2002-12-29 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-




December 27, 2002
JERUSALEM - Scud missiles seized two weeks ago in the
Arabian Sea were destined for Iraq, not Yemen, it was
reported yesterday.
The missiles were captured aboard a North Korean ship but
were allowed to proceed by U.S.  authorities, who said an
investigation showed the cargo was being legally sent to
However, Israeli analysts say Yemen has no need for Scuds,
and the cargo's arrival there was only temporary.

A top Israeli defense official told The Post the ground-to-
ground missiles, made infamous during the 1991 Gulf War,
were meant for another undisclosed country.

The newspaper Haaretz went further and identified Iraq as
the Scuds' ultimate destination.

U.S.  authorities turned a blind eye to the shipment and
released the cargo in order to ensure Yemen's support in
the ongoing war against al Qaeda, the newspaper said

The secret transfer of missiles and other weaponry through
the Mideast has become a major concern of American and
Israeli intelligence in recent weeks because of the
likelihood of a U.S.  war with Iraq.

Earlier this week, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said
there were indications Baghdad was transferring biological
and chemical weapons to Syria to hide them from United
Nations weapons inspectors.
Israeli authorities also suspect that Iraq sent long-range
rockets to Syria in recent weeks - in order to rearm
Hezbollah guerrillas in southern Lebanon.

Syria, which controls much of Lebanon, has allowed previous
transfers of missiles and other arms to Hezbollah.

Meanwhile, the Arab League said yesterday it was Israel,
not Syria or Iraq, that had stockpiled weapons of mass

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All of us who are concerned for peace and triumph of reason
and justice must be keenly aware how small an influence reason
and honest good will exert upon events in the political field.
~~ALBERT EINSTEIN (1879-1955, Physicist, philosopher)

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[CTRL] Israeli Military Given License to Murder Civilians (Boston Globe)

2002-12-29 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

The Boston Globe Online

Israeli troops face criticism on civilian toll

By Charles M. Sennott, Globe Staff, 12/29/2002

RAMALLAH, West Bank - A 95-year-old Palestinian woman returning in a taxi
from a doctor's appointment Dec. 3 was stopped at a checkpoint here by an
Israeli soldier who, Palestinian witnesses said, smashed the windshield and
fired 17 bullets at the vehicle. One of the shots hit the woman's spine and
killed her.

On Dec. 12, five unarmed Palestinian men seeking work inside Israel were
trying to scale a Gaza border fence in the middle of the night. Believing
the men were militants on an operation, Israeli troops fired a tank shell
that killed all five.

When an Israeli tank unit near the West Bank town of Jenin blew a tread May
5, soldiers thought the loud bang was a bomb and opened fire at everything
around them. They killed a Palestinian mother and two young children who
were picking vegetables in a field.

These are three examples of what Palestinian and international human rights
groups estimate are as many as 1,200 cases of Palestinian civilian deaths
at the hands of Israeli soldiers in more than two years of fighting. Human
rights activists and military specialists say the high rate of civilian
casualties is the result of a military that has not properly investigated
civilian deaths and has created an atmosphere in which soldiers are not
held accountable.

''The lack of investigations into civilian deaths has given soldiers a
strong sense of impunity, that they can do pretty much whatever they want
without having to answer any questions,'' said Lior Yavne, a senior
investigator for the Israeli human rights group B'Tselem and author of a
report published in March that examined Israeli soldiers' actions during
the current Palestinian uprising.

The Israeli Defense Forces disputes such allegations. Captain Sharon
Feingold, an IDF spokeswoman, said ''every civilian death is a tragedy and
we express deep sorrow.'' But the military has begun a reexamination of its
operations in densely populated areas.

Israeli officials also point out that while the IDF has made
''regrettable'' mistakes in taking civilian lives, it has done so fighting
a war against an enemy - militant groups such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad
and a Palestinian ''infrastructure'' that supports them - that
intentionally targets civilians. IDF figures last tallied on Friday
estimate that 479 Israeli civilians have been killed, mostly through
suicide bombings and roadside shootings.

Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat has repeatedly condemned the bombings and
the targeting of Israeli civilians by the militant groups, although Israel
contends he has not taken steps to curb the attacks. In an interview this
month, he said the Israeli military rationalization for the deaths of
Palestinian civilians reflected a view in Israel that ''all Palestiniansare

A hallmark of this intifadah, or Palestinian uprising against occupation,
has been a dangerous blurring of lines between civilians and combatants and
both sides have exacted heavy civilian deaths and injuries since the
uprising began Sept. 29, 2000. Indeed, civilian casualties have presented a
moral quagmire for standing armies throughout recent history - from the
French in Algeria to the British in Northern Ireland and the United States
in Afghanistan.

But in recent months Israeli human rights groups, leading Israeli
newspapers, and even retired high-ranking officers have denounced the
number of Palestinian civilian deaths in the West Bank and Gaza and
contended that the IDF has not fully investigated them.

A review of the IDF internal investigations into the killing of Palestinian
civilians reveals that only a small fraction of the cases are given a full
military inquiry. In two years, only 30 cases of ''violations of procedure
regarding shooting'' have resulted in a full military police investigation,
and only five have resulted in indictments before military courts for
wrongdoing, according to IDF officials. To date, none of the cases has
resulted in a conviction.

The IDF points out that there are field inquiries that can result in
disciplinary measures by senior commanders for violations of procedure, but
that these cases are handled on a brigade and unit level. ''It is very
difficult for us to know what is there,'' said one military spokesman.

General Amnon Strashnov, who was the Israeli military attorney general
during the first intifadah in 1987 and until recently a judge in the
Israeli civilian judicial system, made a rare public criticism of the
military, saying that the current IDF attorney general ''should show more
initiative'' in investigating Palestinian civilian deaths.

''All the immoral and illegal deeds done in the checkpoints, the abuse
against Palestinians and the holding of ambulances deserve strong
condemnation and criticism,'' Strashnov told the newspaper Yediot Ahranot
in an 

[CTRL] Study claims terror money still slips through Saudi Arabia

2002-12-29 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-


Study claims terror money still slips through Saudi Arabia
Barcelona, Spain
  |By Sebastian Rotella
  | 28-12-2002

Despite a crackdown on terrorism financing after the September 11
attacks, Saudi Arabia still must dismantle a system that has
allegedly permitted hundreds of millions of dollars to flow to
extremists through businesses and charities, a report recently
submitted to the United Nations claimed.

Prominent Saudi donors, companies and charities whose funds
have been traced to Osama bin Laden's Al Qaida network by
investigators around the world are allegedly still doing business, the
French investigator who wrote the report said in an interview on

The problem stems in part from a blurring of religion and finance in
Saudi society that impedes reform, according to the report.

Al Qaida was able to receive between $300 (million) and $500
million over the last 10 years from wealthy businessmen and
bankers whose fortunes represent about 20 per cent of the Saudi
GNP, through a web of charities and companies acting as fronts,''
claimed Jean-Charles Brisard, the investigator.

Most of this financial backbone is still at large and able to support
fundamentalist institutions.''

The 34-page report was submitted by Brisard earlier this month at
the request of the Colombian ambassador to the United Nations, the
current president of the Security Council.

Brisard spent years analysing Al Qaida's finances for a French
intelligence service.

He works now as a private investigator for relatives of victims of the
September 11 attacks who have filed a lawsuit against Saudi
political and economic leaders alleging they sponsored Al Qaida

A spokesman for the Saudi mission to the United Nations declined
to comment on the allegations on Monday.

The report speaks for itself,'' the official said. We do not comment
on such reports.''

Saying they have been unfairly criticised in the aftermath of the
World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks, Saudi authorities have
taken steps to regulate hundreds of millions of dollars in religious
donations that leave the kingdom each year.

In November, authorities said they would intensify audits of Islamic
charities and create new regulations and special units to fight money

But the report claimed such measures are insufficient because the
financing of terrorism, in which legitimate funds are diverted to
criminal purposes, differs from money laundering, which recycles
criminal profits into legal enterprises.

The report says bin Laden's public statements show he has
encouraged and profited from the abuse of 'zakat,' a pillar of the
Islamic faith that requires Muslims to give a percentage of their
earnings to the needy.

Because the donations are largely unregulated, they have become
the most important source of financial support for the Al Qaida
network,'' the report alleges.

The kingdom has repeatedly tried to establish legal rules to govern
zakat and donations,'' Brisard acknowledged. Since September 11
last year, Saudi authorities confirm they have frozen about $5.5
million in 33 bank accounts belonging to three individuals.

However, the report alleges that resistance from conservatives has
shielded business professionals, companies and banks involved in a
structure that benefits extremists.

The report recommends that Saudi Arabia make drastic changes
such as forming a nonreligious agency to oversee the zakat process
and banning cash donations and charitable contributions by

One must question the real ability and willingness of the kingdom to
exercise any control over the use of religious money in and outside
of the country...,'' the report alleges.

@Los Angeles Times-Washington Post News Service

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[CTRL] Terrorist specifies Japan as target of attacks

2002-12-29 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-


Terrorist specifies Japan as target of attacks

The alleged mastermind of the October Bali bombings who has
admitted links to al Qaeda said on his personal website that Japan
could be a target of terror attacks.

Foreign Ministry officials said this was the first case of Japan being
named as a target of attacks by any individual or organization
connected to Osama Bin Laden's al Qaeda terrorist network.

In his website, Imam Samudra blamed the U. S. for destroying the
Taliban in Afghanistan, and then claimed that he would attack and
kill people in the U.S. and its allies such as Japan, Britain, Germany,
Australia and France.

After contacting police forces in Jakarta, the Indonesian Embassy in
Japan confirmed that Samudra, 35, admitted to carrying the anti-
U.S. statements on his site, written in Indonesian and in English, the
ministry officials said Friday.

The ministry has published an online statement notifying Japanese
nationals about Samudra's threats against U.S. allies. The officials
added that Muslim radicals have never specified Japan as a target,
although the phrase, allies of the U.S. and Britain, has often been
used in their pamphlets.

Japan's pro-Washington stance has now generated enmity in the
Islamic world, one of the ministry officials said.

U.S. intelligence sources said Samudra joined a Muslim radical
group in the 1990s and received military training in Afghanistan for
two and a half years. He is alleged to be a mediator between al
Qaeda and the Indonesian terrorist group, Jemaah Islamiyah.
 (Mainichi Shimbun, Dec. 28, 2002)

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Re: [CTRL] Israeli Military Given License to Murder Civilians (Boston Globe)

2002-12-29 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector-

on 12/29/02 10:32 AM, flw at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 The Boston Globe Online
 Israeli troops face criticism on civilian toll

 By Charles M. Sennott, Globe Staff, 12/29/2002

 RAMALLAH, West Bank - A 95-year-old Palestinian woman returning in a taxi
 from a doctor's appointment Dec. 3 was stopped at a checkpoint here by an
 Israeli soldier who, Palestinian witnesses said, smashed the windshield and
 fired 17 bullets at the vehicle. One of the shots hit the woman's spine and
 killed her.

This article describes some really tragic and horrible acts. Here are more
horrible and tragic acts in the region:

Terrorism against Israel in 2000
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


*27, an Israeli soldier killed in Gaza Strip..
*29, an Israeli border patrolman killed by his Palestinian counterpart
on a joint patrol near Kalkiliya.


*1, an Israeli soldier of Druze descent killed while guarding a Jewish
sacred site in Nablus.
*2, an Israeli civilian and a soldier are killed in separate attacks by
gunfire in West Bank.
*8, an Israeli settler found dead in Nablus.
*12, two Israeli reserve soldiers lynched by Palestinian mob after
erroneously entering Ramallah.
*19, an Israeli settler group touring near Nablus is fired upon, and one
of them is killed.
*28, the body of an Israeli citizen is found in his burnt car.
*30, an Israeli security guard is killed while protecting the local
Social Security office. A Jerusalem resident is found dead near Beit Jala.


*1, two Israeli soldiers killed in a shooting incident near Bethlehem,
and another one while guarding a town in Jordan Valley.
*2, two Israeli civilians killed in a car bombing in Jerusalem. The
Islamic Jihad claims responsibility.
*8, an Israeli citizen is killed while driving to her job in Gaza.
*10, an Israeli soldier killed by a Palestinian sniper while guarding a
Jewish shrine in Bethlehem.
*11, an Israeli soldier killed in a shooting attack in the Gaza strip.
*13, two civilians and two soldiers die in three shooting incidents in
West Bank and Gaza.
*18, an Israeli soldier killed by a senior Palestinian preventive
security officer while guarding a settlement in Gaza strip. Another dies of
his wounds obtained earlier.
*20, two adults killed while escorting a schoolbus in Gaza. 5 children
and 4 adults are injured.
*21, an Israeli settler youth killed by sniper in Gaza.
*22, two Israeli women killed and 60 civilians wounded in a car bomb
attack in Hadera.
*23, a soldier killed by sniper fire in the Gaza strip. An Israeli
officer killed in an explosion at the joint Israeli-Palestinian District
Coordination in the same region.
*24, an Israeli officer killed by sniper fire in Gaza strip, and an
army-employed civilian killed in the West Bank.


*8, An Israeli teacher traveling in a van and the van's driver killed in
a drive-by attack in the West Bank. An Israeli soldier killed in a gunfire
attack on a civilian bus.
*21, an Israeli civilian ambushed and killed near Jerusalem.
*28, a soldier and a border police officer killed while dismantling a
road-side bomb, by another explosive device, in the Gaza strip. The Islamic
Jihad claimed responsibility.
*31, Binyamin Zeev Kahane (the son of Meir Kahane) and his wife, Talia
killed in an ambush by Palestinian snipers. 5 of their children driving with
them injured.
Terrorism against Israel in 2001
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


*14, a settler murdered.
*17, a 16 year old Israeli youth is seduced by a Palestinian woman and
murdered by her accomplices.
*23, two Israelis abducted from a restaurant where they had been
peacefully eating and murdered.
*25, an Israeli killed in a shooting attack in Ataron (a suburb of
*29, an Israeli killed in a drive-by shooting north of Jerusalem.


*1, two Israelis murdered in different places in the West Bank while
driving in their cars.
*5, an Israeli soldier killed by sniper fire.
*11, an Israeli settler killed by gunfire while driving.
*14, 8 Israeli soldiers run down by a Palestinian driving a bus.
*26, a body of an Israeli found. Autopsy and investigation revealed it
was most likely he was killed by terrorists.


*1, an Israeli killed in a suicide bombing in a service taxi.
*4, 3 elderly Israelis killed in a suicide bombing in downtown Netanya.
Hamas claimed responsibility.
*19, a settler killed in a gunfire attack while driving.
*26, an 10-months old settler girl killed by deliberate sniper fire in
*28, two Israelis killed in a suicide bombing. Hamas claimed


*1, an Israeli soldier killed in a firefight near Nablus. An Israeli
woman stabbed to death on a Haifa street.
*2, an Israeli soldier killed by a sniper while 

[CTRL] Israelis Execute 9 Yr Old Girl Terrorist

2002-12-29 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

Palestinian Girl Killed in Gaza Strip; Troops Clash With Students

By Ibrahim Hazboun
Associated Press
Sunday, December 29, 2002; Page A21

JERUSALEM, Dec. 28 -- Israeli troops shot and killed a Palestinian child in
the Gaza Strip today, Palestinian medical workers said, and earlier, in the
West Bank, soldiers clashed with Palestinian university students.

The unrest came a day after four Israelis died in a Palestinian attack on
Jewish seminary students.

Palestinians said a 9-year-old girl, Hanneen Abu Suleiman, was shot in the
head outside her home in the town of Khan Younis in the Gaza Strip when
troops opened fire from a Jewish settlement a few hundred yards away.

The army said it had no knowledge of an injured child but said one of its
outposts in the area had come under attack earlier in the day. Palestinians
said there was no fighting at the time the child was shot.

Separately, Israeli troops clashed with Palestinian university students
during a military operation near Bethlehem University. A military source
said troops came under attack by students throwing stones from inside the
university compound. Soldiers responded by firing rubber bullets and stun
grenades into the building, the source said. No injuries were reported.

