[CTRL] An Enigma: Vast Israeli Spy Network Dismantled in the US

2002-03-08 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


An Enigma: Vast Israeli Spy Network Dismantled in the US
By Sylvain Cypel
Le Monde  March 5, 2002
Translated by Malcolm Garris

It is undoubtedly the largest case of Israeli spying in the United States –
that has been made public – since 1986. In June 2001, an investigative
report detailed the activities of more than one-hundred Israeli agents, some
presenting themselves as fine arts students, others tied to Israeli
high-tech companies. All were challenged by the authorities, were
questioned, and a dozen of them are still imprisoned. One of their tasks was
to track the Al-Qaida terrorists on American territory – without informing
the federal authorities. Elements of this investigation, taken up by
American television Fox News, reinforce this thesis: that Israel did not
transmit to the United States all the evidence in its possession on the
preparation of the September 11 attacks.

The latest issue of the Online Intelligence Letter,
a publication specializing in questions of information, has revealed that a
vast Israeli spy network operating on American territory was dismantled.

It is the biggest affair involving the Mossad (the Israel’s external
security agency) in activity against the United States since Jonathan
Pollard, an employee of the US Navy, was condemned to life in prison, in
1986, for spying for Israel’s benefit. Which was the real scale of this
network? The facts evoked by an American investigative report do not
indicate if the network obtained the information it was after, or if the
authorities dismantled it in its initial phase.

According to the chief editor of Online Intelligence, Guillaume Dasquié,
this vast network of Israeli intelligence agents was neutralized by the
counter-espionage services of the Department of Justice. The Americans
would have apprehended or expelled close to 120 Israeli nationals.

M. Dasquié gives a report on a 61-page review article from June 2001,
given to the American justice department by a task force made up of agents
of the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) and some INS (Immigration and
Naturalization Service) agents who were associated with the FBI and the
office of investigation of the US Air Force. Questioned by Le Monde, Will
Glaspy, of the Public Affairs department of the DEA, authenticated this
report, and said the DEA holds a copy.

This is not the first time that information relating to Israeli espionage
appeared in the United States since the Pollard affair. In June 1999, the
review Insight had described, at length, a secret investigation by
division 5 of the FBI regarding Israeli phone-tapping targeting the White
House, the State Department and the National Security Council.

After the attacks of September 11, very little detailed information had come
out about the arrest of some sixty Israelis. Finally, from the 11th to the
14th of December 2001, the Fox News television channel aired an
investigation in four parts into Israeli espionage in the United States, in
the broadcast Carl Cameron Investigates.
The Israeli embassy in Washington immediately responded by stating that it
did not contain anything true. American Jewish organizations such JINSA
(Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs), AIPAC (America-Israel
Political Action Committee) and others, denounced the report as a
machination. Fox withdrew from its Internet site, one day and half after
its posting, all the material related to this investigation.

Le Monde requested three times with Fox News to provide a tape of the
broadcast. It was never done. On February 26, Fox told our correspondent in
New York that sending it posed a problem, without being specific. Le
Monde, however took note of the whole script in this investigation. Carl
Cameron evokes a vast secret investigation held there relating to 140
Israelis made to pass for students of the University of Jerusalem or
Betzalel Academy of Arts [which have] unceasingly sought to come into
contact with civil servants and, according to a document, targeted and
penetrated military bases, dozens of buildings of the DEA, FBI, and others.

His investigation focused on two aspects. Firstly, could the Israelis have
had preliminary knowledge of the September 11 attacks and not informed the
Americans? His sources, explains Carl Cameron, tell him: The principal
question is ‘how they could they have not known?’ On the screen, his
editor-in-chief tells him thus: Certain reports confirm that the Mossad
sent representatives to the United States to warn them, before September 11,
of the imminence of a major terrorist attack. That does not go

in the direction of an absence of warning. Cameron’s response: The problem
is not the absence of warning, but the absence of useful details compared
to those which American services suspect Israel of having 

[CTRL] Israeli Spyring Scandal

2002-03-08 Thread Jei

See attached document.



The Story That Will Not Go Away

"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified.
I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information."
  US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring.


"Israel does not spy on the United States of America."  -- Mark Regev, a spokesman at the Israeli embassy in Washington

 Prior to 9/11, the FBI had discovered the presence of a massive spy ring inside the United States run by
the government of Israel. This seems a harsh gratitude from a nation which obtains 10% of its annual budget from
the American taxpayer, $3+ billion a year. Over the years, American taxpayers have been required to send Israel
more than four times what the US spent to go to the moon.

 What Israel has done in return was to set up government subsidized telecommunications companies which 
operate here in the United States. One of these companies is Amdocs, which provides billing and directory
assistance for 90% of the phone companies in the USA. Amdocs' main computer center for billing is actually in Israel
and allows those with access to do what intelligence agencies call "traffic analysis"; a picture of someone's activities
based on a pattern of who they are calling and when. Another Israeli telecom company is Comverse Infosys, which
subcontracts the installation of the automatic tapping equipment now built into every phone system in America.
Comverse maintains its own connections to all this phone tapping equipment, insisting that it is for maintenance 
purposes only. However, Converse has been named as the most likely source for leaked information regarding
telephone calls by law enforcement that derailed several investigations into not only espionage, but drug 
running as well. Yet another Israeli telecom company is Odigo, which provides the core message passing system
for all the "Instant Message" services. Two hours before the attacks on the World Trade Towers, Odigo employees
received a warning. Odigo has an office 2 blocks from the former location of the World Trade Towers.

 Let us be clear here. There is nothing benign about Israel spying on the United States. When Jonathan Pollard
stole our nuclear secrets (which your taxes paid to develop) and sent them to Israel, Israel did not hesitate
to trade those secrets to the USSR in exchange for increased emigration quotas. 

 The implication of these facts is that the billions of our tax dollars sent to Israel (while women and children sleep
in America's alleys and eat out of trash bins) have bought and paid for a monstrous phone tracking and phone tapping
system that can eavesdrop on almost any phone call in America. Even the White House phones were open to such tapping by
listening in on the other end outside the White House itself. 

 This actually happened. The Ken Starr report on Whitewater describes how Bill Clinton informed Monica Lewinsky 
that their phone sex conversations had been recorded. At the same time, Clinton ordered the FBI to cease the hunt
for an Israeli mole known to be operating inside the White House itself!

 So here we have a foreign nation able to listen in on most phones at will, using taps that cannot be found because they are 
built into the phone system itself, and willing to use the information gleaned from those calls to blackmail
Americans into any desired course of action. This may well be what Ariel Sharon meant when he stated that the
Jewish people control America.

 That the information gleaned from these phone taps is being used to coerce the behavior of key individuals
in the US Government and media is illustrated by the manner in which the government and the media have handled
this scandal of the largest spy ring ever uncovered inside the United States, and of phone taps on all of our phones.
They are downplaying it. Actually, burying it is a better word.

 Fox News, alone of all the media, actually ran the story as a four part broadcast, and put the story
up on its web site. Then, without explanation, Fox News erased the story from their web site and have never mentioned it again.
CNN followed by "Orwellizing" their report of the two hour advance warning of the WTC attacks sent to Odigo employees.
But far more telling is the admission made by a US Official in part one of the Fox News report that hard evidence
existed linking the events of 9/11 not to Arab Muslims, but to some of the more than 200 Israeli spies arrested 
both before and after 9/11, but that this evidence had been CLASSIFIED.

 Since then, any and all mention of the Israeli spy ring and phone tapping scandal has resulted in a barrage
of shrill screams of "hate" and "anti-Semite", two well worn and frankly over used devices to try to silence 
discussion on any topic unfavorable to the nation which owns the spy ring in question.

 The story of the 

[CTRL] Moral Distortion

2002-03-08 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


News |  Sport | Argument | Education | Money | Travel | Enjoyment

Argument  | Commentators

Robert Fisk: America's morality has been distorted by 11 September

'It's as if all the lessons of history, in Afghanistan and the Middle East, have been
tossed into a bin'

07 March 2002

Internal links

Israeli attacks intensify

Gaza shattered by ferocious land, sea and air strikes

We risk charges of war crimes, Peres tells Cabinet

In Afghan fields, the poppies blow. Yes, even as the Americans are moving deeper
into the Afghan trap, the warlords and gangsters running much of the western-
supported Afghan government are ensuring a bumper new crop of heroin for the
world's markets.

The UN have warned of this, of course, but nothing is being done. The war against
terror comes first. The broken roads and highways of Afghanistan are now ribbons
of anarchy and brigandage and murder across the country. The pathetic little force of
peace-keepers in Kabul cannot control all of the capital, let alone the rest of the
country. The Interim President, Hamid Karzai, can scarcely control the street outside
his office. But the war against terror comes first.

Locked into their war against terror – and now discovering that their enemies want
to fight them – the Americans remain equally indolent when confronted by the
infinitely more dangerous conflict 2,000 miles to the west of Kabul, in the streets of
Jerusalem, Ramallah, Tel Aviv, Nablus, Jenin and Gaza. When the Israeli army goes
on a shooting spree in the refugee camps and kills 16 Palestinians, among them two
children, the US calls for restraint. When a Palestinian suicide bomber murders a
crowd of Israelis in Jerusalem, including two babies and a 10-year old, the US boldly
blames Yasser Arafat for not stopping terrorism by locking up the bad guys. And
Ariel Sharon? Why, he's busy destroying the police stations and prisons to make
sure Mr Arafat can't do what he's been ordered to do.

And when Mr Sharon actually announces that Israel must inflict greater losses – in
other words, kill more Palestinians – Washington is silent. Maybe it's not indolence.
Maybe the Bush administration actually believes that the man held personally
responsible by an Israeli commission of inquiry for the murder of 1,700 Palestinian
civilians in Beirut in 1982 really is fighting America's war on terror. Maybe 
moral compass has become so skewed by the crimes against humanity on 11
September that President Bush simply no longer cares what Mr Sharon does.

It's as if all the lessons of history – in Afghanistan as well as the Middle East – 
been tossed into a bin. Take ex-President Clinton. He arrives in Israel and what does
he do? He blames Mr Arafat. And what does his preposterous wife say when she
does the same thing? Yasser Arafat bears the responsibility for the violence that has
occurred; it rests on his shoulders ... She says that her role as a US Senator is to
support the Israeli people. Really? What's wrong with supporting innocent
Palestinians as well? Wrong religion? Back-to- front writing? Wrong eye colour?

So a war against colonial occupation has been transformed into an offshoot of the
war on terror, the language of this war ever more infantile. We now have to learn by
rote the following words: tit-for-tat, cycle-of-violence, axis of evil, bunker-buster,
daisy-cutter ... Is there no end to this childishness? No, there is not. For the latest
little killer is the word transfer or resettlement. As in the simple answer... 
be to create a vast separation from Israel, resettling the Palestinians in Jordan,
where 80 per cent of the population is Palestinian. This comes from an article
published in USA Today. In Israel itself, an opinion poll asks Israelis how many of
them would support transfer – of Arabs out of their homes, of course, not Jewish
settlers off Arab land – as a solution to the war.

This is incredible. Transfer is ethnic cleansing and ethnic cleansing is a war crime.
If American newspapers are prepared to print such an option and if Israelis are
asked to give their opinion on it, what is Mr Milosevic doing in The Hague? The moral
collapse is already underway. Take the watering down of the US government's latest
report on human rights. In 2000, it said that Egypt's hopelessly unfair military courts
do not ensure civilian defendants due process before an independent tribunal. In
the 2001 report, however, that sentence has been censored out. It has to be, of
course, because Mr Bush is now setting up his own military courts to try his prisoners
at Guantanamo Bay without due process.

And while the Americans are distorting the nature of the war between Israel and the
Palestinians, they are lying about Afghanistan. General Tommy Franks, the head of
the US Central Command, refers in the following words to the mistaken killing of 16

[CTRL] FW: From Car and Driver Feb. 2002 issue:

2002-03-08 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

The below sounds like Colleen's usual unique 'interpretation' of Bible


[Original Message]
Subject: From Car and Driver Feb. 2002 issue:

Most people assume WWJD stands for What Would Jesus Do? But the
initials really stand for What Would Jesus Drive?

One theory is He would drive a Plymouth because the Bible says God drove
Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden in a Fury, but in Psalm 83, the
Almighty clearly owns a Pontiac and a Geo -- the passage urges the Lord
to pursue your enemies with your Tempest and terrify them with your

Perhaps God favors Dodge trucks because Moses' followers are warned not
to go up a mountain until the Ram's horn sounds a long blast. Maybe it
was a Honda -- in St. John's gospel, Christ tells the crowd, For I did
not speak of my own Accord. Following the Master's lead, the Apostles
were in one Accord, a car pool.

