Re: [HS]

2024-05-07 Thread David Martin
je voulais dire niveau tarifs, selon vous, quel est le meilleur choix s'il
vous plait ?

Le mar. 7 mai 2024 à 14:17, David Martin  a écrit :

> Bonjour,
> Savez vous quelle est la meilleure solution aujourd'hui pour un serveur
> dédié sous Debian Linux ?
> --
> david martin

david martin


2024-05-07 Thread David Martin

Savez vous quelle est la meilleure solution aujourd'hui pour un serveur
dédié sous Debian Linux ?

david martin

Debian en HP Envy

2023-12-17 Thread martin ayos
 Saludos a todos. He heredado una HP Envy con I7 SSD y varios chiches
más, gracias a que al dueño se le quebró parte del monitor y ya no la
quiere. En fin, la consulta es la siguiente: estuve buscando en la web
qué tal va la compatibilidad con debian (es el SO que uso hace años y
no quisiera cambiarme) y encontré muy poco. Lo que leí es que con Arch
va bien. La probé con un live cd de Ubuntu y funciona. Alguien tiene
Debian instalado en alguna máquina similar? Me serviría mucho si
pueden orientarme. Muchas gracias.

Martín Ayos
Linux User # 481475

Re: Filsystem för värddator?

2023-12-04 Thread Martin Schöön
Den 2023-12-04 skrev Mateusz Mojsiejuk :

Hej och tack för bra svar.
> Kan vara så enkelt att BTRFS inte va standardval i installern?

Jag lyckades ju göra / och /home till BTRFS...

> Eftersom BTRFS är ett Copy-on-write filesystem så har det faktiskt 
> sämre prestanda (hastighet) än tex EXT4. Kankse vill du ha mer kräm i
> burken då du hade VM:s och körde icke SSD diskar? Det är inte heller
> optimalt att snapshotta sådana filer då de är stora.
> En annan sak är att BTRFS ofta har komprimering påslaget default i linux
> distributioner. 
> Det är något som inte fungerar optimalt när man har väldigt
> stora filer. Nu för tiden kan man stänga av komprimering per fil med en
> chattr flagga om jag minns rätt (om inte det görs automatiskt för vissa
> specifika paths som tex /var/lib/libvirt/images 
Värt att tänka på. Jag antar att dessa filer inte direkt är ascii utan
ganska svårkomprimerade.

> Jag har personligen sett buggar där applikationer krashar för att Kärnan
> triggar OOM detta för den får slut på minne när den försöker komprimera stora
> gqcow images.

Jag borde ha lagt till att när jag kör virtuella maskiner är det inte
frågan om tunga beräkningar eller spel eller videorendering. Jag har inte
upplevt de virtuella maskinerna som det minsta slöa på den gamla datorn.

> Har du SSD så tror jag inte du kommer märka av några problem med BTRFs
> numera och rekomenderar att du kör det.

Dagens studier och funderingar har lett även mig till denna slutsats.
Och till upptäckten av F2FS och att det stöds av installationen. Men
det är kanske att vara för äventyrlig.


> On Sun, Dec 03, 2023 at 11:24:14AM +, Martin Schöön wrote:
>> Hallå,
>> Någon som är duktig på filsystem här?
>> Efter 13 år är det dags för ny dator -- stationär dator
>> i 'hemmakontoret'. Den gamla jobbar på bra så jag unnar
>> mig lyxen att inte hasta med den nya.
>> En av datorns arbetsuppgifter är att vara värd för några
>> virtuella maskiner -- både Virtualbox och Qemu. På den
>> gamla dator lever de virtuella diskarna på en separat
>> ext4-partition. Detta är lite av ett mysterium. Varför
>> gjorde jag så? Vad är bästa valet idag?
>> Övriga partitioner (/ och /home) är btrfs-partitioner
>> och det har fungerat hur bra som helst.
>> Den gamla datorn var tänkt som ren kontorsdator och hade
>> modesta prestanda redan när den var ny. Från början med
>> en HDD men ganska snart ombyggd med två HDD och RAID.
>> Den nya datorn förväntas få bita i lite mer ambitiösa
>> arbetsuppgifter så jag har spännt bågen hårdare
>> denna gång. Mycket mer RAM och, narturligtvis, SSD.
>> Finns det någon här som kan gissa varför jag inte
>> lät mina virtuella diskar ligga i en folder under 
>> /home (btrfs)? Finns det någon anledning till att
>> inte göra så på den nya datorn?
>> Det enda jag kan komma på är att dessa 'diskar' är
>> rätt stora filer (45 GB, 20 GB...) och att det kanske
>> kan vara jobbigt i kombination med ett COW filsystem.
>> Med tack på förhand,
>> /Martin

Filsystem för värddator?

2023-12-03 Thread Martin Schöön

Någon som är duktig på filsystem här?

Efter 13 år är det dags för ny dator -- stationär dator
i 'hemmakontoret'. Den gamla jobbar på bra så jag unnar
mig lyxen att inte hasta med den nya.

En av datorns arbetsuppgifter är att vara värd för några
virtuella maskiner -- både Virtualbox och Qemu. På den
gamla dator lever de virtuella diskarna på en separat
ext4-partition. Detta är lite av ett mysterium. Varför
gjorde jag så? Vad är bästa valet idag?

Övriga partitioner (/ och /home) är btrfs-partitioner
och det har fungerat hur bra som helst.

Den gamla datorn var tänkt som ren kontorsdator och hade
modesta prestanda redan när den var ny. Från början med
en HDD men ganska snart ombyggd med två HDD och RAID.

Den nya datorn förväntas få bita i lite mer ambitiösa
arbetsuppgifter så jag har spännt bågen hårdare
denna gång. Mycket mer RAM och, narturligtvis, SSD.

Finns det någon här som kan gissa varför jag inte
lät mina virtuella diskar ligga i en folder under 
/home (btrfs)? Finns det någon anledning till att
inte göra så på den nya datorn?

Det enda jag kan komma på är att dessa 'diskar' är
rätt stora filer (45 GB, 20 GB...) och att det kanske
kan vara jobbigt i kombination med ett COW filsystem.

Med tack på förhand,


Re: How do I connect my new wifi router (Mi Router 4C)?

2023-11-08 Thread Martin
l 19513 ecr 
0,nop,wscale 6], length 0
10:47:53.843797 enp3s0 In  IP > Flags 
[S], seq 1626803236, win 29200, options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 19518 ecr 
0,nop,wscale 6], length 0

Last 4 lines here are similar and there I can not find any response from
server ( to them. One thing that is suspicious to me
is that it is using address - maybe my masquerade is not
working properly?
I would like this packet to be rewriten as if it is comming
from (main main computer) not from
Is that reasanoble? And how do I achieve that?

> Warning: if you have not configured network interfaces for DHCP in dnsmasq
> then do it. Otherwise other computers connected to the upstream WiFi link
> may receive DHCP leases emitted from wlxe8de27a5ab1c.

Only thing I added to dnsmasq configuration is one line in
/etc/dnsmasq.d/myHomeDHCPrange file: 

This seems to work as you can see above WiFi is getting address
Is there anything else I should change for dnsmasq setting?


Re: How do I connect my new wifi router (Mi Router 4C)?

2023-11-05 Thread Martin
On Sun, Nov 05, 2023 at 06:48:47AM +, Tixy wrote:
> On Sat, 2023-11-04 at 20:08 +0100, Martin wrote:
> [...]
> > BTW putting above script into /etc/nftables.conf (at the bottom of file)
> > did not ever worked - I had always to run that file manualy as root.
> > Command 'nft list ruleset' only then showed this table.
> > I have no idea why. To me it seemed as if /etc/nftables.conf file
> > was not executed (I have rebooted many times so this file should run).
> [...]
> Did you enable the nftables service? To do that, use:
> # systemctl enable nftables.service
> and to see status of the service
> # systemctl status nftables.service

It was not enabled by default. I enabled it now.
That is great - now i know where to put script when it start working.
Unfortunately I am not there yet :(

Thank you.

Re: How do I connect my new wifi router (Mi Router 4C)?

2023-11-05 Thread Martin
On Sun, Nov 05, 2023 at 10:26:17AM +0200, Anssi Saari wrote:
> Anyways, a typical masquerade rule would specify the source network and
> an outgoing interface. For example, I have in my Linux router:
> ip saddr oifname "enp1s0" masquerade
> so for you that would become
> ip saddr oifname "wlxe8de27a5ab1c" masquerade

I tried this line too, unforutately it does not work either.
I mean after executing the config file with this line it shows itself in
output of command 'nft list ruleset' but I still can not connect to
internet from my phone.

I tried many lines similar to this, none works:
ip saddr ip daddr != masquerade
ip saddr ip daddr != masquerade
ip saddr oifname "wlxe8de27a5ab1c" masquerade
oifname "wlxe8de27a5ab1c" masquerade

I also noticed in output of 'nft list ruleset' that other rules there are
using capitalized letter so i try it too:
istead of   chain postrouting {
I used  chain POSTROUTING {

I also tried to put this command in table that already exist instead of
creating new one (masqrule) - instead of running my whole script I run
only one command (after reboot so there are no more changes made by me before):

nft add rule ip nat POSTROUTING oifname  wlxe8de27a5ab1c  masquerade

(note that here I used 'ip nat' table that is added autmaticaly by
docker server i guess)

Since nothing I tried does work I guess my next step should be to see
where/how those packets from phone are handled. I guess program for that
is tcpdump which I have installed. But since I am unfamiliar with this tool
I would need help from mailing list to guide me what to look for and how
to use this tool.

So please can you give me some info what command should I use with
tcpdump to see where packets from phone are going - or why they do not
go where they should?

Just a reminder - I can connect from phone to my computers web server - which
I also installed just for debugging this. The problem is I can not connect from
phone to internet (let say


Re: How do I connect my new wifi router (Mi Router 4C)?

2023-11-04 Thread Martin
On Thu, Oct 26, 2023 at 10:00:08PM +0700, Max Nikulin wrote:
> On 26/10/2023 17:06, Martin wrote:
> > On Thu, Oct 26, 2023 at 09:54:22AM +0700, Max Nikulin wrote:
> > > 
> > > #!/usr/sbin/nft -f
> > > table inet sharedconnection {}
> > > flush table inet sharedconnection
> > > table ip sharedconnection { ... } from above

> I wrote "FILE" in caps trying to express that you can choose any name.
> Debian has /etc/nftables.conf and nft supports the "include" directive, see
> nft(8). So you may put your file to /etc or to create a dedicated directory,
> e.g. /etc/nftables.conf.d, for your settings and include your file from the
> main conf file, so it should be applied on each boot by nftables.service.
> You may put "table ip shared ..." content directly into /etc/nftables.conf
> as well, however I prefer to minimize changes in files provided by packages
> when it is possible to use additional ones.

> By the way, since you have dnsmasq running, you may enable its DHCP server
> (dhcp-range=, and may switch mi router from
> static network configuration to DHCP.

Sorry for long pause in reply (my hard disk was dieing so I replaced HD and
installed whole debian from scratch).

Now (after reinstall everything) I am the point where I want to make my
router to work. I set up dnsmasq to enable DHCP with line in config:
and reseted my WiFi router after little configuring with my phone I can
connect my phone to WiFi router and to my computer (that still has address I can access http server on my computer when I type in my
phone address to connect in web browser:
(I created on my computer file /var/www/html/test.html)

That is all without changing anything with nft program.
I created a file with exatly this content:

#!/usr/sbin/nft -f

table ip masqrule {}
flush table ip masqrule
table ip masqrule {
  chain postrouting {
type nat hook postrouting priority srcnat; policy accept;
ip saddr ip daddr != masquerade

When I execute this file with sudo unfortunately nothing changes, I can
not connect to the internet (trying from phone).

[[ this is about old system I had on old HD:
I remeber before reinstalling whole system at this point I had connection
from my phone to the internet (I could see google and then some videos on
youtube worked too on the phone) After I rebooted my old system I could not
connect to internet anymore from the phone. I slightly changed the script
from your post to current state (namely using ip allways instead of inet at
first two lines of script and using 'masqrule'as table name) I thing those
changes are ok.

I have no idea what else should I try to make this work. Maybe I forgot
to issue some command (but I do not think so).

BTW putting above script into /etc/nftables.conf (at the bottom of file)
did not ever worked - I had always to run that file manualy as root.
Command 'nft list ruleset' only then showed this table.
I have no idea why. To me it seemed as if /etc/nftables.conf file
was not executed (I have rebooted many times so this file should run).


My current network connections, and 'ip route' command:
(I see 2 changes from my prevoius setup: missing tun0 and  br-7bfdce95ff27
they were before created automaticaly so I hope it does not matter they
are not present now - both where doing local addresses and, maybe they will appeear when I install more programs from
repository - i am not worried about them, just mentioning to be complete)
root@redmoon:~# ip address list
1: lo:  mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group 
default qlen 1000
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
inet scope host lo
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 ::1/128 scope host noprefixroute
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: enp3s0:  mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UP 
group default qlen 1000
link/ether e0:d5:5e:73:c9:d3 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global enp3s0
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 fe80::e2d5:5eff:fe73:c9d3/64 scope link proto kernel_ll
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
3: wlxe8de27a5ab1c:  mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue 
state UP group default qlen 1000
link/ether e8:de:27:a5:ab:1c brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global dynamic wlxe8de27a5ab1c
   valid_lft 591334sec preferred_lft 591334sec
inet6 fe80::eade:27ff:fea5:ab1c/64 scope link proto kernel_ll
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
4: docker0:  mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state 
DOWN group default
link/ether 02:42:33:88:62:ce brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global docker

Re: RANTING apt update does not work

2023-11-03 Thread Martin
On Thu, Nov 02, 2023 at 02:14:17PM -0500, David Wright wrote:
> I suspect this may be an X-Y problem. The OP appears to already have
> a working sid, but it's on a disk that may be failing.
> The idea of upgrading an installation is probably unattractive, as
> they appear to only have access to a weak, remote wifi signal, and
> they supply their phone's internet connection from the same source
> indirectly (by feeding a router from their computer), so tethering
> is out. (
> has not been contradicted.)
> So I have to ask why they don't just copy their existing sid to the
> new hard drive, make it bootable, and run that instead.

OH my god! Why did not I tought of just copying it before all this mess.

I already managed to install debian from scratch and upgrade it to sid
on new HD. Now I have to install all the programs i use. And that is the
mess.  because I have used debain since Sarge version and keep copying
files and setups from old to new computer/HD whenever I upgraded hardware
(I started with Pentium I - or whatever name was it then). So I have
lot of programs and configuring files to deal with.

This is also why my reply to this email is soo late (I have been
configuring new system). And for now I have not installed many
programs I need to new system so I use old system up to reply this email.

So I will probably ask more questions later (especialy about setting
up local wifi router - I have some problems with that - but I will
leave it for little later).

Thank you all for help provided so far.

apt update does not work

2023-11-02 Thread Martin
I have installed old distribution
# deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 9.1.0 _Stretch_ - Official amd64 DVD Binary-1 
20170722-11:29]/ stretch contrib main non-free
(because that was newest distribution I had on DVD with me)

I configured network and now I am trying to update the system to sid.
I commented everything in /etc/apt/sources.list and added only one line:

deb sid main contrib non-free 

I got error that that public key is not available:

root@redmoon:~# apt update
Get:1 sid InRelease [198 kB]
Err:1 sid InRelease
  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not 
available: NO_PUBKEY 0E98404D386FA1D9 NO_PUBKEY 6ED0E7B82643E131
Reading package lists... Done
W: GPG error: sid InRelease: The following 
signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: 
NO_PUBKEY 0E98404D386FA1D9 NO_PUBKEY 6ED0E7B82643E131
E: The repository ' sid InRelease' is not 
N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore 
disabled by default.
N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration 

Where do I get those needed keys and where do I put them?


Re: How to install Sid with non-free firmware for wifi?

