Re: Iconos que no aparecen en KDE

1999-03-13 Thread Ubaldo Fernández Covelo
El Thu, Mar 12, 1998 at 12:42:34AM +0100, Lucky dijo:
 He conseguido instalar el KDE 1.0 en Debian y es cojonudo, pero tengo el 
 problema de que algunos iconos como el de ir para atras, adelante, inicio, 
 etc. tipicos de los menus de las ventanas no me aparecen y salen unos 
 graficos raros.
 Que puede pasar?

Yo pregunté lo mismo hace unas semanas. Instala el paquete kdelibs0g-dev,
ahí está los iconos que te faltan.

Ubaldo Fernández Covelo||   || ||\ || ||  || \\ //
   ||   || ||\\|| ||  ||  \\
Castellón (España)  || || \|| || //\\ user

Re: OT. Editor Lex y Yacc

1999-03-13 Thread Antonio Castro
On Fri, 12 Mar 1999, Jose Luis Trivino wrote:

   Perdon por el OT, pero es que tengo que editar un monton de
 codigo en lex y yacc y no encuentro ningun editor que le
 ponga sintaxhighlight y sangrado. He probado con el emacs
 pero solo he encontrado un modo para yacc/bison que funciona
 bastante mal.
   Hay algo que funcione mejor para editar lex y yacc?

Bueno yo uso el vim que aparte de sintaxhighlight para un monton
de lenguajes. Lo de el sangrado creo que no lo tiene pero yo
lo uso para programar en C y es bastante util porque el cambio
de color te avisa de que estas haciendo algo mal. Sobre todo
el cierre de comentarios, parentesis, corchetes, llaves, o dobles 
comillas). Comprueba la construccion de constantes decimales, 
octales, hexadecimales, y supongo que más cosas.

La lista de lenguajes de vim es la siguiente:


 Jose Luis Trivintilde;o Rodriguez
 LAB. 2.3.4  Tlf.: (95) 2132863
 Usuario registrado de linux nº 53043
 La medida de programar es programar sin medida
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

En caso de contestar a la lista mandame copia personal.

/\ /\  Los mas importantes desarrolladores de Bases de datos 
  \\W//están portando sus productos a Linux. Porque crees tu
 _|0 0|_   que será ?Yo creo que Linux es el futuro.
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher |  

HP Laserjet 6L

1999-03-13 Thread Jose Antonio Morillo
Hola a todos !

Alguien tiene configurada correctamente esta impresora. Yo utilicé
magicfilterconfig para configurar la impresora en mi debian HAMM, pero
me ocurre que los textos planos los imprime perfectamente, pero si uso
postcript, (la impresora es PCL5) bien sea mediante gv, Acrobat
reader etc... me sale todo perfecto excepto la ultima página, ya que
esta se empeña en no salir, y me veo obligado a pulsar el botón para que
imprima la hoja y sale cortada, es decir aprox 3/4 de la hoja
correctamente, pero el final de la misma no se imprime.

Lo curioso es que si mando impromir 10 hojas salen 9 perfectas y la 10
mal, si mando 150 salen 149 perfectas y la 150 mal :-(

¿Alguna idea?
Saludos :-)
José Antonio Morillo

Como configurar el MagicFilter?

1999-03-13 Thread Lucky

No consigo instalar la impresora (HP690C) en el 
Debian, he conseguido imprimir alguna vez texto, pero no acaba de quedar bien 
pero no se como hacerlo con los graficos.

Me podeis ayudar?

Re: Dudas /etc/resolv.conf

1999-03-13 Thread Netman
On Fri, Mar 12, 1999 at 01:01:32PM +0100, ~ Miguel P.C. ~ wrote:

 Te servira para que no tenga que resolver dos veces el mismo nombre en la
 misma sesión, util si navegas durante periodos de más de 15 minutos
 accediendo varias veces al cada servidor.
 Un saludo
 Lo que cuento aqui es mi visión sobre el tema, en base a lo que conozco, si
 estoy equivocado corregidme!!!.

Hace mucho tiempo leí - creo que era en el GARL - que instalar named en un
ordenador que no fuera servidor de red era como matar moscas a cañonazos.
Se agradecen más opiniones.

Salu2, netman.

 :-) SaludoX
  / /  _
  ---/ /  (_)__  __   __
  --/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /la oportunidad de
  -//_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\   dominar tu ordenador
 |  |
 |Miguel Pérez Colino   |
 |  |
 |  |
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

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After 49.7 days of continuous operation, your Windows 95-based computer may
stop responding (hang).
CAUSE: There is a problem with the timing algorithm in the Vtdapi.vxd file.

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Description: PGP signature

Re: cambio de nombre de maquina

1999-03-13 Thread Tinguaro Barreno Delgado

On Fri, Mar 12, 1999 at 11:26:40PM +0100, Jon Noble wrote:
 Hola ¿hay algun modo elegante de cambiar el nombre de una maquina sin
 recorrer todos los ficheros?
 Gracias y un saludo,


  Modifica el fichero /etc/hostname. Este fichero tan sólo contiene una
palabra: el nombre de la máquina.

Hasta luego.

Tinguaro Barreno Delgado

Re: cambio de nombre de maquina

1999-03-13 Thread homega
Tinguaro Barreno Delgado dixit:
   Modifica el fichero /etc/hostname. Este fichero tan sólo contiene una
 palabra: el nombre de la máquina.

¿Qué más habría que cambiar al cambiar el nombre de la máquina?

Es decir, yo lo he hecho, y la conexión funcionaba bien, smail *creo* que
también, pero fetchmail no, no pude bajar el correo.

Un saludo,


Re: tty con caracteres extranos

1999-03-13 Thread Hue-Bond
El jueves 11 de marzo de 1999 a la(s) 23:45:11 +, Jose Rodriguez contaba:

   2) Teclear la orden: echo '\033c'
   No lo he probado, pero si lo dicen las FAQ, por algo será. Tiene el
mismo problema que el anterior.

   3) Mi favorito: Teclear ^V^O (Control-V, Control-O). Este no viene en
las FAQ. A mi me funciona siempre sin problemas.

 Pues a mí me sale esto:

$ ^O

   (no pasa nada, pulso Enter y...)

bash: : command not found

 También se puede reproducir el 2) pulsando ^V Esc c Enter.

El servidor de NT se ha ido a tomar por c***. (Dakota)

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 In love with TuX. Linux 2.2.3
PGP Public key at

Um esforcinha de ajudo

1999-03-13 Thread Brandon Gresham
Ola galeira, como vai???  Fico muito feliz com a recente distribuicao Debian
(porque foi a tal distribuicao que consegui a resurretar a minha laptop
antiga), a estou querendo saber se posso ajudar com um pouco traducao de
manuais, FAQs, etc.  Morei no Brasil alguns anos, e o ingles e minha lingua
nativa, entao se alguem pode me informar acerca de como posso ajudar neste
capacidade, eu ficaria contente.

Um abraco,

~Brandon Gresham

Re: Wierd KDE Library error...?

1999-03-13 Thread Ray
On Fri, Mar 12, 1999 at 09:45:10AM -0500, Noah L. Meyerhans wrote:
 Just grab the source tar.gz from the tgz package tree (as in, not in the
 Debian section on the ftp site at all).  THe KDE sources already include
 the debian directory by default; there's not patching necessary or

Thanks, I'm downloading as we speak.


unexpected inconsistency!

1999-03-13 Thread homega
I was using netscape (communicator4.5) and all of a sudden... the x-window
hanged!  Not even Ctrl-Alt-Backspace would work, so I had to resort to the
reset button.

Now, on reboot, the problem came when checking hdc6 (/home):

/dev/hdc6: Unattached inode 70865
(i.e. without -a or -p options)
... then kept checking until...

fsck failed - Please repair manually
CONTROL-D will exit from this shell and continue system startup

Give root password for maintenance
(or type Control-D for normal startup):

... so here I choose to press ^D ...

EXT2-fs warning: mounting unchecked fs, running e2fsck is recommended


I tried to run e2fsck but it told me to run fsck without the -a or -p
options (ok, now I realize I was trying to run `e2fsck -p'), so I ran fsck:

fsck /dev/hdc6

Parallelizing fsck version 1.10 (24-Apr-97)
e2fsck 1.10, 24-Apr-97 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
/dev/hdc6 is mounted.  Do you really want to continue (y/n)? yes

/dev/hdc6 contains a file system with errors, check forced.
Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
Pass 2: Checking directory structure
Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity
Pass 4: Checking reference counts
Unattached inode 70865
Connect to /lost+foundy? yes

Inode 70865 ref count is 2, should be 1.  Fixy? yes

Pass 5: Checking group summary information
Fix summary informationy? yes

Block bitmap differences: -152626 -152627 -152628 -152629 -152630 -152631
-152632.  FIXED
Free blocks count wrong for group 18 (172, counted=179).  FIXED
Free blocks count wrong (234959, counted=234966).  FIXED

/dev/hdc6: 1518/76912 files (9.9% non-contiguous), 72127/307093 blocks

I include the file /home/lost+found/#70865 which looks like html stuff, which
I think should be from the site I was browsing (actually, just trying a ftp

Deeply Concerned,

Horacio.TITLEDirectory of /pub/linux/TITLE
 H2Current directory is /pub/linux/H2
 PREA HREF=/pub/Up to higher level directory/ABR A 
HREF=/pub/linux/LDPIMG ALIGN=absbottom BORDER=0 SRC=internal-gopher-menu 
LDP/A  Mon Feb 15 16:45:00 1999 Symbolic link
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SRC=internal-gopher-menu LINUX-LAB//A   Wed Nov 25 22:00:00 
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SRC=internal-gopher-menu Netscape//AFri Feb  5 18:04:00 
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SRC=internal-gopher-menu StarOffice//A  Wed Mar 10 18:23:00 
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SRC=internal-gopher-menu WordPerfe.../A Tue Jan 12 17:53:00 
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SRC=internal-gopher-menu debian//A  Wed Dec  2 13:20:00 
1998 Directory
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SRC=internal-gopher-menu gzip-core.../A Thu Feb 11 17:44:00 
1999 Directory
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SRC=internal-gopher-menu kernel-ha.../A Tue Mar 24 00:00:00 
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SRC=internal-gopher-menu kernel//A  Mon Feb  1 19:23:00 
1999 Directory
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SRC=internal-gopher-menu linux-doc.../A Tue Mar 24 00:00:00 
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SRC=internal-gopher-menu Tue Mar 24 00:00:00 
1998 Directory
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SRC=internal-gopher-menu loadlin//A Tue Mar 24 00:00:00 
1998 Directory
 A HREF=/pub/linux/sendmail/IMG ALIGN=absbottom BORDER=0 
SRC=internal-gopher-menu sendmail//ATue Mar 24 00:00:00 
1998 Directory


How to run a script when disconnecting a dialup connection

1999-03-13 Thread Chris R. Martin
I know that ip-up and ip-down are run by pppd when the link is brought up
or down respectively. However, ip-down is run AFTER the link is brought
down. What I'd like to do is run a script or two BEFORE the link actually
goes down.