Meanwhile, Moses rode an old Brit motorcycle, as evidenced by a Bible
passage declaring that the roar of Moses' Triumph is heard in the
hills. Brings new meaning to the song Jesus Built My Hot Rod, doesn'

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] FW: From Car and Driver Feb. 2002 issue:

2002-03-08 Thread Bill Kalivas

-Caveat Lector-

No, clearly it means, we want jelly donuts, or as some have said, we want
Jack Daniels.

 -Caveat Lector-

 The below sounds like Colleen's usual unique 'interpretation' of Bible


 [Original Message]
 Subject: From Car and Driver Feb. 2002 issue:
 Most people assume WWJD stands for What Would Jesus Do? But the
 initials really stand for What Would Jesus Drive?
 One theory is He would drive a Plymouth because the Bible says God drove
 Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden in a Fury, but in Psalm 83, the
 Almighty clearly owns a Pontiac and a Geo -- the passage urges the Lord
 to pursue your enemies with your Tempest and terrify them with your
 Perhaps God favors Dodge trucks because Moses' followers are warned not
 to go up a mountain until the Ram's horn sounds a long blast. Maybe it
 was a Honda -- in St. John's gospel, Christ tells the crowd, For I did
 not speak of my own Accord. Following the Master's lead, the Apostles
 were in one Accord, a car pool.
 Meanwhile, Moses rode an old Brit motorcycle, as evidenced by a Bible
 passage declaring that the roar of Moses' Triumph is heard in the
 hills. Brings new meaning to the song Jesus Built My Hot Rod, doesn'

 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:
  A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of

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A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Not Good Enough

2002-03-08 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 3/7/02 4:21:24 PM Eastern Standard Time,

  Not good enough: Such a plot -- to execute the simultaneous
  destruction of the two towers, a piece of the Pentagon, and four
  airplanes and make it appear as if it all was done by another party
  -- is far beyond the skill level of U.S. intelligence. It would
  require dozens (or scores or hundreds) of individuals to attempt
  such a scheme. They would have to work together, and trust one
  another not to blow their part or reveal the conspiracy. They would
  hail from an assortment of agencies (CIA, FBI, INS, Customs,
  State, FAA, NTSB, DOD, etc.).

 I agree: Not good enough. 

They can cooperate if they really want to.  Remember the Kennedy
assassinations.  Especially Jack's.  Prudy

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Mega Mole - Is He Jewish Mafia Spy

2002-03-08 Thread saba

Loved that story re this Mega outfit; and I thought, we Osama, Osaba,
Omega - what a handle.  The Mega Man - the beginning and the end, holed
up like Mole in the White House reporting to the Mossad.   The story
Mega WAS the boss.

The we have me etings of these oh so wealthy jews - one of which long
legend about ships in night loaded with drugs, one sank - one hooked up
to old time Mafia and these oh so rich men, tell me do they pay taxes?
They are so generous and do not want to be known as the Sanhedrin?
Those who execute Judment?   Wonder if Meyer Lansky sat at their LEFT
Hand and Berkowitz are the right?   Doubt an untouchable like Ghandi
would be permitted in this unholy circle.

These are the men who have bought and invested in the Democrat Party, I

These are the men who fed Larry Flynt files on Senate and Congress?
And did these men, or their counterparts way back in 1963 decided to
kill JFK and RFK - and their henchmen - arranged for the hit?

The Mossad monitoring phone calls upon request for surely there are so
many communications systems - maybe this is what was going on in Mexico
that day when these Israelis were thought to be assassins and turned out
to be communicatin and security systems connetionswhy Ehud Barak
who refused to take off his shoes at the airport, got away with this and
now spends so much time in Texas where this new Bell system is being set
up - all pay phones, LD service now end up here?

This is the MAFIA - the big boys.   Does this explain Marc Rich and the
ADL and their bribe to Clinton?   So the Zionists have bought the
democrat party - well back in 1970 period I was told by this one
arrogant hoodlum that we need the straucture of the party and it would
be destroyed if need be to build back up.

Is this what they are doing to America - destroying it from within to
build up in their image.   Note all these landmarks around, these
foundations going up but more particularly, those landmarks going down
like the Twin Towers - with all that Saudi gold at the bottom?

This handful of men running the USA using dirty money - like Bloomberg
to me reeks of a man with no breeding who has all the characteristics of
a Jimmy Hoffa.first trip he made was pilgrimage to Israel when he
took over and Giuliani went with him, another man with connections.

So the honest American businessman goes down tubes paying taxes and
these bastards set up all the tax free foundations for money laundering?

Are these the Mega Men - Mega Bucks - who destroy the old line - from
the Masons to the Knights Templar to the Rockefellers to the J P Morgans
- tahe old giants who made this nation great?

These are the scavengers, like big black birds who feed upon the ashes
and dead bodies - a Company of Undertakers?

And to think they bought the Democrat Party and the Mega Man is the

Was thinking of this Jack the Ripper letter, alleged to be writiten by
an Englishman Dear Boss, it said.some believes Jack was a
slaughterman, a Jewish slaughterman - a product of Lenina barber
surgeon - Barber get your Razor..a man who built his murders about
scenes from the bible ..slaughterman get your weapon.

What kind of people murder - Nixon once referred to Johnny Rosselli -
and you know what happened to him - he was cut to pieces, and put in an
oil drug and sent to bottom of waters but his body was recovered.he
was to be a witness in the Aination of JFK, etc. resurrection.

Think there are not avengers of blood out there yet and these men are
the cause of the destruction of this country?   Oh so generous in
contributions which amount to bribes?

Is this how Murder, Inc. thrived in this country?   Bronfman, is
Silverstein who had lease on Twin Towers - is Silverstein just his front

maybe this is the message left in Joel in the bible - for these men use
law of Draco?   They buy and they sell and they overurn, overturn
overturn and loosed thugs in the streets to create havoc in this

Look to Israel and see America the Hell Hole to Be.


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The supreme council and court of justice among the Jews. The name
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[CTRL] Fwd: Israeli Spies: 'Mega Was Not An Agent; Mega Was the Boss'

2002-03-08 Thread saba

So Code of the Underworld, like Appalachin Meeting - remember?   Big
meetings for Mega buck men - the Board of Directors.

Tell me is this bunch are they the Learned Elders of Zion - the
Protocols which are denied.Protocol deniers?

Tell me why is it the ADL has NEVER offered names of organized crime
killers on their lists to the FBI?   The ADL who took big bribe from
Marc Rich and his floosie wife (ex wife who so profitted from his dirty
money) - Marc Rich who got away with bribing the President of the United
States while he was busy engaged with a MAFIA prostitute and sodomist -
why is it the ADL has never put this on their hit list with the
militias, Christians, and others whom they wanted to destroy - a line of
defense against this evil corrupt element?   Why?   Because Meyer Lansky
the man who ordered the hit and set up the President for the kill in
Dallas, who then sent his son to West Point - this man was murder
inc..he ran it.

And the ADL made Meyer Lansky the Man of the Year?   This rat faced
MOLE..who had connections here in our area to these jewish doctors
who murdered using a cheap Mafia hit man (Ralph DeLeo) who was then
paroled by a CFR Govenor - for a price of course.

Is this what it is all about - the Goodbye old pal JFK, RFK - and anyone
who gets in their way.

Well there there are and here they are the Real Mafia Boys in
actiononly don't let this get around.Larry Flynt has always been
one of their front men - he crossed them or tried too but he survivied
but is so doped up now he is virtually a half wit.   Further, see how
Larry Flynt was then usaed to get at the senate and congress - through

Little Chandra Levy - little fat Monica who sodomized the President of
the United States who walked into a trap in his own office.Did
anyone ever thing this man coul have been drugged for this fat pig was
permitted to bring pizza to the President   She stalked the
President of the United States - and who has not seen this type of a
prostitute hired and on the take - hired to get next to the King?
Maybe she took his masonic ring?

Remember Wilbur MIlls - who gave his masonic ring to Fanny Fox - who
said she kept her dictionary by her bed like a Gideon Bible.

Gideon's Spies.Well here is my Gideon Bible Calendar may be leads
not to Chrisians in Lebanon but to Jews in Hiding and Christian
Zioniststraveling men packing heat,  travel in pairs, wear black and
some you even find in the KKK - like the Walker spies the KGB formed
their KKKand like this local jews who had neo nazi literature who
murdered a black doctor?

And none dare call this treason?   Non dare call this conspiracy?   None
dare call their acts murder, for they execute judgment based on law of
Draconian Bible passages?

Got their numbers?   Hey is this why Numbers 5/6 through 29/30 is
missing from special masonic bibles..

Revelation 22 - oh that magic 22  for I am the Alpha and the Omega - the
bright and Morning Star.the beginning and the end.

And to think Bush opened that god damned Old Testament to Genesis 49 -
the Twelve Tribes.

Esdras doth take on special meaning here with the name Osama bin Laden
or is it Osama ben Ladan?   Did this bin Laden family infiltrate into
the Saudi Arabian Kingdom using their dirty money - thnk they made that
money in the contracting business.is it true Osama is jewish and
turned to Islam.   This he fits the bill for a good Christian or Muslim.

The pigs are at the trough; they are destroyiong America and they will
overturn overturn overturn and demolish and destroy only to build back
up with crooked dirty money - these billionaires meeting in secret -
here is the Cabal...here are the conspirators - and do chek their
connection with Larry Silverstein .for you know these guys like low


Wonder if some kind of a code hidden from within.

This article appears in the Aug. 31, 2001 issue of Executive
Intelligence Review.
Israeli Spies: 'Mega Was Not
An Agent; Mega Was the Boss'
by Jeffrey Steinberg
For a brief period of time in early 1997, the Central Intelligence
Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the National Security
Agency engaged in a frantic mole hunt for an Israeli spy, believed to be
operating inside the highest levels of the Clinton Administration
national security establishment. By the time the mole hunt was made
public--in a May 7, 1997 Washington Post leak--the hunt had been
abruptly ended, and for all intents and purposes, the story disappeared
from the news within a matter of days.
According to the Post account, in January 1997, the National Security
Agency (NSA) had intercepted a phone conversation between an Israeli
official at the embassy in Washington, and Danny Yatom, the head of the
Mossad, Israel's foreign intelligence service. The official sought
permission from the spy boss to go to Mega in order to obtain a copy
of a confidential letter that had been sent by then-U.S. 

[CTRL] Free Press Facing Challenge to Its Rights - Narcopolitics in Mexico

2002-03-08 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Subject: Fw: Free Press Facing Challenge to Its Rights: Insight on the News
(The Washington Times)
Insight on the News (The Washington Times)
The Last Word
By Paul M. Rodriguez
February 22, 2002

Free Press Facing Challenge to Its Rights

What do an international business consultant, an Ohio professor and three
journalists have in common? Nothing more than independent work to expose
squalid and disturbing allegations of ties among politicians, banks,
narcotraffickers and money launderers on both sides of the U.S.-Mexican
border and tie-ins elsewhere around the world.

A second common factor is that all have incurred the wrath of the Hank
family - one of the most powerful clans in Mexico - which has launched
high-powered legal exercises in Texas and Ohio to intimidate and harass
members of the press and challenge their rights afforded by the First
Amendment. This includes Insight and one of its senior editors, Jamie
Dettmer, as well as Washington Post reporter Douglas Farah and Dolia
Estevez, the Washington correspondent of Mexico's El Financiero newspaper.
All three have received subpoenas to produce a wide range of information
protected by U.S. press-shield laws and our Constitution.

Reading the subpoena is like reading the summary of a high-suspense plot
from a John Grisham novel, what with tantalizing hints of conspiracies,
organized-crime ties, secret U.S. intelligence agencies, shady gumshoes,
undercover sources and the assassination of a Roman Catholic prelate.
Details are indeed contained in the two legal cases that now have enmeshed
the magazine and the two newspapers in a lawsuit filed in Laredo, Texas,
against writer and business consultant Christopher Whalen, and another
filed in Cleveland against Donald Schulz, a political-science professor.
If the subpoenas served on the news organizations are allowed to stand,
many in the trade believe the precedent would chill reporting by the
American press on efforts by U.S. authorities to resist suspected
narcotrafficking and organized crime.

