Re: How I can use multiple CSS files

2018-02-22 Thread Carlos Rovira
Hi Alex,

I think I must explain why I don't follow your suggetion of using println,
so you understand me and my own situation.

First, I don't know too much about the compiler part, so don't know in
which class I must put that print.
(in the end, if you want contributors like me make this you must provided
more info since I don't not exactly what you want from me to do)
then I don't have my environment setup for java debugging. In the end, my
day-by-day work doesn't requiere too much coding anymore
since I'm managing a company and this makes me to use docs, sheets and
other managing tools, and be part of the day off in meetings,
comercial task, talking with customers, employees, providers...and in the
end, in whatever I could be required to make things "flow".

So I really enjoy contributing to Royale, and for this reason I try to get
times here and there to work on things for royale.
But I can't do things I'm not prepared to, maybe because is not my area of
expertise, or it will make so difficult to me that will make me invest
huge amount of time I don't have.

It's like if I require you to do things in other areas that you don't use
to touch and doesn't have tools right now installed, or doesn't have the
exepertise, maybe
you could end doing, but the problem is how much time you must invest to
learn what I requiere you to do, and how many things have to install and
try to end with the
expected result

Hope you understand that. Is not that I don't want to do that, it's a mix
of not knowing what to do, and where to do,
and be not prepared to do what you are proposing.

Having said that I'll try today to make another cleaning of things and try
again to rebuild all to see if this work, since the problem seems to be on
my part.
If I don't get it to work, I'll assume that something in royale is not
working properly for 100% of cases, maybe some maven config or whatever that
given a concrete situation in devs machine make it work in unexpected way
(wich are bugs very difficult to find).

I'll keep you informed as I get all cleaned and rebuild

2018-02-21 23:47 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :

> Carlos, I'm using a Mac.  We've seen it work now on two computers with
> different operating systems.
> For the 4th time:  Did you try the System.out.println test?
> -Alex
> --
> Carlos Rovira

Re: Removing the * selector

2018-02-22 Thread Carlos Rovira
Hi Alex,

I think this is a very good change since I had many problems with MDL and
have to use the exclusion on CSS to make it work properly.

If I understand ok, I should see fonts at 16px, that I think is nowadays
the standard for "normal" text, so good.

What I don't understand is what basic should making any change. From my
point of view basic is as the name says...basic, and I don't like to make
fonts 12px.
I only expect in basic to see the wiring of beads like views, models and
controllers. But I think almost no CSS rules should be there, hence the
basic point at the lowest level, where users only have the basics of what
royale provides without any customization.

That's how I see it

Thanks for making this change, I think is huge one!


2018-02-22 2:43 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :

> Hi,
> Royale has been using the universal selector for a while now to set
> defaults for Royale apps.  However, that caused problems with other
> third-party CSS.
> I just pushed changes to the compiler and framework so that we don't use
> the * selector.  Instead we will be using the * selector properly if
> provided by the users CSS and we are using a special selector called
> "global" as the "browser defaults" and the final selector in the lookup we
> manage.
> This should eliminate the need for other component sets to try to exclude
> the defaults.css from Basic.
> You may find that text that once looked nice now is 16px Serif.  That's
> because we are no longer using inheritance to set the font-family on all
> components.  The browsers do not seem to deploy a default font-family so
> the SWF side shouldn't either.  IOW, if you just put some plain text in an
> HTML file it shows up as 16px Serif.  If you see 16px Serif, let us know
> which component is showing that by default.
> However, we don't really want to make 16px Serif the default font in our
> examples, so I created a CSS-based theme in themes/Basic/basic.css and put
> 12px Sans-Serif as the default for a bunch of type selectors since that
> was what our examples were using.  I did not create a default font for
> Application as that would become the default for other component sets
> mixed into a Royale app unless otherwise specified.  Component sets with
> different looks can use a different theme and get different defaults.
> So, in sum, without any theme, we want the SWF side to look like the
> browser and have 16px Serif.  But the royale-config.xml will specify
> themes/Basic/basic.css as the default theme giving the examples and most
> people's unstyled apps a more Flex-like look by using sans-serif.  More
> type selectors may need to be added to themes/Basic/basic.css in order to
> get sans serif everywhere by default without putting font-family on
> Application.  That way, when you switch to another theme, like the Vivid
> that Carlos is working on, there should be fewer, if any, default values
> that screw up the other theme.
> Thanks,
> -Alex

Carlos Rovira

Re: Removing the * selector

2018-02-22 Thread Alex Harui

On 2/22/18, 1:12 AM, " on behalf of Carlos Rovira"