Also today, Israeli troops blew up the house of an Islamic Jihad member in
Doura, a village near Otniel, the West Bank settlement targeted in the
seminary attack. Army officials would not say if the militant group member,
who was not home at the time, was a suspect in the seminary attack.

In the same village, troops also demolished the home of a militant from
Yasser Arafat's Fatah movement who was shot to death by soldiers last year.

In Jerusalem, a crude car bomb exploded early today not far from a bar
popular among young people but caused no injuries, rescue workers said. A
suspect was in police custody.

Also today, about 150 armed and masked men marched through a refugee camp
in the West Bank city of Nablus, firing AK-47 assault rifles into the air.
The men, belonging to the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades -- a militia group
linked to the Fatah movement -- vowed to continue fighting against Israel.

Every one of these men is ready to be a human bomb and blow up himself for
the sake of freedom, one of the masked men told reporters.

© 2002 The Washington Post Company

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Re: [CTRL] Israeli Military Given License to Murder Civilians (Boston Globe)

2002-12-29 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

 This article describes some really tragic and horrible acts. Here are
 horrible and tragic acts in the region:

 Terrorism against Israel in 2000
 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

 *27, an Israeli soldier killed in Gaza Strip..
 *29, an Israeli border patrolman killed by his Palestinian
 on a joint patrol near Kalkiliya.

It is sad that the Israeli state is willing to sacrifice its own
citizens in order to maintain a brutal and illegal occupation of
another people.

It also was tragic that so many Germans died in WWII.

Too many British soldiers paid the ultimate price for the Queen's

Too many Russians died for Stalin.

Too many South Africans died for Apartheid.

Sadly many Americans and Iraqis will die in Iraq.

It is tragic that so many want to die to oppress and
occupy others.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Portion Distortion Conspiracy

2002-12-29 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

Portion Distortion -- You Don't Know the Half of It

By Shannon Brownlee

Sunday, December 29, 2002; Page B01

It was probably inevitable that one day people would start suing McDonald's
for making them fat. That day came this summer, when New York lawyer Samuel
Hirsch filed several lawsuits against McDonald's, as well as four other
fast-food companies, on the grounds that they had failed to adequately
disclose the bad health effects of their menus. One of the suits involves a
Bronx teenager who tips the scale at 400 pounds and whose mother, in papers
filed in U.S. District Court in Manhattan, said, I always believed
McDonald's food was healthy for my son.

Uh-huh. And the tooth fairy really put that dollar under his pillow. But
once you've stopped sniggering at our litigious society, remember that it
once seemed equally ludicrous that smokers could successfully sue tobacco
companies for their addiction to cigarettes. And while nobody is claiming
that Big Macs are addictive -- at least not yet -- the restaurant industry
and food packagers have clearly helped give many Americans the roly-poly
shape they have today. This is not to say that the folks in the food
industry want us to be fat. But make no mistake: When they do well
economically, we gain weight.

It wasn't always thus. Readers of a certain age can remember a time when a
trip to McDonald's seemed like a treat and when a small bag of French
fries, a plain burger and a 12-ounce Coke seemed like a full meal. Fast
food wasn't any healthier back then; we simply ate a lot less of it.

How did today's oversized appetites become the norm? It didn't happen by
accident or some inevitable evolutionary process. It was to a large degree
the result of consumer manipulation. Fast food's marketing strategies,
which make perfect sense from a business perspective, succeed only when
they induce a substantial number of us to overeat. To see how this all came
about, let's go back to 1983, when John Martin became CEO of the ailing
Taco Bell franchise and met a young marketing whiz named Elliott Bloom.

Using so-called smart research, a then-new kind of in-depth consumer
survey, Bloom had figured out that fast-food franchises were sustained
largely by a core group of heavy users, mostly young, single males, who
ate at such restaurants as often as 20 times a month. In fact, 30 percent
of Taco Bell's customers accounted for 70 percent of its sales. Through his
surveys, Bloom learned what might seem obvious now but wasn't at all clear
20 years ago -- these guys ate at fast-food joints because they had
absolutely no interest in cooking for themselves and didn't give a rip
about the nutritional quality of the food. They didn't even care much about
the taste. All that mattered was that it was fast and cheap. Martin figured
Taco Bell could capture a bigger share of these hard-core customers by
streamlining the food production and pricing main menu items at 49, 59 and
69 cents -- well below its competitors.

It worked. Taco Bell saw a dramatic increase in patrons, with no drop in
revenue per customer. As Martin told Greg Critser, author of Fat Land: How
Americans Became the Fattest People in the World, when Taco Bell ran a
test of its new pricing in Texas, within seven days of initiating the
test, the average check was right back to where it was before -- it was
just four instead of three items. In other words, cheap food induced
people to eat more. Taco Bell's rising sales figures -- up 14 percent by
1989 and 12 percent more the next year -- forced other fast-food franchises
to wake up and smell the burritos. By the late '80s, everybody from Burger
King to Wendy's was cutting prices and seeing an increase in customers --
including bargain-seeking Americans who weren't part of that original
hard-core group.

If the marketing strategy had stopped there, we might not be the nation of
fatties that we are today. But the imperatives of the marketplace are
growth and rising profits, and once everybody had slashed prices to the
bone, the franchises had to look for a new way to satisfy investors.

And what they found was . . . super-sizing.

Portion sizes had already been creeping upward. As early as 1972, for
example, McDonald's introduced its large-size fries (large being a relative
term, since at 3.5 ounces the '72 large was smaller than a medium serving
today). But McDonald's increased portions only reluctantly, because the
company's founder, Ray Kroc, didn't like the image of lowbrow, cheap food.
If people wanted more French fries, he would say, they can buy two bags.
But price competition had grown so fierce that the only way to keep profits
up was to offer bigger and bigger portions. By 1988, McDonald's had
introduced a 32-ounce super size soda and super size fries.

The deal with all these enhanced portions is that the customer gets a lot
more food for a relatively small increase in price. So just how does that
translate into bigger profits? 

Re: [CTRL] Israeli Military Given License to Murder Civilians (Boston Globe)

2002-12-29 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector-

Those comments might be legitimate if every one of those deaths was a

The claim falls flat when it turns out than many are teenagers in discos,
children in school buses, etc.

on 12/29/02 11:52 AM, flw at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 This article describes some really tragic and horrible acts. Here are
 horrible and tragic acts in the region:

 Terrorism against Israel in 2000
 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

 *27, an Israeli soldier killed in Gaza Strip..
 *29, an Israeli border patrolman killed by his Palestinian
 on a joint patrol near Kalkiliya.

 It is sad that the Israeli state is willing to sacrifice its own
 citizens in order to maintain a brutal and illegal occupation of
 another people.

 It also was tragic that so many Germans died in WWII.

 Too many British soldiers paid the ultimate price for the Queen's

 Too many Russians died for Stalin.

 Too many South Africans died for Apartheid.

 Sadly many Americans and Iraqis will die in Iraq.

 It is tragic that so many want to die to oppress and
 occupy others.

 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:
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Re: [CTRL] Israeli Military Given License to Murder Civilians (Boston Globe)

2002-12-29 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 12/29/2002 11:43:29 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The claim falls flat when it turns out than many are teenagers in discos,
children in school buses, etc.

Several of which were in fact Israeli false flag operations...that disco was for sure.

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Re: [CTRL] Israeli Military Given License to Murder Civilians (Boston Globe)

2002-12-29 Thread thew
Title: Re: [CTRL] Israeli Military Given License to Murder Civilians (Boston Globe)
-Caveat Lector-

For sure???

Can you document that for me, so I can be sure too?

Ive been to that disco  was a nice place  open to the ocean, easy going  fun place to dance  until some asshole walked in with a bomb.

on 12/29/02 12:46 PM, William Shannon at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

-Caveat Lector- In a message dated 12/29/2002 11:43:29 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The claim falls flat when it turns out than many are teenagers in discos,
children in school buses, etc.

Several of which were in fact Israeli false flag operations...that disco was for sure.

Bill. A HREF="" DECLARATION  DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply. 

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What do you mean we, white man?

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Re: [CTRL] Israeli Military Given License to Murder Civilians (Boston Globe)

2002-12-29 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-

You know, this would be much more effective if you would also list all the Palestinian 
casualties for the exact same time period.  prudy

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[CTRL] Georgie Did It ... We Can Too!

2002-12-29 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-



Home front suffers as families of reservists gird for call-up

By Christian Davenport, Washington Post, 12/20/2002

OWINGS MILLS, Md. - Officially, it's no go. There are no
deployment orders, no war to fight. For the moment, the soldiers in
the 443d Military Police Company are still just inactive reservists,
obligated to serve one weekend a month, two weeks a year.

But as the Pentagon prepares for a major National Guard and
reserve call-up, nerves are fraying in the 443d. The Army unit,
based here and trained to set up refugee and prisoner- of-war
camps, returned home just three months ago after a year of post-
Sept. 11 duty at an Army base in Texas. The long tour slowed
careers and strained marriages.

Now, the prospect of another deployment - this time the scuttlebutt
is Turkey or northern Iraq - is roiling morale and discipline. On
Wednesday, the Department of Defense mobilized an additional
4,700 reserve and National Guard troops, bringing the total to more
than 55,000. The 443d could be called up for another year or longer.

But a few of Captain Jonathan Bennett's soldiers have told him that
if they're called for duty, they're not going this time. About a dozen
soldiers more than normal didn't show up Saturday morning when
Bennett ordered them to base.

So Bennett is preparing AWOL papers, just in case.

Although there are many like Specialist Jimmy Arbogast of White
Marsh, Md., who are committed to serving no matter the price, he
said some of his fellow soldiers are thinking: ''We just did our year.
Leave us alone.''

Those who did crowd into a drab, dark classroom at the Jachman
US Army Reserve Center watched a training video informing them
that the anthrax vaccination they were about to receive goes to
those ''deployed to high-threat areas.'' Those words made the
rumors real.

Shortly after the lights came on, one soldier yelled, ''I guess that's
the go.''

The rest let out their battle cry, ''Hooah!''

The possibility of heading off to war has lingered since the 443d
returned home to a teary, flag-waving ceremony in September. As
possibility hardens into probability, they worry about how costly the
new call to service will be. Some wonder whether their marriages
will survive or worry about children with whom they have just been
reacquainted. Others face putting off school for another year or
falling further behind at work and continuing to lose income.

A few are in plain denial.

''Some of them are burying their head in the sand,'' said Lieutenant
Shawn Magowan of Arnold, Md. He said that about a third of his 35-
member platoon didn't show up Saturday.

''They don't want to deal with reality,'' he said. ''They're done playing

While the troops rolled up their sleeves to get the anthrax vaccine
Saturday, at least one of the soldiers balked. Bennett sat with him,
speaking softly about how the vaccine could save his life, how the
unit was depending on him. Then he took him out of the room, away
from the other soldiers.

When they returned a few minutes later, the soldier rolled up his
sleeve and stuck out his arm.

With a 6-month-old baby at home, Arbogast is scared, too. But like
many in his unit, he's ready to go.

''There's no way I could stay home and watch it on TV,'' he said. ''I
couldn't have my unit go without me.''

All the talk of war worries Mary Hayes, whose husband is in the

The year she spent apart from Michael, a staff sergeant, was so
stressful that they separated for a few weeks after he returned to
their home at Fort Meade, Md. The children didn't respect his
authority, she said. A part of her didn't want them to.

She'd been the one taking the children to the doctor, getting them to
school, helping with homework. Meanwhile, he had been living a
bachelor's life in Texas.

''He had a whole different life in Texas, and I was really angry,'' she
said. ''My life didn't change that way. I was left behind with the

When he was gone, she developed a new routine with her children.
Mekhi, 3, could have a sweet every now and then. Michael Jr., 9,
could stay up late on weekends. But when Michael Sr. came home,
he instituted his own discipline. No sweets. No video games after 10

''I felt like, `I've been taking care of them for a year by myself, and
you have no right to come in here and change the rules,''' Mary
Hayes said.

The last deployment put them at the brink of divorce. How would
they handle another one?

She confronted him: ''I need to know if our relationship is strong
enough to withstand you leaving again.''

''He says it's going to be OK,'' Mary Hayes said. ''And I believe it,
because we've worked so hard at getting back together as a family.
But I'm afraid there is going to be a glitch, and it's going to fall apart

Staff Sergeant Regina Lucas is torn 

Re: [CTRL] Israeli Military Given License to Murder Civilians (Boston Globe)

2002-12-29 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 12/29/2002 11:57:21 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I’ve been to that disco – was a nice place – open to the ocean, easy going – fun place to dance – until some asshole walked in with a bomb.

Indeed. Some asshole who was with the Mossad. 
Lots of recent immigrants there right? Russians and such? 

This has been documented...check the archives.

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[CTRL] Two of the four were soldiers

2002-12-29 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


w w w . h a a r e t z d a i l y . c o m

Two of the four victims of Otniel attack were soldiers

Two of the four victims of Friday night's shooting attack at the West
Bank settlement of Otniel were soldiers, it emerged Saturday. Nine
other people were wounded when an armed Palestinian militant
infiltrated the settlement.

The four - Private Yehuda Bamberger, 20, from Karnei Shomron;
Staff Sergeant Noam Apter, from Shilo; Zvi Ziemen, 17, from Reut
and Gavriel Hoter, 17, from Alonei Habashan - were killed when the
gunman sprayed the dining room with bullets and threw hand
grenades at the diners.

The attacker was shot dead during a nearby 30-minute gunbattle
with IDF troops. A second terrorist, who apparently helped the
gunman reach the settlement, managed to escape the immediate
area, but was pursued by IDF troops a few kilometers southwest of
Otniel to Dahariya, where he was shot dead. Three soldiers were
lightly wounded in the exchange of fire.

Apter was buried after the Sabbath on Saturday night; Bamberger's
funeral will take place 10 A.M. Sunday.

Medical teams evacuated the wounded via ambulance and
helicopter to Soroka Medical Center in Be'er Sheva and Hadassah
Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem.

Four people were still receiving hospital treatment, Israel Radio said
Saturday, adding that one of them was in moderate condition and
the rest suffering from light wounds.

Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack. The
organization's leader, Abdallah Ramadan Salah, said in a broadcast
on the satellite channel Al-Jazeera that the attack was carried out to
avenge the IDF's killing of nine Palestinians, including Jihad activist
Hamsa abu Roub, in separate incidents in the West Bank and Gaza
Strip on Thursday.

In recent months the Hebron area has been the main target of terror
attacks in the territories. On November 15, nine IDF soldiers and
three security officers were killed in an Islamic Jihad ambush in
Kiryat Arba, while two weeks ago, two members of the military police
- one a woman- were killed in Hebron.
By Amos Harel, Ha'aretz Correspondent, Ha'aretz Service and


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[CTRL] For your attention

2002-12-29 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited Observer site and thought you should 
see it.

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited Observer site, go 
to http://www.observer.co.uk

'Human shields' head for Iraq
Paul Harris
Saturday December 28 2002
The Guardian

A convoy of anti-war activists, likely to include dozens of British volunteers, will 
leave London next month to act as human shields protecting strategic sites in Iraq.

The convoy to Baghdad is being organised by former US marine Kenneth Nichols, who 
served in the first Gulf war and won a combat medal but has now become a vociferous 
opponent of another Gulf conflict.

British protesters are also heading for the country in advance of any Anglo-American 

Nichols, 33, aims to gather scores of volunteers together in London and lead the 
convoy on 10 January. It will drive across Europe, holding rallies in various capital 
cities and collecting other human-shield demonstrators along the way. It plans to 
travel via Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris, Zurich, Milan, Sarajevo, Istanbul and Syria to 

He is hoping that the convoy will arrive in the Iraqi capital around 24 January, three 
days before President George W Bush is to make his decision on whether Iraq has 
complied with the UN weapons inspections, potentially triggering a US-led invasion.

Nichols is willing to put his own life on the line to stop a war. 'In going to Iraq I 
understand that I will likely not survive a US invasion,' he said.

Once in Iraq, members of the convoy will identify infrastructure targets for bombing, 
such as power stations, key bridges and roads, and deploy themselves as human shields 
in the glare of the international media.

'I don't think anyone will be happy about bombing somewhere they see being protected 
by North Americans or Europeans,' he said.

