[CTRL] 1st in 25yrs, Interview, antidote to human problems, Sri Sathya Sai Baba

1999-03-17 Thread David Crockett Williams

 -Caveat Lector-

All of the problems of humanity, society, and the environment may be
attributed to an error in human thinking.  Whether it is stopping wars,
violence, covert drug trade, changing laws for greater justice, or healing
our atmosphere to ameliorate climate change and ozone layer depletion before
it is too late to save all life on Earth, the solutions to ALL of these
problems created by an error in human thinking is to correct the mind of
humankind into accord with the natural law and order by which all of
physical reality operates, the fundamental law of causation by which even
God must operate in the world, the law that Einstein envisioned with his
dream of a unified field theory, the inviolable law that human beings have
been ignoring to the detriment of their well being and the health of our

No matter saint or sinner, all human beings are motivated by the desire to
attract true respect and love to themselves.  By the mistaken belief that
these can be acquired by the acquisition of material wealth or fame, mankind
has missed the real opportunity to advance human capabilities.  Following
these introductory remarks is an interview.

No more classic example exists in today's world of how the consciousness of
divinity manifest in human form exemplifies these advanced human
capabilities than the life of the World Teacher of today's times, Sri Sathya
Sai Baba of Puttaparthi, India.

His students and followers of all faiths and religions accept that He has
come to fulfill the prophecies about manifesting lasting peace and properity
around the globe by instilling the deeper wisdom of humanity's divine nature
in all peoples.  Hindu's see Him as the reincarnation of the Rama and
Krishna avatars.  Moslems see Him as the Mehdi predicted to come and bring
peace.   Jews see Him as the manifestation of their awaited Messiah.
Christians see Him as the embodiment of the teaching about the return of
Jesus Christ.  Buddhists see Him as the predicted Maitreya, the incarnate
Buddha of these times.   Over his life of now 74years He has repeatedly
demonstrated the ability to change His normal physical form to correspond to
any form needed to fulfill His spiritual mission to see the physical
manifestation of a Golden Age of true peace, harmony among all life and free
natural abundance as paradise on Earth.

By recognizing and accepting the truth of this message one may help
accelerate the pace of today's global spiritual reawakening, of humankind to
its innate divine relationship to all life as one family, the only real
pathway to global peace and justice.

Interview to group of Journalists from Mumbai [Bombay]
(Published in The Times Of India - 12th March, 1999)

Sai Baba has not given an interview to a journalist in the past 25 years.
But, recently, He spoke to S. Balakrishnan and a group of journalists from
Mumbai :
(Reproduced verbatim from The Times Of India - 12th March, 1999)

Sri Sathya Sai Baba is easily one of the most popular spiritual leaders of
contemporary India.  He has attracted a following which runs into crores
[millions]cutting across barriers of caste, language, region and nation. He
shot into fame because of the miracles performed by him, specifically his
ability to materialise the holy ash and other material things from out of
thin air. The rationalists consistently targeted him. But, Baba, as he is
referred to both of reverence and affection by his devotees, only emerged
stronger from these controversies. Today, the 74-year-old Baba is known for
working out miracles of a different kind.  Miracles in the form of a super
speciality hospital where free treatment is given or a massive drinking
water scheme in the parched hinterland of Andhra Pradesh or a massive
educational complex. The high and the mighty of the land touch his feet and
seek his blessings, so do ordinary people from all walks of life. Baba gives
them all the same message of love. He has never given an interview to a
journalist in the past 25 years. But, recently, he spoke to S. Balakrishnan
and a group of journalists from Mumbai in a small room at his ashram in
Puttaparthi in Andhra Pradesh.

How do you relate yourself to Saibaba of Shirdi?
"This body has not seen him."

Indians are increasingly turning to godmen and
godwomen. Is this a sign of growing insecurity
within them? Or is it something else?
"This is basically a search for God. The divine is
there within each person . The search is for this
divinity. God realisation cannot be seen as a sign
of insecurity. It is a positive aspiration to be one
with God. It is a good sign."

Even as mankind is relentlessly searching for God,
he finds himself engulfed by more and more misery.
What is the reason for this state 

Re: [CTRL] Vast Winged Conspiracies Something to Worry About

1999-03-17 Thread Teo One Thousand

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 3/17/99 2:49:32 PM Eastern Standard Time,

<< Vast Winged Conspiracies Something to Worry About
 >From the Pages of Paranoia

 By Peter Carlson Washington Post Staff Writer
 Tuesday, March 16, 1999; Page C01

 My head hurts like it's been shot through with fire as I write this column,
 because every time I think forbidden thoughts my brain gets zapped by the
 transmitter that was implanted in my cranium by agents of the New World
 But I'm going to write it anyway, because the fate of the world depends on
 getting this information out.

The article was indeed funny, but it is like most of the mainstream media's
view of "conspiracy literature" as well as "theory".  It is usually belittled
in such a way that everything is rounded up together and there is guilt by
association, whether or not the thing being touted has been disproved.  This
article is a good example of this, first they state that Naeslund has an
implant in his head (no refutation) put there by the Secret Police (no
refutation), THEN they jump to saying that the FBI and CIA are doing this to
us (which is certainly TRUE but the implication of the article is that vast
amounts of people are affected).  It is typical stuff.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Reality Check, #37

1999-03-17 Thread Edward Britton

 -Caveat Lector-

No. 37
March 17, 1999
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (http://www.garynorth.com)


 In January and February, there was a run on gold
coins, especially tenth ounce American eagles.  The U.S.
Mint began rationing gold coins to wholesalers.  Then,
without warning, the panic buying ceased.

 It ceased about the time that the Senate's Special
Committee on the Year 2000 Technology Problem released its
report (March 2).  The report is dated February 24.  A
preliminary draft was released to the press that week.
Then Senators Dodd and Bennett made the rounds on the TV
news forums on February 28.  They presented the Party

 1.  Prepare for a hurricane, not a collapse
 2.  Foreign nations will have big problems
 3.  U.S. electrical power is safe
 4.  The health care industry will have problems
 5.  Small businesses will have problems

In short, Y2K is going to be a problem, but not a
catastrophe in the U.S.

 The report is less optimistic than the statements of
Bennett and Dodd.  It summarizes the testimony that has
been presented to the committee over the past ten months.
What we learn is that there are big problems that must be
solved, and there is not much independently verified
evidence that these problems have been solved.

 As for the argument that foreign nations -- Japan,
China, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Germany -- will
have big problems, this is hardly comforting.  These are
our major trading partners.  If they cease exporting goods
to us, the U.S. economy will take a major hit in 2000 and
beyond.  The international division of labor is far more
extensive today than it was in 1930.  Yet a reduction of
world trade in 1930 led to the Great Depression.

 Because you are on top of Y2K, you already know this.
The public does not.  Your friends and neighbors cannot
hear the message for the noise.  The message they hear is
colored by the spin that a frightened government is putting
on it.  They do not want to hear that the days of wine and
roses are about to end.  They do not want to believe that
their futures are going to be hard, the way things were
hard in the 1930's -- or worse.

 When the great fear comes in 2000, the euphoria that
is universal in the U.S. today will evaporate.  A great
fear will paralyze people.  We are not familiar with this
level of fear.  We have read Franklin Roosevelt's
rhetorical line, "We have nothing to fear but . . . fear
itself."  We forget that this was nonsense in 1933, that
there was a great deal to fear: loss of a job, 6,000
bankrupt banks, lost homes, lost dreams, and an economy
that would not recover.  It was terrible.  Year after year,
it would not recover.  The Roaring Twenties had not
prepared people for this.

 We have had over four decades of roaring.  We have not
lived in fear.  There have been recessions and setbacks,
but nothing like the despair of the 1930's.

 How do we prepare ourselves psychologically for a
decade of depression?  How can we imagine it?  It is beyond
our experience.

 That's what I have been trying to do personally: get
prepared mentally.  I moved out of a lovely home on a
suburban street.  I moved to the sticks.  I have bought
grains.  I have sunk wells.  I have restructured my life
and my finances on the assumption that the banks will not
make the deadline, that the welfare State will end.

 Meanwhile, those around us are convinced that the
stock market will make them rich.  It is not easy to keep
my mind focused on what I know to be true: Y2K is systemic.


 I have heard them all: "they" will fix Y2K, American
ingenuity never fails, the free market can be trusted, the
stock market has not discounted it, this or that company is
compliant, it will be fixed on failure.

 There is only one counter-argument that impresses me,
and I have not seen many critics use it: the y2k glitch is
not substantial.  The erroneous century computation is too
limited to affect the vast majority of functions in
computer systems.  Thus, y2k will hit, but almost nothing
will go wrong.  Systems will not fail.

 To persuade me, this argument would have to come from
mainframe programmers and electrical engineers working with
embedded chips.  The rest of us are not skilled enough to
know.  The problem is, the programmers are divided on the
question of the degree of disruption we can expect.  Most
of them live in cities.  Most are still on the job.  But a
few have left town.  They are scared.

 Programmer Cory Hamasaki goes out on weekends to a
friend's ranch and works in the fields.  In return, he has
been promised a corner of a cabin if y2k hits so hard that
the Washington, D.C. area becomes unlivable.  Here is a
self-professed middle-aged man who is spending weekends
doing hard labor because he thinks he needs a fall-back

 He is not sure that

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [sgra] CIA "Censorship" Documents

1999-03-17 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 3/17/99 9:44:23 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<< Other organizations that
 cooperated with the CIA include the American Broadcasting company, the
 National Broadcasting Company, the Associated Press, United Press
 International, Reuters, Hearst newspapers, Scripps-Howard, Newsweek
 magazine, the Mutual Broadcasting System, Miami Herald and the old Saturday
 Evening Post and new York Herald-Tribune. By far the most valuable of these
 associations, have been with the New York Times, CBS and Time Inc.
 (End Document Quoting)

And let's not forget the San Jose Mercury News who are helping the CIA even as
we speak.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Russian bank depositors race against time to recover money

1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 3/17/99 3:41:31 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>And the government seems as loath as
>the bank to fix that.

And I bet the scenario here could be similar.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fwd: One in Eight Believe Ray Killed MLK

1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan


Poll on King Assassination Released
 - "Only about one in eight Americans
believe James Earl Ray was solely
responsible for the assassination of
the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.,
according to a poll published
today." Associated Press, January
18, 1999.

The Radical Rev. King - "Ernest
Hemingway once wrote that 'the
dignity of an iceberg is due to only
one-eighth of it being above water'
while the rest remains submerged,
unavailable to the naked eye.
Something of the same might be said
for Martin Luther King Jr., who is
widely celebrated, even though most
Americans remain unfamiliar with his
public writings." Boston Globe,
January 18, 1999.

[CTRL] Fwd: Re: SNET: Masonic / Illuminati

1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan

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->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

This info may help 

Index | Homepage | Good Index | Good Links | Bad Index | Bad Links

Gandalf | CIA | BBC | Echelon | Censorship | Vetting | Freemasons |

Culture, communication and control

Freemasons: The silent destroyers?

" ...these people can poison every part of a person's life."  Christian
ex-masonic judge, 'Christopher', speaks out

Important note: Not all masons are bad news - many initiates have no idea
or disapprove of the self-seeking criminality and persecution that goes on,
mostly at the higher levels

VOMIT, Victims Of Masonic Ill Treatment

Article: Institutionalised Parasites?

Book extracts:
'The Brotherhood'
Ex-masons speaking out
Initiation rites
Further Reading - critical masonic booklist
'Inside The Brotherhood'

Some pro and anti masonic chit-chat

How to expose masonic councillors

 Masonic www links

Institutionalised Parasites?

by Tony Gosling @nticopyright

When I first heard about the Freemasons they seemed harmless enough, a
likable curiosity. Aprons? Secret handshakes? A bit of childlike escapism
for grown-ups? But Stephen Knight and Martin Short's masonic exposés reveal
an occult order where standards are falling rapidly. Their investigations
reveal a more sinister picture of the world's most extensive secret

On an individual level privacy is an essential right, but the
characteristics of freemasonry make it inappropriate in many cases.
Britain's 700,000 masons, that's about one in thirty adult men, form a
secret link between the country's most powerful institutions. Secret
masonic links can be used by unscrupulous businessmen and other individuals
to compromise the inde

->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

This info may help 

Index | Homepage | Good Index | Good Links | Bad Index | Bad Links

Gandalf | CIA | BBC | Echelon | Censorship | Vetting | Freemasons |

Culture, communication and control

Freemasons: The silent destroyers?

" ...these people can poison every part of a person's life."  Christian
ex-masonic judge, 'Christopher', speaks out

Important note: Not all masons are bad news - many initiates have no idea
or disapprove of the self-seeking criminality and persecution that goes on,
mostly at the higher levels

VOMIT, Victims Of Masonic Ill Treatment

Article: Institutionalised Parasites?

Book extracts:
'The Brotherhood'
Ex-masons speaking out
Initiation rites
Further Reading - critical masonic booklist
'Inside The Brotherhood'

Some pro and anti masonic chit-chat

How to expose masonic councillors

 Masonic www links

Institutionalised Parasites?

by Tony Gosling @nticopyright

When I first heard about the Freemasons they seemed harmless enough, a
likable curiosity. Aprons? Secret handshakes? A bit of childlike escapism
for grown-ups? But Stephen Knight and Martin Short's masonic exposés reveal
an occult order where standards are falling rapidly. Their investigations
reveal a more sinister picture of the world's most extensive secret

On an individual level privacy is an essential right, but the
characteristics of freemasonry make it inappropriate in many cases.
Britain's 700,000 masons, that's about one in thirty adult men, form a
secret link between the country's most powerful institutions. Secret
masonic links can be used by unscrupulous businessmen and other individuals
to compromise the independence and integrity of the media, judiciary, local
government, lawyers, MP's, local councillors, royalty, politicians, armed
forces, police, civil servants, and intelligence agencies. And, in the
1990's, as economic pressures increase, so does the temptation to abuse the
masonic network for private gain. A complete national list of initiates is
the very least the public require if masonic assisted corruption in
positions of public trust is to be checked out, and ruled out.

Bloodcurdling initiation rites, occultism, secret expressions, closed
meetings... and all for what?

New recruits are drummed up by existing masons '...it might be a good idea
to join...' but the choice of whether to actually apply or not is up to the
individual.  So what does that decision say about a person? Anyone who
approaches the masons in order to join will probably be encouraged by the
prospect of gaining social positions by the back door. In other words the
initiate has the fundamental ingredient of a cheat who is prepared to go
behind the public's back because he

[CTRL] Engineer Sues BT for Mobile Phone Brain Damage

1999-03-17 Thread James Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-



 (Sunday Mirror, London - March 14, 1999)

A FORMER British Telecom engineer is suing
the company, claiming radiation from his
mobile phone gave him brain damage.

In the first case of its kind, Steve
Corney says radiation from the phone -
which he had to use for up to five hours
a day - has left him suffering from
premature dementia.

Father-of-three Mr Corney, 38, worked as
an £36,000-a-year installation engineer
for the telecom giant before he retired
on health grounds last summer.

He said last night: "I used to travel
about 100 miles a day and was issued
with a mobile phone to test the extent
of the network so they could find out
where to put the aerials.

"I was OK using an analogue phone, but
when I used a digital phone things
started to go wrong. I starting having
problems remembering what I had done.

"Five years ago seems like last week to
me because I can't remember what's gone
on in the meantime."

Mr Corney left BT in 1995 on two years'
sick leave and was retired last year. He
claims BT have since shunned him. A
spokeswoman said: "BT has studied every
report on possible risks involved on
mobile phones and the expert agreement
is that there is no basis in these
fears. However, we continue to examine
this issue."

Last week the Sunday Mirror exposed the
heating effects on the brain of using a
mobile phone.

An international four- year study,
Project Cephos, is being carried out in
secrecy by scientists in 13 European

The project follows research by Dr Kjell
Hansson Mild who last May completed a
study of 16,000 mobile users.

He found fatigue, headaches, burning
sensations and skin complaints were more
common among phone users.

There are about 50 studies into mobile
phone use currently going on worldwide -
but users may have to wait up to 15
years before we know if we're damaging
our brains.

Critics say the electrical effect from
the phone leads to the disturbance of
the cells in the brain.

But Dr Camelia Gabriel, an adviser to
Cenelec, the European standards body on
telecommunications, insists mobile
phones are safe.

He said: "As far as we know, if phones
compile with the guidelines, they are

On Wednesday, the European Parliament
recognised the "potentially harmful
long-term effects" of exposure to
electromagnetic fields, as generated by
mobile phones.

It voted, almost unanimously, to try to
get laws to limit the exposure of
workers and the public to non- ionising
electromagnetic fields.

The Parliament also recommended that
member states lay down minimum safety
distances from, amongst others, mobile
phone transmitter masts - in essence
creating safe areas.

© MGN, Ltd, 1997, (0171-293-3000)
One Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London,
  E14 5AP

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

[CTRL] Fwd: [sgra] CIA "Censorship" Documents

1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan

Smoking Gun Research Agency
Main Branch
Westport, Connecticut, USA
*** T H I S  J U S T  I N ***
From: The SGRA Document Team <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subj: Documents On The CIAs Censorship Programs

>> Our offices in Connecticut just recieved an interesting set of documents
from the Central Intelligance Agency (CIA) dated 20 December 1991. They
contain guidelines which the CIA uses to keep information out of the media.
What follows are some quoted sections of the document we have. If you would
like to recieve a text version of this document please E-mail our main office
at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and we will send it as an attached text file.

(Begin Document Quoting)
"his has helped up turn some "intelligence failure" stories into "Intelligence
success" stories...In many instances, we have persuaded reporters to postpone,
change, hold, or even scrap stories"

"The Agency has a wide range of contacts with academics through
recruiting, professional societies, contractual arrangements and OTE."

"The Agency has a broad range of contacts throughout government and provides
product, briefings, and exchanges to both Executive and Legislative Branches.

 In the fifties and the Sixties the CIA employed the entire range
of media operations to deceive the American and Foreign audiences.
The CIA, inter alia, published more than 1000 books under assumed
guise as covered in the Church Committee's review of CIA operations.
By far the most influential of the CIA disinformation operations is
its own intelligence.  The CIA is so effective at deception, dissembling
and cover-up that it believes its own lies.

Among executives who cooperated with the CIA were William Paley of the
Columbia Broadcasting System, Henry Luce of Time Inc., Arthur Hays Sulzberger
of the New York Times, Barry Bingham Sr. of the Louisville Courier-Journal,
James Copley of the Copley News Services. Other organizations that
cooperated with the CIA include the American Broadcasting company, the
National Broadcasting Company, the Associated Press, United Press
International, Reuters, Hearst newspapers, Scripps-Howard, Newsweek
magazine, the Mutual Broadcasting System, Miami Herald and the old Saturday
Evening Post and new York Herald-Tribune. By far the most valuable of these
associations, have been with the New York Times, CBS and Time Inc.
(End Document Quoting)

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[CTRL] masonicinfo.com: Freemasonry and Anti-Masonry

1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

http://www.masonicinfo.com/">masonicinfo.com: Freemasonry and Anti-
"Anger and jealousy can no more bear to lose sight of their objects than
George Eliot (1819–80), English novelist

What's Here?

Since the earliest days of Freemasonry, there were people who opposed
its existence. On this web site, we examine their reasons and reactions.

Who is This Information For?

There's something here for anyone who has heard or read stories about
the 'evils' of Masons and their organization and who wants to see what
all the fuss is about. There's also information here which should help
Masons better understand why they might be criticized for their
involvement. Finally, there's detailed information about Masonry for
those seeking to understand the organization itself.

We've tried to present 'just the facts'. If you know Masonry is wrong
and you know you are right beyond a doubt, click here and go directly to
some information especially for you!

As we've developed this site, now nearing 150 pages deep, we are more
and more convinced that the intolerance exhibited towards Freemasonry is
often matched by intolerance towards other religions, other races, other
human beings! While Freemasonry has, throughout its existence, remained
silent when critics have sought to defame its gentle character, in
today's world it's clear that far too often a failure to speak out can
often lead to acts of hate and violence. For that reason, this site was

We'd encourage you to start by checking out our Site Map where you'll
get an idea of how things are laid out or you can begin with our What's
New page. Perhaps you want to head directly to Who's against Freemasonry
 or maybe you'd rather find out more about the organization and our
Masonry Primer will help. There's lots to read but we've tried to make
it as easy as possible to get where you want to go. Do send us your
suggestions for improvement!

And just so you know: this site was last updated on Monday, March 08,
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Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Counter !lluminati Agency

1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

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Re: [CTRL] Remains Found beneath former home of Benjamin Franklin

1999-03-17 Thread Liz Schumacher

 -Caveat Lector-

i think it was pretty common at the time to use whatever bodies were available
for dissection-research,and since it was illegal, they used whatever means
they could to dispose of the cadavers. I dont think this means Ben was a
serial killer.
  Interesting article tho, and certainly more grist for the mill

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Remains Found beneath former home of Benjamin Franklin

1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

nes&COB=home">History-The 18th century - From The Mining Comp 
History -- The 18th Century

>From London Times: 11 Feb 1998 Issue

Remains Found beneath former home of Benjamin Franklin

The London Times on 11 February 1998, reported that while workmen, who
where preparing the former London home of Benjamin Franklin home for
renovation and restoration, discovered the bodies of 10 individuals.
According to the article initial estimates are that the bones are about
200 years old and were buried at the time Franklin was living in the
house, which was his home from 1757 to 1762, and from 1764 to 1775.
"Most of the bones show signs of having been dissected, sawn or cut. One
skull has been drilled with several holes. Paul Knapman, the Westminster
Coroner, said: ‘I cannot totally discount the possibility of a crime.
There is still a possibility that I may have to hold an inquest’."(
Times article)

This story is significant to historians today, because it helps them to
understand the medical practices of the 18th century, and also gives
more insight into the life of Ben Franklin and his interests,
Particularly in the field of medical science. The article stated that
the remains of four adults and six children were discovered during the
#1.9 million restoration of Franklin's home at 36 Craven Street, close
to Trafalgar Square.

There is speculation that there may be other bodies located in the area,
because these bodies were well hidden. These bodies could have been
subjects of dissection and further anatomical studies on how the human
body looked and functioned internally.

The article gives a short background on the times. In the early 1770s Dr
Hewson was in partnership with William Hunter, who, with his brother
John, was one of the founders of British surgery. Dr Hunter and Dr
Hewson ran a school of anatomy in Soho, but after a argument Dr Hewson
left to live in Franklin's house, where he is believed to have
established a rival school and lecture theatre.

The Times quoted Dr Knapman said that: "It is most likely that these are
anatomical specimens that Dr Hewson disposed of in his own house, but we
are still not certain about the bones' exact age or origin."

Thus, Dr. Hewson may have been the individual, with the aide of his
students, may have buried the bodies after they completed their study.
At the time, according to the article, grave robbing was illegal,
punishable by either execution or deportation. William Hewson, like
Franklin, was a Fellow of the Royal Society, and the husband of Polly
Stevenson, the daughter of Franklin's landlady, Mary Stevenson.

The house may have been used for Dr. Hewson’s school of anatomy by
Franklin, when he lived with Mary Stevenson, thus, Franklin might not
been aware of what Hewson and his students were doing in the basement of
the home. Dr Hewson fell victim to his own researches at an early age.

He accidentally cut himself while dissecting a putrid body, contracted
septicemia and died in 1774, aged 34. The London Times article also
stated that, "Brian Owen Smith has volunteered to lead researches on
behalf of the friends."( Times article)

The London Times 11 Feb 1998.

Sound off on this article or the topic in general can be posted at the
History The 18th century Bulletin Board.

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[CTRL] [1a] This Age of Conflict

1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

http://www.intrstar.net/~wpaper/AgeofConflict.html">Age of Conflict

This Age of Conflict
By Ivor Benson

Ivor Benson is a former South African and Fleet Street, London,
journalist; South African Broadcasting Corporation news analyst and
commentator 1963/64; Information Adviser to Ian Smith’s Rhodesian Front
Government 1964/65; political analyst and author of several books, he
has traveled widely.

"Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present
controls the past"—George Orwell

"It is almost a joke now in the Western world, in the 20th century, to
use words like ‘good’ and ‘evil’. They have become almost old-fashioned
concepts, but they are very real and genuine concepts. These are
concepts from a sphere which is higher than us. And instead of getting
involved in base, petty, short-sighted political calculations and games.
we have to recognize that the concentration of world Evil and the
tremendous force of hatred is there and it’s flowing from there
throughout the world. And we have to stand up against it and not hasten
to give to it, give to it, give to it, everything that it wants to
swallow."—Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Knowledge can be of two kinds: knowledge of the world outside ourselves,
the macrocosm, and knowledge of the kingdom within, the microcosm, both
of them boundless. The better we know ourselves, the easier it will be
to know the world; alternatively, the better we know the world, so much
easier it will be to know ourselves and our deepest and most enduring
needs. It is not more and more knowledge that we need for the purpose of
strengthening our position as individuals, but only knowledge of a kind
that holds together and makes sense. We need a coherent interpretation
of the history of the age in which we live and an insight into what it
is that we must have if we are to be physically well and in good

The following paragraph from a book by three university historians,
published in 1949, will serve as a starting point for an exploration of
what they describe as "this age of conflict":

Two world wars and their intervening wars, revolutions and crises are
now generally recognized to be episodes in a single age of conflict
which began in 1911 and has not yet run its course. It is an age that
has brought to the world more change and tragedy than any other in
recorded history. Yet, whatever may be its ultimate meaning and
consequence, we can already think of it and write of it as a historic
whole. (1)

An age of conflict that must be thought of "as a whole" must also be
capable of being explained and understood as a whole; therefore, it is a
highly condensed and simplified synopsis of the history of our century
that we must have if the seemingly interminable succession of "episodes"
of conflict and tragedy is to be seen as a whole and understood.

The method I have chosen is to begin with a list of categorical
statements which can be developed and expanded later and supported with
an extensive bibliography. Here they are:

1. Our century of conflict is the product of an alliance of money and
intellect, with intellect almost invariably subordinate to, and at the
service of, money; money being in the 20th century the primary source of
great power.

2. We need to fill and identify the changes which have occurred in the
realms of money and of intellect, changes which have made this century
so different from all others in recorded history.

3. The change which has occurred in the realm of money is this:
Constellations of finance-capitalism which had been separate and
nationally oriented were absorbed into a greater constellation of
finance-capitalism serving a different set of long-term interests.

4. The change which occurred in the realm of intellect is this:
Christian orthodoxy was replaced by an ideology of socialism as the
basis of a consensus intellectual frame of reference and system of
values. This socialism or secular religion has given rise to what the
psychologist Carl Gustav Jung has described as a "psychic epidemic" now
afflicting the educated classes in the West.

5. The changes which heralded our century of conflict were first clearly
visible in South Africa in the late 1890s, producing the Anglo-Boer war
(the first of three great fratricidal wars in the west), the beginning
of the end of the British Empire and the beginning of a new and
unprecedented kind of world imperium—money-powered, race-oriented,

6. These changes in money and intellect have drawn the peoples of the
West into a dialectical trap, with money as thesis, socialism as
antithesis and the new imperium as synthesis; money incessantly
concentrates power, socialism promises the total dispersal and
distribution of power; the resolution of this contradiction supplies the
new imperium with its dynamic.

7. The process of the transference of financial power to the new
imperium was only c

[CTRL] [1b] This Age of Conflict

1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

http://www.intrstar.net/~wpaper/AgeofConflict.html">Age of Conflict

The Diagram

There is a circle in the center of the diagram from which all other
topics emanate out from. The individual issues that come from the center
include: Economics, Mass Media, Politics, Internal Policy, Foreign
Policy, Culture, Sciences, History, Agitation, and Religion.

We print the diagram opposite with its explanatory notes because we
believe that what the worldwide counter-revolutionary movement needs
more than anything else is a composite or total view of its field of
operations, as a corrective to the present appalling fragmentation.