Using Debian 2.0. Any hints?


Re: Problems with ide-scsi emulation

1999-03-13 Thread Mark Blunier

 I recently compiled a 2.2.1 kernel, (as per the cd-writing howto) and I
 cannot get my ide cd writter (HP 8100i on /dev/hdc) to map to any scsi
 device. When attempting to mount it as almost any scsi device I recieve
 the following error:
 mount: the kernel does not recognize /dev/sr0 as a block device

First, make sure that you have a /dev/sr0, and second, upgraged to
2.2.2.  2.2.1 is broken in the scsi-ide department.


Quasi-mirror for local net

1999-03-13 Thread Matthew Sayler

I'm looking for a way to share a set of downloaded .deb files across
a network st. they would be accessible to automatic package download.  
Ideally, I'd just like to export /var/cache/apt but I don't think
that will work..  Has anyone done this before?


/* Matt Sayler -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- atwork?astronomy:cs   -- (512)471-7450
   Have you ever imagined a world with no hypothetical situations? */


1999-03-13 Thread Craig T. Hancock
Is there way to see what pacakges that happen to be upgraded

Re: fstab question

1999-03-13 Thread Pollywog

On 12-Mar-99 shaul wrote:
 I am using sudo for doing it. Perhaps the automounter can also help, but I 
 have not tried it. I do not know if there is a way to do it with groups 
 permitions and fstab. If there is I would also like to know.
   hope this help.
 Isn't it possible to set up fstab to that only users of a certain group can
 mount or unmount floppies or CDROM?  I don't want just anyone to be able to
 it, but I would like to be able to do it without being root.

I did use sudo and then I took a different route.  I made the 'mount'
binary executable only by root.wheel.  It works great.


*happiness is a clean pond*
[PGP5.0 KeyID 0x5EE61C37]

Re: Quasi-mirror for local net

1999-03-13 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Fri, 12 Mar 1999, George Bonser wrote:

 On Fri, 12 Mar 1999, Matthew Sayler wrote:
  I'm looking for a way to share a set of downloaded .deb files across
  a network st. they would be accessible to automatic package download.  
  Ideally, I'd just like to export /var/cache/apt but I don't think
  that will work..  Has anyone done this before?
 Yeah, make your own ftp archive, put the packages in there and build your
 own Packages file for it and point the other machines to your archive.

Actually exporting the /var/cache/apt/archive directory -does- work, just
don't mix arches. You do need working nfs locking and I'm not sure how to
set that up (someone email me if the know!)


Re: Quasi-mirror for local net

1999-03-13 Thread Matthew Sayler
I remember back in '99 when George Bonser wrote:
 Yeah, make your own ftp archive, put the packages in there and build your
 own Packages file for it and point the other machines to your archive.

Would love to be able to, but wouldn't I have to formally mirror, then?  I neglected to mention that I have only
a few 100mb availbile to do this.  The nice thing about being
able to share /var/apt/cache (if possible as someone else suggested)
is that either machine could update the cache with a good chance of
only haveing to download it once.  


/* Matt Sayler -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- atwork?astronomy:cs   -- (512)471-7450
   Have you ever imagined a world with no hypothetical situations? */

Re: I can't beleive this

1999-03-13 Thread Ray
On Fri, Mar 12, 1999 at 10:07:08AM -0500, Michael Stenner wrote:
 Take the old physicist down the hall... he has this great new thing for
 numerical integration.  It makes many things possible that just weren't
 before.  Why should he give a *^% about IRQs, printcaps, I/O addresses,
 kernel modules, monitor hsync, or ipmasks?

He shouldn't, but he probably shouldn't be installing an OS either.  

 2) so he doesn't get ripped off on crappy stuff?  No.  there are plenty
 of good sources (friends, consumer reports, etc.) for answering this
 UNAVOIDABLE question.

But these sources arn't very good.  I still have a Consumer Reports that
says A PC is a Windows Machine.   Most of his friends probably get their
info. from PC mag. etc. so you are just talking about the blind leading the
blind.  The ONLY way to get a PC that anyone can use is to make sure the
vendor has a vested interest in keeping you happy.  That might mean a lease
or maybe a monthly service contract.  The remote access facilities of Linux
make this potentially much less expensive.

 3) because he has to?  certainly not.  Win95 (and to a lesser extent,
 RedHat) will take care of all of these things for him.  Sure, there are
 tradeoffs, but it's a reasonable one for him.  After all, he just wants
 to do some integrals.  He doesn't really care if he has to reboot

The Windows system really doesn't work that well.  It rarely guesses right
on the video and sound cards.  Even if it does guess right you have to
insert a driver CD.  The problem is that most driver CDs have drivers for
just about everything the company makes so you still have to know which one
is yours.  The default video mode is 640x480 so to make it useable you still
have to know about color depth, resolution, and refresh rates.  

 Others have said that you cannot have this automation and power.  I
 don't see why there cannot (physically) be two installation programs.
 Choose which one to run at the beginning.  One autodetects things and
 makes assumptions about what you want, the other gives you 
 fine-grained control. 

Ok, I've been thinking this over and it seems like the install tool should
have some sort of a config file.  Each step of the install would have an
entry in the config file with the option to either use the default (which
would be defined by anyone editing the config) or ask the user.  The config
file that ships with Debian would have reasonable defaults for everything
(as defined by the developers) but OEMs could change it to suit their needs. 
The package install part should also be able to just use default settings
for each package without the user having to sit their and hit enter every
few minutes.  I don't think most people know if it's a good idea to byte
compile emacs so don't ask.

Is anyone working on something like this?  I really have a vested interest
in a Debian Install that lets me put in a CD and Walk away without pressing
any buttons at all and I'm sure OEMs would love it.  


Re: new libc6 in potato conflicts with timezones

1999-03-13 Thread David Natkins
Subject says it all.
David Natkins

Re: INstallatuion

1999-03-13 Thread ktb
There are a few pictures of the installation screen in The Debian Linux user's 
put out by Linux Press.

Craig T. Hancock wrote:

 Can someone tell me where I can find pictures of the Debian installation
 screen I am writing a installation manual for my comapny and I would
 like to use examples

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[ Problems with ide-scsi emulation]

1999-03-13 Thread Ray
I recently compiled a 2.2.1 kernel, (as per the cd-writing howto) and I
cannot get my ide cd writter (HP 8100i on /dev/hdc) to map to any scsi
device. When attempting to mount it as almost any scsi device I recieve
the following error:

mount: the kernel does not recognize /dev/sr0 as a block device

Can anyone lend a hand?  Thank you for your time.

How about /dev/scd0 ?

Also, if you didn't already, you might want to disable the IDE-CD (I think
that's right) support in the kernel.  Finally, make sure the scsi support is
compiled into the kernel rather than just as a module and make sure you have
scsi-cdrom support compiled in.


Re: network help

1999-03-13 Thread Paul Miller
G. Kapetanios wrote:
 Following your suggestion I pinged my gateway by IP rsther than name.
 The thing hang after printing a line. So maybe what you say about the card
 not working correctly is right.
 I was wondering: Win98 has no problem with recognizing and using
 the card. Why should Linux ?
 As this is not my computer tha card is there to stay.
 Additonally I would like to use the box as a server for math application
 to be accessed through telnet only .
 So I need to be sure that the card is the problem and if so remove Deibian
 Do you know any methods that can tell me fpor certain that the card is to
 blame ?

Well, the gateway might not allow ping packets. You can try to
'traceroute -n' it and see if that works. 

Also you have not said anything about what is in you /etc/resolve.conf

If the card works in WinBlows, then I see no reason why it would not
work in Debian. Are you sure that the kernel is detecting the IO Port
and IRQ correctly for the network card?

Paul Miller
[EMAIL PROTECTED]begin:vcard 
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
note:The Spirit of the University of North Texas
fn:Paul Miller

Re: network help

1999-03-13 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: Re: network help
Date: Fri, Mar 12, 1999 at 04:30:30PM +

In reply to:G. Kapetanios

Quoting G. Kapetanios([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Following your suggestion I pinged my gateway by IP rsther than name. 
 The thing hang after printing a line. So maybe what you say about the card
 not working correctly is right.
 I was wondering: Win98 has no problem with recognizing and using
 the card. Why should Linux ? 
 As this is not my computer tha card is there to stay.
 Additonally I would like to use the box as a server for math application
 to be accessed through telnet only .
 So I need to be sure that the card is the problem and if so remove Deibian 
 Do you know any methods that can tell me fpor certain that the card is to
 blame ?
 Thanks again for your help


  I assume that your trying to network a linux box to a Win95 box.  If
that is so I found that if I put in a gateway on my Linux box my
network didn't work at all. 
 I changed the network script to
/sbin/ifconfig eth0 ${IPADDR} broadcast ${BROADCAST} netmask${NETMASK}
/sbin/route add -net ${NETWORK} netmask ${NETMASK} # for 2/2/x Kernels

then route -n
VT1 root-Deb-Slink:~# route -n
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref
Use Iface   U 0  0  0 eth0   U 0  0  0 lo


eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:40:05:3D:34:51
  inet addr:  Bcast: Mask:
  RX packets:646 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:657 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  Interrupt:9 Base address:0x6200


APL is a write-only language.  I can write programs in APL, but I
can't read any of them.
-- Roy Keir

Re: Magicfilter and Stylus Color 640

1999-03-13 Thread Brian May
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you write:


   I purchase a new printer (above model) and I'm having some
troubles to get correct settings for it. 
   I tried to use the magicfilter options (stcolor 360 and 720dpi)
but the 720dpi always fails to print.
   Trying uniprint (the driver for the 600 model, I guess) I was able
to have higher resolution with a self-made filter script.
   Does somebody else have this printer (or similar)? What are yours
feeling about quality, speed, economy under Linux?
   I haven't Windoze installed at home, so can't compare Linux and
Windows printing. If some kind soul could give some data I would really
Mario MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21

Several months ago, when I purchased a printer, I concluded that the
Epson Stylus 640 and 740 (I may have the numbers confused) used a
newer and incompatable protocol, hence wouldn't work with Ghostscript
(at least with the builtin drivers). Apparently, you need at least
the 840(?) model for backword compatability.

