Re: XMMS - Solucionado

1999-09-13 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
 RESET escribió:

  En el caso del GQview no estoy seguro de a quién tendría que informar:
  ¿a los autores del programa o quienes llevan libc6?  (porque es casi
  fijo que el error está ahí).

 Trata de conseguir tanta información como sea posible y trata de ser
 tan claro como sea posible (la única ocasión en la que es irritante
 recibir un reporte de un error es cuando dice 'no funciona' y nada
 más).  _Yo_ lo enviaría al encargado del paquete gqview, y dejaría
 que él decida si es un 'upstream' o algo que se debe al paquete

 Esto es lo mejor:

  + Reproducir el error
  + Mirar en si ya ha sido
  + Enviar el error a [EMAIL PROTECTED] con tantos detalles
como sea posible


El x11amp coreiza.

1999-09-13 Thread Tejada Lacaci, Antonio
 -Mensaje original-
 De:   Ricardo Villalba [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el:   sábado 11 de septiembre de 1999 23:12
 Para: Tejada Lacaci, Antonio; Debian Users Spanish
 Asunto:   RE: Problemas varios con Gnome
  De todas maneras, no me dedico a escuchar música a base de cats ;D.
 Puedes probar el mpg123 para reproducir mp3s (¿alguien le ha encontrado
 utilidad al X11amp distinta de generador de cores? ;D).
 ¿? A mí el x11amp me funciona de maravilla, aunque supongo que tengo una
 versión algo antigua, la 0.7 creo que es.
... yo ahora mismo no sé qué versión tengo, pero cuando lo arranco
sale el programita y tal, pero en cuanto cargo un mp3 ¡patapúm!, y core que
te crió.
La cosa es que recuerdo que en versiones anteriores sí que me ha
funcionado, en fin, probaré el XMMS. El mpg123 me funciona bien y la tarjeto
de sones también, así que no sé de qué puede ser...

 Ricardo Villalba
Antonio Tejada Lacaci   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Depto. Análisis y Programación
Banca March S.A.

Instalar debian desde UMSDOS

1999-09-13 Thread Tejada Lacaci, Antonio
¿Alguno de vosotros ha conseguido/intentado instalar Debian en UMSDOS?

Estuve peleándome el fin de semana para instalarla en UMSDOS (un directorio
de una partición DOS), con resultados ... bueno, más bien sin resultados y
punto ;D (lo estuve intentando con RedHat y con Debian).
En teoría basta con montar el raiz en el umsdos desde la consola que tienes
en tty2 cuando arranca la instalación de debian y pasar de las opciones del
menú de debian para crear y activar la partición de swap y crear la
partición root (se crea desde esa consola cuando montas el sistema umsdos). 

El problema inicial es que los kernels que traen los CDs no reconocen el
sistema umsdos, y la cosa es que no tengo acceso a un módulo umsdos que
concuerde con el kernel que trae el instalador.

Supongo que luego, a la hora de arrancar el sistema, habría otro problema y
es que el kernel tiene que tener umsdos no como módulo, sino linkado
estáticamente, ya que si no, al arrancar pegará un petardo que pá qué (pasa
lo mismo si tienes el root en ext2, tienes que tener el fs ext2 linkado

Una solución sería compilar un kernel con el soporte que necesite, pero me
gustaría saber si un usuario que no tenga linux podría instalarlo en umsdos

Estuve mirando en las imágenes de boot disks de debian, pero sólo tienen el
1440, el 1440tecra y poco más :-m (y ninguno de ellos viene con un kernel
con soporte umsdos). Igual tendría que mirar los kernels de la slackware,
que suele traer un montón de boot disks con kernel de lo más variopinto.

Antonio Tejada Lacaci   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Depto. Análisis y Programación
Banca March S.A.

Re: No paso el test de php

1999-09-13 Thread Ricard P.G.
--- Iñaki_Fernández_Villanueva [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Tengo Debian 2.1 con el apache y los siguientes paquetes PHP:
php3-pgsql   (php como módulo y no como cgi)
y con ello trato de acceder a mi base de datos postgres con un código
 GPL (hecho con PHP) que me permite gestionarla con un navegador.
   He creado el usuario nobody con mismo userid y groupid que el usuario
 real ya que parece que Apache se ejecuta como dicho usuario.
   Tb. he descomentado la línea AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .phtml
 de /etc/apache/srm.conf.
   He creado un fichero test.phtml con el contenido ? phpInfo(); ? pero
 no visualizo la información que debería salir (sólo veo el código).
   No tengo ningún error aparente en los logs:
 [Fri Sep 10 22:23:29 1999] [notice] Apache/1.3.3 (Unix) Debian/GNU PHP/3.0.5 
 configured -- resuming normal operations
  ¿Debo compilar el Apache con soporte PHP ?. No lo he hecho pq. para algo
 php es un módulo, no?.
   ¿Alguna idea?
 Gracias por adelantado,

en el /etc/apache/httpd.conf has descomentado la linia que pone:

LoadModule php3_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/

. (O)   See you, Nos vemos, Ens veiem ab.
   o  M  d88b.
  /| ..  /:M\--- 8PYPY88
(O)[]XX[]I:K+}= TOR NEC DONAVAM == 8|o||o|88
  \| ^^  \:W/--- 8'.88
   o  W   Microsoft gives you Windows ...   8`._.' Y8
  (O)  Linux gives you the whole house  d/  `8b.
Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at

Re: ??Bugs en Netscape desde hace mil versiones y los mismos!!

1999-09-13 Thread Ricard P.G.
 : El día Fri, 10 Sep 1999 02:19:17 -0700 (PDT), Ricard P.G. 
 Ricard:: Yo en el trabajo utilizo el Netscape hasta para respirar
 Ricard:: y despues de muchas horas viendo meteoritos coer y que
 Ricard:: nunca le dan a la N he llegado a la conclusion de que
 Ricard:: el mejor netscape hasta la fecha es el 3.04 ... provadlo,
 Ricard:: va de maravilla ... vale, tambien se cuelga, pero
 Ricard:: muchisimo menos, mas estable y mucho mas rapido de
 Ricard:: utilizar.
 ¿Sabes dónde encontrarlo?  He estado mirando por ahí (los servidores
 de Netscape y alguno más) pero lo único que veo es la última versión
 del Communicator.

Si ... a ver, no era facil. Urgando por la web de Netscape te envia a pero tienes que meterle un login y un password chorras que
te dice alli estilo archive/netscape pero lo he provado y no son estos. Sea
como sea esta por alli, con esto lo tienes mas facil.

. (O)   See you, Nos vemos, Ens veiem ab.
   o  M  d88b.
  /| ..  /:M\--- 8PYPY88
(O)[]XX[]I:K+}= TOR NEC DONAVAM == 8|o||o|88
  \| ^^  \:W/--- 8'.88
   o  W   Microsoft gives you Windows ...   8`._.' Y8
  (O)  Linux gives you the whole house  d/  `8b.
Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at

Re: XMMS - Solucionado

1999-09-13 Thread Fernando Sanchez
On 12 Sep 1999, RESET wrote:

 Fernando:: Por curiosidad, ¿cuando encuentras cosas que no
 Fernando:: funcionan sueles mandar un bug-report? :-? Igual el
 La verdad es que no.  Alguna vez he pensado hacerlo, pero o he
 debian es _inmenso_ en, o nunca estoy tan seguro de que el
 error no sea de mi sistema (problemas de configuración, etc.).  Otras

Hombre, en los programas típicos en los que pasa lo de ops, desde que
actualicé a libc6_3.5.1pre3-0.1 tal programa ya no rula (que creo que era
de lo que hablabas), lo normal es mirar si hay una versión más moderna que
seguramente lo haya solucionado. Si no la hay, pienso que lo más correcto es
mandar un bug report a comentándolo; en el peor de los casos
te contestarán diciendo ya salió hace una semana la versión nueva, y en el
mejor conseguirás que te lo solucionen a ti y al resto de los usuarios del
paquete :-)

 nadie se toma en serio corregir los fallos, porque si a fin de año
 sale la versión 5 van a jubilar toda la serie 4 a velocidad de escape.

Y como te pongas a avisar de todo de lo que se queja Mozilla... :D

 En el caso del GQview no estoy seguro de a quién tendría que informar:
 ¿a los autores del programa o quienes llevan libc6?  (porque es casi
 fijo que el error está ahí).

Digo yo que lo más seguro es que con recompilarlo con la nueva librería ya
se solucione el problema, pero de todas formas la idea es que mande uno
siempre el aviso del problema con el paquete tal al mantenedor del
paquete tal, y luego él ya se encargará de ver si es cosa de tal librería
que se actualizó y resulta que mete un bug que sólo aparece con su programa
y avisar a quien sea (al otro mantenedor, al programador original, etc), o
de arreglar su parte si es lo que tiene que hacer.

 Sí que informaría, eso sí, si supiera cómo arreglarlo, o si pudiera
 comprobar con el código que el error está ahí (no sé programar, ni soy
 un usuario particularmente técnico), y también lo haría si en lugar de
 potato usara slink, o si supiera que otros usuarios han comprobado el
 mismo fallo que yo.

Bueno, pero lo de mandar un parche no es una necesidad: se trata de que
avises de que algo falla en cierta situación reproducible. Si puedes ayudar
con una solución de paso, pues mejor que mejor, pero es un bug report, no un
bug solution report :-) Aparte, por estar en potato un paquete no es menos
parte de Debian; de hecho cuantos menos bugs tengan ahora menos durará el
freeze por ese motivo, ¿no? :-)) Y por lo de que sólo te pase a ti no hay de
qué preocuparse, digo yo. Igual resulta que sólo tú tienes la combinación
especial de liberías que hace el típico `cat /dev/urandom/dev/hda` (dios
mío, que no lo pruebe nadie y luego me mande un mail echándomelo en cara X-)
y avisando le salvas la vida a alguien :-)) Todo por el bien común, vamos.

 Y ya que estamos ¿tú lo usas? :-)

¿El qué, el GQview o el sistema de bugs de Debian? :-? :-) (el GQview no; de
hecho hasta... ahora mismo :-) no sabía lo que era :) Gran invento, el capt.
El sistema de bugs sí, claro :-))

Re: Offtopic: Expresiones regulares, ¡ayudadme!

1999-09-13 Thread Hue-Bond
El viernes 10 de septiembre de 1999 a la(s) 14:34:40 -0600, Marcelo E. Magallon 

Learning Perl (2da ed); Randal L. Schwartz
Programming Perl (2da ed); Larry Wall et al

ambos de O'Reilly, como US$20 cada uno.

 :^/  ¿No son demasiado baratos?

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 love with TuX - Linux 2.2.12
PGP Public key at

Re: xemacs y del

1999-09-13 Thread Miquel
El lun, sep 13, 1999 at 10:45:05 +0200 [EMAIL PROTECTED] va dir:

 No quiero parecer irónico porque tampoco es que yo sea un experto en
 teclas, ¿pero la tecla del como su propio nombre lo indica no es para
 borrar? del=delete=borrar

Se refiere a que la tecla del le borra el carácter anterior al que
está situado el cursor (o sea, lo que hace la tecla backspace, y no
el carácter **sobre** el que está el cursor, que es lo que esperamos que
haga la tecla del).

Juli-Manel: Yo uso normalmente GNU Emacs y eso no me pasa. Pero he
comprobado que con la configuración por defecto de XEmacs me ocurre lo
mismo que comentas. Sé que en la lista hay usuarios
avanzados de XEmacs que seguro que te podrán ayudar con este tema.

 Un saludo
 PD a la PD: ¿ No será porque las versiones X son frontends de las versiones
 de consola? :))

te equivocas, daniel, xemacs no es ningún frontend ni es una aplicación
sólo para las X.




