Re: magicfilter

2000-12-20 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Jorge Sanchez Pelaez wrote:
 Instale magicfilter 1.2.1, en los documentos encuentro que hablan de un
 magicfilterconfig, pero no lo encuentro en el sistema, el unico ejecutable
 que encuetro en magicfilter.
está en /usr/sbin/magicfilterconfig que viene en el paquete magicfilter.
Para ver la lista de ficheros que vienen con tu versión de magicfilter,
usa: dpkg -L magicfilter


No me sale las cuentas con la memoria

2000-12-20 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
Hola a todos...

Tengo una maquina con 128 Mb, si hago free, bajo el concepto de total me
sale 128456 cuando deberia ser 131072, la diferencia 2616, no aparece bajo
ningun otro concepto.

¿Donde estan estos Kb?


¿Cómo se usan los pools de non-free con apt?

2000-12-20 Thread Daniel Payno
¿qué es lo que tengo que poner en mi sources.list? Es que, claro, deb ft...
debian stable non-free No me va :)
Daniel PaynoGrupo de Usuarios de Linux
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Coño tía, ¡qué es Papá!...¡¡Pero qué dices Papá!!
-- familia

Description: PGP signature

Re: ¿Cómo se usan los pools de non-free con apt?

2000-12-20 Thread Carles Pina i Estany


 ¿qué es lo que tengo que poner en mi sources.list? Es que, claro, deb ft...
 debian stable non-free No me va :)

enlazando con esto (contestación de la cual no sé) he leído que ahora ha
aparecido la serie testing en la Debian?

Es un entremedio entre unstable y stable? alguien me lo confirma? como irá
el tema? qué tengo que poner en el sources.list?

Y el pool packages tampoco pillé exactamente que son, no es lo mismo que
el testing?

Gracias y hasta pronto

Carles Pina i Estany
   E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] || #ICQ: 14446118 || Nick: Pinux
   EstOy hasTa LOs coNGoJOs Del ShiFT izQUIerDo!!! 8c9jMRm79%

paquete debian de sourceforge

2000-12-20 Thread David Charro Ripa
Estoy buscando un paquete debian del sistema que tienen montado en
En sourceforge aseguran que existe dicho paquete aunque no dicen
exactamente donde.
¿Cómo puedo ver los paquetes que están probando los desarrolladores?
O la listas de deseos



Re: ¿Donde están mis eth's matarilerilerile, donde...?

2000-12-20 Thread Amaya
Javier Vi?uales Guti?rrez dijo:
 Mucho más sencillo, increíble pero cierto, anda no os troncheis demasiado: la
 tarjeta PCMCIA estaba un poco sacada 0:-)

No tienes perdón de $DEITY :-P

I suspect there are many things you haven't heard of yet.  Don't let that stop
you from discovering them; just bear in mind that some of them have sharp edges
in unexpected places.

Amaya Rodrigo Sastre[EMAIL PROTECTED]
(ºº) - Networking on the move!

Dudas sobre FreeSWAN

2000-12-20 Thread Carlos López
Hola a todos.

Tengo una seria duda sobre la configuración de Debian
2.2 con FreeSWAN. He realizar un montage tal como

BCN -- Debian/FreeSWAN -- Router -- Internet
-- Router -- Debian/FreeSWAN --- Madrid.

BCN es un red interna del tipo y Madrid es
una red del tipo Mi duda es: solo
dispongo de dos IP´s públicas Internet que
naturalmente han de tener asignadas los routers.
Entonces ¿como hago para que la VPN funcione
correctamente en la transferencia de datos encriptados
entre BCN y Madrid ya que Debian ha de tener asignadas
dos ip´s de tipo privado ?? ¿No representa esto un
serio problema ???


Do You Yahoo!?
Obtenga su dirección de correo-e gratis

Acentos con mutt

2000-12-20 Thread luis miguel
No consigo que se vean los acentos y las eñes cuando leo el correo con mutt. 
Si leo el correo con $mail los veo bien. Tengo activado e .muttrc 
set allow_8bit y set charset=iso-8859-1.
¿Qué leñes puede pasar?

Conflicto de versiones

2000-12-20 Thread José Luis Ayala

Estoy intentando compilar unos módulos pero, cuando los intento
cargar con insmod, me dice que han sido compilados para un kernel 2.2.15
(definido en /usr/include/linux/version.h) pero mi núcleo es 2.2.17. Por
tanto, no puede cargarlos convenientemente. ¿Qué es lo que debo
cambiar/actualizar para que no aparezca este conflicto de versiones?

Muchas gracias!!



José Luis Ayala Rodrigo e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dpto. Ingeniería Electrónica
E.T.S. Ingenieros Telecomunicación
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Linux Registered User #182215   web:
Teoría es cuando se sabe todo y nada funciona; práctica, cuando todo 
funciona y nadie sabe por qué.

Re: su -

2000-12-20 Thread Sergio Talens-Oliag
El Wed, Dec 20, 2000 at 10:48:39AM +0300, Pablo Sabatino escribió:
 Queria hacer una pregunta.
 ¿Puedo en Linux realizar alguna configuracion en algun archivo
 para que a un determinado usuario pueda hacer su - sin que
 pida la password ?
 $su -
 $su -

  Puedes utilizar el sudo:

$ sudo bash -login

  Para que te funcione sin password tendrías que hacer algo como lo siguiente
  en el /etc/sudoers (editalo con visudo):

# User alias specification
User_Alias ADMIN = login1, login2
# Cmnd alias specification
Cmnd_Alias BASH = /bin/bash
# User privilege specification

  Te recomiendo que mires el manual del sudo y te advierto que esto es
  peligroso, pero si es lo que quieres ...



icewm i ejecutar aplicación

2000-12-20 Thread Carles Pina i Estany


Antes habia usado KDE, y con ALT+F2 me salia Command: y podia entrar el
nombre de un ejecutable y se ejecutaba.

Con icewm hay algo parecido?

Hace tiempo que uso icewm pero no he encontrado nada así... y lo encuentro
a faltar


Carles Pina i Estany
   E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] || #ICQ: 14446118 || Nick: Pinux
   Respete la velocidad: 2400 Bps. Las imprudencias se pagan.

sylpheed para Potato

2000-12-20 Thread Joaquin Fernandez Piqueras
Joaquin Fernandez Piqueras wrote:

 El otro dia estuve probando en casa (con Woody) sylpheed, un fantastico
 lector de correo para gnome, pero por mucho que pruebo diferentes
 versiones en potato, siempre me dice lo mismo, que necesito actualizar
 la libc6, pero no soy muy partidario de hacer inventos con librerias y
 menos en el ordenador del trabajo, asi que pregunto:
 ¿hay alguna version de sylpheed para potato?
 ¿se puede actualizar a la libc6 de woody sin miedo? (me da en la nariz
 que no)

 En caso de que no haya solucion, que otros lectores de correo hay que
 tengan aspecto de netscape pero sean rapidos?



Re: El ratón de las X no me funciona.

2000-12-20 Thread Javier Vi?uales Guti?rrez
On mié, dic 20, 2000 at 01:25:07 +, Alberto Rodríguez wrote:

Pon /dev/ttyS1.

 Section Pointer
Device  /dev/mouse
Resolution  100
Buttons 3

Vuelve a poner /dev/ttyS1.

A ver qué ocurre ahora.
Saludos y suerte.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Package pools y testing

2000-12-20 Thread jvicente
Mi duda es:

Supuestamente el cambio más problematico sería que en woody (o testing)
se volvio atrás la glibc porque no se podia compilar (o algo asi) en m68k y
otra plataforma más. Tenemos que volver atrás a potato+testing?
Que pasó con los paquetes que estaban en woody antes, pero no están en
testing hoy? Pasaron a sid? o los de sid son los propios de sid :-)?

Y ahora el segundo tema. testing es una nueva distribución de

ahora mismo la estructura es:
stable - potato
testing - woody
unstable - sid
En estos momentos woody ha menguado y retrocedido en el tiempo. Si
curioseáis un poquito veréis que woody es ahora poco más que
potato. Para los habitantes de unstable esto significa que tenemos
que cambiar el sources.list de woody a sid (o mejor, a unstable,
que para eso está el nombre).

Re: Package pools y testing

2000-12-20 Thread Javier Vi?uales Guti?rrez
On mié, dic 20, 2000 at 02:17:30 +0100, Enrique Robledo Arnuncio wrote:

A mi después de leer esto se me quedó cara de tonto, debo ser torpe o que esta
vez Anthony se explicó regular, opto por lo primero dado que este tipo tiene
tela y suele ser bastante claro e ir al grano.

 stable - potato
 testing - woody
 unstable - sid

Esto es lo único que comprendí 100%, desués vienen las preguntas estúpidas:
¿qué representa ahora el gráfico de, ¿se acerca sid a Debian GNU/HURD a
gran velocidad (estoy suscrito a debian-hurd, por eso y por los pools y la
distribución testing lo digo)?, ...

 En fín, no se si he aclarado algo o lo he liado un poco más :)

Has aclarado bastante, hay que tener en cuenta que la cosa como tu mismo
dices tiene miga, aunque el usuario final no lo nota, *ahí está la gracia*

Muchas gracias y un saludo.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: El ratón de las X no me funciona.

2000-12-20 Thread Alberto Rodríguez

- Original Message -
From: Benjamin Encuentra [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Alberto Rodríguez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2000 11:07 PM
Subject: Re: El ratón de las X no me funciona.

 Aunque sea un poco drástico, yo hago gpm -k antes de entrar en las X y
 muerto el perro se acabó la rabia.

 B. Encuentra
 - Original Message -
 From: Alberto Rodríguez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Javier Vi?uales Guti?rrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2000 3:14 AM
 Subject: Re: El ratón de las X no me funciona.

  Javier Vi?uales Guti?rrez wrote:
   On lun, dic 18, 2000 at 12:13:00 +, Alberto Rodríguez wrote:
  Tengo un Mouseman puerto serie de Logitech. Lo cierto es que
arranco las X, el ratón no se mueve. Originariamente las X no me
funcionaban, pero esto es algo que pude solucionar con XF86Setup.
El ratón sin embargo sigue sin moverse en modo gráfico.
   Pon en tu /etc/gpm.conf lo siguiente:
   Si te funciona el ratón en consola, te ha de funcionar en X, partiendo
 de la
   base que tienes bien el /etc/X11/XF86Config.
   Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
  Pues nada, que sigue sin funcionarme el ratón en las X. De hecho mira lo
  que hay ahora mismo en mi gpm.conf:
  donde /dev/mouse es un enlace simbólico a ttyS1, que es donde tengo
  puesto el ratón.
  Ah! Otra cosa extrañísima, con el dmesg veo que debian me detecta mi
  MouseMan de Logitech puerto serie como un raton tipo psaux. Alguien
  entiende algo?
  A ver quien me echa una manita...
  Gracias y saludos.
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Pues el problema es que sin tener gpm (lo instalé con posterioridad) el
ratón en las X seguía sin funcionarme, por lo que me temo que gpm -k no

De todas forma se agradace el intento...


RE: El ratón de las X no me funciona.

2000-12-20 Thread Alberto Rodríguez

- Original Message -
From: Javier Vi?uales Guti?rrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2000 3:17 PM
Subject: Re: El ratón de las X no me funciona.

 On mié, dic 20, 2000 at 01:25:07 +, Alberto Rodríguez wrote:

 Pon /dev/ttyS1.

  Section Pointer
 Device  /dev/mouse
 Resolution  100
 Buttons 3

 Vuelve a poner /dev/ttyS1.

 A ver qué ocurre ahora.
 Saludos y suerte.
 Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Bien eso haré, pero la verdad es que no le veo sentido... si en ambos
archivos tengo /dev/mouse y  /dev/mouse es un enlace a ttyS1, esto debería
funcionar sin más, en caso contrario quiere decir que existe algún
problemilla al respecto en la debian2.2 no?

