http://localhost vs

2005-08-13 Thread Debian User

Si je tape http://localhost ou dans un navigateur je
n'obtiens pas les meme pages. 

Est-ce que quelqu'un sait pourquoi?


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Re: http://localhost:631 -[SOL]

2005-08-12 Thread Debian User
Bon d'accord
je le rajoute   icietmaintenant localhost
 Carrément pas une bonne idée de virer localhost! Vous allez au devant de 
 gros problèmes.
 Daniel  Huhardeaux   _   _ _ __
 enum+48 32 285 5276 (_  __) _  / _  (_  __) _   / /
 iaxtel   1-700-849-6983  / / / // / // / / / / /_/ / /
 sip/iax:callto [EMAIL PROTECTED]/_/ /// /_/ /_/ /_/_/.net

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http://localhost:631 -

2005-08-11 Thread Debian User

qu'est-ce que j'ai fait comme conner#{~#?

Lorsque je tape http://localhost:631 dans un navigateur web (firefox)
cette adresse est traduite en 

Pas pratique du tout pour gérer mon imprimante


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Re: http://localhost:631 -[SOL]

2005-08-11 Thread Debian User
cat /etc/hosts 
## /etc/hosts

#  localhost

# Je me demande si la ligne ci-dessous n'est pas redondante?
# est   icietmaintenant ouest

Donc il suffit de taper : http://icietmaintenant:631


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bash comeback

2005-08-10 Thread debian user

grace à vous j'ai réussi à organiser mon fichier de log, merci beacoup
encore une fois.

J'ai un nouveau besoin, voilà :

mon fichier de log s'organise comme ceci :
[09-08-2005: 19-26-12]:AD2P-D4-APP-ABO01-06: message erreur
[09-08-2005: 19-30-12]:AD2P-D4-APP-ABO01-06: message erreur

[la date :  l'heure]:La machine: le message d'erreur

je tri sur le nom de machine et sur l'heure, j'ai donc une heure de
départ et une heure de fin par machine.

j'aimerai en fait faire une moulinette qui me permmette de récupérer
l'heure de départ et de fin pour chaque machine.

pour savoir l'heure à laquelle j'ai eu la première alerte et l'heure de
la dernière alerte par machine.

Et là je suis largué pour faire un truc pareil :)

Bien à vous

Christophe Debutant

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2005-08-09 Thread debian user

J'ai des fichiers de log sous la forme suivante :

CRTITICAL - Critical - (2 = Erreur_majeure_JBOSS:2)
CRTITICAL - Critical - (1 = Erreur_majeure_JBOSS:1)
CRTITICAL - Critical - (2 = Erreur_majeure_JBOSS:2)
CRTITICAL - Critical - (3 = Erreur_majeure_JBOSS:3)
CRTITICAL - Critical - (16 = Erreur_majeure_JBOSS:16)
CRTITICAL - Critical - (1 = Erreur_majeure_JBOSS:1)

J'ai des difficulté à trouver le moyen de changer le format de la date
xx:xx:xx avec celui-ci xx-xx-xx

Je cherche à remplacer les : du format de la date en -

Merci d'avance à vous si vous avez une solution sed ou awk car je galère
un peu :(

Christophe Debutant

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Guarddog Wont Allow Access To Browzer And Email

2005-08-06 Thread Debian User Leonard Chatagnier

Just finished configuring Guarddog firewall using the Using Guarddog
Basic Configuation Tutorial in the KDE help files.  The tutorial seemed
fairly easy to use and understand so, I'm a little surprised that I was
blocked from accessing the internet.  However, I'm new to Linux and have
only used free Zone Alarm under Windows 98SE which was simple to setup.
I was able to connect to my ISP using KPPP but couldn't use the browser
or email client.  Got an error message to the effect that the URL was
not found, please check that the name is correct... .
I also set up a DMZ zone as suggested in the tutorial and suspect this
may be causing the problem.  My zone configuration looks like this:

Local- DMZ
Internet- DMZ

And, of course, I tagged the all the email protocols and TPC, UDC
protocols.  Would appreciate any clues/suggestions on how to fix the
firewall.  Will supply any needed info when requested.  Please copy my
email address as I'm not subscribed.
Thanks for your consideration,

Leonard Chatagnier

Additional Info:
Using Debian stock kernel v.2.6.8-2-686, no lan, connecting to internet 
with 56K modem, iptables installed, DMZ zone contains the local host 
address of't know if this is correct but it's all I 
could come up with as my IP address is dynamic)
Also added my ISP and my dynamic local addresses to the DMZ zone while 
on-line and was still blocked.

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Re: FAX sous Debian

2005-08-05 Thread debian user

J'ai un fichier de log dont toute les lignes sont construite de la même
façon, il y'à une partie que j'aimerai enlever, elle se situe entre un ]
et un le nom de mes machines qui commence toute par la meme lettre, un 
Comment pourrais-je faire ?

Debian Debutant

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Re: Conseils sur l'achat d'une imprimante laser couleur

2005-08-05 Thread Debian User
spontanément, j'aurai tendance à acheter du HP. Ils ont une bonne
politique de support pour Linux.

J'ai une HP 1200 laserjet. Elle n'est pas couleur mais uniquement NB
J'en suis tres content marche impec avec cups. Je ne m'étendrais pas
plus car elle est pas couleur 

 Je suis en train de rechercher une imprimante laser couleur qui
 fonctionnerait avec notre pingouin chéri ...
 J'ai regardé du côté d'Epson, HP et Minolta sur le site
 mais il n'y a pas énormément de retour d'utilisation ...
 Auriez-vous des infos, commentaires, etc ... sur l'utilisation de ce type
 de matériel sous Debian ?

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Re: la vie sous testing après sarge?

2005-08-04 Thread Debian User

 ça fait 2 ans que je suis en testing et pas de soucis à signaler.
 C'est pour moi le meilleurs moyen d'avoir un système à jour sans
 soucis. Tu évolues petit à petit et donc tu n'as pas de grosse mise à
 jour à faire quand une nouvelle version sort. Pour l'instant il n'y a
 pas eu de gros changement depuis la sortie de Sarge. Mais Gnome 2.10
 devrait arriver je pense prochainement car certains paquets mineurs de
 Gnome 2.10 sont arrivés dans testing...

Avant j'étais en testing
et tout allait bien 

Je suis passé sous Sarge lorsque Sarge a été déclaré Stable 
Pour ce faire, j'ai simplement remplacé tous les testing par sarge
dans mon /etc/apt/sources.list

Je voudrais passer à nouveau en testing.
Y a-t-il un risque de casser mon système si je remplace  à nouveau
sarge par testing


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passer a des kernel-source-2.6 2.6.8

2005-08-04 Thread Debian User

Je souhaite essayer de nouveaux modules par ma webcam pcvc675K

Ceux-ci sont compatibles avec des noyaux 2.6 =2.6.9 et je suis sous
sarge et y a pas sous Sarge de kernel-source-2.6.9.deb

Que me conseillez-vous:

1Passer en testing (etch)
2Autre repository pour un kernel-source-2.6.9.deb pour Sarge?

Merci de vos avis.

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Re: la vie sous testing après sarge?

2005-08-04 Thread Debian User

 je suis passé sous testing à partir de sarge et tout c'est bien passé!
 pas de souci particulier (sauf synaptic qui fait les recherches par
 défaut dans les champs noms et description... un peu chiant mais c'est
 Donc content d'y être passé!!

T'as fait comment concretement?

 Brice Méalier
 Linux user nb. 372699
 Debian testing
 Unix IS user friendly, it is just selective about who his friends are

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Re: la vie sous testing après sarge?

2005-08-04 Thread Debian User

 à priori non, moi c'est plutôt l'inverse qui me 
 semblait risqué, ou plutôt délicat (testing - sarge)
Bah je sais je suis passé sous Sarge dès que j'ai su ma testing étais
Stable donc y a pas du y avoir beaucoup de changment 


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module pwc

2005-08-04 Thread Debian User

j'ai récupere les sources d'un module: 

J'ai fait ce qui est indiqué

a) Goto
b) Click on README - you will read (and this is true, I verified it) that you 
may really have a big resolution of 640x480 !
c) Save/download the tar-ball pwc-10.0.6a.tar.bz2 to any directory
   and enter the following commands:
d) tar -jxvf pwc-10.0.6a.tar.bz2
e) cd pwc-10.0.6a
f) make (ignore the two error-messages)
g) cp -p /lib/modules/2.6.7-1-686/kernel/drivers/usb/media/pwc.ko 
h) cp -p pwc.ko /lib/modules/2.6.7-1-686/kernel/drivers/usb/media/pwc.ko
   !! Should the command 'uname -r' on your system not result in '2.6.7-1-686',
  then you should use your own output of the command 'uname -r' instead
  of '2.6.7-1-686' in the two commands above !!
i) depmod -a
j) rmmod pwc
k) modprobe pwc

Mais modprobe me donne:
FATAL: Error inserting pwc 
(/lib/modules/2.6.8ppp-patch-mppe/kernel/drivers/usb/media/pwc.ko): Invalid 
module format

Je suis allé voir: dmesg
pwc: version magic '2.6.8.dell050702 preempt PENTIUMIII gcc-3.3' should be 
'2.6.8ppp-patch-mppe preempt K7 4KSTACKS gcc-3.3'

'2.6.8ppp-patch-mppe preempt K7 4KSTACKS gcc-3.3' correspond bien à la version 
de mon kernel et K7 à mon AThlon 

Qu'est ce que je dois faire?


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Re: module pwc

2005-08-04 Thread Debian User

   + Maintenant tu as pwc dans /usr/src/modules/pwc
   + tu utilise make-kpkg avec les memes options eventuelles que
 ton noyau, a priori (teste!):
 make-kpkg --append_to_version ppp-patch-mppe --added_modules pwc modules_image

 J'espere que ca marchera, j'ai pas fais ca depuis plusieurs mois.

# make-kpkg --append-to-version ppp-patch-mppe --added_modules pwc modules_image


make[2]: « arch/i386/kernel/asm-offsets.s » est à jour.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/lof/src/kernel-source-2.6.8'
echo done   stamp-kernel-configure
echo done   stamp-configure
The changelog says we are creating 2.6.8.dell050702, but I thought the version 
is 2.6.8ppp-patch-mppe
make: *** [modules_image] Erreur 1

Donc ça marche pas 

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Re: module pwc

2005-08-04 Thread Debian User
Il faut faire un make-kpkg -clean 

 # make-kpkg --append-to-version ppp-patch-mppe --added_modules pwc 
 make[2]: « arch/i386/kernel/asm-offsets.s » est à jour.
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/lof/src/kernel-source-2.6.8'
 echo done   stamp-kernel-configure
 echo done   stamp-configure
 The changelog says we are creating 2.6.8.dell050702, but I thought the 
 version is 2.6.8ppp-patch-mppe
 make: *** [modules_image] Erreur 1
 Donc ça marche pas 

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Re: module pwc

2005-08-04 Thread Debian User
En résumé voici ce que j'ai fait:

vi /etc/apt/sources.list
J'ajoute: deb-src unstable main

cd /usr/src
apt-get -t unstable source pwc-source
# dpkg-buildpackage -uc -b
# cd ..
#dpkg -i pwc-source_10.0.7-2_all.deb
# tar xvzf pwc-source.tar.gz

#make-kpkg -clean
#make-kpkg --append_to_version ppp-patch-mppe --added_modules pwc
#cd /usr/src/modules/pwc
Ca cree un pwc.ko 

# cp pwc.ko /lib/modules/2.6.8ppp-patch-mppe/kernel/drivers/usb/media/
#rmmod pwc.ko
#depmod -a
#modprobe pwc
Et là :
FATAL: Error inserting pwc
Invalid module format

pwc: version magic '2.6.8ppp-patch-mppe preempt PENTIUMIII gcc-3.3'
should be '2.6.8ppp-patch-mppe preempt K7 4KSTACKS gcc-3.3'

 On avance, reste plus que le probleme du preempt 

Y a quelqu'un qui sait comment arranger ça???


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Re: module pwc

2005-08-04 Thread Debian User

 Attends - le make-kpkg il te fait pas deja un pwc.ko !? Tu es bien dans le
 source exact du kernel sur lequel tu souhaites faire ton module (?). Si tu as
 changé la config du noyau tu es bon pour tout recompiler.
 Troublant... Tu peux confirmer que tu est bien dans un espace kernel-source ou
 header (je sais plus - j'utilise jamais ces paquets) strictement exact au 
 sur lequel tu es en ce moment (puisque tu teste directement dans la meme 
 apparemment), sans modification?

Je comprends pas tres bien ta question, Je ne sais pas si ma réponse
sera donc celle que tu attends.


uname -r 

Donc l'--append-to-version est ppp-patch-mppe

Par contre ce qui est différent c'est le repertoire dans lequel se
trouve mes sources du noyaux
Il est sous /home/lof/src/linux et pas /usr/src.

Mais c'est pas ca le probleme je pense

 Merci, JD.
 DU  Ca cree un pwc.ko 

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Re: module pwc

2005-08-04 Thread Debian User
Je re-précise ce que j'ai fait

vi /etc/apt/sources.list
J'ajoute: deb-src unstable main

cd /usr/src
apt-get -t unstable source pwc-source
# dpkg-buildpackage -uc -b
# cd ..
#dpkg -i pwc-source_10.0.7-2_all.deb
# tar xvzf pwc-source.tar.gz

#cd /home/lof/src/linux
#make-kpkg -clean
#make-kpkg --append_to_version ppp-patch-mppe --added_modules pwc
#cd /usr/src/modules/pwc
Ca cree un pwc.ko 

# cp pwc.ko /lib/modules/2.6.8ppp-patch-mppe/kernel/drivers/usb/media/
#rmmod pwc.ko
#depmod -a
#modprobe pwc
Et là :
FATAL: Error inserting pwc
Invalid module format

pwc: version magic '2.6.8ppp-patch-mppe preempt PENTIUMIII gcc-3.3'
should be '2.6.8ppp-patch-mppe preempt K7 4KSTACKS gcc-3.3'
  Merci, JD.
  DU  Ca cree un pwc.ko 

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Re: module pwc

2005-08-04 Thread Debian User

 Attends - le make-kpkg il te fait pas deja un pwc.ko !? 

Il semble que non 
 Tu es bien dans le
 source exact du kernel sur lequel tu souhaites faire ton module (?).

Bah je comprends pas trop la question mais je fais le make-kpkg dans

  Si tu as
 changé la config du noyau tu es bon pour tout recompiler.

si faire un make menuconfig, make-kpkg --append-to-version
ppp-patch-mppe kernel_image et dpkg -i le .deb-crée alors oui j'ai
modifié mon kernel

 Troublant... Tu peux confirmer que tu est bien dans un espace kernel-source ou
 header (je sais plus - j'utilise jamais ces paquets) strictement exact au 
 sur lequel tu es en ce moment (puisque tu teste directement dans la meme 
 apparemment), sans modification?

Ca je peux pas confirmer. Mais pourrais-tu m'expliquer si je modifie le
kernel-source-2.6.8 qd je recompile un noyau?


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Re: xorg - startx command no found

2005-08-04 Thread Debian User
Je ne suis pas un expert mais devant ce message moi je regard si startx
$ locate startx

Chez moi il existe donc.

Ensuite je regarde les droits: 
$ ls -l /usr/X11R6/bin/startx
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 3267 2005-06-01 07:56 /usr/X11R6/bin/startx

C'est bon tout le monde peut l'executer.

Maintenant le probleme est peut etre ailleurs

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Re: module pwc

2005-08-04 Thread Debian User

 fakeroot make-kpkg clean
 fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd --append_to_version ppp-patch-mppe --revision 
 `date +%s` kernel_source kernel_headers kernel_image modules_clean 
 J'ai jamais recuperer les paquets kernel-header je peux me passer de la
cible kernel_header non? et kernel_source aussi non?

Je dois dire que j'ai jamais compris quand est-ce qu'on doit utiliser
tout cela 

PS je ferais ça demain. Car demain matin j'ai piscine Merci et à

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2005-08-03 Thread debian user

Je viens de m'inscrire à la liste de debianworld concernant l'aide au
bash comme vous me l'avez conseillé.