   __   __ __  __ __  __ __  __
  / /  / //  |/ // / / / \ \/ /cooperación contra mando
 / /_ / // /|  // /_/ /   \  /
/___//_//_/ |_/ \//  \ (Powered by Debian GNU/LiNuX potato)


Description: PGP signature

Netscape Calendar

1999-09-13 Thread Josep Llauradó Selvas
Hola, envio este mail aqui porque la verdad es que estoy un poco
desesperado y ya no se a quien puedo recurrir. 
Resulta que he intentado instalar el netscape v4.61 y el 4.6 y el 4.5 con
el calendar incorporado y no lo he conseguido. En el servidor de Netscape
normalmente salen dos versiones, la glib y la libc5, pero con el Calendar
solo consta la versión libc5. Actualmente utilizo la Debian 2.1 slink, con
el paquete libc5-compat instalado, pero aun así, al ejecutar, obtengo un
agradable segmentation fault. 
Por lo que estuve viendo en el README, aseguran que el libc5 que
normalmente acompaña a los Linux no funciona correctamente con el
navegador, por lo que aconsejan en caso de problemas que obtengas una
nueva version de un par de servidores, pero aun así tampoco me ha

Alguin alguna vez, ha podido ver el Calendar funcionando con la Debian
Alguin ha podido solucionar este embrollo con el libc5

Por si puede ser interesante, os envio lo que me da el ldd con el
Netscape, a ver si es que la culpa el de los diferentes libc5 que corren
por el mundo.

Espero que alguien haya tenido este mismo problema y lo haya


koko:/usr/local/netscape.v461b$ ldd netscape = /usr/lib/libc5-compat/ (0x4000d000) = /usr/lib/libc5-compat/ (0x4004f000) = /usr/lib/libc5-compat/ (0x40058000) = /usr/lib/libc5-compat/ (0x4006d000) = /usr/lib/ (0x4007f000) = /usr/lib/libc5-compat/ (0x4008d000) = /usr/lib/libc5-compat/ (0x40098000) = /lib/ (0x40136000) = /lib/ (0x40139000) = /usr/lib/ (0x401f9000) = /usr/lib/ (0x40231000) = /lib/ (0x4026e000) = /lib/ (0x40276000) = /lib/ (0x4031b000) = /usr/lib/ (0x40327000) = /lib/ (0x40364000)

Manual para instalar y dejar funcionando un DNS en condiciones bajo Linux

1999-09-13 Thread dfm


¿sabeis donde podría conseguir un buen manualito en Internet para
configurar un DNS como está mandado bajo Linux? He ojeado los howto's pero
querría saber si hay algo más intuitivo, los howtos no me convencieron
mucho... Si no me decis nada echaré mano de los howtos... pero si por favor
hay alguien que haya configurado un DNS y haya usado algún manual o guía
de referencia que le haya sido de gran ayuda, le agradecería que me dijese
de donde bajarla o donde mirar...

Me interesa hacer el DNS de forma rápida y eficaz en menos de una semana,
pero si sigo los howto's me da que me llevará algo más de tiempo porque de
eso, tiempo, es de lo que menos dispongo ;P

Se aceptan consejos gratis :))

Un saludo y abrazos pa tos


Cron me hizo algo que no entendí

1999-09-13 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
Hola todos.

Acaba de sucederme algo al terminar el 'cron.daily' que no se por qué. Al
terminar como simepre manda un mail al root pero yo tengo redireccionado eso
al usuario 'vigu' de modo que corro el mutt para leerlo pero:

mutt: I don't want to run with privileges!

¿y esto?, mmm veamoslo de otra forma:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] cat /var/spool/mail/root
From root  Mon Sep 13 15:54:12 1999
Return-Path: root
Received: (from [EMAIL PROTECTED])
by (8.8.8/8.8.8/Debian/GNU) id PAA09491
for root; Mon, 13 Sep 1999 15:53:42 +0200
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 15:53:42 +0200
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cron Daemon)
Subject: Cron [EMAIL PROTECTED] run-parts --report 
X-Cron-Env: SHELL=/bin/sh
X-Cron-Env: HOME=/root
X-Cron-Env: LOGNAME=root

/usr/bin/mail PERMISSION MISMATCH: was root.mail 777 changed to root.mail 2755

¡caramba!, ¿y por qué me cambió los permisos? ¿los tenía mal?. Que yo
recuerde nunca he tocdo los permisos del 'mutt', lo único que tengo es un
enlace simbólico '/usr/bin/mail' a '/usr/bin/mutt'... no comprendo que ha
pasado :-?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ls -l /usr/bin/mutt
-rwxr-sr-x   1 root root   400316 feb 28  1999 /usr/bin/mutt

Vamos a hacerle un 'chmod 755 /usr/bin/mutt' y así de momento puedo leer y
mandar mensajes (como este que os llega) ¿qué he de hacer?, pues me huelo
que no ese cambio de modo que yo acabo de hacer ¿agujero de seguridad?.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ls -l /var/spool/mail/
total 8
-rw---   1 root mail  505 dic 18  1998 root
-rw---   1 vigu mail  664 sep 13 15:54 vigu

¡Coñe!, ¿y por qué me manda el buzón de vigu a ~/INBOX?... porque seguro que
ha hecho eso, veamos...

-rw-r--r--   1 vigu vigu 13079881 sep 13 12:07 INBOX

¡Lo sabía!. ¿Alguien sabe qué tengo mal en mi sistema como para que el
suidmanager me haga estas cosas?.

Muchas gracias.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs: ViguLinux
PGP public key:

necesita repuestos para su auto?

1999-09-13 Thread disem

Asistencia y provisión integral de repuestos y accesorios legítimos
para automotores, utilitarios , 4x4 y camiones.

Distribuidor de marcas líderes para la atención exclusiva a empresas 
flotilleras y particulares.

Para sus necesidades de repuestos y accesorios tanto de automotores, pick ups, 
4X4, utilitarios 
y camiones sean ellos nacionales o importados, no dude en hacernos su consulta.
Cotizamos de inmediato y enviamos en el día, de nuestro deposito a su puerta, 
por el medio 
que Ud. indique.Suministramos diversas marcas  de repuestos en  piezas de 
paragolpes, espejos, grillas, ópticas, faros, accesorios, 
llantas, neumáticos, amortiguación y suspensión, frenos, embragues, 
partes de motor, caja de velocidad y transferencia, diferencial, correas, 
sistemas y motores electricos, cerrajeria, parabrisas y cristales, tapiceria, 
y cubrealfombras, filtros de combustible, aire, aceite y otros especificos.

Para poder orientarlo, esperamos su llamado 

tel-fax (011)4566-1693(rot)/4566-0057



This Message sent with Aureate Group Mail Free Edition

Re: Porque veo Mc en B/N en la Xterm?

1999-09-13 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos
El Mon, Aug 23, 1999 at 01:10:44PM +0200, Cosme Perea Cuevas contaba:
cuando lanza el `mc' en una Xterm aparece en banco y negro, no
con el típico fondo azul y letras amarillas. ¿Por qué?

La `xterm' en Debian se llama `xterm-debian' y el MC parece que no se
entera que es una terminal en color. 

Lo bueno es que se lo puedes decir... O con la variable:

  export COLORTERMINAL=xterm-debian

O si no lo pones en la configuración del MC:

   color_terminals=xterm-debian, xterm, xterm-xfree86, rxvt, linux

Por cierto que esto debería de venir por defecto en el MC de Debian,
pero el mantenedor del paquete no se si se entera mucho del rollo.

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

[Solución] Arial GhostScript

1999-09-13 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos

Al respecto del tema de utilizar la fuente Arial con el GhostScript,
pues decir que el GhostScript no soporta el Arial a no ser que
utilices la versión compilada con soporte TrueType.

Lo que pasa es que el GhostScript tiene una función para `remappear'
unas fuentes por otras. En este caso hace lo que hace es cada vez que
se haga referencia a la fuente `Arial' utiliza la fuente `Helvética'
(que son muy parecidas).

Esta opción, por si a alguien interesa está en:


Por si alguien usa el GhostScript para imprimir ficheros creados en
Windows y se encuentra con `Verdanas', `New Century Schoolbook' y
cosas así...


Perdón Antonio, pero es que uno vuelve de las vacaciones y anda

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

Re: Problemas con KDE y Netscape

1999-09-13 Thread Barbwired
Avid El Fasih Santalla decía:
 Me he instalado la debian slink que venia en una revista, y tengo
 algunos problemas con el KDE y el Netscape. Cuando ejecuto algunos
 programas del kde como por ejemplo el kdehelp me aparece el siguiente
 error in loading shared libraries
 /usr/X11R6/lib/ undefined symbol: __pure__virtual
 El caso es que la librería si que la tengo, pero lo de __pure__virtual

Es un bug del KDE. Bájate la versión más nueva de kdelibs en

   Mind-affecting chemicals are tools like any other. At the right time, in the 
   right place, they can be very useful. For the effect of psychedelics on the 
   development community, well, there's Enlightenment, isn't there?
Barbwired  (The Translatrix)  -  U. Complutense de Madrid  -  Filología Inglesa
Web personal
 Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 (Kernel 2.2.11) on a Dell Laptop 

Re: Se sabe algo de la Potato?

1999-09-13 Thread Antonio Castro
On Mon, 13 Sep 1999, J. Carlos Muro wrote:

 Paco Brufal escribió:
  On Fri, 10 Sep 1999, Francisco José Avila Bermejo (Monkiki) wrote:
   Pero como con solo hablar no se arregla mucho, pues me gustaria hacer
   algo. Una opcion es hablar con los responsables de la Debian y
   comentarles la idea de sacar distribuciones mas a menudo. Y la otra
   opcion es unirse unas cuantas personas e ir sacando perioodicamente una
   Debian actualizada.
  Si hay algo que caracteriza a Debian, es la gran seguridad que exige
  a cualquier programa incluido la distribución. No se pueden poner las
  ultimas versiones de cualquier programa sin haberlas testeado varios meses y
  haber comprobado que no tienen fallos. En eso se basa Debian, no en la
 Todo esto está muy bien. Pero la verdad es que se presenta un problema cuando 
 necesitas la
 última versión de algo porque sabes que dicha versión tiene algo que 
 necesitas. A mí me ha
 ocurrido que para poder tener disponible una tontería tuve que bajar un 
 montón de cosas. Y la
 verdad, los mortales de a pié no disponemos ni de dinero ni de paciencia para 
 bajarnos de
 golpe y porrazo un montón de megas debianeras. Supongo que la mayoría como yo 
 tiene que
 conformarse con que venga algo en alguna revistilla o comprar la última 
 Pero, por ejemplo, yo ahora mismo estoy desarrollando un proyecto (Gseq) y 
 necesito utilizar
 las últimas librerías de Gnome, Gtk y Glib (o casi las últimas). Ocurre, que 
 mientras veo el
 montón de cosas que tengo que bajarme (la otra opción es bajarme los fuentes 
 de todo y
 compilar, pero esos son otro problema y otra historia) observo que por ahí 
 anda Red Hat con
 las librerías actualizadas a mis necesidades. Por ahora sigo utilizando 
 Debian, porque eso sí,
 es estable, tiene muchas cosas y el sistema de paquetes es muy bueno. Pero, 
 creedme, que me
 pongo excusas para no instalarme la RH.
 En definitiva, que yo creo que Debian (al menos en el momento presente, en el 
 que hay
 distribuciones más actualizadas) es una distribución para ambientes 
 profesionales, dada su
 estabilidad y por supuesto su seguridad. Ahora bien, enfocando al usuario 
 doméstico, algo me
 dice que se adecúa más alguna otra distribución.
 En cualquier caso, siempre hay que aplaudir, animar y reconocer la intención 
 desinteresada de
 los que trabajan en y por Debian. Creo que merecen atención especial. Por 
 eso, no considero
 sano que alguien diga que la distribución está mal hecha o cosas de ese 
 estilo, ya que dicho
 juicio sería una falta de respeto. Eso sí, me parece correcto que los 
 sedientos como yo de
 actualizaciones manifiesten su 'envidia' (sana) al ver cómo otras 
 distribuciones progresan más
 rápido en ese sentido.
 Una idea que se me ocurre sería (complementando un poco a Antonio) sería que 
 se crease en el
 site Debian, un directorio algo parecido al 'unstable', pero algo más 
 estable, e incentivar a

Creo que tu te explicas mejor que yo. Estoy de acuerdo en todo lo que dices
y me identifico mucho porque tambien me pasaron cosas parecidas.

