[CTRL] Chinese Dumping Dollars

2004-11-29 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-
Pilloried on the street, mighty greenback now China's 'money to burn'
More Chinese investors are dumping their U.S. dollars as the currency's
reputation for stability erodes, GEOFFREY YORK writes
UPDATED AT 11:22 PM EST Wednesday, Nov 24, 2004
BEIJING -- In Chinese street slang, they are known as the "yellow bulls" --
the underground traders who lurk outside the banks in aggressive pursuit of
currency deals. But despite their business zeal, there is one commodity they
are unwilling to buy on the street these days: U.S. dollars.
Everyone is converting their dollars to Chinese yuan," one black-market
trader confided as he stood outside a bank in Beijing yesterday.
"Our business is getting more and more difficult," he said. "It's hard to
find anyone buying U.S. dollars any more. The value of the yuan is
going to increase."
These are anxious days for China's legions of canny traders and savers. Not
long ago, they had faith in the American dollar as the safest of safe
havens -- a guaranteed stable investment. For years, China had survived
financial crises by pegging its currency to the U.S. dollar.
But the prolonged slump in the dollar, along with hints of an approaching
revaluation of the yuan, has created a new phenomenon here: the shunning of
the greenback.
"Nobody with a U.S.-dollar account can sit quietly at home any longer," said
one man in a queue at a Bank of China branch yesterday. "The black market is
a sign of the market trends. The government might say that it won't change
the official exchange rate today, but tomorrow it could announce a change."
For the past decade, China has held the yuan to a fixed value of about 8.3
to the U.S. dollar. In the past, the black-market traders were often willing
to pay up to nine yuan for a dollar. But today the unofficial rate on the
street is only 8.22 yuan to the dollar -- if you can find anyone willing to
buy dollars.
Many Chinese investors are nervously wondering whether they should get rid
of their dollars. "I'm worrying about it," said Li Dan, a 28-year-old
information technology manager in Beijing.
"I've got $60,000 [U.S.] accumulated from shares in my company. What should
I do? Who can tell if the exchange rate will decline? If I don't convert my
money to yuan, I could lose thousands of dollars. That's a lot of money."
Many have already dumped their dollars. By the end of October, the switch
from dollars to yuan had contributed to a 3.8-per-cent drop in
foreign-currency savings by Chinese households, compared with a year
earlier. This amounted to a decline of $1.7-billion in household
foreign-exchange savings this year alone. At the Shanghai branch of the Bank
of China, meanwhile, the conversion of dollar accounts to yuan accounts
increased by 17 per cent in September and 34 per cent last month.
The dollar has lost the aura of stability that it once enjoyed here. And
with the Chinese economy booming, a growing number of Chinese investors are
regarding the yuan as the new hard currency. On the pages of a Hong Kong
newspaper this month, the trend was illustrated by a picture of a man
setting fire to an American dollar bill on Tiananmen Square, with the
caption: "Money to burn."
Many Chinese are betting that the dollar will continue to decline and the
yuan will be revalued. In the non-deliverable forward market in Hong Kong,
the current level of forward contracts suggests that the yuan would rise to
a level of 7.887 to the dollar within 12 months if it were freely traded.
The Chinese media and bank officials have sent out a growing number of
signals that the yuan could be revalued in the next few months. The central
bank has talked of possible "flexibility" in the value of the yuan. Some
reports predict a widening of the trading band in the first quarter of next
"The decline of the U.S. dollar . . . may be the final factor convincing
Beijing to revalue the currency," concluded a report this month by the
Eurasia Group, a New York-based firm of political analysts.
"A modest currency revaluation increasingly appears to be Beijing's next
step in cooling its economy."
The deputy governor of China's central bank, Li Ruogu, confirmed this week
that China is gradually moving toward greater flexibility in its dollar
exchange rate, although he emphasized that it would not happen as long as
Western leaders continue to apply heavy pressure on China to revalue its
"Everybody is saying that the value of the yuan will increase," a Beijing
bank customer said yesterday.
"Even though the central bank says it will happen, I think it is just a
matter of sooner or later."
Rising currency giant
With the Chinese economy booming and the U.S. dollar wavering, Chinese
investors are dumping their greenbacks, convinced the yuan is becoming the
new hard currency.
The people's currency
The name
Chinese money is called Renminbi, which means People's Currency.
The issuer
The People's Bank of China. The popular unit is the yuan.

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Scalia: founding fathers never advocated the separation of ch...

2004-11-29 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

Prudy, I agree. 
Clarence Thomas would be an ideal 
choice for chief justice.
- Original Message - 
From: Prudy L 
Sent: Sunday, November 28, 2004 2:47 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Scalia: founding fathers never advocated 
the separation of ch...
-Caveat Lector- 

In a message dated 11/27/2004 10:05:01 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Scalia was nominated to the nine-member Supreme Court in 
  1986 by president Ronald Reagan to fill the seat vacated by William Rehnquist, 
  who became the chief justice after Warren Berger retired. Now, with 
  speculation that Rehnquist is on the verge of retirement after a recent 
  diagnosis of thyroid cancer, Scalia may be the leading candidate to take his 
And one wonders what the founding fathers might have thought of a judge of 
the Supreme Court who is all for religion in political life and a strong 
believer in nepotism as well.  Won't he be the perfect successor to 
Rehnquist?  Prudywww.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER == 
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[CTRL] Carlyle leads pack for Chinese group

2004-11-29 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-





  Carlyle leads pack for Chinese 
groupby Shu-Ching Jean 
Chen in Hong Kong 
Posted 12:00 EST, 25, Nov 2004Washington D.C.-based Carlyle Group has been selected 
as preferred bidder to take a controlling stake in China's largest 
construction machinery developer, Xuzhou Construction Machinery 
Group Co. Ltd. for a reported price of as much as $400 million. 
But XCMG, as the central China-based company is known, said a 
deal still requires clearance from its 100% owner, the Xuzhou city 
"The city government is negotiating the final terms but we don't 
know whether it would approve it," said a company spokesman, who 
wouldn't comment on the likely sale price. 
Another source noted that talks are "at a very early stage." 
The city government wants to sell its stakes in 72 state-owned 
enterprises, including XCMG. Like nearby Shanghai and Beijing, it is 
attempting to reform lumbering state enterprises and lure foreign 
Carlyle beat out eight preliminary bidders for XCMG, including 
XCMG's joint venture partner, Peoria, Ill.-based Caterpillar 
Inc.; the private equity arms of both J.P. Morgan Chase & 
Co. and Citigroup Inc.; Warburg Pincus LLC; and 
American International Group Inc., all of New York. All eight 
initial bidders were from the U.S., the XCMG official said. 
The auction is being conducted by New York-based J.P. Morgan 
Chase & Co. Deutsche Bank AG, which is based in Frankurt, 
is advising Carlyle. 
XCMG, founded in 1989, has 26 affiliates, including one listed on 
the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. It has 13 joint ventures with foreign 
investors, including Caterpillar. It has also expanded overseas, 
mainly to developing markets in Southeast Asia, the Middle East and 
Africa. It recorded revenue of 11.2 billion renminbi ($1.35 billion) 
in the first six months of the year, up 60% from same period last 
year. In 2003, it made Rmb15.4 billion in revenue, up from Rmb9.3 
billion a year earlier. 
The bid from Carlyle reflects the private equity group's stated 
ambition to assume control of big Chinese state-owned enterprises. 
The firm is also apparently exploring its options in South Korea. 
The world's fifth-largest shipping group, Hanjin Shipping Co. 
Ltd., confirmed reports Thursday it has had contact with 
Carlyle. But spokesman Man Young Hur said only that "a working-level 
group" talked to Carlyle about terminal efficiency and that no 
merger or joint venture was imminent. 
Carlyle officials in South Korea were unavailable for comment, 
while later Thursday Reuters cited an Internet news site e-daily 
quoting Cho Yang-ho, chairman of the shipping group's de facto 
parent company, Korean Air, saying that the talks had ended. 
— Jennifer Veale in Seoul contributed to this 



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[CTRL] Fw: Ukraine Coup, Part III

2004-11-29 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
-Caveat Lector-

November 2004 -
USraeli UKRAINE Coup: 
Part III (last)

“We must find new lands 
from which
we can easily obtain raw 
and at the same 
exploit the cheap slave 
that is available 

from the natives of the 
The colonies would also 
a dumping ground for the 
surplus goods
produced in our 
- Cecil Rhodes, 
“founder” of Rhodesia

La comedia est finita.
Get out the corpses.

The Ukrainian parliament of USA have 
declared the “elections” results were not valid and in addition humiliated the 
people of the Central Electoral Commission, and recommended to all of them to 
sign their resignations.
Right. They have been rather 
naughty: they have declared the wrong candidate for the future president of the 
former comparatively independent state of Ukraine – after today it will be only 
one more client “state” of USA/EU/NATO/OSCE/NED/CIA/MOSSAD/SOROS/ maybe even 
MPRI* and Madonna plus Arnold 
the Ugly Muscle from California.
New members of the Central Electoral 
Commission will be “elected” when Yushchenko of USA is ready with the list of 
names of suitable people.
It doesn’t matter how people will vote 
and even whether they will vote or not.
We know who will be the next 
“president” of Ukraine of USA.

The Ukrainian people should remember 
forever those MP who voted in such a way today – 27.11.2004.
In the next years they will have many 
reasons to remember that Day of Treason and the names of the Traitors who sold 
their Motherland to the Beast of USA without batting an eye.
If you keep them under watch, you will 
soon mark the new flats – houses – cars that will crop/pop up in their families; 
you will soon notice the sweet life of their sons and daughters.
Gold/dollars and 
swords/F16/Mothers of all Bombs, the long new range of deadly 
These are the tools of the World 
Conqueror coups and military triumphs.
(By the way, it’s interesting how 
much Mr. speaker of the ukrainian parliament has been 
given. How much is the Market Price now of a Parliamentary Speaker?
How much is the Market Price of a 
country? Of a Motherland?…)

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the 
ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is 
less formidable, for he is known and carries his banners openly. But the traitor 
moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through 
all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor 
appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he 
wears their face and their garments, and he appeals to the baseness that lies 
deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly 
and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city, he infects the body 
politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared" -- 
Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 BC

I am not going to comment the coming 
grand pillage under the IMF titles of “privatization”/“structural reforms”, the 
kicking away of all the social protections the Ukrainian people enjoy now - the 
future pauperization of the Ukrainian people, that will naturally follow.
Neither will I comment the political 
tightening – the impossibility to protest anymore if you cannot steel yourself 
against getting dragged along the streets and in courts, the uniform servile 
I think about the people that will go 
with the winds like dry autumn leaves…
Some of us here, the Balkans people - 
especially the much suffering people of YUGOSLAVIA, know too well what will 
follow during the inevitable process of “democratic” hygienization of the newly 
acquired colony of USA. 
Because there are still people that can 
be neither frightened nor bought. They might threaten the “democtratization” and 
should be efficiently cleared away.
Here step in MPRI and the other brother 
agencies advertised by Abu Graib, Iraq.
And the Mossad professionals.
Or maybe not – maybe the UKRAINE 
FASCISTS will prove to be quite enough for all the wet operations planned?
I see them even now fervently filling 
up their lists of the Doomed…
There will be numberless mysterious car 
accidents in Ukraine of USA, direct kills, mysterious deadly heart attacks in 
the police stations of the UKRAINIAN “DEMOCRATS”... 
Some Ukrainians will be charged - 
dragged to prison and sentenced to long prison terms. 
(That holds true especially for those 
who have talked today about referendums and autonomy in Ukraine. Do it really if 
you do not want to leave behind orphans and widows!
And also for those MPs who have refused 
today to throw themselves on their bellies in front the USA blood-dripping boots 
- the ones that have not voted the r

[CTRL] Fw: Jose SaramagO: Danger After Bush Re-election

2004-11-29 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, November 28, 2004 5:56 PM
Subject: Jose SaramagO: Danger After Bush Re-election

> Nobel Laureate Saramago Warns of Danger After Bush Reelection
> By Humberto Márquez
> November 27, 2004, Inter Press Service
> http://ipsnews.net/interna.asp?idnews=26451
> CARACAS - U.S. politics over the next four years will be
> rooted in patriotism and religion, an 'explosive combination'
> that will require Latin Americans to 'arm themselves with
> strength, courage and bravery,' according to Portuguese
> writer José Samamago, winner of the 1998 Nobel Prize for
> Literature.
> Saramago spoke to writers and journalists this week in
> Caracas, and used the occasion to express his views on what a
> second term under U.S. President George W. Bush will mean for
> the region.
> 'Things will undoubtedly be very bad for Latin America,' the
> writer predicted. 'You only have to consider the ambitions
> and the doctrines of the empire, which regards this region as
> its backyard,' he said.
> At an earlier speaking engagement in Bogotá, Colombia,
> Saramago called Bush 'the biggest liar on the planet.' He
> added that if the U.S. president ever decides to focus on the
> region, Latin America should tremble with fear. 'I could say
> the same about Africa, but I don't want to create an
> international panic,' he joked.
> Turning his attention to the rest of the world, Saramago told
> his audience in Caracas that the United States will never
> leave Iraq, 'because it needs to control the Middle East, the
> gateway to Asia. It already has military installations in
> Uzbekistan.'
> He also predicted, however, that the situation will become
> more complex when new competitors emerge to challenge U.S.
> power, such as China, India and perhaps Brazil.
> 'I am a person with leftist convictions, and always have
> been,' said the 82-year-old writer, adding that whenever he
> addresses the subject of international politics, 'I always
> ask two questions, and only two: How many countries have
> military bases in the United States? And in how many
> countries does the United States not have military bases?'
> But he asked the journalists in Caracas a third question, to
> illustrate his point. 'Can you just imagine what Bush would
> say if someone like (Venezuelan) President Hugo Chávez asked
> him for a little piece of land to install a military base,
> even if it was way off in Alaska, and he only wanted to plant
> a Venezuelan flag there?' The question provoked an outburst
> of laughter from his audience.
> Saramago was in Venezuela ahead of an international congress
> that will be held next month, a gathering of intellectuals in
> solidarity with the process of political and social reforms
> being undertaken by Chávez, which the president refers to as
> a peaceful 'social revolution'.
> 'It's not that I'm pro-Chávez, nor do I believe in strongmen
> or messiahs, but Hugo Chávez is someone who wants to make
> changes, and he has found the way to reach straight into the
> hearts and minds of the Venezuelan people,' he stated.
> Saramago also had harsh words of criticism for the Venezuelan
> opposition. 'For someone like me, it is difficult to
> understand these people who democratically take part in
> elections and a referendum, but are then incapable of
> democratically accepting the will of the people. It is an
> insult to common sense, and I personally cannot comprehend
> it.'
> The writer recalled that Chávez and his associates have won a
> majority of votes in eight elections over the last six years
> in Venezuela. These include the presidential recall
> referendum on Aug. 15, when voter turnout was exceptionally
> high and 59 percent of those who cast their ballots wanted
> Chávez to remain as president of their country.
> Venezuela 'has had a highly troubled recent history,' noted
> Saramago, adding that he hoped Chávez would be able to bring
> 'this unique experience' to a successful conclusion, despite
> the fact that Latin America and the Caribbean are now facing
> 'four complicated years, which will be marked by tensions and
> neo-colonial aspirations.'
> Chávez was unable to meet with Saramago, as he is on a
> presidential tour to Russia and the Middle East. However,
> Venezuelan public television provided viewers with a unique
> interview with the Nobel laureate conducted by Vice President
> José Vicente Rangel, formerly a prominent investigative
> journalist.
> Saramago, who had just been in Rosario, Argentina to take
> part in the 3rd International Congress on the Spanish
> Language, emphasised that he speaks about politics 'willingly
> and deliberately.' He also noted that his most recent novel,
> Lucidity, is 'openly political, unlike the previous ones,'
> which include Baltasar and Blimunda, The Gospel According to
> Jesus Christ, and The Caves.
> Lucidity is about an imaginary ci

