[CTRL] Surplus! What Surplus?

1999-06-14 Thread David Crockett Williams

 -Caveat Lector-

From: Hilary A. Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [InTheShadows] Surplus! What Surplus?
Date: Sunday, January 24, 1999 11:55 AM

From: "Hilary A. Thomas" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 -Caveat Lector-

 Clinton says there "is" a surplus.. (depends what "is" is).

 Surplus! What surplus? There IS NO surplus.
 by John Crudele, NYP

 THERE is no federal budget surplus.

 I'll say it again. There is no budget surplus.

 Before you even get to the issue of whether the "budget surplus"
 should be given back to taxpayers as the wishful Republicans
 suggest, or used to prop up Social Security, as the desperately-
 impeached President Clinton said in his State of the Union speech
 on Tuesday, there is a small issue that needs to be taken care of
 -- there really is no budget surplus.

 Issue No. 2.  There is no way people can be allowed to invest their
 Social Security money in the stock market.  That's because the
 "money" -- as in cash you, I or the government would turn over to
 a stockbroker -- also doesn't exist.

 All right, here I go again trying to explain how our elected
 officials in Washington are perpetrating a fraud by proclaiming
 that there is a budget surplus.

 Over the past year, the federal deficit -- which is money owed by
 our government -- rose from $5.486 trillion to $5.618 trillion.
 Those are government numbers right out of Barron's.

 That means the federal debt climbed by $132 billion.  Which means
 the federal budget DEFICIT last year was $132 billion.  There was
 no surplus of $70 billion, or any other amount, as Washington is

 When the economy weakens -- as it always does -- the true deficit
 numbers will increase.

 The surplus claim is wrong.  It's a fraud.

 Washington is able to pretend there is a surplus because it has
 been raiding the Social Security trust fund, which, you have to
 understand, isn't a pile a cash sitting somewhere in the Treasury.
 It's really a pile of government IOUs (Treasury bills, really)
 Washington puts into Social Security in exchange for the cash it

 And it is our cash that is being stolen.  Anyone who pays into
 Social Security is really unwittingly buying IOUs from a government
 that might not be able to pay in decades to come.

 Right now the Social Security system is running a surplus because
 more money coming in than going out.  It's demographics at work --
 more employees than retirees.  That pleasant situation, however,
 will not last long.

 But this surplus belongs to people like me and you, who'll need it
 to retire someday.  So Washington shouldn't pretend that it belongs
 to the country and part of the budget.

 The president wants this non-existent "budget surplus" pumped back
 into Social Security.

 What does that mean?

 Washington will steal $200 billion from Social Security (turning a
 real $132 billion deficit into a $70 billion surplus), so that it
 can proclaim a budget surplus, then it will return the excess money
 to Social Security from where it was stolen in the first place.

 Oddly, that's actually a preferable charade to what the Republicans
 suggest.  At least under the president's plan the "surplus" comes
 full circle and ends up back in Social Security.

 Under the Republican plan, you would give away the "surplus" and
 the money will disappear from the Social Security circle all

 The president, however, is wrong in backing a plan to allow people
 -- in some form or another -- to invest their money in the stock
 market.  But the endorsement is a shrewd maneuver by a president
 in trouble.

 Bill Clinton knew back in 1992 what voters cared about --
 the economy and jobs.

 And it is the worst kept secret in American economic history that
 the only thing keeping this country's marvelous economy going is
 the stock market bubble.  It's just like Japan's wonderful economy
 before the bubble burst a few years back.

 Americans -- like the Japanese -- feel rich because of the stock
 market.  And even though companies are laying off workers faster
 than they were during the hard times of the early 1990s, Wall
 Street is keeping people content.

 I estimate that President Clinton has no better than a 50-50 chance
 of remaining in office.  Those odds go down to 60-40 against his
 presidency once witnesses are called before the impeachment trial
 (some day I'll be able to tell you why.)

 The president can maintain his high rating if the stock market
 keeps the economy rolling along.  But like any other Ponzi scheme,
 the Wall Street bubble can't continue unless fresh money keeps
 coming into the market.

 President Clinton's Social Security proposal would provide a lot of
 fresh money to keep the market going, which'll keep the economy
 perking, which will keep Clinton's rating high.

 It all works quite nicely -- except that the proposal to allow
 people to invest their Social Security money in the 

[CTRL] 30,000 Protest Third World Debt

1999-06-14 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

Londoners Protest Third World Debt

LONDON (AP) - About 30,000 people formed a human chain stretching along the
Thames River and across London's Blackfriars and Waterloo bridges Sunday to
protest Third World debt.

The demonstration was organized by the Jubilee 2000 Coalition, which
campaigns for the cancellation of the debt of the world's poorest countries.

The London demonstrators, who danced to samba music and African drumming
while waving banners reading ``Drop the Debt Now,'' were part of a protest
staged in 20 other countries.

During the demonstration, a barge carrying 12 million signatures from around
the world set off down the Thames for Cologne, Germany, where the Group of
Seven industrialized nations, plus Russia, will begin meeting Friday.

Rock singers Bono and Bob Geldof planned to meet the barge in Cologne, where
they will try to deliver the signatures to the world leaders attending the

Several thousand supporters later gathered in Trafalgar Square for an
anti-debt rally, where speakers included Archbishop of Canterbury George

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Bad Samaritan

1999-06-14 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

Rabbi's Ruling Sparks Outrage

.c The Associated Press

JERUSALEM (AP) - A rabbi's reported ruling against giving medical attention
to non-Jews on the Sabbath sparked calls on Sunday for the army to strip the
rabbi of his combat officer rank.

A letter signed by Rabbi Amicha Rontsky appeared in a religious journal this
month, declaring: ``Of course the life of a Gentile has value ... but the
value of the Sabbath is more important.''

Meimad, a dovish religious movement, published an exchange of letters between
Rontsky, a Lieutenant Colonel and the deputy commander of a reserves infantry
brigade, and Yoske Ahituv, a religious scholar.

Ahituv had heard of a religious ruling by Rontsky instructing religious army
medics to avoid treating wounded Palestinian guerrillas on the Sabbath, and
sought clarification.

``If it is possible to refrain from treating (guerrillas), of course that is
how one should act,'' Rontsky wrote.

He based his ruling on ancient rabbinical writings that appear to ban the
treatment of non-Jews on the Sabbath. Most rabbis have ruled that such
writings are no longer relevant, and that saving human lives, Jewish or
non-Jewish, is paramount.

Rontsky's one qualification was the ``fear and horror'' of the possibility
that such an action would be published in the world media and lead to attacks
on Jews overseas.

``It is permissible to bypass the laws of the Torah in order to prevent a
situation of danger for Jews outside Israel,'' he said.

Rontsky was writing in his capacity as the dean of a seminary in the Jewish
settlement of Itamar, and did not say whether his ruling reflected the orders
he would give as an army commander.

He was unavailable for comment on Sunday.

Yossi Paritsky of the secularist Shinui party wrote the army Chief of Staff,
Lt. Gen. Shaul Mofaz, and demanded that Rontsky be stripped of his rank. He
said Rontsky's statement was ``spine-chilling and shocking.''

The Israeli army spokesman refused to comment specifically on Rontsky's
statement but rejected it by implication.

``The saving of life is a supreme value without distinction of any kind,'' he
said in a statement issued by his office to The Associated Press.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NATO and Ethnic Cleansing by KLA

1999-06-14 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

KLA Moves in After Serbs Depart

.c The Associated Press

DOBRO SELO, Yugoslavia (AP) - It didn't take the Kosovo Liberation Army long
to move in after Serb forces withdrew. Within minutes, guerrillas were coming
down from the hills. Within hours, they had seized control of one of
Yugoslavia's biggest coal mines.

NATO got there the next day.

The rebels moved in so fast Saturday morning that mining company manager
Dragan Radakovic - a Serb - didn't understand what the shooting was at first.
``I thought maybe it was the army celebrating'' their pullout, he said.

But the rattle of automatic weapons fire got louder - and closer.

International monitors said the KLA took control Sunday of a major crossing
point on the Yugoslav-Albanian border shortly after Yugoslav officials
abandoned it.

About 10-15 KLA guerrillas were guarding the Morini station late Sunday, said
Andrea Angeli, spokesman of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in
Europe. Morini was the main crossing point for hundreds of thousands of
ethnic Albanians who fled the province during the Serb crackdown, which
accelerated after NATO started its bombing campaign March 24.

Standing on the rim of Pit No. 10 at the Belacevac mine, Radakovic peered
through binoculars and saw the KLA on the horizon.

``It was a hard feeling,'' he said. ``All I could think about was how to save
my workers.''

The rebels moved into the 4-square-mile mine from the west. Radakovic pulled
his employees out to the east in 2 1/2 frantic hours, saving nearly 100.

But the rebels attacked a van bringing in workers for the afternoon shift.
Three Serb miners and the driver, 31-year-old Zvonomir Stepic - coming to
work unwarned and unaware - were kidnapped.

As best as Radakovic could tell, the rebel force numbered several hundred.
They were gloating, using the dispatcher's two-way radio at the mine
administration to taunt the Serbs and curse them.

``Go back to Serbia,'' the rebel voice would say.

Serbs are a minority in this province, outnumbered before the war 9-to-1 by
ethnic Albanians.

Stepic's father, Zivojin, said his son headed off for work unconcerned,
despite the army and police withdrawal that has put Kosovo's Serbs on edge.

``We knew the army was withdrawing, but we didn't worry,'' he said. ``We
expected NATO to protect the workers.''

Serb civilians have been pouring out of areas in northern and western Kosovo
where the KLA is active. As many as 8,000 arrived in neighboring Montenegro
on Sunday. But Serbs have been less fearful in Pristina, the provincial
capital, which will be the headquarters of the NATO force.

The kidnappings at the mine and Serb media reports of four separate KLA
attacks in Pristina on Sunday could change that feeling of security.

NATO is in Kosovo to assure the safe return of 860,000 ethnic Albanians
driven from the province by Serb forces and to keep the peace. The
international force also is supposed to demilitarize the KLA, but just how it
will do that is unclear.

Peacekeeping troops are streaming into the province, but the job of
establishing control is complex and time-consuming. And the KLA, which
appears to have no plans to lay down its arms, is badly complicating their
task - as the mine takeover shows.

``It's horrible,'' Radakovic said. ``They don't respect agreements of any

The mine manager said the Serb army withdrawal took him by surprise; he
expected them to wait for NATO. But shortly after 7 a.m. Saturday, they began
pulling out of the three deserted villages bordering the mine.

Just a day earlier, military and police officials in Pristina had assured him
there would be no security vacuum at the mine, a critical link in the
electric power supply system that the KLA had seized for several weeks last
year. Ten workers kidnapped in the June 22, 1998 attack have not been seen

NATO took him by surprise, too.

They arrived unannounced - and unaware that the mine was in rebel hands.

Radakovic stumbled on the NATO team Sunday afternoon as he headed out to
check on the tiny band of guards he'd deployed on a ridge between the
KLA-controlled Belacevac and its sister mine, Dobro Selo.

He was stunned. He was thrilled. He thought maybe he'd get his mine back.
Maybe there was hope for the kidnapped workers.

But the NATO force, four Royal Canadian armored vehicles, weren't there to
recapture anything from the KLA or take away their guns. Their job was
reconnaissance. ``They sent us here because it is high ground and we can see
a lot,'' Lt. Chris Hunt explained.

Radakovic briefed Hunt on the situation, pointing down the valley to the KLA
positions in the distance.

``We'll try to get more troops over this way,'' Hunt told him. ``But
everything's stretched pretty thin right now.''

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters

Re: [CTRL] Fw: New Thinking: Milosevic And Clinton

1999-06-14 Thread Jim Condit Jr.

 -Caveat Lector-

Oh, dear! The forward of Gerry McGovern's comments on Clinton and Milosevic
represents some of the most shallow analysis imaginable. Clinton would not
last two  more weeks if the 4 Big Networks turned on him. His gosh!gee! Tom
Sawyer persona helps and caters to the mush-brain mindset that passes for
compassion in modern America. There is no give and take between Puppet
Clinton and the American public. Clinton's bosses and sponsors TELL us there
is. They dish up their phony public opinin polls, phony exit polls, and
riggabble computerized vote counts on election night, and tell us what "we
think."  As long as America and our leaders continue to accept these three
bogus techniques, without even questioning how any one of them achieve the
"results" they achieve, -- we are in for a rough ride. Jim Condit Jr.

 -Original Message-
 From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
 Behalf Of CobolMage
 Sent: Sunday, June 13, 1999 9:00 PM
 Subject: [CTRL] Fw: New Thinking: Milosevic And Clinton

  -Caveat Lector-

 Free weekly email contributing to a philosophy for The Digital Age
 By Gerry McGovern   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Web: http://www.nua.ie
 June 14th 1999 Published By: Nua Limited  Volume 4 Number 24


 What's the difference between Slobodan Milosevic and Bill Clinton?
 (There are many.) One has a knack of calling his defeat a victory,
 the other keeps pulling victory out of impending defeat. Why? A
 central reason is that Bill Clinton is a child of the Information
 Age, whereas Slobodan Milosevic's persona belongs way back in the
 Industrial Age.

 Bill Clinton has continuously overcome obstacles by engaging in a
 two-way conversation with the American people. He listens. He is
 always reaching out to his constituency, asking them how things
 are going, what they think about this and that? Bill Clinton
 doesn't 'rule'. He manages by consensus. And no matter how great
 his personal failings may be, the American people respond to him
 because he responds to them.

 Slobodan Milosevic rules with an iron fist. Unfortunately for him,
 iron fist thinking belongs back in the Iron Age. He is a dictator,
 pursuing xenophobic nationalist policies, and his cruelty is only
 matched by his untrustworthiness.

 Milosevic has a total lack of understanding of the key principles
 that underpin the Information Age. He still believes that power
 is maintained by hoarding information, whereas, in fact, today
 you get and keep power by spreading information around as quickly
 and efficiently as possible. You can't keep the public (your
 workers or consumers) in the dark today; they simply won't
 accept it.

 Milosevic is rarely seen in public. He hardly ever talks to his
 people, let alone listens to them. Serbia has little hope of
 participating in a productive manner in the Information Age,
 with that sort of archaic system and thinking. Because to
 survive, Information Age societies, economies and companies
 must be open and must embrace and share information.

 The consumer in the Information Society takes it for granted that
 the information they require will be available to them. If they
 come to you and you refuse or are unable to supply them with the
 information they require, then as I heard someone state, 'your
 competition is only one click away. Not giving a consumer the
 information they require today is like refusing to give them
 your telephone number ten years ago.

 In fact, the information game has moved on to a whole other
 level. The free flow of information has for many become a flood.
 Providing a quality flow of information merely gets you into the
 game today. You may think your information is valuable but what's
 really valuable is a consumer's time. A key challenge is thus
 getting the consumer to spend time digesting your information.

 Understanding a consumer and developing a relationship with
 them allows you to know how they spend their time and money.
 You get to know what their specific information needs are,
 thus allowing you to customise your information (and product)
 to their needs.

 Whatever you might personally think of Bill Clinton, he is
 unquestionably a pioneer of the Information Age. He knows that
 you succeed today by communicating, listening and creating
 consensus. (19 NATO countries staying unified was no small
 achievement.) I, for one, infinitely prefer a world managed by
 Bill Clinton than one ruled by the likes of Slobodan Milosevic.

 Gerry McGovern

 If you have enjoyed New Thinking, please consider 

[CTRL] P2 and CIA-Sponsored Terrorism in Italy

1999-06-14 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

from http://www.totse.com/files/FA020/p2masons.htm
No date given (apparently between late '80s and 1992)
 In this old LaRouche post, there seem to be hints already, around the
time when Red China was stealing US secrets during the Reagan-Bush
administration, of a "deal" between the Octopus and Communist (not
necessarily Russian) intelligence agencies.

Italian probe could mean new woes for Oliver North

by Leonardo Servadio and Mark Burdman

 Developments in Italy during the week of July 23 have raised
new questions about the potential involvement of the Iran-Contra
mob around Lt. Col. Oliver North, in both the assassination of
Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme and the ensuing coverup. What
is emerging in Italy points to that side of the North crowd's
misdeeds which has never been brought before an American court
and investigated by any U.S. commission.
 The tumult in Italy was already brewing since early June,
but it became a controversy of international proportions, when
the magazine {Panorama} revealed on July 23, that President
Francesco Cossiga had sent a letter to Prime Minister Giulio
Andreotti on July 5, after having reviewed the content of
interviews conducted by Italian state television TG1 journalist
Ennio Remondino with former CIA agents Richard Brenneke and
Ibrahim Razin. Cossiga wrote that statements contained in the
broadcasts were so serious that the government was obliged to
look into them immediately, and "if the government were to think
that the information had any basis, I think that it should
inform the judiciary authority and the Parliamentary Commission
on Massacres and, at the level of the bilateral relations, the
relevant authorities in the U.S.A. and in Sweden." Otherwise,
wrote Cossiga, the journalists who published the information
without previously thoroughly checking its validity, should be
punished in a most rigorous way.
 In late June-early July, the interviews with Brenneke and
Razin were broadcast in four parts by TG1. The most explosive
element of what they said, was that three days before Swedish
Prime Minister Olof Palme was assassinated, Licio Gelli, Grand
Master of the Propaganda 2 (P-2) Freemasonic lodge, had sent a
telegram to Republican Party representative Philip Guarino, an
intimate of George Bush, announcing that "the Swedish tree will
be felled." In his sequence, Razin claimed that the text of the
telegram exists in the archives of the National Security Agency,
and that the FBI has opened an investigation into this.  Razin
added that he knew of the existence of such a telegram from a
high representative of the American mafia, and that Palme was
assassinated because he knew about the illegal weapons trade in
connection with the Iran-Iraq war. As Brenneke put it, Palme had
become a "fly in the ointment" for those responsible for the
dirty doings.
 Brenneke, in one of his TV sequences, asserted that the P-2
lodge was involved in such a trade. According to Razin, the arms
trade was an integral part of agreements reached at the time of
the 1980 election campaign between representatives of the
Republican ticket of Ronald Reagan and George Bush, and Iranian
representatives: The Iranians would guarantee not to release the
American hostages before the election was over, so that President
Carter would not get the benefit. In exchange, the Republicans
allegedly promised to send weapons to Iran after winning the
elections. Brenneke said that Gelli was present at the October
1980 meeting in Paris where U.S. and Iranian representatives
discussed the whole operation. He also asserted that George Bush,
then candidate for the U.S. vice presidency, took part in
October 1980 arms-to-Iran discussions in Paris, although not
necessarily in the same discussions as Gelli.
 Speaking about the CIA-Propaganda-2 contacts, Brenneke said
in the interview: "We used the assistance of these people to let
money and drugs go in and out of the U.S.A., and to let drugs and
money go in and out of Italy. We used them to create situations
favorable to the explosion of terrorism in Italy and other
European countries at the beginning of the 1970s." Brenneke added
that the CIA had financed P-2 to the tune of $1-10 million a
month, conduited through foreign-based corporations.
 If what Brenneke said is found to be true, it would prove
that the CIA, the P-2, and the KGB were working together to run
weapons, dope, and destabilizations internationally, given that
the KGB involvement in such activities has been amply proven. It
would be proven that Palme was killed by the same crowd that ran
the Iran-Contra operation and that slandered Lyndon LaRouche's
political associates as a coverup for their own dirty dealings.
In statements issued July 24 and 25, Virginia 10th District
congressional candidate LaRouche identified that this crowd is
best known as "Project Democracy," a sub-unit of the U.S.
government's National Endowment for Democracy that works closely

Re: [CTRL] Revising Capitalism/ rebuttal.

1999-06-14 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

SCIO-LTD wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 Let me address some of your false conclusions as follows nurev:  (and let's
 dispense with the puerile value judgements, "You get a little self serving
 here don't you buddy?" )

I don't think I care to dispense with my value judgments, and there
nothing puerile about pointing out your self serving statements.

 [Without competition to balance greed, the system is sold under false

 the system is sold under false pretenses?  Utter nonsense! competition in no
 way balances greed, indeed competition is the result of greed and is its
 active force in commerce.

We are saying the same thing. Greedy GE and greedy Westinghouse
compete to
sell you a refrigerator by offering you a lower price. This is the "
Mystical Market " at work. This of course is bullshit, since the
are part of an oligopoly and often collude to fix prices.

But Capitalists keep spouting on and on about " invisible hands " and
superstitious crap.

 [Adam Smith who made the case that with  competition the system benefits
 all, and, without competition we are  simply destined for some form of
 slavery. Smith made clear that without competition the system is merely an
 oinkfest for oinkers and wanabe oinkers. He didn't much like businessmen. He
 saw them as greedy, conspiratorial, and obsessed with money. Some things
 never change.]

 Adam Smith, that racist communist, read Anton Chaitkins Treason in
 America  from Aaron Burr to Averall Harriman, for a detail treatment on
 the heretical pronouncement this fool made and how his writings have became
 a tool to propagandize the opposite of what he seems to stand for,

Racist? Communist? Heretic? Compare him to thieves like Fallwell,
and the Pope.

The Pope has finally started to gently chastise capitalism now that he
is no
longer afraid of being put out of the lucrative god business by the
He must after all. Jesus did say that it's easier for a camel to hump
Dachshund, than for a rich man to get to heaven.

 statement above is a non-sequiter, that doesn't address the what the
 relationship between competition and business. As for businessman being
 greedy, conspiratorial, and obsessed with money, indeed some are, but as
 with most generalized statements it is patently wrong.  There has always
 been that breed of merchantislist (which is who Adam Smith was addressing
 here who sought to out right monopolies everything.)

Oh please. Sell it somewhere else. This is a list which is more than
with the machinations of businessmen. Go to the archives and save the

 [No??? Why no? Does this make capitalism good?]

 There needs to be a distinction between an aspect or attribute of capitalism
 and its core tenets.

This is irrelevant. It's behavior which drives an economy, not theory.
greed which drives thieves and their paler alter egos, capitalists.

 Monopolies are not capitalism but are a feature of it in the global economy,
 there are private as well as governmental monopolies.   The most obvious and
 glaring example of  monopolist action which stifles innovation is the
 electric utility industry which is on the verge of technological
 obsolescence, which is raking up enormous profits while actively suppressing
 innovation.go figure.

I have figured. It makes money. Innovation is not important unless it
more money for the same people.

 [ Wrong. Sheer greed has ALWAYS been the driver of capitalism.]
 bullocks, bullshit, balderdash, complete sheer and utter crap.
 Greed is not the driver of capitalism, you would impute that wealth
 formation is an evil activity,

That is precisely what I impute.

 it is only is when the rights of others are
 violated in its acquisition.

Now you've got it. If one can get rich from one's own labor, then one
all that he worked for. If one gets rich off of someone else's labor,
that is
theft. There is not enough time in a lifetime to accumulate fortunes
based on
one's own work.

 Wealth is good and desirable.

Even that is a wrong assumption. Although I'm sure you need to believe
otherwise. Wealth in society behaves like a dense star in space. It
EVERYTHING towards itself. This is why the rich get richer, wealth
into the hands of the very few, the have nots become a destabilizing
force, and civilizations collapse.

  However most
 people including yourself it seems confuse wealth with mal intent.

It takes mal intent to accumulate it. It takes mal intent to make it
grow. It
takes mal intent to keep it. Yeah. I guess I'm right.

 Obviously, wealth has been use to cartelize the world economy, it has been
 use to prohibit the free exchange of ideas to other nations, it has been use
 to subjugate and use the common and natural resource for a foreign gain.

... and then you say...

 wealth or its formation a bad thing.   I say no a thousand times.

Your a funny guy. Ha ha ha ha.