El problema es que un unstable algo más estable tiene que resultar 
tambien muy dificil porque estamos hablando nuevamente de la distribución
globalmente. Creo que si se pretende poner en marcha cosas ambiciosas 
se corre el peligro de no llegar a nada positivo porque estamos hablando
de algo gigantesco que crece cada vez más rápido y que exisge muchisimo 

Voy a ver si me explico un poco mejor. Hay actualizaciones que son
complicadas porque implican una serie de cambios en una serie de
componentes del sistema. La forma de trabajo actual es congelar una
propuesta global e ir refinando los problemas que van apareciendo.

Si un grupo de trabajo totalmente independiente del resto de Debian
más que nada para no incordar se centrara en un paquete importante 
o en un conjunto de paquetes más o menos relacionados entre sí se
podría proporcionar herramientas en forma de scripts que permitieran
actualizar desde la ultima versión estable.

Pongamos el kernel. Realmente bajarse el ultimo kernel y compilarlo
no supone mucho problema pero suele provocar algunos pequeños efectos
colaterales en distintos puntos del sistema que generalmente hay que
investigar un poco. (Por ejemplo: Huy la impresora ya no me va).
Si existe un grupo de trabajo centrado en la actualizacion del kernel 
Linux desde la última versión estable, se conseguiría que mediante una
politica de actualizaciones Debian fuera la distribución con capacidad
de incorporar el kernel más moderno de la forma más rápida, cómoda y

Si esta política con distintos grupos de trabajo independientes de Debian
se hiciera extensivo a otros paquetes o incluso areas (Esto depende de
la fuerza de cada grupo) tendríamos una Debian estable y un conjunto de
actualizaciones desarrolladas por grupos independientes. 

Lo de la independencia no sería una condición. Solo es que tengo la
sensación de 

Re: xemacs y del

1999-09-13 Thread Juli-Manel Merino Vidal
On Mon, Sep 13, 1999 at 01:11:13PM +0200, Miquel wrote:

 El lun, sep 13, 1999 at 10:45:05 +0200 [EMAIL PROTECTED] va dir:
  No quiero parecer irónico porque tampoco es que yo sea un experto en
  teclas, ¿pero la tecla del como su propio nombre lo indica no es para
  borrar? del=delete=borrar
 Se refiere a que la tecla del le borra el carácter anterior al que
 está situado el cursor (o sea, lo que hace la tecla backspace, y no
 el carácter **sobre** el que está el cursor, que es lo que esperamos que
 haga la tecla del).
 Juli-Manel: Yo uso normalmente GNU Emacs y eso no me pasa. Pero he
 comprobado que con la configuración por defecto de XEmacs me ocurre lo
 mismo que comentas. Sé que en la lista hay usuarios
 avanzados de XEmacs que seguro que te podrán ayudar con este tema.

Venga los avanzados, ayudarme :))

Personalmente no me acaba de convencer el emacs... no tiene color en
la consola y xemacs está mejor integrado con las x. Además, xemacs ya
viene compilado con soporte gpm :). Una pregunta... es xemacs GNU /


  Un saludo
  PD a la PD: ¿ No será porque las versiones X son frontends de las versiones
  de consola? :))
 te equivocas, daniel, xemacs no es ningún frontend ni es una aplicación
 sólo para las X.
__   __ __  __ __  __ __  __
   / /  / //  |/ // / / / \ \/ /cooperación contra mando
  / /_ / // /|  // /_/ /   \  /
 /___//_//_/ |_/ \//  \ (Powered by Debian GNU/LiNuX potato)


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Juli-Manel Merino Vidal [EMAIL PROTECTED]-  --   -- --   -- -   -  My homepage  |  | | | | | | | |  | |  /  Best linux dist.  |  |  |  |  | |  |  |  | | /  GNU Project   ---|  | | | |   |

NeXTisticamente correcto

1999-09-13 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos
El Tue, Sep 07, 1999 at 12:21:34PM -0600, Marcelo E. Magallon contaba:

 [ antes de que alguien diga las palabras mágicas, este tema es motivo de
   intensas y agotadoras guerras de insultos en [EMAIL PROTECTED], al
   punto que varias veces he estado a punto de desuscribirme de la lista
   mencionada.  ¿Por qué existen el Dock y el Clip si parece que al final
   ambos cumplen la misma función?  Simplemente porque es cómodo.  La
   mayoría de la gente pone en el Dock aplicaciones como wmnet, wmppp,
   asclock, y similares, y las cosas para lanzar las deja en el Clip, que se
   puede colapsar y todo eso;  alguna gente simplemente elimina el Dock,
   otra elimina el Clip y otra elimina ambos ]

¿Meter un poco de leña en el fuego? ;-)

Bueno, apoyo al cien por cien a Marcelo. El WindowMaker intenta ser
lo más fiel al spiritu Step (ahora que incluso Apple lo ha
traicionado y lo ha abandonado) y en algunas cosas es muy rígido y
hasta molesto.

Molesto cuando vienes de trabajar en otro entorno, pero muy agradable
cuando te acostumbras.

El `Dock' no está hecho para enganchar todo lo que te da la gana y
mucho menos para enchufar iconitos a lo loco. Si alguien tiene más de
8 cosas metidas allí, apuesto a que 6 o 7 están de más o no valen
para nada ;-)

El `Clip' es lo que realmente rula en estos casos. Mucha gente no lo
conoce ni siquiera sabe que se usa. El Clip es este otro icono que
tiene unas flechitas a los lados. Ahí le arrastras programas, y a
diferencia del Dock atrae programas por todos los lados. Si pinchas
dos veces con el ratón, oculta los iconos, y otra vez para verlos de

Luego lo puedes arrastrar a los lados y por ejemplo ponerlo abajo.
Podeis ver una captura de mi escritorio para haceros a una idea.

Incluso algien mencionó por aquí el AfterStep... paso de las
comparaciones. El AS es tan sólo un hack del FVWM aún más complicado
de configurar que su padre. No hay color.

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

Re: Ni idea de cómo empezar

1999-09-13 Thread Barbwired

Lo primero, ten cuidado al responder a los mensajes de la lista, porque me temo 
que éste sólo me ha llegado a mí :)

PAMIFER decía:
 ¿De qué va eso del $PATH? Perdonad mi ignorancia.

Es una variable global que le dice a tu shell (intérprete de comandos o, mejor 
dicho, de órdenes) dónde debe buscar las órdenes que tú pones en el prompt para
ejecutarlas. Ejemplo: Tú pones:

$ ls

Y bash (el intérprete de órdenes de Linux por defecto) buscará esa orden en los
directorios que aparecen en tu $PATH. Si no está en ellos, te devuelve un 
mensaje del tipo:
~-barbwired jolines
bash: jolines: command not found

Mi $PATH es así:
export PATH=$PATH:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/netscape/
Y esta línea se pone en el .bash_profile. Para ver los archivos ocultos de tu 
$HOME (otra variable como $PATH, pero que contiene tu directorio de conexión, 
por ejemplo /home/barbwired/, haz ls -a. Para más info, haz un man bash y mira
en /usr/doc/bash/. 

Un saludo...

   Mind-affecting chemicals are tools like any other. At the right time, in the 
   right place, they can be very useful. For the effect of psychedelics on the 
   development community, well, there's Enlightenment, isn't there?
Barbwired  (The Translatrix)  -  U. Complutense de Madrid  -  Filología Inglesa
Web personal
 Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 (Kernel 2.2.11) on a Dell Laptop 

Re: Cron me hizo algo que no entendí

1999-09-13 Thread Hue-Bond
El lunes 13 de septiembre de 1999 a la(s) 16:22:05 +0200, Javier Viñuales 
Gutiérrez contaba:

Acaba de sucederme algo al terminar el 'cron.daily' que no se por qué.

 Lo normal sería que sucediese desde  siempre (como me pasó a mí
 con xcdroast, que lo puse setuid y el cron me lo cambiaba otra vez)
 pero no así por las buenas. Mira /etc/suid.conf.


 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 love with TuX - Linux 2.2.12
PGP Public key at

Re: capturadora

1999-09-13 Thread Manuel Fonseca
On Sun, 12 Sep 1999, Antonio Tejada Lacaci wrote:

 mknode /dev/nombre -b major minor
 mknode /dev/nombre -c major minor
 Dependiendo de si el dispositivo es de bloques o caracteres (el
 devices.txt te lo dice). De todas maneras, man mknode, porque no estoy
 seguro del formato exacto O;)

Pue si!!! con la ayuda del mknode y la documentacion de
video4linux es decir:
/dev/mknode video0 c 81 0
ln -s video0 video 
 y yasta. tengo la capturadora funcionando con la tele


Telnet a tu propia maquina

1999-09-13 Thread Sergio Blanco Cuaresma
Hola a todos,

quisiera poder hacer telnet a mi propia maquina pero no lo consigo. He
compilado el kernel con soporte para loopback y tengo el demonio inetd
escuchando por el puerto de telnet, pero no me deja establecer la conexion.
Creo recordar que se tiene que modificar un archivo de configuracion de las
terminales pero no recuerdo exactamente en que consistia. ¿alguien me puede


Sergio Blanco Cuaresma
Registered Linux user #140941

Colores en motd

1999-09-13 Thread Sergio Blanco Cuaresma
Hola a todos,

¿alguien sabe como hacer para modificar los colores que vienen por defecto
en el motd?


Sergio Blanco Cuaresma
Registered Linux user #140941

Re: capturadora

1999-09-13 Thread Sergio Blanco Cuaresma
At 14:49 12/09/99 +0200, you wrote:
On Thu, 9 Sep 1999, Jon wrote:

linux video capture interface v1.00
bttv0: Brooktree Bt848 (rev 18) bus: 0, devfn: 80, irq:11, memory:
bttv: 1 Bt8xx card(s) found.
bttv0: NO fader chip: TEA6300
bttv0: model: Bt848(Miro)
SAA5249 driver (SAA5249 interface) for VideoText version 1.7

bueno parece que esta bien, pero no hay rastro del dispositivo /dev/video,
por lo tanto cuando ejecuto xawtv:
open /dev/video: No existe el fichero o el directorio
can't open /dev/video: No exsite el fichero o el directorio
y termina diciendo:
no video grabber device available.

Ejecuta el MAKEDEV que te envio, venia con el xawtv y a mi me crea los
dispositivos necesarios para ver la tele.


function makedev () {

for dev in 0 1 2 3; do
echo /dev/$1$dev: char 81 $[ $2 + $dev ]
rm -f /dev/$1$dev
mknod /dev/$1$dev c 81 $[ $2 + $dev ]
chmod 666 /dev/$1$dev

# symlink for default device
rm -f /dev/$1
ln -s /dev/${1}0 /dev/$1

# see

echo *** new device names ***
makedev video 0
makedev radio 64
makedev vtx 192
makedev vbi 224

echo *** old device names (for compatibility only) ***
makedev bttv 0
makedev bttv-fm 64
makedev bttv-vbi 224

Sergio Blanco Cuaresma
Registered Linux user #140941

Re: Offtopic: Expresiones regulares, ¡ayudadme!

1999-09-13 Thread Antonio Tejada Lacaci
On Fri, 10 Sep 1999 14:54:19 +0200, Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez

Hola y ante todo perdón por el tema pues se sale de la temática de la lista
pero como se que aquí hay más de uno que domina el tema de las expresiones
regulares dejo mi questión.

Veamos, necesito procesar todo un directorio de ficheros que contienen
N líneas tal que:

etiqueta[espacios o tab]dato[espacios o tab]arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4
En realidad, el formato de etiqueta no es importante, ya que no es
necesario para nada (basta con saber que son tres campos: etiqueta,
dato y argumentos, separados por tab o espacios).

