Re: [TR] - Install en .sgml

2001-07-15 Thread pdl
hola a tothom. Acabo de llegir-me pràcticament tots els missatges
acumulats en 10 dies (buf!), i m'agradaria saber:

.- del llistat que hi ha al final d'aquest missatage, quins arxius estan
traduïts? Digueu-me'n un que pugui traduir i m'hi poso. Digueu-me també
si us plau, la url absoluta d'on baixar-me'l. 

.- tot i que el correu el llegeixi amb windows, m'agradaria fer les
traduccions usant la debian. els fitxers aquests .wml , .sgml , i demés,
els editeu amb un editor de textos qualsevol? el vi és suficient? 

.- A banda de llegir els glossaris en casos de dubte, hi ha alguna mena
d'ordre o de passos establerts a l'hora de traduir un document? Vull
dir, si l'agafo i el començo a traduir a sac, respectant les etiquetes
diverses que m'hi pugui trobar, n'hi ha prou?

D'altra banda, una altra cosa: 
jo també preferiria revisar traduccions a traduir textos. Amb això no
voldria 'escaquejar-me' de fer la segona cosa, però, crec que se'm dóna
millor revisar textos en català, que no pas traduir-los de l'anglès.
Així doncs, per la gent que ha dit que s'apuntava a la revisió, jo també
m'hi apunto. 

doncs a veure si m'hi poso...



En/Na Antoni Bella Perez ha escrit:
   Com que semblen ésser pocs començaré a repartir els fitxers de la install.
 Si us sembla massa o teniu cap preferència aviseu.
   Això és tot el que hauriem de traduir:
 install.sgml 6 KB
 administrivia.sgml 4.2 KB
 appendix.sgml  4.2 KB
 dbootstrap.sgml  62.4 KB
 hardware.sgml28.6 KB
 inst-methods.sgml  33.8 KB
 partitioning.sgml  37.6 KB
 post-install.sgml  12.3 KB
 preparing.sgml   19 KB
 rescue-boot.sgml46.1 KB
 tech-info.sgml  4.1 KB
 welcome.sgml 17.2 KB

Re: [TR] - Install en .sgml

2001-07-15 Thread Antoni Bella Perez
A Diumenge 15 Juliol 2001 19:41, pdl va escriure:
 hola a tothom. Acabo de llegir-me pràcticament tots els missatges
 acumulats en 10 dies (buf!), i m'agradaria saber:

 .- del llistat que hi ha al final d'aquest missatage, quins arxius estan
 traduïts? Digueu-me'n un que pugui traduir i m'hi poso. Digueu-me també
 si us plau, la url absoluta d'on baixar-me'l.

OK: al final del missatge.

 .- tot i que el correu el llegeixi amb windows, m'agradaria fer les
 traduccions usant la debian. els fitxers aquests .wml , .sgml , i demés,
 els editeu amb un editor de textos qualsevol? el vi és suficient?

  Jo empro el kword pel que ho pots fer lliurement amb qualsevol. Remarcarte 
que dessar-lo en Text Plà Unix sempre facilita les coses.

 .- A banda de llegir els glossaris en casos de dubte, hi ha alguna mena
 d'ordre o de passos establerts a l'hora de traduir un document? Vull
 dir, si l'agafo i el començo a traduir a sac, respectant les etiquetes
 diverses que m'hi pugui trobar, n'hi ha prou?

  Si  després un cop el presentis a la llista el corretgirem entre tots i 
n'apendràs/em un xic més.

 D'altra banda, una altra cosa:
 jo també preferiria revisar traduccions a traduir textos. Amb això no
 voldria 'escaquejar-me' de fer la segona cosa, però, crec que se'm dóna
 millor revisar textos en català, que no pas traduir-los de l'anglès.
 Així doncs, per la gent que ha dit que s'apuntava a la revisió, jo també
 m'hi apunto.

 doncs a veure si m'hi poso...



 En/Na Antoni Bella Perez ha escrit:
Com que semblen ésser pocs començaré a repartir els fitxers de la
  install. Si us sembla massa o teniu cap preferència aviseu.
Això és tot el que hauriem de traduir:
install.sgml 6 KB

  Aquest el faré jo mateix doncs i van les capceleres i les farem coincidir 
amb els fitxers.

  administrivia.sgml 4.2 KB
  appendix.sgml  4.2 KB
  dbootstrap.sgml  62.4 KB
hardware.sgml28.6 KB


  inst-methods.sgml  33.8 KB
partitioning.sgml  37.6 KB


  post-install.sgml  12.3 KB
preparing.sgml   19 KB


  rescue-boot.sgml46.1 KB
  tech-info.sgml  4.1 KB
welcome.sgml 17.2 KB

  Agafat però en falta de confirmació

  Abans de res dirte que els distribueixo segons l'ordre en el fitxer de 
capceleres install.sgml i si a algú li sembles massa gran el que li toca per 
pura «sort» sempre elpuc retallar i pasar-lo al següent solicitant. Per cert 
8n cop traduïts s'han de presentar a la llista per a correcció.

  Els fitxers .sgml els trovaràs al paquets boot-floppies tot i que el mateix 
et genera forces dependències pel que si ho desitges puc pasar-te un document 
al teu email privat. Com pots veure aquí necessitem texts per a corretgir 
pel que si pots traduïr-ne algun millor que millor.



 Antoni Bella Perez 
# [Pàgina de traduccions del nucli Linux]|
# [Traduciones al catalan del Nucleo Linux]|

Re: En el poble 2 setmanes o 3

2001-07-15 Thread Antoni Bella Perez
A Divendres 13 Juliol 2001 10:44, Jordi Mallach va escriure:

 Dins de 3 hores agafe un tren a Sogorb, i si tot va be no tornaré fins
 No tinc ni telefon, ni ordenador ni res per allí, així que en principi
 no podré pujar coses al CVS.

 Intentaré llegir el correu una vegada a a la setmana o així, el que es
 pot fer es que una vegada esté un .wml traduit, revisat i re-revisat,
 que Mqiuel m'ho envie a mi en privat amb un tag que cante molt, com...

 [VERSIO FINAL] foo.wml.

 Podria intetar donar prioritat a eixos mails i fer els updates.
 Un altra opció es que Jaiem Villate faça els commits, però encara no se
 si estarà/podrà. Li enviaré mail ara. En tot cas, no vos preocupeu que
 tornaré i les coses acabaràn penjades de la web :)

 Sobre els manuals d'instal.lació, Antonio, has agafat els sgml de potato
 o de woody? Per lo que em diuen, els de woody tenen pocs canvis però ja
 començen a ser diferents que els de potato, així qie potser volem anar
 directament als de woody. Els canvis deurien ser poca cosa, així que fer
 potato i després woody és viable tb.

 Bon estiueig :)


  Antoni a seques com l'espetec :-)

  Empro el paquet boot-floppies de la Potato, tan mateix hauriem d'aclarir si 
el directori seria ca o ct per al català, si els canadencs no tenen res a dir 
faríem com als locale, però tot plegat ety podem esperar a que tornis.

  Ja veurem com acaba la meva instal·lació de Woody per a després poder 
veuren l'estat del paquet en aquesta distro, tot i que si saps com accedir al 
mòdul en concret mitjançant cvs s'hagrairia.

  Les vacances: Et processaré una enveja sana fins que et sàpiga a la vida 
quotidiana. Cuidat i disfruteu-ne tu i els teus.



 Antoni Bella Perez 
# [Pàgina de traduccions del nucli Linux]|
# [Traduciones al catalan del Nucleo Linux]|

Actualizar Kernel

2001-07-15 Thread Oliver Mendoza
Tengo el kernel 2.2.19pre17 y me dijeron que podría actualizarlo al 
kernel-image-2.2.19_2.2.19-2.deb usando dpkg -i pero no sé que más se hace
depués de eso, pueden decirme alguna página donde lo expliquen mejor.

Sent through GMX FreeMail -

Re: [OffTopic] Fondos de pantalla

2001-07-15 Thread Felipe Fernandez
He visto en uno de los fondos que los iconos del wm están tanto en la linea de 
la derecha
como en la parte superior. ¿Como se consigue esto?

Version de Debian

2001-07-15 Thread Aurelio Diaz-Ufano
Hola ¿cómo se puede saber laversión de Debian que corre en una máquina?

*   *
*  Aurelio Díaz-Ufano   *
*  ICQ Nº 31089968  * 
*   *
*   *
*  No es oro todo lo que reluce ni toda la gente errante anda perdida...  *
*  J.R.R. Tolkien El Señor de los Anillos *
*   *

Re: Version de Debian

2001-07-15 Thread Javier M Mora
 Hola ¿cómo se puede saber laversión de Debian que corre en una máquina?

dmesg da información del arranque de la máquina y la primera línea te da la 
versión del núcleo que se carga. Así que con:

dmesg | head -n 1

te informa de la versión del núcleo.


Esta fue fácil B-)

Re: consulta sobre redes

2001-07-15 Thread aparra

Fabian wrote:

Hola a todos,
Saben donde se puede conseguir informacion sobre redes con debian, me 
refiero a la parte de configuracion, asignaciones ip, documentacion 
clara sobre el ifconfig, route, ipchains, etc. ya lei el garl y las 
man, pero como que no me satisface. estoy tratando de poner en red 
unas pc con debian, y no logro hecer ni ping de una a otra, solo 
para las ip de las eth0 en cada maquina. Debe ser un detalle pero 
no me doy cuenta de cual es. -bajo win funciona todo :(.

Saludos y Gracias Fabian.

Echale un ojo a los HOWTO, IP-Networking y IP-Masquerading

ifconfig eth0 up
ipcahins -P forward DENY
ipchains -A forward -s -j MASQ -b

ifconfig eth0 up
route add default gw eth0

	Para usar el en mascaramiento, supongo que es porque tienes una unica IP 
publica y quieres que todos accedan a internet, leete lo que te decia 
arriba, porque seguramente tienes desactivado el enmascaramiento, para 

echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

	Pero en cualquier caso tendrias que ser capaz de hacer ping entre tus 
maquinas. Que tarjeta tienes?? no sera una 3COM?? Lo primero que tiees 
que hacer es asegurarte de que las tarjetas estan funcionando 
correctamente en linux.

Ad Augusta per angusta

Espero que te sirva de algo esto

Un saludo


El euro

2001-07-15 Thread aparra

	supongo que ya se ha hablado por aqui mas de una vez, pero he estado un 
pco desconectado. Alguien puede decirme donde encontrar cono configurar 
coreectamente mi debian para que pueda usar el famoso euro supongo 
que alte.

Muchas gracias a todos


Re: Version de Debian

2001-07-15 Thread Daniel Payno
Hola Javier...

decías, el 12:00-15/jul/2001:

  Hola ¿cómo se puede saber laversión de Debian que corre en una máquina?
cat /etc/debian_version
Daniel PaynoGrupo de Usuarios de Linux
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Administrador del FTP del GUL
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Most people wouldn't know music if it came up and bit them on the ass.
-- Frank Zappa

Description: PGP signature

Re: Version de Debian

2001-07-15 Thread Santiago Vila
Aurelio Diaz-Ufano:
 ¿cómo se puede saber la versión de Debian que corre en una máquina?

cat /etc/debian_version

Está en la FAQ, paquete doc-debian-es.

Problemas al actualizar a Woody

2001-07-15 Thread Aurelio Diaz-Ufano
Hola lista. He actualizado a Woody... Y aparte de un pequeño problema de 
dependencias con el esound, me ha surgido un problema con la configuración del 
idioma... En mi /etc/environment tengo las siguientes líneas:

LANGUAGE =spanish
LANG =es_ES.ISO-8859-1

Pero me pasan dos cosas: al loggear en el GDM, si elijo Sapnish como lenguaje 
(como lo he hecho siempre) me dice que por defecto está ISO-8859-1 y da igual 
lo q elija porque me sale el Gnome en inglés... Y al intentar resolver esos 
problemillas de dependencias, me sale lo siguiente:

perl: warning: setting locale failed
perl: warning: check that your locale settings
LANGUAGE =(unset)
LC_ALL= (unset)
LANG= es_ES.ISO-8859-1

are supported and installed on your system.

perl: waening: Falling back to the standard locale (C)

¿e os ocurre qué pasa?

