[CTRL] Fwd: Israeli Massacres

2001-03-14 Thread Aleisha Saba

So is this all true?   Israelis like doctors who wear gloves in order
not to leave fingerprints?  Some of the incidents equate to the US
Liberty?   The author claims to just print the facts without
antisemitism involved - the facts speak alone.


I of Three Parts


Israeli Massacres:
Details and Numbers
Although the Image that Israel distributes about herself is that of an
oppressed nation, it is with heavy hearts that we present these crimes
that stand for themselves for the brutality of the Israeli Army and the
heartlessness of its soldiers who seem to have a thirst for blood. It is
for the hope that the world may see a clearer picture that we present
these painful facts. It is interesting to notice that today's media does
not dwell on these crimes as they do on the Holocaust. They are reported
in the news for a week or two and then swept into the sea of oblivion.
Those who attempt to revive the true history of Israel are charged of
being anti-Semitic. So with the hope to keep those memories in mind we
present this shameful history of  Israel that seems to have found that
the role of Goliath is more interesting than that of David.
The following list of massacres is by no means exclusive, but they
reflect the nature of the Zionist occupation of Palestine and Lebanon
and show that massacres and expulsions were not aberrations that happen
in any war, but organized atrocities with only one aim, that is to have
a Zionist state which is 'goyim rein'.

The King David Massacre
The Massacre at Baldat al-Shaikh
The Semiramis Hotel Massacre
The Massacre at Dair Yasin
Salha Massacre
The Massacre at Qibya
Khan Yunis Massacre
The Massacre in Gaza City
Aitharoun Massacre
Kawnin Massacre
Hanin Massacre
Bint Jbeil Massacre
Abbasieh Massacre 
Adloun Massacre
Saida Massacre
Fakhani Massacre
Beirut MassacreSabra And Shatila Massacre
Jibsheet Massacre
Sohmor Massacre
Seer Al Garbiah
Maaraka Massacres
Zrariah Massacre
Homeen Al-Tahta Massacre
Jibaa Massacre
Yohmor Massacre
Tiri massacre
Al-Naher Al-Bared Massacre
Ain Al-Hillwee Massacre
Siddiqine Massacre
Aramta Massacre
Deir Al-Zahrani Massacre
Nabatiyeh (school bus)  Massacre
Mnsuriah Massacre
The Sohmor Second Massacre
Nabatyaih Massacre
Qana Massacre
Trqumia Massacr
Janta Massacre
24 Of June 1999 Massacres 
Western Bekaa villages Massacre:
The King David Massacre:
 The King David Hotel explosion of July 22, 1946 (Palestine), which
resulted in the deaths of 92 Britons, Arabs and Jews, and in the
wounding of 58, was not just an act of "Jewish extremists," but a
premeditated massacre conducted by the Irgun in agreement with the
highest Jewish political authorities in Palestine-- the Jewish Agency
and its head David-Ben-Gurion.

 According to Yitshaq Ben-Ami, a Palestinian Jew who spent 30 years in
exile after the establishment of Israel investigating the crimes of the
"ruthless clique heading the internal Zionist movement,"
 The Irgun had conceived a plan for the King David attack early in
1946, but the green light was given only on July first. According to Dr.
Sneh, the operation was personally approved by Ben-Gurion, from his
self-exile in Europe. Sadeh, the operations officer of the Haganah, and
Giddy Paglin, the head of the Irgun operation under Menachem Begin
agreed that thirty-five minutes advance notice would give the British
time enough to evacuate the wing, without enabling them to disarm the
 The Jewish Agency's motive was to destroy all evidence the British
had gathered proving that the terrorist crime waves in Palestine were
not merely the actions of "fringe" groups such as the Irgun and Stern
Gang, but were committed in collusion with the Haganah and Palmach
groups and under the direction of the highest political body of the
Zionist establishment itself, namely the Jewish Agency.
 That so many innocent civilian lives were lost in the King David
massacre is a normal part of the pattern of the history of Zionist
outrages: A criminal act is committed, allegedly by an isolated group,
but actually under the direct authorization of the highest Zionist
authorities, whether of the Jewish Agency
 during the Palestine Mandate or of the Government of Israel
 The following is a statement made in the House of Commons by then
British Prime Minister Clement Attlee:
On July 22, 1946, one of the most dastardly and cowardly crimes in
recorded history took place. We refer to the blowing up of the King
David Hotel in Jerusalem.
 Ninety-two persons lost their lives in that stealthy attack, 45 were
injured, among whom there were many high officials, junior officers and
office pers

[CTRL] NYDN: Eye Ex-Dem Chief In Clemency Votes Probe

2001-03-14 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Eye Ex-Dem Chief In Clemency Votes Probe

Daily News Staff Writer

A federal probe of possible presidential clemency for votes in
New Square, Rockland County, has zeroed in on a fallen Democratic
leader who was close to Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, sources said

Manhattan U.S. Attorney Mary Jo White wants to know whether
former Rockland Democratic leader Paul Adler let Clinton or her
Senate campaign aides know that the Hasidim of New Square wanted
clemency for four of their members convicted of fraud, said two
sources familiar with the probe.

The leadership of the New Square Hasidim had long made it clear
they wanted a pardon for the four men. The town voted 1,400 to 12
for Clinton. Paul Adler

The former First Lady has not categorically denied knowing about
the Hasidim's interest in a pardon before the election, although
she has said the subject was not mentioned when she made a
campaign stop in New Square in August.

In December, she participated in a White House meeting with
representatives of the community when they pressed then-President
Bill Clinton for a pardon, but she has insisted she said nothing
on the subject.

Two weeks ago, the FBI subpoenaed two boxes of documents from the
Rockland County Democratic Party ‹ all of which had to do with

The county's new Democratic leader, Vincent Monte, said he turned
over to the FBI yesterday a raft of documents related exclusively
to Adler.

The subpoena requested "computer records, e-mails, notes,
correspondence, memoranda, calendars, diaries, journals,
correspondence, pickup or delivery receipts, telephone records
and messages authored by and or maintained by or received by Paul

Monte said the records he submitted, however, contained mostly
telephone records and little of substance.

He said Adler did not turn over to the party much of the material
mentioned by the FBI, including written agendas and e-mails that
could show whether party or campaign officials knew about the
clemency issue in the heat of the campaign.

Sources said the FBI wants to know whether Adler or one of his
aides mentioned New Square clemency to the First Lady or one of
her aides before Election Day.

That could bolster a case connecting the request for clemency to
the New Square Hasidic community's overwhelming vote for her.

Adler also is seen as a possible key to the investigation because
he is vulnerable.

Last month, he pleaded guilty to tax charges that could land him
in prison for up to five years.

He is scheduled to be sentenced in May.

If he can provide information to the FBI in the New Square probe,
he conceivably could see his term reduced.

Adler's lawyer, Murray Richman, said, "My client was not involved
in that at all." He added that Adler has not been approached by
the FBI.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NYT: Bush Chooses Chief for Federal Prosecutions

2001-03-14 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

March 15, 2001

Bush Chooses Chief for Federal Prosecutions


WASHINGTON, March 14 ó President Bush today named Michael
Chertoff, formerly chief Republican counsel of the Senate's
Whitewater inquiry and United States attorney in New Jersey, to
head the Justice Department's criminal division, a powerful post
that would place him in charge of all federal prosecutions.

If confirmed, Mr. Chertoff would oversee a broad portfolio of
criminal cases, including terrorism and bank robbery. He would
play a significant role in decisions relating to official
corruption cases, including any prosecution that might arise from
the 177 pardons and commutations that President Bill Clinton
granted on his final day in office.

In recent years, Mr. Chertoff has switched from being a
prosecutor to being a defense lawyer in private practice at the
firm of Latham & Watkins in Newark.

At the same time, Mr. Chertoff has been special counsel to a New
Jersey State Senate committee that has examined inmate release
policies of the state's corrections system and accusations of
racial profiling by the New Jersey State Police.

In 1995, Mr. Chertoff played a major role in Senate hearings into
the Arkansas business dealings of Mr. Clinton and his wife,

Mr. Chertoff, 47, the son of a rabbi and a gallery owner, is
married with two children. A former clerk for Justice William J.
Brennan of the United States Supreme Court, Mr. Chertoff
graduated from Harvard Law School and spent more than a decade as
a federal prosecutor in New Jersey and New York.

In New York, he was the lead federal prosecutor in 1986 when the
government won convictions against Mafia bosses in a case that
some law enforcement officials described as a Waterloo for the
New York Mafia.

Mr. Chertoff successfully prosecuted Mayor Gerald McCann of
Jersey City in 1991 for fraud and tax evasion, and a consumer
electronics retailer, Eddie Antar, known as Crazy Eddie, for
racketeering and fraud in 1993.

One of Mr. Chertoff's better- known cases was the prosecution of
Sol Wachtler, a chief judge of the New York State Court of
Appeals, who was arrested in 1992 on charges of harassing and
attempting to extort his ex-lover. Mr. Wachtler pleaded guilty to
kidnapping threats.

Attorney General John Ashcroft said today that he had started to
replace the Clinton administration's 93 United States attorneys
with Bush appointees, which Mr. Ashcroft said would be completed
by June.

Asked about Mary Jo White, the federal prosecutor in New York,
Mindy Tucker, a spokeswoman for Mr. Ashcroft, said Ms. White
would remain on the job indefinitely. The reason, Ms. Tucker
said, is "primarily because of Ms. White's involvement" in the
case of Osama bin Laden, suspected of orchestrating terrorist
acts, and not because of her office's investigation into the
pardons issued by Mr. Clinton.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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[CTRL] Fwd: Subject: MSANEWS: TWP: Investigative Report: An International Jewish Mafia?

2001-03-14 Thread Aleisha Saba

Interesting items - source 1996 at Ohio State from Copenhagan press.
Now Russian and Jewish Mafia let us just say KGB and Mossad for better
clarification - drugs galore, murder inc., and the murder of JFK was the
beginning .for it was RFK and JFK who took on Mafia while
Hoover preferred just to call them "communists"


Story to big to reproduce.might even find Richie Rich aka Marc Rich
aka Marc Reich indirectly connected to this one for Lansky and Rich at
one time were linked together.
So pull up under subject matter if interested.



[CTRL] Fwd: GOP News & Views - March 15, 2001

2001-03-14 Thread Aleisha Saba

Activist Alert

ISSUE:  Taxpayer-financed Salem State College has hired Bill Clinton to
speak on March 26, at a reputed fee in excess of $100,000.  After degrading
the Oval Office and leaving a legacy as possibly the most corrupt
Administration in United States history, Bill Clinton should not receive
huge payoffs bankrolled by unwilling taxpayers and tuition-paying students.

ACTION ITEM:  Sign the petition to Salem State College President Nancy D.
Harrington demanding that she cancel the appearance by Bill Clinton:
http://action.SixtySecondActivist.com/ .  Please forward this message to as
many people as you can.

A ... Don't You Just Feel S Sorry for Him?

"Clinton's aides ridicule reports that paint him as a yuppie hermit. But the
truth is that Clinton has become trapped in a kind of exile in Chappaqua, 40
miles from New York City. He lives in a not-quite-furnished house that
visitors say has a sparse supply of food and the kind of mismatched dishware
that a college freshman might have.  Clinton's only steady companions in
Chappaqua are his dog, Buddy, and a former White House valet who has helped
him learn modern skills he never needed to master before: getting cash from
an ATM, operating his PalmPilot, even putting a telephone call on hold."

- OpinionJournal.com, 3/14/01

It's the Spending, Stupid

"Meanwhile, back inside the Beltway, the latest fiscal gizmo has surfaced -
the so-called 'trigger.' Five 'moderate' Republican senators have joined
with six 'moderate' Democratic senators in proposing that tax cuts be halted
in any year the federal government fails to reach its debt-reduction target.
In other words, the more Congress fails to control spending, the more it
will be rewarded with tax windfalls.

"Mind you, this 'trigger' idea comes from members of a body that repeatedly
blew holes through numerous spending caps in recent years; that lacked the
guts to sequester spending when the Gramm-Rudman deficit targets were
repeatedly missed; and that failed utterly to deliver the 3-for-1 spending
cuts Congress promised Ronald Reagan in 1982 in exchange for a tax increase.
If these 'moderate' senators are so enamored with the idea of enforcing a
'trigger', let them do so on the spending side of the budget ledger."

- Washington Times editorial, 3/14/01

Willie Sutton Democrats

"Whenever the left wants to achieve a goal, it doesn't ask about morality or
rights.  It asks where the money is.  Are the elderly allegedly having
trouble paying for prescription drugs?  Let's club drug manufacturers over
the head and force them to lower their prices.  Workers feel they need more
money?  Let's jack up the minimum wage.  After all, employers have plenty of
money - so let's grab some of it."

- Columnist Robert Tracinski, Creators Syndicate

Lobbying For More Money With Your Money

"Thirty-one nonprofit groups that have united to oppose President Bush's
tax-cut plan are recipients of federal tax money, according to the Capital
Research Center.  'It is not surprising that these organizations would
oppose any cuts in one of their major sources of revenue - money collected
from American taxpayers,' said Capital Research Center President Terrence
Scanlon.  The groups are part of the 'Fair Taxes for All' coalition created
to oppose tax cuts."

- Greg Pierce's "Inside Politics," 3/14/01

See What Happens When You Appoint a Democrat

"In a stance potentially at odds with the Bush administration,
Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta said he opposes efforts to privatize
the air-traffic control system, pronouncing the idea dead on arrival on
Capitol Hill.  The administration is calling for studies of privatized
air-traffic control systems in other countries to weigh whether such a
system would reduce gridlock at the nation's airports. Labor leaders
vigorously oppose privatization, and have been eager to hear how Mr. Mineta,
the cabinet's lone Democrat, would deal with the issue."

- Wall Street Journal, 3/14/01

Hypocritical Democrats Begin Jumping Reform Ship

"John B. Breaux of Louisiana today became the first Senate Democrat to break
publicly with his party on the overhaul of campaign finance law
(McCain/Feingold). He said he would not support the leading bipartisan bill
to change the system unless it was significantly altered before a final vote
in the Senate. ... Until now, certain that Republicans would kill the bill
year after year in Senate filibusters, the Democrats stood united behind the
measure. But in the past year Democrats drew virtually even with the
Republicans in raising large soft money contributions, while continuing to
lag the Republicans in raising the smaller, regulated contributions known as
hard money."

- New York Times, 3/14/01

The Right Not to Have Your Feelings Hurt

[CTRL] [HardGreenHerald] # 10

2001-03-14 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

[HardGreenHerald] # 10

"Unless someone like you cares a whole lot, nothing is going to get better.
It's not."
--Dr. Seuss, 'The Lorax'

--A RadTimes production--

--Tiny But Deadly, Invasive Pests Rampant Worldwide
--Eco-terrorism bills sail through Oregon House
--Oregon House passes ecoterrorism measures
--Jaws of Justice Close on European Eco-Criminals
--Bush Caves In To Fossil Fuel Industry
--Meat From Europe Is Banned by U.S. as Illness Spreads
--Foot And Mouth Crisis May Spread Across Globe
--One million animals to die


Tiny But Deadly, Invasive Pests Rampant Worldwide

MONTREAL, Canada, March 12, 2001 (ENS) - Invasive alien species might sound
like science fiction but to officials from 180 countries meeting in
Montreal today, they are real and deadly serious.
The delegates represent governments belonging to the 1992 Convention on
Biological Diversity. They will talk about often tiny species, typically
with long Latin names, that cause untold damage to economies and ecosystems.
Species like the
Dikerogammarus villosus, a one inch shrimp from the Ukraine with an
insatiable appetite for small fish, that is now devouring species native to
Germany and Holland after hitching a 3,200 kilometer (2,000 miles) ride up
the Danube and Rhine rivers in freighter ballast waters.
Or the Hibiscus mealybug (Maconellicoccus hirsutus), a sap sucking insect
currently killing plants and fruit and forestry trees across the Caribbean.
Or the zebra mussel, (Dreissena polymorpha) believed to have cost the
United States up to $5 billion since its introduction to the Great Lakes,
via freighter ballast waters in 1988.
"Over the past few centuries, invasive alien species have caused untold
damage to natural ecosystems and human economies alike," said Klaus
Toepfer, executive director of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP).
"In today's highly integrated world, where tourism and trade offer more and
more opportunities for unwanted species to hitchhike to new homes, we
urgently need a more effective international system for turning back the
tide of harmful non-native species," said Toepfer.
Invasive alien species are considered to be the most important threat to
biological diversity loss after habitat destruction. No part of the world
is immune from the threat or the affects of invasive species, whose spread
threatens more than just native plants and animals.
Worldwide, increased pesticide use is the most visible reaction to foreign
pest species, which creates its own risks to human health and the environment.
The Convention on Biological Diversity addresses the impact of alien
species on forest, agricultural biodiversity, freshwater and marine and
coastal areas, and in dry and sub-humid lands.
It has three main objectives: To promote "the conservation of biological
diversity, the sustainable use of its components, and the fair and
equitable sharing of benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic
This week's meeting in Montreal is officially known as the sixth meeting of
the Convention's Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological
Advice (SBSTTA).
Delegates will consider 17 draft principles for action against invasive
alien species. The principles have broad titles, such as the precautionary
approach, the ecosystem approach, border controls and quarantine measures,
intentional and unintentional introductions, eradication, control, and
The meeting will consider national reports
explaining governments' current efforts as well as case studies.
"The reports confirm that invasive alien species are a major issue for
biodiversity management," said Hamdallah Zedan, the Convention's executive
"The problem is that most countries have a very limited ability to cope
with the problem. Increased collaboration and capacity building will be

Invasive species are causing problems in the following areas:

--Introduced fish can eliminate native species and reduce biodiversity.
Some 20 percent of all freshwater fish species are at risk of becoming
extinct in the near future because of this, according to UNEP.
--Invasive plant species cover an estimated 100 million acres in the U.S.
and are spreading annually across three million additional acres, an area
twice the size of Delaware. U.S.  farmers spend billions of dollars every
year on pesticides to destroy invasive plants and weeds.
--The corn rootworm, (Diabrotica virgifera) was accidentally introduced
into southeastern Europe in the late 1990s during the Balkans conflict.
This pest is now spreading and threatening the region's maize (corn)
--The invasive sea lamprey has decimated trout and other fish stocks in the
Great Lakes. Canada and t


2001-03-14 Thread Taercel

-Caveat Lector-

Ban, Boycott, Quarantine

>From www.wsws.org
WSWS : News
& Analysis : Europe
Trade barriers go up as foot and mouth disease spreads to France
By Mike Ingram
15 March 2001
Back to screen version| Send this link by email
France confirmed an outbreak of foot and mouth disease Tuesday March 13, after
widespread speculation that the disease had crossed the Channel from England.
British imports were blamed for the outbreak, after six cows were destroyed on a
farm in the Mayenne region of northwest France. The six animals were the first to
show signs of the blistering and lesions associated with the disease. All other
livestock on the farm was slaughtered in an attempt to prevent the spread of the
disease, with many fearing it will become a pan-European epidemic.
Outside Europe, cases have also been reported in Argentina and the United Arab
Emirates (UAE). The fist case in Argentina threatens the country's $500m beef export
sector. In the UAE, eight cases of foot and mouth have been discovered. The UAE
responded by banning the import of animals and birds without prior permission.
The first confirmed case in France was at a farm next to a holding unit that had
received British sheep. These were destroyed three weeks ago, but it appears to have
been too late to prevent the disease from spreading. Three other cases were reported
in France, all of which were linked to the Mayenne outbreak. A suspected case in
Italy was reported among sheep imported from France, some of which might have come
originally from Britain.
The crisis has serious economic consequences for European agriculture. Some three
hundred million animals are at risk and a number of countries have already imposed
import bans on meat from the European Union (EU). The United States and Canada
immediately announced a ban on all European meat imports upon confirmation of the
first case in France. They were quickly followed by Australia, New Zealand and South
Korea, while Japan imposed a ban on meat from the UK and France.
As with the issue of BSE/Mad Cow Disease, legitimate concerns over the possible
spread of the disease are fuelling an already intense trade conflict
internationally. At least partly responsible for the speed with which the US
responded is the fact that Europe had previously imposed its own ban on the
importing of hormone-treated US beef. According to the New York Times, the American
ban "prompted some European officials to complain that the Bush administration was
overreacting." In defending the action the New York Times says, "But three members
of the European Union—Belgium, Portugal and Spain—are closing their borders to
French meat, as is Switzerland. Norway banned imports of French farm products, and
Germany and Italy took protective measures... Argentina said it would voluntarily
restrict beef exports."
Britain remains the country worst affected by the current outbreak. With the number
of identified cases in Britain having risen to 205 Wednesday, all efforts at
containment have clearly failed. The situation is now officially recognised as being
worse than that of 1967—the last serious foot and mouth epidemic effecting British
livestock. Although the number of farms where the disease has been confirmed is
still lower than at the same stage of the 1967 crisis, the emergence of large-scale
farming means much greater numbers of animals are effected.
Farms are today six times larger than the average holding in 1967 and keep more than
1,000 animals compared to an average of just 100 in 1967. The average number of
animals to be slaughtered in each confirmed outbreak has risen from fewer than 200
in 1967 to more than 600 today.
The present size of flocks and herds is also a factor in how far the disease has
spread. In 1967, it was much easier to spot a few sick sheep among a smaller flock,
but among 1,000 or more animals this is much more difficult. Even as the slaughter
proceeds, new outbreaks are already being prepared, as infected animals remain
Coming as it does in the aftermath of the BSE crisis, the impact upon British
agriculture has been devastating, and could bankrupt many of the country's few
remaining small farmers. Farming accounts for just two percent of the workforce in
Britain, with only 20 percent of farms being family owned.
The economic impact of the present outbreak is already being felt beyond the
agricultural sector, however. The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) has written
to the British Bankers' Association, the Inland Revenue and Customs and Excise
(responsible for tax collection) and the Local Government Association urging them to
show restraint in their demands for repayments of loans and overdrafts, tax,
national insurance contributions and business rates in the wake of the foot and
mouth crisis.
The FSB website says it is not just farmers who are experiencing difficulties
because of the crisis: "Businesses in the transport, retail, leisure, tourism and
service sectors in particular

[CTRL] [radtimes] # 181

2001-03-14 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

[radtimes] # 181

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
Send $$ to RadTimes!!  -->  (See ** at end.)

--Who owns the US Government?
--Trading in rifles for schoolbooks
--The unknown icon (Marcos/Zapatistas)
--EZLN: words of the rebel women


Who owns the US Government?

Below are "Contributions From Selected Industries to Federal Candidates
and Parties, 1990-2000" in the U.S.

$117,711,747 - Oil and Gas
$ 58,426,889 - Automotive
$ 51,070,027 - Electric Utilities
$ 35,242,032 - Chemical and Related Manufacturing
$ 24,756,971 - Forestry and Forestry Products
$ 17,945,784 - Mining
$  6,950,843 - Total Environmental Contributions

Source:  Center for Responsive Politics
as printed in Sierra Club Magazine, March/April 2001 issue, page 19.


Trading in rifles for schoolbooks

By Andres Cala
THE GAZETTE [Montreal]
Thursday, 8 March 2001

URIBE, Colombia -- Seventeen-year- old Juan Triana walks the gravel roads
of Uribe, one of the five counties demilitarized by the government for
peace negotiations with FARC rebels, carrying his notebook on the way to
school - instead of the AK-47 he strapped on his shoulder for almost three

With a weak boy's body, the scars of an adult's face and a stoic deep
speech he uses to surround his listeners, Juan tells of how he stopped
hiking across the southern part of Colombia, carrying his weapon and
campaign equipment with the 40th front of FARC, which is the Revolutionary
Armed Forces of Colombia. His unit was on the move every day, hiding on
this side of enemy lines, and training for the eventful battle with the
paramilitary or soldiers that surround the peace zone.

Now, he walks an "easy" kilometre to school, along with 61 other children
who have been released by the FARC since December by the 18,000 well-armed
Marxist-Leninist army, which has been fighting the government for 36

Juan shares a 14-square-metre boarding room with 11 other ex-guerrillas,
sleeping in bunkbeds, improvised into a farm near the airstrip where many
of their provisions have to be flown in since the nearest city is
separated by more than 12 hours of gravel road. In the winter, floods can
even double that time.

For the 62 child soldiers, whose ages range between 12 and 17, the war is
over, although they live in fear of one day being killed by paramilitary
forces who accuse them of being guerrilla supporters.

They no longer belong to the population of 6,000 minors still fighting in
the ranks of either paramilitary or guerrilla forces in Colombia, lured by
adventure, money, power and, of course, boredom, in an ongoing war in
which 4,000 people are killed every year.

