders  are  stretched  all  the way down the viewport regardless the
content?  In other words, how to avoid e.g. putting a bottom border on
the wrapper so users know it's the end?

Putting   a   repeating  background  image  on  the  content  division
(faux-column technique) or is there some other x-browser method?

To sum it up, i guess it's a always 100% height stretch question.

Hope i made myself clear

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
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Re: [css-d] Stretch question

2008-06-13 Thread Luc
Good evening David, 
It was foretold that on 13/06/2008 @ 16:19:31 GMT-0400 (which was
17:19:31 where I live) David Laakso would write:

 Any column longest can be acheived using the faux column method
 (repeating image on y-axis) [1].
 Equal height columns using CSS is sometimes done this way [2].
 Some equal height column layouts with the footer stuck to the bottom 
 viewport are found here [3].

Tnx for the reference ... [2] seems the way to go ...

But upon reading, there's something i don't grasp:

Now  if  you wanted to actually achieve a 0.5em padding-bottom on the
column, then you'd need code like  this:
#block_1, #block_2,#block_3
padding-bottom: 1000em;
margin-bottom: -999.5em; } 

Instead of :

padding-bottom: 32767px;
margin-bottom: -32767px;

Being the fact that you need to apply padding-bottom: big_value to the
column  blocks,  where$big_value is a large enough value to guarantee
that it's equal to or larger than the tallest column and the limit is
32767px, how does he get to these em values?

Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

Atheism is a non prophet organisation. 

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Re: [css-d] Stretch question

2008-06-13 Thread Luc
Good evening Jens, 
It was foretold that on 13/06/2008 @ 23:35:10 GMT+0200 (which was
18:35:10 where I live) Jens Nedal would write:

snipped a bit

 The only issue with faux columns is, that the with of your design 
 basically has to remain fixed, as the background image has a fixed with.
 So if you are planning for a liquid design that stretches with the width
 of your viewport, you would have to find a different solution.  

Yup, that's the problem... liquid and faux columns don't mix... Hence
i liked the second solution, although it has a lot of issues...
Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

Every time history repeats itself the price goes up. 

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Re: [css-d] Still nav problems (background seems fine)

2008-04-05 Thread Luc
Good afternoon Kepler,
It was foretold that on 04/04/2008 @ 19:42:19 GMT-0400 (which was
20:42:19 where I live) Kepler Gelotte would write:

snipped a bit

 I belong to 2 lists and the other only requires me to reply to sender. This
 list requires me to reply to all. So to answer your question it was meant
 for the list. One of these days I'll screw my head on right.

For those interested, i received an off - list message so hence my
question :-)

Don't worry about it Kepler i'll be happy the day i can keep my
head on my shoulders lol.

Btw, did you receive my other message? Reply can be off-list in this
case lol

Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

People talk about dysfunctional families; I've never seen any other
kind. - Sue Grafton.

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Re: [css-d] Still nav problems (background seems fine)

2008-04-05 Thread Luc
Good afternoon Gunlaug,
It was foretold that on 04/04/2008 @ 00:19:10 GMT+0200 (which was
19:19:10 where I live) Gunlaug Sørtun would write:

snipped a bit

 Not enough background-image vertically for two text-lines, so the
 missing part appears as a gap.

I see. Makes sense like all your posts.

 Make that:

 #navcontainer li {
 background : transparent url(../Images/navbackgroundbig.gif) repeat-y 0
 margin : 0.5em;
 /* no height */

 ...and there will be no gap. I think that answers your second question
 too, if I understood you correctly.
 Centering text in _equal-height_ li's requires an HTML table for nav,
 since IE7 and older don't support CSS table.

Hmm, maybe i wasn't clear, i meant equal space above and beneath the
text of the links like it's shown on the equipamentos part...
(since i moved to Brazil i seem to forget more and more about the
English language )

 Please don't keep changing things when you ask for help. It's impossible
 to debug a moving target.

Oh it's probably because i received an off-list message from Keppler
with the following suggestion:

#navcontainer li {
background:transparent url(../Images/navbackgroundbig.gif) 0 .1em no-repeat;

#navcontainer li a {

This also seemed to do the trick... hence my hasty upload.

