Re: Grabaci?n de CD's

1999-09-30 Thread Nitebirz

Me parece que el libro oficial de FreeBSD escrito por Greg Lehey explica
el origen del nombre.  Aparentemente, la idea surgio durante una
cena/almuerzo en un restaurante californiano del mismo nombre (El
Torito) donde servian comida tex-mex.  Ya que estaban discutiendo los
detalles del sistema mientras escribian en una servilleta con el nombre
del restaurante, se les ocurrio nombrarlo asi.


On Mon, 27 Sep 1999, Roberto Suarez Soto wrote:

 On 26/Sep/1999, Ugo Enrico Albarello wrote:
   ¿En serio? ¿Se llama así, Torito? :-??? ¿Quién le puso el nombre? :-)
  Realmente se llama El Torito. Entre uno de sus creadores, creo que estaba
  la gente de Phoenix (que hace BIOS).
   Pues a mí que me perdonen, pero me parece un nombre ridículo O:-)
 Roberto Suarez Soto·   Sure there's no way to turn it
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ·Back to the old days
  Corgo/Lugo/Galicia/Spain  ·   Of bliss and cheerful laughter
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: No funciona APT con el nuevo kernel?

1999-09-30 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
El Tue, Sep 28, 1999,
Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona...

Tienes que  borrar tambi'en /var/state/apt/cdroms.list. Luego
haces un update y listo.

El problema parece  ser que los kernels  nuevos identifican a
los CDs de forma distinta que los antiguos.

A mí me sigue dando problemas:

# apt-cdrom -a -d /cd add
Usando el punto de montaje del CD-ROM /cd/
Desmontando el CD-ROM
Por favor, inserte un disco en la unidad y pulse una tecla 
Montando CD-ROM
Identificando.. [08501dcf2a70dfa57983f7f25166ca89]
Buscando ficheros índice en el disco.. Fueron encontrados 5 ficheros índice de
Encontrada la etiqueta 'Citius Lite Debian GNU/Linux slink (2.1) binary-i386
(1 de 2)'
El disco posee el nombre 'Citius Lite Debian GNU_Linux slink (2.1) binary-i386
(1 de 2)'
Leyendo la lista de paquetes... Hecho
Escritos 2054 registros de paquetes.
Violación de segmento

Tengo Slink, kernel 2.2.9 y apt-cdrom 0.3.3.


  -=-=-  A través de Debian GNU/Linux  -=-=-
  -=-=- Software Libre -=-=-  S.O. Multi-[plataforma, tarea, usuario]   Free Software Foundationón en Castellano Open Resources
LuCAS/LinuxFocus/pub/mirror/LinuxFocus/Castellano/  LinuxFocus

Description: PGP signature


1999-09-30 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
El Mon, Sep 27, 1999,

 Donde puedo conseguir un MAKEDEV actualizado ?

Este  paquete  no tiene  dependencias,  bájate  la versión  de


  -=-=-  A través de Debian GNU/Linux  -=-=-
  -=-=- Software Libre -=-=-  S.O. Multi-[plataforma, tarea, usuario]   Free Software Foundationón en Castellano Open Resources
LuCAS/LinuxFocus/pub/mirror/LinuxFocus/Castellano/  LinuxFocus

Description: PGP signature

[off-topic] graciosillo casos veridicos

1999-09-30 Thread Han Solo
Hola a todos, os mando una cosilla que seguro que os gusta. Más de uno
se habrá visto en una de estas.

-Original Message-
Subject: RV: graciosillo casos veridicos

 Estas son algunas anécdotas que recuerdo de cuando estaba 
 al cargo del mantenimiento de las salas de ordenadores en 
 la Universidad. Son todas estrictamente verídicas, aunque 
 pueda parecer increible. Hay que tener en cuenta que la sala 
 de la que me encargaba yo estaba en la Facultad de Empresariales, 
 de modo que no se esperaba de los usuarios la posesión de una 
 vasta cultura informática. 
 Pero tampoco se esperaban cosas como éstas: 
 Alumno: Hice este documento en casa, pero aquí no me carga 
 Ran: Bien. ¿Qué procesador de textos has usado? 
 Alumno: Windows, versión 6 
 Ran: No, quiero decir qué programa, no el sistema operativo 
 Alumno: Windows 
 Ran: No. Windows es el sistema. Lo que quiero saber es el 
 *programa*. Por ejemplo, puede haber sido WordPerfect, 
 o Microsoft Word... 
 [al alumno se le ilumina la cara] 
 Alumno: ¡Ah, claro! Fue con Microsoft Windows 
 [aún no sé cómo no lo maté] 
 Alumno: Oye, tengo un problema con un disquete que he metido en 
 la disquetera y ahora no sé cómo sacarlo 
 [cuando voy a mirar, compruebo que el alumno se las ha arregado 
  para meter el disquete por la ranura de una de las bahías... 
  normal que tuviera problemas para sacarlo] 
 Alumno: ¿Me puedes grabar Internet en este disquete? 
 [tentado estuve de grabarle el acceso directo a Internet 
  Explorer y hacerle feliz...] 
 Alumno: No me entra la password en mi cuenta, me salen 
 [me lleve tensos segundos darme cuenta de que quería 
  decir asteriscos] 
 Profesor: Oye, en la sala de arriba queremos pasar nuestros 
 documentos a un nuevo sistema. ¿Es muy complicado? 
 Ran: Depende. ¿Qu están usando? 
 [expresi en la cara del profe] 
 Profesor: ¿Software? No usamos ningún software 
 [genial; ordenadores telépatas... y yo aquí con un mac plus en la 
 Alumno: Oye, ¿merecerá la pena instalar Windows 75? 
 [esto es *retro-computación*, y lo demntos] 
 Alumno: Necesito pasar esta imagen a mi cuenta para un trabajo 
 Ran: Eso está hecho, te la paso por FTP en un momento 
 Alumno: No, no puede ser, la imagen tiene que ir en JPEG 
 [siempre he dicho que eso de los acrónimos es un peligro 
 Alumno: En mi ordenador de casa tengo problemas instalando la 
 tarjeta Ethernet en mi disco duro 
 [no me extraña; y ya me hubiera gustado saber para qué quería ese 
  babuino una tarjeta Ethernet en su casa] 
 Alumno: Mi CPU no es lento, tiene un disco duro de 200 kegabytes 
 [tres patadas en 12 palabras... debería haber mandado esto al 
  libro Guinness para que homologaran el récord] 
 Alumno: Oye, Windows no me funciona, no sé por qué. ¿Puede haber 
 sido por cambiar el nombre del directorio WINDOWS a VENTANAS? 
 [nooo, será la fase de la luna] 
 Alumno: ¿Se puede usar Word en los ordenadores del Departamento? 
 [nota: eran estaciones Sun] 
 Ran: No, esos ordenadores usan UNIX 
 Alumno: Ah, claro, UNIX usa una versimuy antigua 
 [confieso que me costó recuperarme de  
 Alumno: ¿Cómo puedo quitar mi PC del escritorio? 
 Ran [confundido]: ¿Qué pasa, está atornillado a la mesa o qué? 
 Alumno: ¿Te estás quedando conmigo, t Ran [más confundido]: No, no, qué 
 va... a ver, eres 
 poner tu PC? ¿En el suelo? 
 Alumno: Te estás quedando conmigo, ¿eh? ¿¿ME ESTÁS VACILANDO, 
 Ran [a la defensiva]: Tranquilo, vamos por partes, ¿eh? ¿Me 
 puedes explicar el problema con un poco más de detalle? 
 Alumno [mirándome como si yo fuera un idiota profundo]: He 
 quitado Internet, he quitado el Outlook y he quitado Mis Documentos, 
 pero no puedo quitar Mi PC. Ni la Papelera de Reciclaje tampoco 
 [¿por qu no hablarllas?] 
 Alumno: Oye, creo que hay ficheros corrompidos en el ordenador 
 con el que trabajo 
 Ran: ¿Por qué crees eso? 
 Alumno: Lo abro y sale basura. Mira 
 [acto seguido me lleva a un ordenador, arranca MSDOS, lanza el 
  EDIT y abre... COMMAND.COM] 
 Ran [sonrisa sarcástica]: Estoy de acuerdo en que es basura, 
 [me parece que no captó el chiste] 
 [en cierta ocasión estaba enseñando 

¿ que pasa con debian-user-spanish ?

1999-09-30 Thread Alfredo Casademunt
Pues eso, que no me llegan mensajes de esta lista
¿ esta por los suelos el servidor ?,
¿ me han tirado de la lista ?

Un saludo.


Bug de Gnome?

1999-09-30 Thread yashan
Hash: SHA1


Hola gente antes que nada me presento soy Alejandro D. Yashan de Argentina hace
unos 10 o 15 dias que me suscribi a la lista y dos meses mas o menos que uso
Debian antes usaba Slackware, la cual use desde la 3.0 mas o menos, me parece
una distro muy buena pero la abandone por el tema de la lib5 (punto debil de la
Slack) ahora viene todo en glib, pero bueno ese no es el tema que concierne a
este mail, si no el siguiente, en estos dias he leido en varios lado sobre un
agujero de seguridad de Gnome, este se descubrio en Mandrake, lo que queria
saber si este problema es propio de Mandrake o afecta al Gnome
independientemente de la distro
desde ya muchas gracias por sus respuestas

Shalom ve Leitrahot

Alejandro David Yashan

Acentos y e#es omitidas deliberadamente

Linux Registered User #120401
POWER BY GNU/Debian Linux 2.1  Kernel 2.2.10
Linux is userfriendly, but is only a bit selective about its friends :-)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.0 (GNU/Linux)
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Re: Problemas con CONSOLE_GROUP

1999-09-30 Thread Jordi Roman Mejias
Daniel H. Perez wrote:
 En teoria el login.defs deberia funcionar, pero tene en cuenta que si estas
 usando potado de esos temas ahora se encarga PAM
 fijate en /etc/pam.d/login ahi vas a tener que descomentar una linea mas o
 menos asi # auth  optional
 y despues de eso tenes que editar /etc/security/group.conf y en el archivo
 explica el formato que debes usar. Es agregar una linea asi:
 login;tty*!ttyp*;*;Al-2400;audio, cdrom

Muchas gracias es justo lo que necesitaba

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Jordi Román Mejias e-mail:  
Linux User # 98296-70876
Autònoma Oberta   Servei de Informàtica   Universitat Autónoma de

Re: alien: corrupted filesystem tarfile

1999-09-30 Thread Agustín Martín Domingo
TooMany wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 28, 1999 at 07:55:14PM +, David Charro Ripa wrote:
  Hola lista:
  Estoy intentando instalar un base de datos que viene en formato rpm para 
  RedHat6.0. Hago
  alien y me dice que el archivo esta corrupto. La primera vez he pensado que 
  se trataba de un
  error al bajarlo pero despues de volverlo a traer sigue igual. He intentado 
  tambien creando
  solo el paquete debian y despues instalarlo y lo mismo.
  Puedo intentar directamente con rpm pero no parece conveniente.

Hace tiempo encontré por la red el siguiente script, que descomprime
rpm. Prueba con él, o simplemente usa mc para ver si puedes acceder al
contenido del rpm, no sea que efectivamente esté mal:

# Script to unpack a 'redhat.i386.rpm' or 'src.rpm' package...
# Requires the programs 'basename', 'rpm2cpio', 'cpio'.
# Also requires the programs 'tar'  'gzip' for 'src.rpm' packages...

rpm=`basename $@ .rpm`
mkdir -p $rpm
cd $rpm  rpm2cpio ../$rpm.rpm | cpio -iumdv
if [ -f *.tar.gz ]; then
tar xzvpf *.tar.gz
elif [ -f *.tar.Z ]; then
tar xzvpf *.tar.Z
elif [ -f *.tgz ]; then
tar xzvpf *.tgz
elif [ -f *.shar.Z ]; then
gzip -dc *.shar.Z | sh
elif [ -f *.shar.gz ]; then
gzip -dc *.shar.gz | sh

Agustín Martín Domingo, Dpto. de Física, ETS Arquitectura Madrid, 
(U. Politécnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 91-336-6536, Fax: +34 91-336-6554, 

Re: Mirror Debian

1999-09-30 Thread Roberto Suarez Soto
On 28/Sep/1999, Xose Manoel Ramos wrote:

 No se que pasa ultimamente, pero el mirror de Debian que hay en la
 Facultad de Informatica de la Coruña ( no me deja
 entrar. No se si es que han cambiado las restricciones de entrada o
 que está frito o que. 

