[CTRL] WND: Panhandle Bushies want second shot

2000-11-10 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[I had a good chuckle out of this GOP spin...  --MS]

Panhandle Bushies want second shot

Pensacola officials say early, wrong call by networks affected

By Paul Sperry WorldNetDaily.com

WASHINGTON -- Officials in the Pensacola, Fla., elections office
say they've been flooded with calls from irate voters who claim
they were discouraged from voting for George W.  Bush Tuesday
when the New York-based TV networks called Florida for Al Gore
before polls closed in the state's western panhandle, which is in
an earlier time zone.

Also, a Republican state lawmaker from Pensacola is rounding up
voters who apparently "walked away" from poll lines when they
heard the premature news, which turned out to be wrong.  Some
voters have told the lawmaker they are willing to sue for another
chance to cast their vote for Bush, WorldNetDaily has learned.

Meanwhile, the chairman of the Republican Party in Escambia
County, Fla., has asked his precinct leaders to identify
potential Bush voters who reportedly left poll lines because of
the erroneous network announcement. Pensacola, home to a Navy
base and the Blue Angels, is the county seat.

Hosts of two talk-radio shows broadcast on local WEBY and WCOA
planned Thursday night to help round up discouraged Bush voters
by exhorting them to call into their conservative programs.

Escambia County Republican Party chairman Tom Gilliam says he's
investigating whether the early network call dampened Republican
turnout there.

"There could have been people in line around 7 p.m. central time
waiting to vote when the call went out by the networks that it
was over in Florida," Gilliam told WorldNetDaily.  "They may
possibly have gone home because of the incorrect call made by the

Some local Republican voters were so confused by the announcement
that they thought election officials had "closed the polls
early," said Brenda O'Gwynn, an aide to the Escambia County
elections supervisor in Pensacola. Her nonpartisan public office
handles balloting for the county.

"They thought the media discouraged them from casting their
ballots," she said, adding that she's been flooded with angry

"We have nine lines coming into our main number and then six
other lines that other people answer," O'Gwynn said. "They are
getting complaints about that as well."

"It's been crazy," said a phone operator in the elections office.

At 7:49 p.m.  Eastern time, MSNBC led the network pack in
declaring Gore the winner in Florida.  ABC, CBS, Fox and
Atlanta-based CNN quickly followed.

News first reached voters in Florida's panhandle at 6:49 central
time -- with 11 minutes left before polls closed. The news could
also have affected those waiting in line after 7 p.m, Gilliam

Most of the Florida peninsula is in the Eastern time zone. But 10
counties, including Escambia, are in the central time zone.
They are located west of the Apalachicola River in the state's
panhandle. See county breakout in Florida map.

Escambia County, which voted about 2-to-1 in favor of Bush, has
69,724 registered Republicans, O'Gwynn says. She's says it won't
be known for another week or so how many of them did not vote.

Bush leads Gore by 1,784 votes in the overall Florida tally. The
state, which is now in the process of recounting all votes, will
decide the outcome of the national election for president, since
its 25 electoral votes will put either candidate over the 270
total they need to win.

While discontent grows among voters in the GOP-heavy Florida
panhandle, the networks have focused on the more vocal elderly
voters in the Democratic stronghold of Palm Beach County.  They
insist they were cheated out of voting for Gore by a confusing

The Gore campaign has seized on their complaints, threatening to
sue the state to prevent it from certifying any winning tally for
Bush until voters in Palm Beach can recast their votes.  Gore has
sent a team of nearly 50 lawyers to Florida.

Though there are no signs the Bush campaign is cultivating
Republican voters around Pensacola as possible litigants, voters
there are willing to sue, says Suzie West, a legislative aide for
state Rep.  Jerry Maygarden, R-Pensacola.

"Some have called and said, 'If there's going to be lawsuits,
then we want to be named, because this is ridiculous,' " West
said.  "We've got people calling left and right who are so

She says some suggest suing the TV networks for voter fraud,
which they hope might force the state to give any discouraged
Bush voters in Florida's central time zone another chance to

West says an unidentified voter who stood in line at a Pensacola
polling place around 7 p.m.  Tuesday left a phone message
claiming he witnessed people "walking away" from the same line
after they heard the network announcements.

"People walked," West said.

Gilliam says he's suspicious of not only the timing of the
networks' early call for Gore but also their belated retraction
-- which came two 

[CTRL] WND: Fraudulent absentee ballots cast in Florida

2000-11-10 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Fraudulent absentee ballots cast in Florida

State attorney's office investigating forged documents found

By Julie Foster

Two absentee ballots requested but never received by a Pensacola
voter in Miami were discovered by election officials with
fraudulent signatures, prompting an investigation by state

Todd Vinson, a 28-year-old law clerk registered to vote in
Pensacola, requested an absentee ballot from the Escambia County
Elections Supervisor on Oct.  10 to be sent to his residence in
Miami.  When he did not receive the ballot after two weeks, he
requested another on Oct.

24, according to a Pensacola News Journal report.  That ballot
also never reached its proper destination.  Vinson contacted his
father, U.S.  District Judge Roger Vinson, the Thursday before
the election, telling him about the mysterious, no-show ballots.

The judge immediately contacted Escambia County Elections
Supervisor Bonnie Jones, informing her of the situation.  After
reviewing absentee ballots returned to elections officials,
Jones' office found a ballot with Todd Vinson's name on it.  The
signature on the ballot, however, did not match the signature on
his voter registration card. Additionally, the address listed on
the ballot for the witness was not valid.  All absentee voters
must fill out their ballots in the presence of a witness, who
writes in his or her address and signs the form.

"It was clearly forged,'' Vinson told the News Journal. "Somebody
definitely got hold of it and sent it back in.  The question is
where did they get it, and my speculation was that it happened
somewhere in the post office.  It made it down here to Miami, but
it never made it to me.''

To make sure Vinson's vote was counted, Jones overnighted him a
third ballot in time for him to vote for Texas Gov.  George W.
Bush.  The elections supervisor subsequently contacted the state
attorney's office, U.S. Attorney Mike Patterson and the Florida
Division of Elections.

Then, one day after the cliffhanger vote took place, Escambia
County elections officials found what may be the second ballot
intended for Vinson.  It, too, had been forged and was handed
over to state prosecutors.

Assistant Elections Supervisor Brenda Renfro told WorldNetDaily
neither of the forged ballots will be opened by elections
officials, so it is impossible to know who the illegal votes were
intended to support.  She added that a judge reviewing the case
could decide to open them, but the elections office, as a rule,
does not open fraudulent ballots.

So far, Renfro noted, no other fraudulent ballots have been
discovered in Escamdia County -- located in the
conservative-leaning panhandle of Florida.  The state attorney's
office is leading an investigation into whether the forged ballot
is part of a broader scheme to redirect mailed ballots to someone
who filled them out and forged the voters' signatures.  Jones is
in contact with state attorneys regarding the investigation, but
was instructed by counsel not to give any interviews on the
subject.  Rather, she is to refer all media inquiries to
Assistant State Attorney Russ Edgar.

"I agree there may well be more than just this one,'' Edgar told
the News Journal.  "That's what I'm thinking right now.'' Edgar
is heading the investigation.

A key issue in Vinson's case is how the ballots were redirected.
Vinson suggests the U.S.  Postal Service was involved.  Should
investigators suspect as much, federal law enforcement may be
asked to take over the probe. One station manager in the U.S.
Postal Service, who wishes to remain anonymous, told WND that
postal workers received an intranet memo Wednesday morning from
the postmaster general stating that absentee ballots were to be
separated from other first-class mail to ensure they received
"special handling." Upon asking for clarification from his
supervisor, the source was told not to question the memo as it
came from "the top." The postal worker explained his belief that
setting the ballots aside may lead to a hold-up of absentee
ballots, which could result in the ballots not being counted if
they are not received before state deadlines.

Officials at the Postal Service admit they treat election mail
differently than other items and maintain that treatment
expedites, rather than hinders, mail delivery.

"We give all election mail, especially as it gets close to the
day, special handling," said Dan De Miglio, California spokesman
for the Postal Service.  De Miglio denies the intranet memo was
sent, noting that as California's communications director, he
also would have received it.

"I would know if a memo like that was sent out yesterday," he
remarked, noting that he never saw the memo purportedly sent by
the postmaster general.  "I would have been used to move the
message." He suggested the employee, who has access to the
agency's intranet as a supervisor, could have received a bogus
notice.  "It's a fraud," the spokesman said.


[CTRL] (Fwd) Tainted Election

2000-11-10 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---

From www.wsws.org
WSWS : News  Analysis : North America : US Elections
From impeachment to a tainted election: The conspiracy against democratic rights
continues By the Editorial Board 10 November 2000 Back to screen version

The brazen attempt of the Bush campaign to declare victory in the presidential
campaign-in the face of mounting evidence of massive ballot irregularities in the
state of Florida-exposes its utter contempt for the democratic rights of the
people. In 1998-99 the Republican Party, controlled by the extreme right, sought to
overturn the result of two presidential elections through the impeachment and trial
of Bill Clinton. Now it is attempting to hijack the 2000 presidential elections
through crudely antidemocratic methods, using their control of the state government
in Florida headed by the brother of the Republican presidential candidate.

The issue goes beyond the fact that Gore won the popular vote but still, under the US
Constitution's archaic and undemocratic Electoral College procedure, could be denied
election to the presidency. In fact, Bush is presently trailing in both the popular
vote and the Electoral College. His chances for eventual Electoral College victory-by
a margin of only 271-267-depend entirely on the outcome of the tainted Florida vote.

There is clear and convincing evidence that thousands of pro-Gore voters in critical
Florida precincts were disenfranchised. Approximately 19,000 votes were invalidated
in Palm Beach County because a defective ballot paper led people to punch two lines
rather than one for president; several thousand votes in that county were wrongly
cast for ultra-rightist Patrick Buchanan, because of the same improper ballot;
computer “malfunctions” caused a sudden drop in Gore's vote total in Volusia County;
there was exclusion and intimidation of black voters at polling places in the Miami
metro area and in the state's rural Panhandle.

Already, only two days after the election, revulsion against the ballot rigging has
produced public protests. Hundreds of college students from Florida AM, mainly
black, held a demonstration and sit-in at the state capitol in Tallahassee. Hundreds
of elderly Jewish voters rallied in Palm Beach County to denounce the Election Day
travesty there. Many expressed outrage that their votes were being counted for the
anti-Semitic Buchanan, and they demanded an opportunity to re-vote.

So obviously compromised was the result in Palm Beach that a local judge ordered a
full vote-by-vote hand recount in the county, rather than the cursory recanvass of
computers and voting machines that the state government ordered for all 67 Florida
counties. Even this superficial retallying had slashed Bush's lead to only 225 votes
out of six million cast, before it was halted at the direction of Florida's
Republican Secretary of State on Thursday evening.

The evident irregularities, combined with the growing public protests, compelled the
Gore campaign to reverse its cautious stance of Wednesday and announce that a full-
scale legal challenge of the Florida vote would be made. Former Secretary of State
Warren Christopher, named by Gore to represent his interests in the Florida recount,
described the Palm Beach ballot as “illegal.”

Gore campaign chairman William Daley, who the day before had refused to claim
victory in the state, told a press conference Thursday that Gore was the winner of
the popular vote in Florida as well as in the country as a whole. “If the will of the
people is to prevail, Al Gore should be awarded a victory in Florida and be our next
president,'' Daley said, adding that “the disenfranchisement of thousands of
Floridians” represented “an injustice unparalleled in our history.”

The initial response of the Bush campaign and the Republican Party was to brazen out
the disputed election rather than to try to prove their case. Bush aides scheduled a
victory rally in Austin for Thursday evening, after the Florida recount results were
to be released. They announced that the Texas governor was beginning to assemble a
transition team and plan his first appointments as president-elect. Campaign
officials Don Evans, Karl Rove and Karen Hughes dismissed the reports of voting
irregularities in Palm Beach County in a manner that demonstrated contempt for
democratic rights.

By late Thursday, as Bush's margin dwindled to near zero in the state-run recount, a
partial retreat was sounded. The victory rally was cancelled. Former Secretary of
State James Baker, Bush's designated representative in the Florida recount, said that
the outcome of the election would not be known until November 17, the deadline for
overseas absentee ballots to be received in Tallahassee. “The presidential election
is ... on hold,” he admitted.

An issue of democratic rights

The Socialist Equality Party did not support the campaign of Al Gore. We have
unbridgeable political differences 

[CTRL] WT: Judge's injunction puts Fla. outcome on hold

2000-11-10 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Judge's Injunction Would Put Fla.  Outcome on Hold

By Christina Pino-Marina
washingtonpost.com Staff Writer
Thursday , November 9, 2000

WEST PALM BEACH, Florida -- The outcome of the nationýs disputed
presidential election was put on hold late Thursday by a Circuit
Court judge in West Palm Beach who granted a temporary
preliminary injunction in favor of two women who allege they
voted incorrectly because of confusing ballots.

Judge Kathleen Kroll, a judge in the 15th Judicial Circuit in
Palm Beach County, granted the injunction around 9 p.m.  on a
motion filed by lawyers representing Beverly Rogers and Ray
Kaplan, two women from Boca Raton.

Krollýs injunction prevents state and county officials from
certifying as final the result of the presidential election.
The judgeýs decision was based upon violations of Florida state
laws concerning the format of election ballots, the injunction
said, and it said the ballot was confusing and ýprinted in such a
way that Plaintiffs were deprived of their right to freely
express their will.ý

ýThis is not just about one county,ý said lawyer David H.
Krathen, who represents Kaplan.  ýIt is about a national election
for the president of the United States.ý Hundreds of people
protested in the streets of West Palm Beach Thursday because some
area voters said they might have mistakenly cast votes for Reform
Party Candidate Patrick J.  Buchanan instead of Democratic
candidate Vice President Al Gore, who was just a few hundred
votes behind Texas Gov.  George W.  Bush after statewide vote
recount efforts.  A Florida elections canvassing commission in
charge of recounting votes cast in the county on Nov.  7 expected
the crucial count to be completed by next Tuesday and some
ballots would be recounted by hand.

In Thursday's legal proceedings, Kaplan teamed up with lawyer
Gary M. Farmer, Jr., who represented Rogers, his 55-year-old
mother-in-law.  The two women were not present in the courthouse.

ýWe filed an emergency motion because we wanted a ruling today,
before the commissions certified any of the elections,ý said
Farmer.  ýI believe they (the clients) have a well-founded fear
that they did vote for the wrong person.ý

Others had filed class action lawsuits in the circuit court on
Wednesday and Thursday demanding a county-wide re-vote, but
Krathen and Farmer said they do not know details of those

The defendants in the injunction included the Elections
Canvassing Commission of the State of Florida; Florida Governor
Jeb Bush, the brother of George W.  Bush; Secretary of State
Katherine Harris; Clay Roberts, Director of the Division of
Elections for the State of Florida; Theresa LaPore, Supervisor of
Elections for Palm Beach County; the Palm Beach County Elections
Canvassing Commission; Al Gore; and George W. Bush.

Krathen said the motion for a preliminary injunction was faxed to
all the parties involved.  Thursdayýs injunction calls for an
additional hearing next Tuesday at 1 p.m.

The ballots used in Palm Beach County appear to have violated at
least two state statutes, Farmer said.

State law requires that ballots display candidatesý names on the
left hand side with spaces for selection marks appearing adjacent
to the right of the candidateýs name.  The ballots in question
featured blank spaces adjacent to both the Democratic and Reform
party candidates for president and vice president.  Though arrows
pointed to the correct spaces for each candidate, some voters
said the ballot seemed misaligned.

The namesý order of appearance should also be based on the number
of votes each partyýs candidate received in the previous
gubernatorial election, Farmer said.  The names on the Nov.  7
ballots were out of order, Farmer said, because Buchanan was
listed second behind Bush on the ballot even though the Reform
party received less votes than the Democratic party in the last
gubernatorial election.

"Our clients intended to vote for Al Gore," said Farmer, who had
paced the tiled floors of the courthouse for six hours before the
injunction came.  "They are upset about that.  There sense of
being upset has been magnified by the closeness of this election
and the fact that the entire country is waiting for the results
from Florida."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups 

[CTRL] TT: Judges have power to overturn elections

2000-11-10 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Nov 8, 2000 - 11:03 PM

Judges have power to overturn elections

The Tampa Tribune

TAMPA - Under a 1998 court ruling, Florida judges have broad
authority to invalidate elections or order new elections in cases
in which fraud, or even unintentional error, results in flawed

``The criteria are very broad, almost completely undefined, and
they grant state judges a great deal of discretion,'' said Steve
Gey, a constitutional law expert at the Florida State University
College of Law.

Gey said if irregularities are found in Tuesday's vote for
president, proving they affected the outcome wouldn't be hard,
because the race is so close.

The court decision stems from a challenge to the outcome of the
1996 sheriff's race in Volusia County.  The state Supreme Court,
deciding the case in 1998, didn't overturn the race, but set
standards under which judges could do so, Gey said.

The standards say the judge can overturn an election if there was
fraud or irregularities that ``adversely affect the sanctity of
the ballot and the integrity of the election.''

Because the election was so close, and could so easily be
affected by any proven irregularity, Gey said, ``that last
criteria is almost a giveaway.''

Unintentional errors as well as fraud can qualify, Gey said.

If the election were found to be invalid, Gey said, the likely
remedy would be a new election.  It could be held just in the
county where the irregularities occurred, or statewide, depending
on the circumstances.

In 1998, a judge overturned a Miami mayoral election because of
massive fraud, including absentee- vote fraud, and invalidated
Xavier Suarez's runoff win.  His opponent, Joe Carollo, became
mayor instead.

But to many Florida political veterans, Tuesday's voting was
reminiscent of the 1988 U.S.  Senate race between Buddy MacKay
and U.S.  Sen. Connie Mack.

Tuesday night ``was like deja vu all over again,'' Mack said.
MacKay was initially proclaimed the winner, but the outcome was
changed by the absentee ballots - far fewer than the more than
500,000 in Tuesday's voting.

And as in Tuesday's race, there were cries that faulty layout of
the ballot affected the race.  Thousands of voters in 1988
apparently failed to vote in the race because they missed the
ballot line in an obscure position at the bottom of a page.

But complaints in that case didn't change the outcome of the

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] [Fwd: history of government according to Lysander Spooner]

2000-11-10 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: history of government according to Lysander Spooner
Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2000 23:09:01 -0600 (CST)
From: Sanjoy Mahajan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

The recent choice between Gore and Bush illustrates what the American
libertarian Lysander Spooner wrote in 1882 (_Natural Law_, section II)
about the origins of government:

These tyrants, living solely on plunder, and on the labor of their
slaves, and applying all their energies to the seizure of still more
plunder, and the enslavement of still other defenceless persons;
increasing, too, their numbers, perfecting their organizations, and
multiplying their weapons of war, they extend their conquests until,
in order to hold what they have already got, it becomes necessary for
them to act systematically, and cooperate with each other in holding
their slaves in subjection.

But all this they can do only by establishing what they call a
government, and making what they call laws.

All the great governments of the world---those now existing, as well
as those that have passed away---have been of this character. They
have been mere bands of robbers, who have associated for purposes of
plunder, conquest, and the enslavement of their fellow men. And their
laws, as they have called them, have been only such agreements as they
have found it necessary to enter into, in order to maintain their
organizations, and act together in plundering and enslaving others,
and in securing to each his agreed share of the spoils.

All these laws have had no more real obligation than have the
agreements which brigands, bandits, and pirates find it necessary to
enter into with each other, for the more successful accomplishment of
their crimes, and the more peaceable division of their spoils.

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Divers items WACO and Ramsey murder

2000-11-10 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

--- Johannes Schmidt III [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

 I haven't noticed anything about these on the list:

Lately those have been slow topics. Do an archive search and you should
find enough to keep you occupied for quite a while.

Do You Yahoo!?
Thousands of Stores.  Millions of Products.  All in one Place.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Interesting site

2000-11-10 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Everything you want to know about dead politicians:


Do You Yahoo!?
Thousands of Stores.  Millions of Products.  All in one Place.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Wife of Anti Christ

2000-11-10 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Aleisha Saba" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 So here is biography of Queen Noor - wife of King Hussein, of
 Jordan...a very very political propagandist said the Messiah was
 born on February 5, 1962 - right star formation, but then this phone
 prophetess in her next book (which she sent copy to me for I would not
 buy the garbage) then this woman Jean Dixon said Oh No, it was the Anti
 Christ born thatt date.

