[CTRL] Brill Article

2002-09-11 Thread Mermaid
-Caveat Lector-


Thank God It's Not A Real 
  Terrorist Attack! by 
  Brian Downing Quig 


  After turning on my TV to see the burning tower after the 
  first plane hit the WORLD TRADE CENTER, my attention was arrested like all 
  others. When the second plane hit the second tower I said to 
  myself WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE? When the 3rd hijacked plane hit the 
  PENTAGON, the first witnesses reported the "plane circled the PENTAGON in 
  a sharply banked 270 degree turn that was distinctly different than any 
  commercial plane and more like a military plane" and bypassed a 
  straight-in shot at the offices of the JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF only to hit 
  an insignificant spot in the back of the PENTAGON. I said to myself then, 
  second plane hit, a CIA analyst on ABC announced that it was Osama bin 
  Laden who was behind the attacks! When on the first day I saw it 
  announced that terrorists left a flight manual for a BOEING 747 written in 
  Arabic in their rental car parked at LOGAN AIRPORT I said THIS LOOKS LIKE 
  THE AMERICAN PUBLIC. When the passport of the alleged lead terror 
  pilot, Mohammed Atta, was found in 2 feet of rubble 2 blocks from the WTC 
  I said WHO DO THEY EXPECT TO BELIEVE THAT!! I can now give 25 
  compelling reasons to indict Daddy Bush, Cheney, the PENTAGON and the 
  CARLYLE GROUP for the real terror behind 9-11. Daddy Bush and Cheney were 
  in the SITUATION ROOM at the WHITE HOUSE during the terror attacks (during 
  the 84 minutes between the second WTC hit and the PENTAGON hit while a 
  stand-down order was issued to the AIR FORCE to supersede established 
  intercept procedures for planes that stray off course). Junior 
  Bush was reading stories to grade school children during the attacks. He 
  knew one plane had crashed into the WTC when the reading started. When his 
  top aid, Andrew Card, whispered in his ear about the second plane hitting 
  the WTC, this was caught on videotape and is widely available on the 
  Internet. Junior Bush only looks up and nods, then goes back to reading 
  stories to the kids for 25 more minutes!! It clearly looks more like Card 
  is informing Bush of an expected event. There was, for example, no 
  AIR. With Junior Bush at the grade school is the Director of the 
  WHITE HOUSE SITUATION ROOM where all military crises are managed. At the 
  end of the 25 minutes of reading, Bush goes immediately to the library of 
  the school where a press conference was set. He says I CALLED MY 
  This was a lie!! There was not enough time for that. It 
  takes $5 million to make the minimum investment in the CARLYLE GROUP, a 
  defense contractor investment group whose stock has gone up 37% since 
  9-11. The friends of Bush and Cheney are the other investors in the 
  CARLYLE GROUP along with the bin Ladens and John Major. The CARLYLE GROUP 
  was having their international investors conference in Washington D.C. at 
  the RITZ CARLTON at the exact time of the 9-11 attacks. The CARLYLE GROUP 
  had a big interest in BIOPORT, a company that was the sole source of 
  ANTHRAX VACCINE for the PENTAGON. BIOPORT gave Admiral Crowe, the former 
  Chairman of the JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF, a 27% interest in the company for 
  his pull with the PENTAGON. Do I have to connect all the dots 
  regarding the ANTHRAX ATTACK that was traced to U.S. military sources? 
  It was widely reported by THE NEW YORK TIMES on Feb. 17, 2002, 
  MSNBC on Oct. 7, 2001, and others that Pakistani ISI Chief, General 
  Mohammed, wire- transferred $100,000 to alleged lead terror pilot Mohammed 
  Atta the week before the terror attacks. At the exact moment of the terror 
  attacks Mohammed was having breakfast with the chairmen of the HOUSE (Rep. 
  Porter Goss, R-Fla) and SENATE (Sen. Bob Graham, D-Fla) INTELLIGENCE 
  OVERSIGHT COMMITTEES, along with my senator Jon Kyl. I will have words 
  with Kyl at the next opportunity. The $100,000 was sufficient to 
  remove Mohammed from office, but not enough for the light to go on in the 
  brains of top U.S. intelligence officials!! Niaz Naik, a former 
  Pakistani Foreign Secretary, and others were told by senior American 
  officials in mid-July that military action against Afghanistan would go 
  ahead by 

[CTRL] FW: USA to export huge quantities of weaponry to Israel

2002-09-11 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-



The Israeli daily Maariv claims that Tel Aviv has authorised Washington to
store “enormous quantities” of weaponry in bases in Israel.

The newspaper claims that Israeli Defence Minister Benyamin Ben Eliezer has
given the go-ahead for the first consignments to be delivered in the coming
days and states that a US official, who remained anonymous, has confirmed
the news, saying that the consignments are part of a strategic cooperation
agreement with Israel.

Under this agreement, Israel places its bases at the disposal of the USA and
shares logistic and intelligence information.

Tens of officers and soldiers from the US Armed Forces are currently at
Israeli bases to receive the consignments of weapons, which according to one
official, quoted by the newspaper, are “enormous, since Israel is the only
country we can trust”.


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] George Bush I: The Man Who Helped Make September 11 a Reality

2002-09-11 Thread M.A. Johnson

-Caveat Lector-

~~for educational purposes only~~
[Title 17 U.S.C. section 107]

George Bush I: The Man Who Helped Make September 11 a Reality
by William L. Anderson

As Americans embarrassingly stumble into a
mawkish remembrance of those awful attacks
on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon a
year ago, I would like to take time to honor (if
that is an appropriate word) the man who more
than anyone else made those attacks a reality:
George H.W. Bush. While conservatives blame
Bill Clinton and Democrats still are looking to
find if the present George W. Bush
Administration was culpable (it was), I would
like to turn to the real source, the man whose
legacy we seem to have forgotten.

If anything, conservatives claim that the only
problem of Bush I was the failure to take out
Saddam Hussein in the Gulf War. Actually, I
would like to question whether or not there
should have been a war in the first place and
point out that the Gulf War, for all of the
supposed glory it brought the U.S. Armed
Forces, was a huge disaster that continues to
this day to have awful repercussions upon much
of the world.

To understand the magnitude of Bush I's folly,
we need to return to 1990, when Iraq invaded
Kuwait in early August. The previous fall, the
communist regimes of Eastern Europe had fallen
and the once-formidable U.S.S.R. was
beginning to break up, as the Cold War had
ended. For people who had lived their entire
lives under the shadow of all that the struggle
between East and West had been, this was a
wonderful and heady moment.

With the end of the threat of nuclear war
between the U.S.S.R. and the USA having
ended, for a brief moment, it seemed that
prospects for a larger peace could not have
been greater  that is until that fateful day when
Iraq invaded Kuwait. In another era, this
invasion would have gone unnoticed, as the
actions of one desert regime against another
would not have had any effect upon the world
scene. However, because of the fact that a huge
portion of the world's crude oil comes from the
Persian Gulf region, that was enough to make
politicians panic, as people began to assess the
possibilities of Saddam Hussein having control
over that oil.

The U.S. Government dealings with Hussein
himself provide an informative study of how not
to engage in foreign policy. During the 1980s,
when Iraq was at war against Iran, which had
held a large number of Americans as hostage in
the last year of Jimmy Carter's administration,
Hussein was seen as a U.S. ally. Like the
Muslims who hold to the belief that the enemy
of my enemy is my friend, the U.S. Government
courted Hussein as a moderate who could
stand as a bulwark in the region against the
fanaticism of the Iranian Islamic regime. After
all, Iraq was a secular country, despite its
overwhelming Muslim population, and there
was a thriving Christian community there.

Even when an Iraqi warplane attacked a U.S.
ship in the Persian Gulf in 1987, killing dozens
of U.S. sailors, the U.S. Government, then under
Ronald Reagan, accepted Iraq's apology for its
mistake in much the same way the U.S.
Government told the public that the deadly 1967
Israeli attack on the U.S.S. Liberty also was a
mistake. Even when Hussein's armed forces
used poison gas against Iranian soldiers, Iraq
was still regarded as a moderate regime in
State Department language.

In July 1990, however, it all changed. After the
U.S. ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie,
indicated to Hussein that the Bush
Administration would not object to an invasion
of Kuwait, the Iraqis took the U.S. at its word
and sent its armies over the border, meeting
almost no resistance. (At the time, there was a
legitimate dispute at the Iraq-Kuwait border
involving the Kuwaiti practice of drilling
sideways under the border to extract oil from
pools in Iraq. No one seems to have
remembered that this was Hussein's main gripe,
although Iraqis never have regarded Kuwait,
which once was part of Iraq, as a legitimate
state in the first place.)

After Iraq invaded Kuwait, Bush demanded that
the Iraqis leave at once. Saddam, once our ally,
all of a sudden was a demon, a threat to world
peace and someone who was obsessed with
obtaining and building weapons of mass
destruction. The Saudi Arabian Royal Family
also privately expressed fear that Saddam (who
probably was more popular in Saudi Arabia
than the corrupt rulers of the royal family)
would turn his military might towards them.

The Saudis, as well as the Israelis and others
who saw this as a golden opportunity for a U.S.
military response, began to raise the specter of
Iraq controlling the world's largest single oil
source. Journalists began to write about the
possible reappearance of the dreaded gas
lines, forgetting that the chaos at the gas pumps
in the USA during the 1970s was the direct
result of government price controls on domestic
crude oil and gasoline. The prospect of the U.S.
Armed Forces being able to set up permanent
bases also appealed to a number of Democrats

[CTRL] Overkill

2002-09-11 Thread Mermaid
-Caveat Lector-

While I feel very sorry for the Americans 
and the other people who lost their loved ones on this day I am sick to death of 
the Overkill of September the eleventh in the media.
for days now we have had documentaries 
leading up to it and now today we are being bombarded with it.
A year ago today a woman in the dept of 
transport said "this is an excellent day to burybad news" She was sacked 
because a british reporter found out. and published it.
How much bad news will the governments 
bury today while we are being fed this continual media sludge?
I hope this does not go on every year for 
the sake of the bereaved who are trying to forget their pain and who deserve to 
carry on with a new life.
Also people like me who know more than 
they are telling us will just write Sept 11th off the calendar.
The Mermaid xx

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[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] Former US diplomat says Arafat obtained freedom of US hostages

2002-09-11 Thread Prudy L

-Caveat Lector-


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-


08 September 2002 / 1 Rajab 1423

Former US diplomat says Arafat obtained freedom of US hostages

By Paul Michaud, Special to Arab News

PARIS, 8 September — A former high-level US diplomat living in Paris, John
Gunther Dean, has contacted French daily Le Monde to reveal that back in
1979 when he was stationed in Beirut, PLO leader Yasser Arafat personally
obtained the liberation of thirteen US hostages who had been held by Iran
since 1978. President Arafat’s personal role in the liberation of the
hostages had according to Dean never before been made public.

Dean had at the time obtained the authorization of then US Secretary of
State Cyrus Vance to enter into contact with the PLO in Beirut and says he
met with local Palestinian representatives at least forty times.

Entering into contact notably with Abu Jihad, a close adviser of Arafat who
would be later assassinated by the Mossad in Tunis, he requested the PLO’s
assistance in liberating some of the US hostages captured on Nov. 4, 1978.

According to his testimony, as recounted in yesterday’s issue of Le Monde,
“they took it upon themselves to go to Teheran (to fetch the US captives),
and came back with thirteen (US) hostages on Thanksgiving Day 1979.”

In spite of their act, and Arafat’s personal intervention, notes Dean with
sadness today, “nobody ever thought of thanking him for what he did.” Nor
ever making public the PLO leader’s role in liberating the US hostages.

The remaining hostages — ostensibly with Palestinian support too — were
liberated a year later, shortly before the arrival in power of Ronald Reagan
on Jan. 20, 1981. His predecessor, Jimmy Carter, always blamed his defeat on
his seeming inability to liberate all of the US hostages who had been
captured by supporters of Ayatollah Khomeini more than two years before.

Gunther, who is retired from the Foreign Service and has chosen to spend his
retirement years in Paris, says today that he finds “shameful” the way in
which Arafat has been treated by the United States, and this because, in his
estimation, “Arafat has always tried to work with the West.”

Asked why he decided to make public these, and other revelations, only
today, almost a quarter-century after they took place, John Gunther Dean
says simply that he is “one of the many Americans” who have become “worried”
about a US foreign policy which has become “unilateral and isolationist.”

He says too that he is also firmly opposed to any American attack on Iraq.

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[CTRL] F*** Microsoft !

2002-09-11 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

I installed a critical update for Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 and now
Pegass Mail 4.02 can no longer detect or open attachments.

I don't really know what to do but this really getting tiring. I'm abouut
ready to just get rid of my computer.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] F*** Microsoft !

2002-09-11 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

I forgot to add, it is not possible to uninstall Internet Explorer 6 in
Windows 2000, the only option is repair. No option to uninstall at all!

On 11 Sep 2002 at 3:25, i, s, ctrl wrote:

 I installed a critical update for Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 and now
 Pegass Mail 4.02 can no longer detect or open attachments.

 I don't really know what to do but this really getting tiring. I'm abouut
 ready to just get rid of my computer.


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Web-empowered angry young men women

2002-09-11 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

What can just one person with e-mail do? Here's what:

Jody Williams won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997 for her contribution to
the international ban on land mines. She achieved that ban not only
without much government help, but in the face of opposition from all the
world's major powers. When she was asked, How did you do that, how did
you organize one thousand different human rights and arms control groups
on six continents? she had a very brief answer: E-mail.


Web-empowered angry young men
Globalization’s link to Sept. 11

Sept. 11 —  Since last Sept. 11, New York Times foreign affairs columnist
Thomas Friedman has traveled the globe writing about attitudes toward the
U.S. and world reactions to the war on terror. In his new book,
“Longitudes and Attitudes: Exploring the World After September 11th,” he
compiles his experiences and explains the many challenges facing freedom
and democracy. Read an excerpt, below.

 Longitudes and Attitudes by Thomas Friedman
 Other books by Thomas Friedman

   I am a big believer in the idea of the super-story, the notion that
we all carry around with us a big lens, a big framework, through which we
look at the world, order events, and decide what is important and what is
not. The events of 9/11 did not happen in a vacuum. They happened in the
context of a new international system — a system that cannot explain
everything but can explain and connect more things in more places on more
days than anything else. That new international system is called
globalization. It came together in the late 1980s and replaced the
previous international system, the cold war system, which had reigned
since the end of World War II. This new system is the lens, the
super-story, through which I viewed the events of 9/11.
   I define globalization as the inexorable integration of markets,
nation-states, and communication systems to a degree never witnessed
before — in a way that is enabling corporations, nation-states, and
individuals to reach around the world farther, faster, deeper, and cheaper
than ever before, and in a way that is enabling the world to reach into
corporations, nation-states, and individuals farther, faster, deeper, and
cheaper than ever before.
   There are several important features of this globalization system,
different from those of the cold war system, which are quite relevant for
understanding the events of 9/11. I examined them in detail in my previous
book, The Lexus and the Olive Tree, and want to simply high-light them

The cold war system was characterized by one overarching feature —
and that was division. That world was a divided-up, chopped-up place, and
whether you were a country or a company, your threats and opportunities in
the cold war system tended to grow out of who you were divided from.
Appropriately, this cold war system was symbolized by a single word —
wall, the Berlin Wall. One of my favorite descriptions of that world was
provided by Jack Nicholson in the movie A Few Good Men. Nicholson plays a
colonel in the Marine Corps who is the commander of the U.S. base in Cuba,
at Guantánamo Bay. In the climactic scene of the movie, Nicholson is
pressed by Tom Cruise to explain how a certain weak solider under
Nicholson’s command, Santiago, was beaten to death by his own fellow
marines. “You want answers?” shouts Nicholson.

“You want answers?” “I want the truth,” answers Cruise. “You can’t
handle the truth,” says Nicholson. “Son, we live in a world that has
walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Who’s gonna do
it? You? . . . I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly
fathom. You weep for Santiago, and you curse the Marines. You have that
luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know — that Santiago’s
death, while tragic, probably saved lives. And my existence, while
grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives. You don’t want the
truth because deep down, in places you don’t talk about at parties, you
want me on that wall. You need me on that wall.”
   The globalization system is different. It also has one overarching
feature — and that is integration. The world has become an increasingly
interwoven place, and today, whether you are a company or a country, your
threats and opportunities increasingly derive from who you are connected
to. This globalization system is also characterized by a single word —
web, the World Wide Web. So in the broadest sense we have gone from an
international system built around division and walls to a system
increasingly built around integration and webs. In the cold war we reached
for the hotline, which was a symbol that we were all divided but at least
two people were in charge — the leaders of the United States and the
Soviet Union. In the globalization system we reach for the Internet, which
is a symbol that we are all connected and nobody is quite 

Re: [CTRL] F*** Microsoft !

2002-09-11 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-



(yes, I relize the irony of recommending *nix while using a Windoze box, but
it's Win98, and I need to have at least one Win box for practical reasons).

- jt

- Original Message -
From: Steve Wingate [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I forgot to add, it is not possible to uninstall Internet Explorer 6 in
Windows 2000, the only option is repair. No option to uninstall at all!

On 11 Sep 2002 at 3:25, i, s, ctrl wrote:

 I installed a critical update for Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 and now
 Pegass Mail 4.02 can no longer detect or open attachments.

