Re: Sobre la ele geminada (era: Re: us funciona l'opció nodeadkeys?)

2013-12-31 Thread Ernest Adrogué
2013-12-30, 23:43 (+0100); Joan Montané escriu:
 El dia 30 desembre de 2013 22.49, Ernest Adrogué ha
  No tinc coneixments de C++.  Fa temps em vaig mirar l'algoritme de divisió
  de paraules de GTK però al final ho vaig deixar estar.  Em sembla que era
  Pango, qui ho feia.
  Correcte, així és. Teòricament pango-break segueix UAX TR29 [2], però no
 puc verificar-ho sense usar Cairo. Caldria fer un petit programa pango
 only que marquès els talls de paraula en una frase de prova, per a
 verificar que pango  va bé. En cas afirmatiu, anar a buscar el problema a
 Cairo. En cas negatiu, veure on falla pango, perquè el codi [2] sembla
 correcte (l'he resseguit unes quantes vegades).

Jo vaig fer un programa d'aquest estil amb Python per fer proves. Miraré a
veure si el trobo.

 El primer pas seria arreglar el local ca_ES, perquè dóna la categoria del
  caràcter incorrecta.  Segons he llegit a [1] hauríem de contactar amb el
  mantenidor del local ca_ES de la libc de GNU (Jordi Mallach, em sona que el
  tenim en aquesta llista).
 Sí, el tenim per aquí, i si no el puc localitzar per altres bandes, :)
 Ara... la solució bona és que readline usi UAX TR29 per a detectar
 paraules. L'algorisme lletres i números és massa simple per a detectar
 paraules. En cas que els desenvolupadors de readline no vulguin, doncs el
 pla B que indiques seria una bona aproximació i funcionaria, sempre que
 tinguem el locale català actiu.
 Caldria fer proves, per exemple que passa si intentem passar a minúscula o
 a majúscula el caràcter.
 Com has canviat la definició del locale? Explica-m'ho senzill, sisplau, :)

Les difinicions són a /usr/share/i18n i s'han de compilar amb un programa
que es diu localedef.  El format de les definicions, a la plana del manual
de locale(5) explica una mica com és.

Adjunto el locale modificat, que es diu ca_ZZ.  L'única diferència amb el
ca_ES és que el caràcter de punt volat U00B7 passa de la secció «punct» a la
secció «alpha» a LC_CTYPE.  Nota: a l'hora de fer canvis, els caràcters han
d'estar ordenats, si els poses a qualsevol lloc dóna error de sintaxi.

Passos per provar el locale:

1. Descomprimir el fitxer tar.gz.
2. Anar al directori i18/locale i executar:
source install-locale 2 errors
source set-locale-subshell

La primera línia compila el locale ca_ZZ que hi ha al subdirectori
locale-data i l'instal·la al directori locale-test.  La segona línia executa
bash amb el local configurat com a ca_ZZ. Per sortir i tornar al local ca_ES
o el que tinguis configurat per al teu usuari, es fa amb «exit».

 Abans que ningú no faci la proposta, ja es va intentar posar el punt volat
 (U+00B7) com a caràcter alfabètic a Unicode (valor predeterminat per a
 totes les llengües). Es va denegar. Les possibilitats de posar-ho allà són
 nul·les. De fet, estrictament parlant, el punt volat no és un caràcter
 alfabètic. És un signe de puntuació intern de paraula, per tant ja està ben
 classificat. Una altra cosa és que els algorismes ens perjudiquin i la
 drecera més fàcil sigui classificar-lo com alfabètic.

Els locals que utilitza Debian són els de Unicode [1], són els mateixos que
fa servir Google o Apple.  Però a Debian no crec que hi hagi problema per
canviar-lo, o sempre es pot fer un local ca_ES alternatiu com el ca_ES@Euro
o ca_ES@valencia.  Tècnicament és un caràcter de puntuació, però diria que
no s'utilitza enlloc, excepte a la ela geminada.  El punt de multiplicació
diria que és una altre caràcter.


Description: Binary data

Re: Sobre la ele geminada (era: Re: us funciona l'opció nodeadkeys?)

2013-12-31 Thread Ernest Adrogué
2013-12-31, 13:53 (+0100); Ernest Adrogué escriu:
   Correcte, així és. Teòricament pango-break segueix UAX TR29 [2], però no
  puc verificar-ho sense usar Cairo. Caldria fer un petit programa pango
  only que marquès els talls de paraula en una frase de prova, per a
  verificar que pango  va bé. En cas afirmatiu, anar a buscar el problema a
  Cairo. En cas negatiu, veure on falla pango, perquè el codi [2] sembla
  correcte (l'he resseguit unes quantes vegades).
 Jo vaig fer un programa d'aquest estil amb Python per fer proves. Miraré a
 veure si el trobo.

Aquí el tens, a veure si et serveix.

Description: Binary data

Re: Sobre la ele geminada (era: Re: us funciona l'opció nodeadkeys?)

2013-12-31 Thread Ernest Adrogué
2013-12-31, 15:59 (+0100); Joan Montané escriu:
 El dia 31 desembre de 2013 14.31, Ernest Adrogué ha
  Aquí el tens, a veure si et serveix.
  ep! i tant!!!
 he fet proves. El problema és a pango, definitivament. Detecta bé les vores
 de paraula (word boundary), però no marca correctament l'inici i final de
 Resultat actual:
 Enter a test string (finish with RET): a%a b·b
 Language is ca-es.
 Mark character is |.
 Word start: |a%|a |b·|b
 Word end:   a|%a| b|·b|
 Word boundary:  |a|%|a| |b·b|
 Hauria de ser:
 Enter a test string (finish with RET): a%a b·b
 Language is ca-es.
 Mark character is |.
 Word start: |a%|a |b·b
 Word end:   a|%a| b·b|
 Word boundary:  |a|%|a| |b·b|
 Ernest, amb el teu permís enviaré el teu programa al bugzilla del GNOME, a
 un dels fils oberts, a veure si aconsegueixo que ho arreglin.

Envia, cap problema.

 Si et veus amb cor, pots mirar perquè marca malament els caràcters d'inici
 i final de mot, si els hi dones la solució serà més fàcil que l'apliquin,
 :) però bé, havent aïllat el problema i podent-lo reproduir ja tenim molt
 de guanyat.

Al fitxer break.c és on fa la divisió de paraules i pel que es veu calcula
els límits de la paraula per una banda, i l'inici i el final per una altra.

A l'únic lloc on assigna is_word_end = TRUE és a la línia 1169, i això només
passa (si llegeixo bé el programa) després de comprovar que el caràcter no
és en cap d'aquestes categories:


Suposo que es podria afegir una condició pel cas del català, igual que fan
amb el japonès, però això ho hauria de fer algú que sàpiga el que es fa.

El que veig és que sembla que els límits de paraula i el principi/final de
paraula són conceptes independents.  Potser l'estàndard que dius només és
aplicable en el cas dels límits i no a l'hora de trobar el principi i el

 Si arreglem pango, totes les aplicacions GNOME quedaran resoltes!!! Encara
 tindrem una bona entrada del 2014, :)
 Sobre el locale català apedaçat, he fet proves, i sí, efectivament al bash
 funciona, caldria fer proves per veure si generem altres problemes
 col·laterals. De moment he escrit a la llista del readline, suggerint que
 usin l'alogorisme d'Unicode, a veure com respiren.

Perfecte, sí, suposo que s'hauria de provar el locale d'alguna forma.


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Re: Sobre la ele geminada (era: Re: us funciona l'opció nodeadkeys?)

2013-12-31 Thread Joan Montané
El dia 31 desembre de 2013 17.09, Ernest Adrogué ha

 El que veig és que sembla que els límits de paraula i el principi/final de
 paraula són conceptes independents.  Potser l'estàndard que dius només és
 aplicable en el cas dels límits i no a l'hora de trobar el principi i el

Crec que és un problema d'evolució de pango. Fa temps només hi havia els
word start i word end, posteriorment van implementar els límits i estan
des del 2002(!) amb un bug obert per a que sigui full UAX29 compliant.

El bug que ens interessa és aquest

però el principal, que té més moviment, és aquest

A veure si algun desenvolupador s'ho mira amb 'carinyo'.

Bon Any!!!

Joan Montané

The Debian Administrator’s Handbook actualitzat a Debian 7 Wheezy

2013-12-31 Thread alex

descarregable a ...

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contrasenyes wifi es guarden en text clar a totes les distribucions

2013-12-31 Thread alex


Quan encriptava /home i els meus usb, sempre pensava que els amics que 
encriptaven tot el disc dur eren uns exagerats paranoics, però avui em 
trobo aquesta notícia:

Sembla que /etc també és un bon candidat a ser encriptat. NetworkManager 
a KDe i Gnome sembla que es dedica des de fa anys a guardar les 
contrasenyes en clar a /etc , i que no és un problema a resoldre en un 
futur inmediat, sino una funcionalitat



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Re: The Debian Administrator’s Handbook actualitzat a Debian 7 Wheezy

2013-12-31 Thread alex

A 2014-01-01 08:28, escrigué:

descarregable a ...

Contabilitzant canvis:

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Re: contrasenyes wifi es guarden en text clar a totes les distribucions

2013-12-31 Thread Josep Lladonosa

Gràcies per compartir.

És que... si no guardés les contrasenyes en pla, com les desencriptava per
usar-les en les connexions de forma automàtica?

Com que el món extern (wifis WEP/WPA) normalment va amb clau plana
(llevat de configuracions amb claus privades/públiques i tal), en algun
lloc cal desar les contrasenyes.

Malgrat tot, efectivament, podrien desar-les a un anell de claus (d'aquells
que només entres una contrasenya per a tot).

Bon any!



 Quan encriptava /home i els meus usb, sempre pensava que els amics que
 encriptaven tot el disc dur eren uns exagerats paranoics, però avui em
 trobo aquesta notícia:

 Sembla que /etc també és un bon candidat a ser encriptat. NetworkManager a
 KDe i Gnome sembla que es dedica des de fa anys a guardar les contrasenyes
 en clar a /etc , i que no és un problema a resoldre en un futur inmediat,
 sino una funcionalitat



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Re: Re : HS [jessie] plus de mise en veille ?

2013-12-31 Thread fabrice régnier


Tous les extrêmes se valent ? Donc celui de RMS vaut celui d’ESR ?

posons donc directement la question à ESR:


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[HS] Re: code html pour crypter adresse courriel

2013-12-31 Thread fabrice régnier


  Alors, les robots peuvent casser cette façon de masquer l'adresse,
  selon toi ?
Oui, puisque comme le dit Fred, la fonction de masquage du mail est en 
clair dans le js.

Ceci dit, pour un robot, il faudrait implémenter une foultitude de 
fonctions différentes et là, ça devient compliqué.

Les robots préfèrent donc collecter les emails en clair présents sur la 
majorité (?) des sites.

Si tu ne veux pas utiliser du js pour cacher ton email, pourquoi pas 
une image ? mais dans ce cas, tu perds la possibilité simple du mailto.

  Désolé si je pose des questions un peu débutant ;-)

bof, on est toujours le débutant de quelqu'un ;)


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Re: code html pour crypter adresse courriel

2013-12-31 Thread Bernardo

j'ai retrouvé ça dans mes archives, que j'utilisais il y a quelques années :

Bonnes fêtes à toutestous.

Georges a écrit :
 Un petit ennuie avec un site web ou mon adresse à été utilisée pour me 
 spammer :-(
 Mes recherches ne donnent que des sites de cryptage. Peut on  leur faire
 confiance ?
 J'utilisai  Cerbermail mais il semble que sa ne marche plus.
 Un lien, un conseil et un grand merci d'avance.

Que l'élève soit capable de construire par lui-même des raisonnements,
des démonstrations de théorèmes ou des solutions de problèmes.
-+- Jacques Hadamard -+-

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Re: [HS] Re: code html pour crypter adresse courriel

2013-12-31 Thread fred


Le 31/12/2013 09:46, fabrice régnier a écrit :


  Alors, les robots peuvent casser cette façon de masquer l'adresse,
  selon toi ?
Oui, puisque comme le dit Fred, la fonction de masquage du mail est en 
clair dans le js.

