Re: [CTRL] what the hell is going ON ?!?

2002-01-16 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

> do you think that if the afghans had said on Sep 15th that they
>were going to curb terrorism, the US would have stepped down its
>anti-terrorism stance?

Interesting story.

Here we have another example of the India state terrorists
(ahem, I mean anti terrorist fighters) vs local freedom fighter
(ahem, I mean "terrorists"). India has been oppressing the Kashmirs
for the past 50 years. Guess if your guys wear government issued
uniforms and kill you with official government weapons, that is OK.
However if your uniform is not uniform and  you use black market are a "terrorist."

The bottom line: killing with air force bombs, artillery and missles
is righteous...killing with homemade bombs is evil.

Bet King George is sorry he didn't use that line of BS against the
Lexington militia (ahem, I mean Lexington terrorists).
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Re: [CTRL] what the hell is going ON ?!?

2002-01-16 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

On 15 Jan 02, at 18:01, thew wrote:

> do you think that if the afghans had said on Sep 15th that they were
> going to curb terrorism, the US would have stepped down its
> anti-terrorism stance?

All they asked for was evidence that UbL and his gang had
precipitated the attacks on NYC.  That was not forthcoming ... to no
one.  A<>E<>R";>
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] what the hell is going ON ?!?

2002-01-15 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

do you think that if the afghans had said on Sep 15th that they were going
to curb terrorism, the US would have stepped down its anti-terrorism stance?

"It is not the function of our government to keep the
citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen
to keep the government from falling into error."

 Justice Robert H. Jackson


> From: eric stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 13:47:10 -0800
> Subject: [CTRL] what the hell is going ON ?!?
> Three days after Pakistan President Musharraf announced his new
> policy on curbing terrorism, India continues to be in the ??wait
> and watch?? mode, anxiously looking for indications of concrete
> action on ground from Islamabad";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] what the hell is going ON ?!?

2002-01-15 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

the British did not divvy it up
Jinnah (first ruler of pakistan) refused to have the Muslim areas be part of
India, despite Gandhi's pleading to the contrary, and the country got
divided, because of the Indian's (later Indian and Pakistani) desires.

the shah (?) of Kashmir hated the other Muslim leaders at the time, and
refused to be part of Pakistan with them, so Kashmir got divided, between
India Pakistan and china, must to the chagrin of the Muslim majority, who
would have liked to be Pakistani.

Kashmir is lovely place, I spent several weeks living on a houseboat in the
Indian portion of Kashmir, but have not been able to go back, because of the
rising danger to travelers there

-- --- -
"Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, doctor, and I'm happy to
state I finally won out over it"

Elwood P Dowd


> From: Euphorian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 16:30:54 -0600
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] what the hell is going ON ?!?
> -Caveat Lector-
> On 15 Jan 02, at 13:47, eric stewart wrote:
>> is india still trying, like its israeli and american role models, to
>> maintain a mandate for war?
> Probably.  It's the remnant of the Britlandic colonial imperialistic
> way of thinking.  I heard that India has some contention about
> Pakistan being a legitimate country in view of the fact that it was
> just one country up until Mountbatten carved up the territory in the
> 40ies.  Thus, Kashmir remains the flashpoint in that its status was
> undecided following the divvying up of the land.  Plus with the
> attack on its parliament building, they can attribute the same causes
> and sources as those going on in Afghanland, with the Pakistanis (and
> the ISI) supporting and fomenting discord through
> Islamacisticalities.  Pakistan: the rest stop for everyone else's
> armies on their way to war.
> War is like any other human pursuit; it brings status and the
> reptilians are wont for determining who's the first dog to the fire
> plug.  And it gives such a rush of adrenalin when there are sweaty,
> dirty, bloody bodies to count (on both sides).  All the serfs rushing
> off to do battle at the direction of some policobureaucrat.  Fun!
> A<>E<>R
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance?not soap-boxing?please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'?with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds?is used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] what the hell is going ON ?!?

2002-01-15 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

On 15 Jan 02, at 13:47, eric stewart wrote:

> is india still trying, like its israeli and american role models, to
> maintain a mandate for war?

