Re: [CTRL] (Fwd) Southern Sovereigns

2001-08-30 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

This is a very evil group and the only poverty they are fighting is
their own!  It is one of the phony watchdogs of 'hate' in this
country and a self-professed expert on 'hate groups' and
'terrorists activities in this country.  Their own efforts to
trample the rights of others far exceed and good that they do.  Of
course, in order to continue, they must 'find' groups to watch and
thus ensure their own survival.  One lighter note on the group is
that there are frequently very well-written, elegant attacks
launched against Dees, written as though originating from him and
he wastes a great deal of time refuting them.  Otherwise, they are
completely worthless and held in very low esteem within the State.

So I would say they are getting desperate and have nothing
legitimate to do and so are scanning the globe for somebody at whom
to point a finger and call names.

- Original Message -
From: "Tenorlove" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001 12:34 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] (Fwd) Southern Sovereigns

-Caveat Lector-

It would appear to me that the "poverty" in Southerm Poverty Law
Center, is in their sanity. Don't these people have some real
issues to
worry about, here at home?

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] (Fwd) Southern Sovereigns

2001-08-30 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

It would appear to me that the "poverty" in Southerm Poverty Law
Center, is in their sanity. Don't these people have some real issues to
worry about, here at home?

"I find television very educating. Every time somebody
turns on the set, I go into the other room
and read a book." Groucho Marx,

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] (Fwd) Wrong Colour Green

2001-08-30 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---



The Skeptical Environmentalist: Measuring the Real State of the World

Bjørn Lomborg

History, General
Matt Ridley
27 August 2001
27 August 2001
The Greens have got it wrong

Matt Ridley considers this to be 'probably the most important book on the
environment ever written'
EACH DECADE sees its new environmental obsessions. In the 1960s it was
pesticides and the population explosion. In the 1970s there was the oil
crisis, the imminent failure of the food supply and the fear of nuclear power.
In the 1980s the deserts were advancing, acid rain was killing trees, the ozone
layer was thinning and the elephant was on the brink of extinction. In the 1990s
we had retreating rain forests, falling sperm counts, plagues of new diseases,
genetically modified crops and, of course, climate change. How many of these
came true? If you take the trouble to examine the facts, you will find a
remarkable thing. On all but the most recent scares, where the jury is still
out, the alarmists were badly wrong. There has been no rise in cancer caused by
chemicals, population growth slowed rather than accelerated, oil reserves grew
rather than fell, food production per head increased even in poor countries,
nuclear accidents were few and minor, deserts did not advance, acid rain killed
no forests, the damage to the ozone layer was minimal, the elephant was never in
danger of extinction, rain forests are still 80 per cent intact, sperm counts
did not fall. The extreme greens have been so wrong for so long that you would
think somebody might have noticed. One American, Julian Simon, did try to point
this out in a series of books, but nobody wanted to listen. The temptation of
indulging in environmental guilt was too strong; repeating its message was
almost reassuring: the planet is in ever greater pain and it is all our fault.
Bjørn Lomborg, a Danish statistics professor, came across Simon's argument and
set out to prove it wrong. Instead he ended up proving Simon right in almost
every respect. Four years later he has put his conclusions in a remarkable book,
probably the most important book on the environment ever written. Its importance
lies partly in its relentless statistics. With 173 charts, nine tables and a
staggering 2,930 footnotes, The Skeptical Environmentalist will be a source of
reference for years to come. But it is also a readable, accessible and simple
account of the state of the world, told as much in the illuminating charts as in
the text itself. And it is a fascinating polemic, too. Lomborg exposes the fibs,
half-truths and sleights of hand that have been used to sustain the
ultra-pessimism that so effectively gets us all reaching for our cheque books.
There is the 'evidence' for falling food supplies consisting of three bad years
but ignoring 50 good ones on either side. There is the widely cited soil erosion
statistic that turns out to be based on one study of a 0.11-hectare sloping plot
of Belgian farmland. There is the much-quoted figure of 40,000 species going
extinct each year, which started as an assumption for argument's sake and then
became a "fact". There is the endless citation by the press of worst-case
figures for global warming, rather than most likely. Does it matter? Perhaps
excessive alarmism alerts us to the fact that there is indeed a serious problem.
Lomborg argues that instead it leads us in the wrong direction. Greens from Al
Gore to George Monbiot are perpetually urging that we abandon consumerism so
that we can avoid eco-catastrophe. But actually it is by investing and inventing
that we avoid it. We replace copper wires with glass fibres, coal power stations
with gas, and wild with farmed salmon. Technology, not regulation, is the
solution to environmental problems. Lomborg is confident that cheapening solar
power will make fossil fuels and their emissions redundant long before they run
out or cause damaging global warming. He points out that then it would only
require 2.6 per cent of the Sahara desert to supply all our power needs. A
counsel of despair is wrong for other reasons, too. In the 1960s the best-
selling environmentalist Paul Ehrlich suggested that India should be denied
Western emergency aid because it was in such environmental straits: "sober
analysis shows a hopeless imbalance between food production and population".
Within years of his appalling claim, Western pesticides, fertilisers and new
("terminator") hybrid seeds had transformed Indian agriculture so that it now
supports twice as many people on one-third more calories per head. Thank
goodness we ignored Ehrlich. With many such dud forecasts coming home to roost
at the Millennium, global warming came as a godsend to alarmists. It will be a
century before we know if the alarmists are right, so they can paint

[CTRL] (Fwd) Southern Sovereigns

2001-08-30 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---


US Should Extradite "Hate Mongers" SPLC Claims
First Amendment Shouldn't Protect US Citizens From Foreign Speech Laws
August 30, 2001 13:00:00 PM
Discuss this story in the forum
LSN Staff
Montgomery, Alabama -- In their new issue of the "Intelligence Report"
released today,
the Southern Poverty Law Center has come out in favor of extraditing US
citizens who
violate the speech laws of foreign nations, by criticizing foreign governments,
their leadership, or their policies towards their citizens. Proving that they
are the most dangerous of the extremist anti-free speech "anti-hate" groups
active in America today, the SPLC launched an attack on international
extradition laws stating that "the principle of 'double criminality'" (the
principle that says Americans can only be extradited if what they have done is a
crime in the United States) is posing a "dilemna" that "needs to be solved" --
solved by the extradition of US Citizens to Germany and other nations that pass
laws prohibiting their speech. The SPLC, generally a foe of capital punishment,
admits that this policy would also involve forcing European nations to extradite
individuals to the US to face capital punishment.  It doesn't point out that
this policy would also involve extraditing US citizens critical of the Chinese
government, or US citizens critical of the Iraqi government, to those countries
to face execution for their political views. Though the SPLC's wacky extremist
positions are unlikely to be adopted any time soon, the SPLC enjoys a special
relationship with the US media -- particularly US Today, where at least editor
(who we are not naming -- yet) is virtually on the SPLC pay roll, and CNN, where
the SPLC enjoys good friendships with several of the network's producers. It is
likely to use these positions in the near future to push to undermine the US
First Amendment by claiming that since US Citizens are violating foreign speech
laws, that the US must turn them over to foreign nations for prosecution. It is
also likely this article was coordinated with German Interior Minister Otto
Schily, who is meeting with the Bush Administration in the next few weeks to
discuss the extradition of Americans to Germany for publishing websites the
German government finds offensive. The Southern Poverty Law Center was founded
by Morris Dees, who attempted to rape his 16-year old step daughter in the
1970s, and who kidnapped his wife during a 1977 divorce, locking her in a hotel
room where she was beaten and tortured in an attempt to force her to sign "no
fault" divorce papers.  Dees, a major fundraiser for the Democrats, has used his
influence to suppress information on his past from reaching public ears, and has
maintained a profile as an "anti-hate" watchdog instead. Libertarian Socialist
News Post Office Box 12244 Silver Spring, MD 20908
(check out our messageboards -- discuss this story on-line!)




Southern Poverty Law Center Says Justice Department Must Investigate AF-
Told Ya So ...
8/30/01 11:34:38 AM
Discuss this story in the forum
USA Today
Washington, DC -- [Did we tell you so, or what?  CNN failed, so the used
SPLC to make an end
run ...]
Va. group accused of illegal efforts for racist party
By Kevin Johnson, USA TODAY
WASHINGTON — A civil rights group is asking the Justice Department to
investigate the fundraising activities of a Virginia organization with ties to
the British National Party, an anti-minority group blamed for instigating civil
unrest in the United Kingdom. In a letter to Attorney General John Ashcroft on
Wednesday, the Southern Poverty Law Center accused the American Friends of the
British National Party of raising nearly $100,000 for the party, in violation of
U.S. law. The law center, based in Montgomery, Ala., alleges that the American
Friends group did not register its activities with the Justice Department, as
foreign political organizations are required to do under U.S. law. "The
activities of the AFBNP and (its leader, Mark) Cotterill appear to be exactly
the kind that Congress had in mind when it enacted the Foreign Agents
Registration Act," the law center's general counsel, J. Richard Cohen, said in
the letter to Ashcroft. Cohen referred to legislation passed in 1938 in response
to Nazi officials who were in the USA. Neither Cotterill nor the British
National Party in England responded to requests for comment. The Justice
Department did not comment on the law center's allegations and request for an
investigation. In a policy statement published on its Internet site, the British
National Party says it supports "an immediate halt to all further non-white
immigration (into Britain), the immediate deportation of illegal immigrants and
the introduct

Re: [CTRL] Maine Mandates Dentists Disclose Mercury Amalgam Toxicity

2001-08-30 Thread Theodor Parada, MD

-Caveat Lector-

On 30 Aug 2001, at 21:15, Tenorlove wrote:

Mercury induces neurofibril degeneration similar to that seen in
Alzheimers disease. If you still have mercury in your mouth it would
behoove you to have it removed and replaced with the current new
synthetic or if you like gold, gold being preferable.

> Is it true that having the mercury fillings removed releases more
> mercury into the bloodstream than leaving them in place? Would it be
> worth it? I'm long done nursing and there will be no more babies, so I
> would be doing it for me. And what kind of filling would be best?
> Gold, is there some kind of plastic?";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Maine Mandates Dentists Disclose Mercury Amalgam Toxicity

2001-08-30 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Is it true that having the mercury fillings removed releases more
mercury into the bloodstream than leaving them in place? Would it be
worth it? I'm long done nursing and there will be no more babies, so I
would be doing it for me. And what kind of filling would be best? Gold,
is there some kind of plastic?

"I find television very educating. Every time somebody
turns on the set, I go into the other room
and read a book." Groucho Marx,

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-08-30 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Pravda.RU:Main:More in detail

15:40 2001-08-30


Asa Hutchinson, President Bush's choice for head of the Drug Enforcement
Administration, supports Plan Colombia, which was begun by the Clinton
administration and has, so far, sent US$1.3 billion to the sorry government of
that South American country. Nobody even pretends that the US "investment"
in Colombia's 50-year civil war is likely to stem the flow of drugs and the
record on this score is dispiriting, to say the least. The street price of cocaine
in the United States fell 37 percent from 1990 to 1996, a period of intense
eradication and interdiction activity.

Even Asa Hutchinson, in response to a question from Robert Novak on CNN
Saturday, could only say: "I can look you in the eye and say we need to give
this a chance to work."

He went on to "explain": "The intent and justification for our initiative should
not be to stop the flow of drugs coming to our country. I hope that's a side
benefit, but that's not the justification in my view for the Plan Colombia."

So the new head of the DEA says that the United States government ought to
spend money in Colombia even though he doesn't think it will quell the flow of
drugs into American cities? Why should we do it, then? Hutchinson went on:
"We've got to strengthen that democracy and their dependence to the narco-
traffickers of the drug money is what we're trying to reduce, hopefully as a
side benefit to America here."

An Opportunity Missed The evidence is fairly strong that the Clinton
administration didn't have a very coherent idea of what it was getting the
United States into with Plan Colombia. The US committed itself to the idea
largely through the extraordinary influence within the administration of Gen.
Barry McCaffrey, who resigned earlier this year as head of the White House
Office of National Drug Control Policy, the position generally called "drug

Gen. McCaffrey had such influence largely because the Clinton
administration saw itself as potentially vulnerable on the issue due to the
rumored proclivities of the commander-in-chief (or at least his brother); so we
have a major US military initiative conceived in desperation and confusion,
without serious planning.

We had an administration coming into office whose presidential candidate
had said during the campaign that he was committed to rethinking certain US
overseas commitments, making sure that they really served US interests.
Between the early portions of the campaign and the time Bush assumed
office, it became more obvious than ever that Colombia's neighbors,
especially Ecuador, Brazil and Venezuela, were deeply concerned about the
conflict in Colombia spilling over into their territories. Instead of considering
whether those concerns might be legitimate enough to cause serious
rethinking, however, the Bush administration decided to buy them off and
expand the incursion into the grandiose Andean Initiative, from the more
modestly doomed Plan Colombia.

Only Logical

The problem, of course, is that there is so much money in the drug trade and
such a large differential between the price of coca in the jungle and the price
of refined (and cut) cocaine on American streets that eradication efforts are
viewed by narco-traffickers as simply a cost of doing business. The only
people who really get hurt by the eradication efforts turn out to be small
peasant farmers, the most vulnerable, most innocent and least dangerous
people in the entire equation.

The fact that the street price in the United States has fallen during eradication
efforts doesn't gainsay this factor. Because of the illegality of certain drugs,
the street price of cocaine, for example, is still 10 to 20 times higher than the
pharmaceutical price. The street price might fall, but that still leaves a huge
margin between the cost of production, transportation and a reasonable
profit margin and what the traffickers can get from addicts and other users.

If the eradication campaign were to be modestly successful -- if it were to
reduce production enough to raise the street price a hair or two -- the profit
margins would be even larger and even more people would be lured into the

More Honest but More Doomed

In implicit acknowledgment of the fact that even a more concerted and
expensive war on coca cultivation is likely to have little or no impact on the
supply of cocaine in the United States, some are starting to push for a
straightforward anti-guerrilla intervention into Colombia's civil war; and one
could argue that a straightforward program of aid to the present Colombia
government would at least be more honest than using the War on Drugs as a
cloak for military aid. But such a program would also be much more
expensive, involve more US military personnel, and almost certainly lead to
more US casualties. It might even lead to more resentment and hostility
toward the United States, as if such hostility were not already 

[CTRL] Maine Mandates Dentists Disclose Mercury Amalgam Toxicity

2001-08-30 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

   Maine Mandates Dentists Disclose
   Mercury Amalgam Toxicity
   From Dental Truth

   Maine Governor Angus King today signed the most advanced bill
   in the United States requiring dentists to inform their 
patients that
   amalgam dental fillings contain a large percentage of the toxic
   element mercury, which can be harmful to the wearer's health.

   In his preliminary remarks before signing the bill, Gov. King 
   that Maine has probably taken more action to get mercury out of
   the air and water than any other state in the union. "And yet 
we all
   carry it around in our mouths," he remarked.

   Senate President Michael Michaud spearheaded the bill and
   Representatives Joanne Twoomey and Steven Stanley, all of
   whom were present, spoke at the signing. Consumer advocates
   Pam Anderson and Dr. Tom Anderson, a mercury-free dentist from
   Houlton, ME, who led grassroots support for the bill, 
participated in
   the ceremony as well.

   Senate President Michaud cited the courage of the many
   individuals who testified on behalf of the bill, especially the 
   who came forward to endorse it despite the opposition of the
   American Dental Association. "We hope that the U.S. will take
   Maine's lead and move forward with legislation at the national
   level," he said.

   The bill mandates that every dentist's office will feature a 
   and a brochure informing patients about the presence of mercury
   in amalgam fillings and about its negative health effects.

   Scientific research has shown that dental amalgam is the chief
   source of mercury in the human body. For that reason Rep.
   Twoomey described the bill as a major step forward for women of
   childbearing age and for children, who receive their first 
   to mercury in the womb and from their mother's breast milk.
   Mercury has been implicated in neurological disorders of 
   such as autism and ADD/ADHD, and in fertility problems in women.

   "We are delighted that this bill has been signed," said Rep.
   Stanley. It is a major step forward to protect the health of 

   Pam Anderson added that the group hopes Maine's next step
   would be to ban the use of dental amalgam in all women of
   childbearing age and in children.

   Other participants in the press conference were -

   Kathleen McGee, Director of the Maine Toxic Action Coalition

   Marjorie Monteleone, Maine DAMS (Dental Amalgam Mercury
   Syndrome) Coordinator

   Rosie Cronen, New Hampshire DAMS Coordinator

   Representatives from the Maine People's Alliance, the Maine
   Citizens for Affordable Health Care, and the Maine Department of
   Environmental Protection

   Dr. Gerald Vermette, mercury-free dentist

   Rosemary Fecteau, Ph.D., whose husband died of mercury toxicity
   from his dental fillings

   Charles Brown, attorney for the national organization Consumers
   for Dental Choice

   and New York City DAMS Coordinator Dr. Lydia Bronte, author of
   a widely respected book, THE MERCURY IN YOUR MOUTH: The
   Truth About "Silver" Dental Fillings.

   "The public is being deceived by the terminology used for these
   fillings," said Charles Brown in his remarks. "The ADA calls 
   "silver" fillings, but they are really MERCURY fillings. If 
   knew the principal ingredient is mercury they would not want 
   fillings in their teeth."

   Gov. King compared the current use of mercury in dental fillings
   with the 1950's use in shoe stores of powerful x-ray machines
   called fluoroscopes, which exposed hundr

[CTRL] Scotchgard Strikes Back - More Halogen Fluoride Chemistry

2001-08-30 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

(Could this chemical be responsible for the declining rates of male fertility
worldwide? --SW)

  Scotchgard Strikes Back - More
  Halogen Fluoride Chemistry
 Our Stolen

   Long thought to be chemically so inert as to be biologically
   inactive, emerging studies combined with old data from industry
   files establish that perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) is a
   persistent organic pollutant, with poorly understood but
   health risks to wildlife and people.

   The PFOS story is likely to emerge as one of the apocryphal
   examples of 20th century experimentation with widespread
   chemical exposures: prolific use and almost no testing for 
   until unexpectedly and almost serendipitously, it is discovered 
as a
   contaminant virtually everywhere. And as is often the case in 
   stories, the company producing PFOS products possessed
   information hinting at its risks but chose not to share their 
data with
   regulators or the public for years.

   Extremely resistent to environmental breakdown, PFOS is now a
   ubiquitous contaminant, found in polar bears in the Arctic, 
   in Florida, seals and otters in California, albatross in the
   mid-Pacific, and people world-wide. Traditional scans for
   persistent pollutants missed this exposure for a long time 
   unlike most POPs, PFOS doesn't accumulate in fatty tissue.
   Instead it binds to proteins.

   Data accumulating on its toxicity provide as yet uncertain 
   about its impacts. Long assumed by regulators to be inert and 
   safe, evidence suggesting unsuspected risks lay largely
   unexamined in EPA and company files. They then became too
   ominous to ignore.

   Used as the key ingredient in Scotchgard, the 3M-made fabric
   protector, PFOS has been part of consumer culture for over 40
   years, valued for its ability to protect materials from stains 
   it repels both water and oil. It is widely used in a variety of
   industrial and consumer products, ranging from fire 
   foams to wrapping for microwave popcorn and other food

   In spring 2000, Scotchgard's manufacture, 3M, surprised almost
   everybody by announcing they would eliminate their line of
   PFOS-related products by 2002.

   When 3M announced it was removing Scotchgard and related
   chemicals from its product line the company was lauded for its
   environmental responsibility. According to 3M, it was 
eliminating a
   profitable part of its business--worth some $300 milliion per
   year--on the basis of precautionary concerns raised because
   PFOS was accumulating in a wide diversity of species, including
   people "at extremely low levels." 3M's press release disclaimed
   any health threats, asserting that over 700 studies established 
   chemical's safety.

   As detailed by an EPA analysis (pdf file) of 3M's own documents,
   however, disturbing information had been accumulating for some
   time about PFOS toxicity.

   For example:

   According to EPA's assessment of 3M data, PFOS caused
   postnatal deaths (and other developmental effects) in offspring 
in a
   3M-run 2-generation reproductive effects rat study (NOAEL of 0.1
   mg/kg/day and LOAEL of 0.4 mg/kg/day). At higher doses in this
   study, all progeny in first generation died while at the LOAEL 
   of the progeny from the second generation died. It is very 
   to see such second generation effects." A 3M study (pdf file) 
of the
   effect of PFOS on monkeys found that exposed individuals
   exhibited "low food consumption, excessive salivation, labored

[CTRL] R.A.Wilson-Why Hannibal Lector Would Make A Better Pres. Than G.W.

