Re: Le code de conduite de Debian en français.

2014-05-31 Thread Stéphane GARGOLY
Bonjour à tous les utilisateurs et développeurs de Debian :

Le 30 mai 2014 22:37, a écrit :
 On 2014-05-30 01:24 (UTC+2), Charles Plessy wrote :
 je lis de plus en plus d'insultes sur cette liste, et ça me rappelle que
 le code
 de conduite de Debian est aussi disponible en français à l'adresse

 Je suis particulièrement d'accord avec Charles sur ce point .

 J'aimerais toutefois attirer l'attention sur quelques unes des règles qui
 figurent ici :

Et puisqu'on est dans des rappels de règles, voici un lien qui
pourrait intéresser certain :

Bon, vous aurez compris (si vous l'avez déjà consulté) : il s'agit de
connaître la bonne manière de poser les questions (dixit la page
précitée) ou, mieux encore, savoir comment poser les questions de
façon intelligente (idem). ;-)

Cordialement et à bientôt,


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Re: [testing] problème avec un disque NTFS

2014-05-31 Thread Fabien R
On 30/05/2014 19:05, Gaëtan PERRIER wrote:
 Failed to read last sector (3907027118): Invalid argument HINTS: Either

Tu peux afficher les infos avec fdisk ou gparted ?


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Re: Déplacer un système de fichier d'un serveur, via SSH

2014-05-31 Thread François Patte
Hash: SHA1

Le 25/05/2014 23:31, Bzzz a écrit :
 On Sun, 25 May 2014 23:05:48 +0200 Gaël wrote:
 C'est quoi le plus simple, selon vos expériences ?
 Se retirer les doigts du fion et chercher (1 page gogol: 10/10 

En l'occurence, le trou du cul ça a l'air d'être une mouche à merde:
BPaf! Un coup de tapette!

- -- 
François Patte
UFR de mathématiques et informatique
Laboratoire CNRS MAP5, UMR 8145
Université Paris Descartes
45, rue des Saints Pères
F-75270 Paris Cedex 06
Tél. +33 (0)1 8394 5849
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora -


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Re: [testing] problème avec un disque NTFS

2014-05-31 Thread Guy Roussin
Si c'est un disque avec partition dynamique (proprio microsoft)
je crois que c'est cuit ...
à part de repasser en classique (il y a une méthode pour ça)


Le 30/05/2014 19:05, Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit :

 Je suis en train de migrer une machine de XP vers LMDE 64 bits. J'ai
 donc sauvegardé toutes les données sur un disque Western Digital
 Elements en NTFS pour pouvoir les restaurer sur LMDE. Le problème c'est
 que ce disque ne se monte pas. Quand je le branche j'ai un message
 d'erreur pas très sympathique qui me dit:

 Error mounting /dev/sdc1 at /media/gpe/Elements: Command-line `mount -t
 ntfs -o
 /dev/sdc1 /media/gpe/Elements' exited with non-zero exit status 12:
 Failed to read last sector (3907027118): Invalid argument HINTS: Either
 the volume is a RAID/LDM but it wasn't setup yet, or it was not setup
 correctly (e.g. by not using mdadm --build ...), or a wrong device is
 tried to be mounted, or the partition table is corrupt (partition is
 smaller than NTFS), or the NTFS boot sector is corrupt (NTFS size is
 not valid). Failed to mount '/dev/sdc1': Invalid argument The device
 '/dev/sdc1' doesn't seem to have a valid NTFS. Maybe the wrong device
 is used? Or the whole disk instead of a partition (e.g. /dev/sda,
 not /dev/sda1)? Or the other way around?

 J'ai essayé sur mon portable en debian testing et j'obtiens le même
 message. Mais si je branche le disque sur un autre portable en Windows
 7 je n'ai pas de problème il est bien reconnu. J'ai lancé une
 vérification du disque depuis W7, au cas ou, mais sans amélioration ...

 Avec un autre disque en NTFS, un Macway SilverTouch, je n'ai pas de
 soucis, ça fonctionne correctement ...

 Une idée de ce qui peut se passer ?


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Re: [testing] problème avec un disque NTFS

2014-05-31 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Qu'est-ce que c'est les partitions dynamiques ?

Le Sat, 31 May 2014 12:44:11 +0200
Guy Roussin a écrit:

 Si c'est un disque avec partition dynamique (proprio microsoft)
 je crois que c'est cuit ...
 à part de repasser en classique (il y a une méthode pour ça)
 Le 30/05/2014 19:05, Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit :
  Je suis en train de migrer une machine de XP vers LMDE 64 bits. J'ai
  donc sauvegardé toutes les données sur un disque Western Digital
  Elements en NTFS pour pouvoir les restaurer sur LMDE. Le problème
  c'est que ce disque ne se monte pas. Quand je le branche j'ai un
  message d'erreur pas très sympathique qui me dit:
  Error mounting /dev/sdc1 at /media/gpe/Elements: Command-line
  `mount -t ntfs -o
  /dev/sdc1 /media/gpe/Elements' exited with non-zero exit status
  12: Failed to read last sector (3907027118): Invalid argument
  HINTS: Either the volume is a RAID/LDM but it wasn't setup yet, or
  it was not setup correctly (e.g. by not using mdadm --build ...),
  or a wrong device is tried to be mounted, or the partition table is
  corrupt (partition is smaller than NTFS), or the NTFS boot sector
  is corrupt (NTFS size is not valid). Failed to mount '/dev/sdc1':
  Invalid argument The device '/dev/sdc1' doesn't seem to have a
  valid NTFS. Maybe the wrong device is used? Or the whole disk
  instead of a partition (e.g. /dev/sda, not /dev/sda1)? Or the other
  way around?
  J'ai essayé sur mon portable en debian testing et j'obtiens le même
  message. Mais si je branche le disque sur un autre portable en
  Windows 7 je n'ai pas de problème il est bien reconnu. J'ai lancé
  une vérification du disque depuis W7, au cas ou, mais sans
  amélioration ...
  Avec un autre disque en NTFS, un Macway SilverTouch, je n'ai pas de
  soucis, ça fonctionne correctement ...
  Une idée de ce qui peut se passer ?
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En cas de soucis, contactez EN ANGLAIS

Re: [testing] problème avec un disque NTFS

2014-05-31 Thread Stéphane GARGOLY
Bonjour à tous les utilisateurs et développeurs de Debian :

Le samedi 31 mai 2014 à 14:10, Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit 
 Qu'est-ce que c'est les partitions dynamiques ?

Purée, n'a-t'on jamais appris à se servir d'un moteur de recherche ? :-D

Pour t'aider, voici la première page de Google (avec les termes de recherche 
partition et dynamique) :

Et, au tout premier résultat, tu as déjà un lien (voir note a) qui te dirige 
vers le site Web de Microsoft et qui t'explique tout à propos des partitions 
dynamiques (ou des disques dynamiques comme on dit chez eux).

Note a :

Cordialement et à bientôt,


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Re: [testing] problème avec un disque NTFS

2014-05-31 Thread maderios

On 05/31/2014 05:01 PM, Stéphane GARGOLY wrote:

Bonjour à tous les utilisateurs et développeurs de Debian :

Le samedi 31 mai 2014 à 14:10, Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit

Qu'est-ce que c'est les partitions dynamiques ?

Purée, n'a-t'on jamais appris à se servir d'un moteur de recherche ? :-D

Excellente réponse
Comme le dit le proverbe chinois,
 quand un homme a faim, mieux vaut lui appendre à pêcher que de lui 
donner un poisson

Version texte
Version audio pour écouter la très belle langue chinoise

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Re: [testing] problème avec un disque NTFS

2014-05-31 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Le Sat, 31 May 2014 12:00:54 +0200
Fabien R a écrit:

 On 30/05/2014 19:05, Gaëtan PERRIER wrote:
  Failed to read last sector (3907027118): Invalid argument HINTS:
 Tu peux afficher les infos avec fdisk ou gparted ?

avec gparted ça ne donne pas grand il me dit que la table des
partitions n'est pas reconnue ...

Et fdisk -l me donne:

Disque /dev/sdc : 2000.4 Go, 2000396746752 octets
255 têtes, 63 secteurs/piste, 243201 cylindres, total
3907024896 secteurs Unités = secteurs de 1 * 512 = 512 octets
Taille de secteur (logique / physique) : 512 octets / 512 octets
taille d'E/S (minimale / optimale) : 512 octets / 512 octets
Identifiant de disque : 0x0002de0f

Périphérique Amorce  DébutFin  Blocs Id  Système
/dev/sdc12048  3907029167  19535135607  HPFS/NTFS/exFAT

Ce qui semble correct, non ?

Il doit y avoir une subtilité quelque part pour que fdisk voit quelque
chose et pas gparted ...


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2014-05-31 Thread Kreatik

Je vais me répondre :D Je clos le SUJET

Je pense que c'est effectivement un soucis de droit entre NFS - SAMBA - 
Les Clients Si je résolve mon soucis je ferais un pti post

Cela me dépasse un peu mais sans défit à surmonter on ne progresse pas

Le 29/05/2014 21:41, Manzone philippe a écrit :


Je voudrais profiter de vos lumières dans la mesure ou c'est possible. 
Je rencontre un petit problème de droits dans mes Debians quand je 
veux créer ou copier un fichier.

Voila le montage (le matos pas grave)
Un server Proxmox qui fait tourner une Debian GNU/Linux 7 avec 
un server SAMBA

Les dossiers samba ont cette configuration
public = yes
writeable = yes
browseable = yes
directory mode = 777
create mode = 777

J'ai créé un Dossier /PARTAGE à la racine qui contient deux 
sous Dossiers /PARTAGE1 et /PARTAGE2

MODE 777

J'ai modifié la FSTAB pour que chaque dossier monter un 
dossier partage avec NFS et qui se trouve sur MACHINE 2

Une Debian GNU/Linux 7 avec un server NFS-KERNEL

Deux Dossiers dans le /HOME avecles Dossiers à monter /PARTAGE1 et 

MODE 777

Dans le fichier exports chaque dossier est configuré de la façon 

Bon si je prend un fichier et que je le copie sur mon joli PC Win7 ca 
fonctionne normal Mais le soucis c'est lors de le la copie d'un 
fichier depuis le PC Client Win7 vers le partage SAMBA. J'ai une 
erreur lors de la copie. J'ai regardé via WinScp les droits des 
dossiers et fichiers pour /PARTAGE12 sur MACHINE1. Et je vois que 
l'ensemble des fichiers et dossiers sont attribués à NoGroup et NoBody.

Alors ma question ou plutôt mes questions sont les suivantes :
- es ce normal ? (je pense que oui)
-es ce que je dois creer un groupe et un utilisateur 
spécifique sur les deux machine ?
-es ce que je dois forcer dans SAMBA sur MACHINE1 un 
utilisateur spécifique ?
-es ce que je dois déplacer mon dossier de partage dans une 
zone plus standard comme /home ?

Par avance merci de vos lumières

NB pourquoi je m'emmerde avec ça et bien le FUN :D

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GPT détecté sur un disque partitionné MSDOS

2014-05-31 Thread Jean-Marc
Salut la liste,

Merci de ne pas me jeter tout de suite ;-)
Parce que j'ai un soucis avec une install' Ubuntu.

Un PC avec deux disques.  Linux sur le premier, W7 sur le second.
C'est une install' fraîche sur le disque 1.  Reformatté et install' depuis zéro.
Le disque 2 W7 n'a pas bougé.

Et impossible que Grub reconnaisse quoi que ce soit sur le disque 2.

Et j'ai un truc bizarre, fdisk -l me retourne le message suivant :
Attention : identifiant de table de partitions GPT (GUID) détecté sur 
« /dev/sda » ! L'utilitaire fdisk ne prend pas GPT en charge. Utilisez 
GNU Parted.

Ensuite, j'obtiens la liste des partitions dans la sortie fdisk.

Le plus bizarre, c'est que un parted /dev/sdb print ne me donne pas ces 

En fait, j'ai l'impression que le disque est flaggé erronément comme ayant une 
table GPT mais qu'il a bien une table MSDOS.

Une idée comment validé cela et comment enlevé ce flag ?

J'ai essayé de trouver une solution sur le net mais je sèche.


P.S. Merci de laisser Laurent en copie, il n'est pas inscrit sur la liste.

Description: PGP signature

Re: GPT détecté sur un disque partitionné MSDOS

2014-05-31 Thread prego jérémy

Le 31/05/2014 23:13, Jean-Marc a écrit :

Salut la liste,



C'est une install' fraîche sur le disque 1.  Reformatté et install' depuis zéro.
Le disque 2 W7 n'a pas bougé.

Et impossible que Grub reconnaisse quoi que ce soit sur le disque 2.

Et j'ai un truc bizarre,fdisk -l  me retourne le message suivant :
Attention : identifiant de table de partitions GPT (GUID) détecté sur
« /dev/sda » ! L'utilitaire fdisk ne prend pas GPT en charge. Utilisez
GNU Parted.

Ensuite, j'obtiens la liste des partitions dans la sortiefdisk.

Le plus bizarre, c'est que unparted /dev/sdb print  ne me donne pas ces 

ffdisk te parles de /dev/sda alors que tu fais un /dev/sdb avec parted, 
c'est un peu logique que tu n'es pas les partitions de /dev/sda non ?

que te dit-il sur /dev/sdb ?

En fait, j'ai l'impression que le disque est flaggé erronément comme ayant une 
table GPT mais qu'il a bien une table MSDOS.


ça, je ne pense pas que cela sois possible


P.S. Merci de laisser Laurent en copie, il n'est pas inscrit sur la liste.

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Nettoyage du spam : mai 2014

2014-05-31 Thread jean-pierre giraud
Comme nous sommes en juin, il est désormais possible de
traiter les archives du mois de mai 2014 des listes francophones.

N'oubliez bien sûr pas d'ajouter votre nom à la liste des relecteurs
pour que nous sachions où nous en sommes.

Détails du processus de nettoyage du spam sur :

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Re: GPT détecté sur un disque partitionné MSDOS

2014-05-31 Thread Jean-Marc
Sat, 31 May 2014 23:54:15 +0200
prego jérémy écrivait :

 ffdisk te parles de /dev/sda alors que tu fais un /dev/sdb avec parted, 
 c'est un peu logique que tu n'es pas les partitions de /dev/sda non ?

Bon, pour éviter d'autres erreurs de copier/coller, j'ai tout mis ici :

/dev/sda a une table GTP.
fdisk ne prend pas en charge.  parted bien.
les sorties des deux commandes (fdisk et parted) sont cohérentes.

Ce n'est pas le cas pour /dev/sdb.
Pour ce disque, fdisk dit « Attention : identifiant de table de partitions GPT 
(GUID) détecté sur « /dev/sdb » ! » mais affiche les partitions.

parted n'affiche rien après le message d'avertissement «Avertissement: /dev/sdb 
contient des signatures GPT, indiquant qu'il a une table GPT. Cependant, il n'a 
pas de table fictive de partitions MSDOS valide tel qu'il le devrait.»



