-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited site and thought you should see it.

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited site, go to 

Banned Farrakhan reaches UK audience via satellite
Vikram Dodd
Sunday December 22 2002
The Observer

The controversial American black leader Louis Farrakhan yesterday tried to undermine 
the government's ban on him entering Britain by speaking live by satellite to a 
1,700-strong audience in London.

Mr Farrakhan, banned for 17 years by successive home secretaries, used his first live 
address to Britain to lambast his exclusion. The Nation of Islam leader said Britain's 
colonial history was satanic, and that the government had banned him because it feared 
his presence would set black people free from white oppression.

The audience, overwhelmingly black and young, watched the transmission beamed from a 
mosque in Phoenix, Arizona, on a giant screen at the Apollo Theatre in Hammersmith. 
Unfortunately for Mr Farrakhan, who forbids his followers from drinking, the theatre 
is sponsored by the Carling lager.

As he appeared on the screen the audience gave him a standing ovation. Mr Farrakhan, 
at times quoting from the Koran and Bible, compared himself to a messenger carrying 
particular truths, feared by Britain, "that will free the black man and free white 
people from the sick mentality of white supremacy".

As a leading colonial power and slave trader, Britain had had a pervasive influence on 
black society as lingering as the smell of a skunk: "They are here in the way we 
think, they are here in the way we act, so we need a complete washing. You have to 
wash from having an intercourse with Satan."

Mr Farrakhan is accused of being anti-semitic and is banned from Britain because 
ministers fear his presence would lead to disorder.

In May the court of appeal reinstated the ban on Mr Farrakhan entering the UK which a 
lower court had overturned.

Yesterday he countered that the Nation of Islam, which has several thousand UK 
followers, was peaceful.

"You can't show one person that those who follow me have harmed," he said. "We have 
not plucked a nail or one strand of hair from one white person, a Jewish person, or 
from our own brothers."

Mr Farrakhan, 69, said yesterday's live transmission gave Britons the chance to make 
up their own minds. Some of those in his audience yesterday, who paid up to £25 
for the   privilege, said they wanted to hear the man alleged by some to be a preacher 
of hate for themselves.

Christine Muhammad, 32, a bank cashier from London said: "It was inspiring to hear him 
live, and enlightening."

Chris Obi, 34, an actor from London, said: "The idea that he is banned in an age of 
free expression and free speech is wrong. There's a white fear of black empowerment."

Mr Farrakhan said there were strong similarities between the American and British 
black experience: "The British system, like the American system, is designed to create 
in us a subject mentality."

Supporters of Mr Farrakhan said they hoped yesterday's event would show that his 
message preached black empowerment, not hate, and that its effect on supporters was to 
inspire them to help themselves, not provoke disorder.

Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited

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