[CTRL] (2/3) Deterring Democracy (Chomsky)

1999-06-14 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Deterring Democracy
Copyright (c) 1991, 1992 by Noam Chomsky.
Published by South End Press

Chapter 12: Force and Opinion
2. The Bewildered Herd and its Shepherds  cont'd

 It is often not appreciated how profound and deeply-rooted
is the contempt for democracy in the elite culture, and the fear
it arouses.
 When political life and independent thought revived in the
1960s, the problem arose again, and the reaction was the same.
The Trilateral Commission, bringing together liberal elites from
Europe, Japan, and the United States, warned of an impending
"crisis of democracy" as segments of the public sought to enter
the political arena. This "excess of democracy" was posing a
threat to the unhampered rule of privileged elites -- what is
called "democracy" in political theology. The problem was the
usual one: the rabble were trying to arrange their own affairs,
gaining control over their communities and pressing their
political demands. There were organizing efforts among young
people, ethnic minorities, women, social activists, and others,
encouraged by the struggles of benighted masses elsewhere for
freedom and independence. More "moderation in democracy" would be
required, the Commission concluded, perhaps a return to the days
when "Truman had been able to govern the country with the
cooperation of a relatively small number of Wall Street lawyers
and bankers," as the American rapporteur commented.
 Irving Kristol adds that "insignificant nations, like
insignificant people, can quickly experience delusions of
significance." But as a leading neoconservative, he has no time
for the softer means of manufacture of consent, which are, in any
event, not warranted for insignificant people outside the domains
of Western civilization. Hence the delusions of significance must
be driven from their tiny minds by force: "In truth, the days of
`gunboat diplomacy' are never over... Gunboats are as necessary
for international order as police cars are for domestic order."
 These ideas bring us to the Reagan administration, which
established a state propaganda agency (the Office of Public
Diplomacy) that was by far the most elaborate in American
history, much to the delight of the advocates of a powerful and
interventionist state who are called "conservatives" in one of
the current corruptions of political discourse. When the program
was exposed, a high official described it as the kind of
operation carried out in "enemy territory" -- an apt phrase,
expressing standard elite attitudes towards the public. In this
case, the enemy was not completely subdued. Popular movements
deepened their roots and spread into new sectors of the
population, and were able to drive the state underground to
clandestine terror instead of the more efficient forms of overt
violence that Presidents Kennedy and Johnson could undertake
before the public had been aroused.
  The fears expressed by the men of best quality in the 17th
century have become a major theme of intellectual discourse,
corporate practice, and the academic social sciences. They were
expressed by the influential moralist and foreign affairs adviser
Reinhold Niebuhr, who was revered by George Kennan, the Kennedy
intellectuals, and many others. He wrote that "rationality
belongs to the cool observers" while the common person follows
not reason but faith. The cool observers, he explained, must
recognize "the stupidity of the average man," and must provide
the "necessary illusion" and the "emotionally potent
oversimplifications" that will keep the naive simpletons on
course. As in 1650, it remains necessary to protect the "lunatic
or distracted person," the ignorant rabble, from their own
"depraved and corrupt" judgments, just as one does not allow a
child to cross the street without supervision.
 In accordance with the prevailing conceptions, there is no
infringement of democracy if a few corporations control the
information system: in fact, that is the essence of democracy.
The leading figure of the public relations industry, Edward
Bernays, explained that "the very essence of the democratic
process" is "the freedom to persuade and suggest," what he calls
"the engineering of consent." If the freedom to persuade happens
to be concentrated in a few hands, we must recognize that such is
the nature of a free society. From the early 20th century, the
public relations industry has devoted huge resources to
"educating the American people about the economic facts of life"
to ensure a favorable climate for business. Its task is to
control "the public mind," which is "the only serious danger
confronting the company," an ATT executive observed eighty years
ago. And today, the Wall Street Journal describes with enthusiasm
the "concerted efforts" of corporate America "to change the
attitudes and values of workers" on a vast scale with "New Age
workshops" and other contemporary devices of indoctrination and
stupefaction designed to convert "worker 

[CTRL] (1/3) Deterring Democracy (Chomsky)

1999-06-14 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Deterring Democracy
Copyright (c) 1991, 1992 by Noam Chomsky.
Published by South End Press

Chapter 12: Force and Opinion

2. The Bewildered Herd and its Shepherds

 In the contemporary period, Hume's insight has been revived
and elaborated, but with a crucial innovation: control of thought
is MORE important for governments that are free and popular than
for despotic and military states. The logic is straightforward. A
despotic state can control its domestic enemy by force, but as
the state loses this weapon, other devices are required to
prevent the ignorant masses from interfering with public affairs,
which are none of their business. These prominent features of
modern political and intellectual culture merit a closer look.
 The problem of "putting the public in its place" came to the
fore with what one historian calls "the first great outburst of
democratic thought in history," the English revolution of the
17th century.  This awakening of the general populace raised the
problem of how to contain the threat.
 The libertarian ideas of the radical democrats were
considered outrageous by respectable people. They favored
universal education, guaranteed health care, and democratization
of the law, which one described as a fox, with poor men the
geese: "he pulls off their feathers and feeds upon them." They
developed a kind of "liberation theology" which, as one critic
ominously observed, preached "seditious doctrine to the people"
and aimed "to raise the rascal multitude ... against all men of
best quality in the kingdom, to draw them into associations and
combinations with one another ... against all lords, gentry,
ministers, lawyers, rich and peaceable men" (historian Clement
Walker). Particularly frightening were the itinerant workers and
preachers calling for freedom and democracy, the agitators
stirring up the rascal multitude, and the printers putting out
pamphlets questioning authority and its mysteries. "There can be
no form of government without its proper mysteries," Walker
warned, mysteries that must be "concealed" from the common folk:
"Ignorance, and admiration arising from ignorance, are the
parents of civil devotion and obedience," a thought echoed by
Dostoevsky's Grand Inquisitor. The radical democrats had "cast
all the mysteries and secrets of government...before the vulgar
(like pearls before swine)," he continued, and have "made the
people thereby so curious and so arrogant that they will never
find humility enough to submit to a civil rule." It is dangerous,
another commentator ominously observed, to "have a people know
their own strength." The rabble did not want to be ruled by King
or Parliament, but "by countrymen like ourselves, that know our
wants." Their pamphlets explained further that "It will never be
a good world while knights and gentlemen make us laws, that are
chosen for fear and do but oppress us, and do not know the
people's sores."
 These ideas naturally appalled the men of best quality. They
were willing to grant the people rights, but within reason, and
on the principle that "when we mention the people, we do not mean
the promiscuous body of the people." After the democrats had been
defeated, John Locke commented that "day-labourers and tradesmen,
the spinsters and dairymaids" must be told what to believe; "The
greatest part cannot know and therefore they must believe."
 Like John Milton and other civil libertarians of the period,
Locke held a sharply limited conception of freedom of expression.
His Fundamental Constitution of Carolina barred those who "speak
anything in their religious assembly irreverently or seditiously
of the government or governors, or of state matters." The
constitution guaranteed freedom for "speculative opinions in
religion," but not for political opinions. "Locke would not even
have permitted people to discuss public affairs," Leonard Levy
observes. The constitution provided further that "all manner of
comments and expositions on any part of these constitutions, or
on any part of the common or statute laws of Carolines, are
absolutely prohibited." In drafting reasons for Parliament to
terminate censorship in 1694, Locke offered no defense of freedom
of expression or thought, but only considerations of expediency
and harm to commercial interests. With the threat of democracy
overcome and the libertarian rabble dispersed, censorship was
permitted to lapse in England, because the "opinion-formers ...
censored themselves. Nothing got into print which frightened the
men of property," Christopher Hill comments. In a
well-functioning state capitalist democracy like the United
States, what might frighten the men of property is generally kept
far from the public eye -- sometimes, with quite astonishing
 Such ideas have ample resonance until today, including
Locke's stern doctrine that the common people should be denied
the right even to discuss public affairs. This doctrine remains a
basic principle of 

[CTRL] (3/3) Deterring Democracy (Chomsky)

1999-06-14 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

Deterring Democracy
Copyright (c) 1991, 1992 by Noam Chomsky.
Published by South End Press

Chapter 12: Force and Opinion
2. The Bewildered Herd and its Shepherds cont'd

 Western readers would be hard put to learn of the Legion of
Merit award to the commander of the Vincennes, but it did not go
unnoticed in the Third World, where commentators also readily
draw the conclusions barred within Western intellectual culture.
 Commenting on "U.S. imperial policy," "Third World
Resurgence"  (Malaysia) lists the shooting down of the Iranian
airbus among acts of U.S. terrorism in the Middle East, quoting
the words of the award and adding that "the Western public, fed
on the media, sees the situation in black-and-white
one-dimensional terms," unable to perceive what is obvious to
those who escape the grip of the Western propaganda system.
 Huge massacres are treated by much the same criteria: THEIR
terror and violence are crimes, OURS are statecraft or
understandable error.
 In a study of U.S. power and ideology a decade ago, Edward
Herman and I reviewed numerous examples of two kinds of
atrocities, "benign and constructive bloodbaths" that are
acceptable or even advantageous to dominant interests, and
"nefarious bloodbaths" perpetrated by official enemies.
 The reaction follows the same pattern as the treatment of
terrorism. The former are ignored, denied, or sometimes even
welcomed; the latter elicit great outrage and often large-scale
deceit and fabrication, if the available evidence is felt to be
inadequate for doctrinal requirements.
 One comparison that we presented in great detail was
particularly illuminating, the "benign bloodbath" conducted by
Indonesia after its invasion of East Timor in 1975, and the
"nefarious bloodbath" of the Khmer Rouge when they took over
Cambodia in the same year. Reviewing virtually all available
material (at that time, covering primarily 1975-77), we showed
that the evidence concerning these two horrendous bloodbaths --
in the same part of the world, in the same years -- was
comparable, and indicated that the two slaughters were comparable
in scale and character. There were also differences. One was that
the Indonesian aggression and bloodbath received critical
material and diplomatic support from the United States and its
allies, and could have readily been terminated by exposure and
withdrawal of this support, while no one offered a serious
proposal as to how to mitigate the Pol Pot atrocities; for that
reason, the Timor bloodbath was far more significant for the
West, at least if elementary moral standards are applicable. A
second difference lay in the reaction to the two bloodbaths.
Following the pattern illustrated throughout the record that we
surveyed, the Timor atrocities, and the crucial contribution of
the U.S. and its allies, were suppressed or denied; the media
even avoided refugee testimony, exactly as in the case of the
U.S. terror bombing of Cambodia a few years earlier.
 In the parallel case of the Khmer Rouge, in contrast, we
documented a record of deceit that would have impressed Stalin,
including massive fabrication of evidence, suppression of useless
evidence (e.g., the conclusions of State Department Cambodia
watchers, the most knowledgeable source, but considered too
restrained to serve the purposes at hand), etc.
 The reaction to the exposure is also instructive: on the
Timor half of the comparison, further silence, denial, and
apologetics; on the Cambodia half, a great chorus of protest
claiming that we were denying or downplaying Pol Pot atrocities.
This was a transparent falsehood, though admittedly the
distinction between advocating that one try to keep to the truth
and downplaying the atrocities of the official enemy is a
difficult one for the mind of the commissar, who, furthermore, is
naturally infuriated by any challenge to the right to lie in the
service of the state, particularly when it is accompanied by a
demonstration of the services rendered to ongoing atrocities.
 Quite generally, wholesale slaughter is regarded benignly,
and the revelation of direct U.S. government participation in it
arouses no particular interest, when the means are well-suited to
our ends.  And it is reasonable enough to regard the dilemmas of
counterinsurgency as merely "practical" and "ethically neutral."
It is simply a matter of finding the proper mix among the
various techniques of population control, ranging in practice
from B-52 bombing and napalm, to torture and mutilation and
disappearance, and to kinder, gentler means such as starvation
and totalitarian control in concentration camps called "strategic
hamlets" or "model villages."
 Leading theorists of this form of international terrorism
calmly explain that while it is a "desirable goal" to win
"popular allegiance" to the government we back or impose, that is
a distinctly secondary consideration, and does not provide an
appropriate "conceptual 

Re: [CTRL] Surplus! What Surplus?

1999-06-14 Thread Ronald L. Wilson.

 -Caveat Lector-

All Americans- including school kids, retirees, and especially
American Workers have been disenfranchised by campaign fund
hungry legislators, GATT, NAFTA, WTO and on and on.

Their  union leaders are dues paying members of the CFR, Tri-
Lateralists and Bilderbergers (who utilize their privately owned
"Federal Reserve System" to strip the US of it's assets)

American workers are placed in the impossible position of
directly competing with cheap foreign labor who pay zero
US taxes.

The tax base in this country is visibly lop sided. While we support
half the world economy with our imports, foreign aid, wars, and
congressional junkets and bloated government at all levels:

A National Retail Sales Tax would help equalize conditions:

Many estimate a tripling of the tax base because foreigners live
and sell in the U.S. on a free loading basis.

If we had a NRST  foreign product importers, foreign
winter residents, tourists, students, truckers, diplomats
would at least pay an equal share!

American farmers and manufacturers would be on a more even
tax basis with foreign competitors. At least, they would have a
chance! With a flat tax, it's just more of the same.

A NRST would have zero taxpayer paper work, no records!
No one would even care how much you made. No one would
know or care how you wanted your estate handled. There would
be no IRS files for the further development of a US police state..

CATS studies indicate increased productivity, savings, creation
of jobs and almost zero paperwork.
April 15th would be just another day! http://www.cats.org/

Consider the number and cost of all of the tax accountants,
lawyers, bookkeepers, collectors, and IRS employees that
would be able to find gainful and productive work!

Take a look at this Economic Policy Institute page"February
19, 1999 Trade deficits, job losses increase through 1998

The merchandise trade deficit rose 25%
in 1998, its highest level on record, according to the U.S.
Commerce Department report released today. The aggregate
U.S. trade deficit in goods hit $248 billion in 1998, an increase
of $50 billion over 1997. The Pacific Rim and the newly  indust -
rializing countries (NICs) hit hardest by the Asian crisis were res -
ponsible for about half of the increase, and Japan and China were
responsible for another third.

The broader goods and services deficit also increased in 1998
by 53%, reaching $169 billion and breaking another all-time
record. The International Monetary Fund has recently estimated
that the U.S. current account deficit, the broadest measure of
the U.S. trade balance, will increase by an additional $57 billion,
or 25%, in 1999. Rising trade deficits have already taken a toll
on the manufacturing sector, which will continue to suffer in 1999
as the trade gap widens.

The manufacturing sector has lost 272,000 jobs since March
1998. The hardest-hit industries include textiles and apparel
(90,000 jobs lost), electronic equipment and components
(88,000), industrial machinery, including machine tools and
construction equipment (54,000), and iron and steel blast
furnaces (8,000 jobs lost since June alone). Five thousand
aerospace jobs were lost in January 1999, reflecting a 20%
surge in airplane parts imports in 1998.

U.S. trade deficits with the NAFTA countries increased 6.6%
in 1998, for various reasons. The decline in the Canadian dollar,
combined with sharply lower rates of economic growth in that
country, caused the balance with Canada to worsen. Higher U.S.
imports of Canadian grain and pork contributed to the deficit.

Growth rates in Mexico slowed sharply in the second half of
1998 due to a steep rise in interest rates following the Russian
financial crisis in August. This slowdown clearly reduced the
rate of growth in imports from the U.S. Unlike the Canadian
dollar, the Mexican peso is overvalued and  could collapse
soon. If the peso falls sharply in 1999, the U.S. trade deficit
with Mexico will rapidly widen, as it did in 1995.

U.S. job losses due to NAFTA continued to increase in 1998.
 The U.S. Department of Labor has certified that 216,156
workers have lost their jobs because of either shifts in prod -
uction to Mexico or Canada or because of increased imports
from those countries. These workers, who are eligible for
special NAFTA Transitional Adjustment Assist -
ance, worked in 1,847 firms in 48 states.

The U.S. surplus with the rest of South and Central America is
likely to disappear in 1999. Latin America (excluding Mexico)
was the only major region in the world where the U.S. had a
trade surplus in 1998. The crisis in Brazil — the United States’
 most important trading partner in the region — will reduce U.S.
exports this year. Considering that 9% of  U.S. exports went to
South and Central America in 1998, this trend, if it spreads
through the region, could have a significant effect.

The U.S. deficits with China and Japan increased 14%
in 1998. U.S. imports from China 

Re: [CTRL] Revising Capitalism/ rebuttal.

1999-06-14 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

Nuerve and Joshua2 - what am I going to do with you boysthat was not
what Jesus said, humping daschounds  he said it would be easier for
a Rockefeller to go through the eye of the needle, than a rich man to
get into heavensomething like that.

Can't I leave you two alone a minute; good thing EMael must be sleeping,
or he would be in on the fray.

Also, anti trust laws.better known as price fixingthis is what
the word competition means, only you two are not supposed to know about
it.   Even the Attorney General does not know that the Cable Companies,
in particular, divide into districts like the Mafiain fact, they are
a part of that organization...I think it stands for "Mother".

Now, Moo Moo Jones has to go to work; the IRS wants to talk about her
about tax fixingI compared taxes I paid, to taxes Jerry Falwell paid
last year, and there is something wrong here.I paid more than he
did.   What was that again about Jerry Falwell humping that
daschounddon't you mean the IRS.

Well, I got out my cross, and I am headed to the IRSthat is the
place where you find people like your mother in trouble, standing in
line.while Jerry Falwell and Billy Graham are sitting on their cans
at Daytona Beach or somewhere praying on corners.

Be good nowand remember, for it is the lack of money, that is the
root of all evilso you boys do unto each other, or I am going to do
unto you when I get back.

Moo Moo Jones

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] 666 ? the Mark of the Beast or just another wrong numb er?

1999-06-14 Thread Stopforth, Jamie

 -Caveat Lector-

   The antichrist is going to be Jewish and he's not going to be super evil
at first, for the first 3.5 years people will think he actually is the
messiah.  Later they'll know the truth, but it may be to too late.  The guy
doing this report didn't do his homework.


From the Scotsman, a paper in Scotland
666 - the Mark of the Beast or just another wrong number?


THE Russian politician Yevgeny Primakov is the latest in the long and
ignoble line. He is a successor to Nero, Adolf Hitler, Henry Kissinger,
Ronald Reagan and former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl - he is the
Antichrist in waiting.

Throughout Christian history, no prophecy of Christ's return in majesty is
complete without the presence of a Satanic figure, an Antichrist, waiting to
be vanquished. For centuries scholars have examined the allegorical book of
St John the Divine, written 1,900 years ago following an apocalyptic
revelation which came to St John when he was living on the island of Patmos.

He was shown the war to end all wars at Armageddon. He saw the awesome
serpent of evil, the Beast, the Devil himself; he was warned against the
dreaded mark of the Beast and was told about the abominable forces of

With the new millennium approaching, even more attention than usual is being
paid to the Book of Revelation and other apocalyptic scriptures. Among
others, the US tele-evangelist Pat Robertson has publicly identified as
consistent with biblical prophecy a sinister cabal of individuals doing
Lucifer's work in the world.

The Beast plays such a central role in the final denouement that it is
thought by many Christians that once they have established the identity of
the Beast they will know that the end is truly nigh.

There are several clues. Clearly the beast has to be a personification of
evil. The early Christians, the victims of torture and persecution,
identified ultimate evil with their chief persecutor, the emperor Nero.
Earlier this century, Adolf Hitler fitted the bill, as did the dictator
Joseph Stalin.

The Book of Revelation also talks of the number 666 being highly
significant. This is the mark of the Beast which the damned are to have
written on their hands or foreheads. It was the number 666 which for a while
identified Ronald Reagan as the Beast because he had three names, Ronald
(six letters) Wilson (six letters) Reagan (six letters) - a damning
coincidence if one believes that numbers can carry hidden messages.

But why should Primakov now be fingered as a likely candidate? First there
is a widely held belief that the Antichrist is alive today, even if he has
not yet been widely recognised. According to the evangelist, David Hathaway,
the man who years ago was rescued from arrest behind the Iron Curtain by the
then prime minister Harold Wilson, the Antichrist will also first be
revealed as a herald of peace and world government.

In the current issue of his magazine, Prophetic Vision, Hathaway says that
Russia is forming military alliances with those nations listed in the Bible
to attack Israel. "World peace and world government will come through an
attack on Israel when the Antichrist will be revealed." In the next
paragraph Hathaway begins writing about the man he claims is the "most
dangerous man in Russia today", Yevgeny Primakov.

Primakov could be the next Russian president, he says. He speaks Arabic
fluently, had a Jewish father and is anti-US and NATO. All very ominous, it
is implied.

On the other hand, the Antichrist might not be an individual but an
organisation. One theory suggests that the Beast is in reality the European
Union. So, it is said, the Brussels bureaucrats will not only introduce a
single currency across Europe but use modern IT technology and bar codes to
abolish cash as well. All transactions will be carried out by electronically
scanning a micro-chip implanted under the skin on either the hand or
forehead of every citizen, in much the same way as identification chips for
dogs can be implanted. The information encoded in this chip will include the
fearsome number 666 - the mark of the Beast. Several fundamentalist groups
say this will lead inevitably to a cashless society and world government.
Their proof? Chapter 13 of the Book of Revelation says: "No man might buy or
sell save that he had the mark or the name of the Beast or the number of his
name" on the right hand or the forehead.

The Book of Revelation also implies that the establishment of world
government must precede the return of Christ in glory and power, when the
Beast is to be taken prisoner and thrown alive into the Lake of Fire with
the false prophet.

For members of the religious Right in the US, the establishment of world
government is imminent and they accuse their own federal government of being
part of a huge conspiracy. They say a sinister body called the New World
Order is at work.

In his book, New World Order, Pat Robertson suggested that some of the US's

Re: [CTRL] 666 ? the Mark of the Beast or just another wrong number?

1999-06-14 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Stopforth, Jamie [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The antichrist is going to be Jewish and he's not going to be super evil
 at first, for the first 3.5 years people will think he actually is the
 messiah.  Later they'll know the truth, but it may be to too late.  The
 guy doing this report didn't do his homework.

 From the Scotsman, a paper in Scotland
 666 - the Mark of the Beast or just another wrong number?

A very interesting heresy.  If you were Orthodox you wouldn't fall
for any of this.  All the more recent heresies [Catholic, Protestant,
etc.] have gone astray, accepting Apocalypse/Revelation as canonical.
Apocalypse/Revelation is an addendum to biblical texts, added as part
of a Roman culture-control conspiracy.  Antichrists, 4 horsemen, all
that stuff, these have nothing to do with old Xianity.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] [Fwd: spg-l Faculty Letter in support of Mumia from Evergreen State College]

1999-06-14 Thread Linda Mickelson

Document signed by some members of the faculty, staff, alumni, and community
and distributed to the graduation ceremony at The Evergreen State College in
response to the specious ads in the previous weekend's Olympian paid for by
the FOP and signed by Maureen Faulker.

* * * *

FAULKNER, INC.  6/9/99

First, we would like to extend our sincerest condolences to Mrs. Maureen
Faulkner on the loss of her husband, Daniel, in 1981.  The loss of a loved
one is always a severe blow which takes years to recover from, and that loss
should not be ignored.  However, your presence in Olympia and your open
letter (paid ads) in the Olympian this past weekend were not meant to elicit
sympathy and condolences, but to disrupt the 1999 commencement of The
Evergreen State College.  Your purpose for doing so is that you believe that
the murderer of officer Faulkner is one of the featured speakers at the
commencement.  You are mistaken.  The featured speaker is Mumia Abu-Jamal.

Abu-Jamal is a “convicted cop-killer” only in the same sense that Nelson
Mandela was a “convicted terrorist.”   Abu-Jamal was fraudulently convicted
and framed and has never been convicted on evidence beyond a “reasonable
doubt.”  Despite what you list as “facts” in your paid ad, an examination of
the actual facts of the case demonstrates this.  There are several police
inconsistencies about his gun not matching the lethal weapon; his jury was
severely limited in the number of Black jurors allowed; his counsel was
ineffective; his judge (a member of the police union) has sentenced more
people to death than any other sitting judge in the U.S.; witnesses were
coerced by the police during his trial and during his appeals; and his
so-called “confession” was suddenly remembered by the local police two
months after he was alleged to have stated it.  The attending physician, who
was with him the entire time, has stated that he uttered no confession.  His
appeals to rehear the evidence have been heard by the same judge, Albert
Sabo, who originally denied him a fair trial.

Obviously in a short letter it is not possible to “prove” the above
assertions, any more than your organization proved the so-called “facts” in
your ad.  I would suggest that the interested reader check out various
sources such as www.mumia.org;  www.prisonactivist.org; www.iacenter.org.
These web sites will provide numerous links.  Books to be examined include
Leonard Weinglass, Race for Justice; Refuse and Resist, Resource Book on the
Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal; and Abu-Jamal’s books, Live from Death Row and
Death Blossoms.   Also see the documentary Mumia Abu-Jamal: A Case for
Reasonable Doubt?  Several of us have been following this case for years,
including examining your web site which lays out the prosecution case, and
have found it to be full of the same disinformation which framed the
original case and also adds new racist dimensions (such as the attacks on
the NAACP and the absurd “study” on how the death penalty is not racially
influenced).  The very fact that the “facts” of the case are seriously in
dispute is reason enough, in itself, for the necessity of a new trial by a
judge of impeccable impartiality and integrity.

In the open letter-paid ad, it is stated that only the “misguided few”
support Abu-Jamal’s request for a new trial.  As you know, this case has the
interest of millions around the world.  Among the multitudes of  “misguided
few” who have studied the case, and who have publicly called for a new trial
are noted authors Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Maya Angelou, Manning Marable,
Alice Walker, Salman Rushdie, former political prisoners Geronimo Pratt,
Angela Davis, and South African President Nelson Mandela.  Also supporting
Abu-Jamal are former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark, artists Ossie Davis
and Pete Seeger, religious leader Bishop Thomas Gumbleton, Nobel Peace Prize
laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa and Holocaust expert Nobel
laureate Elie Wiesel.  Also among those supporting a new trial are civil
rights leaders Julian Bond and Coretta Scott King, widow of Martin Luther
King, Jr.  The TESC class of 1999 is in good company.

Among the organizations which have publicly supported a new trial are the
European Parliament, the International Parliament of Writers, the National
Black Police Association, Amnesty International, The African National
Congress, and unions representing hundreds of thousands of workers,
nationally and internationally.

Why would these esteemed individuals and respected organizations support the
call for a new trial?  After careful examination, they have come to the
conclusion that, at best, the original trial of Abu-Jamal was seriously
flawed by judicial and/or prosecutorial misconduct, or at worst, Abu-Jamal
was framed for political reasons.  It is disingenuous to suggest that these
and other  “misguided few” are extraordinarily ignorant 

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Monday #1

1999-06-14 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990614a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No Imperial stormtroopers were lasered during production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  Circle Device is the only product in the world made to increase the length
  of the penis while working, exercising or just hanging around (no pun int-
  ended). The longer you wear it, the longer your penis will become. There
  is no limit! And the Device is Guaranteed for Life! www.dfranceinc.com/

# Aids growing among over-50s. (BBC) The over-50s, who account for one in 10
  Aids cases in the US, are the latest focus of HIV prevention campaigns.

: Do Viagra and The Circle Device promote ElderAids? Does wearing The Circle
Device indefinitely result in a penis of indefinite length? Does HIV care?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

*** Rabbi's ruling sparks outrage. JERUSALEM (AP) A rabbi's reported ruling
against giving medical attention to non-Jews on the Sabbath sparked calls
for the army to strip the rabbi of his combat officer rank. A letter signed
by Rabbi Amicha Rontsky declared: "Of course the life of a Gentile has value
... but the value of the Sabbath is more important." So much for humanistic
ethics: http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2559919401-09d

: Does your belief system value a time-span more than it values human life?
Does your belief system value any other dimension of mass-energy space-time?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# US suspects some of smallpox weapon. NEW YORK (AP) US gov't officials say
Russia, Iraq and North Korea are probably concealing deadly smallpox virus
for military use. Evidence includes disclosures by a senior Soviet defector,
blood samples from North Korean soldiers that show smallpox vaccinations,
and the fairly recent manufacture of smallpox vaccine by Iraq. This finding
was an important factor in President Clinton's recent decision to reverse
course and forgo destruction of American stockpiles of the virus. The bugs
of war: http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2559903591-d44

: What's your favorite BioWar agent? Are you involved in any conspiracies to
use smallpox or other BioWar agents? Who would you like to infect? Who else?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# 'Nuclear power needed' to fight climate change. (BBC) 2 science societies
  say nuclear power does have a part to play in combatting climate change.

* INCANSESCENT PICKLES. Recent anecdotal reports of novel principles of ill-
umination have stressed qualitative aspects. This note presents a quantitat-
ive study of an organic illumination system, characterizing the temperature
and current-flow properties of the system as functions of time and device
parameters. Theoretical and practical implications of these measurements
are discussed. http://www.research.digital.com/wrl/techreports/html/TN-13/

: Will you stockpile pickles for emergency lighting? What is your favorite
glowing vegetable? Do you prefer nukes, cukes, blackouts, global warming?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Golden mummies discovered. (BBC) Archaeologists in Egypt have announced
finding at least 200 mummies, some with golden masks, in a huge cemetery in
the Western Desert. The burial ground, near a desert oasis, is believed to
contain more than 10,000 mummies, making it the biggest ever uncovered,

: Were Reptilioids mummified? Has discovery of ET mummies been suppressed?
What would you do with a ZetaReticulan mummy? Are they good as aphrodisiacs?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


# HE'S DEAD, JIM - R.I.P. DeForest Kelley aka Dr Leonard "Bones" McCoy, 79:

@ Orgasmatron: http://www.disinfo.com/disinfo?p=drawercategory=Orgasmatron
@ Cryptozoology Index: http://www.pibburns.com/cryptozo.htm
* How To Deconstruct Almost Anything - My Postmodern Adventure:

@ The Page of ANXIETY: http://ic.net/~kottca/
@ Y2K Anxiety News: http://ic.net/~kottca/y2k.htm
@ The New World Order: http://ic.net/~kottca/nwo.htm
@ CIRCLE-MAKERS: http://www.head-space.com/circlemakers/
@ 60 Greatest Conspiracies Of All Time: www.conspire.com/

# EUTHENASIA - Special Report:
@ History of the Lobotomy: http://public.carleton.edu/~vestc/lobotomy.html
@ Fluvoxamine - Drug of Choice at Columbine:

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Monday #2

1999-06-14 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990614b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No impartial observers were flumoxed during production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# GOP boosts cultural pollution law. WASHINGTON (AP) The Littleton CO school
shooting demonstrates the US's growing acceptance of violence, explicit lan-
guage and incivility, and its unwillingness to stand up for right and wrong,
Littleton's congressman said. In the GOP's weekly radio address, Rep. Tom
Tancredo promoted legislation to clean up "pervasive cultural pollution" in
America. See www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2559910789-490

: Is your culture polluted? Whose expressions would you suppress in order to
cleanse your culture? Whose brains would you like to wash? Do you use soap?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Shootings prompt rise in therapy. INDIANAPOLIS (AP) - The Columbine High
School shooting did more than shock Americans about the realities of teen-
age violence. It's also prompted them to examine their own children more
closely. Mental health clinics and therapists across the country say they've
seen a surge of younger patients since the April 20 shootings in Littleton.
See http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2559914529-5f5

# Laying Blame for Violence. (ABCnews) Is it the movies or the media?
  Guns or graphic games? As a frightened America searches for the
  causes of violence, it's finding many more questions.  And bodies.