Description: PGP signature

Re: [OT] placa wifi pci ralink no conecta

2014-05-31 Thread Ala de Dragón
El 30/5/14, Jorge A. Secreto escribió:
 Hola Fernando

 El día 30 de mayo de 2014, 12:02, fernando sainz escribió:
 El día 29 de mayo de 2014, 15:43, Jorge A. Secreto escribió:
 Hola gente
 Tengo una pc con una placa wifi pci ralink con un wheezy 7.4 con LXDE,
 recién instalado desde el DVD 1 y actualizado desde el repositorio que
 automáticamente synaptic.
 El problema es que no se conecta a las redes wifi, la conexión cableada
 funciona sin problemas.

 Recuerdo haber tenido alguna de estos adaptadores que no se conectaban
 y lo lograba reduciendo la velocidad:
 por ej. usando iwconfig.
 $ iwconfig wlan0 rate 1M

 Puedes probar con 1M, 5M, 6M, 11M ...

 Gracias por contestar
 También pensé en eso y le bajé la velocidad al router, que en otros
 casos me ha dado resultado.
 No se me ocurrió forzarle la velocidad a la placa. De hecho nunca
 había pensado en que se pudiera.
 Otra cosa para probar a la vuelta, aunque siempre lo usé cuando la
 señal era marginal veremos que pasa.
 abrazos y gracias

 Jorge A Secreto
 Analista de Sistemas
 MP 361

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Todos mis problemas con Ralink se producen al pasar de debian 6.x a la rama 7.x
Los motivos son que el firmware propietario que proporciona Ralink,
para determinados modelos, no es compatible con las rama 3.x.x del

Yo lo obtube husmeando aqui:

y lo hice funcionar en Debian 7.x, con muchos dolores de cabeza.

Pero ciertamente necesitamos mas info para ayudarte.

El cielo es para los dragones
 lo que el agua es  para las ninfas

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[OT] Grupo Debian en Friendica/Diaspora

2014-05-31 Thread Fabián Bonetti

Este grupo es nuevo es para saber mas acerca del sistema Debian.

Tanto ayuda como soporte comunitario voluntario. Anímate a entrar es un grupo 
creado con la plataforma Friendica.

Solo busca en la barra de búsqueda de tu 

Lo añades y luego al mencionarlo, Todos los subscritos  (diaspora/friendica 
usuarios) recibirán el mensaje.

Mas info:

MamaLibre, Casa en Lincoln, Ituzaingo 1085 CP6070, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Description: PGP signature

Re: [OT] - Remastersys(

2014-05-31 Thread Guido Ignacio
El día 30 de mayo de 2014, 12:46, walter escribió:
 yo lo tenia instalado en un Debian 6 y funcionaba, me aparecia la opcion de
 instalar .
 en el menu.. en sistemas , despues de, ya tener una imagen creada.. y
 arrancando desde Live con esta misma imagen...
 pero al intentar lo mismo con Debian 7... bueno... no hubo caso.. no
 encontre tampoco..
 aunque hay repositorios y demas.. parece ser que no es lo mismo
 no busque mucho mas. aun no le dedique mas tiempo..

 Saludosy suerte

Pero la opción de instalar te aparecía en el grub?

Guido Ignacio

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Re: Problemas con el servidor FTP (era: Más problemas con el servidor)

2014-05-31 Thread Guido Ignacio
El día 30 de mayo de 2014, 23:51, Miguel Matos escribió:
 No tengo idea de cómo omitir datos sensibles, porque todo me parece
 un grecoglifismo, pero para evitarme malos ratos lo subí a un pegote

Estimo que ese usuario miguel es un usuario de sistema no? De serlo le
tenés que indicar a proftp que puede loguearse, para ello edita el
archivo /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf y agregá esto:

   AllowUser miguel pepe tito

pepe y tito son otros usuarios de sistema, para que veas como se
agregan de tener más

Más info [1]

Respecto al usuario root, por default y por seguridad proftpd lo
deshabilita, no se aconseja. Pero si aun querés hacerlo, simplemente
agrega esto al archivo de configuración antes mencionado:

RootLogin on

Más info [2]

Obviamente a cada cambio hecho en el archivo debes reiniciar el
servicio: # invoke-rc.d proftpd restart



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Re: [OT] placa wifi pci ralink no conecta

2014-05-31 Thread Jorge A. Secreto
Hola Ala

El día 31 de mayo de 2014, 5:13, Ala de Dragón escribió:
 El 30/5/14, Jorge A. Secreto escribió:
 Hola Fernando

 El día 30 de mayo de 2014, 12:02, fernando sainz escribió:
 El día 29 de mayo de 2014, 15:43, Jorge A. Secreto escribió:
 Hola gente
 Tengo una pc con una placa wifi pci ralink con un wheezy 7.4 con LXDE,
 recién instalado desde el DVD 1 y actualizado desde el repositorio que
 automáticamente synaptic.
 El problema es que no se conecta a las redes wifi, la conexión cableada
 funciona sin problemas.

 Todos mis problemas con Ralink se producen al pasar de debian 6.x a la rama 
 Los motivos son que el firmware propietario que proporciona Ralink,
 para determinados modelos, no es compatible con las rama 3.x.x del

 Yo lo obtube husmeando aqui:

 y lo hice funcionar en Debian 7.x, con muchos dolores de cabeza.
Me imagine que me iba a pasar algo así y por eso había desistido con esa placa.
Pero ustedes me hacen sentir como un ingrato egoísta :-D

 Pero ciertamente necesitamos mas info para ayudarte.
Cuando vuelva la poveeré
Muchas gracias

Jorge A Secreto
Analista de Sistemas
MP 361

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

OT universidad transferencia de calor y masas

2014-05-31 Thread Edward Villarroel (EDD)
muy buenos dias feliz fin de semana a todos

les escribo en esta oportunidad para saber si saben de que programas
puedo instalar a debian para el estudio de transferencia de calor y

Edward Villarroel:  @Agentedd

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2014-05-31 Thread Altair Linux
Por norma general el tipo de hardware y de software deben coincidir.

Otra cosa es que uses un emulador, con lo cual podras usar software no
diseñado para el hardware. Por ejemplo, hay emuladores de maquinas
recreativas y consolas que permiten que puedas jugar sus juegos en una
maquina con linux.

Tambien decirte que segun que casos puedes necesitar hacer cambios el el
codigo fuente del software que quieras usar porque el software
habitualmente usado por particulares y empresas esta diseñado para
funcionar en un unico ordenador fisico, y no en un cluster.

El 30 de mayo de 2014, 21:04, LUMINARIASCBA FOTON

 Hola como están?
 tal vez sea una consulta fuera de lo normal, les comento mi idea para que
 me podáis entender.
 me interesa la supercomputación y me gustaría poder montarme una
 supercomputadora como mi computadora personal [esta es mi idea base]  con
 el advenimiento de las raspberry pi y todas la familia de este tipo de
 computadoras con arquitectura ARM, es mas posible hacerlo.

 de hay la idea evoluciono a montarme un cluster tipo beowulf  con mi
 notebook i386 de nodo  maestro y un par de raspi que tengo, como
 esclavos, para probar como funciona, pero surgió un problema con la
 arquitectura pues las aplicaciones que ejecute en la notebook se
 ejecutaran, en parte, en los raspberry pi y eso significa que las
 aplicaciones que vaya a ejecutar tienen que estar compiladas con soporte a

 y como el que busca encuentra me encontré con ustedes, con debían y este
 soporte multiarquitectura, cosa que no entiendo bien lo que significa, me
 cuesta un poco comprender esto, por eso les quiero consultar.
 si monto un cluster con maquinas de arquitectura ARM y le agrego los
 paquetes de arquitecturas 32 y 64 bits, ¿puedo ejecutar los programas para
 esas arquitecturas en este cluster?

 bueno creo que quedo bien diagrama da mi consulta, espero me puedan
 ayudar, les estaría re agradecido si me explicaran este punto.

 que tenga un buen día. atten Alejandro

 [image: alejandro delgado on]

 Alejandro Delgado

Re: lightdm - default session

2014-05-31 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 30 May 2014 14:56:52 -0300, Ricardo Delgado escribió:

(corrijo el top-posting)

 El día 30 de mayo de 2014, 14:45, Camaleón


 Si lo que quieres es cambiar el entorno de escritorio predeterminado
 por aquí dicen algo:

 Lightdm - cannot figure out how to change default xsession - Debian

 The easiest way to accomplish this (the way I actually did it) is to use
 # update-alternatives --config x-session-manager
 corriendo este comando (que recorde gracias a tu lectura :)) me aparecen
 update-alternatives --config x-session-manager Existen 3 opcioens para
 la alternativa x-session-manager (que provee
   Selección   Ruta  Prioridad  Estado
 * 0/usr/bin/startlxde 50modo automático
   1/usr/bin/lxsession 49modo manual 2   
   /usr/bin/openbox-session   40modo manual 3   
   /usr/bin/startlxde 50modo manual
 Pulse Intro para mantener el valor por omisión [*] o pulse un número
 de selección:
 no aparece FLUXBOX, :(

Si no te aparece alguna entrada que apunte a fluxblox puedes añadirla 
manualmente (man update-alternatives). 

De todas formas, revisa también los comentarios #7 y #9 donde indican dos 
opciones más para seleccionar el entorno predeterminado en el gestor de 



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2014-05-31 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 30 May 2014 16:04:39 -0300, LUMINARIASCBA FOTON escribió:

 Hola como están?
 tal vez sea una consulta fuera de lo normal, les comento mi idea para
 que me podáis entender.

Bien, pero mejor si lo marcas como OT y mandas los mensajes en formato 
texto plano en lugar de html ;-)

 me interesa la supercomputación y me gustaría poder montarme una
 supercomputadora como mi computadora personal [esta es mi idea base] 
 con el advenimiento de las raspberry pi y todas la familia de este tipo
 de computadoras con arquitectura ARM, es mas posible hacerlo.


 y como el que busca encuentra me encontré con ustedes, con debían y este
 soporte multiarquitectura, cosa que no entiendo bien lo que significa,
 me cuesta un poco comprender esto, por eso les quiero consultar.

Tienes una aproximación en la wiki de Debian:

 si monto un cluster con maquinas de arquitectura ARM y le agrego los
 paquetes de arquitecturas 32 y 64 bits, ¿puedo ejecutar los programas
 para esas arquitecturas en este cluster?

Hum... con binarios de 32/64 bits no hay problemas porque son 
arquitecturas compatibles pero armel es otro cantar. Compilar creo que sí 
podrías pero ejecutar binarios me parece que no.



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Re: [OT] correo de

2014-05-31 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 30 May 2014 21:20:39 -0300, Rolo Navarta escribió:

 Hola lista, alguien me podría explicar que es este correo?


Claro, se ha tratado varias veces en la lista :-)



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Re: OT universidad transferencia de calor y masas

2014-05-31 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 31 May 2014 11:08:22 -0430, Edward Villarroel (EDD) escribió:

 muy buenos dias feliz fin de semana a todos


 les escribo en esta oportunidad para saber si saben de que programas
 puedo instalar a debian para el estudio de transferencia de calor y

Pues... sé que hay un proyecto dedicado (Debian Science), echa un ojo a 
su página general:

Y más concretamente, a los paquetes de especialidades (física en este 



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Re: snez

2014-05-31 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 30 May 2014 22:40:39 -0300, Marcxelo Garacciolo escribió:

 hola alguien uso/SNEZ/ una interface gráfica web para Snort. 



SNEZ is a web interface to the popular open source Intrusion Detection 
System SNORT®. The main design feature of SNEZ is the ability to filter 
and classify alerts. SNORT® is a registered trademark of Sourcefire, Inc. 
All rights reserved. 

Pues no... ¿te da algún problema al instalarlo, quieres preguntar algo en 
concreto, tantear? :-?



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Re: Problemas con el servidor FTP (era: Más problemas con el servidor)

2014-05-31 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 30 May 2014 22:21:57 -0430, Miguel Matos escribió:

 El día 30 de mayo de 2014, 11:05, Camaleón


 Acá: miguel@miguel-LT:~$ ftp ftp open Connected to
 220 ProFTPD 1.3.4a Server (Debian) [:::]
 Name ( miguel 331 Password required for miguel
 530 Login incorrect.
 Login failed.
 Remote system type is UNIX.
 Using binary mode to transfer files.


 Vale, falla el inicio de sesión con el usuario miguel.

 Revisa el archivo de registro que tendrás en /var/log/proftpd/
 proftpd.log (o similar) y manda su contenido omitiendo datos sensibles
 si los hubiere.

 No tengo idea de cómo omitir datos sensibles, porque todo me parece un

Me refería a contraseñas (aunque entiendo que de haberlas no estarían en 
claro) o direcciones IP remotas y accesibles, en fin, ese tipo de datos 
que no deben ser públicos. Parece que no es el caso.

 pero para evitarme malos ratos lo subí a un pegote online:

Bien, veo 4 intentos de inicio de sesión:

1/ Sesión como root

may 26 23:56:10 debian proftpd[14960] 
([]): FTP session opened.
may 26 23:56:10 debian proftpd[14960] 
([]): SECURITY VIOLATION: root login attempted.

Falla porque detecta una violación de seguridad, entiendo que proftpd debe 
tener configurado esto de manera predeterminada.

2/ Sesión como debianvbq

may 26 23:56:20 debian proftpd[14961] 
([]): USER debianvbq: no such user found from [] to :::
may 26 23:56:20 debian proftpd[14961] 
([]): FTP session closed.

Falla porque ese usuario no existe para el servidor ftp.

3/ Sesión como anónimo

may 27 00:14:46 debian proftpd[15386] 
([]): USER anonymous: no such user found from [] to :::
may 27 00:14:46 debian proftpd[15386] 
([]): FTP session closed.

Falla proque no encuentra al usuario o porque esté desactivado el acceso 
sin credenciales.

4/ Sesión como miguel

May 27 07:39:14 debian proftpd[6545] 
([]): USER miguel: no such user found from [] to :::
May 27 07:39:29 debian proftpd[6545] 
([]): FTP session closed.

Falla porque tampoco encuentra al usuario en su base de datos.

Tienes que verificar en la configuración de proftpd que el acceso a los 
usuarios del sistema esté permitida o en su defecto, indicar una base de 
datos de usuarios externa y darlos de alta.



