[CTRL] Please, please begin a campaign

2002-02-04 Thread Man on the Run

-Caveat Lector-

BFWell, I must admit, I am a bit disappointed.  I had higher hopes for this list
than have been fulfilled.  How much hate can so few generate to confuse so many?
Quite a bit, it seems!  However, I believe that God will let me reach as many as
can be reached, for the length of time I remain here.
 Let me address a few points.  Whether the right-side up pentagram is
benevolent or not, I have my own ideas but they are not the point here, the
*upside-down* pentagram is denounced even by Wiccans.  Yes, the military uses it
too in its metals, and to be consistent I would argue for changing this to
another symbol.  Since even Wiccans would denounce this symbol, my belief is that
it should be non-controversial.  It certainly has no place in a Judeo-Christian
nation.  Most would be appalled if they knew, especially given the lethargy of
their own religious leaders in pushing for a change.
The inverted pentagram is an agreed upon Satanic symbol used by Satanists as
such.  It should not be a part of the street lay-out of our nation's capital.
As far as the Masonic blazing star, I am not sure what to make of it and would
assume that perhaps Masonry is split in to many branches, with varying
philosophies.  I certainly honor the patriotism and dedication of many Masons in
our history, including many founding fathers who were Masons.  I also believe
that many brilliant scientists who challenged ignorance were Masons.  Hosptials
have functioned on Masonic charity.  However, the symbol itself has undeniable
connections to Satanism and Luciferianism.  That alone should be reason for its
removal.  Personality should play no part in this decision.  Only truth should.
Truth is no respecter of person, no matter how righteous they may be in other
areas than what we have discussed here.
I do not believe we need to dwell on the issue of Masons or conspiracy,
issues often rather boring and counter-productive. Instead, let us focus on the
spiritual uplift of the nation.  Part of this process is that of removing symbols
of negativity, especially where they can have a true hold on the highest circles
of power.  We wonder at the evil actions done by some men within the invisible
government, but have we considered what spiritual influences they may have been
under?  We owe it to our nation to have it removed.
This action should be simple, non-controversial, and would not require that
we engage in anti-Masonry or quench the spirit of patriotism in any way, as it
pertains to honest loyalty to one's country.  I do not even care whose idea it
was, only that we move beyond the spiritual darkness hovering over our land,
especially that seen in Hollywood entertainment.  Removing such a core
foot-hold for the demonic as this symbol would seem to be a good place to start.
  Great pains would be made to preserve historical architecture, and the
rights of the residents of the areas in question.  I am not advocating religious
fanaticism, or any kind of Taliban-like repression of art or culture.  I am not
suggesting that we even touch the Washington Monument, or any historical building
of that nature.  There is no sentimental value to an inverted pentagram, except
perhaps among Marilyn Manson fans.  We would not disrupt the functioning of the
capital, and this would benefit our nation in ways beyond the pragmatic, simple
act urban design.
 I would hope that those who can hear me would act.  We can use this as a
chance to improve the lives of poor people in the capital, employing them in the
process of healing our nation.  I understand that so much of urban renewal has
been used as a weapon against the poor.  I believe that this can be different.  I
also believe that as we renounce the coat of darkness hanging over our capital,
crime will go down because the unseen influences behind violence would loose
power.  Please, those who hear me and can act please do act.  The rest of you I
cannot change, and would only wish you the best.  For the skeptic, please
understand that I believe so little can accomplish so much.  It is precisely
because I do believe that this country has demonstrated many positive values,
different races and cultures living together in equality and justice, that I
value it.  I have no motives against patriotism, as has been alleged, but only
its true preservation.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust 

[CTRL] [2ndrepoftexas] By the Dawn's Early Light (fwd)

2002-02-04 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2002 05:08:55 -0800 (PST)
From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [2ndrepoftexas] By the Dawn's Early Light

Dear President Bush:

Suppose the U.N. were to give a large portion of Texas to the modern
Indian people because their ancestors had once inhabited and owned Texas.
Then suppose 5,000,000 foreigners claiming to be the rightful inheritors
of those lands streamed in, killing tens of thousands of current Texans,
seizing their land and driving them from Texas by the millions,
traumatizing the men, women and children of Texas daily for 50 years in
the process. What would you say?

You might very well call the 5,000,000 foreigners, invaders; and
thieves; and terrorists. You might lead Texans in fighting daily to
reclaim their lands using guns and bombs and all kinds of imported
weapons. You would fight for your lands would you not? Especially if you
realized that the invaders couldn't even come close to proving that they
are the rightful inheritors of the lands of the Ancient Indian peoples any
more than many other foreign groups. You would call the invaders
terrorists and thieves and impostors. Please tell the Palestinian people
why their real circumstance is not like the hypothetical one of the


-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2002 13:15:05 -0800 (PST)
From: Franklin Wayne Poley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [LIFE-GAZETTE] WHO has Right of Return to Israel: The Question of
True Israelite Identity

Dear CTV:

A posting on [EMAIL PROTECTED] apprised me that you are
looking for panelists for your Feb. 7 Program on Israel vs. Palestine.
I am qualified to be a panelist by having earned my doctorate in
philosophy-psychology with thesis and oral defenses in nature-nurture
theories or behaviour genetics (U of A, 1971). The relevancy of that has
to do with the root issue here which is a claim of inheritance, otherwise
referred to as Right of Return or Identity. Let me explain further how
this applies to your forthcoming program. BTW, I have cc'd Prime Minister
Chretien's office because of the reference below re my letter to Jerusalem
Post during his last visit to that region.

The Israel vs. Palestine conflict is, at its foundation, a matter of Right
of Return. Both Israeli Jews and Palestinian Christians and Muslims lay
claim to Right of Return. Israel's Law of Return is one of its
Constitutional Documents (it has a set of documents and principles said to
be Constitutional instead of a single Constitution as is the case for USA
for example). Behind the Law of Return there is a principle, the Right of
Return. Unless that principle is valid, the Law of Return is not worth the
paper on which it is written. Palestinians also claim Right of Return.

Right of Return to where? Neither side disputes that in this region,
albeit within uncertain borders by today's knowledge, there is a territory
promised by God (or G-d if you prefer) to the Israelites. Whether that
Deed from the Almighty is still valid today is one issue. But I would
rather leave that to the theologians for debate. I am assuming, for the
purpose of this analysis, that it is valid today. The framework for
analysis below is based on consideration of the three broad factors
(Biological, Cultural and Spiritual) which exhaust most, if not all, of
the possibilities. To lay a claim to Right of Return, one would have to
invoke these factors and their sub-factors.

To say that a modern people called Jews have the exclusive Right of
Return begs the question. Jews are not necessarily the modern-day
Israelites. The Law of Return reads For the purposes of this law, 'Jew'
means a person who was born of a Jewish mother or has become converted to
Judaism and who is not a member of another religion. It doesn't say
anything about whether modern Jews are Israelites. The Jewish Alamanac
(1980, p. 3) says Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an Ancient
Israelite a 'Jew' or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or Hebrew.
Right of Return then becomes a matter of IDENTITY. Whose modern identity
can be most closely matched to the ancient identity of a people who lived
some 3,000 years ago?  What specific reasons would one give for an
inheritance right to the lands of the Ancient Israelites? If we accept
that God's promise to the Ancient Israelites is valid today, it comes down
to identity. How would one identify a modern Israelite, after the passage
of three millenia?

While the essay below is phrased in terms of CI (Christian
Identity) vs. JI (Jewish Identity), that does not exclude Muslims from
this analysis. It is just that CI and JI have more developed positions in
the public domain. If my argument is correct, the first two factors

[CTRL] Fwd: Charles Maxwell on Hubbert's Peak

2002-02-04 Thread RoadsEnd


Investing on the Hubbert curve - Oil  Gas Investor, January 2002
Author: Charles T Maxwell 

The noted geophysicist M. King Hubbert (1903-1989) was the first man to effectively 
apply principles of geology, physics and mathematics (in combination) to the 
projection of future oil production from the U.S. reserve base.

The Shell employee and, later, geologist for the U.S. Geological Survey, was a 
brilliant scientist but was described by contemporaries as sometimes abrasive and 
having a short temper. He did not suffer fools gladly and was always a center of 

Yet, Hubbert's contributions to the industry included seminal research papers on the 
formation of geological structures, the theory of petroleum migration and the 
influence of fluid pressure on the movement of faults. His most famous predictive 
analysis was published in 1956. In it, he indicated that our conventional crude-oil 
production would go over the top of a great curve in the early 1970s and start down. 
Much scientific heat was generated by Hubbert's conclusion at that time. It was widely 
assumed that America's oil output could still climb for many decades as new areas were 
opened and new technologies applied. 

In 1970, the U.S. hit its high point of oil output and subsequently entered a period 
of production decline that has continued to this day. Hubbert had been right on 
target. He had accomplished one of the most challenging intellectual feats of the 20th 
century: measurement of the rate of depletion of a main commodity resource 
underpinning society, with the implicit warning that it was not inexhaustible, and 
that its peak production was closer than many believed. 

Hubbert's views logically suggested America would soon have to make a transition from 
oil surpluses to oil deficits, from cheap oil to expensive oil, and that this new 
universe of tightening supplies would be quite different from what we were then 
experiencing (and are still experiencing now). Although Hubbert lived to see his 
projections for the U.S. come true, the oil industry and academia never fully accepted 
his views despite their apparent accuracy. Partly owing to this and partly because 
U.S. companies soon took their technology, experience and capital to foreign lands 
where oil output quickly surged, allowing our national needs to be met by increasing 
imports of crude (60% of total U.S. demand in the past six months), Hubbert's name, 
and the concepts he developed, are not so well known today. 

However, it seems likely that they will be again, since the principles he used, now 
refined by computers, better data and improved modeling techniques, are applicable to 
world crude output today in the same way they were to U.S. output in the 1950s. 
Depletion of the global resource base of crude oil continues to accelerate, while the 
classic days of successful exploration (in terms of billions of barrels added each 
year to the world's reserves) are falling far behind us. 

Has anyone pointed out to you recently (after proper adjustments for the true 
discovery date of reserves) that the world oil industry is now producing approximately 
twice the volume of crude it is finding each year? That the peak global oil discovery 
volumes were made in the mid-1960s and that we have been in an inexorable descent 
since then? That in the late 1980s, new discoveries fell below the level of current 
production, and are still falling, despite the application of many powerful 
technological tools in the 1990s? And that 70% of the oil you are consuming today was 
found 25 years ago or more? 

These are points that oil companies (and governments) find awkward to discuss.

One reason is that there are so many conflicting views of experts. 

Who is one to believe? Another is that while the Hubbert Curve or Hubbert Peak cannot 
be proven to work in any exact time sequence, widespread debate about it would 
certainly raise warning flags for some elements in society, and environmental passions 
in others. Should sleeping dogs be wakened in this case? Lastly, recognition of the 
effects of Hubbert's math could imply an end to volumetric growth for most oil 
companies in the intermediate term-not an eagerly awaited event. 

However, we are at a point now where these issues need airing. Effective energy 
policies for the U.S. are part of an ongoing national debate, and investors are asking 
where the flow of funds into the energy sector should be concentrated to bring the 
best results. The shadow of Hubbert looms large over these discussions. Suddenly, we 
are troubled by issues on a world scale that he was dealing with on a national scale 
back in the 1950s.

And the resolution of them is just as elusive today as it must have been back then, 
only now we have no new world of exploration to turn to as an alternative to our 
depletion of the old one. 

Hubbert's projections, at midcentury, were embodied in a rising line of conventional 

[CTRL] [2ndrepoftexas] UN Grants Half of Texas to Indians...Then what? (fwd)

2002-02-04 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2002 06:31:25 -0800 (PST)
From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [2ndrepoftexas] UN Grants Half of Texas to Indians...Then what?

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2002 06:28:27 -0800 (PST)
From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: FreePalestine! Re: [worlds-indigenous-people] sign-on letter re
Draft UN Declaration

I have to wonder what President Bush would say if the UN were to heed your
declaration and grant part of Texas to the descendents of the Indian
people who lived there 3,000 years ago. Would he tell modern Texans to
quietly go along and not fight to defend their land lest they be called

On Fri, 1 Feb 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Rainforest Foundation - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Dear Friends,

 Below please find an urgent sign-on letter regarding the Draft UN
 Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.  If you would like to sign
 on, please send your name and affiliation the way you'd like it to appear on
 the letter to Christine Halvorson at [EMAIL PROTECTED] by noon on
 Tuesday, February 5th.  Additionally, please circulate this email to all of
 your colleagues, encouraging them to add their names, as well as to any
 other organizations that have an interest in this area.

 Because of the tight turn-around time of this letter, we will include a
 disclaimer which states organizations listed for affiliation purposes only
 which will allow people to avoid some bureaucracy if necessary.  If your
 organization should be listed for affiliation purposes only, please put a *
 by your organization's name.

 The idea to write this letter came out of meetings that were organized to
 build NGO support for indigenous demands in the various instruments being
 discussed on the international level, among them the UN Declaration.  The
 Draft Declaration is being discussed right now in Geneva during the ongoing
 Intersessional Working Group Meeting on the Declaration.  It is important
 that the governmental delegations and chair of the Working Group receive the
 letter, and that our colleagues working on the ground in Geneva are able to
 use it to reinforce their positions.  Therefore, the more support we have
 for the letter, the more likely that our letter can make a difference.

 The UN Draft Declaration sets out the rights of indigenous individuals and
 of indigenous peoples, nations and tribes, including self-determination,
 land rights and cultural rights.  The attached factsheet describes some of
 the main issues contained in the declaration (factsheet courtesy of the
 Indian Law Alliance).  If you have any questions, please feel free to
 contact us, or visit the ILRC's website which has the Draft Declaration
 posted (www.indianlaw.org).

 The text of the letter follows this email.  Once the name of the chair has
 been made public, we will address it appropriately.  Thanks for your help,
 and we look forward to receiving your responses of support.

 Kristen Hansen
 Legal Intern
 Rainforest Foundation - US

 Text of Sign-on Letter regarding Draft UN Declaration:

 February 5, 2002

 [To the Chair of the U.N. Working Group]
 U.N. Centre for Human Rights
 Palais des Nations
 CH  1211 Geneva
 Switzerland (double check address for new chair)


 We, the undersigned, are staff of non-governmental organizations who wish to
 express our solidarity with the Indigenous Peoples caucus and who support
 their demand for a strong Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous peoples.
 We believe that the current draft is an important advance for Indigenous
 peoples and we will work for its timely passage.

 In particular, we urge continued inclusion in the document of the following
 points that have been identified as key elements and crucial to a strong
 Declaration. They are:

 ·   Use of the word “peoples”.  Use of  peoples to identify indigenous
 groups based primarily on their self-perception as distinct from other
 groups, as well on other cultural, political, social, religious, and
 historical tendencies. “Peoples” must be further understood to include the
 attendant and essential right to self-determination.  Furthermore, in 2001,
 the Organization of American States Working Group on the proposed American
 Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples agreed by consensus to use
 the term “peoples” throughout that declaration, and we urge the United
 Nations Working Group to do the same.

 ·   The right of self-determination.  Self-determination is an inherent
 right as applied to all peoples under international law, and includes the
 rights to 

[CTRL] Fwd: Bush League All-Stars (TiM Bulletin 2002/2-1, Feb 3, 2002)

2002-02-04 Thread RoadsEnd



We are pleased to tell you that the latest Truth in Media Global Watch 
Bulletin is now available at our Web site.  To read it, just click on the 
animated (green) THE NEWS button to go to our latest report.

Of course, you can also click on the TiM Bulletins Index button in the left 
frame - to go to selections of our Bulletins archived by geographic regions 
and subjects, and in chronological order.  Or click on any other button in 
the left frame for other topics of interest.

And now, here are the headlines of the latest TiM Bulletin.  Just keep in 
mind that our stories are CONSTANTLY updated, and that the e-mail text 
enclosed below is often merely the first edition of a story.  So we 
recommend that you keep checking the TiM Web site daily, so that you would 
not miss out on some important news or commentary updates.

Truth in Media's GLOBAL WATCH Bulletin 2002/2-1  3-Feb-2002


Phoenix  1. Bush League All-Stars

Budapest2. Enron's Croat Connection


NOTE: To cancel the e-mail editions of our reports, just reply REMOVE or 
UNSUBSCRIBE, followed by your e-mail address.
Who Says Money Cannot Buy Presidency, Favors?  Enron’s Peons, Unocal’s Yokels

1. Bush League All-Stars

Death Merchants, Oil Companies, Hijack Foreign Policy; Americans Act as 
Volunteer Hostages

PHOENIX, Feb. 3 - Who says money cannot buy a presidency?  Yes, even 
Presidency of the United States.  It’s just that the bigger the office, the 
bigger the price… But also the bigger the returns to the buyers of 
political favors.
Enter Enron’s Ken Lay, Bush Sr.’s close pal, by far the brightest of the 
Bush League All-Stars.  With over $2.5 million in his own and corporate 
political contributions, Lay was by far the biggest financial supporter 
of  “Dubya’s” campaigns.

Which is why the President’s claim sounded so lame when he tried to deflect 
the blame.  He said that Lay/Enron supported the Democrats.  True…  to the 
tune of less than half a million dollars.  But the Bush League Republicans 
got more than $2 million from the failed energy company and its former 
chief (see the chart and Bush League All-Stars table).

Besides, Lay spread his fortune around.  This erstwhile political power 
broker seemed to try to buy favors left, right and center.  He and his 
wife, for example, neither of them Jewish, were the biggest donors to the 
Holocaust Museum in Houston, agreeing to fund 10% of the museum’s $3 
million budget, according to Actualité juive, a French Jewish weekly 
(Jan. 24 issue).  They also got our Pretzel Prez to be the guest of honor 
at a fund-raising dinner for the museum in March of last year.

(Also see, “Enron’s Croat Connection,” Item 2 of this TiM report).

 From social to economic influence, Lay and Enron had their fingerprints 
all over the Bush administration.  In fact, “Enron’s One Good Return (Was) 
Political Investments,” read the headline of a Jan. 31 editorial by Wall 
Street Journal’s Albert Hunt.

Which is why when George W. Bush did an abrupt turn-about-face on Jan. 23 - 
from supporting Lay/Enron to criticizing both - he committed the ultimate 
sin of a politician and of the members of the world’s oldest 
profession.  He didn’t stay bought! (“the only honest politician is one who 
stays bought,” according to an old political saw).

By contrast, Pretzel Prez’s Veep, Dick Cheney, isn’t even trying to 
distance himself from his ties to Lay/Enron.  Claiming that he is 
supposedly protecting the executive privilege, Cheney has refused to 
release the details of his various meetings with Lay which were said to 
influence the Bush administration’s energy policy.  In turn, the GAO office 
is now suing the White House in order to gain access to the transcripts of 
those meetings (talk about arrogance and obstinacy… one government branch 
having to sue another to get information!).