Too often those who fight a common enemy on different fronts do not even
know each other, each convinced that he alone is fighting the real
battle against the real enemy; some wholly engrossed with economic and
monetary issues; others with drug abuse and pornography; some convinced
that any effort outside party politics is a sheer waste of time if not
counter-productive; some see it as a purely cultural struggle; others as
a religious struggle; and others again as a struggle that will be won or
lost in the universities, etc.

Meanwhile, there is good reason to believe that the problem of
fragmentation is already solving itself, as different groups and
individuals, defending various values, find themselves converging on a
more clearly identifiable enemy.

The message of our diagram should be self-evident. No matter how we see
our own immediate battle-front, let us not forget that the ultimate
enemy, the fountainhead of social and political evil in our times, is an
illegitimate Money Power which can survive and expand only by exploiting
the morally poisonous principle of usury.

Explanation of the Diagram
1. Center
2. Economics
3. Mass Media
4. Politics
5. Internal Policy
6. Foreign Policy
7. Culture
8. Science
9. History
10. Agitation
11. Religion

(Note: The diagram described above is not shown in this document.)

The Center: An Illegitimate Money Power Drawing its Main Strength from
Usury; A Global Usurocracy: The Supercapitalist–Communist–Zionist Nexus.

The source of all great power in the 20th century is money, as in other
ages (like that of Alexander the Great) it was the possession of
superior fighting forces. And the source of power from all other
sources, is the morally indefensible principle of usury, the most
destructive single product of which is the issue of money for all
ordinary purposes as interest-bearing debt.

In the Holy Bible usury is condemned as "an abomination: not to be
practiced on a brother." Usury is also defined as a means of gaining
power over others:

"And thou shalt lend onto many nations, but thou shalt not borrow: and
thou shalt reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over
thee…" (Deuteronomy 15:16); and, "… thou shalt lend onto many nations,
and thou shalt not borrow. And the lord shall make thee the head, and
not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be
beneath." (Deuteronomy 28:12) This is the Levitical priesthood speaking,
not God of the New Testament.—Douglas Reed in The Controversy of Zion

"And upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity…" (Luke 21:25)

Economics: A Falsified Science of Economics and a Fraudulent Monetary

What would be the first requirement of an illegitimate money power
secretly exploiting an evil principle, advantageous to itself and
antagonistic to the interest of the millions who labor to supply goods
and services?

Precisely what we have: a "science" of economics so complicated, so
labyrinthine and steeped in obscurity that it remains for vast numbers
of highly intelligent and well-educated men and women an intellectual
terra incognita.

This "science" has given rise to a monetary system progressively
concentrating in a few hands, a wealth of a magnitude hitherto
unimaginable, some of it in the form of money and possessions, but most
of it a most oppressive lien on the productive powers of mankind—of
which lien America’s rapidly increasing national debt is only a tiny

Political policies inspired and informed by this pseudo-science have
been carefully calculated to grind the mass of mankind to the common
level of wage-slaves, preventing by a variety of means (progressive
income tax, death duties, inflation, etc.) the emergence of powerful
independent individuals capable of serving as nuclei of popular

The same arcane "science" of economics prevents those who work and
produce, the real generators of value, from understanding that
inflation—the progressive loss in the purchasing power of money—is
deliberate policy, being one of the unavoidable consequences of a
legalized form of theft (not unlike coin-clipping and counterfeiting)
whereby governments and those most favored by governments, including
major banks, are in possession of a grossly unfair share of things of
real value—that is, goods and services.

Far worse than usury on money 


1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-


By Charles A. Coulombe

Mr. Paul Edwin Zimmer, of Greyhaven, remarked to me once that most
analysis of the work of J.R.R. Tolkien was undertaken from the
Evangelical Protestant or from the Anglican point of view. As Tolkien
himself was a fervent Catholic, he reasoned, a Catholic critique might
shed new light. Thus encouraged, I began.

It will be the contention of this paper that much of Mr. Tolkien's
unique vision was directly shaped by recurring images in the Catholic
culture which shaped JRRT, and which are not shared by non-Catholics
generally. The expression of these images in Lord of the Rings will then
concern us.

To begin with, it must be remembered that Catholic culture and Catholic
faith, while mutually supportive and symbiotic, are not the same thing.
Mr. Walker Percy, in his Lost in the Cosmos, explored the difference,
and pointed out that, culturally, Catholics in Cleveland are much more
Protestant than Presbyterians in say, Taos, New Orleans, or the South of
France. Erik, Ritter von Kuehnelt-Leddihn, points out that the effects
of this dichotomy upon politics, attributing the multi-party system in
Catholic countries to the Catholic adherence to absolutes; he further
ascribes the two-party system to the Protestant willingness to
compromise. However this may be, it does point up a constant element in
Catholic thought---the pursuit of the absolute.

Here we must make an aside in regard to the U.S. Catholic culture in
America is practically non-existent, except in attenuated form among
such peoples as the Hispanos and Indians of Northern New Mexico, the
Cajuns and Creoles of Louisiana and the other Gulf States, and the old
English Catholic settlements of Maryland and Kentucky. Elsewhere the
Faith was brought by immigrants, and its attendant culture has, like all
imported ones in the States, veered between preservation and
assimilation. This was exacerbated by the fact that Catholic leadership
in the United States was early committed to a programme of cultural
melding. In addition, this leadership was primarily Irish, a nationality
which had been deprived of much of its native culture by centuries of
Protestant Ascendancy. Hence it has been extremely difficult for
Americans, even American Catholics, to understand or appreciate the
Catholic thing (as Chesterton described it) in a cultural context. I am
reminded of the astonishment of a classmate of mine (from a typical
American Catholic High School) at seeing an anthology of Catholic
poetry. This situation has been greatly accentuated in the past twenty
years by the changes occurring after Vatican II.

This being so, it will be necessary to describe a little of the uniquely
Catholic world view. In fine, it is a sacramental one. At the heart of
all Catholic life is a miracle, a mystery, the Blessed Sacrament.
Surrounded traditionally by ritual and awe, it has been the formative
aspect of Catholic art, drama, and poetry. The coronation of Kings,
swearing of oaths, marriages, celebrations of feast-days, all have a
Eucharistic character. Before the advent of Cartesianism, it was held
(among other and higher things) to be the highest act of Magic, before
which all other acts of theurgy, goetia, or sympathetic magic were as
nought. It was the unitive force of the Catholic world, mystically
uniting in sacrificial bond all the altars across the globe.

This great miracle was held to be prefigured by the sacrifice of the
Jewish temple, and indeed to have been foreseen in some dim way also by
the mysteries and philosophies of the ancient world. Hence nothing that
was not evil in these older faiths was rejected out of hand, although a
clear distinction was made between them and Catholicism.

Under this influence, Catholic societies were societies of wonder. Life
was held to be a series of miracles. With God Himself appearing on the
altar, in consumable form, how difficult were wizards, elves, or the
change of seasons? As Aragorn replied to Eothain: "The green earth, say
you? That is a mighty matter of legend, though you tread it under the
light of day!" So might reply any European of the past, or a Cajun,
Galwayman, Sicilian, Micmac, Tagalog, Alfur, or Baganda of today. It is
this quality which leads us to dub those peoples "mythopoeic," and their
modern equivalents "superstitious" or "backward."

Politically, traditional Catholic culture has been hierarchical.
Feudalism itself was formed in great degree by the Faith, as is shown by
the great difference between the Feudal system of European history, and
its equivalents in the India of the Mughals, the Japan of the Tokugawa,
and the China of the Warring States. Ideas of Chivalry and Hierarchy
suggested by the Church did not merely shape European Catholic polity,
but continue to determine political structures in such settings as
Catholicised Afri


1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Charles A. Coulombe

Beyond these fields and this borderland there lies the legendary
wonder-world of theurgy, so called, of Magic and Sorcery, a world of
fascination or terror, as the mind which regards it is tempered, but in
any case the antithesis of admitted possibility. There all paradoxes
seem to obtain actually, contradictions coexist logically, the effect is
greater than the cause and the shadow more than the substance. Therein
the visible melts into the unseen, the invisible is manifested openly,
motion from place to place is accomplished without traversing the
intervening distance, matter passes through matter. There two straight
lines may enclose a space; space has a fourth dimension, and untrodden
fields beyond it; without metaphor and without evasion, the circle is
mathematically squared. There life is prolonged, youth renewed, physical
immortality secured. There earth becomes gold, and gold earth. There
words and wishes possess creative power, thoughts are things, desire
realises its object. There, also, the dead live and the hierarchies of
extra-mundane intelligence are within easy communication, and become
ministers or tormentors, guides or destroyers of man. There the Law of
Continuity is suspended by the interference of the higher Law of
Fantasia. (A.E. Waite, The Book of Ceremonial Magic, University Books,
NY 1961, pp. 3-4)

This rather lengthy quotation serves well as an introduction to the
Hermetic or Magical world-view. It is in complete contradiction,
needless to say, of the more or less materialistic perspective our
education and upbringing have bestowed on us modern Europeans, North
Americans, and Australasians. Since at least the Enlightenment, educated
opinion has insisted on what we call the scientific method. Relying on
the purely measurable, it has provided us with the technology necessary
to provide us with all the conveniences we possess---surely a telling
argument in any case. But to understand the World view of W.B. Yeats,
Arthur Machen, and Charles Williams, as well as that of the Hermetic
Order of the Golden Dawn to which they all belonged, we must first pick
up a little of its history. While the Magical world-view may not be
popular among us today, it is an integral part of practically all
pre-industrial societies. In Europe, the country-folk from time
immemorial to this century (and in some out-of-the-way places even yet)
saw this everyday life of ours as interpenetrated with beings and
actions from other worlds co-existent with this one:

Often they are described as distant realms, but almost as frequently
they are imagined to lie so close alongside normal space that transition
from one to the other is only too easy, in both directions. Certain
places and times facilitate the transition. Supernatural powers break
through into the normal (or can be summoned to it) at turning points of
time: midnight, midday, New Year's Eve, Halloween, May Eve, Midsummer
Night. Similarly with space; it is at boundaries, thresholds,
cross-roads, fords, bridges, and where verticality intersects the
horizontal, as on top of mounds, down wells, under trees, that
Otherworlds are accessible...One key is ambiguity, the concept both/and
and neither/nor. If a man stands exactly on the boundary where three
parishes meet, at the stroke of midnight, in which parish is he, and
what date is it? He has cut loose from normal space and time. He has
also reversed normal human conduct by going outside at night, the time
when supernatural beings are active, but humans should be asleep. In
such circumstances, he places himself in contact with "the other;" he
can reach, or be reached by, fairies, ghosts, or demons. (Jacqueline
Simpson, European Mythology, p. 34).

While the same views may be found in all the world's folklore and
mythology (as, for example, the Australian aboriginal "dream-time," so
often invoked today), in Europe the influence of Christian doctrine made
a great impact. Even as Faerie was conceived in terms like those just
quoted, so too were Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory, which realms also
erupted into our own in various ways. Churches were seen as outposts of
the celestial, brought down at the Sacrifice of the Mass and other
Sacraments. Purgatory, through the medium of ghosts (ala Hamlet's
father) played its part. Hell too, through its demons, those of Faerie
who were evil (the "unseelie court," as the Scots put it), Werewolves,
Vampires, and so on, made its presence felt. Human beings too could
align with the infernal in return for supernatural power; these were of
course the Witches of song and story. In the philosophical world, the
meeting of Hermeticism (the belief that th

[CTRL] The Cool-Ohm Zone

1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

http://www.thinline.com/~ccoulomb/index.html">The Cool-Ohm Zone
Interesting site many embeds and links.  FYI.
Home of the legendary Cardinal Mahony Love Network

"I rejoice that in this blessed country of free inquiry and belief,
which has surrendered its creed and conscience to neither kings nor
priests, the genuine doctrine of one only God is reviving, and I trust
that there is not a young man now living in the United States who will
not die a unitarian." -Thomas Jefferson, Founding Father of the United
States of America, Author of the Declaration of Independence, 26 June

The Holy Grail - the cup used by Christ at the Last Supper. Preserved in
the Cathedral of Valencia, Spain.

Just to show that even protestants know what the Church actually
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J.R.R Tolkein - TradCat
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England - St. George
Scotland - St. Andrew
Ireland - St. Patrick
Wales - St. David
France - St. Denis
Spain - St. James
Italy - St. Anthony

The Nine Worthies Three pagans - Hector, Alexander the Great, Julius
Caesar. Three Jews - Joshua, David, Judas Maccabeus Three Christians -
Arthur, Charlemagne, Godfroi de Bouillon

Tradasaurus Regina
(in chat-mode)

See why stupid people don't like Plato!

Holy Empire

Learn about Monarchy!
Find out why Australia is better off as a Monarchy.

The religious basis of Monarchy
God is a monarchist.

A-Hunting We Will Go
Animal rights activists go to hell.

My Bio
Read this if you are really bored.

The Anti-Modernist Oath
Are you really Catholic? Find out.

Questions? Comments? Opinions? Email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Last updated: 02-21-98

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-



By Charles A. Coulombe

After the French Revolution Count Joseph de Maistre, probably the
greatest of counter-revolutionary thinkers, uttered this warning: "Know
how to be a monarchist: in the past it was instinct, today it is a
science." He was fully aware that traditional loyalties and institutions
had been questioned by the revolutionary turmoil; in particular
rationalism and illuminism attacked the Throne and the Altar and pursued
a strategy of laicisation of State and unchristianising of society. They
fought sacred monarchies because they denied that authority is derived
from God and rejected the idea that society is a natural development of
families, is founded on traditions, is an organic entity; to this they
proposed the notion of a hypothetical contract. De Maistre knew very
well that political battles must first be won in the field of ideas, a
teaching which was to be stressed by another great French monarchist,
Charles Maurras, and that the Revolution, even if defeated on the
battlefield, still lay in wait (Massimo de Leonardis, "Monarchism in
Italy," Royal Stuart Review, vol. 8, no. 1, 1990, p. 5).

Up until 1848, Catholic social theorists and politicians alike had to a
great degree simply ignored the industrial proletariat. While they
continued to fight for Catholic Monarchy, local liberties and
traditions, and the countryside over the town, they had ignored the
growth of the proletariat and what was called the "social
question"---the reduction of the industrial workers to semi-permanent
misery; the result was the loss of the Faith among such masses, and the
rise correspondingly of socialism and communism. The revolutions of 1848
and the following few years made such aware of two important facts: the
Church had to face the industrial age, and just as they had been forced
by the Revolution to turn what had been before an instinctual acceptance
of the natural order of things into a conscious ideology, so too must
they now find a way to apply that ideology---developed initially in
defense of traditional and rural institutions---to modern life.

Just as in the first part of the 19th Century, men like De Maistre, De
Bonald, von Baader, and MŸller arose to elaborate and popularize the
Church's social teachings, so too did they in the second half. As early
as 1869, German bishop Wilhelm von Ketteler declared that the working
classes required six things:
•1) increase of wages corresponding to the true value of labor;
•2) shorter hours of labor;
•3) days of rest;
•4) abolition of child-labor in factories;
•5) prohibition of women, particularly mothers, from working in
factories; and
•6) young girls should not be employed in factories (lest the latter two
seem horribly sexist, it should be remembered that then as now, family
life was disrupted when mothers had to work, and young girls could be
employed at a fraction of even the pittance paid men).

The fact that these proposals seemed radical then says much about
conditions at the time. Soon men like him all over Europe would be
attempting to unite the older strand of Catholic social thought with the
new conditions. Always, however, they would be hampered by the fact that
by this time the reins of power in most of Europe were in liberal hands.

Already, though, the world had seen one government at least in
integrally Catholic hands, showing what the Church's teachings could
give the nation and the ruler who dared to apply them. The country so
blessed was Ecuador, and the ruler, Gabriel Garcia Moreno.

The coming of independence to Latin America saw the formation in every
country there of two parties: Liberal and Conservative. The latter
looked to Spain in particular and Europe in general for social and
political inspiration. They wished to retain the Catholic Church in the
position which she had had from the first settlement; further, they
wanted the great estates to remain like those of Europe---self-contained
communities which, while they may not have made their owners a great
deal of money did build social stability. The Liberals looked to the
United States as a guide, wanted separation of Church and State, and
wished to turn the great estates into money-making concerns, like
factories. These two groups had clashed since independence. The
Conservatives had indeed produced some great leaders, like Mexico's
Agust’n I and Guatemala's Rafael Carrera. But these were inevitably
opposed by powerful U.S.-backed forces. In any case, as the 19th Century
progressed, both parties were faced with the impact such inventions as
the railroad must make on their countries.

Born in 1821 to an aristocratic family of Ecuador's capital, Quito,
Garcia Moreno studied theology in the university there. Thinking he had
a vocation to the priesthood, he received minor orde

[CTRL] The Holy Inquisition: Myth and Reality?

1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

http://www.catholictradition.org/inqui.htm">CATHOLIC FAMILY NEWS- THE
". . .For eternal salvation must be regarded as greater than temporal
property, and the welfare of all must be regarded as greater than the welfare
of the individual.

 These affirmations have consequences painful for the liberal spirit of
our days. For, if the State proclaims that one single religion is the
true one, it has an obligation in principle to prohibit the diffusion of
sects of a heretical character. It is understood that in Catholic
society the highest purpose of the State lies in recognizing the
Catholic Church, in defending her, in applying her laws, in serving her.
In a Catholic society, the Pope has an indirect authority over all that
touches on the interests of the Church. In this way, the Pope is
elevated above all the temporal powers."

Oh yeah, and the horse ya  . . . .

SEPTEMBER 15, 1998

 The Holy Inquisition:
Myth and Reality?

Dr. Horvat holds a Ph.D. in Medieval History

Editor's Note: Centuries of false propaganda have convinced most people,
good Catholics included, that the Inquisition was one of the most evil
institutions ever devised. Presented here is a long-overdue defence in
which Dr. Marian Horvat, Professor of Medieval History, sets the record
straight by completely debunking five of the most common myths about the
Holy Inquisition.

 To 20th Century sensibilities, to speak of Holy and Inquisition in the
same phrase would seem a contradiction. Never has a subject seen so much
ink-slinging — or whitewashing — as the Holy Inquisition. The modern
mentality has a natural difficulty in understanding an institution like
the Inquisition because the inquisitorial process was not predicated on
liberal doctrines such as freedom of thought, which became central in
Western culture in the 18th Century. The modern mind has difficulty in
grasping religious belief as something objective, outside the realm of
free private judgment. Nor does the modern mind see the Catholic Church
as a perfect and sovereign society where orthodoxy should be maintained
at any cost.

 Religious intolerance is not a unique product of the Middle Ages:
everywhere and always in the past men believed nothing disturbed
commonweal and public peace so much as religious dissensions and
conflicts. By the Middle Ages, it had become accepted that the gravest
kind of crisis was that which threatened the unity and security of the
Latin Church, and not to proceed against the heretics with every means
at the disposal of Christian society was not only foolish, but a
betrayal of Christ Himself. The modern concept of the secular State,
neutral toward all religions, would have shocked the medieval mind.

 Modern men experience difficulty in understanding this institution
because they have lost sight of three facts. First of all, they have
ceased to grasp religious belief as something objective, as a gift of
God, and therefore outside the realm of free private judgment. Second,
they no longer see in the Church a perfect and sovereign society, based
substantially on a pure and authentic Revelation, whose first and most
important duty must naturally be to retain unsullied this original
deposit of faith. That orthodoxy should be maintained at any cost seemed
self-evident to the medieval mind. Heresy, since it affected the soul,
was a crime more dangerous than murder, since the eternal life of the
soul was worth much more than the mortal life of the flesh.

 Finally, modern man has lost sight of a society in which the Church and
the State constitute a closely-knit polity. The spiritual authority was
inseparably intertwined with the secular in much the same way as the
soul is united with the body. To divide the two into separate,
watertight compartments would have been unthinkable. The State could not
be indifferent about the spiritual welfare of its subjects without being
guilty of treason to its first Sovereign, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Before
the religious revolution of the 16th Century, these views were common to
all Christians.1

 As William Thomas Walsh points out in Characters of The Inquisition,
the positive suppression of heresy by ecclesiastical and civil
authorities in Christian society is as old as monotheism itself. (In the
name of religion, Moses put to death far more people than Torquemada
ever did).2 Yet the Inquisition per se, as a distinct ecclesiastical
tribunal, is of much later origin. Historically, it operated as a phase
in the growth of ecclesiastical legislation that adapted certain
elements of Roman legal procedure. In its own time, it certainly would
not have been understood as it is presented today.3 For, as Edward
Peters points out so well in his landmark study Inquisition, "the
Inquisition" was an "invention" of the religious disputes and political
conflicts of the 16th Century. It was later adapted to the causes of
religious toleration and ph

[CTRL] The Remnant Resistance

1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from;">Our Position and
 The Remnant:
Our Position and Purpose

by Michael J. Matt, editor The Remnant

Webmaster, Stephen Hand

The Remnant's position is a simple one, as it strives essentially to
adhere to Catholic teaching in every aspect of its journalism. There has
been great upheaval and revolution within the Catholic Church over the
past five decades -- not unlike the one encountered in the fourth
century by St. Athanasius, called the Arian Heresy -- and Catholics are
called to oppose that which in any way contradicts the infallible
teachings and immutable traditions of the Catholic Church.

The Mass

Never before in the history of the Church has there been a Mass that
featured women in the sanctuary, laymen giving out Holy Communion,
Communion being given out in the hand, altar girls, polka music, clowns,
kissing and hugging, priests facing the people, etc. Today all of these
things have developed, despite the fact that the Second Vatican Council
never called for such irreverent changes in the Mass. These changes in
the Mass are completely wrong and have led to widespread loss of Faith
among Catholics. Through the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation,
Catholics have promised to reject and oppose such abusive and diabolical
attacks against Christ's Church. The Remnant, then, sees itself as one
of the many voices who are crying out against abusive liturgical and
doctrinal aberrations such as Clown Masses, women priests, Communion in
the hand, erroneous Theology, abusive and sacrilegious liturgical
innovations, the abandonment of prayer, the denial of sin and hell, the
rise of phony ecumenism (which states that there is little or no
difference between Catholicism and Protestantism, or between Catholicism
and Mohammedanism or any other monotheistic religion, and that all rel
igions are good), the annulment abuse, the abuse of NFP, etc. etc.

The Crisis

The Remnant has been fighting against this revolution in the Church for
thirty two years, just as it has been fighting against the errors that
affect and infect our modern state-- Socialism, Communism, the Welfare
State, the abortion epidemic, euthanasia, sex education, etc., etc. Many
of the abuses in the Catholic liturgy and in Catholic teaching have been
sanctioned by priests and bishops, and because of this fact, most
Catholics have been afraid to object to the near-constant attacks
against traditional Catholicism which they see and hear at their local
parishes. And, although in normal times laymen should not object to what
priests and bishops may be teaching, these are not normal times.
Oftentimes, it is Modernist priests and bishops who are the problem and
who are pushing totally radical and novel doctrinal and liturgical
ideas, and even though Catholics must respect their office, Catholics
still are called upon to oppose anyone --even bishops and priests--who
support Modernist thinking or radical new liturgical innovations which
go contrary to the traditional teachings of the Holy Roman Catholic
Church. Within the Church, however, there are those who take this
traditional Catholic counterrevolution too far--declaring that, since
Vatican II helped to bring on all of this chaos and denial of Faith,
then the popes who called the Council must not be legitimate popes. Many
Catholics who feel this way, believe that there is no legitimate pope pr
esently in Rome, and that Pope John Paul is an impostor. The Remnant has
decried this erroneous conclusion just as passionately as it has decried
Modernism itself.

Loyal Opposition

Catholics cannot leave the Church, nor are they free to lambaste and
deny the Pope at will for things like his "Altar Girl Permission" or the
"Assisi Ecumenical Affair" or the convening of the Second Vatican
Council. Catholic lay people must guard against this attitude, which is
commonly referred to as "sede vacantism." Nevertheless, Catholics must
wake up to the fact that the Church is in a state of unprecedented
revolution and turmoil at present, and that, since the Council, she has
undergone near total spiritual annihilation. The Remnant's purpose,
then, is to fight that which is novel and which goes against the
traditional Catholic liturgies and infallible teachings of the past. The
Remnant is not interested in starting it own Church or in crowning its
own "traditional" pope. The Remnant fights the revolutionaries in the
Church from within the Church. It is opposed to Modernism, Papolatry
(the worship of the Pope), phony ecumenism and anything else which
compromises the traditional Catholic Faith-- but it labors for a
restoration of the old Faith, and not for the foundation of a new
"traditional" church. Its fight encompasses scholarly opposition against
such varied errors as Communion in the hand, married priests, wome


1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-


TCR Note: Would to God we could believe that rock stars are converting
to the Gospel! But who can help but think that such calls---all other
things equal, good perhaps in themselves---are often viewed as a New
World Order substitute for the Church's Traditional proclamation? At the
Denver World Youth Day John Paul II said. "I listen to Rock and Roll. I
am not a man of the past". Pray for the Church in this strange, strange

Campaign Excites Musical Generation

ROME, MAR 11 (ZENIT).- For the first time since "Live Aid" organized for
Africa by Bob Geldof 14 years ago, international rock stars are
combining efforts to support a social and spiritual cause that will have
strong resonance throughout the world. The musical performers are
changing their attitude. Instead of looking for personal attention, or
even using charity to project a good image, this time the performers are
supporting an international campaign, each donating their unique
contribution. They are supporting the Jubilee campaign in favor of the
reduction or cancellation of the foreign debt of the poorest countries,
proposed by John Paul II for the new millenium.

Bono, U2, David Bowie, Robbie Williams, Placebo and Prodigy have already
joined the campaign. "I want to change the world, and I am not alone. I
have received calls from colleagues who have said they are prepared to
support the initiative. We must not stop," Bono, the principal promoter
of the initiative, said. One of the members of Prodigy has appeared in
public with a new tattoo reading "Cancel the Debt."

David Bowie has been photographed in front of a London wall with the
same slogan. It would be easy to dismiss theinitiative at the stroke of
a pen, judging it a superficial idea. But this would be to ignore the
role and influence of these social leaders, capable of becoming a small
focus of support which will move the world in favor of a change in

"To free the countries of the third world from their millennium,"Bono
affirmed. The singer has highlighted this point of view in an article in
a London paper. "I call all those who no longer trust politics so that
this time they will decide to commit themselves with their own person. I
am in the music business, in the business of noise. To make noise in
support of this campaign is what artists can do. In this way, not only
will we give a different meaning to the new millennium, we will also
give meaning to our generation."ZE99031004


Traditional Catholic Reflections

URL: www.geocities.com/Athens/Ithaca/3251/

TCR Home

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Selected Historic Right-Wing Conspiracist, Populist, and Racist Texts - 1790-1989

1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-


  Sponsored by Political Research Associates
120 Beacon St., #202, Somerville, MA 02143-4304

Political Research Associates
Selected Historic Right-Wing Conspiracist, Populist, and Racist Texts -

Listed in reverse chronological order by date of original publication

Includes a variety of works with themes involving conspiracism,
anti-elitism, populism, apocalypticism, White supremacy, and

This is a reference chronology, and is not meant to imply congruence of

{original or earlier year of publication appears in these brackets}

•James Perloff, The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations
and the American Decline, (Boston and Los Angeles: Western Islands,
•Larry Abraham, Call it Conspiracy, (Seattle, WA: Double A Publications,
1985). Features a prologue by Gary North who became a leading Christian
Reconstructionist ideologue.
•William P. Hoar, Architects of Conspiracy: An Intriguing History,
(Boston and Los Angeles: Western Islands, 1984).
•John F. McManus, The Insiders, (Belmont, MA: John Birch Society, 1983).

•Gary Allen and Larry Abraham, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, (Seattle,
WA: Double A Publications, 1983) Revised and expanded from original
•Muhammad Safwat al-Saqqa Amini & Sa'di Abu Habib, Freemasonry,
 pamphlet, (Arabic version, Makkah al-Mukarramah, Saudi Arabia: The
Muslim World League, 1980; English version, New York City: The Muslim
World League, 1982).
•Robert W. Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy, (Boston and Los Angeles:
Western Islands, 1981).

