[CTRL] Favish: Post-Mortem Lividity in Vince Foster (fwd)

2001-03-06 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 06 Mar 2001 22:26:31 -0800
From: Allan Favish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Post-Mortem Lividity in Vince Foster

Interesting discussion about post mortem lividity in Foster's body in this



Allan J. Favish

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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[CTRL] Was the Seattle-Vancouver earthquake triggered by environmental war?

2001-03-06 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

Was the Seattle-Vancouver earthquake triggered  by  environmental war?
EcoNews Service

VANCOUVER, BC - Was the Seattle-Vancouver  earthquake of 28  February 2001
triggered - accidentally or  on purpose - by new,  secret electromagnetic
weapons?   The Vancouver-based author of "EARTH CHANGES"  interprets  events
like this earthquake in the startling new  light of  Environmental War and
Global Earthquakes.  You can read from EARTH CHANGES at:


"EARTH CHANGES" explores the disciplines of  catastrophic  geology,
seismology, vulcanology,  parapsychology, and public  interest policy
analysis.  Vancouver-based author Alfred  Lambremont Webre  develops a new
field theory explaining how  an age of  global earthquakes might be fulfilled
– not by earth  system  mechanics, but by the deployment of a new generation
of   electromagnetic weapons, used in environmental warfare.

A Yakima valley, Washington researcher, writing about  "EARTH  CHANGES",
agreed, "Like the weather and the  oceans, the mantle  beneath the floating
tectonic plates also  involve convection cells,  but in a plastic medium that
sets  up wave patterns that may be  modified by superimposition  of
additional waves."

Electromagnetic (EM) weapons are a possible trigger of  cataclysmic  earth
events. EM fields can superheat the  ionosphere, devastating  magnetic bands
around the earth,  and in turn causing massive  disruption of the earth’s
Tectonic plates. A January 17, 1995  earthquake in Kobe,  Japan may have been
triggered by clandestine  deployment  of EM weapons. EM strategic warfare
includes  weather,  climate and earth event warfare. Researchers have
reported the use of EM weapons in anti-population mind- control  operations
over major cities.

Scientific observers and short wave radio operators now  state that  unusual
electromagnetic (EM) broadcasts  preceded the Seattle- Vancouver earthquake.
One  researcher who actually monitored  the EM broadcasts  prior to the
earthquake states, "Could the  abnormal  activity on 3.39 MHz February 20 and
prior be linked to   the Seattle quake? If so, why would HAARP (supposedly
funded by  U.S. sources) be used to create quakes or other  assorted EM
mayhem on U.S. property? I picked up a signal  so strong it went  right off
the S meter on my SW set at that  frequency at 6:00 am on  Feb 20th. Took an
audio sampling  of half an hour but can't make  hide or hair of what HAARP
is broadcasting, just that it's  STRONG."

One example of how earthquakes (and climate shift  including so- called
global warming) can be triggered is  HAARP, a U.S. military  electromagnetic
EM installation  located in Alaska, and part of a  global network of U.S.
military electromagnetic weapons. HAARP  and its EM  network are designed to
turn the entire ionosphere  into a  giant anti-submarine and anti-missile

Environmental  impact studies show that HAARP could  superheat the
ionosphere,  and substantially damage or  destroy it in a runaway ecological

A Seattle-based researcher notes EM activity just prior to  and  during the
earthquake. "COINCIDENCE? Date:  2/27/01 9:54:34  PM Pacific Standard Time
[hour prior to  quake] . Washington,  Yakima Valley: On the dial at WX  Air
VHF band around 153 we  are getting the strangest  signal. Anyone else
hearing it or no what  it is. HARRP  maybe?"

"Date: 2/28/01 7:21:39 PM Pacific Standard Time. Does  anyone  have recording
of 153 MHZ signal? I helped install  seismic  monitoring stations in
California in early 90's. They  are designed as  early warning system in
detecting earth  movements prior to big  quake. Several of these were in  the
153-154 band. They send data,  but during a big shift  they send a screeching
sounding data burst.  Let me know  what you find out."

The director of the ELFRAD group that monitors  electromagnetic  activity,
including HAARP EM weapons  writes, "Date: 2/28/01  1:55:52 PM Pacific
Standard Time.  Thought you might find this file  interesting. It is a 21
hour  recording starting this morning at 0001  hrs. We recorded  intense
activity from .02 to .036 hertz 473  minutes prior to  the Washington quake.
Actually this was a double  boomer  because 4 minutes earlier there was also
a quake   registering 5.4 off the coast of Central America. Also am
including  a [picture] during the same time period for  yesterday so that you
 can compare with no major quake."

Faced with the information on EM Environmental war and   earthquakes, another
researcher with the ELFRAD group  wrote, "I  take back my former statement
that all  earthquakes are natural.  After reading the following article  and
tying this information in  with Russian predictions of  major earthquakes in
Kamchatka this  year, I'm ready to  believe we're in for a lot of trouble..."
The  researcher then  cites the information EARTH CHANGES covers  on the
possible tectonic warfare earthquakes:


2001-03-06 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "New Paradigms Posts" at:

From: "Lloyd Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Beware FINCEN
Date: Saturday, February 24, 2001 2:12 PM


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   Beware of FINCEN
The following is excerpted from Dr. W. G. Hill's "Banking in Silence" Third Edition 
for 1997 (UK: Scope International, pp. 93-95).

"Increasingly, computers are used to not only collect data about you, but more 
importantly to analyze it with the hope that you will be caught doing something that 
has recently been reclassified as illegal behavior. The only reason that any 
information about your private affairs has been collected in the first place is for 
this express purpose of creating a new class of criminals. New government police 
forces have been created to track down and bankrupt these individuals who have done 
nothing more than invest their own money according to their own best interests. In the 
US, this quasi-secretive sleuthing operation is known as FINCEN, which stands for the 
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network. In the eyes of FINCEN, if you have money you 
automatically guilty until proven innocent.

"Since its launch in April of 1990 with a low key champagne reception at the US 
Treasury Department, FINCEN has become the most effective financial investigation unit 
in the world. It is a state of the art computer snooping agency and is so effective 
that when Russian president Boris Yeltsin needed to locate stolen communist party 
funds, he asked FINCEN for help. FINCEN was established by top IRS agent Brian Bruh a 
few years before his retirement in October of 1993. In 1991, FINCEN wrote classified 
reports on 6000 individuals. In 1992, this number had climbed to 12,000 and by 1993, 
it had escalated further to a total of 20,000 individuals.

"To date, the agency can boast more than 40,000 confidential snoops as well as 715 
long term investigations known as Strategic Analytical Reports. These reports invaded 
the privacy of more than 16,000 other individuals and entities. Few concerned ever 
knew that their financial affairs were being the Pentagon and the CIA. The CIA? Yes, 
Brian Bruh refuses to discuss his agency's association with the CIA, but he does not 
deny that there is one. His own background includes time at the Pentagon in addition 
to his many years with the IRS.

"When facing the public, Brian Bruh claims that FINCEN is all about mapping the 
digital trails of dirty money. He lists examples of how the agency has unearthed 
profits from drug sales, stolen Savings and Loans money, hidden political slush funds 
or the financing conduits of terrorists. He does not mention that in reality what 
FINCEN does is far simpler. It involves all of us, not just terrorists, drug dealers 
and crooked politicians. It systematically collates and analyzes public databases on a 
day to day basis. It is the only US federal unit devoted solely to this kind of work. 
The reason it is so secretive about its operations is that if the public knew what 
FINCEN was up to, the public wouldn't stand for it. FINCEN breaches civil liberties on 
a day to day basis. In the eyes of Brian Bruh and FINCEN you need to break a few eggs 
to make an omelet, invading privacy and peeking into the personal affairs of each and 
every one of us is necessary to catch criminals, so the excu!
 se goes.

"A list of the 40,000 or so 'criminals' that FINCEN has netted, shows that less than 
ten per cent of them are bad buys in the moral sense of the word. The vast majority, 
or some 35,000 people, were merely trying to keep a bit of their own money away from 
the grabbing hands of the taxman. They didn't succeed. Many more are undoubtedly soon 
to follow. If you ever find yourself that target of a FINCEN investigation, your 
chances of outwitting the agency are almost nonexistent. To being with, you will not 
even be aware of the increased attention pointed in your direction. Furthermore, you 
will also be pitted against the following forces:

*The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) *The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) *The 
Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) *The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) *The St

[CTRL] Europeans Restrict Free Speech

2001-03-06 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

ISSUE 2112 Wednesday 7 March 2001 Euro-court outlaws criticism of EU
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in Brussels

  European Court of Justice
 Now it's blasphemy to mock Europe [Dec '00] - The Spectator

THE European Court of Justice ruled yesterday that the European Union can
lawfully suppress political criticism of its institutions and of leading
figures, sweeping aside English Common Law and 50 years of European
precedents on civil liberties.
The EU's top court found that the European Commission was entitled to sack
Bernard Connolly, a British economist dismissed in 1995 for writing a
critique of European monetary integration entitled The Rotten Heart of

The ruling stated that the commission could restrict dissent in order to
"protect the rights of others" and punish individuals who "damaged the
institution's image and reputation". The case has wider implications for
free speech that could extend to EU citizens who do not work for the
Brussels bureaucracy.

The court called the Connolly book "aggressive, derogatory and insulting",
taking particular umbrage at the author's suggestion that Economic and
Monetary Union was a threat to democracy, freedom and "ultimately peace".

However, it dropped an argument put forward three months ago by the
advocate-general, Damaso Ruiz-Jarabo Colomer, which implied that Mr
Connolly's criticism of the EU was akin to extreme blasphemy, and therefore
not protected speech.

Mr Connolly, who has been told to pay the European Commission's legal costs,
said the proceedings did not amount to a fair hearing. He said: "We're back
to the Star Chamber and Acts of Attainder: the rights of defendants are not
respected or guaranteed in any way; the offence of seditious libel has been

Mr Colomer wrote in his opinion last November that a landmark British case
on free speech had "no foundation or relevance" in European law, suggesting
that the European Court was unwilling to give much consideration to British
legal tradition.

Mr Connolly now intends to take his case to Europe's other court, the non-EU
European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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[CTRL] The Perkins Family History

2001-03-06 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

 The Perkins Family History
 The Perkins family lineage shown below comes from a variety of sources.
 The most notable, and the beginning of this family research, was done by
 Garry Perkins, my husband's cousin. Thank you, Garry, for starting me
 The majority of his findings were backed up by other information that I
 found, and other things were corrected after researching other sources.  A
 large part of the family tree has been derived from Family Tree Maker's
 World Family Tree CDs, and is NOT VERIFIED BY MYSELF!
 Everything prior to John Perkins, born in 1583, is from this source, as are
 the various lines other than ours.

Notable figures in the Perkins wide spreading family tree.

   Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Calvin Coolidge

Richard Milhous Nixon

Millard Fillmore

 Sherrif Dodge

Waldo Emerson

(These are not listed below.  Email me for the webpage showing all these

  and more!)

 John Perkins came from Jolly 'Ol England, to the US in 1591 on the ship
Lyons.  He settled in Massachusetts where the Perkins family began
 spreading throughout New England. There are so many Perkins in the early
years with the same names, that it is difficult to be consistently accurate
 with who married whom.  But since many cousins married in this family, and
named their children the same biblical names, there are lots of chances
 to guess right. (I suppose.)  Anyway, down through the years, we ended up
with Granmere marrying Edwin Perkins, and here we are.  If you are
 interested in further information than what is here, click here to e-mail
me and I will gladly send you what info I have on the other lines!  Be
 for lots of reading!

  Descendants of Henri

 1   Henri Perkins 1556 - 1608
...  +Elizabeth Sawbridge WFT Est. 1540-1565 - WFT Est. 1589-1653
.. 2   Alice Perkins 1579/80 - 1579/80
.. 2   Thomas Perkins 1582 - 1582
.. 2   John Perkins 1583 - 1654
  +Judith Gater 1587/88 -
.. 3   Judith Perkins 1608 - 1633
.. 3   (Quartermaster) John Perkins 1609 - 1686
  +Elizabeth Eveleth 1611 - 1684
.. 4   Sarah Perkins
.. 4   Thomas Perkins Abt. 1630 -
.. 4   John Perkins 1636 -
.. 4   Abraham Perkins 1640 -
.. 4   Jacob Perkins 1646 -
  +Sarah Wainwright
... 5   Phillis Perkins 1667 -
... 5   John Perkins 1668 -
... 5   Hannah Perkins 1670 -
... 5   Francis Perkins 1672 -
... 5   Wensley Perkins 1674 -
... 5   Sarah Perkins 1679 -
... 5   Mary Perkins 1685 -
... 5   Elizabeth Perkins 1689 -
... 5   Jacob Perkins 1690 -
... 5   Eunice Perkins 1691 -
... 5   John Perkins 1693 -
.. 4   Luke Perkins 1649 -
.. 4   Isaac Perkins 1650 -
.. 4   Nathanial Perkins 1652 -
.. 4   Samuel Perkins 1655 -
.. 3   Elizabeth Perkins 1610/11 - 1700
  +William Sargent
.. 4   William Sargent
.. 4   Mary Sargent
.. 4   Elizabeth Sargent
.. 4   Sarah Sargent
.. 4   Thomas Sargent 1643 -
.. 3   Abraham Perkins 1613 - 1683
  +Mary Wyeth 1615 - 1706
.. 4   Caleb Perkins WFT Est. 1630-1658 - WFT Est. 1636
.. 4   Abraham Perkins 1639 - 1677
... 5   Mercy Perkins 1671 - WFT Est. 1672-1765
... 5   Mary Perkins 1673 - WFT Est. 1674-1767
... 5   Elizabeth Perkins 1676 - WFT Est.
.. 4   Mary Perkins 1639 - WFT Est. 1663-1733
.. 4   Luke Perkins 1641 - 1709/10
... 5   Henry Perkins 1663 - WFT Est. 1664-1753
... 5   John Perkins 1664 - WFT Est. 1665-1754
... 5   Luke Perkins 1666/67 - 1748
.  +Martha Conant 1664 -
... 6   John Perkins 1689 - 1727
... 6   Martha Perkins 1691 - WFT Est.
... 6   Luke Perkins 1695 - WFT Est.
... 7   Luke Perkins 1725 - 1776

[CTRL] Samuel Cabot, Jr. Ledger, 1814-1821

2001-03-06 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-


Samuel Cabot, Jr.
Ledger, 1814-1821

Mss: 766

Historical Note:

Samuel Cabot, Jr., born in Boston on December 21, 1784, trained for the
family ancestral career of foreign commerce. At age nineteen he went to sea
and settled at Isle of France to learn the East India trade. In 1806, Samuel
Cabot, Jr. returned to the United States and formed a partnership with
Samuel Hazard of Philadelphia. Moving to Philadelphia, Cabot and Hazard
worked as wholesale commission agents. Leaving Hazard in Philadelphia,
Cabot returned to Boston in 1808 and serviced the Boston market for the
partnership. After his marriage in 1812, Samuel Cabot formed a
partnership with his brother, Joseph, and John W. Perit of Philadelphia.
Based in Philadelphia, Perit and Cabot maintained a Boston office with Samuel
Cabot as their representative. In 1817, Samuel Cabot formed another
partnership with his brother-in-law, Thomas H. Perkins, and the latter's
James Perkins. This additional family partnership, Samuel Cabot and James &
T. H. Perkins' Sons & Company, brought substantial income to all
concerned through the China trade. By the mid-1820s, Samuel Cabot removed
himself from Perit and Cabot. He retired from active business in 1838
and spent the rest of his life investing the abundant proceeds from his
merchant days. Samuel Cabot, Jr. died in 1863.

Scope and Content:

This collection consists of one ledger containing two hundred sixty pages of
accounts from 1814 to 1824. At a later date, the first forty pages were
used as a scrapbook with 1860s newspaper clippings pertaining to the Civil
War pasted over the accounts. Beginning on page 41, the accounts remain
as originally written and include both debits and credits. Representative
names for the accounts include: Sales; Our One Quarter Sch. Happy Couple;
George G. Lee; Joseph Cabot's Expense Account; Third Voyage Bark Pedler;
Samuel Cabot; Commissions; James and Thomas H. Perkins;
Shipment of Pacific to St. Domingo; Shipment of Schooner Juno; John W. Perit;
Perit and Cabot; Oliver, Borland & Abbott; Ebenezer Stocker;
William Stephens; Coffee Purchase; Francis Oliver; Sales of Sugar; Thomas
Lee; Frederick Cabot; Ship Amistad; Shipment to Alexandria; Shipment
of Schooner Sukey; James Perkins, Jr.; Merchandize; Notes Payable; Thomas
Hollingsworth; Hall & Russell; Shipment for schooner Victory;
Plimpton & Marett; William Dodd; Cash; Farm at Temple; William Appleton;
Andrew Cunningham; schooner William; Thomas Thaxter; Lemons for
schooner Miller; George Pearle; John Hancock; Bridge & Beale; William Tuck;
Peter Windsor; Leon Blain; John Bromfield, John Anderson and

Provenance : Gift of Philip Cabot, 1937

Amount: 1 volume
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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[CTRL] Fwd: The despot's heel is on thy shore / Maryland, My Maryland

2001-03-06 Thread Aleisha Saba

Sic SemperLong Live the Evergreen...


[CTRL] TAS: The Mystery of John Podesta

2001-03-06 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

The Mystery of John Podesta

What did Bill Clinton's last chief of staff, John Podesta, know,
and when did he know it? On Sunday one might have been tempted to
tune into the much awaited return of "The Sopranos" to find out.

Not to offend anyone, but ethnic stereotyping and solidarity are
in. We saw confirmed over the weekend when the New York Daily
News reported -- in a story the Washington Post saw fit to
reprint on page A2 of its Sunday edition -- that a major
fundraiser for the Clinton library who is not to be confused with
Denise Rich intervened with the White House to help win a pardon
for a New York business figure who fifteen years ago in a
bankruptcy case agreed to plead guilty on one count of perjury.
What made the report interesting on Soprano night is that the
ex-felon in question, William Fugazy, "has long been a prominent
fixture in New York's political and charity scene," the Daily
News reported. "His nonprofit campaigns included fighting
anti-Italian bias..."

What made the story even more interesting is that in lobbying for
Fugazy's pardon, the Clinton library supporter turned directly to
Podesta. The idea, presumably, was to get one Italian-American to
help another. We have no idea how Podesta responded. But the
intervention couldn't have hurt since Fugazy did win a
last-second pardon.

Podesta did not return the Daily News's calls. What's more, since
the Fugazy story broke too late to be the subject of queries at
last week's Burton committee hearing before which Podesta and
several other top Clinton White House figures appeared, Podesta
obviously wasn't asked about it. But it can't be good news for a
key Clinton aide who has tried to distance himself from the
pardons ever since they turned into Clinton's last official
scandal. Until yesterday, he seemed to be getting away with
whatever it is he needs to get away with.

>From the start word was the Podesta had done heroic work to keep
his boss from issuing even more dubious pardons. At the same
time, he liked to emphasize how "difficult" each of these cases
was, as he told "Nightline" on January 30. As February rolled
Podesta continued to defend Clinton's decision, though
increasingly it became the official word that Podesta, like White
House counsel Beth Nolan and Clinton longtime right hand Bruce
Lindsey, had personally opposed the Rich pardon. Podesta
confirmed as much on February 18's "Meet the Press," all the
while hiding behind the idea that Israeli prime minister Ehud
Barak and even deputy attorney general Eric Holder had
greaterinfluence on Clinton in the end.

Podesta stuck to this script before the Burton committee.
Throughout he's attempted to turn the discussion as much as
possible to high politics or serious policy. He's had next to
nothing to say about Denise Rich, for instance, or Beth Dozoretz.
When the famous Quinn e-mail emerged and had Clinton telling
those two women that he was working to overcome White House
opposition to the pardon, Podesta dismissed it as a "fourth-hand
conversation." It was a perfect situation for Podesta -- he could
pretend to be loyal to Clinton even though everyone knew he no
longer had to be, now that it was clear he had opposed the Rich

Because there was no widespread follow-up, he dodged a deadly
bullet shot at him by Cokie Roberts on "This Week" last February
11. She cited another Quinn e-mail, from January 9, in which
Rich's lawyer told colleagues: "I think we've benefited from
being under the press radar. Podesta said as much."