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Re: AVISO: Java (NPAPI) en chrome 35.0.1916.114 Fin de soporte

2014-05-31 Thread Hector Garcia
El día 30 de mayo de 2014, 12:34, Camaleón escribió:
 El Fri, 30 May 2014 12:10:44 -0500, Hector Garcia escribió:

 El día 30 de mayo de 2014, 10:56, Camaleón


 Investigando un poco, me topo con que (1), la versión actual de
 chrome-chromiun ya no soporta NPAPI, plataforma desde donde se basa la
  ejecución de aplicaciones propietarias como Java, Flash y
 Silverlight. Paradójicamente, yo actualicé chrome para poder instalar
 éste último a través de  pipelight, como requisito para hacer unos
 trámites gubernamentales...


 La plataforma para declarar y pagar impuestos está fuertemente casada
 con Java y Silverlight.

 Sí, aquí sucede algo parecido, nuestra agencia tributaria (AEAT) usa Java
 pero me parece que la aplicación no se ejecuta como applet sino que se
 descarga y se ejecuta fuera de línea y sin intervención del navegador lo
 cual es una ventaja.

 Es un tema que el gobierno debería de solucionar, pero en definitiva,
 la falta de plataformas actuales y seguras, -y, creo, la guerra que
 llevan entre competidores google-oracle-adobe- es un tema que no
 precisamente abre las puertas hacia una solución adecuada. Si millones
 de mexicanos le mandáramos al gobierno una solicitud para cambiar sus
 plataformas de declaración y pago de impuestos. ¿que solución
 contundente les pondríamos ? nada se me ocurre.

 Yo, al gobierno le doy todo lo que puedo en soporte papel :-)

 En fin, una buena forma de terminar la semana.

 Hay muchos bancos que también usan java para realizar gestiones, y
 también se usa para acceder a sistemas integrados (appliances) o
 conexiones remotas a sistemas virtuales, no sé si Chrome va a poder
 soportar la situación sin java por mucho tiempo porque la opción de
 usar una versión anterior que tenga problemas de seguridad no creo que le
 haga gracia a nadie.




paradójicamente, Java ha sido la única plataforma capaz de impulsar
todo tipo de operaciones desde, básicamente, su nacimiento.

Por el momento, en lugar de desinstalar chrome y voltear la mirada,
tomé el camino posiblemente inseguro. Instalé la version 34.
Java y Silverlight (pipelight) funcionan, aunque hay algunas páginas
del portal a las que no puedo acceder. Ésas tareas se las voy a dejar
a mi contador, y su flamante Windows XP.

Me llama la antención de algunas opiniones (actuales y anteriores)que
se han presentado en el foro de desarrollo de chromium sobre el tema

Personalmente, ésas opiniones me parecen poco propositivas para la
comunidad de SO. Si los desarrolladores de los navegadores comparten
ésa opinión, me daría preocupación.



El Pic no pudo Iniciar correctamente.
Inserte el disco de arranque y presione cualquier pin para continuar...

Linux Registered User #467500

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2014-05-31 Thread Altair Linux
Creo que puede ser mejor que mires el tipo de cluster que buscas con más
detalle, por lo que cuentas parece ser del tipo Beowulf. Te lo digo porque
es posible que te encuentres alguna distribución de Linux, diferente a
Debian, que te interese más.

Y una vez hecho eso, miras en su documentación si lo que buscas hacer a
nivel de hardware y de software es posible.

El 31 de mayo de 2014, 18:44, LUMINARIASCBA FOTON

 osea que si se trata de esto la multiarquitectura de debían ? por ejemplo
 si armo un cluster con una notebook de 32 bits como nodo maestro y muchas
 raspi como nodos esclavos
 y a cada uno de los sistemas operativos de los computadores lles pongo los
 paqueteres de las tres arquitecturas, ARM, 32Y 64 bits, funcioarian como un
 único computador?

 [image: alejandro delgado on]

 Alejandro Delgado

 El 31 de mayo de 2014, 13:28, Altair Linux

 Por norma general el tipo de hardware y de software deben coincidir.

 Otra cosa es que uses un emulador, con lo cual podras usar software no
 diseñado para el hardware. Por ejemplo, hay emuladores de maquinas
 recreativas y consolas que permiten que puedas jugar sus juegos en una
 maquina con linux.

 Tambien decirte que segun que casos puedes necesitar hacer cambios el el
 codigo fuente del software que quieras usar porque el software
 habitualmente usado por particulares y empresas esta diseñado para
 funcionar en un unico ordenador fisico, y no en un cluster.

 El 30 de mayo de 2014, 21:04, LUMINARIASCBA FOTON escribió:

 Hola como están?
 tal vez sea una consulta fuera de lo normal, les comento mi idea para
 que me podáis entender.
 me interesa la supercomputación y me gustaría poder montarme una
 supercomputadora como mi computadora personal [esta es mi idea base]  con
 el advenimiento de las raspberry pi y todas la familia de este tipo de
 computadoras con arquitectura ARM, es mas posible hacerlo.

 de hay la idea evoluciono a montarme un cluster tipo beowulf  con mi
 notebook i386 de nodo  maestro y un par de raspi que tengo, como
 esclavos, para probar como funciona, pero surgió un problema con la
 arquitectura pues las aplicaciones que ejecute en la notebook se
 ejecutaran, en parte, en los raspberry pi y eso significa que las
 aplicaciones que vaya a ejecutar tienen que estar compiladas con soporte a

 y como el que busca encuentra me encontré con ustedes, con debían y este
 soporte multiarquitectura, cosa que no entiendo bien lo que significa, me
 cuesta un poco comprender esto, por eso les quiero consultar.
 si monto un cluster con maquinas de arquitectura ARM y le agrego los
 paquetes de arquitecturas 32 y 64 bits, ¿puedo ejecutar los programas para
 esas arquitecturas en este cluster?

 bueno creo que quedo bien diagrama da mi consulta, espero me puedan
 ayudar, les estaría re agradecido si me explicaran este punto.

 que tenga un buen día. atten Alejandro

 [image: alejandro delgado on]

 Alejandro Delgado


2014-05-31 Thread Ricardo Delgado
El may 31, 2014 3:17 PM, Altair Linux escribió:

 Creo que puede ser mejor que mires el tipo de cluster que buscas con más
detalle, por lo que cuentas parece ser del tipo Beowulf. Te lo digo porque
es posible que te encuentres alguna distribución de Linux, diferente a
Debian, que te interese más.

 Y una vez hecho eso, miras en su documentación si lo que buscas hacer a
nivel de hardware y de software es posible.

 El 31 de mayo de 2014, 18:44, LUMINARIASCBA FOTON

 osea que si se trata de esto la multiarquitectura de debían ? por
ejemplo si armo un cluster con una notebook de 32 bits como nodo maestro y
muchas raspi como nodos esclavos
 y a cada uno de los sistemas operativos de los computadores lles pongo
los paqueteres de las tres arquitecturas, ARM, 32Y 64 bits, funcioarian
como un único computador?

 Alejandro Delgado

 El 31 de mayo de 2014, 13:28, Altair Linux

 Por norma general el tipo de hardware y de software deben coincidir.

 Otra cosa es que uses un emulador, con lo cual podras usar software no
diseñado para el hardware. Por ejemplo, hay emuladores de maquinas
recreativas y consolas que permiten que puedas jugar sus juegos en una
maquina con linux.

 Tambien decirte que segun que casos puedes necesitar hacer cambios el
el codigo fuente del software que quieras usar porque el software
habitualmente usado por particulares y empresas esta diseñado para
funcionar en un unico ordenador fisico, y no en un cluster.

 El 30 de mayo de 2014, 21:04, LUMINARIASCBA FOTON escribió:

 Hola como están?
 tal vez sea una consulta fuera de lo normal, les comento mi idea para
que me podáis entender.
 me interesa la supercomputación y me gustaría poder montarme una
supercomputadora como mi computadora personal [esta es mi idea base]  con
el advenimiento de las raspberry pi y todas la familia de este tipo de
computadoras con arquitectura ARM, es mas posible hacerlo.

 de hay la idea evoluciono a montarme un cluster tipo beowulf  con mi
notebook i386 de nodo  maestro y un par de raspi que tengo, como
esclavos, para probar como funciona, pero surgió un problema con la

Hola, hace tiempo vi openmosix

Re: [OT] - Remastersys(

2014-05-31 Thread walter

El 31/05/14 10:45, Guido Ignacio escribió:

El día 30 de mayo de 2014, 12:46, walter escribió:

yo lo tenia instalado en un Debian 6 y funcionaba, me aparecia la opcion de
instalar .
en el menu.. en sistemas , despues de, ya tener una imagen creada.. y
arrancando desde Live con esta misma imagen...
pero al intentar lo mismo con Debian 7... bueno... no hubo caso.. no
encontre tampoco..
aunque hay repositorios y demas.. parece ser que no es lo mismo
no busque mucho mas. aun no le dedique mas tiempo..

Saludosy suerte

Pero la opción de instalar te aparecía en el grub?

Guido Ignacio

en sistemas administracion  (o como se llamaba en Gnome2)
ya una vez arrancado el live

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Re: [OT] - Remastersys(

2014-05-31 Thread Guido Ignacio
El día 31 de mayo de 2014, 19:30, walter escribió:

 El 31/05/14 10:45, Guido Ignacio escribió:

 El día 30 de mayo de 2014, 12:46, walter escribió:

 yo lo tenia instalado en un Debian 6 y funcionaba, me aparecia la opcion
 instalar .
 en el menu.. en sistemas , despues de, ya tener una imagen creada.. y
 arrancando desde Live con esta misma imagen...
 pero al intentar lo mismo con Debian 7... bueno... no hubo caso.. no
 encontre tampoco..
 aunque hay repositorios y demas.. parece ser que no es lo mismo
 no busque mucho mas. aun no le dedique mas tiempo..

 Saludosy suerte

 Pero la opción de instalar te aparecía en el grub?

 Guido Ignacio

 en sistemas administracion  (o como se llamaba en Gnome2)
 ya una vez arrancado el live

No me sirve, pense que sería algo así:

No tengo X en el sistema a partir del cual hice el livecd

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Re: (off) militares hackers

2014-05-31 Thread Antonio Novaes
Segurança é um estado, não uma característica. Você esta seguro até
encontrarem uma brecha. Então... Quanto mais rápido de corrigi uma falha
mais rápido o estado de segurança se restabelece.
Em 30/05/2014 23:47, Listeiro 037 escreveu:

 Muitas empresas preferem software de código fechado porque se der algum
 problema elas tem quem responsabilizar, quem apontar e culpar. Entre a
 M$ e qualquer outra menor, qual nome pesa mais?

 Ok, temos Red Hat e a Oracle, mas não é apenas sistema operacional. Há
 mais programas para manter suporte e culpar alguém em caso de falha.

 Tem uma matéria que saiu há um tempo na Linux Magazine de um desses
 gurus do open source que me fugiu o nome. Perguntado sobre o mesmo,
 sobre se software livre é mais seguro, ele respondeu (na prática foi um
 não) que apenas se aumentava a chance de se localizar e corrigir mais
 rapidamente falhas.

 Em Fri, 30 May 2014 22:18:42 -0300
 Antonio Novaes escreveu:

  Olá Rubens!
  Sobre a pergunta: Vcs acham q softwares livres estão + vulneráveis pra
  espionagem pelo governo? Sei q softwares proprietários geralmente
  espionam seus usuários.
  A resposta é não: o código é auditado por muita gente e praticamente o
  trabalho não pára. Enquanto os brasileiros vão dormir, os japoneses
  continuam trabalhando.
  A M$ costuma liberar atualizações importantes de segurança na
  terça-feira, ou seja.. se foi descoberta na quarta, espere até terça
  para ficar seguro. Mas o que foi pior é a falha de segurança que
  afetou os navegadores IE do 7 à 10.
  O OpenSSL foi corrigido em uma velocidade impressionante.
  Qual o problema? SL trabalha por prazer e para fazer o melhor. Pago
  trabalha para ganhar seu salário no final do mês e manter sua
  clientela. Note que são episódios isolados. Não são frequentes como é
  o caso de outros órgãos.
  Quando há uma vulnerabilidade é lançada a correção muito rápido.
  Lembre-se que o código que auditado muito e também estudados por todo
  tipo de pessoa.
  Terça-feira da M$:
  O termo *Patch Tuesday* é um pacote de atualizações da Microsoft para
  os seus produtos. Estes pacotes vêm pelo Windows Update atualmente, e são
  lançados em todas as segundas Terça-Feira de cada mês.
  O Patch Tuesday é lançado aproximadamente entre 17:00 e 18:00 (UTC Às vezes, há alguns patches de
  segurança lançados em mais de uma terça-feira no mês.
  Aparentemente a Microsoft tem um padrão de liberação de um maior
  número de atualizações em meses pares, e menos nos meses ímpares.
  Antonio Novaes de C. Jr
  Analista TIC - Sistema e Infraestrutura
  Pós-graduando em Segurança de Rede de Computadores
  LPIC-1 - Linux Certified Professional Level 1
  Novell Certified Linux Administrator (CLA)
  ID Linux: 481126 | LPI000255169
  LinkedIN: Perfil Público
  Em 30 de maio de 2014 19:49, Listeiro 037
   Quais são as melhores estratégias de segurança a serem
   implementadas? Não clicar em links de phishing é uma delas.
   Há o manual que vem no pacote harden. É suficiente?
   Ultimamente pesquisei sobre portscans e políticas de segurança. O
   que mais há de possível para eu implementar/inventar?
   * Configurar firewall com proteção contra os portscans mais comuns;
   * Forçar o firewall a permitir que a máquina apenas se conecte com
 mirrors durante o update/upgrade;
   * Configurar um proxy;
   * Desinstalar ferramentas de desenvolvimento e outros pacotes
 desnecessários (gcc, binutils etc.);
   * Alterar todos os arquivos com suid ativado para execução sem este
   * Manter certos diretórios do sistema montados com 'nodev',
   'noexec', 'nosuid'. Ex: /usr/..., /tmp, /var/...;
   * usar chattr em arquivos-chave de configuração para mantê-los
   * Mudar o arquivo de configuração do APT para não dar erro com
   alguma dessas configurações;
   * Configurar o loopback para barrar com endereços de sites de
 propaganda, adware...;
   * Usar SELINUX;
   Há certo exagero. Li um comentário dizendo que SELINUX não resolve
   certos problemas. Deve ser pela /N/S/A/.
   Muita coisa não deve ser necessária, mas onde encontrar algo que
   funcione, se há um sociopata me monitorando?
   Bem, hoje após mandar essa mensagem, *coincidentemente* recebi uma
   enxurrada de tópicos da sobre MITM
   em debian mirrors. Pelo menos umas 40 mensagens até agora que lerei
   com calma.
   Não compreendi o que poderiam ser estes poderes divinos (ou prá
   dizer a verdade, satânicos): acesso à linha telefônica, provedor,
   operadora, algum departamento de alguma estatal enxerida, /A/B/I/N/
   etc. Falta do 


2014-05-31 Thread danielneis .
esses tempos comprei um ssd da kingston e formatei normal, criei o ext4,
tudo padrão e funciona que é uma beleza, boot em 15s ;)

2014-05-30 17:46 GMT-03:00 Paulo Roberto P. Evangelista


 Comprei um disco SSD recentemente e gostaria de saber se ainda é
 necessario utilizar as opção discard no fstab, já que meu disco que
 é de 256GB e tem disponível para o usuário apenas 240GB pois 7% fica
 para o excesso de provisionamento? outra dúvida é a respeito do TRIM,
 pois li que mesmo habilitando tenho que forçar com um parametro extra
 no rc.local ou no cron, pq por default só funciona em discos ssd da
 intel e samsung.