If you want to be able to print postscript files, the only thing
I can suggest is to setup a windows computer, as the windows
version of Ghostscript can use the native windows driver...

Please correct me though, if I am wrong... However I am just repeating
what Epson tech support told me.

Re: Kernel 2.2.3

1999-03-13 Thread Ed Cogburn
steven walsh wrote:
 On Fri, 12 Mar 1999, Wayne Topa wrote:
  Is a lot faster to just apply the 2.2.2  2.2.3 patches.  About 350 K
   for the 2 or  12M for 2.2.3 Kernel.  Your choice.
 On the other hand, i like having the full tgz around Just In

If you have 2.2.1 and successfully add the 2.2.2 and 2.2.3
patches, then the end product *is* 2.2.3.  Just tar it up yourself
and name it as 2.2.3 tgz.

Ed C.

mysql install error

1999-03-13 Thread Daryl Williams

i have an apperantly  broken installation of mysql server.
this started under the old hamm version and now that i
have upgraded to slink it is still there. in fact it was the only
error reported during the upgrade. following are the error
messages from the install. any help, tips, rtfms are appreciated
especially if you can point me at the fm. i should point out that
trying to remove the package results in basically the same
problem, and yes i am running this as root.

- error message from mysql install -

(Reading database ... 48062 files and directories currently installed.)
Removing mysql-server ...
You must be root to start, stop or restart mysqld.
dpkg: error processing mysql-server (--remove):
 subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 1
mysql privilege databases already installed. If you want to recreate all
privilege tables, execute 'rm -i /var/lib/mysql/mysql/*.IS?'
and run /usr/bin/mysql_install_db

You can now start the new mysql server with:
/usr/bin/safe_mysqld -l 

Plese report any problems with the /usr/bin/mysqlbug script
You must be root to start, stop or restart mysqld.
dpkg: error while cleaning up:
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process returned an error code



 Daryl Williams
 Network Administrator mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ShareWave, Inc.   Phone: 916-939-9400 x3212
 5175 Hillsdale Circle Fax: 916-939-9434
 El Dorado Hills, CA. 95762Web:


1999-03-13 Thread Craig T. Hancock
hello everyone I am confused about something I saw that a kernel version
known as 2.2.2 is the stable version but I thought that the 2.0.x where
the stable versions and 2.1.x where the developmental

2.2.2 looks like it fits in the developmental category

Re: ergonomics question ($TERM colors)

1999-03-13 Thread mike shupp
On Fri, 12 Mar 1999, Ian Keith Setford wrote:

 Aside from personal preference, does anyone know if a certain combination
 of colors is better to stare at than others?  I can guess, from my own
 experience, that white text on a black background is better than black on
 white.  Does anybody have any input on this? I would like to use the one
 that is best on my eyes since I stare at computer screens for ~12hrs a

Amber on black used to be recommended in Olden Times.
But I'm surprised you find white on black better than black on white.
The white letters stand out true, but black on white is closer to
normal reading, and ought to seem less obtrusive.  

   Mike Shupp
   California State University, Northridge
   Graduate Student, Dept. of Anthropology

Re: ergonomics question ($TERM colors)

1999-03-13 Thread Joey Hess
mike shupp wrote:
 Amber on black used to be recommended in Olden Times.
 But I'm surprised you find white on black better than black on white.
 The white letters stand out true, but black on white is closer to
 normal reading, and ought to seem less obtrusive.  

Normal paper doesn't glow in the same cancerous way as a CRT.

see shy jo

mh and piping

1999-03-13 Thread lanceh
I am new to piping commands and was hoping to get some help.  I have mail in a 
MH folder which I wish to move to another MH folder according to if the mail 
was sent before a particular date.  I can find the mail using pick

pick +Folder1 -before 01 Feb 99

but I am not sure how to move the mail once I find it. 


Re: I can't beleive this

1999-03-13 Thread Steve Lamb
Hash: SHA1

reply-to reply-to...

From: Steve Lamb [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Michael Stenner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 19:08:34 -0800
Reply-To: Steve Lamb [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Priority: Normal
X-Mailer: PMMail 99 Professional (2.10.0382) For Windows NT (4.0.1381;3)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: Re: I can't beleive this

On Fri, 12 Mar 1999 16:37:06 -0500 (EST), Michael Stenner wrote:

That's why truck and bus drivers get different licenses than regular
folk.  Different training.  No point in learning how to drive a truck if
you don't need to haul stuff.  If you don't need to maintain a network,
why learn about it.

No dispute there.  Seeing as I have a license to drive damn near
everything legal on the road (M1, C, A class in Cali) I know about different
training.  What I am talking about are the people who hop behind the wheel
expecting the car to just go w/o knowing what the accelerator is, what the
brake is, what the sterring wheel does, etc.  IE, people who sit down at a
computer and expect to be able to operate it with no training at all.

The more we go back and forth, the more I suspect we're talking about
different things.

We are.  As I said, I have no respect for people who are unwilling to
acknowledge they need training to operate this tool.

I'm saying its ok for people to WANT an OS which does administrative tasks
for you.  You're complaining about people who EXPECT an OS to do
administrative tasks for you (and who bitch a lot when they don't get
something).  We're describing two different sets of people.

Uhm, are we?  I'm talking about people who complain about two mouse
buttons and not knowing how to drag icons and calling that too hard.

bugs me to no end also, but in this case, there's nothing wrong with
WANTING an easy OS.  

Linux *IS* an easy OS.  

I always buck this, so lemme explain.  Windows (and Mac) are 
easy to
learn, not easy to use.  Linux, OTOH, is easy to use and, IMHO, easy to
learn as well.  The only reason Windows/Mac are easy to learn is because
they are somewhat popular.  But once you've learned them, doing any complex
task is tedious, slow and a PITA to even think about.  That isn't easy to
use, that is hard to use.

So, to me, Linux *IS* an easy OS, very easy.

that's pretty extreme.  What's WRONG with autodetecting hardware and
installing drivers? 

And if I don't want it to be autodetected and installed?

- -- 
 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
- ---+-


- -- 
 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
- ---+-

Version: PGPsdk version 1.0 (C) 1997 Pretty Good Privacy, Inc


Re: kernel

1999-03-13 Thread ktb
The first number is the major version number the second the minor version 
number the
third the patch level number.  An even numbered kernel such as 2.2.x is a stable
version.  An odd number such as 2.1.x is a development release.  The patch level
numbers start at 1 and are added with each consecutive patch.
Hope that helps,

Craig T. Hancock wrote:

 hello everyone I am confused about something I saw that a kernel version
 known as 2.2.2 is the stable version but I thought that the 2.0.x where
 the stable versions and 2.1.x where the developmental

 2.2.2 looks like it fits in the developmental category

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


1999-03-13 Thread Mono
My DCHP client daemon seems to spit out a crap file on
every reboot, which usually means my jack gets locked out of the network
b/c of a bad IP addy.  I can delete the file and run the client again and
everything runs fine, but the init scripts don't seem to work.  Is there
something I'm missing here?  Thanks.

Re: ergonomics question ($TERM colors)

1999-03-13 Thread Seth M. Landsman
On Fri, Mar 12, 1999 at 06:36:13PM -0800, mike shupp wrote:
 On Fri, 12 Mar 1999, Ian Keith Setford wrote:
  Aside from personal preference, does anyone know if a certain combination
  of colors is better to stare at than others?  I can guess, from my own
  experience, that white text on a black background is better than black on
  white.  Does anybody have any input on this? I would like to use the one
  that is best on my eyes since I stare at computer screens for ~12hrs a
 Amber on black used to be recommended in Olden Times.
 But I'm surprised you find white on black better than black on white.
 The white letters stand out true, but black on white is closer to
 normal reading, and ought to seem less obtrusive.  

There is a lot literature out there which talks about how
different reading on a computer screen is than reading on paper.  Amoung
other things, computer screen text is projected light, not reflected
light, which causes different strains.  Very few people I've spoken to
prefer black on white over white on black.

It is by will alone I set my mind in motion

Day planners?

1999-03-13 Thread Steve Lamb
Hash: SHA1

OK, now that I have X up and running on my laptop I am now looking for
decent day planner software.  So far all of the offerings I have come
across, plan, ical, xcal, fall short.  Plan looks quite good, except on my
640x480 display some of the windows are too large to fit on the screen.
Xcal, well, we won't go there.  Ical also looks quite nice, however, again,
some of its screens are too big for my screen.  Right now, the most usable
is ical.

What I am looking for is something that is comparable to Sidekick's day
planner function on Windows.  A todo list with priorities, an hourly day
planner where functions can be marked as checked off, a *VERY* flexible
recurring set which allows for items to be extended, etc.  X or console,
either way is fine by me.

- -- 
 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
- ---+-
Version: PGPsdk version 1.0 (C) 1997 Pretty Good Privacy, Inc


Re: new libc6 in potato conflicts with timezones

1999-03-13 Thread Bob Nielsen
Yeah, it looks like timezones didn't get updated with the rest of the
libc6 stuff, and dselect wants to remove the old one.

On Fri, 12 Mar 1999, David Natkins wrote:

 Subject says it all.

Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: fstab question

1999-03-13 Thread Matt Folwell
On Thu, Mar 11, 1999 at 04:33:04AM -, Pollywog wrote:

 Is there a way for me to be able to mount both /a and /floppy on the KDE
 desktop (no, not at the same time)?  It seems I will have to mount /a from the
 command line only, when I need to mount a dos floppy (not often).