Probably.  It's the remnant of the Britlandic colonial imperialistic
way of thinking.  I heard that India has some contention about
Pakistan being a legitimate country in view of the fact that it was
just one country up until Mountbatten carved up the territory in the
40ies.  Thus, Kashmir remains the flashpoint in that its status was
undecided following the divvying up of the land.  Plus with the
attack on its parliament building, they can attribute the same causes
and sources as those going on in Afghanland, with the Pakistanis (and
the ISI) supporting and fomenting discord through
Islamacisticalities.  Pakistan: the rest stop for everyone else's
armies on their way to war.

War is like any other human pursuit; it brings status and the
reptilians are wont for determining who's the first dog to the fire
plug.  And it gives such a rush of adrenalin when there are sweaty,
dirty, bloody bodies to count (on both sides).  All the serfs rushing
off to do battle at the direction of some policobureaucrat.  Fun!

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] what the hell is going ON ?!?

2002-01-15 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

If you are not with India, you are against them. :-)

On Tue, 15 Jan 2002, eric stewart wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-
> is india still trying, like its israeli and american role models,
> to maintain a mandate for war?  all over US and pakistani news
> sources are reports that thousands of militants have been arrested
> in pakistan yet india is still "looking for indications of concrete
> action..." ??
> SOMEONE is lying their asses off!
> Three days after Pakistan President Musharraf announced his new
> policy on curbing terrorism, India continues to be in the ÔÔwait
> and watchÕÕ mode, anxiously looking for indications of concrete
> action on ground from Islamabad.
> __
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> directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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Re: [CTRL] What the Hell is Going On???

2000-08-14 Thread Aleisha Saba

Drosen is and was a fraud; and further the bible code I have, the
communist time table is NOT this stupid numerical fraud perpetuated upon
the public by an Israelie and a former Washington Post reporter.

My bible code theory was copyrighted in 1969 and I still hold the
copyright.Mark Lane (jewish) stole it for his movie Executive Action
but used disclaimer revealing he had "borrowed" data from the
Assassination Committee of which I was a member headed by Bud

In 1974 the meeting at Georgetown had Marchetti, Mailer, Kaiser, and
Lane - and the only brain in the bunch was Kaiser.

So this cabbalistic crab that Joshua2 mentions, has nothing to do with
my research for my code was used once by CIA - and it is used by the
Jewish Mafia.for all the time, the only mistake I made, was I
thought the Mafia was Italian, even unto the Kiss of Death..

So no more crap equating my bible code to that Israelie and fraud who
tried to cover tracks of real killers.

This calendar was the property of Gideon and his 300 now the
3000..and any high degree Mason upper echelon, knows what it is -
and I have a very very special bible,  which even my MI6 friend had
never seen but knew how to communicate.

So much for Bob Woodward's flunkee.

So never compare my theory and code, my COPYRIGHTED work, with the likes
of those people who had a chance to make a fast buckfurther in 1974
Mafia bought the 5 major publishing houses.

This bible was the property of someone very high up in government - next
to the King so to put.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy">
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Re: [CTRL] What the Hell is Going On???

2000-08-14 Thread Tenorlove

--- Nurev Ind Research <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The bible code is [deleted by TL]. It was debunked over a year ago.
> Joshua2
> ==

I remember seeing a show about in on the PAX channel, and someone had
managed to find a matrix that read "Drosnin is a fraud." It can be
whatever the reader wants it to be.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] What the Hell is Going On???

2000-08-13 Thread Involuntary

On Sun, 13 Aug 2000 11:52:46 -0400, Aleisha Saba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
posted article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
which said:

> Didn't mean you personally Piper; for music we know can have a fatal
> attraction for it was a magic tune the Piper played.

Well, like Jesus Christ, nobody will ever know if the pied piper ever
really existed.  Maybe they liked to "send a message" back then just
like they do now.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] What the Hell is Going On???

2000-08-13 Thread Nurev Ind Research

The bible code is bullshit. It was debunked over a year ago.

