[CTRL] What's The ANSIR?

2002-12-23 Thread Franc Tireur
-Caveat Lector-

I’m not so sure myself…




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[CTRL] What's The ANSIR?

2002-12-23 Thread Franc Tireur
-Caveat Lector-

I’m still not sure myself…





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[CTRL] A serious question

2002-12-23 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector-

> The other entity is stateless, poor and has no military and seeks to prevent
its destruction by an occupying colonialist power

Why doesn't Jordan count as an occupying colonialist power over Palestine ??

--  - --- -- ---
Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is a force. Like fire, it
is a dangerous servant and a fearful master; never for a moment should it be
left to irresponsible action.

George Washington

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

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Re: [CTRL] Dec. 12, 2002 Was A Bleak Day

2002-12-23 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector-

on 12/23/02 10:02 PM, iNFoWaRZ at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> It's the End of the Church as We Know It


Maybe now it will be replaced by some organization based on compassion

--  - --- -- ---
Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is a force. Like fire, it
is a dangerous servant and a fearful master; never for a moment should it be
left to irresponsible action.

George Washington

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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2002-12-23 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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--- Begin Message ---
Title: Press Relese: LaRouche Warns of
Sharon War Plans
-Caveat Lector-

LaRouche in 2004
P.O. Box 730
Leesburg, VA 20178
Call Toll Free: 1-800-929-7566
On the Web: 
LaRouche Warns of
Sharon War Plans
Dec. 22, 2002—Democratic Presidential
pre-candidate Lyndon LaRouche issued a stern
warning on Dec. 20, 2002, that Israeli Prime
Minister Ariel Sharon may attempt to provoke a
near-term Middle East war, as a means of securing
his reelection on Jan. 28, 2003. LaRouche stated
that Sharon is desperate to prevent the breakout
of peace in the region, and could easily
orchestrate a "mega-terrorist" incident
or some other "Gulf of Tonkin"-type
provocation to "justify" an Israeli
military attack against neighboring Syria or
Lebanon, or against Iraq.
There are credible reports, from sources inside
Israel, that Sharon is conferring with Defense
Minister Mofaz and IDF Chief of Staff Ya'alon, on
the details of such a provocation, which, the
sources warn, could even involve Israeli use of
tactical nuclear weapons, on the pretext of an
alleged, or foiled, Syrian or Iraqi missile
attack, on Israel's primary nuclear weapons
facility at Dimona.
LaRouche declared that he is committed to
stopping Sharon's war plan in advance. While
there are many senior officials in Israel, the United
States and Western Europe, who are deeply
concerned about an Israeli war-provocation,
LaRouche explained, their public silence cannot be
tolerated. Sharon's plans must be publicly
exposed. Sharon must understand, LaRouche
continued, that if Sharon starts such a war, he
will wind up being tried for war crimes.
Sometimes, in situations like this, LaRouche
concluded, war can be best avoided by someone
simply standing up and telling the truth. There
are so many lies in circulation these days, that
the truth has become an even more powerful
All sane people wish to achieve peace and
justice in the Middle East. Therefore, LaRouche
said, by telling the truth about Sharon's war
schemes, one would hope that a stronger foundation
can be built for such a peace agreement, and build
confidence in the prospects for negotiations.
LaRouche concluded that he hoped his warnings
about Sharon's war-schemes would also have a very
positive effect on the Bush Administration, where
the idea of Sharon wishing to start a
war—without prior Bush Administration
permission—poses a very serious threat, to
those opposing the war-party faction at the
Pentagon and the Vice President's

Paid for by LaRouche in 2004

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Re: [CTRL] Israelis Execute 11 year old Palestinian Girl Terrorist

2002-12-23 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector-

on 12/23/02 10:19 PM, flw at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Your rationalization was obvious from the fact that you thought it
> somehow unfair of me not to also quote other incidents where
> Israelis were victimized.

Unfair? I think the word I used was brilliant, actually.

>As I pointed out, I do not consider
> the Israeli and Palestinian situations as morally equivalent.
> One is a rich powerful militaristic state that seeks to oppress and
> displace
> an entire people. The other entity is stateless, poor and has no military
> and seeks to prevent its destruction by an occupying colonialist power.

Morals? You keep bring these things up, but the rabid fanatics on all sides
of this conflict have used all the morals up, and you can't have any because
they are still using them.

Morals? Both sides have committed evil atrocious acts. Again I state ( I
know it's hard for this one to get through)- there is no moral high ground
to be had from any side here.

> You apparently consider the murder of an 11 year old Palestinian
> girl somehow not important as a solitary story but requires 'context'
> by reporting Israeli deaths. I see value in the story of the girl's death
> standing alone since I consider that story symbolic of the Israeli -
> Palestinian tragedy.

I find the story tragic. I find it of great import. It saddens me more than
you can imagine. If the shooters think they were behaving as good Jews they
were wrong. Completely and totally. Of course if they thought they were
behaving like good Muslims, they were also totally and completely wrong. In
fact, and in deed, if they think they were acting as good human beings they
were wrong. Completely and totally.

I also found the story, in the same article, about the rabbi, who now has 6
fatherless children tragic. So I posted it. Not because the story was
symbolic of the conflict. Because it was actual flesh and blood.

(If I wanted symbolic I could have posted the part about the gift wrapped
shrapnel surprise)

Maybe there is a rule that 2 people can't post information from the same
article. I must have missed it. Mea culpa.

-- --- -- --  -- --

"I believe reality is a marvelous joke staged for my edification and
amusement, and everybody is working very hard to make me happy."
 --Terence McKenna

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Israelis Execute 11 year old Palestinian Girl Terrorist

2002-12-23 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

> My point remains the same - every time you choose to show only part of
> something, you are displaying an opinion.

The facts stated in the quote were the facts that I sought
report. The whole article reported other incidents and events.
The other incidents or events do not change the reality
of that part of the article I quoted.

> My point was not about the article, but about you. The article speaks for
> itself. Or it would if it was allowed to remain whole - as it was
> it only speaks for you.

You make no sense. The article was referenced for anyone to read
in its entirety. I chose to quote a portion of the article. I did not
to reproduce the whole article. Obviously that portion I quoted was the
most important from my perspective.

> AS to your personal attacks and insults - they roll off me as I never
> a battle of wits with the unarmed.

I don't consider any of my comments personal attacks.

> I would love for you point out one place where I rationalized.

Your rationalization was obvious from the fact that you thought it
somehow unfair of me not to also quote other incidents where
Israelis were victimized. As I pointed out, I do not consider
the Israeli and Palestinian situations as morally equivalent.
One is a rich powerful militaristic state that seeks to oppress and
an entire people. The other entity is stateless, poor and has no military
and seeks to prevent its destruction by an occupying colonialist power.

You apparently consider the murder of an 11 year old Palestinian
girl somehow not important as a solitary story but requires 'context'
by reporting Israeli deaths. I see value in the story of the girl's death
standing alone since I consider that story symbolic of the Israeli -
Palestinian tragedy.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Party Government

2002-12-23 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

Party Government
by Ted Lang

John Adams recognized early in this country's history the corruption of purpose that 
results when personal motives and ambitions are superimposed upon what is considered 
as a generally beneficial core of organizational motives. The resultant political 
intrigue we now accept as the norm in American politics nullifies all allusions to our 
nation as being one governed by a set of laws. Politics has not only subverted our 
purpose, the preservation and protection of individual human freedom intended by God, 
but has progressed to where public recognition of His beneficence is now judged as 

We are no longer a nation with constitutionally legitimized government, but a nation 
based upon a 'living constitution' that can be changed at will by the party and the 
politician currently in power. This was precisely the same legitimization employed by 
Adolf Hitler, who used constitutional and national legitimacy to subvert the legal 
entity of government and convert it to the subservient, destructive monster of the 
political party in power. It is an arrangement similar to that of the former Soviet 
Union. Both tyrannical, authoritarian regimes were sustained by political party 
domination. Both dictatorships were examples of party government.

Government service at the highest levels was intended by our Founders to be accessible 
to all citizens, with the highest office available to those born on American soil. 
This accentuates our founding principles, which ensure the propriety of American 
purpose as opposed to a dispersion of national sovereignty through politically 
motivated legislative arrangements deferential to aliens, legalized or otherwise, 
domiciled in Our Land. Hitler's Nazi Party was nationalized socialism; Stalin's 
Communist Party typified international socialism. Their nations' governments were of, 
by, and for their party. Deference to the rights of citizens was non-existent.

There is for all intents and purposes little difference between human organization as 
characterized by a political party or the government of a state or a nation. There is 
an ultimate head over an array of horizontally integrated offices and sub-offices 
comprising a vertically subordinate chain of command as to purpose and operation 
through the leader. Their organizational structure is dependent upon the mission and 
goals of the organization, and designed to most effectively address these. All 
corporate, charitable, religious and political organizations are similarly structured 
with their mission and purpose in mind.

This has never been the case with respect to the design and purpose of American 
government. Our Founders designed American government using a 'destructuring' design 
to ensure that a unanimity of purpose, or a commandeering usurpation by either elected 
representatives of the people, bureaucrats, or politicians of every strain, could 
never rob or supplant the individual of his God-given freedom to chose his path in 
life. And to that end, the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights 
was designed and put into place. It is this document that represents Mankind's 
greatest design and dedication to individual freedom.

When taken together, the sovereignty of the individual American citizen is paramount. 
The sovereignty of either our government or our two main political parties is not. 
Clearly, in our time, both political parties and American government have totally 
subverted and virtually abolished our freedom protections under the constitutional, 
decentralized, limited government specifically structured for this purpose.

When individual sovereignty takes precedence over political parties and government, 
the right of the people, via each singular, separate, individual citizen to own and 
carry firearms to protect both free speech and assembly, becomes obvious. This 
God-given right is guaranteed to Americans recognizing precisely the desire by big 
government and dominating political parties to silence opposition - and silencing will 
take the form of government force, whether initiated by government officials or 
political parties.

It is becoming increasingly obvious, that we have reached a point where each and every 
American must assess both their government and their political party, and recognize 
how dangerously far we've wandered from our purpose. The time to reflect is now!


Political parties totally control government officials, legislatures, and elected 
chief executives, focusing the power of government on their party's objectives. Such 
party objectives are usually foreign to those constitutionally intended for 
government, and party government rarely serves the interests of the electorate.

Behind-the-scenes power brokers manipulating political parties are virtually never on 
a political level that equates or is answerable to the average American voter. Yet the 
rich and powerful controllers manipulate th

[CTRL] Dec. 12, 2002 Was A Bleak Day

2002-12-23 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

It's the End of the Church as We Know It
[...and I Don't Feel Fine.]
by Douglas Newman

Am I the only person outraged by this? Future generations will look back on December 
12, 2002 As A Bleak Day In The History of Christianity in America. On this day, 
President Bush signed an executive order allowing churches and other religious 
organizations to compete for federal funds for charitable purposes. This is a 
horrendously bad thing for a variety of reasons.

To begin with, this is an executive order. There is no constitutional basis for the 
president to rule in such a fashion. Bush is a president. He is not a king or a 
dictator. Presidents do not make the rules. It does not matter if you like the 
president. It does not matter if you like his intentions. The executive branch may 
only carry out laws. The legislative branch must make them first.

Conservatives become indignant when liberal judges legislate from the bench. Our 
freedom is similarly threatened when presidents legislate from the Oval Office. Just 
because presidents have been issuing executive orders for decades does not make it 
right. Kings and dictators rule by executive order. Presidents of constitutional 
republics restrain themselves from acting in such a manner. But then we stopped being 
a constitutional republic nine decades ago.

Bush's rationale for issuing this executive order was that he had difficulty getting 
his Faith Based Initiative through Congress. Well la-de-da. Is this how it will be 
from now on? Whenever a president does not get his agenda through Congress, will he 
just implement it by executive order? What precedent does this set for a future 
president, who is loved by secular folks and despised by Christians, when he wants to 
push an agenda that is not popular with Christians? Why do we even bother with a 
legislative and judicial branch? In the words of Clinton PR flak Paul Begala, "Stroke 
of the pen, law of the land. Kinda cool."

There was a time when conservatives hated the welfare state. But those days are long 
gone. Today, they praise its expansion. "Compassionate conservatism" is just another 
name for Clintonian socialism. Jay Sekulow of the American Center for Law and Justice 
hails the order as removing barriers that discriminated against churches that compete 
with secular organizations for federal funds.

There is nothing Christian about the welfare state. Its very existence violates the 
Eighth and Tenth Commandments, which forbid theft and envy. II Thessalonians 3:10 says 
that if you don't work, you don't eat. When churches take taxpayer funds, it further 
violates Scripture. II Corinthians 9:7 says that God wants a joyous giver, not one who 
gives out of compulsion. Taxation is compulsory. It is theft. You either pay your 
taxes or you go to jail.

There is nothing compassionate about the welfare state. Be honest: do you pay your 
taxes out of compassion or out of threat of jail? This is strictly my personal 
opinion, but I believe we have lost a lot of old-fashioned Christian compassion for 
the poor because so many of us are taxed into the pavement to support the welfare 
state. On the receiving end, so many people have their hand out thinking someone else 
owes them a living that many of us ignore legitimate suffering.

But doesn't the Constitution delegate to Congress the power to provide for the general 
welfare of the United States? Yes it does. [1] However, the Article I, Section 8 
spells out in detail what 'general Welfare' means. It speaks of things like coining 
money, a post office, courts, copyrights, weights and measures and so forth. It says 
nothing about massive transfers of wealth from producers to non-producers. The Tenth 
Amendment forbids Uncle Sam from engaging in any activity not authorized here.

Federal aid always results in federal control. [2] Making churches eligible to 
participate in federal welfare programs will poison them. This is not speculation. It 
would be instructive to look at the history of federal aid in other areas. When 
Congress launched aid to college and university students, everyone was assured that 
this money would not lead to federal control of higher education. Before long, 
colleges and universities learned that, in order to keep receiving this aid, they 
would have to comply with federal affirmative action regulations, racial hiring 
quotas, and numerous other requirements.

Any university, corporation, or other organization receiving federal monies or 
contracting with the federal government must now comply with an endless labyrinth of 
federal regulations on everything from racial hiring quotas to drug testing. For 
states to receive federal funding for education, highways, and numerous other 
purposes, they must likewise surrender a measure of their autonomy.

Can you imagine your church being faced with the choice of having to perform 
homosexual marriages or otherwise losing federal subsidies? Can you imagine having 


2002-12-23 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

Conspiracy: THE RISE OF THE ROUGH BEASTPosted by: souljah on Dec 23, 2002 - 03:07 PM
"Of course, the idea that the world should be run by secret societies went down particularly well with...well, secret societies. Consequently, many of them adopted Synarchist principles. In fact, Saint-Yves' ideas transformed the esoteric underground of Europe, particularly France. Some of the greatest figures in subsequent occult history were devotees of Saint-Yves, which is not surprising because occultists, with their love of hierarchy, tend to be naturally totalitarian and unegalitarian."
THE RISE OF THE ROUGH BEAST (Adapted from a lecture by LYNN PICKNETT and CLIVE PRINCE at the Saunière Society Symposium, Conway Hall, London on 19 September 1999) 

As we approach the Millennium, there is a growing sense of expectancy that some event, or revelation, will change the world forever. For fundamentalist Christians it is the Second Coming - but you don't have to be a fundamentalist Christian to share the belief that the world is soon going to change, and change radically. 
The one thing that many of these expectations have in common is the sense that the past is catching up with us; that the transformation of our future will, in some way, be connected to the ancient past. Ancient sites around the world are the focus of 'Millennium Fever' but none more so than those of Egypt, and particularly the Giza Plateau. Many believe that some revelation connected with the Great Pyramid, or with the Sphinx, will be the trigger for a New Age. 
Such expectancy, such hope, such belief is very, very potent. It is wide open for exploitation: not just for financial gain, but for those who want to try to change the way we think. And that is what we believe is happening. Our book, The Stargate Conspiracy, describes a 50-year-long plot to create, and then exploit, expectations about ancient Egypt as part of what amounts to a programme of social engineering. It is a very high-level plot that, essentially, aims to hijack the very real mysteries of ancient Egypt in order to push other quasi-religious and even political ideas. Instrumental in this plot are the psychological warfare units of intelligence agencies. 
At the centre of the conspiracy is the manipulation of beliefs about the origins and history of human civilisation, in particular beliefs about the existence of an advanced civilisation in the ancient past and its influence on the earliest known historical civilisations, primarily that of Egypt. 
But the conspiracy uses ideas and concepts that have been around for quite a long time in the occult world. Our book explores the origins of those ideas, and shows how in recent years, they been pushed at the mainstream public. In brief, ideas about the origins and history of human civilisation that were developed in occult circles in the 19th century are now being promoted to the public as if they have been confirmed by recent research. 
The important point is that these ideas were originally developed to support specific systems of belief or doctrines - and some of those doctrines were, to say the least, highly questionable and often downright dangerous. 
In the last few years we have seen a wave of new books about ancient Egypt that have captured the imaginations of millions of readers worldwide. The best-known names in this 'Alternative Egypt' field are Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval, and John Anthony West, and their works have been instrumental in arousing public inte

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] The War and the Spectacle

2002-12-23 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

Mind: The War and the SpectaclePosted by: souljah on Dec 21, 2002 - 01:18 PM

 "Socially and psychologically repressed, people are drawn to spectacles of violent conflict that allow their accumulated frustrations to explode in socially condoned orgasms of collective pride and hate. Deprived of significant accomplishments in their own work and leisure, they participate vicariously in military enterprises that have real and undeniable effects."
More at http://memes.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=1440&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0
  3 months FREE*. 

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[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] The Psychology Behind Mass Subservience to Tyranny

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-Caveat Lector-

The Psychology Behind Mass Subservience to 
TyrannyCompilation by Christopher 
time that we became conscious of HOW we are conscious. 
unexamined life is not worth living." --Socrates

sent this post to about 33,000 people on about a dozen yahoo lists. Here's a 
response. -CR 
Excellent! Right on the mark. Everyone should 
read and re-read this.And let's not forget that Hitler also gave front line soldiers 
amphetamines to help them feel brave and invincible, something our government 
has been doing with the pilots on bombing runs.-Jonathan Inskeep (Crofton, MD)

As said by the Psy-Ops 
henchman for Hitler, who made the Big Lie big enough, bold enough and told 
"The lie can be 
maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the 
political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes 
vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for 
the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, 
the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State." 
Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels
EXCERPT:"The reality is that the American 
people, as individuals, have lost their courage. The government prefers it that 
way, as a fearful people are easier to rule than a courageous 
"America has escaped 
the clutches of a dictatorship thus far only through the efforts of those 
citizens who, unlike the Germans of the 1930s, have the moral courage to stand 
up and point out where the government is lying to the 

TO TYRANNYAnd The Consequent Rise of the Fourth ReichFrom 
Christos Lightweaver, www.heartcom.org/bio.htm
"To sin by silence 
when they should protest makes cowards of 
men." -Abraham LincolnEveryone likes to 
say, "Hitler did this," and "Hitler did that." But the truth is Hitler did 
very little. He was a world class tyrant, but the evil actually done by 
the Third Reich, from the death camps to WWII, was all done by German 
citizens who were 
afraid to question if what they were told by their government was the truth or 
not, and who, because they did not want to admit to 
themselves that they were afraid to question the government, refused to see the truth behind the 
Reichstag Fire, refused to see the invasion by Poland was a staged fake, and 
followed Hitler into national disaster.The German people of 
the late 1930s imagined themselves to be brave. They saw themselves as the 
heroic Germans depicted by the Wagnerian Operas, the descendants of the fierce 
Germanic warriors who had hunted wild boar with nothing but spears and who had 
defeated three of Rome's mightiest legions in the Tuetenberg 
Forest.But in truth, by the 1930s, the German people had become civilized 
and tamed, culturally obsessed with fine details in both science and society. 
Their self-image of bravery was both salve and slavery. Germans were required 
to behave as if they were brave, even when they were 
not.It's easy to look back and realize what a jerk Hitler was. But at the 
time, Hitler looked pretty good to the German people, with the help of the 
media. He was TIME Magazine's Man of the Year in 1938. The German people assumed 
they were safe from a tyrant. They lived in a Republic, after all, with 
strict laws regarding what the government could, and more importantly, could not 
Their leader was a devoutly religious 
man, and had even sung with the boy's choir of a monastery in his 
youth.The reality was that the German people, as 
individuals, had lost their courage. The German governme

[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] Fates of gold, silver, and the dollar are sealed, analyst says

2002-12-23 Thread RoadsEnd
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-Caveat Lector-

4:58p ET Monday, December 23, 2002

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Our friend Dr. Richard S. Appel, publisher of the
excellent Financial Insights newsletter, has an
essay at Kitco arguing that the fates of gold, silver,
and the dollar have been sealed by the recent
anti-deflation comments of Federal Reserve officials.
Here is one more close observer of the Fed who has
concluded that a big change in policy is under way.
You can find the essay here:


CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.


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[CTRL] Fwd: [narconews] A Brit Reporter’s Undisclosed Venezuela Conflicts

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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-Caveat Lector-

December 23, 2003
Please Distribute Widely

Dear Colleagues,

In yesterday's report, "Christmas Comes Early to Caracas," we mentioned that
we had sent a series of questions to British freelance correspondent Phil
Gunson about alleged and undisclosed conflicts-of-interest involved in his
reporting from Venezuela.

Gunson's reports in the Miami Herald, the St. Petersburg Times, MSNBC
(online only), the Independent of London, and his statements made this month
on NPR and WAMU radio, have been among the most knowingly false and
simulating reports on The Strike That Wasn't in Venezuela during almost all
of December 2002.

We asked Gunson to clarify his relationship with partisan pro-coup political
consultant in Venezuela Eric Ekvall.

He wrote us back - his response is published uncensored and in full, as we
offered - but he would not answer that question.

A more serious question we asked him was about his sole uncorroborated
source last April 11th for his claim that sniper assassinations on that day
- a claim that was used to justify a coup d'etat - Eurídice Ledezma, a
pro-coup Venezuelan journalist and defender of Dictator-for-a-Day Pedro
Carmona whom she calls, simply, "Pedro."

We asked Gunson why he did not disclose what he has said to others and what
is reportedly alluded to in at least one book: That Ledezma was his "former
girlfriend." We don't care who his friends are, but every basic code of
journalist ethics requires that we disclose our relationships with the
people we report on. He did not do that in April, and now, again, in
December, he has refused the opportunity to come clean.

That quote - the foundation of a bloody coup in which 50 political activists
were assassinated, and some tortured, by the regime of Carmona - had
profound consequences for the history of América, and for human life. We
repeat our call upon freelance correspondent Phil Gunson to disclose the
true facts he should have disclosed last April. We believe that if he had
disclosed those facts at the time, bloodshed might have been avoided.

You can read our full report, the text of our Open Letter and Questions to
Phil Gunson, and the full uncensored texts of letters that Gunson and Ekvall
sent to us in recent days:

A Brit Reporter’s Undisclosed Venezuela Conflicts

Phil Gunson and Eric Ekvall Are Upset with Narco News

By Al Giordano

With Unabridged Letters from Phil Gunson and Eric Ekvall


The language used by both Gunson and Ekvall in their letters to us is also
so similar as to be interesting, too. They're very upset with our questions.

