Re: [OSM-dev] How can I force refresh of map tiles after move to a new backed?

2020-12-29 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via dev

Dec 29, 2020, 12:23 by

> On 29/12/2020 10:04, Mateusz Konieczny via dev wrote:
>> In this case 12
>> " when I zoom out to
>> <>
>> it shows as under construction "
> The low zoom tiles, which is everything up to 12, are only
> rendered once a month.
Thanks! Sorry for confusion then, so this case is clearly
unrelated to infrastructure change.
dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Code for obtaining tag info from OSM Wiki infoboxes and from data items

2020-12-11 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via dev
If someone needs code for obtaining data from OSM Wiki about tags
(yes, taginfo is doing this already and for most uses it is enough)
and also needs info from data items then
may be useful.

It has a Python script that obtains data from OSM Wiki infoboxes
and data items, compares them and finds where edits are needed.

Nothing groundbreaking, but finding proper way to do this
(without writing my own parser and without using recommended
but not working tools for extracting data item info).

More likely useful as inspiration and pointer toward useful libraries
than for direct use, but if someone is interested I can rewrite it
a bit and publish as a pip package.

Note: data items are not fully parsed into human readable form
(parsing tag lists such as "implies", "requires") as
(1) it is quite obnoxious to implement
(2) not really needed for my task
of finding where infobox templates are without parameters
and silently use data items.
(3) for complex fields such as seeAlso, requires etc it is
safe to assume that data item has the same data or of 
worse quality, so I wanted to just detect where it is
silently used
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Automatic generation of short_name / alt_name where missing and obvious

2020-11-21 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via dev
It is not a proposal for an automatic edit, it is intended as an opposite -
so I will be able to generate names locally and will have no need to add them 
to OSM database.

I am aware of
and anyway that this thread would not be sufficient to cover this requirements

Nov 21, 2020, 17:02 by

> By definition if you can generate it mechanically, you shouldn't  be 
> adding it to OSM.
> Am 21.11.2020 um 15:20 schrieb Mateusz  Konieczny via dev:
>> Is there some existing code/library/tool for generatingobvious 
>> short_name / alt_name from other tagged data?
>> I am implementing it right now for one of my programs  
>> and I would prefer help in existing project rather thanimplement yet 
>> another
>> version of the same.
>> ___dev mailing list>> 

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Automatic generation of short_name / alt_name where missing and obvious

2020-11-21 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via dev
Is there some existing code/library/tool for generating obvious 
short_name / alt_name from other tagged data?

I am implementing it right now for one of my programs  
and I would prefer help in existing project rather than implement yet another
version of the same.
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Standardized feature/tag database idea & proposal

2020-11-16 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via dev
Nov 16, 2020, 10:21 by

> the iD presets  are the law of the land and anything else is simply 
> irrelevant.
That is so overstating things that it ceases to be an useful statement.

iD presets and 
"press button here to `upgrade tags`  without explanation what and why and how 
actually happens"
are powerful, but it is only a part of what influences tagging.
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] dev Digest, Vol 188, Issue 1

2020-11-16 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via dev
(0) if you want to reply it would be better to disable digest mode

Nov 16, 2020, 01:21 by

> Oh wow. So Data Items basically is what I'm proposing. I also didn't know it 
> also had a role in the Wikibase Registry (probably wouldn't want to get rid 
> of that).
> I guess my only issues with the current system would be:
> 1. Lack of quality control (it said in the Wiki page for Data items that it 
> has not been implemented yet). Quality control should probably apply to the 
> corresponding Wiki pages themselves too.
Wiki pages are relatively well watched (warning: I am biased here,
as I am one of people quite active in that field).

Data items are not, as watchlisting them is dysfunctional (no way to skip
translations that given person cannot review, no way of grouping edits, 
standard edit
leave no description of edit and so on)

> 2. Lack of synchronization between the Data items and their Wiki pages.
This sort of works and is causing issues due to lack of control in Data Items

> 3. JOSM doesn't use Data items yet. 
I am dubious is it useful or going to happen, but it is up to JOSM developers

> 4. The MediaWiki interface is still hard for new users to grasp.
And note, that even if data items interface would be very easy - you still need
wiki pages for freeform description/comments

> 5. Layouts for Wiki pages aren't standardized. Something else my proposal 
> could address would be the conversion of Proposed Feature pages to actual 
> Wiki pages (would require a standardization) but honestly it is not the most 
> important thing.
> 6. Devs still have to manually add presets. One of my first issues on the iD 
> repo was actually concerning this (btw uneducated at how approved features 
> worked at the time): >>  
I am dubious whatever authors of editors would abandon maintaining presets and 
switch to
simply pulling from Data Items

Note that, for example, JOSM and iD are using icons in different styles.

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Standardized feature/tag database idea & proposal

2020-11-15 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via dev

Nov 15, 2020, 19:14 by

> Idea
> Has anyone ever thought of creating an official database that stores all of 
> the approved and in-use tags/features in OSM? 

Depending on what one means by "database" OSM Wiki can be considered as one.

Wikidata copy ( ) is definitely 
How your proposal differs from data items?

> Reasoning
> This could allow the editors (iD and JOSM, StreetComplete, GoMap!) and data 
> consumers (osm-carto,. Mapbox etc.), to easily stay up-to-date with new 
> features, without requiring their developers to browse the Wiki etc.
I see no benefit whatsoever of data items (from perspective of someone involved 
in making 
StreetComplete and was active in osm-carto development).

Browsing Wiki, Taginfo, reviewing how tags are actually used and so on would be 
definitely needed.

> Examples
> Both iD and JOSM have their own preset file/repo and are independent of each 
> other. Creating a database that could be used as a dependency of both that 
> would store these feature presets and their fields means:
>  - Both are up-to-date and in-sync
>  - Adding new presets could be done automatically by retrieving and parsing 
> data from the DB. 
There is a good reason why presets are created manually and not pulled from 
dataset (note that JOSM and iD have separate presets despite that pulling from 
another preset
would be technically possinle)

> Creating applications that use OSM data can be hard and time-lengthened by 
> requiring developers to browse the Wiki to find all of the features and their 
> keys and values. Having a database that they could easily get the keys they 
> want, their values, etc. would > significantly>  allow greater OSM developer 
> potential.
I am unsure what would be difference.

> Specifics
> The specifics as to how this database would be arranged such as to where 
> presets/fields/tags/features go has not been thought of yet. I just wanted to 
> ask if this has ever been proposed before. If someone would like me to make a 
> DB layout to help them better understand what I'm proposing, I'd be happy to 
> do so. 
> My pre-DB construction proposal 
> Before any type of database is made, one would would > construct a dedicated 
> page structure on > >  > that 
> would display and be in-sync with all of the Features from the DB in a format 
> similar to the Wiki, and then > remove all of the features from the Wiki 
> altogether.
> Why?>  If you see in > Compiling and distributing the DB>  below, a Wiki bot 
> is going to be required to get all of the pages for all of the 
> already-standard features. Most of the features' pages do have a similar 
> structure as to how they are arranged (template that shows what elements they 
> use, Keys' values and their descriptions are stored in a table, etc.), 
> however these pages would be > impossible>  to parse thoroughly with a 
> computer and are going to require team of humans to get all of their data. 
> New features that are proposed and approved after the database would be 
> created would require them to be hand-added. Making a standard way to propose 
> and approve new features on a new part of the website with formatting 
> constraints and database-syncing abilities that MediaWiki cannot offer, would 
> mean that the DB would never have to be physically touched again and ensure 
> greater long-term DB management efficiency.
> So why basically delete one of the primary functions of the Wiki and create a 
> new system on > > ?
> I recently have got into the OSM community head-on in the past two months. I 
> have never really contributed to Wikipedia or any other site that uses the 
> MediaWiki website format so learning about how to contribute and get around 
> the OSM Wiki took time (learning about the proposal process, Templates, talk 
> pages, formatting, the list goes on and on...). It also made me realize that 
> this could discourage new users from ever looking into the depths of OSM or 
> even finding the Wiki at all. The WikiMedia interface is not the prettiest 
> either. It can take time for new users to explore and find what they are 
> looking for.
> (Also, this would mean moving the proposal process over to > 
> >  too)
> Therefore, I think creating a easily accessible, pretty, and 
> easily-contributable interface on > >  would 
> strengthen the OSM community significantly. For example, a heading called 
> "Features" could be added to the left "GPS traces". It would greet the user 
> with the primary features of OSM (kind of like the "Map features" on the Wiki 
> already does) and Feature pages would have a standard format that is 
> consistent throughout the website (unlike Wiki pages where tables for values 
> can be different, proposals can be different, etc.). P

Re: [OSM-dev] Comparing quality of different geocoders?

2020-08-26 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via dev

Aug 26, 2020, 11:04 by

> Hi,
> On Wed, Aug 26, 2020 at 09:11:44AM +0200, Mateusz Konieczny via dev wrote:
>> Is anyone aware about some test suite comparing different geocoders?
>> Something with query + expected result pairs, and listing where Nominatim / 
>> Photon / etc succeeded/failed?
>> I want something like that, tried to find one and failed.
>> I want to ask whatever I missed something like that before I will make it.
> There are a couple of test suits out there. The two that come
> immediately to mind are:

I will need to look how tightly pelias/fuzzy-tester is
integrated with just pelias and is it viable to expand/use
it to support testing REST apis.

