Re: [OSM-dev] Export: (limit is 50000).

2019-08-06 Thread Dave F via dev

On 06/08/2019 16:32, marc marc wrote:

josm allow to download data from overpass,
which allows a larger limit.

Overpass's greater capacity is one reason why I was querying's 

Using OP to send data to JOSM for mass editing is one of the occasions I 
do use it to edit. However it's usually to filter the data first.


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Re: [OSM-dev] Export: (limit is 50000).

2019-08-06 Thread Dave F via dev

On 06/08/2019 15:06, Tom Hughes wrote:

On 06/08/2019 14:45, Dave F via dev wrote:

Why are you mentioning 'rendering'?

Because I thought we were talking about map exports?

I am.
"Main Page > Export" makes *no* mention of rendering.

I assume you meant the raw data export? That is the
standard API limit 

& I'm enquiring if that limit can be updated.

- all that export does is redirect
to the same API that JOSM etc use.

Yes, I've noticed the limitations of JOSM. It's one of the reasons I 
don't use it as my general editor.

That really isn't something that I would expect
anybody much to use - if you want bulk data then
sue the planet. The API is for editors.

I don't think anyone would expect to "bulk" download, but surely a town 
or even a suburb should be acceptable?

Again we should really never have added that to
the share tab 

Again,  the 'share tab' is something I never mentioned Why are you 
reluctant to read what's in front of you?

as it just encourages people to think
that is the correct way to reuse OSM data.

It's up to them how the reuse the data.


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Re: [OSM-dev] Export: (limit is 50000).

2019-08-06 Thread Dave F via dev

Why are you mentioning 'rendering'?

On 06/08/2019 14:36, Tom Hughes wrote:

On 06/08/2019 14:24, Dave F via dev wrote:

Is this based on server & connection speeds etc? If so has it been 
reviewed recently? With the increase in general computing power is 
there a reason this limit could not be increased?

Rendering custom maps is very expensive and is not really
a core part of our mission - we should probably never have
added that feature really.

Every time that call is used you are going direct to one
of the render servers whose main job is to render tiles for
the map and you're making it do a custom select from the
database just for and then render that data.

The node limit is basically about limiting the amount of
data that has to be sucked out the database and manipulated
to produce the result.

While compute power may have increased somewhat so have the
number of users hitting that endpoint...


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[OSM-dev] Export: (limit is 50000).

2019-08-06 Thread Dave F via dev


Main Page > Export*. I'm often getting the following message:

"You requested too many nodes (limit is 5). Either request a smaller 
area, or use planet.osm"

To get within this limit the downloadable area has been greatly reduced 
as more data is added to OSM, especially in urban areas.

Is this based on server & connection speeds etc? If so has it been 
reviewed recently? With the increase in general computing power is there 
a reason this limit could not be increased?

* I'm aware of alternatives for retrieving OSM data, but I'm inquiring 
specifically about this, on the main page where the vast majority have 
their initial interaction with OSM. Error messages just deter potential 


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Re: [OSM-dev] Auto adding attribution to image creation.

2019-08-06 Thread Dave F via dev

On 06/08/2019 13:47, Tom Hughes wrote:

On 06/08/2019 13:29, Dave F via dev wrote:

On 06/08/2019 12:26, Tom Hughes wrote:

On 06/08/2019 12:04, Dave F via dev wrote:

A user has asked why the image creation tool under 'Share' couldn't 
automatically add an attribution. It would certainly save me a lot 
of email sending asking users to add it.

If you mean the option 

I'm surprised your confused. I thought I was perfectly clear.

The "share" tool offers a number of options and I just wanted
to be clear which one we were talking about.

I mentioned 'image' & I'm posting to the Development forum not Newbie.

that gives you an image based on the
default rendering then the answer is that all that option does
is to to a custom render using mapnik, and that render has
no way to add an attribution.

Would it be much coding effort?


I mean you can certainly do it, but it means writing a whole
bunch of code to work out what font size to use then render
some text and overlay it on the mapnik generated image.

There must be calculations performed to create the clipped image
  especially considering the Scale: option provided.
Inserting an image of the attribution into the corner of the map 
image at a defined percentage of its size can't add that much 
additional overheads,

There are plenty of 'image stamper' programs on the market which do 

The script is here: 

Patches are welcome.

Make sure they work for all the output formats ;-)

Yeah, that's not really the answer, is it?

My OSM time is spent creating data for the OSM database. I then spend 
additional time updating & maintaining that data.

It a shame the creators of the main website are reluctant to do the same 
for their contributions. It's looking a bit tired & 'Win95ish'.