There is other interesting background information in today's report,
important for historians, journalists, scholars and the work of many readers
in understanding the media's role in the Venezuelan conflicts.

continuing at our posts,

from somewhere in a country called América,

Al Giordano
The Narco News Bulletin

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[CTRL] Mossad's Subliminal Mind Control

2002-12-23 Thread William Shannon

Mossad's Subliminal Mind Control
"kee betachbulot ta'ase lecha milchama"

Copyright Joe Vialls,  22 August 2001 & 23 December 2002

As an unprecedented and illegal massed attack on Iraq approaches, thousands of web sites and pages are being hacked and removed from the Internet, especially those carrying scientific data which might in later years assist members of the public to parade various western politicians, bureaucrats and “media personalities’ in front of war crimes tribunals. This Internet “pruning” is deemed essential in the run-up to the new American carnage in Iraq, itself aimed solely at capturing oil-rich Muslim sovereign nations in the Middle East, for their new Zionist “owners” .in downtown New York and Tel Aviv.
This report was first posted on the Internet in late 2001 to explain the most foul Mossad subliminal exercise in modern history, which induced millions of viewers world wide to believe that nearly half a million American, British and Australian servicemen fought the Gulf War for Israel. Then two weeks ago it fell victim to the Internet “Purge”, being suddenly “removed” from the web along with 120 other detailed reports on atrocities by Israel in general, and by the Mossad in particular. Here it is again in all its essentials, edited only slightly to take into account the forth- coming needless sacrifice of American, British and Australian lives.
Back in 1990-1991, tens of millions of television viewers were confronted by thousands of images of American battle tanks thundering across the open desert in hot pursuit of the “Evil Tyrant” Saddam Hussein. They were enormously influential images, showing the most powerful army on earth striking repeated massive blows at the heart of Islam.
The hearts of retired military viewers fluttered with pride, and psychiatrists everywhere dribbled down their shirtfronts at the phallic implications of those long 120-mm gun barrels poking out of the turrets. Regardless of who the viewers actually were, their collective conscious minds all saw the same thing: massed firepower proving forever that America was the only remaining super power on earth, America was the world’s policeman, and anyone failing to carry out American orders with alacrity would be utterly destroyed.
Unfortunately it was all a lie, and what the conscious mind perceived was not at all what the subconscious mind believed. Tricked by advanced subliminal techniques on television, millions of subconscious minds were un-wittingly coerced into believing that Israel was the only remaining super power on earth, Israel was the world’s policeman, and anyone failing to carry out Israel’s orders with alacrity would be utterly destroyed.
Before explaining exactly how this was done, it is first necessary to go backwards in time, to explain how subliminal suggestion was first used to manipulate and change human thought and behavior. Most readers have heard of basic subliminal suggestion, where an image is flashed on a movie or television screen so quickly that only the subconscious mind has time to see it.
The technique was rife in the sixties, effectively culminating in an experimental version of the movie “Picnic” which was interlaced with subliminal messages at 1/3000th second every five seconds, alternately suggesting “Drink Coco Cola”, and “Hungry? Eat Popcorn”
Due to the embedded subliminal messages, Coke sales at the experimental movie house in Fort Lee, New Jersey, rose by a staggering 57.7 percent and popcorn sales rose by 18.1 percent. The frightening effectiveness of subliminal suggestion was thus proved scientifically, and American lawmakers promptly outlawed the techniques. After all, such techniques might be used by “The Commies” and had to be stopped to protect national security!
Legally thwarted in their ambition of directing human thought by use of subliminal input that could be detected by government inspectors, shrinks and psychologists alike searched the darkest recesses of their minds to find a way around the law. This turned out to be easier than they initially thought, using a new technique known as “in-screen subliminal”.
Basically what this means is that an object is placed in full view of the movie or television audience, but at the edge of their peripheral vision where the conscious mind is not focused. A good example of this might be a Formula One race with cars rocketing around the track at 200 m.p.h. The conscious mind peers intently at the cars as they slam on the brakes for a tricky corner, and completely misses an advertising logo near the same corner reading “Alaska Cool Beer is the Best”.
The subconscious mind misses nothing however, and the chances are that at some time in the future if confronted by this and other competitive products in a bar, you’ll orde

[CTRL] Where's The Smoking Gun? Bush Needs To Provide The Proof Now!

2002-12-23 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

By: John LeBoutillier

Behind all the rhetoric at the United Nations – and in London and DC, too – there still remains one unanswered question:

What is the smoking gun that unleashes the war against Saddam Hussein?

Supposedly ‘missing’ documents or ‘gaps’ in the 12,000 page Declaration are not enough to launch a war. After all, how do you prove a negative?

What is needed is that one irrefutable piece of evidence that incontrovertibly proves Saddam is lying about having either chemical, biological or nuclear weapons.

After all, this entire crisis has been created on the pretense that Saddam has these weapons – and is lying about that fact.

OK, so how to we prove that he is lying?

1) UNMOVIC – the weapons inspectors – actually find some of these now-denied weapons. (Highly unlikely.)

2) A defector reveals a secret location and Iraqi forces deny the inspectors access. (Possible – and that would be sufficient to trigger a war.)

3) An Iraqi scientist – taken with his family out of Iraq for interrogation – reveals the truth about the WMD program. (The problem with this scenario is that Saddam isn’t going to let the real scientists leave – or else he will ‘change’ their families and send the wrong family out, thus holding hostage the true wife and kids. Debka.com – a good source of Israeli intelligence – reports that Saddam has already executed ‘talkative’ scientists and locked up others and their families is ‘special compounds’ – just to keep those scientists whom the UN wants to talk to from talking. Saddam has apparently also prepared false death certificates for some scientists so that when the UN asks for them, they will be told, “Oh..him?…He died two years ago.”) 

The bottom line is simple: Saddam is in control of the information inside Iraq about where he has stashed his weapons of mass destruction. Finding them through the inspections process – or even through this Scientist Removal Project – is going to be very unlikely.

The one way to break this seemingly hopeless logjam is for American or British intelligence to reveal – if they have it - irrefutable proof of the WMD and where they are right now.

Yesterday, Hans Blix complained that so far neither DC nor London has provided this ‘smoking gun’ to the UN.

It could be that we are waiting for the right time to reveal this war-instigating piece of evidence.

Or, could it be that we don’t have this information?

After all the bluster and threats by DC about the “threat from Baghdad” – denied, by the way, by Bush’s own DCI George Tenet – could it be that we simply do not have the proof of Saddam’s Weapons of Mass Destruction?

If we do not have it – and yet got this whole multi-billion-dollar pre-war campaign activated on the claim that we knew he had these WMD – then it is an utter disgrace that we can’t prove it.

If that is the case, the CIA and all our intelligence agencies – which cost the American taxpayer a whopping $60 billion per year – ought to be disgraced for what they have done – or not done.

Still, let’s wait and see. Soon either Saddam or our intelligence agencies will be forced to put up or shut up.

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Re: [CTRL] Shocking Video Of Jewish Settler "Wolfpack" Attacking Innocents

2002-12-23 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 12/23/2002 5:27:01 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I fucking hate those right wing settler assholes.

Most of whom speak with a New York accent...
I agree with you Thew. They are thugs and nothing more.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Zionism & The Holocaust

2002-12-23 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Zionism and 
the Holocaust

The U.N. decisions to partition Palestine and then to grant admission to the state of Israel were made, on one level, as an emotional response to the horrors of the Holocaust, Under more normal circumstances, the compelling claims to sovereignty of the Arab majority would have prevailed. This reaction of guilt on the part of the Western allies was understandable, but that doesn't mean the Palestinians should have to pay for crimes committed by others -- a classic example of two wrongs not making a right.

The Holocaust is often used as the final argument in favor of Zionism, but is this connection justified? There are several aspects to consider in answering that question honestly. First, we will examine the historical record of what the Zionist movement actually did to help save European Jewry from the Nazis.

Shamir proposes an alliance with the Nazis

"As late as 1941, the Zionist group LEHI, one of whose leaders, Yitzhak Shamir, was later to become a prime minister of Israel, approached the Nazis, using the name of its parent organization, the Irgun(NMO)..[The proposal stated:] 'The establishment of the historical Jewish state on a national and totalitarian Pd bound by a treaty with the German Reich would be in the interests of strengthening the future German nation of power in the Near East...The NMO in Palestine offers to take an active part in the war on Germany's side'...The Nazis rejected this proposal for an alliance because, it is reported, they considered LEHI's military power 'negligible.' " Allan Brownfield in "The Washington Report on Middle Eastern Affairs", July/August 1998.

Wasn't the main goal of Zionism to save Jews from the Holocaust?

"In 1938 a thirty-one nation conference was held in Evian, France, on resettlement of the victims of Nazism. The World Zionist Organization refused to participate, fearing that resettlement of Jews in other states would reduce the number available for Palestine." John Quigley, "Palestine and Israel: A Challenge to Justice."

Main goal of Zionism - continued

"It was summed up in the meeting [of the Jewish Agency's Executive on June 26, 1938] that the Zionist thing to do 'is belittle the [Evian] Conference as far as possible and to cause it to decide nothing...We are particularly worried that it would move Jewish organizations to collect large sums of money for aid to Jewish refugees, and these collections could interfere with our collection efforts'...Ben-Gurion's statement at the same meeting: 'No rationalization can turn the conference from a harmful to a useful one. What can and should be done is to limit the damage as far as possible.'" Israeli author Boas Evron, "Jewish State or Israeli Nation?"
Main goal of Zionism - continued

"[Ben-Gurion stated] 'If I knew that it was possible to save all the children of Germany by transporting them to England, but only half of them by transporting them to Palestine, I would choose the second - because we face not only the reckoning of those children, but the historical reckoning of the Jewish people.' In the wake of the Kristallnacht pogroms, Ben-Gurion commented that 'the human conscience' might bring various countries to open their doors to Jewish refugees from Germany. He saw this as a threat and warned: 'Zionism is in danger.'" Israeli historian, Tom Segev, "The Seventh Million."
Main goal of Zionism-continued

"Even David Ben-Gurion's sympathetic biographer acknowledges that Ben-Gurion did nothing practical for rescue, devoting his energies to post-war prospects. He delegated rescue work to Yitzak Gruenbaum, who [stated]...'They will say that I am anti-Semitic, that I don't want to save the Exile, that I don't have a varm Yiddish hartz...Let them say what they want. I will not demand that the Jewish Agency allocate a sum of 300,000 or 100,000 pounds sterling to help European Jewry. And I think that whoever demands such things is performing an anti-Zionist act.'

"Zionists in America...took the same position. At a May 1943 meeting of the American Emergency Committee for Zionist Affairs, Nahum Goldmann argued, 'If a drive is opened against the White Paper (the British policy of restricting Jewish immigrants to Palestine) the mass meetings of protest against the murder of European Jewry will have to be dropped. We do not have sufficient manpower for both campaigns.'" Peter Novick, "The Holocaust in American Life."

Main goal of Zionism - continued

"The Zionist movement...interfered with and hindered other organizations, Jewish and non-Jewish, whenever it imagined that their activity, political or humanitarian, was at variance with Zionist aims or in competition with them, even when these might be helpful to Jews, even when it was a question of life and death...Beit Zvi documents the Zionist leadership's indifference to saving Jews from the Nazi menace except in cases in which the Jews could be brought to Palestine...[e.g.]

[CTRL] Many Held at Guantanamo Not Likely Terrorists

2002-12-23 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Many Held at Guantanamo Not Likely Terrorists
Dozens of detainees pose no real threat, but U.S. policies make it nearly impossible to get names off lists. There's also fear of freeing '21st hijacker.'

By Greg Miller, Times Staff Writer

WASHINGTON -- The United States is holding dozens of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay who have no meaningful connection to Al Qaeda or the Taliban, and were sent to the maximum-security facility over the objections of intelligence officers in Afghanistan who had recommended them for release, according to military sources with direct knowledge of the matter.

At least 59 detainees -- nearly 10% of the prison population at the U.S. Navy base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba -- were deemed to be of no intelligence value after repeated interrogations in Afghanistan. All were placed on "recommended for repatriation" lists well before they were transferred to Guantanamo Bay, a facility intended to hold the most hardened terrorists and Taliban suspects.

Dozens of the detainees are Afghan and Pakistani nationals described in classified intelligence reports as farmers, taxi drivers, cobblers and laborers. Some were low-level fighters conscripted by the Taliban in the weeks before the collapse of the ruling Afghan regime.

None of the 59 met U.S. screening criteria for determining which prisoners should be sent to Guantanamo Bay, military sources said. But all were transferred anyway, sources said, for reasons that continue to baffle and frustrate intelligence officers nearly a year after the first group of detainees arrived at the facility.

"There are a lot of guilty [people] in there," said one officer, "but there's a lot of farmers in there too."

The sources' accounts point to a previously undisclosed struggle within the military over the handling of the detainees. Even senior commanders were said to be troubled by the problems.

Maj. Gen. Michael E. Dunlavey, the operational commander at Guantanamo Bay until October, traveled to Afghanistan in the spring to complain that too many "Mickey Mouse" detainees were being sent to the already crowded facility, sources said.

One senior Army officer described Dunlavey's visit as a "fact-finding" mission. But another who met with Dunlavey said the general's purpose was more direct: "He came over to chew us out," the officer said. Dunlavey, an Army reservist, declined to comment.

The sources blamed a host of problems, including flawed screening guidelines, policies that made it almost impossible to take prisoners off Guantanamo flight manifests and a pervasive fear of letting a valuable prisoner go free by mistake.

"No one wanted to be the guy who released the 21st hijacker," one officer said.

While that concern remains a legitimate one, the fact that dozens of the detainees are still in custody a year or more after their capture has become a source of deep concern to military officers engaged in the war on terrorism around the globe.

Many fear that detaining innocents, and providing no legal mechanism for appeal, can only breed distrust and animosity toward the U.S. -- not only in the home countries and governments of the prisoners but also among the inmates.

"We're basically condemning these guys to long-term imprisonment," said a military official who was a senior interrogator at Guantanamo Bay.

"If they weren't terrorists before, they certainly could be now."

Moreover, he said, even amid the tight security there is significant indoctrination of prisoners by radical Islamists among them.

The Afghan and Pakistani governments have raised the issue with Washington. A Pakistani embassy official, who declined to be identified, said his government is convinced that many of the 58 Pakistanis known to be in custody "probably joined the Taliban but didn't know how to spell Al Qaeda."

Even some prisoners red-flagged by the screening guidelines were clearly of no intelligence value and should not have been sent, military intelligence sources said.

One prisoner was transferred because he was Arab by birth and had once fought for the Taliban, thereby meeting two key screening criteria. But before the war he had sustained such a massive head injury that he could utter little more than his name and was known by interrogators at Guantanamo Bay as "half-head Bob."

"He had basically had a combat lobotomy," the interrogator said. "Every [intelligence report] on him from Afghanistan said, 'No value, no value, don't send him.' "

Others were grabbed by Pakistani soldiers patrolling the Afghan border who collected bounties for prisoners, sources said. One such prisoner was captured at a restaurant near the border where he claimed to have lived and worked for 20 years.

"He had the mental capacity to put flatbread in an oven and that was the extent of his intellect," the interrogator said. "He never got trained on a rifle, never got pressed into service. But he was Arab by birt

[CTRL] Not All Iraq Claims Backed by Evidence

2002-12-23 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Not All Iraq Claims Backed by Evidence
Not All Statements Coming From Bush Administration in Case Against Iraq Are Backed By Evidence

The Associated Press

WASHINGTON Dec. 22 — Today's claims about Iraq could become tomorrow's call to arms. But not all the statements coming from the Bush administration have been supported by evidence, and some that haven't are central to the question of whether Americans should go to war.

The overarching claim, that Iraq possesses weapons of mass destruction, may have the weight of probability behind it, but it has yet to be backed by proof shared with the public.

Behind that is a cast of supporting allegations, some veering off into murky territory.

Human rights monitors, for example, say it is news to them that when Iraqi soldiers captured by Iran in the 1980s returned from that war, President Saddam Hussein ordered their ears cut off, as the Pentagon stated.

When President Bush flatly asserted about Saddam, "He possesses the most deadly arms of our age," he seemed to ignore the consensus that Iraq does not have the weapons of Armageddon nuclear ones however actively it may be pursuing them.

A decade ago, Americans preparing for their first war against Iraq were shocked when a Kuwaiti girl, testifying to Congress, said she saw Iraqi soldiers occupying her country take infants off of their respirators and let them die.

The story quickly became part of the first President Bush's campaign to win public support for the war. "Babies pulled from incubators and scattered like firewood across the floor," he said.

Only after the war did the story fall apart and the witness' true identity the daughter of Kuwait's ambassador to the United States become known.

With that in mind, Joe Stork, a Middle East monitor for Human Rights Watch, urged the government not to stretch its claims of Iraqi atrocities, because doing so can undermine confidence in carefully documented reports of genuine abuses.

"I do think the human rights abuses in Iraq are systematic and serious," said Stork, whose group investigates mistreatment of citizens worldwide. "This is one of the worst governments in the world. There is absolutely no need to exaggerate."

On the crucial question of Iraqi weapons, knowledge of Saddam's past chemical and biological stockpiles, combined with shadowy actions since the world last had a good look around there, leads many analysts to think he is capable of causing huge destruction now.

But U.N. inspectors are still inspecting, some suspicions remain suppositions, and U.S. allies are waiting for a clincher.

"So far the inspectors have found nothing, and the U.S. has produced nothing," said Phyllis Bennis, a Middle East analyst for the liberal Institute for Policy Studies in Washington. "I'm not prepared to support a war on spec."

Other analysts put more weight behind U.S. allegations that Iraq has regenerated its biological weapons capabilities and may have chemical weapons, which it used in the past, as well.

But the indictment offered by Washington last week, accusing Iraq of being in "material breach" of the U.N. disarmament resolution, rests not on what has been uncovered in the inspections but, in large measure, on what was omitted in Iraq's report on its weapons inventory.

Among the administration's points:

Satellites have picked up on construction of an unknown nature at previously bombed weapons sites.

Iraq has offered no proof that it has destroyed a long list of highly destructive weapons it acknowledged having had before.

Iraq has imported suspicious materials that could advance its attempts to develop nuclear weapons.

On other fronts, U.S. officials have made several charges without offering support in the past few weeks.

For example, intelligence officials said Iraq has an audacious plan to destroy its own food sources, power supplies and oil fields, and blame America for it, if war against U.S. forces does not go well all for the purpose of turning international opinion against Washington. They refused to describe their evidence.

Government sources also said, in leaked comments, that Islamic extremists affiliated with the al-Qaida network might have taken possession of the deadly chemical weapon VX while in Iraq. The claim weakened under examination.

U.S. officials have tried before to establish a connection between Iraq and the terrorist network that attacked America.

In this case, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld would not talk about any Iraq-terrorist VX transaction but said: "I have seen other information over a period of time that suggests that could be happening."

But a variety of counterterror and defense officials said later they had no credible evidence that Iraq supplied the nerve agent to al-Qaida operatives.

Questions also have been raised about claims made in U.S. radio broadcasts to Iraqi soldiers and citizens. One was the ear-cutting claim.


Re: [CTRL] Shocking Video Of Jewish Settler "Wolfpack" Attacking Innocents

2002-12-23 Thread thew
Title: Re: [CTRL] Shocking Video Of Jewish Settler "Wolfpack" Attacking Innocents
-Caveat Lector-

I fucking hate those right wing settler assholes.

on 12/23/02 6:09 PM, William Shannon at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

-Caveat Lector- http://www.sf.indymedia.org/uploads/settlers.ram 

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Heathen, n. A benighted creature who has the folly to worship something that he can see and feel.

Ambrose Bierce, the Devils Dictionary

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew 

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[CTRL] Shocking Video Of Jewish Settler "Wolfpack" Attacking Innocents

2002-12-23 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
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[CTRL] 51 Documents:Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis

2002-12-23 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

December 23, 2002
51 Documents:
Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis

In 1983, Croom Helm Ltd. published my 1st book, Zionism in the Age of the Dictators. American writers don't expect favorable reviews from the London Times, but editorialist Edward Mortimer declared that "Brenner is able to cite numerous cases where Zionists collaborated with anti-Semitic regimes, including Hitler's."

Still less could a Trotskyist dream of a review from Izvestia, the Soviet government gazette, but they hailed it. "During the world war, Brenner points out, Zionism showed its real meaning: for the sake of its ambitions, it sacrificed the blood of millions of Jews."

Louis Rapoport, a failed Berkeley radical, denounced the book in the Jerusalem Post as "leftist babble." Nevertheless, he conceded, there were "very real charges that will continue to haunt" Zionism "until they are dealt with honestly."

In 1987, Jim Allen, the celebrated British movie/TV writer, based Perdition, a stage play, on the book. When intense pressure on the Royal Court Theatre canceled production, we debated Sir Martin Gilbert, the Churchill family's private historian, and Stephen Roth, head of the British Zionist Federation, nationwide, prime-time on ITV. The London Review of Books said the Zionist scheme "made it one of the most famous plays of the decade." Indeed, unless the Queen was sick on the crapper, every politically or theatrically interested person in Britain watched us win, thanks to director Ken Loach's strategic instructions.

Extraordinary world interest wasn't matched in America's media. Alex Cockburn championed the book in the Village Voice and in the Nation. But the Voice refused to review it. The Nation sent it out to someone, but, sorry, "he never sent in the review."
Walter Laqueur had to bark in the Zionist New Republic after their Perdition debacle: "Some of Brenner's book is invented, some is exaggerated or drawn out of context." Yet even he admits that "German Zionists did not fully understand the meaning of Hitler when he came to power in 1933. Some of their comments and declarations make embarrassing reading 50 years later."

Despite Zionism's best efforts, over 5,000 copies sold in 18 years before being put on the web: www.marxists.de/middleast/brenner/index.htm Then Lyle Stuart of Barricade Books discovered that a friend, a Zionist propagandist, had never read the complete proposal of the "Stern Gang," 1940s Zionist terrorists, to go to war on Hitler's side. 51 Documents was born. Now Americans and others can read the evidence and judge for themselves.

There are six selections re Zionism's relationship to anti-Semitism and racism prior to Hitler. The 51 documents, including 35 letters, memos, articles, and reports by Zionists, are from the Hitler era and after. Seven are by Nazis, most notably Eichmann's memoir, written in Argentina, on Hungarian collaborator RA<

Zionism convicts itself. On June 21, 1933, the German Zionist Federation sent a secret memorandum to the Nazis:

"Zionism has no illusions about the difficulty of the Jewish condition, which consists above all in an abnormal occupational pattern and in the fault of an intellectual and moral posture not rooted in one's own tradition. Zionism recognized decades ago that as a result of the assimilationist trend, symptoms of deterioration were bound to appear, which it seeks to overcome by carrying out its challenge to transform Jewish life completely.

"It is our opinion that an answer to the Jewish question truly satisfying to the national state can be brought about only with the collaboration of the Jewish movement that aims at a social, cultural and moral renewal of Jewry--indeed, that such a national renewal must first create the decisive social and spiritual premises for all solutions.

"Zionism believes that a rebirth of national life, such as is occurring in German life through adhesion to Christian and national values, must also take place in the Jewish national group. For the Jew, too, origin, religion, community of fate and group consciousness must be of decisive significance in the shaping of his life. This means that the egotistic individualism which arose in the liberal era must be overcome by public spiritedness and by willingness to accept responsibility."

