Cards Played.France holds a royal flush,Shrubs hand?...Aces and eights.

2003-03-17 Thread professor rat

From the author of Billy Gashade comes the story of the death of one of 
the West's greatest living legends--Wild Bill Hickok. While playing poker 
in Deadwood's Number 10 Saloon, Hickok was shot in the back by Jack McCall. 
Forever after, Hickok's poker hand of a pair of aces and a pair of eights 
has been known as the Dead Man's Hand.

Re: V1AGRA Delivered

2003-03-17 Thread Sheri Bragg


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Shrub the disorganized sociopath.

2003-03-17 Thread professor rat
Regression analysis, a statistical technique used to determine common 
factors, characteristics, or predictors among a large data set, was used to 
identify traits of the perpetrators of sexual homicide, serial killers, 
terrorists, and the like.

Results of the Regression Analysis
Neither poverty nor lack of intelligence emerged as a common factor. 
Rather, the subjects were all male, predominately white (92%), of average 
or above average intelligence (80%), often the oldest son (56%) in a family 
with both parents present at birth (57%), and a stable/self-sufficient 
economic level (86%). These offenders came from backgrounds that appeared 
to be functional but, upon closer examination, revealed numerous problems: 
substance abuse (alcohol, 70%; drugs, 33%), psychiatric problems (53%), 
criminal involvement (50%), physical abuse (42%), psychological abuse 
(74%), sexual problems (46%), instability of residence (68%), the loss of 
the father before age twelve (47%), and difficulties with the mother (44%) 
as well as male caretakers (72%). Clearly, a disturbing picture of family 
life. Negative and abusive childhood sexual experiences were common, as 
were anti-social behaviors such as stealing, lying, rebelliousness, and 

One of the best known findings from the childhood/adolescent data, used in 
nearly every criminal profile, is the so-called homicidal triad of 
fire-setting, enuresis (bedwetting), and cruelty to animals. These factors 
emerged as significant predictors of adult homicidal behavior and sexual 
violence. It is impossible to understate the importance of these factors in 
the prediction of violent behavior, particularly when two or three of them 
appear in the same child, adolescent, or adult.

Despite their intelligence, many of these offenders performed poorly in 
high school, often not graduating, held unsteady employment, and often 
received undesirable/dishonorable discharges from the military. This 
research also underscored the importance of violent sexual fantasies in the 
development of homicidal behavior, as well as the role of precipitating 
stress factors in the actual commission of the crime. Typical stressors 
included conflict with females and parents, as well as financial and 
employment problems. In many profiles, a guess as to the precipitating 
stressor is given to the public in an attempt to spark recognition of a 
possible suspect. The offender's age at the time of the crime is another 
common element. These offenders were almost always under forty years of age 
when they started committing homicides, although their criminal histories 
began much earlier.

The research left no doubt that these homicides were carefully planned in 
astonishing detail. Fifty percent of perpetrators targeted the specific 
victim, time, and place prior to the murder's commission. An additional 
group of perpetrators knew that they were in the mood to murder, and thus 
sought out opportunities for homicide by cruising appropriate places for 
victims to kill or locations for murders to take place. The disposal of the 
body-whether it is left in the open or carefully concealed-is an important 
factor in profiling the perpetrator, too, as it reveals much about motive.

Several post-crime behaviors are
also important to profiling and
identifying the killer. Killers
often returned to the scene of
the murder or the grave site of
the victim; participated in the
discovery of the victim's body
or the investigation by offering
tips or evidence; attended mem-
orial services and press confer-
ences; and paid close attention
to media accounts of the crime
and people's reactions to it.
Keeping souvenirs or trophies-
jewelry, clothing, identification
cards, body parts-from the
victim, maintaining scrapbooks
of newspaper articles about the
crime, and using journals, tape
recordings, and photographs of
the crime were common, al-
though these behaviors were
more likely when the killer used
a firearm to commit the murder,
as opposed to a blunt or sharp
Perhaps the most important con-
tribution to the understanding of
sexual homicide and the crimi
nal profiling of its perpetrators,
is the distinction made between
organized and disorganized crime
scenes. These distinctions are
commonly accepted in law en-
forcement and, combined with
the demographics given above
(white, male, intelligent, late
twenties to early thirties, blue
collar employment), comprise a
standard or boilerplate profile of
an organized or unorganized per-
petrator, without any reference
to unique characteristics of the
crimes at hand.


2003-03-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=GB2312
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 19:31:18 +0800
X-Priority: 3
X-Mailer: FoxMail 3.11 Release [cn]



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2003-03-17 Thread linda ibrahim
Dear sir
You may be surprise to receive this letter from me,since you
dont know me personally,I am LINDA IBRAHIM. The doughter of
LINDA IBRAHIM, Who was recently murdered in the land
dispute in Zimbabwe. I got your contact as i was searching for
areliable and reputable person to handle a very confidential
business which involve a transfer of fund to a foreign account
and i decided to write you my late father was among the few
black Zimbabwean opposition party rich farmers murdered by the
agents of the ruling Government of president Robert mugabe,for
his alleged support and sympathy for the Zimbabwean opposition
party controlled by the white minority, Before my father
death,he had taken to johannesburg and deposited the sum of
thirty eight million united state dollars (US$38,000,000)with
a security and financial company,The money right now is in
NETHERLAND(EUROPE), as if he forseen the looming danger in
zimbabwe. The money was deposited in a box as valuable items
to avoid over taxed custom clearance.
This money was allocated for the purchase of new machinery and
chemical product for Agro-allied farms and for establishment
of new farms in lesotho and swaziland.This land problems arose
when president Robert mugabe introduced a new land act that
wholly affected the rich white farmers and some blacks
vehemently condemned the modus operandiadopted by the
This result to rampant killings and mob action by the war
veterans and some political thugs,precisely more than three
thousand( 3,000)
people have so far been killed.Heads of government from the
west, especially Britain and united states have voice their
condemnation of Mugabe's plans.Subsequently, south Africa have
development community(S.A.D.C)has continousy supported
mugabe's new land act, it is against this background that my
entire family who are currently residing in South Africa have
decided to ! transfer my father's wealth and south Africa's
government seems to be playing along with them.I am face with
the dilemma of investing this money in south Afica for fear of
encountering the same experience in the future, since both
countries have almost the same political history.
Moreso,the south African foreign exchange policy does not
allow such investment,Hence i am seeking for(political asylum)
AS a business person whom i entrusted my future and that of my
family into his hands, i must let you know that this
transaction is 100% risk free and the nature of your
business does not necessarily matter.For your assistance we
are offering you 30% of the sum ,60% for me and my family,
while 10% will be mapped out for any expenses that we may
incurre during this transaction.We wish to invest our money on
commecial properties based on your advice. Finally, i will
demand for assurance that you will not sit on the
money when it gets to your personally account or comp! any
account in your country, If this proposal is accepted please
confirm your interest by sending this email
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or with above


Re: Brumley Boneh timing attack on OpenSSL

2003-03-17 Thread Peter Gutmann
Bill Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Schmoo Group response on
Apparently OpenSSL has code to prevent the timing attack,
but it's often not compiled in (I'm not sure how much that's for
performance reasons as opposed to general ignorance?)

I had blinding code included in my crypto code for about 3 years,
when not a single person used it in all that time I removed it
again (actually I think it's probably still there, but disconnected).
I'm leaning strongly towards general ignorance here...


Insight on the News Email Edition

2003-03-17 Thread Insight on the News
A new issue of Insight on the News is now online
  Folks, it’s High Noon in Washington. The U.S., Britain, and Spain are 
stepping into the OK Corral, while the rest of the world cowers behind their 
curtains. Let’s pray the rest of the scenario follows our script. And while 
we’re at it, let’s say another prayer for our sons and daughters in harm's way.
  We’ve got some dandy new reading for you today. Jamie Dettmer asks 
some pointed questions about how prepared we are for what may lie after war. And Andrew Bernstein points out the 
nobility of the myth of the American cowboy – and asks what’s so wrong with the 
U.S. acting like one. These along 
with a feast of new articles. 
  Until the next time, from the Bunker in Washington, I remain your 
newsman in Washington.
Jamie Dettmer tells us that few lawmakers have questioned whether it is feasible 
to attempt to take Islamic Iraq by the hand and encourage her boldly in the 
path of virtue.
Andrew Bernstein writes that those who oppose war with Iraq -- from foreign 
heads of state to homegrown antiwar protesters -- employ a common expression of 
contempt for the U.S. war effort. America, they sneer, is acting like a 

Get A Free Magazine from Swiss America

Timothy Maier reports that authorities regularly offer financial incentives for 
tips that lead to a crime being solved, but criminologists claim large payouts 
are rare.
Jennifer Hickey reports that although the legislative agenda in Congress has 
been complicated by the confused state of international affairs, simple 
priorities have moved into plain sight with the start of the annual budget 
Martin Andersen writes that oil firms should declare payments to corrupt 
French poltroons; 'chemical misogyny'; Ari Fleischer's 'occult powers.'
Paul Rodriguez writes that there's much to be outraged about these days: from 
soaring gas prices to the recent behavior of those pesky French.

 “ASTOUNDINGLY INTERESTING ARTICLE BY Managing Editor Paul M. Rodriguez this 
most recent issue. Subsequent articles and research qualities found in this 
publication make it a NEWS PRIZE above all others! Thanks so much.”-- B.K., via 

You have received this newsletter because you have a user name and password at 
Insight on the News.
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Insight on the News and edit your account preferences on the Web.

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2003-03-17 Thread DR.MRS MARIAM ABACHA
From the Desk of: DR.MRS MARIAM ABACHA

Dear Sir,

I NEED YOUR HELP May the blessing of God be upon
you and grant you the wisdom and sympathy to understand
my situation and how much Ineed your help. Late
Gen.Sanni Abacha,ex-military Head of State (Federal Republic
of Nigeria) was my husband that died of heart problem. Since the 
death of my husband, I have been subjected to all sorts of
harassments, intimidationsand inhumane treatments,with negative
reports emanating from thegovernment and the press regarding
my husband's past military regime.
Most of our trusted Associates betrayed us
because of Ministerial Jobs and appointments. I need your
immediate help, I beg ofyou. 
I need your help to transfer what I call our
future hope the sum of Thirty Million United State
Dollars (US30,000,000) from my late husband's
private vault which he deposited into a security
firm before his death.

The last transfer of Ten Million United State
Dollars (US$10,000,000) I made into a
friend'sforeign account at Europe, after the successful 
transfer, my friend denied me my money because of my 
restricted movement within Nigeria. That is the main point why
I need your help. I lost so much trying to make
transfer through some associates.
This fund is considered as the main source of my
family's future hope. When this US$30 Million
dollars is transferred, my LAWYER who is also
my close Confidant would be able to establish an
investment with your assistance on our family behalf
until I come out of my travail and tormentors. For
your information, my communication and movement are
under strict surveillance therefore make all your
communications  with LAWYER,

TEL :234-803-333-0476 

This is to ensure maximum confidentiality and secret.If you
HELP me receive this money into a foreign account, I WILL
reward you with 25% of the total sum.
I will also compensate you foryour inconveniences
and 10% for expenses incurred. I am depending on this
fund and I am counting on you for my future and that of my family.

I wait patiently for yourresponse.Please include
your contact details ,telephone, fax and nationality.
Pls as soon as you contact my lawyer acknowledge
 me through my email.

Yours truly,

Dr.(Mrs.)Mariam Abacha.


2003-03-17 Thread Robert Mudzuri
Dear Sir,

My name is Robert Mudzuri, my father owns one the largest Farm in Zimbabwe, he was 
assassinated during the Land Reform Policy on his way home from the farm.

I am writing you for assistance if you could help us receive an amount of fund my late 
father deposited in Accra, Ghana with a security company for the purchase of farm 
machineries and his future Investment.

Before his untimely death he notified my mother and me about the fund and the 
documents covering the deposit of the fund with the security company are with us.

The total amount is $9million and Presently, I requested that the fund should be 
transferred to their branch in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
We are now soliciting for your assistance to claim this fund on our behalf and put it 
into your account overseas, we are presently in a refugee camp in Accra, Ghana  to 
protect our dear life from the assassins.

We shall like you to work with us as a foreign associate and claim this fund on our 
behalf and assist me to get a visa to travel to your country to join you for 
investment after this fund must have been claimed by you.

We would give you 15% of the fund for your assistance and 5% is set aside for any 
expenses we might incurred during the course of this transaction, while 80% is for my 
family and me. Our 80% would be invested  in your country in any business proposed by 
you as a partner since that was the intention of my father before he was assassinated.

Please if you are interested in assisting us do send your full name, telephone/fax 
numbers and your address when replying me so that we can furnish you with more 
information and send you the documents covering the fund in due course.

Note that this transaction is 100% risk free on both sides and must be handled with 
strict confidentiality.

Awaiting your response.