Bueno, como cada uno ha dado su versión, aquí va la mía en awk/gawk :)
--- Fichero test.awk
#! /bin/awk -f
strCmd =;
# Componemos el mandato de la linea de comandos
for (i=3;i=NF;i++)
   strCmd = strCmd   $i;
# Inicializamos la cadena de salida al 2o. campo leido
strOut = $2;
# Ejecutamos el comando
while (strCmd | getline tmp) 
   # Añadimos el resultado a una cadena
   strOut = strOut   tmp;
# Cerramos el comando
# Imprimimos la cadena de salida
print strOut;
 Fin fichero test.awk


Antonio Tejada Lacaci

Re: Estoy rabiando con KDE - error in loading shared libraries

1999-09-13 Thread Oscar González
Sarnoso wrote:
 No he conseguido encontrar solución al siguiente problema (he buscado en y no he encontrado nada). Al lanzar algunos programas de
 KDE 1.1 me da un error de carga de librerías, por ejemplo:
 kdehelp: error in loading shared libraries
 /usr/X11R6/lib/ undefined symbol: __pure_virtual
 konsole: error in loading shared libraries
 : undefined symbol: __pure_virtual
 kfind: error in loading shared libraries
 /usr/X11R6/lib/ undefined symbol: __pure_virtual
 Me consta que este problema le ha ocurrido a otras personas, creo que
 en esta lista (u otra) se preguntó algo parecido y no se llegó a
 discutir. Si alguien ha solucionado el problema agradecería alguna
 Gracias y saludos.


Mira en este servidor Leí que había
problemas con algunos paquetes para Slink y los de aquí parece que están

Hay versiones para Potato también.


Oscar González


1999-09-13 Thread peter karlsson

peter - skriver meningsfulla inlägg på listan...

Unidentified subject!

1999-09-13 Thread Per Lundberg

Re: Ping

1999-09-13 Thread Fredrik Hallenberg
On Mon, Sep 13, 1999 at 09:28:13AM +0200, peter karlsson wrote:



Re: Ping

1999-09-13 Thread Per Lundberg
On Mon, 13 Sep 1999, Fredrik Hallenberg wrote:

 On Mon, Sep 13, 1999 at 09:28:13AM +0200, peter karlsson wrote:



1999-09-13 Thread peter karlsson


1999-09-13 Thread Deborah Owens
How do i get it off of the ftp? do i just download each file? do you
have a zip of the os? thank you.

Re: debian

1999-09-13 Thread Seth R Arnold
Well, if you can spare the $12, you can buy it from
Depending on how fast your connection is, this might be faster. :)

If you have the burner, I understand has the debian CD images
that you can write directly to CD.

I think there is a way, using nothing but the base packages, to get onto the
net enough to download the rest of the thing. But, I haven't tried that
method. shrug

I would imagine if you want to download everything under slink or everything
under potato that you could use that as the installation medium too.

On Sun, Sep 12, 1999 at 06:03:49PM -0700, Deborah Owens wrote:
 How do i get it off of the ftp? do i just download each file? do you
 have a zip of the os? thank you.
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Seth Arnold |
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your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Re: debian

1999-09-13 Thread Marcin Kurc
You can download boot floppies and base system. If you install base you can 
connect to the internet and use dselect to mark the packages you want to 
install. Dselect will automaticaly download and install them.

You may want to check instalation documents at

On Sun, Sep 12, 1999 at 06:03:49PM -0700, Deborah Owens wrote: 
 How do i get it off of the ftp? do i just download each file? do you
 have a zip of the os? thank you.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Marcin Kurc
Indiana Institute of Technology
System Administrator

Re: lpd: daemon not started.

1999-09-13 Thread Jean Pierre LeJacq
On Sun, 12 Sep 1999, Justin Settle wrote:

 I can't seem to print anything out with lpd + magicfilter.  I can cat
 file out to the printer and I believe that magic filter is setup
 correctly.  The problem is that if I do a lpc status it says no daemon
 present.  I do a lpc up all and it says daemon started but if a lpc
 status is done again it reply's no daemon is present.  lpr filename
 does nothing - the printer doesn't move and the file never appears in

Is the daemon running?  Try ps ax to see.

If not, try running the daemon directly from a command line and use
the options to place in the foreground and debugging on.  See the
lpd manpage for details.

   $ /usr/sbin/lpd -L /var/log/lpr.log -F -D debug=5

Jean Pierre

Re: weird entry in netstat

1999-09-13 Thread John Forest
Pollywog wrote:
 I don't have Licq or other ICQ clone running, and I ran 'netstat' and got
 udp0  0
 Anyone know what this is about?

I had something similar, also never seen before:
Sep 11 18:07:37 slow named[116]: refused query on non-query socket from
Sep 11 18:08:07 slow last message repeated 5 times

A dig showed:  1H IN PTR

Could it be that aol has problems?


Re: weird entry in netstat

1999-09-13 Thread Pollywog

On 12-Sep-99 John Forest wrote:
 I had something similar, also never seen before:
 Sep 11 18:07:37 slow named[116]: refused query on non-query socket from
 Sep 11 18:08:07 slow last message repeated 5 times
 A dig showed:  1H IN PTR
 Could it be that aol has problems?

I found out that my weird entry was in fact Licq connecting to the ICQ
server.  AOL does have problems with ICQ:  There is a trojan going around
which looks like a jpeg and allows a cracker to obtain user's ICQ passwords.
If you get any jpegs from people you don't know, get rid of them.


Re: how are drivers loaded in a d-linux box?

1999-09-13 Thread Brad

On Fri, 10 Sep 1999, pplaw wrote:

 i have a  question, to which an answer is obvious probably to all but
 me, regarding the modem driver, as my bootable linux box just gives me
 a  prompt  when i pon, regardless of  the modem label (/dev/ttyS01;
 /dev/ttyS02...):how does a newly reformatted hard drive, previously
 running win98, recognize a modem (or any device, for that matter) if
 there isn't a micro$oft o/s for a driver install?

First, the devices are commonly /dev/ttyS0, /dev/ttyS1, /dev/ttyS2 (not
S01 etc).

For a modem, the first step is to make sure you don't have a winmodem.
Look at If you have a winmodem,
you're out of luck for the time being. If not, try using the pppconfig
utility to make sure everything is set up properly.

As for devices in general, most of the drivers are in the kernel if
they're available at all (you may need to recompile, depending how exotic
the device). A few vendors are beginning to offer Linux drivers, but not
many have yet.

Usually, user-space programs are also needed to interface those devices.
Debian has a good selection of these, and you can always download programs
off the 'net and compile them yourself as well.

- -- 
  finger for PGP public key.

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


RE: Boot hangs at 'Starting PCMCIA services: modules' on ThinkPad i1476

1999-09-13 Thread Olaf Meeuwissen
Just wanted to let you know that I've found out how to work around

During the installation, you need to configure PCMCIA and set an
option for the controller.  Set it to:


and all will be well.

Thanks to all who responded.
Olaf Meeuwissen

Re: Allowing root to display to X...

1999-09-13 Thread Remco Blaakmeer
On Sun, 12 Sep 1999, Aaron Van Couwenberghe wrote:

 Hi all -
   I remember hearing once that if you linked your ~/.Xauthority to
 /root/.Xauthority, a root shell would be able to run X applications (within
 your regular user's X session). However, I tried this, and it doesn't seem
 to work for me.
 Any ideas? I'm trying to install Sun's latest Star Office.

This idea is a nasty hack and it should not be used. Instead, try using

1. Install the ssh package if you haven't already done so (it's in the
   non-US/non-free section).

2. Add these two lines to either /etc/ssh/ssh_config or ~/.ssh/config
   (Debian is the only system I know of that has X11 forwarding turned off
   by default in ssh):

Host localhost
  ForwardX11 yes

3. Inside an xterm, rxvt, eterm or whatever, run this command:

ssh -l root localhost

Now ssh will automatically take care of the DISPLAY variable and X

It may seem overkill to use ssh to log in as root on the local system, but
it is the only method I've come across that addresses this problem in a
nice and clean way.

rd1936:  2:30am  up 2 days,  3:45,  5 users,  load average: 1.32, 1.38, 1.51

Num lock disables alt- and ctrl-key shortcuts?

1999-09-13 Thread Carl Fink
[This message has also been posted.]
I've just noticed that both Adobe's Acrobat Reader 3 and RealMedia's
Realplayer G2 have an interesting behavior:  if NumLock is activated,
their keyboard shortcuts that require shifted keys, like Alt-F for
the File menu or ^P for Print, don't work.  On the other hand,
StarOffice 5.1's shortcuts work fine with NumLock on.

I'd like to report the bug, but I'm not sure to whom.  Since it
appears in other apps, but not StarOffice, I'm suspecting it's in
some X library.  (StarOffice uses its own libraries for many
functions, which might explain why it's immune.)  Anyone out there
have an insight as to where this should be reported?

Running slink with a couple of potato packages, XFree86

Manager, Dueling Modems Computer Forum

Re: lpd: daemon not started.

1999-09-13 Thread Justin Settle
Jean Pierre LeJacq wrote:
 On Sun, 12 Sep 1999, Justin Settle wrote:
  I can't seem to print anything out with lpd + magicfilter.  I can cat
  file out to the printer and I believe that magic filter is setup
  correctly.  The problem is that if I do a lpc status it says no daemon
  present.  I do a lpc up all and it says daemon started but if a lpc
  status is done again it reply's no daemon is present.  lpr filename
  does nothing - the printer doesn't move and the file never appears in
 Is the daemon running?  Try ps ax to see.
 If not, try running the daemon directly from a command line and use
 the options to place in the foreground and debugging on.  See the
 lpd manpage for details.

The logging led me to find that magicfilter needs recode, which is not
installed as a dependency.  My problem now is that I can print ascii
text but it does not complex a line feed.  It won't print postscript or
dvi however which is a major problem.

Re: Quake2 problems

1999-09-13 Thread Chanop Silpa-Anan
What graphic card are you using?

If it use nvidia chip set, I might be able to help


On Sun, Sep 12, 1999 at 03:39:26PM -0500, Robert Rati wrote:
 I'm having a problem running Quake 2.  When I try to run it I get this
 --- sound initialization ---
 sound sampling rate: 11047
 --- Loading ---
 ref_gl version: GL 0.01
 recursive shutdown
 Error: Couldn't load pics/colormap.pcx
 When I get it running with the software renderer and try to switch to the
 glx renderer, it seg faults.  I got it working with glx renderer once, but
 it was really slow and not really there.  Only thing I could get was the
 menu and it was dropping frames. Does anyone know what is file is that
 it's complaining about?  I've had it running before so I have no idea what
 this error is.  Am I missing something I need to run this?
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   1999-00 |
 Aka Khyron the Backstabber  |   LI  NN N  U U  X X  O
 ICQ# 2325055|   LI  N NN  U U   X
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 Shackles cannot keep me bound  |  A REAL Man's OS!
  forever.  I'm outta here. |
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| Australian National University  |
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|  +61 2 6249 5240 (home +voice mail) |
| Debian GNU Hurd PGP available upon request  |


1999-09-13 Thread Bryan Scaringe
Not to nitpick here, but the kernel is the OS.
Anyhow, ide CD recordes and re-writables are well supported under

Now, following the directions in the CD-Writing HOWTO didn't
completely work for me. Follow the directions in the CD-Writing HOWTO
*EXCEPT* build scsi-generic support into the kernel, NOT as a module.

Once I did that, and followed the rest of the directions in the HOWTO,
it worked like a charm.  Write back if it still doesn't work, and I
will give step-by-step instructions.


 the OS has little to do with hardware support, it's the kernel and
 packages you install.