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Auto adding attribution to image creation.

2019-08-06 Thread Dave F via dev

On 06/08/2019 12:26, Tom Hughes wrote:

On 06/08/2019 12:04, Dave F via dev wrote:

A user has asked why the image creation tool under 'Share' couldn't 
automatically add an attribution. It would certainly save me a lot of 
email sending asking users to add it.

If you mean the option 

I'm surprised your confused. I thought I was perfectly clear.

that gives you an image based on the
default rendering then the answer is that all that option does
is to to a custom render using mapnik, and that render has
no way to add an attribution.

Would it be much coding effort?


I mean you can certainly do it, but it means writing a whole
bunch of code to work out what font size to use then render
some text and overlay it on the mapnik generated image.

There must be calculations performed to create the clipped image
 especially considering the Scale: option provided.
Inserting an image of the attribution into the corner of the map image 
at a defined percentage of its size can't add that much additional 

There are plenty of 'image stamper' programs on the market which do similar.

Then you need somebody to answer all the complaints when that
text gets dropped over the top of something important.

Sorry, but that's a ridiculous argument. How many complaints are 
received about the main page map attribution?


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[OSM-dev] Auto adding attribution to image creation.

2019-08-06 Thread Dave F via dev


A user has asked why the image creation tool under 'Share' couldn't 
automatically add an attribution. It would certainly save me a lot of 
email sending asking users to add it.

Would it be much coding effort?


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Re: [OSM-dev] OpenStreetMap Carto release v4.18.0

2018-12-21 Thread Dave F


What does 'later' mean:

On 21/12/2018 15:36, Daniel Koć wrote:

Moving railway=tram_stop and station=subway later


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Re: [OSM-dev] iD news - 2.12.0 released 🎉

2018-12-10 Thread Dave F

On 10/12/2018 12:48, Andrew Harvey wrote:

If you search for a preset with a brand, eg. McDonalds and select that
it will populate:


Then the name field is locked from editing in your session so you
can't change it, unless you go down to the advanced "All tags" section
where you can edit any of these locked free form tags.

Tail wagging the dog.


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Re: [OSM-dev] OpenStreetBrowser: Improved public transport map and other route relations

2018-08-08 Thread Dave F


Could the bus data be split from the railways/


On 08/08/2018 21:13, Stephan Bösch-Plepelits wrote:

Before starting my project OpenStreetBrowser (which was a long time ago
in autumn of 2008) I just wanted to create a public transport map
(short: PT map).  Creating a PT map is really difficult and creating a
usable map is even more difficult. There are several reasons for this,
including that OpenStreetMap itself adds a lot of complexity. But it is
possible. Back then, my efforts resulted in OpenStreetBrowser 1, but the
PT map code didn't last long.

History repeated itself 8 years later, as in autumn 2016 - at a time
after OpenStreetBrowser has been shut down - I made another attempt to
create a PT map (you can still see the result on From
this code, OpenStreetBrowser 3 (the current version) was born - though
with very rudimentary support for route relations: All visible relations
would be loaded with their full geometries and displayed on top of each
other - regardless of their priority. Now, only the visible parts of
relations will be loaded once (even when they are part of several
relations) and shown with their relation memberships.

So, finally I can present another iteration of public transport maps,
this time included in OpenStreetBrowser:

Many things already work:
- Ways are colored by type of the route relations
- Popups of stops and ways show list of routes
- Separate lists for visible stops and visible routes
- Route popups and details show list of stops

Still, there are some missing features:
- Stops with the same name should be grouped and labeled.
- Directions of routes are not shown.
- Hide routes which are currently out of service (derived from the
   opening_hours tag).
- Take scale of route into account.
- In route view, stops are not named when the name has to be read from a
   stop_area relation.
- Performance optimizations.


Other route relations
As a by-product, also other route relations (cycle routes, hiking, ...)
are now much better supported.

The following categories have been improved / newly created:

- Leisure, Sport and Shopping -> Outdoor activities -> Mountain bike routes
- Transportation -> Walking -> Hiking routes
- Transportation -> Cycling -> Cycle routes
- Transportation -> Individual Traffic -> Road routes
- Infrastructure -> Railway -> Railway routes

Please post ideas and bug reports to the Github issue page!

Find pictures on the blog:


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Re: [OSM-dev] smoothness data in gpx files for GPS tracks on

2018-01-29 Thread Dave F
I gave up tagging a way's smoothness a long time ago as it's so 
subjective & open to misinterpretation. Agreeing on what the make-up of 
the actual surface is difficult enough. See also anything referred to as 
'difficult' or 'dangerous':

All of the scales listed here would be described by me as "You've got to 
be kidding me, I'm getting off & pushing.":


On 28/01/2018 07:59, Johannes wrote:


I wanted to get some opinions about an idea of mine.

