RE: Formato vfat

2000-03-28 Thread Alvaro Steiger
Javier, a mi me interesa el programita. Estoy por instalar un disco de 18Gb en 
mi notebook Compaq que tiene uno de 1.4Gb y supongo que el BIOS no podrá verlo 



On 27/03/00 at 07:06 p.m. Arregui-García, Javier wrote:


A poco antigua que sea tu placa madre, la BIOS no te va a reconocer discos
de más de 8 GB correctamente. Para que win los vea, es necesario instalarte
un programita (por ejemplo dp.exe, que creo es la versión moderna del
ez-drive) que, al arrancar, no sé cómo lo hace pero consigue que win acceda
al dispositivo a través de él. Supongo que cambiará el mapeo de alguna
interrupción del sistema de acceso al disco duro ¿¿??. Si quieres, te lo
puedo pasar (primero tengo que pedirlo...)

Yo creo que Linux no debe tener ningún problema en reconocerlo bien, aún a
pesar de la BIOS. No sé por qué te reconoce sólo las 8 GB. ¿Alguien controla
más este tema?


 -Mensaje original-
 De: Diego Bote [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el: lunes 27 de marzo de 2000 17:41
 Asunto: Formato vfat

   Hola Debians

   El otro día pasé mi linux a un disco de 13Gb pues
 estaba en uno de
 1.2Gb y ya no cabía. El caso es que ya arranco desde él sin
 problemas y le
 tengo hecho su sitio al innombrable que, por cierto, no me ve
 ese disco
 duro, el cual, por tanto, no puede formatear. Lo que quiero
 es formatear
 la partición que le tengo guardada y no sé como, con mkfs
 vfat no puedo
 pues no tengo esa utilidad, si es que existe, y desde win no
 puedo por no
 ver el disco. ¿Qué hago?

   Por cierto gracias a eso he pasado de los problemas que
 tenía con
 los dispositivos, ratón, lp*, ... En esta copia de linux que hice hace
 unos días todo va bien.

   Otra cosa es que la bios no me reconoce el disco y le he puesto
 los parámetros a mano en la misma. No me da en la bios el
 tamaño real pero
 arranca y linux va bien. Este me dice al arrancar que...

 hdb: Maxtor 91361U3, 8063MB w/512kB Cache, CHS=1655/255/63, DMA

   Los parámetros CHS son los que yo dí en la bios pero el
 tamaño no
 es. ¿Necesito actualizar el kernel?

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RE: Formato vfat

2000-03-28 Thread Arregui-García, Javier
Vale, en cuanto lo consiga, te lo mando a tu correo. 

Por cierto, como muy bien me han respondido, el programilla éste se instala
en el MBR, con lo que ya no se puede utilizar el LILO (y hay que arrancar
desde floppy). Si alguien sabe cómo hacer para poder utilizar también el
LILO, que me lo diga, please...


 -Mensaje original-
 De: Alvaro Steiger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el: martes 28 de marzo de 2000 1:33
 Asunto: RE: Formato vfat
 Javier, a mi me interesa el programita. Estoy por instalar un 
 disco de 18Gb en mi notebook Compaq que tiene uno de 1.4Gb y 
 supongo que el BIOS no podrá verlo entero.

RE: Formato vfat

2000-03-28 Thread Diego Bote

 puedo pasar (primero tengo que pedirlo...)
 Yo creo que Linux no debe tener ningún problema en reconocerlo bien, aún a
 pesar de la BIOS. No sé por qué te reconoce sólo las 8 GB. ¿Alguien controla
 más este tema?
 supongo que sabras que ese tipo de programas se instala en la MBR, con lo 
 que cuidadin con el LILO

Yo uso loadlin así que creo que no me valdría.

Gracias de todas formas.


Problemas con conectando con RDSI

2000-03-28 Thread pepesan
hola amigos les escribo porque tengo problemas al conectarme con mi RDSI

el  kernel parece que esta bien compilado con todas las opciones
modulo hisax, modulo HFC PCI, EURO etc
el problema lo tengo con los scripts de conexion me he leido el RDSI
como y he seguido todos los pasos para seguir usando los scripts del
y no funciona ni patras
me intenta conectar atraves del ppp0 con una ip que es la misma que mi
esto es lo que meda el ifconfig cuando arranco

lupus:/home/pepesan# ifconfig
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:C0:DF:23:6D:F2
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:51 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
  Interrupt:5 Base address:0xdc00

ippp0 Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
  inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:0 errors:1 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:30

ippp1 Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
  inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:30

loLink encap:Local Loopback
  inet addr:  Mask:
  RX packets:191 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:191 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0

y los scripts que estoy utilizando son los siguientes:

lupus:/home/pepesan# cat /etc/chatscripts/iddeor
# This chatfile was generated by pppconfig 2.0.5.
# Please do not delete any of the comments.  Pppconfig needs them.
# ispauth PAP

# abortstring
# modeminit
#'' ATZ
# ispnumber
OK-AT-OK ATDT923000111
# ispconnect
# prelogin
# ispname
# isppassword
# postlogin
# end of pppconfig stuff

lupus:/home/pepesan# cat /etc/ppp/peers/iddeor
# This optionfile was generated by pppconfig 2.0.5.
connect /usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/iddeor
user ret0087t
remotename iddeor
ipparam iddeor
idle 300

el  pap-secrets esta bien configurado porque me conecto perfectamente
con modem

el intentar conectar me dice esto:
Mar 28 12:08:08 lupus pppd[9436]: pppd 2.3.11 started by root, uid 0
Mar 28 12:08:08 lupus pppd[9436]: Using interface ppp0
Mar 28 12:08:08 lupus pppd[9436]: local  IP address
Mar 28 12:08:08 lupus pppd[9436]: remote IP address
Mar 28 12:08:51 lupus kernel: OPEN: - TCP, port:
1059 - 11
Mar 28 12:08:51 lupus kernel: ippp0: dialing 1 0221345789...
Mar 28 12:08:59 lupus kernel: isdn_net: local hangup ippp0
Mar 28 12:08:59 lupus kernel: ippp0: Chargesum is 0
Mar 28 12:10:51 lupus kernel: OPEN: - TCP, port:
1059 - 11
Mar 28 12:10:51 lupus kernel: ippp0: dialing 1 0221345789...
Mar 28 12:10:59 lupus kernel: isdn_net: local hangup ippp0
Mar 28 12:10:59 lupus kernel: ippp0: Chargesum is 0
Mar 28 12:12:51 lupus kernel: OPEN: - TCP, port:
1059 - 11
Mar 28 12:12:51 lupus kernel: ippp0: dialing 1 0221345789...
Mar 28 12:12:59 lupus kernel: isdn_net: local hangup ippp0
Mar 28 12:12:59 lupus kernel: ippp0: Chargesum is 0
Mar 28 12:14:51 lupus kernel: OPEN: - TCP, port:
1059 - 11
Mar 28 12:14:51 lupus kernel: ippp0: dialing 1 0221345789...
Mar 28 12:14:59 lupus kernel: isdn_net: local hangup ippp0
Mar 28 12:14:59 lupus kernel: ippp0: Chargesum is 0
Mar 28 12:16:02 lupus pppd[9454]: pppd 2.3.11 started by root, uid 0
Mar 28 12:16:02 lupus pppd[9454]: Using interface ppp1
Mar 28 12:16:02 lupus pppd[9454]: local  IP address
Mar 28 12:16:02 lupus pppd[9454]: remote IP address
Mar 28 12:16:11 lupus kernel: OPEN: - UDP, port:
137 - 13
Mar 28 12:16:11 lupus kernel: ippp0: dialing 1 0221345789...
Mar 28 12:16:19 lupus kernel: isdn_net: local hangup ippp0
Mar 28 12:16:19 lupus kernel: ippp0: Chargesum is 0
Mar 28 12:16:26 lupus kernel: OPEN: - UDP, port:
137 - 13

si alguien pudiera ayudarme se lo agradeceria eternamente

gracias por adelantado

RE: Formato vfat

2000-03-28 Thread Alvaro Steiger
No sé como hacer para reinstalar el LILO pero si recuerdas cuando instalaste el 
linux, seguramente el programa de instalación te haya preguntado dónde quieres 
instalar el LILO, si en el MBR o en el superblock de la partición de linux. La 
segunda opción es la correcta. La partición de linux debe ser booteable para 
que funcione, yo nunca lo vi funcionando así, pero cuando estuve averiguando 
con la gente de on-track que vende un software para esto, me dijeron que la 
forma de hacerlo era esa.


On 28/03/00 at 08:38 Arregui-García, Javier wrote:

 Vale, en cuanto lo consiga, te lo mando a tu correo.

 Por cierto, como muy bien me han respondido, el programilla éste se instala
 en el MBR, con lo que ya no se puede utilizar el LILO (y hay que arrancar
 desde floppy). Si alguien sabe cómo hacer para poder utilizar también el
 LILO, que me lo diga, please...


  -Mensaje original-
  De: Alvaro Steiger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Enviado el: martes 28 de marzo de 2000 1:33
  Asunto: RE: Formato vfat
  Javier, a mi me interesa el programita. Estoy por instalar un
  disco de 18Gb en mi notebook Compaq que tiene uno de 1.4Gb y
  supongo que el BIOS no podrá verlo entero.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

RE: Formato vfat

2000-03-28 Thread Jose Marin
On Tue, 28 Mar 2000, Arregui-García, Javier wrote:

 Por cierto, como muy bien me han respondido, el programilla éste se instala
 en el MBR, con lo que ya no se puede utilizar el LILO (y hay que arrancar
 desde floppy). Si alguien sabe cómo hacer para poder utilizar también el
 LILO, que me lo diga, please...