 Now the only person of signifance to this piece of propaganda was the
 son of King Hussein..for he was born that date.

And how does Queen Noor suddenly become King Hussein's son's wife?


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Bush tied with gore...

2000-11-10 Thread bq19

-Caveat Lector-


  you wrote:

   you wrote:
  The method by which transiting heliocentric angles of planetary separation are
  compared to an individual's natal helio angles of planetary separation
  indicates that presidential candidate Bush won't be feeling very well come
  election eve, November 2000.
  This is certain to be true whether he wins the election or not. Conventional
  geocentric symbolic techniques may provide a clearer impression of the nature
  of the affliction(s).
  No-one is spared these periodic cosmic sieges so it shouldn't be taken
  personally. There are 36 angles. When 14 or more natal helio angles are matched
  SIMULTANEOUSLY AND EXACTLY by the helio trans angles it is as though the birth
  trauma is re-enacted. Adults are incapable of surviving such a shock (see
  Clinton at the moment of his formal impeachment and Jayne Mansfield at the time
  of her decapitation).
  Astrology computer programs in general fail to list the heliocentric planetary
  angles of separation. It is certainly very likely that governments have this
  method highly developed. The only defense is to provide false birthdata. The
  vested interests of commercial astrology prefer to use the method secretly.
  My wife, Marion, died of cervical cancer 24 November 1999 at the Dartmouth
  Hitchcock Medical Center. She had 17 simultaneously and exactly matching helio
  angles at that time..B.R.Wahl, Clarks Landing, Groton,
  Vermont, 4 September 2000.


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] [Fwd: The Supreme Court as Scare Tactic; Response to Steinem (Nade...

2000-11-10 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/06/2000 7:04:29 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 The idea that Republicans will nominate justices that threaten women's
 reproductive choices has been repeated uncritically so often that voters
 start to believe it. But it's an argument that wilts under scrutiny. 

Well the Republicans nominated the man who is now our Chief Justice!  Now
let's review his decision, Innocence is no bar to carrying out a conviction.
Just what we need--more folks with a real respect for justice.  You remember
"justice" don't you? It's not  something our Supreme Court ever thinks about
much.  Prudy

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: VOTESCAM!!!

2000-11-10 Thread Kris Millegan

-- eGroups Sponsor -~-~
FONT COLOR="#99"eGroups eLerts
It's Easy. It's Fun. Best of All, it's Free!

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

From Disinfo.com
Votegate 2000

Recently in the Ivory Coast and Peru, when there were dubious returns
in elections, the American press covered the stories with a smug
detachment. After all, what could you expect from ignorant Third
Worlders in Africa and Latin America? Maybe it's time we looked in
the mirror.

Al Gore is not a person I have much sympathy for, and his cronies
seem clueless when they whine unconvincingly that Ralph Nader may
have cost him the election. That Gore alienated so many voters says
everything about Gore and what the Democratic Party stands for, and
their attempt to scapegoat Nader and his supporters is a charge that
won't stick.

Still, what is happening now in Florida appears as crooked as a swamp-
land real estate deal in the Sunshine State. To begin with, the neo-
fascist anti-Semite Pat Buchanan won 3,407 votes in Palm Beach, a
liberal, Jewish county: he won only 786 in Broward County and 561 in
Miami-Dade, two nearby counties that were much larger. 19,000 other
votes were also disqualified due to double-punching, a mistake only
made by 3,783 voters in the U.S. Senate race. With less than 1,800
votes separating Bush and Gore in the state, these are major voting

The cause of these two suspicious facts was the design for the Palm
Beach County ballot, a design ironically approved by a Democrat,
County Elections Supervisor Theresa LePore. GOP hacks have tried to
use her approval as proof that this is a non-issue, but their denial
is bogus: confusion in voting isn't a political issue, it's a
violation of the basic right to have a say in the government which
represents you. The facts clearly show thousands of people who were
trying to vote for Gore were confused and may have voted for Buchanan
(or both) instead. Though it likely was not intentional subterfuge, a
fuck-up is a fuck-up, and this is a mistake that has national effects.

And I don't even have the space to discuss missing ballot boxes,
voters turned away from polls due to lack of ballots, and the
harassment of African-American voters by Florida Highway Patrol pigs.

I'm sure that James Shelby Downard is chuckling in his grave, knowing
that a central figure in the Votegate 2000 scandal, Clay Roberts
(director of the Florida Department of Elections), has a name which
echoes both Clay Shaw (the only man ever formally charged with
involvement in the JFK conspiracy) and Bruce Roberts (the writer of
the Gemstone Files, an underground conspiracy classic which alleges a
Mafia combine secretly runs our country).

Despite all this, I don't believe this is an example of the Collier
description in Votescam. Votescam is too much of a bunch of powerful
guys in a smoke-filled room deciding what the agenda of a country
will be. This appears more like a crooked fiefdom trying to control
its piece of the pie, only in this case, this is the slice that

Which is why I don't think it's going to stand. Jeb Bush knows that
what passes for democracy in Florida is now becoming a national
issue, and he also knows it's neither helping his brother or his
state avoid a black eye. Further, while Florida is a GOP state under
Bush, the Federal courts (where presidential election lawsuits will
be filed) are pure Klinton Kounty, as the Elian affair showed. Clay
Roberts may claim that Everything is under control, but nobody's
going to buy that. Keep in mind one thing: anything that makes people
stop drinking beer and watching television and start asking questions
freaks THE MAN out.

Nebraska Senator Bob Kerrey has provided a Solomon-like solution to
the dilemma: have a run-off between Gore and Bush in Florida to
decide all the suspicions around the voting. You don't need to build
a temple in Jerusalem to know that's the least objectionable solution
to the problem. Of course, this is not what the Republican Party
wants done, as a run-off would eliminate the Nader factor and would
likely have huge voter turnout, which works against them. Stay tuned.

Robert Sterling


Florida Petition Model
Thu, 9 Nov 2000


In an email earlier today, I mentioned a model petition for targeting
Florida media. Here it is:




Alex Burns - Editor



Fla. official convicted of 

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: KN4M 11-10-2000

2000-11-10 Thread Kris Millegan

-- eGroups Sponsor -~-~
FONT COLOR="#99"eLerts
It's Easy. It's Fun. Best of All, it's Free!

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Anthony Sutton

This would be a good time to publicise Bush family  membership in   
societies, SB, DKE etc..and identify Bush sworn buddies..

Neither will the  Bible Belt be happy to learn that  Skull  Bones is 



Reduced rates ending soon
Thu, 9 Nov 2000
Blazing Tattles [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello Friend,

The mission of Blazing Tattles has been to expose stuff about 
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For those who have been "meaning to" subscribe to Blazing Tattles at 
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few days -- will give you the option to pay at a secure site by check 
credit card, but as at November 10, the only way to buy a 
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The suggested price for disabled people for twelve issues (one year, 
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Also, for your information, Blazing Tattles is offering a complete 
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the books of Hulda R. Clark, N.D., Ph.D., in English [and partial 
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Best wishes,

Claire W. Gilbert, Ph.D.


Wed, 8 Nov 2000

For Immediate Release:


Retired Navy intelligence officer and former
government insider Al Martin, who testified before the
congressional Kerry Committee and Alexander Committee
regarding Iran-Contra crimes and coverups, debuts his
new column "Behind the Scenes in the Beltway."

A provocative and controversial analysis of current
news and commentary, the column begins by asking,
"What will it be like with George Bush Jr as
president? It will be a return to the 'Bush' form of
government -- namely a government of shadow cliques,
secret commissions and defacto star chambers."

It continues by stating that "you have to look at the
entire Bush Family in this context  -- as if the
entire family ran a corporation called 'Frauds-R-Us.'
Each member of the family has his own specialty of
fraud. George Jr's specialty was insurance and
security fraud. Neil's specialty was real estate
fraud. Prescott's specialty was banking fraud. Wally's
specialty was securities fraud. And George Sr.'s
specialty? All of the above."

Al Martin also comments on the background of the
infamous National Heritage Insurance fraud of Florida
recently profiled on CBS "60 Minutes."

His Just released book, "The Conspirators: Secrets of
an Iran Contra Insider" is available for $19.95 at

The website, Al Martin Raw
(http://www.almartinraw.com) is the exclusive
distributor of his new column "Behind the Scenes in
the Beltway."


Cavalcade of Hypocrisy

In October, Matthew J. Glavin, president of the conservative
legal foundation leading the fight to disbar President Clinton
for lying about his sexual affairs, was charged with public
indecency, allegedly caught trolling for anonymous male sex
partners in a suburban Atlanta park. And John Paulk, whose
personal "religion cures homosexuality" 

[CTRL] Fwd: [A-M] The Sheriff''s Sale

2000-11-10 Thread Kris Millegan

A weekly newsletter dedicated to the peaceful
reform of the United States government.

 Once in a while the little guy wins one.   In January of this year
I had asked EARTHLINK to return the $119.70  which they had illegally
removed from my bank account after I discontinued their service, but they
ignored my registered letter.  In March I won a judgement against them.
With the court fees the debt was $211.70 at that point.  I then consulted
the small claims legal adviser on means of collection and found that there
are a number of ways to go about collecting a judgement in California.  The
easiest way would have been to snatch it from their bank account!  The
problem there was to find that bank account.  My bank could have told me
but they would not.  I was advised that I could write EARTHLINK a small
check, wait until it came back, and then use the information on the
cancelled check to locate the bank account.  That might have worked, but I
could not think of a reason to write such a check that would be
convincing.  There were alternatives.

 One alternative was the sheriff's sale.  To me, that one was very
interesting.  The sheriff in Los Angeles County could be sent to the
Pasadena office of EARTHLINK to inventory their computers to find out which
ones that could be sold  to satisfy the judgement.  I opted for the
sheriff's sale.  It  took a few weeks, but the sheriff did pay them a
visit.  Ah, then we finally got their attention!  By that time, with all
the collection fees added the amount they owed was $410.02!  They paid
immediately.  I soon had a check in my hot little hand, and I took it to
the bank and deposited it.   I had to advance the collection fees, but I
did get it all back.

 There are asset search services listed on the internet.  The
problem is that in the case of a small claim it probably would not be worth
the fee that they charge.  (One such firm charges $125 to locate a bank
account on a no-hit, no-charge basis.) Big companies count on the fact that
for a small sum of money a customer just will not do anything about their
high handed ways of operating.  In my case I think the request for payment
was probably put in the round file.  At any rate, in a case involving so
little money they are  not likely to send a representative when the it
comes up for trial.  Therefore, if the plaintiff can make a respectable
case before the judge it will not be contested and a judgement should be
ordered in his favor.   EARTHLINK and America On Line both make
discontinuing their services difficult.  In fact, America on Line even had
the gall to ask for the last four digits of my Social Security
number!  They immediately dropped the request when I refused to give it to
them.  Happily, I am now disconnected from both services, and my October
bank statement shows no withdrawal for on line services.  Watch your bank
toowhen you ask for them to stop payment they may try to have you sign
a statement that absolves them of all liability!  Oh what the big fellows
won't do!  It is open season on consumers!

http://www.fullsearch.com/asset.html (National)
http://www.regnum.com  (International) Many others listed under asset
No copyright on the content of AUDREY'S MISSILES is claimed since it is our
hope that the information in this newsletter will be copied and distributed
widely.  Topics covered are those which are not adequately treated on TV or
in the press.   If you live in the 209 calling area end a request to 209
847-7588 for a free fax subscription. E-mail is free anywhere.  Paid
subscriptions are not accepted.  Comments may be sent to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  11/10/00 (Lawsuit)

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[CTRL] OEN 11/10/00

2000-11-10 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin
Fearsome Mind Candy

Eat Some Mushrooms, Punk

Getting over that fear of going to jail.

Psychedelics such as ecstasy, LSD and mushrooms aren't just for ravers and
Deadheads. Not by a long shot.

Psychotherapists around the country say if you're using these hallucinogenics
as party drugs you're missing the point. As pychotherapeutic agents, many
researchers say, they are an immensely valuable and untapped resource.

Folks ranging from computer executives to elderly women to church leaders are
participating in psychotherapy enhanced by psychedelics, typically thought of
as party enhancers for teenagers or burn-outs.

"It's one of the most fascinating things happening in psychology today," said
a San Francisco clinical psychotherapist who asked to remain anonymous. "I
have no question that in many ways it's much better psychotherapy than I
could ever do by sitting and talking. But basically I don't choose to do that
out of a fear of going to jail."

Indeed, people who facilitate and participate in psychedelic-assisted psy
chotherapy are an extremely underground and secretive bunch. The $350 to $400
sessions, mostly done in groups, are never advertised. It's strictly word of

There are at least seven such therapy groups in the San Francisco Bay Area,
and certainly plenty of others around the country, whose members risk jail
time in order to, they say, explore the deepest crevasses of their minds.

The legal risks are worth the insights gained, according one longtime client
of the psychedelic sessions who asked to remain anonymous.

"This kind of work goes to a much deeper level," she said. "You get a whole
lot more than you would in a one-hour session with a therapist It reaches
different transpersonal levels."

They also say it's worth the possible health risks.

The first study on methylenedioxymethamphetamine, or MDMA (better known as
ecstasy), to show proof that MDMA dangerously depletes the brain of the
mood-regulating hormone serotonin was published in Neurology in June.

Federal research has found that other drugs used in these group therapies --
lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) and ketamine
(also called Special K) -- can result in confusion, memory loss, high blood
pressure, delirium, psychosis, coma and even death.

Dr. Lester Grinspoon, an associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical
School who sued the DEA when it declared ecstasy a schedule 1 controlled
substance in 1985, said he doesn't quite trust studies performed by the
National Institute of Drug Abuse.

"The NIH is a wonderful institution as a whole and truly their interest is in
science," Grinspoon said. "But the NIDA really lost its where science is
concerned and has become a ministry of drug propaganda."

Still, researchers outside the United States have come to similar

Dr. Andy Parrott, of the department of psychology at the University of East
London, published a study in the medical journal Psychopharmacology showing
that young, recreational ecstasy users had impaired memory function compared
with non-user controls.

"This drug should not be administered to humans, especially on a repeated
basis," Parrott said.

Nevertheless, many medical professionals and psychologists say the gains
outweigh the risks.

The longtime client mentioned above is also about to become a therapist
herself. She has completed her master's degree in psychotherapy, and is in
the process of completing 3,000 hours of a client-work internship necessary
to become a licensed therapist.

She has participated in about 12 psychedelic therapy sessions in the past two
years. She said she has no fear of ill-effects from most of the drugs,
although she favors more studies of ecstasy to determine the effects of its
repeated use.

"In terms of going into a psychotic state, that might happen when drugs are
used in very careless way, such as without a group involved or as a party
drug," she said. "(The group therapy) is very careful both in terms of dosage
and of what they use for your particular issues."

Responsible use of psychedelics, she said, means being sufficiently prepared
for the session, having a guide on hand at all times and knowing how to
"integrate" the experience afterward.

A typical session -- which is, pardon the expression, an overnight trip --
goes something like this:

Clients typically arrive at a rented space in a rural setting on a Friday
evening, after having fasted for the previous 12 hours. Medical professionals
are commonly on hand and the facilitators are often experienced and licensed

Individuals get acquainted with one other as well as with the facilitators.
Each client spends up to 30 minutes discussing with a facilitator what
emotional points they want to cover during the so-called journey: a
relationship issue, a personal fear, a family problem.


[CTRL] The world mocks as America squirms

2000-11-10 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-


Click Here: A

rrqpg=/et/00/11/10/wpres110.html"The world mocks as America squirms/A
The world mocks as America squirms

By Anton La Guardia

Gore refuses to accept vote recount

THE world's newspapers revelled in the embarrassment of the American
political system yesterday, making comparisons with "banana republics",
"spaghetti westerns" and the endemic corruption of Indian and Italian

The most caustic mockery came from countries whose democratic failings have
been criticised by Washington. For many writers America had received its
comeuppance for holding itself up as a model for others to emulate.

Nepotistic dynasties, a dead man elected and scandals over ballot boxes were
not just confined to the Third World, they said. A "great victory for
democracy, desi-style (India style)", is how the Times of India gleefully
described the debacle.

The Indian Express, noting the vicissitudes of the Bush and Gore dynasties,
urged readers to stop "moaning about how we alone in the world have been
loaded with politicians whose fathers or grandfathers, mothers or
grandmothers, uncles or aunts, great-uncles or great-aunts or plain cousins
also happen to be politicians".

La Reference Plus, published in the Democratic Republic of Congo, said the
chaos in Florida only encouraged African dictators. It asked: "If this
happens in the United States, how do you want everything to be clean and
transparent in the poor African continent?"

Zimbabwe's state-controlled daily, The Herald, said: "Analysts questioned
whether the Americans would have accepted a recount in African elections if
the ruling party candidate had been beaten, as happened in Florida."

Iraq, which had previously dismissed both the American presidential
candidates as equally pro-Israeli and hostile to Iraq, yesterday took the
side of George W Bush. It said the delay in announcing the result was a
Jewish plot to control America through Al Gore.

Babel, a newspaper controlled by the eldest son of President Saddam Hussein,
Uday, said the Jews in America wanted Mr Gore to win in order to give more
support to Israel in its confrontation with the Palestinians. Babel said in a
front page editorial: "If they (the Jews) succeed in making Gore win the
election they will become the real leaders of America."

Italians, whose own politics have been compared to an "opera buffa" after 58
post-war governments, had a field day.

The Rome daily, La Repubblica, ran the mocking headline: "A Day worthy of a
Banana Republic". The columnist Bepe Severgnini wrote in Milan's daily
Corriere della Sera: "The other night when I went into a restaurant in Santa
Monica, there was one president - Clinton.

"When I ordered a pizza there was another one - Gore. When I paid the bill
there was a third president - Bush. When I walked out on to Ocean Boulevard
there was no president because Bill is now the husband of a senator from New

German newspapers were more sanctimonious, with several arguing that
America's electoral system was outdated and undermined the legitimacy of the
eventual winner. Sueddeutsche Zeitung said the next president would be "a
king without a kingdom."

The conservative Die Welt said: "This is not a cheap novel, not a soap opera
but a debacle that may reach the level of comedy and will be, in hindsight,
an anecdote of a time in which politics had to painfully grasp how unfair it
is to voters.

"What a macabre spectacle: a giant empire with 280 million citizens sends
voters to the polls to decide who should be the next American president and
both candidates remain in a dead heat in a way we have not even seen in
elections in Uzbekistan or Switzerland."

In Moscow, an elections official said the disarray in America demonstrated
the superiority of the Russian system. Alexander Veshnyakov, chairman of the
Russian Central Election Committee, told the business daily Kommersant: "I
think we should never adopt their electoral college system . . . Russian
elections are more democratic and easier to grasp for the voters."

Cuba's President Fidel Castro did not pass up the opportunity to lampoon
America. State television showed him walking along the beach in his olive
green uniform and boots. He ran into an unidentified American tourist and
told him: "Like the majority of Americans, you have gone to the beach."

The Lebanese daily, Al-Safir, had to apologise to its readers for incorrectly
reporting that Mr Gore had won, but used the occasion to needle Arab
dictators who stage overwhelming election victories for themselves.

The paper's owner and editor Talal Salman wrote: "We offer our apologies to
our readers for deciding on something that was still under way. Perhaps it is
because of our deep-rooted experience of Arab democracy, particularly 

[CTRL] Serbs in hunt for missing billions

2000-11-10 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-


Click Here: A

rrqpg=/et/00/11/10/wserb10.html"Serbs in hunt for missing billions/A
 1995   Friday 10 November 2000

Serbs in hunt for missing billions

By Alex Todorovic in Belgrade

SERBIA'S Democratic Opposition group has set up an anti-corruption committee
to hunt for billions of pounds hidden away in foreign bank accounts by
Slobodan Milosevic, his family and former associates.

An adviser to the finance minister said: "We're more interested in eventually
getting to the money than arresting them." The Milosevic regime ran
Yugoslavia as a fiefdom, giving out lucrative monopoly contracts and import
rights in exchange for loyalty and financial assistance.

Top-ranking politicians doubled as directors of the country's largest
companies. Mihail Kertes, the head of customs, gave impounded cars as
presents to high-ranking members of the regime. Customs impounded cars
regularly for tax violations, or if a driver could not immediately produce
proof that his taxes had been paid.

