Poglema con `umask'.

1999-04-07 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas

creo que  el funcionamiento  de umask no  le he  entendido del
todo bien...

si pongo `umask  077', cuando creo un nuevo  archivo queda con
permisos 600. O  sea, 077 es  octal, ¿verdad?, que  en binario
queda 11. Es  decir, que  eso hace  que los  permisos para
grupo y resto por defecto pasan a 00, ¿es eso?

Entonces dejo  077 para root,  y intento poner la  cifra octal
que deje a  los usuarios con permisos por  defecto para nuevos
archivos  en  640. Eso,  según  mis  cálculos,  sería  037  en
octal... Pero con  `umask 037'  los ficherops  me  quedan  con
permisos 644.

Lo más curioso es que haciendo:

$ umask -S

que parece lo correcto (640), :-?

Eso es todo. Saludos.

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http://lucas.hispalinux.es/  Documentación en Castellano

Re: Suck en Debian

1999-04-07 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
El Tue, Apr 06, 1999,
Han Solo...

 Resulta que el script /usr/lib/suck/get.news.innxmit, que es
 el encargado de bajar y subier las news en RedHat, en Debian
 no existe.


Te pongo algunas líneas críticas:

ETCDIR=/etc/suck# location of sucknewsrc* and killfile*

BINDIR=/usr/bin # base directory for suck rpost and testhost
SBINDIR=/usr/sbin   # base directory for scripts
NEWSDIR=/usr/lib/news   # base directory for news binaries 
SPOOLDIR=/var/spool/news# base directory for articles to be rposted

INNXMIT=${NEWSDIR}/bin/innxmit  # location of INNXMIT
CTLINND=${NEWSDIR}/bin/ctlinnd  # location of CTLINND

SUCKDIR=/var/lib/suck   # location for suck files

Y del `get-news.conf':

server: localhost

remoteserver: diana.bcn.ttd.net

outgoingfile: diana.bcn.ttd.net

sedcmd: /^NNTP-Posting-Host:\|^Xref:/d


 -=-=-  A través de Debian GNU/Linux  -=-=-
 -=-=- Software Libre -=-=-
 -=-=-  Computadora de 1992   -=-=-
http://www.linux.org/ S.O. Multi-[plataforma, tarea, usuario]
http://www.gnu.org/Free Software Foundation
http://lucas.hispalinux.es/  Documentación en Castellano

Re: Ajustar la hora del sistema a la hardware

1999-04-07 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
El Mon, Apr 05, 1999,
Oscar Ferrero Guerra...

 Estoy hecho un lio con el tema de la hora en linux-debian.

¿Y quien no lo ha estado alguna vez? ;-)

Mi  configuración,  que  parece que  funciona  sin  problemas,
después  de unos  dias locos  cuando  se cambio  a horario  de
verano aqueí en europa, es como sigue:

Editas `/etc/default/rcS' para que tengas estas dos líneas:

# Set GMT=-u if your system clock is set to GMT, and GMT= if not.

Mi `/etc/init.d/hwclock.sk' lo tengo así:

# hwclock.shSet and adjust the CMOS clock.
# Version:  hwclock.sh  1.00  22-Jun-1998  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

. /etc/default/rcS

if [ ! -f /etc/adjtime ]
echo 0.0 0 0.0  /etc/adjtime
if [ -x /sbin/hwclock ]
[ $GMT = -u ]  GMT=--utc
hwclock --adjust $GMT
hwclock --hctosys $GMT
[ $GMT = --utc ]  GMT=-u
clock -a $GMT

#   Now that /usr/lib/zoneinfo should be available,
#   announce the local time.
if [ $VERBOSE != no ]
echo Local time: `date`

O sea, de serie.

Pues lo que hice fue:

1. Borré el `/etc/adjtime'.

2. Puse en hora el reloj del hardware (hora local)

# hwclock --set --date=05/04/99 16:45:05

3. Desde el directorioo `/etc/init.d/',

[anarres]/etc/init.d# ./hwclock

y parece que funciona...

$ date

11:09:24 martes, 06 de abril de 1999

Que es `mi' hora local (con el correspondiente `alias' para el


PD: A mí,  lo que realmente  me gustaría es,  en la era  de la
aldea global (20% población mundial con teléfono), pues que
mi  correo y  news llevasen  la hora  GMT correcta,  y así  el
destinatario(a) pueda deducir con  facilidad cuanto hace que
se envió (o terminó) el mensaje, y los lectores de correo/news
no  se lien  al  construir los  hilos. Ya se  que  es solo  un
detalle, :-)

O sea,  el reloj hardware puesto  con la hora GMT,  el sistema
con la local (CEST ¿?), y que  el MTA ponga la cabecera con la
hora GMT correcta, ¿no?

 -=-=-  A través de Debian GNU/Linux  -=-=-
 -=-=- Software Libre -=-=-
 -=-=-  Computadora de 1992   -=-=-
http://www.linux.org/ S.O. Multi-[plataforma, tarea, usuario]
http://www.gnu.org/Free Software Foundation
http://lucas.hispalinux.es/  Documentación en Castellano

Re: rc.d

1999-04-07 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
El Tue, Apr 06, 1999 at 04:47:47PM +0200, M. Angel Esteban dijo:
 He leído en la doc del dhis que he de poner una linea en el fichero rc.d de
 mi sistema pero... ay sorpresa! En la debian no se llama asins :((
 Alguien sabe ande lo tendría que poner?

En un archivo de /etc/init.d/, o para ser más sano, un shell script en

 Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa| POWERED BY   | www.debian.org
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] | DEBIAN GNU/LINUX 2.1 |  www.gnu.org
   Always Free, Always Cool, Always Linux

Re: Acentos, eñes y demás zarandajas...

1999-04-07 Thread drequena

 Usando una fuente ISO-8859-15 que lo incluye y es practicamente igual a
 ISO-8859-1 al menos en lo referente a laos caracteres españoles. Tendras
 que modificar tambien el mapa de teclado de la consola y de Xwindow. Hay
 paquete con fuentes y los mapas en:


 Vale, me bajé ese paquete pero no sé, me da que puede traerme problemas.
 Quiero decir, imagino que tendré que cambiar todas las definiciones de
 iso-8859-1 que tenga en los ficheros de profile, y aún así ... ¿qué hay
 resto de los programas?  ¿tengo que mirar uno a uno?

En principio no deberia ser complicado:

El paquete incluye una fuente de consola que una vez cargada afectara a
todos los programas en modo texto. Hasta donde yo se las unicas
modificaciones que requiere el keymap es añadir un par de entradas para que
AltGR+e genere el codigo asociado al simbolo del euro y AltGr+c el del

En Xwindows si tendras que especificar la fuente aplicacion por aplicacion
o jugar con los xresources para establecer uno global que al menos te
funcione con todas los progs Xaw y derivados.

Respecto a las definiciones ISO8859-1 es posible que no tengas que tocarlas
al ser los dos charsets virtualmente iguales (quiza no te vaya el caracter
ae o algo asi). En fin, dentro de poco sabras mas que yo del tema
seguramente ;-)

David Requena.


1999-04-07 Thread Manuel Batista Dominguez

Han Solo wrote:
On Mon, Mar 29, 1999 at 03:58:17PM +0200, Ramiro
Alba wrote:
> Tenemos Windows NT 4.0 instalado en una particin del primer
disco y en
> otra(s)
> particiones del mismo disco instalamos Debian y onfiguramos Lilo
> que arranque de los 2 sistemas. El arranque de Linux ningn
> pero el de NT comienza bien hasta que aparece la pantallita azul
> despues de unos 10 segundos falla estrepitosamente. Esto no ocurre
si el
> disrectorio root de Linux esta en una particion de otro discos. Si
no es
> el caso, me he visto obligado a poner el Lilo en disket para el
> arranque dual. Hasta donde he podido me mirado la documentacin
de Lilo
> a fondo, pero no he dado con la causa. Alguien sabe que demonios

Yo lo planteara de otra manera, que es la que a mi me ha funcionado:
instalas lilo en la particin que va contener a linux, siempre
debajo del cilindro 1024 y en disco master. Luego copias el sector
arranque de linux en un fichero, con dd if=/dev/hda2 of=/bootsect.lnx
bs=521 count=1 (suponiendo que linux est en hda2). Lo siguiente
copiar el archivo /bootsect.lnx a c: Si c: es una particin
tendrs que copiarlo primero en un disco. Entonces editas el
boot.ini, que es (hablo de memoria) hidden,read-only,system. Antes
editarlo tendrs que cambiarle los atributos, pero luego acurdate
dejarlos como estaban. Como deca, editas el fichero y aades
la lnea
c:\bootsect.lnx="Linux" Con esto, sers capaz de arrancar linux
desde el
cargador de NT. Funciona perfectamente (doy fe); el nico inconveniente
es que cada vez que retocas el lilo, tienes que copiar el sector de
arranque de nuevo. Todo esto viene mejor explicado en el howto
Linux+NT+loader (creo que se llamaba as) y en el nmero
5 de Linux

Un Saludo

Han Solo
The Rebel Alliance

Conecto, luego existo.
Desconecto, luego insisto.
Soy usuario de infobirria+

P.D. La firma no es ma, sino de uno que trabajaba, precisamente,
en M$.
Vivir para ver.

Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Esa solucin es perfectamente vlida, pero creo que
pierdes la funcionalidad del cargador LILO.
 Copia el contenido de lo siguiente y ajustalo a tus necesidades,
lo importante es que la particin de instalacin del sector
de arranque de LILO sea la que corresponde al File System root de linux,
de sta forma puedes mantener los 2 cargadores (LILO y NT Loader)
en 2 niveles y desde LILO o bien lanzar Debian o el NT Loader.

# Imagen lanzada por defecto
 label="Windows NT 4.0"
 label="Debian 2.0 Hamm"

Lo anterior me funciona perfectamente sobre un portatil, disco de 4
Gb y particiones de NT (NTFS) de 1.5 Gb y 512 Mb.

Espero que les sea de ayuda.

fn:Manuel Batista Dominguez
n:Batista Dominguez;Manuel
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:928 29 64 50


1999-04-07 Thread Jose Marin
On Wed, 7 Apr 1999, Manuel Batista Dominguez wrote:

 nbsp; Esa solucioacute;n es perfectamente vaacute;lida, pero creo que
 pierdes la funcionalidad del Bcargador LILO./B
 BRBnbsp;/B Copia el contenido de lo siguiente y ajustalo a tus 
 lo importante es que la particioacute;n de instalacioacute;n del sector
 de arranque de LILO sea la que corresponde al File System root de linux,
 de eacute;sta forma puedes mantener los 2 cargadores (LILO y NT Loader)
 en 2 niveles y desde LILO o bien lanzarnbsp; Debian o el NT Loader.
 BR# Imagen lanzada por defecto
 BRnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; label=Windows NT 4.0
 BRnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; table=/dev/hda
 BRnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; label=Debian 2.0 Hamm
 BRnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; root=/dev/hda2
 BRnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; read-only

  No mandes HTML a la lista, please, que queda feo.

Podrias explicar un poco mejor lo que dices aqui? Si leo bien, el
bootloader del LILO lo pones en /dev/hda2. Por lo cual, al arrancar, el
bootloader que se cargaria es el que sigue estando en el MBR, el de WinNT
(suponiendo que NT fue instalado antes que Linux). O donde me equivoco...? 

Y si es asi, que ventaja hay en tener una seccion para WinNT en lilo.conf?

Supongo que lo mejor seria poner LILO en el MBR (i.e., boot=/dev/hda), y
tenerlo asi de master bootloader. Qué creeis?  Pero, en ese caso, sabe
alguien como guardar el MBR original (el bootloader de NT), por si
interesa dejarlo como estaba en un futuro? 

Dept of Maths   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Heriot-Watt University
Edinburgh EH14 4AS, U.K.
Phone: +44 131 451 3893
Fax: +44 131 451 3249

Former address:  Dept. de Física de la Materia Condensada
 Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Zaragoza
 50009 Zaragoza, SPAIN

Fuente no encontrada

1999-04-07 Thread Manuel Jerez Cßrdenes
Hola lista, me ha ocurrido un problema utilizando el JDK1.2 para
Linux con mi distribución Debian 2.0. El problema está en que al ir a
ejecutar una aplicación que tengo hecha, me sale un mensaje de que no
encuentra una fuente especificada en la aplicación. Sin embargo, sí
me ejecuta la aplicación, pero con otras fuentes de letras. El
mensaje exacto es:

Font specified in font.properties not found [--zapf

He estado probando a instalar las distintas fuentes que vienen con mi
Debian, pero no me ha funcionado. Sin embargo, al ejecutar dicha
aplicación bajo Windows con el JDK1.2 para Windows no me sale dicho

¿Puede estar el problema en que el JDK1.2 para Linux es una
Pre-Release y que además ha sido compilado con la Debian 2.1?

Espero vuestras sugerencias, gracias.


1999-04-07 Thread José Enrique Álvarez Martín

Hola que tal.
 Veo que el tema se 
 Lo primero que yo intente fue 
instalar primero NT y despues LINUX pero al poner LILO en el MBR, NT ya no puede 
arrancar ya que necesita su propio MBR, es decir el boot loader de NT, me temo 
que NT usa el boot loader para algo o es una nueva conia de M$ para no facilitar 
la instalacion de otros sistemas.

Re: rc.d

1999-04-07 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On mar, abr 06, 1999 at 04:47:47 +0200, M. Angel Esteban wrote:
 He leído en la doc del dhis que he de poner una linea en el fichero rc.d de
 mi sistema pero... ay sorpresa! En la debian no se llama asins :((
 Alguien sabe ande lo tendría que poner?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ls -l /etc/init.d/dhid 
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root   61 feb 17 00:48 /etc/init.d/dhid
[EMAIL PROTECTED] cat /etc/init.d/dhid 
echo Ejecutando /etc/dhis/dhid...


Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez 


1999-04-07 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On mié, abr 07, 1999 at 11:23:30 +0100, Jose Marin wrote:
 Supongo que lo mejor seria poner LILO en el MBR (i.e., boot=/dev/hda), y


tenerlo asi de master bootloader. Qué creeis?  Pero, en ese caso, sabe
 alguien como guardar el MBR original (el bootloader de NT), por si
 interesa dejarlo como estaba en un futuro? 

Mete un disquete formateado y haz...

'dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/fd0/MBRwinNT bs=512 count=1'

De esta forma si la pifias no tendrás por qué alarmarte, simplemente:
arranca con el disco de arranque y reestablece la MBR de WinNT mediante:

'dd if=/dev/fd0/MBRwinNT of=/dev/hda bs=446 count=1'


Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez 

Re: Fuente no encontrada

1999-04-07 Thread Mario Camou

De los archives de la lista java-linux (los puedes encontrar en algun lugar de

For the font problems: look on the website of www.blackdown.org:
Copy the 2 ghostscript fontfiles in the jre/lib/fonts directory and add
these 2 font files in the fonts.dir

De otro mensaje:

You need to install the URW fonts.  These are nice, scalable fonts.  The web
page has documentation on installing


Como el error dice que falta un font --zapf dingbats y no un --urw, creo
que tu problema va mas bien por el primero.


Manuel Jerez Cßrdenes wrote:
 Hola lista, me ha ocurrido un problema utilizando el JDK1.2 para
 Linux con mi distribución Debian 2.0. El problema está en que al ir a
 ejecutar una aplicación que tengo hecha, me sale un mensaje de que no
 encuentra una fuente especificada en la aplicación. Sin embargo, sí
 me ejecuta la aplicación, pero con otras fuentes de letras. El
 mensaje exacto es:
 Font specified in font.properties not found [--zapf
 He estado probando a instalar las distintas fuentes que vienen con mi
 Debian, pero no me ha funcionado. Sin embargo, al ejecutar dicha
 aplicación bajo Windows con el JDK1.2 para Windows no me sale dicho
 ¿Puede estar el problema en que el JDK1.2 para Linux es una
 Pre-Release y que además ha sido compilado con la Debian 2.1?
 Espero vuestras sugerencias, gracias.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

 __| Mario Camou
 __--  --___   | Chief Technology Officer
  _-|  - _  --_| Umbral Global, SA de CV
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   -|  _| | || \___/ |   | |___| |  \  /\ |___ | fax:+52(5)245-1804
|_--___ ___--  |
   -   | http://www.umbral.com

RE: AWE64 pnp

1999-04-07 Thread Miguel Angel Velando

La  configuracion que tenia en el  /etc/isapnp.conf era  la
correcta, el problema
lo tenia en la carga de los modulos (actualice  el kernel a
2.2.1 y no lei la
documentacion ... que indica  que hay que  actualizar las
modutils). Me queda  por
resolver un problemita con el midi que no me funciona aun.

Gracias  a  todos.

 Miguel Angel Velando wrote:
  Hola a  todos,
  Soy nuevo  en Linux y estoy tratando de  reemplazar  mi
  W95. No he tenido mayores inconvenientes con la  instalacion
  las  X, WordPerfect8, Netscape 4.08,  etc
  pero no consigo hacer funcionar la placa de  sonido
  Soundblaster  AWE64 PnP. Alguien ha tenido alguna experiencia
  con  este modelo?
  Desde  ya,  gracias
  Miguel  Velando
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Yo tengo el mismo modelo de tarjeta, y siguiendo el AWE-HOWTO no tuve
 ningún problema para
 configurarla. Aparte de la configuración del PNP es exactamente igual
 que si tuvieras una AWE
 El único problema que hay es que el pnpdump no detecta los tres
 puertos del EMU8000, pero eso
 lo tienes explicado en el HOWTO.
 Un saludo
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Tamano de las letras de XTerm

1999-04-07 Thread Cubikice
Andres Seco Hernandez wrote:

 No me salen menus haciendo click y ctrl en ningun sitio de xterm, ni en
 el icono, ni en la mini ventana. Lo unico que consigo de menus de xterm
 esta en attributes del menu de la ventana de xterm, pero no veo nada de
 fuentes ahí.

Es pulsando Control primero, y sin soltarlo, el ratón después :)  y en
el menú que sale pone 'VT fonts' arriba y abajo las opciones son Big,
Small, medium y cosas asi, funciona en todos los window managers que
he probado, a no ser que uses rxvt, aunque creo que ahi tb funciona.

Saludos CubikIce

windows98: a 32 bit front end to a 16 bit patch on an 8 bit operating
written for a 4 bit processor by a 2 bit company without 1 bit of

Re: Configurar Canon BJC-210

1999-04-07 Thread Cubikice
Josu Arenas wrote:
 Tengo una Canon BJC-210 y Debian 2.0 Hamm. He instalado el 
 magicfilter y
 puesto la impresora como bj-200, tengo el gs-aladdin 5.10-9. El texto plano
 imprime bien, pero al imprimir postscript me saca basura...

Es normal, yo tengo una BJ-200 y a mi el magicfilter me funciona
perfecto, el problema es que la BJ-200 es una impresora en blanco y
negro y las BJC son todas a color.

 Alguien podria echarme una mano?? Si alguien tiene una canon bjc-210 y
 la ha echo funcionar puede mandarme aunque sea el /etc/printcap???

Sorry, pero no tengo una BJC-210.

Saludos CubikIce

windows98: a 32 bit front end to a 16 bit patch on an 8 bit operating
written for a 4 bit processor by a 2 bit company without 1 bit of

GIMP 1.1.3 em Portugues

1999-04-07 Thread Marcus Brito
Ola pessoal,

Terminei hoje a tradução do potfile do GIMP 1.1.3, e já mandei pra
revisão. Em breve você poderão achá-lo na págine da LIE-BR:


E divirtam-se com o GIMP brasileirinho :)

Ja ne,
   Marcus Brito

Que o amor não seja imortal, posto que é chama,
 Mas que seja infinito enquanto dure.
   -- Vinicius de Moraes

Re: GIMP 1.1.3 em Portugues

1999-04-07 Thread Clovis Sena / Itautec Servicos Recife
Oi marcus,

fiquei curioso, sera que vc podia me esclarecer o que vem a ser um potfile
?? significa que se eu baixar um gimp ( eh claro depois que for revizado )
ele estara em portugues?? que magica eh esta??

Clovis Sena

-Mensagem original-
De: Marcus Brito [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: debian-user-portuguese@lists.debian.org
Data: Quarta-feira, 7 de Abril de 1999 01:55
Assunto: GIMP 1.1.3 em Portugues

Ola pessoal,

Terminei hoje a tradução do potfile do GIMP 1.1.3, e já mandei pra
revisão. Em breve você poderão achá-lo na págine da LIE-BR:


E divirtam-se com o GIMP brasileirinho :)

Ja ne,
   Marcus Brito

Que o amor não seja imortal, posto que é chama,
 Mas que seja infinito enquanto dure.
   -- Vinicius de Moraes

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Onde comprar debian no Brasil

1999-04-07 Thread Eduardo Dias

Gostaria de saber aonde posso conseguir uma cópia da distribuição debian aqui em
São Paulo.



Re: Onde comprar debian no Brasil

1999-04-07 Thread Lalo Martins
On Apr 07, Eduardo Dias decided to present us with:
 Gostaria de saber aonde posso conseguir uma cópia da
 distribuição debian aqui em São Paulo.

Fiquei sabendo hj dessa empresa: http://www.linuxstore-br.com/
mas infelizmente eles ainda não têm o Debian 2.1

  I am Lalo of deB-org. You will be freed.
 Resistance is futile.

http://www.webcom.com/lalo  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 pgp key in the web page

Debian GNU/Linux   --http://www.debian.org

linux at ibm

1999-04-07 Thread Clovis Sena / Itautec Servicos Recife
O novo site linux at ibm:



Re: O que é um potfile (Era: GIMP 1.1.3 em português)

1999-04-07 Thread Marcus Vinicius Brito
- Oi marcus,
- fiquei curioso, sera que vc podia me esclarecer o que vem a ser um
- ?? significa que se eu baixar um gimp ( eh claro depois que for
revizado )
- ele estara em portugues?? que magica eh esta??
- Atenciosamente,
- Clovis Sena

Clovis, um potfile é uma vantagem dos programas internacionalizados
com o GNU gettext; todas as mensagens do programa são retiradas de seu
código fonte, e reunidas em um potfile -- que é um arquivo de
mensagens, e que pode ser facilmente traduzido sem que se saiba nada
sobre programação.

Você pode então baixar o GIMP 1.1.3 (ou maior), e colocar o meu potfile
junto com os outros. Então, se o seu sistema estiver configurado para
exibir mensagens em português, o GIMP vai notar a existência do potfile
em português, e utilizá-lo. Claro que, depois da revisão, vou enviar o
potfile direto para os autores do GIMP -- de forma que ele seja
instalado automaticamente junto com a próxima versão.

Ja ne,
   Marcus Brito
   mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

re: new install: network unreachable

1999-04-07 Thread Holanyi Janos, jr.
Hi Chris,

I'm glad that my idea worked for you.
To be honest, everything you described suggested that you had a problem
with the firewall. Also, you wrote that the were some paranoia messages
during bootup... check tcplogd daemon about that.
There is a paranoia option in the firewalls (used to be -o for spoofing
in ipfwadm - do not really know 2.2+'s ipchains yet, but should be
something similar).

So I told myself: OK, let's open your firewall to exclude this option
first of all. And, it worked. So please check the following packages (the
ones that are relevant - Debian) in the first wave:

my_ip variable in /etc/init.d/netstd

That's OK that ipfwadm -Mf was rejected.
To be honest, I am not able to tell why your config changed.
Whenever you get such messages like Operation not permitted and such, it
is a good idea to check through the firewall related configuration.

ipfwadm -Iln
ipfwadm -Oln
ipfwadm -Fln
ipfwadm -Mln

will list the actual settings of your firewall. These commands could be a
good way for you to start investigating some more.
Keep in mind that with the commands that I gave you you opened all the
doors on your linux box - which is now a big security hole!!!

That's it, hope you'll be able to manage to set up your firewall as
desired - should you not, write to me, I'll be glad to help if I can.


PS: Linux - Kings' toy! ;)

On Tue, 6 Apr 1999, Chris Brown wrote:

 Hi csani,
 You're a genius!  the ipfwadm -Mf command was rejected, but the
 others worked and now I'm back on the net! Can you please explain a
 little what was going on and why my config defaulted to
 What's the best way to permanently set the correct options?
 Many thanks,
 On  6 Apr 99 at 16:35, Holanyi Janos, jr. wrote:
  Just wondering... try these commands:
  (for a 2.0 kernel)
  ipfwadm -If
  ipfwadm -Of
  ipfwadm -Ff
  ipfwadm -Mf
  ipfwadm -I -p acc
  ipfwadm -O -p acc
  ipfwadm -F -p acc
  ipfwadm -F -p acc
  ...and ping. Is it better?
  On Tue, 6 Apr 1999, Chris Brown wrote:
   Brant  others.   getting desperate here, please help!
   To answer your question, I'm not sure *EXACTLY* how to check if the 
   PCMCIA packages are installed, but I believe the answer is yes.
   If I look at top, I can see cardmgr running. If I insert/remove the 
   3c589 I hear the tell-tale hot-swap beeps, and when the system boots 
   or the card is inserted, the network active light comes on on the 
   adapter at the appropiate times.
   Also, a ping of the machine's own address completes properly in a 
   millisecond or two. If I remove the card, pinging its own address 
   returns the message network is unreachable. Pings to any other 
   address with the card in result in:
ping: sendto: operation not permitted
ping: wrote 207..  64 chars, ret=-1

   I had a linux_guru_friend stop by last night to look at the problem, 
   he looked at some low level tcpip functionality and saw that arp 
   requests were being received by the laptop, but is wasn't sending 
   anything out on the network. After mucking with it for a few hours he 
   thought he would try a re-install from the rescue disks. same 
   result! We successfully installed debian via nfs over the *EXACT* 
   same network and interface, then on rebooting the network doesn't 
   work and ping returns operation not allowed
   Any suggestions please !!
   On  5 Apr 99 at 22:42, Brant Wells wrote:

Have you checked to make sure that the latptop PCMCIA packages are

Just checking,


Chris Brown wrote:

 Please help, this is a newbie being stupid question

 I've done several slink installs that have worked fine.

 I'm trying to install it on my laptop now and am having problems
 with the system once its installed. Basically everything seems
 fine but I can't use the network (3c589 pcmcia ethernet). I can ping
 the machine's own address but pings anywhere else result with ping
 declaring not allowed...

 My ifconfig and route table look fine. I know the driver and network
 is okay because the entire system was nfs installed initially! This
 problem occurs when I reboot after completing the entire install

 I suspect that I've (unknowingly) installed some sort of ip security
 program that is not allowing network access, I see things in the boot
 log like ip paranoia deamon... and others that I don't understand. I
 used the custom package selection of dinstall. I've carefully done
 the process twice with the same results.

 As a newbie, I have no idea how to search the OS to find the
 offending software if that's the problem.

 Besides any suggestions on what might be causing this problem, can
 someone please let me know how I'd (efficiently) go 

Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-04-07 Thread Gary Singleton
--- John Galt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sun, 4 Apr 1999, Gary Singleton wrote:
  --- John Galt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   What's the accepted method of sending a file to
   person that MUST not
   get into unfriendly hands, but needs to get
   users that have no
   access to the other's machine, due to dynamic
   and hostile ISPs, then?
  Dynamic IP addresses can be taken care of using
  services like dyndns.org, ddns.org  many others. 
  machine is online several hours a day using
 dyndns, I
  have the proftpd server running and can allow
  access via this or even using Apache.  If I was to
  have such a hostile ISP I would switch to one of
  many available in most areas of the world.  Many
  however might be considered hostile by newbies
  not allowing large attachments or charging for
  mail storage.
 So what you're proposing instead of large
 attachments to email is for the
 end user to set up two different services and quite
 possibly change their
 ISP.  While we're at it, what else do you want to
 make into a major
 headache so you don't have to use procmail?  I've
 got it, let's rewrite
 TCP/IP so that no more than 1KB of packets may be
 transmitted between
 peers without authentication, that oughta make you
 EXTREMELY pleased.