"So were you involved in this decision making?" Roberts asked
him. His response was vintage Clintonite: "That's the first time
I've seen that I--I don't actually remember talking to Mr.
Quinn, so I don't know where he got that from."

A week later, Tim Russert of "Meet the Press" ran the same "under
the press radar" quote by Podesta, and received the same answer,
if more shakily delivered:

RUSSERT: Did you say that to Jack Quinn?

PODESTA: I don't believe I ever talked to Jack Quinn, so I don't
know where that's coming from.

RUSSERT: Where'd that come from?

PODESTA: I don't know. I mean, I may have -- I actually have no
idea where that came from because I do not believe I talked to
Mr. Quinn about this.

He doesn't know where it came from? Maybe Podesta never spoke to
Quinn, he did speak to Peter Kadzik, a lawyer whose firm was also
representing Marc Rich. Kadzik wasn't just anyone. As Podesta let
on in an opening statement he read to Burton's committee -- it's
curious that Podesta was the only one of the four ex-Clinton
White House who appeared before the committee who felt the need
to submit on official statement of this sort -- Kadzik has been
Podesta's friend since law school days. The same Kadzik called
Podesta not once but three times late last year and early this on
Rich's behalf, and also came by Podesta's office in January to
lobby for Rich. Podesta states he made it clear to Kadzik that a

[CTRL] Mutant Bacteria Next Threat From Russia's Mir

2001-03-06 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-


Tuesday March  6  9:32 AM ET
Mutant Bacteria Next Threat From Russia's Mir

Reuters Photo
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Forget the danger of heavy-weight debris raining
down from space when Russia sends the Mir orbiter to a watery grave
this month -- the real threat could be mutant
fungi, a researcher said
Yuri Karash, an expert on the Russian space program, said
there was
a possibility that micro-organisms, which have spent
the last 15 years
mutating in isolation aboard Mir, could
present a threat if they survived
the fall to Earth.
``I wouldn't overstate it ... but a realistic problem
exists,'' Karash told a
news conference.
Karash, who has undergone cosmonaut training and is an
advisor, said his conclusions were based on research
carried out by
Russia's Institute of Medical and Biological
Researchers have said that the fungi could be especially
virulent if
mixed with earth varieties that attack metal, glass
and plastic.
Western health officials have in the past expressed
concerns about
micro-organisms that could be brought back to
earth after a Russian
microbiologist 13 years ago discovered
the first of many aggressive
forms of fungi inhabiting Mir.
Russian space officials have played down the threat, but
visitors to the
orbiter have found numerous types of fungi
behind control panels, in air-
conditioning units and on dozens
of other surfaces.
Though surprisingly destructive, they give off corrosive
agents like
acetic acid and release toxins into the air.


Best Wishes

...[W]hen you take away a candidate's right to take his message to the
people you take away one more piece of the freedoms that define this
nation. -Lyn Nofziger

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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Re: [CTRL] Number of suspected child molestation victims climbs to 27

2001-03-06 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Below please find information on this article.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

This may be heavy for survivors of abuse to read.

Number of suspected child molestation victims climbs to 27 - Mike Henderson
and Anjeanette Damon, 3/1/01 - "The number of suspected child-molestation
victims at a Reno preschool has climbed to 27 as authorities said Wednesday
that a worker has provided more details about the sexual attacks, his
inability to stop and how he videotaped some assaults."

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] AP: Ex-CIA chief calls Clinton policy ''feckless,'' urges tougher approach toward Saddam

2001-03-06 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Ex-CIA chief calls Clinton policy ''feckless,'' urges tougher approach
toward Saddam

Associated Press Writer

NEW YORK (AP) - Former CIA director R. James Woolsey called
Tuesday for tough new policies toward Iraq, saying Saddam Hussein
had expanded his power and credibility partly as the result of a
''flaccid and feckless'' approach by the Clinton administration.

Among other things, Woolsey said, President Bush should demand
the return of international weapons inspectors to Iraq, and
expedite a ''boost phase'' missile defense system to intercept
and destroy long-range ballistic missiles before they reach
orbit. Baghdad is suspected of rushing development of long-range
missiles along with nuclear weapons.

Except for ordering bombing strikes on Iraqi missile sites as one
of his first acts in office, there has been little in the way of
''encouraging statements'' from President George W. Bush, Woolsey

''One hopes the new administration will be ... forceful with
Iraq,'' he said. ''So far the jury is out.''

Woolsey said that along with development of the boost-phase
missile defense, U.S. policy should be based on support for
Iraq's political opposition and the eventual removal of Saddam
and his Ba'athist party from control in Baghdad.

Although the ruling party remains secular, he said, Saddam has
made a great effort to restore and forge new ties with Muslim
Arab leaders since the Gulf War a decade ago. One sign of this,
he said, is the Arabic phrase, ''Allahu akbar'' (God is great)
inscribed on the Iraqi national flag, in what is said to be
Saddam's own handwriting.

''He (Saddam) is gaining substantial credibility in the Arab
street as the one to take on the infidel, namely us,'' said

Woolsey, who served as Clinton's director of intelligence from
1993 to 1995, was scathing in his remarks about the former
administration at a luncheon sponsored by the Middle East Forum,
a non-profit organization concerned with policy issues in that

Reminding listeners that Madeline Albright, Clinton's secretary
of state, had chosen to refer to Iraq, Libya, North Korea and
certain other countries as ''states of concern'' rather than
''rogue states,'' Woolsey said Bush has instead used the latter
reference to Iraq.

He said that after U.S. forensic experts blamed Iraq for an
attempt to kill former President Bush with a terrorist bomb
during a visit to Kuwait in 1993, ''Clinton shot a couple of
dozen cruise missiles into an empty building in the middle of the

''I think it's kind to call that (response) flaccid and
feckless,'' Woolsey said.

Woolsey, who resigned the top spy post in 1993 after CIA analyst
Aldrich Ames was exposed as a Soviet agent who had inflicted
major damage on U.S. intelligence operations for years, said he
was never a Clinton policy adviser.

''I provided intelligence,'' he said. ''My career in the Clinton
administration was best summed up by the fact that when a little
airplane crashed into the south front of the White House in the
fall of 1994, the joke among the White House staff was that it
must have been Woolsey still trying to get an appointment.''

Woolsey said an FBI counter-intelligence expert recently accused
of spying for Russia had also done ''tremendous damage'' to U.S.
operations. He declined to comment on reports that U.S. agencies
had constructed a secret tunnel under the Russian embassy in
Washington D.C.

Woolsey said that while the United States continues to insist on
international sanctions imposed on Iraq after the war, Saddam is
selling oil on world markets in defiance of those restrictions
and has used it to curry favor with ostensible U.S. allies,
especially France.

He said he believes the United States needs ''a clear national
policy'' to get rid of the Iraqi regime, but does not know
whether the American people would support such a call. ''It
depends on how forcefully the president expresses his policy,''
he said.

''I have no problem with deception and covert action, but... as a
result of the fecklessness of the Clinton administration over
eight years, it would be functionally impossible for us to
deceive anyone or provide aid to any resistance organization,''
Woolsey said.

''In backing the opposition groups, we should use force in
support of them, at least from the air.'' He said one element of
this would be ''no-drive zones'' to limit movement of Iraqi
government armed forces, something he said the Clinton
administration should have done.

Asked whether the first Bush administration blundered in not
trying to oust Saddam from power as part of the 1991 Gulf War
victory, Woolsey said some of those officials ''with 20-20
hindsight, might look on it differently'' today.

He said he could ''fully understand'' former President Bush's
decision at the time in view of the difficulties of the military
effort and of keeping the allied coalition together. But the
administration failed to impose sufficient limits on air 

[CTRL] Woman Indicted in Bush Tape Release

2001-03-06 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-


Woman Indicted in Bush Tape Release
By Karen Gullo

Associated Press Writer
Tuesday, March 6, 2001; 4:52 p.m. EST
WASHINGTON ––  A federal grand jury on Tuesday indicted a former
employee of a media company that handled ads for President Bush's
campaign in connection with the release of a Bush debate tape to Vice
President Al Gore's campaign.

Juanita Yvette Lozano of Austin, Texas, was charged with mail fraud,
false statements to the FBI and perjury. If convicted, she faces 15 years
in prison and a $750,000 fine. The indictment was handed up by a
federal grand jury in Texas.

Lozano worked for Maverick Media, an Austin company that handled
Bush's political ads.

The indictment alleged that Lozano secretly copied more than 120
pages of debate preparation documents and a 60-minute videotape of a
debate preparation session with Bush and his advisers and sent it to the
Gore campaign under a different name.

She lied to FBI agents investigating the matter and testified falsely
before the grand jury, the indictment said.

Attempts to reach Lozano in Austin were not immediately successful,
and her attorney, Christopher Gunter, was not immediately available, his
office said.

Lozano sent the package to former Rep. Tom Downey, who was helping
Gore prepare for debates, with a note bearing the name "Amy Smith,"
the indictment alleged.

It quoted the note as saying: "I will call you soon to find out what other
materials can be useful to the VP."

Downey turned the package over to the FBI, which began an

The FBI obtained a videotape from a surveillance camera at the post
office where the package was mailed. The tape showed Lozano mailing
a package at a time that corresponded to when the debate package
was mailed, law enforcement officials have said.

At the time, Lozano said she was mailing a pair of khakis back to The
Gap for her boss, Mark McKinnon, a top Bush adviser.

Democratic officials in Austin have said that Lozano was a precinct
chairwoman for the Democratic Party.

Lozano denied mailing the package to Downey when she was
interviewed by the FBI in September and when she testified before the
grand jury, the indictment said.

Contrary to her statements, it said, Lozano schemed "to use her
position as a trusted employee of Maverick Media ...to obtain access to
the Bush Campaign's confidential and sensitive debate preparation
materials ... to assist Gore in his preparation for the presidential

In charging her with mail fraud, the indictment said Lozano defrauded
the Bush campaign of confidential work products and defrauded
Maverick Media of her "honest services."

The case is being prosecuted by the public integrity section of the
Justice Department.

© Copyright 2001 The Associated Press


Best Wishes

Few Americans realize it, but the Democratic Party adheres to the basic
premise of Marxist political parties. The defining characteristic of a
Marxist party is class warfare. -Paul Craig Roberts

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] L.Fletcher Prouty's THE SECRET TEAM Online Book

2001-03-06 Thread William Shannon

[CTRL] [radtimes] # 174

2001-03-06 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

[radtimes] # 174

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
Send $$ to RadTimes!!  -->  (See ** at end.)

--More "vital irregularities" available from the radman
--New non-lethal energy weapon heats skin
--Democracy, when you least expect it
--Canada mounts biggest-ever security operation for Summit of the Americas
--The Ultimate Surveillance System?
--New Report Criticises US Health Care 'Maze'
--Is Our Society Making You Sick?


More "vital irregularities" available from the radman

If the RadTimes information flow hasn't intimidated your email inbox too
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New non-lethal energy weapon heats skin

By KELLY HEARN, UPI Technology Writer

WASHINGTON, Feb. 26 (UPI) -- The Marine Corps is developing a non-lethal
weapon that uses electromagnetic energy to heat but not permanently burn
human skin. The weapon could help soldiers counter terrorism threats,
control unruly crowds and defend airfields and ships.
Experts confirmed it was the first time the military had designed a
so-called "directed energy weapon" for use against human targets.
The weapon concentrates energy into a beam of micro-millimeter waves that
penetrate clothes to rapidly heat moisture particles in the outermost layer
of flesh without going deep enough to damage organs. The device reportedly
causes no permanent damage to the body or to electronic devices such as
Dubbed the Vehicle-Mounted Active Denial System, the weapon was revealed in
a story published first in the Marine Corps Times Monday.
Officials at the Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate in Quantico,
Va.  reportedly planned to show the classified system to top generals in
April.  But Monday's story scuttled those plans and sent officials
scrambling to contain a possible public relations fiasco.
A Marine spokesmen would not comment on the system, saying only that
subject specialists would be available for interviews later this week.
Though detailed information about the weapon's design remain classified,
the story stated that the weapon would heat a target's skin to
approximately 130 degrees Fahrenheit in about two seconds. Humans start to
feel pain at 113 degrees. The report went on to say that soldiers could
fire the weapon from distances exceeding 750 meters (2,250 feet) from their
targeta range that would allow them to remain outside the reach of most
small arms fire. The weapon could be mounted atop a military vehicle or on
an aircraft.
Defense experts told United Press International the Marines especially have
sought new ways to non-lethally confront large, hostile crowds.  Among
other things, the Department of Defense has looked to lasers, teargas and
rubber bullets for less-than-lethal impact. But these have either proven
ineffective or have attracted consternation from human rights groups.
"Unlike the other three branches, the Marines often are in situations where
there are lots of innocent bystanders, where they have to control an unruly
mob," said John Pike, director of GlobalSecurity.org, a non-profit policy
research firm in Alexandria, Va. "Tear gas and rubber bullets just have not
been effective, so they've want something more lethal than those and less
lethal than an M16. Whether they have found that here remains to be seen."
"One of the fears is that there will be a misapplication of this kind of
technology, particularly in terms of civilian use," said Chris Hellman, a
senior analyst for the Center for Defense Information, a Washington
D.C.-based independent research group that monitors military planning and
policy. "Clearly we've seen military combat weaponry migrate to the civil
sector. Just walk past any Swat Team and you see what is basically an army
unit," he told UPI.
The article quoted an official saying that human subjects had been exposed
to the beams more than 6,000 times under laboratory conditions.
Furthermore, military researchers had completed a study, which has not been
released, on the long-term health effects of exposure.
"This puts a non-lethal arrow in quiver of commanders," said Ron Madrid,
former Marine and an e

[CTRL] AP: Woman Indicted in Bush Tape Release

2001-03-06 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Woman Indicted in Bush Tape Release

Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A federal grand jury on Tuesday indicted a
former employee of a media company that handled ads for President
Bush's campaign in connection with the release of a Bush debate
tape to Vice President Al Gore's campaign.

Juanita Yvette Lozano of Austin, Texas, was charged with mail
fraud, false statements to the FBI and perjury. If convicted, she
faces 15 years in prison and a $750,000 fine. The indictment was
handed up by a federal grand jury in Texas.

Lozano worked for Maverick Media, an Austin company that handled
Bush's political ads.

The indictment alleged that Lozano secretly copied more than 120
pages of debate preparation documents and a 60-minute videotape
of a debate preparation session with Bush and his advisers and
sent it to the Gore campaign under a different name.

She lied to FBI agents investigating the matter and testified
falsely before the grand jury, the indictment said.

AP-NY-03-06-01 1623EST<

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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[CTRL] Commerce OKs Census Head Count

2001-03-06 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Commerce OKs Census Head Count

Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Bush administration declared the actual
''head count'' from the 2000 census the official population
numbers for congressional redistricting, despite estimates
showing 3.3 million people, mostly minorities, were missed.

Commerce Secretary Don Evans agreed Tuesday with a Census Bureau
recommendation that the initial, raw count provided the most
nearly accurate snapshot of America. Democrats and civil rights
groups had called for the use of a second, separate population
tally statistically adjusted to protect against the undercount.

But supporters of adjustment had expected Evans' decision
following the bureau's recommendation last week. It may quiet --
but not end -- a long political dispute between Democrats and
Republicans over whether, and how, to count missed Americans.

Evans called the initial figures the most accurate census in the
history of the nation.

The first numbers -- for New Jersey and Virginia -- are expected
to be released Wednesday, and all states must have their
redistricting data by April 1.

The numbers will be used by state lawmakers to redraw
congressional district boundaries to reflect population shifts,
as is required every 10 years.

States will be able to use the figures to remap state and local
legislative district boundaries as well. Also, the numbers could
be used to redistribute over $185 billion in federal dollars
given each year to states.

Democrats and civil rights groups wanted an adjustment using
statistical sampling to protect against traditional undercounts
of minorities, the poor and children.

Republicans generally argued adjustment could inject more errors
into a 2000 census already proven to be more nearly accurate than
the 1990 count. They also contend the Constitution calls only for
an ''actual enumeration.''

Members of both parties have said district lines redrawn with
adjusted data could add more Democratic-leaning minorities to
voter rolls, and could threaten the GOP's narrow House majority.

''We have achieved a quality count,'' he said at a news

Evans praised the people the Census Bureau hired to do the
headcount, saying ''their toil and their sweat set a very high
standard on the issue of whether to statistically adjust. To make
that decision we required a standard that was open and
transparent and reasonable and fair. We consulted with experts
from across the scientific spectrum.''

Evans said he weighed all factors and said he concluded that the
recommendation of the Census Bureau professionals ''was correct
and prudent. Thus, we will send unadjusted data for the purpose
and only the purpose of redistricting.''

The first numbers are expected to be released on a state-by-state
basis later this week, and all states must have their
redistricting data by April 1.

The numbers will be used by state lawmakers to redraw
congressional district boundaries to reflect population shifts,
as is required every 10 years.

States will be able to use the figures to remap state and local
legislative district boundaries as well. Also, the numbers could
be used to redistribute over $185 billion in federal dollars
given each year to states.

Democrats and civil rights groups wanted an adjustment using
statistical sampling to protect against traditional undercounts
of minorities, the poor and children.

Republicans generally argued adjustment could inject more errors
into a 2000 census already proven to be more accurate than the
1990 count. They also contend the Constitution only calls for an
''actual enumeration.''

Members of both parties have said district lines redrawn with
adjusted data could add more Democratic-leaning minorities to
voter rolls, and could threaten the GOP's narrow House majority.

The numbers will not only be used to remap House lines, but state
and local legislative district boundaries as well. It could also
be used to redistribute over $185 billion in federal funds each
year among the states.

The recommendation of the Census Bureau last week temporarily
stifled the partisan debate over whether statistical adjustment
was necessary to make up for traditional undercounts of
minorities, the poor and children.

But all sides agree the dispute would arise anew in the courts.

Not adjusting would disenfranchise the millions overlooked,
Democrats said. Republicans, meanwhile, argued adjustment would
inject more errors into a 2000 census proven to be more accurate
than the 1990 census.

GOP leaders also insist the Constitution calls for only raw
numbers to be used for redistricting every 10 years.

Members of both parties have said district lines redrawn with
adjusted data could add more Democratic-leaning minorities to
voter rolls. That, in turn, could threaten the GOP's narrow House

A bureau survey following the 2000 tally estimated a net
undercount of 1.2 percent of Americans, or

[CTRL] Justices turn down challenge to ban on supporting 'terrorist' groups

2001-03-06 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Justices turn down challenge to ban on supporting groups considered terrorist

By LAURIE ASSEO, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (March 5, 2001) - The Supreme Court on Monday turned away a
free-speech challenge to a ban on contributing money, weapons or other
tangible support to foreign groups designated by the government as
terrorist organizations.
The court, without comment, rejected arguments that the law creates "guilt
by association" and bans aid even for lawful activities by such organizations.
The justices also rejected the government's bid to reinstate two provisions
of the law that a lower court barred from being enforced.
The measure is part of the 1996 Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty
Act and was designed to cut off support from within the United States for
foreign terrorism.
Under the law, the secretary of state can designate a group as a "foreign
terrorist organization" if it engages in terrorist activity that threatens
the security of the United States or its citizens.
It is a crime, punishable by up to 10 years in prison, to provide such
organizations tangible support such as money, weapons, false
identification, training or personnel. There is no ban on providing
medicine or religious materials.
The law was challenged by two U.S. citizens and six domestic organizations,
including the Humanitarian Law Project.
They said they wanted to provide support for lawful, nonviolent activities
by two groups designated as foreign terrorist organizations: the Kurdistan
Workers' Party in Turkey and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam in Sri
A federal judge in Los Angeles upheld most of the law, saying it did not
aim to suppress speech. However, the judge barred enforcement of the ban on
providing personnel or training. Those provisions were too vague, the court
The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed the decision in March 2000,
saying "there is no constitutional right to facilitate terrorism by giving
terrorists the weapons and explosives with which to carry out their grisly
In the appeal acted on Monday, lawyers for the individuals and
organizations said the law "punishes moral innocents" and was similar to
McCarthy-era laws that punished association with the Communist Party.
Justice Department lawyers said people "remain free to align themselves
with designated organizations through expressions of solidarity and
advocacy of their causes."