*   *
*  Aurelio Díaz-Ufano   *
*  ICQ Nº 31089968  * 
*   *
*   *
*  No es oro todo lo que reluce ni toda la gente errante anda perdida...  *
*  J.R.R. Tolkien El Señor de los Anillos *
*   *

Sobre problemas de actualizacion a Woody

2001-07-15 Thread Aurelio Diaz-Ufano
Hola Lista... Sobre mi problema anterior, creo q se va a solucionar... He 
dejado el apt, me he colado en dselect y al realizar una pequeña búsqueda, de 
repente me ha informado de la actualizacion de muchos paquetes.. No sé por qué 
no se han actualizado con el apt, pero ya está en marcha... Si no funciona, ya 
os molestaré de nuevo
Un saludo

*   *
*  Aurelio Díaz-Ufano   *
*  ICQ Nº 31089968  * 
*   *
*   *
*  No es oro todo lo que reluce ni toda la gente errante anda perdida...  *
*  J.R.R. Tolkien El Señor de los Anillos *
*   *

Re: Problemas al actualizar a Woody

2001-07-15 Thread Santiago Pastorino
El Sun, Jul 15, 2001 at 02:03:35PM +0200, Aurelio Diaz-Ufano contaba:
 Hola lista. He actualizado a Woody... Y aparte de un pequeño problema de 
 dependencias con el esound, me ha surgido un problema con la configuración 
 del idioma... En mi /etc/environment tengo las siguientes líneas:
 LANGUAGE =spanish
 LC_ALL =es_ES
 LANG =es_ES.ISO-8859-1
 Pero me pasan dos cosas: al loggear en el GDM, si elijo Sapnish como lenguaje 
 (como lo he hecho siempre) me dice que por defecto está ISO-8859-1 y da 
 igual lo q elija porque me sale el Gnome en inglés... Y al intentar resolver 
 esos problemillas de dependencias, me sale lo siguiente:
 perl: warning: setting locale failed
 perl: warning: check that your locale settings
   LANGUAGE =(unset)
   LC_ALL= (unset)
   LC_ALL =es_ES
   LANG= es_ES.ISO-8859-1
 are supported and installed on your system.
 perl: waening: Falling back to the standard locale (C)

Tienes que descomentar en /etc/locale.gen la linea
es_ES ISO-8859-1
Correr locale-gen y listo.

Error al compilar un programa KDE. ¿Qué me falta?

2001-07-15 Thread Ricardo Pérez

Buenas, lista.

Resulta que me he bajado el código fuente de un cliente para el Audio Galaxy, 
llamado agbrowser (podéis buscarlo en freshmeat, como era de esperar :)). 
Pero me falla a la hora de compilar, dándome el siguiente mensaje:

/usr/lib/ undefined reference to 
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to 
KSSLCertificateHome::KSSLAuthAction *)'

Tengo instalados TODOS los paquetes que dependen de task-kde-devel, incluidos 
los que recomienda o sugiere (entre ellos, kdebase-dev, kdelibs-dev...).

No sé... ¿me faltarán paquetes? Tengo constancia de que un amigo, con su 
Mandrake 8, lo ha podido compilar perfectamente, y eso me *jode* como buen 
Debianero que soy :)

Gracias de antemano.


RE: shutdown -h por un usuario

2001-07-15 Thread Carlos Martinez
 Tras mucho tiempo he conseguido que instalen Debian en el
 ordenador de mi casa ;-)) pero ahora se plantea que no me atrevo
 a darles la clave de root (por lo que pueda pasar, que luego
 nadie ha hecho/tocado nada ;-D). Se supone que solo root puede
 hacer shutdown, pero si es un usuario  ¿cómo puede apagar la
 máquina? O tal vez es peor el remedio que la enfermedad :-?

 Gracias anticipadas

Perdón por tardar tanto en responder:
Bueno, el menú de gdm y kdm tb lo permite.


RE: Instalacion de un servidor ...como particionar el disco duro?

2001-07-15 Thread Carlos Martinez
Perdón por la intrusión, pero no llego a comprender el porqué de partir el
sistema en tantas particiones y por qué dices que se trata de arrancar / con
lo mínimo y luego ir montando.
Saludos y gracias por vuestra atención.

 Yo de ti no lo haria asin... A ver: para la / solo hacen falta
 150-200MB, y
 va que chuta. Además, si no quieres problemas al arrancar (lilo)
 mejor que la
 primera particion sea pequeña.

 Yo te propongo lo siguiente:

 /dev/hda1 200MB   /
 /dev/hda2 256MB   swap
 /dev/hda3 1G  /var
 /dev/hda4 extendida
 /dev/hda5 2G-3G   /usr
 /dev/hda6 los demás gigas /home

 Ademas, opcionalmente puedes meter /tmp en otra pequeña particion.

 El objetivo es que puedas arrancar la máquina con lo mínimo montado
 (particion /), y luego ir montando las demas particiones.

Re: Error al compilar un programa KDE. ¿Qué me falta?

2001-07-15 Thread Fabian Arias

Lo de KSSLCertificateHome y etc., me suena mucho a kdebase-crypto.
Instala ese paquete a ver que ocurre.

On Sun, 15 Jul 2001, Ricardo Pérez wrote:

 Buenas, lista.
 Resulta que me he bajado el código fuente de un cliente para el Audio Galaxy, 
 llamado agbrowser (podéis buscarlo en freshmeat, como era de esperar :)). 
 Pero me falla a la hora de compilar, dándome el siguiente mensaje:
 /usr/lib/ undefined reference to 
 /usr/lib/ undefined reference to 
 KSSLCertificateHome::KSSLAuthAction *)'
 Tengo instalados TODOS los paquetes que dependen de task-kde-devel, incluidos 
 los que recomienda o sugiere (entre ellos, kdebase-dev, kdelibs-dev...).
 No sé... ¿me faltarán paquetes? Tengo constancia de que un amigo, con su 
 Mandrake 8, lo ha podido compilar perfectamente, y eso me *jode* como buen 
 Debianero que soy :)
 Gracias de antemano.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

 Fabian Arias Mu~oz|   Debian GNU/Linux Sid
 Facultad de Cs. Economicas y  | Kernel 2.4.6ac2 - ReiserFS
 Administrativas.  |   aka dewback en
 Universidad de Concepcion   -  Chile  |   #linuxhelp IRC.CHILE

Re: [OffTopic] Fondos de pantalla

2001-07-15 Thread Jesús Torres

Los de y están muy bien.

  /  \   Jesús Miguel Torres Jorge
/  \   __  Tenerife, Canary Island, SPAIN
___/  _  _   \__--- /
 \   ++   /mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
\ - _  -  /  jabber:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  \   /
   |_  ---   _|
 /  \ _  __  _ / \   
   |\ _/   \  May the Free Software Force be with you...
  |  |  | ***

  NO subestimes el poder de la Ley de Servicios
  de la Sociedad de la Información (LSSI)

Re: Aplicaciones estilo office

2001-07-15 Thread Baltasar Perez
El vie, 13 de jul de 2001, a las 08:49:53 -0300, Santiago Pastorino dijo:
 This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.3.1)
 Please type the name of your input file.
 Y ya no tengo ni idea de que hacer, hay algun buen manual para idiotas
 sobre como usarlo.
 Bueno realmente me interesa mucho este tema ya que quisiera usar
 software lo más libre posible y me parece que StarOffice no es el caso.

Hola Santiago,

un buen sitio para empezar con LaTeX es en la siguiente web:

Hay un monton de tutoriales en espanol

ciao y espero que te sirva

Baltasar Perez | ETSIT - ULPGC
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Re: Grabar CD a partir de binario+cue sheet

2001-07-15 Thread Manuel Clos

Miguel Rodríguez Penabad wrote:

Santiago Fernandez wrote:

Yo he usado alguna vez CdrDAO para grabar esas imagenes. En lugar de
fichero.cue le llama fichero.toc pero la sintaxis es la misma.

Sí, algo sabía de eso y lo he probado. En fin, un posavasos más :(
O me dan el ISO como es debido o que lo graben en tarjetas perforadas.

Gracias de todas formas

La próxima vez, intenta abrir el ficher .cue desde Gnome CD Master (gcdmaster),

para ver si el fichero .toc és válido.

Manuel Clos

* Si no puedes hacerlo bien, hazlo bonito (Bill Gates)
* If you can't do it well, do it nice (Bill Gates)

una pregunta acerca de sendmail

2001-07-15 Thread Einar Matveinen

Tengo un pequeño problema con sendmail (de nuevo). A ver: Cuando envío mensajes 
los deja por defecto en /var/spool/mqueue. Se
quedan allí encolados y no los envía (en el /var/log/maillog marca 
stat=queued). Sin embargo, si reinicio el sendmail, envía
todos los mensajes que estaban encolados en mqueue. Al consultar el log 
aparece: stat=sent, vamos, que los envía perfectamente.
Teniendo en cuenta que al iniciar el sistema arranca sendmail desde el 
principio, ¿sabéis a qué se debe esto?. Y, ¿Qué hay que
hacer para que sendmail funcione correctamente desde el inicio del sistema, sin 
tener que reiniciarlo?.

Pues esas son mis dudas, muchas gracias de antemano.


Einar Matveinen

Hörkkutröllin hraeða geð
rimÞursarnir fornir
dvergar álvar draugar með
dísir völvur nornir

Re: una pregunta acerca de sendmail

2001-07-15 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez

El 16 Jul 2001 a las 01:51AM +0200, Einar Matveinen escribio:
 Tengo un pequeño problema con sendmail (de nuevo). A ver: Cuando envío 
 mensajes los deja por defecto en /var/spool/mqueue. Se
 quedan allí encolados y no los envía (en el /var/log/maillog marca 
 stat=queued). Sin embargo, si reinicio el sendmail, envía
 todos los mensajes que estaban encolados en mqueue. Al consultar el log 
 aparece: stat=sent, vamos, que los envía perfectamente.

Igual en la configuración le has indicado que encole en vez de enviar.
Prueba a hacer



/usr/sbin/sendmail -q

Con esto deberias forzar el envio de la cola

 Teniendo en cuenta que al iniciar el sistema arranca sendmail desde el 
 principio, ¿sabéis a qué se debe esto?. Y, ¿Qué hay que
 hacer para que sendmail funcione correctamente desde el inicio del sistema, 
 sin tener que reiniciarlo?.

Desactivando esa opción, aunque igual es mejor que la tengas, si tu
conexión a internet no es permanente.

No se donde decirte que la desactives, no conozco sendmail.

 Pues esas son mis dudas, muchas gracias de antemano.

De nada

Andres Seco Hernandez- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MCP ID 445900 -
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Alamin GSM SMS Gateway   -
Debian GNU/Linux -
Grupo de Usuarios de GNU/Linux  de  Guadalajara  y
alrededores  -

Description: PGP signature

Imperdible compilado de Macromedia!!!

2001-07-15 Thread CD Macromedia






  Cree, edite y ponga animación en gráficos Web mediante el
  uso de un juego completo de herramientas vectoriales y de mapa
  de bits. Utilice controles de exportación para optimizar las
  imágenes, darles interactividad avanzada y exportarlas a
  Macromedia Dreamweaver y otros editores de HTML. Presente y
  edite gráficos de Fireworks desde Dreamweaver o Macromedia
  Macromedia Dreamweaver UltraDev 4, con todas las nuevas y
  potentes características de Dreamweaver 4, es la manera más
  eficiente de desarrollar aplicaciones ASP, JSP o ColdFusion.
  Vea el código y diseñe simultáneamente. Cree fácilmente
  bibliotecas de scripts del lado del servidor o utilice los
  comportamientos incorporados del servidor o los métodos
  Macromedia Dreamweaver 4 tiene todo lo que usted necesita
  para desarrollar un sitio Web profesional. Ahora puede crear
  gráficos de Macromedia Flash directamente en Dreamweaver. Ya
  sea que utilice las herramientas visuales de composición de
  Dreamweaver o el entorno de edición de texto, la interfaz del
  usuario intuitiva de Macromedia le facilita la labor.
  En Español. Diseñe y entregue sitios Web
  de gran impacto y bajo ancho de banda con Macromedia Flash 5,
  usado por más de medio millón de autores Web a nivel
  mundial. Cree gráficos atractivos con la conocida interfaz
  del usuario de Macromedia y produzca avanzadas aplicaciones
  Web utilizando scripts, formularios y conectividad del lado
  del servidor.
  FreeHand 10 le ofrece a los diseñadores gráficos características
  de productividad sin paralelo, entre ellas páginas maestras,
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Re: Erro na inicialização do X

2001-07-15 Thread KrIsSkRoSs
Por que comprar o CD do 2.2r3 ? Usa o apt =)

Quanto ao X, instalou o xserver-svga ?