Yes, my provided alternatives to solve your original
problems were to get a dyndns.org account and set up
an ftp server.  It's really not that difficult and is
much more convenient.  The recipient is notified of
the file and is able to retrieve it at his
convenience.  FTP (not anonymous) is at least as
secure as email so that part is also taken care of.  I
shouldn't have to change my email setup to compensate
for others inconsiderate behavior.  Also, if I had
what I considered a hostile ISP, you bet I'd find a
new one.  As to rewriting TCP/IP, I'm the one trying
to stay within accepted protocol; you are advocating
bending or rewriting the rules to legitimize your

   This method should be as easy and as
   as POPmail, not
   involve other servers in any way save routing,
   able to be used
   internationally, and ensure delivery to only the
   intended person.
  Why, just to bend the rules to your definition of
  the method should be?  That's a little like
  I'm now using the internet, you must all bend to
  definition of what e-mail should be.
 No, I was describing the basis of sending a large
 attachment via
 email--POPmail, the only servers in use are
 temporarily the routing hosts
 and the ends, and relatively secure delivery--there
 are ways to intercept
 email, but there are also ways to intercept ALL
 TCP/IP packets with a
 similar amount of work.  So my bend[ing] the rules
 is no more than
 telling you that something has to be as useful as
 all other
 alternatives before it can be unequivocally the
 right way. 

The reason I brought up security of email the first
time was to make you aware that it is no more secure
than other methods just because it is destined to a
specific recipient.

   up? Well so do I.  Solve this problem before you
   beef about how large
   attachments to email is evil.
  You can give up if you like, but I'll continue to
  the position that e-mail is for message exchange
  file exchange.  There are established methods for
  secure file transfer  by the way, e-mail is most
  definitely not the most secure method of transfer
  any file that MUST not get into unfriendly
 Most crypto is based on a similar setup to email,
 and your established
 methods don't mean anything without citation, which
 is what I asked for in
 the first place.  It's true that email is for
 message exchange, but what
 happens when the message happens to be a chapter of
 a book with formatting
 intact?  Your broad stroke of no large attachments
 to email just nuked
 collaborative publishing, as my stepfather (when he
 was co-authoring
 his textbook) emailed revisions to chapters of his
 book, which he said was
 the accepted standard in the publishing community (I
 didn't really care
 much about the whys and wherefores when he did
 it--he and I have semi
 strained relations at best).

The encryption issue has already been addressed as
well as my solution for your problems.  To summarize:
dyndns.org, proftpd, new ISP.  There are document
control systems that would be much better for writing
a book than emailing chapters to one another.  I've
used Lotus Notes (admittedly not a Linux product) in
the past for exactly this function.  My broad stroke
wouldn't nuke anything, it would however force the
adoption of a better method.  I would have expected
the publishing community to have developed something
a little more advanced - surprising.

  I will continue to beef about large attachments
  they are sent to me and mine unrequested 
  There are solutions available if you would look,
  perhaps they're not as 

Re: X thinks my screen is larger than it actually is

1999-04-07 Thread John Galt

AFAIK, your problem is neither new nor soluble: what's happening is that
your pixelsize is too large for the default windowsize to fit within the
screen boundaries--either set a higher resolution or live with it.  The
problem is not that your virtual resolution is too high, it's that your
screen resolution is too low: however, you might get better results if
you set your virtual resolution higher than your actual screen: you'd at
least be able to navigate to the parts that don't show up on your screen.
Sorry I can't be of more help--it's happened to me on more than one
occasion :( 

On Mon, 5 Apr 1999, Marcus Claren wrote:

 I've got a very annoying problem. My X server seems to
 think that my screen is bigger than it actually is.
 I'm using wmaker, and when a program window drops out
 of the desktop I can usually maximize it and make it
 fit the desktop perfectly. So wmaker knows the size
 of my screen, I think. But when I'm running certain
 programs, like games (Xsoldier, Xworm) which seem
 to have a preset window - size their windowborders
 are vanishing outside the desktoparea and there's
 no way for me to resize them. Other programs that I'm
 experiencing the same with are Rosegarden, a music program
 and Blender.
 Some guy at irc told me that this could be due to
 that I've set my virtual res too high in the XF86Config-
 file, but he couldn't explain to me exactly how to 
 change this.
 Anyway, please help me as this makes working with
 some programs impossible.
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Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.

Who is John Galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED], that's who!  

SiS 6236 XF86Config

1999-04-07 Thread Carl Mummert
Getting these silly cards to work seems to be a recurring theme on
this list.  Hopefully, this message is enough that newcomers can 
just rtfm about it.

Carl Mummert


How to get an SiS 6236 video card to work with slink:

I performed these steps when I set up an SiS card earlier this
year. They may not be perfectly correct, as my memory is
not perfect.  They should be enough to guide you.  

I'm not responsible if anything gets broken, destroyed, or lost.  
Be careful.

For your reference, below if my XF86Config file.  It probably won't 
work for you without editing, but it may be useful as a reference.


1) Get the following files (paths correct as of 4-5-99):


2) Make sure that the xserver-svga package is installed. 
   You can check with the command

 # dpkg -s xserver-svga

  If you see 'Status: install ok installed' then it is installed; 
  otherwise download the .deb and install it.

3) Become root

4) As root, enter the following commands in the directory where 
   the XSVGA.tgz file is:

 #  tar xzvf XSVGA.tgz
 #  cd bin
 #  chown root.root XF86_SVGA
 #  chmod 755 XF86_SVGA
 #  mv /usr/X11R6/bin/XF86_SVGA /usr/X11R6/bin/XF86_SVGA.debian
 #  mv XF86_SVGA /usr/X11R6/bin

 Purists, see my note below.

5) Run xf86config, and enter reasonable information for your monitor,
   mouse, keyboard, etc.  When asked, you want to use the SVGA server.
   Don't start X yet.

6) Edit /etc/X11/XF86Config with your favorite editor.  Go the the
   following lines:

   # Device configured by xf86config:
   Section Device

   You need to add one or more of the following options to this section.
   Just put them before the word 'EndSection'. The lines with a leading 
   '#' are commented out in my XF86Config.

   #Option noaccel   
   #Option no_imageblt # may need to turn this on if problems with
 # displaying bitmaps, gif, or jpg images 
Option no_bitblt   # doesn't work, so turn it off...
   #Option no_linear   # turning this on will slow things
Option sw_cursor   # makes things work so you can see mouse cursor

7) Now try to start X.  It should work.

  If X still does not work, please do the following when asking for help:

  *  Run the program 'script'; you will get a command prompt back.
  *  Run 'startx'.  If X starts, kill it.
  *  Type 'exit'.  You will see a message saying
'Script done, output file is typescript'
  * When asking for help, include in your message the contents of the
file named 'typescript' which will be in the current directory.

   (Actually, you could do this when asking for help on any package...)

Note for purists:  

Yes, I moved a debian-owned file out of the way.  
Yes, I replaced it with my own file.  

The advantage to this is that there is no chance of having the rest 
of the system get confused about where the server is, and that I do not
have to configure the rest of the system to look elsewhere for the server 
(which I don't want to have to learn how to do).  The X system is fairly
complex, and although I have been using debian for several years I do
not fully understand the process through which Xwindows starts.

I feel that my way is better than removing the 'X' executable 
and replacing it with a link (another possible solution).
Anyway, if there are any problems, the you can always move 
the old file back.  

I am not interested in discussing this, or starting a flame war
or other long discussion about it. 


-my XF86Config file---
# File generated by xf86config.
# Copyright (c) 1995 by The XFree86 Project, Inc.
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the Software),
# to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
# the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
# and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
# Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
# Except as contained in this notice, the name of the XFree86 Project shall
# not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other
# dealings in this 

Re: online help on c/c++ functions/libraries

1999-04-07 Thread John Galt

Install package manpages-dev--that has manpages for most popular library
functions.  Also Deitel  Deitel's C++/how to program is a good
reference--I got it for a class and like it a lot.  As for getting a list
of all functions in all libraries, that's asking QUITE a bit--most of
Dietel  Deitel's 1100+ pages are dedicated to about 22 libraries--look in
/usr/include and figure out how many pages it'd take given about 50+
pages per library: not an easy task!

On Mon, 5 Apr 1999, Micha Feigin wrote:

 How do I get help on c/c++ functions, including the library (.h) file
 for them?
 man query etc. ? (how do i search for it?)
 Is it possible to get a list of functions available on the system,
 and/or a list of available c libraries (.h) and their coresponding
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Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.

Who is John Galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED], that's who!  

Re: xisp

1999-04-07 Thread v . polasek

On 6 Apr 1999, Martin Bialasinski responded very promptly:

  vp == v polasek [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 vp I would like to run xisp without logging in as root.  Right now
 vp when I run it as a regular user, xisp gives me an error message:
 vp /usr/sbin/pppd: using the name option requires root privilege.
 Do you have the xisp package from 2.1, or do you use an older version?

dpkg -l xisp tells me that I have version 2.5p4-1

 If you are using an older version (I suspect so), then upgrade. pppd
 2.3.5 (as included in slink) got stricter about the allowed usage of
 parameters for unprivileged users.

My version of pppd came from the deb version 2.3.5-2 of ppp.  I presume
that this is the most recent version.  However, I should add that I
configured ppp for my current isp provider about 3 months ago under an
older version of pppd which came with hamm.  I never had any problems with
pppd before or after the upgrade.

 If I am wrong with my guess, please run 
 find /etc/ppp -type f | xargs grep name 
 as root, so that I can see where this parameter comes from.

This output is somewhat long to post, so here is a list of only the files
that came up:


It looks that either /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/xisp or /etc/ppp/options may have
something relevant.

Thanks for any further help,

Vaclav Polasek

Re: Dial-on Demand with Masq Setup Box

1999-04-07 Thread Stephen A. Witt
On Tue, 6 Apr 1999, Russell Rademacher wrote:

 Hello guys.
 Okay.. I got a little project to work on in few days and I would
 appreciate some pointers and help on this one.
 Basically I am little familiar with the Masq system...but what I
 would like to do is setup this system as like this.  I like the system to be a
 central gateway using ISDN Modem so it dials on demand to the ISP when someone
 from the Lan Network send out a TCP/IP request out like browser or something
 and get hooked on to the ISP using the system.  Does it sound like the Linux
 Router system that I am supposed to look into for that kind of function?
 Any input and ideas to make this a workable solution is appreciated.

IP Masquerade coupled with diald should do what you want. I have a Debian
machine that has a modem that I use to dial my ISP. I installed/configured
diald to bring the PPP/modem connection up to my ISP automatically
whenever something happens on my machine that requires network access. I
also have a small Ethernet LAN with one other machine (lets call is
Win95). IP Masquerade allows the Win95 machine to use my Debian machine as
a router (it has both a PPP connection to the Internet through my ISP and
an Ethernet connection to the local LAN). Any network access that the
Win95 machine requires would be forwarded to the Debian machine, which
would do the IP Masquerading and forward the datagrams onto the
Internet. If the modem connection is not up, diald will automatically
bring it up and will bring it down when network access is no longer
needed. I recommend the IP Masquerade Mini-HOWTO at:


I pretty much followed this verbatim and easily got it working.

Re: where is Pine?

1999-04-07 Thread John Galt

It's in non-free, in source form, so you have to get pine396-src,
pine396-diffs, and roll your own binary deb--there's been a few
non-official binary debs built by various ppl, but I can't remember
where they are, nor can vouch for their continued presence.

On Mon, 5 Apr 1999, Pollywog wrote:

 Which package contains Pine?  I thought I had it installed but I can't find it
  and I can't find a pine deb.
 [PGP5.0 Key ID 0x5EE61C37]

Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.

Who is John Galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED], that's who!  

Re: Discussion with Pine developers Debian Issues

1999-04-07 Thread Terry Gray
I would have been much happier with phrasing such as has not yet
responded rather than the much more pejorative broke off
communications...   Sigh.  Whatever.

Brock, we actually had been having discussions on this topic, and were
working on a reply to you. I apologize for the delay in responding.  
However, at this point, I'll simply add some comments to Bruce's message

On Tue, 6 Apr 1999, Bruce Sass wrote:

 There are three issues with pine
 (in order of importance to Debian, imo): 
 1. Pine does not allow redistribution of modified binaries without
 explicit permission to do so.  There are three fixes: Pine provides
 executables that do not require tweaking by Debian, then takes on the
 job of a Debian maintainer; 

The possibility of UW releasing a version of Pine specifically for Debian
Linux is not out of the question, but it is also not entirely trivial
since our folks don't completely agree with your folks on the best way to
configure mail software.  But as I've said before, we're open to trying to
identify a minimum set of changes needed for Pine to run on Debian for
possible incorporation in the Pine distribution.

 Pine changes the license 

Don't hold your breath :)

 (why are patches ok, but the executables generated from them not ok?);

I'll try to explain.  When the owner of any software chooses to make
source code available, they have to make some decisions on change control.  
There is a spectrum of possibilities ranging from nobody can do anything
without explicit permission to anybody can do anything without asking.  
I understand the tradeoffs of various points on this spectrum and don't
wish to get into a religious debate about so-called free software.  
Suffice it to say that, for the Pine project, UW chose a mid-point on the
spectrum.  We take a great deal of pride in Pine and it reflects directly
on us, so we are very much interested in retaining change control; on the
other hand, we wanted individuals and site administrators to be able to
adapt Pine to their specific local environment without hassle.  So the
mid-point compromise is to say feel free to make local mods,
appropriately marked, but please don't redistribute modified binaries
without asking.

One difference between sharing patch files vs. redistributing the
resulting binaries is that the ultimate user or site administrator will
tend to be more conscious of what is standard Pine vs. modified Pine
if they go through the process of applying patches themselves.  Perhaps
the more fundamental point is that without the requirement to get
permission before redistributing modified binaries, UW essentially gives
up all claim of change control.  I take your question to imply that our
position would be more consistent if we required everyone under all
circumstances to ask permission before they could modify Pine in any way,
but that isn't where we wanted to be on the change control continuum.  
Again, we want to enable end-users and site administrators to make changes
necessary for their environment without any hassle about permissions...
while at the same time retaining some modicum of change control over Pine
as it flows throughout cyberspace.  (Some people consider this desire to
be unreasonable; we do not.)

 Debian gets a Pine maintainer that is willing to get explicit
 permission everytime Pine is recompiled for Debian (Pine releases,
 Debian releases, bug fixes, and security fixes).

Not quite.  No one ever said that explicit permission would be required
everytime Pine is recompiled  For example, it is entirely reasonable
and feasible to work out an agreement whereby an approved set of
modifications can continue to be applied and redistributed against
successive versions of Debian Linux without multiple approvals.  No one
has asked to do this so far, but I see no philosophical nor legal barrier
(with the usual caveat that I'm not a lawyer, and proud of it :)

 2. The above requirement places Pine in non-free, rather than main,
 which means Pine could not be put onto Debian CD's.  The only fix for
 this is a licensing change; for Pine to modify their license, or for
 Debian to change the DFSG. 