The cases are Humanitarian Law Project v. Ashcroft, 00-910, and Ashcroft v.
Humanitarian Law Project, 00-1077.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] VV: The Castration of Wayne DuMond

2001-03-06 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[This would be some *really* funny stuff, if it were satire:(  --MS]

Published March 7 - 13, 2001

A Pardon That Clinton Didn't Grant

The Castration of Wayne DuMond

by Ward Harkavy

As Wayne DuMond listened last week to billionaire fugitive Marc
Rich's explanation that Bill Clinton pardoned him for
"humanitarian" reasons, he couldn't help but darkly snicker.

DuMond had been accused of raping a Clinton cousin in 1984 and
was hog-tied and castrated before he even went to trial.

He used to be enraged about it, especially when the cracker
sheriff, who was a pal of the rape victim's father, scooped up
DuMond's balls, put them in a jar, and showed them off.

"They were mine. Those were my testicles," DuMond told a sickened
courtroom in 1988. "He didn't have no right to take them and he
didn't have no right to show them around and he didn't have no
right to flush them down the toilet."

This is yet another Clinton saga of genitalia that fell into the
wrong hands.

The rape victim's daddy, mortician Walter E. "Stevie" Stevens,
was part of a Democratic machine that ruled the Arkansas Delta
and nurtured Clinton's career.

Wayne DuMond, guilty or innocent, didn't have a chance at

As Clinton was abandoning Arkansas for national politics, he
stymied DuMond's release from prison, ignoring the judgmentof his
own parole board in June 1990 thatDuMond's continued
incarceration was a "miscarriage of justice."

It's the word humanitarian that makes Wayne DuMond, now in his
early fifties, chuckle a little. He knows it's all politics.

"In the eleventh houróthe eleventh hour and 59th minute," DuMond
told the Voice in an interview last week, "Clinton capitalized by
gaining monetarily from exercising the duties of his office in a
perverted kind of way."

Clinton argues that years ago prosecutor Rudy Giuliani unfairly
hounded Marc Rich. Has Clinton forgotten about the torment that
his old Arkansas ally, Sheriff Coolidge Conlee, perpetrated on
Wayne DuMond?

Or, for that matter, what Clinton himself did?

As Clinton was vying for the presidency, he sat on the parole
board's DuMond clemency recommendation. Insisting that he wanted
to wait until the appeals process was complete (the opposite tack
he took in the Rich case), Clinton met with Stevie Stevens and
powerful state representative Pat Flanagin (whose sister used to
shoot craps with Conlee in the sheriff's office) and convinced
the board to reconsider its recommendation.

In late 1991, on the campaign trail, Clinton began to be pestered
about the DuMond case. Recusing himself, in April Clinton turned
over the matter to his lieutenant governor, Jim Guy Tucker.
Unlike Clinton, Tucker read every word of DuMond's voluminous
file, a DuMond lawyer told the Voice. Tucker promptly reduced
DuMond's sentence, making him eligible for parole. Seven years
later Republican governor Mike Huckabee signed DuMond's release

Releasing Wayne DuMond earlier would have been a tough call, but
many people were willing to show the decorated Vietnam veteran
mercy, despite his admitted bad pastóbooze, drugs, mayhem. DuMond
has told the tale of how he helped slaughter a village of
Cambodians. Later, stationed in Oklahoma, he was charged with
participating in the claw-hammer murder of a fellow soldier.
Turning state's evidence, he insisted that he merely stood by and
watched. In Tacoma, Washington, he accosted a teenage girl, an
incident that led to five years of probation.

"Yeah," DuMond conceded in his Voice interview, "but what's that
got to do with anything? That had nothing to do with the alleged
case against me in Forrest City."

Governor Clinton ignored pleas on behalf of DuMond at the same
time that he was ignoring pleas on behalf of Rickey Ray Rector.

In early 1992, when the Gennifer Flowers story broke, Clinton
interrupted his presidential campaign to stoke his stance as the
one Democrat who would lock up and kill criminals. He flew back
to Arkansas from New Hampshire so he could be standing on state
soil while the convict was put down. It didn't matter to him that
Rector had shot himself in the head immediately after the murder,
in effect giving himself a lobotomy that left him without the
power of reason.

Clinton recently noted the persuasive power of his former counsel
Jack Quinn's last-minute phone call on behalf of Marc Rich. But
in early 1992, Clinton dismissed a similar last-minute phone
appeal from Rector's attorney, Jeff Rosenzweig, a Clinton friend
since boyhood. Strapped down, the brain-damaged Rector screamed
for 50 minutes while the executioners dug into his arm before
finding a vein in which to shoot the poison.

DuMond thinks Clinton's rejection of his own bid for humanitarian
handling was just as cynical, although it did have the personal
element. "It would have been politically incorrect on both
fronts," said DuMond, "the stand he had already taken about crime
and being, maybe 

[CTRL] Doctor: White House is spinning Cheney's condition

2001-03-06 Thread William Shannon

Doctor: White House is spinning Cheney's condition
There's nothing "precautionary" about Monday's procedure, says a leading
- - - - - - - - - - - -
By Jake Tapper
March 6, 2001 | WASHINGTON -- President George W. Bush's reference to Vice
President Dick Cheney's heart catheterization as a "precautionary measure"
was not accurate, a leading cardiologist said Monday afternoon.
"No, you're not going to do [a heart catheterization] on a precautionary
basis," said Dr. Douglas Zipes, president-elect of the American College of
Cardiology. "You do it when you have information about the patient's chest
pain that makes you think that it might lead to a heart attack or an unstable
angina -- which is a precursor to a heart attack. The doctors then take the
patient to the cath lab to prevent a subsequent heart attack." The issue
involves the use of the word "precautionary"; no doctor, Zipes explained,
would use that term to describe an invasive surgical procedure employed to
help prevent a heart attack in a patient.
This is the second time since Nov. 22, when Cheney suffered a mild heart
attack, that Bush and his staff initially downplayed to reporters the
severity of Cheney's condition. On that day, then-Bush press secretary Karen
Hughes characterized Cheney's trip to the hospital as a "precaution" only.
Zipes, both a distinguished professor and chief of cardiology at Indiana
University School of Medicine, agreed with others who were critical at the
time of the Bush campaign's obfuscation of Cheney's November attack, his
"Obviously they're very concerned about what kind of spin they put on
things," Zipes said. "The important thing, of course, is that he is being
cared for by good doctors."
Cheney, 60, had his first heart attack when he was just 37. In 1988, Cheney
had quadruple bypass surgery. When Cheney was selected as Bush's vice
presidential nominee, the Bush campaign refused to disclose a list of all the
medications he was taking.
On Monday, the Bush spin operation was similarly unhelpful. The White House
put out a statement saying that the catheterization "is a non-emergency
precautionary procedure. An EKG obtained at the White House this afternoon
was unchanged from one obtained last Thursday."
"There's nothing that's very helpful in what they said," Zipes said, hungry
for more data and again taking issue with any description of a cardiac
catheterization as "precautionary."
"Nobody's got heart data," Zipes said. "So everything is speculative."
The seriousness of Monday's trip to the George Washington University Medical
Center is still unclear. But one hopes that the Bushies will be a little more
honest and forthright than they were last time. Zipes' respect for Cheney's
spin doctors does not quite equal his respect for his heart doctors. "I am
concerned that they weren't forthright about what was going on," he said.
What Cheney suffered on Nov. 22 would not have been considered a heart attack
a year prior, before the American Heart Association changed its
classifications. Still, Dr. Alan Wasserman, president of the George
Washington Medical Faculty Associates, assuredly knew what he was saying
when, right off the bat, he said that neither Cheney's "initial EKG nor his
blood work indicated that he had a heart attack." [Emphasis added.]
Of course, it was Cheney's subsequent EKG and blood work that indicated he
had had a heart attack, which Wasserman clearly knew at the time, since he
referred to the fact that "a second EKG showed minor changes" -- "minor
changes" as in a heart attack.
Bush, too, made this same deceptive assertion about Cheney's condition when
he said that "the initial EKG showed that he had no heart attack."
And, as always, despite the blatant disdain for the American people that Bush
and his misrepresentation -- and Wasserman and his misrepresentation -- would
indicate, the issue was dropped soon enough and media outrage was minimal.
None of this is completely new to the world of politics, of course. President
Franklin Delano Roosevelt hid his polio from the world, and insisted that
photographers never show his crutches or wheelchair. President John F.
Kennedy's White House deceived almost everyone about his Addison's disease,
and it remains to be comprehensively disclosed as to when, exactly, President
Ronald Reagan's Alzheimer's set in.
"If you look historically at these types of situations, the White House
always does damage control," Zipes said. "The glass is always half full
rather than half empty."

[CTRL] Fwd: Softwar - Invasion of Your Privacy Has Just Begun

2001-03-06 Thread Kris Millegan


source documents

Invasion of Your Privacy Has Just Begun
Charles R. Smith
Tuesday, March 6, 2001

Modern privacy is dead. Secrets are very hard to
keep in an electronic world filled with viruses, tappers,
hackers, pirates and government snoopers. It's no longer
a matter of are you being watched. In the 21st century,
it's a matter of who's watching you.

According to Twila Brase, R.N. and president of
the Citizens' Council on Health Care, the lack of privacy can
cost far more than money.

"Outside access to phone and credit card information certainly
can make individuals feel vulnerable and can bring about loss of
credit, identity and finances, " stated Brase.

"However, phone numbers and credit card numbers
can be changed and funds can be moved to another
bank. But with breaches in the confidentiality of medical records,
the stakes are higher, particularly for those individuals in prominent

"Access to one's medical care, mental health status, and
pharmaceutical use allows intruders to gain permanent
information about an individual - information that can be
damaging or can point to personal weaknesses," noted Brase.

"Such medical history, diagnoses and individual tendencies
cannot be changed like a credit card number. Access to this
information can provide a powerful tool to influence legislation,
thwart an election, make corporate decisions, decide terms of
a merger or build coalitions.

"Those who gain access to individual medical records through
breaches in electronic data systems can wield great power over
those who have the most to hide. In all likelihood, pre-election
access to President Clinton's medical record may have provided
evidence of his tendency to philander, thereby ending his
presidential bid," noted Brase.

"Patients and doctors need to begin to view all e-mail like a
postcard, open to the world. No physician should send sensitive
data by e-mail without specific written permission from the
patient. Although we've just heard about one e-mail virus, there
are undoubtedly others yet to come, along with intrusive devices
yet to be discovered and invented," stated Brase flatly.

"And let's not forget Carnivore, the great eavesdropping device
of the government that's now under scrutiny by civil rights and
privacy groups," noted Brase.

Both Clintons Led Attack on Privacy

Carnivore, the most recent example of FBI snooping software, is
reported to be able to scoop up all of targeted individuals'
Internet traffic, including e-mail. Carnivore is only one project
aimed at destroying America's privacy. In fact, the FBI under the
Clinton administration developed an entire series of hardware and
software devices intended to monitor U.S. citizens.

Bill Clinton, always first to claim some form of legal privacy over
his activities inside the Oval Office, did not carry the same zeal
when it came to defending others. The Clinton years of attacks on
privacy began with first lady Hillary and the top secret part of her
1993 health care task force.

Hillary's National ID Card

Mrs. Clinton's task force drew up a plan to issue all U.S. citizens
a national health care ID card. According to documents forced from
the government using the Freedom of Information Act, the plan included
inserting a special government-designed chip into the cards. The idea
was the Department of Justice could then monitor your health care
providers for fraud and abuse. The result would be to monitor you wherever
you presented your card.

The Clipper project, a computer chip with an "exploitable" feature, was
developed in secret by the U.S. government during the senior George Bush's 

According to the documents, the snooper chip and some of Mrs. Clinton's
involvement became public in 1993. One smart-card manufacturer wrote
the Clinton administration and argued against the plan for the Clipper chip
to be part of mandatory Hillary Clinton health care.

"Health cards are a major new market for smart cards. ... One of their
greatest features is to increase the privacy of a citizen's health record,"
wrote John M.  Taskett, vice president of Microcard Technologies, a
company in Dallas.

"The current [Clinton] administration is also looking at a national health
card for all U.S. citizens. Surely the Department of Justice does not
need access to the keys within these cards? Does the government have
a need to know, even with a court order, what is inside a citizen's health
card if the citizen chooses to keep it private?" asked Taskett in his 1993
letter to the U.S. Commerce Department.

Project Led by Webster Hubbell

The Clipper chip, however, was intended for more than just your
Hillary health care card. The Clipper project also included
provisions to make the super-chip required in every telephone,
fax and computer made or sold in the U.S.

According to a March 1993 Justice Department memo from Stephen
Colgate, a

[CTRL] Beyond the Bar Code (Link)

2001-03-06 Thread William Shannon

Beyond the Bar Code
By Charlie Schmidt 

Within a few years, unobtrusive tags on retail products will send radio 
signals to their manufacturers, collecting a wealth of information about 
consumer habits—and also raising privacy concerns.  


[CTRL] Interview with Mary Frances Berry, Chair of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights

2001-03-06 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Democrats.com Exclusive:

Interview with Mary Frances Berry, Chair of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights

by Patty Oppegard [EMAIL PROTECTED]

As soon as the polls opened in Florida on November 7, voters began
reporting problems voting. The most widely reported problem was the
"butterfly ballot" in Palm Beach, which resulted in 19,000 "overvotes"
ballots with more than one vote for President. But there were many other
problems which received far less attention, including some involving even
larger numbers of votes  such as the 27,000 "overvotes" in Duval county,
especially in black areas of Jacksonville.  There were also charges of
illegal purges of thousands of voters, failure to process registration
forms from black colleges, and many other problems that particularly
affected black and hispanic voters.
These critical issues were not addressed during the recount battle. That
battle focused on the very narrow question of whether the Gore campaign
could request a recount of "undervotes"  votes that were legally cast, but
did not register any vote for President when read by the vote counting
machines.  Problems which prevented thousands of voters from casting any
votes at all did not go before the courts.
After a partisan 5-4 majority of the US Supreme Court declared Bush the
winner, the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights began an investigation of all
of the irregularities that were being reported. The Commission traveled to
Florida and held two days of hearings in Tallahassee in January and an
all-day hearing in Miami on February 16 to document these problems and to
interview key witnesses.
On February 28, I sat down with Mary Frances Berry, Chairperson of the
Commission. Chair Berry said it was unlikely that the commission would ask
for further testimony. The commission has requested and received mountains
of subpoenaed documents, with more due by March 16th. "We probably have
enough information to write the report," says Berry. The only other options
she noted were to go to either Jacksonville or Tampa. This decision will be
made at the commission's next meeting on March 9.
The March 9 meeting will also discuss the findings of the Commission's
staff in its investigation of problems in the other 49 states and the
District of Columbia, "We asked our staff to put together a report like
that because when we started on the Florida investigation some people said
'well why don't you go to all the other states?'" said Berry. She said
"different kinds of problems were reported, but none of them rose to the
level of intensity of the different kinds of problems that existed in
Florida." However, that assessment could change when the Commission reviews
the staff's final report.
In reviewing Florida, Berry said the biggest problem identified by the
Commission was not the recount which was the focus of the court
battles  but what Berry called the "No Count  people who were not counted
at all. What was the reason why there were people who couldn't vote?" asked
The "No Count" issues were raised by the Commission with state officials,
county officials, poll workers, and the Vice President of Choicepoint DBT -
the company that was paid a hefty $4 million fee by Florida's taxpayers to
purge Florida's voter rolls of deceased voters and felons.
Berry slammed the failure of Secretary of State Katherine Harris to
establish consistent policies for county election officials. "It is clear
from the testimony ... that the Secretary of State's office did not give
guidance to people about what they were to do and did not monitor people to
see what they were doing - and that the county supervisors pretty much did
whatever they felt like doing. Some of them did one thing and others did
something else."
Berry also charged county officials with violating the fundamental civil
rights of voters. "There was this sort of notion in some of them that their
job was to keep people from voting... You didn't get any sense that what
we're up to here is trying to let people exercise their rights and trying
to make sure that they're getting a chance to exercise it," she said.
Berry also criticized the voter purge conducted by Database Technologies.
According to company Vice President George Bruder, DBT's contract with the
State of Florida did not require any degree of accuracy and his company was
not required to verify suspected felons by phone. But a copy of the DBT
contract obtained by the Commission and BBC-TV/Guardian Observer reporter
Gregory Palast clearly indicated DBT's obligation to verify its list.
According to Berry, Bruder "kept saying no - but I don't know if he knew we
had the contract, because I don't know if he even knew we had the letter."
Florida was the only state in the country to "purge" or scrub a voter list
using a private firm. Even more questionable is DBTs' ties to the
Republican Party, with many of its board members contributing large amounts
to the GOP.

[CTRL] Pentagon's latest weapon: a pain beam

2001-03-06 Thread William Shannon

Pentagon's latest weapon: a pain beam

WASHINGTON -- The Pentagon is touting a new "non-lethal" weapon designed to 
control threatening crowds by using a directed energy beam to inflict a 
painful but brief burning sensation. 
The weapon could be deployed during peacekeeping missions when deadly force 
is not necessary, military officials announced Thursday. 

The weapon, called "active denial technology," was developed by Air Force 
research laboratories in New Mexico and Texas as part of a multi-service 
program run by the Marine Corps. 
"This revolutionary force-protection technology gives U.S. service members an 
alternative to using deadly force," said Marine Corps Col. George P. Fenton, 
director of the program at Quantico, Virginia. 
The weapon is designed to stop people by firing millimeter-wave 
electromagnetic energy in a beam that quickly heats up the surface of the 
victim's skin. Within seconds the person feels pain that is akin to touching 
a hot light bulb. 
Like being burned

"It's the kind of pain you would feel if you were being burned," said Rich 
Garcia, a spokesman for the Air Force Research Laboratory at Kirtland Air 
Force Base, New Mexico. "It's just not intense enough to cause any damage." 
The Pentagon has made a strong push to develop "non-lethal" weapons in the 
aftermath of a humanitarian mission in Somalia in 1992-93 that put soldiers 
in the line of fire in urban areas where civilians were present. 

The beam reaches only 1/64 of an inch underneath the skin, causing no 
permanent injury, Pentagon researchers said. 
"When it penetrates in, it activates the pain sensors, and you feel a lot of 
pain," Garcia said. "But there's no damage. It truly is a non-lethal device." 
Michael Murphy, an Air Force lab researcher, said the beam could be used 
"We've tested 72 humans that have had over 6,500 exposures," he said. 
The military will test a prototype of the weapon on goats and humans in 
Kirtland over the next few months. The Marine Corps said $40 million was 
spent developing the weapon during the past decade. 
The Marine Corps plans to mount the microwave weapon on top of Humvees, the 
Jeep-like vehicles used by both the Marines and the Army. Later it might be 
used on aircraft and ships, officials said. 
The weapon could be fielded by 2009, officials said. 
Concerns remain

William Arkin, senior military adviser to Human Rights Watch, questioned 
whether a pain weapon would be safe to use against civilians in combat 
"What about children in the crowd? What about pregnant women and the 
elderly?" he said. 
"We have developed a non-lethal weapon which causes pain. What happens when 
someone continues to walk toward the source of the high-power microwave? What 
happens when panic ensues in a crowd as a result of high-power microwave? 
What happens when it's focused on someone's eye?" Arkin said. 
Another Humans Rights Watch activist expressed other concerns:
"It may fall into the (wrong) hands. It may be eventually sold to other 
countries to police forces, military forces that don't have the degree of 
accountability that you see in this country," Joost Hiltermann said. 
CNN Military Affairs Correspondent Jamie McIntyre and The Associated Press 
contributed to this report.

