Re: [CTRL] The Makeup of an Assassin

2001-06-26 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

On 26 Jun 01, at 2:10, Aleisha Saba wrote:

 well Buckley called him on CBS you queer
 son of a abitch and he tagged him for what he was, an obnoxious bore

I had thought Buckley was gay also. Interesting...



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Re: [CTRL] The Makeup of an Assassin

2001-06-26 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Only person I can think of worse than Gore Vidal is William S Buckley -
he may have maastered the King's English but he detested John F. Kennedy
for his inellectual level something he could not forgive.

Buckley is a fat pig.
Gore is a fat pig.

You sound pretty young to be a fat pig and I imagine you are frail and
skinney from chasing too many Rainbows and UFOs.


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Re: [CTRL] If you believe embryos are humans...

2001-06-26 Thread Xxx Yyy

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 6/25/01 11:52:18 AM Central Daylight Time,

 OK then. Well that didn't take long to degenerate into drivel.

 I don't think you've convinced anybody that you have a clue.
 But have a nice day anyway.

Drivel appeared the first time someone wrote If you believe embryos are
human.  I don't try to spin heads with a few cliches.  The
abortion-infanticide-euthanasia debates are extremely important and all
information related to these issues deserves full disclosure, something that
is definitely not occuring now in the popular press.  True political freedom
can only be had if all human life is respected, not only human life that is
valuable to the state.   We have moved only too rapidly in the direction that
people in Sweden took...believing that because they had sexual freedom they
were free.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: TIME Magazine: When Did AIDS Begin? --PAGE 1-- FEBRUARY 14, 2000

2001-06-26 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

You really seem to get around, Saba. Didn't you know JFK also?


On 26 Jun 01, at 2:17, Aleisha Saba wrote:

 The  Harmful or Fatal bit was put on two years aftaer this kid died; and
 I drafted the legislation in our city, which my friend on council
 introduced about air plane glue and use of same...and Harvey Alston
 in Columbus went after those bastards too...


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Re: [CTRL] The Makeup of an Assassin

2001-06-26 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-

 -Original Message-
 From: Aleisha Saba [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Only person I can think of worse than Gore Vidal is William S
 Buckley -

Ah yes, William S. Buckley, the famous philatelist - or am I mistaking him
for some other Buckley?

Gee whiz Saba, those are my two favorite humans on the whole planet. That
really hurts.

 Buckley is a fat pig.
 Gore is a fat pig.

A very wise person has said you can only like or dislike something about
someone else that reflects to you something you like or dislike about

The adolescent translation of this is It takes one to know one.

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[CTRL] Revolution in America

2001-06-26 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Vol. 12, No. 04
February 19, 1996
Table of Contents More on Immigration

Revolution in America
by William Norman Grigg

There's more behind the immigration problem than illegal aliens

I am not an American. There is nothing about me that is American. I don't want to be 
an American, and I have just as much right to be here as any of you. Thus spoke one 
individual identified as a Latino activist during a session of the National 
Conversation on American Pluralism and Identity, a $4 million project funded by the 
National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). NEH Director Sheldon Hackney reacted to 
this hateful outburst by cooing, What an American thing to say - squarely in the 
great tradition of American dissent. He was affirming his American identity even as he 
was denying it.

An Ethnic Babel

From Hackney's perspective, there are none so American as those who hate this 
country. Unfortunately, a similar concept of the American identity governs our 
present immigration policies. Guided by the dogma of diversity, the political 
establishment has rejected the traditional goal of assimilation, choosing instead to 
create a Babel of querulous ethnic interest groups squabbling over government 
largesse and united only through the political power of the state. Illustrations of 
the public impact of our immigration policies abound:

 · The Sacramento Bee reports, Nearly one in four students in California's public 
schools - more than 1.25 million kids - understands little or no English.

 · In his book Dictatorship of Virtue, New York Times reporter Richard Bernstein 
describes School District 24 in the borough of Queens, New York, where 27,000 
students are said to speak eighty-three languages. One-third of these students are not 
fluent in English, leading to one of the most ambitious bilingual education programs 
in the country. New York's public institutions presuppose a complete failure of 
immigrants to assimilate: Driver's license exams are offered in 22 languages, and 
multilingual ballots permit those who have not mastered the language of our public 
institutions the opportunity to help shape public policy.

 · In Luna County, New Mexico, Mexican children are bused across the border from 
Palomas, Mexico to schools in Columbus and Deming at a cost of $1 million annually. In 
1993, a lawsuit was filed by Luna County residents to stop the practice, which they 
contend is an untenable burden on local schools and taxpayers and a violation of the 
state constitution. The lawsuit was immediately condemned by political leaders on both 
sides of the border. Columbus Mayor Phoebe Watson defended the subsidized education of 
Mexican children as a moral obligation: We believe in humanity here, not laws. 
Palomas Mayor Julieta Avina has mastered the language of victimology: To me, the 
lawsuit is racist, and I think this issue could lead to international problems along 
this part of the border. As for New Mexico residents who object to subsidizing 
Mexican children, Avina tells them to find some other place to live: If they don't 
like Mexico they ought to move to Canada.

 · The U.S. Ninth Circuit Court recently struck down the English Language Amendment to 
Arizona's state constitution, which requires the state and all political subdivisions 
to act in English and in no other language. The court held, in effect, that there is 
a First Amendment right to language diversity, and that it is unconstitutional to 
require public officials to conduct the business of government in English. The 
plaintiff in the case was state insurance claims processor Maria-Kelley Yniguez, who 
had been producing some of her reports in Spanish - in spite of the fact that her 
supervisor understood only English. Federal Judge Stephen Reinhardt, who wrote the 
majority opinion, insisted that in such circumstances the burden is on the supervisor 
to learn Spanish, rather than the employee to learn English.

 · In 1986, Nicaraguan defector Alberto Suhr related to U.S. reporters what he and 
other Sandinista cadres had been told by Tomas Borge, the Sandinista interior 
minister. Borge, a ruthless henchman trained by Castro's DGI, instructed his comrades: 
We have Nicaragua, soon we will have El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica and 
Mexico. One day, tomorrow or 15 years from now, we're going to take 5 to 10 million 
Mexicans and they're going to have one thing in mind - cross the border, go into 
Dallas, go into Houston, go into New Mexico, go into San Diego, and each one has 
embedded in his mind the idea of killing 10 Americans.

 When Borge made that boast, he already had a sizeable fifth column of propagandists, 
foot soldiers, and narco-terrorists operating within the United States. Since then, 
several million more illegal aliens have entered the U.S., the Communist EZLN 
Zapatista forces in Mexico's Chiapas state have declared war on 

[CTRL] You've Been Sent An Article From The Onion

2001-06-26 Thread Tenor Love

-Caveat Lector-

[EMAIL PROTECTED] has sent you an article from The Onion, America's Finest News 


Onion T-shirts, hats, mugs, bumper stickers and more -

Northern Irish, Serbs, Hutus Granted Homeland In West Bank

   UNITED NATIONS--In a bold gambit hoped to resolve dozens of conflicts around 
the world, the U.N. announced Monday the establishment of Ethniklashistan, a 
multinational haven in the West Bank that will serve as a new homeland for Irish 
Protestants, Hutus, Serbs, and other troubled groups.
   For far too long, these groups have been locked in prolonged strife with their 
former neighbors, unable to achieve a lasting peace, U.N. Secretary-General Kofi 
Annan said. Now that these various peoples have a new homeland where they can find 
refuge, all the years of fighting and bloodshed can finally be put behind them.
   Former Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic, now presiding over a Serb settlement 
near the Jordanian border, was optimistic about the future. All Muslim scum must 
die, he said. Death to all enemies of Serbian purity!
   The various groups, transported to Ethniklashistan by a massive U.N. airlift, 
will share their new homeland with the roughly two million Palestinians and Israeli 
settlers who currently occupy the region. U.N. officials say the West Bank site was 
chosen for its centralized location, opportunities for tourism, and comfortable desert 
climate. These factors, combined with the already diverse cultural, ethnic, and 
religious composition of the area, offer a unique opportunity for many international 
groups to live together in peace.
   This is truly a win-win situation, U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell said. 
War-ravaged peoples from all over the world finally have a place they can feel safe. 
And, for the Palestinians and Israelis already there, the presence of additional 
ethnicities should reduce any pre-existing stresses. Arabs and Jews will enjoy 
exposure to a glorious, multiethnic stew, and they will, in turn, have the opportunity 
to lead by example, serving as role models of peaceful coexistence.
   Hutu leader Kagabo Ndadaye, who between 1994 and 1996 personally oversaw the 
machete deaths of more than 10,000 Tutsi Rwandans, echoed the positive outlook. The 
glorious Hutu are the one pure race, said Ndadaye, speaking from a Hutu settlement 
near Hebron while eyeing a nearby Kurdish settlement. All inferior mongrel peoples 
shall be put to the blade.
   Though hopes are high for Ethniklashistan--a name created by a team of 
linguists who combined 17 different languages' words for sanctuary--the 
establishment of the new homeland has proven rocky. Of the more than 500,000 people 
relocated there so far, approximately 97 percent have responded with violent 
resistance, swearing oaths of eternal vengeance against U.N. volunteers conducting the 
forced relocations.
   Bloodshed also marred the Festival Of Human Brotherhood, a weeklong, 
nationwide event celebrating the founding of Ethniklashistan. On Monday, 11 people 
were killed in a skirmish between Basques and Sikhs near Nablus. The same day, six 
were killed and dozens injured on the streets of Bethlehem when Somalis and Greek 
Cypriots exchanged gunfire and grenades.
   Dozens of shifting alliances have added to the confusion and chaos. In a 
pre-dawn border raid Monday, Burmese Karen rebels attacked a Tamil settlement. By late 
afternoon, the Karens were driven back by the Tamils, who were newly armed with 
Israeli anti-personnel missiles smuggled into the West Bank by Zionist fundamentalists 
who had allied themselves--some say only as a temporary ruse--with the Tamils.
   On Tuesday, guerrilla fighters made up of an uneasy Palestinian-Papuan alliance 
attacked an Irish Protestant church near the Golan Heights, killing 121 Irish 
worshippers with nerve gas before being repelled by a nearby faction of 
Protestant-sympathizing Zapatista rebels from the Chiapas region of Mexico.
   The violence continued that evening, when the severed heads of 20 Chechens were 
paraded through the streets of Jericho by Azerbaijani extremists. The killings are 
thought to be in retaliation for rocket attacks by a band of pro-Armenian Chechen 
rebels, who have thus far evaded Azerbaijani attempts to flush them out of their 
encampments in the hills with prolonged shelling.
   Alarmed by the new nation's growing pains, world leaders have launched a 
large-scale international-aid effort to help Ethniklashistan get on its feet. Great 
Britain has pledged 12,000 peacekeeping troops, vowing to pummel with rubber bullets, 
tear gas, and billy clubs anyone who dares threaten the Sons of Ulster. China has 
pledged 40,000 soldiers to supervise the 2,000-plus Tibetan Buddhists relocated to the 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: TIME Magazine: When Did AIDS Begin? --PAGE 1-- FEBRUARY 14, 2000

2001-06-26 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

On Tue, 26 Jun 2001, Aleisha Saba wrote:
Wonder how sharing needles - cocaine users


Cocaine users rarely use needles.

 - get AIDS or could it be the cocaine is poisoned?


You haven't the least idea of basic biology nor what HIV is nor the
vector for AIDS...


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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: TIME Magazine: When Did AIDS Begin? --PAGE 1-- FEBRUARY 14, 2000

2001-06-26 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

On Mon, 25 Jun 2001, Steve wrote:
On 26 Jun 01, at 1:32, Aleisha Saba wrote:

 Anyway when we got through Testor Glue who was making model cars for
 little five year olds to put together, had to put a Harmful or Fatal
 Warning on the glue...this man from Testor had called me screaming
 that a kid could die if he ate a tablespoon of salt..lovely people.

Does this really make sense to anyone?  I hope not.  :)

No it doesn't, we just let 'her' babble on, because really we have no

It's a shame that the limited daily allotment the list allows is filled
up with 'her' inanities...

Hard to tell when it get's the end of the month when it's
obvious that 'her' medication has run out, or at the beginning of the
month when it's obvious 'she' has gotten a new supply...


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Re: [CTRL] The Easy way to crush dissenting voices

2001-06-26 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

--- c. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Both sides then agreed they didn't want to go to court over
 the issue
 and decided to come to a financial agreement. Details of that should
 be out
 anytime soon.

Extremely doubtful. These settlements usually include a permanent gag
order, a/k/a a confidentiality agreement.


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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: TIME Magazine: When Did AIDS Begin? --PAGE 1-- FEBRUARY 14, 2000

2001-06-26 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

On Tue, 26 Jun 2001, Aleisha Saba wrote:
You would rather believe UFO's murdered cattle out west rather than
rustlers who butchered the cattle on the spot.

Explain to us why those rustlers leave behind the majority of the meat
and only take the tongue, eyes, and genitals.  And perhaps you can
explain how rustlers do this with surgical precision AND how they also do
this without spilling any blood?

Go chase your UFOs an as I said, in our circle we called them Satellites
and Missiles, asshole.

And all those trained military pilots who have chased UFOs were really
chasing Venus, eh?


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[CTRL] Palestinians More Determined Then Ever (War Without End)

2001-06-26 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

Daily Violence Erodes Mideast Truce

Everybody is fed up with the Jewish occupation. What are we supposed
to do? We live in garbage. And the Israelis come with their tanks and guns.
Are we supposed to sit back and accept this humiliation?

By Lee Hockstader
Washington Post Foreign Service
Tuesday, June 26, 2001; Page A11

KHAN YOUNIS, Gaza Strip -- Victims of the latest cease-fire between Israelis and 
Palestinians fill Room 35 of Nasser Hospital,
bullet wounds in their torsos and limbs.

In the far corner lies Jasr Asalmi, a lanky 17-year-old shot through the groin by 
Israeli soldiers last week as he heaved stones at
their armored jeep. In the next bed is Abdullah Abu Mustaffah, 15, his scrawny left 
thigh bandaged where an Israeli soldier's bullet
passed through it. He was throwing stones, too. And on the wall over their beds hangs 
a poster of Adel Muganen, another 15-year-old
stone-thrower who was shot in the abdomen, died on the operating table and entered the 
pantheon of Palestinian martyrs.

Two weeks after it was brokered by CIA Director George J. Tenet, the cease-fire seems 
often to consist of two parts fire to one part
cease. At least 13 people -- seven Palestinians and six Israelis -- have died in 
violence since the two sides agreed to the truce.
Dozens have been wounded.

The violence has intensified in recent days as Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon 
prepared for a visit to Washington today and
Secretary of State Colin L. Powell prepared for a visit here that has been 
characterized as a rescue mission for the cease-fire.
Powell's stay here Thursday and Friday is expected to consist mainly of meetings with 
Sharon and the Palestinian leader, Yasser
Arafat. And while Powell is likely to push for a timetable to end the violence and 
coax the two sides back to the negotiating table,
there is little optimism about a breakthrough as daily shootings and funerals continue.

It's going to be hard to push for the next phase if there's no quiet on the ground, 
a U.S. official said.

The violence is taking place mainly in the Israeli-occupied parts of Gaza and the West 
Bank, not in Israel proper. From the
perspective of most Israelis, that is an improvement, following the rash of suicide 
bombings and other attacks in Israeli cities
this spring.

In addition, Israel has refrained from using tanks, heavy weapons and helicopter 
gunships, and Palestinian patrols have received
orders to prevent clashes at flash points around Israeli military positions. The 
overall level of violence is estimated to have
dropped by 60 percent or more since the Tenet cease-fire went into effect June 13.

But here in the sand dunes of Gaza, and along the roads of the West Bank, the 
shootings, mortar and grenade attacks and ambushes
continue to take their toll. And even inside Israel, at least two undetonated bombs 
have been discovered in the past two weeks.

Four of those killed since the cease-fire was reached have been Jewish settlers shot 
in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. A number of
other settlers have been injured by Palestinian gunfire, including a 6-year-old boy 
shot in the chest yesterday by a Palestinian
sniper in the West Bank city of Hebron. Four Israeli soldiers were also hurt in the 
shooting, which the army said erupted when
gunmen in a Palestinian-controlled portion of the city opened fire on a Jewish enclave.

There is no cease-fire, said Brig. Gen. Amos Gilead, research chief of Israeli 
military intelligence.

Mohammed Abu Ahmed, an officer in Arafat's Force 17 security organization, scoffed at 
the idea of a permanent cease-fire. The
uprising won't end for long, said Abu Ahmed, who is in charge of keeping things quiet 
outside a Jewish settlement in southern Gaza.
It will stop and start, start and stop, depending on the situation.

It has become so dangerous for Jewish settlers to travel the roads in some parts of 
the West Bank that the Israeli army has rented
armored buses to protect them from snipers and ambushes and advised them to stop 
driving private cars.

The Israeli newspaper Yedioth Aharonoth reported that Carta, an Israeli cartographic 
firm, will publish the first road map of the
occupied territories to show which routes are considered safe from Palestinian 
ambushes and drive-by shootings and which are
considered life-threatening.

This is a map of life and death, said Carta's director general, Shai Hausman.

Neither side believes the other truly wants or is planning for a cease-fire. The 
Palestinians are convinced that Sharon is not
prepared to engage in peace negotiations that could produce international pressure on 
Israel to withdraw from more Palestinian
territory and freeze construction at Jewish settlements -- measures he ardently 
opposes. The Israelis believe Arafat has made a
strategic choice for violence as a means of squeezing political concessions from the 
Jewish state.

The grinding daily violence, meanwhile, is too lethal to be dismissed as 

[CTRL] Man cleaning pool prevents woman from drowning infant

2001-06-26 Thread Peat
Man cleaning pool prevents woman from drowning infantBy David Cázares and Jason T. SmithSun SentinelNORTH MIAMI -- A maintenance man cleaning a swimming pool at an apartment complex on Monday prevented a woman from drowning her 6-month-old son.

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[CTRL] The Psychology of Murder

2001-06-26 Thread Peat
The Psychology of MurderPsychologist Tina Tessina on what might have driven Andrea Yates to kill her five children
JESSICA REAVESTIMEWhen Andrea Yates murdered her five children Wednesday, she focused national attention on the issue of postpartum depression.
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[CTRL] Here Come the Federal Cell Phone Cops

2001-06-26 Thread Peat
Here Come the Federal Cell Phone Cops
by Adam D. ThiererCATO 

Adam D. Thierer is the director of telecommunications studies at the Cato Institute in Washington, D.C.
Just when you thought there was nothing left for Congress to federalize, along comes a bill by Rep. Gary Ackerman (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Jon Corzine (D-N.J.) that would regulate how Americans use their cell phones while driving. Apparently no human action is too small or parochial for the federal government to police. So now Congress wants to play the role of local traffic cop, too.~~
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[CTRL] Hawaii ACLU Members Compare Thomas to 'Hitler,' 'Anti-Christ'

2001-06-26 Thread Peat
Hawaii ACLU Members Compare Thomas to 'Hitler,' 'Anti-Christ'FOX NEWSKelley O. BeaucarWASHINGTON — After comparing him to "Hitler" and characterizing him as an "Uncle Tom," a vocal group of members of Hawaii's American Civil Liberties Union convinced their board to reject an invitation for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to participate in an upcoming conference.~~
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[CTRL] North says publicly that he'll seek seat if district goes his way

2001-06-26 Thread Peat

Oh goodie...

North says publicly that he'll seek seat if district goes his way
RICHMOND -- Oliver North told about 80 Republican and local government officials in southwest Virginia on Sunday that he would run for Congress if an appropriate district were created for him this year. 
``If they build it, I will run,'' North said in a telephone interview, paraphrasing a line from the movie ``Field of Dreams.''~~
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[CTRL] Playing God On No Sleep Isnt motherhood grand?

2001-06-26 Thread Peat
Many theories are in the works here as to why Andrea Yates did what she did...the medicine, the signals in the air around Houston, the NASA/Goverment connection, and on and on...but maybe she was just dead tired and severly depressed. I mean Anna's (below) story does make a good point. Maybe she was just worn out psychologically and physically. Who knows. Maybe the government has her under mind control as well. An interesting argument nonetheless...