I'm not clear on what the above requirement refers to.  Does this mean,
for example, that if UW provided a Debian-ready binary for redistribution,
it would not be considered eligible for inclusion on Debian CDs?
I consider this to be a very important question.

 3. The technical considerations, which Pine is working on and will
 result in making life a little easier for the Debian maintainer, but
 which also have no bearing on Debian being able to redistribute Pine
 I contacted UW, then Debian, then tried to get the two communicating; 
 to the extent of offering possible solutions to the impasse.  At the
 point were UW should have responded (yea, nay, or how about this
 solution instead), Terry broke off communication... 
That's certainly not my 

Re: .rpm -- .deb conversion

1999-04-07 Thread John Galt

Probably alien, that's what I've used in the past.

On Tue, 6 Apr 1999, Fethi A. Okyar wrote:

 I did this once before, I copied the file
 from my old installation CD and used a tool to
 either convert that .rpm package directly to
 .deb format, or had used an intermediate step, I 
 can't remember...
 Surely somebody knows how to do this ?? thank you
 Fethi Okyar
 Research Assistant
 Computational Solid Mechanics 
 MMAE Department, IIT
 Chicago, IL 60616-3793
 e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.

Who is John Galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED], that's who!  

Re: .rpm -- .deb conversion

1999-04-07 Thread Pollywog

On 07-Apr-99 John Galt wrote:
 Probably alien, that's what I've used in the past.

Yes, it is alien.


[PGP5.0 Key ID 0x5EE61C37]

Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-04-07 Thread John Galt

Frankly I couldn't care less about whether or not you use procmail, exim,
or UUCP.  Any and all of them have the capability to accept attachments.
My point is that there are times when large attachments to email are not
only desirable, but the easiest solution.  I agree that there is abuse,
but let's not throw out the baby with the bathwater.  FYI I did the large
attachment over email thing on a 14.4 modem, and I had no real problem
because I asked dad to send it to me--and neither he nor I had Zip disks
at the time: this has changed since then, but then again, Zip disks
weren't on the market when I did this--so you're too late: and 1.44M/disk
was a bit on the punishing side.  The technology for large attachemnts
over email existed long before sneakernetting large files was feasable for
the home PC (however I remember sneakernetting a 5-platter disk-pack for a
Basic-4 many a moon ago, those things are HEAVY).  In fact, I asked for
the correct protocol, and all you gave me was sneakernet.  Sneakernet is
never the correct protocol, it's just a quick and dirty method of getting
files between comps when you don't wish to use the correct protocol.

On Tue, 6 Apr 1999, Steve Lamb wrote:

 Hash: SHA1
 On Tue, 6 Apr 1999 04:44:00 -0600 (MDT), John Galt wrote:
 SNEAKERNET just because YOU can't configure procmail?  I'd say that your
 failure to configure procmail is YOUR problem, not one to be visited on
 the internet at large.  I've sneakernetted files of a size that would
 make you blanch in my day, but I see no reason to do this as a matter of
 protocol, not when there exists a simple method to do so, regardless of
 whether or not you like the method.
 Because I can't configure procmail?
 1: I can configure procmail.
 2: I choose not to because I use Exim's filtering
 3: I can configure Exim's filtering.
 4: None of which matters because I operate my own connection on a 33.6k
 modem which means the file is ALREADY received before I get a chance to
 filter it.
 When there exists a simple method.  There are several such methods which
 are PROPER.  But if the IT department doesn'y allow them, tough.  If the ISP
 doesn't allow them, change ISPs.  But use the proper protocol.  That is what
 is known as playing nice in the playground with the other kids.
 - -- 
  Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
  ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
 Version: PGPsdk version 1.0 (C) 1997 Pretty Good Privacy, Inc
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Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.

Who is John Galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED], that's who!  

Re: vi in Debian (slink)

1999-04-07 Thread John Galt

Try the HP-UX porting page--they have quite a few GNU-style progs ported
to HP-UX: I remember getting the pages when I searched for tcsh.  HTH

On Tue, 6 Apr 1999, E.L. Meijer (Eric) wrote:

  However, vim is not standard. I routinely work on HP-UX these days
  and doubt that vim is installed there, for example.
 It usually is not too hard to go to a debian site, download the original
 source tarbal, and compile it for personal use.  I just did that with
 procmail on SGI.
  Eindhoven Univ. of Technology
  Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (SKA)
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Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.

Who is John Galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED], that's who!  

Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-04-07 Thread Steve Lamb
Hash: SHA1

On Tue, 6 Apr 1999 18:23:35 -0600 (MDT), John Galt wrote:

Basic-4 many a moon ago, those things are HEAVY).  In fact, I asked for
the correct protocol, and all you gave me was sneakernet.  Sneakernet is
never the correct protocol, it's just a quick and dirty method of getting
files between comps when you don't wish to use the correct protocol.

And this is why discussions go on endlessly.  Because people jump into
the middle without bothering to gain the context of the conversation.  Want
the correct protocol for getting a file from machine A to machine B?

Internet Protocols:
FTP: Name says it all.
HTTP: Not as nice as FTP, but it still is worlds better than email.

Intranet Protocols:
SMB: Microsoft to the rescue
FTP: Still works
HTTP: Hey, still works.
NFS: Works wonders, esp. for shared projects.

If none of those are available.  TOUGH SHIT, MAIL IT.

- -- 
 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
- ---+-

Version: PGPsdk version 1.0 (C) 1997 Pretty Good Privacy, Inc


Rather Odd freeze ups (and more :)

1999-04-07 Thread Matt Kopishke
I have a not so related Linux question (with the exception that I run
Linux) about some really weird, hard, lockups.  Here's the deal:
I had a ageing Cyrix 586/120 that started to seem *really* slow.  Any how,
I bought a Abit-BH6 Board, a Intel Celeron 300A, some PC-100 RAM, and used
the following hard ware from my old machine : A S3 Trio 64v+ video card,
Maxtor HD, and a 3.5 Floppy (there is other stuff, but I don't have it
installed to help trouble shoot).  So, I plug every thing in and it works,
I Recompile my kernel for the PPro, ran some other CPU intensive apps,
every thing seemed great, and very quick.  That is untill I ran netscape,
then the machine crashed (yes crashed!) hard.  I can't restart it with the
good old ctlaltdel, I have to use the hardware rest switch, and then
I found out that other graphic intens apps did the same thing (Gimp,
Eterm, etc).  It does the same thing in Win95 (I now 95 dies often, but
most of the time you can reset it with the ctlaltdel), and I am now
completly clue less what to do next.

What I have done:
I got mad, thought it was a HW problem, and sense the other stuff I had
from the other machine was running great untill the day I took it apart,
so I sent it all back, and recived new parts, but have all the same
problems.  At this time, I am thinking video may be the problem, but any
suggestions would be greatly appreached, oh, and I am not overclocking


http://www.midcoast.com/~kopishke   MSAD#40 Home Page Seed Savers Project Valley Computer User Group
  | *To see tomorrow's PC, Look at todays Macintosh* | 
  |*If it says Windows 95 or better install Linux!*|

RE: SiS 6236 XF86Config

1999-04-07 Thread Christian Dysthe

the only sad thing is that after having performed this list of tasks you end up
with a card running very slow compared to what it is capable of. All
acceleration is turned off. 

I have one box with a Matrox MGA200 and one with a SiS based card (Diamond
A50). Comparing the two under Linux makes me want to throw the Diamond card
away. Still, you do get it to run this waysorta :)

On 06-Apr-99 Carl Mummert wrote:
 Getting these silly cards to work seems to be a recurring theme on
 this list.  Hopefully, this message is enough that newcomers can 
 just rtfm about it.
 Carl Mummert
 How to get an SiS 6236 video card to work with slink:
 I performed these steps when I set up an SiS card earlier this
 year. They may not be perfectly correct, as my memory is
 not perfect.  They should be enough to guide you.  
 I'm not responsible if anything gets broken, destroyed, or lost.  
 Be careful.
 For your reference, below if my XF86Config file.  It probably won't 
 work for you without editing, but it may be useful as a reference.
 1) Get the following files (paths correct as of 4-5-99):
 2) Make sure that the xserver-svga package is installed. 
You can check with the command
  # dpkg -s xserver-svga
   If you see 'Status: install ok installed' then it is installed; 
   otherwise download the .deb and install it.
 3) Become root
 4) As root, enter the following commands in the directory where 
the XSVGA.tgz file is:
  #  tar xzvf XSVGA.tgz
  #  cd bin
  #  chown root.root XF86_SVGA
  #  chmod 755 XF86_SVGA
  #  mv /usr/X11R6/bin/XF86_SVGA /usr/X11R6/bin/XF86_SVGA.debian
  #  mv XF86_SVGA /usr/X11R6/bin
  Purists, see my note below.
 5) Run xf86config, and enter reasonable information for your monitor,
mouse, keyboard, etc.  When asked, you want to use the SVGA server.
Don't start X yet.
 6) Edit /etc/X11/XF86Config with your favorite editor.  Go the the
following lines:
# Device configured by xf86config:
Section Device
You need to add one or more of the following options to this section.
Just put them before the word 'EndSection'. The lines with a leading 
'#' are commented out in my XF86Config.
#Option noaccel   
#Option no_imageblt # may need to turn this on if problems with
  # displaying bitmaps, gif, or jpg images 
 Option no_bitblt   # doesn't work, so turn it off...
#Option no_linear   # turning this on will slow things
 Option sw_cursor   # makes things work so you can see mouse cursor
 7) Now try to start X.  It should work.
   If X still does not work, please do the following when asking for help:
   *  Run the program 'script'; you will get a command prompt back.
   *  Run 'startx'.  If X starts, kill it.
   *  Type 'exit'.  You will see a message saying
 'Script done, output file is typescript'
   * When asking for help, include in your message the contents of the
 file named 'typescript' which will be in the current directory.
(Actually, you could do this when asking for help on any package...)
 Note for purists:  
 Yes, I moved a debian-owned file out of the way.  
 Yes, I replaced it with my own file.  
 The advantage to this is that there is no chance of having the rest 
 of the system get confused about where the server is, and that I do not
 have to configure the rest of the system to look elsewhere for the server 
 (which I don't want to have to learn how to do).  The X system is fairly
 complex, and although I have been using debian for several years I do
 not fully understand the process through which Xwindows starts.
 I feel that my way is better than removing the 'X' executable 
 and replacing it with a link (another possible solution).
 Anyway, if there are any problems, the you can always move 
 the old file back.  
 I am not interested in discussing this, or starting a flame war
 or other long discussion about it. 
 -my XF86Config file---
# File generated by xf86config.
# Copyright (c) 1995 by The XFree86 Project, Inc.
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the Software),
# to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
# the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
# and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
# Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

Re: How to boot into single user mode?

1999-04-07 Thread Shao Zhang

When boot up, type linux single or linux emergency

Rob Lundahl wrote:

 Help my x-windows went south and Debian cycles on
 the xdm login.

 To fix it I need to login. Can I stop it from going automatically
 to X windows?


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Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/

Re: do I need inetd?

1999-04-07 Thread shaleh
 I have a debian firewall with inetd still running the only services it
 offers are the internal ones: time, daytime and discard. Do I need them?
 Do any apps rely on them? Can I simply remove inetd altogether?

Should be safe.

Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-04-07 Thread John Galt

Let's just agree to disagree, shall we?  We're both right as far as it
goes--you have the most elegant solution, I have the quick and dirty
solution.  Both are partly right and partly wrong, mine because there's
abuse, yours because it's a hassle beyond the worth of most attachments
and dependent on the charity of others.  But please remember that not all
attachments are evil--some of them are at least benign, if not good.

On Tue, 6 Apr 1999, Gary Singleton wrote:

 --- John Galt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Sun, 4 Apr 1999, Gary Singleton wrote:
   --- John Galt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What's the accepted method of sending a file to
person that MUST not
get into unfriendly hands, but needs to get
users that have no
access to the other's machine, due to dynamic
and hostile ISPs, then?
   Dynamic IP addresses can be taken care of using
   services like dyndns.org, ddns.org  many others. 
   machine is online several hours a day using
  dyndns, I
   have the proftpd server running and can allow
   access via this or even using Apache.  If I was to
   have such a hostile ISP I would switch to one of
   many available in most areas of the world.  Many
   however might be considered hostile by newbies
   not allowing large attachments or charging for
   mail storage.
  So what you're proposing instead of large
  attachments to email is for the
  end user to set up two different services and quite
  possibly change their
  ISP.  While we're at it, what else do you want to
  make into a major
  headache so you don't have to use procmail?  I've
  got it, let's rewrite
  TCP/IP so that no more than 1KB of packets may be
  transmitted between
  peers without authentication, that oughta make you
  EXTREMELY pleased.
 Yes, my provided alternatives to solve your original
 problems were to get a dyndns.org account and set up
 an ftp server.  It's really not that difficult and is
 much more convenient.  The recipient is notified of
 the file and is able to retrieve it at his
 convenience.  FTP (not anonymous) is at least as
 secure as email so that part is also taken care of.  I
 shouldn't have to change my email setup to compensate
 for others inconsiderate behavior.  Also, if I had
 what I considered a hostile ISP, you bet I'd find a
 new one.  As to rewriting TCP/IP, I'm the one trying
 to stay within accepted protocol; you are advocating
 bending or rewriting the rules to legitimize your
This method should be as easy and as
as POPmail, not
involve other servers in any way save routing,
able to be used
internationally, and ensure delivery to only the
intended person.
   Why, just to bend the rules to your definition of
   the method should be?  That's a little like
   I'm now using the internet, you must all bend to
   definition of what e-mail should be.
  No, I was describing the basis of sending a large
  attachment via
  email--POPmail, the only servers in use are
  temporarily the routing hosts
  and the ends, and relatively secure delivery--there
  are ways to intercept
  email, but there are also ways to intercept ALL
  TCP/IP packets with a
  similar amount of work.  So my bend[ing] the rules
  is no more than
  telling you that something has to be as useful as
  all other
  alternatives before it can be unequivocally the
  right way. 
 The reason I brought up security of email the first
 time was to make you aware that it is no more secure
 than other methods just because it is destined to a
 specific recipient.
up? Well so do I.  Solve this problem before you
beef about how large
attachments to email is evil.
   You can give up if you like, but I'll continue to
   the position that e-mail is for message exchange
   file exchange.  There are established methods for
   secure file transfer  by the way, e-mail is most
   definitely not the most secure method of transfer
   any file that MUST not get into unfriendly
  Most crypto is based on a similar setup to email,
  and your established
  methods don't mean anything without citation, which
  is what I asked for in
  the first place.  It's true that email is for
  message exchange, but what
  happens when the message happens to be a chapter of
  a book with formatting
  intact?  Your broad stroke of no large attachments
  to email just nuked
  collaborative publishing, as my stepfather (when he
  was co-authoring
  his textbook) emailed revisions to chapters of his
  book, which he said was
  the accepted standard in the publishing community (I
  didn't really care
  much about the whys and wherefores when he did
  it--he and I have semi
  strained relations at best).
 The encryption issue has already been addressed as
 well as my solution for your problems.  To summarize:
 dyndns.org, proftpd, new ISP.  There 

Re: vi in Debian (slink)

1999-04-07 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Tue, Apr 06, 1999 at 11:40:56AM -0500, J.L.M. wrote:
 On Wed, 7 Apr 1999, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
  However, vim is not standard.
 I guess I would respond, why not?
 It's not unavailable, by any means.  The fact that
 it isn't bundled with your OS should not be a problem
 after the first day of operation.  

