Re: Fonctionnement de NTP

2012-07-31 Thread David BERCOT
Le Tue, 31 Jul 2012 00:10:22 +0200,
Gilles Mocellin a écrit :
Le 30/07/2012 12:01, David BERCOT a écrit :

 Je voudrais que des serveurs Debian soient toujours synchronisés avec
 des serveurs NTP internes.
 A priori, la solution consiste à utiliser le démon NTP (ntpdate
 semble en plus ne pas fonctionner correctement avec la version

 Donc, après l'installation de ntp sur un de ces serveurs, je remplace
 les lignes server 0.debian.pool... par les serveurs internes. Puis je
 relance ntp.

 Malheureusement, il semble que celui-ci ne veuille pas se
 synchroniser... J'ai le résultat suivant :
 root@serveur_debian:/etc# ntpdc -p
   remote   local  st poll reach  delay   offset
 ===   64  377 0.01012 -31.80681
 0.12862   64  377 0.00047
 -31.81074 0.12860   64  377
 0.02019 -31.81138 0.12857

 A priori, on a bien 31 secondes d'écart ?

 Le problème est que cet écart ne bouge pas sur la durée (plusieurs
 jours)... Est-ce normal ? Y a-t-il une limite de temps qui fait que
 c'est trop important pour ntp ? Y a-t-il des contraintes
 particulières sur des serveurs virtuels (sur VMware) ?

 Bref, j'avoue que j'étudie le problème depuis près de 2 semaines sans

 Merci d'avance pour vos idées lumineuses ;-)



Pourrais-tu nous montrer ton fichier /etc/ntp.conf  (sans les 
commentaires) ?

Le voici :
driftfile /var/lib/ntp/ntp.drift
statsdir /var/log/ntpstats/
statistics loopstats peerstats clockstats
filegen loopstats file loopstats type day enable
filegen peerstats file peerstats type day enable
filegen clockstats file clockstats type day enable
server iburst
server iburst
server iburst

As-tu l'option iburst sur tes serveurs ?
As-tu la source de synchronisation locale d'activée ?

Sinon, NTP a un modèle arborescent comme le DNS.
Il serait bien que tu ais deux serveurs synchronisés sur une source 
fiable, GPS ou Internet.
Ensuite tous tes autres serveurs synchronisés sur ceux-ci.

Je comprends, sauf que je n'ai pas la maîtrise sur les serveurs
ci-dessus... Pour info, ce sont des serveurs Windows, DC.

Quant aux serveurs Debian, du point de vue NTP, ce ne sont bien que des

Si tu  un cluster et que tu veux synchroniser tous les nœuds entre
eux, il vaut mieux les déclarer en tant que pair (peer) plutôt que
serveurs (server). Ça me semble plus logique, et peut-être que le
mécanisme n'aime pas les boucles (si tous les serveurs sont à la foi
serveur et client pour les autres)


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Re: Fonctionnement de NTP

2012-07-31 Thread David BERCOT
Le Tue, 31 Jul 2012 00:12:29 +0200,
Gilles Mocellin a écrit :
Le 30/07/2012 12:01, David BERCOT a écrit :


 Y a-t-il des contraintes particulières
 sur des serveurs virtuels (sur VMware) ?

J'ai toujours eu des soucis avec VMware.
Est-ce-que tu utilise les tools sur le guest, qui ont une fonction de 
mise à l'heure ?

En effet, j'utilise bien les outils VMware, mais je n'ai pas activé la
synchro de l'heure.
D'autre part, j'ai aussi le problème sur un serveur physique...

Dans ce cas, si j'étais toi, je n'utiliserais pas NTP.
En gros, c'est l'un ou l'autre. Ensemble, ça ne peut que se gêner.

On est bien d'accord et je n'utilise que NTP...


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Squeeze et PHP5.2

2012-07-31 Thread Grégoire COUTANT

Bonjour à tous,
J'ai besoin d'installer sur une squeeze la version 5.2 de PHP qui je le 
sais n'est plus maintenu.

J'ai commencé à installer tous les paquets annexes dont j'ai besoin 
(apache2, bind etc...) par contre je bute sur cette version.
Quand j'essaie d'installer php5.2 en utilisant le dépôt de la version 
oldstable, j'ai un nombre de conflit assez hallucinant qui sont tout 
bonnement incompatible (bind9 etc)
Quel est la meilleure solution ? Certains d'entres vous ont-ils déjà 
installé cette configuration ?



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Re: Squeeze et PHP5.2

2012-07-31 Thread Luc Novalès


Le 31/07/2012 11:15, Grégoire COUTANT a écrit :

Bonjour à tous,
J'ai besoin d'installer sur une squeeze la version 5.2 de PHP qui je 
le sais n'est plus maintenu.

La bonne méthode serait peut être d'utiliser le service snapshot debian. 
La version PHP 5.2.12 est rentrée dans la squeeze le 11 janvier 2010

En ajoutant la ligne suivante dans un nouveau fichier 

deb squeeze main

tous les paquets disponibles à cette date, donc cohérents avec cette 
version php5 deviendront accessibles et la bonne ligne apt-get ou 
aptitude (pour forcer l'utilisation de ces vieux paquets) devrait 
permettre l'installation sans problèmes (hormis ceux de sécurité ;) .



 _ o
/ \\
\_/   O °

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Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

bind9 qui s'arrête pas

2012-07-31 Thread Daniel Caillibaud

Je me suis fait avoir cette nuit par bind9 qui est resté en plan lors de 
C'est cron-apt que j'avais configuré pour faire les màj de sécu tout seul qui a 
un invoke-rc.d bind9 restart qui n'a jamais rendu la main.

Je me disais qu'il valait mieux prendre le risque d'un service planté que celui 
serveur piraté, mais quand ce service est le dns ça coupe tous les autres :-/

C'est pas la première fois que bind refuse de s'arrêter, le service se coupe 
mais ensuite il
boucle sur bind9 waiting for pid xxx to die waiting for pid xxx to die waiting 
for ..., mais 
d'habitude c'est quand je veux éteindre mon desktop (j'ai mis un bind recursif 

Y'a une explication et qqchose pour s'en prémunir ?

root  7410  0.0  0.0   3960   324 ?S03:06   0:00  
\_ /bin/sh /usr/sbin/cron-apt /etc/cron-apt/myconfig
root  7412  0.0  0.2  71736  9104 ?Sl   03:06   0:00
  \_ /usr/bin/aptitude -o quiet=1 safe-upgrade -R -y -o quiet=1 -o 
APT::Get::Show-Upgraded=true -o Dir:
root  7751  0.0  2.2  78084 69776 ?S03:06   0:00
  \_ /usr/bin/dpkg --force-confold --status-fd 12 --configure libisc62 
libdns69 libisccc60 libisccf
root  7764  0.0  0.3  50856  9784 ?S03:06   0:00
  \_ /usr/bin/perl -w /usr/share/debconf/frontend 
/var/lib/dpkg/info/bind9.postinst configure 1
root  7767  0.0  0.0   3960   656 ?S03:06   0:00
  \_ /bin/sh /var/lib/dpkg/info/bind9.postinst configure 
root  7783  0.0  0.0   3960   628 ?S03:06   0:00
  \_ /bin/sh /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d bind9 restart 
root  7787  0.0  0.0   3960   652 ?S03:06   0:00
  \_ /bin/sh -e /etc/init.d/bind9 restart
root  7789  0.0  0.0   3960   656 ?S03:06   0:03
  \_ /bin/sh -e /etc/init.d/bind9 stop
root 26496  0.0  0.0   3876   520 ?S10:26   0:00
  \_ sleep 1

avec dans le log un

Jul 31 03:08:17 sql2 named[26481]: received control channel command 'stop -p'
Jul 31 03:08:17 sql2 named[26481]: shutting down: flushing changes
Jul 31 03:08:17 sql2 named[26481]: stopping command channel on
Jul 31 03:08:17 sql2 named[26481]: no longer listening on

mais avec un process qui tournait toujours (le xxx du waiting for pid xxx to 
die), et il 
a fallu un kill -9 pour le virer.


On ne va tout de même pas se laisser abattre.
John F. Kennedy.

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Re: Squeeze et PHP5.2

2012-07-31 Thread Daniel Caillibaud
Le 31/07/12 à 11:15, Grégoire COUTANT a écrit :
GC Bonjour à tous,
GC J'ai besoin d'installer sur une squeeze la version 5.2 de PHP qui je le 
GC sais n'est plus maintenu.
GC J'ai commencé à installer tous les paquets annexes dont j'ai besoin 
GC (apache2, bind etc...) par contre je bute sur cette version.
GC Quand j'essaie d'installer php5.2 en utilisant le dépôt de la version 
GC oldstable, j'ai un nombre de conflit assez hallucinant qui sont tout 
GC bonnement incompatible (bind9 etc)

Assez logique si tu veux installer du paquet lenny dans une squeeze.

GC Quel est la meilleure solution ? Certains d'entres vous ont-ils déjà 
GC installé cette configuration ?

C'est amha franchement à déconseiller, j'espère que c'est pas ouvert au public !

J'avais eu besoin de faire ça sur une ip locale pour préparer une migration.

C'est vrai que j'avais un peu galéré et noté ce que j'avais fait

Pour un cas comme ça, (je suppose que tu peux pas modifier l'appli pour passer 
à 5.3 ?), si
c'est public tu as intérêt à pas mal sécuriser en amont.

1) Une VM lenny minimale sur une ip privée, avec un frontal web qui ne 
redirigera que ce qu'il
faut vers elle après un max de contrôles si tu peux.

2) Récupérer les paquets source php 5.2 de lenny et les recompiler sur une 
squeeze (prend
juste le cgi et pas le mod_apache, tu auras moins de dépendances à satisfaire). 
Mais ne pas
mettre trop de truc sur cette squeeze car elle est une faille ambulante (si tu 
as une appli qui
supporte pas 5.3, c'est probablement un truc abandonné plein de trous)

3) Jongler avec du pinning comme dans le tuto, mais 
- changer lenny par oldstable
- ça c'est foireux :
aptitude -t lenny --disable-columns -F %p search ^php5|tr '\n' ' '
  à remplacer par
aptitude --disable-columns -F %p search ^php5~Aoldstable|tr '\n' ' '


Un classique c'est ce que tout le monde veut avoir lu
et que personne ne veut lire
Mark Twain

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Re: Squeeze et PHP5.2

2012-07-31 Thread Luc Novalès

Le 31/07/2012 11:58, Luc Novalès a écrit :


Le 31/07/2012 11:15, Grégoire COUTANT a écrit :

Bonjour à tous,
J'ai besoin d'installer sur une squeeze la version 5.2 de PHP qui je 
le sais n'est plus maintenu.

La bonne méthode serait peut être d'utiliser le service snapshot 
debian. La version PHP 5.2.12 est rentrée dans la squeeze le 11 
janvier 2010

En ajoutant la ligne suivante dans un nouveau fichier 
squeeze main

tous les paquets disponibles à cette date, donc cohérents avec cette 
version php5 deviendront accessibles et la bonne ligne apt-get ou 
aptitude (pour forcer l'utilisation de ces vieux paquets) devrait 
permettre l'installation sans problèmes (hormis ceux de sécurité ;) .

|aptitude -o Acquire::Check-Valid-Until=false update

pour éviter l'erreur disant que le dépot ne va pas être pris en compte 
car trop ancien.



 _ o
/ \\
\_/   O °

Faites un cadeau aux générations futures,
abandonnez votre voiture !

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Squeeze et PHP5.2

2012-07-31 Thread Grégoire COUTANT

Merci pour vos réponses Luc et Daniel.
Je suis en train de tester une solution avec compilation de PHP, je vous 
ferai le retour si ça fonctionne.


Le 31/07/2012 15:53, Luc Novalès a écrit :

Le 31/07/2012 11:58, Luc Novalès a écrit :


Le 31/07/2012 11:15, Grégoire COUTANT a écrit :

Bonjour à tous,
J'ai besoin d'installer sur une squeeze la version 5.2 de PHP qui je
le sais n'est plus maintenu.

La bonne méthode serait peut être d'utiliser le service snapshot
debian. La version PHP 5.2.12 est rentrée dans la squeeze le 11
janvier 2010

En ajoutant la ligne suivante dans un nouveau fichier
squeeze main

tous les paquets disponibles à cette date, donc cohérents avec cette
version php5 deviendront accessibles et la bonne ligne apt-get ou
aptitude (pour forcer l'utilisation de ces vieux paquets) devrait
permettre l'installation sans problèmes (hormis ceux de sécurité ;) .

|aptitude -o Acquire::Check-Valid-Until=false update

pour éviter l'erreur disant que le dépot ne va pas être pris en compte
car trop ancien.



  _ o
/ \\
\_/   O °

Faites un cadeau aux générations futures,
abandonnez votre voiture !

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Re: Fonctionnement de NTP

2012-07-31 Thread Pierre Malard
Question bête : est-ce que VMware utilise la para virtualisation ?
Si oui, c'est comme avec Xen, il ne faut jamais utiliser de mécanisme de 
synchronisation horaire car les serveurs virtuels utilisent la même horloge que 
le serveur physique. Ça peut même provoquer des grabuges sur le serveur 
physique puisqu'il y a risque de synchronisation concurrente.

Pierre Malard

Le 31 juil. 2012 à 09:23, David BERCOT a écrit :

 Le Tue, 31 Jul 2012 00:12:29 +0200,
 Gilles Mocellin a écrit :
 Le 30/07/2012 12:01, David BERCOT a écrit :
 Y a-t-il des contraintes particulières
 sur des serveurs virtuels (sur VMware) ?
 J'ai toujours eu des soucis avec VMware.
 Est-ce-que tu utilise les tools sur le guest, qui ont une fonction de 
 mise à l'heure ?
 En effet, j'utilise bien les outils VMware, mais je n'ai pas activé la
 synchro de l'heure.
 D'autre part, j'ai aussi le problème sur un serveur physique...
 Dans ce cas, si j'étais toi, je n'utiliserais pas NTP.
 En gros, c'est l'un ou l'autre. Ensemble, ça ne peut que se gêner.
 On est bien d'accord et je n'utilise que NTP...
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Re: Atom Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 3600

2012-07-31 Thread Tanguy Ortolo
philippe L, 2012-07-30 11:42+0200:
 Quelqu'un a vu des driver en 64 bit pour : le chipset Intel NM10 Express
 Chipset ;
 Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 3600 on computer models equipped with
 an Intel Atom N2600 processor (shared memory with up to 256-MB
 supported via Intel DVMT)

Cette carte graphique n'est utilisable qu'avec un pilote propriétaire
qui n'existe probablement qu'en 32 bits, qui ne sera pas maintenu
longtemps et sera donc complètement inutilisable d'ici un an ou deux.

Si tu as déjà acheté ton ordinateur, tu ferais bien de songer à le
renvoyer pour te le faire rembourser s'il est encore temps.

