Re: kdm, desktop-base and theme across two heads

2007-11-10 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel

On 10 November 2007 at 11:58, Andrew Sackville-West wrote:
| On Sat, Nov 10, 2007 at 11:50:35AM -0600, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
| > 
| > Hi all,
| > 
| > Using the nice desktop-base package, I prettified my two-head desktop to
| > greet me under kdm with the same theme as my laptop had.
| > 
| > Unfortunately, on a dual-head machine (using nvidia and twinview, if that
| > matters) the theme sticks only to one screen.  I can't seem to find a hint 
| > change that.  Any ideas?
| please provide relevant data like: what hardware, contents of
| xorg.conf.

I think you misunderstand. Xorg.conf works as advertised -- I've had the dual
heads for many months.

But the 'theme for kdm' activated via desktop-base is only only screen 1 of 2
whereas screen 2 still has the default kde background. I would like the theme
to extend to screen 1 and 2.

Thanks, Dirk
| Also, what do you mean by: sticks to only one screen. Are you able to
| use both screens? is it just the desktop wallpaper that won't go to
| both screens? just the panels? we need more specific descriptions as
| we can't see what is happening.
| A

Three out of two people have difficulties with fractions.

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kdm, desktop-base and theme across two heads

2007-11-10 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel

Hi all,

Using the nice desktop-base package, I prettified my two-head desktop to
greet me under kdm with the same theme as my laptop had.

Unfortunately, on a dual-head machine (using nvidia and twinview, if that
matters) the theme sticks only to one screen.  I can't seem to find a hint to
change that.  Any ideas?

Please CC me on replied, and I look forward to suggestions, incl a maybe more
pertinent place to post this question.

Cheers, Dirk

Three out of two people have difficulties with fractions.

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Re: checkinstall lacking on stable

2007-06-23 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel

On 23 June 2007 at 09:31, Ross Boylan wrote:
| On Fri, 2007-06-22 at 00:32 -0700, Francesco Pietra wrote:
| > I am now at such cases for amd64 (dual core opterons)
| > with OpenMPI (a parallelization support) and Amber (a
| > molecular dynamics package), which I wish to compile
| > with my installed intel fortran and c. 
| I can't help with your problem, but your mail raises a couple of
| questions.  I heard a couple years ago that Intel had made some changes
| to their compilers that made them not work (or maybe not work well) with
| chips from other vendors.  Is that information inaccurate?
| Also, some of us are working on getting R and OpenMPI working together.
| If anyone has done that, or would like to help, just speak up.

Yes, I made a first stab and have something really rudimentary.

But it has been moved 'back down the queue' as I (as part of the pkg-openmpi
team on Alioth) am trying to get an all new, all shiny OpenMPI into
Debian. Maybe this weekend.  If and when it happens, I *will* post in
debian-science (and possibly debian-devel) to reach other MPI maintainers and

And yes, once we have a properly maintained and non-buggy OpenMPI package, it
will be worthwhile coordinating with other the MPI implementation packages,
and updating the packages using MPI (and particularly lam) such as Rmpi.  

Help would be welcome on any and all of these projects. For the R/MPI
intersection, I am currently the only worker bee so this is bound to be


Hell, there are no rules here - we're trying to accomplish something. 
  -- Thomas A. Edison

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Re: [R] How to install R 2.2.0 Debian 'unstable' package in otherwise 'sarge' system

2005-10-12 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel

First off, there is even a r-sig-debian list in the universe of R mailing
lists (c.f. the R FAQ). That probably provides a more focused readership
than the union of r-help (where many won't know Debian) and debian-user
(where many won't know R).

On Wed, Oct 12, 2005 at 04:04:50PM -0500, Dan Davison wrote:
> I would like to install the latest version of R (the statistical computing 
> software). This is package r-base version 2.2.0 and is in the debian 
> 'unstable' repository. Otherwise my system has 'sarge' packages, including 
> r-base 2.1.0. What is the best way to do this? 

Short answers: 

i) In general, and especially between 'testing' and 'unstable', use
apt-pinning, explained in the apt-howto packages, esp apt-howto-en for
English; and on various places across the Net; try Google'ing for

That way you get the option of installing selected parts of unstable without
being forced to upgrade wholesale.  Myself and countless other have used
this for years between testing and unstable.  However, I am not so sure how
well it works between stable and unstable. It may work now as stable is
fairly recent, but may fail further down the road.

ii) In this particular case, and as explained in the R FAQ, the CRAN
archives have an apt-get'able section for Debian stable. However, Christian,
the (CC'ed) maintainer of this backport was traveling between conferences in
the US and has not yet provided R 2.2.0 (which was released less than a week
ago, after all).  It should appear shortly.

> to unstable, must I compile R myself, or is there some way to install this 
> as a debian package?

You can also recompile locally using one of two ways:

iii) as a local Debian package, and apt-get source makes that almost automatic
(provided you have source URIs in /etc/apt/sources.list, and that the
Build-Depends are actually satisfiable under Debian stable), or

iv) as non-Debian compile into /usr/local

If you're in a hurry, iv) is your way.  If you're intrigued by iii), try it.
If you can wait a few days, ii) is probably your best bet.

> I have tried:
> (i) pointing /etc/apt/sources.list at unstable, apt-get updating and then 
> apt-get install r-base. This results in
> [... full output at bottom of email ...]
> E: This installation run will require temporarily removing the essential
> package e2fsprogs due to a Conflicts/Pre-Depends loop. This is often bad,
> but if you really want to do it, activate the APT::Force-LoopBreak option.
> E: Internal Error, Could not early remove e2fsprogs
> which scares me into desisting with this course of action.

I'd agree. Don't force things against warnings like this.

> (ii) apt-get install -t unstable r-base, but it replies that 
> r-base is already the newest version. Have I not invoked this command 
> correctly, or does the -t switch not do what I was thinking it did?

Did you run 'apt-get update' after altering /etc/apt/sources.list ?

Try 'apt-cache policy r-base-core' which will tell you about the versions it
knows, where they are from, and how they are prioritized (aka "pinned").

> Thanks very much for any help,

Pleasure. Let me know in private mail if this is clear enough, and we could
even follow up on a local phone call.

Greetings from across town to Hyde Park,  Dirk

> Dan
> dd:/home/dan# apt-get install r-base
> Reading Package Lists... Done
> Building Dependency Tree... Done
> The following extra packages will be installed:
>e2fslibs e2fsprogs gcc-3.4-base libblkid1 libc6 libc6-dev libg2c0 
> libgcc1 libss2
>libuuid1 locales r-base-core r-base-dev r-recommended
> Suggested packages:
>gpart parted e2fsck-static glibc-doc ess libpaper-utils
> The following NEW packages will be installed:
>e2fslibs gcc-3.4-base libblkid1 libss2 libuuid1
> The following packages will be upgraded:
>e2fsprogs libc6 libc6-dev libg2c0 libgcc1 locales r-base r-base-core 
> r-base-dev
> 10 upgraded, 5 newly installed, 0 to remove and 536 not upgraded.
> Need to get 0B/21.4MB of archives.
> After unpacking 5886kB of additional disk space will be used.
> Do you want to continue? [Y/n] Y
> E: This installation run will require temporarily removing the essential 
> package e2fsprogs due to a Conflicts/Pre-Depends loop. This is often bad, 
> but if you really want to do it, activate the APT::Force-LoopBreak option.
> E: Internal Error, Could not early remove e2fsprogs
> __
> mailing list
> PLEASE do read the posting guide!

Statistics: The (futile) attempt to offer certainty about uncertainty.
 -- Roger Koenker, 'Dictionary of Received Ideas of Statistics'

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Re: XEmacs octave mode (font lock problem)

2004-02-04 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel
On Thu, Feb 05, 2004 at 12:49:15PM +0900, Victor Munoz wrote:
>  Hello. Lately I've had a problem with editing octave files with
>  XEmacs. I'm using Debian woody, and this may be an issue with the 
>  distribution or with XEmacs. So I'm posting this to the octave help
>  and debian user lists, in case someone has a clue. 
>  When I open a file, XEmacs loads octave mode. However, when I try
>  to edit it (for instance, I add a space in a line such as 'if fig==8,',
>  XEmacs complains:
>   (warning/warning) Error caught in font-lock-pre-idle-hook': (error No such
> face font-lock-builtin-face)
>   Now, searching in the Internet I found discussions about this issue, 
>   but they're very old. In fact, I got this same warning when I used
>   Debian potato. Last year I switched to woody, and I was glad to see
>   it disappear, so I understood the patch was available in the woody
>   distribution. However, now I installed a new machine, installed the same
> XEmacs/octave packages I had before, and the problem is here again!
> In case it helps, I use xemacs 21 (mule version, not-gnome version), and
> the octave package. Octave mode works better with emacs 21,
> but I still prefer what I used to have a few months ago with xemacs.
> Any ideas? Thanks in advance,

Well, is from Debian stable and therefore almost two years old.

Another bug report regarding XEmacs and the very latest octave2.1-emacsen
package was filed recently [1], and addressed with a small patch by JWE. You
could try the newer .el files from a current octave2.1-emacsen package -- as
this isn't binary code, it can't interfere with your stable system. But
you'd need to manually tweak the installation or simply overwrite the .el
files and then rebuild the .elc (see what the postinst does).

In the long run, as the 'code gap' between stable and the newer upstream
widens, it would be nice if someone started to provides backports of current
testing/unstable packages to stable -- would be a place to

Hth, Dirk


The relationship between the computed price and reality is as yet unknown.  
 -- From the pac(8) manual page

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Quantian 0.3 released

2003-06-10 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel

Version 0.3 of Quantian is now available. 

 o Now based on clusterKnoppix: this adds support for OpenMosix,
   including terminalserver support for booting cluster nodes
   off the machine running quantian

 o Bowing to popular demand, we added the comedi control and
   measurement device interface, the grass geographical information
   system, the gri language for scientific graphics programming and 
   the ipython python shell. We also re-introduced the lyx LaTeX 
   document processor, added XEmacs which clusterKnoppix removes and
   fixes a few small bugs.
The Quantian pages are at

and Quantian iso images are available at
Regards,  Dirk   
Don't drink and derive. Alcohol and analysis don't mix.

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[ANN] Quantian: A Knoppix remastering for Scientific Computing

2003-05-29 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel

[ If there is sufficient interest, this may morph into a Debian subproject.
  Please contact me if you would want to be part of it.  --edd ]

 Announcing the "Quantian Scientific Computing Environment"

   A Knoppix / Debian variant tailored to
 numerical and quantitative analysis

Quantian is a remastering of Knoppix, the self-configuring bootable cdrom
that turns any pc or laptop into a full-featured Linux workstation.  This
version is based on Knoppix 3.2 (2003-05-20), an earlier release based on
Knoppix 3.1 (2003-01-20) is still available; see below for URLs.

Quantian differs from Knoppix by adding a set of programs of interest to
applied or theoretical workers in quantitative or data-driven fields. The
added programs include

 o R, including several add-on packages (such as tseries, RODBC, coda,
   mcmcpack, gtkdevice, rgtk, rquantlib), out-of-the box support for the
   powerful ESS modes for Emacs as well as the Ggobi visualisation program
 o Octave with add-on packages octave-forge, octave-sp, octave-epstk,
   matwrap and Inline::Octave 
 o Maxima, including the x11 front-end and emacs support
 o the Gnu Scientific Library (GSL) incl example binaries
 o the Pari/GP, Gap, Ginac and Yacas computer algebra systems
 o the Quantlib quantitative finance library incl. the Python interface
 o the OpenDX and Mayavi data visualization systems
 o TeXmacs for wysiwyg (La)TeX editing
 o and various other programs such apcalc, aribas, autoclass, euler, evolver,
   freefem, gambit, geg, geomview, glpk, gnuplot, gperiodic, gmt, gretl, 
   lp-solve, mcl, multimix, rasmol, plotutils, pgapack, pspp, pdl, rcalc,
   yorick and xlispstat

while at the same time retaining programs and features already in Knoppix

 o Auto-configuration of graphics, sound, disks, networking, auxiliary 
   devices which is second to none among computer installations
 o The current version 3.1 of the KDE desktop environment
 o The GNU compiler suite comprising gcc, g77, g++ compilers 
   in releases 2.95, 3.2 and 3.3 as well as gcj in version 3.2
 o Perl and Python with loads of add-ons, plus ruby, tcl, ...
 o The Emacs and Vim editors, as well as kate, joe, kate, nedit and zile
 o A complete teTeX TeX and LaTeX setup for scientific publishing
 o Gnumeric, Abiword, Koffice, ... office tools
 o a Swiss-army knife collection of networking tools allowing access
   to wired and wireless lans, covering ethernet, isdn or dial-up modems

In total, over 1200 Debian packages are included.