By 1936, the Post ran a news flash, "German Zionists Seek Recognition":

"A bold demand that the German Zionist Federation be given recognition by the Government as the only instrument for the exclusive control of German Jewish life was made by the Executive of that body in a proclamation today. All German Jewish organizations, it was declared, should be dominated by the Zionist spirit."

Zionist factions competed for the honor of allying to Hitler. By 1940-41, the "Stern Gang," among them Yitzhak Shamir, later Prime Minister of Israel, presented the Nazis with the "Fundamental Features of the Proposal of the Nationa

[CTRL] emotionally immature priests, candyman - 30 years, e-weapons, UN/Iraq

2002-12-23 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

this may be heavy for survivors

Pope given priests `sex time bomb' warning 30 years ago by Roger Dobson and Maurice Chittenden in The Sunday Times - 12/23/02 "The present Pope was among several Catholic bishops warned in a secret report more than 30 years ago that the church faced a potential "psychosexual" time bomb in the priesthood.  The report, which foreshadows the scandals over sexual abuse of children which have erupted in the church in recent years, was prepared for a synod of bishops at the Vatican in 1971. Its authors estimated that a quarter of clerics had psychiatric difficulties and most were emotionally immatureLawyers representing alleged victims of child abuse by priests in Britain and America are studying the unpublished report by Dr Conrad Baars, a Dutch-born Catholic psychiatrist from Minnesota, based on the records of 1,500 priests treated for mental problems. Baars reported that "psychosexual immaturity expressed in heterosexual or homosexual activity was encountered often. Virtually all of these priests were . . . suffering from a severe to moderate frustration neurosis". The report, The Role of the Church in the Causation, Treatment and Prevention of the Crisis in the Priesthood, estimated that less than 15% of all priests in western Europe and North America were emotionally fully developed. Of the rest, 20-25% had serious psychiatric difficulties that often showed themselves in alcoholism; 60-70% suffered from lesser degrees of emotional immaturity. Baars made 10 recommendations, including better vetting of applicants to the priesthood. None were implemented.  http://www.oneinfour.org/archives/000239.html#000239

Head of Child Porn Ring Gets 30 Years By Mark Babineck Houston (AP) - A Texas man behind a worldwide e-mail ring that traded pornographic images of children, some as young as 18 months old, was sentenced to the maximum of 30 years in federal prison FridayBates pleaded guilty to trafficking in child pornography via computer. He was the moderator of the ``Candyman'' e-mail group that served more than 6,000 users, who were expected to contribute images as well as receive them. More than 80 people in 26 states were arrested in the case last March." http://www.austin360.com/aas/news/ap/ap_story.html/National/AP.V4003.AP-Porn-Ring.html

Letter from Dr. Eldon A. Byrd "From 1980 to 1983, a man named Eldon Byrd ran the Marine Corps Nonlethal Electromagnetic Weapons project. He conducted most of his research at the Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute in Bethesda, Md. "We were looking at electrical activity in the brain and how to influence it," he says. Byrd, a specialist in medical engineering and bioeffects, funded small research projects, including a paper on vortex weapons by Obolensky. He conducted experiments on animals-and even on himself-to see if brain waves would move into sync with waves impinging on them from the outside. (he found that they would, but the effect was short lived.) By using very low frequency electromagnetic radiation-the waves way below radio frequencies on the electromagnetic spectrum-he found he could induce the brain to release behavior-regulating chemicals. "We could put animals into a stupor," he says, by hitting them with these frequencies. "we got chick brains-in vitro-to dump 80 percent of the natural opiods in their brains," Byrd says. He even ran a small project that used magnetic fields to cause certain brain cells in rats to release histamine. In humans, this would cause instant flulike symptoms and produce nausea. "These fields were extremely weak. They were undetectable," says Byrd. "The effects were nonlethal and reversible. You could disable a person temporarily," Byrd hypothesizes. "It [would have been] like a stun gun." http://www.dcn.davis.ca.us/~welsh/1-02-1.htm

UN chief issues secret orders for war in Iraq
>From James Bone in New York Agencies told to prepare for civil unrest and 900,000 refugees  THE United Nations is making secret contingency plans for a war that would halt all Iraqi oil production, "seriously degrade" the country's electricity system, provoke civil unrest and create 900,000 refugees, The Times has learnt.
"The UN expects that there will be full compliance by Iraq . . . and that, consequently, there will be no new humanitarian crisis," one document says. "Nevertheless, UN agencies must ensure that they are adequately prepared for the full range of possible scenarios." 
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[CTRL] Righteous Jewish Professors Support Israeli Divestment

2002-12-23 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-


The national movement to pressure universities to pull their investments
from Israel has been battered this year by critics who call it divisive and
anti-Semitic. But it has shown remarkable staying power in large part
because of an unusual group of supporters: Jewish professors.

Hundreds of college professors nationwide have signed petitions calling
for divestment from Israel, among them several dozen Jewish professors
who call their signatures an act of political conscience. As the fall
draws to a close, many have found themselves - not  always purposely -
becoming spokesmen for a cause that has deeply split their campuses.
"I simply couldn't afford to sit back any longer," said Harvard psychology
professor Elizabeth Spelke, whose family has roots in Israel, and who
the petition to protest Israel's military crackdown on Palestinians.

Modeled on an anti-apartheid campaign that led campuses to
divest from South Africa in the 1980s, the petition criticizes Israel's
actions in the occupied territories and calls on universities to sell any
investments in Israel, and in companies that do business there. It has
circulated at more than 50 campuses, including Harvard, MIT, Yale,
and the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Scientists Debunk 'Fairy Tale' of 'Global Warming' (fwd)

2002-12-23 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

"I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all."

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2002 12:07:01 -0600
From: David McDivitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Scientists Debunk 'Fairy Tale' of 'Global Warming'


WASHINGTON – A team of international scientists says climate models
showing global warming are based on a "fairy tale" of computer


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2002-12-23 Thread Party of Citizens
-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2002 12:27:19 -0800 (PST)
From: Party of Citizens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

In 1985, Mikhail S. Gorbachev published his book, "A Time For Peace".
Though the publisher was the small and obscure Richardson and Steirman
publisher, it was influential with respect to ending the Cold War.
There are 39 Gorbachev essays and speeches in the book.

As publisher for Party of Citizens, I would like to publish "A Time For
Peace" by Saddam Hussein, with a Forward by Prime Minister Chretien.
Some of the essays and speeches can be from the past but we will send an
interviewer to meet with President Hussein and obtain new material. All
expenses will be paid by Party of Citizens except that of obtaining and
paying the wages of a Chinese-Arab translator as the interviewer was
born and raised in China.

There is now no doubt that Iraq will see the peace process through to the
objective of the United Nations which has also been repeatedly stated by
President Bush as: "Saddam must disarm". If Saddam is not disarmed now,
sufficient to meet United Nations criteria, it is clear that he will be
soon, by his own volition. And the world can live in peace once again.

The Iraq Embassy in Ottawa has the postal address of Party of Citizens and
can reply by postal mail if it prefers.


James Cook
(Publisher for Party of Citizens)

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[CTRL] Fwd: Michael Moore(s)

2002-12-23 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-


 Secret Service Intercepted Michael Moore's Email and Searched His Home
Without A Warrant
 The Story of a Vietnam Vet Caught in a Government/Celebrity Surveillance
 Exclusive print-publication interview/story
 by Tom Flocco
 December 17, 2002

 In a not-so-cryptic "message" eventually intended for all U.S. citizens --
but likely one very famous American in particular, three armed U.S. Secret
Service agents and a local sheriff employed psychological intimidation to
invade the privacy of retired U.S. Navy Chief Petty Officer Michael Moore,
49, of Goldston, North Carolina at his home on December 10, 2002.

 In another warning sign of what lies ahead for all Americans regarding
police-state abuse of power (thanks to sections of the post-September 11
"Patriot Act" approved by Congress and signed into law by President Bush),
U.S. Intelligence intercepted North Carolinian Michael Moore's email --
likely believing it was written by independent film producer-icon ("Bowling
for Columbine") and author ("Stupid White Men") Michael Moore.  In other
words, they got the wrong
 Michael Moore.

 The Michael Moore raided by the Secret Service last week is a 20-year war
veteran who put his life on the line for his country during two separate
tours of duty aboard the U.S.S. Paul Revere off the coast of Vietnam in 1971
and 1972 -- one of which was a highly dangerous mine-sweeping operation.

 Finding a few controversial albeit First Amendment-protected words in the
Navy vet's email, the Intelligence agents apparently decided to kill two
birds with one stone:

 1) intimidate the former Vietnam veteran into allowing them to violate his
personal privacy by performing a search of his home while knowing the story
would reach the public -- thereby inculcating citizen fear of government
power; and,
 2)  send a veiled "message" to fervent presidential-critic and celebrity
Michael Moore to let him know what lies down the road for him should his
high-profile and media-oriented presidential disdain persist.

 There are no reports yet as to whether Michael Moore, the film and book
luminary, will join the Navy vet with his appellation to promulgate a legal
inquiry into how various sections of the Patriot Act are abused by government
officials in order to intimidate and distress


2002-12-23 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

Treason Committed Against The U.S.A. 
by George H.W. Bush 
BUSH Sold Iraq Weapons Stolen from US Arsenals 
Fighter Jets, Tanks, Helicopters, The Bull Moose Cannon 
Without United States Government Permission, 
In Exchange for Oil & Drugs, 
here is some evidence 
One of many. 
Press Release 
Dec. 22, 2002 
By Stew Webb 
Federal Whistleblower 
www.stewwebb.com  coming late Dec 2002 
co-partner www.almartinraw.com  
by Stew Webb 
A Message For The American Press: 
Treason is defined under The Barkley Cole Indenture Act. 
Document # 1 Stew Webb Federal Grand Jury Demand 
(Treason stated in my filing) 
Documents # 2 Filed in US Courts 
(THE NETWORK BELOW by a shadow gov. CIA operative) 
*When one is held as a Political Prisoner like I was, (1992-1993) one 
develops tremendous sources, Bush had locked up to many people to 
silence them after his Presidential Pardons of his partner criminals 
like Ollie North. Casper the ghost, and John Poindexter, now working 
at the Pentagons 
new One World Order information office. 

This is to get the Press to recognize we have Traitors in the White 
House, and it is the Responsibility of a Free 
Press to Expose these Criminals. 
Otherwise if a revolution occurs, I would not want 
to be in your shoes! Since the Press is hated in this 
Country for not telling the people the truth. 
*Are you Iran Contra literate? 
*Remember BNL Bank, Rep. Henry Gonzales House Banking Chairman 
June 1992 testimony and Bush's accounts at BNL Bank, Hildago Company? 
(The Network below is were the money came from) 
*Remember BCCI, Jonathan Beatty & George Williamson 
with Time Mag. broke the stories on BCCI. George did the first 
on Silverado in the San Francisco Chronicle. Jonathan followed up 
with stories on Silverado Savings-Leonard Millman and Neil Bush for 
(Time Mag. Aug 16, 1990 Denver Airport & Oct 3 1990 Running with a 
Bad Crowd) 
*Maybe you need to watch more of the TV sitcom Soprano's to 
HUD is being robbed, still today by The Bush Crime Family Denver. 
AIMCO, oh yes another Leonard Millman controlled company. 
*Or maybe the hundreds of millions stole from HUD reinsurance 
by George W. Bush and Millmans US Mortgage. 
*Oh yes did you know 1.3 Trillion is missing from the Federal 
Another Millman Carlyle Group company. 
*I thought after George Bush, Leonard Millman, and Norman Brownstein 
robbed your pension funds, one of you might have contacted me to get 
to the bottom of that network. 
*Since all of the above interface with my ex-father in law Leonard 
*Oh yes maybe I should do another on Iraq gate, Tricor supply Illegal 
Chemicals to Iraq. Now killing our Vets-Gulf War Syndrome 
Another Millman company. 
*Or maybe you might look at Textronics, Iraq's report shows they 
supplied Iraq illegally, another Leonard Millman Company 
he uses his fake name Richard Millman on this one. 
When I began digging last spring on Richard Millman Denver's 
FBI field office tried to set me up on a murder.(yes I wrote a 
*How Neil Bush George W. Bush's brother is still in the Drug 
He and I were in the middle of exposing them, the network below, 
part of it is still in operation. That is the Denver Connections. 
*Or maybe you would like the details of FBI Cointel-Pro-CIA-wet 
Ted Gunderson the Arms Dealer to Afghan Bin Laden, the foreign 
press wrote a lot of articles about his illegal weapons for the 
Bush Crime Family, why has the America Press ignored this? 


2002-12-23 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

"Iraq has done nothing to us, we have done horrible things
 to the Iraqis."
  -- Edward Peck, Former US Ambassador to Iraq (under Reagan)

Don't wait to watch "someone else" on TV stop the war.  MAKE HISTORY AND BE
Busses leaving from 150 U.S. cities!! www.internationalanswer.org


January 18, 2003
Washington D.C. & San Francisco

There are times in history when the action of the people
can make a decisive difference.  Today, the Bush
administration officially announced that Iraq was in
material breach of Resolution 1441 and they also leaked to
the press the plan to go to war against Iraq sometime
around January 27.  We believe that we can still stop this
war from happening.  Thousands of innocent people in Iraq
and an unknown number of U.S. GIs will die unless we can
stop Bush's war plans.

The Bush Administration is coming under increasing
pressure as anti-war sentiment grows and it is confronted
by outspoken U.S. opposition. Evidence of this is clear in
the Los Angeles Times poll released on Tuesday, December
17. 72% of the people surveyed, including 60% of
Republicans surveyed, said the President has not provided
justification for starting a war against Iraq. The new
poll reflects a dramatic reversal from a year ago when
Bush first denounced Iraq in his "Axis of Evil" speech at
the State of the Union address last January.  At that
time, the L.A. Times poll found support for military
action greater than 70%.

The L.A. poll numbers represent a dramatic shift in
opinion. It is the work of the anti-war movement that is
making the difference. Millions have participated in
demonstrations, rallies and teach-ins. Hundreds of
thousands of people have voted at VoteNoWar.org or signed
petitions in their neighborhoods, worksites and schools.
The efforts of all sectors in the anti-war movement are
making a difference.

Bush is rushing headlong towards war trying to outpace the
growing anti-war movement before it becomes an
insurmountable obstacle to his plans for war.

for the January 18, 2003
National March on Washington:
No War on Iraq!

Buses have been organized from over 150 cities already for
the massive January 18, 2003, National March on Washington
that will first rally on the National Mall between the
White House and the U.S. Capitol (west side), and then
proceed from the U.S. Capitol to the U.S. Navy Yard, a
military installation in Southeast Washington DC that will
supply and service the war and at which weapons of mass
destruction are believed to be maintained. The submissions
in the People's Anti-War Referendum will be brought to
Washington, D.C. for this historic event, which coincides
with the Martin Luther King, Jr. anniversary.

For buses from around the country, go to:

For more information about January 18, go to:


We are releasing now, in advance of the January 18 mass
demonstrations in Washington, D.C. and San Francisco, some
of the views and thoughts that voters submit when they
Vote No to War in the Peoples' Anti-War Referendum. Visit
the VoteNoWar.org web site now at http://www.VoteNoWar.org
to see a scrolling view of some of the thousands of
comments reflecting the deep and passionate opposition to
the war that exists throughout the United States and
around the globe.

These comments are a window into the hearts and minds of
people across the United States who oppose this war drive.
People from all walks of life, from e

[CTRL] Fwd: Hive Mind vs. Global Brain ::: TV vs. Internet

2002-12-23 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Memes: TELEVISION AND THE HIVE MINDPosted by: valis on Dec 21, 2002 



   by Mack WhiteSixty-four years ago 
  this month, six million Americans became unwitting subjects in an 
  experiment in psychological warfare.It was the night before 
  Halloween, 1938. At 8 p.m. CST, the Mercury Radio on the Air began 
  broadcasting Orson Welles' radio adaptation of H. G. Wells' War of the 
  Worlds. As is now well known, the story was presented as if it were 
  breaking news, with bulletins so realistic that an estimated one million 
  people believed the world was actually under attack by Martians. Of that 
  number, thousands succumbed to outright panic, not waiting to hear Welles' 
  explanation at the end of the program that it had all been a Halloween 
  prank, but fleeing into the night to escape the alien invad 
  ers.Later, psychologist Hadley Cantril conducted a study of the 
  effects of the broadcast and published his findings in a book, The 
  Invasion from Mars: A Study in the Psychology of Panic. This study 
  explored the power of broadcast media, particularly as it relates to the 
  suggestibility of human beings under the influence of fear. Cantril was 
  affiliated with Princeton University's Radio Research Project, which was 
  funded in 1937 by the Rockefeller Foundation. Also affiliated with the 
  Project was Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member and Columbia 
  Broadcasting System (CBS) executive Frank Stanton, whose network had 
  broadcast the program. Stanton would later go on to head the news division 
  of CBS, and in time would become president of the network, as well as 
  chairman of the board of the RAND Corporation, the influential think tank 
  which has done groundbreaking research on, among other things, mass 
  brainwashing.Two years later, with Rockefeller Foundation money, 
  Cantril established the Office of Public Opinion Research (OPOR), also at 
  Princeton. Among the studies conducted by the OPOR was an analysis of the 
  effectiveness of "psycho-political operations" (propaganda, in plain 
  English) of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the forerunner of the 
  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Then, during World War II, Cantril÷and 
  Rockefeller money÷assisted CFR member and CBS reporter Edward R. Murrow in 
  setting up the Princeton Listening Center, the purpose of which was to 
  study Nazi radio propaganda with the object of applying Nazi techniques to 
  OSS propaganda. Out of this project came a new government agency, the 
  Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service (FBIS). The FBIS eventually became 
  the United States Information Agency (USIA), which is the propaganda arm 
  of the National Security Council.Thus, by the end of the 1940s, 
  the basic research had been done and the propaganda apparatus of the 
  national security state had been set up--just in time for the Dawn of 
  Television ...Experiments conducted by researcher Herbert 
  Krugman reveal that, when a person watches television, brain activity 
  switches from the left to the right hemisphere. The left hemisphere is the 
  seat of logical thought. Here, information is broken down into its 
  component parts and critically analyzed. The right brain, however, treats 
  incoming data uncritically, processing information in wholes, leading to 
  emotional, rather than logical, responses. The shift from left to right 
  brain activ

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Book Review: The Hunt For Zero Point by Nick Cook

2002-12-23 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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-Caveat Lector-

The Hunt For Zero Point, by Nick Cook, Published by Broadway Books
One just never knows what can happen when you step away from your
office desk to trot down the hallway to get a cup of coffee.
Nick Cook, investigative reporter for Jane's Defense, returned to
his desk one day, coffee cup filled, to find a package.  Picking
up the package, Cook scanned the open plan office area searching
for who might have put the package on his desk.  Not seeing anything
suspicious, he opened the package.  After reading a bit of the contents,
he made a decision.  We all know that it is never about who you are,
but the decisions you make.  So thanks to Nick Cook's decision the
reader is taken on the equivalent of a magical mystery tour.
In the finest sense of that term.

During the next three years of his life, Cook spends his spare time
hunting down the source and reality of zero energy.  All because of
a copy of an article he found in the package on his desk.  The article
was titled "The G-Engines Are Coming" by Michael Gladych.  Here's the
kicker, the article was published in 1956 and talked about anti-gravity
engines as if they were a very near future reality.  The article named
Martin Aircraft Company, Bell Aircraft, Lear and "several other American
manufacturers" who would not spend millions of dollars on science fiction.
Lawrence Bell, maker of the planes first to break the sound barrier, was
quoted sounding as if his company was in the middle of developing equipment
to cancel gravity.  William Lear, long before he designed business jets,
was thinking of how an anti-gravitational system would affect the pilot.

You want adventure?  You want secret meetings with insiders?  You want
late night/early morning telephone conversations with knowledgeable sources
unwilling to allow Cook to give their real identity?  Almost perpetuate
journeys between England, United States and Eastern and Western Europe?
Long bumpy rides to visit the ruins of Nazi/SS research facilities in
Poland, Austria and the Fatherland?  Cook has written a first rate true
life detective novel.  He knows very well how to report the story.  Even
if it is his own story.  It is apparent the Cook loved immersing himself
in this tale of a real life adventure.

The exact decision Cook made was to research whether there was any basis
of fact to the article.  Therefore, the first thing he needed to do was
to find the engineers quoted in the article and talk to them.  Before
interviewing one of the people that was still alive, George S. Trimble
- head of Advanced Programs and Vice President of the "G-Project" at
Martin Aircraft, Cook decided to do a search of Jane's library.  Jane's
All The World's Aircraft yearbook did not have any listings mentioning
antigravity experiments.  However, in the Jane's company library were
copies of Interavia Aerospace Review.  Being the astute thorough researcher
that Cook is, he lists the issue (May 1956), the page number (373) and the
exact name of the citation header (Intel, Washington D.C.) of a solid lead.

A lead which hinted at a very real possibly of pursuit by very serious
people into anti-gravitational technology.  The article called the
methodology "electro-gravitics" research, seeking the source of gravity
"and its control."  When I read what Cook had written, my own reaction
was "wow"!  High level U.S. government people were committing money to
various electro-gravitational projects but the public would need to dig
very deep into obscure journals to discover that this research was taking

Cook had read what George Trimble had stated, in Gladych's article, that
a break through in electro-gravitics would take about the 

[CTRL] spiked-health | Column | Making everything hard work

2002-12-23 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Column23  December 2002
Making everything hard work
by Dr Michael Fitzpatrick

Work Stress: The Making of a Modern Epidemic, David Wainwright and Michael Calnan,
Open University Press, 2002.

A recent bulletin from our local Primary Care Trust (PCT) reported a 'week of 

the banner 'Working on stress'. These included 'stress counselling', 'advice on coping 
stress' and a range of complementary therapies (reflexology, aromatherapy and Shiatsu).

While offering to check workers' blood pressures, managers also aimed to raise their 

awareness' of work-related stress. The bulletin reported that the week was 'a real 
with overwhelming and positive feedback'.

No doubt a relaxing massage with aromatic oils beats sitting at the computer, but in 

excellent book David Wainwright and Michael Calnan warn of the danger of the emergence
of a new identity: the work-stress victim. This trend is now encouraged by a wide 
range of
influences, including the courts, health and safety legislation and policy 
initiatives, trade
unions and employers' organisations, the media, the medical profession, and a 
academic sector.

The work-stress epidemic is believed to afflict around 'one in four' of all workers. 

conducted by the authors among a range of different workers - including GPs and other
primary healthcare staff - confirm the extent to which the discourse of work stress has
been assimilated in British society.

As our PCT initiative confirms, the workplace has become the focus of psychotherapeutic

intervention. The problem is that when workers adopt the identity of work-stress 
and seek help from a counsellor or a doctor, they effectively relinquish sovereignty 
their mental life.

For some, it may be necessary to acknowledge that they cannot cope with a stressful 

for many, the very process of raising awareness of stress and offering 'support' may
facilitate the transition from being a coper to being a non-coper, from active worker 
passive victim. Wainwright and Calnan are concerned that, while blurring the 
between coper and non-coper may reduce the stigma of failure, it may also lower
expectations of resilience.