Maybe it will be easier to write something small from scratch.

> The issue with all these is that you have to define what you
> actually want to compare. Depending on what kind of queries you
> run and how you define the results you get, you'll get very different
> results.
Oh, I know!

For example cases such as "Elementary school number 12, Streetname 19"
where address and object are at different locations and expected result
completely depends on what user wants.

Or slang/local/vulgar names where some would prefer not finding them
and not listing them over finding them, even if naming is real.
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Questions on modifying openstreetmap-carto

2020-08-26 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via dev
"reading from relation" part is quite hard.
I have no idea how to do that.

Aug 26, 2020, 09:50 by

> Hello again,
> I am starting to get the basics of adding new fields to project.mml, but I 
> now wish to update “amenity-points” so that bus stops use the network name 
> from the “stop_area”, like they do in France. At the moment I can manage:
>  tags->'network' AS network,
> … which calls up the network tag from the node only. How do I make it to read 
> from the “stop_area” relation too?
> Apologies for being very specific: I am very new to anything beyond simple 
> recolours.
> — ika-chan!
>> On 25 Aug 2020, at 21:44, Andy Townsend  wrote:
>> On 25/08/2020 19:52, Mateusz Konieczny via dev wrote:
>>> Yes, I always used normal text editor.
>> Same here.  There are projects such as 
>> which were / are designed to 
>> automate map reloading after changes, but when I last used TileMill (a long 
>> time ago) there were signnificant problems using TileMill with an OSM 
>> Carto-derived style (not least - there are so many tabs that they 
>> disappeared off the screen).  I tend to just reload when I want to rerender. 
>>  When changing my own OSM Carto-derived map style I use 
>>  and 
>>  to reload data (the first if a lua script has changed and the database 
>> needs to be reloaded; the second if only a style file has changed and the 
>> style just needs to be recompiled).
>>> If you want to see how changes are done
>>> I would recommend looking at pull requests
>>> and commit history.
>> I tried to summarise "Adding a change to OSM Carto" at 
>> ; some of that 
>> won't be relevant but some of it might still be - things like testing the 
>> effect of a colour change.
>> If you haven't seen it already, please do read 
>> and the related 
>> tutorials there - they're excellent!
>> Best Regards,
>> Andy
>> ___
>> dev mailing list
> ___
> dev mailing list

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Comparing quality of different geocoders?

2020-08-26 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via dev
Is anyone aware about some test suite comparing different geocoders?

Something with query + expected result pairs, and listing where Nominatim / 
Photon / etc succeeded/failed?

I want something like that, tried to find one and failed.

I want to ask whatever I missed something like that before I will make it.
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Questions on modifying openstreetmap-carto

2020-08-25 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via dev
Yes, I always used normal text editor.

If you want to see how changes are done
I would recommend looking at pull requests
and commit history.

25 Aug 2020, 18:53 by

> Hello,
> I have made significant progress in creating a tutorial for a fantasy map 
> server on the wiki, having gone as far as getting Nominatim and its UI 
> working last night.
> Now, I am moving my focus to modding OpenStreetMap Carto, and I know a few 
> very basic modifications, like recolouring existing features (see 
> However, I would like to expand on mere recolouring and ask how I can modify 
> OpenStreetMap Carto to:
> 1. Render “railway=rail” in a different colour when “highspeed=yes”.
> 2. Render “railway=station” in a different icon when the key “network” 
> contains a certain value or a combination of certain values like (but not 
> exclusively) “National Rail” or “TfL Rail”.
> I am still new to OpenStreetMap Carto’s language: I assume that the 
> developers use a text editor for all the rendering rules?
> Best,
> — ika-chan!
> ___
> dev mailing list
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] OAuth difficulties from node.js client

2020-07-16 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via dev
Osm website had sone downtime,
maybe your code is ok?

16 Jul 2020, 17:04 by

> Hello everyone,
> Realise this might be a difficult one, but posting it here in case anyone's 
> encountered similar problems or if anyone can obviously see what's wrong with 
> the request (see below).
> I'm trying to connect to the OSM OAuth API request_token endpoint from a 
> node.js based client.
> If I use the recommended example on the wiki for node.js, it works correctly 
> (I get a token and a secret back), _however_ the 'request' module is now 
> deprecated so probably not the best thing to use, even though it handles 
> oauth automatically.
> I found an alternative module which generates the correct parameters to send 
> to the request token endpoint at:
> and it generated parameters which look vaguely sensible:
> { oauth_consumer_key: 'EcdM735JygrmO42fzw8SIfbFUMDy1ShVY5bBnefn',
>  >  >   oauth_nonce: 'cNvPEgdgjvQWX5FgS56XkyLaMhQNggmh',
>   oauth_signature_method: 'HMAC-SHA1',
>   oauth_timestamp: 1594910535,
>   oauth_version: '1.0',
>   oauth_callback: 'http://localhost/app/',
>   oauth_signature: 'WuYA7G8s4qPCht+cF7t7FpTP0ck=' }
> However if I send that to the request_token endpoint (using node-fetch) I get 
> a 500 error.
> Fiurthermore, if I use curl to send the same data to the endpoint, I also get 
> a 500:
> curl --data 
> "oauth_consumer_key=EcdM735JygrmO42fzw8SIfbFUMDy1ShVY5bBnefn&oauth_nonce=cNvPEgdgjvQWX5FgS56XkyLaMhQNggmh&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_timestamp=1594910535&oauth_version=1.0&oauth_callback=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%2Fapp%2F&oauth_signature=WuYA7G8s4qPCht%2BcF7t7FpTP0ck%3D"
>  >
> I'm guessing something's wrong with the signing process. I used the examples 
> given in the oauth-1.0a documentation to generate the parameters.
> I'm surprised I'm getting a 500 rather than say a 400.
> Thanks,
> Nick
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] OpenStreetMap Cartographic: A client-side rendered OpenStreetMap Carto

2020-06-11 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via dev
I just wanted to thank you for
working on this.

(Sadly I have no useful comments,
hopefully such message is ok)

11 Jun 2020, 05:32 by

> I've been busy with
> On 2020-05-24 10:26 p.m., Joseph Eisenberg wrote:
>> Thank you for making this, it looks like a lot of work!
>> These client-side vector tiles at z8? 
>> (
>> My laptop (2015 Macbook Pro, 16 GB RAM, 2.2 GHz Intel Core i7) appears to 
>> use some effort to show areas with a large amount of data,
>> For example if I view England + Wales on z8 and then move over to the 
>> Netherlands and then to Germany, at z7 and z8,
>> CPU usage goes up to >100% for a time, and there is a noticeable delay. 
>> Perhaps part of this is a delay in serving the tiles?
> I turned on Content-Encoding based compression which cuts the bytes 
> transferred in half. This helps significantly.
> In general vector tiles have more large tiles, even if the average tile size 
> is the same. The largest z8 tile in the area is 1MB transfer size while an 
> average weighted by requests on the level 2 cache is 189k 
> uncompressed. For comparison, four z9 raster tiles from are 
> about 200kb, a fifth of the bytes transferred. Retina tiles would decrease 
> the size different.
> ___
> dev mailing list
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] All possible fields of an address object in Open Street Map

2020-05-11 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via dev may be helpful, it is an attempt 
document how addresses are tagged in OSM

> is OSM (Nominatim) using OpenCageData address-formatting ?"

Depends on what you mean by that. Nominatim is extracting geocoding info
from OSM (and it may or may not use OpenCageData address-formatting)

OSM (database edited by mappers) is not using OpenCageData format
but its own tagging system documented in

BTW, if will be confusing or 
unclear please comment
and there is decent chance that documentation will be improved

May 11, 2020, 15:06 by

> Good morning,
>  I apologize in advance if this is the incorrect contact channel formy 
> question.
>  I posted it on OSM help forum in April and I had no answer.
> I am developping a web application and I use Nominatin service to  get 
> addresses.
> In JSON format, Nominatin sends an address object like this :  "address": 
> {"road": "Hillcrest Road", "suburb": "Gidea Park",  "city": "London 
> Borough of Havering", "state_district": "Grand  Londres","state": 
> "Angleterre", "postcode": "RM11 1EA", "country":  "Royaume-Uni", 
> "country_code": "gb"}. Of course, address fields  change depending on the 
> country.
> In the database of our web application, we would like to build a  table 
> to store all fields of an address object of OSM, because we  want to be 
> compatible to all addresses around the world. I've been  looking for 
> days, for the list of all fields contained in an  address object of OSM : 
> on the net, in documentations, in  nominatim and osm2pgsql code.
> I saw this post on Open Street Map Help : > 
> "";
> >
>  .
> But :
> 1) it was in January 2018,
> 2) the answer was > 
> "";
> 3) and > 
> "";
> The > ""; 
> >  is 
> different than witch I quoted above in point 3).
> Concerning the above point 2) :
> is OSM (Nominatim) using OpenCageData address-formatting ?
> Can I rely on it to build my address table ?
> Please help me...
> Many thanks in advance for your response.
> Pascal Girard

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] OSM Database schema

2020-01-04 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
AFAIK it never started and it was always at stage "it would be nice if someone 
would do something,
for example write some plan how this upgrade would be coordinated".