Playing God On No Sleep Isn’t motherhood grand? Do you want the real answer or the official Hallmark-card version?
Newsweek Anna Quendlin
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[CTRL] You are Being Lied To-Disinformation Books

2001-06-26 Thread Peat
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Re: [CTRL] Playing God On No Sleep Isnt motherhood grand?

2001-06-26 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Of course, I am extremely saddened by the deaths of the children.

BUT: I am extremely P.O.ed that the situtation could get to that point.
I don't know about how they handle this in other countries, but in the
U.S., once the mother is discharged from the hospital after giving
birth, she is pretty much left to fend for herself. Hillary Clinton
used to talk about it takes a village. Where is this village when
the baby has been crying inconsolably for 16 straight hours and the
mother is at the end of her wits? If the mother reaches out, say, to a
crisis hotline, they are more likely to send the police or DYFS. The
police and DYFS are in the business of punishing parents, not helping
them get through the crisis. Families live further and further away
from each other, so that isn't always an option. My parents are dead,
my inlaws live 80 miles away, my siblings live on the other side of the
country, and all my neighbors had full-time jobs. I was fortunate that
I had my friends in La Leche League, who I could call to at least calm
ME down. Even something simple as putting the baby in the stroller and
going for a walk for half an hour so Mom can take a shower can make a
difference for an overstressed mother. Mothers whose children are older
can be a tremendous help, not only with a little bit of respite, but in
reassuring the new mom that it happens to all of us, you're not the
only one, and it doesn't mean you're a bad mother. Some kind of
support system for new mothers would go a long way toward preventing
tragedies like this, and preventing a good deal of child abuse.


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[CTRL] How Ignorant are Scientists

2001-06-26 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

yep lets feel superior about the ordinary joe six pack lay person -
thenlets have a critical look at our superior intellect and where exactly
that has gotten the human race over the last century.

Did you know that Lord kelvin wrote a treatise on aether and gravitation
which he presented to the royal society in 1901 and in that he not only puts
forward the theory of the gaseous turbulence of the aether but of the basic
principles of Chaos Theory - and by doing so - he had advanced Cosmology by
a hundred years - see but look where we are now -
Einstein's disclaimer on
aether was the michelson morley experiment - I mean is it logical that if we
examine the inside of something the size of a can of beans for aether and
not find any that we can then project that classically irrationally result
as an absolute a priori on INFINITY ??
Einstein's fixed C and no ether also hit the skids in 1920 with Olbers
paradox - has anybody ever heard of it - if not - why not -
it suggests that  its a paradox that the sky isn't white at night - because
all the photons in the cosmos should have been here by now - but something -
some paradox has held them up [not ether say the ignorant scientists] but
something - its a paradox - blah blah

By the rules of the scientific game written by karl Popper in his
Conjectures and Refutations he suggests that if a theory is not falsifiable
it is redundant - that it is not rational to keeep going back to and
remodifying a theroy - it should be discarded - but ignorant 'scientists'
keep doing that with the Big bang - even though there is a ribbon of
galaxies called the great wall with matter far older than the big bang
theory allows for - another lemon that should be trashed.

Schifflers Horns is a paradox in mathematical topology - in this LINEAR
cosmos it keeps showing up fractal.
Well Schifflers horns is the mathematical PROOF that the Universe is a chaos
event and non-linear.

And superstring theory and all the spin off garbage - have you ever in your
life heard of a more bizarre pile of crap ?? its another example of the
constant modification of a theory that should have been scrapped decades
ago. Everytime the 'scientists' hit a snag - they just add in another
mathematical dimension and another layer of absurd abstraction. It goes
completely against the cornertsone rationality of popper and the simple is
best Occams Razor.
I'm NOT saying that the empirical DATA on physics is bad - just the MODEL of
superstrings that it is deployed on is Crass.

and we look at all the 'scientists' working for the military industrial
complex - and some people feel superior over the laymen ???
scientists with worthless doctorates in physics and a washed out paradigm
FULL of PARADOXES and un-unified Physics - and these 'scientists' advise
governments that there is No Global Warming [thatcher/carbon tax], that it
is ok to lower the pasteurisation temperatures of meat processing to make
the processes yield more profit. that microwaves and radioactivity do not
build up damage - that food stuffs containing harmful chemicals are ok and
those 'scientists' feel superior ??
what a laugh
no the common man doesn't have a professorship in STUPIDITY
he does have COMMON SENSE - and he/she knows that 'Science' is desperately
trying to paper over the Cracks ...
but its more obvious than that - the greatest scientific achievement in
recent years was not some brilliant flawed genius like einstein or tesla or
kelvin with sweeping new paradigms -
it was rows and rows of big big machines doing the sorting for the human
genome project -
if you can give the monkeys enough typewriters - they will get their Nobel.

andrew hennessey

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] How Ignorant are Scientists

2001-06-26 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

yep lets feel superior about the ordinary joe six pack lay person -
thenlets have a critical look at our superior intellect and where exactly
that has gotten the human race over the last century.

Did you know that Lord kelvin wrote a treatise on aether and gravitation
which he presented to the royal society in 1901 and in that he not only puts
forward the theory of the gaseous turbulence of the aether but of the basic
principles of Chaos Theory - and by doing so - he had advanced Cosmology by
a hundred years - see but look where we are now -
Einstein's disclaimer on
aether was the michelson morley experiment - I mean is it logical that if we
examine the inside of something the size of a can of beans for aether and
not find any that we can then project that classically irrationally result
as an absolute a priori on INFINITY ?? ie. make it into a universal law
Einstein's fixed C and no ether also hit the skids in 1920 with Olbers
paradox - has anybody ever heard of it - if not - why not -
it suggests that  its a paradox that the sky isn't white at night - because
all the photons in the cosmos should have been here by now - but something -
some paradox has held them up [not ether say the ignorant scientists] but
something - its a paradox - blah blah

By the rules of the scientific game written by karl Popper in his
Conjectures and Refutations he suggests that if a theory is not falsifiable
it is redundant - that it is not rational to keeep going back to and
remodifying a theroy - it should be discarded - but ignorant 'scientists'
keep doing that with the Big bang - even though there is a ribbon of
galaxies called the great wall with matter far older than the big bang
theory allows for - another lemon that should be trashed.

Schifflers Horns is a paradox in mathematical topology - in this LINEAR
cosmos it keeps showing up fractal.
Well Schifflers horns is the mathematical PROOF that the Universe is a chaos
event and non-linear.

And superstring theory and all the spin off garbage - have you ever in your
life heard of a more bizarre pile of crap ?? its another example of the
constant modification of a theory that should have been scrapped decades
ago. Everytime the 'scientists' hit a snag - they just add in another
mathematical dimension and another layer of absurd abstraction. It goes
completely against the cornertsone rationality of popper and the simple is
best Occams Razor.
I'm NOT saying that the empirical DATA on physics is bad - just the MODEL of
superstrings that it is deployed on is Crass.

and we look at all the 'scientists' working for the military industrial
complex - and some people feel superior over the laymen ???
scientists with worthless doctorates in physics and a washed out paradigm
FULL of PARADOXES and un-unified Physics - and these 'scientists' advise
governments that there is No Global Warming [thatcher/carbon tax], that it
is ok to lower the pasteurisation temperatures of meat processing to make
the processes yield more profit. that microwaves and radioactivity do not
build up damage - that food stuffs containing harmful chemicals are ok and
those 'scientists' feel superior ??
what a laugh
no the common man doesn't have a professorship in STUPIDITY
he does have COMMON SENSE - and he/she knows that 'Science' is desperately
trying to paper over the Cracks ...
but its more obvious than that - the greatest scientific achievement in
recent years was not some brilliant flawed genius like einstein or tesla or
kelvin with sweeping new paradigms -
it was rows and rows of big big machines doing the sorting for the human
genome project -
if you can give the monkeys enough typewriters - they will get their Nobel.

andrew hennessey
transformation studies group

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] new gay soldieresses of fortune

2001-06-26 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

well, i am sure andrew will appreciate the support of the man who posted a
serious comment about the piercings satire. not very good with satire
though, are you bill? you do realise that andrew is being satirical, don't

- Original Message -
From: Bill Howard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2001 11:09 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] new gay soldieresses of fortune

 -Caveat Lector-

 Well said.  If you were a bull fighter, I would award you both ears and a
 tail. Now I will be in trouble with the PETA crowd and the green crowd.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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2001-06-26 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

sorry andrew but the problem with your postings- and this one is a great
example, is that you make all these claims without showing any evidence to
support them.
impoverished quagmire? hardly. here in aberdeen (oil capital of europe no
less) we have been raking the money in for over 20 years. and i know for a
fact that the kingdom of fife is not all that impoverished at all- and there
is growth there- and you will see more now that edinburgh is regaining it's
status as a european capital.
don't need to be a spook to win arguments andrew- only need to have
substance behind the claims, and i am sure that is not even beyond you, just
once anyway.

- Original Message -
From: Andrew Hennessey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2001 11:44 PM

 -Caveat Lector-


 When I say that most of Northern Britain is an impoverished quagmire and
 someone calls me a liar for saying that - I really would ask you to take
 note that it is perfectly normal for the UK Spook to Easily win any
 argument, simply because of the Intensity of Monitoring in this very small
 cupboard of a country.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] new gay soldieresses of fortune

2001-06-26 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

no its absolutely true - there is this UK special forces unit
its not satire _ I wish it was a joke but its Not -

its a great source of laughs though -

apparently the SAS were somehow sold on the idea that the hermaphroditic
state was ''superior' - and that the 6th aryan root race now here is
to be the divine mutation.
so these superfit geezers from the SAS were briefed on how to become even
better killers, more efficient operators - and the line they were sold was
that if they were given a few 'female' injections and a 'bluerinse' mind
control programme - that when they were feminised completely - they would
somehow be better than their ordinary elite male counterparts.
The unit called the Amazon Army - manufactured hermaphrodites were led by a
guy who had the 'special operation' called Tony - formerly head of Kombat18
who stayed in the Norwich area in England - he became the lovely lady Athena
with all the bits and pieces of both sexes - and she was then told that she
was hier to the throne of scotland - of the dalriadan line.
An aquaintance of athena lets call her ms voltaire says that the new ninja
amazon army are going to staff the re-education centres, and that athena
beleives herself to be a re-incarnation of hitler. Athena is part of a grand
council of powerful 'matriarchs'
and also is a High priestess of the Fellowship of isis/lilith??.

Not being able to take the heat in scotland after failing to have sex with a
pretender to the throne of scotland - she was last seen observing mrs
voltaire from a phone box in Norwich.

The point is though - that there is no way these elite males have been
enhanced by elite cookery and sewing classes.
The whole exercise is just so the reptoids can show how easily they can wipe
out humanities best -
I'll bet that if you asked these supersoldiers how good they think they now
are compared to what they were - that if they were honest - they would say
that they had lost their edge.
After her conditioning, lady Athena had her rooms covered in hand held
weapons - so that everywhere she looked she could remind herself of her real
ability - that doesn't sound like a super bit of programming does it ??

andrew hennessey

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 6:11 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] new gay soldieresses of fortune

 -Caveat Lector-

 well, i am sure andrew will appreciate the support of the man who posted a
 serious comment about the piercings satire. not very good with satire
 though, are you bill? you do realise that andrew is being satirical, don't

 - Original Message -
 From: Bill Howard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, June 25, 2001 11:09 PM
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] new gay soldieresses of fortune

  -Caveat Lector-
  Well said.  If you were a bull fighter, I would award you both ears and
  tail. Now I will be in trouble with the PETA crowd and the green crowd.

 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:
  A HREF=;Archives of

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be 

Re: [CTRL] new gay soldieresses of fortune

2001-06-26 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Andrew Hennessey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2001 10:33 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] new gay soldieresses of fortune

 -Caveat Lector-

 you clever cunning fiend you - mr/ms C
 you only try to win arguments by quoting 'quality' newspapers
 ie, those run by reuters, murdoch et al

ok- playtime- tell me which sources i have quoted from, cause, mibbe you are
correct- mibbe i did quote from a murdocjh paper. don't think so- in recent
days it has been from the register and from the bbc. oh and the gaurdian
possibly. but please correct me if i am wrong.

 - and al as well as clive from MI5
 have always got a big say in what goes into the pap they print in

so... you like tabloids then- oh yeah i remember now- you mentioned reading
the daily record LOL

 for instance look at the way you battle against me for credibility, - bad
 move and quoting statistics out of context -

all stats given to you have been specific and in context. but please show me
where i have been outof context.

 you don't attack my opinions - only my character

say what? oh i am sorry andrew- i don't remember this at all- please refresh
my memory.

 and babbling on [if I'm rude to you back I'm a homophobe]

i have been specific when i have claimed you are homophobic-
misrepresentation of news stories was the last one i think.

and being rude to
 continually about nothing in particular.

no - rude to you very particularly

 Your mission should you choose to accept it is to talk shite about the
 arguments I present

doing ok on your own- as this posting of yours attests.

and sound enthusiastic about gay right wing politicians

i am enthusiastic about anyone in a position to give the elected government
a good challenge in the commons. and i said as much at the time. and this is
curious, andy, why should i NOT be enthusiastic aboout a right wing gay
politician? you just finished saying that i am always responding to your
well presented arguments by accusing you of homophobia- and then a couple of
lines down you insinuate that i should NOT be enthusiastic about a gay
politician LOL

 and illuminati ideologies

er, when?

 and little children.[you said you had 3]

don't remember that at all. i have one kid.

 well since you have decided to combat me using flames,

don't be a hypocrite


tell me one lie i have told to support my arguments. just one and i will
retract. cause i am big enough. i can be wrong at times but not a liar- and
i challenge you to retract the allegation. if you can.

 and by
 continually taking my wonderful opinions out of context

this is why i think you are not serious in your posts- but sadcases like
bill and saba are taking you seriously. what a laugh.

 - I am going to let
 the list know - and break the unwritten rule of nutters in doing so

just what is the unwritten rule of nutters?

- I am
 going to say the unspeakable - the totally unthinkable - I am going to
 away even more - any pretension, intention and extension towards
 appearances - just like YOU do - and I'm going to call you an Agent
 for her majesties right wing security services

ouch :)
consider me outed- congratulations- you have seen thru my cunning veneer of
mundanity to see the sparkling 007 type guyi really am. cool.

 - who incidently are big

well- at last we know you aren't homophobic, uh? or good at making sweeping
illinformed generalizations that have no chance at all of ever being
correct. cool.

 and I can prove it - yep thats right - 'I get twitchy' if anybody
 with me - absolutely wide open to that accusation eh ? well not anybody -
 just you - I'm very suspicious of you - for all your communications are
 hostile and defamatory and personal


 well I've lived a saintly life as a decent charitable tolerant gentleman

mmm i have seen your picture and you ain't old enough to be considered a
gentleman andrew. i think kid or adolescent maybe more accurate.

 you are
 the first person who has ever gone to a lot of trouble to paint me black

not according to my sources i amn't

 and because I have self respect - I know that you are a hateful liar and

 so, i hate myself, sure, good call, andy

 but I know your type - you love being devious
 and I can help you - honestly -
  I personally know of some people in the
 Black Ops Unit that programme Special Forces to be big Queens so that they
 can be more 'efficient' - the SAS with handbags - call me a liar ducky and
 I'll personally give you her/his phone number

liar liar your hair's on fire.
see the problem is that some people take you seriously when you are just
having a laugh mosta the time.

-  researched at great expense
 and I'll try to make sure that you go on exploring your feminine side down
 in Norwich and Bungay - you and Lilith, and the High priest/ess of the
 of Isis and their bunch of spooky amazonian miscreants 

[CTRL] Hidden truths of Lake Vostok excite scientists and ranters

2001-06-26 Thread c. Post, p. A1June 26, 2001The 
rumour mill at the bottom of the worldHidden truths of Lake Vostok excite 
scientists and rantersBryon OkadaFort Worth Star-TelegramA 
subglacial lake discovered four kilometres below the South Polehas captured 
the imaginations not only of scientists but also ofconspiracy theorists and 
alien-encounter types.NASA wants to use Lake Vostok to test equipment 
for a mission toJupiter. Microbiologists want to study life in extreme 
climates.Environmentalists halted exploration to keep the lake, believed 
tohave the purest freshwater on Earth, free of contaminants. Butwhen the 
drilling stopped the speculation intensified, particularlyvia the Internet, 
that scientists were about to expose the world toa deadly virus for which 
humans have no antibodies.And when several researchers became sick this 
year, requiringairlifts out of Antarctica, the cries of a government 
coverupreached a fever pitch.Now some, inspired by the release of 
the movie Atlantis: The LostEmpire, believe Lake Vostok provides evidence 
that the lost citylies under the South Pole, a victim of polar shifting 
and/or platetectonics.Here is an excerpt of a popular posting in 
several Internet chatrooms:"If the Great Flood was caused by the 
Earth shifting its axis, asappears to be what actually happened, where what 
used to bethe North Pole ended up near the equator, then Atlantis 
didn'tsink. It simply relocated to the South Pole."To put it simply, 
Lake Vostok is cool.For those unfamiliar with the story, a lot of hard 
science has goneinto the exploration of Lake Vostok.The Russians 
have had a base at the site since the 1950s, but itwas not until two decades 
later that scientists suspected therewas something beneath it. Since 1989, 
scientists and engineershave been drilling the ice sheet above Lake Vostok 
to study theEarth's past climates. Drilling was abruptly halted 
whenresearchers hit a layer of refrozen ice 120 metres thick.That 
led to speculation, later confirmed, that more than 3,600metres below the 
base, there is a 23,000 square kilometresubglacial lake, roughly the size of 
Lake Ontario. The water isunusually warm, probably a little below 0C, 
compared with -55C atthe surface.U.S. scientists studied the 
refrozen samples and found bacteria,which could suggest that a whole 
ecosystem different from ours --an alternate ecology -- may have existed for 
thousands, maybemillions, of years."That's what we know and it's not 
much," said John Priscu, aMontana State University microbial ecology 
professor whoconducted the study."We know there's life down there, 
and it's a bizarre environmentunder three miles of ice, and it's been there 
a long time. That'spretty wild."Mr. Priscu is leading another study 
this summer, so the pictureshould become clearer in the next year or 
so.The unanswered questions, along with the remoteness ofAntarctica 
and the hazy politics of that faraway continent, haveincreased the already 
intense speculation.The Atlantis Blueprint, by Colin Wilson and Rand 
Flem-Ath,proposes that the people of Atlantis had created a 
thrivingmaritime society that is the proto-culture of societies 
today.The basis of Mr. Flem-Ath's research is an ancient map 
depictingAtlantis that he found in a book while doing research for 
ascreenplay about hibernating aliens."The map is a map of Atlantis, 
but if you take off all the labels, andyou compare it to the Earth's 
surface, it's very similar toAntarctica," he said. "That was the first thing 
that got me on to it."His work has often been used to promote Lake 
Vostok theories,but his research locates the main city of Atlantis 
elsewhere.The speculation about the lake does not surprise Ray 
Browne,founder of the Popular Culture Association and professor 
emeritusat Bowling Green State University in Ohio, the United States's 
onlydepartment devoted to studying the reality-in-flux of 
coolness."When there's an interest, you've got to feed that," Mr. 
Brownesaid."Someone has rediscovered Atlantis outside the Pillars 
ofHercules, inside the Mediterranean, in the Caribbean, under theSouth 
Pole and everywhere else ..."They want to find it, we want to find it, 
and if we never do, it'sstill tremendously interesting, because we all have 
a littlearchaeologist in us, and we're yearning for the Garden of 

brought to you as recommended by Aleisha 

"Anyway, think he is an asshole"

Re: [CTRL] new gay soldieresses of fortune

2001-06-26 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

ok, if it IS true then show some source that shows that you didn't make it
all up.