Merci encore.

J'ai envie maintenant d'avoir, sur mon portable et mon serveur, un
dossier commun ou je pourrais déposer des fichiers, et qu'ils puissent
toute les 5 minutes se synchroniser.

Savez vous comment je peux faire avec rsync (dont j'ai entendu parler) ?

Bien à vous

Debian Debutant

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: Script bash]

2005-08-03 Thread debian user
Le 02/08/05 at  10:28, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a ecrit:
Bonjour !!!

Moi je veux besoin d'aider mais si tu n'expliques pas le pb çàva être un peu



Bonjour et merci à toi,

En résumé voici :

Je supervise des machines avec nagios, et j'aimerai le faire parler sous
certaines condition.

J'ai réussi à le faire mais maintenant j'aimerai y mettre des conditions
pour qu'il ne parle que pour de nouvelles alerte qui sont différentes,
mais je ne vois pas comment réaliser cela.

Je ne suis qu'un novice en bash comme je le répete.

Voici un exemple qui marche :

while true; rm -Rf fich.resultapp_pb; do clear; curl --user
nagios:nagios --silent
http://ipmachine/nagios/cgi-bin/status.cgi?hostgroup=all | egrep
TD CLASS='miniStatusCRITICAL | egrep %2DLBA | egrep  CRITICAL 
if  [ -s fich.result.lba_pb ]; then
mplayer son/Probleme_alteon.wav /dev/null
sleep 180;

Comme tu peux le voir, le script va consulter la page, il regarde si une
ligne de tableau concernant un LBA (LoadBalancer) à un soucis de type
CRITICAL, et si c'est le cas lorsqu'il rencontre se problème il l'écrit
ceci dans un fichier.

Une fois que le fichier est rempli, il teste si le fichier est vide.

si oui pas de son joué, si non il joue le son.

C'est pas bien compliqué.

Maintenant il peut y avoir pour une meme machine ou équipement réseau
différent critical puisqu'il y'à plusieurs surveillances par machine :

Cpu / disque / pb dnas les log etc.

Ce que je voudrais faire, ce serait de stocker dans un fichier les
alarmes déjà rencontrées et si elles ont déjà été rencontré que le son
ne soit pas joué.

par contre dès qu'un nouveau type de critical est rencontré qu'un son
soit joué.

Je ne sais pas si je suis assez clair, voilà.

Debian Debutant

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Re: rsync

2005-08-03 Thread debian user
Savez vous comment je peux faire avec rsync (dont j'ai entendu parler) ?

la commande rsync que j'utilisais etait de cette forme la:
/$rsync -ruv -e ssh mon_repertoire_local_a_synchroniser 

/j'utilisais une connexion via ssh pour faire la synchronisation. ce qui 
me demandait un mot de passe. si tu veux automatiser avec ssh il faudra 
regarder la doc de ssh pour réaliser les commandes nécéssaire afin qu'il 
ne demande pas le mot de passe par l'echange judicieux de clé public :)

pour plus de précision voir le man qui est tres bien expliqué

Bien à vous


enfin dans le cron tu devrais obtenir à la fin :

5 * * * * rsync -ruv -e ssh ton_rep_local hote@:ton_rep_distant
5 * * * * rsync -ruv -e ssh hote@:ton_rep_distant ton_rep_local

perso je ne mettrais pas 5 minutes mais toutes les heures ca me semble 
deja pas mal.



J'ai fait comme tu m'as indiqué (mon export de clé est ok) mais ça ne
focntionne pas.

voici le retour de la commande, j'ai testé de deux façon dixit ton
exemple dans la crontab.

building file list ... done

sent 43 bytes  received 16 bytes  118.00 bytes/sec
total size is 0  speedup is 0.00

le répertoire est vide
Debian Debutant

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Re: rsync

2005-08-03 Thread debian user
Oups !

J'ai inversé les répertoires ça fonctionne.

Autant pour moi ;)

Le 03/08/05 at  10:28, debian user a ecrit:
Savez vous comment je peux faire avec rsync (dont j'ai entendu parler) ?

la commande rsync que j'utilisais etait de cette forme la:
/$rsync -ruv -e ssh mon_repertoire_local_a_synchroniser 

/j'utilisais une connexion via ssh pour faire la synchronisation. ce qui 
me demandait un mot de passe. si tu veux automatiser avec ssh il faudra 
regarder la doc de ssh pour réaliser les commandes nécéssaire afin qu'il 
ne demande pas le mot de passe par l'echange judicieux de clé public :)

pour plus de précision voir le man qui est tres bien expliqué

Bien à vous


enfin dans le cron tu devrais obtenir à la fin :

5 * * * * rsync -ruv -e ssh ton_rep_local hote@:ton_rep_distant
5 * * * * rsync -ruv -e ssh hote@:ton_rep_distant ton_rep_local

perso je ne mettrais pas 5 minutes mais toutes les heures ca me semble 
deja pas mal.



J'ai fait comme tu m'as indiqué (mon export de clé est ok) mais ça ne
focntionne pas.

voici le retour de la commande, j'ai testé de deux façon dixit ton
exemple dans la crontab.

building file list ... done

sent 43 bytes  received 16 bytes  118.00 bytes/sec
total size is 0  speedup is 0.00

le répertoire est vide
Debian Debutant
fin du message de debian user

Debian Debutant

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Re: rsync

2005-08-03 Thread debian user
Si tu veux synchroniser toutes les 5 minutes ( ca me semble beaucoup ) 
il y a notion de répétition dans le temps et la cron est ton ami ;)
cf: man cron

Savez vous comment je peux faire avec rsync (dont j'ai entendu parler) ?

la commande rsync que j'utilisais etait de cette forme la:
/$rsync -ruv -e ssh mon_repertoire_local_a_synchroniser 

/j'utilisais une connexion via ssh pour faire la synchronisation. ce qui 
me demandait un mot de passe. si tu veux automatiser avec ssh il faudra 
regarder la doc de ssh pour réaliser les commandes nécéssaire afin qu'il 
ne demande pas le mot de passe par l'echange judicieux de clé public :)

pour plus de précision voir le man qui est tres bien expliqué

Bien à vous


enfin dans le cron tu devrais obtenir à la fin :

5 * * * * rsync -ruv -e ssh ton_rep_local hote@:ton_rep_distant
5 * * * * rsync -ruv -e ssh hote@:ton_rep_distant ton_rep_local

perso je ne mettrais pas 5 minutes mais toutes les heures ca me semble 
deja pas mal.


A tous,

Si j'ai bien compris, je choisi le sens de synchronisation en fonction
de la commande passée ?

rsync -ruv -e ssh ton_rep_local hote@:ton_rep_distant (de mon portable
vers le serveur)   ---

rsync -ruv -e ssh hote@:ton_rep_distant ton_rep_local (du serveur vers
mon portable )

Est-ce bien cela ?
Debian Debutant

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Re: rsync

2005-08-03 Thread debian user
oui c'est tout a fait cela :)

Merci :)

Debian Debutant

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Re: Connaître son matériel avec précision

2005-08-03 Thread Debian User

Très bon tutorial sur le sujet 


  Existe-t-il une commande pour connaître, avec précision, ce qu'il y a
  dans le ventre de mon portable ?

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Script bash

2005-08-02 Thread debian user
Bonjour à tous,

Nouveau sur cette liste, je souhaiterai avoir un peu d'aide pour du
développement de script bash.

Merci d'avance pour vos réponse.


Debian Debutant

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cron et/ou anacron

2005-07-26 Thread Debian User

J'ai un ordinateur qui n'est pas allumé 24/24 faut-il mettre en place


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comprendre mon crontab

2005-07-26 Thread Debian User

Voici mon /etc/crontab:

# m h dom mon dow user  command
17 ** * *   rootrun-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly
25 6* * *   roottest -x /usr/sbin/anacron || run-parts
--report /etc/cron.daily
47 6* * 7   roottest -x /usr/sbin/anacron || run-parts
--report /etc/cron.weekly
52 61 * *   roottest -x /usr/sbin/anacron || run-parts
--report /etc/cron.monthly

Je comprends pas pourquoi il fait un test sur l'existence
de /sbin/anacron  (-x fichier Vrai si le fichier existe et est
exécutable), pour les daily, monthly et weekly et pas pour les hourly.

Dans /etc/cron.hourly y a  juste .placeholder qui est la juste pour que
le repertoire reste là et ne soit pas effacer. 

Et en plus j'ai pas /usr/sbin/anacron ? Donc cron.d ne fait rien
c'est ça?



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Re: HELP:impresora

2005-07-23 Thread Debian User, alias Marc
On Sat, 2005-07-23 at 14:07 +0200, avisx wrote:
 bon dia!!
 avui m'he llevat amb la intencio de fer funcionar una impresora, es la
 primera que configuro en linux, aixi que demanaria una petita ajuda.
 resulta que tinc aquesta impresora. brother mfc-9880
 llegint això,,
 veig que tinc un .deb per a linux, debian 3.0 r2, i jo tinc la sarge
 oficial, la que esta en la pagina.
 en la mateixa pagina, puc veure com s'instal·la el driver
 vaig instalar lprng i despres el driver, em va crear el fitxer /etc/printcap
 aqui diu que la tinc endollada al port usb, que on esta! :P
 jo he seguit totes les pases, i ara volia fer-la servir al equip windows. 
 aixi que agafo el /etc/samba/smb.conf 
 workgroup= WORKGROUP
 netbios name = Server
 guest account= nobody
 guest ok=yes
 encrypt passwords = Yes
 max log size = 0
 remote announce =
 dns proxy = No
 printing = lprng
 log file= /var/log/samba/%m.log
comment = All Printers
browseable = no
path = /var/spool/lpd/MFC9880
printable = yes
public = no
writable = no
create mode = 0700
 me'n vaig a windows i veig la impresora, pero em diu acceso denegado.
 que tinc que fer per poder fer-la servir??
 moltes gracies...
Del cert no ho sé, però crec que hauries d'afegir l'usuari no-user al
grup d'usuaris que tenen permís per imprimir ...
Amb un Adduser nouser lp  no funcionaria ??
De res, però no em responsabilitzo de si no funciona :S

Renovamos el Correo Yahoo! 
1GB de capacidad, nuevos servicios y más seguridad

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: HELP:impresora

2005-07-23 Thread Debian User, alias Marc
On Sat, 2005-07-23 at 15:54 +0200, avisx wrote:
 vaig afegir a /etc/group a l'usuari de windows al grup lp
amb un addgrup ? i si fas un adduser també ?
Teòricament l'adduser engloba el grup de l'usuari, però no les tinc
totes de que així funcioni ...

 pero res...
 2005/7/23, Debian User, alias Marc Furtià i Puig [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  On Sat, 2005-07-23 at 14:07 +0200, avisx wrote:
   bon dia!!
   avui m'he llevat amb la intencio de fer funcionar una impresora, es la
   primera que configuro en linux, aixi que demanaria una petita ajuda.
   resulta que tinc aquesta impresora. brother mfc-9880
   llegint això,,
   veig que tinc un .deb per a linux, debian 3.0 r2, i jo tinc la sarge
   oficial, la que esta en la pagina.
   en la mateixa pagina, puc veure com s'instal·la el driver
   vaig instalar lprng i despres el driver, em va crear el fitxer 
   aqui diu que la tinc endollada al port usb, que on esta! :P
   jo he seguit totes les pases, i ara volia fer-la servir al equip windows.
   aixi que agafo el /etc/samba/smb.conf
   workgroup= WORKGROUP
   netbios name = Server
   guest account= nobody
   guest ok=yes
   encrypt passwords = Yes
   max log size = 0
   remote announce =
   dns proxy = No
   printing = lprng
   log file= /var/log/samba/%m.log
  comment = All Printers
  browseable = no
  path = /var/spool/lpd/MFC9880
  printable = yes
  public = no
  writable = no
  create mode = 0700
   me'n vaig a windows i veig la impresora, pero em diu acceso denegado.
   que tinc que fer per poder fer-la servir??
   moltes gracies...
  Del cert no ho sé, però crec que hauries d'afegir l'usuari no-user al
  grup d'usuaris que tenen permís per imprimir ...
  Amb un Adduser nouser lp  no funcionaria ??
  De res, però no em responsabilitzo de si no funciona :S
  Renovamos el Correo Yahoo!
  1GB de capacidad, nuevos servicios y más seguridad

Renovamos el Correo Yahoo! 
1GB de capacidad, nuevos servicios y más seguridad

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Missing /dev/devfs Stops Hcfpcimodem Driver From Installing Correctly

2005-07-21 Thread Debian User Leonard Chatagnier
No response after being posted for three days.  Hoping it was just 
overlooked.  Would appreciate any guidance whatsoever.  This was posted 
to support with reply only that devfs and/or modprobe 
configuration was causing the problem, not the modem driver.  Have read 
all related manuals and really don't know what to do.

Missing devfs file in /dev prevents hcfpci~1.deb from installing without
error.  Using dpkg -i hcfpci~1.deb
to install driver.  Reinstalling devfsd didn't help-/dev/devfs is still
missing and dpkg -i hcf*~1.deb still gives
the same error.  Appreciate any help resolving this problem.  Please
copy my email address-not subscribed.
dpkg -i output follows:(Happy to send any other data requested.

ChatagnierL-Home:/dev#  dpkg -i /temp/hcfpci~1.deb
(Reading database ... 220998 files and directories curren
tly installed.)
Preparing to replace hcfpcimodem 1.01lnxt04111500full (us
ing /temp/hcfpci~1.deb) ...

Removing hcfpci driver from /lib/modules/2.6.8-2-686/misc
devfsd: No devfs on /dev, not starting.
Unpacking replacement hcfpcimodem ...
Setting up hcfpcimodem (1.01lnxt04111500full) ...
Conexant HCF controllerless PCI modem driver, version 1.01lnxt04111500full

If you need license keys, assistance or more information, please go to:

When reporting a problem for the first time, please send
us the file generated by hcfpciconfig --dumpdiag.

No pre-built modules for: Debian-3.1 linux-2.6.8-2-686 i686

Trying to automatically build the driver modules...
(this requires a C compiler and proper kernel sources tobe installed)

Where is the linux source build directory that matches your running kernel?

Building modules for kernel 2.6.8-2-686, using source directory
/lib/modules/2.6.8-2-686/build. Please wait...
devfsd: No devfs on /dev, not starting.

ERROR: hcfpci driver not active
dpkg: error processing hcfpcimodem (--install):
subprocess post-installation script returned error exitstatus 1
Errors were encountered while processing:


Leonard Chatagnier

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Missing /dev/devfs Stops Hcfpcimodem Driver From Installing Correctly

2005-07-18 Thread Debian User Leonard Chatagnier
Missing devfs file in /dev prevents hcfpci~1.deb from installing without 
error.  Using dpkg -i hcfpci~1.deb
to install driver.  Reinstalling devfsd didn't help-/dev/devfs is still 
missing and dpkg -i hcf*~1.deb still gives
the same error.  Appreciate any help resolving this problem.  Please 
copy my email address-not subscribed.

dpkg -i output follows:(Happy to send any other data requested.

ChatagnierL-Home:/dev#  dpkg -i /temp/hcfpci~1.deb
(Reading database ... 220998 files and directories curren
tly installed.)
Preparing to replace hcfpcimodem 1.01lnxt04111500full (us
ing /temp/hcfpci~1.deb) ...

Removing hcfpci driver from /lib/modules/2.6.8-2-686/misc
devfsd: No devfs on /dev, not starting.
Unpacking replacement hcfpcimodem ...
Setting up hcfpcimodem (1.01lnxt04111500full) ...
Conexant HCF controllerless PCI modem driver, version 1.01lnxt04111500full

If you need license keys, assistance or more information, please go to:

When reporting a problem for the first time, please send
us the file generated by hcfpciconfig --dumpdiag.

No pre-built modules for: Debian-3.1 linux-2.6.8-2-686 i686

Trying to automatically build the driver modules...
(this requires a C compiler and proper kernel sources tobe installed)

Where is the linux source build directory that matches your running kernel?