Next time i'll keep the target put ;-)

Only thing to figure out now, is how to set the distance between the
border and the background image. Seems if i mess with the
padding/margin on the li it affects the li but not the border. Since
the border is controlled by the #navcontainer li a:hover and
li#here a:link, li#here a:visited, li#here a:hover declarations it
seems to me that i have to use a class? Or do i really really lost my
head now?

Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

The pleasure of love is in loving. We are happier in the passion we
feel than in that we inspire. - François, duc de La Rochefoucauld

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Re: [css-d] Still nav problems (background seems fine)

2008-04-05 Thread Luc
Good evening Gunlaug, 
It was foretold that on 05/04/2008 @ 01:14:39 GMT+0200 (which was
20:14:39 where I live) Gunlaug Sørtun would write:

snipped a bit

 Making sense was not my intention, I assure you ;-)

Maybe not, but still you always manage to do that ;-)

 Don't know where your head is ( ;-) ), but no class is needed and
 messing around won't help either. What you need is an additional
 dimension and a close look at the W3C box-model.
 By declaring a suitable width on the anchor and manipulating the size of
 its side-paddings, you can create the appearance I think you're after.
 Paddings are added to dimensions in the W3C box-model.

paddings are added ro dimensions ... magical words!!! Clears
everything up and ... found my head again :-).

I'm still amazed how one can forget the basics of the most important
thing of CSS: the box model. In the beginning you study the model as
if your life depends on it ... and when it needs to kick in... you're
out of gas ... you have no idea how ashamed i am lol.

 Take a look at my example...
 ...and see if my chosen values are close enough for comfort. If not,
 then minor changes should bring the appearance within range.


 Remember that the background-image on the li has fixed dimensions and is
 only set to repeat vertically. This makes the styling easy.

once again makes sense :-)

 Without that fixed image-dimension we would have to fix the width of the
 li itself and make the anchor overflow it horizontally. That's also easy
 in most browsers, but IE6 would put up a fight (auto-expand) and demand
 a semi-removed floating anchor (negative back-side margin) in order to
 cooperate. I just mention this in case the need for such a change should
 come up - for you or someone else.

Duly noted !!!

Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

The favourite game in Austria is Mikado. The one who moves something
first, loses. 

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[css-d] urgent - deadline: background image in list doesn't change

2008-04-04 Thread Luc
Good afternoon list,

I needed to make my backgound image on my nav menu bigger, but it
only kicks in on one page. The image is set in my stylesheet. As i'm
on a real urgent deadline, i'm probably overlooking something obvious
but can somebody take a look and see what's missing?

Much obliged!
Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

Absolutely nothing in the world is friendlier than a wet dog.

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[css-d] Still nav problems (background seems fine)

2008-04-04 Thread Luc
Good afternoon list,

Still having problems with my nav the background image seems to
be working but between Equipamentos Transportados and Nossa Frota
is a gap i can't seem to get rid off. Also, the border at the right
side of Equipamentos is bigger then it should be. What's puzzling
me is that it seems to be just that li...

Also, what would be the best way to have the text of the li's in the
nav centered vertically? Adjusting padding with another ruleset,
presuming i can't do it in the ul ruleset?

Sorry for the maybe easy questions but i'm in a real pickle here

The section to look for is at the bottom of the stylesheet, commented 

Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

When an Australian buys a new boomerang, how does he throw the old
one away? - Zap - Italian comedian

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Re: [css-d] IE Printing Problem

2008-03-22 Thread Luc
Hello John, 
It was foretold that on 19/03/2008 @ 10:37:59 GMT-0400 (which was
11:37:59 where I live) John Gribben would write:

snipped a bit

 We created a print style sheet that hid mostly everything but the main
 content, but the client wants the appearance of the screen styles to persist
 in printouts:-(. 
 Research indicates that removing floats should fix this problem, but that's
 not working for me - and I don't know how I'm going to be able to retain the
 layout if I lose the floats.

Just a wild guess:

what  if  you  assign each floated element to have float: none.? Doing
gets  the floated element to the “normal flow” of the document, so i'm
guessing maybe this should solve it?