[CTRL] Commission: U.S. weapons technology re-exported to Iran, Iraq, China

2001-03-06 Thread William Shannon

Commission: U.S. weapons technology re-exported to Iran, Iraq, China 

Monday, March 5, 2001

WASHINGTON — A U.S. presidential commission on defense offsets has charged 
that American weapons and technology have ended up in such Middle East states 
as Iran and Iraq.The commission said the United States has failed to enforce 
what members termed one of the strongest licensing regimes in the world. The 
panel said U.S. equipment and systems have been re-exported from its allies 
to such countries as Iran, Iraq and China.Ann Markusen, a professor at the 
University of Minnesota and a member of the commission, said the U.S. 
technologies are frequently exported to prohibited third parties for 
unauthorized uses. She cited the 1992 sale of U.S. gyroscopes and 
accelerometers for Japan's F-4 fighters, systems which ended up being sold to 
Iran.Another illegal transfer, Ms. Markusen said in the report, was the 
Israeli transfer of U.S.-licensed missile and radar technology to China in 
the 1980s and 1990s. She also asserted that Brazil transferred U.S. missile 
technology to Iraq. The technology was used to improve the targeting 
capability of Iraqi Scud missiles."In small arms, there are numerous examples 
of violations of licensing agreements, many of them the product of offset 
arrangements," Ms. Markusen said in the report. "Small arms proliferation is 
a significant security concern for the United States because regional 
conflicts in areas such as the Balkans, the Middle East, and Africa require 
peacekeeping and humanitarian operations which are rendered much more 
dangerous as small arms spread."The report did not disclose Washington's 
response to the re-export of prohibited U.S. technologies to Iran or Iraq.In 
1989, the General Accounting Office, the watchdog agency of Congress, 
reported five cases of unauthorized transfers of U.S. weapons and 
components.The illegal transfers stemmed from 18 coproduction agreements. In 
its interim report, the U.S. commission recommended the elimination or 
significant reduction of defense offset agreements. Offsets provide a 
purchasing country with subcontracts or buy-backs as part of a weapons 
sale.The final report is expected to be completed by October. Other members 
of the commission — which began in 1999 — include the secretaries of 
commerce, defense and state in the outgoing Clinton administration as well as 
the heads of Boeing and Lockheed Martin. 
Monday, March 5, 2001

[CTRL] CIA patching ECHELON shortcomings

2001-03-06 Thread William Shannon

CIA patching ECHELON shortcomings
Thomas C Greene in Washington
Posted: 06/03/2001 at 07:47 GMT

A core objection to paranoid rants regarding the US National Security Agency
(NSA) electronic eavesdropping apparatus called ECHELON is the simple
observation that spooks trying to use it are literally buried in an avalanche
of white noise from which it's quite difficult to extract anything pertinent.

But now the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), no doubt with some
assistance and guidance from NSA, is making strides towards cracking that
little inconvenience.

The CIA's Office of Advanced Information Technology is developing a number of
data-mining enhancements to make life easy for those who would eavesdrop on
electronic communications, Reuters reports.

First up is a computer program called Oasis, which automatically converts
audio signals into conveniently readable, and searchable, text.

And it distinguishes voices, cleverly enough, so that the transcript of an
intercepted 'broadcast' (a conference call via mobile phones?) will show each
speaker automatically identified as Male 1, Female 1; Male 2, Female 2; and
so on.

If the transcript seems implausible at any point, or disappointingly mundane,
the operator can easily listen to relevant parts of the broadcast to check
the machine's accuracy, and determine that "recognize speech" actually was
"wreck a nice beach," and send in the appropriate goon squads to prevent it.

Oasis also references search terms and keywords automatically. Thus text
containing the phrase "truck bomb" would pop up in a query for "terror*".

The CIA is planning to develop Oasis for spy-useful foreign languages such as
Arabic and Chinese, the wire service says.

Next comes a software tool called FLUENT, which enables an operator to search
stored documents in a language s/he doesn't understand by using his or her
own language for queries.

So, imagine an uneducated, highly-trained Anglophone with a PhD in some
anti-intellectual pseudo-'discipline' like medicine, education, women's
studies, engineering, creative writing, economics or computer science,
naturally poorly acquainted with languages, but charged with grave national
security responsibilities.

Say this person needs to know what the Chinese have been publishing about
nuclear warheads.

Salvation: FLUENT allows them to search on "nuclear warhead" in English, and
still dredge up Chinese (or whatever) documents for people with actual
language skills to translate and evaluate for them. Is that cool or what?

Presently, FLUENT can translate Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian,
Serbo-Croatian and Ukrainian, Reuters says.

The omissions are almost as telling as the languages included. What, no
Japanese, no Arabic, no Spanish, no Hebrew, no French? Laotian and Navajo we
can understand, but what have we here? Laziness, discrimination, or misplaced

You make the call.


2001-03-06 Thread Aleisha Saba


[CTRL] pearl of great price

2001-03-06 Thread Aleisha Saba


[CTRL] Beijing Sets 18% Rise in Spending for Military Part 2

2001-03-06 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Outlining plans for the next five years, Mr. Zhu said at the opening of the
annual session of China's legislature, the National People's Congress, that
the government would continue to pull out of the economy, allowing private
stockholders to gain control of all but "strategic" industries and giving
farmers new rights over the land.
Analysts said that the statement was China's most formal endorsement yet of
two policies that have been opposed by more ideologically rigid factions of
the Communist Party.
But Mr. Zhu also said that China would continue to subsidize rural incomes by
purchasing grain "without limit" at artificially high prices - a key sticking
point in China's negotiations to join the World Trade Organization.
He also said that China would issue $18 billion in bonds this year to fund
infrastructure projects in the nation's impoverished west, some of which
economists believe are of dubious value. Expansion Is Response to 'Drastic
Changes' in World Situation

BEIJING Seeking to cope with what it calls "the drastic changes in the
military situation around the world," China plans to increase its defense
spending this year by 17.7 percent, its biggest military expansion in the
last 20 years, China's government has decided.
A copy of a speech to be given Tuesday by Finance Minister Xiang Huaicheng
said the increase would be mainly used for raises for officers, enlisted men,
and "to meet the drastic changes in the military situation of the world and
prepare for defense and combat given the conditions of modern technology,
especially high technology."
The military spending increase, which dwarfs the yearly increases of the last
decade, comes at time when China is experiencing no inflation and facing a
record budget deficit - thereby making the expansion all the more significant.
Mr. Xiang said the 2001 publicly acknowledged military budget would reach
$17.195 billion - higher than that of India, Taiwan and South Korea. Most
analysts say they believe the real figure is at least three times as high,
bringing China almost on par with Japan at $45 billion. "This is the biggest
increase I have ever seen," said James Mulvenon, a specialist on Chinese
security at Rand Corp., noting that larger percentage increases in the
mid-90s came as China's economy faced runaway inflation. "In an environment
of increasing central budget deficits and continuing revenue problems, these
types of increases highlight the amount of fiscal pain China's leadership is
willing to endure to maintain the loyalty of the military."
The ballooning budget reflects a mix of several complicated factors,
including these:
•The increasing belief that China must prepare for a conflict with the United
States if it wants to recover Taiwan.
•The sense that the People's Liberation Army is falling behind in the race
for a high-tech military.
•The military's realization that it must pay higher salaries and train more
if it wants to be a force in the world.
•The government's attempts to make up for the shortfall in the military's
budget after it forced the army to divest itself of most of its business
interests in 1998.
Mr. Mulvenon said the Kosovo bombing campaign, in which air power and
missiles alone forced the Yugoslavia Army out of Kosovo, was a major catalyst
for the budget increase - the second major shock after the Gulf War to the
People's Liberation Army in 10 years. The allied victory, without a casualty,
constituted a major part of the "drastic changes" in the world's military
situation, enunciated by Mr. Xiang.
Mr. Mulvenon added, "If the Gulf War was the wake-up call for the PLA, then
Kosovo was the snooze alarm telling them it's really time to get going."
Underlying this concern, analysts said, is the view, spelled out in China's
defense white paper issued in October last year, that the United States now
constitutes China's main threat and is a roadblock on China's way to achieve
regional military supremacy and reunification with Taiwan - the island of 23
million people that Beijing says belongs to China.
That document accused Washington of "practicing a new 'gunboat policy' and
neo-economic colonialism" and remarked that the U.S. plan to create a shield
against missiles would seriously stabilize the security of the Asia-Pacific
Money for foreign military purchases - about $1 billion a year - comes from
an off-budget fund run by the Central Military Commission. Over the 1990s,
China spent an estimated $6 billion on foreign military purchases; Taiwan
during the same time frame spent $20 billion.
China Sets Reform Program
By Philip P. Pan of The Washington Post reported earlier from Beijing:
In a major policy address Monday, Prime Minister Zhu Rongji said that China
would push forward with reforms targeting impoverished farmers and
inefficient state factories, arguing that the nation's e

[CTRL] Senate Debates Overturning Midnight Clinton Regulations

2001-03-06 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Senate Debates Overturning Midnight Clinton Regulations
Monday, March 5, 2001
By Sharon Kehnemui
  E-mail This Story
WASHINGTON — The Senate is scheduled to employ a rarely used legislative
device to try to repeal a last-minute rule signed by President Clinton in the
waning days of his administration.

The resolution, being debated Tuesday, would do away with the Occupational
Safety and Health Administration's rule requiring businesses to respond to
ergonomics complaints by workers.

The Joint Resolution of Disapproval, a measure designed under the 1996
Congressional Review Act (CRA), would require both chambers of Congress to
overturn the regulation before it would be sent to the new president to sign.
White House spokesman Ari Fleischer indicated Monday that the president would
sign the resolution if it came to his desk.

Two weeks ago, the president undid other Clinton rules when he signed four
executive orders that reduced union influence in federally contracted jobs.

"I think what you're seeing is a president who is very concerned, as you saw
in the executive orders that he issued a couple of weeks ago, to make sure
that there is fairness and balance in the system," he said. Fleischer added
that the Department of Labor is taking a look at other types of ergonomics
rules to protect workers.

The 600-page rule requires businesses to place restrictions on certain types
of repetitive activities if an employee complains about pain, even if the
pain is attributable to activities outside the job, said Gayle Osterberg, a
spokeswoman for Sen. Don Nickles, R-Okla. Nickles sponsored the CRA in 1996
and is co-sponsoring the resolution to repeal the rule.

The rule "is making work illegal in the workplace," Osterberg said. For
instance, she explained, the rule prohibits workers from lifting 25 pounds
more than 25 times a day. Soft drink deliverers would be able to make only
one delivery per day before meeting the rule's maximum, she said.

"The impact is ludicrous," she said.

However, Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev. — who also sponsored the CRA in 1996 — is
not happy that the authority granted to Congress is being used to try to
repeal the ergonomics rule.

"The senator is disappointed that the CRA, which he is very proud to have
something to do with — to sponsor it, is being used against America's
workers," spokesman Nathan Naylor said.

Naylor said the rule protects supermarket and clerical workers — "those folks
that are least able to pay" medical bills incurred from repetitive stress
injuries sustained in the workplace.

"This rule is founded in good science for the past ten years. Principally,
it's the right thing to do," Naylor said.

Worker advocates also say the rule is the best means to protect workers from
health and safety difficulties.

"They are serious problems — they are ones that affect millions of people and
they are preventable. And that's what the Department of Labor wanted to do —
prevent these very problems," said Karen Nussbaum, director of the Working
Women department at the AFL-CIO.

Members of the business community, however, strongly oppose the rule. Randel
Johnson, vice president for labor and employee benefits at the Chamber of
Commerce, told Fox News that OSHA's rule could cost business owners as much
as $1 trillion. Osterberg added that the cost would equal about $100 billion
every year until businesses were compliant.

Osterberg also argued that the science is flawed. "They reached far beyond
anything that was based in science or medicine," she said.

Sen. Christopher "Kit" Bond, R-Mo., who co-sponsored the resolution in the
House, said that this is the first test of the CRA's oversight effectiveness.

"If this works, then I think we will look at other areas where we can get
majorities in both houses and say these regulations make no sense and with
the president's signature they can be thrown out," he said. "I think it's a
very healthy remedy for the bureaucrats to know that if they do something
that's completely off-base there's an opportunity for the Congress to move
swiftly and override the regulation and send them back to do the job right."

This is the first time the CRA will be used for Senate floor debate and a
roll-call vote, according to Osterberg. The House of Representatives has not
yet scheduled any action on the resolution.

Not all of former President Clinton's midnight mandates have been challenged.
Environmental Protection Agency director Christine Todd Whitman said last
week that she will keep a last-minute rule by the Clinton administration that
requires diesel fuel producers to reduce sulfur content by 97 percent and
diesel fuel trucks and buses to run 95 percent cleaner in the next six years.

— Fox News' Brian Wilson contributed to this report

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[CTRL] Iran prepares for major defense pact with Moscow

2001-03-06 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Iran prepares for major defense pact with Moscow

Special to World Tribune.com
Tuesday, March 6, 2001
NICOSIA — Iran concluded a military exercise in the Gulf yesterday a week
before Iranian President Mohammed Khatami is scheduled to arrive in Moscow.

Diplomatic sources said Khatami's visit, beginning on March 12, is expected
to pave the way for huge arms deals with Russia. Khatami will be accompanied
by a 100-member delegation and could sign a defense treaty.

Russian sources said Iran is considering buying diesel-powered submarines,
fighter-jets and anti-aircraft systems. Russian Deputy Prime Minister Ilya
Klebanov said defense issues would be part of a strategic alliance between
Moscow and Teheran. "It is a large and multifaceted question," Klebanov said.
"It cannot be just a matter of a military-technical cooperation pact. You
have to address the entire range of our bilateral relations."

The Victory-9 exercise combined army, air force and marine units. The
maneuvers began on Saturday in the northern end of the Gulf at Mahshahr. The
exercise included the military as well as the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.

Among the systems tested were communications equipment as well as
Iranian-produced missiles. The exercise was also meant to examine logistics
capability. Frigates and patrol boats were deployed.

Brig. Gen. Jaber Mahdyar was quoted by the official Islamic Republic News
Agency as saying that more than 6,000 soldiers were participating in the war
games. Mahdyar said the exercise aimed to demonstrate Iran's defense
capability as well as the application of new weaponry deployed in the

On Sunday, Teheran radio reported that the exercise employed advanced systems
to destroy enemy forces. The radio said the second stage of the operation has
been launched. No other details were given.

Tuesday, March 6, 2001

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Alamo's Heroes Needed Today

2001-03-06 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Alamo's Heroes Needed Today
By Chuck Baldwin
March 6, 2001

When you awoke this morning, did you say a word of thanks for those 186
brave men who died at the Alamo? It was on this date in 1836 that men like
Davy Crockett, Jim Bowie and Will Travis chose to fight and die at that
little mission fort, rather than leave their posts. As you meditate on the
bravery and commitment of those men, try to imagine a congressman and a
group of citizen volunteers being willing to emulate that act of
self-sacrifice today. It's tough to visualize, isn't it?

By today's standards, the men who died at the Alamo must seem rather
foolish. After all, they had no chance of winning - none! And isn't winning
all that counts? That's what good Republicans have been telling us for the
past year. That's why Trent Lott and the Senate leadership decided to let
Bill Clinton stay in office. That's why millions of Christian conservatives
voted for G.W. Bush instead of Alan Keyes in the Republican primaries. And
that's why they ignored Pat Buchanan and Howard Phillips in the general

This win-at-all-costs philosophy is one reason the Republican Party, and
conservatives in general, have been castrated. They have sold their souls
(and their children's futures) to the concept that winning is all that
matters. But that was not the spirit of the men at the Alamo; neither was it
the spirit of the men at Lexington and Concord.

Winning has never been man's duty. Picking winners and losers is the domain
of God - and God's alone. Man has but one duty: to be faithful to the truth.
Nothing more. Nothing less.

When those 186 men at the Alamo decided to step across that line in the
sand, they knew they were going to die. A force of over 4,000 seasoned
soldiers surrounded them, and no help was coming. They knew they were going
to die. Yet, to a man, they chose to stay on those ramparts.

One of those men was Tennessee Congressman, David Crockett. Some were
farmers. Others were ranchers. James Bowie was a wealthy landowner.
Ministers, too, were numbered among that gallant group. They came from
various backgrounds and trades. But all of them believed that a man's duty
was simply to do right and let God decide the rest. They chose to do right -
and they died doing it.

I pray that one day my conservative brethren will come to understand that
our only duty is to stand for truth and right. In standing for right, some
prevail; others don't. The eternal rewards are the same for each.

I need to add that it is devotion to duty that often prompts Heaven's
assistance. On the other hand, to cling to this humanistic "must win"
attitude is to cling to a rope of sand. And for those who continue to
embrace the damnable belief that "principle without power is useless," I
would only respond by saying, power without principle is dangerous.

And I would add one more thing: it was the spirit of Crockett's champions,
not the spirit of Lott's Lilliputians, that made America the greatest nation
on earth. And only the same uncompromising, fearless spirit will turn our
faltering country around. Does anyone see Crockett's shadow on the horizon?

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

Want to be on our lists?  Write at [EMAIL PROTECTED] for a menu of our lists!

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Blacks arrested more for 'hate crimes'

2001-03-06 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Blacks arrested more for 'hate crimes'
FBI report confirms higher rate than whites for racial attacks



By Jon Dougherty
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

Although "hate-crime" legislation has been championed by minority groups in
hopes it would discourage racially motivated crime, a recently released FBI
crime report reveals that a higher percentage of blacks than whites are
charged with race-biased "hate crimes."

The FBI's "Hate Crime Statistics" for 1999 show that 2,030 whites were
arrested that year for "hate crimes" against blacks, compared to 524 blacks
who were arrested and charged with a "hate crime" against whites.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, blacks make up 12.8 percent of the
population -- or about 35.4 million of the country's 280 million people --
so, given the arrest rate versus population percentage, the data indicates
that blacks are one-and-a-half times more likely to be arrested for a "hate
crime" than whites.

The Census Bureau's November 2000 statistics listed the nation's white
population at 226.8 million, or 82.2 percent of the total.

"In light of this study, it's fair to ask who poses a greater threat to the
black community -- racist, violent whites or oblivious black politicians?"
said Steve Dasbach, the national director for the Libertarian Party.

"Unfortunately, hate crime laws have boomeranged on blacks," Dasbach said in
a recent statement. "African-Americans thought that hate crime legislation
would protect them, but instead they're being used as another legal weapon to
prosecute them."

Dasbach also said the FBI study indicated that another 87 blacks were
arrested for hate crimes against other blacks.

"Hate crimes aren't just for KKK members anymore. They are now being applied
even to same-race crimes … apparently giving racist police, prosecutors or
judges another weapon to use against African-Americans," Dasbach said.

The bottom line, Dasbach said, is that crimes against a certain protected
class of citizens "should not be treated more seriously than crimes against
anyone else."

The Libertarian Party has advocated a complete elimination of all "hate
crime" laws. "Racist criminals, whether black or white, should be punished
for their crimes, but hate crime laws aren't needed to do that," said the
party chief.

Officially, Congress has described a "hate crime" as one "in which the
defendant intentionally selects a victim, or in the case of a property crime,
the property that is the object of the crime, because of the actual or
perceived race, color, national origin, ethnicity, gender, disability, or
sexual orientation of any person."

The party's position has been echoed by other critics of "hate crimes" laws
who say legislation is written in such a way that authorities often have too
much arbitrary power to decide whether a crime had a racial undertone.

Many believe that "hate crime" laws, now in 45 states, have hit poor and
minority communities the worst.

"It is demonstrable that these laws hit the poor and minorities hardest. It
wasn't meant that way, but that's the way it is," said Christopher Plourd --
a criminal defense lawyer who has represented a number of clients charged
with "hate crimes" -- in an Oct. 30 interview with columnist Arianna

"In the same way that [police] don't go on white college campuses trying to
enforce drug laws, but come to the 'hood, they'll use these new hate crime
laws against the NAACP's own constituents," Van Jones, director of the Ella
Baker Center for Human Rights, told Huffington.

Ironically, most blacks continue to vote heavily for Democrats who have
championed "hate crimes" legislation for years. According to the NAACP, about
88 percent of blacks who voted in last November's elections chose Democratic
presidential nominee Al Gore and other Democratic candidates for nationwide
and local races.

Prior to the Nov. 7 election, the NAACP launched a $9 million national
campaign effort in support of Gore, who had been a vociferous supporter of
past "hate crimes" legislation.

Some Republicans have also backed expansion of federal legislation, but last
fall GOP leaders killed "hate crimes" language in the Defense Department's
appropriations bill out of fear it would have jeopardized the whole measure.

Also, GOP leaders said that while current federal law was sufficient to
punish criminals convicted of racially motivated crime, overall, the issue of
"hate crimes" legislation seemed contrary to the Constitution's equality

"It should not be made a matter of federal law to designate one group of
crimes and its victims less important than others," said John Czwartacki, a
spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, R-Miss., in an October
interview with the Associated Press.