: /` )   Tanguy Ortolo
| `-'Debian Developer   irc://

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Re: Les modes tiling d'Awesome

2012-07-31 Thread Tanguy Ortolo
JF Straeten, 2012-07-25 20:57+0200:
 Par exemple, avec le layout awful.layout.suit.tile.bottom, supposons
 qu'on augmente à 2 ou 3 le nombre de fenêtres maîtres, les nouvelles
 (N) apparaissent systématiquement à gauche :
 |   |   |
 |  N|  5|
 |   |   |
 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
 Est-ce qu'il est possible d'avoir ça ?
 |   |   | 
 |  5|  N| 
 |   |   |
 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |

Ce que tu veux ressemble à un mode qui n'existe pas encore faute de
grande utilisé : awful.layout.suit.tile.bottom_right. Ça doit être
codable en Lua, en t'inspirant de awful.layout.suit.tile.bottom, je

C'est pour quel usage au juste ? Selon ce que tu veux faire, il y a
peut-être mieux. Par exemple, pour un bureau de messagerie instantanée,
j'ai fait en sorte que la liste de contacts soit master, et que toutes
les nouvelles fenêtres de discussions soient mises en dernier plutôt
qu'en nouveau master…

: /` )   Tanguy Ortolo
| `-'Debian Developer   irc://

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questions diverses fonctionnement Wheezy / Gnome-Shell

2012-07-31 Thread Colin
Bonjour à tous,

J'ai un petit soucis assez contrariant avec Iceweasel et Gnome-Shell : à
chaque fois que j'ouvre Iceweasel, que la fenêtre apparaît, le menu
Activités s'ouvre automatiquement (alors que je n'ai ni appuyé sur la
touche Super, ni mis ma souris dans le coin haut gauche...).
C'est la seule application avec laquelle j'ai remarqué ça. Quelqu'un
d'autre a t-il ce phénomène ?
J'étais sous Squeeze avant, c'est donc assez nouveau pour moi. Peut-être
ai-je oublié quelque chose ?

Par ailleurs, j'ai pas d'autres machines sous la main pour essayer, mais
je trouve Gnome-Shell franchement pas fluide (alors que je ne crois pas
avoir une vieille rougne comme machine ;)). À titre d'exemple, chaque
changement d'espace de travail n'est pas fluide, la navigation dans les
menus non plus. Ça donne une impression de lourdeur assez forte. Je
voulais juste savoir si d'autres personnes rencontrent ces problèmes,
ou s'il y a quelque chose qui m'a échappé.

Enfin, j'ai eu hier soir ma session qui a crashé de façon très étrange
(je surfais tranquillement avec Iceweasel, Evolution et Rythmnbox de
lancé) : au moment où je lance Epiphany, ma session se quitte
brutalement et j'arrive sur le login gdm3... Évidement impossible à
reproduire, et je n'ai rien de trouvé de probant dans les logs... Cela
vaut-il la peine d'ouvrir un bug, sans plus de précisions ?

Cela dit, je suis vraiment content de cette nouvelle version de Gnome,
malgré un certain temps d'adaptation !

Pour ce qui est de ma config : Debian Wheezy (à jour), sans dépôts
supplémentaires (excepté non-free de Debian pour flash et les polices
MS) sur un Lenovo X201i avec un Core i3 2,53 Ghz, GMA 4500, SSD Vertex
2, 8 Go de RAM.

Merci de m'avoir lu,
Bonne journée,

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Priorité d'init

2012-07-31 Thread Goldy

Je souhaiterais initialiser le réseau avant le montage des disques sur
Debian Testing, mais je n'arrive pas à changer la priorité d’exécution
du script /etc/init.d/networking dans /etc/rcS.d/

Je l'ai fais manuellement dans un premier temps, mais ça n'était pas
pris en compte au boot, donc je me suis dit qu'il fallait sans doute
utiliser l'utilitaire update-rc.d, mais là encore j'ai une difficulté.

J'enlève les liens dans les différents runlevels avec :

update-rc.d -f networking remove

là ça fonctionne, les liens sont supprimés, par contre lorsque j'effectue

update-rc.d networking start 06 S . stop 30 0 6 .

Le liens est bien recré, mais la priorité est toujours à 14 et non pas à
06 comme je le spécifie dans la commande...

C'est un peu troublant.

S'agit-il d'une limitation ? Est-ce que je suis obligé d'effectuer
l'init du réseau autrement (via initramfs ?) ?

Merci d'avance si vous pouvez m'aider

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Re: Les modes tiling d'Awesome

2012-07-31 Thread JF Straeten


On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 03:56:40PM +, Tanguy Ortolo wrote:

  Est-ce qu'il est possible d'avoir ça ?
  |   |   | 
  |  5|  N| 
  |   |   |
  | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
 Ce que tu veux ressemble à un mode qui n'existe pas encore faute de
 grande utilisé : awful.layout.suit.tile.bottom_right. Ça doit être
 codable en Lua, en t'inspirant de awful.layout.suit.tile.bottom, je

Je ne trouve que suit/tile dans les layouts fournis... Si je ne dis
pas de trop grosse bêtise, bottom est codé dans tile...

Mais je ne trouve pas la partie du code qui fait s'ouvrir les
nouvelles fenêtres master à gauche (sans savoir non plus si ça ne
viendrait pas de plus bas... Une espèce de comportement par défaut
lors de la création de fenêtres qui serait de commencer à gauche (?)).

Et de là à le coder en Lua... Oops :-)

 C'est pour quel usage au juste ?

Écriture dans une fenêtre à droite de l'écran (ça va du fichier LaTeX
au script Perl), en consultant des documents dans la partie gauche (ça
va d'une lettre pour y répondre à de la consultation de doc, par

J'admets que c'est tout à fait personnel comme préférences, mais c'est
plus naturel (pour moi) d'écrire en partie droite en consultant
quelque chose en partie gauche. Sûrement une transposition du monde
« papier », dans un esprit psychorigide ; ça se peut ;)

 Selon ce que tu veux faire, il y a peut-être mieux. Par exemple,
 pour un bureau de messagerie instantanée, j'ai fait en sorte que la
 liste de contacts soit master, et que toutes les nouvelles fenêtres
 de discussions soient mises en dernier plutôt qu'en nouveau master…

Oui, c'est très puissant et adaptable, mais quand même : juste avec
awful.layout.suit.tile.bottom, j'ai un peu de mal, ou du moins je ne
parviens pas à me débarrasser de l'idée d'essayer un .bottom_right.

Merci pour la réponse, ceci dit, qui semble au moins confirmer que ce
n'est pas une option facilement disponible qui m'aurait échappé.




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Re: Priorité d'init

2012-07-31 Thread Goldy
Le 31/07/2012 18:17, Goldy a écrit :
 Je souhaiterais initialiser le réseau avant le montage des disques sur
 Debian Testing, mais je n'arrive pas à changer la priorité d’exécution
 du script /etc/init.d/networking dans /etc/rcS.d/
 Je l'ai fais manuellement dans un premier temps, mais ça n'était pas
 pris en compte au boot, donc je me suis dit qu'il fallait sans doute
 utiliser l'utilitaire update-rc.d, mais là encore j'ai une difficulté.
 J'enlève les liens dans les différents runlevels avec :
 update-rc.d -f networking remove
 là ça fonctionne, les liens sont supprimés, par contre lorsque j'effectue
 update-rc.d networking start 06 S . stop 30 0 6 .
 Le liens est bien recré, mais la priorité est toujours à 14 et non pas à
 06 comme je le spécifie dans la commande...
 C'est un peu troublant.
 S'agit-il d'une limitation ? Est-ce que je suis obligé d'effectuer
 l'init du réseau autrement (via initramfs ?) ?
 Merci d'avance si vous pouvez m'aider

Je me réponds à mi-même pour signaler que je viens de découvrir les joie
sur boot dependency... il était peut-être temps...

Je vais essayé d'y parvenir.

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Re: Outils apt : comment interroger sur la présence d'un dépôt ?

2012-07-31 Thread Vincent Bernat
 ❦ 30 juillet 2012 09:41 CEST, Olivier :

 J'ai un script qui ajoute le dépôt non-free à un système.
 Pour le rendre idempotent (pour me permettre de l'exécuter plusieurs fois
 de suite sans conséquence néfaste), je souhaite avant d'ajouter le dépôt
 dont j'ai besoin, tester s'il n'est déjà pris en compte.

 Pour ce faire, je peux analyser le contenu des fichiers
 /etc/apt/sources.list et  /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list.

 Connaissez-vous  un outil plus spécialisé et plus efficace rendant un
 service du style :
 apt-is-repo-included squeeze non-free

De manière générique, il y a Augeas qui est particulièrement adapté à ce
type de problématique:
  * For moronic filesystems that do not allow holes in file.
  * We may have to extend the file.
2.4.0-test2 /usr/src/linux/fs/buffer.c

Description: PGP signature

désactivation seconde carte graphique

2012-07-31 Thread Prego Jérémy


j'ai donc un asus k53sc sous debian squeeze kernel 3.2.0 squeeze 
backports avec la technologie nvidia obtimu. pour gagner en batterie je 
désactive avec acpi_call la carte nvidia, seul problème une fois la 
carte désactivé le ventilateur ce met à tourner a plein régime

quelqu'un connais se soucis ?


[ webcam] microsoft lifecam hd 5000

2012-07-31 Thread frederic zulian

Version : Testing
Noyau : 3.2

On vient de m'offrir une webcam microsoft  lifecam  hd 5000

Il y a un peu de doc deci dela mais rien que j'ai pu faire fonctionner

Une idée ?

Je suis passé par la

pour arriver ici :

Entre mon anglais directement venu du lycée, il y a quelques décennies, et
mon niveau fuck end user
je ne comprends pas les explications données.

Une idée ?


Re: absence de son

2012-07-31 Thread Alain Rpnpif
Le 28 juillet 2012, mi demur a écrit :

 l'application lecteur de musique lit le CD; mais on n'entend pas le  
 son; la connexion de l'ecran a l'ordinateur est en HDMI.
 est ce une configuration ou preferences defectueuses ?
 Avec mes remerciements,


Avec si peu d'information, c'est difficile d'aider (quel modèle exact de
matériel, etc.).

J'ai eu le même problème avec l'ordinateur de ma fille la semaine
dernière sur une carte Asusk7T ou quelque chose comme ça avec une puce
son de VIA compatible ac97 (de mémoire).

Ma solution après des heures de recherche : lancer alsamixer ou
équivalent et rendre muet ou inactif le périphérique LFE.
Pourquoi ? Et bien, j'aimerais bien le savoir.

Si ça peut aider.

Alain Rpnpif

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Re: Actualización catastrófica de testing - wheezy

2012-07-31 Thread Pedro
Tu comentario me ha hecho escribir el que sigue:

2012/7/31 Juan Lavieri

 Tu problema me da pie para hacer el siguiente comentario.

 El 30/07/12 07:09, Debian GMail escribió:

 Esto va por si a alguno le pasa, y está teniendo dudas sobre si proceder o
 no. Uso testing desde hace años, y nunca tuve un problema de este calibre.
 El sábado, como todos los sábados, corrí la actualización del sistema con
 aptitude full-upgrade, y me recomendó desinstalar una serie de paquetes,
 por problemas de dependencias. Maldita la hora que le hice caso; cada nueva
 corrida, seguía desinstalando cosas, hasta que me dejó el sistema
 Dado que esto me lo suelo tomar con soda, y SIEMPRE tengo los dos primeros
 DVDs de testing en algún rincón del sistema (gracias a popularity-contest,
 contienen el 90% de lo que uno necesita), instalé un sistema limpio con
 fecha marzo de 2012, cuando las bajé.
 Y luego intenté nuevamente la actualización (siempre uso la opción -d,
 por si se cuelga internet, para evitar actualizaciones a medias).
 Y acá viene el chiste:

 Se que algunos listeros son realmente concienzudos en cuanto a lo que hacen
 a sus sistemas;  pero estoy seguro que la mayoría no tiene *NI IDEA* de lo
 que sucede cuando emiten una instrucción como la que sigue:

 ~# aptitude full-upgrade -d

¿Por qué no has dedicado tiempo a explicar para qué sirve este comando?
En fin, si alguien lo sabe, que conteste.

 Muchos ni siquiera leen las *consecuencias* de lo que dijeron que quería que
 sucediera.  A este respecto vuelvo a sugerir, por n-esima vez el uso de la
 interfaz curses de aptitude que permite controlar hasta la última cana que
 nos salga.

Aunque sea la n-esima vez, muchos necesitamos la n+1, como yo. No está
de más, volver a citar cómo encontrar o instalar esta herramienta


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Re: Actualización catastrófica de testing - wheezy

2012-07-31 Thread Marc Olive
On Tuesday 31 July 2012 10:30:15 Pedro wrote:
 Tu comentario me ha hecho escribir el que sigue:
 2012/7/31 Juan Lavieri

  que sucede cuando emiten una instrucción como la que sigue:
  ~# aptitude full-upgrade -d
 ¿Por qué no has dedicado tiempo a explicar para qué sirve este comando?
 En fin, si alguien lo sabe, que conteste.

Metiendome donde no me llaman, me atrevo a decir a que es por que el manual 



Marc Olivé
Blau Advisors  

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: Instalar paquetes Debian sin conexión a internet.

2012-07-31 Thread JulHer
El lun, 30-07-2012 a las 19:55 -0500, manuel escribió:
 Hola y buenas tardes a todos. Sucede que tengo ya 5 días con un gran 
 problema que no puedo ser capaz de resolver, y por eso recurro a la 
 lista para ver si alguien puede orientarme aunque sea un poco.

Hola, veamos que pasa.

 Hace poco una amiga me comentó que quería usar debian y trajo una PC que 
 tenía hacía desde hace varios años, que no estaba del todo bien y tenía 
 instalado un windows xp con mucho tiempo de uso y como consecuencia, 
 muchas cosas maliciosas y bastante lento. Cabe decir que la PC no es muy 
 nueva, tiene un AMD Atlon que corre a 2.2ghz y una memoria RAM de 728 
 MB, con dos discos duros de 80 y 60 gb respectivamente.
 El problema con esta PC es que la unidad de CD falla, a veces lee los 
 discos y otras no. Intenté, primero, correr el DVd de Debian con gnome 
 precargado, ya que necesito de una aplicación de lectura de pantalla 
 para usar el pc, pero el DVd no arrancó nunca. Luego, probé a con otro 
 disco de otra distro, la idea era iniciar la distro y poner todo lo de 
 debian con debootstrap, casi como lo harían con una netinstall, pero 
 tampoco cargó. Leía el Cd y cuando iba por la carga del sistema 
 operativo, se detenía. Probé varios CD, hasta que me decidí por la 
 debian para instalación mínima (netinst) y este sí cargó, aún no sé por 
 qué, supongo que por el mínimo tamaño del CD o algo así.
 El problema viene cuando Debian me notifica que no pudo configurar la 
 red automáticamente, en ese momento intenté poner las configuraciones 
 manuales y todo salió bien, hasta que notificó de nuevo que no pudo 
 obtener los archivos de la réplica para méxico de los repositorios. Le 
 puse para que continuara de todas formas y el sistema base quedó instalado.
 al iniciar el sistema base, al hacer un apt-get update, me dice que no 
 se pueden descargar los archivos de índice, se han ignorado o se han 
 utilizado otros anteriores o algo así. intenté hacer ping a google, para 
 ver si tenía internet, y no pudo resolver la dirección ni de google, ni 
 de otros hosts que sabía.
 Ahora, revisé el archivo de configuración /etc/network/interfaces, y 
 solo estaba esto
 auto lo
 iface lo inet loopback
 Después de haber leído mucho por tutoriales, saqué los datos de 
 configuración de mi laptop que también tiene Debian (solo que la debian 
 que se instaló en la pc de mi amiga es stable  y el mío es testing). 
 entre los comandos route e ifconfig, me dio estos datos:
 Entonces, intenté configurar la tarjeta de red desde el sistema que está 
 instalado en la PC de mi amiga, poniendo los datos de la red en el 
 archivo de interfaces, quedando así mi archivo /etc/network/interfaces
 auto lo
 iface lo inet loopback
 auto eth0
 iface eth0 inet static
 Reinicio el servicio de red (bueno, al menos eso creo que hago) con 
 /etc/init.d/networking restart y me avisa que hay un fallo al configurar 
 el dispositivo eth0.

