-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited site and thought you should see it.

Note from Euphorian:

Democracy in action ...

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited site, go to 

Knesset moves to bar Arab members
Israel's impending general election is colouring committee hearings on the expulsion 
and barring of three 'hostile' parliamentarians
Chris McGreal in Jerusalem
Sunday December 29 2002
The Observer

The knesset has begun proceedings to bar three Arab members and their parties from 
next month's general election because of their support for the Palestinian resistance 
to Israeli occupation.

The hearings by a knesset committee are expected to result in the expulsion of 
Israel's leading Arab politician, Azmi Bishara, and two colleagues. Their parties are 
likely to be banned, stripping Israel's one million Arabs of their principal voices in 

Mr Bishara has already been stripped of his parliamentary immunity and put on trial 
for alleged crimes against the state. If he is now banned from the knesset, he and his 
colleagues will be the first Arab members to be expelled. The knesset has previously 
banned extreme rightwing Jewish parties and politicians.

The Labour opposition says that expulsion could create "turmoil" and an "uprising" by 
Israeli Arabs who believe they are being denied democratic rights.

The ostensible reason for barring Mr Bishara and his National Democratic Assembly is 
his attendance at the funeral of President Hafez Assad of Syria in June 2000, when he 
made a speech in which he implicitly endorsed the Hizbullah military campaign that 
drove Israel out of southern Lebanon two years ago.

He also accused the Israeli government of resorting to war against Palestinians, and 
said they were left with little choice but to escalate the struggle against occupation.

He called on Arab countries to unite behind the resistance.

"There is no possibility of continuing with the... way of resistance other than by 
means of the renewed expansion of this sphere, so that people will be able to struggle 
and carry out resistance," he said.

The Israeli attorney general, Elyakim Rubenstein, told the knesset that Mr Bishara's 
support for "resistance" endorsed suicide bombings, and his call for Arab backing was 
an invitation to destroy the state.

Mr Bishara says resistance to occupation is a recognised right under international law 
and that it can take many forms.

"I never called for armed struggle. I have always opposed the suicide bombs in writing 
and in speaking, and the targeting of civilians in general," he said.

"What I did do is show understanding of the option of resistance to occupation, which 
referred to strikes, demonstrations, mass rallies, even studies.

"And I said that a united Arab stand and international activity will prevent war and 
prevent a political dictate."

But the real issue is wider than his comments at the funeral.

The knesset hearings are being held in the politically charged atmosphere of a general 
election and after two years of intifada which has created new depths of distrust of 
Israeli Arabs.

Some rightwing politicians portray them as a fifth column.

That suspicion has been reinforced by Mr Bishara's questioning of whether Israel can 
be both a Jewish and a democratic state, and his demands for better treatment of the 
one in five of its citizens who suffer discrimination because they are Arabs.

He also believes that an independent Palestinian state should be established alongside 

Under a new law introduced in May, the knesset can disqualify a candidate or party for 
denying Israel's existence as a Jewish or democratic state or for support of armed 
struggle, terrorism or an enemy of Israel.

Mr Rubenstein has chosen to interpret Mr Bishara's desire for an overhaul of Israeli 
democracy as a threat to the existence of the state and therefore in breach of the law.

In these circumstances, Mr Bishara is not hopeful of a fair hearing before the knesset 

"In the atmosphere of the elections in Israel, and the chauvinist atmosphere, people 
are competing to be anti-Arab and I think it's going to be very very hard to get a 
rational decision," he said.

That view is confirmed by a far-right politician, Michael Kleiner, who is among those 
pressing for Mr Bishara's expulsion.

"In any normal country, they would put him before a firing squad," he said.

"It's inconceivable that an Israeli knesset member would encourage Arab states to 
launch a full-scale war against Israel."

Mr Bishara is already being prosecuted under the anti-terrorism laws and for illegally 
arranging visits to reunite elderly Palestinians with their refugee relatives in Syria.

But the trial has stalled and so the attorney general is looking to the knesset to act.

· The Israeli prime minister, Ariel Sharon, has ordered an increase in "targeted 
assassinations" and arrests after the murder of four Jewish religious students at a 
settlement near Hebron on Friday.

Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited

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