I consider data on the smoothness/roughness of routes to be quite important for 
cycle routing in order to plan optimal routes. Up to now, this has not played a 
major role in bicycle routes, as far as I know. Therefore, I would like to make 
a small improvement of the surface data for paths in Openstreetmap.

You can see on mapillary photos what kind of road surface there is on a cycle 
path, but you can't deduce reliable data about the smoothness of it.

A first technical idea was to record a track as a GPX file enriched with a 
vibration coefficient (IRI, International Roughness Index, dont know the 
exactly format yet) recorded by a smartphone while riding a bike.
The GPX file format seems to be flexible enough (extension?) to store 
additional data such as this coefficient.

Therefore a central data repository is needed.
Do you think it's a good idea to store such enriched GPX data in the public GPS 
tracks repository on and make appropriate changes to the 
database schema and API so that these additional metadata are preserved when 
exporting GPX, so that on the one hand the GPS tracks can be made available to 
the public and on the other hand special client  software can visualize the 
vibration metadata.

What do you think?
Greetings Johannes
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Re: [OSM-dev] XAPI

2017-08-07 Thread Dave F

On 07/08/2017 17:08, Simon Poole wrote:

There are multiple reasons why this is not going to work,

One of them is it's amenity=school not schools


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Re: [OSM-dev] Removing functionality and giving just No as answer

2017-02-24 Thread Dave F

On 24/02/2017 11:19, Tom Hughes wrote:

Well it was a little odd that we suddenly got several people who are 
not regular commenters turning up in the space of a few minute to add 
"me too" style responses.

What's wrong with that? There are numerous discussions in Dev that I 
have no interest in, but on occasion there's something relevant to my 
OSM usage & I will make a comment. This current topic appears to be 
relevant to a few other users.

OSM Github is not a private club. You should be welcoming other 
contributors, not 'closing' on them.


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Re: [OSM-dev] Removing functionality and giving just No as answer

2017-02-24 Thread Dave F

On 24/02/2017 10:26, Jóhannes Birgir Jensson wrote:

It was closed and rejected in a very abrupt and unconstructive manner.

Yes. This seems to be Tom Hughes's default reaction. He's certainly 
trigger happy with the close button.


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Re: [OSM-dev] [OSM-talk] Make Nominatim more dev friendly

2017-02-02 Thread Dave F

Wouldn't it be better to make it more user friendly?[1]

I'd have thought popular projects where there's a clear benefit & a 
sustainable future would attract more developers.

[1] Does the viewbox option work? With it ticked, it still found a 
street miles away from the city in the window. (Yes, the city does have 
the street)


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[OSM-dev] Install WikiBlame into OSM Wiki?

2017-01-25 Thread Dave F


I asked a question over at OSMHelp regarding searching the history of 
OSM Wiki :

WikiBlame works as a standalone, but would obviously be much more 
convenient if 'built in'.

Would it be a hassle to implement it? I'm guessing a couple of lines of 


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Re: [OSM-dev] Tag-info: Tag descriptons

2016-09-14 Thread Dave F

Yes, I know. Which is why I clearly stated it.

On 13/09/2016 20:01, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

sent from a phone

Il giorno 13 set 2016, alle ore 18:38, Dave F>> ha 

place <>=farm 
<> - a place named 
by a name of a farm

This appears to contradict the other (incorrect) description.

I'll discuss further on Talk forum

+1, actually tagging would seem most suitable


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Re: [OSM-dev] Tag-info: Tag descriptons

2016-09-13 Thread Dave F

Thanks for that

Type 'farm' into the wiki & it take you to

place <>=farm 
<> - a place named by 
a name of a farm

This appears to contradict the other (incorrect) description.

I'll discuss further on Talk forum.

Dave F.

On 13/09/2016 17:26, Imre Samu wrote:

Hi Dave,

> From where does tag-info derive the descriptions for each tag?

from the osm wiki

>place=farm is "Individually named farm (but not isolated)." which I 
believe is incorrect.

see "Description"  on the wiki page : 

wiki source:




|description=*Individually named farm (but not isolated).*




|status=In use


2016-09-13 18:07 GMT+02:00 Dave F <>>:


From where does tag-info derive the descriptions for each tag?

place=farm is "Individually named farm (but not isolated)." which
I believe is incorrect. It should be used (very rarely, I assume)
where a group of dwellings (hamlet) have taken the name of a
nearby farm. To tag the area surrounding farm buildings,
landuse=farmyard should be used.

