[CTRL] Fwd: [911truthalliance] Kane Responds to Thorn's Attack on Ruppert

2004-12-11 Thread Brian Salter

Begin forwarded message:

From: Brian Salter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: December 10, 2004 7:59:56 PM PST
To: Michael Kane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: 911 Truthalliance <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "[EMAIL PROTECTED] Riseup. Net" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [911truthalliance] Kane Responds to Thorn's Attack on Ruppert

good work, mike.

a belated FYI about thorn's article:  he has done some very clever editing of something that i wrote in my blog about his previous hit piece, apparently to try and make me look like a supporter of his.  he didn't provide a link to my original page, which might help keep his readers in the dark about the fact that i was actually very critical of thorn and rejected the bulk of his piece.  if anyone is interested, here's the link:


what thorn left out:

"a great deal of this is a waste of time & effort, being a lot of personal commentary and some "sour grapes" issues...  As for the other points that I haven't mentioned, I am either undecided or find Ruppert's side to be convincing. While Thorn may have brought up some legitimate points, there sure are some amateurish cheapshots, such as wasting time questioning Ruppert's journalism training or dredging up purely personal gripes. I think Thorn has muddied things up by issuing a flawed and sloppy attack, which has probably made things more difficult for those who want to criticize Ruppert in a more thoughtful and disciplined way."

my opinion of thorn is even lower now.  what a fool.


Re: [CTRL] [911truthalliance] Re: V. Abernethy

2004-10-28 Thread Brian Salter
-Caveat Lector-
On Oct 27, 2004, at 9:30 PM, Michael Kane wrote:
Agreed entirely.
This persons endorsement should be purged from the petition.
I suggest people just do a quick review of this website
http://theoccidentalquarterly.com and decide for yourself. It only
took me 5
minutes to make up my mind.
as for David Korten, I am very pleased & excited to see he has signed
His book, "WHEN CORPORATIONS RULE THE WORLD" was one of the first I
read in
my political awakening and it is truly a masterpiece.
I have not looked into every aspect of Korten's political affiliations
though I do know he was part of USAID, a known CIA front - but I am of
belief that he is of good intent and he is a bonus to the petition
list. He says what he saw working for USAID changed him.
i used to think korten was brilliant until i started learning more
about the deep politics of globalization -- the "small is beautiful",
anti-technology, and localist ideas he tends to touch on are an
intrinsic part of the controlled "opposition" to neoliberal
globalization and have been carefully promoted behind the scenes since
the 60s.  korten is an avid rehabilitator of adam smith and promotes
the standard crypto-neolib agitprop that "big government" is no
different than big corporations.  two clues.  this is why someone like
him would be welcomed into the club of rome.  i've been researching
this kind of stuff for more than a year, and plan on writing
extensively on it soon.
certain key parts of korten's work strike me as a more "progressive"
translation of the sort of ideas promoted since the late 60s by elite
globalist insiders like harland cleveland, richard gardner, zbigniew
brzezinski, richard falk, herman daly, etc.
however by far the most notable elite mouthpiece for global downsizing,
population reduction, and feudalistic localization & tribalism is
edward goldsmith, from an old banking family closely allied with the
british oligarchy.  his late brother james was an important figure in
the ultra-right, aristocratic 'pinay circle' which is a secretive
spinoff of bilderberg.   "peak oil" promoter andrew mckillop is
goldsmith's new energy editor for "the ecologist".
goldsmith connects to P-2 / BNI, le cercle, michael ledeen, etc...
as for the club of rome, it originated as an institutionalization of
the policy ideas that came out of the rockefeller's aspen institute and
the cybernetics / systems theory movement which was a spinoff of the
CIA's MK-ULTRA social engineering program.  it's part of a larger
"post-industrial society" agenda.
Lastly, I would like to state there is a HUGE difference between
racist/eugenic theories and looking at the reality of coming resource
wars -
the likes of which we are already in. Looking for solutions to draining
hydrocarbon supplies is not in any way part of a "population reduction
movement." It is rather looking at the facts and trying to find a
response/solution - if one exists.
well, looking at the facts is the first part.   there is no proof yet
of current or imminent "peak oil".  it's still a statistical
interpretation, with a lot of unknowns.  there are multiple factors
playing into current price spikes and production issues, which "peak
oil" claims might in fact be fig-leafing.
the way one chooses to interpret the real motivations and causes of
these co-called "resource wars" has *everything* to do with the elite's
racist / eugenics agenda, regardless of what one's intentions are.
announcing "solutions" before the debates over the real nature of the
"problem" are truly resolved makes one culpable of unwittingly
empowering the wrong agendas.
furthermore, over the past decades there has been a huge and
unmistakeable correlation between the sectors of the elite which
support eugenics / depopulation, and those which support promotion of
neo-malthusianism and "resource scarcity" propaganda.  is this to be
casually ignored?  i'm sick and tired of facing the deep denial that
exists about this disturbing and critically important phenomenon.
For those who still believe abiotic oil is a savior to the hydrocarbon
crisis peak oil advocates declare we are about to face I suggest a
reading of Richard Heinberg's brilliant piece
i notice that heinberg never addresses a key question which is seems
obvious to me up front, which is: regardless of their theories, how
have the russians found significant amounts of oil in places like
vietnam's white tiger field, where conventional wisdom would simply
dictate not to drill?   one can come up with arguments after the fact
that 'fossil' petroleum has migrated down to lower layers, but that
doesn't change the fact that oil is being found in unexpected places
and in significant amounts (at least, and importantly, for a "third
world" country like vietnam, giving them insurance against the "

[CTRL] URL for my previous post

2004-10-27 Thread Brian Salter
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [911truthalliance] 100 Respected US Leaders & Families Demand 9/11 Investigation ! Respected Lead

2004-10-27 Thread Brian Salter
-Caveat Lector-
On Oct 27, 2004, at 2:25 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Virginia Deane Abernethy, Ph.D., anthropologist, author, Population
i'm delighted to see that the racial eugenics / population reduction
movement is getting ever more promotion by the 911 truth movement!
abernethy is on the editorial advisory board of The Occidental
Quarterly, a pro-racist, pro-eugenics publication.
tellingly, she was a colleague of the late garret hardin, a member of
the club of rome. (fyi, another current club of rome member on this
petition is localist econominst & former ford foundation official,
david korten, who has taken a lead in the CoR's outreach programs,
under the direction of CoR president and notable ally of ahmed chalabi,
HRH prince hassan).  one of abernethy's main theses vis a vis
population is that raising living standards and development in the
third world should be rejected as a means to slow population growth,
and that full development in the third world should be abandoned in any
case based on the claim that the world's resources are already "running
TOQ's statement of principles includes the following:
2. Race informs culture; it is the necessary precondition for cultural
identity and integrity. In 1950 whites represented 30 percent of the
world's population. If current trends persist, this number will
plummet to 8 percent by 2050. In the United States, whites are
projected to become a minority of the national population in less than
fifty years. The result will impoverish not only their descendants but
the world in general and will jeopardize the civilization and free
governments that whites have created.
 4. The European identity of the United States and its people should
be maintained. Immigration into the United States should be restricted
to selected people of European ancestry.
 5. The perfectibility, let alone the equality, of man is not possible
and is not a legitimate political aspiration. Political efforts to
achieve or enforce perfectibility and equality invariably demand an
unacceptable degree of coercion and result in unnecessary and unjust
pain, suffering, and social disorder.
TOQ supports the draper / pearson / manhattan institute circles of
depopulation & racial eugenics promoters who gave us 'mankind
quarterly' and 'the bell curve'... (conincidentally (?), a founding
member of MQ, charles galton darwin, seems to have become a poster boy
for some 'peak oil' pundits...)
one certainly couldn't critique this petition for failing to cover the
whole political "spectrum"...
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Riley / von Kleist disinfo ops

2004-10-08 Thread Brian Salter

since posting a critique of the video "911 in plane site", from dave von kleist and joyce riley of 'powerhour', to my site (questionsquestions.net), i've been informed by a few people about a controversy over their role in gulf war vets' issues and gulf war illness.  they have been facing accusations of being disinfo agents for some time, and the evidence seems pretty strong.  the main person pursuing this is a lawyer named linda kennedy, who actually used to be a personal assistant to riley and von kleist, but then came out with an exposé earlier this year after splitting with them and making some ugly discoveries.  it looks like the two have connections to FBI, possibly MI, and an openly admitted connection to the southern poverty law center, which has well known connections to ADL and FBI.  they have also been denounced by peter kawaja who accuses them of hijacking and covering up the gulf war illness info that he originally discovered.  riley's background is particularly suspect.  but this is not an area that i'm well informed on, so if anyone has been following this and knows the background, i'd welcome additional info & opinions.  if kennedy's allegations hold up, it would seem to reveal some reasons why riley and von kleist whipped up their bogus 911 video to try and hijack a new issue...


a summary from linda kennedy, april 2004:

these are links to linda kennedy's info & evidence:

an interview with linda kennedy

peter kawaja info

this is kennedy's personal account of her months-long stay living and working with the von kleists, for those with a morbid curiosity and some time to kill...

quoted from first link above:

When Dessert Storm finally started (invasion of Kuwaitby “coalition forces), in 1/91, another silent raid was also occurring.  While we were busy watching the war on CNN, Kawajawas being raided by federal agents, by gun point.  All the evidence at his home was confiscatedand sealed under the War Powers Act. Fortunately, Kawaja had enough evidence elsewhere to still hold thegovernment accountable for war crimes, if someone would listen (of course the courts would not).  

   Not satisfied that they confiscated all Kawaja’s evidence, the government triedfooling Kawaja into thinking they were going to prosecute Barbouti.  They would hold phony grand jury proceedings,with Kawaja as their “star witness,” further trying to get Kawaja’s remain ingevidence.  They still could not getit.  By about 1994, Kawaja was still seton holding these criminals accountable for their actions against the Americanpeople and our Veterans.  He filed alawsuit against the government trying to expose these atrocities, which of course the governmentwanted to get dismissed quickly and quietly (page two).  The Department of Defense also started itsown suit in Kawaja’s name to try to stop this evidence from getting to Americans, and attempted to control the “prosecution”to make sure this case was never actually heard.  In March of 1995, the government claimed thatthe litigation that Kawaja brought against it was improper claiming that,  Kawaja "apparently wants to direct the course of the criminal investigation.  Rather, the AUSA and agents should bepermitted to continue their investigation into these important matters, withoutthe constraint of pressure of this litigation. . .” in spite of theiractually being no real ongoing investigation (documented elsewhere).  

   By now, theGulf War Illness was breaking, with many sick and dying Vets suffering, and withthe government denying there was such a thing as a Gulf War Illness.  Of course, this is with the U.S. Government being fully aware that they caused the illness to occur through their actionsand foreknowledge.  In addition to goingthrough these governmental abuses, Kawaja also suffered through his wife beingkilled, his house being burned down, and the IRS coming after him to make surehe would never have any money to pursue any further action against them.   Finally, he had been pursuing the “hardfiles” which were the 400,000-700,000 missing files of sick gulf warveterans.  When the Murrah building wentdown, so did the files, which were housed there.  Of course, the government could not get ridof that building fast enough, nor could it put McVeigh, the government patsy,to death quickly enough.  Case closed.    

   The government also gave Kawaja another very important warning:  If Kawaj

[CTRL] New 9/11 video evidence analysis at QQ

2004-09-09 Thread Brian Salter
-Caveat Lector-
New 9/11 video evidence analysis at questionsquestions.net:
Analysis of Flight 175 "Pod" and related claims
Webfairy's Reign of Error
The WTC "Mystery Explosion" Video Hoax
Brian Salter,
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] fyi, demoulins answers olmholt "ground effect" claims

2004-09-06 Thread Brian Salter
-Caveat Lector-
this is a response from j.p. desmoulins concerning claims from ralph
olmholt (http://home.comcast.net/~skydrifter/exp.htm) that the
aerodynamic "ground effect" would prevent a 757 from getting low enough
to the ground to strike the pentagon at the impact area.  (one thing
not mentioned here which also should be factored in is the fact that
numerous witness reported specifically that the plane's flaps were not
down.  note also that the ground under the approach path was not level,
but had a rising slope towards the impact area.  therefore, the plane
was at very low height for only a short distance, not at constant
ground-hugging height).
btw the olmholt page, which is promoted by jeff strahl, is interesting
overall, peppered with *highly credible* claims, such as the claim that
firefighters at the scene were deliberately not doing their jobs, and
were engaged in arsonry or allowed it to occur under their noses around
the scene to add extra damage as part of the coverup!!
nothing better for 9/11 truthseekers than to be seen as accusing
firefighters and rescue workers, who are seen by the public as heroes
of the day, as being in on the conspiracy, based on nothing but hollow

This ground effect is real, and reported by planes which can't land,
or have some problems to land, needing more distance on the runway
than usually.
Two factors increase this effect :
- The heat (no such factor at 9 am in Washington DC)
- The albedo. Strong effect on dark runways. Private pilots report
that they sometimes prefered landing on grass besides the runway than
on it to avoid this.
Of course speed increases the effect. If you arrive too fast, you
can't usually land until your speed has decreased. Not only due to
ground effect but to the fact that holding to ground a plane which is
over take off speed is a real mess. Usually, with the landing gear
down, it ends in a kangaroo jumps like trajectory.
Now, all the reports of this effect have been done by pilots who
survived. The topography of the place (Rd 27, heliport, pentagon) and
witness accounts show that the plane arrived to the ground at ~350 mph
(more than two times the take off speed), with a pitch angle of
approximately 5 degrees - and not razing the ground as "shown" in the
faked pentagon cctv frames - and rolled 15° to 20° to the left. Such
conditions, even without a building to hit, would normally destroy the
plane and kill everybody on board. So the question which should be
asked, wether the ground effect can prevent a plane from touching
ground if it arrives at 350 mph with a 5° pitch angle and a 15° roll
angle must receive the answer : nobody ever came alive to report of
Personnally, I would say that it should "round" the trajectory in the
last meters, but couldn't prevent the plane from hitting ground. As
when you send a flat stone onto water. With a small angle, it bounces,
with a greater angle, it just dives into water. Now what is the angle
for a B 757 over a grass ground at 9 am in septembre... Perhaps we
could ask Ralph Olmholt, a retired B 757 pilot if I'm not confused, to
try in the conditions of the Pentagon's crash to see if his plane
bounces as a kangaroo instead of touching the ground... Personnally, I
would not try.
I will post this answer to "frameup" and "the911coverup" lists on
yahoogroups. Feel free to forward my answer where the claim quoted
below was publicly displayed.
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [political-research] A Challenge to the Abiotic Oil Camp

2004-09-03 Thread Brian Salter
-Caveat Lector-
On Sep 3, 2004, at 9:39 AM, Vigilius Haufniensis wrote:
VMANN:  is there evidence of an oil shortage?
'peak oil' is covering 'neocon' tracks.
'peak oil' advocates claim that US mideast policy is designed around
keeping cheap oil flowing.  well, why is the US secretly bombing iraq
oil pipelines, according to the complaints of industry insiders?  and
who is in on the mosul-haifa pipeline plan?
'peak oil' (with 'impending severe climate change' playing shortstop)
serves as a cover for the geopolitical aim of strangling the growth of
eurasian rivals like china and india, and probably helps potentially to
discredit russia as well, given that they are at least four years away
from the infrastructure needed to increase their oil exports.  it's
really getting obvious, in my opinion.  not to mention the cover story
for the depreciating dollar, which ties in too.
the usual sources started cranking out anti-saudi 'peak oil' rhetoric
earlier this year at about the same time that "get the saudis" rhetoric
was again winding up on capitol hill, and this was not long after the
saudis started opening up some surprising new independent channels with
russia & china...
those who think that 'peak oil' claims are an enemy of neocons ought to
ponder how it is that the current president of the club of rome is the
same guy who once smuggled chalabi out of jordan in the trunk of his
cheney energy advisor simmons and other 'peak oil' advocates say we
need a new international agency to audit oil producers and set
malthusian limits on oil production and consumption.  sounds like a
replacement for OPEC doesn't it.  does that contradict the 'neocon'
agenda?and who would provide the reference info for such oil
audits?  don't know yet, but it turns out that a near monopoly of world
petroleum survey and database services is held by western / geco
(formed in 1999), which is owned by a holding company run by baron
friedrich thyssen-bornemisza, the grand-nephew of the guy who wrote, "i
paid hitler".  ok.
FTW coverage has been promoting the report prepared by global business
network for the DoD that was "leaked" earlier this year, which predicts
worldwide 'peak oil' energy catastrophe within 20 years in addition to
predictions of severe climate shifts in the same timeframe.  GBN was
founded by veterans of SRI as well as royal dutch shell's "scenario
planning" project which goes back to the 70s.  turns out that royal
dutch shell execs helped lead the bilderberger meeting at
saltsjoebaden, sweden in 1973 which planned the fake "oil shock" of
73-74.  their "scenario planning" division led by gurdjieff disciple
pierre wack is, humorously, credited with being the only think tank
which "predicted" this oil shock!
and now, their alumni are "predicting" imminent peak oil and coming
climate catastrophes.  by the way, the SRI connection is interesting
too.  SRI was one of five government contractors who developed the
original HAARP weather-mod technology.
the 73 fake oil shock saved shell's north sea investments.  i'd imagine
that the 2004 oil shock might wind up helping the new shell-led
sakhalin consortium in some way.  but i guess it won't end up helping
that super-profitable refinery in california that shell has decided to
shut down.
george schultz installed the neocon "vulcans" into the white house but
he's also a good friend of gorbachev, sponsor of the malthusian "state
of the world forum" (founded by another schultz colleage, jim garrison)
and the "earth charter", which was officially blessed into existence by
queen beatrix in june 2000, a few months before saddam decided to sell
oil in euros.  the "earth charter" supporters have now built a mother
earth "ark" which is being paraded around at new age rallies and the
like.  i don't know what's in this ark, but i'm guessing it's full of
royal dutch shell stock certificates.
schultz is also of course a member of the schwarzenegger team.  how can
this be, if he has such nice 'green' connections?  california 2001-2
seems to have been the test run for a kind of 'energy catastrophe'
scam.  create a fake energy shortage, crash the government's budget,
drum up a frantic political crisis, and then install your strong man.
who knows, perhaps there is a 'plan B' to rotate kerry in, use that
'regime rotation' as a rationale to put 9/11 and other bush admin
scandals safely to bed in the public eye, and then pull a gray davis
routine on him later when the time comes (i would think, timing this to
cover a US economic collapse which has been predicted by some for 2005.
 'peak oil' will help provide the cover story).
follow another strange path from schwarzenegger as follows:
schwarzenegger --> rothschild --> edward "gaia" goldsmith --> "the
ecologist" magazine.
'peak oil' promoter andrew mckillop, whose book 'the final energy
crisis' is due out this month, works for goldsmith:

Re: [CTRL] [cia-drugs] Re: Fwd: Webfairy

2004-08-25 Thread Brian Salter

On Aug 25, 2004, at 4:10 PM, The Webfairy wrote:

If the claim is Eric's source file is the commercially available version
of the NAUDET DVD, I'm saying NO WAY.