- Original Message -
From: Andrew Hennessey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 6:31 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] new gay soldieresses of fortune

 -Caveat Lector-

 no its absolutely true - there is this UK special forces unit
 its not satire _ I wish it was a joke but its Not -

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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2001-06-26 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

 impoverished quagmire? hardly. here in aberdeen (oil capital of europe no
 less) we have been raking the money in for over 20 years. and i know for a
 fact that the kingdom of fife is not all that impoverished at all-
intersting contradiction
aberdeen oilc apital, edinburg gay capital - what happened to your
health facts and figures this time, what happened to your earnings analysis
and by northern britain I also mean the north of england -
yorkshire, newcastle - the unemployment rates except in aberdeen and
are off the scale -
and as further esearch into your 'information sources' will show,
we have the worst heart disease rates, worst poverty -
sure there are a few rich goons - a couple of rich cities -

and you're telling me that the biggest town in Fife is rich ?? Glenrothes ?
thats satire
most of fife does drugs - most supplied by MI5

and there
 is growth there- and you will see more now that edinburgh is regaining
 status as a european capital.
 don't need to be a spook to win arguments andrew- only need to have
 substance behind the claims, and i am sure that is not even beyond you,
 once anyway.

 - Original Message -
 From: Andrew Hennessey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, June 25, 2001 11:44 PM

  -Caveat Lector-
  When I say that most of Northern Britain is an impoverished quagmire and
  someone calls me a liar for saying that - I really would ask you to take
  note that it is perfectly normal for the UK Spook to Easily win any
  argument, simply because of the Intensity of Monitoring in this very
  cupboard of a country.

 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] new gay soldieresses of fortune

2001-06-26 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

 -Caveat Lector-

 ok, if it IS true then show some source that shows that you didn't make it
 all up.

I did think that you would ask me to post the phone number of the head of
this team of assassins on a public mailing list - bearing in mind that their
prime function is to kill people - I'm just going to say to you - that the
journalists from the 'quality' papers you quote make things up - statistics
are 'made up' opinion polls which have the epsitemological status of a
posteriori are 'made up' - so just disregard everything i say - 'its as made
up as everything else' look at descartes - epsitemological skepticism a
position taken by every pseudoskeptic when they are pressed 'how can we know
anything ?' its true -
but I have already seen my family brutalised enough - so guess you will have
to say anything you want about me - because I'm NOT posting the contact
number for those assassins -
feel free to enquire at 0207 930 9000 though and go through the usual
channels and see if they will put you in touch

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Jacques Cousteau, Environmental Liar? (fwd)

2001-06-26 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

The question, simply put, is this:

 If there is to be an organized program to reduce the human population
of planet earth, does it matter which populations are culled?

That is not the question. The way you have phrased it presumes that
culling is the only way to reduce the population. Culling is not the
only way to reduce the population. Better we should reduce our breeding
rate. It will take longer, but in the long run, will work just as well. 

=CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] 13,000 prisoners died under torture in Syria: opposition journalist (fwd)

2001-06-26 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

13,000 prisoners died under torture in Syria: opposition journalist

Agence France Presse

BEIRUT, June 26, 2001

More than 13,000 political detainees have died under torture in Syrian
jails, Syrian opposition journalist Nizar Nayyouf said Tuesday in an open
letter to French President Jacques Chirac.

Their bodies were buried in mass graves in the desert of Palmyra, in
central Syria, location of the most feared prison of the country, said
Nayyouf in the letter published by the Lebanese liberal An Nahar

The letter to Chirac was published as Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was
on a state visit to Paris, but blamed Syria's old guard rather than the
35-year-old Syrian leader who succeeded his father a year ago.

I hope the file of human rights will be a basic item on the agenda of
your conversation with President Assad because of the existence of
political prisoners in our country and the mass graves in the desert
prison of Palmyra which contains 13,000 to 17,000 skeletons of political
prisoners who had been killed under torture (Syrians, Lebanese -- around
1500 --, Jordanian, Palestinians etc...), said the letter.

Be assured that our people set their hopes on this visit, especially in
the confrontation with the old guard which exerts huge efforts to block
President Assad's project to open up the system, he added.

Nayyouf, 40, was freed on May 6, after nine years in prison, during Pope
John Paul II's visit to Syria. Almost blind, he said he was half
paralyzed because of torture.

I am still under house arrest and I am banned from leaving the territory
to seek treatment in Europe, mainly in France, said Nayyouf.

The journalist, one of the few people in Syria who denounce cases of
turotures and imprisonment of political prisoners in the country, has
claimed that he was kidnapped for 30 hours by intelligence agents last

The claim was strongly denied by the government as being a media stunt.

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[CTRL] Citizenship Training Seminar (fwd)

2001-06-26 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2001 12:58:33 -0400
Reply-To: Hannah Woody [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Citizenship Training Seminar

The Coalition for Constitutional Liberties of the Free Congress Foundation
would like to direct your attention to the following message:
 You CAN make a difference!

Democracy is not a spectator sport - Ronald Reagan

OK, you don't want to be a spectator any more.  You want to make your voice
heard.  You want to exercise your rights as a citizen and have some
influence on the people who are making the laws you have to live under. But
you don't know how to begin.

What do you do?  Come to a Free Congress Foundation Citizenship Training

Learn the most important facts about politicians and how legislatures (from
your city council to Congress) work.  Learn how you CAN make a difference
and how you can get others to help you do it - even if you don't think you
have the time.   Learn how to keep from burning out.  Understand how to be
an effective Grass Root.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do
nothing - Lord Acton

August 7, 2001:  Sioux Falls, South Dakota
August 24-26 - Fort Worth, Texas
September 22 - Olympia, Washington
Dates to be announced:  Indianapolis, Indiana
   Kansas City
   Salem, Oregon
   Your City!   Contact us if you want to
sponsor training!




Telephone:   e-mail:

How did you hear about the training?


Who has recommended you to receive the training? (name, organization,


Send to: Connie Marshner /  Free Congress Foundation, Training Center /  804
Rodney Ave., Front Royal, VA 22630
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  phone: 540-636-7842

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Re: [CTRL] If you believe embryos are humans...

2001-06-26 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

The belief that embryos are human beings is a religious belief. You are
entitled to you're religious beliefs, all of them. You are NOT entitled
to use the armed might of the state to force them onto the rest of us.

=CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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2001-06-26 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Andrew Hennessey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 6:40 PM

 -Caveat Lector-

  impoverished quagmire? hardly. here in aberdeen (oil capital of europe
  less) we have been raking the money in for over 20 years. and i know for
  fact that the kingdom of fife is not all that impoverished at all-
 intersting contradiction

why is it a contradiction?

 aberdeen oilc apital, edinburg gay capital - what happened to your
 health facts and figures this time

well, i didn't realise that i needed to support the idea that aberdeen has
had an extraordinary economy due to the discovery of oil nearby. i mean, do
you doubt what i am saying? i can give you figures if you like...

, what happened to your earnings analysis
 and by northern britain I also mean the north of england -
 yorkshire, newcastle - the unemployment rates except in aberdeen and
 are off the scale -

ah i see you weren't talking about scotland. i get you. but still- even with
the addition of everything above yorkshire, it can hardly be considered
impoverished by any standards.


this from a quality source ;) indicates that there are vacancies- but no
staff to fill them so it is not that we are too poor a country topay for
heart units- just that our population are too ignorant to educate properly.

Staff shortages
In common with the rest of the UK, Scotland suffers shortages of doctors.
Scotland has been without an operational heart transplant unit since the
departure of transplant surgeon Surendra Naik in May. NHS trust bosses are
attempting to recruit two consultants with the aim of re-opening the unit at
Glasgow Royal Infirmary in the spring of 2001. In April 1999 there were more
than 1,200 full-time equivalent vacancies for nurses in the NHS in Scotland.
Some 450 of these were unfilled for three months or more.

 and as further esearch into your 'information sources' will show,
 we have the worst heart disease rates

yup worst in western europe, same with tooth decay. edinburgh was once known
as the aids capital of europe due to the large amount of gay men and
injecting drug users. i am not denying that scotland has certain lifestyle
issues LOL, but it is not because we are a poor country and it is not
because MI5 is pushing a bit of dope OR inserting gays into positions of
absolute power. it is liestyle choices made by scots that is the problem.

, worst poverty -
 sure there are a few rich goons - a couple of rich cities -

you are deluding yourself andrew- there is, more than ever, a burgeoniung
lower middle/ middle class in scotland. from the static family dynasties of
miners and shipyard workers to the modern day aspirational service classes,
scotland has become less polarised economically rather than more polarised.

 and you're telling me that the biggest town in Fife is rich ?? Glenrothes
 thats satire

no- i am saying it is not a quagmire and is not utterly poor. if you think
it is then you haven't been around much. like south of the border. or to
parts of glasgow or edinburgh which out poor fife by a long shot (something
to do with economies of scale LOL)

 most of fife does drugs - most supplied by MI5

*yawn*  i never buy any of my drugs from the authorities- never have , never

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] new gay soldieresses of fortune

2001-06-26 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

 all stats given to you have been specific and in context. but please show
 where i have been outof context.

you used a figure of 2% cattle cull to Refute my argument that the
agricultural industry was wiped out.
the assertion you made implicit in the stat was that there were tons and
tons of livestock still alive so how could it be possible that the
agriculture industry was wiped out.
That stat did not address or Refute my contention at all - 2%+ dead maybe -
but the DISRUPTION to the agricultural Infrastructure - the quarantine -
lack of market access and mobility - the extreme cost of fuel and it is
undeniably extreme in a european context - other imposed euro laws on the
production and processing of food, and constraints on agriculture produced
by the grants and funding process, generally the high cost of living
rural protest movements - farmers committing suicide - all of these things
support my contention that the agricultural industry is in Extreme Crisis -
and in that context your attempt to refute me with 2% cattle dead doesn't

on [if I'm rude to you back I'm a homophobe]

 i have been specific when i have claimed you are homophobic-
 misrepresentation of news stories was the last one i think.

you never heard the news story on radio that i was talking about you cannot
get radio forth in aberdeen

  and illuminati ideologies

 er, when?

the exposition of the joys of Lilith is an illuminati ideology

 tell me one lie i have told to support my arguments. just one and i will
 retract. cause i am big enough. i can be wrong at times but not a liar-
 i challenge you to retract the allegation. if you can.

it was discussed all over the place- but the content of the discussion was
not anything like you suggested in your mail- it was discussion derived from
the news item i subsequently posted because some other list member thought
you were telling the truth.

You call me a liar when I report what was discussed on radio forth thats
your accusation
above there from a previous post - YOU NEVER HEARD THE BROADCAST I REPORTED
so on what rational basis - what factual basis do YOU have to contradict ME
with ???
do you have a transcript of the programme or have people just got to take
word for it
credibility wars eh ??
your differing opinions and my differing opinions cannot simply just live
side by side
you're on the attack - you're making war - making personal comments,
search and destroy - take me to your reader.

 mmm i have seen your picture and you ain't old enough to be considered a
 gentleman andrew. i think kid or adolescent maybe more accurate.

thats a lie and you know it but why should i care about that - you simply
don't have the education to take me on. hundreds have tried and failed,
and claimed expenses for it.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] new gay soldieresses of fortune

2001-06-26 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

andrew for goodnesake you are clutching at straws if you begin questioning
what is reality. that is like attacking grammatical errors and punctuation
on an email list, it is so utterly wet and ridiculous of you.
i mean really...
an example.

monica lewinsky was actually clinton's bastard daughter and she told him
when she knelt before him after blowing him off one time.
and that is a true quote from tippa gore's chiropodist.
so, andrew, do ya believe me?

ok simply this- you are talking  total shite and can't back it up in even a
tiny way. you are full of shite and can't say otherwise.
you are full of shit.
how else can i make it easy to understand the point of participating in an
email discussion list? didn't you know that maybe people will question you
about how you are all privvy to such glamorous, insider knowledge?
or are you just thick?

- Original Message -
From: Andrew Hennessey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 6:47 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] new gay soldieresses of fortune

 -Caveat Lector-

  -Caveat Lector-
  ok, if it IS true then show some source that shows that you didn't make
  all up.
 I did think that you would ask me to post the phone number of the head of
 this team of assassins on a public mailing list - bearing in mind that
 prime function is to kill people - I'm just going to say to you - that the
 journalists from the 'quality' papers you quote make things up -
 are 'made up' opinion polls which have the epsitemological status of a
 posteriori are 'made up' - so just disregard everything i say - 'its as
 up as everything else' look at descartes - epsitemological skepticism a
 position taken by every pseudoskeptic when they are pressed 'how can we
 anything ?' its true -

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Foot and Mouth Ruins UK farming by Rip Off UK Team

2001-06-26 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

or just plain incompetence?
Expand this window , weigh-up the evidence, and judge for yourself !


Most investigations are based upon three basic principles: facts, series of
events and speculation. Once the facts become clearer combined with the
events, then the evidence can be accessed, and generally a conclusion can be

The UK's recent and disastrous FMD outbreak is unprecedented. It is, and
will continue to cause untold misery for thousands of people in farming, the
tourist industry and rural businesses. The economic cost to the country will
be in the billions of pounds and the ripple effect could have resounding
consequences on the whole nation that could well culminate in a full blown
recession later this year.

I have been personally moved and greatly disturbed by what is happening in
our countryside by this awful disease, because I remember the 1967 outbreak
only too well. I have also been very watchful of what the authorities have
been doing over the past few weeks in their attempt to stop FMD spreading,
and what the authorities have been or intend doing to prevent the disease
from continuing to enter our island now or in the future. Because we ARE an
island one would think we have a better 'chance' of not catching a dreadful
disease such as Foot and Mouth than mainland Europe - but I'm sorry to say
that is not the case. We have a terrible record in the UK - which is all
part of the same regime that perpetuates my so-called 'Rip-Off Britain'. Our
overall safety record on so many issues and on-going catastrophes is

As the spread of FMD continues unabated, although the task now at hand is
awesome and logistically beyond comprehension, I am not at all impressed
with the way the FMD outbreak was handled or reported on the 19th of
February 2001. Perhaps officials did not realise the scale of the outbreak
and how fast, far and wide it was going to spread. Only today (28/03/01) did
the Prime Minister announce that there were possibly 1.3 million movements
of susceptible animals throughout the country prior to the outbreak. This is
an incredible indictment of pure and utter folly on the part of Government
to protect our interests, and our safety.

My interest in the FMD outbreak occurred on the 25th February when I spoke
with a relative of mine who had attended and was privy to all MAFF meetings.
He shall remain nameless for obvious reasons. When he told me that MAFF
suspected that the outbreak was caused by pig swill that had been possibly
been collected from Newcastle Airport and the surrounding district, but no
media or Government releases were made upon this speculation, I then started
to investigate the possibilities of HOW and WHAT caused the outbreak.

The further I dug the more suspicious I became that there might be either a
cover-up or complete incompetence over the whole matter. My suspicions were
heightened when the media reported that MAFF had been in contact with the
timber merchant PRIOR to the outbreak being announced. Coupled with my
investigation of what enforcement there currently exists governing imported
meat products and how in-flight galley waste is handled I commenced to
publish my findings on the 14th of March. Despite emailing various media,
MP's and Government departments my investigation fell on deaf ears until the
announcement of the 'proposal' to ban pig swill by Nick Brown on the 27th of
March - over one month AFTER MAFF were obviously aware of the potential

I do not propose to offer a solution towards my investigation, or the
evidence below. Any intelligent person bothering to read it in it's entirety
will quickly come to their own conclusions!


19th February 2001: A routine veterinary inspection at the Cheale Meats
abattoir in Little Warley, south of Brentwood, Essex, discovers highly
suspicious signs of foot-and-mouth disease in 27 pigs.

FACT: In early December 2000 MAFF contacted a timber merchant in
Staffordshire, and others nationwide, and made enquiries regarding the
available stocks of railway sleepers and other timber supplies. When this
story broke in early March 2001, questioned by the media, MAFF admitted they
had indeed contacted the timber merchant and stated phone calls that were
made to timber merchants were part of a regular contingency planning
process, and they were merely updating their list of suppliers (sic. in
case there was an outbreak of FMD because railway sleepers are often used as
combustible material for mass burning pyres). The timber merchant who
originally divulged MAFF had contacted him, rebutted by stating there had
been no contact from MAFF since the last outbreak in 1967 when his father
had run the business. The business had in fact stopped trading in that type
of timber many years before!

Do not the above circumstances indicate that MAFF had knowledge of a
potential or actual FMD outbreak some 75 days prior to the first outbreak

Re: [CTRL] The Makeup of an Assassin

2001-06-26 Thread iggy

-Caveat Lector-

... and what is wrong with being a fat pig?
it took THOUSANDS of pilsner's to make me a BIG FAT PIG...
sABA dare you to meet me @ the local biker bar where there are dozens of
BIG FAT PIGS like me ...
i ride a chopped harley, drink beer, own a .44 ('cause none makes a reasonable
...and will move next door to Saba to devalue the property..


Aleisha Saba wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Only person I can think of worse than Gore Vidal is William S Buckley -
 he may have maastered the King's English but he detested John F. Kennedy
 for his inellectual level something he could not forgive.

 Buckley is a fat pig.
 Gore is a fat pig.

 You sound pretty young to be a fat pig and I imagine you are frail and
 skinney from chasing too many Rainbows and UFOs.


 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Chamish: Coup Against Peres Planned In Washington: Burg (fwd)

2001-06-26 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Barry Chamish [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 4:35 AM
Subject: Burg


By Barry Chamish

For the past two days, leaders of the Council On Foreign Relations (CFR)
have been meeting with Labor MK Avraham Burg in Washington to plan a
political coup against Shimon Peres, the leader of the Labor Party and its
most powerful cabinet member.

The CFR sent CIA head George Tenet to Israel last week to threaten PM
Sharon with deadly consequences if he interferes with the plan to destroy
the settler movement by the end of the summer.Tenet was pleased by the
successes of the PLO murder squads he had trained in Virginia but was most
disturbed by reports of Shimon Peres's mental condition.  He was informed
that Peres was cracking under the strain of fear that his organization of
Yitzhak Rabin's assassination was being widely exposed.  He was subject to
irrational bursts of anger and even his public statements were becoming
increasingly nutty.  Before he even returned to Washington, Tenet
recommended Peres's immediate removal.

Avraham Burg has been long groomed for power by the CFR.  His father, Yosef
Burg, served longer than anyone in the Israeli cabinet, beginning in Ben
Gurion's days, and trained his son well where the real sources of political
power lie.  The CFR believe that it can repeat the success they had in
electing Ehud Barak with Burg.  They view him as a young, nominally
religious candidate with potentially wide appeal, who can take over where
Barak left off when Sharon is ousted from power.  As a religious Jew, he
would be held blameless for the disintegration of Jewish villages in their
ancient homeland.

Burg had meetings with Colin Powell (CFR) and National Security Advisor,
Condoleezza Rice (CFR) to outline the coup plans.  To overwhelm him with
the seriousness of the plot, additional meetings were arranged for Burg
with Bill Clinton (CFR) and Sen Hillary Clinton.

The top leadership of the CFR have concluded that Peres must go, willingly
or not, and well before his role in the Rabin murder becomes a national
scandal the likes of which Israel has not seen before.  It is essential
that Burg be placed in power before that day comes and vast cash resources
will be thrown at a Burg campaign to, first, take over the leadership of
Labor and then the country.

The CFR realizes that time is running out on their obsessive goal of
ridding Judea, Samaria and Gaza of Jews.  They are amazed that these people
have not caught on to who is behind the covert war against them, and still
believe their government and army has an interest in protecting them.
However, great pains are being taken to keep the ignorance intact.

A delegation of American presidents of major Jewish organizations is
touring Israel, concurrent with the Burg talks.  It is led by one Mort
Zuckerman, who is not only a CFR member but was on the board of the
notorious CFR Middle East Task Force Report of July, 1997, which demanded
that Israel's borders be reduced to those of 1948, with half of Jerusalem
handed over to the PLO.

Zuckerman submitted a dissenting opinion of the report's conclusions but
one should not view that fact as anything more than window dressing.  He is
as aware as anyone of the CFR/CIA's plot against the settlers and is in
Israel maintaining control of any objections to it raised by his delegation
of American Jewish leaders.
Unless the settlers miraculously awaken from their delusions and protect
themselves bravely and intelligently, they have no more of a chance to
continue their lifestyle than the other victims of CFR/NWO manipulations
like the Afrikaaners, Rhodesians, Serbs etc.  Their ONE AND ONLY longterm
chance is to exploit the opportunities offered by those who are exposing
the ghastly crimes of their enemies within Israel.