>Hi Alex,
>I think this is a very good change since I had many problems with MDL and
>have to use the exclusion on CSS to make it work properly.
>If I understand ok, I should see fonts at 16px, that I think is nowadays
>the standard for "normal" text, so good.
>What I don't understand is what basic should making any change. From my
>point of view basic is as the name says...basic, and I don't like to make
>fonts 12px.
>I only expect in basic to see the wiring of beads like views, models and
>controllers. But I think almost no CSS rules should be there, hence the
>basic point at the lowest level, where users only have the basics of what
>royale provides without any customization.
>That's how I see it

I think I agree.  That's sort of where I was heading by creating a
separate theme in basic.css.  Basic.css is separate from the defaults.css
in Basic.swc.  Maybe we should give basic.css a different name.  The goal
of basic.css was to give our examples and anybody else building the
smallest app on Basic a more Flex-like look.  I just don't think Serif
16px looks good.  It is true that more traditional CSS visual styles can
be moved from the Basic defaults.css to whatever we call basic.css.
Someone else can do that work once we see how this change affects Vivid
and other themes like MDL.  I'm not sure if every component set should
have a separate theme file or SWC as well.  Or if there are a few visual
styles in that should remain in Basic's defaults.css so that other
component sets don't have to repeat that information.

>2018-02-22 2:43 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :
>> Hi,
>> Royale has been using the universal selector for a while now to set
>> defaults for Royale apps.  However, that caused problems with other
>> third-party CSS.
>> I just pushed changes to the compiler and framework so that we don't use
>> the * selector.  Instead we will be using the * selector properly if
>> provided by the users CSS and we are using a special selector called
>> "global" as the "browser defaults" and the final selector in the lookup
>> manage.
>> This should eliminate the need for other component sets to try to
>> the defaults.css from Basic.
>> You may find that text that once looked nice now is 16px Serif.  That's
>> because we are no longer using inheritance to set the font-family on all
>> components.  The browsers do not seem to deploy a default font-family so
>> the SWF side shouldn't either.  IOW, if you just put some plain text in
>> HTML file it shows up as 16px Serif.  If you see 16px Serif, let us know
>> which component is showing that by default.
>> However, we don't really want to make 16px Serif the default font in our
>> examples, so I created a CSS-based theme in themes/Basic/basic.css and
>> 12px Sans-Serif as the default for a bunch of type selectors since that
>> was what our examples were using.  I did not create a default font for
>> Application as that would become the default for other component sets
>> mixed into a Royale app unless otherwise specified.  Component sets with
>> different looks can use a different theme and get different defaults.
>> So, in sum, without any theme, we want the SWF side to look like the
>> browser and have 16px Serif.  But the royale-config.xml will specify
>> themes/Basic/basic.css as the default theme giving the examples and most
>> people's unstyled apps a more Flex-like look by using sans-serif.  More
>> type selectors may need to be added to themes/Basic/basic.css in order
>> get sans serif everywhere by default without putting font-family on
>> Application.  That way, when you switch to another theme, like the Vivid
>> that Carlos is working on, there should be fewer, if any, default values
>> that screw up the other theme.
>> Thanks,
>> -Alex
>Carlos Rovira

Re: How I can use multiple CSS files

2018-02-22 Thread Piotr Zarzycki
I copied build files to my Mac and it's working on Safari and Chrome.

2018-02-22 9:51 GMT+01:00 Carlos Rovira :

> Hi Alex,
> I think I must explain why I don't follow your suggetion of using println,
> so you understand me and my own situation.
> First, I don't know too much about the compiler part, so don't know in
> which class I must put that print.
> (in the end, if you want contributors like me make this you must provided
> more info since I don't not exactly what you want from me to do)
> then I don't have my environment setup for java debugging. In the end, my
> day-by-day work doesn't requiere too much coding anymore
> since I'm managing a company and this makes me to use docs, sheets and
> other managing tools, and be part of the day off in meetings,
> comercial task, talking with customers, employees, providers...and in the
> end, in whatever I could be required to make things "flow".
> So I really enjoy contributing to Royale, and for this reason I try to get
> times here and there to work on things for royale.
> But I can't do things I'm not prepared to, maybe because is not my area of
> expertise, or it will make so difficult to me that will make me invest
> huge amount of time I don't have.
> It's like if I require you to do things in other areas that you don't use
> to touch and doesn't have tools right now installed, or doesn't have the
> exepertise, maybe
> you could end doing, but the problem is how much time you must invest to
> learn what I requiere you to do, and how many things have to install and
> try to end with the
> expected result
> Hope you understand that. Is not that I don't want to do that, it's a mix
> of not knowing what to do, and where to do,
> and be not prepared to do what you are proposing.
> Having said that I'll try today to make another cleaning of things and try
> again to rebuild all to see if this work, since the problem seems to be on
> my part.
> If I don't get it to work, I'll assume that something in royale is not
> working properly for 100% of cases, maybe some maven config or whatever
> that
> given a concrete situation in devs machine make it work in unexpected way
> (wich are bugs very difficult to find).
> I'll keep you informed as I get all cleaned and rebuild
> 2018-02-21 23:47 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :
> > Carlos, I'm using a Mac.  We've seen it work now on two computers with
> > different operating systems.
> >
> > For the 4th time:  Did you try the System.out.println test?
> >
> > -Alex
> >
> > --
> > Carlos Rovira
> >
> >
> >
> >