I haven't found any description of his techniques, or his source.
The footage is filtered, beautifully, wonderfully filtered.
I'm not saying Eric did it. I sincerely doubt he would be capable of
such a sensitive loving touch.

eric digitized this video directly from the naudet DVD:

Here is a better quality version of the first impact I created from the Naudet brother's DVD "911". Bear in mind that even DVDs are compressed with the mpeg 2 codec. Additionally, to make it a reasonable file size for the web, this movie has been compressed with the Sorenson 3 codec at full quality from the file I used to do the analysis. Still, the artifacts have been minimized and it looks close enough to the original for casual observation. Note: this has a high data rate and may not play smoothly on all computers.

you're finished, webfairy.

you've now made yourself into a joke.

anyone with basic competence in digital video, and pro- or pro-sumer grade equipment & software, can digitize and encode the naudet footage off the DVD with the same sort of results that eric got.

i'll leave it to eric to try and figure out what kind of ridiculous mistake created that weirdly mangled frame that you claim is the 'real' naudet video image.  i haven't seen anything that good since the old days of wiolawa's invisible solarized reptillian empulse bombers.

but the important point is that you have now stooped to raw, desperate slander and lies.  you now show your true colors.

after this, i can hardly imagine that anything more you have to say is even worth responding to.

however, i probably will get from eric a detailed description of his entire procedure and equipment used.  then, mabye someone else with time to waste will enjoy creating an identical version of the file and demonstrate that your credibility is less than zero.


Re: [CTRL] [cia-drugs] Re: Fwd: Webfairy

2004-08-24 Thread Brian Salter
-Caveat Lector-
On Aug 24, 2004, at 7:37 PM, The Webfairy wrote:
I'm not "disproven."
yeah, of course not, because instead of admitting your mistakes you
just deliberately morph your theories to fit, a deliberately contrived
attempt to keep critics running around in circles, forced to keep
coming up with new debunkings that correspond to whatever happens to be
your new flavor-of-the-day.
This is one proof of how incredibly robust video actually is.
Filtering out so much of the distortion and noize is a good thing, and
I'm not bitching.
The Taner version, distortions, artifact and all, was the first
It has great color depth, wasn't interlaced, and is still the only
version to show the early frames of the object in flight without
creating motion artifact.
Subsequent televised versions were scalped, making it look washed out.
you're making a fool out of yourself by continuing to claim that the
compressed video files that circulated on the web represent the
original footage more than the naudet DVD.  period.
I am a fan of noize filtering. It's the tellytubbie contingent claiming
that filtering was distructive, or filtered out planes.
so previously, you claimed that filtering removed the evidence of your
'whatzits', but now conveniently you claim that it reveals them!
I am extremely dubious that the flash could appear and disappear in
1/60th of a second.
well, to say so, then you must already know exactly what the flash is
and already have proof!!  you're way ahead of everyone else, as usual!
I have some information about interlacing and filtering at
This project has laid abandoned since I discovered the firetruck, and
the implications became more than I could bear.
everyone who has read eric's critiques knows that you have made
numerous mistakes and obviously have no real expertise concerning
interlacing, filtering, and the technical aspects of video in general.
I will jump on whatever I think is right, as close to instantaneously
I can manage it.
i think everyone can tell by now that this is exactly how you operate
-- jumping to conclusions without the necessary dillegence and
expertise, nor the faintest trace of disciplined self-skepticism, and
subsequently ridiculing and ignoring critiques in your obsessively
crypto-fascist "big lie" manner.  you have the psychological
characteristics of cult leaders, who use the same tactics -
pathologizing and ridiculing outside critiques, rapidly changing the
subject with blizzards of rhetoric when their fraudulent ideas are in
danger of being exposed, using "big words" and fancy sounding
terminology without substance to dazzle your followers into believing
you have special insights, and cultivating an "in group" mindset which
inverts reality, portraying you and your followers as gentle, open
minded, unbiased truthseekers while dehumanizing outside critics as
deluded, lying, mean-spirited persecutors.  this all such classic and
predictable stuff.  its too bad for us all that this mindset has been
penetrating so deeply into the 9/11 truth movement.
There are a bunch of you, and one of me. My singular advantage is I do
not have to stop to rationalize contradictions into agreeing with my
previous thought. I can change my mind and toss out flaws in my
as I come to them.
actually, i've only seen you toss out ideas after you've been totally
debunked, in order to avoid honestly admitting it and instead just
moving on to new change-the-subject distractions.
For example, if the shadow you guys claim was "the shadow of the plane"
-- that would mean your "plane" was only travelling 40 miles an hour.
The earlier decimation was designed to hide that, I expect.
and where have you presented you calculations for this??  i checked the
links you provided and there was nothing.  as is typical of your
cheap-shot "engagement" cointelpro-tactics, you simply make new
ludicrous claims to try and deflect attention from the well exposed
fraudulence of your own theories, while tossing around fancy sounding
terminology to give the impression to the easily duped that you've done
your homework.
you're digging your own hole deeper and deeper.
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: [CTRL] [cia-drugs] Fwd: [CTRL] Webfairy

2004-08-24 Thread Brian Salter
-Caveat Lector-
On Aug 24, 2004, at 2:33 AM, The Webfairy wrote:
All it takes to see the backup frame is to look at Eric Salter's
excellent and supurb enlargements.
His rendition also has the "flash frame" mysteriously missing from some
This is a work in progress.
as for the disappearnce of the "flash" from some versions, there is
nothing mysterious about it.  eric has already explained that this is a
result of the flash only appearing in one field (i.e. half of a frame,
or 1/60th of a second) and this being removed in the de-interlacing
process that happens in many types of digital format conversion.
incidentally, recently mark robinowitz argued that the absence of the
flash in some versions of the footage, for example in zwicker's 'great
deception', was proof that the flash was a fake addition.  eric
corrected him on this with a post to the 911truthalliance list.
now, concerning the WTC1 footage: previously, you attempted to claim,
to great comic effect, that the naudet DVD footage was a "filtered"
version and that your versions represented the real images!  having
been completely disproven on that point and shown to be taking a
foolish position, you are now changing your tune yet again, in your
typically shifty way, and trying to claim the opposite -- suddenly now
eric's superior quality conversions of the footage SUPPORT your
analysis!!?!   given that you clearly lack the principle and honesty
first to acknowledge where your past mistakes have been proven by
eric's and others' critiques -- not to mention failing to come up with
a logical rebuttal, of course -- i'm not surprised to see you adopting
this new diversion.
what intelligent person is going to fall for this?  i have to admit,
this does fit the cointelpro-style tactics of 'engagement' that kris
described so well, using misrepresentations and hollow arguments just
to try and force a new response.  as for your 'analysis' of
perspective, it is so incoherent and erroneous as not to warrant a
response; it's just more of the same garbage that you've offered before
which has already been debunked.
moreover, i've gone back to review the footage, playing it forwards &
backwards in slo-mo and frame by frame dozens of times, and i do not
see where the plane jumps backwards -- although i do see a part where
the plane passes near or in front of reflective parts of the building
where, possibly, someone with an poor, unskilled eye who was not
watching carefully and thoughtfully could get confused by their own
overactive imagination, just as is true for the entirety of this
inherently low quality, low detail section of footage.  the section
from approx. frame 27 to 32 in eric's file is where i suspect such a
mistake could easily be made by someone who is not keeping in mind
fundamental, basic issues like video "blooming" distortions of bright
specular highlights off the building that the plane is passing in front
of, the problem of the thin wings disappearing inbetween scan lines in
certain frames, and so forth.   so, can you give the exact frame # of
eric's file where you claim the plane jumps backwards?
and, are there any other takers to second the claim that the plane
"jumps backwards" in the naudet footage?
as these spurious claims continue to roll out of the disinfo sausage
factory, working overtime to churn out fresh new B.S. diversions as
fast as old B.S. is debunked, i find myself reflecting on the fact that
stubborn denial can be excused up to a point as the result of
self-delusion and ego, but after a certain point it can only indicate
some kind of willful malevolence.
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Webfairy

2004-08-23 Thread Brian Salter

On Aug 23, 2004, at 7:58 PM, Adam Bruce wrote:

-Caveat Lector- 
 While I do not doubt what you have provided here, I would like to state something for clarity's sake:
If Webfairy got these images directly from an actual film of the "attack" then the initial images were either doctored or invented (the first images she provided showed a close up of something with great detail though it looked ridiculous).  We are also left with the question of why in the images she provides there is a series from one frame to the next, in what is currently available at her website,  where the object actually jumps BACKWARD for a single frame, then resumes its course forward.  Is this not evidence of tampering?

i have seen nothing that looks like the object jumping backwards for one frame in the naudet DVD version of the first footage, which is the benchmark.  can you point me to the best example of a file that shows this 'jump'?  this certainly deserves a careful look as possible evidence of tampering by somebody or other.

aside from this, the main point to keep in mind is that the original naudet footage has a very low resolution image of the aircraft, which doesn't have enough detail to make fine judgements about anything.  deductive logic, plus witness statements and the perfectly 767-shaped entry hole, support the existence of a 767 and not something else.  the notion that one can get more resolution from nothing by using a fractal enlargement program and see details that aren't already visible in the video is pure BS.


Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] Fwd: [CTRL] Webfairy

2004-08-21 Thread Brian Salter

On Aug 22, 2004, at 5:11 AM, Kris Millegan wrote:

 In a message dated 8/21/04 10:20:52 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 My first enlargements, made by opening the Taner video in Quicktime Pro
 maximized on my desktop, are still hanging at

 This is a lie.  The images at the site cited are blurrier and from farther away than the first ones.  These are not the original images.  In the initial images, individual black and white "tiles" could be made out, distinctively.

 tis to be expected from Webfraudy. My humble experience. 

neither webfairy nor her cult followers have come up with any successful refutations of these critiques:


her mistakes concerning video formats, compression artifacts, etc, are laughable.  

but anybody can use the old fascist technique of ignoring criticism, and instead "just keep saying it over and over until it becomes the truth."


Re: [CTRL] [cia-drugs] Fwd: [CTRL] Fwd: "In Plane Site" based on disparaged but not discredited evidence ...

2004-08-15 Thread Brian Salter
-Caveat Lector-
i'm pretty infuriated at this point at the mess that robinowitz has
created.  i spoke out against his tactics on another list that he was
on, but he just kept on with the same unconstructive crap -- unfounded
accusations that video footage was being manipulated and faked (rather
than just badly analyzed), name-calling disparagement, accusing
everyone he was attacking of being "agents" without any evidence,
promoting the disinfo about phil jayhan & FEMA (although he eventually
acknowledged this error and retracted it)... etc.   i'm not surprised
that eric and i are facing guilt-by-association tactics.  robinowitz
can be a real attention-grabber and he has poisoned the atmosphere (not
that this sort of thing is limited to him, though...)
i stand by everything that eric and i have posted on
questionsquestions.net in terms of analyzing video evidence, and we
might even have some things to say about 'pods' in the near future, but
i oppose the way robinowitz has handled this.  texbook case of how to
give people a convenient escape from a real debate by being able to
claim that they're being persecuted by a hate campaign.
On Aug 15, 2004, at 3:54 AM, The Webfairy wrote:
I see this as an attempt to smear the body of his work,  which remains
the best exposition of how Fabian Socialism corrupted both sides into a
bipartisan march toward totalitarianism.  It is particularly important
because it bears no "Larouchian taint" even tho it covers the same
ground that gives Larouche the same set of perps.
i think someone should write a book about larouche titled, "when bad
things happen to good causes".
While I was embarrassed and hurt to see my work trashed about by
who's work I respect,  I do not want to see the same Wurlitzer cranked
up against him.
i appreciate your respect, but i did not "trash" your work.  i stand by
eric's and my critiques as totally fair and reasonable.  i know full
well that you're going to continue feeling that we're completely wrong,
but at least as long as you don't think that we're teletubby
cointelpro, i'm ok with agreeing to disagree.  these things are up to
"the jury" in the end.
I will be most interested to see if the various slanders against my
work, against In Plane Site, and against Phil Jayhan are retracted by
rabidnitwitz and crew.  To simply turn the guns on Brian Salter instead
is not enough, as the connections of the John Gray scandal continue to
unfold largely do to his work originally sent to a private list.
i think that rabinowitz should retract the statements he has made about
footage & pictures being faked, for which i see no evidence at all, as
well as his emphatic statements about an overall "op" going on without
any evidence.  at the same time, jayhan has also stooped to the gutter
by posting robinowitz's address and phone number with a specific
invitation for people to harrass him, and i'm told he's being vulgar
and abusive to critics on the SF physical evidence list (which i'm not
on).  frankly, neither side of that feud reaches my threshhold for
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [cia-drugs] Apology to Brian Salter, re John Gray

2004-08-14 Thread Brian Salter
-Caveat Lector-
thank you, webfairy.  i accept your apology.
On Aug 13, 2004, at 12:16 AM, The Webfairy wrote:
I said something factually incorrect:
"This is the first I've heard of any allegedly principled stand.
I am glad that you take at least selective notice of his hate
It is certainly proof that I am just as capable as anybody else of
blanking out in information that does not fit my current theoretical
I was wrong, and I apologize.
Nico said:
In defense of Salter:
He was never actively involved in the smear campaign against the "pod
people" at the 9/11 Truth Alliance.
This was more or less an intense solo trip by Robinowitz, later
supported by
Bill Douglas, Nic Levis, Vic Ashley and some other members.
I also think, that Salter is not connected with the personal hack on
letsroll911 or in any form behind the "FEMA-roomate-smear" or
like of Dan Mcghee aka
However, there are indications, that Robinowitz might know more about
FEMA-Roomate-smear, since the first postings were mirrored immediately
empirewatch.org (picked up from libertyforum), some NY Friends of
and Peak Oil supporters.
Strangely, empirewatch.org was registered by XoMoX nyc, which was
bought in
June 2001 by Crane Aerospace & Electronics, also connected with STC
MICROWAVE SYSTEMS  ( Electronic Warfare)

