Re: Add placa de rede

2005-09-23 Thread Leonardo Machado
Em Sex 23 Set 2005 14:43, Debian escreveu:
velho tenho exatamente a mesma configuraçao que voce! experimente ao inves de 
usar o dhcp pegar as informaçoes que o dhcp fornece e poe um ip fixo pra eth1 
tb! que ai vai funcionar! provavelmente o dhcp esta alterando as rotas!
 boa lista!!

 seguinte, fiz a instalação do meu debian e esse em rede interna com dhcp
 192.168.1.x átimo!!!


 # The loopback network interface
 auto lo
 iface lo inet loopback
 # The primary network interface
 auto eth0
 iface eth0 inet dhcp

 depois de todos só ajustes e atualizações atribui um ip fixo a ele
 simplesmente alterando as  configurações do /etc/network/interfaces que
 ficaram assim:

 # The loopback network interface
 auto lo
 iface lo inet loopback

 # The primary network interface
 auto eth0
 iface eth0 inet static

 tambem sem problemas!!!

 porem agora necessito de mais uma placa de rede neste, para ter acesso a
 rede interna também!!

 instalei uma placa idêntica (e depois uma diferente tbm) a q eu já tinha,
 ou seja eth0 do mesmo modelo que eth1

 ai q vem o problema se eu habilito a eth1, a eth0 fica perdida, não sei se
 faltou alguma alteração em algum outro lugar???

 somente juntei as duas configurações alterando onde necessário:

 # The loopback network interface
 auto lo
 iface lo inet loopback

 # The primary network interface
 auto eth0
 iface eth0 inet static

 auto eth1
 iface eth1 inet dhcp

 apos isso:

  /etc/init.d/networking restart

 nao me da nenhum erro mas td para de funcionar, tanto eth0 qto eth1!!

 oq fazer???
 onde estou pecando ou deixando de fazer algo??

 obrigado e fico no aguardo de qqr ajuda!




2005-09-23 Thread Leonardo Machado
Em Sex 23 Set 2005 14:22, Paulo Górgias escreveu:
oi amigo usa o nat pelo iptables assim ó

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s ips_que_serao_mascarados -j MASQUERADE
 Ola pessoal! estou com uma duvida, tenho vario ips validos em minha placa
 de rede, mas gostaria que todos os meus clientes fossem mascarado em um
 unico ip como faço isso? obrigado

 Quer 50% de desconto nas ligações DDD à noite e nos finais de
 semana ?? Plano SIM 21 da Embratel. Inscreva-se grátis.
 Mais informações acesse

Problemas/BUG ao instalar iso netinst do Etch

2005-09-23 Thread Rafael Balbino


 Gostaria de saber se vocês estão 
tento problemas parecido com o meu, seguinte, tive de reinstalar o meu debian 
recentemente, dai baxei no site do debian ( 
o iso mais recendo do etch para instalar em meu pc, mas depois que eu termino de 
particionar meu hd, aparece uma msg de erro informando que não consegui 
localizar um arquivo que está dentro do diretório "../scripts/etch" com isso, eu 
não consigo instalar nem sob decreto.

 Alguem poderia me informar 
onde eu pego uma imagem netinstdo etch que não esteja dando problemas ?! 
preciso instalar o meu pc com urgencia para poder trabalhar... 


[]'s Rafael Balbino

Re: Problemas/BUG ao instalar iso netinst do Etch

2005-09-23 Thread Tiago Saboga
Em Sex 23 Set 2005 15:23, Rafael Balbino escreveu:

   Gostaria de saber se  vocês estão tento problemas parecido com o meu,
 seguinte, tive de reinstalar o meu debian recentemente, dai baxei no site
 do debian
n-testing-i386-netinst.iso) o iso mais recendo do etch para instalar em meu
 pc, mas depois que eu termino de particionar meu hd, aparece uma msg de
 erro informando que não consegui localizar um arquivo que está dentro do
 diretório ../scripts/etch com isso, eu não consigo instalar nem sob

 Alguem poderia me informar onde eu pego uma imagem netinst do etch que
 não esteja dando problemas ?! preciso instalar o meu pc com urgencia para
 poder trabalhar...
Se tem urgência, baixe a netinstall do sarge e faça as alterações no 
sources.list antes de baixar o resto pela net. Acho que funciona bem.



Re: Não consigo instalar nada da Sid

2005-09-23 Thread Márcio Inácio Silva
Em Sex 23 Set 2005 14:36, Savio Ramos escreveu:
 On Fri, 23 Sep 2005 11:35:31 -0300

 Márcio Inácio Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Primeiro remove o e2fsprogs - Para isto utilize o metodo que preferir
  aptitude, dpkg, apt seilá! quando ele for remover vai falar que é arquivo
  essencial e talz, eu tive que responder a pergunta sim, eu sei bla bla,

 Inacreditável! O aptitude removeu tudo e instalou tudo de novo. Não tem a
 menor lógica!!!

 Mas... Funcionou.


He, hehe!

Eu também não sei porque! Mas, geralmente sempre que algum programa tá dando 
algum problema (alguém outro dia teve o mesmo problema que eu tive com o 
mkisofs) eu dou um reinstall nele e pronto!

Casos iqual a esse do e2fsprogs também eu detono e pronto! dei um aptitude 
show nele e é para filesystem ext2 - não uso mesmo - então removi e pronto! 
depois ele mesmo pegou e instalou.


EAS Tecnologia e Informação -
Márcio Inácio Silva - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    / v \   Seja Livre, use GNU/Linux!  
  / (   ) \ 
 ^^-^^       GNU/Debian/Linux

Re: Problemas/BUG ao instalar iso netinst do Etch

2005-09-23 Thread Rafael Balbino
Já tentei, mas ele da um problema no apt, ele não consegue atualizar o
e2fsprogs e não me deixa instalar nada...

[]'s Rafael Balbino

- Original Message - 
From: Tiago Saboga [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2005 3:32 PM
Subject: Re: Problemas/BUG ao instalar iso netinst do Etch

Em Sex 23 Set 2005 15:23, Rafael Balbino escreveu:

   Gostaria de saber se  vocês estão tento problemas parecido com o meu,
 seguinte, tive de reinstalar o meu debian recentemente, dai baxei no site
 do debian

n-testing-i386-netinst.iso) o iso mais recendo do etch para instalar em meu
 pc, mas depois que eu termino de particionar meu hd, aparece uma msg de
 erro informando que não consegui localizar um arquivo que está dentro do
 diretório ../scripts/etch com isso, eu não consigo instalar nem sob

 Alguem poderia me informar onde eu pego uma imagem netinst do etch que
 não esteja dando problemas ?! preciso instalar o meu pc com urgencia para
 poder trabalhar...
Se tem urgência, baixe a netinstall do sarge e faça as alterações no
sources.list antes de baixar o resto pela net. Acho que funciona bem.



with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Problemas/BUG ao instalar iso netinst do Etch

2005-09-23 Thread Márcio Inácio Silva
Em Sex 23 Set 2005 15:38, Rafael Balbino escreveu:
 Já tentei, mas ele da um problema no apt, ele não consegue atualizar o
 e2fsprogs e não me deixa instalar nada...

 []'s Rafael Balbino

 - Original Message -
 From: Tiago Saboga [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, September 23, 2005 3:32 PM
 Subject: Re: Problemas/BUG ao instalar iso netinst do Etch

 Em Sex 23 Set 2005 15:23, Rafael Balbino escreveu:
Gostaria de saber se  vocês estão tento problemas parecido com o meu,
  seguinte, tive de reinstalar o meu debian recentemente, dai baxei no site
  do debian


 n-testing-i386-netinst.iso) o iso mais recendo do etch para instalar em
  meu pc, mas depois que eu termino de particionar meu hd, aparece uma msg
  de erro informando que não consegui localizar um arquivo que está dentro
  do diretório ../scripts/etch com isso, eu não consigo instalar nem sob
  Alguem poderia me informar onde eu pego uma imagem netinst do etch
  que não esteja dando problemas ?! preciso instalar o meu pc com urgencia
  para poder trabalhar...

 Se tem urgência, baixe a netinstall do sarge e faça as alterações no
 sources.list antes de baixar o resto pela net. Acho que funciona bem.



Tem uma theard de hoje sobre este e2fsprogs! procure no historico da lista por 
Não consigo instalar nada na SID ;-)


EAS Tecnologia e Informação -
Márcio Inácio Silva - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    / v \   Seja Livre, use GNU/Linux!  
  / (   ) \ 
 ^^-^^       GNU/Debian/Linux

Re: Problemas/BUG ao instalar iso netinst do Etch

2005-09-23 Thread Tiago Saboga
Em Sex 23 Set 2005 15:38, Rafael Balbino escreveu:
 Já tentei, mas ele da um problema no apt, ele não consegue atualizar o
 e2fsprogs e não me deixa instalar nada...

 []'s Rafael Balbino

O problema já apareceu hoje mesmo aqui na lista, e o Márcio deu uma solução 
que funcionou para o Sávio. Reproduzo o trecho abaixo pois as mensagens ainda 
não entraram no histórico da lista:

On Fri, 23 Sep 2005 11:35:31 -0300
Márcio Inácio Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Primeiro remove o e2fsprogs - Para isto utilize o metodo que preferir 
 aptitude, dpkg, apt seilá! quando ele for remover vai falar que é arquivo 
 essencial e talz, eu tive que responder a pergunta sim, eu sei bla bla, 

Inacreditável! O aptitude removeu tudo e instalou tudo de novo. Não tem a 
menor lógica!!!

Mas... Funcionou.

Interface de rede VIA

2005-09-23 Thread Leonardo Cabral
estou com um problema em uma máquina da minha rede, é o seguinte:
instalei o Sarge, mas durante a instalação ele não reconheceu a placa
de rede que é VIA. Deixei passar para configurá-la após a instalação,
Depois da instalação procurei qual era o módulo com o comando 'modprobe
-l *via*' e achei um módulo 'via-rhine.ko', mas ele não funcionou, a
interface não é reconhecida de maneira alguma.

No 'lspci' eu tenho:
:00:09.0 Ethernet controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6105 [Rhine-III] (rev 86)

Qual pode ser o problema?-- Leonardo de Miranda Cabralemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Mobile: +55 32 99047518

Proliant ML 150 G2 - Ajuda construir modulo

2005-09-23 Thread Allan Patrick Ksiaskiewcz
Como vão pessoal? Uma empresa adquiriu esse servidor e
durante 04 dias tentei instalar varias distribuições e
nenhuma reconheceu o modulo da controladora, um amigo
da net me passou os fontes mas nao consegui fazer algo
para Fedora Core 4 x86_64 SMP e Debian Sarge.
(Solicitamos por quem desenvolve o sistema)

Por limitação minha não tive sucesso em fazer modulos
para as distribuições acima. Recebi um modulo pronto
para o Gentoo 2005.0, mas cá entre nos, que Linux mais
dificil de instalar.

A ideia é geral modulos (disquetes) para essas e
outras distribuições e colocar na rede para quem tiver

Agradeço a ajuda de todos,,, segue em anexo,

Quem nao receber tem os fontes em

Por favor me enviem respostas (Modulos ;-) )

Allan Patrick


Allan Patrick Ksiaskiewcz

Novo Yahoo! Messenger com voz: ligações, Yahoo! Avatars, novos emoticons e 
muito mais. Instale agora!

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Problemas/BUG ao instalar iso netinst do Etch

2005-09-23 Thread Rafael Balbino
Ok, eu vi agora quando fui acessar novamente meus E-mails... vou
instalar o sarge RC3 e vou fazer esse procedimento para ver oq acontece...

Desde já obrigado ao Tiago Saboga e ao Márcio Inácio Silva

[]'s Rafael Balbino

- Original Message - 
From: Tiago Saboga [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2005 3:45 PM
Subject: Re: Problemas/BUG ao instalar iso netinst do Etch

Em Sex 23 Set 2005 15:38, Rafael Balbino escreveu:
 Já tentei, mas ele da um problema no apt, ele não consegue atualizar o
 e2fsprogs e não me deixa instalar nada...