: Would you rather blame violence on media, culture, genes, deities/demons,
aliens, weapons dealers, demagogues, games, junkfood, disease, yourself, me?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Hare Krishnas threatened by lawsuit. ALACHUA, Fla. (AP) Hare Krishnas with
  shaved heads  saffron robes still preach "God consciousness" on streets
  and in temples. But in private talks and on public Web sites, many accuse
  fellow devotees of the most godless of crimes. After surviving scandals
  involving drug  weapons charges against some leaders, the movement is in
  crisis again. This time the issue is child abuse. May as well be Catholic
  priests: http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2559898974-fdd

: Does your belief system promote kid.sex, fun.drugs, rock'n'roll, weapons?
What are your favorite sins? Does your belief system recognize sin? Why not?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Dalai Lama brings religions together. JERUSALEM (AP) Though Israeli offic-
ials bowed to Chinese pressure and shunned him, the Dalai Lama brought toge-
ther leaders of five faiths in Jerusalem Sunday to promote unity among theo-
logians.  The exiled Tibetan Buddhist guru told a conference of Xians, Jews,
Muslims, Hindus and Shintos that a variety of religions were needed to help
peoples heal. www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2559919832-36c

: Would you rather employ your belief system to heal or harm peoples? Which
is more advantageous for you? What do the voices in y'r head tell you to do?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Church condemns Geri. (BBC) Former Spice Girl Geri Halliwell has drawn
fire from the Catholic Church in the Philippines for advocating condom use.
She is on her first tour as a United Nations Population Fund goodwill
ambassador - promoting safe sex and wider use of condoms. But Catholics say
she sets a bad example for youngsters and have branded her visit immoral.

: Would you rather have safe or unsafe sex with Geri Halliwell, a Filipino
bishop, the Pope, leather nuns, UN officials, Asian youngsters, gerbils, me?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Experts fear e-virus mutations. NEW YORK (AP) After a weekend of scouring
  their computers for the latest e-mail virus to flail the Internet, systems
  managers were bracing for the threat of new infections when workers logon.
  Experts jittered from reports of new symptoms detected among infected
  machines, a sign the bug may be more complex than first thought. See
# Also: Tips to avoiding computer virus, see
# Also: FBI probes e-mail bug, see

# Hackers attack Senate Web site. WASHINGTON (AP) Computer hackers success-
fully zapped the US Senate's main Web site Friday, the second such electro-
nic assault on the high-profile Internet page in just over two weeks. The
hackers hijacked visitors to www.senate.gov and misdirected them to another
page. See http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2559894142-261

: Have your virus  website 

[CTRL] The Clinton Gun Boom

1999-06-14 Thread Bob Stokes

 -Caveat Lector-



The Clinton gun boom
Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

One ironic legacy of the Clinton administration is the rearming of the
American citizenry. Each time Clinton and his friends in Congress threaten
another round of anti-gun regulations, the American people respond by
stocking up on as many guns as possible. This is all to the good: an armed
citizenry translates to less crime and more security, and reminds the
government that its bureaucrats aren't the only ones with firepower.

The trend began in 1989 with the passage of restrictions on so-called
"assault weapons," which brought about the initial boom in gun sales. After
a brief respite, the Brady Bill, which imposed background checks on buyers,
was passed in 1993. The politicians claimed they were only after the
criminals. But the main effect was to convince people that the federal
government was determined to disarm the public.

Of course the politicians always say that they are only after the criminals,
not hunters and not people who only desire self-protection. But by
definition, criminals aren't interested in regulations. Legal restrictions
on gun sales only make it more difficult for people who scrupulously keep
the law to defend themselves against those who do not.

This point may be too complicated for politicians to understand, but average
people get the point. After the Brady Bill, another gun boom ensued, as
people loaded up in anticipation of further regulations.

Public perceptions were right on the money. Without missing a beat, the feds
banned the domestic manufacture of military-style guns and clips holding
more than 10 rounds of ammunition. The result was the biggest regulatory
backfire of them all. The limited number of "assault" (i.e.,
government-style) weapons still in circulation are selling at twice their
pre-ban prices. And since it takes more clips to equal the old firepower,
clip manufacturers are profiting as never before, according to data
assembled by the Wall Street Journal.

Finally, sending the market into overdrive was the threat that gun makers
will be bankrupted by lawsuits. People saw what the courts did to tobacco
companies, and what happened to cigarette prices in the aftermath. Unlike
cigs, guns are not perishable, so people figured they might as well stock up
now, before judges do to gun makers what they did to cigarette makers.

The flurry of legislation introduced after the Littleton, Colo., shootings
(in which the killers paid no attention to all the existing laws)
underscored the message that government does not want private individuals to
own guns. The gun industry is benefiting once again from people's fears of
what government may be prohibiting in the future.

Anti-gun fanatics view all this stockpiling as a catastrophe, since their
goal is the disarming of Americans. But they are caught on the horns of a
dilemma. Weaving gun bans through the legislative process takes more time
than the waiting periods and regulatory barriers already enacted into law.
The existing windows of freedom permit people to defy the intentions of the
gun banners while there is still time.

The countrywide stockpiling now taking place should cheer the hearts of even
people who have no interest in owning a gun. That is because wide ownership
of guns confers what economists call "positive externalities" on people who
do not wish to own them. For example, if you do not own a gun, you still
benefit from the perception that you may, a perception that can only
continue so long as the reality of widespread ownership is true. The fear of
people willing to fight back is what keeps criminals at bay.

A massive and detailed literature has proven time again time that the more
guns that are owned in a community, the less crime that community has to put
up with. The data are so overwhelming that no reasonable person can deny
them. (The "Firearms Fact Sheet" should be in every thinking person's
favorites list). Why, then, does the gun-ban lobby continue to say that
restrictions on guns are the key to cutting crime?

It's time that the ideological orientation of the gun grabbers be examined
more carefully. Notice that their theory about gun ownership does not appear
in isolation; it is part of a larger package of political beliefs about the
role of government in society. Almost to a man, they favor the entire
big-government/politically-correct agenda. What they want is not a disarmed
society, but a society where government has a monopoly on gun ownership.

Consider this shocking reality: the present anti-gun hysteria is taking
place in the very month in which the federal government's guns have laid
waste to an entire nation. The U.S. has brought about a large-scale massacre
in Yugoslavia, and set back its standard of living some fifty years. It is a
display of brutality that hasn't been seen on Europe's soil since the 

Re: [CTRL] [Fwd: spg-l Faculty Letter in support of Mumia from Evergreen State College]

1999-06-14 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Reference Jamal:  I sat in a Court of law and pieced together a murder
of a black doctor from bits of information here, and theremy old
Friend, Sybil Leek was interested in $50,000 for a story re Hoffa, so
she sent me out...super spook, no way...I was more like Snoopy taking on
the Red Baron...

Anyway, a young black was arrested for the murder of a black doctor; the
evidence was as they say, overwhelmingbut the real story was, the
County Prosecutor down the hall, was sitting on a hot potato...you see,
he was up for re-election and he had in the County Coroner's Office,
also up for re-election, an Assistant County Coroner, who bought what
they called "the Piece" that murdered Dr. Walter Bond.

To add insult upon injury, I am snooping for Sybil re another Doctor,
who had on his farm a Mafia hitman, with whom he shared a friendship in
prison, while a cellmate to James Riddle Hoffathey all became fast
friends, though Sybil  thought the one Doctor, to be an informer and

To make story short, I bungled onto the truth, and was told even knowing
it, that I was in serious trouble; meanwhile, a young black sat in jail,
for a murder he did not commit, one for which he had been framed, and
the police planted evidence, and arrested the wrong mana poor black,
who had been arrested on drugsthey called the murder of the third
doctor, a drug related crimearen't they all.

So this County Prosecutor who would have let an innocent man go to the
electric chair, is now a Federal Judge; the Mafia hit man who murdered
the black Doctor was convicted, and the doctor who "bought the piece"
was found not guilty, because he only wanted to "castrate" the black
doctor.how would you have liked to have been Doctor Walter Bond,
answer your door, and there stands a Mafia Hit Man, a psycho with a gun,
another doctor with a knife, and a third doctor there just for
fun.suddenly, the Mafia Hit man just "blew him away".

A Rhodes Scholar, Richard Celeste who helped organize the Union, of
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, who wanted
to be president and use union dues to get electedthis man paroled
the Mafia hit man.and he was to be set free (how do you think I
felt)but the public outrage, another stte picked him up and back in
the slammer he wenta psycho.

The fact remains Jamal, after reading all the material on both sides, it
appears something is really wrong there.some years back I sat on a
COTA bus, and some young blacks gave me literature FREE JAMAL, which
most people refused. He has a following; Jamal saw his brother in
need...he was a Black Panther who believed his race was going to be
victims of genocide  he had probalby read of Angola.

Jamal deserves a new trial; mainly because he is black.the police in
Columbus helped to set up a young black for the murder of a black doctor
knowingk he did not commit the crimeso wht are these people.

Apparently Evergreen believes in Jamal's innocence, whether they had
found a proper forum I do hot know.anything controversial is often
side-stepped by those not wishing to raise a red flag in front of a
raging bull

I have witnessed police engaged in running illegal booze from Kentucky,
cigarettes which were not taxed put into certain cigarette machines -
and sat with the Treasurer of Ohio when one of her staff bought a pack,
and questioned same; I saw police taking checks from the owner of an
establishment using a codeI saw booze from Kentucky being poured
into good brand whiskey bottlesand sold for top dollarand I saw
a few evil policemen - one so drunk he struck down an elderly man in a
fit of rage, for something he saidthis man had a drinking problem,
and was no friendbut this is a less than perfect world.

Most people do not care about Jamal because he is just a black
journalist, a Black Panther and activistwhat was that son, I Shot
the Sheriff, but I didn't kill his Deputy..

I believe in peaceful segregation for myself.I moved to my city to
live in a community where people were of a same color, but it was a
social thing.as Jesse Jackson said once, and got into a lot of
trouble.he was walking down a dark street, in a bad area, and he
heard someone following him and thought - I hope that is a white man

Justice for all.but in Columbus justice was not color blind, when it
picked a poor black to pin a murder on he did not commitand I might
add, one of the best white lawyers in the area, as I recall, got him
off.how many innocent men have died for crimes they did not
commit.yet, keep looking at that Clinton Body County, and Janet Reno
and Albright have broken a few records for murder too..Justice for
allFree Jamal.

Colleen Jones

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are 

Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] 2 Questions]

1999-06-14 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

"Shane A. Saylor, Eccentric Bard" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-

  is it true that JFK really survived the assassination attempt in dallas?

 If so, why hasn't there been [reported]sightings of JFK like there is of

The TRUTH is that it was *Elvis* who was shot in Dallas in 1963. JFK took
Elvis's place...which means that the Elvis sightings are actually Jack

"Elvis has [really] left the building."



Robert F. Tatman
Remove "nospam" from the address to reply.

NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in
receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-06-14 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-


A procedure to detect illicit drug use by testing hair is being
adopted at some schools, primarily private ones.  Civil liberties
groups, which oppose the tests, argue that they are inaccurate.

   o   Hair testing is based on the premise that drugs ingested
   in the body travel through the bloodstream and are
   deposited in hair follicles roughly in proportion to the
   amount of the drug taken.

   o   Since hair grows at the rate of half-an-inch a month, the
   test uses the inch and one-half closest to the scalp to
   detect drug use during the latest 90 days.

   o   Questions have been raised, however, as to whether drug
   molecules bind more to coarser black hair than to lighter
   hair and whether passive exposure to marijuana or other
   smoked drugs could produce a false positive.

Private schools can make drug testing a condition of enrollment
without inviting lawsuits.

But public schools cannot   Yet two public school principals in
New Orleans want to initiate hair tests.  The American Civil
Liberties Union of Louisiana has warned that it would file suit
if testing is implemented.

Source: Christopher S. Wren, "Hair Testing by Schools Intensifies
Drug Debate," New York Times, June 14, 1999.

For more on Other Education Issues

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] [Fwd: spg-l What's It Gonna Take to Save Mumia? by C. Clark Kissinger]

1999-06-14 Thread Anonymous

1999: A Crucial Year
By C. Clark Kissinger

Once again, the movement to prevent the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal stands
at a crossroads. We are coming off an important advance: 35,000 people
demonstrated on April 24 to save Mumia's life. These rallies were the
largest and most diverse outpourings to date. The thousands in Philly and
San Francisco made clear that those who intend to murder Mumia have a
tremendous fight on their hands. And these actions came on top of the
Oakland, California, teach-ins and the concert by Rage Against the Machine
that followed Pennsylvania's refusal to grant Mumia a new trial.

Even with this great upsurge of support, we still face an incredible
challenge. Mumia's would-be murderers made their intentions clear
immediately after April 24, with a series of vicious counterattacks. First,
on April 25 the Philadelphia Inquirer launched a campaign to financially
destroy the Black United Fund (the charity that handles donations for
Mumia's legal defense and his key support group, the International Concerned
Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal). [See RW 1010.] Then the same day,
Pamela Jenkins--one of the witnesses who came forward to expose the police
coercion of witnesses in Mumia's original trial--was arrested on an old
bench warrant (she had appeared on stage at the April 24 rally).

Right on the heels of this, two disgruntled former MOVE members were given
city protection and huge press resources to launch a highly political attack
on the MOVE organization, singling out Pam Africa in particular. This has
all the earmarks of a provocation, one designed not just to create
confusion, but very likely to provide an "incident" to serve as a pretext
for a police attack. And this wasn't all, as both daily papers in Philly
continued a propaganda campaign attempting to divide the huge movement
growing up around Mumia's case from the overall movement against the death

Beyond these stepped-up attacks, Mumia faces a crucial juncture in his legal
case. Mumia's certiorari petition is before the U.S. Supreme Court. This
will be ruled on soon--either late June or in early October. Unless the
Supreme Court decides in Mumia's favor--which we certainly cannot count
on--then, by the end of October, Mumia's lawyers must file their habeas
corpus appeal in the Federal Courts. This filing for habeas will initiate
the crucial and final rounds of the legal battle.

In short, at the very moment when the movement has reached its highest
level, it must rise still higher yet. We face a real challenge: how to get
things to a level--a higher level--where we can actually compel the
political establishment to back off their murderous plot? And how to do this
while facing escalating attack? I offer this article as a contribution to a
necessary dialogue in the movement.

Building Off Advances

To go to that higher level, we have to assess both our real strengths and
achievements, as well as our weaknesses. In this light, I want to review
some of what was accomplished on April 24 and the months leading up to it.
Just as important as the high attendance at the rallies was WHO came out.
Even the press had to remark on the fact that these demonstrations were
overwhelmingly young. The power structure must reckon with the fact that
Mumia has inspired a whole generation. The student walkouts that were called
for April 23 (see RW 1007), though relatively few in number (for now),
showed the kind of spirit and defiance that has to get more infused into our
movement. And the little-noted attempts by the authorities to lock down some
key ghetto high schools in Philadelphia showed how seriously they take the
potential for a "youthquake" for Mumia.

The demonstrations also had the largest turnout yet from the Black
community. The militant nationalist section of the movement mobilized in
force and lent an important edge to the demonstration. The turnout from
Philly's Black community marked an extremely important development.
Prominent Black artists and activists like Ossie Davis, Dick Gregory and
Kathleen Cleaver represented. And an April 23 statement of support from the
Black Congressional Caucus added a new, and very necessary, dimension. All
this gives very serious pause to Mumia's would-be killers. America's rulers
remember the 1960s very well, and do not want to set off what could be
social and political dynamite.

Another important advance was the greater diversity of the demonstrations.
People and organizations representing those in the middle classes who oppose
injustice came out in a new way--including speakers and marchers from
Amnesty International, the American Friends Service Committee, a number of
important groups opposed to the death penalty, and many others. There was a
statement in support of Mumia's Supreme Court filing by the ACLU. The strong
organized participation of the Latino, Asian, gay, Jewish and other
contingents further added to this powerful 

Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] Satanist in the Army]

1999-06-14 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

nessie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-

 A GROUP of American conservative religious organisations is demanding
 that Christians boycott the US Army and all of its works until the
 military ends support for its latest denominations: witches and satanists.

 For those who can't tell a witch from a satanist, here's a clue.   Lt.
 Col. Michael Aquino, head of the Temple of Set, is a satanist. You
 remember him, he's the psy-war expert who squirmed out of that cut and
 dried kiddie porn case in San Francisco a couple years ago.

 Witches are somebody else.

You have to be a Christian before you can be a Satanist, if for no other
reason than that Satanists invert traditional Christian symbolism and liturgy.
Witches are ostensibly followers of a pre-Christian religion, sometimes called
the "Old Religion," which does not recognize the Jewish/Christian/Muslim (and
therefore Satanist) distinction between good and evil. That's a VAST
oversimplification, but it may straighten out some of the confusion, if anyone
is listening.


Robert F. Tatman
Remove "nospam" from the address to reply.

NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in
receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For

more information go to: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml


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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] Satanist in the Army]

1999-06-14 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Robert Tatman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Witches are somebody else.
 You have to be a Christian before you can be a Satanist, if for no other
 reason than that Satanists invert traditional Christian symbolism and
 liturgy. Witches are ostensibly followers of a pre-Christian religion,
 sometimes called the "Old Religion," which does not recognize the Jewish/
 Christian/Muslim (and therefore Satanist) distinction between good and
 evil. That's a VAST oversimplification, but it may straighten out some
 of the confusion, if anyone is listening.

Ah, you'll only confuse the fundy jeezoids, who'll ignore you anyway.

The basis of any self-proclaimed monotheism [even a trinitarian one]
is that 1) MY God is the ONLY real God, thus 2) YOUR god is a false
god ie Satan, thus 3) whatever YOU believe is evil and must be zapped.

Hey, *is* there a difference between good and evil?  And does anyone
here plan to watch the upcoming GE [Good  Evil] series on the USA
TV network?  Or are there better ways to waste time, like sex  drugs?

BTW the US Army's acceptance of Wicca show that either a) the military
is still at the forefront of social change, b) Satanists have captured
the Pentagon, c) it's possible to join the Army and have fun without
killing people, d) Wiccans are more acceptable militarily than GLBTs
[gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgendered persons], e) fundy jeezoids don't
have enough minutiae to fret about, f) all or none of the above.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Clinton Gun Boom

1999-06-14 Thread Edward Britton

 -Caveat Lector-

I love this story! It brings warm feelings to this civil libertarian's
heart to know that our illustrious leaders have stimulated such fond
interest in our second amendment rights!

Edward (thinking of going to the gun shop for the first time in his life)

At 10:52 AM 6/14/99 EDT, you wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-



The Clinton gun boom
Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

One ironic legacy of the Clinton administration is the rearming of the
American citizenry. Each time Clinton and his friends in Congress threaten
another round of anti-gun regulations, the American people respond by
stocking up on as many guns as possible. This is all to the good: an armed
citizenry translates to less crime and more security, and reminds the
government that its bureaucrats aren't the only ones with firepower.

The trend began in 1989 with the passage of restrictions on so-called
"assault weapons," which brought about the initial boom in gun sales. After
a brief respite, the Brady Bill, which imposed background checks on buyers,
was passed in 1993. The politicians claimed they were only after the
criminals. But the main effect was to convince people that the federal
government was determined to disarm the public.

Of course the politicians always say that they are only after the criminals,
not hunters and not people who only desire self-protection. But by
definition, criminals aren't interested in regulations. Legal restrictions
on gun sales only make it more difficult for people who scrupulously keep
the law to defend themselves against those who do not.

This point may be too complicated for politicians to understand, but average
people get the point. After the Brady Bill, another gun boom ensued, as
people loaded up in anticipation of further regulations.

Public perceptions were right on the money. Without missing a beat, the feds
banned the domestic manufacture of military-style guns and clips holding
more than 10 rounds of ammunition. The result was the biggest regulatory
backfire of them all. The limited number of "assault" (i.e.,
government-style) weapons still in circulation are selling at twice their
pre-ban prices. And since it takes more clips to equal the old firepower,
clip manufacturers are profiting as never before, according to data
assembled by the Wall Street Journal.

Finally, sending the market into overdrive was the threat that gun makers
will be bankrupted by lawsuits. People saw what the courts did to tobacco
companies, and what happened to cigarette prices in the aftermath. Unlike
cigs, guns are not perishable, so people figured they might as well stock up
now, before judges do to gun makers what they did to cigarette makers.

The flurry of legislation introduced after the Littleton, Colo., shootings
(in which the killers paid no attention to all the existing laws)
underscored the message that government does not want private individuals to
own guns. The gun industry is benefiting once again from people's fears of
what government may be prohibiting in the future.

Anti-gun fanatics view all this stockpiling as a catastrophe, since their
goal is the disarming of Americans. But they are caught on the horns of a
dilemma. Weaving gun bans through the legislative process takes more time
than the waiting periods and regulatory barriers already enacted into law.
The existing windows of freedom permit people to defy the intentions of the
gun banners while there is still time.

The countrywide stockpiling now taking place should cheer the hearts of even
people who have no interest in owning a gun. That is because wide ownership
of guns confers what economists call "positive externalities" on people who
do not wish to own them. For example, if you do not own a gun, you still
benefit from the perception that you may, a perception that can only
continue so long as the reality of widespread ownership is true. The fear of
people willing to fight back is what keeps criminals at bay.

A massive and detailed literature has proven time again time that the more
guns that are owned in a community, the less crime that community has to put
up with. The data are so overwhelming that no reasonable person can deny
them. (The "Firearms Fact Sheet" should be in every thinking person's
favorites list). Why, then, does the gun-ban lobby continue to say that
restrictions on guns are the key to cutting crime?

It's time that the ideological orientation of the gun grabbers be examined
more carefully. Notice that their theory about gun ownership does not appear
in isolation; it is part of a larger package of political beliefs about the
role of government in society. Almost to a man, they favor the entire
big-government/politically-correct agenda. What they want is not a disarmed
society, but a society where government has a monopoly on gun ownership.

Consider this shocking reality: the present anti-gun 

[CTRL] Menopause of Empire

1999-06-14 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Citation: The Progressive May 1998, v62, n5, p18(4)
Author:  Vidal, Gore
Title: The menopause of empire. (postwar American foreign policy)
   by Gore Vidal

COPYRIGHT 1998 Progressive Inc.
   Before we get down to the really serious stuff about Monica and Kathleen, I
plan just a little foreplay here about the origins of the American empire and
the meaning of the Cold War, how it started, who started it, who benefited.
The twentieth century and the second Christian millennium are heading hand in
hand for the exit. Personally, I thought they'd never go without taking us
with them.
   We all know that centuries and millennia are just arbitrary markings--a bit
like the bookkeeping at Paramount Pictures. But symbolically, they mean a lot.
This goes particularly for the one indisposable--or does the President say
indispensable?--nation on Earth, and the last self-styled global empire,
loaded down with nukes, bases, and debts.
   I have now lived through nearly three-quarters of this century. I enlisted
in the Army of the United States at seventeen, went to the Pacific, did
nothing useful--I was just there, as Richard M. Nixon says, when the bombs
were falling. Actually, the bombs were not really falling on either one of us.
I was writing a novel, and he was making a fortune playing poker.
   Now, suddenly, it's 1998. Last year, we celebrated the fiftieth anniversary
of the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan. Also, more ominously, last July
26 was the fiftieth anniversary of the National Security Act that, without any
national debate or the people's consent, replaced the old American republic
with a national security state very much in the global empire business. Let us
get into the time machine.
   It is the ides of August 1945. Germany and Japan have surrendered, and some
thirteen million Americans are headed home. Home turned out to be a sort of
fairground where fireworks go off, and the band plays "Don't Sit Under the
Apple Tree," and an endlessly enticing fun house flings open its doors, and we
file through. We enjoy halls and mirrors where everyone is comically
distorted, ride through all the various tunnels of love, and take scary tours
of horror chambers, where skeletons and cobwebs and bats push past us. And
suitably chilled and thrilled, we're ready for the exit and everyday life.
   But, to the consternation of some and the apparent indifference of the
rest, we were never really allowed to leave the fun house. It has become a
permanent part of our world, as were those goblins sitting under the apple
   Officially, the United States was at peace. Much of Europe and most of
Japan were in ruins, often literally, certainly economically. We alone had all
our cities and a sort of booming economy--sort of, because it depended on war
production and there was, as far as anyone could tell, no war in the offing.
Briefly, the arts flourished. It looked like it was going to be a golden age.
The Glass Menagerie was staged, Copland's Appalachian Spring was played, a
film called The Lost Weekend--not a bad title for what we'd gone through--won
an Academy Award. And the as-yet-unexiled Richard Wright published the
much-admired work Black Boy, while Edmund Wilson's Memoirs of Hecate County
was banned for obscenity in parts of the country, though it would be allowed
out today in Washington.
   Quaintly, each city had at least three or four daily newspapers, while New
York, as befitted the world's capital, had seventeen newspapers. But a
novelty, television, had begun to appear in household after household, its
cold, gray, distorting eye relentlessly projecting a fun house view of the
   Those who followed the ugly new minted word "media" began to note that
often while watching television we kept fading in and out of the chamber of
horrors. Our ally in the recent war, Uncle Joe Stalin, as the Accidental
President Harry S. Truman called him, was growing horns and fangs that dripped
blood. On Earth we were the only great unruined power with atomic weapons, and
we were somehow at terrible risk.
   Why? How?
   The trouble appeared to be over Germany, which on February 11, 1945, had
been split at the Yalta Summit meeting into four zones--American, Soviet,
British, and French. As the Russians had done the most fighting and suffered
the greatest losses, it was agreed that they should have an early crack at
reparations from Germany to the extent of $20 billion.
   At a later meeting at Potsdam, the new President Truman, with Stalin and
Churchill, reconfirmed Yalta and opted for the unification of Germany under
the four victorious powers. But something had happened between the euphoria of
Yalta and the edginess of Potsdam.
   As the meeting progressed, the atom bomb was tried out successfully in a
New Mexico desert. We were now able to incinerate Japan, or the Soviets 

[CTRL] The 'Undeserving Old':(privatization of Social Security)

1999-06-14 Thread William Hugh Tunstall

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 11:30:01 -0500

  Citation: The Progressive Feb 1999, v.63, 2, 12(1)
Author:  Ehrenreich, Barbara
 Title: The `Undeserving Old'.(privatization of Social Security)
   by Barbara Ehrenreich

COPYRIGHT 1999 Progressive Inc.
  First welfare, now Social Security. Undeterred by the febrile condition of
the world financial markets, the drive to "save," privatize, and otherwise
snuff out that venerable vestige of the New Deal is back and gaining steam.
  We can expect that, as in the case of welfare, there will be an all-out
propaganda effort to demonize the program's recipients. In the build-up to
welfare "reform," people on welfare were consistently portrayed as
promiscuous, substance-abusing, child-neglecting lay-abouts. If the same
tactics prevail, we will soon be hearing chilling stories about geezers
mugging teenagers and squandering their Social Security checks on Viagra and
  Sadly, the elderly may have an even harder time defending themselves than
the poverty-stricken single mothers did. Few of the latter, perhaps a total of
thirty-five out of four million, ever fit the stereotype of the welfare queen
spawning baby after baby in order to augment her benefits and hence her supply
of mind-altering drugs. But the elderly are vulnerable to all of the
predictable charges.
  Lazy? Well, how many eighty-year-olds make the slightest attempt to support
themselves? How many ninety-seven-year-olds can even recall how to set an
alarm clock? As for "dependency," that great bugaboo of the
welfare-reformers--visit a nursing home and you will find people who have been
rendered so thoroughly dependent by Social Security that they no longer exert
themselves to perambulate or lift spoon to mouth. There is no question about
it: The longer one lives off one's Social Security checks, the more likely one
is to maunder and drool.
  You think that no one could be so churlish as to stigmatize our seniors?
Consider the fact that the drive against Social Security is being led by some
of the same think tanks--and even the same individuals within them--who blazed
the trail to welfare reform. Michael Tanner, for example, famed for his
Savanarola-like excoriations of the welfare poor, now serves as the Cato
Institute's point man on Social Security privatization. For men like
this--dedicated to the abolition of all government activities not involving
the use of firearms--welfare was only a warm-up for Social Security, a chance
to test-drive their most scurrilous slanders and hone their stigmatizing
  In the case of the elderly, there is a growing body of prejudice for the
"reformers" and privatizers to work with. Even the considerably pre-elderly
must have shuddered at the story of Riley Weston, the actor-writer who was
fired by Disney from her screenwriting job when it was revealed that she is
not nineteen, as her resume claimed, but a doddering thirty-one. Frank Rich
reports in The New York Times that veteran screenwriters (say, those over
fifty) are busily editing their resumes to remove credits from ancient series
like Mash, lest would-be employers judge them over the hill.
  Most cultures to date have treasured the elderly for their wisdom and
experience; ours fears that these very qualities are antithetical to healthy
  John Glenn's space flight highlighted America's tortured ambivalence toward
the elderly.
  First, it should be observed that his flight served no scientific purpose
whatsoever. NASA said in the beginning that it was an opportunity to study the
"aging process," although it should have been obvious that, at seventy-seven,
Glenn has pretty much completed the process. Later, NASA claimed that the goal
was to study "weightlessness," though everyone knows this subject can be
studied quite adequately in the CNN studios themselves.
  So the real purpose of his mission was probably the propagandistic one--"to
give our senior citizens a boost." Which has a fine and filial sound to it
until you ask yourself, why did they need a boost in the first place? Is the
real function of Cape Canaveral to rehabilitate unpopular social groups, and,
if so, can we expect to soon see the first crack-dealer and IRS clerk in
space? Or could the Glenn flight have been a plot by the Social Security
reformers, aimed at proving you're never too old to hold down a job, even one
involving long hours and mortal danger?
  The advertising industry has already been enlisted in the campaign to
portray the elderly as undeserving, and certainly repulsive, wretches. Sure,
they're always telling us "it's great to be silver" and that "life is an
adventure" if you manage to get to fifty without losing the ability to dress
yourself. But watch the evening news and you will find that these upbeat
vitamin pitches are buried within a torrent of 

[CTRL] Anywhere but here.