Here is the message I claimed didn't exist.
 Original Message 
Subject:  Re: Nico Haupt on 911truth cointelpro
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2004 14:17:38 +0700
From: Brian Salter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

i can imagine that one of the things you like about those statements
from nico concerning john gray and other ongoing issues is that they
could be interpreted as an accusation that anyone and everyone who is
critical of no-plane/pod/911 video theories is part of a cointelpro
but if this is what you're thinking, nothing could be further from the
truth, because in fact i have recently been taking the lead on the
911truthalliance list to dig up the dirt on john gray, even continuing
to press the issue there after nico had temporarily dropped it.  i have
also been consistently criticizing the nasty and divisive tactics used
by mark robinowitz (oilempire.us) that nico complains about.  nico and
i have been in touch on this and are in agreement about this particular
problem even though we respectfully disagree on the overall value of
the WTC video analysis school.  if you like i could forward a couple of
my posts to the truthalliance where i condemn unconstructive,
ridicule-based attacks on these issues.
in fact, i should note that nico specifically stated on the
truthalliance list that he considered eric's 911 video critiques to be
fair and legitimate in their approach, in contrast to robinowitz et al.
 take note of this, as well as the fact that i have been linking to
some of nico and woodybox's research (e.g. "the lost war drill" and
"cleveland airport" series) on QQ.net.
the following is a recent post of mine to the 911truthalliance list,
after the hopsicker piece came out, with some of my research into gray
/ khashoggi.  it's out of context vis a vis some earlier debate so some
of the side issues might not be clear, but the critical info should be
clear enough.  nico has privately expressed to me his appreciation for
my support for him on the john gray issue.
this post of mine was enough to change the minds of several key people
who had previously been very defensive and had accused nico and other
john gray critics of a smear campaign.  i would also point out that i
am more cautious and a bit softer on the toronto inquiry organizers and
911truth people because i do not personally have access to some of the
inside observers that nico does.  but i take all of his concerns very

From:   Brian Salter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Subject:Re: [911truthalliance] Barrie Zwicker in detail on John Gray
  Date:   July 21, 2004 1:37:03 PM GMT+07:00
  Cc:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Truthalliance
the new flap over hopsicker's john gray piece makes me feel compelled
to send an email to the list that i had written up about a week ago but
kept in my out box because there was too much other stuff going on.
but i have done some additional research that i think needs to be seen
and considered.  i believe that the explanations about grey's
background that have been offered by nic, ruppert, and zwicker are not
convincing and do not address all of the apparent facts.  there are
some claims make by hopsicker for which i am not aware of any direc

Re: [CTRL] PSYOP to convince people to submit to microchip implantation

2004-07-14 Thread Brian Salter
-Caveat Lector-
From: "norgesen ." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: July 13, 2004 9:37:05 PM GMT+07:00
Subject: [cia-drugs] PSYOP to convince people to submit to microchip
-Caveat Lector-
Japanese authorities decide tracking is best way to protect kids
 It's always for the children. How can you be against anything that's
for the children?
I find it interesting that this is being done in Japan. Japan is, to
many in the West, a "free an open" society. In actuality, however,
Japan has a profoundly fascistic and highly regimented society.
Japanese fascism is subtle, almost elegant in its appearance. Japanese
fascism is the model by which all other implementations of fascism
must be rated. The reason for this is because Japanese individuals
(resident of Japan, not necessarily people of Japanese decent living
elsewhere) are essentially bred to comply with systemic and cultural
norms that insure system maintenance. Japanese fascists enjoy a
militaristic following from their subjects. For example, it is not
uncommon for Japanese workers to die from service to their
corporations. Karoshi is a Japanese term that means, "death from
this bigoted analysis is really off the mark, and i say this as someone
who has lived in japan.  for one thing, japanese have actually shown a
remarkable resistance in recent years to many intrusions on privacy and
liberty, one example being successful mass protests against mandatory
ID card proposals in several large cities.  what i see as the impetus
behind this unfortunate RFID plan is the incredible fearfulness of
japanese; japanese society has been rocked by unprecedented violence,
notably in regards to this case a spate of violence against children
over the past couple years.  japan is one of the world's most
non-violent societies -- when i lived there, a stabbing in a tokyo back
alley would make the national evening news.  so the changes that are
going on are very shocking to japanese and one really has to spend some
time there to appreciate how sheltered and insular the culture is from
horrible shit that the rest of us take for granted.  i would suspect
columbine-style psyops going on as well.  this is not to say that there
are very serious problems with the japanese state and many of their
insitutions as is, but casting culture-wide blame is ridiculous.
i'm not surprised at this rendition of the old "oriental despotism"
bogeyman coming from cryptogon, a site which regularly peddles the NWO
psy-ops of romantic individualism and ideological anti-statism.  the
left has been permeated especially since the 60s by the frankfurt
school-style theories that hierarchy & centralization =  domination &
oppression or The State = authoritarianism.  the frankfurt school was
set up in connection with US psychological warfare programs after WW2
and was funded by the rockefeller foundation and other elite interests.
 frankfurt school member karl wittfogel authored a seminal work on
"oriental despotism" perfectly in tune with the unique "open society"
psyop dialectic of anglo-american "liberal imperialism", directing
narcissistic western romantics' attention away from the insidious and
subtle dialectic of liberal imperialism (anarcho-liberal feudalism, i
call it) and towards a convenient and racially/culturally distant
villain, asiatic "collectivism" and "conformity".  rockefeller toady
friedrich von hayek preached related crap to the right.  one important
hidden theme here is  to keep the "dissent" left and right in the west
aligned against a spectre of eurasian-style strong states, which serves
the purposes of atlanticist geopolitics of eurasian subjugation, not to
mention neoliberal ideology of decentralization and privatization in
here's cryptogon spewing "anti-hierarchy" romantic individualism and
sneering at the thought of collective, populist political dissent:
 Society as Troglodyte Hell
 The mistake we make---as informed and active individuals---is that we
believe that others will "see the light" if they just knew what we
This isn't the case.
The vast majority of people simply refuse to look. And many of those
who do take the time and energy to delve deeper find that they want to
quickly return to the warmth and comfort of their fictional belief
systems that have been made real and tolerable by copious amounts of
booze, television and profligate consumerism.
The Internet creates a fallacy, though, that activists and dissidents
etc. are making a difference. In reality, the Internet allows people
like us to find each other, interact and pat ourselves on the back.
There are various self congratulatory articles, lots of emails of
appreciation, posts to newsgroups, etc. What tangible effect does all
of this have on core policies? Hmmm?
Are the elite quaking in their boots yet?
Don't hold your breath.
Much of this onli

[CTRL] Oil cartel, price fixing, fake shortage

2004-06-12 Thread Brian Salter


This article appears in the June 11, 2004 issue of Executive Intelligence Review. 

LaRouche: Bankrupt Speculators
With $25 Per Barrel Oil
by Richard Freeman and John Hoefle 

[Note: Figures and tables in this article are available to subscribers to Electronic Intelligence Weekly.]

In a declaration of war against the speculators who had pushed the price of crude oil above $42 a barrel, and are launching it towards $50-60, 2004 Presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche called on May 28 for the price of oil to be set at a target price of $25-26 per barrel, by nation-to-nation contracts, in order to bankrupt and take away the power of the speculators, and restore order to the oil market. LaRouche has emphasized that the high oil price is not a product of a shortage of oil production, of OPEC cutting oil supplies, or other cover stories, but arises from speculation by the big oil companies, investment banks, hedge funds, and other financial players, who are using the extra "take" to try to hold the financial system together.

However, some in the circle of Vice President Dick Cheney favor a currently ongoing destabilization of the entire Southwest Asia and contiguous region: from the disaster in Iraq; to the recent terrorist assault in Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia, against a complex housing foreign oil workers, which killed two dozen people; to the violence in Pakistan; which would create chaos in the region. This plan, sanctioned by certain financial players who think the financial system can't be held together, would trigger a conflagration in Southwest Asia, and send the oil price to unprecedented heights.

Already in a Sept. 19, 2000 memorandum, entitled, "Bring Oil Inflation Under Control," LaRouche had asserted that governments must declare a general strategic emergency, and "establish contracts, directly between and among governments, of not less than 12 months' government scheduled deliveries of petroleum from exporting to consuming nations"; at the same time, defining "reasonable prices for these contracts." Based on these principles, the plan would "bring a most critical segment of this speculative inflation under control," and also "set standards of cooperation now urgently needed, for dealing with the general international banking and related crises" (see page 10). Put into practice today, this urgent solution would bring the price of oil to the $25 range.

Rigged Market

Some fools will insist on buying the Brooklyn Bridge, no matter how many times you tell them it's already been sold. The same is true with the story that there is an oil shortage. The truth: No oil shortage exists. Figures from the Paris-based International Energy Agency (IEA), the central collection point for world oil information, show that for the first quarter of 2004, world oil supplies were in the range of 82.3 million barrels a day (mbd), with consumption lower, in the range of 80.5 mbd to as high as 81.5 mbd. Thus, the world was in surplus during the first 90 days of the year, during the very period that world oil prices leapt by $7 per barrel.

Furthermore, there is no relationship between the price of oil and the amount of oil being produced. Over the past several decades, oil production has increased slowly and predictably. Figure 1 shows that, since 1992, production has grown by approximately 15% Though not shown, world oil consumption has also grown gradually and predictably. Only if production had dropped significantly, or consumption risen steeply, should the world oil price have jumped up. Neither of these two changes has happened. How, then, should one explain the activity of the past dozen years, in which the oil price swung wildly up and down, regardless of rising production levels? Figure 1 shows the price gyrated wildly, first downward, then upward, then down again, and then up; today, the oil price is more than 50% above its 1992 level.

The key to the ability of the financiers behind the oil cartel to manipulate prices in the oil market, is the shift which occurred during the oil crises of 1974 and 1979, in which long-term contracts—frequently for 24 or 36 months—at stable prices were replaced with the spot market and then the futures markets.

Spot and Futures Markets

The oil spot market was created in 1969 by the Lazard/Rothschild-allied Philipp Brothers, then the world's largest metals trader. Philipp Brothers, largely in the person of their top trader Marc Rich, began by selling small quantities of Iranian crude oil to independent refiners. The oil shocks of 1973 and 1979, which were orchestrated by the financier oligarchy under the cover of the OPEC oil embargo and the fall of the Shah in Iran, resulted in a shift in oil pricing away from long-term contracts toward the Rotterdam-based spot market. By "spot" is meant, that one buys the oil at a market only 24-48 hours before one takes physical (spot) delivery, as opposed to buying it 12 or more 

[CTRL] QQ update: "no-planers" respond, Eric Salter continues critique

2004-05-28 Thread Brian Salter
-Caveat Lector-
Part 2 of "The WTC Impacts: 767s or 'Whatzits'" has been posted at
questionsquestions.net.  Eric Salter counters rebuttals from Webfairy
and Scott Loughrey:
Part 1:
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] New at QQ: Critique of 9/11 "no plane" theories

2004-05-19 Thread Brian Salter
-Caveat Lector-
New at questionsquestions.net: an analysis by Eric Salter, refuting
several widely-circulated claims about the WTC airliner impacts on
9/11. These include the claims that original video recordings of the
impacts were fabricated or altered using computer graphics, that
aircraft other than 767s struck the the towers, and even that no planes
hit the two towers, the planes supposedly being replaced by super
high-tech "holographic" illusions [!]. The analysis shows that these
claims, which unfortunately have been lingering around for some time,
have no solid basis in the evidence -- video, photographic, or
otherwise -- nor any solid basis in logic, and could help to discredit
the 9/11 Truth Movement.
The WTC Impacts: 767s or "Whatzits"?
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Re: [CTRL] …“Masters” prefer to milk the old, which generates profit and give them control…

2004-05-07 Thread Brian Salter
-Caveat Lector-

On May 2, 2004, at 9:05 PM, Kris Millegan wrote:

 Like Nazism, Communism, and Prussianism, groups, like S & B and
Bohemian Grove are based on statist Hegelian idealism, the precise
opposite of our ideal of Constitutional liberty and individual rights.
The Owl of Minerva is the symbol of Bohemian Grove and the Owl of
Minerva is also the title of the Hegelian Society Journal in the
United States.

Glenn Magee (2001)

Hegel and the Hermetic Tradition

Published: Cornell University Press, 2001.


God is God only so far as he knows himself. his self-knowledge is,
further, a self-consciousness in man and man’s knowledge of God, which
proceeds to man’s self-knowledge in God.
 — Hegel, Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences
1. Hegel as Hermetic Thinker

Hegel is not a philosopher. He is no lover or seeker of wisdom — he
believes he has found it. Hegel writes in the preface to the
Phenomenology of Spirit, “To help bring philosophy closer to the form
of Science, to the goal where it can lay aside the title of ‘love of
knowing’ and be actual knowledge — that is what I have set before me”
(Miller, 3; PC, 3). By the end of the Phenomenology, Hegel claims to
have arrived at Absolute Knowledge, which he identifies with wisdom.
Hegel’s claim to have attained wisdom is completely contrary to the
original Greek conception of philosophy as the love of wisdom, that is,
the ongoing pursuit rather than the final possession of wisdom. His
claim is, however, fully consistent with the ambitions of the Hermetic
tradition, a current of thought that derives its name from the
so-called Hermetica (or Corpus Hermeticum), a collection of Greek and
Latin treatises and dialogues written in the first or second centuries
A.D. and probably containing ideas that are far older. The legendary
author of these works is Hermes Trismegistus (“Thrice-Greatest
Hermes”). “Hermeticism” denotes a broad tradition of thought that grew
out of the “writings of Hermes” and was expanded and developed through
the infusion of various other traditions. Thus, alchemy, Kabbalism,
Lullism, and the mysticism of Eckhart and Cusa — to name just a few
examples — became intertwined with the Hermetic doctrines. (Indeed,
Hermeticism is used by some authors simply to mean alchemy.)
Hermeticism is also sometimes called theosophy, or esotericism; less
precisely, it is often characterized as mysticism, or occultism.
It is the thesis of this book that Hegel is a Hermetic thinker. I shall
show that there are striking correspondences between Hegelian
philosophy and Hermetic theosophy, and that these correspondences are
not accidental. Hegel was actively interested in Hermeticism, he was
influenced by its exponents from boyhood on, and he allied himself with
Hermetic movements and thinkers throughout his life. I do not argue
merely that we can understand Hegel as a Hermetic thinker, just as we
can understand him as a German or a Swabian or an idealist thinker.
Instead, I argue that we must understand Hegel as a Hermetic thinker,
if we are to truly understand him at all.
Hegel’s life and works offer ample evidence for this thesis.

There are references throughout Hegel’s published and unpublished
writings to many of the leading figures and movements of the Hermetic
tradition. These references are in large measure approving. This is
particularly the case with Hegel’s treatment of Eckhart, Bruno,
Paracelsus, and Boehme. Boehme is the most striking case. Hegel accords
him considerable space in his Lectures on the History of Philosophy —
more space, in fact, than he devotes to many significant mainstream
thinkers in the philosophic tradition.
There are, furthermore, numerous Hermetic elements in Hegel’s writings.
These include, in broad strokes, a Masonic subtext of “initiation
mysticism” in the Phenomenology of Spirit; a Boehmean subtext to the
Phenomenology’s famous preface; a Kabbalistic-Boehmean-Lullian
influence on the Logic; alchemical-Paracelsian elements in the
Philosophy of Nature; an influence of Kabbalistic and Joachimite
millennialism on Hegel’s doctrine of Objective Spirit and theory of
world history; alchemical and Rosicrucian images in the Philosophy of
Right; an influence of the Hermetic tradition of pansophia on the
system as a whole; an endorsement of the Hermetic belief in philosophia
perennis; and the use of perennial Hermetic symbolic forms (such as the
triangle, the circle, and the square) as structural, architectonic
Hegel’s library included Hermetic writings by Agrippa, Boehme, Bruno,
and Paracelsus. He read widely on Mesmerism, psychic phenomenal
dowsing, precognition, and sorcery. He publicly associated himself with
known occultists, like Franz von Baader. He structured his philosophy
in a manner identical to the Hermetic use of ‘Correspondences!’ He
relied on histories of thought that discussed Hermes Trismegistus, Pico
della Mirandola, Robert F

[CTRL] Iraq WMD "discovery" in progress?

2004-03-15 Thread Brian Salter
-Caveat Lector-

An anonymous report from a few days back, and I'm not aware of any
further verification, but I think this should be forwarded widely just
as a precaution...