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Daniel Neis Araujo

Conectar a dispositivo de mídia (MTP)

2014-05-31 Thread Márcio Vinícius Pinheiro
Caros colegas,

tenho um celular Moto G e não tenho conseguido conectá-lo ao Debian. O
celular me dá duas opções de conexão:
- PTP, pela qual ele funciona como se fosse uma máquina fotográfica. No
Debian, tenho acesso apenas às pastas de fotos, pelo Shotwell ou pelo
- MTP, pelo qual eu teria acesso ao dispositivo como se fosse um pendrive
(pelo menos é assim no Windows), me dando acesso a todos os arquivos.
Quando conectado por esse método, o Debian sequer acusa sua presença.

Como faço para ter meu celular reconhecido no Debian? Tem como?

- - - ·

Márcio Vinícius Pinheiro

Re: Conectar a dispositivo de mídia (MTP)

2014-05-31 Thread jaitony gmail

No Mac é do mesmo jeito

Em 31/05/14 14:31, Márcio Vinícius Pinheiro escreveu:

Caros colegas,

tenho um celular Moto G e não tenho conseguido conectá-lo ao Debian. O 
celular me dá duas opções de conexão:
- PTP, pela qual ele funciona como se fosse uma máquina fotográfica. 
No Debian, tenho acesso apenas às pastas de fotos, pelo Shotwell ou 
pelo Nautilus.
- MTP, pelo qual eu teria acesso ao dispositivo como se fosse um 
pendrive (pelo menos é assim no Windows), me dando acesso a todos os 
arquivos. Quando conectado por esse método, o Debian sequer acusa sua 

Como faço para ter meu celular reconhecido no Debian? Tem como?

- - - ·

Márcio Vinícius Pinheiro

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2014-05-31 Thread Tiago
A opção discard é que habilita o uso do TRIM pelo ext4. Portanto se 
você adicionar o discard nas partições do seu SSD (no /etc/fstab) não 
é necessário nenhum parâmetro extra no rc.local nem no cron.

Paulo Roberto P. Evangelista wrote, On 30-05-2014 17:46:


Comprei um disco SSD recentemente e gostaria de saber se ainda é
necessario utilizar as opção discard no fstab, já que meu disco que
é de 256GB e tem disponível para o usuário apenas 240GB pois 7% fica
para o excesso de provisionamento? outra dúvida é a respeito do TRIM,
pois li que mesmo habilitando tenho que forçar com um parametro extra
no rc.local ou no cron, pq por default só funciona em discos ssd da
intel e samsung.

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2014-05-31 Thread Paulo Roberto P. Evangelista
Tiago, li em algumas documentações que não é interessante fazer pelo fstab
com a opção discard, neste link segue a explicação
 A opção discard é que habilita o uso do TRIM pelo ext4. Portanto se você
adicionar o discard nas partições do seu SSD (no /etc/fstab) não é
necessário nenhum parâmetro extra no rc.local nem no cron.

Paulo Roberto P. Evangelista wrote, On 30-05-2014 17:46:


 Comprei um disco SSD recentemente e gostaria de saber se ainda é
 necessario utilizar as opção discard no fstab, já que meu disco que
 é de 256GB e tem disponível para o usuário apenas 240GB pois 7% fica
 para o excesso de provisionamento? outra dúvida é a respeito do TRIM,
 pois li que mesmo habilitando tenho que forçar com um parametro extra
 no rc.local ou no cron, pq por default só funciona em discos ssd da
 intel e samsung.


2014-05-31 Thread Tiago
Pois é, parece que a não recomendação de uso do discard é devido a 
alguns firmwares bugados.

Nesta thread é tratado um problema destes no ubuntu:

Aqui tem um post do Ts'o sobre o assunto:

Agora no ubuntu 14.04 tem inclusive um script no cron (fstrim) para 
fazer o trim semanalmente, mas ele só executa nos SSDs Intel e Samsumg, 
justamente devido a estes bugs.

Eu tenho um Kingston SV300S3 e ele tem funcionado normalmente com o 
discard, apesar de que eu não faço uso pesado de gravação nele.

Paulo Roberto P. Evangelista wrote, On 31-05-2014 18:18:

Tiago, li em algumas documentações que não é interessante fazer pelo 
fstab com a opção discard, neste link segue a explicação

A opção discard é que habilita o uso do TRIM pelo ext4. Portanto se 
você adicionar o discard nas partições do seu SSD (no /etc/fstab) 
não é necessário nenhum parâmetro extra no rc.local nem no cron.

Paulo Roberto P. Evangelista wrote, On 30-05-2014 tel:30-05-2014 17:46:


Comprei um disco SSD recentemente e gostaria de saber se ainda é
necessario utilizar as opção discard no fstab, já que meu disco que
é de 256GB e tem disponível para o usuário apenas 240GB pois 7% fica
para o excesso de provisionamento? outra dúvida é a respeito do TRIM,
pois li que mesmo habilitando tenho que forçar com um parametro extra
no rc.local ou no cron, pq por default só funciona em discos ssd da
intel e samsung.


2014-05-31 Thread Paulo Roberto P. Evangelista
A opção mais viável parece ser utilizar o comando fstrim no rc.local
ou então no cron, estou usando o script fstrim no cron.daily é está
funcionando perfeitamente. Meu disco também é kingston...

Model Family: SandForce Driven SSDs
Device Model: KINGSTON SV300S37A240G
Serial Number:50026B723A0272CE
LU WWN Device Id: 5 0026b7 23a0272ce
Firmware Version: 525ABBF0
User Capacity:240,057,409,536 bytes [240 GB]
Sector Size:  512 bytes logical/physical
Device is:In smartctl database [for details use: -P show]
ATA Version is:   8
ATA Standard is:  ACS-2 revision 3
Local Time is:Sat May 31 20:47:48 2014 BRT
SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability.
SMART support is: Enabled

Você mediu o desempenho após a troca do disco? O meu boot caiu para
9.33 segundos, até agora a única coisa que mudei foi o schedule IO
para deadline pois estou utilizando um disco SSD e um HDD

#  cat /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler
noop [deadline] cfq

Em 31 de maio de 2014 20:18, Tiago escreveu:
 Pois é, parece que a não recomendação de uso do discard é devido a alguns
 firmwares bugados.
 Nesta thread é tratado um problema destes no ubuntu:

 Aqui tem um post do Ts'o sobre o assunto:

 Agora no ubuntu 14.04 tem inclusive um script no cron (fstrim) para fazer o
 trim semanalmente, mas ele só executa nos SSDs Intel e Samsumg, justamente
 devido a estes bugs.

 Eu tenho um Kingston SV300S3 e ele tem funcionado normalmente com o discard,
 apesar de que eu não faço uso pesado de gravação nele.

 Paulo Roberto P. Evangelista wrote, On 31-05-2014 18:18:

 Tiago, li em algumas documentações que não é interessante fazer pelo fstab
 com a opção discard, neste link segue a explicação

 A opção discard é que habilita o uso do TRIM pelo ext4. Portanto se você
 adicionar o discard nas partições do seu SSD (no /etc/fstab) não é
 necessário nenhum parâmetro extra no rc.local nem no cron.

 Paulo Roberto P. Evangelista wrote, On 30-05-2014 17:46:


 Comprei um disco SSD recentemente e gostaria de saber se ainda é
 necessario utilizar as opção discard no fstab, já que meu disco que
 é de 256GB e tem disponível para o usuário apenas 240GB pois 7% fica
 para o excesso de provisionamento? outra dúvida é a respeito do TRIM,
 pois li que mesmo habilitando tenho que forçar com um parametro extra
 no rc.local ou no cron, pq por default só funciona em discos ssd da
 intel e samsung.

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Remove unwanted, orphaned files and dependencies

2014-05-31 Thread Horatio Leragon
After installation or uninstallation of software, I am quite sure there are 
unwanted files and orphaned dependencies lying around.

How do I do a spring cleaning of my OS?

Re: fastest linux distro

2014-05-31 Thread Gian Uberto Lauri
AFAIK WindowMaker can be part o a GNUStep DE. 

I started using it for the reduced colormap (useful with 256 colors), but now I 
am addicted to its rainbow patterns :D

Gian Uberto Lauri
Messaggio inviato da un tablet

 On 30/mag/2014, at 20:09, Steve Litt wrote:
 On Fri, 30 May 2014 10:38:50 +0200
 Gian Uberto Lauri  wrote:
 David Dušanić writes:
 Ok, we have to be even more correct on this, even JWM is just a
 window manager.
 One may agree with the precision of your classification.
 Or the same one may increase confusion by (rightfully) asserting that
 depending on user skills and habits, a WM and shell may be all the
 desktop environment a user needs, especially when she already has
 (or can create easily) all the inter-program communication required.
 And in addition to everything you just said, the WM/DE distinction
 isn't binary, it's a spectrum. At one end is KDE, where everything's
 provided and interconnected. At the other is something like JWM, which
 pretty much just manages windows.
 Between those extremes are things like LXDE, which provides quite a few
 apps, and IceWM, which provides a few. Then there's WindowMaker, which
 doesn't ship with all that much, but there are dozens of little apps
 and applets built from the ground up to interact with it.
 If I stretch, I could even make an assertion that a DE is a document
 telling what software to install and how to use it within your
 environment. For instance, there are tray and panel type things you can
 add to your OpenBox. The document could tell how to install
 suckless-tools and then add dmenu_run as a hotkeyed option for quicker
 running of programs.
 I guess what I'm saying is this: I know KDE is a Desktop Environment,
 and I know that JWM is a Window Manager, but with anything between
 those extremes, I don't know what to call it, and I guarantee you that
 if I call it one or the other, the guy I'm talking with will tell me
 I'm wrong.
 And even beyond that, I just don't understand the significance of the
 Steve Litt*
 Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance
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Prevent upstream packages from replacing locally modified packages

2014-05-31 Thread drupsspen

I have created a local package repository that I access over my local
network using NFS. I have so far used this repository for managing packages
that I want to install but that are not distributed with Debian. This works
fine but I have now run into a situation where I want to take a package
that already exists in Debian, change it and rebuild it and distribute on
my own machines. This creates a potential problem:

The potential scenario is that I rebuild the source package with my changes
and installs it on my own machines. Some time later the version of the
package in Debian is updated slightly. My machines see that there is an
update in Debian and installs it, replacing the custom package including my

Is there a way for me to configure Debian so that if a package is installed
from my local repository then updates to those packages should only be
installed from that same repository?

Thank you!

Re: Prevent upstream packages from replacing locally modified packages

2014-05-31 Thread Ville Korhonen
You can do that w/ apt pinning, see
Example 3.

On 31 May 2014 10:39, drupsspen wrote:


 I have created a local package repository that I access over my local
 network using NFS. I have so far used this repository for managing packages
 that I want to install but that are not distributed with Debian. This works
 fine but I have now run into a situation where I want to take a package
 that already exists in Debian, change it and rebuild it and distribute on
 my own machines. This creates a potential problem:

 The potential scenario is that I rebuild the source package with my
 changes and installs it on my own machines. Some time later the version of
 the package in Debian is updated slightly. My machines see that there is an
 update in Debian and installs it, replacing the custom package including my

 Is there a way for me to configure Debian so that if a package is
 installed from my local repository then updates to those packages should
 only be installed from that same repository?

 Thank you!

Re: Remove unwanted, orphaned files and dependencies

2014-05-31 Thread Floris
Op Sat, 31 May 2014 09:09:22 +0200 schreef Horatio Leragon

After installation or uninstallation of software, I am quite sure there  
are unwanted files and orphaned dependencies lying around.

How do I do a spring cleaning of my OS?

Try the following commands:

$ sudo apt-get autoremove --purge

This command will search and remove packages and his configuration with no  
dependencies. But maybe you like/ need the package

$ deborphan

Prints (default option) a list of libraries which are unused. You can  
remove these packages with

$ sudo apt-get remove --purge `deborphan`
(deborphan can also search for programs that are orphaned, but I will get  
a lot of false positives)

$ cruft

Cruft search for files on your system which doesn't belong to a package.  
It is up to you to decide if you need these files or not.


Re: no longer sound on amd64 sid systems

2014-05-31 Thread Elimar Riesebieter
* Paul Pignon [2014-05-30 11:59 +]:

 Andrei POPESCU andreimpopescu at writes:

No, please do

# echo options snd-hda-intel model=dell  /etc/modprobe.d/local.conf
 I did this, but modprobe snd-hda-intel still says invalid argument and I 
 have no idea why.

As mentioned before, a first step forward would be to post the
outpunt of:

# find /lib/modules -name '*snd-hda*'

to this list, though.

 You cannot propel yourself forward by
  patting yourself on the back.

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Re: How to declare default browser in JWM

2014-05-31 Thread David Dušanić
30.05.2014, 18:10, Steve Litt

 Anyone know how to change the default browser on JWM?

You could use Debian's alternative system:

update-alternatives --config x-www-browser

as root and choose your option.

David Dusanic

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Re: [SPAM tagged by PCNET] Re: Forcing question to be asked while presseeding

2014-05-31 Thread Richard Owlett

Brian wrote:

On Tue 27 May 2014 at 08:19:24 -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:

Debian GNU/Linux Installation Guide
   Appendix B. Automating the installation using preseeding
 B.5.2. Using preseeding to change default values
 B.2.2. Using boot parameters to preseed questions
suggest that I should be able to accomplish my goal. I need some
actual example to understand what the text is saying.

Which text is this that you do not understand?

Actually BOTH ;
  B.5.2. states It is possible to use preseeding to change the 
default answer

 for a question...
  B.2.2. states If a preconfiguration file cannot be used to 
preseed some steps,

 the install can still be fully automated...

That verifies feasibility.

My goal is to force the menu which asks to chose among typical uses
(i.e. Desktop|print server|laptop|etc).

Using preseeding to set a default answer for a question but still have
the question asked is described. Is there anything there which is not
amenable to a quick test or two?

Agreed ;/
I actually did two tests. Both *FAILED*.
The only conclusion (documentation assumed correct) is I be clueless.
Both tests based on pseudo-code in B.5.2.