1999-06-14 Thread William Hugh Tunstall

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message
  Citation: Harper's Magazine July 1998, v297, n1778, p9(3)
Author:  Lapham, Lewis H.
 Title: Anywhere but here.(reflections on imaginary travel
   destinations)(Column) by Lewis H. Lapham

COPYRIGHT 1998 Harper's Magazine Foundation
The rain at Marly is not wet.
   --Louis XIV
   In the New York Times early last May I noticed a story about a tour
operator offering to conduct a limited number of guests to the wreck of the
Titanic, two miles below the surface of the Atlantic Ocean. The descents into
the abyss were scheduled for August, the one month in which the sea was calm
enough to permit the coming and going of a Russian submersible, but space
could be reserved for only two people at a time, each of them paying $32,500
for the round trip. Although entertaining neither wish nor hope of booking
passage, I cut the item from the paper and filed it with one that I'd come
across last February in the Los Angeles Times about a nonprofit organization
in San Francisco that provides "reality tours" to the scenes of human squalor.
   At prices ranging from $30 to $525 the Global Exchange sends concerned
citizens, most of them students or retired librarians, into the slums of
Mexico, Guatemala, and Vietnam, sometimes into the poorer neighborhoods around
San Francisco Bay. The tourists travel in air-conditioned buses supplied with
bottled water, chocolate espresso beans, and organic pears, and from time to
time they stop to talk to battered women and homeless men, to inspect a
toxic-waste dump or an emaciated chicken. The paper quoted Jerry Mallett,
president of the Adventure Travel Society, to the effect that even the best
and happiest of Americans cannot be expected to play endless rounds of golf,
and that after one has come to the end of the menu at all the Hyatt hotels in
Florida and Hawaii, even the most expensive resorts exude a threadbare sense
of deja vu. "Sitting on the beach, that's for the minority today," Mallett
said. "People want to learn about their surroundings."
   The two reports suggested new directions in the travel business and ways
out of the difficulties foreseen as long ago as 1962 by Daniel Boorstin in his
book The Image. Taking up the question of what happens to the consciousness of
people imprisoned within the self-referential spaces of the media's
magic-lantern show, Boorstin observed that modern travel differs very little
from going to a movie or turning the pages of a magazine. The travelers never
arrive at any new place. Having seen it all on film, not once but a thousand
times, they meet with experiences already enbalmed in some other medium, and
they might as well be living in a museum or an electronics store.
   During the thirty-odd years since Boorstin remarked on the effect, the
movie and television industries have done their best to open lines of escape
into the fields and forests of a world elsewhere. They address their special
effects the dinosaurs, the explosions, the fairy-tale castles to audiences
bored or disappointed by the terms of their prerecorded existence. Just as
nineteenth-century English factory workers yoked to the machinery of the
Industrial Revolution found the shortest road out of Manchester in a bottle of
gin, so also the indentured clerks wired to the technology of the
communications revolution find in Steven Spielberg's postcards the easiest
exit ramp out of Bridgeport.
   A few of the more adventurous spirits at the cineplex apparently wish for
something more solid than images floating in a weightless void (something with
heft and substance that might promote them from the rank of mere spectator and
fill what they take to be the empty boxes of their lives with the toys of
consequence and action), and maybe they'll content themselves with improvised
theme parks in the streets of Tijuana or at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.
But the profit in their restlessness has yet to be fully exploited, and two
weeks after I read about the voyages to the wreck of the Titanic, the morning
mail brought word of possibilities to which I previously had been blind.
   The suggestion took the form of a press agent's letter drumming up trade
for a New Year's Eve party next winter in the palace of Versailles, an
occasion billed by its organizers as a "Fantasy Island type of proposition"
for "romantic souls" looking to make the long journey "back over 300 years to
the Feasts of the Sun King," the music of Jean Baptiste Lully, and the
presumably reassuring sight of their own reflections in the Galerie des
Glaces. Available to anybody willing to pay $1,300 for an invitation, the
evening promised roast partridge, fireworks, footmen in gold lace, gracious
appearances by modern-day notables, among them "automotive mogul Lee Iacocca
and actress Stephanie Powers," striking the poses original to the late
Princesse de Tingry 

[CTRL] Sucking at straws

1999-06-14 Thread William Hugh Tunstall

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --

  Citation: Harper's Magazine Dec 1998, 11(1)
Author:  Lapham, Lewis H.
 Title: Sucking at straws. by Lewis H. Lapham

COPYRIGHT 1998 Harper's Magazine Foundation
  I hope we shall ... crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed
corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of
strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country.
  --Thomas Jefferson
  As recently as last May it was all but impossible to open a newspaper or
walk into a cocktail party in Washington or New York without coming across a
testimonial to the benevolence of the new world economic order. The good old
invisible hand was filling everybody's glass with festive rounds of foaming
profit, and the uses of the world's governments had been reduced to those of
attentive waiters, mindful of their duty to lower taxes, stay off the backs of
the people and out of the way of the band, and leave the markets--the free,
unfettered, life-giving markets--well enough alone.
  The hum of self-congratulation was so complacent that I sometimes felt
constrained to raise a doubt or ask a question--not because I knew the
difference between a derivative and a hedge fund but because I objected to
what I took to be the unspoken assignment to money of the powers properly
associated with the human intellect and imagination. Although I was only an
occasional reader of the dispatches from the frontiers of the global economy,
I couldn't kelp but notice occasional anomalies. South Korea was reporting
unpaid wages of $334 million, stores of unsold wheat were rising like Egyptian
pyramids on the Dakota plains, and an alarming number of Ralph Lauren polo
shirts were stranded an the docks of Canton. In Indonesia the general
population was eating mostly insects. The rioting in Jakarta had quickened in
intensity throughout the month of April--students burning flags; looters
ransacking Wal-Mart, Dunkin' Donuts, and Pizza Hut; rich Chinese merchants so
frightened of the mob that they were attempting to rent a column of tanks--and
on May 21, the rupiah having lost another 40 percent of its value in almost as
many days, General Suharto at last resigned.
  None of the observations disturbed the fortunate consensus gathered on the
editorial page or the lawn. Yes, of course, certain difficulties remained, and
maybe it was true that 30 million Indonesians had been forced to retire from
the middle class into the mud of poverty, that the Japanese banks, stubbornly
refusing the program of healthy financial exercise recommended by the
therapists at the International Monetary Fund, continued to confuse the arts
of accounting with the symbolic movements of the Kabuki theater. So what?
Difficulties always remained--like the peanut shells under the field-level
boxes at Yankee Stadium--but by and large and most things considered, last
year's crisis had been averted; the global economy had weathered the storm of
the Asian currency devaluations, had recovered its composure in Russia, was
looking brightly forward not only to the birth of the euro but also to the
prospect of stability in Nigeria, prosperity in Italy, equilibrium in Brazil.
Prices continued to move firmly upward on the Wall Street stock exchanges, and
Alan Greenspan, that great and good chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank named
de facto captain of the American ship of state since President Clinton had
fallen overboard with Monica Lewinsky, saw nothing on the calm horizon but
blue sea and white sailboats.
  The optimism didn't survive August's calendar of political and economic
events. Terrorist bombs destroyed the American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania
on August 7, and within the brief span of the next twenty-four days Iraq once
again dismissed the U.N. arms inspectors, calamitous flooding in China forced
the evacuation of 13 million people and the abandonment of 5 million
dwellings, civil war in Kosovo chased 200,000 ethnic Albanians into starvation
or the forest, American cruise missiles obliterated a barracks in Afghanistan
and a chemical factory in Khartoum, the Japanese banks acknowledged
non-performing loans in the amount of $550 billion, and prices on the world's
stock markets fell into steep decline, the Dow Jones Industrial Average posted
a loss of 1,344 points, and the Russian economy collapsed, what little was
left of Yeltsin's government devaluing the ruble and suspending repayment of
its foreign debt.
  By the first week in September the American State Department was advising
its dependents to flee their embassies in Albania, Pakistan, East Africa, and
Congo, and the American news media were wondering why roughly $1.5 trillion of
the world's wealth had vanished as mysteriously as the last unicorn.
Historians presented analogies, politicians expressed hopes, economists
recommended policies, moralists passed judgment. Nobody was 

[CTRL] $1 Billion for Conservative Ideas: think-tanks

1999-06-14 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message 
  Citation: The Nation April 26 1999, v.268, 15, 21(1)
Author:  Callahan, David
 Title: $1 Billion for Conservative Ideas.(growth of power,
   influence and funding of conservative think-tank
   organizations) by David Callahan

COPYRIGHT 1999 The Nation Company Inc.
  Last year the Heritage Foundation celebrated its twenty-fifth anniversary.
For a progressive think tank, a birthday such as this might have been the
occasion for a fancy banquet and perhaps a modest fundraising drive. For
Heritage, it was an excuse to mount a massive "Leadership for America
Campaign" designed to raise $85 million. This effort yielded more than $40
million in 1998, and Heritage expects easily to bring in the full amount
before the end of 1999.
  Heritage's success at filling its coffers is dramatic testament to the
growing financial resources available to conservative think tanks in the
nineties. These institutions have long been familiar players on the political
scene. But in recent years, following the Republican takeover of Congress, the
scope of their operations has grown dramatically. This decade has proven to be
a boom time like no other.
  A recent report that I wrote for the National Committee for Responsive
Philanthropy estimates that spending by the top twenty conservative think
tanks will likely top $1 billion in the nineties. In 1996 alone, these
organizations spent $158 million to develop and disseminate policy ideas-an
amount comparable to what the GOP raised in soft-money political donations
that year. The $158 million represents a significant increase from 1992, with
many organizations more than doubling their budgets over that period. Partial
data from 1997 and 1998 suggest that the budgets of conservative think tanks
are continuing to grow rapidly.
  Much of this money comes from corporations and wealthy businessmen, with
conservative think tanks increasingly acting as magnets for special-interest
money. More than ever, private-sector leaders see the dividends that come from
tax-deductible donations to nonprofit policy groups. These groups put a
highbrow spin on the self-interested arguments of corporate America. In
effect, gifts to right-wing think tanks have become another form of political
campaign donation by those anxious to roll back government regulations, cut
corporate taxes and loosen labor laws. Notable examples of this trend in the
nineties include the several million dollars that Wall Street firms have given
to the Cato Institute and other supporters of Social Security privatization;
large donations from telecommunications companies to Citizens for a Sound
Economy and like-minded antiregulatory groups that worked hard for passage of
the 1996 Telecommunications Act; and the millions that Koch Industries, an
energy conglomerate, has given to think tanks working to water down federal
environmental laws. This swelling river of private money has allowed the
network of conservative think tanks to grow and has enhanced the
sophistication of their operations. A number of developments in recent years
stand out:
  The nineties have seen more than half a dozen new conservative think tanks
rise to positions of visibility. These newcomers include such aggressively
ideological outfits as the National Center for Policy Analysis, the Reason
Foundation and the Competitive Enterprise Institute. Many of these new
organizations have doubled or even quadrupled their budgets since 1990. For
example, the far-right NCPA's budget grew from $1.7 million in 1992 to $4.3
million in 1997, making it a major player in the think-tank world. CEI grew
from $500,000 in 1990 to $2.5 million in 1996. On issues such as deregulation,
Social Security privatization and school vouchers, the smaller think tanks
have played an important role in echoing arguments made by the larger
institutions and adding a wider array of conservative voices to the national
  Conservative policy groups have become ever more sophisticated at waging
high-intensity battles over extended periods of time, better coordinating
their activities with lobbyists in the private sector, political operatives in
Washington, DC, and the states, and activists at the grassroots. Major policy
battles in the nineties over telecommunications and healthcare have taught
these institutions important lessons and helped them to refine their advocacy
operations. Many operate as extraparty organizations, adopting the tactics of
the permanent political campaign by incorporating a fundraising arm, a
lobbying arm, a policy analysis and development arm, a public relations arm
and a grassroots mobilization or constituency development arm. All these
tactics have recently been on display in efforts by conservative policy groups
to torpedo the Kyoto Protocol on global warming signed in 1997. Bankrolled by

[CTRL] The Age of Trespass

1999-06-14 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message 
  Citation: The American Prospect Jan 1999, 6(1)
 Title: The Age of Trespass. by ROBERT KUTTNER

COPYRIGHT 1999 The American Prospect, Inc.
  [T]he system of private property is the most important guaranty of freedom,
not only for those who own property, but scarcely less for those who do not.
  F. A. HAYEK, The Road to Serfdom, 1944
  [A] government big enough to give you everything you want is a government
big enough to take everything you have.
  Conservatives today seem awfully confused about what threatens, or
safeguards, personal freedom. Earlier in this century, principled
conservatives worried that collectivism embraced in the name of social justice
would erode individual liberty. Hayek, writing during World War II, believed
that the "democratic planning" then in vogue in Britain and the United States
was a slippery slope to totalitarianism. He had Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia
as vivid cautionary examples for naive or fellow-traveling collectivists in
the British Fabian movement and the American New Deal.
  Has history proven Hayek right? Not really. Soviet planning certainly
collapsed of its own weight, but an excess of economic inter4ention has never
been a road to serfdom for a stable democracy. The warnings of the right
notwithstanding, history records no case of a welfare state sliding into
dictatorship on an overload of taxation or even public ownership. On the
contrary, totalitarianism arose in nations that were fragile democracies to
begin with, often triggered by the economic unease of ordinary people. Hayek
won his celebrated economic debate with the Polish socialist Oskar Lange over
whether central planners could ever set prices efficiently. But in the
notional political debate between Hayek and Karl Polanyi (whose masterwork,
The Great Transformation, also appeared in 1944) about whether democracy and
liberty are menaced more by state economic intervention or by market
insecurity, Polanyi wins hands down.
  Except for genuine libertarians (who are only a splinter of modern
conservatism) and lunatic-fringe private militias (who are paranoid about
government black helicopters), the contemporary right is shockingly indulgent
of the other potential source of tyranny--the state's police power. As Anthony
Lewis and Wendy Kaminer suggest in their articles in this issue, government's
ineluctable expansion of police powers in this decade is surely the greater
threat to personal freedom. But the right is so busy defending liberties
against such menaces as Social Security, Medicare, and public education that
it seems not to mind a quantum expansion in official eavesdropping, summary
searches and seizures, clandestine activities in the name of national
security, rough justice for the sake of fighting crime, or the private
appropriation of what is necessarily public.
  Oddly, too, the American right seems oblivious to the assault on liberty and
privacy by private property itself. Americans are increasingly uneasy about
the dissemination of supposedly confidential data collected for a supposedly
narrow purpose. Information collected in a medical examination for life
insurance can go into a data bank and be used for everything from marketing of
products to denial of health insurance. Investigative reporters have
demonstrated how easy it is to crack the databases maintained by consumer
credit companies. Despite government's obvious capacity to snoop, governmental
non-police agencies such as the Social Security Administration, the Health
Care Financing Agency, the Census Bureau, and even the hated IRS have done a
rather better job than private data banks of maintaining good boundaries and
protecting citizen privacy.
  Since, in the Hayekian world, private property is by definition the guardian
of liberty, the right does not know how to think about these abuses. They
occur in the "wrong" ideological pigeonhole. Redress of private-sector
assaults on privacy, moreover, entails public regulation, which (again by
definition) is held to be the greater constraint on liberty. Denying a willing
buyer the right to purchase someone's medical records, or a telemarketer the
right to invade your home during dinner, is seen as a crime against private
enterprise. Even the Cato Institute, as close to principled-libertarian as the
American right gets, considers the commercial right to buy and sell data a
sacrosanct freedom. The right's solicitude for property rights trumps what
should be a more fundamental concern--with personal privacy and liberty.
  As I write, the European Union has just put into effect a legal regime that
sharply constrains U.S.-style commerce in personal data. The European approach
virtually prohibits companies from trafficking in data beyond the purposes for
which it was collected. Europe has long had 

[CTRL] Toni Morrison on American fascism

1999-06-14 Thread William Hugh Tunstall

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
  Citation: The Nation May 29 1995, v260, n21, p760(1)
Author:  Morrison, Toni
 Title: Racism and fascism.(excerpt from a March 2, 1995, speech
   at  Howard University) by Toni Morrison

COPYRIGHT The Nation Company Inc. 1995
  What follows is an excerpt of a speech Toni Morrison delivered at Howard
University on March 2. Much of the address is concerned with a celebration of
the historic role her alma mater has played in the long battle against
segregation. But in the middle of the speech Morrison abruptly turns to a
consideration of the contemporary face and lineaments of racism and its role
in the construction of a new brand of fascism in this country.
- The Editors
  Let us be reminded that before there is a final solution, there must be a
first solution, a second one, even a third. The move toward a final solution
is not a jump. It takes one step, then another, then another. Something,
perhaps, like this: 1. Construct an internal enemy, as both focus and
diversion. 2. Isolate and demonize that enemy by unleashing and protecting the
utterance of overt and coded name-calling and verbal abuse. Employ ad hominem
attacks as legitimate charges against that enemy. 3. Enlist and create sources
and distributors of information who are willing to reinforce the demonizing
process because it is profitable, because it grants power and because it
works. 4. Palisade all art forms; monitor, discredit or expel those that
challenge or destabilize processes of demonization and deification. 5. Subvert
and malign all representatives of and sympathizers with this constructed
enemy. 6. Solicit, from among the enemy, collaborators who agree with and can
sanitize the dispossession process. 7. Pathologize the enemy in scholarly and
popular mediums; recycle, for example, scientific racism and the myths of
racial superiority in order to naturalize the pathology. 8. Criminalize the
enemy. Then prepare, budget for and rationalize the building of holding arenas
for the enemy - especially its males and absolutely its children. 9. Reward
mindlessness and apathy with monumentalized entertaimnents and with little
pleasures, tiny seductions: a few minutes on television, a few lines in the
press; a little pseudosuccess; the illusion of power and influence; a little
fun, a little style, a little consequence. 10. Maintain, at all costs,
  In 1995 racism may wear a new dress, buy a new pair of boots, but neither it
nor its succubus twin fascism is new or can make anything new. It can only
reproduce the environment that supports its own health: fear, denial and an
atmosphere in which its victims have lost the will to fight.
  The forces interested in fascist solutions to national problems are not to
be found in one political party or another, or in one or another wing of any
single political party. Democrats have no unsullied history of egalitarianism.
Nor are liberals free of domination agendas. Republicans have housed
abolitionists and white supremacists. Conservative, moderate, liberal; right,
left, hard left, far right; religious, secular, socialist - we must not be
blindsided by these Pepsi-Cola, Coca-Cola labels because the genius of fascism
is that any political structure can host the virus and virtually any developed
country can become A suitable home. Fascism talks ideology, but it is really
just marketing - marketing for power.
  It is recognizable by its need to purge, by the strategies it uses to purge
and by its terror of truly democratic agendas. It is recognizable by its
determination to convert all public services to private entrepreneurship; all
nonprofit organizations to profit-making ones - so that the narrow but
protective chasm between governance and business disappears. It changes
citizens into taxpayers - so individuals become angry at even the notion of
the public good. It changes neighbors into consumers - so the measure of our
value as humans is not our humanity or our compassion or our generosity but
what we own. It changes parenting into panicking - so that we vote against the
interests of our own children; against their health care, their education,
their safety from weapons. And in effecting these changes it produces the
perfect capitalist, one who is willing to kill a human being for a product - a
pair of sneakers, a jacket, a car - or kill generations for control of
products - oil, drugs, fruit, gold.
  When our fears have all been serialized, our creativity censured, our ideas
"marketplaced," our rights sold, our intelligence sloganized, our strength
downsized, our privacy auctioned; when the theatricality, the entertainment
value, the marketing of life is complete, we will find ourselves living not in
a nation but in a consortium of industries, and wholly unintelligible to
ourselves except for what we see as through a screen darkly.

[CTRL] Russians in Kosovo: Obeying Orders To Obstruct (fwd)

1999-06-14 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

RUSSIAN TROOPS: Obeying orders to obstruct

By Guy Dinmore at Pristina airport, Kosovo.
Financial Times of London

Captain Nikolai of the Russian brigade that
sped through Serbia to beat Nato to Kosovo
stood his ground with a smile.

His armoured personnel carrier blocked the
approach road to the main airport just outside
the capital, Pristina, holding up a vast column of
British and Canadian vehicles and hundreds of
Nato troops anxious to set up their command

"Mines," he said. "We are not letting you in for
your own safety." Then he reversed his vehicle
to allow busloads of fleeing Serbs and gypsies
to pass along the same road to join an exodus
of refugees fleeing north.

For Nato, it was humiliating. "A disaster," said a
British colonel. Just over 100 of his
paratroopers had managed to get into the
airbase on Saturday, some by helicopter, but
without their armoured vehicles. They found the
Russians already there. Others, coming by
road, were cut off by Yugoslav troops clearly
acting in concert with the Russians.

That night, it poured with rain. Yugoslav tanks
circled them, the Russian vehicles went through
their ranks. Behind the smiles, Nato officers
believed it was the most serious eyeball to
eyeball stand-off between Russian and allied
forces since the Russians cut off Berlin 50
years ago.

Yesterday afternoon, after hours of fruitless talks
between a Russian general and a British
brigadier, Captain Edward Melott of the Irish
Guards turned his Warrior fighting vehicle
around and pulled back in a cloud of dust. "We'll
chill it out," he said.

Captain Martin Gorwyn of the Royal Artillery
said: "It takes political will to resolve this one.
I'm not going to bully my way through."

Yugoslav troops, with their own armour, relished
the scene. For them, it was one, perhaps the
last, chance to get back at Nato after enduring
11 weeks of intensive air strikes. For the
Russians, it was a serious business - a strong
bargaining chip to back their demands to
control their own sector in Kosovo like the
British, French, German, Italian and US troops.

On Saturday night, what was supposed to be a
celebratory address turned into farce as the
Nato commander, Gen Sir Mike Jackson, flew
in by helicopter to the Russian-controlled base.
"It's a very good time to be here," he said to
looks of disbelief. "I would like to welcome the
Russian contingent."

Out on the road, Captain Nikolai shrugged. "I'm
just a soldier obeying orders," he said.

   Kaddish, Kaddish, Kaddish, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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[CTRL] Jerusalem Syndrome

1999-06-14 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

 Doesn't take much to unhinge a "fundy jeezoid" (thanks, Ric!).

2000 May Fuel Jerusalem Syndrome

.c The Associated Press

JERUSALEM (AP) - Jerusalem Syndrome strikes with little warning: After a few
days in the holy city, seemingly normal pilgrims imagine they are biblical
figures, sing psalms at the top of their lungs, preach to passers-by or dress
up in hotel bedsheets.

Jerusalem clergymen and officials came together Monday to discuss ways to
spot and deal with the mental illness, which one psychiatrist says may strike
as many as one in 100 pilgrims and disrupt Jesus' 2000th birthday

About 4 million Christian pilgrims are expected to visit Israel and the
Palestinian areas in 2000.

``There are feelings (in Israel) that this could turn a national celebration
into a national nightmare,'' said Clarence Wagner, director of Bridges for
Peace, a group that advocates close ties between Christian groups and Israel
and sponsored Monday's discussion.

Trying to allay such concerns, Monsignor Richard Mathes, the Vatican's
cultural attache in Israel, said that in 20 years in Israel, he had only seen
two Catholics suffering from the syndrome.