Quantian iso images are available at

and a Quantian overview page, including a recent paper, is at

Plans for future versions are not set in stone but may entail support for
OpenMosix clustering.  Comments, questions, feedback are more than welcome! 

 -- Dirk Eddelbuettel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Tue, 27 May 2003 21:27:40 -0500

Don't drink and derive. Alcohol and analysis don't mix.

Don't drink and derive. Alcohol and analysis don't mix.

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Re: nfs-root booting works for 2.2.* client, but not 2.4.19

2002-09-21 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel

On Sat, Sep 21, 2002 at 10:42:53PM -0300, Jorge L. deLyra wrote:
> > I now crash right here. The last good lines are
> >   VFS: Mounted root (nfs filesystem)
> >   Freeing unused kernel memory: 76k freed
> >   Undable to handle kernel paging request at vritual address 14d58d54
> > printing eip:
> >   [ gooblehoo ... ]
> >
> > Ans you're right -- that is exactly where 2.2.2* pass control to init. The
> > next line is 'Activating swap'.  It starts to smell like a memory issue.
> Yes, this is where diskless nodes with bad memory crash more often. Since
> 2.2 and 2.4 probably use memory in different ways, it might be that you
> are just lucky to get through with 2.2. I guess a standalone memtest run
> is in order. You can run it from floppy and it is a sure-fire thing...

No, the machine should be fine in and by itself. Two computers ago, it was
my main workstation. I just changed it again to boot in 2.2.21 and copied
/usr/sbin/memtest (from the sysutils package) over; memtest is currently
running merrily and I'd be surprised if it showed something.

I suspect that I am falling victim to either a resource starvation (that
would be rather bad as 2.4.* ought to boot in 32mb) or, more likely, a
misconfiguration.  The odd thing is that by now, the larger of the two 
working 2.2.2* bzimages is 711k, whereas the non-functional 2.4.19 is 737k,
or only 26k more. That can't be it.  

I must be missing one dreaded configuration. Darn.

Thanks again, Dirk

Good judgement comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgement. 
-- Fred Brooks

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Re: nfs-root booting works for 2.2.* client, but not 2.4.19

2002-09-21 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel

On Sat, Sep 21, 2002 at 08:54:15PM -0300, Jorge L. deLyra wrote:
> This is a bit confusing. This is neither a fail-to-mount-root panic nor a
> cant-find-init panic, it's an Ooops, a processing error within the kernel.

Right. And fiddling some more, I actually get a little further:

> The partition check is before mounting the root and before init comes in.
> Here is the sequence from my box, with 2.4.19:
> -
> ...
> Partition check:
>  hda: hda1 hda2 hda3 hda4 < hda5 hda6 >
>  hdb: hdb1
>  hdc: hdc1
>  hdd: hdd1 hdd2
> NET4: Linux TCP/IP 1.0 for NET4.0
> IP Protocols: ICMP, UDP, TCP, IGMP
> IP: routing cache hash table of 2048 buckets, 16Kbytes
> TCP: Hash tables configured (established 16384 bind 16384)
> Linux IP multicast router 0.06 plus PIM-SM
> NET4: Unix domain sockets 1.0/SMP for Linux NET4.0.
> VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem) readonly.

I now crash right here. The last good lines are
  VFS: Mounted root (nfs filesystem)
  Freeing unused kernel memory: 76k freed
  Undable to handle kernel paging request at vritual address 14d58d54
printing eip:
  [ gooblehoo ... ]

Ans you're right -- that is exactly where 2.2.2* pass control to init. The
next line is 'Activating swap'.  It starts to smell like a memory issue.

The 2.4.* kernel is only barely larger than the 2.2.* ones, 770k to 710k.

> -
> Looks like the problem is with setting up the network. The message looks

I think I got over that.

> like a memory problem. Are you sure the kernel is guessing the correct
> amount of RAM? In any case, here is a method we use here which will allow

It wasn't, but specifying the (correct, and only) 32mb doesn't help. It
could still be a memory issues as I don't have a swap partition or file
on the thin client. But then 2.2.2(0|1) work...

I also see the authenticated nfs request in the server's log.

> you to cut-and-paste the kernel boot messages into an email message. It is
> a bit complicated but usefull for a lot of things: use a serial console.
> 1) Enable the serial console on the kernel, boot with the parameter
>console=ttyS0,9600 (or some other speed that works for you).
> 2) Have available some other machine with X11 running. Run seyon in an X11
>session, attached to some serial port. Configure seyon for the correct
>speed, 1 bit, no parity, CR translations, etc. You can test this using
>it as a terminal in some working machine where you put a getty in one
>of the serial ports. You have to change /etc/inittab for this:
> # Example of how to put a getty on a serial line (for a terminal)
> T0:23:respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyS0 9600 vt100
> 3) Build a simple 3-wire crossed serial cable and interconnect the two
>ports. Boot the node, you will be able to see the whole kernel boot
>procedure within you X11 seyon window. Just cut and paste...

I used to have one of those, but I don't think I still do...

Thanks for your help.


> Note that your X11 session could be anywhere, not necessarily in the
> console of the machine with the serial port connected to the node. You log
> into the machine via the network and open the seyon window anywhere. Lilo
> and Etherboot also can be configured to use the serial port. You can use
> seyon as a terminal, reboot a node in the server root and look at the
> whole boot process (except the node's hardware cycling, of course) from
> the confort of your office.
>   Cheers,
> Jorge L. deLyra,  Associate Professor of Physics
> The University of Sao Paulo,  IFUSP-DFMA
>For more information: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Good judgement comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgement. 
-- Fred Brooks

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Re: nfs-root booting works for 2.2.* client, but not 2.4.19

2002-09-21 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel

On Sat, Sep 21, 2002 at 02:02:46PM -0400, Jonathan D. Proulx wrote:
> To point out the obvious...
> are you sure you flipped the kernel-autoconfig bit in networking and
> the allow nfsroot  bit (somewhere else I forget, probably network
> file systems)

Yes, I checked that:

CONFIG_IP_PNP=y this should be the kernel-autoconfig
CONFIG_ROOT_NFS=y   this is the root-NFS part

> have the right NIC driver builtin to the boot kernel

Yep. It is, IIRC, an old ISA card. I musr assume that 2.4.* does support
them as the options are still there.

CONFIG_RTL8139TOO=y this is I still need to install (100mbps)   
CONFIG_NE2000=y this one is installed, and works for 2.2.*
CONFIG_EEXPRESS_PRO100=ythese two are used in other boxen here

Those 8129/8139 variants shouldn't trample on each other, should they?

> I presume you're getting a can't find init message or a panic about
> the root device.

Something like that. Retyping from the screen next to me:

All well until including to

hda: ...
hdb: ...
Uniform CD-ROM driver Rev
Partition check:
and the trouble starts on that last line with
  <1>Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 22c476e8
  printing eip
  [ screenful of gooblygoo relating to the registers, stack and trace ]
  <0>Kernel panic: Attempted to kill init!

> One issue I had with 2.4 kernels is that I sometimes made them too
> big.  I'm not sure too big for what as the one that works is bigger
> than 640k and the ones that failed fit on the floppy with syslinux and
> config stuff...

Yes. The 2.4.* ones that fail are around 820 to 840kb, the 2.2.* ones that
work are around 620 to 695kb, depending on what other (unused) stuff I left


Good judgement comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgement. 
-- Fred Brooks

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: nfs-root booting works for 2.2.* client, but not 2.4.19

2002-09-21 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel

On Sat, Sep 21, 2002 at 02:32:10PM -0300, Jorge L. deLyra wrote:
> > I going nuts here.  In June, I set up a scheme to have an old PC boot from a
> > local image (floppy and/or hd) and run of a nfs-root partition on my
> > server. Works very well with 2.2.20, and I replicated it with 2.2.21.
> >
> > But for the life of me, I cannot get it to work with 2.4.19. Neither the
> > stock kernel (from the sources .dep) nor with the open-mosix patch. I tried
> > numerous config option, and all I get, invariably, is a kernel panic relating
> > to init right after the local hd* devices are found.  At this point 2.2.*
> > seems to find and use the eth0 device and the remote partitions.
> >
> > Any suggestions welcome. Please CC me as I'm not subscribed on -user or
> > -beowulf.
> How about posting in detail the kernel messages just before the crash?

Sure, I was just being lazy as I would have to type those manually, and it
is a screen full of them. Also, the server end does work (as 2.2.20 and
2.2.21 run just fine off it) and I am fairly certain that my problem is with
the 2.4.19 configuration.

> What are the contents of that nfs-root (which distribuition)? Since you

Debian testing, installing using debootstrap, and recently updated using a
simple chroot call to start a session on the server, then the usual apt-get

The nfs-root partition is down to 70-ish packages which is nice. All is does
is to the query a remote xdm (well, kdm) session on the server. So the
nfs-root partition acts as the hd for the 'thin client' pc which uses it to
bootstrap itself to be a remote x11 terminal.  That all works, and I would
like it to be an openmosix client too. Hence the need for 2.4.19.

> get to the init message, I presume it is mounted OK by the kernel? What is
> the set of boot line parameters you use for that floopy kernel?

Same for both 2.2.20/2.2.21 (which works) and 2.4.19 (which fails). I
currently use loadlin, and it passes the set of network boot parameters.

> Are you using DHCP to configure the network? Can you diff the kernel

No, static assignment as I have only one thin client so far...

> configuration files for 2.2.20 and 2.4.19 to check the differences? One

I avoided that so far as many other things have changed between the kernels.
But I guess I need to go there, given that I have the working setup...

> funny thing I remember is that in the 2.4 kernels you must turn on the
> dhcp option in the kernel-level autoconfiguration section even you are not
> actually going to use it...

Yes, I activate the lot:


Thanks,  Dirk

Good judgement comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgement. 
-- Fred Brooks

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

nfs-root booting works for 2.2.* client, but not 2.4.19

2002-09-21 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel

I going nuts here.  In June, I set up a scheme to have an old PC boot from a
local image (floppy and/or hd) and run of a nfs-root partition on my
server. Works very well with 2.2.20, and I replicated it with 2.2.21.

But for the life of me, I cannot get it to work with 2.4.19. Neither the
stock kernel (from the sources .dep) nor with the open-mosix patch. I tried
numerous config option, and all I get, invariably, is a kernel panic relating
to init right after the local hd* devices are found.  At this point 2.2.*
seems to find and use the eth0 device and the remote partitions.

Any suggestions welcome. Please CC me as I'm not subscribed on -user or

Thanks, Dirk

Good judgement comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgement. 
-- Fred Brooks

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Announcement: Automatic ATLAS support under Debian GNU/Linux

2001-11-12 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel
ecompilation of
the Atlas libraries. This way the behaviour will be tuned exactly to the
specific CPU rather than the broader class of CPUs. It has been reported that
this can increase performance by a further 12% on the examples above.
Detailed instructions are in /usr/share/doc/atlas2-base/README.debian.gz but
the process is essentially the following  [ courtesy of Doug Bates ]

   apt-get source atlas2-base
   cd atlas2-$VERSION
   fakeroot debian/rules/custom
   # wait for a *very* long time
   dpkg -i ../atlas2-base*.deb

IV.  See also

The Atlas packages have a very detailed README.Debian file which should be
consulted; it also details local recompilation. Sources and documentation for
Atlas are at

V.  Acknowledgements

Camm Maguire developed the scheme of overloading Atlas over the default blas
libraries and deserves all the credit. Many thanks to John Eaton for helping
debug some errors in the initial setup, and to Doug Bates for work on the R
package. Special thanks to Ben Collins for providing a patched ldconfig as
part of the libc6 package.

