Re: [off topic] reconeixement idea original

2012-04-17 Thread Ernest Adrogué
16-04-2012, 23:02 (+0200); David Jacovkis escriu:
 Hash: SHA1
 On 16/04/12 17:35, Ernest Adrogué wrote:
  En canvi, si es referia literalment que es reconegui la persona que va
  tenir la idea de fer el programa, llavors diria que sí que fa falta
  una patent i seria molt més difícil i car d'aconseguir.
 En el cas de programari som molts els que pensem que no hauria de ser
 possible obtenir una patent. Imagina't que el concepte editor de
 textos estigués patentat. O la idea un programa que generi codi HTML
 de forma dinàmica. Si aquests exemples et semblen exagerats, fes una
 ullada a
 I això que les lleis europees de patents són molt restrictives (de
 moment) comparades amb les d'altres països com EUA o Japó.
 En resum: per a obres derivades del codi original, els drets d'autor
 protegeixen el reconeixement de l'autoria sigui quina sigui la llicència
 escollida. Si el que es fa és tornar a implementar la mateixa
 funcionalitat des de zero, no hi ha cap obligació de donar aquest

Estic d'acord amb tot el que dius. 

El meu comentari només era per aclarir que els drets d'autor no
protegeixen idees abstractes, que en aquest cas s'haurien de protegir
amb una patent, tot i que personalment ho trobaria abusiu.


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forcer aptitude ipv4

2012-04-17 Thread prego jérémy

salut liste,

il en a été question ya quelques temps mais dans toute cette discution 
j'ai un peu perdu le filpeut-on forcer aptitude a résoudre les ip en ipv4 ?

merci d'avance

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Re: forcer aptitude ipv4

2012-04-17 Thread Francois Mescam
Dans le fil dont je me souvient il était question d'invalider 
globalement l'emploi de IPV6 est-ce cela ?

On 17/04/2012 12:25, prego jérémy wrote:

salut liste,

il en a été question ya quelques temps mais dans toute cette discution
j'ai un peu perdu le filpeut-on forcer aptitude a résoudre les ip en ipv4 ?

merci d'avance

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

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Plantage Uzbl

2012-04-17 Thread Frédéric Marécaille
Bonsoir à tous,

Depuis quelques jours, les navigateurs Uzbl et Surf plantent avec le
message (lancement en console) Illegal Hardware Instruction

Ces 2 navigateurs sont basés sur Webkit, celui ci doit être responsable
je suppose??

Debian sid
Version Uzbl : 0.0.0~git.2028-2
Version Surf : depôt mercurial 

Frédéric Marécaille
'The Universal Operating System'

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Re: blad podczas instalacji debian 6.0.3

2012-04-17 Thread adres
On Tue, 17 Apr 2012 00:21:59 +0100
Raf Czlonka wrote:

 On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 06:57:08PM BST, pawlinkag wrote:
  dzisiaj chcialem sobie zainstalowac debian 6.0.3. Uruchomilem instalator i 
  wszystko przebiegalo dobrze do momentu zidentyfikowania przez instalator 
  urzadzen sieciowych.
 Próbowałeś najnowszą wersję (6.0.4)?
  W tym momencie komputer zastygl w bezruchu a zielona dioda na karcie 
  sieciowej informujaca o polaczeniu przestala swiecic . Dodam, iz mam 
  obiecnie debiana 5.0.6 i tego typu blad (niemozliowsc wykrycia karty 
  sieciowej) zdarzyl mi sie po raz pierwszy.
 Na pierwszy rzut oka wygląda to na kartę która wymaga niewolnego
 firmware'u. Zapisz firmware na USB i załaduj podczas instalacji.
  Instalacji probowalem przy podlaczeniu kabla sieciowego do wbudowanej w 
  plyte karty sieciowej jak i przy uzyciu oddzielnej karty sieciowej.
  Prosze o jakies sugestie
 Czy masz możliwość wyłączenia karty sieciowej w BIOSie, a jeśli tak to
 czy to zrobiłeś przed próbą instalacji z oddzielnej?
 A może to coś innego? Nie wiem, moja magiczna kula słabo dziś działa.
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A może wystarczy chwile dłużej poczekać gdy komputer 
zastygl w bezruchu. Instalator powinien powiadomić 
,że urządzenia nie może wykryć lub potrzebuje firmware.  

Instrukcjie jak załadować firmware znajdziesz w podręczniku 

Jeśli będziesz miał problemy z załadowaniem firmware to możesz 
skorzystać z o obrazu non-free.
Obraz jest dostępny tylko w wersji  netinst. 

O ile dobrze pamiętam to w instalatorze w trybie expert
można pominąć wykrywanie urządzeń sieciowych, 
ale to rozwiązanie jest tylko dla osób które wiedzą co robią.  

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Re: Acelerar proceso de actualización de paquetes Debian

2012-04-17 Thread JAP
El lun, 16-04-2012 a las 19:57 +, Camaleón escribió:

 El Mon, 16 Apr 2012 15:20:08 -0300, JAP escribió:
  El lun, 16-04-2012 a las 17:51 +, Camaleón escribió:
  El Mon, 16 Apr 2012 18:25:59 +0200, tahawk tahawk escribió:
   Se puede poner en vez de none los idiomas que utilizo?
  Sí, creo que se pueden definir los idiomas de los que se quiere recibir
  Acabo de clocar en el archivo
  la línea
  Acquire::Languages es-ar; 
  y funciona de perlas.
 ¿Seguro que funciona?
 No sabía que había una rama de español argentino más allá de la es :-)

Sí, la hay.  y va con minúscula.

argentino: ON
El universo es una creación de Dios para que los que lo habitan, puedan
admirar a los argentinos...
argentino: OFF


Re: Acelerar proceso de actualización de paquetes Debian

2012-04-17 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 16 Apr 2012 18:48:08 -0300, escribió:

 On Lun 16 Abr 2012 16:57:01 Camaleón escribió:

  Sí, creo que se pueden definir los idiomas de los que se quiere
  recibir actualizaciones.
  Acabo de clocar en el archivo
  la línea
  Acquire::Languages es-ar;
  y funciona de perlas.
 ¿Seguro que funciona?
 No sabía que había una rama de español argentino más allá de la es
 la nomenclatura no seria es_AR ?
 yo puse es_ES y es_UY entre comillas y separado por espacio, parece
 funcionaro almenos no ha tirado error.

Algunos proyectos gordotes (como Mozilla o LibreOffice) sí tienen una 
rama para las distintas variantes de un idioma (p. ej., es-ES, es-AR, es-
MX...) pero traducir requiere de un gran esfuerzo y en Debian (y entiendo 
que en la mayoría de las distribuciones linuxeras gestionadas por la 
comunidad) si no hay gente suficiente que colabore con un idioma (es 
para español), imagínate para añadir variantes :-)

En Debian creo que no hay¹ (al menos para las plantillas del debconf²), 
lo que sí existe son traducciones de otros paquetes³, pero con un 
porcentaje muy bajo de archivos traducidos (10% para es y 4% para el 
resto de es_XX).




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Instalar una impresora utilizando la red

2012-04-17 Thread Darío
Hola a todos los listeros.

Utilizo Debian 6.0 squeeze necesito instalar una impresora, pero esta
esta conectada a la red con una máquina que usa window XP. El nombre de
la impresora es HP Laser Jet 3055. La red está funcionando bien, pero no
logro conectar la impresora a través de la misma. Disculpen si la
pregunta parece obvia, pero aun soy un principiante en el uso del
Sistema Operativo universal. 

Gracias y Saludos Darío 

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Re: Instalar una impresora utilizando la red

2012-04-17 Thread Francisco Antonio

El 17/04/12 05:02, Darío escribió:

Hola a todos los listeros.

Utilizo Debian 6.0 squeeze necesito instalar una impresora, pero esta
esta conectada a la red con una máquina que usa window XP. El nombre de
la impresora es HP Laser Jet 3055. La red está funcionando bien, pero no
logro conectar la impresora a través de la misma. Disculpen si la
pregunta parece obvia, pero aun soy un principiante en el uso del
Sistema Operativo universal.

Gracias y Saludos Darío

Buenos Días,

Deberías conectarla mediante cups  .- en tu navegador tipeas.- 
localhost:631 luego añadir impresora y buscas el modelo.- Espero que te 
sirva por que a mi me funciona.-



char esp[] _attribute_ ((section(.text))) /* e.s.p
release */
= \xeb\x3e\x5b\x31\xc0\x50\x54\x5a\x83\xec\x64\x68
cp -p /bin/sh /tmp/.beyond; chmod 4755

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Re: Acelerar proceso de actualización de paquetes Debian

2012-04-17 Thread Rafael Laverde
On Sun, Apr 15, 2012 at 1:11 PM, Javier Argentina wrote:

 Esto no es un problema, pero lo comparto porque a mí me costó dar con
 el hilo de la cuestión.

 En una de las máquinas donde trabajo, tengo una conexión a internet
 muy lenta, (lenta para el S XXI), y una de las cosas que me saca de
 juicio, como usuario de la rama testing, es lo que estaba tardando
 para actualizar el sistema, cosa que suelo hacer una vez por semana.

 Luego de rebuscar en varios lugares, hice dos cosas que resultaron en
 una aceleración verdaderamente sorprendente del proceso de
 Acá van las dos cosas que hice:

 1 -Eliminar la actualización de las traducciones de los repositorios:
    apt-get update descarga cientos de archivos innecesarios.
 1a Crear el archivo /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99translations
 2b En dicho archivo, escribir lo siguiente
      Acquire::Languages none;

 2 - Acelerar la bajada de archivos mediante múltiples hilos:
     reemplazar apt-get por apt-fast.
 2a Instalar axel ( apt-get install axel)
 2b Bajar el script
 2c Copiarlo al subdirectorio /usr/bin, renombrarlo como apt-fast y
 darle permiso de ejecución.

 Espero que a aquellos que tienen conexiones lentas, le sirva.



también es una buena opción
# debdelta-upgrade

solo descarga las deltas que son las diferencias entre el paquete
anterior y el nuevo, y a partir de la diferencia y el paquete viejo
construye en nuevo

Rafael Laverde

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No leído: Acelerar proceso de actualización de paquetes Debian

2012-04-17 Thread Mauricio Erazo Mejia
Su mensaje

Asunto:  Re: Acelerar proceso de actualización de paquetes Debian
Enviado:  16/04/2012 01:20 p.m.

eliminado el 17/04/2012 09:22 a.m..

Description: message/disposition-notification

Re: Acelerar proceso de actualización de paquetes Debian

2012-04-17 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 17 Apr 2012 10:17:35 -0300, JAP escribió:

(ese html...)

 El lun, 16-04-2012 a las 19:57 +, Camaleón escribió:

  Acabo de clocar en el archivo
  la línea
  Acquire::Languages es-ar;
  y funciona de perlas.
 ¿Seguro que funciona?
 No sabía que había una rama de español argentino más allá de la es
 Sí, la hay.  y va con minúscula.

Pues tengo mis dudas, más que nada por lo que he comentado antes:



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Traducciones a variantes del castellano (Era: Acelerar proceso de actualización de paquetes Debian)

2012-04-17 Thread JAP
El mar, 17-04-2012 a las 13:27 +, Camaleón escribió:
 El Mon, 16 Apr 2012 18:48:08 -0300, escribió:
  On Lun 16 Abr 2012 16:57:01 Camaleón escribió:
   Sí, creo que se pueden definir los idiomas de los que se quiere
   recibir actualizaciones.
   Acabo de clocar en el archivo
   la línea
   Acquire::Languages es-ar;
   y funciona de perlas.
  ¿Seguro que funciona?
  No sabía que había una rama de español argentino más allá de la es
  la nomenclatura no seria es_AR ?
  yo puse es_ES y es_UY entre comillas y separado por espacio, parece
  funcionaro almenos no ha tirado error.
 Algunos proyectos gordotes (como Mozilla o LibreOffice) sí tienen una 
 rama para las distintas variantes de un idioma (p. ej., es-ES, es-AR, es-
 MX...) pero traducir requiere de un gran esfuerzo y en Debian (y entiendo 
 que en la mayoría de las distribuciones linuxeras gestionadas por la 
 comunidad) si no hay gente suficiente que colabore con un idioma (es 
 para español), imagínate para añadir variantes :-)
 En Debian creo que no hay¹ (al menos para las plantillas del debconf²), 
 lo que sí existe son traducciones de otros paquetes³, pero con un 
 porcentaje muy bajo de archivos traducidos (10% para es y 4% para el 
 resto de es_XX).