Lo que has hecho, copiando datos de red de un equipo a otro es... una
estu^H^H^H^H^H error consecuencia de no saber que se está haciendo.

 Intenté con muchas varias formas de ponerlo bien, moviendo ese mismo 
 archivo de configuración, y nada funciona. Al final me desesperé de 
 hacerlo, e intenté pasar todos los paquetes que quería instalar desde un 
 squeeze que hice en un directorio con debootstrap hacia una memoria USB, 
 la monté, pero me da errores al instalar los paquetes por que falla al 
 procesar unos cuantos.
 Alguien tiene una idea de cómo podría instalarle gnome o mínimo network 
 manager a esa PC? Ya intenté hacer una instalación base de squeeze en un 
 directorio, entrar con una chroot hacia ese directorio e instalar los 
 paquetes para gnome-core y network-manager, luego, pasar los paquetes 
 que están dentro de /var/cache/apt/archives en una USB, y no me resultó.

Entiendo que el problema es que no tienes acceso a la red y estás en un
equipo al que solo puedes acceder vía consola.

Voy a suponer que tanto en la red de tu amiga como en la tuya las
direcciones se obtienen por DHCP y que además la tarjeta de red está
detectada por el núcleo.

Lo primero, para sacarte del apuro y que puedas instalar un entorno
gráfico, con el que supongo que estarás más cómodo, deja en la
configuración de la red la parte de la eth0 como

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp 

Reinicia el equipo (no es necesario, se podría reiniciar solo la red
pero prefiero que lo hagas así) y mira a ver si ya te funciona.

En caso contrario miraremos más cosas.

Un saludo


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Fwd: Re: OFF-TOPIC Como reproducir archivos .srf de samsung

2012-07-31 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 30 Jul 2012 20:04:30 +0200, Maykel Franco Hernández escribió:

 El 2012-07-30 18:18, Camaleón escribió:


 Alguien se ha topado con el mismo problema??

 Seguro que sí, el mundo es gordo y prolífico :-)

 Es un formato grabado directamente de la tv samsung a un disco duro de
 500GB. Se supone que es video mas audio. Si le hago un file fichero
 sale que es un data.

Ya veo...

En el mensaje del foro que he puesto más arriba parecen apuntar a que se 
trata de un archivo con cifrado. Podrías comprobar si se trata 
efectivamente de esto y desactivarlo en caso de que tengas problemas para 



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Servidor RAS

2012-07-31 Thread luis

Hola a todos

Como puedo instalar y configurar un Servidor RAS en Debian 6 ???

El modem que tengo es USB.

A ver si me pueden dar una mano porque aqui si estoy mas que perdido
agradezco a todos lo que me puedan ayudar

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Re: Duda sobre aptitude [SOLUCIONADO]

2012-07-31 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 30 Jul 2012 22:07:04 +0100, José Manuel (EB8CXW) escribió:

 El 28/07/12 11:37, Camaleón escribió:


 Pues ya sabes, si quieres que sólo se descargue actualizaciones de los
 paquetes de idiomas que tengas instalados (¿inglés y español?) tendrás
 que configurarlo desde /etc/apt.conf.d/, bien utilizando algunos de
 los archivos de configuración ya creados (por ejemplo, 70debconf) o
 creando uno para esto con el nombre que quieras y que contenga:

 Acquire::Languages es_ES;
 Acquire::Languages es;
 Acquire::Languages en;
 Acquire::Languages none;

 Y prueba de nuevo a ejecutar apt-config dump | grep -i lang para ver
 qué dice ahora.


 Gracias a todos los que me contestaron por su estimada ayuda.
 Realice lo que me indicaron cree un fichero en, ya que no existía en
 Y le puse en el interior lo que me indicasteis de Acquire::Languages
 none ;
 Después  apt-config dump | grep -i lang Me respondió:
 Acquire::Languages ;
 Acquire::Languages:: none;

Hombre, añade el español y el inglés, de lo contrario te perderás las 
actualizaciones de los paquetes de idiomas de esos dos y si hay algún 
error en la traducción no podrás comunicarlo a los traductores :-)
 Después actualice:
 root@JJNG:/home/eb8cxw# aptitude clean  aptitude autoclean  aptitude


 Y ya no sale todos los idiomas.

Ya no sale ninguno :-P



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Re: Error con openoffice en debian sid.

2012-07-31 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 30 Jul 2012 17:59:42 -0500, Marcos Delgado escribió:

 El día 28 de julio de 2012 05:23, Camaleón


 No podré ver esta computadora hasta el lunes, así que cualquier prueba
 esperará hasta ese día.

 Ya contarás :-)


 No existe un paquete gtk para Apache OpenOffice. 

¿Ya no existe el paquete

¿Qué versión del programa usas y desde dónde has descargado el paquete de 
la suite?

 Finalmente la cosa se resolvió cambiando el tema gtk, hay algunos que
 no permiten mostrar esas opciones y otros que si. Sería cosa de revisar
 los temas para verificar en que consiste la diferencia.

Aumm... ¿y cómo hiciste el cambio del tema? ¿Hay alguna opción que se 
pueda configurar? Más allá de los iconos y los tipos de letra no veo más 
sitios donde poder modificar el tema que usa OOo :-?



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Re: Instalar paquetes Debian sin conexión a internet.

2012-07-31 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 30 Jul 2012 19:55:47 -0500, manuel escribió:


 Alguien tiene una idea de cómo podría instalarle gnome o mínimo network
 manager a esa PC? Ya intenté hacer una instalación base de squeeze en un
 directorio, entrar con una chroot hacia ese directorio e instalar los
 paquetes para gnome-core y network-manager, luego, pasar los paquetes
 que están dentro de /var/cache/apt/archives en una USB, y no me resultó.

¿No tiene puertos USB desde los que poder iniciar el instalador?

Yo instalaría sin conexión a Internet descargando la ISO del primer DVD y 
grabándolo en una llave USB. Una vez que tengas el sistema instalado ya 
podrás configurar más cómodamente la tarjeta de red.



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Re: Actualización catastrófica de testing - wheezy

2012-07-31 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 31 Jul 2012 10:30:15 +0200, Pedro escribió:

 2012/7/31 Juan Lavieri


 Se que algunos listeros son realmente concienzudos en cuanto a lo que
 hacen a sus sistemas;  pero estoy seguro que la mayoría no tiene *NI
 IDEA* de lo que sucede cuando emiten una instrucción como la que sigue:

 ~# aptitude full-upgrade -d
 ¿Por qué no has dedicado tiempo a explicar para qué sirve este comando?
 En fin, si alguien lo sabe, que conteste.

Pues lo que hace exactamente es actualizar los paquetes a la última 
versión disponible y que según los repositorios que tengas habilitados y 
las prioridades que hayas definido para cada uno de ellos esto puede 
llegar a muy problemático y generar conflictos y dependencias que te 
dejan en una especie de bucle barbudo difícil de resolver (si sólo 
tienes los repositorios oficiales los problemas se reducen).

Un dist-upgrade o full-upgrade también tiene la potestad de eliminar 
paquetes para resolver automáticamente los conflictos lo cual puede ser 
bueno o realmente malo por eso hay que ir con mucho tino y leer bien la 
propuesta del instalador antes de decirle que sí, que adelante.

Esta opción se utiliza habitualmente en testing y sid o cuando quieres 
actualizar desde una versión de Debian a otra. En cambio, en la versión 
estable con un simple update normalmente suele ser más que suficiente.

Por ultimo, el argumento -d lo que hace es sencillamente descargar los 
paquetes sin llegar a instalar/eliminar nada.



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Re: Servidor RAS

2012-07-31 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 31 Jul 2012 09:14:23 -0400, luis escribió:

 Como puedo instalar y configurar un Servidor RAS en Debian 6 ???
 El modem que tengo es USB.
 A ver si me pueden dar una mano porque aqui si estoy mas que perdido
 agradezco a todos lo que me puedan ayudar

Pues tienes varios documentos en Internet que te pueden servir de guía, 
por ejemplo:

How To Set Up Linux As A Dial-In Server



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Re: Duda sobre aptitude [SOLUCIONADO]

2012-07-31 Thread José Manuel (EB8CXW)

El 31/07/12 14:14, Camaleón escribió:

El Mon, 30 Jul 2012 22:07:04 +0100, José Manuel (EB8CXW) escribió:

El 28/07/12 11:37, Camaleón escribió:


Pues ya sabes, si quieres que sólo se descargue actualizaciones de los
paquetes de idiomas que tengas instalados (¿inglés y español?) tendrás
que configurarlo desde /etc/apt.conf.d/, bien utilizando algunos de
los archivos de configuración ya creados (por ejemplo, 70debconf) o
creando uno para esto con el nombre que quieras y que contenga:

Acquire::Languages es_ES;
Acquire::Languages es;
Acquire::Languages en;
Acquire::Languages none;

Y prueba de nuevo a ejecutar apt-config dump | grep -i lang para ver
qué dice ahora.


Gracias a todos los que me contestaron por su estimada ayuda.

Realice lo que me indicaron cree un fichero en, ya que no existía en

Y le puse en el interior lo que me indicasteis de Acquire::Languages
none ;

Después  apt-config dump | grep -i lang Me respondió:
Acquire::Languages ;
Acquire::Languages:: none;

Hombre, añade el español y el inglés, de lo contrario te perderás las
actualizaciones de los paquetes de idiomas de esos dos y si hay algún
error en la traducción no podrás comunicarlo a los traductores:-)

Después actualice:
root@JJNG:/home/eb8cxw# aptitude clean  aptitude autoclean  aptitude


Y ya no sale todos los idiomas.

Ya no sale ninguno :-P


Hola Camaleón,

Rectifique y puse:

Acquire::Languages es_ES;
Acquire::Languages es;
Acquire::Languages en;
Acquire::Languages none;

Luego esto:

root@JJNG:/home/eb8cxw# apt-config dump | grep -i lang
Acquire::Languages ;
Acquire::Languages:: none;

Como ves sigue saliendo lo mismo, ¿esto es normal, o debería aparecer 
los dos idiomas?.


Un saludo,
José Manuel
Gran Canaria/España

Si vas a escribir.. piensa en esto:
no digas nada que no sea mas precioso que el silencio!!!

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Re: Servidor RAS

2012-07-31 Thread JulHer
El mar, 31-07-2012 a las 09:14 -0400, escribió:
 Hola a todos
 Como puedo instalar y configurar un Servidor RAS en Debian 6 ???
 El modem que tengo es USB.
 A ver si me pueden dar una mano porque aqui si estoy mas que perdido
 agradezco a todos lo que me puedan ayudar

Además del enlace que te da camaleón, también puedes ver este otro, que
te queda más cerca:

Un saludo


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Duda sobre aptitude [SOLUCIONADO]

2012-07-31 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 31 Jul 2012 15:22:56 +0100, José Manuel (EB8CXW) escribió:

 El 31/07/12 14:14, Camaleón escribió:


 Realice lo que me indicaron cree un fichero en, ya que no existía en

 Y le puse en el interior lo que me indicasteis de Acquire::Languages
 none ;

 Después  apt-config dump | grep -i lang Me respondió:
 Acquire::Languages ;
 Acquire::Languages:: none;

 Hombre, añade el español y el inglés, de lo contrario te perderás las
 actualizaciones de los paquetes de idiomas de esos dos y si hay algún
 error en la traducción no podrás comunicarlo a los traductores:-)


 Hola Camaleón,
 Rectifique y puse:
 Acquire::Languages es_ES;
 Acquire::Languages es;
 Acquire::Languages en;
 Acquire::Languages none;
 Luego esto:
 root@JJNG:/home/eb8cxw# apt-config dump | grep -i lang
 Acquire::Languages ;
 Acquire::Languages:: none;
 Como ves sigue saliendo lo mismo, ¿esto es normal, o debería aparecer
 los dos idiomas?.

No, no es normal, deberían aparecer los nuevos idiomas automáticamente :-?

Haz una prueba y ejecuta:

apt-get update -o Acquire::Languages=es_ES
apt-get update

(sí, dos veces, para que se recargue)

Y vuelve a comprobar la salida del dump.



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Mostrar descripción de PC en Red Windows 2003

2012-07-31 Thread Ismael L. Donis Garcia
Tengo una red montada sobre WIndows 2003. Si la miro desde cualquier PC con 
Windows XP me muestra las PC con sus descripciones, pero si la miro desde mi PC 
con debian squeeze solo veo los nombres de las PC y no su descripción.

El hecho de solo ver el nombre de las PC y no su descripción me hace muy 
engorroso el conocer a que PC quiero entrar ya que la red es relativamente 
grande (más de 50 PC) y los nombres están codificados por departamentos y al 
existir varias PC en cada departamento paso trabajo buscando lo que quiero 

Por eso me sería más fácil si me mostrara además del nombre la descripción de 
la PC como lo hace el Windows. Ya que en la descripción de la PC lo que tiene 
puesto es la función del puesto de trabajo específico.

Desde ya Gracias y perdonen la molestia que pueda causar con esta pregunta. 
|| ISMAEL ||

Re: Duda sobre aptitude [SOLUCIONADO]

2012-07-31 Thread José Manuel (EB8CXW)

El 31/07/12 15:47, Camaleón escribió:

El Tue, 31 Jul 2012 15:22:56 +0100, José Manuel (EB8CXW) escribió:

El 31/07/12 14:14, Camaleón escribió:


Realice lo que me indicaron cree un fichero en, ya que no existía en

Y le puse en el interior lo que me indicasteis de Acquire::Languages
none ;

Después  apt-config dump | grep -i lang Me respondió:
Acquire::Languages ;
Acquire::Languages:: none;

Hombre, añade el español y el inglés, de lo contrario te perderás las
actualizaciones de los paquetes de idiomas de esos dos y si hay algún
error en la traducción no podrás comunicarlo a los traductores:-)


Hola Camaleón,

Rectifique y puse:

Acquire::Languages es_ES;
Acquire::Languages es;
Acquire::Languages en;
Acquire::Languages none;

Luego esto:

root@JJNG:/home/eb8cxw# apt-config dump | grep -i lang
Acquire::Languages ;
Acquire::Languages:: none;

Como ves sigue saliendo lo mismo, ¿esto es normal, o debería aparecer
los dos idiomas?.

No, no es normal, deberían aparecer los nuevos idiomas automáticamente :-?

Haz una prueba y ejecuta:

apt-get update -o Acquire::Languages=es_ES
apt-get update

(sí, dos veces, para que se recargue)

Y vuelve a comprobar la salida del dump.