KrIsSkRoSs kkross at
GnuPG ID: F5D5F548

# fortune
sh: fortune: command not found

On Sat, 14 Jul 2001, SuperTek wrote:

 Amanhã eu vou comprar o Debian 2.2r3, mas agora eu só tenho o 2.2.
 Configurei o X mas quando dei o startx apareceu o seguinte erro:

 X: exec of /usr/bin/X11/XF86_SVGA failed

 Alguém da lista pode me ajudar?

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

startx e xterminal

2001-07-15 Thread HardBeat404
Hash: SHA1

Galera , existe algum arquivo de configuracao que posso alterar os
dados para o startx ou é so mesmo nesse shell script ? porque ele tb
alterou o xterminal , qdo acesso o que era pra ser o link pro xterm
ele ta acessando o kterminal

- --
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Canal #Debian-br
  Coders Forum ! -
  Debian News?
  ICQ/Licq:  #72974241
  Linux Registered User: #220025
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Re: Como compilar os fontes deb

2001-07-15 Thread Alexandre Pereira da Silva
Em Sat, Jul 14, 2001 at 08:29:50PM +, Fabiano Manoel de Andrade escreveu:
Olá Pessoal.
Como faço utilizar os arquivos fontes que (orig.tar,dsc,diff) para 
  compilar e gerar um deb?

dpkg-source -x filename.dsc

Depois entre no diretorio e de um ./debian/rules binary

Alexandre Pereira da Silva
ICQ#: 22163948  Tel: (11) 93830810

Re: Como instalar o Download for X

2001-07-15 Thread Fabiano Manoel de Andrade
Poxá era isso que euestava querendo.

Valeu mesmo.
- Original Message -
From: Andre Luis Lopes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Fabiano Manoel de Andrade [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2001 11:09 AM
Subject: Re: Como instalar o Download for X

 On Sat, 14 Jul 2001 20:54:06 +
 Fabiano Manoel de Andrade [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Olá Pessoal.
Como  é o nome deste pacote?

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ apt-cache search downloader for x
 d4x - Graphical tool for downloading files from Internet
 d4x-gnome-applet - GNOME applet to monitor Downloader for X

Sempre que quiser saber o nome de um pacote, use :

apt-cache search termo a pesquisar

 André Luís Lopes
 Debian GNU/Linux
 andrelop at ig dot com dot br

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: startx e xterminal

2001-07-15 Thread Pablo Lorenzzoni

Do man 5 Xsession:
/etc/X11/Xsession is a Bourne shell (sh(1)) script which is run every 
time an X Window System session is begun by startx(1) or xdm(1). 
Administrators unfamilar with the Bourne shell will likely find the 
/etc/X11/Xsession.options file easier to deal with than Xsession 

By default on a Debian system, /etc/X11/Xsession is used by both 
common methods of starting the X Window System, xdm and startx.

Mas acho que esse problema do xterm - kterminal (naum seria 
konsole?) naum eh resolvido lah. Alias, naum entendi qual o seu 
problema! A configuracao do X eh feita, no Debian, pelo arquivo 
/etc/X11/Xsession  ou $HOME/.xsession.


P.S. Naum acha a sua assinatura grande demais?

Em Dom 15 Jul 2001 13:44, HardBeat404 escreveu:
| Galera , existe algum arquivo de configuracao que posso alterar os
| dados para o startx ou é so mesmo nesse shell script ? porque ele
| tb alterou o xterminal , qdo acesso o que era pra ser o link pro
| xterm ele ta acessando o kterminal

Pablo Lorenzzoni (Spectra) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GnuPG PubKey at (Key ID: 268A084D)

Re: Erro na inicialização do X

2001-07-15 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
É muito prático ter o cd da Debian em mãos, melhor que isso só o o
mirror da 
Debian no HD :)

KrIsSkRoSs wrote:
 Por que comprar o CD do 2.2r3 ? Usa o apt =)
 Quanto ao X, instalou o xserver-svga ?
 KrIsSkRoSs kkross at
 GnuPG ID: F5D5F548
 # fortune
 sh: fortune: command not found
 On Sat, 14 Jul 2001, SuperTek wrote:
  Amanhã eu vou comprar o Debian 2.2r3, mas agora eu só tenho o 2.2.
  Configurei o X mas quando dei o startx apareceu o seguinte erro:
  X: exec of /usr/bin/X11/XF86_SVGA failed
  Alguém da lista pode me ajudar?
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gleydson Mazioli da Silva

* Sempre fica a fragância na mão daquele que estende uma rosa...


2001-07-15 Thread Michelle Ribeiro

Duas questoes:

a) A acentuacao no terminal rolou numa boa desde a instalacao, mas
depois que resolvi reconfigurar o X, nao funciona mais.

b) Acredito que essa, como outras questoes, jah devem ter sido
respondidas aqui. Para nao ficar refazendo-as, ha como checar em um

[ ]'s

Michelle Ribeiro

UIN: 89497281 

Re: Diretório perdido...socorro!!

2001-07-15 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Em Sun, 15 Jul 2001 14:08:57 -0300
Wanderlei R D Maciel [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 Bem, o que quero saber é o que devo fazer! Não posso instalar ou desisnstalar
 nada!! Acho que isto está além de meu conhecimento sobre o sistema. Assim 
criar o diretório? hehehe... esse diretório não tem nada de tão
importante... basta recriá-lo


Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov
|  .''`.  | Debian GNU/Linux:|
| : :'  : | Debian BR...: |
| `. `'`  |  Be Happy! Be FREE!  |
|   `-| Think globally, act locally!   |

Re: Acentuacao

2001-07-15 Thread Pablo Lorenzzoni

Em Dom 15 Jul 2001 04:12, Michelle Ribeiro escreveu:
| Pessoal,
|   Duas questoes:
|   a) A acentuacao no terminal rolou numa boa desde a instalacao, mas
| depois que resolvi reconfigurar o X, nao funciona mais.

Naum tive esse problema. Naum sei como resolve-lo.

|   b) Acredito que essa, como outras questoes, jah devem ter sido
| respondidas aqui. Para nao ficar refazendo-as, ha como checar em um
| historico?

Sim, acho que jah vi isso sendo tratado aki milhares de vezes. O 
histórico fica em (para essa e para todas as 
listas do projeto Debian). Eles tem ateh um mecanismo de busca 
individualizado por lista.


Pablo Lorenzzoni (Spectra) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GnuPG PubKey at (Key ID: 268A084D)

Re: Althea no stable-error e outras coisas

2001-07-15 Thread Alexandre Pereira da Silva

Em Sun, Jul 15, 2001 at 03:46:02PM +, Fabiano Manoel de Andrade escreveu:
Olá Pessoal.
Estou tentando compilar o althea no potato. Baixei os dsc, dif e 
  orig.tar.gz do pool fiz o que me falaram na lista
  dpkg-source -x filename.dsc
  depois entrei no diretório e fiz ./debian/rules binary
  Ai viaram os erros ;-(
  É preciso ser root para compilar ou há outra forma?

Use o fake root(esqueci de mencionar isto)

Consegui compilar o d4x e instala-lo (legalzinho =0)) agora, não 
  estou conseguindo compilar o d4x-gnome-applet a mensagem de erro é
  ./debian/rules binary
 ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc
 loading cache ./config.cache
 checking for a BSD compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
 checking whether build environment is sane... yes
 checking whether make sets ${MAKE}... yes
 checking for working aclocal... found
 checking for working autoconf... found
 checking for working automake... found
 checking for working autoheader... found
 checking for working makeinfo... missing
 checking for gnome-config... no
 checking for file in /usr/lib... not found
 configure: error: Could not find the file that is generated by 
 gnome-libs install
 make: *** [build-stamp] Error 1

Voce nao tem as bibliotecas necessarias para compilar.
Acho que apt-get build-dep d4x resolve.

Alexandre Pereira da Silva
ICQ#: 22163948  Tel: (11) 93830810

Re: Althea no stable-error e outras coisas

2001-07-15 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Em Sun, 15 Jul 2001 19:07:46 -0300
Alexandre Pereira da Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 Use o fake root(esqueci de mencionar isto)

tudo junto...

fakeroot debian/rules binary

 Voce nao tem as bibliotecas necessarias para compilar.
 Acho que apt-get build-dep d4x resolve.
só se você tem o apt mais novo... o apt mais novo compilado pra
potato e em português pode ser encontrado em: stable/


Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov
|  .''`.  | Debian GNU/Linux:|
| : :'  : | Debian BR...: |
| `. `'`  |  Be Happy! Be FREE!  |
|   `-| Think globally, act locally!   |

Re: Althea no stable-error e outras coisas

2001-07-15 Thread Fabiano Manoel de Andrade
On Sun, 15 Jul 2001 19:07:46 -0300
Alexandre Pereira da Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Em Sun, Jul 15, 2001 at 03:46:02PM +, Fabiano Manoel de Andrade escreveu:
 Olá Pessoal.
 Estou tentando compilar o althea no potato. Baixei os dsc, dif e 
   orig.tar.gz do pool fiz o que me falaram na lista
   dpkg-source -x filename.dsc
   depois entrei no diretório e fiz ./debian/rules binary
   Ai viaram os erros ;-(
   É preciso ser root para compilar ou há outra forma?
 Use o fake root(esqueci de mencionar isto)
 Consegui compilar o d4x e instala-lo (legalzinho =0)) agora, não 
   estou conseguindo compilar o d4x-gnome-applet a mensagem de erro é
   ./debian/rules binary
  ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc
  loading cache ./config.cache
  checking for a BSD compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
  checking whether build environment is sane... yes
  checking whether make sets ${MAKE}... yes
  checking for working aclocal... found
  checking for working autoconf... found
  checking for working automake... found
  checking for working autoheader... found
  checking for working makeinfo... missing
  checking for gnome-config... no
  checking for file in /usr/lib... not found
  configure: error: Could not find the file that is generated by 
  gnome-libs install
  make: *** [build-stamp] Error 1
 Voce nao tem as bibliotecas necessarias para compilar.
 Acho que apt-get build-dep d4x resolve.

  Mas não tem o pacote d4x para potato. Pelo menos uso o apt e nada feito.

 Alexandre Pereira da Silva
 ICQ#: 22163948Tel: (11) 93830810
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

||  /\ ||  Debian GNU/Linux 2.2r3||  _  || 
|| /@@\||  Linux lottar 2.2.18pre21  || () ||
||/(__)\   ||Pentium 200 MMX 40Mb||/(_)\||
|| ^  ^||  Fabiano Manoel de Andrade ||_/ \_||
|| || [EMAIL PROTECTED]   || ||

Re: Mais um erro na inicialização do X

2001-07-15 Thread Kairo F. de Araújo
Em Sun, 15 Jul 2001 16:12:02 -0300
SuperTek [EMAIL PROTECTED] Escreveu:

 Esses dias eu ando enchendo muito o saco da lista, mas fazer o que?  =)
 Bem é o seguinte. Eu instalei o xserver-svga (ou algo parecido), e entrei no
 X. Só que apenas aparece 1/4 da imagem (noroeste). Como eu resolvo isto?
 Aqui vão as informações do meu hardware:
 Monitor LG StudioWorks 55i: 30-54 e 50-90
 Placa: SiS 6326 AGP 8mb
 Mouse: ps/2 3 butoes
 Teclado: Americano internacional (alguma coisa dessa)

Parece que você esta até com meus hardwares :)
Provavelmente você conseguiu um X 'básico' como eu da primeira vez, com 
uma resolução monstruosa, eu utilizei neste X o XF86Setup dentro de um terminal 
como root e acertei tudo direito, faça isto também.. escolha sua placa correta 
o tanto de memória que seu X vai fica show de bola ! :D Aproveita e configura 
seu mouse e teclado lá também.