•Des Griffin, Fourth Reich of the Rich, (South Pasadena, CA: Emissary
Publications, 1978).
•Gary Allen, Tax Target: Washington, (Seal Beach, California: '76 Press,
1978). With a special introduction by Howard Jarvis.
•Antony C. Sutton, The War on Gold, (Seal Beach, CA: '76 Press, 1977).
•Michel Sturdza, Betrayal By Rulers, (Boston and Los Angeles: Western
Islands, 1976).
•Robert W. Lee, The United Nations Today, (Belmont: American Opinion,
•Martin Larson, The Federal Reserve and our Manipulated Dollar: With
Comments on the Causes of Wars, Depressions, Inflation and Poverty, (Old
Greewich, CT: Devin-Adair, 1975).
•David A. Noebel, Marxist Minstrels: A Handbook on Communist Subversion
of Music, (Tulsa, Oklahoma: American Christian College Press, 1974).
•Martin A. Larson, Tax Revolt U.S.A.!: Why and How Thousands of
Patriotic Americans Refuse to Pay the Income Tax, (Washington, DC:
Liberty Lobby, 1973).
•Phoebe Courtney, Beware Metro and Regional Government! (Littleton, CO:
The Independent American Newspaper, 1973).
•Wilmot Robertson, The Dispossessed Majority, (Cape Canaveral, FL:
Howard Allen Publisher, 1972).
•Garry Allen with Larry Abraham, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, paperback
edition, (Rossmor, CA & Seal Beach, CA: Concord Press, 1972); reissued
revised in hardcover.
•Gary Allen, Nixon's Palace Guard, (Boston and Los Angeles: Western
Islands, 1971).
•Mary M. Davison, Twentieth Century Snow Job, (Lighthouse Point, FL:
Council for Statehood, circa 1970).
•Cleon Skousen The Naked Capitalist: A Review and Commentary on Dr.
Carroll Quigley's Book: Tragedy and Hope--A History of the World in Our
Time, (Salt Lake City, UT: self published/Reviewer, 1970).

•Bob Larson, Hippies-Hindus and Rock and Roll, (McCook, Nebraska: Bob
Larson, 1969).
•John Stormer, The Death of a Nation, (Florissant, MO: Liberty Bell
Press, 1968).
•Martin A. Larson, The Great Tax Fraud: How the Federal Government
Favors the Rich and Exploits the Masses, (New York: Devin-Adair Company,
•Eustace Mullins, The Biological Jew, (Staunton, VA: Faith and Service
Books, ca. 1968).
•Dr. W. S. McBirnie, The Real Power Behind Communism, pamphlet,
(Glendale, CA: Center for American Research and Education, n.d., circa
•Gordon Lindsay, Will the Antichrist Come Out of Russia?, (Dallas: Voice
of Healing Publications, 1966).
•Rose L. Martin, Fabian Freeway: High Road to Socialism in the U.S.A.
 (Boston and Los Angles: Western Islands, 1966).
•Mary M. Davison, The Profound Revolution, (Omaha, Nebraska: The Greater
Nebraskan, 1966).
•Phyllis Schlafly and Chester Ward, Strike from Space, revised and
expanded, (Alton, IL: Pere Marquette Press, 1966).
•Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time,
 (New York: MacMillan, 1966), republished by GSG & Associates.
•David A. Noebel, Rhythm, Riots and Revolution, (Tulsa, OK: Christian
Crusade Publications, 1966).
•Robert Welch, The New Americanism, (Boston: Western Islands, 1966).
•Alan Stang, It's Very Simple: The True Story of Civil Rights, (Boston:
Western Islands, 1965).
•David A. Noebel, Communism, Hypnotism and the Beatles, (Tulsa,
Oklahoma: Christian Crusade Publications, 1965).
•Phyllis Schlafly and Chester Ward, 

[CTRL] Fwd: The Eye (RS) on Newt

1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan

>From Roll Call Online

IRS Revokes Tax-Exempt Status of Defunct Newt Group

By Damon Chappie

Ruling that a charity used by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.)
violated tax laws by aiding Republican projects, the Internal Revenue
Service revoked the defunct group's tax-exempt status, calling into
question more than $220,000 in donations from several top Republican

But the group, the Abraham Lincoln Opportunity Foundation, filed a
challenge to the IRS ruling in U.S. Tax Court last week, denying tax laws
were broken and arguing it did nothing wrong.

The latest actions throw yet another wrinkle into what had seemed a closed
chapter in the aborted political career of the former Speaker, who left
office almost two years after the House reprimanded and penalized him, in
part, for his role in mixing charities with politics.

The IRS revokation -- the most powerful tool the tax agency uses to govern
the thousands of groups that enjoy tax-free status -- was dated Dec. 7,
1998, and was sent to former Rep. Howard "Bo" Callaway (R-Ga.), who headed
both ALOF and GOPAC, the political committee that fueled Gingrich's career.

ALOF became defunct in 1995, when GOPAC abandoned the charity in the wake
of inquiries into Gingrich's pattern of using tax-exempt groups to advance
his political goals.

The IRS action on ALOF also further clouds the view of its handling of
another Gingrich-associated group, the Progress & Freedom Foundation. Last
month, PFF disclosed an IRS ruling that cleared the group of any wrongdoing
during its financing and sponsorship of Gingrich's controversial televised
lectures on American culture.

The activities financed by ALOF -- namely major televised shows featuring
Gingrich -- served as the model for the same activity sponsored by PFF.

Jeffrey Eisanach, the same individual who directed the production of the
ALOF television shows, went on to head the Progress & Freedom Foundation,
which produced yet another Gingrich television show.

When the PFF decision was made public, Eisenach and officials and lawyers
for both PFF and ALOF hailed it as a complete vindication of Gingrich and
their own activities. But they did not disclose that the IRS had already
decided to revoke ALOF's tax-exempt status.

Now, the ALOF challenge in the Tax Court seeks to link the IRS decision on
the Progress & Freedom Foundation as evidence exonerating its own actions.

The ALOF revokation was made public when the group filed papers in the Tax
Court March 5 seeking to overturn the IRS decision.

"By this letter I am informing you that the Internal Revenue Service is
retroactively revoking, immediately, the recognition of The Abraham Lincoln
Opportunity Foundation (ALOF), as an entity exempt from Federal income
taxes" for the years 1990-95, wrote Paul Harrington, IRS district director.

Harrington wrote that beginning in 1990, "ALOF allowed itself to be used
for non-exempt purposes by GOPAC, a political action committee under Code
Section 527. ALOF was active in GOPAC's effort to train Republican
political activists through the conduct of the American Citizen Television
(ACTV) and American Opportunity Workshops (AOW)."

The IRS finding mirrors the outcome of a yearlong investigation by the
House ethics committee and its outside counsel, James Cole.

Harrington cited the same financial transactions between GOPAC and ALOF
that Cole and other tax law experts cited as improper.

"To fund the ACTV production, GOPAC loaned ALOF $45,000 in 1990 and $29,500
in 1991,"wrote Harrington. "Charitable contributions raised by ALOF were
used to repay GOPAC for these loans."

In court papers, ALOF denied wrongdoing and said the IRS "was without
foundation in facts to sustain" its allegations. The IRS decision to revoke
ALOF's status stands in contrast to its "findings of fact and conclusions
of law" made in its ruling on the Progress & Freedom Foundation.

ALOF, the papers said, was a party to the PFF decision.

The group also argued that its activities in producing the broadcast shows
did not violate tax law and that ALOF could legally engage in loan
arrangements with GOPAC.

William Leherfeld, an attorney representing ALOF, said he was "puzzled" by
the IRS decision to revoke ALOF's tax-exempt status since the government
would be unable to recover any taxes from either ALOF or the contributors
who donated to it.

"In the PFF case, the Service looked at the message rather than who the
messenger was,"he said. "What we're saying is that we want to see" why ALOF
would be treated differently.

ALOF was the subject of a series of stories in Roll Call in 1996 revealing
how Gingrich and his GOPAC allies captured a small, nondescript charity
originally set up to help inner- city youths and transformed it into a
vehicle designed to promote Gingrich and Republican ideals while avoiding
the tight financial restrictions of federal election laws.

Donors to ALOF were enticed to make $10,000 donations as a way of gaining a

[CTRL] Russian bank depositors race against time to recover money

1999-03-17 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

Russian bank depositors race against time to recover money


MOSCOW (March 17, 1999 9:05 a.m. EST http://www.nandotimes.com) - Alexander
Smolensky, the head of one of Russia's largest private banks, had a brusque
answer last fall for depositors who demanded that their money be released from
frozen accounts: Go ahead and sue.

Over the past six months, persistent SBS-Agro Bank customers took up the
challenge and won judgments worth nearly $10.8 million, according to the
International Confederation of Consumers' Unions.

But in the sluggish world of Russian justice, winning a lawsuit doesn't mean
getting satisfaction. Of more than 1,100 depositors who have won court orders
to return their deposits frozen after the August financial crisis, only 23
have actually laid hands on their money. And the government seems as loath as
the bank to fix that.

When Russia's financial crisis hit last year, landing hundreds of banks on the
brink of insolvency, the Central Bank moved to help save the larger ones,
considered key to the country's financial system. But critics accuse the
government and Central Bank of frequently favoring bank owners over customers.

With two high-profile banks already in bankruptcy proceedings and a new
bankruptcy law for insolvent banks on the books this month, SBS-Agro
depositors say they're in a fight against time.

The bank has already changed its name to Soyuz, or Union, stoking suspicions
that it is trying to evade responsibility for its old SBS-Agro obligations.
And court bailiffs have simply let the court orders pile up instead of
ensuring that the bank pays.

Consumer advocates say SBS-Agro depositors have little hope of recovering
their money if the bank goes bankrupt. But how can they force the bank to pony

"The bank frankly announces in the media that it doesn't want to fulfill the
court decisions," said Sergei Trukhachev, vice president of the Russian
chapter of the International Confederation of Consumers' Union.

The bank says "that only those depositors who don't file suit will get their
money back," added Trukhachev, whose telephone hotline is clogged with up to
200 calls a day from depositors seeking advice on how to retrieve their money.

In a lengthy expose, the Novye Izvestiya newspaper has accused the government
and Central Bank of yielding to pressure from SBS-Agro and preventing its
depositors from recovering their funds.

"The bank hasn't been bankrupted; the bank is operating. The bank is using all
the advantages of an acting bank and even so it doesn't pay," Otto Latsis,
deputy editor for economics at the daily, said after the report was published.

"This is impossible without ... the connivance of the Central Bank," he said.

SBS-Agro was the nation's second-largest retail network, with some 5.7 million
depositors holding more than $500 million in hard currency and the equivalent
of $112 million in rubles.

It has gotten two stabilization loans from the Central Bank totaling $956
million, Novye Izvestiya reported.

In addition to the financial boost, the Central Bank has protected the bank,
refusing court orders to pay depositors from SBS-Agro accounts it holds, and
allowing SBS-Agro to form a new bank, feeding fears that it will saddle the
old bank with all its debts and guard its assets in the new one.

Meanwhile, the Central Bank has pulled licenses from Tokobank and Inkombank,
and allowed bankruptcy cases against them to go forward.

SBS took over the bankrupt state agricultural bank in 1996, becoming a main
conduit for the government's preferential agricultural loans. Critics say that
gives it an important role in the country's finances and politics, buying
allies for the central government among regional leaders.

But the Novye Izvestiya allegations have awakened some high-level attention.
Nikolai Bordyuzha, President Boris Yeltsin's chief of staff and head of the
National Security Council, ordered investigators to look into them. Bailiffs
were soon summoned to a meeting at the Justice Ministry to discuss the

SBS-Agro has denied any wrongdoing and even accused Novye Izvestiya reporters
of trying to smear the bank because they have been unable to draw money from
their frozen accounts.

Still, Interior Ministry officials recently reopened a criminal investigation
into seven-year-old embezzlement accusations against bank chief Smolensky.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and

[CTRL] U.S. Report Backs Some Medical Uses Of Marijuana

1999-03-17 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

Wednesday March 17 4:42 PM ET

U.S. Report Backs Some Medical Uses Of Marijuana

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S.-commissioned report released
Wednesday strongly backed certain medical uses of marijuana, declaring
that for some people with serious diseases such as AIDS and cancer, it
may be one of the most effective treatments available.

The widely anticipated report by the independent Institute of Medicine
(IOM) was commissioned by the White House Office of National Drug
Control Policy and could spark a reassessment of the decades-long U.S.
drive to ban almost all marijuana use.

But U.S. officials said the drug would continue to be classified as illegal
and that there were ``complicated scientific issues'' that had to be

Dr. John Benson, one of the principal investigators for the report, told a
news conference, ``We uncovered an explosion of new scientific
knowledge about how the active components in marijuana effect the body
and in how they might be used in a medical context.''

The IOM study, the product of more than 18 months of research, highlighted
continued concerns over marijuana, noting that the common
practice of smoking the drug was medically dangerous.

But it also said marijuana clearly controlled some forms of pain, was not
particularly addictive and did not appear to be a ''gateway'' to harder
drugs such as heroin.

For some patients with severe AIDS or cancer symptoms such as nausea,
severe weight loss and lack of appetite, marijuana -- even in its
smoked form -- appears to have benefits that outweigh its risks, the
investigators said.

``Smoked marijuana should not generally be recommended for long-term
medical use,'' the report said.

``Nonetheless, for certain patients such as the terminally ill or those with
debilitating symptoms, the long-term risks are not of great concern.''

Authors of the report sought to sidestep the political issue of medical
marijuana, noting repeatedly that their brief was simply to assess the
effectiveness of ``cannabinoid'' drugs such as THC, marijuana's main
active element.

White House anti-drugs ``czar'' Barry McCaffrey, who commissioned the
report in 1997, welcomed its scientific findings but added that
smokable marijuana was not the answer and the government will continue
to classify it as illegal.

``Everyone is looking for a cure these days and pain is seen as a sort of
blurry background,'' McCaffrey, who has long opposed relaxing
marijuana laws, told a news conference in Los Angeles, adding that the
government would support more research in this area.

The IOM report stressed that the new research should aim to design a
``non-smoked, rapid onset'' delivery system that could mimic the speedy
action of a smoked marijuana cigarette.

``I think the main take-home message from this report is that we prefer to
move away from the plant,'' said another principal investigator, Dr.
Stanley Watson. ``From the point of view of safety we are quite concerned
about it.''

But the report's authors also noted that some desperately ill patients may
not want to wait the years it would take to develop a safe alternative
such as a cannabinoid ``inhaler.''

To help these patients, the report suggested that doctors be allowed to
launch clinical studies of marijuana, telling each test subject the risks
and rewards of smoking the drug.

The IOM report landed amid an increasingly bitter U.S. debate over
medical marijuana, sparked in 1996 when California became the first state
to pass a local initiative aimed at allowing patients with AIDS, cancer, and
other serious diseases to use the drug.

While federal authorities have used their power to block implementation of
the California measure, voters in six more states passed similar
bills in 1998 -- boosting pressure on the Food and Drug Administration to
consider removing marijuana from the ``Schedule I'' list of the most
dangerous narcotics.

White House spokesman Joe Lockhart told a news conference the report's
main message was the need for further scientific study, and there
should be no rush to subject important issues like drug approvals to
popular votes.

``I think this is a scientific issue and I'd hate to see there be a referendum
on the latest technology in air traffic control and I'd hate to see there
be a referendum on FDA review process,'' Lockhart said.

``These are complicated scientific issues and they ought to be debated on
a scientific basis.''

Supporters of the medical marijuana movement declared the IOM report a
victory, however, and urged the government to couple its research
efforts with a new push to get marijuana to sick people who need it.

Bill Zimmerman, director of Americans for Medical Rights, the sponsor of
six 1998 state marijuana initiatives, said the IOM's findings would
radically rework the public image of what has long been one of the United
States' most demonized drugs.

``They are in effect saying that most of what the government has told us
about marijuana is fals

[CTRL] U.S. Government Report Backs Medical Use Of Marijuana

1999-03-17 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

U.S. Government Report Backs Medical Use Of Marijuana

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S.-commissioned report released Wednesday
strongly backed certain medical uses of marijuana, declaring that for some
people with serious diseases such as AIDS and cancer, it may be one of the
most effective treatments available.

The widely anticipated report by the independent Institute of Medicine (IOM)
was commissioned by the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy and
could spark a reassessment of the decades-long U.S. drive to ban almost all
marijuana use.

``We uncovered an explosion of new scientific knowledge about how the
active components in marijuana effect the body and in how they might be
used in a medical context,'' Dr. John Benson, one of the principal
investigators for the report, told a news conference.

The IOM study, the product of more than 18 months of research, highlighted
continued concerns over marijuana, noting that the common practice of
smoking the drug was medically dangerous.

But it also declared that marijuana was not particularly addictive and did not
appear to be a ``gateway'' to the use of harder drugs such as heroin.

For some patients with severe AIDS or cancer symptoms such as nausea,
wasting and lack of appetite, marijuana even in its smoked form appears to
have benefits that outweigh its risks, the investigators said.

``Smoked marijuana should not generally be recommended for long-term
medical use,'' the report said.

``Nonetheless, for certain patients such as the terminally ill or those with
debilitating symptoms, the long-term risks are not of great concern.''

Authors of the report sought to sidestep the political issue of medical
marijuana, noting repeatedly that their brief was simply to assess the
effectiveness of ``cannabinoid'' drugs such as THC, marijuana's main active

There is only one U.S. government-approved synthetic cannabinoid pill,
Marinol. Marijuana proponents argue that the pill is simply not as effective
as the raw plant.

The IOM report stressed new research should aim to design a ''non-smoked,
rapid onset'' delivery system which could mimic the speedy action of a
smoked marijuana cigarette.

``I think the main take-home message from this report is that we prefer to
move away from the plant,'' said another principal investigator, Dr. Stanley
Watson. ``From the point of view of safety we are quite concerned about it.''

But the report's authors also noted that some desperately ill patients may not
want to wait the years it would take to develop a safe alternative such as a
cannabinoid ``inhaler.''

To help these patients, the report suggested that doctors be allowed to
launch clinical studies of marijuana, telling each test subject the risks and
rewards of smoking the drug.

The IOM report landed amid an increasingly bitter U.S. debate over medical
marijuana, sparked in 1996 when California became the first state to pass a
local initiative aimed at allowing patients with AIDS, cancer, and other
serious diseases to use the drug.

While federal authorities have used their power to block implementation of
the California measure, voters in six more states passed similar bills in 1998
boosting pressure on the Food and Drug Administration to consider removing
marijuana from the ``Schedule I'' list of the most dangerous narcotics.

Barry McCaffrey, President Clinton's anti-drug ``czar'' and long an outspoken
opponent of relaxing anti-marijuana laws, ordered the IOM report in 1997. His
office Wednesday responded to the IOM findings with a call for more research.

``We will carefully study the recommendations and conclusions contained in
this report,'' the Office of National Drug Control Policy said in a statement.

Supporters of the medical marijuana movement declared the IOM report an
unequivocal victory.

Bill Zimmerman, director of Americans for Medical Rights, the sponsor of six
1998 state marijuana initiatives, said the IOM's findings would radically
rework the public image of what has long been one of the United States' most
demonized drugs.

``They are in effect saying that most of what the government has told us about
marijuana is false ... it's not addictive, it's not a gateway to heroin and
cocaine, it has legitimate medical use, and it's not as dangerous as common
drugs like Prozac and Viagra,'' he said. ``This is about as positive as you
can get.''

Robert F. Tatman
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[CTRL] Skeptic News Wednesay #2

1999-03-17 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990317b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for merit, accuracy or meaning.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Scientist hails birth of 'rat children'. (BBC) A controversial new method
of in vitro fertilisation involving the use of tissue from rats' testicles
has aroused widespread condemnation. Dr Severino Antinori announced that he
has enabled four previously infertile men to father healthy babies by matur-
ing their sperm with material from rats' testicles. Don't call me 'Ratso' -

@ Links: IVF facts: http://www.medicine.ox.ac.uk/ndog/ivf/
@ Human Fertilisation & Embryology Authority: www.hfea.gov.uk/org/index.htm
@ Centre for Reproductive Medicine: http://www.repromed.org.uk/

: Is this miscegenation, bestiality, inevitable? Do you like chimerae? Would
you prefer material from other species? Which? Would you refuse such treat-
ment on religious grounds? Do ETs/demons/gods interfere with your sex life?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# ECHINACEA NO CURE FOR COMMON COLD. Here at last is a good double-blind
clinical study of the effectiveness of echinacea to prevent or treat colds.
And the conclusion? That it didn't work. So instead of listening to health-
food store clerks, look at the scientific evidence. For echinacea, it isn't
there. http://www.healthcentral.com/drdean/DeanFullTextTopics.cfm?ID=10504

: Do you prefer herbs that work or those that don't? Why? Are herbs natural?
Is dogshit natural? Would you eat dogshit if a naturopath advised? How much?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Ancient farmers were Genetic Modification experts. (BBC) Central American
farmers performed extremely successful genetic engineering of crops over
7,000 years ago, scientists have said. But the lead researcher says modern
methods of directly changing the genetic make-up of crops are better. Clone
corn - http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_298000/298505.stm

# Also: New GM crop warning
# GM foods: Environmental concerns
# Green light for French 'robo-corn'
@ Links: Nature magazine: http://www.nature.com/
@ Friends of the Earth: http://www.foe.co.uk/

: Aren't we all products of genetic modification? Were you modified purpos-
fully or accidentally? How can you tell? Would an engineer have done better?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

listeners perceived Led Zeppelin as being louder than the younger listeners,
even though the both heard the music at the same volume. There might be a
physical reason, which may explain why generations' taste in music differs
so radically. www.healthcentral.com/drdean/DeanFullTextTopics.cfm?ID=10566

: Do those growing up in noisier times prefer louder music? Have you blown
your eardrums out yet? Did Reptilioids attach sensors to your eardrums? How?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Support for medicinal use of cannabis. (BBC) The medicinal use of cannabis
has been backed by a US government-commissioned report. It says that for
some seriously ill people, the benefits outweigh its disadvantages. High
hopes - http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/health/newsid_298000/298485.stm

# Also: Doctors volunteer for cannabis trials:
# Cannabis grown for medical tests:
# The cannabis debate:
# Smoking dope restored my sight:
# Doctors say no to legalized cannabis:

: What's the real agenda of anti-cannabis forces? Is pot natural, demonic,
inevitable, medically/environmentally/evolutionarily necessary, holy, harsh,
communistic, good for food marketers, better in brownies, too expensive?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


# CHEMICAL PLANTS FACE Y2K THREAT - local governments oblivious:

* Kosovo violence intensifies - Serbs massacre Muslims:
@ Conflict in Kosovo: Interactive maps and profiles:
@ Conflict in Kosovo: Timeline:


[CTRL] Fwd: Celtia: 03-17-99

1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan

>From SalonMagazine.CoM

-[  W I L D  T H I N G S  ]

--B l a r n e y  f o r  b a i r n s|
Forget the leprechauns -- it's irreverence, dark mythologies and assistant
pig-keepers that make Irish stories spellbinding for kids.

BY POLLY SHULMAN | Kilts, bagpipes, freckles, leprechauns, beans on toast,
Neolithic monuments, whiskey, second sight, endless unpronounceable names
full of l's and gh's: Kick your way through the stereotypes of Celtic
culture, and you'll find a rich mythological heritage. Few cultures have
made a greater contribution to children's literature in the English
language than those of Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Their traditions put a
premium on storytelling, offering a warm welcome to the irreverent and
uncanny. No wonder children's book authors can't get enough of their

"In Celtic societies, women were given fairly equal status with their men.
Some became rulers of tribes and even fought in battle," writes Robert Byrd
in the afterword to "Finn MacCoul and his Fearless Wife: A Giant of a Tale
from Ireland," one of a pair of newly published picture books that
celebrates Ireland's mythological heroines. Byrd draws on several sources,
including Yeats, for his story of Oonagh, the wife of the timorous, goofy
giant Finn, who outsmarts Cucullin, a big -- and I mean BIG -- bully from
Scotland. Finn attracts Cucullin's attention by building the Giant's
Causeway, a stone bridge between Ireland and Scotland. (Geologists call it
a basalt formation, but storytellers know better.) When Cucullin comes
looking for him, Finn runs home to Oonagh. Thinking fast, she hides him in
a cradle, then passes him off to Cucullin as Finn's own infant. Finn and
Oonagh pull the cheese trick, a folktale staple: She challenges the great
Scot to crush a stone in his hand; when he can't, she gives Finn a
look-alike cheese, which he shatters easily. If Finn's baby son is capable
of such feats, thinks Cucullin, what must the father be like? He doesn't
stick around to find out.

Byrd's detailed pen-and-wash drawings -- with plenty of plaid and Kelly
green -- bring out the humor of his story. As Oonagh so usefully observes,
Finn really is a big baby; his sheepish, frightened and triumphant
expressions will be abundantly familiar to anyone who's spent time around a
toddler. Tiny cows, pigs and chickens -- and tinier fairies -- scurry
around underfoot, rewarding the observant reader.

Robert D. San Souci's "Brave Margaret: An Irish Adventure" handles a
similarly feminist theme in a more heroic style. It's a classic
prince-rescues-the-maiden fairy tale in reverse: here, the maiden rescues
the prince. When the son of the King of the East shows up at the heroine's
farm in County Donegal and wants to buy provisions for his ship, Margaret
talks him into taking her on his voyage of discovery. Along the way, she
overcomes a sea serpent, matches wits with an enchantress and rides off to
slay a giant who's gotten her beau into his clutches. Sally Wern Comport's
bold pastel drawings emphasize the lurching angles of wind, wave and flame.
It's a perfect book for making little girls feel like courageous

Across the Giant's Causeway in Scotland, they've long known how to turn
history into a brave romance. Think of Sir Walter Scott or Robert Louis
Stevenson. Mollie Hunter continues the tradition in "The King's Swift
Rider," the most recent of her 20-some novels for children. As the story
opens, 16-year-old Martin Crawford is watching English soldiers hunting a
man across the moor with horns and hounds. On an impulse, he lays a false
trail for the dogs, dragging the hares he's caught for his family dinner
across the man's track. The rescued man turns out to be Robert the Bruce,
14th century King of Scots, fighting for his country's independence. Martin
joins him as a courier. Eventually his courage and cunning win Martin the
job of chief of espionage. It's an old-fashioned adventure story, full of
dangerous escapes, battles won at great odds and unshadowed heroes.

Another Scottish tale, Berlie Doherty's "Daughter of the Sea," shows Celtic
storytelling at its most mournfully supernatural. Munroe, a fisherman,
finds a baby in the ocean and brings her home to his childless wife,
Jannet. Unfortunately, as readers slowly realize, little Gioga is a selkie
-- one of a race of seals who can take human form by stepping out of their
skins. When a tall stranger clad in a long gray cloak comes to claim Gioga,
Jannet tries everything she can think of to keep her beloved daughter. She
arouses the fury of the ocean and almost destroys her community in the
process. Like Hans Christian Anderson's "Little Mermaid," this beautifully
written story of love and loss is almost too heartbreaking for its intended
audience of middle readers.

Scotland may be the spot for historical adventure, Ireland for tall tales
-- but for sustained fantasies, there's nothing like Welsh mythology. It
won Lloyd Alexander two 

[CTRL] Fwd: Protesters vs Jerry Brown -- "Urban Warrior"

1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan

 "[Protestors] were videotaped by police officers toting shoulder-mounted
cameras and clad in riot helmets.  Along with the California Highway Patrol,
police were paid overtime to monitor protesters and escort [the Marines]  ..."

