[CTRL] Congress and the Fourth Amendment

2000-06-02 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

June 2, 2000

Review  Outlook

Congress and the Fourth Amendment

The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals yesterday addressed one legal
question when it ruled the INS was reasonably acting within its
discretion in denying Elian Gonzalez a federal asylum hearing.
Yet the significance of that decision is less in the answers it
gave than the question it so directly posed: Whether the INS
ought to have that discretion in the first place. As the court
noted in its decision, this is a question only Congress can

On their own, the dubious legal grounds upon which the Justice
Department relied for its Easter weekend raid to reunite Elian
with his father -- only two days after being denied a court order
to do just that -- would be reason enough for hearings. But the
11th Circuit's virtual invitation for the Congress to close up
"gaps" in INS law makes this the perfect moment to begin them. At
the least, any time the federal government dispatches agents with
gas masks and machine guns to beat down the door of a private
U.S. citizen posing no threat to anyone, we ought to ask some
questions. And we doubt that the men who wrote the Fourth
Amendment would have accepted as a suitable answer the waving of
public opinion polls showing two-thirds of the electorate
favoring the raid. The point here is that Congressional oversight
is not an option, it's an obligation.

Unfortunately, Republicans have all but run up the white flag. In
the House, only Tom DeLay, who had questioned the Justice
Department's lack of legal authority from the first hours after
the raid, continues to press for hearings. Over in the Senate,
Orrin Hatch, Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, tells us there
should be at least a day of hearings devoted to the warrant
issue, but is still gathering documents from the Justice
Department. Still, the dominant hope is that the issue just go
away and be resolved at the ballot box in November.

Certainly, when the raid is reduced to a matter of discretion, a
Reagan or Bush Administration would have refused to send the boy
back to a Communist Cuba. But pining for a George W. Bush
Administration come January does not absolve a Republican
Congress of discharging its responsibilities vis a vis the
Clinton Administration it has before it today. No doubt Greg
Craig is right: There is no longer "any uncertainty" in the
ultimate outcome of Elian's case.

But the Constitutional issues raised by the Easter weekend raid
remain not only unresolved, but unaddressed. Namely, as Senator
Arlen Specter told us, clarifying the "conditions that warrant
setting into motion a chain of events that could involve the use
of deadly force." Though the President's surrogates have fomented
an anti-hearing environment by constantly characterizing them as
partisan moves to "investigate the President," hearings in fact
are aimed at the process, and clarify and resolve procedures, law
and issues.

Those who say we have had many hearings into this Administration
with no result miss the point. Hearings are not supposed to be
about "getting" someone; in this case they are about ensuring
that the Fourth Amendment's protections mean something on the
ground. The hearings Senator Specter held about the shootings at
Ruby Ridge, for example, resulted in the FBI's changing its rules
of engagement when it uses deadly force.

Surely a raid that ended with a masked INS agent pointing a
machine gun at a terrified six-year-old child raises even more
profound questions, especially because it involved tactics and
legal procedure that wouldn't be used against a drug lord. To
begin with, why did the Justice Department seek a court order to
go in and get the boy if it did not need one, as it now

Why did Justice get its search and seizure warrant signed by a
night magistrate rather than a proper judge? The case for this
raid should have been made to a federal judge or his equivalent;
instead, the Attorney General of the United States got her
warrant out of the equivalent of a Cracker Jack box. And how
could Elian be deemed to be here illegally -- as the argument for
the warrant maintained -- when he was under a U.S. court order
not to leave the country?

It is not just conservative Republicans who are asking these
questions. In wake of the raid, Laurence Tribe, a Constitutional
lawyer at Harvard generally not on the same side of Judicial
Watch, wrote in the New York Times that the Attorney General's
raid appears to have "violated a basic principle of our society,
a principle whose preservation lies at the core of ordered
liberty under the rule of law."

The same goes for his colleague Alan Dershowitz, who recently
wrote in the Los Angeles Times that Janet Reno's action
established a "dangerous precedent." Somehow we think that even
opinion polls might change were these issues addressed in an open
forum, especially if by that time we are treated to the spectacle
of Elian being paraded through the streets of Havana by a
triumphant Castro.



2000-06-02 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Original Message-
From: nessie [EMAIL PROTECTED]

{M Persinger] He's more than a theorists. He builds and experiments with
devices that substantially alter consciousness and perception. He has
produced hallucinations of alien like beings.

OK has he been abducted personally - now how do the two experiences compare?
It is also possible to actually see the real thing when certain sections of
the brain are opened technically. People take drugs and see all sorts. Plus
past lives can surface with all sorts of mind stimulation - racial memories
and childhood experiences, not to mention TV which has gone into the
subconscious reservoirs.

Well here's the crux of the problem and why I want you to become at least
objective enough to be willing to contribute your considerable time and
resources to helping me figure it out. If the military, US and/or
otherwise, or the intelligence community, or any other covert grouping of
humans is responsible for the abduction phenomenon, what are their
motives? What is their plan?

For the past couple of years my posts have done this.

Are they faking alien abduction so they can abduct people? Perhaps. If so,
why are they abducting people and why have they chosen this particular

Well if they want to experiment with creating embryos at Dulce it gives them
an excuse to get eggs and sperm and then nobody much will find out because
no one will believe them without 'proof'. Others will say that's your
reality, belief system, you see the Ets as gods,  your subjective reality
and whatever June generally says. [shrug]

Are they faking alien abduction so they can abduct people? Then again,
perhaps not. Maybe they have another motive. If so, what is it? And
again, what is their plan? Why are they doing this? What are they going to
do next?

They are experimenting to create the 6th Aryan root race - a kind of
superman that can live in another dimension with psychic powers.. I have
already posted much info on the reasons for this. Plus the opening of the
world's gridlines to make this planet into the 4th dimension and for the
chosen to ascend  etc,etc,etc The hybrid grey/human is obviously being
integrated slowly and being assimilated into the remaining gene pool. After
all only a quarter breed can actually survive this dimension. Why would
Nazis at Dulce let grey alien blood enter the population?  - well maybe they
gave the earth to the greys. After all they are going thru timeportals to
the Pleiades with JJ Hurtak to repopulate other planets. I don't expect
their own kind would be incorporating grey blood and they may think who
cares if the other races do, we'll be gone? I could be wrong.

Given the intelligence community's long standing predilection for the
surreptitiously administering drugs (See:
http://www.sfbg.com/nessie/18.html and http://www.sfbg.com/nessie/17.html)
one can never be entirely certain that what one is experiencing now is
reality or the result of being drugged and not told about it.

Possibly - after all do we even know if HAARP is only stimulating the
section of the brain which makes people think they are having a religious
experience?  The Second Coming has to be created by the scientists to give
people a reason to leave willingly en masse to get on the ships. NASA's Blue
Beam has this agenda. There are plenty of Illuminati pawn in mainstream
religions to tell people what to do and think.  There were articles on this
last year. Plus various substances, inc selenium,  being fed to the
population to enhance radio signals which manifest as voices entering the
subconscious. It is expected that the implanted will he herded off thru time
portals to other planetary systems. Ask Dr Hurtak he seems to one of the
supervisors or consultants for the mass evacuations.

3.They have no firm beliefs and can't perceive another's point of view.

Well if a person has a clear ordered mind they know what they believe. Then
they can differentiate between what they believe and what someone else

Everything has a scientific explanation and no one can completely decipher
the complexity of any direct experience, their own or anybody's, any

Don't think so. We don't know enough about science yet to fit all
experiences into the limited capacity of our brains. There would have to be
a grey area [pardon the pun] between this world and the next that cannot be
measured and defined here. I don't think that a religious experience with
God should or could be defined scientifically. But ET experiences should be
able to be defined scientifically I think.

Everything is perfect. It might not be a perfect whatever you want it to
be but it's definitely a perfect whatever it is.

Well I can see flaws everywhere, but things can be better if time is put


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2000-06-02 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

New York Post-June 2, 2000



AS THE Castro Clintonistas are popping the champagne corks, I
would like to ask a question.

What would a family court have decided if a mother abandoned her
6-year-old son for four months?

That is exactly what Juan Miguel Gonzalez did right after the
Elian Miracle last Thanksgiving.

The average parent I know would have sprouted wings to get to a
child who had been plucked from the jaws of death.

Oh, you say, Castro wouldn't have let him go for those four
months. If it was Castro preventing him to leave, then it shows
just how much Gonzalez speaks for himself and Elian.

He was either neglectful, or he doesn't speak for himself.

You can't have it both ways.

Even the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals can see that Gonzalez
might not have been able to exercise his own judgment. And yet,
the court hands him back to a prison island.

But there is something more troubling.

"Clinton and Reno may be celebrating in their Orwellian way,"
said Roger Pilon, law professor from the Cato Institute, a
conservative think tank.

"But the court bent over backward to do the bidding of the
administration. We're moving closer to an executive state."

Indeed, when a court does a president's bidding, what happens to
separation of powers?

A little clue. Attorney Greg Craig suddenly went from being
President Clinton's lawyer to representing Juan Miguel - after
getting the National Council of Churches' introduction for a job
that must be worth between $500,000 and $1 million in billings.

Of course, Fidel Castro was very happy about Craig's appointment.
His representation gave it the imprimatur that Clinton was behind
the campaign to send Elian back.

And Clinton is doing everything in his power to kiss Castro's
ring, for fear the dictator will launch Mariel II. Clinton,
speaking from Germany, was gleeful: "This is a case about the
importance of family."

That's a lollapalooza. Clinton is about as qualified to talk
about family as the Grand Wizard of the KKK is qualified to talk
about race relations.

Former GOP presidential candidate Gary Bauer said yesterday:
"This has been a farce and a charade from the very beginning."

Can the liberals celebrate yesterday's abortion of justice ...
with the administration telling the courts what to do, with that
vision of Reno's Raiders shoving an automatic weapon in Elian's

Under Janet Reno, we're not only in the business of kidnapping,
but fixing a court with a Clinton mouthpiece.

Luis Zuniga, a former political prisoner in Castro's notorious
jails, said yesterday from Miami: "The Cuban exiles here will
respect the law, but that doesn't mean the law is right. Slavery
was once the law. Was that right?"

In Reno's native Miami, along lots of the streets, yellow ribbons
are tied on the fences as a sign that they want Elian back from
the Kidnap Gang.

I'm sick and tired of hearing people talk about parental rights.
Elian's mother died to give Elian human rights.

"Bring me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses" - the words
we supposedly live by in the Land of the Free - are starting to
look a little limp today.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] TRANCEFormation of America by Cathy O'Brien 1/2

2000-06-02 Thread Nicky Molloy

For Alex

Subject: "TRANCEFormation of America by C athy O'Brien 1/2

...to the "TRANCEFormation of America" website.  Within its pages you will

Excerpts from the book, "TRANCEFormation of America" by Cathy O'Brien with
Mark Phillips

General definitions of Mind Control and CIA project MK-Ultra

On-line ordering of "TRANCEFormation of America" ($15.00)

The lives of Mark Phillips and Cathy O'Brien and their involvement with
project MK-Ultra are fully exposed in "TRANCEFormation of America".  This
book is the documented autobiography of a victim of government mind control.
Cathy O'Brien is the only vocal and recovered survivor of the Central
Intelligence Agency's MK-Ultra Project Monarch operation.  Chiseled deep
into the white stone of the CIA's Langley, Virginia headquarters is a
partial verse lifted from the Holy Bible and writings of Saint John "...and
the truth shall make you free."  This statement, like the agency, is total
reality.  The building that is engraved upon houses the world's most
successful manufacturer of lies to facilitate psychological warfare.  "The
Company" uses truth and technology as their raw materials to produce "pure"
lies for control of you and America's allies.  Within the pages of
TRANCEFormation of America you will find the truth.


On August 3rd, 1977 the 95th U.S. Congress opened hearings into the reported
abuses concerning the CIA's TOP SECRET mind control research program code
named MK-Ultra.  On February 8th, 1988, an MK-Ultra victim, Cathy O'Brien,
was covertly rescued from her mind control enslavement by Intelligence
insider Mark Phillips.   Their seven year pursuit of Justice was stopped FOR
REASONS OF NATIONAL SECURITY.   TRANCEFormation of America exposes the truth
behind this criminal abuse of the Unconstitutional 1947 National Security


-Cathy O'Brien

(excerpt from Chapter 1)

I do not recall thinking , but I am aware through education that this
early sexual abuse distorted my primitive concepts of feeding, breathing,
sexuality , and parental perceptions.

I recall as a toddler being unable to run (I could barely walk) to my
mother for help as my instincts demanded.  Through my gulping sobs, my
terror rose as I tried to clear my throat of my father's semen and draw a
breath of air.  My mother finally arrived at my side.  Rather than comfort
me, she accused me of throwing a temper tantrum and "holding my breath".
She responded only by throwing a glass of cold water in my face.  I was
shocked!  As the water splashed my face, I knew she would not help and it
was up to me to save myself.   I automatically Multiple Personality
Disordered.  I was, of course, too young to logically understand that what
my father was doing to me was wrong.  I accepted his strangling sexual abuse
as a normal and natural part of my home life, and split off a personality to
deal with the pain and suffocation to satisfy his perversions.   Therefore
as a child, I was dissociative of my father's abuse.  I was totally unable
to recall his sexual abuse, even in his presence, until I saw and felt his
penis.   Then the terror, which was my conditioned response, triggered
access to that part of my brain that previously endured the trauma.  I was
remembering the abuse and how to deal with it.  This part of my brain
developed into a personality of its own--which belonged to my father--which
he rented out and later sold to the U.S. Government as will be explained and
detailed in the following pages.

Other parts of my conditioned mind dealt with other abusers, abuses and
circumstances.  My father was (as revealed by my own investigations)
apparently a multigenerational incest child from a large, poor, and horribly
dysfunctional family.  His mother earned a living as a prostitute for local
lumbermen after his father died when he was two years old.  My father's
brothers and sister were all sexually and (occult) ritually abused just as
he was.  They grew up to be drug addicts, prostitutes, street derelicts, and
pedophiles who also sexually abused me and my brothers and sisters.  I
developed more personality splits to deal with the traumas of these
torturous relationships.

...Soon after we moved, my father was reportedly caught sending kiddie
porn through the U.S. mail.  It was a bestiality film of me with my Uncle
Sam O'Brien's Boxer dog, Buster.  My Uncle Bob, also implicated in
manufacturing the porn, out of apparent desperation informed my father of a
U. S. Government Defense Intelligence Agency TOP SECRET Project to which he
was privy.   This was Project Monarch.  Project Monarch was a mind control
operation which was "recruiting" multigenerational incest abused children
with Multiple Personality Disorder for its genetic mind-control studies.  I
was a prime "candidate," a "chosen one".  My father seized the opportunity
as it would provide him immunity from 


2000-06-02 Thread Ronald L. Wilson

Stats Show
'Federalization' of Law Enforcement 

Government News
Source: Scripps Howard News
Published: June 1, 2000 Author: Michael Hedges

The first comprehensive gathering of federal
arrest figures portrays a growing federal law-enforcement presence in the
United States, with increases in the numbers of federal agents, prosecutions
and convictions.

by an expanding war on drugs and greater efforts to curtail illegal
immigration, the number of federal criminal court cases rose nearly 13 percent
between 1997 and 1998, part of an expansion of federal police power that
concerns critics. 

agents arrested 106,139 in 1998, according to Justice Department statistics. 

half of those apprehended were for drug law or immigration violations. More
than 43,000 people were sent to federal prisons that year, for an average
sentence of almost five years. 

figures were released Wednesday by the Bureau of Justice Statistics as part of
the first-ever comprehensive compilation of federal arrest data, according to
Bureau director Jan Chaiken. 

were 83,000 federal law-enforcement officers in 1998, including 33,000 in four
Justice Department agencies that conduct nearly three out of four federal criminal
investigations: the FBI, the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Immigration
and Naturalization Service and the U.S. Marshals Service. 

number has risen steadily since 1993, when there were 69,000 federal agents,
with about 24,000 of them in the DEA, FBI and immigration and marshals

one year, from 1997 to 1998, the number of people brought to trial in federal
court rose from 69,351 to 78,172, a 12.7 percent increase. 

those, 87 percent were convicted, usually as a result of a guilty plea. 

past decade has seen a steady rise in the percentage of those convicted in
federal court who go to prison. In 1998, 71 percent of those found guilty were
incarcerated, compared to just 60 percent in 1990. 

average sentence for the 43,041 convicted in federal court was four years,
eleven months. 

analysts and legal experts see in the statistics a confirmation of the
federalization of law enforcement in America. 

our constitutional system, the federal government is supposed to have a very
limited crime-fighting role, said Tim Lynch, an analyst with the Cato
Institute, a libertarian think tank in Washington. But for the past 20
years, it seems every session of Congress has escalated the drug war, and that
has led to an increase in federal agents, and federal prisons and the federal
court system. 

Mallett, a Houston lawyer and the incoming president of the National
Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, said, What is being reported
here is pretty much what one would expect. ...The federalization of some
formerly state offenses accounts for some of this. 

said that in Texas, as the number of federal law-enforcement agents involved in
anti-drug and anti-immigration activities has grown, the threshold for
triggering a federal crime has fallen. 

federal prosecutors would have declined a year ago they are prosecuting
now, he said. They used to turn down drug prosecutions under five
kilos; now they'll prosecute for an ounce and a half. They're looking for

1990, the number of people being held in federal jails awaiting trial or
deportation has grown rapidly from just over 140,000 to more than 200,000. The
number of inmates in federal prison is up more than 90 percent for the same
period, from 57,000 to 109,000. 

striking figure in the report, according to legal experts, is the high number
of guilty pleas - more than eight out of 10 - among people prosecuted by
federal attorneys. 

diGenova, a former U.S. attorney in Washington, said mandatory minimum prison
sentences passed by Congress several years ago have changed the dynamic of
federal prosecutions. 

defendants in a federal prosecution try to aggressively challenge an
indictment, but once charged immediately plea-bargain rather than risk stiff
sentences, diGenova said. 

the Cato Institute analyst, said the growing number of federal prosecutions in
America, represents a self-fulfilling prophecy. It is the success of a
bureaucracy. As you federalize more crimes and expand federal law, you increase
the number of arrests and convictions. 

#1 response: This is sad for
America and any future ahead! 

response: Nothing can be done... sad. It is wise to consider, that the expansion
of federal police powers is directly tied to a Republican majority in both
branches of the legislature. I doubt there is ANY way to deconstruct the
federal law enforcement monolith. 