Yo apostaría por lo segundo :-) No directamente, sino
algún router o cacharro similar en el camino. Yo, directamente, no consigo
llegar a conectar :-(

Roberto Suarez Soto·  The squeaky wheel doesn't always get the grease.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] · Sometimes it gets replaced.
 Corgo/Lugo/Galicia/Spain  ·

Re: Imprimir

1999-09-30 Thread Camilo Alejandro Arboleda

Por lo que parce solo tienes insalada la impresora lp, y la tienes
instalada como postscript. Para poder imprimir archivos de texto plano
directamente tienes que creear una impresora de texto plano, mas o menos
en la mismo forma en que creaste la primera (modificar /etc/printcap y

Algunas veces la impresora no se activa automaticamente, por lo que es
necesario ejecutar lpc (como root), y activarla manualmente.

Para imprimir los archivos de texto en tu impresora actual necesitas un
filtro universal, estilo a2ps o magicfilter.


Camilo Alejandro.

* De simio la conoci y he visto hombres que la añoran.
* En lo que a mi se refiere, ni entonces ni ahora
* perdi mi libertad.
  Informe para una academia. Franz Kafka

Red windows sin servidor NT

1999-09-30 Thread Camilo Alejandro Arboleda

Tenemos en mi casa una pequeña red (4 equipos) Windows funcionando como
grupo de trabajo (lease no existe un servidor), y quisiera conectar mi
equipo (con linux) como un cliente mas.

Alguien puede recomendarme alguna lectura para comenzar, o darme un


Camilo Alejandro

* De simio la conoci y he visto hombres que la añoran.
* En lo que a mi se refiere, ni entonces ni ahora
* perdi mi libertad.
  Informe para una academia. Franz Kafka

Re: Red windows sin servidor NT

1999-09-30 Thread Diego Bote Barco


 Tenemos en mi casa una pequeña red (4 equipos) Windows funcionando como
 grupo de trabajo (lease no existe un servidor), y quisiera conectar mi
 equipo (con linux) como un cliente mas.

 Alguien puede recomendarme alguna lectura para comenzar, o darme un


 Camilo Alejandro

No conozco el tema en profundidad pero sé que el paquete samba es
el que se encarga de integrar Linux en una red de Windows. Creo que es un
buen sitio por el que empezar.


Re: Grabaci?n de CD's

1999-09-30 Thread Daniel H. Perez

* [990930 08:50] Nitebirz ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) decia:
 Me parece que el libro oficial de FreeBSD escrito por Greg Lehey explica
 el origen del nombre.  Aparentemente, la idea surgio durante una
 cena/almuerzo en un restaurante californiano del mismo nombre (El
 Torito) donde servian comida tex-mex.  Ya que estaban discutiendo los
 detalles del sistema mientras escribian en una servilleta con el nombre
 del restaurante, se les ocurrio nombrarlo asi.

De lo cual se deduce que hay que cuidarse de los lugares donde surgen las ideas 

Daniel H. Perez
a veces Tango 
Fui lo que crei, soy lo que esta pasando (Charly Garcia)
Linux 2.2.11  Usuario Reg. N. 85920
PGP Public Key 0x4A2036B5

Re: Potato

1999-09-30 Thread Roberto Suarez Soto
On Sep/28/1999, Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona wrote:

   Con respecto a GNOME en potato, todo se deber'ia estabilizar
 en unos d'ias, justo seg'uns ale la nueva versi'on estable de GNOME
 (1.40, si no estoy equivocado). Pero s'i, parece que ahora mismito hay 
 un buen carajal montado.

Creo que es 1.0.40, no 1.40.

   Roberto Suarez Soto   ·   Clean my wounds
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]·  Wash away all fear
Corgo/Lugo/Galicia/Spain · Let courage be mine

kernel con soporte ipchains

1999-09-30 Thread Pablo Vazquez
estoy compilando un kernal 2.0.38 y nesecito que soporte ipchains
lei que hay que patchearlo
que parche le tengo que poner y dondo}e lo podre conseguir?

desde ya muchas gracias

FREE Email for ALL! Sign up at

Re: me fallan las cuentas

1999-09-30 Thread Juan Ignacio Llona
On 22 Sep 1999, RESET wrote:

 Por curiosidad, ¿de qué versión es tu du (y tamaño, si es posible)?

rainman:~# du --version
du (GNU fileutils) 3.16
rainman:~# which du
rainman:~# ls -l /usr/bin/du
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root13004 jul  3  1998 /usr/bin/du


Iñaki Llona
e-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   'Grupo de LinUxuarios de Bizkaia' 
Clave pública PGP: mandame un mensaje con Subject: Clave publica. 

Restricted Shell

1999-09-30 Thread Juan Ignacio Llona

Alguien por aquí preguntó por una restricted shell estilo rsh de otros

rbash. man bash y buscar RESTICTED para ver las restricciones que aplica.


Iñaki Llona
e-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   'Grupo de LinUxuarios de Bizkaia' 
Clave pública PGP: mandame un mensaje con Subject: Clave publica. 

Re: me fallan las cuentas

1999-09-30 Thread Juan Ignacio Llona
On Fri, 24 Sep 1999, Antonio Castro wrote:

 No creo que sea problema del lastlog. Al fin y alcabo du proporciona una
 información correcta y otra erronea dependiendo de las opciones. Lo más
 lógico es que sea un bug del du. Por ejemplo que no cuente los caracteres 
 '\0' o algo parecido. En resumen un mal tratamiento de ciertos datos.
 Se podría ir troceando el fichero lastlog y aplicando du para intentar 
 localizar el fallo. El mío funciona correctamente. 

Y cómo troceo el fichero para esto? :?¿


Iñaki Llona
e-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   'Grupo de LinUxuarios de Bizkaia' 
Clave pública PGP: mandame un mensaje con Subject: Clave publica. 

Dominios virtuales en el sendmail

1999-09-30 Thread Ricard P.G.

A ver, ando algo loco buscando documentacion para crear los dominios virtuales
en sendmail (o sea, que un mismo ordenador lleve y y pueda
recibir correo a [EMAIL PROTECTED] y [EMAIL PROTECTED] diferenciandolos y todo 

La verdad es que a parte de este problema creo que es un poco triste la
documentacion del sendmail, tanto en Debian como en ... quiero
decir, que todo te acaba remitiendo a la pagina XX del manual de Sendmail que
te vendemos con mucho gusto ...

Sea como sea a ver si alguien me puede hechar un cable 8^)

. (O)   See you, Nos vemos, Ens veiem ab.
   o  M  d88b.
  /| ..  /:M\--- 8PYPY88
(O)[]XX[]I:K+}= TOR NEC DONAVAM == 8|o||o|88
  \| ^^  \:W/--- 8'.88
   o  W   Microsoft gives you Windows ...   8`._.' Y8
  (O)  Linux gives you the whole house  d/  `8b.
Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at

Re: [off-topic] graciosillo casos veridicos

1999-09-30 Thread dfm

Me gustaría saber donde encontrar más de estas... están muy bien en general
aunque a algunas juraría que le faltan palabras o el que las escribio
tambien es medio suagili... ¿Sabeis donde ver una web con más anécdotas de
estas o dónde sacarlas?


Daniel con fecha 30/09/99 05:03:42

CC: (cci: Daniel Ferradal
Asunto: [off-topic] graciosillo casos veridicos

Hola a todos, os mando una cosilla que seguro que os gusta. Más de uno
se habrá visto en una de estas.

-Original Message-
Subject: RV: graciosillo casos veridicos

 Estas son algunas anécdotas que recuerdo de cuando estaba
 al cargo del mantenimiento de las salas de ordenadores en
 la Universidad. Son todas estrictamente verídicas, aunque
 pueda parecer increible. Hay que tener en cuenta que la sala
 de la que me encargaba yo estaba en la Facultad de Empresariales,
 de modo que no se esperaba de los usuarios la posesión de una
 vasta cultura informática.

 Pero tampoco se esperaban cosas como éstas:


 Alumno: Hice este documento en casa, pero aquí no me carga
 Ran: Bien. ¿Qué procesador de textos has usado?
 Alumno: Windows, versión 6
 Ran: No, quiero decir qué programa, no el sistema operativo
 Alumno: Windows
 Ran: No. Windows es el sistema. Lo que quiero saber es el
 *programa*. Por ejemplo, puede haber sido WordPerfect,
 o Microsoft Word...

 [al alumno se le ilumina la cara]

 Alumno: ¡Ah, claro! Fue con Microsoft Windows

 [aún no sé cómo no lo maté]


 Alumno: Oye, tengo un problema con un disquete que he metido en
 la disquetera y ahora no sé cómo sacarlo

 [cuando voy a mirar, compruebo que el alumno se las ha arregado
  para meter el disquete por la ranura de una de las bahías...
  normal que tuviera problemas para sacarlo]


 Alumno: ¿Me puedes grabar Internet en este disquete?

 [tentado estuve de grabarle el acceso directo a Internet
  Explorer y hacerle feliz...]


 Alumno: No me entra la password en mi cuenta, me salen

 [me lleve tensos segundos darme cuenta de que quería
  decir asteriscos]


 Profesor: Oye, en la sala de arriba queremos pasar nuestros
 documentos a un nuevo sistema. ¿Es muy complicado?
 Ran: Depende. ¿Qu están usando?

 [expresi en la cara del profe]

 Profesor: ¿Software? No usamos ningún software

 [genial; ordenadores telépatas... y yo aquí con un mac plus en la


 Alumno: Oye, ¿merecerá la pena instalar Windows 75?

 [esto es *retro-computación*, y lo demntos]


 Alumno: Necesito pasar esta imagen a mi cuenta para un trabajo
 Ran: Eso está hecho, te la paso por FTP en un momento
 Alumno: No, no puede ser, la imagen tiene que ir en JPEG

 [siempre he dicho que eso de los acrónimos es un peligro


 Alumno: En mi ordenador de casa tengo problemas instalando la
 tarjeta Ethernet en mi disco duro

 [no me extraña; y ya me hubiera gustado saber para qué quería ese
  babuino una tarjeta Ethernet en su casa]


 Alumno: Mi CPU no es lento, tiene un disco duro de 200 kegabytes

 [tres patadas en 12 palabras... debería haber mandado esto al
  libro Guinness para que homologaran el récord]


 Alumno: Oye, Windows no me funciona, no sé por qué. ¿Puede haber
 sido por cambiar el nombre del directorio WINDOWS a VENTANAS?

 [nooo, será la fase de la luna]


 Alumno: ¿Se puede usar Word en los ordenadores del Departamento?

 [nota: eran estaciones Sun]
 Ran: No, esos ordenadores usan UNIX
 Alumno: Ah, claro, UNIX usa una versimuy antigua

 [confieso que me costó recuperarme de 

 Alumno: ¿Cómo puedo quitar mi PC del escritorio?
 Ran [confundido]: ¿Qué pasa, está atornillado a la mesa o qué?
 Alumno: ¿Te estás quedando conmigo, t Ran [más confundido]: No, no,
qué va... a ver, eres
 poner tu PC? ¿En el suelo?
 Alumno: Te estás quedando conmigo, ¿eh? ¿¿ME ESTÁS VACILANDO,
 Ran [a la defensiva]: Tranquilo, vamos por partes, ¿eh? ¿Me
 puedes explicar el problema con un poco más de detalle?
 Alumno [mirándome como si yo fuera un idiota profundo]: He
 quitado Internet, he quitado el Outlook y he quitado Mis Documentos,
 pero no puedo quitar Mi PC. Ni la Papelera de Reciclaje tampoco

 [¿por qu no hablarllas?]


 Alumno: Oye, creo que hay ficheros corrompidos en el 

Re: Noticia del día...