Best regards,

Powered by The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP (build 2600),
version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser: Opera.

Don't waste time worrying about future difficulties - they may never

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Re: [css-d] :: layout check :: ~dL

2008-03-09 Thread Luc
Good evening David, 
It was foretold that on 09/03/2008 @ 12:55:21 GMT-0400 (which was
13:55:21 where I live) David Laakso would write:

 You did not waste my time.
 And I appreciate your comment.
 I just do not have time to respond properly to why I do not think 
 setting text in an image, including doing so to avoid spam, is a good idea.

Oh, no prob David

Best regards,

Powered by The Bat! version 3.99.29 with Windows XP (build 2600),
version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser: Opera.

Do you know why God withheld the sense of humour from women? That we
may love you instead of laughing at you. - Mrs. Patrick Campbell
(1865-1940) - British actress 

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Re: [css-d] :: layout check :: ~dL

2008-03-08 Thread Luc
Hello David, 
It was foretold that on 08/03/2008 @ 18:58:15 GMT-0500 (which was
20:58:15 where I live) David Laakso would write:

snipped a bit

 I'd appreciate any comments and suggestions on this 6 page comprehensive
 layout for an industrial site. The marketing target is the IE browsers.

David , just a quick remark:

wouldn't it be better to use another alternative for the e-mail? Just
to try to limit a bit of spam attack...

Best regards,

Powered by The Bat! version 3.99.29 with Windows XP (build 2600),
version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser: Opera.

Flattery makes friends and truth makes enemiesYiddish proverb 

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Re: [css-d] Struggling to get height to 100%

2008-01-29 Thread Luc
Good afternoon David, 
It was foretold that on 29/01/2008 @ 09:07:43 GMT-0500 (which was
12:07:43 where I live) David Laakso would write:

snipped a bit

 There are a number of ways to get any column longest.

As a 99% lurker i'm taking the opportunity to jump in here because
the topic interests me also.

I've got a page where i've put a border around the wrapper because
everything extends nicely to the bottom of the viewport on my res but
not on a high res monitor as i've been told. They stop well above the bottom of
the viewport. So i had to put a bottom border on the wrapper so that it
looks closed off.

So, any solution would be appreciated for future reference, or is the
faux column the only full-proof method to go?

For those who are interested in a visual look, here's an example:

(just including the css for doing the right thing :-) )

Best regards,

Powered by The Bat! version 3.99.29 with Windows XP (build 2600),
version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser: Opera.

The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence that it
is not utterly absurd. - Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) - British

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Re: [css-d] New site, same old IE6 dropped div problems

2008-01-17 Thread Luc
Good afternoon Lise, 
It was foretold that on 16/01/2008 @ 14:48:08 GMT-0500 (which was
17:48:08 where I live) Lise Holliker Dykes would write:

snipped a bit

 Biggest problem is that I used one of Dreamweaver's presets to start  
 the page, and don't know enough about the hacks they use (which I  
 don't usually use...maybe I broke those when I made alterations to  
 the layout), and don't know where to make fixes so that IE6 doesn't  
 break the layout and drop center div below sidebars. Dreamweaver  
 doesn't flag anything to give me a clue, and I ended up tinkering  
 with a lot of things that didn't seem to make any difference.

 I'm sure you'll figure out what silly thing I've done or neglected to

It seems the HTML and CSS validator don't like it ...

Suggestion: fix the errors first... always the best way to start :-)

Best regards,

Powered by The Bat! version 3.99.29 with Windows XP (build 2600),
version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser: Opera.

To many, no doubt, he will seem blatant and bumptious, but we prefer
to regard him as being simply British. - Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) -
Irish novelist, playwright and wit 

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Re: [css-d] Simple issue of image not showing

2008-01-10 Thread Luc
Good afternoon Keith, 
It was foretold that on 10/01/2008 @ 12:04:39 GMT-0600 (which was
16:04:39 where I live) Keith Kaiser would write:

snipped a bit

 In FireFox and Safari everything appears OK but in IE the banner image is
 not showing up. Please have a look at;

I suppose you fixed it? Shows up in IE6 on my machine

Best regards,

Powered by The Bat! version 3.99.29 with Windows XP (build 2600),
version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser: Opera.