Building modules for kernel 2.6.8-2-686, using source directory
/lib/modules/2.6.8-2-686/build. Please wait...
devfsd: No devfs on /dev, not starting.

ERROR: hcfpci driver not active
dpkg: error processing hcfpcimodem (--install):
subprocess post-installation script returned error exitstatus 1
Errors were encountered while processing:


Leonard Chatagnier

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: SBC DSL Service

2005-07-12 Thread Debian User Leonard Chatagnier

Jacob S wrote:

On Mon, 11 Jul 2005 16:04:45 -0500
Debian User Leonard Chatagnier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Thanks to everyone for your quick response to my question.  I'll have
to  get back with SBC and see if I can
talk with a tier 2 or 3 tech person and get going with DSL  I didn't 
reply to any specific posting as I'm not

subscribed and forgot to request copying my email address.
I've never used a NIC or been envolved in networking except via a 
winmodem connection to the internet.
I understand you might get a DSL modem that connect to either a USB 
PORT, a NIC or a router connected
to the NIC(from reading the man DSL).  I realize that I need to get 
drivers for my 3Com NIC but don't understand
clearly if I need drivers for the modem of if its totally hardware 
drivern and needs no drivers.  I guess I could get
SBC to answer this at tier 2 but would prefer the Debian answer.  Any 
suggestions on references to become familar

using a NIC would help also.  Thanks for all your insight.

Your 3com NIC probably uses the 3c59x module, if you're using a newer
2.4 or recent 2.6 kernel. To do this you would simply run modprobe
3c59x as root. To have the module loaded at boot time, simply add it to
/etc/modules. Setting up the NIC after the module is loaded will
probably be as simple as putting the following two lines in

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

This will have it get an ip address from the modem automatically via
dhcp. I incorrectly mentioned pppoeconfig earlier, but that was after I
accessed the modem via it's web interface and turned off pppoe on the
modem. Then I could get the internet ip directly at my firewall and had
more control.

And of course, if you have problems, come back here and give us some
more information. Such as the exact model of your 3com card and what
'lspci' says about it. Describe the exact problem and what kind of modem
you have, etc. (I know you don't have the modem yet. I'm assuming you
won't have any problems until the modem gets there. :-)



Thanks so much for the quick tour on the NIC card setup.
That should get me started.  If I have any problem after
getting the service,  I'll repost about it.

Leonard Chatagnier

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Debian-user-spanish Imperdible.... !!

2005-07-11 Thread Debian-user-spanish 7
Title: Impresoras HP



SBC DSL Service

2005-07-11 Thread Debian User Leonard Chatagnier
I was contacted by SBC(telephone service) about DSL service which I 
want.  While talking to
the rep, found out that their DSL service wont work on Linux OS(they say 
just MSWindows and
MacIntosh OS).  I find this hard to believe and am wondering if someone 
in SBC's service region
is using it and can fill me in on the details.  As best I can get out of 
SBC, the problem is involved
in accessing the linux windows gui.  It seems that all the modem drivers 
are built in and are not
accessable except by the GUI.  No other high speed internet service is 
availale in my location
and it would be nice if there is someway that I could use it.  If there 
is anyone using this
service via SBC, I would certainly appreciate hearing from you.  
Appreciate any replys.

Leonard Chatagnier

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Re: SBC DSL Service

2005-07-11 Thread Debian User Leonard Chatagnier
Thanks to everyone for your quick response to my question.  I'll have to 
get back with SBC and see if I can
talk with a tier 2 or 3 tech person and get going with DSL  I didn't 
reply to any specific posting as I'm not

subscribed and forgot to request copying my email address.
I've never used a NIC or been envolved in networking except via a 
winmodem connection to the internet.
I understand you might get a DSL modem that connect to either a USB 
PORT, a NIC or a router connected
to the NIC(from reading the man DSL).  I realize that I need to get 
drivers for my 3Com NIC but don't understand
clearly if I need drivers for the modem of if its totally hardware 
drivern and needs no drivers.  I guess I could get
SBC to answer this at tier 2 but would prefer the Debian answer.  Any 
suggestions on references to become familar

using a NIC would help also.  Thanks for all your insight.

Leonard Chatagnier

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: pci wifi

2005-07-09 Thread Debian User
Est-ce que vous avez choisi cette config pour beneficier du choix des 
chipset en pcmcia et de leur driver linux ou pour une autre raison?

Est-ce qu'il faut un driver pour la carte pci adaptatrice?

 cela marche tres bien je trourne avec une tel config depuis pas mal de 
 temps et j'ai monté de nombreuxx routeurs dans cette config pour 
 Quelqu'un a essayer un adapteur de ce genre?
 Je trouve que c'est qd meme assez compliquée

J'ai trouvé une pcmcia en intersil je pense que ca devrait aller avec

Par contre les pb d'IRQ ça me fait un peu peur je dois dire...

 cela depend du chipset du pcmcia mais generalement c'est assez simple 
 parfois un prob d'irq mais  les bonnes incantation dans lilo et ca 
 tourne sans prob


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Re: pci wifi

2005-07-09 Thread Debian User
Oui très bien mais c'est du pcmcia et ce post concerne les cartes pci 

 On m'a proposé une DLink DWL 650+, pour un Dell Latitude. Il y a aussi
 des pilotes, je pense que je vais oser (apt-cache show acx100-source)

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Re: pybliographic

2005-07-08 Thread Debian User

Ce machin c'est une application qui permet d'aller rechercher des
enregistrements à savoir des articles sur certaines bases de données
comme PubMed. Ensuite pybliographic mets en forme les références
récupérées et avec Latex on peut créer assez facilement une
bibliographie avec les citation dans le texte. L'équivalent sous windows
c'est EndNote par exemple..

Par contre je sais pas comment faire pour savoir quel est le repertoire
utilisé par ce machin.

$ locate pybliographic

$ locate pybliographer
/usr/share/locale/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/LC_MESSAGES/

Re: pybliographic

2005-07-08 Thread Debian User
En faisant une recherche un peu plus systématique dans les archive du
forum de pybliographer, j'ai trouvé un post qui donne la solution 
il fallait enlever le fichier ~/.pybrc.conf

Par contre si qqu'un a envie de répondre au point 1 et 2 je suis preneur


 J'ai une application qui [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 $ pybliographic
 shell-init: could not get current directory: getcwd: cannot access
 parent directories: Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type
 /usr/share/pybliographer/Pyblio/ GtkDeprecationWarning:
 gtk.load_font is deprecated, use gtk.gdk.Font instead
   raise ValueError, \
 This is Pybliographic [Python 2.3.5, Gtk 2.6.4, PyGTK 2.6.1]
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /usr/bin/pybliographer, line 166, in ?
 execfile (filename, user_global)
   File /usr/share/pybliographer/, line 44, in ?
 main.new_document ()
   File /usr/share/pybliographer/Pyblio/GnomeUI/, line
 55, in new_document
 doc = Document.Document (db)
   File /usr/share/pybliographer/Pyblio/GnomeUI/, line 72,
 in __init__
 self.index = Index.Index ()
   File /usr/share/pybliographer/Pyblio/GnomeUI/, line 83, in
 w = Utils.config.get_int (k)
 gobject.GError: Nom de clé ou de répertoire incorrect:
 « /apps/pybliographic/columns/ » : Une clé/répertoire ne peut se
 terminer avec une barre oblique (/)
 1/ Comment est le nom exacte du le résultat de cette commande. C'est
 un message d'erreur ou un log
 2/ Comment faire pour que les caractères  et le A avec le ~ dessus
 soient correctes
 3/ Comme je voudrais envoyer ce message sur le forum de pybliographer
 qui est en anglais je voudrais avoir ce log en anglais. Commment je peux
 changer cela
 Merci beaucoup

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pci wifi

2005-07-08 Thread Debian User

J'ai un mal fou a trouver une carte pci avec un chipset qui a des driver
linux du type prism; hostap. J'aimerai me passer de
ndiswrapper(peut-etre que j'ai tort)

Je crois en avoir trouver une
mais elle est pas en g

Par contre j'ai découvert qu'il existait des adaptateurs  pci-pcmcia

Et comme c'est assez facile de trouver une carte pcmcia qui me convienne
je me demandais si s'est une bonne idée: adapateur+carte pcmcia dans

Quelqu'un a essayer un adapteur de ce genre?

Je trouve que c'est qd meme assez compliquée

Les bonnes infos sont les très bien venues

Merci et bon WE

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2005-07-07 Thread Debian User

J'ai une application qui [EMAIL PROTECTED]

$ pybliographic

shell-init: could not get current directory: getcwd: cannot access
parent directories: Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type
/usr/share/pybliographer/Pyblio/ GtkDeprecationWarning:
gtk.load_font is deprecated, use gtk.gdk.Font instead
  raise ValueError, \
This is Pybliographic [Python 2.3.5, Gtk 2.6.4, PyGTK 2.6.1]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/bin/pybliographer, line 166, in ?
execfile (filename, user_global)
  File /usr/share/pybliographer/, line 44, in ?
main.new_document ()
  File /usr/share/pybliographer/Pyblio/GnomeUI/, line
55, in new_document
doc = Document.Document (db)
  File /usr/share/pybliographer/Pyblio/GnomeUI/, line 72,
in __init__
self.index = Index.Index ()
  File /usr/share/pybliographer/Pyblio/GnomeUI/, line 83, in
w = Utils.config.get_int (k)
gobject.GError: Nom de clé ou de répertoire incorrect:
« /apps/pybliographic/columns/ » : Une clé/répertoire ne peut se
terminer avec une barre oblique (/)

1/ Comment est le nom exacte du le résultat de cette commande. C'est
un message d'erreur ou un log

2/ Comment faire pour que les caractères  et le A avec le ~ dessus
soient correctes

3/ Comme je voudrais envoyer ce message sur le forum de pybliographer
qui est en anglais je voudrais avoir ce log en anglais. Commment je peux
changer cela

Merci beaucoup

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Re: Problème fin d'installation Sarge 3.1

2005-07-07 Thread Debian User

 cat /etc/fstab =
 file system mount point  type options   dump pass
 proc  /procproc defaults   0
 /dev/had1  /   ext3
  defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1
 /dev/had5  none swap sw 0
 /dev/hdc/media/cdrom0  iso9660 ro,user,noauto 0   0
 /dev/fd0 /media/floppy0  auto  rw,user,noauto 0

/dev/had1 ; /dev/had5 a mon humble là il y a une couille ...

/dev/hda1; /dev/hda5

hd pour hard drive 
a pour hd sur nappe ide1 en maître

hdc pour hd en nappe ide2 en maître 

il y a peut être d'autre problème mais ça s'en est déjà  un.

Moi je ferais un 
#cfdisk pour y voir un peu plus clair 

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Re: Module Nvidia refuse soudainement de se charger :

2005-07-06 Thread

Le 05.07.2005 23:40, Claude Reveret a écrit :

En fait, si Gwenj n'as pas répondu directement à la liste, c'est parce tu 
gères mal tes envois de mails à la liste. 

En principe, en répondant à ton mail devrai s'inscrire non pas ton adresse 
perso mais [EMAIL PROTECTED]

En idée de configuration: créer une identité avec Thunderbird dont l'adresse 
de réponse est celle de la liste.

C'est fait. De toute façon, je n'utilise cette adresse que pour cette 
liste... donc pas de problème de mettre comme adresse de réponse celle 
de la liste.

Chaurin Olivier
Debian Sarge, Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0-3

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Re: Module Nvidia refuse soudainement de se charger :

2005-07-06 Thread

Le 05.07.2005 22:36, Chaurin Olivier a écrit :

A mon avis la version de ton module nvidia kernel n'est pas le même 
que celui de nvidia-glx.

Donc, ce serait lié à ma mise à jour d'hier soir (j'aurai mieux fait de 
ma casser une jambe !).

Il suffit de le recompiler.

C'est fait, j'ai remis mon ancien fichier /etc/X11/XF86Config-4, 
redémarrer et là, je suis bien à la bonne définition (1600x1200), ça 
change !

La prochaine fois, je m'abstiendrai de mettre à jour n'importe quoi sans 
réfléchir (je ne suis pas blond pourtant :-D ).

Merci pour l'aide :-)

Chaurin Olivier
Debian Sarge, Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0-3

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Re: [O.T.] google earth

2005-06-29 Thread Debian User
Es un programa de google, en el cual esta cartografiado gran parte del mundo. 
Es decir te aparece el mundo visto desde el espacio, y por ej. tu vives en 
sevilla, pues buscas españa, haces zoom, buscas sevilla, haces zoom, y ves 
hasta los tios tomando copas en la plaza de tu ciudad..
El Miércoles, 29 de Junio de 2005 15:26, Ricardo Frydman escribió:
 Debian User wrote:
  Buenas tardes...
  ¿Existe google earth para linux?

 que es google earth?

  ¿donde lo bajo?

 GNU/Linux User: 150750
Vendo Camisas debian/rules = 10 Euros + Gastos envio 

[O.T.] google earth

2005-06-29 Thread Debian User
Buenas tardes... 
¿Existe google earth para linux?
¿donde lo bajo?

 GNU/Linux User: 150750
Vendo Camisas debian/rules = 10 Euros + Gastos envio 

Re: Dialer Problems-Only Pon Works

2005-06-29 Thread Debian User Leonard Chatagnier

Kent West wrote:

Debian User Leonard Chatagnier wrote:


n Mon, Jun 27, 2005 at 12:47:39PM -0500, Debian User Leonard
Chatagnier wrote:


Many changes were made in the configuration files to no avail.  The
current configuration files and errer messages are below: (Note: I
have pon working on sarge now but can't remember how I got it now.)
Thanks for any help. I've struggled long and hard and can't make any
progress on wedial although its probably a somple oversight.


If pon and kppp work, why is it such a problem that wvdial doesn't work?
Dear Bill,
Not to sound snippy, but its broke. I can't stand things to be broke and
being so, it may cause other things to break.  Wvdial is my prefered

Arg! Your email system (or something) consistently mangles quoting. In
the above, it looks like you've written the questions that were asked by
Bill, and then you've responded.

Exactly, he didn't copy my email address as requested so I
copied his reply from the web list and added my answers in my reply.
This was noted in a PS to him requesting he copy my email address.

What are the permissions on /etc/wvdial.conf?

ChatagnierL-Home:/etc/ppp/peers# ls -l /etc/wvdial.conf
-rwxrwxrwt  1 root root 212 Jun 26 11:04 /etc/wvdial.conf
I changed these from original defaults with chmod a+rwx
as noted in my post.  The t at the end was T originally
and I don't know the meaning of either.

Also, do you have a /.wvdialrc file in your home directory?

No, looked for it before.  It's not there.

If all else looks right, rename /etc/wvdial.conf and run wvdial again;
what's the results? Depending on those results, you might want to
manually create a new /etc/wvdial.conf (without copy/paste, in case
there's a hidden character in the original or something else oddball).

Duh.  Little confused here.  I'll let you see that I don't have the
/.wvdialrc file first and see your reply before I rename /etc/wvdial.conf
and run wvdial again.  I think that's what you wanted and ment.  Also,
what about the other two wvdials in /etc/x11/ and in /home/lchata, rename
them too?

Thanks for jumping in.  I appreciate it.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Dialer Problems-Only Pon Works

2005-06-29 Thread Debian User Leonard Chatagnier

Kent West wrote:

Kent West wrote:


I believe I'd purge and then reinstall wvdial, and maybe.


Don't you just love sentence fragments? They're so very.

Seriously, ignore the partial. I was going to say I might would also
purge/reinstall the ppp-related stuff, but then I remembered that wvdial
is more-or-less standalone (I think).


Well Kent, you were right about everything.  And, I feel mentally 
deprived as I should have tried

a purge/reinstall before posting.
wvdial is now working and I can call it up from $ as user.  I'm going to 
post the wvdial output you
requested, on a working  system, so that anyone having this problem can 
see what should be on a working
wvdial: (Note: still no /.wvdialrc in /home/lchata/) (note2: I still get 
the warning about can't write PAP-secrets
and Chap-secrets-Permission denied, when calling wvdial as user.  I know 
its harmless and I have gotten rid

of it before.  What is the Debian preferred way to do this?)