2001-08-30 Thread William Shannon

Why Hannibal Lecter Would
Make a Better President
than George W. Bush

by Robert Anton Wilson


How do you handle your rage?
-- Dr Lecter's last question to Clarice
in The Silence of the Lambs [the book,
not the movie]


The other night I dreamed of myself riding a crowded New York subway,
standing and holding a handgrip. I got off at Avenue of the Americas and
entered an office building. Suddenly I found myself not walking but in my
current wheel-chair -- a dream leap of 40 years -- but still, as in my '20s,
working at a job that profoundly bored me.
A cheerful and friendly receptionist wheeled me to an executive with whom I
had an appointment. Then I suddenly had a total memory lapse and could not
remember why I had to see this man or even what I should say. With deep
humiliation I realized that I had gotten lost in daydreams about the books I
wanted to write and lost track of my "real" job. I felt, as I often did in my
20s, incompetent, "maladjusted," a born failure, Americanus nondesirabilis.
Suddenly the executive turned into Hannibal Lecter and we sat drinking coffee
and discussing literature in a Paris cafe. He wore the snappy Panama
hat with an exquisite Armani suit that he had sported in Hannibal -- the
movie, not the book. I told him that the writers I enjoy most [Swift, Twain,
Bierce, Faulkner, Joyce, Pound, Chandler, Higgins] all contained a special
flavor of satire that I could not precisely define even though I think it
permeates my own books; "acid satire" hardly seemed satisfactory.

"I think I have the word you need," Dr Lecter said genially. "Biting. You
write biting satire." And he showed his small white teeth in a gentle smile.


Everybody knows that the President of the United States at this time in
history needs to have the personality and temperment of a serial killer. Of
course, many people do not like to hear the matter stated so bluntly, and
prefer euphemisms, but we all know that a modern president has to kill lots
and lots of people, right? We all agree on that. And he can't hesitate or
dillydally about it [Carter's Folly]; that shows "squeeky softness."
[My use of "he" and "man" does not signify "unconscious sexism." An America
with a woman president would have changed so much that no current
generalizations could predict it.]
According to the corporate media, which allows all shades of opinion from the
far right to the middle-of-the road, America has vicious enemies on all
continents [except maybe Antartica.] These enemies, driven by motiveless
malignancy, want to destroy us and take all we own. Worse yet, except for
Pearl Harbor in 1941 -- 70 years ago -- they have not had the raw courage to
attack us on our own soil, so we have to go fight them in their own lands.
Hence, by this analysis, our president must have no compunction about
spilling blood; in short, like it or not, he must have the soul -- or
soullessness -- of a serial killer.
A rival "leftish" view, banned from the corporate media but widely available
on Internet, holds that the world does not consist entirely of endless
enemies, but does contain many, many peoples who want to get out from under
the heel of the IMF, the World Bank and the multi-nationals. "Our"
government, in this view, actually belongs not to us but to these giant
money-cows, who finance the two major parties and ensure that no third party
ever gets decent coverage in their media. The government then acts as Company
Cop for the rich, suppressing all attempts at rebellion or national
liberation etc. Thus, once again,
via a dissenting ideology, we arrive at the conclusion that the president
must think, feel and act like a serial killer.
The only pragmatic [non-theoretical] issue that can divide us then remains
only: what kind or flavor of serial killer do we want in the oval office? Or,
even more pragmatically, what sort of serial killer can best represent the
rich who pay campaign expenses?
I think Hannibal Lecter, M.D. would satisfy me, and might even satisfy the
owners and proprietors of USCorp, much better than George W. Bush. Do we want
a bumbling amateur or a man who really has a talent as well as a relish for
multiple homicide?
I can see no room for debate here. The Lyin' Scion may have killed a hell of
a lot more people than Hannibal, by a margin of about 200 to one, but he does
it without flair or zest. Hannibal really puts his heart and soul into the
work, and even adds a touch of surrealist humor at times.
Consider also the other functions of the president.
In the first place, since we like to pretend that we still have a democracy
here, I assert that Dr. Lecter could win an election honestly, without any of
the taint of felony that blemishes Shrub, who lost the popular vote and won
by malodorous and questionable electoral votes in Florida. Dr. Lecter, by
contrast, seems an honest box office smash, his latest film grossing
$100,000,000 its first 

[CTRL] Fwd: You'll want to keep this for reference over labor day.

2001-08-30 Thread Kris Millegan

InfoTrac Web: Custom Newspapers.

   Source:  The Houston Chronicle (Houston, TX), Jan 10, 1999 p22.

Title:  WORLD WAR II's MYSTERY SUB; Voyage and surrender of a German
U-boat in 1945 may prove one of the conflict's most ironic
   Author:  Bob Tutt

Electronic Collection:  CJ64126336
   RN:  CJ64126336

Full Text COPYRIGHT 1999 Houston Chronicle Publishing Company Division, Hearst
Newspapers Partnership, LP

GRIM-faced Marines clutching rifles lined a walkway for Germans who landed
from a huge Nazi submarine in the closing days of World War II.

News reporters gathering at Portsmouth, N.H., on that day, May 19, 1945,
received a grim warning: The leathernecks would shoot anyone trying to talk to
these Germans.

This puzzled the journalists because they had easy access to other U-boat
crews landing there since Germany's surrender 11 days earlier ended the war in

Adding to the mystery that day was a scowling German clad in civilian clothes
who drew most of the attention from the onlookers. He clearly was some sort of
big shot, but none of the reporters recognized him.

One news story described him "as tall, dark, stout and middle-aged" and
attired in "an old gray hat, trenchcoat with belt and a dark suit of civvies."
A banner headline in the Boston Evening Globe that day described him as
"Mystery Man on Huge Nazi Sub." His identity remains unknown.

Carter Hydrick, a history scholar in Houston, is one of the researchers who
have continued to dig into the story of the submarine, the U-234. He contends
the mystery man may well have been Heinrich Mueller, the chief of the Nazis'
terroristic Gestapo.

Going further, Hydrick says a strong circumstantial case can be made that the
U-234's surrender on the high seas actually was a setup engineered in the
war's final stages by Martin Bormann, the powerful chancellor of the Nazi
Party and dictator Adolf Hitler's most influential adviser.

In return for a load of atomic bomb fuel, the activated uranium substance
scientists have designated as U235, and other war goods loaded on the
submarine, Hydrick theorizes, Bormann and his longtime partner-in-crime,
Mueller, were allowed to escape prosecution as war criminals and live in safe

"It's one of those weird, coincidental, cosmic kind of things," Hydrick said,
"that the submarine U-234 would carry U235 and that they would have
consecutive numbers."

The U-234, originally designed as a minelayer, was three times the size of the
Nazi subs that preyed on Allied shipping.

That enabled it to take on an amazing assortment of war goods it ostensibly
had set out to deliver to Japan, then still battling against the Allies in the
Pacific and Asian theaters.

The sub bore crates containing two dismantled German Messerschmidt 262s, the
only jet fighter to see World War II combat; plans and parts to assemble
powerful, long-range V-2 rockets, against which no defense existed; and
advanced silent, electric-powered torpedoes.

But most astounding were blocks of U235, that the Japanese could have used to
make atomic bombs. There were 560 kilograms, or 1,120 pounds, of this
substance, enough, Hydrick says, to arm as many as 10 atomic bombs.

That may well have set the stage for an ironic historical episode. After the
submarine carrying the uranium fell into American hands, the material may have
gone into the making of the atom bomb that hammered Hiroshima, Japan, on Aug.
6, 1945, Hydrick and other researchers theorize.

For years, assorted historical researchers have probed to determine if this
was how the captured German U235 was put to use. If true, it's not something
that U.S. government officials, at least to now, have been willing to verify.

Hydrick says he has turned up documents providing "the strongest evidence to
date" that the German shipment of uranium did, in fact, help fuel the atomic
bomb that devastated Hiroshima.

Through declassified documents found at the Library of Congress and the
National Archives in Washington and Atlanta, Hydrick says he was the first
researcher to ascertain that the uranium carried by the U-234 was enriched,
bomb grade fuel and that it was later shipped to scientistsworking on the
Manhattan Project, which produced the first atomic bombs.

Additionally, he says, he has found evidence that Heinz Schlicke, a German
scientist aboard the U-234, may well have provided infrared fuses used in the
triggering mechanisms for the other two atomic bombs that the United States
detonated weeks later in the summer of 1945.

In the National Archives there is a formerly secret cable "recounting how
Schlicke was flown back to the U-234 site to retrieve those infrared fuses,"
Hydrick says.

One of these two bombs in question was the first tested. It detonated in a
remote stretch of New Mexico desert near Alamogordo on July 16. The other was
the bomb that ripped Nagasaki, Japan, on Aug. 9, three days after the
Hiroshima attack.

These two we

[CTRL] Fwd: Second Amendment Stuff - Anti-Gun Organizations

2001-08-30 Thread Saba

Note the names on this list - the one isn't that the 22 year old who
just got killed in a plane off Nassau in Bahamas - a friend of mine said
plane was loaded with something other than just musical instruments -
and yet is quite about it.

Seems like they were leaving with a lot more baggage ...her name
appears all throughout web as first on star list with known drug users -
note Whitney Houston - where they gettting the drugs?

Organizations and Supporters of Anti-Gun Policies
The following organizations have lent monetary, grassroots or some other
type of direct support to anti-gun organizations. In many instances,
these organizations lent their name in support of specific campaigns to
pass anti-gun legislation such as the March 1995 HCI "Campaign to
Protect Sane Gun Laws." Many of these organizations were listed as
"Campaign Partners," for having pledged to fight any efforts to repeal
the Brady Act and the Clinton "assault weapons" ban. All have officially
endorsed anti-gun positions.

20/20 Vision
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
American Academy of Pediatrics
American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing
American Academy of Pediatrics
American Alliance for Rights and Responsibilities
American Association of Retired Persons
American Association of School Administrators
American Association for the Surgery of Trauma
American Association for World Health
American Association of Neurological Surgeons
American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
American Bar Association
American Civil Liberties Union
American Counseling Association
American Ethical Union
American Federation of Teachers
American Firearms Association
American Jewish Committee
American Jewish Congress
American Medical Association
American Medical Women's Association
American Medical Student Association
American Nurses Association
American Psychological Association
American Public Health Association
American Trauma Society
Americans for Democratic Action
Anti-Defamation League
Association of American Medical Colleges
B'nai B'rith
Black Mental Health Alliance
Central Conference of American Rabbis
Children s Defense Fund
Church of the Brethren
Coalition for Peace Action
Coalition to Stop Gun Violence
College Democrats of America
Committee for the Study of Handgun Misuse & World Peace Common Cause
Congress of National Black Churches, Inc. Congress of Neurological
Surgeons Consumer Federation of America Council of Chief State School
Officers Council of the Great City Schools Dehere Foundation Disarm
Educational Fund Environmental Action Foundation Episcopal Church, USA
Episcopal Church-Washington Office Florence and John Shumann Foundation
Friends Committee on National Legislation General Federation of Women's
Clubs George Gund FundAmbulatory Pediatric Association Gray Panthers
H.M. Strong Foundation
Harris Foundation
Hechinger Foundation
Int'l Association of Educators for World Peace
Int'l Ladies' Garment Workers' Union
Interfaith Neighbors
Jewish Labor Committee
Joyce Foundation
Lauder Foundation
Lawrence Foundation
League of Women Voters of the United States*
Lutheran Office for Governmental Affairs, Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America Manhattan Project II Mennonite Central Committee-Washington
Office National Assembly of National Voluntary Health & Social Welfare
Organizations National Association of School Psychologists National
Association of Children's Hospitals and Related Institutions National
Association of Chain Drug Stores National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People National Association of Police
Organizations National Association of Social Workers National
Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates & Practitioners National
Association of School Safety and Law Enforcement Officers National
Association of Elementary School Principals* National Association of
Public Hospitals National Association of Secondary School Principals
National Association of Counties* National Association of Community
Health Centers National Black Nurses' Association National Center to
Rehabilitate Violent Youth National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
National Commission for Economic Conversion & Disarmament National
Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA National Council of Jewish
Women National Council on Family Relations National Council of La Raza
National Council of Negro Women National Education Association* National
League of Cities National Network for Youth National Organization for
Women National Organization on Disability National Parent, Teachers
Association* National Parks and Conservation Association National Peace
Foundation National People's Action National Political Congress of Black
Women National Safe Kids Campaign National SAFE KIDS Campaign National
Spinal Cord Injury Association National Urban League, Inc. National
Urban Coalition NETWORK: A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby
Ortenberg Foundation Peace

[CTRL] Fwd: Live webcast of LaRouche address on Saturday

2001-08-30 Thread William Shannon

LaRouche in 2004
P.O. Box 730
Leesburg, Va. 20178

Press Release


Aug. 28 -- Presidential candidate Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., founder of
Executive Intelligence Review magazine, will give a major address at 2 pm.
(Eastern Daylight Time) on Saturday, September 1, which will be the
broadcast live over the Internet. LaRouche is a registered candidate for
the Democratic Party Presidential nomination for 2004.
"You Have Nothing To Fear As Much as Denial Itself," will be the topic of
LaRouche's speech, which will be given in conjunction with the annual
Labor Day Conference of the Schiller Institute (for more information, go
to and the International Caucus of Labor
Committees. That conference is devoted to the theme of "How to Defeat the
Depression Which has Already Arrived."
As the Conference invitation notes: "Under these conditions, the only
question to be raised now, is: Can our citizens discover in themselves the
political wisdom and will to choose to survive this depression against
which LaRouche has warned, and which has now, in fact, already arrived?
The question is: do the U.S. citizens have the ability to avoid repeating
the terrible mistakes made by nearly all those voters in the 2000
Presidential election-campaign?"
LaRouche's keynote will be available on the Internet at, and two other sites: and
Further information on the broadcast of other conference speeches is
available through the offices of EIR (888-347-3258) or LaRouchein2004 (800-

Lyndon LaRouche has issued a statement on the planned terrorist violence
in Washington, DC by "anti-globalization" gangs, who are actually under
the control of such Establishment figures as George Soros and Teddy
Goldsmith. LaRouche directs his statement especially to the leadership of
American labor, which has foolishly allied itself with these gangs.
LaRouche warns, "It is extremely important that those elements of U.S.
organized labor who have permitted their organizations to be entangled in
sympathy for this terrorist gang, break openly from the operations already
being prepared for the terrorist-style riots now being prepared for both
the District of Columbia and areas of the adjoining states... Labor and
others should pull out all support from the intended terrorist deployment
into Washington, D.C." Read the full statement on the website and print it
out for distribution to trade union leaders and members.

Paid for by LaRouche in 2004

This message is sent to you as someone who has requested, either through
personal contact with a representative of LaRouche in 2004 or who
requested through e-mail on our website, to receive information by e-mail
about our activities and website. It was composed using special e-mail
software. If you wish to be removed from our future mailings, please reply
with "Remove" in the subject line and this software will automatically
block you from any future mailings. Due to the high volume of e-mail we
receive, following the above directions is the only way to insure prompt

[CTRL] Al-Fayed Promises New Evidence Re: Diana's Death

2001-08-30 Thread William Shannon

Dodi Fayed's Father Promises 'New Evidence' on Diana's Death

Aug. 30 —One day before the fourth anniversary of the death of Princess Diana 
and her companion Dodi Fayed, representatives for Dodi's father intend to 
reveal new information on the tragedy. 
A year ago, Mohammed Al Fayed filed lawsuits to force a number of U.S. 
agencies to release files he claims will prove the deaths of his son Dodi and 
Diana were the result of a conspiracy.

Today his representatives said in a statement they would present an update on 
his court battles with the U.S. government. A news conference is scheduled 
for 9:30 a.m. ET in Washington.
In a press release, the Egyptian tycoon's representatives said they planned 
to release "astonishing details on the medical condition of Princess Diana at 
the time of her death." Al Fayed is the owner of Britain's Harrods' 
department stores.
They also said they would release "distressing details of the French 
magistrate's failure to preserve crucial evidence relating to Henri Paul, the 
driver killed in the crash."
And they promised "new information on the United States and United Kingdom 
vendetta against former MI6 spy Richard Tomlinson." Tomlinson wrote an expose 
on MI6 — Britain's intelligence agency — which included details on the Diana 
Evidence Expected
Despite the findings of a French court that the deaths were caused by drunk 
driving on the part of Paul, Al Fayed repeatedly alleges the British security 
services engineered the crash to keep Diana from marrying a Muslim man. 
The details revealed in today's conference are expected to corroborate Al 
Fayed's suspicions.
The pair, along with Paul, were killed Aug. 31, 1997 in a high-speed crash in 
Al Fayed says the couple were about to wed, and that Diana was expecting his 
grandchild when they were killed, but Diana's circle of friends have 
dismissed the claims.
Meanwhile, Tomlinson's book, The Big Breach, which revealed the inner 
workings of the British intelligence service, revealed several pieces of 
circumstantial evidence that have encouraged Al Fayed.
In the book, Tomlinson wrote that Paul was an MI6 informer and that he was 
missing for a half-hour before the fateful drive, and that he had a large 
amount of money in his pocket when he died. 
Tomlinson believes Paul met with a handler before the incident. 
Searching for Royal Word
Al Fayed launched his suit last year against 10 American agencies, including 
the CIA, the National Security Agency, the FBI and the State Department. A 
number of agencies have complied, but not all of them. 
Fayed said in court records that he believes the NSA, which gathers 
intelligence through high-tech means, "may have secretly recorded Princess 
Diana's telephone conversations."
Friday's remembrances for Diana are expected to be subdued. 
Althorp, the Spencer family’s ancestral home and burial site of the princess, 
is open a few weeks each summer to the public but always closes on the 
anniversary of her death. 

[CTRL] Operation Cumulus

2001-08-30 Thread William Shannon

RAF rainmakers 'caused 1952 flood'

Unearthed documents suggest experiment triggered torrent that killed 35 in
Devon disaster

John Vidal and Helen Weinstein
Thursday August 30, 2001
The Guardian

On August 15, 1952, one of the worst flash floods ever to have occurred in
Britain swept through the Devon village of Lynmouth. Thirty five people died
as a torrent of 90m tons of water and thousands of tons of rock poured off
saturated Exmoor and into the village destroying homes, bridges, shops and

The disaster was officially termed "the hand of God" but new evidence from
previously classified government files suggests that a team of international
scientists working with the RAF was experimenting with artificial rainmaking
in southern Britain in the same week and could possibly be implicated.

Squadron Leader Len Otley, who was working on what was known as Operation
Cumulus, has told the BBC that they jokingly referred to the rainmaking
exercise as Operation Witch Doctor.

His navigator, Group Captain John Hart, remembers the success of these early
experiments: "We flew straight through the top of the cloud, poured dry ice
down into the cloud. We flew down to see if any rain came out of the cloud.
And it did about 30 minutes later, and we all cheered."

The meteorological office has in the past denied there were any rainmaking
experiments conducted before 1955, but a BBC Radio 4 history investigation,
to be broadcast tonight, has unearthed documents recently released at the
public record office showing that they were going on from 1949 to 1955. RAF
logbooks and personnel corroborate the evidence.

Until now, the Ministry of Defence has categorically denied knowledge of any
cloud-seeding experiments taking place in the UK during early August 1952.
But documents suggest that Operation Cumulus was going on between August 4
and August 15 1952. The scientists were based at Cranfield school of
aeronautics and worked in collaboration with the RAF and the MoD's
meteorological research flight based at Farnborough. The chemicals were
provided by ICI in Billingham.

Met office reports from these dates describe flights undertaken to collect
data on cumulus cloud temperature, water content, icing rate, vertical
motions and turbulence, and water droplet and ice crystal formation. There is
no mention of cloud seeding.

But a 50-year-old radio broadcast unearthed by Radio 4 describes an
aeronautical engineer and glider pilot, Alan Yates, working with Operation
Cumulus at the time and flying over Bedfordshire, spraying quantities of
salt. He was elated when the scientists told him this had led to a heavy
downpour 50 miles away over Staines, in Middlesex.

"I was told that the rain had been the heaviest for several years - and all
out of a sky which looked summery ... there was no disguising the fact that
the seedsman had said he'd make it rain, and he did. Toasts were drunk to
meteorology and it was not until the BBC news bulletin [about Lynmouth] was
read later on, that a stony silence fell on the company," said Mr Yates at
the time.

Operation Cumulus was put on hold indefinitely after the tragedy.

Declassified minutes from an air ministry meeting, held in the war office on
November 3, 1953, show why the military were interested in increasing rain
and snow by artificial means. The list of possible uses included "bogging
down enemy movement", "incrementing the water flow in rivers and streams to
hinder or stop enemy crossings", and clearing fog from airfields.

The documents also talk of rainmaking having a potential "to explode an
atomic weapon in a seeded storm system or cloud. This would produce a far
wider area of radioactive contamination than in a normal atomic explosion".

UK weather modification experiments at the time presaged current practice in
the US. The idea was to target "super cool" clouds, and to increase the
volume of freezing water vapour particles. Most methods involved firing
particles of salt, dry ice, or silver iodide, into clouds, either from an
aeroplane or from burners on the ground. The clouds would then precipitate,
pulled down below freezing point by the extra weight of dense particles, thus
making it rain sooner and heavier than it might have done. Significantly, it
was claimed that silver iodide could cause a downpour up to 300 miles away.

Many countries now use the technology, which has considerably improved during
the past 50 years.

But controversy still surrounds the efficacy of these early cloud-seeding
experiments. In 1955 questions were asked in the Commons about the
possibilites of liability and compensation claims. Documents seen by the BBC
suggest that both the air ministry and the Treasury became very anxious and
were aware that rainmaking could cause damage, not just to military targets
and personnel, but also to civilians.