In the 1991 conflict, Nichols was serving in the 2nd Battalion of the Marine Corps. He 
was an infantryman on the road to Basra, where heavy Allied bombing killed hundreds of 
retreating Iraqi soldiers. He left the Marine Corps a year later.

His experience of war left him disillusioned with American foreign policy, and he is 
now a vociferous opponent of US foreign interventions. 'Part of the reason I want to 
go back is to apologise to the Iraqi people for what I was doing there the first time 
I was in their country,' he said.

Part-time law student Jo Wilding, 28, is one Briton who is heading for the region. She 
expects to fly to Baghdad on 10 January and then go to the southern city of Basra. 
'There is something I can do there just by being a foreigner,' she said. 'If something 
does start when we are there, we will be able to document it.'

Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited

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[CTRL] Bush fighting Sharons war?

2002-12-29 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Postcard USA: Bush fighting Sharon’s war?
Khalid Hasan

Israel’s great achievement in the political and diplomatic realm has been to draw American anger from those who carried out the 9/11 attacks to its own enemies, namely Saddam, Hamas and the non-existent Al Qaeda in Palestine

Barring the occasional article in newspapers such as the Los Angeles Times and the New York Times which gives a viewpoint other than that favoured by Sharon and his ardent supporters in the United States, among which you can include the president himself, his deputy, his defence secretary and his national security adviser, the rest of the mainstream US publications remain uncritically pro-Israel. 

As for the networks, in particular cable channels such as Fox News, the less said about their lack of balance on the Middle East the better. Many people in Pakistan can view for themselves today, thanks to the satellite dish, what some of them churn out with such sickening predictability day after day on the issue.

It is, therefore, something of a surprise to have one of the leading conservative columnists of the country, Robert D Novak, invite attention a day after Christmas to a speech by Sen. Chuck Hagel that would have gone unreported otherwise. The Republican senator from Nebraska who recently returned from a week-long fact-finding trip to the Middle East told the Chicago Council of Foreign Affairs that the road to Arab-Israeli peace would not go through Baghdad as was being argued by President George Bush and those who support his thinking.

The Senator left no one who heard him in any doubt that the war about to be launched against Iraq was not America’s war so much as it was Ariel Sharon’s. According to Novak, “In private conversation with Hagel and many other members of Congress, the former general leaves no doubt that the greatest US assistance to Israel would be to overthrow Saddam’s Hussein’s Iraqi regime. That view is widely shared inside the Bush administration, and is a major reason why US forces today are assembling for war.”

Hegel told his audience that military force alone would neither assure a democratic transition in Iraq, bring peace to Israelis and Palestinians, nor assure stability in the Middle East. He also warned that as America prepared for war, its standing among Muslim countries, even among long-time allies, was low.

Novak writes, “Yet the Bush administration has tied itself firmly to Sharon and his policies. Gen. Amran Mitzna, the new Labour Party leader challenging the heavily favoured Sharon in the January 28 election, is denied access to US officials. In private conversation, national security adviser Condoleezza Rice has insisted that Hezbollah — not Al Qaeda — is the world’s most dangerous terrorist organisation. How could that be, considering Al Qaeda’s global record of mass carnage?”

Quite correctly, Novak concludes from the national security adviser’s comments that the US war against terrorism, accused of being Iraq-centric, is actually Israel-centric. “That ties Bush to Sharon,” he writes, “The prime minister says astonishing things to US visitors. He once rejected hope for negotiations, contending that Arabs and Jews will kill each other for a hundred years. Recently, he promised to put a Jewish settlement on top of any high ground.” He calls the Bush-Sharon bond as “indissoluble”. 

Israel and its mighty public relations machine in the United States have successfully sold the White House on the idea that Israel’s fight is now America’s fight. Recently, the Israelis “discovered” an Al Qaeda cell in Gaza. It was later found that the cell had been created by none other than the resourceful intelligence agency Mossad. There was none in existence, but that did not stop the Washington Post, an ardent and unapologetic Israel supporter, from publishing an article that called the establishment of the Al Qaeda cell “horrifying news.”

Israel’s great achievement in the political and diplomatic realm has been to draw American anger from those who carried out the 9/11 attacks to its own enemies, namely Saddam, Hamas and the non-existent Al Qaeda in Palestine.

Sharon said on Christmas day that he knew when the US would attack Iraq and where.

He should know.

Khalid Hasan is Daily Times’ US-based correspondent

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2002-12-29 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/28/2002 1:30:27 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Everyone wants the inept president to go, except the desperate poor who
 still cling to the hope that he might eventually change their lot. Barry
 Lynn, a former AFP correspondent in Venezuela, outlines the dynamics of
 Venezuela’s passion play in the upcoming issue of Mother
 Jones. Barry
 Lynn, Mother jones, Jan/Feb 2003

Wouldn't it be nice if we just left it to Venezuela to take care of its own business.  
I'm not too crazy about my own president, but I sure don't want someone from another 
country telling me what to do, how to vote or that they should be allowed to come in 
to change things for what they might consider the better.  Apparently sovereign now 
refers only to antique coins.  Prudy

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[CTRL] Liberating America From Israel

2002-12-29 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Liberating America From Israel 
by Paul Findley

Nine-eleven would not have occurred if the U.S. government had refused to help Israel humiliate and destroy Palestinian society. Few express this conclusion publicly, but many believe it is the truth. I believe the catastrophe could have been prevented if any U.S. president during the past 35 years had had the courage and wisdom to suspend all U.S. aid until Israel withdrew from the Arab land seized in the 1967 Arab-Israeli war.

The U.S. lobby for Israel is powerful and intimidating, but any determined president-even President Bush this very day-could prevail and win overwhelming public support for the suspension of aid by laying these facts before the American people: 

Israel's present government, like its predecessors, is determined to annex the West Bank-biblical Judea and Samaria - so Israel will become Greater Israel. Ultra-Orthodox Jews, who maintain a powerful role in Israeli politics, believe the Jewish Messiah will not come until Greater Israel is a reality. Although a minority in Israel, they are committed, aggressive, and influential. Because of deep religious conviction, they are determined to prevent Palestinians from gaining statehood on any part of the West Bank. 

In its violent assaults on Palestinians, Israel uses the pretext of eradicating terrorism, but its forces are actually engaged advancing the territorial expansion just cited. Under the guise of anti-terrorism, Israeli forces treat Palestinians worse than cattle. With due process nowhere to be found, hundreds are detained for long periods and most are tortured. Some are assassinated. Homes, orchards, and business places are destroyed. Entire cities are kept under intermittent curfew, some confinements lasting for weeks. Injured or ill Palestinians needing emergency medical care are routinely held at checkpoints for an hour or more. Many children are undernourished. The West Bank and Gaza have become giant concentration camps. None of this could have occurred without U.S. support. Perhaps Israeli officials believe life will become so unbearable that most Palestinians will eventually leave their ancestral homes.

Once beloved worldwide, the U.S. government finds itself reviled in most countries because it provides unconditional support of Israeli violations of the United Nations Charter, international law, and the precepts of all major religious faiths.

How did the American people get into this fix?

Nine-eleven had its principal origin 35 years ago when Israel's U.S. lobby began its unbroken success in stifling debate about the proper U.S. role in the Arab-Israeli conflict and effectively concealed from public awareness the fact that the U.S. government gives massive uncritical support to Israel.

Thanks to the suffocating influence of Israel's U.S. lobby, open discussion of the Arab-Israeli conflict has been non-existent in our government all these years. I have firsthand knowledge, because I was a member of the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee in June 1967 when Israeli military forces took control of the Golan Heights, a part of Syria, as well as the Palestinian West Bank and Gaza. I continued as a member for 16 years and to this day maintain a close watch on Congress.

For 35 years, not a word has been expressed in that committee or in either chamber of Congress that deserves to be called debate on Middle East policy. No restrictive or limiting amendments on aid to Israel have been offered for 20 years, and none of the few offered in previous years received more than a handful of votes. On Capitol Hill, criticism of Israel, even in private conversation, is all but forbidden, treated as downright unpatriotic, if not anti-Semitic. The continued absence of free speech was assured when those few who spoke out-Senators Adlai Stevenson and Charles Percy, and Reps. Paul "Pete" McCloskey, Cynthia McKinney, Earl Hilliard, and myself-were defeated at the polls by candidates heavily financed by pro-Israel forces.

As a result, legislation dealing with the Middle East has been heavily biased in favor of Israel and against Palestinians and other Arabs year after year. Home constituencies, misled by news coverage equally lop-sided in Israel's favor, remain largely unaware that Congress behaves as if it were a subcommittee of the Israeli parliament.

However, the bias is widely noted beyond America, where most news media candidly cover Israel's conquest and generally excoriate America's complicity and complacency. When President Bush welcomed Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, sometimes called the Butcher of Beirut, as "my dear friend" and "a man of peace" after Israeli forces, using U.S.-donated arms, completed their devastation of the West Bank last spring, worldwide anger against American policy reached the boiling point.

The fury should surprise no one who reads foreign newspapers or listens to BBC. In 

[CTRL] Politics, or a real dam threat?

2002-12-29 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


December 30, 2002 KST 04:32 (GMT+9)

Politics, or a real dam threat?

by Koh Han-sun
July 08, 2002

Floods caused by torrential rainfalls cause havoc on the South
Korea every summer, the period in which two-thirds of the country's
entire annual precipitation is concentrated. This year, however,
Korea may face yet another water disaster after reports that Imnam
Dam, otherwise known as Geumgangsan Dam, located on the
Bukhan River in North Korea is at risk of collapse.

The Ministry of Construction and Transportation found early this
year that the top of the dam had a breach 20 meters wide and 15
meters deep. It had taken a closer look at the dam after the water
inflow behind the Hwacheon Dam in the South suddenly increased
from two metric tons per second to 273 tons from Jan. 17 to Feb. 4.

North Korean began building the Imnam Dam in October 1986 as a
hydroelectric project. It completed a 45-kilometer long waterway
passing through the Taebaek Mountains to the Yeonbyeon
Cheongnyeon power generation plant near the east coast in June
1996. The waterway carries water stored behind the Imnam Dam to
the power generation facility. Construction of the dam itself started
in June 1999. Sixteen months later, the dam had reached 88 meters
in height and had a water storage capacity of 910 million metric tons
of water. According to the Construction Ministry, North Korea said
the fully completed dam would stand 121.5 meters high and have a
capacity of 2.62 billion tons of water.

Reports about the initiation of the Imnam Dam project in 1986
triggered security measures by the Chun Doo Hwan administration
here. The government said then that judging from the location and
size of the dam, Pyeongyang intended to use the dam to threaten
Seoul with flooding in order to sabotage the 1988 Olympics.
Although those fears were not universally accepted as valid, neither
were they dismissed out of hand.

Government-influenced newspapers and television news broadcasts
carried unnerving reports about the potential damage to Seoul and
expert skepticism was downplayed in the media. Largely due to that
coverage and widespread anticommunist public sentiment, South
Koreans applauded the government's plan to build the Peace Dam
as a structure to contain any flood that might be unleashed. People
flocked to donate money for construction; children donated their
allowances and a policeman gave reward money.

Seoul began work on the 151 billion won ($125 million) Peace Dam
project in May 1988. The 80-meter dam was to have had a capacity
of 590 million tons of water. Contributions accounted for about half
of the construction cost. But later, criticism began to mount about
the project because it had neither hydroelectric nor flood control

The dam and the North's flood threats were mostly forgotten until a
parliamentary hearing in 1993 that reinforced suspicions that the
flap was generated by the Chun administration to divert attention
from demands by the opposition for a referendum on constitutional
revisions. But a decade later, it seems that the Peace Dam could
still be of some use.

A Construction Ministry investigation of the Imnam Dam cracks
suggested that the North Korean project might have been rushed
and shoddily built. The spillway is still five meters higher than the
dam's current height of 105 meters, raising concern that water could
flow over the top of the dam and erode it during rainy seasons. To
counter the danger, the Korea Water Resource Corporation said, it
has reinforced the Peace Dam to withstand any onrush of water.

But a deliberate or accidental flooding is not the only problem
blamed on the Imnam Dam. Since it began to fill in 1996, the water
flowing to the Hwacheon Dam has fallen dramatically. In addition,
said Jeong Chan- gyun, a planning division official in Gangwon
province, Freshwater fisheries have decreased and water quality
has became worse, leading to a drop in tourists at local sashimi
restaurants in Hwacheon-gun.

One energy official says, however, that the North Koreans may not
be the entire cause of the problem. Jeong Hyeon-cheol, an official of
Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Co., said, The Hwacheon Dam
has never suspended hydroelectric operations because of a
shortage of water in the reservoir. The area suffered from a severe
drought last year, which makes it difficult at the moment to blame
North Korean dams for the lowered water level. Weather data
shows that precipitation in 2001 was only 70 percent of a normal
year's rain and snowfall.

The power generating company said water inflow at the Hwacheon
Dam ranged from 3.2 to 6.75 billion tons for the season during the
dry seasons of 1991 to 1994. But there was an obvious drop of
water inflow after the North completed the initial construction of the
Imnam Dam ?2.65 billion metric tons in the dry season of November
1995 to April 1996. The dam had water inflow of 

[CTRL] Chuck Grounded

2002-12-29 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


DEC 29, 2002
Prince Charles not welcome, says US

LONDON -- Prince Charles has dropped plans to visit the United
States because the White House, apparently unhappy with his views
on Iraq, has signalled that he would not be welcome, the Mail on
Sunday newspaper reported.

In a front-page report, it said that 'senior figures in the Bush
administration' had indicated that it would be 'very unhelpful' for the
trip to proceed due to the Prince's reported concern that a war would
lead to a dangerous rift between the West and the Muslim world.

'A week-long tour was in the diary for February or March 2003,' it
quoted a senior British government official as saying.

'But the prince has been politely informed that his views on the
current Iraq crisis might not go down well.'

The Mail on Sunday added that the Foreign Office is concerned that
a US visit by the heir to the British throne might be used by anti-war
activists to drive a wedge between President George W. Bush and
Prime Minister Tony Blair, Mr Bush's strongest ally on Iraq.

A Foreign Office spokesman was quoted in the newspaper as
saying that it could not confirm Charles' overseas travel plans 'so far
ahead of time'. -- AFP

Copyright @ 2002 Singapore Press Holdings. All rights reserved.

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[CTRL] Bombing Of Iraq

2002-12-29 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.rense.com/general33/sisie.htm

How Bush Sr Sold The 1991
Bombing Of Iraq To America
By Mitchel Cohen


From His Book: 'Read My Apocalypse'
The Role of the 1991 Gulf War in the emergence of George Bush's
New World


The U.S. has a new credibility. What we say goes.
- President George Bush,
NBC Nightly News, Feb. 2, 1991

In October, 1990, a 15-year-old Kuwaiti girl, identified only as
Nayirah, appeared in Washington before the House of
Representatives' Human Rights Caucus. She testified that Iraqi
soldiers who had invaded Kuwait on August 2nd tore hundreds of
babies from hospital incubators and killed them.

Television flashed her testimony around the world. It electrified
opposition to Iraq's president, Saddam Hussein, who was now
portrayed by U.S. president George Bush not only as the Butcher of
Baghdad but -- so much for old friends -- a tyrant worse than

Bush quoted Nayirah at every opportunity. Six times in one month
he referred to 312 premature babies at Kuwait City's maternity
hospital who died after Iraqi soldiers stole their incubators and left
the infants on the floor,(1) and of babies pulled from incubators
and scattered like firewood across the floor. Bush used Nayirah's
testimony to lambaste Senate Democrats still supporting only
sanctions against Iraq -- the blockade of trade which alone would
cause hundreds of thousands of Iraqis to die of hunger and disease
-- but who waffled on endorsing the policy Bush wanted to
implement: outright bombardment. Republicans and pro-war
Democrats used Nayirah's tale to hammer their fellow politicians into
line behind Bush's war in the Persian Gulf.(2)

Nayirah, though, was no impartial eyewitness, a fact carefully
concealed by her handlers. She was the daughter of one Saud Nasir
Al-Sabah, Kuwait's ambassador to the United States. A few key
Congressional leaders and reporters knew who Nayirah was, but
none of them thought of sharing that minor detail with Congress, let
alone the American people.