On Wed, 29 Sep 1999, TooMany wrote:

 Creo que ésto puede ser muy muy interesante:
 Inprise y Corel han juntado sus esfuerzos en potenciar Linux, reflejándose
 más que nada en el tema del Office de Corel, y lógicamente, herramientas de
 desarrollo de Borland/Inprise y demás progs de Corel... (a grosso modo). Así
 compartirán todo lo referente a temas de marketing y distribución en cuanto
 a Linux se refiere.

Entonces supongo que dejarán a GTK+ de lado y harán las cosas para las 
Qt. Lo contentos que se van a poner los de Troll. Como esto siga así 
cualquier dia nos daremos cuanta de que las Qt valen 10.000 ptas. y todo 
el mundo a rascarse el bolsillo. No me fio de la licencia de las Qt. 
Mirad lo que pasó hace unos años con las XFree...



E.T.S.I. INFORMATICA Linux Booting 

Nueva Web: 

Re: Potato

On Wed, 29 Sep 1999, Miquel wrote:

 Todav=EDa tendremos que o=EDr
 quien diga que se actualiza poco, s=F3lo porque no hay un CD cada mes
 con un nuevo debian en las revistas... ;-)

Vale, me doy por aludido ;-) Cuando tenga superCable, haré mirrors 
semanales o mensuales y los venderé a la gente, así ya no habrá quien 
diga que no se actualiza la Debian ¿ok?



E.T.S.I. INFORMATICA Linux Booting 

Nueva Web: 

Re: Dominios virtuales en el sendmail

1999-09-30 Thread Humberto . Morell
 Date:  Thu, 30 Sep 1999 08:12:09 -0700 (PDT)
 From:  Ricard P.G. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject:   Dominios virtuales en el sendmail
 To:Lista de Debian

 A ver, ando algo loco buscando documentacion para crear los dominios virtuales
 en sendmail (o sea, que un mismo ordenador lleve y y pueda
 recibir correo a [EMAIL PROTECTED] y [EMAIL PROTECTED] diferenciandolos y 
 todo eso)

Si te entiendo bien creo que debes resolver declarando en 
estos dominios, solo tendria que editarlo y poner
Y el sedmail de esa maquina aceptara todo lo que envien para esos 

 La verdad es que a parte de este problema creo que es un poco triste la
 documentacion del sendmail, tanto en Debian como en ... 
 decir, que todo te acaba remitiendo a la pagina XX del manual de Sendmail 
 te vendemos con mucho gusto ...

Es cierto, no se si el manual de que hablas esta bien explicado, pero 
cuando leo lo relacionado con Sendmail me da la impresion que el que 
lo escribio en su explicacion deja muchas cosas que considera que la 
Humberto Morell ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: Bug de Gnome?

1999-09-30 Thread Jon Noble

On jue, 30 sep 1999 07:20:25 you wrote:
 Hola gente antes que nada me presento soy Alejandro D. Yashan de Argentina 
 unos 10 o 15 dias que me suscribi a la lista y dos meses mas o menos que uso
 Debian antes usaba Slackware,

Bienvenido :-)

 en estos dias he leido en varios lado sobre un
 agujero de seguridad de Gnome, este se descubrio en Mandrake, lo que queria
 saber si este problema es propio de Mandrake o afecta al Gnome
 independientemente de la distro

Por lo que he oído es un fallo propio de Mandrake, del que por cierto ya hay un 

Un saludo,



1999-09-30 Thread Ruben Dario Rojas Perez

necesito aprender a configurar el squid lo tengo 
montado en linux red had 6.0 por favor cualquier ayuda es buena gracias espero 

Re: Mirror Debian

1999-09-30 Thread Fernando Sanchez
On Wed, 29 Sep 1999, Roberto Suarez Soto wrote:

  No se que pasa ultimamente, pero el mirror de Debian que hay en la
  Facultad de Informatica de la Coruña ( no me deja
   Yo apostaría por lo segundo :-) No directamente, sino
 algún router o cacharro similar en el camino. Yo, directamente, no consigo

Sí, sí, por supuesto, el mirror sigue en su sitio y tan público como siempre
(del todo, o sea; además tenemos un límite de 70 conexiones simultáneas y es
bien raro pasar de 20, así que tampoco es nada de eso :-))

Lo que ocurrió, y que supongo que es a lo que se refería Xose Manoel, es que
este fin de semana pasado desde las 05:00 o así de la noche del sábado hasta
las 10:00 del lunes, más o menos, estuvo caído un chisme (léase router,
switch o cable que explota por exceso de bits :) en mitad de camino hacia el
resto del mundo, así que estaba toda la universidad incomunicada, y nosotros
con ella. Bueno, que a la hora que ponía en las cabeceras del mail que mandó
a la lista, había más de diez usuarios conectados, así que estaba
funcionando regularmente bien.

Y para rematar la situación, esta noche pasada estuvo también caído por
culpa de un corte de corriente X-) Vaya semana. En fin, mejor que vengan así
juntas :-)

Dicho sea de paso, igual se nota mejoría en el acceso al mirror en plan apt
y similares usando http en lugar de ftp; por ejemplo, en mi sources.list

deb unstable main contrib non-free
deb unstable/non-US main contrib non-free


Re: [off-topic] graciosillo casos veridicos

1999-09-30 Thread Agustin MuNoz
El jue, 30 de sep de 1999, a las 05:48:50 +0200,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
va y dice:
 tambien es medio suagili... ¿Sabeis donde ver una web con más anécdotas de
 estas o dónde sacarlas?

PD: please la próxima vez evita enviar otra vez el *todo* el msg original,
ten en cuenta que YA lo habiamos leido, gracias :)

Un Saludo.. ;-)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | |  Fido: 2:346/201.9

... Errar es humano pero, para liar las cosas de verdad, necesitas un ordenador

Re: ($BL5Bj(B)

1999-09-30 Thread Miquel
Hash: SHA1

El jue, sep 30, 1999 at 09:57:19 +0900 Mamoru Suzuki va dir:

una pena no tener cargado el juego de caracteres japoneses, seguro que
el mensaje era muy interesante a juzgar por el subject ;) (por cierto,
como password a prueba del john the ripper no está mal ;)

- -- 
   __   __ __  __ __  __ __  __
  / /  / //  |/ // / / / \ \/ /cooperación contra mando
 / /_ / // /|  // /_/ /   \  /
/___//_//_/ |_/ \//  \ (Powered by Debian GNU/LiNuX potato)
 /_/\_\  Public-GnuPG-keyID 0xA2B68952


Version: GnuPG v1.0.0 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: quis custodiet ipsos custodet



1999-09-30 Thread Olafur Jens Sigurdsson
On 28. September 1999, Andrew L. Gould wrote:
 Petru NOTINGHER wrote:
  I use ppp to connect to my provider. When it connects, I can do ping,
  everything's OK.
  However, I can't do ftp or smtp or http; il lasts for years and nothing
  When I run ftp, I get the message Connected to, and then
  nothing happens.
  I can't access the remote machine. I can't read my mail or surf either.
  Please help !
 It sounds as though you've made the connection to your provider, and ppp is
 working fine; but your system can't find the nameserver.  Did you put your
 provider's domain and nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf?
 My ISP's domain is  The nameserver is  I put the
 following into /etc/resolv.conf:
 I hope this helps.
 Andrew Gould

And if you want to read a little bit to gain a little knowledge on PPP, then
read some HOWTO's like PPP and ISP-Hookup or whatever it is called, ISP
something at least  :)
In the ISP howto then there is a detailed listing of what you have to do to
be able to use the connection youve got and how to configure your programs
like lynx, netscape, irc, mail clients, etc etc...

* Ólafur Jens Sigurðsson   | Olafur Jens Sigurdsson  *
* Eðlisfræðinemi   | Physics Student *
* Háskóli Íslands  | University of Iceland   *

Cron: daemon.log grep mail to root

1999-09-30 Thread bwarsing

I'm a newbie, butI need to set 
up cron to grep the auth attempts from /var/log/daemon.log and mail me (root) 
the results daily. Can anyone suggest a means of doing this? As it 
stands, it only logs weekly. As well, if there is anyone who can point me 
to some good info on using cron effectively, I would appreciate 

Re: PAP Authentication Failed

1999-09-30 Thread addiction
Quoteth Olafur Jens Sigurdsson on Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 10:31:01PM +:
 On 25. September 1999, Wiz wrote:
  When i dial to my ISP i get PAP authentication failed.
  Whats wrong and how do i fix it?
  I use pppd, chat and have a dynamic IP-adress.
  Sep 25 10:11:23 wizard pppd[136]: Remote message: Password validation 
  Sep 25 10:11:23 wizard pppd[136]: PAP authentication failed
 See these two lines?
 That sais the ISP cant validate your password, so most probably the
 password is wrong. It should be in /etc/ppp/ in a file called 
 pap-secret or something (it was mentioned in an earlyer post).
 You could allso have to edit the /etc/ppp/options to let ppp do something
 that the ISP requires it to do.
 Wery vague I know but chech those two, the password and what it is you are
 asking PPP to do.

I've been having the same problem since I did an apt-get dist-upgrade a few
days ago. Anyone else?


addiction, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Powered by Debian GNU/Linux (potato) 2.3.6

Version: GnuPG v1.0.0 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Any FAQ's on setting up a news server?

1999-09-30 Thread Charles Lewis
What are all the components I need in order to setup a news server so that I
can connect from a remote computer. I currently have the nntp and cnews
packages installed, although don't know what else to do to configure them or
setup newsgroups. Do I also need suck? I can't seem to find any FAQ or HOWTO
on this topic. Also, where would I get my newsfeed from?

Charles Lewis, Director of Administrative Computing
Southwestern Adventist University, Keene, TX
(817)556-4720  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  FAX (360)397-7952

Re: .emacs setup question

1999-09-30 Thread Lance Hoffmeyer

Sorry, I assumed that someone had already set this up and would know what 
stupid thing I missed without me
having to go into any extra details.  

In the console when I type Ctrl-C Ctrl-C

(Default View)
View Command: dvi2tty -q -w 132 foo

In X

Ctrl-C Ctrl-C
(Default View)
View Command: empty

So I have to manually type tkdvi foo


On Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 10:03:23AM -0700, Ian Zimmerman wrote:
 Lance I am trying to get emacs to open dvi2tty in console and tkdvi
 Lance in X.  The syntax I saw was:
 (setq tex-dvi-view-command
   (if (eq window-system 'x) tkdvi dvi2tty * ))
 Lance but this does not seem to work.  How do I modify this so that
 Lance different viewer will be used depening on whether I am using a
 Lance console on Xwindows?
 How does it fail?  Generally, reports and questions of the type this
 does not seem to work well not be received very well ...
 Ian Zimmerman
 Lightbinders, Inc.
 2325 3rd Street #324, San Francisco, California 94107

Re: does not match kernel data

1999-09-30 Thread Salman Ahmed

[I don't know if you received an answer to this question, so
here goes]

 Jonas == Jonas Steverud [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Jonas When I run some programs (ps, top, etc) I get Warning:
Jonas /boot/ does not match kernel data.

Jonas Is there some way of fixing this/get rid of the message?

Yes there is. See below.

Jonas I've compiled the kernel myself and the messages started to
Jonas appear after (I think) and upgrade to PAM.

Jonas (I have a foggy idea what this message means but don't know how
Jonas to repair it.)

The is generated when a kernel is compiled. It can be found
in the /usr/src/linux-x.y.z assuming that the kernel sources are in that
directory. This file contains debugging symbol information that can
be useful if and when the kernel crashes.

If you are compiling the kernel by hand, then you need to copy the from that directory into /boot right after the kernel has been
compiled. I am not sure but it might have to be named with the kernel
version ie /boot/ Some of the make targets such as
bzlilo automatically do that and setup /etc/lilo.conf. Someone will
correct me if I am wrong here since I have been using the Debian's
excellent kernel-package tools to build kernels and haven't done
it the old-fashioned way.

If you use the make-kpg script(s) to build the kernel in Debian,
all this is taken care for you by the script(s). For more info on this,
see : /usr/doc/kernel-package, and man make-kpkg.