The British Geological Survey has recently examined soil sediments in the

[CTRL] From Bloodbaths In East Timor To A Suicide In Alexandria

2001-08-30 Thread William Shannon

August 30, 2001

From the Bloodbaths
In East Timor to a Suicide in Alexandria

Sandra Jenkins woke up about 6 am on a muggy June morning outside Washington,
DC in 1999 to find a note from on her husband on the night-table beside the
bed. "Spread my ashes at our house in Fadden." She called a friend and told
her, "I think Merv has done something to himself". The friend told Sandra
that she had to go find him before the kids did.

"I went downstairs". recalled Sandra to the Australian news program Four
Corners, earlier this year. "I was hoping to find him asleep on the sofa.
Maybe he'd taken some sleeping pills. But he wasn't there. I opened the
Venetian blinds and I saw him standing outside. I thought he was standing.
But something wasn't right. I followed his body down and he washe was

The man at the end of the rope was Merv Jenkins, a top intelligence officer
with the Australian security forces. He had killed himself on his birthday at
his home on Spy Hill, in Arlington, Virginia.

His wife, Sandra, believes that Merv was driven to suicide by the CIA. The
story, which has received no press attention in the US, involves the complex
and bloody relationship between US and Australian intelligence agencies, the
Indonesia military and East Timor.

Jenkins was one of Australia's top covert operatives. He had led the
Australian special forces group, known as the 660 Signal Troop, which
coordinated communications for numerous operations inside East Timor, when
Australian forces were essentially working has hired guns for Suharto and the
CIA. Later Jenkins became the commanding officer for Australia's electronic
warfare department.

Then in 1996 Jenkins got what he thought was his dream job: top liaison
between Australia's Defense Intelligence Organization and the CIA and Defense
Intelligence Agency. In this position, Jenkins was supposed to pass on
satellite imagery and intercepted communications from Indonesia to the

Jenkins arrived in Washington at a fraught moment. Despite the best efforts
of the CIA and the Australian military, the Suharto regime was beginning to
crumble and the independence movement inside East Timor was once again
gaining momentum and being countered with increasingly vicious reprisals by
Indonesian troops, acting on intelligence provided by US and Australian

The CIA repeatedly carped that the intelligence coming from Australia on
Indonesia matters, including East Timor, was "insufficiently detailed" and
"too anodyne" in nature. The Agency threatened Jenkins that if things didn't
improve they were going to cut the Aussies off from the intelligence gathered
at Pine Gap, the satellite control complex outside Alice Springs, which
eavesdrops on Iraq, Indonesia, Afghanistan, India and China.

"Merv was angry because the CIA was upset that he wasn't passing over more
information that they really required, and that they, the CIA, expected a lot
more out of Australia. They expected a lot more information", Peter Czeti, a
former intelligence officer at the Australian embassy in DC, told the
Canberra Times, " We would be requested for intelligence material by our
allies on numerous occasionsWe would make those requests and send them back
to Australia and they would sit there. And I mean for months, years. And they
were never fulfilled. And these were areas that we were experts in, so
there's no reason why we couldn't have provided the material. It's just that
it never happened."

In fact, there were plenty of reasons why the Australian intelligence
agencies may have been reluctant to turn over detailed intelligence reports
on the operations of the Aussie military in East Timor. During Clintontime,
the Australians had largely become a surrogate for US operatives in the
region, even as Clinton moved to distance the administration from the
collapsing Suharto regime and the rampages of the Indonesian military.

For example, in May Captain Andrew Plunkett, an intelligence office for the
3rd Battalion of the Royal Australian Regiment, who served in East Timor said
that the Australian intelligence agencies instructed his and other units to
conceal evidence of war crimes by the Indonesia army and militias.

Plunkett, who now faces prosecution for violating government secrecy laws,
charges that the Australian military ignored intelligence reports about the
impending massacre of 50 people at a police station in the East Timor border
town of Maliana in September, 1999. "Australian intelligence sources had
accurately reported on Indonesian plans to kill independence supporters in
Maliana, but those reports were pushed up the chain of command, hosed down
and politically wordsmithed by the Asia Division of the Department of Foreign
Affairs and Trade", Plunkett told the Australian TV show Dateline on May 9 of
this year. "None of this information was passed on to the UN troops on the

When Indonesian militias attacked independence demonstrators

[CTRL] 1980 UK "UFO Crash" Panicked MoD

2001-08-30 Thread William Shannon,3604,543150,00.html

US base's report of UFO crash 'had MoD in a panic'

Richard Norton-Taylor
Tuesday August 28, 2001
The Guardian

A report by the deputy commander of a US nuclear base in East Anglia of an
unidentified flying object provoked panic in the Ministry of Defence,
newly-released documents have revealed.

In what was claimed to be Britain's first UFO landing, Lieutenant Colonel
Charles Halt, commander of the US Bentwaters base near Woodbridge in Suffolk,
reported that two of his security patrolmen had seen "unusual lights" early
in the morning of December 27, 1980.

Thinking that an aircraft had crashed, they reported seeing "a strange
glowing object in the Rendlesham forest". The object was described as being
"metallic in appearance and triangular in shape".

It had a "pulsing red light on top and bank of blue lights underneath".

Animals on a nearby farm were said to have gone into a " frenzy". The
following day three depressions were found as well as traces of radiation,
Col Halt reported.

His report was released under the US freedom of information act two years
later. What has not been disclosed until now is the MoD's response to it.

British papers on the incident have been discovered by David Clarke, a
researcher at Sheffield University who is writing a book on UFOs.

The Halt report was sent to the MoD with a covering letter by Squadron Leader
Donald Moreland, an RAF liaison officer, who referred to "some mysterious

The ministry's scientists said they could offer "no explanation for the
phenomena", or the radiation. Radar tapes from the night in question were
impounded from nearby RAF bases to see if there was any evidence that British
airspace had been invaded.

The papers make clear the MoD was concerned more about protecting the base
from unwelcome publicity than about the alleged UFO sightings.

The ministry was worried about rumours being spread suggesting that the
"alien landing" was a clever cover story for an accident involving nuclear
weapons, the crash of a prototype Stealth aircraft, or even the secret
recovery of part of a Soviet satellite.

It was also worried that anti-nuclear campaigners would be alerted to the
presence of nuclear bombs at Bentwaters.

Yet it had something else to hide. Five documents are being withheld on the
grounds that they contain confidential briefings to ministers, relate to
national security, or affect Britain's relations with the US.

Dr Clarke, of Sheffeld University's centre for English cultural tradition,
and whose book is due to be published by Piatkus next year, has asked the MoD
to release them.

He said: "Here we had USAF servicemen at a highly sensitive Nato base chasing
UFOs around a forest in the middle of the night."

He added: "The files raise questions about how easily our defences could be

[CTRL] Boy Band Rake$ In Anti-Drug Propaganda Money

2001-08-30 Thread William Shannon

FILED 08/01/2001

The White House Office of National Drug Control Policy has forged an $800,000
alliance with pop sensations N'SYNC as part of its National Youth Anti-Drug
Media Campaign.

The multimillion-selling boy group N'SYNC is running a "What's Your
Anti-Drug?" public-service announcement for the White House Office of
National Drug Control Policy on their Website,, as well as
during each show of their 45-date Celebrity 2001 tour this summer.

The ad features group members listing a variety of activities, such as "mind
reading," "hand puppets," and more, telling viewers, "These are our
anti-drugs. What's yours?" It's part of an $800,000 ad-buy deal worked out
between Ogilvy and Mather , which manages the advertising component of the
ONDCP's National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign, and MusicVision,
(, an ad agency specializing in managing music Websites,
including N'SYNC's.

The ONDCP's media campaign, now in Phase III, began in 1997, when Congress
authorized up to $195 million a year for it for five years . For every dollar
spent on advertising by the ONDCP, the organization that sells the ad space
is supposed to donate a matching amount. This was meant by Congress to ensure
the well-funded ONDCP ads do not supplant free ads already being produced by
groups such as the Partnership for a Drug-Free America.

"The talent for the PSA was not paid and was not credited as part of the
match. That was outside of the ad buy," carefully stressed Ann Saybolt of the
Fleishman-Hillard public relations firm, the campaign's "outreach
contractor." "That is sort of a standard thing for the ONDCP, that ONDCP
doesn't pay for talent."

The $800,000 in taxpayers money paid to N'SYNC, she explains, "includes
advertising on their Website, it includes all the features on their Website,
it includes the antidrug micro site, all the banner advertising, the
whole-page link to the antidrug micro site, and then the development and
production. They completely produced that, all of that content online." The
time spent by N'SYNC filming the 30-second spot, and their showing the PSA
both online and at concerts, qualifies as the pro-bono match owed by Music
Vision to the ONDCP.

Who the Hell Is Watching the Money?
The N'SYNC PSA was produced "from beginning to end," according to Saybolt, by
Madison Avenue advertising giant Ogilvy, which was awarded the Phase III
cost-reimbursement contract by the ONDCP three years ago, for a total value
of $684 million.

Ogilvy has been under investigation by the Government Accounting Office for
shady billing practices, ( On June
25, the GAO released yet another report,
(, noting the "US government
disallowed $7.6 million out of $24.2 million in total labor costs billed by
Ogilvy for the first 19 months of their involvement with the Campaign." This
has been referred to the US Department of Justice for possible further action.

"We found that some of Ogilvy's labor charges to the government were not
reliable, and included charges for time that its employees did not work on
the contract. According to company officials, and an internal company e-mail,
after revenue on the contract did not meet projections in the summer of 1999,
certain Ogilvy managers instructed some employees to review and revise their
time sheets," reads the June 25 GAO report. "Some Ogilvy employees told us
that they initially did not record all their work on the ONDCP contract, and
that they revised their time sheets to increase the number of hours that they
claimed to have worked. However, some of the employees told us they did not
work the amount of additional time that was added to their time sheets, or
could not fully explain why they increased the number of hours billed to the
ONDCP contract. Time sheets for other employees, (not those who changed their
time sheets after certain Ogilvy managers instructed them to), also showed
changes that increased the number of hours charged for the ONDCP work.
However, some employees said they did not make those changes to their time
sheets, nor could they explain who made the changes and why."

Not only did Ogilvy overcharge the government, but the ONDCP has been engaged
in seriously lax management of the multimillion-dollar contract.

Is the Campaign Geared Towards Youth, or Congressional Drug-Warrior Moneymen?
"The goal is to surround teens with vital drug-use-prevention messages,
provide adults with practical information to help them raise drug-free kids,
and encourage accurate portrayal of drug issues in entertainment media so
that pop culture does not perpetuate myths about drugs and drug use," reads
the stated goals of the ONDCP's entertainment-outreach efforts for the
campaign. "Well, I think that the message in the PSA is the antidrugs, the
antidrugs listed in that spot, thin

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Hollywood changes movies to please the military

2001-08-30 Thread Kris Millegan


My Groups |
konformist Main Page

Guardian, Aug 29, 2001

Top Gun versus Sergeant Bilko? No contest,
says the Pentagon 
Scripts can often be the first
casualty in Hollywood's theatre of war
Duncan Campbell
in Los Angeles

Hollywood film-makers have frequently changed plot lines,
altered history and amended scripts at the request of the Pentagon,
according to recently released military documents. Producers and
directors have often agreed to changes in order to gain access to
expensive military hardware or to be able to film on military property.

On many occasions films have been changed so that the US armed forces are
shown in a more heroic fashion. Film companies agree to the changes
because doing so saves them millions in production costs. If film-makers
do not agree to alterations, assistance is withheld. 

Among films that have been given approval and help by the Pentagon are
Armageddon, Air Force One, The Jackal, Pearl Harbour and Top Gun. Those
that have failed the test include Forrest Gump, Mars Attacks!, The Thin
Red Line, Apocalypse Now, Sgt Bilko, Platoon and Independence Day. 

One internal army memo about Forrest Gump, which starred Tom Hanks,
suggested that "the generalised impression that the army of the
1960s was staffed by the guileless or by soldiers of limited
intelligance" was unacceptable. "This impression is neither
accurate nor beneficial to the army." 

Of the scene when Tom Hanks shows a scar on his buttock to President
Johnson, a navy memo states: "The 'mooning' of a president by a
uniformed solider is not acceptable cinematic licence." 

The documents indicate that the Pentagon sees the film business as an
important part of public relations. "Military depictions have become
more of a 'commercial' for us," said one memo quoted in an
investigation by David Robb in the current issue of the media magazine
Brill's Content. 

In GI Jane, the 1997 film starring Demi Moore, one scene in a foxhole
originally showed a male serviceman having difficulty relieving himself
in her presence. "While addressing issues related to the presence of
women in front-line ground combat, the urination scene in the foxhole
carries no benefit to the US navy," wrote US navy commander Gary
Shrout to the director, Ridley Scott. Scott wrote back that "this
scene has been eliminated" and agreed to other changes but the end
result was still unacceptable. 

In Hearts in Atlantis, due out later this year and starring Anthony
Hopkins, there is no military plot but the film-makers wanted to use land
belonging to the army. The Pentagon agreed and suggested that the film
could include a shot of an army recruiting booth in a carnival scene.

When Top Gun, starring Tom Cruise, opened in the US, navy recruiting
booths were set up in cinemas. Cooperation had been given after the
character played by Kelly McGillis was changed from an enlisted woman to
someone outside the service, as relationships between officers and
enlisted personnel are forbidden in the navy. 

The film companies are often shown in the documents to be more than
anxious to help. "We firmly believe that with the support of the
US military, Armageddon will be the biggest film of 1998, while
illustrating the expertise, leadership and heroism of the US
military," wrote Disney executive Philip Nemy to the Pentagon. 

The Jackal, starring Bruce Willis and Richard Gere, received help after
the marines were given a better role. Major Nancy LaLuntas had objected
that the helicopter pilots had no "integral part in the action -
they are effectively taxi drivers." 

A letter from film's director, Michael Caton-Jones, stated: "I am
certain that we can address the points that you raised ... and effect the
appropriate changes in the screenplay that you requested." 

In GoldenEye, the 1995 James Bond film, the original script had a US Navy
admiral betraying state secrets, but this was changed to make the traitor
a member of the French navy - after which cooperation was forthcoming.

The makers of Independence Day agreed to turn the secretary of defence,
under whom military installations fell to alien invaders, into the White
House chief of staff, but still did not win approval. 

The writer and producer, Dean Devlin, had told the Pentagon: "If
this doesn't make every boy in the country want to fly a fighter jet,
I'll eat this script." But a Department of Defence memo concluded:
"The military appears impotent and/or inept; all advances in
stopping aliens are the result of actions by civilians." 

Mars Attacks! and the comedy Sgt Bilko also failed the test. 

The financial incentives for film companies are great because military
hardware is enormously expensive and difficult to hire, with the Israeli
air force being one of the few services that rents out its equipment.

Philip Strub, special assistant for the entertainment media at the
Pentagon, said yesterday that the military was often asked to help when a
film was still in deve


2001-08-30 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Weekly Update for 8/30/01
Volume 5, Number 23
Brought to you by the Center for Technology Policy of the Free Congress
Lisa S. Dean, Director, Center for Technology Policy
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  )
J. Bradley Jansen, Deputy Director, Center for Technology Policy
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  )
Hannah H. Woody, Coalition Coordinator (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
phone: (202) 546-3000
fax: (202) 543-5605 


One-size-fits-all regulations mandated by the government will only harm
By James C. Plummer Jr., Information Week, August 20, 2001
The debate inside the Beltway over privacy policy is heating up as
surveillance and database technologies become ever more sophisticated. In
light of this rapid change, the most important function of the legislative
branch is to exercise strong and vigorous oversight of government abuse of
privacy, not to posture and regulate the free exchange of data between
private parties, consumer and merchant alike.
The rush by politicians to "do something about privacy" is understandable,
but it's driven largely by polls of dubious value. A recent survey of
privacy surveys released by the Competitive Enterprise Institute finds a
preponderance of push-poll queries-and a wide gap between the stated
opinions of those surveyed and the revealed preference of real-world
behavior. Yes-or-no questions that ask Internet users if they're concerned
about online privacy invariably get large majorities saying they are. Yet
75% of Internet users have given out their credit-card number online,
evidence that they feel the secure-payment systems for E-commerce to be
worth both the risk and convenience of shopping online.
For full article, please visit:

By Richard Smith, Privacy Foundation, August 28, 2001
One of the biggest issues in analyzing technology and privacy is the way
that databases with unique identifiers can be merged. I've got an example
below that illustrates the problem, particularly where public records
databases are concerned.
For full article:

By Thomas S. Blanton, The New York Times, August 22, 2001
WASHINGTON -- The Senate Intelligence Committee, foiled last year only by
President Bill Clinton's veto, is again putting together a bill that would
establish the country's first-ever official secrets act. It is a remarkable
post-cold war paradox: At a time when the rest of the world is looking to
America for leadership on openness, Congress would make it harder for
Americans to know what their government is doing and would give aid and
comfort to every tin-pot dictator who wants to claim "national security" as
the reason to keep his citizens in the dark.
For full article:

Bush publicizes two new laws
By Lesley Clark, The Miami Herald, August 22, 2001
TALLAHASSEE -- When it comes to identity theft, not even the people who
prosecute the crimes are immune.
Prompted by tales of rampant identity theft -- including the case of a
statewide prosecutor who was targeted by a man he was investigating -- Gov.
Jeb Bush on Tuesday publicized two new laws that increase the penalties for
stealing identities and make it easier for prosecutors to give victims back
some of the money they've lost.
``If it can happen to a statewide prosecutor, it can happen to anyone,''
Bush said.
For full article:

Tulsa World, August 17, 2001
TULSA, Okla. -- The first group of cyberterrorism students reporting for
``duty'' this week at the University of Tulsa pulls together an eclectic mix
of computer talent.
The 14 students were hand-picked as part of the University of Tulsa's $5
million federally funded program to conduct cyberterrorism research and to
help de

[CTRL] The No Excuses Report -- Seven Common Elements of High-Performing High-Poverty

2001-08-30 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

This website might be worth checking out for those with concerns
about the poor quality of education in this country.

begin 666 The No Excuses Report -- Seven Common Elements of High-Performing 
High-Poverty Schools.url
M6T1%1D%53%1=#0I"05-%55),/6AT=' Z+R]W=W&-U";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:";>Archives of

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2001-08-30 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

I agree with June completely on this.  Should we not attack the
post and NOT the poster?  I often post things I find interesting
but that may or may not indicate that I 'believe' what the article
states, merely that it is interesting.  It wastes
time/effort/bandwidth to apply legal disclaimers to each post.
Personal commentary is a different thing, however.   Personally, I
post things from time to time in which others have expressed an
interest on list and may not have an opinion at all on  the

Discussing the points the author of an article has made can be a
constructive thing as well as posting articles or information which
will 'counter' the objectionable post.  Ad hominim attacks on the
poster assume too much.

The article in question seems valid to me as I never encounter porn
'by accident' and do a great deal of surfing.  I hope people will
not be intimidated about posting legitimate articles to the list
for fear of personal attack based on the content of the article.
As long as it is on topic and no personal endorsement or commentary
is made, posts should be made without a defense being necessary.

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 7:49 AM

-Caveat Lector-

On Thu, 30 Aug 2001, ashley Abraham wrote:
>Billy-boy, just because you subsist on pictures via the internet
>champagne bottles in anuses doesn't mean we all should. That DOES
hurt by
>the should try it.

It sounds like Ashley has very intimate knowledge on the subject...

Bill never said that he 'subsisted' or otherwise engaged in
whether online or offline; the point he was making is that this
doesn't just magically appear on one's computer, whether desktop
or palmtop -- the person at the keyboard has to deliberately seek
it out.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Israel may boycott U.N. meeting

2001-08-30 Thread Saba

Well tell me, do you think the Zionists have lost control over the
Monster they had big hand in creating?

This tiny little state of Israel finally admits this UN Monster has
grown to such a degree that people are finally beginning to take them

What, Israelis are Racist?   Why it was the Zionists who turned loose
the NAACP in America, a like Don Quioxte the UN responded to their every

Now I am waiting for ADL to start screaming racism, homophobia, and all
those names they toss at Israelis now?

What we in  - a name calling contest - hey Joshua2 could win that one

Me, I hope the US has the guts the Israelis have for such a little David
to take on big Goliath UN - seems like unfair fight.

Go get them Israel for once, I am in your corner - and I imagine you
would have the Sinn Fein and IRA fighting along beside you if need

Now who all is on war criminal list now - Henry Kissinger is wanted,
Bill Clinton, Madeline Albright, Milo - hey, what about all those Rhodes
people loating around - take good look at South Africa for that Mugabee
is no slouch either but then he is murdering white Chrisian Farmers and
it is open season on Christians 


Boycott UN - no, just say hell no we won't go for this bunch has no
authority in USA or great State of Israel - and it is run by Zulu

Israel may boycott U.N. meeting  'Anti-Israel' language cited in
resolutions on racism  A billboard advertising the World Conference
Against Racism is situated on the freeway from the airport into the city
of Durban, Monday
JERUSALEM, Aug 27—  Israel said on Monday it would not send a
delegation to a United Nations conference on racism unless language
singling out the Jewish state for racism and other ills was removed from
its resolutions. "At this stage we cannot go to Durban. That is our
inclination," Israel's deputy foreign minister, Michael Melchior, told
foreign reporters, referring to the World Conference Against Racism due
to open in South Africa on August 31.