Everything Nayirah said, as it turned out, was a lie. There were, in
actuality, only a handful of incubators in all of Kuwait, certainly not
the hundreds she claimed. According to Dr. Mohammed Matar,
director of Kuwait's primary care system, and his wife, Dr. Fayeza
Youssef, who ran the obstetrics unit at the maternity hospital, there
were few if any babies in the incubators at the time of the Iraqi
invasion. Nayirah's charges, they said, were totally false. I think it
was just something for propaganda, Dr. Matar said. In an ABC-TV
News account after the war, John Martin reported that although
patients, including premature babies, did die, this occurred when
many of Kuwait's nurses and doctors stopped working or fled the
country -- a far cry from Bush's original assertion that hundreds of
babies were murdered by Iraqi troops.(3) Subsequent investigations,
including one by Amnesty International, found no evidence for the
incubator claims.

It is likely that Nayirah was not even in Kuwait, let alone at the
hospital, at that time; the Kuwaiti aristocracy and their families had
fled the country weeks before the anticipated invasion. Some
defended their country at the gaming tables in Monte Carlo, where
at least one member of the ruling family was reported to have
gambled away more than $10 million as his fellow rulers called for
economic and military assistance from abroad.

As invasions go, Iraq's invasion of Kuwait was relatively -- I stress
the word relatively -- bloodless. Despite the heart-rending
testimonies TV viewers in the U.S. were subjected to night after
night, fewer than 200 Kuwaitis were killed. Compare that to such
peaceful ventures as the U.S. invasion of Panama the year before,
which killed an estimated 7,500 Panamanians; or, a year after the
Gulf war, the 10,000 Somalis killed by U.S./U.N. troops in what was
portrayed as a peace mission to bring food aid to the allegedly
starving region.(4)

How did Nayirah first come to the attention of the Congressional
Human Rights Caucus, which put her before the world's cameras? It
was arranged by Hill  Knowlton, a public relations firm hired to rally
the U.S. populace behind Bush's policy of going to war. And it

Hill  Knowlton's yellow ribbon campaign to whip up support for
our troops, which followed their orchestration of Nayirah's phony
incubator testimony, was a public relations masterpiece. The claim
that satellite photos revealed that Iraq had troops poised to strike
Saudi Arabia was also fabricated by the PR firm. Hill  Knowlton
was paid between $12 million (as reported two years later on 60
Minutes) and $20 million (as reported on 20/20) for services
rendered. The group fronting the money? Citizens for a Free
Kuwait, a phony human rights agency set up and funded entirely
by Kuwait's emirocracy to promote its interests in the U.S.

When Hill  Knowlton masterminded the Kuwaiti campaign to sell
the Gulf War to the American 

[CTRL] Ass Best us

2002-12-29 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-



White House hushed up asbestos peril affecting millions

By Andrew Schneider, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 12/29/2002

WASHINGTON - Last spring, the Environmental Protection Agency was on the verge
of warning millions of Americans that their attics and walls might contain insulation
that was contaminated with asbestos.

But at the last minute, the White House intervened. The warning has never been

The agency's refusal to share its knowledge of what is believed to be a widespread
health risk has been criticized by a former EPA administrator who served under two
Republican presidents, and physicians and scientists who have treated victims of the

The announcement to warn the public had been expected in April.

It was to have accompanied a declaration by the EPA of a public health emergency
in Libby, Mont. In that town near the Canadian border, ore from a vermiculite mine
was contaminated with a lethal asbestos fiber called tremolite that has killed or
sickened thousands of miners and their families.

Ore from the Libby mine was shipped around the world, and was in insulation called
Zonolite that was used in millions of homes, businesses, and schools.

A public health emergency declaration had never been issued by any agency. It
would have authorized the removal of the insulation from homes in Libby and
provided long-term care for those made sick. Additionally, it would have triggered
notification of property owners elsewhere who might be exposed to the insulation.

Zonolite insulation was sold throughout North America from the 1940s through the
1990s. Almost all of the vermiculite used came from the Libby mine, last owned by
W. R. Grace  Co.

In a meeting in mid-March, EPA Administrator Christie Whitman and Marianne
Horinko, head of the Superfund program, met with Paul Peronard, the EPA
coordinator of the Libby cleanup.

Whitman and Horinko agreed they had to move ahead on a declaration, a participant
in the meeting reported.

By early April, the declaration was ready to go. News releases had been written and
rewritten. Lists of governors to call and politicians to notify had been compiled.
Internal e- mail messages show that discussions had been held on whether Whitman
would go to Libby for the announcement.

It was never made.

Interviews and documents show that days before EPA was set to make the
declaration, the plan was thwarted by the White House Office of Management and
Budget, which had been told of the proposal months earlier.

Both the OMB and the EPA acknowledge that the White House agency was involved,
but neither agency would discuss how or why.

Former EPA administrator William Ruckelshaus, who worked for Presidents Richard
M. Nixon and Ronald Reagan, called the decision not to notify homeowners of the
dangers posed by Zonolite insulation ''the wrong thing to do.''

''When the government comes across this kind of information and doesn't tell people
about it, I just think it's wrong, unconscionable, not to do that,'' he said. ''Your 
obligation is to tell the people ... of the possible danger.''

This story ran on page A14 of the Boston Globe on 12/29/2002.
© Copyright 2002 Globe Newspaper Company.

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Re: [CTRL] Israeli Military Given License to Murder Civilians (Boston Globe)

2002-12-29 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector-

Funny pru - I agree

And I only posted one side in response to flw onesided post -

When he posted an article that was balanced you will note I did not feel
like I had to post something in return.

I keep saying that there are no good guys in this.

on 12/29/02 1:24 PM, Prudy L at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 You know, this would be much more effective if you would also list all the
 Palestinian casualties for the exact same time period.  prudy

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It is not the function of our government to keep the
citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen
to keep the government from falling into error.

 Justice Robert H. Jackson

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Re: [CTRL] Liberating America From Israel

2002-12-29 Thread thew
Title: Re: [CTRL] Liberating America From Israel
-Caveat Lector-

As long as we have troops in the Islamic holy land  Saudi Arabia, 9/11 would have happened Israel or not.

Can someone explain to my, when the Arabs started the 67 war, and lost it, Israel should give the land back  the Arabs were both the aggressors and the losers  why should Israel be punished for that?

Why is Israel the only country ever asked to return land it wins?

on 12/29/02 2:11 PM, William Shannon at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Nine-eleven would not have occurred if the U.S. government had refused to help Israel humiliate and destroy Palestinian society. Few express this conclusion publicly, but many believe it is the truth. I believe the catastrophe could have been prevented if any U.S. president during the past 35 years had had the courage and wisdom to suspend all U.S. aid until Israel withdrew from the Arab land seized in the 1967 Arab-Israeli war.

All the thoughts of a turtle are turtle

Emerson, Journals, 1855



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[CTRL] Even Innermost Secrets

2002-12-29 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.wweek.com/flatfiles/News3485.lasso

Portland's top brass said it was OK to swipe your garbage--so we grabbed theirs.
published: 12/24/2002

Web-only content:
Vera Katz's press release

Stories that have appeared in other media


The Oregonian

It's past midnight. Over the whump of the wipers and the screech of the fan belt, we
lurch through the side streets of Southeast Portland in a battered white van, double-
checking our toolkit: flashlight, binoculars, duct tape, scissors, watch caps, rawhide
gloves, vinyl gloves, latex gloves, trash bags, 30-gallon can, tarpaulins, Sharpie,

Well, yes. Technically, this is a journalistic exercise--at least, that's what we keep
telling ourselves. We're upholding our sacred trust as representatives of the Fourth
Estate. Comforting the afflicted, afflicting the comfortable. Pushing the reportorial
envelope--by liberating the trash of Portland's top brass.

We didn't dream up this idea on our own. We got our inspiration from the Portland

Back in March, the police swiped the trash of fellow officer Gina Hoesly. They didn't
ask permission. They didn't ask for a search warrant. They just grabbed it. Their
sordid haul, which included a bloody tampon, became the basis for drug charges
against her (see Gross Violation, below).

The news left a lot of Portlanders--including us-- scratching our heads. Aren't there
rules about this sort of thing? Aren't citizens protected from unreasonable search and
seizure by the Fourth Amendment?

The Multnomah County District Attorney's Office doesn't think so. Prosecutor Mark
McDonnell says that once you set your garbage out on the curb, it becomes public

She placed her garbage can out in the open, open to public view, in the public right
of way, McDonnell told Judge Jean Kerr Maurer earlier this month. There were no
signs on the garbage, 'Do not open. Do not trespass.' There was every
indication...she had relinquished her privacy, possessory interest.

Police Chief Mark Kroeker echoed this reasoning. Most judges have the opinion that
[once] trash is put out...it's trash, and abandoned in terms of privacy, he told WW.

In fact, it turns out that police officers throughout Oregon have been rummaging
through people's trash for more than three decades. Portland drug cops conduct
garbage pulls once or twice per month, says narcotics Sgt. Eric Schober.

On Dec. 10, Maurer rubbished this practice. Scrutinizing garbage, she declared, is an
invasion of privacy: The police must obtain a search warrant before they swipe
someone's trash.

Personal and business correspondence, photographs, personal financial
information, political mail, items related to health concerns and sexual practices are
all routinely found in garbage receptacles, Maurer wrote. The fact that a person has
put these items out for pick-up, she said, does not suggest an invitation to others to
examine them.

But local law enforcement officials pooh-poohed the judge's decision.

This particular very unique and very by-herself judge took a position not in concert
with the other judges who had given us instruction by their decisions across the
years, said Kroeker.

The District Attorney's Office agreed and vowed to challenge the ruling.

The question of whether your trash is private might seem academic. It's not. Your
garbage can is like a trap door that opens on to your most intimate secrets; what you
toss away is, in many ways, just as revealing as what you keep.

And your garbage can is just one of the many places where your privacy is being
pilfered. In the wake of 9/11, the U.S. government has granted itself far-reaching new
powers to spy on you, from email to bank statements to video cameras (see Big
Brother's in Your Trash Can, below).

After much debate, we resolved to turn the tables on three of our esteemed public
officials. We embarked on an unauthorized sightseeing tour of their garbage, to
make a point about how invasive a garbage pull really is--and to highlight the
government's ongoing erosion of people's privacy.

We chose District Attorney Mike Schrunk because his office is the most vocal
defender of the proposition that your garbage is up for grabs. We chose Police Chief
Mark Kroeker because he runs the bureau. And we chose Mayor Vera Katz because,
as police commissioner, she gives the chief his marching orders.

Each, in his or her own way, has endorsed the notion that you abandon your privacy
when you set your trash out on the curb. So we figured they wouldn't mind too much
if we took a peek at theirs.

Boy, were we wrong.

Perched in his office on the 15th floor of the Justice Center, Chief Kroeker seemed
perfectly comfortable with the idea of trash as public property.

Things inside your house are to be guarded, he told WW. Those that are in the
trash are open for trash men and pickers and--and police. And so it's not a matter of

[CTRL] The Homeland Security Cultural Bureau SLAMS memetic warfare

2002-12-29 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-
Memes: The Homeland Security Cultural Bureau SLAMS memetic warfarePosted by: valis on Dec 29, 2002 - 06:58 AM
from The Homeland Security Cultural BureauWhat is Cultural Sabotage? By Kim HayCultural sabotage strives to be perfectly exemplary but at the same time retain an element of opacity - not propaganda but æsthetic shock - apallingly direct yet also subtly angled - action-as-metaphor. Cultural Sabotage is the dark side of Poetic Terrorism - creation through destruction - but it cannot serve any Part, nor any nihilism, nor even Culture itself. Just as the banishment of illusion enhances awareness, so the demolition of æsthetic blight sweetens the air of the world of discourse, of the Other. Cultural Sabotage serves only consciousness, attentiveness, awakeness. C-S goes beyond paranoia, beyond deconstruction - the ultimate criticism - physical attack on offensive Culture - æsthetic jihad. The slightest taint of petty ego-icity or even of personal taste spoils its purity  vitiates its force. C-S can never seek power - only release it. Individual Culturalworks (even the worst) are largely irrelevant - C-S seeks to damage institutions which use Art to diminish consciousness  profit by delusion. This or that poet or painter cannot be condemned for lack of vision - but malign Ideas can be assaulted through the Artifacts they generate. MUZAK is designed to hypnotize  control - its machinery can be smashed. Public book burnings - why should rednecks  Customs officials monopolize this weapon? Novels about children possessed by demons; the New York Times bestseller list; feminist tracts against pornography; schoolbooks (especially Social Studies, Civics, Health); piles of New York Post, Village Voice  other supermarket papers; choice gleanings of Xtian publishers; a few Harlequin Romances - a festive atmosphere, wine-bottles  joints passed around on a clear autumn afternoon. To throw money away at the Stock Exchange was pretty decent Poetic Terrorism - but to destroy the money would have been good Cultural Sabotage. To seize TV transmission  broadcast a few pirated minutes of incendiary Chaote Art would constitute a feat of PT - but simply to blow up the transmission tower would be perfectly adequate Cultural Sabotage. If certain galleries  museums deserve an occasional brick through their windows - not destruction, but a jolt to complacency - then what about BANKS? Galleries turn beauty into a commodity but banks transmute Imagination into feces and debt. Wouldn't the world gain a degree of beauty with each bank that could be made to tremble... or fall? But how? Cultural Sabotage should probably stay away from politics (it's so boring) - but not from banks. Don't picket - vandalize. Don't protest - deface. When ugliness, poor design  stupid waste are forced upon you, turn Luddite, throw your shoe in the works, retaliate. Smash the symbols of the Empire in the name of nothing but the heart's longing for grace. Note: A meme within a hoax within a meme... 
~~Lockheed-Martin wins $3.5 billion orderhttp://memes.org/modules.php?op=modloadname=Newsfile=articlesid=1513mode=threadorder=0thold=0How we lost our freedomhttp://memes.org/modules.php?op=modloadname=Newsfile=articlesid=1514mode=threadorder=0thold=0Do you Yahoo!?
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[CTRL] Octavia Butler

2002-12-29 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-

Spirit: Is Octavia Butler an author or a prophet? 
Posted by: souljah on Dec 27, 2002 - 11:24 AM

"Multiple award winner Octavia E. Butler's astonishing novels have made her a powerful, acclaimed voice in women's fiction, African-American literature, and modern science fiction. Parable of the Sower is her stunning portrait of an all-too-believable near future, a twenty-first century of horror -- and hope."GOD IS CHANGE Lauren Olamina is an empath, crippled by the pain of others. Cloistered inside a neighborhood enclave in a U.S. where the distance between the haves and the have-nots has widened to a gaping chasm, she lives a protected life. But one night, violence explodes, and the walls of her neighborhood are smashed, annihilating Lauren's family and friends -- all she loves and knows. Now the empath must face the world outside. Leading a tiny band of desperate followers through a thousand miles of Hell, she is a prophet bearing nothing but the promises of new life and a new faith...Earthseed. America, 2025...From the ruins will arise a new prophet, a new path, a new day... Parable of the Sower A 1994 New York Times Recommended Book Praise for Octavia E. Butler: "Butler is among the best of contemporary SF writers, blessed with a mind capable of conceiving complicated futuristic situations that shed considerable light on our current affairs. Her prose is lean and literate, her ideas expansive and elegant."-Houston Post "Butler's literary craftsmanship is superb."-Washington Post Book World "Butler's books are exceptional...Butler is a realist, writing the most detailed social criticism and creating some of the most fascinating female characters in the genre...real women caught in impossible situations."-Village Voice "Butler's spare, vivid prose style invites comparison with the likes of Kate Wilhelm and Ursula Le Guin."-Kirkus Reviews "What 'cyberpunk' author William Gibson does for (white readers), Octavia Butler does for people of color. She gives us a future."-Vibe "A lively futurescape...A literature of survival."-Ms. Parable of the Sower by Octavia E. Butler~Octavia Estelle ButlerMore

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[CTRL] The Seeds of Terrorism