So how did this happen? It began with an exclusive report by Dettmer back
in March 1999 outlining details in federal law-enforcement and intelligence
documents alleging close ties between the Hank family and Mexico's
suspected top narcotraffickers, including the Arellano Felix cartel in
Tijuana. The story included details of how tons of illegal drugs move
freely across borders and the lax security that allows these substances to
destroy the lives of millions.

The article about the Hanks reported findings of a major multiagency probe
into the Mexican family involving political and business support to help
mask or otherwise support the illegal-drug trade. One of the documents
referenced in the story involved Operation White Tiger. It concluded that
the Hank family, consisting of the now-dead patriarch Carlos Hank Gonzalez,
a billionaire businessman and top Mexican politician, and his two sons,
Carlos Hank Rhon and Jorge Hank Rhon, represented a major criminal threat
to the United States because of alleged political protection they afforded
to drug cartels (see Family Affairs, March 29, 1999).

A month after Insight broke that story, U.S. and Mexican newspapers
followed our lead with yet more information based on their own sources. The
stories caused quite a stir within the Clinton administration and in
Mexico, where at a summit of law-enforcement chiefs, Mexicans complained
loudly to their U.S. counterparts, as did Mexico's then-president Ernesto
Zedillo, whose campaign-nomination papers Carlos Hank Gonzalez had signed.
Since then, the Hanks have mounted a major counterattack, including their
recent U.S. lawsuits against Whalen and Schultz. Whalen is the former
editor of The Mexico Report, a newsletter on politics and finance that
carried similar stories about the allegations against the Hanks and others.
Whalen also was an adviser to the U.S. Federal Reserve and reportedly
helped to block a bid by Carlos Hank Rhon to buy a second bank in Texas to
add to the family's ownership of the Laredo National Bank.

In addition to suing Whalen for tortious interference in their effort to
buy a second U.S. bank, the Hanks sued Schulz following a Wall Street
Journal report identifying him as a probable source of leaks from
Operation White Tiger to the press. Schulz is considered an expert on
Central and South American issues and author of an unpublished (but
circulated) study entitled Narcopolitics in Mexico. The Hanks' lawsuit
charges that Schulz spread false and defamatory information about the
family based on insider knowledge from the White Tiger report and his ties
with U.S. law-enforcement agencies.

There have been several stories about the ongoing cases in local press and
one overview by The Nation magazine (see www.nation.com). But this is the
first report on the subpoenas recently served on the news outlets - demands
that seek 

[CTRL] Fwd: Flight 77 - I saw no plane in the TV film

2002-03-08 Thread RoadsEnd


 Original Message 
Subject: I saw no plane in the TV film

Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2002 01:53:11 EST
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (American Patriot Friends Network)

While I have concentrated my recent research and writing via a three-part
series focusing upon the insider trading as it relates to prior knowledge and
financial profit from 9/11 deaths on Mike Ruppert's www.copvcia.com site, I
too am concerned about the what looks to be management of the news film I
watched regarding the Pentagon attack.

APFN's recent focus upon the Pentagon plane concerns some troubling issues.
My two viewings of the TV clips of the reporter-described plane hitting the
Pentagon, clearly showed no film of any plane hitting the Pentagon--only the
fire-bomb-like explosion in a series of seemingly edited clips.

The only problem (if I accept that no airliner hit the Pentagon) is What
happened to the missing jet said to have hit the Pentagon? And that's a key
issue to say the least!

One friend told me that the planes are made of aluminum and the impact and
temperature of the fire melted the plane down.  Then another friend said
When was the last time you saw photos of ANY plane crash where there were no
visible pieces of the plane left surrounding the crash site?  I would
personally answer never to that one.  There are always parts
recovered.at least some pieces. So, Houston, we have a problem.

I have never written an email to APFN; however, every time I turn around,
another problem question surfaces regarding 9/11.  What is bothering most
of us is that no government official is even raising the issue--let alone
asking the questions.  This is just another one of them; but I am still
trying to figure out where the plane went if it did not melt in the crash,
leaving no evidence, pieces, or whole parts, etc.

Clearly, no Member of Congress is questioning these Conspiracy theories,
to which they are often referred.  Victim families and sympathetic, yes
patriotic, Americans have to hope that the CIA-led intelligence joint
committee will ask the hard questions--no chance--since they are more
concerned with looking at the process of security lapses rather than
finding out the identities of the perpetrators. (foreign or domestic)

The writings of Jared Israel regarding the airplane stand-downs and
presidential inaction are clearly the most damning and obviously visible
problems that any thinking American should immediately pose.  I am hopeful
that he stays focused on that problem because the mainstream media might
eventually pick up on that story.  And widespread publicity will certainly
create a firestorm once people start thinking about the evidence he raises
on http://www.tenc.net

But isn't is sad that mainstream outlets are not asking these questions.

I am hopeful, however, that this time the internet will play a major role in
getting to the truth.  Americans are truly fed up with the secrecy and
management of the news.  I have received emails about Michael Moore's new
book, Stupid White Men, playing to huge crowds at bookstores in the
normally conservative enclaves in the Republican West and far-West. (He has
not yet toured our more urbane, liberal Northeast yet.)

But the book is in its 9th printing in just 5 days of release!  If that is
true, Moore must be saying something, because he is what Chris Matthews calls
a real lefty!  It is not often that California conservatives cotton to
liberals like Moore--let alone wait for hours for him to sign  a book.  I may
just go out and get a copy to see if he is joining APFN in asking the tough
9/11 questions.  Keep up the great work, APFN.  This 9/11 thing is NOT over
yet--not by a long shot.

Best wishes,
Tom Flocco
Freelance writer
(WorldNetDaily.com, FTW-copvcia.com, NewsMax.com, NarcoNews.com, and

[APFN] Thanks Tom... I hope your inspiring message will awake the APFN


Click HERE for videotape sequence of Flight 77
crash at the Pentagon on 9-11-01

From the photos shown, there ain't no fly in this pudding.

Where is the plane, Flight 77 -


`In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.'
Without justice, their is JUST_US!

+ P L E A S E   F O R W A R D  +++

---End Message---

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] response to David Corn

2002-03-08 Thread RoadsEnd


David Corn's emotional, non-factual and
non-analytic response to Mike Ruppert's research only increases one's suspicions
about 911.

Why doesn't Corn address in a credible way, for
instance,the critical issues of advance insider stock trading, Delmart
Vreeland and the failure to shoot down the hijacked planes?

What's the problem with examining the facts
fairly?Is this asking too much from someone who purports to be a serious
journalist and critical thinker?

With these standards, next Corn will no doubt be
coming to the assistance of the FBI and Henry C. Lee in sweeping the anthrax
case under the rug.

Vreeland, by the way, reminds me much of Patrick
Knowlton in the Vince Foster case -- which means he is probably going to
disappear down a black hole in terms of media coverage.Any government can
get away with anything as long as the media cooperate by censoring inconvenient

Similarly the Israeli 911 spy scandal which is
being reported in Europe is being almost totally ignored by the mainstream
American media.

Total news blackout.

Can you connect the dots? It's not hard to

We are getting close to living in a
Bolshevik-style police state -- a far cry from the land of the free and the home
of the brave.

The only way this situation can be saved is if a
critical mass of government insiders decide they can't stomach any more and
stage a major revolt from within the system, including from within the CIA, FBI
and similar agencies. Internet gadflies won't save the day -- they
areeasy to ignore or swat down.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, March 08, 2002 6:11
  Subject: [CIA-DRUGS] response to David
  When smart, left-leaning journalists like David Corn take
  the position that it's misleading  or even dangerous!  to question the
  official version of what was behind the phenomenal attack that took place
  on American soil on September 11, 2001, then America is in more trouble
  than ever. Mr. Corn's position can be summed up as follows: "sure,
  America has done some pretty nasty things to (mostly black and brown)
  foreigners, and sure, the current president wasn't even elected (he got
  into the oval office because his brother stopped mostly black and brown
  people from voting), but our government would never do such a terrible
  thing to the good folks at the pentagon and the world trade center! I
  believe what President Bush has told me about 911, hook, line and
  sinker."Rather than refute any of the specifics of what Michael Ruppert 
  or anyone else who thinks that Washington was either the designing hand or
  at least an accomplice of the 911 attacks  has to say, Mr. Corn's
  "proof" that our government is innocent of any charge of conspiring
  with the hijackers on that fateful day rests on two points: our
  government is neither evil nor intelligent enough to have "done it"
  (heck, a CIA guy even told him as much!).Not evil enough: did you know
  that the current president's grandpa and great-grandpa were bankers to the
  third reich, both before and during WWII? In other words, they helped
  finance, among other horrors, weapons that were used to kill lots of
  Americans. Now you might say that I'm visiting the sins of the (grand)
  father upon the (grand) son, but I think that little fact says a lot about
  the culture our leader grew out of. Operation Northwoods, the FBI plant
  with the group that bombed the world trade center back in '93, the sinking
  of the battleship Maine  does any of that ring a bell? Have you heard the
  one about Boris Berezovsky accusing Vladimir Putin of being linked to the
  terrorist bombings of apartment buildings that killed about 300 Russians
  in September 1999? I seem to recall that Bush said that when he looked
  into Putin's eyes, he looked into his soul  and liked what he saw.
  Touching, ain't it?Not smart enough? Believe it or not, the CIA and
  NSA sometimes get it right (in doing terrible wrong). Maybe Oswald really
  acted alone  who knows for sure?What am I proving here? That maybe,
  just perhaps, instead of being irritated by people who have the audacity
  to question our noble leader's motives and actions, inquiring minds like
  David Corn's should welcome some kind of debate on these issues. After
  all, the fact that our government couldn't intercept the plane that hit
  the pentagon is a little bit odd, isn't it?Please
  let us stay on topic and be civil.To unsubscribe please go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cia-drugs-Home
  Page- www.cia-drugs.org OM Your use of Yahoo! Groups is
  subject to the Yahoo! Terms of

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Please let us stay on topic and be civil.
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-Home Page- www.cia-drugs.org 

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

---End Message---

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Israeli Spies: 'Mega Was Not An Agent; Mega Was the Boss'

2002-03-08 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

on 3/8/02 10:59 AM, saba at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Tell me is this bunch are they the Learned Elders of Zion - the
 Protocols which are denied.Protocol deniers?

Only because they are a hoax

 Tell me why is it the ADL has NEVER offered names of organized crime
 killers on their lists to the FBI?   The ADL who took big bribe from
 Marc Rich and his floosie wife (ex wife who so profitted from his dirty
 money) - Marc Rich who got away with bribing the President of the United

Did not bribe - contributed and was pardoned - there are many far more
questionable pardons - like Casper Weinberger for instance

 And the ADL made Meyer Lansky the Man of the Year?

Really? When was this?

 Little Chandra Levy - little fat Monica who sodomized the President of
 the United States who walked into a trap in his own office.

Oral sex is not sodomy in Washington dc.

 And none dare call this treason?   Non dare call this conspiracy?   None
 dare call their acts murder, for they execute judgment based on law of
 Draconian Bible passages?

None dare call it paranoid lunacy?

 Esdras doth take on special meaning here with the name Osama bin Laden
 or is it Osama ben Ladan?

No- it's bin laden.

  Did this bin Laden family infiltrate into
 the Saudi Arabian Kingdom using their dirty money - thnk they made that
 money in the contracting business.

Construction, dear.

is it true Osama is jewish and
 turned to Islam.

Nope - this is just one of your recurring fantasies.



 Wonder if some kind of a code hidden from within.

Early in the month to be so short on meds, isn't it?

   Doubt thyself.
   Doubt even if thou doubtest thyself.
   Doubt all.
   Doubt even if thou doubtest all.
   It seems sometimes as if beneath all conscious doubt
 there lay some deepest certainty.  O kill it!  Slay the
   The horn of the Doubt-Goat be exalted
   Dive deeper, ever deeper, into the Abyss of Mind,
 until thou unearth the fox THAT.  On, hounds!
 Yoicks!  Tally-ho!  Bring THAT to bay!
   Then, wind the Mort!

   Uncle Al. the kiddies pal

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[CTRL] Fwd: [smashthestate] Drugs and guns

2002-03-08 Thread RoadsEnd


THE LIBERTARIAN, By Vin Suprynowicz
'The blaze of truth and liberty may at first dazzle and bewilder ...'

In response to my Feb. 10 column, Airline security and my 'attack on
free enterprise,'  in which I answered those who contend air travel in
this nation is still a free market industry by threatening to start
selling stock in Air Ganja (the nation's only all-armed, all-smoking
airline), my friend Rabbi Reuven Mermelstein of Jews for the Preservation
of Firearms Ownership wrote in:

  Hi, Vin: Rolling on the floor laughing at the thought of chaos at 35,000
feet as
a cabin loaded with loaded pot and hash smokers smokes each other during
the melee of attempting to smoke one terrorist!