Kairo F. de Araújo

Pessoal Infos:| Organizador/Fundador  | Grupo de Usuário GNU/Linux de Juiz de 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - UIN: 45349054| Fora-MG -

Administrador de Redes| Projeto de Implantação do CIPSGA
Saúde Colégio e Curso | PIC   |   
 .''`.  Debian GNU/Linux User BR #181 - Linux User Registered #188447
: :'  : GnuPG User - Caso necessite das chaves públicas, solicite.
`. `'`  Não envie emails em HTML, ASCII owna !! 
  `-Não é necessário citar esta assinatura nos replys(repostas). thanx!

Re: Exim as a LAN mail server [possibly-OT]

2001-07-15 Thread mdevin
On Sat, Jul 14, 2001 at 03:37:44PM +0200, Carel Fellinger wrote:
 On Sat, Jul 14, 2001 at 06:35:53PM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Now I am confused too.
 The original poster looked for a way to choose a `smart host' based
 on the *sender's* address, were you normally choose the host based
 on the receiver's address.
  So I don't understand why you can't just send mail directly.  From what
 He want's to use the spool and retry capabilities of his ISP for good
  However, I think that exim by default will continue to send the message
  for 4 days before giving up.  So long as you connect several times
  within these 4 days and flush exims que each time then there is a very
  good chance the mail will get sent.  I have a script in the
 Only if the destination machine is on the net too in those few moments
 that you are. Imagion that you are to send mail to my mail server
 directly, then it's quit likely that, though I'm on the net for
 atleast 12 hours a day, you still miss me because my daytime differs
 from yours, living on the other side of the world and all that.  Were
 you to use your ISP's mail server, changes would go up remarkably,
 just because that machine is on the net during your nighttime / my
 daytime.  Best would be if we both used our ISP's servers, then the
 mail would get delivered instantaniously, so less resources used.

Hmm, that makes sense.  I assumed that people use an email address at a
mail server that is always connected.  So I thought that the only
problems would arise when a server was temporarily down.  I didn't know
that you could recieve mail _reliably_ directly at your own computers mail
server if you are connected intermittently.

So what you are saying then is: that I could go to one of those dynamic
DNS servers, set up an account, with my computer automatically
updating the address of my IP everytime I connect, and then I could give
out an email address for my machine and receive mail directly?

  I haven't experienced any problems with sending mail except on one
  occasion when my message was blocked because my ipaddress was black
  listed in the RBL of someones SMTP server - or something like that?  I
  think this was because I am on a dynamic IP address and some other user
  may have previously attempted to abuse the server or send some spam?
 There is a tendency to block *all* dynamic IP addresses whether they
 were used for spam or not. So this blocking probably had nothing to do
 with the previous user of that IP address spamming, it might as well
 have been a generic block.

Hmmm, that is a good reason to use a smarthost indeed.


Re: usb scanners printers

2001-07-15 Thread Sam Varghese
On Sat, Jul 14, 2001 at 10:06:48AM -0700, tony mollica wrote:
 Hi.  The local computer fair is in town today
 and I'm in the market for a new printer and
 scanner, preferably USB.  Any suggestions for
 either of these?  The printer should be able
 to print a decent picture.

Dunno about printers (I have an ancient TI Microlaser
that I got for $A70 at one of our local swap meets)
but I have an Epson 640U USB scanner that can be used
for professional work.

(Sam Varghese)

Re: Testing upgrade: Potentially harmful(?) problem

2001-07-15 Thread Jimmy Richards
On Sat, Jul 14, 2001 at 09:14:55AM -0400, Sebastian Canagaratna wrote:
  Re your suggestion about changing the 70debconf. There was no such
  file but there was an apt.conf where the line did not have
  the apt die not have the || true part.
  I did the change you suggested, but I got the error about the block
  not having a name.
  So I did dpkg -i --force-overwrite libc6-dev...
  It went through up to a point. Then I tried apt-get install debconf
  and answered YES, do as I say! and it progressed to some point
  and gagged on crafty. I tried apt-get -f install and I again it gave
  me a warning about harmful ... I answered YES. IT went through, till
  it came to lprng:
  dpkg: error processing lprng (3.7.4-4) (--configure)
  subprocess popstinstallation script returned error edit status 1.
  I tried apt-get install --reinstall lprng 
  but I got the same error.
  DO you have any ideas about how to get around this?
  Thank you ever so much for you suggestions.
 Sebastian Canagaratna
 Department of Chemistry
 Ohio Northern University

Howdy Again Sebastian,

Sorry, but I guess I forgot to mention that the file would be
apt.conf if your running potato. Glad you found the right file though.
As for postinst scripts, if you know some bash shell scripting you can
open up the package.postinst script in the /var/lib/dpkg/info/
directory and fix the problem with the script. Or, less desirable, make
a skeleton package.postinst script of your own like so...

cd /var/lib/dpkg/info
mv package.postinst ~/package.postinst.bad
edit package.postinst (this will be a new an empty file now)
exit 0

exit your editor and save
chmod +x package.postinst
then try to install it again as you did above
Now, I know it has been a little while and you may very well have
already solved this problem, but I couldn't get back to you until just
now about it. Either way, I hope it works out all good.
Now, with all that said, I would like to say, please don't reply
directly to me and my e-mail address, especially without including the
reply to the debian-user mailing list. It doesn't really bother me much,
but the fact of the matter is that others on the list will not get to
see and learn from our correspondence as easily, others may be able to
help you out a lot faster than I can get back you, and others on the
list can point out mistakes being made and make necessary corrections
much more easily if everyone sticks to responding to the debian-user
mailing list. That is what it is for. It's not that big a deal but I
hope you can see the logic in what I am saying. And just to let you
know, some people find it downright offensive to be replied to directly,
even if you have included your reply to the mailing list as well, and
understanbly so. Please don't think I am trying to be hard on you.
Actually just trying to help you out for future correspondences.

Thanks and I Hope That Helps,

Jimmy Richards

Hello, welcome to the psychiatric hotline.
If you are obsessive-compulsive, please press 1 repeatedly.

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Re: Building an SRPM on Debian?

2001-07-15 Thread Joey Hess
Paul D. Smith wrote:
 %% Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   jh Quelle strange. rpm wants a rpm database just to apply patches to a
   jh build tree? It must be on drugs. Maybe it wants to do source dependancy
   jh checking though. Does --nodeps help?
 Ah.  That did it.  Thanks.
   jh Could you send me the srpm in question? I'll see if I can fix
   jh this.
 It was the kernel-2.4.2-2.src.rpm, straight from the Red Hat download (I
 got it from

Ok, I guess this source rpm dep checking thing is by design and (kinda)
a feature. I've added a note to README.Debian.

see shy jo

Scanner + printer choice

2001-07-15 Thread mdevin
I have decided to purchase a new scanner and printer - especially since
Canon seem unwilling to help development of drivers for their scanners.
I intend to ditch my Canon models to a friend and won't buy Canon again.

I was considering one of those combo units with the printer and scanner
together - preferably flat bed scanner, so I can do photocopying if
really needed.

What experiences do people have with these?  I have been looking at the
HP ones but the scanner drivers seem heavily in development.

Is it advisable to stick with laser printers so that you have ps
capability straight off?

What suggestions do people have?

Thanks for advice.

xscreensaver under KDE

2001-07-15 Thread Mannequin*
Is there anyway to get KDE to use Xscreensaver instead of it's own? If
so, how?  Thanks.


Re: Testing upgrade: Potentially harmful(?) problem

2001-07-15 Thread Joey Hess
Jimmy Richards wrote:
   I got something you can try. Go to you're /etc/apt/apt.conf.d dir
 directory and then edit the file named 70debconf. Add the following
 lines below the line that's already there.

Or better, just make an /etc/apt/apt.conf file that contains that.

see shy jo

Re: Scanner + printer choice

2001-07-15 Thread Sean
I have an older HP LaserJet 4 printer that I got off of ebay, and an
equally old UMAX Astra 1200S SCSI Scanner that I also got off of ebay. I
forget exactly how much I paid for each, but it was certainly less than
retail, and I feel I got pretty good hardware to boot.

CUPS works wonderfully with the printer, and Sane/XSane works wonderfully
with the scanner. Personally I think SCSI scanners are the way to go. The
one I have is significantly faster than the brand new Acer USB scanner I
use at work. Granted if you don't already have a SCSI card, this can be a
bit of an annoyance, but old adaptec 2940s are pretty cheap on ebay as


On Sun, 15 Jul 2001 14:17:43 +1000

 I have decided to purchase a new scanner and printer - especially since
 Canon seem unwilling to help development of drivers for their scanners.
 I intend to ditch my Canon models to a friend and won't buy Canon again.
 I was considering one of those combo units with the printer and scanner
 together - preferably flat bed scanner, so I can do photocopying if
 really needed.
 What experiences do people have with these?  I have been looking at the
 HP ones but the scanner drivers seem heavily in development.
 Is it advisable to stick with laser printers so that you have ps
 capability straight off?
 What suggestions do people have?
 Thanks for advice.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

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RE:Where can I find modversion.h???

2001-07-15 Thread Andrew Agno
Andrew Agno writes:
  Kevin Lee writes:
I am tring to get my network card working and recently got the
source codes from a developer.  I followed his instruction to
compile but got the error of modversion.h not found error:

Yeah, it is true that it isn't found when I check the
/usr/include/linux directory.  I am wondering if the header file is
supposed to be created when the kernel is compiled.  And how do I
get modversion.h?  By recompiling the source again or what?  I have
a kernel of 2.2.18pre21.
  I believe it gets created sometime during a kernel compile--probably
  in the early stages of 'make modules'.

And of course, I received an email saying where it was created--make


Re: Testing upgrade: Potentially harmful(?) problem

2001-07-15 Thread Jimmy Richards
On Sun, Jul 15, 2001 at 12:35:25AM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:
 Jimmy Richards wrote:
  I got something you can try. Go to you're /etc/apt/apt.conf.d dir
  directory and then edit the file named 70debconf. Add the following
  lines below the line that's already there.
 Or better, just make an /etc/apt/apt.conf file that contains that.
 see shy jo


Does does /etc/apt/apt.conf work on woody or higher? I figured it
needed to be in the 70debconf file for my sid system since it's the file
that orginally contained the apt options. If so... does the apt.conf
file override the 70debconf file? I'll have a look at the man page(s)
about this. Good stuff to know.


Jim Richards

Hello, welcome to the psychiatric hotline.
If you are obsessive-compulsive, please press 1 repeatedly.

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Description: PGP signature

Re: unable to create native thread

2001-07-15 Thread Adam Cassar
What kernel version are you using?

2.2.x has a limit of around 512 threads total for the system, and roughly
256 max for each user (512/2).

To change edit include/linux/tasks.h

Change NR_TASKS and MAX_TASKS_PER_USER appropriately. Then recompile and
install your kernel. Do a search on google for the 'volcano' benchmarks. IIRC
they have a section on how to tune linux for that type of load.