Re: IDE CD-R drive via ide-scsi

1999-09-13 Thread Bryan Scaringe
Try building SCSI-generic into the kernel.  I never got it
to work as a module.  Works fine now

On 10-Sep-99 David Blackman wrote:
 I hate modules, I've got a 627 Kb kernel. I love it.
 The kernel snippet said you only had 1 scsi adapter, (the AHA)
 On 10 Sep 1999, Morgan Fletcher wrote:
 David Blackman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Do you have scsi cd support?
 Yes, as a module. I have a scsi adapter (aha2940), scsi cd, scsi hd
 and one ide cd-r. So the scsi cd devices were already there and scd0
 has been working. Please look at the kernel config snipped I posted.
  Make those, keep out ide-cdrom support, keep in ide-scsi emultaion,
  keep in scsi cd, scsi generic.
  try it and LMK
 What I'm asking is, do you have ide-scsi compiled as a module or into
 the kernel? 
  You DON'T have scsi emulation in there.
 But I do. Thanks for your concern. I know it works, because doing
 'modprobe ide-scsi ; mount -t iso9660 /dev/scd1 /cdrom ; ls /cdrom'
  make sure you installed the kernel
 For sure.
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Re: ppp and kernel 2.2.12

1999-09-13 Thread John Hasler
 I've attached the requested files (modified to remove my passwd of

Those look normal enough.  Does pppd run at all?  Does the modem dial?
Does pppd dump core?
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

lilo to a different device

1999-09-13 Thread Peter Moody
alright, maybe I went about this whole thing the wrong way, but I started out w/
a debian system, then a few months later, decided to add a windows disk to play
games not supported under linux.
so, I take out my linux disk, put the clean disk as the master, and install
windows on that.  everything works.
then I put the linux disk back on, slavify the windows disk and add the line in
re-run lilo and I get 
added linux *
added win
reboot the computer, and when I try to boot win, I get a system disk error.  I'm
assuming this is cuz windows is not the first disk and I'v heard bad things
happen when you try to boot a windows that isn't on the first disk.
after a bit of scariness (a long story, fixed w/ the hair of my chinny chin
chin) I come to the conclusion that I have to run lilo, and get it to install
the mbr on the windows disk (which is now /dev/hdb, but will be /dev/hda)

I can't just change the fstab and lilo.conf to say linux is on hdb and win is on
hda (that's what got me into the trouble to begin w/), I actually need to
_force_ lilo to install itself on /dev/hdb (I am 99.999% sure of this, but very
open to correction).  the man page has nothing about this, and deja is a little
sparten too...anyone out there in this vast debian knowledge pool know what I
need to do?
ps. if I've been a little confusing, please email me directly (digest takes to
long) and I'll be more thurough in my explaination. thanks

Peter Moody
Assisant Network Administator

Pervasive Permission Problem

1999-09-13 Thread Julian S. Taylor

Please respond to me directly since I've been removed from this alias.

I'm setting up a network talking to a Debian server. While I've managed
to figure out many of the problems I am still entirely unable to give
other systems write access to this system. I'm hoping it's due to one or
two simple common issues. I have an intermittent permissions problem
associated with pppd but I can't reproduce that one today. Here is the
permissions problem I'm dealing with now.

When a remote system (dilthey) mounts up my home directory from alpher
(the Debian system) everything indicates it's r/w. For example:

dilthey:~ mount
/dev/hda2 on / type ext2 (rw)
/dev/hda5 on /usr type ext2 (rw)
/dev/hda6 on /usr/local type ext2 (rw)
/dev/hda1 on /win32 type vfat (rw)
/dev/hda7 on /workspace type ext2 (rw)
none on /proc type proc (rw)
automount(pid175) on /home type autofs
automount(pid186) on /apps type autofs
automount(pid196) on /mnt type autofs
(rw,fd=5,pgrp=196,minproto=2,maxproto=3) on /home/julian type nfs

and on alpher:

alpher:~ cat /etc/exports
# /etc/exports: the access control list for filesystems which may be
#   to NFS clients.  See exports(5).

and yet:

dilthey:~ touch notion
touch: notion: Operation not permitted
dilthey:~ mkdir test
mkdir: cannot make directory `test': Permission denied

A Sparcstation on the network shows the following snoopnetwork activity: - NIS C DOMAIN -   NIS R DOMAIN OK - NFS C LOOKUP2 FH=42C9 notion -   NFS R LOOKUP2 OK FH=ACC9 - NFS C SETATTR2 FH=ACC9 -   NFS R SETATTR2 Not owner - NFS C LOOKUP2 FH=42C9 test -   NFS R LOOKUP2 No such file or
directory - NFS C MKDIR2 FH=42C9 test -   NFS R MKDIR2 Permission denied - NIS C DOMAIN -   NIS R DOMAIN OK

This looks like confusion over who I am but on dilthey, I get
dilthey:~ ls -l notion
-rw---   1 julian   users   16384 Jan  5  1997 notion
dilthey:~ ypmatch julian passwd
julian:x:501:100:Julian S. Taylor:/home/julian:/usr/bin/tcsh

Any ideas?


.profile BASH in PATH?

1999-09-13 Thread bwarsing

I have 2 perhaps simple questions:

1. The only user on my system who has a ~/.profile is root.  It had to have 
been generated during installation.  So I am left to wonder, how do I create a 
~/.profile for each user as well as subsequent users.

2. Also, when I want execute a shell script, why am I forced to do...

bash shell.script

Is this related to my PATH configurations?

Sorry if these seem like banal questions but I am still a newbie.

Re: .profile BASH in PATH?

1999-09-13 Thread Seth R Arnold
On Sun, Sep 12, 1999 at 08:12:18PM -0700, bwarsing wrote:
 I have 2 perhaps simple questions:
 1. The only user on my system who has a ~/.profile is root.  It had to have 
 been generated during installation.  So I am left to wonder, how do I create 
 ~/.profile for each user as well as subsequent users.

For current users, I think the answer is copy it over by hand. For new
users, place the files you want to becopied into their homedir into

 2. Also, when I want execute a shell script, why am I forced to do...
 bash shell.script

Now this isn't fun. Check that the first line of the shell script reads
something like:

Without this line, things go broke.

Hmm. After a moment's thought, it occured to me that perchance the script
file is not +x -- run the appropriate chmod command on the script to make it
executable. I, being thick-headed and hard to change, would type: chmod 755
script if it was OK for others to run it, or chmod 744 script if it was not
OK for them to run it, but seeing it was still fine, or chmod 500 script if
I trusted neither them nor myself. :) If you aren't as thickheaded as I am,
you will probably use the nice letters instead of numbers. (can find them in
man chmod)

 Is this related to my PATH configurations?

Probably not. Check your .bashrc and .bash_profile files all the same --
look for something that sets PATH without using the old value too. But,
again, it shouldn't affect shell scripts.

Seth Arnold |
Hate spam? See for help
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into
your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Re: .profile BASH in PATH?

1999-09-13 Thread Marcelo Ramos
On Sun, Sep 12, 1999 at 08:12:18PM -0700, bwarsing wrote:
 1. The only user on my system who has a ~/.profile is root.  It had to have 
 been generated during installation.  So I am left to wonder, how do I create 
 ~/.profile for each user as well as subsequent users.

If you are using bash each user has .bashrc and .bash_profile in his home
directory. The only profile I know is /etc/profile.

 2. Also, when I want execute a shell script, why am I forced to do...
 bash shell.script
Put #!/bin/bash in the first line of your script.


 _  ___ 
Marcelo Ramos   | \/  __   | 
Debian 2.0 (Hamm)   ||_/   /  
Linux registered user #118109   | \ 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   ||\/||\\


Installation Problem

1999-09-13 Thread Allix Primus

I'm installing from a hard drive and no matter what method i 
choose ( boot disk or install.bat ), my computer freezes at :

md driver 0.36.3 MAX_MD_DEV=4, MAX-REAL=8

is there anything i can do to get the installation 
working ?


change the ip address without rebooting

1999-09-13 Thread Shao Zhang
How do I change the ip address of my machine without rebooting?

I did an 

ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast

But it does not seem to be enough. After the above command, I
cannot telnet to anywhere unless I do a reboot...

Can someone please help me??



Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

Re: change the ip address without rebooting

1999-09-13 Thread Robert Maynard Rhyu

On Mon, 13 Sep 1999, Shao Zhang wrote:

   How do I change the ip address of my machine without rebooting?
   I did an 
   ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast
   But it does not seem to be enough. After the above command, I
   cannot telnet to anywhere unless I do a reboot...
   Can someone please help me??

You must take down the interface prior to assigning it a new IP address:

# ifconfig eth0 down

Check the output of ifconfig (without arguments) to ensure the interface
is down...

Then bring up the interface with the new IP address as you've outlined

Check the output of ifconfig (again, without arguments) to ensure the
interface is up and has the proper IP address/netmask/etc.

Be sure to edit /etc/init.d/network and /etc/hosts to reflect your
changes if you intend to keep your new IP address.


 Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
 Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
 University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
 Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: change the ip address without rebooting

1999-09-13 Thread Evan Van Dyke
Shao Zhang wrote:
 How do I change the ip address of my machine without rebooting?
 I did an
 ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast
 But it does not seem to be enough. After the above command, I
 cannot telnet to anywhere unless I do a reboot...
 Can someone please help me??

Did you change the routing tables?


Evan Van Dyke   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Page: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ#: 15442232
DNRC's Minister of Lost Internet Packets.   O-
Amateur Radio Call Sign:  KB8PVEElder ResCon at Northwestern

GCS/S d+(-) s:+ a--- C UH+I++LS++V P+ L+++ E W++ N++
w-- O- M-- !V PS+ PE+ Y+ PGP t+ 5+++ X+ R+ tv+ b+++ DI D+ g e h !r

   Quoth the Raven...  'Nevermore!' --Edgar Allen Poe
   I'll bet that all you can do is watch the ball bounce around the
  --Dilbert to Management

Re: change the ip address without rebooting

1999-09-13 Thread Seth R Arnold
chances are good you need to ifconfig eth0 down first.

After ifconfig eth0 blah blah up you will probably need to add default
routes to your gateway, as well as to your network, etc.

Oh yes, I think the dynamic IP patch comes into play for this situation:

echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_dynaddr

(Is this located anywhere by default on a debian system?)

have fun :)

On Mon, Sep 13, 1999 at 03:36:28PM +1000, Shao Zhang wrote:
   How do I change the ip address of my machine without rebooting?
   I did an 
   ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast
   But it does not seem to be enough. After the above command, I
   cannot telnet to anywhere unless I do a reboot...
   Can someone please help me??
 Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
 Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
 University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
 Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Seth Arnold |
Hate spam? See for help
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into
your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Re: change the ip address without rebooting

1999-09-13 Thread Shao Zhang
Thanks, that is all I need.

Robert Maynard Rhyu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, 13 Sep 1999, Shao Zhang wrote:
  How do I change the ip address of my machine without rebooting?
  I did an 
  ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast
  But it does not seem to be enough. After the above command, I
  cannot telnet to anywhere unless I do a reboot...
  Can someone please help me??
 You must take down the interface prior to assigning it a new IP address:
 # ifconfig eth0 down
 Check the output of ifconfig (without arguments) to ensure the interface
 is down...
 Then bring up the interface with the new IP address as you've outlined
 Check the output of ifconfig (again, without arguments) to ensure the
 interface is up and has the proper IP address/netmask/etc.
 Be sure to edit /etc/init.d/network and /etc/hosts to reflect your
 changes if you intend to keep your new IP address.
  Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
  Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ 
  University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` 
  Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, 
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

Re: Num lock disables alt- and ctrl-key shortcuts?

1999-09-13 Thread Rob Mahurin
On Sun, Sep 12, 1999 at 08:49:35PM -0400, Carl Fink wrote:
 [This message has also been posted.]
 I've just noticed that both Adobe's Acrobat Reader 3 and RealMedia's
 Realplayer G2 have an interesting behavior:  if NumLock is activated,
 their keyboard shortcuts that require shifted keys, like Alt-F for
 the File menu or ^P for Print, don't work.  On the other hand,
 StarOffice 5.1's shortcuts work fine with NumLock on.

I have a similar problem with fvwm2.  With the NumLock off, Alt keys
are used by the window manager, to give menus, move around the
desktops, etc., and the windows key that everybody hates is Alt or
Meta key for programs like Netscape and Emacs and xterm.  With the
Numlock on, the windows key and the alt key behave the same way, and I
lose my window manager shortcuts.