Best regards,

Robert Mudzuri  


2003-03-17 Thread johnokon_14
John Okon
Bank Manager,
Orient Bank Of Nigeria,
Lagos Branch,


I am John Okon, Bank Manager of ORIENT BANK OF
NIGERIA, Lagos Branch. I have urgent and very
confidential business proposition for you.On November
1998, an American oil
consultant/contractor with the Nigerian National
Petroleum Corporation, Mr.
Barry Kelly made a numbered time (Fixed) deposited for
twelve calendar months, valued at US$25,000,000.00
(Twenty-five Million Dollars) in my branch. Upon
maturity, I sent a routine notification to his
forwarding address but got no reply. After a month, we
sent a reminder and finally we discovered from his
contract employers, Nigerian National Petroleum
Corporation that Mr. Barry Kelly died from an
automobile accident. On further investigation, I found
out that he did not leave a WILL and all attempts to
trace his next of kin were fruitless.
I therefore made further investigation and discovered
that Mr. Barry Kelly did not declare any next of kin
in all his official documents, including his Bank
Deposit paperwork. This sum of US$25,000,000.00 is
still sitting in the Bank and the interest is being
rolled over with the principal sum at the end of each
year. No one will come forward to claim it. According
to the Nigerian Law, at the expiration of 5 (five)
years, the money will revert to the ownership of the
Nigerian Government if nobody applies to claim
the funds.
Consequently, my proposal is that I will like you as a
foreigner to stand in as the next of kin to Mr. Barry
Kelly so that the fruits of this old man´s labor will
not get into the hands of some corrupt officials. This
is simple, I will like you to provide me immediately
with your full names, address and phone and fax
numbers so that the attorney will prepare the
 necessary documents and affidavits,
which will put you in place as the next of kin. We
shall employ the services of two attorneys for
drafting and notarization of the WILL and obtain the
necessary documents 

probate/administration in your favor the transfer. A
bank account in any part of the world, which you
provide, will then facilitate the transfer of this
money to you as the beneficiary/next of kin. The money
will be paid into your account for us to share in the
ratio of 60% for me and 40% for you.
There is no risk at all as all the paperwork for this
transaction will be done by the attorney and my
position as the Branch Manager guarantees the
successful execution of this transaction. If you are
interested, please reply immediately via the private
email address below.
Upon your response, I shall then
provide you with more details and relevant documents
that will help you understand. Please observe utmost
confidentiality, and rest assured that this
transaction would be most profitable for both of us
because I shall require your assistance to invest
my share in your country.
Awaiting your urgent reply .
Thanks and regards
John Okon.


Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! 

Mortgage Rates Hit 35 Year Low

2003-03-17 Thread Deanne Peacock
Title: Untitled Document

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			this email in error, please
			click here to unsubscribe.

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make her scream in pleasure

2003-03-17 Thread manhoodyrkt


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Ultimate New Discovery Boosts Fuel Mileage Up To 27%! zzk bvifodk

2003-03-17 Thread Clint Michaud

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If war is imminent, then so are higher fuel
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Re: Idea: Sidestepping low-power broadcast regulations with infrared

2003-03-17 Thread Steve Schear
At 03:13 PM 3/17/2003 +0100, Thomas Shaddack wrote:
Using a powerful high-frequency modulated infrared source (eg, a bank of
LEDs) located on a highly visible place, it couldbe possible to facilitate
local community broadcasts, effectively sidestepping all FCC regulations.
Better to ignore low power regs and challenge the FCC to demonstrate for 
each and every such station that their signal measurably interferes at 
receivers in another state with another station.  Interference at receivers 
within the same state as the low power transmitters is not a valid 
constitutional basis for FCC regulation.

Regarding LED broadcasts, you should consider RF modulated mid-UV 
lamps.  There is a wide swath of spectrum from 230 to 280 nanometers
created by the ozone layer.  Little sun light in this frequency range, the 
only significant natural illumination source, reaches most parts of the 
earth.  A detector that is only sensitive to this spectral region has the 
capability to operate in the daylight, even while pointing at the sun, and 
pick up little background radiation. A detector operating in this 
wavelength region need not be directional and will have an increased 
performance by orders of magnitude because of the reduction of the 
background noise. Furthermore, precise alignment of the transmitter and 
receiver is dispensed with since a detector does not have to operate in the 
line-of-sight but can function in a wide field-of-view mode to sense 
radiation scattered by the modulated UV signal.

Multi-watt transmitters can be constructed from inexpensive, commercially 
available, Ar-Hg discharge lamps.  Data rates can easily exceed 100s kbps 
(megabit data rates have been reported).  By selection of different Hg 
isotopes in the lamps multiple channel operation is possible.  Reception 
using inexpensive, solid-state, sensors is assumed.

See U.S. Patent 4,493,114.


cypherpunks, Dental Services and more $10.95 per month

2003-03-17 Thread Galelirrow
Title: rx




Re: [1st amend] NYT: MTV refuses antiwar commercial

2003-03-17 Thread Tyler Durden
Yeah, despite the probable issues, I want to see big-breasted, bikini-clad 
springbreak chics on MTV while smokin' a doobie, not be all harshed-out by 
reality. I WANT MY MT-V!


Subject: Re: [1st amend] NYT: MTV  refuses antiwar commercial Date: Mon, 17 
Mar 2003 08:38:25 -0500 (est)

As deplorable and heinous as MTV's actions are, go back and read the 1st
Ammendment.  MTV is not a government run channel.  The 1st doesn't apply
to it.
Now - if say Fox News - who claims to be Fair and Balanced refused it,
while accepting - say US Army/Navy/Marines ads, etc. that might be an
interesting development.  But it still wouldn't fall under the 1st.
 + ^ + :NSA got $20Bil/year |Passwords are like underwear. You don't /|\
  \|/  :and didn't stop 9-11|share them, you don't hang them on your/\|/\
--*--:Instead of rewarding|monitor, or under your keyboard, you   \/|\/
  /|\  :their failures, we  |don't email them, or put them on a web  \|/
 + v + :should get refunds! |site, and you must change them very often.
On Fri, 14 Mar 2003, Major Variola (ret) wrote:

 What are the issues when media doesn't take ads?

 Private media (e.g., a newspaper, a web site) can't be compelled to say,
 or not say, anything by the state,
 and so can freely exercise arbitrary editorial control over adverts.

 What about when the medium is a State-granted monopoly of a resource
 like RF spectrum?
 Or cable infrastructure?Should *these* media channels be *compelled*
 to accept any privately-funded ads, first come first served, *because*
 of this State-granted monopoly?

 MTV  refuses antiwar commercial

The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*

Re: Brinwear at Benetton.

2003-03-17 Thread Michael Shields
Mike Rosing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yeah, and it takes a second or 2 to find the bar code.  That's got
 to cost a few pennies doesn't it :-)

It adds up, especially in low-margin businesses.  Groceries are a good
example; unpacking every cart, scanning, and bagging is an expensive
bottleneck.  The process could be streamlined a lot if an entire cart
were scanned at once.

There are serious engineering problems before we get there; but the
demand from retailers is very real, and so a very real effort will be
made to solve them.

[no subject]

2003-03-17 Thread andreagill2713
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Top of the Mornin'...

2003-03-17 Thread joke-of-the-day
Title: Joke-Of-The-Day from the Humor Network

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Quote of the

Why should you never iron a 4-leaf clover? You don't want 
to press your luck. Daryl Stout


The pest problem has died down and so have the pests.
My exterminator for his strange ways knew what he was
doing and I'm thankful for his technique. No more 
surprises from the little critters.

Happy Saint Patrick's Day! We will have the traditional 
St. Patrick's Day parade here in New York today. So that
means tons of alcohol will be consumed. I'm not being
stereotypical, that is what's sad. 
Walking around the streets of New York this evening...
my neck will be sore...from looking the other way!
This holiday brings out some nasty extracurricular
activities which include public urination, projectile
vomiting and tons of brawls.  

I'd rather just go home and go to's the safest
place to be...Have a great Monday...Erin Go Braughless...



His wife had been killed in an accident and the 
police were questioning Finnegan. 

"Did she say anything before she died?" asked 
the sergeant. 

"She spoke without interruption for about forty years,"
said the Irishman.

Pic of the

It Must Be Monday...

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Save on Propecia, Viagra, Lipitor, Celebrex, etc...

2003-03-17 Thread Leanna Wenning
Important information for seniors

Dear consumer,

Discount prices on most prescription drugs are now available to you without
any membership fees.  Now you can take advantage of favorable government
legislation in certain foreign countries and save as much as 70% when you
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you to order up to a 3 month supply per order. Visit us at: today and check your savings. In addition, all 
orders are verified by an in-house medical doctor before shipping to ensure your
health and safety. Visit today to check pricing
or place an order.

Your Discount Medications Center

If you wish to be removed from future mailings from this company, please
click here:


2003-03-17 Thread john cole
Dear Sir, 

I am Mr. John Coleman and my sister is Miss Rose Coleman, we are the 
of late Chief Paul Coleman from Sierra Leone. I am writing you in 
absolute confidence primarily to seek your assistance to transfer our cash 
twenty one Million Dollars ($21,000.000.00) now in the custody of a private 
Security trust firm in Europe the money is in trunk 
boxes deposited and declared as family valuables by my late father as a 
matter of fact the company does not know the content as money, although my 
father made 
them to under stand that the boxes belongs to his foreign partner. 

Source of the money: 

My late father Chief Paul Coleman , a native of Mende District in the 
Northerh province of Sierra Leone, was the General Manager of Sierra Leone 
co-operation (S.L.M.C.) Freetown . According to my father, this money was 
income accrued from Mining Co-operation's over draft and minor sales. 

Before the peak of the civil war between the rebels forces of Major Paul 
Koroma and the combined forces of ECOMOG peace keeping operation that almost 

destroyed my country, following the forceful removal from power of the 
civilian elected President Ahmed Tejan Kabbah by the rebels. My father had 
already made arrangement for his family thats talking about my mother, my 
little sister and myself to be evacuated to Abidjan Cote d' Ivoire with the 
CERTIFICATE OFDEPOSIT he made with a security firm in Europe through the aid 

of U.N 
evacuation team. 

During the war in my country, and following the indiscriminate looting of 
Public and Government properties by the rebel forces, the Sierra Leone 
coop. Was one of the target looted and it was destroyed. My father including 

other top Government functionaries were attaked and killed by the rebels in 
November 2000 because of his relationship with the civilian Government of 
Ahmed Tejan Kabbah. 

As a result of my father's death , and with the news of my uncle's 
involvement in the air crash in Januaryit dashed our hope of survival. The 
untimely deaths caused my mother's heart failure and other related 
complications of which she later died in the hospital after we must have 
a lot of money 
on her early this year . Now my 18 years old sister and myself are alone in 
this strange country suffering without any care or help. Without any 
we are nowlike refugees and orphans. 

Our only hope now is in you and the boxes deposited in the Security Firm To 
this effect, I humbly solicit your assistance in the followings ways. 

1. to assist me claim this boxes from the security 
Firm as our beneficiary 

2. to transfer this money (USD$21M) in your name to your country 

3. to make a good arrangement for a joint business investment on our 
behalf in your country and you, our Adviser/ Manager 

For your assistance, I have agreed with my younger sister that 15% of the 
total amount will be for your effort and another 5 % to cover all the 
expenses that may incur during the business transaction, Last, I urge you to 

keep this transaction strictly confidential as no one knows our where about. 

Please as you show your willingness, Forward to us your full name, address 
and Tel/ Fax numbers, to me via my private email address as indicated 
this is for security reasons as i will only be accessing my private email 
earnestly awaiting your response. 


May God bless you as you assist us. 


Obtén gratis tu cuenta de correo en StarMedia Email. ¡Regístrate hoy mismo!.

have you heard? 4170e-5

2003-03-17 Thread Carly Santilli
Get ownership info of any domain name

Yes, we can help you reserve a new name or extend an existing one.  We have all the 
extensions you want - .com .net .org .info .biz .name.  You want it, we have it and 
you can too for less than $15 a year.  Yes, we know that other sites offer this same 
service for twice the price but our offer is real and there are no fine prints.  You 
can register for 1 year or 10 years, no minimum long term contract.  All registrations 
are one same low price, no matter how long you register but we do advise you select 
long term to lock in at this great price.  If you are not satisfied with our service, 
you can move anytime and there are no penalty fees.  Heck, we will even move any time 
remaining on your account to your new registry provider.

Sure, there are some sites that with similar prices but look carefully at their terms 
for extra fees and penalties that will cost you an arm and a leg after.

This is a true and clear offer.  $14.95 per year – hassle free Internet name 
registrations.  Register at

If you got this message by mistake, please take yourself off our list by clicking 



Idea: Sidestepping low-power broadcast regulations with infrared

2003-03-17 Thread Thomas Shaddack
Using a powerful high-frequency modulated infrared source (eg, a bank of
LEDs) located on a highly visible place, it couldbe possible to facilitate
local community broadcasts, effectively sidestepping all FCC regulations.

The advantage is absolutely no laws regulating using of infrared beams for
data transmissions.

The disadvantages are the need to use special equipment for receiving
(though possibly very cheap), the line-of-sight requirement, and possibly
couple more.

Using of infrared beams for establishing of data lines is fairly common
(see eg. project Ronja, ). It involves
bidirectional directional data transfers. However, if we use
omnidirectional transceivers and directional receivers and use only
unidirectional connection, we can use the same principle for broadcast as
well. (The disadvantage is that we need to use comparatively huge power
for driving the broadcasting LED banks. The advantage is that we don't
have nearby sensitive receiver circuits that would be jammed.)

Maybe it's unusable. Maybe it isn't, and somebody will find some use for
this idea.

Pneumonia versus face recognition

2003-03-17 Thread Thomas Shaddack
As things are never purely good and bad, the outbreak of new killer
pneumonia offers some hope in countering the proliferating camera
surveillance system.

In Japan, it's common to wear a face-mask similar to the kind surgeons
have during outbreaks of flu and during the cold season. The current
airborne infection threat, if properly hyped and spinned (the
sensationalist lust of the mainstream media could be helpful here) could
cause it to be common in Western cultures as well.

Once wearing a face mask becomes common, the efficiency of
face-recognition based surveillance/identification systems will get qutie

Opinions, comments?

RE: Brinwear at Benetton.

2003-03-17 Thread Mike Rosing
On Fri, 14 Mar 2003, Trei, Peter wrote:

 You're not thinking this through. As the item goes through the door (in
 either direction) the check is made Is this individual tag on this store's
 'unsold inventory' list?. If so, raise the alarm. The tags are not fungible;
 they each have a unique number. When you purchase an item, it's tag
 number is transfered from the 'unsold inventory' list to the 'Mike Rosing'
 list, or, if no link to a name can be found, 'John Doe #2345'.

I hope you're right because the amount of engineering work that will
be required to make this work is huge!  That's a lot of job security
for EE's.

 As you walk up to the counter, the tag in your jockey shorts is read,
 and you are greeted by name, even if you've never been in that store

And who's going to pay for that info?  The tag is made by TI, but
the store you walk into buys from Phillips.  That means the reader has to
recognize all the standards (and there aren't any right now, so it has to
recognize every individual frequency and data stream).  Then there has to
be some kind of _central_ database that *everyone* has access to.
You can't determine who the customer is if they aren't in your database,
so a centralized database would make sense.  The bandwidth on that is
going to be a nightmare.