Do you really need to have separate mount points according to the
filesystem?  You can set the filesystem type to auto and let the kernel
work out what it is.  That's what I do for floppies, although I don't
use KDE, so I don't know exactly what you want.

Matt Folwell, P2 Whewell's Court, Trinity College, Cambridge.  CB2 1TQ


1999-03-13 Thread Andrei Ivanov
Evening all.
I've been trying to get hdparm to work, but it seems ( I can not verify)
I got 

Scorpio:/home/ryn# hdparm -i /dev/hda


 Model=WDC AC11000H, FwRev=12.07H12, SerialNo=WD-WT364
 Config={ HardSect NotMFM HdSw15uSec SpinMotCtl Fixed DTR5Mbs FmtGapReq
 RawCHS=2046/16/63, TrkSize=57600, SectSize=600, ECCbytes=22
 BuffType=3(DualPortCache), BuffSize=128kB, MaxMultSect=16, MultSect=off
 DblWordIO=no, maxPIO=2(fast), DMA=yes, maxDMA=0(slow)
 CurCHS=2046/16/63, CurSects=2062368, LBA=yes, LBAsects=2062368
 tDMA={min:120,rec:120}, DMA modes: mword0 mword1 *mword2 
 IORDY=on/off, tPIO={min:160,w/IORDY:120}, PIO modes: mode3 mode4

an IDE drive (one of my 3), and -i seems to work fine.
However, when I try to do

Scorpio:/home/ryn# hdparm -t /dev/hda

 Timing buffered disk reads:  32 MB in  7.46 seconds = 4.29 MB/sec
HDIO_DRIVE_CMD failed: Invalid argument

I get that HDIO_DRIVE error message. But it at least read the disk once.
Same error occurs when trying to 
Scorpio:/home/ryn# hdparm -S 120 /dev/hda

 setting standby to 120 (10 minutes)
 HDIO_DRIVE_CMD failed: Invalid argument

I guess my question is: What does that error mean, and is hdparm really
setting the sleep time, or does it quit with error message?
I guess I'd find out soon enough, but I want to know for sure.


 Andrei S. Ivanov  
 UIN 12402354   --Little things for Linux.

Memory Help

1999-03-13 Thread Jesse Lee

Why will linux only recognize half of my 128 meg 
of ram? It reads my swap space fine but when I look in dmesg It says it only 
found 64 megs RAM.

Thanks in advance everyone!

Jesse (aka Dade)

Re: ergonomics question ($TERM colors)

1999-03-13 Thread John Hasler
Seth M. Landsman writes;
 Very few people I've spoken to prefer black on white over white on black.

I do.  I have lousy vision and I find that black on white lets me cram more
stuff on the screen and still read it.
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

Re: Kernel 2.2.3

1999-03-13 Thread Marshall Savage
Yes, there are Linux 2.2x kernels in .deb format at   Follow their 2.2.3 button in the upper 
left hand corner of their home page.  Version 2.2.3 is the 
one you, now, immediately get to but the older 2.2.x 
versions are in the archives.

At 3/10/99 08:20 PM , you wrote:
When i updated slink from kernel 2.0.36 to 2.2.1 i got a 
kernel source package
from the debian ftp site. It was a debian package. I read 
that there where no
patches applied to the kernel source for use with debian. 
I am wondering since
i dont see a deb package for 2.2.2 or 2.2.3 if i can grab 
the 2.2.3 kernel

from and not have any problems???
Also, has anyone else packaged these kernels in a deb??

Thanks for any input
Faton Useni

Re: Magicfilter and Stylus Color 640

1999-03-13 Thread Ray
On Fri, Mar 12, 1999 at 01:59:15PM -0300, Mario Olimpio de Menezes wrote:
   I purchase a new printer (above model) and I'm having some
 troubles to get correct settings for it. 
   I tried to use the magicfilter options (stcolor 360 and 720dpi)
 but the 720dpi always fails to print.

You might want to use the Aladin Ghostscript (ie the version in non-free). 
That version is newer and may do a better job supporting newer Epson
printers (ie. 440, 640, 740, 850).  BTW I think all/most new support for the
Epsons is going into the Uniprint driver.

   Does somebody else have this printer (or similar)? What are yours
 feeling about quality, speed, economy under Linux?

I have one of the 800 series Epson printers and a Canon bjc-600.  The Canon
prints really well with the Uniprint drivers (as good or better than in
Windows).  The Epson I've only tried with the stylus drivers and not at all
in Windows but the quailty looks better than my Canon.


Re: Boot disk swiped, how to make one?

1999-03-13 Thread Jim Bray
On Fri, 12 Mar 1999, David B. Teague wrote:

 I installed Slink on my system but had not installed LILO
 to make it bootable directly from the HD. Someone swiped the
 boot disk. 
 Question:  Is it possible, given the contents of the /etc/fstab 
 file and a knowledge of where the  kernel is located 
 (/boot/vmlinuz-2.036) to run LILO from a boot disk -- say
 Tom's Unix on a floppy and make the floppy boot the kernel 
 on the hard disk?

  I believe this is not possible with lilo, because it actually builds a
map of the sectors on disk that the kernel lives in. Thus if one defrags
and doesn't run lilo afterwards, one's disk becomes non-booting.

  If you have any sort of rescue disk, with linux on it, you can
tell lilo something like

vmlinuz root=/dev/hda1

 and then run lilo once your system is up.

  Grub, the Grand Unified Boot Loader, actually understands ext2 (altho'
when I tried it it didn't do symlinks, and I like to have vmlinuz be a
symlink). So if you are using Grub, these problems don't arise. Grub
should eventually replace lilo.


   Bringing The Past
   Into The Future

Re: Memory Help

1999-03-13 Thread Mark Wagnon
 Jesse Lee wrote:
 Why will linux only recognize half of my 128 meg of ram? It reads my
 swap space fine but when I look in dmesg It says it only found 64 megs

you need to put the line:


in your lilo.conf and rerun lilo

Mark Wagnon  -o) / /  (_)__  __   __
Chula Vista, CA  /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

Re: Memory Help

1999-03-13 Thread ktb
You can add,


To your lilo.conf file and rerun lilo.

If I remember right you can upgrade to the 2.2.x kernel and the memory
will be recognized also.
Hope that helps,

Jesse Lee wrote:

  Why will linux only recognize half of my 128 meg of ram? It reads my
 swap space fine but when I look in dmesg It says it only found 64 megs
 RAM. Thanks in advance everyone! Jesse (aka Dade)

web link checker

1999-03-13 Thread wax_man
I'm in need of a program that can parse a bunch of linked web documents
and look for any broken links.  Does anyone know if such a thing exists?




1999-03-13 Thread Marshall Savage
Filtering gets the email messages from the listserver into 
the correct separate email box.  However it does nothing 
for the overwhelming volumn problem which threading would 
considerably help.  Both web based discussion managers  
news reader programs handle treading well.  For a group of 
this volume you would need a good discussion server  at 
least one public server that I know of just isn't up to the 
job.  It's to busy for good service.  I wonder why this 
listserver group hasn't long ago gone to a news/news server 
format for the much better accessibility of the threaded 
news readers.  It doesn't have to be part of the public 
news system with it's well known loss of messages, 
advertisements,  harvesting of email addresses for future 
spam.  If Debian can set up  run the fancy listserver as 
they have they could just as well instead run a private or 
semi-private news server that only has Debian 
news/discussion on it.  There are a reasonable number of 
such already on the net.  The existing searchable email 
archive could be just as good or better as a news 

At 3/10/99 08:56 AM , you wrote:
From: Nuno Donato [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you for reading my message.
I am a member of the Debian Linux Mailing List(just like
you) and I know how boring is to receive every day 

of e-mails, and don't have time to read it all.
So now I have found a much easier way.
Click on the link on the bottom of my email to go directly 

to my page: Unofficial Debian Linux Message Board

Yes that's it! A message board it's much easier to use and 

you don't have hundred of e-mails in you Inbox every day. 

I will wait you all there. See ya!

At 3/10/99 01:58 PM , you wrote:

On Wed, 10 Mar 1999 14:34:38 -0500 (EST), Christopher J. 
Morrone wrote:

Agreed.  I think that he just needs an introduction into 
the wonderful

world of maill filtering.  procmail is our friend.

   procmail, exim filters, or do what I do, use a Windows 
client that has

filtering built in.  :)

Re: web link checker

1999-03-13 Thread Lucas
 I'm in need of a program that can parse a bunch of linked web documents
 and look for any broken links.  Does anyone know if such a thing exists?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

check here:

Using current progs: unstable debs v tarballs

1999-03-13 Thread Mark Wagnon
Hi Everyone:

I will be receiving my slink CDs in the next week or so. I've noticed a
few posts about the more adventurous moving to potato.

I want to run the latest version of windowmaker, and there is a package
in potato. I'm a little nervous about mixing portions of potato in with
slink because I really don't want to break anything, and with potatop
still in the unstable state...

Can the source packages be rebuilt to run on an older version? Can I ftp
all the wmaker-related source debs and recompile them to get them to
work with slink?

If not, I am totally willing (and able) to compile from the source
tarballs, but I tried that a couple months ago and was unsuccessful. I'm
not sure what the problem was, but I think it had something to do with,
wmaker being installed (and removed) on my computer during installation.
Even though I removed it, the WindowMaker directory was still present
under /etc/X11.

I guess what I'm trying to ask is, can leftover links/directories affect
a program compiled and installed from the sources? When I compile from
source, I always put the binaries, etc. under /usr/local.

Anyway, when I compiled WindowMaker back then, it went smoothly without
any problems. I installed it, but when I tried to get X to start with it
as the window manager, X kept bailing.

Maybe I need to try again and see what happens this time around, but if
anyone happens to be using windowMaker, and compiled/installed it
themselves, can you post how you did it?

Mark Wagnon  -o) / /  (_)__  __   __
Chula Vista, CA  /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

Re: Static IP / Hostname

1999-03-13 Thread Ray
You need to ask your ISP to put you in their DNS.