[CTRL] Fw: 'Unusual Weapons' Used in Fallujah

2004-11-29 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, November 27, 2004 4:07 PM
Subject: 'Unusual Weapons' Used in Fallujah

> Inter Press Service
>  Friday 26 November 2004
> 'Unusual Weapons' Used in Fallujah
>  By Dahr Jamail
>  Inter Press Service
>  Baghdad - The U.S. military has used poison gas and
>  other non-conventional weapons against civilians in
>  Fallujah, eyewitnesses report..
>  "Poisonous gases have been used in Fallujah," 35-
>  year-old trader from Fallujah Abu Hammad told IPS.
>  "They used everything -- tanks, artillery,
>  infantry, poison gas. Fallujah has been bombed to
>  the ground."
>  Hammad is from the Julan district of Fallujah where
>  some of the heaviest fighting occurred. Other
>  residents of that area report the use of illegal
>  weapons.
>  "They used these weird bombs that put up smoke like
>  a mushroom cloud," Abu Sabah, another Fallujah
>  refugee from the Julan area told IPS. "Then small
>  pieces fall from the air with long tails of smoke
>  behind them."
>  He said pieces of these bombs exploded into large
>  fires that burnt the skin even when water was
>  thrown on the burns. Phosphorous weapons as well as
>  napalm are known to cause such effects. "People
>  suffered so much from these," he said.
>  Macabre accounts of killing of civilians are
>  emerging through the cordon U.S. forces are still
>  maintaining around Fallujah.
>  "Doctors in Fallujah are reporting to me that there
>  are patients in the hospital there who were forced
>  out by the Americans," said Mehdi Abdulla, a 33-
>  year-old ambulance driver at a hospital in Baghdad.
>  "Some doctors there told me they had a major
>  operation going, but the soldiers took the doctors
>  away and left the patient to die."
>  Kassem Mohammed Ahmed who escaped from Fallujah a
>  little over a week ago told IPS he witnessed many
>  atrocities committed by U.S. soldiers in the city.
>  "I watched them roll over wounded people in the
>  street with tanks," he said. "This happened so many
>  times."
>  Abdul Razaq Ismail who escaped from Fallujah two
>  weeks back said soldiers had used tanks to pull
>  bodies to the soccer stadium to be buried. "I saw
>  dead bodies on the ground and nobody could bury
>  them because of the American snipers," he said.
>  "The Americans were dropping some of the bodies
>  into the Euphrates near Fallujah."
>  Abu Hammad said he saw people attempt to swim
>  across the Euphrates to escape the siege. "The
>  Americans shot them with rifles from the shore," he
>  said. "Even if some of them were holding a white
>  flag or white clothes over their heads to show they
>  are not fighters, they were all shot."
>  Hammad said he had seen elderly women carrying
>  white flags shot by U.S. soldiers. "Even the
>  wounded people were killed. The Americans made
>  announcements for people to come to one mosque if
>  they wanted to leave Fallujah, and even the people
>  who went there carrying white flags were killed."
>  Another Fallujah resident Khalil (40) told IPS he
>  saw civilians shot as they held up makeshift white
>  flags. "They shot women and old men in the
>  streets," he said. "Then they shot anyone who tried
>  to get their bodies - Fallujah is suffering too
>  much, it is almost gone now."
>  Refugees had moved to another kind of misery now,
>  he said. "It's a disaster living here at this
>  camp," Khalil said. "We are living like dogs and
>  the kids do not have enough clothes."
>  Spokesman for the Iraqi Red Crescent in Baghdad
>  Abdel Hamid Salim told IPS that none of their
>  relief teams had been allowed into Fallujah, and
>  that the military had said it would be at least two
>  more weeks before any refugees would be allowed
>  back into the city.
>  "There is still heavy fighting in Fallujah," said
>  Salim. "And the Americans won't let us in so we can
>  help people."
>  In many camps around Fallujah and throughout
>  Baghdad, refugees are living without enough food,
>  clothing and shelter. Relief groups estimate there
>  are at least 15,000 refugee families in temporary
>  shelters outside Fallujah.
>  http://ipsnews.net/new_nota.asp?idnews=26440
> ___
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[CTRL] Fw: USraeli Ukraine Coup, Part II

2004-11-29 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Blagovesta 
November 2004 -
USraeli UKRAINE Coup in 
its Last Phase – HURRAY, HURRAY!
Part II

The Ukraine coup overpasses 
all imaginable limits!

A horde of USA poodles – 
puppets – bootlickers from European Union (Solana) and the neighboring countries 
(Poland, Lithuania) rushed to Kiev spurred on by their Ugly Master!
There are representative of 
the wide range of servants The Ugly Master works on for years.
Here is Solana – one 
of the European Killers of Yugoslavia.
Kvashnevski, that Polish 
spittle, is trotting there too.
And the Lithuanian USA 
Servant of a president has also clicked most obediently heels.

The administrative buildings 
are not seized anymore, it seems. The coordinated provocation has reached its 
aim: the horde of USA poodles – puppets – bootlickers poured into Kiev almost 
immediately after it happened. 
The still acting (?) Ukraine 
President, Leonid Kuchma, explained on the TV Inter just that – the buildings 
were blocked and seized to provoke their coming here.
Now “negotiations” are under 
way at a “round table” (I feel like puking!), Yushchenko and Yanukovic are there 
plus all the other local and foreign Players – and the cards are delivered!
Q. What are the so-called 
“elections” about?
If a President of a country 
can be pointed out and appointed by “negotiations” orchestrated by a pack of 
poodles from abroad, then –

Allow me some gloating.
For years on a run I have 
written and talked about the true nature of the USA so-called “democratic” 
elections, the Globo Democratizers are forcing on all the people round the world 
to legitimize their killing and pillaging.
Could there be a greater 
DISCREDITATION of THEIR PLAY AT ELECTIONS than what is going on in Ukraine 
Could a person right in the 
head and with all his senses in place take a part in any of their elections 
after the Ukraine Elections in November 2004 – and the typical for the 
developments afterwards?
Developments, typical for 
the era of the New Colonization.

Other news:
The Special Forces appeared 
briefly in the streets of Kiev, then packed and withdrew. Conflicting 
People from all Ukraine 
demand from the acting (?) government to put a stop of the disorder.
Kuchma is only writhing and 
doing nothing.
Yanukovic keeps repeating he 
will follow the law – he will do nothing unlawful – bla, bla, bla.
Yanukovic is still an acting 
(?) Premier and a part of his responsibilities is the public order and the 
security of the Ukraine people.
By doing a Big Great Nothing 
together with Kuchma, the acting (?) President, they both break their vow and 
engagements to their people!
Yanukovic is behaving 
UNLAWFULLY for several days already!
He is NOT a leader, NEITHER 
a fighter. He is totally blocked, incapable to take any decisions, baffled like 
an old lady in a busy street. US Coup Planners could calmly change from 
Yushchenko to Yanukovic – the only one better than an easily blocked and 
manipulated into total inaction president is only a Servant for a president.
They want and insist on the 
Apparently the dislike the 
idea to spend energy for the regular need of tempering and adjusting the other 

Eastern and Southern Ukraine 
where people voted mainly for Yanukovic the Law Lover (which law?) declared they 
would get out of Ukraine, will create an autonomous region or directly join 
Russia. Words.

Yushchenko of 
USA/CIA/NED etc. also talks about law. He repeats like a blocked robot 
(maybe he is one!) that the government should not use any force against his 
H-A-T-E-R-S of their country and people. No violence of any kind on the part of 
the government.
Violence is his Drugged 
Street Army prerogative.
Note: The USA robots can 
break the law, use violence, kill if estimated as necessary – the other, 
victimized side, has no right to do the same, protecting itself and its 
encroached territory! If they start resisting – or even simply raise 
instinctively a hand to their bruised faces, they are called “terrorists” on the 
How very damned convenient 

It seems that Kuchma and 
Yanukovic are more concerned with not to be classified as “terrorists” than with 
the security of their people and state NOW, and the future of their people and 
state afterwards.

Poor Ukrainians. No true 
leaders at this crucial time, only vultures – foreign and local – grinding their 
knives for the Ukrainian land and riches.

TV Inter entertained us with 
endless talks between representatives of both sides to prove how very impartial 
they are.
Yushchenko people 
(represented by one of the highly paid singers who scream non-stop in front of 
the Yushchenko Artmy since Sunday – unkempt, slovenly young man) talk about 

  “rights” - and hence broken hearts because of the brok

[CTRL] Fwd: Shamanism, Biology, and the Intelligence in Nature

2004-11-29 Thread Kris Millegan
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Title: 4-Image Promotional Template
-Caveat Lector-

Sentient Experientials presents 

FEBRUARY 1 - 8, 2005 at Guaria de Osa - Rainforest Ocean Retreat Centre & Ethnobotanical Gardens on the Osa Peninsula of Costa Rica!

Embedded in a Nature Sanctuary
Where giant primary Rainforest kiss the sparkling Pacific Ocean
We invite you to come to Guaria de Osa!
Join us in a voice and a vision coming straight from intelligent hearts!


[CTRL] Fwd: Bush to Change Economic Team

2004-11-29 Thread Kris Millegan
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      http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A18599-2004Nov28.html?referrer=email  Candidates Likely To Be From Outside The Administration  By Mike AllenWashington Post Staff  WriterMonday, November 29, 2004; Page A01President Bush plans to overhaul his economic team for the second time  in two years and wants to tap some prominent replacements from outside the  administration to help sell rewrites of Social Security and the tax laws to  Congress and the country, White House aides and advisers said over the  weekend.  Aides said changing four of the five top economic officials --  including the Treasury and Commerce secretaries, with only budget  director Joshua B. Bolten likely to remain -- is part of Bush's preparation for  sending Congress an ambitious second-term domestic agenda. Commerce Secretary Donald L. Evans and chief economic adviser Stephen  Friedman have announced their resignations, and officials had signaled they  would move gradually to replace the team. But the White House is now indicating  it may move more quickly to convey a fresh start. Aides also said Bush is  considering reaching beyond the kind of administration loyalists who will staff  key national security posts in the second term.  Republican officials said Bush's economic team has been weaker than his  national security advisers, and that the president believes he needs aides  who can relate better to Congress and the markets. A more skilled team is  essential, the aides said, because of the complex and politically challenging  agenda of overhauling Social Security to add private investment accounts  and simplifying the tax code.  "The president knows that he doesn't have the strength in that stable,  and he's going to another corral to find it," said a member of Bush's political  team who asked not to be identified because it is not his job to talk to  reporters.  One senior administration official said Treasury Secretary John W. Snow can  stay as long as he wants, provided it is not very long. He might stay as long as  six months into the term, officials said. Friends say Chief of Staff Andrew  H. Card Jr. is one possibility to replace him. Bolten also could move  over.  But Republican officials said Bush is also considering well-known  officials from outside, including New York Gov. George E. Pataki (R).  Conservatives are pushing for former senator Phil Gramm, a Republican from  Texas.  Also under consideration is John J. Mack, who stepped down in June  as co-chief executive of Credit Suisse Group. Mack has also  been considered to lead a bipartisan commission on changing the tax system that  Bush will appoint to develop recommendations for the Treasury secretary.   Friends said Friedman announced last week that he was leaving because  it became clear to him that he would not be named Treasury secretary. N. Gregory  Mankiw, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, also is expected to  depart, officials said.  Evans, who announced shortly after the election that he will leave  Commerce at the end of January, was to be replaced by another presidential  friend -- Cincinnati businessman Mercer Reynolds, who was partners with Bush in  the Texas Ranger baseball team and was finance chairman of his reelection  campaign. But Bush advisers said Reynolds is no longer the front-runner for  the job and said the White House hopes to nominate another business  executive who is trying to get his finances worked out.  As a consolation prize, Reynolds could be named  ambassador to Britain, Bush advisers said.  Bush aides, who have been debating what parts of his legislative  package to send to Capitol Hill first, will start with measures to restrict  medical malpractice claims and other lawsuits. Bush will then try to advance his  initiative on Social Security, after which will c

[CTRL] Fwd: Under Color of Law

2004-11-29 Thread Kris Millegan
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Greetings. Federal prosecutors decline to bring charges against most of the 
police officers, prison guards and other government officials who the 
investigative agencies have determined should face criminal charges for 
violating the civil rights of individual Americans, according to authoritative 
Justice Department data.

This is the central finding of the second of two special reports by the 
Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) focusing on different aspects 
of how the government enforces the nation's civil rights laws. The second 
report is embargoed for Wednesday, December 1. The first report (Nov 22) 
examined all kinds of civil rights enforcement actions and concluded this 
effort had declined during the Bush Administration.

The second report focuses only on the government's efforts to deal with abusive 
officials. Under a law going back to the period immediately after the Civil 
War, the government has long been the court of last resort in these kinds of 
cases. The statute makes it a crime to deprive any person of their rights 
"under color of law." Justice Department data going back for more than 25 years 
show that the high proportion of declined cases under this law has existed in 
every administration. In addition to national data, TRAC's report also provides 
information about how each US Attorney's office in the country has dealt with 
these sensitive cases in the last few years.

The report is now available on the web at 
http://trac.syr.edu/tracreports/civright/107/ under password, but embargoed for 
Wednesday, December 1 (6:30 pm Tuesday). Reporters, to gain immediate free 
access to TRAC's special Civil Rights Enforcement report call our Syracuse 
office at 315-443-3563.

To see TRAC's earlier report examining the overall record of Bush 
Administration go to TRAC's public web site -- http://trac.syr.edu -- and click 
on TRAC Reports. Support for both reports was received from the Carnegie 
Foundation, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation and the Leadership 
Conference on Civil Rights Education Fund.