War Games Come Ashore In East Bay
Chanting protesters greet Marines and helicopters

  by Henry K. Lee and Laura Hamburg
  San Francisco Chronicle, March 16, 1999

 Marines clad in combat fatigues and toting M-16 rifles came
by the hundreds yesterday, landing on the shores of Alameda by
helicopter and Hovercraft as the roar of the machines all but
drowned out the chants of sign-waving protesters.
 The weeklong Urban Warrior combat simulation came to town,
and the landing of 550 troops by sea and by air was as much a
chance for the Marine Corps and Navy to showcase their technology
as it was a platform for peaceniks and environmentalists to rally
against the military might.
 The exercises, designed to test humanitarian assistance,
disaster relief and urban combat readiness in a 21st century
coastal environment, will begin today at the former Oak Knoll
Naval Hospital in Oakland.
 Yesterday morning, all eyes were on the former Alameda Naval
Air Station as the Marines alighted within view -- but out of
earshot -- of more than 100 protesters.
 At 8:45 a.m. yesterday, several Navy Landing Craft Air
Cushions, or Hovercraft, skipped across the water and roared
toward the former military base, sending plumes of water 100 feet
into the air.
 But the amphibious leviathans paused just before landing at
Seaplane Lagoon to let two huge CH-53 Sea Stallion helicopters
land and deposit the troops riding inside.
 The choppers, each bearing two dozen Marines from the
amphibious assault ship Bonhomme Richard, sprayed a fine mist of
water on the demonstrators lined up along another part of the
 The sign-wavers were videotaped by Alameda police officers
-- toting shoulder-mounted cameras and clad in riot helmets --
who, along with California Highway Patrol and Oakland police
officers, were paid overtime to monitor protesters and escort
troops to Oak Knoll.
 "You can't stop our spirit, it's strong like a mountain,"
protesters sang over the deafening roar of the Sea Stallions,
which were later joined by CH-46 Sea Knight helicopters
depositing more Marines.
 "It's like something out of 'Apocalypse Now,'" said Jeremy
Ginzberg, an Oakland writer, as he watched Marines pour out of
the helicopters a few hundred yards away.  "It's a scam. This
isn't about training to provide humanitarian relief. The Marines
are about killing people and attacking innocent civilians."
 The gas-turbined, 88-foot-long Hovercraft then made their
noisy entrance, one by one sliding up a seaplane ramp. After
their giant propellers stopped turning, their air bladders
deflated, allowing troops to unload trucks, Humvees and boom
 The din created by the Hovercraft contrasted sharply with
the silent passage at one point of the Navy's Sea Shadow, a
164-foot stealth ship designed to be invisible to enemy radar.
 "Absolutely flawless," Marine Colonel Mark Thiffault said of
the deployment under overcast skies that quickly gave way to
sunshine. "The helicopters came, the weather cooperated, we've
got the Hovercraft.  Precision timing -- you couldn't ask for
anything better."
 An hour before the troops landed, members of religious,
environmental and peace groups marched peacefully through the
defunct air station. Chanting, "Child care, not warfare," they
carried 12-foot-tall papier-mache puppets, drummed a funky beat
on bongos and waved cardboard helicopters with signs reading,
"How many school books could Urban Warrior buy?"
 Demonstrators said they were appalled by the "invasion" and
said it was nothing more than a glitzy recruitment drive
masquerading as a training exercise, a charge the Marines
 The protesters were joined on the shores by a handful of
spectators who cheered the Marine landing and sported thumbs-up
signs as the helicopters thundered overhead.
 Wayne Morris of San Leandro said the Marines were training
to "protect my rear end."
 The landing yesterday was relatively anticlimactic given the
controversy that preceded Urban Warrior.
 Initial plans to use San Francisco's Presidio were nixed by
the National Park Service, worried about the size of the
operation. In Monterey, environmentalists successfully blocked
the military from using Hovercraft in an amphibious landing
during the weekend.
 And in the East Bay, protesters charged that the Hovercraft
would stir up 40 years' worth of toxic polychlorinated biphenyls,
or PCBs, and solvents resting in the sediment of San Francisco
 Yesterday afternoon, about a dozen protesters picketed
Oakland Mayor Jerry Brown's home near Jack London Square.
Wearing Jerry Brown masks, they berated the mayor for inviting
the Marines to come ashore with little input from the p

[CTRL] Fwd: King of the USA

1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan

 from alt.talk.royalty

Subject: Re: A KING FOR USA ??
From: Marlene A Koenig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, Mar 17, 1999 16:18 EST

Some years ago, when I still worked for the Associated Press in NYC,
I was asked (I was one of the news librarians there) to do the research
to see who would be king/queen if Washington had been proclaimed a sovereign.
He and Martha had no children  (She did have 2 children from her first
marriage.)  Thus, it meant going to a collateral line, a descendant of a
brother or
half brother (I've forgotten) - and it came down to an elderly man in
California who had a daughter.

Town and Country magazine had an article in March 1993 about the brother of
Friedrich the Great -as a possible choice.

"After Geroge Washington spurned some sincere overtures, colonial
diarist Rufus King and other arch-Federalists, continued the battle cry
for a monarchy.  For obvious reasons, the Britsh hardly offered
tje politically correct template, so they looked elsewhere for
inspiration, namely Prussia.In the late 1780s, following a great
deal of secretive discussion, Nathaniel Gorham, president of the
Continental Congress, independently sent Baron Friedrich Augustus
von Steuben  back home as an emissary to the court with an
astonishing offer for Prince Friedrich Heinrich of Prussia, brother of
Friedrich the Great: would the Prince ofPrussia like to be the king
of America?

According to this article, he wanted time to think it over, but during this
time, the a compromise was achieved between large and small states,
the Constitution written and ratified -

"As far as an American monarchy was concerned, that was that.  The
"Prince Henry episode," as historians have come to call it, was
quickly dismissed - although James Madison, ANdrew Jackson and others
referred to it well into the 1820s."

But what if.
What if Friedrich Heinrich had become king -- he died without
issue.  So the succession would have passed to his brother,
August Ferdinand who with his wife Luise - six sons and 2 daughters.
Only the youngest daughter, Luise, had legitimate issue -
she was married to Antoni Radziwill.  They had a son, Friedrich-
Antoni-Friedrich-Antoni-Elisabeth Radziwill who was born in 1917 --
She would be Queen Elizabeth.

Elizabeth's mother, Dorothy Parker Deacon, was the sister of
Gladys Deacon who married the duke of Marlborough.

Elisabeth's first marriage to Prince Wittold Czartoryski -
he was killed by gunfire in 1945 - the family were on a train that
was bombed - he pushed his wife under the carriage of the train.
Two kids, Albert and Alexandra.
Elisabeth remarried Jan Tomaszewski (according to the article a
Knight of Malta.)

Son Albert would be the heir apparent = in 1993, according to this
article, he was living in Annapolis, Maryland, and was described
as the technical manager for Zodiac of North America,
a French owned company that made inflatable boats for
Jacques Cousteau.
He was born in 1939 --


"Best leave the sins of others well alone until you've made some
headway with your own."  Celimene, The Misanthrope (Tony Harrison adaptation,

[CTRL] Fw: Bruce H.G. Calder's THIS-DAY-IN-HISTORY 1943-03-17

1999-03-17 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Bruce H.G. Calder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Your History has Arrived <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, March 17, 1999 1:39 PM
Subject: Bruce H.G. Calder's THIS-DAY-IN-HISTORY 1943-03-17

Bruce H.G. Calder'sMarch 17, 1943

The Bulgarian assembly rejects the deportation of Jews. During
the Nazi regime, Bulgaria saves its entire Jewish population,
some 48,000, from near certain death in German labor and death
camps. Even though Bulgaria is allied with Germany during World
War II, its people resist Nazi efforts to have the country's Jews
deported, bringing them from the cities in which they lived to
rural areas. In addition to protected the Jews of his country,
King Boris III also refuses to supply troops to the Russian front.

ADL honors Bulgaria for saving Jews from Holocaust
The Optimists - The Bulgarian Jews and their survival during the
Jews in Bulgaria - A brief historical account

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] "Tap Tap" Clinton

1999-03-17 Thread flw

 -Caveat Lector-

The Clinton Gang plots to tap your phone and to
allow the
Chinese Police to tap everyone's phone.

By Sam Smith
March 17, 1999

The Progressive Review
1739 Conn. Ave. NW Washington  DC 20009
202-232-5544 Fax: 202- 234-6222


Charles Smith of the journal Softwar, who tracks
links between politics, trade, and technology, has
shed new and disturbing light on the Clinton
administration's China dealings. Based in part on
extensive Freedom of Information discovery, Smith
outlines this chronology:

-- In 1992 ATT comes up with a tap-proof phone.
government sees the device as a security threat.
-- Webster Hubbell is assigned by Janet Reno to
with the secure phone issue. Documents relating to
Hubbell are still being withheld on national
grounds, others are so censored that even their
classification level is blacked out.

-- Assistant Attorney General Colgate writes
"AT&T has developed a Data Encryption Standard
product for use on telephones to provide security
sensitive conversations.  The FBI, NSA and NSC
to purchase the first production run of these
to prevent their proliferation. They are difficult
decipher and are a deterrent to wiretaps."

-- In 1993, Webster Hubbell arranges to buy the
entire production run of secure AT&T phones using
slush fund filled by drug war confiscations.
-- Part of the plan is to refit the phones with a
chip called Clipper that has been developed by
This chip allows the government to tap the phone
using a special key.

-- A supply of these refitted phones is given to
Drug Enforcement Agency. Now other government
agencies can tap the DEA.

-- The plan also mandates Clipper chips for all
American telephones. According to the Colgate memo
Hubbell, "FBI, NSA and NSC want to push
which would require all government agencies and
eventually everyone in the U.S. to use a new
key based cryptography method."

--- According to a 1993 White House email from
Tenet, Ron Brown insisted the Commerce Dept. be
of the "key holders" for all Clipper phones. The
Clipper plan will eventually put on hold because
of a
large public outcry.

-- ATT says it is wants to distribute a limited
version of its secure phone until the Clipper chip
plan is ready.

-- In April 1994, Hubbell resigns from the Justice
Department under allegations of fraud.  By late
1994, Lippo boss James Riady meets with John
Webster Hubbell and Bill Clinton during five days
White House visits.  Early the next week, a Lippo
unit pays Hubbell the first $100,000 of what is
reported to be over a half million dollars.

-- Two weeks after the Lippo money is given to
Hubbell, former Lippo banker Huang gets a job at
Commerce Department as Assistant Secretary.
position determines technology transfers to such
places as Indonesia and China. Huang is briefed 37
times on encryption communications by the CIA
working at the Commerce Department. Immediately
each briefing, Huang walks across the street to
Lippo/Stephens Group offices and to make long
distance phone calls and send faxes to points
unknown. Huang and his wife will subsequently take
the Fifth Amendment and refuse to testify at
Congressional hearings.

-- In 1994, with administration approval, ATT
its secure communications system to the Chinese
The export is called "Hua Mei." Thus the Chinese
gets the secure communications equipment that the
American public can't.

-- Clinton also authorizes a Chinese Army lab to
obtain designs similar to the Clipper chip. The
exchange is done in the guise of law enforcement
between the Department of justice and the Chinese
police. Writes Charles Smith: "Bill Clinton and
Reno have given the Communists the ability to
every Chinese citizen."

In short, the Clinton administration:

-- refused to let ATT sell an untappable phone to
American citizens
-- allowed ATT to sell this technology to the
-- attempted to mandate a quick-tap chip for all
American phones, one whose use would be partly
controlled by Ron Brown and the Commerce
-- provided the DEA with phones that others in the
government could tap
-- sold the quick-tap chip technology to the

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not appl

[CTRL] China's Theft of Nuclear Secrets (Senate Speech)

1999-03-17 Thread Bob Stokes

 -Caveat Lector-


Senate Floor Statement
March 15, 1999

Mr. President, I want you to listen. I am going to tell you a story of
espionage, conspiracy, deception and cover-up–a story with life and death
implications for millions of Americans–a story about national security and a
President and an administration that deliberately chose to put national
security at risk, while telling the people everything was fine.

If it was written in a book, it wouldn’t sell, because no one would believe
it. If it was fictionalized in a novel, few could conceive it. But it is true.

Now for the sake of my statement today, I am stating that the President
withheld information and covered up the Chinese theft of our technology. But
I’m realistic enough to know that a person with the history of deception this
president has will have provided himself with some cover in case he gets
caught. So I’m sure there is a paper trail that he can allege. The way the
President probably covered himself was to include tidbits about this theft
buried in briefings on 40 or 50 others items, so the significance of it would
not be noticed. But a paper trail would be established.

Anticipating that, I talked to the chairman of the House Intelligence
Committee, Rep. Porter Goss, and the Chairman of the Senate Intelligence
Committee at the time of the discovery of this information, Sen. Arlen
Specter. Neither chairman was notified of the W-88 nuclear warhead technology
theft. And these would have been the first to be notified. There can be no
doubt that President Clinton engaged in a cover up scheme.

Let me read three paragraphs from last week’s op-ed article by Michael Kelly
in the Washington Post, entitled “Lies About China.”

“In April 1996, Energy Department officials informed Samuel Berger, then
Clinton’s deputy national security advisor, that Notra Trulock, the
department’s chief of intelligence, had uncovered evidence that showed China
had learned how to miniaturize nuclear bombs, allowing for smaller, more
lethal warheads...”

“The Times reports that the House Intelligence Committee asked Trulock for a
briefing in July 1998. Trulock asked for permission from Elizabeth Moler, then
acting energy secretary. According to Trulock, Moler told him not to brief the
committee because the information might be used against Clinton’s China
policy...” “The White House’s secret would have remained secret had it not
been for a select investigative committee headed by Republican Christopher

But even using the President’s fictitious paper trail, the earliest either
chairman could have known about it would have been late spring of 1997, years
after the Clinton administration learned of it and, of course, after the 1996

I start, Mr. President, by listing a few things which we now know to be true,
factual, incontrovertible...and not classified.

For years, the Clinton administration covered-up China’s theft of top secret
U.S. nuclear weapons data. They never informed the Congress or American people
about what had happened or its significance to our national security.

Let me tell you what President Clinton did during this period time:

–During this period of time, the President misled the American people on
numerous occasions about the threat posed by strategic nuclear missiles in the
post cold war era.

–During this period of time, President Clinton made statements on over 130
separate occasions, such as the following: “For the first time since the dawn
of the nuclear age, there is not a single solitary nuclear missile pointed at
an American child tonight. Not one. Not a single one.”

–During this period of time, he knew that China was targeting up to 18
intercontinental ballistic missiles at American children.

–During this period of time, President Clinton signed export control waivers
which allowed his top campaign fundraisers’ aerospace company to transfer
sensitive U.S. missile guidance technology to China.

–During this period of time, he shifted the prime satellite export
responsibility from the State Department to the Commerce Department, making it
easier for China and others to get sensitive military-related U.S. technology

–During this period of time, President Clinton hosted over 100 White House
fundraisers as part of a larger aggressive scheme to raise campaign
contributions, many from illegal foreign sources, primarily including sources
in China. Among guests permitted to attend these White House fundraisers were
a convicted felon and a Chinese arms dealer.

–During this period of time, John Huang, Charlie Trie, Johnny Chung, James
Riady and others with strong ties to China were deeply involved, with the
President’s knowledge, in raising Chinese-tainted campaign cash for the
Clinton campaign.

–During this period of time, John Huang, who had been given a security
clearance without a background check, was permitted to receive numerous
classified CIA briefi

[CTRL] Vast Winged Conspiracies Something to Worry About

1999-03-17 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

Sometimes, we just have to laugh at our ideas.  This is a cute article.
Enjoy!  Hilary

Vast Winged Conspiracies Something to Worry About
>From the Pages of Paranoia

By Peter Carlson Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, March 16, 1999; Page C01

My head hurts like it's been shot through with fire as I write this column,
because every time I think forbidden thoughts my brain gets zapped by the
transmitter that was implanted in my cranium by agents of the New World
But I'm going to write it anyway, because the fate of the world depends on
getting this information out.

People look at me like I'm crazy when I tell them about the transmitter in
brain, but they'll have to stop snickering behind my back because now I've
proof. In the Winter 1999 issue of Paranoia magazine, there's a picture of
radio transmitter that was placed in Robert Naeslund's brain. It looks like
little beach umbrella. It was stuck in his head by the Swedish Security
because he was a threat to their secret mind control projects. And if the
Swedish police are doing this, you just know that the FBI and the Russians
must be doing it, too. Which explains those strange voices in my head.

The FBI and the Russians are in cahoots, part of the whole New World Order
conspiracy that includes the Federal Reserve, the Freemasons, the Bavarian
Illuminati and the Bilderberg Group. They're plotting to use the famine and
chaos caused by the Y2K bug as an excuse to take over the world by Dec. 31,
2000, and make every human being carry a "Universal biometric ID card." And
you don't believe me, you can read their secret plans in the March issue of
Free American -- the same issue that reveals that microwaved food is bad
your blood and that bras cause breast cancer.

You can't tell what's REALLY going on in the world unless you read
like Paranoia and Free American and Media Bypass. They aren't part of the
elite media conspiracy. They're published by "patriots" out in the
-- Media Bypass in Indiana, Free American in New Mexico and Paranoia in
Island -- and they've popped up in the last decade to blow the whistle on
international mind control program designed to enslave us all. For
Media Bypass reveals that the elections of 1992 and 1996 were "frauds"
designed to put a "CIA couple" in the White House. The whole thing was
arranged by the Council on Foreign Relations and the CIA with help from the
Rockefellers and the Rothschilds and the British monarchy. In fact, when
Clinton got his Rhodes scholarship back in the '60s, he pledged to aid the
Rhodes goal of "overthrowing the American Government and reverting this
continent and land mass to again being a British Monarchy colony."

Free America reveals that all those FBI and ATF agents who have invaded the
mountains of North Carolina aren't really looking for Eric Rudolph, the
alleged abortion bomber. That's just their excuse. They're really "TYRANTS
preparing for war with the American people." And the whole Monica scandal
just a "political smoke screen" designed to distract the American people
"while Clinton and his cronies consistently and inexorably move us deeper
deeper into the New World Order."

That's scary. But not half as scary as the Paranoia story called "I Was a
Slave for the CIA." In it, a woman named Cathy O'Brien, author of
"TranceFormation of America," reveals how she was imprisoned in "The
Bunkhouse," a subbasement room in the Pentagon, and used for the perverse
sexual pleasure of high government officials, including an unnamed former
president. It was a horrible ordeal, of course, but she did manage to come
back with some important information, including the revelation that UFO
abductions are really just cover stories for secret CIA mind control

Sometimes, I read stuff like this and I think, Hey, that sounds a little
fetched. But then I realize that I'm not really thinking that. The thought
being beamed into my brain via the transmitter in my head. Which shows you
just how far they will go to stop the truth.

The ads in these magazines are just as important as the articles. There are
ads for the secret cancer cure that has been suppressed by the drug
since 1934. And ads for dried foods and "emergency survival tabs" that can
keep you alive when the Y2K bug ends civilization as we know it and the New
World Order tries to starve us into submission.

There are also ads for books that the big chain stores refuse to stock
they're in on the conspiracy, too. Books like "Circle of Intrigue," which
shows that "Ten Unseen Men Rule the World!" And "Space Aliens From the
Pentagon," which is the first book to reveal the secrets of the flying
and their role in the "mind control hoax copied from the Third Reich,
implemented through 'national security' meant to perpetuate the coercive
monopoly of a corporate-state elite."

These magazines are absolutely e

Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] Second Abraham Lincoln Brigade Forming (fwd)]

1999-03-17 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

Brian Redman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> ==

First, a correction: there was no "Abraham Lincoln Brigade" as such. It was
the Abraham Lincoln *Battalion* of the International Brigade.

Second: You are crazy if you want to get in the middle in this spectacularly
messy war, which has no good guys. It would be like stepping into the middle
of a gang shootout in Bedford-Stuyvesant or North Philadelphia. The Albanian
"freedom fighters," the so-called "Kosovo Liberation Army" (KLA), are really
nothing more than armed drug dealers. According to recent news reports,
Albanian gangs are taking over large segments of Italian organized crime,
shoving the Mafia aside; and the money they make from drugs, prostitution,
etc., goes straight into arms purchases for the KLA. And the Serbs are no
better. Slobodan Milosevic is working hand-in-glove with Saddam Hussein to
keep the U.S. off balance and trying to juggle two major regional crises at
the same time. Milosevic wants a Greater Serbia stretching from Carinthia to
the Aegean Sea, and if he has to provoke all-out nuclear heck in the Balkans
to get his dream, so be it.

With that said, I approve the concept of nonviolent interposition--placing
yourself between warring parties to stop conflict. Peace Brigades
International (http://www.igc.apc.org/pbi/) has been doing this for many years
with considerable success. The key, of course, is to appeal to the humanity of
the combatants, which assumes that the combatants are essentially moral
individuals. And I am not at all certain that the leadership of either the
Serbs or the Albanians in Kosovo can be said to be truly moral.


Robert F. Tatman
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Catholic crusade by "The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary" to convert the United States of America

1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

http://www.catholicism.org/pages/mission.htm">SBC - Mission and
Well, gee whiz, I guess if'n ya ain't Catholic ya ain't . . .

Saint Benedict Center is a Catholic crusade which is dedicated to a
twofold purpose: (1) The propagation and defense of the Catholic
Church's unchangeable dogma, extra ecclesiam nulla salus (outside the
Church, there is no salvation); and (2) the conversion of the United
States of America to the Roman Catholic Faith. The Center's religious
brothers and sisters (The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary) work
to meet these goals by a multifaceted apostolate of prayer, publishing,
study, instruction, and active missionary work while living a life
consecrated to God in the vows of religion. Third Order Members who live
in the lay state participate in our work by prayer, study, letter
writing, recruiting, and other special projects.

The Founder of our crusade was Father Leonard Feeney, M.I.C.M. And the
current Superior is Brother Francis, M.I.C.M.

How did Saint Benedict Center begin?

In 1940 a prominent Catholic laywoman, Catherine Goddard Clarke, sought
the permission of the then-Archbishop of Boston, William Cardinal
O'Connell, to establish an educational oasis of Catholic truth close to
the renowned secular universities that dominated the area. The Cardinal
readily agreed to the project, admonishing Mrs. Clarke to "teach the
Faith without compromise." So it was that Saint Benedict Center quietly
came into existence that year at the intersection of Bow and Arrow
Streets in Harvard Square, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

The Center's initial purpose was to provide religious instruction for
the Catholic students of the universities and, in keeping with the
instructions of Cardinal O'Connell, its policy was to teach the
authentic doctrines of the Church through the study of Holy Scripture,
and the writings of the Fathers, Doctors, and Saints of the Church. This
program of studies achieved immediate success, filling the spiritual
vacuum created by an obvious deficiency in the neighboring academic
institutions. The Center was attended in large and growing numbers.

In 1942 the well-known and loved Jesuit priest, Father Leonard Feeney,
became associated with the work of the Center, counseling students,
lecturing, and eventually becoming - by general demand and by
appointment from his superiors in the Society of Jesus and the
Archdiocesan authorities - theSpiritual Director of Saint Benedict
Center. An author and poet in his own right, Father Feeney was hailed by
his Jesuit Provincial as"... the greatest theologian we have in the
United States by far," and he was also acclaimed publicly as "America's
Chesterton." Before long, Father was lecturing on Holy Scripture to a
packed Center every Thursday evening, while Mrs. Clarke enjoyed equal
success with her Monday evening lectures on Church History.

Later in 1942, while on a research fellowship at Harvard University,
Professor Fakhri Maluf of Lebanon visited the Center. Within a short
time, Father Feeney asked Doctor Maluf to begin Tuesday evening lectures
on philosophy and theology. These Tuesday evening lectures by Professor
Maluf (now Brother Francis, MICM) have been presented right up to the
present time.

These three teachers formed a beautiful union which had a balance and
blend that captured and inspired the hearts and minds of those who were
studying their Catholic Faith at the Center. These three teachers were
the founders of the Saint Benedict Center which ultimately took form as
an educational institution devoted entirely to the teaching of the Faith
- and all of its dogmas - without compromise.

What is the Crusade of Saint Benedict Center?

During the years that saw the conclusion of World War II and immediately
thereafter, the influence ofthe Center continued to spread under the
guiding hand of Father Feeney. His powerful messages were attracting not
only students from the local academic institutions, but men and women
from all walks of life. Our hall was packed for all three lectures each
week. Conversions among both young and old increased by the hundreds.
And vocations were plentiful! The Center became distinguished for the
large number of men and women it directed into religious life.

The enthusiasm of those attending lectures at the Center clearly proved
that the Faith is indeed a "sleeping giant" in the United States. We
knew, therefore, that if we could present it to the American people in a
simple, but holy manner - as did Saint Patrick in Ireland, Saint
Augustine of Canterbury in England, and Saint Boniface in Germany - it
would be widely embraced. What a dramatic improvement would then follow
at all levels and in all activities of society! We also knew that we had
already established a pattern and a method which, given enough time,
would make America a Catholic nation. We resolved to make this dream
come tr

[CTRL] Fwd: SNET: The Adamson Report: Zapruder/Bush & the CIA's DCWA

1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan

->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

 Report may be purchased for $10.00 includes postage

U.S. Attorney General s Office
Attn. Leslie Batchelor
Tenth Street and Constitution Avenue, N.W.
Washington D.C., 20530

March 17,1998

Re: The Adamson Report: Zapruder/Bush and the CIA s Dallas Council on
World Affairs

To the Honorable Leslie Batchelor:
It was a pleasure talking to you.  Enclosed you will find the
report and with the exhibits.  Also an hour long video of news casts
that I have been on.  There is one news clip inserted between mine that
is of Brian Anderson, the only person who actually saw Princess Diana s
accident.  I arranged the interview for Wes Sims.  How Anderson saw the
Mercedes slam into the wall at 12:30 am and not see the FIAT-Uno is
beyond me.  There was a two foot long paint mark and a lense from the
FIAT left at the scene with two other eye witnesses who did see the
FIAT.  That s another story, you are now only interested in the JFK
You assured me that you would go after the CIA connection to
Zapruder.  It did not seem fair to send you the report without the
exhibits.  If you have no use of the video nor the exhibits please
return them to me.
If you have any criticisms or questions please feel free to call
upon me.  I have seen that the Dallas Council on World Affairs is
sometimes referred to as The Dallas Council of World Affairs.  They are
one in the same.
I hope that I have made your job a little easier and I hope that
your as aggressive as you sound on the telephone.  For it takes
character to tell the truth.
Let me thank you in advance for your interest in The Adamson
Report; Zapruder/Bush and the CIA s Dallas Council on World Affairs,
which material was copyrighted by Bruce Campbell Adamson in the
following titles The JFK Assassination Timeline Chart and nine volumes
of Oswald s Closest Friend; The George de Mohrenschildt Story in 1993
and again in 1995.  This report was also copyrighted under Registered
mail # R200982754 on March 16, 1999.
Respectfully yours,

Bruce Campbell Adamson
P.O. Box 1103, Santa Cruz, CA, 95061-1103
(831) 465-9272
website (ciajfk.com)

cc: to  Arlin Adams, and board, Esquires; Andrew Amerson, Esq. ; Sam
Farr, Hon.

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

-> Send "subscribe   snetnews " to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
->  Posted by: "Adam Royale" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

[CTRL] The Money Question Conspiracies Behind Fiat Money, Central Banking, the Gold Standard, Fractional Reserve Banking, etc.

1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

http://www.alpinenterprises.com/webcart/money.htm">The Money Question
Conspiracies Behind Fiat Mon 
The Money Question Conspiracies Behind Fiat Money, Central Banking, the
Gold Standard, Fractional Reserve Banking, etc.

The Money Question: Conspiracies Behind Fiat Money, Central Banking, the
Gold Standard, Fractional Reserve Banking, etc. Order #00980
Complete Set of 7 Books: $57.95 less 5% = $55.06

Federal Reserve Fractional Reserve and Interest Free Government Credit:
Explained In Question and Answer Form by Peter Cook, M. Sc.1991 In Print
Paperback, 335 pages, Order #00797
Price: $19.00

Exhaustive explanation of the operation of the Federal Reserve System
from the "easy money", "Treasury should print it" point-of-view.