The FBI said there were a total of 7,876 "bias motivatio

[CTRL] Showdown in Hong Kong

2001-03-06 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Showdown in Hong Kong
Pro-democracy group opposes communists, works toward free China



Editor's note: WorldNetDaily.com international correspondent Anthony C.
LoBaido, a former teacher in Hong Kong, has filed several exclusive stories
from there, including his insider report on the shadowy Hong Kong Blondes
computer hacking group. In this report, LoBaido documents how the Hong Kong
Democratic Alliance -- the top pro-democracy group left in Hong Kong -- faces
an uncertain future in the wake of China's increasingly heavy-handed
crackdown on dissent.
By Anthony C. LoBaido
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

HONG KONG -- A resolute, pro-democracy organization in Hong Kong is working
tirelessly to promote freedom on the island, memorializing those who died
promoting democracy and striving towards a seemingly impossible goal -- the
establishment of a free China.

Near the TST subway station in the heart of Hong Kong, an interloper will
pass by the finest museums, planetariums and shopping malls of the British
colonial era. There are restaurants and spectacular views of the harbor.
Money is king in Hong Kong. In fact, it is god. Fortunes are made and lost on
a daily basis. China's COSCO shipping company sends its products to the four
corners of the earth from the aforementioned harbor. People travel to and fro
with an energy that is scarcely believable to the new arrival. Yet, there are
some who are not too busy shopping or making money to see that all is not
well, as Hong Kong enters the new millennium.

Tracey Kinchen is a British national and former MI-6 (British intelligence)
field agent who grew up in Hong Kong. "All seems normal in Hong Kong. I love
it here. I enjoy the rains of the fall, which wash away the heat of the
summer. I even love it during the oppressively humid months of July and
August, when Hong Kong becomes a living hell. Yet underneath this appearance
of 'normalcy,' there are blood-soaked storm clouds emerging on the horizon.
For you must remember that Hong Kong is a place where Christianity, democracy
and freedom exist in the collective spirit and recent memory of the
citizenry. Now those cherished notions are increasingly under attack," she
told WorldNetDaily. Kinchen was a part of the anti-China Hong Kong Blondes
computer hackers before launching her own Laurie Holden Hackers, now based in

"Several years after the British handover of Hong Kong and China's accession
into permanent World Trade Organization status, the pro-democracy movement in
Hong Kong has its feet to the fire. And life may well become a living hell
for those who dare raise their voices against the dictators in Beijing. You
see, the Internet is not changing China, nor is trade. The West is not
changing China. China is changing us. The minute we joined up with the global
economic trading system, we threw away all of our traditional values,"
Kinchen explained.

The point man for freedom on Hong Kong is Ho Pak Yan, the editor of the China
Key and head of the Hong Kong Alliance. The Alliance is the leading group
among democrats in Hong Kong. It organizes the candlelight vigil for the
memory of the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre every year.

"As you can imagine, the Alliance is not frightfully popular with the
dictators in Beijing, hence they may get caught up in this Section 23 (a
pending Hong Kong law on 'subversion and sedition') business," said Kinchen.
"Ho Pak Yan is an awfully good man, a great man, and I admire him so much. If
you cherish freedom and democracy in Hong Kong, then you must support the

In an exclusive interview with WorldNetDaily, Ho explained how his movement

"The Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Democratic Patriotic Movements in China
was formed in May of 1989. It is an umbrella organization that brought
together representatives of more than 200 local groups (including labor,
religious, political and community-based organizations). As Hong Kong's
largest grass-roots pro-democracy organization, the HK Alliance coordinates
the movement locally through activism and mobilization. We seek to promote
freedom and democracy in China by bringing together those who share this
vision," he said.

What are HK Alliance's goals and activities?

"Since its inception, the Hong Kong Alliance has striven to accomplish the
following five goals: the release of pro-democracy activists and dissidents
imprisoned in China; accountability for those who committed the atrocities in
1989; to rehabilitate the 1989 pro-democracy movement; end the one-party
dictatorship; and build a democratic China. On three occasions, over one
million Hong Kong people took to the streets, expressing their support of the
student activists and decrying their brutal suppression."

The activities of the Hong Kong Alliance have become a part of the fabric of

[CTRL] Corporate donors seek return on investment in Bush campaign

2001-03-06 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Corporate donors seek return on investment in Bush campaign

Philip Morris has numerous ties to the Bush administration

By Tom Hamburger, Laurie McGinley and David S. Cloud

WASHINGTON, March 6 - For the businesses that invested more money than ever
before in George W. Bush's costly campaign for the presidency, the returns
have already begun. MBNA America Bank was one of the single largest
corporate donors to the Bush campaign and other GOP electoral efforts last
THE BANK AND ITS EMPLOYEES gave a total of about $1.3 million, according to
the Center for Responsive Politics, a non-partisan clearinghouse here.
Charles Cawley, MBNA's president, was a member of the Bush "pioneers,"
wealthy fund-raisers who each personally gathered at least $100,000 for the
presidential campaign.
Mr. Cawley hosted Bush fund-raising events at his home in Wilmington, Del.,
last year and, in 1999, at his summer home in Maine, north of the Bush
family retreat in Kennebunkport. At the Maine affair, 200 guests gathered
in the early evening on the large porch of the Cawley home, situated on a
hill with a sweeping view of the Atlantic Ocean.  Guests sipped cocktails
and heard a brief talk by the candidate.
The money didn't stop on election day. Mr. Cawley and his wife each gave
the maximum of $5,000 to help fund Mr.  Bush's fight in the Florida vote
recount. Mr. Cawley gave an additional $100,000 to the Bush-Cheney
inaugural committee, the most the committee would take from a single donor.
Last week, MBNA's investment began paying off. The company, one of the
nation's three largest credit-card issuers, has been pushing for years to
tighten bankruptcy laws that allow certain consumers filing for court
protection, in effect, to disregard obligations to credit-card companies
and other unsecured lenders. On Wednesday, the White House announced that
President Bush would sign a bill now moving through Congress that would
make it tougher for consumers to escape such debts. If enacted, the measure
could translate into an estimated tens of millions of dollars in additional
annual earnings for each of the big credit companies.
MBNA's vice chair, David Spartin, says his firm has no way to estimate how
the legislation would affect the company's bottom line. MBNA has backed the
bill for years "because we think it is good for consumers," as it will
"reduce the cost of credit for everyone," Mr. Spartin says.  The donations
to President Bush and other candidates were made because "we think they
would make excellent public officials," he adds. No MBNA official "has ever
spoken to President Bush about the bill," Mr. Spartin says.
Many corporations feel like a new day is dawning in Washington. "We have
come out of the cave, blinking in the sunlight, saying to one another, 'My
God, now we can actually get something done,' " says Richard Hohlt,
Washington lobbyist for several other major banks which, like MBNA, are
backing an industry coalition whose members provided some $26 million to
Republicans during the 1999-2000 campaign cycle.
President Clinton last year vetoed a similar bill that would have toughened
bankruptcy law. Consumer groups argue that such legislation would weaken
protection for working families, many of whom have been the targets of
aggressive credit-card marketing.
Also in action last week were members of a large coalition of Mr. Bush's
business backers who want to roll back new federal rules designed to
protect workers from repetitive-motion injuries.
In a private meeting with congressional leaders last Tuesday, President
Bush signed off on a plan to kill the ergonomic regulations, using the
powers of the Congressional Review Act. That act, passed in 1996, gives
Congress 60 days to reject regulations issued by federal agencies. But it
was never used during Mr. Clinton's term because to take effect, a
resolution rejecting new rules has to be approved by the president.
Repealing the ergonomic rules ranks high on the priority lists of the U.S.
Chamber of Commerce, the National Association of Manufacturers and the
National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors. The trade groups
technically don't endorse candidates, but each of them mounted major
grass-roots and advertising campaigns that benefited Mr.  Bush and other
Republicans in the 2000 elections.
A repeal would be a particularly hard loss for organized labor, which has
fought for enactment of the ergonomic rules for 10 years, saying they are
needed to protect workers from wrist, back and other injuries.
On employee safety, consumer bankruptcy and a host of other issues, Bush
administration officials maintain they are acting strictly on the merits,
not the money. Proponents of the bankruptcy bill, for example, point out
that personal bankruptcy filings reached a record 1.4 million in 1998. The
bill that would toughen the bankruptcy law won stron

[CTRL] AF News 7 Mar 01

2001-03-06 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

0313. Shuttle makes first landing at Cape Canaveral AFS

by Ken Warren
45th Space Wing Public Affairs

CAPE CANAVERAL AIR FORCE STATION, Fla. (AFPN) -- For the first time, a space
shuttle landed at Cape Canaveral AFS.  Perched on top of a modified NASA
747, the shuttle orbiter Columbia made its historic landing here March 5.

The landing marked the end of a "ferry flight" from Palmdale, Calif., where
Columbia was undergoing extensive avionics upgrades at Boeing facilities.
Ferry flights normally land at the Kennedy Space Center's shuttle landing
facility.  however, the SLF wasn't available for Columbia because the
shuttle orbiter Atlantis was parked there after landing on a separate its
ferry flight had landed about four hours earlier.

With Atlantis parked on the SLF and the need for additional ramp space there
for aircraft supporting the March 8 scheduled launch of the next shuttle
mission, there was not enough room to park Columbia.  The lack of space at
Kennedy prompted the plan to land and park Columbia at the adjacent Cape
Canaveral AFS.

"Supporting two space shuttle landings on the same day required NASA and the
Air Force to share resources more than usual," said Lt. Col. Randy Horn,
Cape Canaveral AFS commander.  "Having Columbia land at Cape Canaveral AFS
is the latest example of the Air Force and NASA working together to build
Cape Canaveral AFS and KSC into an integrated spaceport."

This was the first time two orbiters have been airborne on special 747
carriers at the same time.  Atlantis returned from space last week, landing
at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif.  Both Atlantis and Columbia launched on
ferry flights March 1.

Forecasters from the 45th Weather Squadron flew aboard the two 747s,
providing NASA flight crews with weather data that allowed them to avoid
unstable weather en route back to Florida.  Air Force teams on the
"pathfinder" aircraft, flying approximately 100 miles ahead of the 747s,
monitored atmospheric conditions and relayed much of the data the
forecasters used.

Weather created delays when leaving California and flying back to Florida.
Ferry flights usually take two or three days, but it took five days to get
the orbiters back to Florida.

"Bad weather delayed our departure from California," said 2nd Lt. Barry
Hunte, of the 45th WS. "Then it changed our route.  We were originally
supposed to stop at Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma on our way to Florida,
but weather forced a detour to Dyess Air Force Base, Texas."

Hunte flew on the 747 that ferried Columbia back to the Cape.

"Our job was to watch the weather and make sure we stayed away from
conditions that might damage the orbiter, while at the same time getting the
flight as far east as possible every day," he said.

Hunte said the primary concern on any ferry flight is precipitation.

"With the weather patterns the country has experienced in the past week or
so, it wasn't easy getting back to Florida," he said.

The pathfinder aircraft that led the way back to Florida for Columbia was a
KC-135 assigned to the 91st Air Refueling Squadron, MacDill AFB, Fla.

"This mission was a dramatic departure from flying tanker missions," said
Capt. Gayle Abbas, Pathfinder co-pilot.  "We were busy and weather got in
the way, but it was a learning experience and a lot of fun.  We feel like we
contributed to America's space program.  It feels great being part of the

0318.  Air Force announces selections to colonel

RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, Texas (AFPN) -- The calendar 2001A colonel central
selection boards for judge advocate general, medical service corps and nurse
corps selected 55 lieutenant colonels for promotion to colonel.

The list of promoted officers is releasable March 8 (March 9 for those
across the international date line).

The entire list will be posted on the Air Force Personnel Center's World
Wide Web home page at http://www.afpc.randolph.af.mil, no later than noon
CST on
March 9.

The selection boards, which convened at the Air Force Personnel Center here
Jan. 8, considered 421 officers.  The results of the boards are as follows:

Selection statistics in-the-promotion zone for colonel:

JAG -- 26 selected from 50 considered for a 52-percent select rate

MSC -- Nine selected from 19 considered for a 47.4-percent select rate

NC -- 14 selected from 38 considered for a 36.8-percent select rate

Selection statistics above-the-promotion zone for colonel:

JAG -- One selected from 31 considered for a 3.2-percent select rate

MSC -- One selected from 20 considered for a 5-percent select rate

NC -- One selected from 33 considered for a 3.0 percent select rate

Selection statistics below-the-promotion zone colonel:

JAG -- One selected from 68 considered for a 1.5 percent select rate

MSC -- One selected from 70 considered for a 1.4 percent select rate

NC -- One selected from 92 considered for a 1.1 percent select rate.

[CTRL] WATER IS LIFE. Don't let them corporatize your water.

2001-03-06 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-


Think of oil and gas in corporate hands.


> Our New Resource Crisis
> By Peter Phillips
> Imagine, that we are beyond the energy crisis-in
> that we are used to paying double or triple prices
> for what in the previous century was a small part of
> the family budget.  But now we are faced with a new
> shortage that taps another precious resource.  Water
> only comes through the tap fours hours a day and we
> are forced to pay ten to hundred times what we paid
> in the 90s. Welcome to the world of privatized
> water, where fresh water is treated like a
> commodity, traded and sold in the international
> market to the highest bidder.
> No longer can you assume a God-given right to drink
> from a mountain spring, but instead you will have to
> pay a toll to drink from Enron Springs, Monsanto
> Wells or receive tap water from Bechtel Water Works.
> Global consumption of water is doubling every 20
> years, more than twice the rate of human population
> growth.  According to the United Nations, more than
> one billion people already lack access to fresh
> drinking water. If current trends persist, by 2025
> the demand for fresh water is expected to rise by 56
> percent more than the amount of water that is
> currently available.  Multinational corporations
> recognize these trends and are trying to monopolize
> water supplies around the world.  Monsanto, Bechtel,
> Enron and other global multinationals are seeking
> control of world water systems and supplies.
> The World Bank recently adopted a policy of water
> privatization and full-cost water pricing.  This
> policy is causing great distress in many Third World
> countries, which fear that their citizens will not
> be able to afford for-profit water.
> Last year in a little known case of high scale
> international water marketing, a supertanker was
> reported to have filled up with water from Lake Erie
> and after paying the Canadian Government they
> shipped the water to Southeast Asia.
> Maude Barlow, chair of the Council of Canadians,
> Canada's largest public advocacy group, states,
> "Governments around the world must act now to
> declare water a fundamental human right and prevent
> efforts to privatize, export, and sell for profit a
> substance essential to all life. Research has shown
> that selling water on the open market only delivers
> it to wealthy cities and individuals.  The finite
> sources of freshwater (less than one half of one per
> cent of the world's total water stock) are being
> diverted, depleted, and polluted so fast that, by
> the year 2025, two-thirds of the world's population
> will be living in a state of serious water
> deprivation." Governments are signing away their
> control over domestic water supplies by
> participating in trade treaties such as the North
> American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and in
> institutions such as the World Trade Organization
> (WTO).  These agreements give transnational
> corporations the unprecedented right to the water of
> signatory !
> compan
> ies.
> Monsanto plans to earn revenues of $420 million and
> a net income of $63 million by 2008 from its water
> business in India and Mexico.  Monsanto estimates
> that water will become a multibillion-dollar market
> in the coming decades.
> This international water crisis news story was
> selected by over 150 faculty and student researchers
> at Sonoma State University's Project Censored in
> California as the number one most censored news
> story for 2000.  Credit for original reporting goes
> to:
> International Forum on Globalization: Special Report
> 6/99, The Global Water
> Crisis and the Commodification of the World's Water
> Supply by Maude Barlow
> www.ifg.org/bgsummary.html
> THIS, July/August 2000, Just Add Water by Jim Shultz
> In These Times, Water Fallout: Bolivians Battle
> Globalization 5/15/00 by
> Jim Shultz www.inthesetimes.com
> Canadian Dimension, 2/2000, Monsanto's
> Billion-Dollar
> Water Monopoly Plans
> by Vandana Shiva
> www.purefood.org/Monsanto/waterfish.cfm
> Canadian Dimension, 2/00, Water Fallout, by Jim
> Shultz
> San Francisco Bay Guardian, 5/31/00, Trouble on Tap,
> by Daniel Zoll
> www.sfbg.com/News/34/35/bech2.html
> San Francisco Bay Guardian, 5/31/00, The Earth
> Wrecker, by Pratap Chatterjee
> Peter Phillips is an Associate Professor of
> Sociology at Sonoma State University and Director of
> Project Censored. Research for this story is from
> the book Censored 2001, 25th Anniversary Edition,
> scheduled for release in March of this year from
> Seven Stories Press.
> Peter Phillips Ph.D.
> Sociology Department/Project Censored
> Sonoma State University
> 1801 East Cotati Ave.
> Rohnert Park, CA 94928
> 707-664-2588

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizin

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] U'WA Colombia, Oil and the so-called War on Drugs

2001-03-06 Thread Kris Millegan

No sooner had LAND SAT delivered the first mineral assays from space of
earth's new found abundance, than mean and greedy minds began the most
genocidial programs to get the stinking peasants off the valuable places.

Napalm worked great for accouplishing this task.   No, there
was nothing like droping this inflamigant, that would not brush off the
skin as it burned, on a bunch of civilians for the rest to get the idea
that the ancient values of the worship of the ground where their ansestors
were burried was of secondary importance to avoiding this horror.

It is kind of sad but no one ever asks what happens in the end to the
land that is vacated by terror.  The rice farmers of Vietnam whose
economic activity was very difficult to profit from are now working the
minimum wage factory jobs in newly established cities making money for
you know who, but what has happened to the land?  Those Kissinger
divided this with did very well indeed.

Everyone did well except those who suffered in the war and the 2 1/2
million humans killed.  They did not show a profit.

This is the pattern that I predict in Columbia.

Brian Downing Quig

dawnstar wrote:
Its all very intersting the news coming out on the
re Occidental and Wahington (Gore, etc...)


> Here's several recent articles on the situation in Colombia. There
> coverage of both the U'wa and Oxy  in the corporate and financial
> as well as important analysis from the independant media about oil's
> central role to American involvement in Colombia.
> We hope that everyone who has worked to support the U'wa is continuing
> to educate themselves about the  broader context of Plan Colombia
> the battle against the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas. One
of the
> best things we can do to help the U'wa is to get the truth out about
> what is going on in Colombia.  Communities like the U'wa are
the ones
> who are paying the price for our addiction to fossil fuels. 
They are
> the people who are literally getting caught in the crossfire as U.S.
> military aid escalates the violence
> in Colombia.
> Write letters to the editor, educate your communities and keep on
> organizing to support the U'wa and all communities on the frontlines
> the corporate global economy.
> For a local organizing packet to help you support the U'wa in your
> community contact  Rainforest Action Network at
> 415-398-4404/1-800-989-RAIN or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For background information on the U'wa struggle and downloadable
> resources see :
> www.ran.org www.amazonwatch.org www.moles.org
> --
> In this Post
> #1 Yahoo Finance - Oxy pipeline temporarily shut down Feb 28th
> #2 Financial Times "Colombia strives to Strike Oil" Feb 19th
> #3 Oil Rigged : There’s something slippery about the U.S. drug war
> Colombia. Feb 15th
> --
> #1 Yahoo Finance
> NOTE – force majeure literally means "greater force"; a legal term
> when clause which allows for cancellation of contractual obligations
> caused by events beyond the party's control, such as natural disasters
> or wars.
> Wednesday February 28, 12:22 pm Eastern Time
> Occidental declares Colombia Cano Limon force majeure
> BOGOTA, Colombia, Feb 28 (Reuters) - Occidental Petroleum Corp (NYSE:OXY
- news
> ) has declared force majeure for production
> at its Cano Limon oil field in Colombia due to repeated guerrilla
> attacks on its pipeline, a company spokesman said on Wednesday.
> ``We have declared force majeure since Tuesday,'' a Bogota-based
> spokesman for Occidental's Colombian operation told Reuters.
> Oil output at Cano Limon field is ``shut down'' due to bomb attacks
> which stopped pumping on its 220,000-barrel-a-day capacity pipeline
> Feb 17, the spokesman said.
> Field operator Occidental receives 35 percent of the oil pumped through
> Cano Limon, Colombian state firm Ecopetrol owns 50 percent, and
> Spanish-Argentine oil company Repsol the rest.
> Output from the Cano Limon field in the eastern Colombian province
> Arauca -- a rebel stronghold -- accounts for less than 5 percent
> Occidental's total world production.
> The pipeline is a favorite target of rebels waging a 37-year-old
> against the government and was crippled by bombs 98 times in 2000
> though most of it is buried six feet (two meters) under ground.
> Its operators have been forced to declare force majeure twice in
> years
> --
> #2 Financial Times
> Colombia strives to strike oil
> By James Wilson in Cubara
> Published: February 19 2001 18:34GMT
> Far beneath the snow-capped peaks of the Cocuy mountains, half-concealed
> groups of soldiers watch a helicopter as it flies into a narrow valley.
> Dangling below the aircraft are more sup

[CTRL] AP: Jesse Jackson Makes Finances Public

2001-03-06 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Jesse Jackson Makes Finances Public

CHICAGO (AP) -- The Rev. Jesse Jackson has revealed financial
details for the four civil rights organizations he leads --
details that have long been kept private.