#3 response: Local cops have a lot of power but they
can be held accountable by local elections and community peer pressure. The
scary thing about federal police is you never know who they are or how to keep
them accounatble. The reason the 


2000-06-02 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

New York Post-May 31, 2000



HILLARY CLINTON looks as if she was mugged.

Months of pecking away at Rudy Giuliani's weaknesses. Week after
week, month after month. Taunting, teasing, trying to jump-start
that famous temper. Sitting back, and letting it roll.

All that work, just to draw even in the polls.

How easy it all seems now.

This pipsqueak Rick Lazio must be charmed. Five minutes into the
race, without as much as breaking a sweat, the kid draws even in
the polls.

And this, with half the population not even knowing who the heck
he is.

Lazio bounds around the state like a cheerful puppy, his smiling
face a sharp contrast to Hillary's pinched puss. His photogenic
family a visual jab at Hillary's empty nest.

Hillary spends months "listening" until her ears start ringing to
the small concerns of small people in small towns that don't know
from 24-hour Chinese takeout. All they care about is whom she
didn't tip.

Lazio promises to campaign "block by block, house by house." And
all they care about is that he isn't her.

Life isn't fair.

Hillary kisses Suha Arafat. Draws worldwide outrage, and
widespread condemnation of her lowly character.

Lazio tumbles and kisses the ground, requiring nine stitches to
his lip. Draws statewide compassion, and a bit of welcome
character to his baby face.

Hillary dons a Yankee cap. Draws hoots of derision.

Lazio proclaims himself a lifelong New Yorker. Draws hoots of
derision aimed at his opponent.

Hillary talks about murderous cops who are later exonerated.
Draws righteous outrage.

Lazio talks about giving the death penalty to merciless confessed
killers. Draws nods of agreement.

Hillary declares Lazio an extreme right-winger. Draws yawns.

Lazio declares Hillary an extreme left-winger. Draws shrugs.

Hillary wants to raise the minimum wage.

Lazio wants to raise the minimum wage.

Hillary is pro-choice on abortion, in all circumstances.

Lazio has voted for choice on abortion - except when the
government has to pay, in the last term of pregnancy, or for
minors who don't have parental permission in states where such
things are required. Still, he's pro-choice.

Lazio voted for the Brady bill, opposes handgun licensing.

Hillary supports the Brady bill and handgun licensing, yet isn't
afraid to pander to hunters by boasting that she's aimed a muzzle
on occasion on our furry or feathered friends.

Hillary supports the death penalty.

So does Lazio.

Hillary is a liberal in search of the middle.

Lazio is a conservative, who's found a convenient berth in the

Women adore Lazio.

Women despise Hillary.

The race should have been Hillary's the day Rudy bowed out. And
this unknown goes from zero to even before anyone in Auburn can
spell his name.

Life isn't fair.

But if you're Hillary, you can satisfy yourself that it's all a

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Revenge of the Courts on the Clintons

2000-06-02 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Newsmax-May 31, 2000

Revenge of the Courts on the Clintons

By Joe Uliana

 No institution has advanced the liberal agenda more in the last
forty years than the courts. At almost every turn, when the
legislative and electoral process roared up to defeat liberal
efforts to change social, economic or foreign policy, some court
was there to try to stop conservative encroachments on activist

 When Californians voted to end affirmative action, the federal
courts issued an injunction that thwarted the will of the people.
When Florida’s legislature passed sweeping education reforms that
included school choice, the courts quickly stepped in to stop
implementation of the legislature’s action. And in the sixties,
when almost every state enforced capital punishment, the Warren
Court struck it down as unconstitutional.

 Look beyond these individual court cases and you will see the
rise in tort litigation, the expansion of criminal rights, the
creation of class action law suits and the rise of regulatory
policy making as an outgrowth of the left’s activism in our legal
system. The changes brought about by these legal initiatives have
altered the course of public policy, without a vote ever being
taken or a bill being passed.

 The left has realized, since the fifties, that control of the
court system was the final defense in the philosophical war and a
way to move the country in the direction they wanted, without
having to be accountable to the electorate. Control the courts
and the legal system, and you can control the battle of ideas.

The final triumph of the liberal legal society over the world of
representative government occurred with the election of Bill
Clinton to the Presidency. He embodied all that was right and
proper about the liberal legal society. Trained at Yale Law
School, a former law professor and Attorney General, he had law
industry publications predicting that the legal business would
soar after his election as new regulations and a more activist
government would stretch the country’s demand for litigation.

 President Clinton’s win was important, but the ascension of his
wife was probably more vital to the cause. She is a fellow
traveler, someone who had been on the front lines and had the
passion to use the law and the courts to change the country.
Active in the Legal Aid Corporation, a staff attorney on the
Watergate Committee, and a partner at the largest law firm in
Arkansas, she had the bona fides.

 It was truly to be a golden age, but that era of greatness
turned into a time of legal chaos for the Clintons. The one
institution that they revered and believed in so fervently turned
on them. They could win the elections, make the Republicans look
bad, sway public opinion and withhold information from
investigators to deter action, but each time they had apparently
escaped the jaws of defeat, the courts handed them another
setback. In the end, the Clinton’s legacy will be most tarnished
not by the actions of their adversaries in Congress or the
Republican Party, but by their friends in courts.

 Last week, a special committee of the Arkansas Bar recommended
disbarment for the President. This move, if carried out by the
Arkansas courts, would be another humiliation in a long line of
them. From Judge Weber-Wright’s finding that the President lied
under oath, to the settlement in the Paula Jones case, to the
damaging video depositions carried out by the Landmark Legal
Foundation of Clinton Administration officials, the courts have
been brutal to the Clintons.

 The President’s slippery political skills have been unable to
outmaneuver the long arm of the courts. It is a Shakespearean
irony that those who so embraced the power of the legal system to
improve the country and the course of public policy, have been so
damaged by the system they worshiped.

 Few would have guessed this in 1993, when President Clinton took
the oath of office. At that time, with Hillary Clinton’s Rose Law
Firm opening an office in Washington, the good times were ready
to roll. Now seven years later and with millions of dollars spent
on legal defenses and settlements, the Clintons have been done in
not by their enemies but by their friends. Fittingly, the Rose
Law Firm has closed its Washington office, finding the DC
confines to inhospitable.

 Next January, when Bill Clinton finishes his term in office, he
will leave behind only a few real accomplishments. But his legacy
will be forever shaped by the one institution he thought he could
most trust and use to his advantage: the courts.

If only he could have fought with the Republicans in Congress,
things would have been a lot easier.

Joe Uliana is a former State Senator with a unique and insightful
view of politics and society. For comments, you can reach Joe

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


[CTRL] Clinton Accuser Business Audited

2000-06-02 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

[I wonder if the New York Times considers this appropriate to
print? --MS]

Clinton Accuser Business Audited

May 30, 2000 7:42 PM

WASHINGTON (AP) - The IRS is auditing the nursing home business
of a woman who accused President Clinton of sexually assaulting
her 21 years ago, her lawyers said Tuesday.

Judicial Watch, the conservative law firm representing Juanita
Broaddrick, filed a complaint with the inspector general of the
Treasury Department, the IRS' parent agency. The lawyers contend
the audit is related to Broaddrick's lawsuit against the Clinton
White House.

Broaddrick contends the White House violated her right to privacy
by keeping an FBI file on her and allowing administration
officials access to its contents. The suit seeks copies of the

Clinton's attorney has called the assault accusations
``absolutely false.'' The IRS is prohibited by law from
commenting on tax audits.

Judicial Watch Chairman Larry Klayman said that anyone who doubts
a connection between the lawsuit and the audit should ``consult
with the law of averages to determine whether these matters are
simply coincidental.''

Broaddrick, who lives in Arkansas, claims she was sexually
assaulted by Clinton at a Little Rock hotel on April 25, 1978. He
was the state's attorney general at the time.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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2000-06-02 Thread Tenorlove

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[CTRL] [Fwd: Interviews on Missile Defense]

2000-06-02 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 Original Message 
Subject: Interviews on "Missile Defense"
Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2000 23:20:42 -0500 (CDT)
From: Institute for Public Accuracy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Institute for Public Accuracy
915 National Press Building, Washington, D.C. 20045
(202) 347-0020 * http://www.accuracy.org * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Thursday, June 1, 2000


Senior research fellow at the World Policy Institute and co-author of the
recent report "Tangled Web: The Marketing of Missile Defense, 1994-2000,"
Hartung said today: "In its ongoing effort to 'triangulate' by co-opting
Republican issues, the Clinton administration has met right-wing missile
defense boosters more than half way. Meanwhile, Republicans have stepped
up their calls for an elaborate, multi-tiered system akin to Ronald Reagan's
ill-fated Star Wars scheme. The nation's four major missile contractors --
Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon and TRW -- are looking to missile defense
to revive them from mismanagement and technical problems that have slashed
their stock prices and reduced their profit margins. They have given $2
million to the 25 hard-core National Missile Defense boosters in the
These companies also spent $34 million on lobbying during 1997-98. In
addition, the three largest missile contractors have provided major financial
support to Frank Gaffney's Center for Security Policy, which serves as the
de facto center for the Star Wars lobby."

Author of "The Wrong Stuff: The Space Program's Nuclear Threat to Our
Planet" and professor of journalism at the State University of New
York/College at Old Westbury, Grossman said today: "Missile defense? In
context, what the U.S. military appears to want is in large part not defense
but offense. U.S. plans for missile defense should be seen in the overall
context of U.S. military plans for space warfare. That is why the Chinese
are so much against this program; they fully understand U.S. ambitions to
dominate from the 'high ground.' National Missile Defense paves the way for
space-based weapons. The U.S. Space Command explicitly lays out its plans
for the militarization of space, for example in its 'Vision For 2020'
(http://www.spacecom.af.mil/usspace) report. The cover of the report depicts
a laser weapon from space zapping a target below and proclaims: 'U.S. Space
Command -- dominating the space dimension of military operations to protect
U.S. interests and investment.' It compares the U.S. effort to control space
and the Earth below to how centuries ago 'nations built navies to protect
and enhance their commercial interests' by ruling the seas."

STEPHEN YOUNG, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.crnd.org
Deputy director of the Coalition to Reduce Nuclear Dangers, Young is the
principal author of the recent report "Pushing the Limits: The Decision on
National Missile Defense." He said today: "Clinton's proposal to offer
missile defense to 'civilized' nations is futile pandering to attempt to
gain support of U.S. allies. The Europeans are concerned that if the U.S.
pushes ahead on missile defense, then Russia could, for example, increase
its reliance on tactical short-range nuclear weapons. The U.S. has already
spent $120 billion on theater and national missile defense, without fielding
a single effective system. The threat is tremendously overblown; the
oft-cited new 'threat' is from North Korea, which has frozen its missile
test program and is clearly seeking better relations with South Korea and
the West."

For more information, contact at the Institute for Public Accuracy:
Sam Husseini, (202) 347-0020; David Zupan, (541) 484-9167

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[CTRL] Fwd: AIDS to make a million orphans in Mozambique by 2004

2000-06-02 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 6/2/00 4:47:17 AM Central Daylight Time, AOL News writes:

 Subj:AIDS to make a million orphans in Mozambique by 2004
 Date:  6/2/00 4:47:17 AM Central Daylight Time
 From:  AOL News
 BCC:   Ahab42

 AIDS to make a million orphans in Mozambique by 2004

 MAPUTO, June 2 (Reuters) - AIDS will make one million children orphans in
Mozambique by 2004, the United Nations child agency UNICEF said on Friday.

 UNICEF said it was working with the government of the southern African
country to map out a strategy to help local communities to look after the

 For the full text of this story, A
HREF="aol://4344:30.L100L9Cd.5269668.644406411"click here/A.

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AIDS to make a million orphans in Mozambique by 2004

MAPUTO, June 2 (Reuters) - AIDS will make one million children orphans in Mozambique 
by 2004, the United Nations child agency UNICEF said on Friday.

UNICEF said it was working with the government of the southern African country to map 
out a strategy to help local communities to look after the children

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[CTRL] Falling Eagle

2000-06-02 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A
-7294048"Amazon.co.uk: A Glance: Falling Eagle/A

Falling Eagle
Martin Vander Weyer

List Price: £20.00
Our Price: £16.00
You Save: £4.00 (20%)

Availability: Usually dispatched within 24 hours
Category(ies): History, Business  Finance

Weidenfeld  Nicolson General; ISBN: 0297644068

Amazon.co.uk Sales Rank:  614

Write an online review and share your thoughts with other readers!

Many people have, at best, a love-hate relationship with their bank. Unless
you simply stuff your cash under the mattress, you need one--but the service
you receive may seem too little and the charges too high. That said, do you
want to read about one? A book about Barclays may not seem immediately
appealing; one subtitled "The Decline of Barclays Bank" is perhaps a little
more interesting; one by an author with inside knowledge and a P45 to show
for it is better still.
Falling Eagle is part history, part exposé. It tracks the bank from its
19th-century origins to the present day, liberally peppering the narrative
with revealing anecdotes. It dissects the organization and its hierarchical
structure, charts the bank's successes (it was the first to install cash
dispensers and move away from the traditional bank layout to something more
like a high street shop) and chronicles its troubles, of which there have
been many over the years (for example with the ill-fated BZW, Barclay's
investment division).
Perhaps a little self-indulgence creeps into the writing as the troubles are
unfolded--the author gives the impression of feeling he is well out of
it--but the net effect makes an enthralling story. Well-researched,
well-written and entertainingly presented, Falling Eagle is a title that
deserves much wider readership than the average corporate biography. --Patrick
In November 1998, Barclays chief executive Martin Taylor walked out of his
job. Widely regarded as one of Britain's cleverest businessmen, Taylor had
reached the end of his tether after a series of trading disasters and
boardroom clashes. In this account, Martin Vander Weyer traces the decline of
what was once Britain's leading bank, and uncovers a story rich in
personality, intrigue and social nuance.

Customer Comments
Average Customer Rating:  Number of Reviews: 1
[EMAIL PROTECTED] from Hook UK , 11 March, 2000
A fascinating and entertaining book
You would expect a well written book from a journalist of Martin Vander
Weyer's reputation and well written is a fair description. But it's much more
than that. Falling Eagle is well researched and highly amusing in it's
description of the activities of so many Barclays people over the years. A
must for Barclays insiders,Barclays watchers and students of the faults of
large companies.

 © 1998-2000 Amazon.com, Inc. and its affiliates
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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[CTRL] A Glance: Embracing Defeat

2000-06-02 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A
-7294048"Amazon.co.uk: A Glance: Embracing Defeat/A

Embracing Defeat
John W. Dower

List Price: £25.00
Our Price: £20.00
You Save: £5.00 (20%)
 Hardcover - 688 pages (26 August, 1999)
Allen Lane The Penguin Press; ISBN: 0713993723

Amazon.co.uk Sales Rank:  8,678

Embracing Defeat tells the story of the transformation of Japan under
American occupation after World War II. When Japan surrendered
unconditionally to the Allied Forces in August 1945 it was exhausted; while
America's Pacific combat lasted less than four years Japan had been fighting
for 15. 60 percent of its urban area lay in ruins. Through the collapse of
the authoritarian state and America's six-year occupation Japan was able to
set off in entirely new directions. Because the victors had no linguistic or
cultural access to the losers' society they were obliged to govern
indirectly. General Douglas MacArthur decided at the outset to maintain the
civil bureaucracy and the institution of the emperor: democracy would be
imposed from above in what the author terms "Neocolonial Revolution". His
description of the manipulation of public opinion as a wedge was driven
between the discredited militarists and Emperor Hirohito is especially
fascinating. Tojo, on trial for his life, was requested to take
responsibility for the war and deflect it from the emperor; he did and was
hanged. John W. Dower's analysis of popular Japanese culture of the
period--songs, magazines, advertising, even jokes--is brilliant and reflected
in the book's 80 well-chosen photographs. With the same masterful control of
voluminous material and clear writing that he gave us in War Without Mercy
the author paints a vivid picture of a society in extremis and reconstructs
the extraordinary period during which America moulded a traumatised country
into a freemarket democracy and bulwark against resurgent world communism. --J
ohn Stevenson
Examines the impact of military defeat and occupation on an exhausted and
traumatized population. Focusing on American policy and the Japanese response
to collapse, John Dower demonstrates how the mix of East and West in modern
Japan derives from the period immediately after World War II. Alongside the
familiar story of economic resurgence, Dower provides an account of the
recreaction of private life after years of regimentation and sacrifice.

 © 1998-2000 Amazon.com, Inc. and its affiliates

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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[CTRL] Churchill and Secret Service

2000-06-02 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A
-7294048"Amazon.co.uk: A Glance: Churchill and Secret Se…/A

Customers who bought this book also bought:
*   MI6 - Fifty Years of Special Operations; Stephen Dorril
*   The Yamato Dynasty; Sterling Seagrave
*   She Who Dared; Jackie George, Susan Ottaway

Churchill and Secret Service
David Stafford

List Price: £9.99
Our Price: £7.99
You Save: £2.00 (20%)

Availability: Usually dispatched within 24 hours
Category(ies): Non-Fiction, History, Biography
See larger photo
 Paperback - 473 pages ( 3 February, 2000)
Abacus; ISBN: 0349112797

Amazon.co.uk Sales Rank:  18,266

Winston Churchill believed passionately in the value of secret intelligence -
in times of war, of course, but also in times of peace. As a young
correspondent and soldier in Cuba and South Africa, he experienced its worth
first hand. As wartime Prime Minister, he built a centralized intelligence
community, responded daily to raw "Ultra" reports, created the Special
Operations Executive to work behind enemy lines and, with Roosevelt, built
the intelligence alliance that endures to this day. With detail about the
secret world of agents and double agents this work traces Churchill's
connections from his days as a member of the Cabinet that established the
Secret Service to the war years, when his extensive network provided him with
superior information. Both an account of the origins and inner workings of
modern intelligence agencies and a study of Churchill and his role in their
development, this volume is a contribution to the study of modern and
military history and a key to understanding Churchill himself.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Little Mother of Russia

2000-06-02 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A
-7294048"Amazon.co.uk: A Glance: Little Mother of Russia/A

Little Mother of Russia
Coryne Hall
Our Price: £25.00

Availability: This title is usually dispatched within 2-3 days.
Category(ies): History, Biography
Hardcover - 416 pages ( 1 November, 1999)
Shepheard-Walwyn; ISBN: 0856831778

Learn more about
1-ClickSM ordering
Shopping with us is 100% safe. Amazon.co.uk Sales Rank:  2,852
Avg. Customer Rating:  ; Number of Reviews: 2

Write an online review and share your thoughts with other readers!