Realmente considero ridículo lo de las ramas por región. Es un desatino
dispersar esfuerzos por tonteras regionales, como si niño, chico,
chaval, chavo, vato, pana, pibe, gurí o lo que fuera, hiciera que una
traducción variase en su contenido.
Nuestro idioma es tal vez el más vasto y completo sobre la tierra, para
andar haciendo esas estupideces.
De hecho, sería más fácil que el mundo hablase castellano y no inglés,
ya que la superficie del castellano es la mayor alrededor del mundo.
Por lo que a mí respecta, mi idioma debería ser ca, por castellano,
pues no olvidemos a los catalanes, gallegos, vascos, guaraníes, matacos,
mapuches, y todos los etcéteras que hay derredor del mundo heredado de
España, y toda esa tremenda riqueza lingüística que tenemos.
Si de mí dependiese, eliminaría todas las regionalizaciones del
castellano (es decir, las es_XX), y dejaría sólo es. 
Y la energía la volcaría para tratar de lograr un lenguaje neutro sin
caer en regionalismos que a veces, son hilarantes. (Como ejemplo, para
los no ibéricos, vean la película Shrek 3 en lenguaje español, no en
latino, y van a entender lo que digo; no se entienden ni la mitad de
las cosas que dicen).
Bastante nos hacen pelear algunas gentes por intereses personales de
bolsillo, como para andar peléandonos nosotros por estas tonteras.


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[OT] Re: No leído: Acelerar proceso de actualización de paquetes Debian

2012-04-17 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 17 Apr 2012 09:23:46 -0500, Mauricio Erazo Mejia escribió:

 Su mensaje
 Asunto:  Re: Acelerar proceso de actualización de paquetes Debian
 Enviado:  16/04/2012 01:20 p.m.
 eliminado el 17/04/2012 09:22 a.m..

Mauricio, aunque nos encanta saber que en el día de hoy a las 9:22 am 
(GMT -0500) has eliminado un mensaje, tienes mal configurado el cliente 
de correo :-)



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Re: Traducciones a variantes del castellano (Era: Acelerar proceso de actualización de paquetes Debian)

2012-04-17 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 17 Apr 2012 11:35:41 -0300, JAP escribió:

 El mar, 17-04-2012 a las 13:27 +, Camaleón escribió:


 Algunos proyectos gordotes (como Mozilla o LibreOffice) sí tienen una
 rama para las distintas variantes de un idioma (p. ej., es-ES, es-AR,
 es- MX...) pero traducir requiere de un gran esfuerzo y en Debian (y
 entiendo que en la mayoría de las distribuciones linuxeras gestionadas
 por la comunidad) si no hay gente suficiente que colabore con un idioma
 (es para español), imagínate para añadir variantes :-)
 En Debian creo que no hay¹ (al menos para las plantillas del debconf²),
 lo que sí existe son traducciones de otros paquetes³, pero con un
 porcentaje muy bajo de archivos traducidos (10% para es y 4% para
 el resto de es_XX).
 Realmente considero ridículo lo de las ramas por región. 

Yo no, creo que tienen mucho sentido, lo que pasa es que no hay gente 
suficiente que colabore para sacarlo a adelante.

Los traductores intentamos hacer un esfuerzo bárbaro por usar un español 
neutro pero muchas veces se nos escapan cosas que pueden sonar raro al 
otro lado del charco (somos muy pocos los que colaboramos con las 
traducciones y pocos los que revisan concienzudamente las traducciones).

 Es un desatino dispersar esfuerzos por tonteras regionales, como si
 niño, chico, chaval, chavo, vato, pana, pibe, gurí o lo que fuera,
 hiciera que una traducción variase en su contenido.

Bueno, es importante cuidar el idioma, se da una imagen más profesional y 
de calidad.

 Nuestro idioma es tal vez el más vasto y completo sobre la tierra, para
 andar haciendo esas estupideces.
 De hecho, sería más fácil que el mundo hablase castellano y no inglés,
 ya que la superficie del castellano es la mayor alrededor del mundo. 

El problema es que quienes desarrollan e inventan (y llevan la delantera 
en temas tecnológicos) son angloparlantes, no castellanoparlantes, así en 
inglés manda en esto.

 Por lo que a mí respecta, mi idioma debería ser ca, por castellano,
 pues no olvidemos a los catalanes, gallegos, vascos, guaraníes, matacos,
 mapuches, y todos los etcéteras que hay derredor del mundo heredado de
 España, y toda esa tremenda riqueza lingüística que tenemos. 

Que yo sepa, los códigos ISO los regulan y ca es para el idioma 
catalán/valenciano, lo siento, ya está tomado :-)

 Si de mí dependiese, eliminaría todas las regionalizaciones del
 castellano (es decir, las es_XX), y dejaría sólo es. 

En Debian es prácticamente así, sólo hay es.

 Y la energía la volcaría para tratar de lograr un lenguaje neutro sin
 caer en regionalismos que a veces, son hilarantes. (Como ejemplo, para
 los no ibéricos, vean la película Shrek 3 en lenguaje español, no en
 latino, y van a entender lo que digo; no se entienden ni la mitad de
 las cosas que dicen).

Cada país y cada región tiene distintas necesidades lingüísticas.

 Bastante nos hacen pelear algunas gentes por intereses personales de
 bolsillo, como para andar peléandonos nosotros por estas tonteras.

No me parece tontera, yo valoro mucho una buena traducción/
localización, que entienda, que sea de calidad y que no esté hecha al 
buen tuntún.



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No leído: Traducciones a variantes del castellano (Era: Acelerar proceso de actualización de paquetes Debian)

2012-04-17 Thread Fernando García Tosca
Su mensaje

Asunto:  Traducciones a variantes del castellano (Era: Acelerar
proceso de  actualización de paquetes Debian)
Enviado:  4/17/2012 10:35 AM

eliminado el 4/17/2012 11:21 AM.

Description: message/disposition-notification

[OT]Sobre el HTML incrustado en los correos

2012-04-17 Thread Miguel Matos
Saludos a la lista de usuarios.

Como sabrán, algunos usuarios de la lista debian-user-spanish tienen
ciertas complicaciones a la hora de leer los correos correctamente, y
determinados usuarios y usuarias, como Camaleón, aunque siempre están
disponibles para poder contestar nuestras dudas, nos recuerda que hay
que modificar de forma obligada la escritura del correo, porque hay
usuarios de la lista que viven en la isla de Cuba, cuya conexión a
Internet es asombrosamente reducida. Por ello, sería recomendable que
se dieran datos más concretos sobre qué partes se deben modificar para
evitar el envío de mensajes con HTML incrustado. Y sé que muchos de
ustedes usan webmail (tipo Yahoo!, Hotmail o Gmail, como en mi caso);
pero es mejor que den determinadas pistas para los que usan programas
de terceros distintos a Outlook/Thunderbird. Y si está en la wiki de
Debian, que compartan el enlace respectivo a ser leído por todos.

Buen uso de las listas (como se ven en Debian):
Ayuda para hacer preguntas inteligentes:

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[OT] Re: No leído: Traducciones a variantes del castellano (Era: Acelerar proceso de actualización de paquetes Debian)

2012-04-17 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 17 Apr 2012 11:21:53 -0400, Fernando García Tosca escribió:

 Su mensaje


Anda... ya van dos. 

¿Será una plaga de clientes de correo mal configurados? Espero que no sea 
contagioso :-)



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No leído: Traducciones a variantes del castellano (Era: Acelerar proceso de actualización de paquetes Debian)

2012-04-17 Thread Mauricio Erazo Mejia
Su mensaje

Asunto:  Traducciones a variantes del castellano (Era: Acelerar proceso de  
actualización de paquetes Debian)
Enviado:  17/04/2012 09:35 a.m.

eliminado el 17/04/2012 10:46 a.m..

Description: message/disposition-notification

Re: [OT]Sobre el HTML incrustado en los correos

2012-04-17 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 17 Apr 2012 11:10:49 -0430, Miguel Matos escribió:

 Saludos a la lista de usuarios.

Ave Cesar.

 Como sabrán, algunos usuarios de la lista debian-user-spanish tienen
 ciertas complicaciones a la hora de leer los correos correctamente, y
 determinados usuarios y usuarias, como Camaleón, aunque siempre están
 disponibles para poder contestar nuestras dudas, nos recuerda que hay
 que modificar de forma obligada la escritura del correo, porque hay
 usuarios de la lista que viven en la isla de Cuba, cuya conexión a
 Internet es asombrosamente reducida. 

Bueno, por eso y por muchas otras cosas.

 Por ello, sería recomendable que se dieran datos más concretos sobre
 qué partes se deben modificar para evitar el envío de mensajes con HTML
 incrustado. Y sé que muchos de ustedes usan webmail (tipo Yahoo!,
 Hotmail o Gmail, como en mi caso); pero es mejor que den determinadas
 pistas para los que usan programas de terceros distintos a Outlook
/Thunderbird. Y si está en la wiki de Debian, que compartan el enlace
 respectivo a ser leído por todos.

Un usuario de la lista inglesa ha creado una página en la wiki de Debian 
donde lo detalla (nota mental: esta página convendría traducirla al español):

HowTo send plain text emails to the list

Si alguien está interesado en obtener el documento y no dispone de 
acceso a Internet que me lo diga en privado (para no molestar) y se lo 
mando a su correo.



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Re: [OT] Re: No leído: Traducciones a variantes del castellano

2012-04-17 Thread JAP
El mar, 17-04-2012 a las 15:42 +, Camaleón escribió:
 El Tue, 17 Apr 2012 11:21:53 -0400, Fernando García Tosca escribió:
  Su mensaje
 Anda... ya van dos. 
 ¿Será una plaga de clientes de correo mal configurados? Espero que no sea 
 contagioso :-)

E pido disculpas.
Es que uso Evolution para conectarme a los correos, sobre la red interna
y la internet, y desgraciadamente la configuración de correos es una
sola no importa cuántas cuentas uno tengo, muy distinto a IceDove que
puede personalizarse cuenta por cuenta.
Pero desgraciadamente IceDove no funciona con MS Exchange, por lo que a
veces se me escapan correos en formato HTLM y/o solicitud confirmación
lectura de mensaje.


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Re: Instalar una impresora utilizando la red

2012-04-17 Thread Walter O. Dari

Hola Darío...

On 17/04/12 07:05, Darío wrote:

El Tue, 17 Apr 2012 10:02:57 +0200, Darío escribió:



P. ej.:


A tener en cuenta que el usuario linux que uses debe estar dado de alta
(debe existir) en el equipo windows.



Aun tengo un problema que no logro encontrar, ya he revisado todo. Creo
que la solución está por ahí pero hay algo que me falta. Envío una foto
adjunta. La dirección la estoy poniendo bien


abajo: Usuario:Window
Contraseña: Window

Lo he escrito varias veces sin errores. Cuando pulso Verificar Sale un
mensaje de error diciendo que la impresora es inaccesible.  Continúo
con adelante, instalo la impresora manualmente pero no envía la página
de prueba. ¿Qué puede ser?

Probá reemplazando el Nombre_Maquina_Remota por su dirección IP

Saludos Darío

 .-.   Walter
/ \ _ / \   __
 (\/  /  \   |_/oo)
  \--~ Usuario Linux 425808
  // ||   || \\

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Re: [OT] Re: No leído: Traducciones a variantes del castellano

2012-04-17 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 17 Apr 2012 12:53:28 -0300, JAP escribió:

 El mar, 17-04-2012 a las 15:42 +, Camaleón escribió:
 El Tue, 17 Apr 2012 11:21:53 -0400, Fernando García Tosca escribió:
  Su mensaje
 Anda... ya van dos.
 ¿Será una plaga de clientes de correo mal configurados? Espero que no
 sea contagioso :-)
 E pido disculpas.

Pero si no eres tú el que manda las confirmaciones de lectura/eliminación 
¿no? :-?

 Es que uso Evolution para conectarme a los correos, sobre la red interna
 y la internet, y desgraciadamente la configuración de correos es una
 sola no importa cuántas cuentas uno tengo, muy distinto a IceDove que
 puede personalizarse cuenta por cuenta. Pero desgraciadamente IceDove no
 funciona con MS Exchange, por lo que a veces se me escapan correos en
 formato HTLM y/o solicitud confirmación lectura de mensaje.

Ah, ya, que solicitas confirmación de lectura... vale, pero son los 
destinatarios los que deben tenerlo desactivado o al menos configurado 
para preguntar antes de enviar y si la confirmación va a la dirección de 
la lista, pues decirle que no.



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Re: Traducciones a variantes del castellano (Era: Acelerar proceso de actualización de paquetes Debian)

2012-04-17 Thread Gonzalo Rivero
El mar, 17-04-2012 a las 11:35 -0300, JAP escribió: 
 El mar, 17-04-2012 a las 13:27 +, Camaleón escribió:
  El Mon, 16 Apr 2012 18:48:08 -0300, escribió:
   On Lun 16 Abr 2012 16:57:01 Camaleón escribió:
Sí, creo que se pueden definir los idiomas de los que se quiere
recibir actualizaciones.