 I'd like to report the bug, but I'm not sure to whom.  Since it
 appears in other apps, but not StarOffice, I'm suspecting it's in
 some X library.  (StarOffice uses its own libraries for many
 functions, which might explain why it's immune.)  Anyone out there
 have an insight as to where this should be reported?

Nope, you're further along than I am, and I've been having this
problem probably since last year.  I'm grateful to see that someone
else finally reported a similar problem, though -- I had thought I was
the only one.

 Running slink with a couple of potato packages, XFree86

Same, X (according to /usr/doc/X11/changelog). Although, I
had this problem even before I upgraded to slink; I just figured out
it was the numlock a couple of weeks ago and was kind of sitting
deciding what to do about it.


Laetrile is the pits.

vim question

1999-09-13 Thread Shao Zhang
talking about the C programming style, are we supposed to use
tabstoplength=8 or softtabstop=2?

I have always been using tabstoplength=8, but all the program src
I got(mutt for example) all use the softtabstop=2.

Anyway, I am quite happy with softtabstop=2. But I am wondering
how do I set the cindent to use softtabstop=2. I have tried 

set cino=2, but this just put two spaces, so I have to
press backspace twice when I want to go back.

Thanks in advance.

Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

Re: DHCPcd problems - No valid Server response

1999-09-13 Thread buter
On Sat, Sep 11, 1999 at 06:43:08AM +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Have you tried running dhcpcd-sv rather than dhcpcd?
  I'm at the end of my wit here... I can't get my Linux box (running
  to communicate with the DHCP server at my office.
  Windows 95 no problem.
  Static IP under Linux used to be no problem.
  (I updated to kernel 2.2.10 and to the dhcpcd 1.3.x package)

Yup, I tried and tried and tried... Even compiled the latest versions of
it, but it still didn't work. Until I turned on the kernel-compile option
CONFIG_PACKET and CONFIG_IP_PNP. Then it worked -- although it takes now
about 10 secs instead of .5 secs to configure the network... But at least
its working now. Maybe the HOWTO should be a bit more specific... Or maybe
I should have figured the hint about SOCKET_PACKET in the README is really


Renald Buter

Quake3 and Diamond Viper V770 - TNT2

1999-09-13 Thread Steve
Hello All,

I know people out there have gotten this to work, so I am hoping
someone can help me out with this...

I just bought a Viper V770. I got the modified XServer from
nvidia, I downloaded the statically linked tarball with in
it, I followed their install instructions, I configured X for
800x600x16bpp.  I started linuxquake3, and everything appeared to be
working...then I saw a screen full of random colored lines which ran
horizontally across the screen.  I can hear the standard quake menu
thump sounds when I move the arrows up and down, so I know that the game
has started, but all I see is garbage.  I am running Slink with Branden's
3.3.4 debs installed.  I tried dropping back to 15bpp and also running in
1024x768 with no luck.  Any ideas/suggestions?  I feel like the only
person on earth who can't get it to run :(



Re: Installation Problem

1999-09-13 Thread David Cureton
I also have similar trouble on my system except it took a VERY long 
time for the boot to get past md driver. For the 486DX100 it took up to 30 
second. I found that the problem diappeared after I compiled a kernal that was 
more like the one I wanted. 
 You may want to let you computer sit there for a while before assuming it has 
 I think I read somewhere that md driver is a multi-device driver for scsi 
devices. Maybe someone on the list can shed more light.
  This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
  Content-Type: text/plain;
  Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
  I'm installing from a hard drive and no matter what method i choose ( =
  boot disk or install.bat ), my computer freezes at :
  md driver 0.36.3 MAX_MD_DEV=3D4, MAX-REAL=3D8
  is there  anything i can do to get the installation working ?
  Content-Type: text/html;
  Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
  !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN
  META content=3Dtext/html; charset=3Diso-8859-1 =
  META content=3DMSHTML 5.00.2314.1000 name=3DGENERATOR
  BODY bgColor=3D#ff
  DIVFONT size=3D2I'm installing from a hard drive and no matter what =
  method i=20
  choose ( boot disk or install.bat ), my computer freezes at =
  DIVFONT size=3D2md driver 0.36.3 MAX_MD_DEV=3D4, =
  DIVFONT size=3D2is therenbsp; anything i can do to get the =
  working ?/FONT/DIV
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


Re: Quake3 and Diamond Viper V770 - TNT2

1999-09-13 Thread Chanop Silpa-Anan
On Mon, Sep 13, 1999 at 01:35:43AM -0500, Steve wrote:
 it, I followed their install instructions, I configured X for
 800x600x16bpp.  I started linuxquake3, and everything appeared to be
 working...then I saw a screen full of random colored lines which ran

For Quake3, I configure my screen to 800x600 640x480 in 16 bpp mode.

pure 640x480 didn't work for me.



| Chanop Silpa-Anan   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
| Australian National University  |
| Tel. +61 2 6279 8826, +61 2 6279 8837 (office hour) |
|  +61 2 6249 5240 (home +voice mail) |
|   Debian GNU Linux   ICQ uin 11366301   |

Re: Installation Problem

1999-09-13 Thread Seth R Arnold
This is based on something I read in Linux Journal a little while back..

md is more than just for scsi devices. It allows you to specify raid0 and
raid1 (possibly also raid5?) for ide or scsi hard drives. You can turn three
physical hardrives into one logical partition, with striping, without
striping, maybe even with redundancy, though I am a bit foggy on those

I looked at it, decided it would probably make recovering from a hard drive
bit-flipping situation harder, and left it alone. I don't mind so much
moutning my extra drives in other spots, though I can certainly see where it
would be useful.

btw -- it would help many people if you were to line-wrap at 74 to 76
characters per line. :)

On Mon, Sep 13, 1999 at 04:46:44PM -0500, David Cureton wrote:
   I also have similar trouble on my system except it took a VERY long 
 time for the boot to get past md driver. For the 486DX100 it took up to 30 
 second. I found that the problem diappeared after I compiled a kernal that 
 was more like the one I wanted. 
  You may want to let you computer sit there for a while before assuming it 
 has hung. 
  I think I read somewhere that md driver is a multi-device driver for scsi 
 devices. Maybe someone on the list can shed more light.
   This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
   Content-Type: text/plain;
   Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
   I'm installing from a hard drive and no matter what method i choose ( =
   boot disk or install.bat ), my computer freezes at :
   md driver 0.36.3 MAX_MD_DEV=3D4, MAX-REAL=3D8
   is there  anything i can do to get the installation working ?
   Content-Type: text/html;
   Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
   !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN
   META content=3Dtext/html; charset=3Diso-8859-1 =
   META content=3DMSHTML 5.00.2314.1000 name=3DGENERATOR
   BODY bgColor=3D#ff
   DIVFONT size=3D2I'm installing from a hard drive and no matter what =
   method i=20
   choose ( boot disk or install.bat ), my computer freezes at =
   DIVFONT size=3D2md driver 0.36.3 MAX_MD_DEV=3D4, =
   DIVFONT size=3D2is therenbsp; anything i can do to get the =
   working ?/FONT/DIV
   Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Seth Arnold |
Hate spam? See for help
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into
your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Re: lpd: daemon not started.

1999-09-13 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 12 Sep 1999, Justin Settle wrote:
 I can't seem to print anything out with lpd + magicfilter.  I can cat
 file out to the printer and I believe that magic filter is setup
 correctly.  The problem is that if I do a lpc status it says no daemon
 present.  I do a lpc up all and it says daemon started but if a lpc
 status is done again it reply's no daemon is present.  lpr filename
 does nothing - the printer doesn't move and the file never appears in
 Any sugestions would be appreciated,
 Justin Settle

I also get no daemon present with this command but printing
nevertheless works. I think a second lpd daemon is spawned when you
start printing.

What happens with ps ax? This shows the lpd daemon to be present on my

What does lpq show when you've tried to print a file?


Anthony Campbell - running Linux - Debian 2.1 (Windows-free zone)
Book Reviews:

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on...   - Edward Fitzgerald (Rubaiat of Omar Khayyam)

Mysql and php3 problem

1999-09-13 Thread Gareth
G'day all,
I am having trouble getting php3 to recognize other librariies
in /usr/lib/php3/apache/ 
there is
but i get the following error message on trying to use any functions form

Fatal error: Call to unsupported or undefined function mysql_connect() in
/home/gwalters/public_html/example/index.php3 on line 8

I had a look /etc/mysql/my.cnf
and everything looks correct 
I am running potato with kernel 2.2.12

any ideas ???


Re: lpd: daemon not started.

1999-09-13 Thread Ashley Clark
On Mon, 13 Sep 1999, Anthony Campbell wrote:
 On 12 Sep 1999, Justin Settle wrote:
  I can't seem to print anything out with lpd + magicfilter.  I can cat
  file out to the printer and I believe that magic filter is setup
  correctly.  The problem is that if I do a lpc status it says no daemon
  present.  I do a lpc up all and it says daemon started but if a lpc
  status is done again it reply's no daemon is present.  lpr filename
  does nothing - the printer doesn't move and the file never appears in

I got something similar with lprng no server present, I think. Turns
out there were some left over control files in my /var/spool/lpd
directories. By stopping lprng, deleting them and starting lprng
again it allowed me to print again.

Ashley Clark

Re: printer whoohs with LPRng

1999-09-13 Thread Mirek Kwasniak
On Sun, Sep 12, 1999 at 03:32:01PM -0700, Brian E. Lavender wrote:
 When I try to print something with my linux box, I get nothing. 
 I am using LPRng. I also successfully configured my printer port.
 $ echo Hello World  /dev/lp0
 will print hello world. I have to manually form feed the page
 But when I do
 $ lpr /etc/passwd
 it produces nothing. I then query the print spool
 Printer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  'PostScript'
  Queue: 1 printable job
  Server: no server active
  Status: lp: Do_queue_jobs: cannot open '/var/spool/lpd/lp' - Is a directory 
 at 15:22:26
  Rank   Owner/ID   Class Job  Files   Size Time
 1   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  A  328 /etc/passwd1297 15:22:26
 It looks as if lp is trying to open a file title lp, but it is finding that 
 it is
 a directory. Indeed, if I ls the directory, I see that lp is a directory and 
 a file
 debian:~# ls -la /var/spool/lpd/lp
 total 1319
 drwxrwsr-x   2 lp   lp   1024 Sep  5 13:58 .
 drwxrwsr-x   3 lp   lp   1024 Sep 12 15:22 ..
 -rw---   1 lp   lp107 Sep  5 13:58 
 -rw---   1 lp   lp  0 Sep  3 23:11 control.lp
 -rw---   1 lp   lp   1151 Sep  5 13:58 
 -rw---   1 lp   lp102 Sep  5 13:58 hfA143
 -rw---   1 lp   lp  5 Sep  5 13:58 lp
 -rw---   1 lp   lp1335070 Sep  9 23:38 status.lp
 -rw---   1 lp   lp  5 Sep  5 13:58 unspooler.lp
 You can see that I have a file called, /var/spool/lpd/lp/lp
 so it looks if I have something screwed up somewhere. Here is my printcap
 I am using a filter called hp4laser
 $ cat /etc/printcap
 # Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.
 # All rights reserved.
 # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
 # provided that this notice is preserved and that due credit is given
 # to the University of California at Berkeley. The name of the University
 # may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
 # software without specific prior written permission. This software
 # is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty.
 # @(#)etc.printcap5.2 (Berkeley) 5/5/88
 ##PRINTTOOL## LOCAL PostScript 600x600 letter {}
 ##PRINTTOOL## LOCAL PostScript 600x600 letter {}
 This printcap works with BSD LPR, so I am a bit confused as to what is wrong 
 Let me guess, LPR is different than LPRng, but these all look pretty basic.

Current lprng run as daemon user. Run as root checkpc (included in lprng
package) and change permissions.


Linux checks only 8 chars of the password...

1999-09-13 Thread Gernot Bauer
Good morning, 

I was wondering, why Linux only checks 8 characters of the
login-password. I use a much longer password and would like my system to
check everything of it. Is there a flag I can set that the whole
password is verified?

Thank you, Gery
Gernot Bauer, University of Linz, Austria
The answer is yes, me.