Re: Shell script

2000-12-20 Thread Diego Bote
On Tue, Dec 19, 2000 at 09:21:01AM +0100, Jose Antonio Ortega Garcia wrote:
 He realizado un script para automatizar mi conexion a internet. He puesto
 los siguientes comandos pon airtel,sendmail -q, fetchmail,poff, pero
 ocurre que se solapan, es decir primero se ejecuta el pon airtel, pero
 inmediatamente despues el sendmail -q, y como todavia no le ha dado tiempo
 a establecer la conexion,puers falla. Como se hace esto? y si intentara
 hacer lo mismo pero desde la xwindows, es decir primero pondria en el
 script startx. Gracias.

Pon  separando una orden de otra y una no se ejecutará hasta que se 
haya ejecutado con éxito la anterior. Mi fuerte no es este pero creo que 
básicamente esto es así. Prúebalo y ya nos contarás.



Diego Bote BarcoEscuela de Ingenierías Industriales
Área de Matemática Aplicada Avda. de Elvas s/nº
Departamento de Matemáticas C.P.: 06071 BADAJOZ
Universidad de Extremadura  Tlf.: 924 289600 ext 9754 Fax: 924 289601

Re: OT: entrarle a un RH51

2000-12-20 Thread Jaime Fernández Martínez
Lo primero: creo que si no conocéis la contraseña de root ni hay forma
de hacer una escalada de privilegios (¿se dice así?), sólo podrás
solucionar tu problema accediendo físicamente a la máquina.  Todo esto
suponiendo que puedas hacer un telnet o algo similar.  
Lo segundo: este problema no es específico de Red Hat.  Si vuelo de mi
empresa sin dejar las contraseñas de root de las máquinas con Debian o
SCO Openserver se van a ver en las mismas.  También me ocurrió con un NT
Server cuyo administrador listillo se dio a la fuga.  Más te digo: con
cualquier UNIX/Linux lo vas a tener mejor (si tienes acceso físico a la
máquina) que con NT/2000 Server.

Roberto Meyer escribió:
 Supongo que estos casos de abandono de soporte son un buen ejemplo
 de lo que bill podria utilizar como propaganda...

Jaime Fernandez Martinez ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: Shell script

2000-12-20 Thread Daniel Payno
Hola Diego...

decías, el 20 de dic de 2000, a las 05:07 +0100:
   Pon  separando una orden de otra y una no se ejecutará hasta que se 
 haya ejecutado con éxito la anterior. Mi fuerte no es este pero creo que 
 básicamente esto es así. Prúebalo y ya nos contarás.
Seguro que me equivoco, pero, ¿esto no hace lo contrario, los ejecuta en
Vamos, yo lo que hago es 

comando1 ; comando2
Daniel PaynoGrupo de Usuarios de Linux
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Sólo hay dos cosas infinitas: El universo y la estupidez humana. No sé cuál va 
primero (Albert Einstein)

Description: PGP signature

Re: Shell script

2000-12-20 Thread Jose Antonio Ortega Garcia
On Tue, 19 Dec 2000, Enzo Alberto Dari wrote:

 Jose Antonio Ortega Garcia wrote:
  He realizado un script para automatizar mi conexion a internet. He puesto
  los siguientes comandos pon airtel,sendmail -q, fetchmail,poff, pero
  ocurre que se solapan, es decir primero se ejecuta el pon airtel, pero
  inmediatamente despues el sendmail -q, y como todavia no le ha dado tiempo
  a establecer la conexion,puers falla. Como se hace esto? ...
 Hay unos directorios llamados:
 el pppd ejecuta todos los scripts que encuentre en el primero de
 ellos, después de establecerse la comunicación.
 Análogamente, después de colgar ejecuta todos los scripts que
 encuentre en /etc/ppp/ip-down.d

Ya lo he probado.Y sigue lo mismo. 

Jose Antonio Ortega GarciaDebian-2.2 Gnu/linux Potato

Re: Shell script

2000-12-20 Thread Jose Antonio Ortega Garcia
On Tue, 19 Dec 2000, Carlos Solano wrote:

 On Tue, Dec 19, 2000 at 09:21:01AM +0100, Jose Antonio Ortega Garcia wrote:
  He realizado un script para automatizar mi conexion a internet. He puesto
  los siguientes comandos pon airtel,sendmail -q, fetchmail,poff, pero
  ocurre que se solapan, es decir primero se ejecuta el pon airtel, pero
  inmediatamente despues el sendmail -q, y como todavia no le ha dado tiempo
  a establecer la conexion,puers falla. Como se hace esto? y si intentara
  hacer lo mismo pero desde la xwindows, es decir primero pondria en el
  script startx. Gracias.
  Jose Antonio Ortega GarciaDebian-2.2 Gnu/linux Potato
 Haz que no se ejecute el siguiente proceso hasta que el anterior no hay 
 terminado: pon airtel  sendmail -q  fetchmail ...

Ya lo he probado. Y sigue lo mismo :-( 

Jose Antonio Ortega GarciaDebian-2.2 Gnu/linux Potato

Re: El ratón de las X no me funciona.

2000-12-20 Thread Javier Vi?uales Guti?rrez
On mié, dic 20, 2000 at 04:05:49 -, Alberto Rodríguez wrote:
 Bien eso haré, pero la verdad es que no le veo sentido... si en ambos
 archivos tengo /dev/mouse y  /dev/mouse es un enlace a ttyS1, esto debería
 funcionar sin más, en caso contrario quiere decir que existe algún
 problemilla al respecto en la debian2.2 no?

Lo hay, cierta incompatibilidad dentre gpm y las X.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Shell script

2000-12-20 Thread Javier Coso Gutierrez
El 20 de dic de 2000, a las 06:21 +0100, Jose Antonio Ortega Garcia escribio:
 los siguientes comandos pon airtel,sendmail -q, fetchmail,poff, pero
-- Fin de mensaje original --
Prueba a hacer un fichero con permisos de ejecucion en el directorio
/etc/ppp/ip-up.d que sea lo siguiente:
--- Fichero 
sendmail -q
-- Fin -

Como te decian hara que una vez realizada la conexion ejecute todos
los ficheros que tienes en ese directorio. No lo recuerdo ahora mismo pero
lo unico que podria fallar es el path de los comandos sendmail y fecthmail.
Por eso... Si no quieres tener dudas ponle el path completo.

Javier Coso Gutierrez  Correo Electronico Para Alumnos
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Servicio de Informatica
Tlf: 916.249.986   Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

$ sleep with me
bad character

Re: Fwd: magicfilter

2000-12-20 Thread Julian Armando Mena Zapata
Eso esta raro. Segurisimpo que no esta magicfilterconfig? Sino utiliza
apsfilter (es otro .deb)

On Tue, 19 Dec 2000, Jorge Sanchez Pelaez wrote:

 Instale magicfilter 1.2.1, en los documentos encuentro que hablan de un
 magicfilterconfig, pero no lo encuentro en el sistema, el unico ejecutable
 que encuetro en magicfilter.
 Que tengo que hacer para configurar la impresora, es una epson 810, puedo
 inprimir un logo chiquito, o solo puedo texto.
 Agradezco toda la informacion que me puedan dar.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Programa para la elaboracion de dietas

2000-12-20 Thread quique
Hola a todos:

¿Alguien conoce algún programa para la elaboración de dietas?, también
me valdría algún software o página web donde encontrar una base de datos
que describa los alimentos (calorías ...)

Cualquier información sobre software (preferentemente libre claro está)
relaccionado con las dietas clínicas sería enormemente valiosa para mí.

Un saludo y muchas gracias,


Re: No me sale las cuentas con la memoria

2000-12-20 Thread Julian Armando Mena Zapata
Compartes memoria con el video?
en lilo.conf coloca la linea
append=mem=128M y guardas el archivo
 despues ejecuta lilo. Debe funcionar (creo?)

On Wed, 20 Dec 2000, Angel Vicente Perez wrote:

 Hola a todos...
 Tengo una maquina con 128 Mb, si hago free, bajo el concepto de total me
 sale 128456 cuando deberia ser 131072, la diferencia 2616, no aparece bajo
 ningun otro concepto.
 ¿Donde estan estos Kb?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Conflicto de versiones

2000-12-20 Thread Julian Armando Mena Zapata
utiliza los scripts del kernel-package-XXX.deb eso te trabajara bien
(leete el manual de instalacion, tiene un item referente a la compilacion
del nucleo)

On Wed, 20 Dec 2000, José Luis Ayala wrote:

   Estoy intentando compilar unos módulos pero, cuando los intento
 cargar con insmod, me dice que han sido compilados para un kernel 2.2.15
 (definido en /usr/include/linux/version.h) pero mi núcleo es 2.2.17. Por
 tanto, no puede cargarlos convenientemente. ¿Qué es lo que debo
 cambiar/actualizar para que no aparezca este conflicto de versiones?
   Muchas gracias!!
 José Luis Ayala Rodrigo   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Dpto. Ingeniería Electrónica  
 E.T.S. Ingenieros Telecomunicación
 Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
 Linux Registered User #182215 web:
 Teoría es cuando se sabe todo y nada funciona; práctica, cuando todo 
 funciona y nadie sabe por qué.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

RE: El ratón de las X no me funciona.

2000-12-20 Thread Julian Armando Mena Zapata
Yo tengo resto de problemas con el raton con potato. Antes (slink) usaba
xf86config sin problemas, ahora solo puedo desde XF86Setup y dejo lo que
el detecta (si le muevo cualquier configuracion al raton no me
funciona). Casualmente esto me pasa con los oficiales de potato pues un
mirror antiguo de potato-unstable lo utilice para configurar la misma
maquina y me funciono sin problemas. Yo creo que es casualidad (creo!)

 Bien eso haré, pero la verdad es que no le veo sentido... si en ambos
 archivos tengo /dev/mouse y  /dev/mouse es un enlace a ttyS1, esto debería
 funcionar sin más, en caso contrario quiere decir que existe algún
 problemilla al respecto en la debian2.2 no?

Re: Package pools y testing

2000-12-20 Thread Enrique Robledo Arnuncio
On Wed, Dec 20, 2000 at 12:21:59PM -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Mi duda es:
 Supuestamente el cambio más problematico sería que en woody (o testing)
 se volvio atrás la glibc porque no se podia compilar (o algo asi) en m68k y
 otra plataforma más. Tenemos que volver atrás a potato+testing?
 Que pasó con los paquetes que estaban en woody antes, pero no están en
 testing hoy? Pasaron a sid? o los de sid son los propios de sid :-)?

Pues sí, esos paquetes siguen actualizándose en unstable (sid) como
siempre. Si quieres seguir actualizando de unstable, tienes que dejar
atrás woody :).

Por cierto, acabo de configurar mi apt para sid. Símplemente he tenido que
cambiar woody por unstable en el sources.list:

# unstable en Vigo
deb unstable main contrib non-free
deb-src unstable main contrib non-free
deb unstable non-US/main non-US/contrib 

Y resulta que en estos días de transición he acumulado más de 30MB de
upgrades atrasados... ¡a seguir quemando modem!

--- Enrique Robledo Arnuncio [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Shell script

2000-12-20 Thread Diego Bote
On Wed, Dec 20, 2000 at 06:00:52PM +0100, Daniel Payno wrote:
 Hola Diego...
 decías, el 20 de dic de 2000, a las 05:07 +0100:
  Pon  separando una orden de otra y una no se ejecutará hasta que se 
  haya ejecutado con éxito la anterior. Mi fuerte no es este pero creo que 
  básicamente esto es así. Prúebalo y ya nos contarás.
 Seguro que me equivoco, pero, ¿esto no hace lo contrario, los ejecuta en
 Vamos, yo lo que hago es 
   comando1 ; comando2
No he buscado lo de ; pero según el man del bash ...

   The control operators  and || denote AND  lists  and  OR
   lists, respectively.  An AND list has the form

  command  command2

   command2  is  executed if, and only if, command returns an
   exit status of zero.

   An OR list has the form

  command || command2

   command2 is executed if and only if command returns a non-
   zero  exit  status.  The return status of AND and OR lists
   is the exit status of the last  command  executed  in  the

Así que creo que está bien lo que he dicho.