  Nice try, though. I may bill you for new keyboard, as I dumped coffee
all over this one while in the throes of hysterical, body wracking
merriment.  :-)  You're the best in the journalism business, though I
suspect you could turn your talent into a regular (and more lucrative)
routine at any hotel in Vegas. ...

  Best regards and keep 'em coming ...


  I replied:

  Hi -- Actually, I suspect a more likely response might well be, What, he
wants to go to Cuba? He, Cuba's pretty this time of year. Far out,

  Which is why we just (start ital)might(end ital) want to seat the
amphetamine and cocaine users up in First Class, instead.  :-)

  More seriously though, my model -- adults could legally possess and use
any drug (up to and including cocaine and opium) and carry any weapon --
held true on every train and stagecoach in this country from the 1600s
right up through the 1930s, and guns could be freely carried on all our
aircraft well into the 1960s -- I've spoken to hunters who remember how
helpful the stewardesses could be in helping them stow their hunting rifles
in the overhead bins, with no concerns about whether they had cartridges in
their pockets.

  So, if wild gunfights are the necessary or likely outcome of allowing
such liberties ... why are the histories of this nation not full of such
accounts? Why did foreign visitors both before and after de Toqueville find
this one of the most peaceful nations on earth -- reporting how astonishing
it was that an unescorted young woman could travel the length of the wild
and wooly Mississippi river without the slightest fear of being accosted.

  Again, recall that it was (start ital)perfectly legal(end ital) for every
traveler she encountered to be in possession of both a bottle of tincture
of opium and a loaded pistol ... nor is there any evidence that this
conjunction was rare -- opium and marijuana were the most commonly sold and
prescribed medicines in all western nations for centuries.

  Might it be that instead of assuming, Some armed federal cop or marshal
will take care of it; that's his job (as many correspondents are now
advising me on this very issue) the average American figured, Dammit, I'm
armed, and I'm going to take care of this. Dare to insult a woman in the
presence of (start ital)gentlemen(end ital), will he?

  Once we start picking and choosing which God-given rights we shall allow
the government to turn into conditional privileges ... just apply for your
license and permit and pay your fee ... those bureaucrats have the
darndest habit of eventually getting around to limiting the very right
(start ital)we(end ital) cherish most. And by then, as the Rev. Niemoller
warned us, there may be no one left to speak up.

  Yes, to our modern ears, a description of true freedom sounds bizarre,
foreign and frightening. My, what a good job our government schoolmarms
have done! But as the abolitionist Macaulay advised:

  There is only one cure for evils which newly-acquired freedom produces,
and that cure is freedom. When a prisoner first leaves his cell, he cannot
bear the light of day, he is unable to discriminate colors,  or recognize
faces. The remedy is, to accustom him to the rays of the sun. The blaze of
truth and liberty may at first dazzle and bewilder nations which have
become half blind in the house of bondage. But let them gaze on, and they
will soon be able to bear it ...

  Many politicians of our time are in the habit of laying it down as a
self-evident proposition, that no people ought to be free till they are fit
to use their freedom. This maxim is worthy of the fool in the old story,
who resolved not to go in the water till he head learned to swim. If men
are to wait for liberty till they become wise and good in slavery, they may
indeed wait forever.

  Do you mean to argue that today's populace, accustomed to having the
nanny state tend to their needs but not to being held accountable for their
actions, can no longer be trusted to know how and when to use drugs? Then
how would you refute those who say that today's Americans -- like the happy
but irresponsible black folk stereotyped by Mr. Macaulay's opponents -- 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] WTC investigation obstruction continues-NY Daily News, NY Times

2002-03-08 Thread RoadsEnd


[Note: It was none other than America's Phoniest Hero Rudy Giuliani who
ordered all the steel recycled before it could be examined. Can you spell
coverup? See http://baltech.org/lederman/ for the details. ]

Daily News 3/7/2002
WTC Probe Ills Bared
Daily News Staff Writer


An inquiry into exactly what caused the twin towers to collapse after they
were hit by hijacked jetliners may have been undermined by the hasty
recycling of steel wreckage that could hold vital clues, experts told
Congress yesterday.

About 80% of the structural steel from the World Trade Center was scrapped
without being examined by even one fire expert, mostly because investigators
did not have the authority to preserve the wreckage as evidence, the experts

WTC widows Elizabeth Jordan and Sally Regenhard appear at the hearings.
The lack of significant amounts of steel for examination will make it
difficult, if not impossible, to make a definitive statement as to the
specific cause and chronology of the collapse, said Glenn Corbett, a fire
science expert from John Jay College of Criminal Justice in Manhattan who
testified before a House Science Committee inquiry into the collapse and the
ensuing investigation.

The current World Trade Center disaster inquiry has exposed a gaping hole
in the way that we investigate disasters, he said.

PA Wanted a Waiver

The lead investigator in the case, Gene Corley of the American Society of
Civil Engineers, said the Port Authority refused to hand over blueprints for
the twin towers - crucial for evaluating the wreckage - until he signed a
waiver saying his team would not use the plans in a lawsuit against the

This is the first time I have signed something like that, Corley said,
setting off a wave of angry comments from members of Congress and outcries
from an audience made up mostly of relatives of victims of the Sept. 11
terror attacks.

Corley leads a team of engineering experts empaneled by the Federal
Emergency Management Agency, but his team lacks the power to subpoena
witnesses or order the preservation of evidence.

Where does the buck stop on this investigation? asked Rep. Anthony Weiner

Weiner's query was followed by a round of conflicting testimony by officials
from FEMA and other federal agencies about exactly who is in charge of the

Rep. Sherwood Boehlert (R-Utica), chairman of the committee, said the
confusion points to a need to define which agency will take the lead in
investigating future collapses.

No one is sure what powers the federal government can exercise. No one is
sure of the scope of the investigation, he said. That has to be fixed
right away.

Boehlert's committee is expected to recommend the creation of a group like
the National Transportation Safety Board, which investigates plane and
railroad crashes.

The group, tentatively dubbed the National Construction Safety Board, would
likely be a branch of the National Institute of Standards and Technology,
which is one of the groups probing the Trade Center collapse.

Victims' relatives said those measures would be a step in the right

We want at least the same level of investigation as a plane crash, said
Sally Regenhard, whose son, Christian, 28, a probationary firefighter, died
in the collapse.
NY Times 3/7/2002


Mismanagement Muddled Collapse Inquiry, House Panel Says


ASHINGTON, March 6 - Members of Congress today criticized the investigation
into the collapse of the World Trade Center, saying it had been mismanaged,
far too slow to start and hampered by a lack of cooperation by New York City
and other government agencies controlling the disaster site.

No one is in charge, no one is sure what powers the federal government can
exercise, no one is sure of the scope of an investigation, said
Representative Sherwood L. Boehlert, a Republican from New York and the
House Science Committee's chairman. And that has to be fixed right away.

Representatives from the Federal Emergency Management Agency and other
federal officials, who faced the criticism during testimony before the
committee today, conceded that the investigation had been plagued by
financing problems and confusion over authority almost from the start.

The hearing, the first to be held by Congress on the trade center collapse,
concluded with an agreement by Bush administration officials and the
committee members that a new entity like the National Transportation Safety
Board, which investigates transportation accidents and crashes, is needed to
avoid such problems in inquiries into building collapses.

At least $40 million in additional federal aid is also needed to expand the
World Trade Center inquiry, the House members said. To date, approximately
$600,000 has been invested by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Expanding the inquiry, House members and the leaders of the inquiry 

[CTRL] Joel was Son of Ladan

2002-03-08 Thread saba

Wonder how many cryptic messages are given in the Gideon placed
biblemaybe this book Gideon's Spies might show something a little
more cryptic than meets the knowledge of researchers.

Joel in the bible is part of this Master Plan.  Remember the FBI and
this hate list the ADl provided to them - putting our Militias on their
hate hit list?

A confederacy - we are dealing with a confederacy or better put, a
Federation of murderers thiieves gypsies zionists drug dealers bit time
etc., all sitting at a great half circle like a big board of
unauthorized directors - and money laundering is part of the game?

Noted this Alpha and Omega stuff - Greek.   Mega, of course, is Jewish?
But Omega, the word Omega much to my surprise in my very special SS
Teacherrs Editon of King James Bible, Oxford University Press - late
1800 period - the word Omega means big O.

I looked up for fun the term the FBI used, when it referred to this hate
hit list as Megiddo - Megiddo means in this very special bible given as
gift to the revisers of the bible in that time frame - it means a big
crowd..strange..these terrorists seem to hit big crowds, like
say Twin Towers, a small city of 50,000 reaching to skies like Jacob's
Ladder - sitting ducks, but Silverstien will get 7 billion dollars, in
mega bucks insurance money?

This is the plan - demolition of America and from the Ashes, this
Phoenix Project, mega bucks in insurance to rebuild - only wait till you
see some of the names of the new landmarks?

Hey what about that guy down in Georgia - you think this was not timed
...the mother Democrat Chairlady of the Demcrat PArty.were they
selling body partasfor in this one big grave they found bodies and
body parts?   Not all the bodies had been embalmed, if any.A Company
of Undertakers?

And this man and his family from Planet of Apes, is endangered species
now and oh so worried a KKK might get this man?  Why no charges filed
against the mother and the others who had visited this place many times
where the SWINE WERE FEEDING for it is said there was a pig farm
therebig mega bucks here too but have you noticed how cremation and
burials have become so globalized like the Federated Stores?

Who are these people  What happened at Littleton..see the
children today and see the television and then thing Mega Man and Mega
Bucks and find the vicious killers - you know it would make a good
computer game, one of those games the kids play - find the Mega Bucks
Guys - search out and destroy.

So Osama bin Laden - the whole family - wanna bet - this family
infiltrated Saudia Arabian Royals like a Rothschild.for the bin
Laden family came to the aid of the King with big bucks, when needed and
worked to the right hand and the left handand the name Ladaan or
Ladan or Laden it doth appear, is a jewish name not muslim name...is
this why when the binladens as they call themselves in Saudi Arabia - is
this why when they hit the decks in the USA off comes the camoflage of
being Muslims?   Are they jews in disguise?   Got next to the King?

Osama tears down and Papa builds back up - all in cahoots with

Food for thought here - and hey about those Gentiles going to be used as
buffer zone in Israel - puting USA soldiers as fodder from both lines of
fireno way, USA.to die for one's  country is one thing, and to
die for one's constitution may be another think  but to die again for
this god damned Zionist crap - are we to be the Saviors of the Jews - is
all American to be their sacrificial lamb or scapegoat?

Look at Twin Towers and wonder - no WWIII here, but hey get a load of
part of God's Plan, for you and the Gentiles - and yes Virginia - there
are the Learned Elders of Zion and the Protocols of Zion - think not?
Read their plans and see what has come to pass.

Read too about the Great Babylon has fallen - the Twin Towers - the
Fiery Flying Serpentsstraight out of ink blot tests.


Note the Gentiles - they have cried Havoc so turn loose the dogs of war?
Is this why our GI's used to wear dog tags.

Theft of a nation?   Mega Bucks?   Moles in government FBI traitors and
killers with KGB on payroll along with Mossad agents - yet Militias
comprised of patiot Amerians put on hit hate lists by ADL who claims
known hoodlums in their ranks


Joel, chapter 3
Compare with Revised Standard Version: Joel.03

    1: For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall
bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem,

2: I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the
valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and
for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and
parted my land.

3: And they have cast lots for my people; and have given a boy for an
harlot, and sold a girl for wine, that they might drink.
(boy for harlot, what is this  male prostitution house like run by
Barney Frank in his home and office  sabanote)

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Israeli Spies: 'Mega Was Not An Agent; Mega Was the Boss'

2002-03-08 Thread saba

-Caveat Lector-

So Neuropsychotic, I sitll do not know what to call you - maybe from now
on I will call you, Mega Man.

Now - the ADL made Meyer Lansky and Mo Dalitz their Men of the
Year.kind of like here in our area, two jewish doctors were
nominated to be and one was made, JAYCEE man or men of Year..next
time you heard their names was in murder case involving black doctor
where Mafia hit man took fall, for those guys only wanted to castrate
this man..anyway gaet the piciture?

As for sodomy in Washington?   Yes Barney Franks was running a male
whorehouse in his office and home..he is a homosexual who just came
out of his closet while othere's ran back in when heat was on.