Aleisha Saba wrote:
> Ty:  The bible code I have is a timetable calendar which was in the 1954
> Gideon placed Bible, but only in this one very special bible.
> It has nothing to do with cabala or with this stupid Washington Post
> Reporter who came up with his own number code - that is old hat.
> This is a bible calendar code where certain murders or acts of sabatage
> are keyed to certain dates and times..the astronauts took a Gideon
> Bible with them to the moon from which they read - they also jokingly
> took Jean Dixon's predictions (astrology) to the moon for she as a
> political propagandist over and over reported Russia Will Beat Us to the
> Moon.
> Now this calendar code is somewhat abstract - for you read one thing but
> the names are different, but same old cast of characters..Albert
> Speer in his book with regard to men at Spandau (and Nixon latched onto
> Speer)  for October was a reference to the bible watchword calendar,
> which was taken away from the Baron by the Russians for you see this
> bible code, the Russians are onto and usedmasonic stuff and the
> masonic order is an international order.
> So somehow two forces used this calendar - one for good and one for evil
> - yet, behind these two forces you have the same pupeteer pulling the
> strings, hiring the killers - in God's name they murder and in Satan's
> name they would rule the universe..
> Same guy authored the whole book for good and for evil.
> This bible goes into every country in the world can
> communicate in any languagelike Romans 13, as I recall it is said
> they seek to kill me, for I am telling you the truthand in Hebrews -
> need to kill the witness so they cannot testify.Luke 22 is the Mafia
> Kiss of Death and this has become a burlesque of the truth.cute
> stuff, but behind it all cold blooded murder like Dallas November 22,
> 1963 and the day Lincoln was Shot (and Johnson was half shot).Jim
> Bishop always used The Day...was honest an approach but
> assassination is such a polite politically correct as they say term?
> So first you need to pick up the code watch words like Acts
> 19...Apollo he craft that came to naught timed to bible code and
> then you find further that Paul and Barnabas were called Mercury and
> Juperterand in Song of Solomon, you find Gemini - the Twins, Castor
> and Genesis you find the astrological symbolism for the 12
> tribesGad, is the Overcomers.remember that old song We Shall
> Overcome and Song of Solomon, I am Black but Comely equates to Black is
> force triggers another but behind it all, the same old
> puppeteers and he who has the gold calls the tune.
> Like Pied Piper of Hamlin.the children were led away to the
> mountains to death, because the parents refused to pay the Piper and the
> iniquities of the fathers were visited upon the childrenoh see
> America today, our children being drawn away and sometimes to their
> deaths at the rock festivals where drugs are promotedwatch
> television and kids of this generation believe it was always this way?
> See Macho Man Clinton lad the kids off to primrose path with his evil
> ways.but then what one does in his own bedroom is his own business -
> but in the Oval Office, it is everybody's business especially when we
> see America destroyed from within.
> See how they spend money as though there is no limit.70 million to
> investigate little Monica and Clinton while they ignore Los Alamos?
> Do you know when the Mafia meets in a motel, they open the Gideon Bible
> as if to call a meeting..used to be the Gidons were called the
> Christian Commercial Travelers and sold "insurnce"traveled in pairs,
> dressed in Fuller Brush Man - and never answer your door
> to the Avon Lady if you get involved in oh so secret stuff - for these
> people are used like the busy bee Eastern Stars and self styled local
> masonic spies who spy on their neighborns - busy bees all.
> I always keep my house off limits to friends and foes anymore...for
> there is nothing like a little man playing super spook for your locak
> Knights of Pythias or Masonic Order with the Support Your Police
> Stickers stuck all over hell.
> MNASON - diligent seekers of the truth..only the truth is, what you
> see is what you gets.
> And I do not like what I am getting and never did like what I see.
> There is only one book with great truths and that is the
> between lines and like a Shakespearian Play enlightenment comes in
> degrees - even Freud took to the bible (Job 19 to 21 in particular for
> you even find his couch there)..
> Be a cold day in hell when I fall on all fours moslem style to worship
> anybody and I do not believe man should get on knees before God, fo

Re: [CTRL] What the Hell is Going On???

2000-08-13 Thread ThePiedPiper

What happens to rats if their education
is to go after one another?