'I am Juan Triana'

"I joined the FARC when I was 15 because I was bored. There was not enough
space in school, no connection to the outside world, no computers and no
books. My destiny was to farm, harvest, drink, get married, have children
and never leave. Education was never a possibility because we had no
resources," Juan said recently.

"But the guerrilla life offered adventure. They had weapons; girls liked
them; they traveled; they had power and even education. For me, and many
of the other boys in town, it seemed like a good idea to join the 40th
front of the FARC.

"During almost three years we trained a lot and moved around the
distention zone making sure the 'paracos' (a pejorative word used to refer
to paramilitaries) and military would not penetrate the (demilitarized)

"At first it was exciting, but then I realized military life took away my
liberty to do many things. In general I had to obey orders and I could not
make my own decisions. I also got tired of walking so much and not getting
any action.

"Although we were sometimes fired at, we never actually fought anybody. We
would go into town sometimes to make sure everything was safe, but that's

"Finally I got bored of that, too. I realized the only way I was going to
fulfill all my dreams was through education. I went up to 'Lucas,'
(commander of the 40th front) and told him I wanted to go back home.

"Rumours were told of the willingness of the Secretariat (the executive
command of the FARC composed by the seven top commanders, including
'Manuel Marulanda,' the maximum leader) to release guerrillas younger than

"Lucas told me he would consult with his superiors, and finally on

Dec. 1, he said I was free to go.

"I was the first one to arrive, but others have followed."

The Newcomers

The FARC decision to release some child soldiers was apparently adopted as
a new policy after the latest meeting, early F

[CTRL] Reu: Drought Hammers Marijuana Crop [in Florida]

2001-03-14 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Drought Hammers Marijuana Crop

ORLANDO, Fla. (Reuters) - Drug-eradication efforts got a boost
from Mother Nature in Florida, where a severe drought has stunted
the illegal marijuana crop, the Florida Department of Law
Enforcement (FDLE) says.

Law enforcement agencies seized 39,219 marijuana plants worth
$39.2 million from around the state in 2000, about 30 percent
less than the previous year and the lowest number in 20 years.

"If you think you're having trouble keeping your lawn alive,
imagine trying to covertly water an entire marijuana plot," FDLE
Agent Dave Broadway told the Orlando Sentinel Tuesday. "Mother
Nature has played a big part in the scarcity of the domestic crop
this year."

Meteorologists said 2000 was the driest year on record in
Florida, where most residents are under water-use restrictions,
outdoor burning bans and wildfire alerts.

Marijuana plants generally have short roots and need lots of
water, Broadway said. -- www.thenutters.com

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] MoJo 400 campaign finance project

2001-03-14 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-





Search the 400 by donor, state, industry, party, or recipient.


OR Browse the list by rank.



The top contributors in this industry are:

14. David Shimmon
off-track betting

19. Steven Kirsch
"the current system sucks"

21. Michael Perik
software's soft money

26. David Bohnett
from Yahoo to Stonewall

31. John Chambers
the Cisco kid
All contributors in this industry

Mother Jones
March 5, 2001

MoJo 400: Silicon Battleground

Special Report High-tech executives have become major campaign
donors -- and their politics are not what you might expect. A
special feature from our MoJo 400 campaign finance project.

by Sara Miles

Silicon Valley has been heralded as the Holy Grail of political
fundraising since the Internet boom took off in 1995. A new and
untapped industry without entrenched party loyalties, hyped to
the hilt, and run by young, politically naive bazillionaires --
it seemed a bagman's dream.

Both Democrats and Republicans, drawn by the lure of cold cash
and the romance of the hot new thing, flocked to the Valley
seeking supporters.

The conservative "New Democrats" of the Democratic Leadership
Council and New Democrat Network got their foothold first,
proclaiming a pro-business, pro-trade, pro-choice, pro-immigrant,
pro-gay rights, and antiunion message they pitched to resonate
with Northern California's young entrepreneurs. With the support
of Silicon Valley's preeminent venture capitalist, John Doerr of
Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield & Byers (No. 55, $477,500), the
Democrats assembled a brain trust of influential CEOs labeled
"Gore-Techs," who lent their cyber-cool to then-Vice President Al
Gore. Leaders of the Internet era like Steven Kirsch of Infoseek
(No. 19, $655,000) and Netscape co-founder Marc Andreessen (No.
71, $404,000) gave increasing amounts of cash to the party. The
White House and New Democrats in Congress responded with support
for high tech's agenda, including more visas for foreign
high-tech workers, a moratorium on Internet taxes, tax credits
for research and development, and support for free trade with
China. "This administration really gets it," said a satisfied

As the 2000 campaign heated up, however, things began to change.
The final figures show that Republicans took in $18 million from
high tech -- almost as much as the $19.9 million raised by
Democrats. The near parity is shocking, given that the Valley was
essentially Gore's to lose. Bush put together a national
high-tech advisory council that raised money from the computer

But an increasingly disorganized Gore campaign -- as well as what
Valley boys perceived as the vice president's postconvention
"populism" -- also drove techies into the compassionate embrace
of the Republicans.

"When Gore said the stock market was like playing 'roulette,' it
was the kiss of death," says a Democratic political consultant
who raised money for Gore in Silicon Valley. "Why is he dissing
the stock market? It makes everyone think he doesn't understand
the New Economy, that he's big government all over again." No
such fears with George W. Bush, who crowed to a high-tech crowd,
"If I am president, I will always take the side of... private
initiative over federal regulation." His rhetoric cheered
high-tech businessmen like John Chambers of Cisco Systems (No.
31, $582,933), Michael Dell of Dell Computer in Austin (No. 104,
$328,000), and Valley titan and former Netscape CEO James
Barksdale (No. 252, $212,000).

What donor in this industry wants to wire schools -- and profit from
running them?

Although the brash, baseball-capped CEO of ClickAction, Gregory
Slayton (who contributed just $22,985 of his own money to
Republicans), evangelized for Bush in the Valley and raised the
Texas governor's profile among younger entrepreneurs, Bush's
biggest high-tech supporters don't run startups. The
business-to-business corporation J.D. Edwards, whose chief, C.
Edward McVaney (No. 115, $312,000), gave to the Republicans, has
spent the last 20 years providing software for companies like
Mobil, Chevron, and R.J. Nabisco; the firm's fortunes are
directly tied to those of the finance, pharmaceutical,
automotive, and utilities industries. Richard Egan (No. 101,
$331,100), a former Lockheed and Honeywell executive, chairs the
EMC Corporation, which plans to spend $1.7 billion researching
software by the end of this year -- an incentive to seek more
generous R&D tax credits from the Bush administration.

Such techies are joined in their donations to Republicans by
mainstream venture capitalists and investment bankers who

[CTRL] FOX: Evidence Suggests President's Brother Received Pardon Payments

2001-03-14 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Sources: Evidence Suggests President's Brother Received Pardon Payments

Wednesday, March 14, 2001
By Rita Cosby E-mail This Story

WASHINGTON ‹ The U.S. attorney's office in Manhattan has
significant evidence that Roger Clinton "knowingly participated
in receiving" payments in 1998 from a client in return for his
efforts to obtain a pardon from his brother, former President
Bill Clinton, sources close to the investigation told Fox News.

FBI investigators recently headed to Texas to interview a mother
and son ‹ Alberta and Guy Lincecum ‹ who gave two checks for
$100,000 each to an Arkansas company called CLM, sources said.
The Lincecums said CLM's owners claimed Roger Clinton could get
their family member a pardon if the Lincecums paid that amount of

CLM owner Dickey Morton denied the checks from the Lincecums were
payment for a pardon of Guy's brother, Garland, the New York
Daily News reported Wednesday. Garland is serving a seven-year
prison sentence for his role in an investment scam. Morton said
the Lincecums gave the company $235,000 for "advice on a scheme
to use a Christian foundation to sell tax-exempt bonds in Las
Vegas," the Daily News reported.

The pardon was not approved by the former president, who was in
Denmark Wednesday to give a speech to members of a business club.

Through his spokesperson, Roger Clinton denied ever receiving any
money for pardons and said he had never heard of CLM. But a
former federal prosecutor said it's a bad sign for Clinton that
the FBI went to Texas so quickly.

"I think the fact that agents have gone down does give an
indication that there are significant leads, that there is
significant evidence that's beyond rumor, that's beyond
accusations," said Barbara Olson, a former federal prosecutor.

Sources also said a team of federal prosecutors led by U.S.
Attorney Mary Jo White is being supplemented by 15 FBI
investigators. White is reporting her investigation to the head
of the criminal division at the Justice Department. Michael
Chertoff was nominated on Tuesday by President Bush to take over
that post. Chertoff previously served as counsel to the Senate
Whitewater Committee and an assistant U.S. attorney for the
Manhattan office.

Meanwhile, managers of former President Clinton's legal defense
fund released their latest semi-annual report Wednesday showing
that as of December 2000, $8.7 million has been raised through
donations. However, the fund has only $600,000 on hand after
paying legal expenses related to the Monica Lewinsky scandal and
Whitewater. The Clintons have racked up more than $11 million in
legal fees ‹ of which about $4 million is still outstanding.

Among those who donated the maximum amount of $10,000 to the fund
is Denise Rich, the ex-wife of pardoned fugitive financier Marc
Rich. The fund's trustee sees no conflict of interest.

"No reason to return it," said Fund trustee Anthony Essaye. "I
should clarify there was a contribution from one of [Denise
Rich's] daughters, Daniella, at around the same time. But they
were both in 1998, and we felt that they would be totally
unrelated to anything relating to the pardon."

FOXNews.com's Sharon Kehnemui contributed to this report

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] AP: Justice Dept. To Study Pardons

2001-03-14 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Justice Dept. To Study Pardons

By Karen Gullo
Associated Press Writer
Tuesday, March 13, 2001; 12:56 PM

WASHINGTON –– The Justice Department has put a New York
prosecutor in charge of investigating last-minute pardons granted
by President Clinton, officials said Tuesday.

Attorney General John Ashcroft has made U.S. Attorney Mary Jo
White responsible for looking into cash-for-pardons allegations
concerning some of the 177 clemencies and commutations granted by
Clinton on the last day of his presidency, the officials said,
speaking on condition of anonymity.

They characterized the move as a routine consolidation of work
that allows White to investigate matters outside her
jurisdiction, the Southern District of New York. Some of the
allegations involve individuals in Arkansas, Texas and

The move does not mark an expansion of the pardon probe,
officials said, adding that White can pursue allegations having
to do with any of the pardons but has not been asked to
investigate all 177.

The Justice Department has not assigned a special team of
prosecutors to work on pardon cases and no additional
investigators have been detailed to White's office for the pardon
investigation, officials said. A small number of investigators at
the Justice Department in Washington will be kept apprised of her
work, they added.

If White finds evidence of criminal wrongdoing, she would decide
whether to prosecute those cases or could refer any evidence she
gathers to other jurisdictions.

White's Manhattan office already is investigating three cases:
the pardon of fugitive commodities broker Marc Rich, commutations
for four Hasidic Jews convicted of fraud, and the allegation that
Clinton's brother, Roger, received up to $200,000 for promising
to help a Texas man win a pardon.

Under the new arrangement, White can also look into the pardon of
convicted drug dealer Carlos Vignali, whose father is a major
political contributor. Los Angeles leaders supported Vignali's
early prison release, and U.S. Attorney Alejandro Mayorkas in Los
Angeles phoned the White House on behalf of the Vignali family.

The Vignali commutation also is under scrutiny because of the
role of Clinton's brother-in-law, Hugh Rodham, who was paid
$200,000 by Vignali's father, Horacio Vignali, to help get his
son released from prison after serving six years of a 15-year
sentence. Rodham later returned the money.

Mayorkas told the Los Angeles Times he would seek Justice
Department guidance on how his office should work with the New
York U.S. attorney.

"I would have to consult with the department as to how they deem
it might be proper to proceed," Mayorkas said.

© 2001 The Associated Press

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] AP: Riady's help probably won't lead to more prosecutions, feds say

2001-03-14 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Riady's help probably won't lead to more prosecutions, feds say

LOS ANGELES (AP)-- Indonesian billionaire James Riady's
cooperation has improved investigators' understanding of campaign
finance violations, but probably won't lead to more convictions,
prosecutors said in sentencing recommendations released Monday.

The cooperation of Riady, a key figure in the Democratic campaign
finance scandal, "has been helpful to the government in obtaining
a complete understanding of the scope and significance of the
illegal conduct," and produced foreign documents that otherwise
would have been unattainable, federal prosecutors said in the

The recommendations are in line with Riady's agreement with the
U.S. Attorney's Office to pay an $8.6 million fine, serve
probation and perform 400 hours of community service for using
foreign corporate funds to back Bill Clinton's 1992 presidential

Under federal sentencing guidelines Riady could be sentenced to
up to six months in prison, but prosecutors have agreed to ask
for no prison time, and Riady can back out of the plea agreement
if a judge rejects its terms.

Riady attorney Abbe Lowell declined to comment except to say the
defense will make its response to the recommendations in a filing
due Thursday.

Riady is to be sentenced March 19 in U.S. District Court in Los
Angeles, said Assistant U.S. Attorney Daniel O'Brien. The Justice
Department announced in January that Riady agreed to plead guilty
to a felony charge of conspiring to defraud the United States.

He will surrender and come to this country even though Indonesia
has no extradition treaty with the United States. He has agreed
to waive re-entry to the United States for two years, except to
cooperate with the continuing investigation.

Riady has met six times with U.S. prosecutors to provide
information, and his agreement requires him to continue to do so,
O'Brien said. He added that he expects Riady will testify before
Congress and the Federal Election Commission.

O'Brien said he wants more interviews with Riady to "answer any
unanswered questions."

Although he said he doesn't expect more prosecutions, he added,
"you never know what links up with something else."

Riady used John Huang, an officer of his Lippo Group, to
reimburse foreign contributors to Clinton and other Democrats,
according to government documents filed with the plea bargain.

Foreign campaign contributions are illegal under U.S. law. The
money was funneled through Hong Kong bank accounts and Lippo
entities overseas, the government papers said.

Huang, who pleaded guilty earlier to campaign finance violations,
has been cooperating with the government since August 1999.

In addition, LippoBank California, a California state-chartered
bank affiliated with Lippo Group, agreed to plead guilty to 86
misdemeanor counts charging that its agents, Riady and Huang,
made illegal foreign campaign contributions from 1988 through

Government documents said that the Lippo Group hoped to influence
American foreign policy for its own advantage. Among its goals
was to gain most favored nation trade status for China;
normalization of U.S. relations with Vietnam; open trade policies
with Indonesia and certain U.S. legal changes that would benefit
the bank's business opportunities.


Multimedia News Portal - "All Print News & 400 Talk Radio
Shows"  PortalCheck.com:
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 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-03-14 Thread Carl Amedio
 Click here: Independent 

[CTRL] ABC: Clinton Officials Subpoenaed by Mary jo White

2001-03-14 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Clinton Officials Subpoenaed

Investigators Seeking Documents Related to Pardons

March 13 ‹ Federal investigators have subpoenaed former White
House officials, including former Chief of Staff John Podesta,
and are asking for documents related to the controversial pardons
made on Bill Clinton's final day in office, sources tell ABCNEWS.

Mary Jo White, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New
York, has been been empowered to review all 177 pardons and
commutations granted by Clinton. She will not have the title of
special prosecutor, but as a U.S. attorney she is empowered to
prosecute if she finds evidence of wrongdoing.

White began the investigation because her office initiated the
original investigation into Marc Rich, the fugitive billionaire
granted clemency in what is probably Clinton's most controversial

A Wide Scope

The House Government Committee, chaired by Indiana Republican Dan
Burton, was seeking documents in the case, but White House
officials said everything had already been sent to the federal
Archives. It is possible that White may have to find documents
she needs from other sources.

In addition to the Rich pardon, White¹s office is reviewing the
case of four Hasidic Jews convicted of fraud who were granted
commutations, and allegations that the former president's half
brother, Roger Clinton, sought $200,000 for promising a Texas man
he would help him win a pardon.

White will also look into the pardon granted convicted drug
dealer Carlos Vignali, whose father, Horacio Vignali, is a
Democratic contributor. The elder Vignali paid $200,000 to Hugh
Rodham, the then-president¹s brother-in-law, to lobby on his

Hugh Rodham was paid another $200,000 for his successful efforts
to win a pardon for Almon Glenn Braswell, a businessman under
investigation for possible money laundering.

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., later demanded that her
brother return the money and says he has returned most of it.

Paying for Pardons?

Congressional investigators wanted to determine whether Rich
might have, in effect, bought his pardon. His ex-wife, Denise
Rich, has donated more than $1.5 million to the Democratic Party,
to President Clinton¹s campaigns and to Hillary Clinton¹s Senate
campaign. She also has given $450,000 to the $200 million Clinton

Three former Clinton White House aides ‹ Podesta, counsel Beth
Nolan and adviser Bruce Lindsey ‹ all testified before the House
Government Reform Committee that nearly all of the staffers
involved in advising the president on the matter tried to
convince him in ³heated² discussions not to pardon Rich and his
partner Pincus Green, two of the nation¹s most-wanted
white-collar fugitives.

³We argued ... that if Mr. Rich and Mr. Green had such great
legal arguments, there was a place to make them, and it wasn¹t
there,² Nolan said. ³It wasn¹t in the Oval Office.²

But all three aides denied allegations that Denise Rich managed
to buy the pardon.

Marc Rich now lives in Switzerland after fleeing the United
States 17 years ago. He has called his pardon a humanitarian act.

Help for Hillary?

The four Hasidic men ‹ Benjamin Berger, Jacob Elbaum, David
Goldstein and Kalmen Stern ‹ were convicted of using a fictitious
Jewish school to defraud the government of millions of dollars in
education grants.

All four of the New York men are from the Hasidic village of New
Square, which voted overwhelmingly for the former first lady in
her successful Senate run last year.

Suspicions were raised that President Clinton freed them from
prison as a kind of favor in return or that there was a quid pro
quo swap of votes for clemency. But investigators have been
trying to determine if money ‹ perhaps political contributions ‹
played any role in Clinton¹s decision.

ABCNEWS¹ Jackie Judd and Pierre Thomas contributed to this

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Cave

[CTRL] The Fiction Of Race

2001-03-14 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

Today, the Left is where most modern racism is found. Except for some
deranged KKK types (probably mostly FBI informers), most of the blatant
racism is promulgated by the "politically correct" Left who thrive on
tribalism and racialist stereotypes.

>>AMONG THE GREAT disservices of the self-proclaimed objective
media has been to perpetuate the unscientific and non-objective concept
of race. Now, thanks to Americans tired of being defined by others and a
Census Bureau giving them new freedom to say who they are, the whole
idea of race is starting to crumble. Which isn't to say that the media has
fully caught on.NPR's Diane Rehm is still fretting about the "mixed race
issue." The Christian Science Monitor is confused as well: "The census
puts Spanish-speaking blacks both in the 'black' category and the 'Hispanic'
category. This overlap makes exact comparisons difficult. Should all
Hispanics be compared to all blacks or just non-Hispanic blacks?"

And this from the Washington Post:

"Levonne Gaddy, of Tucson, president of the Association of Multi-Ethnic
Americans, said the number of multiracial Americans was lower than she
expected but added, 'We're very pleased that we have gotten this far.'
Gaddy, who checked white, African American, and American Indian on her
census form and also wrote in 'multiracial,' does not think much of the
standard racial categories used in census forms and public discourse.

"'When I see the word 'race,' I cringe, because I don't see there is much
connected to the word," she said. 'It's not about biological purity. I don't
see the word 'race' as really being a valid word to express anything except
about what we socially think about this concept..'

"But some academic experts and civil rights groups worried that such
personal philosophies do not reflect political reality . . . "

Apparently unbeknownst to the Post, those "academic experts" who have dealt
most intimately with the subject, anthropologists, have been trying to
explain to reporters and others for decades that there is no biologically
sustainable definition of race. This isn't a matter of "personal philosophy"
but one of fact. But for reasons ranging from the cultural, to the
bureaucratic, political and racist, we have tacitly accepted the fiction of
race. And those who are meant to set us straight on such things -- reporters
- have gone right along with the myth.

In fact, what are considered the genetic characteristics of race are often
the result of cultural habit and environmental adaptation. As far back as
1785, a German philosopher noted that "complexions run into each other."
Julian Huxley suggested in 1941 that "it would be highly desirable if we
could banish the question-begging term 'race' from all discussions of human
affairs and substitute the noncommittal phrase 'ethnic group.' That would be
a first step toward rational consideration of the problem at hand."
Anthropologist Ashley Montagu in 1942 called race our "most dangerous myth."

Yet in our conversations and arguments, in our media, and even in our laws,
the illusion of race has been given great credibility. As a result, that
which is transmitted culturally is considered genetically fixed, that which
is an environmental adaptation is regarded as innate  and that which is
fluid is declared immutable.

Many still hang on to a notion similar to that of Carolus Linnaeus, who
declared in 1758 that there were four races: white, red, dark and black.
Others make up their own races, applying the term to religions (Jewish),
language groups (Aryan) or nationalities (Irish). Modern science has little
impact on our views. Our concept of race comes largely from religion,
literature, politics, and the oral tradition. It comes creaking with all the
prejudices of the ages. It reeks of territoriality, of jingoism, of
subjugation, and of the abuse of power.

DNA research has revealed just how great is our misconception of race. In
'The History and Geography of Human Genes,' Luca Cavalli-Sforza of Stanford

and his colleagues describe how many of the variations between humans are
really adaptations to different environmental conditions (such as the
relative density of sweat glands or lean bodies to dissipate heat and fat
ones to retain it). But that's not the sort of thing you can easily build a
system of apartheid around. As Thomas S. Martin has written: "The widest
genetic divergence in human groups separates the Africans from the
Australian aborigines, though ironically these two 'races' have the same
skin color . . .  There is no clearly distinguishable 'white race.' What
Cavalli-Sforza calls the Caucasoids are a hybrid, about two-thirds Mongoloid
and one-third African. Finns and Hungarians are slightly more Mongoloid,
while Italians and Spaniards are more African, but the deviation is
vanishingly slight."

The Census Bureau deserves our thanks for helping us start to see ourselves
>>as we really are.


[CTRL] FC: Napster was only the beginning -- a rant from textz.com (fwd)

2001-03-14 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 10:10:54 +0100
Subject: napster was only the beginning. an introduction to http://textz.com

   http://textz.com (a.k.a. http://textwarez.com) has been launched on february
   28 2001, 10:00 CET. please support our system and contribute textz and bookz

   napster was only the beginning. an introduction to http://textz.com [v0.5]

   a spectre is haunting the corporate world -- the spectre of organized world-
   wide file-sharing. mp3, to name the most common synonym for the becoming-
   distributor of millions of former customers, has clearly shown that the
   flows of digital data are much more driven by people and formats than they
   are determined by legislation, ownership or the new global rules of the
   corporate-political. napster has reverse-engineered the ideology of a whole
   industry, and it has finally proven its total, complete and absolute
   obsolescence. the transnational companies that are now trying to break it up
   have started a war they will never be able to stop. there are going to be
   thousands of napsters. http://textz.com is not even zero-point-five of them.

   we are not the dot in dot-com, neither are we the minus in e-book. the
   future of online publishing sits right next to your computer: it's a $50
   scanner and a $50 printer, both connected to the internet. we are the & in
   copy & paste, and plain ascii is  still the format of our choice. it
   shouldn't require a plug-in to read a book on the net, nor should it require
   a credit card. the text industry is a paper tiger. along with the mass
   erosion of their proprietary rights goes the vanishing of their digital
   watermarks. packed today, cracked tomorrow. whatever electronic gadgets they
   will come up with -- they are all going to be dead media on their very
   release day. forget about your new kafka dvd. i already got it via sms.

   this is not project gutenberg. it is neither about constituting a canonical
   body of historical texts (by authors so classical that they've all been
   watching the grass from below for almost a century of posthumous copyright),
   nor is it about htmlifying freely available books into unreadable sub-
   chapterized hyper-chunks. texts relate to texts by other means than a href.
   just go to your local bookstore and find out yourself. the net is not a
   rhizome, and a digital library should not be an interactive nirvana. the
   conceptual poverty of today's post-academic, post-corporate public online
   services -- and we haven't seen dot-museum yet -- is not and has never been
   a desirable alternative to a future that will be controlled by the super-
   pervasive data-streams of the upcoming military-entertainment complex. there
   are still other options. nostalgia is slavery. stay home, read a book.

   information does not want to be free. in fact it is absolutely free of will,
   a constant flow of signs of lives which are permanently being turned into
   commodities and transformed into commercial content. http://textz.com is not
   part of the information business. they say there was a time when content was
   king, but we have seen his head rolling. our week beats their year. ever
   since we have been moving from content to discontent, collecting scripts and
   viruses, writing programs and bots, dealing with textz as warez, as
   executables -- something that is able to change your life. this is not
   promotional material. facing the unified principles of information -- the
   combined horror of global communication and so-called guerilla marketing --
   there is no more need for media theory or cultural studies. the resistance
   against corporate culture can itself no longer remain in the cultural
   domain. you make a mistake if you see what we do as merely apolitical.

   we are studying the coils of the serpent, watching the walk of the penguin,
   mapping the moves of our wired enemies. intellectual, digital and biological
   property -- cornerstones of the new regimes of control -- are the direct
   result of organized corporate piracy. they are not only replacing such
   obsolete notions as freedom, democracy, human rights and technological
   progress. all these new forms of ownership are, in the first place, attempts
   to expropriate people's work, data and bodies -- just as the they begin to
   acquire, for the first time in history, the technical means to organize them
   differently. today's global media and communication conglomerates are
   mafias, and we shouldn't count on what's left of the national governments
   when it comes to fighting back. "humanity won't be happy until the last
   copyright holder is hung by the guts of the last patent lawyer." napster was
   only the beginning. the ninet

[CTRL] Defending America Newsletter 14 March 2001 Part 5

2001-03-14 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


 Air Force:

 Dog & Pony Shows Aren’t Just Navy Specialties

Ed.: And you thought you had seen it all…

By a concerned AF NonCom

Excellent article SFTT featured concerning "dog and pony shows".