True enough. I just haven't bothered.

I still remember how to use EDLIN, though ;-)

Hamish Moffatt VK3TYD. 
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-04-07 Thread John Galt

I posited a problem wherein FTP and HTTP were both unavailable, so the
obvious solution is mail--NOT snail mail, email.  The abuses are there,
but there are times when FTP and HTTP are unusable-- in fact, there are
bridge sites that let you FTP - email, HTTP - FTP is regularly
done in most browsers, and HTTP - email is a curse upon all text-based
mailing programs: if there wasn't a need to use a different protocol
based on context, none of these bridges would exist or be used (FTP-email
is dying because of the extensive use of the HTTP - FTP bridge and other
problems).  This problem is going to be with us a long time, and carping
about the unsuitability one of the protocols for large files ain't

On Tue, 6 Apr 1999, Steve Lamb wrote:

 Hash: SHA1
 On Tue, 6 Apr 1999 18:23:35 -0600 (MDT), John Galt wrote:
 Basic-4 many a moon ago, those things are HEAVY).  In fact, I asked for
 the correct protocol, and all you gave me was sneakernet.  Sneakernet is
 never the correct protocol, it's just a quick and dirty method of getting
 files between comps when you don't wish to use the correct protocol.
 And this is why discussions go on endlessly.  Because people jump into
 the middle without bothering to gain the context of the conversation.  Want
 the correct protocol for getting a file from machine A to machine B?
 Internet Protocols:
 FTP: Name says it all.
 HTTP: Not as nice as FTP, but it still is worlds better than email.
 Intranet Protocols:
 SMB: Microsoft to the rescue
 FTP: Still works
 HTTP: Hey, still works.
 NFS: Works wonders, esp. for shared projects.
 If none of those are available.  TOUGH SHIT, MAIL IT.
 - -- 
  Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
  ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
 Version: PGPsdk version 1.0 (C) 1997 Pretty Good Privacy, Inc
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.

Who is John Galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED], that's who!  

Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-04-07 Thread Gary Singleton
Sure, sounds good to me; I'm tired anyway.  Truth be
known I've sent a more than a few files through the
mail myself G.  Anyways, I'm down in Boise, if you
ever get down this way let me know.

Best wishes, G.S.

--- John Galt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Let's just agree to disagree, shall we?  We're both
 right as far as it
 goes--you have the most elegant solution, I have the
 quick and dirty
 solution.  Both are partly right and partly wrong,
 mine because there's
 abuse, yours because it's a hassle beyond the worth
 of most attachments
 and dependent on the charity of others.  But please
 remember that not all
 attachments are evil--some of them are at least
 benign, if not good.

--major snippage--
Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

Re: pppd problems

1999-04-07 Thread John Hasler
Robbie writes:
 I had this problem...just touch .ppprc, and everything should be OK.
 It worked for me, at least.

Yes, but you shouldn't have to.  It's a bug somewhere.  The puzzlement is
that I have the same version of pppd as Bob does but I don't have the bug.
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

Re: netscape and libXpm

1999-04-07 Thread KaHa
Vincent Murphy wrote:
  because netscape kept giving my crap about illegal instructions in
  libBrokenLocale, which is in the libc6 pkg (thanks to the people
  who told me that BTW), i'm trying to run navigator 4.08 libc5.
  here's what happens:
 $ /usr/local/netscape/netscape  
 /usr/local/netscape/netscape: can't load library 'libXpm.so.4'
  all the xpm pkgs in stable/x11 are installed.

Did you install the xpm4.7 from /oldlibs? That's the libc5 compatable
xpm, and should fix you up.

 .   .
 | /-\ (-) /-\

 Debian GNU/Linux

Re: email threat

1999-04-07 Thread Keith Beattie
On Tue, Apr 06, 1999 at 11:52:30AM -0700, Britton Kerin wrote:

 When the leader or
 representative of a group is stigmatized as a dangerous gun nut this rubs
 off on the rest of the group, so please be careful what you say.

Ah, but this is one of the reasons why the open source / free software
movement is so interesting: there is no clear leader and there never
can be.  There can be (and certianlly are) those who are able to
describe the movement, but none that could claim to lead it.  I'm
reminded of that 'herding cats' analogy to managing programmers... :)

Just so long as it is still 'free' and people are willing to work on
it, the loudest voice the free software community will ever have is
the software itself, good or bad.  This freedom gives it the
tremendiously unique property of being immune to: bad press, good
press, bad leaders, good leaders, bullets, monopolies, law suits, etc.


Why was gs-aladdin removed as recommends from magicfilter?

1999-04-07 Thread Bob Nielsen
magicfilter 1.2-29 changed 

Recommends: lpr | lprng, gs (= 3.33) | gs-aladdin


Recommends: lpr | lprng, gs (= 3.33)

Isn't this carrying the free/non-free argument a bit far?


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
DM42nh  http://www.primenet.com/~nielsen

HELP - gethostbyname() no longer works

1999-04-07 Thread Shao Zhang
I played around with my /etc/resolve, /etc/hosts, and /etc/hostname.
And now, the function gethostbyname() returns
This seriously broke up all of my programs. I am connected in a LAN
with a given ip address using ethernet.

At a moment: my /etc/resolve.conf has nameserver
/etc/hostname has localhost and /etc/hosts has localhost

I believe these are the default values. It worked two days ago.
Please help




Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/

Re: Discussion with Pine developers Debian Issues

1999-04-07 Thread Syrus Nemat-Nasser
On Tue, 6 Apr 1999, Terry Gray wrote:

 One difference between sharing patch files vs. redistributing the
 resulting binaries is that the ultimate user or site administrator will
 tend to be more conscious of what is standard Pine vs. modified Pine
 if they go through the process of applying patches themselves.  Perhaps
 the more fundamental point is that without the requirement to get
 permission before redistributing modified binaries, UW essentially gives
 up all claim of change control.  I take your question to imply that our
 position would be more consistent if we required everyone under all
 circumstances to ask permission before they could modify Pine in any way,
 but that isn't where we wanted to be on the change control continuum.  
 Again, we want to enable end-users and site administrators to make changes
 necessary for their environment without any hassle about permissions...
 while at the same time retaining some modicum of change control over Pine
 as it flows throughout cyberspace.  (Some people consider this desire to
 be unreasonable; we do not.)

You are, of course, free to do this. However, because of this policy, I
have suggested that our local users switch to mutt, which is a suitable
alternative that does not require our administrators to recompile every
update themselves. It is your choice as to whether you want Debian to
ship your program. I would suggest that you release a version that
complies with the DFSG, but I am confident that free alternatives such
as mutt will prove to be satisfactory in either case.

Thanks. Syrus.


Syrus Nemat-Nasser [EMAIL PROTECTED]UCSD Physics Dept.

Re: HELP - gethostbyname() no longer works

1999-04-07 Thread Peter Berlau
On Wed, Apr 07, 1999 at 11:59:31AM +, Shao Zhang wrote:
 I played around with my /etc/resolve, /etc/hosts, and /etc/hostname.
 And now, the function gethostbyname() returns
 This seriously broke up all of my programs. I am connected in a LAN
 with a given ip address using ethernet.
 At a moment: my /etc/resolve.conf has nameserver
nameserver localhost
nameserver  # provider 1. IP
nameserver # provider 2. IP

 /etc/hostname has localhost and /etc/hosts has localhost
pmurmel # my linuxbox name

figure out with `uname -n`

/etc/hosts   localhost   # localhost pmurmel.pberlau.users.muenster.de pmurmel
# full name of my box  and  name local_ptp   
# for ip - connection remote_ptp
# remote ip amurmel.pberlau.users.muenster.de amurmel
# the name of the box from Adelheid is ...  amurmel

Hope this helps a little,

Peter Berlau 

Re: X thinks my screen is larger than it actually is

1999-04-07 Thread Ian Peters
On Mon, Apr 05, 1999 at 11:11:37AM +0200, Marcus Claren wrote:
 I've got a very annoying problem. My X server seems to
 think that my screen is bigger than it actually is.
 I'm using wmaker, and when a program window drops out
 of the desktop I can usually maximize it and make it
 fit the desktop perfectly. So wmaker knows the size
 of my screen, I think. But when I'm running certain
 programs, like games (Xsoldier, Xworm) which seem
 to have a preset window - size their windowborders
 are vanishing outside the desktoparea and there's
 no way for me to resize them. Other programs that I'm
 experiencing the same with are Rosegarden, a music program
 and Blender.

Just FYI, in WindowMaker, by default, if you hold down ALT and click
the left mouse button on a window, you can move it, even if you can't
find the title bar.

Ian Peters  The farther you go, the less you know.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   -- Lao Tsu, Tao Te Ching

IBM Ultrastar U2W problems

1999-04-07 Thread Jozef Skvarcek

I am experiencing problems with IBM Ultrastar 9es u2w disk which is
supposed to allow 80MB/s transfer rate. I guess the problem has to do 
with the parity (see the listing below), the drive appears to work fine
when I set in the SCSI BIOS max rate to 40MB/s. However, when I set the
speed to 80MB/s I get the errors. Does anyone have any luck making this
drive work at the highest rate?

I have Symbios 8951 adaptor that has 53c895 chip, the ncr53c8xx driver
is compiled into the 2.2.5 kernel. The system runs Debian 2.1 with the
upgrades needed for the 2.2.x kernels. BTW, is it OK the controller and
my AGP video card having the same IRQ?

Thank for any help,

Jozef Skvarcek ___
Dept. of Physics and Astronomy  |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hunter College, City University of New York | 212-772-4032

Here is the error log:

  Apr  6 11:25:34 head kernel: ncr53c895-0:0: ERROR (0:18) (0-20-81) (f/9f) @ 
(script c4c:18000200). 
Apr  6 11:25:34 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: script cmd = 8803 
Apr  6 11:25:34 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: regdump: da 10 80 9f 47 0f 00 0e 02 
00 80 20 00 01 10 00. 
Apr  6 11:25:34 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: have to clear fifos. 
Apr  6 11:25:34 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: resetting, command processing 
suspended for 2 seconds 
Apr  6 11:25:34 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: restart (scsi reset). 
Apr  6 11:25:34 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: enabling clock multiplier 
Apr  6 11:25:34 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: Downloading SCSI SCRIPTS. 
Apr  6 11:25:37 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: command processing resumed 
Apr  6 11:25:37 head kernel: ncr53c895-0-0,*: WIDE SCSI (16 bit) enabled. 
Apr  6 11:25:37 head kernel: ncr53c895-0-0,*: FAST-40 WIDE SCSI 80.0 MB/s (25 
ns, offset 15) 
Apr  6 11:25:37 head kernel: ncr53c895-0:0: ERROR (0:18) (0-20-e4) (f/9f) @ 
(scripth 10d8:18000200). 
Apr  6 11:25:37 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: script cmd = 8803 
Apr  6 11:25:37 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: regdump: da 10 80 9f 47 0f 00 0e 1a 
00 80 20 00 01 10 00. 
Apr  6 11:25:37 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: have to clear fifos. 
Apr  6 11:25:37 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: resetting, command processing 
suspended for 2 seconds 
Apr  6 11:25:37 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: restart (scsi reset). 
Apr  6 11:25:37 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: enabling clock multiplier 
Apr  6 11:25:37 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: Downloading SCSI SCRIPTS. 
Apr  6 11:25:40 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: command processing resumed 
Apr  6 11:25:40 head kernel: ncr53c895-0-0,*: WIDE SCSI (16 bit) enabled. 
Apr  6 11:25:40 head kernel: ncr53c895-0-0,*: FAST-40 WIDE SCSI 80.0 MB/s (25 
ns, offset 15) 
Apr  6 11:25:40 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: SCSI parity error detected: SCR1=3 
DBC=1800 SSTAT1=18 

Re: xisp

1999-04-07 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 vp == v polasek [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 If I am wrong with my guess, please run 
 find /etc/ppp -type f | xargs grep name 
 as root, so that I can see where this parameter comes from.

vp This output is somewhat long to post, so here is a list of only
vp the files that came up:

vp /etc/ppp/peers/xisp_ttyS3
vp /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/xisp
vp /etc/ppp/ip-down.d/xisp
vp /etc/ppp/options
vp /etc/ppp/ip-up
vp /etc/ppp/ip-down

vp It looks that either /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/xisp or /etc/ppp/options may
vp have something relevant.

Yes. /etc/ppp/options is wrong. (I wonder why pon did work).

name xyz is a privileged option. Only root may use it. non-root
users may set this option only using a configfile in the peers
directory (if they can do this at all, I'd have to look it up).

Please try the following changes:

The only option in /etc/ppp/options should be auth.
Remove the name option from /etc/ppp/peers/xisp_ttyS3 (it shouldn't
be necessary there). You set the username and the remotename in the
Account Information dialog box.

The only reason I can think of for editing the xisp_* files is to add
the debug option.

Try this out and let me know if it worked.


Re: Why was gs-aladdin removed as recommends from magicfilter?