       THE UNITED STATES has backed Israel in demanding
anti-Israel language be toned down and threatened to boycott the
conference if the Jewish state is singled out.
       Middle East politics have threatened to derail the
gathering of thousands of official delegates and activists from more
than 160 countries devoted to worldwide problems of racial
discrimination, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance.
       In the thick of an 11-month-old Palestinian uprising
against decades of Israeli occupation, Arab states and their supporters
have called for language in the conference's draft resolution which
equates "Zionist practices" with racism and describes Israeli policies
against the Palestinians as racist.
       Melchior noted that the draft resolution — a
consensus-based document debated earlier this year in Geneva —makes
mention of no other country except Israel, regardless of human rights
and other violations elsewhere. Leading the Durban agenda are issues
such as violence against women, human trafficking and the rights of
migrant workers, indigenous peoples and ethnic minorities.
       "It is a legitimate thing to criticise the state of
Israel, the government of Israel," he said. "It is not legitimate...when
the world society takes one country and singles this one country out.
Durban is an attempt to upgrade hatred against the Jews."
       Melchior said officials from Europe, Africa and India
have expressed dismay over what he called an attempt to "kidnap" the
        As it is, the conference would render the global fight
against the many-faceted subject of racism "a farce," he said.
       Israeli policies in the West Bank and Gaza Strip could
rightfully be criticised and discussed in a conference on the Middle
East conflict or similar forums, Melchior added.
       The U.N. General Assembly equated Zionism — the modern
movement promoting the return of Jews to the biblical land of Israel —
with racism in resolutions adopted annually from 1975 to 1991. They were
dropped after the landmark 1991 Madrid Middle East peace conference.
       © 2001 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved.
Republication or redistribution of Reuters content is expressly
prohibited without the prior written consent of Reuters.

[Hey Joshua2 - who would ever thing that Israel was a racist, fascist
pig state?]
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Re: [CTRL] Public Indoctrination Moves Into Homes (fwd)

2001-08-30 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well now is the time to park a Ryder Truck in front of this School
Boards meeting grounds with a friendly warning - resign before we vote
you out permanently.

These creeps, this cess pool, answers to the public but if this is what
they want, they got it and do not expect me to be sorry for them.

Once I called my son's English Teacher and complained because some of
the teachers seemed shall we say "lax".

This English Teacher said "well we learned them the basics" - and I hung
up on her.

Today in the school they are battling a case of a woman who is a teacher
under contract age 37 arrested for rape of 12 year old boy, and now more
charges by a County see in our town, such things are
taken seriously.

And when an overzealous former cop put cameras in the little girls rest
rooms - it made national news and said cameras were moved.   You see
police think it is okay to do such things; I remember one officer in
particular whom I never liked and the City Attorney came into my offie
once to say - by the way, they got that guy on a voyerism
surprise to me.

So this garbage in this city should be swept up before - imagine, all
these problems because in big cities the scores are so low in schools
they had to lie to raise the grades in this one school, so the Great
Sodomist Clinton, would visit, which he did.

Only later a black teacher blew the whistle; the teachers had been
cheatingand now I know why this black lawyer I knew who worked for
the AG and could not spell, did not know his law, was doing standard
form work, got to be Phi Beta Kappa at Moorehouse College?

Morons on the move

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] To Idiocy & Beyond (fwd)

2001-08-30 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

To Idiocy & Beyond

Not content with trying to control real guns, some anti-rights activists
continue to put more and more pressure on fake and toy guns.

The city of Akron, Ohio, now wants to make it illegal for stores to sell
replica or toy guns, apparently because a style of fake gun that is really
a cigarette lighter looks very similar to a real firearm.  Rather than
doing the obvious and attempting to somehow restrict that particular type
of cigarette lighter (which is just as stupid - Tony), the Akron City
Council is considering banning the sale of any replica or toy version of a
pistol, revolver, shotgun, rifle, machine gun or any other firearm.

To date, there have been no reports from city officials concerning how many
people were killed in Akron with toy or replica guns over the past year.
And councilmen are not making public estimates on how many lives they
expect to save from banning the sale of "evil" toy guns typically used by
kids to do something some politicians apparently have forgotten about -

Fortunately, any kid with half a brain can make a great toy pistol out of
Legos.  Just take four or five of the little yellow square pieces, put them
together one on top of the other, then stick them on the bottom of one of
the long green pieces.

Stay tuned next month for a report on Akron's proposed Lego ban.

America's First Freedom
September 2001
Page 20

[Forwarded For Information Purposes Only - Not
Necessarily Endorsed By The Sender - A.K. Pritchard]


A.K. Pritchard

To subscribe to  "The Republican"  email list - just ask!

"The Constitution may not be perfect, but it's a
lot better than what the government is using these
days." --anon

>From  Mark E. Howerter's Web Page
"The Other Side of the News"";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Parasitic Computing (fwd)

2001-08-30 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Doing science by stealth

Soon your computer could be doing science without your permission
By BBC News Online technology correspondent Mark Ward

Scientists have found a way to coerce computers into doing science without
the consent of their owners.

By exploiting basic functions of web servers a group of US scientists have
been able to make the machines carry out a small part of a much larger

The researchers believe that the technique could be used to turn the web
into a powerful distributed computer.

But they said their technique for covert computation is cumbersome, and
needs to be refined before it is more widely used.

Parasites abound

Before now enrolling your computer in a distributed computing project to
search for extraterrestrial life involved downloading special software that
can run while the computer is otherwise idle.

But all this could change as US scientists subvert an error-checking
procedure used by all web servers into a means for carrying out

When any information is sent across the internet it is split up into small
chunks or packets that travel, often independently of each other, to their
common destination.

Each packet is stamped with information about its source and destination,
as well as a value that reveals how many bits it contains.

When a web server receives a packet of data it performs a quick calculation
to see if the number of bits received is the same as the number sent.

If this number or "checksum" is different to the one stamped on the packet,
this reveals that the packet has been corrupted during transit. Corrupted
packets are discarded.

One of the internet's basic standards, called the Transmission Control
Protocol (TCP), governs this error checking process.

Scientists from the physics and computer science departments at the
University of Notre Dame in Indiana are using this error checking procedure
to carry out "parasitic computing".

In the journal Nature, physicist Albert-Laszlo Barabasi and colleagues show
how to subvert error checking to carry out more complex calculations, and
force a web server to inadvertently take part in a distributed science

Short salesmen

The scientists tested their ideas by using web servers to find the correct
solution to an example of a mathematical conundrum known as the "travelling
salesmen problem". This involves working out the shortest route that a
fictional salesman would have to take to visit all possible locations on a
hypothetical map.

The more locations on the hypothetical map means more potential routes, and
the longer it would take any single computer to crank through all possible

But by sharing the job of working out which route is shortest, the total
time it takes to solve any particular travelling salesman problem can be
vastly reduced.

Professor Barabasi and his colleagues used one computer to generate
possible solutions to a travelling salesman problem, and then used
parasitic computing to make lots of web servers perform the calculations on
each candidate solution.

Because of the way TCP works, only solutions to their travelling salesman
problem were returned to the researchers. All others, because they produced
invalid checksums, were discarded.

The scientists said their technique needed refinement because it takes far
longer for a web server to carry out a calculation on their behalf than it
does to check that packets of data were intact.

Widespread use of it could slow down the rate at which a web server
receives data. "Parasitic computing represents an ethically challenging
alternative for cluster computing, as it uses resources without the consent
of the computer's owner," wrote the researchers in their paper.

But they said it has potential to harness far more computers than take part
voluntarily in projects such as Seti@home.

[Forwarded For Information Purposes Only - Not
Necessarily Endorsed By The Sender - A.K. Pritchard]


A.K. Pritchard

To subscribe to  "The Republican"  email list - just ask!

Three groups spend other people's money:
children, thieves, politicians.  All three need

-Dick Armey (R-Texas)
The Freedom Revolution (Regency)";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not app


2001-08-30 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

This is in the item Kris sent - and is good item; however, it was 1965
Weather Control Program was classified - and during Viet Nam War it was
reported on the front page of a newspaper the monsoons had been brought
on six months early for war purposes..

Also material I have filed away shows in early 70 period this Morris
Udall, Senator laughting about America singing someday How Dry I Am, and
this bastard shoudl haave been run out of office.

As for this Thompson mentioned in this story, Norman Olson and JJ
Johnson appered before his committee and asked this program be
investigated and he PROMISED to investigate same - but then John Maynard
in Senator Metzenbaums office back in 1986 promised to get the Senator
to help me (his father and I were good friends and he was an aide) - but
sudden he called and said "hey we can't help you and I am sorry".it
was then, I found out through a local weatherman who had "connections"
the program was classified in 1965.

Problem:   How many people have died in this program.   Are we going to
permit any government to use acts of God now to destroy our homes,
farms, and most hard hit - trailer camps which Joshua2 nots as "trailer
trash"..full of little kids being slaughtered.

Notice is it Israel now singing How Dry I Am since Bush got in - tell
me, did God dump Habakkuk in dry land to see how he likes it?

Burning kids at Waco, floods, California in drought and Florida in
drought for what - once it was to save Naples and Palm Springs from
hurricanes?   The hell with Palm Springs and Naples - we must remember
the "trailer Trash" has more vots and evidently George Bush cares more
for the poor than these bastards that call themselves Democrats these

Weather Modification is now Weather War.Russia cannot fund their
program any longer, the USA has given them upfor the power in their
hands has been deadly.

Note the sharks appearing in Florida and a little boy with arm torn off
how old - eight years old, a black man lost a leg and other kids
bitten.swarms of sharks coming inwatch now for plane crashes
maybe and this Bermuda Triangle gaining more notoriety?   For something
down there is drawing in the sharks?

Israel how sad - won't those Palestinians who are used to next to
nothing have the last laught when their swimming pools dry up?   Think
Uncle Sam will give them rain?

Maybe Sadaam Hussein could give them waterhe has plenty of water and
if they bomb his wells, etc., and oil fields - they will all die of
thirst before greed.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Portland: Anti-Terrorism Task Force Targets Unions

2001-08-30 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

What's this?  The AFSCME - I was there when CFR hoodlum Jerry Wurf took
over the AFSCME from Arnold Zander and his pinko friends were wooing the
Union for which I worked - darn near turned into a riot.

A shyster lawyer used to corner me and attempt to woo me into their
corner - for the Union Men were my friends and my Boss' friends - but
the committed acts of terrorism and one fine Union man like Joe
Yablotsky - they burned down his home, killing him, his wife and one son
- the younger son escaped death but lives to tell the truth of the
matterYablotsky, three journemen in the night while the FBI had a 24
hour watch on house - these men one of whom wore a golden earring
murdered Joe and his wife and daughter as they lay sleeping - suddenly
they appeared - and the dog did not bark which means the dog somehow got
to know the murderers.

So Unions in the CFR - Hoffa never sold out, and neither has the son -
but this AFSCME, would want to know more about them for it could be they
have a spy in their midst.or did the rank and file members get onto
this evil element?

Remember when Jay Rockefeller tried to lure workers back to the mines in
the 70 period?   Well the CIA was operating in the mines then - and now
we know why - the CIA was also in the Electrical Workers Union at
Western Electric but then some of these men had stolen Union Funds it
was revealed - and it was their greed that not only destroyed the power
of this Union, but their lack of dedication to same.

So when I left that Union I decided I hated Unions and no longer wanted
to be a part of same.but what I did  not realize was the ultimte
goal - getting the govenors offices across the land - and setting their
men in the name of the CFR in most important posts - it was the
beginning of the take over.

Any good Union man was gunned down, or his house burnt down - and now
many years later I know why when I called my old boss about the bible
code (he used to send a bible to the funeral and family of any fallen
labor man) - he said check out Ambassador College, check out the old
IWW.I said what about the Mafia - and he just smiled - he said it
was communism.this great man once worked for John L. Lewis, and was
his bodyguard - he was friend to Jock Yablotsky and had run against him
at one time - he said they had taken on communism once before, in New
York City.

I watched while black sanitation workers (garbage men) turned this union
in to a dangerous place to work - and behind them, was this CFR bastard
Jerry Wurf - the take over, only looks like if AFSCME has joined into
this group Hoffa better beware - for he is number one target today and
AFSCME if they have link to CFR his life is in great danger if he does
not flal in line - for the enemy is within.

As usual.

Remember too Walter Reuther - this man was murdered - his funeral
program which I have quotes from Daniel in the Bible and the old poem
about Joe Hill a murdered and martyered Labor Man for only the touch
survive while at same time many a hero, was martyered for the cause.

As for the Pinkertons?   Well the Molly McGuires went to the gallows
with Red Roses on their lapels..and it must be remembred, while all
the Mollies were Hibernians, like the Masons, not all Hibernians, were

Maybe the Unions are beginning to clean House and someone else will be
on the receiving end .. James Traficant tried to save the
Steelworkers - now they will take him to prison - while Marc Rich tried
to destroy Steelworkers Union - and Gary Condit - what has this little
twerp ever done, for the Unions - imagine he gets more from a Gallo than
a Chavez.";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Sucking up to suckerfish

2001-08-30 Thread Yardbird

Free Congress Foundation's
  Notable News Now
  August 30,

The Free Congress CommentaryInside: Paul
Weyrich's Commentary
Sucking Up to the Suckerfish - Ignoring HumanityThe Start of
an Academic Revolution?
by John Nowacki

It seems as if every time you turn around, the Endangered Species Act is
wreaking more havoc, and once in a while, the problems it
creates actually attract widespread attention.  The situation in Oregon's
Klamath Basin is one of those instances.

The 220,000 acres of the Klamath area, although arid, are home to farmers
whose water rights were established in 1907.  As is the case in much of the
West, irrigation has made the land useful for farming.  And even though
there's a drought this year, you'd think that the farmers and ranchers who
depend on the irrigation water would at least have some water to use.

Wrong.  They've been completely cut off.

In the late 80s, two species of suckerfish found in the area's primary
reservoir were officially listed as "endangered" species.  They were joined
on the list in 1997 by the coho salmon.  Which brings us to the usual
problem with the Act: when it comes to balancing the needs of people with
the needs of suckerfish or the species of the day, people lose.

Environmentalists have been after the federal government -- which controls
access to the water--to cut off the irrigation water for a long time, and
they finally succeeded in making it happen in April.  The Interior
Department closed the gates and stopped the flow of water to about 1,500

The effects have been devastating.  Crops are dying, the wildlife that
depends on the release of water has been suffering, and the people whose
livelihoods depend upon farming and ranching--not all of them farmers or
ranchers, either--in Klamath are in serious trouble.

As you might expect, those people whose livelihoods are being destroyed are
not taking this lying down.  They've protested right and left, held massive
rallies with supporters from all over the West -- one with 12,000 people in
attendance -- and even opened the headgates themselves a few times.  But
even with all their exasperation, they've generally kept things peaceful.

In July, Interior Secretary Gale Norton ordered a limited release of water,
not nearly enough to save the situation, but it was something.
Environmentalists promptly sued to prevent anyone from actually using that
water, insisting that it all be reserved for a bird refuge downstream.  And
while the farmers did use the water, they still allowed some to go to the
bird refuge.  As they have always done.

That, right there, is the answer to the whole situation.  There must be a
proper balance.  Good stewardship of nature is important, but human lives
come first.  People get the water they need, and the wildlife gets some,
too.  Apart from the limitation on the release of water, that's being
reasonable - a concept many environmentalists seem to have completely

Secretary Norton has since asked for a scientific review of the policy that
led to the shut-off in the first place.  Members of the National Academy of
Sciences are expected to examine what sort of conditions are actually needed
for the suckerfish and salmon to survive.

Meanwhile, that limited release of water has ended, and the people in the
Klamath Basin are wondering what it will take for them to survive.  Property
values have dropped from $2,000 per acre to $200 per acre, and the economy
of the region is in shambles.  In spite of the devaluation of their
properties, many people are ready to sell and get out.

That's just fine with the environmentalists.  Anything to make those fish
more comfortable.

John Nowacki is deputy director of the Free Congress Foundation's Center for
Law and Democracy.

The Start of an Academic Revolution?
By Paul M. Weyrich

For most of the past century the United States boasted of the finest
universities in the world. But as millions of students head back to school
after Labor Day, they face a bleak prospect in higher education.

Unfortunately, toward the end of the 20th Century, the major institutions
which produced the best and the brightest began to be gripped by "political
correctness," a form of cultural Marxism. Whereas the objective at the best
colleges and universities used to be to teaching people how to pursue truth,
this has been turned on its head now. The pursuit of truth is largely
forbidden and has been replaced by an ideology which is every bit as
pernicious as what the Soviets pushed down the throats of their students for
seven decades.

There are a few exceptions to this rule, Hillsdale College in Michigan and
Christendom College in Virginia come to mind, but these, and the handful of
other sound academic institutions, are but a tiny drop in the sea of
political correctness.  Now many students get failing grade

[CTRL] Portland: Anti-Terrorism Task Force Targets Unions

2001-08-30 Thread radtimes

-Caveat Lector-

LABOR NOTES August 2001

Portland: Anti-Terrorism Task Force Targets Unions

By Leah Samuel

"They did it in the '30s, they did it in the '60s, and they're doing it
now," said Bob Marshall, organizing director of the Oregon Federation of
Nurses and Health Professionals. He is talking about local and federal
law enforcement targeting unions for surveillance and arrest.
Portland unions want to get rid of a law allowing the police and the
FBI to spy on them. Union organizers say that the Portland Joint
Terrorism Task Force targets workers and unions.
Portland's city council passed the ordinance in a quick vote the day
before Thanksgiving last year. The ordinance increased the number of
Portland police officers assigned to "anti-terrorism" duty, and put them
under the direct supervision of the FBI. The ordinance also allows the FBI
electronic access to photographs gathered by Portland police.
The original wording of the ordinance was enough to give some workers
and activists pause. The proposal's mission statement said the law's
purpose "is to identify and target for prosecution those individuals or
groups who are responsible for Right Wing and or Left Wing
In addition, unions are concerned that the Hobbs Act is being cited in
defense of these task forces. The Hobbs Act prohibits the use of force to
interfere with a business's operations. This law has historically been used
to stop or punish union organizing, picketing, and other activities since
its enactment in 1946.


Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTFs) are partnerships between the
FBI and local police forces. An outgrowth of the l996 Anti-Terrorist Act
JTTFs are operating in various cities including Dallas, Houston, Atlanta,
Denver, and Sacramento.
Recent incidents of police interference with workers have escalated
concerns. When International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 5
organized workers at Powell's Books last year, Portland police videotaped
store workers and took notes on them at rallies and on picket lines.
A Carpenters union member who stood up to speak at a Jobs with
Justice meeting was later phoned by police and questioned about an
upcoming demonstration. In addition, protectors from environmental and
animal rights groups have complained of police harassment.
Marshall worries that stepped-up police surveillance further hampers
organizing efforts, which already face significant hurdles.
"There's already a constricting environment for organizing," he said.

"From the NLRB being a piece of junk to the Hobbs Act.
"As we have to be more aggressive to get a contract, we're going to
be spied on because we're having a militant action in the streets," he
added. The ordinance that created the task force is up for review this fall.

Unions are campaigning to revoke the law. So far, 20 unions have signed
on to a resolution demanding revocation, including locals of the
Teamsters, AFT, ILWU, SEIU, CWA, and AFSCME.";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Public Indoctrination Moves Into Homes (fwd)

2001-08-30 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


"Parents are expected to attend orientation and parent-teacher conferences
and make sure their children do homework and miss no more than 10 days of
school a year.

Those who fail to do so must submit to a "parent involvement plan" and may
be referred to support services or a parent involvement mentor.

In extreme cases, parents could be referred to the state Department of
Children and Families for neglect. Parents who meet the goals may be
recognized on a parent honor roll or with school-based awards programs. "

Education to become total effort;

Natalie Missakian, Register Staff
August 28, 2001

NEW HAVEN - The Board of Education on Monday gave tentative approval to a
groundbreaking accountability plan that stretches beyond the school doors
and into children's homes.
But the board's approval of the plan - or at least its concept - came with
a caveat: Members want to review and fine-tune the lengthy document more
thoroughly before the superintendent puts it into action.

The plan, unveiled in June after two years of study by a task force, seeks
to hold teachers, administrators, parents and students all responsible for
student achievement in the city schools. It is the first of its kind in

Some, including the teachers union and an official from a statewide
children's advocacy group, are asking for more public dialogue before the
plan is formally adopted.

"The concept is solid. I think people are just concerned with how it's
being executed," said Sharon Williams, director of parent engagement
leadership for the Connecticut Commission on Children. "I think what's
important is engaging parents."