 U.S. Unloading WMD in Iraq
 TEHRAN, March 12 (Mehr News Agency) – Over the past few days, in the
wake of the bombings in Karbala and the ideological disputes that
delayed the signing of Iraq’s interim constitution, there have been
reports that U.S. forces have unloaded a large cargo of parts for
constructing long-range missiles and weapons of mass destruction (WMD)
in the southern ports of Iraq.
 A reliable source from the Iraqi Governing Council, speaking on
condition of anonymity, told the Mehr News Agency that U.S. forces,
with the help of British forces stationed in southern Iraq, had made
extensive efforts to conceal their actions.
 He added that the cargo was unloaded during the night as attention was
still focused on the aftermath of the deadly bombings in Karbala and
the signing of Iraq’s interim constitution.
 The source said that in order to avoid suspicion, ordinary cargo ships
were used to download the cargo, which consisted of weapons produced in
the 1980s and 1990s.
 He mentioned the fact that the United States had facilitated Iraq’s
WMD program during the 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq and said that some of the
weapons being downloaded are similar to those weapons, although
international inspectors had announced Saddam Hussein’s Baath regime
had destroyed all its WMD.
 The source went on to say that the rest of the weapons were probably
transferred in vans to an unknown location somewhere in the vicinity of
Basra overnight.
 “Most of these weapons are of Eastern European origin and some parts
are from the former Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc. The U.S.
obtained them through confiscations during sales of banned arms over
the past two decades,” he said.
 This action comes as certain U.S. and Western officials have been
pointing out the fact that no weapons of mass destruction have been
discovered in Iraq and the issue of Saddam’s trial begins to take
center stage.
 In addition, former chief UN weapons inspector Hans Blix has
emphasized that the U.S. and British intelligence agencies issued false
reports on Iraq leading to the U.S. attack.
 Meanwhile, the suspicious death of weapons inspector David Kelly is
also an unresolved issue in Britain.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Bush & The Nazis: New Documents

2003-11-29 Thread Brian Salter

On Saturday, November 29, 2003, at 03:09 AM, William Shannon wrote:


Bush and the Nazis: New Documents
Herbert Parmet,  November 26, 2003

The link for Anton Chaitkin in the article above turns up this interesting recent letter to the History News Network site:


EDITOR'S NOTE:  We received the following email from Mr. Chaitkin on Nov. 13, 2003. 

I co-authored {George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography}, published 1992, the definitive story of the Bush family's relations with the financing of Hitler and the Nazi war machine. I wrote that account based in part upon the work of my father, Jacob Chaitkin, the legal cousel and strategist for the Boycott against Nazi Germany carried on by the American Jewish Congress. 
I am history editor of Executive Intelligence Review, the weekly 72-page magazine associated with the political movement of Lyndon LaRouche. 
In the "Bush / Nazis" field at present, you are operating in the following geometry. We, and those working with us, are acting to bust up the Cheney-Rumsfeld-Ashcroft-Wolfowitz cabal, aiming for the immediate ouster of Cheney. This fight is now at the stage of an absolute showdown, with a potential nuclear war the possible outcome if we do not break these lunatics right away. IN THIS SITUATION, some people are reviving the Bush / Nazis story in order to deflect attention from the political struggle now underway. For example, as you know, former President Bush ("41") has been acting in what strikes many as strange ways recently, evidently trying to restrain Junior from going over the abyss with Cheney. Thus, the story - which I put into the political mainstream in 1992 is only now being trotted out, for NOT necessarily good purposes. 
For example, John Loftus, who did almost no original research, is now being hyped as the big source for the Bush-Nazis story; Loftus was recently at a war-crazies' "summit" in Israel with Richard Pearl et. al., promoting a new set of wars. [*]
A test of the sincerity of any new promotion of this story, would be whether the promoters actually get in touch with me, now. Here is my phone number - . Please give me a call -- I'd be pleased to talk with you, and assist you in any way that I can. 
By the way, you can access the entire Unauthorized Biography, on many different websites. Just put my name and Bush into a search engine. 
Yours truly, 
Anton Chaitkin 
Executive Intelligence Review 
60 Sycolin Road, Leesburg, VA 20175 

[* http://www.jerusalemsummit.org/eng/summit.php]

[CTRL] Larouche vs. Jesuits & Synarchists

2003-11-07 Thread Brian Salter
-Caveat Lector-

the following article is of interest as it is a clear refutation of
recent spurious disinfo claims that larouche is pro-jesuit, and that
his opposition to the synarchist movement is a cypher for
anti-semitism.  here, jesuits are identified as being behind synarchist
efforts to promote the catholic "christero rebellion" in mexico, 1929.
i rest my case!  i don't think it could be any clearer.  and i will not
insult myself by responding any further to obvious slander attacks;
however, if anyone is interested in a further discussion and critique
of larouche based on an adult standard of debate and constructive,
factual analysis, i'm willing to continue sharing info.
Synarchism, the Spanish Falange,
and the Nazis
ps: another source for the larouche org's views on jesuits (which, to
my knowledge, they generally consider to be an infiltrated front for
anglo-venetian interests within the the various factions of the
vatican, FWIW) is anton chaitkin's "treason in america".  there are 13
index references for jesuits, all of them very negative and critical,
and which portray jesuits as allies of oligarchal subversion of
american democracy over the past two centuries. whether this is an
accurate analysis is a separate question, but this is what is on the
pps: i know full well that in other ways, larouche clearly has a
pro-vatican bias.  to be clear, i'm not denying that.
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2003-11-05 Thread Brian Salter

here is a rare fair-minded critique of larouche, with no hysterics:


Buried in the Lyndon LaRouche/U.S. Labor Party file at the Data Center, the off-Broadway media/research outlet on 19th Street in Oakland, is a curious document dated January 16, 1981, in which the late Larry MacDonald, Congressman from Georgia and John Birch Society elder, read some interesting comments regarding LaRouche and his organization into the Congressional Record: "The NCLC," said MacDonald, "is a closed band, but one with its own unique twist that makes it as bizarre among political groupings as a Mobius strip is among geometric figures." This phenomenon of the pot calling the kettle black is typical in the factional fighting among the political cults, not only on the Right, but across the political spectrum. The Right, we should recognize, is not monolithic. 

Depending on whom you believe, Larry MacDonald himself is alive (John Judge) or dead (most of the media). The late Mae Brussel, researcher par excellence, in an exposé of MacDonald and his associates published in the February '84 Hustler, made a strong case that Larry MacDonald and KAL 007 were taken out, not by the Russians, but by the CIA because MacDonald, whose neo-Nazi connections had begun to surface, had become a liability to his old friend Ronald Reagan. Be that as it may, mulling over MacDonald's evocation of the image of the Mobius strip regarding LaRouche, I decided that the Mobius strip is an apt geometric metaphor for the whole political spectrum. 

Lyndon LaRouche, aka "Lyn Marcus" (1922-), an ex-Trotskyist (and ex-Wall Street economic consultant, who retired in 1964 with a cool million at the age of 42), was the economic theoretician and father confessor to the "National Caucus of Labor Committees" (the NCLC), which originated within the Columbia University chapter of the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). The NCLC began as a neo-Marxian sect. Lyn Marcus was teaching an admixture of Gaussian and Riemannian physics grafted onto Marx in a loft in Greenwich Village, beginning in the Summer of 1966, under the auspices of the Free University of New York, an entity similar to the Open Exchange of San Francisco. Because he was witty, and by all accounts, "one of the more entertaining speakers on the Left" at that time, Lyn Marcus attracted a number of fairly bright, economically oriented, Greenwich Village radicals. After a couple of summer-sessions, he sent his newly recruited cadres uptown to Columbia University to join the SDS. 

The "Labor Committees" were involved in the student strike at Columbia in the Spring of 1968. They are mentioned in The Strawberry Statement, James Kunan's topical work on the subject. In the fall of '68, the Labor Committees were kicked out of the Columbia University SDS by Mark Rudd and Bernadine Dorhn, who went on to found the Weather Underground, the wild-in-the-streets, cultural radical Maoists. After the big split in SDS at the Chicago convention in the summer of '69, the NCLC went back into SDS to become the inside opposition to the Progressive Labor (PL) faction who retained the mailing lists and the name SDS in the struggle that followed the split. The PL faction, "bow-tie Maoists," followed Milt Rosen, who followed Chairman Mao, while the NCLC followed "Chairman Lyn." Sometime during 1971-72, the NCLC positioned themselves to the left of the PL, essentially by accusing them of being the "running dog lackeys" for Rockefeller and the British Crown, which is another whole story in itself. 

Sometime during 1973, "Lyn Marcus" proposed a united front with the Communist Party and the Socialist Workers Party, with himself as the head of a new "revitalized" left. After this proposal was rejected by those formations, the NCLC, under LaRouche, proclaimed themselves to be the true "Revolutionary Vanguard" and proceeded to physically attack members of the CP and the SWP ("Operation Mop-up") during the Spring of 1974. Subsequently, upon finding themselves ostracized out of the Left and the Revolution slipping out of their grasp, the NCLC, during 1975-76, "rediscovered" the American Revolution just in time for the Bicentennial and formed a united front with Willis Carto's Liberty Lobby. The LaRouchies were loosely allied with the Liberty Lobby throughout the late seventies, but broke with them when Willis Carto, in the winter of 1979, embarked on his campaign of "Holocaust Revisionism," denying that six million Jews were murdered by Hitler. 

After 1976, LaRouche and his followers graduated from Marxism into being born-again Hamiltonians when they "discovered" that all of Marx's best ideas were supposedly lifted (without so much as an acknowledgment), from Alexander Hamilton. Their version of how they arrived at this collective conclusion was presented in The Civil War and the American System, by the Afro-American LaRouchian historian, Allen Salisbury. Since the early eight

[CTRL] Chaitkin: America's 'Young America' movement: slaveholders and the B'nai B'rith

2003-11-05 Thread Brian Salter
-Caveat Lector-

anton chaitkin continues the tradition of his nazi-hunting father with
this research into the pro-confederate, pro-racist origins of the b'nai
America's 'Young America' movement:
slaveholders and the B'nai B'rith
by Anton Chaitkin

Chorus: Ten years from now, in 1860, Lord Palmerston's quest for world
empire will enter its most critical phase: the American Civil War,
provoked by Young America and other pro-British networks. A French army
will be in Mexico, propping up Maximilian. Britain will ready the fleet
and send troops to Canada. The only support for Lincoln's beleaguered
Union will come from the Russian Empire of Czar Alexander II, with two
Russian fleets being sent to American ports in 1863 with orders from
the czar to join Lincoln in fighting Britain and France should general
war break out. Mazzini, Urquhart, and their assets will pull out all
the stops to isolate Russia and blow up eastern Europe.
In the midst of these preparations, we have the emergence of Young
Israel—B'nai B'rith—as an ideal British weapon against both the United
States and Russia, and also against other nations. Lord Palmerston's
interest in Zionism was stimulated during the Middle East crisis of
1840, when France backed a rebellious satrap of the Ottoman sultan. The
British found that while the French were the official protectors of the
Roman Catholics in the Turkish Empire, and the Russians the patrons of
the Orthodox, the British had no group of Anglicans or Puritans to
sponsor. The British turned their attention to Armenians and Jews.
Palmerston ordered British diplomats to take Jewish communities under
their protection, since Britain was "the natural guardian of the Jews."
This gave the British a foot in the door in the Middle East, and also
in Russia, including Russian Poland, where 50% of world Jewry then
resided. At this time, Palmerston's son-in-law, the Earl of
Shaftesbury, wrote that "it may be safely asserted that [the Jews]
contemplate a restoration to the soil of Palestine." Shaftesbury was
talking through his hat: He admitted that many Jews "will prefer a seat
in the House of Commons in England to a seat under their vines and fig
trees in Palestine." But the British resolve to settle Jews in
Palestine was clear.
The founder of Zionism in its modern, British-sponsored form is not
Theodor Herzl, but a certain Moses Hess. Hess converted Friedrich
Engels to communism, and wrote parts of Marx's German Ideology. In
1861, Hess will write Rome and Jerusalem, which attacks Moses
Mendelssohn for the idea that Judaism is a religion and a culture. For
Hess, Judaism is a race in Mazzini's blood-and-soil sense, and
therefore must have a homeland. Yet another of Palmerston's theme parks
will open its doors.
In the B'nai B'rith's official, authorized history, it says: "B'nai
B'rith's relationship to the Civil War presents something of a
mystery." They say that the arrest of the B'nai B'rith's leader in
Washington as a Confederate spymaster was unfair. They say that no one
can account for why the group was not pro-Union, whereas most Jews were
pro-Union, and B'nai B'rith's lodges were almost all located in the
North. Indeed, Jewish soldiers in the Union Army were intensely proud,
mostly German-speaking immigrant, anti-slavery Republicans.
To solve the mystery, we go back 20 years before the start of the
American Civil War.
British Foreign Minister Palmerston launched Zionism in 1840. He wrote
that the Jews desired to return to Palestine (Abba Eban points out that
the Jews knew nothing about this); and a month later, the British
landed troops in Palestine for the first time.
B'nai B'rith was started officially in 1843 by some obscure Freemasons
in New York, as a secret society "like Freemasonry" for Jews. B'nai
B'rith was to shape and lead a particular political faction, with a
particular agenda, within the Jewish community.
The agenda for this project came out in a famous speech given two years
later at South Carolina College. The speaker was Edwin DeLeon, from a
Jewish family in South Carolina that was already notorious for its
involvement in the slave trade and in Scottish Rite Freemasonry. DeLeon
was later a leader of the Confederate Secret Service.
DeLeon praised his teacher at the school, Thomas Cooper, an English
atheist and Lord Shelburne's adventurer, who had first proposed that
the South secede from the Union. DeLeon hailed Cooper as a
tender-hearted religious heretic and "an earnest ... disciple of the
school of Bentham and Malthus."
DeLeon said, "There is a 'Young Germany,' a 'Young France,' and a
'Young England'—and why not a 'Young America'?" He told the students:
Any great civil convulsion comes from a source that is unexpected and
obscure. In the French Revolution, the priests and nobles were only the
flax with which the flame was kindled. But those who first applied the
spark were the filthy, obscure savants of 

[CTRL] Chip Berlet's apologist defence of ADL spying on US citizens

2003-11-05 Thread Brian Salter
-Caveat Lector-

an early report on a case which didn't end up well for the ADL...

The ADL Spy Probe

from Alexander Cockburn's "Beat the Devil," a bi-weekly column in The
May 31, 1993

There have been fears that political pressure might squelch the case
against the Anti-Defamation League spies being built by the San
Francisco District Attorney, Arlo Smith. But the "San Francisco
Examiner"for May 11 carried a story by Dennis Opatrny and Scott Winokur
reporting that top officials of the ADL are "the ultimate targets of
the San Francisco district attorney's domestic spying investigation."
Such officials include the ADL's New York-based director of research,
Irwin Suall. Meanwhile, the ADL's strategy is to link critics of its
spy operation with neo-Nazis and with the World Trade Center bombers.
I note here a story on the scandal in "The Village Voice" for May 11 by
Robert Friedman. Since Friedman once wrote "The Nation" complaining I
had credited another reporter for facts he had unearthed, I must say
that I have a serious problem with the way he avoids giving credit to
anyone but himself.
Last July, in "Washington Report on Middle East Affairs," Gregory
Slobodkin broke the story of AIPAC's smear operation in a story titled
"The Secret Section in Israel's US Lobby That Stifles American Debate."
On August 4, Friedman did a "Voice"story,  "The Israel Lobby's
Blacklist. "Nowhere in Friedman's story was it stated that Slobodkin
had already published an account of his experiences at AIPAC.
In his May 11, 1993, piece on the ADL, Friedman was still boasting that
AIPAC's "spy operation was disclosed last summer in the `Voice,'" which
it wasn't. And he never thanks his sources or acknowledges the efforts
of people long laboring on the story, such as journalists in San
Francisco or ABC-TV's James Bamford, who discovered the Benjamin
Epstein letter from which Friedman quotes without tipping his hat to
the journalist who got the document first.
In fact, Friedman relies uncritically on the statements of ADL spy Roy
Bullock to the FBI and to San Francisco police, as though they were
proven facts. And in the end he lets off the ADL with a light stroke,
courtesy of researcher Chip Berlet, who says the ADL "is a group whose
leaders, at least, consistently defend the actions of Israel against
critics, which ... is entirely appropriate" and "is a group that
maintains an information-sharing arrangement with law enforcement.
Again, there is nothing wrong for a group to do that." Berlet argues
that it was some malign synergy between such ADL functions that led to
trouble. In effect, he OK's the ADL's venomous smearing of critics as
anti-Semites and then makes the amazing statement that there's nothing
wrong with illegal acquisition and dissemination of privileged
government information about individuals. This is the basis of the
class-action suit against the ADL in California.
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] LaRouche - The Yiddish Renaissance and Its Enemies

2003-11-05 Thread Brian Salter

the following article may be interesting to those who are convinced that lyndon larouche runs an "anti-semitic" organization.  many more articles on israel, david ben-gurion, early non-fascist zionism, etc, can be found at


The Lessons of Wartime For Statecraft Today 

by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. 

Mr. LaRouche delivered a Memorial Day webcast on May 28, sponsored by his Presidential Campaign Committee LaRouche, in 2004. He spoke by video-conference to an audience of 150 people in Washington, D.C. What follows is a selection from his opening speech, the full version of which may be found at www.larouchein2004.com .

