Re: File based AutorizationMap

2006-08-21 Thread James Strachan

On 8/21/06, Sepand M [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've seen that before, but I can't understand what's going on

Its loading an authorization map into the broker

 or how
to load the XML into the broker (if that's what's meant to be done).

Try use that example XML to configure your broker?



Re: Thoughts on a JBI POJO Engine

2006-08-21 Thread Philip Dodds


I like the idea of sticking to the JSR's where possible - and in fact
I'll run over JSR-250 to see what we can use.  Also I agree that the
EJB3/SCA style resource injection might be better - one of the reasons
for the more verbal example was just to make it clear a little more
clear what was going on :)

As for the exchange processor mapping I think that the second option,
with annotated parameters looks sweet,  and would also give us a
little room for doing some neat mapping stuff like -

public void foo(@MessageContentXPath(\customer\name) String name)

This this would allow mapping of a payload to a method,  however
when if comes to JAXB2 type mappings and the SomeResponse/SomeRequest
example you put in - I'm not sure that this isn't stepping on the toes
of the SCA/JSR-181 Service Engines?  I suppose one of the things here
was providing:

a) a clean mechanism for writing POJO's that what to interact with the
JBI infrastructure and have been specifically implemented to do so
b) POJO's that what to interact with messaging (not XML-RPC) but more
akin to legacy messaging structures that are being passed around and
allowing you to persist them.

However,  I can see that the JAXB example would be interesting since
you could generate any structure.  Also in the second example when you
use the mapping approach - how do you know which MEP's the POJO can


On 8/21/06, James Strachan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Just a bit of brainstorming of ideas here.

I was looking at this example

@ExchangeProcessor(patterns = { MessageExchangePattern.INOUT },
parameterMappings = { ParameterMapping.IN_MESSAGE_CONTENT })
public void myInOutProcessor(MessageExchange me) {
// Do something here

@ExchangeProcessor(patterns = { MessageExchangePattern.INONLY,
MessageExchangePattern.ROBUSTINOULY }, 
parameterMappings = {
ParameterMapping.IN_MESSAGE_CONTENT })
public void myInOnlyProcessor(Source payload) {
// Do something here

and wondering how to simplify a little.

My first thought was to use an annotation for each kind of exchange to
be supported...

@InOnlyExchange @RobustInOnlyExchange
public void foo(MessageExchange exchange) {

(I realised we'd get class name clashes so added the 'Exchange'
postfix to the annotation names. Then I figured it might be simpler to
just use a typesafe API...

public void foo(InOnly exchange) {

public void bar(RobustInOnly exchange) {

I guess sometimes folks might not want to see/use the exchange or
might wish to support multiple patterns for one method so some kinda
annotation to indicate the exchange pattern is still useful.

Also how about annotating parameters as being bound to the exchange...

public void foo(@MessageProperty('cheese') String foo,
@ExchangeProperty(beer) Integer bar, @MessageContent Source payload)

While the @MessageContent may at first not appear that useful, we
could allow some automatic tranformations from common types to message
contents such as DOM or JAXB marshalling etc


public SomeResponse doSomething(@MessageBody SomeRequest foo) { ... }

where SomeRequest and SomeResponse could be marshalled to/from Source via JAXB2.

This would allow folks to process exchanges without using any of the
JBI APIs if they wish - or inject a MessageExchange or
NormalizedMessage into a parameter if required.

On 8/21/06, James Strachan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Great stuff Philip!

 More feedback as I start digesting this fully and reading this whole
 thread but my first reaction is could we try to stick to standard
 annotations where possible - such as those defined in JSR 250? e.g.


 @ServiceStartup - @PostConstruct

 @ServiceShutdown - @PreDestroy

 am also wondering how many of the other annotations are really
 required on injected fields - could we just use @Resource to indicate
 stuff that is mandatory to be dependency injected (like EJB3s). I'm
 sure some of the annotations are required though; am just wondering
 how many of them are

 On 8/18/06, Philip Dodds [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have knocked up some thoughts on a JBI POJO engine that could be
  used to provide a mechanism for annotating POJO specifically for more
  messaging level operations that the JSR181 service engine is aimed
  The idea is to provide a simple framework to replace the Spring Client
  Toolkit that is now defunt.
  Have a look at the idea -
  And all comments/thoughts are welcome!!





Re: Thoughts on a JBI POJO Engine

2006-08-21 Thread James Strachan

On 8/21/06, Philip Dodds [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I like the idea of sticking to the JSR's where possible - and in fact
I'll run over JSR-250 to see what we can use.  Also I agree that the
EJB3/SCA style resource injection might be better - one of the reasons
for the more verbal example was just to make it clear a little more
clear what was going on :)

Agreed. I think some of the resources injected will need their own
annotations. EJB3 does this for a few kinds of resources too. I'd be
cool if we could avoid custom annotations where possible though.

There seems to be some inconsistency in the use of annotations in this
area - some specs insist on new annotations others just use @Resource
- i've never quite figured out the reasoning behind the difference :).

As for the exchange processor mapping I think that the second option,
with annotated parameters looks sweet,  and would also give us a
little room for doing some neat mapping stuff like -

public void foo(@MessageContentXPath(\customer\name) String name)

Ooh thats neat - I like that! :)

This this would allow mapping of a payload to a method,  however
when if comes to JAXB2 type mappings and the SomeResponse/SomeRequest
example you put in - I'm not sure that this isn't stepping on the toes
of the SCA/JSR-181 Service Engines?


I guess ultimately I'd like application developers to not have to
mentally think about switching from SCA ot JSR 181 to JBI too much;
they should hopefully have similar look and feels. It'd be nice to
have a kinda unified set of annotations to use or at least share as
many as possible.  So hopefully we could reuse JAXB2 across all 3
models; SCA, JBI and JSR 181.

So for mapping the content of a NormalizedMessage it'd be good to support

* Source
* DOM / dom4j / XOM et al
* JAXB2/XStream
* maybe text?

e.g. if using the JBI annotations I don't see why we can't also use
the JAXB2 mapping stuff.

We might wanna use XPath with JAXB2 as well...

I suppose one of the things here
was providing:

a) a clean mechanism for writing POJO's that what to interact with the
JBI infrastructure and have been specifically implemented to do so
b) POJO's that what to interact with messaging (not XML-RPC) but more
akin to legacy messaging structures that are being passed around and
allowing you to persist them.

However,  I can see that the JAXB example would be interesting since
you could generate any structure.  Also in the second example when you
use the mapping approach - how do you know which MEP's the POJO can

I figured if a result is returned then it'd be an InOut by default
unless an annotation is added to explicitly specify the MEP such as

So we could write an InOut processor as

public Document foo(Document in, @MessageParam String foo) {... }



Re: Thoughts on a JBI POJO Engine

2006-08-21 Thread James Strachan

Brainstorming again - here's some thoughts on some sensible defaults
we could use for MEPs to keep things as simple as possible...

By default methods which are void are InOnly and methods that are
non-void are InOut unless there is a typesafe MessageExchange
parameter or an annotation used to overload things.

e.g. these are InOnly...

void foo(MessageExchange e) {}

void foo(InOnly e) {}

void foo(@MessageContent Document doc) {}

// these are InOut

void foo(InOut e) {}

Document foo(@MessageContent Document doc) {}

void foo(MessageExchange e) {}


I wonder if we should support parameters for the in and out values? e.g.

void foo(@In NormalizedMessage in, @Out NormalizedMessage) {}


void foo(@MessageContent Document in, @OutMessageContent Document out) {}

On 8/21/06, James Strachan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 8/21/06, Philip Dodds [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I like the idea of sticking to the JSR's where possible - and in fact
 I'll run over JSR-250 to see what we can use.  Also I agree that the
 EJB3/SCA style resource injection might be better - one of the reasons
 for the more verbal example was just to make it clear a little more
 clear what was going on :)

Agreed. I think some of the resources injected will need their own
annotations. EJB3 does this for a few kinds of resources too. I'd be
cool if we could avoid custom annotations where possible though.

There seems to be some inconsistency in the use of annotations in this
area - some specs insist on new annotations others just use @Resource
- i've never quite figured out the reasoning behind the difference :).

 As for the exchange processor mapping I think that the second option,
 with annotated parameters looks sweet,  and would also give us a
 little room for doing some neat mapping stuff like -

 public void foo(@MessageContentXPath(\customer\name) String name)

Ooh thats neat - I like that! :)

 This this would allow mapping of a payload to a method,  however
 when if comes to JAXB2 type mappings and the SomeResponse/SomeRequest
 example you put in - I'm not sure that this isn't stepping on the toes
 of the SCA/JSR-181 Service Engines?


I guess ultimately I'd like application developers to not have to
mentally think about switching from SCA ot JSR 181 to JBI too much;
they should hopefully have similar look and feels. It'd be nice to
have a kinda unified set of annotations to use or at least share as
many as possible.  So hopefully we could reuse JAXB2 across all 3
models; SCA, JBI and JSR 181.

So for mapping the content of a NormalizedMessage it'd be good to support

* Source
* DOM / dom4j / XOM et al
* JAXB2/XStream
* maybe text?

e.g. if using the JBI annotations I don't see why we can't also use
the JAXB2 mapping stuff.

We might wanna use XPath with JAXB2 as well...

 I suppose one of the things here
 was providing:

 a) a clean mechanism for writing POJO's that what to interact with the
 JBI infrastructure and have been specifically implemented to do so
 b) POJO's that what to interact with messaging (not XML-RPC) but more
 akin to legacy messaging structures that are being passed around and
 allowing you to persist them.

 However,  I can see that the JAXB example would be interesting since
 you could generate any structure.  Also in the second example when you
 use the mapping approach - how do you know which MEP's the POJO can

I figured if a result is returned then it'd be an InOut by default
unless an annotation is added to explicitly specify the MEP such as

So we could write an InOut processor as

public Document foo(Document in, @MessageParam String foo) {... }





Re: Thoughts on a JBI POJO Engine

2006-08-21 Thread Philip Dodds


I agree that we need to define the difference between components more
clearly - I suppose in my mind the JBI component under discussion here
is basically a mechanism when you are focussing on XML messaging in a
format that can not be changed or where you want to interact with the
JBI message bus  to provide either InOnly reciept of messages or to
build a consumer that will run through a provided WorkManager.

The JSR181 components to be have always had explicit business
interfaces and work more akin to Web Services or EJB's then MDB's
(sorry for the switching back to the old days).  I was hoping that
people building integration service units would simply want to be
playing with payloads or mapping in some specific bits of information
from an XML document (people who would be familiar familiar with XPath
and DOM say) and would want to act on that information and reply with
a Document or create an exchange to another service.  While I suppose
IMHO the JSR181 is more for people wishing to expose Business Services
to the bus,  and would be used by people designing application
endpoints - which would be defining the payload of the messages not
simply being given the payload?

The different would be in the purposing and flexibilty of the POJO's -
the JBI would be quick (and maybe a little dirty) which it could work
on any payload of message etc and could interact with a InOut
exchange, get the property from the exchange, update the Fault and
Error etc.  While the JSR181 would be a way to expose business
services to the bus (whereby your focus is on WSDL, and structured

I realize you can do any payload in JSR181 but I'm wondering whether
that is simply pushing the JSR181 container into doing more than it is
best suited?


On 8/21/06, Guillaume Nodet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

While I fully agree to simplify the annotations used,
if you begin to map parameters to properties or xml content,
you end up to jsr181 component.

I have already planned to add annotations a la jaxws to allow
properties to be mapped to parameters in jsr181.  A kind of
JBI annotations set for jaxws (compared to the existing SOAP annotations).
But if we begin to handle xml mapping here, we would end
with 2 components with little differences.

For example, the
public SomeResponse doSomething(@MessageBody SomeRequest foo) { ... }

could be further simplified to

public SomeResponse doSomething(@WebParam SomeRequest foo) { ... }

which is exactly what the jsr181 component do ;)

Note that the jsr181 component should already by able to
handle Source types as a parameter (which would map to
the full payload), and we should be able to add a MessageExchange
parameter which would receive the exchange without disturbing
other parameters (xfire already does that for xfire specific
classes, such as the context).

We need to clearly agree on what we want to show and hide from
the jbi spec in this component.   I don't think we need another SE
that do xml marshalling (we'd better enhance the existing one).

The main things to define imho are:
  * how to return the answer if using an InOut
  * when the pojo acts as a consumer, how will it receive the answer
 from an InOut exchange it has previsouly sent

I really think there is something to do with beanflow.
I will try to think about that a bit more.

On 8/21/06, James Strachan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Just a bit of brainstorming of ideas here.

 I was looking at this example

 @ExchangeProcessor(patterns = { MessageExchangePattern.INOUT },
 parameterMappings = { ParameterMapping.IN_MESSAGE_CONTENT })
 public void myInOutProcessor(MessageExchange me) {
 // Do something here

 @ExchangeProcessor(patterns = { MessageExchangePattern.INONLY,
 MessageExchangePattern.ROBUSTINOULY }, 
parameterMappings = {
 ParameterMapping.IN_MESSAGE_CONTENT })
 public void myInOnlyProcessor(Source payload) {
 // Do something here

 and wondering how to simplify a little.

 My first thought was to use an annotation for each kind of exchange to
 be supported...

 @InOnlyExchange @RobustInOnlyExchange
 public void foo(MessageExchange exchange) {

 (I realised we'd get class name clashes so added the 'Exchange'
 postfix to the annotation names. Then I figured it might be simpler to
 just use a typesafe API...

 public void foo(InOnly exchange) {

 public void bar(RobustInOnly exchange) {

 I guess sometimes folks might not want to see/use the exchange or
 might wish to support multiple patterns for one method so some kinda
 annotation to indicate the exchange pattern is still useful.

 Also how about annotating parameters as being bound to the exchange...

 public void foo(@MessageProperty('cheese') String foo,
 @ExchangeProperty(beer) Integer bar, @MessageContent Source payload)

 While the 

Re: Thoughts on a JBI POJO Engine

2006-08-21 Thread Philip Dodds

I like the logic - also I like the idea that a service could annotate
two methods and thus end up with the ability to process an InOut and a
InOnly via two different methods on the same class.  The only question
I suppose it what happens if you want to be able to provide both from
the same method - say a file reading service that gets the filename in
an XML path and then reading and passing the file to a providing
service then can either return an XML representing the number of
records or not (depending on the MEP?).

Just a thought


On 8/21/06, James Strachan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Brainstorming again - here's some thoughts on some sensible defaults
we could use for MEPs to keep things as simple as possible...

By default methods which are void are InOnly and methods that are
non-void are InOut unless there is a typesafe MessageExchange
parameter or an annotation used to overload things.

e.g. these are InOnly...

void foo(MessageExchange e) {}

void foo(InOnly e) {}

void foo(@MessageContent Document doc) {}

// these are InOut

void foo(InOut e) {}

Document foo(@MessageContent Document doc) {}

void foo(MessageExchange e) {}


I wonder if we should support parameters for the in and out values? e.g.

void foo(@In NormalizedMessage in, @Out NormalizedMessage) {}


void foo(@MessageContent Document in, @OutMessageContent Document out) {}

On 8/21/06, James Strachan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 8/21/06, Philip Dodds [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I like the idea of sticking to the JSR's where possible - and in fact
  I'll run over JSR-250 to see what we can use.  Also I agree that the
  EJB3/SCA style resource injection might be better - one of the reasons
  for the more verbal example was just to make it clear a little more
  clear what was going on :)

 Agreed. I think some of the resources injected will need their own
 annotations. EJB3 does this for a few kinds of resources too. I'd be
 cool if we could avoid custom annotations where possible though.

 There seems to be some inconsistency in the use of annotations in this
 area - some specs insist on new annotations others just use @Resource
 - i've never quite figured out the reasoning behind the difference :).

  As for the exchange processor mapping I think that the second option,
  with annotated parameters looks sweet,  and would also give us a
  little room for doing some neat mapping stuff like -
  public void foo(@MessageContentXPath(\customer\name) String name)

 Ooh thats neat - I like that! :)

  This this would allow mapping of a payload to a method,  however
  when if comes to JAXB2 type mappings and the SomeResponse/SomeRequest
  example you put in - I'm not sure that this isn't stepping on the toes
  of the SCA/JSR-181 Service Engines?


 I guess ultimately I'd like application developers to not have to
 mentally think about switching from SCA ot JSR 181 to JBI too much;
 they should hopefully have similar look and feels. It'd be nice to
 have a kinda unified set of annotations to use or at least share as
 many as possible.  So hopefully we could reuse JAXB2 across all 3
 models; SCA, JBI and JSR 181.

 So for mapping the content of a NormalizedMessage it'd be good to support

 * Source
 * DOM / dom4j / XOM et al
 * SDO
 * JAXB2/XStream
 * maybe text?

 e.g. if using the JBI annotations I don't see why we can't also use
 the JAXB2 mapping stuff.

 We might wanna use XPath with JAXB2 as well...

  I suppose one of the things here
  was providing:
  a) a clean mechanism for writing POJO's that what to interact with the
  JBI infrastructure and have been specifically implemented to do so
  b) POJO's that what to interact with messaging (not XML-RPC) but more
  akin to legacy messaging structures that are being passed around and
  allowing you to persist them.
  However,  I can see that the JAXB example would be interesting since
  you could generate any structure.  Also in the second example when you
  use the mapping approach - how do you know which MEP's the POJO can

 I figured if a result is returned then it'd be an InOut by default
 unless an annotation is added to explicitly specify the MEP such as

 So we could write an InOut processor as

 public Document foo(Document in, @MessageParam String foo) {... }





Re: Thoughts on a JBI POJO Engine

2006-08-21 Thread Guillaume Nodet

I would love that, but such annotations are forbidden :(
Only primitive types, string, class, enums, annotations (or arrays of these)
can be used as annotations attributes.

On 8/21/06, James Strachan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Interesting! I really love the @Destination injection BTW :)

I wonder about using futures a little more to make the code a little
simpler. Something like the following - where we wrap up an async
request-response as a child Step or Future...

public class MyWorkflow {

   Message request;
   FutureMessage answer1;
   FutureMessage answer2;

   private Destination service1;

   private Destination service2;

   public void receiveRequest(Message message) throws Exception {
   request = message;

   answer1 = service1.sendAsync(copy(request));
   answer2 = service2.sendAsync(copy(request));

   @Join(futures = { answer1, answer2 })
   public Message answer() {
   Message m1 = answer1.get();
   Message m2 = answer2.get();

   // Do something with answer1 and answer2
   return new Message()

On 8/21/06, Guillaume Nodet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Here is something i'd like to be able to do.
 This is really pseudo code, and some kind of beanflow oriented annotations.