Camaleón, realizo lo que me indicas,

root@JJNG:/home/eb8cxw# apt-get update -o Acquire::Languages=es_ES
Ign testing InRelease
Obj testing Release.gpg
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Obj testing InRelease
Obj testing Release
Des:1 testing InRelease [199 kB]
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Obj testing/contrib i386 Packages/DiffIndex
Obj testing/non-free i386 Packages/DiffIndex
Obj wheezy/non-free i386 Packages
Ign testing/updates/main Translation-es_ES
Des:2 testing/main Sources/DiffIndex [7.876 B]
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[7.876 B]

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Ign testing/main Translation-es_ES
Des:5 testing/non-free i386 Packages/DiffIndex 
[7.819 B]

Ign testing/non-free Translation-es_ES
Des:6 testing/main 2012-07-31-1414.46.pdiff 
[1.239 B]
Des:7 testing/main 2012-07-31-1414.46.pdiff 
[1.239 B]
Des:8 testing/non-free 2012-07-31-1414.46.pdiff 
[415 B]
Des:9 testing/main i386 
2012-07-31-1414.46.pdiff [1.401 B]
Des:10 testing/non-free i386 
2012-07-31-1414.46.pdiff [455 B]

Ign wheezy/contrib Translation-es_ES
Ign wheezy/non-free Translation-es_ES
Des:11 testing/non-free 
2012-07-31-1414.46.pdiff [415 B]
Des:12 testing/main i386 
2012-07-31-1414.46.pdiff [1.401 B]
Des:13 testing/non-free i386 
2012-07-31-1414.46.pdiff [455 B]

Descargados 234 kB en 5seg. (40,4 kB/s)
Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho

root@JJNG:/home/eb8cxw# apt-get update
Ign testing InRelease
Obj testing InRelease
Obj testing Release.gpg
Obj testing/updates InRelease
Obj testing InRelease
Obj testing Release
Obj testing/main Sources/DiffIndex
Obj testing/main Sources/DiffIndex
Obj testing/updates/main Sources
Obj testing/main i386 Packages/DiffIndex
Obj wheezy InRelease
Obj testing/contrib Sources/DiffIndex
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Re: Mostrar descripción de PC en Red Windows 2003

2012-07-31 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 31 Jul 2012 12:02:39 -0400, Ismael L. Donis Garcia escribió:

(Ismael, que tú ya eres veterano y sabes que no hay que enviar mensajes 
con formato html...)

 Tengo una red montada sobre WIndows 2003. Si la miro desde cualquier PC
 con Windows XP me muestra las PC con sus descripciones, pero si la miro
 desde mi PC con debian squeeze solo veo los nombres de las PC y no su


¿Qué explorador de archivos usas?

No veo en Nautilus ninguna columna para mostrar la descripción de los 
recursos de red más allá del nombre del equipo (netbios) :-?

 Desde ya Gracias y perdonen la molestia que pueda causar con esta

La pregunta no molesta, el formato sí :-P



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Re: Instalar paquetes Debian sin conexión a internet.

2012-07-31 Thread JulHer
El mar, 31-07-2012 a las 10:24 -0500, manuel escribió:
 Si sirve 
 de algo, en el network manager que corre en mi debian testing, no 
 funciona si está en automático (dhcp) en la pestaña de opciones de
 4, tengo que poner solo direcciones automáticas (dhcp) para que pueda 
 darme acceso. Saludos y gracias. 

Lo primero es que las contestaciones es mejor mandarlas a la lista, así
hay más gente que puede ayudar y/o aprender y se va creando un hilo con
las pruebas.

Lo segundo es que comentes si has probado la sugerencia de configurar el
dhcp en el archivo /etc/network/interfaces, y si ha funcionado o no, ya
que con lo que comentas arriba parece que no funciona si pones dhcp en
tu sistema testing pero a continuación dices que tienes que poner dhcp
para que funcione, lo cual es contradictorio.

Un saludo


P.D. Si contestas, acuérdate de hacerlo a la lista. Con varios clientes
de correo se hace automáticamente con Ctrl-L y otros tienen un botón
específico para ello.


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Re: Duda sobre aptitude [SOLUCIONADO]

2012-07-31 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 31 Jul 2012 17:07:10 +0100, José Manuel (EB8CXW) escribió:

 El 31/07/12 15:47, Camaleón escribió:


 root@JJNG:/home/eb8cxw# apt-config dump | grep -i lang
 Acquire::Languages ;
 Acquire::Languages:: none;

 Como ves sigue saliendo lo mismo, ¿esto es normal, o debería aparecer
 los dos idiomas?.
 No, no es normal, deberían aparecer los nuevos idiomas automáticamente

 Haz una prueba y ejecuta:

 apt-get update -o Acquire::Languages=es_ES apt-get update

 (sí, dos veces, para que se recargue)

 Y vuelve a comprobar la salida del dump.

 Camaleón, realizo lo que me indicas,
 root@JJNG:/home/eb8cxw# apt-get update -o Acquire::Languages=es_ES 


 Ign testing/updates/main Translation-es_ES

Te lo está ignorando :-?

 root@JJNG:/home/eb8cxw# apt-get update 


Y aquí ni lo menta siquiera.

 Lo Repito otra vez, y luego realizo lo siguiente:
 root@JJNG:/home/eb8cxw# apt-config dump | grep -i lang
 Acquire::Languages ;
 Acquire::Languages:: none;
 Como ves, sigue saliendo lo mismo

Está raro, sí.

 ¿Puede que el error este en el nombre del fichero?: 99translations

No debería dar problemas. Deja que lea el manual... ah, okay, prueba con:

Acquire::Languages { es_ES; es; en; none; };

Y vuelca de nuevo.



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Re: Duda sobre aptitude [SOLUCIONADO]

2012-07-31 Thread José Manuel (EB8CXW)

El 31/07/12 17:46, Camaleón escribió:

El Tue, 31 Jul 2012 17:07:10 +0100, José Manuel (EB8CXW) escribió:

El 31/07/12 15:47, Camaleón escribió:


root@JJNG:/home/eb8cxw# apt-config dump | grep -i lang
Acquire::Languages ;
Acquire::Languages:: none;

Como ves sigue saliendo lo mismo, ¿esto es normal, o debería aparecer
los dos idiomas?.

No, no es normal, deberían aparecer los nuevos idiomas automáticamente

Haz una prueba y ejecuta:

apt-get update -o Acquire::Languages=es_ES apt-get update

(sí, dos veces, para que se recargue)

Y vuelve a comprobar la salida del dump.

Camaleón, realizo lo que me indicas,

root@JJNG:/home/eb8cxw# apt-get update -o Acquire::Languages=es_ES


Ign testing/updates/main Translation-es_ES


Te lo está ignorando :-?

root@JJNG:/home/eb8cxw# apt-get update


Y aquí ni lo menta siquiera.

Lo Repito otra vez, y luego realizo lo siguiente:

root@JJNG:/home/eb8cxw# apt-config dump | grep -i lang
Acquire::Languages ;
Acquire::Languages:: none;

Como ves, sigue saliendo lo mismo

Está raro, sí.

¿Puede que el error este en el nombre del fichero?: 99translations

No debería dar problemas. Deja que lea el manual... ah, okay, prueba con:

Acquire::Languages { es_ES; es; en; none; };

Y vuelca de nuevo.


Camaleón, ahora si aparece:

root@JJNG:/home/eb8cxw# apt-config dump | grep -i lang
Acquire::Languages ;
Acquire::Languages:: es_ES;
Acquire::Languages:: es;
Acquire::Languages:: en;
Acquire::Languages:: none;

Gracias mi niña por la ayuda.

Un saludo,
José Manuel
Gran Canaria/España

Si vas a escribir.. piensa en esto:
no digas nada que no sea mas precioso que el silencio!!!

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Re: Instalar paquetes Debian sin conexión a internet.

2012-07-31 Thread manuel
Lo siento. No me había dado cuenta que la respuesta no se estaba 
enviando a la lista.

Probé la configuración poniendo dhcp en el archivo 
/etc/network/interfaces, y reinicié el equipo. Aparentemente estaba 
funcionando, porque durante la carga del sistema operativo lanzó varios 
mensajes de dhcp con la dirección física del dispositivo y haciendo 
referencia a eth0, pero los sacó rápido y no pude tomar buena nota de ellos.

El problema, es que no pudo resolver ningún host una vez había entrado 
al sistema como root. volví a revisar las configuraciones con ifconfig y 
route, y nada, me arrojaba los mismos valores que antes de cambiar la 
configuración en el archivo de interfaces.

con dhclient eth0 no hizo nada, se pegó ahí un buen rato y luego retornó 
el control de la terminal sin dar mensaje de nada.

No hay forma de pasar todos los paquetes que se necesiten desde squeeze 
hacia una memoria flash y poder instalar desde ahí?

El 31/07/12 16:38, JulHer escribió:

El mar, 31-07-2012 a las 10:24 -0500, manuel escribió:

Si sirve
de algo, en el network manager que corre en mi debian testing, no
funciona si está en automático (dhcp) en la pestaña de opciones de
4, tengo que poner solo direcciones automáticas (dhcp) para que pueda
darme acceso. Saludos y gracias.

Lo primero es que las contestaciones es mejor mandarlas a la lista, así
hay más gente que puede ayudar y/o aprender y se va creando un hilo con
las pruebas.

Lo segundo es que comentes si has probado la sugerencia de configurar el
dhcp en el archivo /etc/network/interfaces, y si ha funcionado o no, ya
que con lo que comentas arriba parece que no funciona si pones dhcp en
tu sistema testing pero a continuación dices que tienes que poner dhcp
para que funcione, lo cual es contradictorio.

Un saludo


P.D. Si contestas, acuérdate de hacerlo a la lista. Con varios clientes
de correo se hace automáticamente con Ctrl-L y otros tienen un botón
específico para ello.

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Re: Mostrar descripción de PC en Red Windows 2003

2012-07-31 Thread Ismael L. Donis Garcia
- Original Message - 
From: Camaleón

Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 12:25 PM
Subject: Re: Mostrar descripción de PC en Red Windows 2003

El Tue, 31 Jul 2012 12:02:39 -0400, Ismael L. Donis Garcia escribió:

(Ismael, que tú ya eres veterano y sabes que no hay que enviar mensajes
con formato html...)

Disculpa, lo temgo como predeterminado y no me di cuenta de quitarlo del 
mensaje antes de mandarlo a la lista. ¿Porque prederterminado html?. Porque 
esta es la única lista que exige lo contrario.

Tengo una red montada sobre WIndows 2003. Si la miro desde cualquier PC
con Windows XP me muestra las PC con sus descripciones, pero si la miro
desde mi PC con debian squeeze solo veo los nombres de las PC y no su

¿Qué explorador de archivos usas?

Nautilus 2.30.1 Debe ser el que trae predeterminado squeeze. O al menos eso 

No veo en Nautilus ninguna columna para mostrar la descripción de los
recursos de red más allá del nombre del equipo (netbios) :-?

Pense que esto se podría lograr con alguna opción de Samba. De ahí la 

Desde ya Gracias y perdonen la molestia que pueda causar con esta

La pregunta no molesta, el formato sí :-P

Perdon reiterado por la pifia.



Saludos Cordiales
|| ISMAEL ||

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Re: Instalar paquetes Debian sin conexión a internet.

2012-07-31 Thread JulHer
El mar, 31-07-2012 a las 14:26 +, manuel escribió:
 El problema, es que no pudo resolver ningún host una vez había
 al sistema como root. volví a revisar las configuraciones con ifconfig
 route, y nada, me arrojaba los mismos valores que antes de cambiar la 
 configuración en el archivo de interfaces.

Pon por aquí la salida de esos dos comandos, así vemos lo que hay.
 con dhclient eth0 no hizo nada, se pegó ahí un buen rato y luego
 el control de la terminal sin dar mensaje de nada.

bueno, pues suponemos entonces que no hay dhcp.
 No hay forma de pasar todos los paquetes que se necesiten desde
 hacia una memoria flash y poder instalar desde ahí? 

Si tienes los paquete disponibles y sabes cuales son, lo más fácil es
ponerlos (o montarlos) todos bajo /var/cache/apt/archives, así podrás
instalar lo que quieras sin necesidad de la red. Una vez los tengas ahí
puedes instalar con un 

dpkg -i gnome-desktop-environment,o como se llame ahora.

Volviendo a la red, y para dejarla funcionando, manda la salida de los
comandos de antes (ifconfig y route).

Un saludo


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Re: Actualización catastrófica de testing - wheezy

2012-07-31 Thread Angel Claudio Alvarez
El Tue, 31 Jul 2012 10:30:15 +0200
Pedro escribió:

 Tu comentario me ha hecho escribir el que sigue:
 2012/7/31 Juan Lavieri
  Tu problema me da pie para hacer el siguiente comentario.
  El 30/07/12 07:09, Debian GMail escribió:
  Esto va por si a alguno le pasa, y está teniendo dudas sobre si proceder o
  no. Uso testing desde hace años, y nunca tuve un problema de este 
  El sábado, como todos los sábados, corrí la actualización del sistema con
  aptitude full-upgrade, y me recomendó desinstalar una serie de paquetes,
  por problemas de dependencias. Maldita la hora que le hice caso; cada nueva
  corrida, seguía desinstalando cosas, hasta que me dejó el sistema
  Dado que esto me lo suelo tomar con soda, y SIEMPRE tengo los dos primeros
  DVDs de testing en algún rincón del sistema (gracias a 
  contienen el 90% de lo que uno necesita), instalé un sistema limpio con
  fecha marzo de 2012, cuando las bajé.
  Y luego intenté nuevamente la actualización (siempre uso la opción -d,
  por si se cuelga internet, para evitar actualizaciones a medias).
  Y acá viene el chiste:
  Se que algunos listeros son realmente concienzudos en cuanto a lo que hacen
  a sus sistemas;  pero estoy seguro que la mayoría no tiene *NI IDEA* de lo
  que sucede cuando emiten una instrucción como la que sigue:
  ~# aptitude full-upgrade -d
 ¿Por qué no has dedicado tiempo a explicar para qué sirve este comando?
 En fin, si alguien lo sabe, que conteste.

para que perder el tiempo explicando algo que se puede resolver leyendo la 
pagina de manual?

  Muchos ni siquiera leen las *consecuencias* de lo que dijeron que quería que
  sucediera.  A este respecto vuelvo a sugerir, por n-esima vez el uso de la
  interfaz curses de aptitude que permite controlar hasta la última cana que
  nos salga.
 Aunque sea la n-esima vez, muchos necesitamos la n+1, como yo. No está
 de más, volver a citar cómo encontrar o instalar esta herramienta

Que paso? cuando instalaste debian NO LEISTE EL MANUAL DE INSTALACION??
LA GUIA DE REFERENCIA y un parva de documentacion que gente solidaria se 
esforzo en escribir para los demas?

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Angel Claudio Alvarez

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Re: Actualización catastrófica de testing - wheezy

2012-07-31 Thread Angel Claudio Alvarez
El Tue, 31 Jul 2012 11:51:09 +0200
Marc Olive escribió:

 On Tuesday 31 July 2012 10:30:15 Pedro wrote:
  Tu comentario me ha hecho escribir el que sigue:
  2012/7/31 Juan Lavieri
   que sucede cuando emiten una instrucción como la que sigue:
   ~# aptitude full-upgrade -d
  ¿Por qué no has dedicado tiempo a explicar para qué sirve este comando?
  En fin, si alguien lo sabe, que conteste.
 Metiendome donde no me llaman, me atrevo a decir a que es por que el manual 
me ganaste de mano Marc , sera por el huso horario? :) 
 Marc Olivé
 Blau Advisors  

Angel Claudio Alvarez

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Re: Mostrar descripción de PC en Red Windows 2003

2012-07-31 Thread Gonzalo Rivero
El mar, 31-07-2012 a las 12:02 -0400, Ismael L. Donis Garcia escribió: 
 Tengo una red montada sobre WIndows 2003. Si la miro desde cualquier
 PC con Windows XP me muestra las PC con sus descripciones, pero si la
 miro desde mi PC con debian squeeze solo veo los nombres de las PC y
 no su descripción.
 El hecho de solo ver el nombre de las PC y no su descripción me hace
 muy engorroso el conocer a que PC quiero entrar ya que la red es
 relativamente grande (más de 50 PC) y los nombres están codificados
 por departamentos y al existir varias PC en cada departamento paso
 trabajo buscando lo que quiero entrar.
 Por eso me sería más fácil si me mostrara además del nombre la
 descripción de la PC como lo hace el Windows. Ya que en la descripción
 de la PC lo que tiene puesto es la función del puesto de trabajo
smbclient -L //computadora

 Desde ya Gracias y perdonen la molestia que pueda causar con esta
 || ISMAEL ||

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Re: Error con openoffice en debian sid.