On Fri, Jul 13, 2001 at 11:41:47AM -0700, Nelson Chan wrote:
 Hi There,
 I'm testing a chat server and after a little over 100 connections (each 
 connection requires two Java threads) the program failed with the message:
 Exception in thread main java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new 
 native thread at java.lang.Thread.start(Native Method) ...
 I'm running on a Pentium III 1GHz with 512 MB. Please help. Thanks.
 Best Regards,
 Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Can't play audio CDs

2001-07-15 Thread Joel Mayes
On Thu, Jul 12, 2001 at 10:26:58AM -0400, Nathan Weston wrote:
 I have an ATAPI CD-ROM drive (actually a Creative Dxr2 DVD drive), which I 
 can't get to play audio CDs under debian.
 I am new to debian, but have a fair amount of experience wi/ Redhat. I am 
 currently migrating my system from redhat to debian, dual-booting so I can 
 keep the useable rh system around until I get everything working under debian.
 Playing of audio cds works fine under redhat (using kscd), but under debian 
 (unstable, with either the 2.2 idepci kernel or a custom 2.4.5 kernel), I get 
 no sound. 
 My drive is showing up as /dev/hdc. kscd tries to use /dev/cdrom, and when I 
 change that in the configuration, it crashes. grip will use /dev/hdc, and 
 gets a track listing, but when it plays there is no sound.
 Under redhat my drive showed up as /dev/cdrom. I'm not sure if this is 
 Since I don't own a cd player, I can't switch over to debian until I get this 
 working. Any suggestions?
G'day Nathan,

Are you using ALSA sound drivers ? I can't get my CD to play
at all under alsa drivers, but it work perfectly with kernel 
driver ( I've no idea why )



Re: Testing upgrade: Potentially harmful(?) problem

2001-07-15 Thread Joey Hess
Jimmy Richards wrote:
   Does does /etc/apt/apt.conf work on woody or higher? I figured it
 needed to be in the 70debconf file for my sid system since it's the file
 that orginally contained the apt options. If so... does the apt.conf
 file override the 70debconf file? I'll have a look at the man page(s)
 about this. Good stuff to know.

/etc/apt/apt.conf is still the canoical location for system-local
overrides to apt's behavior. The apt.conf.d directory is so packages can
easily drop in apt stuff without having to modify apt.conf. Compare with
/etc/crontab and /etc/cron.d/

see shy jo

No bbox device for ghostscript?

2001-07-15 Thread C Want


I couldn't find the answer to this in the archives so I thought
I would ask on this list.

The Debian ghostscript packages do not contain the bbox device for
computing the bounding box of a postscript file.

Does anybody know why this device has been excluded? Is there
a quick fix to get this device or do I need to remove the
Debian ghostscript packages and install ghostscript from source?

Any help with this would be much appreciated.

Chris Want

Re: Netscape Plugins

2001-07-15 Thread Bek Oberin
Erik Steffl wrote:
 Bek Oberin wrote:
  I'm sync'd to Unstable as of a few days ago.  But this is a
  problem that's stayed there through many upgrades of Netscape.
  It won't recognize plugins.
 work. read the readme files and shell scripts that come with realplayer
 (they will tell you what you need to do, you also need to set up

I can't find any shell scripts or anything that tells me what to
do with mime.types for RealPlayer. I read
/usr/share/doc/realplayer/readme.Debian.gz and that said nothing
about it.  Where do I look fo ranswers??

: Usual state:  (e) None of the above.
: A copy of the universe is not what is required of art; one of
: the damned things is ample.  -- Rebecca West

X4 scrolling

2001-07-15 Thread Bek Oberin
After I've upgraded from X3 to X4.0.3 the edges of the screen don't
scroll anymore.

For example if I set the virtual screen size to 800x600 and the
resolution to 640x480, which isn't uncommon, I used to be able to
scroll to the 'hidden' bits of the screen by pushing the mouse at
the edge of the screen but now I can't. 

How do I get this function back?


: Usual state:  (e) None of the above.
: A copy of the universe is not what is required of art; one of
: the damned things is ample.  -- Rebecca West

Re: midi problem with on board sound i810

2001-07-15 Thread Donald R. Spoon
Steve Kieu wrote:

 Why kmidi can play (not mention about quality) but
 playmidi and kmid can't?

This has to do with how the actual musical sounds are generated.  In
older sound cards (like the original SoundBlasters) the sound
synthesis was done with an on-board chip.  The most popular method was
to use a FM Synthesis chip, like the OPL-2.  In newer sound cards this
process is now done entirely in software and a synthesis chip is no
longer included on the sound card / chipset hardware.

The original GUS boards always used a software synthesis schema, and the
popular program TIMIDITY makes use of this process in a generic way to
provide a sequenced MIDI sound stream to the reqular audio input ports
of almost any sound card.  Timididy has advanced over the years to be
able to use other sound fonts than the GUS patch set, but the GUS set
seems to be the most popular/widespread.  Another software sound
synthesis engine is the softoss2 driver found in your kernel modules. 
I have never had much luck getting this one going.  There may be

KMID and PLAYMIDI depend upon the presence of a properly configured
sound synthesizer and sequencer devices.  In the older boards, this was
done automatically during install.  The newer sound cards will NOT set
these devices up automatically when you install the card.  You have to
set them up yourself, generally.

KMIDI is a KDE GUI frontend to Timidity.  When you install this
program with the proper patch set, then the appropriate needed devices
are sort of built-in and you don't need them defined as system-wide
devices.  In a sense, TIMIDITY (and hence KMIDI) ARE the

The basic point here are that KMID and KMIDI are two entirely different
programs that work in different ways.  I struggled with this for quite a
while before giving up in frustration and using KMIDI for all my midi
needs.  I has some luck by using the Commersial OSS drivers from
4-Front Technologies, but not much..  This is probably more a tribute to
my ineptitude than anything else g.

-Don Spoon-

Re: midi problem with on board sound i810

2001-07-15 Thread Steve Kieu
 --- Donald R. Spoon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
Steve Kieu wrote:
  Why kmidi can play (not mention about quality) but
  playmidi and kmid can't?
 This has to do with how the actual musical sounds
 are generated.  In
 older sound cards (like the original SoundBlasters)
 the sound
 synthesis was done with an on-board chip.  The
 most popular method was
 to use a FM Synthesis chip, like the OPL-2.  In
 newer sound cards this
 process is now done entirely in software and a
 synthesis chip is no
 longer included on the sound card / chipset

So is there anyway to create a virtual device for
playmidi or kmid to work?. I would like to know if I
can configure kmidi as a netscape plugin too, do you
have any information?

Thanks very much for your info.



_ - Yahoo! Messenger
- Voice chat, mail alerts, stock quotes and favourite news and lots more!

Re: Problem: 'only root can unmount /dev/something from /somewhere'

2001-07-15 Thread Guy Geens
 Norbert == Norbert Nemec [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Norbert Hi there, on quite a number of machines I've encountered the
Norbert problem, that a normal user can mount filesystems
Norbert (user-flag set in /etc/fstab) but when trying to unmount,
Norbert the above error is given instead. It seems a problem in
Norbert either kernel 2.4 series or one of the new versions of
Norbert mount, since I never had that problem before.

Newer versions of mount have given a different meaning to the `user'
flag. Only the user who issued the mount command can do the umount.

If you want to have the old behaviour, change the fstab flag to

(This feature is described in the mount man page.)

G. ``Iggy'' Geens - ICQ: #64109250
`I want quality, not quantity. But I want lots of it!'

Re: mformat, boot disks

2001-07-15 Thread Guy Geens
 R1nso == R1nso  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

R1nso When i simply type 'mformat' i get a similar error message.
R1nso Should I worry about this? Even if it is not a problem, why am
R1nso i getting this message?

It means you don't have the mformat command installed. You'll find it
in the mtools package.

Superformat formats a floppy and then puts on a MS-DOS file system.

R1nso 2. I have successfully made a lilo boot disk using mkboot
R1nso /boot/vmlinuz2.2.17pre19. But i have also tried copying the

Does this floppy work to boot your system.

R1nso binary to the disk using 'cp' and 'dd'. However, these disks
R1nso are recognized as system boot disks, but the do not
R1nso successfully boot linux. When booting for these disks the
R1nso monitor simply displays loading but does not
R1nso successfully load. Am I copying the wrong file, or will this
R1nso method simply not work with Debian? Regardless, how can I
R1nso create a 'normal' boot disk? (one that doesn't use lilo)

If you copy the kernel manually, you have to set the root device as
dd if=/boot/vmlinuz2.2.17pre19 of=/dev/fd0
rdev /dev/fd0 /dev/hda1 # - fill in your root partition here.

G. ``Iggy'' Geens - ICQ: #64109250
`I want quality, not quantity. But I want lots of it!'

Re: installation impasse

2001-07-15 Thread Tapio Lehtonen
This belongs to Debian user, debian-boot is for developers of the the
Debian installation system.

On Sat, Jul 14, 2001 at 04:24:46PM -0700, Andrew T. Young wrote:
 I'm trying to migrate from a Slackware system with kernel version 1.2.9 to the
 current Debian stable release.  I downloaded the boot, root, and 11 base 
 for the compact version, and all went OK until I got to the part (after
 re-booting from the boot floppy) about installing and configuring the rest of 
 system, which requires access to the Net.

You do not say which version of Debian you are installing. I assume it
is Debian 2.2 r3, code named potato, since that is the currently
stable version. Easiest way to install Debian is from a CD, if you can
use that.

 My connection is a PPP link, and it runs through a funny modem that uses port 
 and IRQ 2.  On the 1.2.9 system, this is simply configured by setserial in
 rc.serial.  But this does not work on the Debian system, which reports No 
 device although I made the /dev/ttyS14 entry with mknod.

And this modem worked under Slackware? And it is not a winmodem?
Winmodems are not supported in the kernel because their manufacturers
provide drivers only for Windows operating systems.

 It appears that the serial-port code now lives in a module; but where do I 

In the kernel, did you include the serial module when you installed
the system? Anyway, it should be in
/lib/modules/kernelversion/misc/generic_serial.o . If you forgot to
include that when you installed, you can use command

  modprobe generic_serial 

as root to load it or edit /etc/modules to make it load automatically
at boot time. If you think you a missing a file, use command

  locate filename

to see if it is somewhere in your machine. 

 It also appears that many other people have had similar problems (mostly while
 trying to install Winmodems) -- a search for debian and ttyS14 turns up
 hundreds of pages of similar complaints, but no solution.  This is not 
 in either the Serial-HOWTO or the Modem-HOWTO.

Winmodems are not supported because there are no linux drivers for
those. I know there are efforts to write those drivers but you need to
hunt for them ourself.

 It would be helpful if the installation program provided the means of setting 
 this special port for those of us who need it.
 It would also be helpful if the instructions on how to do this were included 
 one of the HOWTO documents.

Are you sure it is not in Serial Howto?

 Furthermore, it would be nice if the necessary module (which I suspect is
 generic_serial.o) were readily available from the Debian ftp site.  
 it is buried inside a few multi-megabyte kernel packages, but not otherwise
 available.  And, without having the installation finished, I'm not sure I 
 extract the module from a *.deb package anyway.
 Without getting the modem running, I can't proceed with the installation.  Any
 Andrew T. Young
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Tapio Lehtonen
PGP public key from
Decem yhdistys

Description: PGP signature

Re: Getting dselect and apt-* to work from a local file system

2001-07-15 Thread Joost Kooij
On Sat, Jul 14, 2001 at 02:54:43PM -0700, der.hans wrote:
 Am 14. Jul, 2001 schw?zte Joost Kooij so:
  Try to run update again from the dselect menu.  If you keep having
  problems with the integrity of the /var/lib/dpkg/available file, please
  post again.
 I don't think he can. I think this is the case where debian has no net
 access, but can get stuff off another filesystem via duel-boot with an OS
 that does have net access.
 While it would seem good to give debian net access :), he apparently can't
 for some reason.

Before ubiquitous net access became a commodity, debian worked just fine.
Why else do you think that there still is a dpkg-split utility in the 
dpkg package?

Admittedly, I wouldn't want to go back and dselect and apt are great 
improvements, but you can still manage a debian system without them.
It's just a bit more harsh.  Without dselect and/or apt, you'll quickly 
be experienced in sed and awk.  Maybe that is in fact the only way to 
really appreciate what the high level tools can do.

 So, now we know dselect needs /var/lib/dpkg/available. Is that simply a file
 that's downloaded? Is it something that's built from other files?

No, it's part of the dpkg database.  You should not be modifying that by
hand, unless dpkg itself has broken down.  

 I think he needs to know how to get the content via ftp or http and then how
 to build /var/lib/dpkg/available by hand.

Download the Packages file, ungzip it, and use the correct interface:

  dpkg --update-avail Packages

I thought earlier that it could be piped to stdin as well, but it doesn't.

 Also, could he just edit the one he has and take out one or both of the
 offending entries?

Sure, as I said, when dpkg is severely broken, you'll have to.  But this is
not the case right now, if he can still use dpkg --update-avail 

There is also --merge-avail, which works out slightly differently, but in
the case of a database corruption, --update-avail is better, I think.