When someone tries to contact a,  their computer sends a
request to their ISP's DNS server.  That if that DNS knows the IP that goes
with that name then it sends the IP back to the person/program that
requested it.  If not, it refers the request upstream and this continues
until a DNS server is found that either knows the address or knows of a
specific DNS server that has that information.  In your case that would be
your ISP's DNS server.  Currently your ISP probably has all of it's dial up
line assigned to names like or something
similar.  You can see what it is currently set at by doing a nslookup of
your.ip.address but you should do that from some other machine.  


Re: C Program confused me

1999-03-13 Thread ivan

Check out sci.math  the sci.math FAQ (lost the url-sorry) - the faq has
extensive descriptions of several different algorithms for calculating pi.

At 06:47 PM 3/12/99 +0800, Bal K. Paudyal wrote:
Hello Friends,

I encountered following program in one of the Linux Howtos. This calculates
the value of pai. But how does it do this? I am not asking the programming
details, but on what theory the formula is based on. Can anybody help? Is
there any better place to look for help?

#include stdlib.h;
 #include stdio.h;

  main(int argc, char **argv)
register double width, sum;
register int intervals, i;

/* get the number of intervals */
intervals = atoi(argv[1]);
width = 1.0 / intervals;

/* do the computation */
sum = 0;
for (i=0; iintervals; ++i) {
  register double x = (i + 0.5) * width;
  sum += 4.0 / (1.0 + x * x);
sum *= width;

printf(Estimation of pi is %f\n, sum);


Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Boot disk swiped, how to make one?

1999-03-13 Thread Ryan Yeske
On Sat, Mar 13, 1999 at 12:01:10AM -0500, Jim Bray wrote:

   Grub, the Grand Unified Boot Loader, actually understands ext2 (altho'
 when I tried it it didn't do symlinks, and I like to have vmlinuz be a
 symlink). So if you are using Grub, these problems don't arise. Grub
 should eventually replace lilo.

i believe grub 0.5.9x now supports symlinks.


debian-user-list archive in tar.gz format???

1999-03-13 Thread Ramakrishnan M
   Apart from the searchable archives in the web,has anyone made a tar.gz
archive of this list? I think somebody with time and resources should
seriously consider doing this,since this list is an invaluable resource.

Ramakrishnan M
#211 ,Cauvery hostel,
Indian Institute of Technology,Madras,
Chennai-600 036, INDIA

 Software is like sex;It's better when it's free 
   -Linus Torvalds

Re: Problems with .tar file

1999-03-13 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Fri, Mar 12, 1999 at 03:16:49PM -0330, Greg Starkes wrote:
 On Fri, 12 Mar 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I think it should be qt-1_42.tar (or qt-1.42.tar), not qt-1_42_tar.tar.  Try
  renaming it ^^  ^  ^  
  If this doesn't work, may be it's a .tar.gz, rename it to qt-1.42.tar.gz, 
 Was this downloaded on a  windows platform? I have seen *.tar.gz get
 renamed to *_tar.tar quite a bit. Rename the file as mentionned above.

Netscape 4.0 and 4.5 always do it to me here. It changes all dots
except the last to underscores, then somehow makes .tar.gz _tar.tar. Argh.

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: auto sorting mail clients

1999-03-13 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Fri, Mar 12, 1999 at 12:02:11PM +0100, Nicolas PROCHAZKA wrote:
 Try procmail, it's very good stuff, and it's independant of your email
 client , an example of procmailrc :

Or exim's .forward, if you're running it.

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: Slink CDs available - Australia

1999-03-13 Thread Tyson Dowd
On 11-Mar-1999, Richard Lyon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm currently offering CDs 1,2 and 5 (all the binary CDs -- source will
  come along soon).  Given the prices most people in Australia are forced
  to pay for net access it will almost certainly be a lot cheaper to buy
  the CDs than download.
 So Tyson, do you have the official SLINK release available yet? Can we
 pick it up in Fitzroy (Melbourne/Victoria) while having a quiet drink?

There is no such thing as official slink images just yet, but I am
just creating full release CDs now.  I expect to be burning CDs
for shipping tomorrow.

The pickup option at the Binary Bar is not presently available as
the Binary Bar has changed owners.  I may be able to arrange something
with the new owners in future, but I haven't had time yet.
It's almost always next day shipping for people in Melbourne anyway.

You can place a preorder now at and it
will probably be shipped by Monday.

The quantum sort: 
while (!sorted) { do_nothing(); }

Re: Memory Help

1999-03-13 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Fri, 12 Mar 1999, Jesse Lee wrote:

 Why will linux only recognize half of my 128 meg of ram? It reads my swap 
 space fine but when I look in dmesg It says it only found 64 megs RAM.
 Thanks in advance everyone!

Hi, If you're still running kernel 2.0.x then you need to add this to


Alternatively, get yourself a shiny new 2.2.3 kernel ;)


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: Kernel 2.2.3

1999-03-13 Thread steven walsh
On Fri, 12 Mar 1999, Ed Cogburn wrote:

   If you have 2.2.1 and successfully add the 2.2.2 and 2.2.3
 patches, then the end product *is* 2.2.3.  Just tar it up yourself
 and name it as 2.2.3 tgz.

Details, details. :)

See you on the flip side

- Steve Walsh (EfNet:#Babylon5:KnaraKat)

Re: How to run a script when disconnecting a dialup connection

1999-03-13 Thread Ole J. Tetlie
-Chris R. Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I know that ip-up and ip-down are run by pppd when the link is brought up
 or down respectively. However, ip-down is run AFTER the link is brought
 down. What I'd like to do is run a script or two BEFORE the link actually
 goes down.

Make a script that does what you want, and then takes down the links.


poff # (or whatever way you use [killall pppd])

The only way tcsh rocks is when the rocks are attached to its feet
in the deepest part of a very deep lake. (Linus Torvalds)

Re: Book on Xwindow

1999-03-13 Thread Ole J. Tetlie

   Does anyone know a good book for Xwindow?  I looked up O'reilly and 
 seems to have two of them.  One for MIT version and one for Motif.  I have 
 no idea which one I should get so if anyone can recommend a book I would 
 appreciate it.  And also, if you could clarify about that MIT and Motif 
 situation.  Thanks.

The X Window System User's Guide would indeed be a good idea. It
would probably be best to get the Standard Edition (MIT).

Motif is a commercial toolkit (library) for X11 programming. If
you use Debian then you don't have Motif unless you bought it.

The only way tcsh rocks is when the rocks are attached to its feet
in the deepest part of a very deep lake. (Linus Torvalds)

junkbuster acting up

1999-03-13 Thread John Leget
Greetings all

Running 2.2.3 and  potato

I have suddenly started having problems with junkbuster, it runs from
inet.d or seems to accept it doesnt work, i restored config files from a
recent backup in case i had made i change in one of its config files
causing the problem but no go. I  now also get the following error when
trying to fire it up again manually
 etc/init.d/junkbuster start which give me this

# shell-init: could not get current directory: getcwd: cannot access
parent directories: Permission denied

i was logged on as root ??

Now get this  when invoked as

junkbuster /etc/junkbuster/config

It works fine no problemo :).
So im assuming its something i have changed alsewhere thats causing the
problem possibly ??, or a package problem somewhere.

Hmm just tried a few things and noticed that the above error message
also appears when i try to use su  root - normal user, when allready
logged in as root, but not the other way around, huh.  :(

eeek  ;0)

any help appreciated


Re: apt

1999-03-13 Thread Remco van de Meent
Craig T. Hancock wrote:
 Is there way to see what pacakges that happen to be upgraded

$ apt-get -s dist-upgrade


Re: ergonomics question ($TERM colors)

1999-03-13 Thread mike shupp
On Fri, 12 Mar 1999, Joey Hess wrote:

 mike shupp wrote:
  Amber on black used to be recommended in Olden Times.
  But I'm surprised you find white on black better than black on white.
  The white letters stand out true, but black on white is closer to
  normal reading, and ought to seem less obtrusive.  

 Normal paper doesn't glow in the same cancerous way as a CRT.

I'm a bit skeptical about the likelihood of getting cancer
from CRT screens in general and from modern energy-saving
low-emission CRTs in particular.  Do you regard these things
as more  deadly  than TV sets, which people have been using
for half a century-- without notable (radiative) effect?

   Mike Shupp
   California State University, Northridge
   Graduate Student, Dept. of Anthropology

Re: Memory Help

1999-03-13 Thread mike shupp

From the Linux Hardware Compatability HOWTO  v98.4, 10 November 1988
( Patrick Reijen [EMAIL PROTECTED])

...When you add more than 64 Mb of memory you have to add the
follwing line to your LILO configuration file:

append=mem=number of MbM

So when you have 96 Mb of memory this should bceome


Don't type a number higher than the number of Mb you really
have.  This can present unpredictable crashes.

   Mike Shupp
   California State University, Northridge
   Graduate Student, Dept. of Anthropology

putting a WWW site and CGI-BIN on a CDROM?!

1999-03-13 Thread Chris Evans
Apologies for cross-posting to debian-user and debian-ISP but I 
think you're the people I need.

I run a site under Apache-SSL very happily under Debian but 
someone wants me to run a new site for him which would have 
about 450 articles (journal articles), about 4m words.  He and I 
would want to make it searchable with a few structured text fields 
(the usual bibliographic ones: authors, journal, issue date, volume, 
issue, pages, abstract, text).  I guess year and issue date would 
want to be searchable with gt, ge, lt, le etc. There'd be a few, a 
very few, graphics in the text.  All that's fine for the WWW site but 
he rightly wants to be able to put it on a CDROM too and I agree 
but don't want to do any unnecessary duplication of effort.  I 
remember there are ways of putting the CGI/perl or some other 
searchability, together with all the data onto a CDROM so that I 
could do the WWW version and transfer it easily to CDROM.

Horrid bit is that the result would have to be readable from Windoze 
and probably from Macs as well to be commercially viable.  
Anyone been down this route?  Any advice/thoughts?


PSYCTC: Psychotherapy, Psychology, Psychiatry, Counselling
   and Therapeutic Communities; practice, research, 
   teaching and consultancy.
Chris Evans  Jo-anne Carlyle Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: I can't beleive this

1999-03-13 Thread Richard Lyon
 I have no respect for those people.  Yes, a computer is a tool.  But
 lets drop in a few other examples.