Protestants are more vulnerable, apparently because their beliefs are less
structured than those of the Catholics, Mathes said.

The Jerusalem mental health commissioner, Dr. Yair Barel, who first diagnosed
Jerusalem Syndrome, predicted about 40,000 millennium pilgrims might suffer
from religious delusions.

Of those, some 600 to 800 pilgrims may need to be hospitalized and some may
become dangerous, Barel said.

``The danger exists that someone will try to do something very violent,''
Barel said. ``But the appropriate authorities are thinking about this and
dealing with it.''

Israeli authorities had a taste of religious extremism fueled by millennial
fervor when a Denver-based cult, the Concerned Christians, moved to Israel
several months ago.

Police kept the group under surveillance, suspecting its members were
plotting to carry out violent acts near holy sites to hasten an apocalypse
and the Second Coming of Christ.

Cult members, who have denied wrongdoing, were eventually detained and
deported to the United States, but have pledged to return.

One of Barel's recent patients, a Cincinnati school teacher, began showing
symptoms after visiting the Church of the Holy Sepulcher where tradition says
Jesus was buried and resurrected.

Two days after arriving in the city, the teacher began washing himself and
shampooing his hair in a desperate frenzy to make himself pure. He fashioned
his hotel sheets into white clothing and began shouting psalms.

The man recovered after a few tranquilizers and calls home, Barel said.

In Jerusalem's City Hall, officials deal with Jerusalem Syndrome as seriously
as they do with traffic jams and overcrowded holy sites.

``We are very aware that some people may take (violent) actions,'' said
Michael Wiel, a consultant working with the municipality. He would not
provide details.

Mathes said that a visit by Pope John Paul II, which Israeli officials say is
set for March, could bring more religious fanatics to Israel.

``We fear radical groups may use this visit to do something,'' Mathes said.

However, he said he believed the Israeli authorities are well prepared and
will be able to prevent any violence at holy sites.

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[CTRL] EU Moves to the Right

1999-06-14 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Christian Democrats Win in Europe

.c The Associated Press

BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) - For the first time in 20 years, the Christian
Democrats have moved ahead of Socialists in the European Parliament, marking
a swing away from left-wing governments in most European Union nations.

Final results of parliamentary elections released today gave the Christian
Democrats 224 seats in the 626-member assembly, and the Socialists 180 seats.
The Liberals, the third largest group, got 44 seats.

Some smaller groups made significant progress, including the Greens, who
gained nine seats for a total of 36, moving from sixth to fourth place. The
Union for Europe, comprised mainly of French Gaullists, fell from fourth to
fifth place with 34 seats, a loss of 18.

In the outgoing assembly, the Socialists held 214 seats, the Christian
Democrats had 201 and the Liberals had 42.

The seat division may still change depending on whether smaller groups join
one of the two main factions, but the Christian Democrats are expected to
remain the biggest force.

Although the elections are for candidates that will not sit in national
legislatures, they are a barometer of how their political parties fare at

The EU-wide polls reflected a general swing to the right, as people who did
cast ballots tended to vote for the opposition.

Eleven of the 15 EU countries have left-wing governments.

In Britain, support for Prime Minister Tony Blair's Labor party slumped. The
opposition Conservatives overtook Labor to become the party with the largest
number of British seats in the European Parliament.

The Conservatives took about 38 percent of the British vote, while Blair's
party took 28 percent.

In France, the Socialist Party of Prime Minister Lionel Jospin got the most
votes, with 22 percent - the party's first such lead since European elections
began in 1979.

The conservative right of President Jacques Chirac was a big loser, lagging
behind a new anti-European movement, Rally for France, headed by former
interior minister, Charles Pasqua.

Pasqua's party got nearly 14 percent, while Chirac's Rally for the Republic
got 13 percent.

The extreme-right National Front of Jean-Marie Le Pen polled 6 percent. His
former top lieutenant, Bruno Megret, got 4 percent.

Germany's opposition Christian Democrats won nearly 49 percent, against 31
percent for Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's Social Democrats. Their Green
coalition partners slipped to nearly 7 percent of the vote, down from 10
percent in 1994.

In Spain, one of a minority of EU nations where the government is
conservative, the Popular party of Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar looked set
to win 26 of the country's 64 seats in the EU assembly, against 25 for the
opposition Socialists.

Turnout was generally low, another indication that many Europeans are
indifferent toward the EU assembly.

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Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] Satanist in the Army]

1999-06-14 Thread Mike Kathy Moxley

 -Caveat Lector-

At 10:02 AM 6/14/99 -0700, you wrote:
Ah, you'll only confuse the fundy jeezoids, who'll ignore you anyway.

The basis of any self-proclaimed monotheism [even a trinitarian one]
is that 1) MY God is the ONLY real God, thus 2) YOUR god is a false
god ie Satan, thus 3) whatever YOU believe is evil and must be zapped.

Hey, *is* there a difference between good and evil?  And does anyone
here plan to watch the upcoming GE [Good  Evil] series on the USA
TV network?  Or are there better ways to waste time, like sex  drugs?

BTW the US Army's acceptance of Wicca show that either a) the military
is still at the forefront of social change, b) Satanists have captured
the Pentagon, c) it's possible to join the Army and have fun without
killing people, d) Wiccans are more acceptable militarily than GLBTs
[gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgendered persons], e) fundy jeezoids don't
have enough minutiae to fret about, f) all or none of the above.

BIGOTRY and ignorance at it's best.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] The Patriot Resource Center:
**Live Free or Die!**

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] UKs imminent slaughter ??

1999-06-14 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

Just a LITTLE paranoid there
The catholic church is mega-wealthy, let 'em build a new soup kitchen...


yeah, maybe you're right


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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] 666 ? the Mark of the Beast or just another wrong numb er?

1999-06-14 Thread Mike Kathy Moxley

 -Caveat Lector-

Throughout Christian history, no prophecy of Christ's return in majesty is
complete without the presence of a Satanic figure, an Antichrist, waiting to
be vanquished. For centuries scholars have examined the allegorical book of
St John the Divine, written 1,900 years ago following an apocalyptic
revelation which came to St John when he was living on the island of Patmos.

He was shown the war to end all wars at Armageddon. He saw the awesome
serpent of evil, the Beast, the Devil himself; he was warned against the
dreaded mark of the Beast and was told about the abominable forces of

The Beast is not an individual, it is a political/military/economic system.
 The Anti-Christ rises up and takes control of the Beast with the help of
the False Prophet, who leads a world-wide pagan/apostatic Christian
religious system.
The Anti-Christ will be possessed by Satan himself, who's goal has always
been to "be like the Most High" and to be worshipped by all.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] The Patriot Resource Center:
**Live Free or Die!**

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] OEN 6/14/99

1999-06-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe/A
Today's Lesson From Money Mischief
by Milton Friedman
By joining the movement to gold, the United States added to the upward
pressure on the gold-silver price ratio, both by absorbing gold that would
have otherwise have been available for monetary use in the rest of the world
and by failing to absorb silver. The effects were far from trivial. In
preparation for resumption, the U.S. Treasury began accumulating gold; by
1879 the stock of monetary gold in the United States, both in the Treasury
and in private hands, already amounted to nearly 7 percent of the world's
stock. By 1889 the U.S. share had rised to nearly 20 percent. Even more
dramatically, the increase from 1879 to 1889 in the U.S. stock of monetary
gold exceeded the increase in the world's stock. The monetary gold holdings
of the rest of the world declined from 1879 to 1883; then they rose, but did
not surpass the earlier level until 1890.


Gold Market
G-7 to Sell Gold to Aid Third-World Dictators
10 million ounces
FRANKFURT - Finance ministers of the seven richest economies agreed over the
weekend to aid 36 of the world's poorest nations with a plan to ease their
crushing debt burdens.
If approved this week at a summit meeting of the Group of Seven industrial
nations in Cologne, the proposal would for the first time finance some of the
debt relief by selling about one-tenth of the gold stockpiles of the
International Monetary Fund.

Although the amount of gold to be sold is relatively small, the sale seems
certain to further depress world gold prices, which have slid to their lowest
level in two decades on government plans to unload the precious metal on
world markets. Gold for immediate delivery, which closed Friday in London
trading at $260.65 an ounce, was quoted Wednesday at $259.25 an ounce - its
lowest level since May 1979.

The use of existing gold reserves to aid impoverished nations reflects a
major policy shift by Germany's eight-month-old center-left government, which
announced over the weekend that it was prepared to reverse Bonn's
long-standing aversion to tapping the IMF's gold supply.

''There will be a very limited volume of gold sales, about 10 million
ounces,'' said Finance Minister Hans Eichel, chairman of a meeting of G-7
finance ministers in Frankfurt on Saturday.

Led by resistance from the Bundesbank, the German central bank, Bonn until
recently was the most vocal opponent of using gold to forgive Third World
debts, even as the other members of the group - which also includes Britain,
Canada, France, Italy, Japan and the United States - gradually lined up
behind the proposal.

''Germany will not object if the others want it,'' Mr. Eichel said. Germany
signed on after international aid agencies campaigned against the ''debt
trap,'' which they described as a crippling burden for the developing world.

Currently, 41 of the world's poorest nations collectively owe $220 billion, a
sum so staggering for them that social critics and aid agencies say
debt-service obligations trap these nations, many of them in Africa, in
poverty and preventable disease. Despite debt rescheduling in the past, some
still spend more than half their national budgets on debt payments.

The new outline, to be presented to G-7 heads of state when they gather
Friday for a three-day meeting, will be more generous than the existing
Heavily Indebted Poor Country initiative mounted in 1996, finance ministers

According to the British chancellor of the exchequer, Gordon Brown, who has
championed Third World debt cancellation, 36 destitute nations will be
eligible for debt relief, up from 29 under that existing program. The Cologne
program foresees as much as $70 billion in debt forgiveness, which by some
measures is more than twice the volume of the current plan, Mr. Brown said.

The new initiative reduces the current six-year qualification period that
poor nations must bear before receiving debt relief, Mr. Brown said, although
the ministers declined to give details of the new time frame.

It also offers a more flexible definition of ''sustainable'' levels of debt
payments by poor nations, allowing a greater number to qualify. Under the
current program, only Uganda and Bolivia are theoretically eligible for a
debt reduction.

Despite the measures, the Cologne declaration is thought unlikely to silence
critics of policies toward Third World debt. ''This agreement is probably
still going to leave countries spending up to a fifth of their government
revenue on debt servicing,'' said Kevin Watkins, a spokesman for Oxfam, an
aid agency.

Acknowledging the ''many competing considerations,'' the U.S. Treasury
secretary, Robert Rubin said the G-7 had struck ''an appropriate balance''
between poverty reduction and economic reform.

With its 103 


1999-06-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-


Geeks Speak: Don't Freak
While others are panicking about Y2K, many tech-heads remain unfazed.
By Declan McCullagh

Thomas Edwards isn't worried about Y2K. Why should he be? The Sync, a Laurel,
Md.-based Internet broadcasting company he founded, likely won't notice the
date change. The Sync's array of FreeBSD Unix servers will survive New Year's
Eve with no problems, Edwards predicts.

"I don't think it's a major problem. You should just back up everything," he
says. The video encoding software The Sync uses to post daily cybercast
shows, including one featuring JenniCam's popular blonde host, also should be
fine. "It doesn't care what time it is," Edwards says, nonchalantly.

Y2K will be the last thing on the minds of most engineers on New Year's Eve.
The 29-year-old entrepreneur who is about to begin his second round of
venture capital financing, is not planning personal Y2K preparations either.
You won't see him stockpiling food, water, or gold coins. Edwards also is not
fretting about power failures or other infrastructure disruptions.
"Personally, I'm pretty much ignoring it. I don't think this is all going to
be that bad," he says.

The vast majority of engineers and programmers around the world feel the same
way, according to a March 1999 survey conducted by Addison Whitney and
sponsored by Attachmate. The study showed that computer professionals are far
more likely to shrug off Y2K than their non-geek brethren. Only 13 percent of
the 1,100 high-tech workers polled said they were planning to stockpile food
and water, and 29 percent said they might take out extra cash from the bank.

"The closer people are to the problem, the more they realize it's not a
disease that spreads from system to system. It's not as pervasive as they
thought," says Attachmate spokesperson Serge Timacheff. If anything, Y2K will
be the last thing on the minds of most engineers on New Year's Eve. Only 12
percent of respondents said they were worried about mainframe crashes, while
62 percent plan to party as the millennium turns. Just one-fifth of IT
managers say they believe that computers and equipment will fail.

The general public, on the other hand, is plenty worried. A December 1998
Time/CNN poll found that 47 percent of Americans might "take extra cash out
of [their] bank account" and 33 percent were considering loading up on food
and water. Six of 10 Americans said they were somewhat or very concerned
about Y2K. A more recent poll by USA Today and the National Science
Foundation came up with similar results.

Stockpiling fear
Why are engineers less worried about Y2K than everyone else? The most likely
reason is the public's uncertainty about technology. If you don't understand
much about how computers work, you are more likely to fall prey to dire
predictions of doom-and-gloom.

Millennial tub-thumpers have been quick to profit from society's worst
nightmares. Fundamentalist Gary North has made a living for years predicting
modern society will end in panic and ruin (see "Propheteering," March '99,

Not helping matters is overreaction by tech-clueless officials.
One Maine legislator has proposed spending $50 million to create a mammoth 13
million cubic foot pile of rice and beans that would feed every state
resident for three months. If dumped on a football field, the pile of rice
and beans would rise 36 stories and weigh 124,000 tons. The National Guard
commander says he has no armory space to store it.

Why are engineers less worried about Y2K than everyone else? The most likely
reason is the public's uncertainty about technology.

Fortunately, the public's worst fears appear to be subsiding, at least for a
while. Six months ago, Steve Portela, general manager of Idaho-based Walton
Feed, was swamped by a flood of Y2K orders that he could not handle. "All in
all, I don't have a real pleasant experience with people yelling at me when I
come to work in the morning," Portela said last November. But now, he says,
orders have dwindled.

Might the reduced fears be just the calm before a storm of jittery, credit
card-maxing shoppers descend on the local camping supply store? The U.S.
government has long worried about Americans emptying their bank accounts as
New Year's Eve approaches. Even gun and ammunition supply companies predict a
sharp upswing in demand in late 1999. "What we're trying to do is gear up for
the second six months of the year," says Kristi Hoffman, a manager at Black
Hills Ammunition in Rapid City, S.D.

Other tech entrepreneurs say it's prudent to be prepared. After Montreal
suffered through a debilitating ice storm last year that resulted in a
two-week power outage, Austin Hill vowed his company would be ready for any
future catastrophe. As president of Zero-Knowledge Systems, which sells tools
to protect privacy online (see "Cookie Monsters," p16), Hill asked his human
resources department 

Re: [CTRL] 666 ? the Mark of the Beast or just another wrong numb er?

1999-06-14 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

The Beast is not an individual, it is a political/military/economic system.
 The Anti-Christ rises up and takes control of the Beast with the help of
the False Prophet, who leads a world-wide pagan/apostatic Christian
religious system.
The Anti-Christ will be possessed by Satan himself, who's goal has always
been to "be like the Most High" and to be worshipped by all.

well thats Tony Blair then ... his ears and eyes have changed shape since
the general election a last year - his pre-election photos show him having
normal shaped eyes: after the election, he is seen with his right eye
substantially more open and rounded.
His ears stick out more now for some reason.
Before the election Tory posters portrayed Blair as a demon with red eyes
and I know that some CIA field operative [but this is another story :)]
decribed the UK as being 666 egyptian royal miles in length.

Andrew Hennessey

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Witch Hunt: a True Story

1999-06-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Laissez Faire City Times
June 14, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 24
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola
Witch Hunt: a True Story
a book review by Lauren Bain
Kathryn Lyon left her comfortable life as a Tacoma, Washington public
defender to observe the proceedings of the now-notorious Wenatchee sex-ring
prosecutions. In her ten years with the Pierce County Public Defender's
Office, she had earned the accolade of sexual abuse expert from her

Gradually, strange news, sparse but horrific, dribbled in from sunny
Wenatchee. Scores of dull-witted people were raping their children on church
altars. . .a pastor who ran the food bank was the ring leader. . .good God,
they were doing it in sunglasses. . . .

"Check it out, Kathy," her boss suggested. And Lyon left her husband and son
at home to take up residence on the other side of the Cascade Mountains in a
shoe-box apartment overlooking a quiet street and a sagey hill.

Lyon enjoyed the quiet, Spartan life of a writer abroad—Wenatchee might as
well have been Tangier. She also enjoyed a modicum of trust, like an
anthropologist of the participant-observer school. Lyon did not participate
in the defense of the 43 people accused of bizarre sexual acts with some 100
children. She studied court records, interviewed witnesses, and maintained a
low profile--for a while.

As her observations quickly turned to criticism of police and social service
agency motives and methods, Lyon found her own safety and liberty in
jeopardy. Her activism became a beacon for outside media, including Dorothy
Rabinowitz of The Wall Street Journal. Nonplussed by the abuses they
encountered, reporters dug in to probe the worst prosecutorial atrocities
committed in the name of children's safety since California's 18-month-long
McMartin trials.

Witch Hunt chronicles the arrests of 43 defendants on more than 30,000
graphic counts of sexual molestation of more than 100 children. Lyon
methodically sequences the events, arrests, trials, and aftermath of the
entire four-year Wenatchee sex-ring scandal. Her eloquent writing balances a
light-handed rationality with the profound outrage her material warrants. Her
background information appropriately draws on the Salem witch trials of 1692.

Twenty Salem women were executed as witches in 1692. These women were
convicted on the basis of "spectral evidence", the testimony of wide-eyed
young girls in trances who "described frightening visions of specters who
pinched, bit, pricked, or threatened them." These convictions pre-dated the
Bill of Rights—and constitutional safeguards, one would reason, should
preclude a recurrence of such appalling injustice.

But spectral evidence remains dearer than liberty to the harpies of
children's safety. Modern therapeutic techniques, most notably repressed
memory evidence, revive the spirit of old Salem Town. Today's spectral
evidence can be deployed against virtually anyone in the name of children's
safety. Such evidence includes "repressed memories" and coerced confessions
from suggestible children and vulnerable adults. The adjunct theory,
predictably, is that all skeptics are child abusers.

Three hundred years after the Salem trials, the Wenatchee sex-ring
prosecutions began in 1992, with the arrest of mentally disabled parents
Harold and Idella Everett. Their daughter, Ann, became the foster daughter of
the Wenatchee police department's sex-ring investigator, Detective Robert
Perez. The obvious conflict of interest inherent in Detective Perez's foster
daughter being one of the state's chief witnesses daunted only a few
naysayers in Wenatchee social service circles; those were threatened with

Saving the Children

Fueled by panic and prejudice, the investigations billowed, ultimately
resulting in more than 40 arrests involving over 30,000 incidents of sexual
abuse, the displacement of more than 100 children from their homes,
mind-altering drugs and memory therapy inflicted on those children, and more
than 20 convictions brought about by Alford pleas (in which the defendant
does not admit guilt but concedes that the State has sufficient evidence to
obtain a conviction; the plea approximates a nolo contendere) and forced
confessions. "Forced" here means: "If you sign this, you'll get a light
sentence or even get to go home. If you don't sign this, you will never see
your children again." Of the more than 30 individuals incarcerated, several
were of subnormal intelligence, and many received sentences exceeding 40
years. Detective Perez perfected his local-hero strut.

In 1697, Salem declared a Day of Fast and Repentance to express contrition
for the execution of its innocent women. In 1997, Lyon and several freed and
acquitted defendants from the Wenatchee Witch Hunt attended the 300th
anniversary of the Day of Fast and Repentance in Salem. Arthur Miller, author
of The Crucible and 

[CTRL] Save the Whales?

1999-06-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Laissez Faire City Times
June 14, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 24
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola
Save the Whales?
by Peter Topolewski
In May the Makah Indians of Washington State finally killed the gray whale
they’d been after. Actually, it was the first gray whale they had a shot at.
But this was no Ahab versus Moby Dick. They isolated a three-year old gray
whale (that’s a young one) from its pod, harpooned it, shot it with a
.50-calibre rifle, floated it with compressed air, and towed it ashore with a
diesel boat.

A whale was dead, the Makah cheered, a butcher was flown in, and the world

The world cried because all whales live in a fragile and threatened
environment, and their numbers are, if not falling, always on the verge of
doing so. The world cried because, although the US government sanctioned the
hunt under the justification that the Makah never surrendered their right to
hunt, international conservation laws that forbid such hunts should logically
apply to the Makah also. The Makah’s blatant contravention of those laws set
a precedent welcomed in Japan and Norway, where whalers are eager to resume
their commercial enterprise despite the danger, perhaps likelihood, of
extinction for many varieties of whale.

Those were the technical reasons for opposing the Makah hunt. The outcries of
disbelief and outrage that preceded and followed the hunt reverberated with a
much different tone, however. It seemed that most who opposed the hunt – and
if media coverage provides any hints that would include everybody except the
Makah – expressed their opposition by attacking the Makah’s motives.

The Makah proposition that they needed to hunt a whale for sustenance did not
hold much water, seeing as how they’ve survived about 70 years without whale
meat. Critics attacked the Makah’s spiritual reasons for hunting by calling
the entire practice savage or crude or archaic. Most especially, the idea
that the Makah were resurrecting a very meaningful and traditional cultural
practice was promptly dismissed with sarcastic remarks like, "Yeah, those
motor boats and rifles are really traditional."

Indians vs. Environmentalists

Amidst the public relations war waged since the hunt, one of the lamest tales
emerges from certain (but certainly not all) quarters of the environmental
movement. In the press and before the cameras they are acting like they’ve
just awoken from a dream to find that their ideological brethren – the
Indians – have betrayed them. They say they were naive and "collectively
innocent", and now are shocked to learn that some Indian bands have all along
been cutting backroom deals to begin commercial whaling projects. In British
Columbia, not far from the Makah hunting waters, some environmentalists feel
so duped they have even said that BC coastal Indians currently in treaty
negotiations don’t deserve their sovereignty if they include whaling rights
in their treaty demands.

This is all so much whining, and no one should buy it for a moment. To
implement their political agenda, environmentalists long ago allied
themselves with Indians, especially because Indians do have historic
spiritual, religious, and practical ties to the land, the sea, and the
creatures that roam them – ties unlike any that urban man would fathom. The
environmentalist movement has both taken advantage of, and helped propagate,
the depth of this relationship between Indians and their environment. If
environmentalists did not invent the term "First Nations" to describe
Canada’s Indians, they were among the first and the most enthusiastic people
to use it. Yet, in light of the Makah whale hunt, many of these same people
are now making rather horrid generalizations that the Indians pulled the wool
over their eyes.

As coincidence would have it, a few years ago I spent nine months in Terrace,
BC, the nearest town to the site of the province’s first modern treaty with
an Indian band. My experience there erased any illusion that race dictates
how one treats nature. I saw evidence in abundance that Indians in that area
routinely made a mockery of their claims to "a special respect for wildlife"
or "hunting strictly for sustenance". Indian fishing nets stretched across a
river to catch salmon (and anything else swimming by) were often left
submerged for weeks on end while the captured salmon rotted by the hundreds.

Similarly, I found it frighteningly common to drive down logging roads marked
on their edges with moose carcasses untouched but for their missing dewlap –
a body part with spiritual value to some Indians. Only Indians are allowed to
stretch nets across rivers, and only Indians can hunt without licenses, but
locals merely shrugged off both the abuse of these privileges and the sheer
waste as a rather everyday occurrence. And so too did the environmentalists
who, if the offense did not involve a whale 

[CTRL] How the Constitution Aids Federal Power-Grabbers

1999-06-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Laissez Faire City Times
June 14, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 24
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola
How the Constitution Aids Federal Power-Grabbers
The Hologram of Liberty
a book review by Sunni Maravillosa
At age five or so, I discovered that Santa Claus is a myth. Having been
suspicious of the story for some time, that discovery did not shock me nearly
as much as the realization that my parents—whom I’d completely trusted up
until then—had lied to me. Thus began my tendency to be skeptical of nearly
everything, and everybody. My skepticism has been lulled in certain areas by
my public school indoctrination, most notably American history. Kenneth
Royce’s book Hologram of Liberty has permanently changed that.
Royce is better known as Boston T. Party, author of several libertarian
books, including Bulletproof Privacy and Boston on Guns and Courage. In
Hologram of Liberty, he examines the historical record surrounding the
Constitutional Convention as well as the Constitution itself, and concludes
that the primary reason for our current non-free condition is the
Constitution itself—it was not intended to preserve states’ or individuals’
liberties, but to be a slow-working power-grabber for the federal government.

Hologram of Liberty is not based on "patriot mythology", nor on minutiae or
legalistic sleight-of-hand. Royce’s research is thorough and relies on many
respected scholarly works. While some hypotheses leave more room for nagging
questions than others, the essential points of his work are solidly grounded.
As I was recently chastised for questioning the Constitution and its authors
in an essay, Royce provides me with evidence that both deserve tighter
scrutiny from libertarians than they’ve received.

Let me say before going any further that Royce—and I—are not out to
mindlessly bash the Constitution, nor to denigrate the founders of the United
States. Royce states in Hologram of Liberty that he is "for true Liberty
under a constitution" (emphasis in original). My motives overlap his in
writing the book; in reviewing it, I want to share information and ideas, and
spark further thought with the goal of creating a better, more
freedom-respecting system of government. Given the current abysmal state of
the American system, it is better to eye sacred cows critically—and to
slaughter them if necessary—with the intent to improve the system rather than
to fence them off worshipfully while tyranny grows.

Royce focuses his attention on two primary areas: the men who wrote the
Constitution; and the actual writing of the document. From each he builds his
case in a clear, logical style that makes it easy to understand his points.
He challenges all who claim to love liberty to set aside preconceived ideas
and examine his evidence, and invites scholarly refutations of his claims.

The Founders: Patriots or Elitists?

The first myth debunked by Royce is that all Founders are created equal.
While most people seem to think of the Founding Founders as a specific group
of men—those who signed the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of
Confederation, and collaborated on the framing of the Constitution—whose
goals and motives were generally similar and freedom-oriented, this is not
the case. Of the 55 delegates who comprised the Constitutional Convention,
only eight were signees of the Declaration of Independence, and only six
signed the Articles of Confederation; most were politicians and lawyers. More
importantly, the revolutionaries whose inspiring words we rightly cherish
were not among those 55: some were not chosen as delegates, while others
refused to serve, and Thomas Jefferson and James Adams were out of the
country. Thus, the flavor of the groups that participated in various aspects
of this country’s formation are quite different.

Most individuals are aware that the debate concerning the Constitution
centered on the philosophical differences between Jefferson—an agrarian and
staunch defender of liberty—and Alexander Hamilton—an Anglophile federalist
who advocated a strong federal (i.e., national) government. Royce fills out
the picture even more with his careful documentation of the federalists’
careful advance planning and propaganda campaign to create an atmosphere of
concern with respect to the Articles of Confederation, and the need to devise
a "better" system.