The Plague of the Black Debt: How to Survive the Coming Depression by
James Dale Davidson1993 In Print Paperback, 114 pages, Order #00922
Price: $5.00

Claims deflationary depression inevitable due to 60 year (Kontratieff)
economic cyclebreaks ground with a new 500 year economic cycle

Fool's Gold is Green: An Encyclopedia of Banksterese, Economic
Euphemisms, and Reality by Winston Smith (Dave Wilbur)1982 In Print
Paperback, 0036 pages, Order #00685
Price: $3.00

Have fun while you educate yourself and others on the fraud of Federal
Reserve Banking.

Quantity Desired

Money: The Greatest Hoax on Earth--Inflation Exposá…á by Merrill Jenkins
1971 In Print Paperback, 0244 pages, Order #00631
Price: $10.00

Classic exposá…á of paper money and the power it usurps for an Oligarchy
of Power.

Money Manipulation and Social Order: by Reverend Denis Fahey,C.S.Sp.,
D.D., D.Ph.1944 1986 Reprint, In Print Paperback, 0107 pages, Order
Price: $6.00

Money!: Questions and Answers for the Oppressed People of America by
Rev. Charles E. Coughlin1935 New Reprint Paperback, 0188 pages, Order
Price: $5.00

Traditional Catholic fulminations against the "Money Power". Father
Coughlin lead a nation-wide "radio Church" crusade against the Federal
Reserve System, British Geopolitics, War, and Roosevelt through his
"Social Justice" organization up until the WWII began and the Hierarchy
silenced him at the behest of the Anglo-American cabal. Coughlin was an
apologist for fascism and Nazism in line with Vatican support for these
movements in opposition to "atheistic" Communism and "liberal",
"modernist" democratic capitalism.

Usury: Destroyer of Nations by S. C. Mooney1988 In Print Paperback, 0248
pages, Order #00260
Price: $9.95

Hardline anti-interest position based on Biblical analysis.
Mountain Network Systems, Inc.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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1999-03-17 Thread Eugene Ferguson

 -Caveat Lector-

Tickets are free, just sell your soul to the devil!

EP Ferguson

"Stopforth, Jamie" wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
> How much are tickets?  Hehe
> Jamie
> -Original Message-
> From: Kris Millegan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 1999 11:00 AM
> Subject: [CTRL] BILDERBERG 1999
>  -Caveat Lector-
> from alt.conspiracy
> -
> As always, Caveat Lector.
> Om
> K
> -
> -
> Subject: BILDERBERG 1999
> From: peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Tue, Mar 16, 1999 9:32 AM
> Message-id: 
> Caesar Park Penha Longa
> Sierra De Sintra
> Located just southeast of Sintra which is 45 km northwest of Lisbon -
> Portugal
> June 3 to 6.
> -
> Aloha, He'Ping,
> Om, Shalom, Salaam.
> Em Hotep, Peace Be,
> Omnia Bona Bonis,
> All My Relations.
> Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
> Amen.
> Roads End
> Kris
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
> propagandic
> screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
> outright
> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
> readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/CTRL.html
> To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> Om
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
> screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/CTRL.html
> To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> Om

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] Fear & Greed]

1999-03-17 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

I think *you're* a bit confused, Jamie. Total control of the country and the
economy is what they already have... Y2K, China, Zippergate--these things are
all Martian fire drills, designed to provoke kneejerk reactions to
manufactured (i.e., artificial) crises, thus allowing the Oligarchy to extend
its tentacles a little further. And please note: they manipulate us so
smoothly that we beg eagerly for another whipping, for tighter manacles, for a
bigger rifle in the hands of the overseer.

Yes, even the members of CTRL, who of all people are most aware of the true
nature of social control and economic power, are skillfully drawn into playing
the game by the Masters' rules... Does the arms industry need higher profits
for its shareholders and officers? Why then, call up the Chinese bogeyman,
"expose" an espionage operation over ten years old, and watch the "pursaps"
(as Philip K. Dick once referred to the hoi polloi) demand new, unworkable,
but marvelously expensive weapons system to counter a threat which doesn't
really exist! Are the personal computer and the Internet shifting too much
power to the individual? Well, "leak" word to a few trusted propagandists of a
problem IT professionals have known about for years, called "Y2K"...hype it
up, stick on some apocalyptic modifiers, and sit back and watch the people

*Always* ask yourself: *Cui bono?* Whose good is served? And the answer will
*always* be: not mine or yours...


"Stopforth, Jamie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> Is this person a bit confused or what? Total takeover of the US and the
> economy is what THEY want!
> Jamie
> >>>   Concerning the Y2K problem & mass hysteria.  Please
> >remember one thing.  That is the fact the majority of
> >the people in this country are controlled by two things.
>  >  1.  Fear
>  >  2.  Greed
> >The Y2K problem can be used for the following;
>  >  1.  Rob you now in fear of the future
>   > 2.  Total confusion & complete takeover
> >I believe greed out weighs the fear & that is the very
> >reason why nothing major will happen in the year 2000
> >concerning Y2K.  Also greed is why they are robbing you
> >today.
> >  Time will Tell
>  >  -=>JB<=-
> >P.S.  if everything went haywire like some people seem
> >to think too much money would be lost.  The only reason
> >THEY would let this happen would be a total takeover of
> >the USA economy & people.  But that probably won't happen.

Robert F. Tatman
Remove "nospam" from the address to reply.

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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1999-03-17 Thread Stopforth, Jamie

 -Caveat Lector-

How much are tickets?  Hehe


-Original Message-
From: Kris Millegan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 1999 11:00 AM
Subject: [CTRL] BILDERBERG 1999

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
Subject: BILDERBERG 1999
From: peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, Mar 16, 1999 9:32 AM


Caesar Park Penha Longa
Sierra De Sintra
Located just southeast of Sintra which is 45 km northwest of Lisbon -
June 3 to 6.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
Subject: BILDERBERG 1999
From: peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, Mar 16, 1999 9:32 AM


Caesar Park Penha Longa
Sierra De Sintra
Located just southeast of Sintra which is 45 km northwest of Lisbon -
June 3 to 6.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Water Wars

1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan


The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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Every great advance in natural knowledge has involved
the absolute rejection of authority. -Thomas Huxley
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is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

: To: @thequest.net
: Subject: Water Wars
: Date: Wednesday, March 17, 1999 6:54 AM
: -   ___      __
:/  |/  /  /___/  / /_ //M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S
:   / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
:  /_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\   http://www.MiddleEast.Org
: W A T E R W A R S
: __
:   News, Information, & Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
:  and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!
: --
:  To receive MER regulary email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
: ___
: MER - WASHINGTON - 3/16/99:  There have been lots of secret deals and
: conspiracies between Israel and the Hashemite Kingdom over the years.
: Most important after the division of land, has been the division of
: water, a subject brought far more into the open recently with the public
: Israeli-Jordanian "peace", itself rushed into being by Israel and the
: U.S. while King Hussein was still around to do the deed.
: But as with most things in the area that use to go by the name
: Palestine before the British and the French carved up the region, the
: Israelis are now way on top, the Palestinians at the very bottom.
: Militarily and economically little Israel now dominates when it
: comes to water as well as everything else.  Substantially further helped
: by the new alliance with Turkey, in a very important sense Israel now
: has the Arabs by the tap.  This telling article is from the weekend
: INDEPENDENT, published in London.
: But as usual, missing from the analysis is how much the Arab regimes
: have squandered their own wealth and resources, continually allowing
: themselves to be drained of their resources and wealth year after year. 
: While Arab economies languish, while Arab regimes keep buying more
: and more American weapons (to use against each other and their own
: peoples), whiles Israelis water their gardens and swim in their pools,
: and while Americans get a gallon of gas at the pump for less than a
: gallon of water at the supermarket, now Arabs are finding their own
: basic water needs in the hands of Israel and Turkey.
:  By Patrick Cockburn in Jerusalem
:The worst drought in 50 years has led Israel to cut
:the supply of desperately needed water to Jordan, in
:a move likely to provoke a crisis in relations between
:the two countries.
:The failure of the winter rains - only 40 per cent of
:normal in Israel - will have a devastating impact on
:Jordan, which suffered a severe water shortage last
:year. In Amman, the Jordanian capital, householders
:found that when they turned on their taps they
:received only a trickle of grey liquid.
:"It is very, very serious," says Gershon Baskin,
:director of the Israel/Palestine Centre for Research
:and Information in Jerusalem. "By summer people in
:Amman may be getting only one or two days' water
:a week. It is destabilising for the regime."
:Israel is pledged by treaty to supply Jordan with 45
:million cubic metres of water annually, but has told
:the Jordanian government that it can only send 40
:per cent of this. Israeli farmers have already had
:their supply cut by a quarter. The hills east of
:Jerusalem, usually carpeted with grass and
:wildflowers at this time of year, are as barren as in
:high summer. The government is expected to declare
:an official drought in April.
:In Jordan the situation is much worse. Its own water
:resources are limited. In the east Jordan valley, the
:centre of Jordanian agriculture, one of the main
:canals has grass growing along it


1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-


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[CTRL] OEN 3/17/99

1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

http://www.aci.net/kalliste/">The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe

Japan vs. China

China Warns Japan Against Seeking Military Power

ballistic missile defense

BEIJING, Mar. 16, 1999 -- (Agence France Presse) China on Tuesday warned
Japan against attempting to become a military power as it debates new
U.S.-Japan defense guidelines.
"Japan should take concrete steps to limit its defense to its own
territory and adjacent waters and not embark on the road of becoming a
military power," Foreign Ministry spokesman Sun Yuxi told a news

Referring to Japan's decision to join U.S.-led research for a Theater
Missile Defense (TMD) program in North Asia, Sun also warned Japan
against plans to include Taiwan, which Beijing considers a renegade

Japan, which was shocked last August when North Korea fired a rocket
over its territory, has signed up for joint research with the United
States on a defense system but has yet to decide on building or using

In Tokyo, Foreign Minister Masahiko Komura moved to reassure China
earlier Tuesday, insisting that the research program would not include
other countries.

"The system is not designed to attack anyone, it is a purely defensive
measure," Komura said.

"If they criticized Japan's defense system, it is hard for me to
understand," he said, adding Japan was ready to explain its stance on
the TMD to alleviate China's concerns.

"We have been explaining to their side and we will continue to do so in
order to secure transparency," he said.

The missile defense program is only in the development stage but in
recent months plans have been floated to include Taiwan in a TMD system
for North Asia.

Japan's Ambassador to the United States, Kunihiko Saito, told
journalists in Tokyo that the program, also known in Japan as a
ballistic missile defense (BMD), was a "purely defensive mechanism."

"Although China has expressed some concern about BMD, I think we can
convince China that there is nothing to worry about," he told the
Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan.

Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi told reporters: "Since it is purely a
defensive measure, I would like to explain (to the Chinese side) if I
have an opportunity to do so."

Inside China, March 16, 1999

World Stock Markets

Time for the Tokyo Play?

by Barry Riley

Wall Street could only nibble at the 10,000 mark on the Dow Jones
Average yesterday, but its attainment highlights again the market's
phenomenal rise since the growth rate radically accelerated at the
beginning of 1995 (from roughly 40 per cent of the present level).

In the first half of the 1990s the Dow maintained a pedestrian advance
at the average annual rate of 7 per cent. Since then growth has been 25
per cent a year.

Even so the Dow's 30 venerable blue chips have often failed to keep up
with the big technology growth stocks that remain outside the club.

Since mid-decade the S&P 500 has climbed at an annualised pace of 28 per
cent and the Nasdaq Composite at 32 per cent (so the Nasdaq has outgrown
the Dow by a quarter in just over four years).

Spare a thought, however, for the smaller stocks in the Russell 2000,
which has managed only 12 per cent annual growth over this period, and
is now scarcely higher than it was two years ago.

Value hunters have been left for dead on Wall Street in the second half
of the 1990s but the momentum party cannot go on for ever.

Morgan Stanley Dean Witter has been crunching valuation ratios worldwide
and, not surprisingly, produces the conclusion that US equities are the
world's most expensive, judged against the 10-year averages.

Wall Street stands at 53 per cent above the 10-year average, using a
composite indicator of eight fundamental measures. Some of the
euro-bubble markets, including the Netherlands, Finland and Spain, are
at 25-30 per cent premiums.

The UK comes in at 16 per cent above the average, but France and Germany
are close to past norms.

Japan is also 16 per cent ahead of its 10-year average, but Morgan
Stanley pleads that this is due to "depressed earnings" and says that on
other measures Japan is inexpensive.

Of course, it all depends on whether a 0.9 per cent dividend yield basis
is regarded as historically cheap or, in absolute terms, still a
turn-off - worse even than the minuscule 1.1 per cent on the S&P.

At any rate, many global strategists have decided this is the moment to
make another Tokyo play, rotating out of high-priced Wall Street and
scandal-hit Europe.

Foreigners have a recent record of getting Japan wrong, having been
swamped in past rallies by eager domestic sellers; but they hope this is
not just another traditional ramp ahead of the March 31 banking balance
sheet date.

Certainly, heavy supply is looming in Tokyo as cross-shareholdings come
up for sale - with Fuji Bank and Sumitomo Bank, for instance, giving
notice of their intentions this week.

On the other hand, financial tension has 

[CTRL] Military Vexed by Vaccine Scare

1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

News from Wired News

Military Vexed by Vaccine Scare
by Declan McCullagh
3:00 a.m.  16.Mar.99.PST
WASHINGTON -- When the US Defense Department decided to inject every
soldier with an anthrax vaccine, officials thought the biggest problem
would be time. Over 2 million troops were going to be inoculated in a
massive effort expected to last until 2006.
That was nearly two years ago.

Now the government's biggest problem is the Internet. A network of Web
sites and discussion groups warn that the vaccine is not just dangerous,
but deadly.

"Military personnel MUST refuse to take these vaccinations. If
sufficient numbers do, and enough focus is put on this matter, the
program will be halted," one well-circulated message on alt.military

The note and others like it have spread like the plague. A group of 23
sailors on the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier refused to take
their shots and were demoted, the Pentagon said Thursday. The day
before, the Air Force kicked out a recalcitrant airman. Some officers
have resigned rather than take the vaccine.

Officials blame the Internet for infecting the rank and file. At a
recent press briefing, Pentagon spokesman Mike Doubleday decried
"misinformation which is available to people on various Web sites
regarding anthrax, and also the anthrax vaccine."

That misinformation covers everything from darkling warnings that the
vaccine is a UN plot to seize control to claims that it's to blame for
the mysterious Gulf War syndrome. After all, many troops sent to the
Gulf were immunized with anthrax vaccines. Other rumors insist the
vaccine causes cancer or sterility.

"Try it with me or my family. You will get the vaccine, rectally,"
Larry273 wrote on the Usenet discussion group us.military.army.

Perhaps what irks Pentagon brass the most is the persistent charge that
the sole producer of its anthrax vaccine is guilty of sloppy
manufacturing techniques.

A US Food and Drug Administration report, available on the Internet, has
been repeatedly forwarded as proof positive that the Michigan Biologic
Products Institute, a state government agency formerly known as the
Michigan Department of Public Health, cannot be trusted.

In March 1997, the FDA said it planned to revoke the license of the
anthrax producer for a host of alleged misdeeds. Among them: sloppy
handling techniques, uncalibrated instruments, and poor quality control.
The governor responded with an executive order ordering changes.

In April, the FDA again blasted MBPI for "significant deviations" in
safe vaccine production and warned that "a lot of work remains to
correct the deficiencies." In September, BioPort Corporation was formed
to take over the trouble-plagued MBPI.

All of this is mostly irrelevant to the Pentagon, which sees the issue
in stark terms: Anthrax has a nearly 100 percent fatality rate when
inhaled, and vaccines make as much sense as requiring soldiers to wear
helmets in battle. Besides, Iraq and other countries have admitted
 they're stockpiling the stuff.

"Perhaps the biggest challenge to the implementation of this program is
overcoming misinformation that has linked the anthrax vaccine to
well-publicized illnesses affecting some veterans of Operation Desert
Storm," Ronald Blanck, the Army's surgeon general, told a Senate armed
services subcommittee last week.

"This Food and Drug Administration-licensed vaccine has been used safely
and effectively for 27 years, primarily with veterinarians.
Additionally, various scientific bodies ... have also found it to be
safe. Educating service members, their families, and the general public
is essential and is an ongoing challenge," Blanck said.

Under the military's program, troops will be injected with a series of
six 0.5ml shots given over a period of 18 months. Booster shots are
required each year.

Perhaps realizing a good offense is the best defense, the Pentagon has
begun to wage a feverish battle online. The military's official Web site
now boasts a list of frequently asked questions in an anthrax special
section, including a color photograph of Defense Secretary William Cohen
getting his shot, and one of a grim Saddam Hussein. One page argues that
MBPI is perfectly safe, but it neglects to link to the FDA's 1997 report
that claimed otherwise.

Related Wired Links:
Sniffing Out Anthrax
Sniffing Out Bio Weapons
Blunting a 21st-Century Attack

Copyright © 1994-99 Wired Digital Inc. All rights reserved.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughou

[CTRL] Fwd: The Beginning of the Month of Nissan on the Temple Mount

1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan

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The Beginning of the Month of Nissan on the Temple Mount

On the evening of Wednesday  17th March there will be a special and
exciting event: the renewing of a very old Biblical tradition when the
priests in the Temple announced the beginning of a new month which is the
"rebirth" of the moon.

Every month the ceremony was performed when the High Priest watched the sky
and looked for the crescent moon. When it was sighted it showed that the
new month had started. This had a very great importance because firstly the
Rosh Chodesh (beginning of the month) was, and still is, like a holiday in
Israel with special celebrations and prayers. In the prayers the Halel
Psalms are recited. Also it gave the right dating for the other holidays
and festivals. Any mistake would effect all the holidays in that month. At
the first sighting of the moon, the priests went to a tower on the
south-western corner of the walls of the Temple Mount and blew trumpets
which informed everyone in Israel that the new month had started. At the
same time other priests burned fires on the top of Mt.Scopus and fires were
burned  on other mountains so that the news was spread all over Israel.
This was one of the beautiful events in the life of Biblical Israel and we
decided to renew it in the life of modern Israel.

After we returned to the Temple Mount after the Six Day War in 1967, we
restarted this tradition on the mountains of Jerusalem and Israel in a very
special and joyful event. Over the last years this event has also been held
on the Mount of Olives. On the new month of Nissan, which is the month of
the redemption of Israel, this ceremony will be held before the Hulda gates
which are in the southern wall of the Temple Mount as unfortunately we
still cannot do it on the Temple Mount because of the continued presence of
the Arabs on the Temple Mount and their opposition. We believe that soon
the Islamic Arab presence on the Temple Mount will be removed by the
government of Israel so this very holy and very important event will take
place on the right place on the Temple Mount.

It will be a very unique and exciting event. Rabbis will take part and pray
for this special moment. The media will be there so that the news can be
spread to everyone. At the same time the special holy contribution to the
G-d of Israel will be brought which in Biblical times was brought to the
Temple at the beginning of this month. Songs and musical instruments will
also be played and sung by the Levites as in Biblical times. We are very
much looking forward to this special moment which will renew a very old Law
and tradition and the link between our generation and the generations of
our forefathers in Biblical times. We shall pray that this month will be
the month of the accomplishment of the redemption of Israel by the G-d of
Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement

P.O.Box 18325, Jerusalem 91182, ISRAEL
Telephone 972.2.625.1112
Telephone/Fax 972.2.625.1113

Visit our web-site at http://www.templemountfaithful.org

[CTRL] Fwd: Iraqiana: 03-17-99

1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan

>From wsws.org

WSWS : News & Analysis : Middle East : Iraq

Nationwide tour opposes Iraq sanctions

Former UN relief coordinator speaks in Detroit

By Shannon Jones
17 March, 1999

The former coordinator of the United Nations "oil for food" program in
Iraq, Denis Halliday, spoke in the Detroit suburb of Southfield, Michigan
on March 14 to an audience of about 500 people. The public meeting was part
of a nationwide speaking tour opposing the economic sanctions that have
inflicted untold death and suffering on the Iraqi people.

Halliday resigned his post as UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq last
fall to protest the ongoing sanctions. He denounced the oil for food
program as hopelessly inadequate and accused the United States and other
industrial powers of carrying out the equivalent of genocide against the
Iraqi people.

The Detroit area is home to the largest Iraqi and Arab immigrant population
in the United States. The meeting attracted a wide audience, including
students, local social activists, as well as Iraqi Chaldeans, Palestinians
and other immigrants from the Middle East.

The tour, which has already visited 15 US cities, has attracted sizable
turnouts, but has been boycotted by the big business media. Following this
pattern, no television station covered the Southfield meeting and neither
the Detroit News nor the Free Press, the two largest local dailies,
reported the event.

The speaking tour is being sponsored by the American Friends Service
Committee, the Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee and a number of
other liberal and religious-pacifist organizations. Touring with Halliday
is Phyllis Bennis, of the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington DC,
who has written several books critical of US policy in the Middle East.

Halliday's visit to the Detroit area took place against a background of
almost daily US bombing raids on Iraq. On March 15 US jets again dropped
laser-guided bombs in northern and southern parts of the country. According
to an Iraqi military spokesman the planes dropped bombs on civilian and
military sites near the northern city of Mosul. Iraqi officials said one
civilian was wounded in another US bombing attack in southern Iraq.

Despite claims that it is targeting only Saddam Hussein and his military,
US policy is directed against the country's population as a whole. In late
February US warplanes damaged a control center for the oil pipeline in
northern Iraq that delivers oil under the oil for food program. Disabling
the pipeline temporarily cut off the source of revenue to purchase food and
medicine for the Iraqi people.

Last week 40 US congressmen from oil producing states urged the Clinton
administration to suspend or reduce the amount of oil Iraq is allowed to
sell under the oil for food program. The congressmen claimed Iraqi oil
exports may be a factor behind "the excess supply and very low prices that
currently exist." Without any evidence, the congressmen suggested that
Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was not distributing humanitarian supplies
sent to Iraq.

Another indication of the role of commercial interests in shaping the
Clinton administration's policy toward Iraq was revealed in a comment by
Bennis toward the close of the Southfield meeting. Responding to a question
on the role of the US oil industry in the Middle East, she noted that while
in Texas she and Halliday had been approached by an oil company executive
who supported ending the UN humanitarian aid program as part of an effort
to shut off all Iraqi petroleum exports. He expressed the hope that this
would boost the US oil industry by increasing world market prices.

In his opening remarks to the meeting Halliday noted the difficulty in
getting media coverage of his speaking tour. He said it was not lack of
interest but lack of information that prevented the American people from
raising an outcry against the sanctions. He said he firmly believed that if
the American people knew that US-supported sanctions against Iraq were
leading to the deaths of thousands of children, they would put a stop to

While expressing hope that the United States could be pressured into
adopting a more enlightened foreign policy, Halliday denounced the present
policies of Washington and the UN in the strongest of terms. "We of the UN
are taking away the right of healthcare, housing and education," he said.
"The UN is worse than Saddam Hussein in many respects."

"The coalition forces during the gulf war deliberately attacked civilian
targets and set about destroying electricity grids, water purification and
wastewater treatment systems. That was the beginning of the total
destruction of Iraq. By all accounts conditions in Iraq today are worse
than what they were in 1991 and 1992. In Saddam Hussein Hospital in Baghdad
there are wards of children dying of leukemia. It is a terrible thing to
witness. It is a reality in Iraq today."

He continued, "Thousands under the age of five are dying from malnutrition

[CTRL] Fwd: Prom Night for Kidz

1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan

Girl Sentenced for Bashing Teacher

WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. (AP) -- A high school girl got 2 1/2 to seven years in
prison Tuesday for bashing her pregnant teacher in the head with a hammer.

Jalise Salvatto, 16, attacked her social studies teacher Dawn Jawrower in a
Yonkers classroom last April, hitting her twice with a carpenter's hammer. The
teen-ager told police she was angry because Mrs. Jawrower had gone to her
parents about her poor grades, causing her to miss the prom.

Mrs. Jawrower, who suffered a fractured skull, said that she has almost fully
recovered and that her baby, a boy now 3 months old, is fine. She has returned
to teaching in another school.

Miss Salvatto pleaded guilty to assault.

``I feel really bad for what I've done,'' she said, weeping. ``I felt worse
when I found out you were pregnant. If I could take it back I would, in a
second. ... I just want you to forgive me.''

Mrs. Jawrower told a judge that her son, Nicolas, is ``a constant reminder of
what she did to me,'' added that Miss Salvatto ``needs to get help. ... She
has a lot of potential and she needs to find it.''

The judge agreed, and ordered psychiatric counseling.

[CTRL] Fwd: The Specter of CBW

1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan

Gov't Urged To Stockpile Vaccines

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Senators concerned that the nation isn't prepared for
biological terrorism urged the government Tuesday to stockpile more anthrax
and smallpox vaccines and to develop new ones.

Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., also called on the Clinton administration to
declassify a Pentagon list of some two dozen biological weapons in order to
warn Americans, saying he would write a letter to Defense Secretary William
Cohen asking him to do so.

``This ought to be on the front burner,'' Specter told a joint hearing of the
Veterans Affairs Committee and the Appropriations Committee's health panel,
both of which he chairs. ``The American people have a right to know what's
happening here.''

Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va., said the United States is ``way behind in our
efforts in dealing with bioterrorism,'' calling the potential danger
``extremely real.''

``It is as great a threat or a greater threat than the Soviet Union posed to
us,'' Rockefeller declared.

The Pentagon is inoculating all 2.4 million U.S. troops and reserves against
anthrax to protect against possible germ warfare. Vaccine supplies are
limited, however, since only one U.S. company manufactures it.

Anthrax kills 80 percent of those who inhale germ spores and are not treated.
It is not spread by person and can be prevented by antibiotics taken before
symptoms appear.

Smallpox is a highly contagious, untreatable virus. The disease was eradicated
decades ago, but the former Soviet Union and other countries experimented with
turning laboratory supplies of the virus into bioweapons, so the risk still

Smallpox vaccines are no longer being manufactured, but the U.S. government
maintains 6 million to 7 million doses of vaccine.

President Clinton last year ordered federal agencies to expand steps against
possible chemical and biological attacks in the United States. His fiscal 2000
budget proposes boosting spending by $2.8 billion to safeguard against such
attacks, as well as against assaults on sensitive computer networks.

The Health and Human Services Department is spending $158 million this year to
prepare for possible bioterrorism and is asking for $230 million next year. A
top HHS priority is creating a stockpile of treatments and vaccines, focusing
first on antibiotics against anthrax and the plague and enhancing the existing
smallpox vaccine supply, U.S. officials said.

Specter and Rockefeller called for the development of a broader range of

``There is a large number of biological threats for which the United States
has no vaccine,'' Specter said.

Rockefeller added, ``Everything needs to be taken seriously.''

Margaret Hamburg, the HHS assistant secretary for planning and evaluation,
said there is ``wide agreement in the scientific community'' that the United
States should develop an improved smallpox vaccine. And she agreed other
vaccines should be developed, but said it could take years and be costly.

There is a potential for runaway anti-terrorism spending, cautioned the
General Accounting Office, the investigative arm of Congress.

``Our message is not that we should stop funding,'' said Henry Hinton, GAO's
assistant comptroller general for national security and international affairs.
``What we see missing from the picture is ... focusing the federal machinery
and resources out there to make sure we get to the highest part of the

Hinton said intelligence assessments conclude the greatest terrorist threats
remain conventional weapons, such as bombs that destroyed a federal building
in Oklahoma City in 1995 and hit two U.S. embassies in Africa last year.

A Japanese cult's release of the nerve gas sarin in a Tokyo subway in March
1995 -- killing 12 people and injuring more than 5,000 -- raised global
concerns about bioterrorism.

[CTRL] Fwd: Fwd: [freedomfight] The Third World War?