Such lovely people.such role models for our children.

Such big Mega Bucks in Organized Crime.

And to think the bin Laden family is really well beware of those who say
they are Muslims, and are not.for they sit at right hand of
kingand Osama, the little black sheep sits at left.

Now I do not exactly call all all this stuff good example of Law and

So hard to tell these days the good guys from the bad guys in particular
when you are taught to be tolerant of such people.

Like this poor deprived black in Georgia with all the bodies and 'body
parts.hey want was he doing, canning dog food or engaged in
cannibalism?   But shhhDavid Duke's book The Awakening comes to

Now here were good examples of the Democrat Party, today for the Mother
was Democrat Chairman of the Party and her entire family all had
government jobs.

Yes, American David Duke is right - America is experiencing The
Awakeningsomeday Planet of Apes will no longer be, just another
B movie.

Towering Infernos - Valley of Dry Bones.poof, all Gone With the

As Heston would say over my dead body, you bastards.

Getta Gun - getta big gun - bit Uzi like Israelis carry.   Word to wise
is sufficient, for the days are Evil.

Big Imagination?

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Israeli Spies: 'Mega Was Not An Agent; Mega Was the Boss'

2002-03-08 Thread saba

-Caveat Lector-

Listen neuropsychotic - that med routine is overdone - do you have that
too written in one of your little books for occasional use?

This Jewish Mafia has gotten away with the murder of  President and was
involved without a doubt in the murder of a Senator and others.

They sit back and do feed among the liliesthey are corrupt, evil,
and rotten to the CORE.

And as far as I am concerned it seems to me that the world is leaning
towards ISLAM..and Muslims are many and the Jews are few - their
reputations here are protected because they have bought into the news
media - and maybe this is why the USA thought they were so loved
throughout the world because their Zionist press told them so.

Israel is an evil city and they have made New York, their sister
city..like Ezekial 23 is it, two sisters...Sodom and
Gomorrah.so stamped by the movies as they both await destruction.

But out of the ashes will arise Larry Silverstein still feeding amongst
the lilies.while new buildings are bullt like tombstones on the not
so honored dead.


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Joel was Son of Ladan

2002-03-08 Thread inri

-Caveat Lector-

 Joel in the bible is part of this Master Plan


 Noted this Alpha and Omega stuff - Greek.   Mega, of course, is Jewish?

no. mega, of course, is greek. unlike alpha and omega, it is a word, and it
means great.

 But Omega, the word Omega much to my surprise in my very special SS
 Teacherrs Editon of King James Bible, Oxford University Press - late
 1800 period - the word Omega means big O.

omega was the last letter of the greek alphabet. capital omega looks like a
cursive r [commonly used to represent an area in the grid] and little
omega is a cursive w [commonly used when working with linear dependence].
it neither means big o nor little o; it is simply a letter with the
sound roughly that of the o used in a british-english phonetic.

i know these things; math geeks like greek letters.

 I looked up for fun the term the FBI used, when it referred to this hate
 hit list as Megiddo - Megiddo means in this very special bible given as
 gift to the revisers of the bible in that time frame - it means a big

i would've thought you'd've known this.


but keep on rambling. you're bound to be right one of these days.



sure, we'll have fascism, but it will come disguised as americanism - huey
there ought to be limits to freedom - george w. bush
if this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long
as i'm the dictator. - george w. bush
freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to
lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do and how you do
it.  - rudolph giulliani

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[CTRL] New Jersey 'Homeland Security' Adviser Was An Israeli Citizen

2002-03-08 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

Was he connected to the Mossad? Was there a conflict of interest? Is there more to 
this story than meets the eye?


New Jersey's homeland security adviser resigns

By JOHN P. MCALPIN, Associated Press


TRENTON, N.J. (March 7, 2002 9:03 p.m. EST) - New Jersey Gov. James McGreevey said 
Thursday that the state's homeland security adviser has quit amid a furor over his 
lack of law enforcement experience and because his Israeli nationality prohibits him 
from obtaining a security clearance.

Golan Cipel, 33, will be kept on the governor's staff and retain his $110,000 salary, 
with duties assigned on an as-needed basis, McGreevey said. Cipel previously held 
jobs in television news and public relations. He has also worked for the state 
Democratic committee and for a major donor to McGreevey and other state Democrats. On 
Wednesday, Republican lawmakers threatened to block all of McGreevey's remaining 
appointments unless Cipel testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee about his 

The governor said Cipel first asked to quit more than two weeks ago due to his 
Israeli citizenship status. Security clearances are normally required for all Cabinet 
members and major nominations. Cipel does not head the state's homeland security 
panel. That job belongs to Assistant Attorney General Kathryn Flicker. A former 
Israeli sailor and a published poet, Cipel had worked as a spokesman for the Israeli 
Consulate in New York. Last year he took a job with the state Democratic Committee. 
During the gubernatorial campaign, he was McGreevey's liaison to the Jewish community 
and an informal adviser on security matters. Cipel has also worked for real estate 
developer Charles Kushner, a major supporter of New Jersey Democrats. That job was 
left off the biography of Cipel distributed by McGreevey's office.The governor's staff 
has barred Cipel from interviews or public comment about his background or the state 

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Dark side of the Moon

2002-03-08 Thread RoadsEnd


Remember about the Black Dragon Secret Society in Japan?
We should have a prize for whoever connects up Rev. Moon with the
American Enterprise Institute first!


Dark side of the Moon

by Bob Fitrakis

(Reprinted with the permission of Columbus Alive. This article
originally appeared in the 24 February 2000 issue of that

After Texas Governor George W. Bush faltered in New Hampshire, a
spooky and shadowy right-wing network came to his rescue in South
Carolina, turning a certain primary defeat into a double-digit
victory. As the Washington Post noted, “An array of conservative
groups have come in to reinforce Bush’s message with phone banks,
radio ads and mailings of their own.” 

Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen asserted that “Bush embraces
the far-right fringe.” From the racists who prohibit interracial
dating at Bob Jones University to the moronic Confederate flag
wavers, from Rush Limbaugh to Pat Robertson, and from the most
extreme elements of the right-to-life movement to the Moonies, the
Bush family network prevailed. NBC’s Tim Russert pointed out that
George W. was now “indebted to Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell” and the
Christian right. 

 Dutifully, the Washington Times - a paper owned by self-proclaimed
messiah and cult leader Reverend Sun Myung Moon - ran a headline
stating, “Bush scoffs at assertion he moved too far right.” The
bizarre and almost unbelievable relationship between the Bush family
and the 80-year-old Moon is the dirty little secret of George W.’s
campaign for President. 

To understand the role the Moonies play in U.S. politics, one must
start with Ryoichi Sasakawa, identified in a 1992 PBS Frontline
investigative report as a key money source for Reverend Moon’s
far-flung world empire. In the 1930s, Sasakawa was one of Japan’s
leading fascists. He organized a private army of 1,500 men equipped
with 20 warplanes. His men dressed in black shirts to emulate
Mussolini. Sasakawa was an “uncondemned Class A war criminal”
suddenly freed with another accused war criminal - Yoshio Kodama, a
leading figure in Japan’s organized crime syndicate Yakuza - in

 In January 1995, Japan’s KYODO news-service uncovered documents
establishing that the one-time fascist war criminal suspect was
earmarked as an informer by U.S. military intelligence two months
prior to his unexplained release: Declassified documents link
Kodama’s release to the CIA. During World War II, the Kodama Agency,
according to U.S. Army counterintelligence records, consisted of
“systematically looting China of its raw materials” and dealing in
heroin, guns, tungsten, gold, industrial diamonds and radium. 

Both Sasakawa and Kodama’s CIA ties are a reoccurring theme in their
relationship with the Moonies. In 1977, Congressman Donald Fraser
launched an investigation into Moon’s background. The 444-page
Congressional report alleged Moonie involvement with bribery, bank
fraud, illegal kickbacks and arms sales. The report revealed that
Moon’s 20,000-member Unification Church was a creation of Korean
Central Intelligence Agency (KCIA) Director Kim Chong Phil as a
political tool to influence U.S. foreign policy. The U.S. CIA was
the agency primarily responsible for the founding of the KCIA. 

The Moon organizations have denied any links with the Korean
government or intelligence community. 

Moon, who is Korean, and his two Japanese buddies, Sasakawa and
Kodama, first joined together in the 1960s to form the Asian
People’s Anti-Communist League with the aid of KCIA agents, alleged
Japanese organized crime money and financial support from Chinese
Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek. The League concentrated on uniting
fascists, right-wing, and anti-Communist forces throughout Asia. 

In 1964, League funds set up Moon’s Freedom Center in the United
States. Kodama served as Chief Advisor to the Moon subsidiary Win
Over Communism, an organization that served to protect Moon’s South
Korean investments. Sasakawa acted as Win Over Communism’s chair. 

In 1966, the League merged with the anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations,
another group with strong fascist ties, to form the World
Anti-Communist League (WACL). Later, in the 1980s, the retired US
Major General John Singlaub emerged as a key player in the
Iran-Contra scandal through his chairmanship of the WACL. Singlaub
enlisted paramilitary groups, foreign governments and right-wing
Americans to support the Contra cause in Nicaragua. 

Moon’s Freedom Center served as the headquarters for the League in
the United States. During the Iran-Contra hearings, the League was
described as “a multi-national network of Nazi war criminals, Latin
American death squad leaders, North American racists and
anti-Semites and fascist politicians from every continent.” 

 Working with the KCIA, Moon made his first trip to the US in 1965
and obtained an audience with former President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Ike, along with 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Israeli Spies: 'Mega Was Not An Agent; Mega Was the Boss'

2002-03-08 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

on 3/8/02 12:16 PM, saba at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Now - the ADL made Meyer Lansky and Mo Dalitz their Men of the
All I'm asking is what year?
-- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - -  - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - - --
 -- - -- -

Never wear your best trousers when you go out to fight for freedom and

Henrik Ibsen

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] The Phoney War in Afghanistan

2002-03-08 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-


The Phoney War in Afghanistan

the bottom line .


The current war on Afghanistani terrorism is a misdirection and a hoax. As
pointed out in the book Black Gold Hot Gold the oil expected to flow from the
vast oilfields under the Russian Caspian Sea, discovered about 20 years ago
remains undrilled and untapped. That field contains about 500 years worth of
oil at present world consumption rates.

The only possible oil pipeline routes at the present time to handle the massive
flow of oil from the Caspian Sea region under Chechnya is either through Kosovo
to the Mediterranean Sea, or through Afghanistan and Pakistan to the Indian
Ocean. Two years ago, the Clinton administration attempted to place Kosovo
under international control and begin pipeline construction, but was unable to
complete the process.

The normal oil route would have been to move oil from Chechnya, across the
Black Sea and through the Bosporus to the Mediterranean. But the narrow
Bosporus channel is already clogged with oil tankers from the existing Black
Sea oilfields. The only alternate is to move the tankers from the Black Sea,
bypassing the Bosporus, up the Danube River and then through a very short
pipeline across Kosovo to the Mediterranean at Tirana, Albania. That process
was stopped by the Chinese who have supplied and armed the Albanians, as a
client state, since 1949.

Following the Soviet discovery of the vast Chechen oilfields in the late
1970's, they attempted to take control of Afghanistan to provide a massive
pipeline system to allow the Soviets to market their oil directly from the
Afghan-Pakistan seaport. This resulted in the decades long Soviet-Afghan war.
The Soviets were stopped by the U.S. supplied and armed insurgent groups,
including Osama bin Laden, who defeated the Soviets in the late 1980's.

The Soviets had massively built up their military in the 1980's, including the
world's largest nuclear submarine fleet, gambling on the huge profits to be
made by selling their Chechen oil on the open market. When the Afghans under
bin Laden, backed by the U.S. CIA stopped the construction of the Soviet-Afghan
pipeline, the Soviet Union went through an economic collapse and ceased to
exist in 1991.

The vast Chechen oilfield still remains fallow and untapped. As identified in
Black Gold Hot Gold, the Empire of Energy is now making a new attempt to
market the Chechen oil by carpet bombing Afghanistan and building the Afghan

George W. Bush's statement about declaring war on terrorism is obviously
hollow and sallow. It strangely does not include the terrorists in Northern
Ireland, nor even the terrorist suicide bombers among the Palestinians. Instead
it makes an instant leap of logic to aim the U.S. military directly at

The terrain in northern Afghanistan is the arid rugged foothills of the
Himalayas known as the Hindu Kush and is defended by the large fierce tribal
armies of the Northern Alliance who are excellent guerilla fighters with years
of experience fighting Soviets, now backed by the Chinese, and not connected
with the main Taliban government in Kabul. The Soviets spent over 10 years at
great expense to attack and carpet bomb Afghanistan, but they found fortress
Himalaya is impenetrable. The result was tremendous loss of Soviet lives and
the economic collapse of the Soviet Union.