Although many naïvely view the Founders as being "above politics", Royce in
many cases uses the federalists’ own words to debunk that myth. He shows the
"bait and switch" used by the federalists to co-opt the Convention from its
original purpose. Quoting extensively from The Federalist, Royce documents
the overblown rhetoric and specious arguments employed by (mostly) Hamilton
and James Madison to enlist popular support for the Constitution. Their
motives for seeking a strong national government are also laid out, thus

[CTRL] Cyberwar Against the Feds

1999-06-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Laissez Faire City Times
June 14, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 24
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola
Cyberwar Against the Feds
by Don Lobo Tiggre
Ever since the White House web site got hacked last month, CNN has been
reporting some very interesting news about hackers and their ongoing fight
with the Feds. Ticked off hackers have "defaced" or caused to be shut down
numerous government web sites, including sites owned by the FBI, the United
States Senate, the Department of the Interior, and, of course, the White
House. Hackers are even reported to have vowed not to stop until they hit
every ".gov" site on the web.

Many people seem to be laughing at the antics of these hackers, most of them
apparently teenagers with little better to do, but the FBI isn’t laughing.
They’ve thrown the book at a kid from northern Virginia, known on the net as
‘Zyklon’, alleging various computer ‘intrusions’. The reports don’t say if
Eric Burns actually did any harm, but the ‘hacker community’ is reacting as
though they were the victims of aggression.

Either ignorant or uncaring about this reaction, the FBI has been pressing
forward nation-wide with its counteroffensive. According to CNN:

"The FBI confirmed it executed four search warrants last week in Texas
related to an investigation into allegations of computer intrusion, including
one search at the home of a prominent hacker in Houston."

Even though the FBI won’t comment any further, we know that these ‘law
enforcement professionals’ are the same people who waved their naked buttocks
at the women, children, and elderly, as well as other members of the Branch
Davidian Seventh Day Adventists in Waco, Texas, as they circled their church
in tanks and helicopters. It seems likely that they will be as intent upon
teaching hackers a ‘lesson’ as they were upon teaching the Davidians a
‘lesson’ ("Resistance is futile; you will be assimilated!").

No one person can speak for all hackers, any more than any one person can
speak for "whites", "gays", "plumbers", or any other population-wide
categorization of people. However, it seems that a good number of those who
call themselves hackers have decided upon a confrontational approach to the
situation. According to a June 1 CNN interview with a hacker identified as
‘M1crochip’, a member of a Portuguese group of hackers known as ‘F0rpaxe’,
cyber warfare is the only means hackers have of defending themselves:

"If FBI doesn't do anything and doesn't stop arresting people and making our
life miserable, each member of F0rpaxe will discuss an eventual destruction
of every single server. If that happens, everything goes down…. We don't want
to proceed that way."

This threat of defensive counterattacks may be, as M1crochip says, the only
means hackers have to protect themselves, but the FBI is definitely not going
to see it that way. They have already postured themselves as the defenders of
property against electronic vandalism, making them ‘right’ and the hackers
‘wrong’. Anyone who’s watched the Feds over the last decade knows what their
response to any resistance will be: escalate, escalate, escalate. The FBI
will never back down, nor do anything to give the appearance of ‘giving in’
to pressure from ‘criminals’. Even if this electronic war turns physical at
some point, and the body count starts to rise, the Feds will not back
down—the deaths will only give them a justification for pressing harder.

The Feds vs. Teenagers

Besides, there is an unspoken aspect of this struggle that the U.S.
government and its agencies of coercion cannot possibly let slide. If these
‘kids’ are allowed to beat Uncle Sam, what message will that send to
international terrorists, domestic insurrectionists, or even Bill Gates (as
Reese-Mogg and Davidson like to point out) about their chances for extorting
concessions from the U.S. government?

Given the increasing importance of information processing to all aspects of
the economy, including ‘public sector’ services such as national defense,
Uncle Sam cannot afford to lose the slightest amount of face in this matter,
none whatsoever. If they do, it’ll be open season on any and all government
systems—and hackers have been saying for years that there isn’t a system
anywhere that can’t be hacked. It isn’t necessary to imagine robotic jets and
tanks of the future having their control systems hacked and turned against
their masters in order for statists to have nightmares; just think about what
turmoil guerilla cyber-freedom fighters could cause by scrambling the Social
Security and Medicare/Medicaid computers today. Imagine everything the Y2K
problem is feared to threaten—if all of this is vulnerable to attacks by
teenagers fitting the cyberwar in between English and math assignments, how
much more so to well-financed and dedicated individuals being paid to do the

The government’s hard-line 

[CTRL] [2] Chaos and Fractals in Financial Markets

1999-06-14 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Laissez Faire City Times
June 14, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 24
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola
Chaos and Fractals in Financial Markets
Part 2
by J. Orlin Grabbe
The French Gambler and the Pollen Grains
In 1827 an English botanist, Robert Brown got his hands on some new
technology: a microscope "made for me by Mr. Dolland, . . . of which the
three lenses that I have generally used, are of a 40th, 60th, and 70th of an
inch focus."

Right away, Brown noticed how pollen grains suspended in water jiggled around
in a furious, but random, fashion.

To see what Brown saw under his microscope, make sure that Java is enabled on
your web browser, and then click here.

What was going on was a puzzle. Many people wondered: Were these tiny bits of
organic matter somehow alive? Luckily, Hollywood wasn’t around at the time,
or John Carpenter might have made his wonderful horror film They Live! about
pollen grains rather than about the infiltration of society by liberal

Robert Brown himself said he didn’t think the movement had anything to do
with tiny currents in the water, nor was it produced by evaporation. He
explained his observations in the following terms:

"That extremely minute particles of solid matter, whether obtained from
organic or inorganic substances, when suspended in pure water, or in some
other aqueous fluids, exhibit motions for which I am unable to account, and
from which their irregularity and seeming independence resemble in a
remarkable degree the less rapid motions of some of the simplest animalcules
of infusions. That the smallest moving particles observed, and which I have
termed Active Molecules, appear to be spherical, or nearly so, and to be
between 1-20,dth and 1-30,000dth of an inch in diameter; and that other
particles of considerably greater and various size, and either of similar or
of very different figure, also present analogous motions in like

"I have formerly stated my belief that these motions of the particles neither
arose from currents in the fluid containing them, nor depended on that
intestine motion which may be supposed to accompany its evaporation."[1]

Brown noted that others before him had made similar observations in special
cases. For example, a Dr. James Drummond had observed this fishy, erratic
motion in fish eyes:

"In 1814 Dr. James Drummond, of Belfast, published in the 7th Volume of the
Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, a valuable Paper, entitled
‘On certain Appearances observed in the Dissection of the Eyes of Fishes.’

"In this Essay, which I regret I was entirely unacquainted with when I
printed the account of my Observations, the author gives an account of the
very remarkable motions of the spicula which form the silvery part of the
choroid coat of the eyes of fishes."

Today, we know that this motion, called Brownian motion in honor of Robert
Brown, was due to random fluctuations in the number of water molecules
bombarding the pollen grains from different directions.

Experiments showed that particles moved further in a given time interval if
you raised the temperature, or reduced the size of a particle, or reduced the
"viscosity" [2] of the fluid. In 1905, in a celebrated treatise entitled The
Theory of Brownian Motion [3], Albert Einstein developed a mathematical
description which explained Brownian motion in terms of particle size, fluid
viscosity, and temperature. Later, in 1923, Norbert Wiener gave a
mathematically rigorous description of what is now referred to as a
"stochastic process." Since that time, Brownian motion has been called a
Wiener process, as well as a "diffusion process", a "random walk", and so on.

But Einstein wasn’t the first to give a mathematical description of Brownian
motion. That honor belonged to a French graduate student who loved to gamble.
His name was Louis Bachelier. Like many people, he sought to combine duty
with pleasure, and in 1900 in Paris presented his doctoral thesis, entitled
Théorie de la spéculation.

What interested Bachelier were not pollen grains and fish eyes. Instead, he
wanted to know why the prices of stocks and bonds jiggled around on the Paris
bourse. He was particularly intrigued by bonds known as rentes sur l’état—
perpetual bonds issued by the French government. What were the laws of this
jiggle? Bachelier wondered. He thought the answer lay in the prices being
bombarded by small bits of news. ("The British are coming, hammer the prices

The Square Root of Time

Among other things, Bachelier observed that the probability intervals into
which prices fall seemed to increased or decreased with the square-root of
time (T0.5). This was a key insight.

By "probability interval" we mean a given probability for a range of prices.
For example, prices might fall within a certain price range with 65 percent

[CTRL] Fwd: S99-108, PostScript 2 (June 13, 10:00PM EDT) - A Special TiM GW Bulleti...

1999-06-14 Thread Kris Millegan


All 107 earlier Special Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins on NATO's war
on Serbia can also be seen at our Web site: www.truthinmedia.org, along
with numerous photos and other memorable images from this war.

Issue S99-108, PostScript 2
June 13, 1999; 11:30PM EDT


Kosovo   1. "Piss Process" Predictably Turns Bloody;
  Germans, Brits Draw First Serb
Blood; A Serb
  Left to Bleed to Death by German

Kosovo   2. Serbs Now Cleansed by NATO, Led by Germans

Kosovo   3. "Mission Creep:" Russians Say "Nyet!"

1. "Piss Process" Predictably Turns Bloody; Germans, Brits Draw First Serb
Blood;  A Serb Left to Bleed to Death by Germans

KOSOVO, June 13 - ABC News, led by Ted Koppel, entered Kosovo this weekend
in an armored Land-Rover (eat your hearts out GM and Ford!).  Security for
this phase of the "Wag the Dog" production, dubbed "The Taking of Pristina"
for this evening's ABC TV 20/20 program, was provided by NATO.

No wonder blood and new refugees have begun to flow.  Serb blood; Serb
refugees... NATO's bullets; NATO's "piss process"...

Unfortunately, the brutality was all too predictable.  Including the
on-the-ground savagery which some German and British troops showed today,
killing at least three Serbs.

ABC TV cameras were filming as a beige Yugo passenger car was literally
being raked over by the German "pisskeepers" automatic weapons' fire.

When the shooting stopped, the driver of the car was dead, slumped over the
steering wheel, just as in similar Hollywood-produced turkey shoots,
reminiscent of Al Capone's South Chicago gangland murders of the 1920s..

The Serb passenger, bleeding profusely from multiple wounds, pleaded in
Serbian for help.  And what did the German NATO-NAZI's do?  They turned
their backs on the dying man.  They loaded a slightly wounded German
soldier into an ambulance, and drove off, leaving the Serb civilian to
bleed to death on the Prizren sidewalk.
TiM Ed.: And just in case the TiM readers needed another reminder of how
our media "lie and deny" most news stories, as the Washington PR spinners
do, here's a quote from today's Associated Press report about the same
incident in Prizren:

"German troops responded, blasting one car with two occupants. One
 slumped dead over the steering wheel and the other was badly wounded
 and screaming for help before he was evacuated by the German troops."

Bull!  Anyone watching the ABC 20/20 broadcast this evening could have seen
the badly wounded Serb twitch and die - on live TV - and after the Germans
had refused to give him medical help.

So AP lied.  So the AP LIED! (in capital letters).

Which is why, the TiM slogan is: "If there were always the truth in media,
there would be no need for the Truth in Media!"

2. Serbs Cleansed by NATO, Led by Germans

KOSOVO, June 13 - Meanwhile, the NATO Kosovo "humanitarian mission" is busy
trying to "cleanse" the ethnic Serbs from Kosovo.  Earlier in the day (June
13), some British soldiers shot to death a Serb policemen who had
reportedly fired his pistol in the air (see the photo).

How many Americans would be dead on July 4 by the same standard of the
NATO-style "pisskeeping?"

Northern Ireland's Catholics, objects of the Ulster/British turkey shoots
similar to that in Prizren today, following that region's NWO-sponsored
"peace agreement," may be able to understand what is happening in Kosovo
better than most.  As they bury their dead, and swear revenge.  Just as
some Serbs of Kosovo will do.

For, unreported by the major western media, as many as 8,000 Serb civilians
arrived in the neighboring Montenegro early Sunday (June 13), leaving
Kosovo ahead of NATO peacekeeping troops, according to the Dow Jones

And once again, German army's NATO forces were in the forefront of the Serb
"ethnic cleansing" - "at times literally pushing the Yugoslav army before
them as Serb civilians in packed cars squeezed in between light and armored
vehicles from both sides," according to an Agence France Presse report
filed today (June 13).

As the Serbs pulled back, the German deployment of 1,200 soldiers and 260
vehicles was the first into Kosovo from Albania, where the majority of
refugees driven out by Serb forces had sought refuge.

The Germans are in charge of a sensitive southern sector which stretches
from the border to around Prizren, a city of more than 100,000 inhabitants.
TiM Ed.: Further to the 8,000 Serbs who have already escaped the NATO
"pisskeeping mission," more than 2,000 of them were expected to arrive in
Montenegro later in the day.

3. "Mission Creep:" Russians Say "Nyet!"

KOSOVO, June 13 - Bill Clinton and the NATO leaders have been evidently
figuring on a "mission creep" 

[CTRL] Fwd: Weekly Analysis June 14, 1999

1999-06-14 Thread Kris Millegan


Visit the New Asia Intelligence Center

Global Intelligence Update
Weekly Analysis June 14, 1999

"It's the Russians, Stupid"


NATO continued its policy of trying to turn a compromise into a
victory.  In order to do that, it has been necessary to treat
Russia as if its role was peripheral.  It was a policy bound to
anger Russia. It was not a bad policy, if NATO were ready and able
to slay the bear.  But goading a wounded bear when you are not in a
position to kill him is a dangerous game.  On Saturday morning, the
bear struck back.  NATO still hasn't gotten him back in his cage.


President Bill Clinton had a sign taped to his desk at the
beginning of his first term in office that read, "It's the Economy,
Stupid." He should have taped one on his desk at the beginning of
the Kosovo affair that said, "It's the Russians, Stupid."  From the
beginning to the end of this crisis, it has been the Russians, not
the Serbs, who were the real issue facing NATO.

The Kosovo crisis began in December 1998 in Iraq.  When the United
States decided to bomb Iraq for four days in December, in spite of
Russian opposition and without consulting them, the Russians became
furious.  In their view, the United States completely ignored them
and had now reduced them to a third-world power - discounting
completely Russia's ability to respond.  The senior military was
particularly disgruntled.  It was this Russian mood, carefully read
by Slobodan Milosevic, which led him to conclude that it was the
appropriate time to challenge the West in Kosovo.  It was clear to
Milosevic that the Russians would not permit themselves to be
humiliated a second time.  He was right.  When the war broke out,
the Russians were not only furious again, but provided open
political support to Serbia.

There was, in late April and early May, an urgent feeling inside of
NATO that some sort of compromise was needed.  The feeling was an
outgrowth of the fact that the air war alone would not achieve the
desired political goals, and that a ground war was not an option.
At about the same time, it became clear that only the Russians had
enough influence in Belgrade to bring them to a satisfactory
compromise.  The Russians, however, were extremely reluctant to
begin mediation.  The Russians made it clear that they would only
engage in a mediation effort if there were a prior negotiation
between NATO and Russia in which the basic outlines of a settlement
were established.  The resulting agreement was the G-8 accords.

The two most important elements of the G-8 agreement were
unwritten, but they were at the heart of the agreement.  The first
was that Russia was to be treated as a great power by NATO, and not
as its messenger boy.  The second was that any settlement that was
reached had to be viewed as a compromise and not as a NATO victory.
This was not only for Milosevic's sake, but it was also for
Yeltsin's.  Following his humiliation in Iraq, Yeltsin could not
afford to be seen as simply giving in to NATO.  If that were to
happen, powerful anti-Western, anti-reform and anti-Yeltsin forces
would be triggered.  Yeltsin tried very hard to convey to NATO that
far more than Kosovo was at stake.  NATO didn't seem to listen.

Thus, the entire point of the G-8 agreements was that there would
be a compromise in which NATO achieved what it wanted while
Yugoslavia retained what it wanted.  A foreign presence would enter
Kosovo, including NATO troops.  Russian troops would also be
present.  These Russian troops would be used to guarantee the
behavior of NATO troops in relation to Serbs, in regard to
disarming the KLA, and in guaranteeing Serbia's long-term rights in
Kosovo.  The presence of Russian troops in Kosovo either under a
joint UN command or as an independent force was the essential
element of the G-8.  Many long hours were spent in Bonn and
elsewhere negotiating this agreement.

Over the course of a month, the Russians pressured Milosevic to
accept these agreements.  Finally, in a meeting attended by the
EU's Martti Ahtisaari and Moscow's Viktor Chernomyrdin, Milosevic
accepted the compromise.  Milosevic did not accept the agreements
because of the bombing campaign.  It hurt, but never crippled him.
Milosevic accepted the agreements because the Russians wanted them
and because they guaranteed that they would be present as
independent observers to make certain that NATO did not overstep
its bounds.  This is the key: it was the Russians, not the bombing
campaign that delivered the Serbs.

NATO violated that understanding from the instant the announcement
came from Belgrade.  NATO deliberately and very publicly attacked
the foundations of the accords by trumpeting them as a unilateral
victory for NATO's air campaign and the de-facto surrender of
Serbia.  Serbia, which had thought it had agreed to a compromise
under Russian 

[CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] Satanist in the Army]

1999-06-14 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Mike  Kathy Moxley [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Ah, you'll only confuse the fundy jeezoids, who'll ignore you anyway.
 The basis of any self-proclaimed monotheism [even a trinitarian one]
 is that 1) MY God is the ONLY real God, thus 2) YOUR god is a false
 god ie Satan, thus 3) whatever YOU believe is evil and must be zapped.
 Hey, *is* there a difference between good and evil?  And does anyone
 here plan to watch the upcoming GE [Good  Evil] series on the USA
 TV network?  Or are there better ways to waste time, like sex  drugs?
 BTW the US Army's acceptance of Wicca show that either a) the military
 is still at the forefront of social change, b) Satanists have captured
 the Pentagon, c) it's possible to join the Army and have fun without
 killing people, d) Wiccans are more acceptable militarily than GLBTs
 [gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgendered persons], e) fundy jeezoids don't
 have enough minutiae to fret about, f) all or none of the above.

 BIGOTRY and ignorance at it's best.

Vagueness at its worst, with a bit of the ol' ad hominem implied. I
should ask you just what you thought I was ignorant of and bigoted
towards, Mike and/or Kathy.  Am I displaying bigotry towards all
believers, or all Xians, or fundamentalists of any stripe, or Xians
of specific sects, or monotheists, or trinitarians, or Wiccans, or
the US Army, or GLBTs, or who?  Am I displaying ignorance of some of
the thousands of contradictory Xian doctrines, or of the nature of
monotheism, or of the inner workings of your consciousness, or what?

Be more specific, please.  And be civil.  That's the rule here.

  Ric "sure I believe in gods, I carved a couple this morning" Carter

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] Satanist in the Army]

1999-06-14 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

At 02:57 PM 6/14/99 -0700, you wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Mike  Kathy Moxley [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Ah, you'll only confuse the fundy jeezoids, who'll ignore you anyway.
 The basis of any self-proclaimed monotheism [even a trinitarian one]
 is that 1) MY God is the ONLY real God, thus 2) YOUR god is a false
 god ie Satan, thus 3) whatever YOU believe is evil and must be zapped.
 Hey, *is* there a difference between good and evil?  And does anyone
 here plan to watch the upcoming GE [Good  Evil] series on the USA
 TV network?  Or are there better ways to waste time, like sex  drugs?
 BTW the US Army's acceptance of Wicca show that either a) the military
 is still at the forefront of social change, b) Satanists have captured
 the Pentagon, c) it's possible to join the Army and have fun without
 killing people, d) Wiccans are more acceptable militarily than GLBTs
 [gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgendered persons], e) fundy jeezoids don't
 have enough minutiae to fret about, f) all or none of the above.

 BIGOTRY and ignorance at it's best.

Vagueness at its worst, with a bit of the ol' ad hominem implied. I
should ask you just what you thought I was ignorant of and bigoted
towards, Mike and/or Kathy.  Am I displaying bigotry towards all
believers, or all Xians, or fundamentalists of any stripe, or Xians
of specific sects, or monotheists, or trinitarians, or Wiccans, or
the US Army, or GLBTs, or who?  Am I displaying ignorance of some of
the thousands of contradictory Xian doctrines, or of the nature of
monotheism, or of the inner workings of your consciousness, or what?

Be more specific, please.  And be civil.  That's the rule here.

  Ric "sure I believe in gods, I carved a couple this morning" Carter

From WordNet (r) 1.6 (wn)
bigot n : a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing
from his own.
Syn: Prejudiced; intolerant; narrow-minded.

Examples of BIGOTRY:
Referring to Muslims as Ragheads.
Referring to Blacks as Niggers.
Referring to Christians as fundy jeezoids.

You should look up the word CIVIL.  So you can follow the rules here.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] The Patriot Resource Center:
**Live Free or Die!**

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] $1 Billion for Conservative Ideas: think-tanks

1999-06-14 Thread books

 -Caveat Lector-

Lee Cheney






AMERICA IS BANKRUPT.  From the lowest courts to the Supreme Court, to the
Federal Reserve interest/debt/tax slavery banking system, America has been
taken over by the Jews and their Judeo-christian proselytes.  To understand
how this could happen you must understand Bible Slave Law.   It is common
knowledge that it was WWII that bailed America out of the great depression
of the1930's but in order to get a deeper understanding of the IMF/World
Bank economic and financial necessity of war one must understand the
religious roots behind the global "military/industrial complex" and the
IMF/World Bank economic and financial dependence upon war for its survival
and what is really behind the conflict between nationalism and
internationalsim.  The American Civil War, WWI and WWII, the Korean war, the
Viet Nam war, and recent the Balkans war were all fundamentally faught for
the same economic and financial reasons, behind which are deeply rooted
religious conflicts.  President Eisenhower warned America not to become
dependent upon the "the military-industrial complex" but how could Zionist
America do otherwise?  Without constant expansion of the Zionist inspired
IMF/World Bank interest/debt/tax slavery money system, the
military-industrial economic system will collapse. There is, however, a
solution (see The Debt Free and Tax Free Amendment and The Debt Free Money
System Chart below).


There is an old saying that if people are told a lie often enough they
will come to believe that lie to be true.  The truth is that it is an
outright lie to tell people that banks do not print money when banks make
loans.Every even half educated person in economics and finance
understands the accounting process of "loan created deposits" (bank printed
money in the context of M1, M2, M3, C, L, etc.).   Some people try to tell
us that "the notion that banks create money by lending is a fallacy" (T.B.
Haran, BO p.24, Vol.21 No2, Summer 1991).  But everybody who knows anything
at all about bank accounting knows that banks do, in fact, print (create)
money by making loans.  Then, of course, there are those who play word games
with us and try to tell us that banks do not print (create) money because
what banks actually do is simply create "credit" (which is interest, debt,
and tax slavery for everybody else, including the government).  And there
are those who try to tell us that "the debt/tax slavery scenario is an
illusion" (T.B. Haran, BO p. 20, Vol.21, No.3, Autumn 1991).Everybody
who know anything about income and expenses knows that when a person (or
business or government) has more interest, debt and taxes to pay 

[CTRL] FROM WACO TO BELGRADE - Operation Trojan Horse (fwd)

1999-06-14 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-

 From: The Progressive Review [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999

 from UNDERNEWS by Sam Smith

 FROM WACO TO BELGRADE - "Operation Trojan Horse"

 According to an must-read report by Ken McCarthy at Brasscheck, the
 military was far more deeply involved in the Waco massacre than is
 generally realized.  Behind the military's part in the operation
 was now NATO commander General Wesley Clark.  Among the points
 McCarthy makes are these:

 -- The military's involvment in a domestic law enforcement matter
 was illegal.

 -- Used in the Waco massacre operation were 13 track vehicles, 9
 combat engineer vehicles, 5 tank retrieval vehicles, and a tank.

 -- The military equipment and personnel came from the US Army base
 at Ft. Hood, Texas, headquarters of III Corps.  According to an
 account from attorney David T. Hardy, who filed a freedom of
 information action in the incident, "The operation required
 mustering approximately a hundred agents (flown in from sites
 around the country), and who received military training at Ft.
 Hood.  They traveled in a convoy of sixty vehicles and were
 supported by three National Guard helicopters and one fixed-wing
 aircraft, with armored vehicles in reserve."

 -- Clark was the Commander 1st Cavalry Division, Fort Hood, Texas
 from August 1992 to April 1994.  The Mt. Carmel raid was on
 February 29, 1993.  The arson-murders occurred April 19.  Clark had
 been Commander of the National Training Center and Deputy Chief of
 Staff for Concepts, Doctrine and Developments, US Army Training and
 Doctrine Command TRADOC, where Clark was Deputy Chief right before
 becoming an armor commander at Ft Hood, has as its primary mission
 to "prepare soldiers for war and design the army of the future."
 Item number one from the TRADOC vision statement:
"...enable America's Army to operate with joint, multinational
and interagency partners across the full range of operations."

 -- General Clark, thanks to his operations at Waco and in the
 Balkans, is now a front-runner to become America's first
 commander-in-chief of the anti-democratic domestic command
 Clinton wants to establish.

 -- President Clinton said, "The first thing I did after the ATF
 agents were killed, once we knew that the FBI was going to go in,
 was to ask that the military be consulted because of the
 quasi-military nature of the conflict."

 -- Attorney General Janet Reno attempted to explain away the
 FBI use of US Army tanks as being equivalent to an innocuous
 "rent a car" arrangement.

 -- From early in the siege, "Operation Trojan Horse" became a
 popular destination for special forces officers both from around
 the United States and from its closest ally, the UK.  They came to
 observe the effectiveness of various high tech devices and tactics
 that were being tested against the Branch Davidians.

 -- Two unnamed high ranking Army officers personally presented
 Attorney General Janet Reno with the final assault tactics for her,
 as chief law enforcement officer of the US, to sign off on.

 -- There are a number of rules used for the Waco massacre and the
 invasion of Yugoslavia including

  1. Exert tight information control over a mostly cooperative
 US news media.

  2. Attribute civilian casualty reports to "propaganda".

  3. Declare that the attacks are for humanitarian purposes,
 to "stop the bad guy."

  4. Break numerous agreements then call the other side

  5. Offer absurd terms in negotiation sessions, hide these
 terms from the public, then punish the other side for
 its recalcitrance in failing to accept a "reasonable"

  6. Coordinate a propaganda effort against the other side
 before the assault.  (The Waco Tribune-Herald ran a
 two part smear piece against Koresh on Feb 27, 1993,
 the day before the raid, and on the morning of --
 entitled, "The Sinful Messiah")

  7. Accuse the other side of being responsible for crimes
 they did not commit.

 -- General Clark's last assignment before taking over NATO was as
 Commander-in-Chief, United States Southern Command, Panama, where
 he commanded all U.S. forces and was "responsible for the direction
 of most U.S. military activities and interests in Latin America and
 the Caribbean." i.e. the support of repressive Latin American
 military and police operations and a phony war against drugs.