Using information from the Royal Archives and previously unavailable material
from Scandinavia, this biography offers a re-appraisal of the life of Empress
Marie Feodorovna, whose son Nicholas II was the last Tsar of Russia.

Customer Comments
Average Customer Rating:  Number of Reviews: 2
A reader from Devon, UK , 12 April, 2000
A meticulously researched and readable book about Empress Ma
This book has been meticulously researched and is well written as well. The
author enjoys her subject and the style moves us along the life of the Danish
Princess Dagmar (later Empress Marie of Russia) at a brisk pace. She takes us
through Dagmar's early years as a young girl in a happy but far from affluent
family in Copenhagen. After Dagmar's sister Alexandra married the Prince of
Wales in 1863, Dagmar was courted by the young Tzarevitch, only to lose him
when he died before their wedding. She reluctantly married his brother Sasha
although the marriage turned into a happy one. The reader follows Dagmar's
life at the glittering Russian court, the premature death of her husband in
1894 and the accession of her son Nicholas II, the last Romanov ruler. We
follow Dagmar's fortunes in the years leading up to the Revolution and her
fears for the fate of her family in a court dominated by Rasputin. The later
years of her life were spent back in Denmark following her dramatic rescue
from the Crimea under the Bolsheviks. This is very much a family story
although international politics and intrigue play their fateful part as the
doomed Romanovs slide inexorably towards disaster.
A reader from London, England , 15 December, 1999
Thoroughly researched, clearly written with a passion.
I have waited a long time for a book on Empress Marie Feodorovna to be
published, and what a joy! The author, Ms Hall has obviously turned her keen
interest in the subject into a serious work of great authority. This
biography of Dagmar is unusually not only full of detailed information but
told in an interesting style which really brings the character alive.
Well done Coryne Hall!

 © 1998-2000 Amazon.com, Inc. and its affiliates

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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2000-06-02 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "Nicky Molloy" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sorry June its pointless talking further, eg how do we know you aren't a CIA
 agent? It obvious if you were you may know more for a start on this subject
 instead of turning this into a psychological exercise in belief systems..

But how would you know whether I am or am not a CIA agent?  And that perhaps
I'm an agent with an agenda?

Or just a regular Jane Doe with an agenda, which I help further by CLAIMING
I am a CIA agent, when in fact I am not?

You don't.  You just accept at face value, with no research or critical
analysis, anybody's claim that parallels your own entrenched belief system.

And THAT, dear lady, is dogma...

 As for you saying I have dogma. All I said is I'm a Christian and
 nothing else, the rest is your 'belief system' you so gladly promote.

Dogma comes in many flavors.  Some of it comes dressed as traditional,
mainstream religiosity.  Still other comes cloaked as a belief in ETs,
when there is no EVIDENCE for the existence of ETs.

 Nessie do you think some theorists like M Persinger have any more value than
 those who have personally experienced Ets? Why trust anybody who is sitting
 reading books on this subject and comparing an abductee experience to an
 induced one. Sure listen to the guy but he knows no more about the 'reality'
 of it than June who hasn't read much at all on this.

Bulloney.  I have 4 decades of reading on the subject.  Readings encompassing
ALL theories, unlike you who put on blinders and refuse to consider anything
except your own dogma.

There is not one obstensible 'abductee' who has ever provided hard evidence
that what they experienced was due to the actions of beings who flew to Earth
in a spaceship from some other physical place in the universe.

That is not to say that those who claim to have been abducted are lying, or
are hallucinating.  I'm prepared to accept that the majority had SOMETHING
happen to them.  But there is no EVIDENCE that it was ET instigated...only
that what they remember afterwards includes a supposed ET scenario.

Memories can be implanted.  There could be a very mundane, earthly agency
afoot with these abductions, and agency that is utilizing false ET scenarios
to cover their tracks, and perhaps achieve their own agenda.

Again, testimony by any number of people claiming to have been abducted by
space beings is not EVIDENCE that ETs exist.

 But we do 'believe'
 from others who have seen throught he deception that the US military are
 faking alien abductions so they can abduct people. But there are geniune
 abductions because people ahve travelled in spaceships and gone to other
 planets and brought back souvenirs.

No, certain people have thoughts, which they interpret as memories, that
seemed to encompass travel in a spaceship, when in fact it could be mind
control and/or implanted false memory.

Two cases in point:

The first entails what was one of the first cases of 'alien encounter' and
possible abduction, which occurred somewhere in South America in the late
1950s or early 1960s (it's been over 2 decades since I read about this, so
I don't remember the exact country -- it may have been Brazil, or perhaps

A man was traveling from a distant town to his home town at night (this
now is such a common scenario it seems cliche'd, but at the time this was
a new phenomenom)...saw a strange light in the sky, next thing he knew he
was farther down the road than where he remembered, had an hour or so of
missing time, etc. etc.

He had no memory of what happened during the missing time, but was very
nervous, to the point that he became ill.  When he finally sought medical
help (his ailment was psychologically based, not due to any 'implant'),
he began to 'spontaneously remember' what had happened to him during that
missing time

It was the typical scenario...the light came down, of course it was a
spaceship...his car engine 'mysteriously' died, he got out of the car
to see better, got met by space aliens and brought on board their ship
where they did any number of terrible experiments on him, only relieved
by a sexy, buxom blonde coming in at the end and having sex with him (he
claimed they forced him to have an erection)...

This was roundly reported in all the UFO and 'strange events' publications
of the day...probably even got printed up in a book or two as 'proof' that
ETs were coming here and doing things to us...

But then another gentleman came forward...

Seems he was an acquaintance of the first gentleman...not close acquaintances,
but they knew each other in passing, and more importantly the 2nd guy knew
the vehicle the 1st guy drove...

And seems the 2nd guy was driving that same road that same night...remembered
the 1st guy passing him on the road...the 2nd guy was driving somewhat slower,
plus had to stop for gas...so he was a couple of miles behind the 1st guy...

The 2nd guy never saw any strange light in the sky...he DID see a strange
glow of lights ahead 

[CTRL] OEN 6/2/00

2000-06-02 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin

Al Gore vs. Lyndon LaRouche

"His nipples entered the room like an advance security team."

by Mark Steyn

PRIMARY season isn't, technically, over. The Democrats had one down in
Arkansas the other day - 78 per cent voted for Al Gore while the other 22 per
cent voted for Lyndon LaRouche, the distinguished felon and eccentric who
claims the Queen is behind the international drug trade.

Let's hope Al sees off this latest challenge - President LaRouche parachuting
DEA assault teams into the grounds of Buckingham Palace might lead to a
certain tension in the "special relationship".

I won't pretend to understand the minds of the Arkansan electorate, and even
President-in-waiting LaRouche seemed surprised by the result: he never
campaigned during the primary yet he performed better against Gore in
Arkansas than Bill Bradley did in states he spent months schlepping around.

Some say it was just a bit of mischief-making by Gore-baiters, others that
some of those upcountry swamp-dwellers had confused Mr LaRouche with his
fellow Lyndon, the late President Johnson. But neither explanation quite
accounts for 50,000 real, live Arkansans delivering nearly a quarter of the De
mocratic vote to the publisher of such tomes as Jail Cocaine Kingpin George
Bush (referring to George Snr).

Whatever the reason, the fact that even Bill Clinton's home state is
antipathetic to his chosen successor is merely the latest wobbly indicator
for Mr Gore.

Isn't it supposed to be Dubya who's in trouble? After Super Tuesday, the
consensus was that Gore had emerged from the primaries much stronger than
Bush. As you'll recall, Bush had supposedly run a vicious, negative campaign
against McCain that had left the GOP hopelessly divided; utterly repelled the
moderate, centrist voters he'd need; destroyed his image and exposed him as
an empty suit with no ideas.

Hmm. I think the media are indulging in what the psychologists call
"displacement". There is a guy who ran a vicious, negative campaign that's
left his party divided and repelled moderate centrists, but his name's not
Dubya. The Republicans may have had to use a cattle prod to get McCain to
endorse Bush, but at least he did it. Over in the Democratic camp, Bradley's
still refusing to endorse Gore.

New ideas? Dubya's got a zillion, all of which the vice-president dismisses
as a "risky scheme". Al's campaigning as a human Denver boot: stay exactly
where you are, America; do not attempt to move. Empty suit? Al's got an empty
suit hanging in his closet. His advisers told him to squeeze into polo shirts
and casual pants that would seem indecently tight on a Chippendale.

When he was campaigning up here in New Hampshire, his nipples entered the
room like an advance security team. Stumping the banks of the Connecticut
River, the vice-president's sculpted butt, squeezed into jeans two sizes too
small, looked like some novelty scale model of the landscape - the mountains
and the giant cleavage of the Connecticut river valley in between.

And yet, despite his butt, the women voters who turned out for Clinton don't
want to know. He reminds me a bit of Barbie's boyfriend, Ken: he's buff, he's
honed, he looks fabulous, but he has no private parts. I'm not referring to
his distinguishing characteristics, but to a general lack of human
personality. Clinton puts together a focus group to find out what he should
do; Gore puts together a focus group to find out who he should be.

Not only is there no detectable Clinton fatigue, but Clinton himself has been
a beneficiary of a premature Gore fatigue. Back when the Monica thing
started, I was listening to the gal who runs my general store do her usual
riff on the President: he's revolting, he's loathsome, he's contemptible,
he's lower than a skunk, etc. "So you want him to resign?" I said, when she
paused for breath. "Of course not," she replied. "I don't want Gore in."

Clinton's apparently indestructible approval rating has always been, at least
in part, a Gore disapproval rating. Al's problem is that he can't connect
with soccer moms, waitress moms, New Hampshire general-store moms, or any
other demographically desirable moms.

But what do I know? According to the country's top political scientists in
the Washington Post a few days ago, the election's over and Gore will win
with 55-60 per cent of the vote. They've factored in all the factors, and
he's a shoo-in. Dream on, boys. I'm no political scientist but, if you
multiply the tightness of his pants by the indifference of female voters,
Al's got "loser" tattooed across his bottom.

Electronic Telegraph, June 2, 2000
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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2000-06-02 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.privacytimes.com/cali_tax_6_23.htm"P R I V A
C Y T I M E S . C O M/A
Foreshadowing an ominous national system, some California Banks have begun
sharing data on all of their customers as part of an effort to snare deadbeat
From PRIVACY TIMES, March 22, 1999

About 130 California banks have provided the State Tax Board with lists of
all theirdepositors as part of a beefed-up program to collect from parents
delinquent on their child support. Since the program is federally mandated,
it is likely that this unprecedented data sharing is occurring in other
States as well.
According to the North County Times, a newspaper based in the San Diego
suburb of Escondido, the lists include customers’ names, addresses, Social
Security numbers, account balances and other data. California’s Franchise Tax
Board said the depositor lists are provided solely for the purpose of the
"deadbeat parent" match and then are returned to the banks.
That may not come as much solace to those California bank customers who are
likely to feel that such non-consensual use of their financial data is an
invasion of privacy, as well as a case of overkill. In the past year,
widespread public opposition has blocked or stalled proposed federal mandates
for stepped-up collection of bank data ("Know Your Customer"), and for Social
Security numbers by State drivers agencies.
The quarterly match is mandated by "The Personal Responsibility and Work
Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996" (P.L. 104-193). A parallel State law
(Chapter 697, 1997) exempts the program from the California right to
financial privacy law.
Banks have two choices: 1) provide the State Tax Board with a list of all
depositors, and the board matches the list against delinquent parents; or 2)
the State sends the delinquent parent list to the banks, and they match it
against their depositor list, and return those that turned up "hits." About
126 banks have chosen the second option, even though it is more expensive for
them to conduct the match themselves. So far, 130 banks have shipped their
lists of depositors to the State. The matches were scheduled to begin
February 28, and continue quarterly thereafter. Those individuals who are
identified as delinquent parents are informed by their banks that they have
10 days to pay up or make other arrangements. If they fail to do so, the bank
remits the funds to the State.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads Endright © 1999, Evan Hendricks. All rights reserved.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Son of Bush . . . Son of Gore . . .

2000-06-02 Thread Kris Millegan

Both sound like bad 'B' movies.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-06-02 Thread Kris Millegan

Howdy all, I been sending some of these out every night by email to media ,
orgs, pols and folks.
If anyone wishes they could help to spread the word please do.



May 30, 2000Contact:Kris Millegan
For Immediate Release   Conference Organizer
541.935.6276 --


Saturday, June 10, 8 a.m. - 10:00 p.m., Wheeler Pavilion, Lane County
Fairgrounds.   Drug Symposium featuring  nationally known researchers and
scholars who will explore U.S. government involvement in the drug trade.
Peter Dale Scott, Rodney Stich, Michael Ruppert, Daniel Hopsicker.

EUGENE, OREGON: Eight nationally-known speakers offer a free, day-long drug
symposium on Saturday, June 10, to explore why narcotics are so easily
available on the streets of America.   Concerned parents, political leaders,
law enforcement personnel and the general public are invited to a series of
three workshops and two films to be shown at the Wheeler Pavilion, Lane
County Fairgrounds.

Evening keynote speaker, Dr. Peter Dale Scott, is a prolific author and
public speaker from the University of California at Berkeley, who has been
delving into the politics of the cocaine trade for some 20 years.  He is
author of Cocaine Politics and co-author of The Iran Contra Connection.  He
is joined by Michael Ruppert, a former Los Angeles Police Department officer
who discovered the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) bringing drugs into the
United States.  Ruppert is publisher of From the Wilderness magazine, which
deals with the effects of illegal, covert operations on American society.

Celerino "Cele" Castillo is a 12-year veteran of the Drug Enforcement
Administration (DEA), who served in El Salvador and Central America from 1985
to 1990.  His book Powderburns exposes CIA and DEA collaboration with drug
traffickers in Central America.  Catherine Austin Fitts served as Assistant
Secretary for Housing, and as Federal Housing Commissioner.  Fitts and
Castillo will speak about what they saw taking place in the drug trade from
inside the U.S. government.
Page 1 of 2


Rodney Stich, author of Unfriendly Skies, Drugging America, and Defrauding Ame
rica is a retired Navy pilot and federal inspector who, at the age of 78,
continues his 40-year campaign to expose corruption in the U.S. government.

Dedon Kamathi, a UCLA-educated black activist and recording producer,
utilizes Rap conferences as a method of delivering social change messages.
He is co-chair of the Crack the CIA Coalition, as well as U.S. representative
to the All African People’s Revolutionary Party.  He co-chairs the African
United Front and has lectured extensively on CIA covert drug activities,
including at the Green Party National Convention.

At 6:00 p.m. author and filmmaker, Daniel Hopsicker, will present In Search of
 American Drug Lords, a television documentary (55 minutes) that includes the
story of CIA agent/drug smuggler Adler Berrimen "Barry" Seal.

Local organizer and speaker, Kris Millegan, says this riveting program was
booked into Eugene because Lane County has a highly educated and concerned
community with a history of speaking out on social justice issues.  Millegan
says plans are underway to repeat the program in Washington D.C. later this
year.  A suggested donation of $7 per session or $20 all-day will help to
cover production costs and allow organizers to continue their efforts to
expose the real truth behind America’s drug problem.

For more information, see the CIA-drug internet site:
www,ctrl.org/ciadrugssymposium/ For conference information, contact Kris

7:30 a.m.   Doors open
8 – 10 a.m. America’s Secret Heartbeat (free film)
10 a.m. – 12 p.m.   Mike Ruppert  Kris Millegan
1 – 5 p.m.  Cele Castillio , Catherine Austin Fitts  Dedon Kamathi
6 pmIn Search of American Drug Lords (free film)
Daniel Hopsicker, Rodney Stch  Peter Dale Scott, Phd.
Page 2 of 2


May 30, 2000Contact:Kris Millegan
For Immediate Release   Conference Organizer


INTERNET ADDRESSES  www.ctrl.org/ciadrugssymposium/

Peter Dale Scott, University of California at Berkeley, author

Mike Ruppert, former law enforcement officer and publisher of From the Wildern

Cele Castillo, 12-year veteran of the Drug Enforcement Administration
www.copvcia.com/contra l.htm

Catheriine Austin Fitts, former Assistant Secretary for HUD

Daniel Hopsicker, business television filmmaker

Rodney Stich, 


2000-06-02 Thread nessie

OK has he been abducted personally -

Not that he has said.

now how do the two experiences compare?

Good question.

It is also possible to actually see the real thing when certain sections
of the brain are opened technically. People take drugs and see all sorts.
Plus past lives can surface with all sorts of mind stimulation - racial
memories and childhood experiences, not to mention TV which has gone into
the subconscious reservoirs.

Past lives? You believe in past lives? How do you reconcile that with
your religion?

If the military, US and/or otherwise, or the intelligence community, or
any other covert grouping of humans is responsible for the abduction
phenomenon, what are their
motives? What is their plan?

For the past couple of years my posts have done this.

No, they have not. They have steadfastly contended that the abduction
experience is of ET  genesis.

Well if they want to experiment with creating embryos at Dulce it gives
them an excuse to get eggs and sperm and then nobody much will find out
because no one will believe them without 'proof'.

Both eggs and sperm are readily available on the open market, cheap.

They are experimenting to create the 6th Aryan root race - a kind of
superman that can live in another dimension with psychic powers..

Who is "they"? Did they tell you this personally? If so, why?

The hybrid grey/human is obviously being integrated slowly and being
assimilated into the remaining gene pool.

What makes this obvious to you?

After all only a quarter breed can actually survive this dimension.

Says who?

Why would Nazis at Dulce let grey alien blood enter the population?  -

First establish that there are Nazis at Dulce, then we can spend time and
bandwidth discussing their motives.

After all they are going thru timeportals to the Pleiades with JJ Hurtak
to repopulate other planets.

Says who? What's a time portal? How does it work? How do you know?

Possibly - after all do we even know if HAARP is only stimulating the
section of the brain which makes people think they are having a religious

HARP's alleged psychoactive capabilities could indeed be a factor in the
strategy of whoever is behind the UFO/abduction experience. So could

The Second Coming

See : http://www.sfbg.com/nessie/12.html and

Plus various substances, inc selenium,  being fed to the population to
enhance radio signals which manifest as voices entering the subconscious.

Selenium ingestion potentiates voice-to-skull transmission? What's your
source on this?

Ask Dr Hurtak he seems to one of the supervisors or consultants for the
mass evacuations.

How so?

Well if a person has a clear ordered mind they know what they believe.
Then they can differentiate between what they believe and what someone
else believes.

A person can have an unclear and disordered mind and yet believe that
their mind is clear and ordered. It happens every day.