2012-07-31 Thread Marcos Delgado
El día 31 de julio de 2012 08:20, Camaleón escribió:
 El Mon, 30 Jul 2012 17:59:42 -0500, Marcos Delgado escribió:

 El día 28 de julio de 2012 05:23, Camaleón


 No podré ver esta computadora hasta el lunes, así que cualquier prueba
 esperará hasta ese día.

 Ya contarás :-)


 No existe un paquete gtk para Apache OpenOffice.

 ¿Ya no existe el paquete

 ¿Qué versión del programa usas y desde dónde has descargado el paquete de
 la suite?

 Finalmente la cosa se resolvió cambiando el tema gtk, hay algunos que
 no permiten mostrar esas opciones y otros que si. Sería cosa de revisar
 los temas para verificar en que consiste la diferencia.

 Aumm... ¿y cómo hiciste el cambio del tema? ¿Hay alguna opción que se
 pueda configurar? Más allá de los iconos y los tipos de letra no veo más
 sitios donde poder modificar el tema que usa OOo :-?



La versión que uso, como siempre es la oficial. En este caso Apache
OpenOffice, la reciente versión 3.4.
Lo descargo desde acá:

Perdón por obviar el dato, me refería al tema gtk que usa openbox. Se
puede cambiar con gtk-theme-switch2 para ver si las opciones de dichos
temas (colores, letras, etc.) impiden o no ver los detalles del
programa, como los botones de opción del ejemplo.

Marcos Delgado.

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Repositorio no oficial de Apache Openoffice 3.4

2012-07-31 Thread Marcos Delgado
Siempre he usado OpenOffice, la versión oficial.
Si a alguien le interesa en esta página aparecen las instrucciones
para instalarlo vía apt.

Marcos Delgado.

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Re: Actualización catastrófica de testing - wheezy [SOLUCIONADO]

2012-07-31 Thread Debian GMail

Bueno, encontré el problema.
Y se llaman meter mucho los dedos en el sistema.

El problema era mi archivo de configuración /etc/apt/apt.conf, el cual 
estaba escrito así:

// /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/configure-index.gz
// /etc/apt/apt.conf

 Assume-Yes false;

  Default-Release testing;
  Install-Recommends true;
  Install-Suggests true;


O sea, toda actualización y/o instalación conlleva forzosamente TODOS 
los paquetes recomendados y sugeridos como si de dependencias tratase.

¿Por qué lo puse así?
¿Y por qué no?

Sé que NO es recomendable, pero hace por lo menos tres o cuatro años que 
lo tengo configurado así, y NUNCA tuve problemas.

Pero, para eso es testing, para no aburrirse. Cada tanto salta con un 
problema con el que romperse la cabeza.

Eliminadas ambas líneas, las instalaciones y actualizaciones se han 
hecho, evidentemente, más livianas, y al minimizar la cantidad de 
paquetes, no hay conflictos de ningún tipo.
Es evidente que al frizado aún le falta un poco, pues algunos paquetes 
muy secundarios están generando estos inconvenientes.

Gracias a todos.


PD: Sé PREFECTAMENTE qué hace aptitude full-upgrade o apt-get 
dist-upgrade, y como varios lo escribieron, lo aprendí leyendo 
manuales, buscando en la red y experimentando; para eso existen las 
máquinas virtuales.

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/usr/bin/X como Binary-Zombie

2012-07-31 Thread Martin Edmundo Barriga Orozco

Hola a todos, 

Trabajando en Debian 6 he tratado de eliminar /usr/bin/X. el buscador en la URL

Dice que este binario deberia estar en xsever-xorg, este paquete y otros mas ya 
los elimine, 

usando mi apt-get pero el binario sigue. Los paquetes que elimine son:







¿Me estoy perdiendo de algo relacionado con este tema? (tal vez ocupo un 


Martin Edmundo

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Re: /usr/bin/X como Binary-Zombie

2012-07-31 Thread Flako
El 31 de julio de 2012 22:52, Martin Edmundo Barriga Orozco escribió:

 Hola a todos,

 Trabajando en Debian 6 he tratado de eliminar /usr/bin/X. el buscador en la 

 Dice que este binario deberia estar en xsever-xorg, este paquete y otros mas 
 ya los elimine,

 usando mi apt-get pero el binario sigue. Los paquetes que elimine son:







 ¿Me estoy perdiendo de algo relacionado con este tema? (tal vez ocupo un 

Yo lo tengo en:
# dpkg -S /usr/bin/X
xserver-xorg: /usr/bin/X

Pero no recuero q version tengo..
Elimina todo lo que te retorne dpkg -l| grep xorg y listo

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RE: /usr/bin/X como Binary-Zombie

2012-07-31 Thread Martin Edmundo Barriga Orozco

 Yo lo tengo en:
 # dpkg -S /usr/bin/X
 xserver-xorg: /usr/bin/X
 Pero no recuero q version tengo..
 Elimina todo lo que te retorne dpkg -l| grep xorg y listo
Quisiera hacer la eliminación lo mas limpia posible, si al final no encuentro 
otra menara seguiré esta opción.


A/C.: Compras

2012-07-31 Thread Fazan
Seu visualizador de e-mail está configurado para mostrar a mensagem em formato 
 Para visualizar corretamente o conteúdo desse e-mail copie e cole o link 
abaixo em seu navegador:

Shows e Artistas

2012-07-31 Thread The-Number-One
Queridos Amigos, 
Ainda temos datas disponíveis para alguns dos melhores Shows, Bandas, DJs, 
Presenças VIPs, Peças e Pocket Musicais de todos os gêneros para abrilhantar 
ainda mais os seus eventos. Também trabalhamos com shows e artistas exclusivos 
de altíssimo nível. Algumas de nossas atrações especiais:
Frank Sinatra, Jazz, Elvis Presley, Standards, Pérolas da Música Brasileira, 
Tangos Portenhos, Origens do Gospel Americano, Bossa Nova, Broadway, Música 
Francesa, Sertanejo Americano, etc.
Com quem poderíamos conversar sobre o assunto? Caso não seja diretamente com 
você, haveria algum amigo seu que esteja interessado na contratação de shows ou 
que faça produção de shows e/ou eventos?

The-Number-One Produções Artísticas
(55) (21) 2548-3508, (55) (21) 9617-6886
Atendemos a todo Brasil e Exterior

Re: installing Debian on an iMac

2012-07-31 Thread Mika Suomalainen
Hash: SHA512


30.07.2012 23:19, David Harrison kirjoitti:
 I thought I'd like to install Debian on my mac.  Any hints or clues
 on where to start is appreciated.

I haven't tried Debian on Mac, but I have installed Ubuntu on MacBook.

First you install on Mac.
Then you boot from CD by pressing C-button on boot.
The installation procress was normal until installation of GRUB. In
it, you set GRUB to be installed to same partition as Ubuntu.

- -- 
Mika Suomalainen


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Re: installing Debian on an iMac

2012-07-31 Thread Rick Thomas

If this is a PowerPC iMac, you should be able to use the Debian  
PowerPC installer.

If so, you can install Debian Squeeze with either

Use the netinst if you expect to have broadband internet access  
during the installation process.  If not, use the CD-1 image.
Download your iso image of choice and burn it to a CD-R; put it in the  
CD drive of the iMac; boot while holding down the c key; and follow  
the instructions from there.

It's probably a good idea to read the installation manual before you  
start.  You can download it from
You will want the PowerPC version.  You have a variety of language  
translations to choose from if you're not comfortable with English.

Hope this helps...


On Jul 30, 2012, at 1:19 PM, David Harrison wrote:


I thought I'd like to install Debian on my mac.  Any hints or clues  
on where to start is appreciated.


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Re: Getting nVidia to work

2012-07-31 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Ma, 31 iul 12, 04:43:09, Mark Panen wrote:
 Could some please point me to step by step instruction on installing
 a nVidia driver for a GTS250?


1. apt-get install nvidia-glx

(make sure you remove any traces of the nvidia installer or any other 
attempts before that)

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

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Re: Getting nVidia to work

2012-07-31 Thread Alberto Luaces
Mark Panen writes:

 Could some please point me to step by step instruction on installing a
 nVidia driver for a GTS250?


1. Make a backup copy of your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and then remove
the original file.

2. Install nvidia-glx package.

3. Stop X server, unload any older nvidia modules and start X server
again or just reboot the machine.


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Re: Printers using free software only

2012-07-31 Thread Chris Bannister
On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 04:51:11PM +, Camaleón wrote:
 I just wanted to point a scenario where the jump to a PDF filter as the 
 default backend can have its troubles and not be nor as good nor as 
 simple nor as easy as the white papers say. Companies have always showed 
 different needs than users and these jumps are seen differently when 
 you have to hold them as user or as admin.

The understanding I got from reading Roger's post was that if you are
using CUPS, *THEN* you are automatically using a PDF filter paradigm
because it **is considered superior/more robust**.

That was my reading of it. Please, someone correct me if my reading of
Roger's post is incorrect.

The discussion of whether it **actually is** superior/more robust is
irrelevant, and better discussed with the CUPS developers. :-)

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: what graphics card to choose

2012-07-31 Thread Chris Bannister
On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 02:09:54PM +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 On Lu, 30 iul 12, 21:33:38, Chris Bannister wrote:
  JFTR, you don't need accelerated graphics to watch a video.
 But you may need something like VDPAU.

Ohh, OK. Interesting ... 

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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strong passwords (was ... Re: is it rational to close the 139 port)

2012-07-31 Thread Chris Bannister
On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 07:14:06AM -0300, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:
 On Mon, 30 Jul 2012, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
  (I wonder how much truth there is behind this comic...)
 Don't bother wondering.  Read the paper.
 You need to have gibberish passphrases if you want it to be secure...

Right!, so people write it down on the side of the monitor cause they
can't remember it. Yeah, I've seen it. 

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: installing Debian on an iMac

2012-07-31 Thread Helmut Wollmersdorfer

Am 30.07.2012 um 22:19 schrieb David Harrison:

I thought I'd like to install Debian on my mac.  Any hints or clues  
on where to start is appreciated.

If you want to keep OS X installed and just want to have Debian  
installed, a virtual installation using VirtualBox (is free for Mac  
also) runs fine on my iMac. It installed without problems--both  
VirtualBox and Debian 6 Squeeze.

Here in the ofiice with have many Mac workstation, 3 Mac OS X servers,  
and many Linux servers.

If you would be near our location (Nuremberg, Germany), we could offer  
you many old power Macs cheaply.

Helmut Wollmersdorfer

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Re: GNOME3/Nautilus mount requires password

2012-07-31 Thread Steve Dowe

On 26/07/12 16:29, Camaleón wrote:
 First thing I would try is to create a new user and do the first login 
 with gnome-shell to check from there. My wild guess is that given the 
 number of Desktops installed in your system something could have been 
 messed up.

I tried this - same effect.  I also tried both accounts with an
encrypted USB device, which worked fine.

Suspecting it might be an issue to do with the hardware port I am using
(eSATA), I connected the same drive via USB and it decrypted and mounted
the partition immediately.  Connecting back to eSATA, and I get the
authentication prompt.

At first, it appeared to be a HAL issue.  For anyone
interested, this has been raised via launchpad:

But the answer was to tell uDisks that the external SATA port is hot

I have tested this and it works on Wheezy; I couldn't say if it applies
to earlier versions.

Steve Dowe

Warp Universal

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Re: GNOME3/Nautilus mount requires password

2012-07-31 Thread Steve Dowe

On 31/07/12 09:25, Steve Dowe wrote:
 I have tested this and it works on Wheezy; I couldn't say if it applies
 to earlier versions.

Correction - I thought it worked, but that was because my password was
stored in the session.

When I unmounted the drive in nautilus and tried to remount it, the
issue persisted.

Steve Dowe

Warp Universal

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Re: is it rational to close the 139 port

2012-07-31 Thread Chris Bannister
On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 06:15:26PM +0100, Brad Rogers wrote:
 On Mon, 30 Jul 2012 11:54:14 -0500
 John Hasler wrote:
 Hello John,
 Brad Rogers writes:
  Yeah, on a Post-It note.  Stuck to the monitor.  
 That's what people do when you tell them not to write it down.  _Tell_
 them to write it down and tell them _how_.
 As it happens, I agree with you; write 'em down, and keep 'em safe.

Or just have one, but make it a good 'un, and never tell anyone.

Reasons: 1) If someone can brute force guess it, you've got other
   problems. i.e. -- you're targetted!
2) Clothes, possessions, etc. can be searched. You may never
know until its too late!
3) If someone wants it, at least you'll know about it¹

Well, actually 2 - one for really important stuff, other for unimportant
stuff; I can trust my bank to keep it safe, but local supermarket is
another story.

¹ I consider this an advantage. See reason 2)

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: Installing 3.2 kernel

2012-07-31 Thread Keith McKenzie
On 30 July 2012 19:43, Gary wrote:
 Sven Joachim wrote:
 On 2012-07-30 18:27 +0200, Gary wrote:

 That didn't go well :(

 I installed the packages, and then the one that that process complained was 
 missing/out of date (our old friend the realtek package). Restarted. After 
 selecting one of the 3.2 kernel options, the computer effectively froze, with 
 lines all over the screen. So badly I had to pull the plug :(

Did you try your old kernel with the new firmware installed?
(That is what I do.)

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Debian GNU/Linux

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Re: Installing 3.2 kernel

2012-07-31 Thread Gary
Keith McKenzie wrote:

 On 30 July 2012 19:43, Gary wrote:
  I installed the packages, and then the one that that process complained was 
  missing/out of date (our old friend the realtek package). Restarted. After 
  selecting one of the 3.2 kernel options, the computer effectively froze, 
  with lines all over the screen. So badly I had to pull the plug :(
 Did you try your old kernel with the new firmware installed?
 (That is what I do.)

Well that still works in that I have a running system, but the wifi doesn't 
work. The firmware is not for the wifi card as I previously thought, it's for 
the ethernet card.

Oh, when starting using the 3.2 kernel and the realtek firmware, the light on 
the wifi button on the keyboard was flashing like crazy. At least there are 
signs of life from that when I use 3.2. Shame the rest of the computer won't 
play along!

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Re: Debian 5 - was Re: Query abouut root account

2012-07-31 Thread Keith McKenzie
 On Wed, 25 Jul 2012, Joel Rees wrote:

 From research that I had previously done, the simplest option (for me,
 being a fairly simple kind of person) appeared to be PC-BSD
 ( PC-BSD 8.x had only a KDE GUI (from memory),
 and I am, a GNOME GUI user (from memory, one of the aspects of KDE, is
 that it is supposed to be much more resource-demanding, but I could be

Give GhostBSD a try if you are still interested in a BSD.
(Gnome on FreeBSD, plus other GTK desktops  WM's to come.)

