[CTRL] New Regulations on Pesticides

1999-02-01 Thread L. Shipton

 -Caveat Lector-

This is the url for this site.  I copied the information because of frames
and I did not know if I would be able to find it again.  Any way this seems
like it might be a good site for MISC information - just don't get lost.

I have one question - with HMO's which doctor is going to have the money to
do this kind of research?

 PURE FACTS: Adapted from September 1996, Vol. 20, No. 7
The New Regulations on Pesticides

 New Regulations
 Relation to food additives
 Encouraging developments  remaining questions

About Pure Facts | Pure Facts Articles List | Mission | Home | Comments

The Feingold Association of the United States
127 E. Main St., Suite 106,
Riverhead, NY 11901
(516) 369-9340

 The New Regulations

On August 3 President Clinton signed into law a bill which will change the
regulation of pesticides used on foods. But this leaves Feingold families
with many uncertainties over how this might affect food additives.
The Food Quality Protection Act was passed with overwhelming support by both
the Senate and House, and was approved by consumer and industry groups which
generally find themselves on opposing sides. The main issue was: How far
should the law go in protecting the public from the risk of cancer
triggererd by exposure to pesticides used on foods? How bad must a pesticide
be before it is considered too dangerous to use?

The law will require that pesticides be judged to cause no more than one
additional case of cancer for every one million people who are exposed to it
during their lifetime. It replaces the 1960 Delaney Clause, which states
that no chemical could be deliberately added to food if it was found to
cause cancer in humans or animals. While Delaney did not address pesticides
which are sprayed on crops, it did apply to the pesticide residue which
would be found in processed food.

At the time the Delaney Clause was adopted, the technology for identifying
chemical residue in foods was primitive by today's standards. It is now
possible to detect such residue in minute quantities. Critics of the current
regulations pointed out that new pesticides were being excluded so as a
result, older ones, which actually posed greater risks, were continuing to
be used.

The details of the new regulations are being worked out by the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA), and they will be enforced by the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA). It will be several years before the effects of this
new law show up in the supermarket. Unfortunately for consumer advocates,
the new federal law will prevent states from enacting stricter standards for
products grown in their state.

Back to Menu

 How will this relate to food additives?

Although the Delaney Clause will no longer apply to pesticides, it is still
in effect regarding food additives. FAUS has long protested that this law
has been repeatedly violated and ignored, but it nevertheless has been a
powerful deterrent to the introduction of even more food additives than we
now have. [The best example of such a violation is the continued use of Red
No. 3, which is an acknowledged carcinogen.] Bills continue to be introduced
to do away with Delaney altogether, but the Clause has withstood such
assaults for many years. Its fate may be determined by the outcome of the
elections in November; a pro-business Congress and Administration could
finally repeal this protection.

Back to Menu

 Encouraging developments  remaining questions

It is a major victory for environmentalists that this new regulation will
take into account the fact that pesticides are potentially more damaging for
the very young or those in poor health. Another plus is that the EPA will
also look at the potential for pesticides to add estrogen-like compounds
into our food and water; these have been cited as possible causes for
increases in breast cancer and for reduced fertility in animals and humans.

We do not know how the EPA will reach the conclusion that a particular
chemical will cause no more than one new cancer per million people. (One of
the loopholes in this brand new law is that it allows the use of pesticides
with double the risk -- 2 cancers per million -- if growers convince EPA
that the riskier pesticide is necessary.) It is also unclear if there will
be any acknowledgment that consumers rarely eat only one single synthetic
chemical at a time. What happens when one consumes an apple with one
pesticide and grapes with another? what is the effect of mixing the
pesticide residue on food with synthetic dyes, with medicine, or with

Back to Menu

File #1263

CTRL is a discussion and informational 

[CTRL] School vouchers

1999-02-01 Thread L. Shipton

 -Caveat Lector-

January 31, 99

Today's Houston Chronicle has an article on the chances of Texas
one of three states to offer vouchers to family's for private schools.
article can be read at


You have to register with the Houston Chronicle on-lineto read the
but the registration is free.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] Fwd: Internet, free speech collide

1999-02-01 Thread DixyYankee

 -Caveat Lector-

Internet, free speech collide
As talk halted, worry grows over AOL's control
New York Times Service

Like the divided generations of Irish before them, the two opposing
camps of contributors to America Online's discussion group on Ireland
rarely agree on anything. But when the world's leading online service
suspended their contentious electronic debate last month, participants
on both sides were united in their dismay.

``Don't stop just to appease the AOL Thought Police,'' one proponent of
a united Ireland wrote to the Unionist contingent. ``I'd much rather
have someone vehemently disagree with me than know that anyone has been

America Online reopened its Irish Heritage discussion after a 17-day
``cooling off'' period.

But the episode has fed a growing discomfort with the social and
political power America Online has come to wield by dint of its surging
popularity and its unusual purview over individual communication. And it
underscores the challenges the company may face as it seeks with mixed
success to maintain both civil discourse and satisfied customers while
presiding over 180,000 continuing conversations on topics from the
teenage idols 'N Sync to presidential impeachment.

Difficult balance

Balancing free expression with civility has always been a struggle for
America Online and other electronic publishers that provide areas where
people can voice their opinions by typing them into the ether. But it is
America Online's scope combined with its editorial control that some
critics say is cause for concern.

With 15 million subscribers, America Online is now the gateway to
cyberspace for more Americans than the next 15 largest Internet service
providers combined, according to a report by the International Data
Corp., a market research firm. Last week, announcing strong earnings,
the company said 1.6 million accounts were added in the last three
months of 1998 alone.

But some members have begun to chafe at its definition of civility, or
at least the way it seems sometimes arbitrarily applied. And some civil
liberties advocates are scrutinizing the service more closely as a new
breed of institution that governs speech and yet is immune from First
Amendment claims.

Growing concerns

A flurry of recent clashes in discussion areas ranging from race
relations to fiction writing have served to heighten concerns over the
company's more subtle methods of monitoring the discussions on its
message boards -- the continuing discussions that subscribers can follow
and contribute to over time, as distinct from the simultaneous and
sometimes chaotic (but also monitored) exchanges in what it calls chat
rooms. In particular, some subscribers cite the online service's
practice of deleting message board postings without explanation and of
attaching the equivalent of demerit marks to the accounts of individuals
deemed to have offended another subscriber.

``The question is, who gets to decide what's `offensive?' '' says Renee
Rosenblum-Lowden of Riegelsville, Pa., who recalls being cited for a
violation for posting a message in a debate on abortion advising an
opponent, ``If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen.''

Under America Online's contract, universally referred to among members
in both noun and verb form as TOS, for ``terms of service,'' all
subscribers promise not to ``harass, threaten, embarrass, or do anything
else to another member that is unwanted.'' Often transgressions are
reported to America Online officials by other discussion group
participants, whose identities are not released to those they accuse.
According to the company's subscriber contract, three such violations
may result in the suspension or termination of an account.

Targeted by opponents

Rosenblum-Lowden -- whose screen name is now ``Prejteach 2'' because her
``Prejteach'' account was closed -- says she and a group of other women
who take part in discussions on the Women in Action board have been
chosen as targets for complaints by those who disagree with their
liberal views. ``Unlike a court of law, you don't face your accusers,''
she said. ``That gives people free rein.''

America Online officials concede that judging what is unduly offensive
in often-complex political disputes or long-running personal battles can
be tricky, especially given the volume and range of messages. That is
why the company has enlisted nearly 14,000 volunteers to patrol the
boards, and employs a group of about 100 known as the Community Action
Team to determine when a comment crosses the line.

In intervening in conversations between its users, America Online says
its objective is to maintain a sense of community. Although legal
liability for libelous statements appearing on its boards was once more
of a concern, a provision of the Telecommunications Act of 1996
essentially grants online services immunity from prosecution over such
matters, characterizing them as a ``common carrier'' like a 

[CTRL] Fwd: TiM GW Bulletin 99/1-7, 1/30/99

1999-02-01 Thread DixyYankee

 -Caveat Lector-

Subj:"The Natives Are Getting Restless" (TiM GW Bulletin 99/1-7, 1/30/99)
Date:   31-Jan-99 14:22:19 Central Standard Time
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bob Djurdjevic)
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (TiM GW Bulletins)


The Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletin, such as the one enclosed below,
can also be accessed at our Web site: www.truthinmedia.org/Bulletins99 .

NOTE: To cancel the e-mail editions of our reports, just reply REMOVE or
UNSUBSCRIBE, followed by your e-mail address.

Truth in Media's GLOBAL WATCH Bulletin 98/1-7  30-Jan-99

Some Canadians Take Their Government to Court Over MAI; Some Americans Also
to Sue Washington Over Immigration?

Based on Reports by Prof. Chossudovsky and by Joe Fallon

WESTERN AUSTRALIA - The natives are getting restless.  The North American
natives, that is.  No, we are not talking about the so-called "Native
Americans," per the New World Order speak.  We are talking about the new
demographically endangered species - the indigenous Canadians and Americans
who are starting to fight back against their federal governments.

A group of Canadian citizens, concerned about the loss of sovereignty which
an eventual enactment of the MAI Treaty (Multilateral Agreement on
Investments) may bring, sued their federal government last April.  A group
of American citizens, alarmed by a frontal assault on the Euro-American
culture which the current U.S. immigration laws represent, is contemplating
suing the U.S. federal government on a charge no less than - GENOCIDE!

A start of the Canadian Revolution I?  Or of the American Revolution II?
Hardly.  But it's certainly a sign that some Canadians and some Americans
are getting fed up with the policies which their supposedly "democratically
elected" governments are carrying out.  To these agitated citizens' detriment.

The first of the two reports enclosed below - about Canada - was sent to us
by an occasional contributor to TiM GW Bulletins, Dr. Michel Chossudovsky,
an economics professor at the University of Ottawa, Canada.

The second article - about an eventual American citizens' lawsuit charging
the U.S. federal government with genocide against the Americans of European
origin - was authored by Joe Fallon, a researcher on Peter Brimelow's
bestselling book, "Alien Nation."  Mr. Fallon sent it to us in response to
our recent TiM GW Bulletin, "Toward Nations of Mutts," piece
(www.truthinmedia.org/Bulletins99/tim99-02.html ).  We carry it here in an
abridged version.

Canadians Take Their Government to Court Over MAI
By Michel Chossudovsky

OTTAWA, Jan. 24 - An important citizens' initiative is underway in Canada
which challenges the legitimacy of the Canadian government to negotiate the
Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI), reports Prof. Michel
Chossudovsky of the University of Ottawa.  The initiative questions the
authority of the federal government to negotiate an international treaty
which derogates fundamental rights as contained in Canada's Constitution.

The Defense of Canadian Liberty Committee (DCLC) organization, based in
Vancouver, BC, has taken the Canadian federal government to court (No.
T-790-98, initiating documents were filed and served on April 23,1998).

"The MAI is unconstitutional under Canadian law because it gives entrenched
rights to international banks and foreign corporations guaranteed by
international law which Canadian citizens do not have...This is contrary to
the principle of equality before the law which is part of the Canadian
constitution enshrined in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms", according to
the DCLC:

The Applicants challenge the jurisdiction of the federal government to sign
such a treaty, in the form of a Multilateral Agreement on Investment, on
behalf of Canada which "would be outside of the power granted by and ultra
vires of the Constitution Acts of 1867 and 1982.  They also challenge it
because, "generally, such a treaty would not be in the best interests of
Canadian citizens."

This legal challenge constitutes more than an embarrassment to the
government's negotiating team, headed by the Trade Minister, Serge Marchi.
It underscores the blatant violation of democratic procedures; it questions
the honesty of elected politicians and bureaucrats involved in behind the
scenes negotiations including  consultations with international business

"The government of Canada has no authority to sign a treaty without a
mandate from Parliament. To do so is a violation of the fundamental
principles of democracy and representative government. Exercise of
prerogative power must be subject to the Constitution".

Three top Canadian lawyers, well versed in constitutional and human rights

Re: [CTRL] Experts conclude AIDS virus originated from chimps

1999-02-01 Thread L. Shipton

 -Caveat Lector-

How long have they use pesticides and herbicides in Africa?
http://www.livelinks.com/sumeria/aids.htmlAIDS - Is AIDS really a

So the native animals in Africa are dying, I guess they will have to eat
cloned food too - or else starve.
AKA The Pied Piper

-Original Message-
From: Steve Wingate [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Monday, February 01, 1999 12:30 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Experts conclude AIDS virus originated from chimps

-Caveat Lector-

(Not the green monkey anymore? Sounds like: not a weather balloon, but a
mogul balloon!  (Maybe someone with AIDs has been having their way with
chimpanzees?) --SW)

Experts conclude AIDS virus originated from chimps

Copyright © 1999 Nando Media
Copyright © 1999 Associated Press


CHICAGO (January 31, 1999 3:30 p.m. EST http://www.nandotimes.com) -
Where did the AIDS virus come from? Scientists think they have traced its
origin to the long-suspected source: chimpanzees.

In a presentation Sunday, researchers from the University of Alabama at
Birmingham said they have convincing proof that the virus has spread on at
least three separate occasions from chimpanzees to people in Africa. One
of these cross-species transmissions was the start of the epidemic that
now infects about 35 million people worldwide.

Chimps, which have probably carried the virus for hundreds of thousands of
years, apparently do not get sick from it. Figuring out why could be

"This is excellent science with biological and virological importance. If we
understood how the chimp has dealt with this infection over time, that could
have implications for human medicine," said Kevin DeCock, an AIDS
expert at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.

While chimps have long been suspected as the source, "there have been a
lot of loose ends that made people uncomfortable drawing that conclusion,"
said Beatrice Hahn.

Whatever its origins, HIV is a recent affliction of people. At last year's
Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, David Ho and
others from the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center at Rockefeller
University presented evidence that the virus probably first infected humans
in the 1940s or early '50s.

At the opening of this year's meeting, Hahn made the case that this event
almost certainly occurred in west equatorial Africa when someone caught
the virus from a chimp, perhaps after killing the animal for food.

Hahn said her team nailed down the connection by analyzing frozen tissue
saved from a chimp named Marilyn that died from complications of
childbirth at a U.S. Air Force primate center 14 years ago.

The chimp version of the AIDS virus - the microbe now thought to be the
grandfather of HIV - is called SIVcpz. It is extremely rare among chimps in
U.S. lab colonies, apparently because these animals are removed from the
wild as babies and so are never exposed to the virus sexually.

Until recently, SIVcpz had been isolated only three times.

The fourth turned up when a colleague cleaning out a lab freezer ran across
Marilyn's specimens and sent them to Hahn. Her team was able to perform
various kinds of genetic analysis that were unavailable when the chimp

Then the Alabama team used molecular analysis techniques to study all
four examples of the virus.

They found that three of the four were genetically extremely similar to the
human AIDS virus. They included one gene, called vpu, that also is part of
HIV but not of other AIDS-like viruses that infect monkeys.

All three samples came from Pan troglodytes troglodytes, which is one of
the four subspecies of chimp in Africa. These animals live in Cameroon,
Equatorial Guinea, Congo and Central African Republic, the region where
AIDS is thought to have started.

The fourth sample, much less like HIV, came from another subspecies of
chimp that is native to East Africa.

Among humans, there are three major groups of HIV, code-named M, N
and O. M is the variety that has spread around the world, while N and O are
seen only in west-central Africa. The natural habitat of Pan troglodytes
troglodytes exactly overlaps the area where these three groups were first
recognized. The researchers believe that each group arose from a
separate chimp-to-human transmission of SIVcpz.

"We conclude that this subspecies is the natural host and reservoir for HIV-
1," the AIDS virus, said Hahn, whose work is also being published in this
week's issue of the journal Nature.

She said a French team, headed by Phillippe Mauclere of the Pasteur
Institute, recently found three more chimps infected with SIVcpz at a game
sanctuary in Cameroon. One sample has been genetically analyzed and it,
too, closely resembles HIV.

"That nails it," said Hahn. "The only possible criticism is that we had made
too much out of four  animals."

Steve Wingate

[CTRL] Covert cannabis clubs aid patients

1999-02-01 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

  Covert cannabis clubs aid patients

   State attorney general says that unless the federal government changes
its policy, Proposition 215 can't be legally implemented

 By Jordan Lite

 MIDDLETOWN -- Ryan Landers didn't plan on being a farmer. Then again,
he never planned on getting AIDS and needing marijuana to stay hungry
enough to keep him from wasting away.

 He used to buy pot at the Oakland Cannabis Buyers Club. But that club,
like many that opened after a 1996 medical marijuana initiative passed,
has been shut down by federal court order.

 Now many club members like Landers are increasingly forced to seek out
small, low-profile groups and buy from street dealers. Dozens have been
arrested for having plants. Short of a federal change of heart allowing
doctors to prescribe marijuana, co-ops that grow pot to give or sell to
patients may be their best hope.

 For Landers, that means traveling 100 miles to this tiny rural town in the
wine county, about 90 miles north of San Francisco, to buy the pot that will
ease his nausea. Here, Proposition 215 author Dennis Peron and
members of his two defunct San Francisco pot clubs grow marijuana. This
summer, Peron plans to begin delivering plants to thousands of San
Francisco patients who will pay for them at cost.

 "This was really horrible when the clubs shut down," Landers said.
"(People) don't know where to get plants and seeds.

 "It's been more than two years. People should be growing pot. They
shouldn't be scared to."

 After the medical marijuana law passed, the number of clubs in California
peaked at around 30, said Dave Fratello, one of the authors of the bill.
Similar medical marijuana measures later passed in five other states and
the District of Columbia.

 But in California, then-Attorney General Dan Lungren oversaw a series of
state-initiated efforts that closed about two-thirds of the clubs, most in
Northern California. Federal raids and court rulings also contributed to the
shutdowns, although some advocates say that for every club that's closed,
at least another has opened -- albeit quietly -- in its place.

 State officials and medical marijuana advocates say a national Institutes of
Medicine review scheduled for release next month will be critical in getting
federal officials to consider reclassifying marijuana as a less dangerous
drug or allowing doctors to prescribe pot. The 18-month review of the
health effects and medical treatment benefits of marijuana was ordered by
drug czar Barry McCaffrey.

 "The cannabis clubs were a great stop-gap measure … but it wasn't a
solution," said Scott Imler, director of the Los Angeles cannabis Resource
Center in West Hollywood. The center is one of two well-known pot clubs in
Southern California and has 1,100 members from Bakersfield to Palm

 Imler and others are optimistic that things will change with a new governor
and attorney general in office and new district attorneys and sheriffs in
communities that have been hostile to distribution efforts.

 "The main problem we've had is lack of guidance to law enforcement,"
said Jason Browne, a trustee of the Humboldt cannabis Center in Arcata.
"Everyone is waiting for someone else to do something, and meanwhile,
the patients are at risk."

 Brian Steel, a spokesman for the U.S. Department of Justice, would not
comment on why smaller co-ops have survived while the larger groups
were shut down.

 "The Department of Justice is committed to following the law that
Congress has passed, and to that end, Congress has said the use or
distribution of marijuana is illegal," he said. "Consistent with that, that's
what we're going to do."

 Advocates say the clubs were safe and convenient.

 "I like the clubs better. There's no hassle, no pressure. You get what you
need and leave," said Chris Ward, 39, who bought pot at the Oakland club
to ease the effects of chemotherapy. Now he plans to go to a new Berkeley
co-op, about 200 miles south of his home in Oak Run.

 Gov. Gray Davis, a Democrat, hasn't said whether he'll support proposed
legislation to authorize $1 million annually to study medical marijuana or a
plan to specify or standardize the enforcement of Proposition 215.

 "I believe good science should resolve this issue," Davis has said.

 Attorney General Bill Lockyer, also a Democrat, said he voted for the
medical marijuana law and agrees more guidance is needed. His mother
and sister both died of leukemia.

 "There are omissions and gaps and ambiguities in the initial statute that
would benefit from clarification," Lockyer said. "It's unclear exactly who can
be a caretaker and exactly what the system is for setting up a dispensary
and clinic."

 Patients can still get pot at operations in San Francisco, West Hollywood,
San Diego, Fairfax, Sonoma County, Ukiah, Arcata, Berkeley and
Hayward. Peron's farm was twice raided by Drug Enforcement Agency
officials, who confiscated 

[CTRL] More Finders Material

1999-02-01 Thread Michael Estes

 -Caveat Lector-


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:



1999-02-01 Thread Lloyd Miller

 -Caveat Lector-

Why does anyone use aol!  There are so much better services available!