Piotr Zarzycki

Patreon: *

Re: How I can use multiple CSS files

2018-02-22 Thread Alex Harui
Hi Carlos,

Several posts ago I wrote the following:

"The file I changed in royale-compiler is  Add a
System.out.println("This is Carlos's local copy"); at the beginning of
getCSSFromThemes.  Delete the compiler jars from your local repo and
rebuild the compiler then the framework and example.  You should see your
println in the output.  If you don't then for some reason you are pulling
the wrong one.  The console output for the compiler should show that it
put the jars in the local repo.  The console output for framework and/or
examples should show where it got the compiler jars."

I'm not sure how to help you more than that.

I appreciate all of the contributions you've made to Royale, and that you
have limited time, but we all have to work as efficiently as possible to
get the most done in the time we have.  It is not efficient for me to
interrupt what I'm doing to work on what you want me to do and then try to
get back to what I was working on, and it is not efficient for me to guess
what might be going on with your computer.  You will have to do most of
this investigation yourself.  And by doing so, you will hopefully learn
something that can help you some day in the future, and that will make all
of us more productive.  Yes, that means in the short term you may not get
as much done as you would like, but if we don't distribute the knowledge
and work, the project simply will not scale.

My 2 cents,

On 2/22/18, 12:51 AM, " on behalf of Carlos Rovira"

>Hi Alex,
>I think I must explain why I don't follow your suggetion of using println,
>so you understand me and my own situation.
>First, I don't know too much about the compiler part, so don't know in
>which class I must put that print.
>(in the end, if you want contributors like me make this you must provided
>more info since I don't not exactly what you want from me to do)
>then I don't have my environment setup for java debugging. In the end, my
>day-by-day work doesn't requiere too much coding anymore
>since I'm managing a company and this makes me to use docs, sheets and
>other managing tools, and be part of the day off in meetings,
>comercial task, talking with customers, employees, providers...and in the
>end, in whatever I could be required to make things "flow".
>So I really enjoy contributing to Royale, and for this reason I try to get
>times here and there to work on things for royale.
>But I can't do things I'm not prepared to, maybe because is not my area of
>expertise, or it will make so difficult to me that will make me invest
>huge amount of time I don't have.
>It's like if I require you to do things in other areas that you don't use
>to touch and doesn't have tools right now installed, or doesn't have the
>exepertise, maybe
>you could end doing, but the problem is how much time you must invest to
>learn what I requiere you to do, and how many things have to install and
>try to end with the
>expected result
>Hope you understand that. Is not that I don't want to do that, it's a mix
>of not knowing what to do, and where to do,
>and be not prepared to do what you are proposing.
>Having said that I'll try today to make another cleaning of things and try
>again to rebuild all to see if this work, since the problem seems to be on
>my part.
>If I don't get it to work, I'll assume that something in royale is not
>working properly for 100% of cases, maybe some maven config or whatever
>given a concrete situation in devs machine make it work in unexpected way
>(wich are bugs very difficult to find).
>I'll keep you informed as I get all cleaned and rebuild
>2018-02-21 23:47 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :
>> Carlos, I'm using a Mac.  We've seen it work now on two computers with
>> different operating systems.
>> For the 4th time:  Did you try the System.out.println test?
>> -Alex
>> --
>> Carlos Rovira

Re: How I can use multiple CSS files

2018-02-22 Thread Carlos Rovira
HI Alex, Piotr,
final I got it working!
why it was falling is a mystery to me. I updated brew, maven, clean again
.m2 repo.
I restart the Mac (maybe something was locked and need a restart)

Anyway, it seems to work now, so I'm again on the road.