 []'s Rafael Balbino

O problema já apareceu hoje mesmo aqui na lista, e o Márcio deu uma solução
que funcionou para o Sávio. Reproduzo o trecho abaixo pois as mensagens
não entraram no histórico da lista:

On Fri, 23 Sep 2005 11:35:31 -0300
Márcio Inácio Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Primeiro remove o e2fsprogs - Para isto utilize o metodo que preferir
 aptitude, dpkg, apt seilá! quando ele for remover vai falar que é arquivo
 essencial e talz, eu tive que responder a pergunta sim, eu sei bla bla,

Inacreditável! O aptitude removeu tudo e instalou tudo de novo. Não tem a
menor lógica!!!

Mas... Funcionou.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Socorro!! Eu apaguei o diretório /root/bin

2005-09-23 Thread Still
* Konnichiwa Savio Ramos-sama:
  /bin ?
 Foi este.
 Já re-instalei o sistema. Não tinha o que fazer mesmo, não?
 Foi a primeira re-instalação em anos...

Na verdade, não precisava reinstalar. :) Bastava pegar a lista
de pacotes que vc tinha instalado que tinham alguma coisa no /bin e dado
um apt-get install --reinstall pacote1 pacote2 ...


Nelson Luiz Campos  .''`. | I hear; I forget.
Engenheiro Eletricista : :'  :| I see; I remember.
Linux User #89621 UIN 11464303 `. `'` | I do; I understand.
gnupgID: 55577339`-   | Chinese Proverb

Description: Digital signature

mensagem de erro (cdrw)

2005-09-23 Thread Fabio Guerrazzi
Olá a todos

Começou a aparecer umas mensagens de erro no hdd durante o boot...

kernel: hdd: command error: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
kernel: hdd: command error: error=0x54 { AbortedCommand
LastFailedSense=0x05 }
kernel: ide: failed opcode was: unknown
kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev hdd, sector 557696
kernel: Buffer I/O error on device hdd, logical block 139424

hdd é o cdrw:
hdd: HL-DT-ST GCE-8481B, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive
hdd: ATAPI 40X CD-ROM CD-R/RW drive, 2048kB Cache, UDMA(33)

Acontece que ele está funcionando perfeitamente. Será que vai pifar?

Bom fim de semana a todos,

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

xf86cfg desinstalado apos dist-upgrade

2005-09-23 Thread unholycurse

So uma duvida, dei um dist-upgrade no meu testing e o debian
desinstalou os pacotes de configuração do x...

notei que o novo xserver-baser vinha com aplicações de configuração do
xorg somente, entao desinstalei o xfree86 e troquei pelo xorg...

o xorg passou realmente para a testing entao? Quer dizer que ja esta
com uma certa estabilidade...
So akele probleminha do '?' que para de funcionar mas nd q uma procura
na lsita nao resolvesse

eu achei que meus repositorios do sources estivessem unstable mas nao
estao, alguem pode confirmar isso?

O linux eh um sistema operacional amigável, ele so eh seletivo com os
seus amigos! =P
UIN: 1992397

Re: mensagem de erro (cdrw)

2005-09-23 Thread Fabio Guerrazzi
O erro apareceu no syslog de hoje, com o kernel 2.6.12, usando um disco
cdrw meio velho. Olhando melhor o log vi outro erro igual no domingo
passado, quando ainda estava com o 2.6.8 e gravei um cdr. Não consigo
relacionar com kernel ou com mídia...


quote quem=Douglas A. Augusto
 No dia 23/09/2005 às 18:42,
 Fabio Guerrazzi [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 Começou a aparecer umas mensagens de erro no hdd durante o boot...

 kernel: hdd: command error: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error
 kernel: hdd: command error: error=0x54 { AbortedCommand
 LastFailedSense=0x05 }
 kernel: ide: failed opcode was: unknown
 kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev hdd, sector 557696
 kernel: Buffer I/O error on device hdd, logical block 139424

 Isso acontecia comigo com o kernel 2.6.8. Que versão está usando?
 Acontece com qualquer mídia?

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

debain em um pendrive ??

2005-09-23 Thread Henrique Barcellos
ola pessoal

postei um mail a um tempo atraz perguntando como
customizar o debian e usar ele em uma flash...

pessoal me falou a respeito do debootstrap... bem eu
tentei alguns tutoriais... não deu muito certo naum...
e ficaram duvidas sobre o assunto...

primeiramente é sobre a BIOS das maquinas... um
tutorial falava q era melhor manter a flash com
filesystem FAT16 pois algumas maquina não fariam o
boot na USB c num fosse assim... bem realmente houve
alguns problemas... inclusive algumas maquina mesmo
usando FAT16 e mandando dar boot na UBS naum 

entaum pergunto... é melhor manter a flash em FAT16 ou
passar mesmo para ext3 e tals... existe algum problema
para as BIOS darem boot numa partição EXT3 num
pendrive ?

outra duvida é sobre a partição swap... devo
particionar a flash... ter uma partição swap nela ?
creio q naum... alguns tutoriais falavam em usar a
swap do HD, mas eu não pretendo usar HD nas
maquinas... somente o pendrive... ai fico aquela
duvida de como fazer meu /etc/fstab... faço swap ou

e sobre a montagem do sistema... eu tentei fazer
direto na flash com debootstrap depois instalar um
kernel e em seguida grub... como fosse um HD mesmo...
particionando tudo... mas num funcionou... não
consegui dar o boot... falha minha ? ou não funga
mesmo ?

tbm não entendi bem como funciona esse lance de
imagem... criar um arquivo .img e usar o syslinux pra
dae o boot... achei algumas distros q funcionam
assim.. funcionou o boot legal... mas como falei
preciso montar a minha flashmesmo...

e pra finalizar... gravar dados da flash ? funciona
como HD mesmo ?

agradeço c puderem ajudar com algumas duvidas... !!



Novo Yahoo! Messenger com voz: ligações, Yahoo! Avatars, novos emoticons e 
muito mais. Instale agora!

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2005-09-23 Thread Edemar Leandro Lirio Junior
Estou com o seguinte problema.
Sempre instalei numa máquina o Debian Sarge (3.1) e sempre funcionou
com os dois sistemas operacionais (Windows XP e Debian).
Porém, desde a última formatação, a máquina instala o Windows, e
quando se faz a primeira parte da instalação do Debian (ejetar CD e
rebootar), ele inicializa como se nem existisse o Grub, indo direto
para o Windows XP. Tentei convencer para tirar o Windows, mas o cara
não gostou da idéia... ;-)

Acho que o único hardware relevante é o HD sata 80Gb, e por isso entro
com linux26 ou expert26.

Agradeço qualquer ajuda.

Edemar Leandro Lirio Junior
Software Livre
Linux Registered User # 395782

off-topic - Virtua: DHCP com Sarge

2005-09-23 Thread G.Paulo
O assunto é meio off.

Meu acesso doméstico à internet se dá através do Virtua (RJ), com IP obtido de 
servidor DHCP. O meu sistema é Sarge, sempre atualizado, numa máquina com 
triplo boot (Debian, Ubuntu, Windows).

Fato estranho: seu der o boot pelo Windows obtenho o IP normalmente. Se, poucos 
minutos após, der o boot com Sarge, não consigo obter endereço IP de forma 
alguma. O sistema permanece no DHCPDISCOVER,DHCPREQUEST etc. indefinidamente. 
Se desligar o computador por varias horas e der novo boot com o Sarge, obtenho 
IP sem mais problemas.

Se inverter a sequencia, isto é, der o boot primeiro com o Sarge e depois com o 
Windows, ocorre a mesma coisa.

Porém, se reinicializar a máquina e der o boot *no mesmo sistema* em que 
consegui obter o IP anteriormente, tudo funciona normalmente.

Em suma, ao dar o boot em outro sistema, o computador tem que ibernar por 
algumas horas até conseguir negociar um IP com o servidor.

Não obtive informações muito esclarecedoras no google. Alguém tem idéia de onde 
encontro explicação para o fenômeno?

Antes que alguém pergunte: por que uso Windows? De fato não uso, mas o relato 
acima é mais uma curiosidade para aprender um pouco sobre os mistérios do DHCP.



2005-09-23 Thread Leandro Moreira

será que alguem sabe se já e possível encontrar 
para download alguma documentação sobre o asterisk em portugues e se for, onde 
posso encontra-la

Leandro MoreiraGerente Técnico[EMAIL PROTECTED](32)

Redimensionar uma partição

2005-09-23 Thread Leandro Moreira

Como devo proceder para redimensionar uma partição 
sem a perda da integridade dos dados nela contidos?
(tenho uma HD de 40 dividido em 2 GB para swap e 38 
na partição raiz , quero dividir essa partição raiz em 3 partes) ja tenho do 
Debian instalado nela.

Leandro MoreiraGerente Técnico[EMAIL PROTECTED](32)

Re: Add placa de rede

2005-09-23 Thread Marcos S. Trazzini
On Fri, Sep 23, 2005 at 02:43:58PM -0300, Debian wrote:
 boa lista!!
 seguinte, fiz a instalação do meu debian e esse em rede interna com dhcp 
 192.168.1.x átimo!!!
 # The loopback network interface
 auto lo
 iface lo inet loopback
 # The primary network interface
 auto eth0
 iface eth0 inet dhcp
 depois de todos só ajustes e atualizações atribui um ip fixo a ele 
 simplesmente alterando as  configurações do /etc/network/interfaces que 
 ficaram assim:
 # The loopback network interface
 auto lo
 iface lo inet loopback
 # The primary network interface
 auto eth0
 iface eth0 inet static
 tambem sem problemas!!!
 porem agora necessito de mais uma placa de rede neste, para ter acesso a rede 
 interna também!!
 instalei uma placa idêntica (e depois uma diferente tbm) a q eu já tinha, ou 
 seja eth0 do mesmo modelo que eth1
 ai q vem o problema se eu habilito a eth1, a eth0 fica perdida, não sei se 
 faltou alguma alteração em algum outro lugar???
 somente juntei as duas configurações alterando onde necessário:
 # The loopback network interface
 auto lo
 iface lo inet loopback
 # The primary network interface
 auto eth0
 iface eth0 inet static
 auto eth1
 iface eth1 inet dhcp
 apos isso:
  /etc/init.d/networking restart
 nao me da nenhum erro mas td para de funcionar, tanto eth0 qto eth1!!
 oq fazer???
 onde estou pecando ou deixando de fazer algo??
 obrigado e fico no aguardo de qqr ajuda!

Olá Daniel,

Provavelmente seu problema se deve ao kernel ter trocado a ordem das
interfaces de rede, ou seja, o que antes era eth0, agora é eth1.

Uma maneira eficiente de descobrir qual interface física de rede está
associada a cada dispositovo eth* no kernel é através da pesquisa nas
mensagens do Kernel, com o comando:

# dmesg |grep eth[0,1]

Como no Debian (se tiver usando kernel padrão da distro) os kernels vem
compilados de forma bem modular, geralmente o suporte aos dispositivos
de rede vêm em forma de módulos, sendo assim, se tiver interfaces de
rede diferentes e quiser forçar qual será a eth0, eth1 e assim por
diante, basta carregar os módulos de cada um em ordem, adicionando o
nome dos módulos no arquivo /etc/modules na ordem em que se deseja
configurar as interfaces. Por exemplo, caso tenha uma Realtek 8139C e
uma 3com 3c905TX na máquina e queira definir a 3com como eth0 e a
Realtek como eth1, coloque no arquivo /etc/modules:

--- CORTE AQUI ---
--- CORTE AQUI ---


Marcos S. Trazzini

Re: Redimensionar uma partição

2005-09-23 Thread Marcos Vinicius Lazarini

Leandro Moreira wrote:
Como devo proceder para redimensionar uma partição sem  a perda da 
integridade dos dados nela contidos?
(tenho uma HD de 40 dividido em 2 GB para swap e 38 na partição raiz , 
quero dividir essa partição raiz em 3 partes) ja tenho do Debian 
instalado nela.