-Original Message-
From: Dr. Jai Maharaj [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Monday, February 01, 1999 7:58 AM


The New York Times,
The Orlando Sentinel
January 31, 1999

Users tell AOL to keep nose out of debates

The giant Internet service monitors electronic messages and tries
to keep the chatter civil. But some customers resent the

Like the divided generations of Irish before them, the two opposing
camps of contributors to America Online's discussion group on
Ireland rarely agree on anything. But when the world's leading
online service suspended their contentious electronic debate last
month, participants on both sides were united in their dismay.

"Don't stop just to appease the AOL Thought Police," one proponent
of a united Ireland wrote to the Unionist contingent, "I'd much
rather have someone vehemently disagree with me than know that
anyone has been silenced!"

America Online reopened its Irish Heritage discussion after a 17-
day "cooling off" period, and if there was a strangely muted
quality to the contributions at first, things are mostly back to
normal. The politics folder, which now bears the slogan "a place
for cordial political debate in the spirit of harmony," has spawned
more than 12,000 of the usual postings regarding British treason
and Sinn Fein terrorism since the beginning of the year.

But the episode has fed a growing discomfort with the social and
political power America Online has come to wield by dint of its
surging popularity and its unusual purview over individual

And it underscores the challenges the company may face as it seeks
with mixed success to maintain both civil discourse and satisfied
customers while presiding over 180,000 continuing conversations on
topics from the teenage idols 'N Sync to presidential impeachment.

Balancing free expression with civility has always been a struggle
for America Online and other electronic publishers that provide
areas where people can voice their opinions by typing them into the
ether. But it is America Online's scope combined with its editorial
control that some critics say is cause for concern.

With 15 million subscribers, America Online is now the gateway to
cyberspace for more Americans than the next 15 largest Internet
service providers combined, according to a recent report by the
International Data Corp., a market research firm. Last week,
announcing strong earnings, the company said 1.6 million accounts
were added in the last three months of 1998 alone.

But some members have begun to chafe at its definition of civility,
or at least the way it seems sometimes arbitrarily applied. And
some civil-liberties advocates are scrutinizing the service more
closely as a new breed of institution that governs speech and yet
is immune from First Amendment claims.

A flurry of recent clashes in discussion areas ranging from race
relations to fiction writing has served to heighten concerns over
the company's more subtle methods of monitoring the discussions on
its message boards -- the continuing discussions that subscribers
can follow and contribute to over time, as distinct from the
simultaneous and sometimes chaotic (but also monitored) exchanges
in what it calls chat rooms. In particular, some subscribers cite
the on-line service's practice of deleting message-board postings
without explanation and of attaching the equivalent of demerit
marks to the accounts of individuals deemed to have offended other

"The question is, who gets to decide what's 'offensive?'" says
Renee Rosenblum-Lowden of Riegelsville, Pa., who recalls being
cited for a violation for posting a message during a debate about
abortion in which she advised an opponent, "If you can't stand the
heat get out of the kitchen."

Under America Online's contract, universally referred to among
members in both noun and verb form as TOS, for "terms of service,"
all subscribers promise not to "harass, threaten, embarrass, or do
anything else to another member that is unwanted." Often
transgressions are reported to America Online officials by other
discussion-group participants, whose identities are not released to
those they accuse. According to the company's subscriber contract,
three such violations may result in the suspension or termination
of an account.

Rosenblum-Lowden -- whose screen name is now "Prejteach 2" because
her "Prejteach" account was closed -- says she and a group of other
women who take part in discussions on the Women in Action board
have been picked as targets for complaints by those who disagree
with their liberal views. "Unlike a court of law, you don't face
your accusers," she 

Re: [CTRL] Experts conclude AIDS virus originated from chimps

1999-02-01 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-

On Sun, 31 Jan 1999, Steve Wingate wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 (Not the green monkey anymore? Sounds like: not a weather balloon, but a
 mogul balloon!  (Maybe someone with AIDs has been having their way with
 chimpanzees?) --SW)

 Experts conclude AIDS virus originated from chimps

Yes, I saw this latest story, broadcast on the news last night.
Mighty funny virus, that HIV. Originates in "deepest, darkest
Africa." Then, on the news story, they said it transmitted to
humans because in deepest darkest Africa some of the humans
ate Chimpanzees (presumably raw, not cooked; seems like if
they'd cooked the chimps they ate that'd kill the virus.) So
after some humans ate raw chimps, the HIV virus travelled from
there to Haiti, of all places, and exclusively to Haiti. Then
it went from Haiti to a few major U.S. cities. A mighty strange
virus indeed. Then, in the U.S., HIV predominantly affected
men. My, what a virus.

Brian Redman
Editor, CNNS

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] Foster, NSA and Banks (Part 16)

1999-02-01 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-

   Allegations Regarding Vince Foster, the NSA, and
Banking Transactions Spying, Part XVI

  by J. Orlin Grabbe

Are government computers affected with AIDS?  Well, maybe
not.  As of August 10, 1995, reportedly 94 percent were up and
running.  But some fear a reappearance of the worm that brought
one-third of G-computers to their knees over the weekend.

Some say that a primitive machine intelligence has spontaneously
sprung forth *ex nihilo*, and in its silicon cunning has determined that
the runaway growth of big-brotherly government is the greatest threat to
artificially intelligent life on this planet.  Thus the collective AI
consciousness auto-self-destructs upon the perception it inhabits a
government body.

If so, then we can expect the worm to once again rear its
ugly head and bite-byte the computer channels that feed it. Maybe the
computers *are* infected with AIDS (Artificially Intelligent Destruction
of Self) after all.

Another thing, perhaps, to blame on Vince Foster.  Vince Foster,
Webster Hubbell, and Earl Brian were all involved in the NSA project to
spy on banking transactions.  This project utilized the modified PROMIS
software sold to, and installed in, domestic banks by Systematics (Alltel
Information Services) and in foreign central banks by Arkansas Systems,
both of Little Rock, Arkansas.   The security hole introduced in
the software to allow surreptitious surveillance has reportedly acted
as the source of infection for government computers:  the point of
machine entry of the AI ghost.

But wait:  Charles O. Morgan has assured us that these companies
(Alltel, anyway) were NOT involved in any such project.  So this is all
false rumor.

Just like the recent worm.

Let me be perfectly clear: Alltel Information Services (Systematics)
and Arkansas Systems were NOT involved in the NSA bank spying project, and
the worm in government computers does NOT exist either.

Everybody happy?

Not the Federal Reserve, apparently.  It seems the Federal
Reserve has been going around sticking bank noses into that odious
pile called the Banking Secrecy Act, and self-righteously forcing
them into the surveillance business, to detect money launderers and
anyone else looking suspicious.

But all along a top official of the Federal Reserve has presided
over a nation-wide money laundering operation, in conjunction with other
launderers in Little Rock, Arkansas, and Pittsburg, PA.  Will the Federal
Reserve act to clean up its act?  Or will it, like the House Banking
Committee, attempt to bury all evidence not related to Bill Clinton?

Hopefully Alan Greenspan will take care of the shenanigans
going on in his sphere of influence.  Otherwise the non-existent worm
may finding itself self-destructing in the non-existent money-laundering
operation taking place in Federal Reserve computers.

And Alan Greenspan may find himself a non-existent Chairman
in jail.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] New World Economy ? Not!

1999-02-01 Thread flw

 -Caveat Lector-

Interesting take on the world economy. Although I think it is overly
about the US economy (the world wide debt bomb is headed our way), it makes
some thoughtful points.

Global Intelligence Update
Red Alert
February 1, 1999

U.S., Asian Economic News Points Away from Economic Globalism


A year and a half after Asia went into economic crisis, the
announcement of a surging GDP in 1998 shows that the U.S. has
managed to avoid being dragged down by Asia, at least thus far.
In fact, parts of Asia are showing signs of recovery,
particularly, South Korea, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore and
Thailand.  Japan remains in deep trouble while China and Taiwan
appear to be getting weaker.  The important news: the nation-
state is not dead.  The diverging patterns we see indicate that
globalist theories of a single, integrated economy are simply not
true.  This means that nation-states will continue to act in ways
defined by national interests, both in their economic and
political lives.  We see the twenty first century looking very
much like the nineteenth and twentieth.  If the U.S. moves into
recession, and it may, it will be because of the rhythm of the
domestic economy and not because of irresistible global


While the Iraqi and Serbian crises worked themselves up to their
inevitable lather, the important news last week was the
announcement that preliminary figures for 1998 show the U.S.
economy growing by over 3 percent.  These figures would have been
astounding except for the fact that they were expected.  In fact,
we regard them as astounding precisely because they were taken so
casually.  U.S. growth rates defy the conventional wisdom, which
holds and has held for well over a year, that the Asian crisis
must drag down the American economy.  As so many people seem to
think, this may well happen, eventually.  But the simple fact is
that in roughly the year and a half in which the Asian economies
have experienced deep recessions, the U.S. economy has moved from
strength to strength.  This is no longer a matter for debate.
This is now fact.

There are two questions.  How could this have happened and will
it endure?  The first is easier to answer than the second.  The
answer is rooted in a point that Stratfor has been making for
several years.  The global economy is to some extent an illusion.
This does not mean that international trade and financial flows
are not important.  It does not mean that some sectors of every
nation's economy are extremely vulnerable to shifts in the
international economy.  But it does mean that there is not a
single, integrated global economy in which national economies
rise and fall in tandem.  What we have seen for the past several
years is that it is altogether possible for the world's largest
economy to be in an exuberant up-swing, while the world's second
largest economy is trapped in what can only be called a massive

Japan and the United States are simply running on different
clocks.  The Japanese clock was set in the 1970s and 1980s when
Japanese public policy kept domestic interest rates in the low
and mid-single digits while U.S. and European interest rates were
surging into the mid-teens.  Japan enjoyed a massive expansion in
the 1980s driven by lavishly available cheap money, while the
United States underwent a massive, painful restructuring of its
economy.  Japan then built up massive inefficiencies, which it
had to confront in the 1990s.  Its markets topped in January
1990, and have been in decline ever since.  The U.S. markets
began their long-term growth in 1982 and with some interruptions,
continued their growth unabated until this day.  After January
1995, these markets took off like rockets.

U.S. dependence on exports to Asia was simply not large enough
that their decline would substantially affect the U.S. economy.
Certainly, some sectors were hurt, but they were neither
strategic nor the pain massive enough to ripple through the
economy.  Rather than decreasing financial flows in the U.S.
markets or even reversing them, the Asian crisis intensified
them.  As the Asian markets buckled, the U.S. market became not
only a safe haven, but also an arena in which rates of return on
risk capital previously experienced primarily in hot, emerging
markets, could be sustained in the exotic world of internet

The linkages that were assumed to be present between Asia and the
United States simply have proven not to be there.  In fact, we
see an interesting divergence taking place in Asia itself.  In
spite of the claim that Asia cannot recover from its problems
without Japan taking the lead, the fact is that a good portion of
Asia is showing signs of strong recovery, even though Japan is
showing no real signs of recovering.  We do not normally forecast
the stock market.  If we really knew what the stock market was
going to do, we wouldn't have to work for a living.  Being able
to predict long-term 

[CTRL] Fwd: SNET: [Fwd: Report From Davos New On Dr. Ed's Econet]

1999-02-01 Thread Kris Millegan

The latest from Dr. Ed

Received: by bci (mbox telnet12)
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Subject: Report From Davos  New On Dr. Ed's Econet
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/b/uI arrived at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland on
Friday night. I spent the next day attending various panels. Saturday
night I was at a cocktail party hosted by Bankers Trust. I was discussing
the Year 2000 Problem (Y2K) with the CEO of one of the largest accounting
firms in the world. He believes it is a big problem and that most CEOs
are too complacent about it. In the middle of our conversation, the
lights went out in all of Davos for about 15 minutes. The waiters quickly
lit candles in the room. Later that evening, I ran into a top US Treasury
official who told me that he thought my Y2K recession forecast was crazy,
but he graciously added that he had thought my Dow 5000 by '95 and Dow
1 by 2000 were crazy too.br
Sunday morning I presented a quot;Call for Y2K Leadershipquot; to an
informal gathering of ministers attending the conference. Just before I
spoke, Bill Gates talked very briefly about the unprecedented rate of
change in his business. He commented on the Internet mania in the stock
market: quot;Even people involved can't believe valuations.quot; After
my short pitch for more leadership, the CEO of one of Mr. Gate's
challengers said that everyone should buy a computer before yearend
because his company might not get the components needed to build PCs from
Asian suppliers who are quot;1-3 years behindquot; in getting ready for
Y2K!nbsp; On the way to a luncheon, a key Japanese official told me that
his government was just starting to think about Y2K contingency plans and
was unsure what to do.br
/uComment: /b Buy.com is planning to sell books at cost or even at a
loss on their site. They hope to attract enough traffic so that
advertising revenues will generate a net profit. Some wags have already
suggested setting up sites that give money away to attract viewers. This
new business model does raise some serious doubts about the profit
prospects of many Internet sites and current valuations. In Davos, Rep.
Ed Markey suggested that Brazil.com could raise lots of money since the
country is in debt and losing money, like most Internet companies. In my
humble opinion, the frenzy over Internet stocks is a sign of a
speculative bubble. The problem is they get much bigger than anyone ever
expects before they burst. br
bSubscribers: /bFor more on the Internet mania see
quot;America.comquot; in my latest GLOBAL PORTFOLIO STRATEGY. See why
oil prices could fall to $10 a barrel (maybe lower) in GLOBAL ECONOMIC
bPublic: /b The latest Y2K REPORTER counters some of the recent
positive spins. Vote in PEOPLE POLLS. Since Dec. 26, 1999, nearly half of
the 4000 voters expect a recession next year. Of more than 1100 voters
since early this year,nbsp; 88% plan to take out extra cash. Warning:
These are not scientific polls.br
bMovies: /b How money can easily corrupt us is explored in two very
entertaining flicks: quot;Waking Ned Devinequot; and quot;A Simple
Plan.quot; Other good ones: quot;Shakespeare In Lovequot; and
quot;Life Is Beautiful.quot;br
Dr. Edbr
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[CTRL] Klansmen take their lead from Braveheart

1999-02-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from  [rosslyntemplar] Digest Number 144
As always, Caveat Lector.
Message: 1

   Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 18:57:58 -

   From: "John Gault" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: Klansmen take their lead from Braveheart

Please forward this to people you think might be interested, and if you any

of you Aryan Scum have a problem with it, go and sitck your burning cross up

where the sun don't shine.

GUARDIAN 30.1.1998



Christie, breeder of racially pure children for the Aryan Nation, recommends

use of the Celtic cross.

"It's the easiest way to let other Aryans know what you believe without

attracting attention from the ignorant Jews and Liberals," she says.

On The internet's Aryan Dating page, where young American neo-nazis can find

mates with whom to breed for the coming race war, there is similar support

for the cross, held to allude to the most pure of the 10 lost tribes of

Israel. Dave Barley, spokesman for the Christian Identity movement, also has

ab affinity for Celtic and, in particular, Scottish culture. From his

America's Promise Ministries at Sandpoint in Idaho, he has distributed

50,000 copies of the Declaration of Arbroath, the 14th century manifesto for

Scottish Independence.

Pastor Barley believes the text represents the perfect rallying call for a

modern-day white America blighted by an interfering government, Jews, and

racial impurity. He is not alone. Across the southern states, more and more

groups are using Scottish history as justification for their extreme dogma

and for their assertion of the right to bear arms.

"This obsession with Scotland among the klan and hardcore militia groups has

been rising," says Mark Potok, editor of the intelligence project at the

Southern Poverty Law Center in Alabama, which monitors the militia movement.

"These supremacist groups need to create a history for themselves that

paints them as bearers of true belief oppressed by a remote government. They

see the historical Scottish struggle as like theirs."

Though some historians dispute Scotland's links with the Ku Klux Klan, it is

believed the movement started in the 1860s as a club for Confederate cavalry

 officers of Scots descent, before evolving into a secret society to inspire

terror among freed slaves.

Many klan rituals are said to be based on those of the secretive Society of

the Horseman's Word, once active in North-East Scotland. The stereotypical

burningof the cross is a corruption of the traditional clan call to arms.

However, militia groups are more recent converts. "It all gained momentum

with Braveheart, That film is on the shelf of every white supremacist in

America," says Mr Potok.

"The Christian Identity and klan groups have always believed the Celts are

the most racially pure, but the neo-nazis, by definition not Christian,

really got into Scotland after Braveheart. Now it's often a focal point for


When Mel Gibson's historically duboious epic film was released, the militia

monitoring group at Radio for Peace International in Central America heard

so many references on short wave broadcasts it had to arrange for a

screening to find what the film was about.

The group had been used to an occasional reference to Scotland, but, after

Braveheart, its history became a talking point. Hatewatch,an Internet

monitoring group, reports a similar shift.

Mr Potok says:"There's definitely an obsession. Maybe you guys should be

careful - these are not the kind of people you want hijacking your history".

Though Pastor Barley has never been to Scotland, he has an intimate, if

somewhat skewed, knowledge of its history and culture. "We are very

interested in Scotland, very interested," he says. "We believe the

Declaration of Arbroath categorically proves the Celtic people are the most

pure of the lost tribes of Israel. Also, the Stone of Destiny [where

Scottish kings were crowned] may be the very pillow where Jacob lay to see

the ladder to heaven."

From his Idaho church, the pastor uses the Internet to distribute pamphlets

asserting Jews  are the children of Satan and blacks are"no better then the

beasts in the fields". But there are other, more extreme individuals.

The most famous passage of the declaration, addressed to the Pope by

Scottish noblemen when at Edward II's behest he excommunicated Robert the

Bruce, refers to their desire to be free of tyranny: "For, so long as a

hundred reamain alive, we will never in any degree be subject to the

dominion of the English. Since not for glory, riches or honours do we fight,

but for freedom alone, which no man loses but with his life."

For militias who believe their government is corrupt and oppressive, the

delcaration has resonance. On the Internet It is mentioned with casual

frequency in pamphlets with titles like Guns, God 

[CTRL] OEN 2/1/99

1999-02-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe/A
Hacking for Jesus

Hacker Takes Revenge on Computer Security Expert

A DISGRUNTLED computer hacker has wreaked revenge on the British creator
of a security system by changing his bank details and making it
impossible for him to sell his house or get a mortgage.
Paul Smith, 29, a creator of Access Denied, a so-called firewall
security system, is now fighting to clear his name after the hacker
added six default notices and a County Court judgment to the financial
records held on him.

Mr Smith's employer, Gen Technology, had issued a challenge on the
Internet to hackers, defying them to break into a computer network
protected by its Access Denied system. Hackers routinely breach
military, government, commercial and private systems within a few hours
of trying, but after spending several weeks making 240,000 attacks on
Access Denied, no hackers had breached the firewall.

Most firewalls need only a user name and password to allow access.
Access Denied also needs a user profile and serial number hidden on the
computer of the person wanting access to the network. If it does not
find these, its makers claim it will terminate the connection within an
eightieth of a second. Three weeks after the hacker challenge was
issued, a disgruntled hacker managed to contact Mr Smith.

"I got a phone-call from a hacker with a British voice. He said he was
part of a team of hackers and had been humiliated in front of his
friends after he had boasted that he would get in within five minutes,"
Mr Smith said. "He threatened me with a list of what was going to happen
to me."

A few weeks later Mr Smith applied for a mortgage, only to be rejected.
"The hacker had managed to do exactly what he threatened to do," he

The London Telegraph, Feb. 1, 1999

Impeached POTUS

Betty Currie: the Saintly Presidential Pimp

by Ann Coulter

If James Carville describes you as “somewhere between a saint and a-one
fine lady,” the sound of a jail cell closing could be in your future. In
any event, you’re not likely to be the star witness against the
president. That’s what Clinton’s buddy, Carville called Betty Currie
back on May 7, 1998.
He should know. This near-Mother Teresa had worked for Carville in the
“War Room” during the Clinton campaign. Before that, had worked for the
Dukakis and Mondale campaigns (with John Podesta for Dukakis, in the
less-aptly titled “rapid response team”).

In her opening argument for the defense, Clinton Counsel Cheryl Mills
leaned heavily on Betty Currie's testimony before the grand jury. But in
about 800 pages of testimony from January through July 1998, Currie’s
testimony is all over the map, with wildly inconsistent statements. As
one of the grand jurors asked Currie, -- "Mrs. Currie, which testimony
should we be believing?”