 I don't really know what to do but this really getting tiring. I'm abouut
 ready to just get rid of my computer.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: [RobotsRebellion2] Things We Lost in the Fire

2002-09-11 Thread Mermaid
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: deerdanser 

Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 1:15 PM
Subject: [RobotsRebellion2] Things We Lost in the Fire
While the Ruins of the World Trade Center Smoldered, the Bush 
Administration Launched an Assault on the Constitution Things We Lost in 
the Fireby Alisa SolomonSeptember 11 - 17, 2002 "Liberty is the 
most precious gift we offer our citizens." Could Tom Ridge have said 
anything scarier or more telling as he accepted the post of homeland 
security czar? Trying to strike the bell of liberty, he sounds its death 
knell, depicting government not as the agent of the people's will, but as an 
imperious power with the authority to give us our democratic freedoms. Which 
means, of course, that it can also take them away. That's exactly 
what Ashcroft, Bush, Cheney  co. have been up to all year as, in the 
attorney general's words, the government has marshaled the might of "every 
available statute" to root out "the terrorists among us." Wrapping 
themselves in the flag, they have shredded the Constitution. They have 
sneered at, ignored, or defied the courts and legislatures that are designed 
to provide checks and balances on uninhibited executive power. They have 
eroded the precious Bill of Rights protections of free speech, assembly, and 
association and its assurances of privacy, due process, equal 
protection, legal counsel, and a fair trialpractically everything but 
the right to bear arms. Thanks to these maneuvers in the name of 
combating terrorism, the government can now freeze the release of public 
records, monitor political and religious gatherings, and jail Americans 
indefinitely without trial and without legal representation. As Bush and 
Cheney ready the country for war against Iraq, they have established a 
climate that stifles dissentand put laws in place enabling them to 
clamp down on those who ask too many questions. First, They Came for 
the Immigrants . . . If you're a citizenand if you haven't tried to 
organize any major protests latelyyou might easily have missed the rupture. 
It's the liberties of noncitizens that have been most severely curtailed in 
the past year. In immigrant communities, the tear feels seismic. 
Midwood, Brooklyn, home to some 150,000 Pakistanis, saw two planeloads 
of its young men sent home in August after long detentions by the 
Immigration and Naturalization Service. The annual Pakistani festival days 
later drew less than half the usual crowd of 80,000, according to Asghar 
Choudhri, president of the Pakistani-American Federation of New York. 
"People are too afraid to come out," he explains. "It's like a third-world 
country here. They come get you, throw you in jail, and you can't say 
anything." Because he is a U.S. citizen, Choudhri says his neighbors, 
terrified of lingering too long in public, often ask him to pick up 
groceries or run other errands for them. Local businesses have been closing 
in droves. Polls have shown that at least 40 percent of Americans are 
willing to give up some civil liberties for the sake of security, but as 
constitutional lawyer David Cole has pointed out, so far it's not our 
own freedom we've been sacrificing. If history is any guide, that 
could quickly change. From the invoking of the 1798 Enemy Alien Act during 
the 1941 internment of Japanese American citizens to McCarthy's use of the 
tools of 1919 Palmer Raids in the witch-hunts of the 1950s, the Feds have 
repeatedly sharpened their teeth on immigrants before closing their 
repressive jaws on all dissidents and undesirables. Indeed, many of the 
post-9-11 provisions swept into place by Ashcroftsuch as those for the 
tracking and eventual punishment of would-be perpetrators of "domestic 
terrorism"focus primarily on citizens. Balanced against security 
concerns at a time of war, the old dictum holds, civil liberties spring back 
to full force when danger has passed. In an endless "war on terrorism" that 
soon might include attacks on Iraq, those springs could get mighty rusty. 
Power Grab: Kicking Over Checks and Balances In the fearful 
weeks immediately after September 11, Congress and the American people gave 
the Bush administration the benefit of the doubt, supporting a rash of new 
measures to get to the bottom of the heinous attacks and to protect us from 
"sleeper" cells hatching plots on our shores, as well as from enemies 
preparing strikes from afar. On September 14, Congress quickly passed 
the Authorization for Use of U.S. Military Force resolution, granting the 
president carte blanche to wage war against anybody he deemed responsible 
for the hijackings. And in October, with hardly enough time even to read the 
342-page document, much less debate it, lawmakers rushed through sweeping 
anti-terrorism legislation whose very name and jingoistic acronymthe 
Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools 
Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism 

Re: [CTRL] F*** Microsoft !

2002-09-11 Thread Bill Kalivas

-Caveat Lector-

What do you think of Pegasus? I have it at work and hate it.

- Original Message -
From: Steve Wingate [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I forgot to add, it is not possible to uninstall Internet Explorer 6 in
Windows 2000, the only option is repair. No option to uninstall at all!

On 11 Sep 2002 at 3:25, i, s, ctrl wrote:

 I installed a critical update for Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 and now
 Pegass Mail 4.02 can no longer detect or open attachments.

 I don't really know what to do but this really getting tiring. I'm
 ready to just get rid of my computer.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Gatenbrink Door

2002-09-11 Thread Mermaid
-Caveat Lector-

FYI: Sollog predicts that the Pope 
dies on the 20th.Great Pyramid Gantenbrink-ShaftDoor To Be Opened In 
SeptFrom Giorgio 
Tsoukalos[EMAIL PROTECTED]8-17-2Sign the Gantenbrink 
Petition!Please forward to as many people as 
possible!The Gantenbrink-Shaft Door inside the Great Pyramid 
will apparently FINALLYbeopened September 16-17th covered by FOX 
Television and National Geographic.This event will take place 
almost ten years, TEN!!! years AFTER itsrediscoveryin 1993 by A.A.S. 
R.A. Member Rudolf Gantenbrink.As if this weren't already a 
scandal that it has taken so long to furtherexplore this door, "authorities" 
now report that Rudolf Gantenbrink will NOTbeallowed to be a part of the 
opening of the shaft's door!Even more so, how come it has taken 
TEN years until the opening? Is thisreallya reasonable waiting period? 
Hardly. Immediately questions arise: could itbethat the door has already 
been explored in clandestine maneuvers, preventingthe public from finding 
out the truth?The indisputable fact is this: Over the past 
years, for months and monthstheGreat Pyramid was off-limits and closed 
to the general public. WHY???According to official statements 
the Great Pyramid was closed down forrestauration purposes. Restauration 
purposes? The Pyramid has stood for atleast 5 millennia - there never was 
and never will be a need for...restauration involving the nightly removal of 
countless buckets filled withdebris... read onThe A.A.S. 
R.A. and legendarytimes.com have many sources in Egypt and formonths we were 
told that in the middle of the night a 'human conveyor belt'extended out of 
the Pyramid consisting of dozens and dozens of workerspassingon baskets 
upon baskets filled with rubble...!Does 'restoration' equal 
destruction and/or removal of historical debris?infact, so many buckets 
debris were removed that one of our associates startedtoseriously 
question whether or not the entire inside of the Pyramid was beinghollowed 
out!Dr. Hawass, we kindly invite you to answer one simple 
question: Have youalready secretly opened the door and PLANTED a mummy 
inside so that theworldcan look up at you in awe? If you did, see, that 
was a mistake becauseanyoneslightly familiar with the subject 
irrefutably KNOWS that, contrary topopularbelief, the Pyramid was NEVER 
intended as a tomb! But by planting yourmummy,you'll simply feed into 
the fantasies of the general public who are starvedfora little adventure 
and romance. If you did, you've not only hammered thefinalnail into 
Egyptology's coffin lid, but committed a crime against 
humanity.How come this so-called 'LIVE' televised Special takes 
place TEN yearsafterthe rediscovery by Gantenbrink? We've managed to 
receive LIVE pictures fromthefirst landing on the Moon for crying out 
loud!With this latest stunt, conventional Egyptology is well on 
its path tocompletely loose its credibility because we have obviously been 
lead on awildgoose chase riddled with disinformation and 
deceit.Our colleague and fellow A.A.S. R.A. lecturer Robert 
Bauval has this tosay:"I have discovered that TV6 is the 
official production company (Londonbased)that is making "Secret Chambers 
Revealed" for National Geographic, to betransmitted live from Egypt on the 
16-17 September to Fox in the USA, who inturn will broadcast live in the 
USA. [...] it was unclear how they canexplainthe 9 years delay, and may 
pin the blame on Gantenbrink and the typicalbogeyman scapegoat that he 
allegedly leaked the news of the discovery to meinApril 1993, and I blew 
the whistle with the British media. We all know thetruth about this, [...] 
that Hawass simply used this as an excuse to elbowGantenbrink out of this 
project, and hold on to it for 9 years till he waspromoted to Chairman of 
the Antiquities and be in full control of theopeningof the door and reap 
the full attention for himself. This is anarchaeologicalscandal that the 
world needs to be reminded of, and condemn.According to Mr. 
Reisz of TV6, whom I talked with this afternoon, it seemsthatHawass 
wanted to exclude Gantenbrink completely, but that Mr. Reisz 
feelthatthey should at least credit Gantenbrink with the original 
exploration andthefinding of the door in 1993. I asked Reisz if he could 
confirm that thiswouldbe done in the broadcast of 16-17 September, and 
he assured me that 'heplannedto tell the background story of 
Gantenbrink' and felt confident thatFox/Natgeowill agree with him that 
this should be included. I also asked Reisz if thenewteam knew already 
whay was going to be found, and he said that in allhonestyhe doesn't 
know, and that it will all be left as a surprise for the 'live'show. He 
seemed to think, however, that the team had been 'working at theshafts' for 
while now, and that they may have done a few dress rehearsals tomake sure 
they can get their robot up there to the 'door' during the liveshownext 
month. More than that he was not willing to say."Therefore, the 
A.A.S. R.A. and 

Re: [CTRL] re islamic celebration

2002-09-11 Thread Prudy L

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/8/02 4:24:42 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Hello Prudy, I take on board all that you say. However there is no other
religion at the moment determined to inflict on the people of my country
their laws. and barbaric laws at that.  

Don't be too sure.  For many years no law, policy or publication in the
United States was allowed to put forth anything that was contra to Roman
Catholic Doctrine.  That meant no birth control.  You wouldn't remember the
horrors of the huge families that no one could afford.  The rhythm of those
days did not work, and awful family fights came about because families were
too large for the paycheck to cover and/or the sex life of married people had
become a nightmare.   As a Protestant I certainly resented having my family
planning endeavors  monitored by the Vatican.   The influence is still there.
 That's why George Bush cut the money for family planning overseas.  The
excuse is that abortion offends his right wingers, but the truth is that he's
hoping for approval for allowing neither abortion nor birth control.   It's
the Romanian method of family planning, and it's what filled the orphanages
there with all those unwanted, emotionally stunted babies.  Prudy

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] (Fwd) The Imaginary Evils of Deflation

2002-09-11 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---

The Imaginary Evils of
by Christopher Mayer
[Posted September 11, 2002]
Deflation is popularly defined as a general fall in prices; it is the
opposite of what most people generally think of as inflation. It is
most commonly associated with the Depression and with the recent
economic woes in Japan.
Perhaps as a result of this common association, or perhaps as a
result of a more general weakness in the clarity of economic
thought, deflation is often seen as something that brings calamitous
consequences and as something that must be prevented.
One of the more surprising recent business best-sellers is a book
titled Conquer the Crash, by Robert Prechter. It is surprising
because the public does not often take to being told that disaster is
around the corner.Optimism is the far sweeter fruit, more often
indulged upon whether the facts justify it or not. Be that as it may,
Prechter’s book calls for a deflationary depression and paints a
rather dire picture of financial distress.
Deflation worries are gathering more and more attention. The Wall
Street Journal recently ran a piece titled “Deflation Fears Make a
Comeback,” in which it noted the fall in prices of selected goods but
warned that “if deflation spreads into other segments of the
economy, it could turn into a major problem.” Assuming a
connection, the article mentioned financial hardships during the
Great Depression and in Japan.
Not only is deflation seen as something that is harmful, but it is also
viewed as something that must be prevented.Naturally, the Fed is
envisioned as the institution that should do the job.A recent Fed
paper titled “Preventing Deflation: Lessons from Japan’s Experience
in the 1990s” takes it for granted that the Fed ought to take
measures to avoid deflation.
There is something about monetary phenomena that make them a
particularly misunderstood aspect of economic life. Deflation is no
exception. There seems to be little understanding as to what it is,
what causes it, and whether or not it is something that should be
Professor Joseph Salerno has done us all a favor with a well-written
paper titled “An Austrian Taxonomy of Deflation” that makes it much
easier to answer these questions and cut through the muddle of
media hype and distortion.
The effects of deflation, like the quality of drinking water, cannot be
considered without regard to its source.According to Salerno’s
taxonomy, there are four basic causes of deflation.
The first is growth deflation, which stems from increases in
efficiency and productivity. Assuming the supply and demand for
dollars is unchanged, an increase in the quantity of goods produced
will result in falling prices.In other words, the same amount of
dollars can now purchase more goods.The common example of
this deflation is to look at the falling prices for technological
goods.The computing power a consumer can purchase for a dollar
today is much greater than what could be purchased even a few
years ago.
Growth deflation should be the prevailing trend in a healthy
progressing economy. It is only because of years of rampant money
supply growth, endemic under a fiat currency system, that inflation
has become the accepted norm.As Salerno notes, “throughout the
nineteenth century and up until the First World War, a mild
deflationary trend prevailed in the industrialized nations as rapid
growth in the supplies of goods outpaced the gradual growth in
money supply that occurred under the classical gold standard.”
Growth deflation, then, is by no means harmful.It is the natural
product of voluntary exchanges and the ever-increasing productivity
that has become the hallmark of market economics even among it
The second type of deflation under Salerno’s taxonomy is cash-
building deflation, which occurs when the demand for money
increases. All other things being equal, an increase in the demand
for cash will raise the price (i.e., the purchasing power) of the
currency.Increased purchasing power implies a fall in prices.
Hence, this deflation, too, is a result of that action taken by free
individuals to meet certain needs--the need for the additional
security gained by holding more cash, for example.If one
remembers that the ultimate basis for economic action is to satisfy
human wants and needs, it is hard to imagine why cash-building
deflation (called “hoarding” by its critics) is thought to be malign.
From the perspective of the consumer doing the cash-holding, it is
obviously not a bad thing.Clearly, a want or need is being satisfied.
Then there is bank credit deflation, which comes from the
contraction of the money supply.Salerno writes that “the most
familiar is a decline in the supply of money that results from a
collapse or contraction of fractional-reserve banks that are called
upon by their depositors en masse to redeem their notes and
demand deposits in cash 

[CTRL] Interesting Article

2002-09-11 Thread Prudy L

-Caveat Lector-

There's an intriguing article by George Soros in The New Republic (2 Sep
2002 issue).  Prudy

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] its an epistle!!! LOL

2002-09-11 Thread Mermaid
-Caveat Lector-

Im sorry if i am offending anyone but 
this has to be the biggest PR STUNT that america and England have pulled off so 
I was'nt going to turn on the tv today i 
was just going to listen to the radio but you know what human instincts are 
At 8.47 american time and at 1.47 english 
time I did turn the box on and to my horror (and it is a horror story) There are 
good solid hardworking americans standing inNew York holding up the photos of 
people killed in the WTC disaster caused by their own country and they cant see 
Even now with the help of the internet 
and rogue journalists they still cant see it!!!
AND BRITAIN we had a service in a 
cathedral and we dropped rose petals numbering the people that were killed in 
God Stanley Kubrick would have been 
proud...this whole scenario is SICK.
I listened to the radio today and there 
were muslims on there telling us about their religion and they are outraged at 
this onslaught against their religion.. and what happened at WTC ...I cant 
remember everything they said but they seemed genuine.and i was enlightened by 
what i heard..some of these people...no the majority of these people are 
I am upstairs now and i can still hear 
these americans reading out all the names of the dead..How long would it take 
them to read out all of the names of the indians they slaughtered when 
conquering the New world?
And How many names would it take to read 
out of the women and children and husbands killed in AFGHSANISTAN AND VIETNAM 
I am an archaeologist and i depair at the 
amount of things that have been covered up by the smithonian institute and the 
British museum and the scientists who have been bought off by western 
FOR GODS SAKE lets get these bastards and 
make peace before its too bloody late and tell them we are not having anymore of 
their propaganda we have a right to be free in our thinking and out daily 
War is not an option Oil is not an option 
grieving for the dead is NOT an option and joining the PR stunt is NOT an 
option.What we need is the TRUTH about out origins.
AND our origins are not GOD.
There have been enough prayers said today 
to WHO? GOD where was he on september 11th?
If prayers had an effect on this planet 
then surely he would be here and telling the people that this was all a hoax by 
the global elite.

One thing i do believe is this " Do unto 
others as you would have done to yourselves..
Look at your neighbour 
..Muslim...Jewcatholicchristian say to yourselves he is a nice person or 
he is not a nice person...look at your Kids the next generation...if you want 
this PR stunt to pervaidtheir lives then so be it but you have to see the 
positive side of life...How would you like to be living in palestine as an 
occupied country afraid to go out after the curfew.Im not saying the islraelis 
are bad I am saying put yourself in their position.
Understand how they feel we in the west 
have everything they have nothing look at the root cause of all the problems in 
this world and why terrorists exist..im not excusing them... they are wrong that 
includes the Whitehouse and the global elite..
Free energy was invented years ago but 
that doesnt make money does it?
Religion was invented to keep the masses 
at bay.
HERITAGE. that has been denied to you from your birth.
Look to Forbidden archaeology you can 
go to google .com for this and surprise surprise they have kept you in darkness 
it is better to believe in a god you cannot see than the truth you can 
forget today it didnt exist praying 
gets you nowherePR stunts get you nowhere they can make you feel good for a 
short time then they will forget your pain and what are you left with ...more 
pain.living does fight for freedom for your kids and your 
let make this world a better 
placenot a bitter place  to live in PLEASE.
The Mermaid xxx

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and

[CTRL] Buzz Aldrin punches moon conspiracy theorist

2002-09-11 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-


Buzz Aldrin punches moon conspiracy theorist

Sept. 10, 2002  |  BEVERLY HILLS, Cal. (AP) --

Detectives are investigating a complaint that retired astronaut Edwin
``Buzz'' Aldrin punched a man in the face after being asked to swear on a
Bible that he'd been to the moon.

Officers were called to the Luxe Hotel on Rodeo Drive Monday and took a
report from Bart Sibrel, 37, who said the former Apollo 11 astronaut had
attacked him.

Aldrin, 72, had left the hotel when police arrived around 4:30 p.m. and was
not interviewed, said Beverly Hills Police Lt. Joe Lombardi.

Sibrel, of Nashville, Tenn., said he doesn't believe Aldrin or anyone else
has ever walked on the moon. He said he was trying to confront Aldrin about
his 1969 lunar mission when he was punched. Video of the punch aired Tuesday
on ABC's Good Morning America.

An early morning telephone call left at the office of Aldrin's publicist was
not immediately returned.

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[CTRL] Prudy and Propaganda

2002-09-11 Thread Zuukie

-Caveat Lector-

Prudy, you are such an innocent one.  After all of the
posts from you and others regarding the nature of
conspiracy and propaganda, you are unable to see propaganda
right under your fingers as you type,

Do a little research on the conspiracy related to Population Control
and as it is called in this country, Voluntary Population Control.

Or is propaganda all right when it serves the purposes of the
one who uses it?

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 9/8/02 4:24:42 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

  Hello Prudy, I take on board all that you say. However there is no
 other religion at the moment determined to inflict on the people of my
 country their laws. and barbaric laws at that.  

 Don't be too sure.  For many years no law, policy or publication in
 the United States was allowed to put forth anything that was contra to
 Roman Catholic Doctrine.  That meant no birth control.  You wouldn't
 remember the horrors of the huge families that no one could afford.
 The rhythm of those days did not work, and awful family fights came
 about because families were too large for the paycheck to cover and/or
 the sex life of married people had become a nightmare.   As a
 Protestant I certainly resented having my family planning endeavors
 monitored by the Vatican.   The influence is still there.
  That's why George Bush cut the money for family planning overseas.
 excuse is that abortion offends his right wingers, but the truth is
 that he's hoping for approval for allowing neither abortion nor birth
 control.   It's the Romanian method of family planning, and it's what
 filled the orphanages there with all those unwanted, emotionally
 stunted babies.  Prudy

 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!
 These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many
 half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically
 by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the
 spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no
 endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial
 and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Surveillance Society

2002-09-11 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-


Surveillance Society
Don't look now, but you may find you're being watched

Benny Evangelista, Chronicle Staff Writer
Monday, September 9, 2002

These days, if you feel like somebody's watching you, you might be right.

One year after the Sept. 11 attacks, security experts and privacy advocates
say there has been a surge in the number of video cameras installed around
the country. The electronic eyes keep an unwavering gaze on everything from
the Golden Gate Bridge to the Washington Monument.