Ceci dit, pour un robot, il faudrait implémenter une foultitude de 
fonctions différentes et là, ça devient compliqué.

Les robots préfèrent donc collecter les emails en clair présents sur 
la majorité (?) des sites.

Si tu ne veux pas utiliser du js pour cacher ton email, pourquoi pas 
une image ? mais dans ce cas, tu perds la possibilité simple du mailto.
C'est sûr que bon nombre de robots collecteront uniquement ce qui est 
déjà au format d'une adresse mail. Mais il y a parfois des robots un peu 
plus évolués. Sur mon blog par exemple, certains robots passent la 
captcha (bon, ils sont tous bloqués après mais quand même), preuve 
qu'aucune protection n'est finalement parfaite.

Dans le cas ici, le problème majeur est qu'effectivement le code utilisé 
pour masqué le mail est directement lisible dans le source. On pourrait 
aussi noter que la protection en elle même est assez faible et pas très 
exotique, ce qui fait qu'il est assez simple de prévoir un robot capable 
de détecter la présence d'une adresse mail (rechercher la fonction


, et si elle est présente, décoder la suite la suite de nombres qui s'y 
trouve pour afficher du texte (texte que l'on pourra alors traiter 

Bon après, c'est vrai qu'avec ça, nombre de robots n'y verront rien. 
Finalement, c'est le but recherché (je modère donc un peu ce que je 
laissais entendre dans mon premier message).

Bonnes fêtes tout le monde :D


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Problèmes divers de fin d'année (clavier, noyau 3.12, etc...)

2013-12-31 Thread David BERCOT

En cette fin d'année (oui, c'est une coïncidence ;-)), j'ai quelques
petits soucis.

Tout d'abord, au niveau du clavier, j'ai perdu récemment la touche
CTRL D (CTRL G fonctionne très bien). C'est venu subitement et je
n'ai pas compris pourquoi.
Après quelques recherches, j'ai vu que j'étais en Français (variante)
et que la touche évoquée correspondait maintenant à un Level5
Hum !?!?
J'ai donc rajouté Français, basculé dessus, puis supprimé Français
(variante). Là, au niveau de Gnome, tout semble être rentré dans
Toutefois, si je bascule en TTY1 (ou 2 ou 3), je suis maintenant en
Qwerty !

Auriez-vous une idée ?

Tant que j'y suis, sur Gnome3, est-ce que vous savez s'il est possible
d'activer le verrouillage numérique au démarrage ?

Ensuite, j'ai un problème avec le noyau 3.12 (là, je suis en 3.12.6-2)
où mon ordinateur ne s'arrête plus correctement. Il semblerait que ce
soit un verrou logiciel qui génère ce problème.
En redémarrant en 3.11, tout problème a disparu et si je reviens en
3.12, ça ne marche pas.

Je n'ai pas fait encore de recherche sur le sujet mais, à titre
d'information, est-ce que d'autres seraient aussi concernés ?

Merci d'avance et bonne année 2014.


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Re: [HS] Re: code html pour crypter adresse courriel

2013-12-31 Thread Philippe Gras

Le 31 déc. 13 à 10:52, fred a écrit :


Le 31/12/2013 09:46, fabrice régnier a écrit :


  Alors, les robots peuvent casser cette façon de masquer l'adresse,
  selon toi ?
Oui, puisque comme le dit Fred, la fonction de masquage du mail  
est en clair dans le js.

Ceci dit, pour un robot, il faudrait implémenter une foultitude de  
fonctions différentes et là, ça devient compliqué.

Les robots préfèrent donc collecter les emails en clair présents  
sur la majorité (?) des sites.

Si tu ne veux pas utiliser du js pour cacher ton email, pourquoi  
pas une image ? mais dans ce cas, tu perds la possibilité simple  
du mailto.
C'est sûr que bon nombre de robots collecteront uniquement ce qui  
est déjà au format d'une adresse mail. Mais il y a parfois des  
robots un peu plus évolués. Sur mon blog par exemple, certains  
robots passent la captcha (bon, ils sont tous bloqués après mais  
quand même), preuve qu'aucune protection n'est finalement parfaite.

Chez les robots, la plupart des robots ne lisent pas les fichiers  
statiques, JS, PNG et autres…
C'est le cas de XRumer, très répandu, qui passe les captchas sans  

La véritable question est de se demander contre qui on souhaite se  
protéger et d'adapter son
système de contre-mesures à la menace. Pour ma part, j'utilise un  
anti-spam fondé sur le test
d'un cookie javascript, et franchement, je ne suis plus emmerdé avec  
les commentaires et les
inscriptions sauvages. Alors, crypter son adresse avec base64,  
pourquoi pas? Ça dépend en

réalité du fonctionnement de la menace.

Bonne fêtes à tous,

Ph. Gras

Bon après, c'est vrai qu'avec ça, nombre de robots n'y verront  
rien. Finalement, c'est le but recherché (je modère donc un peu ce  
que je laissais entendre dans mon premier message).

Bonnes fêtes tout le monde :D


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Re: Recopier les mails sur le serveur

2013-12-31 Thread Jean-Jacques Doti

Le 30/12/2013 14:37, sys a écrit :
Merci pour vos réponses. Comment ça créer un deuxième compte pour ma 
BAL ? ça sera donc un compte différent du premier ?

Désolé de ne pas avoir été clair dans mon premier post et de ne pas être 
assidu sur la liste en ce moment…

Quand je parlais d'un deuxième compte, il s'agissait bien d'un 
paramétrage sur le logiciel client, pas de la création d'une nouvelle 
adresse email.

Ce compte va être identique au premier, si ce n'est qu'il doit être 
paramétré en IMAP plutôt qu'en POP pour la récupération des mails. Avoir 
ces deux comptes en simultanés permet de pouvoir accéder, en même temps, 
aux mails récupérés en POP et stockés en local et au serveur IMAP.
Bien entendu, il faut désactiver la récupération des mails par le compte 
POP3 ou, au moins, éviter que les mails soient supprimés du serveur.
Un fois que les mails locaux auront été transférés sur le serveur IMAP, 
le compte POP3 (local) peut être supprimé de la configuration du client 
de messagerie (bien sûr, cela ne supprimera pas le compte sur le serveur 
ni l'adresse email).

J'espère que tout est clair maintenant.


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Re: [HS] Re: code html pour crypter adresse courriel

2013-12-31 Thread fabrice régnier

Le 31/12/2013 11:30, Philippe Gras a écrit :

anti-spam fondé sur le test
d'un cookie javascript

ça m'intéresse! as-tu un lien ? certains bots sauve les cookies.


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Re: code html pour crypter adresse courriel

2013-12-31 Thread Georges
On Tue, 31 Dec 2013 09:59:59 +0100
Bernardo wrote:


 Excellente journée à toutes et à tous,
 j'ai retrouvé ça dans mes archives, que j'utilisais il y a quelques
 années :
 Bonnes fêtes à toutestous.

 Béni soit tu pour ce lien. Sa marche très bien et en affichant le code
 source de la page, on est content de voir un cryptage sur une ligne de
 772 caractères ;-) .

 Et tu mérite mes meilleurs vœux de bonne fêtes et bonne année;

 Tout autant pour les autres qui m'ont donné des solutions

 Cordialement   Georges

 Georges a écrit :
  Un petit ennuie avec un site web ou mon adresse à été utilisée pour
  me spammer :-(
  Mes recherches ne donnent que des sites de cryptage. Peut on  leur
  faire confiance ?
  J'utilisai  Cerbermail mais il semble que sa ne marche plus.
  Un lien, un conseil et un grand merci d'avance.

 Le jour où tu découvres le Libre GNU/Linux, tu ne peux plus t'en
passer ;-)

 Microsoft ® est à l'informatique ce que Mc Donald's ® est à la

  Debian c'est pas pour le vulgum pecus, c'est pour les meilleurs. ;-)

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Re: [HS] Re: code html pour crypter adresse courriel

2013-12-31 Thread Yves Rutschle
On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 09:46:22AM +0100, fabrice régnier wrote:
 Si tu ne veux pas utiliser du js pour cacher ton email, pourquoi
 pas une image ? mais dans ce cas, tu perds la possibilité simple du

Une autre façon est d'envoyer le robot dans un labyrinthe:

Je ne suis pas sûr de l'efficacité à 100%, car j'utilise
aussi du filtrage de spam sur le mail entrant, mais j'ai
l'impression que ça marche.


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Re: La doc de Debian au format Epub

2013-12-31 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 09:18:49PM +0100, Adrien a écrit :

 Je vais voir ça pour Publican. En parle-t-on chez Debian ?

Pas des masses, mais c'est le système utilisé pour les « Cahier de l'admin
Debian » (, dont les sources sont disponibles
sous forme de paquet source Debian.

Il y a donc de quoi s'inspirer :)

Bon réveillon à tous,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: La doc de Debian au format Epub

2013-12-31 Thread BOLLINGH Sebastien
 Le Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 09:18:49PM +0100, Adrien a écrit :
  Je vais voir ça pour Publican. En parle-t-on chez Debian ?

 Pas des masses, mais c'est le système utilisé pour les « Cahier de l'admin
 Debian » (, dont les sources sont disponibles
 sous forme de paquet source Debian.

 Il y a donc de quoi s'inspirer :)

 Bon réveillon à tous,

 Charles Plessy
 Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

Je ne suis pas développeur, juste un peu de Python et du HTML.
Il me semble que je devrais pouvoir apprendre le nécessaire à participer à ce 
projet ...
Si quelqu'un peut me guider, je veux bien aider.

J'espère venir à la miniDebConf à Paris le 18 ou le 19 janvier prochain ... si 
vous y êtes ...

Bonnes fêtes à tou(te)s


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Re: [HS] Re: code html pour crypter adresse courriel

2013-12-31 Thread Philippe Gras

Le 31 déc. 13 à 11:49, fabrice régnier a écrit :

Le 31/12/2013 11:30, Philippe Gras a écrit :

anti-spam fondé sur le test
d'un cookie javascript

ça m'intéresse! as-tu un lien ? certains bots sauve les cookies.

Non, je n'ai pas de lien vers ce script, qui est un plugin Wordpress
que je suis en train de développer. Il faut donc utiliser ce CMS afin
de le mettre en action. Si c'est le cas, je peux vous envoyer un ZIP
pour que vous puissiez le tester.

Je l'ai mis en place ici, mais il n'y a pas de spam pour le moment :

L'idée est simple : Chaque fois qu'un visiteur demande une page,
on teste la présence d'un cookie Google Analytics. Parce que les
cookies Analytics sont générés par javascript.

Si le visiteur n'a pas pris le cookie, on lui interdit toute requête de
type $_POST. Son IP est envoyée dans un fichier, elle est bannie
pour les requêtes suivantes.

C'est invisible.

Pour le truc en base64, il y a plus simple. On met une balise vide :
div class=mailto /div
et dans dans un fichier javascript, éventuellement jQuery, on y met
le display du contenu de la balise :
$('.mailto').replaceWith('div class=mailto mon mailto/div');

Sur le site en lien, vous verrez comme ça plein de petites conneries
qui n'apparaissent pas dans le code source ;-)


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Re: La doc de Debian au format Epub

2013-12-31 Thread Stéphane GARGOLY
Bonjour à tous les utilisateurs et développeurs de Debian :

Le 31/12/2013, Charles a écrit :
 Le Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 09:18:49PM +0100, Adrien a écrit :
 Je vais voir ça pour Publican. En parle-t-on chez Debian ?

 Pas des masses, mais c'est le système utilisé pour les « Cahier de l'admin
 Debian » (, dont les sources sont disponibles
 sous forme de paquet source Debian.

Puisque certains semblent intéresser par les ePubs, je me suis permis
de faire quelques recherches (à partir du site Internet de Debian) et
je vous donne déjà le lien :

Vous y trouverez des outils (tournant autour de ce format) sous forme
de paquets dont :
 a. [DocBook XML to .epub converter]
 b. [tools to work with the EPub file format]
 c. [XML-to-any converter]
Je n'ai pas regardé en détail cette liste mais je pense que vous y
trouverez votre bonheur. ;-)

Notons qu'il y a également de la documentation Debian (au format ePub) :
 d. [Debian Live Documentation (epub)]

Ces paquets sont inclus dans Wheezy (stable) mais ils existent
également pour Squeeze (oldstable), Jessie (testing) et Sid

 Bon réveillon à tous,

Les sushis et autres sashimis sont-ils de la partie ?