Many decades ago, as an engineering co-op student, I LEARNED that 
what one writes/reads is heavily dependent on one's previous 

That's why I requested pointer to KNOWN WORKING example.

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Re: Assange and NSA

2014-05-31 Thread Chris Bannister
On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 09:31:32AM +0900, Joel Rees wrote:
 Off topic on the Debian user list? I think not.

I think so. That question is more appropriate for the debian-project
list because it concerns the umm, cough, Debian project.

It doesn't fit under the category of support.

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: What is the difference between linux-image-amd64 and linux-image-

2014-05-31 Thread Chris Bannister
On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 07:55:50AM -0700, Horatio Leragon wrote:
  Quite unlikely, but linux-image- could happen.
 OMG, is considered an upgrade over

5 is bigger than 4, so yes a higher version means it has been upgraded

 I was under the impression that 3.3 was considered to be an upgrade over 

Perhaps you should research version numbers, major upgrades, and minor

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: Assange and NSA

2014-05-31 Thread Slavko

Dňa Sat, 31 May 2014 23:39:13 +1200 Chris Bannister napísal:

 On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 09:31:32AM +0900, Joel Rees wrote:
  Off topic on the Debian user list? I think not.
 I think so. That question is more appropriate for the debian-project
 list because it concerns the umm, cough, Debian project.
 It doesn't fit under the category of support.

Hmm, do you thing, that if there are doubts about security of the
software included in Debian, these are not what the Debian's users need
to know about?

And directly about this the article is.



Description: PGP signature

Re: fastest linux distro

2014-05-31 Thread Tony Baldwin
On Fri, May 30, 2014 at 02:09:53PM -0400, Steve Litt wrote:
 On Fri, 30 May 2014 10:38:50 +0200
 Gian Uberto Lauri  wrote:
  David Dušanić writes:
Ok, we have to be even more correct on this, even JWM is just a
window manager.
  One may agree with the precision of your classification.
  Or the same one may increase confusion by (rightfully) asserting that
  depending on user skills and habits, a WM and shell may be all the
  desktop environment a user needs, especially when she already has
  (or can create easily) all the inter-program communication required.
 And in addition to everything you just said, the WM/DE distinction
 isn't binary, it's a spectrum. At one end is KDE, where everything's
 provided and interconnected. At the other is something like JWM, which
 pretty much just manages windows.

Sawfish and openbox, even metacity would fit in this last just manages
windows category, and, in fact, don't even include a panel, which I
think JWM has by default. (although, clearly, any of a variety of panels
can be added. I sometimes use fbpanel with openbox, but often run it
with nothing but a little conky to show CPU/RAM NETUP/DOWN TIME/DATE).
Some of these were essentially created to be the WM of a particular DE,
or can be swapped in. Metacity was initially the gnome wm, afaik, for
I've never done it, but I imagine one could run the KDE's WM, or XFWM,
or others alone (without the DE stuff).

 If I stretch, I could even make an assertion that a DE is a document
 telling what software to install and how to use it within your
 environment. For instance, there are tray and panel type things you can
 add to your OpenBox. The document could tell how to install
 suckless-tools and then add dmenu_run as a hotkeyed option for quicker
 running of programs.

I do this on my openbox.
I have Mod+p open dmenu to launch stuff.

art, music, software by me, tony

Description: Digital signature

Re: repeatable dpkg-buildpackage

2014-05-31 Thread Stephen Powell
On Tue, 27 May 2014 15:19:30 -0400 (EDT), Manoj Srivastava wrote:
 On Tue, May 27 2014, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

 Note that when building a headers package you must run the entire
 make-kpkg command under fakeroot: you can't use the --rootcmd fakeroot
 option in this case. -
 Is that accurate?
 --8---cut here---start-8---
  % cd /usr/local/src/kernel/linus-tree
  % git pull
  % make-kpkg clean
  % make-kpkg -j6 --initrd --rootcmd fakeroot\
  --revision=$(date +%Y.%m.%d)   \
  --append-to-version '-anzu' kernel_headers
 This is kernel package version 13.013.
 dpkg-deb: building package `linux-headers-3.15.0-rc7-anzu' in
 --8---cut here---end---8---

The above quote that Ralf referred to is mine.  I found that to be
the case by trial-and-error experimentation with the version of
kernel-package that was current at the time, which I believe was
12.036.  I found that

   make-kpkg ... --rootcmd fakeroot kernel_image kernel_headers

failed during the attempted creation of the headers package, but

   fakeroot make-kpkg ... kernel_image kernel_headers

worked.  I have not tried the above scenario with the new version
of kernel-package yet.  Both methods work fine for building the
kernel image package, but only the second one works for building
a headers package.  Note that I was referring specifically to
make-kpkg and not dpkg-buildpackage in general.

  .''`. Stephen Powell
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Re: fastest linux distro

2014-05-31 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Sb, 31 mai 14, 09:31:35, Chris Angelico wrote:
 No no, I was thinking more of 1GB as starved. Even for rescaling
 video on the fly (as often happens - the files come at whatever
 resolution they're at, and they're all played in full-screen mode),

I'm assuming 640x480 (since you mentioned Video output)? That's not a 
bid deal.

 1.5GB isn't bad. But if you have just 1GB, or 768MB, or 256MB, or
 whatever figure, can you still run a default Debian? How low can you
 go, without fiddling around enormously?

Debian performs nicely with 512 MB RAM in my experience if the CPU and 
video card can keep up.

 It's a bit more than just playing videos; it's a set of related tools
 for managing them, controlling playback remotely, etc. Not huge, and
 I'm sure I could create a massively cut-down system (is it possible to
 run VLC on top of X without a window manager??) and fit the same tasks
 into far less memory and a far less powerful CPU, but that would
 require a lot more fiddling.
startx /usr/bin/vlc

 Hmm, not sure that default Debian performs as well. My first
 Linification of that hardware was with Debian Jessie as of whenever it
 was I did it (earlier this year sometime), running Xfce with all the
 defaults. Playback, while immensely smoother than it had been under
 Windows, still glitched fairly often on largeish files. Now, with
 AntiX, the glitching is only on the highest of bit-rates, again with
 basically all the defaults, so I'd say there is a performance
 difference between the two. What the cause of that difference is,
 though, I can't say.

Xfce might be a bit much, depending on your processor and video card 
(you still didn't mention them). LXDE or just plain OpenBox should 
perform better.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Create backup of system-connections on a USB stick

2014-05-31 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Vi, 30 mai 14, 21:51:05, Horatio Leragon wrote:
 I would like to back up system-connections (full path is 
 /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections) on to a USB stick.
 The folder in question contains the imported profiles of several 
 OpenVPN config files.
 I tried to drag the said folder to my USB stick unsuccessfully. The 
 error message is Permission denied.

On my system the files under /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ are 
readable only by root, which explains the error message.

Probably simplest is to switch to root an copy the files to the stick. 
Be careful what you do with that stick, those files are protected for a 
reason (they might contain passwords or so).

Also if the stick is FAT32 you will loose all information about 
permissions, so if you ever copy them back you have to adjust those by 
hand accordingly.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: fastest linux distro

2014-05-31 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sun, Jun 1, 2014 at 12:27 AM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 On Sb, 31 mai 14, 09:31:35, Chris Angelico wrote:

 No no, I was thinking more of 1GB as starved. Even for rescaling
 video on the fly (as often happens - the files come at whatever
 resolution they're at, and they're all played in full-screen mode),

 I'm assuming 640x480 (since you mentioned Video output)? That's not a
 bid deal.

It's S-Video driving a PAL TV, so it's 576 lines of... uhh... and this
is where I demonstrate utter lack of knowledge of TV specs, I've no
idea how many pixels across. According to xrandr, it's running at
800x600, which presumably has to get rescaled down to 576 to get
shoved down the wire.

 (is it possible to
 run VLC on top of X without a window manager??)

 startx /usr/bin/vlc

Thanks. I might play with that some time to see if getting more stuff
out of the way improves playback. It may and may not give any visible

Of course, for any *real* system, I want a window manager. I do like
having those extra features. :)


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Re: fastest linux distro

2014-05-31 Thread Bzzz
On Sun, 1 Jun 2014 00:54:45 +1000
Chris Angelico wrote:

 It's S-Video driving a PAL TV, so it's 576 lines of... uhh... and
 this is where I demonstrate utter lack of knowledge of TV specs,


Debian is the Jedi operating system: Always two there are, a master and
an apprentice. -- Simon Richter on debian-devel

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Re: fastest linux distro

2014-05-31 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sun, Jun 1, 2014 at 1:00 AM, Bzzz wrote:
 On Sun, 1 Jun 2014 00:54:45 +1000
 Chris Angelico wrote:

 It's S-Video driving a PAL TV, so it's 576 lines of... uhh... and
 this is where I demonstrate utter lack of knowledge of TV specs,


Thanks. I looked up Wikipedia quickly but couldn't find it.


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Re: fastest linux distro

2014-05-31 Thread Bzzz
On Sun, 1 Jun 2014 01:04:16 +1000
Chris Angelico wrote:

 Thanks. I looked up Wikipedia quickly but couldn't find it.

wikipedia isn't the only information source :)

Anyway, video broadcast formats are quite a mess as 
there isn't only one format per standard :( Take a
look at:

BOFH excuse #370:

Virus due to computers having unsafe sex.

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Re: Remove unwanted, orphaned files and dependencies

2014-05-31 Thread Jörg-Volker Peetz
The aptitude command offers some help:

$ aptitude search '~c'

searches for packages that were removed but not purged, i.e., their
configuration files are still present;
to get rid of these files order

$ aptitude purge '~c'


$ aptitude search '~g'

searches for packages not required by any manually installed packages.
If you are sure you want to get rid of them order something like

$ aptitude purge $(aptitude -F %p search '~g')


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Re: [SPAM tagged by PCNET] Re: Forcing question to be asked while presseeding

2014-05-31 Thread Brian
[Please don't shout. I've got a headache.]

On Sat 31 May 2014 at 06:35:55 -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:

 Brian wrote:
 Using preseeding to set a default answer for a question but still have
 the question asked is described. Is there anything there which is not
 amenable to a quick test or two?
 Agreed ;/
 I actually did two tests. Both *FAILED*.
 The only conclusion (documentation assumed correct) is I be clueless.
 Both tests based on pseudo-code in B.5.2.
 Many decades ago, as an engineering co-op student, I LEARNED that
 what one writes/reads is heavily dependent on one's previous
 That's why I requested pointer to KNOWN WORKING example.

Do you think it might help if we had details of the tests done?

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interpreting Gkrellm charts

2014-05-31 Thread Gary Dale
I'm running Debian/Jessie on an AMD64 system using KDE. My system 
periodically grinds to a halt for a minute or so then resumes as if 
nothing had happened. This only happens when I'm running KDE. Gnome and 
xfce work properly, even with the same applications open.

I recently installed Gkrellm (using default settings) to see what is 
happening when my system grinds to a halt. The only unusual part I see 
in it is that the procs box has the brown line climbing to the top of 
the chart.  Interestingly, the slope of the brown line continues 
throughout the slowdown, which suggests that whatever it is measuring is 
continuing to increase.

There is also a sudden increase in disk activity. The two seem to be 
related as the disk activity does seem to happen only when the computer 
gets slow.

The slowdown ends when the brown line in the proc box starts dropping. 
I'm not sure what the line is supposed to be showing. Simultaneously the 
disk activity drops dramatically. Usually the disk activity is measured 
in k but when the computer slows down, it jumps up to M.

Iotop output doesn't show any particular process doing anything unusual. 
The same goes for top. Even Gkrellm doesn't show any significant CPU 

I have 16G of ram so the swap partition is barely used. Turning it off 
seems to have no impact on performance.

Any ideas on what would be causing a periodic slowdown in KDE? Or any 
suggestions on how to identify the source of the problem?

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Re: fastest linux distro

2014-05-31 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Fri, 2014-05-30 at 12:54 +0200, Thierry de Coulon wrote:
 Who cares if it's a DE or not if it does all one expects from one?

I don't care and btw. I don't claim that JWM is a DE. The discussion
started about speed. I don't think it was about a quick startup, but
about a fast GUI performance. After a while lightness in the sense
of how much RAM is needed for the WM/DE became the topic.

It's important to distinguish the RAM space of a WM that only does
handle windows, with a DE where already the desktop is a comfortable
file manager, at least to take care that the lightweight WM does need
more additional things that will need additional RAM.

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Re: How to declare default browser in JWM

2014-05-31 Thread Steve Litt
On Fri, 30 May 2014 21:35:55 +0200
Linux-Fan wrote:

 On 05/30/2014 06:10 PM, Steve Litt wrote:
  Hi all,
  After installing JWM, I copied /etc/jwm/system.jwmrc to ~/.jwmrc and
  changed the window close hotkey, added a Shift+Ctrl+; key to invoke
  dmenu_run, changed the active window to have a red border, and a
  lot of other stuff, but I can find no way to change the default
  browser, and Google didn't help. Right now it defaults to Arora,
  and I want it to default to xxxterm.
  Anyone know how to change the default browser on JWM?
 I would try update-alternatives(8).
 # update-alternatives --config x-www-browser
 # update-alternatives --config gnome-www-browser

Thanks, Linux-Fan!


Steve Litt*
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

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Re: How to declare default browser in JWM

2014-05-31 Thread Steve Litt
On Sat, 31 May 2014 12:22:55 +0200
David Dušanić wrote:

 30.05.2014, 18:10, Steve Litt
  Anyone know how to change the default browser on JWM?
 You could use Debian's alternative system:
 update-alternatives --config x-www-browser
 as root and choose your option.

Thanks David!


Steve Litt*
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

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Sawfish and Openbox: was fastest linux distro

2014-05-31 Thread Steve Litt
On Sat, 31 May 2014 08:51:13 -0400
Tony Baldwin wrote:

 Sawfish and openbox, even metacity would fit in this last just
 manages windows category, and, in fact, don't even include a panel,
 which I think JWM has by default. 

You're just the person I need to talk to, Tony. Right now I've switched
over from Xfce to Openbox, and like it. Except for one thing: the fonts
look a whole lot worse on Openbox, and I have very bad vision, so this
isn't aesthetics: It affects the speed at which I work. Do you know of
a way to make fonts on Openbox look like the ones on Xfce?

Now, about Sawfish...

I just tried Sawfish last night, and was unable to get past the black
screen. Left click, right click, middle click did nothing. I tried
various keys, they did nothing. I think once I can configure the thing
with hotkeys, I can own it, but I can't even get that far. How do you
begin operating Sawfish?



Steve Litt*
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

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Re: fastest linux distro

2014-05-31 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sat, 2014-05-31 at 08:51 -0400, Tony Baldwin wrote:
 Sawfish and openbox, even metacity would fit in this last just
 manages windows category, and, in fact, don't even include a panel,
 which I think JWM has by default.