1999-04-07 Thread Brian Servis
*- On  6 Apr, Bob Nielsen wrote about Why was gs-aladdin removed as 
recommends from magicfilter?
 magicfilter 1.2-29 changed 
 Recommends: lpr | lprng, gs (= 3.33) | gs-aladdin
 Recommends: lpr | lprng, gs (= 3.33)
 Isn't this carrying the free/non-free argument a bit far?

Just a guess...It was violating Debian Policy since magicfilter is
under main and gs-aladdin is under non-free.

2.1.2. The main section

 Every package in main must comply with the DFSG (Debian Free
 Software Guidelines).

 In addition, the packages in main 
=  * must not require a package outside of main for compilation or
=execution (thus, the package may not declare a Depends or
=Recommends relationship on a non-main package), 
* must not be so buggy that we refuse to support them, 
* must meet all policy requirements presented in this manual. 

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University   http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis

Re: IBM Ultrastar U2W problems

1999-04-07 Thread illusion
One thing you may want to check is the cable.  That's one of the biggest
trouble-makers when dealing with SCSI problems, especially in Linux,
from what I've noticed.  Low quality or older cables are notorious for
giving headaches, especially with high-speed SCSI.  Another thing I
would recommend is to play with the driver settings for the SCSI
controller.  I'm not very familiar with the 8xx driver, but from what
I've understood (this may have changed with the 2.2 series of kernels,
or I could be completely wrong to begin with), the 8xx driver is a BSD
derived driver, where the 7xx is wholly Linux.  So there's another
potential avenue to tread across.  

Just my thoughts.  Your mileage may vary.


Jozef Skvarcek wrote:
 I am experiencing problems with IBM Ultrastar 9es u2w disk which is
 supposed to allow 80MB/s transfer rate. I guess the problem has to do
 with the parity (see the listing below), the drive appears to work fine
 when I set in the SCSI BIOS max rate to 40MB/s. However, when I set the
 speed to 80MB/s I get the errors. Does anyone have any luck making this
 drive work at the highest rate?
 I have Symbios 8951 adaptor that has 53c895 chip, the ncr53c8xx driver
 is compiled into the 2.2.5 kernel. The system runs Debian 2.1 with the
 upgrades needed for the 2.2.x kernels. BTW, is it OK the controller and
 my AGP video card having the same IRQ?
 Thank for any help,
 Jozef Skvarcek ___
 Dept. of Physics and Astronomy  |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hunter College, City University of New York | 212-772-4032
 Here is the error log:
   Apr  6 11:25:34 head kernel: ncr53c895-0:0: ERROR (0:18) (0-20-81) (f/9f) @ 
 (script c4c:18000200).
 Apr  6 11:25:34 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: script cmd = 8803
 Apr  6 11:25:34 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: regdump: da 10 80 9f 47 0f 00 0e 02 
 00 80 20 00 01 10 00.
 Apr  6 11:25:34 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: have to clear fifos.
 Apr  6 11:25:34 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: resetting, command processing 
 suspended for 2 seconds
 Apr  6 11:25:34 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: restart (scsi reset).
 Apr  6 11:25:34 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: enabling clock multiplier
 Apr  6 11:25:34 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: Downloading SCSI SCRIPTS.
 Apr  6 11:25:37 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: command processing resumed
 Apr  6 11:25:37 head kernel: ncr53c895-0-0,*: WIDE SCSI (16 bit) enabled.
 Apr  6 11:25:37 head kernel: ncr53c895-0-0,*: FAST-40 WIDE SCSI 80.0 MB/s 
 (25 ns, offset 15)
 Apr  6 11:25:37 head kernel: ncr53c895-0:0: ERROR (0:18) (0-20-e4) (f/9f) @ 
 (scripth 10d8:18000200).
 Apr  6 11:25:37 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: script cmd = 8803
 Apr  6 11:25:37 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: regdump: da 10 80 9f 47 0f 00 0e 1a 
 00 80 20 00 01 10 00.
 Apr  6 11:25:37 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: have to clear fifos.
 Apr  6 11:25:37 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: resetting, command processing 
 suspended for 2 seconds
 Apr  6 11:25:37 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: restart (scsi reset).
 Apr  6 11:25:37 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: enabling clock multiplier
 Apr  6 11:25:37 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: Downloading SCSI SCRIPTS.
 Apr  6 11:25:40 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: command processing resumed
 Apr  6 11:25:40 head kernel: ncr53c895-0-0,*: WIDE SCSI (16 bit) enabled.
 Apr  6 11:25:40 head kernel: ncr53c895-0-0,*: FAST-40 WIDE SCSI 80.0 MB/s 
 (25 ns, offset 15)
 Apr  6 11:25:40 head kernel: ncr53c895-0: SCSI parity error detected: SCR1=3 
 DBC=1800 SSTAT1=18
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

pppd success! Now, on to more configuration questions!

1999-04-07 Thread Chris Mayes
Hi, everyone!  After much struggle and turmoil, I have gotten my pppd to
quit dying on me as a user!  With a thousand thanks to Avery of wvdial
fame, here's what I had to do:  I added

connect true

to my etc/ppp/options file.  I also touched both /dev/ttyS1 and my .ppprc
file, which might have made a difference, though their effects were not
immediate.  In any case, I was greatly relieved to finally connect as I
was _literally_ ready to do a wipe-and-reinstall when I finally connected.

AS an aside, my system has become mostly potato-fied in the process of
upgrading things in my desperation to fix the problem (this might have
been a contibutor to the fix as well, BTW).  My question: would I benefit
in any way by just taking the leap and upgrading fully to Potato?  I think
that I am 12 packages shy, according to apt-get.  Just to expose my
newbie-ness, potato is aka unstable at this point, right?

Now, configuration questions.  First, my problems with fetchmail.  Before
I (probably) upgraded my packages, I was getting errors amounting to SMTP
listener does not like ID [EMAIL PROTECTED] or some such, at which point
it kicks out.  Now, I get this error:

116 messages for bob at host.myisp.com
reading message 1 of 116 (1039 header octets) .fetchmail: can't even send
to bob!
fetchmail: SMTP transaction error while fetching from host.myisp.com
fetchmail: Query status=10

Now, from my previous encounter, I gather that something is reporting
that my hostname is localhost, which the SMTP setup does not like at my
ISP's end.  Might this be an exim problem?  I am totally lost when it
comes to mail handlers in general, and I have never used exim before three
days ago, so bear with me :-)  Is there a setup program for exim, or
should I do the old man-page;edit config;restart exim;crash exim;repeat
until I get it working?  If so, is there an example exim configuration
file?  I'll be doing research on this after I send this off, but I decided
that I might as well ask while I'm typing :-)  

Next question: can I change what xterms report for their terminals?  When
I telnet somewhere, pine does not recognize xterm-debian or rxvt, and I
am too lazy to keep changing it every time I telnet somewhere ;-)  I am
sure that I will have more questions later, but I'll lay off for now.


Version: 3.1
GCS/CC/MC d- s+:+ a-- C++ US P L++ E W++ N- o? K? w O M- V- PS++ PE+ Y+
PGP- t+ 5 X+ R tv+ b++ DI+ D- G e+(++) h--- r++ z+ 

Re: .rpm -- .deb conversion

1999-04-07 Thread Fethi A. Okyar

Yes I used alien and took care of the rpm packages thank you.

On Wed, 7 Apr 1999, Pollywog wrote:

 On 07-Apr-99 John Galt wrote:
  Probably alien, that's what I've used in the past.
 Yes, it is alien.
 [PGP5.0 Key ID 0x5EE61C37]
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Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-04-07 Thread Steve Lamb
Hash: SHA1

On Tue, 6 Apr 1999 19:10:33 -0600 (MDT), John Galt wrote:

I posited a problem wherein FTP and HTTP were both unavailable, so the
obvious solution is mail--NOT snail mail, email.

And if email isn't available?  And the protocol after that?  And after

It reminds me of a discussion a while back I had in the newsgroups
against people who were so determined that everyone must know how to use vi
to be called unix proficient.  I told them I've been using Linux for 2+
years, unix in general for 5+ years, was a SysAdmin and didn't know, care to
know, or felt the need to learn vi.  My answer, joe.

Well, one guy came up with a great situation.  What if... What if I
were on a machine that had no compiler, had no net access, no floppy drive,
had no other editors or things which could be used *as* editors (sed  ed
come to mind) but did have vi.  How would I then edit files?  I declared the
machine unusable as it was obviously so archaic and/or esoteric that it is
beyond and reasonable need of mine and I would promptly turn it off and find
a real machine.

Your situation is the same.  It is easy to make a case where your
answer is the only solution simply by excluding all other viable solutions.  
What if...  What if both FTP and HTTP are unavailable.  In such a
situation, you've got problems more than email because if those two *basic*
and *standard* protocols aren't available then your network is, in a word,

As in the situation with vi, there comes a point when you just go
elsewhere for the solution.  Just because every sane protocol is unavailable
gives you a reason to break and abuse any protocol which is left and,
further, to demand that other systems allow you to break said protocol.  In
my 6 month tenure as postmaster at my former job, a local ISP, I had two
people complain to me because we would not allow email messages larger than
5Mb.  They would not hear about DoS issues, or storage issues, or how to
properly move the data, they wanted their attachments or else.  I told both,
or else.  If they could find an ISP which suited their needs, they were more
then welcome.  That is why I am so vehemently opposed to anyone using email
for large attachments.  That is why I say that as the size of the attachment
goes up, its value goes down.  At some point it is better to use another
protocol for a variety of technical and social reasons, EVEN IF it is the
only protocol available (IE, another protocol is mail it) and EVEN IF the
file is requested by the other user.

The abuses are there, but there are times when FTP and HTTP are unusable--

And in those cases I have described the proper response.  If it is an
ISP, change ISPs.  Any ISP which does not provide space and the meens for
anonymous FTP and web space with a functional HTTP server is screwing you.
If it is because of corporate policy, either use an ISP or go over IT's head
because they are obviously a bunch of clueless nits.  In the interim, mail it.

This problem is going to be with us a long time, and carping about the
unsuitability one of the protocols for large files ain't helping.

Meanwhile another problem is going to be with us for a long time.  It is
caled the Denial of Service attack.  Furthermore, even legit attachments
cause problems.  In some cases with qpopper and Eudora (All versions to
date) if a large attachment (1Mb is large enough) hits the mailbox, Eudora
chokes and will not download it.  Outlook(9X/Express) has a similar problem,
I just don't know the rough size that triggers it.  A person who uses PMMail
got a 6.5Mb attachment.  PMMail would download it fine, but he wanted to get
it last, not first, and is now looking to the authors for a way to have
PMMail not automatically fetch upon startup, at his discretion, so he can
get the other messages first and then let PMMail get that one on the next
check.  Encouraging an abuse of the mail protocols doesn't help any of these
and all three are problems that the professionals that keep the Internet
running day in and day out encounter on a nearly daily, if not hourly basis.

How about this, if email is such a viable option for files, why isn't
there an email method for dselect?  Silly?  That is how I see the whole idea
of large files through email.  Sure, someone could make an email method for
dselect, and it would work, and, by your elimination of other options,
someone really shoud.  What if...  What if someone doesn't have a floppy
drive, doesn't have a CDROM, can't FTP, can't use HTTP, but somehow got
Debian onto the machine in the first place and wants to upgrade?  

- -- 
 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
- ---+-

Version: PGPsdk version 1.0 (C) 1997 Pretty Good Privacy, Inc

newbie linker error - 'undefined reference'

1999-04-07 Thread Matt Miller
I want to compile, and then link, even. (Imagine that.)  I think my
basic problem is how to learn what libraries to include on my link command

Here's my first attempt at building a program from scratch on my slink


#include fstream.h

int main (int argc, char *argv[])   
  cout  argv[1];
  return 0;


t: t.o
t.o: t.cc

Emacs compilation buffer:

make -k
g++-c t.cc -o t.o
cc   t.o   -o t
t.o: In function `main':
t.o(.text+0xd): undefined reference to `cout'
t.o(.text+0x12): undefined reference to `ostream::operator(char const
make: *** [t] Error 1

This is a linker unresolved reference, right?  I need to pass a command
line switch to the linker to tell it the library, right?

Okay, how can I relate a given header (e.g. fstream.h) with the library or
libraries that house the functions published by the header?  Is there a
../doc/.. area that I haven't found?  Should I use ld to scan all
library directories searching for functions names?


Matt Miller

'The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected.'
- The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June, 1972

Re: newbie linker error - 'undefined reference'

1999-04-07 Thread Shao Zhang

The compiler does not understand what cout and  is.

You forgot to include iostreams.h

Matt Miller wrote:

 I want to compile, and then link, even. (Imagine that.)  I think my
 basic problem is how to learn what libraries to include on my link command

 Here's my first attempt at building a program from scratch on my slink


 #include fstream.h

 int main (int argc, char *argv[])
   cout  argv[1];
   return 0;


 t: t.o
 t.o: t.cc

 Emacs compilation buffer:

 make -k
 g++-c t.cc -o t.o
 cc   t.o   -o t
 t.o: In function `main':
 t.o(.text+0xd): undefined reference to `cout'
 t.o(.text+0x12): undefined reference to `ostream::operator(char 
 make: *** [t] Error 1

 This is a linker unresolved reference, right?  I need to pass a command
 line switch to the linker to tell it the library, right?

 Okay, how can I relate a given header (e.g. fstream.h) with the library or
 libraries that house the functions published by the header?  Is there a
 ../doc/.. area that I haven't found?  Should I use ld to scan all
 library directories searching for functions names?


 Matt Miller

 'The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected.'
 - The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June, 1972

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Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/

Mars_nwe as deb

1999-04-07 Thread PRZEMYSLAW_BAK

where can I find mars_nwe in deb package ?


problem compiling KDE

1999-04-07 Thread Pollywog
I was told that my mimelnk stuff should be in a certain place, but it was not
there and although I seemed to not have any problems because of this, I went
about removing all the Debian KDE 1.1 packages and QT.  I then installed QT
from source and then installed kdelibs and kdesupport from source.  When I
tried to install kdebase from source (Debian Slink system) I got an error
about not finding net/if.h so I recompiled my kernel and started again with
kdelibs and kdesupport but when I got to kdebase, I got the same error with

Why can I not install KDE on Slink from source?