Initial version
 -- Dirk Eddelbuettel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Tue, 21 Aug 2001 21:37:15 -0500

First updated
 -- Dirk Eddelbuettel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Sun, 11 Nov 2001 11:03:19 -0600

Better to have an approximate answer to the right question 
than a precise answer to the wrong question. -- John Tukey

BBDB problem with VM and Xemacs 21

2001-02-27 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel

(Please CC me on replies as I am currently unsubscribed.)

The more recent bbdb versions in testing seemed to have broken my setup. Did
anybody else experience a similar problem, and better still, fix it?  I am
using bbdb_2.2-1 along with xemacs21-{bin,nomule,support}_21.1.10-5 as
currently in 'testing'.

Thanks,  Dirk

According to the latest figures, 43% of all statistics are totally worthless.

Problems with Matlab 6.0 (R12) on potato

2000-12-18 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel

[ Please CC me on replies.]

At work, and on a computer which runs Debian 2.2, I upgraded Matlab today.
The new Matlan version just some Java issues, which are probably libc6
interaction issues -- in fact, Matlab dies with a seg fault and leaves a
java.log.PID logfile. The Java runtime environment comes shipped with Matlab
and is (IIRC) 1.1.8_v3 of the port.  The only help which the
Mathworks could suggest was to start matlab with the '-nojvm' switch, thus
forgoing the tools provided in their Java envinronment.

Would anybody here have experienced, and possibly solved :-), the same issue?

Best regards,  Dirk

According to the latest figures, 43% of all statistics are totally worthless.

Pinging Andreas Franzen && ITA task-science

2000-10-25 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel

It appears that Andreas Franzen is unreachable via his Maintainer: address.
I would like to get in contact with him, or failing that, will adopt his
task-science package which needs reworking. It also has a bug report with >
250 days on it to which he never replied. has no trace of him past May 2000. 

If anybody knows where he is, please drop me a line.


Three out of two people have difficulties with fractions.
--- Begin Message ---

The BTS uses the same address -- you'll have to ask on -devel or somewhere
else for Andreas Franzen's real e-mail address...

- Forwarded message from Mail Delivery System <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

Delivery-date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 06:22:46 +0200
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From: Mail Delivery System <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2000 23:18:04 -0500

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Received: from gecko by with local (Exim 3.12 1 (Debian))
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Subject: Bug#75519: task-science: Wrong maintainer field
Resent-From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Orignal-Sender: Dirk Eddelbuettel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Resent-CC: Andreas Franzen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Resent-Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 04:18:02 GMT
Resent-Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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X-Debian-PR-Message: report 75519
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Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2000 23:11:25 -0500

Package: task-science
Version: N/A
Severity: normal

Mail to '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' bounces. A new maintainer: field
in debian/control might help.

-- System Information
Debian Release: 2.2
Kernel Version: Linux master 2.2.17pre15 #1 Wed Aug 2 23:29:13 CDT 2000 i686 

- End forwarded message -

Digital Electronic Being Intended for Assassination and Nullification
--- End Message ---

Re: [Q] Can Samba mount 'shared' (not 'served') Win drives ?

2000-08-04 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel
On Fri, Aug 04, 2000 at 09:58:43AM -0500, Kent West wrote:
> Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
> > Yes, as I wrote, that works fine for NT servers providing a share. I use
> > that with the corresponding entry in /etc/fstab so that I can simply say
> > mount /mountpoint
> > and the rest happens automatically.
> > 
> > I now would like to access the C:\ I declared as 'shared' on my desktop.  I
> > can't figure out what that would be. Whatever I try yields 'session request
> > to DESKTOP failed'.
> > 
> > Any idea?
> You said you "would like to access the C:\ I declared as 'shared'
> on my desktop." By "desktop", do you mean your workstation


> computer, or do you mean your Windows Desktop (shell program)? If

No, I mean C:\ as the main partition on the 'desktop' computer.

> the latter, you can't mean "C:\", yet the error message that you
> mention indicates the latter.
> So, what directory have you shared, "C:\" or
> permissions?

Permissions are read-access for everyone.  Can I read those from Linux via

Thanks, Dirk

According to the latest figures, 43% of all statistics are totally worthless.

Re: [Q] Can Samba mount 'shared' (not 'served') Win drives ?

2000-08-04 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel

On Fri, Aug 04, 2000 at 08:44:01AM -0500, Phil Brutsche wrote:
> A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...
> > At work, in a predominantly NT environment, I use Samba to mount drives of
> > the NT servers on the Lan. However, I'd also love to access files on my
> > (vanilla NT 4.0) desktop at work which is set to let other 'share' its
> > files.  I tried mounting these from a Linux box but failed.  Is there a way
> > to get to these files so that I could access the files from Linux?
> mount -t smbfs //server/share /mountpoint -o
> username=,password=,uid=
> That should all be one line, of course.

Yes, as I wrote, that works fine for NT servers providing a share. I use
that with the corresponding entry in /etc/fstab so that I can simply say
mount /mountpoint 
and the rest happens automatically.

I now would like to access the C:\ I declared as 'shared' on my desktop.  I
can't figure out what that would be. Whatever I try yields 'session request
to DESKTOP failed'.

Any idea?

According to the latest figures, 43% of all statistics are totally worthless.

[Q] Can Samba mount 'shared' (not 'served') Win drives ?

2000-08-04 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel

This might be a trivial questions with a quick No! as the answer ...

At work, in a predominantly NT environment, I use Samba to mount drives of
the NT servers on the Lan. However, I'd also love to access files on my
(vanilla NT 4.0) desktop at work which is set to let other 'share' its
files.  I tried mounting these from a Linux box but failed.  Is there a way
to get to these files so that I could access the files from Linux?

CC's welcome as I am not currently subscribed here...

Thanks, Dirk

According to the latest figures, 43% of all statistics are totally worthless.

Re: [q] koffice-cvs doesn't run -- any idea?

2000-05-20 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel

  "Ivan" == Ivan E Moore, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
  Ivan>  it's because of some changes in kdelibs/kdebase and I hadn't gotten
  Ivan> around to rebuilding koffice so that it would work again. :)
  Ivan> This evening there will be a clean set of .deb's for all packages
  Ivan> based on current (as of a few hours ago) upstream source.

Thanks, that sounds great! Guess I can stop scratching my head now, and send
some virtual beers over to you.


  Ivan> Ivan
  Ivan> On Sat, May 20, 2000 at 04:24:04PM -0400, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
  Ivan> Content-Description: forwarded message
  >> Date: Sat, 20 May 2000 11:10:21 -0400 (EDT) From: Dirk Eddelbuettel
  >> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: koffice-cvs unresolved libs To: Debian Users
  >> (Please CC me on replies as I am not debian-user.)
  >> Just had a first look at the koffice work-in-progress using Ivan's fine
  >> kde archive, but there is something wrong with the dependencies:
  >> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~> kword kword: error in loading shared libraries:
  >> /usr/lib/ undefined symbol:
  >> setDocument__13KXMLGUIClientRC12QDomDocumentb
  >> even though 'ldd $(which kword)' shows all libraries. This is on an
  >> up-to-date frozen machine.  What am I missing?
  >> Thanks for any insight, Dirk
  >> -- According to the latest figures, 43% of all statistics are totally
  >> worthless.
  Ivan>  Content-Description: .signature
  >>  -- According to the latest figures, 43% of all statistics are totally
  >> worthless.
  Ivan>  ---end quoted text---
  Ivan> --  Ivan E. Moore II [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Ivan> GPG KeyID=90BCE0DD GPG Fingerprint=F2FC
  Ivan> 69FD 0DA0 4FB8 225E 27B6 7645 8141 90BC E0DD
According to the latest figures, 43% of all statistics are totally worthless.

koffice-cvs unresolved libs

2000-05-20 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel

(Please CC me on replies as I am not debian-user.)

Just had a first look at the koffice work-in-progress using Ivan's fine kde
archive, but there is something wrong with the dependencies:

kword: error in loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/ 
undefined symbol: setDocument__13KXMLGUIClientRC12QDomDocumentb

even though 'ldd $(which kword)' shows all libraries. This is on an
up-to-date frozen machine.  What am I missing?

Thanks for any insight,  Dirk

According to the latest figures, 43% of all statistics are totally worthless.

New Octave .deb packages for installing both 2.0.* and 2.1.*

2000-04-08 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel

I prepared the text below to announce this to the Debian dupload program,
but I think it was taken. CC'ed to the Octave list as well. Feedback by
Debian and Octave users on the new packages would be appreciated.

  Announcing Octave 2.0 and 2.1 packages for Debian

This is to announce the upload of new Octave packages for Debian, taken from
both the stable octave-2.0.* as well as the development octave-2.1.* branch,
to Debian's master archive.

Using Debian's update-alternatives mechanism, as well as minor reorganisation
of the Octave file tree which John Eaton kindly provided in the upstream
sources, permits to install *both* at the same time providing two main
binaries octave2.0 and octave2.1 as well as the alternative octave which
defaults to the stable 2.0 branch. The adjunct packages for Emacs support,
info docs, html docs and ps docs are also versioned.

With this mechanism, Debian allows for the stability of the 2.0.* release
(and thereby provides continued support for "legacy" applications in Octave
which could break by subtle, but important, changes in Octave 2.1). At same
time, it finally introduces the newer Octave 2.1.* which is the centre of
current development into Debian.  The transition might introduce a few bugs,
but the package layout and build process has undergone some testing over the
last few weeks.

As these are "new" packages as far as the Debian archive is concerned, it
might be a few days until they show up in "unstable" aka "woody", Debian's
current development distribution.

According to the latest figures, 43% of all statistics are totally worthless.

[Off-topic] Scanner advice sought

2000-02-09 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel

I'd appreciate advice on selecting a simple Linux-compatible scanner. Nothing
fancy, just to scan the odd picture of our daughter etc. Lowish resolution is
fine.  I wouldn't want to spend more than 100 USD. I have no SCSI adapter
(yet ?).  

I've studied the SANE webpage as well as the Hardware HOWTO, but have
difficulties locating any of the supported models in stores.  Also, real-life
feedback might be quite illuminating. So any helpful information would be
greatly appreciated. Please email me privately as I am not currently
subscribed to debian-user. I will summarise back to the list.

Thanks,  Dirk

According to the latest figures, 43% of all statistics are totally worthless.

Re: Cannot print from StarOffice

1999-09-05 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel

  Julio>  You're lucky - my current potato install doesn't even install
  Julio> StarOffice..  

Feel free to send me your `dpkg -l' so that we can diff ours. It was really
no problem here (potato apt-get'ed up tp speed two days ago, SO51
re-downloaded yesterday).

According to the latest figures, 43% of all statistics are totally worthless.

Re: Cannot print from StarOffice

1999-09-04 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel

  Dirk> I am at wit's end here -- I have a `network' installation of
  Dirk> StarOffice 5.1 here at home for use by myself and my wife. It works
  Dirk> fine, but just won't print. I even re-downloaded 5.1 again, and
  Dirk> reinstalled, but no luck.  The machine is current potato with lpd and
  Dirk> magicfilter installed and working.

  Julio>  What distribution are you using, slink or potato?

"Current" Potato (see end of penultimate line above). 

  Julio> It seems that some StarOffice functionalities hang when running over
  Julio> potato with libc6 2.1. It does work fine with slink (libc6 2.0.7)
  Julio> indeed.

Yes, that's like it. Whenever it attempts to print, it hangs and starts
several soffice.bin processes which I have to kill hard (kill -9, sometime
even xkill). 

So then it's now me but rather glibc and staroffice?  

According to the latest figures, 43% of all statistics are totally worthless.

Cannot print from StarOffice

1999-09-04 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel

(Please CC: me on replied. Thanks.)

I am at wit's end here -- I have a `network' installation of StarOffice 5.1
here at home for use by myself and my wife. It works fine, but just won't
print. I even re-downloaded 5.1 again, and reinstalled, but no luck.  The
machine is current potato with lpd and magicfilter installed and working.

Does anybody out here have an idea?

Thanks,  Dirk

According to the latest figures, 43% of all statistics are totally worthless.