Procure informações sobre o parted ou qparted, maravilhas do mundo moderno, 
que permitem deixar e rolar com suas particoes, dentro do possível.

Tem no knoppix, kurumin, debian, etc etc


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: off-topic - Virtua: DHCP com Sarge

2005-09-23 Thread Marcos Vinicius Lazarini

G.Paulo wrote:

O assunto é meio off.

Meu acesso doméstico à internet se dá através do Virtua (RJ), com IP obtido de 
servidor DHCP. O meu sistema é Sarge, sempre atualizado, numa máquina com 
triplo boot (Debian, Ubuntu, Windows).

Fato estranho: seu der o boot pelo Windows obtenho o IP normalmente. Se, poucos 
minutos após, der o boot com Sarge, não consigo obter endereço IP de forma 
alguma. O sistema permanece no DHCPDISCOVER,DHCPREQUEST etc. indefinidamente. 
Se desligar o computador por varias horas e der novo boot com o Sarge, obtenho 
IP sem mais problemas.

Se inverter a sequencia, isto é, der o boot primeiro com o Sarge e depois com o 
Windows, ocorre a mesma coisa.

Porém, se reinicializar a máquina e der o boot *no mesmo sistema* em que 
consegui obter o IP anteriormente, tudo funciona normalmente.

Em suma, ao dar o boot em outro sistema, o computador tem que ibernar por 
algumas horas até conseguir negociar um IP com o servidor.

Não obtive informações muito esclarecedoras no google. Alguém tem idéia de onde 
encontro explicação para o fenômeno?

Antes que alguém pergunte: por que uso Windows? De fato não uso, mas o relato 
acima é mais uma curiosidade para aprender um pouco sobre os mistérios do DHCP.

no debian, passe a usar o dhcp3-client (dhcp V3, não use o que vem por 
default, o dhcp-client)

no windows, faça um 'ipconfig /release' antes de reiniciar o micro.

O motivo: nenhum deles está fazendo o DHCP_RELEASE (ou algo do tipo - o 
windows eu sei que não faz, e o dhcp V2 não faz) e o sistema do virtua não 
'desassocia' o MAC ADDRESS com o IP alocado - e fica assim até vencer o 
tempo do lease.

99% de chance de dar certo :-)


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: off-topic - Virtua: DHCP com Sarge

2005-09-23 Thread Tiago Saboga
Em Sex 23 Set 2005 22:26, G.Paulo escreveu:
 Fato estranho: seu der o boot pelo Windows obtenho o IP normalmente. Se,
 poucos minutos após, der o boot com Sarge, não consigo obter endereço IP de
 forma alguma. O sistema permanece no DHCPDISCOVER,DHCPREQUEST etc.
 indefinidamente. Se desligar o computador por varias horas e der novo boot
 com o Sarge, obtenho IP sem mais problemas.

Isso já foi discutido aqui na lista, mas não tenho certeza se chegamos a uma 
conclusão definitiva, e não sei se o seu caso é o mesmo que o meu, porque sua 
descrição é um pouco diferente. O que acontece comigo é que sempre que 
rebootava a partir do windows não conseguia conexão imediatamente, demorava 
sempre algum tempo. O que descobri - e até hoje essa explicação foi 
satisfatória - é que o windows, ao desligar, não desliga a conexão com a 
rede. Com isso, o velox - pois uso velox - não aceitava uma nova conexão. 
Como faz tempo que procurei essas informações, não sei mais bem se é o velox 
que não aceitava uma nova conexão ou o próprio modem que ainda achava que 
estava conectado. De qualquer forma, depois de algum tempo tudo voltava ao 
normal. A solução? Parei de usar o windows. Mas voltei a ter o mesmo problema 
há algum tempo, pois passei a usar o driver da nvidia para poder rodar alguns 
jogos e ele é meio bichado, e de vez em quando sou obrigado a dar um reboot 
(magic-sysrq); nesse caso, o linux também não desliga a rede (óbvio) e quando 
o computador reinicia demora algum tempo para conseguir a conexão. 

Não sei se a explicação basta, mas já é pelo menos um caminho.



Re: off-topic - Virtua: DHCP com Sarge

2005-09-23 Thread Marcos Vinicius Lazarini

Marcos Vinicius Lazarini wrote:

G.Paulo wrote:

O assunto é meio off.

Meu acesso doméstico à internet se dá através do Virtua (RJ), com IP 
obtido de servidor DHCP. O meu sistema é Sarge, sempre atualizado, 
numa máquina com triplo boot (Debian, Ubuntu, Windows).

Fato estranho: seu der o boot pelo Windows obtenho o IP normalmente. 
Se, poucos minutos após, der o boot com Sarge, não consigo obter 
endereço IP de forma alguma. O sistema permanece no 
DHCPDISCOVER,DHCPREQUEST etc. indefinidamente. Se desligar o 
computador por varias horas e der novo boot com o Sarge, obtenho IP 
sem mais problemas.

Se inverter a sequencia, isto é, der o boot primeiro com o Sarge e 
depois com o Windows, ocorre a mesma coisa.

Porém, se reinicializar a máquina e der o boot *no mesmo sistema* em 
que consegui obter o IP anteriormente, tudo funciona normalmente.

Esqueci de falar sobre essa parte: o DHCP guarda o valor do ultimo IP que 
ele recebeu, e ao reiniciar ele pergunta se aquele IP ainda está válido. Por 
isso funciona qdo volta pro mesmo sistema... :-)

Em suma, ao dar o boot em outro sistema, o computador tem que 
ibernar por algumas horas até conseguir negociar um IP com o servidor.

Não obtive informações muito esclarecedoras no google. Alguém tem 
idéia de onde encontro explicação para o fenômeno?

Antes que alguém pergunte: por que uso Windows? De fato não uso, mas o 
relato acima é mais uma curiosidade para aprender um pouco sobre os 
mistérios do DHCP.

no debian, passe a usar o dhcp3-client (dhcp V3, não use o que vem por 
default, o dhcp-client)

no windows, faça um 'ipconfig /release' antes de reiniciar o micro.

O motivo: nenhum deles está fazendo o DHCP_RELEASE (ou algo do tipo - o 
windows eu sei que não faz, e o dhcp V2 não faz) e o sistema do virtua 
não 'desassocia' o MAC ADDRESS com o IP alocado - e fica assim até 
vencer o tempo do lease.

99% de chance de dar certo :-)

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

instalar tinycobol

2005-09-23 Thread bto

 Olá para todos

 Estou com dificuldades para usar o tinycobol.
Tentei convertendo um pacote rpm com o alien
para deb e instalou, mas testando

htcobol test01a.cob
/usr/lib/libhtcobol.a(fileio.o)(.text+0x63a): In function `tcob_open':
: undefined reference to `__db185_open'
/usr/lib/libhtcobol.a(fileio.o)(.text+0x706): In function `tcob_open':
: undefined reference to `__db185_open'
/usr/lib/libhtcobol.a(fileio.o)(.text+0x3c82): In function `tcob_sort_open':
: undefined reference to `__db185_open'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

 Tentei primeiro criar o pacote deb, já que
no tar.gz tem um diretório debian e é algo que 
tenho dado umas cabeçadas para aprender. Usando

debuild -us -uc

 Primeiro sentiu falta de db.h, dh_185.h.
Procurei e instalei o pacote libdb2-dev. Mas
quando chega no bison
flex -oscan.c scan.l 
bison -dv -b htcobol htcobol.y  
htcobol.y: conflitos: 191 de deslocamento/redução
gcc -I/usr/include -I/usr/local/include -I../lib -I../ -c
gcc -I/usr/include -I/usr/local/include -I../lib -I../ -c scan.c
scan.c:1060: error: syntax error before YY_PROTO
... vários erros

 Versão do bison e flex
ii  bison  1.875d-1   
ii  bison-1.35 1.35-4 
ii  flex   2.5.31-31  

 E ao terminar alguns erros são exibidos. Alguns
referentes a dh_* desatulidados, como por exemplo
dh_installmanpages no lugar de dh_installman. Troquei
ou comentei alguns(dh_suidregister), tirei arquivos 
emacs-*, init.d, do diretorio debian também. Mas o pacote
ainda não fica legal. Não cria o binário htcobol.

 Se alguém estiver disposto a falar sobre o assunto
seria muito bom. Em pvt se for mais conveniente. É



Re: Redimensionar uma partição

2005-09-23 Thread unholycurse
So um pequeno comentario...
Fui redimensionar o HD com o parted e era uma particao ntfs, foi tudo pro barro
NTFS da um baita estress, geralmente...
O unico q vi fazer um bom serviço foi o QTParted que vem no kurumin e
o GParted dos mais novos

o parted me fu* legal...


Em 24/09/05, Marcos Vinicius Lazarini[EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
 Leandro Moreira wrote:
  Como devo proceder para redimensionar uma partição sem  a perda da
  integridade dos dados nela contidos?
  (tenho uma HD de 40 dividido em 2 GB para swap e 38 na partição raiz ,
  quero dividir essa partição raiz em 3 partes) ja tenho do Debian
  instalado nela.

 Procure informações sobre o parted ou qparted, maravilhas do mundo moderno,
 que permitem deixar e rolar com suas particoes, dentro do possível.
 Tem no knoppix, kurumin, debian, etc etc


 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

O linux eh um sistema operacional amigável, ele so eh seletivo com os
seus amigos! =P
UIN: 1992397

Re: Atualizar a versão do NFS no Debian Sarge

2005-09-23 Thread Marcos Vinicius Lazarini

Acsa wrote:

B dia lista..

Eu uso o Debian Sarge..e estou configurando um cluster beowulf..irei usar um
programa ROMIO que funciona apenas com a versão 3 do NFS e a versão q está
disponível no Debian Sarge eh 2.
Alguém pode me ajudar a como atualizar a versão?

Oi Amigo,
O Sarge utiliza por default a versão 3 do NFS - eu tive que colocar no mount 
a opção 'nfsvers=2' pra poder usar apenas a V2 (estava dando muitas 
mensagens no server, que era woody).

O Woody (antigo stable = oldstable) sim, ele sim utilizava apenas o NFS V2.

Verifique ai suas configurações... a minha linha do automount 
(/etc/auto.export) ficou assim:


Qquer coisa, tamos ai.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Redimensionar uma partição

2005-09-23 Thread Tiago Saboga
Em Sáb 24 Set 2005 00:44, unholycurse escreveu:
 So um pequeno comentario...
 Fui redimensionar o HD com o parted e era uma particao ntfs, foi tudo pro
 barro NTFS da um baita estress, geralmente...
 O unico q vi fazer um bom serviço foi o QTParted que vem no kurumin e
 o GParted dos mais novos

 o parted me fu* legal...

Tanto o qtparted quanto o gparted usam a libparted, ou seja, a mesma do 
parted. ou você usou versões diferentes ou fez algum erro de manipulação ao 
usar o parted (o que não é muito difícil). Por minha parte já usei muitas 
vezes o parted, tenho inclusive uma pequena partição do meu hd (3MB) com um 
sistema mínimo que permita rodar o parted e nunca tive nenhum problema.



HDD Lock

2005-09-23 Thread Vestelkom-Uygulama Mühendisliği


Bir miktar genel bir soru olacak ama
sormaktan zarar gelmez diyecektim.

Üretimini yaptığımız bir ürünün swi
yurtdışından gelmekte. Ürün hard diskli dijital uydu alıcısı. 

(PVR olarakta geçiyor)

Cihaza ilk sw yüklendiğinde bir çeşit
video, audio seviye testlerini sırayla yapılmasını sağlayan ve ayrıca

cihazın üstündeki modem, smart kart,
PCMCI modül kartı vs. tarzı özelliklerinin OK-NOK olduğunu

belirten bir menü geliyor. Testler bitip
tüm bileşenlerde bir sorun yoksa en son seçenek olarak

Lock Disk Drive  diye
bir seçenek geliyor. Bu işlemi yaptıktan sonra cihazda bulunan hard disk

sadece mevcut cihazdaki anakartla
kullanılır duruma geliyor. Bir şekil sw yükleme esnasında 

karta verilen ürün seri numarası ile bir
eşleştirme ve kilitleme yapıyor. 