The Yiddish Renaissance and Its Enemies 

Now let's look at something awful. Let's look, just briefly, at a glimpse of what's going on in Israel and Palestine today. What we have is a short [film] of what is happening in Palestine and Israel now. Let me speak very frankly, because these are frank times, people are being killed, and you don't use soft words to describe hard reality. 

A long time ago, in Russia, there was a bad man. His name was Colonel Zubatov. He was the head of a secret police organization which was disbanded, essentially, in that form, after 1905. It was called the Okhrana. This fellow Zubatov recruited an individual called Vladimir Jabotinsky. Jabotinsky became an agent of the Okhrana, which was a British Intelligence-affiliated Russian intelligence organization at the time. A police state. 

The main target of the Okhrana at that time were the Jews of Russia. Now the leading organization among the Jews of Eastern Europe, of Russia in particular, was called the Bund, which was based in the northern parts of what was then called Russia. It's known in the United States as the Workmen's Circle organization. 

These people represented a formation called the Yiddish Renaissance, which was an extension among Jews of Eastern Europe, of the tradition of Moses Mendelssohn, of the German Jewish tradition of Moses Mendelssohn. And modern European Jewry, in all its achievements, and there were many, was actually largely a result of a revolution in the standards of the Jew, effected through the influence of Moses Mendelssohn, one of the greatest intellectual figures of the 18th Century. 

It was through Moses Mendelssohn and his family and friends, that Jews were first allowed to be treated as human beings in Austria. This was by Joseph II of Austria, the Emperor. And similar status of the Jew was finally—the Jew was elevated to a condition in Germany of full dignity. And from that point on, under the influence of Moses Mendelssohn's program, we have some of the greatest music ever composed, because Mozart, Beethoven, other great composers, the circles of the Bach family, were all part of this same tradition, this so-called Classical tradition, which was linked to this Jewish circle of Moses Mendelssohn. 

For example, Schubert—some of the songs of the Jewish service, were composed with the aid of Franz Schubert. Mozart was closely allied with the Mendelssohn family. Beethoven was subsidized, in part, by Itzig, from Leipzig, a part of the extended Mendelssohn family. The great contribution of German Jewish physicians, scientists, and others, like Heinrich Heine and others, to the culture of Europe, and civilization as a whole, as well as Germany, came from these people. And we had in Eastern Europe, what was called the Yiddish Renaissance. 

The same tradition, with the famous, famous name like Sholem Aleichem, famous in the United States in particular. Many of the people who came here, who were Jews from Europe, came from Germany, originally, and later came in great numbers from the Yiddish Renaissance masses of Europe. Even into the 1960s, in the mobilization around Martin Luther King, for civil rights in the United States, the Jewish unit, the Jewish element, in the fight for civil rights of African-Americans, came largely from the legacy of the Yiddish Renaissance, of the immigrants of the Yiddish Renaissance, into the United States. 

The Heirs of Jabotinsky 

So, here's the great tradition against which the Okhrana was fighting, Zubatov was fighting, and Jabotinsky was an agent. Jabotinsky then, as an agent, went to Paris, where he worked for one of the worst Okhrana agents in the world, the fellow who wrote and published the so-called "Protocols of the Elders of Zion." He then became involved, among other things, in a British Intelligence operation called the Young Turks, in Turkey. He was the publisher of the magazine, of the official magazine, of the Young Turk movement. He went to Italy, where he became a close associate of Benito Mussolini, declared himself a fascist, like Mussolini. His organization in Italy became an integral part of the fascist military organization in Italy. He—when Hitler was first elected to office, or nominated to office in Germany—he offered to support Hitler if Hitler would drop the anti-Semitism. 


2003-11-05 Thread Brian Salter
-Caveat Lector-

an email that begins with a pointless and puerile attack on my choice
of typing without capitals, and ends with a long quote from a
hatchet-piece by chip berlet, a known disinfo asset and apologist for
the US ruling establishment, pretty much shows where you're coming from.
if you are so sure about the larouchites, then tell me, you must have
made an effort to contact someone in the organization to get their side
of the story, for example, lead researcher anton chaitkin, the jewish
son of one of america's most famous nazi hunters, who has for several
decades been at the forefront of researching and exposing the bush
family's nazi ties, in addition to the history of pro-fascist elite
circles in the US and UK. if you have not made this attempt, can you
explain why?  can you offer an explanation why he would associate
himself with larouche's organization if it really fits your description?

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2003-11-03 Thread Brian Salter

On Monday, November 3, 2003, at 01:01 PM, David Sutherland wrote:

The alleged founder of the Illuminati, himself a former student of the Catholic Jesuits himself repelled by their dogmatism, one Adam Weishaupt, was stigmatized by Barruel whom he labelled "a human devil".
The Supremacist Aryan Nations, and Conspiracy monger and Fascist La Rouche, both imbibe the same idiom-ology in their own propaganda. 

actually larouche and his researchers quite vigorously denounce abbe barruel as a fraud [*], and are definitively anti-jesuit.  they also sideline right-wing illuminati theories in general.  every time i've come across a mention of weishaupt / illuminati in larouche-related writings, i've found it to be outright dismissive.

nice try, no cigar.  what are you trying to accomplish by piling bald-faced lies on top of your obviously hysterical prejudices?

* in a related matter, on pp. 152-153 of "treason in america" by larouche's lead researcher anton chaitkin, there is documentation on how the founders of  the american branch of scottish rite masonry originated a variation of the "jewish masonic conspiracy" myth in their official histories to obscure the origins of their order in the british oligarchy. in the same book chaitkin discusses the effects the barruel material had on some american politicians of the time, and describes it as a hoax created by the british to create a cover story for the infiltration of the jacobins by lord shelburne's secret intelligence service.  incidentally, chaitkin is the jewish son of jacob chaitkin, one of america's leading nazi-hunting lawyers in the 1930s.  accusations of "neo-fascism" and "anti-semitism" against larouche have been hammered out endlessly by the ADL and b'nai brith, which happen to be the only two major "jewish" organizations who opposed the anti-nazi boycott of 1933 (the boycott for which chaitkin sr. served as legal counsel)!  put that in your pipe and smoke it .  please be careful not to choke.

whatever larouche's real faults may be -- and i'm not necessarily saying he should be trusted in general -- i find some of the accusations against him downright funny. obviously, a game is being played.  can't say i've figured out what's behind it yet.  but i can say for sure that i don't think i'll learn much from david sutherland.

"When fascism comes to america, it will come calling itself anti-fascism."  -- Huey Long

[CTRL] W. R. Plumme on Rothschilds & the world bankers

2003-07-20 Thread Brian Salter
-Caveat Lector-

(apologies for typos -- bad scanning)

excerpt from "The Untold History" by William R. Plumme
pp. 113-119
 The purpose of Weishaupt 's Illuminati
was to undermine the formantions of
Western Civilizatios (i.e., belief in
God and HIS Moral Law), and to prepare
the way, first, for capitalism,  and then,
for socialism and communism.
These concents did not originate with
Weishaupt but, rather, date back to the
Gnostics of Early Christian times, the
Manicheanistic Catharists (Albigensians,
Patarenes, etc.) of southern France and
northern Italy, and to the Humanists of
the late Middle Ages. These concepts,
no doubt, were part of the program of
the earlier French Illumines of the
Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries as
well as of the Alumbrados of Spain, the
last being formded during the revolution
of the Partisans of the Comuneros (the
Toledan movement) of 1519. These two
incidents might he considered a preview
of the French Revolution of 1792,  except
that the latter was largely led by Ger-
man and French Illuminists who had gain-
ed control of the French Assembly clue
to the machinations, or inept handling,
of Louis XVI's minister of Finance, Jacques
Necker, who also had served as a member
of the directorate of the French East
India Company.
The purpose of the forgery (i.e., the
so called Protocols of the Elders of
Zion), undoubtedly, was to gain control
of the Jewish wing of the Socialist
movement, the ultimate objective being
to gain control of the oil of Russia,
Palestine, and the rest of the Middle
It served, on the one hand, the pur-
pose of intimidating the knowledgeable
Jewry who might otherwise have resisted
the conspiracy successfully; it served,
on the other hand, the purpose of arous-
ing flie fear and hatred of the rest of
Jewry toward their persecutors who,
to them, appeared to be solely the Tsar-
ist regime, thus consing those having a
Socialist bent to give themselves more
uncompromisingly to the socialist cause,
while impressing upon those having the
Zionist bent the imperative necessity
for a National Home in Palestine.
At the some time the document has
served to create among non-Jews, who
were conscious of the conspiracy which
was taking place, an impression that the
conspiracy was inspired by persons of
the Jewish faith, and thus,  at once,
diverting the attention of those who
could perceive that a conspiracy was
afoot from the real conspirators, and
thus transform them into the ready tools
of the real conspirators for continuing
the intimidation and the holding of
Jewry in line with its Satanical plans.
The practice of this deception on the
part of the Luciferians, i.e., that of laying
the blame for nefarious acts originating with
themselves upon Jewry appears to go back to
the very beginnings of the Gnostic-Illuminis-
tin establishment.
During the Middle Ages, Jewish bankers were
employed as the middle men between the big
Bankers, who posed as Christians, and the
small fry borrowers. Naturally, the risk was
great. and the interest proportionately high.
Whenever the Jewish middle man, whose modern
equivalent, would be the finance company, began
to accumulate a fair sized reserve, the state
or the mob moved in and looted him of everything
he posessed.
But when the introduction of the lateen sail
made ocean commerce practical and thereby
decreased the importance of the overland routes
between the Mediterranean and North seas, and
the banking-commercial interests were prepar-
ing to make the necessary arrangements, the
Savoyard kings of France and England — Philip
the Fair and Edward I — expelled the Jews from
from their country.
The mothers of these two kings were sisters.
the daughters of Raymond Berenguer of Provence;
their mother, the daughter of the Count of
Savoy; and her uncle, a leader of the Albi-
gensians. Many of the advisors of these two
kings were the descendants of Catharists who
had "recanted."
Signiicantly, both kings came into collision
with the Church.
Under Philip the Fair began the Avignon cap-
tivity and the Great Schism which followed.
Philip also liquidated the Knignts Templars
who acted as bankers for the Church,  confisca-
ting their property and burning many of them
at the stake. Among those who were thus treat-
ed, was Jacques deMolay, the last Grand Master
of the Order.
Philip's minister,  Pierre Dukis, a descend-
ant of the Albigensians, called for the forma-
tion of a European league to enforce peace
under the leadership of the French king.
Under the Dubois plan, disputes were to be
settled by judicial methods, i.e., the Byzan-
tine Code.
At the same time, in order to break down
the Champagne fairs, in preparation for the
transfer of the center of international com-
merce to the Channel port of Bruges, Philip
began to debase the coinage and constantly
to vary its value.
It was during this period that the property
of the Jews was confiscated and they, them-
selves, expelled from France.
Again, when in the course of the fourteenth
century, the 

[CTRL] Trotsky & Wall St. (excerpt from 'Treason')

2003-07-20 Thread Brian Salter
-Caveat Lector-

Excerpt from Treason--The New World Order (Gurudas, 1996)
From Chapter VII: Early Signs of Treason, pp. 79-81
There are numerous incidents in the 20th century that show how dangerous
the bankers and corporate elite are. Carroll Quigley described how 
financiers worked behind the scenes in many conflicts influencing 
and making deals. The Laurence Boothe Papers at the Hoover Institution 
how, in return for cconomic concessions, Wall Street assisted the 1912 
of Sun Yat-sen in China. The corporate elite have fomented many 
rebellions and
wars. To the ruling elite war is just another means to increase power 
and profits.
During and after World War I numerous bankers, corporate leaders, and
government officials provided assistance and millions of dollars to 
place the
communists, and later Hitler and Mussolini, into power. Some apologists 
claimed that money was only given to the communists to keep Russia in 
the war
against Germany during the first world war, but the evidence clearly 
refutes this
view. These financiers also supported the anti-communists, like Admiral 
in Siberia. It was imporant to support both sides to insure future 
profits. Some of
the financiers supporting the communists, like Thomas Lamont head of the
Morgan banking group, also supported the fascists.

While various authorities such as Gary Allen have discussed this 
Antony Sutton from the Hoover Institution at Stanford University has 
the most irrefutable and detailed evidence of this alliance in several 
books, espe-
cially in Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler and Wall Street and the 
Revolution, using U.S. State Department documents, congressional 
released archives such as from the Nuremberg trials, and newspaper 
reports. Sutton
spoke before the Republican platform committee in 1972, but his news 
was cancelled, and when he returned to the Hoover Institute he was 
ordered to not
make any public statements and his contract with he Hoover Institute 
was not

The Rockefeller-controlled Chase Bank (later Chase Manhatan Bank) helped
finance the Bolsheviks as did Lord Milner, head of the London Round 
Table,  a
Member of he British cabinet, and director of a London bank. The 
Post, on February 2, 1918, said William B. Thompson,  a director of the 
 Reserve Bank of New York, gave the Bolsheviks one million dollars to 
their doctrine. On Ocmber 17, 1918 William L. Saunders, deputy chairman 
of the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York, wrote to President Wilson "I am in 
with the Soviet form of government as that best suited for the Russian 
John Reed, a communist, worked for the Metropolitan magazine which was 
trolled by Morgan. Jacob Schiff,  head of the New York bank Kuhn, Loeb &
Company, heavily financed President Wilson's 1912 election. On February 
1949 the New York Journal-American said: "Today it is estimated, even 
by Jacob's
grandson,  John Schiff, a prominent member of New York society, that 
the old
man sank about $20 million for the final triumph of Bolshevism in 
Russia. Oher
New York banking firms also contributed." Jacob Schiff helped found the 
on Foreign Relations.

Much of this nefarious activity took place from 120 Broadway in New York
City. A few of the parties based at this address included: the New York 
Reserve,  GE,  Guaranty Trust Co., Franklin Roosevelt, and the first 
ambassador to the U.S. The first Soviet bank was controlled by Morgan 
with its
Guaranty Trust Company the U.S. agent.  American International 
founded in 1915 by Morgan interests and located at 120 Broadway, played 
a key
role in supporting the Bolshevik revolution, and later some of its 
directors such as
Arthur Lehman and Pierre ths Pont supported Roosevelt.

On March 24, 1917 the New York Twas revealed that Schiff had financed 
Distribution of revolutionary literature to 50,000 Russian military 
prisoners cap-
Tured during the Russian-Japanese war. The Times article quoted a later 
from Schiff in which he said: Trotsky was “what we had hoped and 
striven for
these long years." In January, 1916 Schiff arranged to bring Trotsky to 
the U.S.
Trotsky entered the U.S. without a passport and was then given a U.S. 
passport to
get back to Russia.[1] There was an international warrant for his 
arrest, and when he
was detained in Canada, U.S.authorities got him released. In the June, 
1919 issue
of MacLean’s, J.B.MacLean said Trotsky was released “at the request of 
the British
Embassy at Washington...and that the Embassy acted on the request of 
the U.S.
State Department, who was acting for someone else."[2] In The Road to 
Arthur Willert, Washington correspondent for the London Times, said 
House, chief aide to President Wilson, told him President Wilson wanted 
released. He conveyed this request to

[CTRL] JP Morgan Chase question

2003-07-10 Thread Brian Salter
-Caveat Lector-

a somewhat esoteric question:

david rockefeller used to be the chairman of the chase manhattan bank
"international advisory committee".  george schultz now is the chair of
the jp morgan chase "international council".  in light of the fact of
the merger a few years back, does anyone know specifically whether the
latter entity is directly linked with the former?  i couldn't find any
info... but it seems like it would be; i'd like to know if schultz is
now holding a position that could be said to be equivalent to
rockefeller's old one.
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Goddess Has No Clothes

2003-07-06 Thread Brian Salter


The Goddess Has No Clothes
Goddess Unmasked by Philip G. Davis

ISBN 0-9653208-9-8. 418 pp., $29.95.

(Dallas: Spence Publishing Co., 1998 )

Reviewed by Robert Sheaffer

(Originally published in The Skeptical Inquirer May,/June, 1999, Vol. 23:3, p. 51)

One of the fastest-growing new religions today is a neopagan tradition termed "Goddess spirituality." It is especially popular among New Age disciples and radical feminists but its teachings are accepted at least in part by a large segment of society. The Goddess whispers a seductive tale of a golden age in a distant past. A paradise supposedly existed in Europe and probably elsewhere during the Neolithic era (fans of the Goddess greatly prefer that dignified-sounding term to the more comprehensible "New Stone Age"). Supposedly, there was little or no conflict, little or no social hierarchy, and most especially, no gender discrimination or sexual inequality. The reason these Goddess societies were such paradises, we are told, was because they were "gynocentric" (woman-centered), perhaps even actually "matriarchal." Indeed, the U.N. Fourth Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995 featured a full-size "reconstruction" of a supposed "ancient matriarchal village," complete with a giant pair of female breasts, one above the other, to guard the entrance. 