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc/ppp/peers$ cat /etc/wvdial.conf
[Dialer Defaults]
Phone = 9815666
Username = lchata
Password = ***
New PPPD = yes
Modem = /dev/modem
Baud = 115200
Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 C1 D2 +FCLASS=0
ISDN = 0
Modem Type = Analog Modem
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc/ppp/peers$ 

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc/ppp/peers$ ls -l /usr/bin/wvdial
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 98408 Jan 21 03:38 /usr/bin/wvdial
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc/ppp/peers$ ls -l /etc/wvdial.conf
-rw-r-  1 root dialout 209 Jun 29 09:12 /etc/wvdial.conf
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc/ppp/peers$ 

Kent, thanks for your great help.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Dialer Problems-Only Pon Works

2005-06-29 Thread Debian User Leonard Chatagnier

Gayle Lee Fairless wrote:

	I'm having some of the same issues that Leonard has.  The wvdial 
doesn't appear to work on 2.6 kernels.  I've scripted the tests as high as 
kernel 2.6.12.  It seems that the connection is immediately lost with only 
0.0 or 0.1 minutes connection time reported.

	I am going to use scanModem as he did to see if changing modems 
from my external Hayes to the internal one will work.  Also, the pppd (I 
think) seems to randomly dial up the ISP.  I've gotten errors 1 and 16 on 
different occasions from the pppd daemon as documented in man pppd.  The 
program wvdial (and version, 54 something, I'm doing this off the top of 
the head from work.), same version as Len's, works just fine on kernel 
2.4.18-bf2.4 (the one available in woody).

My box is a Gateway 500 upgraded from woody to sarge.

	I'll try to post more information when I get home especially in 
response to questions.  Some of this is a 'work in progrss' so I don't 
have some of the answers (actually many!).  I have yet to try out a script 
in kppp to see if that works.  Both Len and I probably run KDE 3.3 from 


Hello Gayle,
Kent West just fixed my wvdial by having me purge/reinstall wvdial.  I had
no dialout group in wvdial.conf only root.  Looks like another faultly 
The reinstall fixed it for me including being able to run it as user.  
definately works on 2.6.* kernels.  However, your problem is slightly 

from mine as mine never connected at all.  Are you using demand dialing in
provider or pppd config.  This may account for the random access by wvdial
or pppd.  It does look like you may have pppd configuration issues and a 
reinstall may cure it.  In many cases it has for me.  I'm no expert, of 
course, and
don't fully understand the pppd error messages, but I do remember 
getting message
nos. 0 and 1 when I first setup kppp.  I fixed it when I discovered 
kppp.options in /etc/ppp,
I think, and it had only one entry noauth commented out.  Uncomenting 
it fixed it.
Go ahead and get your onboard modem working if its supported, but I 
don't think it will
fix wvdial.  It's got to be a bad install like mine or a config issue.  
I'd try purge/reinstall first
on wvdial and then on ppp or pppd if wvdial alone didn't fix things.  It 
can't hurt and if your
lucky may fix it all.  Good luck.  One thing I learned, I think, is that 
the default configurations
usually work right out if the box if the original install wasn't faulty 
and a purge/reinstall generally

will fix a faulty initial install.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Dialer Problems-Only Pon Works

2005-06-29 Thread Debian User Leonard Chatagnier

Kent West wrote:

Debian User Leonard Chatagnier wrote:


I still get the warning about can't write PAP-secrets and
Chap-secrets-Permission denied, when calling wvdial as user.


What is the Debian preferred way to do this?

Is your user a member of the dip and dialout groups? If not, then:

adduser lchata dip
adduser lchata dialout

then log out and back in.


Yes, they are.  However, I think I may have added my user id my editing 
with nano.  When I use adduser

it says the user is already in the group.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Dialer Problems-Only Pon Works

2005-06-29 Thread Debian User Leonard Chatagnier

Kent West wrote:

Debian User Leonard Chatagnier wrote:


Kent West wrote:


Debian User Leonard Chatagnier wrote:


I still get the warning about can't write PAP-secrets and
Chap-secrets-Permission denied, when calling wvdial as user.  

What is the Debian preferred way to do this?

Is your user a member of the dip and dialout groups?

Yes, they are.  However, I think I may have added my user id my
editing with nano.  When I use adduser
it says the user is already in the group.

Adding the user manually is fine.

Since that's not the problem, and since I'm not a user of dialup, I'm
out of ideas. Hopefully others will be able to help.


Kent, thanks again for your help.  We'll just let this die a natural death.
Over and Out.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: dyndns

2005-06-28 Thread Debian User
Le mardi 28 juin 2005 à 09:21 +0200, Jacques L'helgoualc'h a écrit :
 Debian User a écrit, mardi 28 juin 2005, à 02:51 :
   C'est  normal  si  tu  as  testé  depuis l'intérieur  
  Est-ce que ça veut dire que je pourrais jamais tester depuis
 Oui, tu es derrière tes remparts ...

Ces quoi ces remparts? Se sont des filters comme dans un firewall?
 Il te faut une machine relais de confiance de l'autre côté.

Est-ce qu'il y a un moyen de contourner cela? Je me vois mal 
saouler quelqu'un avec mes petits tests qui en plus ne marche pas la
plupart du temps.

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Re: dyndns

2005-06-28 Thread Debian User

 C'est  assez  simple :  tu  démarres  une  connexion TCP/IP  depuis  ton
 navigateur, --
 le  (Dyn)DNS résout ce  nom en  IP, mettons ;  comme ton
 modem-routeur est  ta passerelle  par défaut, ta  machine lui  envoie ce
 premier paquet  ; le routeur  le reçoit, voit  que l'IP est celle  de sa
 propre  liaison ppp0  (adsl ou  rtc, peu  importe), et  transmet  donc à
 l'application en écoute sur le port 80.

J'avais pas du tout réalisé que si je sonne au port x alors j'ouvre
une application(=serveur) lié au port x. 

Ce que j'avais compris c'est qu'en faisant
www.ceque.vouscherchez.estici je faisais une requete au serveur web chez
ceque.vouscherchez.estici qui représentait un lieu et www une fonction
(serveur web). Ce que je confondais allègrement avec
http://www.ceque.vouscherchez.estici qui pour moi était une autre façon
de demander la même chose.

Pourquoi est-ce que on ne met pas les ports, en général? En effet je
tape rarement http://www.ceque.vouscherchez.estici:80 

Nota bene: j'ai bien compris qu'il y a des règles qui font que tel
serveur est sur tel port (ftp sur 21 par exemple). J'ai bien compris que
l'on peut dire à tel server que bah non c'est pas sur 21 mais sur 5000
qu'il doit écouté 

Si je fais cette modif (21--5000) sur mon serveur ftp alors il faudra
que je le dise à mon interlocuteur et alors l'interlocuteur devra taper

C'est ça? --

Est-ce que ça veut dire que le port suffit pour savoir à quel serveur je
fais la requète? Car finalement ce n'est qu'un
lieu ou plutot une interface internet.

Si je mets une machine à expresso sur le port 6000 et que je tape
laoù.est.lamachineàcafé:6000 j'aurais un café? 

Par contre si je tape 
laoù.est.lamachineàcafé:6001 bah y se passera rien c'est? 

 Celle-ci te  répond, car tu  es du  « bon côté » ;

Je ne comprends pas le car. Elle me répond car? Pourquoi, elle ne me
répondrait pas si j'étais du mauvais coté c'est à dire du coté externe?

 ... par contre, ton IP est lisible dans les en-têtes de tes courriers :
C'est vrai pour tout le monde ça?
Received: from localhost ( c'est votre ip?

 mais comme elle est dynamique, ce n'est pas grave.
Ah bon! Et pourtant elle ne change pas toutes les minutes. Elle doit
bien rester la meme pendant des heures permettant donc une attaque,

 Le ftp, ce n'est pas le plus simple ...
J'ai fait ça car j'ai trouvé un tuto pour configurer mon eicon diva 2440

Donc vous me conseillez plutôt d'utiliser une webcam?

 Le serveur ftp,  il est dans le  routeur ??? 

Ah non j'ai installer proftp sur mon pc1
Je dois aussi je configure le routeur aussi...

 Pour ma  part, j'ai  un linksys  wrt54g. J'ai ouvert  le port  9192 pour
 accéder à ma  webcam, donc les paquets adressés  à sont
 transmis à mon portable,

Là je comprends pas comment d'une adresse publique: à une
adresse privée :

Est-ce que ce shéma est le bon? -- DNS --- ip public( -- NAT --- 

c'est ça???

 Mais là,  ils sont filtrés par  iptables, seule l'ip source  de mon fils
 (chez dyndns aussi) est acceptée. Tu peux essayer si tu veux !

Ton fils est sur un autre réseau? Il a une autre adresse publique?

Si c'est ça comment tu fais pour avoir un filtre qui ne laisse passer
que l'ip de ton fils qui j'imagine change régulièrement.

 - mise à jour du firewall.

Mon firewall c'est un eicon diva 2440 que je trouve pas facile à
configurer. Probablement parce que je débute.


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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Re: Dialer Problems-Only Pon Works

2005-06-28 Thread Debian User Leonard Chatagnier

n Mon, Jun 27, 2005 at 12:47:39PM -0500, Debian User Leonard Chatagnier wrote:

Many changes were made in the configuration files to no avail.  The 
current configuration files and errer messages
are below: (Note: I have pon working on sarge now but can't remember how 
I got it now.)
Thanks for any help. I've struggled long and hard and can't make any 
progress on wedial although its probably a somple oversight.

If pon and kppp work, why is it such a problem that wvdial doesn't work?
Dear Bill,
Not to sound snippy, but its broke. I can't stand things to be broke and
being so, it may cause other things to break.  Wvdial is my prefered dialer.

Did you edit the wvdial.conf file on a Windows machine?
I only have woody and sarge-stable installed.  If you had looked at the provided
data you should have noticed all the output is linux.  Why wouild anyone want to 
edit wvdial on windose?  I really don't understand why you might ask this.

If that isn't the case, maybe wvdial.conf has the wrong permissions.
That was covered to a degree also.  As stated I have added my user ID to all 
groups; dip, dialout,etc.  However, since you asked, ls -l shows

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc/init.d$ ls -l /usr/bin/wvdial
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 98408 Jan 21 03:38 /usr/bin/wvdial
You have new mail in /var/mail/lchata
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc/init.d$ 
ChatagnierL-Home:/etc/ppp/peers# ls -l /usr/bin/wvdial

-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 98408 Jan 21 03:38 /usr/bin/wvdial

And in any case, I have run wvdial as both user$ and root# with the same error 
output on both:
-- Warning: section [Dialer Defaults] does not exist in wvdial.conf. Of 
courtse, it does; unless
there is some syntax priblem.  It does look like all past config entries.

I quess I was expecting some comments on the error message or stating that 
something is wrong in
Thanks for your interest,


PS-You may have missed my request to copy my email address.  It's easier to 
reply with a copy
instead of building a reply from the list on web.  Either way, I'll get back.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: dyndns

2005-06-27 Thread Debian User

 Normalement,  l'interface  de  configuration  devrait être  fermée  côté
 public !
Bah oui qd j'ai vu ça j'ai vite supprimé mon compte chez dyndns. Preuve
que j'ai pas compris grand chose encore.
En lisant votre mail, je me suis dit qu'il fallait que j'essaie avec mon
ip dynamique et la j'ai vu s'afficher ma page de configuration de mon
modem routeur.Gloups 

  2/ Comment faire pour aller plus loinc'est à dire voir mon pc?
 Ça dépend de  ton routeur (si tu précisais ton modèle  ...), à voir dans
 les menus de configuration. Il faut  aussi se soucier de la sécurité, au
 moins côté Internet.
 Jacques L'helgoualc'h

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Fwd: Re: dyndns]

2005-06-27 Thread Debian User

Le lundi 27 juin 2005 à 10:40 +0200, Jacques L'helgoualc'h a écrit :
 C'est  normal  si  tu  as  testé  depuis l'intérieur  :  tes  paquets
 destination de l'entrée publique (disons ppp0)  du routeur vont ...
 routeur, qui répond directement par la bonne interface (eth0).
Bon je comprends pas très bien mais bon...
 Normalement,  l'interface  de  configuration  devrait être  fermée
 public !
Oui ça me trouble assez d'ailleurs j'ai vite supprimer mon comte chez
  2/ Comment faire pour aller plus loinc'est à dire voir mon pc?
 Ça dépend de  ton routeur (si tu précisais ton modèle  ...), à voir
 les menus de configuration. Il faut  aussi se soucier de la sécurité,
 moins côté Internet.
C'est un eicon diva 2440. J'ai trouvé un site qui explique comment le
configurer pour avoir un server ftp avec dyndns je vais donc m'y coller.

Est-ce que j'ai réellement besoin pour l'instant de me préoccuper de
sécurité. Je veux juste faire des tests et y a rien de professionnel
dans tout ça (heureusement d'ailleurs vu ma nullité). En plus je n'ai
pas l'intention de laisser mon ordinateur allumé chez moi tout le temps
car c'est pas climatisé et il chauffe la pièce ;-) 

---End Message---

Re: dyndns

2005-06-27 Thread Debian User

 C'est  normal  si  tu  as  testé  depuis l'intérieur  

Est-ce que ça veut dire que je pourrais jamais tester depuis

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dialer Problems-Only Pon Works

2005-06-27 Thread Debian User Leonard Chatagnier
This issue was priviously posted as Wvdial, Pon Broke On Sarge-Stable, 
Only Pon works On Woody-Done Everthing I Know-Need Help, but no 
solution forthcoming.  Since then, have tried to configure KPPP and it 
wont work.  Reposting with new info.  Need serious Guru help.  OOOPS, 
Fixed KPPP myself, little proud, looked at kppp-options

and noticed #noauth, uncommenting it fixed KPPP.  But wvdial still broke.
Debian User Leonard Chatagnier wrote: (FROM ORIGINAL POST)

Discovered wvdial and pon not working after finally getting the 
2.4.27-2-386 KI to boot.  Ran wvdialconf and
pppconfig which didn't change anything.  Chmod a+rwx on all wvdial and 
wvdial.conf files.  Some Debians may
say that's not the way, but I don't want to use su and don't have to 
on pon, so why on wvdial.  I've also added
my UID to all the appropriate groups.  It's a single user Desktop PC.  
Discovered a couple items that wvdialconf left out; no init3=ATDT and 
no New PPPD = yes.  They were both in the conf file in Sarge Texting, 
but both woody/sarge became non-functional due to / becomming full.  
Believe they are required; if not please correct me. I added them to 
all three wvdials in /etc/wvdial.conf, /etc/X11/wvdial.conf, 
/home/lchata/wvdial.conf.  The phone, UID and Password entries in 
/home/lchate/wvdial.conf were commented out.  Reviewed the pap- and 
chat-secrets files and didn't see anything suspicious to me but, I am 
a realative newbie.  Also googled and read all related manuals and 
checked bug report#276020 and didn't find any thing revelant except 
for the ATDT dial command.  I also changed /dev/modem to read 
/dev/ttySHCF0 although there is a symlnk for it.  Wvdial and pon still 
don't work in sarge and wvdial doesn't work in woody but did before 
the sarge dist-upgrade.  I give up; don't know what else to do without 
quidance.  Message output from wvdial and my wvdial.conf files are 
below:  My mind is a little foggy right now, please ask for any other 
info needed.  And thanks for any help; I'm at a dead end.  _PLEASE 
copy my email address; not subscribed and easier to format replys. _

Leonard Chatagnier

Many changes were made in the configuration files to no avail.  The 
current configuration files and errer messages
are below: (Note: I have pon working on sarge now but can't remember how 
I got it now.)
Thanks for any help. I've struggled long and hard and can't make any 
progress on wedial although its probably a somple oversight.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc/ppp$ wvdial
-- WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.54.0
-- Warning: section [Dialer Defaults] does not exist in wvdial.conf.
-- Initializing modem.
-- Sending: ATZ
-- Modem initialized.
-- Configuration does not specify a valid phone number.
-- Configuration does not specify a valid login name.
-- Configuration does not specify a valid password.
ChatagnierL-Home:/home/lchata# wvdial
-- WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.54.0
-- Warning: section [Dialer Defaults] does not exist in wvdial.conf.
-- Initializing modem.
-- Sending: ATZ
-- Modem initialized.
-- Configuration does not specify a valid phone number.
-- Configuration does not specify a valid login name.
-- Configuration does not specify a valid password.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc/ppp$ cat /etc/wvdial.conf(note: the other 2 
conf files were made identical by me)

[Dialer Defaults]
Phone = 9815666
Username = lchata
Password = **
New PPPD = yes
Modem = /dev/ttySHCF0
Baud = 115200
Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 C1 D2 +FCLASS=0
ISDN = 0
Modem Type = Analog Modem

ChatagnierL-Home:/home/lchata# cat /etc/ppp/pap-secrets
# /etc/ppp/pap-secrets
# This is a pap-secrets file to be used with the AUTO_PPP function of
# mgetty. mgetty-0.99 is preconfigured to startup pppd with the login option
# which will cause pppd to consult /etc/passwd (and /etc/shadow in turn)
# after a user has passed this file. Don't be disturbed therfore by the fact
# that this file defines logins with any password for users. /etc/passwd
# (again, /etc/shadow, too) will catch passwd mismatches.
# This file should block ALL users that should not be able to do AUTO_PPP.
# AUTO_PPP bypasses the usual login program so its necessary to list all
# system userids with regular passwords here.
# ATTENTION: The definitions here can allow users to login without a
# password if you don't use the login option of pppd! The mgetty Debian
# package already provides this option; make sure you don't change that.