This, along with mapnik carto rendering them, has led to an
increase in the misuse of this tag combination.

Fill out this tool for evidence:

 Could it be amended please.

Dave F.

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[OSM-dev] Tag-info: Tag descriptons

2016-09-13 Thread Dave F


From where does tag-info derive the descriptions for each tag?

place=farm is "Individually named farm (but not isolated)." which I 
believe is incorrect. It should be used (very rarely, I assume) where a 
group of dwellings (hamlet) have taken the name of a nearby farm. To tag 
the area surrounding farm buildings, landuse=farmyard should be used.

This, along with mapnik carto rendering them, has led to an increase in 
the misuse of this tag combination.

Fill out this tool for evidence:

 Could it be amended please.

Dave F.

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Merkaartor creates invalid highway tags like highway=unclassified; track

2016-03-15 Thread Dave F

I worked out how to replicate the problem in P2 by merging.

It doesn't render such ways in the editor & a error warning pops up.

So any such tagging is clearly user error & not editor error.

On 14/03/2016 12:59, Dave F wrote:

On 14/03/2016 08:58, Gerd Petermann wrote:

the only changesets with these errors are created

by Merkaartor  and Potlatch 2.

How are these "invalid tags" created in P2? I'm unable to replicate.

Dave F.

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Re: [OSM-dev] Merkaartor creates invalid highway tags like highway=unclassified; track

2016-03-14 Thread Dave F

On 14/03/2016 08:58, Gerd Petermann wrote:

the only changesets with these errors are created

by Merkaartor  and Potlatch 2.

How are these "invalid tags" created in P2? I'm unable to replicate.

Dave F.

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[OSM-dev] Any JOSM developers/expert able to have a look at this login problem?

2016-02-11 Thread Dave F


I've a JOSM login problem. I've posted the details here:

If you've a few minutes to see if you can find the problem I'd 
appreciate it.

Dave F.

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Re: [OSM-dev] Overpass QL area to node

2016-02-09 Thread Dave F

Try amending

out body;
out skel qt;

to just:

out center;

Dave F.

On 09/02/2016 14:30, Mikoláš Štrajt wrote:

It's possible to convert returned areas to nodes via Overpass QL?

For example if I want to display POI list of churches 
( but I am interested only in their location not 
shape on map.


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Re: [OSM-dev] Which is best for this task, osmosis, osmconvert osmupdate or...

2015-12-29 Thread Dave F.

Thanks for the reply.

On 29/12/2015 21:09, Paul Norman wrote:

On 12/29/2015 9:41 AM, Dave F. wrote:
I've previously download a file of all OSM data within a rectangular 
area. I then use mkgmap to convert it to the format by my Garmin 
GPSr. In the future I'd like to change that so it's a multi faceted 
polygon of only specified OSM entities.

At present, each time I want to update the file, I'm downloading 
every entity, even if they haven't been amended. What I need is to 
download any changes within the polygon since I last updated. I read 
about minute, hourly & daily diffs. Am I able to state the date I 
last updated as the start point for new data?

There appear to be a few programs able to do what I require, but 
unsure which is best suited. Is Osmosis a bit overblown for my 
purpose. Osmupdate seems a bit more lightweight. Osmconvert appears 
to discourage doing what I need: Overpass also 
has a way to download diffs. Anyone used that?

Your best bet is to get an extract from Geofabrik which contains the 
areas you need and use their daily diffs to keep it up to date. If you 
need a smaller area, extract it from this larger file every day.

A couple of problems with that, I'm afraid. Firstly they don't provide 
my area & secondly I'm trying to avoid large downloads like the 670mb 
England file & amendment files for data I'm never going to need. Is 
there not a way to work just within a user specified polygon?

Is it better to work with a raw OSM data file or use a .pbf file? In 
fact I'm a bit confused what one is. From the wiki it firstly says 
"alternative to the XML format", but then goes on to compare it with 
a compressed file format. Which is it?

OSM PBFs are raw OSM data, as is OSM XML and o5m. They're just 
different file formats. Avoid OSM XML unless you're using software 
which only supports that. Use PBF or o5m instead. PBF is easier to use 
with the workflow I describe above since you can download a PBF 
directly from Geofabrik.

So it's the original OSM(XML) fie format that's been compressed into a 
PBF container, similar in concept to zip files?

Dave F.

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[OSM-dev] Which is best for this task, osmosis, osmconvert osmupdate or...