Başka bir karta aynı seri numarası ile
yükleme yapıldığında kart çalışmıyor. Ayrıca hard diski bir PCye

takıp fdisk komutu verdiğimizde hard
disk 8KB olarak gözüküyor. Haliyle yanlışlıkta locklanan hard diskleri

Danimarkaya gönderip unlocklatıp
geri getiriyoruz. Benim merak ettiğim bu tarz bir kilitlemenin

nasıl yapılmış olabileceği? Tabi ki
nasıl da çözebileceğimiz. Linuxta buna benzer bir özellik var mıdır?


Re: HDD Lock

2005-09-23 Thread Timu EREN
23.09.2005 tarihinde Serhat Tatlıdil (Vestelkom-Uygulama Mühendisliği)


 Bir miktar genel bir soru olacak ama sormaktan zarar gelmez diyecektim.

 Üretimini yaptığımız bir ürünün sw'i yurtdışından gelmekte. Ürün hard diskli
 dijital uydu alıcısı.

 (PVR olarakta geçiyor)

 Cihaza ilk sw yüklendiğinde bir çeşit video, audio seviye testlerini sırayla
 yapılmasını sağlayan ve ayrıca

 cihazın üstündeki modem, smart kart, PCMCI modül kartı vs. tarzı
 özelliklerinin OK-NOK olduğunu

 belirten bir menü geliyor. Testler bitip tüm bileşenlerde bir sorun yoksa en
 son seçenek olarak

 Lock Disk Drive  diye bir seçenek geliyor. Bu işlemi yaptıktan sonra
 cihazda bulunan hard disk

 sadece mevcut cihazdaki anakartla kullanılır duruma geliyor. Bir şekil sw
 yükleme esnasında

 karta verilen ürün seri numarası ile bir eşleştirme ve kilitleme yapıyor.

 Başka bir karta aynı seri numarası ile yükleme yapıldığında kart çalışmıyor.
 Ayrıca hard diski bir PC'ye

 takıp fdisk komutu verdiğimizde hard disk 8KB olarak gözüküyor. Haliyle
 yanlışlıkta lock'lanan hard diskleri

 Danimarka'ya gönderip unlock'latıp geri getiriyoruz. Benim merak ettiğim bu
 tarz bir kilitlemenin

 nasıl yapılmış olabileceği? Tabi ki nasıl da çözebileceğimiz. Linux'ta buna
 benzer bir özellik var mıdır?


 man hdparm belki işinizi görür...

ATA Security Options:
 --security-freeze  Freeze security settings (until next reset)
 --security-unlock PWD  Unlock drive, using password PWD (DANGEROUS)
 --security-set-pass PWDLock drive, using password PWD (DANGEROUS)
 --security-disable PWD Disable drive locking, using password
 --security-mode MODE   Specify user/master password and
high/maximum security

Saygılar  İyi Çalışmalar
Timu EREN ( a.k.a selam )

url karmaşası ve emacs baş ağrısı

2005-09-23 Thread tga


Son bir kaç gündür garip bir şeyler olmaya başladı. Firefox ile gayet 
güzel gezinirken dur şu ethernet kartımın sürücülerini bir daha 
arıyayım diye adresine gitmeye çalıştığımda şu bir 
çoğumuzun bildiği apache'nin karşılama sayfası çıkıveriyor. bu mesajı 
görüyorsanız server başarıyla kurulmuş, şimdi http.conf dosyasına şunu 
yaparak... Aslında bu genellikle yarı-profesyonel arkadaşlarımın 
sitelerinde karşılaştığım bir durumdu ve ehhe gençler bir hata yapmış, 
umarım veri tabanını uçurmamışlardır diye geçiştiriyordum ancak 
google'da olunca sorunun bende olduğunu düşünmeye başladım. Bu problem 
bir kaç dakika sonra kendiğlinden geçiyor ve sorun esnasında son derece 
anlamsız eşleşmeler oluyor; = = apache =

gibi gibi. Tabii bunlar her seferinde aynı şekilde eşleşmiyor. Merak 
ediyorum virüs vari bir durummudur bu? Hoş linux için yazılmış virüs 
olup olmadığını bile bilmiyorum. Bir kere de bir sitedeki link'e 
shift+sol tuş yaptığımda kde'nin konqueror'unun açılıdığını hatırlıyorum.

emacs daha mütevazi saçmalıyor, c-x c-f enter ile klasöre bakıyorum, 
içinde söz gelimi sadece test.c dosyasını görüyor ama aynı anda 
terminalden baktığımda klasörde diğer c kodları ve derlenmişleri 
görünüyor, emacs'ı kapatıp açınca sorun geçiyor.

Sormak istediğim genel olarak bu tür saçmalıklar olduğunda süphelenmem 
gereken uykusuzluğum mu yoksa bir tür virüs mü?


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: sarge temel yapıldırma hatası

2005-09-23 Thread Erçin EKER
Cum, 2005-09-23 tarihinde 19:26 +0300 saatinde, Serdar Karacay yazdı:
  Merhaba Debian'cılar
 Yeniden sarge kurmaya karar verdim ama apt yapılandırması bölümünde
 kalıyorum ama testing sürümünü seçtim ama ftp weya http den kurulum
 yap diyorum.
 yani adresinden ama bi türlü baglanamıyor.
 Adsl modeminin ip adresine ping attıyımda çalışıyor yani modemde sorum
 we google ping atıyorum başarısız oluyor.
 Sorun nerdedir arkadaşlar...

Ağ yapılandırmasında DNS sunucusu için bir IP adresi belirttin mi?
modemin IP'sini versen yeterli olması lazım ya da doğrudan TTNET'in DNS
sunucu IP'lerini verebilirsin adresine ping atmaya çalıştığımda komut satırındaki
çıktı şuna benziyor:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/Desktop$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=243 time=252 ms


İyi akşamlar.
Erçin EKER

: :' :  Born to use Debian.
`. `'   GPG KeyID: 3DD6DF91
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Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: apt-get errors out religiously while processing 'at' command

2005-09-23 Thread Maurits van Rees
On Thu, Sep 22, 2005 at 07:39:23PM -0500, Eric P wrote:
 Hmm... maybe I just fixed it.  I uninstalled the 'at' package, and
 apt-get no longer complains.

You may want to try reinstalling it now and see if things continue to
work normally.  On my sarge system 'at' and 'apt-get' work perfectly
happy together.  'at' is an important package according to apt-cache:

$ apt-cache show at
Package: at
Priority: important
Section: admin
Installed-Size: 204
Maintainer: Ryan Murray [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Architecture: i386
Version: 3.1.8-11
Depends: libc6 (= 2.2.4-4), mail-transport-agent
Filename: pool/main/a/at/at_3.1.8-11_i386.deb
Size: 37918
MD5sum: b5cc860f93a0f25e71d92dad23988c12
Description: Delayed job execution and batch processing
 At and batch read shell commands from standard input
 storing them as a job to be scheduled for execution in the
  atto run the job at a specified time
  batch to run the job when system load levels permit

Of course when at makes your apt system unstable its priority gets
considerably lower. ;-)

'at' is depended on by the following packages:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp$ apt-cache rdepends at
Reverse Depends:

Most important at first glance seems to be lsb-core.  From apt-cache
show lsb-core:

 The Linux Standard Base ( is a standard
 core system that third-party applications written for Linux can
 depend upon.

Okay, I don't have that one installed apparently; I'll go do that
now. ;-)

Maurits van Rees | [Dutch/Nederlands] 
Public GnuPG key:
It can seem like you're doing just fine,
but the creep's creeping into your mind. - Neal Morse

Description: Digital signature

Re: rsync does not work

2005-09-23 Thread Bob Proulx
Andreas Höschler wrote:
 I have setup debian from the latest DVD and rsync with 
   apt-get install rsync 
 I have set RSYNC_ENABLE=true in /etc/default/rsync.

That is only needed if you are using the rsync server and not if you
are using ssh.

 There is an entry  
 rsync stream tcp nowait root /usr/bin/rsync rsyncd --daemon 

You should not have both.  Have either RSYNC_ENABLE=true in
/etc/default/rsync or have an entry in /etc/inetd.conf but not both.

 in /etc/inetd.conf. I am now tryingto send files from a Mac to the 
 debian system with. 
   rsync -avz -e ssh /home/projects/LKWOffice/LKWOffice 

Here you are using ssh.  This is not even using the rsync server.  So
in this case you don't need either of the rsync server configurations.

I know in a previous note that you solved your problem.  But if you
are not using the rsync server then I would undo both of those


Description: Digital signature

Re: setting up environment variables

2005-09-23 Thread Bob Proulx
Kai Grossjohann wrote:
 Same here, I also can't think of another spot.  I think that ?dm are
 seriously broken for not starting a login shell on behalf of the user
 logging in.

You might find this bug interesting.


Description: Digital signature

Re: setting up environment variables

2005-09-23 Thread Bob Proulx
Nelson Castillo wrote:
 Is this a run-level distinction then? Is /etc/profile is only involved
 in setting up run-level 2?

This has nothing at all to do with run levels.

  I was unaware of the /etc/environment directory. Is this a Debian thing?
  A linux thing? An X thing?
 Seems debian-specific.

It originated with IBM AIX.  But no other systems picked it up that I
know of before PAM started using it.  Now /etc/environment is loaded
by PAM authenticated login sessions.  Which means that if the process
is not PAM related that it does not use /etc/environment.


Description: Digital signature

Re: setting up environment variables

2005-09-23 Thread Bob Proulx
Daniel B. wrote:
 Shouldn't global environment variables be set in /etc/environment?

For anything that comes in through PAM.  But if it does not come
through PAM then /etc/environment will have no effect.  PAM is used
for login shells and such.  But not for /etc/init.d daemon startup for

 If you set them in /etc/profile, they won't be set for all shells,
 will they?

The /etc/profile file is only used for Bourne-like shells such as sh,
bash, ash, ksh, dash, zsh, etc.  But for example if zsh is installed
and /etc/zprofile exists then /etc/profile is not read.  But in any
case /etc/profile is not used for csh, tcsh, and other wierd shells.

Basically there is no perfect way to set environment variables for all
shells.  But /etc/profile is pretty darn good and would probably cover
99.44% of the cases and all of the normal cases.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Man-DB is crazy

2005-09-23 Thread Bob Proulx
Kevin B. McCarty wrote:
 Please CC replies to me as I'm not subscribed.

 Once a day I get the following email message from the man-db cron job:
  mandb: warning: /usr/share/man/man1/x-terminal-emulator.1.gz is a dangling 
 This in spite of all the evidence:

It would be a lot easier to use the -L option and do it in one command.

  ls -lL /usr/share/man/man1/x-terminal-emulator.1.gz
  -rw-r--r--  1 root root 1369 2005-03-10 14:55 

 Anyone have any idea what man-db's problem is and how to fix it?

In spite of your evidence to the contrary I believe that the link in
question must really be dangling.  I just can't believe otherwise
because of the series of symlinks.  I feel certain there was a mistake
in there somewhere.


Description: Digital signature

Re: setting up environment variables

2005-09-23 Thread Nelson Castillo
On 9/23/05, Bob Proulx [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


You're misquoting me here. I didn't ask this:

 Nelson Castillo wrote:
  Is this a run-level distinction then? Is /etc/profile is only involved
  in setting up run-level 2?

 This has nothing at all to do with run levels.

I was curious about /etc/environment,
thanks a lot for your answer.

   I was unaware of the /etc/environment directory. Is this a Debian thing?
   A linux thing? An X thing?
  Seems debian-specific.

 It originated with IBM AIX.  But no other systems picked it up that I
 know of before PAM started using it.  Now /etc/environment is loaded
 by PAM authenticated login sessions.  Which means that if the process
 is not PAM related that it does not use /etc/environment.

Homepage :

The first principle is that you must not fool yourself
and you are the easiest person to fool.
 -- Richard Feynman.