One of the strengths of Work Stress is its insistence on questioning many of the

underlying the work-stress epidemic. For example, it is generally accepted that 
changes in
working conditions and practices over the past 20 or 30 years have had a negative 
effect on
workers. But there can be little doubt that working lives were much more arduous,
dangerous and insecure in the first half of the twentieth century, when there was no
epidemic of work stress.

How has it come about that virtually any adverse experience at work has become 

terms of stress? The very fact that different workers respond differently to similar
conditions confirms that the effect of workplace conditions is mediated through the
consciousness of the individual worker.

Whether or not adverse experiences at work lead 'to more serious psychological or 

health problems appears to depend upon a wide range of personal, social and cultural
factors that determine an individual's resilience', argue Wainwright and Calnan. While 
accounts of work-related stress tend to take it at face value as an epidemic disorder 
of the
modern workplace, Wainwright and Calnan emphasise the central importance of the
subjective factor, of the outlook of workers themselves, in the emergence of this

Work Stress provides a fascinating survey of the 'history of stress', from the 

endocrinological studies of Walter Cannon and Hans Selye in the mid-twentieth century, 
the more psychological and epidemiological studies of recent decades.

Yet, despite a vast amount of research, much of it sponsored by employers concerned

their workers' productivity as much as their welfare, the nature of the stress 
response and
its consequences remain poorly specified. The fact that high levels of stress have been
invoked to explain the vulnerability to coronary heart disease of both thrusting
entrepreneurs and low-status civil servants indicates the limitations of the concept.

In response to the ahistorical approach of conventional accounts of stress, Wainwright 

Calnan seek to incorporate the insights of epidemiology, psychology and physiology 
into a
wider social, economic and cultural context. They emphasise 'the need to conceptualise 
stressed worker as an emotionally expressive, embodied subject who is active in the
context of power and social control'. They posit a 'triple helix self' from which 
emerges: one strand is provided by the 'external environment' (nature, buildings,
institutions); another is provided by 'discourse' (socially constructed understandings 
of our
bodies' possibilities and limita

[CTRL] Americas First Anti-Globalization Protest: The Boston Tea Party

2002-12-23 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-

Government: America’s First Anti-Globalization Protest: The Boston Tea PartyPosted by: souljah on Monday, December 23, 2002 - 12:31 PM IDLW

 "Resistance was organizing and growing and the Tea Act was the final straw. The citizens of the colonies were preparing to throw off one of the corporations that for almost two hundred years had determined nearly every aspect of their lives through its economic and political power. They were planning to destroy the goods of the world’s largest multinational corporation, intimidate its employees, and face down the guns of the government that supported it."
More at  http://memes.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=1454&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0
 Do you Yahoo!?
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The mail that I get!

2002-12-23 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-

Memes: The mail that I get!Posted by: souljah on Dec 21, 2002 - 08:19 PM

 Since the American identity is so intimately woven with militarism, it is imperative that disarmament must begin within our self. Each of us can find the way that these weapons have lodged themselves into our minds, our values, and our projections. By exposing our own prejudices and privileges to the world, we begin a process of cultural healing, and trust which can transcend borders and battle lines.From: "Imaginal Diffusion Agency" In the Shadow of the Bomb: Growing Up in the War MachineYou raised that same hand Which made the genocide. Are you blind to the blood Of the holocaust That circulates through your hand! Yoko Hamada Outcry from the Inferno Having been born in a military hospital in the United States, my childhood is one of intimate relationship with the weaponry of war. My earliest memories are filled with large ships, submarines, jets and missiles. My identity is integrally tied to tools of annihilation, and my destiny is inseparable from their use. The men who launch the bombs, who order the killing, who design the destruction, are not twisted demons, but friendly family. Those who feel the wrath of the military cannot see the intimate affection and concern that causes their murder. This is the enduring irony of warfare: for an empire to maintain its security, others must suffer and die. For all of the goodness and lofty ideals an empire professes, those beyond its borders must endure the opposite end of the sword. Throughout my life I have awestruck and horrified at the unspeakable immensity of the U.S. military machine. As a small boy, of course every machine seems immense and powerful, but how many Americans have walked around an aircraft carrier, lined with jet fighters? Stood next to a Trident submarine, filled with the most deadly weapons ever devised? How many of people who vote for, and pay for these weapons systems know the overwhelming and colossal forces they are unleashing on the world? Sadly, I must report, very few. As a child, I moved around the “Pacific Theater of Operations,” from military base to military base, and everywhere I went I explored the nooks and crannies behind the machinery. These bases, and the weapons they harbor, are in constant flux, a never-ending deployment of policing and preparation. People have been given impressive titles and badges, and intimidating uniforms, and they have no choice but to keep busy arming themselves against an enemy. Think about it for a minute: every hour of every day, at thousands of bases across the globe, in tens of thousands of aircraft, ships and submarines, a civilization ofwarfare is moving, burning fuel, drinking coffee, polishing weapons, aiming themselves toward domination. It literally boggles the mind to calculate the amount of human resources that are being expended on this Orwellian enterprise, and the environmental and social consequences are beyond calculation. While attending grade-school in Japan, at the height of the Vietnam War, I was confronted with the ghosts of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This nefarious event haunts the American culture, as surely as slavery and the JFK assassination. As a child, I could see the wickedness of empire and its effects on the psychology of a nation, both the perpetrator and abused. The deep trauma due to lack of admission and apology is like a cancer eating at the heart of our culture. A useful tool for those who find themselves so intimately involved with the machinery of war is to step back in history. Leap back a century or a millennium, and then analyze the activity around you. What would the Greek philosophers have to say, or the “Founding Fathers” of the United States? This is also a very effective tool for generating meaningful dialogue, and editorials such as this one. In the eyes of humankind, what constitutes a “Crime Against Humanity?” It is obvious that every military empire, from the Romans to the Nazis, did not believe their actions to be criminal, but deeply patriotic. They justified the slaughter and repression of their chosen “enemies” with their own cultural biases, and often ideals of beauty and truth. Is America any different? Where is our “liberty and justice for all,” in the poverty-stricken outlands, the bomb-riddled landscapes, the victims of land-mines, the mourning villages? It is time to put the proper labels on U.S. military activity, in the grand perspective of history. Hiroshima was a holocaust. The deployment of weapons of annihilation is genocide. There is nothing noble about incinerating people wholesale, and history will judge us just as harshly as we do the Nazis. We are evolving as a society toward telling the truth, no matter how brutally difficult it may be. Privilege can only insulate us from consequences for a limited time, and this is the lesson history provides. My mind was

[CTRL] The War and the Spectacle

2002-12-23 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-

Mind: The War and the SpectaclePosted by: souljah on Dec 21, 2002 - 08:18 PM

 "Socially and psychologically repressed, people are drawn to spectacles of violent conflict that allow their accumulated frustrations to explode in socially condoned orgasms of collective pride and hate. Deprived of significant accomplishments in their own work and leisure, they participate vicariously in military enterprises that have real and undeniable effects."BUREAU OF PUBLIC SECRETS3 April 1991--The War and the SpectacleThe orchestration of the Gulf war was a glaring expression of what the situationists call the spectacle — the development of modern society to the point where images dominate life. The PR campaign was as important as the military one. How this or that tactic would play in the media became a major strategical consideration. It didn’t matter much whether the bombing was actually “surgical” as long as the coverage was; if the victims didn’t appear it was as if they didn’t exist. The “Nintendo effect” worked so well that the euphoric generals had to caution against too much public euphoria for fear that it might backfire. Interviews with soldiers in the desert revealed that they, like everyone else, depended almost totally on the media to tell them what was supposedly happening. The domination of image over reality was sensed by everyone. A large portion of the coverage consisted of coverage of the coverage. The spectacle itself presented superficial debates on the new level of instant global spectacularization and its effects on the spectator. Nineteenth-century capitalism alienated people from themselves and from each other by alienating them from the products of their own activity. This alienation has been intensified as those products have increasingly become “productions” that we passively contemplate. The power of the mass media is only the most obvious manifestation of this development; in the larger sense the spectacle is everything from arts to politicians that have become autonomous representations of life. “The spectacle is not a collection of images; it is a social relation among people, mediated by images” (Debord, The Society of the Spectacle. Along with arms profits, oil control, international power struggles and other factors which have been so widely discussed as to need no comment here, the war involved contradictions between the two basic forms of spectacle society. In the diffuse spectacle people are lost amid the variety of competing spectacles, commodities, styles and ideologies that are presented for their consumption. The diffuse spectacle arises within societies of pseudoabundance (America is the prototype and still the unchallenged world leader of spectacle production, despite its decline in other regards); but it is also broadcast to less developed regions — being one of the main means by which the latter are dominated. Saddam’s regime is an example of the rival concentrated spectacle, in which people are conditioned to identify with the omnipresent image of the totalitarian leader as compensation for being deprived of virtually everything else. This image concentration is normally associated with a corresponding concentration of economic power, state capitalism, in which the state itself has become the sole, all-owning capitalist enterprise (classic examples are Stalin’s Russia and Mao’s China); but it may also be imported into Third World mixed economies (such as Saddam’s Iraq) or even, in times of crisis, into highly developed economies (such as Hitler’s Germany). But for the most part the concentrated spectacle is a crude stopgap for regions as yet incapable of sustaining the variety of illusions of the diffuse spectacle, and in the long run it tends to succumb to the latter, more flexible form (as recently in eastern Europe and the USSR). At the same time, the diffuse form is tending to incorporate certain features of the concentrated one. The Gulf war reflected this convergence. The closed world of Saddam’s concentrated spectacle dissipated under the global floodlights of the diffuse spectacle; while the latter used the war as a pretext and a testing ground for implementing typically “concentrated” methods of control — censorship, orchestration of patriotism, suppression of dissent. But the mass media are so monopolized, so pervasive and (despite token grumbling) so subservient to establishment policies that overtly repressive methods were hardly needed. The spectators, under the impression that they were expressing their own considered views, parroted the catch phrases and debated the pseudoissues that the media had instilled in them day after day, and as in any other spectator sport loyally “supported” the home team in the desert by rooting for it. This media control was reinforced by the spectators’ own internalized cond


2002-12-23 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-

Mind Virus: DOW, BURSON-MARSTELLER CLAMP DOWN ON FAKE WEBSITESPosted by: souljah on Dec 20, 2002 - 11:42 PM

 Fake websites have been used by activists before, but Dow-Chemical.com and BursonMarsteller.com represent the first time that such websites have successfully been used to publicize abuses by specific corporations.December 13, 2002FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEContact: Paul Hardwin: [EMAIL PROTECTED]DowEthics.com: info@dowethics DOW, BURSON-MARSTELLER CLAMP DOWN ON FAKE WEBSITESBut companies find it harder to stifle criticism Two giant companies are struggling to shut down parody websites that portray them unfavorably, interrupting internet use for thousands in the process, and filing a lawsuit that pits the formidable legal department of PR giant Burson-Marsteller against a freshman at Hampshire College. The activists behind the fake corporate websites have fought back, and obtained substantial publicity in the process. Fake websites have been used by activists before, but Dow-Chemical.com and BursonMarsteller.com represent the first time that such websites have successfully been used to publicize abuses by specific corporations. A December 3 press release originating from one of the fake sites, Dow-Chemical.com, explained the "real" reasons that Dow could not take responsibility for the Bhopal catastrophe, which has resulted in an estimated 20,000 deaths over the years (www.theyesmen.org/dow/#release). "Our prime responsibilities are to the people who own Dow shares, and to the industry as a whole," the release stated. "We cannot do anything for the people of Bhopal." The fake site immediately received thousands of outraged e-mails (www.dowethics.com/r/about/corp/email.htm). Within hours, the real Dow sent a legal threat to Dow-Chemical.com's upstream provider, Verio, prompting Verio to shut down the fake Dow's ISP for nearly a day, closing down hundreds of unrelated websites and bulletin boards in the process. The fake Dow website quickly resurfaced at an ISP in Australia. (www.theyesmen.org/dow/#threat) In a comical anticlimax, Dow then used a little-known domain-name rule to take possession of Dow-Chemical.com (www.theyesmen.org/dow/#story), another move which backfired when amused journalists wrote articles in newspapers from The New York Times to The Hindu in India (www.theyesmen.org/dow/#links), and sympathetic activists responded by cloning and mirroring the site at many locations, including www.dowethics.com, www.dowindia.com and, with a twist, www.mad-dow-disease.com. Dow continues to play whack-a-mole with these sites (at least one ISP has received veiled threats). Burson-Marsteller, the public relations company that helped to "spin" Bhopal, has meanwhile sued college student Paul Hardwin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) for putting up a fake Burson-Marsteller site, www.bursonmarsteller.com, which recounted how the PR giant helped to downplay the Bhopal disaster. Burson-Marsteller's suit against Hardwin will be heard next week by the World Intellectual Property Organization (www.reamweaver.com/bmwipo/wipo.html). Hardwin, unable to afford a lawyer, has composed a dryly humorous 57-page rebuttal to the PR giant's lawsuit (www.reamweaver.com/bmwipo/response.htm#reality). On page 7, for instance, the student notes that Burson-Marsteller's "stated goal is 'to ensure that the perceptions which surround our clients and influence their stakeholders are consistent with reality.'" Hardwin goes on to assert that his satirical domain is doing precisely that, by publicizing "academic and journalistic materials about Burson-Marsteller's involvement with and relationship to, for example, Philip Morris and the National Smoker's Alliance, a consumer front group designed to create the appearance of public support for big-tobacco policies; Union Carbide and the deaths of 20,000 people following the 1984 disaster in Bhopal; and political regimes such as that of Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu and more recently Saudi Arabia following the events of September 11; and to properly associate them with the relevant Trademark so that they may be understood accordingly by Internet users." In response to the suit's claim that "a substantial degree of goodwill is associated with [the Burson-Marstellar Trademark]" Hardwin offers much "evidence to the contrary" including "a newspaper headline in which the Complainant is characterized as 'the Devil.'" The primary goal of RTMark (rtmark.com) is to publicize corporate subversion of the democratic process. Just like other corporations, it achieves its aims by any and all means at its disposal. RTMark has previously helped to publicize websites against political parties (rtmark.com/othersites.html#fpo), political figures (rtmark.com/bush.html), and entities like the World Trade Organization (www.gatt.org) and the World Economic Forum (www.world-economic-forum.com). Dow press 



2002-12-23 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-

Terror: THE PHILIPPINES AND THE U.S. HEGEMONIC THRUSTPosted by: souljah on Dec 20, 2002 - 06:18 PM

 "With the full backing and support by the US, President Arroyo as the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of the Philippines has unleashed a most brutal war against progressive and militant forces. Even the unarmed, legal democratic movement is not spared. More than 20 members from my party, Bayan Muna, have been murdered in the past 18 months since Arroyo became President. One-hundred forty-eight (148) activists have been killed in this short period."THE PHILIPPINES AND THE U.S. HEGEMONIC THRUST AND WARS OF INTERVENTION AND AGGRESSIONCongressman Crispin BeltanBayan Muna Party List Represenative Chairman,Kilusang Mayo Uno Chairperson, International League for People's Struggles (ILPS)Keynote address before the Founding Assembly and Launching of ILPS-PhilippinesAugust 1, 2002 Miriam College, Quezon CityIn the wake of the end of the Cold War, U.S. imperialism has come out clearly as the sole superpower with an overweening arrogance. But the world capitalist system is reeling from a grave economic crisis, the worst since the end of the second inter-imperialist war. Even before the Sept. 11 attack, the Bush regimewas already agitating for an increase in military production as a way to revive the U.S. economy. In this connection, he has been warmongering and threatening and launching attacks of aggression against countries labeled by the U.S. as "rogue" states. Since the Sept. 11 attacks, the U.S. has used these as pretext for launching a war of aggression against Afghanistan, threatening other countries(the 'axis of evil' and 12 countries 'harboring terrorists') and undertaking massive war preparations. In the aftermath of the Sept. 11 events in the U.S., the imperialists and their reactionary lackeys in client countries have launched a new offensive against the people's democratic rights under the pretext of waging a 'war against terrorism.' The U.S. has seized on the Sept. 11 events to wage aggressive wars and thereby accomplish their geopolitical objectives to establish control of strategic areas in the Middle East, Central Asia and Southeast Asia. It has also taken the lead in imposing draconian measures that further infringe on the democratic rights of the people and to suppress any opposition to their anti-people policies.We have seen U.S. military intervention and aggression in the Balkans, Middle East, Africa, and Central Asia. We have seen the state terrorism of the U.S. violating International Humanitarian Law, disregarding and misappropriating UN resolutions. It even launched aggression under various pretexts, such as "human rights", "humanitarian mission", and "peacemaking." This war is a continuation of the economic terrorism of IMF-World Bank and WTO by military means. It is aimed at suppressing the peoples that wage revolution, the nations that fight for liberation and the countries or governments that assert national independence. The US is overconfident that it can carry out acts of aggression unilaterally or with the aid of its imperialist allies. But these allies are becoming wary of the propensity of the U.S. to undertake unilateral actions, its hysterical bellicosity and its extreme voracity in grabbing most of the spoils. The U.S. is sowing the ground for violent contradictions among the imperialist powers themselves."Free market" globalization has victimized most grievously the oppressed peoples and nations. But it has also weakened the puppet rulers. The loot to share among the competing reactionaries has diminished. Thus, they tend to become more violent in their political rivalry. They have become more corrupt and repressive than ever before.The U.S. Hegemonic Drive in the RegionLet me cite a recently formulated strategy of U.S. imperialism to further expand its hegemonic drive in the world, particularly in Central Asia and the Asia-Pacific Region. Called the Quadrennial Defense Review 2001, this study states that America's overseas presence, concentrated in Western Europe and Northeast Asia "is inadequate for the new strategic environment, in which U.S. economic and security interests are global and potential threats in other areas of the world are emerging." The new strategic environment of course refers to one that is favorable to the global trade and investments of U.S. monopoly capitalism. Based on this strategic environment, QDR 2001 calls for a more aggressive U.S. global security posture, a "political-military" offensive different from what Bush officials call the Clinton administration's purely "defensive" stance. Accordingly, the U.S. global military posture will be reoriented to : " (a) develop a basing system that provides greater flexibility for U.S. forces in critical areas of the world, placing emphasis on additional bases and stations beyond Western Europe and Northeast 

[CTRL] t r u t h o u t - Sanders Works to Repeal Provisions of Patriot Act

2002-12-23 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Go To Original

Sanders Works to Repeal Provisions of Patriot Act
By Patrick Armstrong
Brattleboro Reformer

Saturday, 21 December, 2002

BRATTLEBORO -- Congressman Bernard Sanders said Friday he will introduce legislation to
exempt libraries and bookstores from parts of the sweeping USA Patriot Act.

Sanders' announcement came as local activists prepared to launch an effort to raise
awareness about the Patriot Act and other legislation, which they say threatens 
civil liberties.

"The expansion of surveillance, monitoring and investigation into our libraries and 
sellers is truly disturbing," Sanders said in a statement Friday released in 
conjunction with a
Burlington press conference. "Libraries and bookstores have always been a source of
learning, knowledge and information. The right to read without the fear of government
surveillance is a cornerstone of our democracy. I will do everything in my power to 
that Congress passes legislation that will protect Americans' constitutional rights to 
books without fear that someone is violating their right to privacy."

The Patriot Act grants law enforcement officials expanded power to access the records 
bookstores and libraries when conducting investigations. It also prohibits bookstore 
and librarians from revealing that records have been released.

In an interview Friday, Sanders, an independent, said when Congress reconvenes in
January he will introduce a bill barring government surveillance of Americans' library
borrowing and bookstore purchases.

"This is, I think, a major abrogation of civil liberties," Sanders said. "This is a 
very serious
problem, and I'm going to work hard to get this passed."

Sanders, who voted against the Patriot Act, said he decided to introduce this 
after receiving a Nov. 21 letter from Karen Lane, president of the Vermont Library
Association. In her letter, Lane urged Sanders to present a bill repealing these 
provisions in
the Patriot Act.

"The freedom to read is one of the cornerstones of democracy," Lane stated. "Our
professions are founded on principles that encourage the free expression of ideas and 
right of a citizenry to access those ideas free of censorship, violations of privacy, 
or the
threat of governmental intrusion."

There is no question of the need to protect Americans from the threat of terrorism,
Sanders emphasized. But the government had the ability to access these types of records
before, he said, though the standards and needs required for obtaining the information
were much higher.

The Patriot Act creates "a very, very low threshold in terms of the criteria allowing 
them to
(access the information)" said Sanders.

The requirement that a librarian cannot reveal that there is an investigation into 
records makes the librarian complicit in that investigation, said Sanders.

In addition, these provisions of the Patriot Act constitute an unfunded mandate, 
said, since they force publicly funded agencies to use resources in order to comply 
federal law, but provide no additional money to meet those requirements.

When the Patriot Act was passed shortly after Sept. 11, there were no public hearings 
the legislation. Sanders said his bill is aimed at raising awareness about these 
provisions in
the Patriot Act, thus gaining broad bipartisan support.

It's also critical that citizens understand the act, as well, the congressman said.

Public awareness is also the goal of an ad hoc group of local citizens who hope to 
awareness not only about the Patriot Act but also the Homeland Security Act and orders
and rules from the executive branch.

"We're concerned about the fact that this feels like an infringement on our rights, 
and we
need to go on record as saying this," said Sarah Edwards, a member of the Brattleboro
Selectboard who was elected Nov. 5 to the Vermont House as a Progressive.

The group has drafted resolutions, similar to those passed in 19 other communities
including Burlington and Oakland, Calif., affirming civil rights and calling on local
government officials to oppose parts of legislation that violate civil rights and 
civil liberties.

Ellen Kaye, another member of the group, said part of the goal is to educate citizens 
the threats to civil liberties.

"We feel that an educated community is really going to protect its rights," she said.

Kaye said the group will bring the resolutions to Brattleboro and surrounding towns, 
and will
hold a public forum on Jan. 16 with Ben Scotch, director of the Vermont affiliate of 
American Civil Liberties Union.

Edwards said she would bring the resolution to the Brattleboro Selectboard probably
sometime in January for the board to consider adopting.

Sanders commended the effort.

"I think that is exactly the right approach," he said. "My hope is that other 
communities in
Vermont will do it.

[CTRL] The New York Sun

2002-12-23 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


>>>Now ... just how much disease protection is passed on through genetic modification
occurring as a result of parents' previous innoculations?  They've established that 
milk passes along immunities and people generally acquire immunities through just being
born of two healthy parents.  Could the reactions to certain immunisations be cases of
overload? A<:>E<:>R <<<


The Day They Quarantined N.Y.
Exercise Called ‘Red X’ Terrifies Authorities

E-mail this article
- It was a hot day in June and scores of New Yorkers were dying, the hospitals were
overwhelmed, and the city’s emergency services were strained to capacity trying to deal
with a biological attack.

Mayor Bloomberg, Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, Fire Commissioner Nicholas Scoppetta,
Deputy Mayor Marc Shaw, and John Odermatt, the head of the city’s office of Emergency
Management struggled to keep casualties to a minimum and to do their best to make sure
the city did not shut down.

If it doesn’t sound familiar it’s because it happened only on tabletops in the Brooklyn
headquarters of the city’s emergency management office.

It was “Operation Sandbox,” a drill organized by Mr. Odermatt and his staff to keep the
city’s leaders prepared.