They're Talking Update

Those who read the claims of the Shabak informants in my last posting,
They're Talking, will be pleased to learn that the information is being
confirmed, despite a couple of tiny errors in my transcription which I will
point out now.

Asher Zuckerman, publisher of Kol Hashavuah confirms that a few weeks after
the Rabin murder, he was about to publish a report about the murder of two
of Rabin's bodyguards.  His backer was approached with a threat to his life
and he shut down the newspaper.  Later it reopened with a new name.  The
informants were exactly right.

Yehuda Miller of Maale Levana (not Levanim as I wrote) did photograph
Avishai Raviv in criminal action and he was fired from Israel Police.  The
informants were right but forgot to add that as a sweetener for his
silence, a job as photographer for the weekly magazine Mishpakha was
arranged for him.  He still holds the position.
A correspondent went to the 100 block of HaChoresh Blvd.  (not Coresh as I
misheard) in Ramot and confirmed that a villa matching the description 

[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] Analysis and comment on Barrick's acquisition of Homestake

2001-06-26 Thread Kris Millegan

Barrick Gold's Buyout of Homestake
Stokes Conspiracy Theorists

By Aaron L. Task
Senior Writer
June 25, 2001

SAN FRANCISCO -- Things aren't always what they seem on
Wall Street, particularly in the gold market. That
truism was glaringly evident today in the reaction to
news Homestake Mining agreed to an $8.71 per share
buyout offer from Barrick Gold.

At first glance, the deal was greeted as one might
expect. Homestake's shares -- the third most active in
Big Board trading -- gained 21% as Barrick's offer
represented a 31% premium over Friday's close. Barrick
shares slid 4.6%, reflecting that Barrick will issue
about 140 million of its shares to pay for the deal and
assume $225 million of Homestake's long-term debt.
Barrick said the acquisition will dilute its 2001
earnings but add to its results in 2002.

One spin on the news -- and my initial one -- was that
the deal is bullish for gold stocks because Barrick's
management is considered among the savviest in the
industry. The purchase could be viewed as an indication
that Barrick believes shares of smaller gold miners, if
not the metal itself, are undervalued. The Philadelphia
Stock Exchange Gold and Silver Index rose 0.2% today
while major averages slumped, save the Nasdaq

Furthermore, with the Federal Reserve set to lower
interest rates this week for the sixth time this year,
recently dampened inflation fears may resurface, giving
gold and related shares a boost. That'll be especially
true if the central bank eases by 50 basis points.

Now is the time for gold to start glittering,
suggested Paul Kasriel, chief U.S. economist at
Northern Trust Co. of Chicago, in a report out Friday.

Kasriel, one of the foremost advocates of inflation's
re-emergence, noted fed funds are currently about 40
basis points above the 3.62% year-over-year change in
the Consumer Price Index, the tightest spread since

Gold starts to come into its own as a desired asset
class when you can no longer get an honest return on
your money, which occurs when fed funds falls below
inflation, he argued. My guess is that some investors
are starting to nibble at gold because of expectations
that the funds rate will drop below the consumer
inflation rate in the not-too-distant future.

Today, the price of gold rose 0.5% to $274.70.
Meanwhile, fed funds futures are pricing in 54% odds
for a half-point rate cut.

But as suggested above, many gold market participants
weren't enthralled by the Homestake-Barrick deal.

It's an unmitigated disaster, said one trader of
mining stocks. I see no reason to do this transaction.
[Homestake] could have achieved a 30% premium in the
blink of an eye if the gold market hiccups.

A big reason for frustration over the deal is that
Barrick is an aggressive hedger while Homestake is not.
Hedging refers to mining companies selling future
production at a fixed cost, in order to protect
themselves against potentially lower prices.

Assuming completion of the merger, the combined
Barrick-Homestake will have about 18 million ounces, or
about 20% of its reserves, hedged at a minimum price of
$345 an ounce.

Although that's well above spot market prices, hedging
is anathema to gold bugs, who believe the practice
contributes to a vast effort by central banks and
broker/dealers to artificially suppress the price of
gold. Some of the more aggressive conspiracy theorists
accused Homestake CEO Jack Thompson, who will become
vice chairman of the combined entity, of essentially
selling out to the enemy.

While that's a fringe view, the first question on the
conference call was about hedging, specifically whether
Barrick would increase its activities to account for
the newly acquired Homestake production.

Not at all, Barrick CEO Randall Oliphant replied on the
call, noting the company has traditionally hedged
between 20% and 25% of its reserves. Given the
positive tone in the gold market, we're comfortable
where we are today, and have no plans to change the
hedged book, he said.

Meanwhile, Thompson indirectly addressed the sellout
charge on the conference call. Agreeing to the offer
was bittersweet, he said, but Barrick's financial
muscle gives it flexibility to pursue growth either
through internal development or via acquisition. He
lamented that Homestake didn't have that luxury as a
standalone entity. Additionally, Barrick is one of the
lowest-cost gold producers and rates high on most other
industry measures of financial health.

I'm a fairly large shareholder of Homestake, and if
you look at our future and the options available, in
our estimation our prospects are much better as part of
this [combined] company, Thompson said. We're
creating an exciting vehicle for people to invest
[in]. Jack in a Box

But Thompson's enthusiasm was not shared by some other
Homestake shareholders. What's upsetting some people
is that Homestake has hedged very little while Barrick
is one of the worst offenders, said Jean-Marie
Eveillard, manager 

[CTRL] WP: FEC Drops Business Group Probe

2001-06-26 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

FEC Drops Business Group Probe

Staff Report Is Critical but Says Ruling Makes Case Untenable

By George Lardner Jr.
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, June 19, 2001; Page A04

The Federal Election Commission has decided to drop a four-year-old case
accusing major business organizations of illegally coordinating their
1996 campaign efforts with the Republican Party, but only after a stinging
report by FEC investigators that questioned the credibility of much of the

FEC lawyers said in their final report that the facts make for a
compelling case of illegal coordination under the rules in place during
the 1996 campaign but could not meet a restrictive standard the commission
adopted last year.  They recommended the case be closed, which the
commission did last month.

The business groups, which undertook a $5 million advertising campaign to
defend House Republicans against a $35 million attack by the AFL-CIO,
responded angrily in a letter to the commission last week, denouncing the
staff report as inaccurate, vindictive, defensive and stunningly unfair.

Banded together as the Coalition, the industry groups protested that they
had been treated more harshly than the AFL-CIO, which the FEC stopped
pursuing almost a year ago despite what the Coalition said was stronger
evidence of coordination between organized labor and the Democratic

The Coalition clearly had nothing approaching the day-to-day inside
contacts with campaigns and candidates enjoyed by the AFL-CIO,
Coalition lawyer Jan W.  Baran said in the June 13 letter.  Yet, he said,
the FEC dropped the investigation of organized labor without taking any
depositions and without reviewing thousands of pages of discovery

The FEC subpoenaed nine witnesses in the Coalition case and took the last
deposition in March after winning a court order compelling it.  The final
staff report, signed by FEC acting general counsel Lois G.  Lerner in
April, said much of the testimony is less than credible. A copy of the
report and the Coalition's response was made available by a Coalition

The FEC report noted that the witnesses for the most part denied or could
not recall any discussions with then-House Republican Conference Chairman
John A.  Boehner of Ohio, widely described as the man in charge of taking
on organized labor, or other party leaders or candidates about the
Coalition's ads or activities, the AFL-CIO ad campaign or a response to
that campaign.

Representatives of the five founding members of the Coalition -- the U.S.
Chamber of Commerce, the National Association of Manufacturers, the
National Restaurant Association, the National Association of
Wholesaler-Distributors and the National Federation of Independent
Business -- regularly attended meetings Boehner held each Thursday with
business and trade groups to discuss ways of winning congressional passage
of the GOP's Contract With America and how to mobilize

According to the FEC report, the Coalition was established in April
1996, shortly after Boehner warned in a speech to the U.S.  Chamber of
union efforts to defeat the Republican majority in Congress and reelect
President Bill Clinton.  It eventually signed up more than 30 business
groups as members and hired pollsters and media consultants who also worked
for the Republican National Committee and other GOP committees and

The first Coalition ads began airing in July 1996 in the districts of two
Republican freshmen who had been targeted by the AFL-CIO, Greg Ganske of
Iowa and George R.  Nethercutt of Washington state.  The business forces
carried their fall advertising campaign to about 41 congressional districts
and capped it by mailing out 2 million report cards on candidates
10 days before the election.

But while Coalition leaders showed Boehner the early test ads and gave a
Boehner aide tapes of the rest, they said they did not discuss the ads'
contents with Boehner and provided the copies only so he could see what
his allies in the business community were doing, about which he knew
nothing beforehand. The Coalition witnesses also denied that Boehner or
any other GOP leader had urged or suggested formation of the Coalition.

The FEC lawyers expressed sharp doubts about such claims but said they were
unable to find evidence of coordination
that would meet the stringent demands imposed by a controversial 1999 court
ruling in a Christian Coalition case, which the commission chose not to

U.S.  District Judge Joyce Hens Green issued the Christian Coalition ruling
and made clear that she expected it to be appealed.  The decision, election
lawyers said, made it almost impossible to prove illegal coordination,
requiring, for instance, proof of substantial discussion or negotiation
between a political campaign and an outside group about the content, timing
and location of a particular ad.

The FEC said the Coalition's test-ad choices remained especially
troubling, in 

Re: [CTRL] Playing God On No Sleep Isnt motherhood grand?

2001-06-26 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 6/26/01 9:33:04 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 BUT: I am extremely P.O.ed that the situtation could get to that point. 

Exactly! She was under the CARE of a psychiatrist who was supposted to be
monitoring her medications and state of mind. If I remember the news stories
correctly, she was in a deep state of depression, so my question is, why
wasn't someone taking care of her children, or at least helping out?
There is something wrong with this picture.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] new gay soldieresses of fortune

2001-06-26 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 6/26/01 10:11:53 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  you do realise that andrew is being satirical, don't


I do, although it is obvious that you don't.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] NM: Presidential Biographer Details Clinton Cocaine Use and Violence

2001-06-26 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Sunday, June 17, 2001 10:38 p.m. EDT

Presidential Biographer Details Clinton Cocaine Use and Violence

Even before ex-President Bill Clinton lost the Arkansas governorship in
1980, he was a recreational user of cocaine.  But the defeat after just
two years in office sent him into a real tailspin, prompting the future
president to commence a cocaine habit of significant proportions.

More shocking still is the element of violence - whether realized or merely
threatened - that has played a consistent role in Bill Clinton's political
campaigns going back to 1974.

Those were the blockbuster allegations leveled Saturday night by noted
historian and award-winning presidential biographer Roger Morris, whose
1996 best seller Partners in Power remains perhaps the best account of
Bill Clinton's formative years and early political career in Arkansas.

Prompted by front page coverage of breaking developments in the Roger
Clinton Pardongate investigation, Morris granted a rare radio interview to
WABC radio's John Batchelor and Paul Alexander, where he detailed the dark
side of the Clinton brothers' chaotic upbringing and rise to power.

No member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, Morris was a former aide to
President Johnson who resigned from the Nixon adminstration in protest over
the Vietnam War.  Years later, he would pen a scathing biography of the
37th president.

But like few others of his craft, Morris covered the Clintons by actually
burrowing into the Arkansas trenches and chasing down the rumors that most
reporters bent over backward to ignore.  What he got was one hair-raising
account of corruption, brutality and debauchery after another.

Partners offered the first mention of a violent rape allegation against
the future president.  And though Morris protected the woman's identity,
her account sounded strikingly similar to rape charges that Arkansas
businesswoman Juanita Broaddrick would make against Clinton years later.

Subsequently, both Broaddrick and Morris personally assured
that the woman in question was someone else - making hers the second
outstanding on-the-record rape charge against the ex-president.

But on Saturday Morris discussed a different topic, one equally verboten in
establishment press circles: allegations that the last president of the
United States was once a heavy cocaine user who had his career protected
and enhanced through a level of mob-style thuggery never before seen in any
previous White House occupant.

Here's the exchange between the noted author and WABC's Batchelor and

ALEXANDER: When did Roger Clinton first develop a drug problem?  Do you

MORRIS: I had stories that put the beginning of Roger's drug problem in
high school, although it didn't really become serious until later years.
And it became an extremely serious habit.  He almost killed himself on
various occasions.  He overdosed several times.  And when he finally went
for help and when he was arrested he was in a major habit.

ALEXANDER: Can you remind us about Bill Clinton's involvement with drug

MORRIS: It was clear that Bill was a recreational user, at least of
cocaine.  It began in the most significant proportions after his defeat in
1980.  He went into a real tailspin then.  But he had been using with his
brother socially before the 1980 defeat and certainly used considerably
after that, in the early 1980s.

And, of course, into the mid-1980s [Clinton used cocaine] with his friend
Dan Lasater, the famous bond dealer in Little Rock, who was the bond daddy,
who was later, of course, convicted of drug dealing.

ALEXANDER: Remind our audience of what became known as the Lasater gang.

MORRIS: Lasater was a very interesting character.  He had made his money in
the old Ponderosa steak houses - came out of nowhere in the Midwest in the
1960s.  And there were organized crime connections that went back to
Indiana and Illinois in those years.

He sold out rather early, became a thoroughbred farm-gentry character in
Florida.  He had something called Lasater Farms, which raced very few
thoroughbreds, but law enforcement officials suspected laundered a lot of
money in Florida.

The race track industry, and thoroughbred racing in general, is one of
those shadowy areas of American sports where organized crime has always
been very prominent.

Lasater was quite successful.  He decided to open a bond business in Little
Rock in the late 1970s, early 1980s.  He was a friend of powerful
politicians: Gov.  John Y.  Brown in Kentucky, Bill Clinton in Arkansas and
others - and a big contributor, of course.  [He was] a philanthropist who
was fond of contributing to Toys for Tots at Christmastime as well as to
politicians of every party.

ALEXANDER: And what was the Clinton connection to the Lasater gang - all of
them, Bill, Hillary, Roger, all of them?  How were they connected to the
Lasater gang?


[CTRL] WSJ: Dershowitz vs. Sammon

2001-06-26 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Wall Street Journal

Dershowitz vs.  Sammon

A look back at an election in which voters voted, then lawyers fought.

Monday, June 18, 2001 12:01 a.m.  EDT

At Any Cost By Bill Sammon (Regnery, 294 pages, $27.95)

Supreme Injustice By Alan M.  Dershowitz (Oxford, 275 pages, $25)

As everybody knows, last year's presidential election didn't end on
Election Day and, for some, it didn't end 36 days after that, when Albert
Gore conceded defeat to George W.  Bush.

The U.S.  Supreme Court finished the marathon legal war to determine the
winner in Florida, but the political battle still goes on in certain

At the time, the partisan divide was so broad, and bitterness so deep, that
it was widely believed that the fabric of the country had been dangerously
torn.  But what a difference seven months make: Mr.  Bush is firmly
ensconced in the White House, Mr.  Gore has quietly retreated to Tennessee,
and a series of exhaustive newspaper inquiries have determined that, by the
narrowest of margins and to the surprise of the reporting corps itself, Mr.
Bush won Florida after all.  Not everybody is persuaded, but the notion
that there is something illegitimate about the Bush presidency is largely
confined to the more ideologically committed precincts of the left.

Now come two books that probably seemed like a better idea last December,
in the heat of the moment, than they do now.

Bill Sammon, a veteran Washington Times reporter, has produced a solid,
workmanlike account of the combat waged between the Gore lawyers and the
Bush lawyers in Florida and Washington.  Alan Dershowitz, the famous
appellate lawyer and Harvard law professor, has issued an impassioned brief
against the Supreme Court and its 7-2 decision that the Florida recount was
unconstitutional.  If readers harbor any doubts about where they're being
taken, the subtitles settle them.  Mr.  Sammon reveals How Al Gore Tried
to Steal the Election while Mr.  Dershowitz explains How the High Court
Hijacked Election 2000.

If you believe that Albert Gore had a sense of entitlement about the
presidency, and reacted petulantly when the brass ring eluded his grasp,
then At Any Cost will furnish hours of reading pleasure, including a
happy ending.  There is very little Beltway wisdom here: No crocodile tears
that Holocaust survivors in Palm Beach might have accidentally cast their
ballots for Pat Buchanan; no worshipful account of David Boies's courtroom
skills or agreement with Justice John Paul Stevens's angry dissent.

It is Mr.  Sammon's contention that Mr.  Gore, far from patiently awaiting
the verdict of history, orchestrated the strategy to push a constitutional
impasse to crisis, to inflict as much damage as possible on Mr.  Bush and
to practice the politics of personal destruction.  Does he make the case?

Certainly Mr.  Gore was not a passive observer, and no major moves were
made without his contribution.  But it is easy to forget the passions of
that interlude, the cacophony of voices, the courtroom antics and media
circus, and it is fair to assume that events pushed Mr.  Gore as readily as
he pushed events.

Mr.  Sammon is a fine reporter, though, and particularly adept at
translating arcane issues of election law into readable material.

Future chroniclers of this episode will appreciate his industry.

But while Mr.  Sammon is candid about his perspective--he admires Mr. Bush
and deplores Mr.  Gore--Alan Dershowitz pretends to a scholarly
objectivity.  This resolve lasts for two or three pages.  And what is
advertised as a critical examination of the Supreme Court's reasoning in
shutting down the Florida recount dissolves, in short order, into a
startling specimen of partisan hysteria.  This is a profoundly silly book.

This is not to say, of course, that supporters of Mr.  Gore's cause have no
case, or that the court's final judgment squashed opposing arguments.  No
doubt the issue will be visited and revisited many generations hence.  But
anyone looking for a studious disposition, or reasoned rebuttal, won't find
it here.

Frustrated by his unaccustomed failure in Florida, where he was an
advocate, Mr.  Dershowitz strikes out at his antagonists with ill-concealed
rage.  For someone who was once the youngest full professor in the history
of Harvard Law School, Mr.  Dershowitz adopts a tone in Supreme Injustice
that is closer in spirit to Geraldo Rivera's TV show, where many of these
positions were first expressed.

Most distressing is Mr.  Dershowitz's early and habitual resort to
name-calling.  Lawyers for George W.  Bush are presumed to have been
motivated solely by partisan interest, not principle, and the justices who
ultimately ruled against Mr.  Gore are accused of corruption and
dishonesty.  In one amusing sequence Mr.  Dershowitz marshals a host of
academic Gore partisans--Cass Sunstein, Bruce Ackerman, Jeffrey Rosen--to
join him in his fury, while reporting as news the opinions of journalists


2001-06-26 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 6/26/01 10:41:47 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


and as further esearch into your 'information sources' will show,

we have the worst heart disease rates, worst poverty -

sure there are a few rich goons - a couple of rich cities -

and you're telling me that the biggest town in Fife is rich ?? Glenrothes ?

thats satire

most of fife does drugs - most supplied by MI5


So this means that C really is not touch with reality?


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-06-26 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 6/26/01 11:19:09 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 this from a quality source ;) indicates that there are vacancies- but no

staff to fill them so it is not that we are too poor a country topay for

heart units- just that our population are too ignorant to educate properly.


This comes hand in hand with socialism.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
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[CTRL] San Angelo, Texas: Home of Spies

2001-06-26 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

San Angelo, Texas: Home of Spies

By Bill Lamb
2:00 a.m. June 25, 2001 PDT

SAN ANGELO, Texas -- As president of the chamber of commerce, it is
Michael Dalby's job to be this city's biggest civic booster, always
available to talk glowingly about the tax base, jobs, home prices and
good corporate citizenship.

But his repertoire of good news and optimism contains a little
something extra: We understand the security business.

No doubt.

Thanks to neighboring Goodfellow Air Force Base, this isolated West
Texas city of 87,000 may harbor more spies, ex-spies and future spies
per capita than any place in America, save Washington, D.C.

Since the late 1950s, the relatively obscure base, 90 miles of
two-lane highway south of Abilene, has trained thousands of men and
women in the increasingly high-tech art of signals intelligence, known
in military jargon as SIGINT.

The stock and trade of the super-secret National Security Agency,
SIGINT is one of the most closely held, least discussed aspects of
U.S. intelligence efforts.