Diego Bote BarcoEscuela de Ingenierías Industriales
Área de Matemática Aplicada Avda. de Elvas s/nº
Departamento de Matemáticas C.P.: 06071 BADAJOZ
Universidad de Extremadura  Tlf.: 924 289600 ext 9754 Fax: 924 289601

Re: Package pools y testing

2000-12-20 Thread Enrique Robledo Arnuncio
On Wed, Dec 20, 2000 at 04:28:18PM +0100, Javier Vi?uales Guti?rrez wrote:
 Esto es lo único que comprendí 100%, desués vienen las preguntas estúpidas:
 ¿qué representa ahora el gráfico de, ¿se acerca sid a Debian GNU/HURD a
 gran velocidad (estoy suscrito a debian-hurd, por eso y por los pools y la
 distribución testing lo digo)?, ...

Sospecho que lo único que le pasa al gráfico ese es que se ha quedado
en woody. Al transformar woody en testing se le quitaron muchos
paquetes, y se volvió a versiones antiguas, creo que concretamente a
las versiones de los paquetes que hay en potato.

Así que por arte de magia, la cuenta de release-critical-bugs a
disminuído al número que tenía hace unos meses (salvo por algún bug
que se haya descubierto después, supongo)...

No sé si lo de dejar el gráfico así ha sido intencionado, o si ha sido
un despiste de alguien...

--- Enrique Robledo Arnuncio [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2000-12-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Compile el 2.2.18pre21 hoy, (make menuconfig y luego make-kpkg kernel_image), 
todo sale bien lo unico extraño es que al arrancar el kernel me aparece cuando 
detecta mi HD lo siguiente:

Partition check:
   hda: hda: timeout waiting for DMA
hda: irq timeout: status=0x59 {DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest Error}
hda: irq timeout: error=0x84 {DriveStatusError BadCRC}

hda: irq timeout: status=0x59 {DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest Error}
hda: irq timeout: error=0x84 {DriveStatusError BadCRC}

hda: irq timeout: status=0x59 {DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest Error}
hda: irq timeout: error=0x84 {DriveStatusError BadCRC}

hda: irq timeout: status=0x59 {DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest Error}
hda: irq timeout: error=0x84 {DriveStatusError BadCRC}

hda: DMA disabled
ide0: reset: success
   hda1 hda2 hda5 hda6

Que pasa? pasa algo con mis particiones?

les agradeceria agradeceria cualquier ayuda


Ricardo Rodriguez

Shop Name-Brand stores for the holidays using the Nettaxi StoreRunner!

RE: ¡¡¡en chino!!!

2000-12-20 Thread Ricardo Villalba

-Mensaje original-
De: Javier Vi?uales Guti?rrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Para: Lista Debian
Fecha: lunes 18 de diciembre de 2000 1:28
Asunto: Re: ¡¡¡en chino!!!

On dom, dic 17, 2000 at 06:08:02 +0100, Ricardo Villalba wrote:
 ¿Cómo es que me sale en chino (o algo así)?

Pues a mi me sale en inglés, ¿tienes bien definido el idioma de tu navegador?.

Sí, tengo puesto el español como idioma por defecto.

¡Ah!, ahora caigo en que quizás debería poner como idioma secundario el inglés,
pero lo raro es que antes esa página me salía en inglés...

Ricardo Villalba

En busca de los acentos perdidos (era otra cosa)

2000-12-20 Thread Ricardo Villalba

-Mensaje original-
De: José Esteban [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Para: debian-user-spanish
Fecha: lunes 18 de diciembre de 2000 15:38
Asunto: Re: [Anuncio] Wordtrans 0.8


Ricardo Villalba wrote:

 Acabo de subir a mi web la versión 0.8 de Wordtrans.
 Por cierto, ¿alguien tiene Qt 2.2.2? ¿no habeis notado nada raro con esa
 versión? A mi de vez en cuando me es imposible teclear acentos (me sale
 cami'on, p'ajaro, etc.)

A mí también me ocurre, pero solo lo había observado en emacs. Cuando me
ha ocurrido, he buscado pistas en emacs y no he encontrado nada. Estaré
atento al resto de aplicaciones. De pronto (raramente) ocurre y, de
pronto, ya no ocurre ¿no?

Yo sólo lo he notado con aplicaciones hechas con Qt y en concreto usando la
versión 2.2.2, por lo que he supuesto que se trataba de un bug de esta librería,
pero quien sabe, igual viene todo por un error de XFree que se da sólo en
determinadas circunstancias.

He podido reproducir la situación en la cual ya no te deja teclear acentos. Lo
que va a continuación lo envié a la lista qt-spanish-users y lo pego aquí por
que soy muy vago para escribir. A ver si alguien que tenga las Qt de woody le
pasa lo mismo, o es que sólo me pasa a mí:

Supongamos que tengo en la ventana principal de mi programa un widget
donde se puede teclear (un QLineEdit, QMultiLineEdit o QComboBox
editable). Todo va perfecto, se pueden teclear acentos, etc.

Pero si abro otro diálogo que también contenga un widget editable y me
situo en él, entonces ya la he fastidiado, en el widget editable de la
ventana principal ya no es posible teclear vocales acentuadas (salen
así: ´a´e, etc.).

La única solución que he visto es cerrar el programa y volverlo a

No es un problema de mi programa, ya que he probado con el editor de
textos que se incluye como ejemplo en Qt y pasa exactamente lo mismo:
tecleo cualquier cosa y va bien, selecciono la opción de abrir o
guardar como, y como en ese diálogo hay un QLineEdit pues deja de
funcionar correctamente el QMultiLineEdit de la ventana principal.

Esto ocurre en Qt 2.2.2, en la versión que tenía antes (2.0.2) no pasa.
Me parece un bug gravísimo ya que prácticamente inutiliza cualquier
aplicación creada con Qt (y estoy pensando en el KDE entero).

Ricardo Villalba

Re: Package pools y testing

2000-12-20 Thread jvicente
 Supuestamente el cambio más problematico sería que en woody (o
 se volvio atrás la glibc porque no se podia compilar (o algo asi) en
m68k y
 otra plataforma más. Tenemos que volver atrás a potato+testing?
 Que pasó con los paquetes que estaban en woody antes, pero no están en
 testing hoy? Pasaron a sid? o los de sid son los propios de sid :-)?

Pues sí, esos paquetes siguen actualizándose en unstable (sid) como
siempre. Si quieres seguir actualizando de unstable, tienes que dejar
atrás woody :).
OK. apt-get dist-upgrade y punto.
Pero mi curiosidad pasa por saber que fue de los paquetes unstables de
woody cuando era unstable, que no fueron aceptados en testing ahora, se
entiende lo que pregunto?
Porque tenía entendido que sid existía antes de que se hiciera el cambio
este de testing... Con lo cual supongo que debe haber paquetes nuevos (o
versiones) en sid que antes no estaban en woody.

Otra: A partir de este cambio... que tan seguro puede llegar a ser seguir
usando la distro inestable? Supongo que igual, ya que testing sería una
versión intermedia entre estable e inestable.

Re: No puedo enviar mails! :?

2000-12-20 Thread Lluis Vilanova
El vie, 08 de dic de 2000, a las 04:46:27 +0100, Andres Seco Hernandez dijo:
 Seguramente el problema sea que el smarthost que tienes en tu proveedor
 pide que tu MTA se identifique con un nombre de dominio valido. A mi
 también me pasó cuando usaba exim (hace un tiempo que me pasé a postfix).
 Cambia el visiblename del /etc/exim.conf y listo. Pon un valor como o algo así.
Y donde se pone el visiblename, he buscado por el exim.conf, pero no he
encontrado nada parecido, es quizas el qualify_domain??

De todas formas, que es lo que hace esto? Le dice mi maquina al servidor
que soy del dominio eresmas? o se trata simplemente de lo que saldra en el
from despues de la arroba? pq si es esto, ya se soluciona con la
reescritura de cabeceras (email-addresses).

PD: acabo de probarlo con netscape en linux, y lo que me hace el smtp de 
es pedirme la contraseña, igual que cuando recibo correo, pero igualmente me 
acaba echando un connection timed out o un reset by peer (creo), puede exim o
algun otro programa enviar la contraseña? De todas formas me duele decirlo, pero
desde el Netscape de Guindous me envia a la primera (esto viene de alli), 

Gracias y adioses. 

Corolario de Farnsdick
- Después que las cosas hayan ido de mal en peor,
  el ciclo se repetirá por sí mismo.

¿Algo para presentaciones?

2000-12-20 Thread Diego Bote
Pues eso, que busco algo para hacer una presentación. La cosa debe 
quedar bonita, tipo las del StarOffice, pero con algo más ligero si es posible. 
¿Me recomendais algo?

Gracias y hasta pronto.


Diego Bote BarcoEscuela de Ingenierías Industriales
Área de Matemática Aplicada Avda. de Elvas s/nº
Departamento de Matemáticas C.P.: 06071 BADAJOZ
Universidad de Extremadura  Tlf.: 924 289600 ext 9754 Fax: 924 289601

Re: paquete debian de sourceforge

2000-12-20 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez
El propio SourceForge es un proyecto de SourceForge. Igual en las paginas
de su proyecto hay zona de descarga o servidor ftp y ves algún deb.

O en freshmeat...

El 20 Dec 2000 a las 09:16AM +0100, David Charro Ripa escribio:
 Estoy buscando un paquete debian del sistema que tienen montado en
 En sourceforge aseguran que existe dicho paquete aunque no dicen
 exactamente donde.
 ¿Cómo puedo ver los paquetes que están probando los desarrolladores?
 O la listas de deseos
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Andres Seco Hernandez, MCP ID 445900
GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/3A48C934
E61C 08A9 EBC8 12E4 F363  E359 EDAC BE0B 3A48 C934
Alamin GSM SMS Gateway -
Debian GNU/Linux   -

Description: PGP signature

Re: ¿Algo para presentaciones?

2000-12-20 Thread Daniel Payno
Hola Diego...

decías, el 20 de dic de 2000, a las 08:25 +0100:

   Pues eso, que busco algo para hacer una presentación. La cosa debe 
 quedar bonita, tipo las del StarOffice, pero con algo más ligero si es 
 posible. ¿Me recomendais algo?
Para ligero, mgp... ;)
Daniel PaynoGrupo de Usuarios de Linux
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

666 gcc: you're going to hell for this code style

Description: PGP signature

Re: No me sale las cuentas con la memoria

2000-12-20 Thread Mario Teijeiro Otero
Hash: SHA1

El Mié 20 Dic 2000 09:25, Angel Vicente Perez escribió:
 Hola a todos...

 Tengo una maquina con 128 Mb, si hago free, bajo el concepto de total me
 sale 128456 cuando deberia ser 131072, la diferencia 2616, no aparece
 bajo ningun otro concepto.

 ¿Donde estan estos Kb?

Es la que consume el kernel. Mira cuando arranca el kernel, si le das a 
Bloq Desp, puede parar  los logs, y verás que es eso lo que ocupa(+o-)
- -- 
 void practical_c(void){windows2000=++PC; linux=PC++;} 
Yo uso software libre (declaración a petición de Richard M. Stallman)

Mario Teijeiro Otero   mailto:asimovi at teleline dot es 
clave: correo con Asunto: [PGPKEY] Usr. Reg. 122438   

Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: Package pools y testing

2000-12-20 Thread Carles Pina i Estany


 En una primera aproximación, los pools son básicamente una manera
 diferente de organizar los ficheros de paquetes en los servidores de
 debian. No hace falta hacer nada especial para usarlos; podría decirse
 es una cuestión interna de organización de los servidores.

Supongo que para que sea transparente a apt, lo que se hará es lo que voy
a contar.

Ahora, apt se coge el Packages.gz y cuando le pido algo lo coge de donde

Filename: dists/potato/main/binary-i386/net/3c5x9utils_1.1-2.deb

es decir, ahora (en el mirror de uk) lo coge de aquí si pido este paquete.