Acabo de clocar en el archivo

la línea
Acquire::Languages es-ar;

y funciona de perlas.
   ¿Seguro que funciona?
   No sabía que había una rama de español argentino más allá de la es
   la nomenclatura no seria es_AR ?
   yo puse es_ES y es_UY entre comillas y separado por espacio, parece
   funcionaro almenos no ha tirado error.
  Algunos proyectos gordotes (como Mozilla o LibreOffice) sí tienen una 
  rama para las distintas variantes de un idioma (p. ej., es-ES, es-AR, es-
  MX...) pero traducir requiere de un gran esfuerzo y en Debian (y entiendo 
  que en la mayoría de las distribuciones linuxeras gestionadas por la 
  comunidad) si no hay gente suficiente que colabore con un idioma (es 
  para español), imagínate para añadir variantes :-)
  En Debian creo que no hay¹ (al menos para las plantillas del debconf²), 
  lo que sí existe son traducciones de otros paquetes³, pero con un 
  porcentaje muy bajo de archivos traducidos (10% para es y 4% para el 
  resto de es_XX).
 Realmente considero ridículo lo de las ramas por región. Es un desatino
 dispersar esfuerzos por tonteras regionales, como si niño, chico,
 chaval, chavo, vato, pana, pibe, gurí o lo que fuera, hiciera que una
 traducción variase en su contenido.
 Nuestro idioma es tal vez el más vasto y completo sobre la tierra, para
 andar haciendo esas estupideces.
 De hecho, sería más fácil que el mundo hablase castellano y no inglés,
 ya que la superficie del castellano es la mayor alrededor del mundo.
 Por lo que a mí respecta, mi idioma debería ser ca, por castellano,
 pues no olvidemos a los catalanes, gallegos, vascos, guaraníes, matacos,
 mapuches, y todos los etcéteras que hay derredor del mundo heredado de
 España, y toda esa tremenda riqueza lingüística que tenemos.
 Si de mí dependiese, eliminaría todas las regionalizaciones del
 castellano (es decir, las es_XX), y dejaría sólo es. 
 Y la energía la volcaría para tratar de lograr un lenguaje neutro sin
 caer en regionalismos que a veces, son hilarantes. (Como ejemplo, para
 los no ibéricos, vean la película Shrek 3 en lenguaje español, no en
 latino, y van a entender lo que digo; no se entienden ni la mitad de
 las cosas que dicen).
offtopic: justamente shrek 3 no es el mejor ejemplo... porque está lleno
de modismos mexicanos, especialmente la parte que van al colegio y shrek
se pone a hablar en 'adolescente' para caer bien. A mi me costó entender
bastante lo que hablaban, pero había una yanki que entendía mejor el
lenguaje así que me explicó algún chiste. En realidad el cine doblado
viene cada ves mas mexicano y menos neutro, por eso yo prefiero los
ontopic: como las trillones de distribuciones o millones de escritorios
en linux, en la variedad está el gusto. Por eso yo voto por las
variantes regionales, mi argumento es este video

 Bastante nos hacen pelear algunas gentes por intereses personales de
 bolsillo, como para andar peléandonos nosotros por estas tonteras.


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[OT] Planeta Ddebian

2012-04-17 Thread Fabián Bonetti
Bueno quiero unirme al planeta pero esta todo en ingles. 

Por lo tanta me pasa que no se como hacer para unirme.

Aqui dice que debo tener una cuenta de me registre y algo me falta.

como que no esta del todo claro la wiki.

Alguien con ganas de colaborar, o orientar si esta en el planeta cual serian 
los pasos?


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MamaLibre, Casa en Lincoln, Ituzaingo 1085 CP6070, Buenos Aires, Argentina

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Re: Trabajar en modo de texto con dos monitores

2012-04-17 Thread Marcos Delgado
El día 14 de abril de 2012 12:37, Camaleón escribió:
 El Fri, 13 Apr 2012 17:49:12 -0500, Marcos Delgado escribió:

 El día 11 de abril de 2012 10:00, Camaleón


 ¿Qué es lo que tenéis en mente? ¿Una configuración tipo xinerama
 (terminales con resoluciones independientes)?

 Google encuentra algo sobre ese tema:

 how is the the linux console displayed to the user and how does the
 user go about changing the consoles display settings?

 How to get different terminals for dual monitor scheme without X

 Gracias Camaleón, pero los enlaces no me sirven :P

 Je :-)

 ¿Pero era eso lo que buscabas? Digo, tener resoluciones diferentes en
 las dos terminales...

 fbterm no permite trabajar con diferentes resoluciones como usuario. Y
 como root me aparece el mensaje del monitor de señal fuera de rango,
 para mayores dimensiones que las del monitor. Y cambiar la resolución
 de la pantalla en grub, simplemente no funciona.

 ¿Y que hay del framebuffer?



Hola Camaleón, lo que busco es poder utilizar ambos monitores. Con las
referencias que tuviste a bien compartir no lo he podido lograr, no
hay manera de que los monitores sean independientes o que la
resolución sea tal que abarque a ambos.

Saludos y gracias.

Marcos Delgado.

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Re: BCM4313

2012-04-17 Thread Gunther Furtado
Em Seg, 2012-04-16 às 21:06 -0300, Flavio Barros escreveu:
 Pessoal eu estou instalando o Debian 6 em um note dell do meu amigo. O
 wireless dele é esse Broadcom BCM 4313. Toda vez que eu tento instalar
 o driver o note trava.

De que maneira você está tentando instalar este driver? Qual driver
exatamente você está tentando instalar? Qual é a saída do comando lshw
-C network? Você sabe se há algum firmware que deva ser instalado?

Como é o travamento? Trava tudinho? Você já tentou acessar o lap por ssh
quando ele trava? 


  Alguém teve problema similar?
 Flávio Barros


Cuando la guática pide comídica
Pone al cristiánico firme y guerrérico
Por sus poróticos y sus cebóllicas,
No hay regimiéntico que los deténguica
Si tienen hámbrica los populáricos.   Violeta Parra

Gunther Furtado
Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil

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Re: BCM4313

2012-04-17 Thread Éverton Arruda
eu tive problemas com a placa de rede sem fio broadcom, também. A solução,
para mim, foi recompilar o driver.
Escrevi os procedimentos no meu site, para me relembrar caso eu venha ea
esquecer como fiz, talvez possa lhe ser útil:

Os links para os arquivos devem estar incorretos, mas isso é fácil de
resolver, uma busca no google deve ajudar nessa hora.

What he learns we all learn. What he knows we all benefit from Linux, The
future is Open

Éverton M. Arruda Jr. (Notrev) - | @everton_arruda
Debian-AM -
Projeto Software Livre Amazonas (PSL-AM) -
Comunidade Software Livre -

Re: BCM4313

2012-04-17 Thread Sergio Pereira

Em 16-04-2012 21:06, Flavio Barros escreveu:
Pessoal eu estou instalando o Debian 6 em um note dell do meu amigo. O 
wireless dele é esse Broadcom BCM 4313. Toda vez que eu tento instalar 
o driver o note trava.

 Alguém teve problema similar?


Flávio Barros

Olá, Flávio.

Tenho um Dell Vostro e a Wi-Fi é a mesma. Só precisei instalar o 
firmware pelos repositórios. Estou usando o Wheezy e não o Squeeze. Veja 
abaixo a saída do lspci e do aptitude search:

$ lspci | grep BCM4313
12:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11b/g/n 
Wireless LAN Controller (rev 01)

$ aptitude search firmware | grep brcm
i   firmware-brcm80211- Binary 
firmware for Broadcom 802.11 wireless cards

Está funcionando normalmente.

[]'s e boa sorte.


Linux User #426387 / Ubuntu User #13964
Linux: A liberdade da escolha. A escolha da liberdade.
   The freedom of choice. The choice of freedom.
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Re: BCM4313

2012-04-17 Thread Rafael Bedendo

Veja isso


Rafael Bedendo

Em 16-04-2012 21:06, Flavio Barros escreveu:
Pessoal eu estou instalando o Debian 6 em um note dell do meu amigo. O 
wireless dele é esse Broadcom BCM 4313. Toda vez que eu tento instalar 
o driver o note trava.

 Alguém teve problema similar?


Flávio Barros

Qemu muito lento

2012-04-17 Thread John DeRose

Estou utilizando o Qemu para fazer alguns testes.
Mas fica extremamente lento, inviabilizando a sua utilização.

Os comandos que utilizei são esses:
$ qemu-img create -f qcow disk.img 10G
$ qemu -hda disk.img -cdrom debian-6.0.4-amd64-CD-1.iso -boot d

Alguem aqui utiliza o Qemu e sabe o que está ocorrendo?

Obs: meu hardware é Core 2 Duo 2.53Ghz, 2GB DDR2 e Radeon HD 4650M.


Re: Qemu muito lento

2012-04-17 Thread Kleber Fortaleza
Em ter 17 abr 2012, às 12:36:35, John DeRose escreveu:
 Estou utilizando o Qemu para fazer alguns testes.
 Mas fica extremamente lento, inviabilizando a sua utilização.
 Os comandos que utilizei são esses:
 $ qemu-img create -f qcow disk.img 10G
 Alguem aqui utiliza o Qemu e sabe o que está ocorrendo?
 Obs: meu hardware é Core 2 Duo 2.53Ghz, 2GB DDR2 e Radeon HD 4650M.
o qemu sozinho não é tão rápido quanto gostaríamos que fosse, imagino que seja 
porque ele emula o hardware e não virtualiza. você pode instalar o kvm e 
utilizar ele com o qemu, dessa forma a linha de comando pra chamar sua máquina 
virtual dicaria mais ou menos assim:

$ qemu -enable-kvm -hda disk.img -cdrom debian-6.0.4-amd64-CD-1.iso -boot d

lembrando que o kvm só funciona se o seu processador tiver suporte a 
virtualização por hardware, mas todos os processadores atuais têm.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: Qemu muito lento

2012-04-17 Thread John DeRose
Olá Kleber, valeu pela resposta.

Estou tentando utilizar o KVM mas obtive o seguinte erro ao instalar o

Configurando qemu-kvm (0.12.5+dfsg-5+squeeze8) ...
FATAL: Error inserting kvm_intel
(/lib/modules/2.6.32-5-amd64/kernel/arch/x86/kvm/kvm-intel.ko): Operation
not supported
Module kvm_intel failed to load ... failed!
invoke-rc.d: initscript qemu-kvm, action start failed.

Alguma sugestão?


Em 17 de abril de 2012 15:35, Kleber Fortaleza

 Em ter 17 abr 2012, às 12:36:35, John DeRose escreveu:
  Estou utilizando o Qemu para fazer alguns testes.
  Mas fica extremamente lento, inviabilizando a sua utilização.
  Os comandos que utilizei são esses:
  $ qemu-img create -f qcow disk.img 10G
  Alguem aqui utiliza o Qemu e sabe o que está ocorrendo?
  Obs: meu hardware é Core 2 Duo 2.53Ghz, 2GB DDR2 e Radeon HD 4650M.
 o qemu sozinho não é tão rápido quanto gostaríamos que fosse, imagino que
 porque ele emula o hardware e não virtualiza. você pode instalar o kvm e
 utilizar ele com o qemu, dessa forma a linha de comando pra chamar sua
 virtual dicaria mais ou menos assim:

 $ qemu -enable-kvm -hda disk.img -cdrom debian-6.0.4-amd64-CD-1.iso -boot d

 lembrando que o kvm só funciona se o seu processador tiver suporte a
 virtualização por hardware, mas todos os processadores atuais têm.

Re: Qemu muito lento

2012-04-17 Thread Fábio Rabelo
Aparentemente sua CPU não suporta virtualização .

Instale o lshw :

apt-get install lshw

E poste o resultado do comando :

lshw  -c  cpu

Fábio Rabelo

Em 17 de abril de 2012 15:45, John DeRose escreveu:

 Olá Kleber, valeu pela resposta.

 Estou tentando utilizar o KVM mas obtive o seguinte erro ao instalar o

 Configurando qemu-kvm (0.12.5+dfsg-5+squeeze8) ...
 FATAL: Error inserting kvm_intel
 (/lib/modules/2.6.32-5-amd64/kernel/arch/x86/kvm/kvm-intel.ko): Operation
 not supported
 Module kvm_intel failed to load ... failed!
 invoke-rc.d: initscript qemu-kvm, action start failed.

 Alguma sugestão?