No one knows what someone else believes, only what they appear to believe.

Everything has a scientific explanation and no one can completely
the complexity of any direct experience, their own or anybody's, any

Don't think so. We don't know enough about science yet to fit all
experiences into the limited capacity of our brains.

That in no way means there is no scientific explanation, only that we
don't know it yet. The capacity of our brains is limited primarily by
number. Nobody is smart enough to make it through life with only one
brain. That's why we pool knowledge, here and elsewhere. That's why I am
attempting to help enable your own brain to contribute to the solution to
this great mystery. Your brain works fine. It is your mind that has been
clouded by disinformation and by lack of training in the area of critical

For example

I don't think that a religious experience with God should or could be
defined scientifically.

This is clouded reasoning.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-06-02 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:

Memories can be implanted.

Indeed, we cannot even trust our own memories, let alone the memories of

There could be a very mundane, earthly agency

afoot with these abductions, and agency that is utilizing false ET

to cover their tracks, and perhaps achieve their own agenda.

If so, what exactly is their agenda? Can it be uncovered? Deduced?

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Dave Emory's Attack on Adam Parfrey

2000-06-02 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

From: Alex Constantine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Dave Emory's Attack on Adam Parfrey
Date: Friday, May 12, 2000 1:35 PM

Note: On May 4, 2000, Dave Emory, a conspiracy researcher with a
radio program aired by Pacifica in Los Angeles, "warned" his listeners,
especially students of the late Mae Brussell, to bear in mind that any
books sold by Feral House are tainted by the publisher's association
with Michael Moynihan, a figure on the Black Metal fringe.
Excuse me, but If Random House publishes a book by Henry
Kissinger, should Kurt Vonnegut or John Updike, publishing under that
imprint, be denounced as Nazi war criminals? Since my own books are
published by Feral House, Dave's "warning" refers to me and other
innocent anti-fascist researchers. Feral House, if Emory had bothered
to check, has published a number of quality books on fascist
conspiracies when most publishers are not so inclined to offend the
political establishment. Last year, FH put out a book on FBI snitches
and a biography of Jack Parsons, the notorious rocket scientist and
Crowleyite. Feral House also offers books on CIA scandals, the "Nazi
International," state-supported domestic terrorism and the dark side of
the drug industry. The publisher is  planning on reprinting Gordon
Thomas' classic book on CIA mind control,  Journey Into Madness.
Brussell Sprouts everywhere should be "warned"  about Thomas, as well,
according to Emory's tortured logic.
 Adam Parfrey, the proprietor of Feral House, is not a fascist, as
Dave Emory suggested on the air. As proof, Emory cited a poster in
Parfrey's office printed by the ALLIES during WW II, about Nazi
aggression. It depicts a Nazi stabbing the Holy Bible. "This is the
Enemy" is the caption. It is ANTI-NAZI. Emory implied falsely that the
poster is PRO-Nazi.  This is McCarthyism in reverse and Emory is a
perfect ass for smearing Parfrey ‹ the son of a concentration camp
prisoner in Nazi Germany who has proven his revulsion to fascist
ideology in his own books.
On May 13, Emory left a highly abusive telephone message on the
Feral House message machine in which he cites his source of information
on Adam Parfrey: Bob Black ‹ a writer for the Institute of Historical
Review, the notorious Holocaust denial outfit. Dave's source was a
fascist. This is the sort of lunacy we've come to expect from Dave Emory.
The following article, a repost that is several years old, is about
Dave Emory's prior attacks on his fellow researchers. Every word of it
is supported by tapes of Dave verbally abusing his fellow researchers,
and letters of response that Dave censored from the air.
 It is Dave at his lowest, not his  best, and his listeners are
warned that Emory has a mean streak, one  that led him to destroy the
Mae Brussell Reasearch Center by attacking  John Judge, its manager, an
episode detailed in this repost, among other  disgraces.
Retract those fangs, Dav e and start behaving rationally. Save your
rancor for the bad guys, not your fellow researchers.
   - AC

Dave Emory's Politics of Acrimony
By Alex Constantine

Every Thursday morning at midnight, the Superman theme song rises and
ebbs behind the euphonic voice of „Something¼s Happening¾ host Roy
Tuckman. The program airs over Pacifica¼s KPFK-FM in Los Angeles, an
alternative, Tuckman boasts, to the claustrophobic conservatism of
corporate-sponsored talk radio. "Something's Happening" attempts to
expose secret corruptions of government, and Tuckman is a passionate
political voice. But his attempt to provide an alternative is marred by
his choice of programming: Dave Emory, originating from KFJC-FM at
Foothill College in Los Altos Hills, has bullied and slandered his way
to late-night radio talk show prominence, splintering the reputations of
his fellow political researchers and reporters to advance his own.
  More serious are the allegations of C. (name withheld upon request,
co-host of a political affairs radio program in the Santa Clara area),
that Emory, in a late-night telephone call, filled her ears with graphic
descriptions of sexual violence. She had been for several years his
friend and an outspoken supporter. They were both students and allies of
late political researcher Mae Brussell. C. was severely rattled by
Emory¼s threats of sexual mutilation. Emory, in response to a direct
confrontation with her, did not deny that he phoned her, but did claim
he had no recollection of the episode. If so, perhaps he also has no
recollection that he later phoned one of C.'s radio station co-workers
to ask if she had repeated anything Emory told her. The co-worker
slammed down the phone.
  I informed Tuckman of the incident in a letter on June 6, 1991, and
suggested that he call C. for confirmation.
Tuckman ignored 

Re: [CTRL] Mark Phillips and Cathy O'Brien on Mind Control 3/3

2000-06-02 Thread ATB XX

  I just finished the published book, Trance Formation
of America, and if you get a chance I would recommend
you do the same. This "David and Goliath" story will
answer those questions, without hesitation. I would
say I comprehend the seriousness of the situation,
only through the exposure of these ultimately
versed individuals, and in the reality of how heavily
it "strong arms" all the perception possibilities, to
the point of it actually placing EVERYONE at risk, if
not in total control.
  The "name dropping" will cause your head to spin,
and the degree of torture implemented to instill the
"control factor" on these slaves is close to being
beyond belief... until you realize how ultimately
successful the "methods of madness" are. (Do research
"compartmentalized memory" and the "Oz" programming)
  With the "gun control issue" being on the front
burner of the "media" and both Presidential Platforms
(if you still believe there are two parties), is it
really surprising that there is suddenly a rash of
violent gun "crimes"? This being perpurtrated on the
same "dummied down" populace that has been taught to
be "politically correct" in accepting anything
presented in the Socialist Agenda as being for the
"good of America", from Education 2000 to same sex
  Realize, this is not "new", there have been entire
generations who have labored on this same Agenda,
knowing full well they would not experience fruition
in their lifetime, yet not questioning nor relenting
in their pursuit of the Spiritual, mental and
financial bancruptcy of the human being. Now armed
with "technology" and having only the desire to
"Master" the sheeple (including reducing the number of
available humans, depending on their willingness to be
enslaved), through control of all factors of life as
we believe it to exist. RIGHT DOWN TO THE DEFINITIONS
  Follow or "rebel", the choice is not yours unless
you comprehend the seriousness of what is described in
Trance Formation... and actively combat the process of
being led and lied to. Do beware, if in fact you have
been programmed, this book could be a rather
unpleasant "trigger", and without not only your
permission being granted, but without being aware of
the actions performed.
  Control can be recognized, total control will not
only not be realized, but performed without question.

   I don't understand this reasoning.  Is he saying
 if he were to use a
 publishing house, they would own the copyright and
 then could be strong-armed
 not to publish the book?  That the CIA could silence
 the publishers and then
 Mark would be dead?  I don't get it.  Authors own
 the copyrights usually.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Canada woos Microsoft

2000-06-02 Thread Richard Sampson


Friday, 2 June, 2000, 04:14 GMT 05:14 UK

Canada woos Microsoft

  British Columbia: A new home for Microsoft?
  By David Willis in Seattle

  As the US software giant Microsoft waits
  to hear whether an American judge will
  order its break-up, it has been revealed
  that the company is being encouraged to
  relocate its operations to neighbouring

  The authorities in British Columbia have
  offered to do a deal with Microsoft.

They are promising
favourable treatment
which may include a loan
to build a new
headquarters if Microsoft
  agrees to move its operations 100 miles
  further north, to the other side of the
  Canadian border.

  Microsoft currently has around 20,000
  employees in Seattle. Transferring its
  headquarters could have a devastating
  effect on the economy of the north-west
  corner of the United States.

  But it would also frustrate the American
  authorities' attempts to break the
  company up.

  'Welcome asset'

  The Canadians see Microsoft's current
  battle with the US government as an
  opportunity to attract one of the world's
  most valuable companies.

  In a statement released to the BBC, the
  man in charge of attracting investment to
  British Columbia, Gordon Wilson, said
  Microsoft would be what he called "a
  welcome asset".

  It is rumoured his officials may have
  engaged in secret discussions with
  Microsoft. But the company itself denies
  this, saying it is focusing on fighting any
  plans for a break-up through the courts.

  The judge, hearing a long running
  anti-monopoly case against Microsoft, is
  expected to announced his conclusions
  within the next few weeks.

  It would be unlike a company as
  far-sighted as Microsoft not to have
  considered all its options and, clearly, its
  ultimate option if the operating
  environment becomes too hostile in the
  United States, is to move overseas. In
  fact, that could turn out to be the
  company's trump card.

NOTE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material is
distributed without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior
interest in receiving this information for non-profit research and
educational purposes only. For more information go to:

   1stUp.com - Free the Web
   Get your free Internet access at http://www.1stUp.com

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
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[CTRL] A Memo to Dick Morris and Eileen McGann

2000-06-02 Thread Bard

Dear Dick and Eileen,
A wonderful web site; use if often to 
express my opinion on the various important issues of the day.
I have a suggestion for your 
Using theresults of major votes cast in 
the Senate and House I would like to see a 'rating survey' for each member 
incorporated into your web site,
A composite of their votes could be achieved 
which will let us know if the member is a Liberal or a 
Many members are outright 'pinkos', while others 
are Moderate, and others are true defenders of the Constitution.
This would be very helpful come the election to 
know which member should be returned to Sin City.
Using a scale of '0' to '100', where '0' is 
anoutright violator of the Constitution, and '100' is a defender of the 
Constitution, e.g. Barney Frank would have a "0', while Ron Paul would have a 
'100'. Those who wind up with a '50' being the 'fence sitters' appeasing 
all sorts of special interests. Presentation would be broken down into two 
sections, i.e. one for the Senate and one for the House.
I recognize your site is based on issues of the 
day, but the inclusion of something which I'm suggesting would manifest the 
extreme differences between reality (yoursite-user votes) andtreason 
(the votes of the many thugs in the Senate and the House.
Archibald Bard
Downey, The Peoples Democratic Socialist 
Republic of California
No more homo sex education.. http://www.massnews.com/maygsa.htmKids 
Get Graphic Instruction In Homosexual Sex 


2000-06-02 Thread Eagle 1

What you and your other 'true believers' don't seem to get is that
people like
Nessie, myself, and others who question the unwavering "ETs are flying the
party line don't necessarily REJECT the ET hypothesis...but that we
that there is no EVIDENCE for the ET hypothesis, and that other explanations
could just as well suffice.

You, on the other hand, dogmatically adhere to "ETs are here" line, and
to consider any other explanation. 

]] YOU GO,  GIRL!!! [[

eagle 1


- Original Message -
From: "Ynr Chyldz Wyld" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 02, 2000 7:52 AM

 From: "Nicky Molloy" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sorry June its pointless talking further, eg how do we know you aren't a
  agent? It obvious if you were you may know more for a start on this
  instead of turning this into a psychological exercise in belief

 But how would you know whether I am or am not a CIA agent?  And that
 I'm an agent with an agenda?

 Or just a regular Jane Doe with an agenda, which I help further by
 I am a CIA agent, when in fact I am not?

 You don't.  You just accept at face value, with no research or critical
 analysis, anybody's claim that parallels your own entrenched belief

 And THAT, dear lady, is dogma...

  As for you saying I have dogma. All I said is I'm a Christian and
  nothing else, the rest is your 'belief system' you so gladly promote.

 Dogma comes in many flavors.  Some of it comes dressed as traditional,
 mainstream religiosity.  Still other comes cloaked as a belief in ETs,
 when there is no EVIDENCE for the existence of ETs.

  Nessie do you think some theorists like M Persinger have any more value
  those who have personally experienced Ets? Why trust anybody who is
  reading books on this subject and comparing an abductee experience to an
  induced one. Sure listen to the guy but he knows no more about the
  of it than June who hasn't read much at all on this.

 Bulloney.  I have 4 decades of reading on the subject.  Readings
 ALL theories, unlike you who put on blinders and refuse to consider
 except your own dogma.

 There is not one obstensible 'abductee' who has ever provided hard
 that what they experienced was due to the actions of beings who flew to
 in a spaceship from some other physical place in the universe.

 That is not to say that those who claim to have been abducted are lying,
 are hallucinating.  I'm prepared to accept that the majority had SOMETHING
 happen to them.  But there is no EVIDENCE that it was ET instigated...only
 that what they remember afterwards includes a supposed ET scenario.

 Memories can be implanted.  There could be a very mundane, earthly agency
 afoot with these abductions, and agency that is utilizing false ET
 to cover their tracks, and perhaps achieve their own agenda.

 Again, testimony by any number of people claiming to have been abducted by
 space beings is not EVIDENCE that ETs exist.

  But we do 'believe'
  from others who have seen throught he deception that the US military are
  faking alien abductions so they can abduct people. But there are geniune
  abductions because people ahve travelled in spaceships and gone to other
  planets and brought back souvenirs.

 No, certain people have thoughts, which they interpret as memories, that
 seemed to encompass travel in a spaceship, when in fact it could be mind
 control and/or implanted false memory.

 Two cases in point:

 The first entails what was one of the first cases of 'alien encounter' and
 possible abduction, which occurred somewhere in South America in the late
 1950s or early 1960s (it's been over 2 decades since I read about this, so
 I don't remember the exact country -- it may have been Brazil, or perhaps

 A man was traveling from a distant town to his home town at night (this
 now is such a common scenario it seems cliche'd, but at the time this was
 a new phenomenom)...saw a strange light in the sky, next thing he knew he
 was farther down the road than where he remembered, had an hour or so of
 missing time, etc. etc.

 He had no memory of what happened during the missing time, but was very
 nervous, to the point that he became ill.  When he finally sought medical
 help (his ailment was psychologically based, not due to any 'implant'),
 he began to 'spontaneously remember' what had happened to him during that
 missing time

 It was the typical scenario...the light came down, of course it was a
 spaceship...his car engine 'mysteriously' died, he got out of the car
 to see better, got met by space aliens and brought on board their ship
 where they did any number of terrible experiments on him, only relieved
 by a sexy, buxom blonde coming in at the end and having sex 

Re: [CTRL] Note to CTRL readers

2000-06-02 Thread Robert F. Tatman

Another reason for sending messages only in plain text format: it is now
possible for viruses to infect your system by way of a web page. (OK, OK,
they aren't technically viruses but "malignant programs.") A programmer can
write an applet in Java, Javascript, or VBScript that will execute when you
open a Web page. The so-called "Love Bug" worm could just as easily been
attached to a page that opened as part of a cascade, in which case its
effect would have been many times worse than it was. Since a message in HTML
is a Web page by another name, the same thing applies to HTML messages.

There's an additional problem affecting Web-based mail users: ANY message
received by Hotmail, Yahoo, etc., online is by definition HTML. The actual
message may not include any HTML formatting itself, but the site server will
find things like URLs and reformat them as HTML. Even if you're getting
Hotmail via Outlook Express, your messages will be formatted as HTML.

AOL users have yet another problem: they CAN'T send messages in plain text
format. Like that other pioneer, Henry Ford, AOL provides you with only one
"color" of e-mail--AOL. AOL's server isn't POP3 or STMP or anything else
that can be accessed via a third-party mail client. It ONLY works on AOL's
software. That's why all those pieces that Kris forwards to CTRL appear as
attachments--that's how AOL handles forwarded mail.

(Moderate Disclaimer: All of this is true TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. If
anyone has better information, post now or forever hold your peace!)

- Original Message -
From: "Tenorlove" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 02, 2000 7:30 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Note to CTRL readers

 Please turn off your HTML encoding when you post. There are 2 reasons
 for using plain text.

 1. Not all mail clients can read HTML. In this case, HTML posts look
 like this: 132490u9587305972m v938-10nu4c kuyd0a9

 2. HTML takes up 4 times the bandwidth of plain text. Anyone who is
 using a free Web-based mail account has a very small mailbox, 1-3 MB.
 HTML fills it up quickly.

 NOTE: Hyperlinks will still come up as links EVEN IN PLAIN TEXT EMAILS.

 Thanks for your consideration.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] UFO should not necessarily imply ET ?

2000-06-02 Thread DIG alfred webre

In a message dated 00-06-01 23:35:03 EDT, you write:

 I agree with Vallee's conclusions in "Messengers of Deception".

Dear June - Oh I guess I better go a read again the book that I AM IN. You
are so stuck in yourself, June, you don;t even notice that Jacques Vallee was
writing about people in this thread in the very book you mention.

Jacques was at the Institute for the Future when I was a futurist at SRI
(1977-78).  Jacques and I had many meetings and lunches discussing various
models. I thoroughly explained the context communication theory of
extraterrestrial to him, which hold that the UFO phenomena is unitary and
functions as "peripheral cuing", elevating human consciousness.  The source
of the phenomenon is extradimensional and extraterrestrial.  As I explained
it to him (he went on to collarborate with our 1977 Carter White House/ NSF
he exclaimed: "Very good. That's very much like my views."  In fact, the
context communication theory, which you can begin to read in Exopolitics
(UniverseBooks.com) is actually more advanced that Jacques' views. I swear on
a stack of virtual Bibles as to the above.



A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] UFO Evidence - Nessie's Page

2000-06-02 Thread DIG alfred webre

Nessie - Oh So you ARE the Mind Control Nessie.  Well, I covered the United
Nations Outer Space Conference in Vienna for THE GUARDIAN.  There were lots
of spacepeople there, communist and capitalist.  But just call me the
Guardian PLUS.  I think you are doing a remarkable job of documenting the
lower half of the UFO/ET phenomenon - that part of it which is composed of
artefacts of the Secret State - Mind Control and Black Ops craft.

BUT you are an unwitting tool of the Secret State, IMHO.  The secret state
has a two tier strategy.  One tier is the tier you cover - they want to
appropriate ETness, and with that gain mind control, spiritual and virtual
dominion over mankind.