I have reinstalled all the KDE packages from debs, so at least I have
something working.  Perhaps Debian has some way of handling KDE mime types and
I never had a problem in the first place?  Still, I should be able to install
from source but I can't.  I did not have this problem with KDE 1.0 on



[PGP5.0 Key ID 0x5EE61C37]

Xauth, how to get rid of it?

1999-04-07 Thread Steve Lamb
Hash: SHA1

Subject says all.  Trying to get apps to display on remote machines.  I
can do it fine to my Winbox, but that is because it isn't using Xauth.

- -- 
 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
- ---+-

Version: PGPsdk version 1.0 (C) 1997 Pretty Good Privacy, Inc


Re: Xauth, how to get rid of it?

1999-04-07 Thread Steve Lamb
Hash: SHA1

On Tue, 6 Apr 1999 23:34:41 -0700 (PDT), George Bonser wrote:

Steve, you do not want to get rid of xauth ... exactly what problem are
you having?

Why not?  There are other methods of protecting the X port than Xauth.
Since all machines that I want to do X work are on the local network and on
private IP space, I can safely limit it to that block of IPs and be done
with it.

My problem, exactly, is that Xauth is preventing me form forwarding the
display from one Linux box to another Linux box, both running Debian.
Meanwhile, my Winbox with Exceed, which does not use Xauth, allows the
forwarded displays just fine.

- -- 
 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
- ---+-

Version: PGPsdk version 1.0 (C) 1997 Pretty Good Privacy, Inc


Re: Xauth, how to get rid of it?

1999-04-07 Thread Shao Zhang

I may be missing something here. But is xhost + what you want??

Steve Lamb wrote:

 Hash: SHA1

 On Tue, 6 Apr 1999 23:34:41 -0700 (PDT), George Bonser wrote:

 Steve, you do not want to get rid of xauth ... exactly what problem are
 you having?

 Why not?  There are other methods of protecting the X port than Xauth.
 Since all machines that I want to do X work are on the local network and on
 private IP space, I can safely limit it to that block of IPs and be done
 with it.

 My problem, exactly, is that Xauth is preventing me form forwarding the
 display from one Linux box to another Linux box, both running Debian.
 Meanwhile, my Winbox with Exceed, which does not use Xauth, allows the
 forwarded displays just fine.

 - --
  Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
  ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

 Version: PGPsdk version 1.0 (C) 1997 Pretty Good Privacy, Inc


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/

Re: Xauth, how to get rid of it?

1999-04-07 Thread Steve Lamb
Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 07 Apr 1999 16:49:00 +, Shao Zhang wrote:

I may be missing something here. But is xhost + what you want??

Ah, my savior.  xhost +[machine name] worked nicely.  Thanks for the help.

- -- 
 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
- ---+-

Version: PGPsdk version 1.0 (C) 1997 Pretty Good Privacy, Inc


Re: Xauth, how to get rid of it?

1999-04-07 Thread Pollywog

On 07-Apr-99 Shao Zhang wrote:
 I may be missing something here. But is xhost + what you want??
I believe that is one way to do it, but not the best way.


[PGP5.0 Key ID 0x5EE61C37]

Re: Xauth, how to get rid of it?

1999-04-07 Thread Shao Zhang

That is right. According to the HOWTO I read a while ago, hackers can overflow 
buffers to lock the keyboard
and mouse. The standard way is to use the Xauthority to generate a cookie to the

But if on a private network, xhost + will just do. :)


Pollywog wrote:

 On 07-Apr-99 Shao Zhang wrote:
  I may be missing something here. But is xhost + what you want??
 I believe that is one way to do it, but not the best way.


 [PGP5.0 Key ID 0x5EE61C37]

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/

Re: Mars_nwe as deb

1999-04-07 Thread Joop Stakenborg
On Wed, 07 Apr 1999, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 where can I find mars_nwe in deb package ?

It is in project/experimental.



Joop Stakenborg PA4TU

Re: Xauth, how to get rid of it?

1999-04-07 Thread Steve Lamb
On Wed, Apr 07, 1999 at 12:11:54AM -0700, George Bonser wrote:
 But now any user at [machine name] may monitor everything you do.

Considering it is my laptop and I am the only user, I'm not all that
worried.  And if I were on my laptop going to my main machine (sometimes
happens) then it is me, a pop account for my parents, and about 3-4 daemon
accounts.  Again, I'm not worried.  If anyone gets in, them spying on my X
sessions is the least of my concerns.

 Steve C. Lamb | Opinions expressed by me are not my
http://www.calweb.com/~morpheus| employer's.  They hired me for my
 ICQ: 5107343  | skills and labor, not my opinions!

Description: PGP signature

Unidentified subject!

1999-04-07 Thread PRZEMYSLAW_BAK

 where can I find mars_nwe in deb package ?

It is in project/experimental.

Does it mean that I cannot download it ?
If I can - where ?


re: mars_nwe

1999-04-07 Thread PRZEMYSLAW_BAK

 where can I find mars_nwe in deb package ?

It is in project/experimental.

Does it mean that I cannot download it ?
If I can - where ?


Re: Discussion with Pine developers Debian Issues

1999-04-07 Thread Bruce Sass

Sorry if I misrepresented your position,
broke off does carry too much connotative baggage.

- Bruce

On Tue, 6 Apr 1999, Terry Gray wrote:

 I would have been much happier with phrasing such as has not yet
 responded rather than the much more pejorative broke off
 communications...   Sigh.  Whatever.

(no subject)

1999-04-07 Thread Eric Ravelomanantsoa


1999-04-07 Thread Shaikh Abdul Tahir
I am having some problem with sendmail 8.9.3 which i have recently
compile on my operating system Bsd/Os 3.0 the error what i am getting is

relaying  denied Please check the message recipients and try again 

I have check my relay domains entry or some other configuration but i
did'nt find any thing. if any one can helpme about it.

KDE/Qt Status in Debian dists

1999-04-07 Thread Terry Hancock
I've installed the Hamm (=2.0) distribution of Debian Linux from CD,
and I intended from the
start to install KDE as quickly as I could, but Debian has since gone to
Slink (=2.1).

On the Hamm CDs, the Qt library required by KDE is not included for
licensing reasons.
However, the Troll Tech website claims the newer versions of Qt are
free software,
apparently resolving previous licensing conflicts. (?)

The Qt library debian package _is_ on the FTP site, but unfortunately,
when I try to update
the package from there using dselect, I get a cascade of dependencies --
basically dselect
wants to upgrade my whole system to the Slink distribution.  This would
be okay, except for
the downtime.

I'd prefer to get the Slink CDs, but will the Qt library be on them?

I have little time to work with this computer, and I fear that if I get
Slink, Potato will be out
before I get the Qt package, and I'll be back where I started. :)

Also, can you get dselect to _downgrade_ your packages?  I've now got
some kind of
mixture of Hamm and Slink packages on this system, and I'm not sure how
stable that is.  I
wish dselect gave you a little more control, but I haven't quite figured
out how to do everything
with dpkg.

Would appreciate any help at all, thanks!

Terry Hancock

Re: KDE/Qt Status in Debian dists

1999-04-07 Thread Sean
Just bypass the whole package manager, download the source, compile and install.
This way when you decide to upgrade you won't have to worry about qt-kde getting
broken unless some of their support libraries change.  And even if that does 
it would just mean that you would need to recompile  install.


Terry Hancock wrote:

 I've installed the Hamm (=2.0) distribution of Debian Linux from CD,
 and I intended from the
 start to install KDE as quickly as I could, but Debian has since gone to
 Slink (=2.1).

 On the Hamm CDs, the Qt library required by KDE is not included for
 licensing reasons.
 However, the Troll Tech website claims the newer versions of Qt are
 free software,
 apparently resolving previous licensing conflicts. (?)

 The Qt library debian package _is_ on the FTP site, but unfortunately,
 when I try to update
 the package from there using dselect, I get a cascade of dependencies --
 basically dselect
 wants to upgrade my whole system to the Slink distribution.  This would
 be okay, except for
 the downtime.

 I'd prefer to get the Slink CDs, but will the Qt library be on them?

 I have little time to work with this computer, and I fear that if I get
 Slink, Potato will be out
 before I get the Qt package, and I'll be back where I started. :)

 Also, can you get dselect to _downgrade_ your packages?  I've now got
 some kind of
 mixture of Hamm and Slink packages on this system, and I'm not sure how
 stable that is.  I
 wish dselect gave you a little more control, but I haven't quite figured
 out how to do everything
 with dpkg.

 Would appreciate any help at all, thanks!

 Terry Hancock

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Re: Sendmail

1999-04-07 Thread Martin Schulze
Shaikh Abdul Tahir wrote:
 Where i can find sendmail listserver or somebody have that link please

Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct,
not tried it.  -- Donald E. Knuth

Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.

Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-04-07 Thread John Galt

On Tue, 6 Apr 1999, Steve Lamb wrote:

 Hash: SHA1
 On Tue, 6 Apr 1999 19:10:33 -0600 (MDT), John Galt wrote:
 I posited a problem wherein FTP and HTTP were both unavailable, so the
 obvious solution is mail--NOT snail mail, email.
 And if email isn't available?  And the protocol after that?  And after

But the emailing standard predates both FTP and HTTP, thus the situation
existed once.
 It reminds me of a discussion a while back I had in the newsgroups
 against people who were so determined that everyone must know how to use vi
 to be called unix proficient.  I told them I've been using Linux for 2+
 years, unix in general for 5+ years, was a SysAdmin and didn't know, care to
 know, or felt the need to learn vi.  My answer, joe.

and the situation also existed once wherein joe wasn't an option, thus vi
was required learning.  

 Well, one guy came up with a great situation.  What if... What if I
 were on a machine that had no compiler, had no net access, no floppy drive,
 had no other editors or things which could be used *as* editors (sed  ed
 come to mind) but did have vi.  How would I then edit files?  I declared the
 machine unusable as it was obviously so archaic and/or esoteric that it is
 beyond and reasonable need of mine and I would promptly turn it off and find
 a real machine.

try doing that in the pre-joe days, and your alternative might've been not
to use a computer at all.

 Your situation is the same.  It is easy to make a case where your
 answer is the only solution simply by excluding all other viable solutions.  
 What if...  What if both FTP and HTTP are unavailable.  In such a
 situation, you've got problems more than email because if those two *basic*
 and *standard* protocols aren't available then your network is, in a word,

Maybe, but why the FTP-email gateways then?  it might have been that they
were once needed, no?

 As in the situation with vi, there comes a point when you just go
 elsewhere for the solution.  Just because every sane protocol is unavailable
 gives you a reason to break and abuse any protocol which is left and,
 further, to demand that other systems allow you to break said protocol.  In
 my 6 month tenure as postmaster at my former job, a local ISP, I had two
 people complain to me because we would not allow email messages larger than
 5Mb.  They would not hear about DoS issues, or storage issues, or how to
 properly move the data, they wanted their attachments or else.  I told both,
 or else.  If they could find an ISP which suited their needs, they were more
 then welcome.  That is why I am so vehemently opposed to anyone using email
 for large attachments.  That is why I say that as the size of the attachment
 goes up, its value goes down.  At some point it is better to use another
 protocol for a variety of technical and social reasons, EVEN IF it is the
 only protocol available (IE, another protocol is mail it) and EVEN IF the
 file is requested by the other user.

So you threw out the baby with the bathwater, then blamed the people who
complained about the lack of the baby?  I just redefined hostile
ISP--mine is positively friendly by those standards.  The variety of
technical reasons are all recent additions: FTP was actually a solution to
the large attachments problem, but not a complete one--mostly because the
site-building and access granting process was more trouble than some files
was worth.  HTTP was another solution, provided that you didn't mind
making the file world-readable.  Thus the protocol of email isn't being
broken when a large attachment is sent via email, it's being used as
intended, you have just misconstrued the fixes as being complete, which
they're still not.

 The abuses are there, but there are times when FTP and HTTP are unusable--
 And in those cases I have described the proper response.  If it is an
 ISP, change ISPs.  Any ISP which does not provide space and the meens for
 anonymous FTP and web space with a functional HTTP server is screwing you.
 If it is because of corporate policy, either use an ISP or go over IT's head
 because they are obviously a bunch of clueless nits.  In the interim, mail it.

Hm.  I guess that the old DECnet must've been hell for you then.

 This problem is going to be with us a long time, and carping about the
 unsuitability one of the protocols for large files ain't helping.
 Meanwhile another problem is going to be with us for a long time.  It is
 caled the Denial of Service attack.  Furthermore, even legit attachments
 cause problems.  In some cases with qpopper and Eudora (All versions to
 date) if a large attachment (1Mb is large enough) hits the mailbox, Eudora
 chokes and will not download it.  Outlook(9X/Express) has a similar problem,
 I just don't know the rough size that triggers it.  A person who uses PMMail
 got a 6.5Mb attachment.  PMMail would download it fine, but he wanted to get

Re: KDE/Qt Status in Debian dists

1999-04-07 Thread J.H.M. Dassen
On Wed, Apr 07, 1999 at 05:11:27 -0400, Sean wrote:
 Just bypass the whole package manager, download the source, compile and

Bypassing the package manager is usually a bad idea, unless you compile the
source to install outside the package manager controlled directories, e.g.
by --prefix=/usr/local, and if necessary use equivs to tell the package
management system about this software.

POPULATION EXPLOSION  Unique in human experience, an event which happened 
yesterday but which everyone swears won't happen until tomorrow.  
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan 

Re: KDE/Qt Status in Debian dists

1999-04-07 Thread J.H.M. Dassen
On Wed, Apr 07, 1999 at 00:45:31 +, Terry Hancock wrote:
 On the Hamm CDs, the Qt library required by KDE is not included for
 licensing reasons.

 However, the Troll Tech website claims the newer versions of Qt are free

Qt 2.0 will be licensed under the QPL 1.0, which is a license that is free
according to the Debian Free Software Guidelines, and thus is suitable for
inclusion in main.

Qt 2.0 is currently in beta; it is not released yet.

 apparently resolving previous licensing conflicts. (?)

No. The analysis given in http://www.debian.org/News/1998/19981008 still
holds for a QPL-licensed Qt, as the QPL is not a GPL-compatible license.

There have been rumours that KDE's licensing terms will change though (e.g.
by explicitly allowing KDE to be linked against a QPL-licensed Qt (a la the
LyX license (http://www.lyx.org)), or by switching to a BSD-style license),
which would resolve the licensing conflict, and allow KDE in Debian (in main
once we have Qt 2.0). I am not aware of an official promise by the KDE
developers in this regard; does someone have a pointer?