 Em 17 de abril de 2012 15:35, Kleber Fortaleza 

 Em ter 17 abr 2012, às 12:36:35, John DeRose escreveu:
  Estou utilizando o Qemu para fazer alguns testes.
  Mas fica extremamente lento, inviabilizando a sua utilização.
  Os comandos que utilizei são esses:
  $ qemu-img create -f qcow disk.img 10G
  Alguem aqui utiliza o Qemu e sabe o que está ocorrendo?
  Obs: meu hardware é Core 2 Duo 2.53Ghz, 2GB DDR2 e Radeon HD 4650M.
 o qemu sozinho não é tão rápido quanto gostaríamos que fosse, imagino que
 porque ele emula o hardware e não virtualiza. você pode instalar o kvm e
 utilizar ele com o qemu, dessa forma a linha de comando pra chamar sua
 virtual dicaria mais ou menos assim:

 $ qemu -enable-kvm -hda disk.img -cdrom debian-6.0.4-amd64-CD-1.iso -boot

 lembrando que o kvm só funciona se o seu processador tiver suporte a
 virtualização por hardware, mas todos os processadores atuais têm.

Mudanças na GTK+ e Qt

2012-04-17 Thread Listeiro 037
Boa tarde.

Gostaria de saber se alguém daqui conhece um pouco melhor programação
com GTK+ e Qt.

Que houveram mudanças e melhorias de versões antigas é certeza.

O que queria saber é se essas mudanças são excessivas a ponto de
qualquer material antigo sobre programação com estas ter depreciado por

Ou se não foi tão desatualizado assim.

Na atual Era Nokia da Qt.

Principalmente no caso da GTK+ da versão 1.2 prá cá.

KDE e GNOME estão de caras diferentes, lógico.

Mas e os protótipos das funções?

Não acompanhei das versões mais antigas e perdi o fio da meada.

Desde já agradeço.

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Re: Qemu muito lento

2012-04-17 Thread John DeRose
Fabio, segue a resposta do comando lshw:

$ sudo lshw -c cpu
   description: CPU
   product: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU P8700  @ 2.53GHz
   vendor: Intel Corp.
   physical id: 4
   bus info: cpu@0
   version: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU P8700  @ 2.53GHz
   serial: N/A
   slot: N/A
   size: 800MHz
   capacity: 800MHz
   width: 64 bits
   clock: 266MHz
   capabilities: fpu fpu_exception wp vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8
apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss
ht tm pbe syscall nx x86-64 constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good
aperfmperf pni dtes64 monitor ds_cpl vmx smx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr pdcm
sse4_1 xsave lahf_lm ida tpr_shadow vnmi flexpriority cpufreq


Em 17 de abril de 2012 15:51, Fábio Rabelo

 Aparentemente sua CPU não suporta virtualização .

 Instale o lshw :

 apt-get install lshw

 E poste o resultado do comando :

 lshw  -c  cpu

 Fábio Rabelo

 Em 17 de abril de 2012 15:45, John DeRose escreveu:

 Olá Kleber, valeu pela resposta.

 Estou tentando utilizar o KVM mas obtive o seguinte erro ao instalar o

 Configurando qemu-kvm (0.12.5+dfsg-5+squeeze8) ...
 FATAL: Error inserting kvm_intel
 (/lib/modules/2.6.32-5-amd64/kernel/arch/x86/kvm/kvm-intel.ko): Operation
 not supported
 Module kvm_intel failed to load ... failed!
 invoke-rc.d: initscript qemu-kvm, action start failed.

 Alguma sugestão?


 Em 17 de abril de 2012 15:35, Kleber Fortaleza 

 Em ter 17 abr 2012, às 12:36:35, John DeRose escreveu:
  Estou utilizando o Qemu para fazer alguns testes.
  Mas fica extremamente lento, inviabilizando a sua utilização.
  Os comandos que utilizei são esses:
  $ qemu-img create -f qcow disk.img 10G
  Alguem aqui utiliza o Qemu e sabe o que está ocorrendo?
  Obs: meu hardware é Core 2 Duo 2.53Ghz, 2GB DDR2 e Radeon HD 4650M.
 o qemu sozinho não é tão rápido quanto gostaríamos que fosse, imagino
 que seja
 porque ele emula o hardware e não virtualiza. você pode instalar o kvm e
 utilizar ele com o qemu, dessa forma a linha de comando pra chamar sua
 virtual dicaria mais ou menos assim:

 $ qemu -enable-kvm -hda disk.img -cdrom debian-6.0.4-amd64-CD-1.iso
 -boot d

 lembrando que o kvm só funciona se o seu processador tiver suporte a
 virtualização por hardware, mas todos os processadores atuais têm.

Re: Qemu muito lento

2012-04-17 Thread Fábio Rabelo
De acordo com o site da Intel ela tem :

Acredito que esta função deve estar disabilitada na bios, procure qualquer
coisa que faça referência a virtualization na bios, provavelmente na
seção advanced . deve estar em disable , altera para enable e tente
novamente .

Fábio Rabelo

Em 17 de abril de 2012 15:58, John DeRose escreveu:

 Fabio, segue a resposta do comando lshw:

 $ sudo lshw -c cpu
description: CPU
product: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU P8700  @ 2.53GHz
vendor: Intel Corp.
physical id: 4
bus info: cpu@0
version: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU P8700  @ 2.53GHz
serial: N/A
slot: N/A
size: 800MHz
capacity: 800MHz
width: 64 bits
clock: 266MHz
capabilities: fpu fpu_exception wp vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8
 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss
 ht tm pbe syscall nx x86-64 constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good
 aperfmperf pni dtes64 monitor ds_cpl vmx smx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr pdcm
 sse4_1 xsave lahf_lm ida tpr_shadow vnmi flexpriority cpufreq


 Em 17 de abril de 2012 15:51, Fábio Rabelo

 Aparentemente sua CPU não suporta virtualização .

 Instale o lshw :

 apt-get install lshw

 E poste o resultado do comando :

 lshw  -c  cpu

 Fábio Rabelo

 Em 17 de abril de 2012 15:45, John DeRose escreveu:

 Olá Kleber, valeu pela resposta.

 Estou tentando utilizar o KVM mas obtive o seguinte erro ao instalar o

 Configurando qemu-kvm (0.12.5+dfsg-5+squeeze8) ...
 FATAL: Error inserting kvm_intel
 (/lib/modules/2.6.32-5-amd64/kernel/arch/x86/kvm/kvm-intel.ko): Operation
 not supported
 Module kvm_intel failed to load ... failed!
 invoke-rc.d: initscript qemu-kvm, action start failed.

 Alguma sugestão?


 Em 17 de abril de 2012 15:35, Kleber Fortaleza 

 Em ter 17 abr 2012, às 12:36:35, John DeRose escreveu:
  Estou utilizando o Qemu para fazer alguns testes.
  Mas fica extremamente lento, inviabilizando a sua utilização.
  Os comandos que utilizei são esses:
  $ qemu-img create -f qcow disk.img 10G
  Alguem aqui utiliza o Qemu e sabe o que está ocorrendo?
  Obs: meu hardware é Core 2 Duo 2.53Ghz, 2GB DDR2 e Radeon HD 4650M.
 o qemu sozinho não é tão rápido quanto gostaríamos que fosse, imagino
 que seja
 porque ele emula o hardware e não virtualiza. você pode instalar o kvm e
 utilizar ele com o qemu, dessa forma a linha de comando pra chamar sua
 virtual dicaria mais ou menos assim:

 $ qemu -enable-kvm -hda disk.img -cdrom debian-6.0.4-amd64-CD-1.iso
 -boot d

 lembrando que o kvm só funciona se o seu processador tiver suporte a
 virtualização por hardware, mas todos os processadores atuais têm.

Re: Qemu muito lento

2012-04-17 Thread John DeRose

Minha máquina estava com a opção de virtualização desativada no Setup
Agora funcionou utilizando o KVM, então estou instalando uma distro para
teste :)

Obrigado pela ajuda.

Em 17 de abril de 2012 16:03, Fábio Rabelo

 De acordo com o site da Intel ela tem :

 Acredito que esta função deve estar disabilitada na bios, procure qualquer
 coisa que faça referência a virtualization na bios, provavelmente na
 seção advanced . deve estar em disable , altera para enable e tente
 novamente .

 Fábio Rabelo

 Em 17 de abril de 2012 15:58, John DeRose escreveu:

 Fabio, segue a resposta do comando lshw:

 $ sudo lshw -c cpu
description: CPU
product: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU P8700  @ 2.53GHz
vendor: Intel Corp.
physical id: 4
bus info: cpu@0
version: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU P8700  @ 2.53GHz
serial: N/A
slot: N/A
size: 800MHz
capacity: 800MHz
width: 64 bits
clock: 266MHz
capabilities: fpu fpu_exception wp vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8
 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss
 ht tm pbe syscall nx x86-64 constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good
 aperfmperf pni dtes64 monitor ds_cpl vmx smx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr pdcm
 sse4_1 xsave lahf_lm ida tpr_shadow vnmi flexpriority cpufreq


 Em 17 de abril de 2012 15:51, Fábio Rabelo

 Aparentemente sua CPU não suporta virtualização .

 Instale o lshw :

 apt-get install lshw

 E poste o resultado do comando :

 lshw  -c  cpu

 Fábio Rabelo

 Em 17 de abril de 2012 15:45, John DeRose escreveu:

 Olá Kleber, valeu pela resposta.

 Estou tentando utilizar o KVM mas obtive o seguinte erro ao instalar o

 Configurando qemu-kvm (0.12.5+dfsg-5+squeeze8) ...
 FATAL: Error inserting kvm_intel
 (/lib/modules/2.6.32-5-amd64/kernel/arch/x86/kvm/kvm-intel.ko): Operation
 not supported
 Module kvm_intel failed to load ... failed!
 invoke-rc.d: initscript qemu-kvm, action start failed.

 Alguma sugestão?


 Em 17 de abril de 2012 15:35, Kleber Fortaleza

 Em ter 17 abr 2012, às 12:36:35, John DeRose escreveu:
  Estou utilizando o Qemu para fazer alguns testes.
  Mas fica extremamente lento, inviabilizando a sua utilização.
  Os comandos que utilizei são esses:
  $ qemu-img create -f qcow disk.img 10G
  Alguem aqui utiliza o Qemu e sabe o que está ocorrendo?
  Obs: meu hardware é Core 2 Duo 2.53Ghz, 2GB DDR2 e Radeon HD 4650M.
 o qemu sozinho não é tão rápido quanto gostaríamos que fosse, imagino
 que seja
 porque ele emula o hardware e não virtualiza. você pode instalar o kvm
 utilizar ele com o qemu, dessa forma a linha de comando pra chamar sua
 virtual dicaria mais ou menos assim:

 $ qemu -enable-kvm -hda disk.img -cdrom debian-6.0.4-amd64-CD-1.iso
 -boot d

 lembrando que o kvm só funciona se o seu processador tiver suporte a
 virtualização por hardware, mas todos os processadores atuais têm.

Mudanças na GTK+ e Qt

2012-04-17 Thread Listeiro 037
Boa tarde.

Gostaria de saber se alguém daqui conhece um pouco melhor programação
com GTK+ e Qt.

Que houveram mudanças e melhorias de versões antigas é certeza.

O que queria saber é se essas mudanças são excessivas a ponto de
qualquer material antigo sobre programação com estas ter depreciado por

Ou se não foi tão desatualizado assim.

Na atual Era Nokia da Qt.

Principalmente no caso da GTK+ da versão 1.2 prá cá.

KDE e GNOME estão de caras diferentes, lógico.

Mas e os protótipos das funções?

Não acompanhei das versões mais antigas e perdi o fio da meada.

Desde já agradeço.

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Re: How do you debug with php

2012-04-17 Thread Alan Chandler

On 17/04/12 01:16, Chris Hiestand wrote:

I have never used a debugger for PHP; I think your struggles are part of the 
reason why.

Neither have I until now.

But I don't understand why this isn't a typical many eyes make the 
problems trivial, and that there isn't a great raft of solutions out 
there that just work.

I am particular puzzled with Eclipse.  The PDT project has been going 
for a long while now and yet there is question after question on the 
forum as to why xdebug fails to catch their breakpoints.  I have it set 
to break on the first line of the file I am debugging, yet it still 
doesn't seem to work.  This leaves me to believe that I am doing 
something wrong, but I just don't know what.

Alan Chandler

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Re: How do you debug with php

2012-04-17 Thread Alan Chandler

On 17/04/12 07:01, Alan Chandler wrote:

On 17/04/12 01:16, Chris Hiestand wrote:
I have never used a debugger for PHP; I think your struggles are part 
of the reason why.

Neither have I until now.

But I don't understand why this isn't a typical many eyes make the 
problems trivial, and that there isn't a great raft of solutions out 
there that just work.

I am particular puzzled with Eclipse.  The PDT project has been going 
for a long while now and yet there is question after question on the 
forum as to why xdebug fails to catch their breakpoints.  I have it 
set to break on the first line of the file I am debugging, yet it 
still doesn't seem to work.  This leaves me to believe that I am doing 
something wrong, but I just don't know what.