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Debian GNU/Linux

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Re: Printers using free software only

2012-07-31 Thread Roger Leigh
On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 07:43:13PM +1200, Chris Bannister wrote:
 On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 04:51:11PM +, Camaleón wrote:
  I just wanted to point a scenario where the jump to a PDF filter as the 
  default backend can have its troubles and not be nor as good nor as 
  simple nor as easy as the white papers say. Companies have always showed 
  different needs than users and these jumps are seen differently when 
  you have to hold them as user or as admin.
 The understanding I got from reading Roger's post was that if you are
 using CUPS, *THEN* you are automatically using a PDF filter paradigm
 because it **is considered superior/more robust**.
 The discussion of whether it **actually is** superior/more robust is
 irrelevant, and better discussed with the CUPS developers. :-)

This is pretty much the case.

I'll address a few of the points in this thread here to save writing
many separate replies:

1) What is a PDF printer?  It's a printer you can submit PDF jobs to
   directly.  Whether this is implemented in software/firmware/hardware
   is irrelevant--it just needs to be able to accept it and print it.
   This is completely orthogonal to having a PDF workflow.

2) Having a PDF workflow does not require a PDF printer, any more than
   having a PostScript workflow (as before) required having a
   PostScript printer.  Since CUPS (and LPRng) implement printing
   through filters including ghostscript, one can convert any input
   format to any output format.  The only difference is that the
   intermediary format is now PDF rather than PostScript.

3) PostScript is a crap intermediary format.  You can't do page
   accounting without processing the entire file; PDF can just give
   you a page count.  It can have unbounded complexity and consume
   lots of CPU and disc; and if the pipeline has multiple steps,
   you have to do this multiple times; and again on the printer, if
   it's a PostScript printer.  You can't do accurate colour matching;
   PDF supports embedded colour profiles.  You can't easily do
   rearrangement of the input for n-up, rescaled, or reordered for
   book printing.  These are all things that matter, and which PDF
   makes a great deal easier, faster, and more robust.  PostScript
   is a *lossy* intermediary format in consequence--you lose
   information and get lower quality output if the input made use of
   any features not representable in PostScript.

3) PostScript is a crap input format.  Generating it is a pain; you
   have to output text PostScript, i.e. your program has to generate
   a program.  It's hard to do.  It's hard to use fonts, it's hard to
   use graphics.  It's hard to do lots of things.  And it lacks modern
   graphics primitives such as gradient meshes, opentype fonts,
   transparency, etc. which just aren't representable.  Contrast with
   PDF: we have a multitide of free software libraries which generate
   PDF, making it simple to do.  PNG and JPEG can be embedded directly,
   without having to be encoded and ballooning the filesize, again with
   attached colour profiles.

4) PostScript has the document structuring conventions (DSC), which
   are text comments (%%) in the code; but it's optional, and can be
   incorrect and buggy itself.  PDF has /real/ structure, meaning
   that it's possible to reliably and simply process the document.

5) Most applications used to output PostScript for printing.  They now
   mostly output PDF.  There's a reason for that, linked to (2-4)
   above.  Lots of professional graphics software (e.g. Adobe
   illustrator, inkscape) uses PDF as either the native format or a
   supported graphics format.  It's not just for output.  Even older
   applications such as LaTeX have long been PDF by default (pdflatex,
   now xelatex etc.); DVI and PostScript are still supported, but the
   vast majority of users use a PDF workflow.  As does R.  It's simply
   better on all counts.

6) PDF contains tons of junk features.  That's right, but they are
   completely irrelevant for printing and general use in the world
   outside Adobe.  Printing just uses the sensible subset actually used
   for drawing (obviously).

One could argue that having a programming language as a file format is
useful.  But the main use case is to construct things such as
Mandelbrot fractals during printing.  The only thing this does is to
anger all the other users of your printer as it takes hours to print
a single page.  The reality is, very little software took advantage
of it; it's far easier just to precalculate such things and have a
slightly bigger filesize in this special case.  Are there any examples
of software outputting PostScript containing code any more complex than
abbreviated macro expansions?  The reality is no, and the number of
people writing PostScript by hand is vanishingly small.  For all but
odd esoteric cases, PDF is objectively better.  If you're writing an
application which needs to print, you're going to pick PDF, because
it's what 

RE: is it rational to close the 139 port

2012-07-31 Thread Bonno Bloksma

 Gibberish implies one wouldn't be able to remember the 

 Which is why, as Bruce Schneir recommends, you _write it down_.

Which is what I do. Whenever I need a new password I open my editor, close my 
eyes, randomly hit several keys on my keyboard and Bingo new random password. I 
store it securely on my computer and that's it.
Oh, and to make sure it is indeed hard enough to guess. If I do not see enough 
captitals, numbers en punctuations in there I will insert a few extra.

Bonno Bloksma

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Re: links won't open using icedove/wheezy

2012-07-31 Thread chymian
hi everybody,

 Just checking to see if others are having the same problem.
yes indeed.
I had 2 mailthreats about this on the debian-user-german.

1. icedove does not open external links.
it opened the browser, but did not handover the URL.
I had to got to the KDE systemsettings and manually change the file
association (program which is called) entry to

iceweasel %u
(or x-www-browser %u, setting up the system alternatives to iceweasel.)

for all http/https.

2. I changed in the .icedove/profile/prefs.js

user_pref(network.protocol-handler.external.http, true);

to true.
while callening external links does work now, it had a major impact on
beeing able to add new accounts to ID.
while checking a new imap/smtp server, a link opened in iceweasel,
trying to get info about the mail-server. in this case, I used
self-signed certificates on my dovcot-server and STARTTLS.

switching this value back to false, I can add new mailservers, but not
open external links.

for the time being, I have to choose, which misbehaviour I can live with
at the moment.

my system:
KDE 4.8.4
iceweasel  10.0.6esr-1
icedove 10.0.5-1



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Re: systemd

2012-07-31 Thread Roger Leigh
On Sun, Jul 29, 2012 at 02:05:15PM -0400, Tom H wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 10:48 AM, Camaleón wrote:
  I hope sysvinit is still available (and be the default option) for at
  least a couple of years until systemd is being bright polished by the
  rest of the other friendly linux distributions :-)

It's certainly available for those that wish to test it out, and it's
definitely usable.

 I'd *guess* [...] there are hardly more problems with
 systemd as there are problems with sysvinit on squeeze.

Without any objective evidence, who knows?  systemd is hardly the
only contender as a sysvinit replacement.  There's upstart, openrc
and others.  Which of those is best suited to being the default?

 Had Debian decided a year ago to transition to systemd (not taking
 into account the difficulty of surmounting the opposition of the
 conservatives who don't want to transition to anything, of the
 kfreebsd and hurd ports, of the anti-RH crowd, of the anti-Poettering
 crowd, etc), would it have been in a good enough state for a wheezy
 release? Yes IMHO (especially since there'd be testing/unstable
 testers and reporters to add to the Fedora users), certainly no for
 many others... Just because it was first released as a distribution
 default 14/15 months ago doesn't mean that it's hopelessly buggy.

I don't think that anyone at all claims that it's hopelessly buggy.
Not having had the amount of testing that the alternatives have, it's
certainly not ready to be the default.  Maybe for wheezy+1, but for
wheezy that would be a bit premature, and work is still needed for it
to properly integrate (I only got a patch for update-rc.d and
invoke-rc.d two days back, so if a package wants to update or run its
init scripts or service then it won't work properly when using
systemd).  That's not a problem for just trying it out, but it's
certainly not ready for production use, let alone being the default.

systemd is technically superior on some levels, compared with
sysvinit.  But it's also a lot less flexible, due to swallowing up
many smaller tools and daemons into a single monolithic package.
That has consequences which might not be so great down the line.

for my take on this.

This isn't about being conservative (though I would hope that in
general our users would appreciate us being conservative--it's one
factor which results in Debian being a solid and reliable system).
It's about taking a longer-term view of what is in *our* best
interest, rather than jumping at the latest cool and shiny thing,
and tying ourselves to the interests of RedHat, which may not be
in our interest at all--it could significantly hamper our ability
to tailor our own distribution for our own needs.


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
 : :' :  Debian GNU/Linux
 `. `'   schroot and sbuild
   `-GPG Public Key  F33D 281D 470A B443 6756 147C 07B3 C8BC 4083 E800

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Re: systemd

2012-07-31 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Tue, 2012-07-31 at 12:20 +0100, Roger Leigh wrote:
 Without any objective evidence, who knows?
 Which of those is best suited to being the default?
You want that daemons you need are killed, even when there should be no
replacements for the daemons? IIUC this is what systemd does. Too funny
since pulse can't be simply killed by the user. Somebody tries to teach
us, what we need and what not.
On Arch I'm not using systemd, but there already seem to be dependencies
to some libsystemd thingy etc..


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Re: Shockwave Flash

2012-07-31 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 31 Jul 2012 14:53:46 +1200, Fred Zinsli wrote:

 Hi all

Hi, but please, no html posts... thanks :-)
 Been playing with this for days, but just don't have a clue about what
 I'm supposed to be doing or looking for to help.
 Attempting to install shockwave flash so I can view swf files in a web
 It isn't working for me, but what makes it worse is I can't seem to find
 any real information in any log files. So I am obviously looking in the
 wrong place or I haven't turned on logging for any browser.

Issues with the flash player are not placed in the usual log files. I 
would first look at about:plugins and check if the plugin is listed 
 Browsers: Firefox, google-chrome, chromium, iceweasel
 Shockwave appears as a plugin in firefox but not in others.
 Any comments would be most helpful.

Why are you duplicating the browsers? Firefox → Iceweasel and Chrome → 
Chromium :-?

Anyway, how did you install the Flash Player plugin? Also note that 
Google's browser installs its own version of the plugin.



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Re: Printers using free software only

2012-07-31 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 31 Jul 2012 19:43:13 +1200, Chris Bannister wrote:

 On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 04:51:11PM +, Camaleón wrote:
 I just wanted to point a scenario where the jump to a PDF filter as the
 default backend can have its troubles and not be nor as good nor as
 simple nor as easy as the white papers say. Companies have always
 showed different needs than users and these jumps are seen
 differently when you have to hold them as user or as admin.
 The understanding I got from reading Roger's post was that if you are
 using CUPS, *THEN* you are automatically using a PDF filter paradigm
 because it **is considered superior/more robust**.

That's what CUPS developers seem to claim (?) but having used PS printers 
and PS backend as default for all these years, I'm a bit reluctant about 
grandiloquent wordings with no more technical proofs on the superiority 
of one on the proposed systems over the other.

Yes, all sources share the same adjectives: a PDF backend is easier but 
I expect more than that to blindly rely on a new printing solution.

 That was my reading of it. Please, someone correct me if my reading of
 Roger's post is incorrect.

No, I think you're got it correctly.

 The discussion of whether it **actually is** superior/more robust is
 irrelevant, and better discussed with the CUPS developers. :-)

That discussion is indeed the key of this sub-thread, if not, why 
touching things that already work? ;-)



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Re: gnome doesn't know monitor size under nvidia x server

2012-07-31 Thread Camaleón
El 2012-07-30 a las 11:01 -0800, Britton Kerin escribió:

(resending to the list)

 On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 9:10 AM, Camaleón wrote:


   If resolution is okay, have you tried by setting the DPI to a lower 
  I think the DPI is what I want:
  $xdpyinfo | grep 'dimens|resolut'
dimensions:1920x1200 pixels (372x231 millimeters)
resolution:131x132 dots per inch
  Oh, that seems a little big :-o
  As you seem to be using GNOME 2, you can change DPI value from
  background/apperance settings → tipography → details. I have set here a
  value of 96 DPI though my nvidia card still thinks this value is smaller:
 This was the missing piece for me, thanks so much.  Using this I was
 able to crank the font dpi down enough that I could use larger fonts,
 giving some more control over width (e.g. 10 pt vs 11 pt rather than 6
 vs 7), and got my 2-pane vim plus gnome-terminal setup to just fit on
 screen as it used to before upgrade.

Glad you finally got it working :-)



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Re: GNOME3/Nautilus mount requires password

2012-07-31 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 31 Jul 2012 09:25:33 +0100, Steve Dowe wrote:

 On 26/07/12 16:29, Camaleón wrote:
 First thing I would try is to create a new user and do the first login
 with gnome-shell to check from there. My wild guess is that given the
 number of Desktops installed in your system something could have been
 messed up.
 I tried this - same effect.  I also tried both accounts with an
 encrypted USB device, which worked fine.
 Suspecting it might be an issue to do with the hardware port I am using
 (eSATA), I connected the same drive via USB and it decrypted and mounted
 the partition immediately.  Connecting back to eSATA, and I get the
 authentication prompt.


 At first, it appeared to be a HAL issue.  For anyone interested, this
 has been raised via launchpad:
 But the answer was to tell uDisks that the external SATA port is hot

Hey, good catch :-)

So what happens is that eSATA devices are recognized as internal SATA 
disks and thus it asks for the root password to mount the device because 
udev rules -which are usually aplied to removable devices- are not properly 
applied? Wow... this should have been already fixed :-?
 I have tested this and it works on Wheezy; I couldn't say if it applies
 to earlier versions.

Mmm, as per your last post it seems that the suggested step at the Arch 
wiki did not work for you. Did you adjust the DEVPATH variable 
accordingly? Also, to test it, you have to reload udev rules or restarting 
the system and reconnect (physically) the drive again instead manually 
mounting the eSATA partition, of course.



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Re: Autofs and NFS, user mapping

2012-07-31 Thread Tom H
On Sun, Jul 29, 2012 at 2:37 PM, T o n g wrote:

 My Autofs auto-mounted NFS share looks like this:

  drwxr-xr-x  9 4294967294 4294967294 45056 2011-04-12 09:47 tmp/

 I.e., the user id and group id are all mapped wrong.

 I have identical user ids and groups between my NFS sharing stations, so
 previously, prior to using Autofs I just use the NFS ver3 direct mapping,
 without specifying any user mapping schemes, and it works nicely.

 Now I started to use Autofs, but everything get messed up. I've read many
 web pages, but none of them mentioned about this problem.
 I also tried to specify uid=1000,gid=1000,allow_other, which I found in, but it doesn't work for my nfs.

1) Does the mount work if you export with nfsv3 specified?

2) Does the mount work if you export with fsid=0 specified? (Keeping
in mind that if you specify that /path/to/export is exported with
fsid=0, the mount of /path/to/export is /.)

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Re: systemd

2012-07-31 Thread Tom H
On Sun, Jul 29, 2012 at 4:27 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Sun, 2012-07-29 at 16:09 -0400, Tom H wrote:
 On Sun, Jul 29, 2012 at 3:26 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
  On Sun, 2012-07-29 at 14:05 -0400, Tom H wrote:
  switched to

 It's not an Arch change. It's an upstream change; I've forgotten which 

 FWIW I'm not using systemd on any of my Linux, but Arch already made
 several other changes for the file system hierarchy.

You're dislike of systemd's getting the better of you. The
announcement is that systemd's making a change in response to a
udisks2 change. So this change can be made by a distribution without
systemd being installed.

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Re: systemd

2012-07-31 Thread Tom H
On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 11:18 AM, Camaleón wrote:
 On Sun, 29 Jul 2012 14:05:15 -0400, Tom H wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 10:48 AM, Camaleón wrote:

 malicious mode on

 I hope sysvinit is still available (and be the default option) for at
 least a couple of years until systemd is being bright polished by the
 rest of the other friendly linux distributions :-)

 /malicious mode off

 Rather cheeky! :)

 I've been using systemd on Fedora (F15, F16, F17) and it works very
 well. I had an F15 dev box on which I had to mess around with rc.local
 to get two nfs mounts to work. I now have six F16 and six F17 boxes in
 production that are running just fine. There may have been many problems
 with systemd on F15 but I'd *guess* (and could be *completely* wrong but
 my search powers on Debian's BTS and RH's Bugzilla suck...) that on F17
 there are hardly more problems with systemd as there are problems with
 sysvinit on squeeze.