To get nowhere, follow the crowd. - Frank Baer. 

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Re: [css-d] css tooltip doesn't work in Opera

2008-01-09 Thread Luc
Hello Giuseppe, 
It was foretold that on 09/01/2008 @ 22:28:55 GMT+ (which was
20:28:55 where I live) Giuseppe Craparotta would write:

snipped a bit

 if you go to this page:

 and hover on Let me tell you something more about it, you'll see a 
 pure css tooltip.
 It works fine in all browsers, apart from Opera.

Is this what you're after:

works in opera.

Best regards,

Powered by The Bat! version 3.99.29 with Windows XP (build 2600),
version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser: Opera.

They say that money isn't everything in life. Of course, they are
talking about the money of others. - Sacha Guitry (French comedian) 

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Re: [css-d] Class and Specificity?

2008-01-04 Thread Luc
Good afternoon Dorothy, 
It was foretold that on 04/01/2008 @ 09:26:27 GMT-0500 (which was
12:26:27 where I live) Dorothy Hesson 2336 would write:

 The whole stylesheet does work. The stylesheet validates, too. This is
 what's getting me!

 URL with the style in the head element

 Using the stylesheet alone

the embedded css rule is called .floatright, while in the stylesheet
it is called img .floatright.
Removing the img in the stylesheet in Firebug does float the image
right at my end :-)

Best regards,

Powered by The Bat! version 3.99.29 with Windows XP (build 2600),
version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser: Opera.

Beauty lies in the hands of the beer holder. 

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Re: [css-d] ordered lists in ie - is more than 10 items asking too much?

2007-10-30 Thread Luc
Good afternoon Robert, 
It was foretold that on 30/10/2007 @ 18:59:25 GMT+ (which was
15:59:25 where I live) Robert O'Rourke would write:

snipped a bit

 For some strange reason if you set 'list-style-position' to 'inside' 
 on an ordered-list from the tenth list-item onwards the text-indent it
 creates for the bullet/number is lost. This is not the case for an 

 I've tried a couple of hasLayout triggers like position: relative;
 and zoom:1; to no avail and also text-indenting the li but nowhere near
 a fix yet. Any ideas?

decimal outside with padding seems to get IE in it's place:

ol {
list-style: decimal outside;
border-top: 1px dashed #ccc;
padding: 0 20px;
margin: 16px auto;
width: 90%;

Best regards,

Powered by The Bat! version 3.99.25 with Windows XP (build 2600),
version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser: Opera.

The strength of a nation derives from the integrity of the home. -

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Re: [css-d] To set or reset?

2007-10-25 Thread Luc
Good morning David, 
It was foretold that on 25/10/2007 @ 09:01:05 GMT-0400 (which was
10:01:05 where I live) David Laakso would write:

 It is a matter of opinion on which way to go. I find, after trying both
 methods, only setting as necessary works far better for me-- better 
 learning experience (knowing exactly what controls what), faster (no 
 need to put back in what was taken out), easier overall maintenance (I
 can find what is wrong or needs to be changed and fix it easier), and 

I haven't used the reset method yet, except from setting margin and
padding to 0, because i'm a bit confuzzled on what method to use
(Meyer, Tantek, Yahoo) but it's on my to do list.

This said however i think it might be helpfull to have a complete
reset first so i don't have to make on the fly comments as why a
certain rule needs a particular declaration to work cross browser.

Ps: i'm still in the cuckoo's nest David, so i haven't come around yet
to implement your solution for my pet  but the doc is thinking of
releasing me soon ;-)

Best regards,

Powered by The Bat! version 3.99.25 with Windows XP (build 2600),
version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser: Opera.

Democracy is the art of running the circus from the monkey cage. -
H.L. Mencken. 

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Re: [css-d] things disappearing in IE7

2007-10-25 Thread Luc
Good afternoon Shelly, 
It was foretold that on 25/10/2007 @ 14:33:26 GMT-0400 (which was
15:33:26 where I live) [EMAIL PROTECTED] would write:

snipped a bit

 I had tried all of the has layout stuff I could 
 think of - but I forgot about that one.