Si oui, miam miam !! :-D

Cordialement et à bientôt,


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Re: [HS] Re: code html pour crypter adresse courriel

2013-12-31 Thread Yves Rutschle
On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 01:59:59PM +0100, Philippe Gras wrote:
 L'idée est simple : Chaque fois qu'un visiteur demande une page,
 on teste la présence d'un cookie Google Analytics. Parce que les
 cookies Analytics sont générés par javascript.

Du coup, tu bannis tout ceux qui ont javascript désactivé?


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Re: [HS] Re: code html pour crypter adresse courriel

2013-12-31 Thread Philippe Gras

Le 31 déc. 13 à 14:13, Yves Rutschle a écrit :

On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 01:59:59PM +0100, Philippe Gras wrote:

L'idée est simple : Chaque fois qu'un visiteur demande une page,
on teste la présence d'un cookie Google Analytics. Parce que les
cookies Analytics sont générés par javascript.

Du coup, tu bannis tout ceux qui ont javascript désactivé?

Oui, et c'est effectivement un problème, éthique surtout…

Plus précisément, je les bannis quand ils viennent poster,
parce que sinon, j'interdirais aussi les crawlers et ce serait
con de ma part.

Les spammeurs utilisent des bots pour poster, Googlebot a
le même type de fonctionnement, mais ne poste rien.

Mais sur ce site que j'ai mis en lien, j'ai balancé aussi plein
de trucs à son attention :-D

Pour cette histoire de limitation javascript, je suis en train de
réfléchir à une option pour faire la même chose avec un PNG.

Parce que je n'ai pas invité Google Anal. sur tous mes sites :=)

Ph. Gras


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Re: Problèmes divers de fin d'année (clavier, noyau 3.12, etc...)

2013-12-31 Thread Yves Perraudin

Le 31/12/2013 11:07, David BERCOT a écrit :



Tout d'abord, au niveau du clavier, j'ai perdu récemment la touche
CTRL D (CTRL G fonctionne très bien). C'est venu subitement et je
n'ai pas compris pourquoi.
Après quelques recherches, j'ai vu que j'étais en Français (variante)
et que la touche évoquée correspondait maintenant à un Level5
Hum !?!?
J'ai donc rajouté Français, basculé dessus, puis supprimé Français
(variante). Là, au niveau de Gnome, tout semble être rentré dans
Toutefois, si je bascule en TTY1 (ou 2 ou 3), je suis maintenant en
Qwerty !

Auriez-vous une idée ?

Un journal de linuxfr évoque la perte de la touche CTRL droite.

Bonne fin de journée


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Bonne année

2013-12-31 Thread valentin OVD
Bonne année a tous les debianistes de la liste !!!

Re: Bonne année

2013-12-31 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Tue, 31 Dec 2013 20:42:45 +0100,
valentin OVD a écrit :

 Bonne année a tous les debianistes de la liste !!!

merci et je retourne la pareil


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Re: Bonne année

2013-12-31 Thread Jean-Marc
On Tue, 31 Dec 2013 20:42:45 +0100
valentin OVD wrote:

 Bonne année a tous les debianistes de la liste !!!

Mes meilleurs vœux à tous ceux qui participent à la vie de cette liste.  Encore 
de longues et enrichissantes années en toute liberté.


Description: PGP signature

bonne année

2013-12-31 Thread baal
merci à vous tous aussi 

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Re: Bonne année

2013-12-31 Thread Georges
On Tue, 31 Dec 2013 23:32:25 +0100
Bernard wrote:

 Le Tue, 31 Dec 2013 20:42:45 +0100,
 valentin OVD a écrit :
  Bonne année a tous les debianistes de la liste !!!
 merci et je retourne la pareil

 Et j'ajoute, bonne année à toutes les debianistes de la liste !!!
;-) Georges

 Le jour où tu découvres le Libre GNU/Linux, tu ne peux plus t'en
passer ;-)

 Microsoft ® est à l'informatique ce que Mc Donald's ® est à la

  Debian c'est pas pour le vulgum pecus, c'est pour les meilleurs. ;-)

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Re: jessie: resister dans l'éco-système gnome?

2013-12-31 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Le Sun, 29 Dec 2013 16:43:30 +0900
Charles Plessy a écrit:

 Le Sun, Dec 29, 2013 at 12:33:58AM +0100, Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit :
  je viens de passer en wheezy j'ai fait une installation XFCE et plus
  Gnome comme je faisais jusqu'à maintenant.
  C'est déjà un bordel quand on veut chercher un programme depuis qu'ils
  ont viré les catégories
 Précision: les catégories sont encore là dans Stable (Wheezy, GNOME 3.4).
 Elles ne sont pas apparentes par défaut dans les versions suivantes, que l'on
 trouve dans Testing et Unstable, mais ces distributions ne sont pas
 recommandées pour une utilisation routinière.
 Ensuite, on peut facilement les faire revenir, voir le lien suivant.

Comme rien ne dit que cette possibilité ne sera pas retirée dans le futur, vu
l'esprit tordu des dev Gnome. Je préfère laisser tomber Gnome. De toute façon
ce n'est pas le point principal qui me gêne dans un usage en milieu


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Re: Bonne année

2013-12-31 Thread Armande
Le 31/12/2013 23:47, Georges a écrit :
 On Tue, 31 Dec 2013 23:32:25 +0100
 Bernard wrote:

 Le Tue, 31 Dec 2013 20:42:45 +0100,
 valentin OVD a écrit :

 Bonne année a tous les debianistes de la liste !!!
 merci et je retourne la pareil

  Et j'ajoute, bonne année à toutes les debianistes de la liste !!!
 ;-) Georges

Tout à fait, bonne année à tous !


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: vitesse processeur qui ne diminue pas

2013-12-31 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Le Fri, 27 Dec 2013 22:39:13 +0100
Gilles Mocellin a écrit:

 Le 27/12/2013 22:01, Gilles Mocellin a écrit :
  Aller, je vais essayer conservative sur mon portable.
 Rhaaa, même pas.
 Ce gouverneur n'est pas disponible sur mon portable :
 $ cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_governors
 performance powersave
 J'ai un driver que je n'avais jamais vu, ce n'est pas le standard 
 acpi-cpufreq :
 $ cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_driver
 Pourtant, je suis sur un Dell XPS13 i7-3537U. Pas si exotique.
 Je suis forcement en powersave sur batterie et en performance sur secteur...
 Enfin, je n'y comprend rien, powertop me montre bien des variations de 
 fréquences :
 Package | Core| CPU 0   CPU 1
  | | Actual 1,9 GHz 1,8 GHz
 Idle76,1%   | Idle96,3%   | Idle 98,5%   97,5%
 1,91 GHz 1,6%   | 1,91 GHz 0,4%   | 1,91 GHz 0,3%0,1%
 2,31 GHz 0,0%   | 2,31 GHz 0,0%   | 2,31 GHz 0,0%0,3%
 1,71 GHz 4,4%   | 1,80 GHz 0,4%   | 2,71 GHz 0,0%0,1%
 1,60 GHz 2,4%   | 1,60 GHz 0,2%   | 2,10 GHz 0,0%0,0%
 1,80 GHz 5,1%   | 2,10 GHz 0,0%   | 2,21 GHz 0,0%0,0%
 2,10 GHz 0,2%   | 2,71 GHz 0,0%   | 2,81 GHz 0,1%0,1%
 2,71 GHz 0,0%   | 2,21 GHz 0,1%   | 3,10 GHz 0,0%0,0%
 2,21 GHz 0,1%   | 2,81 GHz 0,2%   | 2,90 GHz 0,0%0,0%
 2,81 GHz 2,3%   |  800 MHz 0,0%   | 2,50 GHz 0,1%0,0%
  | Core|CPU 2   CPU 3
  | | Actual1,7 GHz 1,9 GHz
  | Idle77,6%   | Idle 78,3%   98,9%
  | 1,91 GHz 1,4%   | 1,91 GHz 1,2%0,2%
  | 2,31 GHz 0,0%   | 1,71 GHz 4,1%0,0%
  | 1,71 GHz 4,1%   | 1,60 GHz 2,2%0,2%
  | 1,60 GHz 2,2%   | 2,31 GHz 0,0%0,0%
  | 1,80 GHz 4,9%   | 1,80 GHz 4,8%0,0%
  | 2,10 GHz 0,2%   | 2,10 GHz 0,1%0,0%
  | 2,71 GHz 0,0%   | 2,71 GHz 0,0%0,0%
  | 2,21 GHz 0,1%   | 2,21 GHz 0,1%0,1%
  | 2,81 GHz 2,2%   | 2,81 GHz 2,2%0,0%

Oui c'est normal, depuis le noyau 3.10 la méthode de scaling a complètement
changée, au moins pour les processeurs Intel récent. Maintenant c'est un
pilote interne totalement adapté aux processeurs modernes qui prend en charge
le scaling: c'est le pilote intel_pstate. Tu peux voir qu'il est activé ou non
en regardant dans /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/cpufreq/scaling_driver. Si tu
as intel_pstate alors c'est que c'est le nouveau pilote qui gère tout ça bien
plus finement et intelligemment que les ondemand et compagnie. Par exemple sur
mon PC fixe je suis en powersave dans governor mais ça n'empêche pas les
fréquences des CPUs de monter très haut. A ce que j'ai cru comprendre le
governor n'interviendrait plus dans ce mode: donc powersave ou performance
serait identique ...


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Re: Bonne année

2013-12-31 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Tout pareil, bonne année à tous.

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Re: Bonne année

2013-12-31 Thread RHATAY Sami

Bonne année à tous !

IUT Vannes - INFO1

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Re: Problèmes divers de fin d'année (clavier, noyau 3.12, etc...)

2013-12-31 Thread Vincent Lefevre

On 2013-12-31 11:07:58 +0100, David BERCOT wrote:
 Tout d'abord, au niveau du clavier, j'ai perdu récemment la touche
 CTRL D (CTRL G fonctionne très bien). C'est venu subitement et je
 n'ai pas compris pourquoi.
 Après quelques recherches, j'ai vu que j'étais en Français (variante)
 et que la touche évoquée correspondait maintenant à un Level5
 Hum !?!?
 J'ai donc rajouté Français, basculé dessus, puis supprimé Français
 (variante). Là, au niveau de Gnome, tout semble être rentré dans
 Toutefois, si je bascule en TTY1 (ou 2 ou 3), je suis maintenant en
 Qwerty !
 Auriez-vous une idée ?

Je suppose que GNOME change la configuration au niveau du serveur X
(c'était avec xmodmap dans le passé, maintenant via XKB), et cela
n'affecte donc pas le clavier à un plus bas niveau. Par exemple,
loadkeys change la config au niveau des tty.

On peut aussi intervenir au niveau du driver avec /lib/udev/keymap
(c'est utile quand on a plusieurs claviers et qu'on veut en affecter
un seul, par exemple pour échanger deux touches). Mais là, c'est
vraiment spécifique.

Bonne année,

Vincent Lefèvre - Web:
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog:
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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Re: Problèmes divers de fin d'année (clavier, noyau 3.12, etc...)

2013-12-31 Thread Bernard Schoenacker

serait il possible d'activer le clavier dans /etc/kbd/config :

 # Turn on numlock by default

Je compose de la musique aussi naturellement qu'une truie peut pisser.
-+- Mozart -+-

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Re: Bonne année

2013-12-31 Thread JUPIN Alain

Le 31/12/2013 20:42, valentin OVD a écrit :

Bonne année a tous les debianistes de la liste !!!