 This service would simply send two concurrent requests and wait for their
 answers to reply to the main request.  Of course, this would be much easier
 if you use syncSend but you would not have a real workflow ;)

 public class MyWorkflow {

 Message request;
 Message answer1;
 Message answer2;

 private Destination service1;

 private Destination service2;

 @NextStep(steps = { invokeService, invokerService2 }) // This
 would auto-fork
 public void receiveRequest(Message message) throws Exception {
 request = message;

 @NextStep(step = receiveService1)
 public void invokeService1() {
 // return response to receiveService1

 public void receiveService1(Message message) {
 answer1 = message;

 @NextStep(step = receiveService2)
 public void invokeService2() {

 public void receiveService2(Message message) {
 answer2 = message;

 @Join(steps = { receiveService1, receiveService2 })
 public void answer() {
 // Do something with answer1 and answer2
 return new Message()

 On 8/21/06, Guillaume Nodet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  While I fully agree to simplify the annotations used,
  if you begin to map parameters to properties or xml content,
  you end up to jsr181 component.
  I have already planned to add annotations a la jaxws to allow
  properties to be mapped to parameters in jsr181.  A kind of
  JBI annotations set for jaxws (compared to the existing SOAP annotations).
  But if we begin to handle xml mapping here, we would end
  with 2 components with little differences.
  For example, the
  public SomeResponse doSomething(@MessageBody SomeRequest foo) { ... }
  could be further simplified to
  public SomeResponse doSomething(@WebParam SomeRequest foo) { ... }
  which is exactly what the jsr181 component do ;)
  Note that the jsr181 component should already by able to
  handle Source types as a parameter (which would map to
  the full payload), and we should be able to add a MessageExchange
  parameter which would receive the exchange without disturbing
  other parameters (xfire already does that for xfire specific
  classes, such as the context).
  We need to clearly agree on what we want to show and hide from
  the jbi spec in this component.   I don't think we need another SE
  that do xml marshalling (we'd better enhance the existing one).
  The main things to define imho are:
* how to return the answer if using an InOut
* when the pojo acts as a consumer, how will it receive the answer
   from an InOut exchange it has previsouly sent
  I really think there is something to do with beanflow.
  I will try to think about that a bit more.
  On 8/21/06, James Strachan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Just a bit of brainstorming of ideas here.
   I was looking at this example
   @ExchangeProcessor(patterns = { MessageExchangePattern.INOUT },
   parameterMappings = { ParameterMapping.IN_MESSAGE_CONTENT })
   public void myInOutProcessor(MessageExchange me) {
   // Do something here
   @ExchangeProcessor(patterns = { MessageExchangePattern.INONLY,
   MessageExchangePattern.ROBUSTINOULY }, 
parameterMappings = {
   ParameterMapping.IN_MESSAGE_CONTENT })
   public void 

Re: Thoughts on a JBI POJO Engine

2006-08-21 Thread James Strachan

On 8/21/06, Guillaume Nodet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I would love that, but such annotations are forbidden :(
Only primitive types, string, class, enums, annotations (or arrays of these)
can be used as annotations attributes.

Yeah - we could use the String names of fields/properties which are
futures / steps.

 @Join(futures = { answer1, answer2 })
 public Message answer() {
 Message m1 = answer1.get();
 Message m2 = answer2.get();

Or the join could be done programatically

 public void receiveRequest(Message message) throws Exception {
 request = message;

 answer1 = service1.sendAsync(copy(request));
 answer2 = service2.sendAsync(copy(request));

// call the answer method when we have both futures joined
join(answer, answer1, answer2);

But the annotation based one is cleaner and more loosly coupled

On 8/21/06, James Strachan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Interesting! I really love the @Destination injection BTW :)

 I wonder about using futures a little more to make the code a little
 simpler. Something like the following - where we wrap up an async
 request-response as a child Step or Future...

 public class MyWorkflow {

Message request;
FutureMessage answer1;
FutureMessage answer2;

private Destination service1;

private Destination service2;

public void receiveRequest(Message message) throws Exception {
request = message;

answer1 = service1.sendAsync(copy(request));
answer2 = service2.sendAsync(copy(request));

@Join(futures = { answer1, answer2 })
public Message answer() {
Message m1 = answer1.get();
Message m2 = answer2.get();

// Do something with answer1 and answer2
return new Message()

 On 8/21/06, Guillaume Nodet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Here is something i'd like to be able to do.
  This is really pseudo code, and some kind of beanflow oriented annotations.
  This service would simply send two concurrent requests and wait for their
  answers to reply to the main request.  Of course, this would be much easier
  if you use syncSend but you would not have a real workflow ;)
  public class MyWorkflow {
  Message request;
  Message answer1;
  Message answer2;
  private Destination service1;
  private Destination service2;
  @NextStep(steps = { invokeService, invokerService2 }) // This
  would auto-fork
  public void receiveRequest(Message message) throws Exception {
  request = message;
  @NextStep(step = receiveService1)
  public void invokeService1() {
  // return response to receiveService1
  public void receiveService1(Message message) {
  answer1 = message;
  @NextStep(step = receiveService2)
  public void invokeService2() {
  public void receiveService2(Message message) {
  answer2 = message;
  @Join(steps = { receiveService1, receiveService2 })
  public void answer() {
  // Do something with answer1 and answer2
  return new Message()
  On 8/21/06, Guillaume Nodet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   While I fully agree to simplify the annotations used,
   if you begin to map parameters to properties or xml content,
   you end up to jsr181 component.
   I have already planned to add annotations a la jaxws to allow
   properties to be mapped to parameters in jsr181.  A kind of
   JBI annotations set for jaxws (compared to the existing SOAP annotations).
   But if we begin to handle xml mapping here, we would end
   with 2 components with little differences.
   For example, the
   public SomeResponse doSomething(@MessageBody SomeRequest foo) { ... }
   could be further simplified to
   public SomeResponse doSomething(@WebParam SomeRequest foo) { ... }
   which is exactly what the jsr181 component do ;)
   Note that the jsr181 component should already by able to
   handle Source types as a parameter (which would map to
   the full payload), and we should be able to add a MessageExchange
   parameter which would receive the exchange without disturbing
   other parameters (xfire already does that for xfire specific
   classes, such as the context).
   We need to clearly agree on what we want to show and hide from
   the jbi spec in this component.   I don't think we need another SE
   that do xml marshalling (we'd better enhance the existing one).
   The main things to define imho are:
 * how to return the answer if using an InOut
 * when the pojo acts as a consumer, how will 

Exceptions in servicemix-jms with WebSphereMQ

2006-08-21 Thread Klaus Alfert

Hi Folks, 

I have a problem connecting service mix via the servicemix-jms component to
a WebSphereMQ Queue. 

My provider configuration is as follows:
!-- Reads a message from the NMR and writes them to XNEAIDV3.SMIX.TEST.2
jms:endpoint service=dz:MyProviderService 

The message sent is as follows:
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
sample id=0
  here is some testdata

I get the following exception:
javax.jms.MessageFormatException: MQJMS1058: Invalid message property name:
EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.PooledExecutor$ Source)

As far as I understand the code, in line 182 of
MultiplexingProviderProcessor the property Content-Type is set to the
value defined in the normalized message (according to But Content-Type is not
a proper name for a JMS property (at least according to SM-398 and SM-403, I
did not check the JMS spec myself) and WebSphereMQ chokes immediately.

The discussion of SM-502 indicates that the Content-Type property is
required for SOAP and SAAJ. However, my configuration does not use SOAP at
all (which shall be the default case according to the docs). I am also not
sure whether it is needed to set the content type property to the JMS
message. I would expect the content-type as a part of the message payload
itself but I am by no means an expert of the SOAP/JMS on the wire format. 

A final remark: In contrast to the marshaler in the older lightweight jms
component, there is no checking of valid header names in the loop
immediately before line 182. This looks like an additionally potential error

A simple workaround is to catch and silently ignore exceptions when setting
the message properties. 


View this message in context:
Sent from the ServiceMix - Dev forum at

Prerequisites for Eclipse Plugin v1.1 still mentioned as WTP 1.0.1 on

2006-08-21 Thread Shiva Kumar H R
In the Welcome page for Geronimo Development Tools: , the Prerequisites for Eclipse Plugin are still mentioned as WebTools Platform Runtime 
1.01 driver. Please update this to Web Tools Platform 1.5.0 driver.-- Thx,Shiva

[jira] Created: (GERONIMO-2337) Incompatible Callback between CertificatePropertiesFileLoginModule and FileAuditLoginModule

2006-08-21 Thread Heinz Drews (JIRA)
Incompatible Callback between CertificatePropertiesFileLoginModule and 

 Key: GERONIMO-2337
 Project: Geronimo
  Issue Type: Bug
  Security Level: public (Regular issues)
  Components: security
Affects Versions: 1.1
Reporter: Heinz Drews
Priority: Minor

During creation of a realm with Console an auditing module can be added.  
Console uses FileAuditLoginModule, this can not be changed.
FileAuditLoginModule adds a Callback which is not compatible with 
This causes LoginExceptions.

Console should be modified to allow change and removal of the audit module.

A CertificateAuditLoginModule should be added.

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

Fwd: [stomp-dev] messages are not redelivered in activemq-4.0.2

2006-08-21 Thread Brian McCallister

Begin forwarded message:

From: Jeff Tupholme [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: August 18, 2006 9:17:17 AM PDT
Subject: [stomp-dev] messages are not redelivered in activemq-4.0.2

Hoping for some help in understanding STOMP semantics.
My test application sends two messages to queueA, starts a new
connection which subscribes to queueA, then processes each
message in its own transaction.  When a transaction is aborted I
expected its message to be redelivered but this doesn't happen.
Opening a new connection and resubscribing picks up the aborted
message but it is not marked as being redelivered.
In the Java test code for ActiveMQ it appears that a message within a
rolled-back transaction is redelivered to the session almost
immediately (./incubator-activemq-4.0.2/src/test/java/org/apache/ 

I noticed that each time my program sends a message ACK ActiveMQ
throws NullPointerException (see below).
At this point I'm not sure how much functionality STOMP is intended to
offer so I might be wrong to report this as a bug.  Before I report
another bug - Is it supposed to be possible to interleave transactions
on a single connection?


msg1 = receiver.NextMsg()
msg1.Begin()   -- begin transaction and acknowledge the message
msg1.Abort()   -- abort transaction
msg2 = receiver.NextMsg()
msg2.Begin()   -- begin transaction and acknowledge the message
msg3 = receiver.NextMsg()  -- expecting msg1 to be redelivered

STOMP Protocol Trace

user: usr
passcode: password
destination: /queue/queueA
ack: client


transaction: ba0c02205582f84dfffa90cf75fd2395
message-id: ID:ubuntu-32784-1155902931062-3:160:-1:1:1
transaction: ba0c02205582f84dfffa90cf75fd2395
transaction: ba0c02205582f84dfffa90cf75fd2395
transaction: 3d4bf8b18ca395e9aaa63a7853f3d3af
message-id: ID:ubuntu-32784-1155902931062-3:160:-1:1:2
transaction: 3d4bf8b18ca395e9aaa63a7853f3d3af
transaction: 3d4bf8b18ca395e9aaa63a7853f3d3af
user: usr
passcode: password
destination: /queue/queueA
ack: client


transaction: ba0c02205582f84dfffa90cf75fd2395
message-id: ID:ubuntu-32784-1155902931062-3:160:-1:1:1
transaction: ba0c02205582f84dfffa90cf75fd2395
transaction: ba0c02205582f84dfffa90cf75fd2395
transaction: 3d4bf8b18ca395e9aaa63a7853f3d3af
message-id: ID:ubuntu-32784-1155902931062-3:160:-1:1:2
transaction: 3d4bf8b18ca395e9aaa63a7853f3d3af
transaction: 3d4bf8b18ca395e9aaa63a7853f3d3af

Java Exception stack trace
Async error occurred: java.lang.NullPointerException
(AbstractRegion. java:233)
( :362)
(TransactionBroker.j ava:176)
  at org.apache.activemq.command.MessageAck.visit 
(AbstractConnection.jav a:226)
  at org.apache.activemq.transport.ResponseCorrelator.onCommand 
  at org.apache.activemq.transport.TransportFilter.onCommand 
( :63)
  at org.apache.activemq.transport.InactivityMonitor.onCommand 
(InactivityMonitor. java:122)

Re: m2 build - validating

2006-08-21 Thread David Jencks

On Aug 20, 2006, at 3:36 PM, Bill Dudney wrote:

Hi All,

Sorry its taken me so long to get this posted. I had a bunch of  
travel related headaches thur and fri of last week...

I've adopted as  
the JIRA to track the first part of the problem (the datasource  
deployment stuff) with the current trunk and deployment.

I've just attached a patch to the issue that makes a small change  
to the CAR plugin to include RAR's in the dependencies that are  
copied into the assembly repository. I am fairly sure this needs to  
be done as the RAR's end up in the repository on 1.1 and the  
DatabaseInfo class requires them to be there (albeit with a comment  
that says EVIL!!! :). However there might be something going on  
there I'm not aware of.

This is basically a wrong thing to do.  A dependency on the rar file  
doesn't do anything except require it to be there, which is bogus  
since in fact once the car file is generated it doesn't have to be  
there.  The tranql rars (and the activemq rar) are included only for  
the convenience of users wishing to deploy additional datasources  
without downloading the rar file themselves.

There's been discussion for a really long time about not copying the  
contents of j2ee artifacts into the car file but instead including  
them in the classloader in some other way.  This sounds nice but is  
fraught with difficulties such as
-how do you make a classloader that reads the jars in a war lib dir  
inside an ear  (nested jar classloading)

-or, how do you figure out to unpack the j2ee artifacts in the repo
- how do you set up a variety of classloaders that only load some  
stuff from an ear: e.g. right now an ear classloader doesn't see  
anything in any web apps.

these are all soluble but will take a bunch of work to decide what to  
do and implement.

One quick note on this change. The RAR's do end up copied into the  
CAR (without this change) but, the DatabaseInfo class is expecting  
(at least) the Derby related RAR's to be directly in the repo. Take  
a look here the list of *RAR_NAME fields  
are all used to load the RAR's directly from the repository (http:// getRAR static method on line 1036). As the  
comments says this is rather hard coded. I've not had time to get  
brain cells focused on the solution. Seems that we should be able  
to do some kind of maven magic though to find the tranql/tranql- 
connector/rar instead of hardcoding the path. But again I don't  
know the history so perhaps there is a reason for the EVIL :)

I think that the code for 1.1 is greatly improved over what's in  
trunk, and I hope aaron ports it soon.  Again, using rar's as  
dependencies is a bad idea.  I think something got left out of the m2  
build, in the m1 build there was a way to specify that some jars just  
get put in the repo even though they aren't dependencies of any car.   
I don't know if this is possible in m2, but the tranql rars are not  
getting installed at least on my machine.

So the patch attached to 2326 gets us almost there, but there is  
still the issue with the IncompatiblClassChangeError coming up. I  
posted a partial stack trace in the issue. Any pointers, thoughts  
or other things that could help me track that one down are most  
welcome. I have to bail for a couple of hours but will be back on  
line around 7:00MST for a bit.

Also David J, if you could take a look at the pom changes and make  
sure they are in line with your recommendations. I could not find  
another car to have system-database depended on that would bring in  
the dependencies and system-database looked to be the most logical  
place to add add a jar dependency. I added the jar's to the gbean- 
deployer/pom.xml because the CNFExceptions were coming from classes  
in this package and again no obvious CAR to add to the mix.

Unfortunately I don't like almost all your proposed pom changes.

We do need to add the geronimo-test-ddbean jar to some module, but I  
think it should be added to j2ee-deployer since jsr-88 is pretty  
irrelevant to gbean deployment.  With just this change I'm getting an  
NPE rather than a CNFE (which I got with unchanged trunk g).

I have yet to reproduce the IncompatibleClassChangeError but I don't  
see any way it can be caused by anything other than using 2 different  
versions of a jar somehow.  Perhaps one of the jars in lib is a  
different version than what is in the g. repo???  If you can figure  
out what class it is that might be helpful.

I'm to tired to work on this more tonight, I'll try to look more in  
the morning.

david jencks



On Aug 17, 2006, at 3:07 PM, Jason Dillon wrote:

And it seems I have the magic incantation now :-)  Going to see  
how well I can cast it on the car plugin later today.


On Aug 17, 2006, at 11:51 AM, anita kulshreshtha wrote:

--- Jason Dillon [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

[jira] Commented: (GERONIMO-1692) Creating Web Connectors using Console

2006-08-21 Thread Ilya Kanonirov (JIRA)

Ilya Kanonirov commented on GERONIMO-1692:

The issue duplicates the GERONIMO-1500 one which has been resolved. Please 
close this issue.

 Creating Web Connectors using Console

 Key: GERONIMO-1692
 Project: Geronimo
  Issue Type: Bug
  Security Level: public(Regular issues) 
  Components: console
Affects Versions: 1.1
 Environment: WinXP SP2, J2SDK 1.4.2_10, Geronimo with Tomcat
Reporter: Ilya Kanonirov

 When creating any type of Web Connector at the Web Server page in the 
 Geronimo Console, the parameter Max Threads is always saved to 
 var/config/config.xml with default value 50.

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

[jira] Resolved: (GERONIMO-1692) Creating Web Connectors using Console

2006-08-21 Thread Vamsavardhana Reddy (JIRA)
 [ ]

Vamsavardhana Reddy resolved GERONIMO-1692.

Resolution: Duplicate

 Creating Web Connectors using Console

 Key: GERONIMO-1692
 Project: Geronimo
  Issue Type: Bug
  Security Level: public(Regular issues) 
  Components: console
Affects Versions: 1.1
 Environment: WinXP SP2, J2SDK 1.4.2_10, Geronimo with Tomcat
Reporter: Ilya Kanonirov

 When creating any type of Web Connector at the Web Server page in the 
 Geronimo Console, the parameter Max Threads is always saved to 
 var/config/config.xml with default value 50.

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

[jira] Assigned: (AMQ-327) Orphanded/lost queue messages in various failover tests in two broker configuration

2006-08-21 Thread John Heitmann (JIRA)
 [ ]

John Heitmann reassigned AMQ-327:

Assignee: John Heitmann  (was: Rob Davies)

 Orphanded/lost queue messages in various failover tests in two broker 

 Key: AMQ-327
 Project: ActiveMQ
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: Broker
Affects Versions: 4.0
 Environment: w2k  RH 9.0 jdk1.4.2
Reporter: Dennis Cook
 Assigned To: John Heitmann
 Fix For: 4.1

 Attachments: AMQ-327.tar.gz

 Seems like the messages being passed to a broker where no client is connected 
 when the failed broker is re-established.  This message is lost until a 
 client is connected to this broker.

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

Re: [stomp-dev] messages are not redelivered in activemq-4.0.2

2006-08-21 Thread James Strachan

I replied to this one on the Stomp list

On 8/18/06, Brian McCallister [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Begin forwarded message:

 From: Jeff Tupholme [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: August 18, 2006 9:17:17 AM PDT
 Subject: [stomp-dev] messages are not redelivered in activemq-4.0.2

 Hoping for some help in understanding STOMP semantics.
 My test application sends two messages to queueA, starts a new
 connection which subscribes to queueA, then processes each
 message in its own transaction.  When a transaction is aborted I
 expected its message to be redelivered but this doesn't happen.
 Opening a new connection and resubscribing picks up the aborted
 message but it is not marked as being redelivered.
 In the Java test code for ActiveMQ it appears that a message within a
 rolled-back transaction is redelivered to the session almost
 immediately (./incubator-activemq-4.0.2/src/test/java/org/apache/
 I noticed that each time my program sends a message ACK ActiveMQ
 throws NullPointerException (see below).
 At this point I'm not sure how much functionality STOMP is intended to
 offer so I might be wrong to report this as a bug.  Before I report
 another bug - Is it supposed to be possible to interleave transactions
 on a single connection?


 msg1 = receiver.NextMsg()
 msg1.Begin()   -- begin transaction and acknowledge the message
 msg1.Abort()   -- abort transaction
 msg2 = receiver.NextMsg()
 msg2.Begin()   -- begin transaction and acknowledge the message
 msg3 = receiver.NextMsg()  -- expecting msg1 to be redelivered

 STOMP Protocol Trace
 user: usr
 passcode: password
 destination: /queue/queueA
 ack: client


 transaction: ba0c02205582f84dfffa90cf75fd2395
 message-id: ID:ubuntu-32784-1155902931062-3:160:-1:1:1
 transaction: ba0c02205582f84dfffa90cf75fd2395
 transaction: ba0c02205582f84dfffa90cf75fd2395
 transaction: 3d4bf8b18ca395e9aaa63a7853f3d3af
 message-id: ID:ubuntu-32784-1155902931062-3:160:-1:1:2
 transaction: 3d4bf8b18ca395e9aaa63a7853f3d3af
 transaction: 3d4bf8b18ca395e9aaa63a7853f3d3af
 user: usr
 passcode: password
 destination: /queue/queueA
 ack: client


 transaction: ba0c02205582f84dfffa90cf75fd2395
 message-id: ID:ubuntu-32784-1155902931062-3:160:-1:1:1
 transaction: ba0c02205582f84dfffa90cf75fd2395
 transaction: ba0c02205582f84dfffa90cf75fd2395
 transaction: 3d4bf8b18ca395e9aaa63a7853f3d3af
 message-id: ID:ubuntu-32784-1155902931062-3:160:-1:1:2
 transaction: 3d4bf8b18ca395e9aaa63a7853f3d3af
 transaction: 3d4bf8b18ca395e9aaa63a7853f3d3af

 Java Exception stack trace
 Async error occurred: java.lang.NullPointerException
 (AbstractRegion. java:233)
 ( :362)
 (TransactionBroker.j ava:176)
   at org.apache.activemq.command.MessageAck.visit
 (AbstractConnection.jav a:226)

Re: Thoughts on a JBI POJO Engine

2006-08-21 Thread James Strachan

Great stuff Philip!