The only problem with this tidy picture is that it is totally unsupported by sound scholarship, rejected by virtually all professional scholars whose field of expertise lies within the Goddess’s claims. With few exceptions, however, these scholars are reluctant to speak out too forcefully against Goddess misinformation, for fear of being branded "anti-feminist." Consequently, the Goddess claims have seldom been critically examined. With Goddess Unmasked, we now have a book which brings together the best refutation of rampant Goddess nonsense, authored by a professor of religious studies at the University of Prince Edward Island in Canada. Davis observes that "we do not possess a single translated text" from any of these supposed major Goddess cultures, leaving anyone who is so inclined free to attribute to those vanished societies whatever social arrangements they are most eager to promote in our own. 

Indeed, a cynic might suggest that the Goddess can only reign supreme over societies in which no one can read or write. (But some movements are so irrational that they are impossible to satirize. Neurosurgeon Dr. Leonard Shlain suggests exactly that in The Alphabet vs. The Goddess: when logical left-brained patriarchs invented writing, it doomed the intuitive, right-brained Goddess cultures!)

Today Goddess misinformation has entered the curriculum in far more places than most people realize. The Goddess actively promotes "alternative medicine," especially in schools of nursing. Davis quotes from one prominent neopagan book: "Women have always been healers, and the knowledge of healing - of aura work, colors, herbs and homeopathy, reflexology, midwifery, massage, crystals, and trance states - have always been part of the goddess’ mysteries." The Goddess misrepresents the history of religion, depicting it as a struggle between warm and nurturing female-oriented religions and exploitative, death-dealing male-dominated ones; conventional scholarship knows nothing of this supposed struggle, or indeed of those categories of religions. (The Goddess Kali, worshipped widely in India, demanded human sacrifice. She ruled over a society in which a person’s caste was fixed at birth, and widows were burned on their husband’s funeral pyre. The Goddess writers, notes Davis, present their evidence highly selectively.) Indeed, the Goddess misrepresents the entire history of civilization, portraying it as a struggle between early utopian, female-dominated societies, and later violent, hierarchical and patriarchal ones; professional historians dispute that there ever was a "matriarchal" or "woman-centered" stage of civilization. 

Perhaps most seductively of all, the Goddess misrepresents her own history, claiming to be the heir of an unbroken line of covert pagans and druids who secretly preserved the Goddess’ occult healing ways since remote antiquity despite Christian persecution. Davis convincingly traces the origin of the contemporary Goddess movement not to classical antiquity but to 19th-century French and German Romanticism. "Nothing about the Goddess myth correlates with what we know of the ancient civilizations which her devotees claim as their foremothers; everything, however, has clearly identifiable roots in the modern subcultures which began with Romanticism and the nineteenth-century occult revival." In Romanticism, "the supreme importance of feelings, and the purity of the primitive," were emphasized. 

"The prized Romantic values of emotion, intuition, affinity with nature, and boundless love co

Re: [CTRL] More discussion on Fascism and Socialism

2003-06-23 Thread Brian Salter

On Sunday, June 22, 2003, at 11:06 PM, Zuukie wrote:

One of the first things the Nazis did was to murder every socialist they could find. When leftists talk about socialism today they mean DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM, 

 [Internet Wizards] This is simply not true. The Nazis were proud to claim their socialist agenda and were considered as part and parcel of the left by every major trade union, socialist party and the CPSU until 1941.

i'm very curious to know some good sources on this, if possible.  i wasn't aware of this.

tnx, -bs

Re: [CTRL] Why most Americans are unable to perceive and protest America's slide into fascism

2003-06-18 Thread Brian Salter
-Caveat Lector-

On Thursday, June 19, 2003, at 12:21 PM, Brian Salter wrote:
regime.  this connection is particularly notable in the writings of
vilfredo pareto, a theorist who was influential in the development of
oops, i didn't mean to say Pareto... i was thinking of Georges Sorel.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Why most Americans are unable to perceive and protest America's slide into fascism

2003-06-18 Thread Brian Salter
-Caveat Lector-

On Thursday, June 19, 2003, at 08:25 AM, flw wrote:

-Caveat Lector-

One of the first things the Nazis did was to murder every
socialist they could find.  When leftists talk about socialism
today they mean DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM, with workers (including
managers) having democratic control (one-person-one-vote, not
one-dollar-one-vote as in the U.S. today) over the businesses
they work in and over the economy and government as a whole.

what is seldom discussed is that socialist ideas about direct worker
control of factories, such as guild socialism or syndicalism, have a
direct link to the sort of corporatism seen in mussolini's fascist
regime.  this connection is particularly notable in the writings of
vilfredo pareto, a theorist who was influential in the development of
fascism.  the spanish civil war is often cited as an example of
supposedly successful application of "democratic socialism", but many
better-informed leftists are very wary of this claim, given the
potential for corporatism that could have come out of that situation
(even more, since it only lasted about a year and a half, it really
doesn't amount to a successful test run of anything).  these surprising
connections are obscured and buried by the "left / right" labeling game
vis a vis fascism.  also obscured by the childish assumption that just
because different political groups are fighting & killing eachother,
their ideologies must be diametrically opposed.  not so.
on a deeper level, the obsession with collectivizing the workplace as
the single, driving objective of socialism, is the core marxist ruse &
psy-op... this creates maximum class antagonism between the working
class and middle class, and thus keeps the heat of the true overclass
-- the financial elite (with various cartels & monopolies at their
side).  it also obviates any possibility of reaching an equitable
social modus vivendi between workers and employers, as opposed to
utopian, absolutist egalitarianism.  marx's theories also divert the
blame solely on the dynamics of the productive sector of the economy
for economic instability and wealth accumulation, and thereby insulate
the manipulation of monetary systems and central banks from adequate
attention.  this is why wall st. bankers have such a cozy history with
marxism!   the link i posted yesterday about the populist socialism of
the 30s shows that they at least had their general priorities straight
-- their number one objective was to eliminate the fed and nationalize
the central banking system.  it's worth noting that even many
libertarians support one particular centralized, socialistic policy
that is really in our benefit -- a nationalized central bank.  (not
counting radicals like rothbard who advocate free-market monetary
a further note, marx's labor theory of value never worked as a
systematic theory of capitalism.  in fact, it was a shamble of
contradictions and illogic, as was first demonstrated by boehm-bawerk
in his famous critique.  in fact, in Kapital, vol. 3, marx actually
subtly admits that he couldn't really make this theory work in a way
that reflected real market behavior, not without some absurd fudge
factors.  that doesn't mean that there isn't a metaphorical truth to
the value theory of labor, however.  but marx's system otherwise simply
falls apart.  this must be considered as well.  i only discovered these
details recently, and it blew my mind.  just think of all that the
world has been subjected to on behalf of this theory which didn't work
from the start.  this is the dark human comedy, i guess...
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Why most Americans are unable to perceive and protest America's slide into fascism

2003-06-18 Thread Brian Salter
-Caveat Lector-

On Wednesday, June 18, 2003, at 11:12 AM, Zuukie wrote:
A great deal of the wealth created by the American capitalist economy
has been accomplished by taking control of third world nations (see the
references below), robbing their natural resources, installing
dictatorial (death-squad) governments, and then using their populations
as slave labor at wages of pennies per hour to grow and manufacture
products for American corporations.  This practice is still going on.
there are many libertarians, conservatives, and other advocates of
free-enterprise capitalism who absolutely deplore these types of
atrocities by the US government, and who deplore the form the
government has taken over the past century.  regardless of the pluses
or minuses of their viewpoints, it is totally unfair to their views and
a cheapshot to lump all non-socialist views together with the
atrocities of the current ruling elites and simply label it all
"capitalism".  that's a gutter level cheap shot, and the left just
keeps on doing it.  in fact, although i have some fundamental
differences with the libertarians, i feel that their arguments that the
atrocities of the US govt have been enabled by the institutionalization
of the "welfare-warfare state" more than anything else are sometimes
more prinicpled and more analytically grounded than the left has to
M:Wrong.  Scandinavian and other countries that practice Social
Democracy...have much better distribution of wealth than the U.S.
Z:  Are you suggesting we should stop all foreign aid, all military aid
to other countries, support of the UN, all humanitarian aide to other
countries, etc. and keep the profits here for the betterment our
Coveting again?
i think that redistribution of wealth & land should be on the table...
 at the same time, it should be recognized that attempts to apply
aspects of social democracy in the US have had the opposite effect of
what was promised.  for example, the "progressive" income tax, which
was supposed to redistribute wealth, has actually served to demolish
the middle and upper-middle classes, thus preventing any challenges to
the top elites.  these top elites are also inveterate opponents of
genuine free enterprise; they LOVE planned economies.  (but these days,
instead of being planned by governments, they are planned by multilater
corporations.)this was spelled out in a carnegie foundation study
from the 30s, which is not well known today...
also i'd like to point out that there used to be some populist forms of
socialism in the US, believe it or not, but these were extinguished by
the postwar trotskyist / countercultural left.  i think some
open-minded reexamination is due:
M:Sooner or later tyrants and their advocates will divulge their true
motives!  Here "Zuukie" and (as I'm told) her friends are advocating
maintenance of economic-class, racial, and gender social barriers,
can mean nothing less than control of the government, society, and
economy by wealthy white businessmen. This is exactly the agenda of the
Fascists and the businessmen who supported them, for the simple purpose
of maximizing their profits.
Z: Wow.  All that?  Leaping logic 
leaping logic indeed.  mark is using polemical, either-or arguments,
demonizing rather than debating.  but zuukie, you're very polemical as

The "gay rights" movement isn't about civil rights for homosexuals.
Homosexuals enjoy all the same civil rights as other Americans.
Absolutely false.  Homosexual people are generally not allowed to have
official marriages, and so are denied the various economic and social
rights that such marriages confer, and they are also discriminated
against in employment, housing, etc.
homosexual marriages ought to be allowed; let's be humane.   but
homosexual parenting should not.   but the idea that the ruling class
in the US are homophobic per se is nonsense; the rockefeller-funded
kinsey studies deliberately exaggerated the prevalence of homosexuality
in america, along with other aspects of "non-traditional" sexuality.
it is very clear that the changing of america's sexual mores was
sanctioned from the top, from certain circles anyway.  not in the sense
of supporting "liberation", but to create demographic changes, to
weaken the family structure and thus make the citizenry more
susceptible to having their values changed by propaganda, and also to
lower the birth rate in accordance with elite concerns about population
(the rockefellers were at the same time setting up groups like the
Population Council to carry on the eugenics cause...  the rockefellers
have been heavily involved in funding certain types of feminist
programs, and supporting feminist programs through the UN, because this
offers a convenient PR shield to hide the eugenics agenda behind some
"family planning" efforts.)  just because the reaction to social change
is o

Re: [CTRL] Why most Americans are unable to perceive and protest America's slide into fascism

2003-06-18 Thread Brian Salter
-Caveat Lector-

i'll check out these references.  i'm not strongly endorsing macdonald;
however having read some criticsm and counter-criticism, i'm not
convinced he's anti-semitic.  in fact, his academic work is devoted to
ethnic particularism in general, and he has studied other diasporic
cultures as well, which somewhat rules out him having a personal agenda
or vendetta.  however i do think he overgeneralizes, and one thing that
i think is sorely missing is an awareness of how the attitudes of jews
have been manipulated by elites to play a certain role.  this is the
crucial element.   i believe that both christians and jews have been
massively manipulated to serve agendas that are not in their interests.
also i think that many elitists who are assumed to be "jews" or
"christians" are in fact nothing of the sort.  at the same time, it is
not fair to prohibit open analysis and consideration of jewish cultural
identity and its effect on politics and society, given the
extraordinarily disproportionate representation that jews have in
certain areas.  i think that this goes beyond the simple question of
zionism or anti-zionism.  one cannot ascribe *everything* to individual
experience or purely external factors; people are often influenced by
their cultural identity and this needs to be acknowledged, in an
objective way, without hate.  so, even if macdonald falls into the
anti-semitic camp, that doesn't mean that some of the issues and
research he brings up are out of the question.  that said, i think
peter meyers offers a more balanced discussion.
also this recent article by sherman skolnick (who is jewish) points the
way to a more nuanced view:

i'd also like you to back up your accusation against mark that he is a
"jew hater".  can you point out some proof of that?  i am somewhat
familiar with mark's writing and opinions, and i have never seen any
evidence of that whatsoever.

On Wednesday, June 18, 2003, at 01:29 PM, Zuukie wrote:

-Caveat Lector-

While looking over your links, I was struck by your use of Kevin
MacDonald who in no way is a neutral source when it comes to the Jewish
community.  There are many historical reasons why Jews find themselves
in the liberal camp without examining carefully as individuals their
involvements, and I find myself in disagreement with that philosophy
many reasons.  When I first heard attacks on Kevin MacDonald, I
what was going on, but after looking at his involvements and his
writings, I have no doubt that he falls into the antisemitic camp. Any
search on the net will provide much information on his work.  He would
fit very well into Veith's book, Modern Fascism, on fascism in the
academic community.  Particularly revealing was an article he wrote
which parallels the views of Savitri Devi, a hardcore antisemite.  A
biography of her is titled Hitler's Priestess.
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Why most Americans are unable to perceive and protest America's slide into fascism

2003-06-17 Thread Brian Salter
-Caveat Lector-

i perceive a typically polarized argument going on here, so i'm going
to interject some comments...   just because i'm so damn sick and tired
of both sides of the left-right culture war!!!
On Tuesday, June 17, 2003, at 12:07 PM, Zuukie wrote:

-Caveat Lector-

I sent Mark's post to a number of people.  Here is a response from one
of them:
Fascism is based on the ideal of National SOCIALISM. The only real
difference between a Nazi and a Communist is that a Nazi believes that
socialism can be achieved in a single nation while a communist believes
that a global socialist state is need to fully implement socialist
IMO, the idea that National Socialism was genuine socialism (as the
left sees it, anyway), and the idea that National Socialism was the
capitalist world's defence against socialism are BOTH bullshit hoaxes,
perpetrated by the ideologues of left and right on eachother.  these
arguments are a disease of those who need to think in dualistic terms.
however, i have recently been tilting somewhat to the opinion that the
absolute categorization of the nazis as "right wing" is a distortion of
history by the left (especially trotskyists, who have abused the very
word "fascism" into oblivion by using it as a facile verbal weapon
against any ideology they don't like, whether or not it accurately
fits).  this is certainly the case if one equates fascism with "late
capitalism", which has always been a cheapshot marxist canard.  the
nazi party platform was very heavily collectivist and strongly espoused
a planned as opposed to a market economy, and there was a notable
anti-capitalist element in both the nazi platform and many right-wing
nationalist movements of the time (a competitive, free-market system,
whatever it's real flaws may be, was seen as the enemy because it gave
an undesired equality to outsiders and thus weakened the "volk").  a
more perceptive and fair way to look at the nazi regime was as a
rendition of what james burnham called the "managerial society", which
was neither capitalism nor socialism, and in fact is antithetical to
both in important ways.  it is this "managerial state" which is the
real agenda of the wall st. so-called "capitalists" who supported
hitler (and some of whom, such as the rockefellers, had earlier
supported the rise of the bolsheviks, who created what burnham also
considered to be a "managerial society").
anyway, here's a quote from a dissenting point of view:

"The evidence that Nazism was part of the socialist tradition continues
to accumulate, even if it makes no headlines. In 1978 Otto Wagener's
Hitler: Memoirs of a Confidant appeared in its original German. Wagener
was a lifelong Nazi who had died in 1971. His recollections of Hitler's
conversations had been composed from notes in a British prisoner-of-war
camp, and they represent Hitler as an extreme socialist utopian,
anti-Jewish because ``the Jew is not a socialist.'' Nor are
Communists--``basically they are not socialistic, since they create
mere herds, as in the Soviet Union, without individual life.'' The real
task, Hitler told Wagener, was to realize the socialist dream that
mankind over the centuries had forgotten, to liberate labor, and to
displace the role of capital. That sounds like a program for the Left,
and many parties called socialist have believed in less.
Hitler's allegiance, even before such sources were known, was
acknowledged by socialists outside Germany. Julian Huxley, for example,
the pro-Soviet British biologist who later became director-general of
UNESCO, accepted Hitler's claim to be a socialist in the early 1930s,
though without enthusiasm (indeed, with marked embarrassment).
Hitler's program demanded central economic planning, which was at the
heart of the socialist cause; and genocide, in the 1930s, was well
known to be an aspect of the socialist tradition and of no other. There
was, and is, no conservative or liberal tradition of racial
extermination. The Nazis, what is more, could call on socialist
practice as well as socialist theory when they invaded the Soviet Union
in 1941 and began their exterminatory program. That is documented by
Rudolf Hoess in his memoir Kommandant in Auschwitz (1958). Detailed
reports of the Soviet camp system were circulated to Nazi camp
commandants as a model to emulate and an example to follow."
from, "Never Blame the Left" by George Watson, quoted at
http://www.mega.nu:8080/ampp/genocide.html (note: i don't endorse
everything on this page...)