 What's more, for stock control, they have 'smart shelves', so they can
 also say 'Mary, go get some more black hipster jeans in 34x34 and
 put them out - the shelf says it's empty.

Yeah, that's easy.  It's still within the store's control

 As for RFID tags vs bar codes - you missing out the labor cost
 differential - RFID tags can be read by a fixed reader at several feet,
 while bar codes must be indvidually scanned.

Yeah, and it takes a second or 2 to find the bar code.  That's got
to cost a few pennies doesn't it :-)

 The tag cost is already down to under a dime. When it's under a
 nickle, these things will be in everything. Think about them in books.

Our library already has a tagging system.  You put your card down
and the bar code on it gets read, then slide the book barcode over it
and the book is checked out, assuming you don't have any fines.  So
it's already in place.

But for those who have a clue, mylar is going to be very popular :-)

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

reverse signs of aging today lkdbqj

2003-03-17 Thread Janine

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  here to view our site or paste 
  into your web browser 


Homeowners: Refinance Save on Closing Costs

2003-03-17 Thread Joke-of-The-Day

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Re: [1st amend] NYT: MTV refuses antiwar commercial

2003-03-17 Thread Sunder
As deplorable and heinous as MTV's actions are, go back and read the 1st
Ammendment.  MTV is not a government run channel.  The 1st doesn't apply
to it.

Now - if say Fox News - who claims to be Fair and Balanced refused it,
while accepting - say US Army/Navy/Marines ads, etc. that might be an
interesting development.  But it still wouldn't fall under the 1st.

 + ^ + :NSA got $20Bil/year |Passwords are like underwear. You don't /|\
  \|/  :and didn't stop 9-11|share them, you don't hang them on your/\|/\
--*--:Instead of rewarding|monitor, or under your keyboard, you   \/|\/
  /|\  :their failures, we  |don't email them, or put them on a web  \|/
 + v + :should get refunds! |site, and you must change them very often.

On Fri, 14 Mar 2003, Major Variola (ret) wrote:

 What are the issues when media doesn't take ads?
 Private media (e.g., a newspaper, a web site) can't be compelled to say,
 or not say, anything by the state,
 and so can freely exercise arbitrary editorial control over adverts.
 What about when the medium is a State-granted monopoly of a resource
 like RF spectrum?
 Or cable infrastructure?Should *these* media channels be *compelled*
 to accept any privately-funded ads, first come first served, *because*
 of this State-granted monopoly?
 MTV  refuses antiwar commercial

Open a Dollar Store Today!

2003-03-17 Thread
Title: Open a Dollar Store Today!

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  receiving this email because you opted-in to receive special offers from through one of our online affiliates. 





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2003-03-17 Thread otc329naeo

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Refinance Home Loans

2003-03-17 Thread Sadie Whitman
Title: Untitled Document

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Mortgage Rates Hit 35 Year Low

2003-03-17 Thread Kellie Hardin
Title: Untitled Document

			Finding the best rates for a new home
			 loan or refinancing an old one can be a daunting task

			It doesn't have to be.
			We do the work for you.  By submitting
			your information across to hundreds of lenders, we can get you the
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			Interest rates are lower than they have been in over 40 years, but
			it won't stay that way for long.  Our simple form only takes a few moments,
			there is absolutly NO OBLIGATION, and it's 100% FREE.  You have nothing
			to lose, and everything to gain.  

			Let us start working for YOU!

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New $.01/Min Cell Phone with Internet Access

2003-03-17 Thread cellmania2003vfkr
New $.01/Min Cell Phone with Internet Access

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Pull up and view emails and websites right on the phone!

Use Voice Command when calling using our Hands Free
attachment (i.e. call Joe at work, call wife at home)


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2003 March Madness Car Sale

2003-03-17 Thread New Car Deals
Title: New Page 1




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Still up for tuesday?.....

2003-03-17 Thread Oprah Longli

  This site 

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2003-03-17 Thread DR. FRANK F. BAMAWO

Dear Sir,
I am an accountant with the Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) and, also a 
member of the Contract Review committee. Presently, I'm  on a special diplomatic duty 
in the Nigeria foreign office in Amsterdam,the Netherlands.  A contract for the 
construction and laying of oil pipelines network from Warri-Port-Harcourt-Kaduna.has 
been awarded to a local firm and,   this contract was over invoiced to the tune of 
Nine Million,Six Hundred Thousand United State Dollars (US$9. 6Million).

The over invoicing was a deal by my committee to benefit from the project, and now the 
local contractor have been fully paid but, the over invoiced amount is still floating 
in one of the offshore banks  of Central Bank of Nigeria in Canada .We now desire to 
transfer this money which is presently in a suspense account of the Central Bank of 
Nigeria (CBN) into any overseas account which we expect you to provide for us, if you 
are capable and able.
For providing, the account where we shall remit the money,you will be entitled to 20% 
of the money,70% will be for myself and my partners,the remaining 10% will be set 
aside to settle all expenses incurred by both parties.
I would require the following;

1.Bank name and Address
2.Name of Beneficiary
3 Company Name and Address
4. Account Number.
5. Confidential Telephone  and Fax number of Beneficiary.

 The above information would be used to make formal applications to the appropriate 
government parastatals such as the Federal Ministry of Finance (FMF), Nigerian 
National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) and the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN)   as a 
matter of procedure for the release of the money and onward transfer to the nominated 
account you would provide. In as much as , we are doing a deal, we would like to 
comply with all laid down procedures for transfer and contract of this nature. It does 
not matter whether or not your company did this contract or not. The assumption is 
that your company was awarded the major contract and subcontracted it out to the local 
company. We have strong and reliable connections and contacts at the Apex Bank and the 
Federal Ministry of Finance All we need is a  trust worthy foreign partner to assist 
us in this mutual/beneficial deal.

Therefore, when the business is successfully concluded,we shall through our same 
connections withdraw all documents used from all the concerned Government Ministries 
for 100%security.We are civil servants and we do not want this opportunity to miss us, 
as opportunity  loss can never be regained
Please contact me immediately through my e-mail address,whether or not you are 
interested in this deal. If you are not,it will enable me scout for another foreign 
partner to carry out this deal.But where you are interested, send the required 
document aforementioned herein without delay,as time is of great essence in this deal.

I await your anticipated co-operation and response.

Best Regards



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2003-03-17 Thread Travel Specials



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2003-03-17 Thread Mrs Mariam Sese-Seko


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IS +31-630-655-043   OR VIA MAIL



Re: Fatherland Security measures more important than Bennetton tags!

2003-03-17 Thread Sunder

Yeah, that, and I should probably get more sleep. :)  Sorry for snapping
at you.

 + ^ + :NSA got $20Bil/year |Passwords are like underwear. You don't /|\
  \|/  :and didn't stop 9-11|share them, you don't hang them on your/\|/\
--*--:Instead of rewarding|monitor, or under your keyboard, you   \/|\/
  /|\  :their failures, we  |don't email them, or put them on a web  \|/
 + v + :should get refunds! |site, and you must change them very often.

On Mon, 17 Mar 2003, Tyler Durden wrote:

 Well, i thought that the general gist of your post was that in many cases it 
 would be possible to determine the comings and goings of CitizenUnit A in 
 the New York City subway system. My needless reply was to voice some 
 scepticism on this in the general case, and to disagree in the case of 
 someone who really doesn't want to be tracked taking the subways.

as a fan of Depeche Mode...

2003-03-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
As a fan of Depeche Mode, I thought you might like to see this.


Fwd: Get Hard FAST...

2003-03-17 Thread Perry Jensen
"Want a BIG Penis?"   
Experience the results you've always wanted with a MASSIVE scientific breakthrough: Our Doctor-Approved Pill Will Actually Expand, Lengthen And Enlarge Your Penis. 100% GUARANTEED!Best of all...There Are NO Agonizing Hanging Weights, NO Tough Exercises,NO Painful And Hard-To-Use Pumps, And There Is NO Dangerous Surgery
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WORK FOR YOU 100%, OR YOU GET 100% OF YOUR MONEY BACK!  If YOU want to massively enlarge your penis and experience big gains in only weeks, this may be the most important email you'll ever read. Here's why: 

Natural Labs has helped 1000's of men cope with and conquer serious erectile dysfunction issues. These painful problems include small penis size and poor self-image, as well as lack of potency and premature ejaculation.

To help these men our dedicated team of researchers has developed an amazing formula called Enlargo. Natural Labs has carefully
tested this unique new product so that it is fully doctor-approved. And, it is 100% guaranteed to work. It has been described as a true 'miracle cure', and we are now offering Enlargo in easy pill form to men everywhere. The Natural Lab research team invites you now to experience this miracle for yourself.

Order Enlargo Today!CLICK HERE

Helter Skelter

2003-03-17 Thread Anonymous
Two great items in today's news -- the FBI says it will pull all agents off
of crime fighting duties to concentrate on terrorism because of the attack on
Iraq, and also that so many police and firemen have been called up for the
attack that many cities, and especially small towns, are seriously shorthanded
for law enforcement. 

Sounds like a fantastic opportunity to make a lot of money and have a
little fun!


2003-03-17 Thread ELIZABETH MBOWENI

TEL: +31 630560171


Dear friend,

You may be surprised to receive this letter from me since you do not know me 
personally. I am the first daughter of the most popular black farmer in Zimbabwe who 
was murdered in the land dispute in my country. I got your contact through network 
online hence decided to write you. Before the death of my father, he had taken me to 
Johannesburg to deposit the sum of USD7.Million (seven million United States dollars), 
in one of the private security company, as he foresaw the looming danger in Zimbabwe. 
This money was deposited in a box as gem stones to avoid much demurrage from Security 

This amount was meant for the purchase of new machines and chemicals for the Farms and 
establishment of new farms in Swaziland. This land problem came when Zimbabwean 
President Mr. Robert Mugabe when he introduced a new Land Act Reform wholly affecting 
the rich white farmers and some few black farmers, and this resulted to the killing 
and mob action by Zimbabwean war veterans and some lunatics in the society. In fact a 
lot of people were killed because of this Land reform Act for which my father was one 
of the victims. it is against this background that I and my family fled Zimbabwe to 
South Africa for fear of our lives.

After which I traveled to the Netherlands and I am currently staying in the 
Netherlands where i am seeking political asylum and more so have decided to transfer 
my father's money to a more reliable foreign account. Since the law of Europe 
prohibits a refugee (asylum seeker) to open any bank account or to be involved in any 
financial transaction throughout the territorial zone of European Union. As the eldest 
child of my father, I am saddled with the responsibility of seeking a genuine foreign 
account where this money could be transferred without the knowledge of my government 
who are bent on taking everything we have got. 

The South African government seems to be playing along with them. I am faced with the 
dilemma of moving this amount of money out of South Africa for fear of going through 
the same experience in future. Both countries have similar political history. I am 
seeking for a partner who I have to entrust my future and that of my family in his 
hands, I must let you know that this transaction is risk free. If you accept to assist 
me and my family, all I want you to do for me, is to make arrangements with the 
security company to clear the Consignment (funds) from their affiliate office here in 
the Netherlands as i have already given directives for the consignment to be brought 
to the Netherlands from South Africa.
But before then all modalities will have to be put in place like change of ownership 
to the consignment. I have two options for you. Firstly you can choose to have certain 
percentage of the money for nominating your account for this transaction. Or you can 
go into partnership with me for the proper profitable investment of the money in your 
country. Whichever the option you want, feel free to notify me. I have also mapped out 
2% of this money for all kinds of expenses incurred in the process of this 

If you do not prefer a partnership I am willing to give you 10% of the money while the 
remaining 88% will be for my investment in your country. Contact with my email- 
while I implore you to maintain the absolute secrecy required in this transaction. 

Best regards,

TEL: +31 630560171


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2003-03-17 Thread Anonymous
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2003-03-17 Thread Timothy Mobutu

Dear  Partner,
I am the son of the late  president of Democratic Republic Of Zaire,President Mobutu 
Sese Seko, ( now The Republic Of Congo, under the leadership of the son of Mr. Laurent 
Kabila ). I presume you are aware there is a financial dispute between my family ( THE 
MOBUTU ) and the present civilian Government. This is based on what they believe as 
bad and corrupt governance on my late father's part. May his soul rest in perfect 
peace.As you might have heard how a lot of my father's bank account in Switzerland and 
North America has been frozen.

Following the above named reasons, I am soliciting for your humble and confidential 
assistance to take custody of twenty five Million United States Dollars  ( 
US$20,000,000.00 ), also to front for me in the areas of business you desire 
These funds have secretly been deposited into a confidential Security firm where it 
can easily be withdrawn or paid to a recommended beneficiary. The funds will be 
released to you by the Security firm based on my recommendations on that note, you 
will be presented as my partner who will be fronting for me and my family in any 
subsequent ventures.
Myself and my mother have decided to give 18% to you if you are able to help us claim 
this consignment.We have also decided to give you any money spent on phone calls or 
travelling expenses in the course of this transaction at the end of the transaction.
Please, I need your entire support and co-operation for the success of this business 
ventures, your utmost confidentiality and secrecy is highly required, due to my 
family's present predicament.
I sincerely will appreciate your acknowledgment as soon as possible.
I am presently in the  refugee camp here in the  Netherlands under the united nations 
refugee camp in Netherlands and I can be reached  on my direct telephone number 
+31-641-910-805 for an elaborate discussion.
Please indicate your interest by sending your telephone and fax numbers  or call me  
at anytime. I sincerely will appreciate your acknowledgement as soon as possible.


Timothy Mobutu Sese-Seko.

Re: 1705141746 PU

2003-03-17 Thread Lilian Gilbreth
I received a blank email from you.  Was there
something you intended to say?

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Re: Idea: Sidestepping low-power broadcast regulations with infrared

2003-03-17 Thread Tyler Durden
Steve Schear wrote...