“This city is better prepared than any other major city,” the mayor said. “There’s 
we do that we shouldn’t question every day and say, ‘How can we do it better?’ If we 
get into a situation where we are afraid to ask if we could have done it better, we 
are in big

It was not the first bio-terrorism drill the city had run, and it would not be the 

In May 2001 — before the attacks on the World Trade Center — the city’s emergency
management office, then under the direction of Richard Sheirer — organized “Red X,” in
which terrorists attacked New York with a biological agent.

“Five minutes into the exercise you forgot it was an exercise,” Mr. Sheirer recalled. 
virtually quarantined Manhattan.”

A second part of the exercise called “Tripod” tested the city’s ability to dispense 
in large quantities on an emergency basis.

Mr. Sheirer said the city’s response to the Trade Center attacks benefited from the 

“It all boils down to practice,” Mr. Sheirer said.

And with the threat of a biological, radiological, or chemical attack on the city a 
threat, the city’s health infrastructure has been struggling to stay prepared.

“The threat of bio-terrorism reminds everyone that the public health is integral to 
safety,” the city’s health commissioner, Dr. Thomas Frieden, told The New York Sun. “We
look at the threat from two angles: detection and response.”

Detection involves the department monitoring patters of illness, ambulance runs,
emergency room visits, and prescriptions, according to Dr. Frieden.

“We are paying attention to more than 30,000 pieces of information that are collected 
day,” he said.

As a result, health officials who once found their preparations to limited to things 
like the
flu, tuberculosis, AIDS, and more commonplace health emergencies, now find themselves
drawing up plans to respond to everything from anthrax to smallpox to dirty bombs.

A recent study by The Federation of American Scientists said the explosion of a dirty 
at the lower tip of Manhattan would contaminate an area of well over 1,000 square 
extending over three states.

There would be a one-in-ten risk of death from cancer in an area of about 300 city 
Contamination in Manhattan would result in a one-in-a-hundred chance of residents dying
from cancer.

“It used to be unrealistic to even think that a dirty bomb could be detonated in New 
City,” Senator Schumer said. “In this new world, the unthinkable has been thought of 
we need to respond.”

Dr. Neal Shipley, the director of emergency medicine at North General Hospital in 
said dirty bombs are almost the least of the terrorism-related concerns facing the 
health community.

“I’m much more concerned about a biological attack than a chemical or radiological 
he said. “As horrible as it may be with a bomb, you know what’s happened, you know who
the injured are, and you know what the danger zone is. If someone attacks with 
smallpox it
could be days before anyone realizes what’s going on. And by then, it will almost be
impossible to know how widespread the problem is.”

That point was made perfectly on September 11, 2001, when thousands of people — many
covered with ash and debris — made their way by foot, car, train, and boat to more than
100 hospitals.

“If the attack had had a biological component and those thousands of people had spread
out like that, the consequences could have been horrific,” according to Susan Waltman,
senior vice president and general counsel of the Greater New York Hospital 
Association. The
association and New York State 

Re: [CTRL] Holocaust Industry and Zionism : SF Indymedia

2002-12-23 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
I meant to link here - http://www.ummah.net/unity/palestine/slaves1.htm
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[CTRL] Telegraph - Netanyahu lashes out at Blair

2002-12-23 Thread Euphorian
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>>>Ah ... the return to post-WW2 diplomacy.  A<:>E<:>R <<<

Netanyahu lashes out at Blair
By Anton La Guardia, Diplomatic Editor
(Filed: 23/12/2002)

Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli foreign minister,
lashed out at Tony Blair yesterday, virtually accusing the Government of bowing to 
by courting President Bashar al-Assad of Syria and trying to rehabilitate Yasser 

Benjamin Netanyahu
His comments came as Palestinians cancelled elections planned for Jan 20, on the 
that it was impossible to hold a ballot while Israel occupied major Palestinian towns.

The European Union expressed understanding for the decision, with the EU external
commissioner warning that there could be no free elections with tanks in the streets 
restricted movement.

Mr Netanyahu, who was snubbed by Downing Street on Friday, has privately told aides 
Britain is losing the "moral clarity" it showed during the war in Afghanistan and the
campaign to disarm Iraq.

He was hardly more diplomatic in public, saying last week's visit to London by the 
leader was a "mistake" and predicting that a planned conference on Palestinian reform 
doomed to failure.

The acrimony between Israel and Britain reflects Blair's impatience with the lack of
progress in reviving Israeli-Palestinian peace talks.

Senior British officials said he was "very frustrated" with President George W Bush's
reluctance to try to force the pace of mediation.

Last week, Mr Blair distanced himself from American policy by inviting the Syrian 
for a high- profile visit to London and announcing plans to hold the conference on
Palestinian reform in London next month.

Mr Netanyahu was careful to say Mr Blair's efforts for peace were "honourable". But he
made little effort to hide his scorn for the recent tilt towards the Arabs.

He was particularly riled by the honours shown to Dr Assad. "When you are fighting
terrorism, to invite the ruler of a quintessentially terrorist state - who houses 
groups, colludes with Iraq and supports Hizbollah - is not the right signal", he said.

Similarly, he said Palestinian violence should be punished rather than encouraged by 
Mr Arafat's lieutenants an international platform such as the London conference. "No
reforms are possible with Arafat," Mr Netanyahu added.

21 December 2002: Blair snub for Netanyahu's attempt to isolate Arafat

17 December 2002: Blair strives for peace as Assad digs his heels in

16 December 2002: Blair stakes reputation on dialogue with 'rogue' state

4 November 2002: Netanyahu back in government

3 July 2002: Britain risks rift with America over talks with Arafat

27 June 2002: Arafat in poll challenge to Bush

Next story: Blair offers £50m fishing buy-out

© Copyright of Telegraph Group Limited 2002.

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Re: [CTRL] Holocaust Industry and Zionism : SF Indymedia

2002-12-23 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 12/23/2002 12:47:30 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Israel does much wrong. It treats Palestinians very badly. I have seen no indication of slavery. Maybe I just never saw it, and it’s hidden – but I have never seen it.

Try this - http://www.matriots.com/~wsd/pg/white-slave.html
Israel is the leading practitioner of the practice of white slavery in the world.

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Re: [CTRL] Holocaust Industry and Zionism : SF Indymedia

2002-12-23 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

12/23/02 12:05:27 PM, William Shannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Isn't it better to help Volkswagen out than to be killed?
>  The point was that these Zionists were given breaks that even common German
>  citizens were not. Seems to me that this collaboration is rather interesting.

I'm not sure the folks who remained in Germany were "Zionists" for the most part.  They
were considered to be highly undesireable and given the war efforts on the Eastern 
they were replacements for those who were being frozen to death on the plains and in 

Slavery is an indefensible institution for the most part.  Just ask who knows how many 
who are suffering from Gulf War Syndrome and a variety of other afflictions like being
governed by a fellow who bugged out of his commitment while those who spent their lives
making sure he would be replaced.  Of course, the GIs volunteer(ed) and did and do get
moolah for their efforts.  Yet, being denied care and treatment for those things they 
HAD to
do (turning down a paycheck or saying "I quit" don't keep no one outta 
the moolah is like the slaves' housing and food) as a modern form of indentured 
Yes, there are benefits to being "freed" just as their are benefits to having been 

We can debate all the live long day what was better ... certain death or the 
emaciation of
body and soul with life or death as certain as the toss of a coin ... BUT a lot 
depends on
whether that determination is made by the individuals concerned or the observors.
Schindler's list of folks (read the book instead) apparently felt that being workers 
better than being wormers.  Thom Jefferson's dilemma was multifold given his position 
experience.  Did he keep his people in relative safety and security or did he let them 
go to
uncertain futures?  Did he let them go on out to assimilate or would he have risked 
Haiti (the reason for his closing the sale on the Louisiana Purchase)?  Did he allow 
status quo or was he going to sacrifice everything he gained by establishing the United
States to allow it to dissolve in a Civil War?

We can sit back all the live long day and "doo-da, doo-da" about what shoulda been done
or what coulda been done or what woulda been done, strutting like barnyard cockfowl
about how things mighta been different and perhaps better -- through the lens of the 
of our times.  Don't forget that many if not most of our forebears made these 
judgments for
us when they told their Motherlands and Fatherlands to "kiss off" and came to North
America ... many to become wage and other kinds of slaves.  There was a different dream
that kept them going, though.  Shackled yes; and alive.  Work made some people free.

It's all a matter of degree that none of us can understand except through our own 
and experience and reasons.


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Re: [CTRL] Absinthe minded - smh.com.au

2002-12-23 Thread thew
Title: Re: [CTRL] Absinthe minded - smh.com.au
-Caveat Lector-

There was a good website

Green fairy I think

Had a good message board and ordering

I will look for it

on 12/23/02 1:24 PM, William Shannon at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 12/23/2002 12:17:29 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

As I said  thujone content is fairly low – the buzz might be a little more mellow than say a vodka buzz with same amount of alcohol.

Thujone is similar in molecular structure to THC.

Absinthe tends to be VERY expensive.

I've researched it myself and the cost is not a problem...I just don't want to get chumped by getting something with a very low (or no) thujone content...like that faux absinthe crapola.
I want to relive the roaring 20's in Paris!


-- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - -  - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - - --  -- - -- -

Experience should teach us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the Government's purposes are beneficent. Men born to freedom are naturally alert to repel invasion of their liberty by evil-minded rulers. The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning but without understanding.
    Justice Louis D. Brandeis

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew 

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Re: [CTRL] Holocaust Industry and Zionism : SF Indymedia

2002-12-23 Thread thew
Title: Re: [CTRL] Holocaust Industry and Zionism : SF Indymedia
-Caveat Lector-

on 12/23/02 1:22 PM, William Shannon at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Being forced to work as a slave is NOT being given a break

Compared to being left to die it is.

You imply an exclusionary principle that just did not exist – they were worked as slaves – to death. They were killed at the drop of a hat – because according to the Nazi’s own mythos, there was an unending supply of inferior peoples to enslave, so you didn’t have to keep them healthy, just working until replaced.


Don't be overly dramatic now! The Zionists were working hand-in-hand with the Nazi regime...and compared to the poor Germans of Dresden this wasn't a bad deal.

America’s evil in Dresden does not mitigate the Nazi’s evil. It only compounds the evil of the entire time. It only muddies the impossibly pristine concepts of good and evil.

And here is a place where a phrase like “some but not all” (sumbinal as RA wilson wrote) would help. 
Sumbinal zionists were working with Nazis. Most were not. And again I fail to see how that makes enslavement OK.


Slavery is evil and ought to be decried...like the white slavery that Israel engages in to this very day.

Israel does much wrong. It treats Palestinians very badly. I have seen no indication of slavery. Maybe I just never saw it, and it’s hidden – but I have never seen it.

I simply pointed out what Pierce was apparently trying to say and what was being distorted by people with an agenda (and the most powerful lobby in the world)

The multinational corporate ruling elite?


-- -- --  -- --
Planet spins - so do I
   neo-sufi wisdom

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

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Re: [CTRL] Absinthe minded - smh.com.au

2002-12-23 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 12/23/2002 12:17:29 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

As I said  thujone content is fairly low – the buzz might be a little more mellow than say a vodka buzz with same amount of alcohol.

Thujone is similar in molecular structure to THC.

Absinthe tends to be VERY expensive.

I've researched it myself and the cost is not a problem...I just don't want to get chumped by getting something with a very low (or no) thujone content...like that faux absinthe crapola.
I want to relive the roaring 20's in Paris!

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Holocaust Industry and Zionism : SF Indymedia

2002-12-23 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 12/23/2002 12:15:58 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Being forced to work as a slave is NOT being given a break

Compared to being left to die it is.


Don't be overly dramatic now! The Zionists were working hand-in-hand with the Nazi regime...and compared to the poor Germans of Dresden this wasn't a bad deal.


Slavery is evil and ought to be decried...like the white slavery that Israel engages in to this very day.


Nope, I was pointing out the theory behind the late Mr. Pierce's piece...and for the record I am not a big fan of Pierce.


Your quarrel is with Pierce, not me.
I simply pointed out what Pierce was apparently trying to say and what was being distorted by people with an agenda (and the most powerful lobby in the world)


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Holocaust Industry and Zionism : SF Indymedia

2002-12-23 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

12/23/02 12:07:59 PM, thew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I think I was saying that giving money to help people who's children were
>murdered by suicide bombers, to create programs to help them deal with their
>pain is a good thing.

Undeniably.  BUT it's a little specious considering the source.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth
--- Ernest Hemingway

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Absinthe minded - smh.com.au

2002-12-23 Thread thew
Title: Re: [CTRL] Absinthe minded - smh.com.au
-Caveat Lector-

As I said  thujone content is fairly low – the buzz might be a little more mellow than say a vodka buzz with same amount of alcohol.

Thujone is similar in molecular structure to THC.

Absinthe tends to be VERY expensive.

on 12/23/02 1:07 PM, William Shannon at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 12/23/2002 12:00:50 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Absinthe is available in the US if you order from overseas. I have several
bottles here myself.

Ah! THAT explains alot about you Thew! Hahha!! Kidding!

Actually I was hoping to hook up with some of that...I've seen ads for it in Fortean Times for example...it looks tempting.


Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.  Archives Available at: http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html  


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Wandering in a vast forest at night, I have only a faint light to guide me. A stranger appears and says to me: ' My friend, you should blow out your candle in order to find your way more clearly.' This stranger is a theologian.


 Diderot  c. 1762 


NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew 

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Holocaust Industry and Zionism : SF Indymedia

2002-12-23 Thread thew
Title: Re: [CTRL] Holocaust Industry and Zionism : SF Indymedia
-Caveat Lector-

Being forced to work as a slave is NOT being given a break. Being herded like cattle under the threat of death to labor for the war machine that is oppressing and killing you is not humane. There were no Germans lining up for these jobs, no Germans were put out of work by Jewish affirmative action.

Yes slavery is better than genocide. Does that mean slavery is a good thing or just not the most evil thing in the world?
Is that the way we judge things now? How they compare to the worst possible fate?

Are you defending slavery? Forced labor? Labor camps? Concentration camps?

Exactly what were the breaks given to the jews in auschwitz, who were forced to labor, until they died of exhaustion and malnutrition, or were shot for not being able to work hard enough anymore?

Try this:
Sure the blacks in America were slaves, but their owners gave them houses to live in – why some times I hear they were treated almost as well as the dogs and horses.

Fucking asinine and evil comments, hidden as reasonable conversation.

on 12/23/02 1:05 PM, William Shannon at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 12/23/2002 11:46:20 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

When you force people to work, without pay, even if you house them, it is called slavery.
It’s pretty much considered an evil thing.

To claim that people ought to be GRATEFUL to their slave masters is an argument that even the KKK could not make convincingly.

Isn't it better to help Volkswagen out than to be killed?
The point was that these Zionists were given breaks that even common German citizens were not. Seems to me that this collaboration is rather interesting.


   Doubt thyself.
   Doubt even if thou doubtest thyself.
   Doubt all.
   Doubt even if thou doubtest all.
   It seems sometimes as if beneath all conscious doubt
 there lay some deepest certainty.  O kill it!  Slay the
   The horn of the Doubt-Goat be exalted
   Dive deeper, ever deeper, into the Abyss of Mind,
 until thou unearth the fox THAT.  On, hounds!
 Yoicks!  Tally-ho!  Bring THAT to bay!
   Then, wind the Mort!

   Uncle Al. the kiddies pal

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew 

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 Archives of


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[CTRL] Telegraph - Blair snub for Netanyahu's attempt to isolate Arafat

2002-12-23 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Blair snub for Netanyahu's attempt to isolate Arafat
By Anton La Guardia,Diplomatic Editor
(Filed: 21/12/2002)

Tony Blair snubbed Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli
foreign minister, yesterday amid growing tensions over his plan to hold a Palestinian
conference in London next month.

Mr Netanyahu, on a tour of Europe in an effort to isolate Yasser Arafat, the 
leader, pressed his case in London with Jack Straw, the Foreign Secretary.

But his request to meet the Prime Minister was turned down, even though Mr Blair will 
Amram Mitzna, the leader of Israel's opposition Labour Party, next month ahead of the
Israeli elections.

British officials said Mr Blair's decision not to receive Mr Netanyahu, a rival to 
Ariel Sharon,
the prime minister, was deliberate.

He has previously entertained Israeli foreign ministers such as Shimon Peres, a member 
the Labour Party, which is more amenable to compromise with the Palestinians than the
ruling Likud bloc.

The acrimony seems mutual. Before arriving in London, Mr Netanyahu criticised Mr 
plan to hold an international conference on Palestinian "reform" as pointless.

He said there was no chance of effective political or economic reforms - America's 
for peace talks on Palestinian statehood - as long as Mr Arafat was leader.

"I can tell you that I certainly see no difference between Arafat and Osama bin Laden 
other terrorist leaders, except one: Arafat is a bin Laden with good public relations,
especially in Europe," he said.

He also criticised Mr Blair's decision to welcome President Bashar al-Assad of Syria to
London this week, saying it sent "a message that terror pays".

20 December 2002: Girl at window 'killed by Israelis' in Gaza Strip

17 December 2002: Blair strives for peace as Assad digs his heels in

16 December 2002: Blair stakes reputation on dialogue with 'rogue' state

10 December 2002: Hawks defy Sharon in vote for candidates

4 November 2002: Netanyahu back in government

14 June 2002: Confusion as White House shifts its policy on Middle East

Previous story: DVT victims lose fight with airlines
Next story: Police attack rule sparing burglars from jail

© Copyright of Telegraph Group Limited 2002.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Holocaust Industry and Zionism : SF Indymedia

2002-12-23 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector-

Never saw the movie - but I don't think that¹s relevant -

I think I was saying that giving money to help people who's children were
murdered by suicide bombers, to create programs to help them deal with their
pain is a good thing.

on 12/23/02 1:06 PM, Euphorian at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-
> 12/23/02 11:45:48 AM, thew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  When you force people to work, without pay, even if you house them, it is
>>  called slavery.
>>  It¹s pretty much considered an evil thing.
>>  To claim that people ought to be GRATEFUL to their slave masters is an
>>  argument that even the KKK could not make convincingly.
> And I believe it was you who asked whether Spielberg's donations of money from
> the
> "Schindler" fund was a "good thing".
> This is what has always amazed me about the "Schwindler" movie ... he made
> money off of
> others' labour in support of / from the fascist regime and was rewarded later
> on for his ...
> what?  Humanitarian instincts?  There was no way he could have known -- much
> less
> anyone else -- that the people were going to be saved or starved or staved.
> With all the
> whoop-do about Bush and Ford and VW and all the others' companies making
> moolah off of
> others' forced labours and how "guilty" they were (and are), this guy
> Schindler comes off
> as a hero.
> It has only been AFTER the fact that Otto could be seen as a hero.  But for
> how long would
> he have kept his crewe at work had things turned out slightly differently for
> the National
> Socialists?  It all depends on how you tell the story and at which point the
> audience has
> been softened up to accept the story line.
> A<>E<>R
> "Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep
> your mouth
> shut."
> --- Ernest Hemingway
> http://www.ctrl.org/";>www.ctrl.org
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance‹not soap-boxing‹please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'‹with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds‹is used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
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To be nobody but yourself, in a world which is doing its best, night and
day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle that any
human being can fight--and never stop fighting.

-  e.e. cummings

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Absinthe minded - smh.com.au

2002-12-23 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 12/23/2002 12:00:50 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Absinthe is available in the US if you order from overseas. I have several
bottles here myself.

Ah! THAT explains alot about you Thew! Hahha!! Kidding!

Actually I was hoping to hook up with some of that...I've seen ads for it in Fortean Times for example...it looks tempting.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 Archives of


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Re: [CTRL] Holocaust Industry and Zionism : SF Indymedia

2002-12-23 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 12/23/2002 11:46:20 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

When you force people to work, without pay, even if you house them, it is called slavery.
It’s pretty much considered an evil thing.

To claim that people ought to be GRATEFUL to their slave masters is an argument that even the KKK could not make convincingly.

Isn't it better to help Volkswagen out than to be killed?
The point was that these Zionists were given breaks that even common German citizens were not. Seems to me that this collaboration is rather interesting.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 Archives of


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Re: [CTRL] Holocaust Industry and Zionism : SF Indymedia

2002-12-23 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

12/23/02 11:45:48 AM, thew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  When you force people to work, without pay, even if you house them, it is
>  called slavery.
>  It’s pretty much considered an evil thing.
>  To claim that people ought to be GRATEFUL to their slave masters is an
>  argument that even the KKK could not make convincingly.

And I believe it was you who asked whether Spielberg's donations of money from the
"Schindler" fund was a "good thing".

This is what has always amazed me about the "Schwindler" movie ... he made money off of
others' labour in support of / from the fascist regime and was rewarded later on for 
his ...
what?  Humanitarian instincts?  There was no way he could have known -- much less
anyone else -- that the people were going to be saved or starved or staved.  With all 
whoop-do about Bush and Ford and VW and all the others' companies making moolah off of
others' forced labours and how "guilty" they were (and are), this guy Schindler comes 
as a hero.

It has only been AFTER the fact that Otto could be seen as a hero.  But for how long 
he have kept his crewe at work had things turned out slightly differently for the 
Socialists?  It all depends on how you tell the story and at which point the audience 
been softened up to accept the story line.


"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth
--- Ernest Hemingway

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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Re: [CTRL] Absinthe minded - smh.com.au

2002-12-23 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector-

Absinthe is available in the US if you order from overseas. I have several
bottles here myself.

The absinthe of today does contain thujone, but in a far less concentrated
form, probably 100 - 1000 times less saturated in the alcohol.

It was banned with a fervor across Europe in the 19th century that very much
resembles the anti-drug hysteria of today.

The seminal case was a Swiss man who killed his family after 2 glasses of
absinthe. Of course what every article and reformer of the day failed to
mention was that he been drinking whiskey all day as well, but all blame
landed squarely on the absinthe.

on 12/23/02 12:53 PM, Euphorian at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-
> http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2002/12/22/1040510970213.html
 In the U.S., you can buy a version of this without the active ingredient
 that made
> people crazy ... thujone.  There are also many opportunities to secure the
> "real" thing in
> various countries worldwide, most notably England and Czechoslovakia.  A<>E<>R
> <<<
> Print this article |   Close this window
> Absinthe minded
> December 23 2002
> Mix one part movie mythology with a dash of danger and drug culture, then
> serve up the
> latest cocktail craze setting Sydney on fire - absinthe.
> Given wings by Kylie Minogue (who played the Green Absinthe Fairy in Moulin
> Rouge), the
> once- blacklisted spirit has found new life on an exclusive number of drink
> menus around
> town.
> Since the release of Baz Luhrmann's film last year, the decadent drink of
> choice for turn-of-
> the- century artists such as Toulouse-Lautrec and Van Gogh has found fame once
> more
> with the truly indulged of London, New York and, now, Sydney.
> In London, party spies say absinthe has fuelled an underground drink culture
> for the past 18
> months. Bans were placed on the spirit post-World War I, when its
> hallucinatory, brain-
> destroying properties played havoc.
> As one UK source, who asked to remain nameless, admitted last week, the 75
> proof potion
> (made from aniseed, licorice, wormwood and star anise) has a reputation for
> prompting
> strange party behaviour.
> "After just a few drinks at one party I felt fine, but by the end of the night
> I was upstairs
> putting
> on women's clothing and had my partner doing my make-up," he said.
> Following his own lead, Luhrmann has also set up an absinthe fan club in New
> York, where
> he introduced the spirit to the social set during planning for his production
> of La Boheme.
> Absinthe remains prohibited in some parts of the world, but illicit internet
> trade and limited
> supplies by some authorised makers like Pernod have met growing demand.
> In Australia, Pernod has released just 30 cases of absinthe for sale at
> selected bars in
> Sydney and Melbourne, and is happy to keep fans wanting more.
> "Part of the allure is the fact it is hard to find, is in limited numbers and
> a little elusive,"
> Pernod spokesman Jacques D'Arribo said.
> Hemmesphere threw a party when it received its quota. Bar host Carolina Jensen
> said
> Sydney's "enthusiastic bar flies had taken to the emerald spirit".
> "People have been very curious about it since we introduced it last year," she
> said. "We've
> put six absinthe cocktails on our menu and it's been a huge success."
> It's all part of Sydney's current cocktail craze. "It's a very competitive
> scene among
> barmen," said Jensen, predicting quality bourbon will be the next big thing.
> This story was found at: http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2002/12/22/
> 1040510970213.html
> http://www.ctrl.org/";>www.ctrl.org
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance‹not soap-boxing‹please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'‹with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds‹is used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html
> http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of
> http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl
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> Om

-- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - -  - - -- --- -- - - -  

[CTRL] Absinthe minded - smh.com.au

2002-12-23 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


>>>In the U.S., you can buy a version of this without the active ingredient that made
people crazy ... thujone.  There are also many opportunities to secure the "real" 
thing in
various countries worldwide, most notably England and Czechoslovakia.  A<>E<>R <<<

  Print this article |   Close this window
Absinthe minded

December 23 2002

Mix one part movie mythology with a dash of danger and drug culture, then serve up the
latest cocktail craze setting Sydney on fire - absinthe.