 Meanwhile, Dan Gifford, producer of "Waco: The Rules of Engagement"
 writes that "Secret anti-terrorist U.S. Army Delta Force and
 British SAS soldiers were present at FBI invitation as 'observers.'
 But reports of those troops illegally killing Americans on American
 soil persist from sources that have provided accurate information
 in the past.  So do reports of classified weapons testing on the
 Davidians that was being micro managed, along with everything else,


1999-06-14 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

 " The only drawback will be evident as CPU clock speeds
 approach 435 Mhz; at which time the program WILL fail and
 the observer will end up with permanent brain damage. "

 from:  http://www.cbjd.net/orbit/quinn/dazzle.txt
 6/6/99 7:26:27 PM PDT

 DAZZLING! But What's Wrong With This Picture?

 © 1999 NewsHawk Inc.
 All Rights Reserved

 The following material was received from a source who has reported
 that a computer application known as Dazzle is in fact a mind
 control tool hidden within what is outwardly a screensaver program.

 The application was commercially available until about 1995 and
 received very good reviews in many computer magazines in the
 early 1990s.

 The application generates continually changing and very visually
 attractive, even "entraining" patterns on the computer screen
 which tend to hold the attention of the observer rather strongly.
 In fact VERY strongly.

 The program, for certain reasons, was especially popular among
 "fundamentalist" and/or "born-again" Christian groups and
 organizations, perhaps due to the fact that there is a "message"
 which appears when the program is loading which states  that
 "thanks" is due to the "Creator" for development of the program.
 NOT the creator of the application, but the creator of "ALL."
 That is, God.

 In fact in the manual there is a whole chapter devoted to what
 could only be called a "Bible-thumping" treatise on this very
 topic.  The developer(s?) quote a number of passages from religious
 scriptures in this chapter to further expound on this aspect.

 The company which developed this application is named as

 My sources were able to open up a document file on the floppy disk
 containing the Dazzle application:  it was written in Russian!
 This as it turns out in fact is nothing but a low-level
 "encryption" of the information within, intended to act as a decoy
 and "red herring" for anyone who manages to open the file who isn't
 "supposed" to; and would serve to detour further scrutiny of the
 information in terms of the actual origin or source of this
 information.  In other words, whoever opened the file and was able
 to translate it would come to the understandable conclusion they
 were dealing with a foreign computer program which had certain
 hidden and very significant aspects that could potentially be used
 for negative purposes by "adversaries" of our country.  The truth
 is however that this program was written and designed completely
 within the United States; under contract from certain branches of
 the U.S. Navy.  Certain VERY "SPOOKY" branches of the Navy, that is.

 The English translation of the document is reprinted below,
 indicating some astonishing facts.  Also reprinted below is a page
 from the manual which lists the names and reference numbers of the
 two Navy contracts under which Dazzle was developed.

 Dazzle in fact has a whole other and much more serious "purpose"
 besides preventing a computer monitor screen from "burning in."
 The program can be "custom-configured" to utilize certain entirely
 different  aspects.  Subliminal "mind control" of viewers can be
 accomplished in specific ways, according to this documentation.
 In fact that is the principal purpose of the application.  The
 "screensaver" aspect is a total cover and a way to get the program
 into general circulation.

 Incredibly, this secret document notes that the large screens at
 the Atlanta Olympics were to have the Dazzle program installed,
 soon followed by installation on screens at other Olympic events
 AND apparently at ALL other stadiums in the country!

 Remember the bombing at the Atlanta Olympics?  Of course you do.
 Well, it seems very likely we have uncovered the way that the mind
 controlled operative(s) responsible for the Atlanta bombing were
 "triggered;" by the subliminal information conveyed by the Dazzle
 program running on the large screens there!

 This program, don't forget, was commercially available and was in
 fairly wide circulation in the general population in the early 90s.

 And there's more to the story.

 My source indicated that there is good reason to believe that
 principal developer and apparent owner of Midnight Visions Black
 Op's Workshop in Spring, Texas, named as a J.R. Shiflett, was in
 fact none other than DAVID KORESH!

 Remember Waco?  Though many people realize that U.S. government
 agents murdered over 80 innocent human beings in the Waco assault,
 the actual REASON for the initial intrusion by federal agents onto
 Koresh's Waco compound has always seemed a little unclear.

 There is no doubt that Koresh had been a computer programmer.
 There is a good amount of circumstantial evidence indicating Koresh
 was more that just a fringe Christian cult leader who somehow or
 other became an (apparently massive) irritant to certain federal
 agencies.  Ever wonder WHY legions of federal stormtroopers


1999-06-14 Thread Anonymous

lowest courts to the Supreme Court, to the Federal Reserve interest/debt/tax 
slavery banking system, America has been taken over by the Jews and their 
Judeo-christian proselytes. To understand how this could happen you must 
understand Bible Slave Law. It is common knowledge that it was WWII 
that bailed America out of the great depression of the1930's but in order to get 
a deeper understanding of the IMF/World Bank economic and financial necessity of 
war one must understand the religious roots behind the global 
military/industrial complex and the IMF/World Bank economic and 
financial dependence upon war for its survival and what is really behind the 
conflict between nationalism and internationalsim. The American Civil War, 
WWI and WWII, the Korean war, the Viet Nam war, and recent the Balkans war were 
all fundamentally faught for the same economic and financial reasons, behind 
which are deeply rooted religious conflicts. President Eisenhower warned 
America not to become dependent upon the the military-industrial 
complex but how could Zionist America do otherwise? Without constant 
expansion of the Zionist inspired IMF/World Bank interest/debt/tax slavery money 
system, the military-industrial economic system will collapse. There is, 
however, a solution (see The Debt Free and Tax Free Amendment and The Debt Free 
(VOL.29, NO.1): There is an old saying that if people 
are told a lie often enough they will come to believe that lie to be true. 
The truth is that it is an outright lie to tell people that banks do not print 
money when banks make loans. Every even half educated person 
in economics and finance understands the accounting process of loan 
created deposits (bank printed money in the context of M1, M2, M3, C, L, 
etc.). Some people try to tell us that the notion that banks 
create money by lending is a fallacy (T.B. Haran, BO p.24, Vol.21 
No2, Summer 1991). But everybody who knows anything at all about bank 
accounting knows that banks do, in fact, print (create) money by making 
loans. Then, of course, there are those who play word games with us and 
try to tell us that banks do not print (create) money because what banks 
actually do is simply create credit (which is interest, debt, and 
tax slavery for everybody else, including the government). And there are 
those who try to tell us that the debt/tax slavery scenario is an 
illusion (T.B. Haran, BO p. 20, Vol.21, No.3, Autumn 
1991). Everybody who know anything about income and expenses 
knows that when a person (or business or government) has more interest, debt and 
taxes to pay than they have income to pay it with they are bankrupt. 
Bankrupt simply means insolvent. Insolvent means 
to be so heavily burdened with interest, debt, and taxes that there is no hope 
of paying them, so you're bankrupt. Well, here are 
some hard facts that even Mr. Haran can not 

[CTRL] Remove????

1999-06-14 Thread simon

 -Caveat Lector-

Anyone know how to get off of this list?



CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Menopause of Empire

1999-06-14 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: William Hugh Tunstall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Monday, June 14, 1999 11:47 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Menopause of Empire

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Citation: The Progressive May 1998, v62, n5, p18(4)
Author:  Vidal, Gore
Title: The menopause of empire. (postwar American foreign policy)
   by Gore Vidal

COPYRIGHT 1998 Progressive Inc.
   Before we get down to the really serious stuff about Monica and
Kathleen, I
plan just a little foreplay here about the origins of the American empire
the meaning of the Cold War, how it started, who started it, who benefited.
The twentieth century and the second Christian millennium are heading hand
hand for the exit. Personally, I thought they'd never go without taking us
with them.
   We all know that centuries and millennia are just arbitrary markings--a
like the bookkeeping at Paramount Pictures. But symbolically, they mean a
This goes particularly for the one indisposable--or does the President say
indispensable?--nation on Earth, and the last self-styled global empire,
loaded down with nukes, bases, and debts.
   I have now lived through nearly three-quarters of this century. I
in the Army of the United States at seventeen, went to the Pacific, did
nothing useful--I was just there, as Richard M. Nixon says, when the bombs
were falling. Actually, the bombs were not really falling on either one of
I was writing a novel, and he was making a fortune playing poker.
   Now, suddenly, it's 1998. Last year, we celebrated the fiftieth
of the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan. Also, more ominously, last
26 was the fiftieth anniversary of the National Security Act that, without
national debate or the people's consent, replaced the old American republic
with a national security state very much in the global empire business. Let
get into the time machine.
   It is the ides of August 1945. Germany and Japan have surrendered, and
thirteen million Americans are headed home. Home turned out to be a sort of
fairground where fireworks go off, and the band plays "Don't Sit Under the
Apple Tree," and an endlessly enticing fun house flings open its doors, and
file through. We enjoy halls and mirrors where everyone is comically
distorted, ride through all the various tunnels of love, and take scary
of horror chambers, where skeletons and cobwebs and bats push past us. And
suitably chilled and thrilled, we're ready for the exit and everyday life.
   But, to the consternation of some and the apparent indifference of the
rest, we were never really allowed to leave the fun house. It has become a
permanent part of our world, as were those goblins sitting under the apple
   Officially, the United States was at peace. Much of Europe and most of
Japan were in ruins, often literally, certainly economically. We alone had
our cities and a sort of booming economy--sort of, because it depended on
production and there was, as far as anyone could tell, no war in the
Briefly, the arts flourished. It looked like it was going to be a golden
The Glass Menagerie was staged, Copland's Appalachian Spring was played, a
film called The Lost Weekend--not a bad title for what we'd gone
an Academy Award. And the as-yet-unexiled Richard Wright published the
much-admired work Black Boy, while Edmund Wilson's Memoirs of Hecate County
was banned for obscenity in parts of the country, though it would be
out today in Washington.
   Quaintly, each city had at least three or four daily newspapers, while
York, as befitted the world's capital, had seventeen newspapers. But a
novelty, television, had begun to appear in household after household, its
cold, gray, distorting eye relentlessly projecting a fun house view of the
   Those who followed the ugly new minted word "media" began to note that
often while watching television we kept fading in and out of the chamber of
horrors. Our ally in the recent war, Uncle Joe Stalin, as the Accidental
President Harry S. Truman called him, was growing horns and fangs that
blood. On Earth we were the only great unruined power with atomic weapons,
we were somehow at terrible risk.
   Why? How?
   The trouble appeared to be over Germany, which on February 11, 1945, had
been split at the Yalta Summit meeting into four zones--American, Soviet,
British, and French. As the Russians had done the most fighting and
the greatest losses, it was agreed that they should have an early crack at

Re: [CTRL] NATO and Ethnic Cleansing by KLA

1999-06-14 Thread books

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
Date: Monday, June 14, 1999 3:17 AM
Subject: [CTRL] NATO and "Ethnic Cleansing" by KLA

 -Caveat Lector-

KLA Moves in After Serbs Depart

.c The Associated Press

DOBRO SELO, Yugoslavia (AP) - It didn't take the Kosovo Liberation Army
to move in after Serb forces withdrew. Within minutes, guerrillas were
down from the hills. Within hours, they had seized control of one of
Yugoslavia's biggest coal mines.

NATO got there the next day.

The rebels moved in so fast Saturday morning that mining company manager
Dragan Radakovic - a Serb - didn't understand what the shooting was at
``I thought maybe it was the army celebrating'' their pullout, he said.

But the rattle of automatic weapons fire got louder - and closer.

International monitors said the KLA took control Sunday of a major crossing
point on the Yugoslav-Albanian border shortly after Yugoslav officials
abandoned it.

About 10-15 KLA guerrillas were guarding the Morini station late Sunday,
Andrea Angeli, spokesman of the Organization for Security and Cooperation
Europe. Morini was the main crossing point for hundreds of thousands of
ethnic Albanians who fled the province during the Serb crackdown, which
accelerated after NATO started its bombing campaign March 24.

Standing on the rim of Pit No. 10 at the Belacevac mine, Radakovic peered
through binoculars and saw the KLA on the horizon.

``It was a hard feeling,'' he said. ``All I could think about was how to
my workers.''

The rebels moved into the 4-square-mile mine from the west. Radakovic
his employees out to the east in 2 1/2 frantic hours, saving nearly 100.

But the rebels attacked a van bringing in workers for the afternoon shift.
Three Serb miners and the driver, 31-year-old Zvonomir Stepic - coming to
work unwarned and unaware - were kidnapped.

As best as Radakovic could tell, the rebel force numbered several hundred.
They were gloating, using the dispatcher's two-way radio at the mine
administration to taunt the Serbs and curse them.

``Go back to Serbia,'' the rebel voice would say.

Serbs are a minority in this province, outnumbered before the war 9-to-1 by
ethnic Albanians.

Stepic's father, Zivojin, said his son headed off for work unconcerned,
despite the army and police withdrawal that has put Kosovo's Serbs on edge.

``We knew the army was withdrawing, but we didn't worry,'' he said. ``We
expected NATO to protect the workers.''

Serb civilians have been pouring out of areas in northern and western
where the KLA is active. As many as 8,000 arrived in neighboring Montenegro
on Sunday. But Serbs have been less fearful in Pristina, the provincial
capital, which will be the headquarters of the NATO force.

The kidnappings at the mine and Serb media reports of four separate KLA
attacks in Pristina on Sunday could change that feeling of security.

NATO is in Kosovo to assure the safe return of 860,000 ethnic Albanians
driven from the province by Serb forces and to keep the peace. The
international force also is supposed to demilitarize the KLA, but just how
will do that is unclear.

Peacekeeping troops are streaming into the province, but the job of
establishing control is complex and time-consuming. And the KLA, which
appears to have no plans to lay down its arms, is badly complicating their
task - as the mine takeover shows.

``It's horrible,'' Radakovic said. ``They don't respect agreements of any

The mine manager said the Serb army withdrawal took him by surprise; he
expected them to wait for NATO. But shortly after 7 a.m. Saturday, they
pulling out of the three deserted villages bordering the mine.

Just a day earlier, military and police officials in Pristina had assured
there would be no security vacuum at the mine, a critical link in the
electric power supply system that the KLA had seized for several weeks last
year. Ten workers kidnapped in the June 22, 1998 attack have not been seen

NATO took him by surprise, too.

They arrived unannounced - and unaware that the mine was in rebel hands.

Radakovic stumbled on the NATO team Sunday afternoon as he headed out to
check on the tiny band of guards he'd deployed on a ridge between the
KLA-controlled Belacevac and its sister mine, Dobro Selo.

He was stunned. He was thrilled. He thought maybe he'd get his mine back.
Maybe there was hope for the kidnapped workers.

But the NATO force, four Royal Canadian armored vehicles, weren't there to
recapture anything from the KLA or take away their guns. Their job was
reconnaissance. ``They sent us here because it is high ground and we can
a lot,'' Lt. 

Re: [CTRL] New CMRA Rules in Violation of USPS Privacy Regs?

1999-06-14 Thread books

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Lyn McCloskey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sunday, June 13, 1999 7:10 PM
Subject: [CTRL] New CMRA Rules in Violation of USPS Privacy Regs?

 -Caveat Lector-

[FYI, Postal Watch is a group started by a commercial mail receiving agent.
The following is from their email list in its entirety]

From: "Postal Watch" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Postal Watch" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: URGENT ACTION  ALERT from Postal Watch
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 22:37:24 -0400
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.3110.3


Very Long Message to follow:

Boy are they attempting to pull a fast one now!

WASHINGTON, DC, Saturday June 12, 1999 // PostalWatch //
After realizing that the CMRA rules violate their own "Privacy
the Postal Service is attempting to pull a fast one. On page 30929 of the
Federal Register Jun 9  the United  States Postal Service announced the
"opening" of an official comment period on a "proposed rule" that would
change the  USPS "Privacy Rules" AND " Under the rule change, the
recorded business name, address, and telephone number of the addressee
using a Commercial Mail Receiving Agency (CMRA) private mailbox (PMB)
for the purpose of doing or soliciting business with the public will be
furnished to any person upon request without charge."

We have attached the text from this proposed rule to the bottom of this
ALERT and the actual Federal Register can be pulled up on line by going


and do a "phrase/keyword" search on "page 30929


(even if you don't do business out of your box, this is everyone's

we have until JULY 9, 1999 to submit in writing (snail Mail) our comments
opposing these changes.  Considering they ignored over 8,000 complaints
 last time we need everybody and their dog to send in a complaint.

 Manager, Administration and FOIA
 United States Postal Service
 475 L'Enfant Plaza SW, Room 8141
 Washington, DC 20260-5202.

2) FAX, EMAIL or CALL (no time for snail mail) your Congressional Rep and
Senators in an urgent plea that they file an official complaint on your
behalf of with the Postal Service.  PLEASE KEEP THESE TO LESS THAN ONE
Point out that in your opinion the Postal Service is attempting to usurp
"Privacy Act of 1994" while proving that Congress and the Legislative

3) We will have another Action ALERT VERY SOON.  Get your pens or
WRITE and WRITE until we WIN!

We will be traveling to Washington this week and have briefings set up
to back.
We can no longer fund this effort by ourselves do not have the resources
continue to do this
out of my own pocket much longer!  We have memberships  starting as low as
Please send your checks to:

   PostalWatch Incorporated
   3631 Virginia Beach Blvd. #100
   Virginia Beach, VA 23452
Thank you!

but look for lots of news when we return near the end of the week!

I the mean time we now have 15 co-sponsors for HJR 55.  Make sure you
Congressman Ron Paul's web site "Sponsor Status" at
http://www.house.gov/paul/legis/106/cospon.htm#hjres55 for the latest and
RULE CHANGE RIGHT NOW!  Let's see if they can ignore 100,000 complaints!

We will be listening for those fax machines as we are walking the halls of
Congressional Office Building!

Wish us luck!
Thank you


Federal Register: June 9, 1999 (Volume 64, Number 110)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Page 30929-30930]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



39 CFR Part 265

Release of Information

AGENCY: Postal Service.

ACTION: Proposed rule.


SUMMARY: The Postal Service is changing the prohibition in
Sec. 265.6(d)(8) of title 39 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
against disclosure of information contained in PS Form 1583,
Application for Delivery of Mail Through Agent, to conform to recent

Re: [CTRL] Remove????

1999-06-14 Thread books

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
Date: Monday, June 14, 1999 4:54 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Remove

 -Caveat Lector-

Anyone know how to get off of this list?



CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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Re: [CTRL] Remove????

1999-06-14 Thread Kathy Strucke

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 6/14/1999 6:53:37 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Anyone know how to get off of this list? 
To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] Spending Money

1999-06-14 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From IntellectualCapital.CoM

 You've Got to Spend Money to Make Money
 by Daniel Gross
 Thursday, June 10, 1999
 Comments: 11 posts

 Internet enthusiasts routinely proclaim that
 the explosion of the medium betokens the advent of a new era and a new
 economy -- one in which sky-high stock valuations are supported by
 rosy prospects, inflation is nonexistent, and profits do not seem to

 Few of the dozens of Internet companies that have gone public in the
 last several years have turned a profit. And few investors seem to
 care. Amazon.com has racked up an $18 billion market capitalization
 despite a string of losses that would make the hapless Los Angeles
 Clippers proud.

 Cyber-entrepreneurs dismiss concerns about profits as fuddy-duddy,
 old-time thinking. Indeed, analysts, investors and venture capitalists
 have embraced losses and elevated them to a virtue. Companies
 operating in cyberspace do not have to invest in bricks and mortar, or
 inventory, or vast work forces, or raw materials, the reasoning goes.
 Instead, they should spend their dollars on marketing: advertising,
 direct mail, sports sponsorships, etc.

 The goal is to build market share, capture surfing eyeballs, and
 establish a firm presence in the hearts and minds of consumers. Then,
 and only then, the argument goes, can Internet firms generate enough
 business to gain scale, attract advertisers and strategic partners,
 and, one far-off day in the 21st century, turn a profit.

 As Amazon.com Chief Executive Officer Jeff Bezos put it on CNBC on
 June 8: "We believe it would be a terrible management mistake to be
 profitable now during this critical category formation time."

 Less bang for the buck

 So far, Amazon.com has avoided this terrible mistake. Last year, it
 lost $125 million on revenue of $610 million. It also spent
 prodigiously on promotions. Sales and marketing costs for 1998 were
 $133 million -- i.e. nearly the sum total of its loss.

 A check at a few other Internet high-fliers shows they are assiduously
 following Amazon.com’s example of avoiding profits and spending
 heavily on marketing. Online financial magazine theStreet.com (1998
 loss: $16 million), last year spent twice its revenues on sales and
 marketing. iVillage, the women’s content site, spent $10.88 million
 last quarter on sales and marketing; its total revenues were $6.4
 million. In the fiscal year that ended last March, retailer eToys had
 net sales of $30 million, of which it spent $20 million on marketing
 and sales.

 Picture: Branding and marketing... is it worth it?
 Branding and marketing...
 is it worth it?
 But that is just the beginning. "We anticipate our losses will
 increase significantly from current levels because we expect to incur
 additional costs and expenses related to brand development, marketing
 and other promotional activities," eToys’ recent prospectus noted.

 Investors seemingly have internalized the logic of spending heavily on
 marketing to build name recognition and attract customers. But there
 are ways of measuring the effectiveness of marketing efforts. And a
 few years into the boom, it is clear that not all Internet companies
 have been successful.

 In its May 31 issue, Business Week gauged the marketing efficiency of
 15 leading Internet firms by dividing their revenues by marketing
 expenses. It found some winners. America Online reeled in $6.95 for
 every $1 it spent on marketing, for example. But other Internet
 companies consumed marketing fuel more like a Humvee than a Honda.
 TheGlobe.com brought in just 59 cents for every dollar spent on
 marketing, iVillage raked in 53 cents, and theStreet.com pulled in
 just 46 cents for every marketing dollar spent.

 Worse, taken as a whole, the 15 companies surveyed proved less
 efficient in 1998 than in 1997; the average amount returned in sales
 per marketing dollar fell 20%, from $3.37 to $2.70. In other words, in
 a year when e-commerce caught on like wildfire, these 15 leading
 Internet firms got less bang for the buck.

 The old rules still apply

 To a degree, such a result is not surprising. Each week, dozens of new
 souped-up Web sites compete for the ultimately finite number of
 dollars consumers and businesses spend in cyberspace each year. And
 therein lies the rub. Marketing is not an activity companies undertake
 only when they are in their start-up phase. Rather, it is as important
 for mature butterflies as it is for larvae.

 Advertising Age’s list of the 100 top U.S. advertising spenders is
 chock-a-block with household names whose products have long since
 entered the commercial lingua franca. General Motors, the biggest
 spender, spent $3.08 billion in advertising last year in the U.S.
 alone. Others spending more than $1 billion on domestic advertising
 include such venerable brands as Disney (No. 7); Sears (No. 6) and
 Pepsi (No. 8). Those figures do not even include other sales,
 marketing and promotional expenses.


[CTRL] 1st Grade

1999-06-14 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

Now, when I was a younger prson, much younger than I am now, I had
a class at UC Berkeley, "Bible as Literature".  Now, I recall there
were non-Christians (non-practicing, Jewish, me, and others) in the
class and the material was 'relevant' (a term my gen 'discovered')
from the standpoint is someone took history, legend, imagination,
whathaveyou, and committed it to paper via some writing implement.
All in all, it therefore became 'literature'.  I envision a society
where so many boundaries are put on the 'freedoms' that one day Joe
'Bill Bixby' Blough will emerge as the Hulk (maybe Hogan but I was
thinking of the green guy (and not Joe Carcionne {sp?}) from the TV
series).  The teachers are there to moderate and explain what's
happening; like TV if the parents don't like what's on, they can
change channels -- or schools.  What would happen if some youngster
with a non-mainstream faith system told some story out of his or her
holy book that was not recognisable as coming therefrom?  Same result
without all the hullaballoo ... AER 

From Christian Science Monitor

 TUESDAY, JUNE 15, 1999

 Picturee-mail this story to a friend


 First-grader tests ban on religion in class

 Marjorie Coeyman ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor


 Picture: ALSO IN TODAY'S MONITOR• School of Philadelphia
 • Lost at sea

 As a reward for being a good reader, Zachary Hood was told he could
 read a story of his choice to his first-grade class. So the New Jersey
 youngster chose one of his favorite narratives, the biblical tale of
 Jacob and Esau.

 But his teacher balked, feeling a Bible story wouldn't be appropriate
 in a public-school classroom.

 The result is an unusual lawsuit, brought on behalf of a youth who
 hadn't yet lost his baby teeth, that may redefine the wall separating
 church and state.

 While many legal challenges in recent years have succeeded in keeping
 religion out of the classroom, this one is seeking to bring a snippet
 of the Scriptures in.

 Thus, it is being closely watched across the country as a test of
 whether school districts, in their attempt to avoid legal action from
 the ACLU and other groups, have now gone too far in barring religious
 material from schools.

 At the same time, the case underscores the enduring tension between a
 teacher's right to supervise assignments and a student's right to
 express individual initiative.


 "Those are two claims of very high order in the realm of academic
 freedom," says Robert O'Neil, director of the Thomas Jefferson Center
 for Protection of Free Expression at the University of Virginia. "It's
 about as poignant a conflict as I've ever seen."

 Zachary's parents filed the lawsuit against his former teacher and the
 Medford, N.J., public school system. At the time - more than two years
 ago - a federal district court upheld the teacher's right to decide
 what belonged in her classroom.

 Now the case sits before a federal appeals court in Philadelphia, and
 some are predicting it could end up before the US Supreme Court. A
 ruling is expected within the next 90 days.

 The dispute highlights how far American public schools are from having
 any kind of comfort zone when it comes to the inclusion of religious
 material in classrooms.

 Let the teacher decide

 In this case, those who want to maintain a strict separation between
 church and state argue that stripping teachers of their freedom to
 determine what's appropriate in class would set a dangerous precedent.
 They support the original court decision.

 "Is the teacher now devoid of the ability to decide what's going to be
 read to the class?" asks Marc Stern, an attorney who filed a
 friend-of-the-court brief on behalf of the Washington-based Americans
 United for Separation of Church and State.

 Especially at the first-grade level, argues Mr. Stern, a teacher must
 have discretion. He asks what would happen if Zachary wanted to read
 "Heather Has Two Mommys" - a controversial children's book about a
 family with lesbian parents. "How would the evangelical Christian
 parents in the district have felt about that?" In addition, Stern
 says, it's important to consider the rights of the other children in
 the class not to hear a story they may have found uncomfortable.

 The teacher would have allowed Zachary to read the story privately to
 her. But the parents wanted it read aloud to the class - something
 that critics like Stern contend goes too far.

 "The right to free speech does not include the right to require an
 audience," he says.

 But others argue that this represents a misreading of constitutional
 law when it comes to the right of free religious speech. They also say
 schools have become too sensitive on anything to do with religion.

 "The school is hiding behind the mistaken assumption that Zachary
 sharing his 

[CTRL] Them 'Rights' Again

1999-06-14 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

From spintechmag.com

Bring a chess board ... 

 SpinTech: June 12, 1999

 Kiss Those Rights Goodbye
 by Joel Miller

 According to the War Powers Resolution Act of 1973, the president is
 permitted a limited period of time in which he can send American
 troops to far-flung lands and have them shoot people. When that time
 draws nigh, he's supposed to do what the Constitution says and get
 Congress' permission to shoot those people. Should Congress refuse to
 grant such permission, the commander in chief is suppose to call the
 troops home and turn his attention to more domestic matters - like
 milking Littleton, saving Social Security, and salvaging his legacy.