El programa mbr que viene con Debian (man install-mbr) sabe arrancar de
particiones primarias en discos  8Gb.  Oi hace muy poco que LILO tambien
ha superado esa limitacion (chequea en



2000-03-28 Thread Eduardo Urrea
-- Forwarded message --
From: Eduardo Urrea [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: I'm spanish user :)

Como no se ingles, os lo dire en espaqol :)  . El otro dia intentando
compilar vuestra maravillosa herramienta, me encontre con un error que me
daba las GTK, al mirar que ocurria, me di cuenta que en el codigo fuente
para hacer unas determinadas funciones y sabiendo que en las GTK 1.0 son
distintas que las de la 1.1, mire los :


El herror que tenia yo y que seguro que le ocurrira a otra persona es que yo
utilizo ahora mismo la GNU/Debian 2.2 (potato), que utiliza las GTK 1.1 y no
me pillaba bien la version   La solucion que hice fue aqadirle un = a
las condiciones tal que quedaba:

#if GTK_VERSION = 11

De esta forma si que funciona con las GTK 1.1.2 que tenia yo. Tambien tuve
que modificar una funcion que no era la misma ... la funcion es:

#if GTK_VERSION = 11
   gtk_paned_gutter_size(GTK_PANED(paned), 15);
   gtk_paned_set_gutter_size(GTK_PANED(paned), 15);

Bueno, espero que os haya sido de ayuda y que no haya sido un oportunismo
mio  ya se que no entendereis mucho espaqol, pero si no lo explico en
espaqol lo mas probable no habriais entendido ni papa.

Hasta la proxima

** FIN MAIL *** 

Esto es lo que le envie al proyecto Nessus, como mi nivel de ingles es muy
bajo pues tuve que ponerselo en español para explicarme mejor ... Bueno, no
se si esto le habra pasado a alguien ya, y si lo habeis comentado ya por
esta lista, pero hay queda la cosa, si alguien quiere preguntar algo mas
sobre el tema que lo haga en la lista o directamente a mi mail :)

 Eduardo Urrea Alcaraz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux user Spanish

Re: default keymap y root

2000-03-28 Thread Iñaki Martínez
Kaixo David Muriel!!!

 Al actualizar hace poco a potato, instalé el paquete console-tools y,
 según parece, no me configuró el teclado en español. Bueno, hasta ahí
 no pasa nada, lo configuro con kbdconfig y ya está. El problema es que
 sólo parece funcionar cuando entro como usuario, y no como root. Si
 entro como usuario, funcionan todas las teclas, la ñ, acentos, ...
 Si entro como root, ni la ñ ni los acentos funcionan en la consola (si
 entro en el emacs si funcionan). He probado cambiando la variable LANG
 y no pasa nada. No es que necesite utilizarlo ahora mismo, pero me
 fastidiaría bastante el necesitarlo y no poder usarlo. 

 Yo tengo un problema parecido..

 Tengo actualizado Potato hasta hace unas horas..

 Bien. tanto como usuario como root veo todo, pero cuando hago telnet a
otro Debian (no importa si es Slink o Potato) ya no veo nada

 q a i m s z

 Pero si desde un Slink hago telnet a mi Potato si veo tildes y demas

 Que puede ser?? a alguno os pasa esto??

 NOTA: Ahora estoy en Telnel... :-(

Rebotes de mensajes a la lista

2000-03-28 Thread Enzo A. Dari
Desde la semana pasada he enviado un par de mensajes a la lista.
En ambos casos me ha llegado un error como el siguiente:
Received: from ( [])
by (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id DAA23126
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for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tue, 28 Mar 2000 08:05:33 +0200 (MET DST)
Received: from mail by querida with local (Exim 2.05 #1 (Debian))
id 12ZpAX-8A-00; Tue, 28 Mar 2000 08:08:01 +0200
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This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

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id 12Zp8s-7K-00; Tue, 28 Mar 2000 08:06:18 +0200
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for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mon, 27 Mar 2000 23:12:59 +0200 (MET DST)
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Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 16:39:03 -0300
From: Enzo A. Dari [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.08 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.12 i686)
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y sigue mi mensaje a la lista

Da toda la sensación de que Alfredo tiene algún problema con
su configuración de procmail.

Alguien le (nos) podría ayudar ?

Enzo A. Dari  |  Instituto Balseiro / Centro Atomico Bariloche
8400-San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phone: 54-2944-445208, 54-2944-445100 Fax: 54-2944-445299
Web page:

[ Jornadas Técnicas de GNU/Linux...]

2000-03-28 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a
Espero que resulte de vuestro interes, no os lo mandaria  si no
fuera asi.

Un saludo


- Forwarded message from Ramon Fernandez Marina [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

 II Jornadas Técnicas de GNU/Linux en la Universidad y en la Empresa.

 Del 10 al 14 de Abril se celebrarán las II Jornadas Técnicas de
 GNU/Linux en la Universidad y en la Empresa, organizadas por la
 Rama Universitaria del IEEE de Madrid.

 El objetivo de estas jornadas es dar a conocer diversos aspectos
 del sistema operativo GNU/Linux que pueden ser de gran interés
 tanto para la comunidad universitaria como para el mundo

 Puedes encontrar información detallada en la siguiente página:

  Gracias mil!

Ramon Fernandez Marina  
IEEE  CS Student Member  [EMAIL PROTECTED],computer}.org

Ramon Fernandez Marina  
IEEE  CS Student Member  [EMAIL PROTECTED],computer}.org

Ramon Fernandez Marina  
IEEE  CS Student Member  [EMAIL PROTECTED],computer}.org

- End forwarded message -

Ramon Fernandez Marina  
IEEE  CS Student Member  [EMAIL PROTECTED],computer}.org

- End forwarded message -

Re: Formato vfat

2000-03-28 Thread Hue-Bond
El lunes 27 de marzo de 2000 a la(s) 17:41:10 +0200, Diego Bote contaba:

   mpg123 -b 1024 -z canciones   /dev/null

$ mpg123 -b 1024 -z canciones -q

 Ya tampoco hará falta redirigir la salida porque no hay salida.

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.14 - Reg. User #87069
lynx -dump | gpg --import -
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

RE: Formato vfat

2000-03-28 Thread Enver Romon

At 08.38 28/3/00 +0100, Arregui-García, Javier wrote:

Vale, en cuanto lo consiga, te lo mando a tu correo.

Por cierto, como muy bien me han respondido, el programilla éste se instala
en el MBR, con lo que ya no se puede utilizar el LILO (y hay que arrancar
desde floppy). Si alguien sabe cómo hacer para poder utilizar también el
LILO, que me lo diga, please...

siempre tienes la opcion de instalar el LILO en la propia particion.


 -Mensaje original-
 De: Alvaro Steiger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el: martes 28 de marzo de 2000 1:33
 Asunto: RE: Formato vfat

 Javier, a mi me interesa el programita. Estoy por instalar un
 disco de 18Gb en mi notebook Compaq que tiene uno de 1.4Gb y
 supongo que el BIOS no podrá verlo entero.


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[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

RDSI Asuscom, ipmasquerade

2000-03-28 Thread Ricardo Adolfo Rodríguez Capote

Tengo un adaptador RDSI externo ASUSCOM se puede poner a funcionar con
linux... ?? por que por donde veo solo hablan de tarjetas internas

Hay algun problema con que cada vez que me conecto mi dirección IP vaya
a ser distinta para utilizar IP Masquerade, en una lan.


Ricardo R.

Re: permission denied

2000-03-28 Thread Bart Friederichs
How are the permissions set? You should have execution permission to execute
the file (this is the 'x' bit in -rwxrwxrwx ...)


Heimdal in more than one host...

2000-03-28 Thread Juha Ylitalo
Hash: SHA1

My home network currently has 3 Debian machines (running frozen potato)
and I've been trying to setup Heimdal's (version 0.2l-7) Kerberos 5 realm
to work between those machines.
Once I figured out that heimdal's packages don't create correct
/etc/krb5.conf file for me, it was relatively painless to get everything
working within KDC machine. However once I wanted to add more hosts into
realm, I found myself in trouble, because I was unable to figure out how I
am supposed to get correct /etc/krb5.keytab files to non-KDC
machines. KDC machine has all things nicely, because I gave add
host/some.thing in KDC machine.
After surfing around in web and trying to modify bits and pieces that I
found from there, I started to wonder if I would have to give myself get
priviledges in /var/lib/heimdal-kdc/kadm5.acl, so that I would be able to
get host keys, when using ktutils and kadmin from remote machines. Even
though that kadm5.acl is appearantly supposed to be file, where you simply
can't do things in wrong way (you just add name and wanted priviledges),
it didn't seem to work for me... (or at least kadmin kept on telling me
that I have none privileges, when I was trying to use it with anything
else than kadmin -l in KDC host)
Any advices from Kerberos users on how to make those keytab tables so that
they would be correctly setup between KDC and other hosts?

- --
Juha Ylitalo [EMAIL PROTECTED]work e-mail
UPS 3/4 B427 work www
+358 40 562 6152 public www
Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Made with pgp4pine



2000-03-28 Thread Lee

When I try to 'startx' my X program will start, 
however it gets to a grey screen and has a cross in the middle of it, and it 
pauses, ive tryed various setups in xf86config. and nothing seems to work.. 

I use a nVidia TNT2 Riva 32meg AGP, something along 
the lines of that.. 
Also I use a USB mouse, does linux support 

Any help will be appreciated.. 

Re: Error compiling kdenetwork-1.1.2

2000-03-28 Thread Bill Caskey
On Mon, 27 Mar 2000, you wrote:
 Why don't you use the kde debs instead of compiling everything by hand?
 Add this line to your /etc/apt/sources.list
 deb slink kde contrib rkrusty
 You can add kdenetwork but it will probably complain as you've not installed 
 the debs
 of the other parts of kde it depends on.
 Doing-it-yourself has the side effect of making removal a touch trickier than 
 might be.