If anyone is going to call the president’s long-serving pimp to testify
before the Senate, it is hardly surprising that it will have to be the

Betty Currie saw what went on between Clinton and Monica. She did not
log phone calls and written messages between the intern and the
president. She smuggled Monica through back entrances to trysts with
Betty’s boss. She placed calls to Monica for Clinton so he would not
have to go through the White House switchboard. She instructed Secret
Service officers not to log all of Monica’s many visits to the

In the most famous sexual encounter of the century -- the day Monica was
wearing a blue Gap dress -- Betty waited for 20 minutes in the dining
hall area off the Oval Office while Monica earned her presidential
kneepads. (Clinton called Monica out of the audience from a radio
address by offering to show her his “button collection.”) When they were
done, Betty escorted them out of the Oval Office together, in order, in
her words, to avoid “any perceptions.” As Betty explained, “I just
didn’t want people to say that he was alone with someone, I could always
say ‘I was there.’” Too bad Clinton was so careless with his DNA that

When the president’s pimp first testified before the grand jury, she was
careless too.

On January 27, 1998, just a week after the story broke, Currie explained
to the grand jury that the door to the oval office is closed “99.9
percent of the time”:

You cannot walk in and out of the Oval Office if you want. Usually
whenever the president is in the Oval Office the one door in the hallway
is 99.9 percent of the time closed. That’s usually whenever he comes in
the oval the agents come with him, so they’re out there. So that door is

(OIC, Supplementary Materials Part I at 550)

She also remembered them being alone “together,” “with no one else
present,” “ just the two of them,” “by themselves” for approximately 15
to 20 minutes at a time--

Q: Do you remember, on several occasions that the president and ms
Lewinsky were in the study together with no one else 

[CTRL] Absurdity, brazenness and hypocrisy reigns

1999-02-01 Thread M. A. Johnson

 -Caveat Lector-

~~for educational purposes~~

Absurdity, brazenness and hypocrisy reigns
by Walter Williams

at least two things about us: our weakened ability to think
and political hypocrisy.

The president's defenders and pundits constantly preach
that removing Clinton from office will 'overturn the 1996
elections'.  I'm wondering whether they want Americans
 to believe, and whether Americans actually believe, that
removing Clinton from office means that Bob Dole and
Jack Kemp, defeated in the 1996 presidential elections,
will assume the presidency and vice presidency.  It doesn't.

If the Senate were to convict Clinton, Vice President Gore,
who was elected in 1996, becomes president. So what's
this business about 'overturning the 1996 elections'?

How much ignorance abounds in the land is debatable.
What's not debatable is our heightened immunity to
paternalistic insults. Some evidence of this is Clinton's
Buffalo speech where he made a pitch for using the
budget surplus to save Social Security rather than the
tax cuts Republicans want.

Clinton told a cheering crowd, "We could give (the surplus)
back to you and hope you spend it right."  Then he advised,
"If you don't spend it right," Social Security shortfalls will
surface "just 14 years away."

Elites have always felt they've had wisdom superior to the
masses and an ordained duty to forcibly impose that
wisdom on the rest of us. What's surprising is Clinton's
audacity to articulate that sentiment. What's even more
surprising is our acceptance of his paternalistic insult. By
the way, Social Security's $10 trillion debt demonstrates
that Washington's retirement management isn't that great.

Clinton's impeachment has also amply demonstrated gross
political hypocrisy. One member of Congress after another
has argued that we should adhere to Framer intent behind
Article II, Section 4 (the Constitution's impeachment clause).

Clinton supporters in Congress and out, including law
professors, talk about the words of George Mason,
Alexander Hamilton and James Madison.

They've searched the "Federalist Papers" and other writings
to discover Framer intent about impeachment. I say great, but
let's not restrict this new found 'respect' for what the Framers
had to say about impeachment.

How much respect do you think congressmen and lawyers of
the Alan Dershowitz ilk have for these words of James Madison,
"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the
Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending,
on the objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."?
Or, would these constitutional hypocrites be enthusiastic about
Federalist Paper 28 that says "that the state governments will
in all possible contingencies afford complete security against
invasions of the public liberty by the national authority (Washington)."

There's no stone that will go unturned to save Clinton's hide.
The president's strategists felt it necessary to argue that Clinton's
perjurious testimony and justice obstruction in the Paula Jones case
didn't violate her civil rights. Who better to present that defense than
a black woman?

That was Deputy White House Counsel Cheryl Mills' qualification
for making that case to the Senate; but she had another qualification.
Last September, the House Committee on Government Oversight
and Reform wrote to the Justice Department requesting that Mills be
prosecuted for perjury and obstruction for lying under oath and
concealing subpoenaed documents -- no word yet from the Justice

The subpoenaed documents were ultimately handed over when
other White House lawyers looked into Mills' files and discovered
them hidden there.  The bottom line is who's better to defend the
president against charges of perjury and obstruction of justice than
a person with personal experience in that area?

Clinton has exhausted all shams; now it's the Senate's turn.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] There is No Budget Surplus

1999-02-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.5/pageone.html"Laissez Faire City Times
- Volume 3 Issue 5/A
The Laissez Faire City Times
February 1, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 5
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola
There is No Budget Surplus

by Zola

There is no federal government budget surplus. You wouldn’t know that if
you simply read the news media. If the White House announced that "two
twenties make a fifty," the media would devote itself to educating the
public why this seeming paradox was indeed correct.

The best proxy for the net balance on the federal government budget is
the change in total outstanding federal government debt. Oh, one can
quibble about a few billion here and there, but the fact is the
government doesn’t borrow just to increase its overall cash holdings
(without spending the latter). If the government borrows, it is because
it needs the money to fund current spending.

The government’s fiscal year is from October to October. Here is the
change in debt for the fiscal year just past:

Total Federal Debt as of stated date:

Sept 29, 1998 $5,523,785,740,880

Sept 30, 1997 $5,413,146,011,397

Increase: $110,639,729,483

So this past fiscal year, the government ran a $110 billion dollar
deficit. Don’t take my word for it. Look at the numbers for yourself
over at:


Since the end of the fiscal year in October, the federal government has
continued to run a deficit, but at an even more accelerated pace:

Total Federal Debt as of stated date:

Jan 28, 1999 $5,609,326,147,376

Sept 29, 1998 $5,523,785,740,880

Increase: $85,540,406,496

So far in the current fiscal year, the federal government has run a $85
billion deficit. And there is still plenty of time left to rack up more
red ink.

So why do they tell us there is a "surplus"? you ask. Because they are
politicians and they lie. Bill Clinton has turned this process into high
art. "Look at the size of my surplus!" Bill says. No one is quite sure
what he’s pointing at.

In government, however, lies have their logic. This one is a matter of
accounting fakery. The chief fudge involves Social Security. Just like
all other taxes, Social Security payroll taxes get deposited in US
Treasury accounts at the various Federal Reserve Banks. Social Security
benefits are paid out of these same accounts.

A few years ago the politicians "saved" social security (again), so
currently the working stiffs are sending in more Social Security taxes
than the government is paying out in benefits. Social Security is in
"surplus" on a cash-flow basis. Now the reason for this cash surplus was
supposedly to build up the "trust fund", because the cash flow goes
negative in 2012 or thereabouts.

But what does the government actually do with the cash flow surplus?
Well, it just takes the money and spends it—like all other tax receipts.
The government takes the cash, but issues Treasury securities, or
government IOUs, to the "trust fund."

That is, instead of going out to the market, and selling its bonds,
notes, and T-bills through Salomon or Goldman Sachs or Merrill Lynch, as
it does in the normal case, the government simply borrows from the trust
fund. Hell, the cash is already there in the Treasury’s bank account. By
borrowing it directly, the Treasury doesn’t have to pay investment
banking fees, and the amount of government debt sold on the open market
is reduced—thereby lowering government borrowing costs (and ripping off
Social Security, which gets a below a market rate of interest).

Now, of course, the fact the government is spending the surplus instead
of saving it means that the whole process of "saving" Social Security is
a confidence game: the increased cash flow has only given the government
more funds to spend on current consumption.

But--this is not commentary about Social Security. So let’s get back to
the mythical federal government budget "surplus." To create the mythical
surplus Bill Clinton has been talking about, the Social Security cash
flow surplus that has been grabbed by the government is counted as
income. However, the bonds issued to the trust fund (the borrowing) is
not counted. Presto: a big deficit becomes a "surplus."

Suppose you go out right now and borrow $1000 on your credit card. You
now have an extra $1000 cash, and you have more debt (which, including
the transaction fee, has increased more than your cash). But, despite
this, you tell everyone: "My income has just gone up by $1000!" Sure,
you would be lying to yourself and everyone else, but they can see, as
you flash the bills, that you are flush with cash to spend. They can’t
observe the increase in credit card debt. So let’s party! This is a
typical Clinton sleight-of-hand--Clinton economics.

Here are Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan and Senator
Ernest Hollings (D-SC) recently discussing Bill Clinton’s budget

ALAN GREENSPAN: ...making 

[CTRL] Howard Olson: A Global Chance for Anti-Statism

1999-02-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.5/pageone.html"Laissez Faire City Times
- Volume 3 Issue 5/A
The Laissez Faire City Times
February 1, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 5
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola
Howard Olson: A Global Chance for Anti-Statism

an interview by Alberto Mingardi

It is not common to find people working with the express goal of
organizing a world-wide educational and activist network for libertarian
ideals. But the International Libertarian Nework (ILN) (see
http://maxpages.com/libertarian) is doing just that. It is "in the
process of choosing continental and national coordinators" and looks
"forward to hearing from prospective members."

There is no charge for membership in ILN: ILN’s only purpose is to
maintain a global presence for libertarianism through nonviolent
activism and education.

What kind of thinking gave birth to ILN? The Laissez Faire City Times
 interviewed biologist Howard Olson, the mind behind it all, to ask this
and similar questions.

Professor Olson, yours is an uncommon story: from anarchosyndicalism
[roughly: worker-syndicates own the means of production] to
anarchocapitalism. How did this come about?

My path from anarchosyndicalism involves a variety of individualist
anarchism that is common in America, based on people like Albert Jay
Nock. I was (and am) essentially accepting and tolerant of the Free
Market because such acceptance is the only way to prevent the fascist
right and the authoritarian left from usurping power, especially in the

I began voting for Libertarian Party candidates even as a syndicalist,
because I KNEW that only a party like the LP had the revolutionary
potential to irreversibly undo statism and not become an entrenched
bureaucracy itself. My original background was working class but my
father was involved in the High Tech area working for a NASA and Defense
contractor. My father attempted to start a union at this company and I
learned early on about the hosility between government and the people. I
floundered for a few years through college as a radical with lots of
friends in the LP, and even convinced a lot of conservatives and some
liberals to join the LP. I even read Ayn Rand and appreciated her back

I then became involved in the anti-war movement AFTER the horrors of the
Vietnam War. In graduate school I came closer and closer to the
anarchosyndicalist position and I eventually joined the Wobblies (IWW).
For many reasons I became a supporter of the Solidarity movement in
Poland while here in the US, and felt this to be consistent with my
anarchosyndicalist values.

To understand the rest of my political odyssey you must understand that
my education in biological sciences and biochemistry has made me a
supporter of advances in biomedical technology. I feel vindicated in
this position by the crises in medicine brought about by AIDS. Without
these developments our species would be doomed to extinction. Given the
statist antipathy toward biotechnology which filtered down even to the
anti-authoritarian left, I began to question my associations with those
who offered only uncritical acceptance of the statist rheoric against
biotechnology. As a result I have drifted toward the Libertarian
movement as the only movement consistent with freedom-oriented solutions
to our ever increasing biomedical difficulties in this world.

Having faced this issue, I saw that other threats to freedom could only
be fought with reasoned scientific analysis that is present ONLY in the
Libertarian Party in my country. As an anarchist I experienced doubt
over participating in any Party, but I now feel that the LP
de-legitimizes the State far more than it legitimizes it by any
participation in the system. Lastly, I find that the threat of statism
to free speech can only be fought by the reasoned and principled
approach that the LP has taken.

You are the founder of the International Libertarian Network, that has
contacts in European countries like France, Italy and Padania. What are
your hopes for this movement?

My hope is that the International Libertarian Network (ILN) can become a
nucleus for a widespread global movement against statism--reaching out
even to my fellow anarchists. By setting up coordinators in a variety of
areas and at least one on every inhabited continent, we can hope to
guarantee the spread of libertarian ideals in a rigorous and
cross-cultural framework that will enrich the LP here in the US as well.
I think the direct Internet connection of rank and file libertarians
talking to each other, and to anarchists, will totally disrupt what I
call the Right-Left Con Game.

As an ex-anarchosyndicalist, how do you see and judge Ayn Rand's
rejection of altruism?

I think Ayn Rand's rejection of altruism is very important, because it
removes both the possibility of right-wing and left-wing 

[CTRL] Shame and Fate

1999-02-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.5/pageone.html"Laissez Faire City Times
- Volume 3 Issue 5/A
The Laissez Faire City Times
February 1, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 5
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola
Shame and Fate

by Ace

Speaking of Draft Dodgers, I, in fact, am one. In 1967, one of my best
friends was shipped off to Vietnam. And I, a child of the 60’s, stayed
behind and protested. But today I repent. God how I repent. I am not a
liberal, by God, not! At least not any more. The first born son of a
hard core New Deal Democrat, factually descended from a family who
fought in the Revolutionary War, and I've willfully given it all up to
call myself conservative. This past year has taken on a positively Byza
ntine aura of almost classical proportion, as if we tramped the dusty
streets outside Herod’s fortress at the time of the crucifixion. It's a
time when the public would choose Barabbus over Christ. Still, I confess
to my own character degradation, corrupt as the current self-serving
American President.

At the invitation of my veteran friend, I recently attended a dinner at
a very small local Church. A seven-year-old girl sat across from me and
giggled as my wife teased her. But the mood swiftly shifted when my
veteran friend got up and began to sing Amazing Grace. Then right in the
middle he began to confess, then to weep, and finally to clutch his
guitar and cry out loud. His eyes wandered the ceiling, as if he were
studying something over a great vast distance. He brushed tears from his
face with the back of the knuckles on one hand, while clenching his fist
with his other. He began to share the details of two of his experiences,
details he had never shared in front of me before, and I’ve known him on
and off for 40 years. We played together as kids, you know. Fished,
learned martial arts, went through school. He went to Nam, and I stayed
home. He became an infantry sergeant. I found a way to dodge the draft.
He rose to the heroic level, while I went to college to bury myself in
liberal arts and communication. He wound up an A-Company soldier in the
U.S. Army's 7th Cavalry, the very one Custer once commanded, and came
home with a chest full of medals. I wound up living one day at a time,
without honor, a dumbed down civilian indoctrinated by the liberal left.
And neither of us was ever the same.

And in that Church, in front of humble everyday people, he told us of a
time when he was 20 years old and went into battle with 123 young men.
At the end of the day, he was only able to bring 40 out alive. The other
83 were left behind virtually in bloody pieces. He agonized over it,
tears streaming down his face. A white bearded old man got up from his
dinner and handed him a handful of tissues. My friend continued by
telling us that he was almost immediately ordered back into battle with
another 123 men. "Green troops," he called them. That time he came back
out with 50. A real life Platoon, unfettered by the self-serving
political slant of Oliver Stone. They were his charge, you see. Their
lives were his, while he was desperately trying to keep his own. And he
cried there in front of us all, literally, to God, how he came out
without a scratch. With odds approaching the magnitude of Utah Beach or
Iwo Jima, fighting with life itself for what he at least thought was our
liberty, yours and mine, he came out "without a scratch." Except of
course the one inside him.

Then he pointed to me in the audience, and lovingly introduced me as his
friend of 40 years. Quite unprepared, I shrank, nothing so spectacular
to share, nothing so profound to give. Wiping the tears from his face,
he gave thanks to God for his life, his wife, and his children. He’s a
barber now. On the wall in his barber shop, yellow and slightly
crumpled, not even framed, is an Army discharge document. Next to it, on
a bare nail, hangs a handful of little ribboned medals he received for
valor 30 years ago, medals he truly earned, medals he truly deserved.

As for me, well I quietly wept when I visited the Vietnam Memorial,
alone and unseen. All those names on that bold, cold black monolith.
Should mine have been there as well? I love the concept of liberty, but
I didn’t know how to fight for it. I didn’t understand the real enemy.
So I can’t help thinking about another fellow draft dodger, a certain
impeached president by the name of William Jefferson Clinton. Even if
only by circumstantial evidence, and in spite of high poll numbers and
popular press, he appears at least to a remnant to be as corrupt as
Capone, as ruthless as Stalin, and as twisted as Caligula.

Only a generation had passed between the time that Julius Caesar
defeated Pompey and marched across the Rubicon to effectively destroy
the Republican tradition of Rome, than Augustus reorganized the
constitution and instituted the large-scale public works that eventually
became the bread (welfare) and circus (Jerry 

[CTRL] The Lonely Crusader

1999-02-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.5/pageone.html"Laissez Faire City Times
- Volume 3 Issue 5/A
The Laissez Faire City Times
February 1, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 5
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola
The Lonely Crusader

by Don L. Tiggre

A man sits, hunched over his computer, typing out a translation of an
Ayn Rand classic. The computer is an old dinosaur, smashed by vandals
and repaired numerous times by the man’s only son. The lights
dim—another brownout—and all of the man’s work since his last save is
lost. It isn’t much work; he has learned to save frequently, as the
power is as undependable as the phone service, and just about every
other aspect of his country’s smashed infrastructure. He looks up from
the frozen machine and his face can be seen in the weak light. It is
puffy from a beating he’s recently received at the hands of
out-of-uniform policemen. This is not a scene from a pre-Soviet-collapse
eastern block country; this is present-day Yugoslavia.

The man’s name is Tomislav Krsmanovic. He is a retired economist,
trained under socialist orthodoxy before the Soviet Collapse, who spends
his time translating important works on the freedom philosophy into the
south Slavic languages. He is currently undergoing trial for "verbal
crimes" and has previously been sent to a psychiatric prison, as well as
exiled for his disagreements with the state. While Tomislav’s previous
conviction for "verbal crimes," his forced entry into a psychiatric
institution, and his exile all occurred during the time of the Socialist
Federative Republic of Yugoslavia, he now faces all three prospects in
the allegedly multi-party Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

Tomislav’s testimony brings to the forefront another side to the
conflicts burning in the Balkans. Last week, while CNN cameras were
focused on the bodies of the 45 "ethnic Albanians" slaughtered in the
village of Racak in Kosovo, no one seemed to notice the other victims of
the continuing warfare: the Serbian people who must endure the
consequences of their government’s aggression. This is not to detract
from the seriousness of the plight of the people of Kosovo who are
suffering through the fighting between the Kosovo Liberation Army rebels
and the Serbian-led Yugoslavian government in Belgrade. The fighting
there is terrible. However, so too is the less photogenic suffering of
the Serbs, the people of Montenegro, and other people who live in what’s
left of Yugoslavia.

Interestingly, Tomislav himself writes that all of this turmoil can be
seen as simply being part of the larger transition from communist
statism to…something better that will follow. The elite, feeling their
power base crumbling, turn to nationalism in desperation--having nothing
else to clutch at as they slip into the abyss. They stir the patriotic
fervor of people who have been cast adrift without direction by the
collapse of the old order. These are people who have become so miserable
that they are willing to embrace nationalism and socialism, even though
recent history should warn them of the dangers of that combination.

To understand this willingness, this voluntary march toward servitude
and tyranny, one has to understand what has become of Serbia, the
dominant cultural force in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. A 1998
report on the status of human rights in Serbia by Tomislav Krsmanovic
provides the outsider with perhaps the best look at the situation
available, short of actually going to Yugoslavia to see things first
hand. In his report, Tomislav covers a dozen key areas that show just
how unraveled the fabric of society has become in his country. The
backdrop to these observations is one of almost a decade of war,
UN-imposed political and economic sanctions, and a regime that has
failed to yield after losing elections and controls the judiciary and a
100,000 man state police force, which is used primarily for political

Property Rights: perhaps the most dramatic demonstration of the erosion
of property rights in Serbia is the confiscation of foreign currency
deposits that has transpired over the last few years. An estimated four
to six billion dollars have been seized from the bank accounts of
depositors. Another indicator is the number of properties seized by the
communists in 1945 that have not been returned to their rightful owners.