Salman Ahmed
ssahmed AT interlog DOT com

Re: ppp and proxy ARP?

1999-09-30 Thread John Hasler
Bruce Z. Lysik writes:
 I was looking through my ppp.log and I found this little line:

 Sep 29 13:04:27 fire pppd[15499]: Cannot determine ethernet address for
 proxy ARP

You can ignore it.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Environment Variable weirdness

1999-09-30 Thread Salman Ahmed

Running Debian 2.1, I noticed sth odd about a couple of 
environment variables (I am running XFree-

First of all :


I have a Celeron 300A processor and have installed a new
2.2.12 kernel recently. Where is this variable getting
set from ?

How do I change this env variable on a global basis ?

Same thing for the MACHTYPE env variable :


Why do these variables refer to i386 when the arch
command displays the correct output :

@phoenix:[/home/ssahmed] arch

The other thing is that the DISPLAY env variable is set
to unix:0.0. My question is : shouldn't this variable
be of the form $HOSTNAME:0.0 ? So why is set to unix:0.0 ?

And how do I change this env variable on a global basis
(ie for all users) ?

The last thing is : I'd like to create an environment variable
that contains the following information : kernel version and
machine architechture. e.g. : linux-2.2.12-i686. Let's call
it OSVERSION. Where do I set this environment variable ?


Salman Ahmed
ssahmed AT interlog DOT com

Re: does not match kernel data

1999-09-30 Thread Pollywog

On 30-Sep-99 Salman Ahmed wrote:
 If you are compiling the kernel by hand, then you need to copy the from that directory into /boot right after the kernel has been
 compiled. I am not sure but it might have to be named with the kernel
 version ie /boot/
That is what I do, then I symlink that to /


Re: Environment Variable weirdness

1999-09-30 Thread Ben Collins
On Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 08:39:48PM -0400, Salman Ahmed wrote:
 Running Debian 2.1, I noticed sth odd about a couple of 
 environment variables (I am running XFree-
 First of all :

Compilation was for i386 so it would run on more than just pentiums.

 The other thing is that the DISPLAY env variable is set
 to unix:0.0. My question is : shouldn't this variable
 be of the form $HOSTNAME:0.0 ? So why is set to unix:0.0 ?
 And how do I change this env variable on a global basis
 (ie for all users) ?

unix:0.0 means it's using a Unix Domain Socket, IIRC. UDS is for
local connections.

 The last thing is : I'd like to create an environment variable
 that contains the following information : kernel version and
 machine architechture. e.g. : linux-2.2.12-i686. Let's call
 it OSVERSION. Where do I set this environment variable ?

/etc/environment is a good place.


Re: Environment Variable weirdness

1999-09-30 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Wed, 29 Sep 1999, Salman Ahmed wrote:

 : (1)
 : Running Debian 2.1, I noticed sth odd about a couple of 
 : environment variables (I am running XFree-
 : First of all :
 : HOSTTYPE=i386-linux
 : I have a Celeron 300A processor and have installed a new
 : 2.2.12 kernel recently. Where is this variable getting
 : set from ?
 : How do I change this env variable on a global basis ?
 : Same thing for the MACHTYPE env variable :
 : MACHTYPE=i386
 : Why do these variables refer to i386 when the arch
 : command displays the correct output :
 : @phoenix:[/home/ssahmed] arch
 : i686

... but the machine architecture is still i386, as in Intel CISC.
Other machine architectures include m68k, powerpc, alpha, hp-ppa, etc.

You don't need to worry about this.

 : (2)
 : The other thing is that the DISPLAY env variable is set
 : to unix:0.0. My question is : shouldn't this variable
 : be of the form $HOSTNAME:0.0 ? So why is set to unix:0.0 ?
 : And how do I change this env variable on a global basis
 : (ie for all users) ?

It's faster to use a UNIX domain socket when all traffic is local as
you avoid some of teh overhead of an IP stack.  Why waste those

 : (3)
 : The last thing is : I'd like to create an environment variable
 : that contains the following information : kernel version and
 : machine architechture. e.g. : linux-2.2.12-i686. Let's call
 : it OSVERSION. Where do I set this environment variable ?

Do it in /etc/profile, add this line:

  export OSVERSION=`uname -r`-`arch`


Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

Re: Environment Variable weirdness

1999-09-30 Thread Salman Ahmed
 Ben == Ben Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Ben Compilation was for i386 so it would run on more than just
Ben pentiums.

You mean for the initial install off of the CDs (or whatever) ?

But where is this env. var being set from ? Currently, it is not
valid for my system since I am running a Celeron. This is not
much of an issue for me but it can cause confusion say for
makefiles that are used to build targets for different platforms.

I would think that the make-kpkg scripts would update this
variable depending on how the kernel was configured. I mean the
scripts are intelligent enough!!

Ben unix:0.0 means it's using a Unix Domain Socket, IIRC. UDS is for
Ben local connections.

Does Debian set the DISPLAY variable differently for a networked
machine ? I mean in a networked env, to allow remote X clients
to display to the local X server, the DISPLAY var would have to be
set to sth like $HOSTNAME:0.0 or $HOSTNAME:0.

This isn't much of an issue for me since my Debian machine is
standalone anyways.

Ben /etc/environment is a good place.

If I wanted to set the DISPLAY var to allow remote X clients to
display locally, would I set the DISPLAY var in /etc/environment
or in the users startup files eg .cshrc/.tcshrc/ ?


Salman Ahmed
ssahmed AT interlog DOT com

Unstable package list at is bad

1999-09-30 Thread David Natkins
Seems to be a problem with the package list for unstable at
One of the packages (aleph-dev) is causing the problem.

Re: Environment Variable weirdness

1999-09-30 Thread Salman Ahmed
 Nathan == Nathan E Norman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Nathan ... but the machine architecture is still i386, as in Intel
Nathan CISC.  Other machine architectures include m68k, powerpc,
Nathan alpha, hp-ppa, etc.

Nathan You don't need to worry about this.

Ok, that makes sense. I guess I was confusing machine architechture with
CPU/processor type.

Nathan It's faster to use a UNIX domain socket when all traffic is
Nathan local as you avoid some of teh overhead of an IP stack.  Why
Nathan waste those milliseconds?

Would you be willing to explain the technicalities behind that ? Sounds
like a neat `optimization'. BTW, is this a Debian-specific feature ? I
haven't seen this in RedHat.

Now for a networked system, you'd have to change the DISPLAY env var
to allow remote X clients to display locally, right ?

Nathan Do it in /etc/profile, add this line:

Nathan   export OSVERSION=`uname -r`-`arch`

Nathan HTH,

Yes it does. Thank you.

Salman Ahmed
ssahmed AT interlog DOT com

Re: Modem speed with

1999-09-30 Thread Salman Ahmed
 Christian == Christian Dysthe [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Christian Hi, I am running Debian Potato with as dialer. I
Christian am using a Diamond SupraExpress external modem (great modem
Christian for Linux btw!) to connect to my two ISP's.

Christian I have set to report the speed I connect at.

How do you do this ? I too am using to connect to my
ISP using my 56k modem but don't know how to have it report my
connect speed.

In fact, the log files in /var/log don't even report what speed
I connect at.

One more thing, what scripts have you specified in the .wmppprc
file ?


Salman Ahmed
ssahmed AT interlog DOT com

Re: Environment Variable weirdness

1999-09-30 Thread Ben Collins
On Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 08:54:11PM -0400, Salman Ahmed wrote:
  Ben == Ben Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Ben Compilation was for i386 so it would run on more than just
 Ben pentiums.
 You mean for the initial install off of the CDs (or whatever) ?

No I mean when the actual binaries are compiled.

 But where is this env. var being set from ? Currently, it is not
 valid for my system since I am running a Celeron. This is not
 much of an issue for me but it can cause confusion say for
 makefiles that are used to build targets for different platforms.

Most likely by the shell. No they wont mess up Makefiles since they
should be using uname or better yet autoconf.

 I would think that the make-kpkg scripts would update this
 variable depending on how the kernel was configured. I mean the
 scripts are intelligent enough!!

make-kpkg does not do anything of the sort and shouldn't.

 Ben unix:0.0 means it's using a Unix Domain Socket, IIRC. UDS is for
 Ben local connections.
 Does Debian set the DISPLAY variable differently for a networked
 machine ? I mean in a networked env, to allow remote X clients
 to display to the local X server, the DISPLAY var would have to be
 set to sth like $HOSTNAME:0.0 or $HOSTNAME:0.

Ok, you aren't understanding this. X set's the DISPLAY var on a local
startup. Other programs that login in remotely to other systems
can send this over (ssh is a good example of one that automatically
sets DISPLAY on logins to remote systems). You don't need to handle
this manually.

 Ben /etc/environment is a good place.
 If I wanted to set the DISPLAY var to allow remote X clients to
 display locally, would I set the DISPLAY var in /etc/environment
 or in the users startup files eg .cshrc/.tcshrc/ ?

You don't set the local DISPLAY in order to affect remote clients. It
must be set on the remote client (again, using ssh to login to this
remote system takes care of that).


Apache segfaulting upon perl module load

1999-09-30 Thread Keith G. Murphy
I'm having a strange problem where apache is segfaulting when I start
it.  The only time I get the segfault is when loads an
.so file, for example,, resulting from use DBI or use
Apache::DBI in  But use Apache::Status, resulting in
loads of, et al, also causes the segfault.

I'm running Debian Linux, Slink, kernel 2.0.36.
The relevant Debian packages are:
libdbi-perl_1.12-1 (that's where the comes from)

I've tried compiling and using the packages from CPAN also, but get the
same thing.  I don't feel at this point it's the .so files themselves,
but a problem with apache or mod-perl.

I should mention, though, that this problem seemed to go away Friday
upon an Apache reinstall, only to start recurring, which made me suspect
hardware problems.  Memory tests show nothing, though, and the problem
is consistent and isolated to this situation.

Anyone else have problems with this configuration or have any clue where
to look next?


Re: Environment Variable weirdness

1999-09-30 Thread Brad

On Wed, 29 Sep 1999, Salman Ahmed wrote:

  Nathan == Nathan E Norman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Nathan It's faster to use a UNIX domain socket when all traffic is
 Nathan local as you avoid some of teh overhead of an IP stack.  Why
 Nathan waste those milliseconds?
 Would you be willing to explain the technicalities behind that ? Sounds
 like a neat `optimization'. BTW, is this a Debian-specific feature ? I
 haven't seen this in RedHat.

AFAIK, it's a feature of most modern Unicies. It's not publicized much,
because when it's needed it's just used for the most part. If you do
socket programming, your reference work will probably mention them
(Programming Perl does, for one)

 Now for a networked system, you'd have to change the DISPLAY env var
 to allow remote X clients to display locally, right ?

Technically yes, but not the way you're thinking.

When you connect to a remote machine using telnet, DISPLAY is usually
initially unset (when it's not, it's almost always initialized to the
proper value). So you'd set it manually to point to your machine.

When you connect via SSH with the proper X forwarding options, it'll
automatically set the DISPLAY variable to the proper value to securely
forward the connection. If you change it to what you'd use under telnet,
you'll lose the security. If the machine you're connecting to is named
foobar, the variable will probably look something like 'foobar:10.0'
(instead of '' as with telnet)

On your local machine, you'd still use unix domain sockets like you always

- -- 
  finger for PGP public key.

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


Re: Unstable package list at is bad

1999-09-30 Thread Kristopher Johnson
David Natkins wrote:
 Seems to be a problem with the package list for unstable at
 One of the packages (aleph-dev) is causing the problem.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

You can open the package list file with a text editor and fix the
problems.  The other aleph-* packages have the same problem:  the
priority line says optionnal, rather than optional.  Just
delete the extra 'n', and everything will be fine.

- Kris

re: dselect

1999-09-30 Thread Kjohn Sasitorn
I thought all my files were up to date and purged my cache (through dselect)
and now it won't upgrade any packages because it says it can't find them.
Any suggestions on how to remedy this problem?? Thanks.


Re: Best Solution for PPP?