Agreed, removal is more difficult. I did instal the debs on my initial
system install. I chose purge and to compile this time primarily for two

1.  I'm running on a laptop with a 1.3 Gb hard drive and I want the system
as lean as possible. By compiling, I can optimize for a pentium and eliminate
the debug/exceptions code. Smaller footprint.

2.  Despite what the FSH says, logic says put kde in /opt/kde. (I know,
I've heard the arguments for and against.) Simply put, (and quoting D. Powell
in Practical KDE, no argument beats the ability to do a simple backup of the
windowing system when it's in /opt/kde). So, the compile lets me configure for
an /opt/kde install.

 --  Bill Caskey

Re: locate warning . . . ?

2000-03-28 Thread Bart Friederichs
 locate: warning: database `/var/lib/locate/locatedb' is more than 8 days
 Any ideas about what this means?
It means what it says, the database is more than 8 days old. When you do
'updatedb' it indexes your filesystems and puts that info in
/var/lib/locate/locatedb' to speed up the search. You should update that
database every few days to make sure all files are in it.


I have my updatedb in crontab, so that i don't have to bother about it. It
updates every monday at 10.

Re: Bash and Letter E

2000-03-28 Thread Rodrigo Castro
On Sun, Mar 26, 2000 at 03:47:59PM -0800, brian moore wrote:
 \E != \e.


I noticed this error in debian-devel and it was that where it
screwed up my letter 'E'. Thank you very much for your attention and I
thank you everyone else who helped me too.

I have another problem in my linux. Unfortunately, it is
related to keys too. My END key does not work in Emacs in XTERM. If I
am in console or in X (with a window and not in XTERM), it works just
fine. If I change my XTERM variable to linux when I am in X, emacs
works, but I change it back to xterm, no way. Any idea? 

Thank you,

Rodrigo Castro   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Computer Science undergraduate student - University of Sao Paulo

I do not fear computers.  I fear the lack of them.
-- Isaac Asimov

Re: rm question

2000-03-28 Thread spectral

 I want to delete a directory with a whole bunch of embeded
 subdirectories, I did
 rm -d kdeo
  and I get Operation not permitted.

i use rm -r instead.


Re: rm question

2000-03-28 Thread ChangMin Oh
Try 'rm -rf  kdeo'.

- Original Message - 
From: Antonio Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2000 1:47 AM
Subject: rm question

 I want to delete a directory with a whole bunch of embeded
 subdirectories, I did
 rm -d kdeo
  and I get Operation not permitted.
 Now, I am doing it as root, so, the permission should not be an issue.
 Whats the problem? Is there a better way of removing a sequence of such
 embedded directories?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

installing slink onto laptop

2000-03-28 Thread zdrysdal

How can I install slink onto my laptop given that the laptop only has a
floppy and no cdrom?

If i can somehow get it going enough to configure the network... then I'll
be able to access the install files via a remote shared cdrom or ftp etc.



Problem with dselect

2000-03-28 Thread Robert Kubinec
I am trying to install debian on my system. I have a dvd rom drive and I have a 
bootable cd rom. I have the base files installed but when I open dselect and 
try to install packages it quits with:
ISO9660 Extensions: Microsoft Joliet Level 3
internal error- no filename
at -e line 12, P chunk 13
any help would be appreciated ;)

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Re: locate warning . . . ?

2000-03-28 Thread Joe Bouchard
On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 03:10:35PM -0600, Bryan Walton wrote:
   Today, I have noticed that when I do a locate on something, I get
 a warning message that locatedb is more than 8 days old.  See the example:
 Any ideas about what this means?

The program updatedb needs to run regularly to update your locate database.

- Take a look at you /etc/crontab.  Mine shows:
  # m h dom mon dow user  command
  40 6* * *   rootrun-parts --report /etc/cron.daily
  If you look in /etc/cron.daily directory, you will see a find
  script, and if you look in that, you will see it calls updatedb.  In
  my case it runs at 6:40am every morning (I think that is a non
  standard time that I chose). If my computer isn't powered up at that
  time, it wouldn't run.  Is that your case?

- I have a potato machine I upgraded from slink a few months ago.  It
  seemed like there was a typo in one of the scripts (or something like
  that) which caused this problem as you described, even if the machine
  was left on.  I think the problem got fixed when I did an apt-get
  upgrade.  I might be wrong about this, it's been a while . . .

- If in doubt, run updatedb as root before doing a locate (like if you
  just installed new packages and want to do a search).


Thank you,
Joe Bouchard

Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

Re: skipping forced fscks

2000-03-28 Thread Joe Bouchard
On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 12:13:20PM -0800, aphro wrote:
 I am about to shutdown this machine which has 221 days of uptime and want
 to avoid the 'file system has gone too long without check, check forced'
 message upon reboot, whats the best way to go about doing it? is it even
 possible ? 

shutdown -r -f now
(where then -f means don't fsck)

 also does anyone see any problem(serious) with running a 2.0.36 SMP kernel
 on a k6-3 ? i figure it should work as the older kernels were pretty

As long as you didn't compile kernel with the pentium flags, it should
work I would think, but I'm just guessing.


Thank you,
Joe Bouchard

Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

Re: [NEWBIE]not installing from which partition?

2000-03-28 Thread Joe Bouchard
On Sun, Mar 26, 2000 at 07:43:55PM -0500, Dave Linsalata wrote:
 Hi all,
 I'm a newbie to linux and have a quick question about installing
 debian.  The installation manual for intel says that if you have a linux
 system running already (I have Mandrake), then you can update from that
 system and just over-write it with debian.  BUT, it says do not do the
 install from the partition you are going to be installing onto.

They are stating the incredibly obvious.  You are going to format these
partitions, and so you can't put the installation medium on them if you
are going to format them.

 Unfortunately, I only have a /boot (100 meg), a swap (100 meg), and a
 / (3 gigs).  Is it possible to do the install from linux or do I have
 to use windows? (plz plz plz say it is possible...installing linux
 from win2k is a bitch and a half...)

Do you have a Debian CD? If so, then that is your medium, and you re-use
your existing partitions.  If you ftp'ed down a bunch of files, then you
will need to put them on a CD, a FAT partition, or an linux partition
that isn't going to be wiped.  Does that make sense?

There are also ftp, apt-get, and floppy installs, but that is another


Thank you,
Joe Bouchard

Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

Re: Boot mystery

2000-03-28 Thread Joe Bouchard
On Sun, Mar 26, 2000 at 01:21:57PM -0600, Charlie Kroeger wrote:
 Hi, got a problem...
 I've installed Debian 2.1 i386 on my second hard drive in a file system and
 a swap file I created with partition magic.  
 I installed Debian by booting with a windows boot disk with a CD ROM driver
 and then loaded Debian from the CD.  Everything went well. The installation
 found my file system and created a partition called /dev/hdc5.  The swap
 was activated and given the designation: /dev/hdc6 and when it came to
 installing LILO, I agreed to what the installation suggested: /dev/dev/hdc2


Please spell it out for us (the telepathy is weak):
/dev/hdc1 = what? how big?
 hdc2 = 
 hdc5 = 
 hdc6 =

Map it right out for us . . .

A couple of things you probably know, but I will say it again anyway:

- There is a rule about the kernel has to be in the first 1024 cylinders
  of the disk. On older bios this means 512mb, on newer ones, 8gb.

- If you have 2 or more IDE drives (including a cdrom) the kernel must
  be on one of the first 2 IDE drives.  So, if you have an /dev/hda hard
  drive, a /dev/hdb cdrom, you can't put linux on hdc.  Try swapping hdb
  and hdc.


Thank you,
Joe Bouchard

Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

Bandwidth Limiting ftpd?

2000-03-28 Thread Todd Suess
Does anyone know of an FTPD for debian that supports limiting
upstream/downstream bandwidth on either a system wide or
(preferred) user/group basis?  I am currently using a cable modem
with a very high downstream rate, but an upstream rate limited to 
128k, so if I have several users logged in download at 5k/sec, it
seriously limits my downstream speed because the return packets
cannot go as fast as the downstream would like them to.  Most of my
users download overnight, so if I limited them to 3k/sec, and most of
the time I have at most 2 ppl downloading at the same time, that would
still leave me with upstream bandwidth to play with.  Any suggestions
would be helpful.



Version: 3.12
GAT d- s:++ a C UL P+ L++ E W++ N++ o-- K- w 
O- M-- V-- PS+ PE Y++ PGP 5++ X++ R* tv+ b+ DI++ D++ 
G e h--- r+++ y+++ 

/var/log/auth.log errors

2000-03-28 Thread davis

What would cause this error to be put in my /var/log/auth.log file?

Mar 26 06:52:17 mrfan /sbin/getty[15828]: /dev/tty4: cannot open as standard 
input: No such device

These are the facts:

ls -l /dev/tty5 
crw-rw   1 root dialout4,   5 Mar  4 16:48 /dev/tty5

From my /etc/inittab file
# /sbin/getty invocations for the runlevels.
# The id field MUST be the same as the last
# characters of the device (after tty).
# Format:
#  id:runlevels:action:process
1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1
2:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty2
3:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty3
4:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty4
5:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty5
6:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty6

Other info,  I am using Debian Sparc 2.1 with only stable updates on a 
headless sparc5.  I only use ssh to connect to this computer.

when I did a ps auxw | grep tty, it did not list any output.
However, if I connect the monitor and keyboard and restart the
computer, then I will get /sbin/getty output in my ps auxw list.

Is that the source of my error?  Running getty in my inittab yet not
having a keyboard installed?  If so, is there some way I could conditionally run
getty so it only runs when I have the keyboard installed?