Pareillement, que 2014 apporte bonheur et santé à tous les membres de la 
liste (et de leurs bécanes également).
Que cette liste reste une référence dans la vie de notre distribution 
favorite ;)


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Re: [OT] Regrabadora USB

2013-12-31 Thread Angel Vicente
El Mon, 30 Dec 2013 14:26:31 + (UTC)
Camaleón escribió:
  No creo que tengas problema con ninguna (aunque cruzo los dedos).
  Yo también
  Yo tengo una grabadora slim de Samsung conectada a una caja
  externa de esas baratujas (2/3€ en eBay) que llevan conexión USB
  dual para los datos y la alimentación) y no he tenido ningún
  problema (has la reconoce la BIOS) por lo que si se trata de una
  grabadora de marca conocidilla pues entiendo que tendrás menos
  problemas aún (pero sigo cruzando los dedos).
  Me han comentado acerca de dispositivos integrales, es decir que
  no es la caja más la grabadora, sino algo más pequeño (más barato),
  y compacto. Supongo que no puede ser muy diferente a un sistema
 Pues ahora mismo no caigo a lo que te refieres con lo del dispositivo 
 integral, vamos, que más allá del combo grabadora por un lado y
 caja USB por otro no conozco nada más (aparte de lo que es una
 grabadora de DVD externa clásica, claro) :-?
 ¿Tienes algún enlace?

No, no tengo, me lo enseñaron en una tienda. No es el conjunto de
grabadora más caja, es un dispositivo similar a una grabadora, de un
tamaño menor, yo diría que del tamaño de una grabadora de portátil
metida en una cajita, pero en vez de tener conectores IDE o SATA, tiene
directamente un cable USB; no recuerdo la marca.


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ssl filtrado por squid

2013-12-31 Thread Ernesto Crespo
una buena guía

Ernesto Crespo
Linux User No. 100996
Usando Debian wheezy-  Kernel 3.10.0-031
twitter: @_seraph1
Huella de clave = 4828 09E2 B34E 7F43 C891  83E3 CE5D 5778 9292 216B (vieja)
Huella de clave = 10D1 46D5 A1E8 B40F 0993  BC9A 9683 1307 C973 0469 (nueva
a 4096 bits)
Buenas personas que trabajan juntas pueden crear grandes cosas.
Los que pueden, lo hacen; los que no, sólo saben quejarse. -Linus Torvalds
La vida es para los vivos,así que, vivela o estas mejor muerto Passenger
 ‎El que sea incapaz de perdonar es incapaz de amar.
‎Tu mejor maestro es tu último error. Ralph Nader
‎Comienzo con la premisa de que la función del lider es producir más
líderes, no más seguidores. Ralph Nader

Re: ¿Qué entorno de escritorio usar? ¿Y Debian 32 ó 64 bits?

2013-12-31 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 30 Dec 2013 20:15:18 +0100, Eduardo Rios escribió:

 A ver, os cuento.
 Para uso habitual, tengo este portátil [1] que prácticamente lo compré
 para sustituir al de sobremesa que tenía y no lo muevo para nada de
 donde lo tengo colocado.  Le amplié la RAM a 8 GB y uso Debian testing
 con gnome y me va de fábula.
 El caso es que me he comprado este equipo [2] con la intención de que
 sea el que lleve de paseo cuando me vaya de vacaciones y aquí[3] podéis
 ver más características del mismo.
 De fábrica viene con Ubuntu 12.04, pero tengo decidido que en cuanto lo
 tenga en mi poder, lo voy a formatear y le voy a instalar Debian 7.3.

Me parece una buena elección.

 ¡De hecho ya he sabido crear un pendrive arrancable desde donde poder
 instalarlo! ya que no tiene lector de CD/DVD... Y comprobado que

Claro, y ahora que las imágenes ISO son híbridas y se pueden grabar en 
una llave USB con un simple comando, es una maravilla. Aunque si me 
permites una recomendación, tener una grabadora externa USB siempre es 
una garantía.

 El equipo me vendrá con sólo 2 GB (que creo que no se pueden ampliar) e
 investigando sobre el procesador, es de 64 bits. Y de ahí mis dudas.

Parece que el equipo admite hasta 4 GiB:

 ¿Creéis que con 2 GB se moverá bien gnome3? 

Sí, muy bien. 

Te lo digo porque tengo una Debian testing con gnome3+gnome-shell en mi 
netbook (Atom) de pruebas con 2 GiB de RAM (el kernel es de 32 bits, 
aunque la CPU dispone de compatibilidad con las extensiones de 64 bits 
pensé que con la poca memoria que podía tener iría más suelto con el 
kernel PAE).

 ¿O aprovecho para probar xfce? No lo he usado nunca, sólo gnome y kde...

Si te gusta gnome3+gnome-shell, adelante, de verdad, te va a ir muy 

 ¿Con 2 GB de RAM, merece la pena la versión de 64 bits (el procesador lo
 soporta), o mejor la de 32 bits?
 Necesito consejos. Gracias.


Ahí tengo más dudas... aunque tuvieras 4 GiB. (que es lo máximo para ese 
equipo) te diría que instalaras el kernel PAE de 32 bits.



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Re: [OT] Regrabadora USB

2013-12-31 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 31 Dec 2013 10:51:00 +0100, Angel Vicente escribió:

 El Mon, 30 Dec 2013 14:26:31 + (UTC)
 Camaleón escribió:


  Me han comentado acerca de dispositivos integrales, es decir que no
  es la caja más la grabadora, sino algo más pequeño (más barato),
  y compacto. Supongo que no puede ser muy diferente a un sistema
 Pues ahora mismo no caigo a lo que te refieres con lo del dispositivo
 integral, vamos, que más allá del combo grabadora por un lado y caja
 USB por otro no conozco nada más (aparte de lo que es una grabadora de
 DVD externa clásica, claro) :-?
 ¿Tienes algún enlace?
 No, no tengo, me lo enseñaron en una tienda. No es el conjunto de
 grabadora más caja, es un dispositivo similar a una grabadora, de un
 tamaño menor, yo diría que del tamaño de una grabadora de portátil
 metida en una cajita, pero en vez de tener conectores IDE o SATA, tiene
 directamente un cable USB; no recuerdo la marca.

¿Dices que la conexión _interna_ entre el dispositivo y la caja es USB? 
Eso si que no lo he visto nunca :-?

Yo me refiero a algo de este tipo, que lo hay ya armado (un conjunto 
único) o por separado (grabadora por una parte y caja por otra):



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Re: [Off-Topic]Antes Gloo, y ahora ...?

2013-12-31 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 30 Dec 2013 23:11:03 -0500, juan.mejias escribió:

 El Lun, 30 de Diciembre de 2013, 5:52 pm, martin ayos escribió:
 Por qué no le ponés pegamento? O Pega. Estarí bueno en español.
 Puede ser, sólo que pegamento está un poco largo. Que tal cola o
 colada? Así el botón de guardar puede decir Ponle cola!, Encólalo,
 o algo por el estilo. Diría que tiene pegada jajaja. Gracias por la

O Pegote¹. 

Je, me imagino a los gringos llamándolo pigouti ;-P




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Re: Integrar whatsapp con telepathy

2013-12-31 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 30 Dec 2013 21:18:53 +0100, Maykel Franco escribió:

 Hola buenas, quería integrar whatsapp con telepathy, ya que con
 telepathy administro muchas cuentas de diferentes servicios y me es muy
 cómodo. He googleado antes de abrir un hilo aquí:
 Pero la verdad es que no entiendo muy bien el README. Los archivos que
 intenta agregar con:
 mc-tool add whosthere/whatsapp
 No existen en ese repositorio de github. Me he descargado el zip, lo he
 extraído pero no me funciona al hacer el mc-tool.
 Alguien lo ha conseguido integrar??

Supongo que tendrás que compilar (cmake) la aplicación para instalarla y 
después podrás ejecutar esos comandos pero no veo instrucciones ni 
requisitos para la construcción del paquete :-?

Una vez instalado y como te comenta Carlos, tienes que ejecutar mc-tool  
que es una aplicación que forma parte de Telepathy, con los parámetros 
que te ponen en el README para configurar una cuenta (si has hecho este 
paso ¿qué error obtienes o qué es lo que sucede?). Y por último, también 
dice que si empathy no muestra ningún contacto que pruebes a iniciarlo 
desde la línea de comandos.



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Re: ¿Qué entorno de escritorio usar? ¿Y Debian 32 ó 64 bits?

2013-12-31 Thread Fabián Bonetti
On Tue, 31 Dec 2013 16:15:25 + (UTC)
Camaleón wrote:

Algunas librerías 64 son enlazadas a 32 en uso habitual de alguna app.

Otra los microsegundos de diferencias entre 64 y 32 no es tanta la diferencia.

Si fuera mi equipo le pondría Debian 7.3 (32) con entorno LXDE. 

Así lo tengo mas de 2 años sin problemas.


PD: debo borrar A MI NO, ENVIA A LA LISTA siempre es molesto hacerlo

MamaLibre, Casa en Lincoln, Ituzaingo 1085 CP6070, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Description: PGP signature

[OT] Responder a la lista, no al remitente (era: ¿Qué entorno de escritorio usar? ¿Y Debian 32 ó 64 bits?)

2013-12-31 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 31 Dec 2013 15:45:16 -0300, Fabián Bonetti escribió:


 PD: debo borrar A MI NO, ENVIA A LA LISTA siempre es molesto

Puedes usar un cliente de correo o newsreader que respete los estándares 
y tenga una opción para responder a la lista (que es lo que hay que 
hacer) en lugar de responder al remitente o responder a todos.



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Re: [OT] Regrabadora USB

2013-12-31 Thread Angel Vicente
El Tue, 31 Dec 2013 16:34:13 + (UTC)
Camaleón escribió:
 El Tue, 31 Dec 2013 10:51:00 +0100, Angel Vicente escribió:
  El Mon, 30 Dec 2013 14:26:31 + (UTC)
  Camaleón escribió:
   Me han comentado acerca de dispositivos integrales, es decir
   que no es la caja más la grabadora, sino algo más pequeño (más
   barato), y compacto. Supongo que no puede ser muy diferente a un
   sistema combinado.
  Pues ahora mismo no caigo a lo que te refieres con lo del
  dispositivo integral, vamos, que más allá del combo grabadora
  por un lado y caja USB por otro no conozco nada más (aparte de lo
  que es una grabadora de DVD externa clásica, claro) :-?
  ¿Tienes algún enlace?
  No, no tengo, me lo enseñaron en una tienda. No es el conjunto de
  grabadora más caja, es un dispositivo similar a una grabadora, de un
  tamaño menor, yo diría que del tamaño de una grabadora de portátil
  metida en una cajita, pero en vez de tener conectores IDE o SATA,
  tiene directamente un cable USB; no recuerdo la marca.
 ¿Dices que la conexión _interna_ entre el dispositivo y la caja es
 USB? Eso si que no lo he visto nunca :-?

No, no, perdón si he causado confusión: externamente tiene un cable
USB, internamente no lo sé, no se puede abrir (aparentemente).

 Yo me refiero a algo de este tipo, que lo hay ya armado (un conjunto 
 único) o por separado (grabadora por una parte y caja por otra):

Algo parecido, la que me enseñaron era mucho más fea, creo que el cable
no se podía desconectar.
A mi me da más tranquilidad un sistema separado, caja y grabadora, pero
el precio era llamativamente más bajo, casi mitad de precio


Saludos y Feliz año 2014 a todos


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Montar disco Unix sobre Linux

2013-12-31 Thread

Hola Lista.

Alguien sabe si es posible montar un disco que estaba instalado con SCO 
Unix 5.0.5 sobre Debian 6 o 7?

Muchas Gracias.


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Re: Montar disco Unix sobre Linux

2013-12-31 Thread alexissaucedo
No creo que haya problemas de realizarlo, no veo el inconveniente 

Enviado desde mi BlackBerry® de Claro Argentina

-Original Message-
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2013 15:54:20 
To: Lista
Subject: Montar disco Unix sobre Linux

Hola Lista.

Alguien sabe si es posible montar un disco que estaba instalado con SCO 
Unix 5.0.5 sobre Debian 6 o 7?

Muchas Gracias.