2002-12-29 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-

Terror: The Seeds of TerrorismPosted by: souljah on Dec 27, 2002 - 11:26 AM
Wulf Zendik in 1985: "A Genghis Khan will come riding out of the north night and mow you down—because they have nothing to lose but their emotional and physical pain and their suffering—and maybe their starving."The Seeds of TerrorismExcerpt from the talk We Are All Intimately Related by Wulf Zendik 1985"If there is pain and dissension and hungerin the world and you try to ignore it or just cavalierly, philosophically permit it, it’s going to come and get you. It’s going to come and destroy you. I don’t care how many followers you have, how small or big your empire is, how many canoes or battleships or whatever you have, how many arrows or nuclear weapons, whatever you have, that pain and privation and suffering from your fellow human beings will smash your defenses and get to you.A Genghis Khan will come riding out of the north night and mow you down—because they have nothing to lose but their emotional and physical pain and their suffering—and maybe their starving. Now that sounds like it’s on a very pragmatic political have-and-have-not level. But on any level, like in the Ecolibrium sense, in the Zendikian sense, philosophically, metaphysically, you cannot get away with it.The Infinite Psychic Field, the whole psychic realm, is a great vibrational web of communication. It permeates the Universe and every thought, every feeling, every pain, every lust is recorded there. And it’s felt by everything, by all life, simultaneously.It’s instant. And nobody gets away with anything.We’re all really intimately related, all parents and children, brothers and sisters, not only to each other but to everything. OK, but to keep this simple and comprehensible, I’m just talking about the human animal now.I’m saying you can’t get away with defrauding the human animal with airhead religious philosophies and with international corporate manipulations of food supplies until the people are all just left stupid and starving.You can’t get away with not caring about the other human animal’s destiny. I’m talking about defrauding in any sense. You cannot figure, I’m going to get mine, and * them! If you do, you’re going to be that way in your relationships, with your man, your woman, your children. You have to be a loving, caring person. But to become that, to do that from out of that world of hate, chaos and destruction, that Old Society, that Old disOrder we were all formed by, well, you can only do it philosophically. You can only do it by adopting a loving, caring philosophy—that’s what you throw out to others, your philosophy, it’s part of your aura. It’s the sociologic aspect of your aura, and others Feel it, See it, and respond to its Truth and that, in turn, changes you and your emanations, changes you on every plane. That’s what Arol and I have thrown out to you guys, our philosophy, our Truth, and you’ve responded."Zendik Farm
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[CTRL] The Seeds of Terrorism

2002-12-29 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-

Terror: The Seeds of TerrorismPosted by: souljah on Dec 27, 2002 - 11:26 AM
Wulf Zendik in 1985: "A Genghis Khan will come riding out of the north night and mow you down—because they have nothing to lose but their emotional and physical pain and their suffering—and maybe their starving."The Seeds of TerrorismExcerpt from the talk We Are All Intimately Related by Wulf Zendik 1985"If there is pain and dissension and hungerin the world and you try to ignore it or just cavalierly, philosophically permit it, it’s going to come and get you. It’s going to come and destroy you. I don’t care how many followers you have, how small or big your empire is, how many canoes or battleships or whatever you have, how many arrows or nuclear weapons, whatever you have, that pain and privation and suffering from your fellow human beings will smash your defenses and get to you.A Genghis Khan will come riding out of the north night and mow you down—because they have nothing to lose but their emotional and physical pain and their suffering—and maybe their starving. Now that sounds like it’s on a very pragmatic political have-and-have-not level. But on any level, like in the Ecolibrium sense, in the Zendikian sense, philosophically, metaphysically, you cannot get away with it.The Infinite Psychic Field, the whole psychic realm, is a great vibrational web of communication. It permeates the Universe and every thought, every feeling, every pain, every lust is recorded there. And it’s felt by everything, by all life, simultaneously.It’s instant. And nobody gets away with anything.We’re all really intimately related, all parents and children, brothers and sisters, not only to each other but to everything. OK, but to keep this simple and comprehensible, I’m just talking about the human animal now.I’m saying you can’t get away with defrauding the human animal with airhead religious philosophies and with international corporate manipulations of food supplies until the people are all just left stupid and starving.You can’t get away with not caring about the other human animal’s destiny. I’m talking about defrauding in any sense. You cannot figure, I’m going to get mine, and * them! If you do, you’re going to be that way in your relationships, with your man, your woman, your children. You have to be a loving, caring person. But to become that, to do that from out of that world of hate, chaos and destruction, that Old Society, that Old disOrder we were all formed by, well, you can only do it philosophically. You can only do it by adopting a loving, caring philosophy—that’s what you throw out to others, your philosophy, it’s part of your aura. It’s the sociologic aspect of your aura, and others Feel it, See it, and respond to its Truth and that, in turn, changes you and your emanations, changes you on every plane. That’s what Arol and I have thrown out to you guys, our philosophy, our Truth, and you’ve responded."Zendik Farm
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[CTRL] smell them, target them, kill them. The future way to eliminate

2002-12-29 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-

  http://www.aro.army.mil/research/index.htm The U.S. Army Research Office (ARO) is soliciting proposals to determine
whether genetically-determined odortypes may be used to identify specific
individuals. The proposal also calls for development of the science and
enabling technology to detect and identify specific individuals by such
odortypes. The Odortype Detection Program will leverage research that has
demonstrated that the same set of genes that code for internal immune system
self/non-self recognition in mice -- the Major Histocompatibility Complex
(MHC) -- also code for individual odortype. Total funding for the research
and development effort may be up to $3.2 million in 2003.http://www.biometritech.com/enews/121602c.htm

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Re: [CTRL] Octavia Butler

2002-12-29 Thread thew
Title: Re: [CTRL] Octavia Butler
-Caveat Lector-

Dude  this book is 8 years old!

on 12/29/02 3:30 PM, Jay Lowry at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

-Caveat Lector- 

http://memes.org/modules.php?op=modloadname=Newsfile=articlesid=1495mode=threadorder=0thold=0 http://memes.org/modules.php?op=modloadamp;name=Newsamp;file=articleamp;sid=1495amp;mode=threadamp;order=0amp;thold=0 
Spirit: Is Octavia Butler an author or a prophet? 
Posted by: souljah on Dec 27, 2002 - 11:24 AM 

Multiple award winner Octavia E. Butler's astonishing novels have made her a powerful, acclaimed voice in women's fiction, African-American literature, and modern science fiction. Parable of the Sower is her stunning portrait of an all-too-believable near future, a twenty-first century of horror -- and hope.


Lauren Olamina is an empath, crippled by the pain of others. Cloistered inside a neighborhood enclave in a U.S. where the distance between the haves and the have-nots has widened to a gaping chasm, she lives a protected life. But one night, violence explodes, and the walls of her neighborhood are smashed, annihilating Lauren's family and friends -- all she loves and knows. 

Now the empath must face the world outside. Leading a tiny band of desperate followers through a thousand miles of Hell, she is a prophet bearing nothing but the promises of new life and a new faith...Earthseed. 

America, 2025...From the ruins will arise a new prophet, a new path, a new day... 

Parable of the Sower 

A 1994 New York Times Recommended Book 

Praise for Octavia E. Butler: 

Butler is among the best of contemporary SF writers, blessed with a mind capable of conceiving complicated futuristic situations that shed considerable light on our current affairs. Her prose is lean and literate, her ideas expansive and elegant.
-Houston Post 

Butler's literary craftsmanship is superb.
-Washington Post Book World 

Butler's books are exceptional...Butler is a realist, writing the most detailed social criticism and creating some of the most fascinating female characters in the genre...real women caught in impossible situations.
-Village Voice 

Butler's spare, vivid prose style invites comparison with the likes of Kate Wilhelm and Ursula Le Guin.
-Kirkus Reviews 

What 'cyberpunk' author William Gibson does for (white readers), Octavia Butler does for people of color. She gives us a future.

A lively futurescape...A literature of survival.

Parable of the Sower http://www.twbookmark.com/books/10/0446601977/ by Octavia E. Butler


Octavia Estelle Butler http://aalbc.com/authors/octavia.htm 

More http://www.google.com/search?q=%22octavia+butler%22%2Cprophet%2Cparable%2Ctelepathyamp;hl=enamp;lr=amp;ie=UTF-8amp;oe=UTF-8 

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[CTRL] Fork in the Road: Fascism or Freedom? It's Our Choice - here's how

2002-12-29 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-

The below excerpts are taken from a lengthy but highly excellent and
enlightening interview of David Icke by Al Martin, published in Spectrum
magazine and found on Icke's website.  The first excerpt is found on the
third page of the 6 page internet version of this article and is
followed by part of the concluding remarks.  It is, I feel, the core
information for the whole message, the one we need MOST to hear and heed
if we are to reverse this destructive trend we find ourselves in the
middle of today!

Despite it's length, (and any personal negative feelings you might
harbor towards Icke otherwise, if any) I recommend you read the ENTIRE
article, there is much eye-opening information in it, even for those who
already know what the game is.  There is also a downloadable Word doc
version available in a link from the end of the series.  Links to the
start of the interview and the Word doc are provided below this excerpt.

Let those who have ears, HEAR the message!   We are running out of


From Fork in the Road: Fascism or Freedom?:

We can talk about the three-dimensional level of this conspiracy, and
we should. We need to know about the Bilderberg groups and the secret
societies and all that stuff.

But that is not the problem. That is a symptom of the problem. That is
the physical manifestation of what the state of consciousness is on this

How can I put this in the simplest way? Let me try this:

A lot of researchers who are into the names, dates, places level of the
conspiracy-which, as I say, we need to know about-they look at me, and
I'm a bit of a maverick to them, and a bit strange, and I must be
working for British Intelligence. Otherwise I wouldn't be discrediting
all these names, dates, places stuff, that they come up with, by my
talking about other dimensions and Reptilians and all this stuff.

However, unless we go beyond the five-senses level of this conspiracy
here-which is the names, dates, places, see, touch, taste, smell-we are
never, ever going to bring it to an end. Absolutely impossible.

By trying to bring down the conspiracy, by focusing on five-sense
changes, the five-sense world, it is like me standing in front of a
mirror, not liking my hairstyle. But instead of grabbing a comb and
changing it, so that the reflection reflects a different hairstyle, I go
to the mirror and start trying to change my hair on the mirror. It's
impossible! And what this five-sense world is, is a reflection of
another level of all of us, another level of consciousness of all of us.
It's that level of consciousness-looking at self in the face, in the

This is why, Rick, although they prefer five-sense conspiracy
researchers would not exist, that would be nicer, they're not that
desperately concerned about it, because they know that, if you focus on
changing the five-sense world IN the five-sense world, nothing is going
to bloody change.

So, when people look at me and they say: Oh, you shouldn't be talking
about this Reptilian stuff, and these other dimensions; you're
discrediting my five-sense information on the Kennedy assassination and
all this kind of stuff, I would suggest, humbly, that they are missing
the point here.

A friend of mine, Guylaine Lanctot, who is a former Canadian doctor, who
was struck-off for telling the truth about the Medical Mafia [she is the
author of the daring book The Medical Mafia And What The Hell Are We
Doing Here, Anyway? that has helped to open a lot of eyes to the
business of medicine], she talks about the black sheep and the white
sheep, and then the next level, which is a multi-dimensional

She talks about the white sheep as the vast majority of people who just
follow the one in front, without question, and don't question anything
they're told, basically, and just accept that if they've been told it,
it must be true. Those are the white sheep.

Then you have the black sheep. And they're the ones who rebel against
the system that controls the white sheep. But they're still rebelling
from a five-sense perspective.

And so, the black sheep, they're rebels; they're conspiracy researchers;
they are people who campaign on the environment; they're people who
campaign against third-world debt, and all this stuff; quite right, too.
But, they're still doing it within the five-sense reality. So, they are
black sheep, yes, but they're still sheep, because they still bought the
illusion. They're still looking in a mirror and believing that it's
real, and not just a reflection of something higher and deeper.

So, if you try to change the five-sense world in a five-sense way, then
you might as well just pack it in, and go and do something else, because
you're never going to do it.

We have to realize, I would suggest, that to change the reflection in
the mirror, the five-sense world, we have to change what's being
reflected, and that is our consciousness, our higher consciousness.

What the Illuminati do-and I've gone 

[CTRL] Briton tells of ordeal in Bush's torture jail

2002-12-29 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

Guardian Unlimited
Briton tells of ordeal in Bush's torture jail

Al-Qaeda suspect 'is starved of food and sleep' at army base where two have

Paul Harris and Burhan Wazir
Sunday December 29, 2002
The Observer

The letter contained only hints of what Moazzam Begg's interrogators may
have done to him. He wrote of hunger and being kept awake by bright lights.
'I still don't know what will happen with me,' he lamented to his wife back
home in Birmingham.
Begg, 35, was writing from Bagram military base just outside Kabul. He is
the only British prisoner inside a cluster of metal shipping containers at
the heart of the United States army part of the base, which serves as a
'jail' for al-Qaeda suspects.

Now the camp is at the centre of a furious row over US behaviour in the war
on terror. Evidence is growing that prisoners inside the containers are
being tortured by American soldiers and CIA agents. Begg may have written
of more damaging details of his own treatment, but many of his previous
letters were never delivered.

It appears the US soldiers at Bagram have much to hide. Human rights groups
are calling for an inquiry into the methods used by American interrogators
at Bagram and other bases in Afghanistan.

US officials have admitted that suspects captured in the region are
'softened up' on their way to detention by brutal beatings from US military
police and special forces soldiers. They are confined to tiny rooms,
blindfolded and thrown into walls. They are tied up in painful positions,
subjected to loud noises and deprived of sleep by having lights shone on
them all day and night. Sometimes they are forced to stand for long periods
in black hoods or wearing goggles which have been spray-painted so as to
render them blind.

The aim is to disorientate and confuse the suspects, as they face a barrage
of questions about their activities in Afghanistan and elsewhere. It is
believed that some, who had battle wounds when captured, are denied
painkillers as a further way of coaxing information from them.

'Pain control is a very subjective thing,' one US official said, deadpan,
to the Washington Post last week.

Those who do not crack, or perhaps have nothing to tell, are often handed
over to foreign intelligence services such as those of Morocco or Saudi
Arabia, where less sophisticated and bloodier torture techniques are
regularly employed.

Critics point out that the US forces have picked up innocent men before. In
October three Afghan men were released without charge after they had been
held for a year at the American base at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. They were
given $500 compensation between them.

So far the US has admitted that two men held at Bagram have died in
custody - one from a heart attack and the other from a pulmonary embolism,
or blood clot on the lung. A criminal investigation is now under way, but
no reason has been given of what caused the men's injuries.

In the case of Begg, who grew up in the Moseley area of Birmingham, the
Americans have been equally silent. Foreign Office officials admit that
after 11 months of asking they have still not been able to see him to check
on his health. 'We are still pressing the Americans, but as yet we have not
been allowed access,' said a spokesman.

Begg has not seen a lawyer, a Red Cross official or any member of his
family either since he was arrested in the Pakistani capital of Islamabad
last February.

Just why the Briton was sought by the Americans is also a mystery. But they
wanted him badly. When the US bombing began in November 2001, Begg closed
down the school he had opened in Kabul and moved to Pakistan. It was there
that he was arrested, bundled into a car and smuggled back over the border
into Afghanistan, first to Kandahar and then to Bagram.

The last time his father, Azmat Begg, heard Moazzam's voice was in a call
from a mobile phone as his son lay in the boot of his captors' vehicle.
After a few panicky moments the call suddenly ended.

Despite being a devout Muslim, Moazzam Begg attended a Jewish primary
school in the West Midlands. He studied law at a Birmingham college but
dropped out in 1994 to join a charity delivering aid to Muslims in Bosnia.

His family portray him as a family man who worked as a translator and took
his wife and three young children with him to Afghanistan.

'I am worried like a father who would worry about his son,' said Azmat
Begg, 64. 'He is a lovely and bright boy and obedient. He never tells lies
and always does the right thing. He told me he wanted to start a school in
Afghanistan to improve the literacy rates there.'

Certainly his letter to his wife showed a man anguished about his family.
'The most difficult thing in my life is being away from you and the kids,'
he wrote.

