Consulta off-topic

2000-05-29 Thread Angel Vicente Perez

Por motivos de trabajo, estamos suscritos a una lista sobre AS/400. Hace
poco llego esta consulta a traves de esta lista. Os la envio por lo que
tiene de colaboracion de Linux con AS/400.

Hola, me explico mejor, nuestra red interna es en todos las
PC's (incluso el AS400 y el Linux).
Pero ademas el Linux tiene otra tarjeta de red con una direccion, es con esta dirección que estamos con linea dedicada a
Internet utilizando un modem externo y un router. Entonses lo que deseo es
que desde una Pc's remota con una dirección aleatoria pueda ingresar al
AS400 via Internet.

Nosotros tambien accedemos a nuestro AS/400, usando un Linux-box con mgetty,
pero lo hacemos con direccion IP fija, y ademas dentro del rango de
direcciones de redes no conectadas (192.168.xx.xx), pero el caso este, es
que ni me imagino como puede ser, teniendo en cuenta implicaciones de
seguridad y todo.

Saludos y perdon por el off-topic.

Problema rarísimo!!!

2000-05-29 Thread Manuel Jerez Cárdenes

Hola a [EMAIL PROTECTED], acabo de instalar la Debian 2.1 slink 
en un Pentium III 
550 con 128 Mb de RAM. Mi tarjeta de video es una 
ATI 3D Rage con 8 
Mb. Lo curioso que me está ocurriendo es que al 
configurar las X me bajé 
el último servidor SVGA de las XFree86. Y me 
arranca las X pero con 8 bpp, 
o sea con 256 colores unicamente. Pero a parte de 
esto cuando quiero salir de 
las X, que lo normal es que vuelva a la consola si 
no tengo puesto el xdm, la pantalla 
se me queda en negro. Lo único que puedo hacer es 
resetear el ordenador con 

¿Alguién sabe porque sucedeésto?

¿Puede tener algo que ver con la memoria 


Manuel Jerez CárdenesUniversidad de Las 
Palmas de Gran CanariaDepartamento de Ingeniería Electrónica y 
AutomáticaCampus Universitario de Tafira35017 - Las Palmas de Gran 
CanariaE-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Tlf: +34 
928451244/45Fax: +34 928451243Islas 

Sobre la estabilización

2000-05-29 Thread Camilo Alejandro Arboleda

Alguien puede informarme cuales son los pasos exactos para la
estabilización de debian? Yo lo instalé por primera vez cuando ya había
salido la versión 2.1, así que no conozco el procedimiento.


Camilo Alejandro.

* De simio la conoci y he visto hombres que la añoran.
* En lo que a mi se refiere, ni entonces ni ahora
* perdi mi libertad.
  Informe para una academia. Franz Kafka

Re: Dudas sobre fetchmail

2000-05-29 Thread Camilo Alejandro Arboleda
Hola Jose Carols:
 1.- Para leer el correo pensaba utilizar fetchmail, ya que sólo me
 conecto de vez en cuando.¿Sirve fetchmail para enviar correo
 (protocolo SMTP)?.¿Necesito algún otro MTA (exim,sendmail,etc)
 para ello?
Fetchmail solo recoge el correo, necesitarás el MTA. Si tu proveedor
requiere además autenticación, necesitaras sendmail 8.10, o utilizar el
correo de Netscape.

 2.- Finalmente, tengo un problema al configurar fetchmail, porque
 a mi servidor de correo le ha dado por separar el nombre de
 usuario del servidor POP mediante el caracter '#' en lugar de '@'.
 ¿Como puedo configurar fetchmail para que los separe mediante
Eso no es ningun problema, el nombre de usuario no es la dirección de
correo. Solo escribe el nombre de usuario que te da el proveedor (con el
'#' y todo) en el campo correspondiente.

* De simio la conoci y he visto hombres que la añoran.
* En lo que a mi se refiere, ni entonces ni ahora
* perdi mi libertad.
  Informe para una academia. Franz Kafka


2000-05-29 Thread Francisco Jose Toledano Alcala

Nestor A. Diaz L. wrote:

 On Sun, 28 May 2000, Francisco Jose Toledano Alcala wrote:

  Nestor A. Diaz L. wrote:
  Al comprar la linea RDSI, te pusieron un terminador mixto de red (TR1 a+B), 
  no es así, didle a telefónica que te lo ponga, ya que de está forma, tendrás
  conexiones analógicas y digitales. Pero además, necesitarás un modem normal 
  corriente conectado al terminador mixto para que conteste las conexiones

 El terminador mixto a que haces referencia es lo que llaman el terminal
 Adaptor? mejor dicho en definitiva si quiero que entren llamadas de
 modems que trabajan sobre lineas analogas necesito por obligacion modems
 normales en mi servidor?, y la RDSI solo me va a funcionar para conectar a
 RDSI, es asi no?


El terminador mixto de red, es una caja en la que aparacen 4 conectores de 
línea. 2
de formato RDSI ( que son un poco más grandes que los convencionales ) y otros 
2 del
tipo normal telefónico.
Y si a que vas a necesitar los modems para dar acceso a clientes que tenga línea

Montar particiones al arrancar Reiser FS

2000-05-29 Thread Toni S

Hola a todos.
Acabo de instalar un servidor Debian 2.2 con ReiserFS 2.2.15.
Todo funciona bien, excepto un mensaje que aparece al final del arranque 
que viene a decir:

EXT2-fs warning: mounting unchecked fs, running e2fsck is recommended

Alquien sabe que fichero intenta montar las particiones no comprovadas?



2000-05-29 Thread the joker

he intentado configurar el 
mgetty+sendfax, con mi RDSI, pero me da el error NO DIALTONE, alguien sabe como 
solucionar esto, lo demas por la rdsi me funciona bien
y perdon por las molestias

Re: Sobre la estabilización

2000-05-29 Thread JFA

klllon, May 29, 2000 at 08:14:10AM -0500, Camilo Alejandro Arboleda wrote:
 Alguien puede informarme cuales son los pasos exactos para la
 estabilización de debian? Yo lo instalé por primera vez cuando ya había
 salido la versión 2.1, así que no conozco el procedimiento.
Siempre existe una versión inestable, hasta ahora era potato, pero esta se
congeló, primer paso para hacerla estable. Inmediatamente se creó otra
inestable: Woody
Congelar quiere decir dejar en un estado en que no se introducen componentes
nuevos, por ejemplo el kernel 2.4 que está al caer no va a ir en potato, ni
las Xfree4 que ya salieron, ni muchas cosas más que sin envargo te podrás
encontrar en woody. En estado de congelación lo único que se hace es
asegurarse que la distribución es completamente estable, lo que lleva
bastante tiempo, cuando se consigue surge una nueva versión estable u
oficial. Luego van saliendo versiones mejoradas ( siempre queda algún retoque
por hacer o algo que se añade ... algo pequeño, pero importante ), así,
slink llegó por lo menos que yo sepa a la versión 3

Por lo menos estos son los pasos que yo sepa.

Saludos a tos tos

Javier Fafián Alvarez   | Te pasas la vida haciendo planes,
en un AMD-K6II a 350| pero la vida ya tiene sus 
RAM 64 Mb kernel 2.2.15 | propios planes ...
Con Linux Debian Potato (frozen)| -- JFA --

vim y sustituciones

2000-05-29 Thread Isaac Puch Rojo

De nuevo con problemas de sustitución. No termino de entender como
entiende vim el retorno de carro. Esto es lo que tengo entendido.

Linux   \n  ascii 10avance de línea CR
dos \r\nascii 10 ascii 13   avance de línea, retorno de carro   CR
mac \r  ascii 1 retorno de carroCF

el carácter 10 aparece en el vi como y también al pulsar control V y

Quiero sustituir un salto de línea seguido de dos espacios y 1. y
otro espacio por :. Si, otra vez con el mismo problema. he probado en
el vim con
:%s/\n  1. /:/
:%s/\n\s*$/:/   estos dos me dan el error patern not found
:%s/\n/:/   esto me sustituye todas las n por : y no es lo que busco
la verdad.
:%s/^M  1. /:/  esto lo aplico al texto original de dos pero da patern
not found.
:%s/^M/:/:/ sigue dando patern not found. 
He probado con unos cuantos más, he intentado con la ayuda, con otros
programas, y después de tres horas no lo he sacado. Duro de mollera, ya
lo se.

La pregunta es ¿Cómo le indico a vim el retorno de carro? Y ya de paso,
cuando busco una cadena con /, ¿Qué tecla continua mostrando los
resultados? en dselect es \ pero no rula en vim. Gracias de antemano.

Isaac Puch Rojo.

Instalacion de g++

2000-05-29 Thread Miguel Angel Rodríguez

Tengo un problema al tratar de instalar el g++. Cuando hago dpkg -i
g++_2xxx me dice que se necesita la librería libstdc++2.10-dev, y al
tratar de instalar ésta me dice que hay que tener instalado el g++.

¿Alguna sugerencia al respecto?

De antemano gracias.


Miguel Ángel Rodríguez   | Hay quien arroja un vidrio roto  
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | sobre la playa, pero hay quien  
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | se agacha a recogerlo.
%%   |   J. Narosky  

Re: Consulta off-topic

2000-05-29 Thread Jordi Roman Mejias
Angel Vicente Perez wrote:
 Hola, me explico mejor, nuestra red interna es en todos las
 PC's (incluso el AS400 y el Linux).
 Pero ademas el Linux tiene otra tarjeta de red con una direccion, es con esta dirección que estamos con linea dedicada a
 Internet utilizando un modem externo y un router. Entonses lo que deseo es
 que desde una Pc's remota con una dirección aleatoria pueda ingresar al
 AS400 via Internet.

Supongo que te refieres a poder conectarte desde internet a algo de la
intranet que no es visible desde el exterior.

Yo lo haria con la herramienta redir, como su nombre indica redirije
conexiones de un puerto local a otro puerto de otra maquina. por ejemplo

redir --lport=4000 --cport=23

que lo que hace es cuando un paquete llege al puerto 4000 del linux lo
reenvia al puerto 23 (telnet ¿Tiene telnet un AS400?) a traves de la
direccion IP interna.

En cuanto a seguridad, no tengo ni idea de como securizarlo 
Jordi Román Mejias e-mail:  
Linux User # 98296-70876
Autònoma Oberta   Servei de Informàtica   Universitat Autónoma de

Re: Instalacion de g++

2000-05-29 Thread Hue-Bond
El lunes 29 de mayo de 2000 a la(s) 13:13:22 -0400, Miguel Angel Rodríguez 

Tengo un problema al tratar de instalar el g++. Cuando hago dpkg -i
g++_2xxx me dice que se necesita la librería libstdc++2.10-dev, y al
tratar de instalar ésta me dice que hay que tener instalado el g++.