George Bush is now leading the United States down that same road. The Empire of
Energy has for almost 100 years had as its goal the dismantling of the United
States of America and amalgamating it into one large global energy market. They
have found in George Bush a willing partner. Any war in Afghanistan would pit
the U.S. against the Chinese who just last week, on the day of the Word Trade
Center attack, signed a mutual pact with the Afghans.

In the last 50 years the U.S, has fought numerous wars against the Chinese, as
in Korea, Vietnam and elsewhere. In those wars the result was always a draw
with massive loss of life. Even high tech smart weapons in Kosovo were unable
to defeat the Chinese. In the upcoming Afghan war with the Chinese, the U.S.
will lose by simple attrition. Neither smart bombs nor nuclear bombs work
against hidden terrorists or against fortress Himalaya. There are more Chinese
soldiers in uniform than the whole population of the U.S.

Numerous recent news stories indicate the attack on the World Trade Center was
known to the CIA and FBI weeks before the attack. Seemingly nothing was done.
As for America, its panzers ran out of gas with the strange fraudulent
election of November 2000. Both G.W. Bush and Al Gore were backed by the Empire
of Energy, so it didn't matter for whom you voted. Americans have been
anesthetized and put to sleep by their lack of knowledge of world history, as
America disintegrates.

-- Marshall Smith

In little more than a year we have gone 

[CTRL] Fwd: Links

2002-03-08 Thread RoadsEnd



For CIA-Drugs List, if useful.









Narco Dollars for Dummies:

Narco Dollars in 13 Sections:

Narco Dollars in Spanish:

The Myth of the Rule of Law: The Destruction of Hamilton Securities:

The Money Lords of Harvard:
How the Money Works at the World's Richest University

Hold the Line:
Harvard Watch's Trading Truth: A Report on Harvard's Enron Entanglements

The Hijackers of Harvard: A Name and Address

Enron: Let's Play 20 Questions

Cui Bono: Building a Map to Solve the Crime:

A Collection of Essays and Articles by Fitts:

Collection of Articles at DrugWars.com:

Community Development vs. Covert Operations

Prison Investment:


Radio KPFA: Enron: Anatomy of a Cover Up (February 2002)
See real audio archives for February 12, 13, 15, 26, 28th, March 6:

For summary national show on Enron Cover Up on
February 28th, start 17 minutes in at:

Internet Video of Gold Anti-Trust Action (GATA) Speech at the National
Press Club (February 12, 2002)
(Do search for Fitts on home page for the world's longest link)

Drug Sense Forum (December 2001):

NY Times Drug Forum (December 2001):

NY Times Drug Forum Panel (January 2002):

Black Op Radio #57 - December 20, 2001
Part 1:
Part 2:


Backcasting: Report to Shareholders

The Importance of Place Based Data

The Power of Pop:

Doing a Solari and Equity Capital in an Integrated Model



Thankless Task, by Paul Rodriguez (5/21/01):

HUD Gives Up with Fitts, by Paul Rodriguez (7/30/01):

Uri Downbenko's Catherine Austin Fitts:Enemy of the State Series:

HUD Fraud, Spooks and the Slumlords of Harvard, Uri Dowbenko (September

DOJ Lies, Uri Dowbenko (2001)

Redefining the Killer App: AntiTrust and the Real World, by Uri Dowbenko


Gold Anti-Trust Action (GATA):

The War on Waste, CBS News, (January 29, 2002)

The Kelly O'Meara Missing Money Series:

Why is $59 Billion Missing from HUD?, by Kelly O'Meara (11/06/00):

Cuomo leaves HUD in Shambles, by Kelly O'Meara (3/05/01):

Inside HUD's Financial Fiasco, by Kelly O'Meara (6/25/01):

A Financial Fiasco is in the Making, by Kelly O'Meara (7/30/01):

Rumsfield Inherits Financial Mess, by Kelly O'Meara (9/03/01):

[CTRL] Fwd: Bruce Adamson/Amer Khashoggi

2002-03-08 Thread RoadsEnd


Daniel Hopsicker has come up with an interesting tidbit on Mohamed Atta.  I
received a positive email from Amer Khashoggi.  For those familiar with my
research in vol. IX, there is a document where James Jesus Angleton (# 2 man
at the CIA) was monitoring Mohamed Al Fayed's affair to Alexandra de
Mohrenschildt.  Angleton was caught by Ben Bradlee breaking into Mary
Meyer's home twice.  He was looking for her diaries about the same time.
When Princess Di lost her life and the CIA/Pentagon had been following her I
sent the CIA document to Adnan Khashoggi, for it disturbed me that there may
have been a conspiracy in her death.  For 2 reasons cause Dodi Fayed was an
Egyptian and because of Princess Di's stance on land mines.  Well here is my
response to Adnana's nephew and Hopsicker's Atta discovery is at the bottom.
Adnan's nephew seems to be a reasonable person.
Bruce Adamson.


Dear Amer:

You are welcome.  So many times I get intimation from CIA type individuals.
So I have to treat the lot as if everyone is CIA associated.  I tried to
help Al Fayed, your uncle's brother-in-law and sent your uncle the CIA
document referencing de Mohrenschildt/CIA and Al Fayed's relationship to de
M's daughter Alexandria.  Never heard back from him.  Adnan was in the CIA,
my opinion is that so was Al Fayed cause of his associations to de M and
others.  Yet, people can get doubled crossed and that may have been what
happened in the Diana/Dodi incident, which it is possible that others
retaliated in the Sept. 11th incident.  But I am not saying this to be fact,
just a possibility.  Others who know more than myself can fill in the
missing pieces.
I think I would feel the same as yourself, if I was just in the middle of
Take care
Bruce Adamson

Subject: Re: Erroneous reference in your website
Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2002 13:32:25 EST

Dear Sir,

Thank you very much for your email and for deleting the references about

Yes, My uncle Adnan has a half brother Amr (without the 'e'). The book
Richest Man in the World does not refer to me in any way. I was probably in
school when it was written. I'm also not a public figure, and no one has
written about me before. But this might change now with the World Flight.
starting to get media attention from Aviation magazines, and this is
me in getting sponsors.

I don't know much about the activities of my uncle. I actually don't know
uncle very well. I see him maybe once a year, and for a couple of minutes
only. It is not that we are not close, but just never in the same city at
same time. Therefore I really can't answer many of your questions. I'll try
my best to answer the questions that I can.

Mohamed Al Fayed was  the brother-in-law to my uncle. Al Fayed was married
Adnan's sister a long time ago, but they divorced some 30 years ago, and
remarried twice since. She is now dead, may God bless her soul. She died
about 17 years ago.

I don't know anything about whether he was suing the Pentagon.

I don't know whether my uncle was the middle man for the Iran-Contra
matter, but I too read that in the newspapers. I was in University when
affair began, and I remember watching the senate hearing of Oliver North.
the time it was as exciting as the OJ trial.

I don't know whether my uncle is the personal adviser to the Saudi Royal
Family, but I doubt it very much. There has not been any business relations
or any other relations between my uncle and the Royal Family for many
but don't quote me on that. It is possible that other members of the family

According to our News Agency here, the Saudi Royal family has been very
cooperative in the investigation. But I know from friends in the US that
Newspapers there write otherwise.

I don't know whether my uncle Adnan worked with the CIA in the George H.W.
administration. I never read that before.

Concerning the flying school, the law here does not allow any. Our airspace
is very restricted, and we don't have General Aviation. Also, Avgas, which
powers small airplanes like Cessnas 172's and other training aircraft, is
very hard to find here. We only have Jet Fuel. I tried once to bring a
airplane into Jeddah and couldn't because they couldn't guarantee I would
find fuel for it.

Once again I really appreciate you removing the erroneous references you
made about me. I can sleep better now.


Amer Khashoggi


From: daniel hopsicker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Mohamed Atta connected to Saudi Royal Family?
Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2002 14:28:13 -0500

New developments raise troubling questions about Pied Piper of terrorist

Mohamed Atta had connections with the Saudi Royal Family, according to his
flight instructor at Huffman Aviation in Venice Florida, who told another
student pilot 


2002-03-08 Thread RoadsEnd


pieced together from:

||| |||
||| A N T I F A |||
||| |||
||| I N F O - B U L L E T I N |||
||| _ |||
||| |||
||| * News * Analysis * Research * Action * |||
||| |||
|||  Volume 1, Number 5 * March 7, 1996  |||

Larry Pratt, the Council for Inter-American Security and
International Fascist Networks

by Tom Burghardt
Bay Area Coalition for Our Reproductive Rights


Recent allegations of anti-Semitism and racism levelled against
Larry Pratt, a national co-chairman of the Buchanan for President
campaign committee, is an intriguing example of media obfuscation
and truth on the half-shell. That Pratt addressed the 1992
Christian Men's Meeting, organized by notorious Christian Identity
racist, Pete Peters, is an established fact. That Pratt shared the
platform with Aryan Nations _fuhrer_, Richard Butler and former
Klan Grand Dragon, Louis Beam, the neo-Nazi architect of
leaderless resistance, is incontestable. That he gave a speech at
the 1993 Jubilation Conference in Sacramento, California, an annual
gathering of far-rightists' sponsored by the anti-Semitic publisher
of _Jubilee_, the flagship tabloid of the Christian Identity
movement, is true and has been accurately reported by the bourgeois

What should be of equal concern to the media is information about
Mr. Pratt which is far more damaging -- his close collaboration over
a 20 year period with an international network of war criminals,
neo-Nazi terrorists, and the organizers of Asian, European and Latin
American death squads. But because such activities advanced the
geopolitical and military goals of the United States, Pratt's actual
record is passed over in _silence_; a facet of media self-censorship
that has been well- documented elsewhere.[1]

At the outset of this report I will emphasize, Pratt is a
reactionary whose political orientation can aptly be described as
clerical-fascist. On numerous occasions, he has expressed disdain
for democracy and the economic, political and social rights of the
oppressed. His ideological and personal links to the theocratic wing
of the Christian Right, the anti-abortion movement and Patriot
militias, though of interest, will be explored in another report
currently in preparation.

This edition of AFIB however, will explore at some length, the
dimensions of Larry Pratt's ties to the national security state. I
will demonstrate that Pratt, Buchanan and a host of other
respectable conservatives, far from being outsiders or
populists are active agents and apologists for the global crimes
of U.S. imperialism.

Service of Global Terror

The Council for Inter-American Security (CIS) is a rightist outfit
that played a pivotal role formulating Washington's program for
counter-revolutionary war and mass murder in Central America during
the 1980s. Larry Pratt, was a central figure within the CIS
hierarchy as was Patrick Buchanan; Pratt was secretary to the group
while Buchanan functioned as an organizational director (see
Appendix for complete list of board members and principle players).

But CIS was more than a New Right think-tank researching and
formulating foreign policy for the Reagan administration. The group
functioned in a dual-capacity; as an alarmist public policy
institute and as a domestic spy ring, a privatized version of the
FBI's infamous COINTELPRO operations. Having staked-out Latin
America as their geopolitical niche, CIS targeted Central America
solidarity activists, progressive clergy, and the Salvadoran exile
community. The group gathered intelligence and disseminated
disinformation, funneling data on foreign policy opponents to the
FBI and the intelligence service of the Salvadoran death squad

The domestic side to illegal CIA-Contra operations were aided by a
broad spectrum of domestic and international reactionaries. Many of
the state-sanctioned criminals who sought to subvert democratic
processes in the U.S. and overseas were connected to a network which
included, among others: the John Birch Society (JBS); the World
Anti-Communist League (WACL); Christian fundamentalist and Catholic
theocrats; anti-Castro terrorists grouped in Alpha 66/Brigade 2506;
the LaRouche organization and the Unification Movement of South
Korean fascist, Rev. Sun Myung Moon.[2]

While such groups operated secretly, they did so with the knowledge,
financial backing and encouragement of powerful American corporate
and political interests. According to journalist Ross Gelbspan:

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Israeli Spies: 'Mega Was Not An Agent; Mega Was the Boss'

2002-03-08 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 3/8/02 10:29:12 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Oral sex is not sodomy in Washington dc.