Tier two involves destruction and assassination of any human forces that
support extraterrestrial intelligence, and warfare wherever possible upon ET
intelligence as it has a presence on Earth.  This latter tier is documented
by the many reports of space-based laser anti-ET weapons.  It's called,
eliminate the evidence.

My feeling - and I appeal to you as a former fellow colleague at the Guardian
that that it is vital for you to present your readership with a blanced
picture - tier one and tier two.  You may have to go into research areas you
have not covered, and expand your pictures, but you are forming reality for a
lot of people - not only that, readers of the Guardian, who tend to be taken
in by
secret state anti ET propaganda, paradoxically.  Alfred Webre, Vancouver, BC


   Spin doctors

   Devices that could pass for UFOs have been around
for years.

   By nessie

   AS WE HAVE seen, anomalous aerial phenomena and
   unsubstantiated reports of anomalous aerial
phenomena can have an
   almost uncanny ability to induce irrational
gullibility in people. As we
   have also seen, this phenomenon has long been
noted, studied, and on
   occasion applied, the world over for centuries.

   On Halloween Night 1938, Orson Welles produced a
radio play based
   on H.G. Wells's War of the Worlds. Many Americans,
either tuning in
   late or possessing what by modern standards is an
almost quaint level
   of naïveté, believed that it was not fiction, that
invaders from Mars had
   actually landed in New Jersey and were laying
waste to all before them.
   Panic ensued. Many people fled for their lives.
Others got Old Betsy
   down from her place over the mantelpiece and
rushed out into the yard
   to have at 'em. Casualties were reported.

   This was not lost on the psychological warriors of
the world. Ten
   months later, Nazi Minister of Propaganda Joseph
Goebbels spoke on
   the radio. He told the German people an only
slightly less outlandish
   tale, that not Martians, but Poles had invaded.
Unlike Welles, the Nazis
   had actually prepared some faux evidence. They
were emboldened by
   the success of the Reichstag Fire, a ruse that had
swept German civil
   rights and the last of the Nazi's internal
opposition away with one blow.
   The Nazis dressed up some prisoners in Polish
uniforms, broadcast a
   violently provocative diatribe from a radio
transmitter a few miles from
   the Polish border, shot the place up, and left it
strewn with corpses.

   This stunt ultimately proved to be the single most
deadly psy op in all of
   human history (we hope). It was called Operation
Canned Meat. The
   German people, who are apparently dumb as Yanks
any day, fell for it
   hook, line, and sinker. They counterattacked clear
to the gates of
   Moscow. Casualties were reported.

   However, despite their much vaunted überbrains,
the Nazis apparently
   lacked a grasp of arithmetic sufficient to enable
them to calculate the
   odds of winning the fight they started. They bit
off way more than they
   could ever possibly chew. Once they crossed the
Soviet border their
   fate was essentially sealed. It was only a matter
of time. One thing led
   to another, and by late in the war their only hope
was some
   near-miraculous technological breakthrough on the
level of the Allies'

Re: [CTRL] [Armageddon-or-NewAge] Amazing UFO/ET Eyewitness Cases Of The Last Century

2000-06-02 Thread DIG alfred webre

Gee, do you think the 1290 AD sighting was the NSA, the CIA, or the KGB?
Maybe the King's Secret Intelligence Agency superprojects  sitcom.
 "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not
 about the universe."- Albert Einstein


 Amazing UFO/ET Eyewitness Cases Of The Last Century
 "If The Facts Don't Fit The Theory, Change The Facts"


 "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure
 about the universe."- Albert Einstein

 Flying Disks, Cattle Abductions, Alien encounters, all reported hundreds of
 years ago. Isn't it amazing how things tend to stay the same? In this
 article I have compiled reports from today, as well as in history.

 First a eyewitness report of a flying disk from 1290 AD...

 'While the abbot and monks were in the refectorium, a flat round, shining,
 silvery object (discus) flew over the abbey and caused the utmost terror.'
 1290: Byland, North Yorkshire: from William of Newburghs Chronicle

 Next, early reports of a 'flying saucer' from just down the road in Texas...

 On the morning of January 22, 1878 John Martin, a farmer living six miles
 south of Denison, Texas spotted a fast moving dark object high in the
 southern sky. When it passed overhead, he saw that it was the size of a
 'large saucer' It continued on its way and was soon lost to view. In
 recounting the event, a local newspaper remarked, 'Mr. Martin is a gentleman
 of undoubted veracity and this strange occurrence, if it was not a balloon,
 deserves the attention of our scientists'- Dennison Daily News, Jan 25,

 More flying disks from Jacque Vallee's the Maginoia files:

 Habbebishopsheim, Germany- An American soldier saw a disk-shaped object come
 down rapidly, oscillate, and land. The site could not be found in the dark.
 The event took place 35 km northwest of the town.

 Jun. 21, 1947 Spokane, Washington- Eight disk-shaped objects the size of a
 house, were seen flying at 1000 km/h. A civilian woman stated that the
 objects fell with a dead leaf motion and landed before ten witnesses on the
 shore of the Saint Joe River, in Idaho.

 April 8, 1950, River Road near Amarillo, Texas. David, 12, and Charles, 9,
 Lightfoot saw a disk land behind a hill and touched it. It was the size of a
 car tire; about 30 cm high, with a rounded top that rotated and a pivot
 between the base and the top. It took off very fast. The faces and arms of
 the boys later became red.

 July 29, 1952 Enid, Oklahoma. Sidney Eubank went to the Enid police station
 and told Sergeant Vern Bennell that an enormous disk had buzzed his car as
 he drove between Bison and Waukonis on Highway 81. The rush of air made the
 car leave the road while the object flew west very fast.

 March 19, 1958- Moscow, USSR. Near Moscow, a large, disk-shaped object was
 seen on the ground. It rose in a spiral motion, then took off and was lost
 to sight.

 Next, a few of the lesser know flying disk incidents that can be found in
 Project Bluebooks 701 Unknown's file...

 July 8, 1947; Muroc Air Base, California. 9:30 a.m. PDT. Witnesses: lst Lt.
 Joseph McHenry, T/Sgt Ruvolo, S/Sgt Nauman, Miss Janette Scotte. Watched for
 an unstated length of time while two disc-shaped or spherical
 objects--silver and apparently metallic--flew a wide circular pattern, and
 then one of them later flew a tighter circle.

 March 20, 1950; Stuggart, Arkansas. 9:26 p.m. Witnesses: Chicago  Southern
 Airlines Capt. Jack Adams, First Officer G. W. Anderson, Jr. One 100'
 circular disc with 9-12 portholes along the lower side emitting a soft
 purple light, and a light at the top which flashed 3 times in 9 seconds,
 flew at not less than 1,000 m.p.h. It was seen for 25-35 seconds.

 April 6, 1952; Temple, Texas. 2:59 p. 50-75 grey-white discs changed
 position within formation continually, tilted in unison every 12-15 seconds
 during 3.8 minute sighting.

 Note: I spent many hours at George AFB back in the 70's nice place, for a

 May 1, 1952; George AFB, California. 10:50 a.m. Witnesses: three men on the
 arms range, plus one Lt. Colonel 4 miles away. Five flat-white discs about
 the diameter of a C-47's wingspan (95') flew fast, made a 90^ turn in a
 formation of three in front and two behind, and darted around, for 15-30

 As many of you know, you just don't mess with an Oklahoma Trooper...

 July 5, 1952; Norman, Oklahoma. 7:58 p.m. Witness: Oklahoma State Patrolman
 Hamilton in State Patrol airplane. Three dark discs hovered and then flew
 away, silhouetted against a dark cloud. 15 seconds.

 July 27, 1952; Wichita Falls, Texas. 8:30 p.m. Witnesses: Mr. and Mrs.
 Adrian Ellis. Two disc-shaped objects, illuminated by a phosphorus 

[CTRL] Environmental list: nuclear accountability

2000-06-02 Thread DIG alfred webre

Forwarded invitation for nuclear accountability list:
You are all invited to join the  brand new Price-Anderson list which
will attempt to have the US nuclear industry
 held fully responsible for any and all economic damage it may happen to
inflict upon anyone/anything either here in the United States or
 anywhere else in the world. This is an INTERNATIONAL,  not just a domestic
issue. Currently and since 1957 Congress has mandated that they be
 held accountable for only a minute percentage of the
 damage. The nuclear industry constantly touts their safety, if they're so
safe why don't they want to be held responsible for any damage this
 "safe" industry may happen to inflict?
  Please spread this invitation to anyone else you think may happen to
be interested. To subscribe, send an e-mail to: price-anderson-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   In the body of the
 messsage write "Subscribe."
earthradioTV.com - Alternative News Forum for ecology, politics 
consciousness.  MIRROR SITES:
USA http://www.earthradioTV.com/
CZECH   http://mujweb.cz/www/ecologynews/
UK  http://members.tripod.co.uk/ecologynews/
Canada http://www.ecologynews.com/

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
A HREF="http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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[CTRL] Court Ruling to Stop US Navy's LFAS Experiments - harm marine life

2000-06-02 Thread DIG alfred webre

June 1, 2000

1)  Big News on Court Ruling to Stop Navy's LFAS Experiments
2)  Feedback on GlobeNet's D.C. Actions to Help Stop Star Wars
3)  Bart Jordan on the Creten maze, Stonehenge, Lucy Lippard's Overlay
4)  Leonard Peltier's 12 June Parole Hearing
5)  FlybyNews.com


1)  Big News on Court Ruling to Stop Navy's LFAS Experiments

The following is from Attorney Lanny Sinkin that was forwarded to Flyby News
on 28 May 2000, which was originally from an email to a listserve hosted by

Yesterday, I received word from Andrew Wetzler at the Natural Resources
Defense Council that the United States Navy officially cancelled the LWAD
00-2 Sea Test scheduled to begin this week off the east coast of the United
States. For those interested in the details of this event, I have provided
below a chronology. The cancellation of LWAD 00-2 is a remarkable victory
for those devoted to protecting marine life, especially cetaceans, from the
unwise technological decisions being made by humans in the United States
Navy. Congratulations to everyone involved in achieving this outcome.

The next major developments, as far as I know, will come from the hearing
scheduled in Honolulu before Judge Alan C. Kay on June 13 at 9:00 a.m. A
suit filed in February challenges the environmental impact statement (EIS)
process being conducted by the Navy for its low frequency active sonar
system. The central challenge is that the entire EIS process is compromised
by the fact that the Navy spent at least $350 million preparing to deploy
this system without preparing an EIS first, as required by law. The hearing
will consider the defendants' motion to dismiss the case and a motion filed
by plaintiffs' counsel seeking to reopen a 1998 LFAS case for further


Week of March 13-17 - Seventeen whales strand in Bahamas at the same time
Navy conducts tests using various active sonar devices, including high
intensity (200 dB) broadcasts. The tests are known as Littoral Warfare
Advanced Development (LWAD) Sea Tests.  The Bahamas test is LWAD 00-1. Navy
claims coincidence. Stranded whales come from at least four different
species in three families of two suborders of cetaceans, including
Balaenoptera sp., Ziphius cavirostris, Mesoplodon densirostris, Stenella
frontalis, and Balaenoptera acutorostrata.

March 21, 2000 - Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and Humane Society
of the United States (HSUS) send letter to Secretary of the Navy Danzig
demanding a suspension of such tests. Further tests are scheduled in late May.

March 22, 2000 - Attorney for plaintiffs in Hawai'i case challenging
deployment of low frequency active sonar sends formal notice to Secretaries
of Commerce and Navy that Bahamian tests violated environmental laws,
including Endanger Species Act.

March 24 - HSUS, the nation's largest animal protection organization,
demands that the United States Navy suspend upcoming tests involving active
sonar systems.

March 31, 2000 - Attorney for plaintiffs in Hawai`i cases sends letter to
Secretary of Commerce calling upon the Secretary to notify the Navy that
further LWAD testing without formal consultation and permits from National
Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) would be a criminal violation of the
Endangered Species Act.

April 5, 2000 - After less than thirty days of analysis, US Navy concludes
that testing in the Bahamas did not cause strandings and deaths of whales.
[Note: Scientists conducting 1998 studies of affects of LFAS on whales are
still analyzing the data two years later.]

April 21, 2000 - Navy issues press release again concluding that LWAD 00-2
could not be responsible for the strandings and deaths in the Bahamas. The
release does state that a U.S. fleet in the same area broadcast sonar signals
from five ships and one submarine in the time frame of the strandings. A
Navy/NMFS investigation continues.

April 24, 2000 - Navy submits Overseas Environmental Assessment (OEA) to NMFS
requesting concurrence in LWAD 00-2.  As was the case for LWAD 00-1, the Navy
seeks agreement based on informal consultations.  Such a process confines the
discussion to a Navy-NMFS dialogue with the public rarely becoming aware of
the project. In this case, however, the disaster in the Bahamas brought
elevated public attention brought to the LWAD testing program. NRDC secures
a copy of the OEA and makes the document available to people working on
potential litigation to stop LWAD 00-2 and others.

Late April/early May - information begins to emerge indicating that NMFS
personnel are dissatisfied with the process underway and the OEA. The Navy
provided less than thirty days in which to review the OEA, placing NMFS
personnel under pressure to simply agree. NMFS personnel are not pleased
with the late filing and concerned about what 

[CTRL] Alan Stang on the John Birch Society

2000-06-02 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

From: Michael Pugliese [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:  [CTRL] Alan Stang on the John Birch Society
Date: Monday, May 29, 2000 7:57 PM


  As I See It: A Brief Memoir

Some of you may be too young to know, or too old to remember, who I am; so,
before we show you why we brought you here, you need to know what qualifies
me to speak. My name is Alan Stang. I am the author of ten books, three of
which the Society published via Western Islands. One of them was It's Very
Simple: The True Story of Civil Rights, a best-seller Bob Welch asked me to
write. Another was The Highest Virtue, a novel that won rave reviews in the
Los Angeles Times, the Orange County Register and five stars--top
rating--from the West Coast Review of Books. Here's a letter about it, from
Ned Dunn, a member of the Council of JBS.
I was one of Mike Wallace's original writers. I have been a network radio
talk show host. I went head to head with Larry King in Los Angeles, and,
according to Arbitron, had almost twice as many listeners. I wrote my first
article for American Opinion in April, 1963. That magazine was of course the
predecessor of The New American, and that article began my long association
with the John Birch Society. For many years, my wife and I were Life
Members. An article by me appeared in every issue of American Opinion for
the last 15 years of its life, with a single exception--when Managing Editor
Scott Stanley asked for a piece on the sex lives of the Kennedys. Editor
Stanley apparently didn't fully realize what the sex lives of the Kennedys
were. When he found out, he pulled the piece, but the information therein
later showed up in other pieces in the magazine.
Here is a fan letter I received from Elizabeth Linington, the best-selling
novelist who wrote as Dell Shannon, Lesley Egan, and so on, and who was a
member of the Society. I wrote for The Review of the News, also a
predecessor of The New American. For a while, the Society syndicated my
daily, national, radio news commentary, which aired in hundreds of markets.
While I wrote all those articles and did the daily news commentary, I
traveled regularly on speaking tours for the American Opinion Speakers
Bureau, doing about three tours a year, on subjects ranging from education,
to China to the treasonous surrender of our Panama Canal. Some of those
trips were four, five, even six weeks long. Every summer, for many years, I
spoke at the youth camps the Society conducts, either as the final,
Friday-night speaker, or throughout the week. Here is a camp newspaper story
about my arrival. There was also considerable travel for the magazines and
to the Council meetings and dinners. To refresh your memory, I was the third
penguin from the end in the back row. It is probably fair to say that I
traveled nationwide for the Society on those speaking tours longer than
anyone else--twenty years--which no doubt is the reason I have only five
Because of all that travel, I was apparently one of the few outside Birchers
some people in out of the way hamlets ever saw; some of them mistakenly
believed I was an important Society official. They were surprised to learn I
had never even been on the staff. In one amusing contretemps, KTRH, the
50,000 watt clear-channel monster in Houston, retained me to do election
night commentary. When my wife and I arrived in town, Hal Kemp, then station
manager, proudly showed us the promotion he had done. It included
substantial display ads in both the Houston Post and Chronicle--the biggest
papers in the state--identifying me as "National Chairman" of the John Birch
Society. Hal was so proud of his work, I didn't bother to explain; the
damage was done. The papers were long since in the streets. Later, in his
office, I told Bob Welch that, since I now was "National Chairman," I wanted
higher fees. He smiled archly and replied, "Well, Alan, you're 'National
Chairman.' You arrange it."
Headquarters of the JBS then were located in Belmont, Massachusetts, a
suburb of Boston. Bob Welch had been a student at Harvard Law School--had
left when he found it overrun with Felix Frankfurter's "Happy Hot Dogs,"
such as Alger Hiss--and had stayed to enter the candy business and marry
Marian Probert. Bob insisted that my wife and I live in the Belmont area and
office at headquarters. We wanted to live there only a little more than we
wanted to live in Moscow, which is also a suburb of Boston. Indeed, Texas
Congressman Ron Paul, M.D., my friend for many years, once asked me in
exasperation, "Alan, can you explain why the John Birch Society--which is
fighting Communism--is located in Boston, of all places?" I didn't tell Ron
the answers were candy and romance.
But Bob insisted so strenuously, we came. For many years, his office had
been on the first floor at 395 Concord Ave. When I arrived, he had 

[CTRL] A Hollywood and PsyOps Story: Mind Control

2000-06-02 Thread Mr.Rodriguez


"Ethical Issues Involving Human Participation:"

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"Prisoner Experimentation:"

"CIA experiments with mind control on children:"

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Re: [CTRL] PROHIBITION *WORKS* (but for whom?)

2000-06-02 Thread pmeares

"Archie Bunker" posted:

 PROHIBITION DOESN'T WORK: Not for Booze, Not for Drugs
 Education, Not Prohibition, Is the Answer
 Kevin Kosar , a Ph.D. candidate in politics at New York University, writes
 frequently for TomPaine.com.

 In 1873, the Women's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) arose from a wave of
 female uprisings in America's hamlets and small towns and began its crusade
 against alcohol.

And within two years, every pretended 'argument' and fallacy
used by these wretched hags and fools to justify their "my
shit don't stink" Puritan (a)moral crusade was soundly
debunked. Not only were the absurdities of their (a)moral
crusade exposed, so were the countless frauds, usurpations,
robberies and murders of every *bound-to-fail* prohibition
crusade which followed. I say AMORAL because through
abandoning genuine moral scruples in favor of moral
pretensions, they reveal that they have no morality.