 Instala los dos a la vez:

# dpkg -i g++_2xxx.deb libstdc++2.10-dev.deb


 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.14 - Reg. User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Montar particiones al arrancar Reiser FS

2000-05-29 Thread Fernando Sanchez
On Mon, 29 May 2000, Toni S wrote:

 Acabo de instalar un servidor Debian 2.2 con ReiserFS 2.2.15.
 EXT2-fs warning: mounting unchecked fs, running e2fsck is recommended
 Alquien sabe que fichero intenta montar las particiones no comprovadas?

En el arranque se ejecutan los scripts que están en /etc/rcS.d; uno de ellos
(uno de los enlaces, digo) es, que entre otras cosas hace mount
-a. Eso lo que hace es mirar /etc/fstab, y montar todas las particiones que
no tengan noauto.

Total, que o le pones noauto a la partición que se está montando sin
chequearse, o le pones un 2 en el último campo, que por lo que dices
seguramente sea un 0 (si pone 0 0, ponle 1 2, que es lo típico para un
filesystem normal -no /, ni /proc, etcetc-)

Por cierto, será seguramente ReiserFS 3.5.21, no 2.2.15, ¿no? :-)) (¿qué tal
va, a todo esto? ¿journaling de verdad?)



2000-05-29 Thread Hernan Lucar
Creo poder aportar algo, si empleas modems RDSI como los Courrier-I de 3Com
puedes con un solo equipo atender llamadas desde lineas analógicas o digitales.

El modem Courrier se conecta a la RDSI, y admite cualquier tipo de conexión
externa, internamente realiza la discriminación si el cliente es analogo o
digital. Tienes la ventaja adicional que tus clientes analógicos podrán
conectarse a 56 Kbps.


El lun, 29 may 2000, Francisco Jose Toledano Alcala escribió:
 Nestor A. Diaz L. wrote:
  On Sun, 28 May 2000, Francisco Jose Toledano Alcala wrote:
   Nestor A. Diaz L. wrote:
   Al comprar la linea RDSI, te pusieron un terminador mixto de red (TR1 
   a+B), si
   no es así, didle a telefónica que te lo ponga, ya que de está forma, 
   conexiones analógicas y digitales. Pero además, necesitarás un modem 
   normal y
   corriente conectado al terminador mixto para que conteste las conexiones
  El terminador mixto a que haces referencia es lo que llaman el terminal
  Adaptor? mejor dicho en definitiva si quiero que entren llamadas de
  modems que trabajan sobre lineas analogas necesito por obligacion modems
  normales en mi servidor?, y la RDSI solo me va a funcionar para conectar a
  RDSI, es asi no?
 El terminador mixto de red, es una caja en la que aparacen 4 conectores de 
 línea. 2
 de formato RDSI ( que son un poco más grandes que los convencionales ) y 
 otros 2 del
 tipo normal telefónico.
 Y si a que vas a necesitar los modems para dar acceso a clientes que tenga 

 Hernan Lucar Cuculiza
   Conectiva Peru
Comunidad Sin Fronteras

Re: [Problema rarísimo!!!]

2000-05-29 Thread Pablo Faundez
Manuel Jerez Cárdenes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   MIME Type: multipart/alternative 
Hola a [EMAIL PROTECTED], acabo de instalar la Debian 2.1 slink en un Pentium 
550 con 128 Mb de RAM. Mi tarjeta de video es una ATI 3D Rage con 8 
Mb. Lo curioso que me está ocurriendo es que al configurar las X me bajé 
el último servidor SVGA de las XFree86. Y me arranca las X pero con 8 bpp, 
o sea con 256 colores unicamente. Pero a parte de esto cuando quiero salir de

las X, que lo normal es que vuelva a la consola si no tengo puesto el xdm, la
se me queda en negro. Lo único que puedo hacer es resetear el ordenador con 

¿Alguién sabe porque sucede ésto?

¿Puede tener algo que ver con la memoria RAM?


Manuel Jerez Cárdenes
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica y Automática
Campus Universitario de Tafira
35017 - Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Tlf: +34 928451244/45
Fax: +34 928451243
Islas Canarias

Para poder tener un bpp más alto por lo general debes sacar el signo
# que aparece delante de la memoria que asignaste a tu tarjeta en la
configuración.También puedes probar cambiando de 8 megas a 4 megas en
el archivo de configuración.

Get free email and a permanent address at


2000-05-29 Thread Nestor A. Diaz L.
Buenas, les cuento que en la siguiente direccion: 
En que me envio Ugo
El Grande hay una guia de instalacion de RDSI en debian muy buena por
cierto, la tarjeta quedo configurada al pelo, todo empezo cuando me toco
instalar una RDSI AVM B1 PCI y decidi aprovechar de paso para configurar
la mia una miserable Winbond.

La diferencia entre estas dos U$ 1200 contra U$ 70 (en Colombia) esta en
que la una es activa y viene con procesador incorporado, lo cual implica
un leve detalle y es que hay que bajarse un firmware para hacerla
funcionar (me pregunto si la filosofia de este firmware es la misma que
utiliza el procesador Crusoe?)

Bueno el caso es que establece conexiones con ppp sincronico y
asincronico (Salientes), pero hay un leve detalle, el mgetty no me acepta
llamadas, me dice algo del incoming call pero no la acepta, tampoco el
ppp, me imagino que tiene algo que ver con el callerid.conf  no? alguien
sabe como configurar este archivo para que me acepte todas las llamadas

Mejor dicho alguien ha configurado un servidor para aceptar llamadas por


Nestor A. Diaz L.
PGP Public Key  `wget`

Visita  la tienda virtual de 
  Productos y Servicios para los usuarios de Linux en Colombia


2000-05-29 Thread John Archuleta

To Whom It May Concern,

I recently purchased your version of linux, but am having trouble 
installing it.  I was hoping you had tech support that could walk me through 
it.  I would appreciate it if you could send me this phone number. Thanks!

John A.

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: wvdial dials; kppp doesn't. Why???

2000-05-29 Thread Chris Joyner
I made a little headway here, I got kppp to go through (as root) but it
died quickly. I'll look for some info on CHAP, I guess, eh?

(I'm embarrassed to say that I had misidentified the serial port, I had it
as /dev/ttys0 . . . oops! But there must be at least another problem!)

May 29 00:41:06 probe pppd[373]: pppd 2.3.5 started by root, uid 0
May 29 00:41:06 probe pppd[373]: Using interface ppp0
May 29 00:41:06 probe pppd[373]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS1
May 29 00:41:10 probe pppd[373]: No CHAP secret found for authenticating
May 29 00:41:11 probe pppd[373]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
May 29 00:41:11 probe pppd[373]: Modem hangup
May 29 00:41:11 probe pppd[373]: Connection terminated.
May 29 00:41:12 probe pppd[373]: Exit.


Chris Joyner wrote:
 Dear friends,
 I have tinkered and tinkered but still can't make kppp work from KDE to
 dial my modem. I can use wvdial from a console (but only as root! BTW, how
 do I get to use wvdial as another user?) and it connects immediately.
 Any suggestionsas to getting kppp to do its thing?  I'm using slink.
 Thanks, Chris Joyner
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

RE: help!!!!!!

2000-05-29 Thread Andrew McRobert
hehe, spot the Microsoft user ... sorry, must be constructive ... what is
the exact problem you're having?


-Original Message-
From: John Archuleta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, May 29, 2000 1:13 PM
Subject: help!!

To Whom It May Concern,

 I recently purchased your version of linux, but am having trouble
installing it.  I was hoping you had tech support that could walk me through
it.  I would appreciate it if you could send me this phone number. Thanks!

John A.

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: help!!!!!!

2000-05-29 Thread John Carline
John Archuleta wrote:

 To Whom It May Concern,

  I recently purchased your version of linux, but am having trouble
 installing it.  I was hoping you had tech support that could walk me through
 it.  I would appreciate it if you could send me this phone number. Thanks!

 John A.

Ahm .. Ahh... John?

You do understand that you're asking for a tech support phone number from the 
*volunteer* mailing list in the universedon't you?

Debian is FREE! So is the excellent help you may (or may not) get from this 
Read all the documentation you can and when you get stuck (you will ;-)) ask 
questions on this list, someone is sure to help. Then when you become 
proficient, you
can help someone else.

Welcome to the world of Debian



Powered by the Penguin

has anyone tried Mirapoint's Internet Message Server ?

2000-05-29 Thread Chad A. Adlawan
hi gang !

ive veeb reading a lot fo good stuff about the Internet Message Server from 
Mirapoint ( and i would just like to ask whether there's 
anyone here who has tried it.  how is it w/ really large email services ?

thanks in advance.


Using APM

2000-05-29 Thread Thibaut Cousin

  I'd like to be able to put my computer to sleep as it does under windows. So
far, I've gotten my screen to suspend, but that's all... and the APM doc is
  My SCSI host adapter is a 2940 Ultra, and the drive is a Quantum Fireball.
The CPU is a PII.

  I have a SCSI drive, my / partition is on it. Is it possible to suspend
the drive ? hdparm is only for IDE drives, and I found nothing in hwtools...
  By the way, is it possible to control the CPU fan too ? My computer is a
desktop one, not a laptop, but it can do it, I believe ?

Thibaut Cousin

Using special keys on a keyboard

2000-05-29 Thread Thibaut Cousin

  I recently got a new keyboard with several special keys to power off the
computer, launch the mailer, etc. I'd like to make them work under Linux (I'm
using Potato).
  When I press them at boot time, I get on screen a message unknown scancode
with a code e0 xx. But I fear these codes are only for the console, not for
X. So :
- how do I get the codes of these keys for X ? xkeycaps doesn't work,
  as it only knows standard keyboards.
- where can I configure their action ? Is there a tool to do it ?

Thibaut Cousin

Re: How to start Gnome

2000-05-29 Thread MH
Hi Eric!

Just a question about .xsession: Isn't it a rc-file like .xinitrc,  
and therefore there is no need for a shell-script, neither for an



 1.  Open a text editor (ae, joe, jed, pico, vi, vim, emacs, others..)
 2.  Type in these items (not the hyphens..)
 #! /bin/sh
 exec gnome-session
 3.  Save the file as /home/your username/.xsession
 4.  Quit the text editor.
 5.  type 'chmod +x ~/.xsession' at the prompt (make executable) 
 6.  run startx
 Assumes you already have a working X system...
 ¶ One·should·only·use·the·ASCII·character­set·when·compos­

 » ing·email·messages.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Michael Hummel
Wollzeile 23/10 A-1010 WIEN
fprint= 93E1 AB93 C1EB BD1B D96F 96CE 302A D438 F678 3958

Description: PGP signature

Re: Everybuddy

2000-05-29 Thread Daniel Burrows
Thanks for that. I was trying to compile it from source. 

Mike Werner wrote:

 Daniel Burrows wrote:
  I'm trying to install everybuddy.  - I can't
  seem to get anywhere with it. Anyone use this app and got it to work? I
  need a step-by-step guide please!!
 1) apt-get install everybuddy
 2) Find the everybuddy entry in your window manager's menu - should be
in the network group
 3) Click on the afore-mentioned entry
 4) When everybuddy comes up - that can take a while - enter your
account setting (in the Tools menu)
 5) After editing your account information for the first time, restart

Date of new release

2000-05-29 Thread Glyn Millington


I've been lurking on this list for a few days, as a preliminary to
making the leap from Mandrake to Debian - getting the feel of the
community.  It feels good!