A detector that is only sensitive to this spectral region has the 
capability to operate in the daylight, even while pointing at the sun, and 
pick up little background radiation

How much are UV receivers (note, not the same thing as a mere UV detector)? 
Gotta be kinda expensive, I would think (ie, in the 4-digit range), but I 
could be wrong. And preferably, it would be nice if it could run up to 
11Meg/sec or so.

Seems to me if one wanted broadcast, operating in the 1550-nm range and then 
using good old EDFAs might work, if one had the right kind of 
omnidirectional IR 'antenna' (or whatever such a thing would be called). 
Then of course, the broadcast cost would be kind of expensive (say $5000), 
but the detectors could be cheap ($100 or less). The only drawback here is 
fog (1550nm doesn't go too good through fog, but rain and snow are 
apparently fine).


From: Steve Schear [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Thomas Shaddack [EMAIL PROTECTED],   cypherpunks  
Subject: Re: Idea: Sidestepping low-power broadcast regulations with  
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 08:40:05 -0800

At 03:13 PM 3/17/2003 +0100, Thomas Shaddack wrote:
Using a powerful high-frequency modulated infrared source (eg, a bank of
LEDs) located on a highly visible place, it couldbe possible to facilitate
local community broadcasts, effectively sidestepping all FCC regulations.
Better to ignore low power regs and challenge the FCC to demonstrate for 
each and every such station that their signal measurably interferes at 
receivers in another state with another station.  Interference at receivers 
within the same state as the low power transmitters is not a valid 
constitutional basis for FCC regulation.

Regarding LED broadcasts, you should consider RF modulated mid-UV lamps.  
There is a wide swath of spectrum from 230 to 280 nanometers
created by the ozone layer.  Little sun light in this frequency range, the 
only significant natural illumination source, reaches most parts of the 
earth.  A detector that is only sensitive to this spectral region has the 
capability to operate in the daylight, even while pointing at the sun, and 
pick up little background radiation. A detector operating in this 
wavelength region need not be directional and will have an increased 
performance by orders of magnitude because of the reduction of the 
background noise. Furthermore, precise alignment of the transmitter and 
receiver is dispensed with since a detector does not have to operate in the 
line-of-sight but can function in a wide field-of-view mode to sense 
radiation scattered by the modulated UV signal.

Multi-watt transmitters can be constructed from inexpensive, commercially 
available, Ar-Hg discharge lamps.  Data rates can easily exceed 100s kbps 
(megabit data rates have been reported).  By selection of different Hg 
isotopes in the lamps multiple channel operation is possible.  Reception 
using inexpensive, solid-state, sensors is assumed.

See U.S. Patent 4,493,114.


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Re: Fatherland Security measures more important than Bennetton tags!

2003-03-17 Thread Tyler Durden
This ain't Singapore,'s NYC. You can (and always will) be able to 
buy a Metrocard with cash at the remaining token booths. And while I'd bet 
many have cameras (for anti-token booth-type crime, including setting the 
booth on fire), I really doubt they'd be able to accurately track an 
individual that didn't want to be tracked. Unlike, say Hong Kong, you don't 
swipe your card to leave the only swipe upon entry. And you can 
have as many cards as you want.

And then, there are still many unattended exit points that have no cameras 
(and in many of those remote points, the installation of cameras would 
eventually be met with graffitti or vandalism). The NYC subway system is 
just too big to monitor.

Which leads me to a mini-rant. NYC has been described as statist by some 
on this list, but despite the laws and whatnot, in many ways its fairly 
anarchic out here. Cops tend to leave you alone unless you're robbing or 
killing somebody. Other than that, for the most part its don't ask/don't 
tell. Prostitution is left alone unless the locals raise enough fuss over 
it. Drugs get the occsional bust, but the vast majority are left alone if 
its discrete. Now don't get me wrong...there are plenty of exceptions. And 
if you f with the cops, your going to get your ass kicked. But keep a low 
profile, don't screw with anybody that doesn't want to be screwed with, and 
you can do almost whatever you want. (Even taxes aren't a problem if you're 
willing to deal with the hassles of avoiding paying...)


Subject: Re: Fatherland Security measures more important than Bennetton
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 12:08:41 -0500 (est)

Some of this is already in place.

If you don't buy your Metrocard with cash, they have records of who you
are.  It's basically an ATM that takes ATM cards, credit cards (and some
take cash also.)  If you pay the machine by cash, you can be sure your
face is linked to your Metrocard - since it's an ATM, they have to record
who uses it.
If you've signed up for the Mail  Ride thing for the LIRR, they've got
your metrocard linked already.
Not sure about the booths, wouldn't surprise me though.  You can still buy
preset cards from newsstands - YMMV.
Also, don't forget that each metrocard has it's own serial number.  If
you're not just a casual user, they can figure out around where you live
because you use it twice.  Once from home, once from work.  Further, if
you take them up on their offer to refresh the amount there - which they
try to get you to do by making it so you always have a few extra cents
left over on the card, there's another chance you might just use a credit
card, etc...
If there are cameras near the turnstyles, it's easy to spot who swiped
which card and where they go based on timestamps.
Of course face-card links aren't card-identity links, but if you're
wanted, they're more than good enough.
 + ^ + :NSA got $20Bil/year |Passwords are like underwear. You don't /|\
  \|/  :and didn't stop 9-11|share them, you don't hang them on your/\|/\
--*--:Instead of rewarding|monitor, or under your keyboard, you   \/|\/
  /|\  :their failures, we  |don't email them, or put them on a web  \|/
 + v + :should get refunds! |site, and you must change them very often.
On Sat, 15 Mar 2003, stuart wrote:

 What's to link? All that can be linked is that a metrocard was bought
 in one place, be it a subway station, deli or whatever, and then used
 somewhere else, the subway or bus. Hundreds of metrocards are bought
 at every station every day, used once, and tossed in the trash.
 (Actually, most of them get tossed on the train tracks.)
 All that can be linked is that one anonymous person, along with dozens
 of others, bought a metrocard and got on the subway a few minutes
 later, and then vanished into the crush.

Tired of spam? Get advanced junk mail protection with MSN 8.

Re: Fatherland Security measures more important than Bennetton tags!

2003-03-17 Thread Sunder
Right, which is why I said the following:

If you don't buy your Metrocard with cash...


Of course face-card links aren't card-identity links, but if you're
wanted, they're more than good enough.

Please DO read the entire message before needlessly replying.

 + ^ + :NSA got $20Bil/year |Passwords are like underwear. You don't /|\
  \|/  :and didn't stop 9-11|share them, you don't hang them on your/\|/\
--*--:Instead of rewarding|monitor, or under your keyboard, you   \/|\/
  /|\  :their failures, we  |don't email them, or put them on a web  \|/
 + v + :should get refunds! |site, and you must change them very often.

On Mon, 17 Mar 2003, Tyler Durden wrote:

 This ain't Singapore,'s NYC. You can (and always will) be able to 
 buy a Metrocard with cash at the remaining token booths. And while I'd bet 
 many have cameras (for anti-token booth-type crime, including setting the 
 booth on fire), I really doubt they'd be able to accurately track an 
 individual that didn't want to be tracked. Unlike, say Hong Kong, you don't 
 swipe your card to leave the only swipe upon entry. And you can 
 have as many cards as you want.
 And then, there are still many unattended exit points that have no cameras 
 (and in many of those remote points, the installation of cameras would 
 eventually be met with graffitti or vandalism). The NYC subway system is 
 just too big to monitor.
 Which leads me to a mini-rant. NYC has been described as statist by some 
 on this list, but despite the laws and whatnot, in many ways its fairly 
 anarchic out here. Cops tend to leave you alone unless you're robbing or 
 killing somebody. Other than that, for the most part its don't ask/don't 
 tell. Prostitution is left alone unless the locals raise enough fuss over 
 it. Drugs get the occsional bust, but the vast majority are left alone if 
 its discrete. Now don't get me wrong...there are plenty of exceptions. And 
 if you f with the cops, your going to get your ass kicked. But keep a low 
 profile, don't screw with anybody that doesn't want to be screwed with, and 
 you can do almost whatever you want. (Even taxes aren't a problem if you're 
 willing to deal with the hassles of avoiding paying...)
 Subject: Re: Fatherland Security measures more important than Bennetton
 Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 12:08:41 -0500 (est)
 Some of this is already in place.
 If you don't buy your Metrocard with cash, they have records of who you
 are.  It's basically an ATM that takes ATM cards, credit cards (and some
 take cash also.)  If you pay the machine by cash, you can be sure your
 face is linked to your Metrocard - since it's an ATM, they have to record
 who uses it.
 If you've signed up for the Mail  Ride thing for the LIRR, they've got
 your metrocard linked already.
 Not sure about the booths, wouldn't surprise me though.  You can still buy
 preset cards from newsstands - YMMV.
 Also, don't forget that each metrocard has it's own serial number.  If
 you're not just a casual user, they can figure out around where you live
 because you use it twice.  Once from home, once from work.  Further, if
 you take them up on their offer to refresh the amount there - which they
 try to get you to do by making it so you always have a few extra cents
 left over on the card, there's another chance you might just use a credit
 card, etc...
 If there are cameras near the turnstyles, it's easy to spot who swiped
 which card and where they go based on timestamps.
 Of course face-card links aren't card-identity links, but if you're
 wanted, they're more than good enough.
   + ^ + :NSA got $20Bil/year |Passwords are like underwear. You don't /|\
\|/  :and didn't stop 9-11|share them, you don't hang them on your/\|/\
 --*--:Instead of rewarding|monitor, or under your keyboard, you   \/|\/
/|\  :their failures, we  |don't email them, or put them on a web  \|/
   + v + :should get refunds! |site, and you must change them very often.
 On Sat, 15 Mar 2003, stuart wrote:
   What's to link? All that can be linked is that a metrocard was bought
   in one place, be it a subway station, deli or whatever, and then used
   somewhere else, the subway or bus. Hundreds of metrocards are bought
   at every station every day, used once, and tossed in the trash.
   (Actually, most of them get tossed on the train tracks.)
   All that can be linked is that one anonymous person, along with dozens
   of others, bought a metrocard and got on the subway a few minutes
   later, and then vanished into the crush.

Re: Idea: Sidestepping low-power broadcast regulations with infrared

2003-03-17 Thread Tyler Durden
Steve Schear wrote...

I haven't checked but assume they should be relatively cheap.  For example, 
I'm assuming this device isn't too expensive and the sensor itself should 
be available for a few $10s.
Perhaps I misunderstand what you would want to use this device for. Remember 
we need to detect bits, not just the presence of UV/IR or whatever. It's got 
to be able to react quickly, and hopefully quickly enough that the 
electronics behind it can be off-the shelf, and probably Ethernet or 
SONET-capable. (Think 10/11 Meg, or 155Meg and beyond...)

And because I've never heard of UV-based communications, I would assume that 
such a receiver would be quite expensive, even at lower bitrates. However, 
if you go with the standard tele/datacom wavelength bands (850nm, 1310nm, 
1550nm...), prices get VERY cheap, even at bandwidths up to OC-48 (2.5 gig). 
With both the 1550nm as well as 1310nm-band, you have the added possibility 
of optical amplifiers (Raman at 1310nm, Erbium-Doped fiber amplifiers at 
1550nm), and pretty much unlimited power (cladding-pumped fiber amplifiers 
can output in the 2 to 5 watt range and beyond).

Oh, and it should be mentioned that several companies have already 
commercialized free-space point-to-point line of sight optical 
communications at these bandwidths and these wavelegnths, so the only thing 
you really need is the wierd antenna, and I'd bet there's something out 
there already you could use.


And preferably, it would be nice if it could run up to 11Meg/sec or so.
I don't think you will be able to get anywhere near multi-megabit data 
rates with inexpensive, omni-directional, optical systems.  But that's 
needed for broadcast of entertainment .mp3 sterams.

Seems to me if one wanted broadcast, operating in the 1550-nm range and 
then using good old EDFAs might work, if one had the right kind of 
omnidirectional IR 'antenna' (or whatever such a thing would be called). 
Then of course, the broadcast cost would be kind of expensive (say $5000), 
but the detectors could be cheap ($100 or less). The only drawback here is 
fog (1550nm doesn't go too good through fog, but rain and snow are 
apparently fine).
Fabrication of efficient, high-power,isible wavelength emitters and sensors 
using nano-imprinting technologies should be feasible today.  The advantage 
of this approach is that it need not employ materials using their bandgaps 
but simply resonant structures similar to RF circuits.


Tired of spam? Get advanced junk mail protection with MSN 8.

Re: Fatherland Security measures more important than Bennetton tags!

2003-03-17 Thread Tyler Durden
Well, i thought that the general gist of your post was that in many cases it 
would be possible to determine the comings and goings of CitizenUnit A in 
the New York City subway system. My needless reply was to voice some 
scepticism on this in the general case, and to disagree in the case of 
someone who really doesn't want to be tracked taking the subways.


To: Tyler Durden [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Fatherland Security measures more important than Bennetton  
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 14:27:43 -0500 (est)

Right, which is why I said the following:

If you don't buy your Metrocard with cash...


Of course face-card links aren't card-identity links, but if you're
wanted, they're more than good enough.
Please DO read the entire message before needlessly replying.

 + ^ + :NSA got $20Bil/year |Passwords are like underwear. You don't /|\
  \|/  :and didn't stop 9-11|share them, you don't hang them on your/\|/\
--*--:Instead of rewarding|monitor, or under your keyboard, you   \/|\/
  /|\  :their failures, we  |don't email them, or put them on a web  \|/
 + v + :should get refunds! |site, and you must change them very often.
On Mon, 17 Mar 2003, Tyler Durden wrote:

 This ain't Singapore,'s NYC. You can (and always will) be able 
 buy a Metrocard with cash at the remaining token booths. And while I'd 
 many have cameras (for anti-token booth-type crime, including setting 
 booth on fire), I really doubt they'd be able to accurately track an
 individual that didn't want to be tracked. Unlike, say Hong Kong, you 
 swipe your card to leave the only swipe upon entry. And you 
 have as many cards as you want.

 And then, there are still many unattended exit points that have no 
 (and in many of those remote points, the installation of cameras would
 eventually be met with graffitti or vandalism). The NYC subway system is
 just too big to monitor.