This much is clear… Lay/Enron first lobbied Washington to support a huge 
power plant in India which the World Bank called a white elephant eight 
years ago.  Then it tried extortion (threat of Washington sanctions) to get 
$2 billion from India’s government.  Writes the Journal’s Hunt:

“Vice President Cheney, on June 27, lobbied Indian opposition leader, Sonia 
Gandhi, on behalf of Enron, shortly after the Cheney energy task force 
specifically recommended promoting energy production India. What was 
Enron's role? Mr. Cheney won't say…

The Enron/India episode undercuts the administration's contention that it 
only followed its free-market principles. Treasury Secretary O'Neill 

[CTRL] Fwd: Today's News and Commentary from Friends of Liberty 020402

2002-02-04 Thread RoadsEnd


Friends of Liberty, International

Help Support FLI
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All replies or comments should be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Today's News and Commentary from Friends of Liberty 020402

February 4, 2002 - by Carl Worden
When I wrote The Mother of All Recessions, published in the Vigo Examiner
one year ago this month, the writing was all over the wall for those with
eyes to see it. One year later, job losses have continued to climb. Huge
corporate Titanics like Enron have gone down with almost all hands aboard,
and more are certain to follow. Our federal government refused to
acknowledge the coming recession, and only a few months ago admitted the
recession I warned you all about had commenced in March 2001, one month
after I sent out that warning. Read it

The Bush Crusade Against Terrorism
February 4, 2002 - by Sartre
Our holy father, President George W. Bush has embarked on a quest that will
muster the faithful of righteousness against the forces of darkness. Or so
we are led to believe. Where have we heard such appeals to fight a bitter
war to make the world safe for Democracy. This time the only resemblance to
democratic self determination is a required acceptance of the New World
Order. Read it

Alex Gimarc's Interesting Items
February 4, 2002 - by Alex Gimarc
1. Global Crossing
2. Dodd
3. Axis of Evil
4. State of the Union
5. Young
6. 401K Rules

February 4 , 2002 - by Kathleen P. Jachowski
I knew it! I knew it was just a matter of time before two of the great
guiding words of public discourse would be changed. The particular words I'm
referring to are 'consensus and heritage'. In case you had not noticed,
these are 'out of fashion', having been replaced by 'collaboration and
legacy'. Read it

Evolutionary Theology
Neither Heresy Nor Theresy
February 4, 2001 - by Fred Reed
I recently wrote a column in which I referred to the theory of evolution as
a religion, and received indignant inquiries as to what I meant. This is
what I meant:Read it

A Decade Of Hype...
February 4, 2002 - by Charles Shiflett
We've all been exposed numerous times to the story of the tortoise and the
hare. Many of you also know the biblical parable of building one's house on
sand versus building on rock. In many ways these stories remind me of our
recently finished decade of the 90's. Let's review the many achievements of
that era and see how well they have stood the test of time. Read it

In Defense of John Walker's Parents
February 4, 2002 - by Glenn J. Sacks
Many Americans seem to want to put Marilyn Walker and Frank Lindh on trial
along with their son John. However, America could learn more from what John
Walker's parents have done right than by what they did wrong. Read it

THE PARANORMAL weird events in a weird world
February 4, 2002 - by Dorothy Anne Seese
These are the events that do not make the nightly news. They aren't
mentioned on radio newsbreaks on the hour at our radio stations, nor are
they discussed on daytime talk radio. As far as television, these are the
things not explored by news, but confined to science fiction ... that way,
the viewing audience can turn off the set after the program and forget about
them. Read it  http://www.friendsofliberty.com/dorothyseese/2002/020402.htm

Permission granted to repost any article in its entirety, so long as the URL
is included in the post, and proper credit is given to the author.

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paying member to be listed on the FLI site as a Friend of 

[CTRL] Post-9/11 security fears usher in subdermal chips

2002-02-04 Thread Edward Britton

-Caveat Lector-

Source:  http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=26316

Post-9/11 security fears
usher in subdermal chips
VeriChip recipients can be ID'd,
monitored anywhere in the world

Editor's note: After WorldNetDaily first publicized the Digital Angel ­ a
sophisticated miniaturized tracking device intended for subdermal
implantation in large numbers of human beings ­ the manufacturer, Applied
Digital Solutions, took cover. Under criticism by privacy advocates, as
well as Christians concerned over the biblically prophesized mark of the
beast, the Nasdaq-traded company removed all references to human
implantation from its website. Its CEO claimed publicly that there were no
plans to make the technology implantable, but rather for the user to
wear the device outside his body, say, on a wristwatch.
Then came Sept. 11, and the resulting urgent national drive to increase
America's homeland security. And in this new climate of fear, in which many
Americans are susceptible to valuing safety over freedom, security over
privacy, the company has found its golden opportunity to re-introduce the
subdermal microchip implant it had previously deemed too hot for the
American public to handle.

By Sherrie Gossett
© 2002 WorldNetDaily.com

Heads up, future cyborgs! Implantable chips are back in the news, with the
current focus on a tiny chip that can be injected into your body, then used
to identify and monitor you.

Media reports are calling it the stuff of science fiction, and Reuters
likened it to something from the 1999 blockbuster film, The Matrix.

Referring to the chip, David Coursey of ZDNet contends that even paranoia
has a point, and John Soat of Information Week predicts that now the call
for a national ID system takes on a whole new meaning.

At the center of the worldwide media stir: the announcement by Applied
Digital Solutions of Palm Beach, Fla. (Nasdaq: ADSX) of its implantable

In a post-9/11 landscape, where various high-tech security systems are
vying for supremacy and a lasting relationship with the government, ADS
wants its piece of the pie.

These high-tech security systems have sparked a renewed debate over how
best to profit from emergent identification technologies while maintaining
a fair balance between civil liberties and the increased need for homeland

Critics of the chip express concerns over the specter of persons being
injected with the chips against their will, perhaps surreptitiously in
conjunction with a routine vaccination. In addition, they are concerned
about the possibility of such chips eventually being mandated by the
government as a form of ID.

But let's separate the science from the fiction. What is the VeriChip? How
does it work? What is its potential relationship to government? Is it
really a potential threat to civil liberties ­ or a life-saving miracle of

'Enhance present forms of ID'

The VeriChip is a syringe-injectable radio-frequency device about the size
of the tip of a ballpoint pen. It's designed to carry a unique ID number
and other critical personal data. Once injected, the chip can be activated
by an external scanner, and radio frequency signals then transmit the ID
number and other stored information to a telephone, the Internet or an
FDA-compliant data-storage site.

Its initial use is being touted as an ID for medical implants, such as
heart-regulating devices and artificial joints. The chip can hold info on
required settings, the device's original components, and other essential
parameters. It is also a ready source of data about the implantee's
identity and medical condition.

As WorldNetDaily reported in March 2000, Applied Digital Solutions is also
pushing use of the chip for emergency and security applications, to
enhance present forms of ID, to enable search-and-rescue operations, and
assist in various law enforcement activities. The company contends that its
technology is superior to biometric technologies, pointing out that
implantation makes it a tamper-proof means of identification,
substantially diminishing theft, loss, duplication or counterfeit.

Are critics' concerns over privacy and tracking capabilities of the chip
legitimate? Or are they just the technophobic squawkings of a collective
pen of Chicken Littles?

The Los Angeles Times contends that these chips are not true tracking
devices and that the next generation of body chips, which transmit
signals from a distance is still several years away. Futurist Paul Saffo
says, This is rightly going to prompt a debate … but the good news is we
still have years to figure it out.

Do we?

To truly understand the future potential of this technology, it is
necessary to look back to perhaps one of the most underreported events of

Back to the future

The event was the private unveiling of ADS's prototypical Digital Angel

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Enron as Iran-Contra Redux

2002-02-04 Thread RoadsEnd


from an old post at free republic

The whole SL debacle was a huge money laundry/grower for the CIA's
Iran-Contra cocaine money.

Set up a chain of cash based businesses, corner markets, multiplex movie
theaters, video rental places, etc., businesses with high cash intake
and no real inventory tracking. Commingle the drug proceeds with the
store profits and (after taxes) send to a deposit broker who brokers the
cash into hundreds of separate deposits with a target SL, all under the
$100,000 insurable limit. This is WHY the limit on insured deposits was
cranked up that high.

With the connivance of an officer at the bank, send straw borrowers to
borrow that money back out again against over-valued collateral. The
loan proceeds are wired anywhere in the world, cleaned and ready for

The loan defaults, and the SL collapses. And here's the really great
part. The CIA druggies are still on the books for their original insured
deposits, to be reimbursed by the taxpayer!

Presto, ten million in drug money becomes (after various expenses and
bribes) eighteen million in just 6 months with zero risk.

Except to the taxpayer, of course.

If the people were to ever find out what we have done, we would be
chased down the streets and lynched.
-- George Bush, cited in the June, 1992 Sarah McClendon Newsletter

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---End Message---

[CTRL] The Strange Case of the Gilmer (Texas) Cannibal Cult

2002-02-04 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Copyright (c) © (copr) 1997 all rights reserved by TJH Internet SP and Earth
Operations Central. All comments are strictly my unsupported opinion unless
based upon promotional blurb extracted from the websites linked herein, or
authenticated as a legal action. This is by no means an exhaustive nor
definitive list, and no particular recommendation nor assurance of
authenticity is to be inferred from a listing herein, unless cited from
authoratiative legal or scholarly source.

The Strange Case of the Gilmer (Texas) Cannibal Cult

In 1992, fifteen children in Gilmer, Texas were removed from their extended
families of origin and placed in protective, therapeutic foster care after
investigations by Child Protective Services revealed their sadistic sexual
abuse and victimization by parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and others.

*   A special prosecutor was appointed to bring the alleged perpetrators to
justice. Scott Lyford, a Galveston attorney, and his investigative team were
able to accumulate sufficient evidence to gain indictments and convictions
against the eight defendants.
*   As the children became increasingly secure in their foster care
environment and in their therapeutic relationship with a mental health
professional, they began to reveal details of their victimization which
included elements of ritualistic abuse such as being forced to ingest blood,
urine and feces, deviant sex practices, and other behaviors indicative of
ritual activities.
*   One of the abused children disclosed special knowledge regarding the
disappearance of an area teenager, Kelly Wilson. This child implicated his
sexual abuse perpetrators and an area police officer in the abduction, rape,
torture, and murder of Ms. Wilson, a 17 year old Gilmer resident who
disappeared on January 5, 1992.
*   When confronted with the child's testimony, two of the adults confessed
to the offenses and one of the adults directed the investigative team to a
property owned by the paternal grandparents of the children where the adult
alleged some ritual activities had taken place, including the murder of Kelly
Wilson. The two adults subsequently recanted their confessions, and later
confessed again. One of the adults plea bargained to a lessor offense for
which she has been convicted but not sentenced. Both adults submitted to
polygraph evaluations whose results supported their confessions.
*   After the disclosures of ritual abuse, the allegations regarding the
murder of Kelly Wilson, and the implications by some of the victims and some
of the perpetrators that others, including a police officer were involved in
the crimes, the Texas Attorney General's office released the special
prosecutor and his investigative team and took over the case.
*   Assistant Attorney General Shane Phelps directed the grand jury to no
bill the defendants. However, the grand jury did not follow this direction
and instead dismissed the indictment without prejudice allowing the state to
reconsider the case at a future date.
*   The Special Prosecutor, his investigative team, and the CPS caseworkers
who have been advocating for the fifteen children, allege that the Attorney
General's office has lost evidence, misinterpreted their investigation, not
proceeded with it's own investigation, interfered with the children's
psychotherapy, and have removed the children from their foster care without
concern for the well-being of the children. These individuals further allege
that the state of Texas, via the Attorney General's office, has retraumatized
the children by forcibly removing them from their foster mother and by
engaging in punitive and damaging strategies in order to command the
children's cooperation.

The State Attorney General has been unresponsive to residents of Gilmer and
others who have attempted to lobby for the welfare of these child victims and
requested a complete and thorough public disclosure regarding the
circumstances of the children's victimization.

*   Currently, the Special Prosecutor, his investigative team, and the CPS
Caseworkers are being sued by some of the alleged child abuse perpetrators
for malicious prosecution and other alleged improprieties. The State of Texas
has denied these individuals the option of state funded independent legal
counsel, despite evidence of a conflict of interest between the Attorney
General's office and these individuals.
*   The children's foster mother's ability to visit with and nurture these
children has reportedly been made contingent upon her assistance in
soliciting the children's cooperation with their current psychotherapeutic
team. There has been an implication that her failure to assist may result in
the children's return to their abusive families of origin.
*   The psychiatrist currently heading the children's treatment team, Bruce
Perry, M.D., and assistant Attorney General 

[CTRL] Ritual Abuse is Not Alien Abduction

2002-02-04 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-


Let's Get Real...

Ritual Abuse is Not Alien Abduction

It's Not the X-Files

It's done by people. Sick, Trapped, and Power-hungry people.
We believe in ritual abuse because we witnessed ritual abuse.

The Santa Cruz Ritual Abuse Task Force Home Page

About Ritual Abuse
If you don't believe it...
Listing of Ritual Crimes
Report Summary of the McMartin Preschool Archeological Dig

Who We Are
Mission and Purpose
Services provided to the Santa Cruz Area
Services provided to Other Areas
Links to sites of interest

About Ritual Abuse
Ritual abuse is abuse performed in the name of an ideology or a belief
structure. When people say ritual abuse they mean severe abuse, including
torture, rape, and all forms of sexual abuse. Sometimes ritual abuse means
child prostitution and pornography, murder, and animal and human sacrifice.
These acts are done to instill an ideology and to control the victim
underneath layers of secrecy.

Because these acts are extreme, ritual abuse has been both sensationalized
and discounted as hype. This is result of trying to simplify a complex form
of abuse. Truly understanding ritual abuse means taking in all pieces of a
complex system. Many widely held beliefs about ritual abuse are not true.

*   Not all ritual abuse is satanic, although this is part of some survivors'
*   Not all survivors of ritual abuse repress the memories of the abuse. As
with all trauma, some survivors forget their experiences, some remember, and
some remember in part.
*   Ritual abuse has nothing to do with alien abduction. It has been linked
to paranormal experience by those who want to discount survivors. It is only
sensationalism when someone plays up the occult aspects of an abuser's belief
Examples of ritual abuse are not hard to find and the individual elements of
ritual abuse widely believed.

*   When members of the Temple of the Sun were found murdered in Switzerland,
the locals said they had no idea that the cult existed.
*   When Milwaukee police found a 14 year old boy wandering naked, bleeding,
and drugged through the streets in the middle of the night, they readily
returned him to Jeffrey Dalmer, who then killed him. It would have been
unthinkable at that point to accuse Dalmer of cannibalism and mass murder.
*   Brainwashing and mind control is common in cults, both underground and
*   Animal and human sacrifice, while sounding like ancient history, is still
going on.
*   Dozens of cases of ritual abuse have been successfully tried in America.
This, despite the fact that most cases that go to court downplay evidence of
ritual abuse in order to get a conviction. And, as with domestic violence,
few cases go to court.
Ritual abuse is done by people. It is a complex form of abuse, and if only a
part of a survivor's story is told, it can be easily manipulated into
sounding ludicrous. But complete stories of ritual abuse are not so easy to
discount. It is a misunderstood and misrepresented form of real abuse in the
extreme. It deserves attention.

Write to us with your questions, comments, or suggestions. Return to Top

If you don't believe...
If you don't believe in ritual abuse, trying keeping an open mind. Almost all
the information out there about ritual abuse is wrong, either distorted
through sarcasm or sensationalism. Please read through this site and listen
to what we survivors say about our own experience.

Because we are survivors of ritual abuse, we know it exists. This should go
without saying, but to survivors, questions about the existence of ritual
abuse is irrelevant. We know what we saw, what we experienced.

But we realize that the first question for a non-survivor is Does this stuff
really happen? So we have dedicated this site to what's not being said about
ritual abuse.

Try to understand that much of what you have heard about ritual abuse from
all sides of this issue comes from non-survivors. Although most coverage of
survivors on talk shows portray us as damaged people who are dependent on our
therapists, we are very strong people. Many survivors never go into therapy
(most therapists won't work with ritual abuse survivors), or go in and out of
therapy. Often ritual abuse is referred to as satanic ritual abuse, even
though most people who self-identify as ritual abuse survivors aren't
survivors of satanism. All definitions of ritual abuse that are written by
survivors define it as abuse within an ideology - any ideology. Because
satanism is sensational and imbedded in our cultural mythos, media coverage,
both believing and disbelieving, have dealt with satanism more than all other
forms of ritual abuse combined.

So ask yourself, do you really 

[CTRL] Bush Budget is Incredibly Evil

2002-02-04 Thread Al Hidell

-Caveat Lector-

Let's see, $48 billion more in corporate welfare for defense contractors.
More money to the big bankers in the form of interest on the new deficits.
More money for the Homeland Clampdown. Reductions in everything else. Oh, and
tax cuts for big business and the rich. America's infrastructure (roads,
hospitals, flood prevention, schools, and other basic, vital parts of our
nation and American lives) has been crumbling for over 20 years, and this
budget is a death blow. Is this what it means to Promote the General
Welfare? I don't consider myself particularly liberal or anti-Bush, but this
budget is really evil and shortsighted.

From the Associated Press:
Defense is projected to receive a $48 billion boost, the biggest increase in
two decades, and spending to make Americans more secure at home nearly
doubling to $37.7 billion.
To make room for those big gains, scores of other programs from highway
spending to environmental projects, would be cut.
He pledged to wage a bold agenda for government reform that would eliminate
wasteful spending by using for the first time a formal performance rating
that determined which government programs were failing to do their job
Bush's proposed cuts include a $9 billion reduction in highway spending,
reductions in water projects by the Army Corps of Engineers and elimination
of hundreds of education and health projects that lawmakers had won
congressional approval for last year for their home districts.
Critics contended Bush was wielding the budget knife to protect his most
prized economic achievement: last year's passage of a massive $1.35 trillion,
10-year tax cut.
Overall, Bush proposes new tax cuts totaling $591 billion over 10 years. Two
major reductions involve tax relief for corporations and higher-income
individuals that are part of his economic stimulus program that has been
stalled in the Senate because of Democratic objections.
Bush proposes getting $1.2 billion in new revenue by leasing the drilling
rights in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, something strongly
opposed by environmentalists...One of the president's savings would be a $9
billion reduction in 2003 in federal payments to hospitals.

Al Hidell
PARANOIA: The Conspiracy Reader
PO Box 1041
Providence, RI 02901
A HREF=http://www.paranoiamagazine.com;http://www.paranoiamagazine.com/A

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] fwd: New Enron scandal link to Bush

2002-02-04 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-


matthew d spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited site and thought you
should see it.