4 Jan 2020, 19:38 by

> Ok, thanks.
> Does that also mean that this Area datatype task in “> 
>> ” is abandoned?
> Jean Marie Falisse
>> Le 4 janv. 2020 à 19:18, Stefan Keller <>>>> > a écrit :
>> Am Sa., 4. Jan. 2020 um 18:18 Uhr schrieb mmd <>>>> >:
>>> ... As an example check out:
>> See also the research work from my lab >>>>  and
>>>>  .
>> :Stefan
>> Am Sa., 4. Jan. 2020 um 18:18 Uhr schrieb mmd <>>>> >:
>>> On 2020-01-04 17:22, Jean Marie Falisse wrote:
 that a pedestrian zone, let’s say a big square in a city, cannot be made
 to be crossed diagonally when used in a route planner.

>>> Getting a bit off topic here... You can calculate some artificial ways
>>> and feed that into some router. As an example check out:
>>> --
>>> ___
>>> dev mailing list
>> ___
>> dev mailing list

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] tagtransform for OSM - An effort make tagging and using OSM data easier; bridging different worlds together

2019-12-12 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
What is wrong with GitHub issues?

Can be followed easily, are not a resource hog
and do on.

(Maybe I am unusual that I use Slack rarely
and most of others are usually on Slack)

12 Dec 2019, 17:36 by

> Hi all,
> I've now set up a Slack Workplace for further discussion and work. Ask me and 
> I will invite you.
> Cheers
> Sören Reinecke alias Valor Naram
>  Original Message 
> Subject: Re: [OSM-dev] tagtransform for OSM - An effort make tagging and 
> using OSM data easier; bridging different worlds together
> From: Sören Reinecke via dev 
> To:
> CC: 
>> Hi Gerd,
>> nice to hear your heartbeat for tagtransform. Take a look at the GitHub 
>> issue >> 
>>>>  where 
>> I wrote down the infrastructure I'm planning. There I mention also the use 
>> of bot script to automatically collect rules from various validators and 
>> rule databases and to convert these to the format tagtransform uses to unify 
>> data from different sources. This allows the modification and the convert 
>> back to all the other formats used by different programs. This way we create 
>> a sustainable and good ecosystem of validation rules.
>> The way the team I want to set up communicates and exchanges is GitHub and 
>> Slack. On GitHub we will first work in my repository, later on we can create 
>> an organisation and move the repo. In Slack I need to create a workplace and 
>> figure out how moderation in Slack works.
>> Cheers
>> Sören Reinecke alias Valor Naram
>> PS: This content is of public interest that's why this e-mail belongs to 
>> this list.
>> -Original Message-
>> From>> : Gerd Petermann <>> 
>> >> >
>> To>> : >>
>> Subject>> : Re: [OSM-dev] tagtransform for OSM - A effort make tagging and 
>> using OSM data easier; bridging different worlds together
>> Date>> : Wed, 11 Dec 2019 05:38:02 -0700 (MST)
>> Hi all,
>> What could be the user interface for such a collection of rules?
>> I can think of a preprocessor like osmfilter or some kind of wiki tool which
>> could add hints to wiki pages.
>> Or maybe a rule generator which could create rules for a target program like
>> mkgmap?
>> Gerd
>> --
>> Sent from: 
>> ___
>> dev mailing list
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Processing dual carriageway highways into one linestring?`

2019-10-18 Thread Mateusz Konieczny

18 Oct 2019, 04:29 by

> Is anyone aware of a way to import dual-carriageway roads as a single
> linestring?
I tried searching for way/tool that would do this some time ago and failed.

> It doesn't appear that there are any tags in the database which hold
> this information.
As I needed very accurate data I started to use dual_carriageway=yes
in my city - and I remain the only person using this tag.
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] 403 forbidden

2019-05-30 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
31 May 2019, 06:47 by

> Please suggest me how I can get OSM API user id and password so that I can 
> pass that to authenticate.
You can register at 
<> but 
you can not use it to bypass 

> Please suggest me how I can check what's wrong with > 
> <>> .
It is described at 
<> (closed without fixing)
<> (open as of now)

It is possible that deliberately ignores tile policy in other ways.

You can review source code or
capture your network traffic and review it (with for example Wireshark) to 
check it or
wait for the developer(s) to fix it.

> On Wed, 29 May 2019, 17:09 Mateusz Konieczny, <> 
> <>> > wrote:
>> Technical requirements are at >> 
>> <>
>> To check what >> <>>>  is doing you need to either 
>> check its source code,
>> capture your network traffic and review it (with for example Wireshark)
>> or use program that is not maliciously violating OSM policies.
>> 29 May 2019, 13:18 by >> 
>> <>>> :
>>> I would appreciate if you can let me know the exact request header.
>> ___
>>  dev mailing list
>>  >> <>
>>  >> 
>> <>

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] OSM tile server issue

2019-05-30 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
30 May 2019, 20:21 by :

> I am the main developer of Justmapzz, which uses GMAP.NET for map viewing


>  In the mean time, what must we do to comply with your usage policy, other 
>than changing the user-agent, which appeared to be insufficient?

 for tile usage policy

> Heavy use (e.g. distributing an app that uses tiles from 
> is 
> forbidden without prior permission from the System Administrators.

Do you have such permission?
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Sync time in OSM file

2019-05-30 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
30 May 2019, 08:44 by

> Also, what is the difference in sync time when I choose "Allow for review" 
> after I add a new road?
None, in both cases edits are immediately saved into database and distributed
(it would be phrased better as "Request review of my edits" - which editor is 
"Allow for review" phrase? Anybody may review any edits).

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] 403 forbidden

2019-05-29 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
Technical requirements are at 

To check what is doing you need to either check its source code,
capture your network traffic and review it (with for example Wireshark)
or use program that is not maliciously violating OSM policies.

29 May 2019, 13:18 by

> I would appreciate if you can let me know the exact request header.

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] 403 forbidden

2019-05-29 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
29 May 2019, 11:57 by

> Hi Vijaya,
> We have recent had to crack down on users who are violating our usage policy:
> Please check what User-Agent your app uses or if you fake any browser headers.
> The CDN is at breaking point.
> We now frequently push more than 3Tb per second of traffic, with over
> 22000 requests per second
Thanks for doing this, within last months map view during editing was really 
(and often still, hopefully more policy-violating users can be blocked).
dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Visualization of OSM data - objects without specific nearby object

2019-04-01 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
Is anyone aware about tool that takes as input two sets of OSM tags and will 
visualization of data split into two groups

- objects with tags from set A, more than X meters from any object with tags 
from set B
- objects with tags from set A, no more than X meters from any object with tags 
from set B


For example

- highway=bus_stop for set A
- highway=service/residential/unclassified/tertiary/... for set B
- 20m as distance parameter

This one would allow to list bus stops that are suspiciously far away from 

In my case it would be "public objects without nearby bicycle parkings".

Though, given that it seems to be build from 4 relatively simple steps it is 
likely that 
nobody who did it bothered to publish any part as a project.

But if anyone see something stupid in my plan below - let me know!

All parts of that are fairly easy

- build list of tags indicating major public objects (shop=*, 
amenity=restaurant, amenity=pharmacy, amenity=bar etc) [1]
- download data [2]
- run query to find public objects with/without nearby bicycle parkings [3]
- generate visualization depicting this data [4] 

[1] is fairly simple, just go through preset of Vespucci or some other editor
(though if anyone knows about listing of such tags - let me know)
[2] probably just download extract of some region and load into database
[3] postgis queries (ST_Buffer to build areas + ST_Within)?
Though it would get fun if I would start looking for 
"bicycle parking within X meters from entrance to a public object"
 for an initial version looks 
good enough
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Coastline as part of other object types?

2019-04-01 Thread Mateusz Konieczny

Mar 31, 2019, 5:40 PM by

> >> 
> >>Can you link some objects that you consider as tagged in a wrong way and
> >>some similar ones tagged in way that you consider correct?
> >>Currently it is unclear to me what is the problem.
> >> 
> These notes have triggered my attention from the Re to my original mail. It 
> is hard to communicate if you really don not see the problem, though I think 
> you meant  something else. What more, whether the referenced issues are 
> problems or not, depends on the individual criteria. Anyway, I need to add 
> some notes and representative examples to clarify the dilemma: is the recent 
> practice referencing coastline objects from other objects correct or not?
> -Coastline object covered by a river > 
> >  . The object is in 
> the coastline data erroneously left there when the other object has been 
> moved out from the coastline data. This island in the river will never show 
> up in the maps unless it is moved out from the coastline and added to the 
> river data as a hole.
> -Similar example here > 
> >  but with the additional tag 
> place=island. If a renderer assumes in addition that this place is an area 
> and renders the places it will properly show up un the map. But even then, 
> the object is actually never part of the river object. All tags should be 
> removed and the polygon should be moved to the river data as a hole.
Looks like something forgotten during creating 

I now fixed this and yes - it made no sense here (it either should be within a 
water area represented
by natural=coastline or inner way of that multipolygon).