1999-09-30 Thread Mike Werner
Thanks for the reply, but it's still not working.

My /etc/ppp/peers/provider:
# This file was generated by pppconfig.  You can edit the following
# but please do not delete lines or the change the comments or you will
# confuse pppconfig.
noauth #pppconfig_noauth
connect /usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/provider 
debug  #pppconfig_debug
/dev/ttyS0   #pppconfig_dev
115200  #pppconfig_speed
defaultroute #pppconfig_route
noipdefault #pppconfig_ipdefault
user ELN/werner1  #pppconfig_user
# End of pppconfig controlled lines.  You can add lines below here
# confusing pppconfig.
demand idle 600 holdoff 5

After doing those changes the modem still does not dial.

xanadu:~# pon
xanadu:~# ifconfig
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:20:AF:41:5A:F9  
  inet addr:  Bcast: 
  RX packets:26 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:2 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:100 
  Interrupt:10 Base address:0x300 

loLink encap:Local Loopback  
  inet addr:  Mask:
  RX packets:377 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:377 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 

ppp0  Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol  
  inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:10 

xanadu:~# route
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
Iface * UH0  00
localnet*   U 0  00
default UG0  00
xanadu:~# ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
ping: sendto: Operation not permitted
ping: wrote 64 chars, ret=-1
ping: sendto: Operation not permitted
ping: wrote 64 chars, ret=-1
ping: sendto: Operation not permitted
ping: wrote 64 chars, ret=-1

--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss

However, it seems this is all moot as I've come up against a seperate
problem.  Last night I left that box (xanadu) up all night.  When I came
home from class this afternoon the machine had completely locked up. 
The screen had blanked, telnet no longer responded, neither did ftp, nor
did ping.  Nothing responded at all.  As far as any other machine on the
LAN was concerned xanadu was gone.  So I had to reboot using the reset
button on the case.  I'm suspecting hardware problems.  Joy.
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   |  Where do you want to go today?
ICQ# 12934898 |  As far from Redmond as possible!
'91 GS500E|
Morgantown WV |  Only dead fish go with the flow.

Re: One last time: smail problem

1999-09-30 Thread Seth R Arnold

Only a guess -- but make a crontab entry that runs every five minutes that
runs runq. Probably it should run as 'mail', but I can't be sure.

See what this does. :)

On Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 09:39:27AM -0500, David Kanter wrote:
 I'll post this problem one last time: I must type runq at the console after 
 running fetchmail in order for my e-mail reader to see my new mail. This 
 never happened before, that is until I installed Netscape 4.61 the other day; 
 before, I would run fetchmail and smail ran the queue automatically.
 This is more an inconvenience than anything else---my system isn't broken. 
 But what can I do to remedy this?
 Some info: When installing Netscape, the configuration script said that smail 
 may have to be restarted, and so it was. Also, when reconfiguring smail last 
 night (smailconfig), a message that There is no crontab came up. My smail 
 daemon is run via a inet.d.
 Should I bag smail and use another MTA?
 Thanks all,
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Seth Arnold |
Hate spam? See for help
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into
your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Re: does not match kernel data

1999-09-30 Thread Seth R Arnold
On Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 05:02:51PM +0200, Jonas Steverud wrote:
 When I run some programs (ps, top, etc) I get
 Warning: /boot/ does not match kernel data.
 Is there some way of fixing this/get rid of the message?
 I've compiled the kernel myself and the messages started to appear
 after (I think) and upgrade to PAM.

I think if you copy /usr/src/kernel/ to /boot/
the message will go away. 

Seth Arnold |
Hate spam? See for help
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into
your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Re: Cron: daemon.log grep mail to root

1999-09-30 Thread Seth R Arnold
The TrinityOS document has many good ideas in it, including cron stuff -- it
is based on slackware, but you should be able to adapt parts of it without
too much trouble. :)

On Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 04:03:33PM -0700, bwarsing wrote:
 I'm a newbie, but I need to set up cron to grep the auth attempts from 
 /var/log/daemon.log and mail me (root) the results daily.  Can anyone suggest 
 a means of doing this?  As it stands, it only logs weekly.  As well, if there 
 is anyone who can point me to some good info on using cron effectively, I 
 would appreciate it.

Seth Arnold |
Hate spam? See for help
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into
your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Re: Environment Variable weirdness

1999-09-30 Thread Seth R Arnold
You want the HOSTTYPE to say i386, since your machine IS a 386-compatible
chip. :)

As for that environment variable, you could parse the output of:
$ uname -rm
2.0.36 i686

And build it yourself... :)

On Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 08:39:48PM -0400, Salman Ahmed wrote:
 Running Debian 2.1, I noticed sth odd about a couple of 
 environment variables (I am running XFree-
 First of all :
 I have a Celeron 300A processor and have installed a new
 2.2.12 kernel recently. Where is this variable getting
 set from ?
 How do I change this env variable on a global basis ?
 Same thing for the MACHTYPE env variable :
 Why do these variables refer to i386 when the arch
 command displays the correct output :
 @phoenix:[/home/ssahmed] arch
 The other thing is that the DISPLAY env variable is set
 to unix:0.0. My question is : shouldn't this variable
 be of the form $HOSTNAME:0.0 ? So why is set to unix:0.0 ?
 And how do I change this env variable on a global basis
 (ie for all users) ?
 The last thing is : I'd like to create an environment variable
 that contains the following information : kernel version and
 machine architechture. e.g. : linux-2.2.12-i686. Let's call
 it OSVERSION. Where do I set this environment variable ?
 Salman Ahmed
 ssahmed AT interlog DOT com
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Seth Arnold |
Hate spam? See for help
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into
your ~/.signature to help me spread!

dynamic IP and exim config (different from LG #43)

1999-09-30 Thread esoR ocsirF
I have been tinkering with a different way of setting up
exim/fetchmail/mutt so that I can get mail on a dynamically assigned IP
but still act like a static email address.

I have [EMAIL PROTECTED] as my ISP assigned email address. I have also set
up exim to think that my personal machine is ( If I understand
the setup ). I run fetchmail to retrieve my mail and use mutt to read

Appended are the conf files for exim and fetchmail. I like how it
behaves except in one respect, I can't send mail to other users of the
domain because exim thinks that is localhost, other wise mail
goes out just fine ( for example this message). Can anybody tell
me a way to get exim to pass any locally unqualified address ( ie. no
account on my machine ) to ( the real one) automatically? 

I have read the article in Linux Gazzette #43 and tried it but it didn't
offer the same degree of transparency that I am attempting. I have also
attempted to read through the exim docs but overwhelmed with the amount
of info. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


set daemon 120
poll proto POP3 port 110
user rosef there password mypass is rosef here

exim.conf is attached:


Frisco Rose [EMAIL PROTECTED]   

Science Journal Ed. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hoke Center 307 Ph# 2-3787

# This is the main exim configuration file.
# It was originally generated by `eximconfig', part of the exim package
# distributed with Debian, but it may edited by the mail system administrator.
# This file originally generated by eximconfig at Sun Aug 29 13:52:22 PDT 1999
# See exim info section for details of the things that can be configured here.

# Please see the manual for a complete list
# of all the runtime configuration options that can be included in a
# configuration file.

# This file is divided into several parts, all but the last of which are
# terminated by a line containing the word end. The parts must appear
# in the correct order, and all must be present (even if some of them are
# in fact empty). Blank lines, and lines starting with # are ignored.


# Specify the domain you want to be added to all unqualified addresses
# here. Unqualified addresses are accepted only from local callers by
# default. See the receiver_unqualified_{hosts,nets} options if you want
# to permit unqualified addresses from remote sources. If this option is
# not set, the primary_hostname value is used for qualification.

qualify_domain =

# If you want unqualified recipient addresses to be qualified with a different
# domain to unqualified sender addresses, specify the recipient domain here.
# If this option is not set, the qualify_domain value is used.

# qualify_recipient =

# Specify your local domains as a colon-separated list here. If this option
# is not set (i.e. not mentioned in the configuration file), the
# qualify_recipient value is used as the only local domain. If you do not want
# to do any local deliveries, uncomment the following line, but do not supply
# any data for it. This sets local_domains to an empty string, which is not
# the same as not mentioning it at all. An empty string specifies that there
# are no local domains; not setting it at all causes the default value (the
# setting of qualify_recipient) to be used.

local_domains =

# Allow mail addressed to our hostname, or to our IP address.

local_domains_include_host = true
local_domains_include_host_literals = true

# Domains we relay for; that is domains that aren't considered local but we 
# accept mail for them.

#relay_domains = 

# If this is uncommented, we accept and relay mail for all domains we are 
# in the DNS as an MX for.

#relay_domains_include_local_mx = true

# No local deliveries will ever be run under the uids of these users (a colon-
# separated list). An attempt to do so gets changed so that it runs under the
# uid of nobody instead. This is a paranoic safety catch. Note the default
# setting means you cannot deliver mail addressed to root as if it were a
# normal user. This isn't usually a problem, as most sites have an alias for
# root that redirects such mail to a human administrator.

never_users = root

# The setting below causes Exim to do a reverse DNS lookup on all incoming
# IP calls, in order to get the true host name. If you feel this is too
# expensive, you can specify the networks for which a lookup is done, or
# remove the setting entirely.

host_lookup = *

# Exim contains support for the Realtime Blocking List (RBL) that is being 
# maintained as part of the DNS. See for background.
# Uncommenting the following line will make Exim reject mail from any
# host whose 

Re: Best Solution for PPP?

1999-09-30 Thread brian moore
On Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 09:44:21PM -0400, Mike Werner wrote:
 Thanks for the reply, but it's still not working.


 xanadu:~# ping
 PING ( 56 data bytes
 ping: sendto: Operation not permitted
 ping: wrote 64 chars, ret=-1
 ping: sendto: Operation not permitted
 ping: wrote 64 chars, ret=-1
 ping: sendto: Operation not permitted
 ping: wrote 64 chars, ret=-1

That's because you have some ipchains or ipfwadm rule that is stopping
the packets from getting anywhere near pppd.

Flush your output rules and investigate what it is that's breaking them.

Brian Moore   | Of course vi is God's editor.
  Sysadmin, C/Perl Hacker | If He used Emacs, He'd still be waiting
  Usenet Vandal   |  for it to load on the seventh day.
  Netscum, Bane of Elves.

Install with floppies and NFS

1999-09-30 Thread Jordan Howarth
OK. I have finally got the laptop and the time. I went to to get
resc1440.bin, plus associated others, and tried to cp it to floppy BUT ... Have
floppies shrunk since this stuff was put onto the site? My floppy in 1.457 Kb 
resc1440.bin is 1.475 Kb. How's a guy supposed to do a virgin install with this

Help please.

Jordan Howarth  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences Ph:  (07) 3214 2465  
Fax: (07) 3214 2480

Reading compressed files in XEmacs

1999-09-30 Thread Kristopher Johnson
The XEmacs documentation seems to imply that it can open
compressed files--that is, it will automatically uncompress them,
let you edit, and then recompress if you made changes.

But this doesn't work for me.  Opening a *.gz file just shows me
the compressed form.  Is there something special I need to do to
enable the automatic decompression?

- Kris

Re: Install with floppies and NFS

1999-09-30 Thread Seth R Arnold
Are you using rawrite or dd, or just a straight copy? A straight copy will
never work, but a rawrite (from dos) or dd (under a unix) will do the job
nicely. :)

On Thu, Sep 30, 1999 at 01:37:11PM +1000, Jordan Howarth wrote:
 OK. I have finally got the laptop and the time. I went to to 
 resc1440.bin, plus associated others, and tried to cp it to floppy BUT ... 
 floppies shrunk since this stuff was put onto the site? My floppy in 1.457 Kb 
 resc1440.bin is 1.475 Kb. How's a guy supposed to do a virgin install with 
 Help please.
 Jordan Howarthmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences   Ph:  (07) 3214 2465  
   Fax: (07) 3214 2480
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Seth Arnold |
Hate spam? See for help
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into
your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Re: does not match kernel data

1999-09-30 Thread Dan Everton
On Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 06:53:32PM -0700, Seth R Arnold wrote:
 On Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 05:02:51PM +0200, Jonas Steverud wrote:
  When I run some programs (ps, top, etc) I get
  Warning: /boot/ does not match kernel data.
  Is there some way of fixing this/get rid of the message?
  I've compiled the kernel myself and the messages started to appear
  after (I think) and upgrade to PAM.
 I think if you copy /usr/src/kernel/ to /boot/
 the message will go away. 