And biometric facial recognition technology is being tested with video
surveillance systems in a handful of places such as the Fresno airport and
the resort area of Virginia Beach, Va.

Our business is booming, said Ron Cadle, an executive with Pelco, the
Fresno-area firm that is the biggest supplier of video security equipment.

Since the terrorist attacks, people are not only using video surveillance
to protect their property and inventory, Cadle said. For example, a lot of
people are now using video to make sure someone who walks into a de-

partment store isn't a known terrorist or felon.

Privacy rights advocates say that the increase in video surveillance has not
turned the United States into a Big Brother state yet, but they fear Sept.
11 has opened the door to creating a surveillance society.

It definitely could become widespread, said Jay Stanley of the American
Civil Liberties Union. Everybody's using the threat of terrorism to justify
a lot of things that don't have a lot to do with terrorism.

Video surveillance cameras began appearing in banks and other commercial
buildings in the 1960s, but began to proliferate in the last decade as
digital technology produced cameras with higher resolution at cheaper

Even before Sept. 11, the security industry conservatively estimated that
there were more than 2 million surveillance cameras in the United States,
and video equipment purchases made up the biggest slice of a $40
billion-a-year industry.

Although there are no current estimates, a group of anti-surveillance
activists who have mapped the location of cameras in Manhattan since 1998
say they've seen a 40 percent increase in new cameras in New York's
financial district since last September.

The terrorist attacks have led to a rapidly expanding use of closed-
circuit video cameras and related technology, according to a March 2002
report by the research bureau of the California State Library.

And studies show that a majority of people support the expanded use of video
surveillance of public areas and of facial recognition technology to pick
out suspected terrorists, said Marcus Nieto, the report's co-author. Nieto
has been monitoring video surveillance since 1997, the year public
opposition forced the Oakland City Council to withdraw its plans to set up a
video surveillance system.

Before 9/11, cameras were something people didn't give much thought about,
 he said. Post 9/11, people are more accepting of cameras. There used to
be vocal opposition. It's now passive.

Potential terrorist targets such as bridges and airports are beefing up
video security. Oakland International Airport, for example, has already
begun replacing 60 older surveillance cameras with higher-resolution digital
color cameras, new color monitors and digital video recorders.

Earlier this year, Washington officials activated a state-of-the art command
center that can monitor 12 cameras throughout the Capitol Mall area and has
the capability to tap a network of other video surveillance cameras
throughout the city.

The ACLU and EPIC, the Electronic Privacy Information Center, argue that the
system can be used to infringe on citizens' rights and are pushing for
regulations and public oversight of its use.

It's open-ended surveillance, said EPIC President Marc Rotenberg. It's
the digital electronic equivalent of allowing police to go through your home
without a warrant.

Stanley, public education coordinator of the ACLU's newly-created Technology
and Liberty program, said numerous studies have documented the misuse of
surveillance video.

The studies found that minorities were more likely to be targets of video
surveillance and that one in 10 women were targeted by the predominantly
male security monitors for voyeuristic reasons, he said.

Technology now being developed will make video surveillance equipment even
more powerful. High-definition television, or HDTV, equipment makes it
possible for surveillance cameras to capture an image of a person 3,000 feet
away with as much detail as one taken by an older analog camera at 30 feet,
said John Burwell, an executive with SGI.

The Mountain View firm known for high-tech computer graphics developed an
HDTV surveillance system with the Naval Research Laboratory that gives
equally high resolution.

If you watch 'America's Most Wanted,' you get clips of (surveillance) video

[CTRL] Dorothy (Norma) Cox: Illuminism in the Ozarks

2002-09-11 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-

Complete book, minus illustrations, at:


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Firefighter's Son-please forward!

2002-09-11 Thread Gavin Phillips

-Caveat Lector-

I signed and forwarded before. Please do the same.
Thanks. Gavin.

This is from a 14 year old boy who lost his father on
Sept. 11th.
He's got a really great idea. Before you delete this
forget about it, just remember this kid who doesn't
have a father. All you're asked to do is type, point
and click...think about what his father was asked
to do.

  Message From Connor Geraghty


  I lost my Dad on September
11th; he was Chief
   Edward Geraghty,
  9, New
  York City Fire Department.
He lost his life
   with many other heroes
  victims of the terrorists.

  Firefighters from all over
have come to the
   aid and rescue of the
  in New
  York and Washington, D.C.
Many firefighters
   have lost their lives to
  someone else's; the truth of
the matter is,
   they do this every single
  day. They
  truly are heroes.

  I know many people feel
helpless, especially
   those who live far from
  D.C. We all want to do
something to show our
   appreciation, our
  we can... In honor of the
bravery, courage
  determination of American
firefighters, there
   should be a day in our
  nation to
  celebrate and appreciate
their handwork and
   never - ending passion

  I think we should honor all
those other
   heroes who still live today.
  starting a petition for a
   Firefighters Day. Will you help

  September 11th National
Firefighters Day?

  Please join me!

  Thank you.
  Connor Geraghty, age 14,
  Rockville Center, New York
  (I Love u,DAD!!)

  PS When this list reaches 25
names, please
   send it back to me at:

  Connor Geraghty

  Instructions: to add your
name, click
   forward, add your name at the
  bottom of
  the list. Send it to all you


  1. Connor Geraghty,
Rockville Centre, NY (I
   Love u DAD!!)
  2. Carla Smith, Dallas, TX
  3. BC Billy
Goldfeder-Loveland-Symmes Fire
   Department, Ohio
  4. F/F Lewis Unger, Roslyn
Highlands FD,
   Roslyn Hts., NY
  5. Andrea Madison, Bellmore,
  6. Jo-Anne Unger, Levittown,
NY 11756
  7. Karen Holmgaard,
Rockville Centre, NY
  9. Ellie Ivory Ocala,
Florida 34476
  1. Laurie Comen, Centerport,
  11. Clare Cassara, North
Bellmore, NY 1171
  12. Roseann Epp, Malverne,
NY 11565
  13. Christine Bavaro,
Lynbrook NY 11563
  14. Ellen Lessman, Plainview
NY 1183
  15. Debby Maerhofer,
Mineola, NY 1151
  16. Debra L. Abercrombie,
Montrose, AL
  17. Kristine Meichtry,
Allentown, PA
  18. Andrea Duncliffe,
Lynbrook, NY 11563
  19. Elizabeth Safdieh,
Merrick NY 11566
  2. Kristin King, Rockville
Centre, NY 1157
  21. Maggie Curran, Rockville
Centre, NY 1157

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: The Memory Hole's 9/11 Anniversary Special

2002-09-11 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

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The Memory Hole
Russ Kick, publisher and editor
11 September 2002

  Please forward this email to all interested parties 

The Memory Hole has added three new pages on 9/11 and reposted four earlier
pages on the topic, all in one neat bundle for your reading pleasure.

The new pages are as follows:

*** Government Refuses to Release Communications From 9/11 Planes
The FBI, CIA, and FAA completely reject The Memory Hole's FOIA requests

*** FAA Releases Some Daily Reports for 9/11 Time Frame, Refuses to Release
Daily reports from New England are OK; reports from Eastern region are not

*** Associated Press Story Change: The Flight 93 Tape
Crucial sentence disappears from later versions of article

The reposted pages are as follows:

*** CIA Director Warned Congress About 9/11 Attacks
Listen to the audio clip from National Public Radio's coverage on 9/11:
just recently the Director of the CIA warned that there could be an
attack--an imminent attack--on the United States of this nature

*** German Intelligence Says US Knew in Advance About 9/11
See a scan of the original article from the German newspaper FAZ

*** update: On 9/11, the CIA Was Running Simulation of a Plane Crashing
into a Building
The Associated Press picks up story first reported by The Memory Hole

*** 9/11 Survivor Describes Multiple Explosions
I was convinced that there were bombs planted all over the place and
someone was sitting at a control panel pushing detonator buttons.

All are available in the box on the left-hand side of the front page:


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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---End Message---

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Stolen data reveal undercover cops

2002-09-11 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

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Surveillance firm's client list is stolen and posted on Internet;
undercover police officers, Secret Service names revealed

By Bob Sullivan

  Aug. 20 -  Computer intruders have allegedly broken into the
online files of a Florida company that provides surveillance
technology to the U.S. military, federal agencies and local police
forces, and posted confidential information, including the names and
e-mail addresses of undercover police officers on a public Web site,
MSNBC.com has learned.

INFORMATION ABOUT UNDERCOVER narcotics officers, U.S. Secret
Service employees, Department of Defense special agents and hundreds
of other local and federal law enforcement workers was revealed when
the data from Audio Intelligence Devices Inc.'s files were posted on
the Internet.
   The Florida-based private company sells highly specialized
video surveillance equipment and teaches spy courses to federal
agencies and local police forces in the United States, and to some
foreign governments.
   Lon D. Guarino, Vice President, Sales  Marketing for Audio
Intelligence Devices did not answer questions about the incident, but
in an e-mail to MSNBC.com defended the company's security practices.
   Contrary to any recent reports, Audio Intelligence Devices is
confident in its current security practices and treats its customer
information with complete confidentiality, Guarino wrote. We are
actively investigating the origin of the information in question at
this time.
   MSNBC.com contacted each law enforcement official whose e-mail
address was taken from the AID files and listed on an Internet page -
349 in all. Of those who replied, none said they knew their
information had been made public until they were contacted by

   AID only sells to law enforcement workers, according to the
company's Web site. The list viewed by MSNBC.com was a Who's Who of
domestic and international law enforcement agencies, including the
U.S. Army, Navy and Air Force, Sandia National Laboratories, Ministry
of Foreign Economic Relations in Uzbekistan, and the Montreal Police
   Until recently, the site offered a Web form that allowed
agents to request equipment catalogs or information on spy classes.
It appears that a computer criminal managed to access the data
entered on the form by AID's customers. The form on AID's site is
currently disabled. A message on the site says: The online catalog
request is temporarily unavailable.

   The stolen data lists hundreds of names, addresses, job
titles, phone numbers and e-mail addresses of investigators, and in
some cases, details on the kind of equipment they were seeking to
buy. The data appeared on a Web site, Cryptome.org, earlier this
month. Site operator John Young says Cryptome.org is devoted to
publicizing various government efforts to monitor U.S. citizens. He
said an anonymous contributor sent him the data.
   Young is a well-known First Amendment advocate and a popular
critic of government surveillance efforts. Young speculated that the
data may have been stolen and leaked by a competitor or former
employer, citing the often cutthroat nature of the spying business.
   But it's not clear how the computer thieves got their hands on
AID's data. Young says that the anonymous contributor who tipped him
off about the file 

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: 9/11 FLASHBACKS PT 1

2002-09-11 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Tuesday, September 10, 2002
Things Slid Redux

(The Steamshovel e-wire normally known as Things Are Gonna Slide)
September 11, 2002


Steamshovel asked some of its correspondents to give a one-or-two
paragraph flash on when they felt the impact of the 9/11 disasters. Here are
the replies:

JIM CREGAN, STEAMSHOVEL PRESS - The impact I felt was certainly
conditioned by those around me as I live overseas, in Italy. Initially everyone
was in shock and disbelief. Terror had reached a new level that no one had
imagined. Suddenly the theories about terrorists using biological, chemical or
nuclear weapons did not ring hollow anymore. But after the initial shock, local
opinion seemed to divide into three groups: the first realizing how real this
problem still is and offering sympathy to me. Quite often this was followed with
suggestions on how to solve the problem, such as kill all of the Arabs or all of
the Jews  Arabs in the world; the second and most popular opinion was that
people were happy it happened to us and not to them; and the third group
opinion, also quite prevalent was that the Americans had it coming to them.
This is mainly due to our arrogant, unilateral foreign policy and our blind
support of Israel.

Maybe there are other ways of fighting terrorism and making peace besides
forcing our will on others and always pretending to be in the right.

DON ECKER, UFO MAGAZINE - I was in bed and sound asleep when the
telephone began ringing. I rolled over and grabbed it giving a sleepy hello. It
was my friend Dwight and he was screaming into the phone Christ Don,
we've been attacked! Huh?! was my brain numbed reply. Dwight, what the
hell are you talking about? Turn on the TV he yelled.

I stumbled out to the living room and turned on the set and there was a live
picture of the WTC burning. I saw the picture of the second plane slam into the
second tower and to this day do not recall if it was live or a replay. My
stomach sank when I realized this was deliberate. Then they said the
Pentagon was hit. I was waiting for news from somewhere in LA that we were
next. What atrocity awaited Angelino's? I'm still watching and waiting.

ROB STERLING, KONFORMIST.COM - On 9-11, I was living in downtown L.A.
I received a ranting phone call early in the morning, warning me I had to
evacuate, because they have attacked New York, and now a plane was
heading towards L.A. I first wondered if this was a bad joke by a friend. So I
turned on the TV and saw what was going on. (It turned out the person calling
had misunderstood the news report: one of the planes that hit the WTC was
originally headed for L.A.)

Needless to say, I was immediately skeptical of the whole thing, and
wondered if the attack was a scam created by the Bush Mob to gain power
and desperately needed legitimacy for its Pennsylvania Avenue squatting.
Nothing I have seen in the past year has led me to be any less skeptical.

Side note: at the time, I was working on an article for the second Disinfo Book
collection at the time (Everything You Know Is Wrong), and the article, Viva
Kadaffi! was about the creation of Third World bogeyman enemies to cover
for Team USA's reprehensible foreign policy. I focused much 

Re: [CTRL] (Fwd) The Imaginary Evils of Deflation

2002-09-11 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

 The Imaginary Evils of
 by Christopher Mayer
 [Posted September 11, 2002]

Mayer's article is superficial analysis.

The reason pending US deflation is a bad thing is because
it is asset deflation caused by deflating profits. Of course
deflation caused by increased productivity can be a good
thing but that is NOT what the US faces.

The emerging US deflation is caused by asset inflation
fed by irresponsible credit expansion by the Fed. This
wild credit expansion results in overfunding of productive
capacity which leads to profitless business activity caused
by unsustainable business competition. Too much capacity
leads to price deflation and declining profits.

Profitless business activity stems from the overcapacity
caused by wild credit expansion which causes a race to
the bottom of product prices which ultimately causes
increasing unemployment causing more price cutting
etc. etc.

The bottom line - deflation caused by steady profit margins
enhanced by increased productivity is GOOD.  Deflation
caused by overcapacity and profitless business activity
is BAD.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] You can read this now, or you can log off and shut down and get quiet, and just remember

2002-09-11 Thread Joshua Tinnin
-Caveat Lector-


Not Another 9/11 Column You can 
read this now, or you can log off and shut down and get quiet, and just remember 
By Mark 
Morford, SF Gate Columnist 

You do not need to read this column. You do not 
need to be reminded of September 11 in any such manner. 
You have permission to right this moment click this link or perhaps this one or this one and spend your valuable time 
elsewhere on the Web, sucking up the finer ambrosial entertainments and 
informational succor, safe in the knowledge you will be sufficiently pummeled by 
heavy emotional 9/11 terrorist-infused pain throughout the day, unless you live 
under a rock in a cave in a deep trench on a tiny forgotten moon orbiting 
Uranus, and even then. 
Perhaps you should just go offline entirely, just shut it all down, go sit on 
the stoop or walk outside the office and stroll down to the park and sip a 
coffee or a fine scotch or perhaps imported laudanum, and remember. 
In your own way, on your own terms, remember where you were, what you were 
doing, what you were feeling when you observed the world change forever, when 
you witnessed history writ large and in dark gothic script, raw and obscene and 
indelible. Perhaps this is the best way. 
Remember it personally, intimately, sans smarmy musical accompaniment or 
prepackaged images or Tom Brokaw's melodramatic intonations, entirely free of 
someone with an overly pious glare extolling how Jesus hates terrorists too now 
let us pray but not for those other icky religions we don't understand because 
they are wrong and ugly and they dress funny. 
All overshadowed by our fearless quivering chickenhawk leaders, squinting and 
scowling and trying to muster some sort of support for their corporatized 
warmongering, droning about how we shall smite those evil evildoers even if it 
means creating new bomb-able evildoers where none really existed before, boom 
boom oil oil let us secretly examine your email and tap your phone and scan your 
shoes, don't you feel safer now. 
You have permission to keep the TV off all day. It is absolutely true that we 
as a nation need to commemorate, collectively, to unite and mark the day and bow 
our collective heads, draw strength from our concentrated mourning. 
But if you are like roughly 272 million other people in this country, it is 
very possible you do not need to see the images right now, or perhaps ever 
again: the falling bodies, the doomed towers erupting smoke like tragic 
volcanoes, the huge planes vanishing into walls of steel and glass like ghosts 
sailing through paper. 
Only this time with slow-motion effects and dirge-like TV soundtrack and the 
superimposed image of Old Glory waving in the background, manipulating your 
sadness synapse like a hammer on a nail. 
There, see? Even describing it casts a pallor, evokes all sorts of 
media-tainted responses, draws you down a prescribed visceral trail, when the 
best thing might be just to acknowledge the collective grief and then turn the 
volume way, way down and get quiet. 
This is your challenge, this is your assignment, and it is not at all easy. 
You must sift, you must reject, you must resist getting sucked into the 
sensationalistic media vortex of this day, all the articles and programs and 
talk shows and religious finger-pointing and awful commemorative 
plates, as you pick and choose your 9/11 memories very carefully. 
An image here, a voice there, the phone call you made to your loved ones just 
after. Find the few remaining untainted fragments of the tragedy and its 
aftermath and feel them deeply, get quiet and solemn in yourself and just think, 
contemplate, turn them over in your hands, examine closely, breath and feel. 
Because for many of us, it has become nearly impossible to avoid cynical or 
jaded feelings about 9/11, to avoid seeing how this epic human tragedy has been 
cast and recast and diminished and leveraged and regurgitated as some sort of 
zealous rabid uber-patriotic call to arms, a pseudo-psychological touchstone, an 
excuse to launch more war, a justification for a million smarmy melodramatic 
Hallmark sentiments and a million United We Stand bumper stickers and far too 
many new viewers for JAG. 
You have permission to completely disavow yourself of aggro-American 
hyperbole or false patriotic sentiment or the Bush/Cheney spin machine. 
You have permission to be a complete traitor by ignoring Dan Rather entirely 
and refusing to stick a flag on your Japanese SUV and by not believing the 
simplistic reductionism of Good Righteous Us vs. Evil Hateful Them because in 
many cases We are Them and They are Us and the lines that separate Us and Them 
are more like thin ideological equivocations, which don't. 
And finally, you have permission to feel patriotic in your own way, define 
your grief and your sense of allegiance independent of the imposed governmental 
guidelines, to connect with 

Re: [CTRL] You can read this now, or you can log off and shut down and get quiet, and just remember

2002-09-11 Thread unseemlydogposture

-Caveat Lector-

thanks for that.

--- Joshua Tinnin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
-Caveat Lector-


 Not Another 9/11 Column
 You can read this now, or you can log off and shut
 down and get quiet, and
 just remember

 By Mark Morford, SF Gate Columnist

 You do not need to read this column. You do not need
 to be reminded of
 September 11 in any such manner.