More feedback as I start digesting this fully and reading this whole
thread but my first reaction is could we try to stick to standard
annotations where possible - such as those defined in JSR 250? e.g.


@ServiceStartup - @PostConstruct

@ServiceShutdown - @PreDestroy

am also wondering how many of the other annotations are really
required on injected fields - could we just use @Resource to indicate
stuff that is mandatory to be dependency injected (like EJB3s). I'm
sure some of the annotations are required though; am just wondering
how many of them are

On 8/18/06, Philip Dodds [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have knocked up some thoughts on a JBI POJO engine that could be
used to provide a mechanism for annotating POJO specifically for more
messaging level operations that the JSR181 service engine is aimed

The idea is to provide a simple framework to replace the Spring Client
Toolkit that is now defunt.

Have a look at the idea -

And all comments/thoughts are welcome!!




Re: JSR196

2006-08-21 Thread Guillaume Nodet

Checked in at

On 8/21/06, Guillaume Nodet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I have also began to write an implementation of the AuthConfigFactory.
I will try to check it in somewhere soon, though the real work is on
the providers,
not the factory ;)

On 8/21/06, Guillaume Nodet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have found a few incoherences wrt to the specs.
 I will check them in.

 On 8/19/06, Alan D. Cabrera [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm going to start goofing around with this.  I'll start by putting the
  specs into geronimo/specs/branches.  You can monitor the work:

 Guillaume Nodet

Guillaume Nodet

Guillaume Nodet

JMS enhancements supporting MapMessage

2006-08-21 Thread Jeppe

I explored the source for the JMS binding component and found that
MapMessages are not supported.

I would suggest that MapMessages support are added to the JMS component.

A simple way to use this is to create a very simple XML-mapping format for a
map message. For example a root element with a subelement named according to
the keys in the MapMessage and the content of the element the value of the
entry for the simple types and the XML-beans format for Objects, arrays
could also be encoded according to the XML-beans standard

nameJohn Doe/name
addressMain Street 1A/address
!-- The XML-beans encoding of an array object --
!-- the XML-beans encoding of the GUI frames object

What do you think? Is anybody willing to do this? If not I could give it a
try, though I expect it would need to be peer-reviewed quite thourougly as I
have not done any development in ServiceMix before
View this message in context:
Sent from the ServiceMix - Dev forum at

Re: Thoughts on a JBI POJO Engine

2006-08-21 Thread James Strachan

Just a bit of brainstorming of ideas here.

I was looking at this example

@ExchangeProcessor(patterns = { MessageExchangePattern.INOUT },
parameterMappings = { ParameterMapping.IN_MESSAGE_CONTENT })
public void myInOutProcessor(MessageExchange me) {
// Do something here

@ExchangeProcessor(patterns = { MessageExchangePattern.INONLY,
MessageExchangePattern.ROBUSTINOULY }, 
parameterMappings = {
ParameterMapping.IN_MESSAGE_CONTENT })
public void myInOnlyProcessor(Source payload) {
// Do something here

and wondering how to simplify a little.

My first thought was to use an annotation for each kind of exchange to
be supported...

@InOnlyExchange @RobustInOnlyExchange
public void foo(MessageExchange exchange) {

(I realised we'd get class name clashes so added the 'Exchange'
postfix to the annotation names. Then I figured it might be simpler to
just use a typesafe API...

public void foo(InOnly exchange) {

public void bar(RobustInOnly exchange) {

I guess sometimes folks might not want to see/use the exchange or
might wish to support multiple patterns for one method so some kinda
annotation to indicate the exchange pattern is still useful.

Also how about annotating parameters as being bound to the exchange...

public void foo(@MessageProperty('cheese') String foo,
@ExchangeProperty(beer) Integer bar, @MessageContent Source payload)

While the @MessageContent may at first not appear that useful, we
could allow some automatic tranformations from common types to message
contents such as DOM or JAXB marshalling etc


public SomeResponse doSomething(@MessageBody SomeRequest foo) { ... }

where SomeRequest and SomeResponse could be marshalled to/from Source via JAXB2.

This would allow folks to process exchanges without using any of the
JBI APIs if they wish - or inject a MessageExchange or
NormalizedMessage into a parameter if required.

On 8/21/06, James Strachan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Great stuff Philip!

More feedback as I start digesting this fully and reading this whole
thread but my first reaction is could we try to stick to standard
annotations where possible - such as those defined in JSR 250? e.g.


@ServiceStartup - @PostConstruct

@ServiceShutdown - @PreDestroy

am also wondering how many of the other annotations are really
required on injected fields - could we just use @Resource to indicate
stuff that is mandatory to be dependency injected (like EJB3s). I'm
sure some of the annotations are required though; am just wondering
how many of them are

On 8/18/06, Philip Dodds [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have knocked up some thoughts on a JBI POJO engine that could be
 used to provide a mechanism for annotating POJO specifically for more
 messaging level operations that the JSR181 service engine is aimed

 The idea is to provide a simple framework to replace the Spring Client
 Toolkit that is now defunt.

 Have a look at the idea -

 And all comments/thoughts are welcome!!






Re: JMS enhancements supporting MapMessage

2006-08-21 Thread James Strachan

On 8/21/06, Jeppe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I explored the source for the JMS binding component and found that
MapMessages are not supported.

I would suggest that MapMessages support are added to the JMS component.

A simple way to use this is to create a very simple XML-mapping format for a
map message. For example a root element with a subelement named according to
the keys in the MapMessage and the content of the element the value of the
entry for the simple types and the XML-beans format for Objects, arrays
could also be encoded according to the XML-beans standard

nameJohn Doe/name
addressMain Street 1A/address
!-- The XML-beans encoding of an array object --
!-- the XML-beans encoding of the GUI frames object

What do you think?

Sounds good to me. You might wanna allow an XSD type to be specified
so that the values can be ints / floats / doubles and so forth rather
than all strings.

 Is anybody willing to do this? If not I could give it a
try, though I expect it would need to be peer-reviewed quite thourougly as I
have not done any development in ServiceMix before

We welcome patches, particularly from first timers! So please have a
try and we'll take a look



[jira] Updated: (GERONIMO-2271) Security Realm deployed as part of a web app listed as Serverwide

2006-08-21 Thread Vamsavardhana Reddy (JIRA)
 [ ]

Vamsavardhana Reddy updated GERONIMO-2271:

Attachment: GERONIMO-2271.patch

GERONIMO-2271.patch:  Fixes the problem by using the parent configuration type.
parent configuration type = SERVICE means the realm is serverwide.

 Security Realm deployed as part of a web app listed as Serverwide

 Key: GERONIMO-2271
 Project: Geronimo
  Issue Type: Bug
  Security Level: public(Regular issues) 
  Components: console
Affects Versions: 1.2, 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.x
 Environment: Win XP, G1.1.1-SNAPSHOT Tomcat
Reporter: Vamsavardhana Reddy
 Fix For: 1.2, 1.1.x, 1.1.2

 Attachments: GERONIMO-2271.patch

 I  have deployed a web application with its own security realm.  The new 
 security realm is shown as Serverwide in Security Realms portlet. 

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

[jira] Updated: (GERONIMO-2271) Security Realm deployed as part of a web app listed as Serverwide

2006-08-21 Thread Vamsavardhana Reddy (JIRA)
 [ ]

Vamsavardhana Reddy updated GERONIMO-2271:

Patch Info: [Patch Available]

 Security Realm deployed as part of a web app listed as Serverwide

 Key: GERONIMO-2271
 Project: Geronimo
  Issue Type: Bug
  Security Level: public(Regular issues) 
  Components: console
Affects Versions: 1.2, 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.x
 Environment: Win XP, G1.1.1-SNAPSHOT Tomcat
Reporter: Vamsavardhana Reddy
 Fix For: 1.2, 1.1.x, 1.1.2

 Attachments: GERONIMO-2271.patch

 I  have deployed a web application with its own security realm.  The new 
 security realm is shown as Serverwide in Security Realms portlet. 

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

[jira] Updated: (GERONIMO-2326) unable to deploy a database pool

2006-08-21 Thread Bill Dudney (JIRA)
 [ ]

Bill Dudney updated GERONIMO-2326:

Affects Version/s: (was: 1.1.1)

To test the patch

1) after applying it rebuild the car plugin
2) rebuild all the configs
3) reassbmble

Also - removed the 1.1.1 reference as it was fixed by the changes for 2327

 unable to deploy a database pool

 Key: GERONIMO-2326
 Project: Geronimo
  Issue Type: Bug
  Security Level: public(Regular issues) 
Affects Versions: 1.2
Reporter: Bill Dudney
 Attachments: 2326-deploy-datasource.patch

 Trying to deploy a jdbc datasource leads to a blank screen and the following 
 stack trace in the log.
 The issue appears to be that URLPatternSpec does not like the URL generated 
 by DatabasePoolPortlet from the info found in the DatabaseInfo.ALL_DATABASES 
 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Qualifier patterns must be present when 
 first URLPattern is an exact pattern

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

Re: Replacement for DeadLetterPolicy in 4.1?

2006-08-21 Thread Hiram Chirino

There is a replacement.  But folks tend to not change that policy.
It would be simpler to just disable that feature.  I would rather
spend time trying to expose the network of broker configuration.

On 8/18/06, Jason Dillon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is there a replacement for DeadLetterPolicy in 4.1?

One of the G portlets is using it, not sure what the right fix is.

Any advise?




[jira] Closed: (GERONIMO-2132) Move activemq gbean integration modules from ActiveMQ to Geronimo

2006-08-21 Thread Hiram Chirino (JIRA)
 [ ]

Hiram Chirino closed GERONIMO-2132.

Resolution: Fixed

good point. closing.

 Move activemq gbean integration modules from ActiveMQ to Geronimo

 Key: GERONIMO-2132
 Project: Geronimo
  Issue Type: New Feature
  Security Level: public(Regular issues) 
  Components: ActiveMQ
Reporter: Hiram Chirino
 Assigned To: Jason Dillon
 Fix For: 1.2

 Attachments: amq4.patch

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

Re: Thoughts on a JBI POJO Engine

2006-08-21 Thread Guillaume Nodet

I do think we agree ;)

The only thing i meant, was that this new component should focus on:
 * messaging style (asynchronous)
 * xml payload
 * closer to jbi
whereas jsr181 is good for web service stuff (completely hiding jbi,
doing xml/java marshalling, rpc, etc..).
Stating that provides imho a clear difference between the two components.

On 8/21/06, Philip Dodds [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I agree that we need to define the difference between components more
clearly - I suppose in my mind the JBI component under discussion here
is basically a mechanism when you are focussing on XML messaging in a
format that can not be changed or where you want to interact with the
JBI message bus  to provide either InOnly reciept of messages or to
build a consumer that will run through a provided WorkManager.

The JSR181 components to be have always had explicit business
interfaces and work more akin to Web Services or EJB's then MDB's
(sorry for the switching back to the old days).  I was hoping that
people building integration service units would simply want to be
playing with payloads or mapping in some specific bits of information
from an XML document (people who would be familiar familiar with XPath
and DOM say) and would want to act on that information and reply with
a Document or create an exchange to another service.  While I suppose
IMHO the JSR181 is more for people wishing to expose Business Services
to the bus,  and would be used by people designing application
endpoints - which would be defining the payload of the messages not
simply being given the payload?

The different would be in the purposing and flexibilty of the POJO's -
the JBI would be quick (and maybe a little dirty) which it could work
on any payload of message etc and could interact with a InOut
exchange, get the property from the exchange, update the Fault and
Error etc.  While the JSR181 would be a way to expose business
services to the bus (whereby your focus is on WSDL, and structured

I realize you can do any payload in JSR181 but I'm wondering whether
that is simply pushing the JSR181 container into doing more than it is
best suited?


On 8/21/06, Guillaume Nodet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 While I fully agree to simplify the annotations used,
 if you begin to map parameters to properties or xml content,
 you end up to jsr181 component.

 I have already planned to add annotations a la jaxws to allow
 properties to be mapped to parameters in jsr181.  A kind of
 JBI annotations set for jaxws (compared to the existing SOAP annotations).
 But if we begin to handle xml mapping here, we would end
 with 2 components with little differences.

 For example, the
 public SomeResponse doSomething(@MessageBody SomeRequest foo) { ... }

 could be further simplified to

 public SomeResponse doSomething(@WebParam SomeRequest foo) { ... }

 which is exactly what the jsr181 component do ;)

 Note that the jsr181 component should already by able to
 handle Source types as a parameter (which would map to
 the full payload), and we should be able to add a MessageExchange
 parameter which would receive the exchange without disturbing
 other parameters (xfire already does that for xfire specific
 classes, such as the context).

 We need to clearly agree on what we want to show and hide from
 the jbi spec in this component.   I don't think we need another SE
 that do xml marshalling (we'd better enhance the existing one).

 The main things to define imho are:
   * how to return the answer if using an InOut
   * when the pojo acts as a consumer, how will it receive the answer
  from an InOut exchange it has previsouly sent

 I really think there is something to do with beanflow.
 I will try to think about that a bit more.

 On 8/21/06, James Strachan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Just a bit of brainstorming of ideas here.
  I was looking at this example
  @ExchangeProcessor(patterns = { MessageExchangePattern.INOUT },
  parameterMappings = { ParameterMapping.IN_MESSAGE_CONTENT })
  public void myInOutProcessor(MessageExchange me) {
  // Do something here
  @ExchangeProcessor(patterns = { MessageExchangePattern.INONLY,
  MessageExchangePattern.ROBUSTINOULY }, 
parameterMappings = {
  ParameterMapping.IN_MESSAGE_CONTENT })
  public void myInOnlyProcessor(Source payload) {
  // Do something here
  and wondering how to simplify a little.
  My first thought was to use an annotation for each kind of exchange to
  be supported...
  @InOnlyExchange @RobustInOnlyExchange
  public void foo(MessageExchange exchange) {
  (I realised we'd get class name clashes so added the 'Exchange'
  postfix to the annotation names. Then I figured it might be simpler to
  just use a typesafe API...
  public void foo(InOnly exchange) {
  public void 

Re: Thoughts on a JBI POJO Engine

2006-08-21 Thread Philip Dodds

So just so I get it - are we still thinking of two engines?  The
reason I ask is I'm not sure about an uber-engine that does everything
-  simply because it sort of breaks that whole SE flexbiity and also
makes understanding it all a little more tricky.

I'm going to try and update the page today with some of the discussion
here so we can track where we are going :)


On 8/21/06, Guillaume Nodet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I do think we agree ;)

The only thing i meant, was that this new component should focus on:
  * messaging style (asynchronous)
  * xml payload
  * closer to jbi
whereas jsr181 is good for web service stuff (completely hiding jbi,
doing xml/java marshalling, rpc, etc..).
Stating that provides imho a clear difference between the two components.

On 8/21/06, Philip Dodds [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I agree that we need to define the difference between components more
 clearly - I suppose in my mind the JBI component under discussion here
 is basically a mechanism when you are focussing on XML messaging in a
 format that can not be changed or where you want to interact with the
 JBI message bus  to provide either InOnly reciept of messages or to
 build a consumer that will run through a provided WorkManager.

 The JSR181 components to be have always had explicit business
 interfaces and work more akin to Web Services or EJB's then MDB's
 (sorry for the switching back to the old days).  I was hoping that
 people building integration service units would simply want to be
 playing with payloads or mapping in some specific bits of information
 from an XML document (people who would be familiar familiar with XPath
 and DOM say) and would want to act on that information and reply with
 a Document or create an exchange to another service.  While I suppose
 IMHO the JSR181 is more for people wishing to expose Business Services
 to the bus,  and would be used by people designing application
 endpoints - which would be defining the payload of the messages not
 simply being given the payload?

 The different would be in the purposing and flexibilty of the POJO's -
 the JBI would be quick (and maybe a little dirty) which it could work
 on any payload of message etc and could interact with a InOut
 exchange, get the property from the exchange, update the Fault and
 Error etc.  While the JSR181 would be a way to expose business
 services to the bus (whereby your focus is on WSDL, and structured

 I realize you can do any payload in JSR181 but I'm wondering whether
 that is simply pushing the JSR181 container into doing more than it is
 best suited?


 On 8/21/06, Guillaume Nodet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  While I fully agree to simplify the annotations used,
  if you begin to map parameters to properties or xml content,
  you end up to jsr181 component.
  I have already planned to add annotations a la jaxws to allow
  properties to be mapped to parameters in jsr181.  A kind of
  JBI annotations set for jaxws (compared to the existing SOAP annotations).
  But if we begin to handle xml mapping here, we would end
  with 2 components with little differences.
  For example, the
  public SomeResponse doSomething(@MessageBody SomeRequest foo) { ... }
  could be further simplified to
  public SomeResponse doSomething(@WebParam SomeRequest foo) { ... }
  which is exactly what the jsr181 component do ;)
  Note that the jsr181 component should already by able to
  handle Source types as a parameter (which would map to
  the full payload), and we should be able to add a MessageExchange
  parameter which would receive the exchange without disturbing
  other parameters (xfire already does that for xfire specific
  classes, such as the context).
  We need to clearly agree on what we want to show and hide from
  the jbi spec in this component.   I don't think we need another SE
  that do xml marshalling (we'd better enhance the existing one).
  The main things to define imho are:
* how to return the answer if using an InOut
* when the pojo acts as a consumer, how will it receive the answer
   from an InOut exchange it has previsouly sent
  I really think there is something to do with beanflow.
  I will try to think about that a bit more.
  On 8/21/06, James Strachan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Just a bit of brainstorming of ideas here.
   I was looking at this example
   @ExchangeProcessor(patterns = { MessageExchangePattern.INOUT },
   parameterMappings = { ParameterMapping.IN_MESSAGE_CONTENT })
   public void myInOutProcessor(MessageExchange me) {
   // Do something here
   @ExchangeProcessor(patterns = { MessageExchangePattern.INONLY,
   MessageExchangePattern.ROBUSTINOULY }, 
parameterMappings = {
   ParameterMapping.IN_MESSAGE_CONTENT })
   public void myInOnlyProcessor(Source payload) {
   // Do something here

Re: m2 build - validating

2006-08-21 Thread Bill Dudney

Hi David,

On Aug 21, 2006, at 1:47 AM, David Jencks wrote:

On Aug 20, 2006, at 3:36 PM, Bill Dudney wrote:

Hi All,

Sorry its taken me so long to get this posted. I had a bunch of  
travel related headaches thur and fri of last week...

I've adopted as  
the JIRA to track the first part of the problem (the datasource  
deployment stuff) with the current trunk and deployment.

I've just attached a patch to the issue that makes a small change  
to the CAR plugin to include RAR's in the dependencies that are  
copied into the assembly repository. I am fairly sure this needs  
to be done as the RAR's end up in the repository on 1.1 and the  
DatabaseInfo class requires them to be there (albeit with a  
comment that says EVIL!!! :). However there might be something  
going on there I'm not aware of.

This is basically a wrong thing to do.  A dependency on the rar  
file doesn't do anything except require it to be there, which is  
bogus since in fact once the car file is generated it doesn't have  
to be there.  The tranql rars (and the activemq rar) are included  
only for the convenience of users wishing to deploy additional  
datasources without downloading the rar file themselves.

Yes but the Datasource deployment code in trunk depends on the RAR's  
being in the repository, after spending some time digging around the  
1.1.1 code there has been a lot of change in the way this stuff  
works. Would be great to get trunk and 1.1.1 more in line as it might  
fix many of the problems.