2015-12-29 Thread Dave F.


I'm a bit unsure which program is best to perform the actions I list below.

I've previously download a file of all OSM data within a rectangular 
area. I then use mkgmap to convert it to the format by my Garmin GPSr. 
In the future I'd like to change that so it's a multi faceted polygon of 
only specified OSM entities.

At present, each time I want to update the file, I'm downloading every 
entity, even if they haven't been amended. What I need is to download 
any changes within the polygon since I last updated. I read about 
minute, hourly & daily diffs. Am I able to state the date I last updated 
as the start point for new data?

There appear to be a few programs able to do what I require, but unsure 
which is best suited. Is Osmosis a bit overblown for my purpose. 
Osmupdate seems a bit more lightweight. Osmconvert appears to discourage 
doing what I need: Overpass also 
has a way to download diffs. Anyone used that?

Is it better to work with a raw OSM data file or use a .pbf file? In 
fact I'm a bit confused what one is. From the wiki it firstly says 
"alternative to the XML format", but then goes on to compare it with a 
compressed file format. Which is it?

Your help is appreciated.

Dave F.

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Re: [OSM-dev] Why is ford=yes not rendered in the default style?

2015-11-27 Thread Dave F.

On 27/11/2015 02:50, Daniel Koć wrote:

W dniu 27.11.2015 1:47, Dave F. napisał(a):

   However I still think there's something wrong with a system that 

   years to render an almost universal accepted replacement tag for a
   deprecated one that was previously rendered.

In my opinion there's hardly a "system" in OSM, because even core 
subprojects are rather disconnected (for example no common presets for 
JOSM and iD).

Maybe the rendering 'procedure' would be a better description.

It would be impossible to render every tag (even if we just talk about 
those with Wiki page), but unfortunately we were not able to agree 
even on the most general rules:

We're not talking about 'every' tag. It's about one entity that is 
*already* rendered. To benefit the OSM database It was agreed to change 
to a new tag. For the past couple of years Mapnik carto has failed to 
change over.

   Am I right in thinking the style file has been updated only once in
   over two years & that was just to delete comments?

There's even a rough plan for so called "database reload":

Ah, It's a plan not a system :-)

What is the 'database' that's referred to? Presumably not the main OSM one.

however it seems it's not being worked on and Paul is not happy with 
such things, because he feels it will basically enable rendering more 
items (contrary to his view on the style): 

Whatever his opinions are, the process used by OSM carto shouldn't 
prevent an previously agreed/supported tag from being quickly added & 

Dave F.

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Re: [OSM-dev] Why is ford=yes not rendered in the default style?

2015-11-26 Thread Dave F.

Mateusz , Simon et al

I admit I'm a bit of an outsider on this (I prefer going out, collecting 
data to upload) but I'm a bit surprised by these 'it's not possible 
really' comments.

A few years ago it was announced that the carto schema (or whatever you 
want to call it) was to be 'overhauled to make it simple to edit so 
everybody could lend a hand'. It appears, from what's been said here, 
that it either didn't improve or it's gone back to square one.

In simple terms could you explain (or point to a relevant page) what the 
render database is & why it needs 'importing' and what hstore is .A 
quick google & it appears to be just k=v data storage, as is used in OSM 
database. Is that all it is?

Icons to POIs have been added to the carto in the past few updates (ie 
amenity=fountain), what's different about ford=yes? I find this mildly 
disappointing. It was announced a long while back that this tag was 
superseding highway=ford. I & others spent time changing them over only 
for it to actually reduce the quality of the 'standard' map.

Dave F.

On 26/11/2015 16:47, Mateusz Konieczny wrote:

On Thu, 26 Nov 2015 12:20:13 +
"Dave F."  wrote:


@Holger: Could you explain why it's "technically not possible"? It
seems strange just this one node can't be rendered.

Currently only tags listed at
may be used to generate Standard map layer.

Changing this is not trivial - for start "There's nothing published
about moving a style to hstore and making schema choices based on
data." to quote

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Re: [OSM-dev] Why is ford=yes not rendered in the default style?

2015-11-26 Thread Dave F.

Thanks to all for the information. It's becoming a bit clearer to me.

However I still think there's something wrong with a system that takes 
years to render an almost universal accepted replacement tag for a 
deprecated one that was previously rendered.

Am I right in thinking the style file has been updated only once in over 
two years & that was just to delete comments?

Is the style file user purely to decide what gets rendered? If so, I'm 
surprised to see ele & z_order

Dave F.