Re: and FTP mirrors

1998-10-23 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel

  Lukas>  Once someone posted this script to find the fastest debian mirror,
  Lukas> which could be used in some way in the postinst of apt:

IIRC Chris Lameter wrote this as part of one of his misc. utility packages.
I rewrote it in perl (and added a thing or two) as part of the mirror package
which installs it under the name 'debian-mirrors'. As it's short and sweet, I
include it here:

# debian-mirrorsmeasure ping time to all mirrors in README.mirrors
# downloads README.mirrors from (but not if a local file is
# pointed to), runs fping on all Debian mirrors, sorts the result by ping 
# time and output the 'n' (default is 20) fastest
# Written by Dirk Eddelbuettel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and released under the GPL
# $Id:,v 1.3 1998/02/19 02:12:02 edd Exp $

## Yes, Net::FTP is much cooler, but we don't want to depend on libnet-perl
## '' is provided by the mirror package
unshift( @INC, "/usr/lib/mirror" );
require '';

#use strict;# doesn't work with
use English;
use File::Basename;
use vars qw($opt_h $opt_f $opt_v);
use Getopt::Std;
use IPC::Open2;

my $tempfile = "/tmp/".$file."-".$$;
my $readfrom = $tempfile;
my $max = 20;
$PROGRAM_NAME =~ s|.*/||;   # strip everything before last slash

getopts('hf:n:v') or die("Try `$PROGRAM_NAME -h` for help screen.\n");

if ($opt_h or $#ARGV != -1) {
print "Usage:\n  $PROGRAM_NAME [options]\n";
print "Options:\n";
print "  -f file\tpoint to local version README.mirrors\n";
print "  -n max\tmaximum number of mirrors to show\n";
print "  -v\t\tverbose operation\n";
print "  -h\t\tshow this help\n";
exit 0;

$max = $opt_n if ($opt_n);
print "Max is set to $max\n" if $opt_v;

if ( ! $opt_f ) {
my $hostname = "";
my $account = "ftp";
my $password = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]";
my $directory = "/pub/debian";
my $filename = "README.mirrors";
print "Retrieving ", $filename, " for analysis.";
ftp::debug(1) if $opt_v;# for debugging output
ftp::open($hostname,21,0,1) or die "No ftp connection\n";   
ftp::login($account, $password) or die "Couldn't login\n";
ftp::cwd($directory) or die "Cannot cd to $directory\n";
ftp::get($filename, $tempfile, 0) or die "Could not get $file\n";
} else {
die "File $opt_f does not exist." unless -f $opt_f;
$readfrom = $opt_f;

print "Measuring ping times to all Debian mirror sites. " if $opt_v;
print "Please be patient.\n" if $opt_v;

my ($mirror,$path,$time);

open(DATA, $readfrom) or die "Cannot open $filename\n";

open2("PINGOUT", "PINGIN", "fping -ae") or die "Cannot start fping(1)\n";;

while () {
if (($mirror,$path) = ($ARG =~ m|^\s*(\S*\.\S*\.\S*.*):(/\S*)\s.*|)) {
print "Pinging $mirror \n" if $opt_v;
print PINGIN "$mirror\n"; # if ($mirror =~ m/.*\.edu$/);

open2("SORTOUT", "SORTIN", "sort -n") or die "Cannot start sort(1)\n";

while () {
($mirror,$time) = ($ARG =~ m|^(\S*)\s*\((\d*) msec\)|);
print "fping reports $time for $mirror\n" if $opt_v;
print SORTIN "$time $mirror\n";

my $i=1;
while ()   {
print "$_"; 
last if ($i++ == $max);

Linux is not only free; it is, arguably, a better operating system, offering
a degree of stability and an ability to scale up that NT cannot match.
 -- The Economist, Oct 3, 1998

Re: Using VM with Emacs19 and XEmacs20

1998-10-17 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel

  Dirk> (Please CC: me as I'm no longer on this list.)
  Dirk> I'm scratching my head: Have been using VM with Emacs19 for years,
  Dirk> and as XEmacs20 supports VM as well (with its own copy), I thought I
  Dirk> could migrate.  Doesn't work (yet).  

  Matthew> It might well be that having emacs19 and xemacs20 is causing a
  Matthew> problem.  Try upgrading emacs to 20

That would imply uninstalling vm, as vm does not work with FSF Emacs 20. So
I'd loose my working setup. Hmpf.

Linux is not only free; it is, arguably, a better operating system, offering
a degree of stability and an ability to scale up that NT cannot match.
 -- The Economist, Oct 3, 1998

Using VM with Emacs19 and XEmacs20

1998-10-17 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel

(Please CC: me as I'm no longer on this list.)

I'm scratching my head:  Have been using VM with Emacs19 for years, and as
XEmacs20 supports VM as well (with its own copy), I thought I could migrate.
Doesn't work (yet).

Anybody have any idea?  I use

ii  emacs19 19.34-21   The GNU Emacs editor.
ii  xemacs20-bin20.4-7 Editor and kitchen sink -- support binaries
ii  xemacs20-nomule 20.4-7 Editor and kitchen sink -- Non-mule binary
ii  vm  6.62-2 A mail user agent for Emacs

Thanks,  Dirk

Linux is not only free; it is, arguably, a better operating system, offering
a degree of stability and an ability to scale up that NT cannot match.
 -- The Economist, Oct 3, 1998

[?] 2.0.35 doesn't boot

1998-07-22 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel

2.0.35 hangs on my plain vanilla Pentium (approx 3 yrs old, Asus board, AMI
bios). Right after

Partition check:
 hda: hda1 hda2 hda3 hda4
 hdc: hdc1 hdc2 hdc3 hdc4 < hdc5 hdc6 >
 hdd: [PTBL] [621/64/63] hdd1 hdd2 hdd3 < hdd5 hdd6 >
VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem) readonly.

nothing happens. 2.0.34 starts fine, as did all other kernels I tried.  Do I
now have to turn a new chipset switch on ?

Please CC: me on replies as I'm not on this list.

Thanks, Dirk

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  According to the latest official figures,  43% of all statistics are totally worthless.

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Re: Bug#21412: tob deletes system files

1998-04-23 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel

[ You edited citations and appended/deleted material without showing that you
  did so. That is considered to be very Bad Taste (TM) as it implies that the 
  person who you cited (ie, me) said things in a different context or order. 
  That is bad style. And I am not amused. --edd ]

  Tim> With tob_0.14-4 no longer available for download, I am happy. If I
  Tim> spend my time tracking down and reporting a bug that has the potential
  Tim> to wipe out someones system, 

... then you should be happy as you just participated in what lead to
Infoworld giving the award for 'Best Support in 1997' to all of us -- the
Linux communitty -- by providing the feedback and support needed to improve
Linux (Debian in this case).

  Tim> and the response I get for doing so if there is a next time is to
  Tim> "chill out", I will not be happy.

Slowly, please. I was not trying to paternalise you, I was merely trying to
point out that your classification of 'severe, release critical' was a little
out of place given that

- the bug was already fixed

- the bug only occurred because you (unknowingly) pushed the
  enveloppe by putting an 'unstable' package on 'stable'.

Further, and as you had said [ same email, few lines above ]

  Tim> Not being a Debian developer, I have no way of knowing that uploading
  Tim> tob_0.14-5 implies tob_0.14-4 is "gone, vanished, nothing left".

Again, I recommend that you simply take things a little easier and try to
learn how Debian works. It is obvious to everybody but you that uploading a
version 1.2-4 of a package replaces version 1.2-3 of the same package.



mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  According to the latest official figures,  43% of all statistics are totally worthless.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Bug#21412: tob deletes system files

1998-04-23 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel


  Tim> Thanks for looking into this.

Well, that's what we're here for ;-)

  Tim>   You are correct that my system is Debian 1.3.  I went to
  Tim> "";, did a search for tob, found
  Tim> tob_0.14-4 at
  Tim> downloaded and installed it.

You searched under 'unstable'. You should have searched under 'stable' (ie
selected the radio button for it) as 'stable' corresponds to Debian 1.3.

That would have lead you to tob_0.14-2 which is part of Debian 1.3 CD.

  Tim> No mention is made on the web page or from "dpkg --info
  Tim> tob_0.14-4.deb" of any package or Debian version (hamm or bo)
  Tim> dependencies, and it installs without error or warning messages.

Well, for binary packages, the dependency on libc6 ensures that you don't mix
libc5 (Debian 1.3) and libc6 (Debian 2.0).

As Joey Hess just pointed out, binary-all packages as tob need an explicit
dependency. So I just made tob_0.14-6 which I am uploading as we speak.

  Tim> So my question(s) would be:
  Tim> 1. How is one to know that a hamm system is required for this package?

It's implicit as you took it from the 'unstable' tree.

  Tim> 2. I notice there is currently no mention of bug#21412 in the
  Tim> bug-tracking system.  Will this bug be considered closed?

Yes, I closed it via a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] You can reopen
it [ who shouldn't, see below ], see the documentation in the debian/doc
directory on the mirror sites, or in /usr/doc/debian/ if you have the
'doc-debian' package installed.

  Tim> My view would be that it should be considered Severity:Critical, the
  Tim> bug report should stay open indefinetly and/or tob_0.14-4 should be
  Tim> completely removed from all Debian sites.  After all, the next "bo"
  Tim> user that installs this risks taking out their entire system.

Please chill out a little and read the emails you got yesterday.  I released
tob_0.14-5 yesterday which added the following test

cleanup ()
message 'Cleaning up.'
# add a safety check here   --edd 20 Apr 98, regarding #21412
->  if [ "$TMPLIST" != "" -a "$FILELIST" != "" ] ; then

which already prevents the behaviour you experienced. That version was
installed last night into the archive. This means that 0.14-4 is gone.
Vanished. Nothing left. [ It's still in the mirrors, but no longer on and will be replaced in the mirrors. ] Are you happy ?

Further, and as I just said, I adopted a better fix upon a suggestion from a
fellow developer and made tob depend explicitly on debianutils. Ie you cannot
run it without having debianutils installed.

I am sorry for the grieve that the package caused you. In retrospect, I
should have added the dependency on debianutils in tob_0.14-4 when tempfile
was added for safer creation of temporary files. However, we use the
'unstable' release to iron such bugs out.

You helped us in finding the bug, and hence helped other users from being
bitten by it. Thanks !

Regards, Dirk

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  According to the latest official figures,  43% of all statistics are totally worthless.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Problem with a new Mach64 3D Xpression 2MB

1997-12-24 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel

I am trying to set up a new machine for someone else. The machine came with
an ATI 3D Xpression 2MB card.

Using Debian 1.3.1, I can't get any X11 server other than vga16 to work. The
Mach64 server seems to splits the screen vertically a couple of times.  X
-probeonly says

  unknown ATI (82304x) rev 154, Aperture @ 0xe00, Block I/0 @ 0x6100
  Memory type: 3
  Clock type: Internal
  Ramdac is Internal

I would be grateful if anyone could help me out. Please email me directly as
I am not following this list very regularly.

Thanks, Dirk  

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   According to the latest official figures, of all statistics are totally worthless.

TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to
Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: Resent-Sender header missing from mailing list

1996-09-27 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Jim> Could you add the Resent-Sender header back onto the mailing lists
  Jim> again?  It was much easier to filter e-mail with them rather than
  Jim> filtering by the To: and Cc: fields.

If you use procmail, consider the ^TO meta-expression which is *much* more
general.  Works for me all debian- sublists; see this concrete
example for debian-devel:


FYI here's a piece from procmailrc(5): 

   If  the  regular expression contains `^TO' it will be sub­
   stituted by `(^((Original-)?(Resent-)?(To|Cc|Bcc)|(X-
   Envelope|Apparently(-Resent)?)-To):(.*[^a-zA-Z])?)', which
   should catch all destination specifications.   

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: /dev/ttyS1 root only.....

1996-09-21 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Ed>  I'm trying to configure my modem and, as recommended in the
  Ed> Serial-HOWTO, I've been using kermit to test it out. Problem is that
  Ed> /dev/ttyS1, which is the serial port my modem is on, seems to only
  Ed> allow root access. 

Add yourself to the "dialout" group in /etc/group.

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: Debian 1.1 (Kernel v2.0) Questions

1996-09-19 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  James>  I was curious if it's possible to yank the Linux Kernel v2.0.20 off
  James> and install it on a Debian v1.1 (Kernel v2.0)
  James> machine.