There's been discussion for a really long time about not copying  
the contents of j2ee artifacts into the car file but instead  
including them in the classloader in some other way.  This sounds  
nice but is fraught with difficulties such as
-how do you make a classloader that reads the jars in a war lib dir  
inside an ear  (nested jar classloading)

-or, how do you figure out to unpack the j2ee artifacts in the repo
- how do you set up a variety of classloaders that only load some  
stuff from an ear: e.g. right now an ear classloader doesn't see  
anything in any web apps.

these are all soluble but will take a bunch of work to decide what  
to do and implement.

i'm game to help with the work lets get started.

One quick note on this change. The RAR's do end up copied into the  
CAR (without this change) but, the DatabaseInfo class is expecting  
(at least) the Derby related RAR's to be directly in the repo.  
Take a look here the list of *RAR_NAME  
fields are all used to load the RAR's directly from the repository  
( getRAR static method on line 1036). As  
the comments says this is rather hard coded. I've not had time to  
get brain cells focused on the solution. Seems that we should be  
able to do some kind of maven magic though to find the tranql/ 
tranql-connector/rar instead of hardcoding the path. But again I  
don't know the history so perhaps there is a reason for the EVIL :)

I think that the code for 1.1 is greatly improved over what's in  
trunk, and I hope aaron ports it soon.  Again, using rar's as  
dependencies is a bad idea.  I think something got left out of the  
m2 build, in the m1 build there was a way to specify that some jars  
just get put in the repo even though they aren't dependencies of  
any car.  I don't know if this is possible in m2, but the tranql  
rars are not getting installed at least on my machine.

Right the patch to the m2-car-plugin which is in the patch I attached  
to 2326 fixes this. Essentially the plugin was ignoring RAR files.  
With the patch it includes RAR's in the repository.

So the patch attached to 2326 gets us almost there, but there is  
still the issue with the IncompatiblClassChangeError coming up. I  
posted a partial stack trace in the issue. Any pointers, thoughts  
or other things that could help me track that one down are most  
welcome. I have to bail for a couple of hours but will be back on  
line around 7:00MST for a bit.

Also David J, if you could take a look at the pom changes and make  
sure they are in line with your recommendations. I could not find  
another car to have system-database depended on that would bring  
in the dependencies and system-database looked to be the most  
logical place to add add a jar dependency. I added the jar's to  
the gbean-deployer/pom.xml because the CNFExceptions were coming  
from classes in this package and again no obvious CAR to add to  
the mix.

Unfortunately I don't like almost all your proposed pom changes.

No problem, that is why I asked you to look as I figured you'd have  
an opinion :-)

We do need to add the geronimo-test-ddbean jar to some module, but  
I think it should be added to j2ee-deployer since jsr-88 is pretty  
irrelevant to gbean deployment.

Good point, I will move the test-ddbean depndency to the j2ee- 
deployer I think the 

Re: Thoughts on a JBI POJO Engine

2006-08-21 Thread James Strachan

On 8/21/06, Philip Dodds [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I like the logic - also I like the idea that a service could annotate
two methods and thus end up with the ability to process an InOut and a
InOnly via two different methods on the same class.  The only question
I suppose it what happens if you want to be able to provide both from
the same method - say a file reading service that gets the filename in
an XML path and then reading and passing the file to a providing
service then can either return an XML representing the number of
records or not (depending on the MEP?).

Could you show some pseudocode for what you mean? Am not quite sure I follow :)



Re: problem installing plugin for web console in g 1.1

2006-08-21 Thread Matt Hogstrom

Following up on this Joe.

Joe Bohn wrote:

One more time 

Does anybody know how/who/etc... to get the maven 2 info updated for 
ibiblio?   Is there some way to avoid similar problems on ibiblio as we 
prepare to publish the 1.1.1 artifacts?

Aaron,  Do you think you might be able to get the geronimo 1.1 artifacts 
into the plugins repo soon to get around this problem?   At the moment 
it looks like this prevents us from being able to install the console 
and liferay plugins on 1.1   not sure if any others are affected.


Aaron Mulder wrote:

I agree.  I'll let you know when the site is updated.  I won't be able
to do it during the day, but tonight or over the weekend.


On 8/11/06, Joe Bohn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Does anybody know how to update the Maven metadata on ibiblio?  It looks
like this is incorrect for all of the 1.1 artifacts.

Thanks for looking into this.  Have you added (or are you going to add)
the full set of geronimo artifacts for 1.1 to your plugin repo as you
mentioned?  Can you let me know when they are there?  It seems like it
makes sense to have these on the geronimo plugins repo anyway, even once
ibiblio is fixed.  They are geronimo artifacts that may be needed by
many Geronimo plugins and it would eliminate possible failures due to
connectivity problems with ibiblio.


Aaron Mulder wrote:
 This is because the Maven metadata in the Maven 2 repository on
 ibiblio is wrong.  I'm surprised -- I would have thought this was
 updated when we published our 1.1 JARs.  Anyway, look here:

 Notice that there's no 1.1 listed, even though exists.

 So the path we took to get here is because we need a module and
 there's no version in the dependency, we find the first server that
 has a matching module and take the highest version it has.  I can
 probably work around this by putting a full set of Geronimo artifacts
 on (so we won't fall back to ibiblio for those
 modules), though again, the real fix is to correct the Maven metadata
 on ibiblio.  I have no idea how to do that.


 On 8/10/06, Joe Bohn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I hit an error attempting to install the plugin for the web 
console on a
 little-G tomcat image with the official Geronimo 1.1 release.  Are 
 known problems with this capability?  I assumed that this plugin 
is for

 this very purpose (since we already include the console with the j2ee

 It looked like the download and install went as expected but failed
 attempting to start the gbean.

 I think that somehow the wrong dependencies were installed for
 geronimo-timer (and perhaps geronimo-derby).  For both of these 

   1.0 was deployed rather than 1.1.

   Installation Complete!
  Used existing: geronimo/j2ee-server//car
  Used existing: geronimo/j2ee-security//car
  Used existing: geronimo/tomcat//car
  Used existing: geronimo/geronimo-management//jar
  Used existing: geronimo/geronimo-deploy-jsr88//jar
  Used existing: geronimo/geronimo-service-builder//jar
  Used existing: geronimo/geronimo-connector-builder//jar
  Used existing: geronimo/geronimo-naming-builder//jar
  Used existing: geronimo/geronimo-security-builder//jar
  Used existing: geronimo/geronimo-j2ee-schema//jar
  Used existing: xmlbeans/xbean/2.0.0/jar
  Used existing: stax/stax-api/1.0.1/jar
  Used existing: geronimo/geronimo-util//jar
  Installed new: geronimo/system-database//car
  Installed new: geronimo/geronimo-derby//jar
  Installed new: org.apache.derby/derby//jar
  Installed new: org.apache.derby/derbynet//jar
  Installed new: geronimo/geronimo-timer//jar
  Installed new: portlet-api/portlet-api/1.0/jar
  Installed new: org.apache.pluto/pluto/1.0.1/jar
  Installed new: geronimo/geronimo-console-core//jar
  Installed new: geronimo/geronimo-upgrade//jar
  Installed new: geronimo/geronimo-test-ddbean//jar
  Installed new: geronimo/geronimo-deploy-config//jar
  Installed new: activemq/activemq-gbean-management-g1_1/3.2.4/jar
  Installed new: activemq/activemq-gbean-g1_1/3.2.4/jar
  Installed new: activemq/activemq-core/3.2.4/jar
  Installed new: geronimo/geronimo-converter//jar
  Installed new: jdom/jdom//jar

  Now starting geronimo/webconsole-tomcat/1.1/car...
 org.apache.geronimo.kernel.config.LifecycleException: start of
 geronimo/webconsole-tomcat/1.1/car failed



Re: Thoughts on a JBI POJO Engine

2006-08-21 Thread Guillaume Nodet

Yes, I think so.
But maybe we could have some common code / annotations which could be reused.
Especially if we try to put pitchfork (EJB3) in jsr181, which would
introduce some
annotations driven injection.

On 8/21/06, Philip Dodds [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

So just so I get it - are we still thinking of two engines?  The
reason I ask is I'm not sure about an uber-engine that does everything
-  simply because it sort of breaks that whole SE flexbiity and also
makes understanding it all a little more tricky.

I'm going to try and update the page today with some of the discussion
here so we can track where we are going :)


On 8/21/06, Guillaume Nodet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I do think we agree ;)

 The only thing i meant, was that this new component should focus on:
   * messaging style (asynchronous)
   * xml payload
   * closer to jbi
 whereas jsr181 is good for web service stuff (completely hiding jbi,
 doing xml/java marshalling, rpc, etc..).
 Stating that provides imho a clear difference between the two components.

 On 8/21/06, Philip Dodds [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I agree that we need to define the difference between components more
  clearly - I suppose in my mind the JBI component under discussion here
  is basically a mechanism when you are focussing on XML messaging in a
  format that can not be changed or where you want to interact with the
  JBI message bus  to provide either InOnly reciept of messages or to
  build a consumer that will run through a provided WorkManager.
  The JSR181 components to be have always had explicit business
  interfaces and work more akin to Web Services or EJB's then MDB's
  (sorry for the switching back to the old days).  I was hoping that
  people building integration service units would simply want to be
  playing with payloads or mapping in some specific bits of information
  from an XML document (people who would be familiar familiar with XPath
  and DOM say) and would want to act on that information and reply with
  a Document or create an exchange to another service.  While I suppose
  IMHO the JSR181 is more for people wishing to expose Business Services
  to the bus,  and would be used by people designing application
  endpoints - which would be defining the payload of the messages not
  simply being given the payload?
  The different would be in the purposing and flexibilty of the POJO's -
  the JBI would be quick (and maybe a little dirty) which it could work
  on any payload of message etc and could interact with a InOut
  exchange, get the property from the exchange, update the Fault and
  Error etc.  While the JSR181 would be a way to expose business
  services to the bus (whereby your focus is on WSDL, and structured
  I realize you can do any payload in JSR181 but I'm wondering whether
  that is simply pushing the JSR181 container into doing more than it is
  best suited?
  On 8/21/06, Guillaume Nodet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   While I fully agree to simplify the annotations used,
   if you begin to map parameters to properties or xml content,
   you end up to jsr181 component.
   I have already planned to add annotations a la jaxws to allow
   properties to be mapped to parameters in jsr181.  A kind of
   JBI annotations set for jaxws (compared to the existing SOAP annotations).
   But if we begin to handle xml mapping here, we would end
   with 2 components with little differences.
   For example, the
   public SomeResponse doSomething(@MessageBody SomeRequest foo) { ... }
   could be further simplified to
   public SomeResponse doSomething(@WebParam SomeRequest foo) { ... }
   which is exactly what the jsr181 component do ;)
   Note that the jsr181 component should already by able to
   handle Source types as a parameter (which would map to
   the full payload), and we should be able to add a MessageExchange
   parameter which would receive the exchange without disturbing
   other parameters (xfire already does that for xfire specific
   classes, such as the context).
   We need to clearly agree on what we want to show and hide from
   the jbi spec in this component.   I don't think we need another SE
   that do xml marshalling (we'd better enhance the existing one).
   The main things to define imho are:
 * how to return the answer if using an InOut
 * when the pojo acts as a consumer, how will it receive the answer
from an InOut exchange it has previsouly sent
   I really think there is something to do with beanflow.
   I will try to think about that a bit more.
   On 8/21/06, James Strachan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Just a bit of brainstorming of ideas here.
I was looking at this example
@ExchangeProcessor(patterns = { MessageExchangePattern.INOUT },
parameterMappings = { ParameterMapping.IN_MESSAGE_CONTENT })
public void myInOutProcessor(MessageExchange me) {

Re: JMX Portlet

2006-08-21 Thread Matt Hogstrom
I'd rather have something in the Console that users can easily navigate to and not rely on JConsole. 
 I know it will be there but its another tool to find.

Paul McMahan wrote:

Chris, this sounds like an interesting idea.  As I recall, the
discussion from a few months ago came down to removing the JMX debug
application iff we could get the JConsole to work with Geronimo.  And
then I think that problem was addressed in GERONIMO-1329.  So assuming
that we can now connect JConsole to a Geronimo server would that
affect what you might plan to implement in the admin console?  i.e.
since JConsole already provides some of this function, just not in way
that's usable directly from the admin console.  Also I'm wondering if
Sun's plans to open source java soon might lead to some interesting
possibilities, like maybe running JConsole in an applet from the
console.  But that is making a LOT of assumptions :-)

Best wishes,

On 8/18/06, Chris Cardona [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

A few months ago the JMX debug application was removed
and there was a suggestion to replace this with a JMX
portlet in the console for Geronimo 1.2 (IIRC it was
Dain who suggested this). I would like to work on this
portlet with the following minimum capabilities:

1. Be able to list all the MBeans
2. Predefined searches for the different J2EE types:
J2EEApplication, EJBModule, WebModule, Sertlet,
JCAConnectionFactory, etc.
3. Be able to query MBeans (if possible with
autocomplete feature)
4. View the attributes and operations of MBeans

In addition, my plan was to use Ajax (Dojo and DWR) to
make this portlet a little bit responsive. Any
thoughts and suggestions?

Best wishes,

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[jira] Assigned: (GERONIMO-2271) Security Realm deployed as part of a web app listed as Serverwide

2006-08-21 Thread Vamsavardhana Reddy (JIRA)
 [ ]

Vamsavardhana Reddy reassigned GERONIMO-2271:

Assignee: Vamsavardhana Reddy

 Security Realm deployed as part of a web app listed as Serverwide

 Key: GERONIMO-2271
 Project: Geronimo
  Issue Type: Bug
  Security Level: public(Regular issues) 
  Components: console
Affects Versions: 1.2, 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.x
 Environment: Win XP, G1.1.1-SNAPSHOT Tomcat
Reporter: Vamsavardhana Reddy
 Assigned To: Vamsavardhana Reddy
 Fix For: 1.2, 1.1.x, 1.1.2

 Attachments: GERONIMO-2271.patch

 I  have deployed a web application with its own security realm.  The new 
 security realm is shown as Serverwide in Security Realms portlet. 

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

[jira] Created: (AMQ-886) Timing bug could cause duplicate client id exception in network code.

2006-08-21 Thread Hiram Chirino (JIRA)
Timing bug could cause duplicate client id exception in network code.

 Key: AMQ-886
 Project: ActiveMQ
  Issue Type: Bug
Affects Versions: 4.0
Reporter: Hiram Chirino
 Assigned To: Hiram Chirino
 Fix For: 4.0.3, 4.1

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

[jira] Created: (AMQ-887) Allow temp destination message bridging to be disable across demand based bridges.

2006-08-21 Thread Hiram Chirino (JIRA)
Allow temp destination message bridging to be disable across demand based 

 Key: AMQ-887
 Project: ActiveMQ
  Issue Type: New Feature
Reporter: Hiram Chirino
 Assigned To: Hiram Chirino
 Fix For: 4.1

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

[jira] Assigned: (GERONIMO-2279) FileKeyStoreInstance: Does not save keyPasswords after removing an entry

2006-08-21 Thread Vamsavardhana Reddy (JIRA)
 [ ]

Vamsavardhana Reddy reassigned GERONIMO-2279:

Assignee: Vamsavardhana Reddy

 FileKeyStoreInstance: Does not save keyPasswords after removing an entry

 Key: GERONIMO-2279
 Project: Geronimo
  Issue Type: Bug
  Security Level: public(Regular issues) 
  Components: security
Affects Versions: 1.1
Reporter: Vamsavardhana Reddy
 Assigned To: Vamsavardhana Reddy
Priority: Minor
 Fix For: 1.2, 1.1.2

 Attachments: GERONIMO-2279.patch

 keyPasswords are not saved after the password of deleted entry is removed 
 from the HashMap.

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If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
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[jira] Assigned: (GERONIMO-2278) Problems in editing Jetty SSL Connector and the edit page in Geronimo Console

2006-08-21 Thread Vamsavardhana Reddy (JIRA)
 [ ]

Vamsavardhana Reddy reassigned GERONIMO-2278:

Assignee: Vamsavardhana Reddy

 Problems in editing Jetty SSL Connector and the edit page in Geronimo Console

 Key: GERONIMO-2278
 Project: Geronimo
  Issue Type: Bug
  Security Level: public(Regular issues) 
  Components: console
Affects Versions: 1.1, 1.1.1
 Environment: Win XP, G1.1.1-SNAPHOT, Jetty
Reporter: Vamsavardhana Reddy
 Assigned To: Vamsavardhana Reddy
 Fix For: 1.2, 1.1.x

 Attachments: GERONIMO-2278-new.patch, GERONIMO-2278.patch

 Here is what I noticed.
 1.  Edit page does not show the current values for fields in the select boxes.
 2.  Changes made to the KeyStore field are not saved.
 3.  The page does not provide for editing the keyAlias.  keyAlias is 
 hardcoded as geronimo.  Even if 2 from above is fixed, users are forced to 
 use geronimo for the keyAlias.

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

Re: Thoughts on a JBI POJO Engine

2006-08-21 Thread Guillaume Nodet

Here is something i'd like to be able to do.
This is really pseudo code, and some kind of beanflow oriented annotations.

This service would simply send two concurrent requests and wait for their
answers to reply to the main request.  Of course, this would be much easier
if you use syncSend but you would not have a real workflow ;)

public class MyWorkflow {

   Message request;
   Message answer1;
   Message answer2;

   private Destination service1;

   private Destination service2;

   @NextStep(steps = { invokeService, invokerService2 }) // This
would auto-fork
   public void receiveRequest(Message message) throws Exception {
   request = message;

   @NextStep(step = receiveService1)
   public void invokeService1() {
   // return response to receiveService1

   public void receiveService1(Message message) {
   answer1 = message;

   @NextStep(step = receiveService2)
   public void invokeService2() {

   public void receiveService2(Message message) {
   answer2 = message;

   @Join(steps = { receiveService1, receiveService2 })
   public void answer() {
   // Do something with answer1 and answer2
   return new Message()

On 8/21/06, Guillaume Nodet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

While I fully agree to simplify the annotations used,
if you begin to map parameters to properties or xml content,
you end up to jsr181 component.

I have already planned to add annotations a la jaxws to allow
properties to be mapped to parameters in jsr181.  A kind of
JBI annotations set for jaxws (compared to the existing SOAP annotations).
But if we begin to handle xml mapping here, we would end
with 2 components with little differences.

For example, the
public SomeResponse doSomething(@MessageBody SomeRequest foo) { ... }

could be further simplified to

public SomeResponse doSomething(@WebParam SomeRequest foo) { ... }

which is exactly what the jsr181 component do ;)

Note that the jsr181 component should already by able to
handle Source types as a parameter (which would map to
the full payload), and we should be able to add a MessageExchange
parameter which would receive the exchange without disturbing
other parameters (xfire already does that for xfire specific
classes, such as the context).

We need to clearly agree on what we want to show and hide from
the jbi spec in this component.   I don't think we need another SE
that do xml marshalling (we'd better enhance the existing one).

The main things to define imho are:
  * how to return the answer if using an InOut
  * when the pojo acts as a consumer, how will it receive the answer
 from an InOut exchange it has previsouly sent

I really think there is something to do with beanflow.
I will try to think about that a bit more.

On 8/21/06, James Strachan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Just a bit of brainstorming of ideas here.

 I was looking at this example

 @ExchangeProcessor(patterns = { MessageExchangePattern.INOUT },
 parameterMappings = { ParameterMapping.IN_MESSAGE_CONTENT })
 public void myInOutProcessor(MessageExchange me) {
 // Do something here

 @ExchangeProcessor(patterns = { MessageExchangePattern.INONLY,
 MessageExchangePattern.ROBUSTINOULY }, 
parameterMappings = {
 ParameterMapping.IN_MESSAGE_CONTENT })
 public void myInOnlyProcessor(Source payload) {
 // Do something here

 and wondering how to simplify a little.