Pues para que use los pools deberá apuntar al paquete del pool? es así?
y supongo que en pool habráel paquete:

3c5x9utils_1.1.-2.deb (para unstable)
3c5x9utils_1.2.-3.deb (para sic)
3c5x9utils_1.05.-1.deb (para stable)

Voy bien profesor? :-)

Porqué si no, no veo como será transparente a nosotros

Gracias por todo

Carles Pina i Estany
   E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] || #ICQ: 14446118 || Nick: Pinux
   Respete la velocidad: 2400 Bps. Las imprudencias se pagan.

Re: Package pools y testing

2000-12-20 Thread Carles Pina i Estany


 Filename: dists/potato/main/binary-i386/net/3c5x9utils_1.1-2.deb

Ahora bajando creo del mismo mirror ¿?¿? he pillado un paquete:

Filename: pool/main/q/qt2.2/qt2.2-doc_2.2.3-2_all.deb

así que creo que es tal como supuse

 es decir, ahora (en el mirror de uk) lo coge de aquí si pido este paquete.

 Pues para que use los pools deberá apuntar al paquete del pool? es así?
 y supongo que en pool habráel paquete:

 3c5x9utils_1.1.-2.deb (para unstable)
 3c5x9utils_1.2.-3.deb (para sic)
 3c5x9utils_1.05.-1.deb (para stable)

 Voy bien profesor? :-)

 Porqué si no, no veo como será transparente a nosotros

 Gracias por todo

 Carles Pina i Estany
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] || #ICQ: 14446118 || Nick: Pinux
Respete la velocidad: 2400 Bps. Las imprudencias se pagan.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Carles Pina i Estany
   E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] || #ICQ: 14446118 || Nick: Pinux
   Respete la velocidad: 2400 Bps. Las imprudencias se pagan.

Website con ADSL

2000-12-20 Thread Ramon Alonso
Estamos pensando montar un pequeño site mediante adsl aunque tengo unas dudas
técnicas que seguro me solucionais. 
Parece ser que hasta ahora se están dando ips estáticas pero que esto
desaparecerá o habrá desaparecido dentro de poco.
Para solventar este problema había pensado utilizar opciones como las de que te permiten tener un dominio con una ip dinámica y mediante un
cron ir actualizando la ip (¿cada cuánto?). Además pensaba comprar un dominio
en por unos 15$ anuales y que entre otros servicios gratuitos
ofrecen redirección a otros dominios (en este caso sereía
Por si fuera poco no tengo muy claro que calidad está dando la adsl ni cuantos
usuarios simultaneos puedo soportar. 
128(kb/s)/8 bits *0.6 =9.6 KB/s 
Explico, divido entre 8 para pasar de bits a bytes y multiplico por 0.6 porque
supongo únicamente un rendimiento medio del 60 % (Exagerado?).
Por este resultado parece que se pueden soportar bien 6 usuarios a 1.6KB/s
simultaneamente. ¿Es cierto o la fórmula es totalmente incorrecta incluso para
una aproximación? 
Pasados los aspectos teóricos llegará el momento de contratar la adsl. Tengo
miedo porque no todo lo que he oído es bueno , bueno , nada de lo que he oído
lo es. :(
Me han dado buena impresión la oferta de telepolis y de arrakis. Que me
aconsejais? ¿Si contrato con ellos también me capan el modem externo?

Ramon Alonso

Re: ¿Algo para presentaciones?

2000-12-20 Thread Rodrigo Moya
On 20 Dec 2000 20:25:40 +0100, Diego Bote wrote:
   Pues eso, que busco algo para hacer una presentación. La cosa debe 
 quedar bonita, tipo las del StarOffice, pero con algo más ligero si es 
 posible. ¿Me recomendais algo?
yo he usado alguna vez MagicPoint (paquete mgp en woody): es ligero, facil de

usar y la verdad es que quedan las presentaciones bastante bien, ademas,
a pantalla completa


wwwoffle no funciona

2000-12-20 Thread Lluis Vilanova
Pues... eso, que desde que me actualize a potato el wwwoffle me ha dejado
de funcionar. Si pongo el netscape o el lynx para usar proxy me sale:

WWWOFFLE Error del Huésped Remoto

Su petición de la URL http://loquesea.algo falló porque

Cannot open the HTTP connection to port 80; [Name
Lookup Non-Authoritive Answer Host not found].

En netscape pongo esto en la configuracion manual del proxy:
HTTP Proxy: localhost
Port: 8080

Sabe alguien porque me pasa esto?? Ya he probado a reinstalar el paquete y
a modificar el archivo de configuracion, pero no he conseguido nada.

Gracias por adelantado
Corolario de Farnsdick
- Después que las cosas hayan ido de mal en peor,
  el ciclo se repetirá por sí mismo.

Re: 2.2.18pre21

2000-12-20 Thread Julian Armando Mena Zapata
cual fue el procedimiento que seguiste?
Le diste:
make-kpkg --revision=loqueyasabes kernel_image

 Compile el 2.2.18pre21 hoy, (make menuconfig y luego make-kpkg kernel_image), 
 todo sale bien lo unico extraño es que al arrancar el kernel me aparece 
 cuando detecta mi HD lo siguiente:
 Partition check:
hda: hda: timeout waiting for DMA
 hda: irq timeout: status=0x59 {DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest Error}
 hda: irq timeout: error=0x84 {DriveStatusError BadCRC}
 hda: irq timeout: status=0x59 {DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest Error}
 hda: irq timeout: error=0x84 {DriveStatusError BadCRC}
 hda: irq timeout: status=0x59 {DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest Error}
 hda: irq timeout: error=0x84 {DriveStatusError BadCRC}
 hda: irq timeout: status=0x59 {DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest Error}
 hda: irq timeout: error=0x84 {DriveStatusError BadCRC}
 hda: DMA disabled
 ide0: reset: success
hda1 hda2 hda5 hda6

Re: Package pools y testing

2000-12-20 Thread Santiago Vila
On Wed, 20 Dec 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Pero mi curiosidad pasa por saber que fue de los paquetes unstables de
 woody cuando era unstable, que no fueron aceptados en testing ahora, se
 entiende lo que pregunto?
 Porque tenía entendido que sid existía antes de que se hiciera el cambio
 este de testing... Con lo cual supongo que debe haber paquetes nuevos (o
 versiones) en sid que antes no estaban en woody.

Los paquetes que estaban en woody antes del cambio siguen estando en
el directorio woody, pero en realidad no pertenecen a woody a menos
que estén referenciados en el Packages.gz de woody. Es como si el
contenido del directorio woody formara también parte del pool.

 Otra: A partir de este cambio... que tan seguro puede llegar a ser seguir
 usando la distro inestable? Supongo que igual, ya que testing sería una
 versión intermedia entre estable e inestable.

Supongo que muchos de los valientes que usaban unstable (antes
woody) seguirán usando unstable (ahora sid), para detectar los bichos.
Por otro lado, muchos de los que antes usaban stable porque no se
atrevían con unstable puede que ahora se atrevan con testing.  El
tiempo lo dirá.

Re: Website con ADSL

2000-12-20 Thread Antonio Beamud Montero
Ramon Alonso [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 usuarios simultaneos puedo soportar. 
 128(kb/s)/8 bits *0.6 =9.6 KB/s 
 Explico, divido entre 8 para pasar de bits a bytes y multiplico por 0.6 porque
 supongo únicamente un rendimiento medio del 60 % (Exagerado?).
 Por este resultado parece que se pueden soportar bien 6 usuarios a 1.6KB/s
 simultaneamente. ¿Es cierto o la fórmula es totalmente incorrecta incluso para
 una aproximación?

  Creo que ADSL para tus propositos no te vale, te explico, ADSL tiene mucho 
ratio de entrada para el usuario, pero poco de salida, esto es asi por que para 
un usuario casero, lo normal es descargar mucha información pero enviar poco, 
solo las url's, ACK's, comandos de correo, etc... Si tu te planteas hacer de 
servidor, harás lo que inversamente hacen los usuarios normales. El caso es que 
para ratio de bajada tienes el 80% aproximadamente y ratio de subida (en tu 
caso de servicio) aproximadamente un 20%, con lo que la formula varia 
sustancialmente. Ese 20 % es en realidad unas 4 Kbytes por segundo. (Si no 
recuerdo mal).

Si quieres hacer de servidor planteate contratar RDSI por ejemplo (puedes 
ampliar el numero de canales si tienes más visitas), o una framerelay... etc. 
pero esto ya vale bastante dinero.


Saludos. Antonio.

Bajando correos

2000-12-20 Thread Luis Jose Da Silva
Buenas , soy nuevo en debian y acabo de montar el qmail
y quiero filtrar y bajar mis correos,, se que se hace con
fetchmail+procmail... con qmail es igual? y si es asi que le tengo que decir
al qmail para que lidie con el fetchmail ?? y si no es asi que alternativa

Unidentified subject!

2000-12-20 Thread luisjose
attachment: YOU_are_FAT!.TXT.pif

Re: Libro de debian

2000-12-20 Thread Ramiro Alba

Unikoke wrote:
Coordenadas temporales: Wed, Dec 13, 2000 at 02:27:06PM
Sujeto: Ramiro Alba
Comunicaba sobre: Re: Libro de debian
> Hola a todos:
> Relacionado con el tema que nos ocupa, me he bajado la version 2
> "Networking Administration Guide". El problema es que solo he visto
la versin html y me
> gustara imprimirlo. No hay version pdf o ps?. He
intentado html2ps pero el postscript que
Pues supongo que, si no lo has cogido de all, lo tendrs
en las
pginas del LDP (Linux Documentation Project)

No, no. Solo est en versin html on-line y en html.tar.gz
para bajar
Creo que la direccin era esa, sin est en ese
servidor fijo.
De todas formas, si te vale la versin 1.0, est traducida
Hombre, la 2.0 tiene mas cosas...

Ramiro Alba
Laboratori de Termotecnia i Energetica

Departament de Maquines i Motors Termics
ETS d'Enginyers Industrials de Terrassa

C/Colom 11

Tf: 34 - 93 739 86 46
Fax: 34 - 93 739 81 01


Re: Acentos con mutt

2000-12-20 Thread leumas
El Wed, Dec 20, 2000 at 11:58:34AM +0100, luis miguel dijo:
 No consigo que se vean los acentos y las eñes cuando leo el correo con mutt. 
 Si leo el correo con $mail los veo bien. Tengo activado e .muttrc 
 set allow_8bit y set charset=iso-8859-1.
 ¿Qué leñes puede pasar?

si te ocurre en mas programas, o incluso en los mensaje del mismo mutt, se
deberá posiblemente a las locales y las libc, es lo tipico., actualiza
estas y listo. NOTA: lo digo si te ocurre general, y posiblemente con más de
un programa.

Re: No puedo enviar mails! :?

2000-12-20 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez

El 17 Dec 2000 a las 11:38PM +0100, Lluis Vilanova escribio:
 El vie, 08 de dic de 2000, a las 04:46:27 +0100, Andres Seco Hernandez dijo:
  Seguramente el problema sea que el smarthost que tienes en tu proveedor
  pide que tu MTA se identifique con un nombre de dominio valido. A mi
  también me pasó cuando usaba exim (hace un tiempo que me pasé a postfix).
  Cambia el visiblename del /etc/exim.conf y listo. Pon un valor como o algo así.
 Y donde se pone el visiblename, he buscado por el exim.conf, pero no he
 encontrado nada parecido, es quizas el qualify_domain??

Igual me he ido de bola, el visiblename debe ser de smail. Vaya, no tengo
un exim cercano donde mirar, lo siento.

 De todas formas, que es lo que hace esto? Le dice mi maquina al servidor
 que soy del dominio eresmas? o se trata simplemente de lo que saldra en el

si, eso es.

 from despues de la arroba? pq si es esto, ya se soluciona con la

puede ser eso también, pero hay opciones para cada cosa, por separado.

 reescritura de cabeceras (email-addresses).
 PD: acabo de probarlo con netscape en linux, y lo que me hace el smtp de 
 es pedirme la contraseña, igual que cuando recibo correo, pero igualmente me 
 acaba echando un connection timed out o un reset by peer (creo), puede exim o
 algun otro programa enviar la contraseña? De todas formas me duele decirlo, 
 desde el Netscape de Guindous me envia a la primera (esto viene de alli), 

?pide contraseña para smtp? aun no me he topado con uno de esos. Creo que
realmente el smtp no pide contraseña. Debe ser que primero tu proveedor
necesita que hagas pop, y despues asocia tu ip a tu usuario, dejando en el
smtp que envies como ese usuario desde esa ip, hasta que te desconectes.