The imminent arrival of a new stable release seems like a good time
to jump.  Does anyone know roughly when the new release might
happen - are we talking weeks, months...?

TIA for any wisdom on this

Glyn M.

   * The soul is greater than the hum of it's parts.  *
   * Douglas Hoftstatder*

Re: Using APM

2000-05-29 Thread Thibaut Cousin
Le Mon, 29 May 2000, vous avez écrit :
 Thibaut Cousin wrote:
I'd like to be able to put my computer to sleep as it does under windows. 
  far, I've gotten my screen to suspend, but that's all... and the APM doc is
My SCSI host adapter is a 2940 Ultra, and the drive is a Quantum Fireball.
  The CPU is a PII.
I have a SCSI drive, my / partition is on it. Is it possible to suspend
  the drive ? hdparm is only for IDE drives, and I found nothing in hwtools...
By the way, is it possible to control the CPU fan too ? My computer is a
  desktop one, not a laptop, but it can do it, I believe ?
  Thibaut Cousin
 I don't think it is possible to contol the cpu fan. To do
 that, it needs to implemented in your motherboard's bios, or
 you would have get/make it yourself (a device that measures
 cpu-temperature and can control the voltage to the fan

  Well, it has probably been done, because windows is able to do it (on the
same computer) ! As for Linux, apm's doc talks about it, but it is not clear at

 On my Compaq PII350, they've put a huge aluminium heatsink
 on the processor and left out the fan. This is a wonderfully
 silent solution to that!

  Is it a desktop ? That seems very nice indeed...

 Have you compiled apm into your kernel? also, there's a
 apm-tools package (I forget the exact name, but a search for
 apm in dselect should find it).

  Yes. I compiled APM with Enabled at boot time and Power off on shutdown.
The package you're talking about must be apmd. It seems to be what I need, but
I don't understand anything to the doc, and the /etc/apm directory is almost
empty :-( Maybe apmd is limited to laptops... I really don't know.

Thibaut Cousin
web   :

Linux : Ne jetez plus votre argent par les Fenêtre$ !!
Windows n'est pas la réponse. C'est la question, et
la réponse est non.

Re: How to start Gnome

2000-05-29 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Mon, May 29, 2000 at 10:48:49AM +0200, MH wrote:
 Hi Eric!
 Just a question about .xsession: Isn't it a rc-file like .xinitrc,  
 and therefore there is no need for a shell-script, neither for an

Not my understanding... It's an executable script like
/etc/X11/Xsession.  Try chmod -x .xsession for yourself.
Then see if what you put in .xsession gets used.

¶ One·should·only·use·the·ASCII·character­set·when·compos­

» ing·email·messages.

Re: window-managers

2000-05-29 Thread Daniel Burrows
It's not registered, so any ideas how to do this? I can't get anywhere
with it.

Eric G . Miller wrote:
 On Sun, May 28, 2000 at 08:35:24PM +0100, Daniel Burrows wrote:
  I have just upgraded to potato. Previously, in slink, I had setup my
  window-managers file to start kde by default but now I get fvwm2 when
  I type startx. Why is this? The file still points to kde as the first
  option - is there a different config file for this in potato?
 Potato now uses the alternatives system to configure the default
 window manager. Basically it's bunch of symlinks. First, you have
 /usr/bin/x-window-manager which points to
 /etc/alternatives/x-window-manager which points to the real window
 manager.  The easy way to update this system is to run
 update-alternatives --config x-window-manager as root.  It should
 list all of the available (or registered) window managers from which you
 can select.  If you have compiled a window manager in /usr/local then
 the system won't know about it and you'll need to register this window
 manager.  Confused?  You can try to decipher the man pages for
 update-alternatives... (Despite the somewhat confusing system, it now
 brings X in line with many other programs that provide a generic
 something, like editor, emacs, web server, etc...)

Re: X on a 486

2000-05-29 Thread Corey Popelier
Windowmaker runs fine on my 486DX2-66 with 12Mb RAM. :)

 Corey Popelier

On Tue, 19 Jun 2001, Atila Nemet wrote:

 Unfortunately I have only an old 486 PC on 120MHz. Is there
 window manager which is low on system resources so I
 could set up X on this 486?
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2000-05-29 Thread T
I have just finished installing the debian base system on my 386sx, which has a 
170 meg hd and 8 meg of memory.  I am brand new to linux/unix.  I need some 
help.  I have been on your site for about an hour and have not found any help 
yet.  My 386 is not on the net.  How do i download packages fromthe net on this 
computer and transfer them to my 386?  I tried one callednethack_3.2.3-3.deb. 
 I have no idea of how the command system works on linux?  I copied this file 
to a floppy disk (dos format).  I tried dselect and the floppies selection, but 
it would not work.  I tried using dpkg, but what command do i put in for the 
floopy drive:

i.e.   a:/nethack_3.2.3-3.deb

Could you plese give me some help, or tell me where i could find some.  I have 
read the debian users guide ed2 chapter on dpkg, and i understand how it works, 
but i still dont' know how to access the A:


Thanks in advance

GO Network Mail
Get Your Free, Private E-mail at

Re: Intro and it seems that W3.1 can see beyond the partition barriers!

2000-05-29 Thread Shaul Karl
I am guessing but I hope it will worth something:

1) I do believe that having Win think it got the whole disk for itself might 
be a problem if it will try to use the part that is not belong to it. Although 
in this case it might fail and return an error without damaging anything.
2) Does the 2 fdisk (the dos one and the Debian one) notices the 2 partitions?
3) I suspect that OnTrack is the problem. Why do you need it anyway? Having a 
100M + 900M does put the beginning of both partitions and the whole Win 
partition under the BIOS 528M limit, doesn't it?

   Dear Debian users,
   I've installed Debian recently. My GNU/Linux knowledge at the time is
 quite basic, but I hope I can learn enough in the forthcoming times, so I
 can help you more than I am able right now.
   Let me start with the following situation that I have in my second 
   I installed Debian Hamm kernel 2.0.etc, living with Windows 3.11. The
 installation went perfect and both OSes have been running smoothly during
 three weeks.
   I gave to Debian 900 MB and to Windows 3.11 100 MB.
   But if I run Windows its file manager tells me that the HDD is 1 Gb. I
 think this is not normal, because it just had to notice only 100 MB of its
 FAT partition.
   Then I read in an article that if you had a kernel below 2.2 and fdisk
 below 2.9, you should have to synch the partitions, to avoid having
 partitions overlapped. (I'm very sorry, but I don't remember if I used the
 fdisk from the Debian CD, or a fdisk taken from Slackware 7.0).
   The questions are:
   -Does it have any relation the article I read with my problem?
   -Is this situation dangerous for my ext2 or fat16 partitions?
   -What non-destructive solutions could I try?
   Some aspects that perhaps are informative to you:
   -I had some problems with BIOS due to its lack of LBA. I solved it w/
 Ontrack Support for large drives like mine. Linux boots from LILO.
   Thank you very much for your attention and help,
   P.S. Please don't throw rocks at me for writing this from NT. Before
 installing Linux on this one I need to backup!
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--  Shaul Karl [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Date of new release

2000-05-29 Thread Colin Watson
Glyn Millington [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I've been lurking on this list for a few days, as a preliminary to
making the leap from Mandrake to Debian - getting the feel of the
community.  It feels good!


The imminent arrival of a new stable release seems like a good time
to jump.  Does anyone know roughly when the new release might
happen - are we talking weeks, months...?

Try having a look at the archives of the debian-release mailing list on
Debian's website. It'll take at least another test cycle, so potentially
just a few weeks - it really depends if anything goes wrong there and we
have to lather, rinse, repeat.



Re: Using APM

2000-05-29 Thread Vitux
Thibaut Cousin wrote:
 Le Mon, 29 May 2000, vous avez écrit :
  Thibaut Cousin wrote:
 I'd like to be able to put my computer to sleep as it does under 
   windows. So
   far, I've gotten my screen to suspend, but that's all... and the APM doc 
 My SCSI host adapter is a 2940 Ultra, and the drive is a Quantum 
   The CPU is a PII.
 I have a SCSI drive, my / partition is on it. Is it possible to suspend
   the drive ? hdparm is only for IDE drives, and I found nothing in 
 By the way, is it possible to control the CPU fan too ? My computer is a
   desktop one, not a laptop, but it can do it, I believe ?
   Thibaut Cousin
   email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I don't think it is possible to contol the cpu fan. To do
  that, it needs to implemented in your motherboard's bios, or
  you would have get/make it yourself (a device that measures
  cpu-temperature and can control the voltage to the fan
   Well, it has probably been done, because windows is able to do it (on the
 same computer) ! As for Linux, apm's doc talks about it, but it is not clear 
Allright, great for you! someone must have done it in Linux,
seems noise is a common problem!
  On my Compaq PII350, they've put a huge aluminium heatsink
  on the processor and left out the fan. This is a wonderfully
  silent solution to that!
   Is it a desktop ? That seems very nice indeed...
Yep, desktop it is. Rather large box, and it's got no other
fans than the one in the powersupply. FYI, it's a Deskpro
EP6350. I'm in the process of fabricating a similar heatsink
for a friend of mine, who's got a sound-studio, so he needs a
very silent puter. All the data for the heatsink are available
at Intel's developer site, look for Thermal Guidelines.
  Have you compiled apm into your kernel? also, there's a
  apm-tools package (I forget the exact name, but a search for
  apm in dselect should find it).
   Yes. I compiled APM with Enabled at boot time and Power off on shutdown.
 The package you're talking about must be apmd. It seems to be what I need, but
 I don't understand anything to the doc, and the /etc/apm directory is almost
 empty :-( Maybe apmd is limited to laptops... I really don't know.
Don't think so. I have the same Kernel-options as you do, and
the box shuts itself off fine. It also seems to spin down and
go into sleep-mode fine, but this could be a hardware-thing
(read: Compaq-bios-thing). I know people have made suspend and
sleep and hd spindown work with debian apm -have you tried the
list-archives? This comes up quite often...
Good Luck

 Thibaut Cousin
 web   :
 Linux : Ne jetez plus votre argent par les Fenêtre$ !!
 Windows n'est pas la réponse. C'est la question, et
 la réponse est non.
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I'm not a crook
Richard Nixon

Debian GNU/Linux
Micro$loth-free Zone

Re: X on a 486

2000-05-29 Thread James Sleeman

On Wed, 20 Jun 2001 05:24:50 Atila Nemet wrote:
 Unfortunately I have only an old 486 PC on 120MHz. Is there
 window manager which is low on system resources so I
 could set up X on this 486?

I used to run KDE on a 486 Dx4/100 with 12 meg of ram !  But that was a bit
extreme, there are plenty of good small window managers around, fvwm, xfce, 
olwm, or the old faithful twm if things get really tight.