 Which leads me to a mini-rant. NYC has been described as statist by 
 on this list, but despite the laws and whatnot, in many ways its fairly
 anarchic out here. Cops tend to leave you alone unless you're robbing or
 killing somebody. Other than that, for the most part its don't 
 tell. Prostitution is left alone unless the locals raise enough fuss 
 it. Drugs get the occsional bust, but the vast majority are left alone 
 its discrete. Now don't get me wrong...there are plenty of exceptions. 
 if you f with the cops, your going to get your ass kicked. But keep a 
 profile, don't screw with anybody that doesn't want to be screwed with, 
 you can do almost whatever you want. (Even taxes aren't a problem if 
 willing to deal with the hassles of avoiding paying...)


 Subject: Re: Fatherland Security measures more important than Bennetton
 Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 12:08:41 -0500 (est)
 Some of this is already in place.
 If you don't buy your Metrocard with cash, they have records of who you
 are.  It's basically an ATM that takes ATM cards, credit cards (and 
 take cash also.)  If you pay the machine by cash, you can be sure your
 face is linked to your Metrocard - since it's an ATM, they have to 
 who uses it.
 If you've signed up for the Mail  Ride thing for the LIRR, they've got
 your metrocard linked already.
 Not sure about the booths, wouldn't surprise me though.  You can still 
 preset cards from newsstands - YMMV.
 Also, don't forget that each metrocard has it's own serial number.  If
 you're not just a casual user, they can figure out around where you 
 because you use it twice.  Once from home, once from work.  Further, if
 you take them up on their offer to refresh the amount there - which 
 try to get you to do by making it so you always have a few extra cents
 left over on the card, there's another chance you might just use a 
 card, etc...
 If there are cameras near the turnstyles, it's easy to spot who swiped
 which card and where they go based on timestamps.
 Of course face-card links aren't card-identity links, but if you're
 wanted, they're more than good enough.
   + ^ + :NSA got $20Bil/year |Passwords are like underwear. You don't 
\|/  :and didn't stop 9-11|share them, you don't hang them on 
 --*--:Instead of rewarding|monitor, or under your keyboard, you   
/|\  :their failures, we  |don't email them, or put them on a web  
   + v + :should get refunds! |site, and you must change them very 

 On Sat, 15 Mar 2003, stuart wrote:

Re: CDR: Re: Fatherland Security measures more important thanBennetton tags!

2003-03-17 Thread Michael Shields
Tyler Durden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 And then, there are still many unattended exit points that have no
 cameras (and in many of those remote points, the installation of
 cameras would eventually be met with graffitti or vandalism). The NYC
 subway system is just too big to monitor.

You mean, it is too big to monitor given the MTA's budget.  It has
only about a thousand points of entry and exit; it is not too big to
be monitored if monitoring it were made a priority.

Re: Pneumonia versus face recognition

2003-03-17 Thread Thomas Shaddack

 What wavelengths do face recognition systems use, and are face masks still
 opaque at those frequencies?

As far as I know, the cameras used are standard ones, in normal visible

(Backed with cost of the equipment, the fact that there is not enough UV
light indoors, that IR cameras are way too expensive and detailed IR image
AFAIK isn't sharp enough, and that terahertz technology isn't fielded yet.)

New message for you

2003-03-17 Thread Free2Sample

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An anti-state communist perspective on the war - by Angyal Istvan

2003-03-17 Thread professor rat

Find out more about Southern African Anarchism at:
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- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2003 1:05 AM
Subject: (en) From the NEFAC electronic newswire An anti-state communist
perspective on the war - by Angyal Istvan
   A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E

  Is Uncle Sam about to get caught - BETWEEN IRAQ AND A HARD PLACE?
  an anti-state communist perspective on the war
 As I write this, in early March 2003, the rulers of the United
 States are about to attack Iraq. If the prevalent guesses are
 correct, the American empire will rapidly defeat and destroy
 Saddam Hussein's regime, seize Iraqi oil fields, and occupy
 major urban centers. This will probably be accomplished with
 an initially low number of US military casualties, and a very
 high number of deaths among Iraqi civilians and military
 personnel. The United States will attempt to cobble together
 a client regime analogous to that of Karzai's in Afghanistan,
 and it will be at this point, the high-point of an apparently
 overwhelming and inexpensive US military victory, that a
 real, enduring defeat for the United States may begin.

 Thirty years after the US defeat in Indochina, America's
 main imperialist rival of the day, the Soviet Union, is no
 more; American companies have completely recolonized
 Vietnam; the United States is now unchallenged as the
 world's dominant economic, military, and cultural power.
 With the possible exception of Israel, no other government on
 Earth is as promiscuous in the use of large-scale violence in
 the pursuit of its foreign policy goals. On the surface, it
 appears that the US. has gotten over its post-Vietnam
 hangover, that nothing keeps the rulers of the US from
 lashing out wherever they choose, and that we are seeing an
 example of this against former US asset Saddam Hussein.
 The conquest of Iraq is intended to be the first episode in a
 new period of unlimited aggressive global warfare by the
 United States. But the American empire is much more
 vulnerable, and American society itself more fragile, than
 either its friends or enemies think. A bloody, incoherent
 'victory' over Saddam Hussein may have the same
 devastating impact on the interests of the US ruling class as
 an outright military defeat.

 One motivation behind the Bush Administration's launching
 of a major war is to get Bush re-elected in 2004 -- but that's
 just the small tip of a very big iceberg. Bush wants to ape his
 father's high popularity ratings after the episode of mass
 murder committed by the US and its allies in Iraq in January
 1991. Bush needs to get the American public's mind off the
 deepening economic crisis, the disappearance of several
 million jobs and an ever-increasing atmosphere of domestic
 US hardship. The people who own Bush will try to boost the
 US out of a major economic downturn with the massive
 increase in military spending that a big war and subsequent
 occupation will entail.

 Bush also needs to divert attention from his failure to locate
 or kill Osama Bin Laden, to dismantle al Qaeda, capture or
 destroy its top leadership, or even account for the
 whereabouts of Mullah Omar. Afghanistan also propels Bush
 into a new war, because the Afghan campaign otherwise had
 the surface appearance of a quick cheap victory, with the
 Taliban collapsing more rapidly than American projections
 had forecast.

 Bush's response to the rapid taking of Kabul by the Northern
 Alliance is recounted this way in Bush At War, by Bob

 (Bush) did not conceal his astonishment at the shift of
 events. 'It's a stunner, isn't it?' Everyone agreed. It was
 almost too good to be true.

 Bush and company seek a mechanical replay in Iraq; a
 military victory occurring close enough to the November
 2004 elections to propel him into a second presidential term.

 Iraq has never attacked the United States. No credible links
 have been established between Saddam Hussein and any
 significant anti-US. action. On the other hand, Saudi Arabia,
 America's second-most significant ally in the region, is the
 birthplace of al Qaeda, the organization behind the most
 devastating military blow inflicted on the United States since
 Pearl Harbor.

 Fifteen out of nineteen of the September 11th hijackers were
 Saudis. Al Qaeda operations in Afghanistan and Pakistan
 have been financed with funds from backers in Saudi Arabia.
 Even the wife of the Saudi Ambassador to Washington was
 found to have contributed money through a charitable
 organization to men associated with the Sept. 11th

 A classified intelligence briefing 

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2003-03-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Where are the heros?

2003-03-17 Thread A.Melon
 Let us pray ernestly that a hero will rise up to slay the evil Texas
mutant destroying our country and world peace.

He was the Most.

2003-03-17 Thread professor rat
Johann Most.

Initially a social democrat (in 1870), Most was sentenced to 5 years prison 
in Austria for one of his famously fiery speeches.
Amnestied on 9 February 1871, then expelled, Most re-entered Germany  
continued as an agitator  journalist. Elected to the Reichstag in 1874, 
nevertheless he was sent to jail many times for his speeches.

In 1878, Most exiled himself to England, publishing the newspaper 
Freiheit (Freedom). An article glorifying an attack against Tsar 
Alexander II landed him in jail for 16 months hard labor. Upon release Most 
went to the United States in 1882.

Under the influence of Peter Kropotkin's ideas, Johann Most now became an 
anarchist, along with his advocacy of propaganda by the deed (Most 
published a small how-to guide for making bombs, after having worked in a 
dynamite factory).

After 1886, he shifted from his advocay of violence towards 
anarcho-syndicalism  the journal Freiheit remained the focus for the 
rest of his life. He remained a famed orator for his incendiary speeches.

Cited in the Daily Bleed:

2/5/1846 -- Bavarian-born American anarchist Johann Most lives, Bavaria. 
Advocate of propaganda by the deed.
His most famous speech, The Beast of Property:

The Beast of Property.

2003-03-17 Thread professor rat

Among the beasts of prey man is certainly the worst. This
expression, very commonly made nowadays, is only relatively true. Not man
as such, but man in connection with wealth is a beast of prey. The richer
a man, the greater his greed for more. We may call such a monster the
`beast of property. It now rules the world, making mankind
miserable. and gains in cruelty and voracity with the progress of our so
called `civilization  This monster we will in the following
characterize and recommend to extermination.
Look about ye! In every so-called civilized country there are
among every 100 men about 95 more or less destitute and about 5
It is unnecessary to trace all the sneaking ways by which they have
gained their possessions. The fact that they own ALL, while the others
exist, or rather vegetate merely, admits of no doubt, that these few have
grown rich at the expense of the many.
Either by direct brute force, by cunning, or by fraud, this horde has
from time to time seized the soil with all its wealth. The laws of
inheritance and entail, and the changing of hands, have lent a
venerable color to this robbery, and consequently mystified and
erased the character of such actions. For this reason the beast of
property is not fully recognized, but is, on the contrary,
worshipped with a holy awe.
And yet, all who do not belong to this class are its victims. Every
off-spring of a non-possessor (poor man) finds every nook and corner the
earth occupied at his entrance into the world. There is nothing which is
lordless. Without labor nothing is produced; and in order to
labor, there are required not only ability and will, but also room to
work, tools, raw materials and means of sustenance. The poor man must,
therefore, by force of necessity, apply to those who possess these things
in plenty. And, behold! the rich give him permission to continue his
existence. But in return for this he must divest himself of his skill and
power. These qualities henceforth his pretended saviors use
for themselves. They place him under the yoke of labor --they force him
to the utmost of his mental and physical abilities to produce new
treasures, which however he is not entitled to own. Should he desire to
deliberate for long before making so unequal a contract, his growling
stomach will soon convince him that the poor man has no time that, for
there are millions in the same position as himself and he will risk that,
while deliberating, hundreds of others will apply --his chance is gone
and he again will be at the mercy of the winds.
It is the lash of hunger which compels the poor man to submit. In order
and hour to the beast of property.
The bygone times, when the ruling classes, on their
slave-hunting raids, threw their victims in chains and forced them to
work, of which the rulers had all the benefit - the times when
christian-germanic robbers stole entire countries, deprived the
inhabitants of the soil, and pressed them to feudal service, were indeed
terrible enough, but the climax of infamy has been reached by our present
law and order system, for it defrauded more than nine-tenths
of mankind of their means of existence, reduced them to dependence upon
an insignificant minority, and condemned them to self-sacrifice. At the
same time it has disguised this relation with all sorts of jugglery so
that the thralls of today--the wage slaves -- but partially recognize
their serfdom and outlawed position, they rather incline to ascribe it to
the caprices of fortune.
To perpetuate this state of affairs is the only aim of the
prominent classes. Though not always united among themselves
-- one seeking to gain advantage over the other by tricks of trade,
cunning in speculation and divers machinations of competition-yet in
opposition to the proletariat they stand in one united hostile phalanx.
Their political ideal is, therefore--in spite of all liberal phrases-a
most powerful, centralized and brutal beadle government
If the poor man, who is momentarily unable to sell himself to an
exploiter of labor, or is already flayed to complete helplessness by the
beast of property, has recourse to begging-then the glutted
bourgeois terms it vagrancy, and calls for police; he demands
pillory and prison for the poor devil who refuses to starve between
mountains of food.
Should the unemployed apply a little of the much vaunted self-help, that
is, should he do in a small way, what the rich do daily with impunity on
a grand scale, should he, in fact, steal, in order to live -- the
bourgeoisie will heap burning coals of moral indignation upon
his head, and, with an austere visage, hand him over relentlessly in
charge of the state, that in its prisons he may be fleeced the more
effectively, i.e., cheaper.
When the workers combine in order to obtain better wage, shorter hours of
labor, or similar 
advantages, the money-bags immediately decry it as
conspiracy, which must be prevented. 

Blairing Hypocrisy.

2003-03-17 Thread professor rat

ONE of Tony Blair's top advisers admitted yesterday that he foolishly 
invited a prostitute to his flat - but he denied they had sex.
Married Lord Mackenzie, 59, said: I invited her round and we talked. But 
there was certainly no sex. I know allegations have been made, but there is 
nothing in them. I can't prove what did or did not go on.
I know how it looks, regardless of any explanation I give. It is something 
I have to live with - but it is not a hanging offence.
He revealed that when he mentioned the encounter to his wife Jean, she told 
him: There is no fool like an old fool. The couple have two grown-up 
Vice girl Salima Kebache, 32, who charged clients £500 a night for sex, 
said Lord Mackenzie gave her a guided tour of the Commons before inviting 
her to join him for a drink.
She claimed that they later had sex at his Central London flat.
She said she had got a job in the Commons sports and social club without 
proper security checks.
Lord Mackenzie, who advises the Prime Minister on law and order, said he 
had invited Salima to his flat just before midnight, because she was upset.
Speaking at his £500,000 home in Shincliff, Co Durham, he said: I did not 
have sex with her. I did invite her to my flat.
I got a call from her at 11.45pm and she said that she was upset.
I had a few drinks with Fergus (Fergus Montgomery, an ex-Tory MP) and had 
met her earlier that day and given her my number.
Salima claimed that he had fallen in love with her and offered to make her 
his mistress in London. She also said that she had sex with him purely for 
She added: I did not charge him anything.
But Lord Mackenzie added: I only met this woman once and there was nothing 
in it. It makes it sound like a long-term affair, but that is totally false.
I am sorry for the embarrassment it has caused my wife.
I think taking legal action would just prolong it even further and I just 
want to clear the air by explaining what happened.
I will consider my position if people start asking me to step down, but 
that is unlikely, given the trivial nature of the allegations. It is not 
like Lord Archer - he is in prison.
Lord Mackenzie called for Commons security to be tightened after Salima's 
revelation that she got her job without proper security checks.
Many high-ranking MPs, including Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott, are 
regulars in the sports and social club. Salima met former police chief Lord 
Mackenzie, whose full title is Baron Mackenzie of Framwellgate, after he 
called in for a drink.
Lord Mackenzie once served with Durham police and was made a peer five 
years ago. He has frequently lectured on crime and security and spoken out 
against prostitution, porn and drugs.