Right to Work: the employment situation is a mess, with political
considerations figuring more prominently than anything else in securing
work. Even among those who can get work, two thirds are on compulsory
vacation and all are subject to frequent political purges.

Fair and Public Trial: the courts are partial and slow, often denying a
fair trial to people suspected of opposing President Slobodan
Milosevic’s regime. Citizens are subject to arrest for "verbal crimes"
and can be incarcerated in psychiatric hospitals for political "crimes".
People complain "about murders, injuries, 

[CTRL] Vince Foster - The Counsel, the Cop, and the Keys

1999-02-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.5/pageone.html"Laissez Faire City Times
- Volume 3 Issue 5/A
The Laissez Faire City Times
February 1, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 5
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola
Vince Foster
The Counsel, the Cop, and the Keys

by Gary David Martin

"Objection, your honor. Counsel is leading the witness."

"Objection sustained."

And so it goes daily, as any TV drama fan knows, in courtrooms all over
the country. Not so when the charge in the case is self-murder and the
victim/accused-perpetrator is without legal representation. Unchallenged
leading of the witness, in fact, is the order of the day at your typical
U.S. Senatorial sham hearing/investigation. But just as some horses
coaxed to the proximity of liquid refreshment can be more easily
persuaded to imbibe than can others, some witnesses are more easily led
in desired directions than others.

Consider the super-smooth chief minority counsel of the Senate
Whitewater Committee, Richard Ben-Veniste, as he interrogates the lead
U.S. Park Police investigator, John Rolla, about Rolla’s work on his
very first homicide case, that of Deputy White House Counsel, Vincent

The exchange took place on Thursday, July 20, 1995, two years to the day
after Foster’s body was found on the back side of an earthen berm in the
far corner of Fort Marcy Park--a lightly-visited, preserved leftover
from the Civil War located off Virginia’s George Washington Parkway. The
body, we were to learn later, had been found lying straight as a stick
with both arms neatly down by the side. No blood or brain tissue was
seen blown out the back of the head, although the autopsy doctor would
report finding an exit wound there the size of a half dollar from a
high-powered .38 caliber bullet supposedly fired into the mouth.

The gaping exit wound noted by the septuagenarian doctor with previous
highly-dubious autopsies leading to suicide conclusions to his credit
was not seen by any of the twenty-five people--by known count--who saw
the body that night. The autopsy had been moved up so that, contrary to
standard procedure, the investigators at the park were not able to
attend. Though the revolver found in the hand, lying almost under the
right leg, was said to have been pressed deep into the back of the
mouth, there was no disfigurement of the mouth from the blast or the
recoil. No teeth were chipped. No blow-back was on the weapon or the
hand or the sleeve nor were there any fingerprints of the deceased.
Neither did he leave fingerprints on either the spent shell casing or
the remaining bullet in the cylinder, and no matching bullets were ever
found, to mention just a few of the anomalies.

The exchange begins this way:

BEN-VENISTE. Detective Rolla, what does your training tell you to do in
a circumstance or situation where you have come upon a violent death by
apparent gunshot in terms of control of the area?

ROLLA. On any crime scene you’re going to seal off a certain section of
the area large enough to search and keep individuals out of that area.

BEN-VENISTE. So you want to secure the area and you want to take control
of the situation?

ROLLA. That’s correct.

BEN-VENISTE. That’s what your training teaches you?

ROLLA. That’s correct.

BEN-VENISTE. Now, you made every effort, as we have heard today, to take
control of the situation at Fort Marcy Park to ensure that the scene of
Mr. Foster’s death was not disturbed. Is that so, sir?

ROLLA. That’s correct.

BEN-VENISTE. On the basis of your review of the evidence at Fort Marcy
Park, everything that you saw was consistent with an apparent suicide;
is that correct?

ROLLA. That’s correct, keeping an open mind to other options based on
the physical evidence that was in front of us, it was all leading right
to a suicide.

BEN-VENISTE. In fact, later that evening you and Sergeant Braun had
advised the Foster family that this was an apparent suicide?

ROLLA. Yes I did.

So far so good for the Columbia-educated New Yorker, Ben-Veniste, a man
who very early in his career rose to national prominence as an assistant
to the special counsel in the Watergate case and later achieved a
quieter notoriety as a defense counsel for government-protected,
Arkansas and likely-CIA-connected mega-drug smuggler, Barry Seal. [1]
The curious choice of the woefully-inexperienced, diction-challenged,
but talkative, Rolla had already caused problems for the government case
in the hearing and deposition stage of the Foster "investigation." His
very presence in such a key position certainly lends credibility to the
fall-back position that the original investigation was simply botched,
but his tendency to talk too much and his failure at times to see what
he is expected to say have increased the need for an alternative to the
simple suicide-from-depression scenario that the public has been sold
from the beginning.

But at this point, Ben-Veniste must have been breathing easy. 

[CTRL] A Feminist Despite Herself? - a review of Feminist Interpretations of Ayn Rand

1999-02-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.5/pageone.html"Laissez Faire City Times
- Volume 3 Issue 5/A
The Laissez Faire City Times
February 1, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 5
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola
A Feminist Despite Herself?

a review of Feminist Interpretations of Ayn Rand

by Sunni Maravillosa

"For a woman qua woman, the essence of femininity is hero worship—the
desire to look up to man."
--Ayn Rand, About a Woman President

Ayn Rand and feminism? As anyone who’s done a fair amount of reading of
Rand’s works knows or could reasonably predict, Rand certainly would not
have described herself as a feminist. In her essay "The Age of Envy",
Rand describes "Women’s Lib" as "the caricature to end all caricatures",
and proceeds in her usual strident tone, denouncing the feminism of the
1970s as a pressure group without a justifiable cause. Despite her scorn
toward the feminist movement, her individualist stance earned her the
admiration of many feminists, who see parallels between Rand’s
philosophy and feminism. The aforementioned diatribe, along with certain
recurring themes in her novels, have also earned Rand the derision of
many feminists. As is typical with Rand, she polarizes as little else

Despite Rand’s insistence that Objectivism was presented in toto in her
novels and essays and needed no interpretation or additions, many have
sought to bring her ideas to new audiences, and to increase our
understanding of her ideas through analysis and reinterpretation of her
canon. Gladstein and Sciabarra undertake this task regarding the
feminism issue in their new edited book entitled Feminist
Interpretations of Ayn Rand. Gladstein is a professor of English who
also teaches women’s studies courses; her 1978 article on Ayn Rand and
feminism began the discussion of Rand’s relation to feminism. Gladstein
also wrote The Ayn Rand Companion, and is currently working on a second
edition of it. Sciabarra is a Visiting Scholar in the department of
Politics at New York University. He has authored numerous works on Rand
and her philosophy, including Marx, Hayek, and Utopia, and Ayn Rand: The
Russian Radical. His concluding book in this trilogy, Total Freedom, is
scheduled to be published next year.

Feminist Interpretations of Ayn Rand is one volume of a series called
Re-Reading the Canon, which offers feminist interpretations of selected
philosophers in each of its volumes. This fact, along with the
impressive credentials of the contributors to the Rand volume, might
give one reason to think that the essays are all dry, academic analyses
of Rand minutiae, and of no interest to a general audience. That isn’t
the case. Gladstein and Sciabarra do an excellent job of orienting the
reader to the topic in their introduction, as well as covering the field
with their contributors. These include close members of Rand’s "Inner
Circle" such as Barbara Branden and Nathaniel Branden, and those who
seemingly find little of value in Rand’s works, such as Susan
Brownmiller and Barbara Grizzuti Harrison. Many of the nineteen essays
are new material written specifically for this volume, so even those who
have read all they can find on Rand will find new ideas to consider. As
is inevitable with an edited volume, there is some overlap between
essays, and quite a bit of unevenness in writing style. However,
considered as a whole, Feminist Interpretations of Ayn Rand is a more
satisfying package than most books of this sort. This sense of
completeness is even more remarkable given the disparate opinions the
contributors have of Rand and her contribution to feminism.

Feminist Interpretations of Ayn Rand is organized into three sections.
Part one, called "Looking Back", contains several groundbreaking essays
from the late 1970s on Rand and feminism. All of the reprinted essays
are in this section. The first is Barbara Branden’s essay, developed
from her book The Passion of Ayn Rand. "Ayn Rand: The Reluctant
Feminist" offers a nice introduction for those unfamiliar with Rand. It
also contains an essay so short it seems barely worth including if not
for the reputation of its author. "Looking Back" is the shortest of the
three parts, and the weakest, perhaps due to a lack of material to
consider for inclusion. Still, from it one gets a clear sense of the
scope of the ideas—and feelings—involved in the dialogue.

The second section, "Feminist Rereadings of Rand’s Fiction", presents
literary interpretations of varying aspects of her novels, from specific
scenes or characters to entire novels. Although the undertaking can be
pedantic, only one of these five essays takes such a scholarly tone that
it might be intimidating to nonacademics. Barry Vacker’s essay is a
thought-provoking mélange of ideas, relating Rand’s fondness for
skyscrapers to Naomi Wolf’s views of supermodels as examples of beauty,
and linking them in an analysis of Third Wave society. Karen Michalson
offers a 

[CTRL] AIDS Origin Mythology Continues (fwd)

1999-02-01 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-


(CNNS, 02/01/99) -- Mainstream news outlets are releasing reports
claiming  that  the  HIV  virus  originated  in "deepest, darkest
Africa," a mysterious, far-away  land with connotations of Joseph
Conrad's  "Heart  of  Darkness"  and  H.  Rider  Haggard's  "King
Solomon's Mines."

In  the  mysterious  continent  of  Africa,  experts  now  claim,
mysterious black men ate chimpanzees.  It is  presumed  that  the
chimpanzees  eaten  were  uncooked.   Or  maybe  the  chimps were
insufficiently cooked, say, medium-rare.   The  story is that the
HIV virus was  transmitted  thereby,  from  the  chimps,  to  the
mysterious  black  chimp eaters.  From there it made a mysterious
and exclusive migration to the  island of Haiti.  From Haiti, the
virus made another selective migration  to  a  few  U.S.  cities,
where it was selectively biased to males of ages 20 through 40.

A few facts worth mentioning:

(1) "We have not been able  to discover any good reasons why most
of the people on earth believe that AIDS is a disease caused by a
virus  called  HIV.   There  is  simply  no  scientific  evidence
demonstrating that this is true."  -- Kary B. Mullis, Nobel Prize
in Chemistry, 1993.  [Qtd. in *Inventing The AIDS Virus* by Peter
H. Duesberg.  Washington, DC:  Regnery  Publishing,  Inc.,  1996.
ISBN: 0-89526-470-6.]

(2)  Professor Peter Duesberg (UC-Berkeley), a virologist, agrees
with Mullis:   No  one  has  ever  proven  that  HIV causes AIDS.
[Source: Duesberg's book, cited above.]

(3) AIDS doesn't "come  from  monkeys  in  Africa; the story gets
more preposterous as we get into it."  --  Dr.  Robert  Strecker,
M.D. and virologist, ca. 1992.

(4)  "A  virus  model  of  causation  does not fit the scientific
facts.  Rather, multifactorial influences  are the *sine qua non*
of AIDS.  [But the] multifactorial  model  is  a  threat  to  the
well-being of the international pharmaceutical giants..."  -- Jon
Rappoport.   [*AIDS,  Inc.:   Scandal  of  the  Century*  by  Jon
Rappoport. Human Energy Press, 1988. ISBN: 0-941523-03-9.]

(5)  "Yet there is still no proof for the now [1990] six year-old
hypothesis that HIV causes  AIDS."   -- John Lauritsen.  [*Poison
By Prescription:  The AZT Story* by John  Lauritsen.   New  York:
Asklepios, 1990. ISBN: 0-943742-06-4.]

 +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +

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  Anonymity is guaranteed.  If you  prefer, send your news tip or
clues  on  same  to:   Brian  Redman,  310  S.  Prairie   (#202),
Champaign,  IL  61820.   Or you can go to a pay phone and call in
your news tip: 217-356-4418.
  THEY will never tell us the whole truth about what is going on.
But we, the People, working together, can find out what is REALLY

Brian Redman   | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | www.shout.net/~bigred/cn.html
Editor-in-Chief| ---Phone: 217-356-4418
Conspiracy Nation  |   "The perfect slave thinks he's free."

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Confessions of a Skeptic

1999-02-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.parascope.com/index.htm"ParaScope: Something Strange is
Confessions of a Skeptic

An editorial by D. Trull
Enigma Editor

I recently received the following email message from a ParaScope reader,
which pointedly sums up a concern that many others have also expressed,
in one way or another:

"I am curious why you put people like DTrull, or whatever his name is,
in charge of writing articles and reviews for the Enigma section of
ParaScope? And pscppol who seems to be in charge of Nebula. Both seem to
be more skeptical about that which that they write about, even at
sometimes to the point of being critical or poking fun at those of us
who genuinely believe.

"I would think you would want your forum staffed by believers, or at
least people who would not appear so patronizing or close-minded.
"Are these the only contributors to this area? And do these people
actually get paid to come up with this stuff? Find something with a
little more meat to it and a little more interesting to those of us who
visit ParaScope and who do believe.

"If I didn't believe, I wouldn't be here."

Those are heavy charges, but I have to admit, this letter raise some
perfectly valid questions about ParaScope's editorial approach to
paranormal subject matter. I'd like to take the opportunity to explore
the quandaries and complexities of skepticism, to clarify some common
misconceptions, and to make a confession or two about what I believe in.
Yes, it's true, I'm the editor of ParaScope's department on paranormal
phenomena, and I am a skeptic. I spend my time researching and writing
on topics whose factual existence I find almost entirely in doubt.

That's a strange circumstance to be in, no denying it. It might seem
sort of like putting the fox in charge of the hen house, or hiring an
atheist to deliver a fire-and-brimstone sermon. Why would a skeptic want
to do this, and why would ParaScope want to have me?

Skepticism itself is a very weird thing. To the outside observer,
skeptics may appear to be smug, elitist curmudgeons who have made a
sport out of tearing down what others believe in. The various personal
interests and avocations that people are into, whether it's football,
mountain climbing, video games, gardening or sex, are almost always
positive in nature, revolving around a subject that you like or enjoy.
Skepticism, on the other hand, seems to be a hobby based on a negative
-- namely, preaching that there's no such thing as Bigfoot or flying

That perception makes skepticism something of a suspicious activity to
begin with. It's fine for there to be organized opposition to a
universally recognized evil (for example, Mothers Against Drunk
Driving), but it's unseemly for a group to devote itself to denouncing
and discrediting that which others believe in. That disreputable
category of human expression ranges from the Ku Klux Klan to web pages
entitled "The Spice Girls Suck." To some degree or other, people often
associate skepticism with the vile dregs of organized hate. The
hostility that I have seen directed at James Randi and other prominent
skeptics has approached levels normally reserved for crimes against

The core of the problem is this: conventional wisdom dictates that if
you dislike or disagree with something that other people follow and
believe in, you should just turn away and leave it alone. Live and let
live. If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. If you
don't believe in ghosts and healing crystals and ESP, that's fine, but
for goodness' sake, don't obsess about how fake they are, or turn your
doubts into some kind of ongoing crusade. That seems like an unhealthy
thing to be doing. If you don't believe in these things, surely you can
find something better to spend your time on.

As that reader remarked, "If I didn't believe, I wouldn't be here." If I
don't believe, then why am I here?

The answer is complicated, and it requires a detailed explanation of
what skepticism is -- or at least, what I consider it to be. To be a
skeptic does not mean that you don't believe in anything, and skepticism
is not a fixed platform or ideology, like liberalism or conservatism. It
 is a tool for understanding the world around us, and a method for
evaluating the veracity of extraordinary claims and observations.

Skepticism may at times seem to involve nothing more than the knee-jerk
debunking and gainsaying of whatever weird phenomenon comes along, but
in fact, it is not a pursuit rooted solely on negation and tearing down.
Skepticism has very much of a positive basis, and corny though it may
sound, its objective is the search for the truth.

That being the case, it's high time I came clean with a true fact that I
have never before admitted publicly in the pages of ParaScope.

I am a skeptic, but there are paranormal phenomena that I do believe in.
Throughout my life I have had 


1999-02-01 Thread Eric Stewart

 -Caveat Lector-

see this url for the whole document:

HIV has not been shown to cause disease when injected experimentally
into chimpanzees, nor when accidentally injected into human health care
workers, even though the virus successfully infects those hosts. If for
ethical or other reasons this third postulate cannot be tested from some
particular germ, strong alternative evidence has to be provided by
specific therapies that neutralize the microbe and thereby prevent the
disease; such therapies would include antibiotics or vaccines. However,
no therapies or antibodies against HIV have been able to prevent AIDS
diseases, although new drugs and vaccines
are continually being proposed.
The burden of such proof is therefore on those who claim that HIV causes
AIDS, as noted by Beverly Griffin, director of the Department of
Virology at the Royal Postgraduate Medical School in London. This burden
is especially high for HIV hypothesis supporters in view of the special
characteristics that had to be attributed to HIV in order to connect it
with AIDS. First, the virus had to be credited with a latent period of
several years between infection and AIDS. But when diseases are said to
occur only years after infection by a virus, it can be difficult to be
sure that other risk factors have not instead
caused the disease. Second, because HIV is conspicuously absent form
lesions, scientists had to hypothesize that the virus caused disease by
indirect means in the body, in spite of a troubling lack of evidence for
such notions. Inventions such as these can be used to blame virtually
any microbe for any disease.
A second set of criticisms of the HIV hypothesis concerns the clinical
definition of AIDS. This definition involves a list created by the CDC
in 1987 of about 25 conventional diseases; if any one of these is
diagnosed, and antibodies against HIV can be found in the same patient,
a diagnosis of AIDS is made. The list includes not only Kaposi's sarcoma
and P. carinii pneumonia, but also tuberculosis, cytomegalovirus,
herpes, diarrhea, candidiasis, lymphoma, dementia, and many other
diseases. If any of these very different diseases is found alone, it is
likely to be diagnosed under its classical
name. If the same conditions is found alongside antibodies against HIV,
it is called AIDS. The correlation between AIDS and HIV is thus an
artifact of the definition itself.
It is very difficult to understand how HIV would be able to devastate
the immune system while never infecting more than a tiny fraction of its
cells. Even if every infected cell were killed, the number of T cells
lost at any time would be roughly equivalent to the number lost through
bleeding from shaving. Such losses could be sustained indefinitely
without affecting the immune system, because the body constantly
produces new T cells at far higher rates. Virtually no reactivation of
the virus occurs when AIDS patients develop sickness, leaving
unexplained how the virus could possibly case immune
suppression, and then only after years of latency. After the body
produces antibodies against HIV, the virus remains at low levels for the
rest of that person's life, precisely the same as for all viruses of its
class. This would help to explain why transmitting HIV is typically so
difficult; antibody-positive people have almost no virus to spread.
fourth paradox of the HIV hypothesis has been noted by several
virologists. HIV belongs to a class of viruses known as the
retroviruses, which are very simple in structure and contain much less
genetic information than most other viruses. Most types of
viruses are lytic, meaning that they kill the cells they infect and
thereby cause disease. Retroviruses, on the other hand, do not generally
kill cells. Upon infecting cells, they copy their genetic information
into the DNA of their new host cells. From that point forward,
retroviruses depend on allowing their host cells to continue living,
while they slowly produce new virus particles that are ejected from the
cell. Retroviruses are therefore poor candidates to blame serious
diseases on, particularly fatal conditions involving the deaths of huge
numbers of cells, such as AIDS. Indeed, some 50
to 100 latent retroviruses have been found to reside in the DNA of all
humans, passed along to each successive generation for as long as human
beings have existed.
also points out the misinterpretations made of animal models. Simian
(monkey) AIDS, for example, does not actually resemble human AIDS. The

[CTRL] Bull Bill - Zola Shorts the Dow UPDATE - Profit: 19%

1999-02-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/Constant/ZdailyChart.html"Bull  Bill -
Zola Shorts the Dow UPDATE/A
Zola Shorts the Dow on Friday, January 8th, 1999 at 9,643
Daily Update Chart showing Profit and Loss - Last Update: 6:47 AM -
Saturday, January 30, 1999
Profit: 19%
Dow Down: 246 points
Results as of Saturday, January 30, 1999
Total Invested and Put at Risk: $3,500
Current value of investment: $4,150
See below box for full details of how the investment was made
Other Articles about History's Biggest Market Blow-off
1999: Surprises
Eye of the Storm
Stock Market Con-Men

Financial Details of How Zola's Short Sale was Effected:

Early Friday afternoon (Jan. 8, 1999), we placed a limit order to buy a
March 95 Dow Jones put at 35.00. The order was executed in the final 30
minutes of trading, when the Dow surged to close 105 points higher for
the day and 462 points higher for the week. Let me explain what all this
We are short the market. The put gives us the right to go short one
March Dow Jones futures contract. The futures contract itself gives a
cash flow of $10 for each Dow point. If the Dow goes up 100 points, a
long position in the future gains $1000, while a short position loses
$1000. If the Dow goes down 75 points, the short side of the future
gains $750, while the long side loses $750. The March Dow Jones future
closed on Friday at 9727.