In San Angelo, however, it's a secret that really isn't, although it
may be spoken of in euphemisms or simply referred to in vague terms.
Publicly, the base's new armed forces firefighter training program
grabs most of the spotlight simply because it is a mission that can be
talked about.

From what (a new resident) reads, he thinks all they do at Goodfellow
is train firefighters, said retired Air Force Col. Charles E. Powell,
Goodfellow's commanding officer from 1980-1984. As you well know,
that's far from the truth.

Smoke rising from Goodfellow's firefighter training grounds may
attract the public's attention, but the work inside windowless brick
buildings keeps the NSA's worldwide front lines manned and takes place
without acknowledgment. Even passersby -- civilian and military alike
-- who photograph nearby flight exhibits are warned not to shoot
buildings in the background.

But these simple rules belie the level of security that surrounds
Goodfellow's mission. In many respects, the public's perception of how
secret something can be is wholly inadequate for describing how
carefully the details and technologies of SIGINT operations are

With an average base contingent of 3,000, and military retirees living
in the area numbering in the hundreds, San Angelo residents can never
know if a new acquaintance is or was one of America's high-tech spies.

Glenn Miller would be one of those unassuming strangers with stories
to tell, but don't count on hearing any.

He joined the Air Force in the early 1970s with plans to become an air
traffic controller. Those plans changed when he scored well on
language aptitude tests and was made an offer he didn't want to
refuse. After 37 weeks of Russian language training, he arrived for
his first tour at Goodfellow, as a student, in 1972.

San Angelo was one of those places (the students) either liked or
hated. And I think the people who hated it were the single guys,
Miller said. They used to roll the streets up at 9 o'clock around

Twenty-three years of active duty led him to additional language
studies, multiple tours in Europe -- including a two-year stint at the
U.S. Embassy in Moscow, a tour at NSA headquarters in Maryland and two
additional tours at Goodfellow as both an instructor and supervisor.

Following his second tour at Goodfellow, the Pennsylvania native
decided San Angelo was a good place to call home. He and his wife
Janet retired to the city in 1994, and he is now a county veterans
service officer.

It was friendly. Low cost of living. And totally different from
Pennsylvania. And we didn't want to go back there, he said. We liked
it. We just liked it.

It's not an uncommon story, according to Dalby, who cited two of the
more well known Goodfellow retirees: a former base commander who
served as mayor and another veteran who established a highly
successful chain of convenience stores in the area.

(Retirees) are serving on different boards and committees here in the
community, and that makes for maybe a better understanding of the
base's mission than perhaps other communities would have, said Dalby.

While a growing number of European governments question and fear the
scope of American SIGINT missions, and privacy advocates protest the
presence of American intelligence personnel at overseas collection
sites, Goodfellow Air Force Base remains mostly unknown to the public
and largely ignored. But the scope and importance of worldwide events
aren't ignored in West Texas.

As a community, we tend to take a little more interest in those kinds
of stories, said Dalby.

The only serious threats to Goodfellow have been home grown: A series
of proposed base closings during the past two decades left civic
leaders scrambling to save the facility. In 1992, thousands of San
Angelo residents lined the streets to greet members of a base closure
committee in town for a 

Re: [CTRL] Playing God On No Sleep Isnt motherhood grand?

2001-06-26 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

Where is this village when the baby has been crying inconsolably for
16 straight hours and the mother is at the end of her wits? 

A better question is where is the multi-generational, extended family
that is the norm in the rest of the world and was the norm here until
only a few generations ago?

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] NYT: Judge Unseals Court Ruling on Leaks in Torricelli Inquiry

2001-06-26 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

The New York Times
June 16, 2001

Judge Unseals Court Ruling on Leaks in Torricelli Inquiry

Snipped down to here

Judge Lifland indirectly identified the Justice Department official as
Alan Gershel, who served as a deputy assistant attorney general from
January through October 2000, since his ruling refers to a separate
filing by the Justice Department itself in which Mr. Gershel is
described as that official who provided information for the
Star-Ledger article.

Dale Leibach, a spokesman for Mr.  Torricelli, said the senator would
appeal Judge Lifland's ruling.

The unprecedented release of confidential grand jury information in this
inquiry has brought the condemnation of senior Congressional Democrats and
Republicans, Mr.  Leibach said.  Every American should be offended.

A dose of his own medicine ?

The defendant was untruthful with many falsehoods and lies, Justice
Department prosecutor Alan Gershel said in his closing argument.  This lie
is built on a house of cards.  One lie begets another lie.  At the end of
the day, it all falls apart.

Gershel contended Bakaly initially tried to hide his role from Starr's
investigators and the court, but later changed his story and admitted he
provided some information for the article.

Former Starr spokesman cleared of contempt charges

October 7, 2000

Web posted at: 5:51 HKT (0551 GMT)

WASHINGTON (CNN) - The former spokesman for Independent Counsel Kenneth
Starr was cleared Friday of criminal contempt charges stemming from a
controversy over leaks to the news media during the Monica Lewinsky

U.S.  District Judge Norma Holloway Johnson Friday found Charles G.  Bakaly
III not guilty of the charges.
Bakaly had been accused of leaking information about President Clinton to
the media and then denying it.

Even if some of his statements are misleading by their negative
implication that Mr.  Bakaly was not a source of information that he in
fact supplied or confirmed, such a finding does not provide a sufficient
basis for a criminal contempt conviction for making false statements,
Johnson wrote in a 50-page ruling.

Holloway had initiated the case after Clinton's lawyer, David Kendall,
filed a complaint.  Johnson conducted a six-day, nonjury trial of Bakaly in
July.  The Justice Department, which had declined to indict Bakaly, served
as prosecutor at Johnson's request.

One of Bakaly's lawyers, Robert Weinberg, said Friday, We are pleased and
gratified and we believe that the judge reached the right result. Another
Bakaly lawyer, Michele Roberts, said, He's in the clear...  He and I and
the rest of the defense team are very pleased.

Bakaly was charged with contempt for denying under oath that he was a
source for a New York Times article which ran on Jan.  31, 1999, in the
midst of Clinton's impeachment trial.  It said Starr had decided that a
sitting president could be indicted.

Bakaly initially denied he was a source for the article during an
investigation launched by Johnson, which dealt with whether certain leaks
from Starr's office violated grand jury secrecy rules.  But Bakaly later
admitted that he might have inadvertently confirmed
some of the information for the New York Times, forcing his resignation
from Starr's staff in March 1999.

The defendant was untruthful with many falsehoods and lies, Justice
Department prosecutor Alan Gershel said in his closing argument.  This lie
is built on a house of cards.  One lie begets another lie.  At the end of
the day, it all falls apart.

Gershel contended Bakaly initially tried to hide his role from Starr's
investigators and the court, but later changed his story and admitted he
provided some information for the article.

However, an appeals court ultimately ruled the Times article did not
involve secret grand jury material.

In her closing, defense lawyer Roberts scoffed at the accusation that
Bakaly revealed secret matters, describing the material he disclosed as
garden variety information discussed in every newspaper and talk show
during the Lewinsky investigation.

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


*Michael Spitzer*[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests 

[CTRL] Jews Bombing Jews?

2001-06-26 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Media Silent As Doubts Emerge Over Tel Aviv Disco Bombing

Released June 25, 2001
The Wisdom Fund, P. O. Box 2723, Arlington, VA 22202
Website: -- Press Contact: Enver Masud

by Enver Masud

WASHINGTON, DC--Considering that Israel almost went to war over it, why is
it that major U.S. media, which has given daily, local and national
coverage to the Chandra Levy missing person story, and her relationship to
U.S. Congressman Gary Condit, is virtually silent over the emerging facts
surrounding the bombing of the Israeli disco in Tel Aviv?

Consider these reports from the international press:

- A Palestinian with links to Israeli intelligence unwittingly acted as a
driver for the suicide bomber responsible for the devastating explosion
that killed 22 people outside a Tel Aviv discotheque. (Uzi Mahnaimi,
Disco Bomber Used Israeli Mole As Driver, Sunday Times, June 24, 2001)

- The bomber of a Tel Aviv discotheque who killed himself and 20 others
had entered Israel from Jordan on an Israeli visa and had no ties with the
Palestinian National Authority, an Israeli Arab MP said Wednesday.
Mohammed Barakei, a communist member of parliament, told AFP the
information came from Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, whom he and fellow
Israeli Arab MP Issam Mahlul met Wednesday afternoon in the West Bank town
of Ramallah. (Tel Aviv Bomber Arrived from Jordan with Israeli Visa,
AFP, June 06, 2001)

- Joe Vialls, a Private Investigator based in Western Australia, with
thirty years direct experience of international military and multinational
operations, reports: Grim-faced Jewish intelligence experts are claiming
that the bombing outside Pacha's Disco which killed 18 and wounded 100 was
the work of Israeli fanatics rather than Islamic Jihad or a new (media
invented) organization described as 'Palestinian Hizbollah'.
(Descendents of Stern Gang Massacre Israeli Children in Media
Spectacular, June 2, 2001)

Israel apparently has no compunctions about bombing Jews to achieve its
goals. Amnon Kapeliouk, wrote in A Century of Zionism, (Le Monde
Diplomatique, November 1997), Most Iraqi Jews, whose situation was
generally satisfactory, were slow to respond to the pressing calls of
Israeli Jews to immigrate. At the start of 1951 a bomb exploded in a
Baghdad synagogue causing two deaths and dozens of wounded. Following
which, 100,000 Iraqi Jews decided to leave for the promised land. The
attack, never claimed, has sometimes been attributed to Israeli agents,
something that the Israeli government has always formally denied.

The victims of the disco bombing, according to Israel Shamir, an immigrant
Russian journalist based in Jaffa, Israel, were mostly Russian
immigrants--the girls often married Palestinians. Mr. Shamir says, Few of
them are Jews by any reasonable criteria, and Israeli radio informed that
it would be quite impossible to bury the victims in the hallowed ground of
the Jewish cemetery If they perish, they are buried beyond the fence,
together with suicides.

Were these Russian immigrants sacrificed to provide a pretext for
escalating Israel's war on the Palestinians?

Since the beginning of the current Palestinian uprising, Israel has killed
500 Palestinians, injured 23,000, and destroyed 27,000 trees and 3,200
buildings, including 1,200 homes. The Israeli toll is 106 killed and 760
injured. (Charley Reese, Only Thing To Negotiate Is Timetable for
Israel's Withdrawal, Orlando Sentinel, June 21, 2001)

All this supported by a U.S. subsidy to Israel of about $25,000 for every
Israeli man, woman, and child according to Richard H. Curtiss, former
chief inspector of the U.S. Information Agency.

Now that it's needed, where is the moral outrage and investigative zeal
displayed by U.S. media in the Chandra Levy case, the Monica Lewinsky
affair, and the trial of football star O. J. Simpson?

Copyright  2001 The Wisdom Fund - Provided that it is not edited, and
author name, organization, and web address ( are included,
this article may be printed in newspapers and magazines, and displayed on
the Internet.

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Re: [CTRL] San Angelo, Texas: Home of Spies

2001-06-26 Thread Open Up...It's Me!

-Caveat Lector-

Being able to say I am a life-long resident of San Angelo, and having
just returned to town, it amazes me how some other aspects of the
base, and military around this area, are not talked about in the
article, such as the massive foreign-language training area of the
base. Not to mention the old PAVE PAWS facility about 35 miles south
of here.

That Wired article barely touched the surface.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substanceónot soap-boxingóplease!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'ówith its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright fraudsóis used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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When I was a little kid, my mother told me not to stare into the
sun. So once when I was six, I did.
-- Maximillian Cohen, lead character in the movie ¼ (pi)

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[CTRL] Awqaf's Angels

2001-06-26 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


THE Department of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs, Dubai, has seized video
cassettes of Hollywood blockbuster Charlie's Angels from video libraries
in Dubai.

According to sources in the Awqaf department, the film contains some
objectionable portions detrimental to Islamic ideals.

The movie shows a belly dance scene with the background audio of Aazaan
(Muslim call for prayer), which, said the source, is objectionable.

The source said that the department has also written a letter to the
Ministry of Information regarding this.

The Awqaf department has also seized a booklet which gives essential
information on the countries of the world which also contains a brief on

The booklet, Absolutely Essential Info, published by Top That Publishing
plc, UK, is written by the Puzzle House with illustrations by Graham

The booklet gives basic information on leading countries of the world such
as their capitals, population, area, currency and other important tips.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Bush's Opium Bender

2001-06-26 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Taliban Twists Shrub With Poppy Politics

Bush's Opium Bender

In its dealings with Afghanistan, the Bush administration has inherited a
real catch-22. On the one hand, the White House needs to get rid of the
terrorist Osama bin Laden, who is sheltered by the ruling Taliban. On the
other, it wants to continue the global war on drugs--a campaign in which the
internationally shunned Islamic extremists have become an unexpected ally,
slapping a ban on growing the poppies that provided 75 percent of the
world's opium supply.

Now Bush is in the ungainly position of favoring the Northern Alliance, a
Russian-backed resistance group that funds its efforts in part by
trafficking in narcotics. ''The basic problem is that the U.S. so far has
failed disastrously in Afghanistan, and for a decade has had no policy
toward Afghanistan other than bin Laden,'' says S. Frederick Starr, chair of
the Central Asia--Caucasus Institute at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced
International Studies. ''It is legal under U.S.-led UN sanctions to send
arms to the Northern Alliance, which is actively exporting drugs, but
illegal to send arms to the Taliban, which has stopped drug production.''

In eradicating poppies, Afghanistan shut down a market with a total
production value of $100 billion. The Taliban received relatively little of
that money, with annual revenues during the 1990s of $10 million to $75
million, but farmers could still bank on a crop worth five times as much as
conventional rice or wheat.

Starr argues that if the UN fails to loosen the strictures against
Afghanistan, the Taliban may let farmers plant poppies again rather than
allow other countries like Pakistan and Myanmar to jump in. The Taliban has
no standing with the UN, which has given Afghanistan's seat to the Northern
Alliance. So far, the Taliban leaders' biggest role in the world economy has
been supplying the raw material for drugs. ''And without Western, U.S., and
UN leadership,'' Starr says, ''it will not change.''

Afghanistan's poppy growers are having an especially rough time of it
because a drought is compounding the difficulty of switching to other crops.
This year, the U.S. allocated $120 million in aid to Afghanistan, including
$43 million in food aid during the month of May. Assisting the Afghan
people, says Charles Fairbanks, a former deputy assistant secretary of state
under Bush and Reagan who now teaches at Johns Hopkins, is the only moral
choice. The U.S. helped create the mess there when it sided against Russian
invaders in the 1980s, giving the impression we'd be around to help with the
consequences, too. Aid now ''is a matter of honor,'' Fairbanks says. ''They
fought on the American side and the side of the administration in the last
battle of the Cold War, and we just abandoned them. There is something not
right about that.''

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] U.S. supplies abusive regimes

2001-06-26 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

U.S. supplies abusive regimes

Merchant: The United States, which leads the world in arms sales, provides
weapons used against civilians, a nonproliferation group says.

By Jay Hancock
Originally published Jun 23, 2001

The $20 billion or so worth of guns, ammunition, jet fighters, tanks,
missiles and other weapons that the United States sells to the world each
year is roughly the same in value as U.S. automobile exports. The
difference is that auto shipments are declining.

Arms sales brokered by the Pentagon rose to $11.8 billion in 1999 (the
latest figures available) from $10.3 billion in 1998 and $7.7 billion in
1997. That does not include billions more in weapons sold directly by U.S.
makers to overseas buyers. Defense hardware licensed for export in 1999 was
valued at $18.5 billion, but the Federation of American Scientists
estimates that less than half the licensed amount is actually sold in a
given year.

In 1999 the State Department also licensed $28.4 billion in deals involving
the export of U.S. expertise in arms manufacturing or operations. As with
weapons exports, not all the licenses for technical assistance are used.

The United States is the world's biggest weapons purveyor. Its $11.8
million in Pentagon-brokered sales for 1999 accounted for more than a third
of the $30.3 billion of comparable global sales for that year, according to
the Congressional Research Service, and a move by the Bush administration
to reduce weapons-export paperwork may set the stage for a new spurt in sales.

Arms analysts express concern about all international weapons sales, but
are especially critical of U.S. munitions deals with nations that have
serious human rights problems.

Governments with some of the worst human rights records have received
American weapons and training, and are undoubtedly committing abuses using
U.S.-supplied arms, says a new report by the Council for a Livable World,
an antiproliferation group in Washington.

U.S. government records reinforce that claim. The following list names the
top 15 U.S. arms customers among nations deemed by the State Department to
have human rights records that are poor, poor in some areas or
generally poor, and identifies those countries' worst abuses.

Collectively the countries committed thousands of summary executions,
beatings and tortures.

The sales figures, which include both completed Pentagon shipments and
commercial licenses that may not have resulted in a purchase, are from 1999.

Arms manufacturers and U.S. officials acknowledge that many buyers of
American weapons have poor human rights records. But they argue that its
role as weapons procurer gives Washington leverage to keep oppressive
regimes from behaving in even worse ways and that the regimes could easily
buy arms elsewhere.

Saudi Arabia. Value of U.S. arms purchased: $1.55 billion. U.S. equipment:
F-15 jet fighters; machine guns, ammunition; armored cars; guided bombs;
Hawk, Maverick, Patriot and TOW missiles. Types of abuses: torture,
beatings by religious and civil police; lack of freedom of religion.

Algeria. Value: $288 million. Equipment: electronics components; aircraft
spare parts; explosives. Abuses: extrajudicial killings; police beatings
and torture; arbitrary arrest; denial of fair trial.

Venezuela. Value: $142 million. Equipment: F-16 fighter spare parts;
explosives; rifle cartridges; chemical agents and herbicides; armored
personnel carriers. Abuses: extrajudicial killings; police torture and
beatings; impunity for human rights offenders; arbitrary arrest .

Colombia. Value: $29 million. Equipment: aircraft parts; pistols; grenade
launchers; night vision goggles; riot control chemicals; rifles; machine
guns; missile parts. Abuses: extrajudicial killings; disappearances;
arbitrary arrest.

Rwanda. Value: $18 million. Equipment: radar components, parts. Abuses:
extrajudicial killings; deaths from harsh prison conditions;
disappearances; beatings; torture; arbitrary arrest.

Ecuador. Value: $14 million. Equipment: ammunition; aircraft parts;
pistols, revolvers and rifles; submachine guns; radio equipment; chemical
agents. Abuses: extrajudicial killings, torture and abuse by police;
impunity for human rights violators; arbitrary detention.

Peru. Value: $11 million. pistols, rifles, revolvers. Equipment:
ammunition; gyroscopes; riot control chemicals; A-37 training aircraft
parts; machine guns; electronics parts. Abuses: extrajudicial killings;
torture and beatings by police and military; arbitrary arrest.

Bosnia. Value: $7 million. Equipment: chemical agents and herbicides;
oxygen masks; electronics parts; communications equipment. Abuses: torture
and beatings; arbitrary arrest.

Dominican Republic. Value: $8 million. Equipment: herbicides; rifle
cartridges; helicopters; pistols, revolvers and rifles. Abuses:
extrajudicial killings, torture and beatings by 

Re: [CTRL] San Angelo, Texas: Home of Spies

2001-06-26 Thread Mark McHugh

-Caveat Lector-

All the services had SIGINT training at Goodbuddy when I was a soldier
there '83-'84.  Just in our classroom, one of many, the Army occupied
the Mids, Navy/Marines on AMs and the AF on the swing shift.  San
Angelo is situated in Tom Green county, a suckass place with bizarre
liquor laws, though the steakhouse were topnotch.  IMO, the government
should have closed the base and moved all operations to Ft. Devens in
Mass or, even better, to Pensacola NAS.  ;)

Mark McHugh

radman wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 San Angelo, Texas: Home of Spies

 By Bill Lamb
 2:00 a.m. June 25, 2001 PDT

 SAN ANGELO, Texas -- As president of the chamber of commerce, it is
 Michael Dalby's job to be this city's biggest civic booster, always
 available to talk glowingly about the tax base, jobs, home prices and
 good corporate citizenship.

 But his repertoire of good news and optimism contains a little
 something extra: We understand the security business.

 No doubt.