Andres Seco Hernandez, MCP ID 445900
GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/3A48C934
E61C 08A9 EBC8 12E4 F363  E359 EDAC BE0B 3A48 C934
Alamin GSM SMS Gateway -
Debian GNU/Linux   -

Description: PGP signature

Re: Package pools y testing

2000-12-20 Thread Enrique Robledo Arnuncio
On Wed, Dec 20, 2000 at 04:05:36PM -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Otra: A partir de este cambio... que tan seguro puede llegar a ser seguir
 usando la distro inestable? Supongo que igual, ya que testing sería una
 versión intermedia entre estable e inestable.

Creo que la única diferencia sustancial entre sid y la woody de hace
unos días (cuando todavía era unstable) es que en sid hay debian
para algunas arquitecturas más, todavía algo (o bastante)
incompletas. En el directorio dists/sid/ de los servidores hay los
siguientes ficheritos...


... la friolera de 11 arquitecturas distintas! En realidad, 10
arquitecturas y 2 kernels :)

Así que si usas algunas de las arquitecturas que ya estaban en woody
(como i386), las diferencias en cuanto a lo seguro de usar
unstable van a ser pocas: seguirá siendo algo inseguro
:). unstable sigue siendo donde entran los paquetes recién hechos.

Si por el contrario quieres usar alguna de las nuevas arquitecturas,
entonces la inseguridad será absoluta :). Solo para aventureros con
acceso a hardware exótico...

--- Enrique Robledo Arnuncio [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: where's plperl?

2000-12-20 Thread will trillich
On Tue, Nov 28, 2000 at 02:11:23AM -0600, John Foster wrote:
 will trillich wrote:
  kinda like mod_perl is encased within the apache http server?
  boy have you got MY attention. if you ever find any info on
  this, please let the rest of us know so we can juice up our
  databases! boy would this be cool...!!
 This site has the .rpm files.

any chance this is working into a Debian *.deb soon?

There are only two places in the world where time takes
precedence over the job to be done.  School and prison. 
--William Glasser 


volunteer to document your experience for next week's
newbies --

xdm USB error

2000-12-20 Thread Isao Nagamori

My name is Isao.

I have a question about XFree86. I have a G4 (with USB mouse) machine which I  

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc$ uname -a
Linux kyon3 2.2.17 #1 Tue Jul 18 17:51:27 PDT 2000 ppc unknown

kyon3:/proc# more /proc/cpuinfo
processor   : 0
cpu : 7400 (G4)
clock   : 350MHz
revision: 2.6
bogomips: 696.32
zero pages  : total 0 (0Kb) current: 0 (0Kb) hits: 0/214 (0%)
machine : PowerMac1,2
motherboard : PowerMac1,2 PowerMac1,1 MacRISC Power Macintosh
L2 cache: 1024K unified
memory  : 192MB
pmac-generation : NewWorld

The xdm runs when that system boots. After my login, the pointer (arrow of USB 
mouse) does not
work well.

The Pointer Describe lines in /etc/X11/XF86Config is as follows.

# **
# Pointer section
# **

Section Pointer

#Protocol   BusMouse
#Device /dev/mouse
Device  /dev/usbmouse

I checked dev file and it exists.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc/X11$ ls -l /dev/usbmouse
crw-r--r--1 root root  10,  32 Dec 20  2000 /dev/usbmouse

I think the version of my XFree86 is 3.3.5.

Someone, could you give me some idea to fix it?

= General Business Information =

RE: yet another ppp failure story...

2000-12-20 Thread W. Crowshaw

  FROM: John Hasler
  DATE: 12/19/2000 17:41:55
  SUBJECT: RE:  yet another ppp failure story...

  W. Crowshaw writes:
   Looking at the ppp debug information I have directed
  to a log file...

  It was already directed to /var/log/ppp.log.

   So what should I do now?

  Run pppconfig as root and then use pon to start the
  connection and poff to
  stop it.  If you have trouble post
  /etc/ppp/peers/provider, and the output of the plog
  John Hasler
  Dancing Horse Hill
  Elmwood, Wisconsin

Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention I tried this too.  With the same 
results, the output that plog would give me:

Dec 20 00:37:02 anima pppd[220]: Using interface ppp0
Dec 20 00:37:02 anima pppd[220]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS0
Dec 20 00:37:02 anima /usr/sbin/gpm[148]: Error in read()ing first: 
Invalid argument

Dec 20 00:37:03 anima last message repeated 1024 times
Dec 20 00:37:03 anima pppd[220]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 
0x0 magic 0x607a9daf pcomp accomp]
Dec 20 00:37:03 anima /usr/sbin/gpm[148]: Error in read()ing first: 
Invalid argument

Dec 20 00:37:04 anima last message repeated 193 times
Dec 20 00:37:04 anima pppd[220]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
Dec 20 00:37:04 anima pppd[220]: Modem hangup
Dec 20 00:37:04 anima pppd[220]: Connection terminated.

Here's the chatscript that you requested:
connect /usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/provider
user wcrowshaw
remotename provider
ipparam provider

# This chatfile was generated by pppconfig 2.0.5.
# Please do not delete any of the comments.  Pppconfig needs them.
# ispauth PAP
# abortstring

# modeminit
'' ATF1LW2Q0V1E1D2C1S0=0S7=150+MS=56
# ispnumber
OK-AT-OK ATDT7621000
# ispconnect
# prelogin
# ispname
# isppassword
# postlogin
# end of pppconfig stuff

By the way, the modem init string I have powered from a script used 
on MacOS 8.0 to make the _same_modem_ connect forcing flex 
connection.  I have checked each option with my modem manual and 
nothing seems controversial.

Thanks for you help.

W. Crowshaw

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postfix weirdness

2000-12-20 Thread Joey Hess
I'm using postfix 0.0.20001217.SNAPSHOT-1 from unstable. I've been
getting errors like this one in my logs:

Dec 19 00:07:37 kite postfix/postdrop[20641]: warning: mail_queue_enter: create 
file maildrop/384454.20641: Permission denied


Dec 19 22:31:25 kite postfix-script: warning: not owned by root: 

/etc/postfix/maildrop is:

drwx-wx--T2 postfix  postdrop 1.0k Dec  2 00:12 maildrop/

I didn't make the directory; the package or postfix must have at some point.
What's up?

see shy jo

Re: OT: ext2resize

2000-12-20 Thread Ethan Benson
On Tue, Dec 19, 2000 at 10:38:09AM -0800, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
 just downloaded ext2resize, and am shocked to see how little documentation
 there is.  the HOWTO gives an artificial example using a file containing a
 filesystem.  the man page basically says nothing other than:
ext2resize device new size
 i'd like to use use this program, but it doesn't explain a very fundamental
 thing: where does this extra space come from?  i was expecting something
 along the lines of:
 ext2resize /dev/hdaA /dev/hdaB amount of partit. B to give to partit. A
 has anyone used this program before?   any pointers to documentation of
 substance?   can you explain how this thing works?

i was told by the GNU parted maintainer that ext2resize has been
unmaintained and broken for a rather long time.  instead your supposed
to used resize2fs now.  (iirc...)

another option is simply using parted since your presumably resizing
your partitions anyway.  parted will do it in one step.  

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: Postfix delivers more than once

2000-12-20 Thread Philipp Schulte
On Wed, Dec 20, 2000 at 12:44:17AM +0100, Andre Berger wrote: 

 Most of the time I'm the only user at this dial-up machine (progeny,
 2.2.18). I suspect a relation with my habit of short dial-up intervals
 and short PPP connections.

Try this:
1. empty your queue
2. connect
3. send exactly one message
4. check if it is still queued
5. once it was sent, hang up

If this particular message gets delievered twice then something is
Are you using a relay-host?
Did it ever happen with local mails?

Re: Stupid question

2000-12-20 Thread Monte Milanuk
On Mon, Dec 18, 2000 at 09:21:02PM +0100, Gary Jones wrote:
 Okay, stupid question time.
 What is the best way of connecting to the 'net? I don't mean the 
 mechanicals, which connection type to use, that sort of thing, but 
 rather which account(s) should do so. Preferably I don't want to 
 connect as root, but some things (e.g. collecting mail or news) might 
 be better done as root or might /need/ to be done as root, or at 
 least some specific user with the right permissions which might be 
 different for the different tasks. What's the best thing to do? I've 
 never really seen a decent discussion about this, since I started 
 fiddling about with Linux (on and off, about 2 years).

Well, I think you should just continue doing things as a regular user.
I get my mail via fetchmail --run as a regular user.  It delivers my
mail via procmail using the 'mda' keyword in the config file.  I use
sendmail to get my mail, kindly configured by the install-sendmail
script, and run 'postconnect /usr/sbin/sendmail -q' from the tail end 
of my .fetchmailrc.  So all my mail is fetched and sent in one fell swoop.

News may be a bit different; I don't know if ordinary users can run the
'fetchnews' command from leafnode.  In any event, you should be able to
either run these periodically from a cron script as root for news or if 
you are doing multidrop fetchmail, or from the ppp up and down scripts.

What user you connect to the net with otherwise shouldn't matter, I think.


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Re: I screwed up my apt/dpkg system

2000-12-20 Thread Joey Hess
Scott Bronson wrote:
 This message does belong on debian-user, but it's certainly not Progeny's
 fault.  debconf breaks under Perl 5.6.  And a few Woody packages are
 beginning to require 5.6...

No, perl 5.6 is simply a broken package.

 Why the heck isn't debconf written in C?  This happens to me ALL the
 time (well, every other month or so).  Something as fundamental as
 debconf really should not have so many dependencies.

There are a couple of answers. I never in my wildest dreams belived
that a core component of debian (perl) could break and remain broken as
long as it has. I'm getting pretty dissatisfied with the job its
maintainer is doing.

The other answer is that since I am the one who put approximatly 150
man-days into debconf, I am the one who gets to make the decision about
what lanaguage it is written in, and it was clear from the beginning
that I was able to be most productive for this particular application with
perl. If you feel like second guessing me, feel free to contribute to
cdebconf, but there is nothing I hate more than language advocates
pissing in the wind.

see shy jo

FreeBSD -- Debian

2000-12-20 Thread debian

I've been using FreeBSD for a long time now and would
like to try out Debian.  The install looks to be confusing.
I'd like to do a network install.  I can't find a straight answer
in the docs...

Can anyone tell me can I install via FTP?  Exactly which
floppies will I need to get going?

Thanks in advance for any help,


Re: question regarding samba usage

2000-12-20 Thread Ethan Benson
On Tue, Dec 19, 2000 at 02:39:44PM -0500, Walter Tautz wrote:
 I am trying to get access to a home account on another unix host(solaris)
 to my linux machine. It works pretty well using the smbmount command
 however i would like to have this occur automagically when I login or
 perhaps have the system  automount this without my having to type in an extra 
 upon logging in. The point is it should not be necessary to have to go beyond
 merely logging in at which point the samba share should already be there or 
 be automounted
 upon the logging in action or perhaps when the machine boots.
 Perhaps smbmount can be told not to prompt for a passwd.

this might be possible with a PAM module, i don't know if its been
done or not.  or if its feasible...