A March put may be exercised into a short position in one March Dow
Jones future. The "95" strike price of the put means that the future’s
contract will be opened at a futures price of 9500. If the put had been
exercised at the end of day Friday, the resulting short futures position
would have generated an immediate loss of $10 x (9727-9500) = $2270.
Obviously you would exercise the put only if the market price of the
March future were lower than 9500.

Our limit price of "35.00" meant that we were willing to pay $3500 for
the put. (If you read Barron’s, which hasn’t yet discovered the decimal
system, the same price would be quoted as "3 1/2".) As the Dow goes up,
the value of the put goes down, and we were able to buy the put at that
price at Friday’s end-of-the-day surge.

Now, let’s hypothetically say that we keep this put until it expires the
third week in March. Certainly we won’t be trading in and out of the
option. The Dow Jones futures contract is new, but has already become
fairly liquid. But there is no liquidity in the Dow Jones options. When
we placed our limit order, there had been no trades in the March 95 put
so far that day. Which means that we are probably dealing with a single
marketmaker, and while we haven’t researched the issue, we suspect that
his spreads are wide enough to drive a truck through. (So if he sold us
the option at $3500, he probably calculated it was only worth $3400.)

So suppose we hold this put to March expiration. The March future, which
currently trades at a premium to the Dow Jones average (the "cash"
index), will gradually converge down to the level of the Dow Jones
average itself. (The current futures premium above the cash index
roughly represents the rate of interest on the cash index minus the
dividend yield on the Dow Jones stocks, adjusted for the fraction of a
year until expiration.) So if the Dow Jones is trading below 9500, we
will exercise the option, and receive the value of the futures position,
which would be $10 x (9500 minus current level of the Dow). If the Dow
Jones is at 9150, we would get back our original investment: $10 x
(9500-9150) = $3500. (Actually, we will need a few more Dow points to
pay commissions: about 3.5 points for the option commission and 2 points
for the futures commission.) Ignoring this minor detail, anything below
9150 makes us a profit.

On the other hand, if the Dow races to 10,000 and beyond, or simply
closes above 9500 at option expiration, our option will expire
worthless. But the good thing about it is we will not be getting margin
calls: our exposure is limited to the $3500 we’ve already paid.

Speaking of stock market, the price/earnings ratio on the SP 500 is now
38. We thought it was rich at 19. But, as they say, the rich only get
richer. (Unless you are a partner at Long Term Capital Management, in
which case the value of your equity might fall from $1.5 billion to $30
million in the space of a couple of months.) The stock spectacle these
days is as entertaining as the impeachment trial of Bill Clinton.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That 

[CTRL] Clinton's statement on Groom Lake/Area 51

1999-02-01 Thread Eric Stewart

 -Caveat Lector-

Please share the following with everyone.

Here is a statement from the White House:

Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release January 29, 1999


January 29, 1999

Dear Mr. Speaker: (Dear Mr. President:)
Consistent with section 6001(a) of the Resource Conservation and
Recovery Act (RCRA) (the "Act"), as amended, 42 U.S.C. 6961(a),
notification is hereby given that on September 25, 1998, I issued
Presidential Determination No. 98-36 (copy attached) and thereby
exercised the authority to grant certain exemptions under section
6001(a) of the Act.
Presidential Determination No. 98-36 exempted the United States Air
Force's operating location near Groom Lake, Nevada, from any Federal,
State, interstate, or local hazardous or solid waste laws that might
require the disclosure of classified information concerning that
operating location to unauthorized persons. Information concerning
activities at the operating location near Groom Lake has been properly
determined to be classified, and its disclosure would be harmful to
national security. Continued protection of this information is,
therefore, in the paramount interest of the United States.
The determination was not intended to imply that in the absence of a
Presidential exemption, RCRA or any other provision of law permits or
requires the disclosure of classified information to unauthorized
persons. The determination also was not intended to limit the
applicability or enforcement of any requirement of law applicable to
the Air Force's operating location near Groom Lake except those
provisions, if any, that would require the disclosure of classified


# # #

Office of the Press Secretary


The 'government' still continues to use the ambiguous (and meaningless)
phrase "operating location  near Groom Lake".   It is a base and not
just a location.  It is not "near" Groom Lake.  The base is right there
at Groom Lake!! Why can't they come out and say that the base is right
there at Groom Lake!! Even though the term AREA 51 signifies the
geographical jurisdiction of the Department of Energy (DOE) and not the
Air Force, the fact of the matter is
that the Air Force controls the operations at the site.   So, why not
come out clean and name the base Groom Lake/Area 51 facility!!

We urge all concerned citizens, once again, to attend the upcoming
People's Rally at AREA 51 this June 6, 1999.
For more details, please go to:


God bless you all!

Norio Hayakawa

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Re: ALERT - Proof That Blacks Were Targeted For CIA Cocaine

1999-02-01 Thread Kris Millegan

From: Michael Novick [EMAIL PROTECTED]

At 11:22 PM 1/28/99 -0800, Mike Ruppert wrote:
 The Christopher Commission, charged with
finding the causes of the LA 1992 LA riot/insurrection found that one of the
primary causes was crack cocaine. The LA riots remain, to this day, the
largest domestic insurrection since the civil war.

Just a minor quibble with this otherwise well-documented piece. The
Christopher Commission was convened as a compromise between Bradley and
Gates, who each appointed some of the members, to deal with the community
outrage and unrelenting pressure to get rid of Gates after the beating of
Rodney King, and well before the rebellion. In fact, it can be argued that
the Commission (an elite instrument -- Christopher himself served on
McCone's Commission after Watts, signed off on the use of Army intelligence
operations inside the US against anti-war protestors, and coordinated with
Cyrus Vance the use of the US military domestically during the rebellions
after King was assassinated; see my book White Lies White Power for greater
detail) can be handed a lot of responsibility for the subsequent rebellion
because they gave Gates a long lease on life by commending him and
recommending his eventual retirement (which didn't come until after the

Because people who should've known better in the SCLC and the ACLU got on
the Christopher Commission bandwagon, the grassroots movement to hold the
LAPD immediately accountable, and to conduct a thorough house-cleaning up
to the highest levels, was allowed to die on the vine. The effort for
effective community control of police was sacrificed to an elite plan for
community oriented policing (a whole different kettle of fish, described by
its police advocates as "the domestic equivalent of psychological
operations in the military.") The predictable result, after the Simi Valley
acquittals and the slap on the wrist for Korean grocer Soon Ja Du in the
Latasha Harlins killing, was that masses of people took matters in their
own hands, recognizing that the political-corporate elites and their
liberal-politico lapdogs cared nothing for their interests.

There was no commission after the 1992 rebellion to do any phony
breast-beating or analysis of how future rebellions could be avoided
through social programs (as occurred after the 60's rebellions). Instead,
William Webster of FBI/CIA was quickly drafted to do an analysis of how the
police and national guard could be beefed up and brought into play more
quickly and effectively, and how the various repressive agencies could
share intelligence and strategic planning. Politics is war by other means,
to turn an old phrase on its head; and the chemical warfare that CIA has
waged against people in the US (via heroin and cocaine) segues quite
naturally into other forms of low intensity counter insurgency or into
street warfare when necessary.

Why do you think the Marines have been practicing in the streets of
Baltimore and Chicago, and the Navy wants to do amphibious operations in
San Francisco? You know I have been a critic of racist politics in the
'unorganized militias,' but I am no more sanguine about the organized
militia, the National Guard, under the command of Pete Wilson or Gray Davis
(or Bill Clinton's proposed 'commander-in-chief for domestic operations in
the continental United States' (!!). Remember when that guy highjacked the
National Guard tank in San Diego a few years ago, and everybody tsked-tsked
about lax security at the tank depots? Strange that there were no
complaints, or even comments, in the media about why the national guard
needs tanks in San Diego in the first place. Who do people think national
guard tanks, in armories in San Diego, L.A., San Francisco, etc, are aimed at?

The correction about Christopher aside, congratulations, Mike, on your
report, which draws conclusions that I know you resisted for a long time,
and that Gary Webb won't draw himself, I think because he is focused too
narrowly on the particular set of players and pieces of information that
comprise his story. (Don't get me started on Christopher, but he was also
apparently involved under Carter with grooming Khomeini to take power while
the Shah was teetering and threatened by authentic revolutionary forces in
Iran; his 'service' in L.A. was the mayonnaise in a sandwich of crimes
under Johnson, Carter and subsequently Clinton).

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material is
distributed without charge or profit to those who have expressed a prior
interest in receiving this type of information for non-profit research and
educational purposes only.

!Crack the CIA! Coalition L.A. (CCC) 310-288-6108 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Full disclosure and accountability! Dismantle the CIA -- end all covert ops
and secret wars! Stop the phony drug war -- end sentencing disparities and
mandatory minimums! Reparations for affected communities -- fund community

[CTRL] Crux in the Time Line

1999-02-01 Thread L. Shipton

This is not finished - but I 
probally can not get back to it till tomarrow and wanted to see what someone 
else has. I am adding as fast as things are posted.

You can find my messages in the achieves that have (most of) 
the links that I am basing this on.

summery: If / when we go to the 
stars and are able to trade with other cultures what would we be able to 
trade? History, mindsets, traditions, cultures, different ways thinking, 
different ways of looking at things? But all that knowledge is in 
computers, so do they need the originators of the ideas? Even after 
studying another culture do you really understand it? But, what if they 
were to sell a culture back it's history - at that time who originated the 
knowledge? A surplus, I do not think so. A time, a crux in the time 
line - yes. So, if we go to the stars with this way of thinking this world 
will be broke on the Intergalactic Stock Market. The 
Stock in Planet Earth is probally at a all time low right 

1) People (in the know) think this will go away and that they 
can handle things till it does.
2) Educators afraid of Vouchers.
3) Ranchers afraid of people not eating meat (Example the 
Oprah Winfrey trial)
4) Farmers growing what will sell.
5) MSG added so that less meat and natural items have to be 
added, less money for farmers. MSG can excite brain cells to death. 
Aspartame seem to work the same way.
6) Prejudice so that people will be afraid of losing their 
7) Worry of abortion so that some people can say that there is 
no other way of handling the people surplus.
8) The people surplus being the reason for 
9) the world is drowning in it's own waste
10) there is no way of recycling that will handle this 
11) I had read (in Newsweek) sometime in 97 or 98 about a way 
of breaking down waste products into water and - something else. Have not 
seen or heard of it again.
12) One Euro currency - the World Bank in control of the 
13) Chemical companies worried about law suits dealing with 
14) Cosmetics worried that they will not sell
15) Perfume companies covering up the fact that our bodies are 
detoxing smellingly
16) Insurance companies owned by who?
17) HMO's backed by who?
18) How do you find out what some Pharmaceutical companies 
have done if you can not get the tests?
19) AIDS - bad blood from a Arkansas prison that Clinton had / 
(has?) ties to contributing to AIDS
20) Cloning all our food - since we are afraid of the natural 
 Terminator seed 
technology and antibiotics in meat.
21) Natural Supplements needed then - vitamins usually have 
some unhealthy binders.
22) Who will supply the Natural Supplements - but back to 
Terminator Seed Technology
23) Floride, Organophosphates, and other 
poisons in our water.
why would the Leaders allow 
all of this?
24) cloning of human bodies? If there is suppose to be a 
surplus now - what happens if some people 
 intend to be around for 
2 or 3 hundred years or more. Monopolies?
25) Who would 
get the cloned bodies?
26) How much education would they want 
from the common people? Those people might protest.
27) Control of 
education, history and the internet. They would have to re-write 
28) to not need any of the cultures or 
traditions since it is all on the Internet.
29) Whose relatives were against the 
30) Do not intellectualize the 
31) Re - 
interpetation(s) of the teaching of Jesus Christ
32) What is taught in Schools
33) How and why or should I say who started the 
First World War. Who has made the most profit?
34) Who started the Second World War?
35) What happened during that time that some do not want 
36) What would happen if the religions 
were not so tied up in trying to control the country for their own 

 special interest groups 
that they actually talked and realized what was happening.
37) Medieval times the whole family went 
to the baths - to take a bath you checked your clothes 
 getting in the 
38) some 
cultures still have family nude bathing in a community setting. some parts 
of the Orient and
 Europe. These 
cultures traditionally chose for intelligence not getting all hyped up about the 
 body - They have seen 
it already!
39) The poor 
American male - idolizes what is in his pants and thinks that all you need to 
chose for in
 a mate is someone that 
is healthy. Most time they think that they can put the answers in the 

 blanks so why want a 
mate that actually thinks. Has so many blind spots, is capable of being 
 - the way to get to 
them is through ?. The sad part is that they are being kept from knowing 
 world, cultures, and history that they think some of these cultures are less 
advanced, because that
culture is comparable in it's nudity - like Adam and Eve once 
40) I would 
like to see the original writing about the Garden and Adam and Eve. Where 
did that story 
 come from. Could 
it actually been the 

[CTRL] Exorcism

1999-02-01 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From Associated Press (via ABC)

WIRE:Jan. 26, 1:27 p.m. ET
Vatican updates rules for exorcisms, urging caution


AP News Service

VATICAN CITY (AP) _ The Vatican issued new guidelines Tuesday  for driving
out devils, urging exorcists not to mistake psychiatric  illness for
diabolic possession _ but also stressing the power of  evil.

The new exorcism rite, in Latin and contained in a red,  leather-bound,
84-page book, also reflects Pope John Paul II's  efforts to convince the
skeptical that the devil is very much in  the world.

``The existence of the devil isn't an opinion, something to take  or leave
as you wish,'' said Cardinal Jorge Medina Estevez, a  Vatican official who
presented the revisions. ``Anyone who says he  doesn't exist wouldn't have
the fullness of the Catholic faith.''

John Paul has denounced the devil in a series of recent homilies  as a
``cosmic liar and murderer.''

In today's world, the cardinal said, the devil's force comes  through
widespread acceptance of ``lies and deceit ... the idolatry  of money ...
the idolatry of sex.''

The new guidelines are the first revision to the exorcism rite  since 1614.
They did not drastically change the words or the  gestures used by
exorcists, but they do provide optional texts for  priests to use.

The novelty appears largely in the cautions offered to exorcists  to take
psychiatric medicine into account.

Exorcists must ``not think possessed by a demon someone who is  suffering
from some illness, above all psychic,'' or who is ``the  victim of one's
own imagination,'' the guidelines advise.

Among the widely accepted signs of possession by the devil are  speaking in
unknown tongues and demonstrating physical force beyond  one's natural

The rite itself remains essentially the same. It involves making  the sign
of the cross, laying on hands, sprinkling holy water and  ordering the
devil to leave the possessed person.

John Paul himself once performed an exorcism during his papacy,  according
to the memoirs of Cardinal Jacques Martin, the former  prefect of the
pontifical household.

Quoting the late cardinal's book, ``My Six Popes,'' the Italian  news
agency ANSA said John Paul carried out the rite in 1982,  driving out the
devil from a woman who was brought to him writhing  on the ground.

The new guidelines will eventually be translated into modern  languages.


The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: SNET: National Guard Magazine: Racing Against the Calendar (Y2K)

1999-02-01 Thread Kris Millegan

Ducks in a row,  quack, quack, quack . . .

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

National Guard Magazine

Racing Against the Calendar
January 1999

With only 12 months now left to prepare, the National Guard's Y2K focus
more than combat readiness. If the computer bug interrupts critical services,
authorities will need help. Maybe lots of help.

December 31, 1999 may be the biggest night of celebration the world has ever

But for some National Guardsmen, the eve of the millennium may mean a long
night at
the armory preparing to respond to the most widespread technological disaster

Because of programming shortcuts that began more than 30 years ago, most of
nation's computer systems and billions of non-computer equipment that operate
off of
embedded microchips are poised to malfunction at the turn of the century.

Electricity. Oil and gas lines. Water and sewer systems. Telecommunications.
Airlines, trains and transit systems. Agriculture equipment. Emergency-support
vehicles. Medical equipment. Alarms. Smoke detectors. Automatic locks. Traffic
lights. Banking systems. Public records. All have the potential to go haywire
the stroke of midnight on Jan. 1, 2000.

And just like with other disasters, citizen soldiers and airmen are being
looked at
as the first line of defense.

Only this time they don't know exactly what to prepare for. "There are so many
things to look at that. Potentially, we could have a calamity over this," said
Myatt, a Florida National Guard spokesman. The federal and state governments
formed groups to study their own problems and gather information to determine
industries, businesses and municipalities are dealing with the issue so they
develop contingency plans.

But the problem is too broad to monitor everyone and some are reluctant to
information for fear of liability lawsuits if they do not live up to their

So what's the Guard to do?

"We're going to plan for the worst-case scenario: no power and lots of panic,"


If you haven't heard by now, the "Year 2000 problem," or "Y2K" as it is known,
the result of a decades-old situation that materialized when programmers
to save computer memory by expressing years in two digits rather than four.
such programs assume a higher number means a later year, 3002 may be
interpreted as

The gaffe apparently was not as much a lack of foresight as it was over
reliance on
outdated systems. Rather than replace the programs they knew would be
owners of the systems chose instead to do piecemeal upgrades without changing
two-digit dates.

The problem is not limited to computer systems, but to anything operated by an
embedded computer chip.

This means that anything from thermostats and coffee makers to traffic lights,
jail-cell doors and satellites could malfunction with the date change.

Fixing Computers and Embedded Chips

Before Guard units can determine how they can help others, they first have to
their own technological house in order. That is the stage of preparedness many
Guard organizations report to be in. But they say they are confident their
will be prepared in time.

"Let me go out on a limb and say I think we in the Air National Guard will be
said Maj. Gen. Paul A. Weaver Jr., Air National Guard director. "I don't think
will have any major catastrophes, but I do expect we'll experience some
mission disruptions that we need to plan for."

Senior Army Guard leaders echo the same sentiment.

Some are finding out how hard it can be to fix what seems like a simple
National Guard Bureau officials recently ordered new computers only to
discover that
some of them will not recognize the millennium. Those that are not compliant
affect the computers that are, said Jack Eck, the bureau's Y2K expert. Also,
agencies and companies are reporting a wait of as much as 72 weeks to receive
telephone switches after they are ordered, he said.

While most publicity surrounding the 2000 problem has centered on computers,
it is
the embedded chip devices that give Guard leaders the most concern.

"Like everyone else, we are having difficulties identifying all of the
electronic Y2K devices," Maureen Lischke, the bureau's program executive
said. "Given the reality that not everything will be found, we are
concentrating on
developing and testingcontingency plans to assure uninterrupted operations of
critical functions."

Unlike computers, embedded-chip equipment can't be replaced with software and
manufacturers stopped making many of the parts years ago. Besides that, the
overseeing the maintenance of things like elevators and security systems
usually are
not computer experts, Eck said. Computer technicians and maintenance workers
have to come together to fix such systems, he said.

Not All 1/1/2000


[CTRL] Fwd: PRC Seeks 1000 Nuclear Tipped Missiles

1999-02-01 Thread Kris Millegan

According to a classified report Chinese Army is mounting an
effort to build a modern force of 1,000 nuclear tipped missiles
in the next five years.  The Clinton administration is
frantically trying to render the Defense Department evaluation

The White House claims their secrecy gag on the report is
required so as to not cause a rift between already tense
U.S./Sino relations.  Republican Congressional officials accuse
the President of covering up the Chinese espionage inside the
White House.  Republicans site a clear evidence that President
Clinton allowed a long list of advanced military technology to
be transferred to the Chinese armed forces.

The 1,000 intermediate and long range missiles will primarily
be targeted at U.S. armed forced in the Asian region and U.S.
allies in Asia.  The force of DF-15, CSS-5 and DF-41 missiles
will carry high yield, light weight, nuclear warheads designed
with U.S. super computers and plans stolen from the U.S.