Re: Want to set apt pin-priority lower for none debian sites

2005-09-23 Thread Florian Sukup
 What's the url of this Release file? I couldn't find it.

It seems to be logical, stupid that I haven't found it on my own. 
Nevertheless, thank you.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Repackaging with different compile options.

2005-09-23 Thread Ben Sagal
How would i go about creating a squid package with the --enable-ssl
flag set. I would also want this package to override the default
Debian one.

Thank You

Re: setting up environment variables

2005-09-23 Thread Bob Proulx
Nelson Castillo wrote:
 You're misquoting me here. I didn't ask this:

Sorry, that one should have had another set of  in front.  That
part of the question came from Adam Hardy.  I tried to answer both in
one message since I had several messages as it was.


Description: Digital signature

Re: NUM Lock , Home, End

2005-09-23 Thread Mariusz Kruk

[EMAIL PROTECTED] napisał(a):

Can you be more specific? Because I have all those keys working.
Therefore I may only assume PEBKAC

you have numlock enabled for every console?
and HOME return you in begining of command promt and END in the end?
i have to press ctrl+a or ctrl+e

Yes, I never had any problems with keyboards (except the polish keyboard 
issues with X-Window few years ago). And I've used many different 
distributions. What architecture do you use? i386?

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [interesting] Re: Debian Dell Laptop Connectivity

2005-09-23 Thread L.V.Gandhi
On 9/23/05, Jan Schledermann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Scott Fitzgerald wrote:Unfortunately I have missed your original posting so I am not quite surewhich parts of the 'connectivity' is your major problem?In my laptop I opted for the Truemobile 1300 wifi solution and loaded the
original windoze driver with ndiswrapper. That just works.The built-in nic is Intel based and was simply automatically recognized.For bluetooth I installed the bluez stuff and usbmount. That took care ofexternal storage. I have used kinternet to set up the dialup connection
through bluetooth/ sonyericsson k700iI use a self compiled 2.6.12 kernel, with all the essentials compiled intothe kernel, no initrd, and udev for device setup.I
have dell 600m. Built in lancard is recognised with tg3 driver. bcm
internal modem works with slmodem-2.9.9d-alsa and wife truemobile works
with ndiswrapper. I didn't try bluetooth or infrared.-- L.V.Gandhi user No.205042

Re: NUM Lock , Home, End

2005-09-23 Thread michael
On Fri, 2005-09-23 at 00:45 -0400, Angelo Bertolli wrote:
 Marty wrote:
  John Hasler wrote:
  Marty writes:
  I was thinking it should be handled during boot by an init script like (just a guess).
  How would that set it correctly for each user?
  Some init scripts use configation files in /etc/default, and I guess
  the script's stop routine could store the NUMLOCK state upon system
  shutdown, if that state is accessable from the system.
 I think the job belongs in the shell and window manager/desktop config 
 files on a per-user basis.  I don't think it's a job for init.

well it depends whether you want the non-GUI to have it on or off or
last value, in which case it'd be pre-XDM (etc) level

having not used MS WinXX for a while I can't remember if it's a correct
assertion that that OS uses 'remember last' (I thought it was just a
BIOS setting last time I looked)

Michael Bane
Atmospheric Physics Group
University of Manchester

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Re: Repackaging with different compile options.

2005-09-23 Thread Jon Dowland
On Fri, Sep 23, 2005 at 11:19:52AM +0300, Ben Sagal wrote:
 How would i go about creating a squid package with the --enable-ssl
 flag set. I would also want this package to override the default
 Debian one.

$ apt-get source squid

$ vi squid-*/debian/rules
   add desired configure flag to the ./configure call, probably under the
  configure: rule somewhere 

$ dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -us

install the resulting .deb that appears in .. with dpkg: 
# dpkg -i ../squid*deb 
or similar

mark it as 'hold' in aptitude


Jon Dowland

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Re: Deskop performance

2005-09-23 Thread Jon Dowland
On Fri, Sep 23, 2005 at 02:57:14AM +0200, Michael Biebl wrote:
 Jon Dowland schrieb:
  could shed some ATA/SCSI lld fat I expect). If you are confident
  enough, patch in inotify and use gamin instead of famd (assuming you
  are going to have famd on your desktop - most likely).
 This won't help, as the Debian packages have disabled inotify support.
 It's nevertheless easy to build your own inotify enabled gamin

Oh wow: although it makes sense if there isn't an inotify kernel
available in debian. I was not aware there was any point in gamin
without inotify ;) Thanks for the info.

Jon Dowland

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install Debian on raid 0

2005-09-23 Thread Fernando García

I have the next hardware
2 x sata 160 gb (raid 0)(chipset nforce4 CK804)

In the install process, when the system is installing the kernel-image
apears the next error

/usr/sbin/mkinitrd: device /dev/part3 is not a block device
Failed to create initrd image.
dpkg: error processing kernel-image-2.6.8-2-386 (--configure):
subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of kernel-image-2.6-386:
kernel-image-2.6-386 depends on kernel-image-2.6.8-2-386; however:
 Package kernel-image-2.6.8-2-386 is not configured yet.
dpkg: error processing kernel-image-2.6-386 (--configure):
dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

I access the raid in the partitioning typing
mdadm --create /dev/md/_d0 -l stripe -n 2 --auto=mdp10 /dev/discs/disc0/disc
mdadm creates a simbolic link /dev/discs/disc2 -- /dev, whith the 

part1 to part6(i have 6 partitions including windows and linux partitions)

If i mount manually /dev/part3 i can see the directory structure of the base
install correctly installed.(the same in /target)

can anyone help me?

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Re: setting up environment variables

2005-09-23 Thread Kai Grossjohann
Bob Proulx wrote:

 Kai Grossjohann wrote:
Same here, I also can't think of another spot.  I think that ?dm are
seriously broken for not starting a login shell on behalf of the user
logging in.
 You might find this bug interesting.

Very interesting indeed.  So I wonder whether this will show up for
other desktop environments, too.

I was vaguely aware that it is difficult to do, but didn't think it
through fully and thus didn't appreciate the full difficulty of it.


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Re: Repackaging with different compile options.

2005-09-23 Thread Florian Ernst
Hello *,

On Fri, Sep 23, 2005 at 10:15:57AM +0100, Jon Dowland wrote:
 On Fri, Sep 23, 2005 at 11:19:52AM +0300, Ben Sagal wrote:
  How would i go about creating a squid package with the --enable-ssl
  flag set. I would also want this package to override the default
  Debian one.
 $ apt-get source squid
 $ vi squid-*/debian/rules
add desired configure flag to the ./configure call, probably under the
   configure: rule somewhere 
 $ dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -us
 install the resulting .deb that appears in .. with dpkg: 
 # dpkg -i ../squid*deb 
 or similar
 mark it as 'hold' in aptitude

This will only work if the build-essential packages are installed
| apt-get install build-essential
a deb-src line has been added to sources.list and the the database has
been updated and the build-dependencies for squid are present
| apt-get build-dep squid

BTW, there is Roberto Sanchez's elaborate Debian Package Customization


Description: Digital signature

Re: playing midi with timidity

2005-09-23 Thread Seeker5528
On Thu, 22 Sep 2005 22:50:19 +0100
Joe Mc Cool [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sorry, I don't know what iec958 is.
 I have used alsamixer and muted all the inputs I can.

iec958 are the optical digital lines and it seems like something that
normally shows on the mixer even if the optical jack was not included
on the card, but they could be something you don't have. If all the
available inputs are muted that should take care of it if you are
using the alsamixer or some other mixer that shows all of the alsa

   Essentially my perl script is:
   system(timidity -L /usr/share/timidity -Ou -o$au_file $midi_file  
   /tmp/timidity 2 /dev/null);
   system(play -v $volume $au_file );  

Since the script tells timidity to create an audio file from the midi
then uses play to play back the audio it just seems odd that it would
be an issue with timidity.

This is why I question whether the file is actually created in it's
entirety or if it is actually being played back while it is being
created by timidity. If it is being read while it is being created by
timidity this might create some odd behaviour.

I don't see any reason for there to be a significant difference between
the use of alsa or oss. This is why I wondered if the oss driver would
work with the 2.6 kernel. If you are using the stock Debian kernel the
oss should be there they are just not the default.

If you edit /etc/modules and put:


: in there then the oss modules should load at boot time instead of the
alsa modules.

Depending on what you are running you may be able to open a terminal
window and type:

/etc/init.d/alsa stop
modprobe es1371

: and switch modules without rebooting.

The efficiency of timidity leaves something to be desired, but even on
a slow system I think it should work. Especially since you have
commented the stuff as the configuration file suggests for a slower

Going back to the script, if the audio file is created in it's
entirety before play starts to play it back the speed of the machine
should not be a factor. This is assuming my thinking is correct that
when you output to an audio file the resulting file will be the same no
matter how fast the machine is.

The only two suggestions I have left at this point are:

1. If the option is available to you try the oss module. 

2. Open a terminal window and use timidity directly to create an audio
file instead of using the script and then see if it sounds the same
when you try to play the audio file back with the play command and if
it does sound the same try playing the audio file with something else.

Later, Seeker

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RAID failed and machine freeze. Help me please! (Poor story about my RAID)

2005-09-23 Thread Andrea Ganduglia
[EMAIL PROTECTED], dear friends and sorry for my English.

This is a poor story about my RAID software onto Debian Sarge (Kernel
2.6.8-2-386). Few days ago I founded on /dev/tty12 this message:

end-request: I/O error dev sda sector 2923593
ATA abnormal status 0x00 on port 0xAC07

Machine was freeze, login from local or remote (ssh) disabled. I had
reboot machine (from reset button) and it blocked at this message:

Starting mdam monitor

but I have access to filesystem (RW) from remote login (ssh), and I have
copy all /var/log directory.

kernel.log said:

Sep 21 17:43:55 backup kernel: md: raid5 personality registered as nr 4
Sep 21 17:43:55 backup kernel: md: md0 stopped.
Sep 21 17:43:55 backup kernel: md: bindsdb1
Sep 21 17:43:55 backup kernel: md: bindsdc1
Sep 21 17:43:55 backup kernel: md: bindsdd1
Sep 21 17:43:55 backup kernel: md: bindsda1
Sep 21 17:43:55 backup kernel: md: kicking non-fresh sdc1 from array!
Sep 21 17:43:55 backup kernel: md: unbindsdc1
Sep 21 17:43:55 backup kernel: md: export_rdev(sdc1)
Sep 21 17:43:55 backup kernel: raid1: raid set md0 active with 3 out
of 4 mirrors

and :~# cat /proc/mdstat

Personalities : [raid0] [raid1] [raid5]
md1 : active raid5 sda3[0] sdd3[3] sdc3[2] sdb3[1]
  873293184 blocks level 5, 64k chunk, algorithm 2 [4/4] []

md0 : active raid1 sda1[0] sdd1[3] sdb1[1]
  1461760 blocks [4/3] [UU_U]

unused devices: none

On boot machine send me email message:

This is an automatically generated mail message from mdadm
running on backup

A DegradedArray event had been detected on md device /dev/md0.

Faithfully yours, etc.

My machine have 4 disk SATA, and filesystem is composed by 2 RAID sf.

/dev/md0 is a RAID1 (sda1,sdb1,sdc3,sdd4)
/dev/md1 is a RAID5 (sda3,sdb3,sdc3,sdd3)
swap is normal swap (sda2,sdb2,sdc2,sdd2)

You can view fstab and most important logs into /var/log at this

I don't know there is/are disk/s where problem is located, and I don't
know how I can repaire it. I don't know, again, if problem are HD, swap,
or other hardware parts.


-- - Idee per il software libero

Re: resolvconf not working? (SOLVED)

2005-09-23 Thread Michelasso
Ok, I have found what was my problem thanks to the very kind
maintainer of resolvconf package; for who is interested, details can
be found in this page
towards the end of it.