My last assignment was at the Air Force Fire School at Goodfellow AFB in
Texas. Three - four times a week critical fire training is put on hold so
VIPs can suit up in firefighter gear and waste hundreds of gallons of fuel at
Goodfellows showcase burn pits.

For the gutsy VIPs, there is also ample opportunity to learn the art of
repelling. What a deal!!

Course directors at the schoolhouse are fed up with the shows and have
started tracking man-hours and lost training time for these "pony shows", but
senior leadership could care less with the stats.


 Very Few Really Want The Truth

Ed.: From the perspective of the grunt and in response to my piece on "Dog
and Pony" shows. Having been in the business for over 20 years, I can only
agree with the soldier. One more reason why many decide not to stay in.

By former Specialist Brian P.

With all due respect, as glorious and noble as your idea is, it will never

What politician wants to see real-life soldiers with their camped faces and
dirty uniforms after two weeks in the field?

While I agree with you that these staged meetings are B.S., reality states
that no one wants to witness the real "going-ons."

No one from the O-6 rank up wants to show the public the truth. They simply
want to display the end result. Not a soul cares how many weeks we spend in
the field away from our families training. They are wondrously happy inside
their ignorant shells.

This idea may seem a bit pessimistic, however, it is only the opinion of one
soldier after six years of serving his country.

Please understand, I do not dislike officers; I am simply a realist. After
serving in four duty stations with over 8 platoon leaders, and God-only-knows
how many battalion commanders, I have seen an unfortunate amount of politics
among the upper (from my point of view) echelons.

It was the primary reason I got out.

As moving as my father's stories were of life in the Army "back in the day" ,
they could not keep me in the institution I was raised to adore.


 Gulf War Veterans March in London

Ed.: Maybe we need some marches and commemorations in our country to remind
our politicians that we Gulf Vets are owed some answers. AP report from
02/24/01 that didn’t make the front pages.


LONDON (AP) - Several dozen Gulf War veterans and their families led a solemn
march through London Saturday to commemorate the British troops who died as a
result of the 1991 war - and to call for a government inquiry into
war-related illnesses.

About 80 marchers walked in silence from Westminster Abbey to lay wreaths on
London's war memorial, the Cenotaph, on the 10th anniversary of the beginning
of the ground campaign against Saddam Hussein's Iraqi forces.

The march was led by 7-year-old Roxy Meens, whose father Stephen, a Gulf
veteran, died of a heart attack in 1999 at age 38.

The National Gulf War Veterans and Families Association, which organized the
commemoration, said close to 500 British military personnel have died as a
result of the conflict. Forty-nine British soldiers were killed during the
six-week war.

The dead include suicides and victims of so-called Gulf War Syndrome, the
collective name for a wide array of unexplained symptoms including headache,
depression, asthma and chronic fatigue.

According to veterans groups, about 3,000 British Gulf veterans claim to
suffer from the syndrome. Many blame the potent cocktail of vaccines they
were given to ward off potential Iraqi chemical and biological weapons

The Royal British Legion, the country's main veterans' organization, also has
called for an inquiry the illnesses.

``Our ultimate aim is to get proper care for victims of the Gulf War because
if this country wants to send people to fight for them it is their
responsibility to look after them when they return if they get ill,'' said
marcher Shaun Rusling.

About 40,000 British troops served in the campaign to liberate Kuwait
following the invasion by Iraq.


 GI HUMOR – PFC To Be Chairman of JCS

Ed.: If it weren’t a joke, I’d believe it…Forwarded from Aussie friend
Perry. Original author unknown, although I’d like to find out.

Rated NPC – Not Politically Correct

After eighteen months of relentless sexual and morality purges, Secretary of
Defense William Cohen announced that he will recommend Army PFC Ed Andrus to
be the next Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

According to Cohen, "It was a damn tough choice, because every one of the
eight personnel remaining in America's fighting services was extremely well

Cohen went on to praise Andrus's 

[CTRL] Defending America Newsletter 14 March 2001 Part 4

2001-03-14 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


 Sisyphus Was The Spouse Of A Service Member

Ed.: The compelling case of a Marine family that needs help to pay their
daily bills. The story shows that many programs look wonderful on paper, such
as the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program, but don’t benefit all of
our needy folks because of bureaucratic tripwires. If you’re an Illinois
voter, please contact Capt McRae and write to your political representatives
to stop these bureaucratic insanities.

Written by: Capt McRae


Those of us who live and work within the huge DoD bureaucracy have come to
appreciate the ability of the government to turn a relatively easy process
into a nightmare of paperwork. The DoD specifically, and the government in
general has grown into a maze where the mass of proper forms and other
paperwork obviate anyone within a given system to actually make a decision
Whoever coined the term "faceless bureaucrat" must have been a dependant.
Surely, the woman described below has first hand knowledge of just how
faceless and apathetic this government can be. We’ll call her Mrs. Quixote.

Mrs. Quixote is the wife of an E-7 with 17 years time in service and has five
children. She and her husband qualify for WIC and food stamps, but their
personal pride has not allowed them to apply for or accept that particular
aid. The first time this woman attempted to seek financial help for her
family was this winter. The severity of the Illinois winter, combined with
the spectacular cost of fuel, caused this family to have a heating bill in
excess of $800. So, Mrs. Quixote was faced with the ugly dilemma of either
having warm but hungry children, or cold but well-fed children. She found
that a program does exist to aid qualified families in paying for home energy
costs: Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), funded by the
federal government. Relieved and hopeful, she went to her local County LIHEAP
office and applied. She felt certain, with what her husband made in base pay,
and the huge expenses that running a household of seven entails, that she
would be assured of a little help.

Unfortunately, she received a denial. It seems that this LIHEAP office, in
Tazewell County, Illinois was and is under the impression that VHA, BAQ, and
other military entitlements are to be counted as income. Had she been on WIC
or welfare, there would be no problems. However, since she was not on those
programs, she would just have to do the best she could.

Undeterred, Mrs. Quixote went home and contacted other county offices in the
State of Illinois to see if this standard was uniformly applied. As she far
as could determine, Tazewell was and is the only county that recognizes
entitlements as income. Over the next two weeks, she contacted the Illinois
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs, the Illinois LIHEAP office, the
Federal LIHEAP office, the Family Services offices aboard three different
military installations, her US Representative, and her State Representative.
That’s EIGHT different agencies, just to find out a straight answer to the
question of whether or not she qualified. What she got through this two-week
Sisyphean nightmare was an endless game of pass the buck, unanswered calls,
and apathetic bureaucrats who just wanted to get her off of the phone. All
she could find out was that Tazewell County was probably wrong, and that
there were a number of military families in the same situation. On her own
hook, Mrs. Quixote researched the law of the land, to find out whether she
was being treated unfairly. According to Title 42, Sec 8624, United States
Code, she cannot be excluded from aid due to the fact that she is NOT on
welfare or food stamps or WIC even though she qualifies.

Armed with this knowledge, Mrs. Quixote began calling all of the above
agencies again, along with the US Dept of Energy, and the Judge Advocate
General’s office at the Illinois Guard unit in Springfield. Everyone at
LIHEAP knew of her by this time, and all gave her the party line. The JAG
office told her to consult with anybody other than them. And the DoE put her
in contact with an individual who had been in the bureaucracy less than a
month, and whose idea of energy issues was turning off the coffee machine
when the pot was empty.

To this date, this woman has received no help with her original problem. In
an effort to keep the consecutive months’ heating bills at tolerable levels,
she has kept the house at a temperature which may not actually sustain living
organisms, but she tells me that this is no longer about the bill. To her, it
is about broken promises. A government who takes a sizable portion of her
family’s revenues in taxes has promised to provide aid to households in need.
It seems to her, and I agree completely, that this promise is binding, in
that the representatives of the proper government agenci

[CTRL] Defending America Newsletter 14 March 2001 Part 2

2001-03-14 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


 Rumsfeld: Iraqi Strikes Met Goal

Ed.: Another total success? This is beginning to worry me. It seems the old
spin continues under the new leadership. With only marginal weapons
performance, they have now ensured that our pilots are safer? How about the
possibility that with each one of those milk runs, we’re compromising more of
our targeting and air defense counter-measures? A recent AP report.


WASHINGTON (AP) - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said Thursday that
last month's air strike on Iraq accomplished its goal, but he admitted what
the Pentagon previously had been unwilling to say publicly: Navy bombs used
in the attack performed much worse than expected.

Two-dozen U.S. and British jets attacked air defense sites around Baghdad on
Feb. 16. The Pentagon has said it acted because Iraq had been improving its
ability to target - and potentially shoot down - pilots patrolling the
``no-fly'' zone over southern Iraq.

``Our interest was in addressing the question of the safety of the coalition
pilots that are flying those missions,'' Rumsfeld said. ``There's no question
but that their safety is better today than it was before.''

Rumsfeld spoke during an unannounced appearance at the Pentagon's regular
news briefing conducted by his chief spokesman, Rear Adm. Craig Quigley.

The secretary introduced Paul Wolfowitz, who was confirmed by the Senate on
Wednesday to be deputy defense secretary. He and Rumsfeld are the only
confirmed Pentagon appointments, although Rumsfeld said nearly a dozen others
are in the works.

Other officials have said the White House is close to announcing nominations
for Army, Navy and Air Force secretaries, the civilian chiefs of the services.

The targets of last week's air strikes were about 20 radar installations and
several facilities that provide command and control links between the radars
and other elements of Iraq's integrated air defense.

Pentagon officials speaking on condition of anonymity have said that more
than half of the Navy bombs used against the radars missed their intended
impact points, although some of the radars were damaged.

Rumsfeld said there is ``no question'' that ``the Navy munitions did not find
their targets precisely, and we now think we have a pretty good grip on
exactly why that happened, and it's unlikely to happen again.''

He did not elaborate. The Navy weapon in question is the AGM-154A, also known
as the Joint Standoff Weapon, or JSOW, which first was used in January 1999.
In last week's attack they were launched by Navy F/A-18 fighters.

Earlier this week, defense officials said the Navy had concluded that most of
those weapons went astray because on-board sensors had too little time to
adjust the bombs' flight path to account for heavy winds.

The solution, these officials said, is to ensure that in future missions, the
bomb is programmed to level out sooner upon approaching the target. The bomb
needs to be in level flight for the sensor to correctly calculate the wind
factor and allow for course corrections.

On a level course, however, the bomb is more vulnerable to hostile air
defenses, so mission planners seek to make the bomb's final approach to the
target as short as possible.

The 14-foot-long bomb navigates on a glide path using signals from global
positioning satellites.

In a related development, Iraqi Foreign Minister Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf
reiterated his country's position that the no-fly zones over northern and
southern Iraq are illegal and unjustified.

In a letter released Thursday, al-Sahhaf criticized U.N. Secretary-General
Kofi Annan for failing to condemn the U.S.-British air strikes - which Iraq
says killed three Iraqis and wounded 25 others - and for saying it was up to
the U.N. Security Council to determine the legality of the no-fly zones.


  Bush Faces Tough Choices On Weapons

Ed.: All of these systems are Cold War relics and deserve the axe. That
doesn’t mean however that we discontinue research and development for future
combat systems. An AP Report.


WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush is facing some tough choices on the future
of big-ticket military weapons.

The Air Force's $62 billion F-22 stealth fighter program, the Navy's $25
billion DD-21 destroyer, the Marine Corps' troubled $41 billion V-22 Osprey
program and the developing $200 billion Joint Strike Fighter fleet are all
candidates for the budget ax.

Bush has made clear that his first priority for the military is to put more
money in the pockets of American troops and their families. The politically
tougher choices of where to invest in weapons modernization are yet to be
made, with the exception of Bush's commitment to a national missile defense -
which could cost $60 billion or more.

"In our broader transformation effort, we must put strategy first, then
spending,'' Bush told Co

[CTRL] Defending America Newsletter 14 March 2001 Part 1

2001-03-14 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Soldiers For The Truth
Defending America Newsletter
Copyright © 2001 Soldiers For The Truth Foundation. All Rights Reserved.

Situation Report  - 14 March 2001

"Searching for the Proper Defense Priorities"



 SITREP From The President - 14 March 2001
 Through Zman’s Gun Sight - Recognition For Combat Troops
 HACK’s Target For The Week - CIA Strikes Out Again

The Big Picture:
Article  1 - Rumsfeld: Iraqi Strikes Met Goal
Article  2 - Bush Faces Tough Choices on Weapons
Article  3 - Powell Pledges Troops for Balkans
Voice of the Grunt:
Article  4 - Readers Gun-sights: Iraq, A Convenient Little Conflict
Article  5 - Transform Character First
Article  6 - International Opinion: Canada’s Heroes Also Unrecognized
Article  7 - Sisyphus Was The Spouse Of A Service Member
Article  8 - SFTT Was Right – Training Base Is Breaking!
Article  9 - Navy: We Don’t Act Like Animals
Article 10 - Air Force: Dog & Pony Shows Aren’t Just Navy Specialties
Article 11 - Very Few Really Want The Truth
Article 12 - Gulf War Veterans March in London
G.I. Humor:
Article 13 - PFC To Be Chairman of JCS
Medal of Honor:
Article 14 - ROSE, GEORGE, China 1900
Admin / Log Net
Editors Note - Article Submission - Contacts - Service Editors
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A. Main topics: 1) Awards and Recognition 2) Leadership 3) Opinions 4)
Training 5) Quality of Life


* Better Comms!!! I think we’ve taken the initial hurdles and things are
looking better. DON’T be afraid to come back up on the net again. Please note
that I had to get a new and upgraded e-mail account. Send to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

* Questions for the troops:

(1) Based on the latest developments, will the US be able to extricate itself
from the Balkans within the next two years, as promised by the President?

(2) Are things getting better in your units or are the old bureaucrats
mounting a renewed defense?

!!! Feel free to send me hot topics directly if you can’t get through the
admin/log net –


Keep the mail coming!!! We won’t reveal your true identity unless you give us
your approval. We know how vindictive the "system" is.

YOU to all SFTT warriors who are sending bucks for fuel ammo and beans.

* How you can help: - DONATE HERE -

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!!! If you think we HIT a target, forward the newsletter to TV, radio and
your local papers. YOU are the frontline recruiters and intel gatherers for

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Foundation, PO Box 63840, Colorado Springs, CO 80962-3840.

Important: Your donation is tax deductible! SFTT is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit
educational foundation, IRS # 31-1592564.

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Multiple contributions: Please remind us when you submit your donation. We
will send you a cumulative statement.

Prepare for Action -- "Crew Ready! -- LOAD SABOT - DRIVER MOVE OUT!"

R.W. Zimmermann
President SFTT


Through Zman’s Gun Sight

Proper Recognition For Combat Troops Overdue

By R.W. (Zimm) Zimmermann
President, Soldiers For The Truth

SFTT Dateline 14 March 2001

Once again, I’m baffled how single minded our military leaders wave off the
request to recognize the tank troops for direct fire combat, with a combat
armor badge, or CAB.

Shockingly, the commander of the US Armor Center, Major General B.B. Bell
voted against the badge for sensitivity reasons: "We all vowed not to
penalize those who didn’t serve in war…the CAB could be divisive in the
armor forces and create an impression and culture of ‘haves and have nots.’"

Give me a break, general! With these statements, you might as well retire the
armor branch motto, "the combat arm of decision," and paint all gun tubes

Not surprising, Major General Le Moyne, commander of the Infantry School
reasserted that Infantry rules our Army: "The policy of only a Combat
Infantryman’s Badge has worked for over 50 years, why change it now?"

These guys don’t get it.

The tank has been a decisive, deep-strike weapon since WWII. Unfortunately,
in the US Army, armor wasn’t fully exploited, because most senior leaders
continued to view it purely as an Infantry support branch.

Thank goodness there were exceptions: George Patton, Maurice Rose of the 3rd
Armored, John Woods of the 4th Armored Division, were students of Heinz
Guderian, who understood that tanks when concentrated and striking deep
against supply lines and communications c

[CTRL] Counterintelligence

2001-03-14 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

to persecute them. George Szamuely

The Bunker
It is a safe assumption that almost everything we have been told about
Robert Hanssen, the FBI agent charged with espionage, is untrue. Take
the matter of his arrest.   The FBI says it picked him up as he dropped
off classified papers for his Russian handler at a park in Vienna, VA. For
a man who supposedly was extraordinarily prudent, this would seem to
be amazingly reckless behavior. The chances of being observed are
high. Besides, aren’t there easier ways to deliver top-secret
documents? What about microfilms, computer disks, e-mail? Oddly
enough, the FBI nabbed Hanssen but did not bother to wait for the
Russian to show up. Wouldn’t that have been conclusive proof of
espionage, not to mention a spectacular propaganda coup at the
expense of Vladimir Putin?
We have also been told that the information that alerted the U.S.
government to Hanssen’s treachery came from a CIA double agent
working for Russian intelligence. It seems bizarre for us to be crowing
about this. Aren’t the Russians now likely to launch a mole-hunt to find
the traitor in their midst? Sure enough, The Washington Post is already
writing breathlessly: "The Russian government has launched an
aggressive probe to determine who within its ranks may have provided
the United States with the KGB case file that led to the arrest of FBI
agent Robert P. Hanssen… Russian President Vladimir  Putin, a former
KGB officer, and other senior government officials in Moscow are
involved in the investigation."
Now,  a former KGB man like Putin would suspect that talk of a CIA
double agent may just be a U.S. ruse to provoke the Russians into self-
destructive recriminations.  On the other hand, that may be exactly
what the Americans want him to think. The point is, very little of what
the FBI is putting out now should be believed.
The FBI claims that Hanssen betrayed the names of U.S. agents to the
Russians. The men were arrested, tried and executed. Leave aside for
the moment the question of whether we really know the fate of agents in
Russia. It would not have made much sense for the Russians to
respond to Hanssen’s revelations in such a fashion. If you discover that
one of your agents is in reality a double agent, you don’t arrest him and
thereby endanger your source. You use him to feed false information to
your enemy.
And there were other absurd stories. Best of all was the one put out by
both The New York Times and The Washington Post. Apparently
Hanssen had revealed to the Russians a secret tunnel the U.S.
government had built under their Washington Embassy so as to listen in
on secret communications. Whether Hanssen did or did not reveal this
to the Russians, it really does not matter.  It is hard to think of a project
more futile. Important communications between  Moscow and the
Embassy are coded. Encryption has ensured that coded messages
today are completely indecipherable. Russian Embassy secretaries
ordering lunch from the Chinese takeout would have been the only
messages the U.S. intelligence services could have listened to.
According to a wild Miami Herald story, Hanssen "may have sold
Russia information on how the United States tracks foreign submarines
and sniffs out nuclear, chemical and biological weapons... The loss of
such technical secrets could demolish a number of the nation’s most
important intelligence programs and wipe out more than a billion dollars
in research and investment." This is ludicrous.   At most, Hanssen may
have revealed to the Russians something about how Americans spy on
them over here. Yet these wild claims have a purpose: to fuel
Washington hysteria about America’s supposed vulnerability to
terrorism and espionage.  According to CIA Director George Tenet,
"technology has enabled, driven, or magnified the threat to us… [A]ge-
old resentments threaten to spill over into open violence; and…a
growing perception of our so-called ‘hegemony’  has become a lightning
rod for the disaffected."
Even before the Hanssen arrest, the FBI had been rapidly expanding its
counterintelligence activities. Last year a congressional report by the
National Commission on Terrorism criticized the CIA and FBI for being
"overly risk averse" in investigating terrorist organizations. Last year, the
Senate Appropriations Committee proposed spending $23 million to
fund a new domestic counterterrorism "czar." Last year also, the House
overwhelmingly passed a bill that would create a "Council of Terrorism
Preparedness," to be chaired by the president.
Then in January, just two weeks before the end of his term, Bill Clinton
issued a presidential directive, creating the office of "counterintelligence
czar."   The directive institutionalizes a program called
"Counterintelligence 21," whose purpose is to facilitate cooperation
between the FBI, the CIA and the Pentagon. The "cou

[CTRL] China moves towards War

2001-03-14 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Military Spending Spree Drains China’s Education Funds
Wednesday, March 14, 2001
China’s enormous spending on its military has dwarfed appropriations for
education and so deprived school budgets that some officials are calling for
a national lottery to raise money.
According to the Hong Kong Mail, defense spending will jump by 18 percent –
reaching an all-time high figure in China’s frantic effort to build one of
the world’s biggest and toughest military forces.

The projected spending of 141 billion yuan (which does not include so-called
black items never reported) is almost six times higher that the 28 billion
earmarked for education. The disparity has led some National People¹s
Congress delegates to suggest starting a national lottery to finance

China Moves Toward War
Charles R. Smith
Tuesday, March 13, 2001
According to congressional sources, China is rapidly moving toward war. A
newly released congressional report predicts that China will attack Taiwan
unless the United States supplies badly needed defense systems to the tiny
island nation.
"Taiwan is virtually defenseless against the 250 missiles now deployed by
Beijing," noted Al Santoli, senior foreign policy adviser to Rep. Dana
Rohrabacher. The investigative report prepared by Santoli was delivered to
Rep. Henry Hyde, R-Ill., chairman of the House Foreign Relations Committee.

"If we do not send strong political signals by enhancing Taiwan's defense
systems, and urging democratic cohesion in Taipei, Beijing could go for the
gusto [invade Taiwan] even before it reaches its full deployment of 600
cross-Strait missiles by 2005," states the congressional report.

According to the report, Taiwan is now helpless against the growing arsenal
of advanced missiles being deployed by Beijing. The report calls upon newly
elected President Bush to supply "long-range radar systems" and "software
links" to Taiwan to "more rapidly tie together its disparate warning and
response systems."

"From Defense Minister Shi-wen Wu to Armed Forces Chief of Staff Gen.
Yao-ming Tang to IW/EW Commander Lt. Gen Abe Lin to ship and submarine
commanders in Kaoshiung, all emphasized the need for the Aegis naval (radar)
system," noted the report.

Clinton Policy Destabilized Region

In 2000, the Clinton administration refused to export the Aegis radar system
to Taiwan and withheld U.S.-made AMRAAM air defense, citing pressure from Red
China. Congressional defense experts now cite Taiwan's lack of advanced radar
and defensive missiles as inviting Red China to attack now.

"The PLA is rapidly bringing a new generation of Russian-made fighters on
line with advanced avionics and air-to-air missiles. It is a cruel joke to
withhold U.S. AMRAAM missiles purchased by Taiwan in Hawaii until after the
PLA begins firing at them," noted the report.

"We should have learned from Vietnam. The current nonsensical policy is
similar to Robert McNamara and his Whiz Kids in 1965. Taiwan should receive
the AMRAAMs now, to deter an attack."

Red Subs Threaten Taiwan and U.S.

The report also noted that Taiwan's submarine force is badly outnumbered and
outclassed by new Chinese attack subs.

"The PLA navy now has 96 operational submarines, including state of the art
diesel subs, compared to the 4 submarines of the Taiwan navy. Two of those
[Taiwanese] submarines are Guppies built in 1946," states the congressional

"The U.S. should sell at least a few submarines to Taiwan, as well as provide
advanced air and surface ASW assets."

The newly released congressional report also underscored assessments by U.S.
defense analysts about the rapid increase in the Chinese submarine and
missile forces. The Chinese navy's single ballistic missile submarine cannot
reach American targets from its home waters. However, in January China tested
its new submarine-launched JL-2 (Great Wave) missile from underwater.