2023-11-01 Thread Martin
On Wed, Nov 01, 2023 at 09:11:45AM -0500, David Wright wrote:
> On Wed 01 Nov 2023 at 14:42:17 (+0100), Martin wrote:
> > >From above outut i figure out my adapter is:
> > Bus 003 Device 002: ID 0cf3:9271 Qualcomm Atheros Communications AR9271 
> > 802.11n
> I would have thought you'd have firmware-ath9k-htc installed to
> run that device. You could download it from:
> by means of your old installation if necessary.
>   Package firmware-ath9k-htc
> sid (unstable) (misc): firmware for AR7010 and AR9271 USB wireless 
> adapters
> 1.4.0-108-gd856466+dfsg1-1.4: all

This driver is also included inside of cdrom immage I use to start installation.
So I do not understand why it does not initiaze my wifi USB automaticaly?

(Also I forgot to include that I have this driver installed on my current 
in the first email I included list of firmares - only this one was missed -
perhaps because it is in misc/main group in aptitude and not in 


Re: How to install Sid with non-free firmware for wifi?

2023-11-01 Thread Martin
On Wed, Nov 01, 2023 at 02:09:57PM +0100, Marco M. wrote:
> Am 01.11.2023 um 13:59:51 Uhr schrieb Martin:
> Do you have USB NICs?
> Does your computer has an Ethernet NIC (wired)?
> Then use them for installing the packages.

I have one computer with wifi connection to internet.
The problem is to let installer recognize this wifi adapter.

> > My wifi adapter is TP-LINK TL-WN722N
> Relevant is the USB-ID/PCI-ID.
> Use lsusb/lspci -nnk to find it out.

$ lsusb
Bus 003 Device 002: ID 0cf3:9271 Qualcomm Atheros Communications AR9271 802.11n
Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 007 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 006 Device 002: ID 04f3:0103 Elan Microelectronics Corp. ActiveJet K-2024 
Multimedia Keyboard
Bus 006 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub

>From above outut i figure out my adapter is:
Bus 003 Device 002: ID 0cf3:9271 Qualcomm Atheros Communications AR9271 802.11n


How to install Sid with non-free firmware for wifi?

2023-11-01 Thread Martin
I am currently using Sid version of Debian - in /etc/apt/sources.list i have:
deb sid main contrib non-free 

non-free and non-free-firmware I have because of drivers I need for my machine
(most acute is wifi receiver, but i guess for sound and graphic too)

Now my hard drive is dieing and I bought a new HD. I want to install debian on
new HD to replace current one.

I tryed many approaches but what looks like more strightforward is using
installer from:
This is net installer with all non-free firmware I guess. Ist size is 644M.

The problem is that my wifi receiver is not recognized by installer.

On my current computer it need some password to be supplied when
starting computer (it is done in /etc/network/interfaces
iface wlxe8de27a5ab1c inet dhcp
 wpa-ssid Thomson
 wpa-psk mypassword

When I use installer CD I do see that lights on this wifi adapter does
NOT blink at all (it stay off all the time).

How do I get installer to make to recognize my wifi adapter?

I have looked inside CD and it has all nonfree drivers I have installed
on my computer instalation:

My wifi adapter is TP-LINK TL-WN722N

Description of what happen when I start intaller CD:
I start installer in Expert mode (somewhere i read  it is needed to install Sid)
All goes fine until installer try to detect network. It does not recognize my
wifi adapter. It does some testing with ethernet adapter (enp3s0) then test
for wifi searching DHCP and finds nothing (during this search I noticed that
it does not use my wifi adapter - it does not blink at all).
Then it offers me to enter values manualy but it uses those values with 
ethernet adapter.
And I am stuck here: how do I recognize my wifi adapter?


Re: How do I connect my new wifi router (Mi Router 4C)?

2023-10-26 Thread Martin
On Thu, Oct 26, 2023 at 09:54:22AM +0700, Max Nikulin wrote:
> On 26/10/2023 02:20, Martin wrote:
> > On Wed, Oct 25, 2023 at 07:33:52PM +0700, Max Nikulin wrote:
> > > should have something like
> > > 
> > > table ip sharedconnection {
> > >chain postrouting {
> > >  type nat hook postrouting priority srcnat; policy accept;
> > >  ip saddr ip daddr != masquerade
> > >}
> > > }
> "sharedconnection" is an arbitrary name. It should be chosen to not conflict
> with other applications. Actually you have nat masquerading rules created by
> docker for other interfaces. Read /usr/share/doc/nftables/README.Debian and
> choose a convenient for you way to add rules. You may add the following
> heading and may save rules to a file that may be read by either "nft -f
> FILE.conf" or just executing it.
> #!/usr/sbin/nft -f
> table inet sharedconnection {}
> flush table inet sharedconnection
> # table ip shared connection { ... } from above

I did create FILE.conf and after executing it I can connect to internet from
my phone. THANK YOU!

Now where do I put this FILE.conf? I would like for it to run everytime
I turn on my computer. Is there some standard place for it - perhaps in
/etc directory? Maybe i should create some script in /etc/init.d/


Re: How do I connect my new wifi router (Mi Router 4C)?

2023-10-25 Thread Martin
On Wed, Oct 25, 2023 at 02:15:36PM +0200, Marco M. wrote:
> Am 25.10.2023 um 13:33:48 Uhr schrieb Martin:
> > On Wed, Oct 25, 2023 at 08:47:03AM +0200, Marco M. wrote:
> > > 
> > > Why don't you use DHCP like your phone does?  
> > 
> > Because I used this computer before I had WiFi and phone.
> Why it is a problem to change it?
> Do you really want to deal with manually addressing machines?

I only have one computer, and now this new router. Because I only have
one computer I did not feel need to use DHCP to automaticaly assing me
an IP address.


Re: How do I connect my new wifi router (Mi Router 4C)?

2023-10-25 Thread Martin
On Wed, Oct 25, 2023 at 07:33:52PM +0700, Max Nikulin wrote:
> On 25/10/2023 18:24, Martin wrote:
> > On Wed, Oct 25, 2023 at 03:17:09PM +0700, Max Nikulin wrote:
> > > 
> > > So packet forwarding should be enabled on the computer.
> sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward
> almost certainly enabled since you have the docker0 network interface

You are right, it is enabled:

$ sudo sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1

> I hope, you have a DNS server running on this machine
> host

I did not had dig installed but host worked, alas it showed me that I do
not have installed DNS server. So I installed dnsmasq package and
wonders happened (without me editing any config files - just installing
dnsmasq) - on my mobile phone when I connected to address
(default router address when I look from phone) It showed now green line
from router to internet.

But unfortunatelly phone does not connect to internet yet. I guess I will
need to issue some 'sudo route' command to add path from my router to
outside world (actually I do not have idea if this is the problem).

> Check that you do not have blocking rules in firewall

I do not use firewall anymore, since I stoped using wired home phone
(dialup modem) to connect to internet with ppp protocol. Since I am now
connected to internet via my weak antena which is connected to router(A)
and then to internet I know that distant router(A) is protected enough
(after all it uses only local address that i can see

> and that masquerading
> is enabled for your downstream link enp3s0
> nft list ruleset
> should have something like
> table ip sharedconnection {
>   chain postrouting {
> type nat hook postrouting priority srcnat; policy accept;
> ip saddr ip daddr != masquerade
>   }
> }

I did not add any masquerading rules by myself and output of command
'nft list ruleset' is showed below. It does not have anything like you
showed in section 'table ip sharedconnection'. I remember using iptables
command to make firewall and masquerading my computer while I was using
dialup modem internet connection. I do not set up use any iptable rules
manualy anymore.

So this is probably what I need to figure out how to use masquerading
and other firewall rules to enable my new router to connect to outside
internet. (I must admit that I forgot what rules should I use to enable
this setup - so I need your help)

Here is output of 'nft list ruleset' 'iptables -S' and 'iptables -L' command:
(I am not sure they provide different info, but here they are)

Thanks a lot

$ sudo nft list ruleset
# Warning: table ip nat is managed by iptables-nft, do not touch!
table ip nat {
chain DOCKER {
iifname "docker0" counter packets 0 bytes 0 return
iifname "br-7bfdce95ff27" counter packets 0 bytes 0 return

type nat hook postrouting priority srcnat; policy accept;
oifname "wlxe8de27a5ab1c" ip saddr  counter packets 
192 bytes 11818 masquerade
oifname != "docker0" ip saddr counter packets 0 
bytes 0 masquerade
oifname != "br-7bfdce95ff27" ip saddr counter 
packets 0 bytes 0 masquerade

type nat hook prerouting priority dstnat; policy accept;
fib daddr type local counter packets 7727 bytes 479748 jump 

chain OUTPUT {
type nat hook output priority dstnat; policy accept;
ip daddr != fib daddr type local counter packets 3 
bytes 196 jump DOCKER
# Warning: table ip filter is managed by iptables-nft, do not touch!
table ip filter {
chain DOCKER {

iifname "docker0" oifname != "docker0" counter packets 0 bytes 
iifname "br-7bfdce95ff27" oifname != "br-7bfdce95ff27" counter 
packets 0 bytes 0 jump DOCKER-ISOLATION-STAGE-2
counter packets 27 bytes 1780 return

oifname "docker0" counter packets 0 bytes 0 drop
oifname "br-7bfdce95ff27" counter packets 0 bytes 0 drop
counter packets 0 bytes 0 return

chain FORWARD {
type filter hook forward priority filter; policy drop;
 counter packets 57740 bytes 51358193 accept
counter packets 25 bytes 1644 jump DOCKER-USER
counter packets 25 bytes 1644 jump DOCKER-ISOLATION-STAGE-1
oifname "docker0&quo

Re: How do I connect my new wifi router (Mi Router 4C)?

2023-10-25 Thread Martin
On Wed, Oct 25, 2023 at 08:47:03AM +0200, Marco M. wrote:
> Why don't you use DHCP like your phone does?

Because I used this computer before I had WiFi and phone.

> Show 
> ip a

I posted output of that command to Max Nikulin email.

(Do not want to to post same info twice again as first email)


Re: How do I connect my new wifi router (Mi Router 4C)?

2023-10-25 Thread Martin
On Wed, Oct 25, 2023 at 03:17:09PM +0700, Max Nikulin wrote:
> On 25/10/2023 15:04, Anssi Saari wrote:
> > You have some kind of mysterious internet connection from something.
> > That needs to connect to the router's WAN port.
> My guess is the following:
> - Source of weak WiFi
> - WiFi booster
> - WiFi adapter in computer
> - ethernet port in computer
> - ethernet port of Mi router
> - WiFi provided by Mi router
> - WiFi adapter inside the phone
> So packet forwarding should be enabled on the computer. However I suspect an
> issue with IP addresses. Martin, please, provide output of
> ip address list

You are absolutely correct with your guess - although it take me
some time to understand what you are talking about - which is all my

here is result of 'ip address list' and also 'ip route' command:

$ ip address list
1: lo:  mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group 
default qlen 1000
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
inet scope host lo
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 ::1/128 scope host noprefixroute
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: enp3s0:  mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UP 
group default qlen 1000
link/ether e0:d5:5e:73:c9:d3 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global enp3s0
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 fe80::e2d5:5eff:fe73:c9d3/64 scope link proto kernel_ll
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
3: wlxe8de27a5ab1c:  mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue 
state UP group default qlen 1000
link/ether e8:de:27:a5:ab:1c brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global dynamic wlxe8de27a5ab1c
   valid_lft 535000sec preferred_lft 535000sec
inet6 fe80::eade:27ff:fea5:ab1c/64 scope link proto kernel_ll
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
4: docker0:  mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state 
DOWN group default
link/ether 02:42:42:5b:a7:3b brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global docker0
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
5: br-7bfdce95ff27:  mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue 
state DOWN group default
link/ether 02:42:52:ec:22:75 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global br-7bfdce95ff27
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
6: tun0:  mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel 
state UNKNOWN group default qlen 500
inet scope global tun0
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 fe80::f84d:e9fc:4ea5:f7fa/64 scope link stable-privacy proto kernel_ll
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

$ ip route
default via dev wlxe8de27a5ab1c dev tun0 proto kernel scope link src dev docker0 proto kernel scope link src linkdown dev br-7bfdce95ff27 proto kernel scope link src 
linkdown dev wlxe8de27a5ab1c proto kernel scope link src dev enp3s0 proto kernel scope link src

Re: How do I connect my new wifi router (Mi Router 4C)?

2023-10-25 Thread Martin
On Wed, Oct 25, 2023 at 07:24:10AM +0200, Marco M. wrote:
> Please specify the EXACT model names and the exact wiring of your
> devices.

There is no other name than 'Mi Router 4C' made by Xiaomi.
2 links that I provided are for exact model I have.
(here they are again:

The wiring is as folow:
a) power cable goes from wall to the far right socket
   (when looking from front of modem)
b) ethernet cable is connected from my desktop to far left scoket of router.
   (there are also 2 middle ethernet cable sockets which i do not use
   my guess is they are for connecting other devices -like desktop- to
   subnetwork that wifi router uses which is 192.168.31.X - my phone is
   geting adress from this subnetwork when connected to wifi router)

> Please also tell us if you use NetworkManager or /etc/network for
> configuration.

I am using /etc/network and here is whole /etc/network/interfaces file:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto enp3s0
iface enp3s0 inet static

# auto wlxe8de27a5ab1c
iface wlxe8de27a5ab1c inet dhcp
 wpa-ssid Thomson
 wpa-psk mybigsecret


Re: How do I connect my new wifi router (Mi Router 4C)?

2023-10-24 Thread Martin
On Wed, Oct 25, 2023 at 06:52:09AM +0200, Geert Stappers wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 25, 2023 at 06:15:00AM +0200, Martin wrote:
> > I tried lot of setup and none worked.
> And also missed
> and
> and
> and

Now I am very, very embarased.

When I first posted this message i got the error message back that it
cculd not be delivered. So I send more same message but did not receive
any response from mailing list. This is when I started looking at
browser on the link but could not
find my message there (note that it shows only first page of 2 pages of
emails) I did not realize that this list have 2 pages, I always looked
only on the first page. And so I tried to use my different email
addresses that I had and post same message again few times. I also did
not receive any message back from mailing list that i send (some of
addresses were not subscribed to mailing list). Finaly I made a post
from this address and got the message back as posted in mailing list.
I guess it all boils down that I did not realized that page
have 2 pages, I was always looking at first page :(

Now I will hide under the rock and be ashamed.

But I really do need some advice about the problem I described in
(lot of the) messages I posted.


How do I connect my new wifi router (Mi Router 4C)?

2023-10-24 Thread Martin

With wifi antena I receive a (rather weak) signal that connect my
computer to internet. I have to use windsurfer antena booster
to get usable signal. So my computer have internet signal from
wifi antena - yay great thing :)

Now I also want to connect to internet with my mobile phone!
So I got a wifi router (Mi Router 4C made by Xiaomi)
(web site

As it turn out I am not so bright to make this whole setup working :(
I pluged in new router to power and connected ethernet cable from my
computer to router WAN connection. (I belive this is how it should be
connected togheder)

>From now I had some partial successes and whole lot of problems.
I will describe what I tried later, but I would like to ask you now
How do I proceed from now on to set up router?

I tried lot of setup and none worked. Here I will describe one that
i hope should work - but does not :(

While I was seting up router as described in
in Step 2 (point 3) it said I do not have internet.
So I choose to manualy set up 'Static address' for
router as folows (my computer has IP address

 IP address:
Subnet mask:
Default gateway:

After all this setup I could issue those commands on my desktop:

(this is my desktop IP address - just to show it works)
$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.074 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.058 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.058 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.048 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=0.058 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=64 time=0.048 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=64 time=0.058 ms
 --- ping statistics ---
7 packets transmitted, 7 received, 0% packet loss, time 6123ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.048/0.057/0.074/0.008 ms

(this is new router IP address)
$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.445 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.381 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.384 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.360 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=0.376 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=64 time=0.403 ms
 --- ping statistics ---
6 packets transmitted, 6 received, 0% packet loss, time 5107ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.360/0.391/0.445/0.027 ms

So ping work as expected but when i look on my mobile phone and
connect wirelesly to router and on phone I look with browser at
address (this is addres router is using when i look
from phone) it show me that I can connet from mobile phone to router
(with green line on the picture it shows) but I can not connect
to internet (it shows red line from router to internet)

I hope someone will be able to give me some hint how to solve
this issue and be able to connect to internet from router - and
connected phone.