Yes, that should work. Just untar it somewhere, have /usr/src/linux point to
that directory, install the Debian's kernel-package, read it's doc and say
cd /usr/src/linux
make xconfig
make-kpkg --revision local.1 kernel_image
and you should see shiny new kernel-image_2.0.20-2.0.20-local.1.deb in ..

Or you can patch up from kernel-source-2.0.6 (I'm currently at patch-2.0.17).

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: dvips top margin

1996-09-18 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Billy> (other than the inflexible configuration, some features like
  Billy> previewing documents with ps fonts with xdvi are broken in Debian).

Not so. I am both LaTeX'ing and xdvi'ing with psfonts on Debian boxes with no

You just have to add gsftopk, and modify MakeTeXPK (I send a patch in a mail
archived with bug#3414) and slightly. I have been planing to
package this, but find no time to do it. If anybody wants to do this, I'd be
more than happy to help. 

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: Re^2: dvips top margin

1996-09-17 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Susan>  I had another problem with the latest version of TeX which I could
  Susan> not seem to fix by adjusting dvips/  It was that an extra
  Susan> 1" seemed to have been added to the margins on all sides.  I fixed
  Susan> this using vmargin, but that wasn't necessary before. 

Weird. Do you get those margins even when you say
$ latex testpage
to run this LaTeX2e-updated utility that originates from Lamport? On my box
the rulers go right to the edges.

  Susan>  What additional config file should I be looking at?

I don't know.

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: as86?

1996-09-16 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Marcus Hightower writes:
  Marcus>  Does anybody know where I can find this as86 thing.

See the Debian FAQ (from the doc-debian package, or the ftp site)

  7.4.  How can I find out what package produced a particular file?

  To identify the package that produced the file named foo execute

  o  dpkg -S filename.

 This searches through the lists of installed files.  This is
 (currently) equivalent to searching all of the files having the
 file extension of .list in the directory /var/lib/dpkg/info/.

  o  grep foo Contents, or zgrep foo Contents.gz.

 This searches for files which contain the substring foo in their
 full path names.  The files Contents and Contents.gz reside in the
 major package directories (Debian-1.1, non-free, contrib, etc.)  at
 a Debian FTP site. A Contents file refers only to the packages in
 the subdirectory tree where it resides.  Therefore, a user might
 have to search more than one Contents files to find the package
 containing the file foo. 

miles:~ [root] # zgrep as86 /mirror/debian/rex/Contents.gz
usr/bin/as86 bin86
so you have to install the bin86 package.

  Marcus>   Also does the zimage automaticly gets installed when you do a
  Marcus> make zimage or does it just makes it without installation.

Use the kernel-package from the rex/binary-all/misc directory. It will build
a .deb file with your kernel and install it all for you (you need to read
some doc, though).

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: dvips top margin

1996-09-16 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Nick>  I installed Debian 1.1 and found that my tex files were no longer
  Nick> leaving a margin at the top of the page.  I traced it to
  Nick> /usr/lib/texmf/dvips/ where a4size was set instead of
  Nick> letter.  

Correct. Also the app-defaults file for xdvi sets a4 paper and deskjet
mode. We really need a script that sets these.

Any takers?

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: curses.h?

1996-09-16 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Marcus Hightower writes:
  Marcus>  I need a header file named curses.h 

Markus, it's documented in the FAQ as I wrote you some hours ago. So please
do use the Contents or Contents.gz file.

miles:~ [root] # zgrep "curses.h" /mirror/debian/rex/Contents.gz
usr/i486-linuxaout/include/bsd/curses.h  libc4-dev
usr/i486-linuxaout/include/curses.h  libc4-dev
usr/include/curses.h ncurses3.0-dev
usr/include/slang/slcurses.h slang-devel  

In this case you want the ncurses3.0-dev package. 

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: kernel-package

1996-09-16 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Chuma> Anyway after make config , make-kpkg refuses to run telling me there
  Chuma> is nothing to make. What do I need to do to have make-kpkg rebuild
  Chuma> with the new config ?

make-kpkg clean
*before* you do a 
make xconfig

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: recompiling kernel and ppp

1996-09-16 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Kevin> what am I missing?!?!?!?

You didn't tell us what you were selecting for PPP in "make xconfig". If I am
not mistaken, you need modules. I always use them where I can, and they work
great for me. I select:

# Network device support
# CONFIG_DLCI is not set
# CCP compressors for PPP are only built as modules.


# Character devices

which, using kerneld with the "auto" option in /etc/modules, and "alias dummy0
dummy" in /etc/conf.modules gives:

miles:~ [root] # lsmod
Module:#pages:  Used by:
ppp51 (autoclean)
dummy0 11 (autoclean)
slip   22 (autoclean)
slhc   2[ppp slip]  3 (autoclean)
serial 74 (autoclean)   

(Ppp is used to the ISP, and slip is loaded as I also use cslip over a
null-modem cable as an el-cheapo network to a laptop running Debian).

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: llseek error & large partitions

1996-09-16 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Johnny>  I do not know why this happens, only that the same thing happend
  Johnny> to me when I tried to format my Quantum Sirrocco 2.5 Gig hard
  Johnny> drive.  Around about the 2.1 gig it starts reporting errors.  I can
  Johnny> only assume that the system cannot handle partitions over 2 gig.

You need a version of fdisk that as recent as 2.0 or better to support disks
bigger than 2 GB, for example the fdisk from util-linux-2.5 which says

miles:~ [root] # fdisk -v
fdisk v2.1 (>4GB) 

As for maximal partition size, read (using altavista or dejanews) the
newsgroup article with referenced below, it shows how partitions can be as
large as 959 GB (yes, just under one TB, a million MB). You have to increase
the block size which becomes a little inefficient at that size ... 

I cannot recommend few big partitions anyway. Disks do fail, and you're
better off when it happens on a limited partition, /usr/local say, rather
than on /. 

Subject:  Re: Really 2 GB file size limit?
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kristian =?ISO-8859-1?Q?K=F6hntopp?=)
Date: 1996/07/28
Message-Id:   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?entf=E4llt?=
Newsgroups:   comp.os.linux.development.system

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: newaliases script?

1996-09-15 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Kevin>  I've got an application I'm trying to install on my new Debian
  Kevin> system and it is giving me a warning about a missing script (called
  Kevin> newaliases).
  Kevin> Anyone have any ideas about where I can find this script?

miles:~ [root] # zgrep newaliases /mirror/debian/rex/Contents.gz
usr/bin/newaliases   sendmail

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

RE: texbin postinst in unstable fails

1996-09-13 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Casper> I wonder if you might possibly translate that for the rest of us.

My excuses! That mail was not meant to also go to the list.

"texbin" fails to configure because version mfbasfnt-1.0-5 is missing the
file (a special font for something in Knuth's book). Downgrading to
mfbasfnt-1.0-3 from "buzz-fixed" overcomes the problem.

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: texbin postinst in unstable fails

1996-09-13 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Miro Torrielli writes:
  Miro>  I installed debian 1.1.8 on another pc, using dpgk-ftp to retrieve
  Miro> all necessary packages, from stable & unstable.  Firstly, I noticed
  Miro> that when installing a large number of packages on the system, the
  Miro> unpacking of some of them fail, complaining that some lib or another
  Miro> is missing. This has already happened twice before, on two other
  Miro> machines.

Il m'est impossible de voir ce que a echoue. Plus de detail?

  Miro> Second, and for the first time, texbin postinst fails, complaining of
  Miro> missing man.fmt. I had to manually comment out the postinst script.

C'est Install mfbasfnt-1.0-3 de "buzz-fixed" et ca ira. 

  Miro> Finally, elm, in this new installation, has no ispell option in
  Miro> mailing menu, whereas on my other machines it does.

Aucune idee, je n'utilise pas elm (mais emacs avec vm).

Amities, Dirk 

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: unsubscribing these lists

1996-09-13 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Michael> How does one unsubscribe these lists?

$ echo unsubscribe | mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: Creating deb packages

1996-09-13 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Algirdas> Could someone please mail me a complete step-by-step instruction
  Algirdas> on creating deb packages?  

  Vadik>  Please post it to the list, 

New version of dpkg (<< 1.4.0) or dpkg-dev (>= 1.4.0) come with two html'ed
manuals in /usr/doc/dpkg/{programmer,policy}.html/ that pretty much cover it

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: re:D-Link DE-220P driver needed

1996-09-12 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Todd>  Some friends and I all have a bunch of D-Link DE-250CT's, which are
  Todd> NE2000 compatible.  They all work fine under Linux.  I had to use
  Todd> their setup program (under M$-DOS) to set the IRQ, I/O address, BNC,
  Todd> RJ-45, and a few other things.  After that, yer set!

Looking around at Don Becker's site, I once found two really handy C source
files for us NE2000 users. 

The first, atlantic.c, allows me to set these irq, i/o, bnc or rj-45, ...
under Linux rather than the unspeakable os. The other, ne2k.c, display the
ne2000 cards status.

I seem to have gotten them from

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: D-Link DE-220P driver needed

1996-09-11 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Steve> I like Bruce Perens's idea of splitting up the mailing
  Steve> list because, even if I did have a mail filter (which I assume
  Steve> parses the subject line),

Wrong assumption. Install the procmail package and see that it can parse
_anything_ from mail-header fields to actual mail contest.

Mail-readers that can "thread" as the emacs VM or GNUS modes are also useful.

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: Babel installation fix?

1996-09-11 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  David> Do I have to completely remove TeX and then reinstall it?

Just downgrade to mfbasfnt-1.0-3 from the "stable" aka buzz-fixed release. It
contains a so that TeX builds. "dpkg --configure babel" should then
set babel straight.

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

corrupt filesystem superblock

1996-09-10 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

My laptop doesn't boot Linux on hda3 anymore. I just installed a new system
by overwriting the swap partition on hda2. My first attempt of running e2fsck

The filesystem superblock is corrupt. Try running e2fsck with an
alternate superblock using the -b option. (8193 is commonly as
alternate superblock; Henc 'e2fsck -b 8193 ' may recover
the filesystem.)

I tried this, but it didn't work either. Any help as to what I might do now
would be welcomed. The partition table is as follows (in sectors)

# TypeFirstLast   Offset  Length  Filesystem   Type   Flags
1 Primary  0   131039 63  131040  Dos 16bit06 None
2 Primary 131040   180431  0   49392  Linux (83)  Boot
3 Primary 180432  1032191  0  851760  Linux (83)  None

and was created by the Debian install disks around February or March.

Thanks in advance, Dirk

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: char-major-10

1996-09-10 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

I assume that Bruce meant

$ ls -l /dev | grep "10,"

which yields: 

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~> ls -l /dev|grep "10,"
crw-rw   1 root sys   10, 134 Dec 31  1969 apm_bios
crw-rw-rw-   1 root sys   10,   3 Dec 31  1969 atibm
crw-rw   1 root audio 10, 128 Dec 31  1969 beep
crw-rw   1 root sys   10, 133 Dec 31  1969 exttrap
crw-rw   1 root sys   10, 132 Dec 31  1969 hwtrap
crw-rw-rw-   1 root sys   10,   2 Dec 31  1969 inportbm
crw-rw-rw-   1 root sys   10,   4 Dec 31  1969 jbm
crw-rw-rw-   1 root sys   10,   0 Dec 31  1969 logibm
crw-rw   1 root sys   10, 129 Dec 31  1969 modreq
crw-rw-rw-   1 root sys   10,   1 Dec 31  1969 psaux
crw-rw   1 root lp10, 138 Dec 31  1969 qcam0
crw-rw   1 root sys   10, 135 Dec 31  1969 rtc
crw-rw   1 root sys   10, 131 Dec 31  1969 temperature
crw-rw   1 root sys   10, 130 Dec 31  1969 watchdog 

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: Debian (not Linux) newbie

1996-09-09 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

I can't help you there. While I use (and maintain) tob and afio, I never use
muti-volume backups as I do them off-line anyway.  I just define my backup
"volumes" such that they will fit on one 170 MB tape. That holds /etc, /home
and /usr/local, which is all I need. 

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: mirror of a site

1996-09-07 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Miguel> Cna anynone please tell me how do I mirror a site?  Is there any
  Miguel> howto?

No, but I've put a README with some documentation, as well as an example file
for, into the Debian mirror package. The manual page for
mirror is quite good.