Given wings by Kylie Minogue (who played the Green Absinthe Fairy in Moulin Rouge), the
once- blacklisted spirit has found new life on an exclusive number of drink menus 

Since the release of Baz Luhrmann's film last year, the decadent drink of choice for 
the- century artists such as Toulouse-Lautrec and Van Gogh has found fame once more
with the truly indulged of London, New York and, now, Sydney.

In London, party spies say absinthe has fuelled an underground drink culture for the 
past 18
months. Bans were placed on the spirit post-World War I, when its hallucinatory, brain-
destroying properties played havoc.

As one UK source, who asked to remain nameless, admitted last week, the 75 proof potion
(made from aniseed, licorice, wormwood and star anise) has a reputation for prompting
strange party behaviour.

"After just a few drinks at one party I felt fine, but by the end of the night I was 
on women's clothing and had my partner doing my make-up," he said.

Following his own lead, Luhrmann has also set up an absinthe fan club in New York, 
he introduced the spirit to the social set during planning for his production of La 

Absinthe remains prohibited in some parts of the world, but illicit internet trade and 
supplies by some authorised makers like Pernod have met growing demand.

In Australia, Pernod has released just 30 cases of absinthe for sale at selected bars 
Sydney and Melbourne, and is happy to keep fans wanting more.

"Part of the allure is the fact it is hard to find, is in limited numbers and a little 
Pernod spokesman Jacques D'Arribo said.

Hemmesphere threw a party when it received its quota. Bar host Carolina Jensen said
Sydney's "enthusiastic bar flies had taken to the emerald spirit".

"People have been very curious about it since we introduced it last year," she said. 
put six absinthe cocktails on our menu and it's been a huge success."

It's all part of Sydney's current cocktail craze. "It's a very competitive scene among
barmen," said Jensen, predicting quality bourbon will be the next big thing.

This story was found at: http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2002/12/22/

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl

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Re: [CTRL] Holocaust Industry and Zionism : SF Indymedia

2002-12-23 Thread thew
Title: Re: [CTRL] Holocaust Industry and Zionism : SF Indymedia
-Caveat Lector-

To really understand the headspace of this, check this quote:

“So anyway, they were back again soon, with demands against the Volkswagen Company for having used Zionist workers during the Second World War and providing them only with room and board but not paying them union-scale wages. One might think that these Zionist workers would be grateful to Volkswagen for keeping them alive during the war, feeding them, and giving them a roof over their heads, when so many German civilians had only bombed-out ruins to live in Volkswagen wasn't the only company which had used involuntary labor during the war”

When you force people to work, without pay, even if you house them, it is called slavery.
It’s pretty much considered an evil thing.

To claim that people ought to be GRATEFUL to their slave masters is an argument that even the KKK could not make convincingly.

And as a side note – Rembrandt and Vermeer were not German. 

on 12/23/02 12:19 PM, Nessie SFBG at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

-Caveat Lector- 
>> Original article is at http://sf.indymedia.org/news/2002/12/1552888.php. Print comments. The following post has status hidden:

* * *

I'm part of the collective that runs SF-IMC. I'm also one of the editors. I'm not the editor who hid this particular post, but only because I was asleep when it happened. Otherwise, I would have hidden it at first sight.

This article is not by Norman Finkelstein, the author of The Holocaust Industry. It is by the notorious white-supremacist and Jew-hater William Pierce, best known as the author of The Turner Diaries.

Except, apparently, for substituting "Zionist" for "Jew" or "Jewish", the article as posted is identical to Pierce's:


Unfortunately, Pierce was able to use the information provided by Finkelstein for his own racist purposes, but this is the fault of those whose actions Finkelstein exposed, and not of Finkelstein, a courageous anti-Zionist Jew who has suffered serious economic retaliation for his work, including being driven out of his teaching job at the City University of New York.
Because SF-IMC practices open publishing, anyone can post any old thing they choose there. It then devolves upon the editors catch crap like this when it shows. We're all volunteers. None of us are getting paid to do this, so we have to find time between the other demands of life.  Day jobs, families, pets, housekeeping, meetings  and sleep all do their part to keep us busy. Nevertheless, we do our level best to hide racist propaganda as quickly as possible. Sometimes we miss a post like this. If you happen to see one we miss, please write to us at:


We'll deal with it immediately.
We apologize profusely that this one was not caught sooner. It is not our intention to provide a soapbox for Nazis and their ilk. They try very hard sometimes to exploit our hospitality. Other times, they try to simply flood the site and make it unusable, sometimes with their own propaganda, sometimes with pure gibberish. Occasionally, one of the script kiddies among them even mounts a DOS attack against us. We spend a great deal of time fighting them off. Despite the occasional bout of tendonitis it causes, we take great pleasure in thwarting them. To live is to fight fascism. ¡No Pasaran!

* * *

For the *real* story on Holocaust revision/reparations, click here:


Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.  Archives Available at: http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html  


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-- -- --  -- --
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   neo-sufi wisdom

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 Archives of


Re: [CTRL] Holocaust Industry and Zionism : SF Indymedia

2002-12-23 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

12/23/02 11:19:12 AM, Nessie SFBG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  This article is not by Norman Finkelstein, the author of The Holocaust
>  Industry. It is by the notorious white-supremacist and Jew-hater William
>  Pierce, best known as the author of The Turner Diaries.

THIS expose' is one of the BEST reasons for posting what some would consider to be
"offensive" materials.  Unless we are able to receive, evaluate, and discern the 
truths about
various articles, many things would go unchallenged AT THEIR SOURCES (or close 
To deny ourselves this opportunity as members of a free society would allow who knows
what kind (beyond the example of the originally posted article) of ovine excretia 
would pass
for meatballs.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth
--- Ernest Hemingway

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl

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[CTRL] Boston Globe Online / Metro | Region / Lennon picks sites for sale, eyes court test in abuse cases

2002-12-23 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


>>>This makes the Catholic Church a "for profit" organisation, no?  A<:>E<:>R<<<


Lennon picks sites for sale, eyes court test in abuse cases

By Michael Rezendes and Walter V. Robinson, Globe Staff, 12/23/2002

In a gesture aimed at assuring 500 alleged victims of clergy sexual abuse that the 
Archdiocese is committed to a financial settlement of their claims, the newly named
apostolic administrator, Bishop Richard G. Lennon, said yesterday that he has selected
church properties for sale and directed officials to put them on the market ''as soon 

Lennon would not say which properties will be sold, but said he is seeking - in his 
first week
on the job - to demonstrate his resolve to settle the growing number of sexual abuse 
''I chose a number of properties and asked the chancellor to go forward and market them
as soon as possible, so we can show our commitment to this,'' Lennon said.

But Lennon also said that, in a move designed to include the church's insurance 
in a comprehensive settlement, church lawyers today will serve attorneys of alleged 
with notice of a motion to have all their claims dismissed based on the US 
guarantee of freedom of religion.

Lennon said the motion is being filed to satisfy insurance companies' requirements 
that the
church avail itself of every significant defense before contributing to the settlement 

But he insisted that the first priority of the archdiocese is to reach such a financial

''The reason we're serving the motion primarily is to keep the insurance companies in 
loop,'' Lennon said in an interview. ''There's no way the archdiocese can financially 
up with the money that is needed to have fair settlements on its own. We need the
insurance companies.''

A law firm advising the archdiocese has concluded that the church has at least $90 
available for a settlement, most of it through coverage provided by two companies,
Travelers and Kemper. And lawyers for the alleged victims have estimated that a
comprehensive settlement covering the 500 pending claims could exceed $100 million.

Lennon said that he believes, as a matter of principle, in the First Amendment defense
advanced in the motion to be served today, but that the primary purpose of the motion 
is to
satisfy the insurance companies.

''Our first priority is to respond to victims and survivors,'' Lennon said. ''Yet, 
what we've put
together for the motion is substantial. ... The document is a document of integrity and

The Rev. Robert W. Oliver Jr., a canon law professor at St. John Seminary, accompanied
Lennon in the interview at the seminary in Brighton.

Oliver said church leaders fear that plaintiffs and their lawyers in the sexual abuse 
will interpret the motion literally and not see it as a strategy to assure the 
participation of
insurance companies in a settlement. ''The risk is they'll think we're walking away, 
what we're actually doing is the opposite,'' he said.

When told of the church's plan last evening, Roderick MacLeish Jr. - a lawyer with
Greenberg Traurig, which represents about half of the 500 people with pending claims
against the archdiocese - said that the step outlined by Lennon was not unexpected. He 
he believes Lennon's explanation.

''I would not criticize Bishop Lennon for taking this step,'' MacLeish said. ''I 
believe he is
genuine and wants to reach a resolution of these cases. I want to give him a chance to 

MacLeish said that Suffolk Superior Court Judge Constance M. Sweeney, who is handling 
the abuse claims against the archdiocese, had earlier set today as the deadline for the
archdiocese to formally notify the plaintiffs' lawyers that it will seek to have all 
dismissed on First Amendment grounds.

MacLeish also said he does not believe that other lawyers for alleged victims will 
the move, despite Lennon's evident concern that the church's latest legal maneuver 
be seen by some as a way for the church to shelter itself from victims' claims.

MacLeish noted that the First Amendment argument has already been rejected by several
Superior Court judges in Massachusetts, including Sweeney when she ruled in November
2001 in favor of the Globe's motion to unseal church records in the case of defrocked 
John J. Geoghan.

It was only a month ago when Sweeney, using unusually harsh language, denied a church
motion on constitutional grounds to shield 11,000 pages of church documents on priests
accused of sexual misconduct. Cardinal Bernard F. Law resigned as archbishop of Boston
after the documents were made public.

Although no Massachusetts appellate court has ruled on the merits of the church's First
Amendment claim, MacLeish said h

Re: [CTRL] Israelis Execute 11 year old Palestinian Girl Terrorist

2002-12-23 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector-

I see the difference. You presented an edited form of an article. The
editing took the form of quoting the part that backs up your belief, while
editing out all the parts that go against your belief system.

My point remains the same - every time you choose to show only part of
something, you are displaying an opinion.

Who cares?

My point was not about the article, but about you. The article speaks for
itself. Or it would if it was allowed to remain whole - as it was presented
it only speaks for you.

AS to your personal attacks and insults - they roll off me as I never enter
a battle of wits with the unarmed.

I would love for you point out one place where I rationalized.

PS - I was teaching editing for video/film documentary.

on 12/23/02 11:55 AM, flw at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-
>> Sorry - wrong:
>> Inflected forms: ed·it·ed , ed·it·ing , ed·its
>> 1 a. To prepare (written material) for publication or presentation, as by
>> correcting, revising, or adapting. b. To prepare an edition of for
>> publication: edit a collection of short stories. c. To modify or adapt so
> as
>> to make suitable or acceptable: edited her remarks for presentation to a
>> younger audience. 2. To supervise the publication of (a newspaper or
>> magazine, for example). 3. To assemble the components of (a film or
>> soundtrack, for example), as by cutting and splicing. 4. To eliminate;
>> delete: edited the best scene out.
>> 1c would be the appropriate use here.
>> 4 also covers it.
> It seems you can't understand the difference between
> quoting from an article and presenting an edited article just as
> you can't seem to distinguish between an occupier and the
> occupied. What class do you teach, "The Art of Convenient
> Rationalization?"
> flw
> http://www.ctrl.org/";>www.ctrl.org
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html
> http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of
> http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl
> To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> Om

-- -- -- - -- - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - -- 
The most tyrannical governments are those which make crimes of opinions, for
everyone has an inalienable right to his thoughts.


NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Proof "Bad" equals "Good"

2002-12-23 Thread Dale Stonehouse
-Caveat Lector-

Using logic, it is obvious "bad" things are "good" for the people of Planet

1. All economic growth is "good."
2. Hurricanes and other disasters, produce economic growth when communities
are rebuilt and household furnishings purchased. Therefore they are "good."
3. Mass murder produces economic growth for funeral directors, morticians,
medical examiners and graveyards. Therefore murder is "good."
4. "Illegal" drugs produce economic growth; dealers buy automobiles, houses,
guns and electronic surveillance protection. Therefore illicit drugs are
5. Latchkey kids, by raising themselves, allow additional jobs to be filled,
increasing economic activity. Therefore kids without supervision are "good."
6. Pollution of air and water produce economic growth when the toxic
materials are removed. Therefore pollution is "good."
7. Pornography and prostitution produce economic growth as perfect examples
of trickle-down economics. Therefore the sex trade is "good."
8. You name it; by this standard nearly all "bad" things are "good."
9. And by destroying entire countries which must then be rebuilt, WAR is the
ultimate "good" for the people of Earth.

I'm sure Aristotle, Master Mo and Dignana would approve.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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Re: [CTRL] Israelis Execute 11 year old Palestinian Girl Terrorist

2002-12-23 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

> Sorry - wrong:

> Inflected forms: ed·it·ed , ed·it·ing , ed·its
> 1 a. To prepare (written material) for publication or presentation, as by
> correcting, revising, or adapting. b. To prepare an edition of for
> publication: edit a collection of short stories. c. To modify or adapt so
> to make suitable or acceptable: edited her remarks for presentation to a
> younger audience. 2. To supervise the publication of (a newspaper or
> magazine, for example). 3. To assemble the components of (a film or
> soundtrack, for example), as by cutting and splicing. 4. To eliminate;
> delete: edited the best scene out.
> 1c would be the appropriate use here.
> 4 also covers it.

It seems you can't understand the difference between
quoting from an article and presenting an edited article just as
you can't seem to distinguish between an occupier and the
occupied. What class do you teach, "The Art of Convenient

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl

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Re: [CTRL] Holocaust Industry and Zionism : SF Indymedia

2002-12-23 Thread Nessie SFBG
Title: Re: [CTRL] Holocaust Industry and Zionism : SF
-Caveat Lector-

>> Original
article is at http://sf.indymedia.org/news/2002/12/1552888.php. Print
comments. The following post has status hidden:

* * *

I'm part of the collective that runs SF-IMC. I'm also one of the
editors. I'm not the editor who hid this particular post, but only
because I was asleep when it happened. Otherwise, I would have hidden
it at first sight.

This article is not by Norman Finkelstein, the author of The Holocaust
Industry. It is by the notorious white-supremacist and Jew-hater
William Pierce, best known as the author of The Turner Diaries.

Except, apparently, for substituting "Zionist" for
"Jew" or "Jewish", the article as posted is
identical to Pierce's:


Unfortunately, Pierce was able to use the information provided by
Finkelstein for his own racist purposes, but this is the fault of
those whose actions Finkelstein exposed, and not of Finkelstein, a
courageous anti-Zionist Jew who has suffered serious economic
retaliation for his work, including being driven out of his teaching
job at the City University of New York.

Because SF-IMC
practices open publishing, anyone can post any old thing they choose
there. It then devolves upon the editors catch crap like this when it
shows. We're all volunteers. None of us are getting paid to do this,
so we have to find time between the other demands of life.  Day
jobs, families, pets, housekeeping, meetings  and sleep all do
their part to keep us busy. Nevertheless, we do our level best to hide
racist propaganda as quickly as possible. Sometimes we miss a post
like this. If you happen to see one we miss, please write to us


We'll deal with it immediately.

We apologize
profusely that this one was not caught sooner. It is not our intention
to provide a soapbox for Nazis and their ilk. They try very hard
sometimes to exploit our hospitality. Other times, they try to simply
flood the site and make it unusable, sometimes with their own
propaganda, sometimes with pure gibberish. Occasionally, one of the
script kiddies among them even mounts a DOS attack against us. We
spend a great deal of time fighting them off. Despite the occasional
bout of tendonitis it causes, we take great pleasure in thwarting
them. To live is to fight fascism. ¡No Pasaran!

* * *

For the *real* story on Holocaust revision/reparations, click


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 Archives of


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[CTRL] Grow: FBI performs a nasty little sequel to whistle-blower saga

2002-12-23 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

Grow: FBI performs a nasty little sequel to whistle-blower saga
Doug Grow
Star Tribune
Published Dec. 22, 2002

A nasty political sequel  is being played out before our eyes. "The
Bureaucracy Strikes Back" is the story flowing from the courageous
saga of Minneapolis FBI agent Coleen Rowley, who blew the whistle
on higher-ups in the FBI's bureaucracy.

Just seven months ago she was being heralded as a national hero
for daring to testify that top-level FBI officials had stymied efforts by
Minneapolis agents to search records of Zacarias Moussaoui before
the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. A go-ahead from Washington for a
search in Minneapolis might have yielded information that might
have prevented the horrid attacks. A search of Moussaoui's
belongings after 9/11 found clues to the plot.

When Rowley appeared before congressional committees in
Washington, there were concerns being expressed that she might
pay a price for her courage.

"The real question is not what happens today or tomorrow," the late
Sen. Paul Wellstone said at the time Rowley was testifying. "It's
what happens in the next year or two, or after that. That's always the
case with whistle-blowers. It's going to be important for us to remain
vigilant in her case."

What's happened?

Even in the midst of her testimony in Washington early last June,
the FBI seemed to deliver a pointed message to Rowley that she
was on her own. During a break in her testimony, Rowley had gone
to FBI headquarters. Rather than provide a vehicle or any sort of
escort for the agent when she left the FBI building, Rowley was left
to fend for herself. She stepped out the door and into swarms of TV
news crews. The situation was so chaotic that Rowley was
concerned that some of the TV people might be injured by passing

Now come reports of what appears to be another message being
delivered to Rowley and her ilk.

The Star Tribune's Greg Gordon reported last week that at a quiet
little ceremony earlier this month, Marion (Spike) Bowman was one
of nine people in the bureau to receive an award for "exceptional
performance." The award carries with it a cash bonus of 20 to 35
percent of the recipient's salary and a framed certificate signed by
the president.

What does this have to do with Rowley?

Bowman heads the FBI's National Security Law Unit. That's the unit
that blocked Minneapolis agents from pursuing their suspicions
about Moussaoui.

Bowman received the big pats on the back (and cash) a few days
before the House and Senate Intelligence committees turned in their
reports of pre-Sept. 11 intelligence failures. The committees said
that Minneapolis agents deserved honors for their work and that
those who performed poorly should be disciplined. The National
Security Law Unit was singled out by Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala.,
for inept performance.

There were no FBI honors for the Minneapolis office. There was a
big honor for the lead antagonist of the Minneapolis office.

But the beauty of a truly slick bureaucracy is that you can never
really know the motive for an action.

Obviously, no FBI official ever said that Rowley was shoved out of
the bureau's headquarters and into the thundering media herd last
June as a little payback for her integrity. And FBI director Bob
Mueller isn't about to say that Bowman is getting heralded for
"exceptional performance" as a way of showing whistle-blowers
who's got the biggest whistle.

In fact, there are Mueller-defenders who gasp in horror at the
suggestion that the FBI would ever be so crass as to play
Machiavellian games with its prestigious awards. We're supposed to
believe that despite that disappointing little experience with the
Minneapolis agents before Sept. 11, Bowman's office had done just
a great job.

Brian Atwood, dean of the University of Minnesota's Humphrey
Institute of Public Affairs since Oct. 1, is an expert on the subject of
bureaucracies. Until global realities changed, Atwood was being
credited with streamlining the U.S. Agency for International

He said it's very possible that top officials in the FBI feel that
Bowman deserves being defended from what they see as unfair
"political" attacks.

"He would be seen as one of the best [in the FBI hierarchy],
otherwise he would not be in a position to make [such] a mistake,"
Atwood said.

So when Bowman was criticized by Rowley and politicians, it's very
likely that top FBI officials would ask, "What can we do to spit in
their eye?"

The FBI's Minneapolis office has not commented on Bowman's
award for "exceptional performance." Presumably, agents in
Minneapolis are so busy bracing for the next message from
Washington they don't have time to talk.

-- Doug Grow is at  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Outgoing mail is certified virus free
Scanned by Norton AntiVirus

Hell hath no fury like a bureaucrat scorned. ~~Milton

CTRL is a discussion & informational exch

[CTRL] UN chief issues secret orders for war in Iraq

2002-12-23 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-


UN chief issues secret orders for war in Iraq
>From James Bone in New York
Agencies told to prepare for civil unrest and 900,000 refugees

THE United Nations is making secret contingency plans for a war
that would halt all Iraqi oil production, “seriously degrade” the
country’s electricity system, provoke civil unrest and create 900,000
refugees, The Times has learnt.

Internal UN documents predict that the worst fighting will be in the
three central governorates around Baghdad, with the Kurdish-
controlled north remaining largely free of conflict. But it will take a
month after war breaks out before the predominantly Shia south is
calm enough for UN humanitarian workers to work there.

Although formally expressing the hope that war can be averted, UN
relief agencies are already positioning emergency supplies and
updating evacuation procedures for the hundreds of international
staff now inside Iraq.

“The UN expects that there will be full compliance by Iraq . . . and
that, consequently, there will be no new humanitarian crisis,” one
document says. “Nevertheless, UN agencies must ensure that they
are adequately prepared for the full range of possible scenarios.”

Kofi Annan, the UN Secretary-General, is trying to keep the
preparations secret for fear of signalling to Iraq that weapons
inspections are futile and a US-led attack is inevitable.

But he ordered staff to begin contingency planning last month after
the Security Council set tough terms for resumed inspections in
Iraq. His Canadian deputy, Louise Fréchette, is chairing regular
meetings of officials to prepare for a possible humanitarian crisis.

Confidential UN planning papers paint a grim picture of the effects
of an attack against Iraq: they predict that production of oil will
cease, the port of Umm Qasr on the Gulf would be shut down, and
the bombing of bridges would cripple the railway network and make
road travel difficult between the east and west of the country.

The electricity grid would be seriously disrupted, with collateral
damage to water and sewage systems. Government stocks of
commodities such as grain would also be hit.