Well linux is a tool for me. I don't care a monkey about the internal workings 
of the kernel. Its only important to me that it works. Yes I have had to 
compile a kernel image to get all of my hardware working. I would have 
preferred not to do this.

Not everyone is interested in fiddling around with somewhat droll 
configuration tasks. There are much more interesting things to do with a 


Re: Statistics/graphing programs for scientists?

1999-03-13 Thread Richard Lyon
 I'm just about to get my doctorate in neuroscience,
 and I have have several large databases essential for my dissertation.
 For statistical analysis, I use Statistica for windows, and for graphing
 my data, I use SigmaPlot for windows. A call to all scientists out there
 - are there any native X-based programs that are as good as these?
 Although these programs are excellent, I would rather not trust my
 dissertation to the OS I have come to call Sir Crash-a-lot... My only
 other option is to use a windows emulator (like WINE)...

I don't believe there is anything in the same league as statistica. If you can 
tolerate a time warp of about 25 years I hear that a GNU equivalent of SPSS is 
been written. Ask some of the older staff members what they think of SPSS. Some 
of the modern methods of statistical analysis may not be supported.

No free unix program is going to provide the sort of on-line help, user 
interface or range of analysis methods that comes with statistica. Unix 
applications like octave are not going to provide any better statistical 
analysis than a spreadsheet.

I would be very wary of running statistica under WINE. Perhaps if you are 
running WIN98/95, you should consider stepping up to WINNT (actually the 
thought of running statistica on win95/98 is scarey). A carefully installed 
WINNT on a standalone non-networked machine that is rebooted every 24 hours or 
so is pretty reliable. Perhaps you should check what other platforms are 
supported by Statistica. There may be a SCO Unix version available. SCO is free 
for educational purposes.

Hopefully you are making a point of backing up all of your data and documents 
on a regular basis. Hardware can fail also.


Re: Gnome 1.0 debs?

1999-03-13 Thread Richard Lyon
 Couldn't .debs that aren't 100% at least go into potato? That's what
 unstable is for isn't it ?

Why is there this pent up frustration for always having the absolute latest 
versions of software? I would have thought it may be a good idea to wait a few 
weeks to see if others report that there major goofs. Quality is very very 
important. We do want debian to be more reliable than windows 98. Unstable does 
not means completely untested, otherwise it would be a rather worthless 

If you really are so keen you could just download the source code and compile 
it. This is not a difficult option and by identifying any bugs you would be 
helping the debian community.

I'll just wait, hoping that the debian people do a good job. A few weeks or so 
is not a long period of time. The people doing this work are not getting paid, 
so they probablely only have a limited time each day to do this work.


Re: Gnome 1.0 debs?

1999-03-13 Thread Richard Lyon
 The staging area is not a secret, it is publically available, too, for
 developers and testers. Check the dtk-gnome mailling list archiv if you are
 interested (or devel-announce).

And by testing this you make a significant worthwhile contribution to the 
Debian project.

Whoops ... gnome 1.0.2 is just released. Here we go again.

Re: ergonomics question ($TERM colors)

1999-03-13 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 JH == John Hasler [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

JH Seth M. Landsman writes;
 Very few people I've spoken to prefer black on white over white on black.

JH I do.  I have lousy vision and I find that black on white lets me
JH cram more stuff on the screen and still read it.

I also do.

In Germany, there is hardly an area which isn't covered by law. So
there is also a law for protection of computer workers. Among other
things (noise, strength of light, pauses, chair and table
requirements) it also mentions monitors. The required display is
positiv, e.g. dark letters on bright background.

There are some reasons for it. Similar to normal paper, bright
environment - bright screen - eyes don't have to readapt, white
letters on black get visibly contracted etc.

Note that I don't speak of #00 white. I use whitesmoke as
background and black as forground.


Re: junkbuster acting up

1999-03-13 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 JL == John Leget [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

JL I now also get the following error when trying to fire it up again
JL manually etc/init.d/junkbuster start which give me this

JL # shell-init: could not get current directory: getcwd: cannot
JL access parent directories: Permission denied

This message shouldn't prevent junkbuster from starting. Check ps ax | 
grep junkbuster

JL Hmm just tried a few things and noticed that the above error message
JL also appears when i try to use su  root - normal user, when allready
JL logged in as root, but not the other way around, huh.  :(

This error happens because you are in root's homedir. and this
directory is mode 750, so only root can enter it. If you su to another 
user, this user can't determine the current directory (he doesn't have 
permission to read the inode). This also happens with junkbuster, as
the init scripts does a su to nobody.


Re: Where to now?

1999-03-13 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 w == wlovett  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

w I installed Debian, and it dropped me into deselect. Deselect what?
w Is the question? Are the packages additional software that needs to
w be down loaded or is it talking about software included within the
w distribution.

These are the packages which form the Debian distribution.

w I installed from floppies; I could not get the loadlin program to
w work for DOS.  Are the floppies that the deselect program is
w talking about the same installation floppies.

I assume you used 8 or such floppies to install the base system. You
just installed the very base. You can't do vey much yet. Therefore you 
need to install other packages. This is what dselect is for.

The current stable version consists of 4 CDs (2 binary and 2
source). Even if you just install a subset of the 2 binary CDs, you
don't want to do it with floppies.

Either get Debian CDs ( ), or
install using ftp (that is connect via Modem/ISDN to the internet and
download the packages using dselect).


Re: fstab question

1999-03-13 Thread Andrew Holmes

When I use the 'auto' filesystem type in fstab, my vfat floppies are
detected as umsdos and I lose the long filenames. Is there a way around

Andy Holmes  West Sussex, England


The path of my life is strewn with cow pats from the devil's own satanic
herd!, Edmund Blackadder

lilo.conf problems

1999-03-13 Thread Nicholas W Kopan
I am having problems configuring lilo to dual boot to debian and
win98.  I have two hard drives:
Primary /dev/hda, one partition, /dev/hda1 = win98 boot FAT32 3.2Gb
Secondary /dev/hdb, two partitions, /dev/hdb1 = linux boot 4.0Gb

Am I having problems because I didn't make root fit in the first 1024
sectors?  I can use lilo to boot to linux on /dev/hdb1, but lilo won't
boot to dos.  Dos will boot with a dos floppy though, and sys C:
fixes the messed up DOS MBR, erasing lilo and restoring /dev/hda1 MBR

lilo -v produces:
LILO version 20, Copyright 1992-1997 Werner Almesberger

Reading boot sector from /dev/hda1
Merging with /boot/boot.b
Mapping message file /boot/message.boot
Boot image: /vmlinuz
Added linux *
Boot other: /dev/hda1, on /dev/hda, loader /boot/chain.b
Added dos
/boot/boot.0301 exists - no backup copy made.
Writing boot sector.

Here is lilo.conf

boot = /dev/hda1
message = /boot/message.boot
default = linux
vga = normal# normal 80x25 text vga mode
delay = 20
timeout = 100

## Image section for Linux
image = /vmlinuz # image file
  label = linux  # boot prompt label
  root = /dev/hdb1 # linux root mount
#  install = /boot/boot.0301
#  map = /boot/map  # linux boot map
  read-only # mount read-only to run fsck

## Image section for dos
other = /dev/hda1   # other image name
  label = dos
  loader = /boot/chain.b# chain loader on primary drive
  table = /dev/hda# dos partitional table



  Nicholas W Kopan
  Win9x and Office97 Corporate Trainer, Online Services
  Java-based Inventory System Development, Online Data Systems
  Computer Engineering Undergraduate, Lehigh University
  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Icq: 4221344
  Home Page and Resume:

I've been cracked! (hamm, 2.0.35)

1999-03-13 Thread Don Erickson
Somebody (through wandered into my system, set up a user
account for themselves and set up a couple of programs, eggdrop and smurf.
I've not been using encrypted passwords, I understand that there are ways
to derive the salt that the passwd file uses? 

Anyway, this person hid a few files in some interesting places and even
replaced my syslogd.  Now, when I say hid a few files, there are files
that simply don't show up by ls.  You can manipulate them but you can't
see them unless you ls the entire path.  For example, 

$ ls /usr/lib/fms 




$ cd /usr/lib;ls fms

returns nothing.

I have no idea how many files or directories might be hidden this way, nor
how I can find out.  I've obviously changed passwords and disabled
everything foreign that I can find, any suggestions as to what I should
be doing about this? 

Any help appreciated. 

-Don Erickson
 .sig lite

Re: web link checker

1999-03-13 Thread oneiros

 I'm in need of a program that can parse a bunch of linked web documents
 and look for any broken links.  Does anyone know if such a thing exists?

Linbot at

works very well...

 .oO,.. oneiros ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) ..,Oo.
... and the `fortune -s` for this e-mail is ...
No, that's wrong too.  Now there's a race condition between the rm and
  the mv.  Hmm, I need more coffee.
   -- Guy Maor on Debian Bug#25228

Re: web link checker

1999-03-13 Thread Colin Telmer
On Sat, 13 Mar 1999, oneiros wrote:

  I'm in need of a program that can parse a bunch of linked web documents
  and look for any broken links.  Does anyone know if such a thing exists?
 Linbot at

Why not just install the debianized version? I don't know about stable,
but it is in unstable. Cheers.

Colin Telmer, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Re: true type fonts

1999-03-13 Thread Frank Barknecht
[EMAIL PROTECTED] hat gesagt: // [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Okay. I've got xfstt, I've got my .ttf fonts from the Windows dir. Now
 what? Do I just move them to /usr/share/fonts/truetype and I'm done?

No, you better make a soft link if you have access to your dos partition from
Here it looks like this:
$ ls -l /usr/share/fonts/truetype/winfonts
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   21 Sep 29 14:15 
/usr/share/fonts/truetype/winfonts - /dos/c/windows/fonts

Then set up XF86Config as told in another mail here.
 Frank Barknecht    __    __ trip\ \  / /wire __
  / __// __  /__/ __// // __  \ \/ /  __ \\  ___\   
 / /  / /  / /  / // // /\ \\  ___\\ \  
/_/  /_/  /_/  /_//_// /  \ \\_\\_\

Re: web link checker

1999-03-13 Thread oneiros
Thus spake Colin Telmer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 Why not just install the debianized version? I don't know about stable,
 but it is in unstable. Cheers.

Sure, by all means.