> -As I mentioned in the mail, we have similar issues here > 
> >   with the 
> natural=land objects. Even if it is declared deprecated many years ago this 
> tag is still actively used and there is a large number of natural=land 
> objects in the source data. Note that logically the suggestion to use the 
> place=island tag instead is just an implicit reimplementation of the 
> natural=land objects.
I fixed this case. And yes, we still have many natural=land that should be 
Fortunately this misuse of place=island is not supported by renderers, so it 
should discourage 

Is it possible to have correctly tagged place=island on a way that is not inner 
way of multipolygon
and without natural=coastline? Maybe validators can detect such cases as likely 

> -There are also many coastline objects in lakes like here > 
> >  . The same comments 
> are valid as in case of rivers. The question whether this object is a lake or 
> river is something else.
For now I also updated it to be inner of the multipolygon.

> -A similar lake related example is here > 
> >  but the coastline object is 
> perfectly declared as a hole in a lake. Still there might be a problem. The 
> coastline tag will suggest that the object will primarily be processed in the 
> context of Planet land masses. And, because it is land-on-land it might be 
> easily removed from the coastline data. In the similar cases any tags should 
> be removed except the inner tag.
I removed natural=coastline.

> -Finally, the major issue that has motivated me to start this discussion, the 
> coastline referencing from objects like fiord/bay and sea. These, usually 
> monster sized objects, are difficult to understand. Why, who is using them, 
> what was the purpose to upload them? Even if someone uses them to see the 
> name variations or read the linked Wikipedia texts, the price is very high.
See also 
 and other imagico 
posts criticizing this tagging method from a bit different angle.
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Coastline as part of other object types?

2019-03-23 Thread Mateusz Konieczny

Mar 23, 2019, 7:31 AM by

> So, we get coastline objects in none coastline objects. It is worth noting 
> that even if in some maps these compensations look correct, essentially it is 
> still wrong. A standalone coastline object tagged as place=island is never 
> part of a river or lake data.
Can you link some objects that you consider as tagged in a wrong way and
some similar ones tagged in way that you consider correct?

Currently it is unclear to me what is the problem.

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Question Answering over OSM and searching by tags

2018-10-29 Thread Mateusz Konieczny

29. Oct 2018 10:58 by 

> Especially I found that currently it is not possible in OSM to search for 
> nodes, ways, relation, with a specific tag (like tram stop, restaurants, post 
> offices and so on), i.e. restaurants in saint etienne . Would that be 
> interesting for the community?
>  ( restaurant 
in "saint etienne" query in Overpass Turbo)

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Indexing of PBF files

2018-10-17 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
15. Oct 2018 23:56 by :

> The reason
> many people download country extracts from is
> probably not that the planet file isn't indexed and therefor extracting
> a region is hard - it's that the planet file is huge and they don't want
> to download that much. An indexed planet file would not help these users.

As user of extracts I can confirm this that size is main reason for using 

And download is not the only limitation.

When I use small area (that can fit into RAM of my computer) then extracts are 

preferable over downloading file that will force my computer to swap during

any, even simplest, processing.

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Various types and means of account blocks

2018-09-26 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
Overall I would look at how Wikipedia solves it from technical viewpoint.
It is (hopefully) unlikely that we will get more vandals and trolls than 
English-languagewikipedia and they already spend quite significant effort on 
policing dedicated vandals.

24. Sep 2018 17:57 by :

> Is the opposite true as well - would/should someone given a cool-off
> period for being a dick in a discussion still be allowed to do mapping?

Absolutely no. It would give such person way to say "I was reverting you without

attempt to communicate because that was blocked".

That is just asking for trouble.

> Should a normal user block perhaps simply come in two flavours, "block
> mapping only" and "block all"?
> It has been suggested that blocking *all* communication functions might
> be problematic because one thing you might expect from someone you have
> blocked is that they apologise, or set something right, which they might
> not be able to do without the ability to write messages.

I agree, blocking mapping only may be really useful. For example user

refusing to communicate in changeset discussions may be blocked until (s)he

responds to comments.


> Do we need a full array of permissions - "can change user name", "can
> edit own user page", "can write personal messages", etc. - and the
> ability to short-time suspend any and all of them?

How complicated would be implementing it? I can imagine situation where 

unproblematic editor changes his username 20 times a day and blocking this

resolves the problem - but how much effort is needed to implement this compared

to say three groups "nuke user" (for spam and troll-only accounts), "block 

"block mapping"?


> This also ties in somewhat with a separate discussion, on how a
> prerequisite for allowing children on the platform might be that we can
> disable the "social" functions of an account. In that case it would not
> be a short-term block, but a whole class of accounts that can edit, but
> not participate in discussions (for their own protection). I'm not sure
> that can work at all (given that the ability to contact a mapper is very
> important to us). Maybe such accounts would have to be linked to a
> "responsible" parent account who then gets the messages...
> Bye
> Frederik
> -- 
> Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail > >  
>  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"
> ___
> dev mailing list
> ___
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] OpenStreetMap Carto release v4.12.0

2018-06-24 Thread Mateusz Konieczny

23. Jun 2018 12:19 by :

> Fixes for major bugs like here:
> can take a year.

Well, at least it was fixed. It is much better experience than what I had after 

some bugs to Firefox/Libre Office bug trackers or other major projects.

 There are issues with Mapnik but at least project is not dead.

> It is all open source of course so anyone can pick up development but 
> you need to ask yourself if this would be worthwhile of course.  Both 
> the technological and cartographic environment have changed a lot since 
> these programs were originally designed.

What would you recommend for someone starting a new project?

Sorry if I missed recommendations on your page but I found only 
 and from what I understand it is 

making images like 

rather than for making maps.

Recently Mapzen ecosystem looked interesting for me (though 

making maps good from cartographic design viewpoint was not one of

its strength), but I picked poor moment to start with Mapzen :)

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] GDPR implementation on

2018-06-20 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
20. Jun 2018 16:50 by :

> The law shouldn't be applicable to what we
> are doing here

If you think that law is wrong and should be modified I suggest lobbying 

than on mailing list discussing technical issues related to OSM.


> we have already lost the political case and the legal case, and broken
> the openness this project needs.

Personally, I see no breaking openess in slightly restricting how

detailed history info is distributed and recording that changeset data 

is not supposed to be used for stalking mappers.

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Loc2Vec

2018-06-18 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
18. Jun 2018 10:39 by :

> One interesting thing about this kind of work is the legal side and the 
> question if a process as described there is a derivative work of the 
> training data used.

I am surprised that somebody may think that it is not a derivative work
of training dataset. ___
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Updated simplified osm2pgsql database dump available

2016-05-25 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
On Tue, 24 May 2016 12:50:53 -0700
Paul Norman  wrote:

> To help with some OpenStreetMap carto development work, I've created
> a dump of the rendering tables with certain features removed, for
> testing at low zoom.

Thanks, previous version was really useful. And it will be nice to use
something up-to date.

> pg_restore -d gis -O -j4 planet-lz-160425.dum

I am guessing that data is from 25-04-2016. Is it a correct guess?

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] carto 0.16.0 released

2016-04-14 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
On Thu, 14 Apr 2016 10:56:29 +0200
Oleksiy Muzalyev  wrote:

> But there is no "mast" in the
> JOSM "man_made" pre-sets.

You may want to use "Report bug" from help menu in JOSM (see for explanation).

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] carto 0.16.0 released

2016-04-13 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
On Tue, 12 Apr 2016 22:44:16 +0200
nebulon42  wrote:

> Carto 0.16.0 (the JavaScript implementation of CartoCSS) has been
> released and is available via npm.
> Changes include:
> * support for YAML MML files
> * support for targeting Mapnik API versions from the command line
> * support for minimum/maximum-scale-denominator (Mapnik 3)
> * support for HuSL perceptual colours
> * bug fixes and dependency updates
> See for the
> full change log.
> nebulon42

Thanks for info - and for developing Cart. From reading changelog .16 is
mostly your work.

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Custom tileset

2016-03-19 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
On Sat, 19 Mar 2016 14:40:40 +
Andy Townsend  wrote:

> After that, it's on to changing road colours.  At the top of 
> there are a bunch of colours.  Initially, I'd try changing those to
> different values in your copy of the file, rerunning the "carto"
> command line (which you'll have previously run with the styles you've
> setup already), deleting tiles you've previously generated and seeing
> how the new colours look.  As a background to "managing" tiles, see 

In that case one may just revert to old version (if old roads
are considered to be significantly better) - but it would make more
complicated to use any improvements that appeared later in this
map style.