According to the Cox report, the JL-2 was built using stolen American nuclear
secrets. The 7,000-mile-range JL-2 missile is capable of striking three
targets with lightweight nuclear warheads and can destroy any city along the
heavily populated U.S. West Coast from Chinese home waters.

U.S. intelligence sources confirmed that China is constructing a new class of
nuclear submarine to carry the JL-2 missile. Each submarine is designed to
carry 16 JL-2 missiles. The PLA Navy is expected to take delivery of the
first JL-2 armed nuclear sub in 2005.

KLUB Cruise Missile

In addition, the Chinese navy recently bought two advanced Russian Kilo-class
diesel attack submarines. U.S. defense sources stated they were gravely
concerned the submarines, undergoing modification in the Russian Bol'shoy
Kamen shipyard, would be equipped with a deadly new underwater-fired missile
- the 3M54 "KLUB," NATO code-named SS-N-27.

China is reported to be on the verge of concluding a multibillion-

[CTRL] Market Plunge Prompts Talk of Speedier Tax Cut

2001-03-14 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Market Plunge Prompts Talk of Speedier Tax Cut
Wes Vernon
Thursday, March 15, 2001
The dive in the stock market has led to increased pressure on Capitol Hill to
accelerate the timetable for President Bush’s tax cut.
The measure would cut taxes by $1.6 trillion across the board over a six-year

This week, there have been murmurings among lawmakers to the effect that,
"Gee, with the stock market taking the huge dive, maybe we ought to think
about getting these tax cuts out there sooner and get money in people’s
pockets more quickly to spike the economy," a House leader acknowledged to

This GOP lawmaker would not go as far as another (higher ranking)
congressional leader who told us last week, even before the dramatic market
selloffs, that there was "a reasonable chance" Congress would mandate the
full tax-cut package all at once. But he did say that there was momentum to
"front-load" the tax cuts as much as possible "while protecting the budget."

Some conservatives have said the tax cut plan is too timid, but the
congressman noted that "right now, tax cutting ranks right at the top of the
list of priorities of the American people for the first time in a decade."

He "personally" does not think the tax cut "is nearly enough."

"Every penny will be front-loaded as much as possible," he told us.

And the House leader added there was also increasing pressure among GOP
congressmen to lower the capital gains tax. That is not part of the bill, but
it is a move top economists see as having a greater potential to boost the
economy than the proposals that are in the president's plan.

The House leader added that he was gratified that 10 Democrats crossed the
aisle to support the centerpiece of the tax bill last week, and that he
expected even more Democratic support for separate votes on the other parts
of the package such as curtailing the "death tax" and the "marriage penalty."

This signal for upping the ante on President Bush's tax cuts comes on the
heels of a new McLaughlin poll, released just this week, showing that,
contrary to popular belief, senior citizens do focus on issues other than
Social Security, Medicare and paid prescriptions.

The scientific survey, commissioned by United Seniors Association, shows that
70 percent of senior Americans support an "across the board tax cut in the
next six months."

And this includes a surprising 51 percent of elders who voted for Al Gore in
last fall's election, even though the then-vice president has blasted the
Bush package as "tax cuts for the rich." The legislation is backed by 56
percent of Democratic seniors.

The survey, conducted between Feb. 28 and March 4 and released Monday, also
dealt with the question of which party threatens "bipartisanship." Fifty-nine
percent of Democrat seniors do not believe that Democrats in Congress will
ever put aside partisan politics and honestly help to pass the Bush tax cuts.

Charles W. Jarvis, president and CEO of United Seniors, told NewsMax.com on
Wednesday that this is "a warning bell" that "is sounding to both Democrats
and Republicans.

"Seniors will turn on them if there is not a large, immediate,
across-the-board tax cut."

The national poll, he added, "shows Democratic and Republican seniors have a
very clear and sophisticated understanding of how tax cuts revitalize the

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] House Leader Demands Action Against Clinton Invasion of Medical Privacy

2001-03-14 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

House Leader Demands Action Against Clinton Invasion of Medical Privacy
Wes Vernon
Wednesday, March 14, 2001
House Majority Leader Dick Armey has fired off a letter to Health and Human
Services Secretary Tommy Thompson urging that he suspend implementation of
Bill Clinton's last-minute medical privacy regulations.
It is Armey’s opinion that anti-privacy is a better term for those
regulations. He has told Thompson that the rules could, in fact, do more harm
than good "to those concerned about privacy of their records."

In particular, the "midnight regulation" (a term used to describe regulations
imposed in the waning hours of the Clinton presidency) would create a mandate
requiring doctors, hospitals, HMOs, druggists, insurance companies and other
health care providers to share medical records with the federal government.
Under certain circumstances, says Armey, the federal government could obtain
this information "at any time and without notice."

Thompson has held up action on the rule – originally scheduled to take effect
Feb. 26 – until April 14, to receive public comment. Armey, as a leader of
Congress in Thompson’s own party, is likely to carry considerable weight in
HHS deliberations.

"We have a lot of faith in Secretary Thompson," Armey spokesman Richard
Diamond told NewsMax.com on Tuesday.

In his letter to the secretary, Armey says, "It is not entirely clear to me
how the new rules will address the real medical privacy harms currently
suffered by patients not already covered by tort law or other remedies." In
fact, he adds, they "may have the opposite effect, putting private personally
identifiable information at greater risk than exists today."

The congressman is skeptical of the federal government’s ability to protect
"sensitive personal information about individuals." In fact, he thinks the
federal record in that regard is "questionable."

He cites the Department of Veterans Affairs as an example. That department
alone received a "D" from the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee
for its ability to protect its computer systems from prying eyes.

And just yesterday, Armey urged the Federal Trade Commission "to consider the
government’s own information practices when they hold a workshop on the
private sector’s use and exchange of consumer data." According to a report of
the privacy think tank Privacilla, there has been an alarming increase in the
amount of information that federal agencies share with each other. These
federal agencies have a poor track record or protecting sensitive information.

"If the government is going to monitor the information sharing practices in
the public sector, I would like to know who is going to monitor the
government," the House majority leader declared.

In his letter to Thompson, Armey concluded, "In short, this proposed
regulation puts the medical privacy of millions Americans at risk." This, he
says, "is inviting abuse, errors, scandal and tragedy."

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] The Phosphorus Bomb Aboard Thai Air

2001-03-14 Thread Johannes Schmidt IV

-Caveat Lector-



Via my weblog, updated several times daily,


The Phosphorus Bomb Aboard Thai Air
by Richard S. Ehrlich
BANGKOK, Thailand — A deadly bomb which obliterated a Thai Airways Boeing 737 
passenger plane in an apparent attempt to assassinate the prime minister, has baffled 
investigators checking a long list of possible enemies.
Newly elected Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, 52, was going to an anti-drug 
conference in northern Thailand to demand the death penalty for narcotics producers 
and traffickers.

Thailand is one of America's few allies on Asia's mainland. The bombing has severely 
shaken Thaksin who was already under fire for alleged corruption.

A bomb enhanced with white phosphorus — to make it extremely flammable — created a 
firestorm which consumed nearly the entire airplane on the ground, killing one airline 

Investigators examining the blackened wreckage at Bangkok International Airport said 
the explosion on Saturday (March 3) appeared to be rigged to detonate in the business 
class section where the prime minister was about to sit.

At the time of the blast, Thaksin was walking with about 150 other passengers toward 
the plane at the start of a trip to the northern city of Chiang Mai.

A Message?
"The incident was caused by an explosive device and was not an accident," said 
Thaksin, unhurt.

"There were few people who knew about the (earlier) change in my flight schedule. If I 
was the target of the explosion, the person who placed the bomb must have had access 
to my schedule," Thaksin added.

After he arrived in Chiang Mai on a later flight, Thaksin reportedly departed the 
northern airport in a bulletproof BMW limousine.

Thaksin's political foes who opposed his January election victory, or perhaps 
narcotics smugglers who dislike his escalating war on drugs, may have tried to kill 
him, investigators said.

Thailand is currently suffering a smoldering conflict with neighboring Burma, where 
much of the world's opium, heroin and methamphetamines are produced.

Minority ethnic guerrillas in Burma are fighting along the Thai-Burma border near 
Chiang Mai to stake out territory from which to produce and export more drugs.

Scattered fighting between guerrillas and Burmese troops spilled over the frontier in 
recent weeks, resulting in a handful of Thai casualties and a heightened security 
threat to Thailand's northwest.

Relations between Thailand and Burma, which fought devastating wars in the past, are 
now strained due to the border crisis.

Thaksin, a former police chief, has many other possible enemies.

As the richest person in this Southeast Asian nation, his satellite and 
telecommunications businesses have been hit by allegations of monopoly practices and 
news censorship.

Thaksin's future as a prime minister is meanwhile under a possible guillotine because 
the courts are considering allegations that he earlier concealed much of his wealth, 
and thus may be disqualified.

Airport Rivalry
Police were also focusing on possible international terrorism or rivalry within the 
airport itself — ironically over the cash flow to purchase new X-ray and bomb 
detection equipment.

Airline officials said the plane's engines had not yet been started, thus ruling out 
an internal malfunction.

The fuel tanks also were undamaged, indicating a leak or burning fuel was not the 
cause, they added.

Whoever made the bomb was an expert. Traces of Semtex, TNT, white phosphorus, PETN and 
RDX were reportedly discovered in the wreckage.

Investigators said Semtex — a plastic explosive favored by terrorists and various 
governments' special forces — could have allowed the bomb to avoid detection, while 
phosphorus ensured a burn of more than 2,000 degrees Celsius to melt the plane's metal 

Despite the bombing, Thaksin was still expected to address the anti-drug conference 
which opens on March 11 in the northern town of Chiang Rai. The conference invited 
cabinet ministers, security officials, narcotics officials, non-government 
organizations, researchers, academics and others concerned about the growing use of 
illegal drugs, especially cheap methamphetamines, in Thailand.

Killing Thailand's Enemies
During his campaign to become prime minister, Thaksin announced, "Before I die I want 
to kill our enemies first, and these are poverty, drugs and corruption."

After achieving power, Thaksin told Parliament in a February policy statement his new 
government would "stringently enforce the law and create a special process to control 
and suppress traffickers — and all those involved in the manufacturing and trafficking 
of drugs — in a strict, swift and just manner."

Thaksin added he would "amend the law, to increase to the highest degree, punishment 
for political and government officials who are involved in drug trafficking" and 
"provide rewards and special protection for public of


2001-03-14 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-



Tuesday, March 13,2001

A WASHINGTON activist group will file a complaint today with the
Federal Election Commission, charging numerous violations of
campaign-finance laws by Jesse Jackson's organizations last fall,
The Post has learned.

The American Conservative Union says that much of Jackson's
travel then was to campaign for Al Gore and other Democratic
candidates - and it was "illegal" for the nonprofit groups to pay
for it.

The Jackson organizations maintain the reverend's political
travel was confined to get-out-the-vote drives, which would be

In an internal financial report released last week, Rainbow/PUSH
Chief Financial Officer Billy Owens said that the organizations
spent just over $1 million to send Jackson around the country
during 1999 and 2000.

Owens claimed that the Democratic Party reimbursed several of the
Jackson organizations for $450,000 in travel expenses.

The ACU complaint calls this reimbursement "prima facie evidence
that the voter-mobilization activities were partisan in nature."

Furthermore, the ACU cites numerous published reports showing
that Jackson's public appearances during the campaign were not
for nonpartisan voter-mobilization purposes.

"This travel Jesse Jackson was doing for the Democratic Party was
actually for the Gore campaign," says ACU counsel Cleta Mitchell.

It is "illegal" for a third party - in this case, Jackson's
organizations - to pay campaign expenses for a presidential
candidate who receives federal funding, as Gore did, Mitchell
says. Subsidizing Jackson's appearances would constitute a
campaign expense, she said.

If Jackson were traveling as a de facto agent of the Gore
campaign, this could be a violation of federal law, Mitchell

Jackson's campaign activity came at a time when 90 percent of his
salary was being paid by one of his tax-exempt religious

The ACU says this means Jackson was "substantially engaged
full-time in traveling and speaking on behalf of [Democrats]" at
a time when his tax-exempt group, which is forbidden by law from
engaging in partisan political activity, was signing his

The complaint also alleges that staff, office space and overhead
in Jackson's Chicago headquarters, which houses two tax-exempt
Jackson groups prohibited from partisan political activity - was
used to support pro-Democratic politicking.

Reached last night, Jackson spokesman Lou Colasuonno said, "We
haven't seen the complaint, but we're confident that our
financial position will withstand scrutiny."

The alleged violations are complicated, Mitchell acknowledges.
But the law is the law.

"It is arcane, these are myopic regulations," she acknowledged.
"But that's what you get when you have campaign-finance
regulations, and these people need to abide by them."

The ACU recently filed a complaint against Jackson's groups with
the IRS.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] WND: Drug-dealer's reprieve called 'highly suspicious'

2001-03-14 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Drug-dealer's reprieve called 'highly suspicious'

'We got the guy red-handed with $200,000 in dope; now gets a
presidential pardon'

By Charles Thompson II and Tony Hays
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

In his frenetic last day in office, Bill Clinton issued 177
pardons and commutations. More than 30 of these didn’t go through
the rigorous screening process that typically takes 18 to 24
months and is designed to weed out people who continued to break
the law. And more than six weeks after Clinton departed the White
House, Justice Department officials are still at a loss as to who
many of these people are or how they received presidential
pardons and commutations.

Justice officials recently informed several reporters that they
were “highly suspicious” about the pardon of James Timothy
Maness. All they knew about Maness was that he received a
three-year suspended sentence in 1985 in the U.S. District Court
for the Western District of Tennessee (Memphis) for conspiracy to
distribute a controlled substance

Where does Maness reside now? They had no idea. What controlled
substance did he conspire to distribute? They threw up their
hands. Who sponsored his parole and how had it landed on Bill
Clinton’s desk, much less been signed? They had no earthly idea.

With a medium amount of difficulty, WorldNetDaily tracked Maness
down. He lives in West Memphis, Ark., just across the Mississippi
River from Memphis. Repeated efforts to reach him for comment
failed. Maness, 27 years old at the time of his arrest, routinely
goes by the name Tim. According to the two arresting officers,
they had received a tip that Maness was trafficking in large
quantities of prescription and illegal drugs. Through an
intermediary, they arranged to meet Maness in the Hickory Hills
section of Memphis where the two undercover officers, L.O. Phelps
and Rick Jewel, were waiting.

A surveillance team made a video tape as Phelps and Jewel bought
12 pounds of alleged Quaaludes from Maness.

“They turned out to be ‘Mexican Quaaludes,’” Phelps told WND. In
reality, they were diazepam (valium) pills made to resemble
Quaaludes through the use of a pill press. “There were so many
that we just weighed them instead of counting them,” said Phelps.
“This was no street-level dealer. This guy was further up the
food chain than that. We’re talking about $200,000 at 1985

Typically, an arrested drug dealer will cooperate with the police
in return for a reduced sentence. “Almost all will do at least a
little talking,” said Jewell. “But Maness didn’t. He wouldn’t say
a word. The only reason a drug dealer doesn’t talk is because he
wants to stay in business.”

If Phelps and Jewell had what seemed such an airtight case, why
did Maness receive what amounted to little more than a slap on
the wrist? Especially when W. Hickman Ewing, Jr., was U.S.
attorney in Memphis at the time. Ewing, who later spent six years
as deputy Whitewater Independent Counsel pursuing Bill Clinton
and his cronies, and who once even drafted an indictment on
Hillary Rodham Clinton, had a reputation of being hard as nails
on drug dealers. Moreover, the case was assigned to U.S. District
Judge Julia S. Gibbons, who routinely meted out stiff sentences
for drug offenders. In essence, the case fell between the cracks.
It was supposed to be handled by assistant U.S. Attorney Tim
Disenza, a veteran prosecutor who normally tried cases of this
sort. But Disenza was in 6th District court when the Maness trial
began. Reba Robinson, an unseasoned prosecutor who never handled
a drug case before or since, was thrown into the breach. Robinson
faced Stephen Shankman, an experienced defense attorney who is
now the federal public defender in Memphis. Robinson was out of
her league.

Shankman told WND he had only a vague recollection of the Maness

“How much time did my client get?” he asked.

A three-year suspended sentence.

“Boy! Did he get lucky!” Shankman said. Disenza agreed, saying
that Judge Gibbons would normally have sentenced Maness to three
to eight years in the penitentiary for the offense for which he
had been convicted. Robinson left the U.S. Attorney’s office and
no longer practices law.

Since Maness was an Arkansas native and had been convicted in
1985, the logical route to an expedited pardon would have been
through Roger Clinton, Bill Clinton’s younger half-brother who
himself received a pardon. Roger Clinton pleaded guilty in
January 1985 to cocaine distribution charges and served one year
of a two-year sentence in return for testifying against a number
of other defendants.

Roger, a sometimes rock singer who was arrested in a beach
community near Los Angeles for suspicion of driving under the
influence of alcohol or drugs less than a month after he was
pardoned, submitted six names for his half-brother to pardon,
most of them conspirators in his drug dealings. The president
allegedly turned all of R

[CTRL] Update: EcoNews Environmental War Desk

2001-03-14 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-


VANCOUVER, BC - Was the Seattle-Vancouver earthquake of 28 February 2001
triggered - accidentally or on purpose - by electromagnetic (EM) devices?

What caused the Seattle-Vancouver earthquake is by no means settled to a
scientific certainty.  Contrary to some opinion, there are at least three
scientific models by which such electromagnetic (EM) ionization could trigger
an earthquake along the faults connecting the Seattle-Vancouver area.  The
question is so unsettled that we have documented opinion from a specific
researcher arguing both sides of the issue ;-)

The question of possible environmental war in the Seattle-Vancouver
earthquake is now an issue of public controversy. The British Broadcasting
Corporation (BBC - U.K.) - on March 13, 2001 - and other broadcasters have
produced and broadcast live programs with EcoNews Service on whether
electromagnetic (EM) weapons had any role in the earthquake.  British
Columbia is expecting a parliamentary election shortly, and at least one
political party - the Green Party of BC - has informed its members of the
issue, and is preparing to distribute a non-partisan questionnaire on
Environmental war and the Seattle-Vancouver earthquake to Green Party
provincial candidates.

EcoNews Service has created an Environmental War Desk, to facilitate and
update developments, as well as developing, opinion in this and other
breaking environmental war stories.


EARTH ISLAND: "Project HAARP: The Military's Plan to Alter the Ionosphere"

EARTH ISLAND: "Part II – HAARP’S Environmental Dangers"

EcoNews: UPDATE - "Was the Seattle-Vancouver earthquake triggered by
environmental war?"

BroJon: "What is HAARP - How it looks and Sounds. Has space war begun?"

EcoNews:"EARTH CHANGES: Environmental Warfare & Global Earthquakes"

Read Series at: http://www.ecologynews.com/cueet.html

Copyright 1998-2001 EcoNews Service

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NYJ: FBI Agents pay visit to New Square

2001-03-14 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Agents pay visit to New Square


Original publication: March 13, 2001

FBI agents recently visited New Square and may have questioned at
least one high-ranking official as part of their investigation
into whether Hillary Rodham Clinton influenced her husband to
reduce the sentences of four New Square men convicted of stealing
$40 million from federal anti-poverty programs.

The village's chief spokesman said yesterday that he had been
told that FBI agents had visited the Ramapo community, but could
not say for whom the agents were looking.

The FBI agents wanted to speak to someone who lives on Garfield
Road, Police Officer Gerald Ryan said yesterday. The agents had
gone to the Ramapo police about two weeks ago for directions to
New Square Village Hall on Route 45 and Garfield Road.

"They said they were looking for an individual with a street
address on Garfield Road,'' Ryan said. "They also wanted to know
where they could find Village Hall and how they could then get to

One person who lives on Garfield Road is Deputy Mayor Israel
"Izzy" Spitzer.

Spitzer had accompanied New Square Grand Rabbi David Twersky to
the White House on Dec. 22, when the Hasidic Jewish community's
leader met with Bill and Hillary Clinton. It was during that
meeting in the White House Map Room that the grand rabbi asked
the president to consider clemency for the four men sentenced to
federal prison.

The White House meeting between the rabbi and the Clintons came
six weeks after New Square residents voted 1,400-12 for Hillary
Clinton over her Republican opponent, Rick Lazio, for U.S
senator. The grand rabbi had met with Hillary Clinton and many
local politicians on Aug. 7 at his home in New Square.

U.S. Attorney Mary Jo White and the FBI are investigating whether
Hillary Clinton and her husband agreed to the reduced sentences
before the U.S. Senate election in exchange for reduced sentences
for the men. Sen. Clinton has denied any wrongdoing.

The four men were convicted in 1999 of conspiring with other New
Square residents to steal millions over a 20-year period from
anti-poverty programs for education, housing and small business.
They also set up private schools with phantom students. Three
other people, including a former trustee who was a founder of New
Square and adviser to the grand rabbi, have fled prosecution.

Monsey Rabbi Mayer Schiller, the community's chief spokesman,
said yesterday that Spitzer would be a likely person for the
agents to contact.

"It would be logical,'' Schiller said, adding that the whole
investigation itself made little sense. Schiller maintained that
community leaders did not promise Hillary Clinton the village's
bloc vote in exchange for the reduction in sentences for the four

"This whole thing is bizarre and a wild-goose chase to try and
find some evidence of a deal between the Clintons and New
Square,'' Schiller said. "They are not going to find what does
not exist. All this is coming at the taxpayers' expense. But they
call the shots.''

Spitzer did not return telephone messages left at his house or
Village Hall. His lawyer, Sam Rosenthal, declined to comment
yesterday on the federal investigation. FBI spokesman Joseph
Valiquette and White spokesman Herbert Hadad also declined to
comment yesterday.

White's office and the FBI have scheduled meetings with Rockland
elected officials who attended the Aug. 7 meeting between Hillary
Clinton and the rabbi. They include Assemblyman Sam Colman,
D-Monsey, and Legislature Chairman Ilan Schoenberger, D-Wesley
Hills. Assemblyman Alex Gromack, who also attended the meeting,
has declined to comment on the matter.

Prosecutors issued a grand jury subpoena for Rockland Democratic
Party records during the past five years as part of the inquiry.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] ALERT: Next Issue of "Bill of Rights Sentinel" going to press (fwd)

2001-03-14 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

America's Aggressive Civil Rights Organization
(Subscribe/UnSubscribe instructions near the end of the message)

March 14, 2001

ALERT: Next Issue of "Bill of Rights Sentinel" going to press

IF you are a dues-paying member of JPFO, AND IF you have moved
since you received the last issue of the "Sentinel", AND IF
you have not sent us your new address, please send your old
and new postal address via e-mail so we can update our mailing
list so you will receive the new issue.

If you are a subscriber to the JPFO Alerts list, but not a
dues-paying member of JPFO, why not join now and receive
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Re: [CTRL] So Here Is My Prince Charming

2001-03-14 Thread Marilyn Wright
-Caveat Lector-
This is probably a total waste of bandwith...BUT
Arafat's regime is so corrupt that even the ARABS have frozen funds designated for the PLO.and his (Arafat's) administration is bankrupt.. Arab nations  don't want to give him millions designated for aid to the Palestinian people because Arafat refuses to give the money and aid  to the Palestinian people. He is putting whatever money he has in his own pocket. Of course, one reason he does this is because he wants to keep them fighting and mad. It /couldn't be that he has any interest in profiting from the situation. But if the Palestinian people are suffering, what do their leaders have to do with that suffering

The Palestinians are fighting a losing cause thanks to their own leaders!!! How can there be any discussion of peace or any compromise when the Palestinians are functioning as terrorists WITHIN the Israeli state. You're saying that the Israeli's should let them keep on bombing and killing without retaliation

This does not make a whit of sense. If it continues, it dooms everyone, Israeli and Palestinian alike.

European Zionists, indeed!


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[CTRL] NM: Paper Trail Hints at Denise Rich Tie to Ex-husband's Holdings

2001-03-14 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

With Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff

For the story behind the story...

Tuesday, March 13, 2001 4:37 p.m.  EST

Paper Trail Hints at Denise Rich Tie to Ex-husband's Holdings

Eight-year-old legal records currently being reviewed by the
U.S.  attorney's office in New York suggest that million-dollar
Democratic donor Denise Rich may still have a financial interest
in the business dealings of her ex-husband Marc Rich, the
fugitive billionaire pardoned by former president Clinton on
Jan.  19.

In a report that hit the Internet Tuesday afternoon, Village
Voice investigative reporter James Ridgeway revealed the latest
twist in the Pardongate probe, one that has investigators poring
over documents connected to a 1993 lawsuit filed by Denise
against Marc claiming he had defrauded her and her children.