Superintendent of Schools Reginald Mayo said part of the fine-tuning being
requested by the board will include seeking more feedback from parent
groups and teachers.

But he plans to immediately set up an Office of Accountability to carry out
the plan after receiving approval to proceed Monday night, and said some
other aspects of the plan, such as new evaluation procedures for teachers
and administrators, could be approved in phases.

"I don't expect this to take another 18 months to two years," Mayo said of
the fine-tuning. "We really want to get moving on this."

Under the plan, employees who fail to meet standards could be placed on
probation and moved to another job or fired if they fail to improve.

Parents are expected to attend orientation and parent-teacher conferences
and make sure their children do homework and miss no more than 10 days of
school a year.

Those who fail to do so must submit to a "parent involvement plan" and may
be referred to support services or a parent involvement mentor.

In extreme cases, parents could be referred to the state Department of
Children and Families for neglect. Parents who meet the goals may be
recognized on a parent honor roll or with school-based awards programs.

School officials said the attempt to shift some responsibility onto parents
and even businesses in the community - which are asked to offer internships
and release employees to volunteer in schools - sets the plan apart from
most accountability systems adopted by schools in the country.

The goal is not to dictate specific parenting choices but to boost parental
involvement in schools, the proposal says. In all cases, the plan sets up
progressive levels of intervention and support.

But Williams worries the plan may be too harsh on parents and could backfire.

"If you're going to write a document about shared accountability you
shouldn't focus on a worst-case scenario like a DCF referral," said
Williams. "There are many other positive opportunities for shared

Mayo said referring parents to DCF would be used as a last resort, in cases
of chronic truancy, for instance.

"I think it's necessary," he said. "The key is getting kids to school. The
key is to have everyone accountable."

[Forwarded For Information Purposes Only - Not
Necessarily Endorsed By The Sender - A.K. Pritchard]


A.K. Pritchard

To subscribe to  "The Republican"  email list - just ask!

"The fundamental theory upon which all governments in this
Union repose excludes any general power of the state to
standardize its children.

"The child is not the mere creature of the state."

-- United States Supreme Court, Pierce v. Society of Sisters,
268 U.S. 510 (1925).";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectr

[CTRL] Many Banks Fall Short in Providing Online Privacy Choices to Customers (fwd)

2001-08-30 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

CDT POLICY POST Volume 7, Number 7, August 30, 2001


(1) Many Banks Fall Short in Providing Online Privacy Choices to Customers
(2) Background on Banking Privacy
(3) CDT Files Complaint with FTC Against Online Mortgage Companies
(4) Online Privacy Issues May Heat Up when Congress Returns



Online banks are not giving consumers convenient, online opportunities to
limit disclosure of their personal financial information, forcing customers
to use more cumbersome offline mechanisms to opt-out of data sharing,
according to a recent CDT study.

The study, released August 29, found that, of 100 banks studied that offer
their customers the ability to open accounts online and use other banking
services online (such as bill payment, mortgage quotes, and much more),
only 22% provide their customers equally convenient online means of
preventing information sharing with other companies.

Of greatest concern, the study found that several mortgage companies
offering online services were not giving their customers any notice of
their privacy practices.  This seems to be in direct violation of the
new federal banking law, the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act ("GLB"), which went
into effect on July 1.

CDT's report also found the surprising result that some of the bigger
banks have the fewest online privacy options, with almost half offering
little or no ability for customers to opt-out of information sharing
with third parties.

But the news wasn't all bad.  Some banks give customers a wide range of
online and offline options for limiting disclosure of data. Among the
banks that led the way with best practices were the Internet Bank, which
promised not to share customers' information without their affirmative
consent (opt-in), and First Union, which provides customers a secure
online Web site to remove their information from various kinds of sharing
and offers a toll free number for assistance as well.

Based on the results of the study, CDT made the following recommendations:

* Financial institutions should follow the best practices identified in
  the study.  Thirteen institutions adhered to an opt-in policy for
  unaffiliated third-party sharing.  Seven banks offered customers the
  opportunity to opt-out through a range of means, including the
  opportunity to opt-out online.  Others should be living up to these
  standards, as a minimum.

* Policy makers should carefully consider the exceptions in the GLB law.
  Many large institutions that do not share information with third parties
  reserve the right to share with affiliates and "marketing partners" and
  the law allows them to do so without offering any opt-out.

* The Federal Trade Commission should look into the practices of the
  online mortgage companies that do not give consumers notice of their
  privacy practices.  The FTC has oversight responsibility under the GLB
  law for various institutions, including the independent mortgage
  companies.  These companies fared worst in the study.

* Policy makers considering broader Internet privacy legislation should
  learn from the lessons of the GLB Act.  Requiring an opt-out choice
  for the financial industry has not yet given consumers easy-to-use
  controls over disclosure and use of personal financial information.

The full report, entitled "Online Banking Privacy: A Slow, Confusing
Start to Giving Customers Control Over Their Information," is online: [PDF- 7 MB]



Privacy, especially Internet privacy, has become one of the most important
issues in the lives of Americans.  At the same time, consumers are eager
to take advantage of the convenience of online services, including online
banking.  Over a quarter of Americans who have gone online have used the
Internet to bank or invest.   Failure to address privacy concerns will
hamper growth of this online marketplace and undermine the consumer trust
that is essential to sustained online usage.

A recent attempt to address privacy concerns is the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
of 1999 ("GLB"), which deregulated financial institutions and implemented
a series of privacy standards that went into effect July 1, 2001.

Title V of GLB requires banks and other financial institutions to disclose
to their customers their information gathering and sharing practices.
Further, personal financial information may not be shared with unaffiliated
third parties unless the customer is given an opportunity, commonly
referred to as opt-out, to prevent such sharing.  The law's opt-out
requirement does not apply to the internal use of information and th

[CTRL] Fwd: [narconews] UN Treaties Don't Ban Legalization, by Peter Webster

2001-08-30 Thread Kris Millegan

 Yahoo! Groups Sponsor -~-->
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600,000 scholarships!

August 30, 2001
Please Distribute Widely

Dear Colleagues,

In light of the threats made this month by U.S. officials against the
nations of Colombia and Jamaica and their claims that drug policy reform
would "violate international treaties," Narco News asked for an expert's
point of view, which we publish today.

Internationally respected drug policy scholar and archivist Peter Webster's
analysis, "UN Treaties and Drug Legalization" is now published on Narco

In fact, Webster finds, the UN treaties have specific clauses that state how
nations can develop legalization strategies within the bounds of the already
signed treaties.

Fact-checking the empire...

from somewhere in a country called América,

Al Giordano
The Narco News Bulletin

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Re: [CTRL] DMN: Prison sought in Bush tape case

2001-08-30 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well Prudey used to be state law in Ohio in some instances Secretaries
were bound by secrecy - one does not rat fink on their boss other than
in cases of murder and treason used to be old ground rules.

This woman obviously was on the take - she worked for nobody, and
thought she ws super spy.   Also she probably expected something in
return - as I recall she was Hispanic.

So the Watergate Burglars got off pretty good too if you call Hunts wife
killed in plane crash part of the deal and Liddy alone remained silent
loyal to whom?

Think I already stated this, but once I said during Watergate that if I
knew who named that Motel I would know who set up Nixon - well, the
Motel was owned by the Pope - like Josephinium, answered right to
Vatican?   And Lawrence O'Brien - well the O'Briens were the first Kings
of Ireland.

So Liddy was trained as a Jesuit - for some reason these kids in the
universities across the country liked him.So maybe they knew who and
what he was - recognized the style.   As for McCord, Bud Fensterwald
represened him - and they called him CIA - McCord was just what they
used to call, a night watchman - no big secrets did he hold, but he
seemed to be loyal to the Company.

Bob Woodward and "Deep Throat" - my MI6 friend said his initials were AH
but she would give me no more but I said oh no, initials are HK?
Neither one of us wanted to go to The Rock, or as they called it
Alcatraz for knowing too much?

Now Haig did have big blast in National Enquirer once, and I was
SHOCKED.   Now my friend worked for NE as astrologer, writer and snooper
for her boss at NE was CIA while she answered directly to MI6 and Prime
Minister as she sat off Coco Beach a little onion in a patch of potatoes
some of which sat off shore and blew up I believe, the Challenger by
"remote" control?

Intelligence like bible comes in steps of degrees.

Out of curiosity I am going to check out those two who had the stuff
they should not have hadbut tell me, why don't they go after Larry
Flynt who pretends to put out millions for information while he has the
FBI files - in particular, Hoover's old files.he blackmailed so many
people but he does not want to mess around with George Bush now and
backed downthis guy has been a fruit cake even before he was
shotHE CONTRIBUTES TO THE ADL...another front like Flynt for
organized crime and they answer to Bnai Brith - a psuedo masonic order
who directs in secret may drug operations and murder inc. and the latest
all those prostitues operating in Israel???

Maybe they were behind Monica Lewinsky nailing Clinton and maybe little
Chandra only Chandra got caught messing with the wrong people?

In other words, what are they running in the Congress and in this
country - a Government Operated by Mossad Murder Inc., in disguse of
ADL.check their track record and see how they honored Meyer Lansky
who put hit of JFK, this Moe Dalitz - and in fact I will attach same for
this bunch now should be investigatedwonder if they put the JDL on
hate list?

Day of reckoning is coming - Arabs in America beginning to awaken to the
fact that too long, they have been sleeping giants bulled about by likes
of a Foxman who should be in prison for taking a bribe, to bribe the
President of the Unit4ed States who already had "feet of clay"feet
of clay, that guy was in drag time.

Now one must remember the bible calendar code and the hit on JFK and
vendetta  109th Psalm and 110th Psalm in particular - aim for the head -
now Meyer Lansky said, don't get the tail Bobby - get the brother, the
Head - JFK?   Isn't this how Israelis operate  or should I say Zionist
controlled Israelis some of whom are now resisting the "draft" to murder
the innocents while Arafat still remains unharmed - but he is so senile
he needs Sharon's support to keep going.

So Meyer Lansky ordered that hit - and it was Lansky who lost a mint in
Cuba so you see why they play up Bay of Pigs - something for which JFK
took responsibility . why should USA send in troops to save a
bastard like Meyer Lansky..and now you know why the Black
Nationalists too wanted to "come with the heads" of the McClellan
Committee a Committee who went after Organized Crime and all the time we
were led to believe they were Italian?

Italians getting mad now for they have seen enough of this garbage - JFK
was murdered by this bunch and Oswald's family did have connections,
didn't they...

So as Lansky said "get the sob and find some nut to do itso they got
JFK, RFK and MLK playing Moses for when I read of Moses I see black man,
and had it not been for George Bush, we would bee seeing Pink Moses -
and I don't mean color...twinky pink.


Behind the Mask of Respectability:

The truth about the Anti-Defamation League
of B'nai B'rith

3 - Links to Organized Crime

For years, the ADL has been linked to Jewish organized crime.

The ADL gave Las Vegas Jewish gangster, Moe Dalitz, their "Torch of

Re: [CTRL] DMN: Prison sought in Bush tape case

2001-08-30 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 08/27/2001 2:40:19 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

<< AUSTIN - Federal prosecutors have asked for up to a year in prison time
 for the office worker who admitted stealing George W. Bush's presidential
 debate materials, mailing them to the Al Gore campaign and then lying about
 it to a grand jury >>

I'm curious, and I was out of the country when it happened.  How did the
world find out that Robert Novak and George Will had swiped the Carter papers
that they used to brief Reagan.  They certainly didn't charge them with theft
as far as I know, and no one has ever seemed to mind what they did.
Anyone?  Prudy";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Anti-Defamation League Teams Up With Boston Firms

2001-08-30 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

Anti-Defamation League Teams Up With Boston FirmsThis article shows how the ADL 
spreads its influence
in all facets of society and plans it leading role regarding
internet censorship.

Page printed from:

Anti-Defamation League Teams Up With Boston Firms
Summer associates put to work to head up pro bono projects
Isaac Fine
Boston Law Tribune

August 30, 2001

The Boston chapter of the Anti-Defamation League and several
downtown law firms recently wrapped up their inaugural summer
associate research program with both entities declaring it a success.
"It was a win-win situation for everybody involved," said Harvey Wolkoff
of Ropes & Gray, a member of the ADL Board of Directors and the civil
rights sub-board.

The program enlisted 18 summer associates from some of Boston's
largest law firms to study issues raised by ADL. Working with a supervising
attorney, summer associates took on research assignments, which
described a specific set of circumstances and asked what were the
existing legal precedents on the issues at hand. The summer associates
researched the legal trends and prepared memoranda laying out their

While the ADL benefited from the additional resource and talent of
the summer associates, the summer associates got a chance to work
on cutting edge legal issues.

For the ADL, the purpose of the program is to stay abreast of ongoing
issues. The ADL will create a databank of the memoranda that it will be
able to use in advising clients in specific situations.

"There is a practical application of the program," said Andrew Tarsy,
civil rights director at the ADL.

For the law firms, the program builds the summer associate-partner
bond. Plus, it is good pro bono work.

The program was the brainchild of Wolkoff, Tarsy, and David Bunis
of Dwyer & Collora, who serves as the civil rights chair for ADL New

Together, they rallied lawyers and members of the ADL in the area
who they thought would be interested. They successfully recruited eight
law firms, who offered the program on a volunteer basis to their pool of
summer associates. (Coincidentally, a similar program kicked off in Los
Angeles last year.)

Tarsy, Bunis, and Wolkoff created 10 research assignments on topics
ranging from government funding for faith-based programs to hate sites
on the Internet, and assigned them to the participating law firms at


At a recent celebratory breakfast hosted by Ropes & Gray, the summer
associates summarized their research, discussing the relevant issues, and
offered their conclusions.

One assignment invited the associates to write a brochure that a religious
organization might follow in creating a separate corporation that would
allow it to compete for government funds.

Another asked whether it is lawful for a professional association to extend
its prohibition on mail-in voting to a Jewish woman who could not attend a
Saturday meeting because of religious observances. The assignment asked
whether it mattered whether the association is a "union" or "collective
bargaining unit."

One of the more interesting assignments found that much ground has
been left uncovered by the courts in the field of Internet hate sites. For
instance, questions were raised as to the responsibility of Internet sites
that incite discrimination or crime. How can that responsibility be determined
in a case where the connection between the proprietors of the site and the 
perpetrators of the crime exists
only in cyberspace? Though a definitive
conclusion was not reached on this particular topic, the research gives the
ADL a useful base of knowledge.

Partly for this reason, the program was proclaimed to be a smashing
success by both participants and sponsors. Robert Leikind, regional
director of ADL New England, called the program a "fabulous experiment."

"This program has been a fantastic opportunity to tap into the resources
and talent of the top law firms in the city," said Tarsy.

Along with Ropes & Gray and Dwyer & Collora, the participating law
firms included Brown Rudnick; Goulston & Storrs; Gadsby Hannah;
Foley Hoag; Holland & Knight; and Nutter McClennen.

The ADL hopes to expand the program by signing up more firms in the
future. "There are unlimited questions we want to explore," said Tarsy.";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please 

[CTRL] Fwd: proof of a conspiracy--THE WHOLE ARTICLE IS WORH READING

2001-08-30 Thread Kris Millegan

By the advent of World War II, the CFR endeavored to have both candidates in
most races be CFR. Thus, it did not matter who got elected; the Plan would
go forward. And, if the voters were angry over an issue and the candidate
who had supported it, they could throw him out and elect the CFR candidate
of the opposing party! The Plan would still go forward! The candidate, whom
we have elected for President, the Congress, and most state governments,
hasn't mattered one bit, because each successive candidate is as committed
to the coming global government as was his predecessor.

Thomas Jefferson warned us that this pattern of behavior on the part of our
leaders, over a period of time, is proof of a conspiracy! Listen. "Single
acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of a day; but a
series of oppressions, begun at a distinguished period, and pursued
unalterably through every change of ministers , too plainly prove a
deliberate, systematical plan of reducing us to slavery." ["The Works of
Thomas Jefferson", Volume 1, p. 130]


2001-08-30 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 8/30/01 8:08:15 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< EUROPE is to be flooded with a tidal wave of fake euro notes in the

money scam ever, crime experts warned last night.  >>

How much will this cost us over here in the U.S.?";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [narconews] Ramírez names names of spies vs. Narco News

2001-08-30 Thread Kris Millegan

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600,000 scholarships!

August 30, 2001
Please Distribute Widely

Dear Colleagues,

It seems that in addition to 5.5 million visits to the web site, The Narco
News Bulletin has at least two official "followers," sent, according to data
published today in El Financiero of Mexico City, by Banamex
owner-cum-Citigroup director Roberto Hernández.

Carlos Ramírez - Mexico's most widely read columnist - names names today of
police commanders who "physically followed" us in our work.

Banamex-Narco: Hernández's Fears

Dirty Work by PGR Commanders: "They
Physically Followed the Journalists"

By Carlos Ramírez
Indicador Político

(translated from the daily El Financiero of Mexico City and 24 other Mexican

Was it as good for them as it was for us?

>From somewhere in a country called América,

Al Giordano
The Narco News Bulletin

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[CTRL] (Fwd) 400 years spy vs. spy.

2001-08-30 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Fri, 24 Aug 2001 11:07:51 -0700
Subject:400 years spy vs. spy.

400 years spy vs. spy.

"Round and around and around we go, where the world's heading, nobody
knows-ball of confusion-"(the Undisputed Truth)

   What is New Netizen? Is it a citizen of an on-line state, is it an
Attitude or is it a Morale? Identification of your self with names is not
a matter of course. Before you know it you are caught up in the entelechy
of a name. The Net is New, for sure. It is also, still, a symbol of freedom,
whatever agencies bottleneck the net for their gracious supervision.
on the net is borderless, and as more and more people can afford it,
the breaking of boundaries. The state beyond states, I mean our collective
conscience on the Net in contrast to a state of covert government, is an
abstract sovereignty coming forth into the information age, or the age of the
senses. The medium is the message, and the Net is saying:' to free or not to

Who can free whom? According to Parliament-Funkadelic someone who's
truly free,' is free of the need to be free'. According to the Intel
community, 'the truth shall set you free.'

As a New Netizen, a Burgher of Collective Conscience, we wish to
safeguard the ideas we cultivate, to refine our knowledge by surfing
for new opinions or old truths. We have the archetypes of every ancient
to modern city on the Net, the village idiot, the trickster, clairvoyant
and adventurer. Shops, factories, guilds and councils, but especially,
and that is what we want to guard our ideas from, the sorcerer and the
priest. They have fought from Methusalem to Microsoft, wars and polemics,
each trying to prove themselves right, always ending with in conclusion.
To guard our ideas from this struggle, this new medium, the Net should
be spared the rape on book printing committed by the (counter)
reformation. What we call a conspiracy, world domination by con's
piracy, may very well be a great relief: just as we have to be aware
about the names we identify with, the conspirates should have done the
same. The Christian conspiracies and the Jewish scapegoats, Talmudic
conspiracies and Islamic exclusion, and Mohammedan conspiracies closing
the circle rely on names entrusted with faith by our collective
conscience. Babylonian confusion may be exploited but we are all
entangled in a common purpose, an entelechy drawing us together
exactly by the drifting away from our home grounds.

   The content of the conspiracy is guided by innovation and population
growth. Emancipation of the laborer was achieved by the media and
mobilization, not class-struggle. Humiliation of tyrants achieved by
aliens, not women. Probably a lot of bureaucratic conspiracies were
thwarted by the entry of the computer, and as many came forth from it.
Even institutions like the Committee of 300, that democracy of dope
dealers, are not as tyrannical among themselves. We should not believe
that factual control over the policies of the world, be it by seven people or by
three, by countries or by companies, is absolute without dissent. Suppose, which
is my Dutch leftist view, Hans Kolvenbach, Jesuit general, is the boss of
conspiracy. Great Capitalist and Communist families are loyal to his esoteric
outfit, and many peoples and countries ignore the influence of his exoteric
outfit, even if they school our schools, crown our kings, arm our armies. Now as
the boss of conspiracy, his power is by definition not based on consent. It
needn't be secret if it were. S o he works with dissent, trusting on mutual
ignorance's. Such dichotomy rule, fighting on both sides of a conflict,
entangles one naturally in deception, willful falsification of reality and all
its consequences. For instance, how could the Jesuit general know for sure he
still is the boss of conspiracy if over the centuries his society of Jesus
taught and forced whole chapters of god's book of the living into secrecy. Does
he still have enough Aces in the Vatican library to hold back the various 'rois
sans frontieres', the Capo di Tutti Capi, the Head of the Sanhedrin or the
Yakuza, or the Chief of UFO's?

Please, understand that my view that is the cement of this essay is that
the existence of these conspiracies and their pivotal role in history proves the
reality of collective conscience as a hidden world that makes the real world
happen. So there is a common purpose of intimacy between all the people all over
the world, of sharing and being able to help when needed. And there are
not-so-common purposes to create domination or homogeny of the whole world (at
least, the anthropocentric world) which the world citizens by voice of new
netizens are making obsolete. But creation of dominance has not been halted in
real time yet.