Those that dare to teach
should never stop learning
ThePiedPiper 13August2000

Aleisha Saba wrote:
> Didn't mean you personally Piper; for music we know can have a fatal
> attraction for it was a magic tune the Piper played.
> Too may rats?   What did this symbolize when Prince Philip said people
> are like rats when they are crowded..such a nice man straight out of
> a fairy tale?
> Sorry Piper - will drop that legend from my list.
> Maybe go after the song of the Sirens?
> A. Saba
> Dare To Call It Conspiracy

Any person can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a person power.

If you treat a relationship as if you are the only one in it, eventually
you will be.

Atrocities happen when the people about you -
 start considering you surplus.

"I tolerate with the utmost latitude the right of
others to differ from me in opinion"
   Thomas Jefferson 

My Grandfather told me there are two kinds of people:
those who do the work and
those who take the credit.
He told me to be in the first group -
 there is less competition there. -
Indira Gandhi
ICQ 14484977
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] What the Hell is Going On???

2000-08-13 Thread Aleisha Saba

Didn't mean you personally Piper; for music we know can have a fatal
attraction for it was a magic tune the Piper played.

Too may rats?   What did this symbolize when Prince Philip said people
are like rats when they are crowded..such a nice man straight out of
a fairy tale?

Sorry Piper - will drop that legend from my list.

Maybe go after the song of the Sirens?

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] What the Hell is Going On???

2000-08-13 Thread ThePiedPiper

You need to study your history a lot better!
Starvation was the name of the game at that time and
even children participated in the crusades.  Why would
areas be plagued by rats?

The Naked Rise Of Communism by Frank L. Kluckhohn
Monarch books  Derby, Connecticut   1962
it cost .75cents in 1962, it will cost you from
$6.00 to $8.00 US Dollars for a paperback copy today.
And the hard back is more.
It is an excellent book and shows what Communism actually
does.  After that research the "Travels of John Smith"
During his time cannibalism was still widespread across the
Asian and European continent.

The question I have is did The Piper take the children
or did the townspeople see the potential that he might
be able to teach them a trade for a better life?

Bad health habits can lead to rats.  Did the Piper actually
play a pipe or teach the town how to get rid of the rats.
Some one that did not like rats and knew how to get rid of
them.  I wish I was that good.  And the coin of value is
not money but education.

Watch what you say about the Piper (keyword) without doing a
lot more study.
ThePiedPiper 13August2000

Aleisha Saba wrote:
> Ty:  The bible code I have is a timetable calendar which was in the 1954
> Gideon placed Bible, but only in this one very special bible.
> It has nothing to do with cabala or with this stupid Washington Post
> Reporter who came up with his own number code - that is old hat.
> This is a bible calendar code where certain murders or acts of sabatage
> are keyed to certain dates and times..the astronauts took a Gideon
> Bible with them to the moon from which they read - they also jokingly
> took Jean Dixon's predictions (astrology) to the moon for she as a
> political propagandist over and over reported Russia Will Beat Us to the
> Moon.
> Now this calendar code is somewhat abstract - for you read one thing but
> the names are different, but same old cast of characters..Albert
> Speer in his book with regard to men at Spandau (and Nixon latched onto
> Speer)  for October was a reference to the bible watchword calendar,
> which was taken away from the Baron by the Russians for you see this
> bible code, the Russians are onto and usedmasonic stuff and the
> masonic order is an international order.
> So somehow two forces used this calendar - one for good and one for evil
> - yet, behind these two forces you have the same pupeteer pulling the
> strings, hiring the killers - in God's name they murder and in Satan's
> name they would rule the universe..
> Same guy authored the whole book for good and for evil.
> This bible goes into every country in the world can
> communicate in any languagelike Romans 13, as I recall it is said
> they seek to kill me, for I am telling you the truthand in Hebrews -
> need to kill the witness so they cannot testify.Luke 22 is the Mafia
> Kiss of Death and this has become a burlesque of the truth.cute
> stuff, but behind it all cold blooded murder like Dallas November 22,
> 1963 and the day Lincoln was Shot (and Johnson was half shot).Jim
> Bishop always used The Day...was honest an approach but
> assassination is such a polite politically correct as they say term?
> So first you need to pick up the code watch words like Acts
> 19...Apollo he craft that came to naught timed to bible code and
> then you find further that Paul and Barnabas were called Mercury and
> Juperterand in Song of Solomon, you find Gemini - the Twins, Castor
> and Genesis you find the astrological symbolism for the 12
> tribesGad, is the Overcomers.remember that old song We Shall
> Overcome and Song of Solomon, I am Black but Comely equates to Black is
> force triggers another but behind it all, the same old
> puppeteers and he who has the gold calls the tune.
> Like Pied Piper of Hamlin.the children were led away to the
> mountains to death, because the parents refused to pay the Piper and the
> iniquities of the fathers were visited upon the childrenoh see
> America today, our children being drawn away and sometimes to their
> deaths at the rock festivals where drugs are promotedwatch
> television and kids of this generation believe it was always this way?
> See Macho Man Clinton lad the kids off to primrose path with his evil
> ways.but then what one does in his own bedroom is his own business -
> but in the Oval Office, it is everybody's business especially when we
> see America destroyed from within.
> See how they spend money as though there is no limit.70 million to
> investigate little Monica and Clinton while they ignore Los Alamos?
> Do you know when the Mafia meets in a motel, they open the Gideon Bible
> as if to call a meeting..used to be the Gidons were called the
> Christian Commercial Travelers and sold "insurnce"traveled in pairs,
> dressed in Fuller Brush Man - 