Of the 900,000 predicted refugees, the UN estimates that about
100,000 would need immediate help.

“It all seems perfectly reasonable, but when it actually happens, it
will be different,” one person who reviewed the papers said. “It
always is.”

At an unpublicised meeting in Geneva on December 13, the UN
appealed to more than ten donor nations, including Britain, to
provide $37 million (£23 million) to fund preparations for a crisis.

The Rome-based World Food Programme said that it had started to
put in place sufficient food for 900,000 people for a month. The UN
High Commissioner for Refugees has a stockpile of supplies for
250,000 people ready to move at 72 hours’ notice, but has only
enough tents and blankets for 100,000 people. It could take 12
weeks and $60 million to deliver enough supplies.

The UN Children’s Fund, which has a warehouse in Denmark, has
started moving supplies to Iraq and four neighbouring countries for
550,000 people inside Iraq and another 160,000 expected to spill
into neighbouring states.

A major source of tension in the planning is the relationship between
the emergency operation and the large UN “oil-for-food” programme
that has been overseeing relief supplies inside Iraq for the past
seven years.

The UN estimates that 16 million Iraqis, or 60 per cent of the
population, are highly dependent on the monthly food basket
provided under the programme.

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Scanned by Norton AntiVirus

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Red Cross denies banning Christmas

2002-12-23 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

Red Cross denies banning Christmas

"The Red Cross has denied it has tried to "ban Christmas"
from its charity shops. Staff were told not to set up
nativity scenes, Christmas trees or decorations with
Christian symbols in case they offended Muslims and other
non-Christians. One volunteer said the policy was 'political
correctness gone mad."



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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] David Rockefeller vs. Israel [Pro Muslims/Arabs] OIL!

2002-12-23 Thread Lloyd Miller
Title: Message
-Caveat Lector-

Part of the
longstanding _Project_ theory of geopolitics, is that the Vatican and
Rockefellers routinely line-up against the Judeo-Masonic Anglophile cabal
(NeoBritish Empire). . .the Vatican for its preference of faith based society vs
"Modernism," to say nothing of their long-standing war with the Jews, and
the Rockefellers for their long-standing alliance with Saudi Arabia to control
the world's oil resources.  We find this confirmed below in David
Rockefeller's recently published _Memoirs_:
Page 494:
". . .It was only
with time that I began to understand the connection between the terrorist
attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and the failure over a period
of almost 50 years to resolve the dilemma of the Middle East.  President
Nasser's 1969 warning to me about the "growing instability and radicalism"
throughout the region resonated strongly.  Despite efforts by people of
good faith on all sided, this dangerous cancer has never been excised, and it
now threatens the stability and prosperity of the entire
Of course, the "only
with time" part is a lie [unless old Rocky is already senile], but note that
this Rockefeller statement is in direct oppostion to the Zionist propaganda
barrage (now politically correct) that the the Arab-Israeli conflict is only a
small part of the motivation of the terrorists!
Note further that it
was old David who tottered-out during the impeachment crisis to welcome and
introduce Bill Clinton to a CFR meeting where Clinton spoke.  Also recall
Clinton's several visits to the Rockefeller vacation spot in Aspen. 
Clinton was clearly a Rockefeller tool as evidenced by his luke warm enthusiasm
for the crusade against Iraq and terrorism and, most important, for his
opposition to the Likud in Israel.  Clinton intervened directly in Israel
elections trying to defeat the Likud.
***Lloyd Miller,
Research Director for A-albionic Research (POB 20273,Ferndale, MI 48220), a
ruling class/conspiracy research resource for theentire
political-ideological spectrum.  Quarterly journal, book
sales,rare/out-of-print searches, New Paradigms Discussion List, Weekly
Up-dateLists & E-text Archive of research, intelligence, catalogs, &
resources. To Discuss Ideas:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
http://msen.com/~lloyd/  For
Ordering Info & Free Catalog:   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
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text in body:  subscribe prj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> **FREE RARE
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Yahoo!

2002-12-23 Thread Shemuwel Antoine Moser
-Caveat Lector-

Hah!! I installed a spy program on my computer
to find out what my homosexual nephew does when he wanted to surf the internet
on my computer and discovered him trading “Yahoo! Briefs” which are free
accounts for storing and trading pictures. He was 18 years old and pretending
to be 13 years old in the Chat Rooms of Yahoo! asking to trade “Boy Briefs”.
When I read the log I thought at first my nephew was wanting
to trade underware. J LOL!! But I followed a link
he was offering for more Yahoo! Briefs and it took me to an account that had
vulgar pictures of young boys from 3 years old all the way up in their teens
with erections. There was some pictures with boys
doing 69 with each other. I tried to report it to Yahoo! so they would close
this account down but they never replied to my repeated E-mails to them and the
account Yahoo! Brief account remained up and they never did a thing to stop
this child pornography they were hosting. I would have reported it to the
police but I once tried to report Child Pornography on the internet to the
Clark County Ohio Sherrif’s department and they kept
telling me that it was out of their jurisdiction and they could not do anything
about it. I called 911 about it and reported it because I knew 911 recorded the
info and the Sherrif’s department got very angry and
nearly swarmed my apartment bearing down on me menacingly. It was a good thing
my mother was at the apartment. They threatened that they could arrest me for
making 911 calls that were not emergencies. This Serriff’s
department is in Spring
  Field Ohio
and they have a branch in New Carlisle
where I reported it. Clark County Ohio Sherrif’s
department is run by 32 degree Freemason Sherrif Gene
Kelly. The internet service provider I had at the time was www.erinet.com and
they were the ones hosting child pornography News Groups. Later I talked to Sherrif Gene Kelly on the telephone when I asked him if he
was a Freemason and he told me he was. I asked for his email address so I could
send him information and he reluctantly gave it to me. I typed in the last part
of his E-mail address to find out what ISP he had because I did not recognize
the address as a local ISP that was available and guess what? It took me to www.erinet.com . All the New Channels of Dayton Ohio use
www.erinet.com and this was the reason the Shrriff’s
department ignored my complaints. They all support child pornography. I later
called the FBI to report www.erinet.com and they acted like they were not very
interested in my complaint.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 Archives of


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[CTRL] Holocaust Industry and Zionism : SF Indymedia

2002-12-23 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


San Francisco Bay Area Independent Media Center

Original article is at http://sf.indymedia.org/news/2002/12/1552888.php. Print 
The following post has status hidden:

Holocaust Industry and Zionism
by Professor Finklestein • Saturday December 21, 2002 at 02:18 AM

Professor Finklestein discusses the Zionist attempt to use the Holocaust for their
nefarious purposes.

he Holocaust Shakedown

by Professor Finklestein

Imagine that a robber walks into a bank, points a pistol at a teller, hands her a bag, 
demands that she put all the money from her cash drawer in it. At first she protests, 
then, after he threatens to shoot, she fills the robber's bag with cash. And then 
that, as the robber walks out of the bank with his bag of loot, the bank guard opens 
door for him, smiles at him, offers to hail a cab for him, and tells him to come again 
After that it's not difficult to imagine that he probably will.
That's about the way it's been with the Zionists recently. Two years ago they put a 
gun to
the head of the Swiss people collectively and demanded billions of dollars in 
reparations for
Swiss bank accounts they claimed had been owned by Zionists who disappeared during the
Second World War. The Swiss initially protested that unclaimed Zionist bank accounts 
the 1930s and 1940s amounted at most to a few million dollars, not to billions, and 
the war ended more than 50 years ago and claims should have been filed long ago. The
Zionists threatened to shoot, figuratively speaking, by having their bought 
politicians in the
United States prevent Swiss banks from doing business in America. Eventually they 
away with $1.25 billion in loot, with the Swiss apologizing for not having coughed it 
After that sort of success with the Swiss one could hardly expect the Zionists to give 
extortion and go straight. So anyway, they were back again soon, with demands against 
Volkswagen Company for having used Zionist workers during the Second World War and
providing them only with room and board but not paying them union-scale wages. One
might think that these Zionist workers would be grateful to Volkswagen for keeping them
alive during the war, feeding them, and giving them a roof over their heads, when so 
German civilians had only bombed-out ruins to live in. Well, if you thought that, you 
don't understand Zionists. The Zionists told the Volkswagen Company that if it ever 
to sell any more cars in America, it had better cough up -- soon. And the bought 
and the media bosses in America began rattling their sabers and talking loudly about
sanctions of various sorts against Volkswagen. And so, like the Swiss banks, Volkswagen
coughed up the money.
Then the feeding frenzy started, just as I told you it would two years ago, when I 
that after the Zionists had cleaned out the Swiss they would go after other victims in 
a long
list. Volkswagen wasn't the only company which had used involuntary labor during the 
The Zionists went after Daimler-Benz and BMW and Siemens.
And Switzerland wasn't the only country where Zionists could claim that Uncle Abe had
stashed some of his loot sixty years ago, before the war. So they sued banks in France 
in Britain and began moaning and whining in the media that the banks were being
"insensitive" to poor, deserving "Holocaust survivors," who suddenly had remembered 
Abe's millions and needed it -- now. And then they remembered the insurance companies
in Italy and Switzerland and Britain and elsewhere from whom they could claim that 
Abe once had had a life-insurance policy. Then they remembered that the Swedes owed
them gold, and the Danes and the Norwegians. Even the Poles, whom the Zionists had 
as Bolshevik commissars for nearly 50 years after the war, owed them, they claimed.
The racket has worked the same in every case: pay us, or we will have our bought 
politicians pass laws making it impossible for you to continue doing business, and our
people in the media will paint you as monsters who want to hang onto the profit you 
when poor Uncle Abe and Aunt Sara were crammed into gas chambers, and then the
gullible Gentile lemmings won't buy your products. If you give us any trouble or 
resist our
demands we'll make an example of you, the way we did with the Swiss banks. Just pay us
the few hundred million dollars we're demanding now, and we'll leave you alone.
Otherwise, it'll end up costing you a lot more.
And it has worked every time. Not one banker or businessman has stood up to them and
flatly refused to pay. Not one president or prime minister has said to them, "All 
right, Zionist
boys! You try a boycott against my country, and we'll organize a boycott against 
We'll round up all the Zionists in our country and send them packing." Not one has 
the Zionists' bl

Re: [CTRL] Total Information Oppression - Psy-Op list killed by Yahoo

2002-12-23 Thread Shemuwel Antoine Moser
-Caveat Lector-

Hah!! I installed a spy program on my
computer to find out what my homosexual nephew does when he wanted to surf the
internet on my computer and discovered him trading “Yahoo! Briefs”
which are free accounts for storing and trading pictures. He was 18 years old
and pretending to be 13 years old in the Chat Rooms of Yahoo! asking to trade “Boy
Briefs”. When I read the log I thought at first my nephew was wanting to
trade underware. J LOL!! But I followed a link he was offering for more Yahoo!
Briefs and it took me to an account that had vulgar pictures of young boys from
3 years old all the way up in their teens with erections. There was some pictures
with boys doing 69 with each other. I tried to report it to Yahoo! so they
would close this account down but they never replied to my repeated E-mails to
them and the account Yahoo! Brief account remained up and they never did a
thing to stop this child pornography they were hosting. I would have reported
it to the police but I once tried to report Child Pornography on the internet
to the Clark County Ohio Sherrif’s department and they kept telling me
that it was out of their jurisdiction and they could not do anything about it. I
called 911 about it and reported it because I knew 911 recorded the info and
the Sherrif’s department got very angry and nearly swarmed my apartment
bearing down on me menacingly. It was a good thing my mother was at the
apartment. They threatened that they could arrest me for making 911 calls that
were not emergencies. This Serriff’s department
is in Spring Field Ohio and they have a branch in New Carlisle Ohio where I reported it. Clark County Ohio Sherrif’s
department is run by 32 degree Freemason Sherrif Gene
Kelly. The internet service provider I had at the time was www.erinet.com and they were the ones hosting
child pornography News Groups. Later I talked to Sherrif
Gene Kelly on the telephone when I asked him if he was a Freemason and he told
me he was. I asked for his email address so I could send him information and he
reluctantly gave it to me. I typed in the last part of his E-mail address to
find out what ISP he had because I did not recognize the address as a local ISP
that was available and guess what? It took me to www.erinet.com . All the New Channels of
Dayton Ohio use www.erinet.com and this
was the reason the Shrriff’s department ignored
my complaints. They all support child pornography. I later called the FBI to
report www.erinet.com and they acted like
they were not very interested in my complaint.




-Original Message-
From: Conspiracy Theory Research
List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf
Of Jay Lowry
Sent: Sunday, December 22, 2002
7:13 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Total Information
Oppression - Psy-Op list killed by Yahoo


-Caveat Lector- 



Virus: Total
Information Oppression: Now my mailing list has been killed!
Posted by: souljah on Dec 19, 2002 - 07:52 PM

  DARPA's Total Information Awareness effort and publicizing satellite photographs of John
  Poindexter's (head of TIA) house is probably what got me this. I guess
  that when it comes to surveillance, what is good for the goose is not good for the
  Imagine my consternation at reading the following:
  This Yahoo! Account Has Been Deactivated
  Please remember that the Yahoo! Terms of Service provides that Yahoo! may
  terminate a User's password, account or use of the Service if Yahoo! believ!
  es (a) that a User has violated or acted inconsistently with the letter or
  spirit of the Yahoo! Terms of Service, or (b) that a User has violated the
  rights of Yahoo! or other Users or parties.
  This means the Psy-Op list at Yahoogroups is no longer functional as only the
  account [EMAIL PROTECTED] that is able to approve messages and
  subscriptions is gone. There even seems to be some attempt to prevent people
  from accessing the public archives at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/messages
  but when you get to the blank page that results by clicking on the url, you
  can refresh for the archives (but if you want to archive any of the info
  therein, I would hurry: my under_the_gun list, just last year, suddenly found
  itself missing some three thousand messages). Attacking DARPA's Total
  Information Awareness effort and publicizing satellite photographs
  of John
  Poindexter's (head of TIA) house is probably what got me this. I guess
  that when it comes to surveillance, what is good for the goose is not good for the
  gander. I consider myself to have been hit by a known Iran-Contra felon. 
  Included in this post (scroll down) is a synopsis of why I have been targeted
  recently, including all the dangerous links themselves, but first a look at
  what got

[CTRL] Proof's in the Putin

2002-12-23 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

URL: http://www.canoe.ca/Columnists/margolis_dec22.html

December 22, 2002

Details of U.S. victory are a little premature

By ERIC MARGOLIS -- Contributing Foreign Editor

On the frigid night of Dec. 24, 1979, Soviet airborne forces seized Kabul airport. 
Elite Alpha
Group commandos sped to the presidential palace, burst into the bedroom of Afghan
President Hafizullah Amin and gunned him down. Columns of Soviet armour crossed the
border and raced south toward Kabul.

It took Soviet forces only a few days to occupy Afghanistan. They installed a puppet 
Babrak Karmal. Moscow proclaimed it had invaded Afghanistan to "liberate" it from
"feudalism and Islamic extremism" and "nests of terrorists and bandits."

Soviet propaganda churned out films of Red Army soldiers playing with children, 
schools, dispensing medical care. Afghan women were to be liberated from the veil and
other backward Islamic customs. The Soviet Union and its local communist allies would
bring Afghanistan into the 20th century.

Two years later, Afghans had risen against their Soviet "liberators" and were waging a 
intensity guerrilla war. Unable to control the countryside, Moscow poured more troops 
Afghanistan. The Soviet- run Afghan Army had poor morale and less fighting zeal. The 
run Afghan secret police, KhAD, jailed and savagely tortured tens of thousands of 
terrorists," then called "freedom fighters" in the West.

Fast forward to December, 2002, and a disturbing sense of deja vu. A new foreign army
has easily occupied Afghanistan, overthrown the "feudal" Taliban government and 
a puppet regime in Kabul. Western media churn out the same rosy, agitprop stories the
Soviets did about liberating Afghanistan, freeing women, educating children. The only 
difference is that kids in today's TV clips are waving American instead of Soviet 
flags. The
invaders have changed; the propaganda remains the same.

America's invasion of Afghanistan in October, 2001, was billed as an epic military 
and the model of future imperial expeditions to pacify Third World malefactors. Since 
news about this war-ravaged land has grown scarce. America's limited attention has 

Afghanistan in chaos

In fact, America's Afghan adventure has gotten off to as poor a start as that of the 
Union. The U.S.-installed ruler of Kabul, veteran CIA asset Hamid Karzai, must be 
from his own people by up to 200 U.S. bodyguards. Much of Afghanistan is in chaos, 
over by feuding warlords and drug barons.

There are almost daily attacks on U.S. occupation forces. My old mujahedin sources say
U.S. casualties and equipment losses in Afghanistan are far higher than Washington is
reporting - and are rising.

American troops are operating from the old Soviet bases at Bagram and Shindand,
retaliating, like the Soviets, against mujahedin attacks on U.S. forces by heavily 
nearby villages. The CIA is trying to assassinate Afghan nationalist leaders opposed 
to the
Karzai regime in Kabul, in particular my old acquaintance Gulbadin Hekmatyar.

North of the Hindu Kush mountains, America's Afghan ally, the Tajik- Uzbek Northern
Alliance, has long been a proxy of the Russians. The chief of the Russian general 
staff and
head of intelligence directed the Alliance in its final attack on the Taliban last 
fall. Russia
then supplied Alliance forces with $100 million in arms, and is providing $85 million 
of helicopters, tanks, artillery and spare parts, as well as military advisors and 
Russia now dominates much of northern Afghanistan.

The Taliban, according to the United Nations drug agency, had almost shut down opium-
morphine-heroin production. America's ally, the Northern Alliance, has revived the 
trade. Since the U.S. overthrew the Taliban, opium cultivation has soared from 185 
tons a
year to 2,700. The Northern Alliance, which dominates the Kabul regime, finances its 
buying and field operations with drug money. President George Bush's war on drugs
collided with his war on terrorism - and lost. The U.S. is now, in effect, colluding 
in the
heroin trade.

Anti-American Afghan forces - the Taliban, al-Qaida, and others - have regrouped and 
mounting ever larger attacks on U.S. troops and, reports the UN, even reopening 
camps. Taliban mujahedin are using the same sophisticated early alert system they
developed to monitor Soviet forces in the 1980s to warn of American search-and- destroy
missions before they leave base. As a result, U.S. troops keep chasing shadows. 
fared no better.

In the sole major battle since the Taliban's overthrow, Operation Anaconda, U.S. forces
were bested by veteran Afghan mujahedin, losing two helicopters.

The ongoing cost of Afghan operations is a closely guarded secret. Earlier this year, 
cost of stationing 8,000 American troops, backed by warplanes and naval units

[CTRL] Venezuela Vamoose

2002-12-23 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

URL: http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2002/12/22/1040510964488.html

  Print this article |   Close this window
Australians join exodus from tense Venezuela

December 23 2002

Fearing an outbreak of violence over dwindling petrol supplies in strike-hit Venezuela,
Britain has evacuated non-essential embassy staff and Australian nationals have been
warned to leave as an opposition shutdown cripples the nation's oil industry.

The United States, Canada and Germany have already pulled out embassy staff.

Dependents of Australian embassy staff have been authorised to leave as Venezuela's
opposition presses on with the 20-day-old strike to force the leftist President, Hugo 
to resign and call elections in the world's fifth-biggest oil exporting nation.

Frustrations are growing three weeks into the strike, with efforts by international 
failing to break the stalemate over Mr Chavez's rule.

Hundreds of cars, buses and trucks lined up outside service stations over the weekend 
drivers hunted for increasingly scarce petrol supplies. Panicky shoppers packed
supermarkets to stock up on food and other basic supplies.

Huge political protests, rallies and street clashes have kept tensions in Venezuela 
since April, when Mr Chavez survived a brief coup by rebel military officers. More 
than 60
people died in the uprising.

But the strike has further stoked fears of turmoil. Opposition leaders, including 
parties, unions and dissident executives at PDVSA, the state oil company, have vowed to
maintain the shutdown until Mr Chavez agrees to an early vote. But the President, a 
paratrooper, says the constitution allows for a referendum on his rule only in August.

With political negotiations at a stalemate, the strike has essentially become a 
gruelling war
of attrition over the oil industry, which accounts for half of government revenues.

Mr Chavez has sent in troops to control petrol plants, refineries and oil tankers. But 
have dismissed his efforts and ignored a temporary Supreme Court ruling ordering them
back to work.

Australian Associated Press, Agence France-Presse, Agencies

This story was found at: http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2002/12/22/
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"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth
--- Ernest Hemingway

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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[CTRL] Totally Jewish - News Channel

2002-12-23 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Israel's Iran Threat
by Stuart Brodkin - Jan 16
Dan Meridor, Israel's minister without portfolio, issued a stern warning that Iran 
could be
the new threat to his country when he addressed the Zionist Federation's annual dinner 
London last weekend.
He said: “Iran is a country that we should look at very carefully. They are involved 
in terror,
they have built a base for Hizbollah and they are also financing Islamic Jihad.

"Iran also sold the Palestinians a lot of weapons recently and is attempting to have 
her own
nuclear capability. It may only be between five and seven years before Iran has a 

"Iran is also the only country in the world, alongside Iraq, which is committed to the
destruction of Israel. Iran says this not in secret, but openly. We must not overlook 
dangers from the east in the shape of Iran and Iraq.”

Meridor, a former tank commander in the Six-Day War, said he felt Palestinian Authority
chairman Yasser Arafat's powers were being eroded. "He is saying things now that he
doesn't mean for a minute,” said Meridor.

He added that he felt that Arafat had "lowered the level of terror” in recent weeks but
hadn't gone all the way in stopping the violence.

Meridor said that the only thing that Arafat understood was pressure and that was why 
was important for the Americans, in particular, to keep the pressure on the PA leader.

He said: "Only heavy pressure works with Arafat. He knows he cannot win a war with
Israel. American pressure is vital. We have to make Arafat understand that the use of
violence will not help him.”

Meridor added that Israel's "greatest achievement” in the last 10 years was "not Oslo 
the fact that there were 20 per cent more Jews living in Israel”. He said: "In 10 
years we
have brought in a million more Jews. Has any other nation done such a thing in such a 
time? This is our real achievement.”

The dinner, which was in aid of the Kishor Village home in Israel for people with 
needs, was held at the Hellenic Centre in central London. An auction and raffle raised

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl

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[CTRL] Totally Jewish - News Channel

2002-12-23 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Insult To Star Of David
by Richard Ferrer - Jan 19
New Statesman magazine has admitted
its decision to publish a front-page cover featuring a gold Magen David above the 
slogan ‘A
Kosher Conspiracy?’ may have been misguided.
The illustration, which appeared in last week’s edition of the current affairs 
showed the Jewish symbol on top of a Union Jack, while three damning reports inside
attacked Israel and Jewish organisations in the UK.

The first article, by Dennis Sewell, claimed a Zionist lobby is secretly “peddling the 
big lies
of Israeli propaganda” to the media, while the following page carried a piece by author
John Pilger, accusing Tony Blair of cronyism in his “shameless” appointment of Lord 
Levy as his special envoy to the Middle East.

The article also accused the prime minister of “unquestioning backing of Israeli 

Strike three came in the shape of a sympathetic centre spread about what drives
Palestinian women to become suicide bombers.

Editor Peter Wilby conceded that this coordinated coverage upset some readers, but
insisted it was not his intention to offend.