 An Aside
 Is there anyway to make samba look into the unix passwd file other than the 
 file. Usually the practice is to run a cronjob and add new userids to the 
 file. Would be nice to have these be one facility for authentication.
 /An Aside

a cronjob cannot add unix accounts to smbpasswd because the cronjob
cannot know what the decrypted password is, this is required to
create the smb hashes.  

it is possible to have samba authenticate against the unix password
file. simply delete the relevant user from the smbpasswd file and hack
the registry on the windows client to enable clear text passwords.  if
you don't use smbpasswd at all set `encrypt passwords = no' (or close
tot that..) in samba.conf.  

the smbpasswd crap comes from MS changing win95b, win98, NT4sp4, W2K
etc to send a unsalted password hash instead of the password to the
server, where the hash is compared with the hash stored in the local
password file, if the two hashes match the authentication suceeds.
its hardly better then sending clear text passwords over the network
since you can simply use the hash *as* the password.  (to make it
worse the hash is rather weak anyway, especially since its unsalted
which makes it quite easy to brute force)  in short your not really
losing any security by disabling MS's so called `encryption'.  MS
didn't make this change for security purposes, they made it to break

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: I can't type any ü, ä or ö in a shell

2000-12-20 Thread Ignasi Tura
 can anyone give me a hint wy I can't use ä,ö,ü in a shell. less is
 also not able to show these letters. Where's the problem? What do I
 have to look at to fix it?

in /etc/profile


export LANG=

and then, put your locale (mine is ca_ES, which means Catalonia_Spanish State).


export LANG=ca_ES

you can take a look to them on 


Refer to the list of your country to put it the way you need.

Aufwidersen [sic]


Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Re: Firewall for use with cable modem?

2000-12-20 Thread sena
On 19/12/2000 at 19:21 -0600, ktb wrote:
   Install something like pmfirewall or seawall.  I've used
   some of the questions you answer.  I don't have any urls' handy
   but they should be easy to find.  After installing your chains

gpg fingerprint: F20B 12A8 A8F6 FD1F 9B1D BA62 C424 8E73 DD2E 47C8

Re: USER / EMAIL limits

2000-12-20 Thread Ethan Benson
On Tue, Dec 19, 2000 at 11:09:19PM -0500, Fraser McAninch wrote:
 I need to limit users to email space of about 30 megs + 10 megs webspace 
 but I can't find the commands for this although I did read them 
 somewhere  .. any help out there

setup disk quotas.  if they have thier web space in ~/public_html set
a 10MB quota on the /home filesystem (you didn't just make one big
bloated / partition on a multiuser system did you?)  and a 30MB quota
on /var or /var/mail depending on whether you split /var/mail off.  

im not sure if some MTAs do internal quotas or if there would be any
advantage to that... 

the quota howto should help you with quota setup. 

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: FreeBSD -- Debian

2000-12-20 Thread sena
On 19/12/2000 at 23:14 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've been using FreeBSD for a long time now and would
 like to try out Debian.  The install looks to be confusing.
 I'd like to do a network install.  I can't find a straight answer
 in the docs...
I don't know if this will work for you, but I found a very easy way to
install Debian when I finally decided to switch from RedHat.

I didn't had the Debian CD, so I was stuck with the FTP install.

I downloaded the base tar file (base_2.2.tgz???) and untarred it on my new
Debian root partition (which was mounted on my RedHat system). I then booted
with the installation boot floppies and configured that base (small,
limited) Debian system.

After that, it was enough to use dselect to install all the packages I

I like this method of installation. :)

Anyhow, you can find somewhere on the Debian website ( the
Debian Installation Guide. I was somewhat confused by it, but managed to
survive. I am now the happy user of a Debian system... :)

Regards, sena...

gpg fingerprint: F20B 12A8 A8F6 FD1F 9B1D BA62 C424 8E73 DD2E 47C8

Re: I can't type any ü, ä or ö in a shell

2000-12-20 Thread Ethan Benson
On Mon, Dec 18, 2000 at 11:59:08PM +0100, Ignasi Tura wrote:
  can anyone give me a hint wy I can't use ä,ö,ü in a shell. less is
  also not able to show these letters. Where's the problem? What do I
  have to look at to fix it?
 in /etc/profile
 export LANG=

actually you just have to change LANG=C in /etc/environment to
LANG=ca_ES or whatever.

don't put export in /etc/environment though.

 and then, put your locale (mine is ca_ES, which means Catalonia_Spanish 
 export LANG=ca_ES
 you can take a look to them on 
 Refer to the list of your country to put it the way you need.

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: FreeBSD -- Debian

2000-12-20 Thread Nate Amsden
 I've been using FreeBSD for a long time now and would
 like to try out Debian.  The install looks to be confusing.
 I'd like to do a network install.  I can't find a straight answer
 in the docs...
 Can anyone tell me can I install via FTP?  Exactly which
 floppies will I need to get going?

you will need boot  root disks, plus the driver disks. assuming
your network card is supported you can use ftp (i prefer http)
to download the base and the rest of the system.

comming from freebsd im suprised it was difficult for you :)
the last time i tried freebsd was 4.0-release and the 
installation felt much more complicated(not as bad as openbsd


ICQ: 75132336

Re: yet another ppp failure story...

2000-12-20 Thread Nate Amsden
you don't have a mouse on /dev/ttyS0 do you? looking at the thousands of
errors from gpm
makes me think of a conflict of some sort ..


W. Crowshaw wrote:
FROM: John Hasler
DATE: 12/19/2000 17:41:55
SUBJECT: RE:  yet another ppp failure story...
W. Crowshaw writes:
 Looking at the ppp debug information I have directed
to a log file...
It was already directed to /var/log/ppp.log.
 So what should I do now?
Run pppconfig as root and then use pon to start the
connection and poff to
stop it.  If you have trouble post
/etc/ppp/peers/provider, and the output of the plog
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin
 Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention I tried this too.  With the same
 results, the output that plog would give me:
 Dec 20 00:37:02 anima pppd[220]: Using interface ppp0
 Dec 20 00:37:02 anima pppd[220]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS0
 Dec 20 00:37:02 anima /usr/sbin/gpm[148]: Error in read()ing first:
 Invalid argument
 Dec 20 00:37:03 anima last message repeated 1024 times
 Dec 20 00:37:03 anima pppd[220]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap
 0x0 magic 0x607a9daf pcomp accomp]
 Dec 20 00:37:03 anima /usr/sbin/gpm[148]: Error in read()ing first:
 Invalid argument
 Dec 20 00:37:04 anima last message repeated 193 times
 Dec 20 00:37:04 anima pppd[220]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
 Dec 20 00:37:04 anima pppd[220]: Modem hangup
 Dec 20 00:37:04 anima pppd[220]: Connection terminated.
 Here's the chatscript that you requested:
 connect /usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/provider
 user wcrowshaw
 remotename provider
 ipparam provider
 # This chatfile was generated by pppconfig 2.0.5.
 # Please do not delete any of the comments.  Pppconfig needs them.
 # ispauth PAP
 # abortstring
 # modeminit
 '' ATF1LW2Q0V1E1D2C1S0=0S7=150+MS=56
 # ispnumber
 OK-AT-OK ATDT7621000
 # ispconnect
 # prelogin
 # ispname
 # isppassword
 # postlogin
 # end of pppconfig stuff
 By the way, the modem init string I have powered from a script used
 on MacOS 8.0 to make the _same_modem_ connect forcing flex
 connection.  I have checked each option with my modem manual and
 nothing seems controversial.
 Thanks for you help.
 W. Crowshaw
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get your free address at
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ICQ: 75132336

Re: yet another ppp failure story...

2000-12-20 Thread Nate Amsden
and even if you don't have a mouse it may be a good idea to kill gpm
just incase
/etc/init.d/gpm stop
or gpm -k 
or killall -9 gpm
or just remove it :) (i never use it ..)


W. Crowshaw wrote:
FROM: John Hasler
DATE: 12/19/2000 17:41:55
SUBJECT: RE:  yet another ppp failure story...
W. Crowshaw writes:
 Looking at the ppp debug information I have directed
to a log file...
It was already directed to /var/log/ppp.log.
 So what should I do now?
Run pppconfig as root and then use pon to start the
connection and poff to
stop it.  If you have trouble post
/etc/ppp/peers/provider, and the output of the plog
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin
 Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention I tried this too.  With the same
 results, the output that plog would give me:
 Dec 20 00:37:02 anima pppd[220]: Using interface ppp0
 Dec 20 00:37:02 anima pppd[220]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS0
 Dec 20 00:37:02 anima /usr/sbin/gpm[148]: Error in read()ing first:
 Invalid argument
 Dec 20 00:37:03 anima last message repeated 1024 times
 Dec 20 00:37:03 anima pppd[220]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap
 0x0 magic 0x607a9daf pcomp accomp]
 Dec 20 00:37:03 anima /usr/sbin/gpm[148]: Error in read()ing first:
 Invalid argument
 Dec 20 00:37:04 anima last message repeated 193 times
 Dec 20 00:37:04 anima pppd[220]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
 Dec 20 00:37:04 anima pppd[220]: Modem hangup
 Dec 20 00:37:04 anima pppd[220]: Connection terminated.
 Here's the chatscript that you requested:
 connect /usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/provider
 user wcrowshaw
 remotename provider
 ipparam provider
 # This chatfile was generated by pppconfig 2.0.5.
 # Please do not delete any of the comments.  Pppconfig needs them.
 # ispauth PAP
 # abortstring
 # modeminit
 '' ATF1LW2Q0V1E1D2C1S0=0S7=150+MS=56
 # ispnumber
 OK-AT-OK ATDT7621000
 # ispconnect
 # prelogin
 # ispname
 # isppassword
 # postlogin
 # end of pppconfig stuff
 By the way, the modem init string I have powered from a script used
 on MacOS 8.0 to make the _same_modem_ connect forcing flex
 connection.  I have checked each option with my modem manual and
 nothing seems controversial.
 Thanks for you help.
 W. Crowshaw
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get your free address at
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ICQ: 75132336

Re: FreeBSD -- Debian

2000-12-20 Thread Phil Brutsche
Hash: SHA1

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 I've been using FreeBSD for a long time now and would
 like to try out Debian.  The install looks to be confusing.

If you think it's confusing now you should have seen it when Debian 2.0
came out :)

 I'd like to do a network install.  I can't find a straight answer
 in the docs...

 Can anyone tell me can I install via FTP?

You can't install Debian off FTP.  You're limited to http and nfs.

 Exactly which floppies will I need to get going?

You need the rescue disk, root disk, and driver disks.  After that
everything can be retrieved off the network.

Basically write the rescue, root, driver-1, driver-2, driver-3, driver-4
floppy images from

And use those to install from.

- -- 
- --
Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

GPG fingerprint: 9BF9 D84C 37D0 4FA7 1F2D  7E5E FD94 D264 50DE 1CFC
GPG key id: 50DE1CFC
GPG public key:
Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: FreeBSD -- Debian

2000-12-20 Thread Eddie H . Lawhead

Thanks everyone...I've got all the disks and my system is backed
up.  Let's give it a try :)


On Tue, 19 Dec 2000 23:38:46 Phil Brutsche wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...
  I've been using FreeBSD for a long time now and would
  like to try out Debian.  The install looks to be confusing.
 If you think it's confusing now you should have seen it when Debian 2.0
 came out :)
  I'd like to do a network install.  I can't find a straight answer
  in the docs...
  Can anyone tell me can I install via FTP?
 You can't install Debian off FTP.  You're limited to http and nfs.
  Exactly which floppies will I need to get going?
 You need the rescue disk, root disk, and driver disks.  After that
 everything can be retrieved off the network.
 Basically write the rescue, root, driver-1, driver-2, driver-3, driver-4
 floppy images from
 And use those to install from.
 - -- 
 - --
 Phil Brutsche [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 GPG fingerprint: 9BF9 D84C 37D0 4FA7 1F2D  7E5E FD94 D264 50DE 1CFC
 GPG key id: 50DE1CFC
 GPG public key:
 Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: For info see
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Eddie H. Lawhead
Web Developer  [EMAIL PROTECTED] - The Knext Economy
Owned and Operated by Knexa.Com Enterprises Inc. (CDNX: KNX)  

Re: Firewall for use with cable modem?