Re: [CTRL] What the Hell is Going On???

2000-08-13 Thread Aleisha Saba

Ty:  The bible code I have is a timetable calendar which was in the 1954
Gideon placed Bible, but only in this one very special bible.

It has nothing to do with cabala or with this stupid Washington Post
Reporter who came up with his own number code - that is old hat.

This is a bible calendar code where certain murders or acts of sabatage
are keyed to certain dates and times..the astronauts took a Gideon
Bible with them to the moon from which they read - they also jokingly
took Jean Dixon's predictions (astrology) to the moon for she as a
political propagandist over and over reported Russia Will Beat Us to the

Now this calendar code is somewhat abstract - for you read one thing but
the names are different, but same old cast of characters..Albert
Speer in his book with regard to men at Spandau (and Nixon latched onto
Speer)  for October was a reference to the bible watchword calendar,
which was taken away from the Baron by the Russians for you see this
bible code, the Russians are onto and usedmasonic stuff and the
masonic order is an international order.

So somehow two forces used this calendar - one for good and one for evil
- yet, behind these two forces you have the same pupeteer pulling the
strings, hiring the killers - in God's name they murder and in Satan's
name they would rule the universe..

Same guy authored the whole book for good and for evil.

This bible goes into every country in the world can
communicate in any languagelike Romans 13, as I recall it is said
they seek to kill me, for I am telling you the truthand in Hebrews -
need to kill the witness so they cannot testify.Luke 22 is the Mafia
Kiss of Death and this has become a burlesque of the truth.cute
stuff, but behind it all cold blooded murder like Dallas November 22,
1963 and the day Lincoln was Shot (and Johnson was half shot).Jim
Bishop always used The Day...was honest an approach but
assassination is such a polite politically correct as they say term?

So first you need to pick up the code watch words like Acts
19...Apollo he craft that came to naught timed to bible code and
then you find further that Paul and Barnabas were called Mercury and
Juperterand in Song of Solomon, you find Gemini - the Twins, Castor
and Genesis you find the astrological symbolism for the 12
tribesGad, is the Overcomers.remember that old song We Shall
Overcome and Song of Solomon, I am Black but Comely equates to Black is force triggers another but behind it all, the same old
puppeteers and he who has the gold calls the tune.

Like Pied Piper of Hamlin.the children were led away to the
mountains to death, because the parents refused to pay the Piper and the
iniquities of the fathers were visited upon the childrenoh see
America today, our children being drawn away and sometimes to their
deaths at the rock festivals where drugs are promotedwatch
television and kids of this generation believe it was always this way?

See Macho Man Clinton lad the kids off to primrose path with his evil
ways.but then what one does in his own bedroom is his own business -
but in the Oval Office, it is everybody's business especially when we
see America destroyed from within.