 #main ( height:100%} is what ended up working.

And does the nav show up in IE6?

Best regards,

Powered by The Bat! version 3.99.25 with Windows XP (build 2600),
version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser: Opera.

Deliver me, O Lord, from that evil man, myself. - Thomas Benton
Brooks (1608-1680). 

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[css-d] forced to set width and related problems-repost

2007-10-22 Thread Luc
 Good evening list,  

Somehow  i'm forced to set a width on my contentwrapper: setting no width or a
width  of  100%  cuts off the #contentright and the background image i
had  on  my  header  when  resizing  to smaller screen resolution. I'm
wondering if this is normal behaviour?

The  way  i used widths now gives me a layout that causes a horizontal
scrollbar  in  e.g. 1280X768 and below, but i guess that's something i
have to life with.

The  reason  i  used the widths on#wrapper and #contentwrapper was the
fact  that  without  max  and  min width on the body, the #contentright
dropped   underneath   the  #contentleft  which  i  don't  understand:
#contentright  isn't  floated  or  am  i missing something here? And i
would  like  to  avoid min and max width on the body so as not to mess
with IE expressions.

Besides  that  i  seem to have an accessibility problem in Firefox and
Mozilla:  decreasing  the  text size makes the #masthead h1 drop below
the #masthead.

Other problems i ran into and “solved” are commented in the css.

Css embedded

Seems i caught the mad cow disease lol 
Best regards,

Powered by The Bat! version 3.99.24 with Windows XP (build 2600),
version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser: Opera.

A friend is one who believes in you when you have ceased to believe
in yourself.

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Before digital, there was mechanical. View and purchase fascinating mechanical
antique pocket watches and vintage wrist watches. Visit Bogoff Antiques today.

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[css-d] forced to set width and related problems

2007-10-18 Thread Luc
 Good evening list,  

Somehow  i'm forced to set a width on my contentwrapper: no width or a
width  of  100%  cuts off the #contentright and the background image i
had  on  my  header  when  resizing  to smaller screen resolution. I'm
wondering if this is normal behaviour?

The  way  i used widths now gives me a layout that causes a horizontal
scrollbar  in  e.g. 1280X768 and below, but i guess that's something i
have to life with.

The  reason  i  used the widths on#wrapper and #contentwrapper was the
fact  that  without  max  and  min width on the body, the #contentright
dropped   underneath   the  #contentleft  which  i  don't  understand:
#contentright  isn't  floated  or  am  i missing something here? And i
would  like  to  avoid min and max width on the body so as not to mess
with IE expressions.

Besides  that  i  seem to have an accessibility problem in Firefox and
Mozilla:  decreasing  the  text size makes the #masthead h1 drop below
the #masthead.

Other problems i ran into and “solved” are commented in the css.

Css embedded

Seems i caught the mad cow disease lol 
Best regards,

Powered by The Bat! version 3.99.24 with Windows XP (build 2600),
version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser: Opera.

A friend is one who believes in you when you have ceased to believe
in yourself.

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Re: [css-d] width problem cross browser - repost

2007-10-10 Thread Luc
Good morning David, 
It was foretold that on 10/10/2007 @ 23:15:45 GMT-0400 (which was
00:15:45 where I live) David Laakso would write:

 There may be more than one way to milk a cow. Or is there?
 Note that no font-sixe must be set on the body with this method or the
 ie expressions (ie/6.0 workaround for min/max width) will not work.  

 David, i never had to use this expression before so could you telle
 me what it means:
 !--[if lt IE 7]style
* html body #page {width:expression(
(document.documentElement.offsetWidth) (990/12)
* parseInt(document.body.currentStyle.fontSize)?  60em
: ((document.documentElement.offsetWidth)  580? 554px : 99%)); }

Seems like i'm on acid also lol.

Best regards,

Powered by The Bat! version 3.99.24 with Windows XP (build 2600),
version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser: Opera.

People talk about dysfunctional families; I've never seen any other
kind. - Sue Grafton. 