2003-03-17 Thread don umunna



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Chief Don Umunna

Bait and switch from pretzels to twinkies.

2003-03-17 Thread professor rat

...I'd have to say that it was the Twinkie that people most think of when 
they think of Hostess products, says Cram. That, and the cream filling. 
This despite the fact that the largest-selling Hostess snack cakes are the 
Hostess cupcakes, albeit only by a whisker over the Twinkie.
The universe of junk food was so much smaller then, back in the early 
1970s, when Hostess unveiled Twinkie the Kid and his several professional 
colleagues, who included Happy Ho Ho, King Ding Dong, Captain Cupcake, and 
Fruit Pie the Magician. Together, this happy crew helped Hostess to garner 
some 13 percent of what is now a $900 million annual snack-cake industry. 
There weren't as many kinds of chips and nut products. There were only two 
kinds of MM's, and those came only in a few colors.
In that universe, however, snack cakes came to represent a prize beyond the 
common. They were thick and soft, and they took more than a few seconds to 
eat. They gummed you up. They stuck to your fingers, to your schoolbooks. 
There was something almost, well, elegant about a snack that stuck to your 
chin. They represented a commitment of time and energy to which Fritos 
could never aspire.
And, of course, back then there were few nutritionists glowering over your 
shoulder, pricking your conscience, calculating gloomily about cholesterol, 
and talking darkly of arraigning Twinkie the Kid as an accessory before the 
fact of your eventual heart attack. It is almost pointless to line these 
products up in terms of the modern nutritional benchmarks, except to say 
that, in terms of calories, Twinkies are not the most egregious offenders. 
Each Twinkie contains 150 calories, which ranks it behind both the Hostess 
cupcakes and the coconut-laden, psychedelically colored Hostess Sno Balls 
(180 calories apiece) and well behind the Suzy-Q, a 
chocolate-cake-and-cream-filling sandwich number that carries a whopping 
230. None of the most common snack cakes are kosher.
In terms of all the food people eat that's bad for them, like bacon, 
they're not the worst, says Dr. Meir Stampfer, a professor of epidemiology 
and nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health. In terms of junk 
food, though, they rank pretty high.
Obviously, we prefer 'snack cakes' to 'junk food,'  says Mike Redd, vice 
president of cake marketing at Interstate Brands Corp., the Kansas City, 
Missouri-based firm that has owned Hostess for more than 20 years and also 
owns Drake's, another formidable snack-cake brand.
When Interstate bought Hostess, it bought more than a bakery, because 
Hostess made more than cakes. What made the cakes different, of course, was 
the cream filling - or the special cream filling, as the commercials used 
to pitch it. This curious amalgam of formic acid, vanilla, and assorted 
manufactured compounds gave the cakes a second stage, a burst of luxuriant 
sweetness without which Ding Dongs would simply be chocolate hockey pucks 
and a Twinkie just a mindless spongecake bullet. It was the cream filling 
that gave them a soul, and the cream filling was itself an accident of 
history. And, like so many accidents of history, you can blame Hitler for 
Extract,full article to rich for my blood.

Bomb Bomb.

2003-03-17 Thread professor rat
BAGHDAD - For the first time this week, Baghdadis betrayed their belief 
that war is imminent. In Baghdad, however, even panic is casual.
As hundreds of cars lined up outside gas stations last night, drivers 
waiting patiently in line said repeatedly that they were just acting normally.
Either from fear of the government or stubborn pride, they refused to 
concede that the hour-long lineup outside the Freedom gas station in the 
suburb of Karada was anything out of the ordinary.
I'm just off work and I am getting gas, said an old man in an ageing 
Buick. It is normal. It is always full. But today there are more.
Gas jockeys with fistfuls of Iraqi dinars ran about the eight pumps in the 
rain, taking orders and spilling gas in large puddles. Not that it 
mattered. At less than a nickel per litre, gas is within reach of most 
One onlooker theorized that people were filling up to take the gas and 
store it at home.
Houses in Baghdad will be like gas stations and if the Americans bomb -- 
boom, he said. But it makes no difference. If there is war, there will be 
nobody driving on the streets.
The gas station, as packed as a pre-game parking lot, was like a museum of 
the car industry covering the past 25 years, with Range Rovers and old 
Passats lined up with Volkswagen Beetles and Toyota Crowns.
The lineups began yesterday morning, according to the manager of the 
station, although he said he had been given orders not to talk with the 
foreign press.
Apparently the gas rush was set off by the announcement that UN aircraft 
were pulling out, suggesting that inspectors were packing up. As it turns 
out, the United Nations had had to take five of its eight helicopters out 
of the country after their insurance was cancelled. But the inspectors 
continued to work over the weekend despite what appears to be an almost 
inevitable attack within the next week.
On Saturday, Saddam Hussein formally placed Iraq on a war footing, issuing 
a decree dividing the country into four military districts under his command.
The central area around Baghdad, where the government has its strongest 
support and where it will most likely make its stand, will be commanded by 
Saddam's youngest son Qussay. His oldest son Uday, according to the decree, 
will run the internal security services and communications.
The south, where the U.S.-British force is expected to first clash with 
Iraqi troops, is commanded by General Ali Hassan al-Majid, nicknamed 
Chemical Ali for his role in gas attacks on the Kurds. Fifteen years ago 
yesterday, General al-Majid oversaw a chemical attack on the northern town 
of Halabja that killed an estimated 5,000 men, women and children.
Gen. al-Majid's appointment is a message to the U.S. and British forces 
that the regime plans to fight to the end, a consistent theme among 
government officials.
Last week, a senior advisor to the President told the National Post that 
Iraqi leaders would not be caught in bunkers but would go underground to 
fight a guerrilla war against the invaders.
The government appears to be planning to try to cause as many casualties 
among invading forces as possible in the hope that international as well as 
U.S. domestic pressure will force an American withdrawal.
The government appears to be trying to camouflage its forces, quietly 
placing them in apartment buildings in an effort to make it difficult for 
U.S. forces to strike them at the opening of the war. If Saddam can keep 
some of his best and most loyal troops safe during the first strikes, the 
U.S. strategy of a swift fight may fall apart.
It is difficult for such a large city to be taken, said Roland 
Huguenin-Benjamin, spokesman for the International Committee of the Red 
Cross in Baghdad. I was in Beirut when the Israelis took the country 
quickly, but it took months to take West Beirut. The geography of Baghdad 
is much more diffuse. But we don't know what strategy they will use. And 
nobody knows if the Iraqis will fight.
Mr. Huguenin-Benjamin worried that the U.S. war plan of shock and awe, a 
swift and massive bombing campaign, could go wrong.
If there is an intense bombing campaign at the beginning, there is a worry 
about collateral damage, he said. There could be a lot of civilian 
Saddam, meanwhile, maintained there is no reason for war.
Are weapons of mass destruction a needle that you can conceal in a head 
cover or in the scarf of an old woman that [UN weapons] inspectors cannot 
find? he said.
There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
But, in a chilling threat that implied an alliance with terrorism, Saddam 
warned he will wage war anywhere in the world -- wherever there is sky, 
land or water -- if Iraq is attacked. The Iraqi dictator was meeting with 
military commanders as he prepared his country for an invasion.
When the enemy starts a large-scale battle, he must realize that the 
battle between us will be open wherever there is sky, land and water in the 
entire world, 

Corporate US News now seen as part of the Fascist US State.

2003-03-17 Thread professor rat
In the run up to a conflict in Iraq, foreign news websites are seeing large 
volumes of traffic from America, as U.S. citizens increasingly seek news 
coverage about the coming war.

Given how timid most U.S. news organizations have been in challenging the 
White House position on Iraq, I'm not surprised if Americans are turning to 
foreign news services for a perspective on the conflict that goes beyond 
freedom fries, said Deborah Branscom, a Newsweek contributing editor, who 
keeps a weblog devoted to media issues.

In January, for example, half the visitors to the Guardian Unlimited news 
site, an umbrella site for Britain's left-leaning Guardian and Observer 
newspapers, were from the Americas.

According to Nielsen/NetRatings, 49 percent of the Guardian's 1.3 million 
unique visitors (that's the number of different visitors, not the site's 
total traffic) in January originated from the Americas.

Likewise, Nielsen said a quarter of the visitors to the Australian 
Broadcasting Corporation's website in January were from the Americas.

What we're seeing is a lot of searching for news information, particularly 
from America, said Richard Goosey, NetRating's international chief of 
measurement science.

Traffic from the Americas was not the result of an across-the-board 
increase in news consumption, Goosey said.

While news websites in general saw a 3 percent increase in traffic between 
December 2002 and January 2003, the Guardian saw a 10 percent increase in 
visitors, Goosey said. Meanwhile, CNN's website, one of the most popular 
news sites in the United States, saw a small decline in traffic.

Nonetheless, NetRatings reported that traffic from U.S. Internet users to 
all news sites was up markedly in February. U.K.-based news sites, 
including the Guardian, the Independent and the BBC, saw increased traffic 
from American users that month. So did MSNBC and CNN, two of the most 
popular U.S. sites.

Jon Dennis, Guardian Unlimited deputy news editor, said U.S. readers are 
visiting his site for the range of opinions it publishes, and to engage in 
vigorous debate. Media outlets in the United States, he said, are not 
presenting the issues critically.

As a journalist, I find it quite strange that there's not more criticism 
of the Bush administration in the American media, he said. It's as though 
the whole U.S. is in shock (from Sept. 11). It's hard for (the media) to be 
dispassionate about it. It seems as though they're not thinking as clearly 
as they should be.

Dennis charged that, unlike much of the American press, the Guardian site 
presents both pro- and anti-war positions. In addition, the Guardian 
encourages its readers to debate the issues, through the site's talk boards 
and interactive features like live interviews with various experts.

The only debate in the U.S. media is on the Web, Dennis said. Weblogs are 
doing all the work that the U.S. media did in the past, he said. That's 
an interesting development.

In fact, a lot of the Guardian's U.S. traffic is referred by weblogs, 
especially Matt Drudge's Drudge Report, said Nielsen's Goosey.

The new war in Iraq has made world news sources far more important, said 
Stephen Gilliard, who posts a lot of foreign news stories to the weblog at 
NetSlaves. While not all news sources are reliable, there is such a gap 
between the way Americans see the world and the way other people do that it 
is invaluable to use these resources.

There is also a growing tide of criticism of the U.S. media from members of 
the media, such as veteran CBS broadcaster Dan Rather.

Rather recently complained to the BBC about the media's lack of access to 
government officials, and the growth of Milatainment reality shows on 
U.S. TV, including ABC's Profiles from the Front Line and VH1's Military 

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman wrote, (U.S. TV news) seems to be 
reporting about a different planet than the one covered by foreign media.

That's not to say U.S. news outlets are devoid of criticism for leaders' 
handling of the conflict in Iraq. Krugman himself is a case in point, 
having published a column last week with an opening sentence stating that 
America's leadership has lost touch with reality.

Barb Palser, online media columnist for the American Journalism Review, 
believes that many visitors to foreign news sites are finding their way 
through links from U.S.-based publications. She cites the example of The 
Spokesman Review, a newspaper in Spokane, Washington, which provides links 
to outside news services, many of them overseas, as part of its Iraq coverage.

Another source that may be pointing U.S. news junkies overseas, Palser 
said, is Google. A search on Google News for the terms Iraq and war 
turned up more than 54,000 links, with articles from Australian, British 
and Saudi Arabian news outlets topping the list.

Joanna Glasner contributed to this report.,1284,58056,00.html

James Kopps name 'greyed out.'

2003-03-17 Thread professor rat

I'm keeping my very own Nuremberg website and look forward to drawing a
black line through this name.Also Neil Horsley if you see this.
'Religious Terrorism' Cited at NY Abortion Trial 
Mon March 17, 2003 07:11 PM ET 
By Gary Wiepert 
BUFFALO, N.Y. (Reuters) - Anti-abortion militant James Kopp performed
religious terrorism when he shot a Buffalo, New York, doctor
in 1998, a prosecutor alleged at his murder trial on Monday, but Kopp's
lawyer argued he did not intend to kill. 
The trial proceeded in front of a judge alone in Erie County Court in
Buffalo after Kopp made a surprise switch in legal strategy last week,
waiving his right to a jury trial for the murder of
obstetrician-gynecologist Dr. Barnett Slepian. 
He thinks he is serving some higher power, but this is religious
terrorism, prosecutor Joe Marusak told the court in summarizing the
state's case. Marusak added mockingly of Kopp, a devout Roman Catholic,
Say Grace and pass the ammunition. 
Judge Michael D'Amico was scheduled to announce a verdict at 2 p.m. on
The Oct. 23, 1998, shooting of Slepian in his suburban Amherst, New York,
home near Buffalo on the Canadian border focused renewed attention on
abortion rights in the United States and led to a global manhunt for the
Kopp, 48, fled the country and was arrested in France in March 2001 after
2-1/2 years on the run. He was extradited to the United States last year
only after France was assured he would not face the death penalty. 
Defense lawyer Bill Barket said Kopp, who admitted in an interview last
November with the Buffalo News to shooting Slepian, did not intend to
kill the doctor. Slepian performed abortions and provided other medical
services to women. 
Jim killed him because Dr. Slepian was going to perform an abortion
the following day, Barket said. He wanted to injure him
because he was acting in the defense of the unborn living. 
Kopp is charged with second-degree murder and murder with depraved
indifference for human life. Each conviction carries a maximum sentence
of 25 years to life imprisonment. 
Under the terms of the bench trial, prosecutors went through a 35-page
list of facts outlining the ballistic and other evidence against Kopp,
and his lawyers argued their legal interpretation of the document. 
By changing to a trial by judge, Kopp gave up the right to testify or
call witnesses and eliminated the possibility a jury might find him
guilty of manslaughter. 
The evidence included the discovery of a modified Russian-made SKS
semiautomatic rifle with a scope in the woods behind Slepian's home and a
receipt under one of several aliases used by Kopp as he protested
abortion nationwide. 
When the court heard evidence of an expert witness describing how the
bullet entered Slepian's upper left back as he stood in his kitchen,
Slepian's widow, Lynne Slepian, closed her eyes and gulped. Kopp did not
look directly at the Slepian family in court. 
Barket said initially he wanted the trial to be a debate about abortion.
Slepian was among seven people killed in attacks on clinics or doctors
from 1993 to 1998, underscoring that a woman's constitutional right to
choose an abortion remains an intensely charged issue in the United
Kopp pleaded not guilty in court on Dec. 17 and faces a federal trial at
a later date on charges of interfering with the right to an abortion. He
has also been charged with the nonfatal shooting of a doctor in

Mortgage Aprroved... get the home loan you deserve - lowest rate / best terms 4114Ojyw7-6-10

2003-03-17 Thread grjosh3cjnm
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No mail!