David Burnham and Susan B. Long, co-directors
Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse
Syracuse University
488 Newhouse II
Syracuse, NY  13244-2100

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[CTRL] Pentagon Report: Why They Hate America

2004-11-29 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-
World > Terrorism & Security
posted November 29, 2004, updated 10:30 a.m.
'They hate our policies, not our freedom'
Quietly released Pentagon report contains major criticisms of
by Tom Regan | csmonitor.com
Late on the Wednesday afternoon before the Thanksgiving holiday, the US
Defense Department released a report by the Defense Science Board that is
highly critical of the administration's efforts in the war on terror and in
the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
'Muslims do not hate our freedom, but rather they hate our policies [the
report says]. The overwhelming majority voice their objections to what they
see as one-sided support in favor of Israel and against Palestinian rights,
and the long-standing, even increasing, support for what Muslims
collectively see as tyrannies, most notably Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan,
Pakistan and the Gulf states. Thus, when American public diplomacy talks
about bringing democracy to Islamic societies, this is seen as no more than
self-serving hypocrisy.'
The Pentagon released the study after The New York Times ran a story about
the report in its Wednesday editions.
The Defense Science Board, reports Disinfopedia, is "a Federal advisory
committee established to provide independent advice to the Secretary of
'The current Board is authorized to consist of thirty-two members plus seven
ex officio members': the chairmen of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Policy,
Ballistic Missile Defense Advisory Committee, and Defense Intelligence
Agency Science and Technology Advisory Committee. 'Members, whose appointed
terms range from one to four years, are selected on the basis of their
preeminence in the fields of science, technology and its application to
military operations, research, engineering, manufacturing and acquisition
China's Xinhuanet reported that the board's report criticized the US for
failing in its efforts to communicate its military and diplomatic actions to
the world, and the Muslim world in particular, "but no public relations
campaign can save America from flawed policies." The report also takes the
administration to task for talking about Islamic extremism in a way that
offends many Muslims.
In stark contrast to the cold war, the United States today is not seeking to
contain a threatening state empire, but rather seeking to convert a broad
movement within Islamic civilization to accept the value structure of
Western Modernity – an agenda hidden within the official rubric of a 'War on
Terrorism,' [the report states].
MSNBC notes that the report, in a comment that directly goes against
statements made by President Bush and senior cabinet members, says the wars
in Afghanistan and Iraq have united otherwise-divided Muslim extremists and
given terrorists organizations like Al Qaeda a boost by "raising their
In fact, Wired News reported the board as saying, the US has not only failed
to separate "the vast majority of nonviolent Muslims from the
radical-militant Islamist-Jihadists," but American efforts may have
"achieved the opposite of what they intended."
Al Jazeera reported Thursday that the board called for the creation of a
strategic communication's "apparatus" within the executive branch and "an
overhaul of public diplomacy, public affairs and information dissemination
efforts by the Pentagon and State Department."
If we really want to see the Muslim world as a whole [the report states],
and the Arabic-speaking world in particular, move more toward our
understanding of moderation and tolerance, we must reassure Muslims that
this does not mean that they must submit to the American way.
As columnist Thomas Freidman of The New York Times wrote Monday in an
opinion piece, the lack of planning and a 'clear channel of
communication to the Muslim world' means that the US is losing the PR war to
people that "saw off the heads of other Muslims."
Wars are fought for political ends. Soldiers can only do so much. And the
last mile in every war is about claiming the political fruits. The bad guys
in Iraq can lose every mile on every road, but if they beat America on the
last mile – because they are able to intimidate better than America is able
to coordinate, protect, inform, invest and motivate – they will win and
America will lose.
The New York Times reported last Wednesday that although the board's report
does not constitute official government policy, it captures "the essential
themes of a debate that is now roiling not just the Defense Department but
the entire United States government."
www.csmonitor.com | Copyright © 2004 The Christian Science Monitor. All
rights reserved.
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2004-11-29 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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“The main features of the Weishaupt plan of operation required his Illuminati 
to do the following things to help them to accomplish their purpose:

1. Monetary and sex bribery was to be used to obtain control of men already in 
high places in the various levels of all governments and other fields of 
endeavor. Once influential persons had fallen for the lies, deceits, and 
temptations of the Illuminati, they were to be held in bondage by application 
of political and other forms of blackmail, threats of financial ruin, public 
exposure, and physical harm, even death to themselves and loved members of 
their families.

2. The Illuminati who were on the faculty of colleges and universities were to 
cultivate students possessing exceptional mental ability and who belonged to 
well-bred families with international leanings, and recommend them for special 
training in Internationalism. Such training was to be provided by granting 
scholarships, like the Rhodes Scholarship, to those selected by the Illuminati. 
All such scholars were to be first persuaded and then convinced that men of 
special talent and brains had the right to rule those less gifted on the 
grounds that the masses do not know what is best for them physically, mentally, 
and spiritually.

3. All influential people who were trapped to come under the control of the 
Illuminati, plus the students who had been specially educated and trained, were 
to be used as agents and placed behind the scenes of all governments as experts 
and specialists. They would advise the top executives to adopt policies which 
would, in the long run, serve the secret plans of the Illuminati's one world 
conspiracy, and bring about the destruction of the governments and religions 
they were elected or appointed to serve.

4. They were to obtain absolute control of the press so that all news and 
inforation could be slanted to convince the masses that a one world government 
is the only solution to our many and varied problems. They were also to own and 
control all the national radio and TV channels.

After reading these four points of strategy, we have to admit that our mass 
communications media is controlled at all levels, and that at all levels our 
governments are also infiltrated and controlled, just like Weishaupt had 
planned back in the 1700's. Unfortunately, few people are aware of this fact, 
which is why they make little sense out of many of the world events that take 
place today.”
— Myron Fagan 

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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Israel shocked by image of soldiers forcing violinist to play at roadblock

2004-11-29 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-
Israel shocked by image of soldiers forcing violinist to play at roadblock
Chris McGreal in Jerusalem
Monday November 29, 2004
The Guardian
Of all the revelations that have rocked the Israeli army over the past week,
perhaps none disturbed the public so much as the video footage of soldiers
forcing a Palestinian man to play his violin.
The incident was not as shocking as the recording of an Israeli officer
pumping the body of a 13-year-old girl full of bullets and then saying he
would have shot her even if she had been three years old.
Nor was it as nauseating as the pictures in an Israeli newspaper of
ultra-orthodox soldiers mocking Palestinian corpses by impaling a man's head
on a pole and sticking a cigarette in his mouth.
But the matter of the violin touched on something deeper about the way
Israelis see themselves, and their conflict with the Palestinians.
The violinist, Wissam Tayem, was on his way to a music lesson near Nablus
when he said an Israeli officer ordered him to "play something sad" while
soldiers made fun of him. After several minutes, he was told he could pass.
It may be that the soldiers wanted Mr Tayem to prove he was indeed a
musician walking to a lesson because, as a man under 30, he would not
normally have been permitted through the checkpoint.
But after the incident was videotaped by Jewish women peace activists, it
prompted revulsion among Israelis not normally perturbed about the treatment
of Arabs.
The rightwing Army Radio commentator Uri Orbach found the incident
disturbingly reminiscent of Jewish musicians forced to provide background
music to mass murder. "What about Majdanek?" he asked, referring to the Nazi
extermination camp.
The critics were not drawing a parallel between an Israeli roadblock and a
Nazi camp. Their concern was that Jewish suffering had been diminished by
the humiliation of Mr Tayem.
Yoram Kaniuk, author of a book about a Jewish violinist forced to play for a
concentration camp commander, wrote in Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper that the
soldiers responsible should be put on trial "not for abusing Arabs but for
disgracing the Holocaust".
"Of all the terrible things done at the roadblocks, this story is one which
negates the very possibility of the existence of Israel as a Jewish state.
If [the military] does not put these soldiers on trial we will have no moral
right to speak of ourselves as a state that rose from the Holocaust," he
"If we allow Jewish soldiers to put an Arab violinist at a roadblock and
laugh at him, we have succeeded in arriving at the lowest moral point
possible. Our entire existence in this Arab region was justified, and is
still justified, by our suffering; by Jewish violinists in the camps."
Others took a broader view by drawing a link between the routine
dehumanising treatment of Palestinians at checkpoints, the desecration of
dead bodies and what looks very much like the murder of a terrified
13-year-old Palestinian girl by an army officer in Gaza.
Israelis put great store in a belief that their army is "the most moral in
the world" because it says it adheres to a code of "the purity of arms".
There is rarely much public questioning of the army's routine explanation
that Palestinian civilians who have been killed had been "caught in
crossfire", or that children are shot because they are used as cover by
But the public's confidence has been shaken by the revelations of the past
week. The audio recording of the shooting of the 13-year-old, Iman al-Hams,
prompted much soul searching, although the revulsion appears to be as much
at the Israeli officer firing a stream of bullets into her lifeless body as
the killing itself. Some soldiers told Israeli papers that their mothers had
sought assurances that they did not do that kind of thing.
One Israeli peace group, the Arik Institute, took out large newspaper
adverts to plead for "Jewish patriots" to "open your eyes and look around"
at the suffering of Palestinians.
The incidents prompted the army to call in all commanders from the rank of
lieutenant-colonel to emphasise the importance of maintaining the "purity of
arms" code.
The army's critics say the real problem is not the behaviour of soldiers on
the ground but the climate of impunity that emanates from the top.
While the officer responsible for killing Iman al-Hams has been charged with
relatively minor offences, and the soldiers who forced the violinist to play
were ticked off for being "insensitive", the only troops who were swiftly
punished for violating regulations last week were some who posed naked in
the snow for a photograph. They were dismissed from their unit.
Last week the Israeli human rights group B'Tselem criticised what it
described as a "culture of impunity" within the army. The group says at
least 1,656 Palestinian non-combatants have been killed during the intifada,
including 529 children.
"To date, one soldier has been convicted of causing the death of a
Palestinian," it said.
"The comb

[CTRL] Fwd: How a Republican election supervisor manipulated the 2004 central Ohio vote

2004-11-29 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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-Caveat Lector-

How a Republican election supervisor manipulated the 2004 central Ohio
vote, in black and white


by Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman
November 23, 2004

The Republican head of the Board of Elections in Franklin County, Ohio,
manipulated the supply of voting machines on November 2, denying thousands
of likely Democrats the right to cast their votes in a fair and timely manner.

As indicated in the sworn testimony below, offered here for the first time,
the election was engineered to make voting as difficult as possible for
inner city residents, and to drive away those who could not afford to stay
away from work or families, or whose health made it imprudent or impossible
to endure the long, cold, wet lines.

Amidst one of the hottest presidential elections in US history, voters in
Columbus, capitol of Franklin County and of Ohio, faced 35 separate ballot
choices. Eleven were extensively worded Issue questions. For Columbus
voters, it was one of the longest ballots in history. Yet in many inner
city precincts, the Republican-run Board of Elections demanded voters cast
their ballots within five minutes after waiting in many cases more than
three hours.

In addition to deciding whether George W. Bush would get another term in
the White House, inner city voters faced Issue One, amending the Ohio
Constitution to ban gay marriage and other forms of civil union. They also
had to read through eight infrastructure bond issues, a zoo levy and a
school levy.

The man running the show in Franklin County was Board of Elections Director
Matt Damschroder, former head of the county's Republican Party. Damschroder
now admits that at least 77 of his machines (out of 2866) malfunctioned on
Election Day. The most infamous has been the machine in Gahanna Ward One-B
that registered 4258 for George W. Bush in a precinct where only 638 people

Damschroder's official records also show that while desperate poll workers
called his office throughout the day, at least 125 machines were held back
at the opening of the polls and an additional 68 were never deployed. Thus
while thousands of inner city voters stood in the rain, were told their
cars would be towed, and were then forced to vote in five minutes or less,
Damschroder sat on machines that could have significantly sped the process.

Put another way: if voters took ten seconds each to read and push the
button for the 24 candidates on the ballot, it would take four minutes,
leaving one minute to wade through long paragraphs describing eleven
Issues, including one of the most complex and controversial amendments ever
offered to the Ohio Constitution.

Census data indicates that the suburban areas have higher levels of
literacy and educational achievement. This suggests that in a fairly
administered election, there should have been more machines in the central
city to avoid rushing voters through the ballot after a 2-7 hour wait in
line, mostly in a driving rain.

Despite an increase of 25% in voter turnout, 29% of precincts in Columbus
had fewer machines than in the 2000 election.

The testimony below was sworn under oath at the Monday, November 15, 2004
hearing at the Franklin County Courthouse. Note the clear discrepancies
between the voting experience in the affluent white suburban areas of
Franklin and Delaware counties versus the conditions in the wards of
Columbus' central city, where the heavy majority was expected to vote

Jason Perry, Columbus:
"I live in Franklin County and was a poll monitor at Columbus 12A the whole
day. While there was the usual things on a very high turnout election day,
such as lack of poll workers, when I voted at 6:45, the head judge was
asking for a Democratic volunteer. There was a shortage of poll workers
such as th

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Scalia: founding fathers never advocated the separation of ch...

2004-11-29 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/27/2004 10:05:01 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Scalia was nominated to the nine-member Supreme Court in 1986 by president Ronald Reagan to fill the seat vacated by William Rehnquist, who became the chief justice after Warren Berger retired. Now, with speculation that Rehnquist is on the verge of retirement after a recent diagnosis of thyroid cancer, Scalia may be the leading candidate to take his place.
And one wonders what the founding fathers might have thought of a judge of the Supreme Court who is all for religion in political life and a strong believer in nepotism as well.  Won't he be the perfect successor to Rehnquist?  Prudy
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Study doubles number of jobs going offshore

2004-11-29 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-
November 28, 2004
Study doubles number of jobs going offshore
November 28, 2004
FAIRHAVEN, Mass. - Michael Brightman is reminded daily that workers in New
Delhi do the same job he does.
His Indian counterparts routinely direct AT&T customers to him for
long-distance billing problems that the New Delhi workers can't answer.
Brightman and 139 others will be laid off this month from AT&T's call center
on Massachusetts' southeastern coast. AT&T said the work force reduction
resulted from a July decision to phase out residential long-distance
"This work did not move. It went away," said spokeswoman Tracey Belko. "We
are not moving any of these jobs overseas."
Brightman and co-workers picketing here last month don't buy it. To them,
jobs are being lost in the United States, while increasing overseas. Union
officials said AT&T gave information on its offshore activity in January
showing one out of four AT&T customer calls were handled by independent U.S.
contractors employing 1,400 workers overseas.
In five years, AT&T has cut its national call-center employment by half, to
3,270, the union said. "Is it coincidental, or is it a shift?" Brightman
asked about his layoff.
Data on numbers of U.S. jobs moving overseas in recent years are scattered
and unreliable. As the AT&T example shows, jobs may be cut in the United
States, and employment may increase overseas, but companies are reluctant to
draw connections between the two, while unions are only too willing to do
so. Groups such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce peg the number at perhaps
200,000 jobs a year.
But a new report commissioned by a bipartisan congressional commission said
406,000 jobs will migrate overseas this year, double the conventional
wisdom. This trend is expected to continue for several years as a greater
variety of jobs are offshored, including to Latin America and the Caribbean.
Job movement overseas "is absolutely accelerating, and it's changing in its
nature," said Kate Bronfenbrenner, a professor in Cornell University's
School of Industrial and Labor Relations, who prepared the report for the
U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission. "Whereas in 2001 it was
almost all in manufacturing, now we see an increase in information
technology, communications, financial services, and white-collar work, from
research and design to back office." The report will be presented at public
hearings in Seattle in January.
Some economists cite growing numbers of U.S. jobs transplanted overseas as
the main reason for slow employment growth during the current economy
recovery. Another 400,000 jobs added to the total 1.8 million jobs created
in the United States in 2004 would be "a big deal," said Stephen Roach,
Morgan Stanley's chief economist. "Offshore labor pools have become
increasingly attractive," he said, and "more and more of the new hiring
incrementally is occurring offshore."
But Shang-Jin Wei of the International Monetary Fund argued when a company
employs people overseas, lower costs and high profits enable it to hire
elsewhere in the organization.
"We create one job for every job lost," he said.
Greater ease in Internet and phone transmission, spiraling healthcare costs
to cover U.S. employees, and more experience employing people in foreign
lands are fueling overseas hiring for jobs that once would have remained
here. The most compelling incentive remains the disparity between wages
earned in the United States and in less-developed nations.
In India, a computer programmer with a college degree and two or three
years' experience earns about $20,000 a year, said firms that employ workers
there. Indian workers who process financial transactions make $12,000 to
$15,000. Call-center workers there earn about $1,200 a year, compared with
Brightman's $40,000 salary from AT&T.
The joint report, by Cornell and the University of Massachusetts at Amherst,
is the first to look at offshoring in all industries and to use the same
method to compare two years, 2001 and 2004. Private consulting firms have
examined specific industries. An often-cited study by Forrester Research
last spring estimated 225,000 white-collar U.S. service jobs would locate
overseas in 2004, bringing to 540,000 the total of those jobs now overseas.
A 2004 study by Deloitte Research said 850,000 financial jobs could be
headed overseas by 2010. The new report found that 204,000 jobs were moved
overseas in 2001, doubling to 406,000 this year.
There is no reliable government data. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
surveys employers on job relocations, but those data are widely viewed as
too low. In the first quarter of 2004, the bureau reported 4,633 jobs were
moved offshore. The bureau said it could not estimate second-quarter
activity, due to incomplete information from employers.
"Companies are very reluctant to say what they're doing," said Ronil Hira,
professor of public policy at Rochester Institute of