When I originally set linbot up over here it wasn't available in a debianised

So, in addition to the tarball, you can snag a deb at:
or, a slightly less newer version at (the unstable version is perfectly fine)

 .oO,.. oneiros ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) ..,Oo.
... and the `fortune -s` for this e-mail is ...
  'Ooohh.. FreeBSD is faster over loopback, when compared to Linux
 over the wire. Film at 11.'
  -- Linus Torvalds

Re: I've been cracked! (hamm, 2.0.35)

1999-03-13 Thread Mitch Blevins
In foo.debian-user, you wrote:
 Somebody (through wandered into my system, set up a user
 account for themselves and set up a couple of programs, eggdrop and smurf.
 I've not been using encrypted passwords, I understand that there are ways
 to derive the salt that the passwd file uses? 

The salt is simply the first to characters of the password hash.
Assuming you don't use shadow passwords, look in /etc/password at a line:


The eN is the salt, and it should be different for each password entry.

 Anyway, this person hid a few files in some interesting places and even
 replaced my syslogd.  Now, when I say hid a few files, there are files
 that simply don't show up by ls.  You can manipulate them but you can't
 see them unless you ls the entire path.  For example, 
 $ ls /usr/lib/fms 
 $ cd /usr/lib;ls fms
 returns nothing.
 I have no idea how many files or directories might be hidden this way, nor
 how I can find out.  I've obviously changed passwords and disabled
 everything foreign that I can find, any suggestions as to what I should
 be doing about this? 

A common technique is to replace system commands (ls, ps) with hacked
versions that behave in ways that make it difficult to spot/stop the
intruder, or that provide a backdoor for the intruder to re-enter.

You have been compromised, and you need to reinstall completely.
Some data files can be salvaged, but every program must be replaced.
Investigate using the tripwire package to detect these things in the

Any command with less than 48 switches is a Cat in the Hat book.
  - E. Charters

Re: Statistics/graphing programs for scientists?

1999-03-13 Thread Ted Harding
On 12-Mar-99 Richard Lyon wrote:
 No free unix program is going to provide the sort of on-line help, user
 interface or range of analysis methods that comes with statistica. Unix
 applications like octave are not going to provide any better
 statistical analysis than a spreadsheet.

You may be right about statistica (for all I know). However, your last
sentence is so seriously misleading that it must be corrected.

First, octave is no spreadsheet but close to being a clone of the
MatLab core executable. Therefore it is a highly programmable matrix- and
array-oriented general-purpose numerical analysis package and it is
exremely powerful. What it lacks relative to MatLab is the range of
toolboxes which add specialised pre-programmed functionality. Though it
does have its own Statistics toolbox this is less complete than
MatLab's. However, nothing whatever prevents a knowledgeable user from
programming their own very sophisticated statistical analysis, far beyond
what any spreadsheet known to me could achieve.

Scilab is another free unix program with similar general capabilities
to octave and more powerful in certain respects, with excellent graphical

In addition there are some powerful free unix programs which specialise
in Statistics. R and XLispStat are important examples. An important
though more specialised (based on Monte Carlo approaches to Bayesian
statistics) package is BUGS, also available for Linux.

And, lest your last sentence should give the impression that only
programs with spreadsheet-like capability are available for UNIX
generally, don't forget that almost all the major programs exist
in UNIX versions (MatLab, S-plus, SPSS, Mathematica, SAS, maybe also
Statistica, and so on) and many of them have been ported to Linux
as well (MatLab being early on the Linux scene).


E-Mail: (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 13-Mar-99   Time: 15:36:55
-- XFMail --

Re: Apt, Dselect, and Dpkg. What's the different?

1999-03-13 Thread Pedro Guerreiro
On Wed, Mar 10, 1999 at 03:49:07PM -0500, Shaleh wrote:
 the hierarchy is:
 currently.  dselect may disappear.

Please, don't! :-)
I know this is a ugly beast, but I learned to love it, and it will take some
time for me to get used to any other. I not in the way of progress, mind you,
and I know dselect puts a lot of people away, so we are making a new frontend,
_but_ I don't think dselect will disappear, at least not in the near future.
Let the die-hards use what they like. :-)

Pedro Guerreiro (aka digito)([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Diplomacy: the art of letting someone have your own way.

Re: Kernel 2.2.3

1999-03-13 Thread Pedro Guerreiro
On Wed, Mar 10, 1999 at 09:20:04PM -0600, Faton Useni wrote:
 When i updated slink from kernel 2.0.36 to 2.2.1 i got a kernel source package
 from the debian ftp site. It was a debian package. I read that there where no
 patches applied to the kernel source for use with debian. I am wondering since
 i dont see a deb package for 2.2.2 or 2.2.3 if i can grab the 2.2.3 kernel
 from and not have any problems???
 Also, has anyone else packaged these kernels in a deb??

You can just get the patches instead of the whole 2.2.3. Just get the 2.2.2
_and_ the 2.2.3 and them patch them in this order (read linux/README if you
have any doubts). Oh, make sure you do a 'make-kpkg clean' before you start.

I always get the source package for the kernel and compile them myself by hand,
aplying any patch I see fit :-) (I'm compiling 2.2.3 as I write this).

Pedro Guerreiro (aka digito)([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Diplomacy: the art of letting someone have your own way.

[Slightly Off-Topic] Printing from Netscape - page address

1999-03-13 Thread John Stevenson

Is there any way to get the Netscape Browser (in communicator
4.5) to include the address of the web page on the top corner of
the printout.  The same version of netscape but for M$ does this
automatically, even when attached to a linux print server.

Is there anything I can do to get this functionality.  It is not
that important (not worht using M$ for) but it would be nice.

Thanks in advance.

Too New

1999-03-13 Thread Joe
I'm still trying to install Debian2.0. Here is what I'm doing. My
computer boots to the CD-ROM, the rescue screen comes up. I press enter,
Then I go into configure keyboard. After that I partition my second hard
disk, ( first one has win98 on it)Make 1815mb for linux, 50 for swap,
and should I make some for dos? the choices are dos16fat dos32fat and so
on. after writing partition table, activating swap and such, I install
the base system, after that, config, then reboot, I boot from floppy for
now, so after boot, it goes into deslect, It asks for Access, I choose
CD-ROM, It asks for the CD and the device block, I enter /dev/hdc,
(Binary i386 is in the drive) It says it found something and it will do,
but then it says it can't find something, I'm not sure what it is
looking for, but it says enter none, after that its slect, then its
install the packages, after that, its config, then quit. after ten
minuts of hd and cd exchanges, it says good luck,,,. It says login,
which I do as root, then password, then I get a prompt #. after that I
can't do anything, If I type /dev/hdb1 it says permission denide, If I
type ttys2 it says permission denide. whats going on here?

Re: Too New

1999-03-13 Thread shaleh
 I'm still trying to install Debian2.0. Here is what I'm doing. My
 computer boots to the CD-ROM, the rescue screen comes up. I press enter,
 Then I go into configure keyboard. After that I partition my second hard
 disk, ( first one has win98 on it)Make 1815mb for linux, 50 for swap,
 and should I make some for dos? the choices are dos16fat dos32fat and so
 on. after writing partition table, activating swap and such,

no, that option is for those sharing the drive w/ windows and what not

 I install
 the base system, after that, config, then reboot, I boot from floppy for
 now, so after boot, it goes into deslect, It asks for Access, I choose
 CD-ROM, It asks for the CD and the device block, I enter /dev/hdc,
 (Binary i386 is in the drive) It says it found something and it will do,
 but then it says it can't find something, I'm not sure what it is

it looks for contrib and non-free, which or not on the CD

 looking for, but it says enter none, after that its slect, then its
 install the packages, after that, its config, then quit. after ten
 minuts of hd and cd exchanges, it says good luck,,,. It says login,
 which I do as root, then password, then I get a prompt #. after that I
 can't do anything, If I type /dev/hdb1 it says permission denide, If I
 type ttys2 it says permission denide. whats going on here?

the permission denied error is because it tries to run /dev/hdb1 as a command
in UNIX everything is a file, and a file may be a program.  So it says, hey 
why not and tries to run it.

sounds good so far.  Now, go to the local library or book store and look for
a nice intro to unix or linux book and enjoy.  Nothing is worse than fumbling
in the dark w/ a new OS.

Some hints:

df shows the mounted disks (the windows drive is not mounted by default)

ls shows ths files you have

dselect will get you back to where you installed packages earlier

read the man page for mount (type man mount)

Need advice for installing Oracle on Debian

1999-03-13 Thread Edmund Lian
I've been reading through the installation guide for Oracle 8.0.5, and
I don't like what I see. It's such a memory hog that Oracle recommends
tweaking the kernel parameters to allow the RDBMS to suck up vast
amounts of memory. They also want four mount points at the root level,
etc., etc.

I need to install Oracle, but want to keep my system as unchanges as
possible (e.g., FHS compliant). Is this possible? Can anyone please
give me the benefit of their experience with installing Oracle on a
Debian (2.1) system?



Apologies for the bad reply address--getting huge amounts of spam.

Re: How to run a script when disconnecting a dialup connection

1999-03-13 Thread John Hasler
Ole J. Tetlie writes:
 Make a script that does what you want, and then takes down the links.

That won't help when the link goes down for reasons other than having been
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

Re: Kernel 2.2.3

1999-03-13 Thread wtopa

Subject: Re: Kernel 2.2.3
Date: Sat, Mar 13, 1999 at 02:01:13AM -0600

In reply to:steven walsh

Quoting steven walsh([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 On Fri, 12 Mar 1999, Ed Cogburn wrote:
  If you have 2.2.1 and successfully add the 2.2.2 and 2.2.3
  patches, then the end product *is* 2.2.3.  Just tar it up yourself
  and name it as 2.2.3 tgz.
   Details, details. :)
 See you on the flip side
 - Steve Walsh (EfNet:#Babylon5:KnaraKat)

The Linux Kernel HOWTO  in the howto directory!

The best book on programming for the layman is Alice in Wonderland;
but that's because it's the best book on anything for the layman.