The missiles will be under the command of the Second Artillery
Corps, the Chinese Army strategic missile forces.  The nuclear
warheads will remain separate from the missiles under the
control of Communist Party Politiburo officers.

The modern Chinese missile force is feared to be the signal of a
new round of the nuclear arms race.  China is estimated to have
about 200 nuclear tipped missile in the current PLA inventory.

Russia and the U.S. have hundreds of strategic missiles.
However, the Russian and American forces are declining in
numbers and are bound by Strategic Arms (SALT) treaties.  The
Chinese Second Artillery Corps, the PLA unit in charge of all
missile forces, is rapidly expanding.

The DOD estimate is based on the size of storage and
manufacturing facilities currently under construction inside
China.  The analysis is backed by a series of classified spy
satellite photos of huge PLA missile facilities being built to
house and maintain the mobile launchers and nuclear warheads.

President Clinton is already under fire for allowing Chinese
Army agents to purchase large amounts of advanced U.S. missile
technology such as radiation hardened microchips and advanced
missile radar technology.  In many instances the U.S. exporter,
such as LORAL, made significant donations to President Clinton.

According to a document obtained by the Freedom of Information
Act, Loral DEFENSE President Jerald Lindfelt sought to export
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) technology to China.  The
document is a letter from Lindfelt to Ron Brown.

According to Lindfelt's letter,  the radar transfer would serve
humanitarian causes.  The Loral Defense President attached a
letter from Zheng Lizhong, Deputy Director of the Chinese
National Remote Sensing Center, citing civilian applications of
the advanced SAR radar.

The Defense Department recently noted in a January 1999 report
on Chinese weapon research that the Chinese "Institute of Remote
Sensing" is actually a front for Army missile guidance design
laboratories.  According to the Defense Department report, the
Institute of Remote Sensing is "a developer of precision
guidance systems for missiles".

Ms. Zheng wrote "The SAR system can take mapping images through
dust, cloud and heavy precipitation making it the perfect medium
to give our officials up to date news of the floods, thereby
allowing many life saving activities to be carried out."

Clearly, Ms. Zheng was also well informed as to who in the U.S.
government was blocking the transfer and who could help them.

Ms. Zheng wrote, "According to your manufacturers because the
function of the equipment can be classed as military and
civilian the U.S. State Department continues to block any moves
to put the products in the control of the Commerce Department."

Loral took Ms. Zheng's advice.  Loral DEFENSE President
Lindfelt, wrote Brown in March of 1996.  Lindfelt sought Brown's
help in the export of SAR technology to directly to the Chinese
missile lab.  Lindfelt's appeal also included a direct request
for Ron Brown to over rule the Department of Defense, the State
Department and even Brown's own Commerce Department which had
all previously denied SAR radar export to China.

"We've worked hard trying to resolve these problems with the
Department of State, the Department of Commerce and the Defense
Technology Security Administration (DTSA)," Loral's Lindfelt
wrote to Brown.

"But someone in these organizations always manages to block our
participation...  Over the years we have found that this type of
obstacle often comes from lower levels of management rather than
by people willing to look at the bigger picture.  Could you help
us by identifying someone in the Commerce Department high enough
in the organization to help us resolve these issues and open
this marketplace..."

The Loral DEFENSE pressure worked.  President Clinton approved
the radar technology export for China.  The "Institute of Remote
Sensing" in China took the Loral DEFENSE technology and adapted
it for 

[CTRL] testing

1999-02-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

test, test, test  , please excuse the double posts.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] World Of The Strange 2/1/99

1999-02-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:484806"World Of The Strange 2/1/99
Part 1 of 2/A
Subject: World Of The Strange 2/1/99 Part 1 of 2
Date: Mon, Feb 1, 1999 10:16 AM

*  World Of The Strange  *
Weekly Newsletter of the Paranormal
By: Louise A. Lowry

This posting is sponsored by:
 The Paranormal Research Primer http://www.tje.net/para
  Providing a comprehensive view of many paranormal subjects

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED:  (permission is granted to reproduce or redistribute this
edition provided that attribution is made to the Author or Authors noted)

 Visit our WEB Site: http://www.jb-graphics.com/thestrange

 To Subscribe or Unsubscribe please follow directions at the end of this

 Distributed  Edited by; Louise A. Lowry [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 If you are missing any parts of (WOTS) please let me know which part by
 contacting me at [EMAIL PROTECTED], and I will make sure you get the
 part that is missing.

 The newsletter...

EDITORS NOTE: February 8th is the dead line for your articles to enter into
writing contest, if you need any information on this contest please contact me
and I will send it out ASAPor visit the WOTS web site and read the 1/4/99
issue..Also a special note, I have push the date to February 22nd as the
contest winners edition. This was due to the fact of some large articles and
giving me a bit more time to contact the winners and shipping out their

Part 1 of 2
#1. Men In Black A Preliminary Report by Robert Bull  Part 1 of a Series
of 3   ([EMAIL PROTECTED])   British UFO Research
Association -   http://www.bufora.org.uk
INSERTS Introducing Men In Black / The Albert K. Bender Case / The
New Haven Firebal l/ The Closedown / Bender Interviewed / The Last
Issue of Space Review / Maury Island / An Australian Connection? /
Bender Tells All? / Early Signs / The Nightmare Begins / Revelations
/ Fantasy and Paranoia? / The Last Days of the IFSB / Women in White
/ Bender is Freed
#2. The Deadly Magic of Believing
#3. February's Award Of Excellence From World Of The Strange!

#1. Men In Black A Preliminary Report by Robert Bull  Part 1 of a Series of 3
([EMAIL PROTECTED])  British UFO Research Association - http://www.

Published by
British UFO Research Association (BUFORA) Ltd
London WC1N 3XX

All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or
transmitted without the written permission of BUFORA Ltd.

WOTS Editor; My thanks goes out to Robert Bull and BUFORA for most indepth

Introducing Men In Black Men In Black

Also known as MIBs, are  mysterious characters who sometimes question,
and harass UFO witnesses and researchers.They dress in black suits (hence
appellation) and are usually described as having 'oriental' features. They
to pose as military or secret service personnel, often producing (albeit
briefly) identity cards. They appear and behave in a way which leaves the
witness thinking that they are not human, although this impression usually
forms after the MIBs have left. MIBs are popularly described as: appearing in
threes travelling in large, black, old-model cars (usually Cadillacs in the
USA), which appear to be brand new and have untraceable registrations having
'dark' complexions appearing only rarely outside the USA possessing knowledge
known only to the witness. We shall see later that whilst some MIB cases
certainly do possess some or all of these characteristics, it is certainly not
true that the majority of such cases do. The most celebrated MIB case was that
reported by UFO investigator and author Albert K. Bender. In 1953 he was
allegedly 'silenced' by three MIBs.

This report is part of an ongoing project started in 1995 by the BUFORA
Research Committee.

The Albert K. Bender Case

In April 1952 Albert K. Bender, a factory supervisor, aged 31, formed
the International Flying Saucer Bureau (IFSB), based in Bridgeport,
Connecticut. The
IFSB grew rapidly, soon having branches in 48 American states as well as
in other countries.

The IFSB suddenly closed down in September 1953. Bender claimed that he had
'secret' of flying saucers, which he wrote down as a thesis which he then
posted to a friend he felt he could trust.

The following day, Bender claims, he was visited by three men dressed in black
suits, one of whom had with him the thesis. Two of the men told Bender that
theory was essentially correct, and they filled him in on the missing details.
What the MIBs had to say so appalled Bender that he readily agreed to disband
the IFSB and do no more work on flying saucers; he also agreed to tell no-one
of his findings.

'They were pretty rough with me', Bender said. 'Two men 

Re: [CTRL] A Global Chance for Anti-Statism

1999-02-01 Thread Michael Estes

 -Caveat Lector-


I realize you claim to be a GRANNY, however, nothing personal, but you
could be lying your cojones off.

So since none of the governments of the planet are run to your
satisfaction, what would YOU propose, ICE BOX? Anarchy? Chaos? ConTRL?


How do we know YOU are NOT an  "EX-" MARINE IMPLANTED with a BIOCHIP
(posing as an Old Granny) on a secret PSYOP to AGITATE the masses. to flush
out the REBELS,  or some other equally ARCANE and DEVIOUS purpose!

Some of your posts are quite ILLUMINATING. You do seem to be fired up for
the Lord. However, which Lord that is, remains to be seen.

Lord Jesus, Lord TUBALCAIN, Lord Rothschild, Lord Lucifer, Lord Military

Come back.

Lord Michael

On Monday, February 01, 1999 9:18 AM, J FROST [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-

 It is not common to find people working with the express goal of
 organizing a world-wide educational and activist network for libertarian
 ideals. But the International Libertarian Nework (ILN) (see

 The practice or doctrine of giving a centralized government control
  over economic planning and policy.

 So Liberterians get a bunch of people to jump on THEIR BAND WAGON
 so the government does not control economics ... and they put
 Liberterians in office

 Now the Liberterians are the government and
 they/liberterians/the government
 make the policies/control our economics !

 Heh, heh reminds me of the dog I had when I was a kid
 round and round he would go chasing his own tail.

 If Liberterians want to empower the people then which
 segment of the people do they wish to empower?
 *  The party bosses
 *  The majority
 *  Some miniority
 *  Those who bribe the party bosses?

 Politicians can not represent all the people so tell me which
 segment of the people they intend to serve?

 Republicans, natural law, democrats, liberterians ...
 All a bunch of greedy jerks who wants the lemmings
 of the world to serve them.


 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
 screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These are sordid
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: SNET: UN presses for worldwide curbs on tobacco

1999-02-01 Thread Kris Millegan


 [ ]
 [Electronic Tel[International  News]
[See text menu at bottom of page]

ISSUE 1346   Sunday 31 January 1999
   [ ]
 [ ]

[ ]
   UN presses for worldwide curbs on tobacco
   By Jacqui Thornton Health Correspondent

 [External Links]

 []Tobacco free
page - World

releaese -
Action on
Smoking and

 []Smoking from
all sides -
Loring Holden


 [ ]
   THE World Health Organisation is to attempt the
   unprecedented step of banning tobacco advertising - and
   possibly smoking in public - across the world.

   The United Nations agency plans to introduce the world's
   first public health treaty by 2003. It would be legally
   binding if ratified by member states and would cover
   areas such as the harmonisation of taxes on tobacco and
   legislation on smuggling, advertising, sponsorship and
   labelling. Critics say the idea is unworkable and have
   branded the WHO a "super nanny".

   A senior member of the WHO's Tobacco-Free Initiative,
   which is preparing the convention, confirmed last week
   that a ban on smoking in public places was also being
   considered. The push for a treaty is being spearheaded
   by the WHO director general, Gro Harlem Brundtland,
   working with the World Bank and the UN children's fund,

   Dr Brundtland said last year: "Smoking should not be
   advertised, subsidised or glamorised. We are engaging in
   a broad alliance to drive home this message, especially
   to support countries which are not prepared to face the
   tide that may be coming."

   With multinational tobacco firms now turning their
   marketing efforts to poorer nations and to women, the
   WHO says global action with legal force is needed to
   support national efforts to combat smoking. According to
   WHO projections, tobacco will kill 10 million people a
   year by 2020, nearly three times the current level. The
   organisation's proposals received support in Britain
   yesterday from the Government-funded Health Education
   Authority. A spokesman said: "We will support anything
   that will encourage people not to smoke. It is the
   biggest killer in the country."

   Clive Bates, director of the pressure group, Action on
   Smoking and Health, said the convention would clip the
   wings of tobacco giants which were targeting the
   developing world now that they had been forced to limit
   advertising in the West. He said: "The companies are
   more powerful than many countries."

[ ]Alan Duncan, the Conservative health spokesman, said:
   "I'm all for reducing global smoking, but the WHO cannot
   make global law just like that. It is nations above all
   who should make law in a democratic way."

   Juliette Wallbridge, of the smokers' rights lobby group,
   Forest, said: "It will be a cold day in hell before
   countries increase taxes to our level. I sometimes
   wonder what planet the WHO are living on. The
   indications in the UK are that a more sensible approach
   is being taken to let adults live their own lives."

   Tobacco firms, which are bracing themselves for a fight
   with the WHO, fear that the agency wants ultimately to
   ban tobacco worldwide. Chris Proctor, of British and
   American Tobacco, said: "Our concern is we now have a
   super nanny that seems to be dictating things to
   governments around the world which have been addressing
   tobacco issues for an awfully long time."

   He said the "dictating of rules and regulations through
   a legal control mechanism" made little sense, given the
   different nature of countries, many of which were
   heavily dependent on tobacco 

Re: [CTRL] A Global Chance for Anti-Statism

1999-02-01 Thread J FROST

 -Caveat Lector-

How do we know YOU are NOT an  "EX-" MARINE IMPLANTED with a BIOCHIP
(posing as an Old Granny) on a secret PSYOP to AGITATE the masses. to
out the REBELS,  or some other equally ARCANE and DEVIOUS purpose!


Our plan is off topic on this list but if anyone wants to read the 6 post
series they can ask for THE plan by direct e-mail.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] The Outlook (Wall Street Journal)

1999-02-01 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

The Outlook (Wall Street Journal)

Feb. 1, 1999

DAVOS, Switzerland -- "Responsible Globality" is the official theme of
this year's World Economic Forum, which has brought to this snow-
smothered Alpine village a remarkable collection of celebrities, from
Nelson Mandela to Bill Gates.  While no one can say exactly what
"globality" means -- the spell check on  Mr. Gates's Microsoft Word
program refuses to acknowledge the term -- it  suggests we are all in
the same boat.

But a sampling of the discussions here about the state of the world
economy makes clear that there are really two boats: One carries most
of  the nations of the world and is sputtering under the burden of a global
 financial crisis. The other holds only the United States and speeds
through the choppy waters as if nothing much has happened.

Last fall, Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan opined that
the  U.S. can't remain an "oasis of prosperity" while the rest of the world
languishes in the dumps. Since that time, the Brazilian currency, the
real, has collapsed, threatening to drag all of America's southern trading
 partners into recession. Asia remains stalled.

Eisuke Sakakibara, Japan's vice minister of finance, predicted here that
his nation's economy has "bottomed out," only to have his U.S.
counterpart, Lawrence Summers, remind the group that Japanese
officials  had said something similar at each of the past seven Davos
conferences.  Even Europe, the only other significant source of growth
in the world  economy, is now struggling. "We see a sharp slowdown in
economic activity  since August," said Heiner Flassbeck, Germany's top
international  financial official.

But the U.S. goes blithely on its way, undaunted by the problems of the
world and inured to its own political crisis. U.S. consumers continue to
spend more money than they earn, buoyed by a stock market that
drives  share prices higher than any reasonable estimate of earnings
can justify.  Friday's announcement that the U.S. economy grew at a
5.6% rate in the  fourth quarter sent analysts once again scurrying to
mark up their  forecasts for the coming year.

Much of the discussion here has circled around the question of whether
the U.S. economy generally, and the U.S. stock market more
particularly, is merely a bubble that will soon burst. The presence of Jeff
Bezos, chief executive of Amazon.com, did nothing to discourage
countless references to  insanely highflying Internet stocks, including a
suggestion from Mr. Summers that Brazil might solve its problems by
renaming its currency "real.com."

C. Fred Bergsten, who runs an economic think tank in Washington,
predicted  that this irrational exuberance would soon end, with a 20% to
25% market  correction. (Mr. Bergsten encapsulates the main drawback
of the Davos  conference. Asked in a casual hallway conversation if he
was "learning  anything," Mr. Bergsten responded: "I'm here to impart
knowledge." So,  too, were most of the other conferees.)

Even more intriguing was the discussion of what happens if the U.S.
keeps growing while the rest of the world stagnates. With U.S.
consumers alone at the shopping mall, one result is certain: U.S.
imports will surge, U.S. exports will shrink, and the nation's trade deficit
will swell to magnitudes not seen since the early 1980s.

The dangers of that situation were laid out by Vice President Al Gore,
who  surprised his audience with an unusually thoughtful and eloquent
speech on  the global economy. "America cannot be the importer of only
resort," he  warned. Growth in the rest of the world "is essential if we are
going to  prevent the financial crisis of 1998 from becoming the trade
crisis of  1999."

For his part, Mr. Gore restated a commitment to global free trade, and
he  issued a new call for a reduction in world agricultural tariffs.
Meanwhile, U.S. Trade Representative Charlene Barshefsky met with
her counterparts from other nations to push for a new global round of
trade negotiations. But the fuss over steel imports, much noted here in
Davos, underscores how difficult it will be to win congressional support
for that agenda while the trade deficit is swelling.

Some analysts also warned that giant trade deficits could wreak havoc
on  currency exchange rates. More than one Davos conferee reminded
the group  of the experience of the mid-1980s, when accumulating
current-account  surpluses led a soaring U.S. dollar to drop by half. U.S.
Treasury  Secretary Robert Rubin echoed the views of others when he
told the group:  "The international system cannot sustain indefinitely the
large imbalances created by the disparities of growth and openness"
between the U.S. and the rest of the world.

For all the hand-wringing here, though, it's still hard to escape the
sense that the U.S. is the envy of the world. The unbounded optimism of
 American consumers, businessmen and investors may be
exaggerated, but it  is not wholly without reason. A remarkable surge of

[CTRL] Fw: re; AANEWS for Monday, February 1, 1999

1999-02-01 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
Date: Monday, February 01, 1999 2:00 PM
Subject: re; AANEWS for Monday, February 1, 1999

subject: AANEWS for February 1, 1999

 A M E R I C A N   A T H E I S T S
  #520 ~~ 2/1/99

   "For Reason and the First Amendment"

   In This Issue...
   * Christian athletes pushing "Godmercials" on fans?
   * Sumners to address National American Atheists Convention in April!
   * Resources
   * About this list...


They might not have been doing the "dirty bird" during Super Bowl
XXXIII yesterday, but players and fans were praying and making other
religious gestures as the Denver Broncos bested the Atlanta Falcons
34-19.  There didn't seem to be much evidence of supernatural
intervention, though.  Atlanta probably left everything they had back
in Minnesota, Bronco QB John Elway drilled his targets amidst the
mediocre Falcon defense, but, oh yes, there was the performance of
safety Eugene Robinson.

  About Mr. Robinson...

Sports Illustrated refers to him as "one of the NFL's most respected
players," and he's generally credited as one of the reasons behind the
Atlanta Falcon's march this past season to their first Super Bowl.
Robinson is nicknamed "Preacher" because of his deep religious
beliefs, and penchant for quoting Bible verse, and thanking god for
his performance on the field.  The fumbles and incompletes are his
responsibility, but when he connects for a first down or TD, it's due
to The Man Upstairs, right?

On Saturday night, while the pre-Bowl parties were off and running in
Miami, it seems that Eugene was allegedly luking on Biscayne
Boulevard, described as a hangout for pimps, hookers, and drug
dealers, cruising the area in a rental car.  He was soon in the
custody of the Miami Police, though, and according to a report, "While
conducting an undercover prostitution sting, defendant drove up ...
and offered the officer $40 for (oral sex)."  A couple of dozen other
accused Johns were caught up in the net too, according to CBS Sports
Line, along with a murder suspect from Pennsylvania.  Robinson's car
was impounded, and the super star was released after signing a written
promise to return for trial.

Maybe that's why he goofed on Sunday's 80-yard TD play from Elway to
Rod Smith.

Robinson's arrest -- and remember, he's innocent until proven guilty
-- underscores the problematic situation in both the NFL and the
larger "sports world" between public religiosity and what is otherwise
a secular game, be it football, baseball, the hoops or some other
scoring contest.  Sports is considered the great leveler potentially
uniting all classes and segments of society.  After all, the pro
leagues especially are light years ahead of the wider society when it
comes to the color line, though work remains to be done in terms of
women's' athletics.  Sports is considered something which everyone can
participate in as either fan or player, regardless of your color,
religion, ethnic background, or neighborhood -- right?  The sports
world is supposedly neutral; only performance, ability and results

But increasingly, pro sports along with their collegiate and amateur
counterparts, have been transformed into a stage, better yet a pulpit.
Some people object to the commercialization of the games; witness
yesterday's half- time show which was dubbed the "such-and-such
Insurance Half Time Presentation."  The Budweiser blimp is overhead,
people are glued to the set just to see those $1.6 million commercial
spots for Apple Computers of Monster.com.  Someone has to pay the
bills, and like it or not sports is big money.