 You have permission to right this moment click this
 link or perhaps this one
 or this one and spend your valuable time elsewhere
 on the Web, sucking up
 the finer ambrosial entertainments and informational
 succor, safe in the
 knowledge you will be sufficiently pummeled by heavy
 emotional 9/11
 terrorist-infused pain throughout the day, unless
 you live under a rock in a
 cave in a deep trench on a tiny forgotten moon
 orbiting Uranus, and even

 Perhaps you should just go offline entirely, just
 shut it all down, go sit
 on the stoop or walk outside the office and stroll
 down to the park and sip
 a coffee or a fine scotch or perhaps imported
 laudanum, and remember.

 In your own way, on your own terms, remember where
 you were, what you were
 doing, what you were feeling when you observed the
 world change forever,
 when you witnessed history writ large and in dark
 gothic script, raw and
 obscene and indelible. Perhaps this is the best way.

 Remember it personally, intimately, sans smarmy
 musical accompaniment or
 prepackaged images or Tom Brokaw's melodramatic
 intonations, entirely free
 of someone with an overly pious glare extolling how
 Jesus hates terrorists
 too now let us pray but not for those other icky
 religions we don't
 understand because they are wrong and ugly and they
 dress funny.

 All overshadowed by our fearless quivering
 chickenhawk leaders, squinting
 and scowling and trying to muster some sort of
 support for their
 corporatized warmongering, droning about how we
 shall smite those evil
 evildoers even if it means creating new bomb-able
 evildoers where none
 really existed before, boom boom oil oil let us
 secretly examine your email
 and tap your phone and scan your shoes, don't you
 feel safer now.

 You have permission to keep the TV off all day. It
 is absolutely true that
 we as a nation need to commemorate, collectively, to
 unite and mark the day
 and bow our collective heads, draw strength from our
 concentrated mourning.

 But if you are like roughly 272 million other people
 in this country, it is
 very possible you do not need to see the images
 right now, or perhaps ever
 again: the falling bodies, the doomed towers
 erupting smoke like tragic
 volcanoes, the huge planes vanishing into walls of
 steel and glass like
 ghosts sailing through paper.

 Only this time with slow-motion effects and
 dirge-like TV soundtrack and the
 superimposed image of Old Glory waving in the
 background, manipulating your
 sadness synapse like a hammer on a nail.

 There, see? Even describing it casts a pallor,
 evokes all sorts of
 media-tainted responses, draws you down a prescribed
 visceral trail, when
 the best thing might be just to acknowledge the
 collective grief and then
 turn the volume way, way down and get quiet.

 This is your challenge, this is your assignment, and
 it is not at all easy.
 You must sift, you must reject, you must resist
 getting sucked into the
 sensationalistic media vortex of this day, all the
 articles and programs and
 talk shows and religious finger-pointing and awful
 commemorative plates, as
 you pick and choose your 9/11 memories very

 An image here, a voice there, the phone call you
 made to your loved ones
 just after. Find the few remaining untainted
 fragments of the tragedy and
 its aftermath and feel them deeply, get quiet and
 solemn in yourself and
 just think, contemplate, turn them over in your
 hands, examine closely,
 breath and feel.

 Because for many of us, it has become nearly
 impossible to avoid cynical or
 jaded feelings about 9/11, to avoid seeing how this
 epic human tragedy has
 been cast and recast and diminished and leveraged
 and regurgitated as some
 sort of zealous rabid uber-patriotic call to arms, a
 touchstone, an excuse to launch more war, a
 justification for a million
 smarmy melodramatic Hallmark sentiments and a
 million United We Stand bumper
 stickers and far too many new viewers for JAG.

 You have permission to completely disavow yourself
 of aggro-American
 hyperbole or false patriotic sentiment or the
 Bush/Cheney spin machine.

 You have permission to be a complete traitor by
 ignoring Dan Rather entirely
 and refusing to stick a flag on your Japanese SUV
 and by not believing the
 simplistic reductionism of Good Righteous Us vs.
 Evil Hateful Them because
 in many cases We are Them and They are Us and the
 lines that separate Us and
 Them are more like thin ideological equivocations,
 which don't.

 And finally, you have 

[CTRL] The Real Reason for The Attack Upon America

2002-09-11 Thread Bill Kalivas

-Caveat Lector-

Brethren  Friends Alike,

As we commemorate the lives and mourn the loss of life of those who died a
year ago in the attacks upon America, let us not forget the real reason
why America was terrorized. We must not let the deaths of those Americans
be in vain. Only truth sets us free and can protect us from similar events
in the future. I hope you will pass the following
http://missiontoisrael.org/ishmael,edom,israel.html to those in your
address book. Americans need to know the truth about the identity of those
involved in what happened a year ago.

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected
knowledge, I will also reject thee Hosea 4:6.

Ted R. Weiland

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
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[CTRL] Fwd: Loony John Foster Berlet's Papal Bull

2002-09-11 Thread RoadsEnd

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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-Caveat Lector-


The Truth Matters
by Ace R. Hayes 
(July/August 1997 issue)

Berlet's Papal Bull Is Back

Pope (John Foster, A.K.A. Chip) Berlet has issued more papal bull. His new
encyclical is titled, Challenging Populist Conspiracism.

As usual, Berlet takes my name in vain; so it seems only fair that I should
take his phony psyop apart yet again. Since this craven piece of
government-issue spy and lie is once again on the Internet with government
propaganda, it seems that I owe people a reminder of Berlet's rotten roots.
(To be absolutely fair -
Berlet's name does not appear on this article. It came from the Political
Research Associates' (PRA) Public Eye Website, 7 June 1997, and there is no
byline  for authorship. But, since it is his outfit and his turgid style, I
am giving him the discredit. If, in fact, someone else wrote this twaddle,
then I suggest PRA stop putting unsigned crapola on the Internet; however,
since I would be too embarrassed to put my name to such trash, I probably
should express some sympathy  for the author choosing anonymity.)

Berlet has been in and out of bed with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL),
FBI, CIA and John Birch Society (JBS) so many times over the years it is a
Nonetheless, this amoral factoid still pontificates as though he had any
more credibility than his JBS buddy, John Rees. Having blown this clown's
starting with the July/August 1995 PFP in my article, Berlet for
Beginners, I don't feel any obligation to replow the same ground. Anyone
who wants the 
documentation can send three bucks for each back issue.

Berlet spends 99 percent of his time attacking the people who have actually
exposed U.S. Government crimes and cover-ups, and one percent of his time
exposing same. This is 100 percent U.S. Government damage control. Attacking
some of the best investigators of Imperial state crimes is a state lap dog's

He babbles incessantly about the need for and value of progressive power
structure research, but he never does any. Instead he whines constantly
pseudo-radical allegations of conspiracism. He attacks the Christic
Institute and defends Bush, Rockefeller and the Imperial oligarchy.

He reduces history to broad forces and large structures of human
collectives. This is the Big Mac version of analysis. This nut-case
standard beats President
Bush's Christmas Eve Pardons of the other Iran-Contra criminals. It is a
preemptive pardon for all government crimes, criminals and cover-ups. It
cancels the 
Nuremberg laws. 

It is important to see anti-elite conspiracism and scapegoating as not
merely destructive of a progressive analysis but as specific techniques used
by fascist 
political movements, to provide a radical-sounding left cover for a rightist
attack on the status quo.

Berlet is really saying that he loves the plutocrats and considers any
expose of their crimes to be a fascist conspiracy.

Elite conspiracy put the American people through the Spanish-American War,
World War I, World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War, Gulf War and dozens of
secret wars over the past half century. Elite conspiracy runs drugs around
the world, etc., etc., and yet Berlet denounces elite scapegoating.

How can anyone possibly scapegoat murdering mobsters? The elite kills more
people with one phony war than all the street hoods who ever lived.

The constitutional CEO of Pax Americana should be prosecuted for crimes
against peace, and would be, were there any rule of law. However, the
Laws only apply to losers and might makes right is still the law of the
jungle we laughingly 

[CTRL] The Spy Who Came In From the Mold

2002-09-11 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2002 12:55:52 -0700 (PDT)
To: Alex Constantine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Fwd: Timothy Leary and the CIA

Joanna Harcourt-Smith is the woman whom I worked for while I was getting
a master's at St. John's in Santa Fe. To date, for my writing she probably
owes me upward of ten grand, which I will never see. However, I learned a
lot through her about European aristocracy (including her own family 
connections), her past with Tim, Tim's Vacaville days, etc. IMHO, she is
an aristocrat MK sent to Switzerland to bring Tim back. She does not
recall this; however, she has brought more than one male luminary down. My
editor told me to ditch her, that I would never be paid, so I did. She
used me for 2+ years. E.
Note: forwarded message attached.

Yahoo! - We Remember
9-11: A tribute to the more than 3,000 lives lost
From: Austin Kelley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Monday, September 9, 2002 3:50 PM
Subject: Timothy Leary and the CIA

Timothy Leary and the CIA
The Spy Who Came In From the (Ergot) Mold
By W.H. Bowart

The Associated Press reported that '60's LSD proselyte, Timothy Leary died
in his sleep, May 31, 1996. It reported that Carol Rosin, his friend for 25
years was by his side along with family and friends.

Rosin told the AP: He had been alert for the last few days -- he'd been
traveling with one foot in this world and one foot in the other world. Until
yesterday, he was moving around in an electric wheelchair, but he was
getting weaker.

After his passing, Leary's homepage on the World Wide Web said simply:
Timothy has passed. It also said his last words were three why not's and
one yeah. Leary himself, had reported that he was taking morphine to ease
the pain for months. It is well know that Leary had always been into drugs
-- any drugs, all drugs, both prescription and recreational.

An Intensive Care Nurse read the internet reports of his death. It said his
last words were why not, why not, why not in several different tones ,
and his final word was yeah.'

I've seen a lot of people die with cancer, the ICU nurse said. (For
obvious reasons she does not want to be identified.) It's very painful to
die that way. From all report's Leary's death must have been a mophine
assisted death.

The final script probably went like this: ' Timothy do you want a shot of
morphine to ease your pain?'

 And he answered, 'Why not?'

 A little while later whoever was administering the morphine checked on
him, asking him, 'Would you like a little more morphine?'

And he answered, 'Why not?'

After an interval, the morphine admistrator asked, 'How about some more

And Leary answered, 'Why not?'

After that they asked, I'll bet you're feeling no pain now?'

And, just before the morphine paralyzed his cardio-pulminary system, he
replied, Yeah.

So Timothy Leary finally fulfilled the prophecy in the Moody Blues
tune,Legend of a Mind. At least he fulfilled the first phrase: Timothy
Leary's dead Oh, no no no, no no no nooo, he's on the outside looking
in... More on that later.

A couple of millionaire movie producers who put up thousands of dollars for
Timothy Leary's escape are sad and disappointed. An army of middle aged
acid-heads and flower children who contributed thousands more to the Timothy
Leary Defense Fund, and other funds which were supposed to help Tim beat a
rap or get out of jail are in deep mourning.

But somewhere, in Heaven, in Hell, in the great cosmic void, or confronting
a fearsome isn'tness Timothy Leary is probably grinning at them. The glib
Boston Irishman conned them all. They paid for what the government did
without their funds -- arrange Leary's escape in 1970 from Vacaville
prison, and his tour of Algeria, Switzerland, and Afghanistan. At least,
that's a logical conclusion you could draw from an interview he gave in

After he returned to the United States in 1973 it is said that he was
assigned to solitary confinement next to a hole mate who quoted the bible
in a booming voice. This Born Again Christian was none other than Charles
Manson. Leary left his Turn on , tune in, drop out campaign behind in
prison, he became a self- styled prophet of Life Extension and Space
Exploration, Cyronics and finally Cyberspace. All these, he said in
turn with great enthusiasm, were where it was at! He had been arrested by G.
Gordon Liddy in 1965 at the Deitrich estate in Millbrook, N.Y. He was
photographed with a big smile going into the Duchess County jail. Almost
twenty years later he was debating Liddy on the college lecture circuit
(receiving a minimum of $2,500 per appearance) still wearing that same

That smile was his trademark. It was a smile which masked his vacuity and
desperation. It was the smile of a pretender. The smile of a failed husband
and father. Half a song and half a gag, was how writer Alan Harrington's
wife, Luba, once 

[CTRL] Illegal immigrants tied to eight major wildfires

2002-09-11 Thread ab
-Caveat Lector-

Illegal immigrants tied to eight major wildfires 


TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) - Illegal immigrants crossing into the United States 
in southern Arizona are suspected of causing eight major wildfires this year 
that have cost taxpayers $5.1 million to fight. In an already busy fire season, 
the fires charred 68,413 acres - about 108 square miles - according to an 
Arizona Daily Star analysis. 

Only fires bigger than 100 acres were included in the analysis, and 
officials said immigrants caused many smaller blazes that were quickly 

Fire officials haven't identified suspects in the eight fires but said 
physical evidence strongly points to immigrants at the border crossings, the 
paper said. 

Food containers, juice cans and water bottles from Mexico were found at 
many of the fires' starting points, nearly all of which were along popular 
smuggling routes rarely used by legal visitors. 

In some cases, the blazes were traced to campfires that officials believe 
border crossers used for cooking or warmth and got out of control.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Nelson Mandela: The United States of America is a Threat to World Peace

2002-09-11 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2002 13:00:13 -0400
From: t r u t h o u t [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: t r u t h o u t [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: William Rivers Pitt | Think the Days of the Draft are Gone?  Think
Again  09/12/02

t r u t h o u t | 09.12

William Rivers Pitt | Think the Days of the Draft are Gone?  Think Again

Rumsfeld: Multiple wars 'Do-Able'

John Conyers | Florida Redux

Nelson Mandela: The United States of America is a Threat to World Peace

Paul Krugman | The Long Haul

Thousands Join Families Of 9/11 Victims In New York For Anti-War Vigil

t r u t h o u t - Newsletter Sign-up (Free) :


t r u t h o u t | 09.11

Bernard Weiner | An American Jew's Open Letter to Hanan Ashwari: Is Mideast Peace 
Still Possible?

Loss of Civil Rights Worries Families of 9-11 Victims

Putin Sides With NATO No Pre-Emptive Attack

Acting Alone, US Steps Air Attacks Against Iraq

Annan: U.N. Must Have Say on Iraq

Many Expected at WTC Remains Site

t r u t h o u t - Newsletter Sign-up (Free) :


t r u t h o u t | 09.10

Jennifer Van Bergen | Rage, Rage, Against the Dying Light -- Civil Liberties Since 
September 11th

White House: Bush Misstated Report on Iraq

French Leader Offers Formula to Tackle Iraq

Former Arms Inspector Scott Ritter Doubts Iraq Capability

Noam Chomsky | By Attacking Iraq, the US Will Invite a New Wave of Terrorist Attacks

Bill to Overhaul System of Voting Is Seen in Danger

t r u t h o u t - Newsletter Sign-up (Free) :


t r u t h o u t | 09.09

William Rivers Pitt | A Bright September Morning

Blair and Bush Face Revolt Over Attack On Iraq

A Shocking Overview of Changes to Legal Rights

Opposition Is Growing to Blair's Stand on Iraq

Poll Finds Unease on Terror Fight and Concerns About War on Iraq

t r u t h o u t - Newsletter Sign-up (Free) :


t r u t h o u t | 09.08

Bush Rejected by NATO, Turns to China and Russia

Jimmy Carter | The Troubling New Face of America

Daschle Responds to Hastert on Iraq

Paul Krugman | The Bully's Pulpit

How Bush Spent His Summer Vacation -- Undermining Environmental Protections

t r u t h o u t - Newsletter Sign-up (Free) :


t r u t h o u t | 09.07

Clinton: Get Bin Laden Before Pursuing Saddam

There's Safety in Numbers: Tips for Managing the Coming Crash

Feinstein: More Questions Than Answers on Iraq

Senate Leaders Say Debate on Iraq Won't Be Rushed

Bush Sustains Second Defeat of Judicial Nominee

Leahy Statement on the Rejection of Bush Nominee Priscilla Owen


[CTRL] Incoming: A New Wave of Terrorist Attacks

2002-09-11 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


 By Attacking Iraq, the US Will Invite a New
 Wave of Terrorist Attacks

 Noam Chomsky
 The Guardian

 September 9. 2002

 September 11 shocked many Americans into an
 awareness that they had better pay much closer attention to what
 the US government does in the world and how it is perceived. Many
 issues have been opened for discussion that were not on the agenda
 before. That's all to the good.

 It is also the merest sanity, if we hope to
 reduce the likelihood of future atrocities. It may be comforting to
 pretend that our enemies hate our freedoms, as President Bush
 stated, but it is hardly wise to ignore the real world, which
 conveys different lessons.

 The president is not the first to ask: Why
 do they hate us? In a staff discussion 44 years ago, President
 Eisenhower described the campaign of hatred against us [in the
 Arab world], not by the governments but by the people. His
 National Security Council outlined the basic reasons: the US
 supports corrupt and oppressive governments and is opposing
 political or economic progress because of its interest in
 controlling the oil resources of the region.

 Post-September 11 surveys in the Arab world
 reveal that the same reasons hold today, compounded with resentment
 over specific policies. Strikingly, that is even true of
 privileged, western-oriented sectors in the region.

 To cite just one recent example: in the
 August 1 issue of Far Eastern Economic Review, the internationally
 recognised regional specialist Ahmed Rashid writes that in Pakistan
 there is growing anger that US support is allowing [Musharraf's]
 military regime to delay the promise of democracy.

 Today we do ourselves few favours by
 choosing to believe that they hate us and hate our freedoms. On
 the contrary, these are attitudes of people who like Americans and
 admire much about the US, including its freedoms. What they hate is
 official policies that deny them the freedoms to which they too

 For such reasons, the post-September 11
 rantings of Osama bin Laden - for example, about US support for
 corrupt and brutal regimes, or about the US invasion of Saudi
 Arabia - have a certain resonance, even among those who despise and
 fear him. From resentment, anger and frustration, terrorist bands
 hope to draw support and recruits.

 We should also be aware that much of the
 world regards Washington as a terrorist regime. In recent years,
 the US has taken or backed actions in Colombia, Nicaragua, Panama,
 Sudan and Turkey, to name a few, that meet official US definitions
 of terrorism - that is, when Americans apply the term to enemies.

 In the most sober establishment journal,
 Foreign Affairs, Samuel Huntington wrote in 1999: While the US
 regularly denounces various countries as 'rogue states,' in the
 eyes of many countries it is becoming the rogue superpower ... the
 single greatest external threat to their societies.

 Such perceptions are not changed by the
 fact that, on September 11, for the first time, a western country
 was subjected on home soil to a horrendous terrorist attack of a
 kind all too familiar to victims of western power. The attack goes
 far beyond what's sometimes called the retail terror of the IRA,
 FLN or Red Brigades.

 The September 11 terrorism elicited harsh
 condemnation throughout the world and an outpouring of sympathy for
 the innocent victims. But with qualifications.