# INBOUND connections

# Every regular user can use PPP and has to use passwords from /etc/passwd
*   (none)*

# UserIDs that cannot use PPP at all. Check your /etc/passwd and add any
# other accounts that should not be able to use pppd!
guest   (none)  * -
master  (none)  * -
root(none)  * -
support (none)  * -
stats   (none)  * -

# OUTBOUND connections

# Here you should add your userid password to connect


2005-06-26 Thread Debian User

Voila mon petit reseau:

ip dynamique[]modem/routeur[]

Ca c'est du réseau hein

Oui bon j'ai aussi un switch avec pc1 et pc2 (mais on s'en [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Je voudrais pouvoir accéder à mon(mes) pc's de l'internet 
sur mon lieu de vacances par exemple c'est de saison.

J'essaie avec

J'ai crée un hostname: monhostname. J'ai choisi le domaine
Le formulaire m'a proposé ma bonne ip dynamique. 

Puis  j'ai fait dans mon web browser :
et là j'ai vu la page qui s'affiche quand je tape dans mon web browser C'est la page de configuration de mon modem/routeur. C'est
pas tres secure certe mais bon c'est pas trop mon probleme pour
l'instant. Mais c'est déjà pas mal.

1/ Je comprends pas très bien car c'est l'adresse interne de mon modem
et pas l'adresse ip externe = dynamique

2/ Comment faire pour aller plus loinc'est à dire voir mon pc?

Il faut me parler baba car vraiment je débuteça se voit non?


Pensez à lire la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Pensez à rajouter le mot ``spam'' dans vos champs From et Reply-To:

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Wvdial, Pon Broke On Sarge-Stable, Only Pon works On Woody-Done Everthing I Know-Need Help

2005-06-26 Thread Debian User Leonard Chatagnier
Discovered wvdial and pon not working after finally getting the 
2.4.27-2-386 KI to boot.  Ran wvdialconf and
pppconfig which didn't change anything.  Chmod a+rwx on all wvdial and 
wvdial.conf files.  Some Debians may
say that's not the way, but I don't want to use su and don't have to on 
pon, so why on wvdial.  I've also added
my UID to all the appropriate groups.  It's a single user Desktop PC.  
Discovered a couple items that wvdialconf left out; no init3=ATDT and no 
New PPPD = yes.  They were both in the conf file in Sarge Texting, but 
both woody/sarge became non-functional due to / becomming full.  Believe 
they are required; if not please correct me. I added them to all three 
wvdials in /etc/wvdial.conf, /etc/X11/wvdial.conf, 
/home/lchata/wvdial.conf.  The phone, UID and Password entries in 
/home/lchate/wvdial.conf were commented out.  Reviewed the pap- and 
chat-secrets files and didn't see anything suspicious to me but, I am a 
realative newbie.  Also googled and read all related manuals and checked 
bug report#276020 and didn't find any thing revelant except for the ATDT 
dial command.  I also changed /dev/modem to read /dev/ttySHCF0.  Wvdial 
and pon still don't work in sarge and wvdial doesn't work in woody but 
did before the sarge dist-upgrade.  I give up; don't know what else to 
do without quidance.  Message output from wvdial and my wvdial.conf 
files are below:  My mind is a little foggy right now, please ask for 
any other info needed.  And thanks for any help; I'm at a dead end.  
PLEASE copy my email address; not subscribed and easier to format replys.

Leonard Chatagnier

-- WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.54.0
*-- Warning: section [Dialer Defaults] does not exist in wvdial.conf.*
-- Cannot open /dev/modem: Permission denied
-- Cannot open /dev/modem: Permission denied
-- Cannot open /dev/modem: Permission denied
ChatagnierL-Home:/home/lchata# wvdial
-- WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.54.0
*-- Warning: section [Dialer Defaults] does not exist in wvdial.conf.*
-- Initializing modem.
-- Sending: ATZ
-- Modem initialized.
-- Configuration does not specify a valid phone number.
-- Configuration does not specify a valid login name.
-- Configuration does not specify a valid password.
ChatagnierL-Home:/home/lchata# cat /etc/wvdial.conf
*[Dialer Defaults]*
Phone = 9815666
Username = lchata
Password = lrchata
New PPPD = yes
Modem = /dev/ttySHCF0
Baud = 115200
Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 C1 D2 +FCLASS=0
Init3 = ATDT
ISDN = 0
Modem Type = Analog Modem

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[Fwd: Re: Wvdial, Pon Broke On Sarge-Stable, Only Pon works On Woody-Done Everthing I Know-Need Help]

2005-06-26 Thread Debian User Leonard Chatagnier


Marty wrote:

Debian User Leonard Chatagnier wrote:

Discovered wvdial and pon not working after finally getting the 
2.4.27-2-386 KI to boot.  Ran wvdialconf and
pppconfig which didn't change anything.  Chmod a+rwx on all wvdial 
and wvdial.conf files.  Some Debians may
say that's not the way, but I don't want to use su and don't have to 
on pon, so why on wvdial.  I've also added
my UID to all the appropriate groups.  It's a single user Desktop 
PC.  Discovered a couple items that wvdialconf left out; no 
init3=ATDT and no New PPPD = yes.  They were both in the conf file in 
Sarge Texting, but both woody/sarge became non-functional due to / 
becomming full.  Believe they are required; if not please correct me. 
I added them to all three wvdials in /etc/wvdial.conf, 
/etc/X11/wvdial.conf, /home/lchata/wvdial.conf.  The phone, UID and 
Password entries in /home/lchate/wvdial.conf were commented out.  
Reviewed the pap- and chat-secrets files and didn't see anything 
suspicious to me but, I am a realative newbie.  Also googled and read 
all related manuals and checked bug report#276020 and didn't find any 
thing revelant except for the ATDT dial command.  I also changed 
/dev/modem to read /dev/ttySHCF0.  Wvdial and pon still don't work in 
sarge and wvdial doesn't work in woody but did before the sarge 
dist-upgrade.  I give up; don't know what else to do without 
quidance.  Message output from wvdial and my wvdial.conf files are 
below:  My mind is a little foggy right now, please ask for any other 
info needed.  And thanks for any help; I'm at a dead end.  PLEASE 
copy my email address; not subscribed and easier to format replys.

Leonard Chatagnier

-- WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.54.0
*-- Warning: section [Dialer Defaults] does not exist in wvdial.conf.*
-- Cannot open /dev/modem: Permission denied
-- Cannot open /dev/modem: Permission denied
-- Cannot open /dev/modem: Permission denied
ChatagnierL-Home:/home/lchata# wvdial
-- WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.54.0
*-- Warning: section [Dialer Defaults] does not exist in wvdial.conf.*

Looks like a major problem  ^^

-- Initializing modem.
-- Sending: ATZ
-- Modem initialized.
-- Configuration does not specify a valid phone number.
-- Configuration does not specify a valid login name.
-- Configuration does not specify a valid password.
ChatagnierL-Home:/home/lchata# cat /etc/wvdial.conf
*[Dialer Defaults]*

Mine just has [Dialer Defaults] (without asterisks)

Everything else looks good, except that I don't have an Init3 stanza

Phone = 9815666
Username = lchata
Password = lrchata
New PPPD = yes
Modem = /dev/ttySHCF0
Baud = 115200
Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 C1 D2 +FCLASS=0
Init3 = ATDT
ISDN = 0
Modem Type = Analog Modem

Hello Marty, thank for the reply.  Well, I kinda feel a little stupid, 
just a little, as I suddenly realized

last night that I haven't yet downloaded sarge kernel-headers and 
installed my hcfpci modem drivers.
I knew I had to do that but got distracted getting sarge to boot.  When 
I did, early this morning, I only
got pon working; so wvdial 1.54 is still an issue.  ?No init3 stanza, 
does tha mean I stand corrected and
its no longer reqired?  From what little I know about modem commands, I 
thoughtit totally necessary

to send the phone number.
Hh, those * are somewhat misleading.  There not in any of my files.  
I know, they were bold formatted
text to call attention that the warning [DialerDefaults] that do not 
exist in fact are there in my conf files. Your
email program must have rendered the bold text with the *'s as I see 
them at all the places I formatted as bold

text or sending in plain text mode loses the bold formatting.
I could take out the init3 stanza, and will, and try again.  Will let 
you know the outcome.


---End Message---

Re: Wvdial, Pon Broke On Sarge-Stable, Only Pon works On Woody-Done Everthing I Know-Need Help

2005-06-26 Thread Debian User Leonard Chatagnier

Marty wrote:

Debian User Leonard Chatagnier wrote:

Hi Marty,
Took out init3=ATDT, logged out KDE and back in and still getting 
same wvdial error message, ie., no dialer


This doesn't seem to appear in Bug #276020, so it looks like a different

  So, shut down and rebooted and runing wvdial still gave same

error message as user or as root.  Now
what?  Thanks for helping,

I'm at a loss. Sorry, but as I wrote privately pon is its own dialer
and there are many other dialers in Debian.  You might use them to
verify it's wvdial-specific, then file a seperate bug report.

Ok, I replied to your previous message before reading this one.  Thanks 
for your help and I'll keep
trying to find a fix.  However, I'm not going to file a bug report as 
this issue has existed since Debian
testing and many bug reports should have been reported and solved before 
sarge stable was released.

That's Debian's fault not mine.  Thanks again for your efforts,

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Kernel Panic After Sarge Dist-upgrade To Kernel Image 2.4.27-2-386

2005-06-25 Thread Debian User Leonard Chatagnier

Kent West wrote:

Debian User Leonard Chatagnier wrote:


Sorry again.  After I emailed my response, I realized I for got to run
lilo.  So ran it and got this error:
ChatagnierL-Home:/home/lchata# lilo
Fatal: Image name, label, or alias is too long: 'Linux-2.4.27-2-386'

So, I shortened the label to Linux-2.4.27 and ran lilo again with:
ChatagnierL-Home:/# /sbin/lilo
Added Linux-2.4.27 (alias 1)
Added LinuxOLD (alias 2)
Fatal: Default image doesn't exist.

Ah. I didn't notice this earlier. According to your /etc/lilo.conf file:




but you don't have any labels by that name:


 initrd=initrd.img  (Note: there is a link in / to the actual 
/boot/initrd.img/sarge.img so it should work)
#   restricted

#   restricted


You need to either set default=Linux2.4.27-2-386, or you need to
change the label in your first stanza so it looks like:


 initrd=initrd.img  (Note: there is a link in / to the actual 
/boot/initrd.img/sarge.img so it should work)
#   restricted

By the way, if you really have a 386 machine, this kernel is fine, but if you have a Pentium or 
Athlon, there are some variants (-686 and -k7 respectively) that are better 
tuned for your CPU.


Well, I forgot to run lilo before rebooting.  Just woke up from a nap,
blame it on that.  However, after lilo and
rebooting got this:
ChatagnierL-Home:/home/lchata# lilo
Fatal: Image name, label, or alias is too long: 'Linux-2.4.27-2-386'
So, maybe lilo doesn't like long names; maybe just linux.  Tried that
and ran lilo.  Lilo completed without error
and rebooted again.  Presto, the 2.4.27-2-386 kernel booted.  Ran uname
-a just to be sure as I'm feeling a little
accident prone now.  Looks like lilo will only accept default=Linux,
period.  BTW, I looked real close at default=
and label= checking that the . and - were all in the same places.  The
two were identical.
Thanks, Kent for your patience with me.  I'm going to relax for a while
before updrading to a 2.6.8 Kernel as the
dist-upgrade forced this kernel on me.  I feel a little stupid, but what
the heck, debconf and lilo did it first.  Well, guess what.  Pon and 
wvdial are not working in sarge.  This email via woody. Thanks again for

your help


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Kernel Panic After Sarge Dist-upgrade To Kernel Image 2.4.27-2-386

2005-06-25 Thread Debian User Leonard Chatagnier

Marty wrote:

Debian User Leonard Chatagnier wrote:

See below for links.  Not sure what you mean by what happens when you 
using LinuxOLD.  It boots normally as it did since first installed.  
I do see that
Output module failed to load as was the case on my old sarge.  If 
your refering
to my notes about not having a graphical lilo interface on the 
install= and map=
notes then yes, I do have to hit scroll lock or tab repeatedly for 
the old red orange
boot menu to come up.  That's the only way I can boot woody without a 
rescue disk.

OIC  So that's what you mean by booting woody!  slaps forehead

I thought you had another partition with woody installed.  For the record
the kernel does not determine which distro you are booting so it's 
inaccurate to say you are booting to woody in this context.  It 
might be

better understood if you say you are booting an alternate kernel or
something similar.

Anyway this puts an entirely different spin on the matter.  First of
all you can just remove the non-functional kernel, and make your
old kernel the default kernel by specifying it in /etc/lilo.conf and
rerunning lilo.  (You can also activate the boot menu.)

Note that since both of your kernels are obsolete anyway it doesn't
matter which one you choose so you might as well pick the one that works.

If you want to practice installing or compiling kernels you can
either start afresh with sarge's default 2.6.8 or roll your
own custom kernel.  I recommend the latter since Debian has all the
tools to make this as simple and painless as possible, and you
can get rid of modules and all the initrd problems altogether.
These both seem to be the biggest minefield for the newbies.

Hello again Marty,
The 2.4.27-2-386 kernel was forced on me by the dist-upgrade.  I planned
on going to the 2.6.6-2-686 kernel and will eventually, probably soon.  Kent
finally fixed lilo for me so that sarge boots now if you haven't already 
read it.
You can, if you will, tell me just how you remove a kernel(outline the 
I'm thinking there might be more to it than just aptitude remove(or 
purge) the KI.
Once I'm sure, I'll get rid of the 2.4.27* and go to a 2.6.8* KI.  Now 
on to my next
issues, getting pon and wvdial to work under sarge.  Kill one, two more 
pop up.
Also, about activating the lilo menu, How?  If your using the graphical 
menu and
are not having to punch a key to get it, would be nice for me to see 
what's in your
install= and map= stanzas.  I have read them man docs and tried several 

but nothing works for me.
Thanks for your insight on compiling your own; I'll give it a try soon,


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Kernel Panic After Sarge Dist-upgrade To Kernel Image 2.4.27-2-386

2005-06-25 Thread Debian User Leonard Chatagnier

Marty wrote:

Debian User Leonard Chatagnier wrote:

You can, if you will, tell me just how you remove a kernel(outline 
the process).