 Thanks to neighboring Goodfellow Air Force Base, this isolated West
 Texas city of 87,000 may harbor more spies, ex-spies and future spies
 per capita than any place in America, save Washington, D.C.

 Since the late 1950s, the relatively obscure base, 90 miles of
 two-lane highway south of Abilene, has trained thousands of men and
 women in the increasingly high-tech art of signals intelligence, known
 in military jargon as SIGINT.

 The stock and trade of the super-secret National Security Agency,
 SIGINT is one of the most closely held, least discussed aspects of
 U.S. intelligence efforts.

 In San Angelo, however, it's a secret that really isn't, although it
 may be spoken of in euphemisms or simply referred to in vague terms.
 Publicly, the base's new armed forces firefighter training program
 grabs most of the spotlight simply because it is a mission that can be
 talked about.

 From what (a new resident) reads, he thinks all they do at Goodfellow
 is train firefighters, said retired Air Force Col. Charles E. Powell,
 Goodfellow's commanding officer from 1980-1984. As you well know,
 that's far from the truth.

 Smoke rising from Goodfellow's firefighter training grounds may
 attract the public's attention, but the work inside windowless brick
 buildings keeps the NSA's worldwide front lines manned and takes place
 without acknowledgment. Even passersby -- civilian and military alike
 -- who photograph nearby flight exhibits are warned not to shoot
 buildings in the background.

 But these simple rules belie the level of security that surrounds
 Goodfellow's mission. In many respects, the public's perception of how
 secret something can be is wholly inadequate for describing how
 carefully the details and technologies of SIGINT operations are

 With an average base contingent of 3,000, and military retirees living
 in the area numbering in the hundreds, San Angelo residents can never
 know if a new acquaintance is or was one of America's high-tech spies.

 Glenn Miller would be one of those unassuming strangers with stories
 to tell, but don't count on hearing any.

 He joined the Air Force in the early 1970s with plans to become an air
 traffic controller. Those plans changed when he scored well on
 language aptitude tests and was made an offer he didn't want to
 refuse. After 37 weeks of Russian language training, he arrived for
 his first tour at Goodfellow, as a student, in 1972.

 San Angelo was one of those places (the students) either liked or
 hated. And I think the people who hated it were the single guys,
 Miller said. They used to roll the streets up at 9 o'clock around

 Twenty-three years of active duty led him to additional language
 studies, multiple tours in Europe -- including a two-year stint at the
 U.S. Embassy in Moscow, a tour at NSA headquarters in Maryland and two
 additional tours at Goodfellow as both an instructor and supervisor.

 Following his second tour at Goodfellow, the Pennsylvania native
 decided San Angelo was a good place to call home. He and his wife
 Janet retired to the city in 1994, and he is now a county veterans
 service officer.

 It was friendly. Low cost of living. And totally different from
 Pennsylvania. And we didn't want to go back there, he said. We liked
 it. We just liked it.

 It's not an uncommon story, according to Dalby, who cited two of the
 more well known Goodfellow retirees: a former base commander who
 served as mayor and another veteran who established a highly
 successful chain of convenience stores in the area.

 (Retirees) are serving on different boards and committees here in the
 community, and that makes for maybe a better understanding of the
 base's mission than perhaps other communities would have, said Dalby.

 While a growing number of European governments question and fear the
 scope of American SIGINT missions, and privacy advocates protest the
 presence of American intelligence 

[CTRL] The pathetic quality of Palestinian disinfo.

2001-06-26 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-


If you are not exactly sure what  propaganda  is, here is
an example. It is a poor example but useful because one can
easily spot the mixing of fact and fiction, as well as the usual
anti zionist bugaboos.

In addition to the Zionist threat to Palestinians there is now
the more fearful addition of Chandra Levy, Monica Lewinsky, and
the always scary O.J.Simpson.



Media Silent As Doubts Emerge Over Tel Aviv Disco Bombing

Released June 25, 2001
The Wisdom Fund, P. O. Box 2723, Arlington, VA 22202
Website: -- Press Contact: Enver Masud

by Enver Masud

WASHINGTON, DC--Considering that Israel almost went to war over it, why is
it that major U.S. media, which has given daily, local and national
coverage to the Chandra Levy missing person story, and her relationship to
U.S. Congressman Gary Condit, is virtually silent over the emerging facts
surrounding the bombing of the Israeli disco in Tel Aviv?

Consider these reports from the international press:

- A Palestinian with links to Israeli intelligence unwittingly acted as a
driver for the suicide bomber responsible for the devastating explosion
that killed 22 people outside a Tel Aviv discotheque. (Uzi Mahnaimi,
Disco Bomber Used Israeli Mole As Driver, Sunday Times, June 24, 2001)

- The bomber of a Tel Aviv discotheque who killed himself and 20 others
had entered Israel from Jordan on an Israeli visa and had no ties with the
Palestinian National Authority, an Israeli Arab MP said Wednesday.
Mohammed Barakei, a communist member of parliament, told AFP the
information came from Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, whom he and fellow
Israeli Arab MP Issam Mahlul met Wednesday afternoon in the West Bank town
of Ramallah. (Tel Aviv Bomber Arrived from Jordan with Israeli Visa,
AFP, June 06, 2001)

- Joe Vialls, a Private Investigator based in Western Australia, with
thirty years direct experience of international military and multinational
operations, reports: Grim-faced Jewish intelligence experts are claiming
that the bombing outside Pacha's Disco which killed 18 and wounded 100 was
the work of Israeli fanatics rather than Islamic Jihad or a new (media
invented) organization described as 'Palestinian Hizbollah'.
(Descendents of Stern Gang Massacre Israeli Children in Media
Spectacular, June 2, 2001)

Israel apparently has no compunctions about bombing Jews to achieve its
goals. Amnon Kapeliouk, wrote in A Century of Zionism, (Le Monde
Diplomatique, November 1997), Most Iraqi Jews, whose situation was
generally satisfactory, were slow to respond to the pressing calls of
Israeli Jews to immigrate. At the start of 1951 a bomb exploded in a
Baghdad synagogue causing two deaths and dozens of wounded. Following
which, 100,000 Iraqi Jews decided to leave for the promised land. The
attack, never claimed, has sometimes been attributed to Israeli agents,
something that the Israeli government has always formally denied.

The victims of the disco bombing, according to Israel Shamir, an immigrant
Russian journalist based in Jaffa, Israel, were mostly Russian
immigrants--the girls often married Palestinians. Mr. Shamir says, Few of
them are Jews by any reasonable criteria, and Israeli radio informed that
it would be quite impossible to bury the victims in the hallowed ground of
the Jewish cemetery If they perish, they are buried beyond the fence,
together with suicides.

Were these Russian immigrants sacrificed to provide a pretext for
escalating Israel's war on the Palestinians?

Since the beginning of the current Palestinian uprising, Israel has killed
500 Palestinians, injured 23,000, and destroyed 27,000 trees and 3,200
buildings, including 1,200 homes. The Israeli toll is 106 killed and 760
injured. (Charley Reese, Only Thing To Negotiate Is Timetable for
Israel's Withdrawal, Orlando Sentinel, June 21, 2001)

All this supported by a U.S. subsidy to Israel of about $25,000 for every
Israeli man, woman, and child according to Richard H. Curtiss, former
chief inspector of the U.S. Information Agency.

Now that it's needed, where is the moral outrage and investigative zeal
displayed by U.S. media in the Chandra Levy case, the Monica Lewinsky
affair, and the trial of football star O. J. Simpson?

Copyright  2001 The Wisdom Fund - Provided that it is not edited, and
author name, organization, and web address ( are included,
this article may be printed in newspapers and magazines, and displayed on
the Internet.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time 

[CTRL] Chomsky's proof

2001-06-26 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Online Journal -

06-25-01: Chomsky's proof

By William Rivers Pitt

The United States is unusual among the industrial democracies in the
rigidity of the system of ideological control-'indoctrination,' we might
say-exercised through the mass media. -Noam Chomsky

June 25, 2001-In the early morning hours of Thursday, June 22, 2001, a man
named Jared T. Bozydaj took to the streets of New Paltz, New York, with an
Intrac Arms 7.62 semi-automatic assault rifle. He fired pointedly at
police officers, wounding one officer named Jeffery Quiepo in the arm. The
shooting went on for several hours before Bozydaj was disarmed and

Bozydaj was described as being highly upset by the execution of Timothy
McVeigh. He apparently had decided to take revenge in McVeigh's name on
the police, whom Bozydaj referred to as control mechanisms for the
government. Weapons and literature in his apartment indicated that
Bozydaj had been planning this attack for some time.

New Paltz is a small community near the Hudson River about an hour north
of New York City. The downtown district is filled with small stores, as
well as a number of bars that cater to the students of the State
University of New York (SUNY) New Paltz, the campus of which is only a few
blocks away from where this shooting occurred. The best word to describe
the place is 'quaint.'

My girlfriend was born and raised near this town. I have spent many
drunken hours with her in the bars that now bear the bullet holes from
Bozydaj's rampage. My girlfriend's parents report that much of downtown
New Paltz is roped off with yellow police tape today. One can see quite
clearly the damage done by Bozydaj's assault rifle, and the police believe
it is a miracle that no one was killed. One SUNY student reported that
eight bullets passed through her bedroom wall, and said that she would
have been shot in the head if her radiator had not deflected the rounds.

I discovered this story on the forums of, where
someone had posted it as a topic for discussion about McVeigh-oriented
violence. I forwarded the link, a story from the Zwire news service, to my
girlfriend, for obvious reasons. She called her parents and got the story
from the ground. The local New Paltz paper, the Times-Herald Record,
covered the shooting in detail, and she sent me the link to their story.

The next day, my girlfriend called me.

I haven't seen this story in any of the newspapers, she said. It wasn't
on CNN or Peter Jennings last night. Why do you think they aren't
reporting this? Some guy shot up my town, and shot a cop. That's news,
isn't it?

I am a news junkie, and had myself noticed that this interesting and
disturbing story had not appeared anywhere in the national news media.
Using the words New Paltz and Bozydaj, I searched The New York Times,
an obvious place for this story to appear, and came up empty. I did the
same at, The Washington Post, and several other news
outlets, and found nothing.

A man, motivated by the execution of Timothy McVeigh, had gone on an
hours-long shooting rampage directed exclusively at cops in a small New
York town with a sophisticated assault rifle. He blew a hole in a cop, and
shot hell out of every storefront in the vicinity. He nearly put a bullet
through the head of a sleeping college student. Somehow, this was not
deemed newsworthy by virtually every major news outlet in America,
including the Times of New York, the state where this shooting took place.


An immediate explanation is that the editors of these news sources were
acting out of a sense of responsibility. For most Americans, the name
Timothy McVeigh is synonymous with pure evil. It is likely that a decision
was reached among the purveyors of our information that nothing should be
published or broadcast that will give ear to those who consider McVeigh a
martyred hero. The fear, I suppose, is that if enough of these kinds of
stories get out, some of our militia-oriented citizenry will think the
Revolution is finally at hand, and take to the streets of their own small
burgs with rifles at the ready.

This kind of quiet censorship, however, raises some disturbing questions.
If unreported McVeigh-motivated shootings like this are happening in New
Paltz, where I am lucky enough to have eyes on the ground, where else are
they happening, and going unreported? I have no friends in Akron, Butte,
Silver Springs, Kissimmee, El Paso, or Needles. Where else in America is
violence like this breaking loose?

Why are we not being told of it?

What else is being withheld?

Noted linguist Noam Chomsky has observed many times that the national
media is not the information-disbursing entity created by our love for the
First Amendment of the Constitution. Rather, the national media is the
propaganda wing of the status quo. The national media tells us things in a
certain way to keep our eyes on the ground, and to 

[CTRL] U.S. hypocrisy on state terrorism

2001-06-26 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

U.S. hypocrisy on state terrorism

22 June 2001
Gregory D. Johnsen

It took a little over one month for the United States to make a
mockery of its own report on global terrorism.

The State Department's 2000 Report on Global Terrorism singles out
countries that are ostensibly state sponsors of terrorism. Now, with
the ink barely dry on the document, America is engaging in the same
activities it says the states of concern are participating in -
aiding rebel groups.

In the report, the U.S. government once again selected the 'gang of
seven' as state sponsors of terrorism. Ranked number one was Iran,
followed closely by Iraq, Sudan, Cuba, North Korea, Libya and Syria,
a list that has remained unchanged since 1993.

One of the major reasons Iran topped the list was its support for the
Hizbullah in Lebanon. Washington has invested a great deal of
diplomatic time trying to break up this alliance.

Following Israel's withdrawal from Lebanon one year ago, the United
States was able to convince Turkey to stop allowing Iran to cross its
airspace to supply the Hizbullah. Iran had been forced to fly through
Turkey because of the no-fly zones in Iraq's airspace.

But less than one month after Washington explained its reasoning to
the world, it allocated $3 million to Sudanese rebels fighting the
government in Khartoum. One of the reasons spokesman Eric Hotmire
gave for the aid was that the government in Khartoum regularly
targets schools and hospitals in southern Sudan.

While it is undoubtedly true that the government in Khartoum has hit
civilian targets in southern Sudan, what gives Washington the right
to grant money to these rebels while condemning Iran for doing the
same thing?

Israel occupied a swath of Lebanese territory under the guise of a
self-proclaimed security zone. This occupation was criticized by
everyone from the United Nations to average Israelis.

Yet at no time during Israel's occupation of Lebanon did America
accuse Israel of being a state sponsor of terrorism: not when Israel
bombed power stations in Beirut, far from the action of the Hizbullah
in southern Lebanon and not even when evidence of the
Israel-sponsored South Lebanese Army Khiam Jail came to light.

The jail held suspected Hizbullah terrorists and subjected them to
the latest in torture technology.

Instead, year after year, the United States continues to label Iran a
state sponsor of terrorism. If Iran is guilty of being a sponsor of
terrorism, then, using the same criteria, the United States has no
choice but to label itself a state sponsor of terrorism.

The Hizbullah were fighting to remove Israel from Lebanon, just as
now the southerners in Sudan are fighting to free themselves from the
Islamic government in Khartoum. Both movements have opposed
governments that terrorized them.

If the United States can act as a sovereign nation and designate aid
for a group that is being victimized, then isn't it Iran's right as a
sovereign nation to pursue the same path without being punished for

It is ironic that America, which adheres to the western tradition
that derives from ancient Greece, seems in this case very much like
the men who debated justice with Socrates. Their argument boiled down
to: It is just because I say it is just. Socrates demonstrated that
this arbitrary sense of justice had no place in rational societies.

It has been over 2,400 years since Socrates held his debates, yet the
United States continues to insist on regurgitating the same tired
arguments that Socrates faced.

America is guilty of excitedly pointing out the splinter in Iran's
eye, while completely ignoring the sizable timber in its own. The
degree of hypocrisy in the U.S. report would be laughable if the
parties weren't so in need of an honest broker.
Gregory D. Johnsen is a freelance writer living in the United States.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Playing God On No Sleep Isnt motherhood grand?

2001-06-26 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Nessie wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Where is this village when the baby has been crying inconsolably for
 16 straight hours and the mother is at the end of her wits?

 A better question is where is the multi-generational, extended family
 that is the norm in the rest of the world and was the norm here until
 only a few generations ago?

It's gone. Capitalism killed it. The holy Free Market makes less profit
on an extended family. Old folks are more profitable in retirement homes.
Working age females have been forced into the labor market to produce more
taxes for a government who transferred the burden from corporations to
mothers. Babies and young children are warehoused for money so that the
parents can BOTH earn what it took only one bread winner to earn only 30
years ago.

This is the most destructive system ever devised. All for the benefit of
the Rich and the wanabe rich.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Playing God On No Sleep Isnt motherhood grand?

2001-06-26 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 6/26/01 1:26:56 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 A better question is where is the multi-generational, extended family
that is the norm in the rest of the world and was the norm here until
only a few generations ago? 

Perhaps we should enquire of the liberals. They seem to have had a lot to do
with the social engineering that has done away with the multi-generational
extended family.

Now an interesting point in this very distrubing incident is the fact that
people (in general) are not concerned that this woman/mother has murdered her
five children. They are worried about her.

Does this mean that in future, if a mother is tired of her children, she will
be able to say to society in general, I can't put up with my children any
longer and then do away with them and publicly say she is sorry, but she just
isn't mother material and the children got in the way of her social life?

And once this president is established, society then can remove the old
people who are taking up all the good spaces in the parking lots (thats car
park, C).


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] National Security Agency: Enemy of the state?

2001-06-26 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

WorldNetDaily Exclusive


National Security Agency: Enemy of the state?
Geoff Metcalf interviews author James Bamford about super-secret spy group

By Geoff Metcalf

Editor's note: Most people are familiar to varying degrees with the FBI,
CIA, ATF, IRS and other assorted federal police agencies. However, unless
they have seen the movie with Will Smith and Gene Hackman, Enemy of the
State, they may not even be aware that the National Security Agency exists.

A few have heard of NSA programs like Tempest and Echelon and wondered
what new mischief the U.S. government was involved in. But, until now,
almost nobody knew that the NSA is the largest, most secretive and most
powerful intelligence agency in the world. With a staff of 38,000 people, it
dwarfs the CIA in budget, manpower and influence.

Today, WorldNetDaily staff writer and talk-show host Geoff Metcalf talks
with author James Bamford about his new book, Body of Secrets, a profound
and unique look into the inner workings of the NSA.

Question: It's been 20 years since you first wrote The Puzzle Palace. Why
revisit the same turf ­ and why now?

Answer: You have to understand that the NSA is the largest intelligence
agency in the world. It's twice the size of the CIA and, in its 50-year
history, it has only had one book written about it ­ which was my earlier
book, The Puzzle Palace ­ and I thought it would be a useful effort to
take another look at the NSA. There were a lot of things I missed when I was
writing The Puzzle Palace and there are a lot of things that have

Q: Well technology has certainly exploded. Listen, when you wrote your first
book, you were pretty much treated like a hooker in church when you started
asking questions. Did you get the same kind of cold reception this time

A: Initially I did ­ when I first approached NSA back in 1998, when I was
first starting work on the book, they gave me the same approach ­ we're not
going to help, we're not going to give you any documents, interviews or
whatever. Then the attitude changed about a year later as I was still
working on the book.

Q: Why?

A: A new director came on, General Michael Hayden, and I think he understood
the need for at least some public understanding of what the agency did. One
of the reasons was because the movie Enemy of the State portrayed NSA as a
very frightening agency. I think General Hayden thought it might be useful
to have a book that was not fictional, was accurate, and that gives …

Q: Were they hoping you would do a puff piece as a counter public relations

A: I think they wanted to have some say in the book, basically ­ although I
made no deals with them, just like I made no deals with them in the first
book. They never had any opportunity to look at the book. They didn't see it
until the public saw the book. They had no editorial control ­ absolutely no
quid pro quo. But they ended up giving me a number of tours through the
Agency ­ interviews with the director and a number of other senior
officials. And through the Freedom Of Information Act, I got a great many
documents. I think I was able to paint a pretty accurate picture of the way
the NSA is today and some of the problems facing us.

Q: Three years ago, I wrote a piece for WorldNetDaily on Echelon and, kind
of by accident, I hit a chord. I got over 500 e-mails in one night from
people wanting more information. On page 110 in your book, you make
reference to Tempest radiation coming from some Soviet crypto equipment.
As I understand it, Tempest is a code word for radiation emitted by
electronic equipment. Right?

A: That's right. Tempest is applied to things that contain classified
information. In other words, a crypto machine, a receiver and a
transmitter ­ whatever contains classified information. But it's the same
principle as, for example, if you are working on your computer in your
office and you are typing out an e-mail or whatever, somebody could be
outside directing an antenna ­ like a parabolic antenna ­ at your computer
and basically be reading the same screen you are reading, picking up the
signals as they are being transmitted from the computer. That's what Tempest
is and NSA is very worried about Tempest emissions because somebody could be
on the Baltimore-Washington Parkway with a very sensitive receiver in the
back of a van and pick up sensitive signals from NSA. So it goes to a great
many efforts to try to prevent those signals from leaving NSA.

Q: Conversely, if or when voting is all done on video screens ­ and that's
being proposed ­ pollsters would be able to read exact voting totals off the
screens from the street?