Milosevic's daughter, Marijana, transported 4,000 tons of radio equipment
from Italy on a Yugoslav commercial jet free of charge so she could establish
her own Belgrade radio station. Companies handed out apartments and lavish
lines of credit to the Milosevic faithful, taxes were ignored, and licence
fees were non-existent for party loyalists.

Criminal gangs paid money to government officials for the right to import
products, setting a precedent for close links between police and the
underworld. A member of the anti-corruption committee said: "We all knew the
Milosevic regime was among the most corrupt in the world, but what surprised
us was how it trickled down to relatively innocuous positions."

Dusan Batakovic, the president of the Council for Democratic Change, which is
pressing for a federal anti-corruption police force to be established, said:
"We believe there are two to three billion pounds out there in private bank
accounts that need to be brought back to the country."

The federal finance minister has contacted foreign intelligence services for
help to follow the money trail. This is difficult as the Milosevic regime
used diplomatic routes to transfer money.

© Copyright of Telegraph Group Limited 2000.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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[CTRL] Internet voting in Florida; state uses Microsoft SQL; more

2000-11-10 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.politechbot.com/p-01484.html"
politechbot.com:  Internet voting in Florida; s…/A

Internet voting in Florida; state uses Microsoft SQL; more

*   Date: Wed, 08 Nov 2000 13:30:08 -0500
*   Subject: FC: Internet voting in Florida; state uses Microsoft SQL; more
*   From: Declan McCullagh [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From: Adam Powell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: but will online voting elect Bush?
Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2000 09:36:02 -0500
X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2650.21)


It's reported that the 5,000 Florida votes that have not been counted at all
are overseas absentee -- mostly military. That can only be good news for
Bush, given how heavily the military went for the GOP. But now the Internet

There's an interesting Internet voting angle here: There is a little-known
federal experiment in Internet voting taking place this week involving
troops overseas who vote in -- yes -- Florida. According to Polli Brunelli
from FVAP, the agency administering the test [http://www.fvap.ncr.gov/],
speaking at our eVoting workshop here last month [see
http://www.netvoting.org/], the number of troops would be very small -- no
more than a few thousand -- who otherwise might not have been able to get
their ballots back to Florida by the deadline. But, but, but... Could this
be the first year the Internet decides a presidential contest



Date: Wed, 08 Nov 2000 05:09:37 -0500
From: Rich Cowan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: FC: Al Gore is only 630 votes away from winning the

as you may know, this has narrowed to 224 votes according to voter news
service.  by the way, this is what you get when you try to reach
the election results site below:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Named Pipes]Specified SQL server not
/SummaryRpt.inc, line 51

so look who is providing the db software used to tally the votes
in the state that will determine the presidential election!



Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2000 09:06:45 -0800 (PST)
From: "Bradley K. Sherman" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Waitress! Civics Lessons all 'round

It's Wed Nov  8 09:01:59 PST 2000.  Do you know where your
Elector is?

 From URL:http://www.nara.gov/fedreg/elctcoll/faq.html

 Are electors required to vote for the candidate who won
 his or her State's popular vote?

 There is no Constitutional provision or Federal law that
 requires electors to vote according to the results of the
 popular vote in their States. Some States (24 plus DC at
 last count) require electors to cast their votes according
 to the popular vote. These pledges fall into two categories
 -- electors bound by State law and those bound by pledges to
 political parties.

 The Supreme Court has held that the Constitution does not
 require that electors be completely free to act as they
 choose and therefore, political parties may extract pledges
 from electors to vote for the parties' nominees. Some State
 laws provide that so-called "faithless electors" may be subject
 to fines or may be disqualified for casting an invalid vote and
 be replaced by a substitute elector. The Supreme Court has not
 specifically ruled on the question of whether pledges and
 penalties for failure to vote as pledged may be enforced under
 the Constitution. No elector has ever been prosecuted for
 failing to vote as pledged.

 Today, it is rare for electors to disregard the popular vote
 by casting their electoral vote for someone other than their
 party's candidate. Electors generally hold a leadership
 position in their party or were chosen to recognize years of
 loyal service to the party. Throughout our history as a nation,
 more than 99 percent of electors have voted as pledged.

How wonderful it was to see the pundits squirm!  Worth every
second of ambiguity.  Also, how about a little credit to
Buchanan for demolishing the Reform party?  A Republican
apparachnik to the end.



From: "Kevin Harper" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Image of Palm Beach ballot
Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2000 09:38:30 -0800

Some are saying that the Palm Beach ballot is confusing.

I don't think it is, and being a Republican, I believe W. is our
legitimate President Elect.

In the interest of public discourse, however, here is a GIF image of the
ballot in question.

I've made it available at www.worldfilm.com/tvr/palmballot.gif .

Thanks, I appreciate your list.

Kevin Harper
webmaster, worldfilm.com


[CTRL] Lockerbie Court Paralyzed Over New Evidence on Palestinians

2000-11-10 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-


Nov 7, 2000 - 06:05 PM

Lockerbie Court Paralyzed Over New Evidence on Palestinians

By Jerome Socolovsky

Associated Press Writer

CAMP ZEIST, Netherlands (AP) - The Lockerbie trial was paralyzed Tuesday as
the defense sought more time to investigate new evidence relating to
Palestinian terrorists initially suspected in the bombing of Pan Am Flight

Prosecutors and defense lawyers spent the entire day in a private session
with judges discussing another adjournment in the hearings of two Libyans
accused of blowing the airliner out of the sky over Lockerbie, Scotland, on
Dec. 21, 1988, killing 270 people.

The trial had been scheduled to resume Tuesday after a month of delays
following prosecutors' disclosure of new evidence relating to the defense

Scottish officials presiding over the special courtroom in the Netherlands
said hearings would continue in private session Wednesday morning.
Prosecutors said they could wrap up their case within a few days once
testimony resumed.

Jim Swire, a British physician whose daughter, Flora, was on Flight 103, took
the latest setback in stride.

"The last thing we want is someone saying after it's all over, 'I know how it
happened,'" he said. But, he added, "you can't help wondering why new
evidence is being provided now, 12 years later."

Last week, a defense lawyer said the new information revealed "hitherto
unknown" links between inquiries by the German criminal intelligence agency,
the Bundeskriminalamt, and the Popular Front for the Liberation of
Palestine-General Command.

Defendants Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi and Lamen Khalifa Fhimah blame the
attack on the PFLP-GC and another Palestinian terrorist group, the Palestine
Popular Struggle Front.

A few months before the Lockerbie bombing, German agents raided a PFLP-GC
hide-out in Neuss, near Frankfurt, and found a bomb in a cassette recorder
similar to one that triggered the Pan Am explosion.

The PFLP-GC, headquartered in Syria, was a prime target of British and
American investigations before the indictment of the Libyans in late 1991.

The leader of the Damascus-based PFLP-GC, Ahmed Jabril, denied his group was
responsible soon after the Lockerbie bombing.

Prosecutors say the defendants sent a bomb-laden suitcase from the
Mediterranean island of Malta. The suitcase was furnished with stolen tags
routing it through Frankfurt and onto the Pan Am airliner in London,
according to the indictment.

An alleged PPSF leader, Mohammed Abu Talb, jailed in Sweden for bombing
Jewish and American targets in Europe, had been scheduled to take the stand

The proceedings have been running since May 3.

AP-ES-11-07-00 1758EST

© Copyright 2000 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not
be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

Brought to you by the Tampa Bay Online Network

Aloha, He'Ping,
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Em Hotep, Peace Be,
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Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Three dead in Israeli 'assassination'

2000-11-10 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A

5.stm"BBC News | MIDDLE EAST | Three dead in Israeli …/A
Thursday, 9 November, 2000, 23:07 GMT
Three dead in Israeli 'assassination'

A Palestinian police officer runs from the wreck of Abayat's van

The Israeli army has killed a Palestinian militia leader in a helicopter
missile attack which also killed two bystanders.

The attack was launched in the Palestinian-administered town of Beit Sahur in
the West Bank, just hours before Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat met
President Bill Clinton in Washington.

This is an assassination ordered by Barak... a cowardly aggression and a
dangerous escalation

Fatah official Marwan Barghouti It marks a significant change in Israeli
tactics after six weeks of confrontations between Israel's regular troops and
Palestinian protesters against Israeli occupation.

Thursday's target was 33-year-old Hussein Abayat, a local military leader of
Mr Arafat's Fatah faction, whom Israel accused of attacks on its soldiers.

He was travelling in a van through a built-up area in broad daylight with
several other Fatah officials.

The Israeli army prevented Jewish activists from entering Bethlehem

Eyewitnesses heard aircraft in the sky and saw one of them fire a rocket,
before the car carrying Mr Abayat jumped in the air.

Hospital officials said two Palestinian women who had also been walking along
the road where the attack occurred died later of shrapnel wounds.

The Israeli army said Mr Abayat was suspected of being involved in at least
six attacks on Israel soldiers in Beit Sahur and other villages around
Bethlehem, in which three Israeli soldiers died.

It also said those in the vehicle were on their way to carry another ambush
when they were attacked.

Fatah defiant

Spokesmen from Fatah, the faction founded by Yasser Arafat in 1960s and from
which he draws his power, have vowed to respond violently to what they are
calling an assassination.

"It is a cowardly aggression and a dangerous escalation," said Marwan
Barghouti, a senior Fatah official in the West Bank. "This will not prevent
Fatah from pursuing the uprising and Israel will be held responsible for any

Nine Palestinian youths have been shot in two days at Karni, Gaza

Six weeks of bloodshed have seen more than 180 lives lost - about 90% of them
Palestinians - and left the peace process between Israel and the Palestinians
in tatters.

Earlier in the day, tempers flared at an Israeli army checkpoint outside
Bethlehem, as dozens of Jews were prevented from praying at the traditional
site of the biblical matriarch Rachel's Tomb in Bethlehem for their own

The area has seen some of the most serious armed attacks on Israelis during
the current crisis.

Meanwhile, at the Karni crossing point in Gaza, another young Palestinian
stone-thrower was killed when Israeli soldiers opened fire on protesters.

Fourteen-year-old Mohammed Kamel Sharab, 14, died and some 25 others were
wounded, ahead of the funerals of four Palestinians killed at the same place
the day before.

Arafat still talking

Mr Arafat and Mr Clinton held a meeting in Washington at which the
Palestinian leader tried to press his demand for an international force to
protect civilians in the Palestinian territories - a move opposed by Israel.

Mr Arafat faces a tough task persuading Bill Clinton to back a UN force

Mr Arafat said he told Mr Clinton he was committed to making peace, but
described Thursday's helicopter attack as a "dangerous development".

US officials declined to condemn the killing of Mr Abayat until they know the

"This is a serious matter, and we want to look into it," State Department
spokesman Richard Boucher said.

Palestinian militant groups have urged Mr Arafat not resume "aimless
negotiations with the enemy" Israel and to resist American pressure to
suppress the uprising.

Mr Barak is expected to meet Mr Clinton on Sunday for separate talks.

Mr Clinton has apparently dismissed the idea of an international force,
preferring instead to concentrate on the truce agreement forged last month in
the Egyptian resort of Sharm El-Sheik.

"The president is focused on what he can do in the next few months to try to
reduce the violence and resume a political process," national security
adviser Sandy Berger said before the meeting.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and 

[CTRL] Illegal History

2000-11-10 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

As, always, Caveat Lector Meme warfare
Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:652293"Illegal History/A
Subject: Illegal History
/A (Worker #7734)
Date: Fri, Nov 10, 2000 8:57 AM

The Quasi-legal Coup of The Democrats will not be remembered
for ages, since as we enter "The Era of Big Al" history will be

Only those of you sitting there now alive as it occurs will know of
the start of the take-over.

Unwilling to give up power the democrats morphed into the
Wont-go-crats in the election of 2000, when Emperor for life
Bill Clinton's wooden-puppet Algore hijacked the national election
with legal sounding motions and TV messages that confused those
not paying attention.

The transition of power from the Wontgocrats to anyone else never
occurred again. And so started the brief Second Civil War, which was
won by our current rulers The Chinese/Clinton Coalition World
Worker's Party.

All hail Chairman Bill and his Puppet AL!

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-11-10 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

As, always, Caveat Lector, Caveat Lector, Caveat Lector
Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:652253"COMMUNISTS TAKE
From: "Dick Eastman" A HREF="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Date: Thu, Nov 9, 2000 8:30 PM
Message-id: YLRO5.2313$[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The old rhetoric of the communist agitator is working overtime
in Castro-druglord dominated Florida.

Several "Democrats" have used this "party line" phrase:

"Let the people decide, not a technicality."

This is how communists dispose of constitutional law.
The propagandistic device is used to inflame resentment
against the constitutional process of selecting a president,
when in fact:

the people have chosen the technology of law established
in a constitution to protect them against usurping tyranny.

The "technicality" is "put-down" talk.  What the communist-
organized crime syndicate of Clinton-Gore are doing
is "putting-down" the constitution, putting down provision
made by "We the People."

The communists wish to inflame a civil war, the chaos in
which they can act most freely to overthrow the established
order they have all opposed since their Marxist youth.

"Let the people decide" really means "let our agitators
create chaos that will force the Clinton administration
to continue -- so it will not be answerable for past
treason on behalf of China, including past murders and
mass murders that Janet Reno, as head of the Justice Department,
has been preventing from being prosecuted.

(By the way, if you are aghast at my terminology, ask yourself
why you merely blink when officials of the party of Clinton-Gore
call all who supported Patrick Buchanan "Nazis" -- and the
press plays it over and over without comment, showing their
pro-communist pro-coup propagandistic hand.)

On one hand the Clinton-Gore coup d'etat is the work of
Beijing backed infiltrator moles.  On the other it is an
act of desperation of criminals who have held the reigns
of government and law-enforcement for eight years.  And of
course the ruling establishmentazzi--both Democrat-fronting
and Republican-fronting are exactly both professional
subversives and guilty murderers and economic criminals.

Back to the press.  It is very rare for the news media to
call a state before it is statistically beyond the point of
no return.  But here they have done it twice, in the one
state that will break the tie.  The first announcement--that
Gore wins Florida--made while the polls were still opened
had the effect of keeping Bush supporters away from the poles.
The retraction of the first announcement had the effect of
inflaming strong emotion and resentment -- the raw emotion
that trained communist agitators, like Jesse Jackson, can
mold into militant hatred a la Northern Ireland, a la
is their modus operandi--easy to spot if you know their history.

Next, the Bush announcement had the effect building a sense of
possession in the Republicans -- setting the Republicans up
for their dose of frustration, anger and resentment when the
victory was ripped away from them. They will not be in a mood
to act coolly when the agitated-to-riot-frenzy Floridians (with
lots of Castro and mob infiltrators among their ranks) go into
rebellion over the carefully selected pretexts.

The Communist mastermind behind this classic Sun Tzu strategy
of "divide and conquer," of "destabilize government" and
conquer has been executed to perfection. And look at what
this coup strategy accomplishes--this new kind of sociological
warfare that China and the Trotskyite global bankers are conducting.

People do not realize that the transition time for a President
elect is very short.  It used to be much longer, but was shortened
by amendment in order to minimize  the duration of weak "lame duck"
(i.e. not-yet-replaced and no longer influential) presidents.
Obviously the people who approved that amendment did not
anticipate its usefulness in a communist coup.

How can Bush get a team together if it is not certain that
he will not be defeated by the most ruthless political
operative and machine in U.S. history--a machine that is
an amalgam of both the hard seasoned revolutionary communist
underground and ruthless and bloody organized crime.

What would you do if Paul Revere rode by your window and
shouted:  "The Redcoats are coming!"?  Let me guess:
Exactly what you are going to do right now.

Dick Eastman
Every man is responsible to every other man.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not 


2000-11-10 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:652040"WHO MURDERED

/A (Noah's Dove)
Date: Thu, Nov 9, 2000 12:44 PM

   WHO Murdered Africa

 By William Campbell Douglass, MD

   William Campbell Douglass, MD is one of the leading authorities
on health and medicine. He is former Florida State President of the
American College of Emergency Physicians and former editor of the
Journal of the Sarasota County Medical Society. He has been
practicing nutritional medicine for 10 years and has 4 books to his

   There is no question mark after the title of this article
because the title is not a question. It' a declarative statement.
WHO, the World Health Organization, murdered Africa with the AIDS
virus. That' a provocative Statement, isn't it?

   The answers to this little mystery, Murder on the WHO Express,
will be quite clear to you by the end of this report. You will also
understand why the other suspects, the homosexuals, the green
monkey and the Haitians, were only pawns in this virocidal attack
on the non-Communist world.

   If you believe the government propaganda that AIDS is hard to
catch then you are going to die even sooner than the rest of us.
The common cold is a virus. Have you ever had a cold? How did you
catch it? You don't really know, do you! If the cold virus were
fatal how many people would there be left in the world?

   Yellow fever is a virus. You catch it from mosquito bites.
Malaria is a parasite also carried by mosquitoes. It is many times
larger tan the AIDS virus (like comparing a pinhead to a moose
head) yet the mosquito easily carries this large organism to man.

   The tuberculosis germ also much larger than the AIDS virus, can
be transmitted by fomites (inanimate objects such as towels). THE

   You can't understand this murder mystery unless you learn a
little virology.

   Many viruses grow in animals and many grow in humans, but most
of the viruses that affect animals don't affect humans. There are
exceptions, of course, such as yellow fever and small pox.

   There are some viruses in animals that cause very lethal cancer
on those animals, but do not affect man or other animals. The
bovine leukemia virus (BVL), for example, is lethal to cows but not
humans. There is another virus that occurs in sheep called sheep
visna virus which is also non-reactive in man. These deadly viruses
are "retro viruses" meaning that they can change the genetic
composition of cells that they enter.

   The World Health Organization, in published articles, called for
scientists to work with these deadly agents and attempt to make a
hybrid virus that would be deadly to humans(1): "An attempt should
be made to see if viruses can in fact exert selective effects on
immune function. The possibility should be looked into that the
immune response to the virus itself may be impaired if the
infecting virus damages, more or less selectively, the responding
to the virus."
(1) Allison, et al, Bull. WHO 1972, 47:257-63 and Amos, et al, Fed.
Pro. 1972, 31:1087
 That's AIDS. What the WHO is saying in plain English is "Let's
cook up a virus that selectively destroys the T-cell system of man,
an acquired immune deficiency."

   Why would anyone want to do this?" If you destroy the T-cell
system of man you destroy man. Is it even remotely possible that
the World Health Organization would want to develop a virus that
would wipe out the human race?

   If their new virus creation worked, the WHO stated, then many
terrible and fatal infectious viruses could be made even more
terrible and more malignant. Does this strike you as being a
peculiar goal for a health organization?

   Sometimes Americans believe in conspiracies and sometimes they
don't. Was there a conspiracy to kill President Kennedy? Twenty-
five years later the debate still continues, and people keep
changing their minds. One day it's yes, the next day it's no -
depending on what was served for breakfast or how the stock market
did the day before.

   But it doesn't take a bad breakfast to see an amazing
concatenation of events involving Russian and Chinese communist
nationals, the World Health Organization, the National Cancer
Institute and the AIDS pandemic.

   But what about the green monkey? Some of the best virologists in
the world and many of those directly involved in AIDS research,
such as Robert Gallo and Luc Montagnier, have said that the green
monkey may be the culprit. You know the story: A green monkey bet
a native on the ass and, bam - AIDS all over central Africa.

   There is a fatal 

[CTRL] CIA Plot to Destroy Serious Psychic Research

2000-11-10 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:652023"CIA Plot to
Destroy Serious Psychic Research/A
Subject: CIA Plot to Destroy Serious Psychic Research
Date: Thu, Nov 9, 2000 11:02 AM

Is there a CIA Plot to Destroy Serious Psychic Research - are the Skeptics
Co-Conspirators or Unwitting Dupes? I was a serious psychic researcher who was
nearly destroyed from what I believe and have evidence was a CIA plot
then Attorney General of New Mexico, Tom Udall. I provided this documented
evidence to CSICOP, Skeptical Inquirer and James Randi and asked them to
thoroughly investigate. After delaying me for months, CSICOP and its Skeptical
Inquirer refused to investigate, because according to them it was against
policies. And James Randi, in emails from his email address, repeatedly told
to "f**k off"!  For details, see:


Thanks. Spread the word. wizguru (John J. Williams, Albuquerque, NM)
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Omega Agency and the NWO

2000-11-10 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:651903"Omega Agency and
the NWO/A
Subject: Omega Agency and the NWO
Date: Wed, Nov 8, 2000 11:09 PM
Message-id: 8udijp$63e$[EMAIL PROTECTED]

They are who people are talking about when one says orders come
from "above the President".