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited
site, go to http://www.guardian.co.uk

New Enron scandal link to Bush
Two given energy jobs after firm's former head suggested them to
White House
Duncan Campbell  in New Orleans
Friday February 01 2002
The Guardian

The former  head of Enron, Kenneth Lay, gave the White  House a list
of his personal recommendations for  key federal energy posts and two
of the people on  his list were appointed, it emerged yesterday,
providing the strongest evidence so far of the  political influence
wielded by President Bush's  biggest financial backer.

The revelation is likely to increase pressure on the  Bush
administration to open the books on its contacts  with Mr Lay and his
associates. The Enron scandal is  now threatening to reach to the
heart of the White  House.

Mr Lay put forward his list of suggested members of  the federal
energy regulatory commission last spring.  Two of the people he
suggested, Pat Wood, a Texas  Republican who now chairs the
commission, and Nora  Brownell, were appointed by the president.

Mr Lay himself disclosed details of the list in an  interview
recorded last May but only broadcast  yesterday. I brought a list,
we certainly presented a  list, Mr Lay told the PBS channel. As I
recall, I  signed a letter which, in fact, had some  recommendations
as to people we thought would be  good commissioners.

The list of around eight names was given to Mr Bush's  director of
personnel, Clay Johnson. The White House  moved swiftly to distance
itself from the claim, which  ties the administration more closely
with the former  Enron chief.

It was one of many, many recommendations, said a  White House
spokeswoman, Anne Womack. She  added that other members of the energy
industry,  members of Congress and government officials had all
submitted suggestions.

Mr Lay will give evidence next week to congressional  panels
investigating the affair.

In May, the ex-chairman of the commission, Curtis  Hebert, said he
had received a call from Mr Lay  offering Enron's backing to help him
keep his job if he  adapted his views on deregulation. Mr Hebert said
he  had turned down the offer.

Mr Lay confirmed the call had taken place, but said it  was Mr Hebert
who had asked for Enron's backing to  keep his job.

Mr Hebert also said that a few weeks after his  appointment Mr Lay
had told him on the telephone that  he and Enron would like to
support me as chairman,  but we would have to agree on principles.

While Vice-President Dick Cheney has said that he  met Enron
officials to discuss energy policy, he is  declining to give details
of conversations during six  meetings to the general accounting
office, which has  indicated it will go to court to force the White
House to  identify which energy industry figures met Mr Cheney.

The congressional panels conducting the inquiries have  run into
problems in extracting information from Enron  itself in the wake of
the bankruptcy, which has put  thousands out of work and wiped out
retirement funds.

The chairman of the Senate commerce subcommittee,  Byron Dorgan, said
the corporation had not cooperated  with requests for documents. We
again renew our  request, he said. Many key documents have already
been shredded.

Enron was the largest contributor to Mr Bush's election  campaign,
donating £1.2m. Mr Lay, a close friend of  the president, has been a
contributor to both parties  but is tied mainly to Republicans and
the Bushes.

Claims from Mr Lay's wife, Linda, that they were facing  ruin because
all their stock had been in Enron were  greeted with scepticism: the
family is down to its last  £21m.

Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited
--- End forwarded message ---

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory 

[CTRL] fwd: NEVER MIND OSAMA Let's conquer the world instead

2002-02-04 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-


NEVER MIND OSAMABehind the Headlines
by Justin Raimondo
February 1, 2002

Let's conquer the world instead

President Bush's State of the Union speech confirms what we have long
maintained on this website: the war on terrorism is not a defensive
operation, but a war of conquest. In the wake of 9/11, we endorsed a
limited police action narrowly aimed at getting the perpetrators and
bringing them to justice: the title of my column, Kill 'Em - and Get
Out! pretty much summed up our editorial position. It is clear,
after listening to the President threaten the so-called Axis of Evil,
that the US is no longer fighting a just war, if it ever was. After
all the railing and ranting against Osama bin Laden, Bush did not
mention his name once, and only alluded to the Evil One indirectly
when he gloated over how the terrorist leaders are on the run. It
looks like the US government has pretty much lost sight of OBL - and
they're hoping the American people will do the same.

It's instructive - and not surprising to libertarians - that the one
legitimate goal of this war, getting Osama and wiping out Al Qaeda -
has been thoroughly botched. Everything but that has been
accomplished: we have overthrown the Taliban, brought Pakistan and
India to the brink of thermonuclear meltdown, and alienated our
oldest allies in the region, the Saudis. Kites are once again flying
in Kabul - but where's Osama? The US government couldn't care less:
instead of capturing or killing this monster (and bringing America's
holy crusade to a premature end) they are much more concerned with
widening the war to include the oil-rich regions of the Middle East.

Despite the huzzahs from the President's amen corner - which now
include Democrats as well as Republicans when it comes to foreign
policy - as propaganda Bush's speech was remarkably dull and
unconvincing. He started out touting our glorious victory,
celebrating the ignominious defeat of a bunch of bedraggled half-
civilized tribesmen by the mightiest army on earth: we not
only rallied a great coalition, he declared, but also

Captured, arrested and rid the world of thousands of terrorists,
destroyed Afghanistan's terrorist training camps, saved a people from
starvation and freed a country from brutal oppression.

As if the outcome was ever in doubt - and the warlords hadn't already
started shooting at each other. Never has there been so much chest-
pounding bravado and triumphalist hysteria over so little. When
Caesar subdued the Gauls, he didn't make half as much noise about it.
Okay, then, so we won: mission accomplished, over and out. Ah, but
not so fast.

We are told that thousands of terrorists - Bush says as many as
100,000 - are roaming the earth, with but one thought in mind: to
target America:

What we have found in Afghanistan confirms that, far from ending
there, our war against terror is only beginning. Most of the 19 men
who hijacked planes on September the 11th were trained in
Afghanistan's camps. And so were tens of thousands of others.
Thousands of dangerous killers, schooled in the methods of murder,
often supported by outlaw regimes, are now spread throughout the
world like ticking time bombs, set to go off without warning.

Bush wants a blank check, and, unfortunately, Americans have been
frightened into giving it to him - a decision we will all live to
regret. The idea that we discovered all these secret terrorist plans,
just laying around right out in the open, strains credulity, but then
Americans are not inclined these days to examine the evidence too
closely, even if it were readily available. Given the alleged scale
of the danger we face - a horde of 100,000 barbarians, all clamoring
to get into the imperial metropolis - how is it that we've just now
started examining all airline luggage? Where are the checkpoints, the
armed guards, the tanks in the streets? If Bush's numbers are even
remotely true, then calling for a moratorium on all immigration would
be the least he could do. Yet it hasn't happened.

There's something awfully phony about a war on terrorism where the
terrorist-in-chief, Osama bin Laden, is dropped down the Memory Hole
and new hate objects - Iraq, Iran, North Korea, aka The Axis of Evil -
 suddenly loom large. It's bad enough that the nation with the
biggest and deadliest war arsenal is now inveighing against weapons
of mass destruction, but to top it off Bush points an accusing
finger at the pitiful and near-collapsing regime of North Korea,
where the half-mad son of the late Great Leader presides over a
nation of bark-eating concentration camp victims. If Osama is hiding
out in Pyongyang, he's going to get plenty of roughage.

No evidence links Iraq, or Iran for that matter, to the events of
9/11. To say nothing of North 

Re: [CTRL] [2ndrepoftexas] By the Dawn's Early Light

2002-02-04 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

there are a few flaws here
most notably your analogy has no one that corresponds to the British in it.

rightly or wrongly, the region was part of the British empire, and the
British had the right to do with it as they pleased. This is why one has an

In you example, then, the US empire needs to be the ones who give the land
to the Indians.
-- -- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - -  - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - -
--  -- - -- -
We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. We must remember always that
accusation is not proof and that conviction depends upon evidence and due
process of law.

Edward R. Murrow

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2002 05:23:42 -0800
 Subject: [CTRL] [2ndrepoftexas] By the Dawn's Early Light (fwd)

 -Caveat Lector-

 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2002 05:08:55 -0800 (PST)
 From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [2ndrepoftexas] By the Dawn's Early Light

 Dear President Bush:

 Suppose the U.N. were to give a large portion of Texas to the modern
 Indian people because their ancestors had once inhabited and owned Texas.
 Then suppose 5,000,000 foreigners claiming to be the rightful inheritors
 of those lands streamed in, killing tens of thousands of current Texans,
 seizing their land and driving them from Texas by the millions,
 traumatizing the men, women and children of Texas daily for 50 years in
 the process. What would you say?

 You might very well call the 5,000,000 foreigners, invaders; and
 thieves; and terrorists. You might lead Texans in fighting daily to
 reclaim their lands using guns and bombs and all kinds of imported
 weapons. You would fight for your lands would you not? Especially if you
 realized that the invaders couldn't even come close to proving that they
 are the rightful inheritors of the lands of the Ancient Indian peoples any
 more than many other foreign groups. You would call the invaders
 terrorists and thieves and impostors. Please tell the Palestinian people
 why their real circumstance is not like the hypothetical one of the


 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2002 13:15:05 -0800 (PST)
 From: Franklin Wayne Poley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [LIFE-GAZETTE] WHO has Right of Return to Israel: The Question of
 True Israelite Identity

 Dear CTV:

 A posting on [EMAIL PROTECTED] apprised me that you are
 looking for panelists for your Feb. 7 Program on Israel vs. Palestine.
 I am qualified to be a panelist by having earned my doctorate in
 philosophy-psychology with thesis and oral defenses in nature-nurture
 theories or behaviour genetics (U of A, 1971). The relevancy of that has
 to do with the root issue here which is a claim of inheritance, otherwise
 referred to as Right of Return or Identity. Let me explain further how
 this applies to your forthcoming program. BTW, I have cc'd Prime Minister
 Chretien's office because of the reference below re my letter to Jerusalem
 Post during his last visit to that region.

 The Israel vs. Palestine conflict is, at its foundation, a matter of Right
 of Return. Both Israeli Jews and Palestinian Christians and Muslims lay
 claim to Right of Return. Israel's Law of Return is one of its
 Constitutional Documents (it has a set of documents and principles said to
 be Constitutional instead of a single Constitution as is the case for USA
 for example). Behind the Law of Return there is a principle, the Right of
 Return. Unless that principle is valid, the Law of Return is not worth the
 paper on which it is written. Palestinians also claim Right of Return.

 Right of Return to where? Neither side disputes that in this region,
 albeit within uncertain borders by today's knowledge, there is a territory
 promised by God (or G-d if you prefer) to the Israelites. Whether that
 Deed from the Almighty is still valid today is one issue. But I would
 rather leave that to the theologians for debate. I am assuming, for the
 purpose of this analysis, that it is valid today. The framework for
 analysis below is based on consideration of the three broad factors
 (Biological, Cultural and Spiritual) which exhaust most, if not all, of
 the possibilities. To lay a claim to Right of Return, one would have to
 invoke these factors and their sub-factors.

 To say that a modern people called Jews have the exclusive Right of
 Return begs the question. Jews are not necessarily the modern-day
 Israelites. The Law of Return reads For the purposes of this law, 'Jew'
 means a person who was born of a Jewish mother or has become converted to
 Judaism and 

[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: ny times on Enron - probe of intended false reports

2002-02-04 Thread RoadsEnd


They're talking money laundering here.
Even worse, the report concluded, is the potential that, since Enron 
was essentially on both sides of each deal, the 
transactions were merely an illusion.
- Original Message - 
From: Lois Battuello 
To: Catherine Austin Fitts ; Linda Minor ; Kate Dixon 

Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 5:18 AM
Subject: ny times on Enron - probe of intended false 

  February 4, 2002
  Talk of Crime Grows Louder, Spurred by 
  he report released Saturday evening by a special committee of 
  the Enron Corporation (news/quote)'s 
  board clearly raises the specter that at the foundation of the company's 
  downfall was a series of multimillion- dollar crimes, legal experts and 
  former prosecutors said yesterday.
  Until now, much of the investigation into Enron's free fall has been 
  focused on complex transactions that, while suspicious and poorly 
  executed, appeared to fall within the framework of workaday corporate 
  finance. These include the now notorious off-balance sheet deals that 
  shifted assets and debt from the company's books and into a byzantine 
  collection of partnerships, many of them controlled by Enron's former 
  chief financial officer, Andrew S. Fastow.
  But with the committee's report, if it proves accurate, investigators 
  into the company's collapse will seek to pinpoint whether the same kinds 
  of fraudulent acts that were at the foundation of the savings and loan 
  scandals of the late 1980's and early 1990's occurred at Enron, too. These 
  include false valuation of assets, bogus deals between related parties, 
  and millions of dollars pocketed by participants along the way.
  "This report is a road map for the Department of Justice to bring a 
  criminal indictment," said John J. Fahy, a certified public accountant who 
  was once a federal prosecutor in New Jersey.
  With its detailed description of seemingly irrational transactions that 
  served no economic purpose other than to pump up Enron's earnings, the 
  report has shifted the focus from the company's balance sheet, which lists 
  assets and liabilities, to its income statement, which describes revenues 
  and profits.
  To those uncomfortable with the internecine workings of finance, that 
  may sound like a distinction without a difference. 
  But in truth, the shift allows the federal inquiries trying to unravel 
  the Enron collapse to move from an area weighed down by dueling 
  professional opinions to the familiar stomping ground of criminal 
  "Moving from the balance sheet to the income statement makes the case a 
  lot easier for a prosecutor to bring and a lot easier for a prosecutor to 
  explain to a grand jury," Mr. Fahy said.
  To prove any case against Enron, prosecutors would have to establish 
  that potential defendants intended to commit a crime. Under the law, a 
  person can participate in activities that result in false information 
  being given to investors without committing a crime, so long as he 
  believed — even falsely — that the activities were appropriate.
  That is what created difficulties for a criminal case based on Enron's 
  incorrect accounting for the partnerships as separate entities. Executives 
  at Enron could point to approvals from Arthur Andersen, the company's 
  accounting firm, as evidence that they intended nothing improper.
  But with the report's conclusion that certain transactions served no 
  purpose other than to manipulate the reported earnings of the company — 
  and with certain executives personally receiving millions of dollars in 
  undisclosed profits from their partnership dealings — the hurdle of 
  proving intent to commit a crime has been dramatically lowered.
  "It's going to take a herculean salesmanship job to persuade a jury 
  that the Enron executives involved in this could not appreciate the 
  fraudulent nature of these transactions," said Christopher J. Bebel, 
  formerly a federal prosecutor and a lawyer with the Securities and 
  Exchange Commission who is now with Shepherd, Smith  Bebel in 
  "Their reliance on the advice of experts is starting to go out the 
  window," Mr. Bebel added, "and the accountants could end up being key 
  witnesses for the government in some respects."
  Members of Congress, who have been investigating the Enron debacle, 
  made it clear yesterday that what they are seeing now appears to fall 
  within the realm of a criminal conspiracy.
  "We're finding what may clearly be securities fraud," Representative 
  Billy Tauzin, Republican of Louisiana and chairman of the House Energy and 

Re: [CTRL] Please, please begin a campaign

2002-02-04 Thread Man on the Run

-Caveat Lector-

BFPolitically, the nation was not founded on Jewish or Christian religious
beliefs.  Obviously, there are no references to God in the Constitution beyond
the calendar date, nor in the Declaration beyond what would appear to be the
conception of the Deity found in Enlightenment circles.  This is what appears to
be, and I accept this as historical fact.  Socially, however, we have always been
a Judeo-Christian nation in an organic sense.  We have paid lip service to ideas
generally found in these traditions, albeit in a very pluralistic way.  American
social reform movements have almost always been centered on some kind of
religious basis, from Abolitionism to the Civil Rights movement and movements to
end child labor.  This is also social fact.
Before the era of the Revolution there were the original Pilgrims and others
who came and built a nation.  Some practiced tolerance, others repression.
Whether they were Jewish, Christian, Rosicrucian, or whatever they were there
were very few atheists.  The age of the Revolution and times after that freed
anti-religious people to believe what they believe without repression.  I
acknowledge that.  However, the very small minority of Satanists, who may have
their rights under our laws, should not have the right to determine the symbolism
offensive to the vast majority be included in our nation's capital (the vast
majority including Buddhists, Hindus, and others who have incorporated some
western religious ideas in to their faith).  Yes, this is a Republic and not a
democracy.  Whether for good or ill, I accept that this is our system.  However
there is nothing in the laws or the Constitution suggesting that the capital must
be designed a certain way.  To say so would make Satanism the official religion
of the United States.
Obviously, people of many faiths and no faith have agreed that right is right
and wrong is wrong.  In a human sense, this united many people in the effort to
build a Republic, and many efforts to build a better society.  It is not my
intent to alienate or offend anyone, but I have to stand for what I believe.  I
have no mechanism by which to back out of that and do anything else.  Would you
have me be a coward?  I have met great opposition in my endeavers, and have felt
more frustrated than I can describe.  I have decided and now determined that, if
I am to be opposed in life, I might as well face opposition for a good reason.
As far as Jesus is concerned, I am officially agnostic as to who the Messiah
will be.  Many claims have been made about the subject.  There may in fact be two
Messiahs, a son of David and a son of Joseph.  I do not really know.  I do know
that the concept of a Trinity, with all due respect to the Christian believers
who may be reading this, is not in line with my conception of monotheism.  I
believe that the Gentile world is bound by the Seven Laws of Noah:

A)No idolatry
B)No blasphemy (blessing the Divine Name)
C)No murder
D)No sexual immorality
E)No theft
F)Honor just courts
G)No eating a limb from a torn animal (no animal cruelty).

These are the general rules of monotheism.  However, I would not want to alienate
Muslims and Christians who feel that it is not as simple as this from doing their
part to help make a better world.  Nor would I want to exclude anyone else of
good will.  I appeal to those who can act to please act.  I appeal to those who
agree with me to please help remove what you know in your heart is wrong from
inviting evil influences in to the highest reaches of power.
Thankyou, and
all the best,


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [2ndrepoftexas] By the Dawn's Early Light

2002-02-04 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

I don't understand your point so I can't agree or disagree. What yo' say?
The UN gave a big portion of Palestine to the Jews 50 years ago. Maybe now
most of the UN would like the change that but they can't. The
justification is found in Law of Return/Right of Return, ie return to
the land God gave the Israelites about 3,000 years ago. I think the
analogy is spot on. What if the UN were to give a big chunk of Texas back
to the Indians, based on a 3,000 year old ancestral claim?

PS-I recommemd that the Bush estate be right at the centre of the land
given back to the Indians.

On Mon, 4 Feb 2002, thew wrote:

 there are a few flaws here
 most notably your analogy has no one that corresponds to the British in it.

 rightly or wrongly, the region was part of the British empire, and the
 British had the right to do with it as they pleased. This is why one has an

 In you example, then, the US empire needs to be the ones who give the land
 to the Indians.
 -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - -  - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - -
 --  -- - -- -
 We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. We must remember always that
 accusation is not proof and that conviction depends upon evidence and due
 process of law.