How do I connect my new wifi router (Mi Router 4C)?

2023-10-24 Thread Martin

With wifi antena I receive a (rather weak) signal that connect my
computer to internet. I have to use windsurfer antena booster
to get usable signal. So my computer have internet signal from
wifi antena - yay great thing :)

Now I also want to connect to internet with my mobile phone!
So I got a wifi router (Mi Router 4C made by Xiaomi)
(web site

As it turn out I am not so bright to make this whole setup working :(
I pluged in new router to power and connected ethernet cable from my
computer to router WAN connection. (I belive this is how it should be
connected togheder)

>From now I had some partial successes and whole lot of problems.
I will describe what I tried later, but I would like to ask you now
How do I proceed from now on to set up router?

I tried lot of setup and none worked. Here I will describe one that
i hope should work - but does not :(

While I was seting up router as described in
in Step 2 (point 3) it said I do not have internet.
So I choose to manualy set up 'Static address' for
router as folows (my computer has IP address

 IP address:
Subnet mask:
Default gateway:

After all this setup I could issue those commands on my desktop:

(this is my desktop IP address - just to show it works)
$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.074 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.058 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.058 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.048 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=0.058 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=64 time=0.048 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=64 time=0.058 ms
--- ping statistics ---
7 packets transmitted, 7 received, 0% packet loss, time 6123ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.048/0.057/0.074/0.008 ms

(this is new router IP address)
$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.445 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.381 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.384 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.360 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=0.376 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=64 time=0.403 ms
--- ping statistics ---
6 packets transmitted, 6 received, 0% packet loss, time 5107ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.360/0.391/0.445/0.027 ms

So ping work as expected but when i look on my mobile phone and
connect wirelesly to router and on phone I look with browser at
address (this is addres router is using when i look
from phone) it show me that I can connet from mobile phone to router
(with green line on the picture it shows) but I can not connect
to internet (it shows red line from router to internet)

I hope someone will be able to give me some hint how to solve
this issue and be able to connect to internet from router - and
connected phone.


How do I connect my new wifi router (Mi Router 4C)?

2023-10-24 Thread Martin

With wifi antena I receive a (rather weak) signal that connect my
computer to internet. I have to use windsurfer antena booster
to get usable signal. So my computer have internet signal from
wifi antena - yay great thing :)

Now I also want to connect to internet with my mobile phone!
So I got a wifi router (Mi Router 4C made by Xiaomi)
(web site

As it turn out I am not so bright to make this whole setup working :(
I pluged in new router to power and connected ethernet cable from my
computer to router WAN connection. (I belive this is how it should be
connected togheder)

>From now I had some partial successes and whole lot of problems.
I will describe what I tried later, but I would like to ask you now
How do I proceed from now on to set up router?

I tried lot of setup and none worked. Here I will describe one that
i hope should work - but does not :(

While I was seting up router as described in
in Step 2 (point 3) it said I do not have internet.
So I choose to manualy set up 'Static address' for
router as folows (my computer has IP address

 IP address:
Subnet mask:
Default gateway:

After all this setup I could issue those commands on my desktop:

(this is my desktop IP address - just to show it works)
$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.074 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.058 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.058 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.048 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=0.058 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=64 time=0.048 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=64 time=0.058 ms
--- ping statistics ---
7 packets transmitted, 7 received, 0% packet loss, time 6123ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.048/0.057/0.074/0.008 ms

(this is new router IP address)
$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.445 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.381 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.384 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.360 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=0.376 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=64 time=0.403 ms
--- ping statistics ---
6 packets transmitted, 6 received, 0% packet loss, time 5107ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.360/0.391/0.445/0.027 ms

So ping work as expected but when i look on my mobile phone and
connect wirelesly to router and on phone I look with browser at
address (this is addres router is using when i look
from phone) it show me that I can connet from mobile phone to router
(with green line on the picture it shows) but I can not connect
to internet (it shows red line from router to internet)

I hope someone will be able to give me some hint how to solve
this issue and be able to connect to internet from router - and
connected phone.


How do I connect my new wifi router (Mi Router 4C)?

2023-10-24 Thread Martin

With wifi antena I receive a (rather weak) signal that connect my
computer to internet. I have to use windsurfer antena booster
to get usable signal. So my computer have internet signal from
wifi antena - yay great thing :)

Now I also want to connect to internet with my mobile phone!
So I got a wifi router (Mi Router 4C made by Xiaomi)
(web site

As it turn out I am not so bright to make this whole setup working :(
I pluged in new router to power and connected ethernet cable from my
computer to router WAN connection. (I belive this is how it should be
connected togheder)

>From now I had some partial successes and whole lot of problems.
I will describe what I tried later, but I would like to ask you now
How do I proceed from now on to set up router?

I tried lot of setup and none worked. Here I will describe one that
i hope should work - but does not :(

While I was seting up router as described in
in Step 2 (point 3) it said I do not have internet.
So I choose to manualy set up 'Static address' for
router as folows (my computer has IP address

 IP address:
Subnet mask:
Default gateway:

After all this setup I could issue those commands on my desktop:

(this is my desktop IP address - just to show it works)
$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.074 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.058 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.058 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.048 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=0.058 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=64 time=0.048 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=64 time=0.058 ms
--- ping statistics ---
7 packets transmitted, 7 received, 0% packet loss, time 6123ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.048/0.057/0.074/0.008 ms

(this is new router IP address)
$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.445 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.381 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.384 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.360 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=0.376 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=64 time=0.403 ms
--- ping statistics ---
6 packets transmitted, 6 received, 0% packet loss, time 5107ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.360/0.391/0.445/0.027 ms

So ping work as expected but when i look on my mobile phone and
connect wirelesly to router and on phone I look with browser at
address (this is addres router is using when i look
from phone) it show me that I can connet from mobile phone to router
(with green line on the picture it shows) but I can not connect
to internet (it shows red line from router to internet)

I hope someone will be able to give me some hint how to solve
this issue and be able to connect to internet from router - and
connected phone.


Re: Happy 30 Years Debian Project

2023-08-17 Thread Martin Petersen

happy birthday Debian !

and thanks to all you contributors and nice people in this community.

i chose debian as a noob after my first experiments w. suse around 
'98/'99 and never looked back.  best os on the planet and simply my 
digital home.

a cheerful toast to this wonderful creation. the whole is indeed greater 
than the sum of it parts.

rip ian <3

On 2023-08-16  13:31, Luna Jernberg wrote:

Happy Birthday 30 years of the Debian Linux Project

Xorg.0.log inflating possibly due to 'client bug: Invalid path /dev/input/eventxx'

2023-08-08 Thread Martin Gagnon

I have set up 40 identical systems with Debian 12.0: same SBC, same OS
version, same preseed file. These systems use a touchscreen monitor with an
eGalax USB controller. eGalax driver was installed on all of the 40 systems
and everything works fine except for 2 systems that are connected to an Elo
USB touchscreen monitor. These 2 systems log continuously in Xorg.0.log
filling up the hard drive at a rate of ~1MB/min. Please see attached file
for an excerpt of the content dumped into Xorg.0.log.

Can anyone help me understand what's happening and how to fix/prevent this?

Do not hesitate to request additional information if that can help.
Kindly let me know if this should be posted on some other list.

Thank you,

Description: Binary data

Re: Redimensionar sda1

2023-07-22 Thread martin ayos
El sáb, 22 jul 2023 a las 12:15, Gerardo Braica () escribió:
> Si, me ha pasado, como te han respondido lo que impide la operacion es la
> particion swap en el medio del espacio. Deberias eliminar la particion sda7,
> mover sda6 y swap hacia el final del disco y redimensionar sda1.
> Me suena a complicado, habria que ver como queda fstab , grub, etc.
> Personalmente come medida preventiva siempre dejo swap al inicio del disco y
> el resto despues, y tampoco me preocupo mucho por tener varias particiones,
> solamente sistema y /home, el resto lo organizo en directorios. Porque si un 
> disco
> se estropea tener varias particiones no ayuda demasiado. Opinion personal 
> solamente.
Es así, Gerardo. Generalmente, dejo la Swap al final. Creo que lo
mejor será formatear nuevamente. Lo único que perderé son algunos
non-free y deb que instalé. Muchas gracias.
Martín Ayos
Linux User # 481475

Re: Redimensionar sda1

2023-07-22 Thread martin ayos
El sáb, 22 jul 2023 a las 11:53, Romero, Fernando
() escribió:
> Mira aca esto te puede ayudar
Muchas gracias. Lo estoy viendo y parece súper interesante.

Martín Ayos
Linux User # 481475

Re: Redimensionar sda1

2023-07-22 Thread martin ayos

Tenes habilitado LVM?
-- Estoy  seguro que sí. El problema es que hasta dentro de unas horas no
estoy con la máquina.

*From:* martin ayos 

> *Sent:* Saturday, July 22, 2023 11:22:35 AM
> *To:* debian-user-spanish 
> *Subject:* Redimensionar sda1
> Buenos días. Hace mil años que particiono sin problemas, instalo etc.
> Pero, esta vez, no sé por qué, me tildé. Tengo un problema para
> redimensionar sda1, a la que asigné solo 30 gb y se me está llenando.
> Estoy con Debian 12 KDE. Mis particiones, en orden, son:
> sda1 (30gb ext4 primaria) sistema
> Swap 1 gb
> sda 6 (ext4 primaria) /home 220 gb
> Sda7 (lógica, ext4) libre 30 gb.
> Quisiera asignar ese  espacio de sda7 a sda1. Pero no pude hacerlo con
> Gparted, tampoco por terminal.
> Muchas gracias.
> --
> Martín Ayos
> ===
> Linux User # 481475
> ===
> "Caute"
> ===
> “El contenido del presente mensaje (y sus anexos) es privado, confidencial
> y de exclusivo uso para el destinatario referenciado; es de público
> conocimiento que las comunicaciones por medio de Internet no permiten
> asegurar ni garantizar la confidencialidad de los mensajes transmitidos,
> así como tampoco su integridad o su correcta recepción; es por ello que
> SOFSE no se responsabiliza de posibles perjuicios derivados de la captura,
> incorporaciones de virus o cualquier otra manipulación efectuada por
> terceros. Las opiniones expresadas en este mensaje y en los archivos
> adjuntos son propias del remitente y no representan la opinión o políticas
> de SOFSE, salvo que se diga expresamente y el remitente se encuentre
> autorizado para ello”

Redimensionar sda1

2023-07-22 Thread martin ayos
Buenos días. Hace mil años que particiono sin problemas, instalo etc.
Pero, esta vez, no sé por qué, me tildé. Tengo un problema para
redimensionar sda1, a la que asigné solo 30 gb y se me está llenando.
Estoy con Debian 12 KDE. Mis particiones, en orden, son:
sda1 (30gb ext4 primaria) sistema
Swap 1 gb
sda 6 (ext4 primaria) /home 220 gb
Sda7 (lógica, ext4) libre 30 gb.
Quisiera asignar ese  espacio de sda7 a sda1. Pero no pude hacerlo con
Gparted, tampoco por terminal.
Muchas gracias.

Martín Ayos
Linux User # 481475

[HS] Crypto et Cold Wallet

2023-06-23 Thread David Martin
Bonjour à tous,

Est-ce que l'un de vous s'est penché sur la création d'un cold wallet sur
clé USB ?

Si oui avez-vous des retours sur comment réaliser celui-ci ?

david martin

Re: OT - Pero absolutamente OT (Es más, lo publico a riesgo de ser bloqueado)

2023-04-11 Thread martin ayos
El mar, 11 abr 2023 a las 12:46, JavierDebian (<>) escribió:

> Buen día.
> Después de casi 20 años usando Debian, haber "evangelizado" a muchos,
> una de mis hijas me hizo un regalito.
> Me siento como Bilo y Nano, pero con el peluche correcto.
> Impresionante. Y si viene de un hijo, mil veces mejor. Felicitaciones y
qué envidia el Tux gigante!

Martín Ayos
Linux User # 481475

Re: Xfce destop environment

2023-01-30 Thread Martin Petersen

Hi William,

xfce configuration files relevant to your user session are stored in 
your home dir.

you can more or less just delete / move the config files and they should 
get recreated upon logging in to a xfce session.

I searched on google for "reset xfce configuration" and found many posts 
like this:

"Open a terminal, back up your current configuration:

Code: Select all

mv ~/.config/xfce4  ~/.config/xfce4.bak

Then either leave it like that, which will reset to a default Xfce 
desktop (no Linux Mint customizations), or copy the skeleton files with 
the following command, which will reset to a default Linux Mint Xfce 

Code: Select all

cp -r /etc/xdg/xfce4 ~/.config

Then log out and log in again to effectuate the new configuration."

I believe you good get results in such a way.

It also might be just smth small which is broken.

Could you describe "broken" some more? A panel might be hidden but u can 
access all xfce configuration panels by right clicking on the empty 
desktop open a menu, than applications follwed by settings.

Also take a look at the xfce project documentation, it's quite large 
with many screenshots to demonstrate the principles of xfce

Nearly everything is just a right click from configuration separated.

You could also create a new user account with xfce configured as default 
session and copy your files over :)

Good luck :)



On 2023-01-30  19:57, William Torrez Corea wrote:

On Mon, Jan 30, 2023 at 12:43 AM David  wrote:

On Mon, 2023-01-30 at 00:07 -0600, William Torrez Corea wrote:

What happened with my desktop environment?

My desktop environment has problems, the title bar is hidden.

Well, William, from your extensive description of the situation, you
may well have enabled full-screen or have a resolution problem.
It could be anything.
When did this first start happening?
Is there any possible causative action you might have taken which
initiated this behaviour?

The problem started 1 month ago. I don't know what caused the problem, a
day logged in on my laptop and the desktop environment is ruined.

I decided to change my desktop environment for gnome but I want to recover
my old desktop environment XFCE.

*What command is needed to show the error?*

In this way I can supply more information about the problem.

P.D: I search some help in but the problem
still exist

Re: freezing / unstable Debian Testing on MSI Stealth GS77 laptop

2023-01-29 Thread Martin Petersen

Hi JD,

sorry to hear that you have these kind of troubles. I dont know much 
about this gpu/igpu setups, but I want to give some proceedings I would 

You write that there dont seem to be any logs.

Where did You look? I would expect, that there might me /var/log/syslog 
messages concerning kernel panics or maybe SystemD journal entries from 
that last boot (journalctl -b 1 or smth).

What kind of logs did You check or are some logs Your google searches 
might have produced not there or empty? They might have to bee enabled.

Also there might be error messages of the xserver /var/log/Xorg.0.log.

On top I would take a look into the messages of my Xsession itself 

Many places to check, I'm afraid to say :)

If You have another system You could ssh into Your crash prone laptop to 
get messages live.

Posting some details about the versions of the nvidia modules and such 
might be useful. Some other readers might be able to compare such strings.

And which CPU version does Your notebook have? (cat /proc/cpuinfo, 
maybe). If this is a CPU in a combo setup "some big/beefy cores and some 
lightweight/lowpower cores" it have implications w. applications in my 

And one thing I would like to recommend: try another, maybe more recent 
system. Boot from a ubuntu or fedora or some outher fresh distributions 
live iso and check / compare modules and configuration parameters and - 
if possible - behaviour of the particular applications.

Good luck and please post log contents or snippes of logs, if You find some.



On 2023-01-25  09:56, JD wrote:


I'm trying to find some help in order to debug or resolve the issues I'm 
facing. Hopefully, someone will be able to help me here.

The main problem that prevents me from trying to solve it myself is the 
absence of logs and messages.

So, my laptop MSI Stealth GS77 with a Debian testing (up to date) 
installed on it can freeze when launching 3D programs (both with setting 
the nVidia card or the integrated Intel chipset). Once it also 
complained about missing SSD drive (nvme). I currently don't know if 
both could be related, but I'd say it's unlikely.

Some information about my system:

I installed Debian testing since latest Debian stable had many issues 
(no audio, not wifi, unstable 3D graphics...). Debian stable with 
backports didn't helped much (it fixed some issues but not all). 
Therefore, the most practicable is Debian testing.