2000-12-20 Thread Manegold
ktb wrote:
 On Wed, Dec 20, 2000 at 12:02:14AM +, Phillip Deackes wrote:
  I have spent much of the day getting more and more confused about
  firewalls and Linux. I am having a cable modem installed soon and want my
  system to be secure. I have only the one computer, and am running Woody.
  Is there a free (or low-cost) firewall which will work on Debian? I don't
  feel confident enough to be messing with ipchains and such. I had a look
  at Storm Firewall, but this is expensive at 99USD and seems way over the
  top for what I would need on a single workstation.
  I downloaded gfcc, but don't understand what to do with it. I have read
  the Firewall HOWTO but I really don't grasp much of it. I am embarassed to
  admit that I really want an out-of-box solution - something I can install
  and perhaps tweak a little as I get more confident. I don't do anything
  out of the ordinary on the Internet, just the usual mail, news and web. I
  occasionally use ReadAudio and ftp, but not a lot else.
 Install something like pmfirewall or seawall.  I've used
 pmfirewall before and it is simple to set up.  Basically what
 these two scripts do is write ipchains rules for you based on
 some of the questions you answer.  I don't have any urls' handy
 but they should be easy to find.  After installing your chains
 take a look at them and learn from them.  One other thing you
 might think about is getting a cheap or free 486 and make it
 your firewall.

I used pmfirewall too, but the problem with it is, that it only blocks
certain things it knows about. The default stand is allow (!). In my
opinion that is not so good. It should be deny unless the port is
explicitly opened up. I think that this would be possible via a script
setup too and much better. I don't know seawall. Maybe that does it
However, if you don't want to learn at least something about ipchains
and some basics about what a firewall can do, then maybe it is ok. But
then you will not know, how much security you got.

just my two cents worth.


Re: Firewall for use with cable modem?

2000-12-20 Thread Steven Kurylo

At 06:02 PM 19/12/2000, Phillip Deackes wrote:

I have spent much of the day getting more and more confused about
firewalls and Linux. I am having a cable modem installed soon and want my
system to be secure. I have only the one computer, and am running Woody.

Is there a free (or low-cost) firewall which will work on Debian? I don't
feel confident enough to be messing with ipchains and such. I had a look
at Storm Firewall, but this is expensive at 99USD and seems way over the
top for what I would need on a single workstation.

I downloaded gfcc, but don't understand what to do with it. I have read
the Firewall HOWTO but I really don't grasp much of it. I am embarassed to
admit that I really want an out-of-box solution - something I can install
and perhaps tweak a little as I get more confident. I don't do anything
out of the ordinary on the Internet, just the usual mail, news and web. I
occasionally use ReadAudio and ftp, but not a lot else.

Any ideas?


Phillip Deackes

I first installed linux I was setting up a firewall/masq maching.  I found 
the information, and at the end, the firewall scripts at TrinityOS to be 
very useful.

Not sure if they have a pre-made script just for a single machine, but if 
they don't you can just chop the masq section at the end.


Re: Firewall for use with cable modem?

2000-12-20 Thread garyjones
At Tue, 19 Dec 2000 19:21:19 -0600 , ktb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

On Wed, Dec 20, 2000 at 12:02:14AM +, Phillip Deackes wrote:
 I have spent much of the day getting more and more confused about
 firewalls and Linux.

That is an easy thing to do, you are not alone :-)

   Install something like pmfirewall or seawall.  I've used
   pmfirewall before and it is simple to set up.  Basically what
   these two scripts do is write ipchains rules for you based on
   some of the questions you answer.

You could also try

Get your own FREE E-mail address at
Linux FREE Mail is 100% FREE, 100% Linux, and 100% yours!

Re: yet another ppp failure story...

2000-12-20 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Wed, Dec 20, 2000 at 01:02:09AM -0500, W. Crowshaw wrote:
 Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention I tried this too.  With the same 
 results, the output that plog would give me:
 Dec 20 00:37:02 anima pppd[220]: Using interface ppp0
 Dec 20 00:37:02 anima pppd[220]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS0
 Dec 20 00:37:02 anima /usr/sbin/gpm[148]: Error in read()ing first: 
 Invalid argument
 Dec 20 00:37:03 anima last message repeated 1024 times
 Dec 20 00:37:03 anima pppd[220]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 
 0x0 magic 0x607a9daf pcomp accomp]
 Dec 20 00:37:03 anima /usr/sbin/gpm[148]: Error in read()ing first: 
 Invalid argument
 Dec 20 00:37:04 anima last message repeated 193 times
 Dec 20 00:37:04 anima pppd[220]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
 Dec 20 00:37:04 anima pppd[220]: Modem hangup
 Dec 20 00:37:04 anima pppd[220]: Connection terminated.

The above indicates that you aren't using the correct device for your
modem.  Apparently you are trying to use your mouse as a modem, hence
the simultaneous read error by gpm. 

 By the way, the modem init string I have powered from a script used 
 on MacOS 8.0 to make the _same_modem_ connect forcing flex 
 connection.  I have checked each option with my modem manual and 
 nothing seems controversial.

Yes, but was that on the same machine? Maybe try /dev/ttyS1 ?

Eric G. Miller

installing woody

2000-12-20 Thread Rodolfo Canet-Castello
Dear all

I've just downloaded and burned the woody's CD images. Should I
expect woody to install as potato does (booting from CD-1, and so
on)? Should I use apt upgrade-distribution (don't remember now the
exact command) from potato instead?

Any feedback would be very welcome!

Dr. Rodolfo Canet-Castello
Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias (IVIA)
Dpto. Recursos Naturales
Aptdo. oficial. 46113-Moncada (Valencia). ESPAÑA-SPAIN.
Linux user #172687


2000-12-20 Thread raycone

Does Debian have a Server for Videoconference 
What have i do to make a videoconference using 
Thanks for help !!

Problems removing kdebase

2000-12-20 Thread Jan Ulrich Hasecke
Hi Debians!

I am running potato. Some days ago I removed xdm, and apt-get tried to
remove all the kde-packages with it. Only kdebase was not removed. Now
it is impossible to dist-upgrade new files.

This is the errormessage:

Removing kdebase ...
dpkg: error processing kdebase (--remove):
 subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

Can I safely force removing it with dpkg -r --force kdebase?  Or can
it eventually destroy the package-database in any way?

Many thanks, a wonderful Xmas to all of you and a happy new year! 
(Lets see if Kubrick was right.)


Wo bleibt die Black-Red-Gold-Card?

Intel 815 chipset + Hedrick IDE patches + Reiser

2000-12-20 Thread Chris . Smith

Does anyone know which patches I need to get ATA100
working on 2.2.18 with this chipset (ICH2)?  According
to they have a 2.4 backport
to this kernel, and the patches support the chipset but
they don't say to what level.  It's supported - go
suck, basically.  They don't tell you which transfer
modes (DMA 1-2-3-4-5).  Also, I hear that hdparm brings
back some incorrect values on ATA100 channels.  Is this

If it doesn't work, I'm going back to BSD as they
have ATA100 RAID support via HPT370s, 815s and
anything!!  Linux really needs to keep up with them a
bit more :P

Also, is there any way to hack ReiserFS into Debian
2.2r2 on install?


- Chris.

Exim; local/Internet delivery

2000-12-20 Thread Christopher Clark
There has been a lot of traffic about Exim, so I apologise if this is old hat.
I use sendmail (with the 'expensive' option) to deliver local mail immediately
and queue Internet mail until my cron job connects to my dial up ISP and then
does a sendmail -q
Can you do the same with Exim?
Incidentally the reason I chose sendmail was that the exim documentation
suggested it wouldn't work with nfs mounted /var/spool/mail (and it didn't).
has that changed?
regards Chris

Re: Postfix delivers more than once

2000-12-20 Thread Mark Brown
On Wed, Dec 20, 2000 at 01:28:09PM +1100, Brian May wrote:

 Anyway, worth checking for something along these lines in your log
 files... See if any delivery attempts are marked as failed for some
 reason and/or if Postfix makes multiple attempts to send the mail.

It's most likely to have happened when Postfix got a timeout waiting to
a response to the end of DATA, in which case Postfix logs a message
saying mail may be delivered more than once.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Re: Whoops

2000-12-20 Thread Tor Slettnes
 Ivan == Ivan Milos [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Ivan Whoops, for some reason my previous message ended up in the
Ivan subject line as well.

Please do not post HTML to Usenet, period.
Especially on a UNIX group, most of us are using text-based readers.

Ivan I am currently running Corel linux and I am quite happy
Ivan with it.  However, I have heard about how Corel may dump
Ivan their distribution in the near future.  In addition, their
Ivan progress has been slower than Debian.  What I like most
Ivan about the Corel distribution is the package manager.  I
Ivan really like how dependencies are handled automatically
Ivan (through a nice GUI interface).  I tried Red Hat and
Ivan Mandrake, but their package managers didn't seem to do this
Ivan (maybe I just gave up on them too fast).  In addition, they
Ivan both locked up my system several times.  Maybe recompiling
Ivan the kernel would have helped this.  Anyway, I am thinking
Ivan about moving to Debian.  However, I was wondering if it is
Ivan much trouble getting KDE2 running on Debian.  If so, could
Ivan somebody suggest another distribution based on Debian.

Automatic dependency handling is a feature of APT, not of Corel's
package manager.  You'll find that it performs even better with
Debian, since there are no awkward corel versions of packages that
actually break dependencies.

One GUI frontend is gnome-apt.  Other console-based frontends
include console-apt, aptitude, and good old dselect.

There is also stormpkg - the package manager from the Storm
distribution, now retrofitted into the Debian main distribution.  
I have not tried it, but I hear newbies like it.

KDE2 is included with Debian.


Re: Load crash from speakers at startup

2000-12-20 Thread Willy Lee
Hall == Hall Stevenson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Tue, Dec 19, 2000 at 06:55:13AM -0500, David Purton wrote: 
 just recently my speakers have started making a load  crash sound
 at startup around when the sound card is initialised.

  I had the very same thing happen to me a while back.  I narrowed
  it down to be the SoundBlaster module loading; I guess it does 
 some output test, and bootup the volume levels are cranked  up.  I
 wasn't able to get rid off it, until I went to kernel 2.2.17,  and
 the problem just disappeared...

 It may very well be related to the module loading and possibly the
 soundbank that's part of either the awe or midi portion. It
 also doesn't help that rebooting the card apparently re-initializes
 it and sets the volume to *almost* maximum. I think RedHat had a
 tool that prevented this from happening too.

I've a SB64AWE Pnp also, and this just happens randomly at bootup.
Happened under RedHat 6.0 also.  Sometimes it does, and sometimes it
doesn't, and there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it.  I
don't think it has anything to do with kernel versions.

I do believe it has something to do with loading the module and/or
MIDI soundbank.  But I don't know why it does it sometimes and not
others, nor have I ever bothered tracking it down.

Albert ``Willy'' Lee, Emacs user, game programmer
They call me CRAZY - just because I DARE to DREAM of a RACE of 

Debian and Pentium 4

2000-12-20 Thread csj
From Linuxgram Issue No 147 is this piece titled Most Linux Cuts Won't 
Install on Pentium 4. Quoting: In another one of those awkward little 
moments that we have come to expect from Intel, the chip giant has confirmed 
that only Red Hat and TurboLinux can be installed on Pentium 4 boxes. The 
rest of the Linux herd won't run on the hardware.

What's the real deal? Will Debian run on the new Pentium 4 or not? Or is just 
a case of a few tweaks to some config files?

Re: Problems removing kdebase

2000-12-20 Thread Colin Watson
Jan Ulrich Hasecke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I am running potato. Some days ago I removed xdm, and apt-get tried to
remove all the kde-packages with it. Only kdebase was not removed. Now
it is impossible to dist-upgrade new files.

This is the errormessage:

Removing kdebase ...
dpkg: error processing kdebase (--remove):
 subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

Out of curiosity, does editing /var/lib/dpkg/info/kdebase.postrm,
changing the second instance of 'wm-menu-config' to
'/usr/sbin/wm-menu-config', and trying the removal again work? If so,
I'll file a bug if you want. If not, try changing '/bin/sh' in the first
line to '/bin/sh -x' and show us the output from another apt-get run.

Can I safely force removing it with dpkg -r --force kdebase?  Or can
it eventually destroy the package-database in any way?

Possibly (I can't honestly remember), but --force is rarely a good idea.
It's better to get the bug fixed.