How to see hidden files/dirs

2000-05-29 Thread John Leget
How do i get gnome/gtk apps to show me hidden files and dirs ?? ( i dont
mean gmc )
In most other apps its no problem but gtk/gnome no success thusfar :(.
Is there some system config
for this. ( havent found it yet ).


[Fwd: Guidance]

2000-05-29 Thread Vitux
Vitux wrote:
 T wrote:
  I have just finished installing the debian base system on my 386sx, which 
  has a 170 meg hd and 8 meg of memory.  I am brand new to linux/unix.  I 
  need some help.  I have been on your site for about an hour and have not 
  found any help yet.  My 386 is not on the net.  How do i download packages 
  fromthe net on this computer and transfer them to my 386?  I tried one 
  callednethack_3.2.3-3.deb.  I have no idea of how the command system 
  works on linux?  I copied this file to a floppy disk (dos format).  I tried 
  dselect and the floppies selection, but it would not work.  I tried using 
  dpkg, but what command do i put in for the floopy drive:
  i.e.   a:/nethack_3.2.3-3.deb
  Could you plese give me some help, or tell me where i could find some.  I 
  have read the debian users guide ed2 chapter on dpkg, and i understand how 
  it works, but i still dont' know how to access the A:
  Thanks in advance
 Welcome to Debian!
 I think you're in for a rough time. *nix is soo much different
 from dos. (recently a newbie myself).
 You're in for a bit of reading, I suppose.
 What I did was get a quite general book on unix, just to get
 the general feel of it, and learn some basic commands.
 The first floppy-drive in linux is called /dev/fd0, but due to
 the nature of the filesystem, you need to mount it somewhere
 before you can access it. Try mount -msdos /dev/fd0 /mnt/
 (while logged in as root).
 As for installing the system; IMHO by far the easiest way to
 get you a functioning system is to connect your puter to a
 modem and download the lot using apt/dselect. If want to
 install the packages one by one using floppies, you're in for
 about a week's work and loads of trouble tackling
 dependencies. (tried it myself without success!)
 The base system from the diskettes is able to get on the net
 to ftp the lot.
 I'm not a crook
 Richard Nixon
 Debian GNU/Linux
 Micro$loth-free Zone
sorry, forgot to include the list...

Antivirus AVP para linux

2000-05-29 Thread Ximo Nadal

Me he bajado de una versión beta del
antivirus AVP para Linux (escanea virus de Win'9x).

He pensado ponerlo para escanear por la noche en el servidor todos
los directorios compartidos tipo Samba con máquinas de Windows.

¿Alguien lo ha probado?, ¿merece la pena?.

Saludos y gracias.
Mecanizados, S. A.
Informática. Ximo Nadal.
Avda. Ausias March, 122. E-46026 VALENCIA (SPAIN).
Tel.: +34 96 373 63 62.  Fax: +34 96 373 66 03.
Server powered by Debian GNU/Linux

[no subject]

2000-05-29 Thread Goeman Stefan
Hello everbody,

I have a problem concerning the time indication. Every time I log in to
Debian Linux the clock indicates the wrong time. For example, the clock
indicates 14.00 while it is actually 12.00.

I remember that during the installation I have chosen GMT and this is
probably causing the problem. I live in the time zone Europe/Brussels so,

Is there a way to fix this permanently? changing the time with date doesn't
solve the problem when a reboot.


Stefan Goeman

Re: your mail

2000-05-29 Thread Corey Popelier
tzconfig is the application you are looking for.

 Corey Popelier

On Mon, 29 May 2000, Goeman Stefan wrote:

 Hello everbody,
 I have a problem concerning the time indication. Every time I log in to
 Debian Linux the clock indicates the wrong time. For example, the clock
 indicates 14.00 while it is actually 12.00.
 I remember that during the installation I have chosen GMT and this is
 probably causing the problem. I live in the time zone Europe/Brussels so,
 Is there a way to fix this permanently? changing the time with date doesn't
 solve the problem when a reboot.
 Stefan Goeman
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Re: Guidance

2000-05-29 Thread HENNEQUIN Eric
Hello Scott,

before playing nethack :

log as root,

mcopy a:nethack_3.2.3-3.deb .

dpkg -i nethack_3.2.3-3.deb

mcopy is an util from the mtools package which allow you
to use dos floppies.
for help on mtools :
man mtools 

dpkg is the debian package manager. installer
there is an HOWTO use linux for dos user :
from the command prompt type :

zless /usr/share/doc/HOWTO/en-txt/DOS-Win-to-Linux-HOWTO.txt.gz

it will get you started.

welcome to GNU/Linux !

Re: Guidance

2000-05-29 Thread Esko Lehtonen
T wrote:
 I have just finished installing the debian base system on my 386sx, which has 
 a 170
 meg hd and 8 meg of memory.  I am brand new to linux/unix.  I need some help.

You'll find some documentation from You're
propably using bash-shell, so there you'll find bash-howto. Like Vitux
wrote, get a book. Surf to In my opinion O'Reilly's
books are very good.

It will take time before you learn to use linux well, but it's worth it.
Luckily you  already have chosen the right distribution:) 

 Esko Lehtonen   WYSINWYG -  
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] What You See Is Never What You Get

Re: wvdial dials; kppp doesn't. Why???

2000-05-29 Thread Jens Luedicke
try in kppp the CHAP or an script-based 
authentication method.

---Reply to mail from Chris Joyner about wvdial dials; kppp doesn't. Why???

 Dear friends,
 I have tinkered and tinkered but still can't make kppp work from KDE to
 dial my modem. I can use wvdial from a console (but only as root! BTW, how
 do I get to use wvdial as another user?) and it connects immediately.
 Any suggestionsas to getting kppp to do its thing?  I'm using slink.
 Thanks, Chris Joyner
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

---End reply
with friendly regards



2000-05-29 Thread HENNEQUIN Eric
Hello Stefan,

 I remember that during the installation I have chosen GMT and this is
 probably causing the problem. I live in the time zone Europe/Brussels so,

 Is there a way to fix this permanently? changing the time with date doesn't
 solve the problem when a reboot.

I would try tzconfig

good luck !

Re: Intro and it seems that W3.1 can see beyond the partition barriers!

2000-05-29 Thread I. Tura
At 13.28 29/5/00 +0300, Shaul Karl ha escrit:
I am guessing but I hope it will worth something:

1) I do believe that having Win think it got the whole disk for itself might 
be a problem if it will try to use the part that is not belong to it.
in this case it might fail and return an error without damaging anything.

Mmm... It is logical.

2) Does the 2 fdisk (the dos one and the Debian one) notices the 2

Yes. I copy here my answer to an answer I got from Vitux:

dev/hda1: DOS-16 bit =32M of 100 Mb
dev/hda2: Extended (marked as bootable)
dev/hda5: a 950 Mb partition for Linux native. 
dev/hda6: a 50 Mb partition for swap.

From the DOS fdisk I see now:

Primary partition: 100 Mb
Extended partition: 1Gb with logical partitions. Would you like to see 
info on logical partitions? (Y)

No logical partitions defined. Total size of extended DOS partition: 
1051 Mb

3) I suspect that OnTrack is the problem. Why do you need it anyway?
Having a 
100M + 900M does put the beginning of both partitions and the whole Win 
partition under the BIOS 528M limit, doesn't it?

Well... You are right. But BIOS does not give the correct CHS values of
the HDD, and as far as I know DOS is BIOS-dependant...

Another thing that defends Ontrack is the following strange situation 
I also replied to Vitux:

|   Norton DD told me the HDD was full of damaged clusters, but I stopped it
and I applied Ontrack support for large drives to the DOS boot |diskette.
Then there were no errors.

Before applying Ontrack support, I tried Scandisk and it told me there 
something wrong w/ configuration, that if I'd continue M$ would not be
responsible for nothing. I obeyed it. On the other hand (and this are
speculations), I applied an extensive test to the disk w/ Ontrack Data
Advisor (it seems that I work for Ontrack). The good thing about Disk
Manager (the first one) is that is not BIOS-dependant at all, so I thought
Data Advisor was too. Data Advisor told me the disk was in a good condition.

If you have not got bored with this situation, I suggest you to read the
letter I sent ot Vitux. You'll find more info there.

Thank you, Shaul.


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Re: X on a 486

2000-05-29 Thread I. Tura
At 18.07 29/5/00 +0800, Corey Popelier ha escrit:
Windowmaker runs fine on my 486DX2-66 with 12Mb RAM. :)

WindowMaker runs quite decently with the same machine as you, Corey, but w/
20 MB of short (in cm) RAM slots and w/ an ISA video card. 

Atila, try to find somewhere in the /usr/X11, usr/doc or I don't remember
files like README.Brand_of_your_video_card. I improved the speed of
X_SVGA_dont'_remember_the_rest_of_the_name_of_the_server between 15 and 20%.

Then try to disable animations, and use 'traditional style' Don't ask me
how to disable animations, don't know at the time!



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Re: Guidance

2000-05-29 Thread I. Tura
There is not a:\ in GNU/Linux.

It's /dev/fd0 and you'll have to mount the unit.

Put the diskette.


mount /dev/fd0 /floppy (make sure you have a directory called /floppy in
the base directory).

Then go to /floppy

If you can see there the file you've downloaded, go to /floppy and type

dpkg -i nethack_3.2.3-3.deb

-i is for install.

If you change the diskette, umount it first (umount /dev/fd0).

If there are extra issues, I don't know. I'm pretty new at GNU/Linux, 
It's the stuff I do when I install packages from the CD-ROM.

Good luck!


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[no subject]

2000-05-29 Thread Goeman Stefan
Hello everbody,

I have another question.

I also have an iomega ZIP drive (250 Mb) connected on the parallel port of
my PC but I am not able to access this device.

When I use insmod or probemod to to load the imm driver, nothing happens.
Well, this is not completely correct. The parallel port is probed and the
ZIP drive makes some noise but I don't receive any info concerning the the
ZIP disk in the drive.

Does anybody have some suggestions??


Stefan Goeman

Re: Antivirus AVP para linux

2000-05-29 Thread I. Tura
Ho sento, però aquí és més recomanable escriure en anglès.

No he provat l'antivirus aquest.

Que vagi bé,


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Re: Antivirus AVP para linux

2000-05-29 Thread I. Tura
At 12.19 29/5/00 +0200, Ximo Nadal ha escrit:

Me he bajado de una versión beta del 
antivirus AVP para Linux (escanea virus de Win'9x). 

He pensado ponerlo para escanear por la noche en el servidor todos 
los directorios compartidos tipo Samba con máquinas de Windows.

¿Alguien lo ha probado?, ¿merece la pena?.

Saludos y gracias.
Mecanizados, S. A.
Informática. Ximo Nadal.
Avda. Ausias March, 122. E-46026 VALENCIA (SPAIN).
Tel.: +34 96 373 63 62.  Fax: +34 96 373 66 03.
Server powered by Debian GNU/Linux

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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Re: zip drive (was mail without subject...)