On 26/11/2015 19:28, Mateusz Konieczny wrote:

On Thu, 26 Nov 2015 18:58:50 +
"Dave F."  wrote:

Mateusz , Simon et al

I admit I'm a bit of an outsider on this (I prefer going out,
collecting data to upload) but I'm a bit surprised by these 'it's not
possible really' comments.

A few years ago it was announced that the carto schema (or whatever
you want to call it) was to be 'overhauled to make it simple to edit
so everybody could lend a hand'. It appears, from what's been said
here, that it either didn't improve or it's gone back to square one.

It was improved. Old XML style was horrible to edit (see more at

Icons to POIs have been added to the carto in the past few updates
(ie amenity=fountain), what's different about ford=yes?

Key amenity is loaded in the database used to render this style on the
OSM website, key ford is not (keys that are available for Default style
are listed at

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Re: [OSM-dev] Why is ford=yes not rendered in the default style?

2015-11-26 Thread Dave F.


@Holger: Could you explain why it's "technically not possible"? It seems 
strange just this one node can't be rendered.

This icon was proposed & received general approval: 

I'm unsure why it's not gained favour with those who upgrade the carto. 
It's the most relevant idea I've seen so far. Waves for the water & 
lines to represent the way. There's no need to show cars as many (most?) 
fords are for non vehicular ways.

The current icon (on highway=ford only) shows a double headed arrow. 
Icons should be relevant to what they're trying to indicate I don't see 
the connection between arrows & fords. Nothing needs sizing or measuring 
& for obvious reasons, it can't be to indicate the flow direction.

Dave F.

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Re: [OSM-dev] [Talk-GB] New Map Style feedback

2015-11-01 Thread Dave F.

On 01/11/2015 17:26, Tom Hughes wrote:

On 01/11/15 17:09, Amaroussi (OpenStreetMap) wrote:

The ability for OSM to render the “British” colours alongside the new 
style colours would depend on what resources they have, but I will 
support adding an alternative layer to the main site that uses the 
“British” colours, as soon as the alternative tile server goes live: 
it is clear that there is no clear standard for how roads are 
coloured. I will suggest however that the “British” stylesheet be 
based from the main openstreetmap-carto style, in order to ease 

Why do you think a British style should get special treatment I wonder?

Not so much about a 'British' render but don't you think using the same 
colour to render tertiary & unclassified, two distinctly different 
classifications, is bit of a backward step?

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Re: [OSM-dev] [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap Carto v2.33.0 release

2015-08-15 Thread Dave F.


Does the combined wood/forest update include landcover=trees? If not it 
needs to be included all three should render the same (IMO).

Dave F.

On 15/08/2015 03:27, Paul Norman wrote:

This email is also in user diary form at
where issue numbers are linked.

OpenStreetMap Carto 2.33.0 has been released. This release focuses on
cartographic style improvements, but the release notes also include 

The biggest changes are

- A randomized symbology for forests for natural=wood and landuse=forest
  #1728 #1242

  A long time in the works, this improvement has finally landed. The two
  tags were merged - they are indistinguishable to the data consumer.[1]
  A randomized symbology was first suggested by SK53[2] at SOTM-EU 2014,
  and this feature would not have happened without his extensive 

  or imagico's tools for creating an irregular but uniformly distributed
  and periodic dot pattern[3]

- Rendering minor roads and service rail later for mid-zoom clarity
  #1682 #1692 #1676 #1647

  As all residential, unclassified, and service roads in a city became
  mapped the rendered view became over-crowded, bloblike, and difficult
  to read.

- Unification of footway/path and rendering surface of them

  The mess that is highway=path is well-known[4], and it is necessary
  to do some kind of processing as a data consumer. A distinction is
  now made between paved and unpaved footways.

- Rendering of Antartic ice sheets from shapefiles #1540

  Ice sheets in Antartica are a bit of a special case, and pre-generated
  shapefiles are now used

- Mapnik 3 preperations #1579

  The style is not yet fullly tested with Mapnik 3 and we don't claim to
  support it, but several bugs were fixed. Most of the work was done on
  the Mapnik side

- No longer rendering proposed roads #1663 #1654

- Power area colour adjusted #1680

- Better place label order #1689

- meadow/grassland and orchard/vineyard color unification #1655

- Render educational area borders later #1662

- New POI icons

A full list of changes can be found on Github at 



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dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap Carto v2.33.0 release

2015-08-15 Thread Dave F.
I'm on the fence about this. Does the 'general purpose' mapnik rendering 
need such distinctions? Would the vast majority of end users really 
care. Could it even make it more confusing for them?