See how they spend money as though there is no limit.70 million to
investigate little Monica and Clinton while they ignore Los Alamos?

Do you know when the Mafia meets in a motel, they open the Gideon Bible
as if to call a meeting..used to be the Gidons were called the
Christian Commercial Travelers and sold "insurnce"traveled in pairs,
dressed in Fuller Brush Man - and never answer your door
to the Avon Lady if you get involved in oh so secret stuff - for these
people are used like the busy bee Eastern Stars and self styled local
masonic spies who spy on their neighborns - busy bees all.

I always keep my house off limits to friends and foes anymore...for
there is nothing like a little man playing super spook for your locak
Knights of Pythias or Masonic Order with the Support Your Police
Stickers stuck all over hell.

MNASON - diligent seekers of the truth..only the truth is, what you
see is what you gets.

And I do not like what I am getting and never did like what I see.

There is only one book with great truths and that is the
between lines and like a Shakespearian Play enlightenment comes in
degrees - even Freud took to the bible (Job 19 to 21 in particular for
you even find his couch there)..

Be a cold day in hell when I fall on all fours moslem style to worship
anybody and I do not believe man should get on knees before God, for it
took us too long to get to our feet..and there are those who want us
to humble ourselves before the likes of Henry Kissinger who would have
us begging for food  and crumbs from his table - did that guy ever work
for a living, for he is not that bright - for he i

Re: [CTRL] What the Hell is Going On???

2000-08-13 Thread Involuntary

On Sun, 13 Aug 2000 07:39:35 -0400, Aleisha Saba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
posted article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
which said:

> So TY you begin to see through the dark mirrorlike Alice in
> Wonderland?   Things are not what they see to be?

Yeah.  I discovered that about the third or fourth time I got high.  And
it got progressively worse and I ended up in a mental hospital for about
3 weeks.  After that it took me about two years to get my bearings back
and I've felt pretty normal for the past year.  I should also bring up
that I did this without medications since I felt that medicating myself
would simply cover up the problem, not solve it, and I definitely
wouldn't be any stronger.  It's as if I'm revisiting some of that old
stuff, but with more clarity, more of a rational and stable mindset,
more critical.  Before, it was all so new, and yet as real as my own
life that I went bananas for a short time.

> Where are the me of integrity and honor and noble statesmen we
> once had with a dream of Camelot that now turns into a Thule
> Society - and you kow, in the Thule Society there were Jews,
> Christians, and Masons?
> Have all these forces united not in the name of God, but in the
> name of Satan?  For surely when we see Waco and Ruby Ridge and the
> Balkans and Iraqi children murdered - something is wrong.

Yes.  I've seen these kinds of things and I remember these kinds of
things ever since I started paying attention to them around 10 or 11
years ago.  I used to simply think that it was such a shame that the
police, military and government had to be so fascistic about everything.
I didn't know why.  I just knew that I'd better not step out of line or
I might be treated that way.

So I guess now one might have to look at the similarities between the
victims of police-state brutality and figure out what they all have in
common.  And yes, I think we already live in a police-state.  It's just
not as bad as it could get.

> Me, I have my bible code which is the Communist Timetable, now
> called more appropriately, the New World Order Master Plan for
> Murder Keyed to the Stars and the Testaments

I've "heard" that you can't really predict anything with the bible code
-- that you can only confirm what has already happened.  Of course,
Drosnin (sp) supposedly found Rubin's name before he was assassinated.

> So these people coming in for the kill once again like a Napoleon
> who met his Waterloo, and as Nixon met his Watergate - but the
> year of the real mellenium is 2001 - and we will see the Master
> Plan unfold once again and end the same way.the conspirators
> will die and we will always have, The Monarch in Waiting, the
> predators and albatross upon the back of the people.

So you think it's going to hit the fan as we roll into 2001?

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] What the Hell is Going On???

2000-08-13 Thread Aleisha Saba

So he who pays the Piper calls the tune and he who has the gold to pay
the Piper is highly suspect.