2000-05-29 Thread Ron Rademaker
You could check the messages in syslog, or use dmesg to see what

Ron Rademaker

On Mon, 29 May 2000, Goeman Stefan wrote:

 Hello everbody,
 I have another question.
 I also have an iomega ZIP drive (250 Mb) connected on the parallel port of
 my PC but I am not able to access this device.
 When I use insmod or probemod to to load the imm driver, nothing happens.
 Well, this is not completely correct. The parallel port is probed and the
 ZIP drive makes some noise but I don't receive any info concerning the the
 ZIP disk in the drive.
 Does anybody have some suggestions??
 Stefan Goeman
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Re: your mail

2000-05-29 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Mon, May 29, 2000 at 01:51:04PM +0200, Goeman Stefan wrote:
 Hello everbody,
 I have another question.
 I also have an iomega ZIP drive (250 Mb) connected on the parallel
 port of my PC but I am not able to access this device.
 When I use insmod or probemod to to load the imm driver, nothing
 happens.  Well, this is not completely correct. The parallel port is
 probed and the ZIP drive makes some noise but I don't receive any info
 concerning the the ZIP disk in the drive.
 Does anybody have some suggestions??

If /sbin/lsmod returns that imm is loaded, then 
mount -t vfat /mnt /dev/sda4 (i think)

¶ One·should·only·use·the·ASCII·character­set·when·compos­

» ing·email·messages.

[no subject]

2000-05-29 Thread Carlos Pena - Jefe Division Electrica

exim - listar problem

2000-05-29 Thread Bruno Van de Casteele

after installing listar (mailinglist software) and setting the correct
aliases in /etc/aliases, i get the following error when mailing to

2000-05-29 14:08:02 12vj9N-0001GS-00 Neither the system_aliases director nor 
the address_pipe transport set
a uid for local delivery of |/usr/lib/listar/listar

(my mta is exim)

What could be the problem?
Bruno Van de Casteele  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
N.P. Puam  [ ICQ#: CA957F ]

It is the spirit of the age to believe that any fact,
however suspect, is superior to any imaginative exercise,
no matter how true.
Gore Vidal

Re: wvdial dials; kppp doesn't. Why???

2000-05-29 Thread Chris Joyner
Thanks, Jens, I have tried that, but I'm pretty sure my ISP uses PAP. Here
is the ouptput to xconsole from KDE. (I finally figured out how to get it.)
Any clues here?

May 29 08:28:39 probe pppd[270]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 0x0
auth chap 05 magic
0xbf09398b pcomp accomp]
May 29 08:28:39 probe pppd[270]: rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 asyncmap 0x0
auth chap 05 magic
0xbf09398b pcomp accomp]
May 29 08:28:39 probe pppd[270]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x2 mru 1514
asyncmap 0x0 auth pap
magic 0x3ad32ce3 pcomp accomp  11 04 05 ea  13 03 00]
May 29 08:28:39 probe pppd[270]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x2  11 04 05 ea 
13 03 00]
May 29 08:28:39 probe pppd[270]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x3 mru 1514
asyncmap 0x0 auth pap
magic 0x3ad32ce3 pcomp accomp]
May 29 08:28:39 probe pppd[270]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x3 mru 1514
asyncmap 0x0 auth pap
magic 0x3ad32ce3 pcomp accomp]
May 29 08:28:39 probe pppd[270]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x0 magic=0xbf09398b]
May 29 08:28:39 probe pppd[270]: sent [CHAP Challenge id=0x1
name = probe]
May 29 08:28:39 probe pppd[270]: sent [PAP AuthReq id=0x1 user=jhzb
May 29 08:28:39 probe pppd[270]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x0 magic=0x3ad32ce3]
May 29 08:28:39 probe pppd[270]: rcvd [CHAP Response id=0x1
d2b0109626c64619d32d61a12f5e9c3f, name = HiPer]
May 29 08:28:39 probe pppd[270]: No CHAP secret found for authenticating
May 29 08:28:39 probe pppd[270]: sent [CHAP Failure id=0x1 I don't like
you.  Go 'way.]
May 29 08:28:39 probe pppd[270]: sent [LCP TermReq id=0x2 Authentication
May 29 08:28:39 probe pppd[270]: rcvd [PAP AuthAck id=0x1 ]
May 29 08:28:40 probe pppd[270]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
May 29 08:28:40 probe pppd[270]: Modem hangup
May 29 08:28:40 probe pppd[270]: Connection terminated.
May 29 08:28:41 probe pppd[270]: Exit.

Jens Luedicke wrote:
 try in kppp the CHAP or an script-based
 authentication method.
 ---Reply to mail from Chris Joyner about wvdial dials; kppp doesn't. Why???
  Dear friends,
  I have tinkered and tinkered but still can't make kppp work from KDE to
  dial my modem. I can use wvdial from a console (but only as root! BTW, how
  do I get to use wvdial as another user?) and it connects immediately.
  Any suggestionsas to getting kppp to do its thing?  I'm using slink.
  Thanks, Chris Joyner
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 ---End reply
 with friendly regards
 Jens Luedicke [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: wvdial dials; kppp doesn't. Why???

2000-05-29 Thread Jens Luedicke

 May 29 08:28:39 probe pppd[270]: No CHAP secret found for authenticating
 May 29 08:28:39 probe pppd[270]: sent [CHAP Failure id=0x1 I don't like
 you.  Go 'way.]
 May 29 08:28:39 probe pppd[270]: sent [LCP TermReq id=0x2 Authentication

CHAP doesn't work. Hmm Do you have tried
PAP and a script-based login ?

When I used once a little SuSE Linux (vomit...) Eval-CD,
I couldn't login to my provider with kppp at all. wvdial
worked fine, but I'm using ISDN. A script-based login
worked for me with kppp. This connection was unstable,

I'm using ISDN and so I don't know all those details.

with friendly regards
 Jens Luedicke [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Beware the potatoe mouse

2000-05-29 Thread Marvin Stodolsky
This is an early warning concerning mouse function, whose relevance to
you will depend upon your particular hardware and XF86Config file.

Currently all is fine on my desktop which is mostly a Slink/Stable
installation.  The gpm console mouse daemon is running with affecting my
good functionality under Xwindows.  In my XF86Config, the default
selection for mouse, /dev/mouse, is fine, where in my file system
/dev/mouse is a symbolic link to /dev/ttyS0.  It's releavant that
ls -l /dev/g*
reports no devices.

The same was true for my Compaq Armada laptop until yesterday, except
/dev/mouse - /dev/psaux supporting a touchpad mouse. When I upgraded
gpm from Frozen with 
  dpkg -i gpm_1.17.8-16  
Xwindows mouse function was lost. Degrading back to Stable with
  dpkg -i  gpm_1.14-3  
DID NOT cure the problem.  After much hunting around the problem was

Under gpm_1.17.8-16, /dev/gpmdata and /dev/gpmctrl were created and the
mouse symbolic link switched WITHOUT warning:
   /dev/mouse - /dev/gpmdata
which didn't serve my Xwindows at all well. Within XF86Config changing
/dev/mouse to /dev/psaux did fix the Xwindows problem, though I also had
to /etc/init.d/gpm stop before startx.

Also for my hardware at least the Stable gpm_1.17.8-1 is better.

A regular Bug report has been filed, but this may save some of you


   /dev/mousr -


2000-05-29 Thread Vitux
Goeman Stefan wrote:
 Hello everbody,
 I have another question.
 I also have an iomega ZIP drive (250 Mb) connected on the parallel port of
 my PC but I am not able to access this device.
 When I use insmod or probemod to to load the imm driver, nothing happens.
 Well, this is not completely correct. The parallel port is probed and the
 ZIP drive makes some noise but I don't receive any info concerning the the
 ZIP disk in the drive.
 Does anybody have some suggestions??
 Stefan Goeman
Please be so kind as to type a subject for your mails. Not all
of us read all the mails on debian-user: the subjects are very
convenient for telling if you're able to help...

I'm not a crook
Richard Nixon

Debian GNU/Linux
Micro$loth-free Zone

BIND configuration files

2000-05-29 Thread Sven Burgener
Hi guys!

Is there an easy way for converting old-style BIND (V 4.x.x)
configuration files to the new version style (V 8.x.x)?

I couldn't find anything matching my needs.


Re: How to start Gnome

2000-05-29 Thread Pollywog
I believe .xsession must be executable, though .xinitrc does not need to be 


On Mon, 29 May 2000, MH wrote:

  Hi Eric!

 Just a question about .xsession: Isn't it a rc-file like .xinitrc,
 and therefore there is no need for a shell-script, neither for an

Re: Using special keys on a keyboard

2000-05-29 Thread Colin Watson
Thibaut Cousin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I recently got a new keyboard with several special keys to power off the
computer, launch the mailer, etc. I'd like to make them work under Linux (I'm
using Potato).
  When I press them at boot time, I get on screen a message unknown scancode
with a code e0 xx. But I fear these codes are only for the console, not for
X. So :
   - how do I get the codes of these keys for X ? xkeycaps doesn't work,
 as it only knows standard keyboards.
   - where can I configure their action ? Is there a tool to do it ?

I can't help you for X, I'm afraid; I did get a few extra keys on my
keyboard working at the console, though. Have a look at setkeycodes(8);
with the aid of showkey(1) you'll be able to assign arbitrary scancodes
to arbitrary keycodes. You'll need to find a keycode that's currently

You'll need to fiddle with your init.d scripts in order to get this
working, though - I think /etc/init.d/ is a reasonable
place to put this sort of thing, or you could write your own and link it
into /etc/rcS.d. (Hmm, maybe Debian needs its own tool for this kind of
thing ...)

At the console, you can configure the action of extra keys using
dumpkeys(1) and loadkeys(1), and perhaps it would be worth looking at
the READLINE section in the bash(1) man page to see if that's any use
to you. X is substantially more fiddly - I'd be interested to hear from
any X experts who actually understand XKB ...



2000-05-29 Thread Goeman Stefan
Hello everybody,

I have a DVD-ROM in PC. 
The problem with this DVR-ROM is that it is possible to mount software
cdrom's using the usual mount command.
But I don't know how to play a music CDROM. Clicking the CDROM icon in GNOME
gives an error message.


Stefan Goeman

Xconsole craps out after Potato-upgrade

2000-05-29 Thread Vitux
Hi Debs
Previously (in slink, 4 days ago), Xconsole was run when
launching fvwm. Now, it doesn't start automagically, and gives
an error: Couldn't open console when I start it manually.
I find it quite annoying; I've gotten used to keeping an eye
on the modem when dialing and my ailing /dev/hdc (old WD
Any ideas?
Best Regards

I'm not a crook
Richard Nixon

Debian GNU/Linux
Micro$loth-free Zone

wheel mouse

2000-05-29 Thread Goeman Stefan

Another problem.

I also have a logictech wheel mouse. I would like to use that wheel for
I have installed the package imwheel but I don't know what I should do next
to get the mouse working correctly.

Any ideas?


Stefan Goeman.

Re: How to start Gnome

2000-05-29 Thread MH
Hi Eric!
 Not my understanding... It's an executable script like
 /etc/X11/Xsession.  Try chmod -x .xsession for yourself.
 Then see if what you put in .xsession gets used.  