Like any other package: apt-get remove pkgname or use aptitude, 
dselect, etc.
I don't use the packaged kernels so I don't know but if it tries to 

LILO, I would postpone that part.

I'm thinking there might be more to it than just aptitude remove(or 
purge) the KI.

There might be other bits and pieces, header files or special 
modules.  I don't
know, but if that bothers you just find them with deborphan and purge 
them too.

Once I'm sure, I'll get rid of the 2.4.27* and go to a 2.6.8* KI.

Or you could just leave them around if they work.  They can come in handy
for some kinds of debugging.  My suggestion to remove the broken 
kernel was

conditional on the failure to get it working.


on to my next
issues, getting pon and wvdial to work under sarge.

You will probably need to (re)post all symptoms and relevant networking
information before anyone can help much.  But having said that, given
a working networking configuraion, my experience these tools almost
complete self-configure as part of the install process.

  Kill one, two more

pop up.
Also, about activating the lilo menu, How?

Uncomment prompt in /etc/lilo.conf

  If your using the graphical

menu and
are not having to punch a key to get it, would be nice for me to see 
what's in your

install= and map= stanzas.


But I don't think these do anything, at least not on any of my systems.
They might be some legacy cruft.  I've never touched them and the file
/boot/boot-menu.b doesn't even exist.

  I have read them man docs and tried several

but nothing works for me.
Thanks for your insight on compiling your own; I'll give it a try soon,


Hello Marty,

The only thing I didn't have was the lilo prompt uncommented.  In all 
past installs
the prompt was just there.  I used a new set of woody CDs for this 
install and guess
the default lilo.conf was changed as graphical interface wasn't there in 
woody either.

This should fix it, but haven't reboted yet.
Re: wvdial and pon, I've ran wvdialconf and pppconfig again with no 
change.  Only dialer
working is pon in woody.  I'll repost on these shortly after checking 
some things to see

if I can fix it myself.
Thanks much for the mention of deborphans.  I've used it once before and 
now wont be
leary of removing any kernel.  That about does it for me.  Thanks for 
all your input; it cleared

up some lingering doubts for me.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Kernel Panic After Sarge Dist-upgrade To Kernel Image 2.4.27-2-386

2005-06-25 Thread Debian User Leonard Chatagnier

Kent West wrote:

Debian User Leonard Chatagnier wrote:


The 2.4.27-2-386 kernel was forced on me by the dist-upgrade.  I planned
on going to the 2.6.6-2-686 kernel and will eventually, probably
soon.  Kent
finally fixed lilo for me so that sarge boots now if you haven't
already read it.
You can, if you will, tell me just how you remove a kernel(outline the
I'm thinking there might be more to it than just aptitude remove(or
purge) the KI.
Once I'm sure, I'll get rid of the 2.4.27* and go to a 2.6.8* KI.

I think kernels are treated a bit differently than are other packages,
in that once installed, there's not an automatic removal mechanism.

Basically when a new Debian kernel is installed via apt[-get|itude]:

* the kernel itself is placed in /boot
* A copy of the corresponding .config file in placed in /boot
* the old symbolic links in / are renamed to OLD-type names. This
woulb be /vmlinuz and /initrd.img.
* new symbolic links are created in /. The symlink /vmlinuz points to
the new kernel in /boot; the symlink /initrd.img points to the
initrd.img in /boot.
* the stanzas in /etc/lilo.conf are updated appropriately, and lilo is run
* the appropriate modules are placed in /lib/modules
* other housekeeping
* you're told to reboot into the new kernel

To uninstall a Debian kernel, you basically undo the above manually. Or
at least that's been my experience. Unless you need the space on / that
deleting /lib/modules/[kernel_version] would free up, I'd just leave the
old kernel on there.

To install a new Debian kernel, find the version you want:
aptitude search kernel-image-2.6 | grep 686
should list the Pentium-type 2.6 kernels available.

Then install that kernel:
aptitude install kernel-image-2.6.11-1-686

The problems you had the first go-round was be cause you went from a
non-initrd kernel to an initrd kernel, and you renamed the label in
lilo.conf. Since you're already running an initrd kernel now, the
upgrade process should go much smoother.


Now on to my next
issues, getting pon and wvdial to work under sarge.  Kill one, two
more pop up.

These should be addressed in a new thread.


Also, about activating the lilo menu, How?

I believe you need to uncomment the prompt entry in lilo.conf
(remember to rerun lilo).


Thanks for your insight on compiling your own; I'll give it a try soon,

It would be a good education for you, but nowadays, rolling your own is
not much necessary for most users. I recommend it for educational
purposes (really, I do), but the stock Debian kernels will probably
fulfill all your needs for a quite a while.


Hello Kent,

Much obliged for all your help and input.  It really helped.  As it 
turned out, the boot
issue was a simple item but I'd probably still be looking for the 
solution and getting
more frustrated without your help.  I'm going to look for the wvdial and 
pon solution
before posting on them as I'd like to solve it myself.  That about 
covers it for me now.

And thanks again for you help.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

mettre en place un réseau

2005-06-24 Thread Debian User

Je voulais vous faire partager ce site 
certe il est en anglais mais je le trouve vraiment didactique.

Surtout la partie debian guide

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Re: Re: Kernel Panic After Sarge Dist-upgrade To Kernel Image 2.4.27-2-386

2005-06-24 Thread Debian User Leonard Chatagnier

--- Kent West [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Leonard Chatagnier wrote:

 VFS: Cannot open rootdevice 301 or 30:01
 Please append a correct root= boot option
 Kernel panic: VFS unable to mount root fs on 30:01
 Ok, not worried at this time as I have my woody

CD's and can do a

 rescbf24 to mount woody still installed and
correct the lilo.conf but,
 here are the related boot messages when attempting


 request_modules_hostadapter]: Root fs not mounted
(repeated once)
 cramfs: wrong magic
 Fat: bogus logical sector size 5202
 read_super_block: can't find a reiserfs filesystem

on (dev 03:03,

 block 64, size 1024)-repeated once
 Kernel panic: VFS unable to mount root fs on 03:05
 Now I'm worried.  Note: I don't have a reiserfs

file system, only an
 ext3 fs since day one on all partitions. 

If I understand, you have a dual-boot system, with
Sarge and Woody.

Sarge's boot is hosed, but you've tried to boot off
the Woody
installation CD into the Woody installation, and it
fails also.

Is this correct?

If it were me, I'd boot off a LiveCD, such as
Knoppix or Kanotix, then
run cfdisk to see what partitions are defined. I'd
mount the / partition
on the hard drive, and look to see what /etc/fstab
says, and take a look
at the initrd issues you mention. My gut instinct
(not having adequate
info), is that either your partition table is
scrambled, your drive is
failing, or you're not feeding the correct
parameters to the Woody CD.

Kent West

Technology Support
/A/bilene /C/hristian /U/niversity

-- snipped 

If it's an initrd kernel, I do recall reading
something about issues with the upgrade to sarge and
initrd kernels. Might be worth checking out the Sarge
release notes on

Thanks for the tip. Mark. One thing for sure, I'll never do a
dist-upgrade again without reviewing the release notes and doing
all things suggested.  I've been looking for a document that accounts
for all the problems I've had with upgrades and I think I may have
found it.  However, I've spent all evening til about 1:30 am reviewing
the release notes for sarge and didn't find anything close to my issue,
including links.  Have read all the manuals listed and come to conclusion
that lilo.conf is correct, ie., initrd=initrd.img, as I have a link in /
to the proper sarge image in /boot.  I've come to the conclusion, as Kent
West suggested that the only thing left to do is correct the error in my
Swap partition as listed above.  I've used cfdist to repartition my HD
before several times but it's always been for a fresh install; never on
a functioning system.  So, I'll boot as single user and run cfdisk to
correct the /Solaris entry on the Swap and hope there's not anything
critical I'm not aware of.  Doesn't look like Kent is going to reply
to my last post: so I'll give it a try.
If you could be more specific, I'd like to read the reference you
Thanks for your help,


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Re: Kernel Panic After Sarge Dist-upgrade To Kernel Image 2.4.27-2-386

2005-06-24 Thread Debian User Leonard Chatagnier

Sorry about my mixup.  Found the original reply in drafts; never sent.
This is new reply that is more current.  My reply is bolow:

Leonard Chatagnier wrote:

VFS: Cannot open rootdevice 301 or 30:01
Please append a correct root= boot option
Kernel panic: VFS unable to mount root fs on 30:01
Ok, not worried at this time as I have my woody CD's and can do a
rescbf24 to mount woody still installed and correct the lilo.conf but,
here are the related boot messages when attempting rescue:
request_modules_hostadapter]: Root fs not mounted (repeated once)
cramfs: wrong magic
Fat: bogus logical sector size 5202
read_super_block: can't find a reiserfs filesystem on (dev 03:03,
block 64, size 1024)-repeated once
Kernel panic: VFS unable to mount root fs on 03:05
Now I'm worried.  Note: I don't have a reiserfs file system, only an
ext3 fs since day one on all partitions. 

If I understand, you have a dual-boot system, with Sarge and Woody.

Sarge's boot is hosed, but you've tried to boot off the Woody
installation CD into the Woody installation, and it fails also.

Is this correct?
Yes, it did originally.  However, I checked around and found the
right syntax for boot option and was finally able to boot woody,
but sarge 2.4.27-2-386 stil has kernel panic.

If it were me, I'd boot off a LiveCD, such as Knoppix or Kanotix, then
run cfdisk to see what partitions are defined. I'd mount the / partition
on the hard drive, and look to see what /etc/fstab says, and take a look
at the initrd issues you mention. My gut instinct (not having adequate
info), is that either your partition table is scrambled, your drive is
failing, or you're not feeding the correct parameters to the Woody CD.

The output of cat /etc/fstab, cfdisk and lilo.conf are shown at the end
of this message.  I did add the initrd= into vmlinuz as the aptitude dist-
upgrade configure put something in that did't work; can't remember exactly what 
said now but it was the last thing the configure did before moving on from lilo.  
After a lot of research and reading the release issues I did another aptitude dist-upgrade with

the options specified in the release and the only error was in installing 
an the ksetiathome which I don't need.  I even tried putting the actual path to the 
/boot/sarge-initrd.img for initrd= but nothing worked. I even posted to an email buddy

of mine who had a similar kernel panic issue on the list, with the entry shown 
in my
lilo.conf and it worked for him.
I also thought the /Solaris entry in linux Swap was an error.  When I entered 
user mode to correct it, I found the same data for type 82 linux swap so didn't 
out anything.  This must be something new in sarge as I don't remember it being 
in woody. I really need your help here as I've spent the last days and nights 
for a solution without any success.  If you don't mind, please copy my email 
address as
its much easier to reply than copying the post from the web.
Thanks for your help,

Leonard Chatagnier

Kent West
Technology Support
/A/bilene /C/hristian /U/niversity

ChatagnierL-Home:/# cat /etc/fstab
# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# file system mount point   type  options   dump  pass
/dev/hda1   /   ext3errors=remount-ro   0   1
/dev/hda5   noneswapsw  0   0
proc/proc   procdefaults0   0
/dev/fd0/floppy autouser,noauto 0   0
/dev/cdrom  /cdrom  iso9660 ro,user,noauto  0   0
/dev/hda2   /usrext3defaults0   2
/dev/hda3   /varext3defaults0   2
/dev/hda6   /home   ext3defaults0   2
/dev/hda7   /temp   ext3defaults0   2
/dev/hda8   /tmpext3defaults0   2
ChatagnierL-Home:/# cfdisk
  cfdisk 2.12p

  Disk Drive: /dev/hda
Size: 13676544000 bytes, 13.6 GB
  Heads: 255   Sectors per Track: 63   
Cylinders: 1662

 Name  Flags Part Type   FS Type
   [Label]   Size (MB)
 hda1  Boot, NC   PrimaryLinux ext3 
 hda2 PrimaryLinux ext3 
 hda3 PrimaryLinux ext3 
 hda5  NC  

Re: Kernel Panic After Sarge Dist-upgrade To Kernel Image 2.4.27-2-386

2005-06-24 Thread Debian User Leonard Chatagnier

Kent West wrote:

Debian User Leonard Chatagnier wrote:


Sorry about my mixup.  Found the original reply in drafts; never sent.
This is new reply that is more current.  My reply is bolow:

Leonard Chatagnier wrote:


Kent West wrote:


Sarge's boot is hosed, but you've tried to boot off the Woody
installation CD into the Woody installation, and it fails also.

Is this correct?

Yes, it did originally.  However, I checked around and found the
right syntax for boot option and was finally able to boot woody,
but sarge 2.4.27-2-386 stil has kernel panic.

[Part of] The output of ... lilo.conf are shown [here]:

  initrd=initrd.img(Note: there is a link in / to the actual
/boot/initrd.img/sarge.img so it should work)

The line should be:


I also thought the /Solaris entry in linux Swap was an error.  When I
entered single
user mode to correct it, I found the same data for type 82 linux swap
so didn't write
out anything.  This must be something new in sarge as I don't remember
it being there
in woody.

It must be; I just looked at my system and was surprised to see Linux
swap / Solaris was also listed as the type on my swap file. Interesting.


I put the / in front of initrd.img and rebooted with kernel panic again 

these same boot messages:

VFS: Cannot open root device 301 or 03:01
Please append a correct root= boot option
Kernel panic: VFS: unable to mount root on 03:01

Sorry, I was hopeing it was something simple like that but apparently not.
I'm ready to try anything else you suggest as I don't know what to do next.
Thanks, for copying my email address, too

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Kernel Panic After Sarge Dist-upgrade To Kernel Image 2.4.27-2-386

2005-06-24 Thread Debian User Leonard Chatagnier

Kent West wrote:

Debian User Leonard Chatagnier wrote:


Sorry about my mixup.  Found the original reply in drafts; never sent.
This is new reply that is more current.  My reply is bolow:

Leonard Chatagnier wrote:


Kent West wrote:


Sarge's boot is hosed, but you've tried to boot off the Woody
installation CD into the Woody installation, and it fails also.

Is this correct?

Yes, it did originally.  However, I checked around and found the
right syntax for boot option and was finally able to boot woody,
but sarge 2.4.27-2-386 stil has kernel panic.

[Part of] The output of ... lilo.conf are shown [here]:

  initrd=initrd.img(Note: there is a link in / to the actual
/boot/initrd.img/sarge.img so it should work)

The line should be:


I also thought the /Solaris entry in linux Swap was an error.  When I
entered single
user mode to correct it, I found the same data for type 82 linux swap
so didn't write
out anything.  This must be something new in sarge as I don't remember
it being there
in woody.

It must be; I just looked at my system and was surprised to see Linux
swap / Solaris was also listed as the type on my swap file. Interesting.


I put the / in front of initrd.img and rebooted with kernel panic again
these same boot messages:

VFS: Cannot open root device 301 or 03:01
Please append a correct root= boot option
Kernel panic: VFS: unable to mount root on 03:01

Sorry, I was hopeing it was something simple like that but apparently not.
I'm ready to try anything else you suggest as I don't know what to do next.
Thanks, for copying my email address, too

Sorry again.  After I emailed my response, I realized I for got to run 
lilo.  So ran it and got this error:

ChatagnierL-Home:/home/lchata# lilo
Fatal: Image name, label, or alias is too long: 'Linux-2.4.27-2-386'

So, I shortened the label to Linux-2.4.27 and ran lilo again with:
ChatagnierL-Home:/# /sbin/lilo
Added Linux-2.4.27 (alias 1)
Added LinuxOLD (alias 2)
Fatal: Default image doesn't exist.
I'm confused about this.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Kernel Panic After Sarge Dist-upgrade To Kernel Image 2.4.27-2-386

2005-06-24 Thread Debian User Leonard Chatagnier

Kent West wrote:

Debian User Leonard Chatagnier wrote:


Kent West wrote:


The line should be:

I put the / in front of initrd.img and rebooted with kernel panic
again giving
these same boot messages:

VFS: Cannot open root device 301 or 03:01
Please append a correct root= boot option
Kernel panic: VFS: unable to mount root on 03:01


What's the results of ls -l / and ls -l /boot and mount when
you're booted into Woody?