Re: rm question

2000-03-28 Thread Colin Watson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Antonio Rodriguez) wrote:
I want to delete a directory with a whole bunch of embeded
subdirectories, I did
rm -d kdeo
 and I get Operation not permitted.
Now, I am doing it as root, so, the permission should not be an issue.
Whats the problem? Is there a better way of removing a sequence of such
embedded directories?

Firstly, the kernel and the C library can return EPERM whenever they
like, whether you're root or not. Being root doesn't let you override
the kernel, at least not without installing a new one or bypassing it
entirely by accessing the disk devices directly.

The -d argument to rm can and probably will damage your filesystem.
Don't use it. Use -r instead: so, 'rm -r kdeo', or, if you're *really*
sure, 'rm -rf kdeo' to tell it not to ask you for every file.

Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: XFree 3.3.6 SOUND problem (?)

2000-03-28 Thread markm
On Sun, Mar 26, 2000 at 02:42:29PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
 On Sun, Mar 26, 2000 at 12:28:08PM +, Esdras Beleza de Noronha wrote:
  I'm having a very, very strange problem with XFree 3.3.6.
  I have a SiS 6326 (it uses the XF86_SVGA server) and  a CMI 8330/SB16
  soundcard, and they're configured.
  When I run X using the 16 bpp resolution, my sound is very, very bad,
  with creaks. But when I run it using 8 bpp, the sound is very good.
  I tried ask this to half Linux community, but nobody gave me a solution.
  Can you help me?
 Perhaps someone else on debian-user could share their experiences with this
 The only thing I can think of that is that whatever you're doing in 16bpp
 puts more demands on the host processor than 8bpp mode.  This is definitely
 going to be true in situations where the host CPU does a lot of blitting

I actually have a sis5513 with the cmi 8330 so i assume it may have
similar h/w bugs. I don't have linux on this atm, but will try it if
you still have troubles.

I would ask the following.
1. what resolution are you running at? 1024x768 may be more efficient
as far as acceleration goes than say 1280xwhatever.
2. did you use pnpdump to configure the card, or did you just use the
values in linux/Documentation/sound? _possibly_ your m/b is slightly
more modern and the preferred isapnp values are different.
3. have you tried
4. What sound / what games are giving you the problem? I don't have any
mp3's or doom's to try out so i might as well use whatever is giving
you trouble.


Re: Limiting user access in ftp, ssh, samba, etc... 'passwords'

2000-03-28 Thread Ethan Benson
On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 02:56:57PM -0500, John F. Davis wrote:
 On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 12:42:24PM -0600, Matthew W. Roberts wrote:
as far as i have been able to find,
there is no suitable, secure, replacement for ftp (why!?!?!)
 Are you familiar with scp?  I use putty's pscp for scp transfers between
 windows and linux.  You ought to try it.  It rocks.

read the rest of my message!  yes i am familier with it, its fine for
*nix users and for the paranoid on lessor OSes, but when it comes to
telling *users* of say MacOS to give up thier pretty GUI drag and
drop, point and drool ftp clients for scp (which works completly
different, and to them is very clumsy (which it is on a GUI)) your not
going to get a very desireable response.  

only the most powerful and invulnerable BOFH could pull off a forced
migration from ftp - scp ;-)

Ethan Benson

Re: xf86config

2000-03-28 Thread Colin Watson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lee) wrote:
When I try to 'startx' my X program will start, however it gets to a
grey screen and has a cross in the middle of it, and it pauses, ive
tryed various setups in xf86config. and nothing seems to work.. 

Have you got an .xinitrc, and does it start a window manager or an xterm
or something? What you're seeing is a successfully started X server with
no clients attached to it, so your XF86Config is fine.

Also I use a USB mouse, does linux support that?

I don't believe 2.2 kernels do, but there's support in 2.3.

[Alternative: text/html]

Plain text only would probably be better here.

Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: rm question

2000-03-28 Thread Ethan Benson
On Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 04:47:38PM +, Antonio Rodriguez wrote:
 I want to delete a directory with a whole bunch of embeded
 subdirectories, I did
 rm -d kdeo
  and I get Operation not permitted.

you don't want to delete non-empty directories that way unless you
want filesystem corruption.

 Now, I am doing it as root, so, the permission should not be an issue.
 Whats the problem? Is there a better way of removing a sequence of such
 embedded directories?

rm -rf kdeo

no questions asked recursivly removes every file directory below
kdeo.  be careful alcohol and rm -rf don't mix ;-)

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Ethan Benson

Re: slrn and leafnode

2000-03-28 Thread Guido Gloede
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Mark Wagnon wrote:
I'm trying to set up slrn to use leafnode. Leafnode appears to be
installed okay and I have a list of newsgroup descriptions and all
other things that leafnode/fetchnews seems to set up. However, I
can't get slrn to behave. I keep getting this error:

   Reading startup file /etc/news//slrn.rc.
   Reading startup file /home/mwagnon/.slrnrc.You need to set the
   NNTPSERVER environment variable to your server name.
   Example (csh): setenv NNTPSERVER
   slrn fatal error:
   Unable to select server/post object.

My question is, *what* do I set as my news server when using
leafnode? Do I use localhost? (my system's domain)?
Also, where do I set it? I've tried as an environment variable, in
the /etc/news/server file, but I keep getting this error and slrn
craps out :'(

Anyone else out there using slrn and leafnode? How did you configure
'slrn and leafnode' is a good choice. Runs well on my system.
As a first step try entering 'localhost' in the file '/etc/news/server'.
Do not use a 'set blabla=bla' syntax.

Carpe diem!
Do not eat this message!
Show me your homedir and I'll tell you, who you are!
  (unix: ls -al ~ | mail -s please tell me... [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   win : not yet supported)

Re: Heimdal in more than one host...

2000-03-28 Thread Brian May
 Juha == Juha Ylitalo [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Juha My home network currently has 3 Debian machines (running
Juha frozen potato) and I've been trying to setup Heimdal's
Juha (version 0.2l-7) Kerberos 5 realm to work between those
Juha machines.  Once I figured out that heimdal's packages don't
Juha create correct /etc/krb5.conf file for me, it was relatively
Juha painless to get everything working within KDC

If you haven't done so already, install heimdal-docs, and read

Juha /var/lib/heimdal-kdc/kadm5.acl, so that I would be able to
Juha get host keys, when using ktutils and kadmin from remote
Juha machines. Even though that kadm5.acl is appearantly supposed
Juha to be file, where you simply can't do things in wrong way
Juha (you just add name and wanted priviledges), it didn't seem
Juha to work for me... (or at least kadmin kept on telling me
Juha that I have none privileges, when I was trying to use it
Juha with anything else than kadmin -l in KDC host) Any advices
Juha from Kerberos users on how to make those keytab tables so
Juha that they would be correctly setup between KDC and other
Juha hosts?

Getting kadmin privileges correct is the most common problem I have
had. When it works, it works every time. However, no informative
messages are displayed if anything goes wrong. From what you say, I
think you are doing mostly the right thing.

Have a look at the KDC log file, /var/log/heimdal-kdc.log, it may give
some clues as to what is going wrong.

If you still have problems, then please E-Mail me directly, and tell
me what you have put in the kadm5.acl file, and kdc.conf. (Also note:
you can use the all privilege for all privileges).


flat panels anyone?

2000-03-28 Thread Hunter H Marshall
Anybody using a flat panel display? Are there any special issues
regarding their use? I don't know what Dell, etc, are using for their
cards, but ATI makes a digital card that I think is a supported chip
set (ATI Rage LT Pro). Is that the only thing to worry about?

I'm guessing that the DFP connector refers to a recent standard so
that displays and cards no longer need to be purchased together?

Thanks for any info, anecdotes, or vague rumors.


Re: locate warning . . . ?

2000-03-28 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: locate warning . . . ?
Date: Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 03:10:35PM -0600

In reply to:Bryan Walton

Quoting Bryan Walton([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
| Greetings,
|  Today, I have noticed that when I do a locate on something, I get
| a warning message that locatedb is more than 8 days old.  See the example:
| --cut--
| work:/home/walton# locate xf86config
| locate: warning: database `/var/lib/locate/locatedb' is more than 8 days 
| old
| /usr/share/alien/patches/xf86config-glibc_1.0.0.i386-3.diff.gz
| /usr/X11R6/bin/xf86config
| /usr/X11R6/man/man1/xf86config.1x.gz
| --cut--
| Any ideas about what this means?
| Thanks,
| Bryan Walton

Umm, that the locate database has not been updated in 8 days.

read  man updatedb

then try this

updatedb --prunepaths='/tmp /proc /cdrom /mnt /var/spool'  /dev/null 21


Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are.

Re: xf86config

2000-03-28 Thread Brian Stults
Sounds like you need to add some lines to the .xinitrc file in your home
directory.  If it's not there, create one.  A good start would be
something like this:

window manager

Of course, substitute whatever window manager you want to use (e.g.
sawmill, enlightenment, fvwm2, etc.)  If you want gnome, use something
like this:

window manager 

This assumes you've already installed things like xterm, gnome-panel,
gnome-core, gnome-session, and other gnome goodies.  Good luck!

 Lee wrote:
 When I try to 'startx' my X program will start, however it gets to a
 grey screen and has a cross in the middle of it, and it pauses, ive
 tryed various setups in xf86config. and nothing seems to work..
 I use a nVidia TNT2 Riva 32meg AGP, something along the lines of
 Also I use a USB mouse, does linux support that?
 Any help will be appreciated..