He also assumes that the elimination of all social barriers is a good
thing. History shows us this isn't so. The social anarchy that followed
the French and Russian revolutions were not the beginnings of a
socialist utopia, they were rightly called Reigns of Terror.
i think this is oversimplistic, but i would agree that left utopianism
is more directly responsible for unexpected nightmarish consequences
than the left admits.  this is particular

Re: [CTRL] A Baseball Conspiracy?

2003-01-17 Thread Brian Salter
Title: Re: [CTRL] A Baseball Conspiracy?
-Caveat Lector-

so, might this be a hint why the early bonesmen were apparently so keen on baseball?!?

a quick search revealed...

the numbers began to be standardized under the direction of yale graduate daniel lucius adams, now increasingly acknowledged as the real father of baseball, not cartwright.

adams was credited with making baseball into more of an upper-crust diversion in his era; he eventually retired to conneticut and his sons attended s & b connected sheffield scientific school.

(ps: i didn't find the original to your Re: so i hope i'm not repeating anything)


all american,

-Caveat Lector- 
 Thanks to Alexander Cartwright the United States plays Baseball 

And as a number cruncher and contriver, I  say Baseball is the Moon Game, or the Pyramid Game.

OK, we have a Œdiamond¹ each side 90 feet is 360 feet x a maximum length of the bat at 3.5 feet is 1260, the ŒTorch of the Illuminati¹. 

And the length from the rubber to home plate is 60.5 feet and the home plate is 17 inches wide, so 60.5 x 17/12 is 85.708334

And the diamond and bat at 1260 x 85.708334 is 107,992.50 and the radius of the Moon is 1,079.925 miles and the diameter is 2,159.85 miles (3476km). 

Thu Baseball has the reference for the Order of the Illuminati, or Miss Liberty at 1260, and thanks to the rubber to home plate,  shows us it is the Moon Game.

But then the Moon at 2,159.8514 miles has a circumference of 6,785.3734 miles is equivalent to 10,920km and the Great Pyramid at the reciprocal of its 91,575,000 cubic feet is 1.0920010920e-08.

Thus Baseball, the Moon Game, is indeed also the Pyramid Game and the national game of the United States of America

But then I only contrived Baseball as such, for surely Alexander Cartwright knew not of such numbers, and so no conspiracy. 


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] People's Commission/Organizing Meetings in NY & SF

2002-12-20 Thread Brian Salter
-Caveat Lector-

my apologies to the list and to kris; my last message was not meant to be
sent to the list.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] People's Commission/Organizing Meetings in NY & SF

2002-12-17 Thread Brian Salter
-Caveat Lector-

hey kris,

this message may be unnecessary, but i wanted to check with you about the
consorts list since i think i neglected to mention to you that it is
normally a private list.  if you checked with carol before forwarding this,
then of course it's fine.  i don't think i explained the list to you so it's
entirely my fault if the privacy thing wasn't clear.  anyway, i don't think
there's any problem with stuff you've forwarded to CTRL.  just FYI.


> Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2002 12:17:45 EST
> Subject: [CTRL] People's Commission/Organizing Meetings in NY & SF
> -Caveat Lector-
> Dear Consortium,
> I spoke with Premilla yesterday, who is the moving force behind New
> York WILPF's branch who is sprearheading the organizing effort for the
> initial gathering/conference in New York next month.  She and Kyle are
> organizing a meeting in New York City on Thursday, December 19th, to bring
> on more endorsers, organizations, and support for the People's
> Commission.  I thought that was a great idea and that we should also do the
> same thing here on the West Coast.  So, I called Henry Dakin and he will
> let us use 3220 Sacramento to show the latest version of Aftermath and hold
> an "organizing meeting" to gather endorsements and support for a People's
> Commision on 9-11. (If you can- please come- 7-10 pm, Thursday, December
> 19th).
> I went to an event last night organized by Not In Our Name and began my
> outreach efforts.  Kevin Danaher, of Global Exchange said that he would
> urge Global Exchange to endorse our effort.  I also spoke with other
> groups/organizations/individuals attending the event and invited them to
> come.  Today I will also post the meeting on the indymedia site, send out
> emails, make phone calls, and send out letters.  I would like a copy of
> Premilla's  WILPF statement for the various organizations, but I still
> don't have one (which is why I did write that synthesis last week- because
> I need something to move forward and organize with).
> I'm leaving the country Saturday for two weeks - and can do nothing
> while gone.
> My website has already signed on to the Ad-hoc Truth Alliance
> statement that we are struggling to complete and get out to all the 9-11
> websites/researchers/activists. I do think we need to act and get out some
> press release this week- particularly when the government obviously doesn't
> have their act together- [ I just received a long brilliant email looking
> at the Kissinger Commission debacle and latest tidbits- posted at
> http://www.btinternet.com/~nlpwessex/  enter site- go to War Against
> Terrorism Archive and click on 911 Cover-Up Wobbles - 15 Dec 2002.]
> I do think that the real consciousness raising, organizing activity is
> going on over the internet, but it is vital to manifest the tip of the
> iceberg with real human events, meetings, books, magazines, documentaries,
> demos, rallies, radio/television programs, public forums- it gives greater
> weight to our words. (My banner, inspired by Ruppert and Jared Israel and
> Chossudovsky-
> Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld...
> Guilty of 9-11 you ask "why?"
> Oil, Drugs, Power
> made the cover of the latest Global Outlook. Another 100,000 Deception
> Dollars have been printed and can be disseminated. We can start organizing
> premieres of Aftermath for January...)
> Carol 650-857-0927
> -
> Aloha, He'Ping,
> Om, Shalom, Salaam.
> Em Hotep, Peace Be,
> All My Relations.
> Omnia Bona Bonis,
> Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
> Amen.
> Roads End
> http://www.ctrl.org/";>www.ctrl.org
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance?not soap-boxing?please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'?with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds?is used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html
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> Om


[CTRL] QQ: 2 new articles by Bob Feldman + Max Kolskegg "9/11 in Context"

2002-10-10 Thread Brian Salter

-Caveat Lector-

new at questionsquestions:

2 new articles by Bob Feldman --


"Like MIT and Harvard University, the Ford Foundation and the Council on
Foreign Relations [CFR] also may invest in Big Oil stock, U.S. war
machine stock, and in the stock of U.S. corporations that do business
under the Sharon regime in Israel/Palestine. One way to more effectively
resist the U.S. Establishment's militaristic foreign policy might be to
seriously demand that MIT, Harvard, the Ford Foundation and the Council
on Foreign Relations divest themselves of their Big Oil, war machine and
Israeli-linked corporate stockholdings." ...




guest commentary and analysis:


A challenging and unblinking discussion of the emerging "Global Fascist
Terror State" written from a perspective supporting the anticapitalist
movement (a term used by many in preference to the establishment's
"antiglobalist" label). Kolskegg examines how neoliberal "state
capitalism" faces crisis and failure, resulting in increasingly
totalitarian governing tactics as a global class war reaches its end
game, and how resistance is being stifled by an establishment-sponsored
false opposition. In addition, a wealth of links and informational
resources are provided for analysing and understanding the clandestine
politics and deep networking of a parallel, covert elite power
structure -- the "Secret Team" -- which has, over the span of decades,
accomplished a gradual coup of the US government and now rules brazenly
behind the hollow facade of a dead Republic. Questionsquestions is
pleased to present Kolskegg's work with the hope of expanding debate and
putting a wider range of ideas on the table at a crucial time.


note: If you do not wish to be included on further mailings, please


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2002-10-02 Thread Brian Salter

-Caveat Lector-

new at questionsquestions.net:

FOUNDATION? by bob feldman, raising further important questions at a
time when no-holds-barred, analytically rigorous antiwar news coverage
is so critically needed. Several new sections have been added to the
funding exposé, along with a three-part analysis of the Ford
Foundation's background and role in US politics entitled FORD








— part 1

— part 2

— part 3


The Ford Foundation's Skull and Bones Link

commentary: Bob Feldman and Brian Salter reply to a reader

note: If you do not wish to be included on further mailings, please


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] QQ: "Alternative" media paymasters: Carlyle, Alcoa, Xerox, Coca Cola...?

2002-10-02 Thread Brian Salter

-Caveat Lector-

new at questionsquestions.net:

"Alternative" media paymasters: Carlyle, Alcoa, Xerox, Coca Cola...?

by Brian Salter
30 September 2002

The Ford Foundation, historically closely linked to the CIA and the
military-industrial-academic complex, has in recent years provided
substantial funding grants to a number of "alternative" media
organizations, such as FAIR, Progressive magazine, and Pacifica. Also
participating in this type of funding are other elite foundations such
as MacArthur, Soros, Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Schumann.

General policy for grant-making at the Ford Foundation is handled by the
Board of Trustees. Approval for all grants over $100,000 must be
personally signed by Ford Foundation President Susan Berresford, who is
also a member of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission and the Ford
Foundation-subsidized Council on Foreign Relations Inc.. So, for
example, a $150,000 grant to FAIR by the Ford Foundation in 2001 for
"general support to monitor and analyze the performance of the news
media in the United States" was approved directly by Trilateral
Commission member Berresford, in accordance with the grantmaking policy
guidelines established by the Ford Foundation Board of Trustees. Given
the tremendous power that the Ford Foundation has historically wielded
in influencing cultural, academic, and political affairs, one must ask,
who makes up this board of directors whose policies the Ford Foundation
president implements--and what interests do they represent?

   Brian Salter  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] QQ: Bob Feldman and Brian Salter reply to a reader

2002-09-21 Thread Brian Salter

-Caveat Lector-

new from questionsquestions:

Bob Feldman and Brian Salter reply to a reader

Hello, I saw and appreciated your essay on the foundational support for
Left orgs and writers that dismiss anything that smacks of

However, while I share with you the idea that such orgs and writers
should be critically evaluated, I do not think your evidence,
specifically, against Noam Chomsky is all that weighty. You don't really
present any evidence that Chomsky is a controlled person. You cite the
Inamori award from the "Japanese Establishment", but that award was for
his achievements in the area of linguistics and cognitive science, not
his political writings. So what does the Inamori award have to do with
anything? The award is somewhat akin to the various Nobel prizes.

Also, you mentioned that Z magazine was perhaps named after the
Costa-Gavras film "Z". My recollection is that Z magazine was originally
named Zeta magazine, billing itself the last word, as it were, in
political writing. When Sargent and Albert found out the name Zeta was
already used by someone else, they opted for the abbreviated form, 'Z'.

In any event, I fail to see how your charts, in general, necessarily
predict control of the sort you claim. However, I am eager to examine
more evidence of such if it exists.

Thanks, WiseSerpent

Bob Feldman replies:

Thank you for considering some of the possible institutional/political
reasons for censorship of 9/11 conspiracy journalists and researchers by
the foundation-sponsored alternative media gatekeepers.

Although MIT Profeor Chomsky has been on the payroll of the
12th-largest recipient of US Air Force war contracts in recent years,
the article isn't asserting "that Chomsky is a controlled person." But
there is evidence that Z magazine was unwilling to print an article
about MIT's links to the U.S. Air Force's space warfare preparations and
to the Pentagon's think-tank, the Institute for Defense Analyses, a few
years ago.

Regarding the $350,000 award from the Inamori Foundation that was set up
by the chairman emeritus/founder of one of Japan's leading
telecommunications companies, DDI Corporation, that was given to
ALTERNATIVE RADIO's frequently featured guest: Generally, recipients of
such large grants from Establishment foundations are reluctant to
scrutinize or criticize a foundation world from which they've obtained
such a large sums of money. And, like the Nobel prize money (that was
initially obtained from Nobel's invention and marketing of dynamite
weapons), some of the Inamori Foundation money was originally obtained
from DDI's ownership of 75% of the AVX Coroporation--which is an
electronic company that (like MIT) is a key contractor in the U.S.
aerospace/military industry.

Regarding evidence that the alternative media gatekeepers are reluctant
to either air or publish criticism of the Soros/Open Society Institute,
the Ford Foundation, Bill Moyers' Schumann Foundation or the MacArthur
Foundation or encourage much fair of discussion of 9/11 conspiracy
evidence in their media: I don't think much evidence exists of any
foundation-sponsored gatekeeper eagerness to either scrutinize the
Establishment foundations or welcome 9/11 conspiracy discussion. Yet as
G. William Domhoff wrote long ago in his book Who Rules America?: "The
foundation boards have the power to accept or reject various scientific,
educational, and culture ventures. They therefore have the power to
exert considerable influence over the noneconomic aspects of American
life." Refusing to acknowledge that the multi-billion or multi-million
dollar foundations possess great power to influence alternative media
editorial priorities through their funding policies, seems like an
illogical interpretation of current U.S. political/social reality.

Brian Salter replies:

To clarify, Mike Ruppert is of the opinion that the Left "gatekeepers"
phenomenon to which we are drawing attention is the result of a classic
COINTELPRO-style infiltration. Given his expertise and personal
experience in this area, he is more than justified in voicing that
opinion. In certain cases, the egregious and unconscionable behavior of
some "Left" media figures literally begs the question -- but again, one
should note that we have not made this type of claim, and the title of
Feldman's article itself says "Sponsored by the Ford Foundation," not
"Controlled by the Ford Foundation."

The burden of proof is not on us to verify the existence of a formalized
arrangement or quid pro quo in order to raise the issue of foundation
funding of Left media as a crucial concern. Instead, the burden of
proof is on those who receive f

[CTRL] Alternative Media Censorship: Sponsored by CIA's Ford Foundation?

2002-09-17 Thread Brian Salter

-Caveat Lector-

new at questionsquestions.net:


by bob feldman

The multi-billion dollar Ford Foundation's historic relationship to the
Central Intelligence Agency [CIA] is rarely mentioned on Pacifica's
DEMOCRACY NOW / Deep Dish TV show, on FAIR's COUNTERSPIN show, on the
WORKING ASSETS RADIO show, on The Nation Institute's RADIO NATION show,
on David Barsamian's ALTERNATIVE RADIO show or in the pages of
PROGRESSIVE, MOTHER JONES and Z magazine. One reason may be because the
Ford Foundation and other Establishment foundations subsidize the
Establishment Left's alternative media gatekeepers / censors.



"The mass-circulation weekly TEMPO accused Ford of having once
played, at the urging of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, a
covert role in Indonesian political affairs by consciously
supporting the work of individuals who were deemed to be sympathetic
to the anti-communist aims of American foreign policy." --Chronicle
of Philanthropy, 12/13/01

"The Ford Foundation's history of collaboration and interlock with
the CIA in pursuit of U.S. world hegemony is now a well-documented
fact...The Ford Foundation has in some ways refined their style of
collaboration with Washington's attempt to produce world cultural
domination, but retained the substance of that policy...The ties
between the top officials of the Ford Foundation and the U.S.
government are explicit and continuing." --James Petras in "The Ford
Foundation and the CIA: A documented case of philanthropic
collaboration with the Secret Police" on 12/15/2001


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] How did he do that?

2002-09-13 Thread Brian Salter

-Caveat Lector-

word to the wise: i wouldn't try saying that around any brits... it's not
incorrect, they actually spell it like that!  ;)


It may well be but it's as incorrect as calling aluminum, al-you-min-ee-um.
Seems like an educational deficiency to me.

   Brian Salter  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Zionists

2002-09-13 Thread Brian Salter

-Caveat Lector-

interesting, i hadn't thought about the blacking out issue.  isn't it true
that jet fighter pilots wear special flight suits of some kind that help
prevent blood from rushing to the lower body in high-g maneuvers?  and if a
pilot is not wearing such a suit he will pass out?  what is the threshhold
for guaranteed fainting & black-out?  if there are any military pilots on
the list i'm curious to hear the scoop on this...

btw i've heard the figures for the high-g turn of flight 77 here and there,
but does anyone know where to find the calculations for this?



They were unusually gifted pilots since the planes that hit the WTC
towers were pulling 3Gs and the plane that executed a 270 degree turn
while descending towards the Pentagra^H^Hon was pulling 5Gs... why, it's
remarkable that the pilots didn't black out under those conditions. If I
didn't know better, I'd imagine that the planes were being remotely

   Brian Salter  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] F-16s Pursue Unknown Craft Over Capitol

2002-07-28 Thread Brian Salter

-Caveat Lector-

bizarre -- this incident marked the 50th anniversary, TO THE DAY, of the
second of the two famous and massive UFO sightings over Washington D.C.
the original events were July 19/20 and July 26, 1952.