However, security sources point to raids on Begg's British home by
anti-terrorist police. The first was several years ago and the second was
carried out last summer, when a computer, five floppy disks and two 

[CTRL] Afghanistan: Bush, Unocal Get Their Pipeline

2002-12-29 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-


(*Editors Note | Since September 11th, 2001, there has been intense
speculation regarding Bush administration negotiations with the Taliban
regarding this very project prior to the attacks. American petroleum giant
Unocal very much wanted this project for years, but it was stymied in 1998
after bin Laden blew up two American embassies in Africa, causing the Taliban
to be diplomatically isolated. There are a number of reports that describe a
reinvigoration of this pipeline plan after Bush took office, and further
describe the Bush administration's negotiations with the Taliban including
threats of war if the project was not allowed to pass through Afghanistan.
Some say these threats, in the name of the pipeline, triggered the 9/11
attacks. The Taliban is gone, Afghan President Harmid Karzai is a former
Unocal consultant, and the pipeline deal is finally done. - wrp)

Agreement On US 3.2 Billion Gas Pipeline Project Signed

December 28, 2002

Pakistan, Afghanistan and Turkmenistan on Friday signed here a framework
agreement for a US $ 3.2 billion gas pipeline project passing through the
three countries.

The ceremony was held at the Presidential Palace with the three leaders,
Prime Minister Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, President Saparmurat Niyazov of
Turkmenistan and Afghan President Hamid Karzai signing the document.

The framework agreement defines legal mechanism for setting up a consortium
to build and operate the pipeline.

According to a study by Asian Development Bank (ADB), the 1460 km pipeline
would use gas reserves at Dauletabad fields in Turkmenistan, which has
world's fifth largest reserves, while passing through Afghanistan into

The three countries had earlier signed a trilateral agreement to develop a
natural gas and oil pipeline from Turkmenistan through Afghanistan into
Pakistan in May this year, during the first trilateral summit in Islamabad.

The three countries are laying great importance on the project as it could
provide much needed boost to their economies.

(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed
without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the
included information for research and educational purposes.)

© : t r u t h o u t 2002

If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so
long as I'm the dictator.

 -GW Bush during a photo-op with Congressional leaders on
12/18/2000. As broadcast on CNN and available in transcript on
their website http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0012/18/nd.01.html

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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[CTRL] War on Iraq is BECAUSE of Israel

2002-12-29 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

War on Iraq is BECAUSE of Israel
by Remember 1973 
Saturday December 28, 2002 at 12:58 PM

Many do not remember lining up in long gaslines on every other day in 1973, but I do!

I was in college in Boston in 1973. Back then I hardly ever read the newspapers, or watched TV, and was just immersed in classes and partying. But I do remember that sometime in 1973, all of a sudden there was a big gas crisis, and there were long lines to get gas. On top of that, cars with even and odd numbered license plates had to alternate on days on which drivers could get gas. 

Now I understand what was happening in the world, and it is an extension of what is happening today in our world with regards to the"war on terrorism", and though our government thinks of Al Queda and the Taliban when it comes to the world "terrorism", terrorism can most definately applies to what Israel has been doing to the Palestinians since day one of its creation in 1948. 

In 1973, Egypt started a war against Israel to get back the Sinai Peninsula which Israel took in its preemptive war in 1967. The war Egpyt started against Israel was the first time Egypt preempted a war against Israel. Israel, it is well-known and documented, started the both 1948 war and the 1967 war against its neighbors. Indeed, Israel has been at war with its neighbors ever since day one of its immoral creation in 1948 when the UN, completely dominated by European countries at that time, gave away Arab land that really was NOT the UN's land to give away in the first place to Eastern European Zionist Jews for a Jewish supremacist state on predominantly Muslim Arab land. 

In 1973, to show solidarity with Egypt, all the Arab countries raised their rates and lowered their export of oil to the US. Hence, the long lines at the gas pumps. It's all clear to me now. 

Hence the notion that Israel is an asset to the US in securing oil for the US is entirely false! The US never had an enemy in the Arab world UNTIL the creation of Zionist Israel, who has always acted aggressively towards its neighboring Arab Muslim countries, and even Lebanon, which has a large Christian population. Since the US has solidly supported the Zionist Israel with money and weapons used against the indigenous Muslims, the US and Israel has become as one, synomonous with each other... just the way Zionist Jews and Israel has planned it all along. 

If Zionist Jewish supremacist Israel was completely dismantled and transformed into a secular, democracy with equal rights for all regardless of religion, race or sex, the world would be a much more peaceful place, not to mention we would have no problem with getting the oil we need. In other words, our country's support for racist, apartheid Israel is a huge liability to Americans' best interests in a myriad of profoundly important ways: 

1. We have now become targets of extremists' hostility due to our government's enormous support financially and with weapons to Israel which oppresses the Palestinians who are the indigenous people of Palestine-Israel. Therefore this whole trillion dollar war effort our government is embarking on is a DIRECT extension of our government's FUNDING Israel's unjust war against the Palestinians and encroaching on its neighbors' land such as Syria and Lebanon!!! 

2. We waste billions and billions of our US tax dollars supporting the resource-poor, racist, apartheid, country of Israel both to simply "bolster" their lousy economy, and primarily their unjust war against the Palestinians, giving them money (loans that are "forgiven") and the most sophisticated weapons in the world for Israel to continue on its campaign of ethnic cleansing against the essentially defenseless Palestinian people when WE AMERICANS desparately need the money HERE for education, health, environmental and social programs HERE in the US! Did you see the headlines in the Chronicle yesterday About how parents are now having BAKE SALES to help pay for basics like teachers' salaries??? And at this very moment the Israeli government is NOW asking for an additional $14 BILLION on top of the $4 to 6 BILLION we have already given them this year 

3. Need I say anymore??? But I will! Now we cannot travel without trepidation anywhere in the world and especially perhaps to Muslim countries, as Zionists and their greedy dupes the Christian Right have campaigned hard to mobilize animosity against Muslims! Even European countries resent our support of Israel and our big bully arrogant ways! The US is the usually the ONLY country that supports Israel in UN Resolutions by vetoing the resolutions or abstaining from voting when every single other country in the entire world condemns Israel's aggression against the Palestinian people! Israel has defied over 80 UN Resolutions, more than ANY OTHER country!!! Israel's relationship with the UN is at an all-time low because of this and the fact that the 

[CTRL] Warship to Be Built From WTC Steel

2002-12-29 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

Spiral of violence expanding.. More machines of
slaughter to honor the victims. How many more
will die before it stops? How many innocent lives
will this one more unnecessary warship destroy?


Ship to Be Built From Trade Center Steel
By JOEL STASHENKO, Associated Press Writer
December 28, 2002, 2:48 PM EST

ALBANY, N.Y. -- Steel salvaged from the wreckage of the World Trade Center
was headed to a Mississippi shipyard Saturday for use in the USS New York,
a warship named in honor of those who perished in the Sept. 11 terrorist

It was the Navy's idea to incorporate the steel into the vessel, said
Capt. Kevin Wensing, a Navy public affairs officer in Washington.

He said the steel was removed Friday from the New York landfill that holds
much of the debris from the twin towers and was being shipped to the
Northrop Grumman shipyard at Pascagoula, Miss., where construction of the
warship is to begin next year.

The USS New York will be the fifth of 12 amphibious assault ships in the
San Antonio class, which the Navy calls one of its most technologically
innovative. The 684-foot vessel will carry a crew of 402 plus as many as
800 Marines.

If the trade center scrap meets specifications, it will be melted down and
used to configure the leading edge of the ship's bow, said Northrop
Grumman spokesman Jim McIngdale.

The $800 million vessel should be ready for active duty in 2007.

We're very proud that the twisted steel from the WTC towers will soon be
used to forge an even stronger national defense, New York Gov. George
Pataki said.

Currently, only submarines are given state names, but state officials
lobbied Navy Secretary Gordon England to make an exception.

The structural steel, primarily from a section of beam about 20 feet long
and weighing 20 to 30 tons, was part of the wreckage taken across New York
Harbor to the Fresh Kills landfill on Staten Island after the Sept. 11
attack. It is believed to have been part of the south tower, the second of
the twin skyscrapers hit by airliners hijacked by terrorists but the first
to collapse.

Nearly 2,800 people died in the attack on the World Trade Center.

Most of the structural steel from the towers has already been sold for

Other Navy ships have been named USS New York or USS New York City. The
most recent USS New York was a battleship, commissioned in 1914, that
fought in both the Atlantic and Pacific during World War II.


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Re: [CTRL] Liberating America From Israel

2002-12-29 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/29/2002 3:15:54 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Why is Israel the only country ever asked to return land it

Many other countries have returned land they won.  Some have even created new 
countries with the land they won but did not keep--Britain which took Kuwait from Iraq 
and then gave it independence with an appointed leadership.  The United States took 
Okinawa during WWII, and even though Okinawa should have been given independence, gave 
it back to Japan which had conquered it previously.  Israel could be magnanimous and 
give land to the Palestinians without breaking a planetary precedent, but I can assure 
you that Israel will never do that.  I think the word rapacious describes Israel 
rather well.  Prudy

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Microsoft and the Controlling Unknown

2002-12-29 Thread Shemuwel Antoine Moser
-Caveat Lector-

The Atari Computer was the first computer for the public that
incorporated the feature called Random by inserting an ever randomly
fluxing crystal within the electronics. Through programming a Random
value of any range could be assigned to a variable. Therefore a
subroutine could be called up by the chance of the RANDOM factor. This
is just like rolling dice. Bill Gates III = 666 has inserted a feature
into Microsoft Windows called The Controlling Unknown. Everything done
in MS Windows is being subjected to the influence of the Random factor.
This influence is DEMONS. All MS Windows software is like this. Support
OPEN SOURCE programming so you will know what is happening inside your
software. DEMONS are the RADOM factor which of course some people
believe are ALIENS. TRUTH

Support OPEN SOURCE programming.

Bill Gates III is the Black Widow in Alice Cooper's Song called The
Black Widow on the album called Welcome to my Nightmare. Let's all
force Microsoft to make his code open source! SUPPORT all OPEN SOURCE

JEHOVAH God = YHWH = YAHWEH through His Son JESUS Christ by means of the
Holy Spirit revealed these things to me.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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2002-12-29 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

by Jim Rarey

December 29, 2002


A cruel sham is being perpetrated 
on the American public and especially on the families of the victims of the 
September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center towers and the 
Pentagon. One of the expectations of the public is that the Commission 
established to investigate the attacks will find out what the government (in 
particular intelligence agencies) knew prior to the attacks. However, both the 
restrictions on the Commission and the composition of its members are designed 
to prevent just that.

The Commission was established by 
the 2003 Intelligence Authorization Act (H.R. 4628) to (1) conduct an 
investigation, (2) identify, review and evaluate lessons learned, and (3) issue 
a report to the President and Congress containing findings, conclusions and 

While the first part of Section 
604 of the Act defining the Commission’s functions appears to give it a broad 
mandate of areas for investigation (including intelligence agencies), a 
following provision limits its inquiry into the “intelligence community” to 
areas not covered by the “Joint Inquiry” of Congressional Intelligence 
Committees unless there is new information not reviewed by the congressional 

Commission members and staff will 
be required to have “appropriate” security clearances before they are given 
access to classified information. This probably means that any final report to 
the public will be “sanitized” of classified information, as is the report of 
the congressional “Joint Inquiry.” In other words, any meaningful information 
the Commission might find (despite the restrictions on it) will not be made 
public. Committee staff members are considered government employees and are 
subject to severe penalties for leaking classified information. 

Some public hearings may be held 
but obviously will not deal with classified information. Each agency furnishing 
information to the Commission establishes its own classifications. The 
Commission can issue subpoenas for information or compelling testimony but only 
if at least six of the ten members approve or both the chairman and vice 
chairman approve.

If a subpoena is ignored, a U.S. 
District Court can issue an order to comply and if still ignored, cite the 
person or persons for contempt. Alternatively, by majority vote the commission 
can issue a non-binding request to a U.S. Attorney to bring the matter before a 
grand jury. U.S. Attorneys report to the Attorney General, or a subordinate, in 
the Department of Justice.

The Commission is required to 
issue its final report eighteen months after the authorizing legislation went 
into effect.

If the limited scope of the 
commission is not enough, the membership of the commission virtually guarantees 
that nothing meaningful will emerge. In this writer’s opinion there are three 
general categories of persons who should have been excluded from the commission. 
The first is anyone who is a member of an organization that advocates abdicating 
U.S. sovereignty in favor of governance by a regional or world body. The premier 
organization pushing that concept for the last eight decades is the Council on 
Foreign Relations (CFR). Members of the CFR hold a significant number of 
high-level government positions.

A second category would be anyone 
who has had involvement with the “intelligence community.” This would include 
members of congress who have been on intelligence committees as well as some 
private sector members of advisory boards. The rationale is that those persons 
likely have either been co-opted or have become inured to accepting assertions 
of intelligence agencies at face value.

The third criterion, which would 
mostly apply to government officials and members of congress, is anyone who 
participated in a cover-up of illegal activity related to organizations or 
groups involved in terrorism or the related activities of drug distribution and 
money laundering.

Thomas Kean
Then let’s begin with the 
chairman of the commission Thomas Kean, former New Jersey Governor and President 
of Drew University. When Kean was appointed to replace severely conflicted Henry 
Kissinger, he asserted his only constituency was the students at Drew. 

Well, it turns out that is not 
exactly true. Kean sits on the Board of Directors of Amerada Hess, one of the 
world’s leading independent oil and gas companies. The company is coupled with 
Delta Oil, a Saudi Arabia company in a joint venture called Delta-Hess. 
Delta-Hess in turn is a partner in Azerbaijan with a consortium developing 
Caspian Sea oil resources. 

Delta Oil is owned by the two 
Saudi families of Khalid bin Mahfouz and Mohammed Hussein al Amoudi. Both are 
alleged to be major financial backers of Osama bin Laden and have been named in 
a lawsuit by families and survivors of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. 

Re: [CTRL] Liberating America From Israel

2002-12-29 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector-


You find what it did with Kuwait noble, but you find what the British did
with Palestine horrific.

At any rate I think you are wrong - Pretty much everyone knows that there
will be a Palestinian state, now its about  a) what form it will have, b)
who will be in control, and what that means to the region, and c) how much
profit can be squeezed out of current situation by all parties in question -
so it's pretty much politics as usual - Same as anywhere

on 12/29/02 7:17 PM, Prudy L at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Many other countries have returned land they won.  Some have even created new
 countries with the land they won but did not keep--Britain which took Kuwait
 from Iraq and then gave it independence with an appointed leadership.  The
 United States took Okinawa during WWII, and even though Okinawa should have
 been given independence, gave it back to Japan which had conquered it
 previously.  Israel could be magnanimous and give land to the Palestinians
 without breaking a planetary precedent, but I can assure you that Israel will
 never do that.  I think the word rapacious describes Israel rather well.


To be nobody but yourself, in a world which is doing its best, night and
day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle that any
human being can fight--and never stop fighting.

-  e.e. cummings

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Blood Clot

2002-12-29 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

World Socialist Web Site www.wsws.org

WSWS : News  Analysis : Europe : Britain

Britain buys US plasma company due to continued vCJD threat

By Barry Mason
30 December 2002

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The extraordinary measures taken by the British government to obtain supplies of
blood plasma underscores the continued threat of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
(vCJD), the brain wasting disease resulting from eating meat from cattle infected with
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE or Mad Cow Disease).

On December 17 the British Department of Health purchased an American blood
plasma supply company called Life Resources for around £50 million. The British
government is also expected to pay out a further £21 million over the next four years
depending on the company’s performance. Britain has relied on overseas plasma
since 1998, when a ban was introduced on the production of plasma from blood
collected in Britain because of a fear that donors may have vCJD.

US blood collection companies are being bought up by private suppliers, so the
British government made this purchase to guarantee security of future supplies. Life
Resources consists of 27 affiliated companies that collect blood from 24 centres in
America. The United States is the only country able to supply plasma in the
quantities needed by Britain’s National Health Service. There have been no reported
cases of vCJD there.