Re: Netscape Install

1999-03-13 Thread wtopa

Subject: Netscape Install
Date: Wed, Mar 10, 1999 at 04:28:45PM -0800

In reply to:Rob Pratt

Quoting Rob Pratt([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Excuse the newbie question, but I'm having a tough time getting the
 ns-install script to run to install Netscape on a 486 machine. The version
 I'm using is 4.51 for Linux 2.0 (supported). The readme says simply to run
 the script -- and voila, it installs. However, when I try to run the script,
 I get the error ns-install: not found even though I can see it in the
 directory where I'm trying to run it. Also, I've tried the manual install
 instructions (copying files, running a couple of gzips, etc.) with no
 success. Can someone provide a couple of steps or point to a script that
 does work?
 Rob Pratt

at the prompt do ./ns-install

You can't make a program without broken egos.

Re: I can't beleive this

1999-03-13 Thread William Schwartz
I know that everyone loves to hate Microsoft, and its Windows products. I
know they are an easy target becuase they make a very successful product
that has quite a few problems. They are a big corporation that controls
the pc industry. and Linux is the underdog... All of this makes Windows
VERY easy to pick on. BUT Windows has grown out of one mans dream. It
started as a small OS (dos) that was every bit like a linux. They were the
underdog. Instead of just looking at windows as the enemy why not learn
from it!!! It didnt get this successful becuase it is a horrible product.
Now, as to your post. There are some mistakes in it that I feel should be

it goes on the first bootable partition, PERIOD,

Well, not true, if you are using NT, you can install it on what ever
partition you would like. All it needs is the NT loader to exist on the boot
device. This could be a floppy...

it [windows] does not allow multi-boot of other
operating systems, AT ALL,

Not true. I can setup a computer to (dual) boot, old DOS, Windows3.1,
Windows 95, Windows 98  WindowsNT all on the same computer. I could even
throw Netware in that mix as well...

I install the base OS in a set configuration
(no partitioning, etc by the user during install)

Partitioning is done by the user before installation. (like in linux)

with a specific set of
applications that the user has no control over.

You can customize the installation process to install what ever parts of the
OS that you want to. You dont have 100% control, but it is far from no

It will install quite
nicely and the longest part is the reformat of the hard drive to remove
that alien filesystem that it found living there.

That IS true in most cases, WindowsNT is much better at it. Windows 95 has a
terrible temper and hates other OSes installed. You should always install 95
FIRST, then install NT/LINUX.

The problem comes in when you want to give control over the installation.
The more control you give the more difficult it becomes because you HAVE
to assume that the person with the control knows what to do with it.

True... but...

Comparing the two operating system's installation procedure is apples and
oranges. The closest you can come with a commercial OS is POSSIBLY OS/2
... and you know what  people complained that OS/2 was too difficult
to install.

This is one area that I think Linux could take some hints. The installation
process is not intended for the average user. Just saying to
joe-average-windows-user hdd 0 would completely throw them... Even
telling them c: might throw them...

instead of completely discounting everything that windows has to offer, why
not improve on some of its design features and show them how it should be
done. Maybe an option during install that give the end user a friendly
installation procedure? Give the user (if they want it) plug-and-play...
Give the user simple-wording in a GUI interface that makes sense to a
person without 5 years of computer experience. Give the user the OPTION.
don't snub your nose at those technology-have-nots. If linux is to go onto
EVERYONE'S desktop, it certainly needs to be MUCH more user friendly.

Like I said, don't snub the windows OS, learn from its MANY mistakes and
make it one better. There is nothing more ignorant then to just ignore
something (windows) that has such a large installed base. Look at the way
Windows did it. They took the MAC OS, and made its own improvements. Why
does Windows have a recycle-bin? they stole the idea from the MAC. That is
why they have the market share that they do. They have learned from other
peoples mistakes...

Re: I've been cracked! (hamm, 2.0.35)

1999-03-13 Thread Raymond A. Ingles
On Sat, 13 Mar 1999, Don Erickson wrote:

 Somebody (through wandered into my system, set up a user
 account for themselves and set up a couple of programs, eggdrop and smurf.

 Typically this is done by script kiddies who aren't particularly good
computer users, but they take scripts written by other people and use them
to break into systems.

 Then they typically use a rootkit to get root access and replace files,
just as you've seen. ls is usually the first one they hack. They
also replace system demons and so forth; probably there are now
several backdoors into your system that don't use passwords at all. Check
out, they have plenty of info and rootkits. They also
have some information on securing your system.

 At this point, you can't trust your system. You *might* be able to
restore from your last complete backup, if you are *sure* you know when
you were cracked. More likely, you'll have to save what data files you can
and then reinstall from trusted media, like a CD-ROM. Obviously, don't do
this while your machine is hooked to the net. Examine carefully any other
machines yours is hooked up to, e.g. by Ethernet.

 Don't put your system back on the net until you are reasonably confident
you've closed the more common holes. Sorry, it sucks but that's the only
way to be sure. If you want some revenge, you can try reporting to the
sysadmins of the originating system, if you can actually identify it. :-/


 Ray Ingles  (248) 377-7735  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Engineering is like having an 8 a.m. class and a late afternoon lab
every day for the rest of your life. - Anonymous

Mozilla Fault

1999-03-13 Thread Rob Pratt

I got Mozilla installed from Debian packages, but when I run it, it creates
two small windows (in fvwm95) then closes and returns the message,
Segmentation fault. Can anyone help me troubleshoot this one?

Rob Pratt

Debian GNU/Linux -- Getting in Contact with Us

1999-03-13 Thread r . sabre
we have a Ultrasparc 10 station and i would buy debian linux for UltaSparc.
Is it possible ?
thank you for ask me.

answer in french if possible please.

ssh problem on potato

1999-03-13 Thread Ferenc Kiraly

I have a fresh potato install and I cannot log in to
the machine from a remote host using ssh. I get an
error message like this:

Warning: Remote host failed or refused to allocate a pseudo tty.

What can be worng?


Re: Too New

1999-03-13 Thread sjb
go to and click on documentation, go to the LDP pages and
download (and read) the Getting Started guide

Sarel Botha

On Sat, 13 Mar 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm still trying to install Debian2.0. Here is what I'm doing. My
  computer boots to the CD-ROM, the rescue screen comes up. I press enter,
  Then I go into configure keyboard. After that I partition my second hard
  disk, ( first one has win98 on it)Make 1815mb for linux, 50 for swap,
  and should I make some for dos? the choices are dos16fat dos32fat and so
  on. after writing partition table, activating swap and such,
 no, that option is for those sharing the drive w/ windows and what not
  I install
  the base system, after that, config, then reboot, I boot from floppy for
  now, so after boot, it goes into deslect, It asks for Access, I choose
  CD-ROM, It asks for the CD and the device block, I enter /dev/hdc,
  (Binary i386 is in the drive) It says it found something and it will do,
  but then it says it can't find something, I'm not sure what it is
 it looks for contrib and non-free, which or not on the CD
  looking for, but it says enter none, after that its slect, then its
  install the packages, after that, its config, then quit. after ten
  minuts of hd and cd exchanges, it says good luck,,,. It says login,
  which I do as root, then password, then I get a prompt #. after that I
  can't do anything, If I type /dev/hdb1 it says permission denide, If I
  type ttys2 it says permission denide. whats going on here?
 the permission denied error is because it tries to run /dev/hdb1 as a command
 in UNIX everything is a file, and a file may be a program.  So it says, hey 
 why not and tries to run it.
 sounds good so far.  Now, go to the local library or book store and look for
 a nice intro to unix or linux book and enjoy.  Nothing is worse than fumbling
 in the dark w/ a new OS.
 Some hints:
 df shows the mounted disks (the windows drive is not mounted by default)
 ls shows ths files you have
 dselect will get you back to where you installed packages earlier
 read the man page for mount (type man mount)
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1999-03-13 Thread Stephen Pitts
On Fri, Mar 12, 1999 at 10:16:17PM -0700, Marshall Savage wrote:
 Filtering gets the email messages from the listserver into 
 the correct separate email box.  However it does nothing 
 for the overwhelming volumn problem which threading would 
 considerably help.  Both web based discussion managers  
 news reader programs handle treading well.  For a group of 
 this volume you would need a good discussion server  at 
 least one public server that I know of just isn't up to the 
 job.  It's to busy for good service.  I wonder why this 
 listserver group hasn't long ago gone to a news/news server 
 format for the much better accessibility of the threaded 
 news readers.  It doesn't have to be part of the public 
 news system with it's well known loss of messages, 
 advertisements,  harvesting of email addresses for future 
 spam.  If Debian can set up  run the fancy listserver as 
 they have they could just as well instead run a private or 
 semi-private news server that only has Debian 
 news/discussion on it.  There are a reasonable number of 
 such already on the net.  The existing searchable email 
 archive could be just as good or better as a news 
 At 3/10/99 08:56 AM , you wrote:
 From: Nuno Donato [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I agree with you, threading is a must for the debian-*
groups. I use mutt to read my mail, and it threads email.
GNUs also does this. If worst comes to worst, and you
_MUST_ use a news reader to read debian-user, use mail2news
with a filtering program (exim or procmail) and run your
own news server. 
Stephen Pitts
webmaster -

Re: true type fonts

1999-03-13 Thread sjb
 I once saw a page plenty of TrueType fonts for (free?) download, don't
 remember the pointer, but may be worth to do a search. is nice :)

Sarel Botha

Re: size of swap

1999-03-13 Thread Stephen Pitts
On Thu, Mar 11, 1999 at 02:59:18PM -0800, mike shupp wrote:
 On Thu, 11 Mar 1999, Armin Wegner wrote:
  I've got 128 megs ram. Which size should I choose for the swap partition?
 Apparantly Linux can't use more than 128 M in a swap partition, even
 if it happens to be larger, so...   You can apparantly have _several_
 swap partitions, however, if you want to set them up while
 configuring your system.  My suspician is 128 is more than ample
 unless you're doing something awefully interesting.
Mike Shupp
California State University, Northridge
Graduate Student, Dept. of Anthropology
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
Ditto, I have 128 MB of RAM and set up 128 MB of swap (6 GB of hard drive
space, what can I say?). The only time I've even needed swap is when netscape
leaks memory (don't keep it up for more than 5 days) or when I ran a PHP/Mysql
query that returned several million records and ate up all of my RAM and swap.
(I just love kill -SIGKILL)
Stephen Pitts
webmaster -

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