  The Omega Agency consists of a network set up much like the CIA.
There are thousands world-wide who take their orders directly
  from the ruling council of the Omega Agency. This council consists of
10 to 12 people. George Bush and Alexander C. Haig are the
  only two names that I know at this point who sit on the council of
the Omega Agency. The OA is the driving force behind what is
  commonly called the "New World Order." George W. Bush is their man of
choice to bring this plan into action. The OA's office is located at
Langley AFB.

  The OA originally planned to establish their world-wide control in
1995. But it was deemed that the time was not right, so they set a
new target date for sometime in the year 2000. They are, above all
else, a patient lot. Their plans to bring the world under one
  governing body, namely themselves, have been long in the making and
thoroughly thought out. They plan to establish their NWO,
  for lack of a better term, in a time span of no less than 5 days. And
they intend to do it without open war.

  Recall when President Reagan was shot. Haig made the statements to
the press that "I'm in charge now." If you'll remember, he   caught a
lot of flack for that, and shortly thereafter, he was accused of
various things that ruined his name politically. This was done   by
members of Congress who were aware of his seat on the Omega Agency
council, and they feared losing their claim to power.
  Haig jumped the gun in his statements, and ended up giving up his
political position because of it. Had Reagan died, we would have   had
Bush as President, and Haig as Secretary of State. Two men in power who
sit on the OA council. But because of the
  commotion raised by a few members of Congress, Haig faded into the
background rather than risk exposure of his connection to the
  OA, or of the OA itself.

  Recall when the Gulf War started. Bush used the exact words "New
World Order" in his speech to the country. He said it several
  times, that the Gulf War marked the beginning of a NWO. The Gulf War
was not a war about oil or the freedom of the people of
  Kuwait. It was a test of how well multi-national troops under the
guidance of the UN would react in a war situation. The same holds
true for Somalia and Bosnia. Multi-national troops under the direction
of the UN. The Omega Agency controls the UN.

  Bush didn't lose the election to Clinton. Bush needed to be out of
the limelight of the presidency in order to concentrate on and
  escalate the plans of the Omega Agency. And in Clinton, they had a
stooge who would not rock the boat and who would do what he
  was told. Notice how quick Clinton has been to commit US troops to UN
peace-keeping forces here and there. Notice who Clinton
  appointed as Secretary of State - Madeline Albright, the UN lady.
Notice who Clinton gave federal land to - the UN.

  Why the need for a one-world government? The reasoning of the Omega
Agency is this: Crime is out of control on a world-wide
  basis, especially in the US. People are out of control, not taking
responsibility for themselves or their actions. Population growth is
out of control on a world-wide level. The judicial system of the US is
a joke. The political system of the US and most countries
  world-wide is a joke, corrupted and polluted by greed and power-
hungry people who don't care about the population they were
  elected or appointed to serve. Under the governing body the Omega
Agency plans to put in power, this would end. End of trial by
  jury. End of living off of society and not contributing your fair
share. End of taking advantage of others for one's own personal gain.
All who are able would contribute to the growth and well-being of the
world's society, or they would pay the price for not pulling their
fair share.

  What is this price? Basically, it will be like this: Those who are
able physically and mentally to work will do so. If you have a
  job/profession at the time that the OA takes over, you will continue
in that job/profession. If you are drawing welfare, but are
  physically able to work, you will work. Personal freedoms to come and
go as one pleases world-wide will not change. Basically, the
  OA doesn't care what people do to amuse themselves, entertain
themselves, etc., as long as they are working and contributing to   the
society as a whole. But there will be zero tolerance of any act that
hurts/harms another. Crimes against another or against
  society will be met with the death penalty, if such crime is of a
severe nature such as murder, rape or 

[CTRL] The Secret Master's Are Playing Games !!!

2000-11-10 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:651769"  The Secret
Master's Are Playing Games !!!
Subject:   The Secret Master's Are Playing Games !!!

Date: Wed, Nov 8, 2000 10:57 AM

  The Secret Master's Are Playing Games !!!

Election 2000 !
Let The Games Begin.

The Drug Lords now rule America !!!
"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide



Sons of Liberty Militia
Tim Stine
312 S. Wyomissing Ave.
Shillington, Pa. 19607
U.N. Occupied U.S.A.

We-Must-Resist-The-GlobalGov.-Takeover-of-the-USA !!!

The_American_Revolution_Continues !!!

A HREF="http://community-1.webtv.net/We_The_People_/SonsofLibertyMilitia/"

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Lundberg on line

2000-11-10 Thread Kris Millegan



A Study in the Power of Money Today


 Lyle Stuart, Inc. • New York

[CTRL] [Fwd: [NA] Election 2000 Overnight Report ÁV Á¤The RollercoasterÁ¬, A Made for TV M]

2000-11-10 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: [NA] Election 2000 Overnight Report ÁV Á€The RollercoasterÁ¬, A Made
for TV M
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2000 02:57:46 -0800
From: "Jim Condit Jr." [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything."
attributed to Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin

The "Ruling Elite", through their five Big TV Networks, AP wire service, and two
major papers, the New York Times and Washington Post, are making peaceful change
impossible at the ballot box, --  via Vote Fraud, Media Censorship, and Poll
Fraud, and the flood of illegal aliens who are becoming registered voters . . .
President Kennedy talked about this:

"If you make peaceful change impossible. you make violent revolution
inevitable." President John F Kennedy

Go to www.votefraud.org to hear (or read the text) of the Radio Ads which are
now airing over WLW Radio (which reaches into 38 states at night)and other
stations -- exposing the easily rigged computerized elections which are about to
"elect" the next President, and also exposing the coordinated news and
censorship of the 5 Big TV Networks. Thanks to Ken Lowndes for Congress, the
radio stations MUST air these ads. They're tough. They're "outrageous" -- and
you've never heard anyting like it on TV or Radio.

The three prongs of Big Media election manipulation are: Massive coverage of
favored Candidates, and Censorship of all other candidates -- including warped
Public Opinion Polls for months before the election; phony exit polls done by
joint effort of the Big TV Networks on Election Day, and easily rigged
computerized vote counting on election day -- which make the polls and exit
polls come true. (On election day, the people are barred from touching or
counting their ballots, the election officials are barred from knowing what is
in the software program that instructs the computers how to count the votes.)

November 7, 2000 NA (Network America) e-wire

JOB AS WE NEAR 1200 subscribers to his e-wire news service.

Election 2000 Overnight Report ¡V ¡§The Rollercoaster¡¨, A Made for TV

You know it¡|s true! It had to be real! You yourself had experienced the
UPS and DOWNS of the EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER! You are emotionally
committed to the fact that it was real ¡V because you lived and agonized
through it. Nobody¡|s gonna tell you that you didn¡|t ride that
emotional rollercoaster --- y-o-uk-n-o-wy-o-ud-i-d!

I once sat (about 15 years ago) with my children at King¡|s Island
Amusement Park near Cincinnati, Ohio on the floor of a Giant Screen
Theater with quite a few dozen other parents and their children. The
Giant Screen Movie came on -- and showed a life-size movie of someone
riding a rollercoaster. The Giant Screen Movie had the effect on our
bodies of just about the real thing. I felt my stomach jump as if I were
really on a rollercoaster. My oldest daughter, about 5 at the time,
became panicky and was on the verge of tears, and said she wanted to
leave ¡V she was obviously scared by what she saw as she felt like it
was real. I told her to just look down at the thick, plush rug, on which
we were all sitting. When she looked down, she no longer saw the
illusion on the Giant Screen, which was only about 15 to 20 feet in
front of us, so she immediately calmed down and realized it wasn¡|t
real, it was only a movie.

And the lesson for today, Mommies and Daddies and Boys and Girls, is
that if you just look at your Network America e-wire (which is the plush
rug in this analogy) then you will cease to be caught up in the
emotional rollercoaster being induced in your stomach by the
Made-For-TV-Movie ¡Vknown as the 2000 Presidential Election -- on your
little screen TV

I won¡|t deal with all the predictions we put up in yesterday¡|s
November 6, 2000 NA e-wire ¡V until we have a final announcement from
the Ruling Elite¡|s mouthpiece, that is, the ONE TV News Department
which operates through 5 separate TV News ¡§on screen¡¨ casts. But we
will deal with two of them that have already, basically, come true.

Incidentally, Network America still holds firmly to the prediction that
Bush and Cheney are the chosen ¡§winners¡| by the Ruling Elite ¡V and
have been for months.

The first NA prediction that has come true already is that the nation
would not know the result of this election until Wednesday, or even
Thursday or Friday.

The TV Networks, following the Super Secret Software companies that
pre-program the computer programs which count the votes, in my
judgement, have taken the nation on a contrived pre-scripted plot in
order to try and discredit the growing feeling among most Americans ¡V
and the growing documentation known to a 

[CTRL] Fwd: Conspiracy Journal

2000-11-10 Thread William Shannon

Conspiracy Journal - http://www.conspiracyjournal.com

* Conspiracy Journal *
Also: http://www.webufo.net
To subscribe: email to the following address:
You will receive a verification email, please follow its directions.

The votes are in and have been counted, and it is unanimous that this
years winner is CONSPIRACY JOURNAL!  That's right, the people have spoken!
Conspiracy Journal is here once again to reveal the secrets and
conspiracies that won't be heard on your local 6 o'clock news.

This week Conspiracy Journal takes a look at: A weird flying alien spotted
in Pennsylvania - Saddam may soon have his own nuke - And funds have been
approved to continue development on a high-powered missile busting laser.
All these stories and letters from our readers in this weeks Conspiracy

Don't forget to visit the Conspiracy Journal website to check out some new
columns by Commander X http://www.members.tripod.com/uforeview/xfiles.com
And special Guest Columnist Tim Swartz talks about the forgotten genius of
Nikola Tesla.
Note: If you have trouble getting these links to work, simply type in your
location window the above URLs.

~ And Now, On With The Show! ~

Saddam Still Pursuing Nuclear Weapons, Says Iraqi Scientist

Iraqi President Saddam Hussein's former nuclear weapons expert Khidhir
Hamza said Iraq is only months away from making a workable bomb.  However,
Hamza said Iraq must rely on foreign sources for fissile material.

"I don't think that he will keep it a secret," said Hamza. "Once Saddam
Hussein's weapons of mass destruction [WMD] program is capable of
generating a couple of nuclear devices, Saddam will use it to his own
ends," he said. Hamza predicted that Saddam would test one of the devices
and then declare himself "a nuclear power."

Hamza started working in Iraq's nuclear program in the 1970s after
studying physics in the United States; he defected to the West in 1995.

Hamza spoke at a book signing reception at the Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace in Washington on November 2. His book, co-authored
with Jeff Stein, is entitled "Saddam's Bomb Maker: The Terrifying Inside
Story of the Iraqi Nuclear and Biological Weapons Agenda." Thebook was
released in the United States November 2 and in Europe in October.

The Iraqi scientist related how Saddam Hussein hoodwinked the
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for years, even though Iraq
signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in 1968 and ratified it in
1969. "That [ratification] made our nuclear-power cover stories
internationally acceptable and justified our major nuclear purchases with
the full backing of the IAEA," Hamza said.

Hamza noted that after the Arab armies were defeated in the 1967 War with
Israel, Iraq started a nuclear program "to have at least parity with
Israel." In 1972, Saddam Hussein approved an initial plan that led to
Iraq's acquisition two years later of a nuclear reactor from France for a
plutonium bomb, he said. At the time, he said, Iraq's initial investment
in the program was $500 million and the program employed 500 technicians.

Israel's attack on Iraq's Osirak nuclear reactor facility in 1981 kicked
Saddam's nuclear weapons program into high gear, Hamza said. "Israel made
a mistake in hitting the reactor," he said.  Saddam responded by launching
a new eight-year-long secret program in 1982 to build a nuclear bomb
inventory that would eventually cost $10,000 million and employ 7,000
technicians and scientists, Hamza said.

Hamza said Saddam was driven by a desire to make Iraq a nuclear power and
the center of Arab power and unity. Saddam "needed a crude device to drop
on Israel," Hamza said.

After the Gulf War in 1991, Iraq continued with its secret nuclear weapons
development program, says Hamza. The program was eventually discovered by
United Nations inspection teams, who began to dismantle it until they were
ordered to leave Iraq at the end of 1998.

Hamza's book relates how Iraq tested biological and chemical weapons on
human subjects, most of whom were political prisoners, but also on Kurds
in the north and Shiites in the south.

The Iraqi nuclear expert said that while he was working on the nuclear
program, the Iraqi regime recruited Iraqi university students for
clandestine WMD programs and "some of the students died due to exposure."

Conditions inside Iraq became so bad for the scientists and their families
that many fled, said Hamza. One of the problems for Saddam today, he said,
"is that no one is returning home" to work on the WMD programs.

Hamza asserted that the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) tried to
recruit him to make a bomb and Baghdad had a secret program aimed at
breaking into U.S. and 

[CTRL] How It's Supposed to Work

2000-11-10 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-

Now Hillary wants to abolish the Electoral College.  Wrong.  Abolish the popular
vote for President.  Get back to fundamentals, away from the "go along to get along"
type of government.  AER 

From http://www.mises.org/fullstory.asp?control=545

Origins of the Electoral College
by Randall G. Holcombe
[Posted November 9, 2000]
The process was never intended to be democratic. The first presidents were appointed
by elites, not elected by the masses. Not until 1820s, with the rise of Andrew
Jackson, did popular voting have a role in the selection of presidents

The modern principle of democracy--repeated in nearly every media account of the
Florida vote confusion--holds the president should be elected by majority vote
because that will permit government to do what the people want. But the Founders
went to great lengths to insulate the activities of their new government from
democratic pressures.  One of the ways that they tried to limit their government
from democracy was by selecting the nation's chief executive through the use of an
electoral college, rather than through direct democratic election.

The electoral college never worked as planned, however, and by 1828, when Andrew
Jackson was elected as president, the method of electing the president had almost
completely transformed into the democratic system that still exists at the end of
the twentieth century.

This metamorphosis of the electoral college mirrors changes that have occurred more
generally in American government during its first two centuries.  At its founding,
American citizens believed that their government was created to protect their
liberty, and the government was designed to be limited in scope.  The Constitution
was written to protect the rights of individuals and limit the powers of government.
 In other words, it was intended to preserve liberty.  Not only did the Founders not
intend for public policy to be determined democratically, they actively tried to
design their new government to prevent public policy from being directed by the
demands of its citizens.  They recognized that liberty could be compromised by
democracy, and that the will of the majority had the potential to be just as
tyrannical as a king or dictator.

Yet over the centuries the principle of liberty that the Founders fought for became
less of a priority for American citizens, and the principle of democracy became more
significant.  At the end of the twentieth century the term liberty has an almost
quaint sound to it, while trying to encourage the spread of American-style democracy
around the world has become a significant part of American foreign policy.
The electoral college was an important part of their attempt to limit the influence
of democracy on American government.  The evolution of the electoral college is, in
one sense, only a small part of the story of the transformation of the fundamental
principle of American government from liberty to democracy.  Yet it is an important
part of the story, because it was one of the earliest manifestations of this
transformation.  Within a few decades of the nation's founding, one of the most
significant checks that the Founders tried to enact to control democracy had been

Republic, Yes; Democracy, No

The Constitution was designed so that a group of highly qualified experts would be
designated to select the president and vice president.  Article II, Section 1,
states, "Each State shall appoint, in such a Manner as the Legislature thereof may
direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and
Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress; but no Senator
or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United
States, shall be appointed as an Elector."  Constitutional amendments have changed
some aspects of the process by which the president is elected, but this provision
remains unchanged.

It is apparent from the wording of this provision of the Constitution that the
Founders did not intend for electors to be democratically elected (although they did
not rule out the possibility), and is even more apparent that however the electors
were chosen, they did not intend the method of choice to dictate how the electors
would cast their ballots.  Otherwise, why would the Constitution rule out federal
officials as electors?

Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution continues, "The Electors shall meet in
their respective States, and vote by Ballot for two Persons, of whom one at least
shall not be an Inhabitant of the same State with themselves."  The top vote getter
would then become President if that person received votes from a majority of the
electors, and the second-highest vote getter would become Vice President.  This
provision was changed slightly by the Twelfth Amendment in 1804 so that the
President and Vice President were voted on separately, but the electoral college
system remained essentially unchanged 

[CTRL] Fw: Florida Military Votes Blocked!!

2000-11-10 Thread K
-Caveat Lector-
> > FLORIDA MILITARY VOTES BLOCKED > > Reports of Blocked Military Votes Still Coming In >  -- and some of them live in Florida > > http://www.KeepAndBearArms.com > > from Angel Shamaya > Director, KeepAndBearArms.com > 9 November 2000 > 12:50, PST > > KeepAndBearArms.com --  We have more confirmed > reports of U.S. servicemen and women being prevented > from voting. Absentee ballots missing or arriving > too late is a larger problem than we'd even have > guessed, and we are still receiving new reports as > the day wears on.  Here are the latest reports: > > Okinawa -- another confirmed report of no ballot > having been provided. In her own words: > >"I am living on Okinawa. I was active duty until >Sep 02-00, and I did ask my unit rep to sign me >up to vote -- but heard nothing after that. I >did not receive a ballot at all. Yes, I would >have voted for Gov. Bush." > > We also have our first confirmed report from a resident > of Florida stationed in America whose ballot didn't > arrive until the day before the election. He requested > his absentee ballot in September and placed a second > request in October. According to him: > >"I received my Ballot the day after the election. >My parents requested my ballot in September, but >it was sent to the wrong address. I re-requested >a ballot in late October. I live in Florida, and >I would have voted for Bush." > > He's not the only soldier who resides in Florida and > didn't receive a ballot -- and would have thrown a > vote to Governor Bush. This just came in: > >"I am a state resident of Florida. In my 16 years >in the military I have never NOT received a ballot... >until this year. And yes, I would most definitely >have voted for Bush." > > And so it goes. We have a confirmed report in from a > couple whose home state is Oregon. She received her > ballot, and he didn't. > > Some military personnel did receive their ballots > in time to vote, of course. From our email today: > >"I am from the state of Illinois, and requested >my ballot in September, I received my ballot on >November 6th 2000, the ballot needed to be returned >by 2 pm on the 7th. I did send my ballot in, and >I did vote for BUSH!!" > > and > >"I am a soldier stationed in the US at Carlisle >Barracks in Pennsylvania, away from my voting district. >Everyone at Carlisle Barracks was provided all forms, >etc months in advance.  I can tell you  that everyone >here was encouraged to vote." > > We are elated to know that some military personnel did > get to vote. But the absence of ballots for others is > not only puzzling, it is an outrage.  How those who > received their ballots on the 7th were to accomplish > the stated deadline is a mystery. Who helped orchestrate > this travesty is no mystery at all. > > Related Articles Below are All linked at > http://www.KeepAndBearArms.com > > First Report from Okinawa Showing > Missing Military Absentee Ballots > http://www.keepandbeararms.com/newsarchives/XcNewsPlus.a 

[CTRL] Fwd: RE: [CIA-DRUGS] sub links colombian cartels and russian mob-yep, them pesky russkie commies

2000-11-10 Thread Kris Millegan


This is a fabulous posting. Thank you! There are several key points to
consider here.

1. The U.S. Navy using a sensory system called SOSUS along with monitoring
by Los Angeles Class attack subs monitors all the underwater traffic
everywhere in the world, but especially near the U.S. Not even a whale moves
without the U.S. Navy knowing about it. Their Sonar equipment is especially
programmed to recognize key sounds made by Russian subs. Therefore, if this
sub was intended to smuggle coke and heroin to the U.S. it could only happen
with the blessings of the CIA and the USN. No exceptions here.

2. The presence of an American in the construction team tends to strongly
suggest CIA awareness, if not participation. Therefore, it is also possible
(I think even likely) that the submarine was/is intended to smuggle drugs to
Europe and Asia. My reasoning is that CIA and the various factions have a
simple, cheap system set up right now that doesn't require all this effort,
money and risk. The sub is likely intended to bypass the law enforcement of
other nations not capable of detecting it. The classic model of

3. The ending remarks about the escalation of technology are extremely
important for several reasons. First the technological escalation is
supported by the fact that, about a year ago a US De Havilland DH 7 spy
aircraft piloted by Army pilot Jennifer Odom with a radar directed SAM 16.
This is ultra high-tech. This was very well reported by Salon Magazine.