Re: Debian and Pentium 4

2000-12-20 Thread Joerg Johannes
 From Linuxgram Issue No 147 is this piece titled Most Linux Cuts Won't
 Install on Pentium 4. Quoting: In another one of those awkward little
 moments that we have come to expect from Intel, the chip giant has confirmed
 that only Red Hat and TurboLinux can be installed on Pentium 4 boxes. The
 rest of the Linux herd won't run on the hardware.
 What's the real deal? Will Debian run on the new Pentium 4 or not? Or is just
 a case of a few tweaks to some config files?

The german computer-mag c't has tried it out:

Debian works with P4, Redhat and SuSE do sometimes. The problem is the
IO-apic routine, which is called if you have a kernel with smp-support.


Did you know that if you play a Windows 2000 cd backwards, you 
will hear the voice of Satan?

That's nothing!  If you play it forward, it'll install Windows 2000.

Re: Whoops

2000-12-20 Thread Rob VanFleet
On Wed, Dec 20, 2000 at 04:01:21AM -0800, Tor Slettnes wrote:
 Please do not post HTML to Usenet, period.

Eh?  Usenet??

Last I checked, this was a mailing list.


Re: Whoops

2000-12-20 Thread Bud Rogers
On Wednesday 20 December 2000 06:29, Rob VanFleet wrote:
 On Wed, Dec 20, 2000 at 04:01:21AM -0800, Tor Slettnes wrote:
  Please do not post HTML to Usenet, period.

 Eh?  Usenet??

 Last I checked, this was a mailing list.

Do not post HTML to a mailing list.  Period.

All things in moderation.  And not too much moderation either.

Re: Modules and kernel upgrades

2000-12-20 Thread dude


On Tue, 19 Dec 2000, Denzil Kelly wrote:

 Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 20:16:36 -0800 (PST)
 From: Denzil Kelly [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Modules and kernel upgrades

 Yes, I had this problem a few weeks back. I posted a
 message here and here is the fix that worked for me.

 Ah! What you have there is a gotcha in the current
 documentation.  Most dists put a .config in the linux
 directory that
 the options used to build the distributed kernel.
 Debian doesn't.
 you can get it from /boot/config-2.2.17 (if you are
 running Potato).
 that file to /usr/src/linux/.config before running
 make menuconfig or

 In your situation, I think the make-kpkg routine puts
 the new config in
 /boot dir.  The old one will be available as

 --- dude [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi all.  im not sure where to find this information
  ive read some of the documetntaion
  the problem is that when i install and compile a new
  and then make modules
  make modules install
  everything seems to work,
  but when i boot up
  i see a lot of messages about modules not found
  what is going on?
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newbie: scsi

2000-12-20 Thread James Haskell

i'm considering adding SCSI to my system, but i seem
to be at a loss in choosing the right SCSI controller.

so far i'm considering the following:

1.  adaptec SCSI card 29160
2.  adaptec SCSI card 19160
3.  mylex dac1164p u2scsi pci
4.  tekram dc-390u3d u160scsi pci

afaik all 4 are linux friendly (pls let me know
otherwise).  i'd welcome any suggestions, criticism,

i haven't even started looking at SCSI disks yet, but
i'm open to suggestions.

btw i'm running debian 2.2 on an i686

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Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products.

Re: installing pine

2000-12-20 Thread David Wright
Quoting Dwight Johnson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 These issues concern people who are _not_ beginners. Time is money and
 taking a lot of time to configure an application is wasteful, when an equal
 result can be achieved in much less time with Pine.

As I said, if you're used to pine, just use the pine bindings,
which someone went to the trouble of writing. If you need the
exact location, it's /usr/share/doc/examples/Pine.rc .

 Some years back, storage cost was an issue. But these days, when you can
 buy a 5Gb drive for $130, the expense of storing Pine is only $0.02.
 If Pine saved only a single $100 consulting hour in configuration time, the
 tradeoff would already be gigantic in Pine's favor. The advantage offered
 by mutt's smaller footprint is nill on any platform larger than a PDA or

Kindly desist from offering this sort of advice. I am not party to
institutional decisions. Oh, and read my signature.

 On the contrary, the power user does want these aids. The power user wants
 to make efficient use of his time by being able to quickly access help to
 execute commands that perhaps he uses only occasionally, like printing an
 e-mail or finding a particular e-mail by searching for a keyword, without
 having to search through a nearly endless alphabetical list of commands or
 waste brain synapses memorizing something he might do only once a week or

It sounds as if you haven't noticed that / will search and highlight
in the help screen as well as elsewhere.

 There is, in fact, an option in Pine to not display these lines of command
 prompts. However, in 4-1/2 years of using Pine, I have not yet begun to
 find these help prompts obtrusive.

Well, that surprises me.

 Only in one respect, that I can see based on my brief exposure, is mutt
 better -- mutt is a better _threaded_ mail reader. It looks like a lot of
 effort has been put into mutt's threading features. People who want a
 threaded mail reader may well prefer mutt. Since I want to process my
 mail _strictly_ in arrival order, threaded is not a feature I would ever

It beats me how you can deal with high volume lists (like this one)
without threading.

 Pine's help and configuration systems are vastly superior to mutt -- making
 Pine much easier to learn and use on a daily basis -- I submit that these
 features are highly significant for 'power users' who value their time. 

Submit to your hearts content. These things are a matter of opinion,
religion, whatever...

When I post help, I might post opinions with them, particularly
when solicited, as here. But I'm not interested in discussing
religious issues nor indulging in a flame war.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: Permissions - Newbie Style Question

2000-12-20 Thread David Wright
Quoting Bob ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 I have three debian based boxes running (two Corel and one potato.)  On all
 three machines, the default install is to allow everyone on the system to view
 every directory, including each other's home directories.  This is true when
 using telnet or ftp as well.  I really have no need to read my son's
 directories nor he mine.

That's an internal policy issue which you really have to decide for
yourself. Individual user groups is a similar issue.

 I have two questions (for now):  What is the permissions setting for the home
 directories.  I suspect it should be something like rwx--  or rwxrwx--- if
 the group is unique to the specific username.  Is this correct?  Is one
 preferable to the other?

Debian has IIRC vacillated between rwxr-s--- and rwxr-x---.
Group-writable is just plain wrong. It's either not required
(user groups) or it's a security hole (real groups).

 to identify specific machines in this file, such as

Only in your own trusted domain, where you have control. Otherwise just changes its name to
in order to connect to your machine.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: Firewall for use with cable modem?

2000-12-20 Thread Gary Hennigan
Manegold [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 ktb wrote:
  On Wed, Dec 20, 2000 at 12:02:14AM +, Phillip Deackes wrote:
   I have spent much of the day getting more and more confused about
   firewalls and Linux. I am having a cable modem installed soon and want my
   system to be secure. I have only the one computer, and am running Woody.
   Is there a free (or low-cost) firewall which will work on Debian? I don't
   feel confident enough to be messing with ipchains and such. I had a look
   at Storm Firewall, but this is expensive at 99USD and seems way over the
   top for what I would need on a single workstation.
   I downloaded gfcc, but don't understand what to do with it. I have read
   the Firewall HOWTO but I really don't grasp much of it. I am embarassed to
   admit that I really want an out-of-box solution - something I can install
   and perhaps tweak a little as I get more confident. I don't do anything
   out of the ordinary on the Internet, just the usual mail, news and web. I
   occasionally use ReadAudio and ftp, but not a lot else.
  Install something like pmfirewall or seawall.  I've used
  pmfirewall before and it is simple to set up.  Basically what
  these two scripts do is write ipchains rules for you based on
  some of the questions you answer.  I don't have any urls' handy
  but they should be easy to find.  After installing your chains
  take a look at them and learn from them.  One other thing you
  might think about is getting a cheap or free 486 and make it
  your firewall.
 I used pmfirewall too, but the problem with it is, that it only blocks
 certain things it knows about. The default stand is allow (!). In my
 opinion that is not so good. It should be deny unless the port is
 explicitly opened up. I think that this would be possible via a script
 setup too and much better. I don't know seawall. Maybe that does it
 However, if you don't want to learn at least something about ipchains
 and some basics about what a firewall can do, then maybe it is ok. But
 then you will not know, how much security you got.

I think you may be mistaken on this point. The policy PMFirewall
defaults to is ACCEPT but, at least on my installation, the last rule,
in my input chain, is:

target prot opt sourcedestinationports
DENY   all  l- n/a

I'm no ipchains expert, but I believe that this rule implies that if
none of the previous rules caused the packet to be accepted it'll be
denied here.

Now personally in addition to leaving the rule above as the last one
in my input chain I set the policy to DENY, just as a precaution,
but, I *think*, it's redudant given the rule above.

And of course the nice thing about a script approach like PMFirewall
is that it's easy to modify as you learn more about ipchains.


RE: installing woody

2000-12-20 Thread Marc Wilson
No you haven't, because there aren't any.  No official ones, anyway.  Since
what you have isn't something produced by Debian, you need to ask whoever
produced it how you're supposed to install it.

Marc Wilson

 -Original Message-
From:   Rodolfo Canet-Castello [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Wednesday, December 20, 2000 1:51 AM
Subject:installing woody

Dear all

I've just downloaded and burned the woody's CD images. Should I
expect woody to install as potato does (booting from CD-1, and so
on)? Should I use apt upgrade-distribution (don't remember now the
exact command) from potato instead?

Any feedback would be very welcome!

Dr. Rodolfo Canet-Castello
Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias (IVIA)
Dpto. Recursos Naturales
Aptdo. oficial. 46113-Moncada (Valencia). ESPAÑA-SPAIN.
Linux user #172687

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: installing pine

2000-12-20 Thread Johann Spies
On Tue, Dec 19, 2000 at 12:42:19PM -0800, Dwight Johnson wrote:
 Only in one respect, that I can see based on my brief exposure, is mutt
 better -- mutt is a better _threaded_ mail reader. It looks like a lot of
 effort has been put into mutt's threading features. People who want a
 threaded mail reader may well prefer mutt. Since I want to process my
 mail _strictly_ in arrival order, threaded is not a feature I would ever

I have used pine for a few years and switched to mutt because a bug in
3.96, 4.10 and 4.20 concerning html-attachments. I see the bug is no
longer there in 4.31.

With Pine I just changed the sort order to the subject-line when I
read mailing list and that worked well.  Mutt's advantage is that I
can delete a whole thread with one keystroke.

An advantage of pine which I do not find in mutt is that I could
record email addresses from anywhere in the message into the address
book.  With mutt I can create an alias from the sender's address and
have to put other addresses manually in my address book.  That is a
bit of a nuisance.

To keep pine's address book up to date is easier and less prone to
errors than mutt's aliases because you can do it from a menu and pine
handles all the syntax issues.

When forwarding a message using pine, the attachments are included.
That is not the case with mutt.  Maybe it is something that can be
configured. To fine tune mutt takes a lot of time.

Something I enjoy about mutt which pine do not provide is the ability
to search the contents of all the messages in a mailbox for a string.
Another feature of mutt which I could not figure out with pine is the
ability to check different mailboxes for new mail.

After using mutt for about a year now I enjoy it, but still miss some
of pine's abilities.

J.H. Spies - Tel. 082 782 0336 / 023 55 11 568
 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shall call 
  his name JESUS; for he shall save his people from 
  their sins.Matthew 1:21 

Re: downgrade from Woody to Potato

2000-12-20 Thread Johann Spies
On Tue, Dec 19, 2000 at 11:53:57PM +0100, Stephan Engelke wrote:

You can try the following:

Replace your libc6 package with the potato version using dpkg -i with
the --force-depends option.

Then do 

apt-get -f install 

with your apt-get sources pointing to potato.  

I did this on a mixed potato/woody system to remove libc6 and packages
which depended on it from my system and replace them with potato

I can not guarantee it to work but that is how I got a pure potato
system back.  If I now want to use woody packages, I use apt-get

J.H. Spies - Tel. 082 782 0336 / 023 55 11 568
 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shall call 
  his name JESUS; for he shall save his people from 
  their sins.Matthew 1:21 

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