Brian J. Stults
Doctoral Candidate
Department of Sociology
University at Albany - SUNY
Phone: (518) 442-4652  Fax: (518) 442-4936

Re: Apache virtual hosting

2000-03-28 Thread Daniel Yang

normally, you would have main web 
server and then virtual web servers. Here is what it looks like in the 

#setup main web server
DocumentRoot /www/mainweb

#then set up virtual web server (e.g. IP 
Virtualhost 111.222.333.444
DocumentRoot /www/virtualweb1

#if you want, the second virtual web 

Virtualhost 111.222.333.555
DocumentRoot /www/virtualweb2

So the answer is obvious.

inal Message-From: Dzuy 
Debian User Mailing List debian-user@lists.debian.orgDate: 
Monday, March 27, 2000 2:32 PMSubject: Apache virtual 
If I figure my apache web server to allow 
virtual hosts,
does the 'DocumentRoot' directive in the main 
configuration area of httpd.conf get 

By setting up the virtual hosts, do all my 
have to be listed in:

VirtualHost ip

And is this now the default directives the all 

Re: rm question

2000-03-28 Thread David Z. Maze
Antonio Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
AR I want to delete a directory with a whole bunch of embeded
AR subdirectories, I did
AR rm -d kdeo
AR  and I get Operation not permitted.
AR Now, I am doing it as root, so, the permission should not be an issue.
AR Whats the problem? Is there a better way of removing a sequence of such
AR embedded directories?

Yup.  What 'rm -d' is supposed to do actually requires a bit of
not-necessarily-useful explanation; the end result is that it's
something that even as root you wouldn't want to do.  The correct
magic is 'rm -r', which (r)ecursively deletes all directories and
files in and under the named directory (or file).

See also the info page ('info rm') for more information.  (Linux
doesn't support unlink()ing directories, and running 'fsck' every time
you removed a directory would get to be a real pain *real* quickly.)

Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal.
-- Abra Mitchell

Re: xf86config

2000-03-28 Thread David Z. Maze
Lee  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Lee When I try to 'startx' my X program will start, however it gets
Lee to a grey screen and has a cross in the middle of it, and it
Lee pauses,

What do you mean by pause?  Assuming the mouse responds, this means
you've done most of the hard work of playing in the XF86Config file;
in particular, your video is more likely than not set up correctly.

Lee Also I use a USB mouse, does linux support that?

Probably not, *maybe* in the pre-2.4 kernels.  Try using an
established industry-accepted hardware protocol, like a PS/2 mouse
(connect to a 6-pin DIN connector on your computer and /dev/psaux in

Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal.
-- Abra Mitchell

printer port

2000-03-28 Thread Sandy Shapiro
I have a computer where Linux will not recognize the parallel port. (OS/2
and DOS do recognize the port).

I tried changing CMOS so that IRQ 7 is Legacy/ISA instead of PNP, but that
didn't make any difference. 

Any other suggestions?


Re: no ssh in frozen?

2000-03-28 Thread Chris R. Martin
Just to answer my own question, I *DID* find the ssh package in frozen.. I 
forgot to look at a non-US mirror. Stupid export laws.

Chris Martin

Re: rm question

2000-03-28 Thread kmself
To recursively remove a directory foo, all files and subdirectories, and not
be queried about the request:

rm -rf foo

Please note that this is not an undoable operation, and you can
seriously fsck things up if you do the wrong thing, particularly as

One trick I'll sometimes do when I don't trust my fingers is to change
permissions on the directory tree first, to something other than root
(this can be an annoying problem if you get it wrong, but is rarely
fatal).  Then I 'su' to that user and remove the files:

   su -
   cd foo/..
   chmod -R nobody.nobody foo
   ls -l# Did you do what you meant to do?
   su nobody
   rm -rf foo
User 'nobody' should have minimal permissions, and shouldn't be able to
hurt anything significant on the system.

On Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 04:47:38PM +, Antonio Rodriguez wrote:
 I want to delete a directory with a whole bunch of embeded
 subdirectories, I did
 rm -d kdeo
  and I get Operation not permitted.
 Now, I am doing it as root, so, the permission should not be an issue.
 Whats the problem? Is there a better way of removing a sequence of such
 embedded directories?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Karsten M. Self (
What part of Gestalt don't you understand?

Re: xf86config

2000-03-28 Thread kmself
Your X configuration is working.  You aren't running any X clients
(programs which run under X Windows).  What you see is the default X
background and cursor.

To add clients, take a look at your /etc/X11/Xsession file, or
~/.xsession.  You can also launch your own clients from a console, say
virtual terminal 1.

From your X session:

# You are now at virtual console 1.  Presumably this is where you
# launched X from, if not, log in as the same user your X session is
# running from.  If you have another console session, you should be
# able to find it by pressing ctrlF[2-6] -- the Control key,
# and any of function keys 2-6.
xterm -display :1# launches an xterm window.
ctrlF7# should bring you back to your X session.

From here you can run additional X clients, including if you chose a
window manager such as fvwm, windowmaker (wmaker), KDE (startkde), Gnome
(gnome-session), etc.

On Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 09:10:55AM +1000, Lee wrote:
 When I try to 'startx' my X program will start, however it gets to a grey 
 screen and has a cross in the middle of it, and it pauses, ive tryed various 
 setups in xf86config. and nothing seems to work.. 
 I use a nVidia TNT2 Riva 32meg AGP, something along the lines of that.. 
 Also I use a USB mouse, does linux support that?
 Any help will be appreciated.. 

Karsten M. Self (
What part of Gestalt don't you understand?

Re: locate warning . . . ?

2000-03-28 Thread kmself
There have been several reports of similar problems, most of which
appear to be associated with anacron, an occasional jobs schedular
similar to cron.

I had the problem myself on two boxes.  Apparently one or more of the
scripts in /etc/cron.daily was bugging out when run under anacron --
though I have no clear understanding why this should be, as both anacron
and cron run run-parts with the same arguments.

Other symptoms you may want to check for are one or more hanging anacron
processes, and/or zombie processes related to your /etc/cron.daily

The fix in my case was to remove the anacron package, as both the
affected systems are up 24/7.  While cron will run the scripts in
/etc/cron.(daily|weekly|monthly), you may miss a cycle if your system is
down when the job would normally have run.

On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 03:10:35PM -0600, Bryan Walton wrote:
   Today, I have noticed that when I do a locate on something, I get
 a warning message that locatedb is more than 8 days old.  See the example:
 work:/home/walton# locate xf86config
 locate: warning: database `/var/lib/locate/locatedb' is more than 8 days 
 Any ideas about what this means?
 Bryan Walton
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Karsten M. Self (
What part of Gestalt don't you understand?

delete key acting like backspace

2000-03-28 Thread Jonathan Lupa
I have _no_ idea how this started happening, but recently, the two
programs I type in the most (Eterm, emacs) have started treating my
backspace key the same as my delete key. (others such as xterm and
gnome-terminal work but gnu-cash doesn't).

I've seen people struggle with this kind of thing before so I'm sure
someone out there will know the answer for me, but beyond fixing the
problem, does anyone know _why_ this behavior would start? I'm running
potato and keeping pretty up to date with the tip.



GPG public key available from

Description: PGP signature

Re: rm question

2000-03-28 Thread Syd Alsobrook
Hash: SHA1

try rm -f  [dir]


- - Original Message -
From: Antonio Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2000 11:47
Subject: rm question

I want to delete a directory with a whole bunch of embeded
subdirectories, I did
rm -d kdeo
 and I get Operation not permitted.
Now, I am doing it as root, so, the permission should not be an issue.
Whats the problem? Is there a better way of removing a sequence of such
embedded directories?

- --
Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Version: PGPfreeware 6.5.2 for non-commercial use


Re: Realplayer 7 and Esound

2000-03-28 Thread kmself
On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 08:23:37AM -0500, Marshal Kar-Cheung Wong wrote:
  Bruno == Bruno Boettcher [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 02:25:36PM +0200, Lepus wrote:
  I have installed Realplayer 7 on my Linux box, running Potato
  with ALSA
   am using woody with oss and i noticed this problem too,
  interestingly the realplayer doesn't work when i change the
  preferences i tryed first esd with no succes and the warning
  that another device is accessing the audio device and the oss
  which resultet in very slow motion with videos...
   so me too i would be interested in the causes and a possible
  fix, since it is quite annoying to have to stop and restart
 A way to get around it at the moment is to just esdctl off when you
 need Realplayer, and then esdctl on to turn ESD back on.  You can
 also put esddsp realplayer %s in the helper application prefrences.

It goes without saying that this can be incorporated into a script
wrapper for invoking realplayer:

esdctl off
/opt/RealPlayer7/realplay $*# substitute appropriate path
edsctl on

Karsten M. Self (
What part of Gestalt don't you understand?

Re: Potato install

2000-03-28 Thread kmself
It's not clear to me where you are in the installation process.  Given
that your post has been sitting here all day without response, I'd
suggest it would be quicker and easier to restart the installation.
Until you start installing and configuring packages on your system, you
really haven't invested much effort.  

You can skip partitioning and badblocks checking steps, naturally,
if you're satisfied with your current settings.

On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 04:53:16PM +0200, Nico De Ranter wrote:
 I'm installing a new PC with Debian potato.  Unfortunately when
 I was asked to choose between Simple and Advanced installation
 I choose Advanced but after seeing the list of possible packages
 I changed my mind :-). How can I rerun the installation without 
 having to reinstall the whole system?
  It has been said that there are only two businesses
   refer to customers as users: illegal drug trade and
the computer industry. 
 Nico De Ranter
 Sony Service Center (SDCE/DME-B)
 Sint Stevens Woluwestraat 55 (Rue de Woluwe-Saint-Etienne)
 1130 Brussel (Bruxelles), Belgium, Europe, Earth
 Telephone: +32 2 724 86 41 Telefax: +32 2 726 26 86
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Karsten M. Self (
What part of Gestalt don't you understand?

Samba + Win98: Please, help

2000-03-28 Thread Serge Gavrilov
Hello, Debian Users.

On server I use samba from current potato.