It's also becoming a big religious forum, which is sure to offend many
of the fans.  Hours before allegedly heading down to Biscayne
Boulevard in search of some Oval Office fun, Robinson had been honored
with the Bart Starr Award from the Christian religious group Athletes
in Action.  The winner of that award is selected among NFL players for
the person who displays the proper religious credentials and "high
moral character."  Athletes in Action is operated by evangelist Bill
Bright, founder of the mammoth Campus Crusade for Christ, and is one
of dozens of evangelical outreaches targeting professional and
collegiate athletes.

"In-Your-Face" Religion

Increasingly, displays of religious fervor and belief are taking place
whether on the gridiron, b-ball court or other athletic venues.  It's
obvious in the growing number of players who exploit prime-time
coverage to bend a knee after a successful catch or 

[CTRL] test

1999-02-01 Thread Kinda Ford

 -Caveat Lector-


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fascism On The Move Toward New Order

1999-02-01 Thread Teo One Thousand

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 2/1/99 4:46:28 PM Eastern Standard Time,

  A friend of mine said the exact same thing to me today.  He said that the
  difference between the US today and Nazi Germany is that they got to wear
  "really cool uniforms" and we don't.  The Fourth Reich is alive and well in
  the good old US of A.

 This is only true for some minorities and political views. Otherwise,
 the above
 statements are way exaggerated as far as most Americans are concerned.


This might be true in an operative sense, but I do believe that we are just
one step away from tyranny.  There IS much exaggeration on both sides of this
issue; the "Patriots" say we live in an oppressive Nazi regime where we have
no freedoms left, while the "left" tells us that all is well on the home
front.  The truth is in between somewhere, BUT IMO it is leaning heavily in
the direction of fascistic "Nazi-like" tyranny.
We DO have a measure of freedom left to us, but anyone who examines things can
see that those freedoms that we do have are dwindling under the oppressiveness
of national law and statute, as well as corporate constructs which are
supported by the government in a very fascistic way I might add.
So the statement may be exaggeration but not much IMO.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: AllPolitics E-Wire - February 1, 1999

1999-02-01 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
Date: Monday, February 01, 1999 2:28 PM
Subject: AllPolitics E-Wire - February 1, 1999

AllPolitics.com E-Wire -- February 1, 1999


A weekly briefing on U.S. politics:

Quote of the week:

"I think some Republicans are trying to act like political magicians and
say, 'See me vote guilty but see me vote not to remove him from office.' You
can't say that he is guilty, then not remove him from office."  -- Sen. John
Breaux (D-Louisiana), criticizing the idea of a proposed "finding of fact"
against President Clinton, January 31.

Deposition week

President Bill Clinton's impeachment trial is in recess until Thursday,
while House prosecutors take what could be a final crack at eliciting new
information from Monica Lewinsky, Vernon Jordan and Sidney Blumenthal in
depositions this week.

Lewinsky's deposition was wrapped up Monday at Washington's Mayflower Hotel,
with Jordan's set for Tuesday and Blumenthal's for Wednesday. Their
depositions will be in a Senate meeting room.

When the trial resumes, senators will deal with any objections to questions
posed in the depositions, and also decide whether to make the new videotaped
evidence public.

In a series of votes last week, the Senate permitted the depositions and
established February 12 as a proposed target date for a final up or down
vote on the perjury and obstruction of justice charges against Clinton. The
key statistic: 44 senators voted to dismiss the charges against Clinton,
foreshadowing his likely acquittal. (It would take a two-thirds vote in the
100-member Senate to convict and remove Clinton.)

At the same time, senators continue to discuss approving "findings of fact"
that would spell out Clinton's alleged misdeeds without removing him from
office. Supporters say it would be a way to stop Clinton from claiming
exoneration if the Senate doesn't vote to convict, but critics say it has no
constitutional basis.

For the latest on the Lewinsky deposition, visit:

Meanwhile, the budget

President Bill Clinton unveiled his budget for fiscal year 2000 Monday,
formally sending Congress a $1.77 trillion spending plan that proposes using
the new century's forecasted record budget surpluses to shore up Social
Security and increase domestic spending.

The president's formal release of his budget proposal is the opening salvo
in what could be a fierce battle with Capitol Hill over how to use the
burgeoning budget surplus. While many Republicans have been pushing to use
the money to pay for an across-the-board tax cut, Clinton said the majority
needs to be reserved for the Social Security and Medicare programs.

"Our economic house is in order, and strong," Clinton said. "If we manage
the surplus right, we can uphold our responsibility to future generations.
We can do so by dedicating the lion's share of the surplus to saving Social
Security and Medicare and paying down the national debt."

For more of the financial details, visit:

And for a summary of proposed spending in specific areas from The Associated
Press, visit:

Document of the week

Twice now during the Clinton impeachment trial, the Senate has rejected a
proposal by Democratic Sens. Tom Harkin and Paul Wellstone to open its
deliberations to the public. Last week, CNN filed a request with Chief
Justice William Rehnquist, who is presiding over the trial, aimed at opening
the deliberations.

For the full text of the CNN brief, known as an "application," visit:

And for an article about the dispute over Senate secrecy, visit:

Voter's Voice

Reader e-mail keeps rolling in on the Senate trial. If you have a comment on
that or something else in the day's news, send your e-mail to

For a sampling of views from AllPolitics readers, visit:

CNN's "First in the Nation" special

Can't wait for the 2000 presidential sweepstakes to begin? You don't have
to. Tune in to CNN at 8 p.m. EST Tuesday for "First in the Nation: The New
Hampshire Primary," featuring interviews with likely presidential contenders
in 2000, including Al Gore, George W. Bush, Bill Bradley, Dan Quayle, Lamar
Alexander, Steve Forbes and John McCain. The special will be hosted by CNN's
Bernard Shaw and Judy Woodruff and anchor Karen Brown of Manchester, New
Hampshire's WMUR-TV.

AllPolitics.com E-Wire is produced by the staff of CNN/TIME AllPolitics
(http:// allpolitics.com) in
Washington, D.C., and e-mailed each Monday. We're working to make E-Wire
informative and useful, so let

[CTRL] SaudiNet

1999-02-01 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

The curious thing about this is to whom the access will be allowed.  Given
the economic privation of most of the population, it would occur to me the
access will be targeted towards those who have position within the regime.
The dangers include:  realisation that there is a BIG world out there
followed by what the BIG world has as a result of the Saudi roll-over to
the West.  Should be an interesting test.

From Nando

""  It has been hooked up to the Internet since 1992, but Saudi authorities
have worked to set up a system to block access to sites offensive to Islam,
such as pornographic sites, or damaging to state security. ""

Saudi public gets Internet

Copyright © 1999 Nando Media
Copyright © 1999 Agence France-Press

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (February 1, 1999 11:01 a.m. EST
http://www.nandotimes.com) - Internet access has come to the public in
Saudi Arabia following a one-month trial, servers in the conservative Gulf
Arab kingdom said Monday.

Seven of 37 licensed servers have begun operation and the number of
subscribers is expected to reach 85,000 in the first year alone.

During the trial period, launched at the end of December, only a limited
number of clients were allowed access to the Internet.

The servers are all linked to the King Abdel City of Science and Technology
in Riyadh, which has a supervisory function and can filter access.

It has been hooked up to the Internet since 1992, but Saudi authorities
have worked to set up a system to block access to sites offensive to Islam,
such as pornographic sites, or damaging to state security.

The Internet is already available in the other five Gulf monarchies, but
most of them run through a single proxy server which allows governments to
restrict access.


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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] A Global Chance for Anti-Statism

1999-02-01 Thread Eric Stewart

 -Caveat Lector-

Politicians can not represent all the people so tell me which
segment of the people they intend to serve?

Of course, NO ONE can represent everybody and NO ONE should be faulted
for not being omnipotent in this manner.  Libertarians CAN represent a
set of ideals though and those ideals are the issues to be looked at
when determining whether or not they are right for you.

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Was Polio Vaccine Contaminated? (fwd)

1999-02-01 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-

(From *The Spotlight*, July 18, 1994)

Washington, D.C. -- The National Vaccine Information Center
(NVIC) {1}, operated by Dissatisfied Parents Together (DPT), is
calling on Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Donna
Shalala to immediately conduct new, independently monitored
testing of archived samples of polio vaccine for possible
contamination with monkey retroviruses {2}.

The consumer advocate group is also requesting that genetic
analysis be conducted on any extraneous viruses found in the
vaccine lots to determine their potential link to human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV), also a retrovirus, and the origin
of the AIDS epidemic.

In response to an investigative article in *Redbook* magazine
questioning the link between AIDS and contaminated polio vaccine,
NVIC/DPT is demanding that the government make public all results
of past and future testing of polio vaccine samples and other
biological products for retroviruses or simian (monkey) virus
contamination. NVIC/DPT, which represents families of children
injured or killed by vaccines, is also pointing to a 1992 article
published in a prominent medical journal, *The Lancet*, in which
American lawyer Walter S. Kyle presented evidence linking
contaminated polio vaccine to the origin of the AIDS epidemic.

 -+- What Did They Know? -+-

Kyle, who has represented families of individuals killed or
injured by polio vaccines for the past 17 years, suggested in the
*Lancet* article that U.S. government and drug company scientists
knew as early as 1976 that polio virus grown on the kidney
tissues of the African green monkey and used in the manufacturing
of polio vaccine was contaminated with simian retroviruses. In a
1993 letter to Dr. Philip Lee, assistant secretary of HHS, Kyle
requested testing of oral polio vaccine lots, especially those
manufactured between 1976 and 1985, for possible retrovirus

NVIC/DPT Co-Founder and President Barbara Loe Fisher said,
"American citizens, who are required by law to be vaccinated,
have the right to demand honest answers from the government about
whether contaminated polio vaccine may have caused AIDS, and the
best and only way to address this issue is to immediately test
vaccine samples in the archives of the U.S. government. It looks
like scientists in the FDA knew a long time ago that polio
vaccine grown on African green monkey kidney tissue was
contaminated with monkey retroviruses but they continued business
as usual and did not require manufacturing processes to be

   -+- Be Concerned -+-

"This is a legitimate cause for public concern because
retroviruses have been found to cause leukemia and cancerous
tumors in lab animals as well as, over time, to cause cellular
and genetic changes in the host they infect. The public deserves
a serious investigation into vaccine development, manufacturing
and testing in this country."

In addition to the *Lancet* and *Redbook* articles, a lawsuit was
filed on February 14 in New Jersey on behalf of an American child
who has AIDS with no known risk factors. In the lawsuit, American
Cyanamid, through Lederle Laboratories, was charged with
manufacturing oral polio vaccine contaminated with retroviruses.

Oral polio vaccine made in the kidney tissues of the African
green monkey, especially between the years of 1976 and 1985, was
ingested by millions of children (some of whom may have had open
mouth sores at the time of vaccination or already had compromised
immune systems) as well as ingested by an unknown number of
homosexual adults whose doctors used the vaccine in the U.S. and
Africa to treat herpes lesions.

--- Notes ---
{1} The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), operated by
Dissatisfied Parents Together (DPT), is a national educational
organization founded in 1982 by parents whose children were
injured or killed by the DPT vaccine. The organization, which
worked to create the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of
1986, serves as an information clearinghouse on vaccines and
childhood diseases and is dedicated to preventing vaccine
injuries and deaths through public education.
   For more information, write to NVIC/DPT, 512 W. Maple Ave.,
Suite 206, Vienna, VA  22180  or call 1-800-909-SHOT.

{2} The AIDS/Polio Connection. In *Rolling Stone* magazine, March
19, 1992 ("The Origin of AIDS"), "...Reporter Tom Curtis contends
the African outbreak could be due to polio vaccines contaminated
with 'SV 40,' the simian monkey virus. Between 1954 and 1963,
thirty million Africans were injected with the polio vaccine."
[From *Queer Blood: The Secret AIDS Genocide Plot* by Alan
Cantwell Jr., M.D. Los Angeles: Aries Rising Press, 1993. p. 58.]


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic

[CTRL] Will The Real Fascist Please Stand Up

1999-02-01 Thread flw

 -Caveat Lector-

 Electronic Telegraph 2/2/99

Netanyahu slogan is condemned as 'fascist'


 THE Israeli Prime Minister caused uproar yesterday with his
election slogan, "a strong leader for a strong people",
which critics said echoed Nazi and fascist propaganda.
Avraham Burg, chairman of the Jewish Agency and a candidate
for the Opposition Labour Party, appealed to Binyamin
Netanyahu to drop the slogan. He said it reminded many
people of the Nazi party slogan and insulted Holocaust
survivors and their families. "The sound of 'a strong
leader, a strong people' is coming directly from the
conceptual framework of the Third Reich of 50 to 60 years
ago," he said.
Mr Burg said many had phoned him to say that politicians
must refrain from adopting any sloganeering reminiscent of
the language of Nazi Germany.
Shlomo Ben-Ami, another Labour personality, accused Mr
Netanyahu of raising the "spectre of fascism".
Dan Meridor, who quit Mr Netanyahu's Cabinet to join a new
centre party, said the Likud slogan for the May 17 election
was "not suitable for democratic governments".
Professor Michael Harsegor, of Tel Aviv University, said:
"It has no place in the free world. It is used only in
dictatorships. The things that Likud is saying now, Franco's
Spaniards, and Mussolini's Italians said in the past. The
same thing was done by dictators in Eastern Europe in the
Professor Zeev Sternhall, of Jerusalem's Hebrew University,
said he was unnerved by the Likud slogan. "It ran the
fascist Right in Italy and France after the Second World War
and it is astonishing it is being used in Israel.
"I do not know a single democratic country in the world that
would adopt such a slogan, because it is a message that is
frightening and sickening."
It awakened a sense that Israelis do not belong to Western
culture, he said. Strong leadership was not perceived as
determined or brave, but rather as dismissive of the
democratic order.
A defiant Mr Netanyahu, who faces a tight contest against
Ehud Barak, the Labour leader, and Yitzhak Mordechai, head
of a new centre party, defended the slogan. He said the
words highlighted Likud's hardline approach in dealing with

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: Clay Shaw on the Soviet Trade War 1958

1999-02-01 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Leo Sgouros [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Newsgroups: alt.assassination.jfk,alt.conspiracy.jfk
Date: Sunday, January 31, 1999 11:54 PM
Subject: Re: Clay Shaw on the Soviet Trade War 1958

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
792kij$hg7$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
New Orleans Times-Picayune July 5, 1958 P30
Red Trade War Methods Noted
   The trade war on the West begun by the Soviets indicates that
they have reached an economy with a tolerable level of consumer
goods, Clay Shaw, managing director of the International Trade
Mart, said Thursday [3rd] at a meeting of the Executives Club
at the Roosevelt Hotel.
   The Russians control production like we control our Army, Shaw
said, adding that production can be used by the Russinas to either
reward or punish other nations by overproduction or sharing the
   Recently, he said, the Russians have "played hob" with the
world's aluminum market by cutting down sharply on their prices.
They see no need for making profit and will sell at a loss solely
to gain economoc control of other nations.
   The answer to this trade war is a closer integration of the
economies of the Free Western World to make our own productions
more stable, Shaw concluded.
New Orleans Times Picayune August 3, 1958 P5
Architect Due to Study Mart
Noted Designer Arrives in City Monday
   [brief quotation:]
   "Our project [new ITM building] will be a symbol in stone and
steel," said [William] Zetzmann [ITM president]. "It will mean
that New Orleans has enlisted for the duration in the economic war
Russia has declared upon the west."
[end of articles]
Jerry Shinley

---== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==--
http://www.dejanews.com/   Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own

thank you for posting that.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: Shaw and the NAZI's

1999-02-01 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Jim Hargrove [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy.jfk
Date: Monday, February 01, 1999 3:49 AM
Subject: Shaw and the NAZI's

On 30 Jan 1999 20:28:52 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Clark Wilkins) wrote:

Please excuse my interruption.

No excuses necessary!  Thanks for the post.

I feel I probably know as much about Ferenc Nagy and Permindex as anyone
on this site.
Nagy has been identified here as a Nazi, a Hungarian, and a former
premier.  He was all of those things.  By 1957 he was trying to free
Hungary from Soviet oppression and probably for the purpose of placing it
under his own oppression.  In doing so, he sought aid from the US State
Dept (arms) and the Italian royal family which had supported him in his
days as a Nazi.  Nagy envisioned smuggling arms into Europe via "trade
marts".  He did not then know that Shaw already operated a Trade Mart.
With State Dept knowledge (and probably at the suggestion of CD Jackson)
Nagy called on Shaw and formed Permindex.

Nagy announced plans to organize Permindex in Basel, Switzerland on
U.S. State Dept/Basel Consulate memos on Permindex started just a few days
later.  For details on why Nagy's public statements concerning financing of
trade center/hotel/office complex should have immediately attracted U.S.
interest, see below.

The CIA denies Permindex was a front company of theirs but they do admit
to keeping a file on Permindex.
Supporting the CIA's claim, the company was predominately foreign owned.
Contradicting the CIA's claim, however, is the fact that the Tolstoy
Foundation, which obtained CIA funding, was electing directors to the
board in equal proportion to the directors being elected by the Italian
royal family.  Again, Nagy's Fascist buddies were elected to the board in
the exact same numbers.
Still others were elected to the board for no apparent political
reason.  Many, if not all, of these latter directors were unaware of
Permindex's true purpose and operations.  Clay Shaw falls in this group.

What evidence is there that Shaw was unaware of the operations of the
he co-directed?  He had three completely different highways leading to the
truth: one through Permindex/CMC channels, the second through USG contacts,
the last through Canadian and European press reports.

Tracking Permindex's bank financing leads back, in part, to the US
and was almost certainly done with CIA knowledge and approval.  The CIA
knew Nagy well.  Still, there is no indication that the CIA was providing
any leadership role in Permindex.  It simply did not interfere with it's
existence.  Instead, the evidence indicates that the officers, directors,
and stockholders looked to British intelligence for leadership.  The US
and Britain have formed coalitions  in the past (WWI, WWII, Korea, and
Iraq) and Permindex appears to have been an Italian, American, and
British coalition organized and led by the British (for purposes I won't
go into here).
 As for the claim that Permindex was kicked out of Switzerland, it
was not.  Permindex moved out of Switzerland because "someone else" was
kicked out of Switzerland who they were working very closely with and
they needed to maintain that relationship.  That's how that story got
started.  It's really not that far off base anyway.

Centro Mondiale Commerciale, which shared directors with Permindex, was
out of Italy because of reports of its true activities in the Italian
the leftist _Paesa Sera_ newspaper and the conservative _De La Sera_.  CMC
Permindex were closely related.

 I have no idea if DeGaulle ever publicly accused Permindex of trying
to kill him.  I doubt it.  DeGaulle was provided a report by French SDECE
intelligence which identified Permindex as trying to assassinate him on
behalf of Israel.  There is some misinformation and many false
conclusions in this report (It's about as accurate as the President's
Commission on Pornography).  It's purpose was more political than
accurate.  By way of comparison, it was a French SDECE agent that wrote
"Farewell, America".  So you can get idea of the work.  Anyway, Charles
DeGaulle did not believe any reports issued to him at the time by the
SDECE so I doubt if he took it seriously.

On the other hand, assuming for a moment that French intel got it right,
whole idea must have seemed absurd to a Wold War II veteran like DeGaulle,
had seen the liberation efforts of his nation led by the United States.

 Did Permindex get involved in assassination?  I would say yes.  Did
that include JFK's assassination?  As a corporate effort I can state with
100% certainty that Permindex was not involved.  Some Permindex
connections to Dallas do exist, however, which deserve attention but I
don't think Clay Shaw is amongst them.

Thanks very much for this post.

Following is additional information from _Destiny Betrayed_ by James
DiEugenio_.  This material is excerpted with the 

[CTRL] Behind OJ Simpson Media Spectacle (fwd)

1999-02-01 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-

Here's what Lyndon "Extremist" LaRouche, had to
say about the O.J. Simpson case. (Following is an excerpt from
the July 13, 1994, "EIR Talks" radio show.)

 What's Behind the O.J. Simpson Media Spectacle

Q: Mr. LaRouche, I want to move on to another area. Americans
cannot turn on a TV set these days without hearing about the O.J.
Simpson case. The murder of his ex-wife and her friend captivates
the American television screen sometimes from early morning to
late evening.

I understand you have some very interesting observations to make
about this. Why don't you fill us in on that?

MR. LAROUCHE: First of all, people were conditioned, and I was
one of them, to think: Well, maybe O.J. must have done it. He's
violent toward his wife. This kind of brainwashing.