 An international Gallup poll in late
 September found little support for a military attack by the US in
 Afghanistan. In Latin America, the region with the most experience
 of US intervention, support ranged from 2% in Mexico to 16% in

 The current campaign of hatred in the
 Arab world is, of course, also fuelled by US policies toward
 Israel-Palestine and Iraq. The US has provided the crucial support
 for Israel's harsh military occupation, now in its 35th year.

 One way for the US to lessen
 Israeli-Palestinian tensions would be to stop refusing to join the
 long-standing international consensus that calls for recognition of
 the right of all states in the region to live in peace and
 security, including a Palestinian state in the currently occupied
 territories (perhaps with minor and mutual border adjustments).

 In Iraq, a decade of harsh sanctions under
 US pressure has strengthened Saddam Hussein while leading to the
 death of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis - perhaps more people
 than have been slain by all so-called weapons of mass destruction
 throughout history, military analysts John and Karl Mueller wrote
 in Foreign Affairs in 1999.


Re: [CTRL] The Real Reason for The Attack Upon America

2002-09-11 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

Yes. It is important to understand that Americans backing the corrupt
Saudi's, and defiling the holy lands of mecca and medina that got the ire of
fundamentalists in islam

on 9/11/02 7:28 AM, Bill Kalivas at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Brethren  Friends Alike,

 As we commemorate the lives and mourn the loss of life of those who died a
 year ago in the attacks upon America, let us not forget the real reason
 why America was terrorized. We must not let the deaths of those Americans
 be in vain. Only truth sets us free and can protect us from similar events
 in the future. I hope you will pass the following
 http://missiontoisrael.org/ishmael,edom,israel.html to those in your
 address book. Americans need to know the truth about the identity of those
 involved in what happened a year ago.

 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected
 knowledge, I will also reject thee Hosea 4:6.

 Ted R. Weiland

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 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Free your mind and your ass will follow.
   St George

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[CTRL] A washingtonpost.com article from: alamaine@uffdaonline.net

2002-09-11 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

-Caveat Lector-

You have been sent this message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] as a courtesy of the 
Washington Post - http://www.washingtonpost.com

 To view the entire article, go to 

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Jehovah lawsuit, Sirhan brainwashed, Ex-Inspector Doubts Iraq Capability

2002-09-11 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

may be heavy for survivors

from L Moss Sharman Church made her cover up sexual abuse, woman says By Jane Gadd 9/10/02 "A former Jehovah's Witness who says her church forced her to cover up years of sexual abuse by her father told Ontario Superior Court yesterday that church elders use the fear of Armageddon to silence her and other abuse victims. Victoria Boer, 31, testifying at the trial of her $700,000 lawsuit against the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Canada..." http://www.globeandmail.com/servlet/ArticleNews/PEstory/TGAM/20020910/UJEHOOQ/national/national/nationalTorontoHeadline_temp/3/3/4/

Was Robert Kennedy's Assassin Brainwashed by Gordon Thomas "California' Supreme Court is considering ordering a new trial into one of the most sensational crimes in America – the assassination of Senator Robert Kennedy, brother of the murdered President, John F Kennedy. The Court has been given explosive new testimony that Robert Kennedy's assassin, Palestinian-born Sirhan Sirhan, was "programmed through hypnosis and brainwashed to carry out the crime"...Sirhan's attorney, Lawrence TeeterIn the case of the programming of Sirhan those involved, either directly or indirectly, are the Los Angeles police department, the FBI and the CIA together with the Pentagon. "There were good reasons for them to have wanted Robert Kennedy eliminated. He wanted to end the Vietnam war. He wanted to get to the bottom of his brother's assassination. He wanted to break the power of the Teamsters Union. He wanted to end the wild adventurism of the CIA", said Teeter. That "adventurism" included the notorious MK-ULTRA programme – designed by the CIA to see if it was feasible to use drugs and hypnosis to create a "programmed assassin". Among the doctors secretly involved in the work was Dr Louis West, chairman of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California in Los Angeles and director of its Neuropsychiatric Institute. West's work for the CIA included using hypnosis to try and programme minds. But his case files were shredded in the wake of Robert Kennedy's murder on June 5, 1968. Kennedy was in Los Angeles to gather votes for his nomination as the Democratic Candidate for President when he was killed. http://globe-intel.net/ under latest

Ex-Inspector Doubts Iraq Capability By Sameer N. Yacoub 
Associated Press September 8. 2002 Iraq is incapable of producing weapons of mass destruction and should prove it by allowing in U.N. weapons inspectors, an American who was once on the inspections teams said Sunday. With his comments during a visit to Baghdad, Scott Ritter - who has been a sharp critic of U.S. policy on Iraq - joined a long list of officials from European and Arab nations who have urged Iraq to accept inspectors to defuse a crisis with the United States. Iraqi cooperation on inspections would leave the United States "standing alone in regards to war threats on Iraq and this is the best way to prevent the war," said Ritter. 
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[CTRL] Change the name to Protect the ...

2002-09-11 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.haaretzdaily.com/hasen/pages/ShArt.jhtml?itemNo=206088contrassID=

Thursday, September 12, 2002 Tishrei 6, 5763
Israel Time: 00:13  (GMT+3)

Back Home

Last update - 02:43 09/09/2002

Military shipment bound for Iran returns to Israel

By Avi Shmoul, Ha'aretz Correspondent

The ship Pelican, which was suspected of heading for Iran with a cargo of caterpillar 
for armored personnel carriers, returned to Israel Sunday after changing its name.

The cargo, packed in two sealed containers, was discovered two weeks ago by the German
tax authorities on a ship called Zim Antwerp, which arrived at Hamburg port the 

Last Friday, immediately after docking at Limassol in Cyprus, the name Zim Antwerp was
erased from the ship's prow and changed to Pelican. Shipping sources said changing the
ship's name is not unusual and may take place after a naval collision, changing 
companies or, as it appears in this case, simply to avert the evil eye. The ship is 
owned by
the Ofer Brothers.

Some of the ships hundreds of containers will be unloaded in Ashdod on Monday. The ship
will sail to Haifa on Tuesday and on Wednesday other containers, including the two 
with the
tracks, are due to be unloaded. Only then will the Defense Ministry and police be able 
examine the cargo.

The law requires me to return the cargo to its original owners and that's what I 
intend to
do, Reuven Zuk, director of the Alaluf company via which the cargo was sent, told

I cannot say with complete certainty that it's the same cargo, since the containers 
been changed. However, it is clear the police can get a court order to make me open the
containers.The law also permits the customs authorities to confiscate any cargo 
arriving in

Ha'aretz found that the cargo, manufactured in the Tagel plant in Haifa, was loaded on 
ship named Zim Hamburg at Haifa on August 1 last. The ship's route included Britain,
Belgium, Holland, and Hamburg port in Germany on August 15.

According to the cargo documents, the containers carried machine parts. The cargo
received the approval of the Defense Ministry's security aid unit in advance, after the
exporter Avihai Weinstein asked to export it to Thailand.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Forwarded as information only; I don't believe everything I read or send
(but that doesn't stop me from considering it; obviously SOMEBODY thinks it's 
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Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth
--- Ernest Hemingway

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[CTRL] A washingtonpost.com article from: alamaine@uffdaonline.net

2002-09-11 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

-Caveat Lector-

You have been sent this message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] as a courtesy of the 
Washington Post - http://www.washingtonpost.com

 To view the entire article, go to 

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] A washingtonpost.com article from: alamaine@uffdaonline.net

2002-09-11 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

-Caveat Lector-

You have been sent this message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] as a courtesy of the 
Washington Post - http://www.washingtonpost.com

 To view the entire article, go to 

 Russia Denies U.S. Access on Bioweapons

 By Joby Warrick

  Russian officials have rebuffed a new U.S. attempt to pry loose key secrets from 
their former biological weapons program, including a genetically altered strain of 
anthrax bacteria that Pentagon scientists are eager to study and that Russia had 
earlier promised to deliver, according to Sen. Richard G. Lugar (R-Ind.).

  Government and security officials also balked at allowing a U.S. congressional 
delegation to visit one of Russia's four military-run biological research labs, which 
have remained closed to Americans despite a decade of cooperation between the two 
countries on securing stockpiles of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons.

  The rejections came during a visit to Russia in late August by a delegation headed 
by Lugar, who is backing legislation to expand U.S.-Russian efforts to halt the spread 
of weapons of mass destruction. Despite progress in many areas -- including the 
destruction of hundreds of warheads, bombers and submarines -- the incidents 
underscore lingering bureaucratic opposition to the cooperation on terrorism pledged 
by President Vladimir Putin and President Bush at a summit last November in Texas, 
Lugar said.

  It shows that Putin is far ahead of much of Russia's bureaucracy on these matters, 
Lugar said Friday in a briefing to reporters.

  But Lugar also warned against allowing the setbacks to undermine a 10-year-old U.S. 
commitment to help Russia destroy or secure its vast stockpiles of unconventional 
weapons -- a stockpile that Lugar describes as the United States' greatest security 
threat. Opposition in Congress to providing more assistance to Russia has delayed the 
opening of a U.S.-funded Russian facility built to incinerate nearly 2 million 
Soviet-era chemical weapons, potentially enough to destroy the world's population 20 
times over, Lugar said.

  Lugar said that at other stops on his trip, Russians worked closely with Americans 
to turn former weapons factories into research centers to cure diseases and reduce 
terrorism threats.

  Lugar acknowledged he was unsuccessful during his visit in resolving a five-year 
dispute with Russia over a genetically modified strain of anthrax bacteria. The 
strain, developed by scientists at the Russian State Research Center for Applied 
Microbiology in the city of Obolensk, has been reported in scientific journals to 
resist many anthrax vaccines.

  Eager to learn whether U.S. vaccines would work against the strain, the Defense 
Department in 1997 signed a contract with Russian researchers to acquire a sample. But 
Russia has refused to release the microbes, citing laws restricting the export of 
dangerous pathogens. Lugar pressed the issue Monday with senior Russian officials at 
Obolensk, and again three days later at a meeting in Moscow, but was given no firm 
commitment on the release of the strain.

  Russia's refusal to honor the contract has been cited by some in Congress who oppose 
granting a permanent waiver that would free up millions of dollars in U.S. spending 
for nonproliferation projects in Russia. Last month, Bush signed a temporary waiver 
that restored funding only through Sept. 30.

  Another sore point for the White House has been Russia's refusal to allow U.S. 
inspection of four biological research labs controlled by its Defense Ministry. While 
the U.S. government has provided millions of dollars to enhance security and retrain 
scientists at Russia's civilian-run bioweapons factories, the veil of secrecy 
surrounding military labs has fueled suspicions that Russia is continuing research on 
offensive weapons. Russia has said all research on offensive biological weapons has 

  One of the closed labs, the Center of Military-Technical Problems of Biological 
Defense at Yekaterinburg (formerly Sverdlovsk), was the site of an accidental anthrax 
release in 1979 that killed at least 68 people.

  On Wednesday, Lugar's delegation traveled to another closed center, the Scientific 
Research Institute at Kirov, after receiving signals that a visit might finally be 
permitted. But despite an enthusiastic airport reception by Kirov's political leaders 
and news media, Lugar was refused entry to the military facility.

  Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov had no explanation for the refusal during a meeting 
the following day.

  Lugar said he warned Kirov officials they were jeopardizing their future by holding 
on to Soviet-era secrecy.

  They were interested in getting [Western] pharmaceutical companies to invest in 
these facilities, Lugar said. But as I told them, it's a non-starter if investors 
can't even get inside the place.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A

[CTRL] Don't Swim in Green Pool Water

2002-09-11 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/2249599.stm

Tuesday, 10 September, 2002, 17:39 GMT 18:39 UK
Israel warns of war over water

Israel once controlled the River Hasbani

An alleged Lebanese scheme to divert water from

a river feeding Israel's largest reservoir could provoke a war, Israeli Prime Minister 
Sharon has warned.

Israeli army radio quoted the prime minister as saying on Tuesday that the issue
constituted a casus belli, or grounds for war.

He was addressing senior military and civilian officials after a cabinet meeting.

Lebanon opened a pumping-station on the River Hasbani in the spring of 2001 to 
irrigate a
drought- stricken village but denies that it plans to dam the river.

The river supplies between 20 and 25% of the water flowing into the Sea of Galilee, an
official at Israel's Ministry of Agriculture was quoted as saying by the French news 

It rises in Lebanon and flows for about 50 kilometres (30 miles) through its territory 
joining the River Jordan and emptying into the Sea of Galilee.


Army radio said Mr Sharon had notified the United States that Israel could mount 
operations should Lebanon begin pumping water out of the Hasbani or its tributary, the
River Wazzani.

The Israeli Transportation Minister, Ephraim Sneh, said Mr Sharon had called for a 
and enlightened way to settle the issue but was ready to act.

The project has drawn criticism from Israel
If Lebanon put into
effect its project to siphon water from the river, it would be serious enough a reason 
Israel to act, Mr Sneh told the radio station.

A spokesman for the United Nations peacekeeping force in southern Lebanon has denied
Beirut is siphoning water from the Hasbani, saying it is only piping water to a village
suffering a shortage.

At a ceremony to mark the start of the new water supply to the village of Wazzani last
March, a Lebanese Government official said it was a first step.

This is the first step towards liberating our water, a symbol of sovereignty and 
rights, said Qablan Qablan at the opening of the pumping station.

Israel controlled the Hasbani during its occupation of southern Lebanon in 1978-2000.

See also:

28 Mar 01 | Middle East
Lebanon hails 'liberation of

02 Jun 00 | Middle East
Water conflict in Middle East

16 Mar 99 | Middle East
Analysis: The politics of


Internet links:

Israel Government Gateway

Lebanese Presidency

The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites

Top Middle East stories now:

Palestinian cabinet resigns

Annan warns US over Iraq

Iraqi TV says US attacked


Bin Laden 'voice' lists

Israel warns of war over

Canada protests stop
Netanyahu speech

'Bin Laden' speech excerpts

Iran readies for Iraqi war


Links to more Middle East
stories are at the foot of the page.

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Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth
--- Ernest Hemingway

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[CTRL] Fwd: LP RELEASE: Noelle Bush's drug problem

2002-09-11 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

--- Start of forwarded message ---
From: Libertarian Party Announcements [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Fwd: LP RELEASE: Noelle Bush's drug problem
Date: 9/10/02 6:39:24 PM


2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100
Washington DC 20037
World Wide Web: http://www.LP.org
For release: September 11, 2002
For additional information:
George Getz, Press Secretary
Phone: (202) 333-0008 Ext. 222

Florida Gov. Jeb Bush has moral obligation
to pardon every drug offender, Libertarians say

WASHINGTON, DC -- Florida Gov. Jeb Bush has a moral obligation to
pardon every nonviolent drug offender, Libertarians say, after
insisting on Tuesday that his daughter's latest drug episode should be
treated as a family matter rather than as a criminal matter.

Why is Noelle Bush sitting in a rehab center while other drug-law
violators are rotting in prison? asked Ron Crickenberger, Libertarian
Party political director. The answer is obvious: Because her father
happens to be a hypocritical governor who believes in one standard of
justice for his family and another standard for yours.

Police were called to the Center for Drug Free Living on Monday after
employees reported finding a white, rocklike substance believed to
be crack cocaine in Noelle Bush's shoe. The 25-year-old daughter of the
Republican governor wasn't immediately arrested, police say, because
clinic supervisors refused to cooperate with police and wanted the
matter handled in house.

Gov. Bush, whose daughter has had previous drug violations, told the
Associated Press: This is a private issue as it relates to my
daughter and myself and my wife. The road to recovery is a rocky one
for a lot of people that have this kind of problem.

But the question Libertarians are asking is: Why shouldn't every
American get the Noelle Bush treatment?

Gov. Bush is exactly right that drug abuse should be treated as a
private, medical problem rather than as a criminal problem,
Crickenberger said. Unfortunately, Bush is an ardent drug warrior who
believes in throwing ordinary individuals in jail for committing the
same 'crime' as his daughter – which makes him a despicable Drug War
hypocrite as well.

Why does Bush believe that other young men and women should be locked
inside steel cages for years for doing exactly what his daughter has

Why should other Americans have their lives ruined and their careers
destroyed by a drug conviction while he hands his daughter a get-out-
of-jail-free card?

And why must other families be torn apart when a loved one is dragged
off to prison while he visits his daughter in a cozy rehab center?

The fact is that individuals with drug problems harm only themselves,
and perhaps their families. But a politician with a hypocrisy problem
has the power to tear everyone's family apart.

But there's a way that the governor can redeem himself, Libertarians

Gov. Bush should grant every nonviolent drug offender in the Florida
state prison system a full and immediate pardon, Crickenberger said.
Then let them join his daughter on the road to recovery.

Version: 2.6.2


The Libertarian Partyhttp://www.lp.org/
2600 Virginia Ave. NW, Suite 100voice: 202-333-0008
Washington DC 20037   fax: 202-333-0072
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Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth
--- Ernest Hemingway

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[CTRL] Fwd: What Is the International Community?

2002-09-11 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

--- Start of forwarded message ---
Subject: Fwd: What Is the International Community?
Date: 9/10/02 4:58:32 PM

   The FP Alert /   http://www.foreignpolicy.com
September 10, 2002

This edition of the FP Alert is sponsored by EDB.
See below for details.


Inside FOREIGN POLICY?S September | October Issue:

A Special Collection of Articles by Kofi Annan, Arjun Appadurai,
Walden Bello, Noam Chomsky, Andrew Gowers, J. Bryan Hehir,
Jeane Kirkpatrick, Sadako Ogata, and Ruth Wedgwood

A year after September 11 and six months after tagging Iraq, Iran, and
North Korea as an ?axis of evil,? President Bush has reiterated the U.S.

commitment to taking action, and even preemptive measures, in the
name of the ?international community.? But invoking that term is easier
than defining it. In an exclusive package of essays, authors such as
Kofi Annan, Noam Chomsky, and Ruth Wedgwood ask whether
the international community truly exists. If so, who is part of it?
How does it work? And perhaps most important, how should it work?


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Visit http://www.sedb.com or e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
for more information.

As Western governments struggle to persuade reluctant Muslim allies that

the war against terrorism is not a war against Islam, the battle for
hearts and minds has risen once again to the top of policymakers?
agendas. But if the United States really wants to win hearts and minds
in the Muslim world, it needs to forget the airdrops of anti-Osama
and windup radios tuned to the BBC. Instead, try using a little
Britney Spears, Amnesty International, and some truth, empathy,
and understanding.
By Mark Leonard

After years of lectures from U.S. officials about Asia?s need for better

corporate governance, Asians might be forgiven a little pleasure in the
United States? current corporate pain. But Asian policymakers are
responding to the crises of confidence on Wall Street less with anger
than angst. And the result might be more than just diminished moral
authority for America. As Asian central bankers forgo a weak dollar
in favor of a strengthened euro, U.S. financial markets may be
forced to share the stage with an ever more assertive China and a
newly self-confident Europe.
By Tom Holland


One year after the terrorist attacks of 9/11, European publics look at
the world in a similar way to ordinary Americans, while harboring
deep reservations about the conduct of certain aspects of U.S. foreign
policy. That is one of many conclusions of Worldviews 2002, a
groundbreaking study of public attitudes in the United States and Europe

by the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations and the German
Marshall Fund of the United States.