 My first thought was to use an annotation for each kind of exchange to
 be supported...

 @InOnlyExchange @RobustInOnlyExchange
 public void foo(MessageExchange exchange) {

 (I realised we'd get class name clashes so added the 'Exchange'
 postfix to the annotation names. Then I figured it might be simpler to
 just use a typesafe API...

 public void foo(InOnly exchange) {

 public void bar(RobustInOnly exchange) {

 I guess sometimes folks might not want to see/use the exchange or
 might wish to support multiple patterns for one method so some kinda
 annotation to indicate the exchange pattern is still useful.

 Also how about annotating parameters as being bound to the exchange...

 public void foo(@MessageProperty('cheese') String foo,
 @ExchangeProperty(beer) Integer bar, @MessageContent Source payload)

 While the @MessageContent may at first not appear that useful, we
 could allow some automatic tranformations from common types to message
 contents such as DOM or JAXB marshalling etc


 public SomeResponse doSomething(@MessageBody SomeRequest foo) { ... }

 where SomeRequest and SomeResponse could be marshalled to/from Source via 

 This would allow folks to 

Re: Fw: going out of production

2006-08-21 Thread Paul McMahan

Good idea Cameron.

On 8/20/06, Cameron Braid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hash: SHA1

building geronimoPaul McMahan wrote:
 +1  I'm all in favor of eliminating the obsolete wiki sites.  Right
 now when I google geronimo wiki or building geronimo it comes back
 with links to the MoinMoin wiki, which ain't good.

It may be a good idea to put a temporary redirector from the old
MoinMoin wiki's domain, redirecting all urls to a page in confluence
that explains that the content has been moved.  Then, after a few weeks,
when the spiders have updated their indexes, the domain could be

Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.2 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


[jira] Commented: (AMQ-886) Timing bug could cause duplicate client id exception in network code.

2006-08-21 Thread Hiram Chirino (JIRA)
[ ] 

Hiram Chirino commented on AMQ-886:

Applied fix to trunk in rev 433244

 Timing bug could cause duplicate client id exception in network code.

 Key: AMQ-886
 Project: ActiveMQ
  Issue Type: Bug
Affects Versions: 4.0
Reporter: Hiram Chirino
 Assigned To: Hiram Chirino
 Fix For: 4.1, 4.0.3

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

Re: Thoughts on a JBI POJO Engine

2006-08-21 Thread James Strachan

Interesting! I really love the @Destination injection BTW :)

I wonder about using futures a little more to make the code a little
simpler. Something like the following - where we wrap up an async
request-response as a child Step or Future...

public class MyWorkflow {

  Message request;
  FutureMessage answer1;
  FutureMessage answer2;

  private Destination service1;

  private Destination service2;

  public void receiveRequest(Message message) throws Exception {
  request = message;

  answer1 = service1.sendAsync(copy(request));
  answer2 = service2.sendAsync(copy(request));

  @Join(futures = { answer1, answer2 })
  public Message answer() {
  Message m1 = answer1.get();
  Message m2 = answer2.get();

  // Do something with answer1 and answer2
  return new Message()

On 8/21/06, Guillaume Nodet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Here is something i'd like to be able to do.
This is really pseudo code, and some kind of beanflow oriented annotations.

This service would simply send two concurrent requests and wait for their
answers to reply to the main request.  Of course, this would be much easier
if you use syncSend but you would not have a real workflow ;)

public class MyWorkflow {

Message request;
Message answer1;
Message answer2;

private Destination service1;

private Destination service2;

@NextStep(steps = { invokeService, invokerService2 }) // This
would auto-fork
public void receiveRequest(Message message) throws Exception {
request = message;

@NextStep(step = receiveService1)
public void invokeService1() {
// return response to receiveService1

public void receiveService1(Message message) {
answer1 = message;

@NextStep(step = receiveService2)
public void invokeService2() {

public void receiveService2(Message message) {
answer2 = message;

@Join(steps = { receiveService1, receiveService2 })
public void answer() {
// Do something with answer1 and answer2
return new Message()

On 8/21/06, Guillaume Nodet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 While I fully agree to simplify the annotations used,
 if you begin to map parameters to properties or xml content,
 you end up to jsr181 component.

 I have already planned to add annotations a la jaxws to allow
 properties to be mapped to parameters in jsr181.  A kind of
 JBI annotations set for jaxws (compared to the existing SOAP annotations).
 But if we begin to handle xml mapping here, we would end
 with 2 components with little differences.

 For example, the
 public SomeResponse doSomething(@MessageBody SomeRequest foo) { ... }

 could be further simplified to

 public SomeResponse doSomething(@WebParam SomeRequest foo) { ... }

 which is exactly what the jsr181 component do ;)

 Note that the jsr181 component should already by able to
 handle Source types as a parameter (which would map to
 the full payload), and we should be able to add a MessageExchange
 parameter which would receive the exchange without disturbing
 other parameters (xfire already does that for xfire specific
 classes, such as the context).

 We need to clearly agree on what we want to show and hide from
 the jbi spec in this component.   I don't think we need another SE
 that do xml marshalling (we'd better enhance the existing one).

 The main things to define imho are:
   * how to return the answer if using an InOut
   * when the pojo acts as a consumer, how will it receive the answer
  from an InOut exchange it has previsouly sent

 I really think there is something to do with beanflow.
 I will try to think about that a bit more.

 On 8/21/06, James Strachan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Just a bit of brainstorming of ideas here.
  I was looking at this example
  @ExchangeProcessor(patterns = { MessageExchangePattern.INOUT },
  parameterMappings = { ParameterMapping.IN_MESSAGE_CONTENT })
  public void myInOutProcessor(MessageExchange me) {
  // Do something here
  @ExchangeProcessor(patterns = { MessageExchangePattern.INONLY,
  MessageExchangePattern.ROBUSTINOULY }, 
parameterMappings = {
  ParameterMapping.IN_MESSAGE_CONTENT })
  public void myInOnlyProcessor(Source payload) {
  // Do something here
  and wondering how to simplify a little.
  My first thought was to use an annotation for each kind of exchange to
  be supported...
  @InOnlyExchange @RobustInOnlyExchange
  public void foo(MessageExchange exchange) {
  (I realised we'd get class name clashes so 

Re: [VOTE] Drop the M1 build artifacts in Trunk

2006-08-21 Thread Sachin Patel
+1On Aug 18, 2006, at 11:37 AM, Matt Hogstrom wrote:Given that we are close to completing the M2 conversion and have some disruptive changes to make to trunk this vote is to capture the communities input on the structure of the Geronimo repository.Given that this is about our build environment and development structure for purposes of this vote all votes are binding.The vote is to remove Maven 1 build artificats from trunk and allow directory reoganizations starting on Wednesday August 23.   Jason to notify dev list about pending changes.  JIRA created to track issue.[ ] +1 Allow changes[ ] 0  No opinion[ ] -1 Keep M1 artifacts in place (provide rationale)  -sachin 

Re: Thoughts on a JBI POJO Engine

2006-08-21 Thread Philip Dodds

The destination annotation looks great ! I assume the main body of the
JBI POJO here is the request/answer annotations.

What I'm not sure about here is the use of fields - so this is a
stateful class?  I was thinking  that async would be a hybrid of the
destination and the processor?

public class Example1 {

  @Destination(uri=service:urn:service, request=myFirstRequest)
  private Destination service1;

  public void sendRequest() {
  service1.send(new Message());

 public void sendRequest(@MessageContent Document in) {
 // Got response


The premise being that if you have a async reply then you need to be stateless?


On 8/21/06, Guillaume Nodet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Here is something i'd like to be able to do.
This is really pseudo code, and some kind of beanflow oriented annotations.

This service would simply send two concurrent requests and wait for their
answers to reply to the main request.  Of course, this would be much easier
if you use syncSend but you would not have a real workflow ;)

public class MyWorkflow {

Message request;
Message answer1;
Message answer2;

private Destination service1;

private Destination service2;

@NextStep(steps = { invokeService, invokerService2 }) // This
would auto-fork
public void receiveRequest(Message message) throws Exception {
request = message;

@NextStep(step = receiveService1)
public void invokeService1() {
// return response to receiveService1

public void receiveService1(Message message) {
answer1 = message;

@NextStep(step = receiveService2)
public void invokeService2() {

public void receiveService2(Message message) {
answer2 = message;

@Join(steps = { receiveService1, receiveService2 })
public void answer() {
// Do something with answer1 and answer2
return new Message()

On 8/21/06, Guillaume Nodet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 While I fully agree to simplify the annotations used,
 if you begin to map parameters to properties or xml content,
 you end up to jsr181 component.

 I have already planned to add annotations a la jaxws to allow
 properties to be mapped to parameters in jsr181.  A kind of
 JBI annotations set for jaxws (compared to the existing SOAP annotations).
 But if we begin to handle xml mapping here, we would end
 with 2 components with little differences.

 For example, the
 public SomeResponse doSomething(@MessageBody SomeRequest foo) { ... }

 could be further simplified to

 public SomeResponse doSomething(@WebParam SomeRequest foo) { ... }

 which is exactly what the jsr181 component do ;)

 Note that the jsr181 component should already by able to
 handle Source types as a parameter (which would map to
 the full payload), and we should be able to add a MessageExchange
 parameter which would receive the exchange without disturbing
 other parameters (xfire already does that for xfire specific
 classes, such as the context).

 We need to clearly agree on what we want to show and hide from
 the jbi spec in this component.   I don't think we need another SE
 that do xml marshalling (we'd better enhance the existing one).

 The main things to define imho are:
   * how to return the answer if using an InOut
   * when the pojo acts as a consumer, how will it receive the answer
  from an InOut exchange it has previsouly sent

 I really think there is something to do with beanflow.
 I will try to think about that a bit more.

 On 8/21/06, James Strachan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Just a bit of brainstorming of ideas here.
  I was looking at this example
  @ExchangeProcessor(patterns = { MessageExchangePattern.INOUT },
  parameterMappings = { ParameterMapping.IN_MESSAGE_CONTENT })
  public void myInOutProcessor(MessageExchange me) {
  // Do something here
  @ExchangeProcessor(patterns = { MessageExchangePattern.INONLY,
  MessageExchangePattern.ROBUSTINOULY }, 
parameterMappings = {
  ParameterMapping.IN_MESSAGE_CONTENT })
  public void myInOnlyProcessor(Source payload) {
  // Do something here
  and wondering how to simplify a little.
  My first thought was to use an annotation for each kind of exchange to
  be supported...
  @InOnlyExchange @RobustInOnlyExchange
  public void foo(MessageExchange exchange) {
  (I realised we'd get class name clashes so added the 'Exchange'
  postfix to the annotation names. Then I figured it might be simpler to
  just use a typesafe API...
  public void foo(InOnly exchange) {
  public void 

[jira] Commented: (AMQ-887) Allow temp destination message bridging to be disable across demand based bridges.

2006-08-21 Thread Hiram Chirino (JIRA)
[ ] 

Hiram Chirino commented on AMQ-887:

Since there currently exists a problme where the network bridges fail when temp 
destinations are used across them, the default setting should be to diable temp 
destination bridging untill we get that fixed.

 Allow temp destination message bridging to be disable across demand based 

 Key: AMQ-887
 Project: ActiveMQ
  Issue Type: New Feature
Reporter: Hiram Chirino
 Assigned To: Hiram Chirino
 Fix For: 4.1

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

Re: Thoughts on a JBI POJO Engine

2006-08-21 Thread James Strachan

I guess you could reuse the EJB3 annotations for stateless / stateful metadata?

On 8/21/06, Philip Dodds [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The destination annotation looks great ! I assume the main body of the
JBI POJO here is the request/answer annotations.

What I'm not sure about here is the use of fields - so this is a
stateful class?  I was thinking  that async would be a hybrid of the
destination and the processor?

public class Example1 {

   @Destination(uri=service:urn:service, request=myFirstRequest)
   private Destination service1;

   public void sendRequest() {
   service1.send(new Message());

  public void sendRequest(@MessageContent Document in) {
  // Got response


The premise being that if you have a async reply then you need to be stateless?


On 8/21/06, Guillaume Nodet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Here is something i'd like to be able to do.
 This is really pseudo code, and some kind of beanflow oriented annotations.

 This service would simply send two concurrent requests and wait for their
 answers to reply to the main request.  Of course, this would be much easier
 if you use syncSend but you would not have a real workflow ;)

 public class MyWorkflow {

 Message request;
 Message answer1;
 Message answer2;

 private Destination service1;

 private Destination service2;

 @NextStep(steps = { invokeService, invokerService2 }) // This
 would auto-fork
 public void receiveRequest(Message message) throws Exception {
 request = message;

 @NextStep(step = receiveService1)
 public void invokeService1() {
 // return response to receiveService1

 public void receiveService1(Message message) {
 answer1 = message;

 @NextStep(step = receiveService2)
 public void invokeService2() {

 public void receiveService2(Message message) {
 answer2 = message;

 @Join(steps = { receiveService1, receiveService2 })
 public void answer() {
 // Do something with answer1 and answer2
 return new Message()

 On 8/21/06, Guillaume Nodet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  While I fully agree to simplify the annotations used,
  if you begin to map parameters to properties or xml content,
  you end up to jsr181 component.
  I have already planned to add annotations a la jaxws to allow
  properties to be mapped to parameters in jsr181.  A kind of
  JBI annotations set for jaxws (compared to the existing SOAP annotations).
  But if we begin to handle xml mapping here, we would end
  with 2 components with little differences.
  For example, the
  public SomeResponse doSomething(@MessageBody SomeRequest foo) { ... }
  could be further simplified to
  public SomeResponse doSomething(@WebParam SomeRequest foo) { ... }
  which is exactly what the jsr181 component do ;)
  Note that the jsr181 component should already by able to
  handle Source types as a parameter (which would map to
  the full payload), and we should be able to add a MessageExchange
  parameter which would receive the exchange without disturbing
  other parameters (xfire already does that for xfire specific
  classes, such as the context).
  We need to clearly agree on what we want to show and hide from
  the jbi spec in this component.   I don't think we need another SE
  that do xml marshalling (we'd better enhance the existing one).
  The main things to define imho are:
* how to return the answer if using an InOut
* when the pojo acts as a consumer, how will it receive the answer
   from an InOut exchange it has previsouly sent
  I really think there is something to do with beanflow.
  I will try to think about that a bit more.
  On 8/21/06, James Strachan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Just a bit of brainstorming of ideas here.
   I was looking at this example
   @ExchangeProcessor(patterns = { MessageExchangePattern.INOUT },
   parameterMappings = { ParameterMapping.IN_MESSAGE_CONTENT })
   public void myInOutProcessor(MessageExchange me) {
   // Do something here
   @ExchangeProcessor(patterns = { MessageExchangePattern.INONLY,
   MessageExchangePattern.ROBUSTINOULY }, 
parameterMappings = {
   ParameterMapping.IN_MESSAGE_CONTENT })
   public void myInOnlyProcessor(Source payload) {
   // Do something here
   and wondering how to simplify a little.
   My first thought was to use an annotation for each kind of exchange to
   be supported...
   @InOnlyExchange @RobustInOnlyExchange
   public void foo(MessageExchange exchange) {
   (I realised we'd get class 

Re: [VOTE] Specs organization, versioning, and releasing

2006-08-21 Thread Matt Hogstrom

Jason Dillon wrote:

On Aug 20, 2006, at 1:37 AM, Guillaume Nodet wrote:


I guess I missed something, but what's the difference compared to the
current layout ?  This only affect the tags, right ?

Yes, it affects tags primarily... as a side effect of how each module 
will be released.

4.  Releasing will be done with the maven release plugin ('mvn
release') and should occur at a stable point after any major change
to a spec module.

Currently, the release process is to publish a candidate release, test 

and once approved, move the *same* binaries to the distribution site.
Using the maven release plugin means that we will vote on a SNAPSHOT
and that plugin will upload new binaries with the release version.
Is that really what's wanted ?

I'm not sure that there is going to be a high barrier to releasing spec 
jars (they are not quite the same as a server assembly)... and IMO it is 
fine to vote (if needed) on the SNAPSHOT and then let the release plugin 
make the release artifacts.

The only issue I see is if the final binaries are different other than removing the SNAPSHOT.  I 
know its all supposed to work but stranger things have happened.  I guess that's the release 
manager's job :)


Re: [VOTE] Specs organization, versioning, and releasing

2006-08-21 Thread Matt Hogstrom

Jason Dillon wrote:


1.  Each spec will no longer be split up into trunk+branches+tags. There 
will instead be one trunk+branches+tags for all specs laid out as follows:


What is the layout for branches?  Right now it is the major version with all the specs underneath 
it.  For instance, there is 1_1, 1_1_1 (not sure why we use _'s here and .'s elsewhere).  branches 
would follow the same layout like:

specs/branches/geronimo-activation_1.0.2/1_1 as opposed to 

Or do you intend to leave branches alone?

2.  Each plugin will continue to have its own version and will be 
released independently.

3.  The top-level will have it's own version, which will remain 
independent.  When there is a major configuration change in that pom, 
the version will be changed and the pom will be republished.

4.  Releasing will be done with the maven release plugin ('mvn release') 
and should occur at a stable point after any major change to a spec module.

5. Change all module directories to match artifactIds.


1.  one trunk allows the entire set of specs to be checked out all at
once and built all at once.

 * * *

[ ] +1 Allow changes
[ ] 0  No opinion
[ ] -1 No, leave the specs asis (provide rationale)


Re: Thoughts on a JBI POJO Engine

2006-08-21 Thread Philip Dodds

I suppose the more important question is how to implement stateful
POJO's - what demarcates the life of a POJO if it is stateful?

Do we assume that there is an InOut at the begining and therefore when
the POJO replies to the original message is life is complete?  I'm
still not sure about stateful POJO's in the ESB?

I would like to see what people think in a large context about this?


On 8/21/06, James Strachan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I guess you could reuse the EJB3 annotations for stateless / stateful metadata?

On 8/21/06, Philip Dodds [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The destination annotation looks great ! I assume the main body of the
 JBI POJO here is the request/answer annotations.

 What I'm not sure about here is the use of fields - so this is a
 stateful class?  I was thinking  that async would be a hybrid of the
 destination and the processor?

 public class Example1 {

@Destination(uri=service:urn:service, request=myFirstRequest)
private Destination service1;

public void sendRequest() {
service1.send(new Message());

   public void sendRequest(@MessageContent Document in) {
   // Got response


 The premise being that if you have a async reply then you need to be 


 On 8/21/06, Guillaume Nodet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Here is something i'd like to be able to do.
  This is really pseudo code, and some kind of beanflow oriented annotations.
  This service would simply send two concurrent requests and wait for their
  answers to reply to the main request.  Of course, this would be much easier
  if you use syncSend but you would not have a real workflow ;)
  public class MyWorkflow {
  Message request;
  Message answer1;
  Message answer2;
  private Destination service1;
  private Destination service2;
  @NextStep(steps = { invokeService, invokerService2 }) // This
  would auto-fork
  public void receiveRequest(Message message) throws Exception {
  request = message;
  @NextStep(step = receiveService1)
  public void invokeService1() {
  // return response to receiveService1
  public void receiveService1(Message message) {
  answer1 = message;
  @NextStep(step = receiveService2)
  public void invokeService2() {
  public void receiveService2(Message message) {
  answer2 = message;
  @Join(steps = { receiveService1, receiveService2 })
  public void answer() {
  // Do something with answer1 and answer2
  return new Message()
  On 8/21/06, Guillaume Nodet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   While I fully agree to simplify the annotations used,
   if you begin to map parameters to properties or xml content,
   you end up to jsr181 component.
   I have already planned to add annotations a la jaxws to allow
   properties to be mapped to parameters in jsr181.  A kind of
   JBI annotations set for jaxws (compared to the existing SOAP annotations).
   But if we begin to handle xml mapping here, we would end
   with 2 components with little differences.
   For example, the
   public SomeResponse doSomething(@MessageBody SomeRequest foo) { ... }
   could be further simplified to
   public SomeResponse doSomething(@WebParam SomeRequest foo) { ... }
   which is exactly what the jsr181 component do ;)
   Note that the jsr181 component should already by able to
   handle Source types as a parameter (which would map to
   the full payload), and we should be able to add a MessageExchange
   parameter which would receive the exchange without disturbing
   other parameters (xfire already does that for xfire specific
   classes, such as the context).
   We need to clearly agree on what we want to show and hide from
   the jbi spec in this component.   I don't think we need another SE
   that do xml marshalling (we'd better enhance the existing one).
   The main things to define imho are:
 * how to return the answer if using an InOut
 * when the pojo acts as a consumer, how will it receive the answer
from an InOut exchange it has previsouly sent
   I really think there is something to do with beanflow.
   I will try to think about that a bit more.
   On 8/21/06, James Strachan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Just a bit of brainstorming of ideas here.
I was looking at this example
@ExchangeProcessor(patterns = { MessageExchangePattern.INOUT },
parameterMappings = { ParameterMapping.IN_MESSAGE_CONTENT })
public void myInOutProcessor(MessageExchange me) {
// Do something here

Re: [RTC] WADI Integration for Jetty

2006-08-21 Thread Matt Hogstrom


I will look at it this week.  I had seen that it was out there for review but required more time 
than I had available in a single shot.  Apologies for my tardiness.