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Custom tileset

2016-03-19 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
On Fri, 18 Mar 2016 19:57:58 +
"Amaroussi (OpenStreetMap)"  wrote:

> Hi,
> I thought it may be useful to pitch my idea here, but I plan to
> develop two custom sets of tile sets that use the standard OSM layer,
> but with “British” and “Greek” colours respectively. 
> Depending on how much technical expertise I require for this, I plan
> to develop these tile sets in response to demand from the UK
> community in response the the change of colours recently.
> The British tile set will have the old colours before the changeover
> to the red-yellow scheme, and it initially cover Great Britain and
> the Republic of Ireland only.
> The Greek tile set will have green for motorways, two shades of blue
> for national roads, red for provincial roads and yellow for other
> connecting roads to villages, and it will initially cover Greece.
> This stylesheet reflects the road signs on motorways and national
> roads, with the rest being based on the old stylesheet.
> Other than the change of colour, I plan to make the custom tile set
> stylesheet a dependency of the main stylesheet, to minimise the need
> to update them often.
> I desire that the tiles update about five minutes after an edit, like
> the main map, so it does not turn out to be a half-baked alternative.
> So, how can I pull off this feat?

Minutely updates, even just for UK+Ireland will not be easy. covers introduction to setting up tile

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Merkaartor creates invalid highway tags like highway=unclassified; track

2016-03-14 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
On Mon, 14 Mar 2016 08:58:36 +
Gerd Petermann  wrote:

> I hope the programmers of these editors are also working on a fix ?

Have you reported this problem (if not reported already) on bug trackers
for these editors?

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] How can I connect on and accounts?

2016-02-20 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
I am not entirely sure how it happened but

- I have using and my name
- I have a separate, not connected using and my name - I think that it was created with
  google as external provider but it is now missing on external login
  service list

On login to I am prompted to "Connect your OpenID
with your account on this site".

On providing and my name account creation fails
with "sorry, this name is taken, please choose another" and "this email
is already used by someone else, please choose another".

Resetting password on resets my password what is not changing situation.

Is there any chance to merge these two accounts or is it necessary to
create additional account to use

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] changes in coastline are not rendered

2016-02-10 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
On Tue, 9 Feb 2016 11:21:37 +0100
Oleksiy Muzalyev  wrote:

> On the other hand, I am in doubt, - perhaps, people invested a lot of 
> time and labor in clicking these hundreds and hundreds of nodes, to
> make a nice looking map, and I am not sure if I am doing the right
> thing with the tool SHIFT+Y (Simplify Way). Maybe this excessive
> number of nodes is negligible for the database and rendering?

I am not sure is there real benefit from way simplification - except
extreme cases with distance between nodes that is below 1m.

Note that it is not reducing size of the main OSM database - as anyway
all old version are stored forever, so any edit will increase its size.

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] changes in coastline are not rendered

2016-02-10 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
On Mon, 8 Feb 2016 20:20:39 +0100
Christoph Hormann  wrote:

> On Monday 08 February 2016, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> >
> > It was changed more than 3 days ago and the change is not rendered.
> >
> > I understand that coastline ways are special, but that seems too
> > long for me.
> >
> > Any hints why this takes so long ?
> Coastline processing on is stuck for more than
> a month now, mostly because a lot of back and forth with tagging of
> large lakes as coastline.
> For information: to avoid major disruptions of map rendering due to
> data errors the coastline is not updated if there are larger changes
> in the geometry compared to the last time it was successfully
> processed.  Any addition or removal of a lake with coastline tag will
> require manual intervention and we do not have the time to manually
> check the data every day because some mapper somewhere wants to
> scratch an itch and decides to tag a lake outline with
> natural=coastline.

Thanks for the information! I added this data to

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Accessing history of OSM objects

2015-12-10 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
On Wed, 9 Dec 2015 23:51:11 +
Aycan Ayyilmaz  wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am a MIS Master Student who works on thesis project about the
> quality evaluation of the OSM data using parameters related to users
> such as activity level, number of edits, local knowledge, number of
> tags...etc. I have started to a coursera class on Machine Learning
> for that purpose.
> Since I am new to this area, I was looking for a way to get
> historical data for a small region just to explore.(entities and
> their edit history will be combined with user info) Then, I will
> expand the region.
> Do you have any advices for me about this issue? including parameters
> for evaluation and preparing the data.
> Ps: I am not a developer but I have intermediate programming
> knowledge. I just need a guidance where to start.
> Thank you in advance


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Why is ford=yes not rendered in the default style?

2015-11-26 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
On Thu, 26 Nov 2015 18:58:50 +
"Dave F."  wrote:

> Mateusz , Simon et al
> I admit I'm a bit of an outsider on this (I prefer going out,
> collecting data to upload) but I'm a bit surprised by these 'it's not
> possible really' comments.
> A few years ago it was announced that the carto schema (or whatever
> you want to call it) was to be 'overhauled to make it simple to edit
> so everybody could lend a hand'. It appears, from what's been said
> here, that it either didn't improve or it's gone back to square one.

It was improved. Old XML style was horrible to edit (see more at

> Icons to POIs have been added to the carto in the past few updates
> (ie amenity=fountain), what's different about ford=yes?

Key amenity is loaded in the database used to render this style on the
OSM website, key ford is not (keys that are available for Default style
are listed at

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Why is ford=yes not rendered in the default style?

2015-11-26 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
On Thu, 26 Nov 2015 12:20:13 +
"Dave F."  wrote:

> Hi
> @Holger: Could you explain why it's "technically not possible"? It
> seems strange just this one node can't be rendered.

Currently only tags listed at
may be used to generate Standard map layer.

Changing this is not trivial - for start "There's nothing published
about moving a style to hstore and making schema choices based on
data." to quote

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Why is ford=yes not rendered in the default style?

2015-11-26 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
On Thu, 26 Nov 2015 03:24:25 -0700 (MST)
Gerd Petermann  wrote:

> OK, thanks for the quick feedback. The term "technically not possible"
> seems to mean that I cannot help to fix it ?

Anybody can help, but it requires some additional knowledge. For start
"There's nothing published about moving a style to hstore and making
schema choices based on data." (quoting ).

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Generating list of interesting places

2015-10-09 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
Is there already some tool that for given area generates list of
interesting places (museums, caves, old trees, famous tourism
attractions, monuments, etc etc) based on OSM data?

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] OSM Analytic Difference Engine

2015-09-12 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
On Sun, 13 Sep 2015 08:32:31 +0200
Michael Larsen  wrote:

> I believe the way changeset content is summarized and the
> 'VisualDiff' feature might be interesting for this list - its
> something I have found lacking on

Nice work - it is the first tool that I encountered that is really
comparable to "Recent changes" on Wikipedia.

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] OpenStreetMap Carto v2.34.0 release

2015-08-29 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
This email is also in user diary form at with
working links.

OpenStreetMap Carto 2.34.0 has been released and rolled out to the servers. It might take up to 48 hours before all
tiles show the new rendering.

Changes include

better rendering for highway=path/footway/cycleway - this is the
next iteration of improving how footways and cycleways are
displayed. Unpaved footways are now visible on natural=bare_rock
and there are now three classes: paved, unpaved and unknown surface

man_made=bridge is now rendered #1633, #1791

new rendering for landuse=quarry #1696

amenity=veterinary is now rendered #1656

amenity=community_centre is now rendered #1744

amenity=prison and landuse=military rendering takes in account area
size #1739

consistent color for boundaries #1773

tweaked zoom level for amenity=car_sharing #1762 and
amenity=car_rental #1761

Mapnik 3 preperations are now finished. The style now supports
Mapnik 3. Most of the work was done on the Mapnik side. #1792

A full list of changes can be found on Github -

Style for footways and cycleways is not ideal and there are some known
problems (see #1793 and #1748). Pull requests that would solve this
issues are welcomed.

It is a good idea to check whatever bridges in your region are tagged
for renderer - mistagging bridges as buildings is quite popular (only
rare constructions fit definition of building=bridge - building=bridge
is brown and man_made=bridge is gray).

For people interested in adding surface tags in their area - here is a
helpful overpass query (zoom in before using "Run" button): This query return ways without surface
tags and ones tagged with tags not documented as valid surface values.
Only ways with highway=footway/path/cycleway are displayed. In nearly
fully mapped regions one may modify query to search for missing surface
also for other highway types.

As always, we welcome bug reports at where they
will be tracked.

Previous release announcement:

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Building routable graph from OSM data

2015-03-23 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
"The question is what the final purpose is."

Custom routing (more complicated than just finding route from A to B).

"For smaller scale graph stuff i am using postgis with the osmosis schema"

Can you give example how it is done (code/documentation)?

"not on a per country size."