Correct, JWM e.g. provides a panel by default, OTOH JWM anyway needs
less RAM than many other WMs and nobody is forced to use the panel, IOW
comparing WMs and DEs by the minimal needed RAM is tricky. A user should
compare the RAM usage, performance, stability by monitoring it for the
user's individual work-flow in combination with often needed apps.

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no plugins under Chrome

2014-05-31 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom


I have been trying to get pipelight to run under Sid and Chrome, in 
order to use Netflix, to no avail, when I stumbled upon this:

Which says in effect release 34 removed the complete NPAPI plugin 
interface, so its not possible to use any other plugins (besides the 
integrated PepperFlash one) anymore.

If you need plugins other than PepperFlash, forget Chrome. Too bad.


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Re: interpreting Gkrellm charts

2014-05-31 Thread Gary Dale

On 31/05/14 12:43 PM, William Unruh wrote:

In linux.debian.user, you wrote:

I'm running Debian/Jessie on an AMD64 system using KDE. My system
periodically grinds to a halt for a minute or so then resumes as if
nothing had happened. This only happens when I'm running KDE. Gnome and
xfce work properly, even with the same applications open.

I recently installed Gkrellm (using default settings) to see what is
happening when my system grinds to a halt. The only unusual part I see
in it is that the procs box has the brown line climbing to the top of
the chart.  Interestingly, the slope of the brown line continues
throughout the slowdown, which suggests that whatever it is measuring is
continuing to increase.

That is the number of processes that are running
The blue/green things there are how many forks there are within some
Possibly not. Sorry, I'm actually using the prev theme, not the 
default one (right-click on the header, select theme | prev). This shows 
the number of procs as a number. The number remains fairly steady over 
time. Under xfce (which I am currently using - this KDE problem is just 
too annoying), the (proc) brown line floats around a bit while the blue 
chart shows lots of spikes. Under KDE, the brown line goes well above 
the blue spikes. On the disk chart, the brown and blue charts show 
spikes in xcfe but jump to a solid high level under KDE during the 
slowdown - although I do have one saved screenshot where the disk 
activity shows a high number but the brown and blue charts are both at a 
low level.

There is also a sudden increase in disk activity. The two seem to be
related as the disk activity does seem to happen only when the computer
gets slow.

It could be swapping.
top will show swap useage. anything about about 1% of the swap memory
used suggests things have gotten swapped out, which means your memory
filled up and that will certainly slow things down (disk is about 1/1000
the speed of real memory)

I thought about that too, but it's not.

The slowdown ends when the brown line in the proc box starts dropping.
I'm not sure what the line is supposed to be showing. Simultaneously the
disk activity drops dramatically. Usually the disk activity is measured
in k but when the computer slows down, it jumps up to M.

Iotop output doesn't show any particular process doing anything unusual.
The same goes for top. Even Gkrellm doesn't show any significant CPU

I have 16G of ram so the swap partition is barely used. Turning it off
seems to have no impact on performance.

OK, so swapping is not the problem.

Also it could be that various helper programs (msec, akonida,
updatedb) are reviewing stuff in your computer.
Probably, but with top and iotop not showing any significant activity 
for any process, how can I track down which one?

Any ideas on what would be causing a periodic slowdown in KDE? Or any
suggestions on how to identify the source of the problem?

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Re: media 'slideshow': movies + pictures

2014-05-31 Thread John L. Cunningham
On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 01:14:27PM +0200, Wim Bertels wrote:
 ps: goal, setup a dynamic random slideshow (pic + movie) for the
 grandmother only using the power button
How important is random? I've done something similar by making a screen 
recording of feh doing a slide show, and then aadding a soundtrack using a 
video editor (Might have been Pitivi but it also could have been OpenShot, it's 
been a while.)

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Re: Assange and NSA

2014-05-31 Thread Paul E Condon
On 20140531_2339+1200, Chris Bannister wrote:
 On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 09:31:32AM +0900, Joel Rees wrote:
  Off topic on the Debian user list? I think not.
 I think so. That question is more appropriate for the debian-project
 list because it concerns the umm, cough, Debian project.
 It doesn't fit under the category of support.

The description of the debian-user list from is:

debian-user: Help and discussion among users of Debian

A lot is going on in the world outside Debian. Every user of Debian
should be free to raise any topic that (s)he believes is important to
the Debian 'mission', which heavily invested in the proposition that
software is and ought to be open and free (as in freedom). This is
what 'discussion among users of Debian' means to me.

The subject of the OP is Assange and NSA. NSA has been accused of
somehow infiltrating Debian and enslaving it. Assange is a celebrity,
well known to almost everyone in the computer world, for innovative
use of the internet to publish 'leaked' information. 

Any news event involving both, together, should be mentioned here,
because of the nature of Debian, what it is and what it stands for. 

I have found that the commercial news channels in USA do not report
this type of news very well or very quickly. How much discussion this
report deserves is up to us to decide, but only after we hear about

Paul E Condon

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Re: Create backup of system-connections on a USB stick

2014-05-31 Thread Andrew McGlashan
On 1/06/2014 12:35 AM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 On Vi, 30 mai 14, 21:51:05, Horatio Leragon wrote:
 I would like to back up system-connections (full path is 
 /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections) on to a USB stick.

 The folder in question contains the imported profiles of several 
 OpenVPN config files.

 I tried to drag the said folder to my USB stick unsuccessfully. The 
 error message is Permission denied.
 On my system the files under /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ are 
 readable only by root, which explains the error message.
 Probably simplest is to switch to root an copy the files to the stick. 
 Be careful what you do with that stick, those files are protected for a 
 reason (they might contain passwords or so).
 Also if the stick is FAT32 you will loose all information about 
 permissions, so if you ever copy them back you have to adjust those by 
 hand accordingly.

Tails has a neat method to keep this sort of stuff persistent.

If you need a copy of setting on any device that might not be secure,
then just encrypt the file before storing it -- then so long as you know
the key (perhaps gpg symetric), then you are golden.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Sawfish and Openbox: was fastest linux distro

2014-05-31 Thread Filip
On Sat, 31 May 2014 12:59:06 -0400
Steve Litt wrote:

 On Sat, 31 May 2014 08:51:13 -0400
 Tony Baldwin wrote:
  Sawfish and openbox, even metacity would fit in this last just
  manages windows category, and, in fact, don't even include a panel,
  which I think JWM has by default. 
 You're just the person I need to talk to, Tony. Right now I've
 switched over from Xfce to Openbox, and like it. Except for one
 thing: the fonts look a whole lot worse on Openbox, and I have very
 bad vision, so this isn't aesthetics: It affects the speed at which I
 work. Do you know of a way to make fonts on Openbox look like the
 ones on Xfce?

See here:

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Re: interpreting Gkrellm charts

2014-05-31 Thread Steve Litt
On Sat, 31 May 2014 12:26:01 -0400
Gary Dale wrote:

 Any ideas on what would be causing a periodic slowdown in KDE? Or any 
 suggestions on how to identify the source of the problem?

This is pure guess, not a valid troubleshooting diagnostic test, but
back in the days when I had KDE libraries on my machine and used Kmail,
occasionally a KDE-initiated dbus-daemon process would go rogue and
consume upward of 95% of my CPU, sometimes 99%. I Cured the problem
with a script that hunted down long-running (5 seconds or more) 95% plus
dbus-daemon instances. Nowadays I have no KDE libraries or programs, so
I no longer use my script.

Top or htop would show what's burning up your CPU, or perhaps memory.

If it turns around it's rogue dbus-daemon processes, I can give you my



Steve Litt*
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

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Re: Forcing question to be asked while presseeding

2014-05-31 Thread Curt
On 2014-05-27, Richard Owlett wrote:

 My goal is to force the menu which asks to chose among typical 
 uses (i.e. Desktop|print server|laptop|etc).

Have you tried

# set the default
tasksel tasksel/first multiselect standard, desktop
# have the question asked anyway
tasksel tasksel/first seen false


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Re: Sawfish and Openbox: was fastest linux distro

2014-05-31 Thread Tony Baldwin
On Sat, May 31, 2014 at 12:59:06PM -0400, Steve Litt wrote:
 On Sat, 31 May 2014 08:51:13 -0400
 Tony Baldwin wrote:
  Sawfish and openbox, even metacity would fit in this last just
  manages windows category, and, in fact, don't even include a panel,
  which I think JWM has by default. 
 You're just the person I need to talk to, Tony. Right now I've switched
 over from Xfce to Openbox, and like it. Except for one thing: the fonts
 look a whole lot worse on Openbox, and I have very bad vision, so this
 isn't aesthetics: It affects the speed at which I work. Do you know of
 a way to make fonts on Openbox look like the ones on Xfce?

I don't see a difference, although Openbox does manage fonts differently
to my knowledge.
They should be anti-aliased and all that.
You can select default fonts and stuff in the rc.xml file or with obconf 
(graphical openbox configuration tool). You can choose the font, set size, etc.
Maybe take a look at this thread on the #! forum:
(Crunchbang, #!, is a little distro that is basically Debian with Openbox as 
default WM).

 Now, about Sawfish...
 I just tried Sawfish last night, and was unable to get past the black
 screen. Left click, right click, middle click did nothing. I tried
 various keys, they did nothing. I think once I can configure the thing
 with hotkeys, I can own it, but I can't even get that far. How do you
 begin operating Sawfish?

Hmmmmiddle click should give you a menu, at least, 
from which you should be able to find the keybindings configuration tool 
and see the default bindings.
I haven't used it in a good long while, and don't currently have it installed.
Find documentation on their wiki:

all tony, all day long...

Description: Digital signature

Re: interpreting Gkrellm charts

2014-05-31 Thread David
On 1 June 2014 03:05, Gary Dale wrote:
 On 31/05/14 12:43 PM, William Unruh wrote:

 In linux.debian.user, you wrote:

 I'm running Debian/Jessie on an AMD64 system using KDE. My system
 periodically grinds to a halt for a minute or so then resumes as if
 nothing had happened. This only happens when I'm running KDE. Gnome and
 xfce work properly, even with the same applications open.

 I recently installed Gkrellm (using default settings) to see what is
 happening when my system grinds to a halt. The only unusual part I see
 in it is that the procs box has the brown line climbing to the top of
 the chart.  Interestingly, the slope of the brown line continues
 throughout the slowdown, which suggests that whatever it is measuring is
 continuing to increase.

 That is the number of processes that are running
 The blue/green things there are how many forks there are within some

 Possibly not. Sorry, I'm actually using the prev theme, not the default
 one (right-click on the header, select theme | prev). This shows the number
 of procs as a number. The number remains fairly steady over time. Under xfce
 (which I am currently using - this KDE problem is just too annoying), the
 (proc) brown line floats around a bit while the blue chart shows lots of
 spikes. Under KDE, the brown line goes well above the blue spikes. On the
 disk chart, the brown and blue charts show spikes in xcfe but jump to a
 solid high level under KDE during the slowdown - although I do have one
 saved screenshot where the disk activity shows a high number but the brown
 and blue charts are both at a low level.

My interest in reading and helping with the specifics of your problem
pretty much evaporated when you persist in using brown and blue as
identifiers, even after you realise that the colors change depending
on the particular theme you are using. I think you are more likely to
receive help if you make the effort to learn what all the gkrellm
plots represent and present your problem in those terms instead of
talking about the pretty colors. That will both improve your
understanding of what is happening, and make it easier for people to
help you.

If you right-click on the proc plot you can discover that one curve is
load and the other is forks. The fact that one may or may not be
above the other is irrelevant because they both autoscale

In the gkrellm configuration for the proc builtin, you can read the
info tab that explains more about that. Also in the setup of the proc
builtin I have entered this format string
\w1000\e$p\f procs\w1000\e$l\f load\n\e$u\f users\w1000\e$f\f forks

It gives more information, but nowhere near what running 'top' offers.
I guess that the gkrellm curve you care about is load, so you
probably need to look at the load average numbers in top. Searching
for information on this will find useful links like these:

Also 'iotop' can tell you what process is doing disk read/writes, this
might be helpful if you feel that the slowdown is correlated with some
process that is disk-intensive.

Once you have the process ID numbers, you can use a tool like 'pstree
-p' to better see what initiates the offending process.

I have no idea about KDE.

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Re: Assange and NSA

2014-05-31 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sat, May 31, 2014 at 11:53:00AM -0600, Paul E Condon wrote:
 On 20140531_2339+1200, Chris Bannister wrote:
  On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 09:31:32AM +0900, Joel Rees wrote:
   Off topic on the Debian user list? I think not.
  I think so. That question is more appropriate for the debian-project
  list because it concerns the umm, cough, Debian project.
  It doesn't fit under the category of support.
 The description of the debian-user list from is:
 debian-user: Help and discussion among users of Debian

That seems to be a bit of a misnomer, IOW discussion among users of
Debian leaves the field wide open. :( 

There is debian-publicity which says: Coordination of all the work
related to the external communication of Debian: drafting new announces,
collecting important information that Debian should relay to its
community, ...

In fact:
has already addressed the issue.

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: interpreting Gkrellm charts

2014-05-31 Thread Gary Dale

On 31/05/14 03:25 PM, David wrote:

On 1 June 2014 03:05, Gary Dale wrote:

On 31/05/14 12:43 PM, William Unruh wrote:

In linux.debian.user, you wrote:

I'm running Debian/Jessie on an AMD64 system using KDE. My system
periodically grinds to a halt for a minute or so then resumes as if
nothing had happened. This only happens when I'm running KDE. Gnome and
xfce work properly, even with the same applications open.

I recently installed Gkrellm (using default settings) to see what is
happening when my system grinds to a halt. The only unusual part I see
in it is that the procs box has the brown line climbing to the top of
the chart.  Interestingly, the slope of the brown line continues
throughout the slowdown, which suggests that whatever it is measuring is
continuing to increase.

That is the number of processes that are running
The blue/green things there are how many forks there are within some

Possibly not. Sorry, I'm actually using the prev theme, not the default
one (right-click on the header, select theme | prev). This shows the number
of procs as a number. The number remains fairly steady over time. Under xfce
(which I am currently using - this KDE problem is just too annoying), the
(proc) brown line floats around a bit while the blue chart shows lots of
spikes. Under KDE, the brown line goes well above the blue spikes. On the
disk chart, the brown and blue charts show spikes in xcfe but jump to a
solid high level under KDE during the slowdown - although I do have one
saved screenshot where the disk activity shows a high number but the brown
and blue charts are both at a low level.

My interest in reading and helping with the specifics of your problem
pretty much evaporated when you persist in using brown and blue as
identifiers, even after you realise that the colors change depending
on the particular theme you are using. I think you are more likely to
receive help if you make the effort to learn what all the gkrellm
plots represent and present your problem in those terms instead of
talking about the pretty colors. That will both improve your
understanding of what is happening, and make it easier for people to
help you.