Dave F.

On 15/08/2015 12:45, tony wroblewski wrote:

The woodland change looks much better, but would it not be possible to
render broadleaved, needleleaved and mixed using different tree
images, as seen on other maps? This would, I think, give people more
incentive to add this information when mapping woodland.



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[OSM-dev] Flagging of Changeset discussions

2015-01-31 Thread Dave F.


Are replies to changeset discussions meant to be flagged in a users 'My 
Messages'? ATM it appears to not do that. Is there a reason it's not 

Dave F.

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dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] [meta] Problem with reply to messages from mailing list on Gmail

2015-01-12 Thread Dave F.

On 11/12/2014 17:47, Tom Hughes wrote:
The tagging list is probably configured to set Reply-To and this one 
isn't (it's a per list option).

Well, I learnt something new today. Thanks.

I always assumed it was settings bug in Thunderbird. Shame all clients 
don't have the Reply: Sender/All/List option.

Dave F.

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dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Embed an iframe using Zoom level + Lat/Lon?

2014-12-30 Thread Dave F.


The Share> embed HTML option on the front page of OSM defaults to bbox 
to select the area to display. I find this incredibly fiddly to get the 
exact view I require. There appears little correlation between what the 
map displays & the html bbox coordinates.

Is there a way to use Lat/Lon/Zoom Level option as used by the 'View 
Larger Map option? I tried copy/paste but it didn't work.

Something like:

Dave F.

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dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Overpass ql problem using around/radius

2014-11-19 Thread Dave F.

On 18/11/2014 18:06, Roland Olbricht wrote:


thank you for the feedback. This is a perfectly valid enhancement of 
the software. Could you please open an issue at

Will do.

As a related follow on question I notice the command line XAPI can use 
'*' to represent 'all':*[bbox=-2.7,51.234,-2.09,51.625]

Is there similar within Turbo/interpreter?

Dave F.

With a bounding box, this works:

out body;
out skel qt;

But if If substitute the first line for around: [around:15000,51.38138,
it throws an error: *Error*: line 1: parse error: ']' expected - ',' 

Is this expected behaviour?


There is no global "around" feature so far. This is for a couple of 
reasons. The most important is that "around" is currently painfully 
slow, in particular a lot slower than "bbox". I would like to improve 
the performance first to make this hypothetical feature run within an 
acceptable time for the user.

Best regards,


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dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Overpass ql problem using around/radius

2014-11-17 Thread Dave F.


With a bounding box, this works:

out body;
out skel qt;

But if If substitute the first line for around: [around:15000,51.38138, 

it throws an error: *Error*: line 1: parse error: ']' expected - ',' found.

Is this expected behaviour? If I want to use radius/around do I have to 
include the line for all object types?:

node  ["leisure"="park"] (around:15000,51.38138, -2.35968);

Dave F.

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dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] [OSM-talk] OSM front page design concept

2010-02-21 Thread Dave F.
SteveC wrote:
> On Feb 21, 2010, at 8:03 AM, Dave F. wrote:
>> How is zooming all the way in & repeatedly panning around to centre up, 
>> quicker than one click to _accurately_  locate the problem?
> Hi, you've never done a UI review.
> Money quote: 
> "Every user in this study struggled to get a basic grasp of the editing 
> interface. Despite users’ overall excitement about Wikipedia, their 
> willingness to spend up to an hour on the site, and varying levels of 
> computer expertise, they largely failed to make edits correctly without 
> repeated attempts and efforts."
> It would be worse for OSM. Ir shouldn't be.

What proof do you have for that?

You're comparing oranges with apples.
With OSM being vector graphics & icons, it's much easier to get to grips 
with than a scripting language.
(As a side point, I think all references to XML format data should be 
banned from the wiki. It's too confusing & not relevant for newbies.)

Initial points after skimming your link:

15 is not a big enough set for accurate conclusions. Even worse it was 
vetted down, removing users who were willing editors. This gives a 
distorted view on how user friendly it is. And they were just from SF.

Environment plays a big part in opinion surveys like this. Going on the 
photo' for the remote sessions it's results are hardly surprising - 
uncomfortable seats, broom cupboard room (I bet it got hot in there) &  
poor posture positions.
Most OSM users will learn at their own pace in the comfort of their own 

I got to grips with OSM fairly quickly, yet I've still not worked out 
how to edit a wiki properly.