It is my strong belief that the USG (CIA) is secretly seeing to it that the
FARC devils become very well technologically equipped so as to justify their
demonization and ever higher US military expenditures. A major US deployment
would not be justified by even 100,000 rebels equipped with AK 47s. It would
be justified (along with huge military expenditures) if FARC had submarines,
radar, SAMs, tanks and high tech.

Remember also that we have documented Russian money laundering through the
Bank of New York and that this money goes back into Wall Street. Ref:

The timing of this LA Times piece is interesting also because the submarine
story originally broke two months ago and didn't draw this much attention

I believe this to be a prepping of the waters for military intervention in
Colombia that becomes ever more necessary as Wall Street suffers and the
Euro surges under the present electoral uncertainty.

Mike Ruppert

-Original Message-
Sent:   Friday, November 10, 2000 10:02 AM
Subject:[CIA-DRUGS] sub links colombian cartels and russian mob-yep, them
pesky russkie commies

Subj:[Spy News] Submarine Links Colombian Drug Traffickers With Russian
Date:   11/10/2000 1:00:03 PM Eastern Standard Time
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mario Profaca)
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ([Spy News])

Friday, November 10, 2000
Submarine Links Colombian Drug Traffickers With Russian Mafia

Crime: Officials believe that the vessel
was a joint effort between cartels
and ex-KGB spies. They worry that
the partnership includes intelligence

By JUANITA DARLING, Times Staff Writer

BOGOTA, Colombia--They should have been friendlier to the neighbors.
The three foreigners first raised suspicions in the Andean mountain
village of Facatativa because they never smiled or waved. Then people
noticed that they always had food delivered and seldom emerged from the
warehouse where they worked.
Finally, someone called the police. Officers, shocked by what they
discovered when they entered the warehouse during a predawn raid Sept. 7,
made two phone calls: one to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration office
here and another to the Russian ambassador.
Thanks to the offended villagers, law enforcement officers had found a
100-foot submarine under construction, the first tangible evidence of a
long-suspected alliance between the latest generation of Colombian drug
traffickers and the Russian mafia.

That partnership concerns security experts, who worry that Colombian
drug traffickers may be getting more than hardware from their Russian
associates. They could be buying intelligence and counterintelligence
services from spies who learned their trade in the notorious KGB, warned
Frank J. Cilluffo, a researcher at the Center for Strategic and
International Studies in Washington.
 Law enforcement officials believe that the submarine was being built to
smuggle up to 10 tons of narcotics--a testament to the ingenuity of drug
traffickers and, perhaps, to the strength of combined forces.
 Together, Russian and Colombian organized crime groups make a

[CTRL] Gore takes the porn vote

2000-11-10 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-


Gore takes the porn vote

A porn popularity map of the US is almost identical to one showing which states
Al Gore won in the recent presidential elections.

The map shows that the Democrat-friendly West Coast, New England and Middle
Atlantic states have the highest appetite for video sex movies.

As many as 40% of the home video market in Gore's winning states is sex-related,
according to the Wall Street Journal data.  [article below]

The Republican George W Bush, on the other hand, dominated the Bible-Belt which
has the lowest number of porn viewers.

Experts who analysed the two maps say that morality and culture are refelected
in both; conservative married couples wanted Bush, not Gore, who they associated
too closely with Bill Clinton's impeachment troubles.

Copyright © 2000 Ananova Ltd


Gore Carries the Porn Belt
This election was about culture above all.

Friday, November 10, 2000 12:01 a.m. EST

Pretty much everyone guessed wrong on the election results. The professors with
their economic prediction models had Al Gore at 55% to 60% of the popular vote.
Most of the national pollsters had George W. Bush leading by two to nine points.
The anti-Clintons, who said Mr. Gore would pay the price for Bill Clinton's
misdeeds could see no evidence of backlash.

But in the Oct. 23 New York Times appeared a shaded map of the United States
that bore an eerie resemblance to Tuesday night's results. In an article
headlined "Technology Sent Wall Street Into Market for Pornography," the map
shows by region the percentage of sex movies in the home-video market. Mr. Gore
carried the areas with the highest percentages (40% on the West Coast and 37% in
New England and the Middle Atlantic states); Mr. Bush carried the area with the
lowest percentage (14% in the South), and they split the rest of the country
that had middling sex movie percentages.

It sounds ridiculous, but there's a grain of truth in those comparisons. Mr.
Bush carried married voters 53% to 44%, led by a similar margin in homes with
children under 18, and won the "religious right," 79% to 18%. He won the South
54% to 44% and lost the Northeast 37% to 56%. His was a culturally conservative
vote. And character did matter: Among voters who said they wanted an honest and
trustworthy president, Mr. Bush won 80% to 15%. People who attend church weekly
backed Mr. Bush 57% to 40%.

A few other patterns emerged: Mr. Gore ran strongly with the quarter of the
voters with incomes under $30,000: Mr. Bush ran better than Mr. Gore with the
other three-quarters. Democrats voted for Democrats and Republicans for
Republicans in overwhelming percentages. And the "gender gap" is real and very
deep. According to exit polls Mr. Gore won women 54% to 42%, and Mr. Bush won
men 52% to 43%.

Other comparisons paint a murkier picture. Consider three important
quality-of-life indicators measured state by state: five-year per capita income
growth, the crime rate and the percentage of births to teenage mothers. List the
50 states and the District of Columbia in order for each, and we see that
economic growth seemed to matter: Messrs. Bush and Gore evenly split high-growth
states, while Mr. Bush carried 11 of the 15 low-growth ones. The crime rate
didn't seem to matter: Higher-crime states favored Mr. Bush, but not by very
much. More puzzling, he also won 20 of the 25 states with the highest percentage
of births to teen mothers.

In short, the 2000 election was not primarily about "the economy, stupid," nor
the efficiency of government, nor the number of programs proposed or their cost,
nor just how government should be reinvented. It was about values like the
quality of education, family and ethics, and the character and trustworthiness
of the man who will next lead us. Those are not bad ways to pick a president.

It is also clear that these concerns are not evenly spread across the country.
There are indeed two Americas, one bicoastal, urban, industrial, and politically
very liberal; the other rural, with smaller cities and towns, traditional
beliefs about family and morality, and a moderate-to-conservative political

Regardless of whether Mr. Gore is successful in his attempt to overturn the
result in Florida, this basic division is going to bedevil American society for
some years to come. The Democratic Party is being pushed left. Mr. Gore, as
either president or leader of the party, is more liberal than Mr. Clinton; newly
elected senators like Hillary Clinton and Jon Corzine are very left. People in
the rural center will not take kindly to this leftward tilt and will be in
continual tension with the other America.

The fate of Republicans, now holding even slimmer and more difficult margins in
the House and Senate, lies almost wholly in the hands of Mr. Bush. 

[CTRL] Four other US states may recount election votes

2000-11-10 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-


Four other US states may recount election votes

Four more US states may follow Florida and undertake recounts to decide who will
be the next president.

The recounts may be ordered in Oregon, Iowa, New Mexico, and Wisconsin, which Mr
Gore won narrowly.

In New Mexico, early voting tallies released in the state's largest county
narrowed the gap between Republican George W. Bush and Democrat Al Gore to 164
votes, with Mr Gore in the lead. That's a change from a previous unofficial Gore
lead of 6,825 votes.

Republicans have threatened to challenge close Gore victories if he draws out
challenges in Florida.  But New Mexico has only five electoral votes and
wouldn't be enough be itself.

In Oregon, a recount may also be required by a state law if the margin between
Bush and Gore is less than one-fifth of 1% or about 2,800 votes.

With about 40,000 more votes to be counted, many in Republican leaning areas, Mr
Gore led Bush by 8,485 votes.

In Iowa, Republican officials are exploring the possibility of requesting a
voter recount in a state that Mr Bush lost by less than 5,000 votes.

To ask for a recount, Bush would have to personally write each of Iowa's 99
county auditors by 5 pm Nov. 16 or 17, depending on the county.

In Wisconsin, where Mr Bush lost by about 6,000 votes, there is no automatic
recount. But a candidate may request a recount. The Bush campaign said they are
looking at that possibility.

Last updated: 21:43 Friday 10th November 2000.

Copyright © 2000 Ananova Ltd

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Re: [CTRL] Four other US states may recount election votes

2000-11-10 Thread ThePiedPiper

Who wants someone that has a weird family philosophy?
I live in Texas and the guy is strange!
Here are links to prove it.
Title: Bush, Clinton, Gore, Dole, Republican and Democrat links

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Skull and Bones
Bush Family and more

These seem to go missing from
the web pages that I put them on so let's see if I can keep track of them here.

the company they keep


I.G. Farben, 

National Socialism and Fascism (review)

... Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile by Paul Manning. Secaucus, NJ: Lyle
Stuart, 1981.

302pp. $14.95. Latest variation on the Bormann-is-alive-and-
well-and-behaving ... 

http://ihr.org/jhr/v05/v05p415_Stimely.html - 48k

 Bush Family's Historical Ties to the Nazis 

 As the Republican Convention approaches and America
moves irretrievably 
 closer to crowning George W. Bush as its next monarch,
SFLR DJ Scott 
 Thompson has begun an examination of the Bush family's
historical ties to 
 the Nazis. 

 Evidence for the connection is contained in a
document now on the Web known 
 as the Elkhorn document. 

Topic: Alternatives to Dubya Elkhorn Document R. William Davis 

 ** Table of Contents to the Elkhorn Document 
 Leading Edge Research Group presents: 
 The Elkhorn Document Documented Evidence of a Secret
Business and Political Alliance Between the U.S. Establishment 
 and the Nazis - Before, During and After World War II - up
to the Present. 
 By R.William Davis 

Could the Bush family be advocating the end of humans? 
 Does this sound like sci fi?
Consider: oil is a product of bacteria and a bacteria needs something to work
with. It 
 seems that water is a favorite item
to use to get more oil out of wells. Water is (H2O), so what would the 

 bacteria that produces
oil do with the hydrogen, since hydrogen is a component of oil. This means that

 that bases their ideas on
oil is incompetent, exspessely considering how much knowledge that family is
suppose to 

 have of oil. Does the
Bush family advocate solar energy or oil? Could they or the Bush backers
have already 

 considered this and
basically been using those countries that depend on oil? What would
happen if the Bush 

 family is still involved
with pharmaceutical companies like they seem to have been during the Hitler

 Oil; Thomas Gold * is oil a bacterial byproduct? 
 Thomas Gold -- The Deep
Hot Bioshpere, 

 The Theory of Unlimited Oil 
 One Heretic Predicts More Oil to Be
Drilled in the Ground 
 By Kevin Newman --
March 16 


 Bush and Gore on enviroment, but this does not consider Nader. 

History on the Ballot 
 The presidential election could
determine whether Americans gain access to Cold War history. 
 By Robert Parry. November 5, 2000 
 History will be on the ballot Nov.
 An honest accounting of American
history from the Cold War has not been an issue in Campaign 2000. But 

 recent disclosures of
human rights abuses and other crimes  especially from the bloody front lines
of Guatemala, 

 El Salvador, Nicaragua,
Chile and Argentina  could slow to a trickle or be stopped outright with a
victory by 

 Texas Gov. George W. 
 Bush and his running mate, Dick

 For one, the Bush familys
legacy could suffer greatly from anything 
 approaching full disclosure of
this Cold War history. 
 -go to link for rest of the story at

Dubya's Drunken Driving Raises Bigger Questions 

Everything you wanted to know about Skull and Bones but were afraid to ask: 

Bush / Gore

Some things that have happened since the Nixon era.



Mitretek Systems

 Mustard was first used
by the Germans on the night of 12-13 July 1917 near 

 Ypres in Flanders.




The following events, some proved and some alleged, comprise a short 

history of biological warfare.

Covers 1346-1992 but does not have the information that is in the above 

link about mustard gas being used in 1917.


Thomas W. McGovern, MD, MAJ, MC George W. Christopher, LTC,


The opinions and assertions 

[CTRL] Election Crisis And FEMA ?

2000-11-10 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

[Note: This article was written a few days BEFORE the election took
place, it seems that Sherman Skolnick knew ahead of time that there
would be trouble once the ballots were counted].




by Sherman H. Skolnick

This is a story almost too sensitive to be posted. What do you really know
about F.E.M.A., Federal Emergency Management Agency?

Our research and investigation group learned a lot about FEMA as a result of
an unpublicized federal lawsuit we brought against them in January, 1991. In
fact, it was filed on the same day that President George Herbert Walker Bush
ordered the bombing of his former long-time secret business partner in
Baghdad, Saddam Hussein. We put together upwards of a thousand pages of the
secret background of FEMA. Some of the appendix to the lawsuit was in
compressed, reduced form so as to prevent it from being so bulky. Among other
things, it pointed out the unconstitutional nature of FEMA. That is, some of
the Federal Judges in the U.S. are also secretly officials of FEMA. Wearing
two hats like that is on its face, unconstitutional. Various presidents,
however, have entered little known dictatorial fiats into the Federal
Register, or not recorded at all, mandating that in a so-called "emergency",
it is forbidden for federal judges to take jurisdiction of any challenge in
court to the fascist-like orders of FEMA, suspending habeas corpus, property
ownership, right to travel from place to place, and more.

We identified one of the U.S. District Judges in Chicago as being a secret
official also of FEMA. A crony of his in the court seized upon our lawsuit,
and without legal formality ordered our lawsuit "dismissed" and removed from
the courthouse. No lawful citation of authority was given. And we had no
legal recourse. Of course, we had no opportunity for "open court" hearing or
proceedings of any kind. The corrupt bench and bar promote the idea that we
as the American people proceed on the law and the facts. In important cases,
it is a complete phantasy as I as a court reformer have discovered in more
than 40 years of experiences.

The one good thing that came out of it we added to our inside sources, even
in FEMA, persons who secretly admire our work and assist us with details as
best they can. Over the years, I as the head of our group, Citizen's
Committee to Clean Up the Courts, have been jailed---not for committing
crimes---but for "contempt of court", for absolutely refusing to divulge
sources of our data. The fact that the "authorities" hauled me away in my
wheelchair, as if I were a violent bank robber, repeatedly outraged the
public and after a while each time I was released.

Key honchos in finance and banking, in international business, and domestic
and foreign espionage agencies, have studied the Year 2000 Presidential
Election. They have determined that there may be what appears to be an
"Emergency" as an outgrowth of the Election. As a consequence they have sent
what purport to be "U.S. Government" officials to deal with the situation.
These "officials" purport to have authority ABOVE the Presidency, above the
Congress, above the Courts, AND ABOVE THE CONSTITUTION. [Do not heckle me
with naive protests that such is "unconstitutional", as if I do not already
understand that.]

What they have ordered

1. If a question remains as to the "Electoral College" vote, as provided
under the U.S. Constitution 12th Amendment, then they have ORDERED under pain
of extreme action, that the "Electors" who are to meet after the Election,
and cast THEIR ballots for the one THEY as "Electors"believe should be
President; that the "Electors" are to instead pick a different person as
President. A person not on the ballot, but of private wealth and therefore,
supposedly immune from bribery and corrupt deed. The one that would allegedly
fit such a description would be U.S. Senator John D. Rockefeller 4th (D.,
W.Va.), who calls himself "Jay" like he is just one of the common Americans.
I for one do not accept that "Jay" is above being "bought" because he already
is so rich.

2. The "oil-soaked monopoly press" is under these same fascist-like orders to
hint of an emergency but give no details as if they are oblivious to what is
going on. It has been more than three decades since I outraged the
press-fakers by beginning to identify FBI and CIA "assets" in key places at
local and network media outlets. [My public access weekly Cable TV Program
from time to time continues identifying the FBI and CIA "assets" within the
monopoly press. As a result, the press if they admit I exist at all, have
rotten things to say about our work over 43 years time.]

3. These sinister super-government operatives have contacted key "Electoral
College" Electors. Informing them what they are ORDERED to do---supposedly
for the survival of the nation and 

Re: [CTRL] Election Crisis And FEMA ?

2000-11-10 Thread Eagle 1

-Caveat Lector-

Yes,  and it seems I remember in the situation with the OKC bombing,  and
WACO,  (etc.),that   "THEY"   also knew in advance...

Why does this  ''they knew in advance''  stuff always come out when there is
a travesty of justice ongoing?   By reporting this sort of disinformation,
it makes it seem that our whole constitutional and judicial system is
without a doubt,  completely corrupt to the gore,  --excuse me--  I mean
core.  And don't you know that the rest of the world is waiting with baited
breath to jump at the "they" of the prey.

I do not believe that the US and all it stands for past, present, and
is totally corrupt.  But,  as they say,
and so it would appear that it has.

WHY can't we support America,  instead of stripping her of her dignity and
credibility???  It seems there are more who would rather tear her down, and
destroy her physically, morally and spiritually,  leaving her butt-naked to
the world for the world to do and have what they please of her.

Where has any kind of national sense of moral turpitude gone?
Most assuredly,  it has gone down the sewer,
and is haplessly floating out to sea.

eagle 1

- Original Message -
From: "Martin F. Abernathy" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 10, 2000 4:53 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Election "Crisis" And FEMA ?

 -Caveat Lector-

 [Note: This article was written a few days BEFORE the election took
 place, it seems that Sherman Skolnick knew ahead of time that there
 would be trouble once the ballots were counted].




 by Sherman H. Skolnick

 This is a story almost too sensitive to be posted. What do you really know
 about F.E.M.A., Federal Emergency Management Agency?

 Our research and investigation group learned a lot about FEMA as a result
 an unpublicized federal lawsuit we brought against them in January, 1991.
 fact, it was filed on the same day that President George Herbert Walker
 ordered the bombing of his former long-time secret business partner in
 Baghdad, Saddam Hussein. We put together upwards of a thousand pages of
 secret background of FEMA. Some of the appendix to the lawsuit was in
 compressed, reduced form so as to prevent it from being so bulky. Among
 things, it pointed out the unconstitutional nature of FEMA. That is, some
 the Federal Judges in the U.S. are also secretly officials of FEMA.
 two hats like that is on its face, unconstitutional. Various presidents,
 however, have entered little known dictatorial fiats into the Federal
 Register, or not recorded at all, mandating that in a so-called
 it is forbidden for federal judges to take jurisdiction of any challenge
 court to the fascist-like orders of FEMA, suspending habeas corpus,
 ownership, right to travel from place to place, and more.

 We identified one of the U.S. District Judges in Chicago as being a secret
 official also of FEMA. A crony of his in the court seized upon our
 and without legal formality ordered our lawsuit "dismissed" and removed
 the courthouse. No lawful citation of authority was given. And we had no
 legal recourse. Of course, we had no opportunity for "open court" hearing
 proceedings of any kind. The corrupt bench and bar promote the idea that
 as the American people proceed on the law and the facts. In important
 it is a complete phantasy as I as a court reformer have discovered in more
 than 40 years of experiences.

 The one good thing that came out of it we added to our inside sources,
 in FEMA, persons who secretly admire our work and assist us with details
 best they can. Over the years, I as the head of our group, Citizen's
 Committee to Clean Up the Courts, have been jailed---not for committing
 crimes---but for "contempt of court", for absolutely refusing to divulge
 sources of our data. The fact that the "authorities" hauled me away in my
 wheelchair, as if I were a violent bank robber, repeatedly outraged the
 public and after a while each time I was released.

 Key honchos in finance and banking, in international business, and
 and foreign espionage agencies, have studied the Year 2000 Presidential
 Election. They have determined that there may be what appears to be an
 "Emergency" as an outgrowth of the Election. As a consequence they have
 what purport to be "U.S. Government" officials to deal with the situation.
 These "officials" purport to have authority ABOVE the Presidency, above
 Congress, above the Courts, AND ABOVE THE CONSTITUTION. [Do not heckle me
 with naive protests that such is "unconstitutional", as if I do not
 understand that.]

 What they have ordered

 1. If a question remains as to the "Electoral College" vote, as provided

[CTRL] Fox: Cuba Blames U.S. Election Confusion on Anti-Castro Exiles

2000-11-10 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[Interesting sidenote- Kendall Coffey, Little Elians lawyer, is
now representing the Gore campaign in the present unpleasentness
in Florida.  --MS]


Cuba Blames U.S. Election Confusion on Anti-Castro Exiles
Thursday, November 9, 2000

HAVANA — Cuba blamed election uncertainty in Florida on foes of
Fidel Castro, charging that Cuban exiles there are desperately
trying to regain the political power they lost with Elian
Gonzalez's return to the communist island. "A dark cloud today
darkens the political scene in the United States," the Communist
Party daily Granma declared Thursday in a front-page editorial.