  Miguel> what are the procedures? Which files shall I configure?

and look at the example in /etc/mirror/packages/ I recommend
creating a package file per site in /etc/mirror/packages and then to start
the mirror as
mirror /etc/mirror/packages/

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: iBCS-problem

1996-09-07 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Dolgopolsky Igor writes:
  Igor>  Hello.  I have a problem with iBCS from 1.2.13 don't match 2.0.16.
  Igor> I downloaded iBCS 2.0 but cannot compile this. 

You can just ignore the errors. I usually do "make" after un-tar-ing the
source, with no confih whatsoever and it works. The make breaks in the 2nd or
3rd subdirectory it visits --- but it does create the file "iBCS" in one of
the subdirs, and this is the module you are looking for. I usually move it to
/lib/modules/`uname -r`/ibcs.o, and have a script insmod it when needed.

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: Latex: where to install new styles? Mf: how to muzzle?

1996-09-06 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Jean> 1) Where/how am I supposed to install latex styles for all users?

Below /usr/local/lib/texmf/tex/latex/

As kpathsea searches recursively (see /usr/lib/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf), I
usually keep some subdirs (that match the CTAN structure).

  Jean> 2) Kpathsea is a nice and powerful thing. However, when viewing a dvi
  Jean> from netscape, chances are it will contain unsual fonts and thus
  Jean> produce a lot of output like  [...]

Hm, I presume netscape just calls xdvi as you would from the command line.
So you have to configure it anyway. One file that needs some configuration
for things as resolution, papersize, ... This should probably be in /etc and
softlinked back to /usr/lib/texmf/dvips/

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: kernel with APM

1996-09-06 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Giuseppe Vacanti writes:
  Giuseppe>  I would like to try out the Advanced Power Management features
  Giuseppe> in my PC. However I haven't been able to enable APM in the
  Giuseppe> kernel.  When I do make xconfig I do nt see any obvious switch
  Giuseppe> referring to APM.

APM is in the "Character Devices" menu, after mice and tape and before

  Giuseppe> What am I missing? Could anybody who's ben using APM tell me if
  Giuseppe> they're happy with it?

Quite, especially with the apmd package. The suspend and sleep features are
very nice.

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: latex

1996-09-06 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Giuseppe Vacanti writes:
  Giuseppe>  The LaTeX in Debian seems to be broken. Revision 2e-4 didn't
  Giuseppe> seem to find the standard classes and packages. Revision 2e-7
  Giuseppe> dies on installation.
  Giuseppe> Has anybody been successful with LaTeX?

I never had any problem whatsoever with LaTeX under Debian. And I update to
the most recent "rex" releases every two or three days (dselect rules !!).

I'll send you my "dpkg -l" output in private mail.

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: Upgrading to un-debianized kernel

1996-09-05 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Miro> I recently upgraded to the 2.0.17 kernel, although this problem 
  Miro> occured with other non-debian kernels. I now get, on boot, and in 
  Miro> my daemon log when use diald and pppd,
  Miro> Can't locate module net-pf-4
  Miro>   """"""  -5

  Boris> it's aliases 
  Boris> ignore it

Or set up your /etc/conf.modules:

#alias eth0 
#alias  off
alias net-pf-4 off
alias net-pf-5 off

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: Two Packages Missing

1996-09-02 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Richard>  I taper no longer supported or is there an updated package that
  Richard> includes it?  I kind of liked it.

It is orphaned. If you really like taper, you could maintain it. There have
been new upstream releases. :-)

As for tape backups, we have "tob" which most people who tried it seem to
be rather happy with, your's truly included. 

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: Debian install: Thinkpad560 Dual Scan

1996-08-29 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Derek>  Hi I am contemplating installing debian on an IBM thinkpad 560 Dual
  Derek> scan. Are there any special things to do regarding this computer?

No idea, check the Linux Laptop home page (

  Derek> Are there Linux utilities to test the battery level etc?

Yes, apmd. Also available as a Debian package. Requires that the laptop
respects APM Bios 2.0 or 2.1, I believe (all new ones do).

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: popclient

1996-08-27 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Miro>  Does anyone know how to use procmail with popclient?  When
  Miro> configured to use procmail, popclient exits saying that it can't exec
  Miro> a few things. Any hints? :-)

The two are unrelated. I use popclient as in 
popclient -3 -P  
to grab the mail.

Procmail gets into the picture via the ~/.forward file once popclient has the
mail delivered locally (which uses smail on my box).  I explained the
.forward and .procmail setup in a couple of mails here recently, email me if
you can't find a copy. Otherwise, the procmail doc included in the package is
pretty good.

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: inn installation question

1996-08-26 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Erik>  Can't really seem to figure out what is wrong. Indeed I do not have
  Erik> a /usr/bin/mail, could it be my use of sendmail instead of smail? If
  Erik> anyone has any hints on how to solve this one, I'll be very grateful!

Install the "mailx" package, it provides the simple /usr/bin/mail that is so
handy for scripts. If the inn package you use does not depend on mailx, you
should report this as a bug.

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: a4.sty and a4wide.sty

1996-08-26 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  >> Hakan Ardo writes: > Sure it does, the only trouble with that one is
  >> that it only uses half of > the paper :) The rest is margins...
  >> That's true. And I don't know how to solve it correctly. I just entered
  >> a latex preamble:

I always use "vmargin.sty" which allows to define the margins sizes
explicitly, and also allows me to switch from letter to a4 paper with one
command, eg
selects a4 paper (default is letter), and then sets left, top, right and
bottom margins to 3cm. Vmargin is on CTAN hosts as 

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: module cdu31a fails on insert

1996-08-21 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Todd>  Is there any chance you have checked the bootparm-howto?
  Todd> ??  

If you install Debian's doc-linux package, they are also at

As the doc-linux package is updated monthly with the upstream HOWTOs, you
should always look for the newest one in unstable/binary-all/doc. Safe to
install on any system as it's only text. Hard to put a bug into that :-)

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: Not keeping correct time

1996-08-20 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Shaya Potter writes:
  Shaya>  I just noticed that my linux box dosen't seem to be keeping correct
  Shaya> time. 

File that under "advantages of being IBM PC compatible"  :-)

  Shaya> Does anyone know of an efficient way to make my linux box keep
  Shaya> correct time?

I have these two lines in a script that cron runs nightly for root 

netdate tcp 
clock -u -w

Netdate is in netstd, you already have it.  I am sure that you can find a
timeserver in your domain, if not, pointers to do them are in the xntp doc.
Afterwards, clock -u -w writes (-w) the correctly set time into the bios
using GMT (-u) time.

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: ftape format warning!!!

1996-08-20 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Ken Gaugler writes:
  Ken>  I had a nasty surprise using ftape to dump my filesystems for
  Ken> archival right before repartitioning my hard drive.  I wanted to let
  Ken> people know about this in case they were not already aware.
  Ken> If you plan to dump several filesystems to one tape (that is, more
  Ken> than one session on a tape) you need to erase the tape using mt
  Ken> FIRST!!!  Otherwise you will not be able to read any sessions beyond
  Ken> the first.

You could have read the Ftape-HOWTO before attempting to do this. It says:

  6.4.  Putting more than one tar file on a tape

  To put more than one tar file on a tape you must have the mt utility.
  You will probably have it already, if you got one of the mainline
  distributions, e.g.  Slackware or Debian.

  tar generates a single Tape ARchive (that's why it is called `tar')
  and knows nothing about multiple files or positioning of a tape, it
  just reads or writes from/to a device. mt knows everyting about moving
  the tape back and forth, but nothing about reading the data off the
  tape.  As you might have guessed, tar and mt in conjunction, does the

  By using the nrft[0-3] (nftape) device, you can use `mt' to position
  the tape the correct place (`mt -f /dev/nftape fsf 2' means step over
  two ``file marks'', i.e.  tar files) and then use tar to read or write
  the relevant data.

  Ken> There were only two sessions on my tape.  Sadly, the second session
  Ken> contained the /usr filesystem, so I lost everything :(

Moreover, you can simplify your life by using a program as tob which reads
from several filesystems. Debian tob's package is in the admin section.

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: can't ifconfig dummy

1996-08-17 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Bill Roman writes:
  Bill>  Why doesn't `ifconfig dummy songdog' work?  It tells me:
  Bill> SIOCSIFADDR: No such device

ifconfig dummy0 
route add  

and if you use kerneld to load modules, add this in /etc/conf.modules:

alias   dummy0  dummy

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: All my memory disappears, rather too quickly

1996-08-16 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Jay> In addition to previous mail, would like to add that I've started
  Jay> receiving messages like this too: 
  Jay> Aug 16 16:11:31 named[145]: NSTATS 840208291 840075082 A=102 PTR=2
  Jay> MX=3 ANY=3 Aug 16 16:11:31 named[145]: XSTATS 840208291 840075082
  Jay> RQ=110 RR=44 RIQ=0 RNXD=1 RFwdQ=37 RFwdR=30 RDupQ=0 RDupR=0 RFail=0
  Jay> RFErr=0 RErr=0 RTCP=0 RAXFR=0 RLame=0 ROpts=0 SSysQ=38 SAns=73
  Jay> SFwdQ=37 SFwdR=30 SDupQ=0 SFail=43 SFErr=0 SErr=0 RNotNsQ=110
  Jay> SNaAns=72 SNXD=1

It means you are are running the named daemon from the bind package. Sure you
need an internet name server on your machine?

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

HOWTOs (Was: Problems with aha1542.o ...)

1996-08-14 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Christopher> It took me a while to search this down, but the documentation
  Christopher> (thanks to LDP) is available at:

If you install the doc-linux package, it is also at


As the doc-linux package is updated monthly with the upstream HOWTOs, you
should always look for the newest one in unstable/binary-all/doc. Safe to
install on any system as it's only text. Hard to put a bug into that :-)

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: Netscape and XKeysymDB

1996-08-14 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Ken Gaugler writes:
  Ken>  I am getting lots of messages about the key symbols not being right.
  Ken> I remember from BSDI that you had to have the nls directory set up in
  Ken> a special place.  Tried to hack this but still not getting the desired
  Ken> result (i.e. no more messages about missing keysyms).

There are several ways out:
 - read the README that comes with netscape :-)

 - install Debian's motifnls package, it creates the required nls directory

 - use Debian's "netscape" installer package

and there are still more possibilities. I simply put netscape's binary into
/usr/local/lib/netscape, along with the and the XKeysymDB file,
and then use this script which is saved as /usr/local/bin/netscape

XNLSPATH=/usr/lib/X11/nls/ \
XKEYSYMDB=/usr/local/lib/netscape/XKeysymDB \
exec /usr/local/lib/netscape/netscape "$@" 

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: bash PATH, dselect and ftape

1996-08-12 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Chris> 1. This question is more of a general bash question and if I
  Chris> shouldn't be posting it here someone let me know and I won't pester
  Chris> this group about it any more. All the following applies to the root
  Chris> account, I haven't checked it for an ordinary user yet.

[lots of stuff deleted]

Read the man pages for bash and xterm (or rxvt) and try to understand what
happens. You can have shells that are not login, they use ~/.bashrc. Every
"normal" (ie non-login) xterm reads this file _unless_ you tell xterm to be
start a login shell via the -ls option. Login shells read ~/.bash_profile.

  Chris> 2. I'm trying to add packages to my installation, among them lyx and
  Chris> mailcrypt and taper. Dselect complains that lyx needs the package
  Chris> xforms and mailcrypt needs pgp. However, I have downloaded both of
  Chris> these packages and told dselect about them. When it asks to

When you tell dselect about the directories, it wants to find the
Packages[.gz] file. You might have noticed the error message when that

If you only want to install three packages, why don't you just use dpkg -i ?

  Chris> 3. I can't find ftape anywhere. Does anyone know where to find this?

Since around 1.3.72, it is in the kernel sources in the directory
/usr/src/linux/drivers/char/ftape.  Just recompile your kernel (use "make
menuconfig" or "make xconfig" instead of make config).

Hope this helps, Dirk

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: fileutils 3.13-3 seems to be messed up

1996-08-10 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

(Follow-up only to debian-user. Please don't write to debian-devel and
debian-user at the same time.)