If you right-click on the proc plot you can discover that one curve is
load and the other is forks. The fact that one may or may not be
above the other is irrelevant because they both autoscale
Actually I don't discover that at all. That information is hidden away 
in an info tab when I right-click on the Proc name bar, not in the plot 
area. The name bar doesn't respond to left-clicks, just to right clicks, 
while the chart area responds to left clicks by turning the procs and 
users info on and off.

It takes a fair amount of interpretation to guess that the line is 
reporting forks while the vertical bars are possibly procs (or 
vice-versa) since the the line graph goes up and down while the number 
of procs reported stays constant. Similarly the spikes in the vertical 
bar chart don't seem to reflect the stable number of procs being reported.

It would be helpful, but would require a larger interface, to have 
on-screen labels for the various graphs, such as a tool-tip style popup 
telling you what the line or bar is measuring.

In the gkrellm configuration for the proc builtin, you can read the
info tab that explains more about that. Also in the setup of the proc
builtin I have entered this format string
\w1000\e$p\f procs\w1000\e$l\f load\n\e$u\f users\w1000\e$f\f forks

My proc setup was \w88\a$p\f procs\n\e$u\f users. When I try yours, it shows 
two more numbers in the right side of the chart area. The top number goes 
between 0.6 and 0.8 from time to time while the bottom number jumps around 
between 1 and 6.

It gives more information, but nowhere near what running 'top' offers.
I guess that the gkrellm curve you care about is load, so you
probably need to look at the load average numbers in top. Searching
for information on this will find useful links like these:

Also 'iotop' can tell you what process is doing disk read/writes, this
might be helpful if you feel that the slowdown is correlated with some
process that is disk-intensive.

Once you have the process ID numbers, you can use a tool like 'pstree
-p' to better see what initiates the offending process.

I have no idea about KDE.

Unfortunately, neither top nor iotop identifies a process as doing 
anything remotely strenuous. However, iotop does confirm that the total 
i/o going on when the computer is rather a lot. This is what GKrellm 
also shows in a nicer format. The processes that iotop shows as doing a 
little disk activity are the same whether the computer is running slow 
or running normally. It doesn't seem to show what is doing the large 
amounts of disk I/O.

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Re: [SPAM tagged by PCNET] Re: Forcing question to be asked while presseeding

2014-05-31 Thread Richard Owlett

Brian wrote:

[Please don't shout. I've got a headache.]

On Sat 31 May 2014 at 06:35:55 -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:

Brian wrote:

Using preseeding to set a default answer for a question but still have
the question asked is described. Is there anything there which is not
amenable to a quick test or two?

Agreed ;/
I actually did two tests. Both *FAILED*.
The only conclusion (documentation assumed correct) is I be clueless.
Both tests based on pseudo-code in B.5.2.

Many decades ago, as an engineering co-op student, I LEARNED that
what one writes/reads is heavily dependent on one's previous

That's why I requested pointer to KNOWN WORKING example.

Do you think it might help if we had details of the tests done?


Only one of the tests was relevant to my stated goal.
The other was a random test to see if marking ANYTHING as not 
seen worked.

That is why I EXPLICITLY asked for pointer to ANY *WORKING* example.

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Re: [SPAM tagged by PCNET] Re: Forcing question to be asked while presseeding

2014-05-31 Thread Richard Owlett

Curt wrote:

On 2014-05-27, Richard Owlett wrote:

My goal is to force the menu which asks to chose among typical
uses (i.e. Desktop|print server|laptop|etc).

Have you tried

# set the default
tasksel tasksel/first multiselect standard, desktop
# have the question asked anyway
tasksel tasksel/first seen false


That's one of the failures.
Has that worked for anyone?

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Re: [SPAM tagged by PCNET] Re: Forcing question to be asked while presseeding

2014-05-31 Thread Brian
[My headache is turning into a migraine.]

On Sat 31 May 2014 at 16:20:38 -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:

 Brian wrote:
 [Please don't shout. I've got a headache.]
 Do you think it might help if we had details of the tests done?
 Only one of the tests was relevant to my stated goal.

Knowing details of that one would mean we had more to go on than we had

 The other was a random test to see if marking ANYTHING as not seen

And knowing this would also increase our knowledge considerably.

 That is why I EXPLICITLY asked for pointer to ANY *WORKING* example.

It could come in time. Considering you are holding your cards so close
to your chest I suppose asking what priority you ran d-i at may be a
fruitless question.

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Re: Prevent upstream packages from replacing locally modified packages

2014-05-31 Thread Linux-Fan
On 05/31/2014 09:38 AM, drupsspen wrote:
 I have created a local package repository that I access over my local
 network using NFS. I have so far used this repository for managing packages
 that I want to install but that are not distributed with Debian. This works
 fine but I have now run into a situation where I want to take a package
 that already exists in Debian, change it and rebuild it and distribute on
 my own machines. This creates a potential problem:
 The potential scenario is that I rebuild the source package with my changes
 and installs it on my own machines. Some time later the version of the
 package in Debian is updated slightly. My machines see that there is an
 update in Debian and installs it, replacing the custom package including my
 Is there a way for me to configure Debian so that if a package is installed
 from my local repository then updates to those packages should only be
 installed from that same repository?
 Thank you!

As already pointed out, you can use APT-pinning. Another solution could
be to increase the version number of your package so that it will always
be above a Debian version and therefore ``updates'' will only be
considered if they have a greater version, i.e. are updates to your
modified version.



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Create backup of system-connections on a USB stick

2014-05-31 Thread Horatio Leragon

 From: Andrei POPESCU
Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2014 10:35 PM
Subject: Re: Create backup of system-connections on a USB stick

 Probably simplest is to switch to root an copy the files to the stick. 

How do I switch to root? During installation of Debian, I expressly clicked 
No to Allow login as root option.

 Also if the stick is FAT32 you will loose all information about permissions, 
 so if you ever copy them back you have to adjust those 
 by hand accordingly.

Please show me how to adjust those permissions back to their original forms.

Re: Create backup of system-connections on a USB stick

2014-05-31 Thread Horatio Leragon

 From: Andrew McGlashan
Sent: Sunday, June 1, 2014 2:12 AM
Subject: Re: Create backup of system-connections on a USB stick

 Tails has a neat method to keep this sort of stuff persistent.


I am unable to find it in Debian's packages (stable, testing, unstable, 

Re: interpreting Gkrellm charts

2014-05-31 Thread David
On 1 June 2014 06:49, Gary Dale wrote:
 On 31/05/14 03:25 PM, David wrote:

 On 1 June 2014 03:05, Gary Dale wrote:

 On 31/05/14 12:43 PM, William Unruh wrote:

 In linux.debian.user, you wrote:

 I'm running Debian/Jessie on an AMD64 system using KDE. My system
 periodically grinds to a halt for a minute or so then resumes as if
 nothing had happened. This only happens when I'm running KDE. Gnome and
 xfce work properly, even with the same applications open.

 I recently installed Gkrellm (using default settings) to see what is
 happening when my system grinds to a halt. The only unusual part I see
 in it is that the procs box has the brown line climbing to the top of
 the chart.  Interestingly, the slope of the brown line continues
 throughout the slowdown, which suggests that whatever it is measuring
 continuing to increase.

 That is the number of processes that are running
 The blue/green things there are how many forks there are within some

 Possibly not. Sorry, I'm actually using the prev theme, not the default
 one (right-click on the header, select theme | prev). This shows the
 of procs as a number. The number remains fairly steady over time. Under
 (which I am currently using - this KDE problem is just too annoying), the
 (proc) brown line floats around a bit while the blue chart shows lots of
 spikes. Under KDE, the brown line goes well above the blue spikes. On the
 disk chart, the brown and blue charts show spikes in xcfe but jump to a
 solid high level under KDE during the slowdown - although I do have one
 saved screenshot where the disk activity shows a high number but the
 and blue charts are both at a low level.

 My interest in reading and helping with the specifics of your problem
 pretty much evaporated when you persist in using brown and blue as
 identifiers, even after you realise that the colors change depending
 on the particular theme you are using. I think you are more likely to
 receive help if you make the effort to learn what all the gkrellm
 plots represent and present your problem in those terms instead of
 talking about the pretty colors. That will both improve your
 understanding of what is happening, and make it easier for people to
 help you.

 If you right-click on the proc plot you can discover that one curve is
 load and the other is forks. The fact that one may or may not be
 above the other is irrelevant because they both autoscale

 Actually I don't discover that at all. That information is hidden away in an
 info tab when I right-click on the Proc name bar, not in the plot area. The
 name bar doesn't respond to left-clicks, just to right clicks, while the
 chart area responds to left clicks by turning the procs and users info on
 and off.

 It takes a fair amount of interpretation to guess that the line is reporting
 forks while the vertical bars are possibly procs (or vice-versa) since the
 the line graph goes up and down while the number of procs reported stays
 constant. Similarly the spikes in the vertical bar chart don't seem to
 reflect the stable number of procs being reported.

 It would be helpful, but would require a larger interface, to have on-screen
 labels for the various graphs, such as a tool-tip style popup telling you
 what the line or bar is measuring.

 In the gkrellm configuration for the proc builtin, you can read the
 info tab that explains more about that. Also in the setup of the proc
 builtin I have entered this format string
 \w1000\e$p\f procs\w1000\e$l\f load\n\e$u\f users\w1000\e$f\f forks

 My proc setup was \w88\a$p\f procs\n\e$u\f users. When I try yours, it shows
 two more numbers in the right side of the chart area. The top number goes
 between 0.6 and 0.8 from time to time while the bottom number jumps around
 between 1 and 6.

 It gives more information, but nowhere near what running 'top' offers.
 I guess that the gkrellm curve you care about is load, so you
 probably need to look at the load average numbers in top. Searching
 for information on this will find useful links like these:

 Also 'iotop' can tell you what process is doing disk read/writes, this
 might be helpful if you feel that the slowdown is correlated with some
 process that is disk-intensive.

 Once you have the process ID numbers, you can use a tool like 'pstree
 -p' to better see what initiates the offending process.

 I have no idea about KDE.

 Unfortunately, neither top nor iotop identifies a process as doing anything
 remotely strenuous. However, iotop does confirm that the total i/o going on
 when the computer is rather a lot. This is what GKrellm also shows in a
 nicer format. The processes that iotop shows as doing a little disk activity
 are the same whether the computer is running slow or running 

Re: interpreting Gkrellm charts

2014-05-31 Thread Gary Dale

On 31/05/14 11:05 PM, David wrote:

On 1 June 2014 06:49, Gary Dale wrote:

On 31/05/14 03:25 PM, David wrote:

On 1 June 2014 03:05, Gary Dale wrote:

On 31/05/14 12:43 PM, William Unruh wrote:

In linux.debian.user, you wrote:

I'm running Debian/Jessie on an AMD64 system using KDE. My system
periodically grinds to a halt for a minute or so then resumes as if
nothing had happened. This only happens when I'm running KDE. Gnome and
xfce work properly, even with the same applications open.

I recently installed Gkrellm (using default settings) to see what is
happening when my system grinds to a halt. The only unusual part I see
in it is that the procs box has the brown line climbing to the top of
the chart.  Interestingly, the slope of the brown line continues
throughout the slowdown, which suggests that whatever it is measuring
continuing to increase.

That is the number of processes that are running
The blue/green things there are how many forks there are within some

Possibly not. Sorry, I'm actually using the prev theme, not the default
one (right-click on the header, select theme | prev). This shows the
of procs as a number. The number remains fairly steady over time. Under
(which I am currently using - this KDE problem is just too annoying), the
(proc) brown line floats around a bit while the blue chart shows lots of
spikes. Under KDE, the brown line goes well above the blue spikes. On the
disk chart, the brown and blue charts show spikes in xcfe but jump to a
solid high level under KDE during the slowdown - although I do have one
saved screenshot where the disk activity shows a high number but the
and blue charts are both at a low level.

My interest in reading and helping with the specifics of your problem
pretty much evaporated when you persist in using brown and blue as
identifiers, even after you realise that the colors change depending
on the particular theme you are using. I think you are more likely to
receive help if you make the effort to learn what all the gkrellm
plots represent and present your problem in those terms instead of
talking about the pretty colors. That will both improve your
understanding of what is happening, and make it easier for people to
help you.

If you right-click on the proc plot you can discover that one curve is
load and the other is forks. The fact that one may or may not be
above the other is irrelevant because they both autoscale

Actually I don't discover that at all. That information is hidden away in an
info tab when I right-click on the Proc name bar, not in the plot area. The
name bar doesn't respond to left-clicks, just to right clicks, while the
chart area responds to left clicks by turning the procs and users info on
and off.

It takes a fair amount of interpretation to guess that the line is reporting
forks while the vertical bars are possibly procs (or vice-versa) since the
the line graph goes up and down while the number of procs reported stays
constant. Similarly the spikes in the vertical bar chart don't seem to
reflect the stable number of procs being reported.

It would be helpful, but would require a larger interface, to have on-screen
labels for the various graphs, such as a tool-tip style popup telling you
what the line or bar is measuring.

In the gkrellm configuration for the proc builtin, you can read the
info tab that explains more about that. Also in the setup of the proc
builtin I have entered this format string
\w1000\e$p\f procs\w1000\e$l\f load\n\e$u\f users\w1000\e$f\f forks

My proc setup was \w88\a$p\f procs\n\e$u\f users. When I try yours, it shows
two more numbers in the right side of the chart area. The top number goes
between 0.6 and 0.8 from time to time while the bottom number jumps around
between 1 and 6.

It gives more information, but nowhere near what running 'top' offers.
I guess that the gkrellm curve you care about is load, so you
probably need to look at the load average numbers in top. Searching
for information on this will find useful links like these:

Also 'iotop' can tell you what process is doing disk read/writes, this
might be helpful if you feel that the slowdown is correlated with some
process that is disk-intensive.

Once you have the process ID numbers, you can use a tool like 'pstree
-p' to better see what initiates the offending process.

I have no idea about KDE.

Unfortunately, neither top nor iotop identifies a process as doing anything
remotely strenuous. However, iotop does confirm that the total i/o going on
when the computer is rather a lot. This is what GKrellm also shows in a
nicer format. The processes that iotop shows as doing a little disk activity
are the same whether the computer is running slow or running normally. It
doesn't seem to show what is 

Re: interpreting Gkrellm charts

2014-05-31 Thread Gary Dale

On 31/05/14 11:05 PM, David wrote:

On 1 June 2014 06:49, Gary Dale wrote:

On 31/05/14 03:25 PM, David wrote:

On 1 June 2014 03:05, Gary Dale wrote:

On 31/05/14 12:43 PM, William Unruh wrote:

In linux.debian.user, you wrote:

I'm running Debian/Jessie on an AMD64 system using KDE. My system
periodically grinds to a halt for a minute or so then resumes as if
nothing had happened. This only happens when I'm running KDE. Gnome and
xfce work properly, even with the same applications open.