 Edward R. Murrow

 NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

  From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2002 05:23:42 -0800
  Subject: [CTRL] [2ndrepoftexas] By the Dawn's Early Light (fwd)
  -Caveat Lector-
  -- Forwarded message --
  Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2002 05:08:55 -0800 (PST)
  From: Party of Citizens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: [2ndrepoftexas] By the Dawn's Early Light
  Dear President Bush:
  Suppose the U.N. were to give a large portion of Texas to the modern
  Indian people because their ancestors had once inhabited and owned Texas.
  Then suppose 5,000,000 foreigners claiming to be the rightful inheritors
  of those lands streamed in, killing tens of thousands of current Texans,
  seizing their land and driving them from Texas by the millions,
  traumatizing the men, women and children of Texas daily for 50 years in
  the process. What would you say?
  You might very well call the 5,000,000 foreigners, invaders; and
  thieves; and terrorists. You might lead Texans in fighting daily to
  reclaim their lands using guns and bombs and all kinds of imported
  weapons. You would fight for your lands would you not? Especially if you
  realized that the invaders couldn't even come close to proving that they
  are the rightful inheritors of the lands of the Ancient Indian peoples any
  more than many other foreign groups. You would call the invaders
  terrorists and thieves and impostors. Please tell the Palestinian people
  why their real circumstance is not like the hypothetical one of the
  -- Forwarded message --
  Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2002 13:15:05 -0800 (PST)
  From: Franklin Wayne Poley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: [LIFE-GAZETTE] WHO has Right of Return to Israel: The Question of
  True Israelite Identity
  Dear CTV:
  A posting on [EMAIL PROTECTED] apprised me that you are
  looking for panelists for your Feb. 7 Program on Israel vs. Palestine.
  I am qualified to be a panelist by having earned my doctorate in
  philosophy-psychology with thesis and oral defenses in nature-nurture
  theories or behaviour genetics (U of A, 1971). The relevancy of that has
  to do with the root issue here which is a claim of inheritance, otherwise
  referred to as Right of Return or Identity. Let me explain further how
  this applies to your forthcoming program. BTW, I have cc'd Prime Minister
  Chretien's office because of the reference below re my letter to Jerusalem
  Post during his last visit to that region.
  The Israel vs. Palestine conflict is, at its foundation, a matter of Right
  of Return. Both Israeli Jews and Palestinian Christians and Muslims lay
  claim to Right of Return. Israel's Law of Return is one of its
  Constitutional Documents (it has a set of documents and principles said to
  be Constitutional instead of a single Constitution as is the case for USA
  for example). Behind the Law of Return there is a principle, the Right of
  Return. Unless that principle is valid, the Law of Return is not worth the
  paper on which it is written. Palestinians also claim Right of Return.
  Right of Return to where? Neither side disputes that in this region,
  albeit within uncertain borders by today's knowledge, there is a territory
  promised by God (or G-d if you prefer) to the Israelites. Whether that
  Deed from the Almighty is still valid today is one issue. But 

Re: [CTRL] The Vril Society, The Luminous Lodge And The Realization of TheGreat Work

2002-02-04 Thread Man on the Run

-Caveat Lector-

BFIt should also be noted that many of the very philosophies claiming
opposition to the New World Order are also under the direction of these same
philosophies.  There is a strange dialectic here.  The fundamental reality of
control is ultimately not political, but of a spiritual nature.
All the best,


 -Caveat Lector-


 The Vril Society

 The Luminous Lodge

 And The Realization of

 The Great Work


 by Terry Melanson


 he Vril Society or The Luminous Lodge combined the political ideals of the
 Order of the Illuminati with Hindu mysticism, Theosophy and the Cabbala. It
 was the first German nationalist groups to use the symbol of the swastika as
 an emblem linking Eastern and Western occultism. The Vril Society presented
 the idea of a subterranean matriarchal, socialist utopia ruled by superior
 beings who had mastered the mysterious energy called the Vril Force.

 This secret society was founded, literally, on Bulwer Lytton's novel the
 Coming Race (1871). The book describes a race of men psychically far in
 advance of our own. They have acquired powers over themselves and over things
 that made them almost godlike. For the moment they are in hiding. They are
 said to live in caves in the center of the Earth. Soon they will emerge to
 reign over us.

 While researching their classic book, Morning of the Magicians, authors
 Jacques Bergier and Louis Pauwels were given the above account by one of the
 world's greatest rocket experts, Dr. Willy Ley, who fled Germany in 1933. Dr.
 Ley said that the Vril Society—which formed shortly before the Nazis came to
 power—believed they had secret knowledge that would enable them to change
 their race and become equals of the men hidden in the bowels of the Earth.
 Methods of concentration, a whole system of internal gymnastics by which they
 would be transformed.

 These methods of concentration were probably based on Ignatius Loyola's
 Spiritual Exercises. The Jesuit techniques of concentration and visualization
 are similar to many occult teachings, especially in shamanic cults and
 Tibetan Buddhism. The Nazi's revered these Jesuit Spiritual Exercises, which
 they believed had been handed down from ancient Masters of Atlantis. The
 occultists of the time knew that Ignatius was a Basque — some claimed that
 the Basque people were the last remnant of the Alantean race — and the proper
 use of these techniques would enable the reactivation of the Vril for the
 dominance of the Teutonic race over all others.

 The Vril Society believed that whoever becomes master of the Vril will be the
 master of himself, of others around him and of the world. The belief was that
 the world will change and the Lords will emerge from the center of the
 Earth. Unless we have made an alliance with them and become Lords
 ourselves, we shall find ourselves among the slaves, on the dung-heap that
 will nourish the roots of the New Cities that will arise.

 In The Unknown Hitler, Wulf Schartzwaller says:

 In Berlin, Haushofer had founded the Luminous Lodge or the Vril Society. The
 Lodge's objective was to explore the origins of the Aryan race and to perform
 exercises in concentration to awaken the forces of Vril. Haushofer was a
 student of the Russian magician and metaphysician George Gurdjieff. Both
 Gurdjieff and Haushofer maintained that they had contacts with secret Tibetan
 lodges that possessed the secret of the Superman. The Lodge included
 Hitler, Aalfred, Rosenberg, Himmler, Goring and Hitler's subsequent personal
 physician Dr. Morell. It is also known that Aleister Crowley and Gurdjieff
 sought contact with Hitler. Hitler's unusual powers of suggestion become more
 understandable if one keeps in mind that he had access to the secret
 psychological techniques of Gurdjieff which, in turn, were based on the
 teachings of the Sufis and the Tibetan lamas and familiarized him with the
 Zen teaching of the Japanese Society of the Green Dragon.

 The Vril Force and the Black Sun

 In Lytton's The Coming Race, the subterranean people use the Vril Force to
 operate and govern the world (a few children armed with vril-powered rods are
 said capable of exterminating a race of over 22 million threatening
 barbarians). Served by robots and able to fly on vril-powered wings, the
 vegetarian Vril-ya are — by their own reckoning — racially and culturally
 superior to everyone else on Earth, above or below the ground. At one
 pointthe narrator concludes (from linguistic evidence) that the Vril-ya are
 descended from the same ancestors as the great Aryan family, from which in
 varied streams has flowed the dominant civilization of the world.

 The Vril Force or Vril Energy was said to be derived from the Black Sun, a
 big ball of Prima Materia which supposedly exists in the center of the

Re: [CTRL] [2ndrepoftexas] By the Dawn's Early Light

2002-02-04 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Oh yes Doctor Poley - the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away..big
heap Indian Giver, but what would William Bacon say to giving Texas back
to Indians?

Hey they would all be out looking for their pedigrees to the Indians,

O'Saba aka
Little White Cloud Maiden Name

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [2ndrepoftexas] By the Dawn's Early Light

2002-02-04 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

On Mon, 4 Feb 2002, Saba wrote:

 Oh yes Doctor Poley - the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away..big
 heap Indian Giver, but what would William Bacon say to giving Texas back
 to Indians?

 Hey they would all be out looking for their pedigrees to the Indians,

To say nothing of the horses and the wimmen, Amigo.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] fwd: New Enron scandal link to Bush

2002-02-04 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

On 4 Feb 02, at 11:10, Samantha L. wrote:

 The revelation is likely to increase pressure on the  Bush
 administration to open the books on its contacts  with Mr Lay and his
 associates. The Enron scandal is  now threatening to reach to the
 heart of the White  House.

You everyone should have seen the Senators' (Hollings, Dorgan, Boxer,
and a coupla others) press conference this AM (CSpan, Fox, et al) on
the failure of Mr Lay's (a chip off the old spud?) failure to show up
to offer his observations on the debaclous fiascotory SNAFU we now
know as Enron.  Hollings has decided we have an Enron government.
He said this in his opening remarks and as he was leaving the
briefing area.  If there's a way to drill for blood in this concern,
I'd say invest 'cause they's gonna be gushers comin' in.  Our one-
time Texas ANG (TANG) (that's a Houstonism anyway, ain't it?) pilot
who decided that running some former postmaster's election campaign
was better than the Sound of Freedom (jet noise) might find his war
not enough of an umbrella to keep dry.

Hollings catalogued several many of the Bushies who are now in
government as a result of their previous ties to Enron and those
associated with it.  And this was just the Commerce Committee.  Of
those named, I recall the Sec'y of the Army, Atty Gen'l, and on and

Let's roll!


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Muckrakers Buckrakers

2002-02-04 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


From muckraker to buckraker
Enron payments to top journalists is nothing new
By Richard Blow / TomPaine.com

02.04.02 | Fifteen years ago, when I was a lowly intern at The New
Republic, editor Michael Kinsley used to vehemently decry the
increasing tendency of Washington journalists to seek income from
places other than their primary employers. Specifically, Kinsley was
appalled by the fact that every so often, New Republic writers Fred
Barnes and Mort Kondracke would rush out of the office to chat away
on The McLaughlin Group.

So Kinsley taped a large gold bell to a shelf prominently positioned
outside his office and wrote “Buckraking Bell” on a sign next to it.
Every time Barnes or Kondracke rushed off to a TV studio, someone was
supposed to ring the bell. The problem, Kinsley rightly argued, was
that television degraded the quality of their work. Could you trust
what Barnes wrote in the magazine if you saw him screaming like a
crazy man in a shout-‘em-up with John McLaughlin?

These days, Kinsley’s bell would be ringing like a fire alarm. More and more print 
journalists are earning their keep from activities that subvert the integrity of their 
writing. But now, the scale is different. At the ti
me, panelists on The McLaughlin Group were paid a few hundred bucks a show. Now 
writers receive tens of thousands of dollars to appear on television, give speeches -- 
and, apparently, influence-peddle for massive corpor

Thanks to Andrew Sullivan and his website, AndrewSullivan.com, we now know that the 
Enron Corporation paid at least four journalists to serve on some sort of advisory 
panel which, even the journalists admit, seemed to hav
e no tangible function. (Full disclosure: Though we usually disagree about politics, 
Sullivan is a friend.)

For the past two weeks, Sullivan has been crusading against Paul Krugman of The New 
York Times, The Weekly Standard’s Bill Kristol, National Review Online columnist 
Lawrence Kudlow, and Sunday Times of London columnist Ir
win Stelzer. Krugman, Kudlow, and Stelzer received $50,000 from Enron; Kristol, 
$100,000. Also roped in was Peggy Noonan, who was hired by Enron to write speeches 
before she became a columnist.

Noonan’s speechwriting doesn’t strike me as objectionable. (More full disclosure: 
Noonan and I employ the same literary agent.) But the other four journalists are in a 
jam. They accepted a lot of money in return for -- wh
at? Access? Positive coverage? Advice? It isn’t clear. And their disclosure of their 
Enron cash was either incomplete or nonexistent.

Of the four, only Krugman preemptively disclosed that he had been on Enron’s payroll, 
and he carefully avoided mentioning the amount involved, because like it or not, 
taking fifty grand from a company seems a lot more pro
blematic than receiving a $250 honorarium. Meanwhile, all four men were either writing 
about Enron or editing magazines that were.

Sullivan’s buckraking muckraking has caused journalists to start sinking their fangs 
into each other, arguing over who should disclose what and when, and whether 
conservatives or liberals are more at fault. It’s an unattr
active sight, like watching a fender bender turn into a forty-car crash. But the 
argument over who’s to blame misses the larger point that Sullivan is rightly making: 
Journalists shouldn’t accept money from outside source
s. Period.

Now, such purity will never happen, simply because many journalists long to live as 
well as the people they cover in higher-paying professions such as business, law, and 
even politics. It’s hard to earn $50,000 a year and
 cover sleazy lobbyists and political consultants who are pulling down $500,000.

The culture of corruption is seductive -- especially in Washington, where journalists 
in recent years have only gotten cozier and cozier with public officials. Remember 
when NPR’s legal correspondent Nina Totenberg had Su
preme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg officiate at her wedding? Talk about a 
conflict of interest.

If journalists want to retain any more credibility than politicians, they should spurn 
all monies for anything not directly associated with journalism. If they do take 
outside income, they should disclose it -- before the
y’re writing about any related subject. It’s not hard to do. The Web would be an easy 
avenue of disclosure. Or some neutral body, like the Columbia Journalism School, could 
collect the information.

Journalism is a great profession. You get to do work that you love, and, much of the 
time, you get to make a decent living. But it’s never going to be the financial 
equivalent of investment banking. Journalists who try to
 make it that way might want to consider another career.

Richard Blow is a journalist living in New York. His book, American
Son: A Portrait of John F. Kennedy, Jr., will be published in May by
Henry Holt.

© 1999-2002 The Florence Fund

[CTRL] Strange Seed Now Reed

2002-02-04 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From WorkingForChange (URL @ bottom)

Ralph Reed's guerrilla war
What the cherub-faced operative was doing behind the scenes
By Sara Pursley / LGNY

02.01.02 | What Christians have got to do is take back this country,
one precinct at a time, one neighborhood at a time, and one state at
a time. I honestly believe that in my lifetime we will see a country
once again governed by Christians...and Christian values. When the
Christian Coalition's Ralph Reed said those words at the beginning of
the culture wars in the 1990s, he might have sent a chill down the
spines of many of us -- but few imagined how quickly Reed himself
would be directly involved in the governance of the country.

Reed once said of his political strategy: I want to be invisible. I
do guerrilla warfare. I paint my face and travel at night. You don't
know it's over until you're in a body bag. You don't know until
election night. Or until the uncovering of scandalous
relationships between big business and government. Last week, the
Christian guerrilla fighter was discovered, as Toronto Star columnist
David Camp put it, under the rubble of the Enron scandal. The New
York Times reported that Bush's chief political advisor Karl Rove
persuaded Enron to hire Reed in 1997 as a consultant at $10,000 to
$20,000 a month.

In 1999, Reed was hired directly by the Bush campaign as a senior advisor, while 
remaining on Enron's payroll. After John McCain won the New Hampshire primary, Bush 
turned publicly to Reed -- who is widely credited with d
elivering the critical victory in South Carolina to Bush, by mobilizing Christian 
Right voters in that state. This mobilization included the mass distribution of a 
flier linking McCain to homosexual groups. The Bush vic
tory in South Carolina was, as Bill Berkowitz put it, a grand old coming out party 
for the Christian Right.

In a National Review column at the time, Reed called Bush the most electable 
conservative presidential candidate in a generation, and declared that a Bush victory 
would be a conservative triumph, not a moderate one. T
he two have remained close ever since.

Rove said this week that he was merely giving Reed an unsolicited recommendation to 
Enron executives. Rove further explains: I'm a big fan of Ralph's, so I'm constantly 
saying positive things. It is a sign of the time
s that Reed is now considered mainstream enough that this statement is a defense 
against scandal, and not the scandal itself.

According to Reed, his job at Enron was to work on energy deregulation in 
Pennsylvania: I met with three executives at Enron in September of 1997. They wanted 
assistance in building grass-roots support for electricity de
regulation in Pennsylvania, which was supported by then-Governor Tom Ridge and which, 
by the way, has become a model for the nation. Californians, who are paying $50 
billion for the free-market-driven energy crisis that
profited Enron, can vouch for Reed on that last claim.

Much of the media was left scratching its head at this strange footnote to the Enron 
debacle. The perception of Ralph Reed, constantly described as cherub- faced and a 
Republican choirboy, was not of someone concerned
 with hard right-wing issues such as the deregulation of energy.

Religious conservatives tend to get portrayed as crazier, perhaps, than economic 
conservatives, but also as more sincere. Anti-abortionist activists, for example, 
while often considered nutcases, have managed to retain a
certain moral high ground: it is often accepted that they operate solely out of a 
belief that abortion is murder, even when they advocate positions that give away their 
opposition to women's self-determination (such as op
posing safe sex education at the same time as opposing abortion).

In an interview with CNN's Judy Woodruff, Reed easily countered accusations that the 
Bush campaign was trying to buy his endorsement through the Enron gig, or that it was 
trying to keep its connection with him secret. Ree
d pointed out that he had been encouraging Bush to run for office since April of 1997, 
and that it was no secret that he was hired directly by the Bush campaign in 1999. By 
that point in time, Bush felt no need to hide hi
s relationship with Reed and the Christian Right.

It is likely, as some have claimed, that the Bush campaign wanted to keep Reed in 
reserve, without bringing him onto its real payroll immediately. That would explain 
Rove's motives. As for Reed, it shouldn't be surprisi
ng that his conservatism is economic as well as moral-religious. When he founded his 
consulting firm Century Strategies, he said its role was to elect pro-family, 
pro-life, and pro-free-enterprise candidates to every le
vel of American government.

Proof that he was serious about the free-enterprise bit came in 2000, when a similar 
scandal erupted upon the revelation that Bill Gates had hired Reed to lobby Bush, as a 
presidential candidate, to support Microsoft's po
sition in the 

[CTRL] one big, bloody problem

2002-02-04 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From WND

This is a WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which
To view this item online, visit

Monday, February 4, 2002
One world ...
By Vox Day

© 2002 WorldNetDaily.com

It's not hard to understand why globalism is so persistently
seductive to people of genuinely good intent. Long a staple of hack
science fiction writers and the producers of Saturday-morning
cartoons, the notion of one central and benevolent government for all
humanity appears like a light shining in the darkness of a world that
is still wracked by warfare, terrorism, famine and disease despite
the past century's incredible advances in technology.

Of course, it was pointed out several thousand years ago that the
road to Hell is paved with good intentions.

In fact, if humanity's past record is a reasonable guide, globalism
may represent the single deadliest threat to mankind in our long,
murderous history. The Economist has reported that in the last
century, more people died at the hands of their own governments than
in all the wars and civil wars combined – 170 million deaths vs. 37
million. However, the implications of this fact for global governance
have not often been considered.