  Shaya Potter writes:
  Shaya>  I just installed fileutils 3.13-3, and now my 'ls' is screwed up.
  Shaya> I removed color-ls as it said I was supposed to.  I remember reading
  Shaya> about how color-ls is now included in fileutils.  However there is
  Shaya> no color-ls file in my /usr/bin directory anymore, there is a
  Shaya> dircolors file though, doing a dpkg -S dircolors tells me its from
  Shaya> the fileutils package.  Why did fileutils install dircolors and not
  Shaya> color-ls?  Am I missing something here?

You are missing a discussion we had about a ago on this. I append my mail
below. Erick added documentation to fileutils-3.13-3, you can find it in

>From edd Wed Jul 31 11:19:20 -0400 1996
To: Mark Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc:, Erick Branderhorst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: color ls

  Mark Phillips writes:
  Mark>  Hi, Something has happened to stop ls giving color output.  I used
  Mark> to be able to just run:
  Mark> eval `dircolors`
  Mark> and ls would work in color - even without specifying the "--color"
  Mark> option.  (And no, ls was not aliased)

Oh yes, it was aliased to do that. Just start the dircolors (the old one from
the color-ls package, that is) from the shell and you'll see.

  Mark> Now it seems I need to type "ls --color" to get color?

The old dircolors created the LS_COLORS env variable with your colour
selection the default or specified rc file _and_ created the aliases.
Now it only builds LS_COLORS so that I changed the code in
/usr/local/etc/profile (which I source from /etc/profile) to  

eval `dircolors -b /usr/local/etc/colour-ls.rc`
alias ls='ls --color=auto ';
alias dir='ls --color=auto --format=vertical';
alias vdir='ls --color=auto --format=long';
alias d=dir;
alias v=vdir;
alias ols='/bin/ls '

Before, I only needed the "eval 'dircolors -b `" line and the
aliases were built automagically (the format was slightly different, though,
there was also --8-bit or some such).

  Mark> What is the problem?  I've changed a number of things of late - moved
  Mark> from tcsh to bash (but same thing happens in both shells), and
  Mark> upgraded a number of packages.  So I don't know what has caused the
  Mark> change.  Any ideas anyone?

Your upgrade to the newest fileutils package which replaced the now redundant
color-ls package.

Erick, is there a way that you can persuade/hack dircolors to do what the old
one did? Or put a note in the package to ease transition? 

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: diald

1996-08-09 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Tim>  Does anyone know how to get diald to work? I'm almost there; I can
  Tim> get it to do it's thing, dial, connect to my ISP, start sending data,
  Tim> but after about 30 seconds, diald kills pppd, and reports that it has
  Tim> timed out waiting for ppp to connect. :/ Since I was in the middle of
  Tim> receiving an html document from the web, I'd say it's safe to assume
  Tim> that pppd was already connected.  Anyone got any ideas how I can cure
  Tim> this VERY annoying problem?

Diald can be configured to do almost everything. Using it "out of the box"
with Eric Schenk's original /etc/diald.conf as packaged for Debian, I also
noticed that I could die after some seconds, claiming inactivity.

You can either modify to diald.conf so that it always stays up longer. What
I did was to add a this to /etc/ppp/ip-up 

# send a couple of pings
ping -c 20 -s 2048 -i 15 my.isp.provider >/dev/null

Recently, I created a fifo /etc/diald.fifo, set the option
fifo /etc/diald.fifo 
in /etc/diald.options and wrote the following script to issue commands as
$ dial force
etc. This is quite handy as a one-command interface for other scripts.

Hope this helps, Dirk

- /usr/local/bin/dial ---
# dial --- communicate via fifo `/etc/diald.fifo' with the diald daemon
# edd   12 Jul 96

if [ $# -ne 1 ] 
echo "Usage: dial "
exit 1
case "$1" in
echo $1 >> /etc/diald.fifo
echo "Unknown (or unsupported) command: $1"
exit 1

exit 0


Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: mail-delivery-agents?

1996-08-03 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

Hi Lamar

I hope you don't mind that I put this back onto the list as other people
might wonder about this too.

  Lamar>  Hi, Dirk.  I seem to be having some trouble getting posts to the
  Lamar> debian-user list, so I'm mailing you directly.
  Lamar> You posted something about using procmail _and_ pop to sort your
  Lamar> mail.  I was wondering how you invoke procmail?  I, too, use
  Lamar> popclient to get my mail, and I'd _love_ to be able to have procmail
  Lamar> (or slocal or something) filter it for me.

It is all in the procmail manpages --- but as those are quite detailed it
hard to find as first sight. Note also that Debian procmail package has, as
many other packages, a lot of documentation in /usr/doc/ and 

1. I start popclient as (indented by a TAB for readability)
popclient -s -3 -P ~/.file-with-password host.that.has.mail  
to get my mail to my local machine.

2. One needs a file ~/.forward of the following form
"|IFS=' '&&exec /usr/bin/procmail -f-||exit 75 #edd"
where the end must  #"  as a fallback strategy. This passes the mail
to the procmail program.

3. A file ~/.procmailrc describes the sorting rules. There are lots of
examples in the manpage, and the /usr/doc/examples/procmail directory. But as
a concrete example, here are some pieces. If it looks all to strange, than
it's probably time to review a Unix book with something on regular
expressions. I just show some entries as it is mostly repetitive

 ~/.procmailrc --
# edd 26.10.95  installed from adapted version from /usr/doc/examples/procmail

# use `usual' default and not this one:  DEFAULT=$MAILDIR/

:0: # mail To or CC ctan-ann
* (^To|^CC|^Resent-).*ctan-ann@(|RELAY.URZ.UNI-HEIDELBERG.DE)

:0: # mail To or CC debian-announce
* (^To|^CC|^Resent-)[EMAIL PROTECTED](|

:0: # mail To or CC debian-bugs, debian-bugs-done
* (^To|^CC|^Resent-).*debian-bugs(-done)[EMAIL PROTECTED](|

:0: # Another one for new bugs system
* (^To|^CC|^Resent-)[EMAIL PROTECTED]

:0: # mail To or CC debian-changes
* (^To|^CC|^Resent-)[EMAIL PROTECTED](|

:0: # mail To or CC debian-devel
* (^To|^CC|^Resent-)[EMAIL PROTECTED](|

:0: # mirror logs
* ^To: edd
* ^Subject: mirror update$

:0: always starts a new rule section. Line with * describes rules, if there
are several they are ANDed together. The last line shows the folder into
which a message is put. 

Hope this helps, Dirk

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: color ls

1996-08-03 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Robert> hmm ok well i have checked 5 sites now and fileutils-3.12-4.deb IS
  Robert> the newer version. if i am wrong about this please tell where there
  Robert> is a newer version.

You have to look in the "rex" aka "development" aka "unstable" tree, not in
"Debian-1.1-fixed" aka "Debian-1.1.3" aka "buzz-fixed" aka "stable". You'll
find fileutils-3.13-2 in the base section.

Maybe wait a few days until fileutils-3.13-3 gets moved in which Erick
uploaded this morning to the developers site. 

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: mail-delivery-agents?

1996-08-03 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Dale Scheetz writes:
  Dale>  The current way I manage my e-mail involves using popclient to get
  Dale> incoming e-mail from my ISP ( to dwarf's incoming
  Dale> mail folder on my machine (, 

Same here. I advocate [EMAIL PROTECTED], which forwards to
[EMAIL PROTECTED], my wife's Debian box on campus, from where I
popclient everything to the house ([EMAIL PROTECTED], dynamic IP).

  Dale> outgoing mail is handled by Pine using SMTP.

I use smail, locally and for outgoing mail. _Very_ easy to setup and change
all the time because Ian Jackson wrote a fantastic /usr/sbin/smailconfig.

The only problem is that you have to "fake" another email address for
outgoing mail.  There are several ways to do it, directly with emacs, pine
(as you compiled the switch in, on my hint :-) and elm, or via smail
indepently of the MUA as was recently discussed on debian-user.

I also use procmail to sort my mail into 21 (!!!) different mail folders for
different mailing lists.

  Dale>  I would like to try some other mail readers like elm and emacs but
  Dale> none of these seem to be able to do SMTP and so require the presence
  Dale> of a mail-delivery-agent.

I can really recommend emacs with the vm mode. Really. 

  Dale>   I know I have heard pro and con discussions about smail vs sendmail
  Dale> but am still confused. Also I hear hints that qmail (?) will soon be
  Dale> a Debian package. I am a complete idiot when it comes to mail
  Dale> systems, so please be simple and clear in your answer ;-)

Goes with smail. Use the "smarthost" feature of the smailconfig for outgoing

  Dale>  What do I need to understand to install and use any of the available
  Dale> packages?

Nothing, basically :-)

  Dale>   If I am going to go to the trouble o1f learning to install a
  Dale> mail-delivery-agent I will want to be able to filter mail to various
  Dale> mail-folders based on the source of that mail.

You can already do that with your existing setup. Just install procmail, and
email me for examples.

  Dale>  If that is not available in the mail-delivery-agent, then point me
  Dale> to a package that will work with the target mail-delivery-agent.
  Dale> Thanks in advance for any help,


Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: mirror

1996-08-03 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Ricardo>  Hi!  First, thanks for the pointers... But I'm still having
  Ricardo> problems.  I've done an unpack and install on mirror-2.8-0.deb
  Ricardo> (that's the version that I have here for 0.93), but there's
  Ricardo> nothing under /etc/mirror (as a matter of fact, that directory
  Ricardo> didn't even exist). There's also no README.debian under
  Ricardo> /usr/doc/examples/mirror.

I was referring to the newest mirror package, mirror-2.8-6.  As it's written
entirely in perl, this is an "Architecture: all" package so that you can
fetch it from

That should work with 0.93R6, but you should update to Debian-1.1 as many,
many things have improved. See the "upgrades" directory for hints and notes.

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: dpkg-ftp or installing via FTP

1996-08-02 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Ricardo>  Hi guys, I grabbed and installed dpkg-ftp. But I see no mention
  Ricardo> of any ftp usage when I run dpkg --help.  Is there supposed to be
  Ricardo> a separate binary called dpkg-ftp? Because I can't find any...

It is meant to be used from within _dselect_. It gives you a new line in the
* 0. [A]ccess  Choose the access method to use.

  Ricardo> I'm trying to download the latest Debian distribution via FTP, but
  Ricardo> I've had problems both with ncftp and with dftp. I was hoping
  Ricardo> dpkg-ftp would be a better solution...

What's wrong with ncftp? Maybe your networking is not setup correctly.

  Ricardo> Another suggestion was to mirror debian. How much space is
  Ricardo> required to mirror? 

Depends on how many files and directories you select in the mirror parameter 
file /etc/mirror/packages/

  Ricardo> Can a mirror be partial?

Sure, see the example /etc/mirror/packages/, but please not
that it was written with the old directory structure in mind.

  Ricardo> Lastly, once I've gotten all that's required from FTP, is dselect
  Ricardo> a good method to use for performing the install?


Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: color ls

1996-08-02 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Robert> same here. i installed fileutils-3.12-4. the color-ls package still
  Robert> remains and wasn't removed
  Dirk>  Sure, 3.12-4 is not 3.13-{1,2}. Try a newer version of fileutils.

  Michael> Sorry Dirk but

I never said that _you_ were using 3.12. Robert said he did, and I was only
pointing out that wasn't the right one to begin with. 

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: color ls

1996-08-01 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Dirk> Oh yes, it was aliased to do that. Just start the dircolors (the old
  Dirk> one from the color-ls package, that is) from the shell and you'll
  Dirk> see.

  Michael>  I like to see that the standard ls is now colorized. But I wonder
  Michael> why the old one isn't removed automatically? Is there a reason for
  Michael> this?

color-ls was removed here when I installed fileutils-3.13-1.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~> dpkg -l color-ls fileutils
| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ NameVersionDescription
pn  color-ls (no description available)
ii  fileutils   3.13-2 GNU file management utilities.   

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: color ls

1996-08-01 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Michael> I like to see that the standard ls is now colorized. But I wonder
  Michael> why the old one isn't removed automatically? Is there a reason for
  Michael> this?

  Wichert>  Some monitors make text unreadable (cheap laptops for example)
  Wichert> when you use colors. Maybe a postinst-script could ask if color-ls
  Wichert> should be the new default, move ls to ls-normal and make ls a link
  Wichert> to color-ls.