1999-09-13 Thread Johann Spies
On Sun, 12 Sep 1999, lonewolf wrote:

 My question is simply this. Will Debian linux ever support ACER 6206a CD-RW 
 drives in the near future.
From the README of cdrecord 1.8a25:
Drives that have been reported to work or should work because
Andy MCFadden (see also listed
them to be identical to working drives:



| Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg |
| Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310 Suid-Afrika (South Africa)  |

 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are 
  your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens 
  are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than 
  your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.   
   Isaiah 55:8,9 

Re: LyX + Postscript

1999-09-13 Thread Johann Spies
On Sun, 12 Sep 1999, Marius Aamodt Eriksen wrote:

 I'm having problems with LyX.  When viewing a document created in LyX (either 
 via Postscript of DVI) LyX produces blank output; just a blank page.  All the 
 components that are needed seem to be there (dvips, tex, etc.)
 Has anybody here experienced the same thing?  Any solutions?

Yes I have experienced similar situations.  Usually it is because LyX or
Latex had some problem with something in the document and the .dvi-file
was not completed. I solved it by exporting such a document as a Latex
document and run latex ont it to see the error messages.  That is one of
the reasons I am not using Lyx very often.  Emacs and Latex works better
for me. 


| Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg |
| Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310 Suid-Afrika (South Africa)  |

 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are 
  your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens 
  are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than 
  your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.   
   Isaiah 55:8,9 

Re: Linux checks only 8 chars of the password...

1999-09-13 Thread William T Wilson
On Mon, 13 Sep 1999, Gernot Bauer wrote:

 I was wondering, why Linux only checks 8 characters of the
 login-password. I use a much longer password and would like my system
 to check everything of it. Is there a flag I can set that the whole
 password is verified?

You're stuck with it.  The format of the password file only has room for 8
characters of meaningful data.  This is a holdover from ancient times, I
don't think the password file has changed much in 20 years or more.

Anyway, 8 meaningful characters is plenty for adequate security provided
that your password is a good one.

Re: Linux checks only 8 chars of the password...

1999-09-13 Thread Seth R Arnold
On Mon, Sep 13, 1999 at 11:08:23PM +0200, Gernot Bauer wrote:
 Good morning, 
 I was wondering, why Linux only checks 8 characters of the
 login-password. I use a much longer password and would like my system to
 check everything of it. Is there a flag I can set that the whole
 password is verified?

Gery, from the /usr/doc/passwd/README.debian.gz:

---MD5 Encryption
If you set MD5_CRYPT_ENAB=yes in /etc/login.defs, passwords will be
encrypted with an MD5-based algorithm.  It also supports of passwords
of unlimited length and longer salt strings.

Of course, I think this requires you have shadowpasswords installed.

Seth Arnold |
Hate spam? See for help
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into
your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Re: Linux checks only 8 chars of the password...

1999-09-13 Thread Seth R Arnold
Bah, sorry for the second-posting... I think I should point out that MD5
based password hashing means your /etc/passwd (or /etc/shadow still,
right?) are *not* as portable as they were before MD5. However, FreeBSD, and
I think most PAM-based linux support MD5, probably OpenBSD supports MD5 (It
would suprise me if Theo de Raadt didn't put it in there.. :) and possible
more. But, not all unices.

Seth Arnold |
Hate spam? See for help
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into
your ~/.signature to help me spread!

mc not working (?)

1999-09-13 Thread Jens Carsten Hansen
Hi, I use mc frequently ( also to edit textfiles, I'm not a vi guy ), but
recently it stopped working.
when I try to start it, the machine hangs for a few seconds, there is a lot of
harddisk activity, then it exits with;
/usr/bin/mc: fork: resource temporarily not available.
I found out that the harddisk activity was due to a lot of files being created
in /tmp, 50-100 or so.
They all looked like this;
with the X's being numbers starting at 20443, looking very much like a PID, and
the Y's just looking like random numbers.
I also noticed a process called queued running, which I do not think I have seen
running before.

I suspect this having to do with the fact that I'm running potato, and therefore
having mc in version 4.5.38-1

Can anyone tell me what the problem could be ?

Problem with 2.2.12 compile tcp.h pmtu_cookie

1999-09-13 Thread meridian

I have libc6-dev installed and have tried compiling using make-kpkg and
make zImage etc but I get the same errors.
I am compiling after ln -s /usr/src/linux/include/linux /usr/include/linux
and ln -s /usr/src/linux/include/asm-i386 /usr/include/asm

here is a sample

In file included from /usr/include/sys/types.h:30,
 from /usr/include/bits/socket.h:32,
 from /usr/include/sys/socket.h:34,
 from /usr/src/linux/include/net/route.h:25,
 from /usr/src/linux/include/net/ip.h:32,
 from slhc.c:71:
/usr/include/bits/types.h:95: warning: `__NFDBITS' redefined
/usr/src/linux/include/linux/posix_types.h:30: warning: this is the
location of the previous definition
/usr/include/bits/types.h:97: warning: `__FDMASK' redefined
/usr/src/linux/include/linux/posix_types.h:42: warning: this is the
location of the previous definition

this goes on for some time with a limited number of files giving back many
redifned error messages untill building dies with this error

In file included from slhc.c:74:
/usr/src/linux/include/net/tcp.h: In function `tcp_current_mss':
/usr/src/linux/include/net/tcp.h:632: dereferencing pointer to incomplete
/usr/src/linux/include/net/tcp.h:633: dereferencing pointer to incomplete
make[3]: *** [slhc.o] Error 1

the relevant bit of slhc.c is this

if (dst  dst-pmtu != tp-pmtu_cookie)
mss_now = tcp_sync_mss(sk, dst-pmtu);

where i believe pmtu_cookie and pmtu are the incomplete types
where are these defined or what is going on or something ... HELP :)

Suggestion for a WM on a slow machine

1999-09-13 Thread Davide Anchisi

I have a slow machine (486, with 16 Mb of RAM) and I'm trying to keep as
faster as possible. Working in command line mode I've no problem, but in
X ...
So I'd like to know what's the better choice for a window manager on a
system like mine.
Now I'm using twm. Are fvwm2 or BlackBox faster? Or what else?

Thank you for sugestions.


Installing Debian Hurd???

1999-09-13 Thread Arjen v. V.
Hi all,

I've downloaded all the binary files for Debian Hurd, now i wan't to install
them but i can't find anything to install it wit.
I've momentarely no linux on my comp. installed. Does anybody know how i can
install it, whitout first installing an other Linux version, and if that
isn't possible, how do i install it than from an other Linux dist.??

thans in advance.

Re: Include iostream.h

1999-09-13 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Sun, Sep 12, 1999 at 13:52:49 -0700, Dan Smith wrote:
 What debian package contains the include file iostream.h?

The -dev package of libstdc++, unless you have a very old system, in which
case it's in the -dev package of libg++. The precise package name is
release-dependent; grep 'Package: libstdc++.*-dev' /var/lib/dpkg/available
should be able to point it out to you.

LEADERSHIP  A form of self-preservation exhibited by people with auto-
destructive imaginations in order to ensure that when it comes to the crunch 
it'll be someone else's bones which go crack and not their own.   
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan

xconsole : couldn't open conssole

1999-09-13 Thread Johan Dewaele

I used to have xconsole on my windowmanager (in every 
windowmanager) as normal user, now I lost it.  
Don't know how I did it. ;(
Tried to start it from xterm : I get a window with the nice message :
couldn't open console and that's it.
Tried to start it as root : I get the window, no error message, 
but no other messages either.

Is this a permission problem ? 

I do appreciate any help.


Re: .profile BASH in PATH?

1999-09-13 Thread Juli-Manel Merino Vidal
On Mon, Sep 13, 1999 at 02:08:23AM -0700, bwarsing wrote:

 - Original Message -
 From: Juli-Manel Merino Vidal
  To run a script from the current directory: ./shell.script
  This is because the currect directory isn't in the path, for security
 Can you elaborate?  Should this be changed? How do I fix this?

Of course. Imagine that a user put a dangerous program in /tmp
(directory in which everybody can write) named ls. If the root user
have the ./ directory in the path and he is in /tmp, if he run 'ls',
the system will start /tmp/ls and not /bin/ls. So, the dangerous ls
can do what it wants.


  - Powered by Debian/GNU Linux -
  -- Linux User 140860   Machine 61143 --

Juli-Manel Merino Vidal [EMAIL PROTECTED]-  --   -- --   -- -   -  My homepage  |  | | | | | | | |  | |  /  Best linux dist.  |  |  |  |  | |  |  |  | | /  GNU Project   ---|  | | | |   |

Debian 2.1 - 2.2

1999-09-13 Thread graham . lillico
How easy would it be to upgrade from Debian 2.1 to 2.2?  Are the packages all
relatively stable?



Re: Suggestion for a WM on a slow machine

1999-09-13 Thread Juli-Manel Merino Vidal
On Mon, Sep 13, 1999 at 11:24:45AM +0100, Davide Anchisi wrote:

 I have a slow machine (486, with 16 Mb of RAM) and I'm trying to keep as
 faster as possible. Working in command line mode I've no problem, but in
 X ...
 So I'd like to know what's the better choice for a window manager on a
 system like mine.
 Now I'm using twm. Are fvwm2 or BlackBox faster? Or what else?

twm is the fastest window manager; it's simple as possible
(graphically). but It's not very powerfull. My preferred is Window
Maker; you can configure everything and it's fast. I don't know how
could it work on your machine; try it. I've also tried Blackbox and
it's very fast too (and I like it more than fvwm2).
It's your choice ;)


 Thank you for sugestions.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

  - Powered by Debian/GNU Linux -
  -- Linux User 140860   Machine 61143 --

Juli-Manel Merino Vidal [EMAIL PROTECTED]-  --   -- --   -- -   -  My homepage  |  | | | | | | | |  | |  /  Best linux dist.  |  |  |  |  | |  |  |  | | /  GNU Project   ---|  | | | |   |

Re: mc not working (?)

1999-09-13 Thread Mirek Kwasniak
On Mon, Sep 13, 1999 at 10:13:08AM +0200, Jens Carsten Hansen wrote:
 Hi, I use mc frequently ( also to edit textfiles, I'm not a vi guy ), but
 recently it stopped working.
 when I try to start it, the machine hangs for a few seconds, there is a lot of
 harddisk activity, then it exits with;
 /usr/bin/mc: fork: resource temporarily not available.
 I found out that the harddisk activity was due to a lot of files being created
 in /tmp, 50-100 or so.
 They all looked like this;
 with the X's being numbers starting at 20443, looking very much like a PID, 
 the Y's just looking like random numbers.
 I also noticed a process called queued running, which I do not think I have 
 running before.
 I suspect this having to do with the fact that I'm running potato, and 
 having mc in version 4.5.38-1
 Can anyone tell me what the problem could be ?

Change line 4 in /usr/bin/mc

$ diff -u /usr/bin/mc{~,''}
--- /usr/bin/mc~Fri Sep 10 15:02:15 1999
+++ /usr/bin/mc Mon Sep 13 12:57:30 1999
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@

-/usr/bin/mc -P $@  $MC
+/usr/bin/mc.real -P $@  $MC
 cd `cat $MC`
 rm $MC
 unset MC;


RE: mc not working (?)

1999-09-13 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
 /usr/bin/mc: fork: resource temporarily not available.
 I found out that the harddisk activity was due to a lot of 
 files being created
 in /tmp, 50-100 or so.
 They all looked like this;
 with the X's being numbers starting at 20443, looking very 
 much like a PID, and
 the Y's just looking like random numbers.


Try mc.real, mc is a script and seem like a recursively autocall.

Re: Linux checks only 8 chars of the password...

1999-09-13 Thread Marek Habersack
* Gernot Bauer said:
 Good morning, 
 I was wondering, why Linux only checks 8 characters of the
It's not a Linux invention, it's the limitation of the Unix DES method of
encrypting passwords. 
 login-password. I use a much longer password and would like my system to
 check everything of it. Is there a flag I can set that the whole
 password is verified?
Just take a look at the /etc/login.defs and read the description of the
MD5_CRYPT_ENAB. Setting this option to on makess the passwd suite use the
MD5 digest encryption algorithm which doesn't have the limitation of DES.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Linux checks only 8 chars of the password...