[CTRL] A Girl's Chilling Death in Gaza

2004-11-29 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-
A Girl's Chilling Death in Gaza
Israeli Army Concedes Failure in Initial Probe of Shooting
By Molly Moore
Washington Post Foreign Service
Sunday, November 28, 2004; Page A18
JERUSALEM -- On the morning of Oct. 5, Iman Hams, a slight girl of 13
wearing a school uniform and toting a backpack crammed with books, wandered
past an Israeli military outpost on the Gaza Strip's southern border with
The Israeli captain on duty alerted his troops to reports of a suspicious
figure about 100 yards from the outpost. Soldiers fired into the air,
according to radio transmissions, military court documents and witnesses.
"It's a little girl," a soldier watching from a nearby Israeli observation
post cautioned over the military radio. "She's running defensively eastward.
. . . A girl of about 10, she's behind the embankment, scared to death."
Four minutes later, Israeli troops opened fire on the girl with machine guns
and rifles, the radio transmissions indicated. The captain walked to the
spot where the girl "was lying down" and fired two bullets from his M-16
assault rifle into her head, according to an indictment against the officer.
He started to walk away, but pivoted, set his rifle on automatic and emptied
his magazine into the girl's prone body, the indictment alleged.
"This is Commander," the captain said into the radio when he was finished.
"Whoever dares to move in the area, even if it's a 3-year-old -- you have to
kill him. Over."
The girl's body was peppered with at least 20 bullets, including seven in
her head, said Ali Mousa, a physician who is director of the Rafah hospital
where her corpse was examined.
An investigation was undertaken, and the military's top commanders --
including the chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Moshe Yaalon -- said repeatedly that
the captain had acted properly under the circumstances. But Israeli
newspapers published graphic accounts by soldiers who said they witnessed
the incident, and Israel's Channel 2 television aired recordings of the
radio transmissions.
As a result, the company commander -- identified by the army only as Capt.
R -- was indicted this past week on charges of misuse of a firearm, ordering
subordinates to lie about the shooting and violation of military
regulations. In addition, the military moved to reexamine the investigation,
which Yaalon conceded had been "a grave failure" and which the indictment
alleged was the subject of an attempted coverup.
The shooting of the schoolgirl added to a growing number of incidents that
have spurred Israeli soldiers to speak out about abuses of Palestinians,
despite pressure from superiors in the field and statements by senior
military officials playing down such cases. Last week, after troops provided
photographic evidence to an Israeli newspaper, the military opened an
investigation into allegations that soldiers desecrated the bodies of
Palestinians killed during army operations.
In a vitriolic meeting of the Israeli parliament's law committee this month,
legislator Zahava Galon of the dovish Yahad party said, "The army sends
across a message of disregard for human life" with such behavior.
Five days after the October incident, Yaalon told Israeli Prime Minister
Ariel Sharon's cabinet that the girl likely had been used as a lure to draw
soldiers from the outpost and into the range of Palestinian sniper fire.
Yaalon told the cabinet that his investigation showed that the soldiers
fired into the air, but when the girl continued walking and tossed her
backpack aside, they shot at her, fearful that she might have a bomb.
Under questioning from a cabinet member, Yaalon denied press reports that
the commander and other soldiers left the outpost to make sure the girl was
dead. At the next cabinet meeting a week later, he went further, saying he
believed the captain's account that he was responding to "gunfire aimed at
him by firing a burst into the ground" and said the captain offered "a
reasonable explanation considering the conditions of the location and the
But soldiers who witnessed the incident and told their stories to the
Israeli news media eventually forced Yaalon to reverse his claims. Last
week, Yaalon conceded that the army's investigation had been a failure, and
he said he was "determined to deal with every incident of this type in order
to root out every failure of values from the Israel Defense Forces."
"There is no logical reason for what he did," a soldier, who declined to be
identified, told the daily newspaper Yedioth Aharonoth a few days after the
incident. "Not for shooting the two bullets at her, and certainly not the
burst afterward. This is the most sickening thing I have ever seen during my
army service. It was desecration of a body. That is not what we are taught
to do in the army. . . . The 13-year-old girl was already dead. Why did he
fire that burst into her?"
Shmuel Shenfeld, one of the indicted officer's attorneys, said the captain
opened fire because of "susp

[CTRL] 'Suicide tree' toxin is 'perfect' murder weapon

2004-11-29 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

Does Arafat come to mind?



  'Suicide tree' toxin is 'perfect' murder 
15:56 26 November 04
Exclusive from New Scientist Print Edition. Subscribe and get 4 free issues.

  A plant dubbed the suicide tree kills many more people in Indian 
  communities than was previously thought. The warning comes from forensic 
  toxicologists in India and France who have conducted a review of deaths 
  caused by plant-derived poisons.
  Cerbera odollam, which grows across India and south-east Asia, 
  is used by more people to commit suicide than any other plant, the 
  toxicologists say. But they also warn that doctors, pathologists and 
  coroners are failing to detect how often it is used to murder people.
  A team led by Yvan Gaillard of the Laboratory of Analytical Toxicology 
  in La Voulte-sur-Rhône, France, documented more than 500 cases of fatal 
  Cerbera poisoning between 1989 and 1999 in the south-west Indian 
  state of Kerala alone. Half of Kerala’s plant poisoning deaths, and one in 
  10 of all fatal poisonings, are put down to Cerbera. 
  But the true number of deaths due to Cerbera poisoning in Kerala 
  could be twice that, the team estimates, as poisonings are difficult to 
  identify by conventional means. 
  Unnoticed homicides 
  Using high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass 
  spectrometry to examine autopsy tissues for traces of the plant, the team 
  uncovered a number of homicides that would otherwise have gone unnoticed. 
  This also suggests that some cases put down to suicide may actually have 
  been murders, they say.
  Although the kernels of the tree have a bitter taste, this can be 
  disguised if they are crushed and mixed with spicy food. They contain a 
  potent heart toxin called cerberin, similar in structure to digoxin, found 
  in the foxglove. 
  Digoxin kills by blocking calcium ion channels in heart muscles, which 
  disrupts the heartbeat. But while foxglove poisoning is well known to 
  western toxicologists, Gaillard says pathologists would not be able to 
  identify Cerbera poisoning unless there is evidence the victim had 
  eaten the plant. “It is the perfect murder,” he says.
  Three-quarters of Cerbera victims are women. The team says that 
  this may mean the plant is being used to kill young wives who do not meet 
  the exacting standards of some Indian families. It is also likely that 
  many cases of homicide using the plant go unnoticed in countries where it 
  does not grow naturally.
  Journal reference: Journal of Ethnopharmacology (vol 95, p 

  James Randerson

  Return to news story

    © Copyright Reed Business Information 

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[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Oil makes U.S. raise military stakes in Colombia

2004-11-29 Thread Kris Millegan
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Oil makes U.S. raise
military stakes in ColombiaBY
BILL WEINBERGBill Weinberg, author of "Homage to
Chiapas: The New Indigenous Movements in Mexico" (Verso, 2000), is currently
working on a book on Plan Colombia.November 26,
President George W. Bush's quick stop in Colombia on his return
from the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting in Chile on Monday brought
this forgotten front in Washington's war on terrorism briefly into the
headlines. Bush promised Colombia's President Alvaro Uribe - his closest South
American ally - to boost aid for his military campaign against leftist
guerillas.Just two weeks earlier, 100 unarmed peasants were killed in a
massacre reportedly by rightist paramilitary troops in Colombia's southern
jungle province of Putumayo. Unlike the Bush visit, this failed to make
headlines here.Colombia has received $3.3 billion in U.S. aid since 2000
- making it the top recipient after the Middle East. In October, Congress
approved doubling the Pentagon's troop presence in Colombia to 800 - although
they are officially barred from combat.The Iraq war may have knocked
Colombia off the front page, but Mideast chaos has made South America's energy
resources more strategic to the United States. Colombia itself is among the top
15 global suppliers to the United States, and Uribe hopes to privatize the
country's oil industry as part of his push to join President Bush's Free Trade
Area of the Americas. Venezuela, bordering Colombia, is the fourth-largest U.S.
supplier after Saudi Arabia, Mexico and Canada. Venezuela's populist leader Hugo
Chavez is himself a White House target for Western hemisphere "regime change" -
as seen by the current push for sanctions.Meanwhile, the oil industry
has charted a new thrust into the Amazon regions of Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia -
countries all now receiving U.S. military aid under the Andean Regional
Initiative, the Bush administration's expansion of President Bill Clinton's
"Plan Colombia."The White House has now dropped the fiction that Plan
Colombia is an anti-drug operation. A post-9/11 $28.9 billion supplemental
anti-terrorism package allowed U.S. military aid to be targeted against groups
on the State Department's terrorist list - including both Colombia's two leftist
rebel groups, as well as the rightist paramilitary network known as the United
Colombian Self-Defense Forces (AUC), which is responsible for the vast majority
of massacres and atrocities, according to groups like Amnesty
International.The problem, say human rights organizations, is that Uribe
is not fighting the AUC - his government is negotiating with them, while
refusing to talk with the guerillas. Rights advocates cite reports of
collaboration between the AUC and Colombia's military, although they have been
officially denied. Targets of AUC's terror have included not only guerillas, but
union oil workers opposing Uribe's privatization plan, Indians demanding their
constitutional right to local autonomy and non-involvement in the war, and - as
in the recent Putumayo massacre - peasants simply trying to survive.One
beneficiary of the increasing troop presence in Colombia is Occidental
Petroleum, known colloquially as "Oxy." The United States is training and
equipping a Colombian army brigade to protect Oxy's 480-mile pipeline linking
the oil fields of Arauca province with the Caribbean. Arauca, the heart of Oxy's
operations, hosts the greatest concentration of U.S. military advisers and has
Colombia's worst human rights situation.Oxy is also building a new
pipeline over the Andes to get oil from Ecuador's Amazon to Pacific ports, while
in Peru, Hunt Oil and Halliburton have launched a massive natural gas project in
the Amazon, with a

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] The solution to Afghanistan's opium?

2004-11-29 Thread Kris Millegan
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Last Updated: Friday, 19 November, 2004, 17:13 GMT   

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 The solution to Afghanistan's opium?


 By Marc Deeley  
 Development worker, Spirit Aid 

Earlier this year the head of the United Nations drugs control agency said efforts to tackle Afghanistan's growing drugs trade were failing. The UK-based development agency Spirit Aid offers a radical solution to the problem. 

Afghanistan produces 75% of the world's opium, says the UN
 During the 1990s, five or six provinces in Afghanistan were cultivating opium poppy.

 Since the fall of the Taleban, that number has increased to 28 out of 32 regions. That is a major factor in worsening violence this year as people struggle to survive and fight for control of this illegal, socially damaging but lucrative resource.

 Afghan farmers produce opium that is sold for some $2.3bn, according to United Nations estimates.

 Its value is vastly inflated beyond that by the time it reaches its Western consumers.

 Despite this, Afghanistan remains one of the poorest places on Earth.

 Collectively the farmers receive less than half a per cent of the wealth generated by their illegal crops. Much of the revenue ends up with local militias.

 Environmentally friendly 

The organisation I work for, Spirit Aid, has developed a plan to replace Afghan opium - 75% of the global supply - with industrial hemp.

   Industrial hemp is perhaps the only economically and environmentally viable alternative to opium cultivation in Afghanistan    

Your views on this article 

 Hemp is a fast growing, legal cash crop that presents a host of immediate benefits to Afghan society, including a potentially lucrative source of foreign exchange earnings.

 The hemp tree is part of the cannabis species, which includes marijuana plants. However, leaves from hemp trees carry very little of the psychoactive components of the marijuana plant that makes it popular among drug users.

 It can be used to produce heating and cooking fuel, thereby ending the need for people to cut down and burn their remaining forests during severe winters.

 Using hemp in this way would also help prepare areas of land for future tree planting projects.

 But there are other benefits to cultivating hemp.

 Renewable energy 

 At the moment many Afghan children are malnourished. Hemp produces a fruit boasting the nutritional qualities of soya, oily fish and wheat combined.

Hemp trees - can make the world a healthier place

 Hemp can produce quantities of wood equivalent to four times that of trees over a similar period of time. This biomass can be used in the production of clean, renewable energy, biodegradable plastics and building composites.

 Hemp is currently being grown for these purposes in 36 countries around the world, including Canada and some European Union countries.

 If hemp could be successfully introduced in Afghanistan we believe that:

 Those who depend on the 90,000 hectares of land dedicated to opium poppies in Afghanistan would instead be able to cultivate industrial hemp to provide heating, shelter, food and would have an alternative source of revenue

 Communities in the West would no longer be flooded with cheap heroin in this supply-driven industry

 The world would become a cleaner, healthier and more secure place as the need to cut down old growth forests and burn the remaining oil, coal and gas reserves is reduced.

 Unique opportunity 

 Industrial hemp is perhaps the only economically and environmentally viable alternative to opium cultivation in Afghanistan.

Is Afghanistan heading the way of Colombia?

 It presents an opportunity to satisfy the immediate fuel, fibre and monetary requirements of two million farming

[CTRL] Two reviews: The Devil's Dominion: Magic and Religion in Early New England

2004-11-29 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-

Book Review

Godbeer, Richard.  The Devil's Dominion: Magic and Religion in Early New England. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992.

 For centuries people have been both fascinated and frightened by witchcraft and there have been many informative books written on the subject. Richard Godbeer has written the book  The Devilâs Dominion, Magic and Religion in Early New England. In his book Godbeer looks at folk magic in the early days of New England and how it was viewed by the clerics of the day, he shows how religion and magic were sometimes intertwined. When the English landed in Plymouth, in 1620 they brought over from the mother country the beliefs and superstitions that had been ingrained in them for many years, some of these beliefs were in magic. The role of the cleric the lay person and also the role that the beliefs of the church played in the witch hunts is explored in this book. In my opinion  The Devilâs Dominion is written for not only a professional audience but for the general public. A great deal of research went into the book as evidenced by the many quotes from old texts. Richard Godbeer received his B.A. from Oxford University and his Ph.D. from Brandeis University; he is now an Associate Professor of History at Brandeis University. In addition to this book he has also written Sexual Revolution in Early America (Johns Hopkins University Press, March 2002). Specializing in early American history, Godbeer focuses on the religious and cultural history of early America.