We might say globalization is territorial from both the viewpoint of the

[CTRL] Europe / MidEast Connexion

2001-08-30 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

WSWS : News & Analysis : Middle East
Europe seeks greater role in Middle East
By Jean Shaoul
30 August 2001
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The assassination of Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine leader Abu
Ali Mansour and the subsequent invasion of Palestinian controlled areas
show the continued push by Israel for war. It took place within days of the
announcement by Germany that it would host talks between Yasser Arafat,
Chairman of the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Shimon Peres, Israel’s
Foreign Minister, confirming a pattern whereby Israel’s Prime Minister Ariel
Sharon responds to every peace initiative by stepping up the provocations
against the Palestinians.
The talks appear to be doomed before they begin. Sharon has no intention of
making any of the concessions necessary for peace to be restored. He
continues to insist on a complete seven-day cease-fire before he will
consider implementing the Mitchell Report that calls for an end to the
violence and a halt to the expansion of Israeli settlements in the Occupied
Territories. This demand makes a nonsense of Peres’ proposal for a so-
called “gradual cease fire”, in which Israel would lift closures on Palestinian
areas that are deemed to be quiet and allow Palestinian workers from those
areas into Israel in return for PA cooperation in preventing further violence.
But even if it was implemented, the poposal would amount to a strategy of
divide and rule, designed to further exacerbate the political and social
tensions among the Palestinians.
The Palestinian Authority dismissed the Peres initiative as a gimmick to
distract attention from action on the ground. Saeb Erekat, Palestinian
negotiator, said, “We are not against dialogue but we are sick and tired of
this double language”. Palestinian Information Minister Yasser Abed Rabo
clearly understood the talks were a non-starter and anticipated further
provocations from Sharon when he said, “Whenever Peres asks for a joint
meeting with our people, we witness more escalation by Israeli occupation
forces against our people. Those who are naïve believe in a possible
breakthrough via Peres—in the final analysis, it will be Sharon who decides.”
Despite these inauspicious circumstances, however, the fact that the
Europeans in general, and Germany in particular, should have intervened to
try to broker some agreement and prevent the slide to an all out war, is
something of a political watershed.
German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer made it quite clear that the
Europeans were seeking to assert their interests in the Middle East and to
challenge the United States’ domination over the region. In his talks with
Avraham Burg, the Speaker of the Israeli Parliament who is seeking to
become the next leader of the Labour Party, Fischer said that the time had
come to establish a wide international peace coalition that would include
Europe and Russia. The Israeli daily paper, Yediot Aharonot, also reported
that Fischer wanted to get support for $1bn in grants to the Palestinians, but
this was denied.
Direct intervention by the EU into what has largely been seen as the US’s
bailiwick undoubtedly reflects the European powers’ frustration with their
reliance upon the US and concern that its ever more open support for
Sharon’s warmongering is threatening their own vital interests in the region. It
further indicates how anxious the European powers are to break from US
tutelage and once more become an independent political force in the Middle
The desire of the Democrats under President Clinton for a settlement in the
Middle East never signified an abandonment of Israel as the US’s main ally.
But under President George W Bush, the Europeans see an Administration
uninterested in reaching any kind of settlement and committed to supporting
Israel as its “strategic asset” in the region through thick and thin. Israel’s
military and economic offensive against the Palestinians, its murderous
policy of assassinations, and its reoccupation of the West Bank and Gaza
could not have gone ahead without the complicity if not outright support of
the US. Therefore the European powers, fearful that the Israelis will provoke
an all out war in the Middle East that will destabilise the reactionary rulers
upon whom their corporations depend for oil and profits, have launched a last
ditch attempt to salvage the situation.
The European powers and the Middle East in the 1990s
When the Madrid talks—the first initiative to find a resolution to the conflict in
more than a decade— held under the auspices of America and Russia
reached a stalemate in 1991, it was the Norwegians who secretly hosted the
second track, informal talks between the Israelis and Palestinians in 1992
that were to result in the 1993 Oslo Accord.
The Clinton Administration soon seized the initiative back from the
Norwegians and hosted a series of meetings at Wye River and Camp David,
aimed at brin

[CTRL] Which Storm?

2001-08-30 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Global Economy's New Guardian
D.C.'s Answer to IMF, World Bank Protests: Miles of Chain-Link
By David Montgomery
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, August 30, 2001; Page C01
The D.C. police are old hands at crowd control, but they never went this far
before. They never boosted their arsenal with a weapon as tricky and volatile
as a great big shiny silver chain-link monster anti-protester peace device, a
fence designed to keep globalization-haters from getting at globalizers
among the bankers and trade ministers gathering at the World Bank and the
International Monetary Fund.
Depending on what part of the country you're from, you might know it as a
cyclone fence or a hurricane fence. Pick your storm.
The fence will be nine feet tall. It will have a perimeter of 2 1/2 miles. It will
enclose 220 downtown acres and block 27 streets, according to preliminary
plans. Corralled will be: the White House, parts of Foggy Bottom and George
Washington University, four apartment buildings, a church, dozens of stores,
restaurants and offices.
We've had astounding, unpredictable and occasionally violent crowds converge on 
Washington before, but never a fence like this. Among the unfenced: Martin Luther King 
Jr. and the March on Washington; the May Day and Morat
orium demonstrations against the Vietnam War; the boisterous rejection of 
inaugurations, from Richard Nixon's second in 1973 to George W. Bush's in 2001; the 
crusades for and against abortion rights, gay rights and women'
s rights; the Million Man, Mom and Family Marches; last year's anti-globalization 
When there was fencing, it was piecemeal, ad hoc, not a single grand installation. 
During anti-Vietnam protests, police surrounded the White House grounds with buses. It 
was kind of cute, the buses shoved nose-to-butt lik
e elephants.
This is a much more ambitious quarantine. Perhaps it springs from the same good 
intentions and low tolerance for dread and uncertainty that are driving the crusade 
for a missile defense shield.
When the police propose to erect the biggest cyclone fence ever seen in Washington, 
are we supposed to grab Toto and hunker down for heavy weather?
Don't expect a straight answer from a fence. Fences have two sides, and at least as 
many meanings. Sometimes good fences make good neighbors. Sometimes.
"In our society people think a fence is just a fence," says Craig Herrick, commercial 
sales manager for Long Fence in Capitol Heights. "There's a lot more to it."
Keeping New World Order
Call this one chain-link, in fence industry esperanto, recognized from coast to coast, 
around ball fields, playgrounds, racetracks, rock concerts and construction sites. You 
see them everywhere -- until you don't notice t
hem anymore, as though they were transparent, but not quite.
The ingenious but unlovely essentials haven't changed in about a century -- galvanized 
steel wire woven into a fabric of two-inch diamond shapes and stretched between 
horizontal and vertical steel poles.
The chief tenants of this new gated community will be the globalization grandees 
who've somehow attracted some of the biggest First World protest demonstrations in 
more than 30 years. Abroad, the World Bank and the IMF bo
ss around presidents and despots, rescue economies, strive to end poverty while 
defending wealth. At home, they need a big fence to keep out people who doubt it is 
possible to end poverty while defending wealth.
Police say 100,000 demonstrators, some violent, will be on hand during the annual 
meeting of the bank and the IMF Sept. 29 and 30. Hence the fence. Protesters insist 
their numbers will be much smaller, and peaceful, so do
n't fence them out. (Afterward, numerical self-interest will invert; protesters will 
claim a big number, police a smaller one. Each will accuse the other of being more 
The $2 million fence will do its thing that weekend, then come down. But erecting 
14,000 linear feet of chain-link in the middle of a city is no simple thing. Fence 
companies are used to putting up temporary fences of com
parable dimensions around rural stock car courses and monster truck pits, parking lots 
and political conventions. In those cases, there usually are no streets to close, no 
lunch crowds or commuters to discommode -- and st
ill it takes two or three weeks to deploy that much shiny steel.
"It's very unusual to have two miles of fence in a city somewhere," Herrick says.
Not to worry. Urban civil disorder that explodes on schedule -- whenever that new 
world cuisine IMF-WTO-G8-FTAA-NAFTA alphabet soup is being cooked up -- is a growth 
market for the fence industry. And the industry can mee
t the challenge. Pay enough money, and a big fence can be made to surround part of a 
city in a week, maybe less. The Secret Service is picking up the tab for this one, and 
everyone figures it's willing to pay overtime.
So p


2001-08-30 Thread PLSroufe



Target ... Euro notes like these will be forged Picture: REUTERS 

By NIC CECIL Political Reporter 

EUROPE is to be flooded with a tidal wave of fake euro notes in the biggest 
money scam ever, crime experts warned last night. 

Gangsters from Italy, Russia, the Balkans and Syria are poised to cash in as 
the single currency turns the Continent into a gangsters' paradise. 

The enormous sting could potentially see up to £210 BILLION of forged and 
laundered notes and coins circulating in euroland. 

Master criminals will use two methods to make fortunes when the euro becomes 
the official currency of 12 countries including Germany and France on January 
1, 2002. 

They will print near-perfect counterfeit euro notes that their lackeys will 
exchange at bars, restaurants and shops while punters are still adjusting to 
the look and feel of the new currency. 

Gangsters will also exchange phoney marks and francs for euros in 
hard-pressed banks amid mayhem caused by millions of citizens queuing to swap 
their old money. 

The forgery boom will also trigger a surge of illegal drugs, guns, stolen 
cars and counterfeit goods being peddled across Europe as gangs rush to spend 
their profits. 

Mark Tantam, financial crime specialist at accountants Deloitte & Touche, 
said last night: "The advent of the euro is the biggest shot in the arm for 
organised crime since the sale of alcohol was outlawed in the US. 

"It isn't surprising that - according to Europol - Russian, Italian and 
Balkan crime syndicates are now intending to drop the 100-dollar US note as 
their currency of choice in favour of the euro next year." 

US author Jeffrey Robinson, who wrote The Laundrymen book about 
counterfeiting, branded euroland politicians the "morons of Brussels" for 
allowing a 500-euro note to be printed - the equivalent to £315. 

He stressed this would allow criminals to put £1million in euros into a 
single briefcase, making it much easier to move "dirty money" around in order 
to launder it. 

Mr Robinson said: "It's the height of insanity for law enforcement. There 
will be tidal waves of counterfeit euros. It will be a Disneyland for 
organised crime." 

Businesses want PM to keep pound 

Blair ... Euro setback Picture: REUTERS 

TONY Blair's euro crusade suffered a fresh setback yesterday when a survey 
showed more than two thirds of business bosses want to keep the Pound. 

The first post-election euro study also revealed 80 per cent of chief 
executives believe the Bank of England is better at setting interest rates 
than the European Central Bank. 

Anti-euro group the No Campaign commissioned ICM pollsters to carry out a 
survey of 1,002 chief executives. 

It showed 55 per cent want to keep the Pound and stay in the EU, 15 per cent 
said leave the union and 25 per cent said join the euro. 

Previous studies have shown business chiefs split 50-50 on the benefits of 
the euro. 

Meanwhile, Mr Blair yesterday rejected calls from France for a tax on moving 
capital from country to country - known as the Tobin Tax. 

A spokesman for the PM said: "We can't see any justification or how it could 

MORE than 50 per cent of Germans want to keep the Deutschmark - and just a 
third welcome the euro, a survey has revealed. 

© News Group Newspapers Ltd. 


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International Banksters at it again.


Re: [CTRL] Israeli Settlers Beat,Chase & Stone European Monitors

2001-08-30 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 08/23/2001 6:44:17 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

<< The halt to patrols "is because of the great number of attacks committed by
 some of the settlers," said Karl-Henrik Sjursen of Norway, the chief of the
 observer mission. "Our observers have been kicked, spat at, dragged from
 their cars and had boulders thrown at them."

 The monitors - Danes, Swedes, Swiss, Norwegians, Italians and Turks - were
 first deployed after a Jewish settler killed 29 Palestinians at prayer in Al
 Khalil in 1994 and have been on patrol continuously since mid-1996. From the
 start they have been held in low esteem by Al Khalil's 450 Jewish settlers.
 The settlers suspected them of colluding with the Palestinians. >>

It's inspiring to see Israeli democracy in action.  Prudy";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Wee Geordie

2001-08-30 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


PUBLICATION DATE:Wednesday, 29 August 2001

Nato action could all end in tears
By Eamonn McCann
Many readers must have felt an urge over the past week to 'phone the
Ministry of Defence in London and shout out a plea for the cancellation of the
operation in Macedonia.
Call it off now, we'd have begged them. It has no chance. Far more likely it
will make everything worse, and end in bitterness, betrayal and tears.
Of course, we wouldn't have been listened to. Nato governments will have
consulted the best intelligence money can buy before undertaking Operation
Essential Harvest, the mission to disarm insurgent Albanians. Armed with
this understanding, Nato Secretary General Lord Robertson (one and the
same as the former Labour MP George 'Wee Geordie' Robertson),
pronounced: "We anticipate the task will be completed in a matter of
weeks". The initial mandate for Essential Harvest lasts 30 days.
The Nato force, Wee Geordie went on to explain, was not mandated to
impose any course of action on anyone. Its task was to collect guns from
"rebels" who, conveniently, had agreed to hand them over "voluntarily".
It's at this point that people in Coleraine, Cullybackey, Lisburn and Swatragh
will have looked up from their newspapers or paused for a moment from
washing the dishes and murmured to themselves that becoming a Lord
seems to have robbed Wee Geordie of any bit of sense he ever had.
There was something worrisome, too, about the discrepancy between the
number of guns the Albanians agreed to hand over and the number the
government in Skopje expected Nato to collect. The former said around
3,300, the latter estimated 80,000. The difference was described by
Robertson as "a detail".
Sighs of sad bemusement across the North at this will scarce have subsided
before news came of the first British casualty. Sapper Ian Collins of the
Royal Engineers was struck by a piece of concrete thrown from a bridge at
his Landrover as he drove away from Skopje airport around teatime on
Official reaction to the 22-year-old's death will have deepened a sense of
foreboding in the people of these parts.
Robertson, on the other hand, was simply bewildered by the turn of events.
The attack was "absurd", he declared, "considering Nato troops are (in
Macedonia) to assist the people and government".
British Defence Minister Geoffrey Hoon came in on cue, script unchanged
from his days at the NIO: the youths who had flung the concrete "represent
nothing", but constituted merely "a hooligan element".
People here, on the other hand, will automatically, and accurately, have
understood that the youths concerned were opposed to Nato's presence
because they believe that Nato, far from being neutral, is in the country to
prop up the other side. Many here will reasonably have assumed, too, that
there will be more of this sort of thing.
Almost certainly, the youths were Macedonian, not Albanian. They will have
been aware that the National Liberation Army Nato says it has come to
disarm is a parallel force to the Kosovo Liberation Army which Nato helped
arm and in support of which Nato airplanes laid Serbia waste in 1999. They
are highly unlikely to accept the Nato forces' bona fides.
Ian Collins' father asks, "Why are we in Macedonia?" And the MoD answers
by stressing the importance of completing the mission and making a
success of the political reforms.
In a letter to the Guardian last Saturday, retired British ambassador Brian
Barder observed: "Each Nato intervention so far has failed to prevent or
reverse ethnic cleansing, has turned out to entail an open-ended
commitment, and precipitated a fresh crisis next door, domino-style.
Perhaps it's time to ask whether. . . Nato's well-meaning interventions are
not in fact making bad situations worse?.
Some would give him an argument about the well-meaningness of Nato's
intentions. But as to the outcome, he's spot on. As so many of us here,
unlike Nato and the MoD, have understood all along.
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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in any

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Asa Hutchinson and Colombia: A Preview

2001-08-30 Thread Kris Millegan

I recently joined the CIA – Drugs group and would like to thank
you all for having me in this joint. I find many of the posts very 
interesting and enjoy the range of viewpoints offered by different 

I am struck by the nomination of Asa Hutchinson to head of DEA 
coinciding with an apparent attempt to undermine the peace 
negotiations in Colombia.  According to the New York Times ("Peace 
Effort in Colombia Near a Standstill," August 27, 2001),  "The 
numbingly slowpace of negotiations has been worsened by 
missteps, disorganization and a lack of financing in the government 
office responsible for negotiating, said former negotiators and 
diplomats who have taken part in the discussions… Participants said 
government representatives often arrived in rebel-held territory 
without being properly briefed."

My, how little $1.3 billion buys! The RAND report, created to justify 
military action, has hedged that a strike against the FARC is 
essentially the only option worthwhile: "The key lesson from El 
Salvador is the need to move forces out of static defense, to the 
extent possible, and remake them into mobile units to retake the 
initiative from the guerrillas and progressively clear them out of 
economically strategic areas." 

"Economically strategic areas" is, of course, code for drug growing 
regions, which is where our pal Asa comes in. A veteran of the Barry 
Seal collaboration and cover-up, his name has been floated well ahead 
of confirmation hearings to see if the corporate media will address 
the implications of the Seal "prosecution" on the kind of
work he will do at DEA. Silence being golden, he is confirmed 98-1.  

The GOP looked a little dated trying to go on about the Persian Gulf 
War at the 2000 convention, and if Bush is going to beat FARC in a 
winnable Ramboesque Vietnam rematch in time for November 2004, they 
will need more money than the people will allow lawmakers to 
allocate, and "economically strategic areas" will have to be
covertly utilized. Some money will come from the Department of 
Defense, as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Western 
Hemisphere Affairs William Brownfeld has already confirmed.

The RAND report's description of the possible scenario of FARC 
takeover or power-sharing warns that takeover would result in "a 
state that will likely replicate Cuban characteristics."  A peace 
agreement "heavily tilted toward the FARC" would lead to
"a power-sharing arrangement that leaves the FARC in charge of large 
parts of Colombia (including the coca-growing regions), and the 
removal of U.S. influence."

Whatever any of us may think of the Castro regime, the claims 
to "synergy" between drug eradication and an anti-Marxist
counter-insurrection, citing the Cuban model, is somewhat compromised 
by the fact that Cuba since the revolution has not been a major US 
source of drugs, while before the revolution it was the center of 
Lucky Luciano's heroin operation, by far the largest of its time. 
FARC, for sure, will continue in the business of cocaine production 
in such a scenario, but as Hutchinson said in his confirmation 
hearing:"I think we should not delude ourselves, but our efforts 
there hopefully will have some good side benefit for the drug supply 
in America. But we have to realize the primary impact is to support 
that democracy."

"Support that democracy" means beat FARC for the cameras and
so that the McMarshall Plan aspects of the Andean Regional Initiative 
will not be needed to secure U.S. corporate hegemony in the 
hemisphere, helping Bush get reelected in time to sneak FTAA through 
congress on page A16.  


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2001-08-30 Thread PLSroufe
Aug 29, 2001 Senate Committee Says Missing IRS Returns at Pittsburgh
Facility Growing to 40,000 or More

By Curt Anderson
The Associated Press
WASHINGTON (AP) - At least 40,000 federal tax returns and payments involving
$810 million were either lost or destroyed at a Pittsburgh processing
facility. Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, D-Mont., said
Wednesday a previous estimate of 1,800 lost or destroyed payments was "only a
small fraction" of the actual total now acknowledged by the Internal Revenue
Service. "It may be six months or more before the scope and magnitude of this
problem is fully known," Baucus said. The tax returns and payments were sent
by taxpayers in New England and parts of New York this year to a Pittsburgh
lockbox run by Mellon Bank under a contract with the federal government.
Earlier this month, Mellon lost its contract to run the facility following
what the bank's chairman called "gross disregard" and failure to follow
company policy by some employees. The IRS and the Treasury Inspector General
for Tax Administration are investigating the incident, which Baucus said
appears to be confined to the Pittsburgh facility. IRS officials declined
comment Wednesday on the probe but said they are working with taxpayers to
address any problems. It remains a mystery exactly what happened to the
returns and payments or whether the incident was deliberate or a mistake. All
that investigators or Mellon Bank will say publicly is that it does not
appear to be a case of identity theft, stolen checks or disclosure of
sensitive taxpayer information. Mellon's Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer, Martin McGuinn, said in an e-mail that "several" bank employees were
fired after an internal probe found taxpayer submissions that were "hidden,
and in some cases, destroyed." Loss of the contract resulted in layoffs of
106 other employees. The investigation began after taxpayers began contacting
the IRS when their payment checks had failed to clear. Sen. Charles Schumer,
D-N.Y., said the agency has now received 22,000 complaints of uncashed
checks. Affected taxpayers submitted tax returns and payments this year to
the Pittsburgh lockbox from Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont,
Massachusetts, Rhode Island and parts of New York outside of New York City
and Nassau, Rockland, Suffolk and Westchester counties. Also potentially
affected were taxpayers from those areas who submitted estimated tax payments
and those who made payments along with a request for an extension to file
their returns. Baucus said "an untold number" of taxpayers likely aren't even
aware that their returns and checks were lost or destroyed. He recommended
they review bank records to determine if any check sent to the IRS failed to
clear. The IRS has already set up a special unit to handle these cases.
Taxpayers who suspect they may be affected should call the agency at
1-800-829-1040. The IRS is asking them to stop payment on the uncashed check
and send a new return and check to the IRS service center in Andover, Mass.
The IRS will treat a replacement check and return as filed on time from
affected taxpayers, meaning they won't owe any penalties or interest.
Taxpayers can also get reimbursed by the IRS for any bank fees by filing IRS
Form 8546. ^ On the Net: IRS: ^ Affected taxpayers
can contact the IRS directly by mail: Internal Revenue Service Post Office
Box 9936 Andover, MA 01810 Attn: Nancy Green, Stop 321 AP-ES-08-29-01 1750EDT
This story can be found at : 


2001-08-30 Thread PLSroufe
U.S. Pledges $16 Million for IMF Security Police Expect 100,000 Protesters
_IMF Protests_

By Spencer S. Hsu Washington Post Staff Writer Friday, August 24, 2001; Page

The Bush administration will reimburse the District for up to $16 million of
the projected $29 million cost of providing security for next month's
meetings of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank in Washington,
officials announced yesterday.