 Are those boxes (where systemd is doing a good job) used as pure servers?

 I ask because most of the complaints I've read about systemd do come from
 server machines more that the usual desktop/mobile systems.

Yes servers. ~95% of the clients at that company are Macs.

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Re: Loadlin and Squeeze kernel 2.6.32

2012-07-31 Thread Tom H
On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 11:35 AM, Camaleón wrote:
 On Sun, 29 Jul 2012 16:03:12 -0400, Tom H wrote:

 On Sun, Jul 29, 2012 at 10:29 AM, Camaleón wrote:
 On Sun, 29 Jul 2012 06:50:44 -0400, Tom H wrote:
 On Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 10:41 AM, Camaleón wrote:

 I'm not sure to had get it (sorry, I must be a bit dense...). Can you
 provide a user case for someone using block lists and another case
 when they're not in use?

 I've explained twice (IIRC; I'm replying quite late to this thread
 because I've been busy...) and I'm not sure that I'm going to do a
 better job a third time but I'll try.

 Yes, sorry, but what you call block lists is what I've been using
 since many years with no problem. That's why I find strange this is
 being demonized :-?

 I'm demonizing them but the grub developers certainly do given the
 message that you get when you install grub to a PBR/VBR.

 Yes, I read about it. But this warning has to be new or at least I don't
 recall GRUB legacy showing this notice when you were going to install
 GRUB into a partition instead the MBR :-?

I'm demonizing them should've been I'm NOT demonizing them...

I have no idea why the grub developers have decided to label the
installation to a PBR a bad thing given that it works just as well (or
as badly, depending on your point of view) with grub2 as grub1.

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Re: systemd

2012-07-31 Thread Tom H
On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 8:36 PM, Joel Rees wrote:
 On 7/30/12, Tom H wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 11:26 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

 I hate pulseaudio, but I could imagine that systemd anyway could have
 some advantages, even if it's from a man (boy) who often takes photos
 from himself in front of a mirror and then publish this snapshots in the

 Is there a relationship between taking your own picture in a mirror
 and developing software?

 I, personally, recognize a certain ironic connection, particularly in
 relation to Poettering. I'll leave it to the list readers who care, to
 understand or misunderstand what I mean. (Not sure discussing it
 belongs here, but I can understand why Ralf might want to bring it

 I don't know what brings Tom H here, but I am becoming more active
 here precisely because of systemd. Well, that, and SELinux. Too many
 changes too fast, too many of them shifting from stable techniques
 known to work in *nix environments to experimental implementations of
 techniques that are known to be primary underlying factors of many of
 the technical issues in the monoculture/world-domination OS.

 I don't, for example, dare try Fedora as an alternative to the ancient
 Mac OS X on the ancient but still viable iBook that my sister uses to
 keep in touch with the family. I have absolutely no confidence that I
 would be able to do the remote administration she needs done every now
 and then.

 (Fedora 13 or 14 would still have worked, fwiw.)

 There are both technical and political issues here that go way beyond
 the scope of this thread in debian-user, beyond a simple word to the

 Be very, very careful with systemd.

I have absolutely no idea why I'm subscribed and post to d-u! ;)

If you have genuine technical reasons for being wary of systemd, fine!
If you have an emotional negative reaction to Lennart Poettering, then
your carefulness is silly. The reiserfs developer's a convicted
murderer, that didn't make reiserfs technically inferior overnight.
(Please note that I've never used reiserfs, so I don't care either

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2012-07-31 Thread elaine

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Re: systemd

2012-07-31 Thread Tom H
On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 11:15 AM, Tom H wrote:
 On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 8:36 PM, Joel Rees wrote:
 On 7/30/12, Tom H wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 11:26 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

 I hate pulseaudio, but I could imagine that systemd anyway could have
 some advantages, even if it's from a man (boy) who often takes photos
 from himself in front of a mirror and then publish this snapshots in the

 Is there a relationship between taking your own picture in a mirror
 and developing software?

 I, personally, recognize a certain ironic connection, particularly in
 relation to Poettering. I'll leave it to the list readers who care, to
 understand or misunderstand what I mean. (Not sure discussing it
 belongs here, but I can understand why Ralf might want to bring it

 I don't know what brings Tom H here, but I am becoming more active
 here precisely because of systemd. Well, that, and SELinux. Too many
 changes too fast, too many of them shifting from stable techniques
 known to work in *nix environments to experimental implementations of
 techniques that are known to be primary underlying factors of many of
 the technical issues in the monoculture/world-domination OS.

 I don't, for example, dare try Fedora as an alternative to the ancient
 Mac OS X on the ancient but still viable iBook that my sister uses to
 keep in touch with the family. I have absolutely no confidence that I
 would be able to do the remote administration she needs done every now
 and then.

 (Fedora 13 or 14 would still have worked, fwiw.)

 There are both technical and political issues here that go way beyond
 the scope of this thread in debian-user, beyond a simple word to the

 Be very, very careful with systemd.

 I have absolutely no idea why I'm subscribed and post to d-u! ;)

 If you have genuine technical reasons for being wary of systemd, fine!
 If you have an emotional negative reaction to Lennart Poettering, then
 your carefulness is silly. The reiserfs developer's a convicted
 murderer, that didn't make reiserfs technically inferior overnight.
 (Please note that I've never used reiserfs, so I don't care either

There a genuine reasons for sysvinit to be improved or replaced, as
explained by one of the sysvinit package maintainers in Debian:

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Re: links won't open using icedove/wheezy

2012-07-31 Thread Whit Hansell
Thanks for the reply but I checked to see if anything you mentioned was
even possible and it came out I don't got none of that stuff.  G

On 07/31/2012 07:17 AM, chymian wrote:

Just checking to see if others are having the same problem.

 yes indeed.
 I had 2 mailthreats about this on the debian-user-german.

 1. icedove does not open external links.
 it opened the browser, but did not handover the URL.
 I had to got to the KDE systemsettings and manually change the file
 association (program which is called) entry to

 iceweasel %u
 (or x-www-browser %u, setting up the system alternatives to iceweasel.)

 for all http/https.
I checked my file associations and could not find anything about this in
that system settings setup.  Hunted all over.  Nothing.

 2. I changed in the .icedove/profile/prefs.js

 user_pref(network.protocol-handler.external.http, true);

 to true.
Checked my prefs.js file and it has no network. anything listed for
some reason.  Went to the about:config file in iceweasel and could not
find anything that looked like it might help.  If there is the same type
of setup in icedove I have no idea yet how to access it.

 while callening external links does work now, it had a major impact on
 beeing able to add new accounts to ID.
 while checking a new imap/smtp server, a link opened in iceweasel,
 trying to get info about the mail-server. in this case, I used
 self-signed certificates on my dovcot-server and STARTTLS.

 switching this value back to false, I can add new mailservers, but not
 open external links.

 for the time being, I have to choose, which misbehaviour I can live with
 at the moment.
Well, I appreciate your input and yes, I agree, it's one or the other in
your case and I appreciate your reply to let  me know what you've found.
It has given me at least an idea that maybe I can do something but
really expect it to be corrected by bug fixes in the end.  Or at least I
hope so.

 my system:
 KDE 4.8.4
 iceweasel  10.0.6esr-1
 icedove 10.0.5-1


My system is:
Wheezy. amd64
KDE 4.8.4
Iceweasel 10.0.6
Icedove 10.0.5

Do appreciate your comments and reply.

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Re: Loadlin and Squeeze kernel 2.6.32

2012-07-31 Thread Brian
On Tue 31 Jul 2012 at 10:56:09 -0400, Tom H wrote:

 On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 11:35 AM, Camaleón wrote:
  Yes, I read about it. But this warning has to be new or at least I don't
  recall GRUB legacy showing this notice when you were going to install
  GRUB into a partition instead the MBR :-?
 I'm demonizing them should've been I'm NOT demonizing them...
 I have no idea why the grub developers have decided to label the
 installation to a PBR a bad thing given that it works just as well (or
 as badly, depending on your point of view) with grub2 as grub1.

Section 3.4 of

discusses the issues and offers a recommendation. Also, message #16 at

touches on the reason why there is now a more visible warning.

  With grub-legacy it's exactly the same.
  We just decided to make it more clear in grub2 that
  blocklists aren't that great.

The proposal to introduce the warning may be seen here:

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Re: systemd

2012-07-31 Thread Tom H
On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 7:20 AM, Roger Leigh wrote:
 On Sun, Jul 29, 2012 at 02:05:15PM -0400, Tom H wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 10:48 AM, Camaleón wrote:

 I'd *guess* [...] there are hardly more problems with
 systemd as there are problems with sysvinit on squeeze.

 Without any objective evidence, who knows?  systemd is hardly the
 only contender as a sysvinit replacement.  There's upstart, openrc
 and others.  Which of those is best suited to being the default?

It's *pure*speculation* on my part that had wheezy moved to systemd a
year ago, systemd would be in an even better shape that it is in now
and would be a good default init system for wheezy's upcoming release.
Nothing more.

I know that systemd's not the only candidate. In fact, purely from a
familiarity perspective, I prefer upstart to systemd because it's
closer to sysvinit. From a technical perspective, systemd seems to be
more comprehensive and better thought out than upstart. AFAIU, OpenRC
requires some development to qualify as a sysvinit replacement. You
(Roger) made what seemed like a call for OpenRC testers in a earlier
post to this thread to which I meant to reply.

Technical considerations aside, my pie-in-the-sky wish would've been
for Solaris' init system to have an open source license and to be used
by all Linux distributions - or at least those that I use...

 Had Debian decided a year ago to transition to systemd (not taking
 into account the difficulty of surmounting the opposition of the
 conservatives who don't want to transition to anything, of the
 kfreebsd and hurd ports, of the anti-RH crowd, of the anti-Poettering
 crowd, etc), would it have been in a good enough state for a wheezy
 release? Yes IMHO (especially since there'd be testing/unstable
 testers and reporters to add to the Fedora users), certainly no for
 many others... Just because it was first released as a distribution
 default 14/15 months ago doesn't mean that it's hopelessly buggy.

 I don't think that anyone at all claims that it's hopelessly buggy.
 Not having had the amount of testing that the alternatives have, it's
 certainly not ready to be the default.  Maybe for wheezy+1, but for
 wheezy that would be a bit premature, and work is still needed for it
 to properly integrate (I only got a patch for update-rc.d and
 invoke-rc.d two days back, so if a package wants to update or run its
 init scripts or service then it won't work properly when using
 systemd).  That's not a problem for just trying it out, but it's
 certainly not ready for production use, let alone being the default.

When I called it hopelessly buggy I was - perhaps wrongly -
extrapolating from the claims that it's unstable, experimental, etc.

(I'll refer you to my first para's pure speculation explanation in
this post; and I'll defer to your judgement regarding wheezy v/s

If I were to install systemd on Debian, I'd expect to use systemctl
but it's nice to know that there are plans to make update-rc.d and
invoke-rc.d speak systemd.

 systemd is technically superior on some levels, compared with
 sysvinit.  But it's also a lot less flexible, due to swallowing up
 many smaller tools and daemons into a single monolithic package.
 That has consequences which might not be so great down the line.

 for my take on this.

 This isn't about being conservative (though I would hope that in
 general our users would appreciate us being conservative--it's one
 factor which results in Debian being a solid and reliable system).
 It's about taking a longer-term view of what is in *our* best
 interest, rather than jumping at the latest cool and shiny thing,
 and tying ourselves to the interests of RedHat, which may not be
 in our interest at all--it could significantly hamper our ability
 to tailor our own distribution for our own needs.

My reference to conservatism wasn't in respect of Debian as a whole. I
was alluding to those, for example, who'd like to have an insserv-less
file-rc driven init system. (Debian's makes too much of an issue of it
being solid and reliable but everyone's entitled to have a specific
PR/advertising/marketing angle...)

I agree that Debian - and other distributions - should look after
their interests and not necessarily follow Red Hat's lead. But it
looks increasingly difficult to my observer, non-developer eyes. As
you note, systemd's swallowed up other projects.

udev's the largest such project to my knowledge. I'd expect that, for
the time being, the udev maintainers of distributions not defaulting
to systemd can pull udev only from the systemd repository. Can anyone
guarantee that this'll still be possible going forward? Won't the
systemd developers want to tie udev more closely into systemd proper
(rightly or wrongly)?

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Re: Installing 3.2 kernel

2012-07-31 Thread Brian
On Mon 30 Jul 2012 at 19:43:25 +0100, Gary wrote:

 Sven Joachim wrote:
  On 2012-07-30 18:27 +0200, Gary wrote:
   Sven Joachim wrote:
   On 2012-07-29 21:38 +0200, Gary wrote:
    Still confused why the wireless doesn't work.
   It's not supported by the 2.6.32 kernel.  Installing a 3.2 kernel and
   firmware-ralink from squeeze-backports should make it work.
   I'm guessing this is a get source and compile jobby.
  No, squeeze-backports has binary packages (linux-image-3.2*) that you
  can just install.
 That didn't go well :(

It might not be a bad idea to detail what didn't go well. How you went
about getting the kernel and firmware-ralink packages, commands used,
which kernel etc.

 I installed the packages, and then the one that that process
 complained was missing/out of date (our old friend the realtek
 package). Restarted. After selecting one of the 3.2 kernel options,
 the computer effectively froze, with lines all over the screen. So
 badly I had to pull the plug :(

Any progress here?

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Re: Loadlin and Squeeze kernel 2.6.32

2012-07-31 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 31 Jul 2012 17:34:01 +0100, Brian wrote:

 On Tue 31 Jul 2012 at 10:56:09 -0400, Tom H wrote:
 On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 11:35 AM, Camaleón wrote:
  Yes, I read about it. But this warning has to be new or at least I
  don't recall GRUB legacy showing this notice when you were going to
  install GRUB into a partition instead the MBR :-?
 I'm demonizing them should've been I'm NOT demonizing them...
 I have no idea why the grub developers have decided to label the
 installation to a PBR a bad thing given that it works just as well (or
 as badly, depending on your point of view) with grub2 as grub1.
 Section 3.4 of
 discusses the issues and offers a recommendation. 

Which completely differs from their last doc:

 Also, message #16 at
 touches on the reason why there is now a more visible warning.

He! I have to solidarize with the bug reporter :-)

   With grub-legacy it's exactly the same. We just decided to make
   it more clear in grub2 that blocklists aren't that great.

So finally it discloses as a simple recommendation. Fine then. The 
warning also states that using blocklists is the only way in some 
disk layouts.

 The proposal to introduce the warning may be seen here:

This patch improves error messages in grub-setup, and adds a few
warnings when requested to install in odd layouts.

I wonder what they consider an odd layout. Four primary partitions 
and the bootloader installed at the first boot sector of the second 
partition, for instance? I hope no :-)



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Re: mail server

2012-07-31 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 7:58 PM, Camaleón wrote:
 On Sun, 29 Jul 2012 20:21:53 +0500, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:

 On Sun, Jul 29, 2012 at 6:44 PM, Camaleón wrote:


 since we fetch the email via pop and sent via smtp the problem is i
 need to make backup of individual PST.