"Once again this nation pays the price for its leaders' criminal
and genocidal policies toward our nation," it said.

For Cuba, the recount of presidential votes across Florida,
complaints of voter confusion over ballots in Palm Beach County
and a smattering of reports of alleged irregularities in other
areas was proof of efforts by Cuban exiles to hold on to power.

"This time the mafia is going all out," said the editorial, using
a term commonly employed by Cuba's leadership to describe
anti-Castro exiles in Florida.

The exiles are "thirsty for revenge, desirous of recouping lost
ground"  after losing the battle earlier this year to block
6-year-old Elian Gonzalez's return to Cuba, the editorial said.

The boy, who survived a boat wreck during a journey to the United
States, returned with his father in late June after a seven-month
tug-of-war between the Cuban government and exiles in Florida.

"Once the decisive day of the presidential elections arrived,
they thought themselves capable of deciding who will be the
president of the United States," Granma said of the exiles.

The editorial accused the exile community of "electoral fraud as
was carried out by their predecessors in Cuba before the

Meanwhile, Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Roque Perez, in New York
on Thursday for a U.N. visit, drew a link between the election's
outcome and frequent U.S. advice to other nations.

"I believe that those in the United States who have always tried
to become judges of elections that take place elsewhere must be
receiving a lesson of modesty and humbleness," Perez Roque said
at a news conference.

He added that Cuba would gladly send monitors for a new election
if asked by U.S. officials.

On Wednesday night, Cuban state television showed Castro mocking
the American electoral process with a visit to the beach. The
bearded Castro walked in the sand at the beach in his typical
olive green uniform and chatted with bathing suit-clad tourists
from the United States and Europe.

One American man was shown giving a thumbs-down both to Vice
President Al Gore and Texas Gov. George W. Bush.

Regardless of who becomes American president, Castro has promised
to continue resisting U.S. pressure and has said he does not
believe the four-decade trade embargo against Cuba can last

U.S. lawmakers have made numerous proposals to ease the trade
sanctions over the past year, only to have them narrowly defeated
or watered down amid concerns about the Cuban-American vote in
the months leading up to the presidential election.

Cuban officials complain the only legislative proposal that
became law — the agricultural appropriation bill, which permits
the export of food and medicine to Cuba — makes the import of
U.S. food too difficult to be practical.

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 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

Re: [CTRL] Four other US states may recount election votes

2000-11-10 Thread Eagle 1
Title: Bush, Clinton, Gore, Dole, Republican and Democrat links

now pied piper, 
will you kindly do a page of greater or equal 
value on Gore?
I like to make valued decisions, of all possibilities;
not be persuaded by a one-sided opinion, of so called
'gathered facts'.

thank you,
eagle 1

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, November 10, 2000 4:56 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Four other US states 
  may recount election votes
  Who wants someone that has a weird family philosophy?I live 
  in Texas and the guy is strange!Here are links to prove it.
  (Is this one of those Internet Rumors?) 

[CTRL] PNJ: Dade County, Postal Service join local voter fraud probe

2000-11-10 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Dade County, Postal Service join local voter fraud probe

By Scott Streater
Pensacola News Journal staff writer

State prosecutors in Pensacola are stepping up efforts to unravel
a potentially widespread voter fraud scheme as the world watches
to see who will be the next U.S.  president based on a recount of
Florida ballots.

At issue is an absentee ballot mailed to a Pensacola voter in
Miami that was intercepted, filled out and mailed back to voting
officials in Escambia County.  The voter's signature was forged,
and the name and address of a witness on the ballot was bogus.

The State Attorney's Office on Thursday requested the U.S.
Postal Service in Miami, as well as the State Attorney's Office
in Dade County, to help track the fraudulent ballot.

State prosecutors also are sharing all information on the case
with U.S.  Attorney Michael Patterson's office.

Elections officials and investigators fear the fraudulent ballot
could be part of a much broader voter fraud scheme.

"I hope it's not.  But if it is, we will do everything we can to
find out,'' said Assistant State Attorney Russ Edgar.

A second suspicious absentee ballot found late Wednesday by local
elections officials was determined to be valid.

Tuesday's vote in Florida is under intense scrutiny to determine
whether the state's decisive 25 electoral votes will be awarded
to Texas Gov. George W.  Bush or Vice President Al Gore.

With the election being so tight, any hint of voter fraud is
being handled with extreme caution.

"This is a very serious crime,'' said Escambia County Supervisor
of Elections Bonnie Jones, who said she received numerous calls
Thursday concerning the fraud case from newspapers across the

The investigation began when Todd Vinson, a law clerk residing in
Miami but who is registered to vote in Pensacola, complained he
never received either of two absentee ballots that elections
officials said they mailed to him last month.

Workers in Jones' office searched through the absentee ballots
and found one with Vinson's name on it.  When Jones compared the
signature on the ballot with the signature on Vinson's voter
registration card, the two did not match.

Vinson, 28, declined Thursday to comment about the case, saying
he wants the investigation to run its course.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] RadTimes # 93

2000-11-10 Thread radman
chaos in Florida only encouraged African dictators. It asked: "If this
happens in the United States, how do you want everything to be clean and
transparent in the poor African continent?"

Zimbabwe's state-controlled daily, The Herald, said: "Analysts questioned
whether the Americans would have accepted a recount in African elections if
the ruling party candidate had been beaten, as happened in Florida."

Iraq, which had previously dismissed both the American presidential
candidates as equally pro-Israeli and hostile to Iraq, yesterday took the
side of George W Bush. It said the delay in announcing the result was a
Jewish plot to control America through Al Gore.

Babel, a newspaper controlled by the eldest son of President Saddam Hussein,
Uday, said the Jews in America wanted Mr Gore to win in order to give more
support to Israel in its confrontation with the Palestinians. Babel said in a
front page editorial: "If they (the Jews) succeed in making Gore win the
election they will become the real leaders of America."

Italians, whose own politics have been compared to an "opera buffa" after 58
post-war governments, had a field day.

The Rome daily, La Repubblica, ran the mocking headline: "A Day worthy of a
Banana Republic". The columnist Bepe Severgnini wrote in Milan's daily
Corriere della Sera: "The other night when I went into a restaurant in Santa
Monica, there was one president - Clinton.

"When I ordered a pizza there was another one - Gore. When I paid the bill
there was a third president - Bush. When I walked out on to Ocean Boulevard
there was no president because Bill is now the husband of a senator from New

German newspapers were more sanctimonious, with several arguing that
America's electoral system was outdated and undermined the legitimacy of the
eventual winner. Sueddeutsche Zeitung said the next president would be "a
king without a kingdom."

The conservative Die Welt said: "This is not a cheap novel, not a soap opera
but a debacle that may reach the level of comedy and will be, in hindsight,
an anecdote of a time in which politics had to painfully grasp how unfair it
is to voters.

"What a macabre spectacle: a giant empire with 280 million citizens sends
voters to the polls to decide who should be the next American president and
both candidates remain in a dead heat in a way we have not even seen in
elections in Uzbekistan or Switzerland."

In Moscow, an elections official said the disarray in America demonstrated
the superiority of the Russian system. Alexander Veshnyakov, chairman of the
Russian Central Election Committee, told the business daily Kommersant: "I
think we should never adopt their electoral college system . . . Russian
elections are more democratic and easier to grasp for the voters."

Cuba's President Fidel Castro did not pass up the opportunity to lampoon
America. State television showed him walking along the beach in his olive
green uniform and boots. He ran into an unidentified American tourist and
told him: "Like the majority of Americans, you have gone to the beach."

The Lebanese daily, Al-Safir, had to apologise to its readers for incorrectly
reporting that Mr Gore had won, but used the occasion to needle Arab
dictators who stage overwhelming election victories for themselves.

The paper's owner and editor Talal Salman wrote: "We offer our apologies to
our readers for deciding on something that was still under way. Perhaps it is
because of our deep-rooted experience of Arab democracy, particularly in
Lebanon, where results are given before the poll, which is then held only to
confirm the correctness of the declaration."

Linked stories:
U.N. Film Depicts World Flooded with Small Arms
A recently released movie produced by the United Nations
shows a world saturated with small arms.

Clinton Concerned about Ecstasy Imports
In an annual report on drug trafficking to the U.S. Congress,
President Clinton expressed concern over the designer drug
Bush tells Gore "Give up"
Republican George W. Bush's campaign is insisting that Florida's vote
recount confirms their man has won the presidential election. Bush's camp
is calling on Al Gore to give up, even though more postal votes have still
to be counted. Unofficial tallies from all 67 Florida counties indicate
that Bush has won by 327 votes.

"Anarchy doesn't mean out

[CTRL] OS: Volusia County Officials Find Two Suspect Bags of Ballots

2000-11-10 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Volusia officials find two suspect bags of ballots

By Sandra Pedicini of the  Olando Sentinel Staff

Election officials in Volusia County have halted their search for
write-in votes after finding two bags of ballots that were not
properly sealed.  The bags were discovered shortly after noon
Friday.  Officials now must count the ballots in each bag to make
sure the numbers agree with precinct results that were recorded
on election night.  The count is expected to be completed later
this afternoon.  Because of discrepancies, Volusia's election
canvassing board decided Thursday to hand count all 184,000
ballots cast in the county, a task that won't be completed until
next week.  The problems included a faulty memory card on a
polling machine that on election night showed a negative 16,022
votes for Vice President Al Gore.  Unofficial results in Volusia
show Gore with 97,063 votes and Texas Gov.  George W.  Bush with
82,214. Volusia is one of four Florida counties where Democratic
Party officials have demanded a full recount

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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[CTRL] Israel (US) rejects Arafat's call for UN team in Palestine

2000-11-10 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-


Saturday 11 November 2000

Israel rejects Arafat's call for UN team in Palestine

UNITED NATIONS: Palestinian leader Yasser
Arafat personally appealed to the Security
Council on Friday to deploy a UN force to
protect Palestinian civilians, but Israel rejected
any international involvement and won critical
US support.

Arafat appeared before the 15-member council
for about 90 minutes in a stepped-up bid to
involve the United Nations and other
international players in trying to revive the
Middle East peace process, traditionally the
domain of the two sides and the Americans.

The Palestinian leader was followed at the
closed-door council meeting by Israeli
Ambassador Yehuda Lancry, who made clear
that Israel would not accept any UN force in
the region since none was envisaged in
previous peace accords.

Lancry also rejected a compromise French
proposal to deploy unarmed military observers.

"What we need now is not an international
presence, which really can run against the
spirit of the peace process," Lancry told
reporters afterwards. He called for a
resumption of direct, bilateral negotiations
with the Palestinians "to bring back the calm
and the security and to resume the peace

US Ambassador Richard Holbrooke said the
United States would oppose any force as long
as Israel rejects it, arguing that the United
Nations cannot authorise missions without the
consent of the governments concerned. He
stressed that the Palestinians had never
discussed the proposal with Israel.

"It's not that we're opposed per se to something
because it came from one side or the other,"
Holbrooke said. "We're simply not going to
support something which is unilaterally
proposed without ever having been discussed
with the other side directly."

Despite that veiled threat of a US veto, the
Palestinians said they were drafting a
resolution authorising a 2,000-strong, mobile
UN protection force to be deployed in
Palestinian territories and Jerusalem.

The resolution was expected to be circulated
early next week, after US President Bill
Clinton meets with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud
Barak in Washington on Sunday. Clinton met
with Arafat on Thursday.

"We have exhausted all possibilities for a
bilateral effort in order to de-escalate the
situation," said the deputy Palestinian observer,
Marwan Jilani, dismissing Holbrooke's calls to
consult with the Israelis. (AP)

Copyright © 2000 Times Internet Limited. All rights reserved.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Liberals at CIA Plan to Woo Bush

2000-11-10 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-


   Liberals at CIA Plan to Woo Bush

  11/7/00 - By J. Michael Waller

  The CIA is ready to send a team of senior officials to
  Texas to lobby Gov. George W. Bush in the event he
  wins today’s presidential election, intelligence sources
  tell Insight. They hope to head off an anticipated
  GOP-led reorganization of the agency. The sources say
  that Capitol Hill Republicans, who are dissatisfied with
  the quality of CIA analysis on a range of issues from
  China to missile threats, plan to recommend substantial
  reforms in the event Bush is elected.

  Meanwhile, an agency source says, an unnamed “senior
  official” in the CIA’s Directorate for Intelligence, as well
  as other old hands, “did a lot of open gloating” at press
  reports that Bush had been arrested for driving under the
  influence of alcohol 24 years ago.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] AP: More on Leagality of Palm Beach Butterfly Ballot

2000-11-10 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Dems Hope Hand Count Closes Gap

By MIKE SCHNEIDER .c The Associated Press
11-10-00 1728EST

DELAND, Fla.  (AP) - Election workers in Volusia County were
checking all of the 184,018 ballots there for write-in votes
Friday as Democrats hoped for help in the still-undecided
presidential election.

Palm Beach, Broward and Miami-Dade counties also were ready for
the possibility of recounting hundreds of thousands of ballots by
hand.  And across the state, officials were waiting for what
could be thousands of overseas ballots to arrive in the mail.

Three days after Election Day, it was clear the election was not
over in Florida.

After sifting through about a third of the ballots, Volusia
County election officials had found at least two that had Vice
President Al Gore's name written in by voters who also filled in
a bubble for the candidate.  A machine would have discarded the
ballots, reading them as two votes.  Election officials counted

The county's election officials planned to go over the ballots
again Saturday, counting each by hand to check the figures
already counted twice by machine.  They planned to work 14-hour
days and expected to be finished by Tuesday.

An unofficial Associated Press canvass of the presidential vote
in Florida showed Republican George W.  Bush with a 327-vote lead
over Democrat Gore.  The eventual winner will take Florida's 25
electoral votes and become the nation's 43rd president.

``It's amazing what people do to these ballots,'' said Volusia
County Judge Michael McDermott, the chairman of the canvassing
board.  ``The instructions are nice and clear.''

One voter wrote in Joseph Lieberman - Gore's running mate.  The
vote was thrown out.

On Friday, Secretary of State Katherine Harris said Bush had
2,910,074 votes to Gore's 2,909,114, a difference of 960, with
one county still to be recounted - Palm Beach County where the AP
showed a big gain for Gore.

The totals from the AP canvass were Bush 2,910,198, Gore

Florida election officials also said Friday that the Palm Beach
County ballot did not violate state law as several lawsuits

Democrats say a poor ballot design in the county led some Gore
supporters to inadvertently mark their ballots for Pat Buchanan.
A circuit judge issued a preliminary injunction barring the
county's canvassing commission from certifying the final recount
results until a hearing Tuesday.

Elsewhere in Florida:

Palm Beach election officials agreed to recount ballots in three
precincts by hand on Saturday.  If there is a change in the
count, they will then decide whether to do a recount by hand of
the entire county.

In Miami's Dade County, elections officials will meet Tuesday to
discuss a hand recount.

In Polk County, officials were rescanning ballots in 60 of 163
precincts to reconcile the number of ballots handed out with the
number of votes cast.

Broward election officials voted 2-1 to do a hand-recount of
three precincts Monday.  If there is a change, they also will
consider a full hand-recount.

Broward elections supervisor Jane Carroll cast the dissenting
vote, saying, ``We are setting a bad precedent.'' She questioned
why Democrats had asked for a manual recount only in four heavily
Democratic counties rather than the entire state.

One concern the Democrats said they had concerned the possibility
that thousands of votes across the state were not counted because
the tiny piece of paper punched out for a candidate did not
completely dislodge.

For example, 22,557 Palm Beach County ballots recorded no choice
for president.  And officials said 6,686 ballots were not counted
in Broward County because the computer did not recognize any

In all, the Gore campaign is requesting that 1.78 million of the
nearly 6 million Florida ballots cast be hand counted.

``We're looking for a quick resolution of a full, fair, accurate
count,'' said Doug Hattaway, a Gore spokesman.  ``There's no
specific timeframe we've laid out.''

Democrats and Republicans were bringing in more than 100 people
each from around the country to witness the Volusia hand recount.
The county was setting up 22 stations with two election workers
and a Democratic and Republican witness at each.

Still a factor in the results are the ballots cast by Floridians
living overseas.  An informal survey of 30 of the 67 election
supervisors found that they had mailed out more than 10,000.  Of
those, a little less than half had been returned but no
information was available on how many had been counted.

Election supervisors must count any overseas ballots received
within 10 days of the election and postmarked by Election Day.

In Palm Beach, a small groups of protesters gathered in front of
the government center in downtown West Palm Beach Friday and
emotions between Gore and Bush supporters continued to run high.

A group of Bush supporters taunted and followed Democratic Rep.
Robert Wexler outside the government center, where he was being

[CTRL] JW: On Nat'l Election: ENLIST TO HELP

2000-11-10 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Press Office



Florida Statute § 119.07 Allows Citizens To Inspect And Count
Ballots (Do Not Leave It To Politicians And Special Interests Who
Want To Manipulate Election Results)

(Miami, FL) Earlier today, Judicial Watch held a press conference
in Miami advising the people of Florida to enlist their efforts
to inspect and count ballots throughout the state, as special
interests – such as Jesse Jackson and others – have intervened to
manipulate the popular will.

If you would like to volunteer and inspect and count ballots, in
a non-partisan effort to keep the politicians and special
interests from rigging the Florida vote count, call

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] RUE: Bush's Margin Frops in FL Election Drama

2000-11-10 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Friday November 10 2:11 PM ET

Bush's Margin Drops in Florida Election Drama

By Michael Peltier

TALLAHASSEE, Florida (Reuters) - Republican George W.  Bush (news
- web sites) on Friday led Democrat Al Gore (news - web sites) by
a slim margin in the latest official vote recount in the decisive
state of Florida aimed at resolving an epic crisis over who will
be the next president of the United States.  The count of 65 of
Florida's 67 counties scored 2,910,074 votes for Bush and
2,909,114 for Gore, giving the Texas governor a lead of 960 in a
state of about six million -- a little more than half his lead on
Tuesday night -- the elections department said in a statement.

The controversial vote has spawned a firestorm of legal suits
demanding a fresh ballot, angry street protests from Gore
supporters, defiant declarations of victory from the Bush
campaign with Gore aides saying the election is far from over.

``It appears that the Gore campaign is attempting to unduly
prolong the country's national presidential election through
endless challenges to the results of the vote here in Florida,''
James Baker, a former secretary of state and Bush's emissary at
the recount, told a news conference.

Gore campaign chairman William Daley said earlier the Republicans
had declared their man victorious prematurely after an unofficial
recount gave him a razor-thin lead of 327 votes in the entire
state.  Daley said the Democrats would not concede anything until
the legal system had run its course.

The state's latest official tally did not include recounts in
Hernando and Palm Beach counties, officials said.

Palm Beach County was scheduled to begin a second recount of
votes on Saturday.  Its first recount found a swing of 643 votes
to Gore, according to media reports, which would take the Bush
margin down to just over 300 votes.

Overseas ballots sent through the mail have until Nov.  17 to
arrive so an official final count cannot be released until then.

High Drama In The Final Act

The Sunshine State has become the stage for the final act of an
extraordinary drama to choose the 43rd president to succeed
President Clinton (news - web sites) which has turned the 109th
election into one of the biggest brouhahas in American political

Florida's 25 electoral votes hold the key to Tuesday's election
as neither candidate can reach the 270 votes required to win the
keys to the White House without them.  A recount was ordered when
the state race became too close to call.

In Palm Beach County, about 200 demonstrators gathered on Friday
in front of the building housing the elections office for a
second day of noisy protests over the disputed vote.

The protesters were on both sides of the issue, some saying the
election was over, others saying their fundamental right to vote
had been denied.

``High-tech America, low tech voting system,'' one sign said.
''Voters should have read their sample ballot,'' said another.

Protests broke out after elderly voters filed lawsuits saying the
layout of the ballot sheet confused them so much they punched the
wrong hole.

Courts in West Palm Beach, focal point of the disputed
presidential election, were officially closed on Friday for a
Veteran's Day holiday, but a federal court judge was prepared to
handle cases related to the disputed vote.

Theresa LePore, Palm Beach county's supervisor of elections who
designed the ballot, spent much of Thursday in tears, one county
aide said, after she was named in lawsuits that criticized her
ballot design for misleading them and sought a new election.

Legal Firestorm

U.S.  District Judge Kenneth Ryskamp, who on Thursday presided
briefly over a vote-related lawsuit that was quickly withdrawn,
was on stand-by, ready to hear pleadings.