The deal fell short of the city's requests for aid in preparing for as many
as 100,000 protesters.

Deputy Mayor for Public Safety Margret Nedelkoff Kellems said the balance
left to the District to pay was "not an ideal outcome, certainly," and she
said the city intended to press the two international development agencies to
shoulder some expenses in the city where they are headquartered. Otherwise,
she said, the District would use its emergency reserves.

"The federal government recognizes that, in this instance, the costs for
managing this event should not rest solely on the taxpayers of the District
of Columbia," Sean O'Keefe, deputy director of the U.S. Office of Management
and Budget, said in a letter to Mayor Anthony A. Williams (D).

"We're pleased we were able to come to terms," Kellems said at a news
conference with D.C. Police Chief Charles H. Ramsey.

IMF spokesman William Murray said the fund has not received an aid request
from the U.S. government and that payment would be unprecedented. "The fund
and the bank take the traditional view that host countries are responsible
for providing a secure working environment," he said.

The agreement capped financial preparations for the Sept. 29-30 meetings of
the two groups. The dates heightened anxieties in the perennially strapped
District, because they fall at the end of the city government's fiscal year.

Authorities said they expect mostly peaceful protests. But violence has
erupted at recent world economic summits in Seattle, Quebec and Genoa, Italy.
Last month's Group of Eight meeting, at which protesters rioted and one was
shot dead by police, reportedly cost the Italian government $100 million.

Protesters, though, have decried the efforts and questioned the motives of

Some organizers accused D.C. police of inflating the numbers of expected
demonstrators to justify the $29 million plan.

"It's inappropriate for police forces to be used as private security for
unpopular global financial institutions," said Matthew Smucker, 23, an
organizer with Mobilization for Global Justice, which he said plans legal,
nonviolent protests that would not warrant extra security.

Ramsey said: "If we have large numbers of people show up but they basically
remain peaceful . . . then we'll be okay. . . . If they engage in
large-scale, violent behavior, then we're going to have a problem with or
without this money being in place, because of the numbers that we're talking

Of the federal funds, up to $11 million will go to transport, house, feed and
pay more than 3,000 law enforcement officers from other jurisdictions who
will be brought in to virtually double the District's police force for four

The government also committed to purchase up to $4.9 million worth of riot
gear, medical supplies and operating equipment, including protective suits
and helmets for about 2,000 police, rescue and emergency workers. The
equipment will remain federal property.

The District agreed to pay $6.7 million in expected overtime costs for
District police and other local government workers, $4.4 million to speed up
installation of new police communication and video equipment and $1.5 million
for various other expenses.

The $29 million does not include a $2 million, nine-foot-high concrete and
metal fence planned to cordon off swaths of downtown to create a security
zone around IMF and World Bank headquarters, meeting sites and the White
House. That expense has been taken over by the Secret Service, D.C. officials

"We're confidant we can do everything we need to do to ensure security,"
Kellems said. "The city can afford what the city is putting up."

The Bush administration agreed to repay the District for expenses by Dec. 31,
in time for the city to include the sum in its annual financial statements.

Staff writer Manny Fernandez contributed to this report.

An unconstitutional use of taxpayer funds by the minions of the criminal
international banking cartel.

Re: [CTRL] Public indoctrination, part 1

2001-08-30 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

> This assumes morality can not be divorced from religion, which is totally
> incorrect...
> It is wrong to kill people in all instances?  In some instances?
> God (the Christian one anyway) had a bunch of kids mauled for making fun of
> a bald priest.

Really? Did God tell you he did this? If you discovered God is unknowable
how then did you discover what God knows?

So his morality should be questioned anyway.  He also seemed
> to have no problem with people killing the enemies of their nation in war.
> I'm an agnostic, and I believe war is immoral.  I do not believe an eye for
> an eye is a moral law, therefore I am against the death penalty.

And yet sadly you still haven't been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize

> Why are these things wrong?  Well, it sure ain't because God said so...if
> anything it comes down to the categorical imperative, or the golden rule if
> you will...
> What would happen if everyone acted this way?  Would you want people to
> treat you this way?

The pale Galilean covered that as did Hillel

> My morals come from empathy.  I know right from wrong, because I can put
> myself in the other guys shoes.  I know it is wrong to hurt people, well,
> because it hurts when people hurt me...God doesn't have to tell me that, I
> have a brain and can figure it out...

Wow you did that all by your lonesome? You should consider donating said
grey matter to Harvard after you pass on to the great unknown - which in
your case, being an agnostic, really IS unknown isn't it?

> Maybe you need the fear of Hell to make you into a good person,

I don't fear Hell and I've never staked any claim to being a 'good person'

> I do not,
> and I resent the implication that I do.

I never made any such implication - maybe the writer of the article did
but she and I are two separate and distinct corporeal entities and you
ought neither confuse nor fuse the pair.

> (By the way, I was raised Methodist, it was years later, after doing some of
> my own research that I decided even if God exists, he is completely
> unknowable, and thus agnosticism is the only solution for a rational mind...
> oh and to respond to part II while I am here, if you read a little
> Descartes, a little Hume, and a few others, the idea of no absolute truth is
> not only rational, but the only thing that really makes sense)

I was raised athiest and after doing some of my own research determined
that Kierkegaard had it spot on lad so I took a big irrational leap into
something rather than nothing. As for the philosophes, I've read them. As
for the opinion in re absolute truth and rationality and/or irrationality,
it was not mine. Please stop conflating the author of the article's
opinions with my own. And as long as we're recommending writers read a
little Paul Tillich, a little Gabriel Marcel or a little Martin Buber.

> Mike Switzer
> Rambler, Philosopher, Musician, and Crank...
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Media Bias?

2001-08-30 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


If  the Western press covered this from Macedonia...
PressInfo #  128
 August  28, 2001 By Jan Oberg, TFF  director Few citizens can go to
conflict regions to develop an  understanding and form an opinion. Most of us
rely on the  dailies, the radio and television. So, the media stand  between
the events and each of us. What we obtain is not  necessarily reality but an
image of it, a part of it,  some aspects and angles rather than others. In
principle,  it can hardly be otherwise.
But what if the coverage is systematically biased and  what if there is a
tendency in what is not covered?
Once again there is a Balkan crisis and once again  some of us who have
been on the ground for about ten  years ask: do we have a free press on
which those at home  can safely rely?
Here follow some 20 examples of what could have  featured prominently in
the headlines about Macedonia the  last few months. Most citizens are likely
not to have  heard much about them in the mainstream media and may,

  therefore, not have thought of these events and their  implications: - the
story of Americans working with KLA/NLA and  investigate why NATO, in
contravention of its mandate in  Macedonia, evacuated KLA/NLA soldiers
with American  advisers and equipment out of Aracinovo…
- why NATO/KFOR and the UN in Kosovo turned a blind  eye to KLA/NLA
operations in the American sector and the  demilitarised zone…
- which governments, agencies, mercenary companies and  arms dealers
have supplied KLA/NLA with weapons since  1993…
- what kind of misinformation and propaganda campaigns  the press itself is
the object of by NATO and others,  e.g. why it suddenly begins to call
Macedonians "Slavs"  or "Slav Macedonians," something they have never
been  called before. Or why Macedonians are frequently called  "nationalists"
while you never hear that word about  Albanians with guns in their hands…
- the suffering and socio-economic deprivation of  Macedonians and not only
the Albanians…
- the question of whether EU foreign policy chief,  Javier Solana, the S-G of
NATO at the time when it bombed  Yugoslavia, and NATO S-G Lord
Robertson, then British  secretary of defence, are personally responsible for
the  de-stabilisation of Macedonia…
- why we get no conflict journalism but only war  reporting and whether there
was any ethnic hatred in  Macedonia that could have sparked off a war had
Western countries not meddled in the affairs of  Macedonia…
- the story of why one of the best missions in the  history of the United
Nations, UNPREDEP, was forced out  of Macedonia in 1999 to allow NATO
to (mis)use the country for its own "peaceful" aims…
- why the UN's Mr. Haekkerup in Pristina, the highest  authority in Kosovo,
has not been asked why 46,000  NATO/KFOR soldiers in Kosovo did not
actually disarm the  KLA in spite of the fact that it was stated officially in

   autumn 1999 that it was disarmed and declared  illegal…
- how European politicians feel about the fact that  the August 13 Ohrid
"Peace" Agreement is completely  one-sided, demands no guarantees or
obligations of the Albanians (except handing in some of their weapons) and

   rewards only the Albanian extremists who unilaterally  turned the
conflict into war…
- the issue of how better human rights can be promoted  by KLA/NLA killing,
ethnically cleaning villages and  refusing for months to meet with the press
until its political leader in front of cameras declared himself  pro-peace sitting
under NATO, US, EU and Albanian  flags…
- why KLA/NLA has been permitted to commit two  international
aggressions, one into Southern Serbia and  the one into Macedonia, and are
called 'armed thugs' by NATO and EU and maintain de facto Western
support and  have been a negotiations partner of NATO and are being be

   offered amnesty…
- why the EU, NATO and the United States have worked  together to prevent
the state of Macedonia from  exercising its right to self-defence, according
the  Charter of the United Nations Article 51, by threatening  to withdraw
economic aid if it fought back  "disproportionately" when KLA occupied the
country bit by  bit…
- the fact that Macedonia was never paid any  compensation for putting up
with ten years of Western  sanctions against its main trade partner,
Yugoslavia, and was also never compensated for NATO's turning it into a

   combined refugee camp and military base…
- why KLA/NLA's leadership has not simply been  arrested by NATO and the
UN long ago - they have the  authority to do so - and why Albanian leaders
are seldom  mentioned in relation to the Hague Tribunal…
- the relations between certain hard-line Albanian  leaders and the trade in
drugs, women, cigarettes and  other black market dealings that supply
customers in the region, including international staff, and other European

   markets, and provides most of the cash with which KLA/NLA 


2001-08-30 Thread PLSroufe

Global Economy's New Guardian D.C.'s Answer to IMF, World Bank Protests:
Miles of Chain-Link _IMF Protests_

By David Montgomery Washington Post Staff Writer Thursday, August 30, 2001;
Page C01

The D.C. police are old hands at crowd control, but they never went this far
before. They never boosted their arsenal with a weapon as tricky and volatile
as a great big shiny silver chain-link monster anti-protester peace device, a
fence designed to keep globalization-haters from getting at globalizers among
the bankers and trade ministers gathering at the World Bank and the
International Monetary Fund.

Depending on what part of the country you're from, you might know it as a
cyclone fence or a hurricane fence. Pick your storm.

The fence will be nine feet tall. It will have a perimeter of 2 1/2 miles. It
will enclose 220 downtown acres and block 27 streets, according to
preliminary plans. Corralled will be: the White House, parts of Foggy Bottom
and George Washington University, four apartment buildings, a church, dozens
of stores, restaurants and offices.

We've had astounding, unpredictable and occasionally violent crowds converge
on Washington before, but never a fence like this. Among the unfenced: Martin
Luther King Jr. and the March on Washington; the May Day and Moratorium
demonstrations against the Vietnam War; the boisterous rejection of
inaugurations, from Richard Nixon's second in 1973 to George W. Bush's in
2001; the crusades for and against abortion rights, gay rights and women's
rights; the Million Man, Mom and Family Marches; last year's
anti-globalization protests.

When there was fencing, it was piecemeal, ad hoc, not a single grand
installation. During anti-Vietnam protests, police surrounded the White House
grounds with buses. It was kind of cute, the buses shoved nose-to-butt like

This is a much more ambitious quarantine. Perhaps it springs from the same
good intentions and low tolerance for dread and uncertainty that are driving
the crusade for a missile defense shield.

When the police propose to erect the biggest cyclone fence ever seen in
Washington, are we supposed to grab Toto and hunker down for heavy weather?

Don't expect a straight answer from a fence. Fences have two sides, and at
least as many meanings. Sometimes good fences make good neighbors. Sometimes.

"In our society people think a fence is just a fence," says Craig Herrick,
commercial sales manager for Long Fence in Capitol Heights. "There's a lot
more to it."

Keeping New World Order

Call this one chain-link, in fence industry esperanto, recognized from coast
to coast, around ball fields, playgrounds, racetracks, rock concerts and
construction sites. You see them everywhere -- until you don't notice them
anymore, as though they were transparent, but not quite.

The ingenious but unlovely essentials haven't changed in about a century --
galvanized steel wire woven into a fabric of two-inch diamond shapes and
stretched between horizontal and vertical steel poles.

The chief tenants of this new gated community will be the globalization
grandees who've somehow attracted some of the biggest First World protest
demonstrations in more than 30 years. Abroad, the World Bank and the IMF boss
around presidents and despots, rescue economies, strive to end poverty while
defending wealth. At home, they need a big fence to keep out people who doubt
it is possible to end poverty while defending wealth.

Police say 100,000 demonstrators, some violent, will be on hand during the
annual meeting of the bank and the IMF Sept. 29 and 30. Hence the fence.
Protesters insist their numbers will be much smaller, and peaceful, so don't
fence them out. (Afterward, numerical self-interest will invert; protesters
will claim a big number, police a smaller one. Each will accuse the other of
being more violent.)

The $2 million fence will do its thing that weekend, then come down. But
erecting 14,000 linear feet of chain-link in the middle of a city is no
simple thing. Fence companies are used to putting up temporary fences of
comparable dimensions around rural stock car courses and monster truck pits,
parking lots and political conventions. In those cases, there usually are no
streets to close, no lunch crowds or commuters to discommode -- and still it
takes two or three weeks to deploy that much shiny steel.

"It's very unusual to have two miles of fence in a city somewhere," Herrick

Not to worry. Urban civil disorder that explodes on schedule -- whenever that
new world cuisine IMF-WTO-G8-FTAA-NAFTA alphabet soup is being cooked up --
is a growth market for the fence industry. And the industry can meet the
challenge. Pay enough money, and a big fence can be made to surround part of
a city in a week, maybe less. The Secret Service is picking up the tab for
this one, and everyone figures it's willing to pay overtime.

So pretty soon, the fence guys will go to work downtown. They'll sink steel
poles into concrete Jersey barr

[CTRL] Fwd: Israeli forces pull out of Beit Jalla

2001-08-30 Thread Saba

First an item I pulled from the web - story of David and Goliath as
portrayed by ISLAM..

When you read the one - and then the above - its the same old story -


Prophet Dawud (David)

When the two armies faced each other, Goliath challenged any soldier
from King Saul's army to single combat, as was the custom of battle in
those days. Goliath also wanted to show off his strength. The men were
terrorized, and no one had enough courage to volunteer. The king offered
the hand of his pretty daughter in marriage to the man who would fight
Goliath, but even this tempting offer did not change the deadly silence
among his soldiers.

Then, to everyone's surprise, a youth stepped forward. A roar of
laughter echoed from the enemy's side, and even Saul's men shook their

The young man was David (Dawud), from the city of Bethlehem. His elderly
father had chosen three of his sons to join Saul's army. He had
instructed the youngest one, David, not to take part in the fighting but
to help the army in other ways and to report to his father daily on what
was happening on the war front.

Although Saul was very impressed by the youth's courage, he said: "I
admire your courage, but you are no match for that mighty warrior. Let
the strong men come forward." David, however, had already decided and
was willing to meet the challenge. Proudly, he told the king that only
the day before he had killed a lion which had threatened his father's
sheep, and on another occasion he had killed a bear. He asked Saul not
to judge him by his appearance, for he feared no man or wild beast.
Saul, surprised by young David's brave stance, agreed: "My brave
soldier, if you are willing, then may Allah guard you and grant you

The king dressed David in battle armor and handed him a sword, but David
was not used to wearing battle dress. He felt uncomfortable in it, and
it obstructed his movements. He removed the armor, then collected a few
pebbles and filled his leather pouch with them. He slung it over his
shoulder next to his sling. With his wooden staff in hand, he began to
walk towards the enemy. Saul was worried and asked him how on earth,
with a sling and a couple of stones was he going to defend himself
against the giant? David replied:
"Allah Who protected me from the claws of the bear and the fangs of the
lion will certainly protect me from this brute!"

When Goliath set eyes on the lean young man who looked like a boy, he
laughed loudly and roared: "Are you out to play war with one of your
playmates, or are you tired of your life? I will simply cut off your
head with one swipe of my sword!"
David shouted back: "You may have armor, shield, and sword, but I face
you in the name of Allah, the Lord of the Israelites, Whose laws you
have mocked.

Today you will see that it is not the sword that kills but the will and
power of Allah!"

So saying, he took his sling and placed in it a pebble from his pouch.
He swung and aimed it at Goliath. The pebble shot from the whirling
sling with the speed of an arrow and hit Goliath's head with great
force. Blood gushed out, and Goliath thumped to the ground, lifeless,
before he had a chance to draw his sword. When the rest of his men saw
their mighty hero slain, they took to their heels.

The Israelites followed in hot pursuit, taking revenge for their years
of suffering at the hands of their enemy, killing every soldier they
could lay hands on. In this battle the Israelites regained the glory and
honor that had been lost for a long time.

David became a hero overnight. Saul kept his word and married his
daughter Michal (Miqel) to the young warrior and took him under his wing
as one of his chief advisors.

Almighty Allah declared:  So they routed them by Allah's Leave and David
killed Goliath, and Allah gave him (David) the kingdom (after the death
of Saul and Samuel) and wisdom, and taught him of that which He willed.
And if Allah did not check one set of people by means of another, the
earth would indeed be full of mischief. But Allah is full of Bounty to
the Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exist). (Ch 2:251 Quran).

David became the most famous man among the Israelites. However, he was
not inveigled by this; he was not a prisoner of fame or leadership but a
prisoner of Allah's love.

Therefore, after killing Goliath he went out into the desert in the
company of nature, glorifying Almighty Allah and contemplating His
favors. Verily, We made the mountains to glorify Our Praises with him
(David) in the Ashi (after the mid-day till sunset) and Ishraq (after
the sunrise till mid-day). And (so did) the birds assembled: all with
him (David) did turn (to Allah, glorified His Praises). We made his
kingdom strong and gave him wisdom and sound judgment in speech and
decision. (Ch 38:18-20 Quran)

Creatures such as the plants, birds, beasts, and even the mountains
responded to his voice glorifying Allah.

Allah had chosen David to be a prophet and revealed the Psalms to him.

[CTRL] "A Free Press ..."

2001-08-30 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

This is a WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which follows.
To view this item online, visit

Thursday, August 30, 2001
WorldNetDaily Offline
Farah to address
historic synagogue
WND editor-columnist to discuss Mideast in Tennessee
© 2001
WorldNetDaily Editor Joseph Farah will address the Baron Hirsch
Synagogue, founded more than 130 years ago in Memphis, Tenn., and the
flagship of American Orthodox Judaism, on the subject of the Middle East
Saturday, Sept. 8.

Baron Hirsch is the largest Orthodox congregation in the United States,
presided over by Rabbi Raphael Grossman, the first non-New York-area rabbi
elected president of the Rabbinical Council of America. He now serves as
honorary president and chairman of the Rabbinical Council International.

The synagogue is known for its lectures by prominent Jewish scholars.
Recent events included talks by Gen. Shlomo Laht, mayor of Tel Aviv; Dr.
Yossi Beilin, author of the Oslo Accords; and Zev Begin, Israel’s former minis
ter of science.