Life Resources will supply nearly half of Britain’s blood plasma needs. Plasma is
used in the treatment of tens of thousands of patients to make blood clotting agents,
albumin, immunoglobulin and Factor 8. Albumin is used in the treatment for burns,
shock and major trauma. Intravenous immunoglobulin is given to patients with
immune disorders and Factor 8 is used to treat haemophiliacs.

The government’s willingness to spend such a sum of money contradicts official
attempts to play down the threat from vCJD, which remains incurable and affects
mainly young people. A report by the National vCJD Surveillance Unit in Edinburgh,
published in July this year, said it expected numbers of cases will be “very small”
although it admitted that estimated cases of vCJD would increase by around 20
percent each year. The very long incubation period for the disease means that its
eventual impact is difficult to assess. The unit gives the probable number of people
to have died from vCJD to be 119, with 10 people diagnosed and still alive.

A recent survey based on examination of tonsils and appendices removed from
patients between 1995 and 1999 predicts that about 7,000 people “could be at high
risk” of developing vCJD. This figure is considerably lower than previous estimates of
a worst-case scenario of between 50,000 and 100,000 people developing the
disease by 2080. Experts suggested that there was a wide margin of error involved in
the survey and recommended larger scale studies. No blood test for the disease has
yet been developed so that only examination of organs for the presence of prions
—the mutated protein that causes the disease—can be used to detect vCJD.

Fears that vCJD could be transmitted through blood were heightened by a report of
tests on animals carried out at the UK’s Institute of Animal Health earlier this year.
They showed that one in six animals given blood from infected sheep appeared to
develop the illness. Previous experiments have only showed transmission to animals
fed with infected brain.

In a separate development, two families this month won a High Court hearing for an
unproven drug to be given to their teenage children who are infected with vCJD. The
court decision gives the go ahead for 18-year-old Jonathan Simms from Belfast and
a 15-year-old girl to be given the drug pentosan polysulphate. Due to the drug’s large
sized molecules it cannot be administered via the bloodstream but must be injected
directly into the brain.

Jonathan’s father, Don Simms, has carried out a desperate search for treatment for
his son since learning of the diagnosis. He learnt about the drug pentosan
polysulphate by searching on the Internet. The families local hospital refused to try 
on his son, so Don Simms hired an air ambulance to take Jonathon to Germany
where he had found a hospital willing to carry out the treatment. Just as they were
preparing to make the journey, the German hospital pulled out. Don Simms then
made appeals to the British government to allocate a hospital for the treatment, but
was turned down. Only after taking the issue to the High Court was he able to gain
permission for the treatment to go ahead.

Pentosan polysulphate was originally developed as a drug to treat bowel and bladder
inflammation. Dr Stephen Dealler has promoted its use in the treatment of vCJD over
several years, although he has no connection with these cases. Dealler is a medical
microbiologist at Lancaster Royal Infirmary. Along with Professor Richard Lacey he

[CTRL] A washingtonpost.com article from: alamaine@uffdaonline.net

2002-12-29 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

You have been sent this message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] as a courtesy of the 
Washington Post - http://www.washingtonpost.com

 To view the entire article, go to 

 U.S. Had Key Role in Iraq Buildup

 By Michael Dobbs
 High on the Bush administration's list of justifications for war against Iraq are 
President Saddam Hussein's use of chemical weapons, nuclear and biological programs, 
and his contacts with international terrorists. What U.S. officials rarely acknowledge 
is that these offenses date back to a period when Hussein was seen in Washington as a 
valued ally.

 Among the people instrumental in tilting U.S. policy toward Baghdad during the 
1980-88 Iran-Iraq war was Donald H. Rumsfeld, now defense secretary, whose December 
1983 meeting with Hussein as a special presidential envoy paved the way for 
normalization of U.S.-Iraqi relations. Declassified documents show that Rumsfeld 
traveled to Baghdad at a time when Iraq was using chemical weapons on an almost 
daily basis in defiance of international conventions.

 The story of America's involvement with Saddam Hussein in the years before his 1990 
attack on Kuwait -- which included large-scale intelligence sharing, supply of cluster 
bombs through a Chilean front company, and facilitating Iraq's acquisition of chemical 
and biological precursors -- is a topical example of the underside of U.S. foreign 
policy. It is a world in which deals can be struck with dictators, human rights 
violations sometimes overlooked, and accommodations made with arms proliferators, all 
on the principle that the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

  Throughout the 1980s, Hussein's Iraq was the sworn enemy of Iran, then still in the 
throes of an Islamic revolution. U.S. officials saw Baghdad as a bulwark against 
militant Shiite extremism and the fall of pro-American states such as Kuwait, Saudi 
Arabia, and even Jordan -- a Middle East version of the Communist domino theory. 
That was enough to turn Hussein into a strategic partner and for U.S. diplomats in 
Baghdad to routinely refer to Iraqi forces as the good guys, in contrast to the 
Iranians, who were depicted as the bad guys.

  A review of thousands of declassified government documents and interviews with 
former policymakers shows that U.S. intelligence and logistical support played a 
crucial role in shoring up Iraqi defenses against the human wave attacks by suicidal 
Iranian troops. The administrations of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush authorized 
the sale to Iraq of numerous items that had both military and civilian applications, 
including poisonous chemicals and deadly biological viruses, such as anthrax and 
bubonic plague.

  Opinions differ among Middle East experts and former government officials about the 
pre-Iraqi tilt, and whether Washington could have done more to stop the flow to 
Baghdad of technology for building weapons of mass destruction.

  It was a horrible mistake then, but we have got it right now, says Kenneth M. 
Pollack, a former CIA military analyst and author of The Threatening Storm, which 
makes the case for war with Iraq. My fellow [CIA] analysts and I were warning at the 
time that Hussein was a very nasty character. We were constantly fighting the State 

  Fundamentally, the policy was justified, argues David Newton, a former U.S. 
ambassador to Baghdad, who runs an anti-Hussein radio station in Prague. We were 
concerned that Iraq should not lose the war with Iran, because that would have 
threatened Saudi Arabia and the Gulf. Our long-term hope was that Hussein's government 
would become less repressive and more responsible.

  What makes present-day Hussein different from the Hussein of the 1980s, say Middle 
East experts, is the mellowing of the Iranian revolution and the August 1990 invasion 
of Kuwait that transformed the Iraqi dictator, almost overnight, from awkward ally 
into mortal enemy. In addition, the United States itself has changed. As a result of 
the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, U.S. policymakers 
take a much more alarmist view of the threat posed by the proliferation of weapons of 
mass destruction.
 U.S. Shifts in Iran-Iraq War
  When the Iran-Iraq war began in September 1980, with an Iraqi attack across the 
Shatt al Arab waterway that leads to the Persian Gulf, the United States was a 
bystander. The United States did not have diplomatic relations with either Baghdad or 
Tehran. U.S. officials had almost as little sympathy for Hussein's dictatorial brand 
of Arab nationalism as for the Islamic fundamentalism espoused by Iran's Ayatollah 
Ruhollah Khomeini. As long as the two countries fought their way to a stalemate, 
nobody in Washington was disposed to intervene.

  By the summer of 1982, however, the strategic picture had changed dramatically. 
After its initial gains, Iraq was on the defensive, and Iranian troops had 

[CTRL] Thames' Terror

2002-12-29 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-


Date: 29 Dec 2002
Headline: UK may cordon off cities after terror attacks

 LONDON, Dec 29 (Reuters) - Britain may impose emergency
cordons around London and other major cities to stop people
fleeing after a biological terror attack, The Sunday Times

 The cordons would be enforced by the military and police to
prevent people spreading infection to other parts of the

 Existing legislation is not flexible enough to deal with
the threats we are facing, a government spokeswoman told
Reuters on Sunday.

 On the setting up of health cordons, the law may need to be
tightened in this area, she said.

 A new civil contingencies bill would allow police and
military to quarantine or evacuate people by force, The Sunday
Times said.

 Professor Michael Langman, of the joint vaccinations and
immunisation committee which advises on how to deal with
biological warfare threats, said there was concern that people
in cities would try to leave after an anthrax or smallpox
attack, potentially spreading infection.

 There will certainly be some panic with people jumping into
their cars with their families to try to flee the city and avoid
contamination, but they would be stopped, he told The Sunday

- - - - - - - -(c) 1998-2001 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved.
 Republication or redistribution of Reuters content, including by framing or similar 
 is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Reuters.
 Reuters shall not be liable for any errors or delays in the content,
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] 'Nadav's' Putsch

2002-12-29 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

From URL @ bottom


'Nadav's' Putsch
How to Manipulate an Election
by Uri Avnery
December 30, 2002

The coming elections will be decided – and perhaps have already been decided – by
an anonymous person, whose nom-de-guerre is Nadav.

Nadav calls himself an expert in the service of the General Security Service
(known by its Hebrew acronym Shabak or Shin-Bet). According to him, his official
title is chief of the research department in the field of Israeli Arabs.

If Nadav were the commander of an armored brigade and instigated a military
coup-d'etat, like a South-American general of old, the results of his action would not
be much different. Of course, his bosses did not send their tanks to the Knesset,
neither did they arrest leftist leaders and drop them from helicopters into the sea. Of
course not. They are much more humane. They only use paper.

Nadav's paper is an expert opinion submitted to the Central Election Committee
by the Attorney General. In it, the man in quotation marks – the quotation marks
appear in the document itself – states that the Balad party aims to destroy the State
of Israel, to aid and abet the enemies of the state, to incite the Arab citizens to
rebellion, and more of the same.

On the basis of this expert opinion, the committee intends to disqualify Balad and its
leader, Azmi Bishara, together with some other Arab MKs, from taking part in the

The Election Committee is composed of the representatives of the parties in the
outgoing Knesset, on a proportional basis. Therefore, the representatives of the
right-wing parties, including the Shinui party, have a majority. They are united in 
hatred of Arabs, and they also have a common interest in their expulsion from the
Knesset. They will follow the orders of the security establishment, as the Knesset
majority has always done. In the past, this was done discreetly, but lately it is
happening quite openly. Nadav's bosses can count on them.

When a senior officer speaks, the Knesset stands at attention. In most cases, this
applies also to the Supreme Court judges, one of whom is the chairman of the
Election Committee.

The intervention of the Security Service in the election campaign is much more than
a cosmetic defect. It is also much more than an act against the Arab citizens. It
concerns every person in Israel, and most of all the Jewish public. Because this is a
putsch that changes the very fabric of the state.

In order to understand why this is so, one has to analyze the Israeli electorate. It is
composed of five large blocs, as follows:

1. The middle-class Ashkenzi (European-Jewish) sector, which votes mostly for
Labor and Meretz.

2. The Oriental-Jewish (also called Sephardi) sector, which votes mostly for the
Likud party.

3. The religious and orthodox sector, which votes mostly for the two orthodox parties
(Agudat-Israel and Shas) and the Mafdal (National Religious) party.

4. The sector of the new immigrants from the former Soviet Union, who vote mostly
for the two Russian parties (led by Natan Sharansky and Avigdor Liberman).

5. The Arab sector, which votes mostly for the three or four Arab parties.

Sectors 2-3-4 constitute the right-wing camp. Sectors 1 and 5 constitute the Left. The
two camps are almost equal in size, and elections are generally decided by the
floating votes that swim with the current.

(In the forthcoming elections, the picture is blurred by the unexpected growth of a
comparatively new party, Shinui [Change], which is almost entirely composed of well-
to-do Ashkenazis, united mainly in their fervent hatred of the religious people.
Seemingly, this party has no clear stand on the crucial problems of war and peace.
But its unquestioned leader, Tommy Lapid, a journalist and television personality, is
basically a rabid chauvinist. He has already declared that under no circumstances
will he join a coalition that includes Arabs.)

One glance at this political map shows that without the Arab votes, no left-wing
coalition has any chance of forming a government – not today, nor in the foreseeable
future. Worse, without the Arab votes there can be no preventive bloc, such as
those which have played a crucial role in the last ten years. In order to prevent the
setting up of a right-wing coalition, such a bloc needs 60 seats in the 120-seat
Knesset. This means that without the Arabs, the Left cannot even dictate terms for
its participation in a coalition dominated by the Right. It could join such a coalition
only with raised hands, like prisoners of war.

Against this background, the full implications of the putsch of Nadav and his bosses
can be grasped. If the Balad party or its chief is disqualified, all or most of the 
citizens will boycott the elections. The Arab sector, constituting almost 20% of the
Israeli population, will disappear from the political map. Without it, there is no 
for the Left ever to return to power, or even 

[CTRL] The secret of Churchill’s gold

2002-12-29 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


 The secret of Churchill’s gold
He may have been the greatest ever Briton, but his financial dealings would never
have survived the scrutiny of today’s sleaze-obsessed media, says Andrew Roberts

Never in the course of parliamentary history has the personal honour of MPs been
more widely doubted and discounted than it is today. Last week the Speaker of the
House of Commons announced that, from 2004, not just the Register of Members’
Interests but even their expenses claims will be made available to public scrutiny.
Will it ultimately work in the public’s favour to subject our politicians to ever more
rigorous audits of their financial affairs?

It is not just MPs who are being investigated — always with the automatic
assumption of guilt until innocence is proven — by ever-nosier public bodies. Our
very parish councillors, whose work is largely unremunerated, have been asked to
declare any ‘interests’, and to register gifts of more than £25 in value. The new rules
insisting that peers also announce publicly all their business interests and activities
have led Lord Cranborne, for one, to give up active participation in the House of

Are we really happy to go down the American route, by which the Bush
administration was forced to forgo employing so experienced a public servant as
Henry Kissinger in its 11 September inquiry because of an insistence on the public
disclosure of all his business activities and clients? And where are the MPs of the
intellectual calibre of Enoch Powell, who resolutely refused to fill in his Register of
Members’ Interests, and who successfully dared Parliament to penalise him for it?

It seems that all sense of proportion has deserted our public authorities — primarily
the Commons Fees Office and the Committee of Standards and Privileges — when it
comes to demanding disclosures supposedly for suppressing ‘sleaze’. I suspect that
financial sleaze in politics committed by individual MPs, as opposed to the
generalised kind committed by government, such as in the Ecclestone affair, is so
rare as not to justify the present massive over-reaction that is putting off talented,
public-spirited people from engaging in political life. It is bad enough that Robin
Cook’s reforms of the Commons timetable will deter businessmen and others who
have outside experience; now the Fees Office seems poised to make matters worse.
Since the victims of these ritual smellings-out are overwhelmingly Tories, it is hard 
believe that this is not deliberate.

Yet historically there has been — at least until the Major ministry of 1990–97 —
comparatively little financial sleaze in British public life. Bob Boothby had to resign
from the Ministry of Food in January 1941 over the Czech assets affair; Reginald
Maudling went in July 1972 over pay-offs from John Poulson; Lord Brayley and John
Stonehouse were involved in financial scandals. Following Michael Mates’s
resignation over his connection with Asil Nadir in September 1992 there was a spate
of scandals, but none of these would have come to light more quickly as a result of
public knowledge of MPs’ expenses claims.

Insisting on knowing what Charles Kennedy does with his fee for appearing on Have
I Got News For You (he announced that he would give it to charity; whether out of
genuine altruism or from a craven desire to suck up to the media, I leave it to you to
decide) does not advance the democratic process an inch. Yet if good people are put
off entering Parliament because of the way that chippy media inquisitors insist on
knowing the age of the malt whisky that was given by the Licensed Victuallers’
Association to an MP who addressed their annual dinner — then British public life will
have suffered a serious blow. For centuries it was expected that an MP should
‘declare an interest’ if he had a financial one, at some stage towards the beginning of
his speech. It is still the best system for maintaining trust in the integrity of our

When Michael Trend, Conservative MP for Windsor, got into trouble last week over
his expenses, no one thought him corrupt. Instead they saw how mired he had
become in a system that he failed to comprehend: one that virtually forces everyone
to leap through its hoops. In fact, the real sadness is not that Trend and other 
Labour) MPs have been caught out. It is that these various sources of state funding
exist at all. This system assumes that anyone receiving money from any source
other than the taxpayer is somehow suspect. It derives from the sociological
assumption that merely to receive an income, from whatever source, renders one a
spokesman for that particular interest. Renaissance men, capable of speaking
honestly in a disinterested way about issues, are unknown to this theory, as a glance
at the Marxist assumptions of too many university history departments will illustrate.