"The picture that emerges from the documents is that of an angry
and feisty former wife who had herself been a knowledgeable
stockholder, beneficiary, and player inside the Rich empire,"
Ridgeway reports.

In an affidavit Denise filed as part of the lawsuit she stated,
"Until 1990, I was a shareholder of MRCH (Marc Rich & Co.
Holding AG) ...  and I still maintain an interest in the

Then there's the letter prepared by Denise's attorneys asserting
that she owned nearly 14 percent of her husband's company, a
financial interest she may still retain in the form of preferred

Any current financial tie between Denise and her ex-husband's
company would only bolster suspicions that the money she gave to
the Clintons and other Democrats may not have been her own.

Such a link would certainly explain why Mrs.  Rich invoked her
Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination last month
rather than testify to Congress.

In other court documents, Mrs.  Rich charges that her husband was
trying to defraud the U.S.  government and threatens, ironically
enough, to blow the whistle on him to Congress.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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[CTRL] SNET: U.N. urged to require all guns to be marked for international tracking (fwd)

2001-03-14 Thread William Bacon

-Caveat Lector-

visit my web site at  http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon
My ICQ# is 79071904

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 12:20:34 -0800
Subject: SNET: U.N. urged to require all guns to be marked for international

->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

And some poeple would say (not me of course),
that blue helmets would make great moving targets
if you ever get to see one.:-)


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Re: [CTRL] A reputable GOP would sink Cellucci

2001-03-14 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 03/12/2001 6:12:38 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<<  reputable GOP  >>

An oxymoron.  Prudy

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[CTRL] Bush Slammed for Abandoning Pollution Pledge

2001-03-14 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Wednesday March 14 4:15 PM ET

Bush Slammed for Abandoning Pollution Pledge

By Alexander Ferguson

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Environmentalists said on Wednesday
President George W. Bush (news - web sites) would pay for his decision to
abandon his campaign pledge of seeking mandatory emissions cuts for
carbon dioxide at electrical power plants.

At an open-air news conference across from the White House, several
groups said the decision announced on Tuesday flew in the face of U.S.
public concern over the environment and promised to mobilize their
members to oppose it.

``This back-pedalling will haunt Bush for his entire term and may even be
more hazardous to his reelection than breaking the 'No new taxes' pledge
was to his father,'' the environmental activist group Greenpeace said in a

Critics said the decision was at odds with the spirit of the Kyoto Protocol
(news - web sites), the 1997 U.N. climate pact accord aimed at reducing
greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide. The accord was signed by the
United States but has not been ratified by the Senate and Bush opposes it.

Bush had declared in a presidential campaign speech on energy that
carbon dioxide was a pollutant, thus susceptible to emissions controls. But
aides said this was a mistake since it is not listed as a pollutant under the
Clean Air Act.

``Every campaign makes mistakes on those kinds of things,'' Republican
Sen. Rick Santorum (news - bio - voting record) of Pennsylvania told CNN
justifying Bush's change of position.

``I don't think you should hold a president to a campaign pledge that is not a
good pledge, that is not right.''

Bush Cites Higher Costs

Bush cited a new study from the Energy Department showing that caps on
carbon dioxide emissions, produced by the burning of coal and other fossil
fuels, would lead to higher energy prices at a time when they are already

Speaking to reporters on Wednesday, Bush tied his decision to the risk an
energy crisis posed for the economy.

``I am concerned that if we don't act in a common sense way, that our
people will not be able to heat and cool their homes. And I'm worried about
a failure of an energy policy could affect our economy, and we're dealing
with it in a common sense way,'' Bush said as he visited New Jersey.

Scientists came forward on Wednesday with more evidence to prove that
greenhouse gases, believed by scientists to be the cause of global
warming and major climate disruption, were building up in the Earth's

A study, reported in the science journal Nature, revealed new evidence
from satellites orbiting the Earth that confirmed previous ground-based
measurements used to gauge the change in greenhouse gases.

``This response by the Bush administration will not only let down
Americans, it will outrage the global community,'' said Kathryn Fuller,
president of the World Wildlife Fund.

Former Democratic vice presidential candidate and Connecticut Sen.
Joseph Lieberman (news - bio - voting record) said he would introduce a
bipartisan bill on Thursday to set ``practical limits'' on power plant
emissions of carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide and mercury.

``This is much more than a broken campaign promise and political double
talk,'' he told reporters.

``In this case, turnabout is foul play, and could seriously hurt our efforts to
reduce the enormously consequential risks of rising planetary


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[CTRL] ABC: Clinton Officials Subpoenaed by Mary jo White

2001-03-14 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Clinton Officials Subpoenaed

Investigators Seeking Documents Related to Pardons

March 13 ‹ Federal investigators have subpoenaed former White
House officials, including former Chief of Staff John Podesta,
and are asking for documents related to the controversial pardons
made on Bill Clinton's final day in office, sources tell ABCNEWS.

Mary Jo White, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New
York, has been been empowered to review all 177 pardons and
commutations granted by Clinton. She will not have the title of
special prosecutor, but as a U.S. attorney she is empowered to
prosecute if she finds evidence of wrongdoing.

White began the investigation because her office initiated the
original investigation into Marc Rich, the fugitive billionaire
granted clemency in what is probably Clinton's most controversial

A Wide Scope

The House Government Committee, chaired by Indiana Republican Dan
Burton, was seeking documents in the case, but White House
officials said everything had already been sent to the federal
Archives. It is possible that White may have to find documents
she needs from other sources.

In addition to the Rich pardon, White?s office is reviewing the
case of four Hasidic Jews convicted of fraud who were granted
commutations, and allegations that the former president's half
brother, Roger Clinton, sought $200,000 for promising a Texas man
he would help him win a pardon.

White will also look into the pardon granted convicted drug
dealer Carlos Vignali, whose father, Horacio Vignali, is a
Democratic contributor. The elder Vignali paid $200,000 to Hugh
Rodham, the then-president?s brother-in-law, to lobby on his

Hugh Rodham was paid another $200,000 for his successful efforts
to win a pardon for Almon Glenn Braswell, a businessman under
investigation for possible money laundering.

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., later demanded that her
brother return the money and says he has returned most of it.

Paying for Pardons?

Congressional investigators wanted to determine whether Rich
might have, in effect, bought his pardon. His ex-wife, Denise
Rich, has donated more than $1.5 million to the Democratic Party,
to President Clinton?s campaigns and to Hillary Clinton?s Senate
campaign. She also has given $450,000 to the $200 million Clinton

Three former Clinton White House aides ‹ Podesta, counsel Beth
Nolan and adviser Bruce Lindsey ‹ all testified before the House
Government Reform Committee that nearly all of the staffers
involved in advising the president on the matter tried to
convince him in ?heated? discussions not to pardon Rich and his
partner Pincus Green, two of the nation?s most-wanted
white-collar fugitives.

?We argued ... that if Mr. Rich and Mr. Green had such great
legal arguments, there was a place to make them, and it wasn?t
there,? Nolan said. ?It wasn?t in the Oval Office.?

But all three aides denied allegations that Denise Rich managed
to buy the pardon.

Marc Rich now lives in Switzerland after fleeing the United
States 17 years ago. He has called his pardon a humanitarian act.

Help for Hillary?

The four Hasidic men ‹ Benjamin Berger, Jacob Elbaum, David
Goldstein and Kalmen Stern ‹ were convicted of using a fictitious
Jewish school to defraud the government of millions of dollars in
education grants.

All four of the New York men are from the Hasidic village of New
Square, which voted overwhelmingly for the former first lady in
her successful Senate run last year.

Suspicions were raised that President Clinton freed them from
prison as a kind of favor in return or that there was a quid pro
quo swap of votes for clemency. But investigators have been
trying to determine if money ‹ perhaps political contributions ‹
played any role in Clinton?s decision.

ABCNEWS? Jackie Judd and Pierre Thomas contributed to this report.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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[CTRL] WP: Rich Made His Fortune by Breaking the Rules

2001-03-14 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Rich Made His Fortune by Breaking the Rules

 The villa of metals dealer Marc Rich sits near the lake
Vierwaldstaettersee in Meggen, Switzerland. (Dani Tischler - AP)

By Michael Dobbs
Washington Post Foreign Service
Tuesday, March 13, 2001; Page A01

ZUG, Switzerland -- For decades, traders from all over Europe
have flocked to this lakeside Alpine town, attracted by stringent
privacy laws, low tax rates and guarantees of corporate
anonymity. But none has achieved the dominance of Marc Rich, the
billionaire metals dealer and indicted tax fugitive pardoned by
Bill Clinton in one of the last acts of his presidency.

At the age of 66, after a lifetime of deal-making and
sanctions-breaking, Rich is the uncrowned king of Zug, a place
that boasts 10,000 international companies, or roughly one
corporation for every two residents. He is rarely seen but
constantly talked about, his exploits buying and selling the
world's natural resources becoming the stuff of legend -- and

During the quarter-century that he has been operating from Zug,
including 17 years hiding from U.S. marshals, Rich has mastered
the art of clinching a deal with everyone from Communist
bureaucrats to Third World dictators to Iranian ayatollahs. Many
of the business practices cited in his 1983 indictment for
racketeering by the Southern District of New York -- trading with
pariah states, manipulating the market for huge personal gain,
hiding profits in a thicket of offshore companies -- are
techniques that he perfected here both before and after he got
into trouble in the United States.

The list of countries that Rich has traded with reads like a
compendium of rogue states: Iran during the hostage crisis,
apartheid-era South Africa, Slobodan Milosevic's Yugoslavia,
North Korea, Moammar Gaddafi's Libya, the Soviet Union under
Leonid Brezhnev.

"He sees himself as a citizen of the world, unencumbered by the
laws of sovereign nations," said Howard Safir, a former U.S.
marshal, who lay in wait outside Rich's Swiss residence in 1985
in one of several futile attempts to enforce an arrest warrant
against Rich on charges of swindling U.S. taxpayers of nearly $50
million. "His view is that everything and everyone can be bought
and sold, and government is irrelevant."

In keeping with his usual practice, Rich declined to be
interviewed for this article, although he released a statement
last month saying he did not think he could receive a fair trial
in the United States. For the past few weeks, he has kept out of
sight, holed up at his luxurious estate in the village of Meggen,
15 miles away, with his collection of Van Goghs, Picassos and
Miros, and a breathtaking view of the mountains rising above the
shimmering waters of Lake Lucerne.

According to his supporters, Rich is waiting for the controversy
generated by Clinton's pardon to blow over before speaking out.
"There is nothing mysterious about him," said Georg Stucky, a
former finance minister from the canton of Zug who now runs
Rich's charitable foundation in Switzerland. "He is just a normal
businessman who does not like publicity. He is a very shy

Here in Switzerland's wealthiest canton, in one of the world's
wealthiest countries, there is a saying that "money doesn't
smell," according to local Green party leader Josef Lang, who has
waged a 20-year campaign to expose alleged wrongdoing by Rich and
other international traders, and their cozy links with local
politicians. In Zug, Lang said in a tone of disgust, "you don't
ask where the money comes from, you just ask how much."

University Dropout

He was born Marc Reich on Dec. 18, 1934, in the Belgian city of
Antwerp, the only child of a prosperous Jewish family. When the
Nazis took over Belgium in 1942, the family fled to the United
States, settling first in Kansas City, Mo., and then in New York,
where Rich's father David went into the burlap bag business.

The Korean War created huge demand for burlap bags, pushing
prices sky-high and turning David Rich into a millionaire. For
Marc, it was an early lesson in the economics of scarcity.
Dropping out of New York University at age 19, he set his sights
on becoming a commodities trader.

The company that Rich joined, Philipp Brothers, was the largest
raw materials trading company in the world. He started in the
mailroom but soon came to the attention of Ludwig Jesselson, a
legendary trader skilled in the art of concluding long-term
contracts with Third World countries. Cool, calculating and
exceptionally aggressive in his deal-making, Rich quickly became
a Jesselson favorite. By the late 1960s, he was his heir

Then, in 1975, in an act of betrayal that is still the talk of
commodities traders, Rich broke with his mentor in a dispute over
bonuses. He and his partner, Pincus "Pinky" Green, quit Philipp
Brothers, taking the company's most closely held secrets and a
half-dozen of its lead

[CTRL] Swiss seek stricter controls on light weapons

2001-03-14 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Swiss seek stricter controls on light weapons

Switzerland and France have submitted a joint proposal to the United
Nations which seeks to place strict controls on the trade in light weapons.
They want a system whereby all small arms can be traced from the moment
they are produced.

The Swiss ambassador to the UN Disarmament Conference in Geneva,
Raimond Kunz, and his French counterpart, Hubert de La Fortelle, said
light weapons are responsible for the death of one person every minute
around the world.

Describing these weapons as a “factor in the destabilisation of the rule of
law” and a “threat to democracy”, they said Paris and Berne wanted to see
the creation of an international mechanism whereby states would commit
themselves to cooperating in tracking these weapons.

Among the methods being proposed by the Swiss and French to trace
weapons will be an indelible mark. This would allow the monitoring of
sources and supply lines, as well as identifying where authorised stocks
and transfers are lost, stolen or diverted.

A number of countries already mark their light weapons, but the problem is
finding a single, indelible internationally-recognised method. This could be
achieved using lasers, chemicals or radioactivity.

The Franco-Swiss joint initiative comes four months before a UN
conference in New York tackles the illicit trade in light weapons. The aim of
the gathering is to draw up a plan of action to deal with the problem.

Unlike chemical, biological and nuclear weapons, there is no global non-
proliferation regime limiting the spread of light arms, despite the fact they
kill far more people than weapons of mass destruction.

A firearms protocol aimed at combating the illicit manufacture and
trafficking of firearms is currently being negotiated in Vienna as part of a
UN Convention against transnational organised crime.

Despite not being a UN member, Switzerland has played an active role in
these negotiations, as well as being a leading player in other world efforts
to clamp down on the proliferation of light arms.

This commitment is part of its so-called “new diplomacy”, which it launched
three years ago and which focuses on the security of the individual. The
country’s campaign against anti-personnel mines falls within the same

Light weapons, or small arms, include conventional military arms such as
pistols, automatic rifles, machine guns, grenades and shoulder-fired
weapons. They have become a current issue because of the increasing
number of internal conflicts which are characterised by the almost exclusive
use of this type of weapons.

The Franco-Swiss paper under discussion says that small arms not only
cause terrible human suffering, but also “reduce the prospects for
sustainable development and foster a culture of violence”.

by Roy Probert

12.03.2001 - 16:55


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[CTRL] Argentina confirms case of foot-and-mouth disease

2001-03-14 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Argentina confirms case of foot-and-mouth disease

By KEVIN GRAY, Associated Press

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (March 13, 2001 8:15 p.m. EST
http://www.nandotimes.com) - Officials in Argentina, the world's fourth-
largest beef-producing nation, on Tuesday confirmed at least one case of
foot-and-mouth disease in its northwest region.

A statement from SENASA, the country's agricultural sanitation agency,
said the case in one cow had been found in a remote part of Buenos Aires
province, a popular cattle grazing area in the Pampas region, some 250
miles northwest of Buenos Aires.

The announcement came shortly after European Union veterinary experts
decided to ban imports of livestock and dairy products from Argentina,
citing rumors of "outbreaks in large parts of the country." SENASA said it
was also investigating "various" claims by farmers in other regions of the
country, but did not say how many.

The United States, Canada and Chile - all among the biggest buyers of
Argentine beef - introduced similar bans on Tuesday. In an effort to show its
serious approach to the problem, Argentina formally pre-empted those
bans earlier in the day by deciding to voluntary restrict beef exports to
certain markets.

Last month, Argentina announced a $22 million dollar plan to vaccinate
cattle herds against foot-and-mouth disease after media reports of
possible cases in the countryside. The plan included vaccination of some
12 million cattle plus the heavy restriction of herd movements.

Earlier Tuesday, the EU panel recommended a ban on the export of
livestock from France, where the first confirmed cases of foot-and-mouth
disease were confirmed on the continent following an outbreak last month
in Britain.

For Argentina, the news comes as the country is grappling with a grinding
32-month recession. As mad cow and foot-and-mouth concerns swept
Europe in recent months, Argentine farmers had hoped to increase exports


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[CTRL] How hype grew around the mystery invention 'Ginger'

2001-03-14 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

How hype grew around the mystery invention 'Ginger'

Copyright © 2001 Nando Media
Copyright © 2001 Christian Science Monitor Service

By MARK SAPPENFIELD, The Christian Science Monitor

(March 13, 2001 11:33 a.m. EST http://www.nandotimes.com) - It was just
an errant e-mail, but it created the biggest mystery of the new millennium.

In the beginning, it was a book proposal - a series of cyberspace
communiques in which an author told an agent that he had the scoop of a
lifetime: One of today's most respected inventors was working on a device
that would shake civilization.

It "will sweep over the world and change lives, cities, and ways of thinking,"
the proposal read, according to a story on the site Inside.com.

What was it? He didn't say, only dropping a few hints and a name:

Months later, Ginger is still just that - a phenomenon. Since Inside.com
published passages of the e-mail in January, Web prophets and curious
journalists have posited that the device might be anything from a
transporter to a hovercraft.

Yet the answer remains a mystery. And the unusual amount of speculation
the invention has fueled is sparking the usual backlash - including from the
inventor himself, a reclusive individual who has had some success turning
quixotic ideas into reality. In an interview last week with Brill's Content
magazine, Dean Kamen, the man behind Ginger, dismissed much of the
coverage as "hype about a product that doesn't even exist yet."

But the hype remains. Websites like theginger.com and theitquestion.com
have sprung up simply to disseminate the latest rumors. The prevailing
theory at the moment is that Kamen is working on an idea that could
reshape how people heat their homes or get to the market.

Scooter? Or amazing new engine?

In a new story published last week, Inside fueled speculation that Ginger is
a motorized scooter equipped with a unique balancing mechanism of
gyroscopes and sensors called "dynamic stabilization." After all, Ginger's
other code name, "IT," has been rumored to mean "Individual Transport."
Also, in 1999, Kamen created a company intended to make "motorized ...
scooters, carts, and chariots," Inside says.

Further on, however, Inside indicates the scooter might not be the true
invention. Kamen has registered Internet domain names including
"stirlingelectric.com" and "stirlingscooter.com," leading to speculation that
he is refining a version of the Stirling engine.

Invented by the Rev. Robert Stirling of Scotland in 1816, the Stirling engine
has long been a curio and niche product. Some remote Arctic outposts use
it for power, and Swedish submarine-maker Kockums builds its craft with
Stirling engines.

The allure is obvious. The engines - which work by using heated and
cooled gas, not internal combustion, to move pistons - are quiet and
environmentally clean.

Scientists tried to adapt Stirling engines for cars during the 1970s, but
never succeeded. The contraptions remain slow to start and relatively
costly. But if Kamen can improve on the engine, the impact could be

The scooter is fine, say experts, but perhaps the most alluring Stirling
application would be as a household power source. Forget the inefficient
process of importing power from a far-off plant - an advanced Stirling
engine no bigger than an air conditioner could sit in the backyard and meet
a household's electricity needs.

"The significance of the Stirling engine is that you could obsolete the
electric grid," says Brent Van Arsdell, president of American Stirling, which
builds engines mainly for educational uses. In addition, "a whole range of
Stirling engines could be developed to even run things like a laptop."

Mr. Van Arsdell says he knows of several companies that are working on
improved Stirling engines, but Kamen's reputation for turning ideas into
reality is almost mythic. As of last month, he held 96 patents in the United
States, and his most recent invention won him the National Medal of
Technology last year. It was a wheelchair code-named "Fred" (hence:
"Ginger") that can go up stairs, over sand, and raise its owner to eye level
with standing people.

An eccentric iconoclast

In his personal life, Kamen fits the image of the eccentric inventor. Every
day, he wears the same outfit: blue jeans and a denim shirt. He commutes
the seven miles from his suburban home to his Manchester, N.H., R&D
company by helicopter. What's more, he's the pilot.

He's even bought his own island, North Dumpling, in Long Island Sound.
When New York officials wouldn't let him build a windmill there to power his
home, he declared that North Dumpling had seceded from the Union and
proclaimed himself "Lord Dumpling." The island has its own currency and a
navy - an amphibious vehicle dubbed "Old Aluminumsides."

"He's someone who enjoys being an iconoclast," says John Abele, founder
and chairman of Boston Scientific, who has known Kamen for about 10

The son of a comic-book artist and a t

[CTRL] Did Christianity Begin with a Mythical Christ?

2001-03-14 Thread William Shannon

Book Review: 
The Jesus Puzzle:
Did Christianity Begin with a Mythical Christ?
by Earl Doherty Saussy

Reviewed by Acharya S 

      On the cover of Earl Doherty's book, is a blurb from a reader of 
Doherty's earlier online version: "You present nothing new here that your 
master, Satan, has not previously used to deceive the simple." In reality, 
neither does this zealous critic present anything new, as this sinister 
sentiment has been slung since Day One at those who do not blindly believe 
every priestly huckster who comes along. Such an acrimonious response, in 
fact, ranks right up there with "Your [sic] gonna burn in hell," in 
intelligence and efficacy in refuting scholarly challenges to ludicrous 
biblical claims. 

      It is a constant source of amazement to "freethinkers," rationalists 
and assorted (other) scholars and scientists that it is considered virtuous 
to blindly believe in the words of a man or a group of men concerning the 
matters of "faith" and "religion," when, if religion were to have any meaning 
at all, it would be about reality, honesty and integrity. There is little 
honest or righteous about blindly accepting and then promulgating beliefs one 
has not thoroughly investigated. Such behavior - and subsequent name-calling 
and threats when the sale of these sacrosanct shoddy goods falls through - 
should be considered the realm of the con artist, rather than that of a 
seeker of truth. 

      There is nothing reasonable about accepting a story on its face value - 
particularly if it defies logic and the laws of nature. And from beginning to 
end the gospel tale does just that. It is a cruel tale that reveals a 
deranged god. And a tale not even original to Christianity but falsely 
presented as such. In actuality, the gospel story has been demonstrated 
repeatedly to be a mishmash of mythical and ritualistic motifs found in 
older, "Pagan" and "Jewish" (Hebrew/Israelite) cultures. Knowing this fact, 
many erudite and enlightened individuals have attempted to explain how Christ 
and Christianity really came about. For their courageous and insightful 
efforts, they have reaped the consequences of immense vitriol and, all too 
frequently over the millennia, death. 

      It is with great relief to the dissenters, then, when another intrepid 
voice is heard and an inspiring book makes it to print, as it indicates that 
on the horizon still glows some glimmer of hope that humanity can be freed 
from erroneous beliefs which have caused endless suffering, atrocity and 
terror. As someone making the world safer, the dissident should be lauded and 
defended in his or her endeavors. 

      In his endeavor at seeking truth - and risking the vituperation of 
those unwilling or unable to investigate for themselves - Earl Doherty 
smoothly solves another piece of the Jesus puzzle, which has been under 
deconstruction for centuries. He throws his well-considered opinions and 
research into the ring alongside those of thousands of dissidents over the 
centuries. Fortunately, Doherty's work provides unique and complementary 
aspects to a growing body of literature written by those derogatorily called 
by Christian apologists, "Christ-mythers," an assembly sneered at and 
vilified - but not adequately refuted by any means - by believers and vested 
interests alike. 

      After years of painstaking research, classicist and humanist Doherty, 
like his Christ-myth predecessors, concluded that there was no historical 
Jesus. The same conclusion was reached by his colleague, the Jesus Seminar's 
Robert Price, an ex-evangelist who became a mythicist after close examination 
and the removal of mythical elements from the gospel story, after which 
little was left of the gospel Jesus that could be considered "historical." 

      In dissecting the Christ myth, Doherty focuses on demonstrating the 
lack of historicity found in the earliest of canonical Christian texts, the 
epistles. Like so many others, he wonders why "Paul," considered by numerous 
Christians to be the "greatest apostle" and the truest establisher of 
Christian doctrine, makes nary a mention of Jesus's purported life, deeds and 

      In fact, Doherty does an excellent job outlining that the Christ of the 
epistles is non-historical and transcendental, and that Paul and the other 
epistle writers had no awareness of the gospel tale and its "historical 
Jesus." Says he: 

      "If we had to rely on the letters of the earliest Christians, such as 
Paul and those who wrote most of the other New Testament epistles, we would 
be hard pressed to find anything resembling the details of the Gospel story. 
If we did not read Gospel associations into what Paul and the others say 
about their Christ Jesus, we could not even tell that this figure, the object 
of their worship, was a man who had recently lived in Palestine and had been 
executed by the Roman authorities with the

[CTRL] NM: New Pardongate Heat on Roger and Hillary

2001-03-14 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

With Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff

For the story behind the story...