Thank you all for the support! :)

2018-02-22 10:42 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :

> Hi Carlos,
> Several posts ago I wrote the following:
> "The file I changed in royale-compiler is  Add a
> System.out.println("This is Carlos's local copy"); at the beginning of
> getCSSFromThemes.  Delete the compiler jars from your local repo and
> rebuild the compiler then the framework and example.  You should see your
> println in the output.  If you don't then for some reason you are pulling
> the wrong one.  The console output for the compiler should show that it
> put the jars in the local repo.  The console output for framework and/or
> examples should show where it got the compiler jars."
> I'm not sure how to help you more than that.
> I appreciate all of the contributions you've made to Royale, and that you
> have limited time, but we all have to work as efficiently as possible to
> get the most done in the time we have.  It is not efficient for me to
> interrupt what I'm doing to work on what you want me to do and then try to
> get back to what I was working on, and it is not efficient for me to guess
> what might be going on with your computer.  You will have to do most of
> this investigation yourself.  And by doing so, you will hopefully learn
> something that can help you some day in the future, and that will make all
> of us more productive.  Yes, that means in the short term you may not get
> as much done as you would like, but if we don't distribute the knowledge
> and work, the project simply will not scale.
> My 2 cents,
> -Alex
> On 2/22/18, 12:51 AM, " on behalf of Carlos Rovira"
>  wrote:
> >Hi Alex,
> >
> >I think I must explain why I don't follow your suggetion of using println,
> >so you understand me and my own situation.
> >
> >First, I don't know too much about the compiler part, so don't know in
> >which class I must put that print.
> >(in the end, if you want contributors like me make this you must provided
> >more info since I don't not exactly what you want from me to do)
> >then I don't have my environment setup for java debugging. In the end, my
> >day-by-day work doesn't requiere too much coding anymore
> >since I'm managing a company and this makes me to use docs, sheets and
> >other managing tools, and be part of the day off in meetings,
> >comercial task, talking with customers, employees, providers...and in the
> >end, in whatever I could be required to make things "flow".
> >
> >So I really enjoy contributing to Royale, and for this reason I try to get
> >times here and there to work on things for royale.
> >But I can't do things I'm not prepared to, maybe because is not my area of
> >expertise, or it will make so difficult to me that will make me invest
> >huge amount of time I don't have.
> >
> >It's like if I require you to do things in other areas that you don't use
> >to touch and doesn't have tools right now installed, or doesn't have the
> >exepertise, maybe
> >you could end doing, but the problem is how much time you must invest to
> >learn what I requiere you to do, and how many things have to install and
> >try to end with the
> >expected result
> >
> >Hope you understand that. Is not that I don't want to do that, it's a mix
> >of not knowing what to do, and where to do,
> >and be not prepared to do what you are proposing.
> >
> >Having said that I'll try today to make another cleaning of things and try
> >again to rebuild all to see if this work, since the problem seems to be on
> >my part.
> >If I don't get it to work, I'll assume that something in royale is not
> >working properly for 100% of cases, maybe some maven config or whatever
> >that
> >given a concrete situation in devs machine make it work in unexpected way
> >(wich are bugs very difficult to find).
> >
> >I'll keep you informed as I get all cleaned and rebuild
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >2018-02-21 23:47 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :
> >
> >> Carlos, I'm using a Mac.  We've seen it work now on two computers with
> >> different operating systems.
> >>
> >> For the 4th time:  Did you try the System.out.println test?
> >>
> >> -Alex
> >>
> >> --
> >> Carlos Rovira
> >>
> >>
> >>2Fcarlosrovira&
> 7Ccfbf9e88c4a249ac837e08
> >>d579d185f2%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%
> 7C63654886316916327
> >>6&sdata=IzftNUoe22bDlCrz55vscC7u%2FAuJrBgVRku15DobVq0%3D&reserved=0
> >>
> >>
> >>

Carlos Rovira

Re: How I can use multiple CSS files

2018-02-22 Thread Piotr Zarzycki
That's the problem with Mac for me which I cannot understand. I saw many
times on the users sight that something was cached etc. and it's not
working even after update. :) I'm Windows user mostly and very rarely
experience such things.

I'm glad that you got it working. I hope to look into your work very soon.

Thanks, Piotr

2018-02-22 11:13 GMT+01:00 Carlos Rovira :