Hello mummy,hello daddy...

2003-03-17 Thread professor rat

St. Paul couple adopts their way into controversy over Israeli spy

MINNEAPOLIS - Jailhouse marriages are common enough. But a St.
Paul couple's jailhouse adoption of an Israeli convicted of treason has
put them in the middle of an international controversy.
Mary and Nick Eoloff first met their adopted son at Ashkelon Prison near
Tel Aviv. A steel grate separated them from Mordechai Vanunu. Now 48,
Vanunu is due for release from an Israeli prison next year after serving
18 years on a treason conviction for leaking Israeli nuclear secrets to a
London newspaper. Vanunu said he did it to publicize Israel's nuclear
weapons program, which had been an official secret.
The Eoloffs adopted Vanunu under the mistaken belief that he would then
gain U.S. citizenship, which they figured might help win his freedom.
They later found out that the United States confers citizenship only on
adoptees younger than 16.
But the Eoloffs remain undeterred. Five years and nine prison visits
later, the unique adoption will be part of a British Broadcasting Corp.
documentary about Vanunu that debuts Sunday at the International Human
Rights Film Festival in London.
The Eoloffs' beige townhouse in St. Paul has become the improbable vortex
of a worldwide campaign to free Vanunu. Peace activists in Norway, Italy,
Sweden and Australia hold regular vigils on his behalf.
The Eoloffs have become Mordechai's link to the outside world and a
great source of support and love, said Felice Cohen-Joppa of
Tucson, Ariz., coordinator of the U.S. Campaign to Free Mordechai Vanunu,
which helps pay the Eoloffs' travel expenses.
While working as a technician at Israel's top-secret nuclear reactor in
Dimona, Vanunu took dozens of pictures and smuggled them out. He then
gave the pictures and descriptions of what he said were dozens of nuclear
weapons to the London Sunday Times in 1986.
Lured into a trap by a female Mossad secret service agent in Europe and
whisked back to Israel, Vanunu was found guilty of espionage and
sentenced to 18 years in prison.
Israeli officials have said Vanunu's disclosures did more damage to
Israel's security than the deeds of any other person. Israel continues to
deny it has nuclear weapons.

From Cooking the books to 'intelligence reports' the Fascist US is corrupt.

2003-03-17 Thread professor rat
Cooking Intelligence for War
by Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity
Two members of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) 
appeared on German TV's equivalent of a 60 Minutesa on March 6 to discuss 
the use/abuse of intelligence to support the US administration's case for 
attacking Iraq. Ray McGovern and David MacMichael were among the former CIA 
officers interviewed by Channel One's Panorama, whose interviewers were 
asking questions seldom heard in American media. As a service to confused 
Americans, we have translated the German portions of the program and append 
the complete transcript.

We would note that the interviews were taped before the latest indignities 
regarding US intelligence came to light--the forged letters earlier adduced 
as proof that Iraq was seeking to obtain uranium from Africa for its 
nuclear program, for example. Our embarrassment is actually too painful to 
dwell at any length on other recent indignities:

UN inspector ElBarade's preliminary finding that Iraq has no nuclear 
weapons program, the gaffes made by Secretary of State Colin Powell in his 
debut as imagery analyst before the UN Security Council, and his praising 
as exquisite; and a graduate school paper masquerading as top secret 
intelligence from the UK, to name just a few.

Embarrassments of this kind receive little play among those American TV 
commentators who are helping the administration beat the drums for war. 
Such stories usually hit the cutting room floor. Similarly, no airtime in 
this country is provided to veterans of the US Intelligence Community, 
unless some can be ferreted out who march to the same drumbeat. Some of us 
have had the extraordinary experience of been erased at the last minute 
from the op-ed page of the Wall Street Journal and invited-then-disinvited 
to/from TV programs like Jim Lehrer and Fox News.

Ordinarily, we would not mind being marginalized; we are used to it. But 
our country seems to be just days away from a fateful decision to go to 
war. And many of our former colleagues and successors are facing a dilemma 
all too familiar to intelligence veterans--the difficult choices that must 
be faced when the demands of good conscience butt up against deeply 
ingrained attitudes concerning secrecy, misguided notions of what is true 
patriotism, and understandable reluctance to put careers--and mortgages--on 
the line.

In the face of impending catastrophe we feel a responsibility to speak 
out--if only to remind the present generation of intelligence officers that 
they do have choices and that in the longer run their consciences will rest 
easier if they face squarely into those choices.

As the transcript below indicates, the situation in the media is quite 
different in Europe, where TV is open and hospitable to various viewpoints, 
pointed questions, and rigorous analysis. We have no illusions that 
American TV would host a no-holds-barred discussion of US intelligence 
performance regarding Iraq--or regarding September 11, for that matter. We 
do sense, however, that there are millions who crave more than the mantras 
sung by the administration and, sadly, now echoed by the Director of 
Central Intelligence. It is primarily for them that we make available below 
the Panorama transcript.

We appeal to those still working inside the Intelligence Community to 
consider turning state's evidence. Daniel Ellsberg, one who knows, recently 
noted that truth telling, in time, can stop a misguided march to war. 
Ellsberg and our former CIA colleague, Sam Adams, spoke out courageously to 
expose the lies of the Johnson administration and to put the brakes on the 
war in Vietnam--but, sadly, not in time. Sam is now deceased, but Ellsberg 
recently appealed to insiders at intelligence agencies to tell the truth 
and save many, many lives. We Veterans Intelligence Professionals for 
Sanity join in that urgent appeal.

We are encouraged to learn that just yesterday a long-time Australian 
intelligence officer resigned in protest against the handling of US 
intelligence and his government's support of US policy on Iraq. So it is 
indeed possible for intelligence officers to join Foreign Service 
counterparts like John Brady Kiesling and John H. Brown who already put 
principle and conscience before obedience and personal advancement in 
choosing to resign from the Department of State. Further encouragement is 
taken from FBI Special Agent Coleen Rowley's courageous decision to call 
public attention to the severe threat to domestic security that would 
inevitably come in the wake of a US attack on Iraq--a threat involving 
critical dangers that have been soft-pedaled by the administration. Ms. 
Rowley is less than two years short of eligibility for retirement.

Richard Beske, San Diego
Kathleen McGrath Christison, Santa Fe
William Christison, Santa Fe Patrick Eddington, Alexandria, VA
Raymond McGovern, Arlington, VA
Steering Committee Veteran Intelligence 

Re: CDR: Where are the heros?

2003-03-17 Thread Eric Cordian
A. Melon wrote:

 Let us pray ernestly that a hero will rise up to slay the evil Texas
 mutant destroying our country and world peace.

Eventually, brute force will meet force and brains, and be vanquished.

Bullies are always amazed when they encounter the kinds of weapons that
enlightened minds can produce.

Rather than repeat myself and write all new stuff, allow me to quote the
comments I made here sometime after the first Iraq war, conducted by Bush
the Elder, father of Shrub the Lunatic.


What the world needs now is not another mass killing of Iraqis by the
United States government.  What the world really needs now is a fifty
dollar weapon that sinks aircraft carriers.

The universe does not view the lives of Americans as more valuable than
the lives of people murdered by Americans.

Unfortunately, for all the braying Americans do about freedom, Americans
can never be truly happy unless someone is telling them what to do, or
they are telling someone else what to do, or they are bombing someone for
not doing what they have told them to do.

The only thing Americans understand is dead Americans.  The only thing.

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law

Probably just a co-incidence.

2003-03-17 Thread professor rat
When was the last time cypherpunks went down,(along with Indymedia.) ?
Afghan war.2001.
This time it's Infoshops comments section along with cypherpunks.I don't 
flatter myself I had the slightest thing to do with this btw,just that this 
could be a 'tell' that a wars coming.Pre-emptive news if you  like.

KILL THE PRESIDENT! (my 2$ for a full metal dum dum for the dumb dumb)

Fascist Murder in Italia.Disgrazia.

2003-03-17 Thread professor rat

Militants assaulted in Milan by fascists, 1 killed 
Tonight in via Brioschi, near the Navigli area (Milan) a small group of
fascists deliberate attacked three militants with knives. One of the
three, hit at the throat and chest, fell down on the ground and died in a
few minutes. Afterwards some people spontaneously gathered at the S.
Paolo Hospital for a demonstration. The police and carabinieri (the
military police) reacted charging violently the demostrators and
arresting some of them. Less than a hour after the murdering, the
disinformation machine was up and running: the ANSA (the most important
italian news agency) said a riot between young dissidents groups
had taken place in Milan. The evident aim of the newsblast was to
turn the fascist aggression and the violent police repression at the
office into the 'typical bad evening caused by noglobal violence'. 
We are here to repeat that instead of 'riot' we can clearly talk about
'deliberate aggression', an assault which costed the life of a young man.
And we confirm that the police and carabinieri protected the fascists and
covered up the facts, charging with tonfas and baseball bats (as reported
by direct witnesses) the people demonstrating their solidarity outside
the hospital. 


Prepare to Blitz Heimreich Security...their paranoia levels are high.

2003-03-17 Thread professor rat

Governor beefing up security in preparation for
possible war
Sarasota Herald-Tribune, FL - 1
hour ago
Gov. Gray Davis doubled security Monday at major buildings, bridges and
in preparation for possible reprisals if the country declares war on
Iraq. ... 
Back to High Alert
KGO, CA - 1 hour ago
Bush administration officials raised the national terror alert level
yellow to orange, meaning there is a high risk of terrorist
attack. ... 
Operation Liberty Shield
KAIT, AR - 2 hours ago
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. -- The nation's terror alert level is back to its
stage -- amid fears that war in Iraq could cause terrorist attacks in the
US. ... 
US raises terror alert level to 'high'
San Jose Mercury News, CA - 2
hours ago
By CURT ANDERSON. WASHINGTON - Worried that war in Iraq could lead
terrorist reprisals at home, the Department of Homeland Security

What the WWW owe's 'Dubya.'

2003-03-17 Thread professor rat

As well as uniting the nucleus of an anarchist global justice movement
against the worst State on earth,Dubya is also completely off target...he
should be attacking the base of open source communism in Finland.We Will
Anorther 'W' we should be grateful
for...Microsoft Warns of Windows Flaw
PC World - 6 hours ago

Microsoft said Monday that it discovered a critical security
vulnerability in a component of its Windows 2000 operating system that
could enable a remote attacker to gain total control of a machine running
Windows 2000 and ... 
Microsoft Patches 'Critical' Windows 2000
Security hole in Windows 2000 servers
The Register - iT News - - Sydney Morning Herald - and 20 related » 
Where would we be without microsoft weeners to kick around?

Europa Rail Strike.March 18.

2003-03-17 Thread professor rat

On March 18th the European railway strike will take place. Eight unions
in five countries will take action. In Sweden SAC, the Syndicalists, will
strike at the City railways, Connex, Roslagstrains and Statens Järnvägar
in Stockholm. 
Here in Sweden the employer organisation ALMEGA has tried to challenge
the strike as illegal in front of the labour court/NLRB. It was a direct
attack against the rights of the minority union’s right to take strike
action – and they failed. If they had been given right it would have been
a hard blow against the right to politically motivated strikes and
freedom of speech in general. 
The background to the strike is deregulations and privatisations of the
railways in EU. In the whole of Europe the deregulations led to worsened
conditions in all areas – service, security, working environment, not
speaking about the costs for the taxpayers. 
The worsening in the collective traffic is not a coincidence; it is
driven by a global strategy that in the long view will break down the
commonly owned society. 
Those who work in public transport are affected by worsened employment
security, stress, raised retirement age – the list can be made a long
one. What’s more, security is out of the game when money is the only
thing that counts. 
This is why we give our wholehearted support for the strike and struggle
against privatisation. 
The International Committee of the Syndicalist Youth Federation of Sweden



2003-03-17 Thread ´«±¦



== ;,

Taps,Smell the Glove Tour of Iraq!