The issue I have is that seldom (but quite often), when running a 3D 
program, the OS is completely freezing. There is no way to retrieve any 
logs or information about the issue. The screen freezes, the keyboard 
doesn't respond. The only thing I can do is to use a long press on the 
power button to switch the laptop off (alt sys o doesn't work either). 
And on the next reboot, my filesystem fixes wrong inodes and therefore 
this is not possible to consultate any logs.

I don't really like to say that, but the laptop works well on Windows 11 
(no freeze, no crash, no nvme issues). Thus my belief that the issue is 
on the Linux side.

More information:

Desktop: XFCE

nvidia: latest proprietary modules available on Debian. Also tested with 
modules directly provided by nVidia.

3D programs run on nVidia or the Intel chipset (with setting 

I played a lot with bumblebee, update-glx, keeping updating packages, 
but nothing worked at this time.

uname -a
Linux wormhole 6.1.0-1-amd64 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Debian 6.1.4-1 
(2023-01-07) x86_64 GNU/Linux

00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 12th Gen Core Processor Host 
Bridge/DRAM Registers (rev 02)
00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 12th Gen Core Processor PCI 
Express x16 Controller #1 (rev 02)
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Alder Lake-P 
Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)
00:04.0 Signal processing controller: Intel Corporation Alder Lake 
Innovation Platform Framework Processor Participant (rev 02)
00:06.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 12th Gen Core Processor PCI 
Express x4 Controller #0 (rev 02)
00:07.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Alder Lake-P Thunderbolt 4 PCI 
Express Root Port #1 (rev 02)
00:08.0 System peripheral: Intel Corporation 12th Gen Core Processor 
Gaussian & Neural Accelerator (rev 02)
00:0d.0 USB controller: Intel Corporation Alder Lake-P Thunderbolt 4 USB 
Controller (rev 02)
00:0d.2 USB controller: Intel Corporation Alder Lake-P Thunderbolt 4 NHI 
#0 (rev 02)
00:0d.3 USB controller: Intel Corporation Alder Lake-P Thunderbolt 4 NHI 
#1 (rev 02)
00:12.0 Serial controller: Intel Corporation Alder Lake-P Integrated 
Sensor Hub (rev 01)
00:14.0 USB controller: Intel Corporation Alder Lake PCH USB 3.2 xHCI 
Host Controller (rev 01)

00:14.2 RAM memory: Intel Corporation Alder Lake PCH Shared SRAM (rev 01)
00:14.3 Network controller: Intel Corporation Alder Lake-P

Re: An AMD graphics bug is coming to unstable/testing repo

2023-01-15 Thread Martin Petersen

Hi David, hi All :)

thank You very much for this informative mail, David. It is very kind of 
You to think about all AMD Debian users. Much appreciated !

I don't have to add much. The issue at is:

There is a fix but everybody is unsure when it will find it's way into 

Thank You again, David & have a nice day, Y'all,


On 2023-01-15  12:04, David wrote:

Hi list readers

A FYI: I am far from expert in these things but I noticed that a kernel
with a known bug affecting AMD graphics is about to enter the unstable
distribution [1], and possibly the testing distribution as well.

I would like to upload linux version 6.1.6-1 to unstable.
Notably though there is no fix for #1028451

So I quote below from that bug report [2][3] for readers here so that you
can decide if you want to go read it.

My words end here, the rest of this message is quotes from the footnotes
given at the bottom.

[2]: """
Basically this issue breaks all usage of Displayport MST on amdgpu systems.
Which roughly translates to breaking external monitors for everyone using
an USB-C docks with multiple display outputs (which is pretty common these
days) on AMD laptops. As  well as those like myself who daisy-chain display
port monitors with an amdgpu using graphics card.

So I would expect this impacts a lot of people :/ Which is also why there
is loads of activity and duplicates on the fd.o bug now that 6.1 is
trickling into distributions.

For what it's worth; The revert as currently suggested also reverts big
chunks for Intel and nvidia based GPUs, which unsurprisingly the
maintainers of those aren't too thrilled about. And really i'd be amazed if
it doesn't cause regressions for those systems... Unless the AMD folks pull
a small/targetted fix out their hats, this is likely going to take weeks if
not months before it's resolved in a way that's acceptable for 6.1.y :/

[3]: """
The revert may cause much wider issues which upstream may or may not care
(much) about. And it would be a divergence from upstream.

Getting wider testing of the 6.1 kernel is something I find much more
important. There could be other issues lurking which would not get exposure
and therefor wouldn't get fixed until this bug would be fixed.

Uploading 6.1.6 now would give (us/)upstream a couple of more days to
figure out a potential *better* way to deal with it. One which should be
acceptable for the upstream Stable Kernel maintainers.

But I wouldn't let this bug cause further delays to Testing.  Testing is
meant to test things for the next Stable release and things can and will
break from time to time.  If people can't deal with that, they should not
be running Testing.


Re: Unable to create output file

2022-12-19 Thread Martin Smith

On 19/12/2022 19:45, wrote:

On Mon, Dec 19, 2022 at 12:44:56PM -0600, William Torrez Corea wrote:

On Sun, Dec 18, 2022 at 11:09 PM  wrote:


Go into your DOS box. Do you see a diretory C:\TC20? If you don't, your
Turbo C won't be able either. Try to make it.


I have this configuration in my DOSBOX.

Sorry, I don't understand. Do you have that directory? Can you create a
file there "by hand"?


he seems to have the directory, does he have enough space to create the file


Re: multiple messages

2022-12-12 Thread Martin Smith

On 12/12/2022 03:24, David Wright wrote:

On Sun 11 Dec 2022 at 17:52:56 (+), Martin Smith wrote:

I am getting multiple messages, all with the same time and date, has
my thunderbird gone belly up or is anyone else seeing it

this one I have about 50: Re: e-mail with line in body beginning with "From"

and this one:  10/12/2022, 14:49
Re: Monitor traffic on a port

The specific email that you mentioned is at
and shouldn't cause any trouble. But it does quote a couple
of header fields from an earlier post, and that may be a clue
to your underlying problem, but not to its immediate cause.

I suggest you read the thread (about a dozen posts) starting at
and particularly messages #252 and #269. These discuss
a /possible/ cause of your reported symptoms—you've quoted
the topic of the thread at the top of your post.

You need to determine whether "getting multiple messages"
means that you are seeing multiple displays of the same
message, or the display of local duplicates of one or two
messages, or actual newly arriving copies of these same
messages. Knowing which of these is occurring will help
trace the source.

I think it's an unlikely coincidence that these messages
(particularly if the duplicates are all in the set 252/262/269)
would just happen to be the ones causing a random Tbird
duplication bug to trigger. The problem could lie further
up the chain of processes that deliver the emails.

BTW are you running any filters, like procmail etc?


well thanks for all the suggestions, I am just using thunderbird and 
having discussed it with my mail provider I changed the account from pop 
to imap and now its looking fine, it seems to have been a random 
thunderbird bug, it seems to have been a random thunderbird bug



multiple messages

2022-12-11 Thread Martin Smith
I am getting multiple messages, all with the same time and date, has my 
thunderbird gone belly up or is anyone else seeing it

this one I have about 50: Re: e-mail with line in body beginning with "From"

and this one:  10/12/2022, 14:49
Re: Monitor traffic on a port


Re: [HS] Domotique

2022-12-08 Thread David Martin
Merci à tous pour cet échange, ça m'à bien aidé.
Je vais me lancer :-)

Le dim. 20 nov. 2022 à 08:12, Grégory Bulot  a écrit :

> Le Thu, 17 Nov 2022 13:07:29 +0100,
> David Martin  a écrit :
> > Bonjour à tous,
> >
> > Est-ce que l'un de vous, ou plusieurs, sont des afficionados de la
> > Domotique ?
> >
> > Je cherche à m'y mettre, des conseils, des bonnes pratiques, les bons
> > usages.
> >
> J'utilise HomeAssistant avec des choses hyper-basique
> * thermomètre/hydromètre dans plusieurs pièces (tellement discret que
>   je ne savais plus ou j'avais mis celui du salon après 1 an
>   d'utilisation :-D   )
> * prises électriques
> Home assistant découvre pas mal de chose : nas, tv-ampli connecté,
> imprimante (niveau de cartouche) , 
> J'ai testé en 1er HomeAssistant en mode "je gère tout" (c'était via
> pip) en sqlite
> J'ai abandonné récement a cause des dépendances "impossibles" avec mon
> OS
> Je suis passé en docker : bdd sql extérieur au container, et répertoire
> de travail en extérieur au container (pratique pour tester d'autres
> versions)
> Je n'utilise pas l'historique des stats inclus de HomeAssistant, j'ai
> conçu un "middleware" pour regarder sur ma supervision existante
> (j'aime pas me disperser pour chercher une info au quotidien)

david martin

Re: MacOS VM on Debian: is it reasonably possible?

2022-11-22 Thread Martin Smith

On 22/11/2022 13:44, hede wrote:

Whilst I had mistakenly believed that CentOS was a freeware, open source
kind of MacOS clone,

CentOS was derived from Red Hat Enterprise Linux and was mostly 
compatible to RHEL.

"May God rest its soul."

and found that it is not, when I searched for it, I
had understood that a freeware, open source kind of MacOS kind of clone,
is available, and, when I searched on  the three word combination - open
source macos - I found, in the results, the above URL.

So, as an observer, I wonder whether licencing restrictions apply, to
running MacOS on Linux, as a virtual machine.

If you click through the links on that page, it looks like Apple is
just linking to the source code for open source components used in
their operating systems (things like awk, bash, bind, bzip, etc.), but
the operating systems themselves are certainly not open source, and
cannot be legally used except in accordance with Apple's license terms
and / or applicable law.

Darwin is the core of modern Apple OSes. It is Open Source and POSIX 

But there are plenty of Closed Source parts missing to form either macOS 
or iOS from it. Both - macOS and iOS - are proprietary OSes where you 
have strict license terms to fulfill to use it. One of them is  - AFAIK 
- buying Apple Hardware and running the OS only on Apples Hardware.

MacOSX was originally based on FREEBSD which at the time probably about 
15 years ago I was using BSD for servers in offices and I remember one 
of the senior developers in BSD land went to work for Apple, I can 
remember my delight when I discovered I could summon vi in a terminal on 
a mac


Re: [HS] Domotique

2022-11-17 Thread David Martin
Le jeu. 17 nov. 2022 à 14:35,  a écrit :

> Bonjour
> Plusieurs années de retour d'expérience et usage quotidien pour piloter
> l'appartement de ma mère en déficit cognitif :
> Pour les caméra IP j'ai misé sur le standard ONVIF
> On peut prendre du noname asiatique avec le protocole ONVIF
> Une app Android : Onvier
> Pour le pilotage j'ai choisi TUYA
> Plein de modules disponibles mais un serveur évidemment hébergé à
> l'étranger.
> Une app Android : Tuya Smart
> Alors évidemment, j'ai eu envie de construire mon environnement avec des
> Raspberry et autres Arduino. Mais le temps de mettre tout ça au point,
> comme TUYA fonctionne bien, j'ai continué avec.
Ok merci  pour ton retour, le domaine à l'air assez vaste je vais regarder
tout ça à tête reposée

david martin

Re: [HS] Domotique

2022-11-17 Thread David Martin
> Les caméras chinoises sont souvent vendues avec un espace cloud + logiciel
> smartphone. C'est le noir absolu, à oublier à mon avis.

> J'utilise domoticz en  rf433 pour les alarmes incendies, capteurs de
> mouvements et portes, température et tout le tsoin tsoin. Pour la vidéo,
> j'utilise AgentDVR en docker et sous smartphone ipCamViewer version PRO

Je vais regader tout ça, très intéressant.

> les volets, le portier vidéo et ouverture de porte, etc. rf433 est
> compatible par ex. avec Somfy

Ca à l'air d'être un bon compromis

david martin

Re: [HS] Domotique

2022-11-17 Thread David Martin

Ca ne m'intéresse pas.

Par contre configure correctement ton reply to dans ton thunderbird pour
que le champ reply soit la liste.

Bonne journée

Le jeu. 17 nov. 2022 à 14:00, Basile Starynkevitch 
a écrit :

> On 11/17/22 13:54, David Martin wrote:
> ok bonne journée
> Le jeu. 17 nov. 2022 à 13:45, Basile Starynkevitch <
>> a écrit :
>> On 11/17/22 13:39, David Martin wrote:
>> Bonjour,
>> Il faut il faudrait il nous faudra
>> Encore un expert, premier indicateur d'incompétence hihihihihihi
>> J'ai toutefois travaillé trois ans (avec d'autres collègues du CEA LIST
>> <>) dans le projet CHARIOT
>> Pour moi, domotique est un "buzzword" ou attrape nigaud.
>> Et j'évite comme la peste la domotique google
>> --
>> Basile Starynkevitch   
>> (only mine opinions / les opinions sont miennes uniquement)
>> 92340 Bourg-la-Reine, France
>> web page:
> --
> david martin
> --
> Basile Starynkevitch   
> (only mine opinions / les opinions sont miennes uniquement)
> 92340 Bourg-la-Reine, France
> web page:

david martin

Re: [HS] Domotique

2022-11-17 Thread David Martin
Perso : tu n'étais pas à l'APRIL ou l'ABUL ?
Ce sont des LUGs, tu connasi ;-)

Le jeu. 17 nov. 2022 à 13:22, Bernard Schoenacker <> a écrit :

> Bonjour David,
> Que souhaiterais-tu faire dans le domaine de la
> domotique ?
> Merci
> @+
> Bernard
> - Mail original -
> > De: "David Martin" 
> > À: " French"
> > 
> > Envoyé: Jeudi 17 Novembre 2022 13:07:29
> > Objet: [HS] Domotique
> > Bonjour à tous,
> > Est-ce que l'un de vous, ou plusieurs, sont des afficionados de la
> > Domotique ?
> > Je cherche à m'y mettre, des conseils, des bonnes pratiques, les bons
> > usages.
> > --
> > david martin

david martin

Re: [HS] Domotique

2022-11-17 Thread David Martin
Oula quoi qu'est-ce ;-) une distro des équipements ?

Le jeu. 17 nov. 2022 à 13:29, Benoit Szczygiel  a écrit :

> Bonjour,
> Perso je travaille avec knx ou konnex.
> Si tu as besoin, je peux t'aider
> Le 17 novembre 2022 13:07:29 GMT+01:00, David Martin <
>> a écrit :
>> Bonjour à tous,
>> Est-ce que l'un de vous, ou plusieurs, sont des afficionados de la
>> Domotique ?
>> Je cherche à m'y mettre, des conseils, des bonnes pratiques, les bons
>> usages.
>> Benoît szczygiel

david martin

Re: [HS] Domotique

2022-11-17 Thread David Martin
Bonjour Bernard,

Installation de caméra dans un premier temps, une ou deux. Je souhaiterais
pouvoir les consulter partout, même à l'étranger quand
je suis en déplacement.

A plus ou moyen long terme j'aimerai faire un maximum de chose avec.
Allumer des prises via mon téléphone, ouvrir mon portail via
le téléphone...

En gros je ne sais pas par ou commencer de façon pragmatique.