Supporters of globalism are optimistic that under the aegis of a single government, 
the world will experience peace, one way or another. But even if we put aside the 
questionable notion of an enforced peace, which the Bal
kan conflict demonstrated is merely a matter of putting off today's violence for 
tomorrow, it must be understood that an end to war is not synonymous with an end to 
violence and bloodshed.

Just as soldiers going into battle for the first time tend to think in terms of what 
they will do to the enemy instead of what the enemy will do to them, globalists 
envision one-world governance as an efficient means of i
mposing their views on others. This is why political activists of nearly every stripe 
tend to embrace globalist institutions even if they oppose a specific aspect of 
globalism. Thus the radical environmentalist who protes
ts the World Economic Forum nevertheless supports the Kyoto Treaty on global warming.

But there is no guarantee that a one-world government will respect the laws, customs, 
and institutions of the traditional freedom-loving West. Indeed, the institutions 
which are most deeply enmeshed in the globalist movem
ent show strong signs that it will instead imitate the autocratic habits of its 
intellectual predecessors. For example, the U.N.'s Universal Declaration of Human 
Rights states in Article 29, section 3, that: These rights
 and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of 
the United Nations.

Jawohl, Reichsfuhrer Annan! Consider also the possibility that a coalition of Arab and 
African states might take control of the global government in the same way they've 
been able to exert undue influence over the U.N. Ge
neral Assembly. Then everyone could enjoy the religious freedom enjoyed by Jews and 
Christians living in Saudi Arabia and the Sudan .

Unfortunately, that's far from the worst possibility. Two of the governments 
responsible for the worst civilian massacres in history, Russia and China, boasting 62 
million and 37 million murders, respectively, hold perman
ent seats on the U.N. Security Council. And for those who argue that Russia isn't the 
same government as the Soviet Union, I have only one thing to say: If they're not, 
then what is Russia doing on the Security Council?

Even in medieval times, intelligent people understood that the fact that one king was 
a wise and benevolent ruler didn't mean the next one wouldn't be a complete 
psychopath. For those of you without historical reference,
I'm talking about a situation like the one depicted in the movie Gladiator, wherein 
Emperor Marcus Aurelius was succeeded by his son Commodus. The peril of central power 
is why America's founding fathers decided to ditc
h the whole concept and did their best to break it up, scattering it as far and as 
wide throughout the land as possible.

Regardless of how global governance is implemented, it is sure to attract every evil, 
power-seeking individual and organization like pedophiles to a public schoolyard. The 
intrigues and conspiracies will make Byzantium's
internecine power struggles look like a student-council debate by comparison. Every 
would-be Hitler, Lenin, Mao and Mugabe will be converging on a single institution, and 
the most ruthless of them will be the winner.

The National Socialists had a saying that still sounds ominous now,
50 years later. Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer! One world, one
government may not sound so scary yet, but it should. Because one
thing is certain. Totalitarian government doesn't improve with size.

Vox Day is a freelance writer.
Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed

[CTRL] Between Iraq and a Soft Place

2002-02-04 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


World dispatch

Beleaguered Iraq extends the hand of friendship

An embassy reopens, flights resume between Iraq and Iran and Saddam
Hussein finally acknowledges Kuwait's sovereignty. It looks as though
the president is trying to escape the wrath of the United States,
writes Brian Whitaker

Brian Whitaker
Monday February 4, 2002
The Guardian

It's hard to find a friendlier country than Iraq right now. Wherever
you look, Saddam Hussein's emissaries are signalling their readiness
to let bygones be bygones.

There are no prizes for guessing why this is happening. As a founding
member of the axis of evil (© George Bush 2002), Iraq faces the
threat of a military attack by the US.

The attack, if it happens, is likely to come in the second half of this year and will 
not be the usual bombing of Iraq's air defence systems. Its aim will be to remove 
Saddam from power.

Iraq's strategy for heading off such an attack is based on removing, as far as 
possible, likely pretexts for a military strike and minimising international support 
for it outside the US. If Saddam plays his cards right, W
ashington hawks could end up frustrated, bitterly disappointed and absolutely furious.

Iraq's diplomatic offensive consists of three strands.

The first is an attempt to enhance its image and generally improve its international 
relations. Last week, for example, Iraq invited the UN's special human rights 
investigator to visit the country for the first time in a
decade. The investigator was originally appointed in 1991 but, after an initial visit 
in 1992, had never been allowed back. Since then, the UN commission on human rights 
has regularly accused Iraq of serious abuses. Also
within the last week, Iraq made overtures towards Iran, the EU and Swtizerland.

The Iraqi embassy in Switzerland, which has been closed for 11 years, will reopen 

Iraq also approached Spain, which currently holds the rotating presidency of the EU, 
to activate dialogue with the European Union.

Meanwhile, relations between Iraq and neighbouring Iran continue to improve. There 
were further releases of prisoners captured during the 1980-88 war, and Iraq announced 
recently that direct flights between the two neighb
ours will shortly resume after an interruption of more than 20 years.

Iran's neutrality or tacit support in any conflict between the US and Iraq will be 
vital for Saddam. It is worth recalling that many Iraqi warplanes escaped destruction 
during the 1991 Gulf war by taking shelter in Iran.

The second strand of the Iraqi strategy is to repair its relations with the Arab 
world, which essentially would be achieved by a reconciliation with Kuwait.

Iraq hopes this will happen at the Arab League's summit, to be held in Lebanon next 
month, and the league's secretary-general, Amr Moussa, has been shuttling round in an 
effort to resolve the outstanding differences.

At last year's summit in Jordan, Arab leaders were prepared to call for the lifting of 
sanctions and for an end to American and British bombing in the no-fly zones, but this 
was abandoned when Iraq objected to the wording
 of the draft statement. This time under threat of American attack, Iraq seems more 

Iraq sincerely wants to start a new era, an Iraqi diplomat said recently. We 
recognise Kuwait as a sovereign country, and we recognise the borders that were 
enforced by the UN. Kuwaitis, however, are unsure whether to
 believe it. There have been plenty of incidents over the last decade to suggest that 
Iraq has not fully renounced its claim to Kuwait, including a parliamentary map 
showing Kuwait as part of Iraq. But the Iraqi media hav
e recently begun to mention Kuwait and neighbouring Saudi Arabia in terms that imply 
they are now recognised as countries in their own right.

Mohammed al-Sager, chairman of the Kuwaiti parliament's foreign affairs committee, 
agrees that the Iraqis are using new language, but wonders if it is just window 
dressing. Nobody can predict, he says. When they feel
 threatened they are ready to do anything.

The other big issue for Kuwait, apart from protection of its sovereignty, is the fate 
of more than 600 Kuwaitis who were detained by the Iraqis during the 1990-91 invasion 
and have not been seen since. Kuwait says it has
evidence that at least some of them are still alive and being held in Iraq as a 
bargaining counter.

Up to now, Iraq has insisted that it has no idea what happened to them, though it is 
clear from testimony provided by relatives that the missing Kuwaitis were in the hands 
of Iraqi officials at the time of their disappear
ance. Again, Iraq seems to have shifted its position on this issue. If we sit 
together I think we can arrive at a solution, an Iraqi official said.

The third strand of Iraq's strategy involves the UN security council and concerns 
sanctions and weapons inspections. In this 

[CTRL] Brain Fingerprinting - Getting a Piece of the Anti-Terrorism Action

2002-02-04 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

from - http://www.techreview.com/articles/hogan013002.asp

Getting a Piece of the Anti-Terrorism Action

By Kevin Hogan   January 30, 2002

Homeland security is breaking records for government RD spending, and promising
a windfall for tech firms.

Like most Americans, Larry Farwell wants to help fight the War on Terrorism. And
he thinks his Fairfield, Iowa-based company, the Human Brain Research
Laboratory, can do just that. The Laboratory has developed brain
fingerprinting, a technology that measures a suspect's brain waves-and, says
Farwell, can tip off investigators to the man who knows too much. It works like
this: Interrogators fit subjects with sensor-filled headgear and show them a
random series of images, some related to their investigation. A computer
analyzes the brain's response to determine whether the subject recognizes the
relevant pictures-an Al Qaeda training manual or a terrorist recruiter, for
example. In some cases, this could help identify someone intent on attack
before they strike, says Farwell.
After about a decade of development, Farwell's company has yet to land a big
contract with military or law enforcement agencies such as the CIA, the
Department of Defense, the Secret Service, or the FBI. According to an October,
2001, report to the U.S. Senate from the General Accounting Office, these
agencies were avoiding brain fingerprinting because the research expenses,
equipment and training costs were perceived to exceed benefits. But that report
was written before the War on Terrorism and the federal government's threefold
spending increase for security technologies. Now Farwell says he is optimistic
about winning a contract, and countless other entrepreneurs, scientific labs,
industry lobbyists and government contractors are scrambling to do their
patriotic duty-as well as get a piece of the multi-billion dollar action.

In the first days after the September attacks, the president requested $40
billion to rebuild and reinforce the country against further atrocities.
Congress more than complied, giving a total of $103.7 billion to RD-related
agencies such as the Defense Department, the National Institutes of Health and
the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for fiscal year 2002, the
largest amount ever allotted and the largest percentage increase in nearly 20
years. The bill earmarks $1.5 billion specifically for RD into
counter-terrorism initiatives-triple what was spent in 2001. Emergency
appropriations are routine, says Kei Koizum, director of the Research and
Development Budget and Policy Program at the American Association for the
Advancement of Science. The size of this particular funding [increase] is not.

The money will go to a diverse set of agencies and projects. While the Ballistic
Missile Defense Organization under the Department of Defense will get $7
billion-a 66 percent increase for one of the Bush Administration's most
controversial priorities-much of the rest is earmarked for a number of agencies
not normally associated with defense or security research. The U.S. Department
of Agriculture, for example, will get $40 million in emergency funds for
research on food safety and potential terrorist threats to the food supply.
Another $70 million will go to the Environmental Protection Agency to improve
security at its labs. The Department of Transportation, the National Science
Foundation and the National Institute of Science and Technology will also get
their share and will begin to dole out new contracts and beef up the budgets of
current ones in the coming weeks.

Companies that tout the latest in facial recognition software (See Recognizing
the Enemy - http://www.techreview.com/articles/stikeman1201.asp ), bio-sensors
(See Detecting Bioterrorism -
http://www.techreview.com/articles/talbot1201.asp ) and intelligent networks
(See Networking the Infrastructure -
http://www.techreview.com/articles/roush1201.asp ) are attracting interest not
just from the federal government, but from private investors as well. For
example, the price of a share of stock in Visionics, a Jersey City, NJ-based
maker of face recognition software, tripled in the days after the government
announced that airports would incorporate such technology.

Whether or not these funds generate useful tools and applications remains to be
seen. In the meantime, Farwell's brain fingerprinting system-already passed over
twice by the FBI in the last decade-may get one more look. Priorities have
changed, says Farwell, who continues to make the rounds within the Beltway to
show off his technology. What might not have seemed worth the expense prior to
last September looks much different today.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-

[CTRL] Lost Children, church case, Neil Bush - saudi's, phillipines, enron - uk,

2002-02-04 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

What was Neil Bush doing in Jidda, Saudi Arabia, last week? ...(Among the
main backers of the event: the Saudi Binladin Construction Group and Prince
Alwaleed bin Talal, the tycoon whose $10 million offer to help the victims of
the World Trade Center attacks was rejected last fall by New York City Mayor
Rudolph Giuliani.) But Bush's main purpose wasn't public-relations
advice. NEWSWEEK has learned the presidential sibling also had another
agenda: recruiting Middle East investors for an educational-software firm
that, industry sources say, may benefit enormously from the new $26.5 billion
education bill signed by President George W. Bush.

'It would help Enron if you made that call' Bush was told

The Lost Children - 10,000 English Kids Sent To Australia  - 2/3/02 - CBS
It's a mind-boggling story, one that sounds more like a bad movie than
reality. But it happened. In the two decades after World War II, 10,000
English children were sent to Australia...Many were mistreated and abused.
All were lied to. The story begins in Britain after World War II - a nation
victorious but battered, broke, and burdened by overflowing children's homes.
Many of the kids were put there by families too poor to raise them. What
happened next is almost unfathomable in civilized countries or in modern
times. The British government, in collaboration with churches and charities,
developed a secret plan to clear out these children's homes; a plan which has
only recently been uncovered. The kids were told that they would be adopted
by loving families in Australia. And they were shipped off by the thousands.
It was as simple as that.

Catholic Church to Pay Settlement to Close Abuse Cases - By William Lobdell
Los Angeles Times Staff Writer - 1/30/02 - Nine former altar boys will
receive an undisclosed sum and an apology from the Roman Catholic Church to
settle accusations of priest sexual misconduct in an Arizona-based case that
stretched as far west as Camarillo. Attorneys for both sides announced the
settlement in Tucson on Tuesday, resolving the latest in a string of priest
molestation cases that have badly bruised the Catholic Church's reputation.

Neil Bush's Saudi Business Connection
What was Neil Bush doing in Jidda, Saudi Arabia, last week?
Officially, the president's youngest brother was a keynote speaker at an
international business forum. (Among the main backers of the event: the Saudi
Binladin Construction Group and Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, the tycoon whose
$10 million offer to help the victims of the World Trade Center attacks was
rejected last fall by New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani.) With an audience
filled with Saudi royals, Bush talked about the role of public opinion in
shaping U.S. Mideast policy. But Bush's main purpose wasn't public-relations
advice. NEWSWEEK has learned the presidential sibling also had another
agenda: recruiting Middle East investors for an educational-software firm
that, industry sources say, may benefit enormously from the new $26.5 billion
education bill signed by President George W. Bush.


(has graphic descriptions of torture)
Innocent Muslims killed as Bush allies 'crusade'  - Shootings and torture by
security forces are spreading fear in the Philippines, the new flashpoint in
the US war. Film-makers Jonathan Miller and Rob Lemkin report Sunday February
3, 2002 The Observer


'It would help Enron if you made that call' Bush was told - Price of power  -
He has won the Afghan war, but President Bush's peace is threatened by the
Enron scandal. Ed Vulliamy reveals how far the White House is entwined in the
biggest bankruptcy in US history - The Bush files - Observer special  -
Sunday January 13, 2002
The Observer - As he approaches the first anniversary of his inauguration,
George W Bush is under siege. He has won the war in Afghanistan, but finds
himself engaged in a new battle against a scandal that is threatening to dog
his administration and tarnish his reputation . Bush and his administration
have been revealed as entwined in a story of corporate greed and political
manipulation by an energy firm called Enron, now under double criminal
investigation. The scandal - in which the life savings and retirement funds
of tens of thousands of employees vanished while a number of executive
directors lined their pockets - reaches so high that John Ashcroft, the
Attorney-General, has had to withdraw from the investigation because he
received Enron money, and lawsuits are the pipeline to force Vice-President
Dick Cheney for details of his contacts with the company.


No 10 did not reveal all Enron talks - Lucy Ward and Stephen Bates
Monday February 4, 2002 The 

[CTRL] The Strange Career of Frank Carlucci

2002-02-04 Thread William Shannon

February 1, 2002

The Strange Career 
of Frank Carlucci

By Francis Schor

In the past few months there has been a rash of media reports on the Carlyle Group, a private equity investment group with billions of dollars of assets in the defense industry and a roster of directors and consultants which includes not only well-known Reagan and Bush appointees but also international figures like John Major, the former Prime Minister of Great Britain, and Fidel Ramos, the former President of the Philippines. 

The Chairman of the Carlyle Group, Frank Carlucci, was not only a former Secretary of Defense in the Reagan Administration, but a Deputy Director of the CIA during the Carter Administration. In fact, Carlucci's career in Washington provides some insight into the intersection between foreign and domestic policy in the Cold War years. Moreover, Carlucci's particular trajectory through the government and into private industry reveals much about the meaning and influence of the military-industrial complex in the past and continuing policies of the United States at home and abroad.

A critical part of Carlucci's career was spent as a foreign service officer during the 1950's and 1960's in such hot spots as the Congo and Brazil. He capped that foreign service career with a stint as Ambassador to Portugal from 1974-77, a key time in the history and development of the Portuguese revolution. Carlucci's navigation through these conflictual moments helps to situate the nuances of US cold war policies not only in these specific countries, but throughout the world.

As the Second Secretary in the US Embassy in the Congo during the time of the reign and consequent assassination of Patrice Lumumba, Carlucci was intimately involved in the US efforts to overthrow Lumumba's government. In the recent cinematic reconstruction of the life and times of the Congo's first elected prime minister, Lumumba by Haitian director, Raoul Peck, Carlucci is depicted as being part of a meeting of US, Belgian, and Congo officials plotting the murder of Lumumba. Claiming that this particular meeting was fabricated by the filmmaker, Carlucci did admit at a Washington premier of the film that US policy towards the Lumumba government was a bit "too strident." 

The fact that CIA station chief Lawrence Devlin was under direct instructions from Secretary of State Dulles to seek the immediate removal of Lumumba is part of the historical record. There is even evidence to suggest that the actual hit on Lumumba came from the White House at Eisenhower's suggestion. In fact, there was an assassin hired by the US government, equipped with chemical weapons from Ft. Detrick, to use against Lumumba.

When Lumumba was captured in December 1960 after fleeing from house arrest by a former supporter and later vicious dictator of the Congo, Colonel Joseph Mobutu, the CIA probably helped to arrange for Lumumba's transfer to Katanga province where Katangan and Belgian henchman murdered Lumumba and disposed of his body. 

Meanwhile, Carlucci was attempting to placate Lumumba supporters and draw them into a new coalition government. In the confusions that ensued, Carlucci found himself under house arrest and at odds with Clare Timberlake, the US Ambassador to the Congo who did not favor any involvement with Lumumba supporters. Fortunately for Carlucci, Timberlake was relieved of his ambassadorial post and replaced by Kennedy appointees whose liberal politics allowed for certain compromises with indigenous forces in Africa who might still serve the anti-communist alliance while facilitating US economic interests in the region. 

Although Carlucci wasn't around for the mess that followed in the wake of UN intervention and the continuing zigs and zags of US policy in the Congo, he did wind up in Brazil in time for the overthrow of the Goulart government. The CIA and State Department were actively engaged in funneling money to opponents of Goulart and setting the stage for the eventual military coup in March and April of 1964. 

Beyond his populist policies that threatened nationalization of US subsidies, Goulart was seen by Washington as "soft on communism" and "pro-Castro," indictments enough to spell his doom and put in place right-wing military dictators who would outlaw any political or union dissent for years. As a consequence of the military coup and its entrenchment, Carlucci gained a reputation as a "tough-guy" with the American Defense Attaché in Brazil, Colonel Vernon Walters.