On client under Win98 I have tried to install on samba share disk the
applications.  But there are a lot of applications which crashes when
installed on Samba share. These applications are M$ Office, Netscape etc.
These applications starts and crashes, or the Setup program crashes etc. 
It seems that some files installed are broken. When I do the following:

1) subst d: c:\
2) install the applications on d:
3) remove disk d:
4) map samba share as d:
5) move apps files onto d:

all apllications works !!!

So what is my problem? Why the the applications directly installed on 
network samba disk do not work properly?

Does anybody have this problem?

Thank you very much for any help!

Serge Gavrilov 

Re: Installing Debian

2000-03-28 Thread kmself
On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 01:13:31PM -0500, Antoine, Michel wrote:
 I am having a problem with (scsi0) {Adaptec AHA-294X Ultra Scsi Host
 adapter} found at PCI 11/0
  (scsi0) wide channel, ScSi ID=7, 16/255 SCBs
(scsi0) Downloading sequencer code...
 413 instructions downloaded 
 Then it gives me this message NCR53c406a: no available ports found
 I added more ports but that did not resolve the problem. Need Help.

I don't have specific experience on your problem, but a search on the
error message at Deja turns up 91 related posts.  You might look through

Search:  NCR53c406a  no available ports found

Karsten M. Self (
What part of Gestalt don't you understand?

Re: locate warning . . . ?

2000-03-28 Thread Steve Mayer

  The error means that updatedb has not been run through your
cron scripts as it should have.  su to the root account and try
running /etc/cron.daily/find and see if you get any errors.


Bryan Walton wrote:
 Today, I have noticed that when I do a locate on something, I get
 a warning message that locatedb is more than 8 days old.  See the example:
 work:/home/walton# locate xf86config
 locate: warning: database `/var/lib/locate/locatedb' is more than 8 days
 Any ideas about what this means?
 Bryan Walton
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: installing slink onto laptop

2000-03-28 Thread Peter Ross
On Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 01:32:23PM +1200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How can I install slink onto my laptop given that the laptop only has a
 floppy and no cdrom?

and read section 5.6 installing from floppies.

Part of the base setup installs networking onto your computer.  After
that you can use FTP to install the rest of the system over the network.


Re: XFree 3.3.6 SOUND problem (?)

2000-03-28 Thread Peter Wintrich

On Mon, 27 Mar 2000, Lee Elliott wrote:

 On 26-Mar-00, you wrote:
 BR On Sun, Mar 26, 2000 at 12:28:08PM +, Esdras Beleza de Noronha
 BR wrote:
 BR I'm having a very, very strange problem with XFree 3.3.6.
 BR I have a SiS 6326 (it uses the XF86_SVGA server) and a CMI
 BR 8330/SB16 soundcard, and they're configured. When I run X using the
 BR 16 bpp resolution, my sound is very, very bad, with creaks. But
 BR when I run it using 8 bpp, the sound is very good.

check your IRQ- and io-seting   

 # less /proc/interrupts 
 # less /proc/ioports

any VGA cards using interupts for higher modes.

Peter Wintrich

Re: rm question

2000-03-28 Thread Maurizio Boriani
On Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 04:47:38PM +, Antonio Rodriguez wrote:
 I want to delete a directory with a whole bunch of embeded
 subdirectories, I did
 rm -d kdeo
  and I get Operation not permitted.
 Now, I am doing it as root, so, the permission should not be an issue.
 Whats the problem? Is there a better way of removing a sequence of such
 embedded directories?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

use rm -rf dirname

Maurizio Boriani
General Services (Systemist)
20138 Milano - Via Mecenate 76/3 - Italy
Tel. 02/509081 - Fax 02/50908080 - E-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: PGP signature

Re: xf86config

2000-03-28 Thread Tolga KILICLI
It happened to my S3 Trio 3D too, if you wait a long time X starts but it
is very slow. You can use frame buffer device. may be it could work.( I
heard it works with TNT2 Riva's)

On Tue, 28 Mar 2000, Lee wrote:

 When I try to 'startx' my X program will start, however it gets to a grey 
 screen and has a cross in the middle of it, and it pauses, ive tryed various 
 setups in xf86config. and nothing seems to work.. 
 I use a nVidia TNT2 Riva 32meg AGP, something along the lines of that.. 
 Also I use a USB mouse, does linux support that?
 Any help will be appreciated.. 

Re: exim ...

2000-03-28 Thread Tolga KILICLI
I  had checked it, and it was as it must be!

On 27 Mar 2000, Marshal Kar-Cheung Wong wrote:

  Tolga == Tolga KIlicli [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I canoot receive mails via exim although I can send...  I cannot
  figure out the problem, everything seems usual...
  When i send a mail from a different host it is rejected.  What
  is the problem!
 Check to make sure that in /etc/inetd.conf, your smtp line isn't
 commented out.  It should be something like:
 #:MAIL: Mail, news and uucp services.
 smtpstream  tcp nowait  mail/usr/sbin/exim exim -bs
  -- Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
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Re: locate warning . . . ?

2000-03-28 Thread Kevin Dalley
Which version of findutils do you have installed?  findutils-4.1-40 is
the preferred version.  If you are using certain older versions,
updatedb will not run on a daily basis.

Usually, /etc/cron.daily/find is run every day, which updates locatedb.

Bryan Walton [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   Today, I have noticed that when I do a locate on something, I get
 a warning message that locatedb is more than 8 days old.  See the example:
 work:/home/walton# locate xf86config
 locate: warning: database `/var/lib/locate/locatedb' is more than 8 days 
 Any ideas about what this means?
 Bryan Walton
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Kevin Dalley

Re: installing slink onto laptop

2000-03-28 Thread Matthew Dalton
Yeah, you can install the base system using floppies, which is enough to
get your network up.

Check out:

especially 5.7.1 Installing Base from Floppies

 How can I install slink onto my laptop given that the laptop only has a
 floppy and no cdrom?
 If i can somehow get it going enough to configure the network... then I'll
 be able to access the install files via a remote shared cdrom or ftp etc.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

OReileys Debian Book?

2000-03-28 Thread Martin Fluch

short question, in which package was the OReileys Debian Book? - Thanx.


Win2k: It's not so much that it's only 65,000 bugs,
it's just that they stopped at 65,535 to prevent an overflow.

For public PGP-key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2000-03-28 Thread a2419
I want to unsubscribe and I don't know what I have to do.

Configuring crypt++el in slink to work with gpg

2000-03-28 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
Hi All,

I need to set up the crypt++el to work with the gpg on my slink driven
Unfortunately the crypt-encryption--alist does not contain the record
corresponding to the gpg. Does it mean that I have to modify the crypt++el
file =:-( to add the gpg support ? Maybe I can add the new item to
crypt-encryption-alist modifying my .emacs file?
The docs for crypt++el is rather poor (or I'm to dumb to use it).
Thanks for any help.

BTW. The gpg  pgp compresses the data before encryption - it results
in costant begining of the  message beeing encrypted.
Doesn't it impair the security?
 Wojciech M. Zabolotny  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Linux - free OS for free people!

Power saving

2000-03-28 Thread Martti Hamunen

I have CorelLinux and I dont know how can I use power saving with
harddisks and screen.

Martti Hamunen


2000-03-28 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 Fortunately, every mail to debian-user has a header that looks
 something like this:
 I find this more than adequate for sorting.
 I've found Resent-From: more reliable, but YMMV.
i found both unreliable - so i have both rules in my .procmailrc

* ^TO_.*\.debian\.org.*

* ^Resend-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

this combination never failed till now :-)

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

Horde/IMP problem with MySQL

2000-03-28 Thread Nils-Erik Svangård
Hello all!

I cant get Horde up an running. I installed with the command apt-get
install imp. And it installed everything beutifully. I was asked a lot of
questions via the debconf utility, I'm pretty sure a gave the right
values. However I get this error message when trying to connect to the

Fatal error: Call to unsupported or undefined function mysql_pconnect() in on line 73.

I suspect that there is something wrong with my files, as there probably
are no faulty binaries in the freshly installed .deb.
In the documentation there is mentioned that there could be problems with
using my_sql on Debian systems, because the maintainer use PostgresSQL
witch makes testing with My_SQL a bit harder. 

Any ideas?

And while I'm on and asking is there a command to reconfigure whole
packages? (like apt-get reconfigure imp)


fortify does not recognise my netscape

2000-03-28 Thread Jan Ulrich Hasecke

I get the following error, when I try to patch my netscape


# fortify /usr/lib/netscape/47/navigator/navigator-smotif.real
   Fortify 1.4.6; Copyright (C) 1997-2000 Farrell McKay   
==  This software is free for all forms of non-commercial use.  ==
==  Commercial use of this software must be licenced.   ==

/usr/lib/netscape/47/navigator/navigator-smotif.real is 
 not recognisable.
It is either not a copy of Netscape, or it is a version
of Netscape that is not listed in the Index file.


Fortify and netscape are both from potato.

Is my netscape already 128-bit? Where can I control this? I found a
small button under Security--Navigator--SSL which enables an 128-bit 
encryption when permitted. What does this mean?


juh's Sudelbuch --- Literatur und Satire per E-Mail

Re: locate warning . . . ?

2000-03-28 Thread Joachim Trinkwitz writes:

 There have been several reports of similar problems, most of which
 appear to be associated with anacron, an occasional jobs schedular
 similar to cron.
 I had the problem myself on two boxes.  Apparently one or more of the
 scripts in /etc/cron.daily was bugging out when run under anacron --
 though I have no clear understanding why this should be, as both anacron
 and cron run run-parts with the same arguments.

I have got the same problem since several days, anacron seems to be
the trouble maker here too.

Did anyone file a bug report? If not, I would do it, but better if
someone has a better understanding of the real problem (and a
workaround, maybe).