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Apagar como opción predeterminada al salir de XFCE

2013-12-31 Thread Javier Serrano Polo
El dl 30 de 12 de 2013 a les 20:52 +0100, Javier Serrano Polo va
 El dl 30 de 12 de 2013 a les 14:32 +, Camaleón va escriure:
  A mí también me interesaría hacer eso, es decir, que la opción 
  predeterminada a la que se accede desde el menú principal de XFCE sea la 
  de Apagar en lugar de Salir.
 Eso es habilidad. Y ahora, ¿te interesa realmente lo que pides?
 ¿Estarías dispuesta a hacer algo a cambio de esa función?

Para los power users de XFCE, hay que editar el siguiente fichero de

Not a valid pgp signature, but who cares?
diff -Nru xfce4-session-4.10.1.orig/xfce4-session/xfsm-logout-dialog.c xfce4-session-4.10.1/xfce4-session/xfsm-logout-dialog.c
--- xfce4-session-4.10.1.orig/xfce4-session/xfsm-logout-dialog.c	2013-05-05 17:33:55.0 +0200
+++ xfce4-session-4.10.1/xfce4-session/xfsm-logout-dialog.c	2013-12-31 03:09:41.0 +0100
@@ -290,6 +290,7 @@
   gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), button, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
   gtk_widget_set_sensitive (button, can_shutdown);
   gtk_widget_show (button);
+  gtk_widget_grab_focus (button);
   /* new row for suspend/hibernate */
   hbox = gtk_hbox_new (TRUE, BORDER);

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [OT] Responder a la lista, no al remitente (era: ¿Qué entorno de escritorio usar? ¿Y Debian 32 ó 64 bits?)

2013-12-31 Thread Guido Ignacio
El día 31 de diciembre de 2013, 16:02, Camaleón escribió:
 El Tue, 31 Dec 2013 15:45:16 -0300, Fabián Bonetti escribió:


 PD: debo borrar A MI NO, ENVIA A LA LISTA siempre es molesto

 Puedes usar un cliente de correo o newsreader que respete los estándares
 y tenga una opción para responder a la lista (que es lo que hay que
 hacer) en lugar de responder al remitente o responder a todos.



Estimado/a, no se tu nombre, pero los estándares de responder a la
lista no depende exclusivamente del cliente de correo como estás
sugiriendo, sino que se basa a que si el mailman de la lista está
configurada para responder a la lista y no a responder al
remitente como parece ser este caso.

Nada tiene que ver el cliente de correo en este caso, o por lo menos
si el mailman estuviese bien configurado no tendría importancia cual
cliente de correo se use.

Guido Ignacio

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Re: Montar disco Unix sobre Linux

2013-12-31 Thread Felix Perez
 Hola Lista.

 Alguien sabe si es posible montar un disco que estaba instalado con SCO Unix
 5.0.5 sobre Debian 6 o 7?

si tiene soporte para el fs no le veo el problema.


usuario linux  #274354
normas de la lista:
como hacer preguntas inteligentes:

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Re: Montar disco Unix sobre Linux

2013-12-31 Thread Jose Pablo Rojas
que tipo de partición de datos estaba utilizando en unix?

 Hola Lista.

 Alguien sabe si es posible montar un disco que estaba instalado con SCO Unix
 5.0.5 sobre Debian 6 o 7?

 Muchas Gracias.


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Re: Montar disco Unix sobre Linux

2013-12-31 Thread Cristian Mitchell
si no hay problema si no recuerdo mal la partición es htfs

El 31 de diciembre de 2013, 19:53, Jose Pablo Rojas

 que tipo de partición de datos estaba utilizando en unix?

  Hola Lista.
  Alguien sabe si es posible montar un disco que estaba instalado con SCO
  5.0.5 sobre Debian 6 o 7?
  Muchas Gracias.
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Linux user number 412793.

las grandes obras,
las sueñan los santos locos,
las realizan los luchadores natos,
las aprovechan los felices cuerdo,
y las critican los inútiles crónicos,

Re: Montar disco Unix sobre Linux

2013-12-31 Thread Cristian Mitchell
para estar seguro pones el disco en tu linux y corres cfdisk
/dev/disco-unix y te dice que tipo de partición es

El 31 de diciembre de 2013, 20:19, Cristian Mitchell

 si no hay problema si no recuerdo mal la partición es htfs

 El 31 de diciembre de 2013, 19:53, Jose Pablo Rojas 

 que tipo de partición de datos estaba utilizando en unix?

  Hola Lista.
  Alguien sabe si es posible montar un disco que estaba instalado con SCO
  5.0.5 sobre Debian 6 o 7?
  Muchas Gracias.
  To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

 Linux user number 412793.

 las grandes obras,
 las sueñan los santos locos,
 las realizan los luchadores natos,
 las aprovechan los felices cuerdo,
 y las critican los inútiles crónicos,

Linux user number 412793.

las grandes obras,
las sueñan los santos locos,
las realizan los luchadores natos,
las aprovechan los felices cuerdo,
y las critican los inútiles crónicos,

Re: por que Debian?

2013-12-31 Thread Luís Cláudio A . Gama
  Após tantas explicações técnicas,  eu vou dizer que uso o debian pq
curti demais o Toy Story :)

  Feliz ano novo a todos.

Luís Cláudio A. Gama
Fones: TIM:  11-9 8452-4087   Res: 11-4602-3400
Skype: luisclaudiogama

| Voto Distrital   |||'|\__

Em 30 de dezembro de 2013 08:12, Adiel escreveu:
 CentOS, Suse e RedHat são mais estáveis que o Debian sim...
 A começar pela instalação, Suse e RedHat exigem 512MB de RAM.
 Além disso, eles vem com várias facilidades tipo Microsoft mesmo, vários
 serviços instalados e inicializados por padrão, uso intensivo de interface
 Sem falar que logo após a instalação, muitos e muitos MB de atualizações.
 Eles ainda tentam dificultar ao máximo a customização do sistema.
 Enfim, acaba que o Debian além de muito mais estável, fica mais fácil de
 manter, pela simplicidade.
 Essas distros Linux cheias de frescura, em minha opnião não deveriam nem
 Eu acredito que administradores de Linux experientes concordam comigo.
 Linux é: Debian ou Slackware.
 Se quizer performace mesmo ou segurança, FreeBSD.
 Tenho servidores BSD utilizando 7MB e 5MB de RAM, tenta fazer isso com Suze
 ou RedHat...

 On 12/30/2013 02:22 AM, G.Paulo wrote:

 Mas aqui, caro Paulo, vou fazer o papel de advogado do diabo: se
 administrar o Debian é muito mais fácil, por que a maioria das empresas,
 pricipalmente as granges, utilizam preferencialmente distos como Red Hat e
 derivadas (onde eu trabalho, a distro oficial é CentOS) ou como Suse? Certa
 vez um dos técnicos de informática da empresa me disse que é porque essas
 distros são mais estáveis que Debian...


 On Sat, 28 Dec 2013 11:28:22 -0200
 paulo bruck wrote:

 apenas para passar mais um detalhe Tem certas coisas que só o
 Debian  faz para vc

 isto quer dizer que para o administrador é MUITO mais facil ter o
 Debian que outras distros. Um exemplo, quando vc instala o mdadm ele
 já pergunta se vc que fazer a checagem dos dispositivos RAID 1 vez ao
 mes. Pode parecer bobeira mas o Debian facilita em muito a vida do
 adm  sem que ele necessite ficar fazendo scripts para um monte de
 tarefas administrativas. Elas normalmente já vem com o pacote80)


 Em 28 de dezembro de 2013 10:56, Daniel Pimentel (d4n1)

 Boas festas a todos, e em 2014: Debian Jessie GNU/Linux e

 Em 28 de dezembro de 2013 09:53, Daniel Pimentel (d4n1) escreveu:

 Assim como o China, comecei quase no começo do mundo GNU/Linux em
 um curso

 técnico no Instituto Federal de Alagoas (IFAL, antigo CEFET) e de
 cara vi o Debian como S.O. para a banca administração de
 servidores livres, até instalei o Debian no meu primeiro Desktop
 porém migrei para o Slackware porque queria fuçar mais e etc.
 Passei bons anos com o Slackware como distro principal, passei por
 outras como Gentoo, Funtoo, ArchLinux, fui até para o mundo BSD
 com OpenBSD e FreeBSD, porém meu S.O. primário sempre foi o
 GNU/Linux e então retornei para o Debian, onde permaneço até hoje.

 Gosto bastante do APT, contrato social e principalmente adoro a
 comunidade, Debian é uma distro que tem a maior e mais ativa
 comunidade livre que conheço. Além de que seu poder de englogar
 tantas arquiteturas e kernels é impressionante. Sendo base também
 para certificações como a LPI. Sendo também usado em muitos
 servidores de renome na internet e por grandes empresas.

 O poder, velocidade, praticidade, segurança, customização,
 estabilidade e tantos outros fatores faz com que o Debian seja meu
 S.O. favorito. Uso tudo nele, desde Servidores em meu trabalho, a
 VPS (servidor web para projetos de desenvolvimento com
 Python/Django) e desktop. Até minha namorada usa Debian (usava
 Ubuntu e reclamava que estava lento, tentei enxugar
 desabilitando alguns serviços, até recompilar kernel eu fiz mas
 emfim instalei o Debian padrão e ela está gostando :) ).

 O que eu gostaria de ver funcional esse ano de 2014 é o kernel
 Hurd. Até instalei o Debian/Hurd em uma VM com Virt-manager para

 Debian forever! ;)

 Em 28 de dezembro de 2013 08:07, China

 Sou usuário Linux desde o começo. No começo não tinhamos opções, eu

 usava Slackware porque era a distribuição com maior base de
 usuários que se tinha notícia. Quando o Debian apareceu, em 1993,
 eu cheguei a testar, mas continuei com Slackware até 1998, quando
 o Debian lançou o APT na distribuição instavel, e migrei
 definitivamente pro Debian quando o Slink ainda era testing.

 O motivo que me atraiu foi o apt, que gerenciava as instalações de
 pacotes de forma inovadora. Mas aos poucos fui vendo que o Debian
 não era só mais um projeto de Software Livre, era uma nova forma
 de organizar o mundo através de uma sociedade 

Re: Debian Wheezy Compromised - www-data user is sending 1000 emails an hour

2013-12-31 Thread Raffaele Morelli
2013/12/30 Bob Proulx

 Jerry Stuckle wrote:
  Raffaele Morelli wrote:
   Again, the www-data user can safely be the owner of everything in the
   webroot, just think of phpmyadmin, there's nothing unsafe in www-data

 The default for phpmyadmin is that the files are owned by root not
 www-data.  If they were owned by www-data then they would be unsafe.
 (If, and this is a hypothetical if, you told me the files were owned
 by a special phpmyadmin-data account, then I would say okay too.
 Because that is a different user from the www-data user.)

phpmyadmin files can be safely owned by www-data with NO write permissions
and you should explain why they are not.

   being the owner because it's an app, same apply eg. for drupal where a
   user might be allowed to write his own module and be the owner while
   www-data has group access r-x permissions.
  No, the Apache user should NEVER have write access to the
  files/scripts it can execute.  The is a huge security hole.  Even
  Drupal recommends this - see

 Agreed.  However I believe many web frameworks require that in order
 to operate.  Which is why we keep hearing about exploits happening to
 those frameworks every other month.  They are ripe for expoitation.

  Yes, this causes a problem with Drupal 7 being unable to update it's
  own modules.  But you can't have both.  I'd rather have security.

 Me too!

Unless you prefer to be stucked with that root user ownership stuff you can
have both (updates and security) and it's quite simple: just use
unprivileged users as owners and vsftpd chrooting to allow modules updates.
Just wrote it once, but it's worth repeating.

 Unfortunately others like it to be all of viewed from the web,
 installed from the web, upgraded from the web, managed from the web.
 And there lies the problem.

  Having user files owned by root means they can only be edited by
  root (unless you extend the group permissions - in which case
  www-data can also change the permissions).  And you should only use
  root when you need to change system configurations, update packages,
  etc.  Not for general user file editing.



which image shall I use for P4/2.9G

2013-12-31 Thread Long Wind
I have just got a  P4/2.9G computer
it seems that my old 32bit(i386) software can't run on it
it needs 64-bit software

Shall I choose CD image from ia64?