1999-09-13 Thread Marek Habersack
* William T Wilson said:
 On Mon, 13 Sep 1999, Gernot Bauer wrote:
  I was wondering, why Linux only checks 8 characters of the
  login-password. I use a much longer password and would like my system
  to check everything of it. Is there a flag I can set that the whole
  password is verified?
 You're stuck with it.  The format of the password file only has room for 8
 characters of meaningful data.  This is a holdover from ancient times, I
Hmm Where did you take that information from? Just use MD5 instead of
DES. The DES limits password length to 8 chars.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian 2.1 - 2.2

1999-09-13 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Mon, Sep 13, 1999 at 11:00:44 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How easy would it be to upgrade from Debian 2.1 to 2.2?

There is no Debian 2.2 yet; once it's there, upgrading should be fairly easy
(easiest via apt probably).

 Are the packages all relatively stable?

The unstable distribution is named unstable because that's what it can
be at times. unstable is the latest  greatest, but has not gone through
pre-release testing. Dont' run it unless you are prepared to accept the
consequences, and are willing to keep up to date with the development lists
so you may get some warning in some cases.

ART  A friend of mine in Tulsa, Okla., when I was about eleven years old. 
I'd be interested to hear from him. There are so many pseudos around taking 
his name in vain. 
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan 

Re: mc not working (?) now smb.conf failure

1999-09-13 Thread Ingo Reimann

i just entered the debian-user mailing list, and wanted to ask for that. Thanks!
But now i get the funny message:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/reimann  mc
params.c:OpenConfFile() - Unable to open configuration file /etc/smb.conf:
No such file or directory
Can't load /etc/smb.conf - run testparm to debug it
load_client_codepage: filename /usr/lib/codepages/codepage.850 does not exist.

and mc works.

How to tell him/her/it, that the smb.conf is under /etc/samba/ ?

has anybody some idea?


Mirek Kwasniak wrote:

 On Mon, Sep 13, 1999 at 10:13:08AM +0200, Jens Carsten Hansen wrote:
  Hi, I use mc frequently ( also to edit textfiles, I'm not a vi guy ), but
  recently it stopped working.
  when I try to start it, the machine hangs for a few seconds, there is a lot 
  harddisk activity, then it exits with;
  /usr/bin/mc: fork: resource temporarily not available.
  I found out that the harddisk activity was due to a lot of files being 
  in /tmp, 50-100 or so.
  They all looked like this;
  with the X's being numbers starting at 20443, looking very much like a PID, 
  the Y's just looking like random numbers.
  I also noticed a process called queued running, which I do not think I have 
  running before.
  I suspect this having to do with the fact that I'm running potato, and 
  having mc in version 4.5.38-1
  Can anyone tell me what the problem could be ?

 Change line 4 in /usr/bin/mc

 $ diff -u /usr/bin/mc{~,''}
 --- /usr/bin/mc~Fri Sep 10 15:02:15 1999
 +++ /usr/bin/mc Mon Sep 13 12:57:30 1999
 @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@

 -/usr/bin/mc -P $@  $MC
 +/usr/bin/mc.real -P $@  $MC
  cd `cat $MC`
  rm $MC
  unset MC;


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


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Correnstr. 2-4   +49 251 83-33513 (fax)
D-48149 Muenster

Re: Num lock disables alt- and ctrl-key shortcuts?

1999-09-13 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 12 Sep, Carl Fink wrote about Num lock disables alt- and ctrl-key 
 [This message has also been posted.]
 I've just noticed that both Adobe's Acrobat Reader 3 and RealMedia's
 Realplayer G2 have an interesting behavior:  if NumLock is activated,
 their keyboard shortcuts that require shifted keys, like Alt-F for
 the File menu or ^P for Print, don't work.  On the other hand,
 StarOffice 5.1's shortcuts work fine with NumLock on.
 I'd like to report the bug, but I'm not sure to whom.  Since it
 appears in other apps, but not StarOffice, I'm suspecting it's in
 some X library.  (StarOffice uses its own libraries for many
 functions, which might explain why it's immune.)  Anyone out there
 have an insight as to where this should be reported?
 Running slink with a couple of potato packages, XFree86

What does 'xmodmap -pm' show?  Mine gives:

shift   Shift_L (0x32),  Shift_R (0x3e)
lockCaps_Lock (0x42)
control Control_L (0x25),  Control_R (0x6d)
mod1Alt_L (0x40),  Alt_R (0x71)
mod2Num_Lock (0x4d)
mod4Meta_L (0x73),  Meta_R (0x74)
mod5Scroll_Lock (0x4e)

Notice Num_Lock is assigned to mod2.  This means that the Num_Lock key
is a modifier key just like shift, ctrl, alt.  So if Num_Lock is on
then if you use Alt-F you are really doing Num_Lock-Alt-F. If you don't
want Num_Lock to be a modifier you can disable it with xmodmap.

xmodmap -e clear mod2

See the xmodmap man page for more info.

Debian's default X setup will read ~/.Xmodmap on startup so if you put 
'clear mod2'(no quotes) in that file it will be taken care of

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Printer advice

1999-09-13 Thread Christian Dysthe

I need to purchase a printer for my Debian box. Of course I want one
that will be easy to install and run from Linux without problems.

Please advice when it comes to purchasing an ink printer in the $150-200



Christian Dysthe
ICQ 3945810
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

Clones are people two

Re: Linux checks only 8 chars of the password...

1999-09-13 Thread Ben Collins
On Mon, Sep 13, 1999 at 01:22:31PM +0200, Marek Habersack wrote:
 * Gernot Bauer said:
  Good morning, 
  I was wondering, why Linux only checks 8 characters of the
 It's not a Linux invention, it's the limitation of the Unix DES method of
 encrypting passwords. 
  login-password. I use a much longer password and would like my system to
  check everything of it. Is there a flag I can set that the whole
  password is verified?
 Just take a look at the /etc/login.defs and read the description of the
 MD5_CRYPT_ENAB. Setting this option to on makess the passwd suite use the
 MD5 digest encryption algorithm which doesn't have the limitation of DES.

Please note that in potato, the MD5 is enabled via the /etc/pam.d files
(atleast after today it will be, once the new shadow is installed).


Re: change the ip address without rebooting

1999-09-13 Thread Pete Templin

On Sun, 12 Sep 1999, Robert Maynard Rhyu wrote:

 On Mon, 13 Sep 1999, Shao Zhang wrote:
  How do I change the ip address of my machine without rebooting?
  I did an 
  ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast
  But it does not seem to be enough. After the above command, I
  cannot telnet to anywhere unless I do a reboot...
  Can someone please help me??
 You must take down the interface prior to assigning it a new IP address:
 Be sure to edit /etc/init.d/network and /etc/hosts to reflect your
 changes if you intend to keep your new IP address.

When did this become a requirement?  I dynamically changed the address of
several boxes live.  I just had

ifconfig eth0 old address  parameters
ifconfig eth0:1 new address  parameters
route blah
route blah:1

in operation and 

ifconfig eth0 new address  parameters
ifconfig eth0:1 old address  parameters
route blah
route blah:1

in my /etc/init.d/network.  I just ran /etc/init.d/network and it changed

Even wilder was the time I was coming in from a telnet session and ran
/etc/init.d/network from a remote computer.  Not only did the address swap
successfully, I didn't even lose my telnet session!


Peter J. Templin, Jr., CCNA
Systems and Networks Administrator

On-Line Internet Services -
A division of Global On-Line Computers
2414 Babcock Rd. Suite 106  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
San Antonio, TX 78229   (210)692-9911

Re: How do you LOW FORMAT a hard drive

1999-09-13 Thread Guilherme Soares Zahn
   I need to Low Format a hard drive - I have a drive that has at some stage
  Some BIOSes lets you do this.

 But you shouldn't ever low level format a hard drive.  It isn't necessary
 any more since the 80's.

More that that, it's REALLY dangerous to do so in new IDE drives (something to 
with geometry parameters, if I'm not mistaken)...

Now, how would I LOW FORMAT a floppy disk???


Guilherme Zahn

Re: mc not working (?) now smb.conf failure

1999-09-13 Thread Mirek Kwasniak
On Mon, Sep 13, 1999 at 11:52:50AM +, Ingo Reimann wrote:
 i just entered the debian-user mailing list, and wanted to ask for that. 
 But now i get the funny message:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/reimann  mc
 params.c:OpenConfFile() - Unable to open configuration file /etc/smb.conf:
 No such file or directory
 Can't load /etc/smb.conf - run testparm to debug it
 load_client_codepage: filename /usr/lib/codepages/codepage.850 does not exist.
 and mc works.
 How to tell him/her/it, that the smb.conf is under /etc/samba/ ?
 has anybody some idea?

I filled just bug again mc. We should wait for improved package.


Re: IPX, 2.2, and collisons [was: 2.2.* on slink]

1999-09-13 Thread Richard E. Hawkins
mirek mentioned,
   But can someone tell me what causes IPX collisons?  I get lots of 
  Sep 10 12:49:53 hawkins kernel: IPX: Network number collision 24899 
  Sep 10 12:49:53 hawkins kernel: eth0 802.3 and eth0 802.2 
  messages.  Is this me, or is there something wrong on the network?  [Our 
  tech support *barely* tolerates me using linux, so i can't ask them]

 Colisions generated by misconfigurated W'95 stations that have settings

Ahh, so then it's not my fault, and I can tell them about it :)

Thank you



make-kpkg doesn't make different kernel source revs.

1999-09-13 Thread John Davis

Why is that when I build a new kernel via make-kpkg, it doesn't make a
new kernel rev.

Previously, I built a new kernel using:
make-kpkg --rev Custom.1.0 kernel_image
This command built my kernel and put an file in my /usr/src
directory called. kernel-image-2.0.36_1.00_i386.deb.

Then I built a newer kernel using:
make-kpkg --rev Custom.2.0 kernel_image
This command did change the date on the existing kernel package
but did not call it kernel-image-2.0.36_2.00_i386.deb nor did it
put the word custom in file name either.  

Is this the way this thing is supposed to work?

Other simple questions:
1.  When I used to do regular kernel builds, I used to do a
make dep; make clean; make zImage, make modules; make
   If I build kernels the debian way (aka make-kpkg), do I still need to
do this?  How about cleaning or rebuilding the dependicy list?  ie. do I
need to a make clean; make dep before I do the make-kpkg?

2.  Does apt-get dist-upgrade get new kernel patches?  Is there a way to
get new kernel patches?

DOWNGRADING glibc (2.1.x = 2.0.x)

1999-09-13 Thread Guilherme Soares Zahn
Hi there,

unfortunately, as every attempt to make my programs work under glibc
2.1.x (now I'm not even sure if it's a glibc problem or if the problem
is on PGI's most recent F77 compiler, but it doesn't really matter, as
I'm running out of time), I decided to downgrade my system from glibc
2.1.x to glibc 2.0.x... Now, is there a less-painful way to do it or
should I just reinstall slink from the beggining


Guilherme Zahn

Re: Linux checks only 8 chars of the password...

1999-09-13 Thread Richard E. Hawkins
william wailed,

 Anyway, 8 meaningful characters is plenty for adequate security provided
 that your password is a good one.

Unless, of course, it starts with MyPassword before getting to the good stuff 


Re: lpd: daemon not started.

1999-09-13 Thread Richard E. Hawkins
 justin jabbered,

 I also get no daemon present with this command but printing
 nevertheless works. I think a second lpd daemon is spawned when you
 start printing.

There seem to have been ongoing problems with lpd in slink since day one.  I've 
observed it on three machines now, two of which lose the lpd daemon a couple of 
times a week, and another that was picking up an extra (which fails to print 
just as thouroughly).

Someday I'll get around to tossing in a cron script to chsck  fix status 
automatically, but not today :)


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