Re: Error compiling kdenetwork-1.1.2

2000-03-28 Thread KELowery
On 27 Mar 2000, at 11:15, Bill Caskey wrote:

 1.  I'm running on a laptop with a 1.3 Gb hard drive and I want the system
 as lean as possible. By compiling, I can optimize for a pentium and eliminate
 the debug/exceptions code. Smaller footprint.

Are you recompiling your entire Debian system, or just kde? Or might kde be 
your first step in recompiling? Are you recompiling from *.deb source packages 
and then recreating the deb binaries?

Reason I ask: although I've just bought a new laptop, with lots of hard drive 
space, I have wondered how the Debian binaries are compiled in general -- for 
some lowest common denominator of CPU (386? 486?), whereas gcc could possibly 
do much better with the right switches for the Pentiums (I,II,III).

Problem is that the thought of recompiling *everything* is a big daunting, 
nevermind time consuming. However, for laptops, it should be worth it. And 
there's something inside me which says, why aren't you taking full advantage 
of your hardware...?


Kirk Lowery

Re: What are these errors?

2000-03-28 Thread Christian Surchi
Please, no attached images in list, you can paste the log in your message.
No gif, please!


| Christian Surchi   || www. |   
| FLUG: | Debian GNU/Linux: | org  | 

I cannot believe that God plays dice with the cosmos.
-- Albert Einstein, on the randomness of quantum mechanics

Unidentified subject!

2000-03-28 Thread Jens Luedicke

Screensaver Warning

2000-03-28 Thread Dave Whiteley
To anyone who is using Linux in a sensitive environment, and who use
the xscreensaver, I would strongly suggest that they disable the
programme webcollage to avoid embarrasment.

I have just returned to my office to find an extremely graphic
picture on my screen. Fortunately there was no-one else with me, or I
might have had some difficult explaining to do.

The webcollage screensaver programme was included in the list of
options by default when I installed xscreensaver. It wanders the web
at random hunting pictures which it then displays on the screen. In
this case it had obviously wandered into a hardcore porn site.

As I am one of the system administrators who have to !discourage! our
students from visiting such sites I have rapidly switched this one

I suppose that this means that some folk will just switch off all the
other screensaver programmes and wait to see what turns up. Ho Hum.

E-Mail: Dave Whiteley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 28-Mar-2000
Time: 13:21:16

This message was sent by XFMail

Re: printer port

2000-03-28 Thread John Anderson
Did you configure the parallel printer port module during the installation of
Debian?  If not that may explain the problem.  I'm not very experienced with
Linux, but I would say that the kernal would have to be redone or reinstalling
Debian if it's easy enough.

Re: printer port

2000-03-28 Thread Robert Mognet

On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 07:53:09PM -0500, Sandy Shapiro wrote:
 I have a computer where Linux will not recognize the parallel port. (OS/2
 and DOS do recognize the port).

Need more information.

Any error messages ?
Kernel ?
Parport support ?
Output of 'cat /proc/devices' ( is there an 'lp' listed )
Listing of /etc/printcap
LPD daemon running ? ( ps aux | grep lpd )


 I tried changing CMOS so that IRQ 7 is Legacy/ISA instead of PNP, but that
 didn't make any difference. 
 Any other suggestions?
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Re: exim ...

2000-03-28 Thread Robert Mognet

On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 03:03:28PM +0300, Tolga KIlicli wrote:
 I canoot receive mails via exim although I can send...
 I cannot figure out the problem, everything seems usual...
 When i send a mail from a different host it is rejected. 

Any useful rejection messages ?

Perhaps you could post any relevant parts of your 
exim_mainlog (usually in /var/log/exim/).  There may
be something useful there.

 What is the problem!

Do you have 'host_accept_relay = localhost' set in your
/etc/exim.conf file? 

Do you use a program (like fetchmail) to retrieve mail,
or is the mail just coming directly to your machine ? 

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Re: Error compiling kdenetwork-1.1.2

2000-03-28 Thread Bill Caskey
I'm not recompiling the entire system. I recompiled the kernel (optimized for
pentium and reduced the kernel from 700+ to 433 [no scsi devices]). I'm fairly
certain the Debian KDE binaries are compiled to the lowest common denominator
(386, someone correct me if I'm wrong) and the binaries generally include debug
and exceptions code). I'm compiling the generic source code downloaded from
one of the KDE mirror sites (bz2). The compile isn't that bad, on my 100 MHz
pentium with 40 Mb RAM, the modules take anwhere from 30 minutes to an hour
each. Note that I'm using the O2 and -mpentium flags which does slow compiling
but results in a more optimized binary. I've asked myself the same question
about taking full advantage of available hardware. Just that pesky kdenetwork
(and I *need* kppp and kmail)...Bill

 --  Bill Caskey

Re: Help

2000-03-28 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 I want to unsubscribe and I don't know what I have to do.
you get instructions in the signature of every single mail you receive
from this mailinglist!

send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
subject: unsubscribe

reply to the CONFIRM message you will receive - done


Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Zwei Dinge scheinen unendlich, das Universum und die menschliche Dummheit.
Beim Universum bin ich mir nicht ganz sicher.
-- Albert Einstein

Re: su

2000-03-28 Thread Ben Collins
On Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 06:26:29AM +, Jim Breton wrote:
 How can one make th su from the shellutils package log to syslog and/or
 sulog?  I do have SYSLOG_SU_ENAB and SULOG_FILE set up correctly in
 /etc/login.defs, but I still don't see any record of su activity.
 I had been using the secure-su version for a while and it worked fine
 with regard to logging, but there were a few features in the GNU version
 that I needed so I switched back only to find that I can't log anything
 with it.
 Will I have to re-compile it to take care of this?

Is this slink or potato?

/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \

Re: printer port

2000-03-28 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 I have a computer where Linux will not recognize the parallel port. (OS/2
 and DOS do recognize the port).
 I tried changing CMOS so that IRQ 7 is Legacy/ISA instead of PNP, but that
 didn't make any difference. 
try to force the kernel into thinking that there is a port:
append=parport=io,irq,dma in lilo.conf
note: this works only with kernel 2.2.x (and above?)

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

Re: Limiting user access in ftp, ssh, samba, etc... 'passwords'

2000-03-28 Thread Christian Surchi
On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 05:34:45PM -0900, Ethan Benson wrote:
 read the rest of my message!  yes i am familier with it, its fine for
 *nix users and for the paranoid on lessor OSes, but when it comes to
 telling *users* of say MacOS to give up thier pretty GUI drag and
 drop, point and drool ftp clients for scp (which works completly
 different, and to them is very clumsy (which it is on a GUI)) your not
 going to get a very desireable response.  

I don't use mac, but I saw a nice interface to ssh and scp too, in mac
style. Its name is Nifty telnet, if I remember correctly.

 only the most powerful and invulnerable BOFH could pull off a forced
 migration from ftp - scp ;-)

I don't think so. I saw a departmentet leaving telnet/ftp for ssh/scp. Ftp
must be only anonymous. If you give instruments for transition, is is
really possible. :-)


| Christian Surchi   || www. |   
| FLUG: | Debian GNU/Linux: | org  | 

There's no sense in being precise when you don't even know what you're talking
-- John von Neumann

RE: Power saving

2000-03-28 Thread Bryan Scaringe
I believe hdparm deals with harddisk spin-down.


On 27-Mar-2000 Martti Hamunen wrote:
 I have CorelLinux and I dont know how can I use power saving with
 harddisks and screen.
 Martti Hamunen
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Power saving

2000-03-28 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 I have CorelLinux and I dont know how can I use power saving with
 harddisks and screen.
harddisk: man hdparm
btw: the settings from the bios are inherited by linux and do no harm.

screen: do you mean X? if so, then man XF86Config
look out for power_saver, OffTime, SuspendTime, BlankTime, ...
i don't know anything about power-saving on the console.

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

Re: Can't extract base2_1.tgz no matter what [solved]

2000-03-28 Thread Josh Kuperman
Apparently my problem was either one of these two things - I've no idea which:

1. I had somehow put the resc1440.bin image onto a floppy with some
sort of physical defect which was not detected anywhere in the
creation or install process. A more meaningful error message, other
than simply that the failed to extract would be helpful.

2. I had somehow put the wrong resc1440.bin image onto the floppy and
it didn't contain the program to extract the .tgz tarred and
gnu-zipped base system. I believe this is possible because there are
multiple different resc1440.bin files. I would strongly recommend a
unique name for each floppy image - even if in different directories.

Josh Kuperman   

Re: flat panels anyone?

2000-03-28 Thread Jonas Anderson
I have a 15 iiyama flat-panel display
connected to acomputer with a ATI Rage Pro
Graphics board and I have found it to work
well with Debian RedHat and Slackware, 
For the moment I have both Windows and
RedHat 6.1 running on that box and if I
remember correctly the accelerated server
to use is Mach 64. As far as I can remember
you can choose flat-panel during the xfree86-
setup. Thats what I did.

I may sound vague but I tend to forget these
things but from your setup you really shouldn´t
have any trouble. Should you get into trouble
I can mail you my xfree86config for reference.
Beware of copying straight of.

Jonas Anderson

Find out who has that IP...

2000-03-28 Thread Ron Rademaker
Does anybody here know how I can find out to what domain a given IP


The Windows key

2000-03-28 Thread Eric Hagglund
What is the procedure or where may I find the
procedure for mapping the windows key to pop up the
the start menu on the X-windows desktop? Also, does
this procedure vary with the Window Manager being used?