Le jeu. 17 nov. 2022 à 13:22, Bernard Schoenacker <> a écrit :

> Bonjour David,
> Que souhaiterais-tu faire dans le domaine de la
> domotique ?
> Merci
> @+
> Bernard
> - Mail original -
> > De: "David Martin" 
> > À: " French"
> > 
> > Envoyé: Jeudi 17 Novembre 2022 13:07:29
> > Objet: [HS] Domotique
> > Bonjour à tous,
> > Est-ce que l'un de vous, ou plusieurs, sont des afficionados de la
> > Domotique ?
> > Je cherche à m'y mettre, des conseils, des bonnes pratiques, les bons
> > usages.
> > --
> > david martin

david martin

Re: [HS] Domotique

2022-11-17 Thread David Martin

Il faut il faudrait il nous faudra

Encore un expert, premier indicateur d'incompétence hihihihihihi

Le jeu. 17 nov. 2022 à 13:15, Basile Starynkevitch 
a écrit :

> On 11/17/22 13:07, David Martin wrote:
> Bonjour à tous,
> Est-ce que l'un de vous, ou plusieurs, sont des afficionados de la
> Domotique ?
> Je cherche à m'y mettre, des conseils, des bonnes pratiques, les bons
> usages.
> Il faudrait définir ce qu'est la Domotique.
> Personnellement ma chaudière (Frisquet) a un thermostat par ondes radio.
> Elle a une notice insuffisante.
> J'ignore quel protocole.
> A la maison j'ai plusieurs ordinateurs, tous sous Linux (Debian ou Ubuntu)
> PS. Je réponds du bureau (au CEA LIST <>) par un ssh
> vers mon ordinateur perso. Je cherche des partenaires intéressés par
> RefPerSys <> (et faire un consortium ANR ...)
> --
> Basile Starynkevitch   
> (only mine opinions / les opinions sont miennes uniquement)
> 92340 Bourg-la-Reine, France
> web page:

david martin

[HS] Domotique

2022-11-17 Thread David Martin
Bonjour à tous,

Est-ce que l'un de vous, ou plusieurs, sont des afficionados de la
Domotique ?

Je cherche à m'y mettre, des conseils, des bonnes pratiques, les bons

david martin

Re: Est il possible de forcer Linux a écrire plus souvent dans le swap

2022-11-16 Thread David Martin
J'ai oublié, si ça peut t'aider explore tes ipcs / sémaphores des appels de
tes applis, souvent mals développées,
les ressources restent occupées et résident en mémoire alors que ton applis
ou process sont inactifs.


Re: Est il possible de forcer Linux a écrire plus souvent dans le swap

2022-11-16 Thread David Martin

De mon coté pour les étudiants (je ne suis pas prof non plus ;-) j'ai un
installé un proxmox bien gonflé + proxmox et chaque étudiant à sa VM.

Je te conseille de rajouter pour commencer 2 à 4 partions de swap, et tu
les actives. Si ça ne suffit pas tu pourras toujours en rajouter.

Je commencerai par là. Tes applis sont très gourmandes en ressources.

Un cluster + répartition de charge est l'idéal et ton réseau doit être
béton. (Bonding est ton ami)


Le jeu. 10 nov. 2022 à 15:51, Olivier Back my spare <> a écrit :

> Bonjour
> Je ne suis pas prof. Je travaille dans le Service IT d'un labo de
> recherche en économie.
> J'ai installé un serveur Debian 11 quelque chose, un truc du genre 256
> Go de RAM avec un swap 256 Go avec un agregat de carte réseau et le
> raccordement au LDAP de l'Active Directory.
> Les applications sont : Stata, Matlab, Mathématica, QGis, etc.
> J'ai installé X2Go Server avec un bureau léger LXDE pour que les
> étudiants et doctorants puisse travailler. Et tous les utilisateurs ont
> un quota. Les étudiants se distinguent par leur vocabulaire informatique
> alors qu'ils ne savent pas de quoi ils parlent. Au début lorsqu'ils me
> demandaient git, je croyais qu'ils savaient s'en servir. Lorsqu'ils me
> demandaient comment faire pour le "première connexion", j'ai déchanté :)
> Il y a un autre serveur de calcul dédié aux chercheurs et assistant de
> recherche. Même principe d'installation. C'est surtou celui-là où je
> dois limiter l'usage parce que les utilisateurs sont du genre: "premier
> arrivé, premier servi" et ils usent de toutes les ressources et leur
> calculs peuvent durer des semaines.
> Voilà, encore une fois, non, je ne suis pas prof :)
> --
> Gestionnaire d'infrastructure/ Gestionnaire de parc informatique
> "It is possible to commit no errors and still lose. That is not a
> weakness. That is life."
> – Captain Jean-Luc Picard to Data
> On 10/11/2022 12:06, David Martin wrote:
> > Salut,
> >
> > Quel calcul, via une appli en particulier ?
> > Tu fais du nomachine pour qu'il est un bureau unitaire ?
> > Tu as configuré un serveur X avec un environnement X déporté par User ?
> >
> > ce qui n'est pas une bonne idée AMHA
> >
> > Tu es prof ;-
> >
> > Cordialement
> >
> > Le lun. 7 nov. 2022 à 15:01, Olivier backup my spare <
> >> a écrit :
> >
> >> Bonjour
> >>
> >> J'ai un serveur de calcul et j'ai des utilisateurs qui ouvrent des
> >> instances à distance.
> >> Pour beaucoup, il lancent un calcul et attendent le résultat mais ils
> >> utilisent leur instance comme un bureau et y laissent des applis ouverte
> >> mais non utilisées.
> >> Y a t-il un moyen de forcer linux à mettre ces applis en stand by dans
> le
> >> swap.
> >> C'est un serveur Del avec une debian Bulleyes.
> >>
> >> --
> >> AI Gestionnaire d'infrastructure/ Gestionnaire de Parc.
> >> Centre d'économie S**
> >> “It is possible to commit no errors and still lose. That is not a
> >> weakness. That is life.”
> >> – Captain Jean-Luc Picard to Data
> >>
> >
> >
> --
> Gestionnaire d'infrastructure/ Gestionnaire de parc informatique
> "It is possible to commit no errors and still lose. That is not a
> weakness. That is life."
> – Captain Jean-Luc Picard to Data

david martin

Re: Est il possible de forcer Linux a écrire plus souvent dans le swap

2022-11-10 Thread David Martin

Quel calcul, via une appli en particulier ?
Tu fais du nomachine pour qu'il est un bureau unitaire ?
Tu as configuré un serveur X avec un environnement X déporté par User ?

ce qui n'est pas une bonne idée AMHA

Tu es prof ;-


Le lun. 7 nov. 2022 à 15:01, Olivier backup my spare <> a écrit :

> Bonjour
> J'ai un serveur de calcul et j'ai des utilisateurs qui ouvrent des
> instances à distance.
> Pour beaucoup, il lancent un calcul et attendent le résultat mais ils
> utilisent leur instance comme un bureau et y laissent des applis ouverte
> mais non utilisées.
> Y a t-il un moyen de forcer linux à mettre ces applis en stand by dans le
> swap.
> C'est un serveur Del avec une debian Bulleyes.
> --
> AI Gestionnaire d'infrastructure/ Gestionnaire de Parc.
> Centre d'économie S**
> “It is possible to commit no errors and still lose. That is not a
> weakness. That is life.”
> – Captain Jean-Luc Picard to Data

david martin

Re: ssh -X authentication with sudo

2022-10-05 Thread martin f krafft

I really didn't mean to kick this off ;)

Original poster: instead of the GUI programm, I recommend you try 
cfdisk. It's not "graphical", but it has a nice UI, and it can do 
everything you need. `sudo cfdisk /dev/device` and you're going to 
be much happier.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft  @martinkrafft
: :'  :  proud Debian developer
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
"the question of whether computers can think

 is like the question of whether submarines can swim."
   -- edsgar w. dijkstra

Re: ssh -X authentication with sudo

2022-10-04 Thread martin f krafft

Regarding the following, written by "" on 2022-10-04 
at 13:52 Uhr +0100:

PS as you surmised, I don't really want root ssh access.

But you are running GUIs as root??

 .''`.   martin f. krafft  @martinkrafft
: :'  :  proud Debian developer
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
may the bluebird of happiness twiddle your bits.

Problème suite à mise à jour

2022-09-02 Thread David Martin
Bonjour a tous,

Je viens de mettre à jour ma debian (10.12), sans aucun problème.
à la reconnexion sur mon utilisateur, je n'ai plus d'icone sur le bureau.

Je me suis logué en root ou un autre utilisateur et tout fonctionne bien

Je suis sous XFCE,

Est-ce que l'un d'entre vous à rencontrer ce problème ?.

david martin

Re: HTTP Proxy

2022-04-28 Thread Larry Martin
Yes.  I used  I have about given up on the approach and will 
probably go to the multiple CD version of the install.

Thanks to all.

> On Apr 28, 2022, at 12:30 AM, Tim Woodall  wrote:
> On Wed, 27 Apr 2022, Larry Martin wrote:
>> I am using my home router IP address device number 45.
> This doesn't make sense.
> Are you sure it's not one of:
> (if it's the latter then you do not want to use the same address on the
> machine you're installing.)

Re: HTTP Proxy

2022-04-27 Thread Larry Martin

Thank you.  That makes perfect sense.

> On Apr 27, 2022, at 2:02 PM, Dan Ritter  wrote:
> Larry Martin wrote: 
>> Dan,
>> Thank you for the prompt reply.  I am still having problems.  I enter my IP 
>> address as and all appears to go ok.
>> When it gets to the point of connecting to a mirror site it fails.  I have 
>> left the proxy blank.  Any suggestions?
> Hi, Larry.
> The etiquette on open source user mailing lists is to always
> reply to the list, optionally copying the respondent. This is
> for several reasons:
> - many people will see your reply and be able to help, not just
>  one
> - many people in the future will see the archive and thus be
>  helped in turn
> - it doesn't presume that the person who answered your question
>  is going to take responsibility for solving your whole
>  problem. We're not paid, we're your fellow users.
> -dsr-

HTTP Proxy

2022-04-27 Thread Larry Martin
I am installing Debian 11 from a single CD.  My plan was to complete the 
install via the internet.  
I am using my home router IP address device number 45.  
However I have no idea about what to specify as an HTTP proxy.  
I have tried a couple of options but when Debian tries to connect it fails.
Communications is my weak point, so basic advice would be appreciated.


Re: [ HS ] find et les gros fichiers

2022-03-31 Thread David Martin
Merci beaucoup Pascal, je vais tester ça.

Le jeu. 31 mars 2022 à 08:00, Pascal Le Bris  a écrit :

> Re
> pour la démo en testant sur /etc ( mais sur des gros fs (64To) c'est
> etonnant l'efficacité)
> apt-get install ncdu
> Pour scruter une arbo  par exemple /etc :
> ncdu /etc
> Pour sauver le resultat
> ncdu  -o /tmp/etc.ncdu /etc/
> Pour sauver le resultat
> ncdu  -f /tmp/etc.ncdu
> Pascal
> --
> *De: *"David Martin" 
> *À: *" French" <
> *Envoyé: *Jeudi 31 Mars 2022 07:54:34
> *Objet: *Re: [ HS ] find et les gros fichiers
> Bonjour Pascal,
> Merci pour cette info, tu as un exemple d'utilisation ?
> La commande de bernard est vraiment bien... par contre si l'un de vous
> connais exim (je suis plus à l'aise avec Postfix), je cherche
> le moyen d'ajouter notre relais smtp pour l'envoi automatique d'un mail du
> rapport à la fin de la commande.
> Sous postfix je renseigne la variable relay_host =
> sous exim ça à l'air plus compliqué non ?

david martin

Re: [ HS ] find et les gros fichiers

2022-03-30 Thread David Martin
Bonjour Pascal,

Merci pour cette info, tu as un exemple d'utilisation ?

La commande de bernard est vraiment bien... par contre si l'un de vous
connais exim (je suis plus à l'aise avec Postfix), je cherche
le moyen d'ajouter notre relais smtp pour l'envoi automatique d'un mail du
rapport à la fin de la commande.

Sous postfix je renseigne la variable relay_host =
sous exim ça à l'air plus compliqué non ?

Re: [ HS ] find et les gros fichiers

2022-03-30 Thread David Martin
Merci Bernard,

Je vais essayer ça

Le mer. 30 mars 2022 à 17:32, Bernard Isambert  a écrit :

> Quelque chose comme :
>find ./[a-z] -xdev -type f -size +500M -exec du -h {} \;
> vous donne la taille puis le nom de fichier. Si vous voulez inverser, et
> s'il peut y avoir des espaces dans les noms de fichiers, vous pouvez par
> exemple envoyer le résultat à awk en rajoutant :
>| awk '{a=$1; $1=""; print $0," ",a}'
> Le 30/03/2022 à 15:47, David Martin a écrit :
> > Bonjour,
> >
> > Je suis en train d'essayer de chercher sur un partage samba d'environ
> > plus de 1500 utilisateurs
> > (solution libre eole / scribe) ceux qui auraient des gros fichiers.
> > Les répertoires a, b, c, d, . z héberge les comptes utilisateurs.
> >
> > Pour ça j'utilise la commande find
> >
> > find ./a -xdev -type f -size +500M
> >
> > Ca fonctionne plutot bien, mais je dois à chaque fois changer la lettre,
> > est-ce qu'il est possible que la commande pour le dossier "a" passe en
> > suite au répertoire "'b" autrement que de faire un script en
> > l'éxécutant l'une après l'autre ?
> >
> > J'aimerai aussi afficher la taille des fichiers, mais je ne vois pas
> > comment combiner la commande "du -sh"  pour qu'elle m'affiche la
> > taille en bout de ligne. l'idée est de constituer un fichier à
> > transmettre à ma hiérarchie.
> >
> > Je suis preneur de toute idée ;-)
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > david martin
> >
> --
> Bernard.
> 25 ans d'utilisation de Debian. Comme le temps passe...

david martin

Re: [ HS ] find et les gros fichiers

2022-03-30 Thread David Martin
Bonjour Didier,

En effet, mais je prefere faire une passe par répertoire, et il y'à des
répertoires que je ne veux pas scruter.

Merci pour ta réponse

Le mer. 30 mars 2022 à 19:48, didier gaumet  a
écrit :

> Le mercredi 30 mars 2022 à 15:50:02 UTC+2, David Martin a écrit :
> > Bonjour,
> >
> > Je suis en train d'essayer de chercher sur un partage samba d'environ
> plus de 1500 utilisateurs
> > (solution libre eole / scribe) ceux qui auraient des gros fichiers.
> > Les répertoires a, b, c, d, . z héberge les comptes utilisateurs.
> >
> > Pour ça j'utilise la commande find
> >
> > find ./a -xdev -type f -size +500M
> >
> > Ca fonctionne plutot bien, mais je dois à chaque fois changer la lettre,
> > est-ce qu'il est possible que la commande pour le dossier "a" passe en
> suite au répertoire "'b" autrement que de faire un script en l'éxécutant
> l'une après l'autre ?
> >
> > J'aimerai aussi afficher la taille des fichiers, mais je ne vois pas
> comment combiner la commande "du -sh"  pour qu'elle m'affiche la taille en
> bout de ligne. l'idée est de constituer un fichier à transmettre à ma
> hiérarchie.
> >
> > Je suis preneur de toute idée ;-)
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > david martin
> Ben en fait, c'est peut-être moi qui ne comprend pas la question :-) mais
> find étant récursif (sinon il ne te retournerait uniquement les gros
> fichiers de la base  de l'arborescence de chaque utilisateur), pourquoi ne
> pas simplement faire:
> find ./ -xdev -type f -size +500M
> ?

david martin

[ HS ] find et les gros fichiers

2022-03-30 Thread David Martin

Je suis en train d'essayer de chercher sur un partage samba d'environ plus
de 1500 utilisateurs
(solution libre eole / scribe) ceux qui auraient des gros fichiers.
Les répertoires a, b, c, d, . z héberge les comptes utilisateurs.

Pour ça j'utilise la commande find

find ./a -xdev -type f -size +500M

Ca fonctionne plutot bien, mais je dois à chaque fois changer la lettre,
est-ce qu'il est possible que la commande pour le dossier "a" passe en
suite au répertoire "'b" autrement que de faire un script en l'éxécutant
l'une après l'autre ?

J'aimerai aussi afficher la taille des fichiers, mais je ne vois pas
comment combiner la commande "du -sh"  pour qu'elle m'affiche la taille en
bout de ligne. l'idée est de constituer un fichier à transmettre à ma

Je suis preneur de toute idée ;-)

david martin

Re: difficultes pour faire marcher une carte wifi BCM43142 802.11b/g/n

2022-03-29 Thread David Martin

Compile-le toi même en partant des sources.