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Re: which image shall I use for P4/2.9G

2013-12-31 Thread Georgi Naplatanov

On 12/31/2013 12:08 PM, Long Wind wrote:

I have just got a  P4/2.9G computer
it seems that my old 32bit(i386) software can't run on it
it needs 64-bit software

Shall I choose CD image from ia64?

Hi Long Wind,

IA-64 architecture is for Intel Itanium processors.

Pentium 4 processor is a desktop processor and it's 32-bit or 64-bit. 
The official name for 64-bit desktop processors is AMD64, but there are 
a lot of synonyms like x86_64, Intel EMT-64, x64, 64-bit PC, etc.

If your processor is 32-bit then download i386 CD image, but if your 
processor is 64-bit then you can download amd64 CD image or the old i386 
(32-bit) architecture.

Best regards

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Re: which image shall I use for P4/2.9G

2013-12-31 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Tue, 2013-12-31 at 05:08 -0500, Long Wind wrote:
 I have just got a  P4/2.9G computer
 it seems that my old 32bit(i386) software can't run on it
 it needs 64-bit software
 Shall I choose CD image from ia64?

1. Search for: debian for P4


2. Search for: P4 processor


IOW you can use i386 and amd64. You can't use ia64.

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Re: which image shall I use for P4/2.9G

2013-12-31 Thread Long Wind
I have run a squeeze i386 CD
After selecting the first menu item Install the screen turn blank

I have run a suse 9.3 installation CD
it says I'm running 32-bit software on  64bit computer

I have plugged hard disk with i386 wheezy
the new computer can't run wheezy

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Re: which image shall I use for P4/2.9G

2013-12-31 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Tue, 2013-12-31 at 05:40 -0500, Long Wind wrote:
 I have run a squeeze i386 CD
 After selecting the first menu item Install the screen turn blank
 I have run a suse 9.3 installation CD
 it says I'm running 32-bit software on  64bit computer
 I have plugged hard disk with i386 wheezy
 the new computer can't run wheezy

On Tue, 2013-12-31 at 11:27 +0100, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 2. Search for: P4 processor
 IOW you can use i386 and amd64. You can't use ia64.

Instruction set x86 (i386) -

Test it yourself with a live CD:

I didn't use this version, but the PAE version yesterday on my 64-bit
machine. It has got newbie friendly tools that in addition aren't
annoying for experienced users.

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Re: which image shall I use for P4/2.9G

2013-12-31 Thread Ralf Mardorf

i786 - Intel Pentium 4 this includes everything lower, IOW
i386 too.

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Re: which image shall I use for P4/2.9G

2013-12-31 Thread Alex Moonshine
On Tue, 31 Dec 2013 05:40:19 -0500
Long Wind wrote:

 I have run a squeeze i386 CD
 After selecting the first menu item Install the screen turn blank
 I have run a suse 9.3 installation CD
 it says I'm running 32-bit software on  64bit computer
 I have plugged hard disk with i386 wheezy
 the new computer can't run wheezy

That's very strange. I had used P4/3,0Ghz for 7 years, always using
i386 OS/software, which only seemed natural to me, since it's a
single-core processor. Never even realized it had x86_64 compatibility
(as wiki says, it initially had x86 set of instructions, though later
it was expanded by the 64-bit).

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Re: which image shall I use for P4/2.9G

2013-12-31 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Tue, 2013-12-31 at 13:29 +0200, Alex Moonshine wrote:
 On Tue, 31 Dec 2013 05:40:19 -0500
 Long Wind wrote:
  I have run a squeeze i386 CD
  After selecting the first menu item Install the screen turn blank

There could be different reasons for this.

  I have run a suse 9.3 installation CD
  it says I'm running 32-bit software on  64bit computer

That's true. It doesn't say it's impossible to do it, right?

  I have plugged hard disk with i386 wheezy
  the new computer can't run wheezy

Other hardware, perhaps just a wrong graphics driver is used.

 That's very strange. [...]

No, it's not strange, the issues might be related to some hardware
issue, e.g. a wrong graphics driver.

The OP can use a search engine and learn how to provide more info, so
that the list is able to help.

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Re: which image shall I use for P4/2.9G

2013-12-31 Thread Long Wind
I have checked it again
it's P4/2.93   (133x22.0)

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Re: which image shall I use for P4/2.9G

2013-12-31 Thread Alex Moonshine
On Tue, 31 Dec 2013 12:43:15 +0100
Ralf Mardorf wrote:

  That's very strange. [...]
 No, it's not strange, the issues might be related to some hardware
 issue, e.g. a wrong graphics driver.
 The OP can use a search engine and learn how to provide more info, so
 that the list is able to help.

I just meant that I've installed a dozen or more i386 systems,
including Squeeze, on my P4, and never got any messages that I'm
running 32-bit software on 64-bit computer. And anyway, P4 is
a x86 processor initially, with x86_64 compatibility added later (or am
I wrong?).

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Re: which image shall I use for P4/2.9G

2013-12-31 Thread Long Wind
the disk with wheezy also has memtest
I run it, it finish very quickly ( about 1 second)
the PC has 1G memory
usually memtest take more than ten minutes

On 12/31/13, Long Wind wrote:
 I have checked it again
 it's P4/2.93   (133x22.0)

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packages status

2013-12-31 Thread Diogene Laerce


Is there a simple way to get the list of packages installed since the fresh
installation of deby ?

I saw etckeeper in the doc (it's a bit late for that :( ) and I know I can
go through the logs : /var/log/dpkg.log, /var/log/apt/term.log,
/var/log/aptitude but Christmas was only 7 days ago, maybe someone has
the miracle recipe ?


“One original thought is worth a thousand mindless quotings.”
“Le vrai n'est pas plus sûr que le probable.”

  Diogene Laerce

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Re: which image shall I use for P4/2.9G

2013-12-31 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Tue, 2013-12-31 at 06:50 -0500, Long Wind wrote:
 I have checked it again
 it's P4/2.93   (133x22.0)

And since Alex isn't mistaken, the Wiki isn't mistaken, the Debian port
info isn't mistaken, nobody else is mistaken, the processor version
isn't the cause for the issues you experienced.

What does (133x22.0) mean?

If you don't provide more information, we can't help you to solve the

Try the Puppy Linux CD. If it shouldn't work, at what point does it stop
startup? What messages are displayed?

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Re: which image shall I use for P4/2.9G

2013-12-31 Thread Long Wind
133x22.0 is about CPU freq

it's shown during power on test screen

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Re: which image shall I use for P4/2.9G

2013-12-31 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Tue, 2013-12-31 at 06:58 -0500, Long Wind wrote:
 the disk with wheezy also has memtest
 I run it, it finish very quickly ( about 1 second)
 the PC has 1G memory
 usually memtest take more than ten minutes

I don't understand. Memtest86+ never finishes, the user has to stop it.
FWIW only use the original Memtest86+ ISOs. All Memtest86+ from Debian
and Ubuntu I used in the last years didn't work on my machine.

However. What are you doing? Helter-skelter hardware testing isn't

What does the grub entry look like, you use to boot your Wheezy? What
graphics is installed and what graphics driver is used by your Wheezy?

Etc. pp.?

But lets start with grub and with the graphics.

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Re: which image shall I use for P4/2.9G

2013-12-31 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Tue, 2013-12-31 at 07:13 -0500, Long Wind wrote:
 133x22.0 is about CPU freq
 it's shown during power on test screen

On what test screen? Could you take a photo or screen shot, post it
somewhere and send a link to the list?

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Re: which image shall I use for P4/2.9G

2013-12-31 Thread Long Wind

133 is about motherboard freq, it times 22.0,  you get CPU freq

Thank you!

The problem seem to be memory
squeeze install CD complain that not enough memory to load specified image

but this is quite impossible
1 G memory (512M x 2) is shown during power on test
and it can run Windows XP

On 12/31/13, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Tue, 2013-12-31 at 07:13 -0500, Long Wind wrote:
 133x22.0 is about CPU freq

 it's shown during power on test screen

 On what test screen? Could you take a photo or screen shot, post it
 somewhere and send a link to the list?

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Re: USB mouse on Latitude D430

2013-12-31 Thread Paul Cartwright
On 12/30/2013 04:49 PM, Dave Woyciesjes wrote:
 Partly ideological; I don't like the way things seems to be
 heading. Canonical's way or F-Off. Got moderated on the Ubuntu user's
 list for voicing/agreeing with opinions that differ from the Ubuntu
 Way. ;)
 And this little puppy seems to run a bit better with Debian 
 Gnome3 vs Ubuntu Gnome3. 
not exactly sure what gnome3 is.. I don't see any screenshots on . I installed Mate desktop, I feel really comfortable with problem with Debian is the ice...dove/weasel.. rather than
the real thunderbird. I like thunderbird, I don't want it rebranded.

does lsusb show anything different for your mouse with the docking
station attached??

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux User #367800 and new counter #561587

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Re: how to configure pulseaudio to use analog speaker on motherboard not hdmi on video card

2013-12-31 Thread Paul Cartwright
On 12/31/2013 12:33 AM, Mitchell Laks wrote:
 My problem is: 
 When I boot up I can't hear sound from vlc application nor iceweasel  via  my 
 speakers connected
 to the motherboard 
 (nor even via the HDMI cable to my monitor - but I prefer the speakers and 
 not the monitor HDMI).
everytime I install PulseAudio it reverts to the wrong ( motherboard?)
audio card for every application. Everytime I start to play sound from
something new, browser, VLC I have to pull up PulseAudio and change
it to my Soundblaster card, then I get sound. It freaked me out the
first time, but know I know..

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux User #367800 and new counter #561587

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Re: packages status

2013-12-31 Thread Paul Cartwright

On 12/31/2013 06:58 AM, Diogene Laerce

  Is there a simple way to get the list of packages installed since
  the fresh
  installation of deby ?
  I saw etckeeper in the doc (it's a bit late for that :( ) and I
  know I can
  go through the logs : /var/log/dpkg.log, /var/log/apt/term.log,
  /var/log/aptitude but Christmas was only 7 days ago, maybe someone
  the miracle recipe ?

You can save a list of installed packages on the old
  machine with the command dpkg --get-selections  ~/packages and then
  restore it on the new one with sudo dpkg --set-selections  ~/packages
Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux User #367800 and new counter #561587

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2013-12-31 Thread Sharon Kimble
How can I mount something like this 'mtp://[usb:001,022]/131074'? I can
mount it in 'nemo' and access its SD card, and its internal SD card, but
it doesn't show up in 'mount' at the commandline. Its actually a
Samsung Galaxy 3 mobile phone with 16g of available internal memory and
a 16g external SD card. 

What I'm looking for is to be able to access it, so that I can rsync to
it and back up both of the SD cards, the pseudo-internal one, and its
external real one. Currently its not possible to rsync with it, as the
system doesn't really see it. 

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Debian testing, Fluxbox 1.3.5, LibreOffice
Registered Linux user 561944

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Re: which image shall I use for P4/2.9G

2013-12-31 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Tue, 2013-12-31 at 07:54 -0500, Long Wind wrote:
 squeeze install CD complain that not enough memory to load specified

At least squeeze isn't nearly 10 years old as your Suse media is.
However, in general please take a pencil and a piece of paper and note
exactly what messages you get, or use a camera and take a photo, .

Explicitly regarding to the above error. Did you use or Google and search for not enough memory to
load specified or similar keywords?

If so, what information is provided about this issue, when people
experienced the same, with 1 or more GiB RAM?

If _you_ give us this information, we perhaps are able to help you.

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moving buffers/caching from RAM to SSD

2013-12-31 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
i dont know why i am saying is even practical or not.

here is my free command

@thor:# free -g
 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem:31 31  0  0  0 26
-/+ buffers/cache:  3 27
Swap:   93  0 93

as you can see 27GB is being used in caching. i have few 160GB SSDs.
can i move this buffers/caching load to my SSD. so that things could work
more better.


Re: moving buffers/caching from RAM to SSD

2013-12-31 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
or an appropriate question would be . how can i use an SSD to boost the
system Performance.
i don't wanna store data on SSD however just wana use it for performance.