Wednesday March 14, 2001; 9:22 a.m.  EST

New Pardongate Heat on Roger and Hillary

Former first brother Roger Clinton and his sister-in-law Sen.
Hillary Clinton woke up to some bad news Wednesday morning.

The Pardongate probe is heating up, with investigators zeroing in
on witnesses that could implicate the duo in serious criminality.

For the first time Roger has been tied directly to CLM LLC, an
Arkansas company accused of selling pardons in his name.

Last week the first sibling said through a spokeswoman that he
had nothing to do with CLM, though witnesses said they were told
the acronym stands for Clinton, Locke and Morton.

Now CLM partner Dickey Morton tells the New York Daily News that
Roger was not only involved in the business -- he has documents
that prove the first brother was a full fledged partner.

Guy Lincecum, who says he purchased a pardon for his brother
Garland on the promise that Roger could make it happen, produced
$200,000 in cancelled checks last week.  One was a $100,000
cashiers check.  But on the other the payee is listed as CLM.

Morton acknowledges the payment, but told the News that what
Lincecum bought was advice on a scheme to use a Christian
foundation to sell tax exempt bonds in Las Vegas.

Whether Morton's alibi holds up is one question.  But there's no
question that Roger's has already begun to unravel.

The first sibling has also refused to answer a set of written
questions sent by House Pardongate probers, which could trigger a
new public hearing with Roger as the star witness, committee
spokesman Mark Corallo told the New York Post.

Pardongate probers may be closing in on Hillary as well as they
seek to question former New York Democratic Party leader Paul
Adler, who headed up her Jewish outreach committee during her
senate campaign last year.

Adler is expected to tell the FBI whether there was a quid pro
quo arrangement between Hillary and four Hasidic rabbis in the
village of New Square, New York, which voted 1400 to 12 in her

The New Square rabbis had been jailed on charges of bilking the
government out of millions of dollars federal aid.  But their
jail sentences were commuted when ex-President Clinton granted
them clemency on Jan.  19.

Mrs.  Clinton acknowledges attending a December White House
meeting with her husband and New Square emmisaries, who were
there to plead for the commutations.  But Hillary has claimed she
took no position whatsoever on their appeal.

Adler has more than a little incentive to cooperate.  Last month
he pleaded guilty to tax fraud charges and will be looking to
limit a possible five year jail term.  He's scheduled to be
sentenced in May.

In more bad news for Hillary, chief Pardongate prober U.S.
Attorney Mary Jo White has added Michael Chertoff to her staff.

As lead counsel to the Senate's 1996-96 Whitewater investigation,
Chertoff argued that Mrs.  Clinton obstructed the Vincent Foster
death probe and knew more than she was saying about the
mysterious reappearance of her Rose Law billing records in the
White House book room.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Unsealed Court Docs Reveal How Hamilton Was Bushwhacked

2001-03-14 Thread William Shannon

Unsealed Court Docs Reveal How Hamilton Was Bushwhacked

by Uri Dowbenko

      Recently unsealed court documents in the Hamilton Securities case show 
that attorneys from the Department of Justice and HUD(Housing and Urban 
Development) lied repeatedly in court before US District Judge Stanley 

      In an outrageous example of judiciary malfeasance, Judge Sporkin (now 
in private practice with Weil Gotshall) himself coached the government 
attorneys on how they should proceed with their investigation and litigation 

      Prior to the lawsuit, Hamilton Securities, an innovative software 
company and its president Catherine Austin Fitts successfully completed an 
auction sale of defaulted HUD properties, which saved the government $2.2 
billion in lost revenue.

      Then Hamilton became a target. (See "Bushwhacked: HUD Fraud, Spooks and 
the Slumlords of Harvard."   (www.conspiracydigest.com/bushwhacked.html)

      In June 1996, John Ervin of Ervin Associates, a disgruntled HUD 
contractor, filed a secret qui tam lawsuit against Hamilton Securities, 
Goldman Sachs, and Blackrock PNC. He also filed a lawsuit against HUD and HUD 

      Transcripts of the sealed hearings show that DoJ and HUD attorneys were 
clearly the strategic force behind Ervin's phony suit against Hamilton, 
running interference for Ervin in closed sessions with Judge Sporkin.

      DoJ attorneys Barbara Van Gelder and Anthony Alexis, as well as HUD 
attorney Judith Hetherton, then managed to keep stalling the qui tam lawsuit 
against Hamilton for an astonishing four years. This was apparently a 
clear-cut effort to bleed Hamilton's financial resources. The time proscribed 
by law, by the way, for "investigations" of this type, is 60 days.

      The coordination against Hamilton seems to have originated in the US 
Attorney's office in the District of Columbia, as well as the Lee Radek 
fiefdom of the Department of Justice, misnamed the "Office of Public 

      Former CIA operative Lee Radek is a master of conspiracy cover-up and 
his office has a well-documented reputation for derailing criminal 
investigation of government insiders and coordinating reprisals against 

      Hetherton was a former member of the District of Columbia's US 
Attorney's office, while Van Gelder worked for Eric Holder, the DC US 
Attorney who became the Assistant Attorney General under Janet Reno. Van 
Gelder also reported to Frank Hunger, Al Gore's brother in law, head of the 
Civil Division of the Department of Justice.

      In essence, the qui tam lawsuit, filed by a bounty hunter (Ervin) on 
behalf of the government, alleged that the government had been harmed by bid 
rigging between Goldman Sachs, Black Rock, HUD and Hamilton Securities.

      Court documents present a convincing case that the qui tam and the 
civil lawsuitS were themselves concocted by the DC US Attorney's team -- even 
though they knew it was completely without merit.

      During the same time frame (four years), Judge Sporkin illegally kept 
the court documents sealed to further obfuscate DoJ's criminality.

      In fact, the unsealed court transcripts reveal an astonishing disregard 
for evidence and normal court protocol by government attorneys as well as the 

      It's clear that Judge Sporkin was guiding DoJ and Ervin attorneys in 
their "search" for non-existent evidence against Hamilton.

      Sporkin, former CIA and SEC counsel under Bill Casey, repeatedly helped 
government attorneys by verbally nudging them toward some semblance of 
professional behavior.

      Sporkin, by the way, took over the case from Judge Charles R. Richey 
who mysteriously -- and unexpectedly -- died after the first several hearings.

      In the March 29, 1999 transcript, for example, Judge Sporkin asked US 
Attorney Anthony Alexis. "Where are we on this thing here? Where's the 
government going? Do they know yet?"

      Alexis replies. "No." Sporkin, evidently frustrated by the US 
Attorney's inability to present a credible case against Hamilton, asks him, 
"You don't know where you want to go?"

      Alexis answers, "I kind of know which direction I want to go in terms 
of who I want to speak to, but there's well, obviously the documents which 
Ms. Hetherton can speak to which is before the special master."

      The case, by the way, was first heard on June 20, 1996, so the 
preceding conversation took place three years after the supposed 
"investigation," which yielded no evidence of wrongdoing by Hamilton.

      Each time attorneys for DoJ and HUD appeared in closed session with the 
judge, they would, time and again, present no evidence, no affidavits, and no 
documents -- just a plea to postpone the case.

      Judge Sporkin, time and again, acceded to their baseless request and 
postponed the case.

      The chronology of illegal and bizarre behavior by Spork


2001-03-14 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

"Meanwhile, President Bush yesterday tapped the lawyer who led
the Senate Whitewater probe to head the criminal division at the
Justice Department. Michael Chertoff, who was counsel to the
Senate Whitewater Committee chaired by then-Sen. Alfonse D'Amato
(R-N.Y.), could play a role in the Pardongate because White is
now reporting directly to his division."


New York Post
Wednesday, March 14, 2001

WASHINGTON - Federal probers have subpoenaed ex-White House Chief
of Staff John Podesta and other officials in their search for
potentially crucial Pardongate documents, it was reported

Podesta and two other former Clinton aides, counsel Beth Nolan
and adviser Bruce Lindsey, were previously subpoenaed for
documents by the House Government Committee probing ex-President
Bill Clinton's controversial slew of pardons.

White House officials said at the time everything had already
been sent to the federal Archives.

The new move by federal probers may be to try to unearth vital
information from other sources, ABC News said on its Web site.

Manhattan U.S. Attorney Mary Jo White has been given the green
light to investigate any of Clinton's 177 last-minute pardons
handed out on his last day in office. But she is concentrating on
a few controversial ones, sources say.

She's known to be looking at the pardons of billionaire fugitive
Marc Rich, four Hasidic swindlers from upstate New Square, the
mysterious circumstances around alleged payments for pardon
requests linked to Roger Clinton and the $400,000 pardon fees
paid to Hillary Clinton's brother Hugh Rodham.

Sources say FBI agents today are set to interview more witnesses
in the Roger Clinton probe. The witnesses are members of a family
who claim they were shaken down for $230,000 by two Arkansas men
who allegedly claimed Roger Clinton could deliver a pardon.

Meanwhile, President Bush yesterday tapped the lawyer who led the
Senate Whitewater probe to head the criminal division at the
Justice Department. Michael Chertoff, who was counsel to the
Senate Whitewater Committee chaired by then-Sen. Alfonse D'Amato
(R-N.Y.), could play a role in the Pardongate because White is
now reporting directly to his division.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NM: China Moves Toward War

2001-03-14 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-



China Moves Toward War
Charles R. Smith
Tuesday, March 13, 2001

According to congressional sources, China is rapidly moving
toward war. A newly released congressional report predicts that
China will attack Taiwan unless the United States supplies badly
needed defense systems to the tiny island nation. "Taiwan is
virtually defenseless against the 250 missiles now deployed by
Beijing," noted Al Santoli, senior foreign policy adviser to Rep.
Dana Rohrabacher. The investigative report prepared by Santoli
was delivered to Rep. Henry Hyde, R-Ill., chairman of the House
Foreign Relations Committee.

"If we do not send strong political signals by enhancing Taiwan's
defense systems, and urging democratic cohesion in Taipei,
Beijing could go for the gusto [invade Taiwan] even before it
reaches its full deployment of 600 cross-Strait missiles by
2005," states the congressional report.

According to the report, Taiwan is now helpless against the
growing arsenal of advanced missiles being deployed by Beijing.
The report calls upon newly elected President Bush to supply
"long-range radar systems" and "software links" to Taiwan to
"more rapidly tie together its disparate warning and response

"From Defense Minister Shi-wen Wu to Armed Forces Chief of Staff
Gen. Yao-ming Tang to IW/EW Commander Lt. Gen Abe Lin to ship and
submarine commanders in Kaoshiung, all emphasized the need for
the Aegis naval (radar) system," noted the report.

Clinton Policy Destabilized Region

In 2000, the Clinton administration refused to export the Aegis
radar system to Taiwan and withheld U.S.-made AMRAAM air defense,
citing pressure from Red China. Congressional defense experts now
cite Taiwan's lack of advanced radar and defensive missiles as
inviting Red China to attack now.

"The PLA is rapidly bringing a new generation of Russian-made
fighters on line with advanced avionics and air-to-air missiles.
It is a cruel joke to withhold U.S. AMRAAM missiles purchased by
Taiwan in Hawaii until after the PLA begins firing at them,"
noted the report.

"We should have learned from Vietnam. The current nonsensical
policy is similar to Robert McNamara and his Whiz Kids in 1965.
Taiwan should receive the AMRAAMs now, to deter an attack."

Red Subs Threaten Taiwan and U.S.

The report also noted that Taiwan's submarine force is badly
outnumbered and outclassed by new Chinese attack subs.

"The PLA navy now has 96 operational submarines, including state
of the art diesel subs, compared to the 4 submarines of the
Taiwan navy. Two of those [Taiwanese] submarines are Guppies
built in 1946," states the congressional report.

"The U.S. should sell at least a few submarines to Taiwan, as
well as provide advanced air and surface ASW assets."

The newly released congressional report also underscored
assessments by U.S. defense analysts about the rapid increase in
the Chinese submarine and missile forces. The Chinese navy's
single ballistic missile submarine cannot reach American targets
from its home waters. However, in January China tested its new
submarine-launched JL-2 (Great Wave) missile from underwater.

According to the Cox report, the JL-2 was built using stolen
American nuclear secrets. The 7,000-mile-range JL-2 missile is
capable of striking three targets with lightweight nuclear
warheads and can destroy any city along the heavily populated
U.S. West Coast from Chinese home waters.

U.S. intelligence sources confirmed that China is constructing a
new class of nuclear submarine to carry the JL-2 missile. Each
submarine is designed to carry 16 JL-2 missiles. The PLA Navy is
expected to take delivery of the first JL-2 armed nuclear sub in

KLUB Cruise Missile

In addition, the Chinese navy is recently bought two advanced
Russian Kilo-class diesel attack submarines. U.S. defense sources
stated they are gravely concerned the submarines, undergoing
modification in the Russian Bol'shoy Kamen shipyard, will be
equipped with a deadly new underwater-fired missile - the 3M54
"KLUB," NATO code-named SS-N-27.

China is reported to be on the verge of concluding a
multibillion-dollar arms deal with Moscow to equip its rapidly
growing attack submarine force with the KLUB, a long-range,
airborne cruise missile reported to be similar in performance and
range to the U.S. Tomahawk.

"The Chinese are reported to be interested in the KLUB, but no
reports of a sale just yet," stated Richard Fisher, a senior
fellow at the Jamestown Foundation.

The KLUB "comes in two versions. One is a 300 km land attack
cruise missile similar to the Tomahawk. If the PLA purchases this
version of the KLUB, it would then have a strategic force
projection capability if placed on current or future submarines,"
noted Fisher.

"With this version of the KLUB, the PLA could support Iran by
attacking Western Coalition bases 

[CTRL] NM: Jackson Hit With Another Charge of Illegal Activity

2001-03-14 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

News Max Exclusive:

Jackson Hit With Another Charge of Illegal Activity

Wes Vernon
Tuesday, March 13, 2001

Jesse Jackson’s mounting legal problems continued to grow
Tuesday, as the Federal Election Commission received another
complaint against him, along with the Democratic National
Committee and the Gore-Lieberman campaign.

The American Conservative Union (ACU) filed the charges with the
FEC, alleging that the self-styled civil rights leader, in
cooperation with the Democratic Party and the Gore-Lieberman
campaign, had violated the law on several counts, all of them
with a focus on the use of Jackson’s organizations, including
Citizenship Education Fund, Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, Keep Hope
Alive PAC, Illinois Rainbow/PUSH, and Illinois, People United.

The charges include the following:

1.  That Jackson illegally used his tax-exempt groups to provide
in-kind campaign contributions to the Democratic National
Committee and the Gore-Lieberman campaign after receiving illegal
contributions from the DNC and Gore-Lieberman.

2.  That Jackson applied corporate expenditures to fund and
implement partisan "voter registration” and "get-out-the-vote
drives” that specifically urged the election of the
Gore-Lieberman ticket and other candidates, and coordinated those
efforts with the DNC and Gore-Lieberman.

3.  That the Gore-Lieberman campaign illegally solicited and
accepted in-kind contributions from Jackson’s corporations,
citing this as "a criminal offense, subject to criminal

4.  That Jackson’s travel for partisan campaign purposes, with
numerous appearances in more than 150 locations, was paid for by
his tax-exempt corporations and reimbursed by the Democratic
Party or Gore/Lieberman Inc.  In one section of its filing, the
ACU specifically alleges that Jackson’s groups were "reimbursed
by the Democratic National Committee in the amount of $450,000.”

The conservative group is urging the commission to refer the
complaint to the Justice Department for prosecution "as may be

Additionally, the ACU has fired off a letter to Treasury
Secretary Paul O’Neill and Internal Revenue Service Commissioner
Charles O.  Rossoti requesting the Internal Revenue Service to
"conduct an audit of the Citizenship Education fund ('CEF') and
its affiliated organization, Rainbow/Push Coalition ('RPC') as
well as other organizations and entities” in the complaint.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Direct Observational Evidence Of Greenhouse Effect

2001-03-14 Thread William Shannon

First, direct observational evidence of a change in the Earth's greenhouse 
effect between 1970 and 1997 

Scientists from Imperial College, London, have produced the first direct 
observational evidence that the earth’s greenhouse effect increased between 
1970 and 1997.

 Writing today in the journal Nature (1), researchers in the Department of 
Physics show that there has been a significant change in the Earth’s 
greenhouse effect over the last 30 years, a finding which is consistent with 
concerns over so-called ‘radiative forcing’ of the climate (2). 

Previous studies in this area have depended on theoretical simulations 
because of the lack of data. However the Imperial team reached their 
conclusions after analysing data collected by two different earth-orbiting 
spacecraft, in 1970 and 1997.

 Comparison between the two data sets has unequivocally established that 
significant changes in greenhouse gas emissions from the Earth have caused 
the change to the planet’s greenhouse effect over this time period. 

Professor John Harries, the lead author of the paper says: "These unique 
satellite spectrometer data collected 27 years apart show for the first time 
that real spectral differences have been observed and that they can be 
attributed to changes in green house gases over a long time period." 

The team examined the infrared spectrum of long-wave radiation data from a 
region over the Pacific Ocean, and also over the whole globe. They discovered 
significant differences in the levels of atmospheric methane, carbon dioxide, 
ozone and chlorofluorocarbons 11 and 12 between the data, collected in 1970 
and 1997. 

"The scientists found that by taking the difference between the two sets of 
data for the same region, they observed the change in the outgoing longwave 
radiation, and therefore a change in the greenhouse trapping by the 

Although the two experiments were flown on separate spacecraft, 27 years 
apart, the team showed that their comparison of outgoing infrared long-wave 
radiation spectra is valid. Even allowing for the different spatial and 
spectral resolutions of the two instruments, there are significant changes in 
the spectra of the greenhouse gases of the Earth, over this time period. 

The team took a number of steps to ensure that their data was reliable. The 
effects of cloud cover were effectively removed by using a cloud-clearing 
algorithm. The resulting two datasets were of comparable resolution and 
representative of clear-sky conditions. To reduce ‘noise’ in the data, the 
team selected several regions of the globe and calculated clear-sky average 
spectra. To avoid seasonal artefacts they used only selected data from the 
same 3-month period (April – June). 

Dr Helen Brindley, second author on the paper says: "Through our modelling 
studies using independent knowledge of the atmospheric state we have shown 
that the magnitude of the changes observed can only be explained by long-term 
changes in the greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, and 

 Professor Harries described the next challenges for the team: "The next step 
is to assess whether these data can provide information about changes in not 
only the greenhouse gas forcing, but the cloud feedback, which is a response 
of the cloud field to that forcing. 

"We must also work to test agreement with the general circulation models (3) 
used in climate change experiments. These use basic knowledge of expected 
changes in climate forcing (for example changes in greenhouse gas amounts, 
solar constant) to predict the climate response. 

"Since these are the models used to predict future climate, and influence 
policy decisions, it is imperative that they can accurately simulate 
measurements of what is considered to be the driving mechanism behind climate 

"We are only at the beginning of making use of these spectral observations. 
Much more information is locked up in the data that we have. This provides a 
strong motivation for the launch of similar instruments to monitor the state 
of our climate." 

[CTRL] Did Bush Nix Korean Peace Talks??

2001-03-14 Thread William Shannon


Bush's remarks on leader bring speculation

North Korea abruptly canceled a round of negotiations with South Korea
yesterday, putting on hold talks intended to relax tensions between the two
countries -- a halt apparently triggered by President Bush's toughened
approach to the North. South Korean President Kim Dae Jung, who won the Nobel
Peace Prize last year for his efforts to woo North Korea to the negotiating
table, returned last week from a visit with Bush in Washington. While former
President Bill Clinton's diplomats had paralleled Kim's overtures with their
own opening to the North, Bush said the United States would halt such efforts
while the new administration conducted a review of its policy. Yesterday,
only hours before North Korean officials were to visit the South, the
delegation's leader, Jon Kum Jin, phoned his South Korean counterpart,
Unification Minister Park Jae Kyu, to say that his delegation would not
attend. Park said Jon told him that, "considering various circumstances, we
cannot participate." The talks were to have been the fifth round since Kim
visited the North last June for the first summit between leaders of both
Koreas. That meeting led the Clinton administration to accelerate efforts --
including a visit to Pyongyang by then-Secretary of State Madeleine Albright
-- to reach a deal with North Korea to halt its development and export of
missiles. Bush has repeatedly expressed "skepticism" over both Clinton's
diplomacy and Kim's overtures to the North. Bush said he expressed "support
for his vision as well as my skepticism about whether we can verify an
agreement" with the North when he met with Kim in Washington on Thursday.
"We're not certain as to whether or not (North Korea is) keeping all terms of
all agreements" it has signed, Bush said in a news conference last week. That
statement has led numerous commentators in South Korea and elsewhere to note
that the North is party to only one security agreement with the United States
-- on the processing of plutonium -- to which it apparently has adhered. In a
speech yesterday to graduating cadets at the Korea Military College, the
South Korean president tried to put the best face on his sharp disagreements
with Bush. "Washington is in a stage of reviewing its North Korea policy,"
Kim said. "It is only after completing the review that the United States will
be able to decide whether or not to pick up where the Clinton administration
left off or readjust the course." At the same time, in a step to further
improve its relations with the North, South Korea announced that it would
ship $18 million in humanitarian assistance to North Korea, which has
suffered several years of agricultural and economic collapse that has led to
widespread starvation. Included will be children's clothing, fruit, potatoes
and medicines, the government said.

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Two million children innoculated with BSE vaccines

2001-03-14 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

--- Aleisha Saba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
E Coli is just a polite word for
> defacate?

ALL humans have E. Coli bacteria in their colons. This is just a smoke
screen for something else, possibly contrived by the NWO as a tool for
genocide. Of course, we help them whenever we insist on using
anti-bacterial soap and sterilizing every square inch of our homes.
This serves to keep our immune systems from developing to the fullest,
thereby increasing our susceptibility to disease. It's becoming a lost
art of childhood to play in the dirt and make mud pies. Not to mention
that the germs are becoming resistant to the "remedies."


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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Running Sores

2001-03-14 Thread Taercel

-Caveat Lector-


This is a WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which follows.

To view this item online, visit http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?22029

Tuesday, March 13, 2001

CIA strikes out again
By David Hackworth
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

In Kosovo, U.S. Army paratroopers are receiving and returning fire. Our guys are
shooting made-in-the-USA M-16 rifles, and their opponents, Albanian extremists, are
using ex-Soviet Union AK-47 assault rifles.

So what's new? M-16s and AK-47s have been blasting each other for decades, and
anyone familiar with Albanians and Serbians and the bloody history of ex-Yugoslavia
would say, "What do you expect? Those crazies have been going at it with hot lead
longer than the Hatfields and McCoys."

What's new is that the AK-47s, the ammo and the wherewithal to field the Albanian
army of insurgent thugs currently going up against our and other NATO troops were
provided not by Russia or Red China or North Korea, but by the USA. Yes, American
taxpayers paid for the bullets being used to shoot American soldiers!

For months our CIA has secretly trained, funded and supplied former Kosovo
Liberation Army rebels conducting a guerrilla campaign into southern Serbia to
undermine former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic -- exactly t
he same kind of operation our spooks supported before and during the war against 
Serbia over Kosovo.

European commanders in Kosovo are not only charging the CIA with playing footsie with 
the Albanian rebels. They're also claiming American commanders in Kosovo have 
deliberately looked the other way and allowed a steady fl
ow of KLA rebels and CIA-provided arms and war-fighting material to slip across 
Kosovo's border.

Last Sunday, Britain's Observer newspaper reported a European commander in Kosovo as 
saying: "The CIA has been allowed to run riot in Kosovo with a private army designed 
to overthrow Slobodan Milosevic. Now he's gone (and
) the U.S. State Department seems incapable of reining in its bastard army."

The angry NATO commander added: "Most of last year, there was a growing frustration 
with U.S. support for the radical Albanians. U.S. policy was and still is out of step 
with the other NATO allies."

Now -- with CIA help -- the Kosovo Liberation Army rebels are attacking on two fronts: 
Southern Serbia and along the Macedonian border, where our paratroopers tangled with 
them last week.

The attacks into Serbia could bring the Belgrade army back with a vengeance and 
restart the war in Kosovo. The Macedonian border fighting also could explode into an 
ethnic civil war inside of that country, which could be
even more destructive than the 1999 Kosovo shootout. And meanwhile -- right in the 
middle of the killing field -- American soldiers are caught in a cross fire of our own 

Most military writers familiar with the centuries-old Albanian-Serb conflict predicted 
it would never go away when President Clinton first began talking about sticking our 
troops in those swamps. Many warned, "Don't go th

But our government seldom listens -- and rarely learns from past hard lessons. In the 
1930s, because it was good for business, we sold scrap metal to Japan. The Japanese 
shot it back at us from 1941 to 1945 at places like
 Pearl Harbor, Guadalcanal and Iwo Jima.