For start it would be city-sized data, I am not interested in processing
data for
entire planet. It would be anyway routing for bicycle/pedestrians so range

2015-03-23 8:23 GMT+01:00 Florian Lohoff :

> Hi,
> On Sun, Mar 22, 2015 at 04:56:32PM +0100, Mateusz Konieczny wrote:
> > I am looking for library that is processing OSM data into routing graph.
> > This graph will be later processed by my program so tight integration
> with
> > existing routing engine is unneeded and unwanted.
> >
> > I am hoping that I will be able to reuse already existing code that is
> > supporting relation restrictions, access tags etc.
> >
> > It is not necessary that it is high performance, simplicity and small
> > line count would be preferable.
> >
> > Is there some obvious solution? From what I found OSRM and
> > OpenTripPlanner are promising. In case of OSRM "Project OSRM is a stack
> > of high-performance tools" is quite scary. With OpenTripPlanner I am
> > unsure whatever
> >
> > is tightly coupled to other parts of application or is it something
> > that is generally usable.
> The question is what the final purpose is. For smaller scale
> graph stuff i am using postgis with the osmosis schema. I am grabbing
> all ways and then splitting ways at junctions etc so in the end you
> get a graph (which i am solving as a steiner tree). Takes some seconds.
> This works pretty well but most likely not on a per country size.
> Flo
> --
> Florian Lohoff
>  We need to self-defense - GnuPG/PGP enable your email today!
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> u7oy8/Ge/D49DWu4FF1N4Dvt5jKKVuAzkVNI3b3nMH+PfSmRexECnUmz+XNUnkqZ
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> Kh505usdra4yuGipNQV4qN3k+5yWrk1JJMGp78SxtjPoqj53SZHUIrmiHVQYgBcm
> 7YelzYMSAVtWDBt71K9iDEBT81kn9vYW1aEDyHMmW7xOig3VV0wlqU9m/G5Q3SqA
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> 83dHgHMLVEexx44qsFNtze2si4NNSUlzEo+HvAp+OJRkuiqxuAmtAcakv9wo9tAE
> Wdr/gO+jeTrFPCwkNn4cADIuMmfhYPS+GtZxs1B+ORPpZclWr8srtnWSgYc8bjit
> nGvIXrdlmhg=
> =Tr7K
dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Building routable graph from OSM data

2015-03-22 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
I am looking for library that is processing OSM data into routing graph.
This graph will be later processed by my program so tight integration with
existing routing engine is unneeded and unwanted.

I am hoping that I will be able to reuse already existing code that is
supporting relation restrictions, access tags etc.

It is not necessary that it is high performance, simplicity and small
line count would be preferable.

Is there some obvious solution? From what I found OSRM and
OpenTripPlanner are promising. In case of OSRM "Project OSRM is a stack
of high-performance tools" is quite scary. With OpenTripPlanner I am
unsure whatever
is tightly coupled to other parts of application or is it something
that is generally usable.
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] [OSM-talk] Release openstreetmap-carto v2.29.0

2015-03-20 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
- special icon for shop=books (#1311)
- better rendering for footways/paths/etc under construction (#1317)

2015-03-20 19:41 GMT+01:00 Paul Norman :

> Today version v2.29.0 of the OpenStreetMap Carto stylesheet has been
> released.
> Changes include
> - An entirely new natural=tree and tree_row rendering, based on the
>   osm-fr style (#978)
> - New water features styling (#991)
> - Better matching of icon colours and text colours (#1354)
> - Rendering arrows for implied oneway on roundabouts
> - Halo appearance improvements
> - Cliff rendering improvements
> - Improvements to COALESCE ordering to prevent unrendered tags from
>   blocking rendered ones (#1349)
> - Improvements to tourism=viewpoint rendering when present on features
>   with other tags
> - Increasing living street contrast
> - Intermittent river low zoom improvements
> - Fixed integer out of range error causing z0 to be blue
> - More SVG icons
> - Aeroway widths
> - Lots of SQL cleanup
> For a full list of commits, see
> carto/compare/v2.28.1...v2.29.0
> As always, we welcome bug reports at
> gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/issues
> where they will be tracked. Mailing list comments may not get properly
> tracked, so please report problems to the issue tracker.
> ___
> talk mailing list
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Release openstreetmap-carto v2.25.0

2014-12-12 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
> No matter how you put it the style still has a strong European
> and even British focus which is an issue with OSM being an
> international project IMO.

And also focus toward major cities. There is an obvious fix - people
outside UK/Europe/major cities making PRs, submitting issues about
problems that nobody reported before and commenting on issue tracker
(it is much easier to change something as PR is active, useful
reports/comments are also helpful).

2014-12-12 13:35 GMT+01:00 Christoph Hormann :
> On Thursday 11 December 2014, Andy Allan wrote:
> >
> > >From that it would be a reasonable conclusion to think that I'm
> > > being
> >
> > a bottleneck on the development - well, perhaps I am.
> I don't think there is a serious bottleneck in the merging of changes to
> go active in the main map.  The problem is not bandwidth but latency.
> This might be to some part due to the order in which you work through
> changes.  You could try doing it the opposite way, working on the
> oldest changes first.  This would ensure things do not get stuck at the
> bottom of the pile for a long time (there are quite a few pull requests
> active at the moment for example that have been waiting for at least
> the past three releases).
> > So I pose a question that's most pressing on my mind - should the
> > other maintainers be merging PRs without me reviewing them first?
> > Will this lead to a better result?
> Well - the job of the gatekeeper of the rolled out style is essentially
> an administrative task and having an own opinion on styling is probaly
> more a disadvantage for this. ;-)
> Another side of the matter i already pointed out occasionally is that
> everyone has specific priorities and no matter how well meaning you are
> these go into decisions when making judgements about merging a change
> or not.  No matter how you put it the style still has a strong European
> and even British focus which is an issue with OSM being an
> international project IMO.
> Mainly for these reasons i would much support opening up the active
> style for more people to immediately commit to although i also see the
> risk of a significant loss in style coherence and ultimately map
> quality over time with that approach.  The dominance of technical
> considerations over design aspects and cartographical arguments is also
> likely an issue. Having a two stage process with a separate map for
> testing before deployment in the main map would really help here i
> think.
> The lack of a central test environment could be mitigated by trying to
> get a larger number of people from different regions to test changes in
> their local test environment on areas they are familiar with and weigh
> in with their assessment of the changes.  But people will only be
> motivated to do this if they see their contributions have an effect.
> And i would like to emphasize again the need for a more systematic
> followup on rolled out changes - quite independent from the exact mode
> of operation.  For a developer it is always more interesting to work on
> something new but it would be good to establish that the work on a
> style change does not end with it being deployed.
> --
> Christoph Hormann
> ___
> dev mailing list
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] [meta] Problem with reply to messages from mailing list on Gmail

2014-12-11 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
Thanks - I will try to keep using "reply to all".

> and please, let not have the Reply-To for mailing lists flame war yet

OK, so it is one of Dangerous Topics Utterly Pointless to Debate.
I will avoid it and thanks for a warning.

2014-12-11 18:47 GMT+01:00 Tom Hughes :
> On 11/12/14 17:32, Mateusz Konieczny wrote:
>  I have a problem with mailing list - using "reply" is addressing e-mail
>> to just person
>> that submitted message, not the entire mailing list.
>> gmail-to-use-reply-all-automatically-in-mailing-list-replies
>> indicates that there is no easy fix
>> Surprisingly replying to messages from tagging mailing list are
>> automatically addressed
>> to mailing list, despite the same addressing scheme.
> The tagging list is probably configured to set Reply-To and this one isn't
> (it's a per list option).
> No matter what anybody will tell you (and please, let not have the
> Reply-To for mailing lists flame war yet again) there is no right answer as
> to whether or not to set it. People have been debating it for at least
> twenty years.
> Anyway, I just tried gmail, and "reply to all" certainly included dev for
> this message as I would expect. Reply doesn't obviously.
> Tom
> --
> Tom Hughes (
dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] [meta] Problem with reply to messages from mailing list on Gmail

2014-12-11 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
I have a problem with mailing list - using "reply" is addressing e-mail to
just person
that submitted message, not the entire mailing list.
indicates that there is no easy fix

Surprisingly replying to messages from tagging mailing list are
automatically addressed
to mailing list, despite the same addressing scheme.

Is there some known fix for this issue (so reply to e-mail for dev ml will
work like
replying to tagging mailing list) beyond "stop using gmail, start using X"?
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Release openstreetmap-carto v2.25.0

2014-12-11 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
> A test environment with worldwide data.

Is it feasible that OSMF or somebody else can fund it? Obviously it would
be also necessary to maintain it and change development schedule from
"merge round, than deploy map" to something like "merge round, deploy
new version on test server, if tested version is OK and nobody found new
deploy tested version on production server".

(Maybe I am wrong in diagnosing what is the main blocker for it).

> But these are just implementation details. The bigger problem is that
> after 2 years of work we're not making much progress on the most
> important things.

For me fixing big part of label mess (low zoom after this release is much
landuse label scaling and sorting was a giant improvements) and
fixing how footways are displayed on lower zoom levels were significant

> trunk roads in forests

In this case it would help to announce at some point that it is a good
moment to
submit some PRs (current status is
"building and landuse colours should be looked at first"[1]). Also, it
would be good
to know whatever proposals should attempt to resurrect UK map style with
and green roads - or is it maybe OK to propose a completely different style.