Re: cannot run QT tutorials

2005-09-23 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom

Michal Simovic wrote:

yes, i think i've got everything right cos i've been able to compile and 
run one complete program from QT Assistant tutotial called metric.
i've got all the tools needed and they work, but it seems that there's 
just something missing in QT tutotials preventing it from running. There 
 is a Makefile already made for you, all you should do is to run make, 
but it spits out the mentioned errors..

So let's take an example.

1. the listbox example.
2. I copy the files of the dir to my own home dir, renaming them:
do_listbox.cpp,, do_listbox.h, do_listbox_main.cpp

3. I edit
TARGET  = do_listbox
HEADERS = do_listbox.h
SOURCES = do_listbox.cpp \

4. I edit the source files + the header to reflect the name changes.

5. I run:
qmake -o Makefile

6. I run:

Voilá. listbox example.


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Re: xorg on thinkpad A21m

2005-09-23 Thread Tom Allison

1. If you can't fix these problems, you should ask yourself why you're
running testing, and consider stable instead.  Do you even need xorg?
2. The synaptics driver is in xfree86-driver-synaptics or
xorg-driver-synaptics.  It is used for a synaptics touchpad, commonly
found on laptops.

Well, I can't fix these problems.

And I can't get back to XFree86 either.

So I'm stuck with the problem for now.  I believe it's come down to WDM 
not playing well with Xorg more than anything else.  XDM works OK where 
WDM crashes consistently.

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Re: unable to install from CD: failure to mount once kernel installed

2005-09-23 Thread Wackojacko

Seth Goodman wrote:

From: Wackojacko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2005 2:52 PM


A quick look at the kernel-source (via make menuconfig) and google
suggest that PIIX could be the right module.  I dont have this mobo so I
cant be sure.

I don't see a 82371 on this board.  Rather, it has a FW82801AA.

The ide controller is picked up in dmesg as ICH and (I know its a 
laptop) suggests this module for the same chipset.  The help for this 
kernel module says


This driver adds explicit support for Intel PIIX and ICH chips 
   and also for the Efar 
Victory66 (slc90e66) chip.  This allows 
the kernel to change PIO, DMA and UDMA speeds and 
to configurethe chip 
to optimum performance. 

Symbol: BLK_DEV_PIIX [=n] 
   Prompt: Intel PIIXn chipsets 
Defined at drivers/ide/Kconfig:592 
Depends on: 

   - Device Drivers 

   - ATA/ATAPI/MFM/RLL support 

 - ATA/ATAPI/MFM/RLL support (IDE [=y]) 
 	- Enhanced 
IDE/MFM/RLL disk/cdrom/tape/floppy support (BLK_DEV_IDE [=y]) 

 		 - PCI IDE chipset support (BLK_DEV_IDEPCI [=y]) 
  -		 Generic PCI 
bus-master DMA support (BLK_DEV_IDEDMA_PCI [=y])

Here is the file system table (I shortened the hda1 line to fit):

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# file system mount point   type  options   dump  pass
proc/proc   procdefaults0   0
/dev/hda1   /   ext3defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1
/dev/hda5   noneswapsw  0   0
/dev/hdc/media/cdrom0   iso9660 ro,user,noauto  0   0
/dev/fd0/media/floppy0  autorw,user,noauto  0   0

snip mount attempts

isofs_fill_super: bread failed, dev=hdc, iso_blknum=16, block=16

Googling this error (google is always your friend :) ) suggested that

- you may want to turn DMA off for the drive ' hdparm -d0 /dev/hdc'. 
May need to install 'hdparm' first.

- hal (hardware extraction layer) deamon can cause this trouble so try 
stopping haldeamon if installed.

- trying to mount audio CD which has no file system, not relevant in 
this instance.

It tries, but it really doesn't want to mount.  Your hypothesis of an extra
driver that interferes is reasonable.

Try the above first, if this doesn't work I would go for a compiled 
kernel, starting with the config file in /boot/config-`uname -r` and 
remove all of the modules apart from PIIX which should be compiled in.


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Re: RAID failed and machine freeze. Help me please! (Poor story about my RAID)

2005-09-23 Thread Alvin Oga

hi ya andrea

On Fri, 23 Sep 2005, Andrea Ganduglia wrote:

 Sep 21 17:43:55 backup kernel: md: kicking non-fresh sdc1 from array!

bad thing

 and :~# cat /proc/mdstat

yes sir ri bob...
 Personalities : [raid0] [raid1] [raid5]
 md1 : active raid5 sda3[0] sdd3[3] sdc3[2] sdb3[1]
   873293184 blocks level 5, 64k chunk, algorithm 2 [4/4] []

good ... raid5 is clean
 md0 : active raid1 sda1[0] sdd1[3] sdb1[1]
   1461760 blocks [4/3] [UU_U]

says sdc1 is bad

and you have 4 disks that are identical ...
- so in theory you should not have a problem 
unless the bad disk sdc1 is telling the others to copy 
the bad disk sdc1

 I don't know there is/are disk/s where problem is located

sdc1 ..

see the boot messages again ( as you have already posted it )

 and I don't  know how I can repaire it.

take /dev/sdc1 out of the raid ...
- reboot
- and if it comes back .. good ..

watch /proc/mdstat to make sure it's done resyncing before 
doing anyting to the system other than logging in

when its done ...
- put /dev/sdc1 back in ...  stop and start raid ..
and watch the resync 

- reboot and hope and pray it likes it this time

- if not you may or may not have a bad disk /dev/sdc1
  or the other bad disks have ganged up on the good disk

 I don't know, again, if problem are HD, swap,
 or other hardware parts.

anything could be the problem ... time to experiment


time to save your raid5 data elsewhere before you start playing

- save it to someplace else that you have not been using
so that you don't corrupt what was last weeks good data
in the normal backups

c ya

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Re: Trouble Disabling orinoco Modules in Favor of hostap Modules on Boot

2005-09-23 Thread Seeker5528
On Tue, 20 Sep 2005 18:13:14 -0700
Jeff Stevens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I should have mentioned initially that I had checked out /etc/modules.
 No mention of the orinoco driver there.  I hadn't tried adding hostap
 to /etc/modules.  Unfortunately, this didn't prevent the orinoco module
 from loading.

Interesting. My card uses the orinoco driver, so I tried it here and,
hmmm, the same thing happens.

It's getting late so I didn't try a lot of stuff to make it work, but
looking around I see that on my system I have a file:


: where it indicates the lines to skip loading a driver should be
placed. I'm running unstable with discover 2.0.7-2.1, so something
could have changed.

If that fails I'm thinking (making a backup copy first) if you  
edit /lib/modules/2.6.8-2-386/modules.pcimap and change the orinoco
entries to hostap entries then open a terminal window and type:

depmod -a

: and reboot that should do it.

Later, Seeker

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Re: setting up environment variables

2005-09-23 Thread Basajaun
Dom wrote:

 Could someone please tell me if I'm doing this right and if not what
 I'm doing wrong as I'm a newbie trying to get acquainted with the
 linux system. I want to make every application that wishes to use my
 /tmp folder on my linux partition to use a custom folder on another
 partition (looks like I made my linux partition too small for my needs
 and need to free some space now).


Appart from the useful answers others have given to the env vars way,
you can go another way (in this particular case). If the problem is the
size of the /tmp partition (or /, where /tmp probably resides), you
could always move the current /tmp folder to somewhere else (another
partition with lots of free space), then create a soft link: ln -s
/newdir /tmp. This way, the settings of the system will stay unchanged.


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OpenVPN NFS problems

2005-09-23 Thread Julius Schwartzenberg

I just switched to Debian 3.1 (Sarge) and I'm using NFS over an OpenVPN 
connection. There seem to be some problems with this though.
When booting, the mounting of NFS drives seems to occur before the 
OpenVPN connection is made. This causes the system to hang during 
boot-up. Fail-safe mode also hangs at the same problem.
I was able to boot again after editing my fstab from an old Slackware 

I see three issues here:
1. An unavaillable NFS share shouldn't cause the system to hang.
2. OpenVPN should always be started before the system tries to mount NFS 
3. Although some people might need NFS in fail-safe mode, it might not 
be a good idea to always assume people want NFS in safe mode.

Should (some of) these be reported as bugs in the Debian bugsystem?
Does anyone have a similar issue and have a good solution for this, 
since I now need to manually mount my NFS shares after boot-up.

Thanks in advance,

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Re: NUM Lock , Home, End

2005-09-23 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom

Mariusz Kruk wrote:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] napisał(a):

last 5 years i've didn't seen any keyboard without this buttons.
And they can't  be used for andthing else instead of therir main 

Isn't time for debian to enable them by default or to provide ability to
configure them on install.

Can you be more specific? Because I have all those keys working.
Therefore I may only assume PEBKAC


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Re: NUM Lock , Home, End

2005-09-23 Thread John Hasler
Marty writes:
 Some init scripts use configation files in /etc/default, and I guess the
 script's stop routine could store the NUMLOCK state upon system shutdown,
 if that state is accessable from the system.

That would set it globally, not for each user.
John Hasler

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Re: setting up environment variables

2005-09-23 Thread Thomas Adam
--- Kai Grossjohann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Very interesting indeed.  So I wonder whether this will show up for
 other desktop environments, too.
 I was vaguely aware that it is difficult to do, but didn't think it
 through fully and thus didn't appreciate the full difficulty of it.

Not to mention that this was hashed out to death on this list not so
long ago (6-10 months ago, perhaps?).  Looking up that thread would be
of enormous benefit.  of course, my own opinion is that none of the DMs
*should* be sourcing anything from shell-startup files.  That's why the
user has the freedom to use ~/.x{session,init} --- let the user do it
for themselves.  The easy work around, even without it is, is to get
your teminal emualator to spawn a login-shell.

-- Thomas Adam

Yahoo! Messenger - NEW crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail

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Newbie wants Firefox and Tbird

2005-09-23 Thread Albert
I am a new user of Debian.  My first task after system install is 
to install Firefox and Tbird, preferably the latest 1.0.6 or 
1.0.7.  It's a piece of cake to download and install these from 
the mozilla site, but I have no idea how I might then wrap them 
with an icon and to get them to show in the menus.  Do debian 
users not do this sort of thing?  If so, could someone point me 
to the appropriate documentation?


Don't you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to
narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make
thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will
be no words in which to express it.
-- George Orwell as Syme in 1984

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More than 2, but less than 3 GiB per process memory?

2005-09-23 Thread Malte Cornils

we've been trying to make a program (ITK/VTK image processing for a university 
project) work. Unfortunately, the process needs slightly above 2 GiB of 
virtual memory.

Judging from the documentation I've seen, on 32bit systems I should be able to 
allocate up to 3 GiB of virtual memory (1 GiB of 32bit address space is 
reserved for the kernel).

However, our test case for this terminates when trying to allocate more than 2 
GiB of memory, even though we have a really big swap file.

Does anyone have a clue why 2 GiB is the limit? Would using a swap partition 
instead of a swap file help? The 64G HIGHMEM kernel config option does not 
seem to make a difference. On a real AMD64 system, the program works fine 
with 2 GiB RAM, as was expected. Is there any way to make this work, besides 
changing the algorithm to use less than 2 GiB of memory?

We're using Debian sarge (3.1) with its provided 2.6.8 i386 kernels. Any hint 
would be much appreciated!


PS: Please Cc: me if possible

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Re: Newbie wants Firefox and Tbird

2005-09-23 Thread Joseph Haig
--- Albert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am a new user of Debian.  My first task after system install is 
 to install Firefox and Tbird, preferably the latest 1.0.6 or 
 1.0.7.  It's a piece of cake to download and install these from 
 the mozilla site, but I have no idea how I might then wrap them 
 with an icon and to get them to show in the menus.  Do debian 
 users not do this sort of thing?  If so, could someone point me 
 to the appropriate documentation?

Firefox and Thunderbird are already in the Debian distribution.  Try:

$ apt-get install mozilla-firefox mozilla-thunderbird

... or install them via aptitude.  Hope this helps.