A: That's right. If the communications are not protected, and the screens
are not 

[CTRL] [Fwd: HARKEN: Press Release - Colombia]

2001-06-26 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: HARKEN: Press Release - Colombia
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2001 14:27:01 -0500 (CDT)
From: Colombian Labor Monitor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

[NOTE: The Bush family fortunes seem to be doing quite well.
George W. is a former consultant and member of the Board of
Directors of Harken. The Bush holdings in Harken are reportedly
quite significant.  Harken is a major player in Colombian oil.
I'll let you draw your own conclusions. -DG]

Monday, 25 June 2001


Harken Announces Progress at Palo Blanco Field

HOUSTON, Texas -- Harken Energy Corporation (Harken) announced today
that it has recently signed three significant agreements which will have
long-term benefits toward enhancing the value, production, and cash flow
generated from its development operations at the Palo Blanco field located
in the Llanos Basin of Colombia.

The Palo Blanco field was discovered by Harken with the successful
drilling of the exploratory well Estero 1.  Harken subsequently drilled
the successful Estero 2 well in this field.  Since its initial discovery
by Harken, the Palo Blanco field has produced in excess of 660,000 gross
barrels of oil.

Production volumes from this field have been restricted in the past due
primarily to transportation restraints.  Until 1999, all production from
the Estero 1 well had to be transported by truck.  In 1999, Harken built a
4 kilometer flowline to connect the Palo Blanco field into the Guarimena
to Santiago crude oil pipeline.  This connection allowed increased
production, but the field was still limited by contractual pipeline
capacity restraints to approximately 1,000 bopd.

Purchase of 45 Kilometer Pipeline

In order to transport significantly higher levels of production from the
field, Harken has just completed the purchase of the 45 kilometer
Guarimena to Santiago crude oil pipeline.  With the purchase of this
pipeline which runs from Harken's Palo Blanco field across the Cusiana
river to the Santiago pumping station, Harken gains the ability to
transport higher volumes of crude oil.

3,000 Bopd Transportation Agreement

In concert with the pipeline acquisition, Harken has negotiated a new
transportation agreement with the operator/owner of the pipeline that
transports crude oil from the Santiago pumping station north to market and
export points, to provide increased transportation capacity up to 3,000
barrels of oil per day for Harken's production from this Palo Blanco

With the addition of the recently drilled Estero 2 well, this Palo Blanco
field has the production potential to utilize the entire 3,000 bopd
transportation capacity now available to it through this pipeline system
and expanded transportation agreement.

Signing of a TEA on the El Retorno Block

Harken recently signed a Technical Evaluation Agreement (TEA) covering
the El Retorno acreage block which covers approximately 86,000 acres and,
adjoins Harken's existing producing Palo Blanco field.

Under the terms of this TEA, Harken will carry out a seismic reprocessing
program on this El Retorno block over the next six months.  Following
completion of that work, Harken has the election to sign the block under
an association contract with Ecopetrol.  Ecopetrol recently adopted new
and more favorable terms for new Association Contracts, which include a
sliding scale reduced royalty and participation to Ecopetrol from the
traditional percentages, especially during the early years of field

Harken's Chairman, Mikel D. Faulkner, stated, We are very pleased with
the acquisition of this pipeline facility and the greatly expanded
pipeline transportation capacity for production from our Palo Blanco
field.  The El Retorno area could represent a valuable enhancement to our
Palo Blanco area project.  These events have been in the works for some
time and should represent an enhancement to the value of the field.

Harken Energy Corporation (Harken) explores for, develops and produces
oil and gas reserves domestically and internationally.  Certain statements
in this news release regarding future expectations and plans for oil and
gas exploration, development and production may be regarded as forward
looking statements within the meaning of the Securities Litigation Reform
Act.  They are subject to various risks, such as the inherent
uncertainties in interpreting engineering data related to underground
accumulations of oil and gas, timing and capital availability, discussed
in detail in the Company's SEC filings, including the Annual 

Re: [CTRL] If you believe embryos are humans...

2001-06-26 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Nessie wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 The belief that embryos are human beings is a religious belief. You are
 entitled to you're religious beliefs, all of them. You are NOT entitled
 to use the armed might of the state to force them onto the rest of us.

Amen! Brother.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Jacques Cousteau, Environmental Liar? (fwd)

2001-06-26 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Nessie wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 The question, simply put, is this:

  If there is to be an organized program to reduce the human population
 of planet earth, does it matter which populations are culled?

Of course it matters. It must be the populations which produce the
most offsping. This is exactly what is happening with the Population
control movement sposored by the superRich through their foundations
and universities. It just so happens ;) that these people are POOR.

 That is not the question. The way you have phrased it presumes that
 culling is the only way to reduce the population. Culling is not the
 only way to reduce the population. Better we should reduce our breeding
 rate. It will take longer, but in the long run, will work just as well.

 It must be the populations which produce the
most offsping. This is exactly what is happening with the Population
control movement sposored by the superRich through their foundations
and universities. It just so happens ;) that these people are POOR.

That is to make as many people middle class as possible. This means a
basic change in the way wealth is controlled, produced, and distributed.

This can never happen as long as there is an elite class of super rich.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] support privacy protection! (fwd)

2001-06-26 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2001 15:39:54 -0400
Reply-To: Hannah Woody [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: support privacy protection!

Another letter to sign! Our last letter to Secretary O'Neill was a brilliant
success with a lot of press attention and the Free Congress Foundation would
like to thank all the organizations who signed it. In the fight to protect
privacy, House Majority Leader Dick Armey is a major player and very much
deserves our support and appreciation. Individuals are welcome to write Mr.
Armey personally, but I am looking for organizations who would like to sign
the following letter. Please respond to me by 10:00 am on Monday July 2nd,
with your name, title, and organization. Thank you for your interest and

The Honorable Richard K. Armey
Office of the Majority Leader
U.S. Capitol H327A
Washington, D.C. 20515

July 3, 2001

Dear Mr. Armey,

Thank you for your continued leadership and example on protecting the
personal privacy of Americans.  As members of organizations committed to
protecting privacy, we support your efforts to ensure that our
Constitutional rights and liberties are protected.

As you know, many federal government policies are fraught with privacy
abuses. We commend your leadership on these issues such as Carnivore
(DSC1000), FIDNet, Know Your Customer, thermal imaging, surveillance
cameras, civil asset forfeiture, etc.  The following organizations support
your efforts in continuing to expose and resolve some of these government
abuses of privacy.  The recent decision from the Supreme Court regarding the
use of thermal imaging plays a vital role in the equation, as privacy may be
violated in the name of the drug war.  Carnivore is not only a frightening
beast, but also one that needs to be closely watched because of the
horrifying ramifications its use would have upon the personal lives of our
fellow Americans.

As we approach our celebrations for our nation's Independence, we are
reminded of our country's leaders who fight to defend our rights.  This
fight is a noble one, and we recognize your leadership in this never-ending
struggle.  With changes in technology increasing at such a rapid pace, we
are pleased to have someone who understands its potential problems and is
willing to take a stand to address them to the protection of our
Constitutional liberties.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Tularemia As Bioweapon

2001-06-26 Thread William Shannon

Johns Hopkins Working Group On Civilian Biodefense Warns Tularemia -- Rabbit 
Fever -- Could Be Bioweapon Threat 

The Working Group on Civilian Biodefense, an expert panel convened by the 
Center for Civilian Biodefense Studies at the Johns Hopkins University 
Bloomberg School of Public Health, says that the highly infectious disease 
tularemia -— also known as rabbit fever -— could pose serious consequences 
if used as a biological weapon. 

In underscoring the importance of this issue, the report cites a World Health 
Organization study which projected estimates of 250,000 illnesses and 19,000 
deaths in the event that a mass-casualty tularemia biological weapon were 
used against a modern city of 5 million people. In this latest report, the 
Hopkins Working Group recommends medical and public health guidelines and 
policies to minimize the consequences from an attack. The report is published 
in the June 6, issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association 

“This report highlights the need to address the nation’s preparedness and 
response to possible bioweapon-induced epidemics,” says the report’s lead 
author, David T. Dennis, MD, MPH, a member of the Hopkins Working Group and a 
senior researcher with the Division of Vector-Borne Infectious Diseases at 
the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). 

According to the report, a tularemia-based bioweapon would trigger cases of 
pneumonia, pleuritis, and lymph node disease within three to five days after 
exposure. Unless treated with effective antibiotics, the disease could lead 
to serious illness including possible respiratory failure, shock, or death. 

“Diagnostic testing capabilities are available for tularemia, but they are 
not widely available. Effective antibiotic treatment regimens also exist for 
tularemia, but they are not the antibiotics clinicians would likely prescribe 
for routine treatment of pneumonia. Given the rarity of tularemia and the 
non-specific features of the disease, clinicians are not likely to order the 
needed diagnostic test, nor begin the proper antibiotics until some time into 
an epidemic,” explains Dr. Dennis. 

Tularemia is caused by exposure to Francisella tularensis bacteria, which 
affect both animals and people. It is sometimes called “rabbit fever” 
because it often infects hunters and trappers who are exposed to contaminated 
animals or meat. It can also be spread to humans by tick or insect bites, 
inhaling infected dust, or eating or drinking contaminated materials, but it 
not spread from person to person. 

Rabbits, voles, squirrels, and other small animals are natural hosts for the 
disease. Tularemia occurs rarely in the United States. Last summer, an 
outbreak of tularemia pneumonia occurred in Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts. 
Cases of the disease were associated with infected dust from lawn mowing and 
other landscaping activities, which presumably stirred up contaminated dust. 
Outbreaks commonly occur in Europe and Russia. 

“One of the priorities that emerges from this analysis includes the need to 
develop simple, widely-available, rapid diagnostic tests that could be used 
to identify persons infected with F. tularensis. We also need a better 
understanding of how effective new classes of antibiotics would be in 
treating this old scourge of tularemia,” says Thomas Inglesby, MD, one of the 
report’s authors and a researcher with the Center for Civilian Biodefense 
Studies at the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. 

In addition, the Hopkins Working Group report recommends the development of 
testing that can rapidly identify the antibiotic susceptibility of tularemia 
strains, allowing public health officials to make the most effective and 
timely interventions. The possibility that genetically induced 
antibiotic-resistant strains could be used as weapons has made this even more 
important, not only for tularemia, but for other potential weapons as well. 

A tularemia vaccine is not currently available for general use, and it is 
only recommended for laboratory workers who are routine exposed to the 
disease. The Hopkins Working Group encourages the development of new 
DNA-based or antibody-based vaccines that could provide fast acting 
protection from tularemia both before and after exposure. 

Over the past two years, the Working Group for Civilian Biodefense has 
published recommendations in JAMA for responding to potential terrorist use 
of smallpox, anthrax, plague, and botulism bioweapons. Further reports are 
anticipated. Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. 

The study was funded by the Center for Civilian Biodefense Studies at the 
Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. 

[CTRL] Pentagon Doubts Missile Shield

2001-06-26 Thread William Shannon

Pentagon Study Casts Doubt on Missile Shield
James Dao New York Times Service
Tuesday, June 26, 2001

WASHINGTON An internal Defense Department study concluded last year that
testing on the national missile defense program was behind schedule, and that
it was unrealistic and had suffered too many failures to justify deploying
the system in 2005, a year after the Bush administration is considering as
the deployment target..

The August 2000 report from the Pentagon's Office of Operational Test and
Evaluation, only recently given to Congress, offers new details about
problems the Pentagon has encountered in developing the anti-missile

And it raises questions about how quickly an effective system can be made

The Pentagon is studying proposals to deploy a limited system - but one that
would violate the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty - as soon as 2004. In
recent weeks, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has indicated a willingness
to deploy a system before tests have been completed if an attack seems

But as an example of unrealistic testing, the report cited an October 1999
test in which a global positioning system inside a mock warhead helped guide
an intercept missile toward a target over the Pacific. That test was
successful, but two more recent flight tests failed..

None of those tests used the kinds of sophisticated decoys that a real
ballistic missile would use to confuse an anti-missile system, the report
said. Instead, the decoy in each test was a large balloon that did not look
like a warhead and that the kill vehicle's sensors could easily distinguish
from the target..

The report also asserted that the Pentagon had not even scheduled a test
involving multiple targets, the likely situation in an attack. And it found
software problems with a training simulator that made it appear as if twice
as many warheads had been fired at the United States as had been intended in
a 1999 exercise..

The simulator then fired interceptors at those "phantom tracks," and
operators were unable to override the firing commands, the report said..

The report, which President Bill Clinton read just before deferring initial
construction on a missile system last September, acknowledged that the
program was still in its early stages and was progressing well on some
But it concluded that unless testing was significantly accelerated, at much
higher cost, the program would not be ready for use against real attacks for
several years. "Deployment means the fielding of an operational system with
some military utility which is effective under realistic combat conditions,"
the report states. "Such a capability is yet to be shown to be practicable
for NMD" - the initials for National Missile Defense..

Officials with the Pentagon's Ballistic Missile Defense Organization disputed
parts of the report, saying that the global positioning system used in the
1999 test did not guide the kill vehicle to the target. They also contended
that the simulator did not fire at phantom missiles..

They acknowledged software problems with the simulator but said those flaws
had been fixed. And they asserted that future tests, perhaps starting next
year, would involve tougher situations, including more sophisticated decoys,
multiple warheads and different trajectories..

"We fully intend to stress the system to its maximum capability," said
Lieutenant Colonel Rick Lehner, a spokesman for the organization. But
skeptics said the report clearly showed that even the most advanced
anti-missile technology needed years of testing to work out unforeseen bugs.
Without such testing, they warned, the system would be ineffective or even

"The problems have been different each time," said Philip Coyle, a former
assistant secretary of defense and director of operational testing, who
helped write the report. "In each case, the thing that failed was something
you'd have liked to have taken for granted. It just shows how hard this stuff

The report, which members of Congress plan to make public this week, is
expected to fuel a contentious debate over how swiftly a missile system
should be deployed and how much money should be spent developing one..

Mr. Rumsfeld has argued that the United States should deploy a system quickly
to dissuade its rivals from trying to acquire ballistic missiles. He contends
that no weapon system works perfectly and that a limited missile defense can
be gradually improved and expanded. During his recent trip to Europe, he gave
NATO defense ministers a paper stating that the United States "will likely
deploy test assets to provide rudimentary defenses to deal with emerging
threats." The Pentagon has also been studying a proposal from Boeing, the
lead contractor on a missile defense system, to install a basic anti-missile
system involving five interceptors in Alaska by 2004..

The system, which would violate the ABM Treaty, 

[CTRL] Martin- FBI Employee Arrested...More Arrests To Come

2001-06-26 Thread William Shannon

FBI Employee Arrested in Las Vegas;
More Arrests To Come
by Al Martin
The recent arrest of FBI security analyst James Hill in Las Vegas for 
allegedly selling documents confirms previous reports on Al Martin Raw. In 
essence, FBI agents continue to sell internal Bureau files in an ongoing 
series of scandals across the USA.

According to a CNN report, Hill was charged with "selling classified records 
and documents on criminal cases and grand jury investigations involving 
organized crimes, illegal aliens and white-collar crime."

The complaint filed in New York alleges that Hill sold "hundreds" of 
documents containing "confidential" information about witnesses and 
electronic surveillance to a private investigator.

According to a Reuters story, Hill "was accused of pilfering top-secret files 
from the FBI office since November 1999 and selling them for thousands of 
dollars to defense attorneys and organized crime figures in New York" (See "
Vegas FBI worker accused of selling secrets to mob,")

In so many words, it's just business as usual at the Federal Bureau of 

This is the latest news in a seemingly never-ending series of FBI debacles -- 
The FBI's failed investigation (and scapegoating) of Los Alamos scientist Wen 
Ho Lee. 
The FBI's failure to turn over documents regarding the Timothy McVeigh 
Oklahoma City Bombing case. In this case, the "lost" documents were 
discovered by an outside private archiving contractor hired by the Bureau. 
The FBI's negligent handling of the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas. 
The FBI's negligent handling of the Randy Weaver case in Ruby Ridge, Idaho.   

Disgruntled agents continue to leak information regarding internal FBI 
fiascos and other government misdeeds. This includes the documentation of 
senior FBI agents' involvement with illicit weapons dealers in Huntsville, 
Alabama, as well as their retirement scams. (See The FBI-CIA Wars)

Other documents to be leaked to major media outlets will link outgoing FBI 
Director Louis Freeh to other illegal activities, including those connecting 
him with alleged spy -- and his former close friend and colleague -- Robert 
Hanssen. (See "The Real Reason Louis Freeh is Leaving")

As reported by Al Martin Raw, the Hanssen case is not what it appears to be. 
In fact, the FBI knew about his "espionage" activities for at least ten years 
prior to his arrest.

According to reliable sources, the next FBI scandal will emanate from the FBI 
office in San Francisco. New indictments and/or arrests are expected in the 
near future.

Re: [CTRL] Sharon War Criminal: Stupid gullible ...

2001-06-26 Thread goolie smith
-Caveat Lector-

That land was annexed by the King of Jordan at the time of partition. After WWII. Then they lost it to the Israelis in the Six Day War. The Resolution 242 

made no difference when the Jordanians ignored it and it makes no difference anywhere else in the world. 

Wrong again buddy, Resolution 242 doesnt call for Jordan to relinqish land, nor does it call for any other country to do so. what it does istells Israel toreturn to the June 4, 1967 borders, thereby relinquishing allterritories captured in the June 1967 war.

 This law was basically created after the defeat of Nazi Germany, but before the creation of the nation of Israel. Basically it was constructed so that noone nation could conquer another and displace the population (as Nazi Germanydid with Poland, France etc.) 

And which nation on the planet gives a shit about UN laws? Turkey? Syria? The USA and Western Europe attacking Yugoslavia? Britain attacking the Falklands? C'mon Gooli get real. You show that you really do understand by your 

Cicero quote down below. 

ah, nurev, so dismissive of the UN, but to play along ill tell you one nation that gives a "shit" about the UN, Israel, for were it not for UN res 181 there would be no Israel

 So you see what was done to the Indians cannot be used in any way as a pretextto what is happening in palestine or in fact any other place on earth. 
Never a pretext. The situations are entirely different. I just want to know how you justify living on lands stolen from the Indians. 

How do you?

The situations are not differnt, 'settlers' are living on land that does not belong to them (golan, west bank, gaza) forcing out native populations to make way for the occupying force to settle there.Just as was done to native indians.
Like i said before UN resolutions and Geneva conventions were not bad at the time of the colonisation of north america.
so you see buddy, Israel is legally bound to ship outta that land it stole/occupies
also, im not from the US.
heres my quote again
Law stands mute in the midst of arms.
Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 BC - 43 BC)
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Questions for Mr. Muelle

2001-06-26 Thread Taliesin2

-Caveat Lector-

The Wall Street Journal
June 26, 2001
Questions for Mr. Mueller

The Republic has just seen why the Director of the FBI is appointed to a
10-year term. Louis Freeh's era at the bureau had its share of mishaps and
errors; no director since J. Edgar Hoover has succeeded in establishing full
control of the proud and secretive institution. But Mr. Freeh was farsighted
in the world-wide fight against terrorism and courageous in withstanding
constant pressure from the Clinton White House and Justice Department on
Whitewater, the campaign finance scandal and so on. Whatever else, Mr. Freeh
has been a stand-up guy.

These qualities came to mind last week as we watched trial balloons floating
over Washington with the names of Robert S. Mueller and George Terwilliger
as Mr. Freeh's possible successor. These names set us to perusing the books
on one of our long-lasting preoccupations, the Bank of Credit  Commerce

The BCCI scandal was the most important corruption story of the 20th
century. Crooked international bankers cast a world-wide web of influence.
They bought and sold politicians around the globe, ripped off depositors for
some $10 billion, laundered drug money, worked with assorted spooks and
trafficked with terrorists.

In the U.S., they illegally bought a major Washington bank, First American,
and installed Democratic Party icon Clark Clifford as its head. George H.W.
Bush headed the CIA during BCCI's early days and was President when its
wrongdoing first began to surface. Even George W. Bush bumped up against the
outer fringes of the BCCI crowd during his tenure with Harken Energy and in
his friendship with Texas entrepreneur James Bath.