I have the same problem, except my kernel was installed with kernel-package
so I already have /boot/ setup. Symlinking it to
/boot/ just means I get two messages.

For me, this started happening after the recent LILO upgrade... anybody have
any hints on tracing the cause of the message?


Dan Everton -*- -*- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-- Welcome to Dan's fortune-O-rama 
I'm not prejudiced, I hate everyone equally.

Re: Unstable package list at is bad

1999-09-30 Thread Johan Ur Riise
On Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 09:35:03PM -0400, Kristopher Johnson wrote:
 David Natkins wrote:
  Seems to be a problem with the package list for unstable at
  One of the packages (aleph-dev) is causing the problem.
 You can open the package list file with a text editor and fix the
 problems.  The other aleph-* packages have the same problem:  the
 priority line says optionnal, rather than optional.  Just
 delete the extra 'n', and everything will be fine.

I have the same problem. After editing 
( two occurrences of optionnal changed to optional) and rerunning 
apt-get update, the file is downloaded again and I am where I started.


apt package listing error.

1999-09-30 Thread Marshal Wong
I was just using dselect to try to update my potato box, when I got
this message while doing a [U]date.

Reading Package Lists... Error!
E: Malformed Priority line
E: Error occured while processing aleph-dev (NewVersion1)
E: Problem with MergeList 
E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.
update available list script returned error exit status 100.

Has the package listing format changed recently?  I do tend to keep
this box really up to date.  Usually update once a day.  


Re: Reading compressed files in XEmacs

1999-09-30 Thread Salman Ahmed
 Kristopher == Kristopher Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Kristopher The XEmacs documentation seems to imply that it can open
Kristopher compressed files--that is, it will automatically uncompress
Kristopher them, let you edit, and then recompress if you made
Kristopher changes.

Kristopher But this doesn't work for me.  Opening a *.gz file just
Kristopher shows me the compressed form.  Is there something special I
Kristopher need to do to enable the automatic decompression?

Apropos is your friend. C-h a compression ret listed a function
called toggle-auto-compression.

So, M-x toggle-auto-compression seems to toggle automatic decompression
of compressed files. It works fine with XEmacs-20.4 which is what I am
using. I was able to read the compressed files in /usr/doc fine.

With an earlier version of XEmacs (19.* I think), there used to be a
separate package that had to be setup in your .emacs file to do the same
thing. A few lines were required to set it up. I don't know if this package 
is still available for XEmacs 20.* and above, and I have totally forgotten
its name. Maybe some other longtime XEmacs users can remember the
package I am talking about.

On a somewhat related note : is it possible to view compressed (.gz) files
with pagers like more/less ? I think I remember a thread about this either
on this list or on some linux NG a while back except that I was paying
attention at that time!

Salman Ahmed
ssahmed AT interlog DOT com

Re: Unstable package list at is bad

1999-09-30 Thread Herbert Ho

don't run apt-get update again.  just go on about your business after that
(e.g. apt-get upgrade) and you should be fine. i am. =)

Herbert Ho

On Thu, 30 Sep 1999, Johan Ur Riise wrote:

 On Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 09:35:03PM -0400, Kristopher Johnson wrote:
  David Natkins wrote:
   Seems to be a problem with the package list for unstable at
   One of the packages (aleph-dev) is causing the problem.
  You can open the package list file with a text editor and fix the
  problems.  The other aleph-* packages have the same problem:  the
  priority line says optionnal, rather than optional.  Just
  delete the extra 'n', and everything will be fine.
 I have the same problem. After editing 
 ( two occurrences of optionnal changed to optional) and rerunning 
 apt-get update, the file is downloaded again and I am where I started.
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Re: Unstable package list at is bad

1999-09-30 Thread Paul D. Smith
I'm surprised there isn't some kind of automated format checking tool
that makes sure there are no syntax errors in the Packages file before
it's allowed to be uploaded from Incoming into the dist area.  As I
understand it that process is automated for unstable and
already-available packages, so shouldn't the automation verify the syntax?

Having a corruption like this can be quite painful, and should be
trivial to catch.

 Paul D. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] Network Management Development
 Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional. --Mad Scientist
   These are my opinions---Nortel Networks takes no responsibility for them.

Re: Environment Variable weirdness

1999-09-30 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Wed, 29 Sep 1999, Salman Ahmed wrote:

[ snip ]

 : Nathan It's faster to use a UNIX domain socket when all traffic is
 : Nathan local as you avoid some of teh overhead of an IP stack.  Why
 : Nathan waste those milliseconds?
 : Would you be willing to explain the technicalities behind that ? Sounds
 : like a neat `optimization'. BTW, is this a Debian-specific feature ? I
 : haven't seen this in RedHat.

I can't claim to have intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the
kernel code, but I seem to recall from APUE that there was a speed
difference ... I may have misunderstood.  I'll have to find my copy

At any rate, I can't imagine any speed difference WOULD matter more than
a few milliseconds ... there may be some security concerns ...

 : Now for a networked system, you'd have to change the DISPLAY env var
 : to allow remote X clients to display locally, right ?

... but you're going to use IP anyway :)

I use ssh port-forwarding to tunnel my remote X session.  It
automatically sets DISPLAY for you (and it's already configured in

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

apt-get newbie question

1999-09-30 Thread michael

I decided to upgrade my slink box to potato tonight, using apt-get
(0.3.10) for the first time, but I've gotten stuck:

My /etc/apt/sources.list consists of one line:

deb unstable main contrib non-free

I first ran apt-get update, which seemed to work fine.

Then, I ran apt-get -f dist-upgrade, which is where things went
awry: apt-get appeared to download a good number of packages
successfully before coughing up 404 Not Found errors for dpkg-ftp,
lilo, dhcpcd, gdb, info, man-db, libgpmg, gpm, dhcpcd, and
nfs-server. Then, apt-get just quit, suggesting I try --fix-missing.

So I believe I understand what the 404 errors mean -- the files that
apt-get is trying to get simply don't exist -- but what I don't
understand is if I'm doing something wrong that's causing these

Am I correct in assuming that the Packages list created by apt-get
update is somehow out of sync with what's actually on Or is there something else I'm missing? More to
the point, what can I do to workaround this problem? Try another

Thanks in advance,

Re: Environment Variable weirdness

1999-09-30 Thread Paul D. Smith
%% Salman Ahmed [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Nathan It's faster to use a UNIX domain socket when all traffic is
  Nathan local as you avoid some of teh overhead of an IP stack.  Why
  Nathan waste those milliseconds?

  sa Would you be willing to explain the technicalities behind that ? Sounds
  sa like a neat `optimization'. BTW, is this a Debian-specific feature ? I
  sa haven't seen this in RedHat.

The big advantage of using :0 or unix:0 is that on systems that support
it, it allows the client and server to communicate using _shared memory_
segments.  This is _significantly_ more efficient than having to pass
data buffers through the entire IP stack, even if it doesn't go over the
wire.  Think of the buffer copying being saved...

Look at the output of xdpyinfo and find the extension MIT-SHM... that's
the shared memory extension.  On Linux 2.x, all X servers (that I'm
aware of) support it.

This feature is available to all versions of X11 (on systems that
support it)... that is, it's a feature of X11 in general, and not
specific to XFree86, and certainly not specific to Debian's version of

  sa Now for a networked system, you'd have to change the DISPLAY env var
  sa to allow remote X clients to display locally, right ?

On the remote X client, you'd need to use the local hostname in DISPLAY,

Local clients can still use the efficient :0, of course, regardless of
whether there are remote clients or not.

 Paul D. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] Network Management Development
 Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional. --Mad Scientist
   These are my opinions---Nortel Networks takes no responsibility for them.

Re: apt-get newbie question

1999-09-30 Thread Brad

On Thu, 30 Sep 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I decided to upgrade my slink box to potato tonight, using apt-get
 (0.3.10) for the first time, but I've gotten stuck:
 My /etc/apt/sources.list consists of one line:
   deb unstable main contrib non-free
 I first ran apt-get update, which seemed to work fine.
 Then, I ran apt-get -f dist-upgrade, which is where things went
 awry: apt-get appeared to download a good number of packages
 successfully before coughing up 404 Not Found errors for dpkg-ftp,
 lilo, dhcpcd, gdb, info, man-db, libgpmg, gpm, dhcpcd, and
 nfs-server. Then, apt-get just quit, suggesting I try --fix-missing.
 So I believe I understand what the 404 errors mean -- the files that
 apt-get is trying to get simply don't exist -- but what I don't
 understand is if I'm doing something wrong that's causing these

Yep, standard HTTP 404 error.

 Am I correct in assuming that the Packages list created by apt-get
 update is somehow out of sync with what's actually on Or is there something else I'm missing? More to
 the point, what can I do to workaround this problem? Try another

Just rerun apt-get. The problem is that one of the
mirrors (i forget which one offhand) ( resolves to about
5 different mirrors) has the directory structure different from the
others. Specifically, on all the other mirrors it's
/debian/dists/unstable/..., and on this one it's sometimes

Good luck getting potato upgraded successfully. And watch out, especially
with the lilo breakage (i don't know if the fix has made it to the mirrors
yet) and the main/Packages file breakage.

- -- 
  finger for PGP public key.

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


Strange apt-get behaviour...

1999-09-30 Thread umrenic2
Please respond to the above email as I only subscribe to the digest, and
not the actual mailing list.  


I tried running apt-get on a potato system running kernel 2.2.12 this
afternoon, and when it finished downloading the Packages.gz files, apt-get
exited with this error message:

Reading Package Lists... Error!
E: Malformed Priority line
E: Error occured while processing aleph-dev (NewVersion1)
E: Problem with MergeList
E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.  

I'm assuming that this might have something to do with incorrect
permissions being set or something along those lines.  

The only problem that I can see that I could have induced was the
accidental destruction of my suid.conf file a couple of days ago...  As
far as I know, that's the only thing that has changed on my system.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance!!!

Sun classic

1999-09-30 Thread Oki DZ

I'm interested in installing Debian Linux on a Sun Classic.
Any pointers will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

ppp broken, log says: Receive serial link is not 8-bit clean

1999-09-30 Thread David Karlin
Upon returning home from a trip, my slink box is no longer able to connect
to my
ISP.  Up until the time I left, it had been working fine.  I was even able
telnet (ssh) into the system for the first few days I was away.

Fortunately/unfortunately, my win95 system is able to connect as before,
with no

Here is a snippet from /var/log/ppp.log:

Sep 29 19:11:56 champagne chat[27653]: expect (CONNECT)
Sep 29 19:11:56 champagne chat[27653]: ^M
Sep 29 19:12:16 champagne chat[27653]: ATDT9494614^M^M
Sep 29 19:12:16 champagne chat[27653]: CONNECT
Sep 29 19:12:16 champagne chat[27653]:  -- got it
Sep 29 19:12:16 champagne chat[27653]: send (\d)
Sep 29 19:12:17 champagne pppd[27652]: Serial connection established.
Sep 29 19:12:18 champagne pppd[27652]: Using interface ppp0
Sep 29 19:12:18 champagne pppd[27652]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS1
Sep 29 19:12:18 champagne pppd[27652]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap
magic 0xb74c60e2 pcomp accomp]
Sep 29 19:12:45 champagne last message repeated 9 times
Sep 29 19:12:48 champagne pppd[27652]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
Sep 29 19:12:48 champagne pppd[27652]: Connection terminated.
Sep 29 19:12:48 champagne pppd[27652]: Receive serial link is not 8-bit
Sep 29 19:12:48 champagne pppd[27652]: Problem: all had even parity
Sep 29 19:12:48 champagne pppd[27652]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
Sep 29 19:12:48 champagne pppd[27652]: Exit.