In a 102-page report Jackson gave the Chicago Tribune, he
indicated he receives a total annual salary of $120,000 from the
four organizations, the newspaper reported Tuesday.

Jackson has been under scrutiny since Rainbow/PUSH acknowledged
in January it paid $35,000 in severance pay to Karin Stanford,
with whom Jackson had a child during an extramarital affair.

In an interview with the Tribune, Jackson said the revelation had
sparked a ''concerted attack'' against him.

''I've seen this attack by the right wing before,'' Jackson said.
''It's about trying to dismember our organization.

''What we have to be judged by is the work we try to do,''
Jackson said. ''It's public service, not perfect service.''

In addition to his annual salary, Jackson said he earned $5,000 a
week from hosting ''Both Sides with Jesse Jackson'' on CNN and
undisclosed income from speaking engagements.

The Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, the Citizenship Education Fund, Push
for Excellence and People United to Save Humanity collectively
employ 102 people who are paid an average annual salary of
$42,145, the report said.

Jackson's travel expenses accounted for about $614,000 of the
more than $1.3 million his Chicago-based organizations spent on
travel last year. But more than $450,000 of that was covered by
Democratic Party committees as part of ''get-out-the-vote''
efforts, said Billy R. Owens, Jackson's chief financial officer
and author of the financial report.

Owens said Jackson's security detail for the days he spends in
Chicago costs his organizations about $62,000 annually.

Jackson's four organizations have distinct agendas and budgets,
but they share some board members, top staffers and office space,
the report said.

The Rainbow/PUSH Coalition and Citizenship Education Fund have
significantly larger budgets than the two other less visible

Citizenship Education Fund, which includes Jackson's' efforts to
boost the involvement of minorities in business, estimated its
revenues in 2000 at $10.2 million. Rainbow/PUSH, which finances
Jackson's social activities, including marches and housing
discrimination complaints, reported revenues of $5.2 million.

The organizations are financially sound, said Owens, whose
$137,500-a-year salary makes him the only employee with a higher
salary than Jackson.

Owens said a review of financial records since 1997 is not yet
complete, but ''there's been no evidence, thus far, to make me
believe that anything is wrong.''

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] MATTHEWS: 'Traffic II'?

2001-03-06 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

'Traffic II'?

Chris Matthews
Sunday, March 4, 2001

Washington -- THE JUNIOR SENATOR from New York reminds me of the
drug dealer's wife in "Traffic." She makes it her business not to
know her husband's.

A California cocaine smuggler wins a pardon from President
Clinton by paying Hillary Clinton's brother $200,000. To escape
questioners, Clinton makes a post-midnight car run from
Washington, D.C. to Chappaqua, N.Y. Left behind, she says she
knew nothing about the deal.

Four Hassidic men in New York get their sentences commuted after
their leaders deliver the community's vote to Hillary. The first
lady knows nothing of the reciprocity. All she did, she says, was
go to the White House meeting with the leaders.

A top contributor wins a pardon for her ex-husband, a fugitive
financier high on the government's Most-Wanted list. Again,
Hillary knows nothing.

Amid the rush of 11th hour presidential pardons under way, she
admits to innocently passing "envelopes" from pardon-seekers to
the White House counsel's office.

What convenience of mind! She only attended a "meeting," only
heard "rumors, " only passed "envelopes." Admitting the fact of
her behavior, she denies its purpose. She admits what is
provable, denies what is not.

The neatness of her confession makes Mrs. Clinton the emblematic
actor in this sordid piece. Her husband rakes in millions from a
fugitive's ex-wife. A chunk of that money goes to making Hillary
a senator. She gets to live the dream while Bill does what he has
to do to keep up the payments.

The arrangement is no problem for the crooks. If the president's
wife wants to pretend she's above the sordid trade in pardons,
that's fine with them. If the president's fund-raising friends
want to take the Fifth, that's their business.

What's important to the pardon-seekers is that the Clinton family
can be "reached". The new Sen. Clinton's electoral lifestyle
depends on a regular flow of campaign cash. The job of the
ex-president is to keep that flow of cash regular. To do that, he
needs to keep his service to the wealthy and well-connected
contributors just as regular.

That is what makes Clinton reachable by the likes of drug dealer
Carlos Vignali, whose father is a fat-cat Democratic fund-raiser,
the likes of Marc Rich, who has proven his ability to reach any

The loser in this deal is the country. Before this, we laughed at
the poor little countries that drug-dealers and international
crooks could buy. We mocked the Third World capitals where a
little money in the fingers of a certain family member would open
doors or close eyes.

Thanks to Bill and Hillary Clinton, we have now forfeited that
small national vanity. The next movie about international
drug-dealing ("'Traffic II?") may well feature not a Mexican
police chief but an American president as the bag man.

You can reach Chris Matthews at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] I.R.S. Steps Up Tax-Evasion Raids

2001-03-06 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

March 6, 2001

I.R.S. Steps Up Tax-Evasion Raids


The Internal Revenue Service said yesterday that it conducted its most
extensive raids ever last week, pursuing suspected promoters of tax evasion
schemes for affluent people.
The I.R.S. says that the promoters used foreign banks and trusts to help
people hide their income and create fake deductions.
Commissioner Charles O. Rossotti said more than three dozen searches were
conducted and four arrests made as the I.R.S. deployed about 300 of its
2,700 criminal tax investigators on such cases.
Among the targets were the Institute of Global Prosperity, which operates
on the Internet and promotes what the government says are a variety of
fraudulent tax and investment schemes.
Also under investigation is Jerome Schneider, the author of books on moving
money offshore to reduce or eliminate taxes. His California marketing
office, as well as records of his lawyer in Los Angeles, Eric Witmeyer,
were raided.
Also raided were the sales and administrative offices of Anderson's Ark,
which sells what the government calls sham trusts for tax evaders, out of
Costa Rica and the state of Washington.
Mr. Rossotti said that "last week's historic enforcement activities send an
unmistakable signal about I.R.S. commitment to pursue investigations of
promoters and their clients who would try to move money offshore to evade
Since the appointment of Mark E. Matthews as head of the I.R.S. criminal
investigation division in late 1999, the division has focused on promoters
of sham trusts and offshore banking.
Americans are taxed on their worldwide income, and the I.R.S. says that the
promoters used foreign banks and trusts to help people hide their income
and create fake deductions.
The I.R.S. is expected to seek indictments of the promoters. Investors in
such schemes are often offered deals to inform on the promoters and are
pursued civilly for taxes, interest and penalties.
Those arrested, all of whom are affiliated with Anderson's Ark, were
identified by the government as Wayne Anderson, 55, of Squaw Valley,
Calif., and Richard Marks, 57, of Los Osos, Calif., who were charged with
tax evasion and money laundering; and Richard Castellini, 55, of Bridgeton,
N.J., and Michael Gonet, 49, of Stow, Mass., who were charged as
accessories for reportedly referring clients.
Keith Anderson, 59, of Santa Ana, Costa Rica, the founder of Anderson's
Ark, said he and those arrested had done nothing wrong and would be
vindicated if tried. Mr.  Anderson, who is a federal fugitive, spoke by
telephone from a location that he declined to specify.
He said that "the criminal government of the United States" has deceived
people into believing that the income tax laws were properly enacted when
in his view they are illegal.
He said that for 21 years his "free enterprise organization" has been
helping Americans create "what the government likes to call trusts because
that sounds like a big deal, but these are just contracts between two
parties that help them build wealth" in ways that he said are not taxable.
Mr. Schneider has written books including "The Complete Guide to Offshore
Money Havens" and "How to Own Your Own Private International Bank," both
published by his own company in California.
Harland Braun, a Los Angeles criminal defense lawyer who said Mr. Schneider
hired him after the raid, said his client had not violated any law and only
promoted the lawful use of offshore banks.
Mr. Braun said that Mr. Schneider suspected that the undercover I.R.S.
agents mentioned in the affidavit supporting the search warrant were tax
evaders and, as a law-abiding citizen, turned them in to the authorities.
Mr. Schneider's seminars, held in Vancouver, British Columbia, and on
tropical islands, attract wealthy Americans. According to the affidavit,
Mr. Schneider sold private banks on Nauru, an island in the Pacific Ocean,
as a way to hide income and create fake tax deductions.
To hide income, a client would funnel unreported income to his bank on
Nauru.  Investments would grow unseen by the I.R.S. The bank would also
issue mortgages against homes in the United States, which would allow a tax
evader to take a mortgage interest deduction for money he paid to himself
through the bank.
The I.R.S. said clients were advised to slowly reduce the income they
reported to the I.R.S., a technique that the tax agency said would not be
detected by its computers when they search for patterns of tax fraud in the
data taken from income tax returns.
Mr. Witmeyer, the Los Angeles lawyer whom the I.R.S. characterized as an
accomplice of Mr. Schneider, did not return a call requesting an interview.
Officials and associates of the Institute of Global Prosperity did not
respond to an e-mail request and no listed telephone numbers could be found
for the promoters named in the search warrant.
Mr. Schneider also runs seminars that feat

[CTRL] Never, ever, trust your elites! -- j2

2001-03-06 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

"...everything that the Japanese were planning to do was
known to the United States..." ARMY BOARD, 1944

President Roosevelt (FDR) provoked the attack, knew about it in advance and
covered up his
failure to warn the Hawaiian commanders. FDR needed the attack to sucker Hitler to
declare war,
since the public and Congress were overwhelmingly against entering the war in
Europe. It was
his backdoor to war.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] New Files Tie U.S. to Deaths of Latin Leftists in 1970s

2001-03-06 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

March 6, 2001

New Files Tie U.S. to Deaths of Latin Leftists in 1970's


WASHINGTON, March 5 - A recently declassified State Department document
shows that Latin
American officers involved in Operation Condor, the joint effort in the
1970's by right-wing governments to crush left-wing opposition, used an
American communications installation to share intelligence.
A cable to the State Department in 1978 from the United States ambassador
to Paraguay at the time, Robert E. White, quoted the chief of staff to the
dictator Alfredo Stroessner as saying an American installation in the Canal
Zone was "employed to coordinate intelligence information" among South
America countries.  "Obviously," the cable said, "this is the Condor
network, which all of us have heard about over the last few years."
Mr. White wrote that he had not independently confirmed the accuracy of the
Paraguayan's report. But he recommended that Secretary of State Cyrus
R.  Vance "review this arrangement to insure that its continuation is in
the U.S.  interest."
To Mr. White's knowledge, he said recently, the review was never done.
But the cable appeared to open new avenues of inquiry about the American
role in Condor, a shadowy operation to stamp out the Latin American left
that, among other things, dispatched death squads to kill critics at home
and overseas.
Documents already made public have shown that the F.B.I. helped Condor's
efforts early on by investigating South American leftists who were arrested
and, in at least one case, tortured.
The cable was discovered by a Long Island University professor, Patrice
McSherry, among thousands of documents being declassified on American
relations with South American dictatorships.
If Latin American officers did use American facilities to transmit
intelligence, this would have provided United States officials the
opportunity to monitor Condor activities closely.
Lt. Gen. Samuel Wilson, retired, who was director of the Defense
Intelligence Agency through August 1977, said, "If such an arrangement
existed on an institutional basis, I would have known about it, and I did
not then and do not now."
However, he added, "that such an arrangement could have been made locally
on an ad hoc basis is not beyond the realm of probability."
But Peter Kornbluh, a senior analyst at the National Security Archive, said
the cable implied "foreknowledge, cooperation and total access" to the
plans and operations of Condor.
"The degree to which the U.S.A. knew about and supported these operations
has remained secret until now," he said. "The layers of the onion are
peeling away here."
Officially, Condor arose as a defense against Communist-inspired terrorism,
but its victims included government officials ousted in United
States-supported military coups, trade unionists, rights advocates and
suspected socialists. By 1978 investigators were tying Condor to the
killing of Orlando Letelier, the former Chilean foreign minister, and Ronni
Moffitt, an American colleague, in 1976 when the car in which they were
riding exploded in Washington.
In his cable, Ambassador White recounted a meeting with a Paraguayan
general, Alejandro Fretes Davalos, shortly after a Chilean official visited
Paraguay to discuss the Letelier case. Mr. White surmised that in telling
him American channels were being used to transmit intelligence for Condor,
the generals hoped to fend off questions from the United States Justice
Department about their role in the killings.
The cable said Condor nations "keep in touch with one another through a
U.S.  communications installation in the Panama Canal zone, which covers
all of Latin America."
"This U.S. communications facility is used mainly by student officers to
call home to Latin America," the cable continued, "but it is also employed
to coordinate intelligence information among the Southern Cone countries.
They maintain the confidentiality of their communication through the U.S.
facility in Panama by using bilateral codes."
Mr. White, who currently runs the Center for International Policy, a
research organization, sent his message directly to Secretary Vance in
recognition of its sensitivity and his recommendation. In a recent
interview, however, he said he had received no response: "Nobody reacted in
any way, shape or form."
"What it suggests to me is that people in the U.S. government really
actively worked not to have this knowledge, this evidence, in play," he
said. "There are thousands of telegrams that come in each day. It's very
easy to just drop one down that big memory hole."

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politicall

[CTRL] Ko-KoSo-KoSoBoom

2001-03-06 Thread Taercel

-Caveat Lector-



March 2, 2001

The Coming Explosion in Kosovo
by Ted Galen Carpenter
Ted Galen Carpenter is vice president for defense and foreign policy studies at the
Cato Institute and the editor of "NATO's Empty Victory: A Postmortem
on the Balkan
Secretary of State Colin Powell recently pledged that the Bush administration would
"stay the course" with its NATO allies in the peacekeeping and nation-building
missions in the Balkans.  "We went in together and we will come out together," said
Powell.  The secretary is committing the administration to a foolish and dangerous
course of action.
Washington might get away with keeping troops in Bosnia for the next four years
without having some of them return home in body bags.  Bosnia apparently has settled
into the comfortable rut of a "soft partition" that meets the minimum demands of the
three feuding ethnic groups.
The Bush administration is not likely to be so lucky in Kosovo.  Indeed, the
situation there deteriorates almost daily.  Inside the province, Albanian extremists
continue to launch attacks against the dwindling Serb population.
The attack that
killed nearly a dozen Serbs on a bus headed for commemoration ceremonies at a
cemetery is only the most recent outrage.
But the violence is no longer confined to Kosovo.  Tensions are mounting in areas
adjacent to the province.  Insurgents linked with the Kosovo Liberation Army have
attacked targets in the Presevo Valley—the portion of
Serbia across the border from
Kosovo.   The patience of the new democratic
government in Belgrade is dwindling as
NATO seems unable to stop the KLA's
campaign to carve off another piece of Serbian
The KLA's apologists in the United States typically excuse violence directed against 
Serbs as understandable vengeance for the mistreatment of the Kosovar Albanians at the 
hands of Slobodan Milosevic.  But the expansion o
the KLA's military offensive into the Presevo Valley shows that the more mundane 
motive of territorial greed is at work.
That point is made clearer by the KLA's recent trouble-making in Macedonia.
There have been incidents of sabotage in western Macedonia in recent months,
as well as armed clashes between Macedonian police and Albanian gunm
en.  The
confrontation escalated in late February with a fire-fight involving
insurgent forces and the Macedonian military.
United States and NATO troops now face the task of trying to prevent the KLA
and its offshoots from waging a war for territorial expansion against both
Serbia and Macedonia.  NATO already has decided to shrink the buffer
between Kosovo and the rest of Serbia that KLA fighters have been using as a
staging area for attacks in the Presevo Valley.  That is not likely to make
the KLA leadership happy.
Indeed, NATO's current predicament is similar to that of the British forces that 
entered Northern Ireland to stem religious violence in the late 1960s. Initially, the 
troops were there to protect Catholics from armed Prot
estant extremists.  As the mission dragged on, though, the Catholic population viewed 
the soldiers as an occupation force thwarting their dream of uniting Ulster with the 
Irish Republic.  They began to attack the troops,
and the British forces have spent most of the last three decades battling fighters
of the Irish Republican Army—at a cost of some 2,000 casualties.
Likewise, the KLA is emerging as NATO's main problem in Kosovo.  To Albanian
Kosovar expansionists, NATO is no longer the de facto ally that helped them
wrest Kosovo from Serbia's control.  It is now an obstacle to their
goal of
a Greater Albania that includes additional chunks of Serbian territory, as
well as most of western Macedonia.
During the presidential campaign, Condoleezza Rice stated that the United States 
should avoid peacekeeping and nation-building missions in the Balkans.  Candidate 
George W. Bush also expressed the view that the United
tes should withdraw its troops from that volatile region. Unfortunately,
both the president and Secretary Powell now seem to be retreating from that
But Rice was right.  The United States should exit the Balkans as quickly as possible. 
 We have no strategic or economic interests there that even remotely warrant the risks 
the administration is incurring.   Moreover, th
e window of opportunity for a graceful exit from Kosovo is closing.  If the 
administration does not act soon, it will be saddled with a thankless, dangerous and 
endless mission.

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[CTRL] REU: Pipes Show Cocaine Smoked in Shakespeare's England

2001-03-06 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Pipes Show Cocaine Smoked in Shakespeare's England

JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - Was William Shakespeare partial to a
good deal more than a pinch of tobacco while composing his

While there is no proof the bard delved into narcotics, clay pipe
fragments excavated from his Stratford-upon-Avon home and of the
17th century period show conclusively that cocaine and myristic
acid -- a hallucinogenic derived from plants, including nutmeg --
were smoked in Shakespeare's England.

The findings, published in the latest issue of the South African
Journal of Science, also show hints of residues of cannabis or
marijuana, but this has not been proven. Nicotine,
unsurprisingly, was one of the compounds firmly identified.

"The cocaine was found in two of the 24 pipe fragments examined,
which is really quite remarkable," Dr. Francis Thackeray, a
paleontologist at the Transvaal Museum in Pretoria who co-write
the article, told Reuters.

"The Spanish had access to it at that time in the Americas, but
the fact that it was smoked in England at that time is a first.
It is quite a find," said Thackeray, who is a distant relative of
the famous 19th century English author. "Cocaine was recorded in
Europe about 200 years ago, but to our knowledge never this
early," he said.

"Apparently no chemical analyzes have been undertaken to
determine what substances other than tobacco may have been smoked
in England during the 17th century," the article said.  It said
cannabis sativa, the plant from which marijuana is derived, "was
certainly accessible in Elizabethan England for paper, rope,
garments and sails."

The fragments, which were lent to Thackeray by the Shakespeare
Birthplace Trust, were examined with the help of Inspector Tommie
van der Merwe of the South African Police Service's Forensic
Science Laboratory.


The findings are certain to spark tantalizing speculation that
England's favorite writer may have been inspired to write his
enduring classics while under the influence of substances
associated with bohemian authors of the 20th century.

"There is some suggestive evidence in Shakespeare's own writing,"
said Thackeray.  "In sonnet 76 he refers to a 'noted weed' which
may have been a reference to cannabis," he said.

"In the same sonnet, he refers to 'compounds strange' and the
word compounds is a known reference to drugs," he said.  "But I
think Shakespeare, who may have experimented with these
substances, is saying he would rather turn away from them. I
would not read it as an endorsement of drug use," he said.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] CNN: Taleban says most of ancient Buddhas destroyed

2001-03-06 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Taleban says most of ancient Buddhas destroyed

Afghanistan's ruling Taleban said Saturday it has blown up most
of the massive, ancient Buddhas at Bamiyan despite worldwide
pleas to spare them.  Taleban Information Minister Qudratullah
Jamal said Saturday that the fundamentalist Muslim movement's
troops used rockets and mortars to destroy the head and legs of
the sandstone statues, which are carved into the side of a cliff
in central Afghanistan.