Any sexual penetration outside of male/female genital-to-genital penetration is considered "sodomy"...like it or not.


[CTRL] Fwd: HoffmanWire: Holocaust in the Arab Ghetto

2002-03-08 Thread William Shannon


Dedicated to Freedom of the Press, Investigative Reporting and Revisionist History

Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor
A HREF= http://www.hoffman-info.com/news.html 

March 8, 2002

Holocaust in the Palestinian Ghetto
by Michael A. Hoffman II

The Israeli Nazis have stepped up their genocide in the Palestinian
ghetto. We have added explicit photographs and uncensored reports to our
online, Museum of the Israeli Holocaust Against the Palestinians. The
home page for this vitally important museum is at:


On March 4, Sharon wiped out a Palestinian family: a mother, her two
daughters and 8 year old son. Their Mom had picked them up from school
when Israeli troops bombed their vehicle. The Israelis had hoped the
father was inside (he was not). They didn't care if they hit the rest of
the family. In fact, that was the Talmudic goal--wipe out the whole

In reply, some will play the collateral damage card -- It was an
unfortunate accident etc. Not everyone is so stupid as to believe such
a murderer's alibi.

The fact is, the murder of whole families is a well-known feature of
everyday Israeli military  tactics, whose provenance, according to this
writer's files, is February, 1992, when US-made Israeli helicopter
gunships incinerated the car of the Abbas Mussawi family, killing not
only Sheik Abbas Mussawi, but his wife Siham and infant son, Hussein.

According to the NY Times of Feb. 22, 1992, the Israelis had
meticulously planned the Mussawi incineration for months. They knew the
wife and baby would be in the car too, but: The opportunity to hit
someone like Mussawi does not present itself every day,' said an Israeli
official closely involved in the operation.

After the 1992 attack on the Mussawi family, the Israeli helicopters
pretended to leave the scene of the burning Mussawi car, but only left
the immediate vicinity. After the wounded were rescued and placed in
another car headed to the hospital, the US-supplied helicopter
deathships returned and incinerated the car that was on the mission of
mercy bound for the hospital!

These days, Ariel Sharon hardly needs to spin alibis, so great is his
cachet in the US media. After last Monday's extermination of the
Palestinian family noted above, and sundry other massacres of civilians
on that March the 4th, Sharon articulated his racist, mass murder
doctrine of collective punishment of the Palestinian nation in stark and
horrifying terms:

Anyone wishing to conduct negotiations with the Palestinians must first
hit them hard...We must inflict heavy losses on their side.

Palestinian mothers, children, Red Crescent ambulances loaded with
doctors, nurses, the wounded. It doesn't matter to Sharon. Heavy
losses must be inflicted on the Palestinians. Man, woman and child.
Collective punishment does not make distinctions.

Sharon has powerful patrons. The New York Post and Wall Street Journal
are cheering his murders. The land grab of the Master Race must be
protected at all costs, including genocide. And any half-way astute
military analyst will tell you that the Palestinian people have the
determination and courage of lions. Sharon's claim to pound them into
submission will only heighten their RESISTANCE (not violence) and he
knows it.

Last week a lone Palestinian shot six Israeli soldiers
single-handed.Yesterday a lone,19 year old Palestian engaged the Israeli
army by himself in a half hour firefight, after killing six TALMUD (not
Bible) students, who comprise  the illegal Israeli settlements on
Palestinian lands.

White House assassins Bush and Powell cleared Sharon's genocide in
private. Part of the deal was that they would criticize it in public.

Sharon doesn't mind losing a few Israeli suckers to Palestinian small
arms fire and suicide bombs. For every dead Israeli Sharon gets to kill
at least ten Palestinians, mostly youths, to applause from the American
Congress and media. This is genocide on a slow burn. Sharon is hoping to
incite a major Palestinian offensive--the death of hundreds of Israelis
in a Jerusalem bombing, for example. Then he can retaliate (the
Israelis never attack, they only avenge) by killing thousands of

Let's break the mold here. One cannot adequately deflate Israeli
prestige and glamor by simply describing their crimes with text, or moan
about them in the classic, columnist-pundit format.  A picture is worth
10,000 words. That's why we have dramatic, explicit and shocking
documentary  photographs in links at:


For example, did you know the Israeli barbarians killed a physician and
shot ambulance workers and ambulances this week? We have the photo of
the bullet-ridled ambulance.

Did you know they bombed a Palestinian school for the blind a few days
ago? We have the poignant photo of the bombed school, which is 

[CTRL] Aaronovitch:Israel has the right to exist but also the duty to concede

2002-03-08 Thread William Shannon

Israel has the right to exist but also the duty to concede

'Its necessary foundation on injustice makes it incumbent on Israel to be the one that offers most concessions'

David Aaronovitch 

08 March 2002

I have always quite liked the slogan "a democratic, secular state of Palestine". Territorially the thing would look quite elegant, a proper blade-shaped sliver running from Lebanon to Eilat. Not at all like the tortured digit and mottled patchwork of any two-state solution to the Middle East conflict. So neat. And everybody living together: Arab, Jew and Christian. Just as in the (mostly) tolerant days of the Ottoman Empire, except with voting and without an official state religion. Aesthetics then, a strongly secular cast of mind, a cosmopolitan view of culture and an internationalist outlook predispose me – and I suspect many readers of The Independent – against nationalism and exclusivity.

I have never seen Israel as a possible haven from a new anti-Semitism, I have never wanted to live there, I found my one visit – 26 years ago at the height of Menachem Begin's rule – supremely depressing. Ten years after the six-day war there were road signs in Hebrew and English, but none in Arabic. Aggressive men with yarmulkas and American accents would buttonhole me outside the University in Tel Aviv and tell me that I must know "that the Jewish heart is a good heart", before revealing the biblical necessity for "reoccupying Judea and Samaria". The Jewishness that I had known and liked was Yiddish. The Jewishness I found here was Hebrew.

I could have added two reflections, if I had been observant enough at the time. One was that I would have found it even more depressing to stand listening to an explanation in Cairo or Baghdad or Damascus of why democracy was still-born in all these places. And two was that Yiddish was the language of the victim and Hebrew the tongue of a people determined not to be the victim again.

But whatever I thought about there being an Israel was beside the point, because it was not going away. So I didn't really bother thinking about it at all. Apart from a few far-leftists, Arab nationalists and Palestinian romantics, the notion of the non-existence of the Jewish state per se was, as practical politics, nonsense.

I wonder if that is still the consensus. So violent have been the events of the last 18 months, so desperate the struggle, so bloody, so grim the news, so insanely intractable the leadership of Sharon, so weak and dishonest the leadership of Arafat, that I sense a change. If there can be no peaceful solution, if no way can be discovered to parcel out the land and set the boundaries, then why not go back to the fundamental. Which is: why do we need a Jewish state at all? Wasn't the whole creation of Israel a massive injustice perpetrated against the Palestinians and one that only the disappearance of the said state can solve? This is the coffee-time question.

You hardly need to be told that each side has its myths. Or, rather, its uni-explanations. Tiny Israel, born out of the Holocaust, full of progressive kibbutzim, wanting only peace, hemmed in by the many Arab millions intent on her destruction, forced into war, every act an act of self-defence. Poor Palestine, happy and united before the Zionists forced partition, before the Zionists threw the refugees out to spend a short eternity living on unreliable Arab charity, forgotten and unrecognised. Every act an act of desperation, born of weakness.

Let's dispense with all that for now. It could all be true. All of it, however, originates in the decision first that there should be a Jewish state and then that it should be in Palestine. Once those decisions were taken – as they were first by the League of Nations and then in resolution 181 of the United Nations General Assembly in 1948 – it was pretty much inevitable that many Palestinians would lose their homes and their birthrights to make way for the new dispensation.

So, are Jews "entitled" to a homeland? Bit rough on them if they aren't. The Welsh have one, the Kurds, many think, should be given one, and you would be thought mad if you even raised the question about the British. The national experience of the modern era, from the late 18th century onwards, was all about the creation of states founded on cultural affinity. And almost all of these were, at some time or other, constructed on the forced migration of peoples. In addition the Jews had been an almost uniquely persecuted people, exploited and then expelled from most European countries, and subject to violent pogroms in others. As one critical author, Jerome Slater, has written: "It is hard to imagine that any other people has had a more powerful case for possession of a state of their own."

Where though? The Soviets, keen on engineering solutions to national questions, created an autonomous Jewish region in 

[CTRL] Mohamad Atta Connected To Saudi Royal Family?

2002-03-08 Thread William Shannon

Mohamad Atta Connected To Saudi Royal Family?
by Daniel Hopsicker
March 8--Venice Florida

New developments raise troubling questions about "Pied Piper" of terrorist pilots.
Mohamed Atta had connections with the Saudi Royal Family, according to his flight instructor at Huffman Aviation in Venice Florida, who told another student pilot Atta's status as a member of the Saudi elite warranted him having a full-time bodyguard at all times during his U.S. flight training. 

The bombshell revelation, buried in news reports immediately after 9/11,  re-surfaced recently in an Australian television documentary interview with Anne Greaves, a London osteopath whose passion for aviation led her to take flight training at Huffman Aviation at the same time as Mohamed Atta and Marwan al-Shehhi.

From Hamburg Germany to Venice Florida...

More on this in a moment. But this was not the only story challenging what we've been told about Mohamed Atta's true identity last week...

Suspicion is growing in Hamburg, Germany that Atta maintained ties with Western intelligence agencies while in Technical School, says one former German intelligence official, pointing to Atta's participation in an elite program sponsored by the German equivalent of the Agency for International Development, an arm of the government which often harbors intelligence operatives in the U.S.

Even the Hamburg electronics company which employed three members of the core cadre—Atta, Marwan al-Shehhi, and Ramzi Binalshibh—for more than  two years while they were students is beginning to appear to be not quite what it seemed at first glance.

Hay Computing Service GmbH is suspected of being what is known in German as a "briefkastenfirma," literally a "mailbox firm," commonly referred to in the U.S. as a  "dummy front company."

A cover story begins to break down

New evidence also calls into question the chronology of Mohamed Atta’s final days. The MadCowMorningNews has learned exclusively that an eyewitness who has never been contacted by the FBI spotted Atta, Marwan and Siad Al-Jarrah together in Venice barely a week before the terrorist attack, long after authorities say they had moved on from this tiny retirement community on Florida’s Gulf Coast.

All three terrorist pilots ordered subs from her in the deli at the local Publix supermarket, states Brenda Covey. She had served them all before on numerous occasions, she continued, a statement confirmed by news accounts, and so she has no doubt at all about who the three were.

What were they doing-or who were they meeting with--in tiny Venice Florida? At the very least this raises more suspicion about why the FBI has insisted Atta's terrorist cadre's arrival enmasse in Venice was nothing but sheer happenstance.

Eyewitness testimony doesn't make the papers--again.

Englishwoman Anne Greaves met Mohamed Atta while pursuing her lifelong dream of learning to fly. As fate would have it she ended up taking flying lessons with Mohamed Atta at Huffman Aviation in Venice Florida.

"I certainly found it strange to find two Arabs in such a quiet location," she told the Australian Broadcasting Corp.’s investigative program 4Corners.

"When I checked with my instructor on one occasion about their (strange) habits, I was informed that the men we now know as Mohamed Atta and al-Shehhi actually had royal connections with a Saudi House and al-Shehhi was his bodyguard."

Correspondent Liz Jackson attempted to pin down details of Greaves’ stunning allegation…

"This story about Mohamed Atta being royalty and al-Shehhi being his bodyguard, was that something just that Huffman's told you? I mean do you think that was something that they even believed or…"

"It was my impression that it was generally believed," Greaves states. "Because it was my instructor who told me this at the time so I had the impression that that was generally believed, yes.

"That Mohamed Atta was royalty?"

"That he had some connection of the Royal House of Saudi, yes."

"And al-Shehhi was his bodyguard?"

"That is what I was given to understand so in a way it made sense to me that there were always two because I never saw al-Shehhi take the controls of the aircraft. It was always Mohamed Atta but nevertheless al-Shehhi always accompanied him on his flying lessons."

"A soft-shoe shuffle at 3 feet." 

Was Mohamed Atta a student pilot with a bodyguard who flew along with him during flight training? This is not a detail that would have been missed by the flight school's owner, who was queried about it on-camera. 

Dekkers was asked, "Now there have been stories that he presented himself as an Arab prince, is that correct?"