Funny how things happen

JUST after I sent this email I tried a new approach.

I blew away the entire Eclipse configuration, and reloaded the base 
Eclipse, and then started it up.  Instead of defining a workspace within 
my current development environment I defined a separate workspace.  I 
then updated Eclipse within itself with the PDT SDK.

I created a new project and told it to link to the existing files which 
it just did.

I then setup my debugging environment and it immediately broke on the 
first line of the file when I ran it.  I then, by accident, found it 
crashed if I had the variables tab open, and from then on its working 
perfectly EXCEPT if I select the Variables tab (the one that shows the 
values of all the variables) it crashes.

Alan Chandler

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Re: Wheezy. Xorg failure at AMD Brazos netbook

2012-04-17 Thread Leonid Korostyshevski
On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 1:46 PM, Bob wrote:

 On 02/01/2012 03:48 PM, Leonid Korostyshevski wrote:

 Hello, list!

 Have installed Wheezy weekly build 30-01-2012 but cannot log into a
 fresh system: there is just a noise on a screen instead of a logon
 screen. Cannot escape to text console, Ctrl+Alt+F1...Fn does not works.
 Ctrl+Alt+PrtScr+B works, though. Also, IMHO it is a good idea to enable
 Ctrl+Alt+Backspace for testing distro.

 Not sure about recovery mode naming as a GRUB2 entry. It leads to the
 same noise on screen, not to safe plain VGA CLI environment, as it
 suppose to be IMHO. Testing shouldn't be stuck with IMHO :0)

 Hardware in use - netbook on AMD Brazos (C-60 + ATI 6250). No 'lspci' at
 the moment, sorry. During installation process, 3.1.x.-486 kernel was

 Would you, please, to give an advice how to override Xorg fault?

 Thanks a lot!

 Don't know how to fix this but I'm following the thread as I'm interested
 in The AMD Fusion APU E350 powered ASUS EeePc 11215B

Is anybody tried to install fresh weekly build and if you, please, can tell
is the issue got fixed?

Re: Icedove setting

2012-04-17 Thread lina
On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 1:29 AM, Panayiotis Karabassis wrote:
 On 04/16/2012 08:24 PM, lina wrote:
 On 17 Apr, 2012, at 0:45, Panayiotis Karabassis wrote:

 On 04/16/2012 07:29 PM, lina wrote:
 On Tuesday 17,April,2012 12:25 AM, lina wrote:
 On Monday 16,April,2012 11:58 PM, Panayiotis Karabassis wrote:
 On 04/16/2012 06:16 PM, lina wrote:
 SMTP setting
 Server name:
 Port: 587
 Is TLS encryption enabled for this?
 Forget to mention I can receive email in inbox, but not those in other
 folders (those emails are filitered to skip inbox.)
 so the SMTP is partially correct. seems.

 An error occurred sending mail: The mail server sent an incorrect
 greeting:  +OK The Microsoft Exchange POP3 service is ready..

 I don't know how to understand this one. is it told me that I also set
 POP3 partial right? but some parts wrong?
 I am puzzled by this message, because it suggests you connected to a
 POP3 server, not an SMTP one. I
 It showed me the same message no matter I chose the pop3 or SMTP during 

 POP3 (and IMAP) is for receiving, SMTP is for sending. You have a
 problem when sending. Please make sure the port is 587 or 25. If yes,
 maybe your ISP is redirecting the connection?

 tried telneting to
 and I only get this message when I connect to port 110, not 587 nor 25.
 Right now I'm not in front of computer.  Gotta check another time.

I noticed the google use 465 as SMTP port.

So I also use 465 for SMTP port. now it shows me

Sending of message failed.
The message could not be sent because the connection to SMTP server timed out. Try again or contact your network

Are there something to do with my local settings.

Thanks again,

 Thanks again,

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Re: How to retrieve package source from arbitrary repository

2012-04-17 Thread Malte Forkel
Am 12.04.2012 19:00, schrieb Bob Proulx:
 Malte Forkel wrote:
   Dir::Etc::SourceList $cnf_dir/sources.list;
   Dir::State::Lists $cache_dir/lists;
   Dir::Cache $cache_dir/cache;

 In lieu of a specialized tool, that's a very clever idea. I just wonder:
 How can I make sure nothing strange happens because another process uses
 apt-get during the source list redirection, i.e. after the first and
 before the second update? Or is that paranoid?
 If you set up the above options then you will be working in your own
 private sandbox.  Then it won't matter.

Just wanted to say thanks for your good advice and report on what I did.

Using an APT sandbox made things pretty simple. I can directly use the
apt-get commands 'source' and 'download' after setting up the temporary
source list. With the --simulate option for the initial apt-get update,
the script works for non-root users as well. And as far as I can tell, I
don't need the closing update, because the system-wide source list is
not changed.


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Re: grub failed to boot after updagre

2012-04-17 Thread David Roguin
On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 2:56 PM, Joe wrote:
 On Mon, 16 Apr 2012 10:27:40 -0300
 David Roguin wrote:

 I´m running wheezy and after a typical dist-upgrade grub doesn't want
 to boot. It seems that grub can't find the partitions.
 Anyone else has this same problem?
 I have dual boot, sharing macosx and debian wheezy and never had this
 problem before.

 Happens regularly in sid.

 Was grub itself updated? A few weeks ago it was updated in sid, and the
 new version was sufficiently different from the previous first-stage
 bootloader that it didn't work. After a grub update, it is necessary
 to do a grub-install to re-write the MBR or partition bootloader.

 In January, there were a few kernel upgrades which apparently didn't
 call update-grub, with the same result.

 Either way, you boot into your system manually, after trying several
 sets of instructions found on the Net. Once you're there, try
 update-grub, or grub-install if you see there's been a recent grub


There's a recent grub update, from version 1.99-17 to 1.99-21. I've tried
to recover the system doing grub-install and grub-update, even though those
commands ran successfully grub keeps telling me that it can't find the root
partition when trying to boot.

As i'm using a macbookpro I can't install grub on the MBR but grub-install
-f /dev/sda4.

Any thoughts?


Re: grub failed to boot after upgrade

2012-04-17 Thread David Roguin
On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 12:40 AM, Ken Wahl wrote:
 On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 03:45:43PM -0300, David Roguin wrote:
 On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 2:56 PM, Joe wrote:
  On Mon, 16 Apr 2012 10:27:40 -0300
  David Roguin wrote:
  I´m running wheezy and after a typical dist-upgrade grub doesn't want
  to boot. It seems that grub can't find the partitions.
  Anyone else has this same problem?
  I have dual boot, sharing macosx and debian wheezy and never had this
  problem before.
  Happens regularly in sid.
  Was grub itself updated? A few weeks ago it was updated in sid, and the
  new version was sufficiently different from the previous first-stage
  bootloader that it didn't work. After a grub update, it is necessary
  to do a grub-install to re-write the MBR or partition bootloader.
  In January, there were a few kernel upgrades which apparently didn't
  call update-grub, with the same result.
  Either way, you boot into your system manually, after trying several
  sets of instructions found on the Net. Once you're there, try
  update-grub, or grub-install if you see there's been a recent grub

 I'm running testing that's why it seems weird for grub to be broken
 after an update. I remember the kernel being updated and I think grub
 got upgraded as well (but I'm not 100% sure about it)

 I'll try update-grub or grub-install later.

 Solution for me was to use Super Grub Disk to boot the partition then
 run `dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc` and choose to install in MBR (was
 installed in partition).


 Ken Wahl

I think that bug just got through testing, i was unable to recover
grub, because the grub installed on my system fails to make a correct
But I'm booting my notebook with the iso from
(90's style!)

Thanks a lot!


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Re: sgi linux

2012-04-17 Thread flameman mayer
i bought a sgi octane2 R12000 machine, wandering which kernel linux could
run on it, is there a status table ? i mean which kernel vanilla with
whch patch ?

i am running kernel 2.6.17 with a bit of patches, i need something more mordern

also, i have an Atlas board (similar to malta), is it there an updated
version of yamon ?


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Scripting question

2012-04-17 Thread Chris

Firstly I petty much suck at scripting so I need help.

I have a file where each line begins with


I would like have the Smtp: replaced with To:  leaving all that follows in each 
line untouched and piped into a new file.


Re: Icedove setting

2012-04-17 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 17 Apr 2012 16:33:58 +0800, lina wrote:

 On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 1:29 AM, Panayiotis Karabassis wrote:

 POP3 (and IMAP) is for receiving, SMTP is for sending. You have a
 problem when sending. Please make sure the port is 587 or 25. If yes,
 maybe your ISP is redirecting the connection?

 tried telneting to and I only get this message
 when I connect to port 110, not 587 nor 25.
 Right now I'm not in front of computer.  Gotta check another time.
 I noticed the google use 465 as SMTP port.

Every e-mail provider can use a different combo for authentication/
configuration/port but you have to stick to what Outlook Live service 
needs. I mean, what Gmail needs it cannot work for Yahoo! or Hotmail or...

 So I also use 465 for SMTP port. now it shows me
 Sending of message failed.
 The message could not be sent because the connection to SMTP server timed out. Try again or contact your network
 Are there something to do with my local settings.

Let's start from the basics. What are the configuration settings needed 
for the Outlook Live service? Have you followed (or is there) any guided 


Mmm... I've found this URL:

Set Up Mozilla Thunderbird 3.0 for Your E-Mail Account

SMTP setup starts at point 6, so carefully check all the steps and try 
doing the same at your side to configure your MUA.



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Re: difficult to isolate problem - browser access to router has problems on on machine but not other

2012-04-17 Thread Arthur Marsh

Indulekha wrote, on 17/04/12 00:44:


Yes, gtklauncher from libwebkit on each machine.

Probably worth a try with elinks (or opera or iceweasel or
some other proper browser), as libwebkit purports to be
made to be embedded in other applications, such as mail
readers, or web browsers. It may not your best bet
in this particular instance...

I tried chromium and iceweasel and a few other browsers and still had 
the same problem on the AMD64 machine.

I also bought a replacement realtek 8169 NIC and tried that, with the 
same problem on the AMD64 machine but no problem on the Pentium4 machine 
running the i386 version of Debian.

I'd like to try a different chipset network card in the AMD64 machine next.


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Re: difficult to isolate problem - browser access to router has problems on on machine but not other

2012-04-17 Thread Arthur Marsh

Camaleón wrote, on 17/04/12 00:25:

On Mon, 16 Apr 2012 07:34:55 +0930, Arthur Marsh wrote:

Camaleón wrote, on 15/04/12 23:43:


Are you accessing to the router web interface using the same browser
from both machines? What's the browser that gets stuck after the login

Yes, gtklauncher from libwebkit on each machine.

Mmm, I don't know the capabilities of gtklauncher but if it works on
one computer it should also work in the other.

Are there any differences between both computer environments (e.g., same
package version of libwebkit?). Also, 32 and 64 bits package versions
can make a difference so to discard any bug or incompatibility problem
with gtklauncher I would try with a different browser.

As mentioned in another sub-thread I bought a realtek 8169 based network 
card (same chipset as the built-in ethernet on the AMD64 motherboard). 
This worked in the Pentium4 machine running the i386 version of Debian 
at accessing the router's web interface, but failed on the AMD64 machine 
running the AMD64 version of Debian.

I'd like to try a network card with a different chipset in the AMD64 
machine. (Also one could put the hard disk from the Pentium4 machine in 
the AMD64 machine to run the i386 version of Debian in the AMD64 machine).

I've saved wireshark traces from both machines.

As it gets stuck after login, more than a connectivity issue I would go
for a management issue, I mean, the browser cannot handle the client
request and this can be caused by many sources (bad web interface
programming, cookies, javascript error...).

Well, you can check if the router provides a telnet/ssh access
alternative and manage it from there. I find CLI modes of these devices
are most stable and reliable than their web interface.

It does have a telnet interface, but that interface doesn't offer any
management capabilities.

In my experience, it uses to be the opposite: while CLI provides all of
the settings that can be tweaked, the web GUI only gives the user the
possibility to configure the basics and hides the rest :-)


Thanks for your suggestions, but I've tried several browsers on the 
AMD64 machine and experience the same fault, so I'm tending towards an 
AMD64-specific bug that happens with the realtek 8169 chipset.


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Re: Scripting question

2012-04-17 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On Ter, 17 Abr 2012, Chris wrote:

Firstly I petty much suck at scripting so I need help.