"Our soldiers are working hard to demolish their remaining parts.
They will come down soon," Jamal said.

No independent confirmation of Jamal's comments was available,
but they came after several reports that demolition of the
statues had begun Friday.

The Taleban, which rules more than 90 percent of the country, has
ordered the statues destroyed as part of a campaign to rid the
country of idolatrous and "un-Islamic" representations of the
human form -- an interpretation even many Muslim countries have

In addition, more than half of the country's pre-Islamic "idols"
have been smashed at historic sites around Afghanistan, Jamal
said. "They were easy to break apart and did not take much time,"
he said.

The 50-meter (175-foot) and 36-meter (120-foot) Bamiyan statues
are believed to have been built in the Third Century in a
combination of Asian and European styles.

Archaeologists, museum curators and scholars around the world
have urged the Taleban to spare them. The Taleban has imposed an
austere Islamic code on Afghanistan since it conquered most of
the country in 1996, and the fundamentalist Muslim movement has
refused pleas -- even from its closest ally, Pakistan -- to stop
the destruction.

"Respect for other religions and their beliefs is enjoined upon
all Muslims," Shamshad Ahmad, Pakistan's ambassador to the United
Nations, said Friday. "Islam is the religion of peace."

The U.N. cultural agency UNESCO said Afghanistan's location on
the ancient Silk Roads through central Asia give it a unique
history influenced by ancient Persia and Greece and the rise of
Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam.

Phillippe de Montebello, director of New York's Metropolitan
Museum of Art, said the relics targeted by the Taleban are "not
theirs to condemn and destroy."

A Buddhist monk beats up a burning effigy symbolizing
Afghanistan's Taleban regime, in Bombay, India, on Saturday

"In one fell swoop, what the Taleban are threatening to do is to
eradicate the very identity of a people and a major chapter in
the history of mankind,"  de Montebello said.

International envoys still hold out hope that the destruction of
Afghanistan's antiquities can be stopped. But they have found
themselves stymied by apparent differences within the Taleban.

Some officials have raised the possibility that some of
Afghanistan's relics could be handed over to a third country for
protection even as Jamal said the destruction was well under way.

Some diplomats say the statues' destruction will only cement the
Taleban's isolation from the world community at a time when
ordinary Afghans are suffering from famine and the lingering
effects of two decades of civil war.

Taleban fighters are still battling an opposition movement in the
northern mountains led by Ahmed Shah Masood, a hero of the war
against the Soviet occupation in the 1980s.

Afghanistan is under U.N. sanctions aimed at forcing the Taleban
to hand over suspected terrorist leader Osama bin Laden, who is
believed to be living there. "We are really shocked at what is
going on about statues in Afghanistan," said Enrico De Maio,
Italy's ambassador to Pakistan. "But we must not forget that the
problem is very general. It has to do with the life of the
people, the basic human rights of the people and women, their
food and their liberty to conduct a life that could be called a
near-decent life for the future."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no

[CTRL] NM: Invasion of Your Privacy Has Just Begun

2001-03-06 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Invasion of Your Privacy Has Just Begun
Charles R. Smith
Tuesday, March 6, 2001

Modern privacy is dead. Secrets are very hard to keep in an
electronic world filled with viruses, tappers, hackers, pirates
and government snoopers. It's no longer a matter of are you being
watched. In the 21st century, it's a matter of who's watching

According to Twila Brase, R.N. and president of the Citizens'
Council on Health Care, the lack of privacy can cost far more
than money.

"Outside access to phone and credit card information certainly
can make individuals feel vulnerable and can bring about loss of
credit, identity and finances, " stated Brase.

"However, phone numbers and credit card numbers can be changed
and funds can be moved to another bank. But with breaches in the
confidentiality of medical records, the stakes are higher,
particularly for those individuals in prominent positions.

"Access to one's medical care, mental health status, and
pharmaceutical use allows intruders to gain permanent information
about an individual - information that can be damaging or can
point to personal weaknesses," noted Brase.

"Such medical history, diagnoses and individual tendencies cannot
be changed like a credit card number. Access to this information
can provide a powerful tool to influence legislation, thwart an
election, make corporate decisions, decide terms of a merger or
build coalitions.

"Those who gain access to individual medical records through
breaches in electronic data systems can wield great power over
those who have the most to hide. In all likelihood, pre-election
access to President Clinton's medical record may have provided
evidence of his tendency to philander, thereby ending his
presidential bid," noted Brase.

"Patients and doctors need to begin to view all e-mail like a
postcard, open to the world. No physician should send sensitive
data by e-mail without specific written permission from the
patient. Although we've just heard about one e-mail virus, there
are undoubtedly others yet to come, along with intrusive devices
yet to be discovered and invented," stated Brase flatly.

"And let's not forget Carnivore, the great eavesdropping device
of the government that's now under scrutiny by civil rights and
privacy groups," noted Brase.

Both Clintons Led Attack on Privacy

Carnivore, the most recent example of FBI snooping software, is
reported to be able to scoop up all of targeted individuals'
Internet traffic, including e-mail. Carnivore is only one project
aimed at destroying America's privacy. In fact, the FBI under the
Clinton administration developed an entire series of hardware and
software devices intended to monitor U.S. citizens.

Bill Clinton, always first to claim some form of legal privacy
over his activities inside the Oval Office, did not carry the
same zeal when it came to defending others. The Clinton years of
attacks on privacy began with first lady Hillary and the top
secret part of her 1993 health care task force.

Hillary's National ID Card

Mrs. Clinton's task force drew up a plan to issue all U.S.
citizens a national health care ID card. According to documents
forced from the government using the Freedom of Information Act,
the plan included inserting a special government-designed chip
into the cards. The idea was the Department of Justice could then
monitor your health care providers for fraud and abuse. The
result would be to monitor you wherever you presented your card.

The Clipper project, a computer chip with an "exploitable"
feature, was developed in secret by the U.S. government during
the senior George Bush's administration.

According to the documents, the snooper chip and some of Mrs.
Clinton's involvement became public in 1993. One smart-card
manufacturer wrote the Clinton administration and argued against
the plan for the Clipper chip to be part of mandatory Hillary
Clinton health care.

"Health cards are a major new market for smart cards. ... One of
their greatest features is to increase the privacy of a citizen's
health record," wrote John M. Taskett, vice president of
Microcard Technologies, a company in Dallas.

"The current [Clinton] administration is also looking at a
national health card for all U.S. citizens. Surely the Department
of Justice does not need access to the keys within these cards?
Does the government have a need to know, even with a court order,
what is inside a citizen's health card if the citizen chooses to
keep it private?" asked Taskett in his 1993 letter to the U.S.
Commerce Department.

Project Led by Webster Hubbell

The Clipper chip, however, was intended for more than just your
Hillary health care card. The Clipper project also included
provisions to make the super-chip required in every telephone,
fax and computer made or sold in the U.S.

According to a March 1993 Justice Department memo from Stephen
Colgate, assistant attorney general for administrat

[CTRL] [MC] The FBI is the Catcher in the Rye ! How the FBI assassinated John Lenn (fwd)

2001-03-06 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[The below is part of a thread from anotehr list, i.e., a Mind
Control listserve.  Sorry for the fractured nature of it.  --MS]

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 06 Mar 2001 00:57:42 -0800
From: Catcher of The Catcher in the Rye
Subject: [MC]  The FBI is the Catcher in the Rye ! How the FBI assassinated
John Lenn

Dear Jim :

Thanks for your comments. And thanks especially for saying it was
well written. You might want to know that the info I posted here
is just a very brief Internet summary of a book I have written
which includes my dissertation for my Master's degree which was
on the assassination of John Lennon. The book isn't published
yet, and I'm currently looking for a publisher. I researched this
subject matter for about ten years and the chapter on the
assassination of John Lennon and Robert F. Kennedy has over 500
carefully annotated footnotes, something I for obvious reasons
couldn't and didn't want to pass on here.

Now with regards to the points you make :

1) For a thorough look at the Freedom of information numbers, see
Jon Wiener's book, "Gimme Some Truth, The John Lennon FBI files"
It's advertised on the Internet at :


Like I said, going into all this detail would not be possible
here nor desirable from an author's point of view who wants to
find a publisher for his manuscript.

2)Eleanor White's back-engineered Silent Sound device does have a
very slight Tinnitus effect. I have the device and I tested it
more than a hundred times. Apparently this Tinnitus effect
depends greatly on the exact configuration of components & parts.
But with a little bit of experimentation, it might even be
improved. Other ultrasonic devices I tested which were quite
similar did NOT have a Tinnitus effect. So in order to reproduce
the effect you have to follow the instructions in the circuits AS
EXACTLY AS POSSIBLE, then once you've got it, you can try to
improve it, by making it clearer.


3) Yeah, ok ! I concede, but they were interesting nevertheless.

4) Like I said, it was just a greatly shortned INTERNET version
of a much larger project. My manuscript is about 1524 pages. And
I couldn't even begin to condense that here.

Thanks again for your reply

Catcher of the Catcher in the Rye wrote :

How the FBI assassinated John Lennon




Greetings All ...

I found this "article" to be rather amusing. To me it came across
more as conjecture supported by what I would term as questionable

1.) There are absolutely no references to ANY of the Freedom of
information numbers that were supposedly used to gain access to
FBI or any other governmental agency "classified" information.

2.)The "devices" that were mentioned, that are claimed by "RAVEN"
to of been "reverse engineered", So far, have yet to work as
RAVEN describes on her web site, in ANY of my personal lab
experiments. Which was rather disappointing to me. Especially in
light of the expense generated for the material list for some of
her Rube Goldberg machines.

3.)The other web sites mentioned in this "article" are nothing
more than "personal pages" with no substansive or credible backup
to their claims.

4.) This "article" was well written in the fact that before the
average reader could subjectively look at what was being said, it
would immediately take off in a different direction. Usually
using "triggers" that would "grab" the readers attention, and
cause the reader to lose sight of what was previously read.

Of course, this is nothing more than my opinion. One last thing I
would like to mention. As the "sophistication level" of the list
increases, so does the "sophication of attack" towards the list.

Hi-Tech not only applies to the silicon chip and it's related
components, it also applies to the level or levels of "mental
attack" that can be reached via the written or spoken word.

Have a Great Week ALL !

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 06 Mar 2001 01:03:51 -0800
Subject: John Lennon assassination & plant wiring for the DEA

Thanks for your reply. I got it, but I simply didn't comment on
that because I'm not sure what to tell you in regards thereto and
I don't know the specifics of your case. Sorry. But I got it.

Good letter. The bottom part of the letter came back with > marks
on it and no comment on me wiring the plant for the DEA that made
all of the Synthetic Cocaine for the destruction of the blacks in
the inner cities.

They sometimes control my mail and at other times them allow it
to go out intact. I was just wondering if they deleted


2001-03-06 Thread byron wahl

-Caveat Lector-

--- byron wahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2000 23:24:36 -0700 (PDT)
> From: byron wahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject:  DEAD MAN RADIOACTIVE footnote
> Note: forwarded message attached.
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Kick off your party with Yahoo! Invites.
> http://invites.yahoo.com/

> ATTACHMENT part 2 message/rfc822
> Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2000 01:47:25 -0400 (EDT)
> From: "" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> About 3 or 4 days ago the Boston Globe online region
> section posted an AP
> report about a dead man's body found in a secluded
> area -- his body "placed"
> there -- in lower Manhattan's eastside if I recall
> correctly. When the body
> was brought into the morgue radioactivity detector
> alarms sounded. The
> radioactivity was confined to the interior of the
> dead man's body. No-one was
> contaminated. It was speculated that the man
> received radioactive isotopes
> intravenously during medical tests and died after
> leaving the medical
> facility. Why his body was "placed" in an
> out-of-the-way location was not
> mentioned. The story swiftly vanished from the
> Boston Globe online. The New
> York online newspapers have no record of the report
> in their archives. The
> event has been erased. Perhaps someone can learn
> more about this peculiar
> event and post their findings here.

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-03-06 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://www.freepressinternational.com/">

monday march 5, 2001
Countries of the WorldWorld Time Current Wars
And Conflicts

The State Of The World Report
please spread the word fast for your children

World Leaders Meet In Complete Secret


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FEMA  And The Takeover
the new  world order globalization  illuminati . council on foreign relations
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central intelligence agency . nafta . gatt . echelon . freemasons . nato .
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reports . stock market . free trade agreement of the americas . g7 . current
a must listen  Mind Control And The Media
New World Order Quotes
State Of The Current Mainstream Media

Congressman Ron Paul Blasts U.S. Corruption 10.14.2000

Ron Pauls Project Freedom

Free Press International Coverage Of World Leaders

U.S. Presidents And The Masonic Power Structurea must read
Could You Please Answer Some Of These Questions President Bush?
BUSH COMES OUT BOMBING   President Bush And The New World Order
President Bush Admiting To Time Magazine He Was A Member Of The Skull And
Bones Society At Yale University
The Skull And Bones Society
U.S. Governor Convicted Of Corruption

World Leaders Involved In Satanic Ritual

C.I.A.  Operatives Book Says World Leaders Involved In Pedophlia, Satanic
Ritual And Mind Control

Astronaut Gordon Cooper Reveals NASA Involved In Mind Control With Children

 DAVOS, SWITZERLAND 2001   World Leaders Meet:  Won't Allow Peaceful
Anti-Corruption Protests
CANCUN, MEXICO 2001   World Economic Forum Meets And Media Demonizes
Protesters As Militants

  Here's What The New World Order Has For Peaceful Protesters Exercising
Their Freedom Of Speech
GUN CONTROL   Disarming The People So They Can't Protect Themselves?

Former U.S. Defence Secretary  William Cohen Refers To Altering The Weather
And Setting Off Earthquakes!

World Weather Control  angels don't play this haarp!

Wars Are Done By Design

pearl harbor
4 Million People Just Starved To Death In North Korea Right Before The
Peoples Eyes

ABC's Ted Koppel Named As CIA Source  12.7.2000

quebec city, canada  april 20, 2001
Peaceful Protest Of The
Free Trade Agreement Of The Americas Meetings With World Leaders it says free
trade but its not

use your power and email anywhere in quebec city with your support for the

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] Toronto mining conference to hear from GATA

2001-03-06 Thread Kris Millegan

By Bill Murphy, Chairman
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.
March 5, 2001

Some of you may be attending the Prospectors and
Developers Convention in Toronto that begins on March
12. If so, I look forward to meeting you.

On Tuesday evening GATA will be hosting a hospitality
suite from 7 p.m. to midnight. Please join us at the Royal
York Hotel, Suite 9175. GATA is very grateful to Canadian
Royalties Ltd., which is sponsoring our opportunity to meet
people attending the convention.

GATA is also organizing the GATA Africa Gold Summit in
Durban, South Africa, around the middle of May. We expect
to attract the mining ministers of the African gold-producing
countries, the leaders of the political parties in South Africa,
gold producer executives and business leaders, and the leaders
of the mining and trade unions, among others.

We already have significant South African support for this

Not only will an impressive array of speakers elaborate
on the manipulation of the gold market, which has devastated
the economies of poor African gold-producing countries, but
we will offer African countries an ACTION PLAN with which
they can correct the travesty within a few weeks.

Today's response to GATA from Lawrence B. Lindsey,
President Bush's adviser for economic policy, acknowledging
that he appreciated receiving GATA's "information you sent
regarding the price of gold," is a signal to us that the Bush
administration is aware of and working on the gold problem.

GATA understands that the new administration may need
time to figure out how to handle the gold nightmare left by
the Clinton administration. The Bush people deserve some
time to figure out the best way to deal with it and how not to
be blamed for something they had nothing to do with.

The bottom line is that the gold price is going to soar, no
matter what solution they think best.

They have to act decisively and put the blame where it belongs.

At the summit, GATA will explain how a facet of the previous
U.S. administration along with a group of bullion banks determined
that their welfare was more important than the lives of millions of
black people and the economies of African countries led by blacks.

We have much more to present to the African mining ministers,
which I will not get into until the summit.

GATA extends special thanks to maverick geologist Keith Barron,
who has planned and executed this GATA undertaking for some
time now.


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[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] A letter from the White House, and a big gun enlists in South Africa

2001-03-06 Thread Kris Millegan

By Bill Murphy
March 5, 2001

To say the least, I was a bit surprised to see a letter from
The White House today when I picked up my mail. The
correspondence read:

* * *

   February 28, 2001

Dear Mr. Murphy:

Thank you for your letter. I apologize for the delay in my
response. I hope you understand how tremendously busy
I've been over the past several weeks.

I appreciate the information you sent regarding the price of
gold. I'll be sure to pass this along to the member of my
economic team who specializes in this area.

If there is any way my staff or I can be of assistance to you,
please don't hesitate to contact our office.

Thank you, once again, for your thoughts.


Larry B. Lindsey
Assistant to the President for Economic Policy

* * *

If that were not enough good news for one day, I just
received the curriculum vitae of Eric Bamoza Molefe, who
called GATA headquarters in Durban offering to lobby in
South Africa on our behalf:

* * *



Boston Unitversity, 1983, Diploma in Journalism

South African Newspapers Academy (1984), Diploma in

University of the North (1985-1988), 4th year B. Proc

Institute of Management (London) 1989
  Diploma in Finance
  Diploma in Marketing
  Diploma in Economics
  Diploma in Business Management

RAU University (1990)
  Diploma in Banking

Institute of Chartered Financial Analyst (1991)
 CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst)

International Management College (IMC) - 1992
  MBA (thesis pending)

Wits Business School (1993)
  JSE Course

University of Orange Free State (2000)
  Studying for LLB

Institute of Tax (RAU) - 2000
  Higher Diploma Tax


1983 Sowetan Sunday Mirror
1984 EP Herald and Financial Mail
1989 Cape Investment Bank
  (Banking Trainee)
1990 Prima Bank Limited
  1. Money Market
  2. Corporate Finance
  3. Funding Department
1994 PrimeVest
  Structured Finance Director
  Board of Stocks Business
  Running Family Complex
1996 Wits Nigel Ltd. (now New Mining Corp.)
  Group Managing Director
Ermeson Group Limited
  Executive Chairman
Powerlib Group Limited
  Executive Chairman
JCI Limited
  Executive Group Director
Excl Petroleum
  Deputy Chairman
Medicare Swaziland
  Executive Director


Institute of Chartered Financial Analyst
Institute of Directors
Associate member of the Institute of Bankers
Black Management Forum
Black Economic Empowerment Commission

* * *

Could GATA have a finer man in all of South Africa to
help us make our GATA Africa Gold Summit a success?

Gold traded very quietly today in a shortened session due to
the snowstorm enveloping the northeastern United States.

The CNBC types keep referring to the big deflation as a
reason Alan Greenspan should lower interest rates to help
out an increasingly desperate Wall Street. The CRB will
give them little solace. Early last week I pointed out the
unusually bullish look of the CRB chart pattern. The CRB
spent most of today around 226, way off recent lows, as its
sharp rally continues. Looks to me like it will make new
highs in the months to come.

Gold is making yearly highs in yen terms.

Canada sold 20,000 ounces of gold in February and is down
to a pitiful 1.2 million ounces left.

* * *

Brief gold rally wrong-foots investors

By Robin Bromby
March 5, 2001
The Australian

Asa rally it was short-lived -- but just long enough to show
gold's potential to catch some big players on the wrong

Gold rose to $US268.25 last week, its highest level for
seven weeks.

Those holding any of the many massive short positions
would have been given a fright.While the metal was back at
$US262.85 by Friday night, the brief rally had shown the
yawning gap between available physical gold and that sold
forward by traders and speculators. After all, these people
know that short positions -- gold sold on paper in the belief
that the physical gold can be bought at a cheaper price to
fill the contract in the future -- amount to something
between five and eight years' physical production.Annual
world gold production is about 2550 tonnes, but short
positions total several times that, with some estimates as
high as 17,000 tonnes.

The tight state of gold supply was thrown into relief last
week when leasing rates soared as high as 4.75 percent for
one month, against a rate of less than 0.5 percent for most
of 2000.