   Brian Salter  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] NSA FTL Communications

2002-03-29 Thread Brian Salter

-Caveat Lector-


recently i've come across two similar types of claims that i haven't
yet had time to research further. do you have any info or comments on

1. the NSA has deployed (or is developing?) FTL satellite
communications based on some application of quantum entanglement,
theoretically 100% secure and un-interceptible?

2. richard boylan's claim about a certain raytheon 'little ear'
satellite which uses a particle beam technology to eavesdrop on
conversations (the actual audible sound, not electronic
transmissions) from space.

>-Caveat Lector-
>A source has stated that the NSA has technology based on concepts of
>Tesla that
>allows for faster than lightspeed communications, so that the delays in the
>satellite transmissions from a location like Afghanistan or the Middle East,
>can be eliminated, allowing for blocking of parts or all communications from a
>certain target. It is possible that this technology was used on the cell phone
>call from Arafat being broadcast now on CNN.
>"In little more than a year we have gone from enjoying peace
>and the most prosperous economy in our history, to a nation
>plunged into war, recession and fear. This is a nation being
>transformed before our very eyes."
 Brian Salter    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Ruppert Takes AlterNet to Task - re: When 9/11 Conspiracies Go Bad

2002-03-10 Thread Brian Salter
Title: Re: [CTRL] Ruppert Takes AlterNet to Task - re:
When 9

there's a discussion thread that i started
in the alternet forum about ruppert's rebuttal.  the response was
generally positive in ruppert's favor, at least in the sense that corn
went too far, even if people were on the fence about ruppert's
ideas... however there were a few people who expressed the typical
old-school leftist knee-jerk disdain for conspiracy theory. 
something i've been  contemplating a lot lately.  if
anyone's interested, here's a new essay i just wrote inspired by that
topic and the corn/ruppert incident:

And Now, Will the Real Skeptic Please Stand

    Brian Salter    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[CTRL] transcript: alex jones interview with greg palast

2002-03-09 Thread Brian Salter
to charge 75%
interest in the United States. That's loan-sharking.

AJ: Part 3 and Part 4. What do they do after they do that?

GP: Like I said, you open up the borders for trade, that's the new
opium wars. And once you have destroyed an economy that can't produce
anything, one of the terrible things is that they are forcing nations
to pay horrendous amounts for things like drugs - legal drugs. And by
the way, that's how you end up with an illegal drug trade, what's
there left to survive on except sell us smack and crack and that's

AJ: And the same CIA national security dictatorship has been caught
shipping that in.

GP: You know, we are just helping our allies.

AJ: This is just amazing. And so, drive the whole world down, blow out
their economies and then buy the rest of it up for pennies on the
dollar. What's Part 4 of the IMF/World Bank Plan?

GP: Well, in Part 4, you end up again with the taking apart of the
government. And by the way, the real Part 4 is the coup d'etat. That's
what they are not telling you. And I'm just finding that out in
Venezuela. I just got a call from the President of Venezuela.

AJ: And they install their own corporate government.

GP: What they said was here you've got an elected president of the
government and the IMF has announced, listen to this, that they would
support a transition government if the president were removed. They
are not saying that they are going to get involved in politics - they
would just support a transition government. What that effectively is
is saying we will pay for the coup d'etat, if the military overthrows
the current president, because the current president of Venezuela has
said no to the IMF. He told those guys to go packing. They brought
their teams in and said you have to do this and that. And he said, I
don't have to do nothing. He said what I'm going to do is, I'm going
to double the taxes on oil corporations because we have a whole lot of
oil in Venezuela. And I'm going to double the taxes on oil
corporations and then I will have all the money I need for social
programs and the government - and we will be a very rich nation. Well,
as soon as they did that, they started fomenting trouble with the
military and I'm telling you watch this space: the President of
Venezuela will be out of office in three months or shot dead. They are
not going to allow him to raise taxes on the oil companies.

AJ: Greg Palast, here is the problem. You said it when you first came
out of the gates. They are getting hungry, they are doing it to the
United States now. Enron, from all the evidence that I've seen was a
front, another shill, they would steal assets and then transfer it to
other older global companies, then they blew that out and stole the
pension funds. Now they are telling us that terrorism is coming any
day. It's going to happen if you don't give your rights up. Bush did
not involve Congress and the others who are supposed to be in the
accession if there is a nuclear attack in the secret government,
Washington Post -"Congress Not Advised of Shadow Government."
We have the Speaker of the House not being told. This looks like coup
d'etat here. I'm going to come right out with it. We had better spread
the word on this now or these greedy creatures are going to go all the

GP: I'm very sad about one thing. I report this story in the main
stream press of Britain. I'm on the BBC despite Lord Wakeham. I know
he doesn't like me there. I'm in the BBC, I'm in the main daily paper,
which is the equivalent of the New York Times or whatever, and we do
get the information out. And I'm just very sorry that we have to have
an alternative press, an alternative radio network and everything else
to get out the information that makes any sense. I mean this
information should be available to every American. I mean, after all,
it's our government.

CopyrightÝ Alex Jones Radio Show, 2002. Reprinted for Fair use

The URL of this article is:

    Brian Salter    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[CTRL] Fwd: [prj] [****] Democracy As Tyranny (review of Democracy: The God That Failed)

2002-03-03 Thread Brian Salter
and heirs. The anarcho-socialist vision of
>decentralized communes and federations of workers' syndicates
>implies that the communes and syndicates will be the collectively
>owned private property of the workers and communities. Presumably,
>these units would be able to establish whatever types of internal
>rules and regulations they wished and exclude those who did not
>comply or who were not wanted. The same would obviously be true of
>the privately owned institutions such as schools or businesses
>that are favored by free-market libertarians. In an anarchist
>system, there would be no federal regulatory bureaucracy enforcing
>"civil rights", "anti-discrimination" or other forms of
>egalitarian legislation. Consequently, private communities
>controlled by the Nation of Islam would be able to exclude whites
>and Jews, businesses controlled by the Aryan Nations would be able
>to exclude blacks and Jews, Christian educational institutions
>would be able to exclude homosexuals and atheists, Jewish
>institutions would exclude Nazis and so on. Landlords could refuse
>to rent to tenants whose looks they did not like and employers
>could "discriminate" on any basis they desired. Even if the
>anarcho-socialist vision of an economy where all rental housing
>and industry is owned cooperatively by the tenants and workers was
>to be fully implemented, it is likely that Jewish housing
>cooperatives would deny admittance to raving anti-Semites and that
>workers cooperatives would refuse to take in lazy, obnoxious
>parasites. All of this would be perfectly "legal" and permissible
>in an anarchist order unless some higher political authority said
>otherwise in which case the state would have re-emerged.
>Hoppe argues that the level of discrimination would increase
>markedly in a stateless society. Libertarians have often been
>perplexed by the question of "authoritarian cultures". What about
>those people and groups that simply do not desire liberty for
>either themselves or others? The venerable anarchist tradition of
>decentralization represents the best way out of this dilemma. In a
>system of small, localized, self-managed communities, persons who
>chafed under the norms of their community of origin would be able
>to migrate towards an environment that was hopefully more
>hospitable. Migration as a seriously viable option has long been
>demonstrated to be the best protector of individual liberty rather
>than centralized governments and state courts enforcing legislated
>"civil rights", "due process", "constitutional rights" and other
>arbitrary and vaguely defined concepts that are easily ignored or
>The utility of decentralization also gives additional weight to
>Hoppe's preferred strategy of revolution by secession of small
>groups. The best bet for smashing Leviathan seems to be the
>building of separatist movements at the local and regional level.
>There are already a good number of small but growing groups of
>this type in the United States-the League of the South, Republic
>of Texas, the New England Confederation, Alaskan Independence
>Party, the Green Panthers and others. If these and other groups of
>this type were to grow and begin supporting one another a full-on
>assault on the state would be underway. These movements could
>support one another even when they are geographically separated or
>even ideologically opposed. In the southern states, for example,
>rural conservatives and populists could agitate for "states'
>rights" or "county supremacy" while black nationalists and
>separatists could demand separate municipalities for predominately
>black communities in urban areas. Anarcho-socialists in Vermont or
>Oregon could align themselves with lassez faireists in Kansas or
>Texas. Small town Christian fundamentalists could align themselves
>with anarcha-feminist lesbian separatists in San Francisco. Most
>of the decentralist, libertarian and anti-state groups in the U.S.
>have yet to consider the opportunities that such alliances might
>generate. The rallying cry should be "Secessionists Unite!". After
>all, this is what made the first American Revolution. Perhaps it
>will be the basis of a second American Revolution as well.
>February 26, 2002
>discuss this article in the forum!
>Can you help us out? Click here to see why you should support
>anti-state.com. [I3] with PayPal
>Keith Preston is a member of the American Revolutionary Vanguard,
>a socialist anarchist and pro-gun site.
><><><>A-albionic's Books Can Be Browsed and Purchased  Conveniently
>in the Shopping Cart at http://a-albionic.com/shopping.html Misc
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 Brian Salter    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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2002-03-03 Thread Brian Salter
seeing a domino effect with Enron and Global Crossing only the
beginning. There may never be a full accounting as to how much money
Enron and others raised through these practices.

One aspect of the problem the media is avoiding like the plague
is the possibility of money laundering for nefarious purposes other
that personal enrichment. The labyrinth of several thousand companies
scattered around the globe is a money launderer's dream and a law
enforcement nightmare.

Permission is granted to
reproduce this article in its entirety.

The author is a free lance writer based in Romulus, Michigan. He
is a former newspaper editor and investigative reporter, a retired
customs administrator and accountant, and a student of history and the
U.S. Constitution.

If you would like to receive Medium Rare articles directly,
please contact us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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    Brian Salter    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [CTRL] John McCain, Traitor

2002-02-27 Thread Brian Salter

-Caveat Lector-

i understand what you're getting at; there are plenty of posts that
are more or less partisan propaganda but may contain some unusual
bits of info that are useful or informative.  i'm totally open minded
if i'm learning something new, and i always take time to scan through
all posts to see if there is something there.

but i would assume that everyone is smart enough to keep up on news
that is easily available through mainstream channels?  anyone with
two brain cells to rub together knows by now what john mccain's
stance is on campaign financing legislation.  so, i didn't see the
post in question as offering anything informative at all, only
hardcore propaganda.  no dots.

however, if there is an interesting, well articulated, and factually
detailed argument to be made that mccain is an NWO socialist, i would
be fascinated to hear it!

that would be the kind of thing i joined this list for.


>-Caveat Lector-
>On 27 Feb 2002 at 17:18, Brian Salter wrote:
>>  may i ask, what does this have to do with conspiracy theory research?
>We play this little game here called "connect the dots".  The Secret
>to the game is to
>get dots.  Now, on some topix there might be a lot of dots and on
>others there may
>be only a few.  And some dots are just for fun.  But we try to make
>the pictures come
>out nontheless.
 Brian Salter    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] John McCain, Traitor

2002-02-27 Thread Brian Salter

-Caveat Lector-

may i ask, what does this have to do with conspiracy theory research?


>-Caveat Lector-
>Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!
>John McCain, Traitor
>By Robert Tracinski (April 2, 2001)
>[CAPITALISMMAGAZINE.COM] It is time to put the John McCain myth to rest.
>For years, the national media and a gullible grass-roots following have
>glorified McCain as a man of integrity who deals in "straight talk." They
>have promoted his image as a hero who fought bravely for his country in
>Vietnam and who is now fighting to save politics from corruption by special
 Brian Salter    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] new 9/11 web site

2002-02-26 Thread Brian Salter

-Caveat Lector-

please have a look at a new 9/11 site that i've been working on.
probably not any new info for anyone here; i'm attempting to present
what's already known in a more accessible form to reach a general
audience.  i'd be interested to hear some feedback & have you
conspiracy heads pick it apart before i pull out the publicity blitz!




ps: in the future i intend to branch out into more subjects with this
site. if anyone has interest in collaborating, feel free to drop me a
 Brian Salter    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Red (Chinese) Dawn

2002-02-26 Thread Brian Salter

-Caveat Lector-

thanks for the interesting ideas... actually i hadn't actually meant
to imply that the chinese are pursuing something other than a
communist ideology, but that if they are in cahoots with the NWO
elements here it may be a "mutual benefit" situation.  by the way, i
use the term 'fascist' not in specific reference to neo-nazi
extremists but instead in the sense of the classic definition: a
marriage between an authoritarian state and a central concentration
of corporate power. this is basically where the US has arrived; our
system has already fallen.  if we have to face a communist onslaught
as well, then that's even more grim!

of course, it gets murky when one considers the US elites who
supported both fascism and communism simultaneously during parts of
the 20th century... i think it's also important to dispel the old
myth that capitalism and communism are inherently at odds
(economically speaking that is).  just cold war propaganda.  i'm
recalling an old political cartoon from the turn of the 20th century
(reproduced in the gurudas book) which shows karl marx shaking hands
with an adulating crowd of wall st. bigwigs.

and also, there are those who argue that communism is just capitalism
taken to the ultimate extreme.  in communism, the state monopolizes
the means of production... here in the US, the supercapitalist
corporate elite monopolize the means of production... but in the wake
of enron, it's obvious that the corporate elite pretty much _are_ the
state, so...are things really so distinct??

if there is a revived communist conspiracy involving china and
russia, is it really motivated by ideology, or by geopolitics?

since the western globalists were behind the creation of both
communism and fascism, perhaps the NWO state would wind up with
elements of both?
i'll admit, i'm not an expert in these matters, but my gut instinct
is to believe those who say that the NWO elites are more practical
and opportunistic than ideological.

on a completely different topic, what might be the meaning behind the
israel-china relationship in regards to the NWO?


>-Caveat Lector-
>BF>It is very confusing.  As far as Skolnick is concerned, I can't
>quite figure
>him out.  Ther are many possibilities.  One is that China is neo-fascist, not
>communist, and thus an ally of Nazi forces here at home.  "Zionism
>is racism" was
>pioneered by Maoist China.  The Arabs were always canon fodder for
>the Europeans
>and others playing geo-politics, as well as their own tyrannies that
>did not want
>a pluralistic society with liberated women and Trotskyists possibly
>their slaves...I mean, uh, their subjects...in the wrong way.  OK,
>in any case,
>China may be neo-fascist, and plotting with extreme right-wing
>forces here in a
>take over.
> China may also be plotting with the New World Order.  Springmeier seems to
>suggest that the hidden blood-lines have some kind of admiration for
>the Chinese
>(well, he's not exactly consistent on that point.  Perhaps there is a cleavage
>betwee the celtic northern Chinese and the other Chiense that enters in here).
>It could be that the Merovingian blood-lines want to interbreed with certain
>select Asian blood-lines.  In this scenerio, China is also neo-fascist and
>anti-communist, but in a whole different way.
> The other scenerio is that China is, in fact, working in league with an
>international communist conspiracy of some kind.  "Pravda" seems to
>have renewed
>respectability, among a very surprising set of adherents.  It could be that
>American boys are being corrupted by Communist agents, just as old fascist Joe
>was saying.  It is not impossible.  Conspiracies exist.  Why not
>Communist ones?
> The other possibility is that the whole "China" thing is manufactured.  It
>may be a decoy.  I tend not to believe this scenerio, for various
>reasons I will
>not explore here.
> Happy sleuthing,
> Bates

 Brian Salter    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [CTRL] Red (Chinese) Dawn

2002-02-25 Thread Brian Salter

-Caveat Lector-

i'm not sure exactly what to make of it either, but the
china-coddling roots of the rockefeller / bush / clinton cabal run
very deep, of course.  don't forget another possibility: are the
chinese being set up to do the dirty work for an NWO takeover whose
conspirators are largely domestic in origin?  this would be a good
strategy in that even if it starts to be revealed, it keeps many
americans partially barking up the wrong tree, reviving a knee-jerk
cold war mindset that makes the right wing see what they want to see:
an external commie threat, while being blind to the real perps, the
neo-fascists here at home preparing to take the reins after the
designated foreign thugs have done their part.

just a speculation...

btw, any opinions on skolnick's bush-clinton-china info?  i've been
digging into that lately...

>BF>Where was Adler before?  I have been seeing this for some time.  Here in
>California infiltration is very apparent.  My one caveat is that I
>am stuck between
>two theories.  One is that the Chinese are infiltrating a Western
>NWO.  The other
>is that the Chinese are simply a pawn of something beyond them.  I
>cannot answer
>this one, but what I can say is that it appears as though China is
>going to stand
>while the United States is imploded, unless things change quickly.
>     Bates
 Brian Salter    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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