For full details on the survey?s results,
please visit www.worldviews.org.


Also in the September | October issue of FP:

Why is the legitimacy of the World Trade Organization at an
all-time low?

Book review: The Gospel of Jihad

Microcredit programs go bust

The .org domain goes up for bids

From the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Read a new Carnegie Endowment report that identifies a new middle
ground for Iraq. In the lead chapter, Carnegie president Jessica T.
Mathews outlines coercive inspections in which a multinational
military force would enable international inspections teams to operate
effectively in Iraq. Download the entire report or request a copy.


New Opportunities for Investment
November 14, 15  16, 2002 - Boston

The symposium is now considered the 

[CTRL] Check out this Village Voice article

2002-09-11 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Village Voice
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Things We Lost in the Fire
by Alisa Solomon
While the Ruins of the World Trade Center Smoldered, the Bush Administration Launched 
an Assault on the Constitution

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Interesting article on War, Politics, Literature

2002-09-11 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

Hello CTRL:
Your friend Euphorian considered the following article interesting and wanted to send 
it to you.

The Selling Of A War: The War With Iraq
(Date: 2002-09-10 16:20:03)
Topic: Articles  Essays
You can read interesting articles on War, Politics, Literature

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Sir Colin Comments

2002-09-11 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

I found this on BuzzFlash.com, the UnDrudge Report - BuzzFlash Editorial - BuzzFlash
Message to America's Veterans: Part V. You can see this interesting BuzzFlash page at:

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] SNET: Don't Ask The UN,,,,,,,, (fwd)

2002-09-11 Thread William Bacon

-Caveat Lector-

I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all.

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2002 16:40:31 EDT
Subject: SNET: Don't Ask The UN

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

Don't ask the U.N.
By Henry Lamb

Saturday, September 7, 2002


The United States should not ask the U.N. Security Council for permission to
remove Saddam – or anything else.


If there is sufficient evidence that Saddam has, or will have in the
foreseeable future, weapons of mass destruction, then the United States
should do whatever is necessary to protect its citizens.


Neither the United Nations, nor any other member of the Security Council, is
the target of Saddam's venom. The United States and Israel are his targets.
Israel delayed Saddam's nuclear program with a pre-emptive strike in 1981. It
may be time to do it again.


Two issues must be resolved: sufficient evidence, and the U.N.


The president should immediately ask Congress to adopt a joint resolution
authorizing him to prevent Iraq from acquiring weapons of mass destruction,
when the appropriate congressional committees – in closed session – concur
that the evidence is sufficient.


If action against Iraq is initiated, the U.N. Security Council should learn
about it when everyone else does.


Those who say we should get U.N. approval first already believe that the U.N.
is a superior authority to our government, or they believe that we should
appease our European allies who do.


If we ask the Security Council for permission to defend our national
security, then we are admitting that the U.N. is a superior authority. Even
if our motive is to appease our allies, the result is the same. The United
States of America must never allow any government, anywhere, to dictate our
actions – especially in matters of national security.


President Bush continues to be the target of scathing criticism for
withdrawing from the Kyoto Protocol, and from the International Criminal
Court, and for not attending the fiasco in Johannesburg, South Africa.


Those are among his most noble actions as president.


Nelson Mandela drew thunderous ovations when he told the Johannesburg crowd
that no nation has the right to take the law into their own hands. He is
wrong. Dead wrong. Every nation has the right, and the responsibility to
protect its citizens without asking permission from anyone.


Richard Holbrook, former weapons inspector who was kicked out of Iraq, says
we should first ask the U.N. Security Council for its approval to remove
Saddam … and if they say no, do it anyway. The gesture is supposed to put us
in a better light with our European allies. Hogwash.


If action needs to be taken in Iraq to protect American citizens, then the
action must be taken. Our real allies will support our decision – others will
not. The U.N. can do whatever it wants to do.


The United States should not withdraw from the international community, but
it should certainly not acquiesce to the drumbeat of criticism from
anti-capitalist one-worlders.


The United States should continue to ignore those U.N. demands that erode our
sovereignty and deplete our treasury, only to further empower and enrich the
anti-American, global-governance machine.


The United States should step out of the U.N. quagmire, which produces little
more than global conferences in exotic places – at taxpayers' expense – as a
reward for obedient delegates who agree to grandiose verbiage in documents
designed to become international law.


The United States should help any nation that wants to climb out of poverty –
not by pouring money into the U.N.'s sustainable (read: managed) development
schemes, but by helping those nations discover the principles of freedom –
private property, free markets, representative democracy, individual
achievement and responsibility.


In recent years, the United Nations has shed its disguise as a forum for
sovereign nations to discuss and debate their differences. It has now
declared its intention to become the world government its creators envisioned
more than a half-century ago.


Those who believe the United States should ask the U.N. for permission to do
anything, are affirming the world government the U.N. aspires to be.


Our president is not one of these people.


His most outspoken opponents, the media and, certainly, the European Union
and the developing world are all eager to see the U.N. assume the role of
dictator of the global village. For the president to resist the continuing
barrage of 

Re: [CTRL] Firefighter's Son-please forward!

2002-09-11 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

It's a good cause. But the problem with signing these Internet
petitions is that it leaves an electronic trail of who knows whom. When
they start using the camps in the War On The American People, I don't
want them to have that trail.


Yahoo! - We Remember
9-11: A tribute to the more than 3,000 lives lost

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Attacking America's Heritage

2002-09-11 Thread iNFoWaRZ

-Caveat Lector-

The land grabbers are at it again.  You better wake up America, your government is 
destroying your property rights, both Democrats and Republicans.

Attacking America's Heritage

The newest threat to property rights, the foundation of American liberty, is posed by 
H.R. 2388, 'The National Heritage Areas Policy Act.' Sponsored by Rep. Joel Hefley 
[R-CO] H.R. 2388 is due for a vote any day now in the House of Representatives. H.R. 
2388 creates a process whereby National Heritage Areas are created. It dangles federal 
tax dollars under the noses of the states, essentially begging them to designate land 
as a Heritage Area.

Once land is designated, it is subject to the whims and dictates of the National Park 
Service, setting the stage for a myriad of property rights abuses and land grabs. It 
is the key to the radical environmental plan to return as much of the United States 
landmass to wilderness as possible and to deny the use of as much land as possible to 
the development of new homes, apartments, businesses, and other uses.

The reality of Heritage Areas is a history of ravishing property rights. Heritage 
Areas are not simply honorary designations. They are vehicles for 'sustainable 
development.' Once a locality receives a 'Heritage Area' designation, its zoning laws 
become subject to the control of the federal government and that control, more often 
than not, shuns property rights in favor of radical environmentalism.

Federal control over local zoning practices occurs in one of two ways. It can occur 
directly in a binding contract between state and federal agencies. Or it can occur 
indirectly with the federal government dispersing funds to environmental agencies or 
preservation groups who then draw up zoning plans that meet their narrow vision of the 
world. This second vehicle is the most sinister as it gives the impression that local 
control is preserved when, in reality, the federal government is just peddling its 
influence through another party.

Already a bad bill, H.R. 2388 has a propensity to become even worse as it travels 
through the legislative process. Amendments and revisions can and will be made on the 
House floor prior to voting and, if history is any indicator, those amendments may be 
something to fear.

Land Acquisition

Liberal Rep. Nick Rahall [D-WV] is one of the biggest proponents of H.R. 2388. It 
should be noted that Rep. Rahall presides over the poverty-stricken Coal Heritage Area 
in West Virginia. A shining example of how Heritage Areas squelch economic 
development. When H.R. 2388 was being considered for a vote in the House Resources 
Committee, Rahall proposed an amendment to allow land acquisition authority. 
Fortunately, his amendment was rejected. However, H.R. 2388 will go through a similar 
process before the full House of Representatives and there is little doubt that Rahall 
and his land-grabbing cohorts will lobby to include land acquisition in H.R. 2388.

The Heritage Areas Act is by no means new to the scene. It existed in the form of H.R. 
5044 back in 1994 when it passed the House, but later died in the Senate. Back then, 
Reps. Hefley and Rahall both sponsored an 'Early Action' section in the Heritage Areas 
Act. What exactly are 'Early Actions?' Let them tell you in their own words:

Section 106 [4]: EARLY ACTIONS: After designation of an American Heritage Area, but 
prior to approval of the management plan for that area, the Secretary may provide 
technical assistance for EARLY ACTIONS that are important to the theme of the area and 
that protect resources that would be in imminent danger of irreversible damage without 
such actions.

So basically, Hefley and Rahall wanted the National Park Service to provide cash and 
direction to local governments to do their tyrannical dirty work. 'Early Actions' 
provide the bureaucrats in charge with the power to halt development in areas that are 
merely proposed for Heritage Area designation. Want to build a house on YOUR property? 
Not so fast! This area could eventually become a Heritage Area, and we think your 
house would endanger valuable resources. Never mind that it's your property. Never 
mind that the Heritage Area doesn't even officially exist. No house for you.

Economic Development

Supporters of the Heritage Areas Act are desperately trying to impress upon an 
increasingly gullible public that Heritage Areas are conducive to economic 
development. That this can be said with a straight face is nothing short of 
incredible. The enactment of zoning restrictions is hardly a recipe for economic 
health. In fact, stifling development usually spells misery for local economies and, 
in these uncertain times, the last thing communities need are federally mandated 
barriers to economic growth. The hypocrisy of H.R. 2388's supporters knows some 
bounds. Even they couldn't bring themselves to pen the words 'economic development' in 
the actual text of the 


2002-09-11 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-


By Paul Findley 

Nine-eleven would not have occurred if the U.S. government had refused to 
help Israel humiliate and destroy Palestinian society. Few express this 
conclusion publicly, but many believe it is the truth. I believe the 
catastrophe could have been prevented if any U.S. president during the 
past 35 years had had the courage and wisdom to suspend all U.S. aid until 
Israel withdrew from the Arab land seized in the 1967 Arab-Israeli war. 

The U.S. lobby for Israel is powerful and intimidating, but any 
determined president-even President Bush this very day-could prevail and 
win overwhelming public support for the suspension of aid by laying these 
facts before the American people: 

Israel's present government, like its predecessors, is determined 
to annex the West Bank-biblical Judea and Sumaria-so Israel will become 
Greater Israel. Ultra-Orthodox Jews, who maintain a powerful role in 
Israeli politics, believe the Jewish Messiah will not come until Greater 
Israel is a reality. Although a minority in Israel, they are committed, 
aggressive, and inflluential. Because of deep religious conviction, they 
are determined to prevent Palestinians from gaining statehood on any part 
of the West Bank. 

In its violent assaults on Palestinians, Israel uses the pretext 
of eradicating terrorism, but its forces are actually engaged advancing 
the territorial expansion just cited. Under the guise of anti-terrorism, 
Israeli forces treat Palestinians worse than cattle. With due process 
nowhere to be found, hundreds are detained for long periods and most are 
tortured. Some are assassinated. Homes, orchards, and business places 
are destroyed. Entire cities are kept under intermittent curfew, some 
confinements lasting for weeks. Injured or ill Palestinians needing 
emergency medical care are routinely held at checkpoints for an hour or 
more. Many children are undernourished. The West Bank and Gaza have 
become giant concentration camps. None of this could have occurred 
without U.S. support. Perhaps Israeli officials believe life will become 
so unbearable that most Palestinians will eventually leave their 
ancestral homes. 

Once beloved worldwide, the U.S. government finds itself reviled 
in most countries because it provides unconditional support of Israeli 
violations of the United Nations Charter, international law, and the 
precepts of all major religious faiths. 

How did the American people get into this fix? 

Nine-eleven had its principal origin 35 years ago when Israel's 
U.S. lobby began its unbroken success in stifling debate about the proper 
U.S. role in the Arab-Israeli conflict and effectively concealed from 
public awareness the fact that the U.S. government gives massive 
uncritical support to Israel. 

Thanks to the suffocating influence of Israel's U.S. lobby, open 
discussion of the Arab-Israeli conflict has been non-existent in our 
government all these years. I have firsthand knowledge, because I was a 
member of the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee in June 
1967 when Israeli military forces took control of the Golan Heights, a 
part of Syria, as well as the Palestinian West Bank and Gaza. I 
continued as a member for 16 years and to this day maintain a close watch 
on Congress. 

For 35 years, not a word has been expressed in that committee or 
in either chamber of Congress that deserves to be called debate on Middle 
East policy. No restrictive or limiting amendments on aid to Israel have 
been offered for 20 years, and none of the few offered in previous years 
received more than a handful of votes. On Capitol Hill, criticism of 
Israel, even in private conversation, is all but forbidden, treated as 
downright unpatriotic, if not anti-Semitic. The continued absence of 
free speech was assured when those few who spoke out-Senators Adlai 
Stevenson and Charles Percy, and Reps. Paul "Pete" McCloskey, Cynthia 
McKinney, Earl Hilliard, and myself-were defeated at the polls by 
candidates heavily financed by pro-Israel forces. 

As a result, legislation dealing with the Middle East has been 
heavily biased in favor of Israel and against Palestinians and other 
Arabs year after year. Home constituencies, misled by news coverage 
equally lop-sided in Israel's favor, remain largely unaware that Congress 
behaves as if it were a subcommittee of the Israeli parliament. 

However, the bias is widely noted beyond America, where most news 
media candidly cover Israel's conquest and generally excoriate America's 
complicity and complacency. When President Bush welcomed Israeli Prime 
Minister Ariel Sharon, sometimes called the Butcher of Beirut, as "my 
dear friend" and "a man of peace" after Israeli forces, using 
U.S.-donated arms, completed their devastation of the West Bank last 
spring, worldwide anger against American 

[CTRL] Homage to The Truth Fighters of 911

2002-09-11 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Homage to The Truth Fighters of 911

By J. Conti
Contributing Author

Sept. 11, 2002

Author’s note:
All my respects and sympathies go out to the families and friends of those lost on Sept. 11, 2001. The world shares your loss and shares in your pain.

Homage to The Truth Fighters of 911

"The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists." J. Edgar Hoover

Too many people have died in our history due to greed. Too many people have suffered needlessly to satisfy the limitless hunger for control by the dynastic banking elite. There! Somebody had to say so. But then again, it has always been about control for them. The need for control is the natural result of living life in fear.

The dynastic banking elite is afraid that humans will prevent them from accomplishing their goal of total world domination enforced by a world police state, subservient to them. America, the prototype nation for this global paradigm has been duped flawlessly from the beginning! And although the real history of the dynastic banking elite goes much further in time than what you might imagine, I will say that one of their most successful operations was the taking over of this country's Federal Reserve back in 1913. Presently, the Federal Reserve Board is comprised of a cartel of mostly foreign banks. The private owners of these banks collect close to 300 billion dollars from Americans in interest fees from money created out of nothing. And to top things off, the principal amount grows exponentially every year. They also dictate what we do through ingenious and seemingly unrelated fronts-all acting in unison-this being the “big secret.” And ironically, most 
lower level financiers and bankers are totally unaware of the “real game” that’s being played, on EVERYONE!

World-Class Author and Intellectual Henry Makow, Ph.D. said the dynastic banking elite is frightened that, like the homeless man's dog, we might say, "I can do this myself." He is correct! Henry further states that to protect this immense monopoly of FREE money, some precautions are necessary: "The bankers' first precaution is to buy all the politicians. The second is to buy the major media outlets in order to promote the illusion politicians make decisions and represent our interests. The third precaution is to take control of the education system, ensuring that people stop thinking at an early age. Then the bankers use the government and media to convince us that religion, nationalism and nuclear family are unfashionable, and WE want what THEY want. We "want" world government ("globalization"). The bankers need to eliminate nation states, freedom and democracy in order to streamline their business and consolidate their power."

This is how world wars, boom-bust cycles and 911 come into the picture. All of the catastrophic events in the recent history of humanity have one common element. They helped to consolidate more wealth and assets in the hands of the banking elite, and thus gave them more power over us. More importantly, these events have brought us closer to their “dream vision,” a planet under their total control. The dream’s title, GLOBALIZATION, but not under a fair and just “world government,” that's just part of the planned illusion. If we allow it, they will continue to control world events to suit their nefarious agenda from behind this gruesome facade, just as they are doing now in the United States through all their fronts. 

Part of the reason they have been so successful thus far in accomplishing their goals, is because they think and see matters from an absolute perspective. Let me explain. By creating separation and manufactured diversions through fronts only they can fund and by controlling both extremes of the relative field of human experience they always manage to succeed. Always! The other reason for their success has been due to our inaction and gullibility. But that has changed!

They have kept us busy by making us go from right to left and from left to right, while in fact, they have been controlling both ends. This can be said to be true in just about every important aspect of our society, from the hoax of “cancer research” to the “pharmaceutical cures” for depression-caused by the fluoride in our water and the aluminum in our diet. They are virtually behind it all! They are causing the cancer while pretending to find the cure. Although this explanation is an oversimplified way of stating the obvious, it is extremely accurate. It applies to virtually everyone in just about everyway. Jews against Muslims, Blacks against Whites, Men against Women.and so on, when in fact we are all one people, all basically good.

It should be noted that they use the simplest of formulas to get us to relinquish our rights and to give them more power-one drop at a time! The 

[CTRL] Nine Eleven - Remembering Freedom

2002-09-11 Thread iNFoWaRZ

-Caveat Lector-

Nine Eleven - Remembering Freedom
April Shenandoah

Every week my best friend Michael Heyden takes me to breakfast. Rather than going to 
our regular eatery, this particular Tuesday, we chose to go to a place closer to our 
own area in Burbank, California. After being seated, Michael phoned his Mother, just 
to check in. Soon into the conversation his face took on a look of despair. Whatever 
the news, I knew it wasn't good. When he turned off his cell phone he relayed to me 
that planes had hit the Twin Towers in New York. I can't remember if the Pentagon 
entered into the conversation at that time or not. All I know is that I felt sick and 
I immediately lost my appetite. When I told Michael that I didn't feel like eating, he 
said that he didn't either. Before leaving, we told the waiter to turn on the radio or 
TV and that he would soon understand why we were not ordering. I was sick then and I'm 
sick now!

Heartsick! Because of the catastrophic attack that took precious lives and because 
since that devastating day of 9/11, I have watched my country disintegrate at a pace 
faster than the last 30 years all rolled into one. Our borders are open wider than 
ever before. American citizens are being treated as criminals during airport searches, 
while 'terrorist-look-a-likes are skating through. The Koran and Islam culture is 
being taught in schools while having a Bible in the classroom is considered 
unconstitutional because of 'separation of church and state' [which is NOT in the 
Constitution.] Our homes can be searched and property seized, without a warrant, under 
any assumption of 'probable cause.' Farmers are losing their right to make a living in 
the name of 'environmentalism.' The educational system and the mainstream media are 
controlled by liberal socialism [views that oppose God's Biblical moral laws] - they 
stifle 'truth' and practice 'selective speech.' Pornography [once undergro
und] is now accepted.