> Should
> I be delaying more PRs until I get time to tweak them? Or should I
> stop reviewing the PRs entirely and just merge any of them that don't
> cause syntax errors?

Obviously, both extremes would be bad. I have no idea how much time you
on reviewing PRs, but current model of PR handling seems good given limited
time (what makes impossible to merge/comment on/reject every single one

But maybe it would be a food idea to sometimes start from old ones, not
Because currently PRs that failed to be decided in the first merge session
submitting are waiting a long time
- is an extreme
example of a really unfortunate one (waits since July, it was first attempt
contribute by this person).

Also, there are some that were not good enough to assign for merge review
bad enough to close. As result for example
was submitted in 2013 and is still waiting.

> So I pose a question that's most pressing on my mind - should the
> other maintainers be merging PRs without me reviewing them first? Will
> this lead to a better result?

I am not sure. Minimum for these new additional method of merging for
minor changes may be for example:

(1) at least two maintainers reviewed PR and see  comment that
there are no problems with it. For example:
- one maintainer proposes and reviews PR and second reviews and merges it
- somebody else proposed a change, first maintainer reviews it, second
reviews and merges it.

(2) PR waited at least week and nobody posted on github comment in PR
thread that there is something wrong with it (week since second maintainer
posted that it is OK).

Probably every PR should have also (3) some form of before/after comparison
(I am not sure is it OK have "can use Tilemill and git" as prerequisite for

But I am not sure how much time would be really saved (fix text-dy change is
probably not time-consuming to review, and anyway it would be necessary yo
control what was changed). Also, what is limit of "minor change"? text-dy
New icon? New feature? Small tweak for landuse colours?

Maybe my proposal is overly cautious and formalistic? Maybe it is a bad
idea to
allow more people to commit as even now there are too often cases of bugs
we should start from test server?


2014-12-11 16:16 GMT+01:00 Andy Allan :
> On 11 December 2014 at 12:10, Christoph Hormann 
> wrote:
> > I am somewhat reluctant to bring up this problem since i think the more
> > active development is a good thing in total and i don't want to
> > badmouth this.
> I'm glad that you bring this up, please don't be reluctant! I know
> that the development process for openstreetmap-carto could do with
> some improvements.
> First subject: The merging of changes. My normal process it to go to
> the list of pull requests assigned to me, and then work down them from
> the top down, i.e. dealing with the newest things first.
> I first try to merge anything that's complicated, like a refactoring.
> Small changes like changing zoom levels of an icon are easier to redo
> later on if there are merge conflicts.
> Secondly I merge any small 'no brainers' like fixing text-dy. There's
> no need for them to wait.
> Then I do other things, starting with stuff where I'm happy with the
> fix and they can be merged with no conflicts.
> Then I start working through any of the above that now needs manual
> conflict resolution.
> Then I revisit things that I've passed over - things that take more
> thought, or

[OSM-dev] Automated tracing (expanding scanaerial)

2014-12-02 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
Has anybody attempted to expand scanaerial to include support for other
data sources?
For example vastly more detailed sources like Bing?

Is there some reason that makes it hard/impossible/illegal or is it just
"nobody had
time to do it"?

Scanaerial is impressive, but due to extremely low resolution of Landsat it
is useful only
for mapping Siberia and other remote regions where big water areas are
still not mapped.
dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Is there some loop trip founder?

2014-11-26 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
There is some software, better or worse that is able to find routes from
point A to point B.

But is there any tool capable of finding interesting trips starting in some
selected place,
that returns to the point of origin after going through some interesting*
places using good*

* - obviously it should be definable - such general tool may be capable of
proposing route for
cycling trip, trekking on foot or for a demonstration.
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Adding Slippy Map to Taginfo's Projects Tab?

2014-11-25 Thread Mateusz Konieczny

describing problems with my "quick-and-dirty 80/20 solution".

2014-11-25 20:55 GMT+01:00 Stefan Keller :

> Paul Norman wrote:
> > What do you mean by Slippy Map? A slippy map doesn't necessarily use OSM
> data.
> The openstreetmap-carto style of the main OSM page...
> -S:
> 2014-11-25 20:27 GMT+01:00 Paul Norman :
> > On 11/25/2014 10:45 AM, Stefan Keller wrote:
> >>
> >> Any news about a quick-and-dirty 80/20 solution for adding Slippy Map
> >> as a project file?
> >
> > What do you mean by Slippy Map? A slippy map doesn't necessarily use OSM
> > data.
> >
> >
> > ___
> > dev mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> dev mailing list
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Re: [OSM-dev] How to handle these issues?

2014-08-17 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
ad 2)
- natural=land tag was used
- multipolygons were used to achieve the same goal
- multipolygons are better (solution of general problem), so natural=land
was described as bad idea
- existing natural=land gets replaced by multipolygons what is ongoing
process (see for progress - for
example in central Europe this tag is gone or was never used)
- JOSM since encourages
users to update tagging (4 days ago)

Tag may be either used to use full available data or be ignored to make
data processing easier and encourage update of tagging.

2014-08-17 15:04 GMT+02:00 Sandor Seres :

> I am not quite shore how to handle the following two dilemmas:
> 1.If a rendering system renders the planet-sea area objects (instead of
> planet-land area objects), is then Antarctica a hole in the global ocean
> object or the global ocean object simply ends by the upper border-line of
> Antarctica?
> 2.There are around 25460 objects in the class defined by the tag
> natural=land in the latest dump. The wiki documentation for the same tag
> says “This tag should not be used”. How to interpret this?
> Are editors refusing data with this tag? Should we ignore the data with
> this tag in the dumps? Looking at different OSM based maps I see that I am
> not the only one confused with the issue. Unfortunately, the class contains
> area objects related to all water types/classes so, this is not just
> rendering them at certain stage. In vector mapping, as you certainly know,
> it is much more complicated.
> Thanks for suggestions/meanings.
> Sandor
> ___
> dev mailing list
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] [OSM-talk] Upcoming openstreetmap-carto changes (nature_reserve & highway=services)

2014-07-25 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
The issue with services seems to be already noticed and fixed - see

2014-07-25 16:30 GMT+02:00 Dave F. :

> Hi
> Good to see updates for the mapnik rendering.
> Unsure if these two problems are directly linked to these updates:
> highway=services (ie service stations where you can get a drink/meal etc)
> as an area are rendering as a high level layer hiding detail such as car
> parks. Can this be put at a lower level?
> leisure=nature_reserve
> Used to have an infill of text 'NR'. that's been removed but not replaced
> by anything, it's now just a faint border, at all levels, which makes it
> extremely difficult to distinguish. According to this
> gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/commit/c505f51a930fe00977af8ae7fc2d58
> a36a659ff1 it was meant to render the same as national parks but doesn't
> appear to work:
> Cheers
> Dave F.
> ---
> This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus
> protection is active.
> ___
> talk mailing list
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Using osmdroid for an Android university course

2014-07-07 Thread Mateusz Konieczny and
list rules that should be followed in this situation.

2014-07-07 13:27 GMT+02:00 Nick Whitelegg :

> Hi,
> (not sure if this belongs in talk or dev)
> Next year I am running a university course on Android development.
> I am planning to include a section on location-aware apps and mapping, and
> naturally I want to use OSM. ;-)
> Mapsforge is one option, however IMV the new 0.4 API has a little too much
> complexity for what will be complete newcomers to Android development (they
> have Java experience though).
> So I'd like to use osmdroid, however I'm aware that apps that use raster
> tile sources can place a strain on tileservers.
> It looks like osmdroid will now talk to the MapQuest tileservers though.
> Will it be acceptable - particularly if I use MapQuest - to use osmdroid
> for this course? There will be 20 students max.
> Thanks,
> Nick
> ___
> dev mailing list
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] How to reference specific points of interests in OSM data

2014-03-21 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
Remember location and use the closest result?

2014-03-21 21:57 GMT+01:00 Sachin Dole :

> Hello,
> I am fairly new to OSM and am figuring out how to use this in my
> application. I want to be able to add additional metadata to certain places
> such as hotels, airports, car rental agencies etc. I am planning to do this
> additional metadata in my own database. However, I read on this 
> page that
> the OSM ID is not a permanent id for a place in the map. That page
> recommends to search on tags and then if that search returns more than one
> item, then figure out which one is relevant. If I am doing this live in a
> web app, I wont be able to do this. So, the question is how do I make
> permanent links to OSM map places in my database so I can enrich the
> metadata for myself?
> You might ask if I can instead add the metadata directly to OSM - I could
> do that, but what if my metadata is not really relevant to the general
> community? I dont want to end up polluting OSM tags with something that
> wont make sense to the rest of the world.
> Thank you in advance!
> Sachin Dole
> ___
> dev mailing list
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] JOSM plugin public transport update (Google Summer of Code program)

2014-03-18 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
I wonder about checkpoints for "good standing with their communities"
on 19 May, "mid-term evaluation" on 23 June and "final evaluation deadline".

Should there be a precise set of what must be be done till 19 May and 23
or is it decided based on whatever there is an active development? I assume
that to pass "final evaluation deadline" entire project must be delivered,
but how
the two previous ones are supposed to be handled?