1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan

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http://news.bbc.co.uk/low/english/world/newsid_297000/297417.stm  ">

Wednesday, March 17, 1999 Published at 00:13 GMT

The Third World War?

by BBC News Online's John Walton

The Third World War has already started. The fighting has so far claimed more
lives than the Americans lost in their decade-long struggle in Vietnam.

Democratic governments around the world aren't losing the battle - they are
simply being bought by the enemy.

Or so thinks veteran investigative writer and journalist David Yallup.

The war he is referring to is the fight against drugs - or more precisely the
campaign being waged by Western governments against the powerful and highly
organised drugs cartels based in Latin America.

In describing their power, Yallup unleashes hair-raising statistics.

He estimates that the annual income of the world's top drugs cartels is close
to $500 billion

This figure would put the organised criminals who run the drugs trade on a
financial par with China - in other words they are equal to the 11th largest
national economy on the planet.

It is a war that Yallup believes is not being taken with sufficient gravity.

Fact is stranger than fiction

So to take his campaign to the widest possible audience, Yallup has rejected
factual reporting and served up his drugs war manifesto as a novel.

But his book, Unholy Alliance, is based on solid facts.

Yallup told BBC News Online: "You have a book which if I was to asked to
quantify it, over 75% is fact, and layered on top is a story which weaves in
and out."

Buying America

He says the plot - "cartels wanting to buy America by acquiring power legally
through a president they have had elected although he does not know he is
being sponsored by cartels - is exactly what has happened in about eight or
nine countries".

He says: "It has happened in Colombia, where President Samper, the last
president, was put into power very largely by the Cali cartel putting up $8m
for his campaign.

"And they didn't put that up because he is a nice man."

And, Yallup claims, the situation has been repeated throughout other Latin
American countries over the last 15 years.

So the threat to democracy and the power of the drugs barons, he argues, is

Not surprisingly, putting the book together wasn't easy. Some people saw
Yallup's curiosity about the drugs trade, as being "misplaced".

Killing for Fun

While researching the book in Venezuela, Yallup found himself in serious

Looking back on his and a friend's close escape from death (an account of
which makes up Chapter 10 of his book), Yallup says: "It became apparent to me
that whereas the Mafia kill people - in my opinion and in my own personal
experience - as a matter of business, a great many people involved in the
drugs cartels kill for fun."

"Life is very cheap," he adds.

But perhaps more worrying for the rest of us, Yallup believes the power of the
drugs cartels is far from being broken.

"If you are going to fight an organisation of this kind of might and power -
an organisation which has money that can buy virtually anything in this world
- and you look at the joint allocation of funds between America and the UK
this year - it is something like $21billion, which sounds like a huge amount
of money until you put that against $500 billion

"And when you realise that that amount of money is what the cartels make in
one or two weeks it shows you how unbalanced the forces are, and how much more
superior are the potential capabilities of the people that we are fighting

Yallup makes no bones about his motivation for putting the book togethe


1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

http://www.marl.com/lds/localnews.html">North Wales & Cheshire News
Wonderland author, Lewis Carroll, may have been Jack the Ripper! The
astonishing claim is made in a new book on the unsolved Victorian
murders of five prostitutes in London's East End. Carroll, who in real
life was Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, a maths don at Christ Church, Oxford,
emerges as the prime suspect in the book, Jack the Ripper: Lighthearted
Friend, by Richard Wallace. Dr Wallace claims Carroll had a psychotic
breakdown after being assaulted by a homosexual when he was 12 and
became an angry man. 'He retreated into a world consumed by one goal -
revenge on society.' Dr Wallace claims Carroll wrote a diary every day
in purple ink, but on the days of the Whitechapel killings, he switched
to black. 'Quite simply, Carroll was a psychopathic killer.' Dr Wallace
argues that Carroll gave a clue to his crimes in the poem Jabberwocky
written in 1872 - 16 years before the murders. One verse reads: 'The
vorpal blade went snicker-snack! He left it dead, and with its head; He
went galumphing back.' Dr Wallace says this could refer to Anne Chapman,
the Ripper's third victim, whose head was almost severed. In another p
oem, The Hunting of the Snark, Carroll wrote: 'They sought it with
thimbles, they sought it with care; They pursued it with forks and with
hope; They threatened its life with a railway share; They charmed it
with smiles and soap.' Dr Wallace says all the dead girls had thimbles,
forks and soap in their pockets when they died and there were no alibis
for Carroll on the nights the Ripper struck. Other Ripper suspects have
included Royal physician Sir William Gull, Liverpool cotton merchant
James Maybrick, escaped Broadmoor prisoner James Kelly, East End wife
killer William Bury, and quack doctor Francis Tumblety.

Copyright © LDS Tourism Services 1996-99
-8109909-5987842">Amazon.com: A Glance: Jack the Ripper : Lighthe 
Jack the Ripper : Lighthearted Friend
by Richard Wallace

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Fred [EMAIL PROTECTED] from Polo Grounds, New York in the shadow of Coogan's
Bluff , April 5, 1998
Interesting reading for a book with an impossible solution
As the heading says, this is interesting reading for a book with an
impossible solution to the Ripper mystery. It IS impossible, isn't it,
that Lewis Carroll, the children's author beloved on both sides of the
Atlantic, was the fiend who murdered an undetermined number of
prostitutes in Victorian England? The author, Richard Wallace, had
already written a book describing a darker side of Carroll's psyche, but
in this one, he falls far short of his goal of placing Carroll at the
top of the suspect list. And frankly, Wallace betrays an overeagerness
to find out what he purports to have found out in order to provide an
appropriate follow-up to his first book. His "evidence" consists largely
of reworking of Carroll pieces into Ripper-confessional anagrams and a
reworking of possible Ripper communiques into anagrams pointing to
Carroll. In a burst of enthusiasm, he even finds a precursor anagram in
"The Jabberwocky", which was written many years BEFORE the Whitechapel
kilings. But anagrams are the most oft-abused literary detective tools
available, as anyone knows who has considered the "Shakespeare"
question, and Wallace is not the first one to use them to find a Ripper
solution. Others have found anagrammatic messages pointing to other
suspects. 26 letters in the English alphabet circulating through a
large-enough message can be twisted to create a lot of mischief.

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: al-Gore & More Israeliana

1999-03-17 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 3/17/99 2:09:12 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 From ArabicNews.CoM

 Netanyahu: Jordan valley settlements will be expanded
 Israel, Politics, 3/16/99

 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Foreign Minister Ariel Sharo=
 on Monday asserted Israel's ambitions in the Jordan valley and pledged to
 expand it and keep it under the Israeli control under the pretext of

 During a tour he held in the Jordan al-Gore (valley) district accompanied
 by Sharon, Netanyahu added that his government will continue giving backin=
 to the standing settlements in al-Gore district and work for expanding
 these settlements.

 Netanyahu, in this respect, indicated that Israel will expand Maret Aphrei=
 settlement to make it a main city of the al-Gore (Jordan valley) district,
 where a faculty of the media will be established.

 Israel Radio said that Netanyahu and Sharon inaugurated during their tour =
 bridge near Meihoula settlement near the al-Gore region. >>

But of course, did any of you think that Israel was going to play fair with
the Palestinians?  Israel would like to hand the Palestinians blankets
infected with small pox (to keep warm in after the house has been bulldozed).

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Masonic / Illuminati

1999-03-17 Thread Stopforth, Jamie

 -Caveat Lector-

Could you be more specific?


>>>Well, this is the most interesting item I have read in a long time.

Now, if I am correct, you find the Illuminati sitting in the Garden of
Eden,  the original seat of enlightment;  in Ezekial we find the
symbolism of the Eagle which is the office of  our President; we find
the melting pot, which is allegedly America, we find the witches busily
stirriing the scum.

Now I wonder here as did Columbus; which came first, the bible or the

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Second Abraham Lincoln Brigade Forming (fwd)

1999-03-17 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Well, as Big Mother of the Reingold Brigate, count me in.

Most my troops are dead; but they get the calling

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Second Abraham Lincoln Brigade Forming (fwd)

1999-03-17 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-

On Wed, 17 Mar 1999, Ric Carter wrote:

> any widening conflict there.  The World War of this century started
> there, at the junction of East and West and MidEast, where Orthodoxy
> and Catholicism and Islam grind together.  IMHO it's in the interest
> of us all that future World Wars are NOT provoked by events there;
> and if that means squashing Belgrade-based fascists, tough.

Who are the real "fascists": the Serbs or the Croats? Answer:
the Croats, an appendage in WWII of Hitler and the Nazis;
not the Serbs, who resisted the Nazis and were rounded up
by the Nazis. How on earth do you come up with "Belgrade-based
fascists"? Do you watch CNN and Christiana Amanpour a lot?

Brian Redman
Temporary organizer, Second Abraham Lincoln Brigade

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Skeptic News Wednesay #1

1999-03-17 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990317a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for merit, accuracy or meaning.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Santa Claus Meets the Martians. PALO ALTO, California - NASA and the Mars
Society are joining forces to build a Mars simulation expedition in a deep
impact crater on Canada's Devon Island. The crater, the size of West
Virginia, is in Polar Bear country, near the Arctic Circle, and its harsh
environment is the closest thing to Mars scientists have found on Earth.

# Best site for Moonbase revealed. (BBC) The most detailed analysis ever of
the Moon's mysterious polar regions has pinpointed the place best suited for
a future human base. The site is on the rim of a crater called Shackleton
and meets two essential requirements. There is plenty of sunlight around to
generate solar energy and it is very close to a permanently-shaded region,
where ice is likely to be stored in deep freeze. Home away from home - see

: Would you rather live on Devon Island or at Shackleton Crater? Which has
higher property values, better skiing? Where would you rather vacation? Why?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Police Investigate Child Body Part Sales. CAIRO (Reuters) - An Egyptian
society supposedly raising abandoned illegitimate children is under investi-
gation after a parliamentary complaint that it had been killing them to sell
body parts to hospitals. http://nt.excite.com/news/r/990316/17/odd-bodyparts

# Judge Dismisses Human Organs Case. NEW YORK (Reuters) - The absence of a
key witness caused a federal judge Monday to throw out an indictment of two
men accused of trafficking in human organs taken from executed Chinese
prisoners. http://nt.excite.com/news/r/990315/16/odd-organs

: Could/would you make a good living in the organ trade? Should we have a
organ exchange, like a stock exchange? Would futures trading be murder?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Wall Street goes 3-D. (BBC) The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), the
world's largest share market, has gone live with the first ever three-
dimensional virtual trading floor. Last week, with the flick of a switch,
a real-time computer-generated model of all the business currently taking
place in the market was projected onto a seven foot square video wall.
@ And see: New York Stock Exchange: http://www.nyse.com/

: What activities would you like to see modeled in 3D? Politics, economics,
sex, alien abductions, conspiracies, cultural evolution, or something else?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Lost in Space and Red Tape. NASA should lead, follow, or get out of the
way of private space exploration. That's the consensus at a conference on
the future of space. www.wired.com/news/news/politics/story/18522.html

# Feds Pay to Push Genome Project. The Human Genome race pits a government-
funded consortium that aims to keep gene data public against a private res-
earch company that wants to own the findings. The future of medical research
is at stake. http://www.wired.com/news/news/technology/story/18520.html

: Can/should/will the exploration of outer and inner spaces be dominated by
gov't or corporate entities? Who do you trust? Will the ETs let us proceed?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Keeps shaking black "crystal ball," then saying, "Ask again later."
Every time you draw the Death card, she yells "Go Fish!"
Looks suspiciously like that guy who fixed your muffler last week.
His idea of an "out of body experience" involves whipped cream and
  women's clothing.
His spoon bending requires two pliers.
Sign in window:  "As Seen on '60 Minutes.'"
During card-reading, asks if you want to "hit" or "stand."
Insists that your astrological sign is "The Armadillo."
Psychics Magazine rates her just below fortune cookies, just above
  your mom.
Repeatedly attempts to read your palm with his genitalia.
Shakes her crystal ball, then predicts a large snowstorm.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


# Irish Ghosts: http://www.blather.net/archives2/issue2no39.html
$ Fourth Turning: Bold Prophesies of America in the Next Millennium:
$ Prince Charles as the AntiChrist of prophesy [ya, sure]:

@ Freebie newsletter: http://members.tripod.com/~JMcCall/join.html
@ Million Marijuana March: http://www.cures-not-wars.org/mmm
  and see http://www.hempishep.org and http://www.hempmuseum.org

[CTRL] Yugoslavia: Not Recognized

1999-03-17 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-

The "how many angels on a pin" debate continues, between
myself and some other CTRL list participants. Do we call
it "Yugoslavia," "Serbia," or "Serbia/Montenegro"?

Here is some background (source: *The Cambridge Factfinder*,
edited by David Crystal. New York: Cambridge University
Press, 1994. ISBN: 0-521-469910):

1990: Slovenia declares independence from Republic of

1991: Macedonia and Croatia declare independence from
Republic of Yugoslavia.
   Yugoslavia considers secession illegal. Civil war
erupts between Croatia and Yugoslavia

1992: Federal Republic of Yugoslavia declared, consisting
of republics of Montenegro and Serbia -- but "the new
state remains unrecognized..."

Brian Redman
Temporary organizer, Second Abraham Lincoln Brigade

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Second Abraham Lincoln Brigade Forming (fwd)

1999-03-17 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Brian Redman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>On Wed, 17 Mar 1999, Howard R. Davis III wrote:
>> In the 1998 World Cup (Soccer) held in France, two countries from the
>> former Yugoslavia played (and did well). Yugoslavia and Croatia. I
>> believe that Yugoslavia may have gotten into the final 8 and I know that
>> Croatia came in third. No one mentioned Serbia as being a country.
>An article in New American magazine (3/15/99) calls Kosovo a
>"Serbian province" -- not a "Yugoslavian province." The
>article goes on: "Serbs regard the province to be the
>spiritual home of Serbian nationalism" -- not "Yugoslavian

Kosovo HAD been an autonomous region within the old Socialist Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia.  During the breakup of SFRY, Kosovo became a
dependent province of Serbia, itself a component of the Federal Republic
of Yugoslavia.  The northern region of Voivodina suffered a similar
transition.  The FRY *has* become a Serbian-dominated state, but that
doesn't negate the FACTS that 1) Serbia is a province of FRY, not a
sovereign nation as you claimed; 2) FRY also comprises Montenegro,
Voivodina [mostly Hungarian] and Kosovo [mostly Albanian]; and 3)
Kosovo was taken from the Serbs around 700 years ago - that Serbs
may consider it the spiritual home of their nationalism, conflicts
with the reality of Kosovo being an Albanian region.  Medieval Xians
saw Jerusalem as their spiritual home too, but a few hundred years of
bloody crusades didn't alter the reality of Muslim dominance.

>More: "Many within the ethnic Albanian majority favor independence
>from Serbia..." (New American, 3/15/99)
>Scanning through the New American article, I find no mention
>of Yugoslavia, *per se*; the nomenclature is always "Serbia
>this; Serbia that."

You may find magazine articles referring to "Washington this" and
"Washington that", which doesn't mean that the United States of
America doesn't exist, just that journalists can be sloppy.

BTW the reason that NATO/UN/etc are interested in events in Kosovo
and the rest of the former SFRY is: nearby nations including Italy,
Greece, Turkey, Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Austria, as
well as Russia, ALL have significant historical/cultural links to
the area of the former SFRY and are likely to become entangled in
any widening conflict there.  The World War of this century started
there, at the junction of East and West and MidEast, where Orthodoxy
and Catholicism and Islam grind together.  IMHO it's in the interest
of us all that future World Wars are NOT provoked by events there;
and if that means squashing Belgrade-based fascists, tough.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] 2AL Brigade: Why We Form

1999-03-17 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-

Article below gives background for why the Second Abraham
Lincoln Brigade is being formed.

Brian Redman
Temporary organizer, Second Abraham Lincoln Brigade

   MARCH 16

   WND Exclusive Commentary

   Odd alliance at State, CNN?

   By Stella Jatras
   © 1999 WorldNetDaily.com

   In my opinion, there is something unhealthy when the recently married
   CNN's Christiane Amanpour and the State Department's James Rubin cover
   the same "breaking news" story.

   Ms. Amanpour, who never ceased to present a one-sided CNN perspective
   throughout the Bosnian war, is now doing the same with her one-sided
   anti-Serb CNN perspective of the civil war now raging in Kosovo. At
   the same time, Mr. Rubin is touting the anti-Serb position from the
   State Department, which is in effect: If the Serbs do not sign on the
   dotted line, NATO will bomb the Serbs. If the Kosovo Liberation Army
   (KLA) does not sign on the dotted line, NATO will still bomb the

   The American people should be asking themselves, "What gives? Is CNN
   running the State Department, or vice versa?" There is clearly a
   conflict here. Mr. Rubin should step down as spokesman for the State
   Department. How can he have any credibility considering with whom he
   shares pillow talk? How can there be any semblance of journalistic
   impartiality with such a relationship between a "news" agency and the
   government? If there was any doubt before, the identical slant of Ms.
   Amanpour's "reporting" and Mr. Rubin's "official statements" out of
   Rambouillet should make it perfectly clear.

   Don't underestimate Ms. Amanpour's influence, not just on the news,
   but on U.S. foreign policy.

   You need only ask yourself if we would be involved in Bosnia if CNN,
   driven by Ms. Amanpour, had not had Bosnia on the tube night after
   night. "Where there's a war there's Amanpour," wrote Stephen Kinzer of
   the New York Times Magazine, Oct 9, 1994. She certainly has the drive
   and an instinct for the big stories: Haiti, Rwanda, Bosnia and now
   Kosovo. But what happens when she gets there? In her own words, from a
   New York Times article regarding Peter Arnett's involvement in the
   discredited CNN story about U.S. forces allegedly using poison gas in
   Vietnam: "The bottom line is that a television correspondent's most
   important contract is with the public. Trust and credibility are the
   commodities we trade in; without them we are worthless." It's only
   fair to ask ourselves how well Ms. Amanpour has lived up to her own

   The Stephen Kinzer article gives part of the answer in a quote from a
   longtime TV associate of Ms. Amanpour: "She just insisted on going
   there [Rwanda], and the impact of her coverage forced the other
   networks to follow. It was another example of her great news
   instincts. But this same insider has doubts about Amanpour's
   commitment to objective journalism. 'I have winced at some of what
   she's done, at what used to be called advocacy journalism,' he said.
   'She was sitting in Belgrade when that marketplace massacre happened,
   and she went on the air to say that the Serbs had probably done it.
   There was no way she could have known that. She was assuming an
   omniscience which no journalist has. Christiane is a journalist more
   in the British than the American tradition, more willing to take sides
   on a story. And I think she has a little of that traditional British
   contempt for America.' "

   The fact that a U.N. classified report concluded that Bosnian Muslim
   forces had committed the Markale marketplace massacre seems of no
   consequence to Ms. Amanpour. Deutsch Presse-Agentur of June 6, 1996,
   wrote: "For the first time, a senior U.N. official had admitted the
   existence of a secret U.N. report that blames the Bosnian Moslems for
   the February 1994 massacre of Moslems at the Sarajevo market."
   Christiane Amanpour has yet to inform her viewers of this fact, but
   continues to allow them to believe the massacre was a Serbian atrocity
   which United States and NATO used as an excuse to drop over 6,000 tons
   of bombs on the Bosnian Serbs.

   During her interview on the Charlie Rose show of 25 November 1997, Ms.
   Amanpour said, "...an ABC journalist was killed [in Bosnia]." She
   omitted the fact that U.N. and military experts believe that David
   Kaplan, the ABC journalist, was killed by Muslims. Another big CNN
   story early in the Bosnian conflict was the killing, allegedly by Serb
   snipers of two "Muslim babies" on a bus. Who could not have been
   horrified by the tragic sight of the funeral service for those
   innocent Muslim babies? Where were Ms. Amanpour and CNN to set the
   record straight? If it had not been for French 2 TV that covered the
   funeral, this writer would never have known that the babies were
   Serbian (not Muslim) killed by a Muslim sniper, as was made painfully

Re: [CTRL] Second Abraham Lincoln Brigade Forming (fwd)

1999-03-17 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-

On Wed, 17 Mar 1999, Howard R. Davis III wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
>In the 1998 World Cup (Soccer) held in France, two countries from the
> former Yugoslavia played (and did well). Yugoslavia and Croatia. I
> believe that Yugoslavia may have gotten into the final 8 and I know that
> Croatia came in third. No one mentioned Serbia as being a country.

An article in New American magazine (3/15/99) calls Kosovo a
"Serbian province" -- not a "Yugoslavian province." The
article goes on: "Serbs regard the province to be the
spiritual home of Serbian nationalism" -- not "Yugoslavian

More: "Many within the ethnic Albanian majority favor independence
from Serbia..." (New American, 3/15/99)

Scanning through the New American article, I find no mention
of Yugoslavia, *per se*; the nomenclature is always "Serbia
this; Serbia that."

This does not mean that there is no "Yugoslavia," just that
"Yugoslavia" is a word I hear less often and "Serbia" is
a word I hear more often. I'll take previous/current persons'
word for it, that there still is a Yugoslavia consisting
of Serbia/Montenegro. But news reports seem never to refer
to Serbia as Yugoslavia or as part of Yugoslavia these days.

Brian Redman
Temporary Organizer, 2nd Abraham Lincoln Brigade

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Second Abraham Lincoln Brigade Forming (fwd)

1999-03-17 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Brian Redman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Serbia/Montenegro, as per original, is still a sovereign nation.
>The newly hegemonic NATO, rising from the ashes of the
>discredited U.N., has no business intefering in internal
>affairs of Serbia/Montenegro, Yugoslavia, Serbia, or whatever
>you choose to call it. The nomenclature is a minor point;
>the sovereignty remains. I choose not to consult the "CIA
>site" (with which you are familiar.)  Ciao -- Brian

You contend[ed] that "Serbia is a sovereign nation", and that is
simply untrue - Serbia is a province of the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia, which rose from the ashes of the former Socialist
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.  You don't like the CIA - fine,
here's the official Yugoslav homepage: http://www.gov.yu/
and here's their official map: http://www.gov.yu/map.html

You contend[ed] that Serbian problems result from a campaign of
anti-Serb demonization waged by western lackeys or some-such,
but the Serb-dominated Yugoslav political/military leadership
has done a sufficient job of arousing worldwide condemnation
just by their own bellicose behavior - atrocities, genocide,
ethnic cleansing.  You like Serbia so much - move there, then.

"Newly hegemonic NATO"???  How about the old hegemonic Warsaw
Pact?  "Rising from the ashes of the discredited U.N."???  That's
funny, the U.N. was still around the last time I looked.  "[NATO]
has no business interfering in internal affairs"???  That sure
sounds noble, but if those "internal affairs" could result in
a war involving neighboring NATO states, then NATO will certainly
MAKE it their business, whether you like that or not.  Get real.

European settlers had no business interfering in the internal
affairs of Native Americans.  Goths, Huns and Mongols and no
business interfering in the internal affairs of Europeans.
Homo-Sapiens had no business interfering in the internal affairs
of Neanderthals.  But they all MADE it their business.  Bother.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Pregnant Women's Tears, Saliva, Urine Kills HIV

1999-03-17 Thread revcoal

 -Caveat Lector-

Contrary to the subject line, the article makes clear that it is only the
urine of pregnant women which is effective, while tears/saliva from the
general population seem to be effective


   Part of me will always be with you,
part of you is growing in me
It's just the way we happen to be...
We don't know how to love,
Love without fear.

--Yoko Ono, "Even When You're Far Away"
revcoal AT connix DOT com
 It is UNLAWFUL to send unsolicited commercial email to this email
 address per United States Code Title 47 Sec. 227.  I assess a fee of
 $500.00 US currency for reading and deleting such unsolicited commercial
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 unsolicited commercial email nor is intended to solicit commercial

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: The old home town looks so same / The Green, Green Grass of Home

1999-03-17 Thread Colleen Jones

I hope they get Ollie North and put him in jail.   He is now a news
commentator, and i seen nothing patriotic in what he did - a lot of kids


[CTRL] FW: [CTRL] US 'poisoned Robeson' with mind-bending drug

1999-03-17 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-

 -Caveat Lector-

>But it is shoddy reportage by The Sunday Times.

And would that be The New York Sunday Times, The London Sunday Times, The
Podunk Sunday Times or The Langley Sunday Times?

There is only one Timesthe London Times of course

(the times URl dont go directly to the piece, but here is the link to the
click on sunday times/ world)


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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1999-03-17 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date sent:  Mon, 15 Mar 1999 02:07:49 EST
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]



A Personal Newsletter on the Cannabis Controversies / Date: 03/18/98

Richard Cowan, Editor and Publisher

Freedom has nothing to fear from the truth.
>From National Review Magazine, December 5, 1986More than seventy years
after the Harrison Act began the federal prohibition of cocaine and
opiates; almost fifty years since the beginning of federal marijuana
prohibition; and almost six years into the Reagan Administration,
America finds itself in the grip of a frenzy over the "drug crisis." How
can this be, with all that has been done? Some blame the "pushers."
Others rightly point out that there is demand as well as supply, and
also blame the users. In fact, there is good reason to believe that the
government itself, for all that it has proclaimed yet another war on
drugs, has been one of the most potent causes of the current crisis.
It is difficult to admit that the medicine we are prescribing might just
be the poison that is causing the illness; yet the "energy crisis" was
largely a creation of federal regulations meant to ensure adequate
supplies at a reasonable cost. Inflation, a very real threat to any
economy, is masked and then made worse by price controls. Forced busing,
the statisticians now tell us, actually increased racial segregation,
while wrecking many public-school systems.

In a similar way, government policy has aggravated our society’s chronic
problems with drugs by mounting a propaganda and enforcement campaign
that erodes crucial distinctions between more and less dangerous drugs,
makes the marketing of the more dangerous variety the preferred option
for dealers, and increases health risks, crime, and corruption. These
same tendencies have produced the crisis of the moment, the crack scare.
Let’s look at crack first, since that will help give us an overview of
the economics and psychology of the drug war.

It is very important to remember that the laws of supply and demand work
with contraband as with everything else. What happens when something
that people want is made illegal?

1. The supply drops more than the demand, so the price goes up.

(Indeed, drug demand has increased enormously under prohibition.)

2. Forcing the illegal product underground garbles the flow of
information necessary to an efficient market. Without an efficient
market, there is less price competition.

3. Lacking competition, dealers charge monopoly prices, and profit
margins widen.

4. The big profits draw in people who would not otherwise break the law,
spreading corruption among the police and disdain for the law among
otherwise law-abiding citizens. (Of course, big profit margins also
attract people who are very experienced at breaking the law. See item

5. Supply becomes conspicuous, marketing becomes more aggressive, the
price falls, and demand rises, drawing the attention of the forces that
got the substance outlawed in the first place.

6. The law cracks down on the supply, driving the amateurs out of
business and leaving organized crime in control, now with even higher
profit margins and with connections to corrupt law enforcement. At this
point the illegal market has attracted the people capable of making it
an institution, including some who wear badges. Henceforth it will be
all but impossible to eliminate the suppliers. Greater enforcement can
shake out the less skilled or the less daring but merely raises
incentives for those who remain. Greater enforcement (i.e., more
regulation) can also affect the market in perverse ways: The iron law of
drug prohibition is that the more intense the law enforcement, the more
potent the drugs will become. The latest stage of this cycle has brought
us the crack epidemic. There are two inescapable reasons for this.

First, from the supply perspective, it is good business to minimize the
bulk of contraband. Smuggling beer and wine was less profitable than
"rum running." Tiny pieces of crack are easier to carry than cocaine
powder, which in turn is far less bulky than the coca leaves that are
used legally by the Andean Indians. Heroin replaced opium for similar
reasons. Obviously, the bulkiest illegal drug, marijuana, will lose out
in the supply channels to cocaine and heroin.