Re: MUAs that compare with Outlook (your chance to show how much better Linux is than MS!!)

2001-07-15 Thread Brian May
 Joseph == Joseph Dane [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Joseph one way you might be able to accomplish this is to use
Joseph 'levels'.  you can set a mail (or news) group at a certain
Joseph level, and when you check for new mail gnus will only
Joseph fetch for groups at or below that level.  the default
Joseph fetch level is 3 (IIRC), so if you set groups at level 4
Joseph they would only be fetched if you explicitly asked for
Joseph them.

Joseph I have not tried this, so YMMV.

Hmmm... Interesting thought.

I have not tried it, but my guess is that Gnus will still try to
connect to all servers on initial startup though.

Re: MUAs that compare with Outlook (your chance to show how much better Linux is than MS!!)

2001-07-15 Thread Brian May
 Eric == Eric E Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Eric Not sure what you want here.  You can set it up with a
Eric backend that uses a standard unix mbox format to keep the
Eric mail, which then you could feed to mailsync or something...

I seem to remember (from a while ago) that it was strongly discouraged
to share Gnus mail data with any other program, as any other mail
program wouldn't know how to keep Gnus specific files in sync (eg
.newsrc.eld) (or the reasoning was something along these lines).

(especially if a copy of Gnus is open at the time).

Re: several questios

2001-07-15 Thread Martin Bretschneider
 If you include this, what you did should work.

Thank you, it worked:)

I've got an additional question.

4. How can I adjust my language? All the prgramms are english;(

  Where prejudice exists it always discolors our thoughts.
(o_ When in doubt tell the truth. Mark Twain   (o|
//\  (o_. 'In order to verify the truth use gnupg.(o  //\
V_/_ //\c{} _O)   Key-ID: 4EA52583  Regards, Martin   (*_ //\  V_/,

Re: [users] NO! chmod strikes!

2001-07-15 Thread Joost Kooij
On Sat, Jul 14, 2001 at 10:21:51AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Joost, your solution was such an elegant thing, that to
 ruin my system to learn it was fair enough.

Thanks for the compliment.  Don't ruin your system just to try this,
because it is not perfect.  Consider what happens if you:

  chmod a-x /bin/chmod
  but anyway, a question for all debianers: how do you get the default
  permissions back on the / tree?
 If you have a clean host with very similar filesystem contents, try this:

   ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] find / -regex '/\(mnt\|proc\|tmp\)/.*' -prune -or \
   -not -type l -not -type s -printf '%04.4m %u %g %p\n'  \
 | while read mode user group path
   chown $user.$group $path 
   chmod $mode $path 

Re: mformat, boot disks

2001-07-15 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: mformat, boot disks
Date: Sat, Jul 14, 2001 at 08:38:52PM -0400


 I'm running 2.2r3 i-386.
 1. When I run 'superformat /dev/fd0' the disk is formatted. However, when 
 superformat tries to run mformat to created an msdos file system, I get the 
 error message 
 'sh: error:command not found'
 or something similar. When i simply type 'mformat' i get a similar error 
 message. Should I worry about this? Even if it is not a problem, why am i 
 getting this message?
VT1 root-2.2r3-prince:~# dpkg -S mformat
mtools: /usr/bin/mformat
mtools: /usr/share/man/man1/mformat.1.gz

Load the mtools package.

 2. I have successfully made a lilo boot disk using mkboot 
 /boot/vmlinuz2.2.17pre19. But i have also tried copying the binary to the 
 disk using 'cp' and 'dd'. However, these disks are recognized as system boot 
 disks, but the do not successfully boot linux. When booting for these disks 
 the monitor simply displays loading but does not successfully load. 
 Am I copying the wrong file, or will this method simply not work with Debian? 
 Regardless, how can I create a 'normal' boot disk? (one that doesn't use lilo)

dd if=/usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage of=/dev/fd0 bs=512 conv=sync ; sync

Is how I make boot disks.  Floppies are funny tho, so I usually make 2. 
Seems I find a lot of bad floppies.  YMMV

A printer consists of three main parts: the case, the jammed paper
tray and the blinking red light.

Re: NFS related error; do I need NFS? --Solved!

2001-07-15 Thread Joost Kooij
On Sat, Jul 14, 2001 at 06:09:16PM -0700, Gladimir wrote:
 Yea!  That's one boot problem out of 5 completely solved!
 I ran dpkg --status nfs-common as suggested and found the name of the
 package, which was nfs-common, amazingly enough.  I started dselect and went
 right to the select screen where I located the nfs-common package and marked
 it for purge.  This led me to a dependancy resolution screen where I also
 marked the nfs-server to be purged.  I accepted these changes and let
 dselect remove the packages, which it did without error or complaint.
 Finally, I rebooted and everything works as it did before, except for the
 lack of the rpc.statd error messages.

In fact, if you remove the portmap package, all the packages
that use the rpc (remote procedure call) interface will show up
and can be marked for removal.

Also try running netstat -ntap as root.  It will show you what
programs are listening on what network ports.  Jeremy is completely
right that you should disable anything that you do not understand
of why it is there.



Re: Exim as a LAN mail server [possibly-OT]

2001-07-15 Thread Carel Fellinger
On Sun, Jul 15, 2001 at 02:03:29PM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 So what you are saying then is: that I could go to one of those dynamic
 DNS servers, set up an account, with my computer automatically
 updating the address of my IP everytime I connect, and then I could give
 out an email address for my machine and receive mail directly?

Yep, that's right.  But, as explained before, with the added bonus of
an increased likeliness of mail delivery failures due to the fact that
the sending host might not be up *and* trying in the limited timespan
that your machine is up and on the net.

groetjes, carel

Re: How to write a man page?

2001-07-15 Thread Leonard Stiles
Hendrik Sattler [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 what formats,

Troff, with the man macros.

 tools do I need to write

A text editor (or better still, *the* text editor, ie. Emacs :-)

 and format a man page?


See man 7 man for more information on the troff man macros.

If you're new to troff this
URL: might be of


Leonard Stiles [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Installing Java

2001-07-15 Thread glynis
On Sat, Jul 14, 2001 at 09:04:45AM -0700, Paul Mackinney wrote:
  On Fri, Jul 13, 2001 at 04:41:40PM -0300, Juan wrote:
  | HI,
  | Which packages will I have to install to run  compile Java? And run Java 
  | Server Pages?

i'm using sun's j2se 1.3.1 ( and jboss 2.2.2
( as my j2ee app server.  i got the jboss
distribution that they packaged with tomcat (which runs servlets and

if you just want jsp/servlet with no ejb, then tomcat
( will probably serve your purposes.

}John Flinchbaugh{__
~~Powered by Linux: Reboots are for hardware upgrades only~~

Description: PGP signature

RPC services

2001-07-15 Thread Keith O'Connell

A novice type RPC/NFS question if someone could advise me please.

I have two machine running Debian and I want to share certain
directories between them. I installed them in as best as I could a
similar fashion. I am able to share directories in one direction, but
not the other. I was getting the error on one machine Mount: RPC:
Program not registered.

I read it up and have found that I need to run rpc.nfsd and
rpc.mountd and everything is fine. The question though is this, why do
I have to do it?

One machine clearly loads these daemons at boot time and one does not.
When they were installed in a similar fashion why does one machine need
these commands entered additionaly, and more importantly, how do I edit
it so that it *will* run these at boot time?

I told you I was new - Please indulge me with what must be a dummy-type

| Keith O'Connell  | That which does not kill |
| Maidstone, Kent (UK) |  us, usually still hurts. |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   That's just life, I'm afraid   |

Re: UUCP+sendmail

2001-07-15 Thread Dietmar Schultz
On Sun, Jul 15, 2001 at 12:26:28AM +0400, Alexey wrote:
 Hello all,
 I need to connect to UUCP mail service provider. Taylor UUCP Log file:
 uucico dnttm - (2001-07-15 01:47:21.47 520) Login successful
 uucico dnttm - (2001-07-15 01:47:22.26 520) Handshake successful (protocol 
 'g' sending packet/window 256/4 receiving 64/7)
 uucico dnttm mail (2001-07-15 01:47:22.70 520) Receiving rcbmail (38527 bytes)
 uucico dnttm uunikaa (2001-07-15 01:47:37.77 520) Receiving rcbmail (13112 
 uucico dnttm - (2001-07-15 01:47:43.03 520) Protocol 'g' packets: sent 7, 
 resent 0, received 209
 uucico dnttm - (2001-07-15 01:47:43.03 520) Errors: header 1, checksum 3, 
 order 3, remote rejects 0
 uucico dnttm - (2001-07-15 01:47:43.22 520) Call complete (23 seconds 51639 
 bytes 2245 bps)
 uuxqt dnttm mail (2001-07-15 01:47:51.34 525) ERROR: Not permitted to execute 
 uuxqt dnttm mail (2001-07-15 01:48:51.40 525) ERROR: /usr/sbin/sendmail -oi 
 -t: Exit status 70
 uuxqt dnttm uunikaa (2001-07-15 01:49:51.45 525) ERROR: Not permitted to 
 execute rcbmail
 uuxqt dnttm uunikaa (2001-07-15 01:50:51.52 525) ERROR: /usr/sbin/sendmail 
 -oi -t: Exit status 70

I don't use Sendmail, sorry. But for this ERROR: message...

rcbmail is an existing program/script? uuxqt won't execute this, if
you don't allow it to do so.

You might add in /etc/uucp/sys for system dnttm:
commands rmail rnews rcbmail
command-path /usr/sbin /usr/bin /usr/local/sbin

Or something else to find rcbmail in the path.

debian 2.2 release 3 and net connect

2001-07-15 Thread Rajesh Fowkar

I am new to this list.

I am a home user on a dial up line, using wvdial to connect to the net.
When I was using Debian 2.2 everything was working fine. But since I have
installed Debian 2.2 Rel-3 there seems to be some problem.

What happens is when I connect to the net for the first time using wvdial, it
gets connected but my dns is not working. nslookup just gives the names of
/etc/resolv.conf dns servers along with the error that no servers not found.
However if I disconnect wvdial and dial again than everything works fine. Why I
have to dial twice to make dns work ? Anybody faced this problem with Release 3.
I am wasting my telephone calls here.

Please help.

My /etc/resolv.conf contains :

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ more /etc/resolv.conf

(DNS servers of my ISP here).

Thanks in advance.

Warm Regards

Rajesh Fowkar   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Kurtarkar Nagari,Bldg-C,T4,
Santacruz,Ponda-Goa-403401-INDIAPowered By : Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 R-3
Kernel 2.4.6,Mutt 1.3.19i,IceWM 1.0.8-6
Silence is the true friend that never betrays. - Confucious

Re: How to write a man page?

2001-07-15 Thread Joost Kooij
On Sun, Jul 15, 2001 at 03:29:06PM +0200, Leonard Stiles wrote:
 See man 7 man for more information on the troff man macros.

And in the groff package: roff(7), groff(7) and groff_man(7)



python2 and qt

2001-07-15 Thread Sergio E. Schvezov
hi, simple q, maybe hard answer, here goes:
how can i work with python2 and qt in debian?


KDE2 kicker not showing up

2001-07-15 Thread Anthony Fox


I have a problem where I log into KDE, and the kicker panel does not
show up.  Actually, I see it for a second and then it disappears.  It
appears to be crashing.  I have to log in three or four times before
the kicker panel will stick around.  Has anyone seen this problem?  I
am running Debian/Unstable.


Re: keyboard HOWTO

2001-07-15 Thread Ionel Mugurel Ciobica
 in my rxvt (thus via X) window, i turn off numlock and my keypad
 gives me
 0 thru 9 gives p thru y -- but each keystroke inserted a new
 line above the previous. aha! ^VkeypadDigit shows Op which
 is escape (vim thinks that means 'stop insert mode') then O as
 in capital oh (vim thinks 'open new line above') then p gets

In xterm this effect is absent. In rxvt I have the same behavior.
 how can i type an accented e? or a c-cedilla? or a u-dieresis?