It's getting used anyway...

But that's not the interesting point (it seems /etc/X11/Xsession deals with
both possibilities), so
in Debian xinit - e.g. through startx - looks for ~/.xinitrc or ~/.xsession and
the display-managers (xdm and ?) only for .xsession, is this right?

Thanks in advance,

Michael Hummel
Wollzeile 23/10 A-1010 WIEN
fprint= 93E1 AB93 C1EB BD1B D96F 96CE 302A D438 F678 3958

Description: PGP signature

Rage IIc AGP X = no vt's!

2000-05-29 Thread Vitux
Well, the subject kind of nutcases the situation.
Since I changed to a nice 17 siemens monitor and a Rage IIc
AGP card, there's only vt7(X) available. When I try any other
vt, the screen blanks as if there's no input. I tried running
the mach64-xserver, but that only gave me a bunch of screens
on top of eachother, so I'm still using the svga-server
(1280x1024, 16bpp). Maybe the card can't figure out (or
something doesn't tell it) how to get back to a standard
text-screen? I'm quite sure it's related to the x-server, as I
get normal text-screen when booting.
btw: this happened before upgrading to potato -maybe the
potato mach-server is better? 

I'm not a crook
Richard Nixon

Debian GNU/Linux
Micro$loth-free Zone

Re: Guidance

2000-05-29 Thread Carl Fink
On Mon, May 29, 2000 at 03:11:11AM -0700, T wrote:

 I have just finished installing the debian base system on my 386sx,
 which has a 170 meg hd and 8 meg of memory.  I am brand new to
 linux/unix.  I need some help.  I have been on your site for about
 an hour and have not found any help yet.  My 386 is not on the net. 




I'm assuming you have another computer that you used to send that
email, and to download the nethack .deb file?  What I did in that
situation was to connect the two computers with a null modem cable
and network them together, then use IP Masquerading and a proxy
server to put the second PC on the Internet.

See the Serial and IP-Masq HOWTOs for starting instructions.
I-Con's Science and Technology Programming

Re: Beware the potatoe mouse

2000-05-29 Thread Ron Rademaker
Something that'll probably work:

Stop gpm when using X, that'll probably allow you to use your mouse in X

Ron Rademaker

On Mon, 5 Jun 2000, Marvin Stodolsky wrote:

 This is an early warning concerning mouse function, whose relevance to
 you will depend upon your particular hardware and XF86Config file.
 Currently all is fine on my desktop which is mostly a Slink/Stable
 installation.  The gpm console mouse daemon is running with affecting my
 good functionality under Xwindows.  In my XF86Config, the default
 selection for mouse, /dev/mouse, is fine, where in my file system
 /dev/mouse is a symbolic link to /dev/ttyS0.  It's releavant that
   ls -l /dev/g*
 reports no devices.
 The same was true for my Compaq Armada laptop until yesterday, except
 /dev/mouse - /dev/psaux supporting a touchpad mouse. When I upgraded
 gpm from Frozen with 
   dpkg -i gpm_1.17.8-16  
 Xwindows mouse function was lost. Degrading back to Stable with
   dpkg -i  gpm_1.14-3  
 DID NOT cure the problem.  After much hunting around the problem was
 Under gpm_1.17.8-16, /dev/gpmdata and /dev/gpmctrl were created and the
 mouse symbolic link switched WITHOUT warning:
/dev/mouse - /dev/gpmdata
 which didn't serve my Xwindows at all well. Within XF86Config changing
 /dev/mouse to /dev/psaux did fix the Xwindows problem, though I also had
 to /etc/init.d/gpm stop before startx.
 Also for my hardware at least the Stable gpm_1.17.8-1 is better.
 A regular Bug report has been filed, but this may save some of you
/dev/mousr -
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


2000-05-29 Thread dyer
Goeman Stefan wrote:

 I have a DVD-ROM in PC.
 The problem with this DVR-ROM is that it is possible to mount software
 cdrom's using the usual mount command.
 But I don't know how to play a music CDROM. Clicking the CDROM icon in GNOME
 gives an error message.

What is the error message?
Probably, the cd player app is looking for the cdrom in /dev/cdrom.  You should 
it to your actual device, or make a symlink from your cdrom device to /dev/cdrom
ln -s /dev/hdx /dev/cdrom# where x is your actual device.



2000-05-29 Thread Elsadig Khanagi

Dear, Sir
How are you
I install GNU/Debian (Linux 2.1r2). But I didn't able to deal with floppy..I 
use (mount -t auto /dev/fd0 /floppy)...when I do that with an empty floppy 
it run without error message. but when I try to copy a file from /root or 
any to floppy , I use (cp filename /dev/fd0).. after that , if I (umount 
/floppy) and try to mount it agaian ..I got an error  message...(( VFS : 
Can't find a valid MSDOS filesystem on dev 02:00 --- mount : You must 
specify the filesystem type ...I try to use other filesystem type but also, 
I fail.

I cann't able to mount again until I use (superformat /dev/fd0)
and I got ... verify cylider 79, head 1
mformat  -s18  -t80  -h2  -s2 -M512  a:

What can I do, after I create afile to copy it to a floppy and then to use 
it in another PC?

Thanks lot to all group members.

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: help!!!!!!

2000-05-29 Thread I. Tura

Hello John,

Debian is not a company, it's a non-profit organisation. But HP is a
company and gives even less suport than Debian, so please continue
detailing your problems.


 I recently purchased your version of linux, but am having trouble 
installing it.  I was hoping you had tech support that could walk me through 
it.  I would appreciate it if you could send me this phone number. Thanks!

John A.

Do You Yahoo!?
Achetez, vendez! À votre prix! Sur

Re: Intro and it seems that W3.1 can see beyond the partitionbarriers!

2000-05-29 Thread I. Tura
Hi Vitux,

Perhaps I didn't sent that letter. Debian enormous amount of messages
dizzies me!

Sorry and thank you, man.


Transciption follows:

Sounds very strange to me, I would suppose Win3.1 (which is
actually DOS) to see only the size of the partition it lives

Me, too.

How did you partition your drive?

Before going to sleep I remembered I used the fdisk from Hamm:

I ran fdisk and I did the following:

At first there was a large FAT16 partition.

I applied the following changes:

delete the FAT16 partition.

Then add the following partitions:

dev/hda1: DOS-16 bit =32M of 100 Mb
dev/hda2: Extended (marked as bootable)
dev/hda5: a 950 Mb partition for Linux native. ()
dev/hda6: a 50 Mb partition for swap.

Then I wrote the changes.

From the DOS fdisk I see now:

Primary partition: 100 Mb
Extended partition: 1Gb with logical partitions. Would you like to see 
info on logical partitions? (Y)

No logical partitions defined. Total size of extended DOS partition: 
1051 Mb

Another curious experience w/ DOS I forgot to mention.
As I had built the computer from scratch (a 486 that nobody wanted -it
seems that here people here are very rich-) I added a 1Gb HDD. But when I
added the HDD, when running the DOS boot diskette it started to appear some
odd characters in the screen (this did not happen when I booted the Linux
An I/O conflict? I tried to solve it changing jumpers from the Oak 087
video card using all combinations (no manual for it, Oak does not give it)
but no change. Changing cards from its slots, but no solution.
As last I apply a plugplay DOS device from Intel and it detects my 
card. The errors disappear. Explanation? No idea.

No virus sure (cold boot, very new boot diskettes from two brands).
Norton DD told me the HDD was full of damaged clusters, but I stopped it
and I applied Ontrack support for large drives to the DOS boot diskette.
Then there were no errors.

What version of DOS are you running?

DOS 6.22

(btw, win3.1 seems to me to be the most stable windows version
at this point, but then again, it's based on DOS ;-)

Oh yeah man. If they have been so decent like in that times, I'm sure 
would not get so much problems as they have now.

It seems, writing this, that it's something I did uncorrectly, but I 
know what it should be.

Also: beats me why you would want to run hamm -its old, not
being developed, and there are really great advantages in
running the newer kernels (fs-corruption-bugs are fixed, much
better hardware-support, etc).
Recently upgraded slink-potato myself, things are running
smooth here.

Mmmm... I was too impatient. In the Pentium III I'll install Potato 
when I
have a copy. Perhaps there is another reason: that in Windows world I have
the tendency of being technological reactionary: prefer NT 4.0 than W2000,
prefer W95C than 98 SameExcrement, prefer WP7 (actually the best is WP 5.1
for DOS) than WP8... I forgot that it's also useful to get the latest
versions of DOS/W nice programs, such as ARJ, IrfanView...

Thanks for your interest, Vitux.


Do You Yahoo!?
Achetez, vendez! À votre prix! Sur

Re: Floppy

2000-05-29 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 Dear, Sir
... and madam. :)
 How are you
do we really need smalltalk? ;-)

 any to floppy , I use (cp filename /dev/fd0).. after that , if I (umount 
ahh ... i have the impression, that you missed the idea of mouting ...

use cp filename /floppy

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
If Windows is the answer, I want the problems back!

Re: Floppy

2000-05-29 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
  any to floppy , I use (cp filename /dev/fd0).. after that , if I (umount 
 ahh ... i have the impression, that you missed the idea of mouting ...
 use cp filename /floppy
btw: from the fact, that you are able to write to /dev/fd0 i conclude,
that you are probably working as root ... DON'T DO THAT! create a normal
user account and use it instead! the same, what you have done with your
floppies, could easily happen to your harddrive, if you are not aware of
the mechanisms.
put a line like:
/dev/fd0 /floppy vfat umask=0,noexec,quiet,noauto,user 0 0
in your /etc/fstab. this way every normal user will be able to mount and
unmount dos-formatted floppies with mount /floppy and umount /floppy.

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
If Windows is the answer, I want the problems back!

Re: help!!!!!!

2000-05-29 Thread Arthur H. Edwards
The responses you have received are correct, though a little unforgivving.
I started with other distributions that had nominaly easier installations
but switched to Debian because of its continued flexibility. Take very
seriously the use of this and other lists (including the bug-list). They
are typically much more responsive than telephone numbers. I have posted
questions and have had answers within 15 minutes (best case) and within,
say, one day (worst case). You will need to be very specific.

Arthur H. Edwards
712 Valencia Dr. NE
Abq. NM 87108

(505) 256-0834

On Mon, 29 May 2000, John Archuleta wrote:

 To Whom It May Concern,
  I recently purchased your version of linux, but am having trouble 
 installing it.  I was hoping you had tech support that could walk me through 
 it.  I would appreciate it if you could send me this phone number. Thanks!
 John A.
 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: wheel mouse

2000-05-29 Thread Marc O. Sandlus
Goeman Stefan wrote:


 Another problem.

 I also have a logictech wheel mouse. I would like to use that wheel for
 I have installed the package imwheel but I don't know what I should do next
 to get the mouse working correctly.

 Any ideas?