 Well, Bill's 60-day "Kill-the-Slavs-for-free" pass ran out May 26th.
 Now, theoretically, Clinton faces an interesting dilemma: either he
 calls the troops home before they've finished whatever it is they're
 doing in Yugoslavia, or pleads with Congress to give him a formal
 declaration of war so he can go on molesting the Serbs and any
 unfortunate Albanian bystanders.

 Of course, constitutionally this is good and proper, and it's truly
 heartening to see Congress actually remember that it's supposed to
 read and follow that old document every now and then, but I've got to
 say, this doesn't necessarily bode well for any of us.

 Let's say that Clinton chooses to impale himself on the first horn of
 the dilemma and calls the troops home. It might look like he lost -
 but maybe not. Let's just say that he declares a victory - we don't
 actually have to win for Clinton to claim we did. Besides, lying and
 making it look good is how this guy survives. After the cogs of the
 Clinton spin machine start cranking and the talking heads have bumped
 gums on the Sunday morning yammer shows, Republicans might well look
 like genocide fans for forcing Clinton bring home the guys in cammie

 Even if Clinton pulls the troops and somehow manages to look like a
 winner, the other choice is bleaker still. Congressmen are saying that
 we need to force the president to abide by the Constitution. I'm all
 for it. But is anyone worried about what a formal declaration of war
 would look like - provided Congress decides to grant it?

 Despite all the bold heroics and John Wayne movies, wars mean one
 thing for certain - clamping down on liberties stateside. The
 government's powers are expanded astronomically during times of war.
 Last time I read my Constitution, Article 1, Section 9 of the
 Constitution permits the feds to suspend habeas corpus in troubled
 times - and thus give the right of due process a rude kick in the
 tuchas. With habeas corpus put on hold, Clinton could arrest just
 about anyone he wanted, and let them mold-over in a prison cell
 without trial.

 Wouldn't happen? Lincoln did it during the War Between the States,
 regularly jailing northern naysayers and trying them for sedition in
 military courts. Franklin Roosevelt caged up more than 110,000
 Japanese-Americans - many who were citizens - during WWII just because
 they looked like the bad guys. During WWI, Woodrow Wilson locked up
 dozens of Germans and Commies, and some stayed behind bars until
 President Harding found the key and let them out - three years after
 we had walloped the Kaiser and ended the war.

 Not only can the president scuttle folks behind fences, he can also
 send them packing. Under The Alien Enemy Act of 1798, the executive is
 permitted to arrest and deport any and all foreign guests he sees fit
 - including your Croatian grandmother who's just visiting for the

 Formal states of war also allow a commander in chief to regulate the
 nation's economy - including draconian price controls, rationing, and
 limiting trade with foreign countries. The dream of every Democrat
 executive is fully granted in The Defense Production Act of 1950 -
 which gives the president carte blanche with the economy; any
 regulation is basically legal and within bounds. If you want to become
 a black-marketeer just to get a tank of gas or a bar of chocolate,
 this is the way.

 And if you're into the time-honored art of dissent, prepare for a
 government-sponsored towel in your mouth. During WWI, President
 Woodrow Wilson ordered the Post Office to refuse delivery of hundreds
 of magazines and newspapers. Newspaperman H.L. Mencken, who was
 opposed to both World Wars, was consequently gagged during both.

 Writing for the Investor's Business Daily last month, Brian Mitchell
 noted that "Critics of the war might run afoul of the Foreign Agents
 Registration Act by merely downloading and distributing information
 off Yugoslavian Web sites." What about sites that have been a tad
 negative on the war, like WorldNetDaily, for instance? "The government
 might even attempt to jam foreign Web sites and intimidate domestic
 Internet service providers from hosting pro-Serb sites." Great.

 Given the extraordinary powers that would be handed to the 


1999-06-14 Thread DIG alfred webre

 -Caveat Lector-

EcoNews Service
Vancouver, BC
VANCOUVER - Remember those dramatic photos of twenty
fragments of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 crashing into Jupiter in July
16-22, 1994?

Well, scientists at the Millennium Group are worried that Comet
Lee, a wild card (non-periodic) comet first discovered by Australian
Steven Lee on April 16, 1999, may pass discomfortingly close to
Earth sometime starting in mid-August, 1999 and continuing
through early 2000.

 At the very least, they say, Comet Lee may cause solar
explosions (CMEs) in our solar system, earthquakes, and
hurricane-like weather on Earth.  At the worst, well, Shoemaker-
Levy’s comet fragments crashing into Jupiter could be a pictorial
warning for Earth if Comet Lee is captured in Earth-moon orbit.

What has Millennium Group scientists James B. Ervin, Jim
McCanney, Alexey Dmitriev, Gary D. Goodwin, Ray Ward, Hal
Blondell, Don Carros, and Wayne Moody worried is that Comet
Lee’s behavior is defying all predictive models by NASA's and
other's super-computers.

Millennium Group scientist James B. Ervin says, ““The truth of the
matter about [Comet Lee] is that nobody can project its path….I
believe there is ample evidence to suggest that it will pass much
closer to Earth than originally anticipated….Especially, if Comet
Lee is hit by a [solar explosion] during its perihelion passage.”

Earl L. Crockett, another Millennium Group Scientist, says we may
already be experiencing the effects of Comet Lee. “I would
personally add that it may in fact already be responsible for the
very weird actions we have been seeing from the sun over the last
several months; i.e. the appearance that something has been
"pulling" energetic charges away from the Sun in the opposite
direction of Earth producing large [solar] CME's/flares that for the
most part have had little electromagnetic effect here on Earth.”

Scientist Jim McCanney adds, “[Comet Lee] is truly a lawless
comet, and with the erratic brightening happening it is certain to be
far off course every day….This could be a doozy! August is now
looking like a time for the first possible trouble.”

Disturbingly, scientist Ray Ward says tight military security has
been mounted around official tracking of Comet Lee, impeding
public knowledge and scientific study. “The word is Ultra tight
security on Comet Lee. The Military side of NASA is running this
show now, so forget any type of cooperation.”. Ward adds, “Too
bad NASA has destroyed the [Comet] Hale-Bopp data that we
could really use to help provide the correction factors needed on
Comet Lee.”  Comet Hale-Bopp’s closest Earth approach was on
March 22, 1997.

According to McCanney, planetary alignments in mid-August and
September 1999 may make Comet Lee particularly hazardous.
“The big key here is the upcoming planetary alignments and that it
will be the electrical plasma alignments not gravity that will be the
potential harm givers. Most critical is the September 6, 1999
alignment of Venus, and Earth with the new Moon….I have even
considered that if the comet orbit is "hooked" enough we could see
a close enough encounter that the Earth and moon could capture
this thing as a permanent new member of the earth moon system,
or worse; at it would flip out into a future collision course with us
again and again like Venus did to Mars some 4000 years ago.”

Researchers have raised concern about the potentially catastrophic
effects of two other space events in mid-August, 1999, which may
be compounded by Comet Lee.  One is the Solar Eclipse of
August 11, 1999.  The other is the Earth flyby of the Cassini
spacecraft on August 18, 1999, carrying 72 pounds of plutonium,
equivalent to over 50% of all the radiation released since the
beginning of nuclear testing.

The Millennium Group is an independent group of scientists and
researchers “organized to create an unbiased outlet for scientific
research and critical thinking.”  Millennium Group research on
Comet Lee appears at:

Useful Links:

Solar eclipse (Aug 11, 1999)


Comet Lee (Near approach Sept 6, 1999)


Cassini spacecraft (Aug 18, 1999)


Space Environment Center


World Meditation Days (Aug-Sept, 1999)



CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout 

[CTRL] More on Kosovo

1999-06-14 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Marines enter Kosovo; Serbs burn homes

•14,000 allied troops in place •Milosevic: The worst is over •Dead
journalists identified

By Melissa Eddy
The Associated Press
June 14, 1999 7:51 p.m. CDT

PRISTINA, Yugoslavia (AP) -- Ducking at the sound of gunfire, patrolling
cautiously to avoid the ire of Serbs, thousands of NATO peacekeepers spread
out Monday across Kosovo. Some uncovered grim evidence of atrocities as they
tightened their control of the province.

Serb forces complying with the pullout ordered by NATO to end the 78-day air
war mixed in with civilians fleeing in columns up to 500 vehicles long. Some
ethnic Albanian homes were set ablaze by Serb troops leaving Kosovo.

Aiming to bring a measure of stability to the province shattered by war and a
long history of ethnic hatred, NATO and U.S. forces sought to downplay the
impasse over about 200 Russian soldiers occupying the Pristina airfield where
the allies planned to establish headquarters.

NATO lead commander Lt. Gen. Michael Jackson insisted the airfield wasn't
crucial to occupying forces though the White House said Defense Secretary
William Cohen and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright will meet their
Russian counterparts in Helsinki, Finland, within days.

Kosovo's Serbs fear that the majority ethnic Albanians will take bloody
revenge on them for years of oppression and for reported atrocities. The
West, meanwhile, fears that a Russian zone will lead to the partition of

Refugees who began streaming out of Kosovo after the NATO bombing campaign
began March 24 told of Serb slaughter and the massacre of innocent victims.

The accounts could not be independently confirmed at the time and one of the
peacekeepers' grueling tasks will be to investigate what happened. On Monday,
they gingerly probed the town cemetery in Kacanik, where the stench of
decayed flesh hung heavy over 81 apparently newly dug graves.

British Capt. Andy Reeds said war crimes investigators would be called in to
examine the site, 30 miles south of Pristina.

Peacekeepers continued to pour into the battered Serbian province from
neighboring Macedonia and Albania, and officials said about 15,000 allied
troops had entered Kosovo by Monday.

"The deployment of KFOR is on schedule," said NATO Secretary General Javier
Solana. "The withdrawal of the Serbian forces is also on time."

A convoy of 1,200 U.S. Marines began crossing just south of Kacanik at first
light, and U.S. forces took over the area, including the site of the graves,
from the British troops.

"We were all a little edgy going in," said Cpl. Will Rapier, 20, of
Paintsville, Ky., with the 3rd Battalion, 8th Marines. "We just hope to get
this thing over so we can all go home."

Despite the tensions, Monday's troop movements went off without a repeat of
Sunday's pair of fatal confrontations, when soldiers shot a Serb in Pristina
and German forces killed one man and wounded another after the men fired at
them from a car in the city of Prizren.

On Monday, Serb citizens poured out of Prizren, Kosovo's second-largest city,
taunted by ethnic Albanians who erupted into a wild victory celebration.

German soldiers disarmed several members of the Kosovo Liberation Army, the
ethnic Albanian guerrilla group, as they tried to seize wounded Serb soldiers
at the main Prizren hospital.

The KLA is supposed to demilitarize under the Kosovo peace agreement, but the
group boldly set up an office in Pristina on Monday.

The private news agency Beta reported Monday that three Serbs were killed by
men wearing KLA armbands in a suburb of Pristina. The Serb-run Media Center
said it had a report of five people killed in the same suburb but did not
have details.

The center blamed the KLA for killing a Serb employee of Pristina's
television station in front of his home Monday night in the Taslidze section
of the city. The Serb report gave no other details of the attack

Italian troops entered the city of Pec, the seat of the Serbian Orthodox
Church in Kosovo and the scene of some of the grimmest accounts of slaughter
in recent months.

Yugoslav troops withdrew from the city on Monday after a spree of
home-burnings and alleged rapes, whooping on the way out.

Two German journalists were shot dead by unidentified gunman Sunday 15 miles
south of Pristina. The German newsweekly Stern identified them as
photographer Volker Kraemer, 56, and reporter Gabriel Gruener, 35. The
magazine said the team's interpreter was missing.

In Pristina, an impasse over its strategic airport continued.

Russia's role in the envisaged 50,000-member peacekeeping force, which
includes 7,000 Americans, was not clearly defined in the peace plan. A
contingent of 200 Russian troops arrived unexpectedly from Bosnia on
Saturday, ahead of NATO troops, and took control of the airport.

Jackson said Monday that he did not regard the presence of the Russians as
important from a military standpoint.

"I'm not in a tussle with them," he said. "They 

Re: [CTRL] Comet Lee - NEWS STORY

1999-06-14 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

What - a new comet; is someone planning an assassination?

I have a friend of NASA that loves to look into stuff like this when I
ask; and believe me, is someone trying to stir up another Halle Bop, not
satisfied that some of these people have been engaged in brainwashing mc

Comet Lee...l.what a bunch of crap.   I remember when Icarus came years
agonow it was only an asteroid but it was announced that June in
1968 that it was headed for earth and there would be a collisiononly
thing, when I checked nobody had seen itonly a Dutch Astronomer
named Baade, which was suspect right away.

Someone is planning a murder, and like a John the Baptist makes the way
for the scene of slaughter, just as they did for JFK, RFK, and MLK.

Isn't this world sick enough with kids murdering kids, tht garbage about
Comet Lee is permitted to be taken for fact...by this so called
"independent' group of scientists.

Well, when the killing beginsthey already killed my president.

Back in 1963, November 22; Bobby, of course they got in Junemaybe
that is why they named a White Rose after JFK; are the Rosicrucians
still trying to make the white rose red.blood red.

Is there another little Oswald or Sirhan waiting to take aim?  And will
the comet, bring all this disaster on schedule.
Remember Jean Dixon, who marked all the democrats for murder by "divine
revelation", and her boss' owned some retty big newspapers, including
Rosicrucian Hearstonly thing, this timek if they do begin shooting,
I will not carethey already killed my President.


Cometsanyone that believes that crap needs a new brain.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: AANEWS for Monday, June 14, 1999

1999-06-14 Thread CobolMage

 -Caveat Lector-

subject: AANEWS for June 14, 1999

 A M E R I C A N   A T H E I S T S
  #589 ~~ 6/14/99

   "Leading The Way For Atheist Civil Rights
And The Separation Of State and Church"

   In This Issue...
   * Supreme Court to examine aid to religious schools
   * A list of pertinent legal cases
   * RLPA markup tomorrow in House, Senate action soon
   * The Pope and the sun: a column by Roahn Wynar


The nation's highest court decided today that it will examine whether
public funds may be used to purchase instructional materials, computer
and other items for use in religious, sectarian schools.  The justices
agreed to review a 14-year old dispute from Louisiana which many legal
observers say is at the heart of the question over public aid to
parochial and other faith-based schools.

The Clinton administration applauded the court's announcement, and
hopes that part of an $15 billion educational bill, including the
spending of nearly $800 million on computer and related technology
programs, will reach religious schools.  According to the U.S.
department of Education, in the 1997-98 school year more than $12
million in government funds was used for instructional and related
materials in private and sectarian schools in 34 states.

At issue is the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act of
1965, which gives public schools money for special types of
instructional materials.  Public school districts are required to
share any equipment a "secular, neutral and nonideological way" with
private and sectarian schools in the district.  In Louisiana,
Jefferson Parish taxpayers sued government officials in 1985, though,
saying that the program violated the First Amendment's establish
clause ban on aid to religion.

A federal judge upheld the aid program in 1997, but last August the
Fifth U.S.  Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the ruling.

The high court's decision may affect related issues including the
constitutionality of voucher programs which reimburse parents for
tuition for their children when used at private and sectarian schools.
Expected in the year 2000, the ruling could also clarifying a
bewildering set of rulings and regulations over how far government may
go -- and what sorts of resources may be paid for -- in helping
students who attend private and religious schools.  In 1997, for
instance, the justices affirmed the constitutionality of allowing
public school teachers to offer remedial help at parochial schools.
That seemed to affirm a 1993 ruling that permitted school districts to
pay for sign-language interpreters for deaf students in Catholic

Reporting on today's action, AP writer Richard Carelli observed,
"Chief Justice William H.  Rehnquist and Justices Antonin Scalia and
Clarence Thomas have led the movement toward greater government
accommodation of religion."  Less yielding have been Justices John
Paul Stevens, David H.  Souter, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen G.
Breyer.  Justices Anthony Kennedy and Sandra Day O'Connor have often
been considered "swing votes" in the high courts First Amendment

Critics of government aid to parochial and other religious schools
worry that recent high court rulings have blurred, even obliterated,
early decisions from the 1970s.  Attorneys representing Catholic
school parents have argued that the Constitution "does not bar aid to
the educational function of religiously affiliated schools," and
attempt to distinguish between the strictly education activities of
the daily class routine with periods of religious instruction.  A
policy of no government aid, they argue, "would require discrimination
against, not neutrality toward, religion."

Counter to this, though, are the arguments advanced by the taxpayers
in the Louisiana suit.  Their attorneys insist that the
"discrimination, not neutrality" claim amounts to a '"flawed theory"
since it would permit indiscriminate and unlimited funding of
resources for religious schools -- everything from desks and textbooks
to, under President Clinton's new initiative, computers and other
high-technology programs.  "If computers, why not desks, blackboards
and copies?  Where would the line be drawn?"

The danger is that with the present split and coloration of the
Supreme Court regarding establishment clause issues, a majority of
justices may declare that the expenditure of government funds for
computers or other equipment, when used by religious schools, has no
direct effect on promoting religion, and thus passes constitutional

   Pertinent Cases: Government Aid To Religious Schools


[CTRL] John Quinn on The Montauk Project (http://www.mk.net/~mcf/montauk.htm)

1999-06-14 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-


Montauk Air Force Station
Active or Not?
by John A. Quinn

To get things started on the right note (and put the reader in the proper
frame of mind) this question should be answered forthwith, as simply and
directly as possible; the answer is yes... and no: and here is the story.

Within the past two years, several incidents of a deeply disturbing and
highly irregular nature have occurred at or near Camp Hero/Montauk Air Force
Station, an ostensibly derelict facility at the extreme eastern end of Long
Island's south fork and adjacent to Montauk Point's historic lighthouse.
This area is currently administered by the New York State Parks system and
is in fact a designated state park, on paper at least. Two of these
incidents involved women, one of whom was accompanied by her children, being
accosted, harassed and threatened at gunpoint by unidentified government/
military personnel while in the vicinity. They were told that they had
violated top-secret and restricted areas and were subject to arrest; however
no arrests were made. Another such incident involving weapons happened
within the past year when a young man was walking in the so-called state
park. A similar event sans automatic weapons took place in mid-April of 1995
when a family walking there encountered a security agent, also unidentified,
who abusively harassed the family and threatened to have them arrested for
the same alleged violation; again no arrests were made. In April 1996, in an
effort to bring themselves up-to-date on the status of the area, this family
again entered the restricted portion of Camp Hero State Park, and they were
once more approached by a non-uniformed guard who "advised" them that they
were intruding into an area designated off-limits to the public, and were to
leave immediately. This follows upon an inexplicably large number of similar
events within recent years. There is much well-substantiated testimony
extending back at least twenty-five years of bizarre, unconstitutional and
horrific activities secretly conducted by shadowy government and military
agencies at this location.

In addition to the known military bases (U.S. Army) Camp Hero and Montauk
Air Force Station, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers plans and records establish
conclusive proof of the existence of at least four levels of subterranean
facilities beneath Camp Hero, and according to informed sources up to three
additional levels have been added as recently as the early 1990s. Montauk is
actually geologically distinct from the rest of Long Island and is the top
of an undersea mountain, so there is plenty of bedrock to go down into. Camp
Hero was a U.S. Army installation established prior to WW2, and Montauk Air
Force Station was established within its perimeter as the Army phased out of
the location in the 1950s. The Air Force Station was officially active only
until 1969, and federal records do show that no legitimate source of funding
existed past that time to keep the base in operation as it's SAGE radar
system had by then become obsolete, yet recovered Air Force documents and
numerous witnesses verify indisputably that the Air Force Station was still
active long after then.

Recently much evidence has surfaced indicating that the base and the
subterranean facilities were and still are used for a tremendous amount of
top-secret, ultra-classified research and experimentation (much of which
falls under the umbrella of the code-named Phoenix Project) in quantum and
particle physics (black hole simulation), super-powerful electrical fields,
weather control, psychotronics (interfacing mind and machine), genetics, and
electronic and drug-based mind control. The preponderance of this evidence
strongly suggests that a great many of these activities have been thoroughly
malevolent as to both their desired ends and the means used to achieve those
ends, and have utilized unwitting and even helpless subjects -- including at
times, youngsters abducted from surrounding communities. Certain of these
experiments in controlled warping of our time-space continuum had such
devastating results and almost inconceivably awesome potential consequences
that several project insiders conspired to sabotage the proceedings in
August 1983, forcing the base's total, but as it turns out only temporary,


No Picnics at Camp Hero State Park
It is a matter of public record that the federal government turned the Camp
Hero/Montauk A.F. Station property over to New York State for use as public
park land in 1984, yet according to the terms of the deed on record at the
Suffolk County offices in Riverhead, N.Y., the federal government retains
all rights to all property beneath the surface of the land -- only the
surface of this area was actually donated to N.Y. State. The deed also holds
that the federal government can reclaim the surface of the land as well for
reasons of national security, if necessary.

[CTRL] The Story of The CIA Brainwashing Experiments in Canada

1999-06-14 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-


Collins, Anne
In the Sleep Room: The Story of The CIA Brainwashing Experiments in Canada

Summary A journalistic account of the CIA-funded experiments in
"psychic-driving" of Dr. Ewen Cameron at Montreal's Allan Memorial Institute
in the 1950's and early 1960's. Cameron investigated "treatment" for various
forms of depression, consisting of high-dose electroshock (Page-Russell
variant), heavy sedation, and the repetetive playing of patient's or the
doctor's recorded voice.

Many patients did not respond; some were destroyed by the technique.
Particularly moving is the story of Mary Morrow (Chapter 9), a
physician-patient whose career was damaged by her experiences. Cameron held
the most prominent positions in professional psychiatry; he died unscathed
by his questionable research and in pursuit of yet another goal, a mountain

Commentary The CIA interest in these experiments has been explained as a
product of concern over the perceived threat of Soviet brain-washing as a
weapon of subversion during the Cold War. This account is based on
interviews with patient-survivors, their family members, other caregivers,
and those involved in the lawsuits pending at the time of writing. In
contrast to Harvey Weinstein's autobiographical version of the same events
(Father, Son, and CIA, see this database), this account places more emphasis
on Cameron and his career.
Publisher Lester  Orpen Dennys (Toronto)
Edition 1988
Annotated by Duffin, Jacalyn
Date of Entry 3/4/97
 Felice Aull, Ph.D.
 © Copyright 1993-1999 New York University
All Rights Reserved


 Weinstein, Harvey M.
Father, Son, and CIA

Summary A son's story of his father's illness, treatment, and resultant
destruction by the "psychic-driving" experiments of Dr. Ewen Cameron at
Montreal's Allan Memorial Institute in the 1950's. The effect of the
father's illness on the family is recounted, as is the son's gradual
realization, only when he is himself about to become a psychiatrist, that
something abnormal must have taken place during those long hospitalizations.
Weinstein tells other patient stories in some detail as he recounts the
legal fight for compensation awarded finally in October, 1988.
Commentary This autobiographical account by a McGill- and Yale-trained
psychiatrist is supplemented by interviews with doctors and with other
patient-victims, who were following legal channels for compensation. In
detective-story fashion, the author pieces together his personal realization
of the history of Cameron's "psychic driving" experiments and the CIA
involvement, which had been prompted by Cold-War fears of the security
threat posed by brainwashing. This book can be compared with Anne Collins's
journalistic account of the same characters and events, in which the chapter
about the physician-patient, Mary Morrow, contrasts sharply with Harvey
Weinstein's version (In the Sleep Room: The Story of The CIA Brainwashing
Experiments in Canada, see this database).
Publisher James Lorimer (Toronto)
Edition 1988

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Medical Research Teams Draw Closer to Cloning

1999-06-14 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

Embryo Work Raises Specter Of Human Harvesting
  Medical Research Teams Draw Closer to Cloning

  By Rick Weiss
  Washington Post Staff Writer
  Monday, June 14, 1999; Page A01

  A team of American researchers has quietly begun
trying to create the world's first
  batches of cloned human embryos, and another team has
resumed its controversial
  cloning of embryos that are part human and part cow,
according to scientists
  involved in the work.

  The privately funded work is part of a new surge of
human embryo research aimed at
  developing novel treatments for diseases -- but which
some scientists believe could
  be inadvertently paving the way to the first births of
cloned babies.

  The work is also a vivid reminder that while Congress,
the National Institutes of
  Health and a presidentially appointed bioethics
commission debate the finer points
  of whether federal dollars should be spent on certain
types of human embryo
  research, the private sector is rapidly moving forward
to capitalize on the potentially
  lucrative field.

  The two companies that have started the programs to
grow their own embryos,
  Geron Corp. of Menlo Park, Calif., and Advanced Cell
Therapeutics (ACT) of
  Worcester, Mass., are not trying to make full-grown
human clones or human-cow
  hybrids. Rather, the goal is to use the newly cloned
embryos as sources of
  embryonic stem cells, a recently discovered kind of
cell that is thought to have the
  potential to treat a host of chronic ailments,
including diabetes and Parkinson's

  Nonetheless, the two programs are the first openly
concerted efforts to create
  human embryos by cloning. They also appear to be the
first instances of scientists
  creating human embryos explicitly for the purpose of
harvesting medically useful
  cells -- a practice that President Clinton banned
among federally funded researchers
  4 1/2 years ago but that remains legal in the private

  Adding to the contentious nature of the work is the
widely held suspicion that the
  new experiments will inevitably, and perhaps very
quickly, help others overcome the
  remaining technical hurdles to cloning human beings.
After all, once someone
  perfects the art of making healthy cloned human
embryos as a source of stem cells,
  all that would be needed to make the world's first
human clone would be to place one
  of those embryos in a woman's womb so she could give
birth to the resulting child.

  That uncomfortable link between stem cell research and
human cloning is raising
  difficult questions about how to draw legal and
ethical distinctions between cloning
  young human embryos -- essentially balls of a few
hundred cells -- for medical
  research, and cloning human beings as a reproductive

  For those who believe that life begins around the time
of conception, and that even
  very young embryos deserve special respect and
protection, the cultivation of
  embryos to harvest their cells is beyond the ethical
pale, said George Annas, a
  bioethicist and professor of health law at Boston

  "They can make the argument that really what they're
doing is just culturing stem
  cells," Annas said. "It's an argument, but it won't
fly with a lot of people."

  But for those who believe, as many scientists do, that
an embryo does not become a
  person until it is at least 14 days old, when the
first evidence of a nervous system
  appears, experimentation on five- to 10-day-old human
embryos for stem cells is a
  worthy endeavor.

  "I think people don't realize that we're talking about
cells that have not become
  anything yet. There's no hands and feet, and I think a
lot of this debate is over
  mental images that words like 'embryo' portray," said
Michael West, president of
  ACT. "To prevent science from using cells to cure
human diseases would be a
  horrific step backward."

  West said American regulators and the public need to
catch up with their European
  counterparts, who have begun making a distinction
between "therapeutic cloning,"
  in which embryos are cloned 

Re: [CTRL] Remove????

1999-06-14 Thread Steve Wilson

 -Caveat Lector-

/A  A

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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