There are many ways to do that. If you use xterm, you can get a Meta
key working and the 8bit characters are obtained by the 7bit ones
with meta key. Examples:

n is decimal 110, hex 6e, octal 156, bits 01101110
î is decimal 238, hex ee, octal 356, bits 11101110

so î is Meta-n

g is decimal 103, hex 67, octal 147, bits 01100111
ç is decimal 231, hex e7, octal 347, bits 11100111

so ç is Meta-g

An other way is to use the compose key. In my system that is
Ctrl-K, but some time is the Scroll Lock.

If you type Ctrl-K then ^ then i you get î. Ctrl-K then i then ^
is the same. ç is obtained with , and c or c and , and so on.
This is from kernel so it should work on many applications.
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale/iso8859-1/Compose can show you more
combinations (if you use Latin1 encoding).

An other way is to customize your keyboard. You have to do it
in two steps because X and the console are using different

/etc/X11/Xmodmap is for the X, but you may have a file
.xmodmap in your $HOME. This file you can generate
with xkeycaps, where you have to select your keyboard
and customize the keys you want. Click the right button
of the mouse on the letter e. Select edit keysym or key
and add a value (for instance egrave) in the third position.
Make sure you configure a key to be your AltGr. You can select the
right key or the win keys. The value for that is Mode_switch.

Save the file as .xmodmap and add in your .xsession file
the entry 
/usr/bin/X11/xmodmap .xmodmap

Then you get ebreve (é) using AltGr-e.

Of course you can edit the file by hand.

For console you have to edit the /etc/console/boottime.kmap.gz.
The mechanism is similar, for instance the line:
keycode  18 = e
has to be changed in
keycode  18 = +e+E  +egrave +Egrave

and also make sure you configure one key to be your AltGr
key. If you have win keys you do:
keycode 125 = AltGr
keycode 126 = AltGr

otherwise your right Alt will do from:
keycode 100 = Alt
keycode 100 = AltGr

I hope this help.


P.S. If you start customizing your /etc/console/boottime.kmap.gz
you will loose some options. I had to add manually
control alt keycode 59 = Console_1
control alt keycode 60 = Console_2
alt keycode 105 = Decr_Console
alt keycode 106 = Incr_Console
to get back some useful stuff.

P.P.S. You can configure your Fx keys to insert some text you need
often, by replacing the line
string Fx = \033[[D
string Fx = your text here

such as:

string F10 =  ăâîşţ­ĂÂÎŞŢ 

Re: midi problem with on board sound i810

2001-07-15 Thread Donald R. Spoon
Steve Kieu wrote:

 So is there anyway to create a virtual device for
 playmidi or kmid to work?. I would like to know if I
 can configure kmidi as a netscape plugin too, do you
 have any information?
 Thanks very much for your info.

The short answer (from me) is I don't know!  

As I mentioned, I have been struggling with just this same problem for
over a year on several Debian-related OSes (Corel, Stormix, Debian,
Progeny).  I am NOT a programmer, and my general approach can best be
described as trial and error g.  At one point I had it working, but
I can't duplicate what I did :(  My card is a Sound Blaster PCI 128,
that doesn't have a synth chip on-board.  Most modern sound cards fall
into this category.

There is a dirth of info on how to do this sort of thing, and from what
I have experienced the default set of pre-defined sound devices is a
bit different with each OS.  The best info source on this process that
I have found is from the
site.  There are some code examples there as well as the OSS
Programmer's guide v1.1 (PDF), which I would recommend as general
background info.  At best it is somewhat confusing to me, and NOT

The fact that you are using another chipset than I do further
complicates the problem.  My card uses an ESS chipset that has its own
set of hardware features to contend with.  I know nothing about the

The best I can reliably re-produce here is to get KMID (and others) to
play a MIDI file, BUT I can't seem to get it to pipe correctly to the
audio section of the sound card, so I can hear it.  I can see KMID
running and playing notes on the GUI, but all I get is silence.  The
process to do this is to install the softoss2 driver and also a set of
sound patch sets (these are usually present if you have KMIDI or
Timidity working), then play around with the various synth selections in
the KMID preferences/setup menus.  I had the most luck getting to this
point with the commercial OSS sound drivers.

Perhaps someone with more knowledge than me can step in here and give us
both a lesson g.  I am real good at identifying problemsjust
rather poor at fixing them

-Don Spoon-

Re: UUCP+sendmail

2001-07-15 Thread Alexey
 rcbmail is an existing program/script? uuxqt won't execute this, if
 you don't allow it to do so.

 You might add in /etc/uucp/sys for system dnttm:
 commands rmail rnews rcbmail
 command-path /usr/sbin /usr/bin /usr/local/sbin

 Or something else to find rcbmail in the path.

I tried to find file *rcbmail*, but it does not exist at all. :(

Re: scaning the mails and attachment before sending out

2001-07-15 Thread Andrea Vettorello
Peter Kok wrote:

 Hi all

 I receive some mails which have the following footnote:
 How do I do in my mail server?

 'scaning the mails and attachment before sending out.'

 Does the debian have this free software

 Many thanks

 B. Regards

 Messages and attachments are scanned for all
 viruses known. If this message contains password-protected attachments,
 files have NOT been scanned for viruses by the Psnet mail domain. Always

 attachments before opening them.

Not sure, but try looking on freshmeat or sourceforge for amavis...


Re: Getting dselect and apt-* to work from a local file system

2001-07-15 Thread Andrea Vettorello
der.hans wrote:

 Am 14. Jul, 2001 schwäzte Joost Kooij so:

  Try to run update again from the dselect menu.  If you keep having
  problems with the integrity of the /var/lib/dpkg/available file, please
  post again.

 I don't think he can. I think this is the case where debian has no net
 access, but can get stuff off another filesystem via duel-boot with an OS
 that does have net access.

 While it would seem good to give debian net access :), he apparently can't
 for some reason.

From what i've understood, he has installed potato from the boot floppy and the
base system, and is trying to install potato packages, so he need to update
dselect/apt only one time.

 So, now we know dselect needs /var/lib/dpkg/available. Is that simply a file
 that's downloaded? Is it something that's built from other files?

 I think he needs to know how to get the content via ftp or http and then how
 to build /var/lib/dpkg/available by hand.

 I don't know how.

Never done that, but he probably needs to download the file Packages you find
in every debian mirror and rename it accordingly to the name of the apt
source.list, so for the entry

 deb stable main contrib non-free

(correct me if i'm wrong) he need to download the Packages file from;, rename
it as
and, IIRC, in potato should be put in var/state/apt/lists, and repeat this for
contrib and non-free...

 Also, could he just edit the one he has and take out one or both of the
 offending entries?

I think yes, carefully editing could solve the problem, the file i alredy broken


logrotate error: unexpected text

2001-07-15 Thread Kevin C. Smith
Anyone know how to fix this?

Logrotate produces the following error message.

error: /etc/logrotate.conf:9 unexpected text.

I haven't touched the logrotate.conf, so it's the standard one.

Kevin C. Smith   | I think anybody who doesn't think I'm smart enough
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | to handle the job is underestimating.
 |   -- George W. Bush

Re: keyboard HOWTO

2001-07-15 Thread Ionel Mugurel Ciobica
On Sat, Jul 14, 2001 at 05:39:05PM +0200, Ionel Mugurel Ciobica wrote:
 In Keyboard HOWTO I found this:
   8.5.  Composing symbols
   One symbol may be constructed using several keystrokes.
   o  LeftAlt-press, followed by a decimal number typed on the keypad,
  followed by LeftAlt-release, yields the symbol with code given by
  this number.  (In Unicode mode this same mechanism, but then with 4
  hexadecimal digits, may be used to define a Unicode symbol.)
 I have tried LeftAlt with numbers from keypad and the others,
 I tried RightAlt, windows keys, menu key, anything else I could
 imagine. If press LeftAlt key and I type 123 and then I release
 LeftAlt I don't get {, but instead I get 123 in the same time I
 type it not after I release the LeftAlt key.
 I would like to know if this feature is working for someone
 on the list.

Thank you all for your answers.

I have the solution to my problem. I simply needed this:

alt keycode  71 = Ascii_7
alt keycode  72 = Ascii_8
alt keycode  73 = Ascii_9
alt keycode  75 = Ascii_4
alt keycode  76 = Ascii_5
alt keycode  77 = Ascii_6
alt keycode  79 = Ascii_1
alt keycode  80 = Ascii_2
alt keycode  81 = Ascii_3
alt keycode  82 = Ascii_0

in my /etc/console/boottime.kmap.gz and now leftAlt + numbers
from KP (whatever the status of NumLock is) give the the symbol
coresponding to the decimal ascii code I type.

LeftAlt press KP_1 KP_2 KP_3 LeftAlt release  -  {

It would be nice if this feature can be enabled on the X as
well, but from the list of symbols in 
/usr/X11R6/include/X11/keysymdef.h and 
it was not possible to find something equivalent to Ascii_1
from the console.

Ionel Mugurel Ciobîcă

Re: Error building lm-sensors (can't find i2c headers) - More info

2001-07-15 Thread David Z Maze
Jeronimo Pellegrini [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
JP :: David Z Maze writes:
  JP KSRC:=/usr/src/linux
  JP MODULE_LOC:=/usr/src/modules
 DZM Can you try locally changing the second line to
 DZM 'MODULE_LOC?=/usr/src/modules'?  If that works, I can make the change
 DZM in the package, too.
JP Yes, that works! I wonder why the behavior was different for KSRC and

Probably because the value of KSRC was passed on the command-line, but 
MODULE_LOC was only set in the environment.  Command-line definitions
override things set in the Makefile, which in turn override
definitions from the environment.  ?= means set only if it's not
already set, and a setting from the environment counts here.

JP Maybe the kdist target could call clean before building (and not only
JP after doing it)? Of course, then the whole compilation process would
JP be repeated every time one called make kdist...

I'll take a look at that; it seems like it might help with people's
compilation issues.

Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal.
-- Abra Mitchell

Mouse Locking up in KDE2

2001-07-15 Thread dude

My girlfriend optical intellimouse seems to become useless
in the kde2 beta.  It seems to happen if there has been no activity
and then she starts using it again.

any ideas

No funciona...

2001-07-15 Thread Juan Pablo García Esquerdo
   Primero felicidades por la calidad de la
informacion de vuestra Web.
   Comunico con vosotros, ya que tengo Corel Linux
desde hace mas o menos un año y hasta ahora el unico
problema que he tenido ha sido que no conseguia Driver
para el Scaner y la Camara Digital (USB) cosa que no
me importaba mucho, pues usaba Windows para
sacarlos.(Si me podeis dar una direccion donde
buscarlos ¡¡¡GRACIAS!!!).

   Mi verdadero problema es que hace poco instale una
tarjeta grafica PCI (antigua a falta de un Slot AGP),
con el fin de usar un monitor secundario. Cual fue mi
sorpresa cuando, arranque Linux y la pantaña empezo a
parpadear usando los drivers de la tarjeta grafica PCI
(S3 Trio2x) con la tarjeta que tenia antes (Voodoo3),
e intentado ajustar los driver, pero, nada. Solo he
conseguido cargar Linux cuando en la BIOS puse PCI,
como tarjeta grafica primaria. Pense en dejarlo asi,
pero Windows no iniciaba la Voodoo como monitor
secundario, a si que he estado cambiando la BIOS segun
el S.O. (Un rollazo)

   ¿Es posible usar dos o mas monitores bajo Linux? Si
es asi ¿Como?, en caso negativo ¿Como puedo ajustar la
configuracion y que no cambie al detectar la S3?

   Muchas Gracias


Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Messenger: Comunicación instantánea gratis con tu gente -

Re: Mouse Locking up in KDE2

2001-07-15 Thread Jonathan Daugherty
 My girlfriend optical intellimouse seems to become useless
 in the kde2 beta.  It seems to happen if there has been no activity
 and then she starts using it again.

I had that same bug when using X = 4 and Kde2.  It also seems to happen
with any WM with X4.  I fixed it by stopping gpm.  It seems to confuse X
and I noticed that when gpm is running, I get erratic mouse behavior until
I turn it off.


Jonathan Daugherty
Dept. of Computer Science / UCNS Workstation Support Group
The University of Georgia

/^.{10}\ +\d+\ +(\d+|\w+)\ +(\d+|\w+)\ +(\d+(\.\d+|)(M|k|G|)).*/ - master ls!