How many politicians ever address the above mentioned issues? Rarely a mention on 
these subjects, it's the same old rhetoric - social security, prescription drugs for 
seniors, the economy, racial profiling - all to purposely keep voters stirred up and 
distracted. Saving the country is not on the list! Keeping America sovereign is not an 
issue! United We Stand, Let Freedom Ring, and God Bless America are great slogans, 
however, 'actions speak louder than words.' Forked-government-tongues speak freedom 
and pledge 'One Nation Under God' while laying plans to enslave, entrap and strip our 
basic rights and freedoms. The post/9/11 Patriot Act and Homeland Security are 
deceiving safety-pacifiers blatantly escalating the socialist agenda.

On the positive side - people ran back into their churches seeking solace to relieve 
their fears. Renewed patriotism caused flag manufacturers to work overtime as Old 
Glory lined our streets and decorated our cars. A new respect was demonstrated for law 
enforcement and firefighters - I personally wanted to hug them. It looked like the 
America I remembered from childhood - at least for awhile. However, it wasn't long 
before someone had to attack God, by wanting 'One Nation Under God' removed from the 
Pledge of Allegiance.

Those ignorant people who have removed God from the public arena do not have a clue 
that they have caused the removal of His protective hand from over America. God's 
people are also to blame, as we bought the 'diversity lie' of not 'offending' anyone. 
It's okay to offend the Creator of the Universe, the One who hung the moon and stars, 
and the One who breathed life into each and everyone one of us - but we must never 
offend those who shun that very God. Until we humble ourselves and turn from our 
wicked ways and pray - this nation will not be healed.

Sara Frank from Phoenix Color, has observed that people are becoming more withdrawn 
and that a year later folks in general are not as friendly as they once were. After 
thinking about what she said - I realized I was one of those people. I was losing my 
joy because I was watching freedom slip away. Freedom was an American treasure that I 
embraced, tightly. The loss of freedom and the loss of this great land that our 
forefathers built and that our veterans/soldiers fought/fight for is like the death of 
a loved one. I thank Almighty God that I know Jesus as Savior and Lord - or I might 
not want to stick around to see what is coming next.

FREEDOM = He whom the Son sets free is free indeed.

April Shenandoah is a long-time writer and activst. Vistit her website at 
http://www.politicsandreligion.tv/ April may be reached for comment at 
-end article-
It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from its government.
- Thomas Paine

Constitutional Patriots, rightfully insisting on a return to genuine constitutional 
government, have been ruthlessly demonized in the mainstream media as anarchists. But 

[CTRL] Never Forget

2002-09-11 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Never Forget 
by RB Ham September 11, 2002 

One year ago, I awoke from a fitful night's sleep only to encounter the horror of the terror attacks as broadcast on CNN. Even then, at that precise moment, the thought went through my head, "Bush, you son of a bitch." It all made sense then - the stolen election, the reckless right wing agenda and the carefully placed CIA leaks about the threat of terrorism. 

The motto that has arisen to public consciousness for the anniversary of the eleventh of September is "Never Forget." Although the powers that be would like to keep us contemplating their official version of events - to do so is to be intellectually dishonest and/or willfully blind. 

I also say "Never Forget." 

Never forget that fateful day, Black Tuesday, when the true evil of the Bush Family Evil Empire made itself manifest. 

Never forget that the greatest Air Force the world had ever seen and who routinely intercepted other wayward planes on other days (Payne Stewart anyone?) mysteriously stayed absent for over an hour on that day. 

Never forget that as the WTC burned and people flung themselves to their death, General Richard Myers was in "private consultation", Dick Cheney was running the show from the bunker in the White House and Junior was busy making sure his photo-op with children was his priority. 

Never forget who ultimately benefited from this modern day Reichstag fire, this neo-Pearl harbour, this updated "Operation Northwoods". 

Never forget the disaster that was to be the Bush 43 presidency, illegitimately selected by his Daddy's friends on the extreme Court, imperiously pushing his Corporate master's right wing agenda, boldly instituting a secret energy plan after consultation with corporate criminals, seemingly oblivious to the damage he was surely causing his own party's chances for the mid term elections, arrogantly thumbing his nose at Jim Jeffords...never worried for a second, as if they KNEW something would bail them out.. 

Never forget how quickly the corporate media labeled this criminal attack as an "Act Of War", dutifully following Karl Rove's press releases, and how quickly the name of Osama bin Laden was thrown out. Very similar to the aftermath of the Oklahoma City bombing - only Tim McVeigh screwed up and got caught. 

Never forget that the truth behind the OKC bombing was covered up and then squashed by the intervention of John Ashcroft - who obviously wanted to make sure that links to the "Turner Diaries" crowd would never see the light of day. 

Never forget John Ashcroft's trial by press conference that followed 9-11. The planted evidence, the un-Islamic behavior of the so called "suicide hijackers" visiting brothels and strip clubs, the unreal supposition that letters and passports could survive the inferno of an explosion and fire yet the black boxes did not. 

Never forget the anthrax killings and who was targeted - Democratic leaders and a media group who dared to expose the lifestyles of the daughters of a "Christian" president. 

Never forget the speed in which the poorly named Patriot Act was pushed through the U.S. Congress - a nasty piece of work that is effectively a legislative prelude to martial law. 

I will never forget the realization that I finally knew exactly how the Nazis came to power in a democratic Germany - how the big lie can work with such ruthless efficiency. 

As we remember the horror of that tragic day last September, and ponder the implications for all of us in this new world order that has been foisted on us by the corporate/military/industrial elite, consider the future if good people continue to remain silent. 

Yes. Never forget, and never give up demanding the truth.   

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[CTRL] Unanswered questions: The mystery of Flight 93

2002-09-11 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Unanswered questions: The mystery of Flight 93

We all know the inspiring story of Flight 93, of the heroic passengers who forced the hijacked plane to the ground, sacrificing themselves to save the lives of others. The only trouble is: it may simply not be true. John Carlin reports from Shanksville, Pennsylvania

13 August 2002

The fate of United Airlines Flight 93, the last of the four hijacked planes to go down in the United States on 11 September, holds no mystery for Lee Purbaugh. He saw what happened with his own eyes. He was the only person present in the field where, at 10.06am, the aircraft hit the ground.

"There was an incredibly loud rumbling sound and there it was, right there, right above my head – maybe 50ft up," says Purbaugh, who works at a scrapyard overlooking the crash site. "It was only a split second but it looked like it was moving in slow motion, like it took forever. I saw it rock from side to side then, suddenly, it dipped and dived, nose first, with a huge explosion, into the ground. I knew immediately that no one could possibly have survived."

Apart from, here and there, a finger, a toe or a tooth, all that remained of the 44 souls aboard, churned into the soil or hanging from the branches of nearby trees, were small pieces of tissue and bone. The plane was also pulverised, reduced to tiny fragments of metal. Wally Miller, the local coroner in what used to be a forgotten corner of rural Pennsylvania, was the man charged by law with collecting the human remains and establishing the causes of death. "I issued the death certificates," says Miller, who is also the local undertaker. "I put down 'murdered' for the 40 passengers and crew; 'suicide' for the four terrorists."

But Miller, who worked closely with the FBI during the 13 days that they investigated the crash site, admits that, in the end, he cannot prove what happened; he can only infer it. Neither he nor anybody else knows what exactly caused Flight 93 to go down and, as Miller puts it, "bring the world's troubles crashing down on our doorstep". Or, if there are people who do know, they are not telling.

The shortage of available facts did not prevent the creation of an instant legend – a legend that the US government and the US media were pleased to propagate, and that the American public have been eager, for the most part, to accept as fact. The legend goes like this: the passengers on the hijacked United flight, alerted on their mobile phones to the news of the other three hijacked planes, decide that if they are not going to save themselves at least they will do the patriotic thing and spare the lives of those who are the terrorists' intended targets; so they charge down the aisle, storm the cockpit, where a terrorist is at the controls, and, in the ensuing struggle, force the plane down.

President George Bush, Attorney General John Ashcroft, the head of the FBI Robert Mueller, and numerous other senior government officials who have saluted the "heroes" of Flight 93, have consistently, and repeatedly, advanced this version of events. So have the big national newspapers and all the big national television stations. The New York Times, normally a model of legalistic precision, published this extraordinarily woolly sentence on 22 September upon learning, from unnamed "official" sources, that the plane's cockpit voice-recorder had registered "a desperate and wild struggle" aboard. "And while it [the recorder] did not provide a clear or complete picture," The New York Times read, "it seemed certain that there was a chaotic confrontation that apparently led to the crash of the jet."

Vanity Fair magazine, going on little more information than was available to The New York Times, went ahead and published a highly detailed story on Flight 93, which, the magazine said, "may be remembered as one of the greatest tales of heroism ever told". Vanity Fair did recognise, though, that any suggestions as to what actually happened to force the plane down had to be, by necessity, "pure conjecture".

Two months later, Newsweek got hold of what it was told was a partial transcript of the voice-recorder and, upon that basis, narrated the story of "the Heroes of Flight 93" in even more vivid, drum-rolling, Hollywoodesque detail than Vanity Fair had done. The passengers were "citizen soldiers... who rose up, like their forefathers, to defy tyranny", intoned Newsweek. "In daring and dying, the passengers and crew of Flight 93 found victory for us all."

The transcript that Newsweek obtained did indicate that fighting had taken place aboard, curses had been uttered, prayers raised up both to the Muslim and the Christian god. But for all the drama of the story, Newsweek did not draw attention to the fact that, in truth, they were guessing as to how or why the plane had crashed; that they did not know whether the passengers had even made it into the 

[CTRL] Rep. Ron Paul: Questions That Won't Be Asked About Iraq

2002-09-11 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Questions That Won't Be Asked About Iraq

by Rep. Ron Paul, MD

In the House of Representatives, September 10, 2002

Soon we hope to have hearings on the pending war with Iraq. I am concerned there are some questions that won’t be asked – and maybe will not even be allowed to be asked. Here are some questions I would like answered by those who are urging us to start this war. 

1. Is it not true that the reason we did not bomb the Soviet Union at the height of the Cold War was because we knew they could retaliate?

2. Is it not also true that we are willing to bomb Iraq now because we know it cannot retaliate – which just confirms that there is no real threat?

3. Is it not true that those who argue that even with inspections we cannot be sure that Hussein might be hiding weapons, at the same time imply that we can be more sure that weapons exist in the absence of inspections?

4. Is it not true that the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency was able to complete its yearly verification mission to Iraq just this year with Iraqi cooperation?

5. Is it not true that the intelligence community has been unable to develop a case tying Iraq to global terrorism at all, much less the attacks on the United States last year? Does anyone remember that 15 of the 19 hijackers came from Saudi Arabia and that none came from Iraq?

6. Was former CIA counter-terrorism chief Vincent Cannistraro wrong when he recently said there is no confirmed evidence of Iraq’s links to terrorism?

7. Is it not true that the CIA has concluded there is no evidence that a Prague meeting between 9/11 hijacker Atta and Iraqi intelligence took place?

8. Is it not true that northern Iraq, where the administration claimed al-Qaeda were hiding out, is in the control of our "allies," the Kurds?

9. Is it not true that the vast majority of al-Qaeda leaders who escaped appear to have safely made their way to Pakistan, another of our so-called allies?

10. Has anyone noticed that Afghanistan is rapidly sinking into total chaos, with bombings and assassinations becoming daily occurrences; and that according to a recent UN report the al-Qaeda "is, by all accounts, alive and well and poised to strike again, how, when, and where it chooses"?

11. Why are we taking precious military and intelligence resources away from tracking down those who did attack the United States – and who may again attack the United States – and using them to invade countries that have not attacked the United States? 

12. Would an attack on Iraq not just confirm the Arab world's worst suspicions about the US – and isn't this what bin Laden wanted?

13. How can Hussein be compared to Hitler when he has no navy or air force, and now has an army 1/5 the size of twelve years ago, which even then proved totally inept at defending the country? 

14. Is it not true that the constitutional power to declare war is exclusively that of the Congress? Should presidents, contrary to the Constitution, allow Congress to concur only when pressured by public opinion? Are presidents permitted to rely on the UN for permission to go to war?

15. Are you aware of a Pentagon report studying charges that thousands of Kurds in one village were gassed by the Iraqis, which found no conclusive evidence that Iraq was responsible, that Iran occupied the very city involved, and that evidence indicated the type of gas used was more likely controlled by Iran not Iraq?

16. Is it not true that anywhere between 100,000 and 300,000 US soldiers have suffered from Persian Gulf War syndrome from the first Gulf War, and that thousands may have died?

17. Are we prepared for possibly thousands of American casualties in a war against a country that does not have the capacity to attack the United States?

18. Are we willing to bear the economic burden of a $100 billion war against Iraq, with oil prices expected to skyrocket and further rattle an already shaky American economy? How about an estimated 30 years occupation of Iraq that some have deemed necessary to "build democracy" there?

19. Iraq’s alleged violations of UN resolutions are given as reason to initiate an attack, yet is it not true that hundreds of UN Resolutions have been ignored by various countries without penalty?

20. Did former President Bush not cite the UN Resolution of 1990 as the reason he could not march into Baghdad, while supporters of a new attack assert that it is the very reason we can march into Baghdad?

21. Is it not true that, contrary to current claims, the no-fly zones were set up by Britain and the United States without specific approval from the United Nations?

22. If we claim membership in the international community and conform to its rules only when it pleases us, does this not serve to undermine our position, directing animosity toward us by both friend and foe?

23. How can our declared goal of bringing democracy to Iraq be believable when we 

[CTRL] Skolnick: The Overthrow Of The American Republic - Part 16

2002-09-11 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The Overthrow Of The American 
Republic - Part 16
Coup And Counter-Coup?

By Sherman H. Skolnick




If the American monopoly press told the truth, which they cannot do, what might the headlines be? Such as: SOME TOP MILITARY OPPOSE WHITE HOUSE FOREIGN PRESS CONFIRM BUSH SKULL  BONES SEX STORY U.S. ARISTOCRACY TO STAGE MORE TERRORIST EVENTS? 9-11 PRIOR KNOWLEDGE CONFIRMED 

In exclusive stories since 1995, we have told of a group of highly patriotic Admirals and Generals, in military jargon called flag officers, who opposed Commander-in-Chief Clinton. Under the Uniform Military Code, they felt authorized to arrest their Commander-in-Chief. 

If Clinton arrested them for mutiny, they would, if not assassinated, defend themselves with their documented charges of treason by him. For example, that Clinton reportedly gave U.S. industrial, financial, and military secrets to the head of the Red Chinese Secret Police, Wang Jun, who met Clinton from time to time in the White House. 

The U.S. Constitution, Article 3, Section 3, provides: "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort." (Emphasis added.) 

As we have shown in our website series, "Red Chinese Secret Police in the United States", they are sworn enemies of the U.S. and have committed unpublicized murder and mayhem on U.S. soil and dominate the markets in Chicago while laundering the illicit proceeds of harvesting human organs from political dissidents for U.S. shipment and dope shipments through Chicago. 

Of the original group of 24 such flag officers, ten have been assassinated, including some in a sabotaged military aircraft, near Alexander City, Alabama, April 17, 1995 (two days before the Clinton White House prior knowledge multiple bombings of a Federal Office building in Oklahoma City). And likewise murdered have been the Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Jeremy Boorda, highest naval officer in uniform, and Gen. David McCloud, head of the Alaska Military District. 

Also snuffed out was former Director of Central Intelligence, William Colby, assisting this group in their planned arrest of Commander-in-Chief Clinton. The group, subsequently enlarged, vows to arrest Commander-in-Chief George W. Bush. If Bush has them arrested for mutiny, they intend, if not assassinated, to defend themselves with their several documented charges of his treason. 

Included are: 

[1] Bush's acts of treachery against the American people, in secret deals he made with the Red Chinese, giving them U.S. financial, industrial, and military secrets. 

[2] George W. Bush and Daddy Bush profitting from secret business deals with the bin Laden Family, in the U.S. and overseas, with them not on the outs with Osama, he and his CIA-trained out-of-uniform army being at war against the United States and being a sworn enemy of the United States; within the meaning of the U.S. Constitution, Article 3, Section 3. 

[3] Bush Family, including George W., Jeb, Neil, and Daddy Bush, profitting from treasonous secret business deals with some in the Saudi Royal Family, who are sworn enemies of the United States and financing secretly Osama bin Laden; within the meaning of the U.S. Constitution, Article 3, Section 3. 

[4] Acts by Commander-in-Chief George W. Bush, as supervised by his father, with prior knowledge of 9-11 incidents. 

[5] Acts by Commander-in-Chief George W. Bush, as supervised by Daddy Bush, ordering and authorizing a military stand-down on the morning of September 11, 2001, aiding and abetting the murder of some three thousands persons, most of them U.S. citizens, within the United States of America. 

[ 6] George W. Bush, as Commander-in-Chief, as supervised by Daddy Bush formerly head of the secret political police the CIA, authorizing and ordering the American CIA, in combination with other Americans and others, to allow, permit, and condone, and procure to be done, and acquiesce in the same, of the escape from being captured and brought to the U.S. for criminal trial, of Osama bin Laden, both prior to Black Tuesday and thereafter. Including but not limited to the time in the summer of 2001, when Osama was in the custody and control of an American CIA hospital in the Persian Gulf, and also in December, 2001, when the American CIA in combination with the CIA-created and subsidized Pakistan Secret Political Police permitted Osama to escape to refuge in a zone between Afghanistan and Pakistan and for a while into a moslem province of Red China. The escape of Osama bin Laden was thus permitted and condoned, for among other purposes, as in documented charges by the top U.S. Military flag officers, to preclude the testimony of Osama in an American tribunal of he and his family's secret private business relations profitting the Bush Family. 

Some top U.S. military flag 

[CTRL] Skolnick: The Overthrow Of The American Republic - Part 17

2002-09-11 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The Overthrow Of The American 
Republic - Part 17

By Sherman H. Skolnick




White House and network reporters as well as U.S.-based foreign journalists are using national security leaks to pursue proposed stories about George W. Bush's reputed relationship with a male sex-mate since his college days up to now. So contends the Federal Bureau of Investigation, in a Justice Department request to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act secret court that met in sound-proof facilities in the Justice Department Building, Washington, D.C. 

The Bush reputed male sex-mate details have enabled Red China, perceived by some as a sworn enemy of the U.S., and others reportedly to blackmail or otherwise unlawfully compromise the current occupant and resident of the White House, causing the disclosure of U.S. industrial, financial, and military secrets. Various reporters, including those of British Broadcasting Company, BBC, and Canadian Broadcasting Company, CBC, have, on their own, verified and corroborated the exclusive stories by this reporter as to the Bush relationship causing a breach itself by Bush of national security. 

The FBI/Justice requests to the secret court acting as a type of U.S. District Court under FISA, included: 

[1] that the FBI/Justice Department be empowered and authorized to use all means necessary to surveil the reporters, foreign and domestic, working on the story; 

[2] that the FBI/Justice Department be authorized and empowered as to the War Powers, or similar provisions, to forcibly or otherwise stop the publishing and electronic transmission of any stories or pictures relating to George W. Bush in a Skull  Bones Society satanic ritual coffin engaging in homosexual acts with his reputed male sex-mate. The controller of satellites, the U.S. National Reconnaissance Office, NRO, to be ordered to block and obstruct all satellite transmissions of related news and pictures and graphics. 