Le mar. 29 mars 2022 à 15:05, hamster  a écrit :

> Le 29/03/2022 à 14:08, David Martin a écrit :
> > Salut,
> >
> > Tu as testé avec NDISwrapper ?
> > à l'ancienne quoi
> NDISwrapper n'est plus disponible dans debian 11.
> PS : le propriétaire de l'ordi m'a dit "tant pis pour la carte wifi". Je
> lui rend donc sa machine avec debian fonctionnel mais la wifi dans les
> choux. On saura pas ce qui aurait pu marcher…

david martin

Re: difficultes pour faire marcher une carte wifi BCM43142 802.11b/g/n

2022-03-29 Thread David Martin

Tu as testé avec NDISwrapper ?
à l'ancienne quoi

Le lun. 28 mars 2022 à 22:29, hamster  a écrit :

> Salut a tous.
> Je suis entrain d'installer debian 11 et j'ai des soucis pour faire
> marcher la carte wifi.
> J'ai suivi cette page :
> J'ai fait :
> apt install firmware-brcm80211
> apt-get install linux-image-$(uname -r|sed 's,[^-]*-[^-]*-,,')
> linux-headers-$(uname -r|sed 's,[^-]*-[^-]*-,,') broadcom-sta-dkms
> broadcom-sta-source
> modprobe -r b44 b43 b43legacy ssb brcmsmac bcma
> modprobe wl
> # lspci -nnkd ::0280
> 05:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Inc. and subsidiaries
> BCM43142 802.11b/g/n [14e4:4365] (rev 01)
>  Subsystem: XAVi Technologies Corp. BCM43142 802.11b/g/n [1b9a:3002]
>  Kernel driver in use: wl
>  Kernel modules: wl
> --> selon la page citée ca existe que le pilote est present, j'ai
> vérifié que cette carte graphique est bien supportée par wl
> # ip a
> 1: lo:  mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN
> group default qlen 1000
>  link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
>  inet scope host lo
> valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
>  inet6 ::1/128 scope host
> valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
> 2: enp1s0:  mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast
> state UP group default qlen 1000
>  link/ether 00:8c:fa:88:5a:88 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
>  inet brd scope global dynamic
> noprefixroute enp1s0
> valid_lft 257803sec preferred_lft 257803sec
>  inet6 fe80::28c:faff:fe88:5a88/64 scope link noprefixroute
> valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
> 3: wlp5s0:  mtu 1500 qdisc
> pfifo_fast state DORMANT group default qlen 1000
>  link/ether 4c:bb:58:43:86:73 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
> --> toujours selon cette page, ca indique que le firmware est présent,
> mais j'ai du mal a etre sur que c'est le bon
> Il me reste quand meme des messages d'erreur dans dmesg :
> [   16.774536] bluetooth hci0: firmware: failed to load
> brcm/BCM43142A0-0930-0225.hcd (-2)
> [   16.774633] firmware_class: See for
> information about missing firmware
> [   16.774772] bluetooth hci0: firmware: failed to load
> brcm/BCM-0930-0225.hcd (-2)
> [   16.774840] Bluetooth: hci0: BCM: firmware Patch file not found, tried:
> [   16.774898] Bluetooth: hci0: BCM: 'brcm/BCM43142A0-0930-0225.hcd'
> [   16.774953] Bluetooth: hci0: BCM: 'brcm/BCM-0930-0225.hcd'
> Je n'ai pas réussi a trouver le firmware BCM-0930 dans la doc de debian.
> La carte wifi ne marche toujours pas. J'ai vérifié qu'il n'y ait pas
> d'interrupteur materiel interdisant son fonctionnement, qu'elle n'est
> pas désactivée dans le BIOS et que le mode avion n'est pas activé.
> J'ai pas mal cherché sur le web, je n'ai pas trouvé d'indications
> meilleures que sur la page citée plus haut.
> Ne sachant plus quoi faire, je me tourne vers vous. Merci pour vos
> lumières.

david martin

Re: [HS] awk afficher une colonne sur deux colonnes

2022-03-18 Thread David Martin
Je testerai... merci Jean-Marc

Le ven. 18 mars 2022 à 13:16, Jean-Marc  a écrit :

> quelque chose comme ça, peut-être :
> for i in {100..120}; do echo $i; done | column -c 19
> Le 18/03/22 à 11:52, David Martin a écrit :
> > C'est bon j'ai trouvé en passant par les tableaux.
> > Merci qd meme
> > Cordialement
> >
> >
> > Le ven. 18 mars 2022 à 11:03, Bernard Isambert  a
> écrit :
> >
> >> Bonjour,
> >> La philosophie de awk est de traiter un fichier d'entrée ligne par
> >> ligne, ici vous avez besoin de regarder la totalité du fichier d'entrée
> >> (vos 20 lignes) avant de commencer à écrire. Awk n'est pas le bon outil.
> >> En shell, vous pouvez :
> >> - couper le fichier d'entrée en deux, avec wc -l, head, tail, split (par
> >> exemple, il y a sûrement d'autres façons de faire)
> >> - puis écrire les deux colonnes avec paste
> >> Voir les "man" correspondants.
> >> "info coreutils" vous redira quelques commandes de base pour ce genre de
> >> manipulation.
> >>
> >>
> >> Le 18/03/2022 à 09:12, David Martin a écrit :
> >>> Bonjour à tous,
> >>>
> >>> Je souhaiterai afficher une colonne sur deux colonne, j'arrive à
> >>> extraire des numéros de ligne
> >>> des (ID) de VM.
> >>>
> >>> 100
> >>> 101
> >>> 102.
> >>> jusqu'à 120
> >>>
> >>> et je souhaiterai avoir
> >>>
> >>> 100   111
> >>> 101   112
> >>> .
> >>> 110..
> >>>
> >>> Avec awk peut on faire ça ?
> >>> Je ne trouve pas;
> >>>
> >>> --
> >>> david martin
> >>>
> >>
> >> --
> >> Bernard.
> >> 25 ans d'utilisation de Debian. Comme le temps passe...
> >>
> >>
> >
> --
> Jean-Marc

david martin

Re: [HS] awk afficher une colonne sur deux colonnes

2022-03-18 Thread David Martin
C'est bon j'ai trouvé en passant par les tableaux.
Merci qd meme

Le ven. 18 mars 2022 à 11:03, Bernard Isambert  a écrit :

> Bonjour,
> La philosophie de awk est de traiter un fichier d'entrée ligne par
> ligne, ici vous avez besoin de regarder la totalité du fichier d'entrée
> (vos 20 lignes) avant de commencer à écrire. Awk n'est pas le bon outil.
> En shell, vous pouvez :
> - couper le fichier d'entrée en deux, avec wc -l, head, tail, split (par
> exemple, il y a sûrement d'autres façons de faire)
> - puis écrire les deux colonnes avec paste
> Voir les "man" correspondants.
> "info coreutils" vous redira quelques commandes de base pour ce genre de
> manipulation.
> Le 18/03/2022 à 09:12, David Martin a écrit :
> > Bonjour à tous,
> >
> > Je souhaiterai afficher une colonne sur deux colonne, j'arrive à
> > extraire des numéros de ligne
> > des (ID) de VM.
> >
> > 100
> > 101
> > 102.
> > jusqu'à 120
> >
> > et je souhaiterai avoir
> >
> > 100   111
> > 101   112
> > .
> > 110..
> >
> > Avec awk peut on faire ça ?
> > Je ne trouve pas;
> >
> > --
> > david martin
> >
> --
> Bernard.
> 25 ans d'utilisation de Debian. Comme le temps passe...

david martin

[HS] awk afficher une colonne sur deux colonnes

2022-03-18 Thread David Martin
Bonjour à tous,

Je souhaiterai afficher une colonne sur deux colonne, j'arrive à extraire
des numéros de ligne
des (ID) de VM.

jusqu'à 120

et je souhaiterai avoir

100   111
101   112

Avec awk peut on faire ça ?
Je ne trouve pas;

david martin

Re: Comment recharger un module noyau planté ?

2022-03-11 Thread David Martin
eymap(E) acpi_pad(E) msr(E)
> parport_pc(E) ppdev(E) lp(E) parport(E) fuse(E) configfs(E) sunrpc(E)
> efivarfs(E) ip_tables(E) x_tables(E) autofs4(E) ext4(E) crc32c_generic(E)
> crc16(E) mbcache(E) jbd2(E) dm_crypt(E) dm_mod(E) sr_mod(E)
> Mar 10 10:17:26 dell kernel: [147182.768439]  sd_mod(E) cdrom(E)
> hid_generic(E) usbhid(E) hid(E) crc32_pclmul(E) crc32c_intel(E)
> ghash_clmulni_intel(E) aesni_intel(E) libaes(E) crypto_simd(E) cryptd(E)
> i915(E) nvme(E) psmouse(E) nvme_core(E) t10_pi(E) ahci(E) crc_t10dif(E)
> i2c_algo_bit(E) crct10dif_generic(E) libahci(E) r8169(E) drm_kms_helper(E)
> realtek(E) mdio_devres(E) cec(E) xhci_pci(E) crct10dif_pclmul(E)
> i2c_i801(E) libata(E) xhci_hcd(E) i2c_smbus(E) crct10dif_common(E)
> libphy(E) drm(E) scsi_mod(E) intel_lpss_pci(E) usbcore(E) intel_lpss(E)
> idma64(E) fan(E) wmi(E) battery(E) video(E) button(E)
> Mar 10 10:17:26 dell kernel: [147182.768460] CPU: 1 PID: 186880 Comm:
> kworker/1:1 Tainted: G U  E 5.12.9 #2
> Mar 10 10:17:26 dell kernel: [147182.768462] Hardware name: Dell Inc.
> Inspiron 3793/0C1PF2, BIOS 1.5.0 12/17/2019
> Mar 10 10:17:26 dell kernel: [147182.768463] Workqueue: events_freezable
> ieee80211_restart_work [mac80211]
> Mar 10 10:17:26 dell kernel: [147182.768479] RIP:
> 0010:ieee80211_restart_work+0xf3/0x100 [mac80211]
> et ça continue comme ça en boucle (il essaie de redémarrer je suppose)
> Pas de message particulier au moment de la tentative de halt qui n'aboutit
> pas sinon ceux-là.
> --
> Daniel
> Les arbres sont responsables de plus de pollution aérienne que les usines.
> Ronald Reagan

david martin

Re: Equalizer pulseaudio

2022-03-10 Thread David Martin
Merci pour ta réponse.
Non sudo n'est pas à incriminer.
Je vais jeter un oeil coté module

Le jeu. 10 mars 2022 à 11:57, didier gaumet  a
écrit :

> Bonjour,
> J'ai pas eu beaucoup de temps pour chercher, mais
> - l'*une* des pistes serait de vérifier si pipewire est bien installé:
> même sous Buster et sans chercher à lui faire remplacer Pulseaudio, il
> pourrait être nécessaire
> - l'autre piste serait de virer le sudo de ta commande: normelement je
> pense que tout ça devrait se faire en compte utilisateur normal (pactl
> load-module n'est pas modprobe)?

david martin

Equalizer pulseaudio

2022-03-10 Thread David Martin
Bonjour à tous,

Je suis sous Buster, et j'ai un soucis pour loader les module de qpaeq

sudo pactl load-module module-equalizer-sink
sudo pactl load-module module-dbus-protocol

Échec lors de la connexion : Connexion refusée
Échec de pa_context_connect() : Connexion refusée
Échec lors de la connexion : Connexion refusée
Échec de pa_context_connect() : Connexion refusée

J'ai le même problème en root, hier ça fonctionnait bien

Avez-vous une idée d'ou vient le soucis ?

david martin

Re: Synchroniser deux profils debian

2022-02-10 Thread David Martin
Salut Sebastien,

Je vais regarder ça. Merci

Le jeu. 10 févr. 2022 à 09:17, Sébastien Dinot  a
écrit :

> David Martin a écrit :
> > Je souhaiterai synchroniser mon profil user de mon portable sur le pc
> > fixe.
> >
> > Les deux debians sont identiques (j'ai fait un clone du disque du
> > portable et restauré sur le PC)
> >
> > Avez-vous une astuces pour que mon profil sur le portable se
> > synchronise sur le PC ?
> En mode « bourrin », il y a rsync.
> En mode bidirectionnel et contrôlé, il y a unison, que j'utilise pour
> synchroniser des fichiers que je modifie tantôt sur mon poste fixe,
> tantôt sur mon portable. Ce que j'aime bien avec Unison, c'est sa
> capacité à suivre des liens et à prendre en compte (i.e. copier ou
> écraser) la cible du lien plutôt que le lien lui-même.
> En mode « qui s'oublie », il y a Syncthing au sujet duquel j'ai écrit un
> article sur mon blog :
> « Syncthing, la synchronisation qui se fait oublier »
> Sébastien
> --
> Sébastien Dinot,
> Ne goûtez pas au logiciel libre, vous ne pourriez plus vous en passer !

david martin

Synchroniser deux profils debian

2022-02-09 Thread David Martin
Bonjour à tous,

J'ai deux débian au boulot, un poste fixe et un portable.

Je souhaiterai synchroniser mon profil user de mon portable sur le pc fixe.

Les deux debians sont identiques (j'ai fait un clone du disque du portable
et restauré sur le PC)

Avez-vous une astuces pour que mon profil sur le portable se synchronise
sur le PC ?

david martin

Resize2fs Questions

2022-01-31 Thread Martin McCormick
I figured I would start a new topic as none of this pertains to
the previous messages I posted.

I've got an almost 30-GB disk image of a working debian
installation for a Raspberry pi that I should be able to easily
squeeze on to a roughly 8 GB SSD card because it only takes up
10% of the 30-GB card and I think I am close but not there yet.
Because I hate drudgery with regards to syntax, I wrote a little
shell script that makes it easier to duplicate the same actions
and also makes it easy to show exactly what is happening so far.
The big image name is


and it is 29 gb in size.  Here are the commands that work so far.

#This resets everything for a new run.
  sudo losetup -d /dev/loop0
#copy a backup to the image name to start fresh.
sudo cp -p rpi1_good.img.bak rpi1_good.img
#This takes about half an hour.  Now, get to business.
sudo losetup -P /dev/loop0 rpi1_good.img
#This should show 2 partitions on loop0 when successful.
sudo ls -l /dev/loop0*
#You get /dev/loop0p1 and p2
#e2fs is required to run before one can resize.
   sudo e2fsck -f /dev/loop0p2
#I should be telling resize2fs to squeeze everything in to a 7GB
   sudo resize2fs /dev/loop0p2 +7G

There are no complaints up to this point and resize
appeared to work so now it is time to reduce the size of
partition 2.

This may be where things go off the track.

I run

sudo fdisk /dev/loop0

and fdisk tells me it is 29.9 GB which I expected since Partition
#2 should be mostly empty but for the OS and my login directory.

I note that the starting sector for P2 is 137215 since
one must start at that sector and then I delete P2 and then add a
new partition which defaults to 2.

fdisk prompts for the first sector with a default of 2048 but I
type in 137215.  The last sector is in the 62-million range and I
want only 7 GB as the size so I type +7G and it takes that.

I then type w to save the changes and there is no

The first hint of trouble is when you do fdisk -l
/dev/loop0.  The size count is still almost 30 GB but then a ray
of Sun in that P2 has a size of around 7 GB.

I outwitted Murphy this time by using another file on my
computer as the target rather than the SSD card so that if it
went over 8 GB, nothing annoying would happen.

I watched on another console as the size climbed past 5
GB, then 6 and 7 GB and then it was up past ten so it was going
to do the whole 30 GB if I hadn't stopped it.

I am not sure what I missed but the manual page for
resize2fs warns you to use something like fdisk to trim off the
excess empty space which is what I thought I did.  I would also
have thought that the disk image file should have deflated like a
punctured air mattress but it didn't.

I think I am almost there but obviously not yet.

Thanks in advance for ideas.


Re: SD Memory Card (was The Raspberry Pi that Took a Day Off.)

2022-01-29 Thread Martin McCormick
There's always one more question that nobody mentions and none of
the articles one finds on the topic don't touch.  When looking at
the man page for resize2fs in debian, it talks about the -b
option to turn on "the 64 bit feature."

   When shrinking the size of the partition, make  sure
   you do not make it smaller than the new size of the ext2 filesystem!