We've trained, supplied and armed bad guys from Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam to Saddam 
Hussein in Iraq to the KLA in Kosovo. Young Americans always end up downrange getting 
hammered by the very stuff we provided, with the folks
 we trained out there happily pulling the trigger.

During the presidential campaign, George W. Bush questioned our operations in 

Now that he's getting the inside scoop, hopefully he's realized that it's a mass of 
endless running sores. Six years after we went to Bosnia for only one year, we're 
still there -- and Kosovo looks like an even more open-
ended and far more dangerous commitment.

The president must put a muzzle on the CIA to stop it from supporting one of the most 
cutthroat gangs of terrorists in the world.

Next he should turn the Yugoslavian mission over to our European allies. We've already 
spent too many lives and too many dollars on a land that Otto von Bismarck declared 
was not worth the bones of one Prussian soldier. I
t's Europe's back yard, not ours. And the perfect time to exit that snake pit is now. 
Our allies are so furious with American duplicity and stupidity, they'd probably be 
glad to see us go.

Bill Clinton couldn't have staged a more typical exit strategy.

Col. David H. Hackworth, author of "Price of Honor" and "About Face," has seen duty
as a sailor, soldier and a military correspondent in nearly a dozen wars and
conflicts, from the end of World War II to the recent meltdown in the ex-Yugoslavia.

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[CTRL] Darkness, Darkness ...

2001-03-14 Thread Taercel

-Caveat Lector-

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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
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+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
"democratic" State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
accept State rule and that these intellectuals obtain, in return, a
share in the power and pelf extracted by the rulers from their deluded
[[For a New Liberty:  The Libertarian Manifesto, Murray N. Rothbard,
Fox & Wilkes, 1973, 1978, p. 25]]

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Mercury poisoned Ivan the Terrible's mother and wife

2001-03-14 Thread William Shannon

ISSUE 2119  Wednesday 14 March 2001

Mercury poisoned Ivan the Terrible's mother and wife

By David Derbyshire, Science Correspondent

IVAN the Terrible's mother and wife were poisoned with mercury, according to
scientists who claim to have solved two 500-year-old murder
mysteries.Forensic science experts have discovered that the remains of Yelena
Glinskaya and Anastasia Romanovna, the mother and the wife of the first
Russian tsar, contain suspiciously high concentrations of mercury.According
to legend, Yelena was poisoned by political enemies in 1538 when Ivan was
still a boy. Anastasia, the great aunt of the first Romanov tsar, was
murdered in 1560 at 26.Researchers from the Russian Academy of Sciences made
the discoveries after studying remains from the Necropolis of the Archangel
Cathedral inside the Kremlin. The team was trying to shed light on life
inside the Kremlin in the middle ages. Instead, they stumbled on evidence of
homicide.A sample of the Tsarina Anastasia's brown hair showed high
concentrations of mercury. Scraps of shroud at the bottom of her tomb also
contained the poisonous metal. Cosmetics and paints in the 16th century were
known to contain mercury but that cause was ruled out by the researchers.A
spokesman from the Russian Academy of Sciences said: "We believe that the
body of the young woman could not accumulate such amounts of mercury, even if
she used cosmetics and ointments daily. Upon acute poisoning, the body tries
to excrete mercury through kidneys, bowels and with sweat. Bones do not have
enough time to accumulate mercury but the hair is soaked with poisoning sweat
and keeps the metal for a long time."The team also found high levels of
mercury in red hair taken from a cap belonging to another suspected murder
victim, Grand Duchess Yelena Glinskaya, the second wife of Vasily III who
died in 1538 and the mother of Ivan IV. Yelena ruled Moscow in Ivan's name
until her death.Anastasiya Romanovna married Ivan IV in February 1547, a
month after he was crowned "tsar and grand prince of all Russia". The
circumstances of her death were suspicious, particularly as her husband
married five times in the 1560s and went on to kill his son and heir Ivan in


2001-03-14 Thread William Shannon

The Irrepressible Rothbard Essays of Murray N. Rothbard
Edited by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.


 Why, exactly, did we go to war in the Gulf? The answer remains murky, but 
perhaps we can find one explanation by examining the strong and ominous 
Kuwait Connection in our government. (I am indebted to an excellent article 
in an obscure New York tabloid, Downtown, by Bob Feldman, "The Kissinger 
Affair," March 27.) The Sabahklatura that runs the Kuwait government is 
immensely wealthy, to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars, derived 
from tax/"royalty" loot extracted from oil producers simply because the Sabah 
tribe claims "sovereignty" over that valuable chunk of desert real estate. 
The Sabah tribe has no legitimate claim to the oil revenue; it did nothing to 
homestead or mix its labor or any other resource with the crude oil.
It is reasonable to assume that the Sabah family stands ready to use a modest 
portion of that ill-gotten wealth to purchase defenders and advocates in the 
powerful United States. We now focus our attention on the sinister but almost 
universally Beloved figure of Dr. Henry Kissinger, a lifelong spokesman, 
counselor, and servitor of the Rockefeller World Empire. Kissinger is so 
Beloved, in fact, that whenever he appears on Nightline or Crossfire he 
appears alone, since it seems to be lese-majeste (or even blasphemy) for 
anyone to contradict the Great One's banal and ponderous Teutonic 
pronouncements. Only a handful of grumblers and malcontents on the extreme 
right and extreme left disturb this cozy consensus.
In 1954, the 31-year-old Kissinger, a Harvard political scientist and admirer 
of Metternich, was plucked out of his academic obscurity to become lifelong 
foreign policy advisor to New York Governor Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller. 
Doctor K continued in that august role until he assumed the mastery of 
foreign policy throughout the Nixon and Ford administrations. In that role, 
Kissinger played a major part in prolonging and extending the Vietnam War, 
and in the mass murder of civilians entailed by the terror bombings of 
Vietnam, the secret bombing of Cambodia, and the invasion of Laos.
Since leaving office in 1977, Dr. Kissinger has continued to play a highly 
influential role in U.S. politics, in the U.S. media, and in the Rockefeller 
world empire. It was Kissinger, along with David Rockefeller, who was 
decisive in the disastrous decision of President Carter to admit the recently 
toppled Shah of Iran, old friend and ally of the Rockefellers into the United 
States, a decision that led directly to the Iranian hostage crisis and to 
Carter's downfall. Today, Kissinger still continues to serve as a trustee of 
the powerful Rockefeller Brothers Fund, as a counselor to Rockefellers' Chase 
Manhattan Bank, and as a member of Chase's International Advisory Committee. 
Kissinger's media influence is evident from his having served on the board of 
CBS, Inc., and having been a paid consultant to both NBC News and ABC News. 
That takes care of all three networks.
But Kissinger's major, and most lucrative role, has come as head of Kissinger 
Associates in New York City, founded on a loan obtained in 1982 from the 
international banking firm of E.M. Warburg, Pincus and Company. Nominally, 
Kissinger Associates (KA) is an "international consulting firm" but 
"consultant" covers many sins, and in KA's case, this means international 
political influence-peddling for its two dozen or so important corporate 
clients. In the fullest report on KA, Leslie Gelb in the New York Times 
Magazine for April 20, 1986, reveals that, in that year, 25 to 30 
corporations paid KA between $150,000 and $420,000 each per annum for 
political influence and access." As Gelb blandly puts it: "The superstar 
international consultants [at KA] were certainly people who would get their 
telephone calls returned from high American government officials and who 
would also be able to get executives in to see foreign leaders." I dare say a 
lot more than mere access could be gained thereby. KA's offices in New York 
and Washington are small, but they pack a powerful punch. (Is it mere 
coincidence that KA's Park Avenue headquarters is in the same building as the 
local office of Chase Manhattan Bank's subsidiary, the Commercial Bank of 
Who were these "superstar international consultants?" One of them, who in 
1986 was the vice chairman of KA, is none other than General Brent Scowcroft, 
former national security advisor under President Ford, and, playing the exact 
same role under George Bush, serving as the chief architect of the Gulf War. 
One of the General's top clients was Kuwait's government-owned Kuwait 
Petroleum Corporation, who paid Scowcroft for his services at least from 1984 
through 1986. In addition, Scowcroft became a director of Santa Fe 
International (SFI) in the early 1980s, not long afte

[CTRL] Fwd: Today's Headlines from NYTimes.com

2001-03-14 Thread Aleisha Saba

So how much will be pay for a pound of ground hound?

Cui Bono?   This is massive sabotage.now who would be causing this?

And now they say we can expect this in America?   Is that fat pig
Kissinger now trying to corner market on meat?Bet that big pig eats
a good meals everyday, like the pig Sharon whom Arabs call the Fat Slob
- 9 million children still go to bed hungry at night?

But the pigs at the trough with Hill and Bill and Denise and Marc Rich
will no doubt find a way to profit?

I can live without meat - but I like cheese and ice cream - cream cheese
on occasion?

Tell me how much a six pack of that awful slop they call BRAVO and
ENSURE - how much does this cost?

See the fine hand of Kissinger, the pig who would corner market on food?  


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March 14, 2001
Meat From Europe Is Banned by U.S. as Illness Spreads

 The Associated Press The foot-and-mouth disease ravaging British
livestock has spread to France, and cattle were burned on Tuesday on a
farm near Laval.
• Foot-and-Mouth's Harsh Approach (Mar. 14, 2001)
• Brazil Postpones Its Beef Dreams (Mar. 14, 2001)
• Chronology of Foot and Mouth Disease Outbreak (Mar. 13, 2001)
• U.S. Free of Foot-and-Mouth Disease for 70 Years, but Some Call Its
Return Inevitable (Mar. 3, 2001)
Related Site
This site is not part of The New York Times on the Web, and The Times
has no control over its content or availability.
• The European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease
 The Associated Press The first case of foot-and-mouth disease in
continental Western Europe in recent times has been found near Laval,
France, where slaughtered cattle awaited a pyre on Tuesday. The tires at
left anchor a supply of hay.
ASHINGTON, March 13 — The United States banned imports of animals and
animal products from the European Union today after learning that
foot-and-mouth disease had spread to France from Britain.
The Agriculture Department said it was taking the precaution to protect
the domestic industry from a possible outbreak of the virus, which could
cost the American industry billions of dollars in just one year.
The virus poses little danger to people, even if they eat the meat of
infected animals. But it is virulently contagious and is devastating for
cattle, swine, sheep, deer and other cloven-hoofed animals, which it
generally debilitates and often leaves unable to grow or produce milk.
The ban, which applies to exports from all 15 countries of the European
Union, prompted some European officials to complain that the Bush
administration was overreacting.
But three members of the European Union — Belgium, Portugal and Spain
— are closing their borders to French meat, as is Switzerland. Norway
banned imports of French farm products, and Germany and Italy took
protective measures. Canada also banned meat imports from the European
Union, as well as from Argentina, which has found foot-and-mouth disease
in the northwest. Argentina said it would voluntarily restrict beef
Kimberley Smith, a spokeswoman for the Agriculture Department, said many
items, including most cheeses and cured or cooked meats, are not
affected because they are heated in a way that kills the virus.
The ban is expected to hit pork producers the most. European beef is
already banned by the United States because of mad cow disease, which
can cause fatal Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans.
The Agriculture Department is "taking this time to assess our exclusion
activities as a precaution to ensure that we don't get foot-and-mouth
disease in the United States," Ms. Smith said. She said the department
could not say how long the ban would last.
Department officials did not detail which European products would be
subject to the ban. But they said it would prohibit the importation of
live swine, pork and meat from sheep and goats, regardless of whether it
is fresh or frozen. Yogurt and most cheeses would be permitted, they
said, because those sold in the United States are made from pasteurized
Canned ham or any other food products that have been heated above 175
degrees Fahrenheit are permitted because such processing inactivates the
virus, the officials said.
The production of such favored items as French brie and Italian
prosciutto is c


2001-03-14 Thread Aleisha Saba

Interpretive Summary:
Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) causes a devastating disease of
domestic animals which can be controlled, under some circumstances, with
inactivated vaccines. However, these vaccines must be produced by
chemical inactivation of huge amounts of highly infectious virus, and
the fact that commercial vaccines and vaccine production plants have
been proven to be sources of outbreaks of the disease have contributed
to the decision by the US to outlaw the production and use of this type
of vaccine in the US. To overcome the safety problems associated with
the use of an animal-infectious virus as the starting material for these
vaccines, we have genetically engineered FMDV that are incapable of
binding to or infecting cells grown in tissue culture. In this report we
document the engineering of these receptor binding site-deleted viruses,
and demonstrate that they are non-infectious in mice, swine, and cattle.
Furthermore, we demonstrate that cattle inoculated with these
"non-infectious" viruses produce a strong immune response to the natural
virus. Finally, we demonstrate that these animals are protected from
disease when exposed to live virus, demonstrating that these receptor
binding site-deleted viruses are viable candidates for new FMD vaccines.
virology aphthovirus disease xray crystallography nmr recombinant dna
P O BOX 848
NY 11944
FAX: 516-323-2507
Approved Date: 1995-10-23
United States Department of Agriculture
Agricultural Research Service
Updated: 1998-12-18


[CTRL] So Here Is My Prince Charming

2001-03-14 Thread Aleisha Saba

I was trying to track down the young Prince we entertained in 1967 -
within one year a black from Berkley murdered his father - for his
father it was claimed had said "I Hate Zionists" - while the young
prince told me, and four others at our table, that the domestic jew and
arab moslem wanted to live in peace but European Zionist would not
permit this..then withing the year, athe father was murdered - Osama
bin Laden wanted to put rightful heir back on throne in Saudi Arabia

He was so charming and gracious and as he left in his automobile (he had
brought a rock band with him) he was reading a book I had given him
I have often thought of this young man who is now older and wiser no
doubt.   But he was the one who would have been King if this Black
Panther/Nationalist had not murdered his father.

Well anyway, I have my picture with this young Prince - he met my son
and was so kind - he visited our sewage plant which he insisted upon
seeinghe seemed to care for his people..

Have a Saudi flag which I kept for remembrance; it had flown in New York
City for his father but chicken crap Nelson Rockefeller had to cancel
his dinner for the King because of a statement he allegedly
made...see how manipulative the press is?   How the Zionists lay in
wait for a year to then murder the King?

Maybe I will write this handsome Prince just for fun...head of the
Intelligence?   Well he was a brilliant young man with quite a future -
for this is the man who would have been King..


Forward a message

From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Aleisha Saba)  To:    Cc: 
Forwarded message:

Delivered-To:    [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date:    Wed, Mar 14, 2001,
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject:    Feedback site
Thank you for your interest in the ALMANACH DE BRUXELLES and the
comments on (I QUOTEmy website) 11 (by Pcess Iffat bint Ahmad bin
Abdullah Al Thunayan) HRH Pce Turki al Faisal bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud,
Dir Gen of Intelligence and Head of the Foreign Liaison Bureau since
1978, Deputy Head of the Foreign Liaison Bureau 1973-1978, educ Hun
School, Princeton, and Lawrenceville Academy, NJ, and Princeton Univ,
and New York Univ, and Georgetown Univ, Washington DC, dipl (Islamic
law) London Univ 1973, °1945 or 1947 (UNQUOTE)

I suggest you write directly to the Prince.
Sincerely yours,

Adelin Remy,

Thank you for your interest in the ALMANACH DE BRUXELLES and the comments
on (I QUOTEmy website) 11 (by Pcess Iffat bint Ahmad bin Abdullah Al
Thunayan) HRH Pce Turki al Faisal bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, Dir Gen of
Intelligence and Head of the Foreign Liaison Bureau since 1978, Deputy Head
of the Foreign Liaison Bureau 1973-1978, educ Hun School, Princeton, and
Lawrenceville Academy, NJ, and Princeton Univ, and New York Univ, and
Georgetown Univ, Washington DC, dipl (Islamic law) London Univ 1973, °1945
or 1947 (UNQUOTE)

I suggest you write directly to the Prince.

Sincerely yours,

Adelin Remy,

[CTRL] Gun haters focus on state legislatures (fwd)

2001-03-14 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 05:43:53 -0500
To: Gunsafe members <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Gun haters focus on state legislatures


U.S. gun control lobby looks to states for action

 WASHINGTON, March 13 (Reuters) - Faced with a less-sympathetic
 ear in the White House, America's main gun control group on
 announced a new initiative to persuade states to impose safety
standards on
 the gun industry.

 Gun control advocates reject suggestions they are losing steam
in their fight
 against guns at the federal level with the arrival of President
George W.
 Bush, but say their battle is likely to focus more than ever
on the state level.

 "We will probably be more active on the state level than before
but we are
 not giving up at the federal level either," Michael Barnes,
president of the
 Center to Prevent Handgun Violence and its affiliate, Handgun
Control, told

 A California high school shooting eight days ago that left two
dead and 13
 wounded brought the issue of guns to the forefront again in
a country where
 about 30,000 people die from firearm-related deaths each year.

 Gun control advocates also point out the rate of firearm deaths
 children 14 years and younger is nearly 12 times more than in
25 other
 industrialized countries combined.

 The calls for stricter gun controls appeared more muted than
usual after last
 Monday's shooting, with Sen. Charles Schumer, a New York Democrat,
 calling for a "code of responsibility" for gun owners rather
than tougher

 Former President Bill Clinton was a vocal supporter of the gun
 lobby, while Bush leans more toward the views of the powerful
 Rifle Association, which says enforcement of current regulations
and not
 new ones is the answer to gun violence.

 Using Massachusetts as an example, Barnes announced a new push
by his
 group to get states to regulate the gun control industry by
using consumer
 protection laws already in place in at least 20 other states.

 Massachusetts regulations force gun manufacturers to install
gunlocks and
 built-in child safety devices on all guns. In addition, the
state has strict
 registration and licensing requirements and bans assault weapons.

 "One of the tragic absurdities of our nation's gun policies
is that guns, which
 take the lives of 30,000 Americans every year, are completely
exempt from
 regulation by the Consumer Product Safety Commission," said


 In a report called "Targeting Safety," the center analyzed consumer
 protection statutes in the states and found 20 of them had the
same legal
 power as Massachusetts to impose safety standards on guns though
they did
 not do it.

 "This means that state officials have the power right now to
save lives by
 making handguns safer, without the need to enact new laws,"
Barnes said.

 The center said it had sent the report to the 20 states and
urged them to
 follow Massachusetts' example and impose stringent consumer
 on the safety of guns.

 "The National Rifle Association is fond of saying we need to
 vigorously enforce existing laws to prevent violence. That's
exactly what we
 are asking states to do," said Barnes.

 NRA spokesman Bill Powers told Reuters gun control lobbyists
were trying
 to accomplish "via the back door" what they had failed to do
 Congress, adding that last November's election results showed
how most
 Americans felt about the issue of guns.

 Powers said it was "unfair and deceptive" of gun control advocates
to say
 regulations did not already exist to control the gun industry.
"Firearms are
 one of the most heavily regulated products in America," he said.

 When Massachusetts Attorney General Tom Reilly announced the
 implementation last April of the first state consumer safety
standards for
 handguns, it was immediately challenged in court by the gun

 The industry's

[CTRL] School murderers (fwd)

2001-03-14 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 08:16:22 -0500
To: Gunsafe members <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: School murderers

For the (anti-gun) Christian Science Monitor, this is a relatively balanced piece.
 It covers a lot more than guns.


Headline:  Where school shooters get their guns
Byline:  Daniel B. Wood
Date: 03/12/2001

(LOS ANGELES ) Eleven-year-old Andrew Golden stole seven guns from his grandfather
before opening fire on classmates outside Westside Middle School in
Jonesboro, Ark., in 1998.

Fifteen-year-old T.J. Solomon broke into a locked case and used his
stepfather's hunting rifles to shoot six schoolmates in Conyers, Ga.,
in 1999.

A 6-year-old who shot a first-grader a little over a year ago in Mount
Morris Township, Mich., found the loaded semiautomatic lying under a
blanket in the house where he was staying.

As the number of school shootings continues to grow, topped by last
week's tragedy in San Diego, several patterns have emerged: The
shooters were often bullied. Many told classmates about their plans
ahead of time. And - as in the case of alleged 15-year-old shooter Andy
Williams - the vast majority got their guns from their own homes or
that of a relative.

As a result, new questions are being raised about the presence of
firearms in the home, and the potential moral and legal liability of
parents when their kids use those guns to kill.

"We are a society in love with our guns," says Robert Meyers, a
professor of anthropology and public health at Alfred University in New
York. "We need to get a grip on how we are socializing our children
into that, as well as examine what are the responsibilities of parents
in restricting access to weapons in the home."

Kids' access to firearms is one of the factors examined in a study of
school shootings by the US Secret Service National Threat Assessment
Center (NTAC). According to the survey, two-thirds of the 41 students
involved in 37 school-shooting incidents since 1974 got their guns from
their own home or that of a relative. In some cases, the guns had been
gifts to the attackers from their own parents.

Statistics of gun ownership

The sheer statistics of gun ownership in America are staggering. The
Coalition to Stop Gun Violence estimates there are 192 million guns in
private hands (65 million handguns, 49 million shotguns, 70 million
rifles), of which handguns account for 80 percent of all firearm

The guns are not evenly distributed. Fewer than 10 million individuals
own well over half the total figure, with 34 percent of gun owners
possessing four or more firearms.

But to many, the issue of how those guns are kept is far more sobering.

The American Journal of Public Health last summer said 43 percent of
American homes with both guns and children had at least one unlocked
firearm - a gun that was not locked away or had no trigger lock. And
nearly 10 percent of all gun owners keep their firearms unlocked and

Thus, a total of 13 percent of American homes with children and guns
(1.4 million homes with 2.6 million children) store firearms in a
manner accessible to children.

"What has changed in America is availability of guns," says Laurence
Steinberg, a criminologist at Temple University in Philadelphia. "In
earlier generations, the same sets of problems leading youths to commit
these atrocious killings would lead to fist or knife fights. Now they
have access to handguns and automatic weapons so the crimes they commit
have escalated out of control."

Changes in society

But to blame school shootings on the easy accessibility of guns is to
ignore a whole range of societal factors that led the perpetrators to
act out in the first place, say others. And in many cases, the shooters
might have found a way to obtain a weapon, regardless of whether their
parents had one in the home.

Gun groups such as the National Rifle Association (NRA) hold that
changes in society are responsible for the increase in such events over
earlier decades.

"There are more laws on the books today restricting the use and
availability of firearms than 10 and 20 years ago, and yet such
shooting incidents are happening that were unheard of then," says Trish
Gregory, spokeswoman for the NRA. Fifteen states, including California,
require firearms in the home to be locked away, she says, but despite
these laws, the number of homicides by young people has continued to

In the past, "it was common in several states for kids to carry rifles
and handguns on the school bus for use in target practice after
school," says Ms. Gregory. "We think there has been a change in the
moral fiber of youth that is leading to this."

But the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence charges that the availability of
guns is a clear factor. Handguns in the home increase the likelihood of
suicide by a factor of five, says spokesm

[CTRL] Fwd: Sharon Cometh

2001-03-14 Thread Aleisha Saba

As Palestinians say "The Fat Slob Cometh".like a storm brewing maybe
a desert storm in Holy Land?

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MID-EAST REALITIES © - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 3/14:
   Monday in Washington the various Arab-American groups will stage a protest
demonstration outside the Washington Hilton where now Prime Minister Ariel
Sharon will be talking to the lead organization that makes up the Israeli-Jewish
lobby in Washington.  But it's far too little far too late far too misleadingly
put together and sponsored by groups and persons who long ago lost their
credibility and vibrancy.  The impotence of those opposed to what Israel
is doing to the Palestinians, and to what the Americans are doing to the
Middle East, has deep roots in both Washington and the Middle East region
   And it's the same in general with the "Palestinian Authority".  After
so many years of ineptitude, corruption, duplicity, and double-dealing
its not easy to consider these "leaders" credible or trustable no matter
what they now say or do.
   The week ahead will be one of considerable posturing, and possibly considerable
violence.  Everyone is now positioning themselves for the complicated battles
ahead that involve many kinds of power and authority -- and at least for
the foreseeable future the Israelis continue to be prepared and positioned
far better than their opposition and are emensely more powerful in all
measures, as much as their policies are deplorable and Apartheid-like.
   As for the Europeans (see The Guardian article that follows), it's not
that difficult to look more reasonable and thoughtful when the Americans
and the Israelis do what they do and are what they are.  But they too have
a long history of saying one thing and doing another, and they too after
so many years can't be trusted or even believed in a serious way on issues
relating to the Middle East.
   Furthermore it's not just Sharon who is coming to Washington.  One of
the additional reasons the Arab "leaders" and their associated groups lack
credibility is because of how they have played around with Rabin, Peres,
and Barak; with the "Peace Process" and the "Peace of the Brave" and Bill
Clinton; demonstrating their own lack of understand what has really been
happening to them for some time and making those who want to support a
just and honorable Middle East peace cringe at so many of the things they
have done and said over the years.
   So now Sharon cometh once more to the capital of the modern world, this
time as the Prime Minister of Israel...and with "Nobel Peace Prize recipient"
Peres at his side and friends George W. in the White House and General
Powell at the State Department.