By the end of the 1960s Carlucci had returned to Washington to become part of Nixon Administration, going from the Office of Economic Opportunity in 1969-71 to the Office of Management and Budget in 1971-72. He then was appointed Under Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare from 1972-74. Among the other key members of these departments of domestic pacification were Caspar Weinberger, who was a Carlucci mentor, and Donald Rumsfeld, a 

[CTRL] A Contractarian Perspective on 9-11

2002-02-04 Thread William Shannon

A Contractarian Perspective on 9-11

by Brad Edmonds

In a libertarian society, adults wouldn't have the legal ability to force each other to do things they don't want to do (except in the case of predators, who might be fined or otherwise punished for their crimes). People would still bind themselves to certain behaviors and promises, but only in the form of voluntarily-entered contracts. In this way, contracts would form the bulk of "law," as well as constitute what would serve as foreign policy. An interesting exercise: Imagine how 9/11 might have played out in such a society. 

First, 9/11 might not have happened. Before anyone (in this case, it was the US government) would be able to make a 50-year career of violent implementation of "policy" in the Middle East or anywhere else, funds would have to be raised from voluntary donors. It is doubtful that many Americans voluntarily would have donated money to bomb Iraq — Kuwait or no Kuwait — and a long history of our not bombing Middle Eastern targets for continuously variable reasons would have done much to remove the terrorists' motivation prior to 9/11. True, with the absence of US government support, many Jewish Americans might have donated money directly to Israel, but many Arab Americans might have donated equal amounts to Arab states in the region, again making it unlikely that terrorists would have ended up perceiving America as one big, uniform target. 

Making foreign policy a contract-based, voluntary-donation-supported enterprise would have given America quite a different face on the world scene, dating back at least to World War I and World War II, which we probably never would have entered if individual Americans were asked to give personal funds specifically for the purpose of entering distant wars. Of course, aside from giving a few billion people in other countries fewer reasons to dislike us, the "contractarian" approach to foreign policy would also remove the coercive taxation of millions of us here who disagree with our government's foreign policy, and who would prefer not to be billed for its implementation — this would be an absolute moral good, in itself. 

But that's past; what of the present? We are now being coercively taxed to support expensive bombing campaigns in Afghanistan, and next Somalia. If the bombing were paid for by voluntary donations — or better, "purchases," conditional upon the actual achievement of prior stated objectives — it might have stopped long ago, with our consistent inability to locate bin Laden; it might have been much more limited, with provisos in the contract that would assess penalties for "collateral damage"; or it might never have started. Before individuals would put up their own money to bring about justice, they would demand to see convincing evidence that the target of the bombings was the guilty party. Remember, our government made certain that evidence of bin Laden's guilt was never made available to the American public, at least until the "party" videotape released in December (whatever "proof" that tape amounted to). 

And of course there are other contracting options for the pursuit of justice, the most interesting of which would be letters of marque and reprisal, or private bounties. While our government has offered $25 million for bin Laden himself, if actually bringing down bin Laden and his henchmen were entrusted to, say, private mercenaries, it would likely absorb far more than $25 million in costs. After all, we've been spending $1 billion per month already, and we still don't even know where bin Laden is! 

This highlights another advantage of voluntary contracting: Not only does the party putting up the money demand evidence that the money is going to fulfill the desired purpose, but the party intending to provide the service won't sign unless the service can be performed, and a profit made, within the dollar amount specified. With voluntary contracting, commitments are made in advance, and both parties are liable in the event the contract is not fulfilled. By contrast, our government takes money from us whether we want the service performed or not; they determine what the cost will be (post hoc); and they simply tell us whether they've succeeded or failed. 

And what of the future? As to airline security, the libertarian press has called for complete deregulation — get the FAA out of the airline security business and allow airlines to secure their own private property. If airlines had been in charge of their own security, it's unlikely the 9/11 hijackings would have been attempted in the first place. Individuals and private organizations know already that there is inherent danger in guaranteeing a captive, disarmed audience, as the FAA has done, and as the government has done with our compulsory schools. 

In a libertarian future, private airlines, communities, and neighborhoods should be free to contract voluntarily to 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-Drugs_TheDarkSide] Mideast nazi links, etc.

2002-02-04 Thread RoadsEnd


Postwar Arab links to the ODESSA network

The Last Jewish Pasha
Mizrahi's four houses were sequestered on account of his son-in-law
Raoul Farahat. Was it because he was a partner in the British accounting
firm of Russel  Co?

Russel  Company connects to Thule. Russel Trust paid for the Skull and
Bones (Thule Brotherhood of Death) Tomb at Yale.
Russel also connects to the establishment of Bolshevism in Russia:

The name Mizrahi refers to three different things:
1. The Mizrahi Family of international bankers, centered in Israel

2. The Mizrahi movement, a zionist movement started in Germany

3. Mizrahi jews, those who never left the holyland in the firstplace.

Mizrahim had lived in North Africa and the Middle East for millennia,
and the vast majority were opposed to creating a Jewish state in
Palestine. The Iraqi Jewish leadership, for example, cooperated with the
Iraqi government to stop Zionist activity in Iraq; the chief rabbi
published an open letter denouncing Zionism.

In 1920, Palestinian Jews signed anti-Zionist petitions denouncing
Ashkenazi rule.

It is now well documented that Zionist underground cells planted bombs
in Jewish centres to create hysteria amongst Iraqi Jews, hoping to
encourage a mass exodus to Israel. On January 14, 1951, a bomb was
thrown into an Iraqi synagogue, killing four people.

Of course these acts of terror by the Zionist movement did not happen in
isolation from the corrupt Arab governments of the time, most of which
were supported by the British, who had overtly backed the Zionist
movement with the Balfour declaration of 1917.

Jewish Perspectives of Zionism
This is a most unfortunate set of circumstances in general and
especially to be bemoaned in current portrayals of Jewish attitudes
towards political Zionism. To peruse popular communication channels (and
for that matter simplistic 'Nationalist' propaganda) is to learn that
Zionism has and always has had the blind support of all Jews. Nothing
could be further from the truth

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2002-02-04 Thread Nurev Ind

-Caveat Lector-


The Peace Index Project is conducted by the Tami Steinmetz Center for Peace
Research at Tel Aviv University, headed by Prof. Ephraim Yaar and Dr. Tamar
Hermann and executed by the Tel Aviv University's B. I. Cohen Institute.
Results are shown for 28-30 January 2002.

The survey details below covers the representative sub-sample of adult
Jewish Israelis

1. Do you believe or not believe that in the coming years there will be
peace between Israel and the Arabs?
Certain there will be peace 4.4% Think there will be peace 14.3%
In the middle 9.9% Think there will not be peace 28.8%
Certain there will not be peace 39.5% Do not know/no opinion 3.2%

2. In general, do you consider yourself a supporter or opponent of the
process between Israel and the Arabs?
Greatly opposed 7.9% Considerably opposed 6.5%
In the middle 10.3% Considerably supportive 30.8%
Greatly supportive 43.1% Do not know/no opinion 1.4%

3. What is your opinion on the agreement that was signed in Oslo between
Israel and the PLO (Agreement of Principles)?
Heavily in favor 10.7% Considerably in favor 15.3%
In the middle 20.0%
Considerably opposed 14.1% Heavily opposed 32.3%
Do not know/no opinion 7.5%

4. Do you believe or not believe that the Oslo Agreement between Israel and
the PLO will bring about peace between Israel and the Palestinians in the
coming years?
Greatly believe 3.8% Considerably believe 7.5 Middle 11.5%
Considerably do not believe 20.6% Completely do not believe 50.0%
Do not know/no opinion 6.5%

5. What is your position regarding negotiations between Israel and the
Palestinian Authority?
Heavily in favor 27.0% Considerably in favor 32.1%
Considerably opposed 17.1% Heavily opposed 21.2%
Do not know/no opinion 2.6%

6. Do you believe or do not believe that negotiations between Israel and
Palestinian Authority will lead in the coming years to peace between Israel
and the Palestinians?
Greatly believe 8.3% Considerably believe 24.4%
Considerably do not believe 26.8% Completely do not believe 37.9%
Do not know 2.6

7. Do you believe or not believe that in the coming years there will be
peace between Israel and Syria?
Certain there will be peace 2.4% Think there will be peace 19.2%
In the middle 20.6%
Think there will not be peace 28.2%
Certain there will not be peace 23.4%
Don't know/have no opinion 6.2%

6. What is your position regarding support for a full peace treaty between
Israel and Syria in exchange for full withdrawal from the Golan Heights?
Greatly in favor 12.5% Considerably in favor 14.1%
In the middle 13.1%
Considerably opposed 15.5% Greatly opposed 40.3%
Do not know/have no opinion 4.6%

For all practical purposes, Israel has placed Arafat's headquarters in
Ramallah under siege and he cannot move freely in the territories of the
Palestinian Authority or go overseas.  In your opinion, what is the main
purpose of this move?
47.1% To pressure Arafat so that he will carry out real measures to end the
33.1% To undermine his authority as head of the Palestinian Authority
13.4 Both to the same extent
06.4% Do not know

In your opinion can the siege bring about the realization of one or either
of these goal?

15.1% End terror
15.5% Break Arafat's authority
21.2% Both
39.7% Neither
08.5% Do not know

How would undermining the authority of Arafat as head of the Palestinian
Authority impact terror activity against Israel?
Increase 34.8% Decrease 17.5% No charge 39.0% Do not know 8.7%

How would undermining Arafat's authority as head of the Palestinian
Authority impact the chances of reaching a peace arrangement with between
Israel and the Palestinians?
Increase 22.3% Decrease 24.1% No change 44.5% Don't know 9.1%

Do you support or oppose continuing the policy of taking out [wanted
terrorists] by Israeli security forces?
Support a lot 44.9% Considerably support 28.1%
Considerably oppose 12.0% Oppose a lot 9.8%
Don't know 5.2%

In terms of Israel's interests, do you support or oppose killing Arafat?
Support a lot 11.0% Considerably support 10.4%
Considerably oppose 31.1% Oppose a lot 41.2%
Don't know 6.4%

Do you support or oppose that along with the pressure applied to Arafat and
the Palestinian Authority that Israel make efforts, to the extent possible,
to make the daily lives of the Palestinian population in the territories
Support a lot 33.9% Considerably support 31.1%
Considerably oppose 16.1% Oppose a lot 13.9%
Don't know 5.0%

The papers report from time to time about demeaning attitudes of soldiers
and Israeli security people towards Palestinian civilian in the
for example intentionally delaying them at checkpoints.  In your opinion,
such incidents occur frequently or infrequently?
Very frequently 14.4% Considerably frequently 29.7%
Considerably infrequently 26.1% Very infrequently 16.8%
Don't know 13.0%

If and when such incidents occur, in your opinion should the security
treat them with complete seriousness as if they 

[CTRL] An Afghan Life's Worth - $1,000 USD

2002-02-04 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


   Report: U.S. paid villagers over raid

   Rumsfeld: U.S.
   he says he has
   no knowledge
   of payments

   Three men walk away from a grave site near the town of Uruzgan, where
   villagers claim that U.S. special forces wrongly killed at least 18

   Feb. 4 --  Afghan officials say the United States has conceded that a
   deadly raid in a southern Afghan village two weeks ago was a mistake
   and that families of those killed had been given compensation -- in
   $100 bills -- according to a report broadcast Monday.

  U.S. FORCES have returned to investigate claims that they
   killed the wrong people in the raid, and they should apologize on the
   spot if the claims prove true, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said
  U.S. soldiers have gone to the area in Uruzgan province where
   special forces killed 15 or 16 people and arrested 27 in a nighttime
   raid two weeks ago, Rumsfeld said at a Pentagon news conference.
  Rumsfeld admitted for the first time that it was possible that
   a U.S. military assault on two compounds Jan. 24 resulted in their
   unfortunately killing or wounding some individuals who might have
   been friendly.
  According to a report broadcast Monday by NPR News, however,
   senior Afghan officials said that the United States had already
   expressed regret over the raid at Uruzgan and had even paid the
   victims' families $1,000 each in U.S. cash.
  Responding to a question, Rumsfeld said he had no information
   about reports of such apologies or payments.

  I do know that U.S. soldiers have gone back into the area, I
   believe with Afghans, to try to determine the facts, he said.
  I would hope that if, in the course of that, they discover
   that somebody was in fact killed who should not have been killed ...
   that American forces would express apologies. I can't say that I know
   that, but I would hope they would.

  After days of insisting they had struck the right people,
   Pentagon officials said last week that they would investigate the
   incident. The interim Afghan government led by Hamid Karzai said it
   also was investigating.

  Rumsfeld said he recalled Karzai's telling someone in the U.S.
   military that in the event that it turns out that people were in fact
   killed who were friendly to the interim government, that would be
   unfortunate, and it would be helpful if some way could be found to
   compensate them.
  The Pentagon has insisted that U.S. special forces attacked a
   legitimate military target in the raid on an ammunition dump that
   intelligence analysts believed al-Qaida or Taliban forces were using.
  But some Afghans said Taliban renegades were handing over
   weapons to Karzai's government at the site. They said that some
   pro-Karzai figures were killed and that others, including a police
   chief, his deputy and members of a district council, were among those

  Meanwhile, the top Marine Corps general for Central Asia and
   the Persian Gulf is moving his command post from Hawaii to Bahrain in
   another sign that the U.S. anti-terror campaign in Afghanistan and
   elsewhere won't be over any time soon.
  Lt. Gen. Earl Hailston moved to Bahrain in mid-January on
   Rumsfeld's orders, said his spokesman in Hawaii, Lt. Col. Pat Sivigny.

  Hailston, who oversees the Marines' operations in both the
   Central and Pacific commands, joins Central Command chiefs for the Air
   Force and the Army, who moved to the region in recent months, and the
   Navy's 5th Fleet, which already had a base there. The Navy component
   of Central Command is headquartered in Bahrain, the Air Force's is in
   Saudi Arabia and the Army's is in Kuwait.
  Also, some Marines who had been deployed to the Afghan campaign
   have moved to the coast of Africa for a three-week joint exercise with
   Kenyan forces, Pentagon officials said Monday.
  More than 2,000 Marines began the amphibious exercise Sunday.
   Officials said it had been planned for months and was not a sign that
   military action was planned soon in neighboring Somalia, where
   officials fear al-Qaida terrorists from Afghanistan could seek refuge.

  Also Monday, efforts to quell Afghanistan's worst factional
   fighting since the fall of the Taliban had mixed results. Under
   supervision of the United Nations, opposing forces in the north agreed
   to work toward a demilitarization but, in the east, government
   mediators reportedly failed to push two warring tribes into a peace
   deal and ordered both sides to send delegations to Kabul for more

  In the northern city of Mazar-e-Sharif, two factions agreed to
   set up 

[CTRL] Nobel Peace Prize - wadda joke.

2002-02-04 Thread Nurev Ind

-Caveat Lector-


Henry Kissinger (extended the Vietnam war 3 years. Chile.)
Yasser Arafat ( need one say more?)
Kim Dae Jung ( Corporate Dictator of S Korea)
Frederik Willem de Klerk ( racist )
United Nations Peace-keeping Forces ( Ha, ha, ha, ha. )
Mohamed Anwar al-Sadat, Menachem Begin (A dictator and a fascist )
George Catlett Marshall ( American archetecht of WWII )
Thomas Woodrow Wilson ( Racist warmonger )
Theodore Roosevelt ( Racist warmonger )

and now these clowns...

Bush, Blair nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

Associated Press

OSLO, Norway (February 4, 2002 12:45 p.m. EST) - Praised
for fighting terrorism and securing world peace, President
Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair have been nominated
for the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize, a Norwegian lawmaker announced

Harald Tom Nesvik, a member of parliament from the right-wing
Party of Progress, said he has nominated the two leaders
who have been at the forefront of the war in Afghanistan.

The background for my nomination is their decisive action
against terrorism, something I believe in the future will
be the greatest threat to peace, Nesvik said. Unfortunately,
sometimes ... you have to use force to secure peace.

Nesvik has nomination rights as a member of a national legislature.

The Oslo-based awards committee accepts nominations postmarked
by Feb. 1, so proposals continue to arrive and a final number
is not expected until late in the month.

Last year, 136 individuals and groups were nominated. The
$943,000 prize was shared by the United Nations and its secretary-general,
Kofi Annan.

The committee keeps the names of nominees secret for 50 years.
However, those making nominations often reveal their choice.

The Sept. 11 terror attacks on the United States and the
aftermath were expected to influence this year's nominations,
because those events were too late to be considered in last
year's award.

Other Sept. 11-related nominations mentioned, but not confirmed,
include former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and Guy
Tozzoli, an engineer who helped design the World Trade Center.

Also Monday, two Christian Democratic members of Norway's
parliament announced their nomination of the Salvation Army,
adding to a list that includes Rome-based Catholic group
Church of Sant'Egidio for peace and humanitarian efforts
and the Mission of Mercy humanitarian group for work in Latin

The Nobel Prize winners are named in mid-October and the
awards are always presented on Dec. 10, the day their founder,
Swedish industrialist Alfred Nobel, died in 1896. The peace
prize is awarded in Oslo, and the others in Stockholm, Sweden.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Scientists find key to eternal life [ Methuselah gene ]

2002-02-04 Thread Archibald Bard


Scientists find key to eternal life ALASTAIR DALTON 
  search for the secret of eternal life has advanced a step, after 
  scientists claimed they had located the gene responsible for healthy old 
  age. Icelandic biotechnologists said they had isolated the 
  Methuselah gene, which they believe could lead to the development of drugs 
  enabling people to live longer. The gene - a stretch of DNA - has 
  been named after the Old Testament figure said to have lived for 969 
  years. Kari Stefansson, the chief executive of DeCode Genetics, 
  said: "There is no reason why we cannot do this. "We know the 
  location of this gene. Soon we will study its exact DNA sequence and work 
  out how it works in the body. You can then think of making drugs that 
  could replicate its action." Researchers pinpointed the gene by 
  using Iceland’s uniquely comprehensive family records to compare 1,200 
  people who had lived beyond 90 with a similar number with average 
  lifespans. They found those who lived longer were much more 
  closely related than in the other group. Mr Stefansson said: "Our 
  tight heritage and records are ideal for this sort of work. We have the 
  same genes as everyone else on the planet, but because we have a small, 
  tight population of only 270,000, it is much easier to pinpoint those of 
  us that carry genes that have interesting functions." The 
  scientists discovered that those who lived longer appeared to have 
  inherited a single gene that protected them against old age, rather than 
  being born into families which did not inherit genes that made them 
  vulnerable to illnesses. DeCode’s work follows research published 
  by Harvard Medical School in the US last year, that claimed people who 
  lived past 100 had in-built defences against old age. The study, 
  which was aimed at protecting people from ageing, found such people had a 
  longevity gene which was inherited, so their children were also likely to 
  live ten to 15 years longer than average. It also found that the 
  brothers and sisters of centenarians were four times more likely than 
  average of living to 90. The Harvard researchers discovered that all 137 
  100-year-olds they studied had Methuselah-type genes, which appeared to 
  enable them to fight off conditions such as cancer, dementia and heart 
  disease. Scientists had previously believed thousands of human 
  genes worked together to determine how long people live. Professor 
  Thomas Perls, a geriatrician involved with the Harvard study, said: "An 
  average set of genes will allow you to live to your mid to late eighties. 
  To get another 20 healthy years, you have these disease -resistant 
  genes."This article: http://thescotsman.co.uk/index.cfm?id=135692002 

Description: GIF image

[CTRL] Was Hitler's Homosexuality Nazism's Best-Kept Secret?