When the colonists came over from England they brought with them all their different beliefs and practices this included their own beliefs in magic (24). Christianity and folk magic existed together in England for over a thousand years. Many people often confused Christian and non-Christian rituals. Instead of getting rid of all the pagan rituals when they became Christians, people tended to use both. (25). Many times the church rituals were in the same manner as a spell or a charm. This led to confusion between some of the church rituals and folk magic, also confusion between a priest and cunning folk (26). I can see the similarities between religion and magic myself. As long as one was not worshiping the devil and they did not seem to be, and the outcome was for the good of another, I can see why a person who proclaimed to be religious would intertwine the two. Even today churches have rituals that have the same connotations of casting a spell. It is easy to see why it was hard to separate religion and magic.Â

 The types of witchcraft that people were accused of using at the time included healing and divining. This cunning folk were performing a vital social service in the sixteenth and seventeenth century (24). In early modern England divination was used not only to predict the future but also to locate stolen goods. There was a major problem with theft all over the country and divination was one method used to try and locate the missing object. In New England, divination was mostly used to predict the future. There was a fortuneteller from Wethersfield, Connecticut named Katherine Harrison who was a servant. She predicted for Elizabeth Bateman, a girl she worked with, the man that she was going to marry. Katherine Harrison even predicted the name of the future husband, as it turned out Elizabeth did marry a man by the same name (33). In todayâs society we have many people who could be accused of divining, there are advertisements daily on the television for you to call and have your future told for you. There seems to be the same need in some people to know what the future has in store for them today and there was in the sixteenth century.

Most of the information in regards to magic is found in clerical sources and in legal depositions. These sources tell of witnesses who had described the activities of the suspected cunning folk. These suspected people were believed to have been involved in witchcraft. In both England and in New England people used instruction manuals. In the northern colonies there was an unusual high rate of literacy. Though there is no record of any of these manuals surviving form colonel New England there is evidence of their existence. Cotton Mather had written that these types of books, that gave a person instruction on how to be a fortune-teller, had found their way into New England. In another instance a John Bradstreet from Rowley, Massachusetts had informed his neighbors that he had read from a book on magic. Another man, John Hale said that Dorcas Hoar had a book about fortune telling, and it had pictures in it (36). There are not very many written records that survived from this early period and there is no record of any witch trials before 1647. It is believed that is because the colony was very new, it took time for the suspicions to build up.Â

 The first witch trial was in 1648. The trial that took 

[CTRL] Fwd: Ohio Supervisor of Elections deliberately stalling vote counting & recount

2004-11-29 Thread Kris Millegan
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From:  "Bernard Windham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:  2004/11/27 Sat AM 11:16:58 EST
To:  "People-v-Ohio-n-Florida" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CC:  "TruthSeekersElection2004" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:  [People-v-Ohio-n-Florida] Ohio Supervisor of Elections deliberately 
stalling vote counting & recount to run time clock out

Richard Hayes Phillips, Ph.D.

As of election night there were 155,428 provisional ballots still to be counted 
in Ohio. The eagerly awaited Ohio recount cannot possibly begin until after the 
votes are counted for the first time.

It is now Friday, November 26, 2004. Twenty-four days have passed since the 
presidential election. There are 88 counties in Ohio. To my knowledge, only 13 
have examined their provisional ballots, counted them, and posted the results 
on their websites. The 13
counties are: Ashland, Brown, Butler, Clinton, Geauga, Greene, Hancock, 
Montgomery, Pickaway, Preble, Tuscarawas, Union, and Warren.

Altogether, there were 23,873 provisional ballots issued in these 13 counties, 
or 15.36% of the
statewide total. At this rate, it would take five months to count them all. 
This strikes me as a
deliberate stalling tactic to delay the Ohio recount until after the electoral 
college meets in December.

Here are the unofficial results in the 13 counties, with the sum totals 
compared with those reported on election night, so as to compute the net gains:


County Bush Kerry Others Ballots Not Cast Counted

Ashland 16,171  8,555  234  25,739779
Brown 12,647   7,140  105 20,281 389
Butler 109,866  56,234 696   168,976 2,180
Clinton 12,938   5,417  58   18,674 261
Geauga 29,974 19,588 205 51,286 1,519
Greene 48,377 30,530 361 80,602 1,334
Hancock 25,101 10,343 140 35,926 342
Montgomery 138,361 142,977 1,205 287,635 5,092
Pickaway 14,160 8,578 123 23,132 271
Preble 13,733 7,274 119 21,559 433
Tuscarawas 23,825 18,854 260 43,760 821
Union 15,869 6,665 96 22,911 281
Warren 68,035 26,043 337 95,512 1,097

Bush   Kerry Others

Total 529,057 60.04%348,198 39.51% 3,939 0.45%
Earlier 516,376 60.18% 337,902 39.38%  3,753 0.44%
Net Gain 12,681 54.75% 10,296 44.45%   186 0.80%

John F. Kerry is actually gaining on George W. Bush as the counting of 
provisional ballots proceeds. In counties that Kerry lost by 20.8% on election 
night, he is losing by only 10.3% among the provisional ballots counted. In the 
75 counties yet to be heard from, Kerry actually held a lead on election night:


Bush  KerryOthers

88 counties 2,796,147 2,659,664 25,993
13 counted 516,376 337,902 3,753
75 uncounted 2,279,771 2,321,762 22,240

There are 208,696 uncounted ballots in these 75 counties, including 131,555 
provisional ballots, and 77,141 regular ballots, mostly punch cards, which will 
have to be examined by hand during the recount. For a county by county 
breakdown of the uncounted votes,


Half of these uncounted votes, 104,748 (50.19%) are in 9 counties, 8 of which 
were won by John Kerry.


There are also 14,799 ballots still uncounted in the other 13 counties, 
according to the table above. No wonder Ohio Secretary of State J. Kenneth 
Blackwell is trying to slow down the counting of provisional ballots, and 
trying to delay the recount until after he certifies the winner. There needs to 
be a firestorm of protest to cause him to recuse himself, or a restraining 
order issued by the courts.

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[CTRL] Fwd: The CIA's Role in Venezuela's 2002 Failed Coup

2004-11-29 Thread Kris Millegan
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The CIA's Role in Venezuela's 2002 Failed Coup 

By: Eva Golinger - VenezuelaFOIA.infoOn April 12, 2002, White House spokesperson Ari Fleischer stated:âLet me share with you the administration's thoughts about what's taking place in Venezuela. It remains a somewhat fluid situation. But yesterday's events in Venezuela resulted in a change in the government and the assumption of a transitional authority until new elections can be held.The details still are unclear. We know that the action encouraged by the Chavez government provoked this crisis. According to the best information available, the Chavez government suppressed peaceful demonstrations. Government supporters, on orders from the Chavez government, fired on unarmed, peaceful protestors, resulting in 10 killed and 100 wounded. The Venezuelan military and the police refused to fire on the peaceful demonstrators and refused to support the government's role in such human rights violations. The government also tried to prevent independent news media from reporting on these events.The results of these events are now that President Chavez has resigned the presidency. Before resigning, he dismissed the vice president and the cabinet, and a transitional civilian government has been installed. This government has promised early elections.The United States will continue to monitor events. That is what took place, and the Venezuelan people expressed their right to peaceful protest. It was a very large protest that turned out. And the protest was met with violence.â[i]On that same day, U.S. Department of State spokesperson Philip T. Reeker, claimed:âIn recent days, we expressed our hopes that all parties in Venezuela, but especially the Chavez administration, would act with restraint and show full respect for the peaceful _expression_ of political opinion. We are saddened at the loss of life. We wish to express our solidarity with the Venezuelan people and look forward to working with all democratic forces in Venezuela to ensure the full exercise of democratic rights. The Venezuelan military commendably refused to fire on peaceful demonstrators, and the media valiantly kept the Venezuelan public informed.Yesterday's events in Venezuela resulted in a transitional government until new elections can be held. Though details are still unclear, undemocratic actions committed or encouraged by the Chavez administration provoked yesterday's crisis in Venezuela. According to the best information available, at this time: Yesterday, hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans gathered peacefully to seek redress of their grievances. The Chavez Government attempted to suppress peaceful demonstrations. Chavez supporters, on orders, fired on unarmed, peaceful protestors, resulting in more than 100 wounded or killed. Venezuelan military and police refused orders to fire on peaceful demonstrators and refused to support the government's role in such human rights violations. The government prevented five independent television stations from reporting on events. The results of these provocations are: Chavez resigned the presidency. Before resigning, he dismissed the Vice President and the Cabinet. A transition civilian government has promised early elections.We have every expectation that this situation will be resolved peacefully and democratically by the Venezuelan people in accord with the principles of the Inter-American Democratic Charter. The essential elements of democracy, which have been weakened in recent months, must be restored fully. We will be consulting with our hemispheric partners, within the framework of the Inter-American Democratic Charter, to assist Venezuela.â[ii]Why re-cite these statements here? These statements from the highest levels of th

[CTRL] Maps and cartograms of the 2004 US presidential election results

2004-11-29 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
Maps at site. 


Maps and cartograms of the 2004 US presidential election results
 Michael Gastner, Cosma Shalizi, and Mark Newman
 University of Michigan
 Email: Thanks to everyone who wrote to us about the maps. We've had 900,000 hits on the web page and received so much email that we may not be able to reply to everyone, but we much appreciate all your comments and suggestions. Most of the things people have been asking about are answered in this list of frequently asked questions. 

 Election results by state

On election night and in the days since then, we have seen many maps that look like this (click on any of the maps for a larger picture):

The (contiguous 48) states of the country are colored red or blue to indicate whether a majority of their voters voted for the Republican candidate (George W. Bush) or the Democratic candidate (John F. Kerry) respectively. The map gives the superficial impression that the "red states" dominate the country, since they cover far more area than the blue ones. However, as pointed out by many others, this is misleading because it fails to take into account the fact that most of the red states have small populations, whereas most of the blue states have large ones. The blue may be small in area, but they are large in terms of numbers of people, which is what matters in an election.

 We can correct for this by making use of a cartogram, a map in which the sizes of states have been rescaled according to their population. That is, states are drawn with a size proportional not to their sheer topographic acreage -- which has little to do with politics -- but to the number of their inhabitants, states with more people appearing larger than states with fewer, regardless of their actual area on the ground. Thus, on such a map, the state of Rhode Island, with its 1.1 million inhabitants, would appear about twice the size of Wyoming, which has half a million, even though Wyoming has 60 times the acreage of Rhode Island.

 Here are the 2004 presidential election results on a population cartogram of this type:

(A version including Alaska and Hawaii is here.)

 The cartogram was made using the diffusion method of Gastner and Newman. Population data were taken from the 2000 US Census. Iowa and New Mexico, which at the time of writing were officially undeclared, we have assumed to have a Republican majority -- all indications are that this will be the final declaration once recounts are complete.

 The cartogram reveals what we know already from the news: that the country was actually very evenly divided by the vote, rather than being dominated by one side or the other.

 The presidential election is not decided on the basis of the number of people who vote each way, however, but on the basis of the electoral college. Each state contributes a certain number of electors to the electoral college, who vote according to the majority in their state. The candidate receiving a majority of the votes in the electoral college wins the election. The electoral votes are apportioned roughly according to states' populations, as measured by the census, but with a small but deliberate bias in favor of smaller states.

 We can represent the effects of the electoral college by scaling the sizes of states to be proportional to their number of electoral votes, which gives a map that looks like this:

This cartogram looks very similar to the one above it, but it is not identical. Wyoming, for instance, has approximately doubled in size, precisely because of the bias in favor of small states.

 The areas of red and blue on the cartogram are now proportional to the actual numbers of electoral votes won by each candidate (with Iowa and New Mexico again assumed Republican). Thus this map shows at a glance both which states went to which candidate and which candidate won more votes -- something that you cannot tell easily from the normal election-night red and blue map.

 Election results by county

But we can go further. We can do the same thing also with the county-level election results and the images are even more striking. Here is a map of US counties, again colored red and blue to indicate Republican and Democratic majorities respectively:

Similar maps have appeared in the press, for example in USA Today, and have been cited as evidence that the Republican party has wide support. Again, however, a cartogram gives a more accurate picture. Here is what the cartogram looks like for the county-level election returns:

Again, the blue areas are much magnified, and areas of blue and red are now nearly equal. However, there is in fact still more red than blue on this map, even after allowing for population sizes. Of course, we know that nationwide the percentages of voters voting for either candidate were almost identical, so what is going on here?

 The answer seems to be that the amount of red on the map is skewe

[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Voting Machines Count Backwards in Okla.

2004-11-29 Thread Kris Millegan
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goldi316 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]...> Date:  Sat Nov 27, 2004  7:19 pm Subject:  [Fwd: Voting Machines Count Backwards in Okla.--this is a good one...]  This is for the Okies among us!  :-)  When even Oklahoma has to have it's votes rigged to ensure that Bush win...
We won't even mention the faux opposition candidate.
 Original Message  Subject:  Voting Machines Count Backwards in Okla.--this is a good one... 
Date:  Sat, 27 Nov 2004 18:37:02 EST 
How do you amass a margin of 3 millions votes and call it a "mandate?" The answer lies as much in the safe states as in the swing... Pass it on. Peace, Danny
Voting Machines Count Backwards in Okla. 
by Bob Nichols Saturday, Nov 27 2004, 3:13am[EMAIL PROTECTED]national / elections & legislation / news report 57 Rural Counties Affected - Vote Fraud Suspected 
Rural Oklahoma Voting machines know how to count backwards.
(Oklahoma City) November 18, 2004 - Rural Oklahoma Voting machines know how to count backwards. 
That looks like what the secretly programmed machines did for Sen. Kerry in President Bush's easily won Presidential Election victory in Oklahoma.
All 77 counties use the Optech Eagle voting machines and Tabulator's made by ES&S, Sen Hagel's republican company.The respectable, conservative "Tulsa World" newspaper reported Nov 3rd that Kerry was winning in 57 of the states's rural counties., with 70% of the vote counted. Turns out that the famous November 3rd report was probably not supposed to be printed. 
It represented the counting when the tabulating was about 70% "complete," as they used to say in the old Soviet Unon.The "official" State of Oklahoma Election Board vote totals released later show Kerry not winning; but, losing in all the state's 77 counties, including the 57 rural counties. Yea, somebody really messed up, big time, and published a partially completed and, I guess you would haver to call it, "fixed" vote. 
A simple comparison of total votes for Kerry between the staid establishment mouthpiece, the "Tulsa World" newspaper and the so-called "official" final vote totals at the State Election Board show fewer votes for Kerry in 57 counties than the "Tulsa World" does. Fifty-seven of the 57 counties clearly demonstrate that Sen Kerry lost 37,982 votes to the ES&S Optech Machines. During the same time period President Bush gained a whooping 393,825 votes. 
Nice, slick, easy way to win an election. As a man once said "He stole it fair and square!"In other words, Kerry lost votes already cast by voters. The voting machines counted backwards. What could be simpler than that?
Who programs these things, eh? Why, ES&S Corp., of course.It turns out the every vote in the state, all 1.4 Million of them cast, were counted on the same type of flawed machine, programmed originally by the Hagel's ES&S company.Whether they knew the difference or not is not known; but, spokesmen for the State Election Board would only say the Machines and Tabulators were fron Optech. They breathed not a word anout ES&S. 
Who really won? Well, nobody really knows! Most people in Oklahoma still think President Bush won his Presidential election. Wrong! Time for a re-count, this time by hand!Not that Oklahoma's very few Electoral Votes make much difference in the grand scheme of things. Except, of course, fraud is suspected in Ohio, too. A recount is already guaranteed in Ohio. What will Oklahoma officials do?
"Film at 11." Fat chance! People in the Great Flyover State of Oklahoma all know that the Professional Hairdo Anchors in the Oklahoma TV stations and the Radio Celebrities will not touch this with a 30 Foot Pole since their right wing owners keep them on a real short leash. 
But, the money is good and the living is easy in Oklahoma, where "The Oklahoma Observer" says 20% of the pe