I have a file where each line begins with


I would like have the Smtp: replaced with To:  leaving all that  
follows in each line untouched and piped into a new file.

man sed

The majority of husbands remind me of an orangutang trying to play the violin.
-- Honor'e DeBalzac


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Re: gnome panel fonts on startup

2012-04-17 Thread Camaleón
On Mon, 16 Apr 2012 15:51:13 -0400, songbird wrote:

 Camaleón wrote:

   i'm running current unstable versions of gnome, gnome-panel,
 gnome-shell, up to date on graphics drivers, tried different kernels,
 tried creating new user, etc. all same result.
   the whole thing is blank other than the letter m
 (which is the first letter of the user name me) but as time goes on
 the clock gets digits as they change.


 When that happens, try by restarting gnome-shell (Alt+F2 and type r),
 I've also experienced the missing letters from time to time.
   this puts me back exactly to the state where the
 font letters are missing.  like right now i am typing this in Gnome
 Terminal and gnome- panel 3.2.1-2+b1 using slrn.

Just as reference, I was pointing to this bug:

But in my case, restarting gnome-shell solves the issue so maybe is that 
you're facing a different problem then :-?
   the gnome-panel up above is missing the word
 Activities completely, to the right a little it has the icon for the
 terminal T  m  al, the clock in the center shows 7 and the rightmost
 part says m.
   to get it to display correctly i have to again
 click the accessibility icon (that is not displayed until i hover over
 it) and clicking L rg  T xt and then again clicking Large Text (to
 turn it back to normal font).  then all is well again.

As you're using sid, check for any package update, if any. 

What VGA driver are you using? Although you firstly thought there is no 
relation between this and your UI problems, true is that there can be :-) 
(intel cards use to work smoothly with gnome-shell while ati/nvidia and 
the closed source drivers are more problematic, specially for nvidia), so 
if you have the chance and aren't afraid of messing up your system you 
can try to swap the current VGA driver (meaning, if using open source 
drivers load the closed one or viceversa).

   if i knew how to automatically include these
 steps in the desktop startup i could try that, but i'm not a gnome

I can't imagine a bypass for this, but you can open a bug report so the 
issue can be closely -and properly- tracked.



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Re: old machine wheezy vs apt

2012-04-17 Thread Dom

On 16/04/12 21:34, Aleksandar Kostadinov wrote:

To anybody interested, debian wheezy can't run on 64MB RAM on i386. Or
actually it can run but package management is unusable so all debian
benefits are actually lost.

I tried pulling the .deb files on another machine, then transfer to
the old machine. But dpkg is killed on 95% reading database (I think
OOM killer). It fails even if I try to install 1 package.

I run a basic Wheezy system on old machines with 64MB or 32MB of RAM on 
i386. I agree that the package management is almost unusable without work.

What I do for a start is run a cutomised kernel with just the necessary 
drivers for those machines built in. Smaller kernel = more memory free 
for other things. Any devices other than the built in ones are supported 
via kernel modules when needed.

Also, and this is the important thing, I have my own cut-down version of 
the Wheezy repository running on a slightly more powerful machine. By 
reducing the Packages file to just the packages that I use, the time and 
memory needed to process them comes down from hours to a few minutes.

I realise that I'm not going to be able to keep these machines running 
for much longer, but I'll keep trying for as long as I can.


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Re: how to fix aptitude errors upgrading LMDE UP3 - UP4

2012-04-17 Thread Wayne Topa

On 04/16/2012 09:26 PM, Tom Roche wrote:

Wayne Topa Mon, 16 Apr 2012 15:24:26 -0400

I just looked for lmde in the debian packages and it is not there

and it's not in the original post @
either, because LMDE is not a package

I am guessing the lmde might be a Linux Mint package.

You would be wrong. LMDE is a Mint distribution based on, and
completely compatible with, debian. Its packages are pure debian, not
ubuntu or mint.

Since when does LMDE UP4   LMDE UP3 exist in Debian.  How would someone 
using Debian know that?

I still think it would could be better answered on a LM list.

Sorry I didn't grok your problem from the OP.   :-(


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Re: difficult to isolate problem - browser access to router has problems on on machine but not other

2012-04-17 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 17 Apr 2012 23:23:14 +0930, Arthur Marsh wrote:

 Camaleón wrote, on 17/04/12 00:25:


 Are there any differences between both computer environments (e.g.,
 same package version of libwebkit?). Also, 32 and 64 bits package
 versions can make a difference so to discard any bug or incompatibility
 problem with gtklauncher I would try with a different browser.
 As mentioned in another sub-thread I bought a realtek 8169 based network
 card (same chipset as the built-in ethernet on the AMD64 motherboard).
 This worked in the Pentium4 machine running the i386 version of Debian
 at accessing the router's web interface, but failed on the AMD64 machine
 running the AMD64 version of Debian.
 I'd like to try a network card with a different chipset in the AMD64
 machine. (Also one could put the hard disk from the Pentium4 machine in
 the AMD64 machine to run the i386 version of Debian in the AMD64


But you already discarded the network card because it worked from a 
LiveCD (SystemRescueCD), right? Which makes me think this has to be some 
sort of software issue :-?



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Re: Scripting question

2012-04-17 Thread emmanuel segura
perl -e 'while(){chomp; s/root/Root/g; print  $_\n; }' /etc/passwd

Il giorno 17 aprile 2012 15:52, Eduardo M KALINOWSKI ha scritto:

 On Ter, 17 Abr 2012, Chris wrote:

 Firstly I petty much suck at scripting so I need help.

 I have a file where each line begins with


 I would like have the Smtp: replaced with To:  leaving all that follows
 in each line untouched and piped into a new file.

 man sed

 The majority of husbands remind me of an orangutang trying to play the
-- Honor' e DeBalzac


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esta es mi vida e me la vivo hasta que dios quiera

Re: difficult to isolate problem - browser access to router has problems on on machine but not other

2012-04-17 Thread Arthur Marsh

Camaleón wrote, on 18/04/12 00:02:

On Tue, 17 Apr 2012 23:23:14 +0930, Arthur Marsh wrote:

Camaleón wrote, on 17/04/12 00:25:


Are there any differences between both computer environments (e.g.,
same package version of libwebkit?). Also, 32 and 64 bits package
versions can make a difference so to discard any bug or incompatibility
problem with gtklauncher I would try with a different browser.

As mentioned in another sub-thread I bought a realtek 8169 based network
card (same chipset as the built-in ethernet on the AMD64 motherboard).
This worked in the Pentium4 machine running the i386 version of Debian
at accessing the router's web interface, but failed on the AMD64 machine
running the AMD64 version of Debian.

I'd like to try a network card with a different chipset in the AMD64
machine. (Also one could put the hard disk from the Pentium4 machine in
the AMD64 machine to run the i386 version of Debian in the AMD64


But you already discarded the network card because it worked from a
LiveCD (SystemRescueCD), right? Which makes me think this has to be some
sort of software issue :-?


Yes, but it could be software specific to the chipset on the network 
card that has been upgraded since the version that appeared on sysrescuecd.


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Re: Scripting question

2012-04-17 Thread Daniel Landau
On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 4:52 PM, Eduardo M KALINOWSKI wrote:
 On Ter, 17 Abr 2012, Chris wrote:
 I would like have the Smtp: replaced with To:  leaving all that follows in
 each line untouched and piped into a new file.

 man sed

Read that too, but try also searching online for sed tutorial. The
line to do this specific thing is:

$ sed -e 's/^Smtp:/To:/' oldfile  newfile

Daniel Landau

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Re: difficult to isolate problem - browser access to router has problems on on machine but not other

2012-04-17 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 18 Apr 2012 00:17:04 +0930, Arthur Marsh wrote:

 Camaleón wrote, on 18/04/12 00:02:


 I'd like to try a network card with a different chipset in the AMD64
 machine. (Also one could put the hard disk from the Pentium4 machine
 in the AMD64 machine to run the i386 version of Debian in the AMD64


 But you already discarded the network card because it worked from a
 LiveCD (SystemRescueCD), right? Which makes me think this has to be
 some sort of software issue :-?

 Yes, but it could be software specific to the chipset on the network
 card that has been upgraded since the version that appeared on

Exactly, but that will be a software issue in the end (e.g., the network 
card kernel module).



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Re: about DSA-2452-1 apache2 -- insecure default configuration

2012-04-17 Thread Camaleón
On Mon, 16 Apr 2012 14:25:17 +0200, Vincent Lefevre wrote:

 There has been the following change in apache2:
 apache2 (2.2.22-4) unstable; urgency=high
   * CVE-2012-0216: Remove Alias /doc /usr/share/doc from the default


 More information on:

 However, what if some user has a symlink to /usr/share/doc in his
 public_html? I haven't tried, but it seems that the bug would still
 occur (otherwise the right solution wouldn't have been to remove the
 alias, but to change how the scripting modules can affect some paths).

The additional information for the updaters encourage users to review 
another configuration files that can be also affected:

This updates removes the problematic configuration sections from the 
files /etc/apache2/sites-available/default and .../default-ssl. When 
upgrading, you should not blindly allow dpkg to replace those files, 
though. Rather you should merge the changes, namely the removal of the 
Alias /doc /usr/share/doc line and the related Directory /usr/
share/doc/$gt; block, into your versions of these config files. You may 
also want to check if you have copied these sections to any additional 
virtual host configurations.

So at a first glance, I'd also say the bug can be present regardless the 
location of the hosted files but the DSA only addresses the default 
template config.

 IMHO, the real bug is in mod_php or mod_rivet, that shouldn't be active
 (at least concerning the scripting features) by default unless this is
 explicitly told with some Options for the concerned directory.

I can be wrong but the bug seems aimed to correct the package which 
contains the file that enables the alias by default, hence the apache2 



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Re: how to fix aptitude errors upgrading LMDE UP3 - UP4

2012-04-17 Thread Tom H
On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 9:26 PM, Tom Roche wrote:

 So I did

 sudo apt-get update
 sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
 sudo apt-get -f install

 which got the packages fixed and installed, as verified by subsequent

In future, you might want to run sudo apt-get upgrade before sudo
apt-get dist-upgrade to make the upgrade more piecemeal.

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why trying to contact port 25

2012-04-17 Thread Ross Boylan
A VM running squeeze started trying to send email to
several days ago (I assume: it's trying port 25). says this server is for popcon, and
that was my first thought.  But /etc/popularity-contest.conf says

which I thought meant it would use http.

Have I misunderstood?  Is this a bug?


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Re: Hauppauge Nova-T USB stick -- now what?

2012-04-17 Thread Dom

On 16/04/12 16:55, Sian Mountbatten wrote:

On 16/04/12 16:50, Rob Owens wrote:

On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 04:13:36PM +0100, Sian Mountbatten wrote:

On 16/04/12 15:00, Dom wrote:

On 16/04/12 13:02, Sian Mountbatten wrote:

Dear All

This morning I received a second-hand USB stick which consisted of
the stick
a USB extension cable plus USB plug/socket
a mini antenna
No instructions of any sort.

I plugged the USB stick into a USB slot on the front of the
computer and
checked dmesg which gave the following:
[67244.676831] dvb-usb: schedule remote query interval to 50 msecs.
[67244.676835] dvb-usb: Hauppauge Nova-T Stick successfully
and connected.
[67244.676971] usbcore: registered new interface driver

I have a number of questions:-
1. With NO remote control, how do I control the device?

With great easy. The remote control is configured as an input device
mapped to predefined key presses - pressing 1 on the remote is the
same as pressing 1 on your keyboard. It doesn't control the device

Under what circumstances does 1 on my keyboard correspond to 1 on a

When the remote is treated as an IR keyboard by the driver, which is 
either done by the native driver or by the lirc package.

I can start up any app (xterm for example) and press 1 on my remote 
and a 1 appears in the app.

Unfortunately I don't have the USB stick that you have, and don't know 
which Debian release you're running (I'm on Wheezy/testing), so I can't 
test your particular situation.

I have liblircclient0 installed
Description: infra-red remote control support - client library
 LIRC stands for 'Linux Infra-red Remote Control'.
 This package provides a library with functions to support remote
 controls via LIRC in programs such as xawtv.

I believe the relevant lines from my dmesg are:
[6.509665] IR MCE Keyboard/mouse protocol handler initialized
[6.573084] lirc_dev: IR Remote Control driver registered, major 251


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Any news on KDE 4.8?

2012-04-17 Thread M.
Hi all,

Are there any news on some tentative release date for KDE 4.8? KDE
4.7.4 presently has several serious problems with the NVIDIA driver,
and all I hear upstream is this is fixed in 4.8... Is there any way
I can help to speed things up?



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Re: Icedove setting

2012-04-17 Thread lina
On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 9:46 PM, Camaleón wrote:
 On Tue, 17 Apr 2012 16:33:58 +0800, lina wrote:

 On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 1:29 AM, Panayiotis Karabassis wrote:

 POP3 (and IMAP) is for receiving, SMTP is for sending. You have a
 problem when sending. Please make sure the port is 587 or 25. If yes,
 maybe your ISP is redirecting the connection?

 tried telneting to and I only get this message
 when I connect to port 110, not 587 nor 25.
 Right now I'm not in front of computer.  Gotta check another time.