2002-02-04 Thread Archibald Bard

Was Hitler's 
  Homosexuality Nazism's Best-Kept Secret?Posted Feb. 4, 2002By Nathaniel S. LehrmanAdolf Hitler's homosexuality has been demonstrated 
  beyond question by German historian Lothar Machtan's massively researched 
  new book, The Hidden Hitler, which shows homosexuality's central role in 
  Hitler's personal life.But the crucial role within the Nazi 
  movement of the most vicious and lawless types of homosexuality, which 
  Machtan also shows, is even more important than Hitler's personal 
  preference. In 1933, six months after Hitler took power, the distinguished 
  Jewish author Ludwig Lewisohn described what Machtan confirms, that "the 
  entire [Nazi] movement is in fact and by certain aspects of its avowed 
  ideology drenched through and through with homoerotic feeling and 
  practice." And those homosexual currents inextricably were connected with 
  vicious German militarism long before the Nazis.Hitler quit school 
  at age 16 and in 1909 moved to Vienna, where he twice took and failed the 
  Art Academy's entrance examination. Shortly after his move, August 
  Kubizek, a young man from his hometown, joined him and they lived together 
  for four months. Intensely jealous, Hitler wrote Kubizek, "I cannot endure 
  it when you consort and converse with other young people." 
  Hitler's adolescent move to sexually liberated Vienna — so new to 
  him and so different from home — and his open choice there of 
  homosexuality calls to mind the choice involved in what Charles Socarides 
  calls America's "Thanksgiving Day Massacre." His book, Homosexuality: A 
  Freedom Too Far, describes that "massacre" as when a college freshman, 
  home for the first time after months at a sexually liberated college, 
  joyfully informs his startled parents, "Hey Mom, hey Dad! Be thankful! I 
  have something to tell you. I'm gay!"For the next several years, 
  Hitler drifted aimlessly. Despite immense Nazi efforts to erase as much of 
  his past as possible (by destroying his massive police records, for 
  example) Machtan dug out clear evidence of Hitler's homosexual activities 
  during this period, such as his five months at a men's hostel known as "a 
  hub of homosexual activity." He formed close attachments to several men, 
  but throughout his life was uninterested in relationships with 
  women.In May 1913, he moved with another young man to Munich (said 
  to be "a regular El Dorado for homosexuals") and, in September 1914, 
  joined the Bavarian army. He spent the war years as a behind-the-lines 
  messenger, enjoying a long and active sexual relationship with another 
  runner, Ernst Schmidt. At war's end, Hitler returned to Munich and more 
  homosexual activities. He met at that time Capt. Ernst Roehm, a 
  well-connected army officer who soon offered him his first job — as a 
  political spy for the army within a newly organized workers' party. 
  Hitler's political rise from that point was "meteoric," Machtan writes. 
  Politically "an unknown quantity" when he joined the party in 1919, three 
  years later he had become an important political influence — "the 
  repository of the deutsch-folkisch [roughly German ultranationalist] 
  movement's hopes."Hitler's rise largely was due to the two 
  brilliant homosexuals who mentored and tutored him: Roehm, a notorious 
  pederast and a contemporary, and Dietrich Eckart, 21 years his senior. 
  Roehm, a career staff officer during the war, had access to both secret 
  army funds and to military and right-wing groups such as the 
  ultranationalist, anti-Semitic and homoerotic Freikorps — the fiercely 
  anticommunist terrorist squads that sprang up, especially in eastern 
  Germany, in response to the political chaos of the early Weimar Republic. 
  Eckart was a fiercely anti-Semitic journalist and playwright who taught 
  Hitler political tactics and introduced him to Munich and Berlin society, 
  as well as to other wealthy people throughout the country. In 
  April 1923 Hitler was convicted of treason for his nearly successful coup 
  against the Bavarian government. Sentenced to five years in prison, he was 
  released after nine months. He then began collecting the lawbreakers, 
  sexual and other, who would form the heart of his new Nazi Party. Machtan 
  shows that the party was a sexual swamp from its very beginning, an evil 
  conspiracy in which members held sexual or other criminal secrets over one 
  another's heads. Indeed, Machtan suggests that Hitler's fear that Roehm 
  and other openly homosexual Nazis would "out" him and his associates was a 
  motive for his later murder of Roehm. The Nazi Party, whose 
  terrorism and conspiracy had won it a maximum of 37 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [OrderofSkullandBones] Scroll Keys 522?

2002-02-04 Thread Man on the Run

BF>Skull and Bones exists as the real inner circle of power in America,
where our political power structure interlocks with the occult power structure.
It appears as though there is a conclusive link between Germanic occultism
and the Skull and Bones. Germanic occultism existed in the guise
of "Illuminism". Illuminism has suffered an inernal war between its
internationalist faction (Weishaupt) and its reactionary faction (Von Knigge).
John Daniel detailed the warfare within the occult in his excellent series
Scarlet and the Beast , the only fault with it being that he dwelt
too much on Masonry and not enough on the Teutonic Knights and the German
factor in the equation. Nazism was a particularly vile outgrowth
of this whole dialectic.
 The Skull and Bones is the American branch of this
whole network. It may be the most power branch of it in the modern
world. Certainly the Bushes are very much a product of this, the
current President perhaps reluctantly. Of all places, the History
Channel did an expose' on this. They even interviewed David Icke!
I may not always agree with Icke, but yes, we do see an interlocking set
of bloddlines and they are gunning for what appears to be a global fascist
state. Most of us struggle hard on this list. Why should Ken
Lay be able to cheat the system? I cannot even fathom it.

[CTRL] Sen. McCain Undergoes Surgery for Skin Cancer

2002-02-04 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-



Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Sen. McCain Undergoes Surgery for Skin Cancer
Mon Feb 4,11:44 PM ET

PHOENIX (Reuters) - U.S. Sen. John McCain underwent successful surgery on
Monday to remove a small melanoma from his nose, his office said in a


Reuters Photo

Surgeons at the Mayo Clinic Hospital in Phoenix took about an hour to remove
a skin lesion less than one centimeter in size from the left side of McCain's
nose that was considered to be the earliest form of melanoma, the statement
said. He received a local anesthetic.

There's no indication of malignancy, nor was there, McCain told reporters
outside his Phoenix home. But it's something that's important to detect
early and get rid of early.

Doctors will know by Tuesday if the edges of the specimen are clear and then
are scheduled to have the Republican senator return for an additional
procedure on Tuesday, said Nancy Ives, a McCain spokeswoman.

McCain, Arizona's senior senator and a former presidential candidate, will
undergo a 90-minute procedure to cover the scar from the removal of the
tumor, she said.

McCain, 65, is expected to be hospitalized overnight and released on
Wednesday, Ives said. Plans call for him to return to Washington on Sunday
night or Monday morning.

This is the third time McCain has been diagnosed with skin cancer, but Ives
said the new tumor was not related to any melanoma he has had previously.

McCain had surgery to remove melanomas from his left temple and left arm
after his 2000 campaign for the Republican presidential nomination, which he
lost to then-Texas Gov. George W. Bush. He also had a melanoma removed in

Melanomas are the most deadly form of skin cancer, killing more than 7,000
Americans annually. People who have had them are cautioned to watch for
lesions that have uneven or irregular borders and contain multiple shades of
brown or black.

McCain's office said the new tumor was discovered during a routine
dermatological examination on Jan. 17.

(He) would encourage everyone to use sunscreens with high SPF (sun
protection factor) and have regular dermatological checkups, Ives said.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Israel: Iran Has Revolutionary Guards in Lebanon

2002-02-04 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-



Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Israel: Iran Has Revolutionary Guards in Lebanon
Mon Feb 4, 5:16 PM ET
By Irwin Arieff

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres accused Iran
on Monday of turning Lebanon into a ball of explosives by sending in
Revolutionary Guards and arming Hizbollah guerrillas with Katyusha rockets.

He said after talks with U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan that Tehran had
given 10,000 missiles -- able to strike targets inside Israel -- to Hizbollah
guerrillas operating in southern Lebanon near Israel's northern border.

On top of that, the Iranians are having the Revolutionary Guards in Lebanon,
which is illegal under the United Nations charter, and we are going to appeal
to the secretary-general on that subject, Peres, who was in New York for the
World Economic Forum, told reporters.

The Katyushas, with a range of 12 to 42 miles (20 to 70 kms), can hit the
heart of Israel, he said. They have converted Lebanon into a ball of
explosives, endangering the future of Lebanon.

The missiles' range would put them within striking distance of the northern
port city of Haifa.

Israel is also concerned that medium-range missiles could fall into the hands
of Palestinian militants waging a 16-month-old uprising against Israeli

The United Nations has peacekeepers in southern Lebanon and marked out the
frontier between Israel and Lebanon after Israeli forces withdrew from the
south in May 2000, ending 22 years of occupation.

The Hizbollah guerrillas are backed by Syria, the main power broker in
Lebanon, as well as Iran, and control most of southern Lebanon.

Israel last month intercepted a boat carrying arms including missiles that
Israel said came from Iran and were being shipped to the Palestinian
Authority. Iran and the Authority have denied involvement in the shipment.

President Bush said in his annual State of the Union message last week that
Iran, together with Iraq and North Korea, comprised an axis of evil.

Peres also said he backed a proposal put forward by the French Foreign
Ministry last week that Israel recognize a Palestinian state before settling
the question of its boundaries.

We suggested (that) too, Peres said when asked about the French idea.

But he rejected a second idea suggested by Paris -- that the Palestinians be
allowed to hold general elections.

I think the idea of an election is premature, he said.

Election campaigns invite candidates to take extreme positions in order to
catch the voters' eye, increasing tensions, he said. Who needs it? What
for? he asked.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Police identify key link in abduction of US journalist

2002-02-04 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Tuesday February 5, 2:03 PM

Police identify key link in abduction of US journalist

Pakistani police identified a missing Muslim militant, Mohammad Hashim
Qadeer, as a crucial link in the kidnapping of US journalist Daniel Pearl as
their search for the reporter intensified on Monday.

He is the main link and his arrest can lead to a major breakthrough, a
senior officer involved in the investigation told AFP, requesting anonymity.

Authorities believe Pearl, 38, is still alive somewhere in the southern port
city of Karachi where he disappeared 12 days ago, although the investigation
has spread nationwide.

The search is still on. I am very hopeful that the case will be resolved
soon, Interior Minister Moinuddin Haider told reporters.

The Wall Street Journal reporter was using Qadeer, better known as Arif, as a
contact point to meet other Islamic militants in Pakistan before he
disappeared, the senior investigating officer said.

Pearl was last seen heading off to meet Arif on the understanding that he
would bring him to Mubarak Ali Shah Gilani, leader of the little known
militant Muslim group Tanzeem-ul-Fuqra, the officer said.

Investigations have shown Arif was acting as a go-between for Pearl and
Gilani, the officer told AFP.

Police have dismissed claims by Arif's family that he died recently in

When they visited Arif's home in southern Bahawalpur district last week they
found the family conducting prayers for the dead but there was no sign of a

We have no confirmation that he has been killed, the assistant police
superintendent in Bahawalpur, Khurran Shakoor, told AFP Monday.

Arif is known to have had a long association with Harkatul Mujahedin, a
militant group whose accounts have been frozen and offices sealed in Pakistan
after being branded a terrorist organisation by the US last October.

Arif is the main link which can lead us to unearth the mystery and lead to
the group which is claiming responsibility, the investigating officer said.

He added that it appeared Gilani, who has denied any connection with the
kidnapping, was used as a bait to trap the American journalist. Unwittingly
he (Pearl) played into the hands of the kidnappers.

He said police continued to believe Pearl was still alive as the kidnappers'
demands had not been met, and nothing has been heard from them since they
extended the death-threat deadline last Thursday.

It seems that he is being held somewhere in Karachi, the officer said.

The investigation has been complicated by several misleading e-mails and the
discovery of an executed body in Karachi Sunday night, but all have been
discounted as linked to Pearl.

A previously unheard-of group, calling itself the National Movement for the
Restoration of Pakistani Sovereignty, sent two e-mails last week with photos
of Pearl in captivity, threatening to kill him by Thursday. The deadline was
later extended to Friday.

Investigators are treating the group as Pearl's real kidnappers because
their e-mails contained photos of the reporter, Karachi police chief Tariq
Jamil told AFP.

But they are concerned at the group's silence since the last photo of Pearl
was sent by e-mail on Wednesday.

It is a big concern for us as they have not sent any fresh message, but in
high-profile kidnappings sometimes the kidnappers take time, Jamil said.

Investigators meanwhile have fanned out beyond Karachi to the interior of
Sindh province, Baluchistan province in the west, Punjab province in the east
and the border town of Peshawar in North West Frontier Province, Jamil said.

Twelve people detained in Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad over the weekend
remained in custody Monday, but police said no arrests had been made.

Interior Minister Haider said there were indications Pearl was alive but I
cannot claim of making any breakthrough although we are getting close to the
men involved through various means.

The captors had demanded the release of Pakistanis among prisoners held at
the US naval base in Cuba. However the United States has ruled out

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[CTRL] House Panel: Whereabouts of Enron's Lay a Mystery

2002-02-04 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-



Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

House Panel: Whereabouts of Enron's Lay a Mystery
Mon Feb 4, 9:49 PM ET
By Kevin Drawbaugh

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A congressional committee trying to serve a subpoena
on former Enron Corp. Chairman Kenneth Lay said on Monday his personal
attorney does not know where Lay is and could not accept the subpoena.

We made contact with Mr. Lay's attorney this afternoon ... He tells us he
does not know of Lay's whereabouts, which we find quite puzzling to say the
least, said Peggy Peterson, spokeswoman for the House of Representatives
Financial Services Committee.

Earl Silbert, Lay's attorney, was unavailable for comment. A woman answering
the phone at his home said he was ill.

Lay resigned from the board of the fallen energy trading giant on Monday as
two congressional committees vowed to force him to come before them to
testify on Enron's collapse.

He had been scheduled to appear before a House Financial Services
subcommittee to talk about Enron's downfall, but he backed out over the

The House committee had hoped to subpoena him on Monday to compel him to
appear on Tuesday, Peterson said.

But upon contacting Silbert, she said, He told us he doesn't know where he
(Lay) is and so could not accept the subpoena ... This is a bizarre

She said, We're going to keep talking to the attorney.

Lay had also been scheduled to appear before a Senate committee on Monday,
but canceled that date, as well.

Lay resigned as chairman and chief executive of Houston-based Enron on Jan.
23. On Monday, he issued a statement saying he was also stepping down from
the board.

I want to see Enron survive and successfully emerge from reorganization, he
said in the statement. Due to the multiple inquiries and investigations,
some of which are focused on me personally, I believe that my involvement has
become a distraction to achieving this goal.

His testimony to Senate and House panels had been expected to be a highlight
of four days of hearings into the crumbling of the one-time Wall Street
darling, the largest company to file for bankruptcy in U.S. history. But Lay
canceled, with his lawyer citing a prosecutorial atmosphere.

Senate Commerce Committee Chairman Ernest Hollings, a South Carolina
Democrat, said the committee would meet on Tuesday to issue a subpoena to
make Lay testify on Feb. 12.

However, even if he appears, Lay can invoke his right not to testify against
himself, committee members said.

With a criminal inquiry into Enron's demise under way at the Justice
Department and fresh revelations emerging daily of wildly irregular practices
at the company, an increasing number of witnesses were refusing to testify
before Congress.

Ousted Enron Chief Financial Officer Andrew Fastow and former Enron executive
Michael Kopper were expected to appear before a House Energy and Commerce
Committee panel on Thursday, but to invoke their right not to testify against

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[CTRL] Don't Run, Hillary, Don't Run

2002-02-04 Thread Bill Richer

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Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Don't Run, Hillary, Don't Run

Monday, February 04, 2002

ALBANY, N.Y. — More voters nationwide are beginning to take Sen. Hillary
Rodham Clinton at her word when she says she won't run for president in 2004,
according to results of a poll released Monday.

And, by a larger than 2-to-1 margin, voters nationwide think the New York
Democrat should never run for the White House.

The poll, by Marist College's Institute for Public Opinion, found that about
one in four voters think the former first lady will run for president in
2004. That is down from 36 percent who felt that way in a poll issued in
March by the institute, based in Poughkeepsie.

Broken down by party, more Republicans (30 percent) than Democrats (19
percent) believe Clinton will run for president in 2004.

She remains, nationally, a person who still divides the country along party
lines, Marist pollster Lee Miringoff said.

Clinton has said she does not plan to run for president in 2004, but has not
flatly ruled anything out beyond that.

Twenty-seven percent of voters questioned said Clinton should someday run for
president, while 65 percent said she should not. That is statistically
unchanged from the Marist poll of March.

As Senator Clinton has said, she is not running for president; she is
working hard in the Senate for the people of New York, said Clinton
spokeswoman Karen Dunn when asked about the poll.

Republican consultant Jay Severin said that Clinton's decision to hold a
fund-raiser in Washington next month for Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack is evidence
that the senator is preparing to run for president in 2008.

She's going to collect chits, Severin said Monday. The biggest George Bush
fan in America right now for '04 is Hillary Clinton. She needs Bush to win in
'04 so there is the combination of an open seat and a rationale for her being
the rebuilder and savior of the Democratic Party. I'll bet my house she's
running in '08.

Democrats were about evenly split on whether the former first lady should
someday run for president -- 44 percent said she should and 48 percent said
she should not. There was no such uncertainty among Republicans, with 83
percent saying Clinton should never run for president.

The best thing in the poll, if she ever wants to run for higher office, is
Democrats do divide fairly evenly, so there are Democrats to work with for
her, Miringoff said.

The telephone poll of 785 registered voters was conducted Jan. 14-24 and had
a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.

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[CTRL] U.S. goal: Keep arms from Palestinians

2002-02-04 Thread Bill Richer

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Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

U.S. goal: Keep arms from Palestinians
Plans to cut off Arafat from fresh weapons provided by 'axis of evil'



Editor's note: DEBKAfile's electronic news publication is a news-cum-analysis
live wire, online round the clock seven days a week. A weekly
edition,DEBKA-Net-Weekly, is now available through WorldNetDaily.com. Drawing
on DEBKAfile's unique sources, analytical talents and forward-looking
insights, it is presented as a compact, intelligence-angled weekly package.
It is available as a direct e-mail feed or via the Internet.