How much free photo storage do you get? Store your holiday 
snaps for FREE with Yahoo! Photos

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Re: Newbie wants Firefox and Tbird

2005-09-23 Thread kamaraju kusumanchi

Albert wrote:

I am a new user of Debian.  My first task after system install is to 
install Firefox and Tbird, preferably the latest 1.0.6 or 1.0.7.  It's 
a piece of cake to download and install these from the mozilla site, 
but I have no idea how I might then wrap them with an icon and to get 
them to show in the menus.  Do debian users not do this sort of 
thing?  If so, could someone point me to the appropriate documentation?

You guessed it right. Debian users do not do all these things. The 
maintainers take care of these trivial things for us. To install firefox 
and and thunderbird all you need to do is run the following command with 
root privileges

apt-get install mozilla-firefox mozilla-thunderbird

Kamaraju S Kusumanchi
Graduate Student, MAE
Cornell University

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Re: NUM Lock , Home, End

2005-09-23 Thread Frank Gevaerts
On Fri, Sep 23, 2005 at 07:27:12AM -0500, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair, or user error.


Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place.
Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are,
by definition, not smart enough to debug it. - Brian W. Kernighan

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Re: NUM Lock , Home, End

2005-09-23 Thread Kent West
Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:


Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair

Another common computer problem is the I.D. Ten-T issue, more commonly
written as ID10T.


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Re: More than 2, but less than 3 GiB per process memory?

2005-09-23 Thread Malte Cornils
Am Freitag, 23. September 2005 14:45 schrieben Sie:
 However, our test case for this terminates when trying to allocate more
 than 2 GiB of memory, even though we have a really big swap file.

BTW, this is our test case, in case you're interested:

#include iostream.h

class test {
int t1;
int t2;
int t3;
int t4;
int t5;
int t6;

int main() {
class test *test_p;
for (int i = 42; i  9; i += 300) {
try {
cout  Size:   i   sizeof: 
 sizeof(test)   Total:  
i*sizeof(test) / (1024*1024)
 M  endl;
test_p = new test[i];
} catch (...) {
test_p = 0;
if (!test_p) {
cout  Oops. out of memory  endl;

/* compile me with: g++ memcheck.cpp -o memcheck */

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Re: Newbie wants Firefox and Tbird

2005-09-23 Thread root
On Fri, 2005-09-23 at 09:11 -0400, kamaraju kusumanchi wrote:
 Albert wrote:
  I am a new user of Debian.  My first task after system install is to 
  install Firefox and Tbird, preferably the latest 1.0.6 or 1.0.7.  It's 
  a piece of cake to download and install these from the mozilla site, 
  but I have no idea how I might then wrap them with an icon and to get 
  them to show in the menus.  Do debian users not do this sort of 
  thing?  If so, could someone point me to the appropriate documentation?
 You guessed it right. Debian users do not do all these things. The 
 maintainers take care of these trivial things for us. To install firefox 
 and and thunderbird all you need to do is run the following command with 
 root privileges
 apt-get install mozilla-firefox mozilla-thunderbird

I see only old versions of firefox and tbird.  I want 1.0.6, not 1.0.2.

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Re: More than 2, but less than 3 GiB per process memory?

2005-09-23 Thread Nicos Gollan
On Friday September 23 2005 15:09, Malte Cornils wrote:
 test_p = new test[i];

Never, ever free() memory allocated with new! Use delete[].

Got Backup?

Jabber: Shadowdancer at

Description: PGP signature

Re: Newbie wants Firefox and Tbird

2005-09-23 Thread root
On Fri, 2005-09-23 at 14:09 +0100, Antony Gelberg wrote:
 Albert wrote:
  I am a new user of Debian.  My first task after system install is to
  install Firefox and Tbird, preferably the latest 1.0.6 or 1.0.7.  It's a
  piece of cake to download and install these from the mozilla site, but I
  have no idea how I might then wrap them with an icon and to get them to
  show in the menus.  Do debian users not do this sort of thing?  If so,
  could someone point me to the appropriate documentation?
 Please read the Debian Reference.  One of the main reasons to use Debian
 is to use software packaged from Debian repositories rather than
 downloading generic binaries and source.
It seems that one of the main reasons to use Debian might also be one
 of the main reasons not to use Debian.

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Re: Man-DB is crazy

2005-09-23 Thread Kevin B. McCarty
Bob Proulx wrote:
 Kevin B. McCarty wrote:

Once a day I get the following email message from the man-db cron job:

mandb: warning: /usr/share/man/man1/x-terminal-emulator.1.gz is a dangling 
 It would be a lot easier to use the -L option and do it in one command.
   ls -lL /usr/share/man/man1/x-terminal-emulator.1.gz
   -rw-r--r--  1 root root 1369 2005-03-10 14:55 

Thanks, that's a useful option to ls!  I learn something every day :-)

 In spite of your evidence to the contrary I believe that the link in
 question must really be dangling.  I just can't believe otherwise
 because of the series of symlinks.  I feel certain there was a mistake
 in there somewhere.

Unfortunately I get the exact same thing you did:

benjo[3]:~% ls -lL /usr/share/man/man1/x-terminal-emulator.1.gz
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 1369 2005-03-10 16:55

(I take it you're using gnome-terminal too.)  So I'm still not convinced
of man-db's sanity.  Although I didn't get such an error message in my
email this morning, so maybe the situation has resolved itself somehow
(maybe I installed another package that caused man-db to rebuild its

I hate when computers act non-deterministic.


Kevin B. McCarty [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Physics Department
WWW: University
GPG: public key ID 4F83C751 Princeton, NJ 08544

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Re: Newbie wants Firefox and Tbird

2005-09-23 Thread kamaraju kusumanchi

Antony Gelberg wrote:

Joseph Haig wrote:

--- Albert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I am a new user of Debian.  My first task after system install is 
to install Firefox and Tbird, preferably the latest 1.0.6 or 
1.0.7.  It's a piece of cake to download and install these from 
the mozilla site, but I have no idea how I might then wrap them 
with an icon and to get them to show in the menus.  Do debian 
users not do this sort of thing?  If so, could someone point me 
to the appropriate documentation?

Firefox and Thunderbird are already in the Debian distribution.  Try:

$ apt-get install mozilla-firefox mozilla-thunderbird

... or install them via aptitude.  Hope this helps.

It does, I'm sure, but I think we should teach new users how to fish
more, rather than breastfeed them.  No offence intended.

While I agree that it is kinda spoon feeding, RTFM is generally not 
encouraged on this list. My take on this is that give the newbie a head 
start and he will pick the ropes much faster. Debian already suffers the 
image of being unfriendly to newbies and we should at least try to get 
rid of that (incorrect) image.


Kamaraju S Kusumanchi
Graduate Student, MAE
Cornell University

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

about xpdf font?

2005-09-23 Thread Melancholy Werther

when I use command
$xpdf file.pdf
it displayed
Warning: Cannot convert string
-*-times-medium-r-normal--16-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 to type FontStruct

so, I run _xfontsel_ to find if my systerm have times pxlsz 16 font, I
didn't find.

before, I had installed x-window-system-core and
gnome-desktop-environment I think it must include some fonts package

I don't know how to manage this problem, if I need install another font
package or setting the .xpdfrc

Mlancholy Werther

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Newbie wants Firefox and Tbird

2005-09-23 Thread michael
On Fri, 2005-09-23 at 08:44 -0500, root wrote:
 On Fri, 2005-09-23 at 14:09 +0100, Antony Gelberg wrote:
  Albert wrote:
   I am a new user of Debian.  My first task after system install is to
   install Firefox and Tbird, preferably the latest 1.0.6 or 1.0.7.  It's a
   piece of cake to download and install these from the mozilla site, but I
   have no idea how I might then wrap them with an icon and to get them to
   show in the menus.  Do debian users not do this sort of thing?  If so,
   could someone point me to the appropriate documentation?
  Please read the Debian Reference.  One of the main reasons to use Debian
  is to use software packaged from Debian repositories rather than
  downloading generic binaries and source.
 It seems that one of the main reasons to use Debian might also be one
  of the main reasons not to use Debian.

I presume you've checked out the diff between stable and unstable?

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Re: Newbie wants Firefox and Tbird

2005-09-23 Thread Fritz Brown
 Please read the Debian Reference.  One of the main reasons to use Debian
 is to use software packaged from Debian repositories rather than
 downloading generic binaries and source.
Which may explain why I am having trouble understanding how to install Opera.  
I got a .deb of the latest version, and am trying to follow the instructions on 
various websites concerning dpkg, and I keep getting messages that I make it 
appear I am not using the proper attributes

And, yes, I am trying to read the Debian reference, etc.  It ain't easy, but I 
will get through it.

Fritz Brown

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Bittorent question

2005-09-23 Thread Josh Battles
Last night I installed bittorrent on my server so that I could use it to
download/seed some files but I can't seem to get anything to download via BT.
 I've used BT on Windows and other Linux distros (but never debian) without
any post-install configuration but this time it doesn't seem to be working
for me.

I've installed all the necessary python libs and stuff as well as the
bittorrent and bittorrent-gui packages.  I would think that after installing
this stuff BT should take over when I click on a download link but it does

Where is BT installed to and how do I start it?  I'd like to run it in a
command window instead of GUI if possible.  I searched google but didn't
really find the kind of information I'm looking for.  All I was able to find
was click on a link and BT will download it for you but that doesn't seem
to be the case with this box.

I'm running Sarge with a 2.4 kernel.  Can you guys point me in the right

- Josh

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RE: Bittorent question

2005-09-23 Thread Piszcz, Justin
dpkg -L bittorrent (or the name of the pkg you installed)

It provides the locations for the docs and binaries/scripts.

-Original Message-
From: Josh Battles [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2005 10:16 AM
Subject: Bittorent question

Last night I installed bittorrent on my server so that I could use it to
download/seed some files but I can't seem to get anything to download
via BT.
 I've used BT on Windows and other Linux distros (but never debian)
any post-install configuration but this time it doesn't seem to be
for me.

I've installed all the necessary python libs and stuff as well as the
bittorrent and bittorrent-gui packages.  I would think that after
this stuff BT should take over when I click on a download link but it

Where is BT installed to and how do I start it?  I'd like to run it in a
command window instead of GUI if possible.  I searched google but didn't
really find the kind of information I'm looking for.  All I was able to
was click on a link and BT will download it for you but that doesn't
to be the case with this box.

I'm running Sarge with a 2.4 kernel.  Can you guys point me in the right

- Josh

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Re: Newbie wants Firefox and Tbird

2005-09-23 Thread Albert

Antony Gelberg wrote:

Joseph Haig wrote:

--- Albert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am a new user of Debian.  My first task after system install is 
to install Firefox and Tbird, preferably the latest 1.0.6 or 
1.0.7.  It's a piece of cake to download and install these from 
the mozilla site, but I have no idea how I might then wrap them 
with an icon and to get them to show in the menus.  Do debian 
users not do this sort of thing?  If so, could someone point me 
to the appropriate documentation?

Firefox and Thunderbird are already in the Debian distribution.  Try:

$ apt-get install mozilla-firefox mozilla-thunderbird

... or install them via aptitude.  Hope this helps.

It does, I'm sure, but I think we should teach new users how to fish
more, rather than breastfeed them.  No offence intended.

Oh, my.  I've encountered the newbie police.  I find it extremely
humorous that someone on Debian, which hides the complexities of Linux,
struts around mocking newcomers to Debian as if they were newcomers to 
Linux.  For the record, bonehead, I am probably here just long enough to 
install a 2.6.x kernel so that I might use this dist as host for 
building an LFS 6.1 system. My current LFS system is only 5.0.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Newbie wants Firefox and Tbird

2005-09-23 Thread Stephen R Laniel
On Fri, Sep 23, 2005 at 07:14:20PM +0500, Fritz Brown wrote:
 Which may explain why I am having trouble understanding how to install Opera. 
  I got a .deb of the latest version, and am trying to follow the instructions 
 on various websites concerning dpkg, and I keep getting messages that I make 
 it appear I am not using the proper attributes

You need to run

sudo dpkg -i [whatever it is].deb

Do you know about sudo? It runs a single command as root.
Not everyone can sudo commands -- you need to be in the
/etc/sudoers file. Which you may or may not be. To set up
sudo, log in as root, then type


to edit the /etc/sudoers file in a syntax-safe(r) way.
You'll need to know how to use vim to make any sense of
visudo, but here are the two commands you'll need:

1) 'i' to get out of command mode and into insert mode, from
   which you can start entering text.