``The only pleadings we're handling is anything in connection
with the vote issue,'' a U.S.  District Court clerk's office
spokesman told Reuters.

Hundreds of voters in Palm Beach County have protested against
what they said was a confusing ballot layout sheet that led them
to cast votes by mistake for Reform Party candidate Pat Buchanan
(news - web sites) rather than their preferred candidate Gore.

Some 19,000 Palm Beach ballots were disqualified because voters
mistakenly punched their ballot sheet twice, effectively casting
votes for two candidates.  With Gore and Bush only a few hundred
votes apart in Florida, the disputed Palm Beach vote could be
pivotal to the outcome of the presidential election.

Howard Weiss, a Boca Raton attorney who filed one of the suits on
behalf of three disgruntled Palm Beach County voters, said the
action seeks a new election in the county on the grounds that the
ballot layout violated Florida law.

The lawsuit seeks a declaratory judgement ordering a new
election.  Weiss said all of the lawsuits filed in Palm Beach
County Circuit Court may be consolidated with his on behalf of
all voters who want new elections.

Florida Frenzy Brings Echoes Of Elian

The frenzy 

[CTRL] LVS: Statistics point to more than random error in Florida vote

2000-11-10 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Today: November 10, 2000 at 11:33:21 PST

Statistics point to more than random error in Florida vote
By Jace Radke

At one in 49 million, the chances of hitting Megabucks on one
spin are slim, but not as slim as the odds that Vice President Al
Gore would make up as much ground as he has in the Florida
recount, according to a UNLV study.

Economics professor Tom Carroll began running statistical
equations Thursday on the net gains both Gore, who gained more
than 2,200 votes, and Texas Gov. George W. Bush, who added about
700 votes, have made in the recount. He found that the
statistical chances for such large and different totals to occur
as a result of random glitches was less than infinitesimal.

"The probability of being struck by lightning is about one in a
million," Carroll said. "The same person would have to be hit by
lightning 30 times to compare with what we've seen in this

Carroll's equations assume that any problems in the original
counting of ballots in Florida were caused by computer errors or
innocuous human errors, and the chances that errors of this
magnitude were the result of computer or human mistakes is
extremely thin according to Carroll's calculations.

"A recount is a 50-50 proposition, so statistically speaking,
making up something like 1,700 votes is highly unlikely," Carroll
said. "For this to have been just random error is statistically
unlikely. It wouldn't be unlikely to see some changes in the
number of votes during a recount, but the differences should come
much closer to canceling each other out."

Carroll, a Democrat, used the computations to illustrate a point
in his Thursday night statistics class for students seeking a
master's degree in business administration.

"The students were flabbergasted to see what they've been
learning applied to a real-life situation," Carroll said. "It
really is a small, small number as far as the chances of such a
big difference between the changes in the numbers of votes
between the candidates. It's something like 179 zeros and then a
two and a three."

Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., and former Gov. Bob Miller, honorary
chairman of the Gore campaign in Nevada, are among the Democratic
officials nationwide questioning the chances of such
irregularities showing up in the recount.

"As someone who has experienced two close recounts, I know that
they don't usually lead to big changes in the vote totals," Reid
said at a Thursday news conference. "This election changes all
the rules. In the Florida recount we've seen huge changes in the
vote totals, and on top of that, there are serious allegations of
voting irregularities and potential fraud. This election needs to
be scrutinized closely."

Reid went through a recount of Washoe County when Senator-elect
John Ensign attempted to win Reid's seat in 1998. On election
night Reid won by 401 votes, and after the recount the final
margin was 428.

Bush had a 1,784-vote election night lead over Gore. After the
recount, the unofficial margin for Bush is 327 votes.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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2000-11-10 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


The American people voted on November 7.  Governor George W.
Bush won 31 states with a total of 271 electoral votes.  The vote
in Florida was very close, but when it was counted, Governor Bush
was the winner.

Now, three days later, the vote in Florida has been recounted.
Over two-thirds of the state election supervisors overseeing the
recount are Democrats.

At the end of this recount, Governor Bush is still the winner,
subject only to counting the overseas ballots, which have
traditionally favored the Republican candidate.  No evidence of
vote fraud either in the original vote or in the recount has been

Now the Gore campaign is calling for yet another recount in
selective and predominantly Democratic counties where there were
unexplained large vote swings in their favor in the recount.

It appears that the Gore campaign is attempting to unduly prolong
the country's national Presidential election through endless
challenges to the results of the vote here in Florida.

Furthermore, the more often ballots are recounted, especially by
hand, the more likely it is that human errors, like lost ballots,
and other risks, will be introduced.  This frustrates the very
reason why we have moved from hand counting to machine counting.

Let me say a word specifically about the Palm Beach ballot.
There is a rule of law to be followed for elections.  The state
of Florida has established legal procedures to design, approve,
publish and, if need be, to protest ballots before the election.
The ballot was designed by a Democratic elections supervisor.
She approved it.  The Democratic Party did not question it before
the election.  This "butterfly"-type ballot was used in recent
elections in the same county under the same rules.  Again, the
Democrats did not complain.  The overwhelming majority of voters
who used the ballot understood it and cast valid votes.  Our
lawyers have confirmed the legality of this ballot, and we have
copies of the relevant Florida statute available for you to see.

The Gore campaign has also tried to make a lot of the fact that
double marked ballots are not counted.  A key principle in
America is one person, one vote.  If we have ballots with two
votes, of course we cannot count them or guess about them.
Ballots that are double-marked can't be evidence of the voter's
intent to vote one way or another.  No jurisdiction in the United
States would accept such a ballot as a valid vote, and Florida
law specifically does not.  It happens in every precinct in every
election.  And the procedure is clear: These ballots must be

We understand, and I understand personally, that it is
frustrating to lose by a narrow margin.  But it happens.  It
happened to the Republican Presidential candidates in 1960 and
1976.  Both Vice President Nixon and President Ford put the
country's interest first.  They accepted the vote for the good of
the country.

It is important that there be some finality to the election
process. What if we insisted on recounts in other states that are
very close? For example, in Wisconsin, Iowa, (and if we don't
win) New Mexico.

Let the country step back a moment, pause, and think about what's
at stake.  This may be the last chance.  There is no reasonable
end to this process if it slips away.

The purpose of our national election is to establish a
"Constitutional government," not unending legal wrangling.  We
will therefore vigorously oppose the Gore campaign's efforts to
keep recounting until it likes the result.  For the good of the
country and the sake of our standing in the world, the
campaigning should end, and the business of an orderly transition
should begin.


"The vote count on Tuesday night showed Governor Bush won
Florida's election, and a recount has now confirmed his victory.
The only votes left to be counted are the overseas absentee
ballots, which in the past have favored Republican candidates.
Bob Dole carried the overseas ballots in Florida in 1996 by a
margin of 54 to 40 percent, even though he lost the election in
Florida.  We hope Vice President Gore and his campaign will
reconsider their threats of lawsuits or still more recounts,
which could undermine the constitutional process of selecting a
President and has no foreseeable end."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters 

[CTRL] GOP's list of voter irregularities in Milwaukee

2000-11-10 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


GOP's list of voter irregularities in Milwaukee

Last Updated: Nov.  10, 2000

Following is the text of a list of allegations of voter
irregularity and fraud in Milwaukee collected by the Wisconsin
Republican Party and turned over to the Milwaukee County district
attorney's office on Friday:

Incident: Marquette students were seen taking 10 or more ballots
at a time.

Incident: Ballots were taken out of the polling place.

Incident: Individuals entered the voting place with more than one
addressed envelope and asked which one would allow them to vote
in that location.

Incident: A voter was asked by another voter to vouch for her
residence in the ward.  He said he wouldn't, and the woman
appealed to another person in line.  The other person claimed to
poll workers that she is his roommate.

Incident: A voter was told that she had already voted upon
arriving at her polling place.  She was asked to sign an
affidavit verifying who she was and was not told what happened to
her first ballot.

Incident: Polling place had a "help yourself" pile of ballots.
Voters could have easily voted more than once.

Incident: Ballots were left sitting on a chair prior to being fed
through the machine.  Poll workers were seen looking through

Incident: UWM student voted on campus.  Another voter showed his
off campus address to a poll worker.  The poll worker told him,
"you can't vote here, put down (address of dorm) instead." Same
student said friends were bragging about having voted for Gore
five or six times.

Incident: Voter was told that his marks on the ballot were too
dark, and asked to re-do the ballot.  The voter did not see the
other ballot destroyed.

Incident: Ballot machine was not operating.  The ballots were
being stacked in a pile for workers to run through later.

Incident: Ballots may have been left unattended in some areas of
Milwaukee due to a broken down truck.

Incident: Marquette students voted 5 or 6 times for Al Gore.

Incident: Two ballots were given to a man wearing a Milwaukee
County Public Schools jacket.  When he tried to return a ballot,
he was told that he should have two.

Incident: Poll workers told a voter to "vote democrat".

Incident: A voter tried to register to vote at the 4th Precinct
in the 72nd Ward of Milwaukee.  He was not asked for
identification or proof of address.  Poll workers tried to
prevent him from filling out a registration card.  Registration
cards that he observed only had a signature, no address.

Incident: Ward 296, District 16, called the city clerk to verify
what was needed to re-register at a new address.  When they
re-registered, they were not asked for any proof of residence.

Incident: Non-registered voters were not asked for identification
at the 6th District polling place.

Incident: A new voter was not required to show any identification
at the Cumberland School in Whitefish Bay.

Incident: A Marquette student had moved since voting in the April
primary.  Poll workers told her "not to worry about it and just
go ahead and vote" when she attempted to change her address.

Incident: A voter was given three different ballots due to
mistakes he made on them.  The two previous ballots were not seen

Incident: Ballot machine in Wauwatosa was broken, and until the
machine was fixed, ballots were stacked next to the machine.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] PBP: N. Florida county tries to fill in blanks on ballots

2000-11-10 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

N. Florida county tries to fill in blanks on ballots

By Mary Ellen Klas,
Palm Beach Post Capital Bureau
Friday, November 10, 2000

QUINCY -- In a small side-street office of this rural North
Florida town, four county officials -- all of them Democrats --
spent seven hours Wednesday examining every pencil mark on 2,073
ballots that had been rejected by Gadsden County's ballot
scanning machine to try to reconstruct what the voters meant.

The machine was calibrated to reject any ballot that had anything
from a stray mark to an extra vote for a candidate.

But rather than reject these ballots outright -- as they did in
Palm Beach County and many other counties that use punch ballots
-- the practice of the Gadsden County canvassing board is to look
at each questionable ballot to try to determine the intent of
each voter.

Some voters colored in the circle for one candidate, crossed it
out and then filled in a circle for another.  Others filled in
the circle for a candidate, then wrote the name of the same
candidate in the write-in space, as if for emphasis.

'`The only ones we reconstructed were the ones we could tell the
intent of the voter," explained Sterling Watson, a county
commissioner and member of the canvassing board.

Watson, two other county commissioners and a county judge were
the people trying to read the minds of their fellow voters.

This county, the most Democratic in the state, cast 16,812 votes
in the presidential race, 66 percent of them for Vice President
Al Gore.

When campaign officials for both Gore and his Republican
opponent, Texas Gov.  George W.  Bush, learned of the uncounted
ballots, they dispatched election law lawyers to the tiny town.

When the Gadsden officials began at 3 p.m, they suspected the
results of their efforts had the potential to change the outcome
of the presidential race.

When they ended their recount at 10 p.m., they found only 170
additional votes for Gore, 17 additional votes for Bush and the
threat of a lawsuit from the Florida Republican Party.

"They're not simply recounting the votes they counted (election)
night, they're adding ballots by taking into consideration
ballots that were not considered," said Ken Sukhia, a Tallahassee
attorney representing the Republican Party.

County officials justified their actions, saying they simply
forgot to review the ballots before they certified them to the
secretary of state on election night.

"It was not done.  It should have been done," said Watson.
"This is Gadsden County, we get a lot of concerns about the
ballot box.  We wanted to do it to make sure we had the most
accurate count."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NM: BREAKING NEWS: GOP Plans Suit to Stop Hand Recount

2000-11-10 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Breaking: GOP Plans Suit to Stop Hand Recount

Friday, Nov. 10, 2000 4:56 p.m. EST

Breaking news:

NewsMax.com has learned from high-level Bush campaign officials
that the Republican Party in Florida is planning to file a
lawsuit to stop any hand recount of votes that is planned over
the next several days in Palm Beach, Broward and Miami-Dade

Developing; stay tuned for details.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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[CTRL] PBP: Judge freezes ballots until next week

2000-11-10 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

"The need for a [second!] recount became even more apparent when
it was discovered in the first recount that votes from one
precinct were not counted on election night. An elections worker
hit the wrong button, erasing the results."

"One reason for [Gore's closing-the-gap], a county employee
pushed the wrong button while recording votes from precinct 29E,
west of Lake Worth, where voters favored Gore over Bush 368 to
23. ...The `clear' button was hit instead," said LePore. 'It was
just an operator error.'"


Judge freezes ballots until next week

By Scott Hiaasen, Marc Caputo and Joel Engelhardt
Palm Beach Post Staff Writers
Friday, November 10, 2000

WEST PALM BEACH -- A circuit judge seized control of Palm Beach
County's presidential ballots Thursday, bringing the courts into
an election that has made the county the epicenter of a growing
political crisis.

Palm Beach County Circuit Judge Kathleen Kroll issued a temporary
injunction Thursday night preventing the county's elections
canvassing board from releasing the ballots before a court
hearing next week.

The injunction was requested by Beverly Rogers and Ray Kaplan,
two Boca Raton voters who filed a lawsuit saying they and
thousands like them were cheated out of their right to vote
because the county's two-sided ballot was illegally confusing.

Challenges from voters, protests in the streets and a request by
Vice President Al Gore pressured the canvassing board Thursday to
agree to a manual recount of more than 4,600 votes on Saturday.
This, after a state-mandated, electronic recount on Wednesday
discovered 865 votes that went uncounted on election night.

The board also agreed to George W. Bush's request for an
electronic recount of all 461,000 ballots. That count, also set
for Saturday, will mark the third time the ballots have been run
through the machines.

The need for a recount became even more apparent when it was
discovered in the first recount that votes from one precinct were
not counted on election night. An elections worker hit the wrong
button, erasing the results.

On Thursday, the three members of the canvassing board --
Elections Supervisor Theresa LePore, County Commissioner Carol
Roberts and County Judge Charles Burton -- met before a dozen
television cameras and decided not to send any of the county's
votes to the state for approval until the many challenges to the
ballot are heard.

The hand count could reveal discrepancies that would help
Democrats attack the Palm Beach County ballot in court. It also
could validate ballots previously considered invalid. Meanwhile,
more than 19,000 votes in the presidential election were declared
invalid because people voted for two presidents.

So this weekend, with the whole world watching and the balance of
a presidential election potentially at stake, teams of people
selected by the board will eyeball thousands of ballots,
literally holding them to the light to check for irregularities.

The teams -- which should have Democrats and Republicans -- will
pull ballots from at least three precincts, representing 1
percent of the ballots cast. The precincts will be chosen by the
Democratic Party, which filed the protest.

The canvassing board must decide today the number of people for
the hand counting and who they will be. LePore, who has become
the target of national scrutiny over the ballot questions, is a
Democrat, as is Roberts; Burton is a Republican recently
appointed judge by Bush's brother, Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.

The canvassing board agreed Thursday to allow two members each
from the Republican and Democratic parties to observe the
elections in the manual- and machine-counting rooms.

Any confusing ballots found in the hand count will be given to
the board members, who could be asked to look at ballots and
decide for whom they were cast. If discrepancies are found that
appear to threaten the integrity of the election, the canvassing
board could request a hand count of every ballot in the county.

After the hand count, all of Tuesday's 461,000 ballots will be
rechecked by machine at the request of the Republican Party,
suspicious because most of those newfound votes went to Gore and
carved into Bush's narrow lead in Florida.

One reason for that, a county employee pushed the wrong button
while recording votes from precinct 29E, west of Lake Worth,
where voters favored Gore over Bush 368 to 23.

"The `clear' button was hit instead," said LePore. "It was just
an operator error."

The Gore campaign also requested manual recounts in Volusia,
Miami-Dade and Broward counties, hoping to make up ground in an
agonizingly close election. Broward's canvassing board will meet
today to discuss the request by the head of the county's
Democratic Executive Committee, who said 7,000 votes there went

According to an unofficial Associated Press estimate, Gore
trailed by just over 200 votes after a recount 

[CTRL] Liberals at CIA Plan to Woo Bush

2000-11-10 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Liberals at CIA Plan to Woo Bush

  11/7/00 - By J. Michael Waller

  The CIA is ready to send a team of senior officials to Texas
  to lobby Gov. George W. Bush in the event he wins
  today’s presidential election, intelligence sources tell
  Insight. They hope to head off an anticipated GOP-led
  reorganization of the agency. The sources say that Capitol
  Hill Republicans, who are dissatisfied with the quality of CIA
  analysis on a range of issues from China to missile threats,
  plan to recommend substantial reforms in the event Bush
  is elected.

  Meanwhile, an agency source says, an unnamed “senior
  official” in the CIA’s Directorate for Intelligence, as well as
  other old hands, “did a lot of open gloating” at press
  reports that Bush had been arrested for driving under the
  influence of alcohol 24 years ago.

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[CTRL] FR: Palm Beach Fraud

2000-11-10 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Here is a post on Free Republic that gives an explanation for
those 19,000 corrupted ballots in Palm Beach.  And how to verify
the theory.


 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] SFC: The Land That Can't Follow Arrows

2000-11-10 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[This was written before tales of fraud started to emerge
(referring to the Haitian stories).  Will the reform wing of the
Dem party finally assert itself? --MS]


"Let us cede this much: Democrats should never make fun of the
intelligence of Republicans again."

The Land That Can't Follow Arrows

By Debra J. Saunders
Friday, November 10, 2000

THIS COUNTRY is suffering from a surplus of irony and a deficit
of shame. And things promise only to get worse until this
election is settled.

Shame? Start with that noted good-government maven Bill Daley --
Gore campaign chairman and son of the late Chicago Mayor Richard
Daley of voter-fraud fame. Yesterday, a righteous Daley announced
that the Gore campaign would stand against "the
disenfranchisement of thousands of Floridians."

Who are those disenfranchised Floridians? Some 19,000 Palm Beach
County voters who proudly proclaim that they couldn't understand
a simple voting ballot, the now-famous butterfly ballot, even
though an arrow pointed to the hole punch for Al Gore. Rather
than ask for a new ballot, they voted for both Gore and pitchfork
pol Pat Buchanan, they claim, thereby disqualifying their own

It's hard to figure which is more disturbing: the fact that many
of these people drive automobiles, even though they can't follow
an arrow, or that so many people have been willing to go on
television to admit that they misunderstood simple instructions,
voted twice in the presidential election and didn't bother to
correct their mistakes at the polling place.

An estimated 268,945 Palm Beach County voters actually figured
out how to vote for the Gore-Lieberman ticket, but by the time
this controversy is over, expect a quarter of them to have
appeared on television saying they think they voted for the wrong

Team Bush dug up some information that truly casts a shadow on
Palm Beach voters. In 1996, it turns out, the county rejected
14,872 ballots for double counting, and that was with the old
type of ballot.

Let us cede this much: Democrats should never make fun of the
intelligence of Republicans again.

There is no reason to believe there was fraud in Palm Beach. The
county election supervisor who is behind the design of the ballot
is a Democrat. Sample ballots were sent to voters, who had a
chance to study their ballots before they voted.

None of the above matters. Nor does it matter that there is no
sign of fraud in Palm Beach electioneering. Still, Team Gore has
announced that, having lost those needed votes, it plans to go to
court for a ruling to overturn the vote, perhaps resulting in a
revote. It is too typical. They didn't win by following the
rules, so they want to change the rules, even after the game has
been played.

The truly scary part: There may be recounts in Iowa, New
Hampshire and Wisconsin. Oregon has a close count and is still
counting ballots. If Democratic voters in counties in those
states don't like their ballot forms, if they make mistakes which
they claim robbed them of their franchise, do they get to vote
again, too?

What if Republicans whine that they would have gone to the polls
if they knew their guy wasn't losing? Do they get a second

Bush League, to its credit, wouldn't ask for a second-chance
vote. It limits its folly to leaking news of the dream Bush
Cabinet, even as the Dems try to delegitimize a Bush victory, if
there is one.