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] FLASHBACK: The Invasion of Iraq: Dollar vs Euro

2004-11-29 Thread Kris Millegan
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Invasion of Iraq: Dollar vs Euro
Re-denominating Iraqi oil in U. S. dollars, instead of
the euro Z magazine, February 2004 - What prompted the
U.S. attack on Iraq, a country under sanctions for 12 years (1991-2003),
struggling to obtain clean water and basic medicines? A little discussed factor
responsible for the invasion was the desire to preserve "dollar imperialism" as
this hegemony began to be challenged by the euro. After World War II,
most of Europe and Japan lay economically prostrate, their industries in
shambles and production, in general, at a minimum level. The U.S. was the only
major power to escape the destruction of war, its industries thriving with a
high level of productivity. In addition, prior to and during WWII, due to
extreme political and economic upheaval, a considerable amount of gold from
European countries was transferred to the U.S. Thus, after WWII the U.S. had
accumulated 80 percent of the world's gold and 40 percent of the world's
production. At the founding of the World Bank (WB) and the International
Monetary Fund (IMF) in 1944-45, U.S. predominance was absolute. A fixed exchange
currency was established based on gold, the gold-dollar standard, wherein the
value of the dollar was pegged to the price of gold-U.S. $35 per ounce of gold.
Because gold was combined with U.S. bank notes, the dollar note and gold became
equivalent, which then became the international reserve currency.
Initially, the U.S. had $30 billion in gold reserves. But the United
States spent more than $500 billion on the Vietnam War alone, from 1967-1972.
During these years, the U.S. had over 110 military bases across the globe, each
costing hundreds of millions of dollars a year. These expenses were paid in
paper dollars and the total number given out far exceeded the gold reserve of
the U.S treasury. By then (1971-72), the U.S. Treasury was running out of gold
and had only $10 billion in gold left. On August 17, 1971, Nixon suspended the
U.S. dollar conversion into gold. Thus, the dollar was "floated" in the
international monetary market. Also in the early 1970s, U.S. oil
production peaked and its energy resources began to deplete. Its own oil
production could not keep pace with growing home consumption. Since then, U.S.
demand for oil continually increased, and by 2002-2003 the U.S. imported
approximately 60 percent of its oil-OPEC (primarily Saudi Arabia) being the main
exporter. The U.S. sought to protect its dollar strength and hegemony by
ensuring that Saudi Arabia price its oil only in dollars. To achieve this, the
U.S. made a deal, some say a secret one, that it would protect the Saudi regime
in exchange for their selling oil only in dollars. Throughout the late
1950s and 1960s the Arab world was in ferment over an emerging Nasser brand of
Arab nationalism and the Saudi monarchy began to fear for its own stability. In
Iraq, the revolutionary officers corps had taken power with a socialist program.
In Libya, military officers with an Islamic socialist ideology took power in
1969 and closed the U.S. Wheelus Air base; in 1971, Libya nationalized the
holdings of British Petroleum. There were proposals for uniting several Arab
states-Syria, Egypt, and Libya. During 1963-1967, a civil war developed in Yemen
between Republicans (anti-monarchy) and Royalist forces along almost the
entire southern border of Saudi Arabia. Egyptian forces entered Yemen in support
of republican forces, while the Saudis supported the royalist forces to shield
its own monarchy. Eventually, the Saudi government-a medieval, Islamic
fundamentalist, dynastic monarchy with absolute power-survived the nationalistic
upheavals. Saudi Arabia, the l

[CTRL] Why Israel Really Fears Iranian Nukes

2004-11-29 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

November 27, 2004 

Why Israel Really Fears Iranian Nukes Tel Aviv's concern about an Iranian bomb is more likely political rather than military 

by Roger Howard

Israel's leaders are apt to portray the prospect of an Iranian nuclear warhead in highly apocalyptic terms. Earlier this year, for example, Ariel Sharon was prepared to call Iran "the biggest danger to the existence of Israel" and warned that "Israel will not allow Iran to be equipped with a nuclear weapon." 
But though the image of fanatical mullahs brandishing nuclear weapons is of course a terrifying one, and a reality that the outside world must of course try very hard to prevent, the real reasons for Israel's alarm are, on closer inspection, easy to misapprehend.
Tel Aviv's concern is not, for example, likely to be based on narrowly military considerations. If Israel's main installations at Dimona really do house a large arsenal of around 200 nuclear missiles, as most independent analysts believe, and of course it has such close relations with the world's biggest nuclear power, the United States, why would the Iranians dare to provoke the massive and devastating retaliation that any foolish nuclear move would inevitably provoke?
The same logic holds true about the supposed risk that hardliners in Tehran could pass nuclear materials into the hands of terrorist third parties whose fanaticism renders them immune to the mutually assured destruction their actions would invite. But don't the mullahs know that any such move could easily be traced back to Iran and would therefore prompt a similarly devastating response?
Nor would an Iranian bomb make any difference to the state of play on the ground between the Israeli Defense Forces and Tehran's supposed protégés in the Middle East such as the Lebanese militia Hizbollah. As Basil Liddell Hart once argued, a nuclear weapon will deter only nuclear blackmail but will make no difference to the behavior of conventional forces in the field. Consider, after all, how many nuclear states have been attacked by the conventional forces of the non-nuclear – America in Vietnam, Britain in the Falklands, and Israel during the Yom Kippur War.
It seems likely, then, that there are other, more convincing, reasons why Israel is concerned about an Iranian bomb. One possibility, for example, is that Tel Aviv is deeply concerned that such a development could potentially create deep splits in the U.S.-Israel alliance.
Consider, for example, what would happen if Tehran, having developed a warhead and withdrawn from the 1968 Non-Proliferation Treaty, offered to reduce the size of or even eliminate its own nuclear arsenal in return for similar moves – all UN-monitored – by Tel Aviv. 
This would be a typically calculating and manipulative ploy by an Iranian regime playing the Israeli card to bolster its support at home and in the Islamic world as a whole. But any such ploy by Tehran would also seek to divide the more moderate European governments from a U.S. administration that has consistently been far more skeptical of Iranian nuclear assurances.
This might prove an adept move by posing a very difficult dilemma for an administration anxious to eliminate Iran's nuclear capability but equally reluctant to pressure its key Middle Eastern ally.
Any subsequent U.S. diplomatic pressure on Tel Aviv would infuriate Israeli leaders, who have long considered their nuclear arsenal as their best deterrent against what they regard as a hostile and numerically vastly superior Arab world. On two occasions, during the wars of 1967 and 1973, IDF chiefs ordered the preparation of their nuclear missiles against enemy forces.
But because the Israelis have frequently fended off intense U.S. diplomatic pressure before now, this is probably not the real reason why Tel Aviv would fear any such Iranian move. More important, perhaps, is the possibility that it would pose awkward questions, or even a far-reaching debate, in Washington and amongst the American public in general about the cost to America of an unquestioning loyalty to Israel. 
In short, the development of a nuclear bomb has not just obvious military implications; it also brings far-reaching political fallout of which Israeli chiefs must be very conscious.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Computer meltdown baffles the experts

2004-11-29 Thread Kris Millegan
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Computer meltdown baffles the experts
By Barrie Clement, Labour Editor
27 November 2004

Computer engineers were at a loss last night to explain why the Government had been hit by arguably the worst electronic meltdown in the history of Whitehall.
Senior sources said that the specialist troubleshooters called in to deal with the crisis at the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) had failed to "get to the bottom" of the problem which blanked out up to 40,000 desktop screens.
While it has been established that the crash was provoked by an attempt to upgrade the screens, there was still no precise idea why it happened.
As the Government tried to play down the impact of the problems, Conservatives and union leaders demanded an immediate inquiry into a crash that affected one of the country's biggest IT networks.
Technicians were still struggling yesterday to fix the problem which began on Monday and which affected screens at more than 1,000 DWP offices.
The disruption follows a number of technical failures at the DWP and other government departments - notably the Child Support Agency. The American contractor EDS is responsible for IT networks at both those departments.
The DWP said the crash had only affected new claimants and people whose benefits were being amended. 
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[CTRL] Fwd: Elephants, the Perfect Storm, and the New Covenant

2004-11-29 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

Submitted to Portside
November 26, 2004

Elephants, the Perfect Storm, and the New Covenant

A Contribution to the Discussion of What Happened in the
Election and Where We Go From Here

By Jack Kurzweil

This small commentary originally was part of the post
election discussion in the Wellstone Democratic Renewal
club in Oakland - Berkeley, California.

A great discussion has ensued about why George W. Bush
won reelection, with some substantial number of his
supporters voting against their own economic self
interests. Many different explanations have been offered
ranging from the ignorance of the electorate, the
manipulation by the media, the inexplicable hold on the
electorate by fundamentalist Christianity, the idea of
"values", the stealing of the election through voting
machine skullduggery, the fears generated by 9/11, and
much more.

The flip side of this has been the problem of why Kerry
lost. The reasons advanced are similarly multiple. And
each of the reasons generates its own solution. Those
who believe that Kerry lost on 'values' advocate moving
more to the 'center'. Those who fault Kerry for the lack
of an adequate program call for moving to the left.
Politically active people who have email have seen
scores of analyses and many proposals for action. Most
of these are very insightful and useful.

But placed together, they invoke the fable of the
blindfolded men and the elephant. You remember that one.
The guy who feels the leg thinks of the elephant as a
tree, the one who feels the ear imagines a bird, and the
trunk reminds yet another of a snake. If we are to more
accurately apprehend the elephant, we should at minimum
combine the observations and, better yet, remove the
blindfold and look at the whole thing.

So I want to try to look at the whole thing, or at least
as much of the whole thing that I can see. And I'd like
to try to do it so that pieces of the whole thing that I
haven't seen can be added to the concept of the whole.

I think that that there is an underlying structural
change that has framed the development of this crisis:
the transformation of the world economy that began in
the 60's. We all know about this process:

- the revolution in automation, computerization,
communication, and transportation; - the accelerating
application of science to industrial processes including
in medicine, agriculture, and biotechnology; - the
transformation of the American economy from
manufacturing based to service based; - the export and
outsourcing of manufacturing jobs and all sorts of other
things like that.

The social consequences of this transformation are
equally well-known. Let's list a few:

- trade unions in the private sector have been decimated
and with that the weight of class based organization in
key sectors of society have been undermined; - wage
levels have decreased significantly, forcing married
women into the workplace in a process that has been
quite autonomous from the feminist upheaval, in turn
leading to considerable stress in the traditional
notions of family (please note that I am describing) -
although much new wealth has been created, social
mobility has decreased as the income and ownership gap
has increased - consumerism and its culture,
simultaneously repellant and attractive, has made its
way into the fabric of American life and has a powerful
impact on values and behavior

Now were this happening in isolation from other social
and political upheavals, it would be difficult enough.
But look at the other things that have been happening

1. The Civil Rights Movement and the fundamental changes
in the social structure that resulted. 2. The spread of
that movement to Latinos, Asian-Americans, and Native
Americans 3. The powerful rise of the Women's Movement
and the assertion of the place of women in society. 4.

[CTRL] Please Forward To Those Interested In Having Every Vote Counted

2004-11-29 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-

Forwarded with Compliments of Government of the USA in Exile (GUSAE):  Free Americans Resisting the Fourth Reich on Behalf of All Species. NOTE:  I want to get this out quickly because there's so little time remaining to build the 11/27 demos in NYC and KC; so apologies for any typos.   --  kl, pp

From: www dot hello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: November 27, 2004 7:52:17 AM GMT+07:00
Subject: [911TruthAction] Forward: Important Organizing Information from Cheryl Guttman!!!

Nov 26, 2004  1:57 am

 Subject:  Important Organizing Information from Cheryl Guttman!!!

 --Please Forward To Those Interested In Having Every Vote Counted--

Happy Thanksgiving! This is really exciting--there are going to be vote fraud
demos all around the country starting this weekend until the 18th (so far) and
there is a call for a National Demo on the 11th (see below). If you don't see
your city on this list you might consider organizing something yourself, you can
use these guidelines

In addition, If anyone is either interested in going to Ohio to volunteer for
the recount if transportation is subsidized or has frequent flyer miles that
they would donate, let me know. And please don't forget to do the latest urgent
Ohio action

Saturday, November 27th, Protest Rally, NYC
Where: NYC: Times Square, south side of island at 44th
between Broadway and 7th Ave.
When: Saturday, November 27 at 1:00 (I'd like
volunteers to start arriving around 12:30 to make sure
we're set up).
Please RSVP and Need volunteers to help design the flyers, make signs, and help
with  PR (There is some possibility she might do this again next week on the 4th.
Let her know if you would be interested in that)
contact :[EMAIL PROTECTED] (646)369-0492

Saturday, November 27th, Protest Rally, Kansas City, MO.
1:00 p.m. 47th & Main, Mill Creek Park by Fountain.
No Stolen Elections. Bring signs. Distribute flyers after rally.

Monday, November 29th, Demonstration, San Francisco, CA.
11:00 a.m. : 900 Front St. KGO TV.
12:00 noon : 1700 Montgomery St. Sen. Boxer's office.
(Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]. Cheryl Lilienstein, Donald Goldmacher,
650-856-0624, 510-527-1761, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Thursday, December 2nd, No Stolen Elections KC Meeting, Kansas City, MO
7:00 p.m. - 8:45 p.m. Location to be announced.

Saturday, December 4th, Rally, Columbus,  OH.
1:00 p.m. High & Broad Sts., Ohio Statehouse.
(Contact www.caseohio.org)

Saturday, December 4th, Protest Rally, Kansas City, MO.
1:00 p.m. 47th & Main, Mill Creek Park by Fountain.
No Stolen Elections. Bring signs. Distribute flyers after rally.

December 11, 2004, NATIONAL DEMO CALLED: Washington D.C.
Call (561) - 889 - 2165 or email
[EMAIL PROTECTED] to participate with the "March on
Washington D.C." on Dec.11, 2004. This is the day before the
Electoral College votes to decide who will be representing the United
States as either the 43rd or 44th  President of the United States.
Saturday, December 18th Protest, New York, NY.
2:00 p.m. Washington Square Park, Manhattan.

Ray Beckerman

And please don't forget to do urgent actions to facilitate recounts --especially
the latest Ohio action--and investigate fraud on this page, and please check for

 updates-- thanks, Cheryl

 http://stolenelection2004.com/alerts.html .