Even as late as the end of January, the monthly gold lease
rate was just 0.8 percent. By last Friday it was back down to
1.7 percent.The rally is being written off by some as just
one large short position being covered. But even if that
were so, the price and leasing rate jumps do illustrate the
potential for serious dislocation if there were to be a
sustained rally.

* * *

Slowly, but very surely, the Gold Cartel is being found out.
>From James Stock in Durban, South Africa:

"You might be interested to know that the market jobbers
(also known as market manipulators) got

[CTRL] Fwd: Conspiracy Digest E-Wire

2001-03-06 Thread Kris Millegan


Missing Chemical Weapons at Redstone & The
Strange Case of the Infamous Hanssen Affair

Please feel free to send far and wide...

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

[CTRL] Fwd: ARCHIVES - Alex Constantine's Political Conspiracy Research Bin

2001-03-06 Thread Kris Millegan


• CIA Tip Led to Mandela Arrest

• How the CIA Got Away with Domestic Spying

• The Death Squad Protection Act
• The CIA, Osama Bin Laden and His American Business Partners

• The CIA, a Mesquite Meth Lab & the Murder of JFK

• Benjamin Netahyahu is a CIA Agent

• An International Guide to CIA Death Squads

• CIA, Nazis & the Republican Party

• A CIA Nazi Recruit in Jewish Drag

• Nazis Planned Post-WW II Return

• The Early Days of the John Birch Society - Fascist Templars of the
Corporate State

• Early Radio & Nazi Technology

• Nazis and Foreign Affairs

• W.S. Journal on Secret Military Genetic Experiments
• The Roots of Corporate Fascism in America

• Author Links Bush Family to Nazis

• Dr. George Rupp, President of Columbia University - Fascism, Money
Laundering (and the CIA, too)

• Two Views of Joseph Korbel

• A Nazi Collaborator's Champagne Safari

• The Bush Legacy: Cocaine Profits

This is a land of electromagnetic squalls (Euegene, Oregon;Taos, New Mexico,
etc.), CIA mind control experimentation, telemetric harrassment of political
dissidents, cybernetic conversations with the brain, psychological warfare,
disappearing witnesses, "alien" abductions, cult terrorism, Nazi science,
child prostitution networks organized by Republican Party scions, "occult"
technology - and from the corporate press a solid wall of disinformation and
censorship. Welcome to these Altered States...

• The CIA & the Media

• William S. Burroughs on Electronic Mind Control

• Attorney Harassed with Microwaves (Injectable Transponder)

• Injectable Transponder: Description and Specifications

• A Short History of Psychosurgical "Violence Initiatives"

• Alien Baloney

• Whistleblower on CIA Brainwashing in Canada

• The CIA's James Tyhurst/Sex Slave

• Microchip Children

• Parents Claim Psychiatrist Tried to Turn Son into Killer

• "Playhouse of Horrors" - CIA Mind Control Experimentation, Recovered
Memories & the False Memory Syndrome Foundation

• Toward Freedom Article on the FMSF & CIA Mind Control Experimentation

• The False Memory SPINDROME Foundation - Dick Farley on a Very Odd

• Judicial Opinions on Dr. Ralph Underwager (X-FMSF)

• Stalking Curio Jones - An Open Letter to the San Diego Union-Tribune

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[CTRL] Fwd: CIA, Nazis & the Republican Party

2001-03-06 Thread Kris Millegan


CIA, Nazis & the Republican Party

   A Fresh Look
by Carla Binion

Nazis and the Republican Party Investigative reporter Christopher Simpson
says in BLOWBACK that after World War II, Nazi émigrés were given CIA
subsidies to build a far-right-wing power base in the U.S. These Nazis
assumed prominent positions in the Republican Party's "ethnic outreach
committees." Simpson documents the fact that these Nazis did not come to
America as individuals but as part of organized groups with fascist
political agendas.
 The Nazi agenda did not die along with Adolf Hitler. It moved to
America (or a part of it did) and joined the far right of the Republican
Simpson shows how the State Department and the CIA put high-ranking Nazis
on the intelligence payroll "for their expertise in propaganda and
psychological warfare," among other purposes...
PARTY) shows that Laszlo Pasztor, a convicted Nazi war collaborator, built
the Republican émigré network. Pasztor, who served as
adviser to Republican Paul Weyrich, belonged to the Hungarian Arrow Cross, a
group that helped liquidate Hungary's Jews. Pasztor was founding chairman of
the Republican Heritage Groups Council.
Two months before the November 1988 presidential election, a small
newspaper, Washington Jewish Week, disclosed that a coalition for the Bush
campaign included a number of outspoken Nazis and anti-Semites. The article
prompted six leaders of Bush's coalition to resign.
According to Russ Bellant, Nazi collaborators involved in the Republican
Party included:
1.Radi Slavoff, GOP Heritage Council's executive director, and head of
"Bulgarians for Bush." Slavoff was a member of a Bulgarian fascist group,
and he put together an event in Washington honoring Holocaust
denier, Austin App.
2.Florian Galdau, director of GOP outreach efforts among Romanians,
and head of "Romanians for Bush."
Galdau was once an Iron Guard recruiter, and he defended convicted
Nazi war criminal Valerian Trifa.
3.Nicholas Nazarenko, leader of a Cossack GOP ethnic unit. Nazarenko
was an ex-Waffen SS officer.
4.Method Balco, GOP activist. Balco organized yearly memorials for a
Nazi puppet regime.
5.Walter Melianovich, head of the GOP's Byelorussian unit. Melianovich
worked closely with many Nazi
6.Bohdan Fedorak, leader of "Ukrainians for Bush." Fedorak headed a
Nazi group involved in anti-Jewish wartime pogroms.
The Philadelphia Inquirer ran an article on the Bush team's inclusion of
Nazis (David Lee Preston, "Fired Bush  backer one of several with possible
Nazi links," September 10, 1988.) The newspaper also ran an investigative
series on Nazi members of the Bush coalition. The article confirmed that the
Bush team included members listed by Russ Bellant.
Journalist Martin A. Lee, has written for The Nation, Rolling Stone, The
San Francisco Chronicle, and other publications. In THE BEAST Republican
Party's ethnic outreach arm recruited members from the Nazi émigré network.
Lee says that the Republican Party's ethnic outreach division had an
outspoken hatred of President Jimmy Carter's Office of Special
Investigations (OSI), an organization dedicated to tracking down and
prosecuting Nazi war collaborators who entered this country illegally.
Former Republican Pat Buchanan attacked Carter's OSI after it deported a few
suspected Nazi war criminals.
According to Lee, public relations man Harold Keith Thompson was
principal U.S. point man for the postwar Nazi support network known as die
Spinne, or the Spider. In the late 40s and early 50s, Thompson worked as the
chief North American representative for the remaining National Socialist
German Worker's Party and the SS. Lee writes that the wealthy Thompson gave
generously to Republican candidates Senator Jesse Helms and would-be senator
Oliver North. Thompson's money gained him membership in the GOP's
Presidential Legion of Merit. Lee says Thompson also "received numerous
thank-you letters from the Republican National
Committee." Those letters are now in the Hoover Institute Special
Collections Library. Christopher Simpson writes in BLOWBACK that in 1983,
Ronald Reagan presented a Medal of Freedom, the country's highest civilian
honor, to CIA émigré program consultant James Burnham. Burnham was a
psychological warfare consultant who promoted something called
"liberationism." Just before the 1952 election, the CIA worked up a
multimillion-dollar public relations campaign aimed at selling Americans on
expanding cold war activities in Europe. Part of the guiding theory (given
the name "liberationism") was the idea that certain Nazi leaders from World
War II should be brought in as "freedom fighters" against the USSR.
Reagan said that Burnham's ideas on liberation "profoundly affected the
way America views itself 

Re: [CTRL] It Can't Be Worse Than "OZ"

2001-03-06 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

>Uh...a couple of questions here...What "greater detail" do we
>actually want or need? What, there is no Mike Tyson fight
>available that night so we have to resort to this? Heck even
>the XFL sounds more appealing than this! Who plays Bill Clinton?

Since it is a DOCUMENTARY, presumably nobody 'plays' anybody else


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [corp-focus] Corporate Spooks

2001-03-06 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

> Corporate Spooks
> By Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman
> Corporate espionage is the dirty little secret of big business in
> America
> today.
> Corporations spy on other corporations. They spy on citizen groups.
> They
> spy on governments.
> To protect their reputations, corporations don't admit to spying. But
> they
> do it.
> Corporate spies call themselves "competitive intelligence
> professionals."
> There is even a professional association of corporate spies -- the
> Society
> for Competitive Intelligence Professionals (SCIP).
> SCIP denies that "competitive intelligence" is espionage and denies
> that
> "competitive intelligence professionals" are spies.
> "Espionage is the use of illegal means to gather information," says
> the
> SCIP web site (www.scip.org).
> And SCIP says its members do not practice espionage.
> SCIP says that its members gather their information legally from
> public
> sources and are bound by a strict code of ethics, which requires
> compliance with all laws and disclosure of "all relevant information,
> including one's identity and organization, prior to all interviews."
> Marc Barry is out to upend SCIP's apple cart.
> Barry is a corporate spy. He's not a member of SCIP, because he says
> he's
> not a hypocrite.
> Of course corporations spy, he says.
> Of course SCIP's members spy, he says.
> In fact, they hire him when they don't want to get caught doing a
> company's dirty work.
> In the business, he's known as a kite.
> "A kite is somebody who is essentially expendable, somebody who is
> flown
> out there, and if it hits the fan, the controller can cut the string,
> deny
> knowledge and let the kite fly off on its own," Barry told us last
> week.
> "I provide my clients with actionable intelligence that they either
> don't
> know how to get themselves, or they don't want to get caught
> collecting
> themselves," Barry said. "I provide plausible deniability to my
> clients.
> In the event that an operation is blown and there is litigation or
> worse
> -- a criminal charge -- they can deny all responsibility by denying
> knowledge."
> With plausible deniability, Barry's corporate clients "can claim
> ignorance
> by demonstrating in court that I am in fact a consultant, that I
> signed
> documents saying that I would abide by all ethical rules, and that
> they
> had no idea what I was doing," he says.
> Barry runs about 40 capers a year.
> "I do very well for myself," Barry said. "All of my clients are
> Fortune
> 500 companies. I deal at the executive level. I'm either dealing at
> the
> chief executive officer, or the chief operating officer level. The
> very
> lowest would be vice president of marketing."
> Recently, a SCIP board member hired Barry to run an operation against
> Kraft Foods on behalf of Schwan's Sales Enterprises.
> In the winter of 1997, Kraft had developed a new "rising crust" pizza
> under the brand name DiGiorno. Schwan's was moving a similar pizza
> under
> the name Tony's.
> Kraft, a unit of Phillip Morris, was planning a massive advertising
> campaign to position DiGiorno's as the only frozen pizza to taste
> like
> pizza-parlor pizza.
> The SCIP member phoned Barry.
> He knew Barry could quickly get information on the Kraft operation.
> Posing as a reporter for the Wall Street Journal, as an
> environmentalist,
> and as a graduate student, Barry collected the information Schwan's
> wanted
> in less than two days. Job completed. Barry wrote about the operation
> in
> a Spooked: Corporate Espionage in America (Perseus, 2000, co-authored
> by
> Adam Penenberg).
> Someone at Kraft read the book, ordered an internal investigation,
> and
> tripped across a second espionage operation. Last month, Kraft sued
> Schwan's for theft of trade secrets.
> Isn't Barry concerned about the ethics of lying?
> "To my knowledge, in all 50 states, it is not illegal to lie," he
> says.
> "The only people I listen to are the United States Department of
> Justice
> and state and local law enforcement officials."
> What about dumpster diving -- going through someone's garbage?
> "Dumpster diving is perfectly legal, providing there is not a sign
> posted," Barry says. "The courts have held that if it is left to be
> accessed by commercial carters, then it is no longer private
> property. It
> is only private property if there is a 'no trespassing' sign and you
> had
> to trespass to get into the dumpster."
> What about using an answering machine pick -- a device used to
> remotely
> grab someone else's message off the target's answering machine?
> "That's probably a gray area," Barry says.
> "Do you use picks?" we ask.
> "Fine, and you?" Barry answers.
> Barry wonders whether SCIP members are adhering to the organization's
> "code of ethics."
> "If you go to one of their functions, it looks like a sixth grade
> dance --
> where you had all the boys on one side and all the girls 

[CTRL] Fwd: Boasts to Friends Went Unbelieved (washingtonpost.com)

2001-03-06 Thread Aleisha Saba

Interesting item - and in this article it speaks of Williams room being
shot up, etc.

Williams, the kid said he got the idea from a song to shoot up the
school - maybae he saw the movie Heathers which was quite a time before
Littleton - but drugs involved once again and the mother was in military
- but we have another smiling killer who is fifiteen years old, and the
Prosecutor gets in on the show with boy prosecute him as an adult - with
the natural kill instinct of a prosecutor.

So life is so cheap in America - was reading today on this Chris Ofili,
the English painter who painted Black Madonna in dung, etc.  And how
certain Rock Stars supported this art - remember too this one ugly rock
star, with the song We're Not Going to Take It Anymore - in the film
version of song he pushes his father out the windowthen we have the
popular Rap Stars they call them with the kill whitey?

TV Violence and these morons want to see warning signs of kids in
trouble?   You have to be kidding - warning signs?  Look to Hollywood
where they play games with our chldren - notice how many moves have kids
being slaughtered - big joke?

Sinking into sublime pictures - what someone needs to do is file a few
law suits - seems odd Larry Flynt a front for drus can sell his
pornography and be made into an American Hero in movies - yet kids are
not permitted to say a prayer in school - but sodomy teachings is A-Ok.


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Boasts to Friends Went Unbelieved
_Related Article_
• 2 Students Die in Calif. Shootings(The Washington Post, Mar 6,
_Live Online_
• Joanne McDaniel, interim director of the Center for the
Prevention of School Violence, will discuss the Santana High shooting on
Tuesday, March 6 at 11 a.m. EST.
• Vincent Schiraldi, founder and president of the Center on
Juvenile and Criminal Justice, discussed school violence and the Santana
High School shooting. Read a transcript.
 • At a press conference, San Diego County Sheriff William
Kolender, Santana High School Principal Karen Degiescher and San Diego
District Attorney Paul Pfingst update reporters on the shooting.
• President Bush offered condolences to the victims' families in
the Santana High School shooting.
• Recent School Shootings
_Special Report_
• Juvenile Violence
_On the Web_
• Santana High School Web Site
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By Michael A. Fletcher and Sharon Waxman
Washington Post Staff Writers
Tuesday, March 6, 2001; Page A01
If he was not talking about owning a gun, Charles "Andy" Williams was
spinning some wild tale about stealing a car and riding off to Mexico.
As recently as last weekend, though, he seemed to embrace a more ominous
idea, one he had raised on and off for months: shooting up his new high
school. He even offered to enlist some friends in the plot.
As always, no one really took him seriously.
But in a tragic repeat of other school shootings that have rocked rural
and suburban communities from Kentucky to Colorado in recent years,
Williams is accused of making good on his boasts. The 15-year-old
freshman is being held in a shooting that left two dead and 13 wounded
at Santana High School in suburban San Diego.
In many ways, the broad outlines of Williams's life fit the profile of
the suspects in the string of school shootings. Pale and scrawny, he was
the constant butt of jokes. After moving to California from Maryland, he
hung out with a bunch of skateboarders who dabbled in drugs and did not
fit in with the mainstream high school crowd. And when he talked about
his plans for mass murder, no one knew quite what to make of them.
"He was a talker," said Andrew Kaforey, 17, a Santana senior who said he
knows Williams well. "He would talk a lot of stuff and would not act on
it. He'd say he's going to steal a car and drive to Mexico. That he was
going to shoot people. You wouldn't really think about it."
Others said they didn't put much stock in Williams's bravado. Chris
Puttbrese, 16, says when he heard rumors that Williams was thinking
about bringing a gun to school, he thought he didn't have the nerve to
do it.
Jacob Kaforey, Andrew's younger brother, said that Williams seemed to
enjoy the attention that his bragging brought to him: "He would just say
anything that he thought would be cool."
Williams and his father moved to California from tiny Knoxville, Md., in
Frederick County, last year. Neighbors near the two-story, yellow
clapboard home where 

[CTRL] Fwd: Cries From Palestine and Cries From Israel - Appalling Indeed!

2001-03-06 Thread Aleisha Saba

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  "My sister-in-law just called crying - about 4 hours
  ago Al-Bireh had about 3 minutes of heavy gunfire.
  her neighbor, Aida, was walking back home on the Friends
  road from Ramallah after shopping for the Eid holiday.
  Her husband was walking with her when a single bullet
  from Pesgot settlement entered her shoulder and tore
  into her body.  Rushed to Ramallah hospital she was
  pronounced dead 30 minutes laterher kids are home
  and were informed a few minutes ago that their mother
  will never come home  Today, Saturday, we laid to
  rest a beautiful 9-yr old boy.Tomorrow, Sunday, we
  will bury Aida. Monday is only two days away..."
  Sam Bahour - Saturday

  "In the past 24 hours, the Israeli forces have escalated
  their attacks on Palestinian civilians. They have tightened
  the siege imposed on the Palestinian towns, especially
  Ramallah and el Bireh... The Israeli forces' escalation of
  attacks have resulted in the killing of three Palestinians
  during the last 24 hours. A fourth has died of wounds of an
  earlier shooting. Apparently in all four cases, those killed
  had not been taking part in any demonstrations or clashes
  and were not posing any threat to Israeli soldiers or
  settlers when they were killed."
 LAW Society - Saturday

  "The iron grip of the closure in its new format is
  increasingly strangling a population of 2.8 million
  people, yet no one is saying a word, not around the
  cabinet table of the outgoing government - the peace
  government - not among those who are going to serve
  in the new government, and not in the opposition
  of the Zionist left."
 Gideon Levy - Sunday

MID-EAST REALITIES © - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 3/04:
   Appalling!  Outrageous!  War Crimes!  Revenge!
   They are different kinds of cries of course.  The Palestinians are bleeding,
dying, and being collectively strangled and tortured.  But from at least
some Israelis and some Jews around the world there are cries of serious
anguish and moral protest.

 By Gideon Levy

[Ha'aretz, Op Ed, 4 March 2001]:
The Palestinians' cemeteries will be filled with visitors tomorrow.  Every
year the Palestinians visit the graves of their loved ones on the morning
of the Feast of the Sacrifice, Id al Adha; tomorrow they will be visiting
more than 300 fresh graves, of which 87 hold the remains of children. Then
they will return to their homes for the festive meals.  This year, though,
few families will be partaking of sheep's meat, the traditional food of
this holiday, but will be eating chicken instead, because of the price.
 And many children will not be wearing new holiday clothes, as is the custom,
because their parents don't have the money to buy them. There will also
be fewer than the usual number of guests - some relatives won't be able
to attend because of the closure imposed in the territories.

It has been a long time - since their calamity in 1948 - that the Palestinians
have endured such a hard Feast of the Sacrifice.  Just an hour's drive
from Jerusalem, a cruel drama has been under way for the past five months
the likes of which have not been seen since the early period of the Israeli
occupation, but the majority of Israelis are taking absolutely no interest
in it. The iron grip of the closure in its
new format is increasingly strangling a population of 2.8 million people,
yet no one is saying a word, not around the cabinet table of the outgoing
government - the peace government - not among those who are going to serve
in the new government, and not in the opposition of the Zionist left.

It has to be said starkly and simply: There has never been a closure like
this there, in the land of the barriers and the closures. In the worst
of the times of the previous Intifada, when the IDF was in every corner
and curfew reigned supreme, there was not a situation in which a whole
people was jailed without a trial and without the right of appeal. Appeal?
If in the past the fate of a woman about to give birth,
or of a sick person who was about to die, depended on the humanity of the
young soldier who was manning the roadblock, and who either let them pass
or not, now the Palestinians can only dream about a good soldier who once
might perhaps have raised the barrier: Israel has split the West Bank by
means of hundreds of trenches, 

Re: [CTRL] Cloning around - Raelians

2001-03-06 Thread Steve Wilson
Eternal youth
you clone your body
 and transplant your brain or head into disgard the old
then there also the implants.