 The Qt library debian package _is_ on the FTP site, but unfortunately,
 when I try to update the package from there using dselect, I get a cascade
 of dependencies -- basically dselect wants to upgrade my whole system to
 the Slink distribution.  This would be okay, except for the downtime.

Aren't there KDE and Qt packages for Hamm in .deb format on ftp.kde.org?
(Or else, there's at least a Qt for Hamm at

 I'd prefer to get the Slink CDs, but will the Qt library be on them?

No. There was no free Qt yet at the time of Slink's code freeze; there isn't
one now yet. There is of course a Qt package for use with Slink in
dists/stable/non-free on the FTP sites.

POPULATION EXPLOSION  Unique in human experience, an event which happened 
yesterday but which everyone swears won't happen until tomorrow.  
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan 

Re: Netscape immortal?

1999-04-07 Thread Mirek Kwasniak
On Tue, Apr 06, 1999 at 04:18:32PM -0400, Mitch Blevins wrote:
 This happens to me often with Netscape 4.51 and 4.08.  Although it is
 immortal when faced with a windowmanager kill signal, is has always
 died properly when faced with a kill -9 pid

I found that kill -12 (USR2) is more gracious. Netscape saves bookmarks
and history files.


Re: KDE/Qt Status in Debian dists

1999-04-07 Thread Sean
J.H.M. Dassen wrote:

 On Wed, Apr 07, 1999 at 05:11:27 -0400, Sean wrote:
  Just bypass the whole package manager, download the source, compile and

 Bypassing the package manager is usually a bad idea, unless you compile the
 source to install outside the package manager controlled directories, e.g.
 by --prefix=/usr/local, and if necessary use equivs to tell the package
 management system about this software.

When you install compiled source it defaults to installing under /usr/local 
(99.9% of
the time).  And I don't like the idea of telling the package manager about 
stuff that
I've compiled myself, as I think that is a recipie for disaster.  What the 
manager doesn't know won't hurt it.

Currently I'm running Debian 2.1 with a lot of compiled software on it.  When I 
using 2.0, I downloaded egcs-1.1.1 and the pgcc patches, built the new
pentium-optimized compilers (I use a dual ppro system), and uninstalled the 
egcs packages.  I also downloaded the qt, kde, windowmaker, gtk-1.2.1, 
and gobs of other sourcecode which I have since compiled with 
without any problems.  It all gets thrown into /usr/local/ be default so it's 
easy to
see what binaries have been produced from compilation and which ones have come 
packages. I then even used apt-get dist-upgrade to move from 2.0 to 2.1.  
downloaded all the updates for the deb packages that I have installed and left 
the stuff I've compiled alone.  Everything still works great.

Personally this is why I like Debian.  It lets you use the package manager for 
much of the system as you want, but you can still compile as much or as little
software as you like to suit your particular needs.  And for some things, I much
prefer to update by downloading a new tarball, and running configure  make
 make install (after slipping in the pentiumpro optimizations, of course).


Re: X busted after 2.0 - 2.1 upgrade

1999-04-07 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 06 Apr 1999q,  Raymond A. Ingles wrote:
  I upgraded (at least, with CD 1) from 2.0 - 2.1 last night, and
 everything seemed to be fine. I quit dselect, fired up X, and while
 running X, looked at some notes I had made preparing for the upgrade.
  I purged xbase, since it's been claimed that it's no longer needed.
 Everything still ran fine. I powered things off for the night and went to
 bed. I got up this morning, powered up, logged on, and then:
 $ startx
 _X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
 _X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
 _X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
 _X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
 _X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
 _X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
 giving up.
 xinit:  No such file or directory (errno 2):  unable to connect to X
 xinit:  No such process (errno 3):  Server error.
  What the heck? Did I jump the gun on removing xbase? Any idea what's up,
 or how to find what's up?

Now that you say this, I realize I had just  the same experience (twice, in
fact, on different machines). Something wrong with the install advice, I


Anthony Campbell  -  running Linux Debian 2.1
Book Reviews: www.achc.demon.co.uk/bookreviews/

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on...   - Edward Fitzgerald (Rubaiat of Omar Khayyam)

re: mars_nwe

1999-04-07 Thread Joop Stakenborg
On Wed, 07 Apr 1999, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  where can I find mars_nwe in deb package ?
 It is in project/experimental.
 Does it mean that I cannot download it ?
 If I can - where ?

look for the project directory on any ftp server which has a
mirror of ftp.debian.org

Joop Stakenborg PA4TU

Re: KDE/Qt Status in Debian dists

1999-04-07 Thread Joop Stakenborg
On Wed, 07 Apr 1999, J.H.M. Dassen wrote:
 On Wed, Apr 07, 1999 at 05:11:27 -0400, Sean wrote:
  Just bypass the whole package manager, download the source, compile and
 Bypassing the package manager is usually a bad idea, unless you compile the
 source to install outside the package manager controlled directories, e.g.
 by --prefix=/usr/local, and if necessary use equivs to tell the package
 management system about this software.

KDE as well as Qt install into /usr/local by default.


Joop Stakenborg PA4TU

Re: X busted after 2.0 - 2.1 upgrade

1999-04-07 Thread Richard Harran
I'm not sure about this, but perhaps you should remove, rather than
purge, the xbase package.  This is what I did, and I did not get this
problem.  The difference between purging and removing is that removing
leaves configuration files alone, so perhaps purging xbase removes
config files necessary to run startx??

This is just a guess.

Anthony Campbell wrote:
 On 06 Apr 1999q,  Raymond A. Ingles wrote:
   I upgraded (at least, with CD 1) from 2.0 - 2.1 last night, and
  everything seemed to be fine. I quit dselect, fired up X, and while
  running X, looked at some notes I had made preparing for the upgrade.
   I purged xbase, since it's been claimed that it's no longer needed.
  Everything still ran fine. I powered things off for the night and went to
  bed. I got up this morning, powered up, logged on, and then:
  $ startx
  _X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
  _X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
  _X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
  _X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
  _X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
  _X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
  giving up.
  xinit:  No such file or directory (errno 2):  unable to connect to X
  xinit:  No such process (errno 3):  Server error.
   What the heck? Did I jump the gun on removing xbase? Any idea what's up,
  or how to find what's up?
 Now that you say this, I realize I had just  the same experience (twice, in
 fact, on different machines). Something wrong with the install advice, I
 Anthony Campbell  -  running Linux Debian 2.1
 Book Reviews: www.achc.demon.co.uk/bookreviews/
 The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
 Moves on...   - Edward Fitzgerald (Rubaiat of Omar Khayyam)
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

module ppp-compress-21 not found

1999-04-07 Thread luc
I have no problem connecting to my isp and I don't have any problems 
with my transfer rate but in /var/log/messages I keep seeing this error 
messages; can't locate module ppp-compress-21. I have managed to disable
this error message but I am still wondering exactly what incompleteness is
causing these error messages (there are two more ppp-compress-24 and 27 if I
recall correctly). 

Luc = 

-=Ddon't fix it if it is not broken=- 

-=don't fix it if it is not broken=-

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Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-04-07 Thread Steve Lamb
Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 7 Apr 1999 03:36:40 -0600 (MDT), John Galt wrote:

But the emailing standard predates both FTP and HTTP, thus the situation
existed once.

Excuse me?  Which emailing standard?  AFAICT by the RFCs email emerged
as its own protocol around the 700s.  Meanwhile FTP was being discussed back
in the 400s more than 7 years previous to 780, Mail Transfer Protocol and
8 years before Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.  To me, FTP predates
SMTP/POP/IMAP by quite a bit, esp. when most of the eariler mail documents
refer to moving mail via FTP.

and the situation also existed once wherein joe wasn't an option, thus vi
was required learning.  

Once, but not *now*.

The DoS attack is going to exist no matter what is done to stop it.  It is
an artifact of TCP/IP networking: the only thing that can truly not be
denied is what isn't there.  Shutting down a part of an existing protocol
because of it is ludicrous at best.  The professionals that keep the
internet running, for the most part, know this, thus the minor fact that
large attachments to email exist to this date.

Much to the begrudgement of every postmaster I've ever spoken to.

- -- 
 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
- ---+-

Version: PGPsdk version 1.0 (C) 1997 Pretty Good Privacy, Inc


Re: Xauth, how to get rid of it?

1999-04-07 Thread David B.Teague
On Tue, 6 Apr 1999, George Bonser wrote in response to
Steve Lamb, on 6 Apr 1999:

 Subject: Re: Xauth, how to get rid of it?

 Steve, you do not want to get rid of xauth ... exactly what problem are
 you having?

I have a slightly different problem:

The presence of Xauth prevents me from starting X 
(via startx) the SECOND time. I just rm it after 
each X session.  There Has To Be A Better Solution 
applies here as well as to a ubiquitous PC operating
system we love to hate.

How do I fix this?

Debian GNU/Linux Because software stability should be expected.

  Hash: SHA1
  Subject says all.  Trying to get apps to display on remote machines.  I
  can do it fine to my Winbox, but that is because it isn't using Xauth.
  - -- 
   Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
   ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of 
  Version: PGPsdk version 1.0 (C) 1997 Pretty Good Privacy, Inc
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 George Bonser
 Support The THING -- http://shorelink.com/~grep/THING.html
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Re: Why was gs-aladdin removed as recommends from magicfilter?

1999-04-07 Thread Jan Vroonhof
Brian Servis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Recommends: lpr | lprng, gs (= 3.33) | gs-aladdin
  Recommends: lpr | lprng, gs (= 3.33)
  Isn't this carrying the free/non-free argument a bit far?
  In addition, the packages in main 
 =  * must not require a package outside of main for compilation or
 =execution (thus, the package may not declare a Depends or
 =Recommends relationship on a non-main package), 

If that is the reason then I think this either a bug in the policy or
a misinterpretation of it. It does not require it because the
recommends is  on gs | gs-alladin. i.e. you can satisfy it with the
DFSG free version of gs.


package dependencies

1999-04-07 Thread Bogus User

If I download the source code for something, compile it, and install 
it, how do I get dpkg to know that it's there?  I downloaded a new 
version of qt from trolltech's web site and installed it on my 
machine.  Then I downloaded kde debian packages and tried to install 
them.  dpkg complained that qt was not installed.


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Permission mismatch

1999-04-07 Thread Christian Dysthe

I keep getting this fiendly email from cron:

/usr/sbin/sendmail PERMISSION MISMATCH: was root.root 777 changed to root.root

I am using exim so the sendmail refered to is just a symbolic link. But I still
would like to know why this happens.


Christian Dysthe
Opera Software A/S
Voice: 1-210-490-5197
Fax: 1-210-402-3482
Web: http://www.operasoftware.com
ICQ: 3945810
Date: 07-Apr-99
Time: 08:18:56
This message was sent by XFmail
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

Re: Xauth, how to get rid of it?

1999-04-07 Thread Will Lowe
 I may be missing something here. But is xhost + what you want??
 Ah, my savior.  xhost +[machine name] worked nicely.  Thanks for the

How about ssh?  Do
ssh remote_machine remote_app

and ssh will set up the xauth stuff _for_ you.


|   http://www.cis.udel.edu/~lowe/   |
|PGP Public Key:  http://www.cis.udel.edu/~lowe/index.html#pgpkey|
|   You think you're so smart,  but I've seen you naked  |
|  and I'll prob'ly see you naked again ...  |
| --The Barenaked Ladies,  Blame It On Me  |

Re: Xauth, how to get rid of it?

1999-04-07 Thread Steve Lamb
Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 7 Apr 1999 09:29:49 -0400 (EDT), Will Lowe wrote:

How about ssh?  Do
ssh remote_machine remote_app

and ssh will set up the xauth stuff _for_ you.

M, IIRC that doesn't set up the environment, however, which I need.

- -- 
 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
- ---+-

Version: PGPsdk version 1.0 (C) 1997 Pretty Good Privacy, Inc


xdm won't start X

1999-04-07 Thread Paul Harris

when I try to login through xdm, it disappears, I expect my X
(windowmaker) to start up, but xdm comes back! as if nothing happened.

I'd like to tell you more, but I can't figure out where to look for error
messages... I read the xdm man page (some of it) and I don't want to have
to use the -debug option!

hope someone can help, i like a graphical login much more and i'd like to
try and start a remote x session from a sun at uni! woo hoo.


Re: xdm won't start X

1999-04-07 Thread Craig Hancock
Look at your .xsession-errors or /var//log/xdm.log to see what is says for 
errors and
get back to me


Paul Harris wrote:


 when I try to login through xdm, it disappears, I expect my X
 (windowmaker) to start up, but xdm comes back! as if nothing happened.

 I'd like to tell you more, but I can't figure out where to look for error
 messages... I read the xdm man page (some of it) and I don't want to have
 to use the -debug option!

 hope someone can help, i like a graphical login much more and i'd like to
 try and start a remote x session from a sun at uni! woo hoo.


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Re: netscape and libXpm

1999-04-07 Thread MallarJ
In a message dated 4/6/99 5:44:49 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 $ /usr/local/netscape/netscape  
  /usr/local/netscape/netscape: can't load library 'libXpm.so.4'
   all the xpm pkgs in stable/x11 are installed.

Is it possible you have the libc6 versions of xmp installed and not the libc5 
versions that Netscape requires?


mars packagae

1999-04-07 Thread Craig Hancock
what is this mars package I keep seeing

Re: flexfax: customizing coverpages?

1999-04-07 Thread Keith G. Murphy
Keith G. Murphy wrote:
 Daryl Williams wrote:
  i have just set up a hylafax server and i would like to customize
  the cover page. it currently prints a silicon graphics logo.
  is there a way to change this? also the cover page does not
  contain company, regarding, or comment information
  although we are passing these from sendfax. any ideas, or
  rtfs are welcomed, especially with a pointer to the fm.
  i am running the server on a redhat linux system. please
  repond directly, as i am not subscribed to this group.
 But why *aren't* you subscribed?  As you should know by your sig,
 *sharing* is what it's about.  Anyway, I'll reply to you personally this
Woops, sorry, I posted that to this group by mistake.  Meant it to go to
the flexfax list.  The funny thing is, Daryl mailed me that he *is*
subscribed to the debian-users list, so he saw my reply here, *and* in
E-mail.  :-)  Small world...

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