From: www dot hello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 Date: November 23, 2004 2:09:32 PM GMT+07:00

 Subject: MPEG See&Hear Bush Asked By Reporter if HeKnewAbout 9/11
Beforehand ?

MPEG See&Hear Bush Asked By Reporter if HeKnewAbout 9/11 Beforehand ?

Then from his hesitation and answer, Determine if you think he knew
beforehand or not ? !

A little slow to load
 Pass it on - Especially to News Media




From: No Stolen Elections! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (by way of murgatroyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)

 Date: December 2, 2004 7:44:54 AM GMT+07:00

 Subject: ALERT - Defend the Recount, Support the Voter Bill of Rights!

Please Read, Act, and Circulate
FROM: No Stolen Elections!  www.Nov3.US

 "We have been following developments very closely
and are deeply disturbed by the extensive and credible
reports of fraud in the election.  We call for a full
review of the conduct of the election and the tallying
of election results . . . . We 

[CTRL] Fwd: Dear Biblical Scholar Bush,

2004-11-29 Thread Kris Millegan
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Dear President Bush,

Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding
God's Law. I have learned a great deal from you and
understand why you would propose and support a
constitutional amendment banning same sex marriage. As
you said "in the eyes of God marriage is based between a
man and a woman." I try to share that knowledge with as
many people as I can. When someone tries to defend the
homosexual lifestyle, for example, I simply remind them
that Leviticus 18: 22 clearly states it to be an
abomination... End of debate.

I do need some advice from you, however, regarding some
other elements of God's Laws and how to follow them.

1. Leviticus 25: 44 states that I may possess slaves,
both male and female, provided they are purchased from
neighboring nations. A friend of mine claims that this
applies to Mexicans, but not Canadians. Can you clarify?
Why can't I own Canadians?

2. I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as
sanctioned in Exodus 21: 7. In this day and age, what do
you think would be a fair price for her?

3. I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman
while she is in her period of menstrual uncleanness -
Lev. 15: 19-24. The problem is how do I tell? I have
tried asking, but most women take offense.

4. When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I
know it creates a pleasing odor for the Lord - Lev. 1:
9. The problem is, my neighbors. They claim the odor is
not pleasing to them. Should I smite them?

5. I have a neighbor who insists on working on the
Sabbath. Exodus 35: 2. clearly states he should be put
to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself, or
should I ask the police to do it?

6. A friend of mine feels that even though eating
shellfish is an abomination - Lev. 11: 10, it is a
lesser abomination than homosexuality. I don't agree.
Can you settle this? Are there degrees of abomination?

7. Lev. 21: 20 states that I may not approach the altar
of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit
that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be
20/20, or is there some wiggle-room here?

8. Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed,
including the hair around their temples, even though
this is expressly forbidden by Lev. 19:27. How should
they die?

9. I know from Lev. 11: 6-8 that touching the skin of a
dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football
if I wear gloves?

10. My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev. 19: 19 by
planting two different crops in the same field, as does
his wife by wearing garments made of two different kinds
of thread (cotton/polyester blend). He also tends to
curse and blaspheme a lot. Is it really necessary that
we go to all the trouble of getting the whole town
together to stone them? Lev.24: 10-16. Couldn't we just
burn them to death at a private family affair, like we
do with people who sleep with their in-laws? (Lev. 20:

I know you have studied these things extensively and
thus enjoy considerable expertise in such matters, as
well, you have a direct line to God so I am confident
you can help.

Thank you again for reminding us that God's word is
eternal and unchanging.


[A bibliographical note by the moderator: This epistle
apparently originated as a set of seven questions penned
by Kent Ashcroft in response to a Biblically rooted
condemnation of homosexuality by Dr. Laura. Later,
through the collective genius of anonymous netizens, it
gained three questions and morphed into an appeal to the
Biblical scholarship of President George W. Bush. Below
are two versions of the Bible verses referred to and the
iniquiries establishing original authorship.

These are the Biblical verses refered to above, in two
different translations: the King James Version [KJV],
and New International Version [NIV]


[CTRL] US Economic Collapse #9: Chinese whispers frighten currency markets

2004-11-29 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-
Chinese whispers frighten currency markets
By Chris Giles in London
Published: November 26 2004 20:16 | Last updated: November 26 2004 20:16
The dollar fell to new lows on Friday on rumours that China might shift some
of its currency reserves away from the greenback, highlighting the
dollar-related jitters in financial markets.
The fragility in currency and bond markets has centred on fears that Asian
central banks might dump US assets to avoid large losses as the dollar's
value falls. The markets' nerves were highlighted by Friday’s investor
reaction to a report, later retracted, that China's central bank was
offloading US Treasury bonds.
The dollar dropped sharply after China Business News quoted Yu Yongding, a
central bank committee member and a respected professor of economics, as
saying China had cut its holdings of US government debt.
At one point on Friday, it hit $1.3329 against the euro before recovering to
On bond markets the yield on the benchmark 10-year US Treasury note was
trading at 4.24 per cent, up from 4.2 per cent at Wednesday's close. It was
the fifth week in a row that the yield on US Treasuries had risen.
Prof Yu said he had merely quoted to students in Shanghai data from the
Federal Reserve supplied to him by a friend at a foreign investment bank,
but his retraction did little to stem dollar falls.
The dollar started the week at $1.3059 and has declined in every trading day
since as traders took fright at signs that Asian investors might become more
reluctant to fund the US current account deficit.
On Friday, the deputy governor for monetary policy at Indonesia's central
bank said Jakarta might reduce its reserves of dollar assets if the currency
fell further. On Tuesday, the first deputy chairman of the Russian central
bank said it might increase the proportion of its reserves held in euros.
Investors have taken the comments as a signal that the Chinese and Japanese
central banks might also be reconsidering their asset holdings. If either
began to shift into European or Asian assets, the dollar would plunge and
interest rates on US government debt would rise sharply, damping US growth
For now, China and Japan have an incentive to retain US assets because doing
so holds down their currencies and maintains exports. But many economists
say the situation is not sustainable in the long term.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] FARC TARGETED BUSH

2004-11-29 Thread Kris Millegan
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Inside the 
RingBy Bill Gertz and Rowan ScarboroughTHE WASHINGTON TIMES 

Bush targeted The Colombian terrorist 
group Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, known as FARC, threatened to 
attack President Bush during his stop in Colombia this week. 
U.S. intelligence officials said reports from the 
region indicated that the Marxist group, which has conducted numerous bombings 
and terrorist attacks in the country, had planned to conduct some type of 
bombing or shooting attack during Mr. Bush's visit. 
The president traveled to Cartagena, Colombia, on 
Monday in a show of support for Colombian President Alvaro Uribe. The stop came 
after the Pacific Rim summit in Chile. Mr. Bush 
said at a press conference that since July 2003, "dozens of leaders and 
financiers of the FARC narcoterrorist organization have been killed or 
captured." Colombian government security and 
military forces were out in force for the four-hour visit, including 15,000 
military security forces and overflights by military helicopters. 
U.S. military advisers have been working as trainers 
with the Colombian military, which has been battling the Marxist FARC fighters 
for years. The FARC is made up of an estimated 9,000 
to 12,000 armed combatants and several thousand additional supporters who 
operate mostly in rural areas. The group engages in 
bombings, killings, mortar attacks, narcotrafficking, kidnappings, extortion and 
hijackings. U.S. security officials breathed a sigh 
of relief that the visit to Colombia took place without any attack or other 
incident.   Offensive 
counterintelligence The United States is set to 
revamp its counterintelligence operations by taking a more aggressive posture 
against foreign spies. Michelle Van Cleave, who 
holds the position of national counterintelligence executive, an interagency 
director, said in a speech last week that counterintelligence (CI) is more than 
neutralizing spies. "CI embraces all activities, 
human and technical, whether at home or abroad, that are undertaken to identify, 
assess, neutralize and exploit foreign intelligence threats," she said. 
Counterintelligence in the United States has been fragmented in the past as a 
result of "having no one in charge of the enterprise," she said. 
"Hostile intelligence services don't target an FBI 
field office, or a CIA station, or a military unit. They target the United 
States. For our nation's security, we need to approach CI strategically," Miss 
Van Cleave said at the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies. 
President Bush is reviewing a new national 
counterintelligence strategy designed to consolidate and better integrate U.S. 
counterintelligence programs for more offensive operations, she said. 
"In my view, the imperative for U.S. CI parallels 
the strategic imperative for the global war on terrorism: to go on the offense," 
Miss Van Cleave said. "In support of the nation's security, U.S. 
counterintelligence needs to shift emphasis from a posture of reacting to a 
proactive strategy of seizing advantage." Offensive 
counterintelligence will entail strategic assessment of the problem and 
"engagement of adversary presence, capabilities and intentions," she said. 
It will involve a doctrine of "attacking foreign 
intelligence services systematically" through strategic counterintelligence 
operations, she said. "Offensive CI, put into a 
larger context, can be used to defuse or shape an emerging threat, influence key 
decisions, mask vulnerabilities, advance diplomatic objectives or confer 
advantage at the negotiating table or on the battlefield," Miss Van Cleave said. 
"In wartime, we must be able to defeat the adversary's intelligence 

[CTRL] State has a role in family life, says minister

2004-11-29 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

The Nanny state

State has a role in family life, says 
ministerBy Rachel Sylvester(Filed: 26/11/2004)
The government has the right to intervene in family life because 
there are social implications in the way parents bring up their children, one of 
Tony Blair's closest allies said yesterday.
In an interview with The Telegraph, Margaret Hodge, the 
children's minister, said the state had always influenced young people's lives 
through schools and she wanted to extend that influence to the home.



  Margaret Hodge: 'If children are taken into care we have 
"There is a proper role for the state in helping parents in the 
home," she said. "In the past, people got support from the extended family, now 
they are looking elsewhere. [The state can be] a force for good, enabling 
families to do the best for their children."
Her comments, which reflect the tone of a speech she will make 
today to the Institute for Public Policy Research, will lead to "nanny state" 
Ministers are under pressure over the hunting ban and proposals 
to ban smoking in most public places and control advertising of junk food to 
However, Mrs Hodge said government involvement in family life was 
justified because the state had to "pick up the pieces" when parenting went 
Educational outcomes were determined far more by what happened at 
home, for example, she said, than anything taught to children in schools.
The NHS had to deal with the implications of mothers who feed 
their children an unhealthy diet and society had to pay the cost when young 
people with a bad upbringing turn to crime.
"There are always tensions between the liberty of the individual 
and the wider interests of society but the state has a role," she said. 
"Parenting in the home is crucial."
The aim was to avoid punitive intervention, she said. "If 
children are taken into care then we have failed, the state has to go in at the 
beginning and help."
In her view, many parents want government advice on how to bring 
up their children.
"You take home this little bundle of joy from the hospital and 
you don't know where to start. People want the state to help them." The 
Government is to launch a campaign to improve the way parents raise their 
The Department for Education and Skills will publish a booklet, 
which will be given to all new parents, telling them how to bring up their 
As well as information about child benefit and healthy diet, it 
will have "top tips" on reading with children, monitoring what they watch on 
television and talking to them about sex as they grow up.
Mrs Hodge, who has four grown-up children and one granddaughter, 
is trying to enlist the help of soap opera producers with story lines about the 
importance of discipline, safety and education.
A parenting helpline and a website will also be launched.
The important thing is the quality rather than the quantity of 
the time parents spend with their children, she said.
"If you are just watching the telly or chatting on the mobile 
phone rather than talking to your baby then your child is not going to 
Although she was reluctant to back Tony Blair's attack on 
"Sixties liberal values", she said discipline in the home was crucial.
"I am a child of the Sixties, there were lots of freedoms given 
to me that I relished - women going out to work, the contraceptive pill - but 
parents have to set boundaries. We need to support parents in setting the 
While stressing that the Government was determined not to repeat 
the Conservatives' disastrous "back to basics" campaign, she said ministers 
should not be afraid to take a moral lead.
She broke with Labour tradition by saying that marriage was the 
best context for raising children.
"Stability really matters for kids and people are more likely to 
stay together if they are married."
But she insisted the state should not criticise unmarried parents 
or single mothers.
The Government's 10-year strategy for child care will be 
published next week.
Ministers are expected to promise big increases in nursery and 
child care places and parents will be offered up to a year off after the birth 
of a child, with a portion of the leave allocated to 
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[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] The scent of competitive devaluations is the air in Japan and Europe

2004-11-29 Thread Kris Millegan
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 Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~--> 
$9.95 domain names from Yahoo!. Register anything.

Dollar Drops Further as Central Banks Reassess Reserves

By Eric Pfanner
International Herald Tribune
at The New York Times
Friday, November 26, 2004


LONDON -- The falling dollar reached new depths against 
the euro today, after a weeklong erosion of value prompted 
by concern that the dollar's status as the premier 
international reserve currency is growing more precarious.

The central bank of Russia said today that it would stop 
trying to peg the ruble solely against the dollar, shifting 
instead to a target based on a basket of global currencies. 
That could result in a decline in dollar purchases by the 
Russian central bank, whose currency reserves are 
dominated by dollar assets.

The biggest questions hang over Asian central banks, 
which have bought hundreds of billions of dollars' worth 
of United States Treasury securities and other 
dollar-denominated assets in recent years to slow the 
decline of the dollar, in order to safeguard their 
countries' exports to the United States.

Comments by a Chinese central bank official, 
suggesting that the bank might slow its dollar 
purchases, briefly sent the American currency into 
a volatile spin before they were retracted.

Analysts say any move to shift those banks' assets 
out of dollars could result in a sharp long-term fall 
in the dollar, given that the United States requires a 
steady inflow of close to $2 billion a day in 
international funds to finance its current-account 
deficit, a broad measure of trade in goods and 

"The present situation could be maintained for a 
while yet, but overseas investors are unlikely to 
continue accumulating dollar assets at the current 
rate indefinitely," said Charles Bean, chief 
economist at the Bank of England, in a speech 
late Thursday. His comments appeared to echo 
a warning from Alan Greenspan, chairman of the 
Federal Reserve, last week.

By adding more euros and other currencies into 
the mix, central banks overseas would be able 
protect themselves against a loss of value in their 
holdings if the dollar continues to slide. The 
currency mixes of those banks' reserves may 
also reflect more accurately the trade 
relationships of their economies. A number of 
comments from Asian central bankers in recent 
days suggest that these banks are at least 
growing more reluctant to add to their vast 
quantities of dollar reserves, even if, analysts 
say, no wholesale move to dump them seems 

The Chinese central bank official, Yu Yongding, 
appeared today to confirm market fears of a 
reappraisal of the bank's dollar holdings. The 
dollar bounced back, however, after a clarification 
from Mr. Yu, published on a Web site. Analysts 
said it remained unclear whether any policy 
changes were immediately in store at the Chinese 
central bank.

"Treat the story with caution, as it appears a tad 
dramatic," analysts at ABN AMRO wrote in a note 
to investors.

Indeed, the report, from China Business News, 
appeared to reflect confusion over the nature of 
China's dollar-denominated holdings. It quoted Yu 
as saying China had cut its Treasury holdings to 
$180 billion. But United States government data 
had recently shown Chinese holdings of only $174 
billion in Treasury bonds.

If bonds issued by United States government 
agencies and other assets are included, however, 
China's dollar reserves probably are far higher.

Analysts at Barclays Capital said the central bank 
has total international res

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] An article for you from an Economist.com reader.