Ever wonder, Hitler - that was not his real name; Gerald Ford, that was
not his real name; and Bill Clinton that is not his real name..

In Ford's case,  he had a brother with the same name - Leslie King - who
was killed on a Thursday night driving down a long road, all alone and
for no reason - accident.So then there was only one Leslie King.

Can see Ford chancing his last name, but well to Gerald - reminds me of
a joke I heard long ago about a guy named George Boob who told the judge
he wanted to change his name - and the judge said you are to be
commended Sir, I do not blame you - and to what do you want to change
your name?   And the guy said "to Joe Boob"so much for Illuminati.

Adolph Hither,  was not his real name for he was alleged paper hanger
who like Polish Pope they say wanted to wallpaper the Sistine Chapel
(that is where Michelangelo works are).so little hidden jokes
sometimes reval muchHitler and his real name - Schilgrubber, and he
was not German, he was Austrian.

And this brings us to the Austrian Hungarian curse against all mankind -
they would get even if it took a 100 years and every hundred years
something does happen, does it not?   From Lincoln to JFK?

What was the American dream becomes American nightmare as organized
crime takes over.after all they have had all this time to so do wih
tax free money?   From whiskey to drugs to murder inc?

Did you notice how many people are murdered and now they start on the
kids?   From where does this programming and brainwashing come?

Look at Littleton blamed by press on neo Nazis until they discovered
Trench Coat Mafia killers were military and jewish - and now the victims
who are alive and the parents of even those who are dead are being
accused of being greedy?

Why doesn't anybody investigate that sick school in Littleton and see if
this was not behavior modification stuff - kids on drugs, legal drugs?

Latest trend you see as they outlaw drugs run by mob they go legitimate
and have bought into major drug companies?   So we have legalized
bortion and baby body parts for profit, we have legalized drugs and
courts now ordering kids on Ritilin and the like, we have murder inc. in
our Oval Office sending out West Point sharp shooters, of Japanese
extraction to murder women with babies and little 8th graders and do you
need X Ray machine to see something is wrong.

Germans are condemned - but look at Japan, why we made them so rich the
bought the islands they once tried to take in war.   Pearls of Great

It is said God sets the solitary in families; and they will come out of
prisons to rule us, and then God says vengance is mine, I will
repay.while Lucky Luciano writes a book called Last Will and
Testament of Lucky Luciano and he called it "The Authorized
Version"we see the work  now of othe Chambaer of Commerce - oh so
much import and export business - anybody ever check planes landing
carrying goods from around the world by a certain Billionaire who gets
tax abatement ?

The 300 - they pay for the bullets, and the Mafia delivers them - for
the Mafia is just the black operations of the CIA for in America if the
people knew all this stuff they would not tolerate it.

See how corrupt Russia has become - ever hear of the Russian Mafia that
is, until they went down the tubes and now the Mafia and money
disappears?   Like Indian givers perhaps.

Old days long ago Kings went to war in front of the troops and did their
own dirty worktoday a Clinton comes along and hids behind women and
orders mass murder without authority or reason and slaughters the
innocents while chasing a prostiutute about the oval office.

What was his real name = Blythe?   He came from no where like a Charles
Jesus Manson did he not, and compared to Manson,  is Clinton a
reflection of Manson or Manson a reflection of Clinton.

So TY you begin to see through the dark mirrorlike Alice in
Wonderland?   Things are not what they see to be?

Where are the me of integrity and honor and noble statesmen we once had
with a dream of Camelot that now turns into a Thule Society - and you
kow, in the Thule Society there were Jews, Christians, and Masons?

Have all these forces united not in the name of God, but in the name of
Satan?   For surely when we see Waco and Ruby Ridge and the Balkans and
Iraqi children murdered - something is wrong.

My brother in law dropped big bombs on German, for that was his job -
Command Pilot for USAF operating out of High Wycombe as they used to
call it - a real Hells Fire Club.but later he and von Braun worked
together and they were friendsBraun is another name for Brown, like
Smith, Smythe, and Schmidt..

Blue eyed devils?   Well who were the devils - those who paid the piper,
called the tune.theirs was not to question why, there was but to do
or die..forward the 600 to their deaths...