And if all these so-called 'christians', who profess to
believe in the concept of "original sin" (vice), and that
all mankind are "sinners" (have vices) and who need to be
"saved" [by the (Sun) of God] -- including themselves --
who among them is "sinless" [has no need to be "saved"]?
Who among them can legitimately "cast the first stone"?

None of these individual has, or has ever had, the
legitimate power and 'right' to define and punish their
neighbors' vices -- and to defraud, kidnap, loot, and
perhaps even kill their neighbor in exercising that
pretended 'right' -- while at the same time claiming
exemption from punishment of their own vices.
["Every human being has his or her vices. Nearly
all men have a great many. And they are of all
kinds; physiological, mental, emotional; religious,
social, commercial, industrial, economical, etc.,"]
Avarice, power, greed are the blackest of all vices,
in that they've caused immeasurably more crimes
and sufferings than all the drunkenness, highs, and
paid-for organisms throughout history combined;
these three vices have been at the root of the
greatest of all crimes: WAR.

And how could a group of individuals legitimately
possess any such 'right' that none of them possessed as
*individuals*? Since they could not contribute, or delegate,
to the group any (pretended) 'right' which they did not
themselves possess, vice Prohibition, in all it's form and
color, has *always* been an illegitimate usurpation -- a
massive terrocratic CRIME SPREE masquerading around
as "justice" (so-called). It's a crime spree to the extent
that, in enforcing vice prohibition, those who've committed
no crime against another's person or possessions but, at
most, may have committed a "prohibited" 'vice' against
themselves, (or helped someone commit a "prohibited" 'vice'
against themselves), often become victims of *real* crimes
and injustices carried on in the name of "morality": they're
defrauded (via colorable 'authority'), forcibly detained
(forced to sign a summons) or kidnapped (arrested, sometimes
imprisoned) and held for ransom (bail), robbed (fines, fees,
"evidence", etc., are confiscated), and perhaps even killed
(murdered), in the course of defending oneself.

Since all this force and fraud perpetrated against all these
individuals, who've committed no crime against another's
person or possessions but, at most, may have committed a
"prohibited" 'vice' against themselves, (or helped someone
commit a "prohibited" 'vice' against themselves), has always
been illigitimate, these acts are truly CRIMINAL.

"Sometimes the law defends plunder and participates in it.
Sometimes the law places the whole apparatus of judges,
police, prisons and gendarmes at the service of the
plunderers, and treats the victim -- when he defends
himself -- as a criminal." -- Frederic Bastiat, The Law

"If those persons, who fancy themselves gifted with both
the power and the right to define and punish other men's
vices, would but turn their thoughts inwardly, they would
probably find that they have a great work to do at home; and
that, when that shall have been completed, they will be
little disposed to do more towards correcting the vices of
others, than simply to give to others the results of their
experience and observation. In this sphere their labors may
possibly be useful; but, in the sphere of infallibility and
coercion, they will probably, for well-known reasons, meet
with even less success in the future than such men have met
with in the past." -- Lysander Spooner, Vices Are Not Crimes
http://www.geocities.com/golwis/vices.html (1875)

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and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,

[CTRL] Home Schooling -- A Winner

2000-06-02 Thread Alamaine


How do you spell a winner . . .
 George Abraham Thampy, 12, celebrates winning the National Spelling Bee with
his father. (Paul J. Richards/AFP Photo)

By Bill Bell Jr.
Of the Post-Dispatch
WASHINGTON - And then there was one.
Maryland Heights' George Abraham Thampy became the best young speller in the
country Thursday, winning the 73rd Annual Scripps Howard National Spelling Bee.

Standing calmly before a packed house, George, 12, spelled "demarche," meaning
a line of action, to win in the 15th round.

Earlier in the contest, George said he nearly stumbled on the word
"emmetropia," or the condition of normal refraction of light in the eye, in
which vision is perfect.

George said he wasn't sure about the placement of an "e" or an "a."

"I prayed, and God gave me that. God told me the correct spelling," he said.
George sat through most of the final round Thursday, staring at the red-
carpeted floor, shielding his eyes, and sneaking glances at his nervous
parents. He said most of the time he was praying.

Jacob Norton, of Traverse City, Mich., was on the stage with him. Jacob, who
finished fourth, said it was clear that George was more prepared than anyone

"I was just thinking I'm glad I didn't have that one," Jacob said of

George has had a good couple of weeks. On May 24, he took second place in the
National Geography Bee in Washington, winning a $15,000 college scholarship.
The spelling bee brought a $10,000 prize, which he said he would give to his

George took third place in the same contest last year, winning $3,000. In 1998,
he placed fourth, wining $1,000.

This year, George was the last speller standing out of 248 youths who competed
at the national level Wednesday and Thursday. He had advanced to Washington by
winning the Post-Dispatch Spelling Bee in St. Louis on March 18. It was the
third year in a row he was the St. Louis winner.

The national bee was staged in rounds at the Grand Hyatt Hotel. With the
contestant standing at a microphone, a "pronouncer" carefully enunciated each
word. Contestants who "spelled out," or misspelled a word, were informed by a
dreaded bell.

Some walked off close to tears. Others gave high-fives. Almost every time,
George asked for the meaning of the word, its pronunciation and how it could be
used in a sentence. He also asked questions about derivation.
Winning the national prize made George an instant celebrity. The contest was
broadcast live on ESPN, the cable TV network. After he won, the shy boy faced a
standing ovation followed by a news conference with a battery of television
cameras and journalists. Other participants shook hands and asked for his

This morning, George was to appear on the "Today Show" and "Good Morning
America." The family also was to attend a banquet before returning home to
Maryland Heights.

Five of George's six siblings made the trip to Washington for the event.
George's mother, Bina, teaches the Thampy children at home.
George's father, Dr. K. George Thampy, said he made the decision to home school
his children about the time George was born in Houston. Public school officials
there were talking about installing metal detectors.

Bina Thampy said at first she had never heard of home schooling. When they
started, the family visited the public library for textbooks. She said she
stressed reading, writing and arithmetic before branching out to other

All of her seven children are smart, she said, but George's verbal skills are

"I knew that from the beginning," Bina Thampy said. "He had a way with words."
George started reading early. His mother said he read comic strips at first.
George said his earliest reading memory is from Consumer Reports.
When he was 3, George asked his parents about a spelling bee he had read about
in a newspaper. "He said he wants to do it," George's father said.

The family began training him - most heavily when he was 6, 7 , and 8 years
old. Bina Thampy, who like her husband is from southern India, said sometimes
George would correct her pronunciation. Her son entered his first spelling bee
in 1994.

His mother said that in all those years, she never heard "I'm tired" from him.
"We tell him that we are tired," joked Dr. Thampy.

George said he studied spelling about three or four hours a night. But in the
past six months, he actually spent more time studying geography, he said.

Dr. Thampy said home schooling has allowed him and his wife to focus on their
children's development. When asked what he admires most about his son, Dr.
Thampy said: "He respects authority. He obeys his parents. He honors God. At
the same time he is a typical boy."

Bina Thampy said her son is usually not as shy as he was in Washington. At
home, he likes to collect stamps and coins, fly kites and work with computers.
He plays the flute and has just joined the Boy 

[CTRL] The Coso artifact

2000-06-02 Thread nessie

Ironically, of all the people on this list who are participating in the
discussion about the possibility that UFOs are of ET origin, I am the one
who has posted what is the closest thing to physical evidence of ET
visitation. It's not physical evidence but it is a (purported) picture of
physical evidence. Let's talk about it for a while. What is it? Where did
it come from? What does it mean?

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] UFO Evidence - Nessie's Page

2000-06-02 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:

Nessie - Oh So you ARE the Mind Control Nessie.

Guilty as charged. It's a great little list. I read it every day.

Well, I covered the United

Nations Outer Space Conference in Vienna for THE GUARDIAN.  There were

of spacepeople there, communist and capitalist.  But just call me the

Guardian PLUS.  I think you are

doing a remarkable job of documenting the

lower half of the UFO/ET phenomenon - that part of it which is composed of

artefacts of the Secret State - Mind Control and Black Ops craft.

Thanks. I try.

BUT you are an unwitting tool of the Secret State, IMHO.

Obviously. I'm still alive. And you?

The secret state

has a two tier strategy.  One tier is the tier you cover - they want to
appropriate ETness, and with that gain mind control, spiritual and virtual

dominion over mankind.

Tier two involves destruction and assassination of any human forces that

support extraterrestrial intelligence, and warfare wherever possible upon

intelligence as it has a presence on Earth.  This latter tier is

by the many reports of space-based laser anti-ET weapons.  It's called,

eliminate the evidence.

That's an interesting hypothesis. But there is a far more mundane (and
plausible) explanation for the desire to produce a space based laser
weapon system. It is  world domination.

My feeling - and I appeal to you as a former fellow colleague at the

that that it is vital for you to present your readership with a blanced

picture - tier one and tier two.  You may have to go into research areas

have not covered, and expand your pictures, but you are forming reality
for a

lot of people - not only that, readers of the Guardian, who tend to be

in by

secret state anti ET propaganda, paradoxically.  Alfred Webre, Vancouver,

That's exactly what I'm doing right here, right now. If there is an actual
ET component to the phenomenon, I want to know about it. So far, I'm not
convinced. Your whole "second tier" theory is based on those in power
believing that ETs are a threat. I see no evidence they are. I see no
evidence they should.  I see a lot of evidence to support the view that
they are actively deceiving us into believing that either ETs are a threat
or that ETs have come to save us. Why, I ask, do they want us to believe


You're better of reading this on the actual site so you can pursue the
live links.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] The Coso artifact

2000-06-02 Thread Yardbird

Where is it?? Do you have a URL? I don't get graphics on my email reader
in PINE :(

On Fri, 2 Jun 2000, nessie wrote:

 Ironically, of all the people on this list who are participating in the
 discussion about the possibility that UFOs are of ET origin, I am the one
 who has posted what is the closest thing to physical evidence of ET
 visitation. It's not physical evidence but it is a (purported) picture of
 physical evidence. Let's talk about it for a while. What is it? Where did
 it come from? What does it mean?

 A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
 and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
 effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Coso artifact

2000-06-02 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:

Where is it?? Do you have a URL?


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The (Ottoman) Empire Strikes Back

2000-06-02 Thread Alamaine



America should prepare for the eruption of another Islamic volcano
by Srdja Trifkovic

A century ago the Ottoman Empire was moribund, the Sick Man on the Bosphorus
whose hold on the far-flung provinces in the Balkans, North Africa and the
Middle East was growing more tenuous by the day. Its precarious survival in the
century following the defeat of Napoleon was due entirely to the inability of
the Christian powers of Europe to agree on what to do with the spoils, and the
intractable “Eastern Question” remained on the European diplomatic agenda until
the Great War.

Today’s Turkey is back as a major player in its own right, a regional power par
excellence and the pillar of the U.S. strategy in Eastern Mediterranean, the
Middle East, and Central Asia. Its population will exceed that of Russia thirty
years from now if today’s demographic trends continue. Its influence is on the
rise in its old holdings in the Balkans as well as throughout the former Soviet
Central Asia. Turkey is aggressively pursuing its European Union candidacy,
while resisting even feeble Western demands to make concessions on Cyprus -
invaded in 1974 and partly occupied by 35,000 Turkish soldiers ever since - or
to end its brutal war against the Kurds in the eastern part of the country. In
Cyprus, Turkey has flooded the occupied northern part of the island with
settlers from the mainland, whose numbers (about 100,000) exceed the number of
native Turkish Cypriots.

The U.S. policy in the region has been consistently Turkophile for decades. The
war in Kurdistan has been going on for almost three decades, and has claimed
some thirty thousand mostly civilian lives, but Turkey’s status as a bona fide
member of NATO was never in doubt. The implicit assumption in Washington is
that Turkey will remain “secular” and “pro-Western,” and it behooves us to
examine the validity of those assumptions. In 1979 the entire U.S. strategy in
the Middle East was thrown into disarray with the fall of the Shah, an event to
which President Carter’s administration made a considerable contribution with
its heavy-handed attempt to appease the radical Islamic movement by forcing
concessions from Reza Pahlevi. What will happen if history repeats itself, if
something similar happens in Turkey, cutting off America’s access to the oil-
rich Caspian region, and bringing into its orbit America’s new clients in
Sarajevo, Tirana, and Pristina? Is it possible, or likely, or even imminent?
Can the U.S. afford to be caught by surprise yet again? What can it do to
prepare for such eventuality?

The lack of a coherent “Turkish” strategy in Washington was apparent in June
1997, when the Turkish army forced the resignation of Necmettin Erbakan, the
country’s democratically elected Prime Minister. This was hailed by the Clinton
administration as a welcome event, a defeat for “Islamic fundamentalists” of
Erbakan’s Refah party and the victory for the “pro-Western” camp led by the
army and supported by some “secular” parties. Such posture mirrored the U.S.
reaction to the military coup in Algeria that prevented the establishment of a
pro-Islamic government following the victory of radical Muslims at the polls.

In established democracies the army does not replace elected governments, of
course, but the propriety of political acts is judged in Washington on the
basis of the desirability of their outcome, not on any lofty principle. To this
day the Turkish army is regarded by the U.S. foreign policy establishment as
the reliable guarantor of Ankara’s permanently “pro-Western,” secular
orientation. But in the Middle East “secularism” does not coincide with
“democracy” - the regimes in Iraq and Syria provide a vivid example.

If we are to have a serious debate on America’s long-term interests in eastern
Mediterranean, the Middle East experts in Washington should stop pretending
that Turkey is democratic. At present it is, at best, a “guided democracy” in
which no institution, judicial or civil, is independent of the State. Its
abysmal human rights record is well documented and beyond dispute.
It is also time to admit that any real “democratization” of Turkey will mean
its irreversible Islamization. This is because Turkey is a polity based on an
Islamic ethos, regardless of its political superstructure. Turkey inherited
this Islamic legacy from the Ottoman Empire. With the establishment of the
Turkish nation state in 1923 by Mustafa Kemal “Ataturk” (the Father of the
Nation), the Kemalist project introduced a secular concept of nationhood, but
the establishment of the multi-party political system in 1945 gave political
Islam an opportunity to reassert itself. Popular Islamic political movements of
the past three decades have produced a “Turkish-Islamic synthesis” - an Islamic
concept of nationhood that has Ottoman roots and seeks to re-establish an
Ottoman-Islamic concept of Turkish nationhood. They 

Re: [CTRL] The Coso artifact

2000-06-02 Thread Yardbird

Thanx I'll check it out :)

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Alert/One-Man Gun Control

2000-06-02 Thread K

From: Liberty Study Committee" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

June 2, 2000

***Clinton To Register Guns By Executive Order***

National registration of all firearms as well as national
registration (often called licensing) of owners of firearms
will begin no later than January 20, 2001.  It's not going to
happen because of a law Congress will pass, but because
of an executive order President Clinton will soon issue - the
action of one man.  He will most likely issue the executive
order just after the upcoming presidential election regardless
of who wins.

If you think my prediction is far-fetched, think again.
President Clinton and his supporters desperately want all
firearms and all owners of firearms in the U.S. to be
registered with the federal government.  They desperately
need national registration because, as we all know, what
they truly want is national confiscation of firearms.  National
confiscation of firearms happened in Mao's China, Stalin's
and Gorbachev's Soviet Union, Hitler's Germany, Pol Pot's
Cambodia, and Castro's Cuba.  Is Clinton's America next?

President Clinton and his supporters will continue to actively
push Congress for so-called "reasonable, common sense"
gun-control legislation. However, when President Clinton and his
supporters don't get what they want from Congress in the proper
constitutional legislative process, he will spit on the
Constitution by issuing an executive order to get what they want
anyway.  He's done it before and he'll do it again.

Don't take my word for it.  Take the Clinton administration's
word for it.  Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt said, "We've
switched the rules of the game. We're not trying to do anything
legislatively." [The Washington Times, June 14, 1999]  Since
President Clinton has grabbed millions of acres of  land in the
Midwest and West by issuing executive orders, why would he
hesitate to issue an executive order to grab millions of guns?

Secretary Babbitt warned us in June of 1999.  John Podesta,
President Clinton's chief of staff,  also warned us in November
of 1999.  "White House Chief of Staff John Podesta, frustrated
with the balky Republican Congress, thinks it's time for
President Clinton to show who's boss. How? Clinton plans a
series of executive orders and changes to federal rules that he
can sign in to law without first getting the OK from GOP
naysayers. Since it's Podesta's idea, aides have dubbed it
'Project Podesta.'  The namesake told our Kenneth T. Walsh:
'There's a pretty wide sweep of things we're looking to do, and
we're going to be very aggressive in pursuing it.'" [Paul Bedard, U.S.
News Online, November 1, 1999]

Paul Begala, as a senior adviser to President Clinton in 1998, gave
us a big hint when he said, "Stroke of the pen. Law of the Land. Kinda
cool." [The New York Times, July 5, 1998]

No, it's NOT cool

Legislation that will stop President Clinton in his tracks and
prevent future presidents from acting like kings is now pending in
the U.S. House and U.S.Senate.

Write your congressional delegation today, or get ready to hand
over your firearms tomorrow.

Click on http://www.executiveorders.org for an easy way to write
your congressional delegation and for extensive background
information about executive orders.

Kent Snyder
Liberty Study Committee

PS.  Please ask family and friends to help.

If you have a question or comment,
please mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED].

please send a email message to

With the following text on the first line of
your message.

subscribe libertystudycommittee


Taking a long view of history, we may say that
anyone who lays down his arms deserves whatever
he gets. --Jeff Cooper

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] James on TV

2000-06-02 Thread blue honey

Mushroms and Manking on TV?