>> 2) We have to be very clear that the website is _awful_. 
>> Horrendous. A total PITA. We're all here because we're persistent with it. 
>> But the wonderful thing is - we don't have to make the tools and site easy 
>> to use if we can expose a simple bug system. It's very clear that nobody can 
>> convince Richard to actually write something any muggle would really want to 
>> use, you can scream at him to finish the mythical Potlatch 2 all you want, 
>> but he doesn't give a shit and lives on a boat in bliss. That's his choice, 
>> and it's totally fine, but if we all feel that way then we have to deal with 
>> the downside that every single day we lose tens of thousands of edits 
>> because of that monopoly on bad UI. All I'm suggesting is we sidestep the 
>> problem and connect people who can report a map bug but can't be bothered to 
>> deal with pain and suffering of potlatch with the people who can deal with 
>> it, at least until Richard gets his act together and stops fixing every 
>> stupid thing in the old codebase. You have to take a step back here and 
>> realise what we're missing out on.
>> You really are a grade A tosser.
>> When most people here treat others with respect, why do you have to 
>> degenerate it into a juvenile, Youtube style slanging match?
>> What do you think Granny's reaction will be when she reads this?
> Sorry, 
And so you should be.

> do you disagree with any specific point I made?

I disagree with you general attitude.

Dave F.

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] [OSM-talk] OSM front page design concept

2010-02-21 Thread Dave F.
John Smith wrote:
> On 22 February 2010 01:37, Dave F.  wrote:
>> Streetbugs encourages people to 'get others to do it' when OSM should be
>> encouraging them to 'do it yourself'
> While it'd be nice if people would fix any problems themselves, I
> don't think OSM's website is at the point where some granny can just
> quickly/easily sign up and tweak a few things, there is simply too
> many alien concepts for most people to grasp quickly and easily. Find
> some random non-technical family member and try and explain it to them
> some time.

Yes, I fully understand the problems, but I think that, in principle, 
OSM should be encouraging community participation. Streetbugs, as it 
stands, doesn't do this.

> In the mean time if they can quickly explain the problem people could
> explain to the person reporting it how to fix it.

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] [OSM-talk] OSM front page design concept

2010-02-21 Thread Dave F.
SteveC wrote:
> Well I'll go further.
> openstreetbugs is basically there but has a crappy UI. It needs to be
> 1) click 'feedback' or 'problem'
> 2) enter problem
> 3) click ok
> the extra step of clicking where the problem is should not happen, we should 
> get that from the bbox or center point plus zoom. So with some changes I 
> think we can integrate OSB and expose it front and center to help fix up the 
> bugs.

How is zooming all the way in & repeatedly panning around to centre up, 
quicker than one click to _accurately_  locate the problem?

> 2) We have to be very clear that the website is _awful_. 
> Horrendous. A total PITA. We're all here because we're persistent with it. 
> But the wonderful thing is - we don't have to make the tools and site easy to 
> use if we can expose a simple bug system. It's very clear that nobody can 
> convince Richard to actually write something any muggle would really want to 
> use, you can scream at him to finish the mythical Potlatch 2 all you want, 
> but he doesn't give a shit and lives on a boat in bliss. That's his choice, 
> and it's totally fine, but if we all feel that way then we have to deal with 
> the downside that every single day we lose tens of thousands of edits because 
> of that monopoly on bad UI. All I'm suggesting is we sidestep the problem and 
> connect people who can report a map bug but can't be bothered to deal with 
> pain and suffering of potlatch with the people who can deal with it, at least 
> until Richard gets his act together and stops fixing every stupid thing in 
> the old codebase. You have to take a step back here and realise what we're 
> missing out on.

You really are a grade A tosser.
When most people here treat others with respect, why do you have to 
degenerate it into a juvenile, Youtube style slanging match?
What do you think Granny's reaction will be when she reads this?

Dave F.

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] [OSM-talk] OSM front page design concept

2010-02-21 Thread Dave F.
Apollinaris Schoell wrote:
> ok and then? who will pick it up and fix it?
> look at openstreetbugs and most could be closed right away. the feedback from 
> most people is useless. a comment "footways are missing in this park" doesn't 
> help much if there is no experienced mapper willing to survey.
> And someone able to write a detailed and useful description will be able to 
> Potlatch* in the same time

Streetbugs encourages people to 'get others to do it' when OSM should be 
encouraging them to 'do it yourself'

Dave F.

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] [OSM-talk] OSM front page design concept

2010-02-21 Thread Dave F.
Sam Vekemans wrote:
> Many have abandoned this talk@ list because IRC is more efficient.
Only if you want to talk to people either in your own time zone or are 
night workers.

Talk@ communicates ideas with all people all over the globe.

Dave F.

dev mailing list