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Re: [css-d] width problem cross browser - repost

2007-10-10 Thread Luc
Good morning David, 
It was foretold that on 10/10/2007 @ 10:32:24 GMT-0400 (which was
11:32:24 where I live) David Laakso would write:

 Please see Georg Sortun's site for an excellent explanation of 
 expressions and how they may be used with CSS:  

Great, tnx!

Best regards,

Powered by The Bat! version 3.99.24 with Windows XP (build 2600),
version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser: Opera.

My mother used to say: the older you get, the better you get -unless
you're a banana. - Rose, The Golden Girls. 

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Re: [css-d] width problem cross browser - repost

2007-10-09 Thread Luc
Good morning David, 
It was foretold that on 9/10/2007 @ 03:10:33 GMT-0400 (which was
04:10:33 where I live) David Laakso would write:

snipped a bit

 This is in reference to your uri:
 and my uri:

 I guess my mad cow (love that cow) is gonna look the same as your 
 screen shot  in any browser, not just IE, when the window is narrower 
 than the fixed pixel width of 760px set on #container which encloses the
 the two column layout (your text).

I should take out a patent on that cow ;-)
Now regarding the width, is there any way to avoid that kind of
behaviour? I tried removing the 760px, replacing it with 100% etc but
it still gives that annoying cut off.

 PS When replying to this list please write your reply below the person
 you reply to, and do not trim links that may be needed for reference. 
 Makes it easier for everyone...

Thought i did, but it was kinda late so.. ;-)

Best regards,

Powered by The Bat! version 3.99.24 with Windows XP (build 2600),
version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser: Opera.

I have as much authority as the Pope...I just don't have as many
people who believe it. - George Carlin. 

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Re: [css-d] width problem cross browser - repost

2007-10-09 Thread Luc
Good morning Philippe, 
It was foretold that on 9/10/2007 @ 22:30:32 GMT+0900 (which was
10:30:32 where I live) Philippe Wittenbergh would write:

snipped a bit

 #page {
 float : left;
 width : 100%;
 won't solve anything. It just makes the block as wide as the window.  
 That block won't expand based on the width of the #container.
 It _might_ help if you remove the width, making it a floated auto  
 width container. But that behaviour can be unpredictable.

 #page {min-width:760px;} should stabilze that problem on most
 browsers. (and remove the float, I don't see the use for it). Use the
 appropriate {width: expression()} for IE 6.

Philippe, that's the code David used. But i tried removing the 100% width
on my wrapper and used the min-width but still no go.
What do you mean with Use the appropriate {width: expression()} for
IE 6?

here's my original mock up:

Best regards,

Powered by The Bat! version 3.99.24 with Windows XP (build 2600),
version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser: Opera.

The world belongs to the enthusiast who keeps cool. - William McFee. 

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[css-d] width problem cross browser - repost

2007-10-08 Thread Luc
 Good evening list,  

 It seems i have a width problem cross browser:

 resizing the viewport gets following effects:

 [1] #masthead disappears while #masthead div and #masthead h1 keeps
 being visible in opera, FF, moz, IE6  7.
 Desired effect:  #masthead needs to be kept visible.

 [2] only IE6: #contentright drops below #contentleft (upon resizing
 to small resolution).  Opera, Moz, FF, IE7 do not drop the

 It seems a width problem because contentleft ends where #masthead
 div ends.

 I've  tried  changing  widths,  adding  widths...  even  messing with
 hasLayout    but  no  success. Tried the list archives but didn't
 encounter a solution.

 Is this something that has nothing to do with width?

 css embedded. 
Best regards,


Powered by The Bat! version 3.99.24 with Windows XP (build 2600),
version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser: Opera.

If the creator had a purpose in equipping us with a neck, he surely
meant us to stick it out Arthur Koestler.

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Re: [css-d] width problem cross browser - repost

2007-10-08 Thread Luc
Hello David, 
It was foretold that on 9/10/2007 @ 23:31:24 GMT-0400 (which was
00:31:24 where I live) David Laakso would write:

snipped a bit

 It seems I don't really get what you're after but I am crazy nuts about
 that mad cow and hope at least in a small way this may help :

yeah, that cow makes me nuts also but alas, still the same problem
with the image.