> HI Alex, Piotr,
> final I got it working!
> why it was falling is a mystery to me. I updated brew, maven, clean again
> .m2 repo.
> I restart the Mac (maybe something was locked and need a restart)
> Anyway, it seems to work now, so I'm again on the road.
> Thank you all for the support! :)
> 2018-02-22 10:42 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :
> > Hi Carlos,
> >
> > Several posts ago I wrote the following:
> >
> > "The file I changed in royale-compiler is  Add a
> > System.out.println("This is Carlos's local copy"); at the beginning of
> > getCSSFromThemes.  Delete the compiler jars from your local repo and
> > rebuild the compiler then the framework and example.  You should see your
> > println in the output.  If you don't then for some reason you are pulling
> > the wrong one.  The console output for the compiler should show that it
> > put the jars in the local repo.  The console output for framework and/or
> > examples should show where it got the compiler jars."
> >
> > I'm not sure how to help you more than that.
> >
> > I appreciate all of the contributions you've made to Royale, and that you
> > have limited time, but we all have to work as efficiently as possible to
> > get the most done in the time we have.  It is not efficient for me to
> > interrupt what I'm doing to work on what you want me to do and then try
> to
> > get back to what I was working on, and it is not efficient for me to
> guess
> > what might be going on with your computer.  You will have to do most of
> > this investigation yourself.  And by doing so, you will hopefully learn
> > something that can help you some day in the future, and that will make
> all
> > of us more productive.  Yes, that means in the short term you may not get
> > as much done as you would like, but if we don't distribute the knowledge
> > and work, the project simply will not scale.
> >
> > My 2 cents,
> > -Alex
> >
> >
> >
> > On 2/22/18, 12:51 AM, " on behalf of Carlos
> Rovira"
> >  wrote:
> >
> > >Hi Alex,
> > >
> > >I think I must explain why I don't follow your suggetion of using
> println,
> > >so you understand me and my own situation.
> > >
> > >First, I don't know too much about the compiler part, so don't know in
> > >which class I must put that print.
> > >(in the end, if you want contributors like me make this you must
> provided
> > >more info since I don't not exactly what you want from me to do)
> > >then I don't have my environment setup for java debugging. In the end,
> my
> > >day-by-day work doesn't requiere too much coding anymore
> > >since I'm managing a company and this makes me to use docs, sheets and
> > >other managing tools, and be part of the day off in meetings,
> > >comercial task, talking with customers, employees, providers...and in
> the
> > >end, in whatever I could be required to make things "flow".
> > >
> > >So I really enjoy contributing to Royale, and for this reason I try to
> get
> > >times here and there to work on things for royale.
> > >But I can't do things I'm not prepared to, maybe because is not my area
> of
> > >expertise, or it will make so difficult to me that will make me invest
> > >huge amount of time I don't have.
> > >
> > >It's like if I require you to do things in other areas that you don't
> use
> > >to touch and doesn't have tools right now installed, or doesn't have the
> > >exepertise, maybe
> > >you could end doing, but the problem is how much time you must invest to
> > >learn what I requiere you to do, and how many things have to install and
> > >try to end with the
> > >expected result
> > >
> > >Hope you understand that. Is not that I don't want to do that, it's a
> mix
> > >of not knowing what to do, and where to do,
> > >and be not prepared to do what you are proposing.
> > >
> > >Having said that I'll try today to make another cleaning of things and
> try
> > >again to rebuild all to see if this work, since the problem seems to be
> on
> > >my part.
> > >If I don't get it to work, I'll assume that something in royale is not
> > >working properly for 100% of cases, maybe some maven config or whatever
> > >that
> > >given a concrete situation in devs machine make it work in unexpected
> way
> > >(wich are bugs very difficult to find).
> > >
> > >I'll keep you informed as I get all cleaned and rebuild
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >2018-02-21 23:47 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :
> > >
> > >> Carlos, I'm using a Mac.  We've seen it work now on two computers with
> > >> different operating systems.
> > >>
> > >> For the 4th time:  Did you try the System.out.println test?
> > >>
> > >> -Alex

Re: Removing the * selector

2018-02-22 Thread Andrew Wetmore
Is this a migration issue for Flex apps, or is this specific to Royale?