On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 6:54 PM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan sir...@gmail.comwrote:

 i dont know why i am saying is even practical or not.

 here is my free command

 @thor:# free -g
  total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
 Mem:31 31  0  0  0 26
 -/+ buffers/cache:  3 27
 Swap:   93  0 93

 as you can see 27GB is being used in caching. i have few 160GB SSDs.
 can i move this buffers/caching load to my SSD. so that things could work
 more better.


Re: Debian Wheezy Compromised - www-data user is sending 1000 emails an hour

2013-12-31 Thread Jerry Stuckle

On 12/31/2013 3:00 AM, Raffaele Morelli wrote:
 2013/12/30 Bob Proulx

 Raffaele Morelli wrote:
   Reco wrote:
Raffaele Morelli wrote:
 The main point was that an attacker wrote a php script in 
the OP

 (wordpress? joomla?) theme folder and used this script to
 access sendmail
 executable (I wonder those file/folder ownership, root?
Directory's owner is www-data, according to OP's mail. See:
And note that attacker could rewrite any php file where just as
   So ownership to root does matter?

 1) The exploit was because the file was NOT owned by root.  The
 exploit was possible because the files were locally changed to the
 www-data user and were therefore exploitable by the web process.

 The exploit was possible because that DIR had write permissions and a
 file was uploaded in it (not overwrited).

Which would not have occurred if the www-data user did not have write 
access to the directory.

 2) The ownership of the files by root are safe.  The default owner is
 root.  Files owned by root with the default permissions are not
 writable by the web process.  Files in the default configuration are
 not exploitable by that vulnerability which requires write access to
 files in the DocumentRoot.  There is never a problem with web files
 owned by the root user.

It also means only the root user can modify those files.  It is a very 
bad idea to use the root user to do such mundane things.  It is much 
better to have the files owned by a non-privileged user (not www-data), 
and provide read access to the web user.

I see having to use root to modify user files as a major problem.

 Quite wrong.
 Unless you are administering your own server with just you as user
 there's no problem in using root for everything.
 But if you have other users you should grant write permissions to the
 website document root for them to upload stuff and simply you can't let
 anyone other than you to access as root (would you?).
 Now, rwx permissions and unprivileged users exist for that, root
 ownership is absolutely not needed.

I see this as a huge problem, even on my own servers.  It is way to easy 
to make a mistake that can destroy your system. Try rm -r . from the 
wrong directory, for instance.  But then some people use root for 

 It's a matter of who is allowed to do what on a dir/file 

 Yes.  Full agreement.

 Someone should explain why it's safe using root as the 
owner of

 php scripts instead of an unprivileged user (with no write
 permission on dir/files).

 Actually either would be okay.  As long as the non-priviledge user is
 NOT the www-data user.  As long as file permissions prevent the
 www-data from being able to write to the DocumentRoot.

As noted above, I do not agree it is OK.

You have a root account on every OS that counts. And if it 
does not

have a root account it's a toy OS anyway.
   so your policy is to use root account for every task? Pure
 redmond style :-)

 I know you are joking but it is impossible to administer a system
 without the root account.  And by administer I mean use apt-get,
 aptitude or dpkg to install, remove, configure packages.  Does that
 make Unix-like systems the same as Redmond style systems?  No. 
Not by

 a lot.  Pleae do not say that because all of /usr/bin and /bin are
 owned by root that the user must be root to use them!

Yes, and root should ONLY be used for system administration, not editing 
user files.

 You are going far by misrepresenting, in the joke it's quite clear what
 I mean, security it's not a matter of doing everything as root, unless
 you want to restyle *nix user/group architecture.

Quite frankly, I don't see the joke as a misrepresentation.  It seems to 
me also that is what you are suggesting.

   Using account other than www-data requires either:
a) Creating such account.

 Which creates lint when the package is removed and leaves the user

You already have at least one non-privileged user (unless you do 
everything in root, that is).  All of my systems have at least one such 
user; that is the one which creates and edits those files.

And actually, while I do have a couple of sites with Drupal installed, 
the vast majority of my sites are NOT packages but pages I have created. 
 Each site is owned by its own non-privileged user.  If I move or dump 
a site,  it's a simple matter to get rid of that user.

b) Using some account that is used to run other daemons in 
this OS.

And allowing such daemon overwrite php files is a potential
hole by itself.

 Full agreement.


Re: Debian Wheezy Compromised - www-data user is sending 1000 emails an hour

2013-12-31 Thread Jerry Stuckle

On 12/30/2013 4:30 PM, Bob Proulx wrote:
 Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 Raffaele Morelli wrote:
 Again, the www-data user can safely be the owner of everything in the
 webroot, just think of phpmyadmin, there's nothing unsafe in www-data

 The default for phpmyadmin is that the files are owned by root not
 www-data.  If they were owned by www-data then they would be unsafe.
 (If, and this is a hypothetical if, you told me the files were owned
 by a special phpmyadmin-data account, then I would say okay too.
 Because that is a different user from the www-data user.)

They also should never have to be changed by the user (except for the 
config file).  But I suspect the real reason is because there is no 
standard user which would be a good one to use.  You obviously wouldn't 
want to use www-data, for reasons previously mentioned.  bin, sys, man 
and other standard id's aren't appropriate.  There may or may not be 
user id's (there should be, but they are not required, AFAIK).  And if 
you do have multiple userids, which one would be appropriate?

By default, root is the selection.

But then we weren't talking about phpmyadmin.  We were talking about 
user files.

 being the owner because it's an app, same apply eg. for drupal where a
 user might be allowed to write his own module and be the owner while
 www-data has group access r-x permissions.

 No, the Apache user should NEVER have write access to the
 files/scripts it can execute.  The is a huge security hole.  Even
 Drupal recommends this - see

 Agreed.  However I believe many web frameworks require that in order
 to operate.  Which is why we keep hearing about exploits happening to
 those frameworks every other month.  They are ripe for expoitation.

 Yes, this causes a problem with Drupal 7 being unable to update it's
 own modules.  But you can't have both.  I'd rather have security.

 Me too!

 Unfortunately others like it to be all of viewed from the web,
 installed from the web, upgraded from the web, managed from the web.
 And there lies the problem.

Yes, it is.  I use Drupal 7 on some of my sites; when I want to update 
from the web, I find it a simple matter to place the site in maintenance 
mode, ssh into it, and chown -R to www-data on the directory, update via 
the web, then chown -R back to the original id.  A couple of extra 
steps, but worth the security.

 Having user files owned by root means they can only be edited by
 root (unless you extend the group permissions - in which case
 www-data can also change the permissions).  And you should only use
 root when you need to change system configurations, update 

 etc.  Not for general user file editing.




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Re: moving buffers/caching from RAM to SSD

2013-12-31 Thread Celejar
I'm probably missing something here, but why would you expect better
performance by moving cache from faster RAM to slower SSD?

On Tue, 31 Dec 2013 18:59:42 +0500
Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:

 or an appropriate question would be . how can i use an SSD to boost the
 system Performance.
 i don't wanna store data on SSD however just wana use it for performance.
 On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 6:54 PM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan sir...@gmail.comwrote:
  i dont know why i am saying is even practical or not.
  here is my free command
  @thor:# free -g
   total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
  Mem:31 31  0  0  0 26
  -/+ buffers/cache:  3 27
  Swap:   93  0 93
  as you can see 27GB is being used in caching. i have few 160GB SSDs.
  can i move this buffers/caching load to my SSD. so that things could work
  more better.


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Re: moving buffers/caching from RAM to SSD

2013-12-31 Thread Nemeth Gyorgy
2013-12-31 14:54 keltezéssel, Muhammad Yousuf Khan írta:
 i dont know why i am saying is even practical or not.
 here is my free command
 @thor:# free -g
  total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
 Mem:31 31  0  0  0 26
 -/+ buffers/cache:  3 27
 Swap:   93  0 93
 as you can see 27GB is being used in caching. i have few 160GB SSDs.
 can i move this buffers/caching load to my SSD. so that things could
 work more better.

You shouldn't do it. Unused RAM is waste of RAM, and the memory is still
faster than the SSD, so if you manage to use the SSD for buffer instead
of RAM (which I don't think you can) your performance would be worse.

--- Friczy ---
'Death is not a bug, it's a feature'

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Re: Debian Wheezy Compromised - www-data user is sending 1000 emails an hour

2013-12-31 Thread Nemeth Gyorgy
2013-12-31 09:01 keltezéssel, Raffaele Morelli írta:
 Jerry Stuckle wrote:
  Raffaele Morelli wrote:
   Again, the www-data user can safely be the owner of everything
 in the
   webroot, just think of phpmyadmin, there's nothing unsafe in
 The default for phpmyadmin is that the files are owned by root not
 www-data.  If they were owned by www-data then they would be unsafe.
 (If, and this is a hypothetical if, you told me the files were owned
 by a special phpmyadmin-data account, then I would say okay too.
 Because that is a different user from the www-data user.)
 phpmyadmin files can be safely owned by www-data with NO write
 permissions and you should explain why they are not. 

If there is no write permission for www-data user (which of course
should be provided) than there is no reason to be the files in www-data

The one thing you should provide that these files shouldn't be written
by www-data user (and the group which it belongs to). And the simplest
way to provide it is to change the ownership of the whole directory tree
to a user which is not www-data. (e.g with a chown -R ) Of course
there can be other solutions too but they are more complicated. And if
you can choose between different solutions the simpler is the better.

--- Friczy ---
'Death is not a bug, it's a feature'

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Re: which image shall I use for P4/2.9G

2013-12-31 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Tuesday 31 December 2013 11:53:38 Alex Moonshine wrote:
 On Tue, 31 Dec 2013 12:43:15 +0100

 Ralf Mardorf wrote:
   That's very strange. [...]
  No, it's not strange, the issues might be related to some
  hardware issue, e.g. a wrong graphics driver.
  The OP can use a search engine and learn how to provide more
  info, so that the list is able to help.

 I just meant that I've installed a dozen or more i386 systems,
 including Squeeze, on my P4, and never got any messages that I'm
 running 32-bit software on 64-bit computer. And anyway, P4 is
 a x86 processor initially, with x86_64 compatibility added later
 (or am I wrong?).

Yes, I have frequently installed 32 bit software, including kernel, on 
a box with a 64 bit processor, without any problems or protests from 
the installer.  Some people also seem, or seemed, to use a 32 bit 
userland with a 64 bit kernel.

The other way round, of course does not work.  64 bit software will 
not run with a 32 bit processor.


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Re: how to configure pulseaudio to use analog speaker on motherboard not hdmi on video card

2013-12-31 Thread Mitchell Laks
On 08:01 Tue 31 Dec , Paul Cartwright wrote:
 On 12/31/2013 12:33 AM, Mitchell Laks wrote:
  My problem is: 
  When I boot up I can't hear sound from vlc application nor iceweasel  via  
  my speakers connected
  to the motherboard 
  (nor even via the HDMI cable to my monitor - but I prefer the speakers and 
  not the monitor HDMI).
 everytime I install PulseAudio it reverts to the wrong ( motherboard?)
 audio card for every application. Everytime I start to play sound from
 something new, browser, VLC I have to pull up PulseAudio and change
 it to my Soundblaster card, then I get sound. It freaked me out the
 first time, but know I know..

I am glad that I am crazy, and unfortunately  not the only one suffering.
1. My situation, on bootup pulseaudio only recognizes the bad card
2. I have to kill it then I can select correct one, either by pacmd or 
gnome-control-center if I have a desire to run a gui.
3. Surely we have someone on the list who knows what we can do to configure the 
pulseaudio startup to select the correct devices?

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Re: how to configure pulseaudio to use analog speaker on motherboard not hdmi on video card

2013-12-31 Thread Paul Cartwright

On 12/31/2013 09:53 AM, Mitchell Laks

  On 08:01 Tue 31 Dec , Paul Cartwright wrote:

On 12/31/2013 12:33 AM, Mitchell Laks wrote:
everytime I install PulseAudio it reverts to the wrong ( motherboard?)
audio card for every application. Everytime I start to play sound from
something new, browser, VLC I have to pull up PulseAudio and change
it to my Soundblaster card, then I get sound. It freaked me out the
first time, but know I know..