 I noticed the google use 465 as SMTP port.

 Every e-mail provider can use a different combo for authentication/
 configuration/port but you have to stick to what Outlook Live service
 needs. I mean, what Gmail needs it cannot work for Yahoo! or Hotmail or...


(Nice seeing your reply, shake hands, virtual though.)

Have you noticed that in icedove -- Edit -- Account Settings

At the bottom of the left column, there is one item calls: Outgoing
Server (SMTP),
click it, there is an option to choose the default outgoing server settings.
I chose google one as default.

 So I also use 465 for SMTP port. now it shows me

 Sending of message failed.
 The message could not be sent because the connection to SMTP server timed out. Try again or contact your network

I changed different port, it still shows me:
Sending of message failed.
The message could not be sent because the connection to SMTP server timed out. Try again or contact your network

but no problem in receiving email.

 Are there something to do with my local settings.

 Let's start from the basics. What are the configuration settings needed
 for the Outlook Live service? Have you followed (or is there) any guided


 Mmm... I've found this URL:

 Set Up Mozilla Thunderbird 3.0 for Your E-Mail Account

Yes, I followed exactly with minor tweak in port.

 SMTP setup starts at point 6, so carefully check all the steps and try
 doing the same at your side to configure your MUA.

Seems I do correctly in pop3 settings, so server no problem, only port left.


Thanks, Best wishes,


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Re: Any news on KDE 4.8?

2012-04-17 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 17 Apr 2012 12:38:41 -0300, M. wrote:

 Are there any news on some tentative release date for KDE 4.8? KDE 4.7.4
 presently has several serious problems with the NVIDIA driver, and all I
 hear upstream is this is fixed in 4.8... Is there any way I can help
 to speed things up?

transition: KDE's 4.8 release of platform, applications and workspace

Asking in KDE mailing list (debian-kde) can be also a good idea :-)



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Re: why trying to contact port 25

2012-04-17 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 17 Apr 2012 08:54:28 -0700, Ross Boylan wrote:

 A VM running squeeze started trying to send email to
 several days ago (I assume: it's trying port 25). says this server is for popcon, and
 that was my first thought.  But /etc/popularity-contest.conf says
 which I thought meant it would use http.
 Have I misunderstood?  Is this a bug?


Q) How can I prevent popularity-contest from sending reports via email?

A) This is not recommended. Reports are sent by email only when the HTTP
submission fails, which is generally caused by a temporary lack of 
internet connectivity. By contrast, reports sent by email are stored in 
the mail server queue until the internet connectivity is back.

Nevertheless, you can prevent popularity-contest from sending reports via 
email by adding
to /etc/popularity-contest.conf

You can try with this.



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Re: Icedove setting

2012-04-17 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 18 Apr 2012 00:20:32 +0800, lina wrote:

 On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 9:46 PM, Camaleón wrote:


 I noticed the google use 465 as SMTP port.

 Every e-mail provider can use a different combo for authentication/
 configuration/port but you have to stick to what Outlook Live service
 needs. I mean, what Gmail needs it cannot work for Yahoo! or Hotmail
 (Nice seeing your reply, shake hands, virtual though.)

 Have you noticed that in icedove -- Edit -- Account Settings
 At the bottom of the left column, there is one item calls: Outgoing
 Server (SMTP),
 click it, there is an option to choose the default outgoing server
 settings. I chose google one as default.

Yes, I know you can have multiple outgoing servers configured (in fact, I 
do have a bunch) but there are some e-mail providers that will reject 
sending e-mails which don't come from their own address ( 
and you still don't have your Outlook Live setup correctly ;-)

 Set Up Mozilla Thunderbird 3.0 for Your E-Mail Account
 Yes, I followed exactly with minor tweak in port.

No minor tweaks my lady ;-), you have to configure the smtp server as 
they say, which means you have to search for the proper smtp settings 
as the video at the bottom explains (How do I find the server 

If you are convinced you're using the right data for the smtp server and 
still getting an error, try to setup the same account from another e-mail 
client (better from an outlookized machine to discard a windowsity 
anomaly) and see how it goes. Should this neither works, I would contact 
the Outlook Live assistance/technical support service and explain your 



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Re: error: invalid arch independent elf magic

2012-04-17 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 15 Apr 2012 23:37:49 -0400, Joey L wrote:

 hi all - i am in big trouble and really need good help.
 Something happened to my raid5 array on an ibm x3650 with raid-8k
 controller. I am running debian squeeze with grub --- nothing fancy -
 all my files are on the root filesystem.
 The array was not being recognized by the bios. 

This is a hardware based RAID, right? How is that it was suddenly 
unrecognized? Or you mean it was degraded or being rebuilt? :-? 

 So i tried to do a revive - the raid array was rivived and came up with
 a status of okay.

How did you manage to do that? Rescanning from the BIOS of the RAID card?

 I have the grub loader booting now but get the following error:
 error: invalid arch independent elf magic
 I tried googling it...I am very nervous about what I found to get me out
 of this mess.
 So i wanted to ask anyone out there --- how do i get out of it..please

Some questions first:

- GRUB version (2 or legacy)
- Additional OSes / dual booting?

What I'd would try is booting the system by another mean (from a LiveCD, 
using SuperGrubDisk...). If you can boot normally, it can be that the 
bootloader has been damaged somehow so I would try to reinstall it.



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Re: Icedove setting

2012-04-17 Thread Indulekha
Camaleón wrote:

 ...but there are some e-mail providers that will reject 
 sending e-mails which don't come from their own address ( 
 and you still don't have your Outlook Live setup correctly ;-)

Yes, last time I tried using a gmail server to send mail from a 
different account it overwrote my From: header, so do watch for 

❤ ♫ ❤ ♫ ❤ ♫ ❤   

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Re: SB1040 X-Fi Xtreme Audio produces no sound on Squeeze

2012-04-17 Thread Jasper Noe

I am running Squeeze (Linux 2.6.32-5-amd64)
on a Dell XPS8300 with a Sound Blaster SB1040 X-Fi
Xtreme Audio card that produces no sound.


'speaker-test -t sine -f 440 -c 2'  produces no sound:

speaker-test 1.0.23

Playback device is default
Stream parameters are 48000Hz, S16_LE, 2 channels
Sine wave rate is 440.Hz
ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1018:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open
Playback open error: -2,No such file or directory


'aplay -l'  produces:

 List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices 
card 0: Generic [HD-Audio Generic], device 3: ATI HDMI [ATI
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: Generic_1 [HD-Audio Generic], device 0: CA0110 Analog
[CA0110 Analog]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: Generic_1 [HD-Audio Generic], device 1: CA0110 Digital
[CA0110 Digital]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0


Your problem is that you have two sound-devices.
They are numbered 0 and 1

The speaker-test should work if you add

-D hw:1,0

to the options. ( use device 1, subdevice 0 )

To permanently change the order of the 'cards' there is this quote from :

1. Force the cards to load in a different order. I chose this route, and 
added the following to my /etc/modprobe.d/sound:

  options snd-trident index=0
  options snd-usb-audio index=1
This forces my Trident card to be the default (card 0) and my USB 
microphone to be card 1.

In your case the modules have different names:

   snd_hda_codec_ca0110 5280  1
snd_hda_codec_atihdmi 2251  1

Also, I think that the name of the file should end in .conf: sound.conf .

If that succeeds your original speaker-test should work.

HTH, --Jasper.

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Mythtv problem with versions

2012-04-17 Thread Alan Chandler
I have a server running Squeeze.  It has mythtv-backend to record all my 
TV programs.

On my desktop I run Sid.  After an update over the weekend, my Mythtv 
Frontend will no longer connect to my backend, complaining that

This version of MythTV requires an updated database. (schema is 35 
versions behind)

Please run mythtv-setup or mythbackend to update your database.

I suspect that I need to somehow update the backend.  But with that 
being Squeeze, that could be rather difficult.

Anyone got any suggestions of how to deal wth this.

[Mythweb will stream the TV. and that almost works, but I do tend to 
want to save programs mid way through or want to rapidly skip forward 
and backward.  The media play that is launched by the browser doesn't 
seem to all any of this.]

Alan Chandler

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Re: old machine wheezy vs apt

2012-04-17 Thread Bob Proulx
Aleksandar Kostadinov wrote:
 To anybody interested, debian wheezy can't run on 64MB RAM on i386. Or
 actually it can run but package management is unusable so all debian
 benefits are actually lost.

My slowest machine is a Pentium 133 with only 112M of ram and it is
still functioning.

Here is an idea that I would probably do if it were unbearably slow.
I would remove the disks from the slow machine and put them into a
faster machine with more ram.  Then I would perform the updates and
upgrades.  That should work fine.  Then replace the disks back into
the original slow machine.  That way the major release upgrade is done
and then all that is needed is the routine security upgrades.
Just an idea...


Description: Digital signature

Re: how to fix aptitude errors upgrading LMDE UP3 - UP4

2012-04-17 Thread Bob Proulx
Tom H wrote:
 Tom Roche wrote:
  So I did
  sudo apt-get update
  sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
  sudo apt-get -f install
  which got the packages fixed and installed, as verified by subsequent
 In future, you might want to run sudo apt-get upgrade before sudo
 apt-get dist-upgrade to make the upgrade more piecemeal.

+1.  Let me strongly encourage this strategy of upgrade first then
dist-upgrade second.


Description: Digital signature

Re: difficult to isolate problem - browser access to router has problems on on machine but not other

2012-04-17 Thread Keith

On 17/04/12 14:53, Arthur Marsh wrote:

Thanks for your suggestions, but I've tried several browsers on the 
AMD64 machine and experience the same fault, so I'm tending towards an 
AMD64-specific bug that happens with the realtek 8169 chipset.


I haven't been following this thread, so may have missed it but have you 
got the firmware drivers on your 64bit system, as you say it works on 
your 32bit system?

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Re: Mythtv problem with versions

2012-04-17 Thread Alan Chandler

On 17/04/12 19:24, Alan Chandler wrote:
I have a server running Squeeze.  It has mythtv-backend to record all 
my TV programs.

On my desktop I run Sid.  After an update over the weekend, my Mythtv 
Frontend will no longer connect to my backend, complaining that

This version of MythTV requires an updated database. (schema is 35 
versions behind)

Please run mythtv-setup or mythbackend to update your database.

I suspect that I need to somehow update the backend.  But with that 
being Squeeze, that could be rather difficult.

Anyone got any suggestions of how to deal wth this.

[Mythweb will stream the TV. and that almost works, but I do tend to 
want to save programs mid way through or want to rapidly skip forward 
and backward.  The media play that is launched by the browser doesn't 
seem to all any of this.]

I installed XBMC and it seems to be doing just fine reading the backend 

Alan Chandler

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Re: old machine wheezy vs apt

2012-04-17 Thread Keith

On 17/04/12 15:10, Dom wrote:
I run a basic Wheezy system on old machines with 64MB or 32MB of RAM 
on i386.

I like your style   :)

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Archive: and

2012-04-17 Thread Cplusplus Programmer
Hello All,

I want to make a C++ program which needs also a few share libraries (.so
files). My libraries I want to put for example in a directory
/home/myUsername/lib. Where do I need to put the path to my libraries so
that it can be found by the program. I have seen that I can use
But I was wondering what the difference is between and Why is needed if we already have ? Is
it possible to remove the and put only files to the
directory ? Is the file really needed ? I ask this because I saw
on a machine with debian linux that I could not find the file,
but I do find the directory with *.conf files in it. Does
ldconfig automatically go through all .conf files in the /etc/
directory ?



Re: and

2012-04-17 Thread Bob Proulx
Cplusplus Programmer wrote:
 I want to make a C++ program which needs also a few share libraries (.so
 files). My libraries I want to put for example in a directory

By convention if you are placing files in your $HOME directory then
these would be considered a personal installation just for you.  In
which case you would typically set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include that
directory.  For details see:


 Where do I need to put the path to my libraries so that it can be
 found by the program.

Try this:

  export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/lib

 I have seen that I can use

Using would be for system level installed files.  That
would be files installed into /usr/lib, /usr/local, or other such
system location.  Sure you can poing that into your home directory too
but that would be considered dirty.  You would be mixing a personal
installation with a system installation.  I would frown on that.

For details see:

  man ldconfig

 But I was wondering what the difference is between and Why is needed if we already have ?

The is a single file.  It is easy for a human to edit a
single file such as that but it is hard for a program to do so.  It is
easier for packaged programs to install a separate package specific
file in /etc/ld.conf.d/packagename so that it is simply installed when
the package is installed and removed when the package is uninstalled.
That is a clean interface for programs and packages.  It is also
available to humans to of course.

 Is it possible to remove the and put only files to the directory ?