Hope you saw the followup to my original.  Forgot to run lilo
before rebooting and when I did, there was new error message.
Output requested follows:

ChatagnierL-Home:/home/lchata# ls -l /
total 119
drwx--5 root root   4096 Jun 22 09:03 backup
drwxr-xr-x2 root root   4096 Jun 24 00:18 bin
drwxr-xr-x2 root root   4096 Jun 24 16:19 boot
drwxr-xr-x2 root root   4096 Jun 10 04:16 cdrom
drwxr-xr-x2 root root   4096 Jun 10 13:49 cdrom0
drwxr-xr-x   14 root root  24576 Jun 24 21:06 dev
drwxr-xr-x  129 root root   8192 Jun 24 21:10 etc
drwxr-xr-x2 root root   4096 Jun 10 04:16 floppy
drwxrwsr-x4 root staff  4096 Jun 10 10:24 home
drwxr-xr-x2 root root   4096 Jun 10 04:16 initrd
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root 28 Jun 23 03:08 initrd.img - 

drwxr-xr-x   10 root root   4096 Jun 23 02:59 lib
drwx--2 root root  16384 Jun 10 03:07 lost+found
drwxr-xr-x2 root root   4096 Feb  8  2002 mnt
drwxr-xr-x2 root root   4096 Jun 10 04:16 opt
dr-xr-xr-x  105 root root  0 Jun 24 16:06 proc
drwxr-xr-x   17 root root   4096 Jun 22 15:00 root
drwxr-xr-x2 root root   4096 Jun 24 00:18 sbin
drwxr-xr-x2 root root   4096 May 10 15:01 sys
drwxr-xr-x3 root root   4096 Jun 13 16:06 temp
drwxrwxrwt   13 root root   3072 Jun 24 21:09 tmp
drwxr-xr-x   13 root root   4096 Jun 16 13:29 usr
drwxr-xr-x   16 root root   4096 Jun 17 01:08 var
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root 25 Jun 23 03:08 vmlinuz - 
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root 25 Jun 10 03:16 vmlinuz.old - 

ChatagnierL-Home:/home/lchata# ls -l /boot
total 7448
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  559088 Jun 10 03:16
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  542191 May 16 03:38
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 512 Jun 10 04:18 boot.0300
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root  11 Jun 10 04:17 boot.b - boot-menu.b
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  308326 Jun 18 00:49 coffee.bmp
-rw-r--r--  1 root root   16984 Jun 10 03:16 config-2.4.18-bf2.4
-rw-r--r--  1 root root   44853 May 16 02:46 config-2.4.27-2-386
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root  15 Jun 18 00:49 debian.bmp - /boot/sarge.bmp
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  153720 Jun 18 00:49 debianlilo.bmp
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 3784704 Jun 23 03:07 initrd.img-2.4.27-2-386
-rw---  1 root root   35840 Jun 23 03:20 map
-rw-r--r--  1 root root   23662 Jun 18 00:49 sarge.bmp
-rw-r--r--  1 root root   24116 Jun 18 00:49 sid.bmp
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 1263339 Jun 10 03:16 vmlinuz-2.4.18-bf2.4
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  816590 May 16 03:38 vmlinuz-2.4.27-2-386
ChatagnierL-Home:/home/lchata# ls -l /mount
ls: /mount: No such file or directory

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Kernel Panic After Sarge Dist-upgrade To Kernel Image 2.4.27-2-386

2005-06-24 Thread Debian User Leonard Chatagnier

Marty wrote:

Debian User Leonard Chatagnier wrote:

The output of cat /etc/fstab, cfdisk and lilo.conf are shown at the end
of this message.

Hi Leonard,

I looked over your files.  First did you verify the links /vmlinuz
and /vmlinuz.old?  Second, what happens when you boot using LinuxOLD?
(Lacking an enabled prompt option, you might have hit the Tab key to
bring up the boot menu.)

See below for links.  Not sure what you mean by what happens when you boot
using LinuxOLD.  It boots normally as it did since first installed.  I 
do see that
Output module failed to load as was the case on my old sarge.  If your 
to my notes about not having a graphical lilo interface on the install= 
and map=
notes then yes, I do have to hit scroll lock or tab repeatedly for the 
old red orange
boot menu to come up.  That's the only way I can boot woody without a 
rescue disk.
If that doesn't answer your question, I'd be more than happy to supply 
any specifics.

The reason I ask is that I noticed your old kernel didn't use initrd.
If the old kernel still works then you know that at very least, you have
the option of compiling in all your drivers and getting rid of initrd
(which seems to be causing problems for lots of people lately).

Yes, I agree, lots of people are have problem getting sarge to boot.

Perhaps they didn't read the release notes, like me.  But that wont 
ever happen again.

I plan to someday compile my own kernel just to see if I can do it.  I'm 
still trying to get a
stable system for the last six months that I've been using Debian.  If 
that ever happens then
I'll be ready to try.  Out of 3 or 4 sarge installs, only the last one 
via testing worked out of the
box and booted normally.  The first install never did boot and 
eventually woody got corrupted
and I started all over again with a fresh install.  Thanks for picking 
up the thread.  So far it looks

like there's not going to be a simple or quick solution.

The output you requested: If this not what you want, let me know.

ChatagnierL-Home:/home/lchata# ls -l /vmlinuz
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 25 Jun 23 03:08 /vmlinuz - 

ChatagnierL-Home:/home/lchata# ls -l /vmlinuz.old
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 25 Jun 10 03:16 /vmlinuz.old - 


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Fwd: Re: VFS: Cannot open root device 2141 ... Kernelpanic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unk-blk(33,65)]

2005-06-24 Thread Debian User Leonard Chatagnier

Gayle Lee Fairless wrote:

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: VFS: Cannot open root device 2141 ... Kernelpanic: 
VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unk-blk(33,65)

Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2005 22:26:08 -0500 (CDT)
From: Gayle Lee Fairless [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Edward Dunagin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CC: Debian User Leonard Chatagnier [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Thu, 23 Jun 2005, Edward Dunagin wrote:

let me see if i can help.

i am assuming you downloaded kernel-image-2.6.8-686.

if that is right, the download would have included 
initrd.image- and it would be in your /boot

directory. is it there ?

we will go from here. you can reply to me privatly if
you like for it seems that someone was bothered that
you did not use the user-debian list.


--- Debian User Leonard Chatagnier

 Gayle Lee Fairless wrote:
  I am subscribed to the list, but CC's are fine.
 What options or docs did I miss?  Hopefully,
 it's just a change to   my lilo.conf file?  Although my boot 
drive is
 /dev/hde, my root for   Linux is on /dev/hdf1 as you can see from 
 lilo.conf file.  This 

 Thank you for any help giving or pointing me to
 the correct   information!

Edward M dunagin
714 sanders ave
Bozeman, MN 59718

__ Yahoo! Mail Mobile Take Yahoo! 
Mail with you! Check email on your mobile phone.

(stuff deleted)
line 'initrd=/initrd.img' after the read-only line in the Linux label 
stanza.  Now the 2.6 kernel (you guessed or read correctly) boots.  It 
appears to be a little fussier than the bf2.4 kernel which still works 
fine.  I kept it under the LinuxOld label where the package put it in 

After I fixed the lilo.conf with the initrd=/initrd.img, I got the 
2.6.8 kernel to run but ran into what appeared to be Bug #276020 filed 
against that kernel so I went to unstable and got the 2.6.11 kernel.  
It seems to manifest the same bug with wvdial.  I now have package ii  
kernel-image-2 2.6.11-7   Linux kernel image for version 2.6.11 on 

from unstable on a sarge upgraded from woody.  I managed to use pon 
somehow to connect to the Internet, but it seems to cut on and off 

Is there a better workaround?

Hey Gayle, exactly what is your wvdial problem?  With my wvdial 1.54 I 
can use it as root with no problem but can't
change owner to user and I have user added to dialout, dip and every 
other related group.  Is that your problem or something else.  BTW, 
sorry that I left out the / on initrd=.  I did the same on my lilo and 
corrected it but still wont boot.  And what happened to your Debian 
listing on the post?  I can't find it.  If its still on Debian users,  
what page?


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: VFS: Cannot open root device 2141 ... Kernelpanic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unk-blk(33,65)

2005-06-23 Thread Debian User Leonard Chatagnier

Gayle Lee Fairless wrote:

On Thu, 23 Jun 2005, Debian User Leonard Chatagnier wrote:


Gayle Lee Fairless wrote:


  I just upgraded from the 2.4.18bf2.4 kernel, now LinuxOLD on my 
LILO menu, to the 2.6.8  686 kernel available from sarge.  
Unfortunately the 2.6 kernel gives me the following panic:

VFS: Cannot open root device 2141 or unknown-block(33,65)
Please append a correct root= boot option

Kernelpanic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(33,65)

  The computer is a Gateway 500 with a Pentium III at 500 MHZ.  I 
looked through the man pages for lilo.conf, syslog, and a few others.  
I also looked at the source, somewhat briefly, of course, for any 
special options for 2.6 kernels that I needed to put into the 
lilo.conf file.  (I've also downloaded the source code for the 2.6.8 
kernel.)  The bf2.4 kernel works fine.  However, both the 2.4.16-686 
and the 2.6.8-2-686 kernels will panic.  I'm only concerned about 
booting and using the 2.6 kernel, of course.

  I am subscribed to the list, but CC's are fine.

  What options or docs did I miss?  Hopefully, it's just a change to 
my lilo.conf file?  Although my boot drive is /dev/hde, my root for 
Linux is on /dev/hdf1 as you can see from the lilo.conf file.  This 
Gateway 500 also has Window 98SE on it.  I added a second hard drive 
and decided to put Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 (woody) on it.

  Thank you for any help giving or pointing me to the correct 

This is my /boot directory:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/docs$ cat bootdir.txt
total 12620
drwxr-xr-x   2 root4096 Jun 23 10:03 .
drwxr-xr-x  24 root4096 Jun 23 10:00 ..
-rw-r--r--   1 root  398501 Nov 27  2001
-rw-r--r--   1 root  559088 May 14  2004
-rw-r--r--   1 root  843026 May 19 04:27
-rw-r--r--   1 root 512 May 14  2004 boot.2100
-rw-r--r--   1 root 512 Jun 19 15:39 boot.2140
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root  11 May 14  2004 boot.b - boot-menu.b
-rw-r--r--   1 root  308326 Jun 19 15:13 coffee.bmp
-rw-r--r--   1 root   34159 Nov 27  2001 config-2.4.16-686
-rw-r--r--   1 root   16984 May 14  2004 config-2.4.18-bf2.4
-rw-r--r--   1 root   55399 May 19 03:51 config-2.6.8-2-686
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root  15 Jun 19 15:13 debian.bmp - /boot/sarge.bmp
-rw-r--r--   1 root  153720 Jun 19 15:13 debianlilo.bmp
-rw-r--r--   1 root 2682880 Apr 20 00:46 initrd.img-2.4.16-686
-rw-r--r--   1 root 4636672 Jun 23 10:00 initrd.img-2.6.8-2-686
-rw---   1 root   42496 Jun 23 10:03 map
-rw-r--r--   1 root   23662 Jun 19 15:13 sarge.bmp
-rw-r--r--   1 root   24116 Jun 19 15:13 sid.bmp
-rw-r--r--   1 root  611285 Nov 27  2001 vmlinuz-2.4.16-686
-rw-r--r--   1 root 1263339 May 14  2004 vmlinuz-2.4.18-bf2.4
-rw-r--r--   1 root 1170965 May 19 04:27 vmlinuz-2.6.8-2-686

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/drivers$ cat lilo.conf
# /etc/lilo.conf - See: `lilo(8)' and `lilo.conf(5)',
# ---   `install-mbr(8)', `/usr/share/doc/lilo/',
#   and `/usr/share/doc/mbr/'.

# +---+
# |!! Reminder !! |
# |   |
# | Don't forget to run `lilo' after you make changes to this |
# | conffile, `/boot/bootmess.txt', or install a new kernel.  The |
# | computer will most likely fail to boot if a kernel-image  |
# | post-install script or you don't remember to run `lilo'.  |
# |   |
# +---+

# Support LBA for large hard disks.

# Overrides the default mapping between harddisk names and the BIOS'
# harddisk order. Use with caution.


# Specifies the boot device.  This is where Lilo installs its boot
# block.  It can be either a partition, or the raw device, in which
# case it installs in the MBR, and will overwrite the current MBR.

# Specifies the device that should be mounted as root. (`/')

# Enable map compaction:
# Tries to merge read requests for adjacent sectors into a single
# read request. This drastically reduces load time and keeps the
# map smaller.  Using `compact' is especially recommended when
# booting from a floppy disk.  It is disabled here by default
# because it doesn't always work.
# compact

# Installs the specified file as the new boot sector
# You have the choice between: bmp, compat, menu and text
# Look in /boot/ and in lilo.conf(5) manpage for details

# Specifies the location of the map file

# You can set a password here, and uncomment the `restricted' lines
# in the image definitions below to make it so that a password must
# be typed to boot anything but a default configuration.  If a
# command line is given, other than one specified

Re: ADSL + Linux

2005-06-22 Thread Debian User, alias Marc
Per què no un router CISCO ?? Si la majoria de routers estan basats amb
la seva tecnologia, no ??? CISCO no és una gran empresa americana que té
un tan per cent molt alt de tot el mercat ?? rollo Microsoft  però amb
routers ?

El dt 21 de 06 del 2005 a les 19:29 +0200, en/na Jaume Sabater va
 I no se us passi pel cap de comprar-vos un router CISCO, teldat o similar... 

 El Dimarts 21 Juny 2005 18:55, Ivà va escriure:
  Ui... vigila amb lo de un cert suport.
  Només necessites el suport de per garantir que t'arriva ADSL a
  casa. La resta de suport t'el faràs tu mateix i una llista de Debian com
  aquesta, per exemple.
  En/na Josep Roca ha escrit:
   Per fi on visc han activat el ADSL. He estat mirant qui dona suport de
   linux i hi només he trobat que doni un cert suport:
   Algú sap d'algun altre proveïdor que suporti linux?
   Gracies i salutacions. Griera.
 :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: 
 :: Jaume Sabater
 :: administrador de sistemes
   creant en la web des de 1995 | tel: 932 92 41 00 | fax: 932 92 42 25 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Avgda. Marquès de Comillas, 13 (Poble Espanyol) | 08038 | Barcelona

Renovamos el Correo Yahoo! 
Nuevos servicios, más seguridad

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Kde-KNotify Problem

2005-06-22 Thread Debian User Leonard Chatagnier

David Martínez Moreno wrote:

El Martes, 21 de Junio de 2005 19:43, Debian User Leonard Chatagnier escribió:

Background-After an apt-get dist-upgrade from woody to sarge-stable
encountered many dependency issues.
Xserver-xfree86, kdm and many others were not installed.  Ater manually
installing xserver-xfree86, kdm and the
kde package files and getting X started, I've these unresolved issues:


I would most appreciate any explanation of what's happened here and how
I might fix it.  As a newbie, I'm at the limit
of my debugging ability and need some help to proceed.  Thanks in
advance for your consideration.

	Hello, Leonard. Please back up your .kde/ and .kderc, remove them and reboot. 
Maybe it is an upgrade problem with incompatible configurations.