An e-mail I got from James today - 

Hello, It has again been a while since I have written to 
everyone on mymailing list but this is an occasion for a short note. I 
hope you are all healthy and enjoyingyourselves and those within your 
circle of friends and family, it is a wonderful time to 
bealive!According to Sidereal Astrological reckoning we have 
now (as of5/5/2000) officially moved into the Age of Aquarius, the 
Astro-Theological implications are vast.Suffice it to say it is time to 
breathe deep and relax, work on making your lives and thosearound you better 
and try not to feel down. For some very informative reading on this 
subjectcheck this:A 
HREF="http://php.indiana.edu/~rockliff/y2k.html" Aquarian Age 
webpages /AThere are so many things happening on the 
Governmental agenda ofrepression that it defies all reason. Please try 
to find some time to voice opinion and work forfreedom, it is that time. 
One important item of note is the bill which appears to be passing 
thatwould give the Government authority to search your house without a 
warrant, take yourproperty without giving you a receipt and most 
importantly give them power to CENSOR theinternet. Here is one link 
regarding this legislation (Censorship Bill H.B. 2987 S.B. 
The Vaults of Erowid 'Censorship bill' /AMAIN NOTE:I 
will be doing an hour long interview on the popular radio/internetshow 
'SIGHTINGS' with Jeff Rense tonight 6/2/200 from 9:00 PM to 10:00 PM Pacific 
time. Incase you have never heard of Jeff Rense or the Sightings program 
I would highly suggesttaking a look at their website, these people are 
doing very good work exposing many of thethings that are happening on 
our homeworld.You can listen to the show live on the internet or listen 
to thearchives at a later time at your convenience. I will be discussing 
several important and interestingtopics. Here is the link:A 
HREF="http://www.sightings.com" SIGHTINGS website /AMy book 
'Mushrooms and Mankind' is now live for ordering on Amazon.comand they 
should be being delivered soon. If you would like to have a preview PDF 
file(Adobe Acrobat Reader) of the book which you can read on the 
computer, please eMail me back andI will send it to you.The file is 1.5 
Megs and contains all the chapters much of which is noton the 
website:A HERF="http://www.jamesarthur.yage.net" Mushrooms and 
Mankind:website/AOn another note: Jimmy Page (formerly of 
Led Zeppelin) has teamed upwith 'The Black Crowes'and is currently on 
tour in the U.S. I just got tickets to the ShorelineAmpitheatre and if you 
get a chance take on this show, or another on this tour. This is 
apowerful experience.All the best to you and yours, 

Re: [CTRL] James on TV

2000-06-02 Thread blue honey

I shouldn't have mislead you, the James on TV thing is 
later...this is Internet/radio

my bad

[CTRL] Why are people being abducted and bred from?

2000-06-02 Thread Nicky Molloy

This should shed a bit of light on who is abducting people.N

Subject: Andy Pero interview - Montauk Survivor

98 page book here by Andy Pero.



An exclusive interview with Andy Pero, survivor of a secret mind control
project aimed at creating the super soldier with psionic abilities.

By Eve Frances Lorgen, M.A.

Andy Pero was unwillingly subjected to a mind control program off-shoot the
Monarch Project-a trauma based mind control program similar to what Cathy O'
Brien describes in her autobiography by Mark Philips, "Tranceformation of


EL: Have you ever encountered any extraterrestrials or seen any aliens in
any of your underground base memories?

AP: From what I understand the Department of the Navy made an agreement with
the alien Greys to exchange technologies for human women and children to
conduct horrific breeding experiments. This is what is going on right now in
an underground base not far from Miami, Florida. One of my most disturbing
memories is being escorted down a hallway in this underground lab and seeing
cages of chickenwire fencing with women and children screaming for help. I
have seen Grey aliens (the 4-foot tall ones with large black eyes) and also
7-foot tall reptilian beings in some of my experiences. I have been told
that I have many children from alien breeding experiments. I have had
abductions with the Greys also.

On one occasion I was introduced to a Reptilian being while in an
underground base sometime in 1989-90. At first I saw a 7-foot tall human
Ayran looking man. He walks towards me and I notice that his image phases
out as if something interfered with an energy field. He does something to a
device on his belt and tells me, "OK, I'll show you." He then pushes some
button and then I see his image change into a 7-foot tall lizard like
creature who looked like he weighed over 400 lb.

I was introduced to a group of beings that claimed to be a sub group of the
Illuminati. They were made up of a group of about 40-50 men, all 6' 2" or
taller, white, and of an indeterminate older age, averaging 70, but I
suspect much older considering the technology they have access to. They
convened in a boardroom that I believe was in an underground base, perhaps
Camp Hero, Montauk. They sat around a large football shaped table made of
wood. Each high backed chair had a light at the tip and each sitting had a
TV type of screen and control panel that came out from the table. There was
a huge screen located in the front of the room as well. I have reason to
believe that not all of the Illuminati are human, but in actuality are alien
beings that appear to look human.

EL: Who or what groups do you think are running the show here in the US or
even on Earth? How do the aliens fit into all of this?

AP: It is very complicated, but basically there are four main versions or
groups of the New World Order, all with slightly varying agendas. The first
group comprises the US and Western Europe (i.e., England, Germany, France
and the US). The second group is Eastern Europe fused with Western Europe
and the US. The third group is the countries of the Orient, and the fourth
is the Middle Eastern-Saudia Arabian elements and all the oil money. There
are also off world groups (aliens and future human Nazi's types called
Zardanians, Reptilians, Greys and Dracos) who also have a hand in the NWO
plans. For the time being, the old money groups of Europe and England have
teamed up with die hard Nazi factions, Jews and Americans forming the group
that has been always been known as the Illuminati and affiliated secret
societies. This large international group controls the media, police force,
military, etc. The Illuminati is also part of the NWO plan, which includes
members such as George Bush, Prince Charles and other high ranking people.

As for the aliens, I think most of the alien Greys are either under the
authority of or in collaboration with the Reptilians, Dracos and the
Illuminati, based on some of my experiences and memories that are still
returning to me. Some Grey groups are in conflict with the Reptilian/Draco
agenda and are doing their own thing (human/grey hybridization programs) so
to speak. Their agenda gets into heavy spiritual matters having to do with
acquiring an emotional body and an ability to ascend to higher dimensions.
They are using humans to accomplish this via the human/alien hybrids. Humans
have the key in terms of having a threefold essence or unity of being,
physical, emotional and spiritual. Other aliens have lost this unity of
being (because of the fall from grace), thus inhibiting them from ascending
to higher dimensions, or evolving to higher levels. This gets back to the
original Luciferic rebellion, fallen angels and the various conflicts
between species.

EL: When did you start remembering your memories? How did or can you break


2000-06-02 Thread William Shannon

Did L. Ron Hubbard rip-off Zecharia Sitchin when he wrote BATTLEFIELD EARTH?

Sitchin’s 12TH Planet is at the heart of the premise of BATTLEFIELD EARTH,
the second $100 million sci-fi movie to bomb in two months

by Paul Davids - 06/02/2000

Last week, on a particularly idyllic spring day, I drove up the California
coast north of Malibu to Paradise Cove, just south of Zuma Beach, hoping to
hide out where spectacular cliffs tower above surfer’s heaven. Expecting to
find it nearly deserted, as it often is on weekdays, I found that Twentieth
Century Fox had taken over the hideaway to film X-MEN. There were over a
dozen huge movie trucks in a small parking lot, and about a hundred
crewmembers enjoyed lunch beneath a huge tent. Though they were pretty
tight-lipped about what they were up to, and in spite of the fact that a
production manager warned me that no one would talk to "the press" (the
category this Internet site falls under), I did learn that the movie was
basically finished and that this vast army descended upon paradise to do "a
couple of pickup shots." They employed a couple dozen extras on the beach as
they filmed an intimate shot involving a mutant.

Here it is the year 2000, and I could still remember my conversations with
X-MEN creator, Stan Lee, back in 1986, when he was hoping that X-MEN would
FINALLY get off the ground that year. Now it is fourteen years later, and the
big lesson of those conversations with Stan Lee have sunk in. Big movies take
lots of years before cameras roll. I first met Stan Lee when I worked for
Marvel Productions as production coordinator of THE TRANSFORMERS television
series - I was aboard for about 90 episodes, some of which I also wrote!
("Autobots, Transform!" commanded Optimus Prime.)

X-MEN isn’t the only contemporary movie that took forever to make. I remember
another conversation in early 1980s with a friend who had been a fellow
student at the American Film Institute. He just optioned the rights to what
he said would be a fabulous family fantasy story called Stuart Little. He
then estimated that the picture would be out by 1983 or 1984. Those of you
who may have seen STUART LITTLE last year know that his estimate was wrong –
and he lost the option way before it ever got made.

And then we come to the film BATTLEFIELD EARTH, the $80 million dream-child
of John Travolta that took 15 years to be made. When he began his quest to
make the science-fiction film, he was going to play the fair-haired hero,
Jonnie Goodboy Tyler, who almost single-handedly liberates Earth from the
vile alien Psychlos. By the time the film was made, he no longer was the
lithe disco dancer of youth, and he ended up playing the stocky head of the
Psychlo security force, Terl, who supervises the human slaves that the aliens
enlisted for their gold mine operation on Earth.

For those astute AlienZoo fans who have read the brilliant, scholarly works
of the great expert in ancient Sumerian history, Zecharia Sitchin, the
connections between Sitchin’s theories of human origin and the premise of
BATTLEFIELD EARTH may be obvious. Unfortunately, though the movie is dead and
buried for a week now, and hundreds of reviews have been written that damn
the movie from the first frame to the last, I believe I’m the first
commentator to make this essential point. Scratch beneath the surface and
you’ll discover that there are more theories of Zecharia Sitchin in
BATTLEFIELD EARTH than any hint of the Scientology religion founded by its
author, L. Ron Hubbard. As John Travolta always claimed, it was a
science-fiction yarn, not promotion for the Church of Scientology. But
perhaps, like with so much science fiction, there is a whole lot of fact
intermingled with the fiction. I predict that Sitchin would be the first to

Sitchen first published The Twelfth Planet in 1978, two years before the 1980
copyright date on Battlefield Earth. For those who are rusty on Sitchen’s
theories and his magnificent books (which include Stairway to Heaven, The War
of Gods and Men, The Lost Realms, When Time Began and several others),
Sitchen is first and foremost a scholar on the ancient Sumerians, Hittites,
Assyrians, and Babylonians. Gifted in being able to translate the ancient
Sumerian and Akkadian texts, Sitchen made quite a number of profound
discoveries about ancient Sumerian beliefs about humankind’s origin. The
first of his scholarly findings, that the Sumerians believed there is an
undiscovered planet in our solar system with an orbit far beyond Pluto, has
found serious scientific support in the last year.

The Sumerians believed that planet, called Nibiru, to be populated by the
human-like beings called the Nefilim (the ancient "gods," if you will). They
believed the Nefilim created humankind for a specific purpose. Sumerians, who
understood that the planets of the solar system revolve around the sun,
thought that Nibiru makes an approach from beyond Pluto into the inner
regions near the 

[CTRL] Physical evidence of Alien Abduction.

2000-06-02 Thread Nicky Molloy

Physical evidence of Alien Abduction. Photos on url. Thanks Eagle.


A significant breakthrough in the search for trace physical evidence of
alien abductions may have been uncovered in ordinary household dust.
According to biophysicist Dr. William C. Levengood of Pinelandia Biophysics
Laboratory of Michigan, microscopic glassy particles have been found in
household dust of individuals claiming to be abductees.

Glassy particles have been found in bedrooms, kitchens, family rooms,
hallways, basement stairs, and so on. Glassy particles have not been found
in dust where abductions are not known to occur.

The glassy particles come in a variety of shapes, including hollow or solid
spheres. The particles are occasionally amber in color and vary in size from
1 micron or more, which is 1/1,000 of a millimeter or larger.

Other more elongated particles include a "pseudo crystal" and an octopus
shape. These forms are often clear and contain definite non-cellular,
non-plant structure. A visual inspection of the "pseudo crystals" under 450x
magnification gives the appearance of a fiber optic arrangement, while the
octopus structure sometimes appears to have exploded outward at its center
as if releasing something.

Household dust is best collected from areas not commonly dusted, such as the
top ledges of doors and window frames. Unexplainable whitish dust in
recently cleaned rooms of abductees' homes has also tested positive for
these glassy particles.

While abductees' homes have produced two or more styles of particles, no
abductee's home to date has produced all styles of particles. Dr. Levengood
is continuing his research into uncovering the origin of the currently
unexplainable glassy particles.

Comments or questions may be directed to Marilyn Ruben at Alien Abduction
Experience and Research at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Photographs of the glassy particles:

Fig. 1 -- Hollow Sphere

Fig. 2 -- "Pseudo Crystal"

Fig. 3 -- "Octopus Particle"

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Skylab 2000 (a)

2000-06-02 Thread William Shannon

Compton's Deorbit Puts Jets and Ships at Risk

By Mary Motta
Senior Business Correspondent
posted: 11:02 am ET
02 June 2000  Scientists Prepare to Deorbit Compton Satellite

WASHINGTON – If all goes well when NASA deep-sixes its ailing astronomical
satellite next week, the bus-size spacecraft will fall harmlessly into the
eastern Pacific Ocean.

But just in case the 17-ton (15,422-kilogram) Compton Gamma Ray Observatory
(CGRO) careens out of control, those vulnerable to its scorching bits of
debris -- mariners and pilots -- will have been warned.

NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, has started a plan
to inform commercial airlines, the Coast Guard and other federal agencies
when and where to expect CRGO to reenter Earth’s atmosphere.

"We began dialogue about two months ago," said Preston Burch, deputy
associate director for space science operations at Goddard.

Because of a failure of one of its guidance systems, NASA has decided to
"deorbit" CGRO in an effort to avoid having it fall onto a populated area.
The $557 million spacecraft was launched in 1991.

Goddard began warning the Air Force, the National Imagery and Mapping
Agency’s World Wide Navigation Warning Services, the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) and the U.S. Coast Guard in April that CGRO was expected
to come in over the east central part of the Pacific Ocean.

The agencies received a three-page letter that outlined NASA's plans for
nudging the spacecraft out of orbit.

"It is of paramount importance to protect life and property from the hazard
of CGRO reentry debris. The CGRO debris is a significant potential threat to
the safety of any aircraft or surface vessels in the debris impact area," the
letter said.

The impact zone for the so-called "controlled reentry" of the observatory
covers a rectangular area 16.1 miles (26 kilometers) wide and 963.7 miles
(1,552 kilometers) long. That area is about 1,100 miles (1,770 kilometers)
from any land area.

These "hot and fast chunks" will range from paper-thin debris to 15- to
20-pound (7- to 10-kilogram) chunks that will be falling several hundred
miles (kilometers) per hour, Burch said.

That could cause potentially devastating damage to a jet flying en route in
the Pacific. The debris could slice off a wing or drill a hole through an
airliner's cabin causing the plane to explode. Big chunks could also put a
hole large enough in the hull of a ship to sink it.

But the FAA said that the chances of any of that happening are slim.

"Over the Pacific there is so much airspace and so few aircraft that the
chances of the debris causing harm is narrow," said the FAA's Bill Shuman.

The number of flights in the Pacific over an 8-hour period is about 200. That
compares to about 1,000 flights over the North Atlantic in the same period.
And there are even less commercial flights for the area pinpointed for the
Compton deorbit, Shuman said.

Still, the agency plans to warn airlines through a "Notice to Airmen," or

This message is delivered via satellite, through e-mail and via fax to
carriers around the world who will be flying in that area from June 4-6.

Each day, Goddard will send out a notice describing the location of the
hazard area "to minimize loss of usable airspace and ocean area to aircraft
and surface vessels," the warning notice said.

There will be a total of eight debris-hazard areas that Goddard will target.
These areas will be off limits for about 90 minutes each day, Burch said.

The reentry business is an imprecise one at best because objects can survive
and make it all the way to the ground, said Bill Ailor, director for the
Center for Orbital and Reentry Debris Studies at The Aerospace Corporation in
Los Angeles.

"Generally speaking, it is not so easy to predict where they are going to
come down," Ailor said.

Objects typically enter the atmosphere at a blazing 6 miles (9.7 kilometers)
per second and are often incinerated by friction with Earth's atmosphere.

But materials designed to be heat-resistant often can survive the plunge all
the way to the ground.

"Typically what we look for are titanium spheres and objects made of
stainless steel (to survive)," Ailor said. Glass also can survive.

The bus-sized CGRO is made mostly of aluminum, titanium and stainless steel.

But there is a positive side to this undertaking.

Several U.S. agencies are interested in documenting the fall of the CGRO to
better understand such issues in the face of an increasing number of
commercial satellite launches.

And if the 110-ton (111,760 kilogram) Mir space station doesn’t survive
commercially and the Russians decide to take it out of orbit, such
information will be critical to ground controllers plotting its reentry zone.

"Mir has so much stuff on it that the debris field will be so much larger and
more dangerous," Ailor said.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange 

[CTRL] TRANCEFormation of America by Cathy O'Brien 2/2

2000-06-02 Thread Nicky Molloy

Subject: "TRANCEFormation of America by Cathy O'Brien 2/2



-Cathy O'Brien-

(excerpts from Chapter 14)

I met up with Bill Clinton again in 1982 at a county fair in Berryville,
Arkansas.  Alex Houston was "entertaining" there due to the close proximity
of the CIA Near Death Trauma Center (a slave conditioning and programming
camp) and drug distribution point at Swiss Villa in Lampe, Missouri.  I had
just endured intense physical and psychological trauma and programming.
Clinton was campaigning for Governor and was backstage with Hillary and
Chelsea while waiting to make a speech.  Clinton stood in the afternoon sun
with his arms crossed, talking to Houston about him and "his people" (CIA
Operatives) being booked into specific areas for the dual purpose of
entertaining and carrying out specific covert drug operations.

.Clinton understood that I had just been through "hell" in Lampe,
and took it all in stride as he focused on his speech.  He not only was well
aware of the mind-control tortures and criminal covert activities
proliferating in Arkansas and the neighboring state of Missouri, but he
condoned them!   Just as there are no partisan preferences in this world
dominance effort, neither are there any strong individual state
considerations or boundaries, either.  I knew from experience that Clinton's
Arkansas criminal covert operations meshed with the Lampe, Missouri center
where he routinely tended business and claimed to "vacation," staying in the
compound's resort villas.

In 1983, Houston took me to Lampe for routine trauma and programming
while he was scheduled to "entertain" at the amphitheater.  Also scheduled
to perform were Bill Clinton's and George Bush's friends Lee Greenwook and
CIA operative, slave runner and country music singer Tommy Overstreet.
Greenwood and Overstreet were active in both the Lampe, Missouri and
Lake/Mount Shasta, California CIA compounds.  Clinton was flown in from
Berryville, Arkansas by helicopter for the shows as well as for a business

Before Clinton arrived, Greenwood and Houston were in the backstage
dressing rooms snorting line after line of cocaine.  Houston, always eager
to make an extra penny to pinch, attempted to prostitute me to Greenwood.
"She's the real performer," Houston said.  "She performs all kinds of sex
acts upon command.  For a small price, she's yours."

Greenwood laughed, and referring to my Huntsville, Alabama NASA
programming said, "I've spent more time in Huntsville than she has, and I
know full well who and what she is - "a space cadet" programmed for sex.
She's a modified version of Marilyn Monroe."