I am unsure what I should write as "detailed timeline: how do you plan to
spend your summer?". Should I declare when each feature will be finished? Or
is it about something else?

My proposal is available on
I would appreciate any feedback.

> > - what type was previously selected (i.e. if a user had selected a type
> >   in the past, then this selection will be assumed as more likely the
> > time)
> Also a good idea although I would see this rather as choosing which item
> highlight.

I think that it may be better to avoid forcing user to click in cases when
algorithm guessed right without additional data.

> Additionally, features with certain tags could and should block routing
> if they just cross the path without sharing a nnode. Think of a gate
> (barrier=gate or a military no-go area).

I am not sure. In the first case barrier should have either different layer
share node ("If a linear barrier crosses a highway, they must connect with
a node at intersection." - from Barriers article on wiki), and in the
road should have access tags. Though both cases are currently not
reported as a problem by JOSM validator (I filed ticket for the first case,
wiki is quite clear. Second seems to have no suggested solution on wiki,
maybe it should be discussed on tagging mailing list).

> - Deal with various tagging variants.

Added as part of defining route types ("improving definitions of route
to handle tagging variations").

> - Deal with features intersecting without nodes when they should block
> routing.

I think that all cases like this are mapping bugs and should be reported
by JOSM validator (expecting every single router to parse thing like
no-go areas instead of checking access tags on roads is IMHO a poor idea).

> - Make a proper handling of implicit way splitting (may require user
> but the less the better. Users wouldn't accept to click through hard-to-
> understand and possibly multiple modal windows).

Added to proposal as "implicit way splitting (for nodes that are in
the middle of way), with minimal required user action"

> Make a proper Undo (This one being particular important)

I am confused here, there is probably no need to revert way selection.
Is it about implicit splitting requested during selecting route? I added
note about this.

> Maybe cope with runtime and/or space constraints

I mentioned it in the new proposal version ("algorithm that will find
suitable connection in acceptable time, without too high memory usage").

> Making a user interface to handle user-defined connection types, might be
quite large sub-editor).

I am not sure is it necessary, I thought that types would be edited like
rules. Possible to do, but 99,9% of users never needs to do it and others
may simply edit text file.

> Fitting that into the various JOSM storage ideas (File format, storage in
the central JOSM wiki repository, store in local user preferences).

Is is about distributing plugin or is it about how it will work? Or maybe

> - Probably i18n for the interface parts.

Now "making translations possible" is mentioned while discussing interface.

>- Find sensitive testing case and defend the whole thing on various
> mailing lists (I will assist you, but it is inevitable to meet the real
> of various local comunities, and inevitable to make the software really
> useful).

I hope that this one will require changes no bigger than (re)defining route

> I think it would be helpful to first have it as a plugin and see it in

OK, I will rework proposal to indicate that it is intended to start as a
and mention integration into JOSM trunk as potential future goal.

Should I mention public transport plugin in proposal as source of this idea?

> I'll have a closer look at your
> proposal in the train tomorrow and then comment as soon as I found my
Wifi on
> the conference venue :)

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] JOSM plugin public transport update (Google Summer of Code program)

2014-03-15 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
> Having a
> tool that does the selection part according to a direct route would also
be a
> help but might be more demanding - the acceptable features for waterways
> railways differ from those for streets, and even for streets the subsets
> fits for buses differs significantly from the subset for cyclists. So the
> feature will require some clever user interface to handle this explanation
> challenge.

I thought about algorithm guessing connection type based on:
- what type was previously selected (i.e. if a user had selected a type X
  in the past, then this selection will be assumed as more likely the next
- common tags on ways that contain selected nodes
- decision by user (this would be optional, there would be possible to
  skip this in case when two previous items were sufficient.
  I imagine it as a messagebox that is not capturing focus and is
  appearing at the bottom of the screen. Something similar to
  box "You have X unread messages" recently added to JOSM).

Some types would be predefined. There would be possibility to edit existing
and add more.
A connection type would have:
- name
- icon (not sure, requires testing whether it would be helpful)
- set of data about tags that would identify ways that can be included
- tags that must appear
- tags that indicate this route type
- tags that should not appear and indicate that it is not this type
- tags that must not appear

Quick examples of types:
- bus
- must appear: "highway=*"
- indicate: psv=yes, psv=designated, bus=yes, bus=designated
- should not appear: highway=pedestrian
- must not appear: highway=footway, highway=cycleway, highway=path
  psv=no, bus=no, (access=no AND NOT bus)

- waterway
- must appear: "waterway=*"
- must not appear: waterway=riverbank

In general the biggest problem will be with various flavours of highways
(at least bus, car and bicycle), other linear features rarely share
nodes and it should be easy to detect way based on what is the same on
two selected nodes (except some degenerated cases like selecting two
nodes that are both railway/highway crossings, with the same rail and
the same road).

> > This approach may make coding more complicated but it would solve far
> > more general problem.
> Having another selection aid for JOSM would indeed help even more. I you
> then you could also focus the project to this challenge and leave aside
> tagging issues.

I like this idea, but is it big enough to qualify as entire project?
Maybe yes, especially after considering that things often are harder than
expected and take far more time than it seemed at start.

In this project I see following parts
- creation of ticket on JOSM bugtracker (I am not expecting this, but in
  case that JOSM developers reject the entire idea I would instead create
  plugin with this functionality).
- collecting use cases (two nodes + what ways would be expected to be
  found by algorithm)
- setting up development environment, with ability to build JOSM
- interface (new position in tool menu, icon, fetching data about what is
  selected, error messages)
- algorithm that will find suitable connection (probably A* with cost
- interface (selection of ways found by algorithm)
- automatic testing of algorithm based on collected use cases would be
  an interesting thing but I am unsure whether it would be feasible

At this point it should be already useful for many tasks and faster than
configuring filters to select linear feature consisting of multiple ways.
It would depend on how JOSM developers would see it, but it could be
at this stage merged into JOSM trunk (in case of backup plan I would
release a plugin).

Subsequently I would add handling of connection types
- fixing bugs reported by user, encountered in released version
- modification of algorithm (multiple A* searches? Maybe something
  smarter and faster would be needed.)
- interface (selecting connection type)
- loading user-defined connection types in reasonable and editable format
- definitions of some obvious types

Here I see good point for second release. I think that it should happen
before final deadline of GSoC and I would spend final days on
- fixing bugs reported by users

Is there anything that I missed here? Is my plan realistic (GSoC coding
starts on 19 May and finishes on 11 August)?
dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] JOSM plugin public transport update (Google Summer of Code program)

2014-03-12 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
I have some questions regarding of "JOSM plugin public transport
update" project. The quotations below come from the Project Idea =>

Where can I find description of tagging scheme that the project
should support? I can read: "The JOSM plugin
public transport is out of sync with the public transport scheme from
the wiki.". Can I assume that
is the documentation of the new tagging scheme? Or maybe it is

"Although bus lines follow most of the time the most direct way, the
mapper has still to collect all these segments by hand. This is a
really tedious job. A routing engine could suggest a route after the
user has clicked starting and ending point. A sufficiently fast
textbook implementation of an A* algorithm is present, it needs to be
configured to the types of roads suitable for buses."

I think that a bit different tool based on this idea would solve far
wider problem. Linear features like highway=*, waterways and railways
often suffer from fragmentation (and probably also other linear
features). It makes many sort of edits overly complicated. Problem is
limited not only to adding bus lines. Any edit that involves editing
longer part of segmented linear feature triggers this problem. For
example I encountered it during adding lit and surface info and it
discouraged me from this type of edits. It is easy to imagine that
the same will happen with many other edits.

Moreover only starting and ending point are not enough to generate
fully correct bus route. It will work only for specific routing of
bus lines that may be rare in some countries (for example in Poland).

Additionally JOSM has significant lag while operating at city-sized
datasets (around 150MB) and changing this would be hard and
complicated enough as separate project.

Maybe it should not be a part of the specific plugin but should be
developed as JOSM improvement and contributed directly as part of
JOSM development (developing it would be a part of the GSoC project).

In order to tag segment of bus route, it would not be necessary to
manually select separate ways. It would be possible to mark two nodes
and use the new function to select multiple ways connecting them (and
possibly also split ways in cases where it is necessary). This would
make possible to add them in one group. Bus route would consist of
one (as in original proposal) or more segments.

Example of separate ways: + + + and 18 subsequent ways
Example of two nodes, selecting them and using new tool would be
equivalent of marking 21 ways from previous example: at and at

This approach may make coding more complicated but it would solve far
more general problem.

"plugin should no longer break well-tagged existing structures"

Should plugin fully support outdated tagging schemes? Or is it enough
that updated plugin will not break it?

Where can I find bug tracker for this tool?

I found
and its git mirror but I have still to find the bug tracker. This
would be especially useful as project involves "improve stability
such that no more crashes happen" and "plugin should no longer break
well-tagged existing structures". I thought that maybe tickets reside
at JOSM bug tracker but search for keyword like "public", "transport"
and "public_transport" gives no useful tickets.
dev mailing list