On Thu, Feb 22, 2018 at 5:29 AM, Alex Harui 

> On 2/22/18, 1:12 AM, " on behalf of Carlos Rovira"
>  wrote:
> >Hi Alex,
> >
> >I think this is a very good change since I had many problems with MDL and
> >have to use the exclusion on CSS to make it work properly.
> >
> >If I understand ok, I should see fonts at 16px, that I think is nowadays
> >the standard for "normal" text, so good.
> >
> >What I don't understand is what basic should making any change. From my
> >point of view basic is as the name says...basic, and I don't like to make
> >fonts 12px.
> >I only expect in basic to see the wiring of beads like views, models and
> >controllers. But I think almost no CSS rules should be there, hence the
> >basic point at the lowest level, where users only have the basics of what
> >royale provides without any customization.
> >
> >That's how I see it
> I think I agree.  That's sort of where I was heading by creating a
> separate theme in basic.css.  Basic.css is separate from the defaults.css
> in Basic.swc.  Maybe we should give basic.css a different name.  The goal
> of basic.css was to give our examples and anybody else building the
> smallest app on Basic a more Flex-like look.  I just don't think Serif
> 16px looks good.  It is true that more traditional CSS visual styles can
> be moved from the Basic defaults.css to whatever we call basic.css.
> Someone else can do that work once we see how this change affects Vivid
> and other themes like MDL.  I'm not sure if every component set should
> have a separate theme file or SWC as well.  Or if there are a few visual
> styles in that should remain in Basic's defaults.css so that other
> component sets don't have to repeat that information.
> -Alex
> >
> >
> >2018-02-22 2:43 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :
> >
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> Royale has been using the universal selector for a while now to set
> >> defaults for Royale apps.  However, that caused problems with other
> >> third-party CSS.
> >>
> >> I just pushed changes to the compiler and framework so that we don't use
> >> the * selector.  Instead we will be using the * selector properly if
> >> provided by the users CSS and we are using a special selector called
> >> "global" as the "browser defaults" and the final selector in the lookup
> >>we
> >> manage.
> >>
> >> This should eliminate the need for other component sets to try to
> >>exclude
> >> the defaults.css from Basic.
> >>
> >> You may find that text that once looked nice now is 16px Serif.  That's
> >> because we are no longer using inheritance to set the font-family on all
> >> components.  The browsers do not seem to deploy a default font-family so
> >> the SWF side shouldn't either.  IOW, if you just put some plain text in
> >>an
> >> HTML file it shows up as 16px Serif.  If you see 16px Serif, let us know
> >> which component is showing that by default.
> >>
> >> However, we don't really want to make 16px Serif the default font in our
> >> examples, so I created a CSS-based theme in themes/Basic/basic.css and
> >>put
> >> 12px Sans-Serif as the default for a bunch of type selectors since that
> >> was what our examples were using.  I did not create a default font for
> >> Application as that would become the default for other component sets
> >> mixed into a Royale app unless otherwise specified.  Component sets with
> >> different looks can use a different theme and get different defaults.
> >>
> >> So, in sum, without any theme, we want the SWF side to look like the
> >> browser and have 16px Serif.  But the royale-config.xml will specify
> >> themes/Basic/basic.css as the default theme giving the examples and most
> >> people's unstyled apps a more Flex-like look by using sans-serif.  More
> >> type selectors may need to be added to themes/Basic/basic.css in order
> >>to
> >> get sans serif everywhere by default without putting font-family on
> >> Application.  That way, when you switch to another theme, like the Vivid
> >> that Carlos is working on, there should be fewer, if any, default values
> >> that screw up the other theme.
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >> -Alex
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >--
> >Carlos Rovira
> >
> >Fcarlosrovira&
> 7C5807444789504e2f3d8c08d5
> >79d46f81%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%
> 7C636548875665083262&s
> >data=MjSAbOXuFPTLeafKWOYuDDbc8oMn4YbsZ6pzwxYA6pg%3D&reserved=0

Andrew Wetmore

Re: How I can use multiple CSS files

2018-02-22 Thread Piotr Zarzycki

Let's use this new branch feature/vivid-ui-set. I did setup for that
pipeline [1]. Remove maybe the old one.


2018-02-22 11:19 GMT+01:00 Piotr Zarzycki :