By Deborah Camiel

JERUSALEM, March 14 (Reuters) - Israeli soldiers shot dead a Palestinian
in the Gaza Strip on Wednesday while Palestinians in the West Bank took
to the streets in mass demonstrations to protest against an Israeli blockade.

Israeli troops at the Karni commercial crossing on the Israel-Gaza border
killed 19-year-old Ahmed Bannar, a resident of a nearby village, medical
workers said.

They said Bannar was shot in the back by a single bullet and that no clashes
were taking place in the area at the time. The Israeli army said it was
checking the report.

Bannar's death brought the death toll to at least 345 Palestinians, 13
Israeli Arabs and 65 other Israelis, since a Palestinian uprising erupted
in late September.

Chanting "Get out occupation," about 500 flag-waving Palestinian protesters
marched towards a military checkpoint near the West Bank town of Ramallah
during a "Day of Rage" organised by Palestinian President Yasser Arafat's

Israeli soldiers later wounded 10 Palestinians when they fired rubber-coated
metal bullets and tear gas at stone-throwing youths who lobbed rocks at
soldiers positioned nearby.

"We broke the Israeli siege with our hands and it is a message to (Israeli
Prime Minister Ariel) Sharon that the siege will not kill the Intifada
(uprising)," said Fatah leader Marwan Barghouti after the soldiers withdrew
from a roadblock to a nearby hill while youths dug Palestinian flags in
the ground.

Palestinians sent a bulldozer to fill in a trench ploughed by the army
as part of its blockade of Ramallah which it says it has implemented to
prevent a group of Palestinian militants in the town from carrying out

[CTRL] Fwd: Two million children innoculated with BSE vaccines

2001-03-14 Thread Aleisha Saba

Plus if you read this article it is the most disgusting article I have
ever read - the profitting from cadavers?

It seems these movie stars, like Cher and Julia Roberts and maybe even
Deinise Rich - who hae their lips puffed out until they can slip kisses
Ubangi style under a door (as bob hope once said)the use material
from DEAD BODIES = cadavers = for this "beautification"

Supposedly one not to profit from sale of baby body parts or dead bodies
in generalbut to fix the worn out lips of Julia Roberts or a Cher -
costs minimum of $1,200?

These people are ghouls; but more important millions of children were
given toxic waste into their bodies; so what is causing diseased cattle
if it is not ignorance, is it sabotage?

Cui bono - as my old MI6 friend used to say - "always ask yourself, Cui
Bono, cui bono".

You may pull up entire contents under subject matterhas more data on
blood transfusions...but is there a deadly vaccine out there - unclean
vaccinaition equipment spreading disease in cattle?   Cattle have been
living in dung areas for thousands of yearsnow your children eat
meat contaminated with whatE Coli is just a polite word for


Mad Cow Home ... Best Links

Two million children innoculated with BSE vaccines
Baroness tested for CJD
CDJ tonsil study fails to answer key question
Backgrounder: what motivated tonsil and appendix study?
BSE 'to die out in seven years' (or go on via cow patties)
EU adopts tougher controls against mad cow disease
French officials report two new cases of mad cow disease
Saskatchewan CWD elk death sparks herd quarantine
10 Australian surgery patients exposed to CJD instruments
New disease passed by blood transfusions
Dead bodies harvested for parts and tissues
American, 39, dies of dura mater implant
Two million children innoculated with BSE vaccines
Daily Express May 2, 200 [minor edits by webmaster]
Seven vaccines potentially at risk from BSE and given to millions of
children can be identified for the first time by the Daily Express. But
alarmingly there is no record of which children received the jabs,
produced between 1988 and 1989, at the start of Britain's "mad cow"
crisis. The vaccines, using UK-sourced cattle material, were made by two
companies, Wellcome and Smithkline, despite warnings that they could
pose a risk. The seven vaccines are:
1. Smithkline's MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella), finally replaced "by end
of 1992 approximately";
2. Wellcome's combined Diphtheria and Tetanus, last issued by the
company in June 1991, with a June 1993 expiry date;
3. Wellcome's DTP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis) last issued again in
June 1991, with a November 1993 expiry date;
4. Wellcome's single component Diphtheria vaccine, last issued in
October 1991, with a November 1993 expiry date;
5. Wellcome's  Tetanus, last issued in December 1991, with a December
1993 expiry date.
6.[Wellcome's oral polio vaccine, last issue and expiry dates are "not
7. Smithkline's inactivated polio vaccine, apparently used only in
Last night Liberal Democrat MP Norman Baker, who has led a crusade on
the issue, accused the Department of Health of being "potentially
criminally negligent" for allowing the BSE-risk vaccines to be
administered to at least two million children for the five years to
But a Department of Health spokeswoman said that if routine vaccinations
had been stopped there would have been a "real risk" of serious and
potentially fatal infectious diseases among children. She said all of
today's vaccines are produced from non-UK bovine material, and insisted
the old UK-based vaccines "appear to have no role to date" in the
development of the human version of mad cow disease, new variant
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (nvCJD).
So far 53 people have been killed by the disease, another dozen are
dying and the victims include three children, aged 13 to 15. [Today's
DoH report shows 68 nvCJD victims as of 28 April 00. ]
Public Health Minister Yvette Cooper has told the Commons that some drug
companies responded to 1988 reports of BSE by quickly switching to
non-UK sources for bovine material for their vaccines. But after a Code
of Open Government request for facts, the Daily Express has been told
Wellcome continued using UK bovine material in the manufacturing process
for four children's vaccines until 1989. Smithidine has said it
continued to use UK-sourced material for its Measles, Mumps, Rubella
(MMR) vaccine through to February 1990. [These were peak years of the
BSE epidemic. A key issue is how long stocks at hand continued to be
used. This was apparently until they were all sold or the expiration
date reached by 1993. There was apparently never a recall.-- webmaster]
Drugs makers were asked to stop doing that in March 1989, but in an
obscure sentence the Health Department suggests it "would have taken
months" to eradicate UK-sourced material from the manufacturing process
entirely. Wellcome's oral polio doses were also manu

[CTRL] Fwd: {SD-2} Brainwashing In America

2001-03-14 Thread Aleisha Saba

It's nice to be important, but it is important to be nice.Unsub directions are at the 
bottom of this message.
This is a discussion list and all opinions are that of the writer only. Feel free to 

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Brainwashing In America

Part 1
by Berit Kjos

"...absolute behavior control is imminent The critical point of
behavior control, in effect, is sneaking up on mankind without his
self-conscious realization that a crisis is at hand. Man will... never
self-consciously know that it has happened." [1]   Raymond Houghton, To
Nurture Humaneness, ASCD (curriculum arm of the NEA), 1970

"The Protestant Ethic will atrophy as more and more enjoy varied leisure
and guaranteed sustenance Most people will tend to be hedonistic..."
[2]  Feasibility Study, Behavioral Science Teacher Education Program
(B-STEP), Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Bureau of Research,

"We were trained in all phases of warfare, both psychological and physical
for the destruction of the Capitalistic society and Christian civilization.
In one portion of our studies we went thoroughly into the matter of
psychopolitics. This was the art of capturing the minds of a nation through
brainwashing and fake mental health... During the past few years I have
noted with horror the increase of psychopolitical warfare upon the American
public." [3] Kenneth Goff, member of the U.S. Communist Party from 1936 to

"Information is useful only if citizens can put it into a framework of
knowledge and use it to solve problems, form values, and make choices.
Education for sustainability will help them make individual and collective
decisions that both benefit themselves and promote the development of
sustainable communities. [It] must involve everyone." [4] From the
President [Clinton]'s Council on Sustainable Development which, like other
national PCSDs, follows guidelines from the UN Commission on Sustainable
Development (See  Local Agenda 21)

Brainwashing is not, as some educators and students contend, Christian
child-raising. American freedom includes the promise that parents would
have the right to train their children to follow God's ways.  The word
"brainwashing" refers to a planned, step-by-step attempt to "wash"
family-taught beliefs from the minds of those who oppose government
ideology. In America, it would mean replacing the old Biblical values and
world view with a new way of thinking that would support a totalitarian
agenda. In other words, every child must become a peace child, a willing
and active servant of a new world order.

A massive world-wide partnership is pioneering new strategies for social
transformation. The media, the entertainment industry, computer companies,
government agencies, educational institutions, the United Nations and its
accredited non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have all joined together
in a common quest for a global mind change. They seek solidarity -- a
worldwide unity based on a new set of beliefs and values.   "Obsolete" and
"exclusive" loyalties to national sovereignty, Biblical values, and the
unadulterated U.S. Constitution stand in their way.

Conforming the masses to their way of thinking requires all the
sophisticated tools and tactics developed at the various "behavioral
science research" institutes and "education laboratories" established first
in England, then in the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, and finally in the
United States.  If these psycho-social engineers win their battle against
an unsuspecting public, they would "wash" away individual thinking, free
speech and all the other "rights" that have made America unique. The vacuum
would be filled with lofty ideals, enticing images and deceptive promises
designed to mold minds that match their global vision. Group thinking and
other controls and "incentives" would enforce compliance. (See Mind Control
and The UN Plan for Your Mental Health)

Bombard children with mind-changing suggestions

A familiar tale told to first-graders in Pennsylvania illustrates both the
tactics and the planned  transformation of the world. We all know the story
of the Little Red Hen who wanted some bread to eat. She asked some of her
barnyard friends to help make it. But the cat, the dog, and the goat all
said "no." Finally she did all the work herself. Yet, when the bread was
done and its fragrance spread throughout the farm, her unwilling neighbors
were more than willing to help her eat it.

"Won't you share with us?" they begged.

"No," she answered. "Since you didn't help, you don't get anything."

In the context of  traditional 

[CTRL] "Now Hear the Word of the Lord" on them dry bones and sabotage.....QQ

2001-03-14 Thread Aleisha Saba

and see the symbolism of the foot and mouth disease.

For yesterday the Queen "Mum" was entering an establishment and did a
little ritual for all to see but maybe not understand - a special little
box was made for her to wipe her shoes.

Now Ezekial in the bible - is the key to the JFK murder and the murder
of the President of othe United Statesthe Valley of Hamon Gog.

England boasts two big statutes of Gog and MaGog and in the days they
were built, I believe they symbolized to some, Ireland and
Scotlandbut the prophecies are to be filled?

Do you know how many cattle vaccines are being given nowmad cow
disease?  Let us call it "Mad Scientist Disease"...no cows, no roast
beef for old England (see Hogarth engravings for I have this one too =
engraved in early 1700 period).no cows, no cheese, no ice cream,
no butter, and this genetically engineer slop will be put on market -

Keep thinking about the Queen (the Mum Queen) wiping her feet - perhaps
they are ready now to launch to the moon?

Then we had Job and the sabeans who murdered all he held dear including
all his cattle, camels - sons and daughtersah but one always escaped
like a Mark Lane, to write the book and tell the story - one of God's
snitches or was it a snitch from Satan...like the message from God Ehud
gave Eglon - a dagger into his stomach - a present from God?

Why England - maybe too rainey?   Maybe, could it have been a bad
vaccine like the anthrax/menningitis vaccine or the vaccines now for HIV
and this AIDS thing?   Cui Bono?

Well maybe - remember the guy who washed his hands before they
slaughtered Christ without a trial - mute, silent as a lamb?   Then we
have the Queen Mom wiping her feet of the entire matter.they fiddle
while England prepares for the slaughter or surely if the cattle are
diseased the sheep will be next and then every living thing will soon
beging to become ill and diseased.

England was never very clean as food handlers..when it came to
feeding the peasants who seemingly never complained.

As Prince Phillip said, who must forever follow 10 feet behind the Queen
with a broom no doubt but not symbolizing any Plantagenet - this Prince,
this piece of cow dung - wanted to come back after he died, as a virus -
a deadly virus to solve population growth - but then that is nothing new
for jolly old England - and then this same piece of dung - once said
people like rats when crowded..so the Rhodes Round Table Bunch left
South Africa but left somehing of value after taking all the diamonds
and rubies and gold - they left AIDSPrince Phillip's Plan for
over population???

So if anyone has the mind of a movie script writer read as a sample
these two chapters from Ezekial - in America Ezekial's Wheel symbolizes
America - spokes for a wheel the big dome in the centerValley of
Hamon Gog, is Arlington Cemetery - and thre is of course the "Hear the
Word of the Lord - the Valley of the Dry Bones"..what a communiation
code system but who wrote all this crap?   God?   No way - the
translators here had big star of David stamped on their asses and
cattle, no doubt.


The King James Bible
at the Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia
Ezekiel, chapter 34
"1": And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,
"2": Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel, prophesy, and
say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD unto the shepherds; Woe be to the
shepherds of Israel that do feed themselves! should not the shepherds
feed the flocks?
"3": Ye eat the fat, and ye clothe you with the wool, ye kill them that
are fed: but ye feed not the flock.
"4": The diseased have ye not strengthened, neither have ye healed that
which was sick, neither have ye bound up that which was broken, neither
have ye brought again that which was driven away, neither have ye sought
that which was lost; but with force and with cruelty have ye ruled them.
"5": And they were scattered, because there is no shepherd: and they
became meat to all the beasts of the field, when they were scattered.
"6": My sheep wandered through all the mountains, and upon every high
hill: yea, my flock was scattered upon all the face of the earth, and
none did search or seek after them.
"7": Therefore, ye shepherds, hear the word of the LORD;
"8": As I live, saith the Lord GOD, surely because my flock became a
prey, and my flock became meat to every beast of the field, because
there was no shepherd, neither did my shepherds search for my flock, but
the shepherds fed themselves, and fed not my flock;
"9": Therefore, O ye shepherds, hear the word of the LORD;
"10": Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against the shepherds; and I
will require my flock at their hand, and cause them to cease from
feeding the flock; neither shall the shepherds feed themselves any more;
for I will deliver my flock from their mouth, that they may not be meat
for them.
"11": For thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I, even I, will both search
my she

[CTRL] [Fwd: [toeslist] Fw: [djpc-action] The Sordid Past of Bush's Foreign Policy Team]

2001-03-14 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: [toeslist] Fw: [djpc-action] The Sordid Past of Bush's Foreign Policy
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2001 22:42:52 -0600 (CST)
From: "Emilie Nichols" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2001 2:44 AM
Subject: [djpc-action] The Sordid Past of Bush's Foreign Policy Team

 Bush's top foreign policy advisers for Latin America all played key
 roles in supporting the Contras in the 80s. Here's the line up:

 Colin Powell, Secretary of State.
 He was military assistant (known as the "filter") to Secretary of
 Defense in the 80s. In his autobiography, he proudly claims to ahve
 been the Pentagon's "point man" for US support for the Contras. From
 that position, he played a key role in funding Contras through
 illegal arms sales to Iran. For the full story, see

 John Maisto, National Security Council Adviser for Inter-
 American affairs (i.e. Bush's top adviser on the region.) Maisto was
 ambassador to Nicaragua during the U.S.-backed guerrilla war against
 the Sandinista government. See www.americas.org

 John Negroponte, United States ambassador to the United Nations.
 As ambassador to Honduras between 1981 and 1985, Mr. Negroponte
 oversaw a military buildup that turned much of that country into a
 springboard and refuge for the anti-Sandinista contras. See

 Otto Juan Reich, Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere
 Affairs.  He was the first director of the State Department's Office
 of Public Diplomacy for Latin America and the Caribbean from 1983 to
 1986. From that position, he engaged in "prohibited, covert
 propaganda activities" in his efforts to promote the Reagan
 administration's policies toward Nicaragua. See

 ACTION ALERT: Stop Bush's appointment of Otto Reich

 You may have wondered in the 1980's why Pledge of Resistance
 actions in your town and the actions of thousands of other activists
 across the entire U.S. got little or no press coverage in the major
 U.S. media.

 The man responsible was Otto Reich who, as the National Security
 Archives reports, maintained a private network of individuals and
 organizations whose activities were coordinated with, and sometimes
 directed by, Colonel Oliver North as well as other officials of the
 National Security Council. These private individuals and
 organizations raised and spent funds for the purpose of influencing
 congressional votes and U.S. domestic news media.

 Reich, a right-wing Cuban American and a former ambassador
 to Venezuela, is now undergoing a State Department background check.
 He would oversee U.S. foreign policy toward Latin America and
 Canada.  The major U.S. media sees Reich's appointment as causing
 conflict within the Republican Party between Florida's powerful Cuban-
 American exile lobby and a growing number of conservative business
 leaders and farmers who want to open new markets in Cuba.  But
 analysts are also saying that a Reich appointment could sour goodwill
 gestures to the rest of the Americas, setting up a showdown with
 Mexico and other nations.  The Dallas Morning News reports
 that Mr. Bush appears to be depending heavily on Cuban-Americans for
 key foreign policy advice.

 The National Security Archives has placed on its web site
 numerous documents that reveal Reich's role in the Reagan
 Administration's Central America policy.

 Visit the site at www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/ to learn
 more about Mr. Reich's career.

 Then write to your senators and ask them to let the
 Administration know that Mr. Reich should not be named to this high-
 level post.  If Reich is tapped for the post, he has to be confirmed
 by the Senate.  So ask your Senators to vote against the nomination.

 If your Senator is on the Senate Foreign Relations
 Committee, he or she will have the opportunity to ask pointed
 questions of the nominee and to vote to prevent the nomination from
 going to the Senate floor.  Here are the members of the Senate
 Foreign Relations Committee:
 Helms (NC) Chairman, Biden (DE) Ranking, Lugar (IN),  Sarbanes (MD),
 Hagel (NE), Dodd (CT), Smith (OR),  Kerry (MA), Thomas (WY), Feingold
 (WI), Frist (TN), Wellstone (MN), Chafee (RI), Boxer (CA), Allen
 (VA),  Torricelli (NJ), Brownback (KS), Nelson (FL).

 You can call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and
 ask for your senators' offices.  You can avoid long distance charges
 by calling your senators' local offices (numbers in the blue pages of
 your phone book).  Or you can write an e-mail message to your
 senators by going to the Senate's web page which is www.senate.gov
 and clicking on your state.

 To Post a message, send it to:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To Unsubscribe, send a blank message to:


[CTRL] Latest Briefing

2001-03-14 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

The Latest Briefing from high-level National Security Informant

By Richard Boylan-Ph.d.=11/26/2000


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [OT] LT: Nazis planned to use virus against Britain

2001-03-14 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

From: The Times




Nazis planned to use virus against Britain


NAZI Germany was ready to deploy the foot-and-mouth virus as a
biological weapon against Britain in the final months of the war,
according to German historians.

The effect of the virus was understood by the German military
which was convinced that, if efficiently delivered,
foot-and-mouth could paralyse Britain. Research into the disease
was part of a broad bacteriological warfare programme put
together under the umbrella of Himmler's SS.

Hitler, who was gassed in the First World War, opposed the
offensive first use of biological weapons against humans.
However, he did allow scientific work into "defensive" uses of
biochemicals. Foot-and-mouth, deployed against animals rather
than humans, was given the go-ahead.

According to documents examined by the Robert Bosch Institute for
Medical History, British livestock was seen as particularly
vulnerable. In 1938, German rural communities were hit by
foot-and-mouth disease but were able to regain control after
short periods of quarantine.

Farmers were ordered to stay at home and food was passed to them
through their windows. After secret field testing, however,
German scientists were sure that Britain could be damaged much
more than Germany by the virus.

Hanns Christoph Nagel, Germany's chief vet, said after the tests
that "the virus can be used successfully against England because
the beef herds have only weak immunity against it". German
livestock had stronger immunity and so the risk of German animals
being affected - should wind changes carry the virus back to
Germany - was minimal.

First experiments on foot-and-mouth as an offensive weapon were
carried out by Professor Reinhard Otto, of Germany's Secret
Medical Council. By the spring of 1943 German scientists were
ready for field tests on an island in occupied northwest Russia.
The virus was cultivated on the secluded German island of Riems
where the German Government is at present conducting BSE tests.

It was diluted and poured into a spray tank attached to a bomber.
The Russian terrain was sprayed and 40 out of 50 reindeer quickly
developed symptoms of the disease.

German scientists also tried to insert dried foot-and-mouth virus
material into animal fodder. This, too, proved effective and
would have been one way of infecting British livestock.

As the war turned against Germany so the Nazi and military
leadership tried more frantically to come up with weapons that
could recapture command of the air, make Britain buckle and fend
off the approaching Soviet troops.

Himmler pressed the biological researchers, many of them working
at remote research stations in the Poznan area, to come up with
more aggressive biochemical weapons.

The plans for a foot-and-mouth virus attack on Britain were never
put into practice because there was no guarantee that bombers
would be able to manage to drop the material. Had a
foot-and-mouth bomber been shot down before reaching Britain, the
attack could well have backfired.

The entomologist Eduard May was ordered to study the feasibility
of breeding millions of malaria-carrying mosquitoes and dropping
them over the Mazurian lakes as the Russians advanced. Production
of the nerve gasses Tabun and Sarin was stepped up.

By contrast, the foot-and-mouth virus was a harmless weapon. Even
so, piles of documentation about the virus, prepared under the
auspices of the Kurt Blome, were shipped to the United States.

Blome, cleared at Nuremberg of having experimented with human
beings, was quickly removed to the United States where he spent
many months briefing American scientists about Nazi research.

Copyright 2001 Times Newspapers Ltd. This service is provided on
Times Newspapers' standard terms and conditions. To inquire about
a licence to reproduce material from The Times, visit the
Syndication website.
 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need n

[CTRL] Prosecutor says stop feeding homeless'

2001-03-14 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Published 14 March, 2001 by InvestigativeJournal.com

Prosecutor says 'stop feeding homeless

Pastor calls it Christian persecution

By David M. Bresnahan

A homeless grandmother is about to go to jail, and her pastor says it is
because city officials want to force the homeless to go elsewhere.
"They want to move the homeless out rather than help them," Pastor Wiley Drake
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) told InvestigativeJournal.com. He said the local
police are targeting the homeless (and those who help them) for persecution
and harassment.
Dianne Grue, a 67-year-old grandmother, lives in a pay-by-the-week motel
for most of each month. Her
small Social Security check is not enough to cover her expenses, so for a
few days a month she stays at
Drake's church until she gets her next check.
Police have a virtual stake out at the First Southern Baptist Church in
Buena Park, Calif. Drake claims
members of his congregation and homeless people who come to his church for
help are routinely persecuted, harassed, and intimidated by local police.
"The ironic part is that many of the police bring people who need help to
us, while others give the homeless a hard time with citations for camping
and stolen property (shopping carts). Many are stopped while on their way
to work, held and then released, after they are late for work," explained
The constant harassment by police has caused the homeless to avoid the
church, which Drake says is exactly what police are trying to do - get the
homeless to go somewhere else rather than help them.
"Even regular Church members say that the area around our Church is a
speed, seat belt, and signal trap, and they are afraid to come to church,"
complained Drake. He said the action is blatant persecution of Christians.
Grue was one of the homeless who stopped coming to the church for shelter
because she was in fear of the police. Instead she stayed out in the open
and police cited her for "camping." The infractions landed her in court
with a public defender on Monday.
Drake attended and tried to convince Judge Richard E. Behn (fax
1-714-773-4639) to go easy on Grue.
Instead Behn said he would put Grue in jail for 15 days. Drake convinced
her to plead innocent to enable her to get a trial, and he helped her to
get an attorney at no charge. Her pre-trial hearing is scheduled for March 26.
"I couldn't let a judge send a homeless grandmother to jail," said Drake.
He was quick to point out that Disneyland is only five miles away from his
church, and the entire area is
regarded as a special "entertainment zone" that police try to "keep clean."
City prosecutor Greg Palmer (E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]) compared homeless
people to stray cats in court on Monday. He said that if Drake and his
church stopped feeding them they would go away.
Despite the challenges he receives from some, Drake pointed out that some
local police officers bring
homeless people to him, and the federal government provides food for Drake
to distribute.
Drake has not been a stranger to controversy. He organized the national
boycott of Disney by the Southern Baptist Convention, tried to have former
President Bill Clinton excommunicated, and was arrested and convicted for
housing homeless people in his church without the proper use permit.
The same judge who threatened Grue with jail sentenced Drake to three years
of probation and community service, which he recently completed. He has
since obtained the necessary permit.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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