Tommy Overstreet had walked in and heard what Greenwood said.   "How
much time have you spent in Shasta?"

"Shasta?"  Greenwood looked arrogantly at Overstreet and smiled
knowingly as he said, "You don't 'spend time' in Shasta, you maintain the
concept if you can.  I haven't lost any time there, either, if thats your
next question.  I go there quite a bit.  Enough really to override Houston's
suggestion with ease and take what I want, when I want, and how I want it."

Greenwood began expertly accessing my sex programming and told the
others in the room, "You all can come and go as you please, but I've been
made an offer that I am going to use."  He ordered me to undress and bend
over the desk where he roughly sodomized me as he said, "You're going to
think it's daddy all over again".

When Greenwood was through with me, I was ordered out into the
amphitheater concert area.  During intermission, I met up with Swiss Villa
manager Hal Meadows, Tommy Overstreet, and Governor Clinton in the hall.
Clinton was wearing a cap that read "Diesel Trainer" which I was told to
equate literally as "these-will-train-her".  Puzzled, I looked at his cap
and asked, "Are you a conductor?"

Clinton smiled and said, "Of electricity".  Overstreet laughed as he
continued, "Actually it means I check cabooses. How's yours?" I squirmed.
Apparently Greenwood had bragged about sodomizing me.  They laughed even
harder as Clinton said, "Still running, I'm sure".

Houston stepped out of the dressing room to greet Clinton.   "Hi, Bud."
Houston extended his hand.  "I heard you made Governor."

"I hear you deliver a hell of a one liner, " Clinton replied,
cryptically referring to cocaine and NOT Houston's so-called comedy routine.
"I'm always aspiring to achieve new heights."

"Well, come on in," Houston invited.  "I have enough (cocaine) to put us
all into orbit."  I walked into the dressing room with them as Houston was
saying to Clinton, "I suppose there are no limits for you since you're
across the (state) line."

"What line?" Clinton feigned suprise and ignorance.   He looked at Hal
Meadows as he continued, "You mean I've left that state of mine?  In the
state of mind I'm in, there are no boundaries anyway."  He walked over to
the table and 

Re: [CTRL] Hubbard,Sitchin, And BATTLEFIELD EARTH

2000-06-02 Thread David Sutherland

I new this was a joke!!! Had to dig for the punch-line though ... and
finally found it!

"... fans who have read the brilliant, scholarly works
of the great expert in ancient Sumerian history, Zecharia Sitchin ..."

Whahahahaha ...Oh! A! E! Ahahahaha ... Bwhahahahaha ..!!!

Somebody stop me!!!

Whahahahaha ...Oh! A! E! Ahahahaha ... Bwhahahahaha ..!!!


 ditto! with ROTLMAO to infinity!

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Evidence that ETs really ARE here!

2000-06-02 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

Boy, talk about synchronicity!  Just got the following post today...


- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, June 02, 2000 1:05 PM
Subject: "The Alien Dance!"


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Fascist attacks on Freemasonry

2000-06-02 Thread Aleisha Saba

I read this material on Kathy O'Brien, and wonder who she works for
really.  For Huntsville, Alabama - home of the Astronauts and where the
late Werner von Braun helped America reach the moon, it seems to be that
maybe the Clintons are a lot smarter than we gave them credit.

For instance, you read all these things about O'Brien, some of which may
be true, you have to look back to Watergate.  From what I have read,
Elizabeth Ray and Fannie Fox were elements of organized crime sent in to
down a few low brow Congressmen, one of which was Wayne Hayes and the
other I think Wilbur Mills, two hicks from the boon docks, who wallked
into a trap.   Both vulnerable as vulnerable as Clinton is and was from
all indications.

The idea of the Fama or the Rumour mill is to put out so much false and
ludicrous information about a person, that pretty soon people will not
believe any of it.   All these women suing Clinton?   And now this Cathy
O'Brien.  Who in their right mind, is going to believe any of it.

CIA hired prostitutes, what they called "a few high class prostitutes"
to get people out of the picture.   This spy stuff is so fantastic.   We
see James Bond, but what do we get?  Chuckie Colson and C Howard Hunt
and these were political hacks and whatever they really were, were once
dubbed Laurel and Hardy by one author.

So Clinton is in the masonic order.  Most Presidents are and it goes in
degrees, and need to know basis up the ladder to the how many steps that
that spiral staircase I forget.
John F. Kennedy was an Irish Hibernian, for he could not go into the
masons as a Catholic.  It is different strokes, for different folks.

When this Fannie Fox destroyed Wilbur MIlls, who had a serious drinking
problem, in her book she stated she had a "chemical wedding" with this
old man Mills (everyone was singing down by the old mill stream when
those two ran into a river that infamous night) and that Wilbur Mills
gave her his masonic ring.

A masonic ring is to protect a mason spiritually; and Wilbur Mills would
never have given his woman his ring.

So now we see why Clinton thrives.  People like Cathy O'Neil are sent
out and all these other women with so many charges, nobody believes it.
Psychologically speaking when one is really being "creamed" people
naturally take a defensive.

Hiliary Clinton referred to her husband as an "old hound dog" sitting on
the steps.  Now people could identify with that.   Clinton with his
little boy innocence has learned to deal with people, for remember this,
like a Christ Child he was removed from his home; it is alleged his
mother was a prostitute, and he was taken away to Egypt for education.
A child prodigy, or a King in waiting.

If it were not for his nose, which increased in size with every snort of
cocaine, and his big lie with regard to Monica Lewinsky, he would be a
pretty good president in many ways, that is if you give him credit for
the economy and you are in higher brackets.

If Wall Street goes, Clinton will be torn apart.
As for the CIA,  and Clinton, I doubt very much he would have fit in too
well with the old line Wasps.New breed maybe, but then today you see
Putin is a Mason, as are most all high degree intelligensia.   Hasn't
anybody figured that out yet?

Different strokes for different folks.  One must remember Masons
segregate.  There are black lodges and white lodges.   They still use
blackballs to keep out unwanted fellow of local levels but usually when
a person is rejected, the brothers will find a way to get a friend

One thing for sure, when CIA is around you will not know it anymore than
you would if an FBI agent was around.   They do not waste their times on
lists where people like Cathy O'Brien push their wares.   For if the
truth be know, I think you will find Ms. O'Brien is an ideal candidate
for CIA type lies put out by Clinton.  Who in the world is going to
believe all that stuff, and if you cannot believe that, how you going to
believe all those other women who seem too eager to talk.   Monica
Lewinsky an intern?  Anybody really believe that?
Fascists and Nazis always hate the Masons for one reason and one reason
only.  The masonic order is an international order.  Lower degree masons
often get stuck is a degree never to attain the heights of an Icarus who
could get shot down, if not careful.  True Blue Masons do not break
their vows - and to whom do they owe their loyalty?  Well, when George
Washington needed someone he could trust, he would say "find a Mason".

If you want to see real Fascism at work, watch  Henry Kissinger and
Madeline Albrightfor it is alive.

The year is 1941 -- the height of the Second World War when the article
of this week's ezine appeared in print in the USA.

The Annihilation of Freemasonry
by Sven G. Lunden

The American Mercury , Volume LII, No. 206, published in February 1941.

There is only one group of men whom the Nazis and the Fascists hate more
than the Jews.

They are the Freemasons.

In Italy, 

Re: [CTRL] Why are people being abducted and bred from?

2000-06-02 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "Nicky Molloy" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 This should shed a bit of light on who is abducting people.N

It sheds nothing.  There is not one iota of EVIDENCE to support
his claims, only his supposed memory.

We've covered this territory before.  People's minds can be
manipulated so that they seemingly 'remember' events which in
fact never happened.

He may or may not have actually experienced what he describes.
But there is no EVIDENCE to support what he describes.


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Re: [CTRL] Physical evidence of Alien Abduction.

2000-06-02 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "Nicky Molloy" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Physical evidence of Alien Abduction. Photos on url. Thanks Eagle.

No evidence of 'Alien Abduction' [sic] at all.

Evidence perhaps of some sort of phenomenon which fuses common silicates
commonly found in household dust into glassy bulbs.  But it tells us
nothing about what CAUSED it.

We are not told of any CONTROL group included in the study.  Presumably
only the housedust of people claiming to have been abducted by aliens
has been studied, which renders the 'study' meaningless.

How many people who DON'T claim to have been abducted have had their
housedust similarly analyzed?  How do we know that everyone of us doesn't
have similarly fused glass amongst our own housedust?  We don't...

And even if it turned out that only those who claim abduction have the
strange housedust, it doesn't 'prove' space aliens are behind the event.
No element unknown on Earth is claimed to have been found, only common
silicate fused into glass, which could be done by any number of earthly
entities.  Microwaves could explain both induced hallucinations of a
supposed space alien abduction, AND the resulting fused glass in the


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Anthrax-Contaminated Heroin

2000-06-02 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

From: Alex Constantine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Anthrax-Contaminated Heroin
Date: Thursday, May 18, 2000 2:02 PM

May 18 2000
Times of London

Anthrax clue to heroin deaths

ANTHRAX, a virulent disease used as a biological weapon, could be
responsible for a spate of deaths among heroin addicts in Scotland, it
was disclosed yesterday.
Ten heroin users in Glasgow and one in Aberdeen have died of a
mysterious illness in the past three weeks, which led scientists, who
had heard of a similar death in Oslo, to send the victims' blood samples
to Porton Down, the biological defence laboratory.
Two of the five tested so far have shown low levels of antibodies to
anthrax, suggesting that the addicts were exposed to the disease through
a contaminated heroin supply.
Although the results are not conclusive, experts are carrying out tests
on the others who died and on nine more heroin addicts who have come
down with the illness. One survivor still has the black scab that is
typical of localised anthrax infection.
David Goldberg, deputy director of the Scottish Centre for Infection and
Environmental Health in Glasgow, said that tests were also being made
for anthrax spores on heroin batches seized by police in the city.
Meanwhile users were being advised to smoke the drug rather than inject
it, and especially not to inject into the muscle.
He believes that the weak results in the anthrax test may be because all
the victims were treated with antibiotics before their samples were

Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
not necessarily endorsed by:

Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research a ruling
class/conspiracy research resource for the entire political-ideological
   Explore Our Archive:  http://a-albionic.com/a-albionic.html

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Willis Carto:Embezzler

2000-06-02 Thread Michael Pugliese

 'Ya Dont say! Don't have time to look at this but 
quite a few files here.Probably Mark Weber of 
Michael Pugliesehttp://www.access1.net/lsf/carto/index.html

[CTRL] Fwd: Anti-Terrorist Target Practice

2000-06-02 Thread Kris Millegan

 Police Shoot Up Muni Bus During Anti-Terrorist Drill

by Phillip Matier, Andrew Ross
San Francisco Chronicle, May 31, 2000

 We've all heard of cops playing Rambo -- well, now here in
San Francisco, we've got a new twist on the game. It's called
 How do you play it?
 You take an old bus out to a remote spot out by the airport,
use it as part of a mock terrorist drill -- then for laughs, you
let rip with semiautomatics until the bus looks like a giant
block of Swiss cheese.
 In the process, you also blow the living hell out of a Muni
fare box that someone over at the transit agency somehow forgot
to take out of the bus before all the fun started. Those boxes
cost $13,000 new.
 Then for added fun, a Muni whistle-blower snaps off a couple
of pictures of the bullet-riddled ride and hands them our way --
along with a few pointed questions.
 The result: Both the Municipal Railway and the cops are
having to go back and take a second look at what may turn out to
be a very embarrassing bus ride for all.
 Here's why.
 A couple of months back, the Muni donated a surplus bus to
the cops for training purposes.
 Nothing new there.
 Cmdr. Rick Bruce, who heads the tactical squad, says most of
the exercise centered on storming the bus so the cops could learn
how to free hostages in the event of a hijacking or terrorist
 "Mostly, they practiced their entries," Bruce said.
 Apparently, the drill went something like this: The cops
would set off an explosion to distract the supposed terrorists,
and at that exact moment they'd charge the bus.
 The official exercise lasted a couple of hours and largely
left the bus intact.
 Then the unofficial fun began.
 A short time later, when the smoke cleared, the Muni bus was
riddled with hundreds of rounds of live ammo. Windows were shot
out and the fare box was pumped full of lead.
 What happened?
 At first, Bruce told us that the 20 or so cops in the
exercise had just taken some informal target practice.
 "To see the effectiveness of their rounds," Bruce said.
"Whether they penetrate when they hit the glass, or certain kinds
of metal."'
 But in a follow-up call, Bruce said he learned that his
officers had actually fired only into the bus' windshield and
that the rest of the shots --and there were scores of them --
were fired off by an Arts and Entertainment crew that was filming
the department's tactical squad for a forthcoming TV show.
 As for why they did it?
 "It's the same reason kids put firecrackers in cans," said
one police source -- because it's fun.
 In any event, Police Chief Fred Lau says he has asked for a
departmental review of the exercise to find out what happened.
 In fact, he has already dispatched a management control team
to take pictures of the bullet-riddled bus, which is in storage
at a city pier.
 One question likely to be asked is whether it was proper for
the cops to turn over their weapons to a camera crew.
 "It depends on the circumstances," Lau said. "If they are
allowed to do it, it's under the supervision of a police safety
 As for that damaged fare box?
 Well, it's also now the subject of an internal probe -- this
one by the Muni.
 "There are supposed to be procedures in place to prevent
this," said Muni spokeswoman Maggie Lynch. "We want to make sure
this doesn't happen again."
 But Muni whistle-blower mechanic Michael Cheney, who came up
with the photos of the wrecked bus, isn't buying the company
 "It was inappropriate to destroy city property, whether
somebody thought it had value or not," Cheney said. "Those
windows alone are worth thousands of dollars."
 But Cheney said it wasn't just the destruction of the bus
that bothered him.
 The part that really bothered him was that an ad on one side
of the bus also got shot up. The ad prominently featured a black
man, who got it between the eyes.
 Simple target practice?  Maybe.  But on the other side, an
ad for Disney on Ice featuring the Little Mermaid was practically
 "I think people can draw their own conclusions," Cheney

[CTRL] Fwd: There Goes the Ozone Layer

2000-06-02 Thread Kris Millegan


by David Perlman, Science Editor
San Francisco Chronicle, May 31, 2000

 Clouds of ice and acid high in the stratosphere disrupted
the Northern Hemisphere's protective ozone layer this past
winter, and scientists say the ozone loss poses potentially
serious health problems for humans if it repeats in coming
 An international team of researchers detected the unusually
cold ozone-destroying clouds in the stratosphere over the Arctic
last winter, and the team's leaders reported their findings
yesterday at a meeting of the American Geophysical Union in
 The findings are surprising because scientists had expected
that the protective ozone layer would recover after
ozone-destroying chemicals known as chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCs,
were banned by international treaty four years ago.
 But that has not happened, the team of nearly 200 scientists
and technicians found. Instead, the same phenomenon that has
opened a growing "ozone hole" over Antarctica each winter for
more than 10 years is occurring over the Arctic Circle as well.
 "Ozone levels over the Arctic have been dropping for the
past four to five years," said Brian Toon, an atmospheric
scientist at the University of Colorado and a leader of the team.
"As a result the stratosphere over the Arctic is beginning to
look a lot like the Antarctic.
 "This is the first time, in fact, that we've seen the polar
clouds lasting long enough to affect the ozone layer
significantly," he said.
 The ozone loss in the Southern Hemisphere is already causing
health problems for many people in Australia and New Zealand
because the sun's damaging ultra-violet radiation is no longer
blocked by the layer of ozone.
 The same could happen in populated areas of the United
States, Canada and Russia if the Northern Hemisphere's ozone
layer continues to thin, the researchers said.
 Using an array of satellites, weather balloons and
high-flying aircraft, the scientists found that polar
stratospheric clouds made of ice particles and nitric acid were
larger and lasted longer than researchers had found in
previous years.
 The clouds, known as PSCs, generally form about 13 miles
above the poles each winter when temperatures drop to 110 degrees
below zero, Toon said.
 This past winter, he reported, instruments on satellites,
balloons and two high-altitude aircraft all showed that ozone
concentrations in some parts of the stratosphere declined as much
as 60 percent between November and March.
 The complex chemistry that caused the loss begins with the
presence of chlorine atoms. Chlorine was released into the
atmosphere for many years in the form of CFCs, which were once
widely used for refrigerators, air-conditioning equipment and
many industrial products.
 CFCs were banned in 1996 by a treaty known as the Montreal
Protocol, but they are expected to linger in the upper atmosphere
for many more years, scientists say.


 Highly reactive chlorine can destroy ozone molecules on
contact, and it is the nitric acid in the polar clouds that
transforms normally inert chlorine into the form that tears the
ozone apart. This past winter, the researchers found, nitric acid
"drizzled" down from clouds high in the stratosphere and turned
even more chlorine than usual into the ozone-destroying form.
Much of what the international team discovered was also
predicted in computer models developed by a separate group of
scientists led by Azadeh Tabazadeh, an atmospheric physicist at
the NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View.
 The arctic atmosphere is not nearly as cold as it is over
Antarctica, but it has been growing colder over the past 20 years
by more than four degrees per decade, Tabazadeh said in an
interview last week. Because of this, she said, this past winter
should in fact have seen colder than normal temperatures over the
Arctic, leading in turn to larger and longer-lasting polar
stratospheric clouds.
 That is precisely what happened this past winter, and as a
result the nitric acid compounds high in the stratosphere dropped
down to turn the lingering chlorine atoms into ozone destroyers.
"If our model is correct and if our estimate of the cooling
rate in the stratosphere is correct, then we predict that by 2010
ozone in the (arctic) stratosphere will be decreased by up to 30
percent," Tabazadeh said.


 Ironically, the situation is made worse by heat-trapping
gases that have been linked to global warming.
 Toon said the "greenhouse gases" in Earth's upper atmosphere
that continually trap heat at the Earth's surface, also act like
radiators to lower temperatures in the stratosphere. As a result,
the icy polar clouds this past winter grew larger and colder and
lasted longer than expected, he said.
 Although the clouds of ice and nitric acid particles form
high in the stratosphere directly over 

Re: [CTRL] Physical evidence of Alien Abduction.

2000-06-02 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

On Fri, 2 Jun 2000, Ynr Chyldz Wyld wrote:

 No evidence of 'Alien Abduction' [sic] at all.

 Evidence perhaps of some sort of phenomenon which fuses common silicates
 commonly found in household dust into glassy bulbs.  But it tells us
 nothing about what CAUSED it.

Maybe what we have here is evidence of alien 'poop'.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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