He said: “Covers and symbols are difficult, tricky things. Maybe we didn’t think 
enough about this particular one. The Star of David, along with the Union Jack, are 
two very
clearly recognisable symbols. When people see it they have a clear idea of what’s 
going on.

“But I certainly wouldn’t wish to give the idea that we’re anti-Semitic, nor indeed 
that I’m
anti-Zionist. This was a serious piece. We’re not anti-Zionist. We ask the question, 
is there
a conspiracy? Then we answer it, saying no, not much of one.”

Sewell’s contentious cover story takes a sideways swipe at organisations at the heart 
Anglo-Jewish life, such as the Board Of Deputies, Zionist Federation (ZF) and the 
Israel Communications and Research Centre (Bicom), which is charged with “spinning
Israel’s case to the media”.

Sewell wrote: “That there is a Zionist lobby and that it is rich, potent and effective 
largely unquestioned on the left. Big Jewry, like big tobacco, is seen as one of 
life’s givens.
According to this view, Israel has the British media well sewn up.”

Sewell goes on to attack Israeli Embassy press attaché David Schneeweiss, who “can be 
the phone to every news editor at once, while simultaneously schmoozing their

The article concludes that while such a lobby exists, “one is struck not by their 
cohesion so
much as their fragmentation. Few are much more than a two-men-and-a-dog operation
located above a shop. The truth is the ‘Zionist lobby’ does exist, but is a clueless 

Jewish leaders have been quick to hit back. ZF president Eric Moonman, who is accused 
coordinating a “vituperative” letter and email writing campaign aimed at critics of 
policy, charges the New Statesman with carrying out a hatchet job.

He said: “There is no balance in any of the articles and they demean British Jewry. I 
personally mentioned as being responsible for the ZF’s media response group and I have
always acknowledged that openly.

"There is nothing sinister in responding to the media’s attacks on an ethnic or 
group. The prejudice of the magazine is clearly to be found in this co- ordinated 
which I feel is unforgivable.

“As someone who has worked for many years in both newspapers and radio, I can only say
I have never worked for an editor or station manager who would have given this approach
the OK.”

The Board’s public affairs director Fiona Macaulay, who was named in Sewell’s piece, 
“The author’s disappointment at his inability to prove the existence of a world Jewish
conspiracy is almost tangible. One can only assume his distress was responsible for 
the fact
that the article was poorly constructed, confusing and misleading.

“As the elected representative body of British Jewry, the Board will continue to 
express the
community’s overwhelming sense of solidarity with the State of Israel and its people.”

A spokesman for Bicom added: “Articles of this nature are common and part of the rough
and tumble of the media game.”
Wilby, the New Statesman’s editor, said he received as many complaints from the Jewish
community as from Muslims last month when his magazine ran the front-page headline,
‘The Koran Con Trick’.

He said: “We used an image of the Koran, which is not as wildly emotive as the Star of
David. In terms of protest from both communities it’s probably neck and neck at the

Criticism has also come from outside the community. In its leader last Friday, The Sun
labelled the New Statesman “racially insensitive”, and hailed Israel as a “brave, 
nation surrounded by forces intent on its entire destruction. Israel’s enemies are 
enemies of
Britain. To pretend otherwise is dangerous folly”.

Elsewhere, Jewish readers h

[CTRL] ArabNews: Silence about Israel’s nuclear weapons

2002-12-23 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Arab News

Silence about Israel’s nuclear weapons
By Hassan Tahsin
Published on 23 December 2002

International politics has a number of contradictions. At present, we see the United 
leading the world against Iran, Iraq and North Korea because they allegedly possess
weapons of mass destruction. We see the United States at the same time approving the
idea of Israel building a new nuclear reactor. The new reactor will chemically process
uranium and will obviously increase the size of the Israeli arsenal.

The world is in general agreement with the United States about the necessity of 
weapons of mass destruction. The existence of these weapons which includes nuclear
warhead threatens the entire world. It is not enough to disarm the so-called “axis of 
All weapons of mass destruction must be eliminated, including those of the superpower
permanent members of the UN Security Council.

The idea of disarming is a political and military one developed in the 20th century. 
Its main
goal was to reduce arms, step by step, until they reached a level at which arms were
eliminated. This is a good theory but it is far from practical reality. With the 
of the United Nations after World War II, it was stipulated that the Security Council 
had the
task of preparing plans and programs aimed at regulating armaments and their reduction 
accordance with certain steps.

If we look at Israel and its weapons of mass destruction, we join many countries and
governments which have wondered why Israel is always an exception to rules that are
scrupulously applied to other countries. It is certain today that Israel possesses 
100 and 200 nuclear and hydrogen warheads of all sizes. This is confirmed by published
American satellite pictures and scientific reports. These same reports also indicate 
Israel is about to produce a neutron bomb.

Israel also has nuclear bombs which are designed for use from airplanes. They can be 
in battle without fears of side effects. Israel also has spy satellites which can 
targets on the ground very easily. In cooperation with the former racist government in
South Africa, Israel conducted nuclear tests in 1979 in the South Pacific. Further
information about Israeli weapons is not available though it is known that some were 
for the attempted assassination in Jordan of Khalid Meshaal, the Hamas member.

Closing the world’s eyes to Israel’s nuclear arsenal and weapons of mass destruction 
only lead to suspicion and rejection. Since Israel was the first country in the region 
possess these weapons, it should be the first to get rid of them. This is especially 
true in
light of the fact that Arab countries have agreed to make the region empty of weapons 
mass destruction, including nuclear ones.

The United States is the present leader and it has embarked on a campaign to eliminate
weapons of mass destruction around the world. If this is carried out, then the United 
will have done something that will be remembered in history and which will also 
its political importance.

In the future, the United States will need no help in collecting an international 
because the whole world will support its aims. People around the world dream of peace
and believe in it, and they believe that they can live in peace together without any 
Unfortunately, this is not consistent with the ambitions of politicians.

Arab News Opinion 23 December 2002

Copyright © 2002 ArabNews All Rights Reserved.

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Re: [CTRL] Rocking and Rolling Miss Liberty

2002-12-23 Thread John Miller
-Caveat Lector-


  Rock and Roll and the Statue of 
  Liberty“That all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their 
  Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty 
  and the pursuit of Happiness.”“I think our vision of liberty is 
  reinforced by shared symbols and experiences. Perhaps the strongest image of 
  them all is the one that for millions of Americans was their first glimpse of 
  America -- that Statue of Liberty.” President Reagan. In 1886, 
  President Grover Cleveland dedicated the statue entitled ‘Liberty Enlightening 
  the World’.Thomas Jefferson once noted that the only firm basis of a 
  nation's liberties is the “Conviction in the minds of the people that these 
  liberties are . . . the gift of God.”Standing at the entrance to New 
  York harbor is ‘Liberty Enlightening the World’ a 151 foot 1 inch statue of a 
  woman holding a book and a torch. The Statue of Liberty is temporarily 
  closed due to possible terrorist attacks.The Statue of Liberty 
  National Monument officially celebrated her 100th birthday on October 28, 
  1986. The people of France gave the Statue to the people of the United States 
  over one hundred years ago in recognition of the friendship established during 
  the American Revolution. Over the years, the Statue of Liberty has grown to 
  include freedom and democracy as well as this international 
  friendship.Sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi was commissioned to 
  design a sculpture with the year 1876 in mind for completion, to commemorate 
  the centennial of the American Declaration of Independence. The Statue was a 
  joint effort between America and France and it was agreed upon that the 
  American people were to build the pedestal, and the French people were 
  responsible for the Statue and its assembly here in the United States. 
  However, lack of funds was a problem on both sides of the Atlantic 
  Ocean.‘Happiness’ was a key word within the Order of the Illuminati, 
  the Order of Enlightenment. The Order of the Illuminati was formed on 
  May 1st 1774 and two full years before the ‘official’ date of May 1st 1776, 
  (and two full years is the period spent by the baby Jesus Christ in Egypt). 
  So to Rock and Roll the May 1st 1774 is day 120 /365.242198 days + 
  1774 is 1774.32854 and to Rock is x Pi at 5574.217535 and to Roll is 
  1774.32854 /Pi is 564.78631 and all three added together is 7913.33239, the 
  reference for the Rocking and Rolling of the Order of the Illuminati. 
  And to Rock and Roll the American ‘Independence Day’ July 4th 1776, 
  reveals the reference 7923.0337. Next to take the reference number for 
  the ‘Burning Torch’ the ‘Lamp of Enlightenment’ the ‘Eye of Horus’ at 1260 and 
  x 0.75 and /Pi 4 times is 9.70135323.And add to the ‘Lamp of 
  Enlightenment’ at 9.70135323 the Order of the Enlightenment at 7913.33239 it 
  is 7923.03374, the Rock and Rolled date of July 4th 1776 the date of the 
  American Independence. So to the two measurements of the Statue of 
  Liberty, the pedestal height at 154 feet, or 1,848 inches, and the height of 
  the figure at 151 feet 1 inch at 1813 inches and multiplied by the pedestal at 
  1813 inches and squared twice is 1.26008280e+26, a reasonable 1260 reference 
  number for the ‘Liberty Enlightening the World’.So thanks to the 
  French supplying the statue and the Americans the pedestal the once main 
  gateway into the United States is not the symbol of ‘Freedom’ but the symbol 
  of something else.A New Pearl Harbor – Ring of Fire February 1st 
  2003?The Statue of Liberty is ‘written’ into the period from September 
  11th 2001 to February 1st 2003 in that September 11th is day 253 of the year 
  and divided by 365.242198 days + 2001 is 2001.69269 whereas February 1st 2003 
  is 2003.084875 a difference of 1.3921851 years, x 365.242198 days is 
  508.484776 days x 24 hours /40 is 305.0908 hours, and as feet 305 feet 1.090 
  inches, the height of the Statue of Liberty.So to wait to see if 
  anything happens on February 1st 2003. But what ever happens or 
  happens not, it seems as if someone, within the the Founding Fathers was of 
  the Order of the Illuminati, rather like the Skull and Bones.
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.


[CTRL] For your attention

2002-12-23 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited site and thought you should see it.

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited site, go to 

Banned Farrakhan reaches UK audience via satellite
Vikram Dodd
Sunday December 22 2002
The Observer

The controversial American black leader Louis Farrakhan yesterday tried to undermine 
the government's ban on him entering Britain by speaking live by satellite to a 
1,700-strong audience in London.

Mr Farrakhan, banned for 17 years by successive home secretaries, used his first live 
address to Britain to lambast his exclusion. The Nation of Islam leader said Britain's 
colonial history was satanic, and that the government had banned him because it feared 
his presence would set black people free from white oppression.

The audience, overwhelmingly black and young, watched the transmission beamed from a 
mosque in Phoenix, Arizona, on a giant screen at the Apollo Theatre in Hammersmith. 
Unfortunately for Mr Farrakhan, who forbids his followers from drinking, the theatre 
is sponsored by the Carling lager.

As he appeared on the screen the audience gave him a standing ovation. Mr Farrakhan, 
at times quoting from the Koran and Bible, compared himself to a messenger carrying 
particular truths, feared by Britain, "that will free the black man and free white 
people from the sick mentality of white supremacy".

As a leading colonial power and slave trader, Britain had had a pervasive influence on 
black society as lingering as the smell of a skunk: "They are here in the way we 
think, they are here in the way we act, so we need a complete washing. You have to 
wash from having an intercourse with Satan."

Mr Farrakhan is accused of being anti-semitic and is banned from Britain because 
ministers fear his presence would lead to disorder.

In May the court of appeal reinstated the ban on Mr Farrakhan entering the UK which a 
lower court had overturned.

Yesterday he countered that the Nation of Islam, which has several thousand UK 
followers, was peaceful.

"You can't show one person that those who follow me have harmed," he said. "We have 
not plucked a nail or one strand of hair from one white person, a Jewish person, or 
from our own brothers."

Mr Farrakhan, 69, said yesterday's live transmission gave Britons the chance to make 
up their own minds. Some of those in his audience yesterday, who paid up to £25 
for the   privilege, said they wanted to hear the man alleged by some to be a preacher 
of hate for themselves.

Christine Muhammad, 32, a bank cashier from London said: "It was inspiring to hear him 
live, and enlightening."

Chris Obi, 34, an actor from London, said: "The idea that he is banned in an age of 
free expression and free speech is wrong. There's a white fear of black empowerment."

Mr Farrakhan said there were strong similarities between the American and British 
black experience: "The British system, like the American system, is designed to create 
in us a subject mentality."

Supporters of Mr Farrakhan said they hoped yesterday's event would show that his 
message preached black empowerment, not hate, and that its effect on supporters was to 
inspire them to help themselves, not provoke disorder.

Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Boston Globe Online / Nation | World / Frustrated veterans accuse Bush of breaking promise

2002-12-23 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-



Frustrated veterans accuse Bush of breaking promise

By Wayne Washington, Globe Staff, 12/22/2002

WASHINGTON - The leaders of America's most prominent veterans organizations say that
President Bush is failing to honor past commitments to military men and women even as 
prepares to send a new generation of soldiers and sailors into combat.

The administration's support for rescinding lifetime health benefits for World War II 
Korean War veterans and continuing problems at veterans hospitals stand as proof, 
leaders say, that America is more than willing to lean on its soldiers during times of 
war but
tolerates them serving as political props in peacetime.

Coming after President Clinton, who avoided service in Vietnam and had a strained
relationship with the military, veterans leaders say they had high expectations for 
who served in the National Guard and whose father was a fighter pilot during World War

''I'm terribly frustrated and extremely angry,'' said retired Air Force Colonel George 
Day, a Republican who won the Medal of Honor and was a prisoner of war in North Vietnam
with Senator John McCain of Arizona.

Day said Bush is violating his oft-repeated campaign pledge to veterans: ''A promise 
is a promise kept.''

''Obviously, he didn't know what that meant or he's too preoccupied to see that his 
word is
kept,'' Day said.

Many veterans are particularly galled that the Bush administration has not backed away
from a 1995 decision to rescind a promise of free lifetime health care benefits for 
who from 1941 to 1956 had been told that if they signed up and served 20 years they and
their dependents would get free care. The government stopped honoring that pledge in
1995, and many veterans 65 and older have been forced to pay for benefits through
Medicare, which now costs about $60 a month and pays for 80 percent of medical care
after a $100 deductible has been paid.

Day has represented a group of veterans hoping to get the free health care restored, 
the US Court of Appeals in Washington ruled last month that the recruiters who promised
the free care did not have the standing to do so.

Officials from Disabled American Veterans, the American Legion, and the Veterans of
Foreign Wars protested the decision.

The issue could become a factor in the 2004 presidential race because Day said he will 
the Supreme Court to hear the case. Because of the court's schedule, the case might 
not be
heard until late 2003 or early 2004 - if at all.

The Justice Department refused to make the attorneys handling the case available for an
interview, and Justice spokesman Charles Miller declined to comment.

Deputy White House spokesman Scott McClellan would not respond to criticism of the Bush
administration's record on veterans benefits or explain why the administration has
supported the 1995 decision.

''President Bush has had a chance to rectify this, and he hasn't done it,'' said 
Ronald F.
Conley, national commander of the American Legion. ''Before we spend one dime 
Afghanistan and rebuilding Iraq after we bomb it to smithereens, we ought to take care 
our veterans.''

Massachusetts Senator John F. Kerry, a decorated Vietnam War veteran who is considering
a White House run in 2004, questioned the 1995 decision, the current administration's
defense of it, and the November ruling.

''It is extraordinary to me that you give your entire career in defense of this 
country and
then have to go to court to make the government keep their promise,'' Kerry said. 
the message we're sending to our troops around the world today and those prepared to
fight in Iraq? The message seems to be, `Do your duty to country but your country won't
fulfill its duty to you when you return home.'''

Hoping to get the president to disavow the 1995 decision on veterans health care, Day 
he used a Medal of Honor reception in June to ask Bush about it personally.

''I said to him, `Mr. President, I'm Colonel Bud Day. You know your campaign 
[promise], a
promise made is a promise kept, is being broken.' His eyes just glazed over,'' Day 
said. ''He
really had no idea what I was talking about.''

With his wife fuming at her husband's directness with the president, Day said he 
the circumstances of the case. Lawyers from the current Justice Department have 
the '95 decision in court, so Day was hoping Bush would withdraw support for the case.
Instead, Day said the president told him, ''`Colonel, you really need to talk to 
Affairs Secretary Anthony] Principi.'''

After pushing more with the VA, Day said he ''realized this was a dry hole.''

Veterans have experienced such disappointment before. Rhetorical support for veterans 
been a staple of political discourse

[CTRL] For your attention

2002-12-23 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited site and thought you should see it.

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited site, go to 

Iraq hits back with CIA offer
US agents invited to search for weapons
Ewen MacAskill, Suzanne Goldenberg  in Washington and Richard Norton-Taylor
Sunday December 22 2002
The Observer

Baghdad fought back in the highly charged propaganda battle with the US and Britain 
yesterday by inviting its arch-enemy, the CIA, to enter Iraq and track down the 
country's elusive weapons of mass destruction.

The Iraqi offer of unhindered access to US intelligence agents came after intensive 
pressure from Washington that made war early in the new year appear almost inevitable.

After four days of diplomatic pounding, Iraq hit back yesterday, accusing the Bush 
administration of rehashing old lies.

"We have told the world we are not producing these kind of weapons, but it seems that 
the world is drugged, absent or in a weak position," President Saddam Hussein said.

At a press conference in Baghdad yesterday, General Amir al-Sadi, scientific adviser 
to the president, issued a challenge to the US and British intelligence to offer up 
hard evidence that Iraq has any biological, chemical or nuclear weapons.

"We do not even have any objections if the CIA sent somebody with the inspectors to 
show them the suspected sites," Gen Sadi said.

This marks a major turnaround. Until yesterday, Iraq had objected to the possibility 
of US or other Western spies infiltrating the UN weapons teams.

Baghdad said, rightly, that the inspections team that left Iraq in 1998 had been 
infiltrated by intelligence agents and, in the intervening four years, repeatedly 
cited this as a reason why it objected to the return of the UN inspectors.

A CIA spokesman said yesterday that he did not want to comment on Baghdad's offer.

Both the US and Britain claim, against Iraqi denials, that they have evidence that 
Iraq has continued to develop weapons of mass destruction.

The UN chief weapons inspector, Hans Blix, said at the end of last week that if the US 
and Britain had such evidence, they should hand it over.

US officials said at the weekend that they have been handing over intelligence and 
will provide more specific information to the inspectors over the next fortnight.

The Foreign Office made a similar promise yesterday: "The weapons inspectors will get 
all the help they need to carry out their job in Iraq."

But it emerged that British intelligence is reluctant to hand over everything it 
claims to have, insisting there is a danger that sources could be compromised.

British government officials have already privately admitted that they do not have any 
"killer evidence" about weapons of mass destruction. If they had, they would have 
already passed it to the inspectors.

Babil, the Iraqi government newspaper run by president Saddam's son, Uday, said in a 
front-page editorial yesterday: "Everybody knows that if they had concrete 
information, they would have put it on television all around the world before giving 
it to the inspection teams."

Gen Sadi accused the US and Britain of rushing to judge Iraq's weapons programmes.

He claimed that objections raised by the US secretary of state, Colin Powell, and the 
foreign secretary, Jack Straw, to Iraq's declaration on weapons of mass destruction, 
were a rehash of old information that had already been dealt with.

But US officials said yesterday the accusation made by Washington last week that Iraq 
was in material breach of a UN resolution on disarmament had come from specific 
information it has obtained and not from the declaration.

This new information, they said, was based on satellite pictures that showed 
construction at sites that had previously been bombed by US-led forces.

They also claimed to have fresh information based on records of suspicious dual-use 
material - that which has both a civilian and military function - procured by Iraq as 
part of a UN deal to relieve the suffering of Iraqis from sanctions.

British military chiefs are drawing up detailed plans in which thousands of Royal 
Marines would take part in a huge amphibious assault to seize the Iraqi port of Basra 
to control key strategic areas in south of the country.

The Ministry of Defence confirmed yesterday that HMS Ocean, Britain's biggest 
helicopter and marine commando carrier, will be available to join a flotilla heading 
towards the Gulf next month after a major refit.

Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects 

[CTRL] Times Online

2002-12-23 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


World News

December 23, 2002

An Iraqi Christian boy watches US doctors as they attend an Advent service at Baghdad's
Evangelical Church yesterday

UN chief issues secret orders for war in Iraq
>From James Bone in New York

Agencies told to prepare for civil unrest and
900,000 refugees

THE United Nations is making secret contingency plans for a war that would halt all 
Iraqi oil
production, “seriously degrade” the country’s electricity system, provoke civil unrest 
create 900,000 refugees, The Times has learnt.

Internal UN documents predict that the worst fighting will be in the three central
governorates around Baghdad, with the Kurdish-controlled north remaining largely free 
conflict. But it will take a month after war breaks out before the predominantly Shia 
south is
calm enough for UN humanitarian workers to work there.

Although formally expressing the hope that war can be averted, UN relief agencies are
already positioning emergency supplies and updating evacuation procedures for the
hundreds of international staff now inside Iraq.

“The UN expects that there will be full compliance by Iraq . . . and that, 
consequently, there
will be no new humanitarian crisis,” one document says. “Nevertheless, UN agencies must
ensure that they are adequately prepared for the full range of possible scenarios.”

Kofi Annan, the UN Secretary-General, is trying to keep the preparations secret for 
fear of
signalling to Iraq that weapons inspections are futile and a US-led attack is 

But he ordered staff to begin contingency planning last month after the Security 
Council set
tough terms for resumed inspections in Iraq. His Canadian deputy, Louise Fréchette, is
chairing regular meetings of officials to prepare for a possible humanitarian crisis.

Confidential UN planning papers paint a grim picture of the effects of an attack 
against Iraq:
they predict that production of oil will cease, the port of Umm Qasr on the Gulf would 
shut down, and the bombing of bridges would cripple the railway network and make road
travel difficult between the east and west of the country.

The electricity grid would be seriously disrupted, with collateral damage to water and
sewage systems. Government stocks of commodities such as grain would also be hit.

Of the 900,000 predicted refugees, the UN estimates that about 100,000 would need
immediate help.

“It all seems perfectly reasonable, but when it actually happens, it will be 
different,” one
person who reviewed the papers said. “It always is.”

At an unpublicised meeting in Geneva on December 13, the UN appealed to more than ten
donor nations, including Britain, to provide $37 million (£23 million) to fund 
preparations for
a crisis.

The Rome-based World Food Programme said that it had started to put in place sufficient
food for 900,000 people for a month. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees has a
stockpile of supplies for 250,000 people ready to move at 72 hours’ notice, but has 
enough tents and blankets for 100,000 people. It could take 12 weeks and $60 million to
deliver enough supplies.

The UN Children’s Fund, which has a warehouse in Denmark, has started moving supplies
to Iraq and four neighbouring countries for 550,000 people inside Iraq and another 
expected to spill into neighbouring states.

A major source of tension in the planning is the relationship between the emergency
operation and the large UN “oil-for-food” programme that has been overseeing relief
supplies inside Iraq for the past seven years.

The UN estimates that 16 million Iraqis, or 60 per cent of the population, are highly
dependent on the monthly food basket provided under the programme.

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Copyright 2002 Times Newspapers Ltd.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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