Don't worry. It is one and the same binary, bin/ls, which has no color as the
default. You have use the --color option to enable color.

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: color ls

1996-08-01 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Guy>  I will add that `--color' is equivalent to `--color=yes', which is
  Guy> probably not what you want.  If you make any aliases, use
  Guy> `--color=tty'.  You don't want nasty escape codes if it's not a tty.

Those are the old style options implemented by color-ls (which is a patched
version based on fileutils-3.12). The new form is, according to ls --help

  --color[=WHEN] control whether color is used to distinguish file
   types.  WHEN may be `never', `always', or `auto'
By default, color is not used to distinguish types of files.  That is
equivalent to using --color=none.  Using the --color option without the
optional WHEN argument is equivalent to using --color=always.  With
--color=auto, color codes are output only if standard output is connected
to a terminal (tty).   

By the way, the man page distributed with fileutils-3.13-2 still documents
the old form (ie --color={yes,tty})

  Guy> Try `ls --color | less' to see what I mean.

That would now be 'ls --color=always | less' and is why --color=auto is a
better choice.

  Guy> And fileutils does have a bug with regards to color-ls.  It should
  Guy> conflict and replace with it so that it will be removed automatically.
  Guy> I'll file a report.

Yes, please add that it has Pre-Depends: and not Depends:, and that the
manpage needs an update.

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: color ls

1996-08-01 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Dirk> > color-ls was removed here when I installed fileutils-3.13-1.

  Michael> Strange. On my site it wasn't.

  Robert> same here. i installed fileutils-3.12-4. the color-ls package still
  Robert> remains and wasn't removed

Sure, 3.12-4 is not 3.13-{1,2}. Try a newer version of fileutils.

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: digested mailing list available?

1996-06-19 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  John Cook writes:
  John>  Does this mailing list offer the option of receiving periodic
  John> message digests as e-mail instead of every inidividual message?

No, but you can use mailagent or procmail (both available as Debian packages)
to filter you mail into different folders which IMHO is better than digests.

I use procmail the following regexp in ~/.procmailrc to filter debian-user:

:0: # mail To or CC debian-user
* (^To|^CC|^Resent-).*debian-user@(.*|.*|.*

It is not as complicated as it looks. The ":0:" line starts a new rule, and
"in.debian-user" ends it by saying that debian-user is my incoming mail
folder. Any mail that has a To:, CC: or Resent: which contains debian-user@
followed by any of the three possible lists (our old one, our new one, and
yggdrasil's gateway) get sorted into that folder. I use similar ones for
other mailing lists.

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: Adding a Lilo boot

1996-06-15 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Noam Rettig writes:
  Noam>  I have msdos on /dev/hda1 and linux on /dev/hda2.  I know that lilo
  Noam> can be configured to boot with either one at startup by pressing the
  Noam> TAB key.  How can I add the DOS image to my startup.

You have to read the LILO documentation in /usr/doc/lilo, or in a decent book
as "Running Linux". If you are _really_ lost, email me in private.

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: Default Pager

1996-06-15 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Noam Rettig writes:
  Noam>  Currently the default pager on my system is 'more'.  I want to
  Noam> change it to 'most'.  How should I do that?

Add this line to /etc/profile (or ~/.bash_profile)

export PAGER=most

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: Will Debian 1.1 have emacs-19.31?

1996-06-07 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  David> Where is the .deb file? 

Oh, sorry, I must have taken emacs-19.31 from the developers system. 

The public archive lags a little, mostly a day, sometimes a little longer. 
Expect to see emacs-19.31 in unstable/binary/editors any time now.

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: Will Debian 1.1 have emacs-19.31?

1996-06-07 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  David M Cooke writes:
  David>  Will the officially release Debian 1.1 include emacs-19.31? 

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~> emacs --version

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~> cat /etc/debian_version

Debian 1.1 is in official beta-test and can be installed safely. Expect the
official release Real Soon Now (TM).

Emacs-19.31 seems a little more alert than 19.30. Nice job, Mark!

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: F77 has gone missing?

1996-06-07 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Dale> I ended up making a link to g77 and things work better.

I wouldn't do that. Whenever I compiled octave here, ./configure was
perfectly capable of working with either f2c or g77, maybe with the help of
a --with-f2c argument, but that's about it.

If you make a link f77, one program one day will think it's native Fortran
which it is not.

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: F77 has gone missing?

1996-06-07 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Dale Scheetz writes:
  Dale>  I just went back to working on Octave and don't seem to have F77 any
  Dale> more.  I have been keeping pretty up to date on the devel
  Dale> section. Anyone know what happened to it?

There never was one. Take your pick among
f2c with fort77

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: printing in debian/unix is hard...

1996-06-04 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Carlos> Moral: if you want to have smart printing, use window$ :-( :-( :-(

Narrr. I am quite happy with one simple entry in /etc/printcap, plus one
gs_filter. All I print is in postscript (generated by genscript or dvipsk)
and printed via gs. That I can simply say "print" in any application
Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: reporting in on my new upgraded debian 1.1 beta installation

1996-06-04 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  James> 3) emacs was upgraded to 19.30 (another major enhancement!).  when I
  James> upgraded to 19.29, I had the same problem, namely, emacs looks for
  James> the file /usr/lib/emacs/19.28/lisp/jka-compr.elc.  This problem is
  James> easily fixed by creating the sym-link 'ln -s 19.30 19.28' in the
  James> /usr/lib/emacs directory.  However, I wish this problem would either
  James> get fixed, or someone explain to me what I am doing wrong.

Emacs sources /usr/lib/emacs/site-lisp/site-start.el, a file which specifies
site-specific preferences for modes that should be provided on startup.
Following good debian practice, this file is actually softlinked to the file
/etc/site-start.el under /etc.

Now, the loading path for jka-compr.elc contained, for whatever reason, the
absolute path into the emacs lisp directory which depends on the version of
emacs. When this was done, it was set to 19.28, and hasn't been fixed since. 
I had that first changed to
(load "jka-compr")
which finds it's path automagically, and now, with 19.30, have
(auto-compression-mode 1) 
which provides the same features.

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: mailing list as digest?

1996-05-21 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Matthew> To the point: unfortunately, the volume is very large. I'd much
  Matthew> prefer to get this mailing list in digest format. Does anyone know
  Matthew> if this is possible with the list server that uses? No
  Matthew> mention is made on their web pages, the place I signed up from.

You can use either "procmail" or "mailagent" to filter your incoming mail
into different folders. Very, very convenient. Both packages are in the mail
directory of the Debian distribution.

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

No more logs since cron.weekly rotation

1996-05-19 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

Files in /var/adm as daemon.log, messages, auth.log don't get updated this
morning. Here's the rest of a ls -ltr in /var/adm

-rw-r--r--   1 root adm 0 May 19 06:47 daemon.log
-rw-r--r--   1 root adm 0 May 19 06:47 debug
-rw-r--r--   1 root adm 0 May 19 06:47 daemon.log.0
-rw-r--r--   1 root adm 0 May 19 06:47 debug.0
-rw-r--r--   1 root adm 0 May 19 06:47 messages
-rw-r--r--   1 root adm 0 May 19 06:47 messages.0
-rw-r-   1 root adm 0 May 19 06:47 auth.log
-rw-r-   1 root adm 0 May 19 06:47 auth.log.0
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root 1024 May 19 06:50 smail
-rw-r--r--   1 root adm 11144 May 19 08:59 wtmp
-rw-r--r--   1 root adm   498 May 19 09:05 diald.log   

What's even more strange is that the xconsole window has all the relevant
information. Here are the last lines:

May 19 09:05:33 miles pppd[9109]: pppd 2.2.0 started by root, uid 0
May 19 09:05:33 miles pppd[9109]: Using interface ppp0
May 19 09:05:33 miles pppd[9109]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS3
May 19 09:05:37 miles pppd[9109]: local  IP address
May 19 09:05:37 miles pppd[9109]: remote IP address
May 19 09:05:37 miles diald[27052]: New addresses: local, remote
May 19 09:10:07 miles in.comsat[9171]: connect from localhost
May 19 09:23:33 miles su: (to root)  on /dev/ttyp1

Any idea what's wrong? Is that a sysklogd problem? Or a savelog problem? 
System info is as this:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/adm> uname -a
Linux miles 1.3.98 #1 Tue May 7 16:58:31 EDT 1996 i586

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/adm> w
  9:27am  up 11 days, 14:59,  1 user,  load average: 0.08, 0.05, 0.01
User tty   login@  idle   JCPU   PCPU  what
edd  ttyp0 8:59am  w

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/adm> dpkg -l syslogd libc5 smail
| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ NameVersionDescription
ii  syslogd 1.3-2  Kernel and system logging daemons.
ii  libc5   5.2.18-6   The Linux C library version 5 (run-time libr
ii  smail mail transport system.

Thanks for all pointers, Dirk

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: Problems with color-ls

1996-05-19 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Dale> What is in your /usr/local/etc/colour-ls.rc file? 

That is the usual plain text file that describes which colours are used for
which modes, extensions, ... I just didn't like the name DIRCOLORS or
whatever is proposed as uppercase is so loud.

  Dale> I have the eval `dircolors -b` in my /etc/profile my $HOME/.bashrc as
  Dale> well.  It doens't seem to help. It happens when running the Makefile
  Dale> that changes shells within the Makefile itself. ie It is a /bin/sh
  Dale> script but calls the /bin/csh in the script. Could that mess things
  Dale> up?

Sure. You can try any of these options (ordered in increasing uglyness):

 - say "unalias ls" just before the calling make, it will then do a plain
   old ls without colours (easy)

 - hardcode calls to ls in the Makefile or script to /bin/ls (ok)

 - disable the dircolors in /etc/profile and ~/.bashrc (ugly)

 - rewrite the csh script as sh or bash (very ugly)

Hope this helps,

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: Problems with color-ls

1996-05-18 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Dale Miller writes:
  Dale>  I am working on a package of Lclint which is the free lint for
  Dale> Linux. Unfortunately I am having problems with color-ls. When I try
  Dale> to do make test to compile the test cases I get the following error.
  Dale> dircolors: Unknown shell `csh '.  This causes the build to mess
  Dale> up. Does anyone have any ideas why this happens. If I purge the
  Dale> color-ls package then everything works fine and the build works.  I
  Dale> like color-ls so I don't want to have to purge it.  Any info would be
  Dale> appreciated. If you need more info answer my question then let me
  Dale> know.

>From dircolors(1):


   -a, -s Assume the user is using a Bourne-style shell which
  does not support aliasing.  This is default if  the
  base  name  of the environment variable SHELL is sh
  or ash.  Instead a shell function is used.  If  the
  -P  option is also used, this function will need to
  spawn a  subshell;  this  is  slow  and  should  be
  avoided if possible.

   -b, -k Assume  the user is using a Bourne-style shell that
  supports Korn-style aliasing.  This is the  default
  if  the base name of the environment variable SHELL
  is bash or ksh.   You  may  want  to  specify  this
  option  explicitly  if  your  sh  is  really a more
  advanced  shell,  which  does  support   Korn-style

You have to add the switch to your call of dircolors. I do the following in
my /usr/local/etc/profile (which is sourced by /etc/profile):

eval `dircolors -b /usr/local/etc/colour-ls.rc`   

Hope this helps,

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

Re: minicom..

1996-05-15 Thread Dirk . Eddelbuettel

  Richard Dansereau writes:
  Richard>  Hi!  I'm trying to get minicom properly setup.  When I try to run
  Richard> minicom as a non-priveledged user.. I get the error that /dev/cua1
  Richard> permission denied The default permission settings on /dev/cua1
  Richard> when you install Debian 0.93R6 is 660.  I can get things to work
  Richard> if I set the permissions to 666 but isn't this somewhat of a
  Richard> security problem?  Is there a secure way of setting this up?

Add yourself to the dialout group in /etc/groups.

  Richard> Also, when I was previously using the slackware distribution
  Richard> minicom was in color.  I currently don't get it in color in an
  Richard> xterm.  Does debian come with a special color xterm?

I use "xminicom" which is a script that uses whatever is available on your
system. Works with rxvt and the colourised xterm, both are Debian packages.

Hope this helps,

Dirk Eddelb"uttel

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