"Well, no," Dekkers replied. "If he was a prince, yes or no, I can't state that because we never heard them talking about that, we never heard anything, we have heard that one of my students who was here in the same time that Atta and al-Shehhi was here, and I think it was Miss Greaves, that she 

[CTRL] Israel/Occupied Territories: Inaction is complicity

2002-03-08 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2002 17:04:45 +
From: ainews [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Israel/Occupied Territories: Inaction is complicity

* News Release Issued by the International Secretariat of Amnesty
International *

8 March 2002
MDE 15/017/2002

Amnesty International called on the international community to
act immediately to save Palestinian and Israeli lives by
insisting on an international presence in Israel's Occupied

  Over the past ten days, at least 130 Palestinians have
been killed. At least 18 wounded Palestinians have reportedly
died because of denial of access of medical services. In the same
period, at least 33 Israelis have been killed, including 17

  No country should stand on the sidelines. Palestinian
and Israeli children are slaughtered, ambulances carrying wounded
Palestinians shot at, Palestinians homes are demolished and their
towns and villages sealed off. Remaining silent amounts to
condoning the escalation of killings, violence and retaliation,
said Amnesty International.

  Now is the time to act.

  The international community has made many statements and
sent many delegates, but these efforts have failed to prevent an
escalating human rights crisis, added Amnesty International.

  AI has repeatedly called on the Israeli Government to
halt unlawful killings and on Palestinian armed groups to cease
killing civilians, said Amnesty International. International
monitors with a strong human rights component can help to stop
unlawful killings, and the human suffering caused by the
bombings, the siege and demolition of homes in Gaza and the West

  The Gaza Strip and the West Bank, occupied by Israel in
1967, are governed by the rules of human rights and humanitarian
law. Those living under occupation are protected by the rules of
the Fourth Geneva Convention which describe as grave breaches
acts such as wilful killing, wilfully causing great suffering or
serious injury to body or health, and extensive destruction and
appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity.

  Yet grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions and serious
violations of human rights standards are daily currency in the
Occupied Territories,  Amnesty International emphasized.

  The number of Palestinians killed since the beginning of
the current intifada in September 2000 has now reached more than
1000. The great majority of those killed, who include more than
200 children, were killed unlawfully when no lives were in
danger.  More than 600 houses have been demolished. In an act of
collective punishment villages and towns in the West Bank are
consistently sealed off by barriers manned by soldiers or made of
earth, concrete blocks or trenches. At the same time at least 300
Israelis have been killed, including at least 200 civilians,
among them over 50 children.

  The Commission of Inquiry established by the UN
Commission on Human Rights called in March 2001 for an effective
international human rights monitoring presence to be established
immediately and constituted in such a manner as to reflect a
sense of urgency about protecting the human rights of the
Palestinian people.

  A year on, this urgent call remains unheeded. Respect for
human rights and humanitarian law is the only viable path towards
lasting peace and security for both Palestinians and Israelis.

  Armed Palestinian groups have also an obligation to
respect the Geneva Conventions which forbid the targeting of
civilians. But breaches in humanitarian law by an armed group
can never justify a state's breaches of fundamental principles of
human rights and humanitarian law it has solemnly sworn to


Since 27 February Israeli troops have entered Palestinian refugee
camps allegedly in order to arrest members of armed Palestinian
groups. After raids in Balata refugee camp in Nablus and Jenin
refugee camp, they also entered Aida and Deheishe refugee camps
in Bethlehem, camps in the Gaza Strip and Tulkarem camp. In these
camps, which house Palestinians exiled from their homes after
1948 and have a high density population, the Israeli Defence
Force (IDF) have used hellfire missiles from Apache helicopters,
tank rounds and bullets from heavy machine guns mounted on
Merkava tanks.  This represents a disproportionate use of lethal
force and endangers the lives of ordinary people in the camps. In
addition, the IDF in its action over the past three days has
frequently targeted ambulances, killing five Palestinian medical
workers including the director of a hospital in Bethlehem and the
head of Jenin emergency services, while preventing or hindering
ambulances from carrying away wounded Palestinians.

You may repost this message onto other sources provided the main
text is not altered in 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Israeli Spies: 'Mega Was Not An Agent; Mega Was the Boss'

2002-03-08 Thread thew
Title: Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Israeli Spies: 'Mega Was Not An Agent; Mega Was the Boss'

on 3/8/02 7:29 PM, William Shannon at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In a message dated 3/8/02 10:29:12 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 

Oral sex is not sodomy in Washington dc.

Any sexual penetration outside of male/female genital-to-genital penetration is considered sodomy...like it or not. 


Sorry bill  while I agree with you that sodomy is not only anal sex, there is a legal definition  and in Washington dc oral sex does not fall under that definition.
-- -- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - - - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - - --  -- - -- -
We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. We must remember always that accusation is not proof and that conviction depends upon evidence and due process of law. 

 Edward R. Murrow

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew 

[CTRL] FEMA: The Secret Government

2002-03-08 Thread InfoWarz

FEMA: The Secret Government

by Harry V. Martin with research assistance from David Caul

Some people have referred to it as the secret government of
the United States. It is not an elected body; it does not involve itself
in public disclosures; and it even has a quasi-secret budget in the
billions of dollars.

This government organization has more power than the President of the
United States or the Congress. It has the power to suspend laws, move
entire populations, arrest and detain citizens without a warrant and hold
them without trial. It can seize property, food supplies, transportation
systems, and can suspend the Constitution. Not only is it the most
powerful entity in the United States, but it was not even created under
Constitutional law by the Congress. It was a product of a Presidential
Executive Order.

No, it is not the U.S. military nor the Central Intelligence Agency; they
are subject to Congress. The organization is called FEMA, which stands
for the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Originally conceived in the
Richard Nixon Administration, it was refined by President Jimmy Carter
and given teeth in the Ronald Reagan and George Bush

FEMA had one original concept when it was created—to assure the
survivability of the United States government in the event of a nuclear
attack on this nation. It was also provided with the task of being a
federal coordinating body during times of domestic disasters, such as
earthquakes, floods and hurricanes.

Its awesome powers grew under the tutelage of people like Lt. Col. Oliver
North and General Richard Secord, the architects on the Iran-Contra
scandal and the looting of America’s savings and loan institutions. FEMA
has even been given control of the State Defense Forces, a rag-tag, often
considered neo-Nazi, civilian army that will substitute for the National
Guard, if the Guard is called to duty overseas.

The most powerful organization in the United States

Though it may be the most powerful organization in the United States,
many people don’t know it even exists. But it has crept into our private
lives. Even mortgage papers contain FEMA’s name in small print if the
property in question is near a flood plain. FEMA was deeply involved in
the Los Angeles riots and the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake in the San
Francisco Bay Area. Some of the black helicopter traffic reported
throughout the United States, but mainly in the West, California,
Washington, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and Colorado, are flown by FEMA

FEMA has been given responsibility for many new disasters including urban
forest fires, home heating emergencies, refugee situations, urban riots,
and emergency planning for nuclear and toxic incidents. In the West, it
works in conjunction with the Sixth Army.

FEMA was created in a series of Executive Orders. A Presidential
Executive Order, whether Constitutional or not, becomes law simply by its
publication in the Federal Registry. Congress is bypassed.

Executive Order Number 12148 created the Federal Emergency Management
Agency that is to interface with the Department of Defense for civil
defense planning and funding. An emergency czar was

FEMA has only spent about 6 percent of its budget on national
emergencies, the bulk of their funding has been used for the construction
of secret underground facilities to assure continuity of government in
case of a major emergency—foreign or domestic.

Executive Order Number 12656 appointed the National Security Council as
the principal body that should consider emergency powers. This allows the
government to increase domestic intelligence and surveillance of U.S.
citizens and would restrict the freedom of movement within the United
States and grant the government the right to isolate large groups of
civilians. The National Guard could be federalized to seal all borders
and take control of U.S. air space and all ports of entry.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency has broad powers in every aspect
of the nation. General Frank Salzedo, chief of FEMA’s Civil Security
Division stated in a 1983 conference that he saw FEMA’s role as a
new frontier in the protection of individual and governmental
leaders from assassination, and of civil and military installations from
sabotage and/or attack, as well as prevention of dissident groups from
gaining access to U.S. opinion, or a global audience in times of

FEMA’s powers were consolidated by President Carter to incorporate: The
National Security Act of 1947, which allows for the strategic relocation
of industries, services, government and other essential economic
activities, and to rationalize the requirements for manpower, resources
and production facilities; the 1950 Defense Production Act, which gives
the President sweeping powers over all aspects of the economy; the Act of
August 29, 1916, which authorizes the Secretary of the Army, in time of
war, to take possession of any transportation system for transporting

[CTRL] Unofficial Dictionary of Political Phrases

2002-03-08 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

The Unofficial Dictionary of Political Phrases
by Phanixis

With elections coming up it might be hard to choose which candidate you like best.
What do they actually stand for? With this handy reference you can determine
exactly what they are saying.

How to use this dictionary: Pay attention to what a politician is saying, whenever he
or she uses one of the phrases listed below in bold, promptly replace it with the
related text.

Its a tax cut for the wealthy:
 If we let you keep the money you earned, we would also have to let people who
make more money keep the money they earned. But they would keep more money,
and that would be unfair. So instead, we will just take your money from both you and
them to make sure everyone is equal.

Targeted Tax Cut:
 We could let you keep your own money, but to do so you are going to have to do
something for us. This is to make sure everyone is equal (see tax cut for the
wealthy). If a wealthier person manages to keep his money but you don't, its because
‘special interest' have conspired against you. Don't blame us.

I want to Protect Social Security:
 I believe in spending your retirement savings immediately, and then placing an
enormous tax on some poor chap to give you a substandard income when you retire
because we think you are too dumb to save for your retirement yourself.

Lets Disarm Criminals:
 We would like to disarm criminals, but we can't. So we are going to disarm you

Lets put social security in a ‘lock box':
 We will pretend that we are not immediately spending your retirement.

I'm for seniors:
 I'm for screwing you over and taking your money, but only until you're 65 years of
age. Then I will reward you with measly subsidies or put you in a retirement home.

Let's act Civilized:
1) Let's slap some new regulations on big corporations, because the last 10,000
didn't seem to do the job.
2) We need a new tax.

I believe in a woman's right to choose:
 I believe that a woman has the right to choose to abort fetuses. This does not mean
I believe that a woman (or anyone for that matter) has the right to choose how to
spend her own money, save for her retirement, run her own business, or teach her
children about sex, but those are trivial anyway.

I believe in the right to life:
 I believe that the right to life of innocent unborn babies should be protected against
abortion. This does not mean I believe that the right to life of innocent civilians in
third- world countries should be protected against my bombing raids.

I have faith in the public education system:
 I'm either a liar or an idiot.

Lets Pay off the National Debt:
 Lets create an 8-year plan. In the first four years, we will rapidly increase spending
on all programs and go further into debt. In the last four years, we will pay off the
national debt. The plan will terminate 2 years after being initiated. If this doesn't
make sense, its because you lack the intricate knowledge of economics necessary to
understand it.

Lets balance the budget:
 Lets create ‘spending caps' so we can ignore them.

Voted to cut spending on (insert government program here):
 Voted to increase the budget of (government program) by a mere $120 million
instead of the usual $125 million, thus having a horrible catastrophic world-ending
impact on the lives of those dependent upon the program.

Voted against education:
 Pissed off the NEA.

Voted to Privatize Social Security:
 Trusted you with small amounts of money, a crime against humanity.

I'm for affirmative action, but against quotas:
 I believe that the only way to stop discrimination is to discriminate more, but I 
like the word ‘quotas' because its too narrow-minded.

We need to reduce class size:
 We need to tax you and dump the money we gain somehow.

We need to increase teacher pay:
 We need another excuse to take your money.

We need local control of schools:
 We need to pass more federal regulations regarding education.

This election, the President may end up choosing 3 Supreme Court Judges:
 It just means that I will appoint judges. I'm not going to lose sleep over it.

I believe in sex education:
 I believe that children's parents can't teach them about sex education effectively, 
the state can by using teachers who were bumped into sex education classes
because they could not teach math or English and they could not legally be fired, to
teach 30 students at a time about sex.

I believe in medically accurate sex educations:
 I believe in classes that teach children moral values about sex entirely foreign to 
will of their parents, by substituting such narrow-minded concepts such as
abstinence with ‘alternative methods of releasing sexual tension' such as
masturbation. If students find out that actual sex turns out to be a better way of
relieving sexual tension, its probably the parents' faults. Also, its important to 
children this stuff at the age of 6, that way they learn better.

We need to provide aid to