Marijuana remains the principal target of law-enforcement efforts,
despite the current crack-generated headlines. One result is that the
weed, which can be grown anywhere, is being cult

[CTRL] Unification Church Is Tied to U.S. Gun Company

1999-03-17 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Send reply to:  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alamaine Ratliff)
Copies to:  "#Eu4Ea" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:Moon Shot
Date sent:  Thu, 11 Mar 1999 07:37:47 -0600

>From Int'l Herald Tribune


Paris, Thursday, March 11, 1999

Unification Church Is Tied to U.S. Gun Company

By John Mintz Washington Post Service

WASHINGTON - With parts of its sprawling business empire in decline, the
Unification Church headed by the Reverend Sun Myung Moon is finding profits
in one of the least-known of its commercial ventures: making guns.

Mr. Moon's four-year-old gun company, Kahr Arms, has prospered amid glowing
reviews for the workmanship of its small but potent pistols. Last month,
Kahr Arms expanded, purchasing the company that manufactures Tommy guns,
fabled in Roaring '20s mob shoot-outs from speeding black sedans. The ties
between Kahr Arms and the Unification Church headed by Mr. Moon have
received almost no notice, both within the close-knit gun industry and
among church members. The business arm of the church, whose members believe
that Mr. Moon is the Messiah and was placed on earth to restore the Garden
of Eden, declined to clarify its involvement in the gun business.

One ex-member said that for years church leaders had tried to obscure the
movement's involvement with Kahr Arms. ''They were afraid if anti-cult
groups found out, they'd have a field day,'' the former member said.

But an examination of corporate records and interviews with experts on the
secretive Moon empire demonstrate the links between the church's business
network and Kahr Arms. Kahr, whose factory is in Worcester, Massachusetts,
is controlled by Kook Jin (Justin) Moon, 28, the elder Moon's fourth son,
who is slated to be second-in-command of the multibillion-dollar Moon
empire when his 79-year-old father dies. Justin Moon and his siblings are
revered by church members as the Messiah's ''True Children.''

Some former members and gun industry critics see a contradiction between
the church's teachings and its corporate involvement in marketing weapons
promoted for their concealability and lethality.

''I see an irony, if not hypocrisy, that someone who professes peace and
says he's completing Jesus's work also manufactures for profit an implement
with no purpose other than killing people,'' said Tom Diaz, author of
''Making a Killing,'' a new book critical of the firearms industry.
''What's the message, turn the other cheek, or lock and load?''

Two years ago a demoralized British member wrote Mr. Moon saying he was
quitting partly because of the church's involvement with Kahr Arms. ''I
might ask if you, as a founder of a religious organization which has 'world
peace' as one of its goals, consider it appropriate to manufacture weapons
for sale on the mass market,'' the member wrote.

Kahr markets a controversial type of small, six-inch-long (15 centimeters)
handgun, whose sales are surging. Guns that size had been around for
decades, but they could shoot only small bullets.

Then in recent years, 31 states passed laws, promoted by the National Rifle
Association, allowing people to carry concealed weapons. Moreover, in 1994
the government banned manufacture of guns able to hold more than 10
bullets. Unable to sell popular models shooting up to 21 bullets, the
industry searched for new products to sell.

Gun firms - with Kahr at the head of the pack - responded to these changes
by finding a new market niche to exploit: small but well-made pistols that
fire eight or fewer relatively large 9mm and .40-caliber bullets.

Emergency room physicians blame the spread in the last decade of 9mm and
.40-caliber guns for dramatic increases in more devastating and at times
fatal gunshot wounds. The National Rifle Association says the nation is
safer because of the 2 percent or so of adults who always carry handguns,
and it cites studies supporting that claim.

Kahr markets its guns for their concealability, among other things. Its K9
model is ''the perfect pocket 9mm,'' says one ad. ''No safeties to fumble
with when the pressure is on.''

Combat Handguns magazine praised Kahr pistols as ''made like a fine Swiss
watch.'' Soldier of Fortune said they ''pass with flying colors'' the key
test of any handgun their size: ''close range, high stress, rapid-fire
desperation shooting when all else has failed.''

Kahr guns are used by some police officers as backup weapons holstered on
their ankles and shoulders. They have not become popular with criminals,
gun experts say, because of their relatively high cost - about $750 apiece
- and becau

Re: [CTRL] Masonic / Illuminati

1999-03-17 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Have an old book called Proofs of a Conspiracy where the Bavarian
Illuminati infiltrated and attempted to take over the established
Masonic Order.

Also, a good book on Harding; and I did not know this, or if I did I
forgot; Mrs. Harding also had an astrologer clairvoyant attached to her
called Madame Xhad Harding not died he would have been impeached
though it was his friends, who did him in, in the end.

He was a handsome devil; and a gentleman; his wife looked like something
out of the WCTU.and he is alleged to have had this child by Nan
Britton.  Thre is a Harding Hospital in Columbus area, which is run by
the family.

And wouldn't you know.the man who wrote this book, he alone survived
to tell the truth.the circle which surrounded Harding all met with
rather sudden death.

Benjamin Franklin was right - imeachment is akin to assassination.

This Illuminati stuff - straight from the Garden of Edendepends who
is leading the band

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Masonic / Illuminati

1999-03-17 Thread Howard R. Davis III

 -Caveat Lector-

Steve Wingate wrote:

> In order to properly decipher the codes held by these seals, one must have
> a working knowledge of "Gematria," (which is the study of the meanings
> behind a number). Many good books have been written on the subject andcan
> be found readily available in public and university libraries orChristian
> bookstores. Take the one dollar bill you have ready for the following
> exercise and look at its back side, focusing your attention onthe great
> seal to your left. Compare your bill to Figure 1 on the nextpage. Directly
> above the capstone of the pyramid, is a Latin expression,"ANNUIT COEPTIS",
> Latin expressions, whentranslated to English, mean respectively,
> "Announcing the Birth" (orarrival), and "New World (secular) Order." So
> here we have a clear-cutwarning: "Announcing the Birth of a New World
> Order."

   Until the signing of the Declaration of Independence almost all
governments were based upon the rule of a nobility. Few, if any,
considered purpose of government as being to protect the rights of the
populous. The founding fathers believed (as did the nobility of Europe)
that they were beginning a new trend in government based upon the
recognition and protection of individual rights. This they thought of as
a "new order of the world". I, for one, believe that this was an
important and beneficial event in human history. I believe that the
spread of this "new order of the world" throughout the world would be
beneficial to humanity. I don't believe that any of the founders would
have had any wish to see the "New World Order" of George Bush, et al.
come into being. Just because there is some similarity in words doesn't
make the meaning the same. Look into any dictionary and you will find
many words that have more then one meaning. You have to do a little more
research then what is evidenced in the above writing. And also, a lot
more thought would help as well.

Howard Davis

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-03-17 Thread Colleen Jones

When Mr. Olson appeared before the Senate, Mr. Thompson promised to look
into weather conntrol aka weather modification for him; after all
farmers were being devasted by the unusual weather; snow, lightning,
thunderis a common occurrence these days.

I have been trying to get stuff since 1987, and here it is and a young
man told me where to pick it up.   I forward this for anyone who is

I would like to see some of the farmers who were financially ruined and
who lost their farms, go get themARCO
Oil..and of course our own government is involved.

Now, they say all the plagues which hit the cattle in England, etc., was
caused by this horrendous program.

Does tht really explain the Anthrax which equates to menningitus?


Re: [CTRL] Second Abraham Lincoln Brigade Forming (fwd)

1999-03-17 Thread Howard R. Davis III

 -Caveat Lector-

   In the 1998 World Cup (Soccer) held in France, two countries from the
former Yugoslavia played (and did well). Yugoslavia and Croatia. I
believe that Yugoslavia may have gotten into the final 8 and I know that
Croatia came in third. No one mentioned Serbia as being a country.

Howard Davis

Ric Carter wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> -Original Message-
> From: Brian Redman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >On Tue, 16 Mar 1999, Ric Carter wrote:
> >
> >> >Serbia is a sovereign nation.
> >>
> >> Not in this space-time continuum.  Serbia is a province of
> >> the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, along with Montenegro.
> >> Study geography before you spout, eh?  Cheers --Ric
> >
> >Sorry to bust your bubble, but not long after Marshall Tito died
> >there's been no Yugoslavia. Time for "geography students" to
> >get a current map. Cheers -- Brian
> You really do need to study current events more closely. "[By
> 1993] the provinces of Slovenia, Croatia, Macedonia, and Bosnia
> and Herzegovina had seceded, leaving Serbia and Montenegro as
> the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia." [Compton’s Interactive
> Encyclopedia, 1998].  But don't believe me - check the CIA
> site.  Ciao --Ric
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
> screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/CTRL.html
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> Om

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Death of Liberalism

1999-03-17 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Scott Ritter was supposed to be impartial as a UN representative; he
looked more like a Yankee Stormtrooper;  wht gets me is that there is
nothing said about him being on the payroll of the Massod.this
is what was reported.

UN teams are always full of spies;  this is not news.  In my opinion,
Scott Ritter did his country a grave diservice - he cannot serve two
masters, or did he.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: NoKoreana: 03-16-99

1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan


>From Agence France-Presse

North Korea denounces claim that three million died of famine

SEOUL, March 15 (AFP) - Stalinist North Korea on Monday denounced claims
that three million people had died of famine during the past few years.

The verbal attack came as South Korea launched a campaign to raise funds to
help the devastated North.

Pyongyang accused South Korea's intelligence agency of spreading rumours
after claims by Hwang Jang-Yop, the highest official to defect here from
North Korea, that "at the end of last year, the famine has caused more than
three million deaths."

"The vicious anti-DPRK (North Korea) diatribe came at a time when the South
Korean intelligence service was zealously spreading a rumour that three
million died of starvation in the northern half of Korea in the past four
years," said Pyongyang's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA).

It quoted the spokesman for the flood damage rehabilitation committee as
saying the move was "a bid to frustrate international humanitarian aid.

"It proves that with a view to using international humanitarian aid for the
disintegration and overthrow of the system in the northern half of Korea
hostile elements are now turning to an extremely despicable means," said
North Korea.

Hwang said in an interview with French daily Le Monde that the total, based
partly on the Communist Party's central committee's own figures, estimated
500,000 people died in 1995, plus about a million a year from 1996 to 1998.

Hwang lives in South Korea after defecting from North Korea through Beijing
in February 1997.

While acknowledging the situation in the capital Pyongyang was less
serious, Hwang, the north's former chief ideologue and architect of its
juche (self-reliance) philosophy, said: "Even secret police, who have
considerable power, asked leaders like me to help them find food."

While terming medical and food aid to North Korea "necessary," he said
"economic aid signifies military assistance."

North Korea's KCNA report was released as South Korea's Red Cross launched
a fund-raising campaign to provide Pyongyang with fertilizers aimed at
helping the country survive following a severe famine since 1995 when a
series of natural disasters hit the country.

"We are hoping to come up with enough funds to send North Korea about
100,000 tonnes of fertilizer," a Red Cross official said.

South Korea's Red Cross last week announced plans to send the aid to North

South Korean officials said North Korea's fertilizer production stood at
625,000 tonnes last year, far short of its annual demand of 1.7 million

The World Food Programme has warned that North Koreans were still dying of
famine, with the population completely dependent on international food aid
at least for this month.

The UN body has appealed for 225 million dollars to provide 533,000 tonnes
of food this year. So far, it has received 101 million dollars.

Republic of Korea)

Hostile forces warned against use of international humanitarian aid for
dishonest political purpose

Pyongyang, March 15 (KCNA) -- The spokesman for the flood damage
rehabilitation committee of the DPRK released a statement on March 15 as
regards recent ill-boding moves to use international humanitarian aid to
the DPRK for a dishonest political purpose. Typical of it was a recent
program of the third channel of French television which slandered the
socialist system in North Korea, the spokesman said, and continued: In the
program those who betrayed the nation after committing high crimes defamed
the system in North Korea and painted a wrong picture of its economic
situation in accordance with the trite script made by the plotters of South
Korea. Especially, some non-governmental organisation members, including
those of the "Action Contre La Faim" (ACT) involved in humanitarian aid
activity in North Korea in the television appearance groundlessly faulted
arrangements for observers at aid distribution. They went So far as to
vilify the DPRK over a political issue which had nothing to do with the
aid. The vicious anti-DPRK diatribe came at a time when the South Korean
intelligence service was zealously spreading a rumour that three million
people died of starvation in North Korea in the past four years, in a bid
to frustrate international humanitarian aid to it. So, the recent anti-DPRK
campaign cannot be considered to be a separate one at all. It proves that
with a view to using international humanitarian aid for the "disintegration
and overthrow" of the system in North Korea hostile elements are now
turning to an extremely despicable means. We are exerting every possible
effort to make sure that international humanitarian aid is effectively used
for stable living of the people in the afflicted areas and rehabilitation
in those areas and rendering every sincere cooperation to aid organisations

[CTRL] Fwd: Plowshares into Swords

1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan

R >>

>From http://defence-data.com/current/

U.S. to sell aircraft, tanks and missiles to Egypt

March 12, 1999

The United States has offered Egypt a Foreign Military Sale (FMS) deal
valued at $3.2 billion to supply aircraft, tanks and missiles. US Defence
Secretary William Cohen announced the sale at a news conference after
meeting President Hosne Mubarak of Egypt in Cairo yesterday.

The US will sell Egypt 24 Lockheed Martin F-16 Block 40 version fighters,
200 M1-A1 tanks and a Patriot air defence missile battery. Egypt already
has 196 F-16 fighter and over 500 M1-A1 tanks.

The release of Patriot Air Defence system for sale to Egypt was welcomed by
Patriot manufacturer William H. Swanson, CEO of Raytheon, said, "The
Administration's decision to release Patriot is the key first step in a
process leading Egypt to join eight other nations which use the world's
most advanced and only combat-proven system capable of defending against
the entire spectrum of air defence threats, including high performance
aircraft, tactical ballistic missiles and cruise missiles.''

The sale will be funded out of the annual grant of over $1 billion in
military aid which the US gives to Egypt.

Cyprus and the S-300: a Greek Comedy or Tragedy?

March 15th, 1999

by Gordon Feller, Defence Systems Daily's correspondent in Moscow

The long-awaited deal to have Russian-made S-300 anti-aircraft missiles
delivered to the Greek-Greek-Cypriots is at last reaching fruition.
Greek-Cypriot Defence Minister Ioannis Khrisostomis and representatives
from Russia's premier arms exporter, Rosvooruzhenie, finally signed an
agreement on 17 February.

Russian sources say these missiles may be delivered to the Greek-Cypriots
as early as this month. Simple arms sale, right? No big deal, right? You
may think so, but this one has been a real soap opera right from its very
controversial start.

The $500 million plus deal was originally signed back in January 1997. It
provided for an 18-month delivery period, with a battery of 12 launchers
and 48 missiles being delivered by Russia to be deployed in Cyprus. From
the start, NATO countries frowned upon the deal, with the most obviously
vocal opponent being Turkey. Of course, this was understandable since the
military intention of deploying S-300s in Cyprus would be to hold off
attacking Turkish aircraft.

However, politically, Cyprus may have never intended to actually deploy the
missiles, but rather may have planned to use them as a bartering chip to
end or minimise a long-standing problem of Turks occupying the northern
third of the island. At various times over the 18-month delivery period,
Turkey vowed adverse repercussions if the missiles were delivered. During
this time, officials in Russia stood fast, stating they would deliver the
missiles when Cyprus was ready for them.

The 18 months officially ended in July 1998. Around that time,
Greek-Cypriot officials came to the realisation that tourists visit the
island in the summer and so they asked that delivery be postponed. (At
least that's their story and they're sticking to it!) Russia didn't
disagree to the postponement but remained firm that it would fulfil the
terms of the contract. And why not? This deal has great significance for
Russia. Aside from the half-billion-dollar price tag, this deal would mean
Russian arms had finally made it to the Mediterranean, the southern belly
of NATO.

While many around the world were awaiting the coming of the New Year,
Glavkos Kliridhis, the president of the Republic of Cyprus, was meeting
with his counterpart in Athens. Then on 29 December 1998, he announced the
S-300s that he had ordered would not be deployed on Cyprus, but rather on
the island of Crete, 500 or so miles to the west.

This then is a new, "official" agreement, almost 26 months after the
original deal was signed; however, the details of the new agreement have
yet to be released. A week before the deal became official, Moscow was
providing three conditions which had to be included: The missiles had to be
set up and operating on Crete, with Russian technicians on the ground, and
with Greek-Cypriot military trainers on Crete to help the Russians train
the Greeks. Whether those conditions were met or some hybrid compromise
reached is yet to be seen, but it appears appropriate that Russian and
Greek-Cypriot representatives have signed on the dotted line (again) and
the deal is "official."

When this arrangement began, it was between two countries, the Republic of
Cyprus and Russia. Now there is another major player, Greece. Therefore, in
addition to Cyprus and Russia agreeing on the details, Cyprus and Greece
must come to an understanding as well as Greece and Russia. From all
accounts to date, Cyprus and Greece have settled on the major issues.
Cyprus will pay for the missiles and launchers and will maintain ownership.
Greece will have control over the operation. The Greek-Cypriots get to pay
$500 million for a defence system that wi

[CTRL] Fwd: al-Gore & More Israeliana

1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan

>From ArabicNews.CoM

Netanyahu: Jordan valley settlements will be expanded
Israel, Politics, 3/16/99

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Foreign Minister Ariel Sharon
on Monday asserted Israel's ambitions in the Jordan valley and pledged to
expand it and keep it under the Israeli control under the pretext of

During a tour he held in the Jordan al-Gore (valley) district accompanied
by Sharon, Netanyahu added that his government will continue giving backing
to the standing settlements in al-Gore district and work for expanding
these settlements.

Netanyahu, in this respect, indicated that Israel will expand Maret Aphreim
settlement to make it a main city of the al-Gore (Jordan valley) district,
where a faculty of the media will be established.

Israel Radio said that Netanyahu and Sharon inaugurated during their tour a
bridge near Meihoula settlement near the al-Gore region.

Iran condemns Israeli acts against Jerusalem
Regional, Politics, 3/16/99

Iran condemned yesterday Israel's assertion of its domination over
Jerusalem and its opposition to any settlement regarding occupied East
Jerusalem since 1967.

Hamid Reza Asefi, the spokesman of the Iranian Foreign Ministry, said his
country denounced merging Jerusalem into the "Zionist entity."

He expressed "the anxiety of the Organization of the Islamic Conference,
currently headed by Iran, of the Israeli decision and the Zionist expanding
greed in Jerusalem."

He urged international organizations and Islamic states to strongly object
to the Israeli procedures.

Israeli intransigence jeopardizes Mideast stability says Maghreban leaders
Morocco, Politics, 3/16/99

King Hassan II on Monday said that the Israeli intransigence in
implementing peace accords, puts in jeopardy the security and stability in
the Middle-East.

"Security and stability in the Middle-East region are at stake because of
the Israeli intransigence in implementing the accords concluded with the
Palestinian authority," King Hassan II said at an exchange of speeches
during a dinner banquet hosted in Marrakesh in honor of Tunisian President,
Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, who is on an official visit to Morocco.

The hardline policy adopted by Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu,
has driven the Middle-East into a standstill. All efforts to revive the
ailing peace process are now frozen pending the Israeli general elections
next May. In his speech, King Hassan II expressed conviction that "without
a just, global and fair peace --recognizing the Palestinian people's
rights-- the peoples of the region will not be able to focus efforts on
global economic development."

Echoing the king, President Ben Ali said Israel shoulders responsibility
for the current deadlock in the peace process.

He renewed Tunisia's backing to the Palestinian people's struggle for the
creation of an independent state with Al-Quds (Jerusalem) as capital.

Ben Ali hailed in this connection, the "continuous efforts" that King
Hassan II exerts, as chairman of the Al-Quds (Jerusalem) Committee, for the
safeguard of the holy city.

The Tunisian President urged the co-sponsors of the Middle-East peace
process (USA and Russia), the European Union and the international
community as a whole "to act rapidly and vigorously" to compel Israel to
subscribe to the peace option, respect the concluded accords and abide by
the land-for-peace principle.

Israeli - Jordanian water crisis
Jordan, Economics, 3/16/99

Jordanian Minister of Water and Irrigation Kamal Mahadin has asserted
Jordan's commitment to its full water rights, rejecting any reduction in
its share of the water pumped by Israel due to the shortage of rainfall for
the current season, as Israeli sources announced on Sunday.

In a statement to the Jordanian daily al-Arab al-Youm issued on Monday, the
Jordanian minister stressed that Jordan is committed to its water rights.
He indicated that the Jordanian side in the technical negotiations with the
Israelis refused on Sunday the Israeli proposal to reduce Jordan's share of
water as a result of the drought and the lack of the rain for the current

He said that contacts are still underway with the Israeli side to deliver
Jordan's total share of water, noting that these contacts have not

Israel arrests Egyptians who crossed borders in Rafah
Egypt, Local, 3/16/99

The Israeli occupation forces have arrested more than 600 Egyptians on
Monday morning under the pretext that they entered Rafah district from
Sinai. Israel then closed its borders with Egypt.

Israel Radio said later that contacts are being made between Egyptian and
Israeli military officials in order to facilitate the process of returning
these Egyptians to their homes, SANA reported.


The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Every great advance in natural knowledge has involved

[CTRL] Fwd: Death of Liberalism

1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan

>From Intellectual Capital

The Death of Liberalism
by Eric Alterman
Thursday, March 11, 1999
Comments: 286 posts 

That the government of the United States is a liar and an accessory to mass
murder is not news; what is news is that no one seems to care anymore.

Examine the media's non-reaction to two of the biggest foreign-policy
revelations of the decade: that the United States subverted the UNSCOM
inspections of Iraq's weaponry and the Guatemalan truth commission's report
that the United States assisted its government's decades-long campaign of
genocide against its own people. Where's the outrage? Where's the anger?
Where, even, is the follow-up story?

In the past few days we have heard a great deal about China's spying on
U.S. weapons programs in Los Alamos. This is a big story, no doubt, and it
is likely to get bigger. The Washington Post, The New York Times and The
Los Angeles Times among many others are killing themselves to try to get
the next big scoop. Republicans are demanding hearings. William Safire is
crying "cover-up" and possibly even treason. The media machine, in other
words, is performing exactly as it is supposed to.

What about the rest of the story?

Saddam Hussein was only telling the truth

So what, then, is so uninteresting about Iraq and Guatemala? In Iraq,
Saddam Hussein, a murderous dictator, has proven a more credible source
than our own elected officials. Hussein said he could not cooperate with
UNSCOM because it was a CIA front designed to provide the U.S. with
information necessary to plan a military strike. Pundits laughed. Deputy
State Department spokesman James Foley said in a Feb. 23 briefing that
charges of U.S. espionage inside UNSCOM are "unfathomable except as
elements which can only serve Saddam Hussein's propaganda machine." Guess

Saddam was telling the truth. Unbeknownst to UNSCOM, the United States
rigged UNSCOM equipment and office space to intercept Iraqi military
communications. Those communications, carried between microwave towers and
linking Iraqi commanders to infantry and armored forces in the field, were
extremely valuable to U.S. military planners, but wholly unrelated to
UNSCOM's special weapons mandate. According to former U.N. weapons
inspector, Scott Ritter, the U.N. inspection teams included "CIA
paramilitary covert operatives" who were there to subvert Saddam's

Can you blame him for refusing to cooperate? Can you believe anything our
government tells us about its actions overseas? And what of all those
pundits who condemned Clinton for being too soft, too willing to appease
Saddam? Do they dare mention this subject? No, the very idea of
accountability is passe in our democracy.

Why? Why?

It is passe, I might add, even in the case of genocide. The report of the
Guatemalan independent Historical Clarification Commission clearly states
that despite decades of denial, coupled with explicit U.S. support, its
government and allied paramilitary groups were to blame for more than 90%
of 42,000 human-rights violations, 29,000 of which resulted in deaths or
missing persons.

The commission, which had a staff of 272 researchers, listed U.S. training
of the officer corps in counterinsurgency techniques as a key factor that
"had a significant bearing on human rights violations during the armed
confrontation." It also noted the close CIA involvement with the Guatemalan
military during most if not all of this period.

Lest we forget, the United States placed this genocidal regime in Guatemala
in power in 1954 during the overthrow of a democratically elected
government. What were the excuses again? The Russians? The Cubans? The
Chinese? Who was it that threatened United States security in Guatemala
sufficiently to justify our complicity in genocide?

For political purposes, it really does not matter. Hardly anyone seems to
care. The president has apologized, which is commendable, but the act
seemed more like diplomacy than true contrition. And even if the president
was sincere,he was centainly not responding to any domestic groundswell,
either in his party, the media, or the country at large. During the 1980s,
when the Reagan administration was attempting to ram its murderous Central
American program through Congress, liberals in Congress, human-rights
groups and most particularly church-based organizations worked to keep some
kind of moral element in the discussion of how we behaved in the world.

Now we have a damaged-goods Democrat in the White House, and the opposition
has all but disappeared. There is no "left" to contend with and the media,
with some honorable exceptions, could not care less. Tell me that one about
the "liberal media" again. "What about Monica's dress?" they scream. "Will
we one day be able to show it to our kids in the Smithsonian?"

The death of liberalism

Now that impeachment is over, we can take stock of some unpleasant truths.
One is that Bi

[CTRL] Fwd: AlienNation

1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan

>From Reason Magazine OnLine

REASON * March 1999

Learned Nonsense

By Mark Goldblatt

Aliens in America: Conspiracy Cultures from Outerspace to Cyberspace, by
Jodi Dean, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 242 pages, $15.95 paper

The author of Aliens in America, Jodi Dean, is a professor at Hobart and
William Smith Colleges; the publisher is a respected university press. With
a cursory glance at the title, therefore, an unwary reader might anticipate
a learned inquiry into extraterrestrial phenomena. But in Dean's
poststructuralist take on UFO sightings and alien abductions, E.T. takes a
back seat to politics. From the first page to the last, in fact, the author
remains doggedly agnostic with regard to the reality of what she is
describing. Reality itself (a word she prefers to put inside quotation
marks) is pretty much beside the point for Dean, whose academic field is
not astronomy but political science and whose previous work concerned the
rather more earthbound subjects of feminism and identity politics.


The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Every great advance in natural knowledge has involved
the absolute rejection of authority. -Thomas Huxley
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for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] OT: Charlton Hestons Culture War Speech atHarvard(text of speech)]

1999-03-17 Thread Howard R. Davis III

 -Caveat Lector-

   Well, I have been reading a most of the stuff from CTRL for about six
months and this following seems to me to be the take the prize as the
most ridiculous thing I have read so far. Rather then make a rational
argument in opposition to the points made in Heston's speech, this
writer makes a convoluted argument linking the derivation of the term
Heston used to Bismarck and then to Hitler to "prove" that Heston should
be ignored because he is anti-Semitic. "culture war" is a term that is
made up of two english words which are familiar to most. In combination
they seem to me to accurately describe what Heston was talking about. I
certainly did not find anything forced about putting those two words
together. I do not believe that smearing one's opponent in a debate in
the manner such as below endears one's argument to any thinking human.

Howard Davis

Robert Tatman wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> >  -Caveat Lector-
> >
> > NRA homepage: http://www.nra.org
> >
> > Charlton Heston's 'Culture War' Speech at Harvard
> >
> > Harvard Law School Forum: "Winning The Cultural War"
> >
> > Delivered by Charlton Heston February 16, 1999
> >
> The term "culture war" is a translation of the German *Kulturkampf*, coined by
> Imperial German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck in the 1880's. The original
> *Kulturkampf* was cast as a struggle against non-German influences--partly
> meaning the Catholic Church, which was positioning itself in opposition to the
> "Social Darwinism" espoused by many of the leaders of German industry; and
> mostly meaning Eastern European Jews, who were flooding into Germany and
> especially into Berlin, and who often refused to assimilate. As the campaign
> evolved, it focussed more and more on what a later generation would call "the
> Jewish problem," and eventually *Kulturkampf* came to be a code word for
> official bureaucratic anti-Semitism.
> To hear so prominent a public figure as Charlton "Moses" Heston use this term
> scares the pants off of me. "Culture war" is a term so loaded, so freighted
> with historical burden, that I can only assume that Heston used it
> deliberately. And *that* leads to the conclusion that he was aiming his
> comments, not at his Harvard audience, but at another audience...the supposed
> liberal Jewish Establishment, especially the Democratic Party activists around
> Bill Clinton. His message, unfortunately, can only be interpreted as
> "Remember, you too could hear that midnight knock on the door..." It is a
> not-so-subtle threat to Jewish Democrats that if they don't abandon their
> liberal policies and fall into line with the dictates of the Religious Right,
> they can and will be purged. And when they're done with the Jews...
> Bob

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Concentration Camps 2/2

1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

I dunna know and I ain't been told,

It's beginning to look like 'velveta revolution',  Culture wars, memes

Look at the culture and how the info disseminates and reacts and moves and . .