Best regards,


Thanks, David and Lee for your input.  Couldn't have done it without yor 
help.  The problem was solved
by removing .kde/* and .kderc from my /home/user/ dir.  It also made my 
numeric keypad start working again.
And I presume that it's not necessary to copy the backup .kde/* and 
.kderc files back to /home/user/ or is it.
Would appreciate one last comment on this,ie., am I losing any 
functionality or just configuration info by not

copying them back.
Thanks very much,


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Kde-KNotify Problem

2005-06-21 Thread Debian User Leonard Chatagnier
Background-After an apt-get dist-upgrade from woody to sarge-stable 
encountered many dependency issues.
Xserver-xfree86, kdm and many others were not installed.  Ater manually 
installing xserver-xfree86, kdm and the

kde package files and getting X started, I've these unresolved issues:

I can login to kde with 18-20 KNotify messages popping up and if I 
select and click OK on the notification popup or
try to close out ktips, the system freezes up or at best operates in 
super slow motion before anything I select will
initiate any action.  I actually timed how long it takes something to 
activate and it's two minutes minimum.  Once I'm in the superslow motion 
state, kde quickly stops working and I'm left with init.d/kdm to restart 
things.  I've learned to
work around this annoying issue by just not selecting the knotify 
messages or not closing the ktip box.  I can run my Mozilla browser and 
mail client that way but its not something I can live with 
indefinately.  There also are 8 blue gear shaped icons in the panel 
which wont do anything when selected or clicked.  Still haven't seen 
what the first KNotify message says.  Searched for knotify at Debian and 
googled with many hits but none are exactly the same as my situation.  
I've tried some suggested solutions and none have helped or changed 
anything in any way.

I would most appreciate any explanation of what's happened here and how 
I might fix it.  As a newbie, I'm at the limit
of my debugging ability and need some help to proceed.  Thanks in 
advance for your consideration.

Leonard Chatagnier

PS-If its not too much trouble, copy my email address as I'm not 
subscribed and replying to any posts are easier than from a web viewing 
of the lists.  Thanks

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Kde-KNotify Problem

2005-06-21 Thread Debian User Leonard Chatagnier

Lee Braiden wrote:

On Tuesday 21 Jun 2005 18:20, Debian User Leonard Chatagnier wrote:

I can login to kde with 18-20 KNotify messages popping up and if I
select and click OK on the notification popup or
try to close out ktips, the system freezes up or at best operates in
super slow motion
There also are 8 blue gear shaped icons in the panel 
which wont do anything when selected or clicked. 

Sounds like your session has got messed up, so that it's infinitely filling up 
with new programs to run.

First thing I would do it log in at the console, and look at your Xsession 
logs.  You might find some error messages that point out the problem in 

Otherwise, you could try running a simple script like:

 while true; do pkill knotify; sleep 5s; done

at the console, and then logging, with that command looping at the console to 
keep things under control.  If you can figure out what the name of the 
program is that displays blue gear icons, you could also add a pkill command 
for that to the loop.

Another option is simply to delete that user's .kde folder, or the session 
files within that folder (if you can find them).  Be careful if you have ANY 
important data in KDE, though.


Thanks, Lee, for your response.  This reply took a while as gpm is not 
working right-can select text from console
but wont paste in vt7.  The blue gear properties show that the files 
don't exist:

The file file:/usr/share/applnk/System/konsole.desktop does not exist
The file file:/usr/share/applnk/Help.desktop does not exist
The file file:/usr/share/applnk/Home.desktop does not exist
The file file:/usr/share/applnk/Internet/konqbrowser.desktop does not exist
The file file:/usr/share/applnk/Internet/KMail.desktop does not exist
The file file:/usr/share/applnk/Office/kword.desktop does not exist
The file file:/usr/share/applnk/Office/kspread.desktop does not exist
The file file:/usr/share/applnk/Office/kpresenter.desktop does not exist

There are many errors in /home/lchata/.xsession-errors and some in 
/root/.xsession-errors.  The root errors are

shown below and the home errors are in the attached file:

ChatagnierL-Home:/home/lchata# cat /root/.xsession-errors
_KDE_IceTransmkdir: Owner of /tmp/.ICE-unix should be set to root
DCOPServer up and running.
Launched ok, pid = 11814
kdeinit: Fatal IO error: client killedkdeinit: Fatal IO error: client killed
kdeinit: sending SIGHUP to children.
KLauncher: Exiting on signal 1
kdeinit: sending SIGTERM to children.
kdeinit: Exit.

The /home/lchata/xsession-errors file in the attached txt file is hugh 
and you probably don't care to scan the
entire document.  However, its there, just in case.  I've read both 
files and don't know what to make of them or

what to do about it.  Would appreciate any guidance you care to give.
BTW, scanned man sh quickly as have never done scripts before and gave 
it a try as follows:

bash your simple script without the quotes and got:
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `do'.
Leonard Chatagnier

ChatagnierL-Home:/home/lchata# cat /home/lchata/.xsession-errors
Xsession: X session started for lchata at Tue Jun 21 23:08:44 CDT 2005
startkde: Starting up...
QPixmap: Cannot create a QPixmap when no GUI is being used
QPixmap: Cannot create a QPixmap when no GUI is being used
QPixmap: Cannot create a QPixmap when no GUI is being used
QPixmap: Cannot create a QPixmap when no GUI is being used
kbuildsycoca running...
Reusing existing ksycoca
kio (KService*): WARNING: The desktop entry file 
Utilities/kfilereplacepart.desktop has Type=Service but is located under apps 
instead of services
kio (KService*): WARNING: Invalid Service : Utilities/kfilereplacepart.desktop
kbuildsycoca: WARNING: 'klinkstatus_part.desktop' specifies undefined 
mimetype/servicetype 'text/english'
kbuildsycoca: WARNING: 'klinkstatus_part.desktop' specifies undefined 
mimetype/servicetype 'text/x-c'
kbuildsycoca: WARNING: 'klinkstatus_part.desktop' specifies undefined 
mimetype/servicetype 'text/x-c++'
kbuildsycoca: WARNING: '/usr/share/applications/kde/kvoctrain.desktop' 
specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype 'text/x-kvtml'
kbuildsycoca: WARNING: '/usr/share/applications/kde/amarok.desktop' specifies 
undefined mimetype/servicetype 'audio/x-sid'
kbuildsycoca: WARNING: '/usr/share/applications/kde/kuickshow.desktop' 
specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype 'image/x-psd'
kbuildsycoca: WARNING: '/usr/share/applications/kde/kuickshow.desktop' 
specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype 'image/x-eim'
kbuildsycoca: WARNING: 'vimpart.desktop' specifies undefined 
mimetype/servicetype 'text/english'
kbuildsycoca: WARNING: 'vimpart.desktop' specifies undefined 
mimetype/servicetype 'text/mathml'
kbuildsycoca: WARNING: 'vimpart.desktop' specifies undefined 
mimetype/servicetype 'text/richtext'
kbuildsycoca: WARNING: 'vimpart.desktop' specifies undefined 
mimetype/servicetype 'text/tab-separated-values'
kbuildsycoca: WARNING

Re: changer de hostname

2005-06-19 Thread Debian User
J'ai trouv a sur:

Quel est le nom actuel de votre machine ? Que contient /etc/hostname ?
Que donnent les commandes hostname avec les options -i, -d, -f ?
Changer de nom directement dans le fichier /etc/hostname
Puis prendre en compte le changement :
/etc/init.d/sysklogd restart
Se reloguer

Cela vous parait correct ou bien il vaut mieux utiliser base-config?


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Re: changer de hostname

2005-06-19 Thread Debian User

 Si tu veux faire du rseau, tu as intrt  leur donner des noms pleinement
 qualifis avec un nom de domaine  dfinir, du genre 

Aprs avoir lu ceci:

10.3 Nommer l'ordinateur

10.3.1 Nom de machine
Un systme Debian a parfois besoin de s'identifier par un nom. Pour
cela, un nom de machine est maintenu par le noyau.

Le script d'initialisation /etc/init.d/ dfini le nom de
machine au dmarrage (en utilisant la commande hostname) au nom donn
dans /etc/hostname. Ce fichier doit contenir seulement le nom de
machine, pas un nom de domaine complet.

Pour afficher le nom de machine actuel, excutez hostname sans argument.

sur :

Vous me conseillez toujours de mettre un fqdn
( dans /etc/hostname.

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Re: [HS] Spam et Evolution...

2005-06-19 Thread Debian User

On Sun, Jun 19, 2005 at 11:37:41PM +0200, k3rn wrote:

Bonsoir  tous...

Bonsoir  toi

Sauf erreur de ma part, Evolution dispose de son propre systme de
filtre de spam, bas sur spamassassin.

AFAIK, Evoution utilise spamassassin pour filtrer les spams (il peut
aussi utiliser razor, mais cela lui prend plus de temps).

Pourtant, et malgr avoir configur le test spam (dans les filtres),
rien ne se passe, je continu  voir mes spam dans ma bote aux lettres

Y'a-t-il une methode bien particulire  faire ?

apt-get install spamassassin

Ce systme intgr marche-t-il chez quelqu'un ?

Parfaitement chez moi !

D'avance merci !

Il n'y a pas de quoi.

La vrit sort de la bouche du muet.


2005-06-17 Thread Debian User
ca marche sur 
Mozilla 1.7.8
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.8) Gecko/20050513

et sur 

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.8) Gecko/20050517
Firefox/1.0.4 (Debian package 1.0.4-2)

Pourquoi? Quel est le pb?

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Re: Compilation d'un noyau pour un autre ordinateur

2005-06-17 Thread Debian User

 Non, je fais a tous les matins (ou presque ;-). Le compilo gnre du 
 code machine, quelque soit ta version de Debian et ton compilo, les 
 squences de 0 et 1 sont les mmes. si tu as dja fait a sur la machine 
 elle mme tu connais les options qui vont bien (486, pas de copro 
 arithmetique pour les SX ...), se mfier et dsactiver le moderne 
 (l'APIC l'ACPI MMTR ...), et ajouter l'ancien (ISA isapnp ...).
 Listes non exhaustives, si tu ne maitrises pas les vieilles archis 
 buches l'aide  chaque option (ou presque)
 En passant les diffrences entre 386 et 486 sont vraiment minimes.

Donc une compilation sur PC athlon, Debian Sarge avec make-kpkg -initrd
--append-to-version=newversion kernel_image
(=compilation a la sauce debian) avec les bonnes options pour un
PC pentium (ou celeron) puis installation du .deb cr sur le dit 
PC pentium a doit marcher???

Il peut qd mme y avoir un problme avec le initrd?


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2005-06-17 Thread Debian User

J'utilise GDM
et j'essaie d'utiliser xdmcp sur un tout petit rseau:


Alors que j'ai fait sur les deux pc les mmes manips:

1: gdm - action - configurer le gestionnaire de connection - activer

j'arrive du pc1  ouvrir une session X sur le server X du pc2

Mais par contre du pc 2 je n'y arrive pas. En effet si je fais 
executer le selecteur xdmcp il ne trouve pas l'hte pc1

De pc2 je ping pc1 sans problme avec son adresse ip.
Donc j'ai essay d'ajouter un hte en mettant l'adresse ip de pc1 mais 
j'ai le message d'erreur impossible de se connecter au serveur distant
patati patata...

Il doit y avoir d'autres choses  configurer j'imagine. Est-ce que 
quelqu'un connait bien xdmcp?

Merci et Bon WE

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changer de hostname

2005-06-17 Thread Debian User

J'ai un petit rseau avec deux ordis. J'ai,
je pense btement, donn lors de l'installation le 
mme hostname aux deux ordis.

Est-ce que c'est grave docteur, si maintenant je veux commencer
 utiliser certaines fonctions rseaux 

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Re: ln rwx r x r x

2005-06-13 Thread Debian User

 Pour passer de quasi à totalement, un petit coup de mount sera ton
Bon bah je suis sur alors.

  Le man de ln te diras tout sur les liens symboliques. Pas
 d'autres choix que de les créer ou de les détruire. Au mieux, tu peux
 lire le lien à la place de lire la cible (man readlink).

Il y a rien dans le man de ln pour ce problème de droit
à la création d'un lien ça serait trop facile.

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Lancer plusieurs sessions de X

2005-06-13 Thread Debian User

J'essaie de lancer plusieurs sessions X

En simple utilisateur j'obtiens:

$X -query solof -once :1
X: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting.

Est-ce que quelqu'un sait pourquoi?

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Re: ln rwx r x r x

2005-06-12 Thread Debian User

 ;) ... J'avoue que je m'en souviens parce que c'est un comportement
 assez étrange. Pas grave au deumeurant, mais assez exotique non?

Oui enfin je crois que c'est génant car je voulais utiliser un lien 
pour qu'un autre utilisateur puisse utiliser un fichier sur mon
répertoire mais avec ce comportement je n'y arrive pas.

 Ah... Tu avoues! Et il est patché de façon particulière, ce noyau,
Non il n'est pas patché

 alors c'est juste un kernel standard dans lequel tu as positionné les
 options qui te vont bien?
Oui c'est ça.

  Es-tu sûr que tu n'es pas dans un partage samba ou autre NFS ?
 Pour samba, comme je le disais, le lien est créé avec des droits qui
 ne sont pas ceux attendus.
Oui quasi sûr pas de NFS pas de samba.

  Il existe un fichier de config qui contient des informations pour 
  les droits affectés par défaut par les commandes comme mkdir. Je sais
  plus son nom. Il ne serait pas là le problème?
 Ja ne vois pas trop de quoi tu veux parler. En tout cas ce n'est pas
 dans les spécs de chattr.
Je pense que je confonds avec le umask. 

Est-ce qu'il y a un umask pour les liens?


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ln rwx r x r x

2005-06-11 Thread Debian User

Est-ce que quelqu'un sait comment changer le comportement de la 
commande ln-s cible lien qui me donne un lien avec les droits suivants:

ln -s tiscali.abo tempo
lrwxr-xr-x 11 2005-06-11 15:54 tempo - tiscali.abo

J'aimerai avoir: lrwxrwxrwx   1 lof  lof 11 2005-06-11 15:54
tempo - tiscali.abo

Ce qui je crois est le comportement standard


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Re: ln rwx r x r x

2005-06-11 Thread Debian User
 Toujours le même problème il me semble me souvenir, non?
Y en a qui ont une mémoire. Ça m'épate toujours.
Oui c'est ça. Toujours le même problème. Cette fois,
je m'y attaque sérieusement.

 Tu peux nous en dire plus sur le contexte? Sur quel type de FS tu fais
 ça? avec quel kernel? quels sont les droits du répertoire dans lequel
 tu fais la manip?

Le fs: ext3 d'apres cfdisk

Le kernel 2.6.8 compilé par mes soins

Droit du répertoire:
$ls -al
drwxr-xr-x  104 lof  lof8192 2005-06-11 23:35 .
drwxrwsr-x6 root staff  4096 2005-03-05 15:59 ..

droit de la cible (au hasard):
$ls -al spamtest
-rwxr--r--  1 lof lof 52 2004-11-01 14:14 spamtest

Faisons un lien:
$ ln -s spamtest tempo

Voyons ce que ça donne:
$ ls -al tempo
lrwxr-xr-x  1 lof lof 8 2005-06-11 23:35 tempo - spamtest

Ça vous aide?

Il existe un fichier de config qui contient des informations pour 
les droits affectés par défaut par les commandes comme mkdir. Je sais
plus son nom. Il ne serait pas là le problème?


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2005-06-10 Thread Debian User
Hej. Jag kan inte få min usb-mus att fungera i X
Jag har kompilerat in stöd för usb-mus i kärnan. Lampan på musen lyser
så linux har nog kontakt med den. Med dmesg kan jag se att linux har
hittat musen. Har provat att ange musen som protocol=usb och
i XF86Config-4
touchpaden på min laptop fungerar som protocol=auto och


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2005-06-10 Thread Debian User
Jag bytte kärna till 2.6.11 och nu fungerar musen!
Tack för hjälpen i alla fall...

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kärna 2.6.11

2005-06-10 Thread Debian User
X fungerar bra men om jag skiftar till konsol upprepas hela tiden ett
mystiskt medelande: uba device 4 capacity nsec 0 bsize 512.  Hur får jag
bort detta?

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Debian drops ball on security updates

2005-06-09 Thread debian-user
This story has been sent to you on behalf of 
(e-mail address not verified).

Debian drops ball on security updates
By Renai LeMay

The newly launched Linux distribution has a glitch--some versions were released 
with default security updates turned off.

Read all technology news from this week:

Copyright 2004 CNET Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.
CNET Networks, Inc.
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San Francisco, CA 94105

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