There is also some clustering work in sandbox that I think Jeff was working on.  Are these 
complimentary efforts or completely separate?

Gianny Damour wrote:


I sent an email some time ago about some work being done to integrate 
WADI once again with Geronimo (subject was WADI Integration Preview).

In the current stage, load-balancing is working reliably with two 
Geronimo instances behind an Apache server using mod_rewrite. I would 
like this piece of work to be reviewed and discussed.

The JIRA is I have 
added some set-up comments such that it is easy to trial it. Note that 
you will need recent WADI dependencies (Jules, if you tell me how to 
deploy the WADI artefacts to the CodeHaus repo, then I am happy to do it).

So far, what is provided is really basic (e.g. replication is not yet 
enabled), however I would like to see if people are generally happy with 
the current approach prior to enable other features.


Re: Thoughts on a JBI POJO Engine

2006-08-21 Thread Guillaume Nodet

If you use synchronous send, you can be stateless, as the whole flow
will be executed in one step from receiving the request to answering it.
However, if you use asynchronous, you need to keep data so the bean
is statefull and you need one bean per invocation.

If you send 2 requests to 2 services, you need to keep one answer until
you receive the other one = stateful.

I like your request parameter on the destination / processor.
The only drawback is that you can only use a destination once,
but it makes things much cleaner.

On 8/21/06, Philip Dodds [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The destination annotation looks great ! I assume the main body of the
JBI POJO here is the request/answer annotations.

What I'm not sure about here is the use of fields - so this is a
stateful class?  I was thinking  that async would be a hybrid of the
destination and the processor?

public class Example1 {

   @Destination(uri=service:urn:service, request=myFirstRequest)
   private Destination service1;

   public void sendRequest() {
   service1.send(new Message());

  public void sendRequest(@MessageContent Document in) {
  // Got response


The premise being that if you have a async reply then you need to be stateless?


On 8/21/06, Guillaume Nodet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Here is something i'd like to be able to do.
 This is really pseudo code, and some kind of beanflow oriented annotations.

 This service would simply send two concurrent requests and wait for their
 answers to reply to the main request.  Of course, this would be much easier
 if you use syncSend but you would not have a real workflow ;)

 public class MyWorkflow {

 Message request;
 Message answer1;
 Message answer2;

 private Destination service1;

 private Destination service2;

 @NextStep(steps = { invokeService, invokerService2 }) // This
 would auto-fork
 public void receiveRequest(Message message) throws Exception {
 request = message;

 @NextStep(step = receiveService1)
 public void invokeService1() {
 // return response to receiveService1

 public void receiveService1(Message message) {
 answer1 = message;

 @NextStep(step = receiveService2)
 public void invokeService2() {

 public void receiveService2(Message message) {
 answer2 = message;

 @Join(steps = { receiveService1, receiveService2 })
 public void answer() {
 // Do something with answer1 and answer2
 return new Message()

 On 8/21/06, Guillaume Nodet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  While I fully agree to simplify the annotations used,
  if you begin to map parameters to properties or xml content,
  you end up to jsr181 component.
  I have already planned to add annotations a la jaxws to allow
  properties to be mapped to parameters in jsr181.  A kind of
  JBI annotations set for jaxws (compared to the existing SOAP annotations).
  But if we begin to handle xml mapping here, we would end
  with 2 components with little differences.
  For example, the
  public SomeResponse doSomething(@MessageBody SomeRequest foo) { ... }
  could be further simplified to
  public SomeResponse doSomething(@WebParam SomeRequest foo) { ... }
  which is exactly what the jsr181 component do ;)
  Note that the jsr181 component should already by able to
  handle Source types as a parameter (which would map to
  the full payload), and we should be able to add a MessageExchange
  parameter which would receive the exchange without disturbing
  other parameters (xfire already does that for xfire specific
  classes, such as the context).
  We need to clearly agree on what we want to show and hide from
  the jbi spec in this component.   I don't think we need another SE
  that do xml marshalling (we'd better enhance the existing one).
  The main things to define imho are:
* how to return the answer if using an InOut
* when the pojo acts as a consumer, how will it receive the answer
   from an InOut exchange it has previsouly sent
  I really think there is something to do with beanflow.
  I will try to think about that a bit more.
  On 8/21/06, James Strachan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Just a bit of brainstorming of ideas here.
   I was looking at this example
   @ExchangeProcessor(patterns = { MessageExchangePattern.INOUT },
   parameterMappings = { ParameterMapping.IN_MESSAGE_CONTENT })
   public void myInOutProcessor(MessageExchange me) {
   // Do something here
   @ExchangeProcessor(patterns = { MessageExchangePattern.INONLY,

[jira] Closed: (GERONIMO-1692) Creating Web Connectors using Console

2006-08-21 Thread Matt Hogstrom (JIRA)
 [ ]

Matt Hogstrom closed GERONIMO-1692.

Closing per Vamsi's comments

 Creating Web Connectors using Console

 Key: GERONIMO-1692
 Project: Geronimo
  Issue Type: Bug
  Security Level: public(Regular issues) 
  Components: console
Affects Versions: 1.1
 Environment: WinXP SP2, J2SDK 1.4.2_10, Geronimo with Tomcat
Reporter: Ilya Kanonirov

 When creating any type of Web Connector at the Web Server page in the 
 Geronimo Console, the parameter Max Threads is always saved to 
 var/config/config.xml with default value 50.

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

Re: Prerequisites for Eclipse Plugin v1.1 still mentioned as WTP 1.0.1 on

2006-08-21 Thread Sachin Patel
Thank you, will fix shortly.On Aug 21, 2006, at 2:18 AM, Shiva Kumar H R wrote:In the Welcome page for Geronimo Development Tools: , the Prerequisites for Eclipse Plugin are still mentioned as "WebTools Platform Runtime 1.01 driver". Please update this to "Web Tools Platform 1.5.0 driver".-- Thx,Shiva -sachin 

Re: m2 build - validating

2006-08-21 Thread Bill Dudney

On further investigation of the class incompatibility problem

There are two class loaders at work and I think that is the problem;




This particular problem goes away when the geronimo-test-ddbean and  
geronimo-j2ee-deployment_1.1_spec dependencies are moved to the j2ee- 

There is now a class not found exception being thrown but that is  
easily fixed. I'm getting close here and will post a new patch when  
its done.



On Aug 21, 2006, at 7:07 AM, Bill Dudney wrote:

Hi David,

On Aug 21, 2006, at 1:47 AM, David Jencks wrote:

On Aug 20, 2006, at 3:36 PM, Bill Dudney wrote:

Hi All,

Sorry its taken me so long to get this posted. I had a bunch of  
travel related headaches thur and fri of last week...

I've adopted  
as the JIRA to track the first part of the problem (the  
datasource deployment stuff) with the current trunk and deployment.

I've just attached a patch to the issue that makes a small change  
to the CAR plugin to include RAR's in the dependencies that are  
copied into the assembly repository. I am fairly sure this needs  
to be done as the RAR's end up in the repository on 1.1 and the  
DatabaseInfo class requires them to be there (albeit with a  
comment that says EVIL!!! :). However there might be something  
going on there I'm not aware of.

This is basically a wrong thing to do.  A dependency on the rar  
file doesn't do anything except require it to be there, which is  
bogus since in fact once the car file is generated it doesn't have  
to be there.  The tranql rars (and the activemq rar) are included  
only for the convenience of users wishing to deploy additional  
datasources without downloading the rar file themselves.

Yes but the Datasource deployment code in trunk depends on the  
RAR's being in the repository, after spending some time digging  
around the 1.1.1 code there has been a lot of change in the way  
this stuff works. Would be great to get trunk and 1.1.1 more in  
line as it might fix many of the problems.

There's been discussion for a really long time about not copying  
the contents of j2ee artifacts into the car file but instead  
including them in the classloader in some other way.  This sounds  
nice but is fraught with difficulties such as
-how do you make a classloader that reads the jars in a war lib  
dir inside an ear  (nested jar classloading)

-or, how do you figure out to unpack the j2ee artifacts in the repo
- how do you set up a variety of classloaders that only load some  
stuff from an ear: e.g. right now an ear classloader doesn't see  
anything in any web apps.

these are all soluble but will take a bunch of work to decide what  
to do and implement.

i'm game to help with the work lets get started.

One quick note on this change. The RAR's do end up copied into  
the CAR (without this change) but, the DatabaseInfo class is  
expecting (at least) the Derby related RAR's to be directly in  
the repo. Take a look here the list of  
*RAR_NAME fields are all used to load the RAR's directly from the  
repository ( getRAR static method on line  
1036). As the comments says this is rather hard coded. I've not  
had time to get brain cells focused on the solution. Seems that  
we should be able to do some kind of maven magic though to find  
the tranql/tranql-connector/rar instead of hardcoding the path.  
But again I don't know the history so perhaps there is a reason  
for the EVIL :)

I think that the code for 1.1 is greatly improved over what's in  
trunk, and I hope aaron ports it soon.  Again, using rar's as  
dependencies is a bad idea.  I think something got left out of the  
m2 build, in the m1 build there was a way to specify that some  
jars just get put in the repo even though they aren't dependencies  
of any car.  I don't know if this is possible in m2, but the  
tranql rars are not getting installed at least on my machine.

Right the patch to the m2-car-plugin which is in the patch I  
attached to 2326 fixes this. Essentially the plugin was ignoring  
RAR files. With the patch it includes RAR's in the repository.

So the patch attached to 2326 gets us almost there, but there is  
still the issue with the IncompatiblClassChangeError coming up. I  
posted a partial stack trace in the issue. Any pointers, thoughts  
or other things that could help me track that one down are most  
welcome. I have to bail for a couple of hours but will be back on  
line around 7:00MST for a bit.

Re: Thoughts on a JBI POJO Engine

2006-08-21 Thread Guillaume Nodet

On 8/21/06, Philip Dodds [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I suppose the more important question is how to implement stateful
POJO's - what demarcates the life of a POJO if it is stateful?

Do we assume that there is an InOut at the begining and therefore when
the POJO replies to the original message is life is complete?

That was my thought.  It' s the same thing for a bpel process instance.
The instance is created when receiving an incoming request and can be
persisted for long-running workflows.

still not sure about stateful POJO's in the ESB?

SCA also defines statefull POJOs.  AFAIK, sca defines several scopes:
 * stateless
 * request
 * session
 * module

I would like to see what people think in a large context about this?

I think that stateful pojo are about ease of use for the end user.
Of course, you can achieve the same thing using a stateless pojo and
some maps as done in the EIP patterns.


On 8/21/06, James Strachan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I guess you could reuse the EJB3 annotations for stateless / stateful 

 On 8/21/06, Philip Dodds [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The destination annotation looks great ! I assume the main body of the
  JBI POJO here is the request/answer annotations.
  What I'm not sure about here is the use of fields - so this is a
  stateful class?  I was thinking  that async would be a hybrid of the
  destination and the processor?
  public class Example1 {
 @Destination(uri=service:urn:service, request=myFirstRequest)
 private Destination service1;
 public void sendRequest() {
 service1.send(new Message());
public void sendRequest(@MessageContent Document in) {
// Got response
  The premise being that if you have a async reply then you need to be 
  On 8/21/06, Guillaume Nodet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Here is something i'd like to be able to do.
   This is really pseudo code, and some kind of beanflow oriented 
   This service would simply send two concurrent requests and wait for their
   answers to reply to the main request.  Of course, this would be much 
   if you use syncSend but you would not have a real workflow ;)
   public class MyWorkflow {
   Message request;
   Message answer1;
   Message answer2;
   private Destination service1;
   private Destination service2;
   @NextStep(steps = { invokeService, invokerService2 }) // This
   would auto-fork
   public void receiveRequest(Message message) throws Exception {
   request = message;
   @NextStep(step = receiveService1)
   public void invokeService1() {
   // return response to receiveService1
   public void receiveService1(Message message) {
   answer1 = message;
   @NextStep(step = receiveService2)
   public void invokeService2() {
   public void receiveService2(Message message) {
   answer2 = message;
   @Join(steps = { receiveService1, receiveService2 })
   public void answer() {
   // Do something with answer1 and answer2
   return new Message()
   On 8/21/06, Guillaume Nodet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
While I fully agree to simplify the annotations used,
if you begin to map parameters to properties or xml content,
you end up to jsr181 component.
I have already planned to add annotations a la jaxws to allow
properties to be mapped to parameters in jsr181.  A kind of
JBI annotations set for jaxws (compared to the existing SOAP 
But if we begin to handle xml mapping here, we would end
with 2 components with little differences.
For example, the
public SomeResponse doSomething(@MessageBody SomeRequest foo) { ... }
could be further simplified to
public SomeResponse doSomething(@WebParam SomeRequest foo) { ... }
which is exactly what the jsr181 component do ;)
Note that the jsr181 component should already by able to
handle Source types as a parameter (which would map to
the full payload), and we should be able to add a MessageExchange
parameter which would receive the exchange without disturbing
other parameters (xfire already does that for xfire specific
classes, such as the context).
We need to clearly agree on what we want to show and hide from
the jbi spec in this component.   I don't think we need another SE
that do xml marshalling (we'd better enhance the existing one).
The main things to define imho are:
  * how to return the answer if using an InOut

Re: [VOTE] Specs organization, versioning, and releasing

2006-08-21 Thread Paul McMahan


On 8/18/06, Jason Dillon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


1.  Each spec will no longer be split up into trunk+branches+tags.
There will instead be one trunk+branches+tags for all specs laid out
as follows:


2.  Each plugin will continue to have its own version and will be
released independently.

3.  The top-level will have it's own version, which will remain
independent.  When there is a major configuration change in that pom,
the version will be changed and the pom will be republished.

4.  Releasing will be done with the maven release plugin ('mvn
release') and should occur at a stable point after any major change
to a spec module.

5. Change all module directories to match artifactIds.


1.  one trunk allows the entire set of specs to be checked out all at
 once and built all at once.

  * * *

[ ] +1 Allow changes
[ ] 0  No opinion
[ ] -1 No, leave the specs asis (provide rationale)


Re: Complex Message Transformations

2006-08-21 Thread radu3000

Ditto - on difficult maintance task

Here is our solution - 

For maintaining it we would like to use a standalone data model - outside
servicemix and again
Ditto - but I'm also not sure if this would violate the EIP concept.

Where does this EIP concept is defined?


Joern Schimmelpfeng wrote:
 I have a question related to the usage of the transformation component. 
 We are trying to attach a complex WS datasource to ServiceMix. Our data
 souce has round about 50 services with different messages. So this measns
 that we need to provide 50 XSLT files for transforming a message for a WS
 request and we need another 50 XSLT files for transforming the responses.
 Our service assembly today is that way that we use a router slip, two
 transformers and a WS Client for integrating just one service, so need to
 replicate that 50 times.
 As you can imagine this leads to a pretty difficult maintance task and
 perhaps also to an unecessary high overhead inside ServiceMix.
 So my question is, if there is a way to enhance the transfomation
 component so that it is able to select the correct XSLT file itself
 depending on the message content and direction (e.g Request/Response).
 I feel myself able to enhance the transformation component that way, but
 I'm also not sure if this would violate the EIP concept.
 Please can you give me some guidance how others solved this issue or if a
 more complex transformation component would be a valuable goal to
 Thanks for any help on that issue

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Patches in RTC (Geronimo - 2006-08-21)

2006-08-21 Thread dblevins
Geronimo - Monday, August 21, 2006

  5 Patches in RTC

[XBEAN-45] Move classloaders to their own module
  - Assignee: Alan Cabrera
  - Reporter: Alan Cabrera
  - Created:  Sat Aug 19 11:54:54 PDT 2006
  - Updated:  Sat Aug 19 11:55:17 PDT 2006
  - Votes: 0

[GERONIMO-2015] Let's replace JKS to PKCS12 key store type
  - Assignee: Unassigned
  - Reporter: Nikolay Chugunov
  - Created:  Fri May 12 14:54:17 PDT 2006
  - Updated:  Thu Aug 10 10:59:06 PDT 2006
  - Votes: 0

[GERONIMO-2332] RTC Put the generated xmlbeans files for the j2ee 1.4 
schemas in svn in a spec module so we don't need the schemas in svn at all
  - Assignee: David Jencks
  - Reporter: David Jencks
  - Created:  Fri Aug 18 13:13:47 PDT 2006
  - Updated:  Sun Aug 20 05:43:31 PDT 2006
  - Votes: 0

[GERONIMO-2163] WADI Integration for Jetty
  - Assignee: Gianny Damour
  - Reporter: Gianny Damour
  - Created:  Sun Jul 02 14:16:35 PDT 2006
  - Updated:  Sun Aug 20 03:11:02 PDT 2006
  - Votes: 0

[GERONIMO-2248] Applications portlets: List Parent and Child components 
against each component
  - Assignee: Unassigned
  - Reporter: Vamsavardhana Reddy
  - Created:  Sun Jul 30 08:15:34 PDT 2006
  - Updated:  Sat Aug 19 10:44:11 PDT 2006
  - Votes: 1
  1  Donald Woods

NOTE: This email is generated and does not constitute and offical
vote or vote result.  All official voting is done on the dev list.

If you do not see your issue here, click the Begin RTC Review
link under the Available Workflow Actions of the JIRA page.

If you do not see your vote here, click the Vote link under the
Operations section of the JIRA page.



Multiple HTTP Component(s)?

2006-08-21 Thread Brian O'Neill
The behavior of servicemix-components/http component and the
servicemix-http component appear to differ.  Can someone explain the
difference between these two?  Both appear to provide HTTP client/server


In general, what is the status of the components under

We are interested in using rss and jabber as well, and could potentially
contribute one or more of our own.


I know there was some discussion on minimizing the number of components
in the code-base, and to break out component development elsewhere.  Was
this resolved?




Brian ONeill

Technical Architect, Gestalt LLC


215.588.6024 (m)


Re: [VOTE] Specs organization, versioning, and releasing

2006-08-21 Thread Joe Bohn

 [X] +1 Allow changes


Jason Dillon wrote:


1.  Each spec will no longer be split up into trunk+branches+tags.  
There will instead be one trunk+branches+tags for all specs laid out  as 


2.  Each plugin will continue to have its own version and will be  
released independently.

3.  The top-level will have it's own version, which will remain  
independent.  When there is a major configuration change in that pom,  
the version will be changed and the pom will be republished.

4.  Releasing will be done with the maven release plugin ('mvn  
release') and should occur at a stable point after any major change  to 
a spec module.

5. Change all module directories to match artifactIds.


1.  one trunk allows the entire set of specs to be checked out all at
once and built all at once.