 What? I don't get this... you mean you need to migrate the e-mails and
 other stuff from Outlook clients to the new e-mailing service?

 ok our 20 users fetching their emails from our hosted server. which is
 maintained by our service provider. and we are keeping 3 months of
 emails on our mail server and in case of email lost we can not recover
 it since we have no backup. so my proposal to my management is if we
 place a centralized mail server we can make backup of users email from
 our mail server and old mail can also be restored. you can call it
 migrating or shifting :). but the purpose of the whole idea is to
 backup all emails and to provide more options to the users like web
 access and our users will be independent from our service provider and
 will be coordinating directly with me in any problem..

 Then I guess the recipe I provided before it suits your needs.

 To migrate the current messages to your new-owned system you can use a
 dummy IMAP account to copy/paste (or simply move) the e-mails between
 the remote server and your which will work regardless the MUA in use.

 Once all of the accounts are created in your own e-mail server and
 working you can start polling the new messages from your remote server
 using fetchmail/getmail and configure your users e-mail clients to
 contact your e-mail server (via imap/pop3) instead your hosted one.

Thanks, its been very helpful.



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Re: Getting nVidia to work

2012-07-31 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Ma, 31 iul 12, 10:10:38, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 On Ma, 31 iul 12, 04:43:09, Mark Panen wrote:
  Could some please point me to step by step instruction on installing
  a nVidia driver for a GTS250?
 1. apt-get install nvidia-glx
 (make sure you remove any traces of the nvidia installer or any other 
 attempts before that)

Forgot to mention:

2. Make sure you have something like this in your xorg.conf (or some 
file under xorg.conf.d)

Section Device
Identifier Device0
Driver nvidia

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Re: systemd

2012-07-31 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Sonntag, 29. Juli 2012 schrieb Tom H:
 On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 10:48 AM, Camaleón wrote:
  On Tue, 24 Jul 2012 12:38:12 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
  I'm confused, will Debian or will Debian not switch to systemd?
  There's more info about Systemd and its status in Debian here:
  malicious mode on
  I hope sysvinit is still available (and be the default option) for at
  least a couple of years until systemd is being bright polished by the
  rest of the other friendly linux distributions :-)
  /malicious mode off
 Rather cheeky! :)
 I've been using systemd on Fedora (F15, F16, F17) and it works very
 well. I had an F15 dev box on which I had to mess around with rc.local
 to get two nfs mounts to work. I now have six F16 and six F17 boxes in
 production that are running just fine. There may have been many
 problems with systemd on F15 but I'd guess (and could be
 completely wrong but my search powers on Debian's BTS and RH's
 Bugzilla suck...) that on F17 there are hardly more problems with
 systemd as there are problems with sysvinit on squeeze.

systemd works on two on my machines without major issues (44-4). Possibly 
even on three machines. I plan to migrate my ThinkPad T23 and T42 as well.

I particularily like this:

martin@merkaba:~ systemd-analyze 
Startup finished in 4996ms (kernel) + 2716ms (userspace) = 7713ms

ThinkPad T520 with Intel SSD 320.

Its not that critical since I do not reboot that often, but still nice.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
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Re: systemd

2012-07-31 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Sonntag, 29. Juli 2012 schrieb Ralf Mardorf:
 On Sun, 2012-07-29 at 14:05 -0400, Tom H wrote:
  conservatives who don't want to transition to anything
 If I would be conservative I wouldn't use Linux for pro-audio. But
 here's another nice example of insane changes Arch already made and
 other distros of course will follow:
 switched to
 for example, after connecting an USB stick
 Did anybody think about auto-mounted stuff and using a terminal

I do not like this.

Mount points of plugable devices that are mounted by desktop should be 
easily reachable on the console as well, I think.

At least a symlink from /media to /run/media would be in order.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
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Re: systemd

2012-07-31 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Mittwoch, 25. Juli 2012 schrieb Camaleón:
 On Wed, 25 Jul 2012 18:16:10 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
  I can't resist, ban me from the list :D,
 It's not a matter about banning but netiquette and politeness.
 It is very unfair to speak (criticise?) from a person that is
 completely unaware of the conversation :-(

Plus I think it makes sense to base a decision whether a software is 
suitable for me or not on technical facts and my own preferences on how I 
want the software to work for me.

For me it is utterly, totally and absolutely irrelevant what Lennart or 
any other developer does with his / her free time.

And I agree that personal attacks do not belong here independently of the 
visibility in public.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
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Re: Something about netiquette Re: systemd

2012-07-31 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Mittwoch, 25. Juli 2012 schrieb Ralf Mardorf:
 Again, I don't have knowledge about systemd and it seems to have a
 advantages, e.g. compared to consolekit, but anyway, there are several
 things vague to dummies like me and he already implied a borked sound
 server to all major distros or the major distros use his borked sound

I don´t use Pulseaudio. For having issues with it. It doesn´t work for me.

But I do use systemd, cause it works nicely for me.

So what?

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
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Re: .xinitrc doesn't work, .xsessionrc does! (was ... Re: startx vs. xdm)

2012-07-31 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sun, Jul 29, 2012 at 11:14:54AM -0600, Javier Vasquez wrote:
 Have you tried not having your .xssesionrc at all?  Does it provide
 the same result to you as with .xsessionrc?

Yes, except for:

-8  .xsessionrc -8 

xterm -fn 10x20 -xrm XTerm.vt100.background: #CCA8AA -xrm \
  XTerm.vt100.foreground: blue -geom 120x15 

-8  .xsessionrc -8 

-8 -8 

feh --bg-max  /home/chrisb/images/logo.gif

-8 -8 

IOW, it reads .xsessionrc If I call it .xsession/.xinitrc it doesn't work,
probably cause I haven't got the exec fvwm  cantation at the end of the
.xsessionrc file.

Starting fvwm is handled via the alternatives system:

t@tal:~# update-alternatives --display x-window-manager
x-window-manager - auto mode
  link currently points to /usr/bin/fvwm2
/usr/bin/fvwm2 - priority 50
slave x-window-manager.1.gz: /usr/share/man/man1/fvwm2.1.gz
Current 'best' version is '/usr/bin/fvwm2'.

 I've been using .xinitrc and .xsession with plain fluxbox (no DE), to
 work with plain startx or xdm (other DMs as well such as slim and
 wdm), and I have had no problems for around 10 years (well I no longer
 use slim neither wdm now a days)...  For setting resources I use
 .Xresources and .Xdefaults.

What does: update-alternatives --display x-window-manager display for

 Any ways if you look at the startx man page, you'll see at the bottom
 the configuration files.  It only talks about .xinitrc, and .xserverrc
 (not .xsessionrc), and I would not play around with .xserverrc, the

I read about .xsessionrc somewhere, can't remember where, cause I was
having trouble on an upgrade. Not sure if it was etch - lenny, 
or lenny - squeeze

 Now, this is the reason I recommended, to reduce maintaining several
 initialization files, just provide execute permissions for .xinitrc,
 and then make a link from it to .xsession.  Make sure you call the WM

Already now you have two initialization files. :)
I could get away with none (no .xinitrc, no .xsession, no .xsessionrc)
but then I'd have to put all configuration in the ~/.fvwm/config file.

Although the default setup is quite good. That is, if you don't have a
~/.fvwm/config file. 

 BTW, startx does not use .xession at all...


 Can you provide the .xinitrc you're trying for your startx attempts?

See above explanation. 

 As a fallback, before calling your WM, you can also call xterm, or
 some other term, to keep Xorg up while the term is up...  If that
 works, then it might be something is wrong when calling the WM...

JTFR, there *IS* no problem. This may be because I'm using fvwm which is
hooked into the alternatives system *AND* has a working default.

IOW, if I try some other WM, I could very well need an .xinitrc with
some exec WM - here  cantation, BUT it looks like it is handled
by the alternatives system. Using .xinitrc could be defunct, but no one
has told us. :-) 

Maybe, if you use .Xresources and/or .Xdefaults you need an .xinitrc.

P.S. Possibly this exec fvwm  cantation not working was the cause
of my search, leading to the use of an .xsessionrc -- but It was a long
time ago now and my memory is a bit hazy on the details. 

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: systemd

2012-07-31 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Donnerstag, 26. Juli 2012 schrieb Ralf Mardorf:
 On Wed, 2012-07-25 at 23:38 +0100, Roger Leigh wrote:
  On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 06:16:11PM +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
   On Ma, 24 iul 12, 12:38:12, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
I'm confused, will Debian or will Debian not switch to systemd?
   Definitely not for wheezy, it's already frozen. As I understand
   from  lurking on -devel, the plan is to demote sysvinit from
   Essential as soon as the wheezy+1 development cycle starts, to
   allow admins to experiment with systemd or upstart.
  Just to clarify, the removal of the Essential status from sysvinit
  changes nothing--it's pointless and doesn't affect experimentation
  with systemd or upstart, both of which can be used as a sysvinit
  replacement right now.  It will just make some of the dependencies
  slightly cleaner, but is only a tiny detail.
 I'm sceptical, but to be fair, I never tested systemd myself.

So what you are actually trying to say?

Is there any real argument you have to make?

I am not decided whether systemd is suitable for a replacement and I know 
technical arguments like its Linux only and I found some limitations 
myself like its init script compabitibility does not take care of further 
initscript arguments like for openvpn initscript to tell it which VPN to 
start due to not supporting something like this at its design level, but I 
do not see what trek and trivia add to the discussion.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
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Re: startx vs. xdm

2012-07-31 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 10:52:58AM -0600, Javier Vasquez wrote:
  I use startx, and only have an .xsessionrc file. I know it is read
  because of the xterm settings.
 Resources, whether for xterm, urxvt, or similar, usually are not
 configured into .xinitrc, neither .xsession (I never used
 .xsessionrc).  Instead they are specified in .Xresources and
 .Xdefaults.  However it might be you xrdb them from .xsessionrc,
 though .Xdefaults the old days was supposed to beloaded automatically
 without being loaded through xrdb.

A quick search in google:
Although it says .xsessionrc is read by .xsession, yet I have no
.xsession file.

But from here:
root@tal:~# file /usr/bin/startx
/usr/bin/startx: POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable

which points to (if you have no $HOME/.xinitrc):

# global xinitrc file, used by all X sessions started by xinit (startx)

which sources:


which  AHAH!

# use run-parts to source every file in the session directory; we source
# instead of executing so that the variables and functions defined above
# are available to the scripts, and so that they can pass variables to
# each
# other
if [ -n $SESSIONFILES ]; then
  set +e
set -e

etc, etc, etc,

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: what graphics card to choose

2012-07-31 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Montag, 30. Juli 2012 schrieb Camaleón:
 On Mon, 30 Jul 2012 10:55:16 -0400, Gary Dale wrote:
  On 30/07/12 07:02 AM, Yaro Kasear wrote:
  KMS is a wonderful feature, but I personally would rather see good
  OpenGL support than KMS, though. Nouveau's getting there, but it's
  support for OpenGL (Through Gallium.) isn't really mature enough
  yet. I also get some odd mouse-stuttering when I use Nouveau.
  Until this is fixed, I elect to use nVidia's official drivers,
  which I personally haven't had any issues with to date.
  And I elect to use ATI cards, because, unlike NVidia, ATI actually
  helps the open source driver development.
 Help is always welcome but more than help I prefer a driver that
 works and supports all its hardware features in the same way or at
 least as close as it does for Windows, and not just in papers and
 benchmarks but in real life. Otherwise, the help is of little help
 and good intentions are only wastepaper.
 Yes, this post comes with a bit of rant so don't take it very
 seriously :-)

I don´t care that much as long as what I need works.

Which it does for Intel Sandybridge graphics – that to my surprise is even 
considered suitable for Flightgear.

But I also only do light gaming. What works is Supertuxkart at Full HD, 
pcsx, freedroidrpg and other open source games I tried. But I do not use 
ego shooters – all I had a glimpse at seemed to brutal and violent for me 
– so I can´t comment on them.

But then now Ivybridge is out which graphics that is about two times 

I´d also consider articles at regarding hardware support 
under Linux.

If need be I could test whether flightgear works suitable on Sandybridge. 
But I need a quick guide on what to test as I do not know this game.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
GPG: 03B0 0D6C 0040 0710 4AFA  B82F 991B EAAC A599 84C7

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Re: what graphics card to choose

2012-07-31 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Dienstag, 31. Juli 2012 schrieb Martin Steigerwald:
 Am Montag, 30. Juli 2012 schrieb Camaleón:
  On Mon, 30 Jul 2012 10:55:16 -0400, Gary Dale wrote:
   On 30/07/12 07:02 AM, Yaro Kasear wrote:
   KMS is a wonderful feature, but I personally would rather see good
   OpenGL support than KMS, though. Nouveau's getting there, but it's
   support for OpenGL (Through Gallium.) isn't really mature enough
   yet. I also get some odd mouse-stuttering when I use Nouveau.
   Until this is fixed, I elect to use nVidia's official drivers,
   which I personally haven't had any issues with to date.
   And I elect to use ATI cards, because, unlike NVidia, ATI actually
   helps the open source driver development.
  Help is always welcome but more than help I prefer a driver that
  works and supports all its hardware features in the same way or at
  least as close as it does for Windows, and not just in papers and
  benchmarks but in real life. Otherwise, the help is of little
  help and good intentions are only wastepaper.
  Yes, this post comes with a bit of rant so don't take it very
  seriously :-)
 I don´t care that much as long as what I need works.
 Which it does for Intel Sandybridge graphics – that to my surprise is
 even considered suitable for Flightgear.
 But I also only do light gaming. What works is Supertuxkart at Full HD,
 pcsx, freedroidrpg and other open source games I tried. But I do not
 use ego shooters – all I had a glimpse at seemed to brutal and violent
 for me – so I can´t comment on them.
 But then now Ivybridge is out which graphics that is about two times
 I´d also consider articles at regarding hardware support
 under Linux.
 If need be I could test whether flightgear works suitable on
 Sandybridge. But I need a quick guide on what to test as I do not know
 this game.

If thats a desktop or tower computer – as I think from the initial posting 
it is – a dedicated card could still be added.

But then one might argue why use integrated graphics at all. Well my main 
argument is that I am really quite fond with the Intel graphics.

But then opensource radeon driver should work well, too, if the graphics 
card chosen is good supported. There is a feature matrix for the radeon 
driver for cards based on different chipset generations that should be 
quite easy to find.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
GPG: 03B0 0D6C 0040 0710 4AFA  B82F 991B EAAC A599 84C7

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Re: what graphics card to choose

2012-07-31 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Dienstag, 31. Juli 2012 schrieb Martin Steigerwald:
 But then one might argue why use integrated graphics at all. Well my
 main  argument is that I am really quite fond with the Intel graphics.

drivers that is.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
GPG: 03B0 0D6C 0040 0710 4AFA  B82F 991B EAAC A599 84C7

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Re: what graphics card to choose

2012-07-31 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Sonntag, 29. Juli 2012 schrieb Michael P. Soulier:
 On 29/07/12 11:15 AM, Gary Dale wrote:
  Any card you buy will likely work, either with the open source
  drivers or the proprietary ones. With Wheezy on the verge of
  becoming the current stable release, you shouldn't run into problems
  with proprietary drivers not working with the latest X server.
 Bleeding edge nvidia didn't seem to be supported, although I'll bet
 this one is.
 I suppose I could walk in with a live cd and see what output I get from

Bleeding edge radeon need AMD/ATI proprietary drivers.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
GPG: 03B0 0D6C 0040 0710 4AFA  B82F 991B EAAC A599 84C7

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