   The  -b  and  -s  options enable and disable the 64bit feature, respect-
   tively.  The resize2fs program will, of course, take care  of  resizing
   the  block  group  descriptors  and moving other data blocks out of the
   way, as needed.  It is not possible to resize the filesystem concurrent
   with changing the 64bit status.

Do I need this since the Pi runs an ARM processor which
would make the command

   #sudo resize2fs -b /dev/loop0p2 6.3g

or is it the same command without the -b flag?

I have determined that the 28.9 gb SSD card is 10% full
with the debian installation and the files I want in my login
directory.  I found a 7.3 gb SSD card that has probably never
been used that came with the first Raspberry Pi I bought around
2012 or so, going for a 32-gb card instead.  If I shrink the
Linux partition to 6.3 gb which is what the small card had
available, I should have it about 40 or 50% full.  I can then
safely dd it on to a larger card any time I want to do so and
then use resize2fs to expand the Linux partition after it is

What I did so far was to mount the 27-gb partition on
/mnt through /dev/loop0 and edit /mnt/etc/hostname to reflect the
host name for the system being rebuilt.  The edit changes the
image which is really neat.  All that is left is to shrink it
down to 6.3 gb and it should be ready to dd on to the 7.3 gb card
which should be bootable on it's own but which I will use to seed
a new 28-gb system that can be customized after it is running.

Many of the raspbian distributions have a #1 partition
that is a small fat32 lba partition for Windows users to be able
to activate debian from Windows.  Is this even necessary once one
is using unix tools on the disk?

Thanks to all the good advice from everyone.  I am seeing
the end of this project and have learned some new  useful tricks
that are good to know.


Re: SD Memory Card (was The Raspberry Pi that Took a Day Off.)

2022-01-28 Thread Martin McCormick
My thanks to everybody who has responded here.  I think the
prudent thing to do is use a new SSD card and I have one that is
supposed to be a full 32 gb.  The card I was able to finally
clear the partitions on is several years old but I think it is
still good but the suggestion to use it in a less mission
critical application is a good idea plus it is not a full 32 gb.

I have a radio receiver that can store information on one
of these cards and I'll use it for that since if there turns out
to be a bad cell somewhere, the world won't end like it can if
one's kernel or sector information becomes corrupted if it
happens to land in a vital piece of code.

Again, many thanks.

Martin McCormick

Re: SSD Memory Card (was The Raspberry Pi that Took a Day Off.)

2022-01-28 Thread Martin McCormick
David Wright  writes:
> I've not heard of that problem. You were prevented from zeroing the
> entire device, which would have wiped the partition table anyway.
> What I would want to check is that the OS isn't doing something
> stupid, like trying to automount it, failing, and consequently
> setting the device readonly. By OS, I really mean DEs, or
> automounters in general.
> You could also try zeroing it in another machine, ± any adapters
> required. (Bear in mind that adapters do have readonly sliders.)

I suspect this is the crux of the problem.  the adapter I
connected is a card reader.  You put the SSD in a little plastic
jacket that holds the SSD in such a way that the card reader can
access the edge connector but the holder jacket has no electronics.
There is a small notch in the plastic of the jacket on the left
edge and the right front corner of the plastic carrier has a
diagonal cut to prevent someone from putting it in upsidedown.

Since I posted, there is good news but I still wonder if
I am not going bonkers because after unplugging the Sony card reader
and plugging it back in, I now am getting device /dev/sdg instead
of /dev/sdh.  I was also able to do the following:

#sudo fdisk /dev/sdg

which gave me the fdisk utility as before so I did what crazy
people do which is to do the same thing as before, hoping for
different results.

By Joe, I got them.

I typed d to delete a partition and it put partition 2 up as the
default candidate as before so I selected it and then typed d
again which told me that only partition 1 was left so it was

I had gotten this far before so wasn't too excited but type
w and this time got the message stating that the partition table
had been rewritten and fdisk then exited.

Now, doing sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdg yields

1wb5agz martin tmp $ sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdg
Disk /dev/sdg: 28.8 GiB, 30908350464 bytes, 60367872 sectors
Disk model: USB   HS-SD Card
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disklabel type: dos
Disk identifier: 0x680226ff

The partitions are gone.  My latest screwball theory is
that the Sony card reader went in to some sort of protective mode
after the dd operation overwrote the device.  My unplugging the
reader and plugging it back in reran the driver which reset the
protective mode back to normal which may be why it all worked
right this time.

One last question:  Since the image will still be too
large as it is, can tunefs be run on it or a copy of it to shrink
about 4 gb of user space?  The good system I copied the image
from only had about 12%  of the partition used so I should be
able to transplant it to the smaller disk if tunefs can do that
and still leave a bootable device.

Thanks for all useful ideas.

Martin McCormick

Re: SSD Memory Card (was The Raspberry Pi that Took a Day Off.)

2022-01-27 Thread Martin McCormick
Bijan Soleymani  writes:
> Can you delete both partitions, create a new single linux partition, 
> reboot
> then run mkfs.ext4 to create a single new partition and then just install
> linux onto it or try dd again?

Great suggestions but I can't.  Part of the typescript output I
included was me doing just that and I was root when I did it but
the squawk is that I don't have permission as if I wasn't root.

If writing to the SSD card was possible, I could have
just done the dd command, only with a smaller input image and it
would have worked.

Thank you because what you suggest would be the normal way out.


Re: SSD Memory Card (was The Raspberry Pi that Took a Day Off.)

2022-01-27 Thread Martin McCormick
Charles Curley  writes:
> I'm no expert on RPis, but that sounds to me like the SD card is
> protected against writes. Check for any physical write protection
> switches on the card itself and the holder.

Thanks for the suggestion, but this is one of those SSD cards
that often is found in a camera and resembles a wafer the size of
a thumbnail.  It has a projection that acts as a key way to keep
a user from inserting it in the wrong way and there is a groove
for a fingernail to help pull the chip out of the socket.  This
particular one was reading and writing just fine until I bricked
it by the DD that must have overwritten some address which now
makes it unwritable.  It went from good to bad without my
removing it from the card reader so there should be some way to
at least clear it for writing again.

Apparently, it stops being writable if the partition
table is corrupted.  In my case, I just want to delete both
partitions and start over.

The OS is debian Buster and has all the tools you can
expect to find and runs on a 64-bit ARM.  Otherwise, it's pure
debian Linux.


SSD Memory Card (was The Raspberry Pi that Took a Day Off.)

2022-01-27 Thread Martin McCormick
I thanked the person who responded to my post and reported that
there were no unusual log entries in syslog on the failing system
so not much to go on.  I decided to upgrade the Raspberry Pi
which was suddenly having this mysterious problem as I have
backups of the failing system so I figured I'd just clone a
buster image from another Raspberry Pi that is running buster and
use dd to copy it to the Raspberry Pi which was running stretch
and having that weird problem.

Then, assuming the upgraded Pi was alive, I could use the
backup from the stretch system to put all the user space from my
old home directory on the new buster system but I messed up
again.  The SSD card from the older system is 28 GB and the
working buster system's SSD card is 32 GB so the smaller card
filled up and I achieved that "no space left on device" state
that we all love to see.

Simple, I thought.  I'll just delete all partitions, and
do the dd if=rpi_good.img of=/dev/sdh which is where this card shows
up when it is in the reader and I can maybe dd a smaller 8.5-gb
drive which I have that has almost never been used.

Murphy has struck again.  Here is what happens when I try
to use that 28-gb SSD card:  Script dump follows

Script started on 2022-01-26 20:03:52-06:00 [TERM="Linux" TTY="/dev/pts/3" 
COLUMNS="80" LINES="25"]
1wb5agz martin tmp $ sudo su -
[sudo] password for martin: 
root@wb5agz:~# fdisk -l /dev/sdh
/dev/sdh: 28.8 GiB, 30908350464 bytes, 60367872 sectors
Disk model: USB   HS-SD Card
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disklabel type: dos
Disk identifier: 0x680226ff

Device Boot  Start  End  Sectors 
 Size Id Type
/dev/sdh1 8192   137215   129024   63M  c W95 FAT32 (LBA)
/dev/sdh2   137216 62333951 62196736 29.7G 83 Linux
root@wb5agz:~# fdisk /dev/sdh
Welcome to fdisk (util-linux 2.33.1).
Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them.
Be careful before using the write command.

Command (m for help): p
Disk /dev/sdh: 28.8 GiB, 30908350464 bytes, 60367872 sectors
Disk model: USB   HS-SD Card
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disklabel type: dos
Disk identifier: 0x680226ff

/dev/sdh1 8192   137215   129024   63M  c W95 FAT32 (LBA)
/dev/sdh2   137216 62333951 62196736 29.7G 83 Linux

Command (m for help): d
Partition number (1,2, default 2): 

Partition 2 has been deleted.

Command (m for help): d
Selected partition 1
Partition 1 has been deleted.

Command (m for help): w
fdisk: failed to write disklabel: Operation not permitted
root@wb5agz:~# logout
2wb5agz martin tmp $ exit

Script done on 2022-01-26 20:07:59-06:00 [COMMAND_EXIT_CODE="1"]

So close and yet so far away.  If I try to use dd on
/dev/sdh again, I get:

1wb5agz martin tmp $ sudo dd if=~/rpi/rpi2_good.img of=/dev/sdh
[sudo] password for martin: 
dd: writing to '/dev/sdh': Operation not permitted
1+0 records in
0+0 records out
0 bytes copied, 0.021666 s, 0.0 kB/s
2wb5agz martin tmp $ exit

I've had usb thumb drives fail when filled to capacity
and, if I hadn't been tired, I would have noticed that the image
was 4 gb too large so this wouldn't have happened but surely,
there is some way to at least zero out everything so the SSD can
be either reformatted or used as the output of an image transfer
using dd.

The SSD passed a fsck test earlier in the day before I
blew it up so the chip should be salvageable.  I don't care for
recovering either of the two partitions which will be overwritten
anyway if the SSD can be made writable again.

One can mount /dev/sdh1 which is the fat32 partition
but it mounts as read-only.  If you try /dev/sdh2, you get a
squawk that says that this partition is not in /etc/fstab which
is certainly true but it doesn't mount either so mount doesn't
understand what I was trying to do.  This is the partition that
got the overflow condition so it's utterly useless.

These last 2 days, I have been a day late, a Dollar short
and 1 step behind on what shouldn't be really that big of a problem.

Martin WB5AGZ

The Raspberry Pi that Took a Day Off.

2022-01-25 Thread Martin McCormick
This Pi is running Debian Stretch.  I believe that's what version
9 is called.  I have it capturing audio from a radio receiver and
it's been doing that for several years now and it was doing that
yesterday morning.  Later in the day, I downloaded more audio
and, after a long pause, I got the message from ssh that the
Raspberry Pi wasn't there any longer so I retrieved the Pi from
the room where it was and brought it to my Debian desktop system
to work on it.

I could login to the Pi which seemed to be up and running
but the short story is that it couldn't talk to any address but
our router.I couldn't even ping it's interface from the Pi,

If I was on the Raspberry Pi's console, everything looked
normal as long as one wasn't using the TCP/IP interface.  You
could even do a ip addr or an ipconfig -a command and it would
show that it had gotten the correct address from our dhcp server
which is in the router.  It would successfully ping the router
but no other addresses, not even the address it uses on our

I finally quit messing with it and went to bed but fired
it up again today, January 25 and low and behold, it just came
right up and is now back doing what it has been doing.

Is it possible that it got a corrupted lease for dhcp
from the router?  Dhcp leases on our Netgear router are issued
for not quite 24 hours so it may have gotten a bad lease, kept
renewing it for the time it was powered up and then it got a new
version of that lease today and all is well.

It's the same IP address because I have put it in the
router as a static IP address.

The other thing that is weird is that the Raspberry Pi in
question has both a wired Ethernet and a WiFi interface and both
were misbehaving identically.

Normally, the wired port is not used and the dhcp lease
renewal process happens over WiFi.

The results of ip addr always showed a correct subnet
mask and the only rules in iptables are the 2 default rules.  In
other words, all looked normal except that it didn't work.

While I had it on the work bench, so to speak, I ran fsck
-fy on the SSD card since it has been a couple of years since I
last did that and there was not a single squawk about anything.

Thanks for any ideas about how things got wrong and then
magically fixed themselves.

When I turned it off last night, I gave it the halt -p
command.  The power supply has no switch so I unplugged it from
power so it started fresh about 8 hours later.

Martin WB5AGZ

Re: /usr/share/calendar.usholiday

2022-01-17 Thread Martin McCormick
deloptes  writes:
> And if you look into the file, you see it has no years associated with the
> date, so it doesn't matter when it was written unless there was a change 
> in
> the official holidays in the US.

Correct.  I see two types of date references, exact dates
such as Christmas and New-year's and rule-based dates which are
some designated day such as the second Monday in a given month,
what the British refer to as a "bank holiday."

My original question about this file has been answered in
a round-about way in that there are also two types of holidays.
St. Valentines day, for example, is not a postal or bank holiday
but one will certainly get in deep trouble on the home or
romantic front if that day is forgotten.

Also days like Arbor Day are a nice idea but nothing
about normal commerce or daily activities changes

I also noticed that today in the United States should be
marked but hasn't been yet.  It is the third Monday in January
which, since 1986 has been the official recognition of
the birthday of a US civil rights leader, Martin Luther King Jr.

The entry in that file probably should read:

01/MonThird Martin Luther King Birthday (3rd Monday of January)

It is now a major holiday and schools and government
offices are usually closed so it should probably be there.

Thanks to all and sorry if I created  any confusion about
the path.

Martin McCormick.

Re: /usr/share/calendar.usholiday

2022-01-17 Thread Martin McCormick
Greg Wooledge  writes:
> On Sun, Jan 16, 2022 at 09:58:11PM -0600, Martin McCormick wrote:
> > There's a stale version of this file on my system that reflects
> > when Debian was installed but it brings a question to mind.
> The one in the Subject: header?  Are you sure that's the correct
> path for this file?

I goofed.  I thought I could remember it long enough but
it is actually


I also still had an old directory tree from when I had
wheezy on the system and there is


> On Debian 11, I have the file /usr/share/calendar/calendar.usholiday

I am presently running

Debian GNU/Linux 10 as in Buster.

> which is a different path from the one you showed.

That was just a mistake on my part.  Sorry to add more confusion.

This also reminds me to get rid of the old wheezy files
since I now don't even remember why I saved them but they are
getting backed up nightly for no reason at all other than they
get caught up in the sweep.



2022-01-16 Thread Martin McCormick
There's a stale version of this file on my system that reflects
when Debian was installed but it brings a question to mind.

Does this file simply cause messages to appear on an
event calendar or can it be used along with crontab in some way
to either cause or prevent cron jobs from running if a date
matches one of the dates in the file?

I use cron and at jobs all the time and have thought that
it would be nice to skip some jobs if the day is a holiday and
the result might be not what one wanted.

Right now, I don't think this file is doing a thing as it
is for 2017 but this is why I am asking.

I also saw versions of that file for other countries such
as the UK.

Thanks for all good responses.

Martin McCormick

Re: XFCE: Alt+F4 est sans effet

2022-01-06 Thread David Martin

Tu veux changer de bureau ? de console TTY ?
premier cas, install vmctrl et configure tes raccourcis clavier
deuxième cas, tu dois avoir une option dans le bios pour ta touche FN qui
fou la grouille
ou bien appui sur la touche FN + ALT + F4
A plus

Le mar. 4 janv. 2022 à 22:11, Pierre ESTREM  a
écrit :

> Bonjour,
> J'ai installé Debian 11.2 mais cette fois-ci c'est le raccourci Alt+F4
> qui depuis un bureau XFCE vide n'ouvre pas la fenêtre de déconnexion
> (éteindre, changement d'utilisateur, etc), mais il provoque la
> déconnexion en affichant le lightdm.
> Si je comprends ce raccourci exécute "xfce4-session-logout".
> Note: je fais l'install depuis la version amd64 par le réseau.
> En connaissez-vous la raison ?
> Question connexe : quelle est le nom de l'application qui crorrespond
> normalement à la fenêtre proposant ces différents choix ?
> Merci
> --
> pierre estrem

david martin

Curious Question about an Extra MAC Address

2021-10-26 Thread Martin McCormick
I was inventorying all the systems on our WiFi and wired network
so I did the following:

   sudo nmap -sn followed by
  sudo arp -a and I found nothing extraordinary so I also got on
our Netgear router and told it to cough up a list of attached
devices, showing the same list of stuff that the first two sweeps
found.  Additionally, there was 1 mac address with no other
information such as an IP address or system name, just that MAC
on a row all by itself.