 * * *

[ ] +1 Allow changes
[ ] 0  No opinion
[ ] -1 No, leave the specs asis (provide rationale)


[jira] Commented: (GERONIMO-2275) login-domain-principal or realm-principal in default-principal cause deployment errors

2006-08-21 Thread Vamsavardhana Reddy (JIRA)

Vamsavardhana Reddy commented on GERONIMO-2275:

Verified the fix in branches 1.1.  Fix is needed in 1.1.1 too.

 login-domain-principal or realm-principal in default-principal cause 
 deployment errors

 Key: GERONIMO-2275
 Project: Geronimo
  Issue Type: Bug
  Security Level: public(Regular issues) 
  Components: deployment, security
Affects Versions: 1.1, 1.1.1
 Environment: Win XP, G1.1.1-SNAPSHOT, Tomcat
Reporter: Vamsavardhana Reddy
 Assigned To: Aaron Mulder
 Fix For: 1.2, 1.1.2

  I am getting NullPointerExceptions while deploying web applications with 
 deployment plan having login-domain-principal or realm-principal as 
 default-principal.  Stacktrace given below.
 18:27:38,580 ERROR [Deployer] Deployment failed due to
 at net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastMethod.invoke(
 at org.apache.geronimo.gbean.runtime.RawInvoker.invoke(
 at net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastMethod.invoke(
 at org.apache.geronimo.gbean.runtime.RawInvoker.invoke(
 at net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastMethod.invoke(
 at org.apache.geronimo.gbean.runtime.RawInvoker.invoke(
 at org.apache.geronimo.deployment.Deployer.deploy(
 at org.apache.geronimo.deployment.Deployer.deploy(
 at net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastMethod.invoke(

[jira] Updated: (GERONIMO-2275) login-domain-principal or realm-principal in default-principal cause deployment errors

2006-08-21 Thread Vamsavardhana Reddy (JIRA)
 [ ]

Vamsavardhana Reddy updated GERONIMO-2275:

Affects Version/s: 1.1.1

 login-domain-principal or realm-principal in default-principal cause 
 deployment errors

 Key: GERONIMO-2275
 Project: Geronimo
  Issue Type: Bug
  Security Level: public(Regular issues) 
  Components: deployment, security
Affects Versions: 1.1, 1.1.1
 Environment: Win XP, G1.1.1-SNAPSHOT, Tomcat
Reporter: Vamsavardhana Reddy
 Assigned To: Aaron Mulder
 Fix For: 1.2, 1.1.2

  I am getting NullPointerExceptions while deploying web applications with 
 deployment plan having login-domain-principal or realm-principal as 
 default-principal.  Stacktrace given below.
 18:27:38,580 ERROR [Deployer] Deployment failed due to
 at net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastMethod.invoke(
 at org.apache.geronimo.gbean.runtime.RawInvoker.invoke(
 at net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastMethod.invoke(
 at org.apache.geronimo.gbean.runtime.RawInvoker.invoke(
 at net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastMethod.invoke(
 at org.apache.geronimo.gbean.runtime.RawInvoker.invoke(
 at org.apache.geronimo.deployment.Deployer.deploy(
 at org.apache.geronimo.deployment.Deployer.deploy(
 at net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastMethod.invoke(

Re: [VOTE] Specs organization, versioning, and releasing

2006-08-21 Thread Jason Dillon

On Aug 21, 2006, at 6:55 AM, Matt Hogstrom wrote:

Jason Dillon wrote:

1.  Each spec will no longer be split up into trunk+branches+tags.  
There will instead be one trunk+branches+tags for all specs laid  
out as follows:


What is the layout for branches?  Right now it is the major version  
with all the specs underneath it.  For instance, there is 1_1,  
1_1_1 (not sure why we use _'s here and .'s elsewhere).  branches  
would follow the same layout like:

specs/branches/geronimo-activation_1.0.2/1_1 as opposed to specs/ 

Or do you intend to leave branches alone?

I don't plan to touch branches for now... if I did do something I  
would change '_' to '.'

I think that we need to evaluate how to best organize branches based  
on the new release scheme when it comes time to need a branch.


[jira] Commented: (GERONIMO-2332) RTC Put the generated xmlbeans files for the j2ee 1.4 schemas in svn in a spec module so we don't need the schemas in svn at all

2006-08-21 Thread David Jencks (JIRA)

David Jencks commented on GERONIMO-2332:

Theres a fairly serious problem with this proposal in that it involves 
generating source code that does not then have the required apache headers and 
checking it into svn.

Is there a way to use m2 to change the headers on all the files?

I don't think john's minor point about the possibility of getting an empty 
jar is relevant since whoever is setting this up will check the generated files 
into svn so that no one else has to run the generate source profile (at least 
until sun updates the schemas and we decide to use updated versions).

As this points out another problem is that we have no record of how we got the 
generated classes: sun has fixed problems in the schemas in the past without 
changing anything that we can identify from the generated code.

As a result of these factors I'm -0.99 on this proposal at the moment.

 RTC Put the generated xmlbeans files for the j2ee 1.4 schemas in svn in a 
 spec module so we don't need the schemas in svn at all

 Key: GERONIMO-2332
 Project: Geronimo
  Issue Type: RTC
  Security Level: public(Regular issues) 
  Components: specs
Affects Versions: 1.2, 1.1.1, 1.1.2
Reporter: David Jencks
 Assigned To: David Jencks
 Fix For: 1.2, 1.1.1, 1.1.2

 Attachments: GERONIMO-2332-1.1.patch, 
 GERONIMO-2332-openejb-2.1.patch, GERONIMO-2332-trunk.patch,,

 See GERONIMO-2307.  It seems that the option with the least legal exposure is 
 to not distribute and sun schema files and not have any in our svn.  This is 
 a proposed spec module that uses a m2 profile to pull the schemas from suns 
 website (where they are freely available), run xmlbeans on them, and remove 
 the copies of the schemas that xmlbeasn helpfully tries to include in the 
 output.  We can then check this stuff into svn.
 A normal non-profile build then just builds these sources into a jar.  We can 
 replace the xmlbeans step in j2ee-schema with a geronimo dependency on this 
 new spec jar.

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

Re: RTC don't ship any sun schemas or dtds - GERONIMO-2332

2006-08-21 Thread David Jencks
I've thought about this some more and have some major reservations  
about this approach.

- The generated code wont have apache headers, so we can't actually  
check in into svn.  There might be a way to fix this with a script of  
some kind.

- More seriously, this will eliminate traceability to the source  
schema.  Sun has in the past fixed errors in the schema without  
changing anything that can be recognized from the generated source.   
(I think they changed a date in a comment).  This is a major problem  

So, I think we need to keep the source schemas in svn.  One way to do  
this would be to move this module into the tck project and publish  
the binary jar from there.  If we found a way to change the headers  
we might be able to publish a source jar too.

So, I'm -0.999 on this proposal at the moment... I think we need to  
find a way to get the source schemas into svn.

david jencks

On Aug 19, 2006, at 9:49 AM, David Jencks wrote:

GERONIMO-2332 didn't show up in the list of RTC issues sent out  
today, and I don't see the Begin RTC Review button any ideas?

Anyway, please vote so we can get this taken care of.

david jencks

On Aug 18, 2006, at 4:15 PM, David Jencks wrote:

I've implemented the proposal to not ship any sun schemas or dtds  
to avoid licensing questions and to check in the xmlbeans  
generated files.

Please vote promptly.

I've provided patches for trunk and branches/1.1.  I expect that  
the 1.1 patch should work for 1.1.1 also, I'm hoping someone else  
will check for me.

Before releasing 1.1.1 including this work we'd have to release  
the proposed new specs jar with the generated xmlbeans classes in  
it: this would involve changing the version number to 1.0 in  
several places.

david jencks

[jira] Created: (AMQ-888) Licence headers missing from several source files.

2006-08-21 Thread Hiram Chirino (JIRA)
Licence headers missing from several source files.

 Key: AMQ-888
 Project: ActiveMQ
  Issue Type: Bug
Affects Versions: 4.0
Reporter: Hiram Chirino
 Assigned To: Hiram Chirino
 Fix For: 4.1, 4.0.2

robert burrell donkin reported:
missing license headers from some of the files i checked at random
gives me concerns. for example:


activemq-web-demo worries me: there are a lot of files without license
headers and some which have them were not created at the ASF (which is
ok but gives me concerns about the rest).

i would like to see the issue of licenses in the source tidied up
before this release ships. i haven't gone through every file but IMO
this needs to be done.

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

[jira] Updated: (AMQ-888) Licence headers missing from several source files.

2006-08-21 Thread Hiram Chirino (JIRA)
 [ ]

Hiram Chirino updated AMQ-888:


Using the attached perl script to find the source files that do not have a 
licence header attached.

 Licence headers missing from several source files.

 Key: AMQ-888
 Project: ActiveMQ
  Issue Type: Bug
Affects Versions: 4.0
Reporter: Hiram Chirino
 Assigned To: Hiram Chirino
 Fix For: 4.1, 4.0.2


 robert burrell donkin reported:
 missing license headers from some of the files i checked at random
 gives me concerns. for example:
 activemq-web-demo worries me: there are a lot of files without license
 headers and some which have them were not created at the ASF (which is
 ok but gives me concerns about the rest).
 i would like to see the issue of licenses in the source tidied up
 before this release ships. i haven't gone through every file but IMO
 this needs to be done.

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

Re: RTC don't ship any sun schemas or dtds - GERONIMO-2332

2006-08-21 Thread Dain Sundstrom

Why not publish the src jar in addition to the binary?


On Aug 21, 2006, at 9:56 AM, David Jencks wrote:

I've thought about this some more and have some major reservations  
about this approach.

- The generated code wont have apache headers, so we can't actually  
check in into svn.  There might be a way to fix this with a script  
of some kind.

- More seriously, this will eliminate traceability to the source  
schema.  Sun has in the past fixed errors in the schema without  
changing anything that can be recognized from the generated  
source.  (I think they changed a date in a comment).  This is a  
major problem IMNSHO.

So, I think we need to keep the source schemas in svn.  One way to  
do this would be to move this module into the tck project and  
publish the binary jar from there.  If we found a way to change the  
headers we might be able to publish a source jar too.

So, I'm -0.999 on this proposal at the moment... I think we need to  
find a way to get the source schemas into svn.

david jencks

On Aug 19, 2006, at 9:49 AM, David Jencks wrote:

GERONIMO-2332 didn't show up in the list of RTC issues sent out  
today, and I don't see the Begin RTC Review button any ideas?

Anyway, please vote so we can get this taken care of.

david jencks

On Aug 18, 2006, at 4:15 PM, David Jencks wrote:

I've implemented the proposal to not ship any sun schemas or dtds  
to avoid licensing questions and to check in the xmlbeans  
generated files.

Please vote promptly.

I've provided patches for trunk and branches/1.1.  I expect that  
the 1.1 patch should work for 1.1.1 also, I'm hoping someone else  
will check for me.

Before releasing 1.1.1 including this work we'd have to release  
the proposed new specs jar with the generated xmlbeans classes in  
it: this would involve changing the version number to 1.0 in  
several places.

david jencks

[jira] Commented: (AMQ-888) Licence headers missing from several source files.

2006-08-21 Thread Hiram Chirino (JIRA)
[ ] 

Hiram Chirino commented on AMQ-888:

added a bunch of licence headers 
 * in trunk in rev 433286 
 * in 4.0 branch in rev 433295

 Licence headers missing from several source files.

 Key: AMQ-888
 Project: ActiveMQ
  Issue Type: Bug
Affects Versions: 4.0
Reporter: Hiram Chirino
 Assigned To: Hiram Chirino
 Fix For: 4.1, 4.0.2


 robert burrell donkin reported:
 missing license headers from some of the files i checked at random
 gives me concerns. for example:
 activemq-web-demo worries me: there are a lot of files without license
 headers and some which have them were not created at the ASF (which is
 ok but gives me concerns about the rest).
 i would like to see the issue of licenses in the source tidied up
 before this release ships. i haven't gone through every file but IMO
 this needs to be done.

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

Re: File based AutorizationMap

2006-08-21 Thread Sepand M

Actually, a text based map would be redundant if there's an XML map
already in place.
I can't seem to find the XML map anywhere. Could you tell me where it is?


On 8/21/06, James Strachan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sounds good to me :). We've got the XML based one but by all means
write a simple text based one instead.

incidentally it might help to reduce the amount of code to reuse a
properties file? e.g.

queue:// = group1, group2

the left hand side can be turned into an ActiveMQ destination using
this helper method...,%20byte)

Looking forward to your patches :)

On 8/18/06, Sepand M [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 To take it a bit further, I'd like to create something like a
 TextBasedAuthorizationMap and have most of the functionality in there.
 This would allow for different back-ends (like a database) to be

 On 8/18/06, Sepand M [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi everyone,
  I've been looking through the code and have noticed that the only
  AuthorizationMaps are DefaultAuthorizationMap and
  SimpleAuthorizationMap. And neither of these allows for text-based
  configuration of access.
  I'm wondering if such a thing exists and if I should create one if it 
  I'm thinking the config file would be something like:
  where each line is an addition to the map and each line is made of:
  Queue/Topic:destination name::group/user
  :group/user name
  (the delimitor choice is open for debate)
  Anyone agree?



Re: File based AutorizationMap

2006-08-21 Thread James Strachan

On 8/21/06, Sepand M [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Actually, a text based map would be redundant if there's an XML map
already in place.
I can't seem to find the XML map anywhere. Could you tell me where it is?

See the exampe here...


[jira] Commented: (GERONIMO-2332) RTC Put the generated xmlbeans files for the j2ee 1.4 schemas in svn in a spec module so we don't need the schemas in svn at all

2006-08-21 Thread Alan Cabrera (JIRA)

Alan Cabrera commented on GERONIMO-2332:

Agreed.  This is starting to look like the tail is wagging the dog.  What is 
the problem that we are trying to solve?  Shall we bring this up on the dev 

 RTC Put the generated xmlbeans files for the j2ee 1.4 schemas in svn in a 
 spec module so we don't need the schemas in svn at all

 Key: GERONIMO-2332
 Project: Geronimo
  Issue Type: RTC
  Security Level: public(Regular issues) 
  Components: specs
Affects Versions: 1.2, 1.1.1, 1.1.2
Reporter: David Jencks
 Assigned To: David Jencks
 Fix For: 1.2, 1.1.1, 1.1.2

 Attachments: GERONIMO-2332-1.1.patch, 
 GERONIMO-2332-openejb-2.1.patch, GERONIMO-2332-trunk.patch,,

 See GERONIMO-2307.  It seems that the option with the least legal exposure is 
 to not distribute and sun schema files and not have any in our svn.  This is 
 a proposed spec module that uses a m2 profile to pull the schemas from suns 
 website (where they are freely available), run xmlbeans on them, and remove 
 the copies of the schemas that xmlbeasn helpfully tries to include in the 
 output.  We can then check this stuff into svn.
 A normal non-profile build then just builds these sources into a jar.  We can 
 replace the xmlbeans step in j2ee-schema with a geronimo dependency on this 
 new spec jar.

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

Re: svn commit: r433304 - /geronimo/xbean/branches/colossus/xbean-naming/

2006-08-21 Thread Jason Dillon
You know you can add this to ~/.subversion/config so you don't need  
to add this to all directories... right?


On Aug 21, 2006, at 10:41 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Author: dain
Date: Mon Aug 21 10:41:41 2006
New Revision: 433304

set svn:ignore

geronimo/xbean/branches/colossus/xbean-naming/   (props changed)

Propchange: geronimo/xbean/branches/colossus/xbean-naming/

--- svn:ignore (added)
+++ svn:ignore Mon Aug 21 10:41:41 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@


2006-08-21 Thread Sachin Patel
For the following JIRA, where all the module builders assume a jar file, what if we change all methods that take a JarFile to something like the following?public interface IDeployableModule {		public String getURI();		public File getRoot();	public File[] getResourceFolders();	public File[] getClassesFolders();	public boolean isBinary();		public IDeployableModule[] getChildModules();}-sachin 

Re: going out of production

2006-08-21 Thread Jason Dillon

Just nuke the old wiki and be done with it already...



On Aug 21, 2006, at 6:44 AM, Paul McMahan wrote:

Good idea Cameron.

On 8/20/06, Cameron Braid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hash: SHA1

building geronimoPaul McMahan wrote:
 +1  I'm all in favor of eliminating the obsolete wiki sites.  Right
 now when I google geronimo wiki or building geronimo it  
comes back

 with links to the MoinMoin wiki, which ain't good.

It may be a good idea to put a temporary redirector from the old
MoinMoin wiki's domain, redirecting all urls to a page in confluence
that explains that the content has been moved.  Then, after a few  

when the spiders have updated their indexes, the domain could be

Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.2 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Re: RTC don't ship any sun schemas or dtds - GERONIMO-2332

2006-08-21 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
Can we go back to the root of the problem which is the distribution of 
the schemas?  This may have already been put to bed but, can't we get 
permission from Sun to distribute these puppies?


Dain Sundstrom wrote:

Why not publish the src jar in addition to the binary?


On Aug 21, 2006, at 9:56 AM, David Jencks wrote:

I've thought about this some more and have some major reservations 
about this approach.

- The generated code wont have apache headers, so we can't actually 
check in into svn.  There might be a way to fix this with a script of 
some kind.

- More seriously, this will eliminate traceability to the source 
schema.  Sun has in the past fixed errors in the schema without 
changing anything that can be recognized from the generated source.  
(I think they changed a date in a comment).  This is a major problem 

So, I think we need to keep the source schemas in svn.  One way to do 
this would be to move this module into the tck project and publish 
the binary jar from there.  If we found a way to change the headers 
we might be able to publish a source jar too.

So, I'm -0.999 on this proposal at the moment... I think we need to 
find a way to get the source schemas into svn.

david jencks

On Aug 19, 2006, at 9:49 AM, David Jencks wrote:

GERONIMO-2332 didn't show up in the list of RTC issues sent out 
today, and I don't see the Begin RTC Review button any ideas?

Anyway, please vote so we can get this taken care of.

david jencks

On Aug 18, 2006, at 4:15 PM, David Jencks wrote:

I've implemented the proposal to not ship any sun schemas or dtds 
to avoid licensing questions and to check in the xmlbeans generated 

Please vote promptly.

I've provided patches for trunk and branches/1.1.  I expect that 
the 1.1 patch should work for 1.1.1 also, I'm hoping someone else 
will check for me.

Before releasing 1.1.1 including this work we'd have to release the 
proposed new specs jar with the generated xmlbeans classes in it: 
this would involve changing the version number to 1.0 in several 

david jencks

[jira] Commented: (GERONIMO-2332) RTC Put the generated xmlbeans files for the j2ee 1.4 schemas in svn in a spec module so we don't need the schemas in svn at all

2006-08-21 Thread Matt Hogstrom (JIRA)

Matt Hogstrom commented on GERONIMO-2332:

I like this approach but it sounds like there are some kinks to be worked out.  
 What if we re-type the specs by hand and then check them into branches/1.1.1.  
We'll cary that notion forward for the 1.1.x tree and address this larger 
problem in trunk.


 RTC Put the generated xmlbeans files for the j2ee 1.4 schemas in svn in a 
 spec module so we don't need the schemas in svn at all

 Key: GERONIMO-2332
 Project: Geronimo
  Issue Type: RTC
  Security Level: public(Regular issues) 
  Components: specs
Affects Versions: 1.2, 1.1.1, 1.1.2
Reporter: David Jencks
 Assigned To: David Jencks
 Fix For: 1.2, 1.1.1, 1.1.2

 Attachments: GERONIMO-2332-1.1.patch, 
 GERONIMO-2332-openejb-2.1.patch, GERONIMO-2332-trunk.patch,,

 See GERONIMO-2307.  It seems that the option with the least legal exposure is 
 to not distribute and sun schema files and not have any in our svn.  This is 
 a proposed spec module that uses a m2 profile to pull the schemas from suns 
 website (where they are freely available), run xmlbeans on them, and remove 
 the copies of the schemas that xmlbeasn helpfully tries to include in the 
 output.  We can then check this stuff into svn.
 A normal non-profile build then just builds these sources into a jar.  We can 
 replace the xmlbeans step in j2ee-schema with a geronimo dependency on this 
 new spec jar.