2004-11-29 Thread Kris Millegan
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Dear cia-list,

matthew dickinson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wants you to see this article on 

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Subscribe to Economist.com now and save 25% by clicking here now

Nov 25th 2004

The cheapness of illicit drugs isn't just a sign of police failure. It
is also evidence that the drugs business has got more competitive

FOLLOWING a quiet spell, Britain's war on drugs seems to be heating up.
This week, the Home Office unveiled legislation that will create a
Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA), which, it is promised, will
conduct "a specialist and relentless attack" on racketeers. Suspected
traffickers will be compelled to produce documents and drug kingpins
encouraged to inform on one another. Other legislation will force more
addicts into treatment.

Hopes are high, which is surprising given the failure of previous
efforts. Street prices of Class A drugs have fallen steadily in recent
years (see chart) and the number of users has risen. Drug traffickers
are running slicker businesses. "We dealt with a team a while ago that
had a director of operations and a director of finance, and they
actually called them that," says Bill Hughes, the appointed
director-general of SOCA. More importantly, they are running a
different kind of business.

The drugs trade used to be dominated by stable, vertically integrated
outfits resembling mini-Mafia families. That was a response to the
risks of doing business. Drug buyers may be undercover police officers;
promises to pay may be broken (these are criminals, after all); trusted
contacts may be jailed and rivals get shopped. Stable partnerships
reduced these risks, as did recruitment from a shallow ethnic pool. But
market forces have gradually pushed these cumbersome organisations out
of business.

Competition in the cocaine trade has cut margins to minuscule levels,
considering the risks involved. Powder cocaine from central America is
sold in multiple-kilogram loads for GBP15,000-30,000 ($28,000-56,000).
But the price for a single kilogram, GBP18,000-32,000, is barely
higher, and the retail price not much more than that. Last year, the
National Criminal Intelligence Service estimated that cocaine was
selling for GBP56 per gram (equivalent to GBP56,000 per kilo) but the
current London price is said to be around GBP40 per gram.

The falling price of powder is especially striking considering the
supply problems of recent years. The United Nations Office of Drug
Control (UNODC) estimates that global coca leaf production has fallen
every year since 1999, from 353,000 to 236,000 tonnes. And, unlike
heroin, cocaine is perishable, which means it cannot be stockpiled
against lean times.

Margins are fatter in the heroin trade. Importers, many of them
London-based Turks, sell multi-kilo loads to white British middlemen at
GBP16,000-22,000 per kilo. The middlemen, who rarely deal in any other
product, sell on to retailers at prices up to GBP33,000 for a single
kilo, enhancing profits further by adulterating the drug. Heroin is
then cut again before being sold on the street for the equivalent of
GBP60,000 per kilo.

The reason why the cocaine price has fallen so much is that the market
is opening up. Dave King, a drugs specialist at the National Crime
Squad, says that the London-based Colombian importers who traditionally
controlled the import and wholesale trades now contract freely with
British entrepreneurs. A recent trend is for Britons living in Spain to
deal directly with Central American suppliers before selling on to
Colombians in London or directly to an army of middlemen.

New importation routes open frequently, sometimes as a

[CTRL] Fwd: escaping the matrix, a book, many chapters here

2004-11-29 Thread Kris Millegan
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[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] The Hagiography of St. George of Crawford.

2004-11-29 Thread Kris Millegan
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- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, November 28, 2004 1:38 PM
Subject: [elite_sociopath] fw: The Hagiography of St. George of Crawford.

The Hagiography of St. George of Crawford
by lordkelvin

Before a saint is beatified, an informative inquiry is prepared to
determine the reputation for sanctity and miracles of the servant of
God.  Not in a general way, but particular instances of sanctity and
miracles must be recorded and are investigated.
In order to smooth the path to beatification, I will aid the
postulator-general of the cause by recording specific miracles of the
Lord's servant, George W. Bush, and discuss the obstacles to


Although George W. Bush is not Catholic, he may consider converting
in recognition of the works of the Bishops and the laity that
delivered the Electoral College to the candidate (for President, and
sainthood).  While JFK won 83% of the Catholic vote, JK received only
47% of the Catholic vote.  If George decided to convert (the first
step towards canonization), he could in fact be sponsored by his
brother, Jeb.

On the other hand, the miracles of George W. Bush are numerous.  I
list only a few.

1) Although he received fewer votes in Florida than Al Gore in 2000
(according to the NY Times statewide recount), HE NONETHELESS WON

2) In 2004, MIRACULOUSLY, too few voting machines were delivered to
overwhelmingly Democratic precincts, while plenty of voting machines
were delivered to suburban precincts.

3) In both 2000 and 2004, George W. Bush was able to foresee that he
would win critical states such as Florida and Ohio, and that the exit
polls were incorrect in those states.  This was MIRACULOUS, since he
was unable to foresee that Osama bin Laden was determined to strike
within the United States, in spite of being told, "Bin Laden
determined to strike within the United States".

4) Despite lying to the American people in the State of the Union
address, his administration killing 100,000 civilians in a country
that had nothing to do with 9/11, favoring torture and opposing the
Geneva convention, dropping the ball before 9/11, not having a plan
for Iraq after getting to Baghdad, HE STILL WAS RE-ELECTED.  IT IS A

Feel free to add other miraculous occurrences to aid in the process.

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[CTRL] dark side of the Catholic Church, Boychoir case

2004-11-29 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

scroll for articles

Journalist probes the dark side of the Catholic Church New Orleans -  "The book, "Lead Us Not Into Temptation: Catholic Priests and the Sexual Abuse of Children," broke new ground, estimating that between 1984 and 1992 about 400 priests in North America were accused of molesting children. Today, studies estimate that since 1950 about 4 percent of American clerics _ 4,392 of them _ have been accused of abuse. And only 2 percent of abusers went to prison, according to a recent church report." http://www.katc.com/Global/story.asp?S=2617056

Top court to rule if choirboy may sue  Courier News 111/29/04 TRENTON "A man who claims he was repeatedly molested as a student at an internationally acclaimed Princeton music school has pushed his fight to sue the school to the state's highest court. The Supreme Court today will consider whether American Boychoir School should be shielded from such suits by a law designed to protect nonprofits from being bankrupted by employee negligence, or whether John W. Hardwicke Jr.'s suit against the school should be allowed to continue under a newer victims' rights law. A state appeals court in March ruled that Hardwicke could sue the boarding school he attended from 1969-1971. "The position of the Boychoir School as well as the Catholic church in the past has been that they are not liable for any childhood sexual abuse committed by their employees," said Greg Gianforcaro, a Phillipsburg lawyer who has represented people in sexual abuse suits against priests. "Charitable immunity law, as it's been used in the past in dealing with childhood sexual abuse, is a pedophile protection policy." http://www.app.com/app/story/0,21625,1127392,00.html
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] The Bush air crash and the Kerry pay-off

2004-11-29 Thread Total Information
-Caveat Lector-

The folks at Cloak & Dagger Internet Radio are reporting that the the
plane set to take Poppy Bush to Ecuador was taken down by forces
(probably via satellite weapon platform) looking to prevent Director
Bush from closing a deal to deliver Ecuadorian silver to an account of
Teresa Heinz-Kerry's at the Mellon bank in Pittsburgh, in exchange for
Kerry acquiesence to the electronic vote fraud on the November 2

Supposedly, there has been some trouble transfering the
previously-agreed to gold bribe from accounts in Switzerland. The
delay may explain why the Kerry campaign has taken small steps
recently to keep open the Ohio count.

Note that the news report below remarks that Bush wished to continue
on to Ecuador, but his security specialists prevailed upon him that it
would not be the wisest course of action.

>From Xinhuanet Nov. 22:

A private plane that was due to carry former US President George H.W.
Bush crashed three kilometers south of the US city of Houston, Texas,
on Monday, killing all the three crew members, local reports said.

Reports said that Bush had planned to take the plane to Guayaquil,
Ecuador, to deliver a speech at a conference.

After the incident, Bush decided to take an airliner to Ecuador,but
his security personnel recommended him to postpone the trip until the
situation was cleared up and it was determined whether the crash was
an attack.

Later in the day, the conference, set for Monday afternoon, was
postponed until December.
Police said that no one on the ground was injured, but one car was hit
by debris and another was hit by jet fuel.

* Houston Chronicle story


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[CTRL] The Yushchenko Mythos

2004-11-29 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

November 29, 2004 

The Yushchenko Mythos Don't believe the U.S. government's fairy tale about what's happening in Ukraine 

by Justin Raimondo

According to the U.S. government, and commentators on the left as well as the (neoconservative) right, the crisis in the Ukraine is a clear-cut case of "democracy" versus authoritarianism, "the people" versus "the oligarchs," and the forces of enlightened Europhilia up against the sinister specter of a resurgent Russia and a revivified KGB.
The only problem with this narrative is that it is unmitigated bunk.
Let's start with the central figures in this drama: the two Viktors – Yushchenko and Yanukovich. To begin with, you'll note that the former has a website in English, while the latter's site is only in the native Ukrainian and Russian. Yushchenko's audience is primarily the West, while Yanukovich is speaking to his own people. Right off the bat, the line of demarcation is drawn.
According to the conventional wisdom, Yanukovich is a dark demonic figure, a Soviet-type bureaucrat whose ties to Russia and the eastern power base of the ruling elite, automatically make him the bad guy. Besides that, we are told, Yanukovich is a man with a "criminal record," who served two jail terms. What they don't tell you is that Yanukovich was jailed by the Soviet regime on charges of robbery and assault. As the Los Angeles Times noted:
"A biography distributed on behalf of Yanukovich says that 'having suffered through a very tragic and tough childhood . . . the prime minister acknowledges regrettable youthful indiscretions, resulting in criminal charges that were eventually overturned by a Ukrainian court.'"
On the other hand, Yushchenko's indiscretions – which are not being reported in the Western media at all – were neither youthful nor the occasion for his public repentance. And if a youthful Yanukovich held up a Ukrainian gas station or knocked someone upside the head and took his wallet, Yushchenko was a key figure in a conspiracy to defraud the West of over $600 million. 
The idea that Yushchenko is some kind of outsider, whose victory will cause the fresh winds of free-market reform to blow through the sealed chamber of corruption that is the Ukrainian economy is another Western fairy tale that has no basis in reality. Yushie is a key figure in the oligarchic system of "crony capitalism" that has enriched the few at the expense of the many since the fall of the USSR. He rose to power – as head of the Ukrainian central bank through a good deal of the 1990s, and then as prime minister in the thuggish Leonid Kuchma's government in 1999 – on account of the power of the oligarchs. These "entrepreneurs" who made their fortunes on the strength of their connections to the Communist apparatus control the commanding heights of the Ukrainian economy, and what is happening today in the Ukraine is a civil war involving the various oligarchic clans. As a Carnegie study of the Ukrainian political landscape by Anders Aslund puts it:
"In Russia, the financial-industrial groups provide financing to various parties and to the government. In Ukraine, the economic-political groups rather tend to own political parties. Lazarenko and Timoshenko created the parliamentary party Hromada, as a company party of the Unified Energy Systems. Vadim Rabinovich has reportedly 'bought' the Green Party. Surkis and Medevedchuk reportedly own the United Social Democratic Party. However, Bakai, Pinchuk and the Franchuks support Kuchma directly and possibly his party the National-Democratic Party. Characteristically, all these oligarchic parties are considered centrist, that is, always prepared to make a deal without any real ideology."
Yushchenko is a creature of this system, and his tenure at the National Bank of the Ukraine was marked by the corruption so characteristic of the political culture: a scandal involving falsification of the country's credit ledger – essentially lying to the International Monetary Fund about the quantity of Ukrainian cash reserves. As the Financial Times reports:
"Under his control, the bank was involved in a damaging row with the International Monetary Fund over the use of IMF loans to falsify the country's credit position - allowing some politicians, but not Mr Yushchenko, to benefit personally. He survived the ensuing scandal."
A PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) audit confirmed the suspicions of IMF officials that Western lenders have been systematically deceived by Yushchenko's NBU:
"By giving a misleading impression of the size of Ukraine's reserves, the NBU's reserve management practices may have allowed Ukraine to receive as many as three disbursements under the stand-by arrangement in effect at that time that it might not otherwise have been able to obtain. … The three disbursements in question that would have been affected by the transactions examined in the PwC report were based on October, November, and December 1

[CTRL] Fwd: [Politech] Audio interview with Justice Department official about copyright [ip]

2004-11-29 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

See as background from last month:
"The U.S. Justice Department recommended a sweeping transformation of 
the nation's intellectual-property laws, saying peer-to-peer piracy is a 
"widespread" problem that can be addressed only through more spending, 
more FBI agents and more power for prosecutors."

 Original Message 
Subject: Fw: Audio Interview - U.S. Justice Department on Copyright 
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2004 11:48:07 -0800
From: Blane Warrene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have worked with Phil on some pieces before - and he manages to find
some interesting candidates for his interviews.
Thought Politech readers might find this interview interesting.
Blane Warrene
Technologist / Researcher / Writer
-Original Message-
Sent: Thu, 18 Nov 2004 10:37:06 -0500
Subject: Audio Interview - U.S. Justice Department on Copyright
  Summary: In March Attorney General John Ashcroft appointed a special
Task Force within the Justice Department to investigate the causes of
the apparent rise in copyright infringement in recent years and to
develop recommendations as to how the rights holders, Justice
Department, and Congress could deal with the issues. The Chairman of
that Task Force is David Israelite and he is our guest on Inside
Digital Media today.

 The Task Force is concerned that the rights holders be provided the
tools needed to prosecute infringers. David indicates that one tool
that would be constructive to add would be a means of recognizing with
certainty the identities of individuals who are replicating copyrighted
files without permission on the Internet within Peer-To-Peer networks
and by other means.

 David points out that copyright infringement in excess of $1,000 is
considered a criminal misdemeanor. In excess of $2,500 it becomes a
felony. He notes that ordinary property owners are protected from
criminal theft by hundreds of thousands of local police, but that local
law enforcement is ineffective against intellectual property theft over
the Internet. Therefore, he feels it is necessary that the police force
of the Justice Department, to wit the FBI, become the enforcement

 David is sympathetic to the principle of the Sony Betamax Supreme
Court Decision in 1984 enabling the VCR to be sold as a legitimate
device since it has substantial non-infringing uses. However, he also
is concerned that some newer businesses on the Internet may be
encouraging and perhaps inducing, consumers to become copyright
infringers and have thereby overstepped the intent of the Sony Betamax

 From our interview, it appears that the Justice Department has placed
a high priority on protecting intellectual property. Anyone interested
in IP rights and how the government may view those rights in the
context of a rapidly changing technological environment would do well
to hear Davidâs thoughts.

 Subject: Todayâs guest on Inside Digital Media is David Israelite who
is the Chairman of the U.S. Department of Justice Task Force on
Intellectual Property.

Length: This audio-only interview is covered in about 20 minutes.

 Todayâs interview is audio-only. There are two ways to listen by
visiting www.insidedigitalmedia.com and selecting the November 18th

 Stream. You can stream it to your computer and play it through the

 Download. You can download the entire dot-MP3 file which enables you
to make it portable if you wish. For example, you can âburnâ the
interview to a blank CD thereby enabling you to play it in your car or
you can transfer it to a portable device like the Apple iPod.

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