I had been looking for our DVD player which has the
ability to view streamed movies and I think this might be it.

As a computer user who is blind, I don't directly use
this player but my wife does.  We usually play DVD's from it
however she did use it once to watch a movie off the network and
it worked fine.

I asked her if she remembered giving our WiFi password
and she said no but was given a message to go to a certain url to
authorize payment in order to watch the film and it all worked
down to the monetary slurp so this is not a complaint or gripe
about anything.

My question is, did the link she went to on the computer
or maybe her iPhone use javascript to get our WiFi password and
if so, how did the player get the authorization to use our WiFi?

The stray MAC showing up on the router is probably the
player broadcasting an attempt to get in the network but to do
so, it has to send the password in order to get a DHCP lease
which would then allow it to get on the internet.

I am just curious about how did this work and could a
person cause it to log on to our WiFi network and receive a video
stored on a system here?

I'm not trying to rip anybody off but it's good to
know what extra features are under the hood.

What I am actually thinking of is more like a DVR where a
computer can record a TV show like the old-school VCR's and then
one could play it back through the DVD player on the network.

This player can also update it's firmware when necessary
and we've never been prompted from it for a WiFi password.  It
just seems to be able to get through when it needs to.

I guess this could also be a neighbor trying to mooch
WiFi, but I doubt it.  Everything with an IP address belongs to
us and there are no odd amounts of data coarsing through our
router that aren't caused by us.

This is a neighborhood in a college town so one must be
careful but not too paranoid.

Thanks for any good ideas.


Re: eMail Com Between Hosts on a Private Net

2021-10-22 Thread Martin McCormick
One more question I should know the answer to but am not sure of.
The debian Buster system I use for email presently uses fetchmail
to get mail from the ISP and is configured to use that ISP's
smarthost for out-going mail.  I do not want to  effect
(= muck this up) this  functionality because  it works well for

Shouldn't I be able to install an imap server on the
debian box and forward messages of interest to it, then reach
imap4 on the private net from any system that speaks imap or has
an imap client?

That would do what I need to do.

When I was researching, the article in wikipedia I read
said that many commercial systems have email clients which
understand imap, pop3, etc.  The systems likely to do this on our
network are a windows10 box, an iMac and maybe an iPad.  The idea
would be to forward an email message needing this attention to
imap on the linux box, contact the Linux box from one of the
devices I mentioned, and download the message at which point it
would e as if that system had been hooked up to the ISP and
received it.

I was all ready to use .local as our domain name and then
I looked that up and there is a good wikipedia article which
explains how that is problematic and recommends using something
like .lan, .office or something else that isn't likely to be
registered as a top-level resolvable domain name.

The machine I receive email on presently would be a good
candidate for running a mdns but our netgear router advertises
whatever dns's the isp uses for obvious reasons and that's fine
but it would be nice if the mdns's address could also be known to clients
on our network which could make DNS queries to each other's names
that would resolve properly.

Is there a way to advertise the mdns so that the router
picks it up but doesn't drop the internet DNS's that we all need
to resolve the rest of the world?

I do remember when I was working, we explored open-source
network authentication systems which involved fake DNS's that one
had to advertise as such so their information wouldn't corrupt
the proper working DNS's which could really mess things up if
somebody happened to pickup and cache the wild card * that sent
all new supplicants to the authentication server after they were
already up and running.

In our case, the corruption would be okay and done for
good reasons but the dhcp server in our router  already advertises two
domain name servers so ours would have to be learned about by

Thanks again.

Martin McCormick

Re: eMail Com Between Hosts on a Private Net

2021-10-20 Thread Martin McCormick
Joe  writes:
> Indeed so, it is even in a folder called 'etc', which I think is in a
> 'drivers' folder. It's a while since I used it. There may be an
> existing default or example \etc\hosts file. The LMHosts file is also
> here, but of interest only to Windows networks for speeding up share
> lookups.
> --
> Joe
My thanks to all who replied and thanks for reminding me of some
of the considerations one needs to think of when setting this all
up since that's what I used to do as part of my job before
retiring in 2015.  As for there being 16 subnets in the
192.168.x.x number space, one can use variable-width subnet masks
so unless you have a lot of hosts or, for some reason, are
sharing space with another subnet, one can spread out to a Class
B-style network which would be the whole space and have a subnet
mask of or you can make lots of little subnets of
various mask sizes with blocks of 16 addresses being about the
smallest subnet that is practical.  Remember you always lose the
all-zeros and all-ones broadcast addresses because they are
special plus there is likely a router address taken by the router
which leaves 13 addresses for hosts in each subnet.

I remember early in the nineties our campus went from a
single Class C to a Class B network and the whole campus used the
Class B subnet mask with bridges holding the whole thing
together.  You should have seen some of the arp storms that would
blow up like wild fire when somebody had a misconfigured host
trying to be helpful or maybe deliberately misconfigured because
somebody got their socks in a wad over something and started the
fire on purpose.

It wasn't long before we began more efficiently using the
number space with big departments getting let's say 1024 or 512
possible addresses and others getting 16 or 32 addresses.

By the time I left, we were using the huge private
network space of with aNAT or Network Address
Translation to parts of the old Class B network and it generally
worked well.

I wrote a C then a perl program which would assign IP
addresses for hosts on our networks that knew the sizes of all
the subnet masks so assigning IP addresses was something anybody
in our group could do without much more information other than
what host name the customer wanted and what building it was in.
My job was basically to encode all that in to rules for
automation to keep us safe from making mistakes and it worked.


eMail Com Between Hosts on a Private Net

2021-10-20 Thread Martin McCormick
The installation, here, is like millions of others.  We are on a
private VLAN with the router acting as the gateway to our ISP's
network and the internet.  There is nothing unusual about that so
the question is Can systems on a 192.168.x VLAN use smtp to send
mail to each other?

I really should know the answer to this because I am a
retired systems engineer who used unix systems and mailers all
the time but that was in a university network and I would just
assign a DNS name to each box and maybe a MX record if it was
necessary so that could deliver mail to whether it was across the room or on another

The DNS support is what you don't have on a private VLAN
so I want to do this in a safe but simple way.

This would make it possible for Linux boxes on the
network to send messages to the system I normally receive mail on
so that squawks about a process crashing or some other problem
are sure to be seen.

The other systems sending those messages don't even
necessarily need to send mail outside the network but they do
need to send mail to the system I normally read mail on.

I looked up this topic using duckduckgo and found very
little hits that were on topic and lots of mercantile buzz about
email hosting companies, etc.  All are necessary but not what I
was asking about.

I have put static IP records in to the dhcp server on our
router so 192.168.1.xx will always either have a specific host at
that address or nothing if the MAC address changes and the record
hasn't been updated.

Also, I have put /etc/hosts files on Linux systems and a
Mac and I believe there is a hosts file one can add to Windows
systems for a similar effect.

Thanks for any good ideas.

Martin McCormick

Re: [HS] dhcps

2021-10-15 Thread David Martin

search=nmap plugin dhcp
tout est là.


Le mer. 13 oct. 2021 à 09:27, Yahoo  a écrit :

> Bonjour,
> peux tu afficher la commande exact que tu envoie stp.
> Cordialement.
> Loïc
> Le 12/10/2021 à 14:46, David Martin a écrit :
> Bonjour à tous,
> Nmap et le plugin broadcast-dhcp-discover me renvoi bien
> l'identification du serveur dhcp de mon boulot.
> Mais il me crache aussi 38 hotes avec ce type de ligne :
> 67/tcp filtered dhcps
> MAC Address: 90:1B:0E:FD:B0:E3 (Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH)
> Nmap scan report for
> Host is up (0.0012s latency)
> Ce sont des postes windows, quel est ce service ?  le service client de
> microsoft ?
> le service DHCP d'une multitude de serveur qui nous mettent la zizanie (ce
> qui est le cas si c'est bien ça) ?
> A votre avis ?
> --
> david martin

david martin

[HS] dhcps

2021-10-12 Thread David Martin
Bonjour à tous,

Nmap et le plugin broadcast-dhcp-discover me renvoi bien
l'identification du serveur dhcp de mon boulot.

Mais il me crache aussi 38 hotes avec ce type de ligne :

67/tcp filtered dhcps
MAC Address: 90:1B:0E:FD:B0:E3 (Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH)

Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.0012s latency)

Ce sont des postes windows, quel est ce service ?  le service client de
microsoft ?
le service DHCP d'une multitude de serveur qui nous mettent la zizanie (ce
qui est le cas si c'est bien ça) ?

A votre avis ?

david martin

[HS] nbtstat ou smbstatus

2021-10-07 Thread David Martin
Bonjour à tous,

J'utilise nbtstat pour chercher des hotes windows sur nos infras (postes
et je manipule un peu smbstatus depuis le serveur samba.

nbtstat et ou smbstatus ne me donne pas l'info de qui est connecté à tel ou
tel pc client à l'instant T (qui à ouvert la session par exemple).

Connaissez vous une astuce ou une commande qui pourrait me fournir ses
infos ?
dans les log samba ?

david martin

Re: Proprietary USB Drivers; Ya Gotta' Love'em.

2021-09-25 Thread Martin McCormick
So, what is the easiest route to end up with a kernel that has
this patch in it?

The image for the current kernel is

The Raspberry Pi is an arm-based system and the image
version number is probably different but the idea is the same,
have a kernel that doesn't choke when one is using the ICR-30
usbC port.

To put it bluntly, this is an area of Linux I have very
little familiarity with because generally, Linux kernels just
work so this is a left-handed complement in that I think this is
the first kernel bug that I have encountered ever.

I am sure I have run kernels with other bugs that I
didn't know about but this is the first time one has bitten me,
so to speak.


Martin WB5AGZ
Martin McCormick  WB5AGZ

Re: Proprietary USB Drivers; Ya Gotta' Love'em.

2021-09-25 Thread Martin McCormick
Gene Heskett  writes:
> You forgot to mention it can get the message thru better because it has a
> 12 db advantage over competing noise compared to the original AM,
> sometimes called Ancient Mary in our circles.

I did forget that but you are correct.  another
interesting thing about ssb which includes both sidebands is that
it was first tried during the 1930's as a concept and had to wait
until after World War II before amateur radio operators, the
millitary and commercial folks began using it routinely.  To not
stray too far from the group purpose, the usb dongles that give
you a wide coverage receiver from 26 to almost 1000 MHZ use
basically math to decode sideband, AM, FM and data using DSP


Re: Proprietary USB Drivers; Ya Gotta' Love'em.

2021-09-25 Thread Martin McCormick
Charles Curley  writes:
> Possibly a known kernel bug.
> --
> Does anybody read signatures any more?

Thank you.  That's got to be it.  I've been doing debian Linux since
right around 2000 but I must admit that I don't know the easiest
way to include the patch referenced in the second link.

I will need to do that on an i86 box plus the Raspberry Pi
I first discovered the issue on since I am apt to have the radio
connected to either system and, if this problem is fixable, this
solution is preferable because the radio defaults to using the
usbC port as the serial port so it should still work if a full
reset is ever needed and the mechanism for usb should naturally
accept as many different devices as practical because you never
know what you will need to connect until you try it and it fails.

As an amusing aside, the radio has a usb mode, but
that's totally unrelated because in that case, USB stands for
upper side band and is a very energy-efficient method of radio
communication because it is only a spectrum of frequencies
consisting of the sidebands of an audio signal without the
carrier.  It can be LSB or lower side band or USB for upper side
band.  Nothing like a few new acronyms for your day. I guess that's TMI.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ

Proprietary USB Drivers; Ya Gotta' Love'em.

2021-09-25 Thread Martin McCormick
This is an embedded usb serial port in a radio receiver which
works in MS Windows10 and I was hoping to write some control
routines for a Raspberry Pi running buster and it does the

Sep 22 20:17:15 rpi2 kernel: [551843.541477] usb 1-1.2: new full-speed USB 
device number 6 using dwc_otg
Sep 22 20:17:16 rpi2 kernel: [551843.674681] usb 1-1.2: not running at top 
speed; connect to a high speed hub
Sep 22 20:17:16 rpi2 kernel: [551843.684432] usb 1-1.2: New USB device found, 
idVendor=0c26, idProduct=002b
Sep 22 20:17:16 rpi2 kernel: [551843.68] usb 1-1.2: New USB device strings: 
Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
Sep 22 20:17:16 rpi2 kernel: [551843.684452] usb 1-1.2: Product: IC-R30
Sep 22 20:17:16 rpi2 kernel: [551843.684460] usb 1-1.2: Manufacturer: Icom Inc.
Sep 22 20:17:16 rpi2 kernel: [551843.684468] usb 1-1.2: SerialNumber: IC-R30 
Sep 22 20:17:16 rpi2 kernel: [551843.727911] cdc_acm 1-1.2:1.0: Zero length 
descriptor references
Sep 22 20:17:16 rpi2 kernel: [551843.727940] cdc_acm: probe of 1-1.2:1.0 failed 
with error -22
Sep 22 20:17:16 rpi2 kernel: [551843.728056] usbcore: registered new interface 
driver cdc_acm
Sep 22 20:17:16 rpi2 kernel: [551843.728061] cdc_acm: USB Abstract Control 
Model driver for USB modems and ISDN adapters
Sep 22 20:21:11 rpi2 kernel: [552078.765119] usb 1-1.2: USB disconnect, device 
number 6

So much for that.  There is one other possibility.  It is
possible that one can go to one of the menu options and flip a
virtual switch that will take the serial data that should have
been on /dev/ttyACMx and put them on a logic-level serial line
that is accessible through the right stereo channel of a
3-conductor jack.  Whether or not that works is beyond the scope
of this list so my question is whether or not there is a wrapper
program of some kind in Linux that can fool an application like
the serial port module that tried to run here in to thinking that
it is home and among friends when it's really been kidnapped.

The possible use of a logic-level serial line is probably
what I will need to do but that means that if one resets the radio to
factory defaults, one will have to go in to the menus on
the radio's screen and restore the virtual switch setting.

As a computer user who happens to be blind, that's a major pain as
well as in a case where the radio is remotely located and one is
operating it headlessly.

I smiled a bit when reading the syslog admonition to
connect to a high-speed hub.  That would be quite a trick.

Thanks for any constructive suggestions.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ

Cyberghost et Network-manager

2021-09-23 Thread David Martin

Est-ce que l'un de vous à réussi à faire fonctionner la connexion vpn
cyberghost avec network-manager ?

Tout fonctionne en terminal, avant leur config fonctionnait dans NM, mais
plus maintenant sur Buster.

david martin

Re: Iphone et transfert de photo

2021-09-23 Thread David Martin
Bonjour François
Merci du tuyau je vais tester ça
Bonne journée

Le mar. 21 sept. 2021 à 10:58, Francois Mescam  a
écrit :

> Je branche en USB l'iPhone sur le PC puis je fais :
> - pour monter le volume dans /iphone : ifuse /iphone
> - pour démonter : fusermount -u /iphone
> Ensuite tu trouves les photos dans /iphone/
> Francois Mescam
> Le 21/09/2021 à 10:43, David Martin a écrit :
> Bonjour à tous,
> Est-ce que quelqu'un comme moi possède un iphone (bouu pas bien...) et
> aurait une solution pour transferer les photos sur la debian ?
> --
> david martin

david martin

Iphone et transfert de photo

2021-09-21 Thread David Martin
Bonjour à tous,

Est-ce que quelqu'un comme moi possède un iphone (bouu pas bien...) et
aurait une solution pour transferer les photos sur la debian ?

david martin

[HS] Fusioninventory

2021-09-17 Thread David Martin

Connaissez vous un outils qui permettent l'interrogation de tous les
fusions inventory client installé
sur un parc de poste autre que glpi svp ?

david martin

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