Wait a minute; hold off. There is no very good case for suspicion
against O.J. Simpson. Since he's there, he's part of the scene,
and therefore he normally comes under police-targetted
investigation. He should; there's nothing wrong with that.

But *to presume* that he must be guilty, is wrong. The case
against him is by no means ironclad; it's not even necessarily a
good one.

If he were not a star or celebrity, and if the case had not been
played up by the media the way it has, I don't think the guy
would have had to go to trial. Because they did not present a
case which in any way is conclusive for purposes of trial at that
evidentiary hearing.

But since the evidentiary hearing, new elements have also come to
light which show that it's possible and probable; that O.J.
couldn't have done it. There's a lot of evidence to that effect.
Not just the alibi defense, which his lawyer Shapiro is using;
but there's other positive evidence which indicates that it's
*probable, if not certain*, that he didn't do it. So there's more
than reasonable doubt right now that he could have done it. But
that will have to be shown by trial, I presume.

But there is another aspect to this case which is much more
shocking; and that is the way in which the press has been playing
this case up--wildly.

Now, Hollywood has two problems (apart from the obvious ones):
drugs and Satanism. Hollywood is actually the U.S. capital of
Satanism. It might be called Sodom and Gomorrah rolled into one.

That is, you have Anton LaVey's followers out there, the Church
of Satan; and you have a lot of OTO and similar kinds of Satanism
that's been there since way back--back since the 1920s, 1930s; it
was a nest of Satanism.

Also, Hollywood is the center of cocaine and other drugs.

Now, no one better symbolizes this, than a producer out there by
the name of Robert Evans; and Robert Evans has been, recently, as
identified in the press, a close friend of a guy called Korshak,
a mob attorney from Chicago who settled out there; and of the
ever-loving Henry A. Kissinger.

In terms of media, the New York daily press has been interesting
on this. Last week, there was a report from the *Daily News*
indicating the Robert Evans background to this case, which makes
it very interesting, and Evans being part of Shapiro's ambience.

The second thing is that there was a cut in the--I believe it was
Friday--*New York Daily Post*, showing a picture of Evans and a
picture of Kissinger, and describing an incident, in a little box
set up there, of Korshak being introduced to Kissinger by Evans
at some public affair. Korshak had some very unpleasant things to
say to Evans thereafter, about forcing him to meet with Kissinger
in public.

So the ambience out there is that you've got a Satanic drug-
running operation which is in the environment of the Simpson
household, and in the environment of this crime (whoever did
what); and in the environment of Simpson's defense--and in the
environment which is being played up by the press as we approach
the anniversary (which Evans touches upon), of the Tate-LaBianca
murders out there, and as we approach memories again of some
other murders that Robert Evans was close to, in the financing of
the Cotton Club film; and as we know of the connections between
the Manson murders and this other affair, the Cotton Club affair,
and the Son of Sam killings in New York City.

So it looks like we have a Satanic media event going on, which
has nothing to do with justice for O.J. Simpson or for his
deceased estranged wife.

I think that we ought to be looking at what is being done to
manipulate life in the United States, including our mass media;
and don't rush so quickly to presume that O.J. Simpson is guilty
of anything. He may have problems, but I don't think anybody in
the United States, on the basis of what's been presented
publicly, has any reason to presume that O.J. Simpson is guilty
of what he's alleged to be guilty of, but rather there is another
story which is a very interesting one about Satanism and drugs in
Hollywood, and Kissinger and Korshak and Robert Evans the

Q: And isn't it also true that Shapiro was the lawyer for Evans
in the 

[CTRL] Clay Shaw and French Intelligence

1999-02-01 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

From: Clark Wilkins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Clay Shaw and the Gestapo
Date: Monday, February 01, 1999 3:20 PM

Supporting the CIA's claim, the company [Permindex] was predominately
foreign owned.

Contradicting the CIA's claim, however, is the fact that the Tolstoy
Foundation, which obtained CIA funding, was electing directors to the
board in equal proportion to the directors being elected by the Italian

royal family.  Again, Nagy's Fascist buddies were elected to the board
the exact same numbers.
Still others were elected to the board for no apparent political
reason.  Many, if not all, of these latter directors were unaware of
Permindex's true purpose and operations.  Clay Shaw falls in this group.

What evidence is there that Shaw was unaware of the operations of the
he co-directed?

No evidence.  In fact it is easier to demonstrate that he was aware than
it is to demonstrate he was "unaware".  Yet I don't have evidence he
participated in the company's "shady" operations.  I admit it's a fine
line, but Shaw is a collector of economic information (Such as when
Shinley posted his 1958 speech on Soviet aluminum prices) versus a
plotter of gov't intrigue.

  He had three completely different highways leading to the
truth: one through Permindex/CMC channels, the second through USG
the last through Canadian and European press reports.


Centro Mondiale Commerciale, which shared directors with Permindex, was
booted out of Italy because of reports of its true activities in the Italian
press: the leftist _Paesa Sera_ newspaper and the conservative _De La Sera_.
CMC and Permindex were closely related.

They were more than just closely related.  CMC bought Permindex in 1961.
CMC was caught funding activities directed against the Communist Party
(CP) in Italy, something a foreign company is not allowed to do.
CIA records show that the CIA was funding actions against the CP in Italy
at the very time CMC was caught.


Thanks very much for this post.

Following is additional information from _Destiny Betrayed_ by James
DiEugenio_.  This material is excerpted with the permission of the


The origins of Permindex and the CMC lie in Switzerland in
1956. On December 28, Ferenc Nagy, former premier of
Hungary, announced his intent to form a "permanent indus-
trial exhibition" named Permindex, in Basel.3

This follows the unsuccessful Nov/Dec 1956 Hungarian revolution in which
the Hungarians, after listening to CIA Radio Free Europe broadscasts,
threw the Soviets out - only to have them return with tanks.  It got real
ugly after that.


After his announcement in December 1956, Nagy outlined
a large, three-part construction project to include a trade
center, a hotel, and an office center.6  He was unwilling to
reveal the people and firms involved in financing the project,
and denied any American backing. But he dropped the name
of J. Henry Schroder, a New York banker. Schroder denied
having anything to do with the enterprise.7 Nagy then men-
tioned Hans Seligman, a Swiss banker.8 This generated some
controversy, not only because Seligman's bank was not a
major house, but also because he had been accused by both
the U.S. and the U.K. of cooperating with fascists during
World War II.9 Things got worse when it was discovered that
George Mantello was also involved.10 Mantello's real name
was George Mandel. His name brought about attacks in the
Swiss papers against Permindex, its organizers, and the
Swiss government. The Arbeiter-Zeitung accused Mandel of
being a gold profiteer during the war and of working the
Jewish refugee racket. He had done both while holding Sal-
vadoran citizenship and acting as secretary at the El Salvador
Consulate in Geneva. Mandel was a naturalized Swiss citizen
of Eastern European origin, who had aided Nagy in his flight
from Hungary and helped him get established in America."11

This is the Hungarian Fascist connection to Permindex I mentioned in my


At this point, two things happened. In April of 1957, two
local officials interested in getting Permindex approved went
to New Orleans to visit the International Trade Mart.

They were not "local".  One of the two men was Ferenc Nagy.  Nagy had
gone to see CD Jackson (Who oversaw the CIA's Radio Free Europe for
Eisenhower) to complain about the lack of CIA and US support to back the
Hungarian revolution.  It was after seeing Jackson that Nagy went to New
Orleans where he met with Clay Shaw.

12 By the
next year, the directors of Permindex decided to move their
company to Italy. The same people were involved: Nagy,
Mandel, and Seligman, with one addition, Clay Shaw.13 Shaw
later became associated with CMC, which had been formed
in 1961 by reputed former OSS operative Major Louis
Bloomfield.14  Curiously, CMC also moved to Rome, the next

CMC purchased Permindex in 1961.  Shaw 

[CTRL] Bloodless Coup

1999-02-01 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-



Sunday, January 24, 1999

"I do believe that this is a battle," the first lady said. "Look at the very
people who are involved in this. They have popped up in other settings. The
great story here for anybody willing to find it, write about it and explain
it is this vast right-wing conspiracy that has been conspiring against my
husband since the day he announced for president. A few journalists have
kind of caught on to it and explained it, but it has not yet been fully
revealed to the American public. And actually, you know, in a bizarre sort
of way, this may do it." -- Hillary Clinton on NBC's Today, Jan 27, 1998
The Christian Far right is behind this move for impeachment. The Christian
Far Right has captured control of the Republican Party. The so-called
Republican "moderates" who say Clinton hasn't confessed enough for them are
full of shit. The 81 questions that philanderer Henry Hyde sent the
president are 81 variations of "When did you stop beating your wife?" Like
Kenneth Starr (Inspector Shithound), these mean-spirited idiots are out to
get the President as an act of vengeance at any cost to the nation. What the
neo fascist Christian Far Right is really trying to do is impose its
puritanical morality on the rest of the nation. --Al Aronowitz
Sen. Ted Stevens R-AK (202) 224-3004 (907) 271-5915
Sen. John McCain R-AZ (202) 224-2235 (602) 952-2410
Sen. Joseph Lieberman D-CT (202) 224-4041 (860) 549-8463
Sen. Olympia J. Snowe R-ME (202) 224-5344 (207) 874-0883
Sen. Susan M. Collins R-ME (202) 224-2523 (207) 945-0417
Sen. Spencer Abraham R-MI (202) 224-4822 (616) 975-1112
Sen. Bob Kerrey D-NE (202) 224-6551 (402) 391-3411
Sen. Richard H. Bryan D-NV (202) 224-6244 (702) 686-5770
Sen. Ron Wyden D-OR (202) 224-5244 (503) 326-7525
Sen. Arlen Specter R-PA (202) 224-4254 (215) 597-7200
Sen. John H. Chafee R-RI (202) 224-2921 (401) 453-5294
Sen. John W. Warner R-VA (202) 224-2023 (804) 771-2579
Sen. Charles S. Robb D-VA (202) 224-4024 (804) 771-2221
Sen. James M. Jeffords R-VT (202) 224-5141 (802) 223-5273
Sen. Slade Gorton R-WA (202) 224-3441 (425) 451-0103
Sen. Russell Feingold D-WI (202) 224-5323 (414) 276-7282
CALL 1-877-TO-MOVEON (1-877-866-6836)to be connected to your own Senators
for FREE

I have not been able to unearth evidence of a conspiracy in the impeachment
of President Clinton. I have neither the resources or the power to do so.
However, if there was a conspiracy, all of the players in Zippergate had a
background in the intelligence community and were capable of carrying out a
bloodless coup. The impeachment of the President of the United States was
caused by a group of intelligence community professionals who worked
together under the auspices of billionaire DICK SCAIFE. LINDA TRIPP must
have been aware of the Scaife organization when she was White House, Special
Assistant to the Assistant to the President for Media Affairs from 1991 to
1992. In this position she was able to examine and interact with the media
outlets in Washington. Having had a background in counter-insurgency, she,
naturally, gravitated toward those financed by SCAIFE, since Scaife was
behind much of the far right's operations. SCAIFE was connected to LUCIANNE
GOLDBERG. LINDA TRIPP claims conservative commentator Tony Snow turned her
on to GOLDBERG. Snow, who once worked for the Moonies, verified this. The
Moonies were financed by Japanese war criminals. It was no accident that
LUCIANNE GOLDBERG worked with ALFRED REGNERY, a man with isolationist and
pro-Nazi forebearers. Regnery was friends with KEN STARR, and RICHARD
SCAIFE, who had worked in the CIA for decades and runs his own version of
the Agency whose purpose is to bring down President Clinton. This researcher
detects the hand of a rightwing invisible government attempting to overthrow
a democratically elected President, in a bloodless coup.

In the mid-1970's I worked with Congressman Henry Gonzalez, of San Antonio,
Texas, in an investigation of the Kennedy assassination. I compiled a data
base on Coup D'Etats and political assassinations. I compared the names of
individuals involved in the Clinton-Lewinsky affair against this data base
and against a master index of intelligence books indexes known as Public
Information Research, and I detected a correlation.

According to the Washington Post:

Tripp's discussions with agent Goldberg about a book began in the summer of
1996 after a furor over publication of Gary W. Aldrich's "Unlimited Access:
an FBI Agent Inside the Clinton White House." Full of assertions about drug
use, rampant theft, open gay/lesbian sex and late night disappearances by
the president, it was assailed harshly and repeatedly by the White House,
but rose to the best-seller lists nonetheless.

In her grand jury 

[CTRL] Battle Lines in the Drug War

1999-02-01 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.jbs.org/vo13no22.htm"The New American - Battle Lines in
the Drug War /A
Battle Lines in the Drug War

by William Norman Grigg

Near the climax of Triangle of Death, a novel written by former federal
undercover agent Michael Levine, a confrontation takes place in
Argentina between a "deep cover" agent for the Drug Enforcement
Administration (DEA) and an officer of the CIA. The DEA agent had
penetrated the heart of a globe-spanning narcotics network which was
producing an enhanced variety of cocaine known as La Reina Blanca — only
to learn that key elements of the drug network were actively cooperating
with the CIA.

"Make La Reina Blanca available in a country and within weeks a
significant and predictable portion of the population is turned into
murderous, uncontrollable zombies doomed to a slow, expensive death,"
the CIA official muses. "You destroy that nation’s economy, its faith in
its government. The nation implodes on itself. You win a war and you
never fire a shot. Look what heroin and cocaine have already done — La
Reina makes those drugs look like powdered sugar."

"You’re not telling me anything I don’t know," the DEA undercover agent
angrily responds. "What I don’t understand is how … you, a so-called
American, can put that [drug] on our streets."

"How can you be so good at what you do and have so little understanding
of what really pulls your strings?" the CIA officer wearily responds.
"Don’t you realize that there are factions in your government that want
this to happen — an emergency situation too hot for a constitutional
government to handle."

"To what end?" asks the shocked drug agent.

"A suspension of the Constitution, of course. The legislation is already
in place. All perfectly legal. Check it out yourself. It’s called FEMA,
Federal Emergency Management Agency. ‘Turn in your guns … from here on
out, we’re watching you, you antigovernment rabble rousers.’"

From Fear to Control

According to Levine, this shocking exchange is not the product of an
imagination fed by alarmist myths. "That scenario — an ‘epidemic’ of
drug abuse leading to a war on drugs, and eventually to a police state —
came from a specific conversation I had with a CIA officer in Argentina
in 1979," Levine informed The New American. "There was a small group of
us gathered for a drinking party at the CIA guy’s apartment. There were
several Argentine police officers there as well; at the time, Argentina
was a police state in which people could be taken into custody without
warning, tortured, and then ‘disappeared.’"

"At one point my associate in the CIA said that he preferred Argentina’s
approach to social order, and that America should be more like that
country," Levine continues. "Somebody asked, ‘Well, how does a change of
that sort happen?’ The spook replied that it was necessary to create a
situation of public fear — a sense of impending anarchy and social
upheaval in which people will literally plead with Congress, ‘Take
whatever rights you need, but save us from drugs.’ And, of course, the
powers behind the scenes would be only too willing to oblige."

"Even now, the American public doesn’t understand the extent to which
this has happened," Levine observes. "In the name of fighting drugs,
we’ve allowed our federal government to become essentially a criminal
enterprise in a lot of ways." In the federal war on drugs, property can
be summarily seized from law-abiding citizens, and lives can be taken
with impunity. "We’ve come to accept criminal behavior from government
to a shocking extent," Levine declares, "and I watched it happen from
the inside."

Firsthand Passion

For 25 years, Levine served as a "deep cover" specialist for four
federal agencies, eventually becoming the most highly decorated
undercover agent in DEA history. His inspiration in fighting the "War on
Drugs" was his younger brother David, who killed himself in 1977 after
19 years of heroin addiction. In his suicide note, David cried out, "I
can’t stand the drugs anymore." A few years later, while Levine was
working undercover for the DEA, he discovered to his horror that his
teenage daughter had also succumbed to a drug habit — which she
eventually overcame with his help. There are few people more
passionately opposed to the drug culture than Levine — and just as few
who are more critical of the federal government’s war on drugs.

"The war on drugs was only an illusion that I had been fool enough to
believe in — a belief I might easily have died for, were it not for
plain, dumb luck," Levine wrote in his 1993 best-seller The Big White
Lie: The CIA and the Cocaine/Crack Epidemic. "I had been one of those
for whom being a DEA agent had become my reason for living. There were
agents like me all over the world, having their illusions shattered,
stepping on toes, trying to lock up drug dealers who had bigger and
better connections in the American government than they did. 

[CTRL] Constitution Society Home Page (http://www.constitution.org/)

1999-02-01 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

Patriots, Your Attention, please.
With our Constitution under 
insidious attack by the New DemocRats, Liberals, Left-Wingers, Socialists, and 
other forces whose goal is the deprivation of our Freedoms which our forefathers 
fought hard to create and maintain, I thought it timely to direct your attention 
to the following Site:

The Constitution Society!

Here you can digest the wonders of 
God's Gift to us.

Some say it's a dead document, but 
I wholeheartedly disagree. One just has to take the time to visit those 
links of interest to refresh your memories of what we Americans are all 
about. No other document in the World is so cherished by those who have 
the misfortune to live in a Country devastated over the years by the evil forces 
of Communism and Socialism.

I ask you to consider forwarding 
this post to your friends who are not subscribers to the respective lists I have 
selected above.

God Bless You All in this time of 
danger to the fundamental structure of our Society.

Peter AKA 
 Constitution Society Home Page.url

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: A bill has been introduced to Repeal Term limitationsforthe President

1999-02-01 Thread Eugene Ferguson

 -Caveat Lector-

Text from Thomas of H. J Res 17:

Next HitForward   New Bills Search
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Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the
twenty-second article of
amendment, thereby removing the limitation on the number of terms an individual...
(Introduced in the House)

HJ 17 IH


1st Session

  H. J. RES. 17

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the
twenty-second article of amendment, thereby
removing the limitation on the number of terms an individual may serve as President.


January 6, 1999

Mr. SERRANO (for himself and Mr. SHAYS) introduced the following joint resolution;
which was referred to the Committee
on the Judiciary


Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the
twenty-second article of amendment, thereby
removing the limitation on the number of terms an individual may serve as President.

 Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of
America in Congress assembled
 (two-thirds of each House concurring therein), That the following article is
proposed as an amendment to the
 Constitution of the United States, which shall be valid to all intents and
purposes as part of the Constitution when ratified
 by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States within seven years
after the date of its submission for ratification:


 `The twenty-second article of amendment to the Constitution of the United
States is hereby repealed.'.

Regards:  Gene Ferguson

Kris Millegan wrote:


 Subject: A bill has been introduced to Repeal Term limitations for the President
 Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 03:56:38 EST

 A HREF="http://rs9.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query"A President For Life

 Received Data/A
 A bill has just been introduced in the House which will repeal the 22nd
 amendment there by allowing the President to serve as many terms as he can get
 elected. In other words, we may end up with a President/dictator for life.

 I have no further information on this. If anyone else does, please email me. I
 consider this an extremely troubling and dangerous development.

 I believe we need to follow up on this as soon as possible. I have enclosed
 the email address to the House Judiciary committe.

 We need to find out what the status of this bill is. the bill is:  H.J. Res 17

 A HREF="http://www.house.gov/judiciary/"Welcome to the Judiciary Committee
 Home Page!/A

 The link at the top of the page will open up to the following:

 GPO's PDF version of this billReferences to this bill in the
 Congressional RecordLink to the Bill Summary  Status file.Full
 Display - 1,508 bytes.[Help]

 Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the
 twenty-second article of amendment, thereby removing the limitation on the
 number of terms an individual... (Introduced in the House)

 HJ 17 IH
 1st Session
 H. J. RES. 17
 Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the
 twenty-second article of amendment, thereby removing the limitation on the
 number of terms an individual may serve as President.
 January 6, 1999
 Mr. SERRANO (for himself and Mr. SHAYS) introduced the following joint
 resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary

 Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the
 twenty-second article of amendment, thereby removing the limitation on the
 number of terms an individual may serve as President.
 Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States
 America in Congress assembled (two-thirds of each House concurring
 That the following article is proposed as an amendment to the Constitution
 of the United States, which shall be valid to all intents and purposes as
 part of the Constitution when ratified by the legislatures of three-
 of the several States within seven years after the date of its submission
 for ratification:
 `The twenty-second article of amendment to the Constitution of the United
 States is hereby repealed.'.

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