Some Republicans have pushed Gore to cede Florida if he loses the
recount. Wrong. Gore has every right to ask for a hand count. He
owes it to his supporters to make sure that he gets credit for
every legal vote for his campaign.

The same goes for George W. Bush. If he wants a recount, he
should ask for one.

Meanwhile, Gore should not go to court, or threaten to sue, to
try to change votes that may have been unintended, but were not
the result of deliberate fraud. Keep it up, and history will
brand Al Gore the greatest poor loser in American history.

E-mail Debra J. Saunders at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

©2000 San Francisco Chronicle   Page A27 SectionsNorth

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Lundberg on line

2000-11-10 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Kris Millegan wrote:


 Subject: Lundberg on line
 Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2000 11:03:32 -0600
 From: "Linda Minor" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: "Kris Millegan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]



 A Study in the Power of Money Today


  Lyle Stuart, Inc. • New York

Good one. This book started my real education.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Bush forces seek court order to stop manual recounts in Florida

2000-11-10 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Bush forces pressure Gore to give up the fight, concede

By RON FOURNIER, Associated Press

(November 10, 2000 11:28 p.m. EST http://www.nandotimes.com) -
George W. Bush gave a top adviser authority Friday night to seek a court
order stopping Al Gore's campaign from securing manual recounts of
contested ballots in Florida, as both sides of an improbably deadlocked
presidential election looked to the judicial branch for help in the make-or-
break state.

In a war of nerves, Bush's camp pressed Al Gore to concede Florida
without multiple recounts yet Democrats pressed ahead with their protests -
determined to find enough votes to erase Bush's advantage in initial
counting. "The quicker we get this resolved the better off it is for the nation,"
said Bush, even as his camp considered whether to seek the injunction.

Replied Gore campaign chairman William Daley: "This campaign is not

That is what worried some Democrats across the country, who sought to
carefully balance support for Gore with suggestions that his options were

"I think that people's patience is going to be fairly limited," said Gov. Jim
Hodges of South Carolina.

"He needs to rise above it and say, 'So be it.' You deal with the hand you're
dealt," said Paul Feleciano, longest serving Democrat in the Kansas

Bush clung to a razor-thin lead in Florida - the crucial White House state
with its 25 electoral votes - after county officials completed a machine-
counted review of the 6 million ballots cast. Still to come were an unknown
number of votes from Floridians living overseas and the state's official
certification, due next Tuesday.

In Florida, Gore advisers cited confusing and irregular ballots to press for
follow-up recounts by hand in four predominantly Democratic counties.
They won approval in three - one recount began Friday, two more Saturday
- and the fourth request will be heard Tuesday.

In a late-night conference call Friday, Bush gave James A. Baker III - the
former secretary of state who's protecting the Texas governor's interests in
Florida - authority to seek a court injunction barring the manual recounts,
according to several GOP officials involved in the discussions. The officials
said it was very likely the injunction would be sought, but stressed that it
was up to Baker to make the final decision. A source close to Baker said
the former secretary had not decided. The officials spoke on condition of

The decision, however tentative, underscores the Bush campaign's
concern that a widespread manual recount could undermine his fragile lead
over Gore and perhaps force Bush to seek recounts of his own in Florida
and other close-voting states. Baker had said earlier that he's prepared to
"vigorously fight" the manual recount because they open the process to
mistakes and fraud that are avoided by machine counts.

To buy some time, Gore's lawyers asked the state's Republican secretary
of state late Friday to defer certification of the results until the manual
recounts are complete. The recounts could drag on, though canvassing
board members face fines of $200 a day after Tuesday.

Republicans were getting into the act: At Bush's request, Palm Beach
County officials will perform a mechanical recount Saturday of all ballots
while conducting a separate recount by hand for Gore.

"The entire effort that's going on now in Florida is aimed at making sure
that whoever takes office in January as president of the United States will
do so with full legitimacy," Gore running mate Joseph Lieberman told CBS.

"As frustrating as this wait may be," Daley said earlier, "what we are
seeing here is democracy in action."

Frustrated described Bush to a T.

"We will be prepared" to take office Jan. 20, the governor told reporters,
taking a break from planning what he hopes will be a transition to power.
He and his aides acknowledged that he can't claim victory before the
overseas votes are counted and certified.

"There are still votes to be counted," Bush said.

And so Republicans moved on several fronts to blunt Gore's ballot
challenges. Bush strategists considered seeking recounts in GOP areas of
Florida if Democrats started having success in their recounts, a senior
strategist said.

Other responses to Gore's tactics:

Bush's camp portrayed him as a man deep in planning for the presidency,
victory nearly assured. "The vote on Tuesday night showed Governor Bush
won Florida's election, and a recount now confirmed his victory,"
spokeswoman Karen Hughes said in a statement released at 5:30 a.m.
EST, catching the first wave of the media cycle.

Strategists eyed other close-voting states in case Florida falls to Gore.
Republicans in Wisconsin said they found ballot irregularities. And Baker,
speaking of recount drives, said ominously: "That game can be played" by
both sides.

Bush aides said Gore should concede the state and the White House if the
initial recount and next week's certification 

[CTRL] Bush's Election Hangover Photo

2000-11-10 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

He looks drunk to me, or at least has a bad hangover, or perhaps flesh eating disease 
from injecting
Mexican brown heroin (the latter is meant as humor).


Karen Hughes looked really bad on CNN today also. No makeup, face looking broken out. 
Worse every
day. What's going on? Maybe they got hit by chemtrails?


}}} ANOMALOUS RADIO {{{ - Techno, Ambient, Talk (33k+)

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Re: [CTRL] Bush forces seek court order to stop manual recounts in Florida

2000-11-10 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Naturally. Bush does not want to let the world know of the fraud perpetuated
in Florida by his brother brother Jeb. After all the Bush family expected Jeb
to 'deliver' Florida. Whatever that means to a CIA dad. Maybe Jeb was not
so good at doing this, although he tried really hard in a little Bush sort of

His father says he does not like to hear the bad things people are saying
about Jeb. I did not know they were saying these things. But I can certainly
understand why.


On 10 Nov 00, at 21:07 Nando/AP wrote:

 An unofficial tally by The Associated Press in Florida's 67 counties showed
 the Texas governor with a 327-vote lead. State officials said their recount
 showed Bush leading by 960 votes with one county left. That was Palm
 Beach County, where the AP showed a big Gore gain.

}}} ANOMALOUS RADIO {{{ - Techno, Ambient, Talk (33k+)

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[CTRL] Update: NM: Breaking: GOP Mulls Suit to Stop Hand Recount

2000-11-10 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Breaking: GOP Mulls Suit to Stop Hand Recount

Saturday, Nov. 11, 2000 12:02 a.m. EST

NewsMax.com has learned from high-level Bush campaign officials
that the Republican Party in Florida is planning to file a
lawsuit to stop any hand recount of votes that is planned over
the next several days in Palm Beach, Broward and Miami-Dade

But hand counts were already taking place, CNSNews.com said

According to the Florida Department of State - Division of
Elections' Web site, there were "hand counts being conducted in
some Florida counties at this time. These results are not
'official' until all 67 counties have certified their results to
the Division of Elections. The deadline for official
certification is November 14, 2000," CNSNews.com reported.

The division's Web site adds that "overseas absentee ballots
postmarked no later than November 7th and received within 10 days
(November 17th) from the date of the election will also be
counted and certified to the Division of Elections."

Confirmed by Associated Press

Bush gave adviser James A. Baker III authority Friday night to
seek a court order stopping Gore's campaign from securing manual
recounts of contested ballots in Florida, the Associated Press
confirmed late Friday.

According to AP:

In a late-night conference call Friday, Bush gave Baker, a former
secretary of state who is protecting the Texas governor's
interests in Florida, authority to seek an injunction barring the
manual recounts, according to GOP officials involved in the
discussions. The officials said it was likely the injunction
would be sought, but stressed that it was Baker's call.

The action, though tentative, reveals the Bush campaign's concern
that a widespread manual recount could erase his slim lead over
Gore and perhaps force Bush to seek recounts of his own in
Florida and other close-voting states.

Baker had said earlier that he was prepared to ``vigorously
fight'' the manual recounts because they open the process to
mistakes and fraud that are avoided by machine counts.

To buy some time, Gore's lawyers asked the state's Republican
secretary of state late Friday to defer certification of the
results until the manual recounts are complete. The recounts
could drag on, though canvassing board members face fines of $200
a day after Tuesday.

Republicans were getting into the act: At Bush's request, Palm
Beach County officials will perform a mechanical recount today of
all ballots while conducting a separate recount by hand for Gore,
the AP said.

Read more on this subject in related Hot Topics:


 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] NYT: Bush and Advisers, Confident of a Victory, No Problemas

2000-11-10 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[Bushes really *DO* "take the cake."  Just CONTEMPLATE FOR A FEW
SECONDS the audacity in this!]


New York Times
Saturday, November 11, 2000

Bush and Advisers, Confident of a Victory in Recount, Urge Gore
Not to Stand in Way


AUSTIN, Tex., Nov. 10 — Gov. George W. Bush and his advisers said
today that they were moving forward with preparations for a new
administration and beseeched Vice President Al Gore not to stand
in their way, cautioning that legal challenges to the election
could yield wrangling without end.

Although they acknowledged that there were absentee ballots in
Florida still to be tallied, they said that a nearly complete
recount of the overwhelming majority of votes demonstrated that
Mr. Bush had won both the state and the presidency, though

"The vote here in Florida was very close, but when it was counted
Governor Bush was the winner," Mr. Bush's chief representative in
Florida, James A. Baker III, said at a news conference today.

"For the good of the country and for the sake of our standing in
the world, the campaigning should end and the business of an
orderly transition should begin," Mr. Baker, a former secretary
of state, said.

The latest results from Tuesday's election contined to show Mr.
Gore with a lead in the nationwide popular vote, by a margin of
218,441 votes. But in Florida, whose 25 electoral votes hold the
key to the outcome, Mr. Bush led by 327 votes, according to the
latest unofficial tally of votes that were recounted over the
past few days.

In their comments today, Mr. Bush and his aides tailored their
words and actions to underscore the assertion that Mr. Bush had,
essentially, won the election by winning Florida. When Mr. Bush
spoke briefly with reporters at the governor's mansion here this
afternoon, the placement of his chair and the tableau of advisers
around him evoked a meeting in the Oval Office.

"It's in our country's best interest that we plan in a
responsible way for a possible administration," said Mr. Bush,
making his first public comments in more than 48 hours.

The strain of one of the strangest weeks in the history of
American politics was obvious in his eyes, which looked tired,
and his speech, which was halting and faint.

"I am mindful that there are still votes to be counted," he
added, referring to the absentee ballots, which the Bush campaign
believes will strongly favor the Texas governor.

But, Mr. Bush said, "I think it's up to us to prepare the
groundwork for an administration that will be ready to function
on Day One."

Sitting near him were Dick Cheney, his would-be vice president,
and Andrew Card, the likely chief of staff in a Bush White House.
Both men were scheduled to meet with Mr. Bush at his ranch near
Waco this weekend.

As Mr. Bush took a tentative half- step toward the presidency,
his advisers and the vice president's aides battled over the
propriety of the manual recounts of votes in several Florida
counties that were set to begin tomorrow.

"The more often ballots are recounted, especially by hand, the
more likely it is that human errors, like lost ballots and other
risks, will be introduced," Mr. Baker said. "This frustrates the
very reason why we have moved from hand counting to machine

According to several Republican officials, the Bush campaign was
considering the possibility of seeking a legal injunction against
the recounts, but campaign officials had not reached a decision
late tonight.

The State of Florida has already conducted a mechanical recount
of votes, and the Bush and Gore campaigns waged a heated war of
words today over whether that was enough, each side claiming the
moral high ground and dressing its actions in the garb of

Concerning one of the disputes, the Florida secretary of state,
Katherine Harris, said today that the so-called butterfly ballot
used in Palm Beach County, which led to some confusion among
voters on Tuesday, was legal. But Gore campaign officials
continued to insist that it was illegal.

Beyond Florida, other states in which the candidates ran neck and
neck threatened to become scenes of prolonged legal action and
intensive scrutiny of the voting process. Republican officials
strongly hinted that if the Gore campaign pressed its case in
Florida, they might follow suit in states like Wisconsin and Iowa
that Mr. Bush lost by thin margins.

That specter hovered between the lines of comments made by Mr.
Baker at a news conference in a room in the Senate Office
Building in Tallahassee.

Mr. Baker used phrases like "rule of law," "the good of the
country" and "the sake of our standing in the world" to call on
Mr. Gore and his advisers to accept defeat — providing that the
uncounted absentee ballots did not cut in their favor — and move

"Let the country step back for a minute and pause and think about
what's at stake here," said Mr. Baker, using a tone of moral

[CTRL] LT: Even liberals are shocked by the Gore camps tactics

2000-11-10 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[Here's another sick twist on things.  --MS]

London Times-November 11, 2000

Even liberals are shocked by the Gore camps tactics

IN THE aftermath of Tuesday’s voting Al Gore has followed the
kind of scorched-earth, take-no-prisoners strategy adopted by
President Clinton during the Lewinsky scandal in attempting to
sway public opinion in his favour.

“The campaign continues,” his chief aide, William Daley, said
after Mr Gore revoked his concession to George W. Bush on
election night.

Daley wasn’t kidding. Election campaigns in this country are
increasingly conducted without reference to even minimal decency,
but the name-calling usually ends on election day because, once
the votes have been cast, it serves no useful purpose.

That tradition of civility would have been especially welcome at
this unparalleled moment, with the uncertainty about the
election’s outcome threatening the stability of the somewhat
shaky financial markets and surely tempting anti-American forces
around the world, who might see the present crisis as an
opportunity to test this nation’s resolve and spirit with terror

Instead, the continuing Gore campaign is fomenting discord based
almost entirely on a ballot in one of Florida’s 67 counties that
had a confusing design. The campaign’s claim is that 19,000
voters were “disenfranchised” because they punched two holes in
the presidential ballot. It dispatched the rabble-rouser Jesse
Jackson to South Florida to conduct a street demonstration that
he shamefully and shamelessly likened to the civil rights protest
in the city of Selma, Alabama, in 1965.

Disenfranchisement is a very serious charge — it suggests a
purposeful effort to deny people the right to vote — but in the
presidential election of 1996, in the same county and with many
fewer voters showing up, about 15,000 ballots were invalidated
for the same reason. Since the county in question is Democratic
in composition and the margin separating Mr Gore and Mr Bush in
the state is well under 1,000, the Gore campaign baldly advanced
the argument, before the recount was completed, that their man is
the true victor in Florida and therefore the rightful

“If the will of the people is to prevail,” Mr Daley said, “Al
Gore should be awarded a victory in Florida and be our next

It was shocking to see Mr Daley arrogate to himself the role of
Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s “legislator”, determining the will of the
people through the workings of his own superior intelligence.
While it would be forgivable in the midst of an election
campaign, it is inexcusable at a time of national crisis.

This was astounding not only to conservatives, but to liberals as
well, such as the leader-writers of The Washington Post, who
wrote: “It’s a poisonous thing to say in these extraordinary and
unsettling circumstances, and Mr Gore makes a huge mistake if he
fails promptly to disown it.”

Mr Gore disowned nothing, and if he did so it would be a
disingenuous act. The Vice-President surely approved Mr Daley’s

At this moment, above all moments, Americans need to be reminded
by their leaders that this is a nation governed not by “the will
of the people”, but by the rule of law, which derives its
legitimacy from the democratic electoral process.

Laws govern elections. Some people may indeed have been so stupid
that they cast their ballots incorrectly (I was once equally
stupid, casting a vote absent-mindedly for Walter Mondale in 1984
when I wanted to vote for Ronald Reagan), but their inability to
read a ballot correctly does not give them the presumptive right
to have a “do-over”.

It is, after all, impossible to know in a state where six million
voted how many Republican idiots elsewhere in Florida spoilt
their ballots and had them invalidated.

Ballots are not and should not be subjected to Talmudic
interpretation unless there is evidence of deliberate and
conscious fraud or tampering. If a precedent is set in this
matter, the process by which Americans cast their vote will begin
to deconstruct itself.

That’s what Al Gore has done at a time of crisis. He is trying to
get Americans to call into question the rule of law for his own
personal gain. After this fiasco, there’s every reason to believe
he would make an appalling President. The author is a columnist
for the New York Post.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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[CTRL] Massive fraud is taking place in Florida's ballot counting

2000-11-10 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[Here's another warped twist for ya.  You gotta admit, this
election REALLY IS cool:)--MS]


If you are concerned about who is trying to sell America, and who
is behind him, you must read this book!

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Massive fraud is taking place in Florida's ballot counting...but
the thief in the night is not Bush.

By Jon Christian Ryter
Copyright 2000 - All Rights Reserved

Make no mistake about it, there has been massive voter fraud in the
State of Florida--and not just on November 7.  It has continued
unabated, and will continue, until Al Gore has enough votes to steal
Palm Beach County, hijack the Election of 2000 and steal America.

Before the votes were cast on Nov. 7, Al Gore told the news media that
if he won Florida he would win the election.  How prophetic.  Before
detailing the voter fraud that was instigated in Florida by the Gore
campaign with the help of a few black activists like the very unreverand
Jesse Jackson (every elitist white liberal's lackey), it is important to
note why Florida's 25 electoral votes were so critical to a Gore
victory, because more than 25 electoral votes were at stake.  Gore knew
it...so did his opponent, Texas governor George W. Bush.

First, Gore needed to be able to show the western States--whose polls
would still be open--that he could carry a "Bush" stronghold (since he
knew he couldn't carry Texas).  Second, he needed to rack up a strong
electoral vote lead to discourage conservative voters in the western
States from going on to vote, influencing his chances of carrying those
States will fewer votes cast.  Second, Gore knew he would carry the
traditionally union-controlled, liberal urban centers throughout
America, but that he would lose the suburban and rural areas where
traditional values reigned, and where honesty and ethics were
cornerstone characteristics the voters expected in their Presidents.
Gore, whose pollsters had been canvassing rural America, knew that as
well.  (Which was precisely why the Gore campaign found an obliging
white lackey to release the 24-year old story about George W. Bush's
drunk driving conviction in Kennebunkport, Maine.)  It was designed
specifically to blunt Bush's edge in the "honesty polls" by suggesting
that Bush had either lied and concealed negative facts about his life.

Gore's campaign decided to use an old Cook County, Illinois trick to
steal the election--they decided to vote the recently deceased in Palm
Beach County (which really makes you wonder what member of the Gore
inner circle thought that one up.  It was an election day trick that
worked well in 1960 to deliver Cook County and the national election of
John F. Kennedy).  Is it a mere coincidence that Gore's campaign manager
is none other than William Daley, the son of Chicago mayor Big Bill
Daley who delivered the "dead" vote in Cook County that assured
Kennedy's election in 1960?  There was only one problem with the
strategy in Florida...and particularly in Palm Beach County.  The
precinct workers were just a little too observant, and many of "dead
ringers" were caught before the could cast their paid ballots for the
champion of the welfare class, Albert A. Gore, Jr.  According to a
November 9 Reuters report, many of those paid voters--who were
black--were caught when precinct workers noticed that the voters' race
didn't match up with racial identities in the voting records.

In addition, according to Reuters, the Jesse Jackson "get-out-and-vote"
campaign, which also netted Gore hundreds of "paid" voters (many, it was
reported elsewhere, were paid off in cigarettes), most of whom were
unregistered homeless people with a handful of convicted felons thrown
in (who, by law, cannot vote).  Cigarettes are, after all, over $25 a
carton now, and are a luxury that most street people can't even steal
since most supermarkets today lock their cigarettes up behind
plexiglass.  Most of them were turned away because [a] they were not
registered voters, and [b] they had no veriafiable residencies in Palm
Beach County.

These "disenfranchised" Americans (Jesse Jackson's words) were the basis
of the NAACP's charge that black voters were not allowed to cast their
vote--an allegation that reeked of "Bush discrimination" against
minorities that they knew would vote for Gore.  Clearly, most of those
paid voters would have voted for the Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan
for a carton of cigarettes--even private label.

It should be obvious to anyone who is not dead from the neck up that if
that type of Gore-Daley "vote-the dead" fraud was taking place in a Gore
stronghold in Florida, it was taking place on a rampant scale in every
major urban center in the United States, and very likely explains how
the most integrity-challenged, ethically corrupt, morally-bankrupt man
in America could achieve what appears to be a popular vote majority in
any State,