© 2002 WorldNetDaily.com

The next stage of the U.S.-Israeli strategy for containing Palestinian
terrorism will cut off Yasser Arafat from the wherewithal for building up,
replenishing and arming his militias and terror groups, reports

As Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon prepares to meet with President Bush
on Thursday, the United States is focusing on stemming the tide of weapons to
the Middle East supplied by the axis of evil – Iran, Iraq and North Korea.

The axis nations are the chief suppliers of weapons to Syria, Hezbollah,
al-Qaida fighters sheltering in Lebanon and Syria, the Hamas, the Jihad
Islami and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. Arafat's Fatah,
Tanzim, al Aqsa Brigades and presidential guard, Force 17, have not been
formally listed, but they are already being treated in Washington as though
they have been, according to DEBKAfile.

The Israeli navy and air force have been integrated with Turkey and Germany
in the U.S.-led operation to seal off the terrorists' smuggling routes that
were exposed when Karine-A was seized a month ago.

DEBKAfile's military sources report that the United States is finishing
building new bases and the deployment of the units required for throwing a
naval and air blockade around the eastern Mediterranean shoreline, the east
coast of Africa, the Persian Gulf and its approaches and the Red Sea.

It is designed inter alia to seal off the routes for transferring
Palestinian, Hezbollah and al-Qaida fighting strength from Lebanon and the
Persian Gulf to the Gaza Strip and West Bank, as well as choking off the
Palestinians' supplies of such war materials as guns, explosives, rockets and
mortars from Lebanon, the Balkans, Iran and the Persian Gulf.

Israel is taking part in the air and naval siege under preparation by the
United States, Turkey, Oman and Jordan, as well as joining Jordan in sealing
the overland routes across their countries and Palestinian areas against the
passage of terrorists and illegal arms.

All of this leaves Arafat high and dry in Ramallah for the foreseeable

DEBKAfile's political sources maintain that both these speculations are
totally false.

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[CTRL] U.S.-Israel joint exercise tests `Iraqi scenario'

2002-02-04 Thread Bill Richer

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Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

U.S.-Israel joint exercise tests `Iraqi scenario'

By Amos Harel

Israel and the United States held a large joint exercise last month deploying
the Arrow and Patriot missile defense systems. The exercise played the Iraqi
scenario in which the rogue state fires surface-to-surface Scud missiles at
Israeli population centers.

Hundreds of soldiers from the U.S. Army's anti-aircraft units based in Europe
came to Israel for the drill - similar exercises have been held in the past,
once every year or so, but this one was important, given developments in the
Gulf area.

Belief is widespread in defense quarters that President George Bush's recent
comments signal that Iraq will be the next target in the American war on
terrorism. Israel believes the Americans will step up pressure on the regime
of Saddam Hussein with an aim of toppling him.

In such a scenario - which could evolve around May - it is highly likely
Iraqi would fire missiles at Israel, especially if Saddam felt a real threat
to the survival of his regime. The Israeli military believes the U.S. will
give Israel a warning, albeit a short one, of its plans for Iraq. The U.S.
would also deploy Patriot missile batteries around Israel.

Last month's exercise included a simulation of Scud missiles being fired at
Israel, and an Israeli-American effort to intercept them using a combination
of Arrow and Patriot systems.

A senior Israeli military source told Ha'aretz we concentrated on testing
the ability of the Arrow and the Patriot systems to work together. We have a
very good ability to make the most of the deployment of forces and intercept
the missiles. We know how to work together with both systems and this was
obvious a year ago.

Israel needs additional Patriot batteries in the center of the country, in
addition to the Arrow and Patriot batteries it already has, if it is to
successfully fend off the threat of Iraqi missiles. The American systems are
thus also necessary.

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[CTRL] Brits seek use of Chinese bases

2002-02-04 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Brits seek use of Chinese bases
Want to mute U.S. unilaterism by using Beijing's facilities



Editor's note: In partnership with Stratfor, the global intelligence company,
WorldNetDaily publishes daily updates on international affairs provided by
the respected private research and analysis firm. Look for fresh updates each
afternoon, Monday through Friday. In addition, WorldNetDaily invites you to
consider STRATFOR membership, entitling you to a wealth of international
intelligence reports usually available only to top executives, scholars,
academic institutions and press agencies.

© 2002 WorldNetDaily.com

The British government has held talks with Beijing about the possibility of
using Chinese air bases for operations in Afghanistan, according to Stratfor,
the global intelligence company.

By requesting such unprecedented military cooperation from China, London is
trying to convince an increasingly unilateralist Washington of the necessity
of coalition building. China, for its part, could use the offer to re-emerge
on the global stage after being on the sidelines post-Sept. 11.

The United Kingdom's Ministry of Defense has asked Beijing for access to
western Chinese air bases for use in support of relief operations in
Afghanistan. Such cooperation would be unprecedented for China, which has not
seen British military operations on its soil since World War II, and Beijing
has yet to respond to the request.

Britain – a key player in humanitarian efforts now under way in Afghanistan
– has straightforward tactical reasons for requesting Chinese assistance, but
the appeal harbors significance far beyond Afghanistan for both London and
Beijing. For both parties, the opportunity for military cooperation in
Afghanistan is a test of their ability to manage U.S. unilateralism.

On the surface, Britain needs additional air bases to perform its mission in
Afghanistan. The airports at Kabul and Bagram are wrecked and cannot support
sufficient large-cargo aircraft to meet relief needs. Britain is seeking to
establish hubs outside Afghanistan, from which smaller transports with fewer
logistical requirements can shuttle into Afghanistan's poorly maintained

London already has permission to use the Karachi airport, but it needs a
northern airfield as well. The Chinese air bases likely under consideration
are in Kashgar or Hotan in Xinjiang province, since these are the nearest
airports capable of supporting substantial traffic. London has also contacted
Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, any of which could provide adequate
support, but none of them would serve the political purposes that a Chinese
airport would serve.

While the United Kingdom is at the center of the Afghan relief effort, it is
also a key member of the U.S. coalition against al-Qaida. It is therefore
extremely significant that London has approached Beijing for support. China
has played a marginal role in the fight against al-Qaida thus far and has
responded critically to what it sees as Washington's penchant for

U.S. President George W. Bush forcefully emphasized the unilateralist
doctrine in his State of the Union address, setting Washington's allies as
well as adversaries on edge. Britain is extremely concerned that, as one of
the United States' closest allies, it could become a hapless adjunct to
Washington's war on everyone. Thus, while the United States has openly
abandoned its commitment to coalition-building, London has rushed to mitigate
U.S. actions and build coalitions by proxy.

The British Foreign Office has dismissed Bush's assessment of Iran as part of
an axis of evil, noting that Britain will continue to seek engagement with
Tehran. NATO's secretary-general, Britain's Lord George Robertson, warned
Washington that NATO would not extend its support for the U.S. anti-terrorism
campaign to broader attacks without convincing evidence, and he urged
European defense leaders to reinforce their military cooperation and
effectiveness to curtail U.S. unilateralism.

Furthermore, with the approach of a U.S.-China summit, the request for air
bases is clearly intended to lay the groundwork for broader talks on Chinese
participation in the coalition. In engaging China, London hopes to convince
Washington that coalition-building can still work and that Britain is a
valuable ally in the coalition-building effort.

For China, there are benefits in agreeing to such a deal. For one thing, it
guarantees a very significant role in determining the future of Afghanistan.
This helps keep India and others in check while placing Beijing squarely back
in its self-perceived place as a leading – rather than overlooked – nation.
It also is useful 

[CTRL] U.S. relations put Putin on the spot

2002-02-04 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

U.S. relations put Putin on the spot
Replacement would take Russia in much more hostile direction



Editor's note: In partnership with Stratfor, the global intelligence company,
WorldNetDaily publishes daily updates on international affairs provided by
the respected private research and analysis firm. Look for fresh updates each
afternoon, Monday through Friday. In addition, WorldNetDaily invites you to
consider STRATFOR membership, entitling you to a wealth of international
intelligence reports usually available only to top executives, scholars,
academic institutions and press agencies.

© 2002 WorldNetDaily.com

Russian President Vladimir Putin has chosen to extensively cooperate with the
United States, but so far Moscow has only received token handouts in exchange
for numerous concessions. Unless Putin can show he is getting substantial
benefits from Washington, the Russian populace may rank him alongside past
leaders Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin as a puppet of the West.

U.S. National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice said Jan. 31 that the United
States is seeking Russia's help in promoting change in Iran, Iraq and North
Korea – specifically in halting the spread of weapons technology to and from
these countries. The same day, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov met
with U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell to hammer out the details of the
May 23 U.S.-Russia summit. Most of the conversation reportedly had to do with
Putin's economic reforms. In other words, the United States continues to
place demands on Russia in foreign policy while dangling economic benefits in
front of it.

The United States has put Putin on the spot. His rise to power stemmed partly
from the failure of his predecessor's economic policies and partly from the
perception, following the Kosovo war, that Russia had submitted to U.S.
foreign policy demands in return for very little. Indeed, Russians saw their
last two leaders, Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin, as accommodating
themselves to Western demands in both economic and foreign policy, without
receiving any of the expected rewards. In the minds of many Russians, their
Westernizing leaders were at best dupes and at worst traitors who sold out
Russia for nothing. Clearly, Putin cannot afford to become the third leader
of this type.

The United States turned to Russia for strategic support early during the
Afghan war. Washington was in an extremely difficult position: It had to
respond militarily in Afghanistan, but geopolitical realities limited access
to the country. It was forced to depend on both political and strategic
support from Russia. Despite a fairly rocky start to relations with the Bush
administration, Putin chose extensive cooperation with the United States. He
obviously expected a mutually beneficial relationship.

Forging a partnership with the West – even as a junior partner – is central
to Putin's foreign and economic policy, and he seized the opportunity
presented by the Afghan campaign to make nearly any sacrifice necessary to
achieve that goal. But without substantial, demonstrable rewards, Putin can
only lose.

Russia has made many concessions to the United States. It has massively
reduced its own global intelligence capability by closing the Lourdes
listening station in Cuba and announcing its withdrawal from Cam Ranh Bay in
Vietnam. Putin has put meaningful union with hard-line Belarus on hold, and
he has not generated substantial pressure over NATO expansion. The president
also has acceded to a U.S. military presence in Central Asia, and he
reportedly will allow Russian oil companies to participate in U.S.-sponsored
pipeline schemes.

On the surface, at least, the rewards for these concessions have not been
evident. To the contrary, the United States has taken a series of steps that
are clearly not in Russia's interest.

For instance, by January 2002, it was apparent that the United States was
developing a long-term presence in Central Asia. Russia had believed that the
U.S. presence in the region would be temporary and based on strategic
understandings that were trilateral – including Russia in the bilateral
relationship with the host country.

Moreover, Washington also has announced its withdrawal from the
Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, and it is now refusing to make arms reduction
talks into legally binding treaty discussions, despite Russian wishes.
Finally, low-ranking State Department officials met with Ilyas Akhmadov, the
Chechen foreign minister, on Jan. 23, after Washington criticized Russian
security sweeps in Chechnya.

There has been some movement on the economic front, but not much. For
example, there is evidence that the United States is 

[CTRL] WND's annual survey highlights year's major underreported events

2002-02-04 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

10 most 'spiked' stories of 2001
WND's annual survey highlights year's major underreported events



By David Kupelian
© 2002 WorldNetDaily.com

WorldNetDaily.com has compiled its annual list of the most spiked stories –
unreported or underreported major news events of the last year – after
polling its readers and editors.

While most news organizations present year-end retrospective replays of what
they consider to have been the top news stories of the previous 12 months,
WND's editors have always found it more newsworthy to publish a year-end
compilation of the important stories most ignored by the establishment press.

WND Editor and CEO Joseph Farah has sponsored Operation Spike every year
since 1988, and since founding WorldNetDaily in May 1997 has continued the
annual tradition. For the past three years, WND has invited its readers to
join in and submit what they considered the most underreported stories of the
past year in the site's Operation Spike forum.

Here then are WorldNetDaily's picks for the 10 most underreported stories of

1. Christian persecution worldwide: The murder, torture and persecution of
Christians in the Third World, and even prosperous countries, is one of the
worst, and least-reported, of global human-rights abuses … said former Time
magazine senior correspondent and Beijing Bureau Chief David Aikman.

Though WND filed many reports on the horrific worldwide uptrend – especially
in Sudan, where over 2 million non-Muslims, mostly Christians, have been
killed by the radical Islamic regime in Khartoum, mainstream press coverage
is tepid and understated as a rule. WND's popular monthly magazine,
Whistleblower, had a major piece on Islamic persecution of Christians in the
November JIHAD issue. And as the upcoming March 2002 edition of
Whistleblower – which is devoted entirely to Christian persecution – points
out, more Christians have been killed because of their faith in the last
century than in all previous centuries combined.

2. The real story of Islamic militancy worldwide. In close contention for the
No. 1 most spiked story, the true depth and breadth of the political movement
variously called Islamism, Islamicism and militant Islam has simply not
been told by the mass media.

Islam is a religion of peace, Americans have been told, and the 9-11
terrorists were part of a tiny renegade group that has hijacked Islam in
order to justify terrorism. In reality, as WND has reported ever since last
fall's multiple terror attacks – and especially in the JIHAD issue of
Whistleblower – approximately 10 to 15 percent of the world's approximately
1.2 billion Muslims are of the militant Islamist strain.

The president dismissed al-Qaida's version of Islam as a repudiated 'fringe
form of Islamic extremism,' said veteran Mideast analyst Daniel Pipes.
Hardly. Muslims on the streets of many places – Pakistan and Gaza in
particular – are fervently rallying to the defense of al-Qaida's vision of
Islam. Likewise, the president's calling the terrorists 'traitors to their
own faith, trying, in effect, to hijack Islam' implies that other Muslims see
them as apostates, which is simply wrong. Al-Qaida enjoys wide popularity –
the very best the U.S. government can hope for is a measure of Muslim
neutrality and apathy.

3. The continued cover-up of both the alleged Middle Eastern connection to
the Oklahoma City bombing, and the likelihood that TWA Flight 800 was shot
down by a missile. Despite September's open and audacious declaration of war
by Islamic terrorists; despite mounting evidence that the crash of TWA Flight
800 was due to foul play; despite the obvious question, in light of the 9-11
suicide skyjackings, about the EgyptAir plane crash which killed 217 (a few
courageous analysts revisited the chilling 1999 disaster in which the
Egyptian co-pilot, a devout Muslim, reportedly had said Allah Akbar, Arabic
for God is great, before the plane plunged to its destruction); despite
Clinton impeachment prosecutor David Schippers' revelation in WND that he was
thoroughly convinced that there was a dead-bang Middle Eastern connection in
the Oklahoma City bombing – the press was, by and large, immune from
revisiting such stories, beyond reporting the official government

Only U.S. News  World Report, in a tiny news item buried in its Washington
Whispers column, saw fit to report that some top Defense Department
officials believe Timothy McVeigh, executed for his role in the bombing of
the Oklahoma City federal building, was an Iraqi agent.

4. Out-of-control illegal immigration across the Mexican border – including
Middle Eastern illegals – and the refusal of U.S. political leaders to stop
it. WND's exclusive report 

[CTRL] Pro-disestablishmentarianism

2002-02-04 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!




© 2002 Creators Syndicate, Inc.

I feel compelled to follow up on my last column to respond to many questions
and objections I received from e-mailers. I'll give you the essentials in
case you missed that column.

I chronicled more examples of the ACLU and others targeting virtually any
expression of Christianity in the public arena. I argued that while they
cloak their crusade in the righteous veil of the First Amendment's
Establishment Clause, their real motive might be hostility toward
Christianity. (Does the ACLU ever complain when the teachings of Islam are
glorified in public schools?)

One question was: Would you feel differently if Islamic or Buddhist messages
were posted in the public arena? The answer is: Of course, I would feel
differently. But my feelings aren't the issue. The Constitution is.

Please understand the distinction. I am not advocating the public sponsorship
of Christianity. There may even be legitimate constitutional objections to
it, but the Establishment Clause isn't one of them. It was never intended to
preclude all government sponsorship of religion nor to mandate the so-called
separation of church and state.

I don't think the government ought to have its nose in half the things it
does today because there are no express nor implied powers authorizing them
in the Constitution. Indeed, I doubt that the Constitution authorizes federal
employees, at least, to erect signs promoting Jesus. But neither does it
authorize them to do any other kind of private work on the government nickel.
But the Establishment Clause itself was never intended to preclude these
types of activities.

The Establishment Clause was meant to prohibit the federal government from
mandating a particular religion, not from sponsoring a religion in certain
limited respects or invoking Christian symbols in its functioning, e.g., God
bless this honorable Court. Also, there is another religion clause in that
very same First Amendment: The Free Exercise Clause. The framers would be
horrified by the extent to which our modern courts have diminished the free
exercise of religion (for example, in voluntary school prayer) in the name of
the Establishment Clause.

So, no, I wouldn't like it if public workers helped Buddhists or Muslims
erect signs promoting their religion. But, as originally written, the
Establishment Clause wouldn't bar these activities.

But, you ask, since this is a nation of diverse peoples, why should the Ten
Commandments be displayed on government property to the exclusion of other
religious symbols? Perhaps that's a question better addressed to the
founders, who manifestly had no problem with it, which is further proof not
only that they were predominantly Christian, but that they didn't intend
anything approaching a complete separation of church and state.

Another e-mailer suggested that I lost credibility because I went too far in
saying that the Establishment Clause only limits the federal government and
not the states. Well, I can't help it, but that happens to be the truth. The
fact that an activist Supreme Court artificially incorporated most of the
Bill of Rights as limitations against the state governments as well does not
mean the framers intended such a result. It also doesn't mean that I
personally favor states establishing particular religions, including
Christianity. Don't worry – I'm sure most state constitutions forbid this
practice anyway.

In fact, I am – and all Christians I know are – opposed to a
government-mandated religion. The very concept is repugnant to Christianity,
which is all about freedom of conscience. There is no such thing as forced
conversion to Christianity, as the choice of Christianity is a matter of
individual will (not discounting God's sovereignty in the process, by the

Finally, many e-mailers and others insist that few of our founding fathers
were Christians and that the Constitution is based not on Christian
principles, but those of the secular Enlightenment period. This is perhaps
one of the most widely held pieces of historical revisionism in our society.
Even many Christians have bought into this error.

I believe that if you truly study the historical record – as opposed to the
conclusions of secular humanist-dominated academia – you will discover that
while some of the framers were deists, atheists or agnostics, approximately
90 percent of them were Christians.

Thankfully, they did not adopt the enlightenment brand of liberty, equality
and fraternity – which amounts to abstract allegiance to freedom without the
underlying moral foundations – because it doubtlessly would have led us down
the perilous French path. History has repeatedly shown that naked