[CTRL] For your attention

2002-12-29 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited site and thought you should see it.

Note from Euphorian:

Democracy in action ...

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited site, go to 

Knesset moves to bar Arab members
Israel's impending general election is colouring committee hearings on the expulsion 
and barring of three 'hostile' parliamentarians
Chris McGreal in Jerusalem
Sunday December 29 2002
The Observer

The knesset has begun proceedings to bar three Arab members and their parties from 
next month's general election because of their support for the Palestinian resistance 
to Israeli occupation.

The hearings by a knesset committee are expected to result in the expulsion of 
Israel's leading Arab politician, Azmi Bishara, and two colleagues. Their parties are 
likely to be banned, stripping Israel's one million Arabs of their principal voices in 

Mr Bishara has already been stripped of his parliamentary immunity and put on trial 
for alleged crimes against the state. If he is now banned from the knesset, he and his 
colleagues will be the first Arab members to be expelled. The knesset has previously 
banned extreme rightwing Jewish parties and politicians.

The Labour opposition says that expulsion could create turmoil and an uprising by 
Israeli Arabs who believe they are being denied democratic rights.

The ostensible reason for barring Mr Bishara and his National Democratic Assembly is 
his attendance at the funeral of President Hafez Assad of Syria in June 2000, when he 
made a speech in which he implicitly endorsed the Hizbullah military campaign that 
drove Israel out of southern Lebanon two years ago.

He also accused the Israeli government of resorting to war against Palestinians, and 
said they were left with little choice but to escalate the struggle against occupation.

He called on Arab countries to unite behind the resistance.

There is no possibility of continuing with the... way of resistance other than by 
means of the renewed expansion of this sphere, so that people will be able to struggle 
and carry out resistance, he said.

The Israeli attorney general, Elyakim Rubenstein, told the knesset that Mr Bishara's 
support for resistance endorsed suicide bombings, and his call for Arab backing was 
an invitation to destroy the state.

Mr Bishara says resistance to occupation is a recognised right under international law 
and that it can take many forms.

I never called for armed struggle. I have always opposed the suicide bombs in writing 
and in speaking, and the targeting of civilians in general, he said.

What I did do is show understanding of the option of resistance to occupation, which 
referred to strikes, demonstrations, mass rallies, even studies.

And I said that a united Arab stand and international activity will prevent war and 
prevent a political dictate.

But the real issue is wider than his comments at the funeral.

The knesset hearings are being held in the politically charged atmosphere of a general 
election and after two years of intifada which has created new depths of distrust of 
Israeli Arabs.

Some rightwing politicians portray them as a fifth column.

That suspicion has been reinforced by Mr Bishara's questioning of whether Israel can 
be both a Jewish and a democratic state, and his demands for better treatment of the 
one in five of its citizens who suffer discrimination because they are Arabs.

He also believes that an independent Palestinian state should be established alongside 

Under a new law introduced in May, the knesset can disqualify a candidate or party for 
denying Israel's existence as a Jewish or democratic state or for support of armed 
struggle, terrorism or an enemy of Israel.

Mr Rubenstein has chosen to interpret Mr Bishara's desire for an overhaul of Israeli 
democracy as a threat to the existence of the state and therefore in breach of the law.

In these circumstances, Mr Bishara is not hopeful of a fair hearing before the knesset 

In the atmosphere of the elections in Israel, and the chauvinist atmosphere, people 
are competing to be anti-Arab and I think it's going to be very very hard to get a 
rational decision, he said.

That view is confirmed by a far-right politician, Michael Kleiner, who is among those 
pressing for Mr Bishara's expulsion.

In any normal country, they would put him before a firing squad, he said.

It's inconceivable that an Israeli knesset member would encourage Arab states to 
launch a full-scale war against Israel.

Mr Bishara is already being prosecuted under the anti-terrorism laws and for illegally 
arranging visits to reunite elderly Palestinians with their refugee relatives in Syria.

But the trial has stalled and so the attorney general is looking to the knesset to act.

#183; The Israeli prime minister, Ariel Sharon, has ordered an increase in targeted 
assassinations and arrests 

[CTRL] Increased suicides

2002-12-29 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Dec. 28, 2002, 7:49PM
Increased suicides worry Marines

Hearst News Service

WASHINGTON -- Marine Corps officials are concerned about a recent rash of
suicides in their ranks.

The Marines currently have the highest suicide rate among the four branches of the
armed forces, although the service has significantly reduced the rate of self-inflicted
deaths through prevention programs over the last decade.

Marine Corps Commandant Gen. James Jones sent a message to all Marines Nov.
26 urging them to renew their efforts at suicide prevention.

Recent reports of suicide in the Marine Corps highlight a disturbing trend that needs
our immediate attention and renewed commitment, Jones said. We must focus our
attention on ensuring every possible measure is taken to battle this tragic and
senseless loss of life.

As of Dec. 1, seven Marines had killed themselves in the fiscal year that began Oct.
1 -- three in October and four in November.

If the current trend continues for the rest of the 2003 fiscal year, Jones warned, 
will effectively double the suicide rate compared with last year. The current trend
would point to a total of approximately 42 suicides this fiscal year; by comparison, 
Marines have averaged 24 suicides annually for the last four years.

The seven suicides in two months amounted to a sharp uptick compared with prior
months. One Marine died in an apparent suicide in September, while two died in
suicides in August, according to monthly data compiled by Jones' office. There were
no Marine suicides in July, three in June, two in May, none in April, three in March,
one in February and one in January.

Navy Cmdr. Thomas Gaskin, staff psychologist in the Marine Corps Personnel and
Family Readiness division, said Jones was concerned with the trend as we head
into the holiday season, which is considered by many to be a stressful time of year.

The Christmas and New Year's period and the weeks following can be fraught with
isolation and emotional distress for both civilians and service personnel alike. In an
advisory sent to Marine commanders last year, service mental health officials warned
that the post- holiday period especially can be most tumultuous for people
contemplating suicide. January can bring serious financial burden and feelings of
isolation and therefore requires our closest attention, the memo warned.

Gaskin said there was no special cause for the recent increase in suicides and that
the additional deployments and transfers linked to increased anti- terrorist operations
weren't a factor. Instead, he said, the causes are the same old stuff everybody else
faces, including relationship problems, legal problems, financial problems, alcohol
and drug abuse.

Marines who kill themselves typically are younger, junior enlisted. But in 2000, the
Marines began to notice a demographic shift -- an increasing percentage of the
victims were staff non-commissioned officers and officers.

The number of suicide deaths in the entire military is small compared with the overall
active duty force of about 1.4 million service members. The suicide rate for the
armed forces is about 12 deaths per 100,000, about one-half to two-thirds the rate
for a comparable segment of the civilian population. Military officials reported at 
118 suicides in all services in 2001, with rulings still pending in 69 other deaths.
Nonetheless, suicide often has been the second-leading cause of death in the U.S.
armed forces, after accidents, over the last 10 years.

Suicide prevention received new attention after the death in 1996 of Navy Chief of
Naval Operations Adm. Jeremy Mike Boorda, who fatally shot himself after
questions were raised about whether he deserved some of his military decorations.

Jones said that the purpose of his suicide-warning message was to sound a call for
action among the troops and encourage Marines to watch for suicidal tendencies
among colleagues.

Warning signs are often presented to Marines close to the victim, but these are
sometimes ignored, he said.  `Taking care of our own' has been a hallmark of the
U.S. Marine Corps for 227 years. There is no substitute for the vital role that each of
us plays in suicide prevention, Jones said.

As part of the Marine Corps effort to fight suicide, all Marines are required to take
annual suicide awareness training. In addition, suicide awareness training is given at
leadership schools such as basic officer courses, the staff noncommissioned
officers' academies and infantry seminars. The instruction varies in length but is up
to two hours long. Counseling also is available to all Marines for help in problem-
solving, anger and stress management, financial problems and substance abuse.

Forwarded as information only; everything sent has to stand on
its own merits, not on my recommendation.  Dissenting ideas are
the health of the American system. 

[CTRL] Pooh on Winnie

2002-12-29 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


A  definitive debunking of the Churchill myth in five parts , by our greatest 
historian of
liberty, from The Costs of War . . . .

Rethinking Churchill, Part 1

by Ralph Raico

Part 2
Part 3

Part 4
Part 5

Churchill as Icon

When, in a very few years, the pundits start to pontificate on the great question:
Who was the Man of the Century? there is little doubt that they will reach virtually
instant consensus. Inevitably, the answer will be: Winston Churchill. Indeed,
Professor Harry Jaffa has already informed us that Churchill was not only the Man of
the Twentieth Century, but the Man of Many Centuries.

In a way, Churchill as Man of the  Century will be appropriate. This has been the
century of the State of the rise and hyper-trophic growth of the welfare warfare state
and Churchill was from first to last a Man of the State, of the welfare state and of 
warfare state. War, of course, was his lifelong passion; and, as an admiring historian
has written: Among his other claims to fame, Winston Churchill ranks as one of the
founders of the welfare state. Thus, while Churchill never had a principle he did not
in the end betray, this does not mean that there was no slant to his actions, no
systematic bias. There was, and that bias was towards lowering the barriers to state

To gain any understanding of Churchill, we must go beyond the heroic images
propagated for over half a century. The conventional picture of Churchill, especially
of his role in World War II, was first of all the work of Churchill himself, through 
distorted histories he composed and rushed into print as soon as the war was over.
In more recent decades, the Churchill legend has been adopted by an internationalist
establishment for which it furnishes the perfect symbol and an inexhaustible vein of
high- toned blather. Churchill has become, in Christopher Hitchens's phrase, a
totem of the American establishment, not only the scions of the New Deal, but the
neo-conservative apparatus as well politicians like Newt Gingrich and Dan Quayle,
corporate knights and other denizens of the Reagan and Bush Cabinets, the editors
and writers of the Wall Street Journal, and a legion of conservative columnists led
by William Safire and William Buckley. Churchill was, as Hitchens writes, the human
bridge across which the transition was made between a noninterventionist and a
globalist America. In the next century, it is not impossible that his bulldog likeness 
feature in the logo of the New World Order.

Let it be freely conceded that in 1940 Churchill played his role superbly. As the
military historian, Major-General J.F.C. Fuller, a sharp critic of Churchill's wartime
policies, wrote: Churchill was a man cast in the heroic mould, a berserker ever
ready to lead a forlorn hope or storm a breach, and at his best when things were at
their worst. His glamorous rhetoric, his pugnacity, and his insistence on annihilating
the enemy appealed to human instincts, and made him an outstanding war leader.
History outdid herself when she cast Churchill as the adversary in the duel with 
It matters not at all that in his most famous speech we shall fight them on the
beaches . . . we shall fight them in the fields and in the streets he plagiarized
Clemenceau at the time of the Ludendorff offensive that there was little real threat of
a German invasion or, that, perhaps, there was no reason for the duel to have
occurred in the first place. For a few months in 1940, Churchill played his part
magnificently and unforgettably.

Opportunism and Rhetoric

Yet before 1940, the word most closely associated with Churchill was opportunist.
He had twice changed his party affiliation from Conservative to Liberal, and then
back again. His move to the Liberals was allegedly on the issue of free trade. But in
1930, he sold out on free trade as well, even tariffs on food, and proclaimed that he
had cast off Cobdenism forever. As head of the Board of Trade before World War
I, he opposed increased armaments; after he became First Lord of the Admiralty in
1911, he pushed for bigger and bigger budgets, spreading wild rumors of the growing
strength of the German Navy, just as he did in the 1930s about the buildup of the
German Air Force. He attacked socialism before and after World War I, while during
the War he promoted war- socialism, calling for nationalization of the railroads, and
declaring in a speech: Our whole nation must be organized, must be socialized if
you like the word. Churchill's opportunism continued to the end. In the 1945 election,
he briefly latched on to Hayek's Road to Serfdom, and tried to paint the Labour Party
as totalitarian, while it was Churchill himself who, in 1943, had accepted the
Beveridge plans for the post-war welfare state and Keynesian management of the
economy. Throughout his career his one guiding rule was to climb to power and stay


[CTRL] Pooh Two

2002-12-29 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.lewrockwell.com/orig/raico-churchill2.html

}}}Parts 3, 4, 5 accerssible from linque above{{{

A definitive debunking of the Churchill myth in five parts , by our greatest historian 
liberty, from The Costs of War . . . .

Rethinking Churchill, Part 2

by Ralph Raico

Part 1
Part 3

Part 4
Part 5

World War I

In 1911, Churchill became First Lord of the Admiralty, and now was truly in his
element. Naturally, he quickly allied himself with the war party, and, during the 
that followed, fanned the flames of war. When the final crisis came, in the summer of
1914, Churchill was the only member of the cabinet who backed war from the start,
with all of his accustomed energy. Asquith, his own Prime Minister, wrote of him:
Winston very bellicose and demanding immediate mobilization. . . . Winston, who
has got all his war paint on, is longing for a sea fight in the early hours of the 
to result in the sinking of the Goeben. The whole thing fills me with sadness.

On the afternoon of July 28, three days before the  German invasion of Belgium, he
mobilized the British Home Fleet, the greatest assemblage of naval power in the
history of the world to that time. As Sidney Fay wrote, Churchill ordered that:

The fleet was to proceed during the night at high speed and without lights through
the Straits of Dover from Portland to its fighting base at Scapa Flow. Fearing to bring
this order before the Cabinet, lest it should be considered a provocative action likely
to damage the chances of peace, Mr. Churchill had only informed Mr. Asquith, who
at once gave his approval.

No wonder that, when war with Germany broke out, Churchill, in contrast even to the
other chiefs of the war party, was all smiles, filled with a glowing zest.

From the outset of hostilities, Churchill, as head of the Admiralty, was instrumental 
establishing the hunger blockade of Germany. This was probably the most effective
weapon employed on either side in the whole conflict. The only problem was that,
according to everyone's interpretation of international law except Britain's, it was
illegal. The blockade was not close-in, but depended on scattering mines, and
many of the goods deemed contraband for instance, food for civilians had never
been so classified before. But, throughout his career, international law and the
conventions by which men have tried to limit the horrors of war meant nothing to
Churchill. As a German historian has dryly commented, Churchill was ready to break
the rules whenever the very existence of his country was at stake, and for him this
was very often the case.

The hunger blockade had certain rather unpleasant consequences. About 750,000
German civilians succumbed to hunger and diseases caused by malnutrition. The
effect on those who survived was perhaps just as frightful in its own way. A historian
of the blockade concluded: the victimized youth [of World War I] were to become
the most radical adherents of National Socialism. It was also complications arising
from the British blockade that eventually provided the pretext for Wilson's decision to
go to war in 1917.

Whether Churchill actually arranged for the sinking of the Lusitania on May 7, 1915,
is still unclear. A week before the disaster, he wrote to Walter Runciman, President
of the Board of Trade that it was most important to attract neutral shipping to our
shores, in the hopes especially of embroiling the United States with Germany. Many
highly-placed persons in Britain and America believed that the German sinking of the
Lusitania would bring the United States into the war.

The most recent student of the subject is Patrick Beesly, whose Room 40 is a history
of British Naval Intelligence in World War I. Beesly's careful account is all the more
persuasive for going against the grain of his own sentiments. He points out that the
British Admiralty was aware that German U-boat Command had informed U-boat
captains at sea of the sailings of the Lusitania, and that the U-boat responsible for
the sinking of two ships in recent days was present in the vicinity of Queenstown, off
the southern coast of Ireland, in the path the Lusitania was scheduled to take. There
is no surviving record of any specific warning to the Lusitania. No destroyer escort
was sent to accompany the ship to port, nor were any of the readily available
destroyers instructed to hunt for the submarine. In fact, no effective steps were
taken to protect the Lusitania. Beesly concludes:

unless and until fresh information comes to light, I am reluctantly driven to the
conclusion that there was a conspiracy deliberately to put the Lusitania at risk in the
hope that even an abortive attack on her would bring the United States into the war.
Such a conspiracy could not have been put into effect without Winston Churchill's
express permission and approval.

In any case, what is certain is that Churchill's policies made the sinking very likely.
The Lusitania