[3] That the FBI/Justice Department be authorized and empowered to block by forcible and other means any print or electronic news dissemination mentioning of the photo editor, Robert Stevens, of American Media, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida; of Stevens having been murdered by anthrax-by-mail, on or about September, 2001, through the aid, complicity, and connivance of U.S. Government civil/military covert operatives. And any mentioning or dissemination by news and other outlets, that the FBI by closing down the American Media, Inc. headquarters up to date, was thus blocking retrieval of reported pictures and supporting authentication as to George W. Bush in a coffin engaging as a proposed new member of the Skull  Bones Society, in a satanic ritual, in homosexual acts with his reputed male sex-mate who has numerous times visited Bush since that time; such rituals having been conducted at a building called "The Tomb", at Yale University. 

[4] That the FBI/Justice Department be authorized and empowered to block phone, wire and wireless data, and other transmissions including microwave, between U.S.-based foreign journalists and their out-of-U.S. offices. And to block and obstruct, by means not disclosed to persons involved, of phone calls, data transmissions, and such, from such out-of-U.S. offices into the U.S. And to block phone calls, data transmission, and such, from outside the U.S. to U.S. phones and instruments used by reputed sources of data as to the Bush male sex-mate stories and pictures and authentications, and their national security implications. 

[5] That the FBI/Justice Department, without such authorizations to be disclosed, to be authorized and empowered to shut down websites and other computer-linked and computer-generated means, used to disseminate such stories and exchanges of data, pictures, and graphics. 

The secret court, as a form of U.S. District Court, under FISA, granted such requests by the FBI/Justice Department. The orders of the secret court went into effect on September 9 and 10, 2002. Thereafter, however, their Court orders were in part affirmed and in part reversed and/or vacated, by the secret Appeals Court provided for under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. The secret Appeals Court meets in sound-proof facilities in Baltimore, Maryland and their appeals decision was not publicly disclosed. 

Who says there is no secret political police, no Gestapo, in the United States? 

More coming Stay tuned.   

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of 

[CTRL] Historian David Irving On 9/11

2002-09-11 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

September 10, 2002 (Tuesday),
Key West (Florida)

Arrived back at Key West at 10:33 p.m. last night. I have driven 4,765 miles in the three weeks.

TOMORROW IS September 11. I have thought a lot about the events of that day since switching on the television in Iowa on that morning last year, and seeing the horrific, fascinating events unfold: the Pentagon crash-bombed, huge skyscraper towers collapsing like concertinas, the second one with an almost beautiful symmetry as the air compressed by each descending floor puffed plumes of debris, dust, and wreckage out to every side.

Even as I listened to the television that day, and took down staccato notes of each bulletin released to us by an as yet uncensored media, I became conscious of a mounting skepticism about the events.

That skepticism has only increased as the weeks and months passed. Being the webmaster of a site which ranks among the top 50,000 of the world, I have had the advantage of being the focal point of the unbelievers, infidels in their own way, who have deluged me with their own viewpoints, or links to articles and investigative news stories in little-known local newspapers (the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette is one shining example). And thereby hangs the point of what I am now writing.

Let nobody impugn the courage of the officers and men who, as the word now has it, ran into the Twin Towers when everybody else was rushing out: the firemen, and the officers of the New York police department. A Hundsfott who suggests that that is the purpose of the words that follow! 

AS GREAT as were the professionalism and sacrifice of those officers, so great is the cowardice of the American journalists of both print and broadcast media in failing to follow up the leads which have glared at them from all around.

I have always been a great admirer of American journalism. Newspaper articles in The Los Angeles Times or the newspapers of the Knight Ridder Group, for example, far outclass any of the writing that I can find in their European counterparts.

One of the pleasures of getting off the plane in Miami, apart from being hit in the face by the hot wet flannel that Florida calls a climate, is picking up for 35 cents a copy of The Miami Herald: and occasionally even the Herald has not failed us -- as when it reported, many months ago, on Oct. 31, that six men driving three sedans had been picked up by police in the mid-West and found to be carrying maps of Florida nuclear power plants and other installations, and Israeli passports; but that they were released soon after, when Immigration and Naturalization Service headquarters confirmed that the papers were genuine; and that the F.B.I was furious at hearing this, and demanded their rearrest, only to hear they had probably escaped into Canada. And that the next day John Ashcroft, the attorney general, said that the whole story was untrue…

The story has not just disappeared from the newspapers, like those Israelis caught cheering and videotaping the collapsing buildings from the top of a truck in New Jersey (they were imprisoned for a while, then quietly deported, and the truck's owners meanwhile did a bunk for, presumably, Israel, having been working all along for The Mossad).

It never happened. Or rather, it has unhappened. 

ALL of these strange events are the stuff of which a Franz Kafka or George Orwell novel might be made, but they belong in a loftier realm than the items which have continued to puzzle me all year long. Of which, more below.

What has disturbed me is the readiness of the journalists to gobble up every strand of propaganda spaghetti that their fear-crazed government has fed to them. Are they frightened of being accused of a lack of patriotism?

See how that word has now been abused and exploited by the government, like all the other derogatory p-words from pedophilia and pornography to now, well, president. (I predicted to friends at Cincinnati over a week ago that President George W Bush would soon declare Sept.11 a national day, and call it "Patriot Day," and events have not proved me wrong.)

The fundamental and perhaps fateful step that Washington has taken has been to hide from public view, and even deny, the punitive nature of the attack (with the obvious corollary that it was a one-off spectacular: and there will be no more).

The character-building British public school education, with all the beatings that went with it in the 1950s, taught me at least that an essential part of being an adult was to take punishment like a man, without yelping.

Tomorrow, Sept. 11, 2002, is going to be one day-long Washington and media yelp, all over again -- an act of national denial.

The self-evident truth is that the Muslims carried out this fearsomely intrepid attack on the Twin Towers -- eight men bringing down all seven buildings of the World Trade Center -- and on the Pentagon because of the blind United 

[CTRL] Rappoport: War Against Iraq?

2002-09-11 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-


SEPTEMBER 11. A year after the WTC and Pentagon attacks, the White House is making all sorts of strange noises about a war on Iraq. What is going on? I have a few preliminary thoughts, which I hope to update as developments proceed. 

Does Bush really intend to invade Iraq with ground troops and move into Baghdad? Does he intend to take out Saddam by that strategy? Does he then intend to oversee the long, long process of installing a government there that looks something like a democracy? 

One thing is for sure. Don’t believe for a second that the White House plans to wipe out Saddam and then go away and leave the future of Iraq to “natural evolution.” That is not going to happen. Because Iraq is a major supplier of oil. 

So even if planes bombed Iraq and killed Saddam in the process, a dominating presence on the ground would have to be instituted, to keep the oil protected and flowing. Such a ground force would have to deal with the entire Iraqi population. 

There is another problem. There are at least several fake Saddams walking around, doubles inserted into the scene to protect Saddam against assassination. Will US troops really be able to track the real one? 

It is possible that the actual Saddam, a long-time asset of the US military/intelligence establishment, has been persuaded that the moment for an end-game has arrived. One of his doubles will be killed, and he—the real Saddam--will be secreted in a remote location to enjoy the rest of his life. 

Don’t discount this as “too weird.” Credible evidence exists to suggest that there were several Oswalds in play in the lead-up to the JFK assassination, and there are also reports of more than one McVeigh in OKC. 

In fact, at the moment, in the absence of any other surrogate nation that could run Iraq after a sustained US attack there and a subsequent US departure, I would have to say that this fake-double scenario is the most likely tactic. In which case, the true Saddam, with approval from a high-level coterie of planners outside Iraq (not including Bush), would prepare a future Iraqi government friendly to Western oil needs, and then exit to some island paradise… 

If Bush defers to Congress in his effort to take a war to Iraq, and if Congress turns thumbs down, Bush can always back off and privately breathe a sigh of relief, like a man who finds a trap-door through which to escape after painting himself into a corner. 

This is a strange one. 

We’ll see. Stay alert. 

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fwd: Pathologizing Dissent- Norman Solomon

2002-09-11 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

 A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
Pathologizing Dissent

June 17, 2002-In April, when mainstream media reported Congresswoman Cynthia
McKinney's call for an investigation of the events of September 11, I was
surprised, yet not at all shocked to hear pejorative comments from the likes
of Ari Fleischer, alleging that McKinney must be competing in a contest for
The Grassy Knoll Society. However, I was and continue to be viscerally
astounded with the inordinate terror of conspiracy theory within
mainstream, and yes, even progressive, media.

A lifetime of psychological training immediately kicked in, and rather than
feeling defensive of McKinney's assertions, with which I happen to
thoroughly agree, I felt compelled to reflect upon what I have come to
believe is conspiracy phobia among some of the greatest minds in media. I
find no other way to account for a perception of anything even remotely
resembling conspiracy paradigms as a kind of intellectual leprosy. What is
so tragic about this dread and loathing is not the irrationality of it all,
but the enmity and polarization it is creating within what could and should
be a consistent, collaborative, congenial left-liberal alliance in a time of
unprecedented corruption, criminality and constitutional degradation in
American government.

For example, shortly after September 11, the websites of Mike Ruppert's From
The Wilderness, Global Research and The Emperor's New Clothes began
publishing a plethora of inconsistencies in the official U.S. government
explanation of the attacks. Shortly thereafter, Chip Berlet of (Public
Research Associates) criticized Ruppert's conspiracism, stating that
Ruppert's allegations fall short of journalistic standards of evidence and
proof. He goes on to say that Ruppert makes sweeping claims that cannot be
verified and serve to distract from serious progressive opposition to the
status quo and sometimes even discredit it.

In March, referring specifically to Mike Ruppert, David Corn of The Nation,
in his article When 9/11 Conspiracy Theories Go Bad, wrote: I won't argue
that the U.S. government does not engage in brutal, murderous skullduggery
from time to time. But the notion that the U.S. government either detected
the attacks but allowed them to occur, or, worse, conspired to kill
thousands of Americans to launch a war-for-oil in Afghanistan is absurd. Oh
really? Then how is it that Gore Vidal, Seymour Hersch and Michael Moore are
now asking the same questions that were asked by the aforementioned websites
shortly after September 11? More dramatically, on May 12, 2002, MSNBC
released a story: What Did FBI Know About 9-11 Attacks? indicating that
the FBI has now embarrassingly admitted that some of its agents had received
information last summer regarding a possible World Trade Center attack in
the fall.

Anyone who has read stories published by From The Wilderness, Global
Research or Emperor's New Clothes can only be in awe of the impeccable
documentation of evidence presented. A particular case in point is Mike
Ruppert's extraordinary video documentary, The Truth And Lies About 9-11,
recorded at a three-hour presentation at Portland State University in
November 2001. In the presentation, Ruppert explicitly states that he is
presenting his case as an attorney would to a jury or as law enforcement
would present evidence to a district attorney. After viewing the video
several times, I could only chuckle at Berlet's assertion that Mike Ruppert
makes sweeping claims that cannot be verified, or that Ruppert's
allegations serve to distract from 

[CTRL] Evil? Ain't Seen None, Heard None, Ah Say, None, Son!

2002-09-11 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

World Socialist Web Site www.wsws.org

WSWS : News  Analysis : North America

One year after the terror attacks: still no official investigation into September 11

By Patrick Martin
12 September 2002

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One year after the September 11 terrorist attacks that killed more than 3,000 people, 
has not been a single public congressional hearing, no official report has been 
and many of the most basic facts remain shrouded in secrecy.

Despite its public show of sympathy for the victims and their families, the Bush
administration is denying them what is their most basic right: a thorough 
investigation into
the causes of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and the
circumstances in which they took place.

It is now twelve months since the worst terrorist attack in history—one that was 
carried out
without any interference from the US national security apparatus, the largest in the 
Yet not a single person has been held accountable.

As a New York Times article published on the anniversary noted, this failure to 
investigate is
unprecedented for a disaster of such scope. A public probe into the sinking of the 
the newspaper noted, began the morning after the survivors arrived in New York City. 
Warren Commission felt compelled to report its findings on the Kennedy assassination by
the first anniversary of the president’s murder. Similar investigations were conducted 
the US military failure at Pearl Harbor in 1941, the explosion that destroyed the 
space shuttle, and other disasters.

Referring to official investigations by the US Congress and other agencies into the 
tragedy, the Times wrote: “No inquiry remotely similar in scope, energy or transparency
has examined the attacks of last Sept. 11 One year later, the public knows less 
about the
circumstances of 2,801 deaths at the foot of Manhattan in broad daylight than people in
1912 knew within weeks about the Titanic, which sank in the middle of the ocean in the
dead of night.”

Airline crashes are routinely investigated with great thoroughness, and the results 
to the public. When an explosion destroyed TWA Flight 800 after takeoff from New York 
1996, bits and pieces of the aircraft were painstakingly assembled in a huge hangar on
Long Island, and pored over by forensic scientists and Boeing engineers until the 
cause of
the explosion—the ignition of vapors in the center fuel tank, rather than a terrorist
bomb—was determined.

There has been no such probe into the destruction of four hijacked airplanes, the twin
towers of the World Trade Center and a large section of the Pentagon. One year after
September 11, the US government has not even released the passenger lists maintained by
the airlines, the information from the two data recorders recovered from the doomed
planes, or the transcripts of communications between the pilots and air traffic 
controllers on
the ground. No evidence has been presented to confirm that 19 Arab men actually boarded
the planes, to show that they were, in fact, the hijackers, or to identify them by 
their real
names and nationalities.

A policy of stonewalling

The Bush administration has barred virtually any release of information about September
11. For nearly six months, it successfully blocked congressional hearings and rebuffed 
for a special commission of inquiry. Then it worked out a deal with the Democratic and
Republican congressional leaders to consign the investigation to hearings held jointly 
by the
House and Senate intelligence committees. These hearings have been held behind closed
doors, with the promised public hearings repeatedly postponed.

This official stonewalling is the most staggering fact about September 11, one largely
ignored by the American media.

Last May and June the cover-up by the Bush administration received a severe jolt. A 
of media reports emerged documenting the fact that US intelligence agencies received
advance warnings of the terrorist attacks. Among the revelations:

* In July 2001 an FBI agent in Arizona sent a memo to headquarters noting the presence 
Islamic fundamentalist students at a local flight training school, and urging a 
check for similar activity. It went unanswered.

* In August 2001 FBI agents in Minneapolis asked for permission to investigate 
Moussaoui, an Islamic fundamentalist they believed might be planning to hijack a 747 
jet on
a suicide mission. FBI headquarters refused.

* In August 2001 Bush was briefed by the CIA about the danger of hijackings organized 
Al Qaeda, but no increased security was ordered for airlines or airports. Nor was 
there any
mobilization of air defense units.

* On September 9, Bush had on his desk, awaiting his signature, a draft National 
Decision Directive for war against Afghanistan, drawn up and approved by 

[CTRL] latest gang of fanatics

2002-09-11 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

“The world cannot afford to ignore threats to the global order, whether they come from
terrorism or states. On the first anniversary of the attacks, we should remind 
ourselves that
turning a blind eye to the breakdown of order in any part of the world, however 
distant, is
not an option.”
“We have no intention of ignoring or appeasing history’s latest gang of fanatics. We 
made a sacred promise to ourselves and to the world. We will not relent until justice 
done and our nation is secure.”
Who does this apply to?

From http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,3-412112,00.html

World News

September 12, 2002

UN steeled to 'win war that started here'
By Roland Watson in Washington and Philip Webster in London

PRESIDENT Bush will tell an uneasy United Nations
today that its persistent failure to confront Saddam Hussein has put America on 
course with Iraq.

Mr Bush will bluntly tell the UN in New York that its authority will be in tatters 
unless it
forces Saddam to comply with previous resolutions and disarm. Only a direct challenge 
the Iraqi dictator to grant immediate and unfettered access to weapons inspectors, 
by the threat of force, could rescue the UN’s reputation, he will say.

Mr Bush’s address to the UN General Assembly marks another pivotal point in his
presidency, and follows his sustained efforts yesterday to channel the pain and 
defiance of
a highly emotional September 11 anniversary into global support for confronting Iraq.

Early today, in a televised address to the nation, Mr Bush gave a warning that Saddam 
in his sights. “Our generation has heard history’s call and we will answer it,” he 
said. “We
will not allow any terrorist or tyrant to threaten civilisation with weapons of mass 

Speaking from Ellis Island just off Manhattan, with the Statue of Liberty behind him, 
Bush said: “We have no intention of ignoring or appeasing history’s latest gang of 
We have made a sacred promise to ourselves and to the world. We will not relent until
justice is done and our nation is secure.”

His day of mourning began with a ceremony before the side of the Pentagon destroyed 12
months ago by a hijacked aircraft. “We fight to protect the innocent so that the 
lawless and
the merciless will not inherit the Earth,” he vowed.

In his speech to the UN today, Mr Bush will stop short of endorsing a specific course 
action, such as another UN resolution demanding that Saddam disarm, according to
officials. They said the President would instead challenge the international community 
come up with a solution. That may turn out to be a UN Security Council resolution, but 
Bush wants other governments to engage, they said.

He will be at pains to broaden his case against Saddam, listing his human rights 
abuses and
citing the repression of minorities in Iraq.

Yesterday Tony Blair said he would publish Britain’s dossier of evidence against 
Saddam the
week after next, and that Parliament would be recalled on Tuesday week to debate Iraq.
There will be no Commons vote on deploying British troops. There will also be a debate 
the Lords, and the Cabinet will have its first extensive discussion on Iraq.

Washington’s willingness to work with the UN marks a significant change of tone from 
warnings of Administration hawks in past weeks that the return of weapons inspectors
would provide scant reassurance. Underlying Mr Bush’s speech will be the warning that 
United States is prepared to act alone if the rest of the world continues to dither.

Even before Mr Bush spoke, two of the most respected voices in the world crystallised
global doubts about US aims. Nelson Mandela, the former South African President, said 
attitude of America was a threat to world peace. Mr Mandela accused Mr Bush of being
prepared to violate the sovereignty of another state even if he failed to win the 
backing of
the Security Council. He said: “That is the message they are sending to the world. That
must be condemned in the strongest terms.”

Kofi Annan, the UN Secretary General, also said that the continuing response to 
11 needed to be taken by the world together.

Mr Bush advanced the opposite case. “We will use our position of unparalleled strength 
influence to build an atmosphere of international order and openness in which progress 
liberty can flourish in many nations,” he said. September 11 had brought “new clarity” 
America’s role in the world. He urged sceptics to summon up the wisdom and courage to
seize the moment and create “a balance of world power that favours human freedom”.

At the Pentagon, Mr Bush said that “there’s a great deal left to do” in the war on 
and that the “greatest task and the greatest dangers” would fall to the military. 
grim and drawn, he said the US would pursue fanatics and dictators who targeted
America’s friends and threatened world peace.

Jack Straw, the Foreign