I am glad that I am crazy, and unfortunately  not the only one suffering.
1. My situation, on bootup pulseaudio only recognizes the bad card
2. I have to kill it then I can select correct one, either by pacmd or gnome-control-center if I have a desire to run a gui.
3. Surely we have someone on the list who knows what we can do to configure the pulseaudio startup to select the correct devices?

how about this:

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux User #367800 and new counter #561587

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Re: Debian Wheezy Compromised - www-data user is sending 1000 emails an hour

2013-12-31 Thread Raffaele Morelli
2013/12/31 Jerry Stuckle

 BTW - your quoting style is not consistent, making it difficult to see
 which are your comments and which are in the post you are replying to.


I broke quoting somewhere in the thread, BTW here is my main points.

1. one should not be using root ownership for websites to solve permissions
problems in website document root. On servers where there are N web
developers this is absolutely the wrong way to go (you can't go IMO).
root should only be used for system administration.
security it's not a matter of doing everything as root but in using right
permissions and user/group rules.

2. www-data user should have r-x group permissions and unprivileged users
(eg developer account) should have rwx (or rw-) permissions and ownership.
www-data ownership it's safe without write permission.

I just want to add a (relevant) bit.
Apache has tons of directives to secure a website and if you really need to
upload in a dir you can tell apache to not execute php scripts in there or
force file type to text or prevent POST request from untrusted ip, etc
etc and you'are done.


Re: mtp://[usb:001,022]/131074

2013-12-31 Thread Robin
On 31 December 2013 13:29, Sharon Kimble wrote:

 How can I mount something like this 'mtp://[usb:001,022]/131074'? I can
 mount it in 'nemo' and access its SD card, and its internal SD card, but
 it doesn't show up in 'mount' at the commandline. Its actually a
 Samsung Galaxy 3 mobile phone with 16g of available internal memory and
 a 16g external SD card.

 What I'm looking for is to be able to access it, so that I can rsync to
 it and back up both of the SD cards, the pseudo-internal one, and its
 external real one. Currently its not possible to rsync with it, as the
 system doesn't really see it.

 A taste of linux =
 efever =
 efever =
 my git repo =
 Debian testing, Fluxbox 1.3.5, LibreOffice
 Registered Linux user 561944

Install mtpfs,  mtp-tools.



Re: Wheezy/Xfce Gnome keyring problem

2013-12-31 Thread Paul E Condon
On 20131231_100040, Reco wrote:
 On Mon, 30 Dec 2013 16:41:17 -0700
 Paul E Condon wrote:
   Can you post the output of 'aptitude why p11-kit' please?
  In answer to your question:
  root@big:/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu# aptitude why p11-kit
  Unable to find a reason to install p11-kit.
  But also, according to aptitude, p11-kit is in status 'p',
  i.e. not installed at all. So what is generating the message
  This seems to be an important clue, and I have no idea what 
  to do because of it.
 Ok, now it is starting to get interesting. gnome-keyring by itself is a
 process which should store user credentials. is
 a library that (judging by name) is called by PolicyKit and is linked
 to a
 About the only reason that justifies storing user credentials if one
 prints with CUPS is that unlikely case that one configures CUPS instead
 of it. So, the message is harmless, and can be ignored.
 Still, something is calling, and that leaves us
 Can you post the output of 'aptitude why libgnome-keyring0' please?

root@big:~# aptitude why libgnome-keyring0
i   gnome-disk-utility Depends libgnome-keyring0 (= 2.22)

I think I use disk-utility when formatting new disks to extN from
Windows whatever. Does this indicate that I must choose between
removing garbage warning messages and having a GUI disk utility 
pre-installed for occasional use?
I hope not.


Paul E Condon

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Re: which image shall I use for P4/2.9G

2013-12-31 Thread Long Wind
not enough memory to load specified image is the exact words
displayed on screen

I google it, someone suggest change BIOS option: Chipset Features
Setup -  Memory Hole
but I can't find it on my computer
maybe I shall update BIOS?
It's too late and I have to go to bed
Thank you!

(It seems I am very unlucky.)

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Re: Debian Wheezy Compromised - www-data user is sending 1000 emails an hour

2013-12-31 Thread Nemeth Gyorgy
2013-12-31 16:58 keltezéssel, Raffaele Morelli írta:
 1. one should not be using root ownership for websites to solve
 permissions problems in website document root. On servers where there
 are N web developers this is absolutely the wrong way to go (you can't
 go IMO).

Webservers where there are N developers shouldn't work in production.
On multiuser hosting sites you should consider chrooted environment for
the users to protect the users from each other.

 root should only be used for system administration.
 security it's not a matter of doing everything as root but in using
 right permissions and user/group rules.
 2. www-data user should have r-x group permissions and unprivileged
 users (eg developer account) should have rwx (or rw-) permissions and

www-data user shouldn't own any files and directories except the area
where uploading is necessary.

 www-data ownership it's safe without write permission.

It can be safe, and it is much safer if www-data doesn't own anything.

 I just want to add a (relevant) bit. 
 Apache has tons of directives to secure a website and if you really need
 to upload in a dir you can tell apache to not execute php scripts in
 there or force file type to text or prevent POST request from untrusted
 ip, etc etc and you'are done.

Security is not a one point tool, it has to be different level. Apache
directives is one level, file ownership is another. If you provide
security in depth, your system will be more safe.

--- Friczy ---
'Death is not a bug, it's a feature'

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Possible to add an LVM to existing Wheezy box

2013-12-31 Thread Ron Leach
Is it possible to create an LVM on a machine that's already running 
Wheezy but without an LVM?

I've looked at
and the howto which the wiki refers to,
but these seem, to me, to be meant for an initial install or, at 
minimum, for empty disks or partitions.  Whereas I wanted to create an 
LVM from combining an existing 1.7TB partition (preserving its data) 
with a new, empty, 2TB disk, so as to have a 3.7TB logical volume that 
already contains the 1.7TB's worth of data.

If it is possible, the step I don't understand is how to create an LVM 
physical volume of the existing 1.7TB partition, without destroying 
the data already on that partition.  The howto suggests that pvcreate 
should be used but won't that damage the data and filesystem on that 

Apologies if my question isn't clear.  Basically,
(i) can I make an LVM based on an existing partition while preserving 
its data and, if so,

(ii) how do I avoid damaging the data on that partition?

regards, Ron

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Re: Possible to add an LVM to existing Wheezy box

2013-12-31 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI

On 12/31/2013 02:33 PM, Ron Leach wrote:
Is it possible to create an LVM on a machine that's already running 
Wheezy but without an LVM?

I've looked at
and the howto which the wiki refers to,
but these seem, to me, to be meant for an initial install or, at 
minimum, for empty disks or partitions.  Whereas I wanted to create an 
LVM from combining an existing 1.7TB partition (preserving its data) 
with a new, empty, 2TB disk, so as to have a 3.7TB logical volume that 
already contains the 1.7TB's worth of data.

If it is possible, the step I don't understand is how to create an LVM 
physical volume of the existing 1.7TB partition, without destroying 
the data already on that partition.  The howto suggests that pvcreate 
should be used but won't that damage the data and filesystem on that 

Apologies if my question isn't clear.  Basically,
(i) can I make an LVM based on an existing partition while preserving 
its data and, if so,

I don't think you can, but

(ii) how do I avoid damaging the data on that partition?

create the LVM in the new disk, copy data to it, and then grow the LVM 
adding the old disk. This will destroy the data in that disk, but you've 
already copied it.


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Re: Possible to add an LVM to existing Wheezy box

2013-12-31 Thread Shane Johnson
Yes is possible, but there will be some data migration and configuration
Some more information would be helpful as well.  Does the existing data
contain the OS?  What are you trying to achieve by moving the data?

On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 9:33 AM, Ron Leach wrote:

 Is it possible to create an LVM on a machine that's already running Wheezy
 but without an LVM?

 I've looked at
 and the howto which the wiki refers to,
 but these seem, to me, to be meant for an initial install or, at minimum,
 for empty disks or partitions.  Whereas I wanted to create an LVM from
 combining an existing 1.7TB partition (preserving its data) with a new,
 empty, 2TB disk, so as to have a 3.7TB logical volume that already contains
 the 1.7TB's worth of data.

 If it is possible, the step I don't understand is how to create an LVM
 physical volume of the existing 1.7TB partition, without destroying the
 data already on that partition.  The howto suggests that pvcreate should be
 used but won't that damage the data and filesystem on that partition?

 Apologies if my question isn't clear.  Basically,
 (i) can I make an LVM based on an existing partition while preserving its
 data and, if so,
 (ii) how do I avoid damaging the data on that partition?

 regards, Ron

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Rasmussen Equipment

Re: Wheezy/Xfce Gnome keyring problem

2013-12-31 Thread Brian
On Tue 31 Dec 2013 at 09:11:26 -0700, Paul E Condon wrote:

 root@big:~# aptitude why libgnome-keyring0
 i   gnome-disk-utility Depends libgnome-keyring0 (= 2.22)
 I think I use disk-utility when formatting new disks to extN from
 Windows whatever. Does this indicate that I must choose between
 removing garbage warning messages and having a GUI disk utility 
 pre-installed for occasional use?
 I hope not.

Presumably the netinst CD that is advertised as being specifically for
installing Xfce is this one:

The list of packages on it is at

It does not include gnome-disk-utility, so you could not have removed
it. Also, the number of GNOME related packages appears to very small.
You could try installing what you removed.

Anyway - you installed nothing more after installing the CD contents?

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Re: mtp://[usb:001,022]/131074

2013-12-31 Thread Sharon Kimble
On Tue, 31 Dec 2013 15:58:10 +
Robin wrote:

 On 31 December 2013 13:29, Sharon Kimble
  How can I mount something like this 'mtp://[usb:001,022]/131074'? I
  can mount it in 'nemo' and access its SD card, and its internal SD
  card, but it doesn't show up in 'mount' at the commandline. Its
  actually a Samsung Galaxy 3 mobile phone with 16g of available
  internal memory and a 16g external SD card.
  What I'm looking for is to be able to access it, so that I can
  rsync to it and back up both of the SD cards, the pseudo-internal
  one, and its external real one. Currently its not possible to rsync
  with it, as the system doesn't really see it.
  A taste of linux =
  efever =
  efever =
  my git repo =
  Debian testing, Fluxbox 1.3.5, LibreOffice
  Registered Linux user 561944
 Install mtpfs,  mtp-tools.

Thank you. 
I've installed 'mtp-tools', there is no 'mtpfs' in the repos for
'Jessie', mounted it, but it still does not show in 'mount' at the

A taste of linux =
efever =
efever =
my git repo =
Debian testing, Fluxbox 1.3.5, LibreOffice
Registered Linux user 561944

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Re: Installing Debian 7.3.0

2013-12-31 Thread André Nunes Batista
On Sat, 2013-12-21 at 11:26 -0500, Jeff Bauer wrote:
 On 12/21/2013 09:10 AM, Rob Owens wrote:
  On Fri, Dec 20, 2013 at 10:29:40PM -0800, Alireza Bahrami wrote:
  According to Debian website it's enough for installing Debian on a system. 
  There is an old Dell Latitude laptop with specs as below which I chose to 
  for this purpose:
  Mobile Pentium4: 1.8GHz
  CPU Speed: 1.8GHz
  Level 2 Cache: 512KB
  System Memory: 256MB
  Video Memory: 32MB
  Hard Drive: 40GB
  Since you've got only 256MB of system memory, I recommend you use a
  lightweight desktop such as LXDE.
 A lightweight window manager that would be a smooth transition for those 
 familiar with Windows 95/98 vintage OS's would be JWM, aka Joe's Window 
 A companion file manager could be ROX-filer:
 And yes, Puppy Linux was one of my stepping stones to Debian   ;)

Puppy is great and I would also consider DamnSmallLinux on such vintage
hardware. Just don't know if this distro is actively maintained. But
they keep promises on low mem footprint. However, it's a 2.4 (a.k.a
stone age) linux kernel so it would all depend on the desired outcome.
If this machine will be just used for number crunching as some said, you
should certainly skim the fat. Look at the diferencies between debian
default and DSL or Puppy and you should get some picture on what you can
do yourself using debian with little or huge effort. 

I can swear for openbox, it's beautiful, easy to configure and extremely
light on resources.

André N. Batista

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