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: quotas

2000-03-28 Thread Ethan Benson

On Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 04:55:13AM +, Jim Breton wrote:
 Hello, here is a message I sent to the linux-admin list.  I am
 re-sending here because I have another question following this one.
 Is this normal and just undocumented?  Or is it documented somewhere...
 or is it a bug?
 I was having some trouble getting quotas to work and after some fiddling
 I discovered the following behavior.
 If I have the following line in my /etc/fstab everything is fine:
 /dev/hda2   /ext2   defaults,errors=remount-ro,usrquota0 1
 But previously I had been using this:
 /dev/hda2   /ext2   defaults,usrquota,errors=remount-ro0 1
 The lines are the same except for the order of the last two mount
 Well, if I use the second method, instead of creating /quota.user and
 storing quota information in that file, quotacheck writes the file into
 remount-ro (a file with that name) into my current directory!

bug #46610 its fixed in the current potato quota.  (or so the BTS

another solution is to set the error behaviour in the superblock
and remove the mount option, i did this because for some reason the
`errors=remount,ro' was showing up twice in mount, which i thought was
ugly ;-)

drop down to single user mode, umount all filesystems, remount /
readonly, run:

tune2fs -e remount-ro /dev/hda? -- your root partition.

your probably better off rebooting at this point.  you can then remove
the errors=remount-ro from your fstab file. 

 OK it does seem that the quota utils are thinking the =remount-ro is
 an argument, and they should not be doing this.  It also does this on a
 Red Hat 6.0 system I tried (as well as the Slack 7 as I've mentioned).
 Should this be reported as a bug to the author/maintainer?

already done, already fixed.  quota 2.0 is alot better from what i
have heard, but not done yet and as a result not in potato.

 Also, I have been having a problem implementing quotas on my slink
 machine.  I am running a 2.2.14 kernel which I think may have something
 to do with it.
 I have an account jim which repquota claimed has about 150
 blocks in use.  While I was testing out the quotas, I set jim's soft and
 hard limits to 200.  So, he should have been fine -- but for some
 reason repquota says he is over quota!

not sure about this one... check the bugs on quota at:

there are a few that sound similer to your situation but not quite,
see for yourself...

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: printer port

2000-03-28 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: printer port
Date: Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 07:53:09PM -0500

In reply to:Sandy Shapiro

Quoting Sandy Shapiro([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
| I have a computer where Linux will not recognize the parallel port. (OS/2
| and DOS do recognize the port).
| I tried changing CMOS so that IRQ 7 is Legacy/ISA instead of PNP, but that
| didn't make any difference. 
| Any other suggestions?

Yes, don't use an IRQ on the printer port.  It isn't required and
could be used by something else.

That said, what kernel are you running?  Which port isn't being
recognized?  ie  2.0 kernels used lp1  lp2, 2.2 kernels use lp0  1.

Is the printer configured in the kernel as a module or not?

Your question is too general to answer with precise answers.

Have you read the printing howto?

If your using the 2.2.X kernels, have you read


I haven't lost my mind; it's backed up on tape somewhere.

Re: Error compiling kdenetwork-1.1.2

2000-03-28 Thread Jonathan Heaney

 On 27 Mar 2000, at 11:15, Bill Caskey wrote:

  1.  I'm running on a laptop with a 1.3 Gb hard drive and I want the system
  as lean as possible. By compiling, I can optimize for a pentium and 
  the debug/exceptions code. Smaller footprint.

 Are you recompiling your entire Debian system, or just kde? Or might kde be
 your first step in recompiling? Are you recompiling from *.deb source packages
 and then recreating the deb binaries?

 Reason I ask: although I've just bought a new laptop, with lots of hard drive
 space, I have wondered how the Debian binaries are compiled in general -- for
 some lowest common denominator of CPU (386? 486?), whereas gcc could possibly
 do much better with the right switches for the Pentiums (I,II,III).

 Problem is that the thought of recompiling *everything* is a big daunting,
 nevermind time consuming. However, for laptops, it should be worth it. And
 there's something inside me which says, why aren't you taking full advantage
 of your hardware...?

 Kirk Lowery

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Think Debian is compiled for 486

Word on the street is compiling for 586/686 doesn't make that much of a 

As you point out, it's a daunting task.  If the above statement is accurate, a
pointless one too.


Re: fortify does not recognise my netscape

2000-03-28 Thread Jonathan Heaney
Jan Ulrich Hasecke wrote:


 I get the following error, when I try to patch my netscape


 # fortify /usr/lib/netscape/47/navigator/navigator-smotif.real
    Fortify 1.4.6; Copyright (C) 1997-2000 Farrell McKay   
 ==  This software is free for all forms of non-commercial use.  ==
 ==  Commercial use of this software must be licenced.   ==

 /usr/lib/netscape/47/navigator/navigator-smotif.real is 
  not recognisable.
 It is either not a copy of Netscape, or it is a version
 of Netscape that is not listed in the Index file.


 Fortify and netscape are both from potato.

 Is my netscape already 128-bit? Where can I control this? I found a
 small button under Security--Navigator--SSL which enables an 128-bit
 encryption when permitted. What does this mean?


 juh's Sudelbuch --- Literatur und Satire per E-Mail

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Get fortify from it's own website (search freshmeat)

The latest one hasn't been packaged for Debian yet (maybe woody?  don't know)


Corel WP: missing

2000-03-28 Thread Vitux
Hi Deb's
I installed the tar.gz from Corel's website in /usr/local/WP
on my Slink-system.
Now when I try to run ./xwp from /usr/local/WP/wpbin in an
xterm, I get this error:
./xwp: can't load library ''
Any ideas?

Best Regards

Vitux (soon-to-be-frozen;-)

Death comes to us in various guises, 
swiftly changing as a baby's mood...

Debian GNU/Linux
Micro$loth-free Zone

Kernel-package no longer in Potato?

2000-03-28 Thread Vitux
Hi Debians
I guess the header says it. In slink there's a
(newbie-)convenient kernel-package, which I can't seem to
find in the frozen potato-ftp...


Death comes to us in various guises, 
swiftly changing as a baby's mood...

Debian GNU/Linux
Micro$loth-free Zone

Debian -vs- Win95?

2000-03-28 Thread Vicente Torres

We have bought a PC (AMD K7 Athlon
with Hewlett-Packard CD recorder) to act as a server
allowing people to copy their data on this server and
record their CDs.
We also want to attach our fax to this server
and use it as a printer from other PCs in the net.

Should I,

Instal Windows 9x (easy to install and the software for
the HP recorder will probably work under Windows)


Install Debian with
samba, mgetty-fax and cdrecord.
(I have never configured none of this

If I install Debian everything should work fine,
otherwise my colleagues will ask me to install

  .'/,-Y ~-.
Vicente Torres Carot  l.Y ^.
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia   /\   __  Doh!
Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica   i___/   \
Ctra. Nazaret-Oliva, s/n |  /   \   o !
46730 Grau de Gandia (Valencia)  l ] o !__./
SPAIN \ _  _\.___./~\
   X \/ \___./
Tel.: (96)2849300 ( \ ___.   _..--~~   ~`-.
FAX:  (96)2849309 ` Z,--   /\
 __.  (   /   __)
I don't apologize. I'm sorry, but that's  \   l  /-~~ /
just the way I am. -- Homer Simpson -- Y   \  /
## | x__.^
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!

libc6-dev and libstdc++2.9-dev

2000-03-28 Thread matthschulz
When I try to install g++ with dselect then I get following
dependancy problems:

libc6-dev conflicts with libstdc++2.9-dev
libstdc++2.9-dev depends on libc6-dev 

What am I missing here?



2000-03-28 Thread pplaw

i have a neomagic videro card.  dpkg shows that i have
xserver-neomagic 1.1.0-1-1, but i have no success with it.  (if i
use the svga xserver, i get really big fonts that don't fit my
lapbox screen.)



 Bentley Taylor 

Re: Find out who has that IP...

2000-03-28 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 Does anybody here know how I can find out to what domain a given IP
nslookup ip
(on suse it is in bindutil ...)

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

RE: Debian -vs- Win95?

2000-03-28 Thread Paul Kallstrom

On 28-Mar-2000 Vicente Torres wrote:
 We have bought a PC (AMD K7 Athlon
 with Hewlett-Packard CD recorder) to act as a server
 allowing people to copy their data on this server and
 record their CDs.
 We also want to attach our fax to this server
 and use it as a printer from other PCs in the net.
 Should I,
 Instal Windows 9x (easy to install and the software for
 the HP recorder will probably work under Windows)
 Install Debian with
 samba, mgetty-fax and cdrecord.
 (I have never configured none of this
 If I install Debian everything should work fine,
 otherwise my colleagues will ask me to install

The stock answer is, Install Debian!

I'll help with the kernel compilation, and cdrecord setup. I'm running an HP
cdr on this box, using xcdroast, mostly.

Any takers for the samba and mgetty?

E-Mail: Paul Kallstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 28-Mar-2000
Time: 13:45:23

Debian/GNU Linux (Potato)  XFMail
Random Trekism: Hailing frequencies open, Captain.

Version: 2.6.3a


kudos to makers of potato boot disks.

2000-03-28 Thread Adam Shand

i just used to one to restore my system and they are *VERY* nice.  all the
in built help for various ways they can be used is very helpfull.



Re: Corel WP: missing

2000-03-28 Thread Erik Ryberg
Yes, you need to install it through apt.  I think it's called or 
like that.  Scroll through in dselect and you will find it. Install and all 
will be

Erik Ryberg

Vitux wrote:

 Hi Deb's
 I installed the tar.gz from Corel's website in /usr/local/WP
 on my Slink-system.
 Now when I try to run ./xwp from /usr/local/WP/wpbin in an
 xterm, I get this error:
 ./xwp: can't load library ''
 Any ideas?

 Best Regards

 Vitux (soon-to-be-frozen;-)

 Death comes to us in various guises,
 swiftly changing as a baby's mood...

 Debian GNU/Linux
 Micro$loth-free Zone

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