Re: python2 and qt

2001-07-15 Thread Bruce Sass
On Sun, 15 Jul 2001, Sergio E. Schvezov wrote:
 hi, simple q, maybe hard answer, here goes:
 how can i work with python2 and qt in debian?

Right now, for stable... build PyQt and Python-2.x yourself.

Sid has python-pyqt, built against Python-1.5.2.

- Bruce

A small doubt ..

2001-07-15 Thread shyamk
Is there any way to install Debian potato r3 , on a Win 98 machine ,  onto 
existing partition ?

Will the installation process necessarily remove data from a disk ?

fips (the partitioner) was telling me that I needed to keep at leaset the last
cylinder (on my primary DOS partition) free . But somehow I have not been able 
push out sufficient data .

I want the existing system intact ... + Debian Linux
I hear that this is possible with Debian and not Red Hat.

Please help 

Re: Mouse Locking up in KDE2

2001-07-15 Thread dude

On Sun, 15 Jul 2001, Jonathan Daugherty wrote:
  My girlfriend optical intellimouse seems to become useless
  in the kde2 beta.  It seems to happen if there has been no activity
  and then she starts using it again.

 I had that same bug when using X = 4 and Kde2.  It also seems to happen
 with any WM with X4.  I fixed it by stopping gpm.  It seems to confuse X
 and I noticed that when gpm is running, I get erratic mouse behavior until
 I turn it off.

I have removed gpm (but ill doule check) but it still seems to lock up


Re: A small doubt ..

2001-07-15 Thread dude

On Sun, 15 Jul 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there any way to install Debian potato r3 , on a Win 98 machine ,  
 onto an
 existing partition ?

 Will the installation process necessarily remove data from a disk ?

 fips (the partitioner) was telling me that I needed to keep at leaset the last
 cylinder (on my primary DOS partition) free . But somehow I have not been 
 able to
 push out sufficient data .
 I want the existing system intact ... + Debian Linux
 I hear that this is possible with Debian and not Red Hat.

You can do this.

How big is your hard dirve and how full is it?

Essentially what you need to do, defrag (i do it at least twice)
to make sure that as much data as possible is at the front of
the hard drive.  Then use FIPS (Use the DOS version) to split it into two

THen when you install debian.  choose the newly created second partition
to install debian on.

LEt me me know if you need more help


Re: startx -- :1, xinit

2001-07-15 Thread Branden Robinson
Please direct questions like this to debian-user.

On Sun, Jul 15, 2001 at 08:51:42AM -0400, Paul wrote:
 Hello branden, I have a question about the startx script that you 
 modified. Would it affect xhost in any way??


 I recently installed the xbase-common package and replaced the startx
 with the one you posed to the debian newsgroup, and now I can't connect
 to a local xserver using xhost.
 I do this:
 # as paul
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ xhost +localhost
 # as root
 bart:~# export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0
 bart:~# kpaint
 kpaint: cannot connect to X server localhost:0.0
 If you have any info plz let me know.

Well, if you started the X server as display :1, and there is no X server
on :0, that would explain the above quite tidily.

G. Branden Robinson|  Suffer before God and ye shall be
Debian GNU/Linux   |  redeemed.  God loves us, so He makes us
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |  suffer Christianity. |  -- Aaron Dunsmore

Description: PGP signature

[OT} Linux and reiserfs

2001-07-15 Thread Hall Stevenson

Are there boot images available for Debian that incorporate setting up
reiserfs partitions from the beginning, i.e. selecting reiserfs as the
partition type during an installation ??

If not, is anyone aware of another distro that can do this ??

Thanks in advance

Re: Emacs frames, text color, and KDE

2001-07-15 Thread Henrik Enberg
Daniel Katz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am playing around with the recent KDE 2.2 packages, and for the most
 part I like them a lot.  I did, however, find the following problem:
 I start up emacs and it uses the normal colors (wheat on slate).  
 I start up another frame of the same emacs session, and the normal
 text is all displayed in black-on-white, even thought the background
 color of the frame as a whole is still slate.  It is only as I write
 the text that the black on white comes up -- one character at a time.
 Note that text which is re-colorized via font-locking is fine -- it's
 only the plain text (including white space) which is massacred.
 This seems to be a KDE problem;  I do not see it under GNOME or XFCE.

Look here:


Soylent Green is People!

Re: Mouse Locking up in KDE2

2001-07-15 Thread Paul Wright
On Sun, 15 Jul 2001 14:01:23 EDT, Dude wrote:
 On Sun, 15 Jul 2001, Jonathan Daugherty wrote:
   My girlfriend optical intellimouse seems to become useless
   in the kde2 beta.  It seems to happen if there has been no activity
   and then she starts using it again.
  I had that same bug when using X = 4 and Kde2.  It also seems to happen
  with any WM with X4.  I fixed it by stopping gpm.  It seems to confuse X
  and I noticed that when gpm is running, I get erratic mouse behavior until
  I turn it off.
 I have removed gpm (but ill doule check) but it still seems to lock up

If the mouse works properly in gpm, you can make x11 and gpm play nice by 
setting your mouse device in x11 to /dev/gpmdata.  I've not tried this 
with an optical intellimouse, but it has worked for me in every instance I 
have had a conflict between gpm and x11.



   And, strange to tell, among the Earthen Lot
   Some could articulate, while others not:
  And suddenly one more impatient cried --
   Who is the Potter, pray, and who the Pot?
-- The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam --

Re: Cannot install kdevelop!?!

2001-07-15 Thread Andre Alexander Bell

On Saturday 14 July 2001 20:33, Debian User wrote:
 I want to install kdevelop, but due to a version problem this does'nt work.
 After downloading kdevelop1.0beta1-1_i386.deb I tried to install with dpkg.
 But(t) dpkt quits with the error-message:

This is quite outdated. It is still from KDE1. Do you use KDE1? Or are you 
running KDE2 from testing? In the later case you should install kdevelop 1.4 
which you'll get by apt-get from the debian site...
If you're still using KDE1 I can't help you out of that...


Re: Can't play audio CDs

2001-07-15 Thread Walter Hofmann
On Sun, 15 Jul 2001, Joel Mayes wrote:

 Are you using ALSA sound drivers ? I can't get my CD to play
 at all under alsa drivers, but it work perfectly with kernel 
 driver ( I've no idea why )

The alsa driver mute all mixers by default. Did you turn up the volume
of the CD channel in the mixer?


Re: Getting dselect and apt-* to work from a local file system

2001-07-15 Thread der.hans
Am 15. Jul, 2001 schwäzte Joost Kooij so:

 Before ubiquitous net access became a commodity, debian worked just fine.
 Why else do you think that there still is a dpkg-split utility in the dpkg

Never even heard of it before :). Cool feature, though.

 Download the Packages file, ungzip it, and use the correct interface:

   dpkg --update-avail Packages

OK, this is the knowledge we were missing. Now the question is: Is Tommy
still out there?

Tommy, here's what it looks like you need to do ( wait to see if Joost or
somebody else confirms my questionable presumptions ).

Download the Packages files from the sources you want. Boot into Debian.

Either use dpkg --update-avail /path/to/packages/Packages, then deselect
to decide what packages you want. Inside dselect you can choose to install
packages. Before they can be installed you'll need to download the
appropriate debs.

Joost, at the point they've been dselected he can run dpkg
-l | grep ^in to get a list of packages to download. Is there a better way?

He then puts the debs in /var/cache/apt/archives/? Install via apt-get

Then again, maybe we should just get Tommy's networking working :).



PS: Joost, thanks for all the info. I've learned quite a bit.
#  It's up to the reader to make the book interesting.
#  An author has only the opportunity to make it uninteresting. - der.hans

dumb wav-mp3 question

2001-07-15 Thread Jonathan D. Proulx

what's the command to convert .wav files to mp3 format?

this is a dumb question 'cus I was doing it a week ago and after 3h
with apropos,dpkg -l,apt-cache search,and ls /usr/bin |less, I still
can't find it :(


Re: dpkg problem

2001-07-15 Thread der.hans
Am 14. Jul, 2001 schwäzte Joey Hess so:

 Only if the package is broken and doesn't tell debconf it is being

Is there a way to get debconf to purge by hand rather than having to wait
for the package to be fixed due to the bug report we submit?

I have run into something like this before, but didn't realize it was a bug
in the package :(.


#  Knowledge is useless unless it's shared. - der.hans

Re: dumb wav-mp3 question

2001-07-15 Thread Joost Kooij
On Sun, Jul 15, 2001 at 03:30:18PM -0400, Jonathan D. Proulx wrote:
 what's the command to convert .wav files to mp3 format?

You want lame for that.  Look it up on google, also look for
unoffical sources.list.  Lame is not on the debian ftp site,
because there are patent problems.

Better is to use the ogg format instead of mp3.  Ogg is free.
It is also said to be technically better.  Install vorbis-tools.



Re: [OT] xumod - undefined symbol error (2nd try)

2001-07-15 Thread Jimmy Richards
Hi Andy,

Great! I'll give this a try. Sometimes I try to figure out what's
by taking a look at the lines referred to in the error message, but I
didn't do that on this one. I really appreciate you letting me know how
to get it working. Right on!
In the future, please make your replies addressed to the debian-user
mailing list, so that all on the list can see it! Unless someone has
specifically asked that you Cc: to their personal e-mail adddress,
usually requested becuse they're not subscribed to the mailing list. No
biggie, just an fyi. Thanks again for you're help.

I'm off to get xumod working again as per instructions below,

Jimmy Richards

 o  _ _ _
 __o __o/\_   _ \\o  (_)\__/o  (_)
   _`\,   _`\,   _(_) (_)/_\_| \   _|/' \/
  (_)/(_) (_)/(_) (_)(_)   (_)(_)'  _\o_

On Sun, Jul 15, 2001 at 12:09:26PM -0500, Andy Wettstein wrote:
 I just installed this today.  But I didn't install it like they wanted
 me to.  I did an apt-get install perl-tk libarchive-zip-perl 
 Then I went into the Tie-IxHash-1.21 directory and built that:  perl
 Makefile.PL ; make ; make install and did the same in the
 Config-Ini-1.06 directory.
 After that I just copied umod and xumod to /usr/local/bin, and put in /usr/local/share/perl/5.6.1/ and it all worked for me
 On Fri, Jun 29, 2001 at 01:58:57AM -0600, Jimmy Richards wrote:
  I sent this message a couple weeks or so ago and just thought I'd try
  again. No biggie if no one has any clue or response.
  Greetings and Salutations All,
  I have an unreolved symbol when I try to run 'xumod'(an Unreal
  Tournament umod file unpack utility). I was using it just fine until I
  reinstalled Debian a few weeks ago. I reinstalled because I wanted to
  use the xfs journaling filesystem, in case you were wondering. I am not
  sure, but there may have been an update to perl right about the same
  time. BTW, is there a way to tell the date when a package was
  installed/upgraded? Anyway, when I try to run it I get the following
  Can't load '/usr/local/lib/perl/5.6.1/auto/Tk/' for module Tk:
  /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: __ti8iostream at
  /usr/lib/perl/5.6.1/ line 202.
  at /usr/local/bin/xumod line 19
  Compilation failed in require at /usr/local/bin/xumod line 19.
  BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/local/bin/xumod line 19.
  It's no big deal as the command line utility that's included, 'umod',
  works just fine. And, as usual with command line programs, it is more
  powerful and flexible than it's gui counterpart(you can use the *
  wildcard, and it can be used in a script). But it would nice to have
  xumod working. People checking out my Linux box like to see the X-Windows
  eye-candy and stuff. Any insight appreciated.
  umodpack-0.5b16 is available at...
  Thank You,
  Jim Richards
  I herby decree anyone who does not respond to this e-mail shall be
  removed from this world by pain of death j/k!!
 Content-Description: PGP Key 0x0062D7A7.
  pub  1024D/0062D7A7 2001-05-02 Jimmy Richards (clone-debian) [EMAIL 
  sub  1024g/BF714AB3 2001-05-02 

Description: PGP Key 0x0062D7A7.

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