Here's the link to how it looks in IE when resized to a small

Btw, the fact that in your example the h1 also moves to the left is
because of the removing of my position:absolute, isn't it?

Best regards,

Powered by The Bat! version 3.99.24 with Windows XP (build 2600),
version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser: Opera.

I'm a lifelong Anglophile. England is still the only place I know
where any young man can grow up to be the Queen. - Alan Alda as Capt.
'Hawkeye' Pierce in M.A.S.H. 

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[css-d] 2 problems: text shoving and IE6 oddity

2007-10-04 Thread Luc
 Good morning list,  

 Walt wrote: One possible fix: declare a width for #masthead.

 hmm, seems that didn't fix it Walt: no matter what width i declared,
 the problem still remained.

 Gunlaug wrote:

 Position h1 relative to the left side.

 Gunlaug, i noticed in your example it was still positioned
 absolute...? Giving it position absolute with a left of 900 px did it
 for me but i'm not sure wether is has to be relative or absolute.
 Delete the width on #wrapper you have given IE6.
 Great, that did it for IE. Could you elaborate as to why so i can
 understand the reasoning behind it?

 IE6 also suffers from the italic bug, which you can try to

 Tnx Gunlaug... that's what you get for page filling lol.
Best regards,


Powered by The Bat! version 3.99.24 with Windows XP (build 2600),
version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser: Opera.

Envy plus rhetoric equals social justice. - Thomas Sowell.

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Re: [css-d] 2 problems: text shoving and IE6 oddity

2007-10-04 Thread Luc
Good afternoon Gunlaug, 
It was foretold that on 4/10/2007 @ 17:06:46 GMT+0200 (which was
12:06:46 where I live) Gunlaug Sørtun would write:

snipped a bit

 There's no definitive answer to that question, as 'absolute', 'relative'
 or 'static' (default) may work - depending on how you organize source
 code and CSS and design-ideas.
 You may also float the h1 and position it with margins - positive and/or
 You can also give h1 a fixed width and align the text to the right, and
 it may work just fine.

Ah, now it makes sense... many solutions to 1 question lol... but it
gives me something to play with. I thought there was an absolute
rule to things in this case :-)

 You have declared a 'min-width' for other browsers, and it looked like
 you tried to replicate that in IE6 by giving it a 'width'.
 Although 'height' function as 'min-height' in IE6, 'width' does not
 function as 'min-width'.

right, forgot about that one!!!

 So what you gave IE6 was a fixed width on a right-floating element,
 which it obeyed to the letter and gave you exactly the line-up you asked
 for - but didn't want.

IE6 doing what it's supposed to do... what a surprise lol

 (Be careful with what you ask for - you may actually get it :-) )

yeah, once in a while ;-)

 IE6 also suffers from the italic bug, which you can try to 
 Nothing escapes browser-bugs :-)


Best regards,

Powered by The Bat! version 3.99.24 with Windows XP (build 2600),
version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser: Opera.

Only dead fish go with the flow. 

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Re: [css-d] 2 problems: text shoving and IE6 oddity

2007-10-04 Thread Luc
Good afternoon Gunlaug, 
It was foretold that on 4/10/2007 @ 19:06:35 GMT+0200 (which was
14:06:35 where I live) Gunlaug Sørtun would write:

snipped a bit

 You're probably looking for best practices, which may be good to have
 at times but which shouldn't be taken too far.
 However, trying to apply absolute rules to how to use basic standards,
 is the same as limiting design-possibilities for the sake of simplicity.
 So, it always comes down to design-choices, and the more you know about
 those standards - and User Agents, the better design-choices you can make.

Indeed, i find myself sometimes trapped in thinking inside the box
instead of outside.

Best regards,

Powered by The Bat! version 3.99.24 with Windows XP (build 2600),
version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser: Opera.

The good ended happily, and the bad unhappily. That is what Fiction
means. - Oscar Wilde. 

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[css-d] width problem cross browser

2007-10-04 Thread Luc
 Good evening list,

 It seems i have a width problem cross browser:

 resizing the viewport gets following effects:

 [1] #masthead disappears while #masthead div and #masthead h1 keeps being 
 Desired effect:  #masthead needs to be kept visible.