2) 'esc' to get out of insert mode back into command mode.

3) ':wq' to Write the file and Quit.

There should already be a line in /etc/sudoers like so:


If your username is foo, you can just add


to give foo the same permissions as root.

Once you've made those changes, you can

1) log out of the root account, then
2) run

sudo dpkg -i [whatever it is].deb

to install Opera. You'll get a prompt asking you whether
you're sure you know the gravity of running a command as a

That should get you started on the road to installing things
under Debian. Let us know if you have any difficulties.

Stephen R. Laniel
+(617) 308-5571
PGP key:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Newbie wants Firefox and Tbird

2005-09-23 Thread kamaraju kusumanchi

root wrote:

On Fri, 2005-09-23 at 09:11 -0400, kamaraju kusumanchi wrote:

Albert wrote:


I am a new user of Debian.  My first task after system install is to 
install Firefox and Tbird, preferably the latest 1.0.6 or 1.0.7.  It's 
a piece of cake to download and install these from the mozilla site, 
but I have no idea how I might then wrap them with an icon and to get 
them to show in the menus.  Do debian users not do this sort of 
thing?  If so, could someone point me to the appropriate documentation?

You guessed it right. Debian users do not do all these things. The 
maintainers take care of these trivial things for us. To install firefox 
and and thunderbird all you need to do is run the following command with 
root privileges

apt-get install mozilla-firefox mozilla-thunderbird

I see only old versions of firefox and tbird.  I want 1.0.6, not 1.0.2.


Which distribution (stable/testing/unstable) are you running? What is 
your architecture?

You have three options : use testing/unstable for latest software, 
compile directly from firefox/tbird websites, use backports on sarge. 
Sarge will have old versions and it is like that for very good reason.

For more details on choosing a debian distribution that is right for you 


Kamaraju S Kusumanchi
Graduate Student, MAE
Cornell University

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Re: Newbie wants Firefox and Tbird

2005-09-23 Thread Albert

michael wrote:

I presume you've checked out the diff between stable and unstable?

I presume you are not going to answer my question.

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Re: Newbie wants Firefox and Tbird

2005-09-23 Thread Albert

kamaraju kusumanchi wrote:
While I agree that it is kinda spoon feeding, RTFM is generally not 
encouraged on this list. My take on this is that give the newbie a head 
start and he will pick the ropes much faster. Debian already suffers the 
image of being unfriendly to newbies and we should at least try to get 
rid of that (incorrect) image.

Thank you, raju.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Newbie wants Firefox and Tbird

2005-09-23 Thread michael
On Fri, 2005-09-23 at 09:27 -0500, Albert wrote:
 michael wrote:
  I presume you've checked out the diff between stable and unstable?
 I presume you are not going to answer my question.

Well well...

I was trying to be helpful but if all you want is answers to your
original questions, then 'no' is the answer! I just thought you reading
up on the diff types of Debian dist might help with what you wanted.

Pls don't cc/bcc any replies to me since I'm on the mailing list


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Newbie wants Firefox and Tbird

2005-09-23 Thread michael
On Fri, 2005-09-23 at 09:19 -0500, Albert wrote:
 Antony Gelberg wrote:
  Joseph Haig wrote:
 --- Albert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am a new user of Debian.  My first task after system install is 
 to install Firefox and Tbird, preferably the latest 1.0.6 or 
 1.0.7.  It's a piece of cake to download and install these from 
 the mozilla site, but I have no idea how I might then wrap them 
 with an icon and to get them to show in the menus.  Do debian 
 users not do this sort of thing?  If so, could someone point me 
 to the appropriate documentation?
 Firefox and Thunderbird are already in the Debian distribution.  Try:
 $ apt-get install mozilla-firefox mozilla-thunderbird
 ... or install them via aptitude.  Hope this helps.
  It does, I'm sure, but I think we should teach new users how to fish
  more, rather than breastfeed them.  No offence intended.
 Oh, my.  I've encountered the newbie police.  I find it extremely
 humorous that someone on Debian, which hides the complexities of Linux,

maybe I missed it, but I've not heard that claim before

 struts around mocking newcomers to Debian as if they were newcomers to 
 Linux.  For the record, bonehead, 

and insults don't generally inspire people to respond in a helpful
manner, but then you prob knew that already ;)

 I am probably here just long enough to 
 install a 2.6.x kernel so that I might use this dist as host for 
 building an LFS 6.1 system. My current LFS system is only 5.0.
Michael Bane
Atmospheric Physics Group
University of Manchester

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Re: Newbie wants Firefox and Tbird

2005-09-23 Thread Fritz Brown
 I see only old versions of firefox and tbird.  I want 1.0.6, not 1.0.2.
You probably want to go with 1.0.7, as there are a couple of major security 
issues fixed.

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about xpdf font?

2005-09-23 Thread Melancholy Werther

when I use command
$xpdf file.pdf
it displayed
Warning: Cannot convert string
-*-times-medium-r-normal--16-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 to type FontStruct

so, I run _xfontsel_ to find if my systerm have times pxlsz 16 font, I
didn't find.

before, I had installed x-window-system-core and
gnome-desktop-environment I think it must include some fonts package

I don't know how to manage this problem, if I need install another font
package or setting the .xpdfrc

Mlancholy Werther

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Newbie wants Firefox and Tbird

2005-09-23 Thread Fritz Brown
 You need to run
 sudo dpkg -i [whatever it is].deb
Aaaahh.  Will try that.  Everything else had me doing a dpkg -i | --install 
[whatever].deb.  And, it really didn't like that | --install part.
(Running Woody till I get this thing as a going concern.  Then I will upgrade.)


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RE: Bittorent question

2005-09-23 Thread Josh Battles
Piszcz, Justin said:
 dpkg -L bittorrent (or the name of the pkg you installed)

 It provides the locations for the docs and binaries/scripts.

Thanks Justin, I'll try that when I go home for lunch.

Also, please don't CC me on replies, I'm subscribed to the list.

- Josh

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Newbie wants Firefox and Tbird

2005-09-23 Thread Albert

michael wrote:

and insults don't generally inspire people to respond in a helpful
manner, but then you prob knew that already ;)

Insults?  I only responded in kind to Antony, who believes 
answering a newbie question is 'breast feeding'.

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Re: Newbie Problems!

2005-09-23 Thread sean

Thanks very much. I have been thinking about it though.

I have a DNS server already running on So I edited the Host
File (using WHM), and added a simple a record underneath for a subdomain. Will
this work?


Quoting ke6isf [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

On Thu, 22 Sep 2005, Sean Whitton wrote:

I want a domain to point to the server. During installation I selected DNS
server, and I need to know how to set this up. A link to a tutorial would be

Like another responder said, assuming you have a domain and a static IP,
check around.  dyndns is pretty good for a free service.  Generally
speaking, if you ever need to run your own DNS, you'll know - and this
isn't quite one of those times.

What do I need to do to set up an ftp server?

proftpd seems to Just Work with minimal to no tweaking.

=Dennis Carr

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Re: Newbie wants Firefox and Tbird

2005-09-23 Thread Angelo Bertolli

Albert wrote:

michael wrote:

and insults don't generally inspire people to respond in a helpful
manner, but then you prob knew that already ;)

Insults?  I only responded in kind to Antony, who believes answering a 
newbie question is 'breast feeding'.

Please, not in front of the kids.

Well to bring this back on track (maybe), I also have installed Tbird 
and Ffox from the executables on sarge.  One of the reasons is the 
debian packages don't have the cool icons.  Ok maybe that's a lame 
reason.  The other reason is I have trouble installing themes and 
extensions using the debian packages.  Why is this the case?  Is it 
because they try to install into the application (/usr) instead of my 
home directory, and then don't have the right permissions?


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Newbie wants Firefox and Tbird

2005-09-23 Thread Albert

Antony Gelberg wrote:

I don't think there was any need for a personal insult, just because you
didn't read the documentation, which, especially if you are so
experienced with Linux, you should have thought read.

In your original post, you asked to be pointed to the appropriate
documentation.  You were pointed to it 

Not by you.

and proceeded to hand out
personal insults and sarcasm (I've just seen your reply to Michael).

I merely responded to your breast feeding remark.

What is your problem?

So far, only you.  But not any longer.  I will not reply to your 
posts again.  Go flame someone else.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: NUM Lock , Home, End

2005-09-23 Thread Ron Johnson
On Thu, 2005-09-22 at 19:05 -0500, John Hasler wrote:
 Ron Johnson writes:
 Don't you mean numlockx?


Ron Johnson, Jr.
Temporarily not of Jefferson, LA USA
PGP Key ID 8834C06B I prefer encrypted mail.

Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually
changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building
new structures.
John F Kennedy

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

RE: NUM Lock , Home, End

2005-09-23 Thread Ron Johnson
On Thu, 2005-09-22 at 19:01 -0500, Seth Goodman wrote:
  From: Marty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2005 6:47 PM
  Sounds like a good reason to file a wishlist bug report.
 I'd be happy to do so.  Where do I file this type of feature request, and do
 I need to know the name of the package to do it?

Every window manager that you want this feature in.

Ron Johnson, Jr.
Temporarily not of Jefferson, LA USA
PGP Key ID 8834C06B I prefer encrypted mail.

The graduate with a Science degree asks, Why does it work?
The graduate with an Engineering degree asks, How does it work?
The graduate with an Accounting degree asks, How much will it
The graduate with a Liberal Arts degree asks, Do you want fries
with that?

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: NUM Lock , Home, End

2005-09-23 Thread Ron Johnson
On Fri, 2005-09-23 at 07:27 -0500, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
 Mariusz Kruk wrote:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisał(a):
  last 5 years i've didn't seen any keyboard without this buttons.
  And they can't  be used for andthing else instead of therir main 
  Isn't time for debian to enable them by default or to provide ability to
  configure them on install.
  Can you be more specific? Because I have all those keys working.
  Therefore I may only assume PEBKAC

~$ dict pebkac
3 definitions found

From The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (19 Sep 2003) [foldoc]:


From Jargon File (4.4.4, 14 Aug 2003) [jargon]:

 [Abbrev., Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair] Used by
 support people, particularly at call centers and help desks. Not
 with the public. Denotes pilot error as the cause of the crash,
 especially stupid errors that even a {luser} could figure out. Very
 derogatory. Usage: Did you ever figure out why that guy couldn't
 print? Yeah, he kept cancelling the operation before it could
 finish. PEBKAC. See also {ID10T}. Compare {pilot error}, {UBD}.

From V.E.R.A. -- Virtual Entity of Relevant Acronyms (March 2005)

 Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair (telecommunication,
  Usenet, IRC)

Ron Johnson, Jr.
Temporarily not of Jefferson, LA USA
PGP Key ID 8834C06B I prefer encrypted mail.

A wise government knows how to enforce with temper, or to
conciliate with dignity.
George Grenville, British prime minister

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Newbie wants Firefox and Tbird

2005-09-23 Thread Brad Sawatzky
On Fri, 23 Sep 2005, Albert wrote:

 Antony Gelberg wrote:
 I don't think there was any need for a personal insult, just because you
 didn't read the documentation, which, especially if you are so
 experienced with Linux, you should have thought read.
 In your original post, you asked to be pointed to the appropriate
 documentation.  You were pointed to it 
 Not by you.
 and proceeded to hand out
 personal insults and sarcasm (I've just seen your reply to Michael).
 I merely responded to your breast feeding remark.
 What is your problem?
 So far, only you.  But not any longer.  I will not reply to your 
 posts again.  Go flame someone else.

Having read the whole thread, and being quite unbiased, I can honestly say
that you (Albert) really need to lose the attitude.  If you think the
replies to your post(s) constitute being 'flamed' then you need to work
on your people skills.


-- Brad

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