More rare are apperarances by non-Jews, such as Farah, an Arab-American journalist who 
writes a daily column for WorldNetDaily and a weekly column for the Jerusalem Post.
Farah is the founder, editor and chief executive officer of, the 
Internet's fastest-growing independent newssite.  Farah has written for such 
publications as the Wall Street Journal, National Review, TV
Guide, Reason, Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe, San Francisco Chronicle, Chicago 
Sun-Times and a host of other national, international and regional publications.
He is the co-author, with U.S. Rep. Richard Pombo, of "This Land is Our Land" (1996), 
and in 1994 collaborated with Rush Limbaugh on the No. 1 New York Times best-seller 
"See, I Told You So."
Farah made a name for himself with traditional daily newspapers prior to his founding 
of WorldNetDaily – running the Sacramento Union, directing the news operation of the 
Los Angeles Herald Examiner for nine years and ser
ving as editor-in-chief of a group of California dailies and weeklies.
His role as founder of the Western Journalism Center won him the
Washington Times Foundation's National Service Award in 1996. Two years
earlier, in 1994, he was honored by the American-Swiss Foundation as one
of 20 "Young Leaders" who traveled to Europe for discussions with their
distinguished counterparts abroad. Farah's many journalism awards include
honors for reporting to writing headlines to honesty in journalism to editing
and newspaper design.
Farah's talk is open to the general public. For more information, call 901-683-

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simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it."
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
 German Writer (1759-1805)
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It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
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"Everyone has the seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers."
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut."
--- Ernest Hemingway";>
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-

[CTRL] "Museum Harvest"

2001-08-30 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Macedonia Rebels Surrendering Too Few Weapons, Analyst Says
By Beth Kampschror Correspondent
August 29, 2001
Sarajevo ( - The number of weapons ethnic Albanian rebels in
Macedonia are scheduled to hand over to NATO troops as part of a peace
deal is too low, a military analyst warned Wednesday.
"It's a ridiculously low figure," said Richard Bennett of the 3,300 weapons
NATO expects to collect from the self-styled National Liberation Army (NLA).
"It's a figure that has been given to NATO by the Albanians themselves. It's
probably about 10 percent of what they've actually got in their possession,"
added Bennett, a senior analyst with the UK-based Armed Forces
Intelligence (AFI) Research.
The NLA is supposed to turn over the weapons as part of NATO's Operation
Essential Harvest, which is aimed at keeping Macedonia from sliding into
civil war.
The rebel group began its insurgency in February, saying they were fighting
for more rights for Macedonia's sizeable ethnic Albanian minority. The
government believes the rebels were trying to carve out an Albanian mini-s
tate and charges that the trouble has been imported from neighboring Kosovo, where 
ethnic Albanians are in the majority.
The Macedonian government puts the number of NLA weapons as high as 85,000. Bennett 
said in a phone interview that sounded like a more accurate figure.
"I doubt they have actually got that in their hot little hands," he said, but added 
that all the NLA has to do is cross the relatively open border into Kosovo to find all 
the weapons they need.
There are also concerns that the NLA is keeping back its most effective weapons and 
giving NATO its oldest and least effective ones.
Macedonian government spokesperson Antonio Milososki said earlier the operation should 
be called "Museum Harvest" because of the age of the several hundred weapons already 
turned in to the British-led NATO force.
"I wouldn't disagree with that for a second," Bennett said. "The NLA is getting rid of 
arms that are no use to them. NATO's basically doing a dustman's job - a garbage 
removal job for the NLA."
Bennett said that the NLA, like all guerrilla organizations, doesn't want weapons that 
are difficult to maintain or to hide. A tank, for instance, would be of no operational 
value in this case but would give NATO somethin
g to show to the media, he said.
"[The valuable weapons] will either be buried or be taken safely back across the 
border into Kosovo for further use," he said.
Bennett said NATO had a "golden opportunity" to disarm the ethnic Albanians in Kosovo 
when the alliance took over the province in 1999, after its air campaign against 
Yugoslav forces. But neither disarmament nor demobiliz
ation took place, with dire consequences for Macedonia.
"It's shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted," he said.
Earlier, defense analyst Philip Mitchell of the International Institute for Strategic 
Studies in London said the success of the NATO mission would have to be judged on the 
quality and quantity of weapons surrendered.
"Even then, given the fact that entire region is awash with weapons ... however many 
weapons are handed in, it's true to say they could quickly be replaced by what is 
hidden in the mountains of Kosovo, just over the borde
r," he said.
NATO Secretary-General George Robertson is in Macedonia Wednesday to
inspect Essential Harvest, though tensions in the country have not subsided.
The state news agency reported that a bomb went off at an ethnic Albanian
primary school after midnight last night. No casualties were reported.
The NLA agreed to disarm only if political changes granting ethnic Albanians
in Macedonia more rights were imminent.
An agreement reached earlier this month aims to give the Albanian language
semi-official status and to ethnically balance the country's police forces.
Parliament is expected to begin debating the changes Friday.
See also:
NATO's Latest Balkans Mission May Exceed Time Limit (Aug 23, 2001)

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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
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believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures

[CTRL] Gun Training Bill Revised to Gain Support

2001-08-30 Thread PLSroufe
Gun Training Bill Revised to Gain Support

A California bill that would have required handgun buyers to fire the weapon
during training has been revised to gain support from law-enforcement groups
and Gov. Gray Davis, the Contra Costa Times reported Aug. 25. Originally, the
handgun licensing bill would have required gun applicants to demonstrate gun
proficiency before purchasing the weapon. But the authors of the measure
removed the firing requirement to give it a better chance of passage.

Opponents of the bill were concerned that people in rural areas would not
have access to firing ranges. In addition,some law-enforcement groups said
that enforcing the law would take officers away from other duties.

Buyers would still be required to demonstrate safe handling of the weapons,
but without firing a bullet.

The bill, which was introduced in both sides of the Assembly, is currently in
committee and is expected to be considered next week.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [APFN] Re: Soy products

2001-08-30 Thread PLSroufe
More comments on Soy.

  I have been hearing this stuff just lately regarding soy and its 
  anti-health properties.
  Several years ago, I was a nanny to triplets. The girl had regular 
  formula, and the boys being allergic to bovine-based formula, one had a 
  rice-based formula, the other was prescribed a soy-based formula (for 
  some reason).
  Well.  This baby had the most stinky, thin and runny, orangish 
  poop I ever saw in a baby.  He also had lots of gas and due to the 
  irritation it caused him, cried a lot.  I was beginning to draw the 
  conclusion that soy was not an acceptable base for baby formula. 
  (Actually, I think mother's milk is the best, anyway.)
  A few years later, my sister had twins; a boy and a girl. While both 
  were designated allergic to cow's milk, the girl was placed on a rice 
  based formula and the boy, a soy-based formula.
  The same thing occured as my experience with the triplets.  The 
  baby with the soy-based formula had lots of gas, cried a lot, and his poop 
  was stinky and runny. It just confirmed my suspicions about soy-based 
  formula, and it made me question how wonderful they might alos be for 
  Then I also begain to hear how agri-business happens to plant lots of 
  soy and they are looking to create markets for human consumption 
  versus planting soy as mainly an animal feed staple. 
  That's when I got my "A-hah!"
  ---Original Message---
  Date: Wednesday, August 
  29, 2001 18:16:31
  Subject: SNET: Too Much 
  Soy Could Lead To Kidney Stones
   -> SNETNEWS Mailing 
  ListSource: American Chemical Society ( Date: Posted 
  8/29/2001 Too Much Soy Could Lead To Kidney Stones New 
  research indicates that soybeans and soy-based foods, a staple in the 
  diets of many health-conscious consumers, may promote kidney stones in 
  those prone to the painful condition. The finding will be published in 
  the September issue of the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 
  a peer-reviewed journal of the American Chemical Society, the world’s 
  largest scientific society. The researchers measured nearly a 
  dozen varieties of soybeans for oxalate, a compound that can bind with 
  calcium in the kidney to form kidney stones. They also tested 13 types 
  of soy-based foods, finding enough oxalate in each to potentially 
  cause problems for people with a history of kidney stones, according 
  to Linda Massey, Ph.D., at Washington State University in Spokane. The 
  amount of oxalate in the commercial products easily eclipsed the 
  American Dietetic Association’s 10 milligram-per-serving 
  recommendation for patients with kidney stones, with some foods 
  reaching up to 50 times higher than the suggested limit, she noted. 
  “Under these guidelines, no soybean or soy-[based] food tested 
  could be recommended for consumption by patients with a personal 
  history of kidney stones,” she said. No one had previously 
  examined soy foods for oxalate, thus the researchers are the first to 
  identify oxalate in store-bought products like tofu, soy cheese and 
  soy drinks. Other foods, such as spinach and rhubarb, also contain 
  significant oxalate levels, but are not as widely consumed for their 
  presumed health benefits, Massey said. During their testing, 
  the researchers found the highest oxalate levels in textured soy 
  protein, which contains up to 638 milligrams of oxalate per 85-gram 
  serving. Soy cheese had the lowest oxalate content, at 16 milligrams 
  per serving. Spinach, measured during previous research, has 
  approximately 543 milligrams per one-cup (2 oz. fresh) serving. 
  Soy, a natural source of protein, fiber and healthy oils, is used 
  to enhance a myriad of foods, ranging from hamburgers to ice cream. It 
  can be ground into flour and used in a variety of grain products, or 
  formed into chunks and ground like meat. Soy is also being studied for 
  its potential to lower cholesterol, reduce bone loss and prevent 
  breast cancer. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently approved 
  a new label on foods containing at least 6.25 grams of soy protein per 
  serving that boasts of a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. 
  Oxalate, however, cannot be metabolized by the body and is 
  excreted only through urine, Massey said. The compound has no 
  nutritional value, but binds to calcium to form a mass (kidney stones) 
  that can block the urinary system, she said. Further research is 
  needed to find types of soybeans with less oxalate, or to develop a 
  processing method to re

Re: [CTRL] speaking of anti-islamic discrimination

2001-08-30 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 08/23/2001 1:02:36 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

<<  The greatest number of complaints
 were related to Hijab, modest clothing Muslim women wear in public that is
 generally loose-fitting and includes a head covering. >>

The clothing so described is not necessary to comply with the Koran.  The
Koran simply tells women to go modestly and to cover their hair and draw
their robe across their bosoms when abroad among strangers.  It further gives
a list of men before whom the woman need not cover.  The dress of many Muslim
women is simply the result of decisions made locally by religious leaders who
for one reason or another think that Mohammad's requirements must not have
been completely correct.  It boggles the mind.  Prudy";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Government Misconduct Toward Wen Ho Lee

2001-08-30 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

Report confirms US government misconduct in Wen Ho Lee spy case

By Patrick Martin
21 August 2001
Use this version to print | Send this link by email | Email the author

Federal authorities had the Taiwanese-American nuclear scientist Wen Ho Lee
jailed in solitary confinement for "a crime which was never established to
have occurred," according to excerpts of an internal Justice Department
report which were released August 13 in Washington.

The 800-page report on the investigation of alleged Chinese nuclear weapons
espionage, prepared last year by Assistant US Attorney Randy Bellows,
remains classified, but heavily censored excerpts were released in
conjunction with a civil suit filed by one of the federal officials
implicated in the witch-hunt.

Wen Ho Lee was arrested in December 1999, charged with violation of the
Atomic Energy Act and jailed for nine months under the most onerous
conditions. The elderly physicist was held in solitary confinement 23 hours
a day, with limited visitation rights. Family members were required to
converse with him in English rather than Chinese.

On August 24, 2000, Federal District Court Judge James A. Parker ordered Lee
released to house arrest after he concluded that federal officials had lied
at the initial bail hearing, where they described the scientist as a threat
to US national survival. Parker declared that Lee's jailing "embarrassed our
entire nation and each of us who is a citizen of it." The judge issued a
public apology.

A few weeks later, its case in ruins, the government dropped 58 of its 59
charges against Lee and the scientist pleaded guilty to a single count of
mishandling nuclear information. He was sentenced to time served.

The Bellows report found that virtually every element of the Department of
Energy and FBI investigation into the possibility of Chinese nuclear
espionage was defective. These probes "contained very serious deficiencies,
including numerous inconsistent and contradictory statements as well as
unsubstantiated assertions. Other deficiencies lay just beneath the surface;
even a cursory investigation-had it been done by the FBI-would have revealed

Incompetence and hysteria

Once initial suspicions of espionage were raised, fueled by CIA claims of a
sudden advance in China's nuclear weapons capabilities, the investigation
quickly focused on a single individual, Wen Ho Lee. Bellows laid the main
blame for this on the Energy Department, whose security probe "caused the
FBI to ignore and exclude numerous other possible subjects and numerous
other possible venues." Among the blunders, investigators:

* ignored the possibility that China had developed the new technology on its

* failed to investigate whether employees of defense contractors were
responsible for the alleged leaks;

* failed to investigate whether Energy Department employees at facilities
other than Los Alamos could have been the source of leaks;

* wrongly excluded the Lawrence Livermore laboratory from investigation;

* relied on "scientific experts" who lacked the knowledge of nuclear weapons
technology required to determine whether any breach of security had actually
taken place;

* failed to search laboratory vaults containing hundreds of thousands of
pages of documents.

While the excerpts of the report thus far published do not go into this
aspect of the case, the principal claim that triggered the Wen Ho Lee
prosecution-that China had stolen the design of a US warhead known as the
W-88-was always dubious. The W-88 is a miniaturized warhead developed for
the specific purpose of targeting nuclear missile silos in the Soviet Union.
In the near term, it would be virtually useless for China, which has barely
a dozen strategic missiles capable of reaching the United States and is
therefore restricted to targeting large cities.

Yet on the basis of implausible charges and a skewed investigation, an
American citizen was subjected to a media witch-hunt, threatened with
execution-his interrogators asked him pointedly if he knew who the
Rosenbergs were-and held for nine months in solitary confinement.

The level of hysteria reached its high point at the initial bail hearing, in
December 1999, when Judge Parker indicated that he was leaning toward
confining Wen Ho Lee to his Los Alamos home while judicial proceedings
continued. Federal prosecutors demanded immediate solitary confinement,
invoking national security considerations.

Stephen M. Younger, associate director for nuclear weapons at Los Alamos,
said the information Lee had downloaded from lab computers could "in the
wrong hands, change the global strategic balance." Paul Robinson, president
of the Sandia National Laboratories, told the judge that in considering the
conditions of Lee's confinement, "This court, I believe, faces a
you-bet-your-country decision."

Subsequently, nuclear experts debunked these claims, pointing out that most

Re: [CTRL] FN: Dems Trying to Prop Up Embattled Congressman Condit or Successor

2001-08-30 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 08/22/2001 5:56:15 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Condit, a conservative Democrat who has represented a Modesto area district
 for 12 years, was considered a shoo-in for re-election until he became
 linked to missing Washington, D.C., intern Chandra Levy.

 A police source says Condit confirmed during a third interview with
 officers that he had an affair with Levy, who vanished from her Washington
 apartment on May 1. >>

I've been trying to figure out the message of this Condit thing for quite a
while.  Let's see.  Most congressmen appear to have affairs.  Very few are
ever castigated by anyone for this (even their wives).  This guy had an
affair with a girl who disappeared.  The entire media is on his case.  So is
it that it's okay to have affairs, but the one you have an affair with must
stay visible?  A gentleman never tells, but if he doesn't tell (other than to
the police), then he is obstructing justice or suborning perjury or
something?  The Condit case is really boring.  The Chandra Levy case is not
boring, but no one appears to be really looking for her.  They just want
Condit to leave office or at best not run again.  Huh??  There's
somehting wrong with this picture.  Prudy";>
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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2001-08-30 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

On Thu, 30 Aug 2001, ashley Abraham wrote:
>Billy-boy, just because you subsist on pictures via the internet of
>champagne bottles in anuses doesn't mean we all should. That DOES hurt by
>the should try it.

It sounds like Ashley has very intimate knowledge on the subject...

Bill never said that he 'subsisted' or otherwise engaged in pornography,
whether online or offline; the point he was making is that this stuff
doesn't just magically appear on one's computer, whether desktop system
or palmtop -- the person at the keyboard has to deliberately seek it out.


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Skolnick- Wal-Mart & The Red Chinese (Pt.1)

2001-08-30 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

I think it is you who is full of it, based on your senseless replies.


On 30 Aug 01, at 0:41, ashley Abraham wrote:

> BULLSHIT!!! This is just so much crap. Check your drawers, buddy. It may be
> emanating from there. Slave labor? What about Gap, Nike, Ralph Lauren? Are
> they also a party to Red China? Pinch yourself and wake up, my friend, it
> was all a bad dream.
> -Ashley

Steve Wingate, Webmaster
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] World stays silent

2001-08-30 Thread ashley Abraham

-Caveat Lector-

Prudy, the rocket-scientist wrote:
>It is that the Israeli have learned that they can kill off the Palestinians
>if they do it gradually and scream about terrorisn as they go.

Oh My God! Are you daft, woman? "Scream" about terrorism? It is something
that the Israelis deal with daily and you make light of it?
That is truly pathetic! Imagine seeing your baby with nails embedded in his
head and then be nonchalant about the subject. You are so sorely lacking in
insight that it is just sad!

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-08-30 Thread ashley Abraham

-Caveat Lector-

Billy-boy, just because you subsist on pictures via the internet of
champagne bottles in anuses doesn't mean we all should. That DOES hurt by
the should try it.

>From: William Shannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2001 19:21:00 EDT
>In a message dated 8/28/01 10:17:38 AM Central Daylight Time,
> > The pornography industry has launched a new assault on the
> > family with software that makes hard-core images available virtually
> >
>What are we gonna' do now
>The end is near
>Get a grip man...

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Skolnick- Wal-Mart & The Red Chinese (Pt.1)

2001-08-30 Thread ashley Abraham

-Caveat Lector-

BULLSHIT!!! This is just so much crap. Check your drawers, buddy. It may be
emanating from there. Slave labor? What about Gap, Nike, Ralph Lauren? Are
they also a party to Red China? Pinch yourself and wake up, my friend, it
was all a bad dream.

>From: William Shannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [CTRL] Skolnick- Wal-Mart & The Red Chinese (Pt.1)
>Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2001 20:04:31 EDT
>Wal-Mart And The Red Chinese
>Secret Police, Pt 1
>By Sherman H. Skolnick
>To understand Wal-Mart, you have to have a handle on Arkansas. And to
>out Arkansas, you have to be knowledgeable about the Rockefellers. And to
>fathom the Red Chinese Secret Police, you have to know a lot about the
>richest family in the world.
>To begin. The Rockefellers like to own and operate entire states with a
>sizeable geography, good natural assets, and a relatively small population.
>That way, if need be, to win a so-called "election", they could more or
>find it cheap to buy all the votes they may need to install their people.
>West Virginia is such a state. Like an ancient Colossus of Rhodes, astride
>the entrance to a harbor, the Rockefellers have a foot on both sides. On
>occasion, they pretend to be Democrats. Other times, as Republicans. They
>have installed as U.S. Senator (W.Va., D.) John D. Rockefeller 4th, great
>grandson of John D. Rockefeller, founder of the bloody and infamous
>Oil Trust. Broken up by a U.S. Supreme Court decree in 1911, the Standard
>Trust, changing its name slightly to fool novices, is back together again.
>Historically, Standard Oil would bomb their own obsolete plants, to blame
>onto a competitor, thereby gaining public support and strangling
>[Ida Tarbell wrote early in the 20th Century detailed accounts of
>As U.S. Senator he calls himself Jay to be cute. His wife, Sharon Percy
>Rockefeller, has a key position in so-called "public" broadcasting.
>Consequently, we call it National Petroleum Radio. NPR and PBS would never
>finger the Rockefellers and Big Oil. [Happily, she has no sayso whatever in
>local public access Cable TV, where we operate an opposition to the
>We have determined to our satisfaction, by confronting them, that
>Chicago-based Harris Bank reportedly has dozens and dozens of secret joint
>accounts of the Percy/Rockefeller Family with so-called "terrorist" Osama
>Laden, tied together through Mid-East construction contracts. Ha! Ha! The
>oil-soaked White House says they would like to freeze bin Laden's bank
>accounts if they can find them. Really?
>Another Rockefeller owned and operated state is Arkansas. Sizeable land,
>small population. You cannot be so much as a successful dog-catcher there
>without the blessings of the Rockefellers. Several terms before Clinton,
>Winthrop Rockefeller was Governor. Our interviews with middle-level members
>of the Rockefeller Family convinces us his proper name should be WILLIAM
>ROCKEFELLER CLINTON. We feel certain, from all we know, that Sludge Willy
>the illegitimate great grandson of the unsmiling Rockefeller patriarch.
>The Rockefellers are not naive plutocrats. If there ever were ANY documents
>proving that Winthrop Rockefeller fathered five illegitimate children
>the nation including the person who calls himself "Bill Clinton", those
>records, if any, have long since been destroyed.
>So please, like some ninny, do not heckle us with "Where are your
>Until the Rockefellers are ready to throw away Bill and Hillary as no
>useful, they are untouchable. At the Senate Clinton Impeachment trial, the
>U.S. Senators certainly understood all this. [As an example, is it
>for us to point out that the so-called "Watergate Affair" was touched off
>without a single document?]
>It is surprising how some people look at a backward state like Arkansas,
>yet do not wonder about the so-called great fortunes headquartered there.
>Tyson Chickens. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. and all their subsidiaries, and J.B.
>Hunt Transport Services, Inc.
>The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, DEA, reportedly has undercover
>agent reports how Tyson, in the past, has been partly financed by dope
>trafficking. [Of course, their major user, McDonald's, having their own
>problems, obviously is not interested to know. Visit our website story
>McDonald's, "Coca-Cola, the CIA, and the Courts, Part 8".]
>Cynics point to Puerto Rico where Tyson supposedly got some of their
>chickens. Was contraband tucked into some of the birds who were so old,
>claimed these chickens were eligible for Social Security pensions?
>Tyson has supposedly offered their chicken preparation expertise to Red
>China. Really?