2003-03-17 Thread professor rat
Smell the Glove (Polymer, 1982): The band's 14th album, rated B+ by 
Entertainment Weekly. The U.S. tour to support the album was the basis of 
Marty DiBergi's documentary, This is Spinal Tap. Also known as the Black 
Album after Polymer bowed to demands from retailers such as Sears and K 
Mart to block out the sexist cover. The original cover depicted, in the 
words of Polymer rep Bobbi Flekman, a greased, naked woman on all fours 
with a dog collar around her neck, and a leash and a man's arm extended out 
up to here holding on to the leash and pushing a black glove in her face to 
sniff it. The band had considered the cover a gag, with Ian noting that 
their original concept included something much more provocative than a 
glove. David: You know, if we were serious and we said, 'Yes, she should 
be forced to smell the glove,' then you'd have a point, but it's all a 
joke. Nigel: It is and it isn't. She should be made to smell it, but... 
David: But not, you know, over and over. After seeing the Black Album for 
the first time in Milwaukee during a sound check, the responses ranged from 
Ian's simple, beautiful, classic, to Nigel's It's like a black mirror 
to David's It looks like death to Nigel's How much more black could this 
be? and the answer is 'None. None...more black'  to David's This is 
something you put around your arm. You don't put this on your fucking 
turntable. Ian, nevertheless, declares the album as a turning point. The 
black cover has often drawn comparisons to the Beatles' White Album, as 
well as their infamous Yesterday and Today butcher cover. See also 
America; Japanese tour, 1982; Metallica; Tap Into America; Zappa, Frank.

Smell The Glove (alternate package)
I'm afraid you'll miss the joke without a graphical
browser. Well, press on anyway.
Our opposition leader just described this as a black day...he was not kidding.

Proof of innocence required.

2003-03-17 Thread professor rat
Under Aussie RICO acts.
Organised crime bosses would have their assets seized, even if police could 
not establish a direct link between them and any specific offence, under a 
Coalition government.
Under anti-organised crime laws which the Opposition Leader, John Brogden, 
said would be the toughest in the country, individual criminals also could 
be prosecuted for the actions of gang associates.
At the moment, police in NSW can raid a drug house and make arrests for 
drug dealing but they have great difficulty in then prosecuting the 
organised crime figures who run those drug houses, Mr Brogden said.
The Coalition will give police the powers not only to put those crime 
figures in jail, but also to seize all their criminal assets.
The asset seizure legislation would be based on Western Australian law 
which lays on the owner the burden of proof that assets have been legally 
Another Coalition policy announced yesterday is based on the RICO 
(Racketeer-Influenced and Corrupt Organisation) statute used in the US to 
fight organised crime.
Tailoring RICO laws to NSW would allow police to use evidence gathered 
about the activities of an entire criminal organisation against any 
individual member of the group.
The combination of these two laws mean that under a Liberal government, 
and only under a Liberal government, NSW will have the toughest 
anti-organised crime laws in the nation, Mr Brogden said.
The asset seizure legislation would be used to target a bloke who doesn't 
work but happens to own a couple of mansions and a few Ferraris, who 
police or the Director of Public Prosecutions believed to be a crime boss.
We'll hunt them down, we'll strip them of their assets and we'll put them 
back where they should be, Mr Brogden said. We want to throw them out of 
their houses. We want to sell their cars. We want to sell their jewellery.
We'll do whatever it takes to strip them of their assets and we'll give 
that money back to the police, so the police can use it to catch more 
criminals in NSW.
Mr Brogden expected criminal assets worth millions of dollars to be seized 
annually in NSW. In Western Australia, assets worth more than $21 million 
were seized in 16 months.
Police would already know the identities of some of those who could be hit 
by the laws; they just needed the power to join the dots.
It's often not too hard, Mr Brogden said. You talk to police. You talk 
to police commanders. They know who the Mr Bigs are.
They just can't get at them because they're cleverly masked and hidden 
behind the law. They've got a dotted line but because of weak laws in NSW 
they can't make a straight line. We'll help them to make a straight line.
The Police Minister, Michael Costa, said the state already had an effective 
criminal assets confiscation scheme, with more than $50 million being 
seized since 1997.
That money, he said, was being used to fund projects and organisations that 
fight crime or support victims of crime and their families.
Mr Costa said that the Opposition police spokesman, Andrew Tink, had last 
month criticised plans to allow police to use assets confiscated from 
The Opposition is confused, Mr Costa said. Today, John Brogden announced 
a policy his own spokesman clearly does not support. This shows the 
Opposition is prepared to promise anything for a headline.

Protect Yourself

2003-03-17 Thread







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Got some spare time over the weekend?..

2003-03-17 Thread Peter Turner

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The Imaginary Shrink.

2003-03-17 Thread professor rat
A doctor pretended to be a psychiatrist and began sexual and personal 
relationships with his patients then told them it was a figment of their 
own imagination, a Sydney court heard yesterday.

Roger Stephen Jones, 55, a general practitioner who worked as a careers 
medical officer for the Illawarra Area Health Service, has been brought 
before the Medical Tribunal for gross and inappropriate conduct.

He feigned psychiatric credentials several times and began treating 
patients with borderline personality disorder, depression, suicidal 
thoughts, post-traumatic stress disorder and identity disorder.

It was alleged that he had begun a sexual relationship with one of his 
patients in 1995, and this had lasted more than three years, the tribunal 
heard yesterday.

Counsel for the Health Care Complaints Commission, Anna Katzmann, SC, said 
that as soon as the relationship with the first patient ceased Jones became 
involved with a 37-year-old patient.

He began giving her teddy bears, sending her money and writing her letters 
and cards containing personal information. He visited her grandmother overseas.

Tape recordings of Jones's sessions reveal him telling a patient: I take 
lots of female patients to bed ... don't be jealous.

He is also heard to say: Madam, I'll put you across my knee, and 
Naughty, very naughty, go to bed.

It is alleged he also tried to blame the patient for stealing naked 
photographs of him, which she said he had given to her, the tribunal heard.

While Jones has now admitted to a sexual relationship with the patient, he 
initially responded by saying the woman was delusional. He still denies 
that the relationship went on for as long as the patient says.

Jones, who removed his name from the medical register on Friday, opted not 
to give evidence to the tribunal, instead writing a statement acknowledging 
his behaviour was grossly improper.

I denied the relationship for reasons of self-protection, he said, adding 
that he had decided not to appear before the tribunal because he did not 
wish to put patients through the stress of giving evidence.

Ms Katzmann called for Jones not to be re-registered and for a suspension 
to be imposed for a significant period before he could seek a review.

Outside court a former patient of Jones said: This has been eight years of 
torment. It doesn't stop; it never stops.

The tribunal has reserved its decision.

Clone the casualties.

2003-03-17 Thread professor rat
The families of more than 50 Israeli and Palestinian children, some of them 
killed in the intifada, have appealed to the controversial cloning firm 
Clonaid to produce copies of their lost relatives, the company's chief 
executive said in Tel Aviv.

I have had many, many requests from parents whose children were killed 
here in recent violence, Clonaid chief Brigitte Boisselier told reporters 
at a press conference in Tel Aviv yesterday.

Some of them were tiny babies but sometimes they were almost adults - aged 
16 to 18, she said, adding that the requests had come from both Israeli 
and Palestinian parents.

Meeting them was very disturbing.

Ms Boisselier, a French national and former chemist, said the company had 
received between 50 to 55 requests for help.



That is a huge number but we can probably work with less than half of 
them, she said, explaining that in order to carry out the procedure, 
Clonaid needed a very healthy cell sample to work with.

We would have more success with parents whose children were kept in 
hospital before their death because the hospital would have blood and 
tissue samples preserved in good condition, she said.

Close to 3100 people have been killed since the outset of the Palestinian 
uprising, or intifada, in September 2000, including more than 2310 
Palestinians and more than 710 Israelis.

Ms Boisselier said she had met the parents of the alleged first cloned 
baby, named Eve, who is said to be living in Israel with her Jewish parents.

She is doing perfectly fine. We cannot see any difference between her and 
any other baby born naturally, she said, adding the same was true of the 
other four reported clone babies.

Clonaid, which is linked to the controversial Raelian sect, says it has 
successfully implanted five clone babies - living at secret locations in 
Israel, Holland, Japan, Saudi Arabia and the United States - but no 
conclusive evidence of their existence has ever been presented.

However, Ms Boisselier said Clonaid would provide the much-anticipated 
proof of the existence of another clone baby, born in Japan, at a 
conference to be held in Brazil next week.

We will provide pictures and DNA sample proof of the little girl born in 
Japan, she said.

The scientific community remains sceptical about the announcements, and 
some maintain that they are nothing more than an elaborate hoax, but 
Clonaid insists it will provide the proof.

Until now, those impregnated with a clone baby have not had to pay 
anything, but Clonaid is facing rising legal costs and is likely to start 
charging in June or July, Ms Boisselier said, without citing the possible 

Asked about the dangers of cloning, following the death last month of Dolly 
the sheep, who was successfully cloned in 1997, Ms Boisselier dismissed 
claims that the procedure was unsafe for humans.

Dolly died because she was killed at the age of six just like any other 
sheep, she said, saying most sheep were put down at the same age due to 
medical complications resulting from the ageing process.

It's not true that Dolly was ageing prematurely - she had six healthy 
offspring and lived the life of any other normal sheep, she said.

Dolly the sheep was put down last month after contracting lung disease, 
which has raised concerns about the safety of the cloning procedure.

Two years ago, the Israeli government outlawed human cloning after reports 
that an Italian doctor planned to clone babies near Tel Aviv because Israel 
allowed the practice.

And late last year, the highest Muslim authority in the Palestinian 
territories, the Fatwa Council, said human cloning was absolutely banned 
under Islamic law as it could cause deformities with serious consequences.

Clonaid, which claims to be the first human cloning company, was founded in 
February 1997 by Rael, who is the leader of the Raelian Movement, which 
sees cloning as a route to immortality.

The Raelians, who claim some 60,000 followers worldwide, believe life on 
Earth was established by extraterrestrials who arrived in flying saucers 
25,000 years ago and produced the first humans through cloning as a result 
of their knowledge of DNA.

Claim your $500

2003-03-17 Thread 123OnlineCash

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I'm Dead Serious About This !!!

2003-03-17 Thread Prilinia

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Don't pass this up, XXX

2003-03-17 Thread Adult Specials
Title: Don't pass this up XXX.

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2003-03-17 Thread AIU Online
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Keep your Pets Healthy and Happy

2003-03-17 Thread eBargains News Letter



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2003-03-17 Thread ELIZABETH MBOWENI

TEL: +31 630560171


Dear friend,

You may be surprised to receive this letter from me since you do not know me 
personally. I am the first daughter of the most popular black farmer in Zimbabwe who 
was murdered in the land dispute in my country. I got your contact through network 
online hence decided to write you. Before the death of my father, he had taken me to 
Johannesburg to deposit the sum of USD7.Million (seven million United States dollars), 
in one of the private security company, as he foresaw the looming danger in Zimbabwe. 
This money was deposited in a box as gem stones to avoid much demurrage from Security 

This amount was meant for the purchase of new machines and chemicals for the Farms and 
establishment of new farms in Swaziland. This land problem came when Zimbabwean 
President Mr. Robert Mugabe when he introduced a new Land Act Reform wholly affecting 
the rich white farmers and some few black farmers, and this resulted to the killing 
and mob action by Zimbabwean war veterans and some lunatics in the society. In fact a 
lot of people were killed because of this Land reform Act for which my father was one 
of the victims. it is against this background that I and my family fled Zimbabwe to 
South Africa for fear of our lives.

After which I traveled to the Netherlands and I am currently staying in the 
Netherlands where i am seeking political asylum and more so have decided to transfer 
my father's money to a more reliable foreign account. Since the law of Europe 
prohibits a refugee (asylum seeker) to open any bank account or to be involved in any 
financial transaction throughout the territorial zone of European Union. As the eldest 
child of my father, I am saddled with the responsibility of seeking a genuine foreign 
account where this money could be transferred without the knowledge of my government 
who are bent on taking everything we have got. 

The South African government seems to be playing along with them. I am faced with the 
dilemma of moving this amount of money out of South Africa for fear of going through 
the same experience in future. Both countries have similar political history. I am 
seeking for a partner who I have to entrust my future and that of my family in his 
hands, I must let you know that this transaction is risk free. If you accept to assist 
me and my family, all I want you to do for me, is to make arrangements with the 
security company to clear the Consignment (funds) from their affiliate office here in 
the Netherlands as i have already given directives for the consignment to be brought 
to the Netherlands from South Africa.
But before then all modalities will have to be put in place like change of ownership 
to the consignment. I have two options for you. Firstly you can choose to have certain 
percentage of the money for nominating your account for this transaction. Or you can 
go into partnership with me for the proper profitable investment of the money in your 
country. Whichever the option you want, feel free to notify me. I have also mapped out 
2% of this money for all kinds of expenses incurred in the process of this 

If you do not prefer a partnership I am willing to give you 10% of the money while the 
remaining 88% will be for my investment in your country. Contact with my email- 
while I implore you to maintain the absolute secrecy required in this transaction. 

Best regards,

TEL: +31 630560171


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Nerelerdesin yaw?

2003-03-17 Thread Hakan
Title: New Page 1




Abi nerelerdesin bu ara hi internete gelmedin neyse 
onu brakta bir yer buldum abi manyak
bir ariv var mutlaka gir bak.Aadaki yerlerden 
  birine tkla hemen girersin...Ben HAKAN











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Re: Pneumonia versus face recognition

2003-03-17 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 03:23 PM 3/17/03 +0100, Thomas Shaddack wrote:
As things are never purely good and bad, the outbreak of new killer
pneumonia offers some hope in countering the proliferating camera
surveillance system.

In Japan, it's common to wear a face-mask similar to the kind surgeons
have during outbreaks of flu and during the cold season. The current
airborne infection threat, if properly hyped and spinned (the
sensationalist lust of the mainstream media could be helpful here)
cause it to be common in Western cultures as well.

Once wearing a face mask becomes common, the efficiency of
face-recognition based surveillance/identification systems will get

Opinions, comments?

Sweet observation.  Ran it through our cluster, got this:

1. PSYCHOSOCSIM v. 5.56: Predicts the faceplate-ization of surgical
---if you're gonna wear one, wear one that shows your personality
-Madonna, 4.2004.

A second wave of industrial fasion will yield transparent ones, too [ref
however the opaque prints will remain common.  Activists learn to wear
white ones to avoid being identified.

2. INFEKVEKTORSIM module also suggests positive benefit: TSA employees
take on CDC Canary function due to frequent handling of others'
documents and temporary removal of facemask for ID verification.

  1   2   >