> That's the problem with Mac for me which I cannot understand. I saw many
> times on the users sight that something was cached etc. and it's not
> working even after update. :) I'm Windows user mostly and very rarely
> experience such things.
> I'm glad that you got it working. I hope to look into your work very soon.
> :)
> Thanks, Piotr
> 2018-02-22 11:13 GMT+01:00 Carlos Rovira :
>> HI Alex, Piotr,
>> final I got it working!
>> why it was falling is a mystery to me. I updated brew, maven, clean again
>> .m2 repo.
>> I restart the Mac (maybe something was locked and need a restart)
>> Anyway, it seems to work now, so I'm again on the road.
>> Thank you all for the support! :)
>> 2018-02-22 10:42 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :
>> > Hi Carlos,
>> >
>> > Several posts ago I wrote the following:
>> >
>> > "The file I changed in royale-compiler is  Add a
>> > System.out.println("This is Carlos's local copy"); at the beginning of
>> > getCSSFromThemes.  Delete the compiler jars from your local repo and
>> > rebuild the compiler then the framework and example.  You should see
>> your
>> > println in the output.  If you don't then for some reason you are
>> pulling
>> > the wrong one.  The console output for the compiler should show that it
>> > put the jars in the local repo.  The console output for framework and/or
>> > examples should show where it got the compiler jars."
>> >
>> > I'm not sure how to help you more than that.
>> >
>> > I appreciate all of the contributions you've made to Royale, and that
>> you
>> > have limited time, but we all have to work as efficiently as possible to
>> > get the most done in the time we have.  It is not efficient for me to
>> > interrupt what I'm doing to work on what you want me to do and then try
>> to
>> > get back to what I was working on, and it is not efficient for me to
>> guess
>> > what might be going on with your computer.  You will have to do most of
>> > this investigation yourself.  And by doing so, you will hopefully learn
>> > something that can help you some day in the future, and that will make
>> all
>> > of us more productive.  Yes, that means in the short term you may not
>> get
>> > as much done as you would like, but if we don't distribute the knowledge
>> > and work, the project simply will not scale.
>> >
>> > My 2 cents,
>> > -Alex
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > On 2/22/18, 12:51 AM, " on behalf of Carlos
>> Rovira"
>> >  wrote:
>> >
>> > >Hi Alex,
>> > >
>> > >I think I must explain why I don't follow your suggetion of using
>> println,
>> > >so you understand me and my own situation.
>> > >
>> > >First, I don't know too much about the compiler part, so don't know in
>> > >which class I must put that print.
>> > >(in the end, if you want contributors like me make this you must
>> provided
>> > >more info since I don't not exactly what you want from me to do)
>> > >then I don't have my environment setup for java debugging. In the end,
>> my
>> > >day-by-day work doesn't requiere too much coding anymore
>> > >since I'm managing a company and this makes me to use docs, sheets and
>> > >other managing tools, and be part of the day off in meetings,
>> > >comercial task, talking with customers, employees, providers...and in
>> the
>> > >end, in whatever I could be required to make things "flow".
>> > >
>> > >So I really enjoy contributing to Royale, and for this reason I try to
>> get
>> > >times here and there to work on things for royale.
>> > >But I can't do things I'm not prepared to, maybe because is not my
>> area of
>> > >expertise, or it will make so difficult to me that will make me invest
>> > >huge amount of time I don't have.
>> > >
>> > >It's like if I require you to do things in other areas that you don't
>> use
>> > >to touch and doesn't have tools right now installed, or doesn't have
>> the
>> > >exepertise, maybe
>> > >you could end doing, but the problem is how much time you must invest
>> to
>> > >learn what I requiere you to do, and how many things have to install
>> and
>> > >try to end with the
>> > >expected result
>> > >
>> > >Hope you understand that. Is not that I don't want to do that, it's a
>> mix
>> > >of not knowing what to do, and where to do,
>> > >and be not prepared to do what you are proposing.
>> > >
>> > >Having said that I'll try today to make another cleaning of things and
>> try
>> > >again to rebuild all to see if this work, since the problem seems to
>> be on
>> > >my part.
>> > >If I don't get it to work, I'll assume that something in royale is not
>> > >working properly for 100% of cases, maybe some maven config or whatever
>> > >that
>> > >given a concrete situation in devs machine make it work in unexpected
>> way
>> >

Re: How I can use multiple CSS files

2018-02-22 Thread Carlos Rovira
Hi Piotr,

yes, ok, this is the right one. I tried rebase and is working fine. The
other branch is corrupted if I try to make rebase wiich I use mostly to
keep branch as clean as possible and always on top of develop

2018-02-22 13:29 GMT+01:00 Piotr Zarzycki :