My ISP has me connect through a Compuserve access number because they have
of their own in my local calling area.  I suspect that something has changed
the Compuserve end of the line while I was away, and that this thing is
that MS DUN can deal with automatically, but which must be configured
manually in

I further suspect that some change was made in the parity setting, as
by /var/log/ppp.log.

Which file must I edit in order to get ppp to work with even parity?  Is
this some
thing that can be fixed by editing my modems initialization string, or must
I edit
some other configuration file?  Please enlighten me.


P.S.  Please cc: me as I'm a digest subscriber.
David Karlin
Reduced to using Windows 95 :-(

Re: apt package listing error.

1999-09-30 Thread Robbie Huffman
On Thu, Sep 30, 1999 at 12:08:15AM -0400, Marshal Wong wrote:
 I was just using dselect to try to update my potato box, when I got
 this message while doing a [U]date.
 Reading Package Lists... Error!
 E: Malformed Priority line
 E: Error occured while processing aleph-dev (NewVersion1)
 E: Problem with MergeList 
 E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.
 update available list script returned error exit status 100.
 Has the package listing format changed recently?  I do tend to keep
 this box really up to date.  Usually update once a day.  

Just wanted to too. Started since the dpkg update I grabbed a day or
two ago. Even an apt-get update does the same thing. Looking at the file in
question, I see two lines that have Priority: optionnal. Correcting those
allows apt-get to complete as normal.

A problem in the actual file descriptions?

Hope that helps.

Re: dynamic IP and exim config (different from LG #43)

1999-09-30 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
On Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 07:26:22PM -0700, esoR ocsirF wrote:
 I have [EMAIL PROTECTED] as my ISP assigned email address. I have also set
 up exim to think that my personal machine is ( If I understand
 the setup ). I run fetchmail to retrieve my mail and use mutt to read

You're right

 Appended are the conf files for exim and fetchmail. I like how it

You're not obliged to use fetchmail, unless you automatically retrieve
your mail. I use the Mutt conf files to do this (take a look at  the 
very last lines for the POP3 setup lines).

 behaves except in one respect, I can't send mail to other users of the
 domain because exim thinks that is localhost, other wise mail
 goes out just fine ( for example this message). Can anybody tell
 me a way to get exim to pass any locally unqualified address ( ie. no
 account on my machine ) to ( the real one) automatically? 

:) I had the same PB: your local_domains is not good: you must set it
to the name *you* gave to the machine. see below

 I have read the article in Linux Gazzette #43 and tried it but it didn't
 offer the same degree of transparency that I am attempting. I have also
 attempted to read through the exim docs but overwhelmed with the amount
 of info. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

No, it is not intended to be used on a single machine, but on a little net.

 set daemon 120
 poll proto POP3 port 110
 user rosef there password mypass is rosef here

These are the setup differences from my old exim.conf,
perhaps its not the best in the world, but it worked
pretty good.
(I used it on a single machine, before having a little network and
turn to a La Gazette #43 variant)
This is based on a 2.05-2 EXIM
 local_domains =
local_domains = mycomp.mydomain
 host_lookup = *
host_lookup =
 host_accept_relay = localhost
 smtp_verify = true
My ISP doesn't use it, so it was false for me (check it out with him).
   driver = appendfile
   group = mail
   mode = 0660
   mode_fail_narrower = false
X   envelope_to_add = true
I didn't had this line (but remember my version is 2.05-2)
   file = /var/spool/mail/${local_part}
   driver = aliasfile
X   file_transport = address_file
X   pipe_transport = address_pipe
I didn't had these 2 lines, just file = /etc/aliases instead
   file = /etc/aliases
   search_type = lsearch
   driver = lookuphost
   transport = remote_smtp
I had another line here (obviously, my ISP's name was
route_list = * bynds_a
 # [EMAIL PROTECTED]${lookup{$1}lsearch{/etc/email-addresses}\
 # {$value}fail} bcfrF
As my address was not good (I was appearing as [EMAIL PROTECTED] in
the From: header, instead of my *real* address, which is [EMAIL PROTECTED];
So I rewriten the envelope to have a correct email address:
 # End of Exim configuration file

Hope it can help.

Jean-Yves F. Barbier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 The Macintosh is Xerox technology at its best.

Security UID, GID?

1999-09-30 Thread Art Lemasters
 One account on my system (e.g., one user in the /home directory)
has had its group permission changed to from x to s without my doing
so, a couple of times.  For example, in the /home directory, one user
directory permission looked thusly:

drwxr-sr-x   16 user  user  1024  Sep 29 18:00  user

 I did not manually chmod the permissions that way.  What
might have caused this, and what are the implications, anyone?
Thanks for any leads on this, and yes, I have changed that group
permission back to x each time this occured.


Re: Security UID, GID?

1999-09-30 Thread William T Wilson
On Wed, 29 Sep 1999, Art Lemasters wrote:

 has had its group permission changed to from x to s without my doing
 so, a couple of times.  For example, in the /home directory, one user

This is fine.  Depending on the user this may be helpful or even
necessary.  Is it a real human or a program that owns that directory?

  I did not manually chmod the permissions that way.  What
 might have caused this, and what are the implications, anyone?

Setting +s group on a directory means that new files created in that
directory will be group-owned by the owner of the directory instead of the
current group of the user.  It does not grant g+s to those files
themselves, and of course the actual owner of the file can change the
group owner to anything he wants.  It is merely a convenience - for
example, you have two users collaborating on something.  They both belong
to group 'project' and agree to store their stuff in a particular
directory owned by group 'project'.  Normally both users belong to group
'users' - that won't work for this though, because then everybody on the
system could tinker with their stuff.  So they set g+s on the 'project'
directory.  Now, all the files they create in there are group-owned by
project, so they can both modify them, but other users can't.

Of course, there are a variety of uses for this setgid ability of
directories - that's just an example.

Re: Reading compressed files in XEmacs

1999-09-30 Thread Johann Spies
On Thu, 30 Sep 1999, Salman Ahmed wrote:

 On a somewhat related note : is it possible to view compressed (.gz) files
 with pagers like more/less ? I think I remember a thread about this either
 on this list or on some linux NG a while back except that I was paying
 attention at that time!

zless, zmore


| Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg |
| Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310 Suid-Afrika (South Africa)  |

 Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery 
  trial which is to try you, as though some strange 
  thing happened unto you; But rejoice, inasmuch as ye 
  are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his 
  glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with 
  exceeding joy.   I Peter 4:12,13 

Re: DriveReady SeekComplete Error and DriveStatusError

1999-09-30 Thread George Bonser

I am kind of catching up on old email so I do not know if this problem got
resolved but go into your BIOS and set the IDE controller to PIO Mode 3 or
LOWER and it will work. This is a problem with some UDMA drives. I used to get
them all the time ... constantly as a matter of fact until I turned off DMA and
set PIO-3 on those interfaces.  Newer kernels have better IDE drivers, BTW.

On 28-Sep-99 Stephen R. Gore wrote:
 B. Szyszka wrote:
   Well I can't afford to just go out and get a new harddrive, especially
   the two that I have no have more than enough space. Is there a way to
   run a check on the harddrive that could prove whether or not the
   itself is the problem?
  The surest test would be to use it with another motherboard for a while.
 Like I said, I can't afford to just go out and buy a new piece of hardware
 I see fit. These things cost money. Are you tell me there's no way for me
 to check what hardware Linux might be having a problem with?
 ---end quoted text---
 The way to check is to:
   1) Read the documentation and HOWTOs in the kernel source.
   2) Reference your hardware (drive and chipset) in your questions,
  and see if someone has had experience with them (likely).
 Personally, I find it difficult to troubleshoot problems when the only
 data I'm given is These things cost money.  Give us something to work
 Debian GNU/Linux Because software support is free, timely,
  useful, technically accurate, and friendly.
  Reboots are for kernel and hardware upgrades.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

E-Mail: George Bonser [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 30-Sep-99
Time: 01:26:20

This message was sent by XFMail

Re: Best API for g++?

1999-09-30 Thread Martin Waller

Try V - free, and portable to MS shite to if you have to do that stuff.

Good tutorial, helpful mailing list (hosted by, so you can view 
the list archives from the debian web site).


 What's the best API (GUI) for
writing/generating C/C++
code in Linux X Windows, in your opinions?  I need
some suggestions
or recommendations from those of you who have used

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: Security UID, GID?

1999-09-30 Thread Jens Ritter
Art Lemasters [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  One account on my system (e.g., one user in the /home directory)
 has had its group permission changed to from x to s without my doing
 so, a couple of times.  For example, in the /home directory, one user
 directory permission looked thusly:
 drwxr-sr-x   16 user  user  1024  Sep 29 18:00  user
  I did not manually chmod the permissions that way.  What
 might have caused this, and what are the implications, anyone?
 Thanks for any leads on this, and yes, I have changed that group
 permission back to x each time this occured.

s permission on directories make up for the following behaviour:

$ ls -ld test
drwx--   2 jens jens 1024 Sep 30 10:16 test
$ cd test 
$ su
# mkdir test2
# exit
$ chmod g+s .
hilbert [~/test] $ su
# mkdir test3
# exit
$ ls -la 
total 8
drwx--S---   4 jens jens 1024 Sep 30 10:19 .
drwx--  46 jens jens 5120 Sep 30 10:16 ..
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root 1024 Sep 30 10:17 test2
drwxr-sr-x   2 root jens 1024 Sep 30 10:19 test3

The uppercase letter indicates that the group x right is not set. 
All files and directories created in a directory with group s set,
will automatically set the group to the group of the parent

See info file utilities



Key ID: 2048/E451C639 Jens Ritter
Key fingerprint: 5F 3D 43 1E 24 1E CC 48  1E 05 93 3A A7 10 73 37 

Re: Device busy

1999-09-30 Thread Martin Waller

Make sure your not in the directory where it's mounted still,
e.g. if your current dir is /where/cd_mounted you can't umount the CD as 
you're in that back to ~.


From: Sami Dalouche [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Often, when I want to umount a filesystem (especially the CD-Rom), it says
Device Busy. So, I have to check all my xterms, apps, consoles... to see

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: Security UID, GID?

1999-09-30 Thread Seth R Arnold
Check your /etc/suid.conf file, if you have one. :)

On Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 08:20:39PM -0600, Art Lemasters wrote:
  One account on my system (e.g., one user in the /home directory)
 has had its group permission changed to from x to s without my doing
 so, a couple of times.  For example, in the /home directory, one user
 directory permission looked thusly:
 drwxr-sr-x   16 user  user  1024  Sep 29 18:00  user
  I did not manually chmod the permissions that way.  What
 might have caused this, and what are the implications, anyone?
 Thanks for any leads on this, and yes, I have changed that group
 permission back to x each time this occured.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Seth Arnold |
Hate spam? See for help
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into
your ~/.signature to help me spread!

su username w/o password in potato

1999-09-30 Thread Remco van de Meent

With the 'old' secure-su package, one could su to a user without a password,
when set up in /etc/suauth .  I was using this quite a lot :)

However, with the new PAMified packages, I cannot replicate this
functionality, and I can't find information about how to do it... anyone?


Please Cc me when replying to the mailinglist.

icmplog: destination unreachable - what is it

1999-09-30 Thread Ingo Reimann

For some minutes now i get some strange messages in my syslog:

Sep 30 11:10:01 convert icmplog: destination unreachable from
Sep 30 11:10:31 convert last message repeated 2233 times
Sep 30 11:11:31 convert last message repeated 3266 times
Sep 30 11:12:31 convert last message repeated 3586 times
Sep 30 11:13:31 convert last message repeated 3245 times
Sep 30 11:14:31 convert last message repeated 3652 times
Sep 30 11:15:31 convert last message repeated 3379 times
Sep 30 11:16:24 convert last message repeated 2297 times

can anybody tell me, if I or whoever is doing something wrong?

My box sits in the domain and i am
just doing some ftp-download with netscape. They adviced us to us
automatical proxy configuration. This comsrv03 is a ftp-server for our

Is it possible, that the file is cached there, and the progress is shown by
some ICMP-packets?

thanks for help

I. Reimann

Re: Security UID, GID?