You will have to modify /etc/X11/XF86Config, especially the section Pointer:
Add the following line to the Section Pointer:
ZAxisMapping4 5

My Section looks like this:

Section Pointer
   Device  /dev/psaux
   Emulate3Timeout 50
   Resolution  100
   ZAxisMapping4 5

Note, that this is for a PS/2 mouse.

Afterwards, start imwheel with
imwheel -k
and test your the wheel.

To start imwheel each time you start X put the same line into /etc/X11/Xsession
imwheel -k

To alter the behaviour of imwheel, modify one of these files
/etc/imwheelrc,  which is used for everbody

Hope this helps,

Re: Xconsole craps out after Potato-upgrade

2000-05-29 Thread Lee Bradshaw
if you didn't specify the file option, try:

  xconsole -file /dev/xconsole

On Mon, May 29, 2000 at 03:47:53PM +0200, Vitux wrote:
 Hi Debs
 Previously (in slink, 4 days ago), Xconsole was run when
 launching fvwm. Now, it doesn't start automagically, and gives
 an error: Couldn't open console when I start it manually.
 I find it quite annoying; I've gotten used to keeping an eye
 on the modem when dialing and my ailing /dev/hdc (old WD
 Any ideas?
 Best Regards

Lee Bradshaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] (preferred)
Alantro Communications   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Intro and it seems that W3.1 can see beyond thepartitionbarriers!

2000-05-29 Thread Vitux
I. Tura wrote:
 Hi Vitux,
 Perhaps I didn't sent that letter. Debian enormous amount of messages
 dizzies me!
 Sorry and thank you, man.
 Transciption follows:
 Sounds very strange to me, I would suppose Win3.1 (which is
 actually DOS) to see only the size of the partition it lives
 Me, too.
 How did you partition your drive?
 Before going to sleep I remembered I used the fdisk from Hamm:
 I ran fdisk and I did the following:
 At first there was a large FAT16 partition.
 I applied the following changes:
 delete the FAT16 partition.
 Then add the following partitions:
 dev/hda1: DOS-16 bit =32M of 100 Mb
 dev/hda2: Extended (marked as bootable)
 dev/hda5: a 950 Mb partition for Linux native. (
This is a logical partition ^^
 dev/hda6: a 50 Mb partition for swap.
This one as well ^^
 Then I wrote the changes.
 From the DOS fdisk I see now:
 Primary partition: 100 Mb
 Extended partition: 1Gb with logical partitions. Would you like to 
 see the
 info on logical partitions? (Y)
 No logical partitions defined. Total size of extended DOS partition: 
 1051 Mb
Just a thought:
It seems you have made logical partitions for your Linux
install, and IIRC, linux fdisk and dos fdisk do not agree how
to handle logical partitions. This could account for the fact
that dos thinks there's no logical partitions defined (dos
can't see linux-partitions, but linux can see dos part's...)
I think you might need to make both your linux and your dos
part's as real (primary  extended) partitions to get this
working?! (I'm not even sure if this is possible; running pure
Linux on my boxes ;-)

 Another curious experience w/ DOS I forgot to mention.
 As I had built the computer from scratch (a 486 that nobody wanted -it
 seems that here people here are very rich-) I added a 1Gb HDD. But when I
 added the HDD, when running the DOS boot diskette it started to appear some
 odd characters in the screen (this did not happen when I booted the Linux

Need more info on that one. Sounds like one of those strange
things that can happen 
when combining new and old hardware :-| (hehehehe, Linux

 An I/O conflict? I tried to solve it changing jumpers from the Oak 087
 video card using all combinations (no manual for it, Oak does not give it)
 but no change. Changing cards from its slots, but no solution.
 As last I apply a plugplay DOS device from Intel and it detects my 
 card. The errors disappear. Explanation? No idea.
 No virus sure (cold boot, very new boot diskettes from two brands).
 Norton DD told me the HDD was full of damaged clusters, but I stopped 
 and I applied Ontrack support for large drives to the DOS boot diskette.
 Then there were no errors.

Be very careful with Norton. Has been known to do nasty things
to ext2-fs' and fat's. (oh sweet reminiscence of the DOS-days

 What version of DOS are you running?
 DOS 6.22
 (btw, win3.1 seems to me to be the most stable windows version
 at this point, but then again, it's based on DOS ;-)
 Oh yeah man. If they have been so decent like in that times, I'm sure 
 would not get so much problems as they have now.
 It seems, writing this, that it's something I did uncorrectly, but I 
 know what it should be.
 Also: beats me why you would want to run hamm -its old, not
 being developed, and there are really great advantages in
 running the newer kernels (fs-corruption-bugs are fixed, much
 better hardware-support, etc).
 Recently upgraded slink-potato myself, things are running
 smooth here.
 Mmmm... I was too impatient. In the Pentium III I'll install Potato 
 when I
 have a copy. Perhaps there is another reason: that in Windows world I have
 the tendency of being technological reactionary: prefer NT 4.0 than W2000,
 prefer W95C than 98 SameExcrement, prefer WP7 (actually the best is WP 5.1
 for DOS) than WP8... I forgot that it's also useful to get the latest
 versions of DOS/W nice programs, such as ARJ, IrfanView...

You're right on that one. I strongly suggest running Slink or
Potato -things have improved vastly even this past year. Good
thing w/ Linux: strong development!
One last thing: Try getting a bios-update for your old
computer; I've had much succes on my own old 486/100 (now
being reconf'ed for server use). When I updated my old Award
bios, it enabled LBA and other nice stuff (apm was much
improved). These old machines were made when a 540Mb hd was
HUGE, so no wonder if it craps out on large 1.1G drive.

 Thanks for your interest, Vitux.
No problem. Once a newbie, I'm glad if can give something back
to the 

Re: Intro and it seems that W3.1 can see beyond thepartitionbarriers!

2000-05-29 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
On Mon, May 29, 2000 at 04:49:26PM +0200, Vitux wrote:

 One last thing: Try getting a bios-update for your old
 computer; I've had much succes on my own old 486/100 (now
 being reconf'ed for server use). When I updated my old Award
 bios, it enabled LBA and other nice stuff (apm was much
 improved). These old machines were made when a 540Mb hd was
 HUGE, so no wonder if it craps out on large 1.1G drive.

I run pure Linux on old 386DX/40MHz (AMI BIOS 1990) with 1.2G HDD.
There are no problems with such configuration at all. (The only 
thing to be remebered is that there should be a small start
partition located under the 1024th cylinder I use the 10MB part.
on the very begining of the HD mounted as /boot directory).
  Wojciech M. Zabolotny  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Linux - free OS for free people!

Re: BIND configuration files

2000-05-29 Thread Fraser Campbell
Sven Burgener wrote:

 Is there an easy way for converting old-style BIND (V 4.x.x)
 configuration files to the new version style (V 8.x.x)?

Slink has a tool for this purpose ... named-bootconf, it comes as part of
the bind package.


Re: is there a gui frontend in X for dialing ppp?

2000-05-29 Thread Daniel Reuter
Hello John,

On Sun, 28 May 2000, john smith wrote:

 I have a few questions abt using ppp
 1.what is a good gui program for dialing ppp instead of using pon blah in 
 the console or term.

There is a nice wmaker-applet called You push a little button
to start the connection, you push another to terminate it. While the
connection is up, it displays data transmit rates and uptime.

Re: scsi support for ide to enable cdrecord-ing

2000-05-29 Thread Vicente Torres

1) Having 2 cdroms on the same IDE may generate problems

2) Remember to put append=hdx=ide-scsi in your lilo.conf

3) Change #define WAIT_CMD (10*HZ) to
  #define WAIT_CMD (1000*HZ)
   in the file /usr/src/linux/include/ide.h. Otherwise you will get 
   timeout errors while fixating.

4) Disable scan all luns on the kernel.

I get the same message from xcdroast so I do not use it.

Antonio Rodriguez wrote:
 I have a frozen system working, with kernel 2.2.15 and
 lsmode shows: serial, sg, ide_scsi, ppp, slhc
 I have ATAPI CDROM DRIVE 36-X and HP CD-Writer +7200 both in the
 secondary IDE controller.
 When I try to run cdrecord, or xcdroast I get the message that I have to
 implement generic scsi support. Don't I have it already? What exactly do
 I have to configure in my module to have these two fellow CDROMS visible
 to the system? Thanks,
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

  .'/,-Y ~-.
Vicente Torres Carot  l.Y ^.
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia   /\   __  Doh!
Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica   i___/   \
Ctra. Nazaret-Oliva, s/n |  /   \   o !
46730 Grau de Gandia (Valencia)  l ] o !__./
SPAIN \ _  _\.___./~\
   X \/ \___./
Tel.: (96)2849300 ( \ ___.   _..--~~   ~`-.
FAX:  (96)2849309 ` Z,--   /\
 __.  (   /   __)
I don't apologize. I'm sorry, but that's  \   l  /-~~ /
just the way I am. -- Homer Simpson -- Y   \  /
## | x__.^
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!

Re: potato on 386

2000-05-29 Thread Daniel Reuter
Hello Thomas,

On Sun, 28 May 2000, Thomas Niesel wrote:

 Now I want to know how to get deb-files to the disk. 
 Still got an corel-image which I know its debian-based, mounted as an 
 I can browse the CD but I don't know how to install the files.
 I know it's maybe old stuff but to play around it is ok.
 The man-program is missing so I can't look at the man-pages on the disk :(

mandb is not included in the base system, and debian provides three
different tools to install packages.
1.) dpkg: low-level package-handler. 
type something like dpkg --install /unix/path/to/packagename.deb
to install a package. If there are dependency problems, the program will
exit with an error message and tell you which packages are missing, so you
can install them first.
2.) dselect: nice front-end to dpkg, allows you to specify a install
method, browse a list of available packages and mark them for
installation. Just type 'dselect' to start it. It will tell you if there
are dependency problems and mark the required packages for installation.
When you quit the list, you can specify (via a menu) install, and it will
3.) apt: nice command line frontend to dpkg, but I would not recommend
using it for a first install of Debian (although, when you get used to it,
it is really a powerful and easy to use package-management system,
especially for upgrades. It will fetch the packages automagically and
take care of dependencies and version numbers (you just specify the
package names, not the full file name with version number and
So install man-db via dpkg (or dselect), then read the man-page of apt-get
(not apt, the actual program is called apt-get), and see what you can get
out of it (as you worked with other distros and managed to mount a CD-ROM,
I suppose, a lot).


P.S.: don't know, if the corel image will work well, I have absolutely no 
experience in mixing debian and corel and what's the difference between
the two. 
If you have fast internet-connectivity, you could give frozen a try, I am
using it since about February and have not had severe problems (although
there are still some bugs).(And it's no problem to upgrade the packages
later, apt-get will do that for you. Automagically!)

Re: X on a 486

2000-05-29 Thread Felix Natter
Atila Nemet [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Unfortunately I have only an old 486 PC on 120MHz. Is there
 window manager which is low on system resources so I
 could set up X on this 486?

other than those already mentioned, there is icewm.
its advantage is IMHO that it is fast but still includes a windows-style
panel (unlike windowmaker, which takes a little getting used to).