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

4.0.1 Consumer hangs while stopping

2006-08-21 Thread Aaron Mulder

I ran a test where one publisher sent 10 messages to a topic with 500
connected subscribers (run as 500 threads from a single VM, but in a
different VM than the producer).  Each consumer knows how many
messages to expect, and tries to shut down once it receives the last
message.  The consumers were registered using

At the end of the run, the consumer VM didn't shut down.  Looking at a
thread dump, it seems like a couple of the consumers are blocked on
I/O and aren't going to shut down (though the majority did shut down).
I've confirmed that all the consumers received all the messages they
were expecting, and did attempt to shut down (you can see
ActiveMQSession.close in the thread dump).  Any suggestions to avoid


ActiveMQ Session Task daemon prio=1 tid=0x082a1cd0 nid=0x3723 in
Object.wait() [0x7bac5000..0x7bac6050]
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
- waiting on 0x97b91310 (a 
at java.lang.Object.wait(
- locked 0x97b91310 (a org.apache.activemq.thread.PooledTaskRunner$1)
at org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQSession.dispose(
- locked 0x9612ff30 (a org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQSession)
at org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQSession.close(
at org.activemq.tests.ActiveMQClient.close(
at org.activemq.tests.Consumer$2$1.onMessage(

ActiveMQ Session Task daemon prio=1 tid=0x0832fb50 nid=0x370e in
Object.wait() [0x7c4d9000..0x7c4d9e50]
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
- waiting on 0x97c56170 (a 
at java.lang.Object.wait(
- locked 0x97c56170 (a org.apache.activemq.thread.PooledTaskRunner$1)
at org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQSession.dispose(
- locked 0x96c3a0a8 (a org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQSession)
at org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQSession.close(
at org.activemq.tests.ActiveMQClient.close(
at org.activemq.tests.Consumer$2$1.onMessage(

ActiveMQ Transport: tcp://localhost/ prio=1
tid=0x8185b4f0 nid=0x3623 runnable [0x7e498000..0x7e498e50]
at Method)

[jira] Commented: (GERONIMO-2332) RTC Put the generated xmlbeans files for the j2ee 1.4 schemas in svn in a spec module so we don't need the schemas in svn at all

2006-08-21 Thread Alan Cabrera (JIRA)

Alan Cabrera commented on GERONIMO-2332:

Wow, if we could do this and it will fly with Sun, then this is *THE* way to go.

 RTC Put the generated xmlbeans files for the j2ee 1.4 schemas in svn in a 
 spec module so we don't need the schemas in svn at all

 Key: GERONIMO-2332
 Project: Geronimo
  Issue Type: RTC
  Security Level: public(Regular issues) 
  Components: specs
Affects Versions: 1.2, 1.1.1, 1.1.2
Reporter: David Jencks
 Assigned To: David Jencks
 Fix For: 1.2, 1.1.1, 1.1.2

 Attachments: GERONIMO-2332-1.1.patch, 
 GERONIMO-2332-openejb-2.1.patch, GERONIMO-2332-trunk.patch,,

 See GERONIMO-2307.  It seems that the option with the least legal exposure is 
 to not distribute and sun schema files and not have any in our svn.  This is 
 a proposed spec module that uses a m2 profile to pull the schemas from suns 
 website (where they are freely available), run xmlbeans on them, and remove 
 the copies of the schemas that xmlbeasn helpfully tries to include in the 
 output.  We can then check this stuff into svn.
 A normal non-profile build then just builds these sources into a jar.  We can 
 replace the xmlbeans step in j2ee-schema with a geronimo dependency on this 
 new spec jar.

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

Re: going out of production

2006-08-21 Thread Jacek Laskowski

On 8/21/06, Jason Dillon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Just nuke the old wiki and be done with it already...

+1 (no need to keep it until crawlers or any spiders or so will have
the links updated)


Jacek Laskowski


2006-08-21 Thread Jason Dillon
Minus the "I" prefix... seems okay.  What about using URLs instead of Files?--jasonOn Aug 21, 2006, at 10:53 AM, Sachin Patel wrote:For the following JIRA, where all the module builders assume a jar file, what if we change all methods that take a JarFile to something like the following?public interface IDeployableModule {		public String getURI();		public File getRoot();	public File[] getResourceFolders();	public File[] getClassesFolders();	public boolean isBinary();		public IDeployableModule[] getChildModules();}-sachin 

Re: 4.0.1 Consumer hangs while stopping

2006-08-21 Thread James Strachan

On 8/21/06, Aaron Mulder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I ran a test where one publisher sent 10 messages to a topic with 500
connected subscribers (run as 500 threads from a single VM, but in a
different VM than the producer).  Each consumer knows how many
messages to expect, and tries to shut down once it receives the last
message.  The consumers were registered using

At the end of the run, the consumer VM didn't shut down.  Looking at a
thread dump, it seems like a couple of the consumers are blocked on
I/O and aren't going to shut down (though the majority did shut down).
 I've confirmed that all the consumers received all the messages they
were expecting, and did attempt to shut down (you can see
ActiveMQSession.close in the thread dump).  Any suggestions to avoid


ActiveMQ Session Task daemon prio=1 tid=0x082a1cd0 nid=0x3723 in
Object.wait() [0x7bac5000..0x7bac6050]
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
- waiting on 0x97b91310 (a 
at java.lang.Object.wait(
- locked 0x97b91310 (a org.apache.activemq.thread.PooledTaskRunner$1)
at org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQSession.dispose(
- locked 0x9612ff30 (a org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQSession)
at org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQSession.close(
at org.activemq.tests.ActiveMQClient.close(
at org.activemq.tests.Consumer$2$1.onMessage(

It doesn't look too good closing the session inside a MessageListener
- any chance you could change that code?



[jira] Resolved: (GERONIMO-2327) Need to encode colons for JACC web permissions

2006-08-21 Thread Alan Cabrera (JIRA)
 [ ]

Alan Cabrera resolved GERONIMO-2327.

Resolution: Fixed

 Need to encode colons for JACC web permissions

 Key: GERONIMO-2327
 Project: Geronimo
  Issue Type: Bug
  Security Level: public(Regular issues) 
Affects Versions: 1.1.1, 1.2
Reporter: Alan Cabrera
 Assigned To: Alan Cabrera
 Fix For: 1.1.1, 1.2

 Need to encode colons for JACC web permissions

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

Re: Classloading branch

2006-08-21 Thread Dain Sundstrom
I prefer we don't use a plural for a module or package name, so how  
about we call the module xbean-classloader?


On Aug 20, 2006, at 12:13 PM, Guillaume Nodet wrote:

Should the xbean-classloaders module have a package named
instead of keeping the old one

It would break compatibility, but if it deserved a new module ...

On 8/20/06, Alan D. Cabrera [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Alan D. Cabrera wrote:
 I'm going to take a crack at breaking out the classloading code  
into a

 separate module.  Should be simple enough.

 I'll solicit comments when I'm done and we can do an RTC vote
 afterwards, if all goes well.

Done, xbean/branches/classloader.  Comments anyone?


Guillaume Nodet

[jira] Updated: (GERONIMO-2326) unable to deploy a database pool

2006-08-21 Thread Alan Cabrera (JIRA)
 [ ]

Alan Cabrera updated GERONIMO-2326:

Fix Version/s: 1.1.2
Affects Version/s: 1.1.2
 Assignee: Alan Cabrera

 unable to deploy a database pool

 Key: GERONIMO-2326
 Project: Geronimo
  Issue Type: Bug
  Security Level: public(Regular issues) 
Affects Versions: 1.2, 1.1.2
Reporter: Bill Dudney
 Assigned To: Alan Cabrera
 Fix For: 1.1.2, 1.2

 Attachments: 2326-deploy-datasource.patch

 Trying to deploy a jdbc datasource leads to a blank screen and the following 
 stack trace in the log.
 The issue appears to be that URLPatternSpec does not like the URL generated 
 by DatabasePoolPortlet from the info found in the DatabaseInfo.ALL_DATABASES 
 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Qualifier patterns must be present when 
 first URLPattern is an exact pattern

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

Re: RTC don't ship any sun schemas or dtds - GERONIMO-2332

2006-08-21 Thread Dain Sundstrom

Sure if you want to wait 0-6 months for a response.


On Aug 21, 2006, at 11:00 AM, Alan D. Cabrera wrote:

Can we go back to the root of the problem which is the distribution  
of the schemas?  This may have already been put to bed but, can't  
we get permission from Sun to distribute these puppies?


Dain Sundstrom wrote:

Why not publish the src jar in addition to the binary?


On Aug 21, 2006, at 9:56 AM, David Jencks wrote:

I've thought about this some more and have some major  
reservations about this approach.

- The generated code wont have apache headers, so we can't  
actually check in into svn.  There might be a way to fix this  
with a script of some kind.

- More seriously, this will eliminate traceability to the source  
schema.  Sun has in the past fixed errors in the schema without  
changing anything that can be recognized from the generated  
source.  (I think they changed a date in a comment).  This is a  
major problem IMNSHO.

So, I think we need to keep the source schemas in svn.  One way  
to do this would be to move this module into the tck project and  
publish the binary jar from there.  If we found a way to change  
the headers we might be able to publish a source jar too.

So, I'm -0.999 on this proposal at the moment... I think we need  
to find a way to get the source schemas into svn.

david jencks

On Aug 19, 2006, at 9:49 AM, David Jencks wrote:

GERONIMO-2332 didn't show up in the list of RTC issues sent out  
today, and I don't see the Begin RTC Review button any ideas?

Anyway, please vote so we can get this taken care of.

david jencks

On Aug 18, 2006, at 4:15 PM, David Jencks wrote:

I've implemented the proposal to not ship any sun schemas or  
dtds to avoid licensing questions and to check in the xmlbeans  
generated files.

Please vote promptly.

I've provided patches for trunk and branches/1.1.  I expect  
that the 1.1 patch should work for 1.1.1 also, I'm hoping  
someone else will check for me.

Before releasing 1.1.1 including this work we'd have to release  
the proposed new specs jar with the generated xmlbeans classes  
in it: this would involve changing the version number to 1.0 in  
several places.

david jencks

Re: 4.0.1 Consumer hangs while stopping

2006-08-21 Thread Aaron Mulder

On 8/21/06, James Strachan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It doesn't look too good closing the session inside a MessageListener
- any chance you could change that code?

OK, I tried registering the JMS objects with a different thread that
will then wake up and close them, and that seems to work fine.


Re: 4.0.1 Consumer hangs while stopping

2006-08-21 Thread James Strachan

Great, thanks for letting us know.

On 8/21/06, Aaron Mulder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 8/21/06, James Strachan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It doesn't look too good closing the session inside a MessageListener
 - any chance you could change that code?

OK, I tried registering the JMS objects with a different thread that
will then wake up and close them, and that seems to work fine.





2006-08-21 Thread Sachin Patel
On Aug 21, 2006, at 2:18 PM, Jason Dillon wrote:Minus the "I" prefix... seems okay.  What about using URLs instead of Files?Yep, agree.--jasonOn Aug 21, 2006, at 10:53 AM, Sachin Patel wrote:For the following JIRA, where all the module builders assume a jar file, what if we change all methods that take a JarFile to something like the following?public interface IDeployableModule {		public String getURI();		public File getRoot();	public File[] getResourceFolders();	public File[] getClassesFolders();	public boolean isBinary();		public IDeployableModule[] getChildModules();}-sachin  -sachin 

XBean site using new G-theme

2006-08-21 Thread Jason Dillon
I've just finished the initial re-theme-ification of the XBean site  
to use the AutoExport template we are using for GMOxSITE.

It will eventually make it to:

but for now you can see what it looks like here:

 * * *

A few things... I had to drop some of the tabs, only using Home and  
Downloads right now.  Since these are images, I can not easily pull  
content from the wiki to add arbitrary tabs.  I will look into  
fixing, creating border images, so we can drop text into the boxes.

I also could not figure out a nice looking way to add the XBean title  
to the main banner... seems that it does not fit well into the layout.

Probably best to get a new graphic that incorporates the G and XBean  
elements.  Might need to get some help from Epiq to get a updated  
layout that allows use to use the same theme across sub-projects   
the main site.

 * * *

Take a peek and let me know what you folks think.


Re: XBean site using new G-theme

2006-08-21 Thread Jason Dillon
Oh, I also dropped the search for now... its not very good at  
actually searching the content of the space :-(


On Aug 21, 2006, at 12:07 PM, Jason Dillon wrote:

I've just finished the initial re-theme-ification of the XBean site  
to use the AutoExport template we are using for GMOxSITE.

It will eventually make it to:

but for now you can see what it looks like here:

 * * *

A few things... I had to drop some of the tabs, only using Home and  
Downloads right now.  Since these are images, I can not easily pull  
content from the wiki to add arbitrary tabs.  I will look into  
fixing, creating border images, so we can drop text into the boxes.

I also could not figure out a nice looking way to add the XBean  
title to the main banner... seems that it does not fit well into  
the layout.

Probably best to get a new graphic that incorporates the G and  
XBean elements.  Might need to get some help from Epiq to get a  
updated layout that allows use to use the same theme across sub- 
projects  the main site.

 * * *

Take a peek and let me know what you folks think.


Re: Classloading branch

2006-08-21 Thread Guillaume Nodet

Yeah, it sounds better.

On 8/21/06, Dain Sundstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I prefer we don't use a plural for a module or package name, so how
about we call the module xbean-classloader?


On Aug 20, 2006, at 12:13 PM, Guillaume Nodet wrote:

 Should the xbean-classloaders module have a package named
 instead of keeping the old one

 It would break compatibility, but if it deserved a new module ...

 On 8/20/06, Alan D. Cabrera [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Alan D. Cabrera wrote:
  I'm going to take a crack at breaking out the classloading code
 into a
  separate module.  Should be simple enough.
  I'll solicit comments when I'm done and we can do an RTC vote
  afterwards, if all goes well.
 Done, xbean/branches/classloader.  Comments anyone?


 Guillaume Nodet

Guillaume Nodet


2006-08-21 Thread Jason Dillon
I'd also drop the public modifier for methods... its redundant ;-)--jasonOn Aug 21, 2006, at 10:53 AM, Sachin Patel wrote:For the following JIRA, where all the module builders assume a jar file, what if we change all methods that take a JarFile to something like the following?public interface IDeployableModule {		public String getURI();		public File getRoot();	public File[] getResourceFolders();	public File[] getClassesFolders();	public boolean isBinary();		public IDeployableModule[] getChildModules();}-sachin 

[jira] Commented: (GERONIMO-2332) RTC Put the generated xmlbeans files for the j2ee 1.4 schemas in svn in a spec module so we don't need the schemas in svn at all

2006-08-21 Thread David Jencks (JIRA)

David Jencks commented on GERONIMO-2332:

I don't think we can type the schemas up without typos that will change the 
meaning compared to the sun schemas.  I realized that my xml comparison tool 
only compares documents where the elements are all in the same order, and I'm 
not about to try to write one that can decide if two schemas are equivalent.

 RTC Put the generated xmlbeans files for the j2ee 1.4 schemas in svn in a 
 spec module so we don't need the schemas in svn at all

 Key: GERONIMO-2332
 Project: Geronimo
  Issue Type: RTC
  Security Level: public(Regular issues) 
  Components: specs
Affects Versions: 1.2, 1.1.1, 1.1.2
Reporter: David Jencks
 Assigned To: David Jencks
 Fix For: 1.2, 1.1.1, 1.1.2

 Attachments: GERONIMO-2332-1.1.patch, 
 GERONIMO-2332-openejb-2.1.patch, GERONIMO-2332-trunk.patch,,

 See GERONIMO-2307.  It seems that the option with the least legal exposure is 
 to not distribute and sun schema files and not have any in our svn.  This is 
 a proposed spec module that uses a m2 profile to pull the schemas from suns 
 website (where they are freely available), run xmlbeans on them, and remove 
 the copies of the schemas that xmlbeasn helpfully tries to include in the 
 output.  We can then check this stuff into svn.
 A normal non-profile build then just builds these sources into a jar.  We can 
 replace the xmlbeans step in j2ee-schema with a geronimo dependency on this 
 new spec jar.

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

Re: XBean site using new G-theme

2006-08-21 Thread Guillaume Nodet

Amazing !
Thx a lot, Jason.

On 8/21/06, Jason Dillon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've just finished the initial re-theme-ification of the XBean site
to use the AutoExport template we are using for GMOxSITE.

It will eventually make it to:

but for now you can see what it looks like here:

  * * *

A few things... I had to drop some of the tabs, only using Home and
Downloads right now.  Since these are images, I can not easily pull
content from the wiki to add arbitrary tabs.  I will look into
fixing, creating border images, so we can drop text into the boxes.

I also could not figure out a nice looking way to add the XBean title
to the main banner... seems that it does not fit well into the layout.

Probably best to get a new graphic that incorporates the G and XBean
elements.  Might need to get some help from Epiq to get a updated
layout that allows use to use the same theme across sub-projects 
the main site.

  * * *

Take a peek and let me know what you folks think.


Guillaume Nodet

Re: XBean site using new G-theme

2006-08-21 Thread Bruce Snyder

On 8/21/06, Jason Dillon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've just finished the initial re-theme-ification of the XBean site
to use the AutoExport template we are using for GMOxSITE.

It will eventually make it to:

but for now you can see what it looks like here:

  * * *

A few things... I had to drop some of the tabs, only using Home and
Downloads right now.  Since these are images, I can not easily pull
content from the wiki to add arbitrary tabs.  I will look into
fixing, creating border images, so we can drop text into the boxes.

I also could not figure out a nice looking way to add the XBean title
to the main banner... seems that it does not fit well into the layout.

Probably best to get a new graphic that incorporates the G and XBean
elements.  Might need to get some help from Epiq to get a updated
layout that allows use to use the same theme across sub-projects 
the main site.

  * * *

Take a peek and let me know what you folks think.

Nice work, Jason!

perl -e 'print unpack(u30,D0G)[EMAIL 

Apache Geronimo -
Apache ActiveMQ -
Apache ServiceMix -
Castor -

Re: Where should g. jee5 stuff go?

2006-08-21 Thread David Blevins
You can put it here for now 

When Jason's done with the new spec layout, I'll be working on moving  
those in to trunk.


On Aug 20, 2006, at 5:41 PM, David Jencks wrote:

I've implemented the jta 1.1 feature locally and want to do the ejb  
3/jpa container managed persistence stuff.  Where should I put it?

jta 1.1 adds one interface to jta 1.0.1B with AFAICT no other  
changes (I haven't actually been able to locate the spec, just the  
javadoc).  Anyone know if we can run the j2ee 1.4 tck using jee5  
spec jars?

If not, I think we'll have to do something like copy the tm module  
to somewhere else for jee5 work.  Maybe a copy of tm in sandbox?  I  
worry about getting out of sync with m2 related reorganizations.

My first guess at the CMP is to do most of the work in the tm  
module. but I might change my mind at any time.

david jencks


2006-08-21 Thread Dain Sundstrom
Some java docs would help me understand what these methods are  
supposed to do.


On Aug 21, 2006, at 10:53 AM, Sachin Patel wrote:

For the following JIRA, where all the module builders assume a jar  
file, what if we change all methods that take a JarFile to  
something like the following?

public interface IDeployableModule {

public String getURI();

public File getRoot();

public File[] getResourceFolders();

public File[] getClassesFolders();

public boolean isBinary();

public IDeployableModule[] getChildModules();


Re: XBean site using new G-theme

2006-08-21 Thread Dain Sundstrom

Very cool!

On Aug 21, 2006, at 12:07 PM, Jason Dillon wrote:

Probably best to get a new graphic that incorporates the G and  
XBean elements.  Might need to get some help from Epiq to get a  
updated layout that allows use to use the same theme across sub- 
projects  the main site.

I'd love to get an [X] logo just like the [G] logo (except with an x  
of course).


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