Just think of the consternation one could create with a simple website using
'tool's so that access could only be from certain systems and what not, raises
the 'credibility' level of 'information'.  This is straight info war tagline.

These memes now go screaming around and around wrapping some folks so tight,
that are already completely wound-up, burdened and disillusioned.

It gets down to the iron hand within the velvet glove.

Can, will, 'they' risk open warfare upon a very increasingly suspicious

If the assault is a some suspect haarp driven, weather disruptive and  very
technological aided with major psycyhological focus to force upon humankind a
'new world order', then what has the internet done to 'their' 'plans' timline?

But the m.o. of this, the other guy with the nsa seal, it is just seems to
'good' to be true.

Disruption, denial  and dismay

Understand, any operation, is run intel, that means looking several layers
deep at least. There has been a lot of money spent on beliefs and group

Read info, but let us not believe all. Be wary.

Their target is our republic and it is struggling. But its people are strong
and tenacious. DONT TREAD ON ME!


In a message dated 3/15/99 3:38:14 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>I experienced the same problems on aol. I recently signed up with Microsoft
>and this morning I accessed Don's website. His website has a lot of "stories"
>posted but could not find any references or documentation of any camps he has
>found. I have e-mailed him and the other guy, Mike, and asked them for more
>information; much more. Don's site is very religiously oriented, lot's of
>"brotherly love" going around, which is great, but my intial impression is
>of someone who likes to hear himself talk, likes to lecture, but doesn't
>bother doing his homework. I hope I am wrong. Gavin. One other thing, taking
>photographs and documenting 700 camps is a massive undertaking, if he had
>much evidence it would be all over his website.
> > 1. Yes. We do have photographs. A lot of them. Yes we will
> >  publish them. As I write, we are collating the best photos and
> >  getting ready to get them up on the Internet, complete with
> >  address and map coordinates. These photos will be up at many
> >  sites. I will post the list of sites which will carry these photos at
> >  my own site, which is at http://www.don-bradley.com
> >
> When I tried to access this site, I received the message below.
> Anyone know how I can get there?
> Samantha
> "Unable to open http://www.don-bradley.com/. You do not have permission
> to open this item.
> Forbidden
> You don't have permission to access / on this server."
>  >>

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Pollsters Hail Clinton Foreign Policy

1999-03-17 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Why don't they use Gallup to take the census, and we can all save a lot
of money, get a reliable and accurate poll, etc.

As for the CFR - well, their Public Relations is beginning to show.
For years the John Birch Society has tried to draw them out in the open;
they have finally succeeded.pity Walter Lippman is not here to see

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Re: none of this is real!!! Camps - Fact or Fiction?

1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan


This is the UPDATE mentioned by David Smith in an earlier post:

Camps - Fact or Fiction? - By Don Bradley - <[EMAIL PROTECTED]  - 3-15-99

Recently, I posted an article on various web sites dealing with the advent of
Concentration or Internment Camps springing up all over America. Many have
read this article, passed it around, and discussed it with your correspondent
and among friends and family. A very few have gone on and visited some of
these sites for themselves. As well, some have just outright called me insane,
a liar, and other names too foul to mention. Some have thanked me for the
research and have committed to joining the search for the truth, no matter
where it may lead.

Since the release of the article, I have received a few invitations to speak
to groups about my experiences and even to go on a few radio shows, which I've
done. Some have asked me on only because they want to discredit my research
and are waiting for their own people to come back with some info that will
explain away my findings. They are HOPING to find any miter of evidence that
they can use to, again, discredit this research. As before, I must take such
things and give them all the due possible on a point by point basis.

Still, there is silence from the media and our government about the creation
and staffing of these camps. Why? Even if to deny the claims, why can't our
elected officials meet with me and others from the press at these sites and
explain their purpose to us, so we can all go back to sleep and watch more TV?
Why not open the gates and let us inspect these places? If they have nothing
to hide, then where's the problem?

I have received hundreds of letters in the last few weeks, with many
containing new evidence of camps and other things that make our case even
stronger. The naysayers don't seem to have any proof, except a foul mouth and
opinion of those men and women who are looking for the truth. This was to be
as expected. Some, I believe, are working for the agency and have been working
night and day to ruin my name. Others are simply the haters and denial people.
Not liking what they hear, they simply won't see what any normal person can
see with an open mind and open heart.

Here are some answers to many new questions raised by these folks.

1. Yes. We do have photographs. A lot of them. Yes we will publish them. As I
write, we are collating the best photos and getting ready to get them up on
the Internet, complete with address and map coordinates. These photos will be
up at many sites. I will post the list of sites which will carry these photos
at my own site, which is at http://www.don-bradley.com

2. Yes. We do receive help from many people in the Army and National Guard,
who have given us location tips regarding these camps.

3. The holding camps - which are by nature, simply fences enclosing an open
area - have little in the way of facilities. These were areas already in
existence (reservoirs) which have recently been modified with new barbed wire
and concertina with the tops POINTING IN. These camps are lock stock - pens
for cattle. Have you ever seen the stockyards? They are really just temp areas
for holding cattle. The holding camps are scattered everywhere, in all major
cities, and our intelligence sources confirm that these are going to be used
as some sort of interim roundup places where those gathered can be place until
these souls can be shipped off to somewhere else. Don't expect much in the way
of guard towers and the like as they were never meant to be more than what
they are.

4. For every major full-service camp, there are probably twenty holding camps.
Makes sense, doesn't it?

5. No, I do not believe these camps are for aliens. They are designed for
human beings.

6. No. I have not seen UFOs around these camps.

7. Hundreds of officers from the Air Force and Army are leaving the service
and resigning their commissions because they believe something is about to
happen that they don't want to be a part of. In October of 1998, I met with a
Lt. Colonel from the Air Force in Colorado who was buying, through privates
sale, ammunition and weapons for his family, because in his words, "he wanted
his family out of the city and in the country before summer of next
year.[1999]" A friend of mine has a law practice with another lawyer in
Colorado who helps officers with their discharges and in the last two years,
they have seen a flood of men and women - all with horror stories mind you -
who are throwing away their careers to avoid something you don't want to know
about. These men and women have nearly the same story. The US Government is
going to declare Martial Law and take over the country by force, with the
military and the intelligence community running things. They intend to rid our
country of some twenty to thirty million people. They have lists. They have
plans. They have been practicing. They are coming.

8. Yes, we have full location lists of camps from F

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Re: none of this is real!!!

1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan


In a message dated 3/16/99 11:50:49 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<< Subj: [CIA-DRUGS] Re: none of this is real!!!
 Date:  3/16/99 11:50:49 AM Eastern Standard Time
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (tom nead)

 From: "tom nead" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 I went to 2 of the alledged concentration camps (#4 & #5) and could find no
 machine toting guards or anyone who much gave a shit about me being there,
 and certainly no evidence of major constuction.  Also the original site now
 has a notice that says the earlier story is false.

  >> Thanks for your input on this, Tom. I don't know what's going on in the
rest of the world with these camps, but I received a private email reply from
Garland Favorito several days ago, and he states he has personally seen one of
these camps located near Andersonville, Georgia. Mr. Favorito has a very good
reputation amongst acquaintances of mine, but I will nonetheless travel to
that location to see it for myself sometime in the near future. I'll let you
all know what I find.

Have a great day!

- GamblinCat

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Re: [CTRL] Masonic / Illuminati

1999-03-17 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Well, this is the most interesting item I have read in a long time.

Now, if I am correct, you find the Illuminati sitting in the Garden of
Eden,  the original seat of enlightment;  in Ezekial we find the
symbolism of the Eagle which is the office of  our President; we find
the melting pot, which is allegedly America, we find the witches busily
stirriing the scum.

Now I wonder here as did Columbus; which came first, the bible or the

Now, I worked with a real witch for 12 years; but this witch had been
trained by Ian Fleming and wrote numerous best seller books; however,
never did she attempt to prostelyze, etc., anyone into her singular
coven.   I do not believe she tried to raise anything but the truth.

All the secrets of every secret society in the world  are within the
bible - their placeof origin, from the Knights of Malta to the
Illuminati; the English always loved their clubs..I always loved the
old Hell's Fire Club, into which Benjamin Franklin was initiated.  When
William Hogarth died, he had a letter from Franklin beside him..into
this Masonic Order were the true genius of the day, including Dashwood
whom I believe to be one of the most fascinating individuals in the
world.  I understand their still is a Dashwood today - and his
descendent when asked if he was not ashmed to be descended from same,
said we need more like him.

John Rockefeller would never use Roman Numerals.John Rockefeller 3,
instead.  I always wondered why.and I wondered who looted the
pyramids of its treasure, and why the Titanic was really sunk with a war
looming around the corner.

Well, as Popeye said, I Am That I Am.and he sold a lot of spinich.

I agree with everything you write - except, please - my mothers family -
so many were sent to the Isle Of Man, which at the time they sent
warlocks and witches who were really bad..while my mother was very
proud of this heritage, I often wondered why they placed a Treasury
Department there, on this wee Island which was also alleged to be an
experimental station for raising big chickens, etc.

My friend the witch, was an asrologer to Ronld Reagan..you find
reference to her in Kitty Kelly's book...she was sincere about her
witchcraft; but she still respected the religious views of others.

When she died, I believe it was the result of an assassination attempt
on her life, which ultimtely led to her death.  Witches are only human;
however, a few years back I was adised the flag of Wicca still flew over
her home in Florida.  She was MI6, and if you cannot trust a witch, who
can you trust.

Well, look on the back of the dollar bill - that's about the only thing
that makes sense - In God We Trust..let us hope he is always on our

We have come a long way from the Garden of Eden, which was the
birthplace of the Illuminati to the Alpha and Omega, and I guess that
the Bright and Morning Star still needs a lot of explianing.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: SNET: "U.S. Should Beware Rambouillet Omelet," the Wall Street Journal (Mar. 16, 1999)

1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan

->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List


Thought you may be interested in the enclosed letter which the Wall Street
Journal published today.  The two indented paragraphs in square brackets
have been excised from the published version (see
http://www.truthinmedia.org/Columns/wsj3-16.html ).

Some other Truth in Media letters are also available at our Web site
www.truthinmedia.org in the "TiM Activism" and/or the "Djurdjevic's
Columns" sections.


Bob Dj.

NOTE: To cancel the e-mail editions of our reports, just reply with REMOVE
or UNSUBSCRIBE, followed by your e-mail address.

Tuesday, March 16, 1999


Alan Kuperman's March 4 editorial-page commentary "Rambouillet Requiem: Why
the Talks Failed" was a dispassionate analysis of why Madeleine Albright's
Kosovo conference produced only Rambouillet egg on the face of our
secretary of state.  However, no passionate issues, such as Kosovo, can be
explained, much less resolved, by dispassionate analyses, no matter how
rational they may seem.

[The second flaw was Mr. Kuperman's assumption that the Clinton
 officials can keep on deceiving the American public with impunity.
 After saying
 that Belgrade would be bombed if it refused to sign on to the
Washington proposal,
 he adds, "if the (Kosovo) Albanians refused (to sign), their
supply lines would be cut."

 Wait a minute!  If the Clinton administration has the means to cut
the supply lines to
 the Kosovo Albanian secessionists, but it hasn't, doesn't that
mean that Washington
 has been the Kosovo Albanian terrorists' accomplice?  Shades of a
similar Iran-Bosnia
 secret arms deal to which the Clinton administration acquiesced in

Mr. Kuperman believes the Clinton administration's Rambouillet proposal
would mean "a prolonged and overwhelming American presence."   He adds that
the Clinton administration "has no business flexing its muscles at
Rambouillet" unless it had a stomach for such an open-ended, long-term,
commitment of American troops.  Which "I suspect it does not."

I say bull! Remove the humanitarian fig leaves, and Washington's
Rambouillet Kosovo proposal is nothing but a call for an open-ended,
long-term, commitment of American troops to Vietnam... oops, I meant the
Balkans.  Just like Bosnia, Kosovo would be a $2 billion per year or so
burden to the American taxpayers, even without the cost of body bags.

As a triple U.S. veteran (China-Korea-Vietnam) recently put it in his
letter to me, "I never would have believed I would say the following: we
need to get our --- kicked for being in Kosovo.  You would think we would
have learned in the above mentioned conflicts."

Bob Djurdjevic
Founder, Truth in Media

Bob Djurdjevic
Phoenix, Arizona

Visit the Truth in Media Web site for more
articles on geopolitical affairs.

-> Send "subscribe   snetnews " to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
->  Posted by: Bob Djurdjevic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

[CTRL] (no subject)

1999-03-17 Thread Mark Maloney

 -Caveat Lector-

Top Mexican Off-Limits to U.S. Drug Agents


  WASHINGTON -- Early last year, as undercover U.S. Customs agents neared the
end of the biggest investigation ever conducted into the illegal movement of
drug money, bankers working with Mexico's most powerful cocaine cartel
approached them with a stunning offer.

  The agents, posing as money launderers from Colombia, had insinuated
themselves deeply into the Mexican underworld, helping the traffickers hide
more than $60 million. Now, money men working with the cartel said they had
clients who needed to launder $1.15 billion more. The most important of those
clients, they said, was Mexico's powerful defense minister.

  The customs agents didn't know whether the money really existed or if any of
it belonged to the minister, Gen. Enrique Cervantes, officials said. But
having heard about American intelligence reports pointing to corruption at
high levels of the Mexican military, the agents were mystified by what
happened next.

  Rather than continue the undercover operation to pursue the deal, Clinton
administration officials ordered to shut it down on schedule several weeks
later. No further effort was ever made to investigate the offer, and officials
said prosecutors have not even raised the matter with the suspects in the
case, who have pleaded guilty and are cooperating with the authorities.

  "Why are we sitting on this kind of information?" asked the former senior
customs agent who led the undercover probe, William F. Gately. "It's either
because we're lazy, we're stupid, or the political will doesn't exist to
engage in the kind of investigation where our law-enforcement efforts might
damage our foreign policy."

  Senior administration officials denied that foreign policy influenced their
decision to end the operation, saying they were moved primarily by concerns
for its security. They also emphasized that the agents were unable to verify
the Mexican traffickers' claims.

  Other officials of the administration, which has based much of its Mexican
drug strategy on collaboration with Cervantes, said they are confident that he
is above reproach. A spokesman for the Mexican Defense Ministry, Lt. Col.
Francisco Aguilar Hernandez, dismissed the traffickers' proposal as self-
serving lies.

  But a detailed account of the case -- based on confidential government
documents, court records and dozens of interviews -- suggests that U.S.
officials walked away from an extraordinary opportunity to examine allegations
of the official corruption that is considered the main obstacle to anti-drug
efforts in Mexico.

  For nearly a decade, American officials have been haunted by the spectacle
of Mexican officials being linked to illicit activities soon after they are
embraced in Washington. And just weeks before the customs investigation, known
as Operation Casablanca, ended last year, administration officials received
intelligence reports indicating that the Mexican military's ties to the drug
trade were more serious than had been previously thought.

  But when faced with the possibility that one of Washington's critical
Mexican allies might be linked to the traffickers, the officials gave the
matter little consideration. They said they opted for a sure thing, arresting
mid-level traffickers and their financial associates and at least disrupting
the money laundering system that drug gangs had set up. To reach for a
general, they said, would have added to their risks with no certainty of

  "Obviously it was a significant allegation," Customs Commissioner Raymond W.
Kelly said in an interview. But he added: "There was skepticism about it. Was
it puffing? It just was not seen as being -- I won't use the word credible --
but it wasn't verified."

  When senior administration officials announced the sting last May 18, they
took a triumphant inventory: the indictments of three big Mexican banks and
bankers from a dozen foreign banks; the arrests of 142 suspects; the
confiscation of $35 million in drug profits and the freezing of accounts
holding $66 million more.

  The officials claimed the success as the result of a longstanding
administration fight against money laundering. But Gately, who retired from
the Customs Service on Dec. 31, said his investigation ran a gantlet of
resistance from the start.

  The Justice Department, uncomfortable with cases in which undercover agents
laundered more money for drug traffickers than they ultimately seized, were
imposing new limits on the time that such operations could run and the money
they could launder, officials said. And though the restrictions did not apply
to Customs, a branch of the Treasury, Justice Department officials continued
to play strong, skeptical roles in supervising cases throughout the

  One federal official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, admitted that
he initially dismissed Gately's plan as a nonstarter. "You're out of your
mind," the official 

[CTRL] Fwd: Pollsters Hail Clinton Foreign Policy

1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan

 Again, the just-coincidental timing of this poll ... (Think "China.")

Clinton Foreign Policy Ranked High

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Americans favor a strong national defense and aggressive
action against terrorists, but most oppose any use of U.S. ground troops to
protect allies, a new survey suggests.

The poll conducted by the Gallup Organization for the Chicago Council on
Foreign Relations supports ``the guarded engagement of a largely satisfied
superpower,'' said council president John Rielly. He gave high marks on
foreign affairs to both President Clinton and Congress.

In the survey, 84 percent listed terrorism as the most critical threat to the
United States, up 15 points from the last survey. To fight terrorists, 74
percent favored U.S. air strikes, and 57 percent favored the use of U.S.
ground troops.

In contrast, 68 percent oppose sending troops if China should invade Taiwan,
66 percent in case of a North Korean invasion of South Korea or a Russian
invasion of Poland, and 56 percent oppose if Arabs invade Israel. Opposition
drops to 48 percent if it's Iraq invading Saudi Arabia.

For the first time since 1978, however, those favoring increased defense
spending exceeded the number who want cutbacks. Similar polls have been
conducted every four years since 1974

Support for foreign aid continued a slow slide. Only 13 percent now favor
increased spending for economic aid to other countries, and 48 percent want
more cuts.

The new survey underscores general satisfaction with the U.S. role abroad by
ranking Clinton No. 1 among postwar U.S. presidents for foreign policy
success, up from eighth place in the middle of his first term.

Congress also got improved marks, with 43 percent saying its role in foreign
policy is about right. That's the highest number for Congress since the
surveys began.

Rielly said approval of Clinton parallels an absence of major foreign policy
problems cited by those surveyed. When asked to list the two or three biggest
foreign policy problems facing the country, the most common response among the
public, at 21 percent, was: ``I don't know.'' That was followed by terrorism,
12 percent; the world economy, 11 percent; balance of payments, 10 percent;
and the Middle East situation, 8 percent.

Richard Haas, foreign policy director for the Brookings Institution, who
participated on a panel to mark the survey's release, challenged the
assessment of Clinton. He said it reflects Americans' prosperity more than
real achievement abroad.

``The American people feel content with the world as it is, but history has a
different standard,'' he said. Clinton, he said, has missed opportunities to
provide leadership in the post-Cold War world.

Clinton soared past Presidents Kennedy, Nixon, Truman, Eisenhower, Reagan,
Bush and Carter, ranked in that order in 1994, to top the poll of presidents
with ``very successful'' foreign policy performance since World War II. Only
Presidents Ford and Johnson trailed Clinton in the 1994 poll.

Gallup interviewed 1,507 men and women in October and November. The margin of
error was plus or minus 3 percentage points. Separately, the pollsters
interviewed 379 policy leaders, including members of Congress, administration
officials, international business figures and members of the news media.

A report on the survey was published Monday in the journal Foreign Policy.

[CTRL] Fwd: FBI Muzzled NY Times on China Spy Story

1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan

Times Delayed China Espionage Story

.c The Associated Press

NEW YORK (AP) -- The New York Times has confirmed that it acceded to the FBI's
request and held for one day a front-page story about China's theft of U.S.
nuclear secrets. A second request was rejected.

The article said that China had miniaturized its nuclear bombs using
information stolen from Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. The
story was supposed to run on March 5.

The FBI asked the Times to delay the article because the main suspect in the
theft, a Taiwanese-American scientist, was due to be interviewed by the bureau
that day.

The story contained at least two facts the scientist didn't know, including
his failing a lie detector test, Times executive editor Joseph Lelyveld told
The Washington Post.

Lelyveld told the Post that when the FBI asked the Times to hold off for a
second day, he said he would only do so if FBI Director Louis Freeh called him
directly. When Freeh failed to call by 7 p.m., Lelyveld went ahead with the
story. It appeared March 6.

The story did not name the suspect, Wen Ho Lee. Two days later, he was fired.
He has not been charged.

Times spokeswoman Lisa Carparelli confirmed that the Times delayed publication
for a day at the FBI's request. She was unable to provide further details and
Lelyveld did not return a call for comment.

Bill Carver, an FBI spokesman in Washington, refused to comment.

Columbia Journalism Review editor Marshall Loeb said the practice of editors
delaying stories at the request of government officials is appropriately rare.

``It is legitimate for an editor to hold a story for a brief period if he or
she has persuasive reason to believe that reporting it might endanger national
security or hurt a significant criminal investigation,'' Loeb said Monday.
``But such withholding should be done only rarely and only when a really
important issue is at stake.''

Loeb said the most famous example of a newspaper honoring such a request was
when President Kennedy asked the Times to withhold disclosing the Bay of Pigs
invasion before it began.

``They withheld it much to the regret of one and all,'' Loeb said. ``Had the
information been revealed, there might have been sufficient public outcry to
get the whole operation called off. In the end, the operation was a total

Re: [CTRL] US 'poisoned Robeson' with mind-bending drug

1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 3/16/99 1:05:11 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>>But it is shoddy reportage by The Sunday Times.
>And would that be The New York Sunday Times, The London Sunday Times, The
>Podunk Sunday Times or The Langley Sunday Times?

My take was the London one. I gather one could check,  it wasn't clarified in
the original post.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Masonic / Illuminati

1999-03-17 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

(Some Masons will probably not like this. So far I have only heard from to
32nd degree Masons and below who assure us that the Masons are
completely benevolent. BTW, I understand there are two 33rd degree
positions -- one for those who follow God and one for those who follow
Satan. But I suspect that the Masons will assure us that this cannot be true.

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Date sent:  Tue, 16 Mar 1999 19:51:51 -0500
Subject:Re: [*STAR*] Masonic / Illuminati
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Hi Judy / Linda,

I'll ask the question again :

Which degree were your husband / grandfather  ???

At the 32nd degree & below I'm sure they are all Christians - your
responses so far are just reinforcing my earlier point which was again :
the lower orders are unaware. The 33rd degrees & above are " Illuminated "
Ring any bells ?? So just for you ( you can research this further if you
like or ask me for more info - the explanation of the dollar bill - please
note the Satanic references )

BTW the info pasted below you can no longer get on the web as the page was
continually taken down )
THE TWO SEALS OF OUR DOOM Few things in this life have held the attention
of Man assuccessfully as
that of a good mystery. How many times did we, as youngpeople, pick up a
"Hardy Boys" mystery or try to unravel the intricate webof mysterious,
unexplainable clues with which Sherlock Holmes had to deal? And yet, for
over two hundred years, one of the greatest mysteries, of alltime, has been
staring us in the face. We wrestle with this mystery everyday of our lives
without so much as giving it a passing thought. With itsmajestic wings
mightily spread, I am referring to the great seals of the United States
found on the back side of the one dollar bill of United States Currency.

Before we continue to address this topic any further, it would be in your
interest to physically get a one dollar bill and follow along with the
illustrations found in this chapter in order that you get the 'big picture'.

Looking directly at the back side of the one dollar bill you now hold,
youcan plainly see that it has two distinct seals between the four number 1
'sand the four 'one' words spelled out.

How did these two 'great' seals originate? Well, I know three stories
dealing with its origins. The first one tells of how Thomas Jefferson,
aMason; Benjamin Franklin, a Rosicrucian; and John Adams,
also a Mason,were commissioned, on July 4, 1776, to design these seals.

This is the historical aspect.

The second story relates that these three patriots were given the design by
"illuminated" Masons. The third story holds that, while trying todesign
this seal in his home, on June 17, 1782, Thomas Jefferson wassuddenly
approached by a "being", cloaked in black. The "being" allegedly presented
Jefferson with a red velvet bag which contained two plaques. Turning
around, the "being" walked into Jefferson's garden and mysteriously

The two plaques that were in the red velvet bag were the two Great Seals of
the United States. I, personally, agree with the latter story. As you
continue in this chapter, you will realize that these seals are too
brilliantly put together that it had to be demonically-inspired by Satan.
Whichever story 'you' believe, one outstanding fact remains unchanged;
these seals were not to inaugurate the Declaration of Freedom, but were
designed as a tribute to a 'new world order' that would take over the
Thirteen Colonies of the United States.

It was on May 1, 1776, when Dr. Adam Weishaupt founded the Bavarian Order
of the Illuminati. Weishaupt was a Professor of Jewish Canon Law atthe
University of Ingolstadt in Bavaria, Germany. He was born a Jew and later
converted to Roman Catholicism. A former Jesuit Priest, he left theorder
to form his own organization. It was Weishaupt's belief that only a chosen
few had enough "illumination" to guide and rule the world. Theproblem was
simply this: where would he find these few intellectual"lightbearers?"
Subsequently, he found them in various lodges and ordersof the day. He
infiltrated the Jesuit Order, the Masonic lodges, the Rosicrucian Order and
other orders of antiquity. But, all this didn'thappen without reprisal.
Many lodges and orders that had been infiltrated virtually warned Weishaupt
to discontinue his activities. Fortunately forWeishaupt, Thomas Jefferson,
in 1784, had recently been named the UnitedStates Ambassador to France.
Jefferson, a Mason, favored Weishaupt's 'neworder' and came to his aid. The
'new order' was now guaranteed tocontinue and it eventually became known as
the "Order of the Illuminati.

As their founder continued to expand the ranks and membership, two major
events transpired; five years after he was named Ambassador to
France,Thomas Jefferson returned home to become Secretary of State. Shortl

[CTRL] OT: Facts about FCC per minute internet charge rumors (fwd)

1999-03-17 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-


   Kaddish, Kaddish, Kaddish, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Second Abraham Lincoln Brigade Forming (fwd)

1999-03-17 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-

On Tue, 16 Mar 1999, Ric Carter wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
> -Original Message-
> From: Brian Redman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >On Tue, 16 Mar 1999, Ric Carter wrote:
> >
> >> >Serbia is a sovereign nation.
> >>
> >> Not in this space-time continuum.  Serbia is a province of
> >> the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, along with Montenegro.
> >> Study geography before you spout, eh?  Cheers --Ric
> >
> >Sorry to bust your bubble, but not long after Marshall Tito died
> >there's been no Yugoslavia. Time for "geography students" to
> >get a current map. Cheers -- Brian
> You really do need to study current events more closely. "[By
> 1993] the provinces of Slovenia, Croatia, Macedonia, and Bosnia
> and Herzegovina had seceded, leaving Serbia and Montenegro as
> the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia." [Compton’s Interactive
> Encyclopedia, 1998].  But don't believe me - check the CIA
> site.  Ciao --Ric

Serbia/Montenegro, as per original, is still a sovereign nation.
The newly hegemonic NATO, rising from the ashes of the
discredited U.N., has no business intefering in internal
affairs of Serbia/Montenegro, Yugoslavia, Serbia, or whatever
you choose to call it. The nomenclature is a minor point;
the sovereignty remains. I choose not to consult the "CIA
site" (with which you are familiar.)  Ciao -- Brian

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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