Felix Natter

Re: wvdial dials; kppp doesn't. Why???

2000-05-29 Thread Daniel Reuter
Hello Chris,

On Sun, 28 May 2000, Chris Joyner wrote:

 I can use wvdial from a console (but only as root! BTW, how
 do I get to use wvdial as another user?)

You have to add the users which shall be allowed to connect via ppp to the
dip group (e.g. with: adduser username dip).


Re: Problems with TeTex

2000-05-29 Thread Pann McCuaig
This should be a FAQ by now. Make sure your slink TeTeX packages are up
to date (check your local mirror). If you use older packages (off a CD
for example) you'll run into this problem. Something 'expired' after a
year. You can search this list for gory details, but the fix is: install
the latest available slink TeTeX packages.

On Sat, May 27, 2000 at 23:13, Viktor Rosenfeld wrote:
 Hi folks,
 I've installed TeTeX on my machine (from slink), but I can't get it
 I ran
   texconfig all
 as root, but when I try to translate a file with latex file of tex
 file I get the following error message
   This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.2)
   I can't find the format file `latex.fmt'!   
 The FAQ says to do a texconfig init, but that won't help either.  A
 locate .fmt shows nothing.  
 Something, that might be related is that kpsexpand -p fmt shows a path
 with !! at the beginning of some entries, as in
 Any ideas?
 MfG Viktor
 Viktor Rosenfeld
 E-Mail:   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

geek by nature, Linux by choice L I N U X   .~.
The Choice  /V\ of a GNU  /( )\
Generation ^^-^^

Re: X on a 486

2000-05-29 Thread Atila Nemet
AN Unfortunately I have only an old 486 PC on 120MHz. Is there
AN window manager which is low on system resources so I
AN could set up X on this 486?

From, the help I've got, it seems that the problem is not with the
window manager itself (since there are people who are using X with various
window managers on weaker machines), but with the programs I use.
I have set up fvwm and it ran quite ok. as long as I was using some
little applications, but when I started Netscape. It lookd like the
time had sopped. Would a memory upgrade help in this case?


lost /vmlinuz

2000-05-29 Thread David S. Bateman
I'm running potato on a pent 533EB and have been using 2.2.15-idepci ,
apt-get upgrade tried to upgrade my kernel image. I moved 2.2.15-idepci
to .old and apt installed a new image but now when lilo tries to boot
off the hard drive it complains that /vmlinuz is missing.

In /lib/modules i've got 2.2.12, 2.2.15-idepci, 2.2.15-idepci.old

do I need to create /vmlinuz and link to the kernel image (ln -s
2.2.15-idepci /vmlinuz)?

I'm still able to get the system up by booting off the floppy, but, I'm
lost beyond that.


Debian GNU/Linux 2.2
100% M$ free

Re: How do I allow empty passwords?

2000-05-29 Thread Christian Lynbech on satellite
 Riku == Riku Saikkonen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Riku passwd -d guest seems to remove the password for the user guest on
Riku my potato system

One can also do 

usermod -p  guest

Beware, however, that PAM may not be configured to allow empty

Christian Lynbech  | Ericsson Telebit, Fabrikvej 11, DK-8260 Viby J  
Fax:   +45 8675 6881   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phone: +45 8675 6828   | web:
Hit the philistines three times over the head with the Elisp reference manual.
- [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael A. Petonic)

Secure Shell Login

2000-05-29 Thread Jay Kelly
I need help with using and setting up ssh. I downloaded a secure shell
client(ttssh. and now I am working on setting up the server side. I ran
ssh-keygen and created a RSA key. Where will I place the key. I have made a
directory called .ssh in my home, it has permissions 711
(chmod 711 .ssh) inside that is a file called authorized_keys that should
store the public keys (1 key per line!) and the file has permissions 600
(chmod 600 authorized_keys). But I dont know how to place the key in that
Any idea's guys

Re: ssh stopped working

2000-05-29 Thread Andre Berger
Sorry for my quite unprofessional posting. The problem has been
solved now; my ISP's dialin-server had a wrong configuration.

Andre Berger [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Ron Rademaker [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Can you take a look at the syslog of the other host??? Maybe that gives
  you some more information.
  Ron Rademaker
  On Sat, 27 May 2000, Andre Berger wrote:
   I had a functional ssh (potato/ppc), but now it has stopped
   working. The error message I get is
   ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
   when I try to connect to the same hosts as before. I have no idea why.
   (ssh is already purged and reinstalled.)

Re: Secure Shell Login

2000-05-29 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 directory called .ssh in my home, it has permissions 711
700 should be enough, i think.
 (chmod 600 authorized_keys). But I dont know how to place the key in that
simply paste the contents of the public key file. it should be a single
line, which is in the same format, as expected in authorized_keys.

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
If Windows is the answer, I want the problems back!

Re: lost /vmlinuz

2000-05-29 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 do I need to create /vmlinuz and link to the kernel image (ln -s
 2.2.15-idepci /vmlinuz)?
you may do this, but this is not the way it should be done.
you should reconfigure your /etc/lilo.conf (and run lilo afterwards).

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
If Windows is the answer, I want the problems back!

Problem with latest Realplayer

2000-05-29 Thread Stig Are M. Botterli
After upgrading to the latest Realplayer (via realplayer_7.0.2.1_i386.deb),
I am now told Cannot open the audio device. Another application may be
using it. on startup.  The audio device is _not_ busy, and other programs
can make use of the soundcard.  Realplayer fine before the upgrade.  I
haven't seen anyone else mentioning this as a problem, so I am at a bit of a
loss as to its cause.  Any ideas?
I'm using a GUS Extreme and the (commercial) OSS drivers.

Stig Are M. Botterli | Some men see things as they are and ask why.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Others dream things that never were and ask why not.
-- George Bernard Shaw

Re: lost /vmlinuz

2000-05-29 Thread Randy Edwards
 apt-get upgrade tried to upgrade my kernel image. I moved 2.2.15-idepci
 to .old and apt installed a new image but now when lilo tries to boot
 off the hard drive it complains that /vmlinuz is missing.

   Yes, you've got exactly the idea -- recreate the vmlinuz symbolic link.

   As you've probably deduced, /vmlinuz is just a symbolic link pointing to
the real kernel file which is located in /boot.

   As root, do the following:

cd / (make sure we're in the root directory.

rm vmlinuz (delete the old symbolic link because it's probably broken;
we're going to recreate the symbolic link below anyway)

ln -s boot/2.2.15-idepci vmlinuz (recreate the symbolic link; this of
course will differ depending on what your kernel in /boot is named)

liloconfig (run liloconfig so that lilo knows about the new kernel and can
boot it)

 Regards, | The ultimate result is that some innovations that would 
 .| truly benefit consumers never occur for the sole reason
 Randy| that they do not coincide with Microsoft's self-interest.
  | -- Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson, U.S. District Judge

SOLVED: Rage IIc AGP X = no vt's!

2000-05-29 Thread Vitux
Bruce Sass wrote:
 On Mon, 29 May 2000, Vitux wrote:
  Well, the subject kind of nutcases the situation.
 You mean nutshell, a nutcase is the guy who goes mountain climbing
 in a string bikini or runs around wearing an aluminum foil hat (even
 when not using a cell phone :).
 Sorry, I couldn't resist the urge to comment.
You're obviously right. But then I'm excused 'cause I'm not a
native english speaker ;-P.
BTW, I solved my problem. The Mach64-server did the trick
after tweaking a while to get any modes out of the damn thing.
Now I'm running a beautiful X in 1280x1024,24bpp, and all the
vt's output nicely to the screen.
Thanks anyway for your patience. Still learning here...

I'm not a crook
Richard Nixon

Debian GNU/Linux
Micro$loth-free Zone

Re: X on a 486

2000-05-29 Thread Vitux
Atila Nemet wrote:
 AN Unfortunately I have only an old 486 PC on 120MHz. Is there
 AN window manager which is low on system resources so I
 AN could set up X on this 486?
 From, the help I've got, it seems that the problem is not with the
 window manager itself (since there are people who are using X with various
 window managers on weaker machines), but with the programs I use.
 I have set up fvwm and it ran quite ok. as long as I was using some
 little applications, but when I started Netscape. It lookd like the
 time had sopped. Would a memory upgrade help in this case?
Definitely would. Netscape is a memory hog. I've been running
quite smooth untill recently using X/fvwm/Netscape4.72 on a
[EMAIL PROTECTED], with 50Mb ram installed. It would use about 43Mb
running the lot...

I'm not a crook
Richard Nixon

Debian GNU/Linux
Micro$loth-free Zone

Re: Problem with latest Realplayer

2000-05-29 Thread Phillip Deackes
Stig Are M. Botterli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 After upgrading to the latest Realplayer (via
 I am now told Cannot open the audio device. Another application may
 using it. on startup.  The audio device is _not_ busy, and other
 can make use of the soundcard.  Realplayer fine before the upgrade.  I
 haven't seen anyone else mentioning this as a problem, so I am at a
 bit of a
 loss as to its cause.  Any ideas?
 I'm using a GUS Extreme and the (commercial) OSS drivers.

Interesting. I tried using xmms (to play an mp3) and got the same
message. I had only the other day downloaded the new RealPlayer which
worked immediately. I had to go into xmms preferences and change *from*
the OSS to the eSound Plugin before it would work.

I have just tried RealPlayer and needed to enable 'Native Sound Drivers'
to get this to work. Now both xmms and RealPlayer work fine.

Hope this helps.

Phillip Deackes
Using Storm Linux 2000

Microtek Scanmaker IV Scanner compatible?

2000-05-29 Thread Erik Ryberg

The linux HOW-TO compatibility list does not include this model, though
it does include the Scanmaker III.  Is anyone successfully using the
Scanmaker IV and do you have any tips to get me started?


Erik Ryberg
Running Debian GNU/Linux

Dselect suddenly vanished from potato?

2000-05-29 Thread Vitux
Hi Debs.
4 days since upgrade. Still trying to get used to all the new
stuff. Looks really cool, though, this far.
The strangest thing: Dselect has vanished! (or maybe just
crapped out?)
Normally, I would log in as root, type dselect, and off we go
installing stuff. 
Now, I get bash: dselect: command not found.
Ok, maybe there's some path been lost: 
~#whereis dselect
Dselect: /usr/bin/dselect
Let's try it, then:
bash: usr/bin/dselect: Input/output error

The really weird part is, I've used it just today to install
the mach64-xserver from which I'm typing this?! Along with
mach64 (which I chose to install) potato wanted to install
lots of stuff I'm not using, including emacs, xemacs, and a
german dictionary (I don't even speak german). I chose not to
install most of this, except for some gnomelibs and a few
other libs, which I figured might be important. Sorry I can't
tell you the exact names, I didn't write them down :-|
btw, this was my first run of dselect since upgrading.
Anyone? I was just getting to like dselect, weird as it is.
(kind of the way you like an ugly dog ;-P)
Best Regards

I'm not a crook
Richard Nixon

Debian GNU/Linux
Micro$loth-free Zone

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