 [2] only IE6: #contentright drops below #contentleft (upon resizing
 to small resolution).  Opera, Moz, FF, IE7 do not drop the

 It seems a width problem because contentleft ends where #masthead
 div ends.

 I've  tried  changing  widths,  adding  widths...  even  messing with
 hasLayout    but  no  success. Tried the list archives but didn't
 encounter a solution.

 Is this something that has nothing to do with width?

 css embedded.
Best regards,

Powered by The Bat! version 3.99.24 with Windows XP (build 2600),
version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser: Opera.

Health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.

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[css-d] 2 problems: text shoving and IE6 oddity

2007-10-03 Thread Luc
 Good evening list,

 Fiddling with a mockup and i ran into 2 problems:

[1] the text on the right hand side of the top (mad cow..) shoves to the
 left when resizing the viewport. Is there a way to let it stay put?

[2] in IE6 the whole page is shoved to the right and the #masthead image
is not showing up.

 css embedded.
Best regards,

Powered by The Bat! version 3.99.24 with Windows XP (build 2600),
version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser: Opera.

It is not necessary to understand things in order to argue about
them. - Pierre De Beaumarchais.

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[css-d] margin/padding and li problem

2007-09-21 Thread Luc
Hello list,

i have a list with a background image that i just can't seem to get a
bit less indented. It's a list of clients and upon adding the
phone numbers, the ninth client on the list has it's number pushed to
the next line. Opera is the only browser that doesn't do it. Obviously
there isn't enough room to hold the number so i thought on giving the
whole list a lesser indentation but i just don't seem to get it.

Probably a non-brainer, except for me!!


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[css-d] margin/padding and li problem - solved

2007-09-21 Thread Luc
Hello list,

seems i was a bit to quick on the e-mail trigger: adding a negative
left-margin to the ul did the trick.

But i'm a bit confuzzled as why i needed the left-margin: setting
margin to 0 doesn't remove the indentation in this case?


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Re: [css-d] margin/padding and li problem

2007-09-21 Thread Luc
Good evening Rowan, 
It was foretold that on 21/9/2007 @ 22:12:10 GMT+0100 (which was
18:12:10 where I live) Rowan @ Jetboy would write:

snipped a bit

 is overriding the styles for that specific list. Reduce the left margin on
 the ul to move the whole list to the left, or reduce the last padding value
 on the li to cut the space between the bullet and the text.

I see... i resolved it with a negative left margin on the ul but i'll
try your solution ... not a big fan of negative margins :-)

tnx for the help!

Best regards,

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Re: [css-d] margin/padding and li problem

2007-09-21 Thread Luc
Good evening David, 
It was foretold that on 21/9/2007 @ 18:46:02 GMT-0400 (which was
19:46:02 where I live) David Laakso would write:

snipped a bit

 I may not get what you want.

The names of the clients and the phone numbers on 1 line, instead of,
in this case, getting the phone numbers pushed to another line. Sorry
if i wasn't clear.

 But, rather than adjusting the list, have
 you tried adjusting its container?

That's another option David, that worked but it needed more
adjustments to get the container right with the other pages.

Instead i opted for Rowan's solution: reducing the left margin on
the #contentright ul to move the whole list to the left.

But tnx for your input. Sometimes CSS offers different solutions for
the same prob :-)

Best regards,

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version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser: Opera.

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[css-d] No brainer with margin/padding

2007-08-01 Thread Luc
 Good evening list,

 This has got to be a no-brainer but i can't get my hands on it:

 i've got a customed error page where the margin/padding is driving me

 the h1 holds the warning: Error 403: Forbidden Access forbidden to
 remote server

 The goal is to have Error 403: sitting flush to the left of the
 container and to have Forbidden Access forbidden to remote server
 flush to the right of the container.

 Error 403: has a class with a float: left. This of course does the
 trick but i was trying to get the same effect without float, just
 by using marging/padding but that doesn't fall to well... trying
 several values i couldn't get it aligned like i want.
Best regards,

Powered by The Bat! version 3.99.3 with Windows XP (build 2600),
version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser: Opera.

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give up. - Kim Basinger - US actress.

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