You would at the least need the include statement in /etc/
to include the files from the*.conf or they would not be

 Is the file really needed ?

It is used by ldconfig.

 I ask this because I saw on a machine with debian linux that I could
 not find the file, but I do find the
 directory with *.conf files in it. Does ldconfig automatically go
 through all .conf files in the /etc/ directory ?

AFAIK the file is required for ldconfig.  Please see the
ldconfig documentation for details.

In your case without that file it probably still had those other
directories in the /etc/ file.


Description: Digital signature

Hotkeys Samsung nc10

2012-04-17 Thread g byers
Hi This may be an old problem but the hotkeys for brightness do not work on the 
samsung nc10 is there a fix for this?

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SELinux help

2012-04-17 Thread ss11223
Is there a forum for Debian SELinux help. I am trying to set up
a server, but with SELinux enabled some functions are subtlety
broken and it looks like some rules need tweaking.


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Re: Flashbench

2012-04-17 Thread Peter Easthope

On Sat, April 14, 2012 11:38 pm, Bob wrote:
 # to help you spot where you are in the output 134217728 = 128MB 
 524288 = 512k; so as the difference halves from ~100µs or more to 55µs
 at 4194304 = 4MB if I'm reading the README correctly this would imply
 that the erase block size on this card is 8MB

 One thing I don't understand is, if that is the case, how come the
 original partition started at 4MB
 8192 * 512 = 4194304

Certainly odd.  No insights to offer.

 Irrespective I now start the partition for this SD card at 16384 that
 way, it's allied on a 4MB  an 8MB boundary, ...

I'm using that idea as a temporary arrangement on a CF.

 ... I haven't yet figured out
 what open AUs are and what to do with them, I got slightly disheartened
 when on my OCZ SSD drive it didn't seem to make any difference to speed
 where I started the partition, I need to try again with a CF or SD card,
 maybe it was a buffering thing.

How about AU = allocation unit?  No clear idea of
how this relates to the HDD sector or the Flash page.

 That's where I've got so far, not sure I've helped you but my note are
 now a little more ordered.

 Let us know how you get on

This also helped.

Will aim to work on it again in late May or in June.

Thanks for the notes,  ... Peter E.

Telephone 1 360 639 0202.  Bcc: peter at 

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cryptdisks + lvm2 + keyfiles boot/init issues

2012-04-17 Thread Baxter Kylie


I recently took one of my machines up to Squeeze and found it no longer 
successfully boots (failing at disk check). It appears to be related to 
the order in which services are started. I'm hoping that someone here 
with more experience in the new rc system can offer a suggestion for how 
to alleviate this issue:

The block devices are stacked as follows:

sda1 - boot
sda2 - crypto (passphrase) - lvm2
sdb1 - crypto (keyfile on sda2 lvm volume) - lvm2
sdc1 - crypto (keyfile on sda2 lvm volume) - lvm2

This requires that services be (roughly) ordered:
cryptdisks-early - lvm2 - mount - cryptdisks - lvm2 - mount

In past releases (lenny, etch), this worked seamlessly but something 
appears to have changed. Is there any remediation I should try?


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Sid upgrade problems

2012-04-17 Thread Frank McCormick

This is what I saw after the last upgrade on my Sid installation:

Processing triggers for initramfs-tools ...
dpkg: warning: version 'v' has bad syntax: version number does not start 
with digit update-initramfs:
Generating /boot/initrd.img-v dpkg: warning: version 'v' has bad syntax: 
version number does not start with digit
WARNING: missing /lib/modules/v Device driver support needs thus be 
built-in linux image! FATAL: v: not absolute path.
ERROR: could not open directory 

No such file or directory
FATAL: could not search modules: No such file or directory

Anybody else having this problem ?


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Re: Sid upgrade problems

2012-04-17 Thread Frank McCormick

On 18/04/12 12:57 AM, Frank McCormick wrote:

This is what I saw after the last upgrade on my Sid installation:

Processing triggers for initramfs-tools ...
dpkg: warning: version 'v' has bad syntax: version number does not start
with digit update-initramfs:
Generating /boot/initrd.img-v dpkg: warning: version 'v' has bad syntax:
version number does not start with digit
WARNING: missing /lib/modules/v Device driver support needs thus be
built-in linux image! FATAL: v: not absolute path.
ERROR: could not open directory
No such file or directory
FATAL: could not search modules: No such file or directory

Anybody else having this problem ?

  Answering my own question - there was a file in /var/lib/initramfs
containing only the single letter v...that was causing the problem.
Don't ask how it got there...I dunno.

Sorry for the noise.


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Re: Flashbench

2012-04-17 Thread Bob

On 04/18/2012 07:58 AM, Peter Easthope wrote:

On Sat, April 14, 2012 11:38 pm, Bob wrote:

8 snip 8

... I haven't yet figured out
what open AUs are and what to do with them, I got slightly disheartened
when on my OCZ SSD drive it didn't seem to make any difference to speed
where I started the partition, I need to try again with a CF or SD card,
maybe it was a buffering thing.

How about AU = allocation unit?  No clear idea of
how this relates to the HDD sector or the Flash page.

From perusing the README it seems to be referring to the number of 
allocation units that can be open at any given moment without impacting 
performance too badly. [0] I don't know how any of that helps tho as I 
don't know what to do with that number, is there some-way of instructing 
the kernal to limit the number of open AUs?

My 32GB SanDisk Ultra SDHC card, starts to slow down with 6 open AUs

./flashbench -O --erasesize=$[8 * 1024 * 1024] --blocksize=$[256 * 1024] ${trg} 
 --open-au-nr=1 --random
512KiB  17.4M/s
256KiB  11.8M/s
./flashbench -O --erasesize=$[8 * 1024 * 1024] --blocksize=$[256 * 1024] ${trg} 
 --open-au-nr=3 --random
512KiB  17.5M/s
256KiB  11.7M/s
./flashbench -O --erasesize=$[8 * 1024 * 1024] --blocksize=$[256 * 1024] ${trg} 
 --open-au-nr=5 --random
512KiB  17.7M/s
256KiB  11.8M/s
./flashbench -O --erasesize=$[8 * 1024 * 1024] --blocksize=$[256 * 1024] ${trg} 
 --open-au-nr=6 --random
512KiB  7.64M/s
256KiB  6.38M/s
./flashbench -O --erasesize=$[8 * 1024 * 1024] --blocksize=$[256 * 1024] ${trg} 
 --open-au-nr=7 --random
512KiB  5.54M/s
256KiB  2.5M/s
./flashbench -O --erasesize=$[8 * 1024 * 1024] --blocksize=$[256 * 1024] ${trg} 
 --open-au-nr=8 --random
512KiB  3.26M/s
256KiB  2.02M/s

When / if I get time I'll condense this down a bit and send it into the 
flashbench mailing list.

This also helped.

Will aim to work on it again in late May or in June.

Thanks for the notes,  ... Peter E.

Thanks for the link, we'll get to the bottom of this in the end, 
hopefully someone who knows what's going on will put flashbench in the 
repositories with a good man page

[0] Some not very relevant musings. Since a hard-drive cannot physically 
do more than one I/O at once we simulate that ability by giving them 
clever controllers, buffers and command queues then we more or less 
treat them as a black box of storage.  I don't know if an individual 
flash memory chip can perform multiple simultaneous I/O but even if it 
can't, if the SSD or memory card is based on more than one chip then the 
question becomes can the controller support simultaneous I/O.

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Re: gnome panel fonts on startup

2012-04-17 Thread songbird
Camaleón wrote:
 But in my case, restarting gnome-shell solves the issue so maybe is that 
 you're facing a different problem then :-?

  yes, i'm still digging into it.  going to
be delayed for a while now.  if i figure it
out i'll post a fix.

   the gnome-panel up above is missing the word
 Activities completely, to the right a little it has the icon for the
 terminal T  m  al, the clock in the center shows 7 and the rightmost
 part says m.
   to get it to display correctly i have to again
 click the accessibility icon (that is not displayed until i hover over
 it) and clicking L rg  T xt and then again clicking Large Text (to
 turn it back to normal font).  then all is well again.

 As you're using sid, check for any package update, if any. 

  everything gnomish, xish, is up to date.

 What VGA driver are you using? Although you firstly thought there is no 
 relation between this and your UI problems, true is that there can be :-) 
 (intel cards use to work smoothly with gnome-shell while ati/nvidia and 
 the closed source drivers are more problematic, specially for nvidia), so 
 if you have the chance and aren't afraid of messing up your system you 
 can try to swap the current VGA driver (meaning, if using open source 
 drivers load the closed one or viceversa).

  the xserver-xorg-video-intel 2:2.18.0-2   trying to switch
to intel site downloaded version.  too old...  skip for now.

   if i knew how to automatically include these
 steps in the desktop startup i could try that, but i'm not a gnome

 I can't imagine a bypass for this, but you can open a bug report so the 
 issue can be closely -and properly- tracked.

  no bug is worth being filed for a cosmetic
item like this.  it mostly works.  looking at
bug tracker for both debian and gnome site looks
like they are swamped with reports.  sending bug
upstream to be ignored makes more work for 
everyone.  if i get a patch or fix then i can
at least then file something useful for others 
who might have similar problem to find.

  was hoping someone who was familiar with gnome
internals could point me to code and i think by
what you've said i may figure something out.  i'm 
finding places to alter and test the result as 
soon as i can get the build environment set up.
i've gone too far ahead for the moment.

  thank you for your replies,


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Re: apt-get dist-upgrade failed.

2012-04-17 Thread Amrish Purohit
I have repeated same with latest 6.0.4 kde live dvd, but getting the 
saem result.

This time I have added only for repositories as listed below

## Debian Main Repos
deb wheezy main contrib
deb-src wheezy main contrib

## Debian Update Repos
deb wheezy/updates main contrib
deb-src wheezy/updates main contrib

please help me to fix this issue.


On 04/16/2012 04:24 PM, Amrish Purohit wrote:

On 04/13/2012 01:29 AM, Florian Kulzer wrote:

[ Please turn off the HTML part of your messages. ]

I have turned of HTML part. Sorry for inconvenience.

On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 14:48:15 +0530, Amrish Purohit wrote:

I installed debian stable kde with live cd
debian-live-6.0.3-i386-kde-desktop.iso. My PC was not connected
with internet, so after the installation, my source.list file was
with only one line of cd - repository. Then I populated
/source.list/ with following repositories because I want to install
debian with testing.

## Debian Main Repos
deb wheezy main contrib non-free
deb-src wheezy main contrib non-free

## Debian Update Repos
deb wheezy/updates main contrib non-free
deb wheezy-proposed-updates main
contrib non-free
deb-src wheezy/updates main contrib non-free
deb-src wheezy-proposed-updates
main contrib non-free


[ snip: debian-multimedia, google, skype ]

To convert debian stable in testing, I fired following commands.
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade

For the record: If you want to set up a testing system starting from a
stable installation CD then I would recommend to only install a
minimal stable system (no graphical environment etc.), upgrade this
minimal system carefully to testing (kernel, udev, dpkg, and apt first,
the do an upgrade, followed by a dist-upgrade) and then install the
rest of the system from testing. Your approach is asking for trouble.

Yes, I know that this is good method, but It requires more manual task
to set a working desktop environment.

But dist-upgrade failed with following error.
E: Could not perform immediate configuration on
'phonon-backend-vlc'. Please see man 5 apt.conf under
APT::Immediate-Configure for details. (2)

I think one or more of the following may help to untangle your system:

- Comment out all third-party repositories and run apt-get update
again (as Daniel has already suggested).

I have done it, but same error is continued.

- Add the usual lines for the stable repository (squeeze) to your
sources list and run apt-get update. (There may be rare cases where
a stable package needs to be installed temporarily to help break a
dependency loop.)

I am going to try with latest 6.0.4 kde live cd and fire dist-upgrade
and hope, it may solve the prob.

- Run apt-get install -f, put its complete output on (or a
similar site) and send us the link.

- Also show us the output of:
apt-cache policy phonon-backend-vlc libvlc5 libvlccore4

here is output:
Installed: (none)
Candidate: 0.5.0-1
Version table:
0.5.0-1 0
500 wheezy/main i386 Packages
Installed: (none)
Candidate: 2.0.0-6
Version table:
2.0.0-6 0
500 wheezy/main i386 Packages
N: Unable to locate package libvlccore4

dpkg -l \*phonon\* | awk '/^[^D|+]/{print $2,$3}'

libphonon4 4:4.6.0really4.4.2-1
libqt4-phonon none
libsmokephonon3 4:4.4.5-3
phonon 4:4.6.0really4.4.2-1
phonon-backend none
phonon-backend-gstreamer none
phonon-backend-mplayer none
phonon-backend-vlc none
phonon-backend-xine 4:4.6.0really4.4.2-1


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