1999-09-30 Thread Ben Collins
On Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 08:20:39PM -0600, Art Lemasters wrote:
  One account on my system (e.g., one user in the /home directory)
 has had its group permission changed to from x to s without my doing
 so, a couple of times.  For example, in the /home directory, one user
 directory permission looked thusly:
 drwxr-sr-x   16 user  user  1024  Sep 29 18:00  user
  I did not manually chmod the permissions that way.  What
 might have caused this, and what are the implications, anyone?
 Thanks for any leads on this, and yes, I have changed that group
 permission back to x each time this occured.

The user can set it this way in purpose (since they own the directory).
It allows them to force the group that new files are created under (only
groups they are members of though, so it's safe). The user gains no extra
priviledges by doing this, so you can safely let them set it this way.

Other instances where this is useful is is group working directory, such
as a CVS repository.


Re: Sun classic

1999-09-30 Thread Ben Collins
On Thu, Sep 30, 1999 at 12:35:40PM +0700, Oki DZ wrote:
 I'm interested in installing Debian Linux on a Sun Classic.
 Any pointers will be appreciated.
 Thanks in advance,

There is an install text in /debian/dists/slink/main/disks-sparc. Most
likely you will want to download the rescue, driver and root images with
the 2.2.1 kernel image. After booting the rescue disk, the install is
pretty much the same as an i386 install.


Re: su username w/o password in potato

1999-09-30 Thread Ben Collins
On Thu, Sep 30, 1999 at 11:13:59AM +0200, Remco van de Meent wrote:
 With the 'old' secure-su package, one could su to a user without a password,
 when set up in /etc/suauth .  I was using this quite a lot :)
 However, with the new PAMified packages, I cannot replicate this
 functionality, and I can't find information about how to do it... anyone?

You can check the libpam-doc package to see how to use each module. If you
still have a problem finding a proper solution, email me specifics and I
will try to come up with something for you.


where is /proc/asound?

1999-09-30 Thread rnewton3

Hallo all,
 I've just installed slink on my laptop and I'm trying to use the ALSA. Do
you need to do any special configureation for ALSA?
I've just got a vanilla system and a custom kernel ( still 2.0.36 though) and
ALSA just doesn't work. I don't appear to have a /proc/asound directory and I
can't find out how to get one.
 The reason I want this is because I bought Civ:CTP and it doesn't play the
music. So I figured that my sound wasn't correctly figured on hamm, one upgrade
later and I'm still confused.

 Any suggestions on how best to get ALSA running would be appreciated.
 Could you cc. me as well 'cos I'm at work at the mo. :-)


Re: Unstable package list at is bad

1999-09-30 Thread Marcus Johansson

 ( two occurrences of optionnal changed to optional) and rerunning 
 apt-get update, the file is downloaded again and I am where I started.


# apt-get check

That might fix the problem, not sure.


fvwm with WM dockable apps

1999-09-30 Thread Shao Zhang
Ok, call me old fashioned. But I still like fvwm these days
among so many windows managers.

fvwm does not seem to be able to remeber the window's geometry,
and WM dockable apss does not seem to have a -geometry option.

Is there any way to tell fvwm to place those apps in a
particular position?




Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

Re: Unstable package list at is bad

1999-09-30 Thread Ed Cogburn
Johan Ur Riise wrote:
 On Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 09:35:03PM -0400, Kristopher Johnson wrote:
  David Natkins wrote:
   Seems to be a problem with the package list for unstable at
   One of the packages (aleph-dev) is causing the problem.
  You can open the package list file with a text editor and fix the
  problems.  The other aleph-* packages have the same problem:  the
  priority line says optionnal, rather than optional.  Just
  delete the extra 'n', and everything will be fine.
 I have the same problem. After editing
 ( two occurrences of optionnal changed to optional) and rerunning
 apt-get update, the file is downloaded again and I am where I started.

The file you modify is now out of sync with the other ones.  After
making the changes in the file, use touch to set its time to the same as
the others (the 2 other potato files for contrib and nonfree).  This
will prevent it from trying to reload the Packages file.

Ed C.

Re: Environment Variable weirdness

1999-09-30 Thread peter karlsson
Salman Ahmed:

 But where is this env. var being set from ? 

It's not even an environment variable, but rather an internal bash variable.

peter -
  - and God said: nohup make World  World.log 

Re: Sun classic

1999-09-30 Thread Andrew Hately
Ben Collins wrote:
 On Thu, Sep 30, 1999 at 12:35:40PM +0700, Oki DZ wrote:
  I'm interested in installing Debian Linux on a Sun Classic.
  Any pointers will be appreciated.
  Thanks in advance,
 There is an install text in /debian/dists/slink/main/disks-sparc. Most
 likely you will want to download the rescue, driver and root images with
 the 2.2.1 kernel image. After booting the rescue disk, the install is
 pretty much the same as an i386 install.

I tried both the 2.2.1 kernel rescue disc and the 2.0.36 on my
sparcstation2; the newer one didn't seem to be able to eject the floppy when
the next one was needed.
Otherwise, its just like the i386 install, as Ben said.
To find out how to get the sun to boot from floppy, the debain install pages
guide you to sun's boot prompt web pages. Something like setenv
boot_device=floppy is needed; but check this - I did it once, months ago...


Re: su username w/o password in potato

1999-09-30 Thread peter karlsson
 However, with the new PAMified packages, I cannot replicate this
 functionality, and I can't find information about how to do it... anyone?


# This allows root to su without passwords (normal operation)
auth   sufficient

peter -
  - and God said: nohup make World  World.log 

Re: Reading compressed files in XEmacs

1999-09-30 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 30 Sep, Johann Spies wrote about Re: Reading compressed files in XEmacs
 On Thu, 30 Sep 1999, Salman Ahmed wrote:
 On a somewhat related note : is it possible to view compressed (.gz) files
 with pagers like more/less ? I think I remember a thread about this either
 on this list or on some linux NG a while back except that I was paying
 attention at that time!
 zless, zmore

Better yet, read /usr/doc/less/LESSOPEN.gz.  With the very basic
instructions in there you can less almost any file you want: gz, bz2,
deb, tar, etc.  

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: Environment Variable weirdness

1999-09-30 Thread Brian Servis
The first two variables are set by the shell and are determined either
at compile time or by the environment it starts up in.  Read the man
page for your shell.  For bash it says the following:

  Automatically   set   to  a  string  that  uniquely
  describes the type of machine on which bash is exe­
  cuting.  The default is system-dependent.
  Automatically  set to a string that fully describes
  the system type on which bash is executing, in  the
  standard   GNU   cpu-company-system   format.   The
  default is system-dependent.

Others have described how they are used and what they pertain to.

*- On 29 Sep, Salman Ahmed wrote about Environment Variable weirdness
 Running Debian 2.1, I noticed sth odd about a couple of 
 environment variables (I am running XFree-
 First of all :
 I have a Celeron 300A processor and have installed a new
 2.2.12 kernel recently. Where is this variable getting
 set from ?
 How do I change this env variable on a global basis ?
 Same thing for the MACHTYPE env variable :
 Why do these variables refer to i386 when the arch
 command displays the correct output :
 @phoenix:[/home/ssahmed] arch
 The other thing is that the DISPLAY env variable is set
 to unix:0.0. My question is : shouldn't this variable
 be of the form $HOSTNAME:0.0 ? So why is set to unix:0.0 ?
 And how do I change this env variable on a global basis
 (ie for all users) ?
 The last thing is : I'd like to create an environment variable
 that contains the following information : kernel version and
 machine architechture. e.g. : linux-2.2.12-i686. Let's call
 it OSVERSION. Where do I set this environment variable ?

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: Kernel upgrades = security upgrades - a possible solution?

1999-09-30 Thread David Wright
Quoting Marcin Owsiany ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 On Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 05:24:54PM +0300, Martin Fluch wrote:
  On Wed, 29 Sep 1999, Marcin Owsiany wrote:
   I guess this kind of kernel packages would be for people quite concerned
   about security but also quite lazy :)
  I guess, this is mutual exclusive. People which are lazy will leave many
  (and I think also bigger) security holes some where else on the system, so
  that it won't matter, if you keep your kernel that much secure...
 well, yes you are right.
 I guess i didn't really think of it before writing :(
   Also if you administer a lot of boxes, and if they work ok with the 
   kernel you will find it _a lot_ more convenient to automatically upgrade
   kernel than to compile it for each box...
  Ever considerd the package 'kernel-package'. This makes out of any kernel
  source debian packages, which then can be installed with dpkg, apt-get or
  what ever ... 
 sure, since i had discovered it, i've never made a kernel without using it.
 But still you have to make the kernel, and if you compile it, you can't
 resist tweaking it to each particular system's needs, can you? :)

But this is where modules can help you. I have several machines that
need slightly different configurations because they have different
built-in sound mobos. I compile the kernel on one of them but with all
the modules I need. Then I fine tune /etc/modules for soundcard, ppa,
joystick etc.

But I think that the separation of kernel and distribution is a valuable
property of linux and should be preserved at all costs. Otherwise there
is the temptation to introduce subtle dependencies between them, which
increases complexity and decreases robustness.

On a slightly different but related tack, now that NT is an
Intel-only OS, how long before Intel architecture specific code
creeps into the kernel. How hard will it be to extract those
dependencies when transferring it to a new platform.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

daylight savings

1999-09-30 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes


Where can I see the settings for daylight savings? 
That is, in Brazil, unfortunately, our daylight saving day changes
from year to year, and as a consequence, some times my date is wrong for 1
or 2 days till it changes.
We'll have a change in Oct, 3. Where can I see if this is the
correct setting?

Mario MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21

info2www not finding icons

1999-09-30 Thread Kristopher Johnson
I have dwww and info2www installed, using apache.  The pages
returned by info2www don't have any pictures in them.

The image files are in /usr/share/doc/info2www (next.gif,
prev.gif, up.gif, etc.).  The info2www-generated pages have IMG
tags that look like IMG SRC=/doc/info2www/infodoc.jpg.  But
apache doesn't seem to be able to find them.

I've tried adding a symlink /var/www/doc - /usr/share/doc, but
that hasn't helped.  Anyone know what might be up?

(FWIW, I think this worked before I upgraded to potato.)


Re: Modem speed

1999-09-30 Thread Marc Mongeon

The Cisco AS5200 does contain a bank of modems-- if your Windows
machine is getting 42000bps, then they're likely 56K modems.  Are the
Windows and Linux machines calling on the same phone line?  They're
calling the same phone number, right?

To verify that Linux isn't mis-reporting the speed, use minicom to talk
to the modem.  Send it whatever init string is specified in
/etc/chatscripts/your provider, then dial the phone number:
atdtphone #.  When you connect, does your modem report
CONNECT 36?  If it does this repeatedly, then you can be
fairly confident that this it really is always connecting at this speed.
If you suspect that it should be able to connect at a higher speed,
start looking through the AT command reference for the modem, to
make sure that you haven't inadvertently told it not to try to connect
at a higher speed.  I believe that most modems accept atf as a
command to return everything to the factory default.

Let us know what you find.


Unix Specialist
Ban-Koe Systems
9100 W Bloomington Fwy
Bloomington, MN 55431-2200
(612)888-0123, x417 | FAX: (612)888-3344
It's such a fine line between clever and stupid.
   -- David St. Hubbins and Nigel Tufnel of Spinal Tap

 Christian Dysthe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/29/99 05:37PM 
I do not think ISP two has modems at all. You dial directly in to the
Cisco unit or something. At least that is what they told me. ISP one
has 56k modems.

We have a Windows machine here dialing into the same ISP (the slow one),
and that machine gets at least a 42000 connection.

Below you can see ping stats from ISP two:

--- ping statistics ---
26 packets transmitted, 26 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 89.4/107.6/174.8 ms


Christian Dysthe
ICQ 3945810
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

Clones are people two

Re: Unstable package list at is bad

1999-09-30 Thread Kristopher Johnson
Marcus Johansson wrote:
 # apt-get check
 That might fix the problem, not sure.

No, apt-get check doesn't fix it.  The file corruption prevents
apt-get from doing anything.

- Kris

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