BCCI holds important lessons for the future. Our dawning century is one of
international criminal gangs operating with increasing sophistication in a
shadowy world beyond the control of fragmented national authorities. The
banking and political systems are particularly vulnerable to this sort of
corruption. BCCI is a prototype for this new form of global crime. As FBI
Director, Mr. Freeh got a foothold on these problems; his successor will
find them a major preoccupation.

Both Mr. Terwilliger and Mr. Mueller were senior Justice Department
officials when BCCI got away. Mr. Terwilliger was Deputy Attorney General;
and Mr. Mueller ran the Criminal Division at Main Justice from 1990 to 1993.
When it came to making decisions about investigations and prosecutions in
the BCCI affair they were the men at the switches. Only the Attorney General
and the President had higher federal authority. Mr. Terwilliger apparently
is off the short list because confirmation would be complicated by his legal
work for Mr. Bush in the Florida election dispute.

This means the presumed front-runner is Mr. Mueller, who took personal
charge of the BCCI probe. If he is nominated, a number of questions need to
be asked. How did BCCI manage to gain entry into the U.S. banking system and
acquire First American? Did the U.S. intelligence community grease the skids
for BCCI at critical junctures? Was the Justice Department part of the
solution to the BCCI mess, or part of the problem?

When Mr. Mueller took over the Criminal Division, critics in Congress and
the media were already raising questions about Justice and BCCI. He stepped
into this breach, telling the Washington Post in July 1991 that maybe indeed
there was an appearance of, one, foot-dragging; two, perhaps a coverup. He
denied the coverup claims, specifically rejecting a Time magazine report
that the U.S. government was seeking to obscure its role in the scandal
partly because the CIA may have collaborated with the bank's operatives.
Perhaps Justice should have been more enthusiastic and aggressive about the
case, he told the Post, but nobody has ever accused me of lacking

Still, the problems with Justice persisted. And the timing of some of Mr.
Mueller's moves raised eyebrows. In September 1991, Justice indicted six
BCCI figures and a reputed Colombian drug lord on racketeering charges. The
indictment was unveiled just minutes after then-Congressman Charles Schumer
issued a report sharply critical of Justice Department handling of the case.
As Peter Truell and Larry Gurwin noted in their authoritative book, False
Profits: Inside BCCI, the indictment was merely warmed-over information
from an investigation that had ended nearly two years before.

Mr. Mueller also engaged in a running series of battles with the Manhattan
District Attorney, Robert Morgenthau. According to news reports over the
years, Justice prosecutors were instructed not to cooperate with Mr.
Morgenthau's office, documents were withheld, and attempts were made to
block other federal agencies from cooperating. In July 1992, both Mr.
Mueller and Mr. Morgenthau simultaneously but separately indicted Mr.
Clifford and his top aide Robert Altman in the BCCI scandal, with Mr.
Morgenthau finally winning the right to try the men. Mr. 

Re: [CTRL] FDR Unmasked

2001-06-26 Thread Carl Amedio
In a message dated 6/26/01 6:27:04 PM Central Daylight Time,

Stinnett volume shows that the President of the United States not only knew
when and where the Japanese attack would take place, but also puts it in
proper context as the logical outcome of a provocative policy aimed at
getting us into the European war through the Asian "back door."

So what is new about this? This fact is common knowledge. Heck FDR allowed
British spies to assassinate German spies in the US. A clear violation of
the constitution.

Grow up for Pete sake. I am not an FDR fan in general. But, what he did vis a
vis W.W.II was necessary.


Re: [CTRL] Sharon War Criminal: StupidgullibleLiberalsandPalestinianpropaganda. 1/2

2001-06-26 Thread goolie smith

-Caveat Lector-


ok, give me the answers to these questions

Was Ariel Sharon in command of the occupied area where the massacres took
place ?

Is there a Geneva convention (4th) which places responsibility of a
population upon the person in charge ?

Are you jewish ?

These questions should sort it out, the first two will show why sharon
should be indicted as a war criminal, the last one will show the rest of us
why you dont want to see the truth.

From: Nurev Ind. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Sharon War Criminal:
StupidgullibleLiberalsandPalestinianpropaganda. 1/2
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 12:53:30 -0400

-Caveat Lector-

goolie smith wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-
  ah nurev, nurev, nurev dont tell me your going to start personal
  attacks against me.
  Yes i did read the second part, the disscussion here is on Ariel Sharon
  the syrians or the phalange or any other group.  If you would like we
  discuss that on another thread, but this thread has the topic of Sharon

No. The subject is - Re: [CTRL] Sharon War Criminal: Stupid gullible
and Palestinian propaganda. 1/2

Which means that the information you describe below is Palestinian

  The fact remains that Ariel Sharon did not do enough to stop people that
  was in charge of being killed.  On the contrary the IDF threw flares all
  through the night to help light the way for the phalange.

If you did read part 2, then you would have information from an actual
participant at a very high level. Not from Palestinians who are
the killers in order to win political points in their current political
contest with Israel and Sharon.

Read again why why the Israelis threw up flares. The conclusion you came to
was the opposite of what the eyewitness and perpetrator says. Since you
actually there, you make your choice of what is real and what is not
based on your first exposure which is all based on Palestinian

  There is substantial evidence to call for Sharon to be tried in front of
  International court.  As was said on the BBC programme.

Maybe yes, and maybe no. But there is MORE evidence to try the actual
killers. My problem with you is that you are at best backing the wrong
Do you really want to bring the massacre to a just conclusion or is it
really about something else.

I know the answer to that. Do you?

  Arafat? I personaly think he is a bad apple and he could be up for some
  nasty crimes, however im not sure if war crimes are one of them.

Well then why don't you learn about the history of PLO in Southern Lebanon.
Then you won't have much doubt whether war crimes are an issue.

   Maybe you
  could enligten me.  I would prefer though that you did this on another
  as i said before the subject of this disscussion is Ariel Sharon.

Sabra and Shatila are being used as a weapon to punish Sharon for invading
Lebanon and throwing out the PLO. The problem is that he was not
for the massacre AT ALL. He gave direct orders to the Phalangists not to
harm the non-combatants. He had know way of knowing that the commander of
the Phalangists that he gave those orders to was an agent of Syrian
and that he used the opportunity to create a situation of such horror that
it would cover over the assassination of the Elected President of Lebanon
the Syrians who always considered Lebanon a part of Syria.

This is known to the Palestinians. The Hamas article in part 2 proves it.

The best thing that could happen is that Sharon should open the case and
bring in the evidence and the perps. But that won't happen. No head of
can be forced to trial like this. The Palestinians know this as well. So
we will have a PR war in the media at a time of real crisis in the Middle

But is interesting to watch what people choose to believe.


  -Caveat Lector-
  goolie smith wrote:
-Caveat Lector-
He did not commit THAT war crime.
oh really he did not commit that crime ?
was Sharon the man in charge of that area ? the answer is yes he
according to Geneva conventions and International law the person in
the one responsible when the land is occupied by a forigen force.
he did not do it himself, the safety of civilians and militray
arrested are his responsibiliity.
  Did you bother to read part2 of what I posted or do you just like
  going in circles?
  Sharon gave orders to protect non-combatants. This from one of the men
  who did the killing.
  Did you read what Hamas said?
  By the way, do you think that Arafat is a war criminal?
There will ALWAYS be war crimes in war. ALWAYS The solution is
allow wars to get started.
yes that is true, but once the crime has been 

Re: [CTRL] FDR Unmasked

2001-06-26 Thread M.A. Johnson

-Caveat Lector-

Grow up for Pete sake. I am not an FDR fan in general. But, what he did
vis a
 vis W.W.II was necessary.

Aaah that 20/20 hindsight.


America does not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy.  She is
the well-wisher to freedom and independence of all.  She is the
champion and vindicator only of her own. -- John Quincy Adams

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] FDR Unmasked

2001-06-26 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

The trouble with the scorpions in a bottle metaphor is that they would
not have killed each other. One would have killed the other. Then the
world would have had to deal with a totalitarian state that reached from
the Atlantic to the Pacific.

=CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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[CTRL] Israeli lawyers to challenge 'Jewish test' for immigrants

2001-06-26 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

It is only a matter of time before Israel's religious test for
immigrants will be found to violate International Human Rights.

No country will be permitted to require a religious, ethnic, language
test for citizenship. No Theocracies, no monoethnics, no exclusive
cultural identity will be permitted.

Whether you consider this a good or bad thing is irrelevant.
The globalist demand for multi culturalism and inclusion will
have interesting and profound effects throughout the world.

I suspect that globalist homogenization is quite an
effective control mechanism.

One Elite.


Israeli lawyers to challenge 'Jewish test' for immigrants


Quote: Many recruits to the Israeli army, some estimates say up to 20
per cent, now take their oath of allegiance with a hand on the New

ISRAELI human rights groups are to challenge the Jewish Orthodox establishment in the 
courts after immigrants
complained that the Rabbinical Court had introduced tests to establish whether they 
were truly Jewish.

New Family, a group of 25 Israeli human rights lawyers, have promised a wave of court 
actions after an
immigrant from the former Soviet Union was refused permission to marry because he 
failed an investigation into
his background by the Rabbinical Court.

The frustrated groom's father and grandmother were Jewish, his lawyer said, and he had 
been circumcised in the
traditional Jewish manner on the eighth day after his birth. But he had been found 
wanting by Israel's rabbis.

This is a grotesque new ruling from the rabbinate, that every new immigrant has to 
prove his Judaism if he or
she arrived after 1990, said Irit Rosenblum of New Family. This is the worst form of 
ugly discrimination.

The only marriages recognised by the Jewish State are those conducted by Sephardi and 
Ashkenazi Orthodox
rabbis. But the Orthodox, and even Jewish, hold over Israeli life has come under 
pressure from immigrants who
have been persuaded to come to Israel to offset the demographic time bomb of rapid 
population growth among

More than 40 per cent of the one million new arrivals over the last decade, mostly 
from the former Soviet
Union, are not Jews, according to government officials. Many of the others, having 
hidden their faith during
decades of religious persecution, would struggle to make their way through the 
Orthodox liturgy.

One of the teenage victims of the last suicide bombing in Tel Aviv was buried in a 
Christian cemetery.
Another, whose Judaism was in doubt, qualified for burial only on the edge of a Jewish 
area. Many recruits to
the Israeli army, some estimates say up to 20 per cent, now take their oath of 
allegiance with a hand on the
New Testament.

Eliahu Ben Dahan, director-general of the Rabbinical Court, said yesterday that of the 
30,000 marriages
conducted each year almost a sixth come under investigation by his officers. We check 
their documents, we ask
for character witnesses and for people who know them from Russia, but as far as our 
own Halacha law goes many
of them simply are not Jewish.

Under the secular Law of Return anyone with a Jewish grandparent can move to Israel. 
Religious law defines a
Jew as someone descended from a Jewish mother, or who is active in observing Jewish 
beliefs and traditions.

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Re: [CTRL] Jacques Cousteau, Environmental Liar? (fwd)

2001-06-26 Thread lassey

-Caveat Lector-

Ok, you first, Steve. Do your part.

On Mon, 25 Jun 2001 21:54:35 -0700 Steve [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 -Caveat Lector-

 Maybe there is a 'Third Way'. Why do we have to cull any living
 being that
 inhabits this planet? Why can we not just learn to get along, which
 require people to eventually give up religious differences and find
 a way to
 reduce population growth (Catholic beliefs prohibiting birth control
 of all
 kinds including the pill, being deemphasized, would be a great


 On 25 Jun 01, at 21:42, Damian B. Cooper wrote:

  The question, simply put, is this:
  If there is to be an organized program to reduce the human
  of planet earth, does it matter which populations are culled?
  E.g.  Would it be wise population management policy to selectively
  certain poplulations that have a history or demonstrated
 inclination to war,
  aggression, anti-social behavior, etc. etc.


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Re: [CTRL] Playing God On No Sleep Isnt motherhood grand? Response to several posts

2001-06-26 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

What I'm trying to say, Bill H, is that it should never have gotten to
the point where she killed her kids.

Joshua, add some more to your list of villain capitalists: the
pharmaceuticals, and psychiatrists, who find it easier and more
profitable to solve people's problems with a pill instead of human

Nessie, I was using Hillary Clinton's term village in quotation
marks, and I meant it ironically. I can't convey the emotion in
electronic text.

PPD survivor

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Re: [CTRL] Bush's Opium Bender

2001-06-26 Thread tenebroust

-Caveat Lector-

Probably the real truth of this is that there is a lot of money to be made by 
stateside people in the the trafficking of drugs and that money is being threatened.  
It is a real catch 22.

On Tue, 26 June 2001, Yardbird wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Taliban Twists Shrub With Poppy Politics

 Bush's Opium Bender

 In its dealings with Afghanistan, the Bush administration has inherited a
 real catch-22. On the one hand, the White House needs to get rid of the
 terrorist Osama bin Laden, who is sheltered by the ruling Taliban. On the
 other, it wants to continue the global war on drugs--a campaign in which the
 internationally shunned Islamic extremists have become an unexpected ally,
 slapping a ban on growing the poppies that provided 75 percent of the
 world's opium supply.

 Now Bush is in the ungainly position of favoring the Northern Alliance, a
 Russian-backed resistance group that funds its efforts in part by
 trafficking in narcotics. ''The basic problem is that the U.S. so far has
 failed disastrously in Afghanistan, and for a decade has had no policy
 toward Afghanistan other than bin Laden,'' says S. Frederick Starr, chair of
 the Central Asia--Caucasus Institute at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced
 International Studies. ''It is legal under U.S.-led UN sanctions to send
 arms to the Northern Alliance, which is actively exporting drugs, but
 illegal to send arms to the Taliban, which has stopped drug production.''

 In eradicating poppies, Afghanistan shut down a market with a total
 production value of $100 billion. The Taliban received relatively little of
 that money, with annual revenues during the 1990s of $10 million to $75
 million, but farmers could still bank on a crop worth five times as much as
 conventional rice or wheat.

 Starr argues that if the UN fails to loosen the strictures against
 Afghanistan, the Taliban may let farmers plant poppies again rather than
 allow other countries like Pakistan and Myanmar to jump in. The Taliban has
 no standing with the UN, which has given Afghanistan's seat to the Northern
 Alliance. So far, the Taliban leaders' biggest role in the world economy has
 been supplying the raw material for drugs. ''And without Western, U.S., and
 UN leadership,'' Starr says, ''it will not change.''

 Afghanistan's poppy growers are having an especially rough time of it
 because a drought is compounding the difficulty of switching to other crops.
 This year, the U.S. allocated $120 million in aid to Afghanistan, including
 $43 million in food aid during the month of May. Assisting the Afghan
 people, says Charles Fairbanks, a former deputy assistant secretary of state
 under Bush and Reagan who now teaches at Johns Hopkins, is the only moral
 choice. The U.S. helped create the mess there when it sided against Russian
 invaders in the 1980s, giving the impression we'd be around to help with the
 consequences, too. Aid now ''is a matter of honor,'' Fairbanks says. ''They
 fought on the American side and the side of the administration in the last
 battle of the Cold War, and we just abandoned them. There is something not
 right about that.''

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Re: [CTRL] Tularemia As Bioweapon

2001-06-26 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Hey, now I've got an REAL excuse to not mow my lawn, not just laziness!
Thanks, Bill!

--- William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Cases of the disease were associated with infected dust from lawn
 mowing and
 other landscaping activities, which presumably stirred up
 contaminated dust.

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Re: [CTRL] Hidden truths of Lake Vostok excite scientists and ranters

2001-06-26 Thread tenebroust

-Caveat Lector-

What about the secret Nazi bases!!!  Aren't we forgetting them!!!???

On Tue, 26 June 2001, c. wrote:

 !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN
 META http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
 META content=MSHTML 5.50.4134.100 name=GENERATOR
 BODY bgColor=#ff
 DIVFONT face=Arial size=2A href=;FONT
 face=Times New Roman size=3
 face=Times New Roman size=3National Post, p. A1BRJune 26, 2001BRBRThe
 rumour mill at the bottom of the worldBRHidden truths of Lake Vostok excite
 scientists and rantersBRBRBryon OkadaBRFort Worth Star-TelegramBRBRA
 subglacial lake discovered four kilometres below the South PoleBRhas captured
 the imaginations not only of scientists but also ofBRconspiracy theorists and
 alien-encounter types.BRBRNASA wants to use Lake Vostok to test equipment
 for a mission toBRJupiter. Microbiologists want to study life in extreme
 climates.BRBREnvironmentalists halted exploration to keep the lake, believed
 toBRhave the purest freshwater on Earth, free of contaminants. ButBRwhen the
 drilling stopped the speculation intensified, particularlyBRvia the Internet,
 that scientists were about to expose the world toBRa deadly virus for which
 humans have no antibodies.BRBRAnd when several researchers became sick this
 year, requiringBRairlifts out of Antarctica, the cries of a government
 coverupBRreached a fever pitch.BRBRNow some, inspired by the release of
 the movie Atlantis: The LostBREmpire, believe Lake Vostok provides evidence
 that the lost cityBRlies under the South Pole, a victim of polar shifting
 and/or plateBRtectonics.BRBRHere is an excerpt of a popular posting in
 several Internet chatBRrooms:BRBRIf the Great Flood was caused by the
 Earth shifting its axis, asBRappears to be what actually happened, where what
 used to beBRthe North Pole ended up near the equator, then Atlantis
 didn'tBRsink. It simply relocated to the South Pole.BRBRTo put it simply,
 Lake Vostok is cool.BRBRFor those unfamiliar with the story, a lot of hard
 science has goneBRinto the exploration of Lake Vostok.BRBRThe Russians
 have had a base at the site since the 1950s, but itBRwas not until two decades
 later that scientists suspected thereBRwas something beneath it. Since 1989,
 scientists and engineersBRhave been drilling the ice sheet above Lake Vostok
 to study theBREarth's past climates. Drilling was abruptly halted
 whenBRresearchers hit a layer of refrozen ice 120 metres thick.BRBRThat
 led to speculation, later confirmed, that more than 3,600BRmetres below the
 base, there is a 23,000 square kilometreBRsubglacial lake, roughly the size of
 Lake Ontario. The water isBRunusually warm, probably a little below 0C,
 compared with -55C atBRthe surface.BRBRU.S. scientists studied the
 refrozen samples and found bacteria,BRwhich could suggest that a whole
 ecosystem different from ours --BRan alternate ecology -- may have existed for
 thousands, maybeBRmillions, of years.BRBRThat's what we know and it's not
 much, said John Priscu, aBRMontana State University microbial ecology
 professor whoBRconducted the study.BRBRWe know there's life down there,
 and it's a bizarre environmentBRunder three miles of ice, and it's been there
 a long time. That'sBRpretty wild.BRBRMr. Priscu is leading another study
 this summer, so the pictureBRshould become clearer in the next year or
 so.BRBRThe unanswered questions, along with the remoteness ofBRAntarctica
 and the hazy politics of that faraway continent, haveBRincreased the already
 intense speculation.BRBRThe Atlantis Blueprint, by Colin Wilson and Rand
 Flem-Ath,BRproposes that the people of Atlantis had created a
 thrivingBRmaritime society that is the proto-culture of societies
 today.BRBRThe basis of Mr. Flem-Ath's research is an ancient map
 depictingBRAtlantis that he found in a book while doing research for
 aBRscreenplay about hibernating aliens.BRBRThe map is a map of Atlantis,
 but if you take off all the labels, andBRyou compare it to the Earth's
 surface, it's very similar toBRAntarctica, he said. That was the first thing
 that got me on to it.BRBRHis work has often been used to promote Lake
 Vostok theories,BRbut his research locates the main city of Atlantis
 elsewhere.BRBRThe speculation about the lake does not surprise Ray
 Browne,BRfounder of the Popular Culture Association and professor
 emeritusBRat Bowling Green State University in Ohio, the United States's
 onlyBRdepartment devoted to studying the reality-in-flux of
 coolness.BRBRWhen there's an interest, you've got to feed that, Mr.
 BrowneBRsaid.BRBRSomeone has rediscovered Atlantis outside the Pillars
 ofBRHercules, inside the Mediterranean, in the Caribbean, under theBRSouth
 Pole and everywhere else ...BRBRThey want to find it, we want to find it,
 and if we never do, it'sBRstill tremendously interesting, because we all have