I recently installed Gkrellm (using default settings) to see what is
happening when my system grinds to a halt. The only unusual part I see
in it is that the procs box has the brown line climbing to the top of
the chart.  Interestingly, the slope of the brown line continues
throughout the slowdown, which suggests that whatever it is measuring
continuing to increase.

That is the number of processes that are running
The blue/green things there are how many forks there are within some

Possibly not. Sorry, I'm actually using the prev theme, not the default
one (right-click on the header, select theme | prev). This shows the
of procs as a number. The number remains fairly steady over time. Under
(which I am currently using - this KDE problem is just too annoying), the
(proc) brown line floats around a bit while the blue chart shows lots of
spikes. Under KDE, the brown line goes well above the blue spikes. On the
disk chart, the brown and blue charts show spikes in xcfe but jump to a
solid high level under KDE during the slowdown - although I do have one
saved screenshot where the disk activity shows a high number but the
and blue charts are both at a low level.

My interest in reading and helping with the specifics of your problem
pretty much evaporated when you persist in using brown and blue as
identifiers, even after you realise that the colors change depending
on the particular theme you are using. I think you are more likely to
receive help if you make the effort to learn what all the gkrellm
plots represent and present your problem in those terms instead of
talking about the pretty colors. That will both improve your
understanding of what is happening, and make it easier for people to
help you.

If you right-click on the proc plot you can discover that one curve is
load and the other is forks. The fact that one may or may not be
above the other is irrelevant because they both autoscale

Actually I don't discover that at all. That information is hidden away in an
info tab when I right-click on the Proc name bar, not in the plot area. The
name bar doesn't respond to left-clicks, just to right clicks, while the
chart area responds to left clicks by turning the procs and users info on
and off.

It takes a fair amount of interpretation to guess that the line is reporting
forks while the vertical bars are possibly procs (or vice-versa) since the
the line graph goes up and down while the number of procs reported stays
constant. Similarly the spikes in the vertical bar chart don't seem to
reflect the stable number of procs being reported.

It would be helpful, but would require a larger interface, to have on-screen
labels for the various graphs, such as a tool-tip style popup telling you
what the line or bar is measuring.

In the gkrellm configuration for the proc builtin, you can read the
info tab that explains more about that. Also in the setup of the proc
builtin I have entered this format string
\w1000\e$p\f procs\w1000\e$l\f load\n\e$u\f users\w1000\e$f\f forks

My proc setup was \w88\a$p\f procs\n\e$u\f users. When I try yours, it shows
two more numbers in the right side of the chart area. The top number goes
between 0.6 and 0.8 from time to time while the bottom number jumps around
between 1 and 6.

It gives more information, but nowhere near what running 'top' offers.
I guess that the gkrellm curve you care about is load, so you
probably need to look at the load average numbers in top. Searching
for information on this will find useful links like these:

Also 'iotop' can tell you what process is doing disk read/writes, this
might be helpful if you feel that the slowdown is correlated with some
process that is disk-intensive.

Once you have the process ID numbers, you can use a tool like 'pstree
-p' to better see what initiates the offending process.

I have no idea about KDE.

Unfortunately, neither top nor iotop identifies a process as doing anything
remotely strenuous. However, iotop does confirm that the total i/o going on
when the computer is rather a lot. This is what GKrellm also shows in a
nicer format. The processes that iotop shows as doing a little disk activity
are the same whether the computer is running slow or running normally. It
doesn't seem to show what is 

Re: Create backup of system-connections on a USB stick

2014-05-31 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 01 Jun 2014 04:04:29 +0200, Horatio Leragon  

Andrei POPESCU, Saturday, May 31, 2014 10:35 PM:

Probably simplest is to switch to root an copy the files to the stick.

How do I switch to root? During installation of Debian, I expressly  
clicked No to Allow login as root option.

sudo -i

Also if the stick is FAT32 you will loose all information about  
permissions, so if you ever copy them back you have to adjust those

by hand accordingly.

Please show me how to adjust those permissions back to their original  

Assumed there's no data on the stick, IOW assumed you plan to copy to a  
stick, then don't copy the directories and files directly, but write the  
directories and files to a tar archive, so all the permissions are  
preserved and you're free to compress the archive.

cd /path/to/dir/you/want/to/copy/
tar --exclude=file_that_should_not_be_copied -czf  
/pa/th/backup_file.bak.tar.gz * .hidden_file

You should read some howtos about shell globbing, before you write data to  
an archive.
You should read some howtos about how to use tar, e.g. how to restore data  
from the archive.


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Re: Create backup of system-connections on a USB stick

2014-05-31 Thread Andrew McGlashan
On 1/06/2014 12:08 PM, Horatio Leragon wrote:
 *From:* Andrew McGlashan
 Tails has a neat method to keep this sort of stuff persistent.

Tails - Privacy for anyone anywhere
  - [T]he [A]mnesic [I]ncognito [L]ive [S]ystem (based on Debian)
  - this is a TOR project.


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Re: How can I benchmark my brand new usb 3.0 WD My Passport hdd

2014-05-31 Thread Andrew McGlashan
On 30/05/2014 12:18 AM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 On Jo, 29 mai 14, 16:06:26, Anubhav Yadav wrote:
 It's not exactly obvious what you're trying to achieve. You already 
 bought the drive. Do you intend to return it if the tested speeds are 
 not to your liking?

Well, drives are cheap, but if it isn't up to scratch -- then it can
perhaps be used differently.  If it is up to scratch, then great; either
way it would be good to validate.

Speeds can vary on different machines too though, chipsets vary, CPU and
other details vary ... so benchmarking can give poor results with some
equipment and better results with other equipment.  The Universal part
of USB is just the port, the attached equipment is often not very
universal at all (hence the need for specific device drivers).

 Or maybe you just want to know what speeds to expect when doing 
 real-life transfers? Then the best test is to actually time those 

Yes, if you know you have a slow drive, like some Sandisk 64GB USB 2.0
sticks I brought recently (comatose slow) ... you can use them for
specific non time critical storage.  Get better USB sticks [or other
media] for works that need transfers done more quickly.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Create backup of system-connections on a USB stick

2014-05-31 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2014-06-01 at 06:29 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 Assumed there's no data on the stick, IOW assumed you plan to copy to a  
 stick, then don't copy the directories and files directly, but write the  
 directories and files to a tar archive, so all the permissions are  
 preserved and you're free to compress the archive.
 cd /path/to/dir/you/want/to/copy/
 tar --exclude=file_that_should_not_be_copied -czf 
 /pa/th/backup_file.bak.tar.gz * .hidden_file
 You should read some howtos about shell globbing, before you write data to  
 an archive.
 You should read some howtos about how to use tar, e.g. how to restore data  
 from the archive.

PS: Also read
man chown
man chmod

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Re: no plugins under Chrome

2014-05-31 Thread Patrick Bartek
On Sat, 31 May 2014, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

 I have been trying to get pipelight to run under Sid and Chrome, in 
 order to use Netflix, to no avail, when I stumbled upon this:
 Which says in effect release 34 removed the complete NPAPI plugin 
 interface, so its not possible to use any other plugins (besides the 
 integrated PepperFlash one) anymore.

That's Cnrome v35 that's without the NPAPI, not v34.  You need to
read more carefully.  Downgrading to v34 is the fix.

 If you need plugins other than PepperFlash, forget Chrome. Too bad.

I just updated to v. 35 a week or so ago, and just noticed today that
VLC and its plugin don't work, but do work in Iceweasel. Wondered what
happened. Now I know.


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Re: Create backup of system-connections on a USB stick

2014-05-31 Thread Horatio Leragon

 From: Ralf Mardorf
Sent: Sunday, June 1, 2014 12:29 PM
Subject: Re: Create backup of system-connections on a USB stick

 cd /path/to/dir/you/want/to/copy/
 tar --exclude=file_that_should_not_be_copied -czf  
 /pa/th/backup_file.bak.tar.gz * .hidden_file

The asterisk * is appended to backup_file.bak.tar.gz or .hidden_file?

What is .hidden_file?

 You should read some howtos about shell globbing, before you write data to an 
 You should read some howtos about how to use tar, e.g. how to restore data 
 from the archive.

Where is a reliable source for such info for Debian platform?

Re: Create backup of system-connections on a USB stick

2014-05-31 Thread Horatio Leragon

 From: Andrew McGlashan
To: Horatio Leragon; 
Sent: Sunday, June 1, 2014 12:54 PM
Subject: Re: Create backup of system-connections on a USB stick

 Tails - Privacy for anyone anywhere
 - [T]he [A]mnesic [I]ncognito [L]ive [S]ystem (based on Debian)
 - this is a TOR project.

How is Tails relevant to answering my question?

Are you a troll?

Re: Create backup of system-connections on a USB stick

2014-05-31 Thread Horatio Leragon

 From: Ralf Mardorf
Sent: Sunday, June 1, 2014 1:24 PM
Subject: Re: Create backup of system-connections on a USB stick

 PS: Also read
 man chown
 man chmod

I have read those man pages whose contents are only useful to those with a 
background in IT and computer science.

What I see in them are just heaps of formulae which I do not know how to apply.

What I need are examples of how to use those formulae. Unfortunately man pages 
are lacking in them.

Re: dmesg segfault error meldingen

2014-05-31 Thread Jan-Rens Reitsma
Paul van der Vlis schreef op vr 30-05-2014 om 12:52 [+0200]:
 op 30-05-14 09:56, Jan-Rens Reitsma schreef:

  Ik heb in elk geval een (te?) oude colord.
  Version: 0.1.21-1
  moet (misschien eerst?) vervangen worden door
  Version: 0.1.21-2
  Volgens mij zit colord 0.1.21-2 nog niet bij de wheezy packages.
 Inderdaad. En ook niet bij de proposed updates:
 Dus het komt waarschijnlijk ook niet in de volgende point-release.
 Zie ook:
 Waarschijnlijk vond men het probleem niet erg genoeg om te repareren
 in stable.

Daar zit wel wat in! Als Debian-gebruiker zou je bijvoorbeeld eerst in, en
de .xsession-errors-file in je home-dir kunnen rondsnuffelen voordat
je de moed opgeeft. Ik heb zo'n lichtgroen vermoeden dat je de segfault
meldingen weg kunt krijgen door de configuratie van Gnome via
de gnome-session-manager of de gnome-color-manager aan te passen. :-)

Ik zag gisteren al een paar foutmeldingen in .xsession-errors staan die
in de richting van configuratiefouten in DBus lijken te wijzen.

Vriendelijke groeten,

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Configuratie van GNOME 3 in Wheezy: foutmeldingen in .xsession-errors

2014-05-31 Thread Jan-Rens Reitsma

In het bestand .xsession-errors op mijn dikke, slome laptop staan veel
foutmeldingen die wijzen op configuratiefouten van gnome-session en
DBus, te beginnen met:

(gnome-settings-daemon:3923): color-plugin-WARNING **: failed to get
devices: Failed to GetDevices:
GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive
a reply (timeout by message bus)

(gnome-settings-daemon:3923): color-plugin-WARNING **: failed to create
device: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not
receive a reply (timeout by message bus)

De tekst (timeout by message bus) lijkt erop te duiden dat het
opstarten van Gnome 3 (GNOME 3?) al direct na het inloggen vertraagd
wordt door configuratiefouten. Ik weet niet of hoe veel fouten in de
configuratie van GNOME 3 van Jessie voorkomen. In
de .xsession-errors-file van de Wheezy-variant van Xfce staan geen
meldingen van (zulke ernstige) fouten.

Dat lijkt mij reden genoeg om te overwegen om op Jessie over te stappen
of om te leren hoe je de configuratie van GNOME 3 kunt optimaliseren.

Vriendelijke groeten,

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Re: dmesg segfault error meldingen

2014-05-31 Thread Jan-Rens Reitsma
Huub Reuver schreef op vr 30-05-2014 om 13:51 [+0200]:
   colord[3595]: segfault at 8 ip 08052674 sp bfc78cb0 error 4 in
 Standaard is eerst de melding reproduceren (soms erg lastig), dan indien
 mogelijk het probleem isoleren. Melding is noodzakelijk als de fout nog 
 niet bekend is, jouw fout kan soms een variatie zijn die andere problemen
 aanwijst die nog niet bekend/opgelost zijn.

Het localiseren van de fout was in dit geval niet zo moeilijk omdat de
foutmelding in de uitvoer van dmesg opdook, kort nadat de inlogprocedure
uitgevoerd was:

[   23.568397] lp: driver loaded but no devices found
[   23.698235] ppdev: user-space parallel port driver
- inloggen ---
[   65.673855] colord[3480]: segfault at 8 ip 08052674 sp bfb6e4c0 error
4 in colord[8048000+2]
[   79.496859] iwlwifi :02:00.0: Tx aggre...

Uit ps -edaf kon ik afleiden dat 3480 waarschijnlijk een eerdere PID van
colord moest zijn:

colord3498 1  0 10:44 ?
00:00:00 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/colord/colord-sane
colord3503 1  0 10:44 ?
00:00:00 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/colord/colord

 Kijken naar verschillende pc's is altijd een goede eerste stap.

Ik heb een nieuwe laptop met Wheezy GNOME 3 die hetzelfde probleem laat

   Volgens mij zit colord 0.1.21-2 nog niet bij de wheezy packages.
  Inderdaad. En ook niet bij de proposed updates:
  Dus het komt waarschijnlijk ook niet in de volgende point-release.
  Zie ook:
 Als je een algemene oplossing wil hebben zou je eens kunnen zoeken naar
 nullderef (PAX). PAX levert je waarschijnlijk nog veel meer fouten op 
 (i.e. het maakt fouten zichtbaar) en is in die zin niet triviaal. Niet 
 moeilijk, maar het kost tijd.
 PAX kun je vinden in het handbook van Hardened Gentoo of op de site
 van grsecurity. En waarschijnlijk moet je een eigen kernel compileren
 om ermee te kunnen werken.
 Binnen Debian werken PAX en GrSecurity goed, maar je verlaat de paden
 die de meeste Debian-developers gaan. Meeste packages zullen blijven 
 werken, maar je moet meer configureren voordat het werkt. Soms zul je
 ervoor kiezen security in te leveren voor functionaliteit.
 PAX en GrSecurity stellen dat een NullDeref een startpunt is voor een
 mogelijke exploit. De PAX developer kreeg in 2011 een PWNie for Lifetime 

Interessant, maar voor mij te hoog gegrepen. Bij het idee dat ik op die
manier in een dependency hell zou kunnen belanden begin ik haast te
hyperventileren uit angst voor een op hande zijnde kernel panic.

Bedankt voor je opmerkingen en vriendelijke groeten,

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