> Carlos,
> Let's use this new branch feature/vivid-ui-set. I did setup for that
> pipeline [1]. Remove maybe the old one.
> [1]
> 252Fvivid-ui-set/
> 2018-02-22 11:19 GMT+01:00 Piotr Zarzycki :
> > That's the problem with Mac for me which I cannot understand. I saw many
> > times on the users sight that something was cached etc. and it's not
> > working even after update. :) I'm Windows user mostly and very rarely
> > experience such things.
> >
> > I'm glad that you got it working. I hope to look into your work very
> soon.
> > :)
> >
> > Thanks, Piotr
> >
> > 2018-02-22 11:13 GMT+01:00 Carlos Rovira :
> >
> >> HI Alex, Piotr,
> >> final I got it working!
> >> why it was falling is a mystery to me. I updated brew, maven, clean
> again
> >> .m2 repo.
> >> I restart the Mac (maybe something was locked and need a restart)
> >>
> >> Anyway, it seems to work now, so I'm again on the road.
> >>
> >> Thank you all for the support! :)
> >>
> >>
> >> 2018-02-22 10:42 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :
> >>
> >> > Hi Carlos,
> >> >
> >> > Several posts ago I wrote the following:
> >> >
> >> > "The file I changed in royale-compiler is  Add a
> >> > System.out.println("This is Carlos's local copy"); at the beginning of
> >> > getCSSFromThemes.  Delete the compiler jars from your local repo and
> >> > rebuild the compiler then the framework and example.  You should see
> >> your
> >> > println in the output.  If you don't then for some reason you are
> >> pulling
> >> > the wrong one.  The console output for the compiler should show that
> it
> >> > put the jars in the local repo.  The console output for framework
> and/or
> >> > examples should show where it got the compiler jars."
> >> >
> >> > I'm not sure how to help you more than that.
> >> >
> >> > I appreciate all of the contributions you've made to Royale, and that
> >> you
> >> > have limited time, but we all have to work as efficiently as possible
> to
> >> > get the most done in the time we have.  It is not efficient for me to
> >> > interrupt what I'm doing to work on what you want me to do and then
> try
> >> to
> >> > get back to what I was working on, and it is not efficient for me to
> >> guess
> >> > what might be going on with your computer.  You will have to do most
> of
> >> > this investigation yourself.  And by doing so, you will hopefully
> learn
> >> > something that can help you some day in the future, and that will make
> >> all
> >> > of us more productive.  Yes, that means in the short term you may not
> >> get
> >> > as much done as you would like, but if we don't distribute the
> knowledge
> >> > and work, the project simply will not scale.
> >> >
> >> > My 2 cents,
> >> > -Alex
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > On 2/22/18, 12:51 AM, " on behalf of Carlos
> >> Rovira"
> >> >  wrote:
> >> >
> >> > >Hi Alex,
> >> > >
> >> > >I think I must explain why I don't follow your suggetion of using
> >> println,
> >> > >so you understand me and my own situation.
> >> > >
> >> > >First, I don't know too much about the compiler part, so don't know
> in
> >> > >which class I must put that print.
> >> > >(in the end, if you want contributors like me make this you must
> >> provided
> >> > >more info since I don't not exactly what you want from me to do)
> >> > >then I don't have my environment setup for java debugging. In the
> end,
> >> my
> >> > >day-by-day work doesn't requiere too much coding anymore
> >> > >since I'm managing a company and this makes me to use docs, sheets
> and
> >> > >other managing tools, and be part of the day off in meetings,
> >> > >comercial task, talking with customers, employees, providers...and in
> >> the
> >> > >end, in whatever I could be required to make things "flow".
> >> > >
> >> > >So I really enjoy contributing to Royale, and for this reason I try
> to
> >> get
> >> > >times here and there to work on things for royale.
> >> > >But I can't do things I'm not prepared to, maybe because is not my
> >> area of
> >> > >expertise, or it will make so difficult to me that will make me
> invest
> >> > >huge amount of time I don't have.
> >> > >
> >> > >It's like if I require you to do things in other areas that you don't
> >> use
> >> > >to touch and doesn't have tools right now installed, or doesn't have
> >> the
> >> > >exepertise, maybe
> >> > >you could end doing, but the problem is how much time you must invest
> >> to
> >> > >learn what I requiere you to do, and how many things have to install
> >> and
> >> > >try to end with the
> >> > >expected result
> >> > >
> >> > >Hope you understand that. Is not that I don't want to do that, it's a
> >> mix
> >> > >of n

Say Hello to TranspiledActionScript Idea!

2018-02-22 Thread Piotr Zarzycki
 Hi Folks,

Almost four months ago, I created a repository on GitHub called
TranspiledActionScript [1]. It is a place where I'm going to place several
resources related to Apache Royale. The Examples folder should be the most
interesting for you, if you want to port your applications from Flex. The
idea is to present more sophisticated structures of code, maybe use some
popular JavaScript or ActionScript libraries and check how they cooperate
with Royale.

My goal is to try the new features in real-life, expose any possible bugs
and fix them, if it is possible.

Everything that I am going to do will happen on the branches. Once a batch
of Examples, Utils or Snippets is ready, I will merge them into a master.
For our purposes, we can call it a "release", but in fact it will rather be
a confirmation that there is a batch of code which has a stable version.
Each example will be available online to give you the possibility to play
with it.
You will find more information on what I am planning to do and what will
happen in the repository in the "Issues"[2] tab on GitHub.

Examples will be fully compatible with Moonshine IDE, VSCode and Maven and
it will be possible to compile all of them to JavaScript!

*What is currently in the repository?*
I finished three examples - The TranspiledActionScript website [3] and the
port of Flex PureMVC Employee Admin [4] to Royale using two different
modules of our framework, i.e. the Basic module [5] and MDL [6].

The TranspiledActionScript website is a small proof that we can create not
only browser applications, but also responsive websites.
The PureMVC Employee Admin, on the other hand, proves that it can be used
in Royale PureMVC framework, which is huge. These two small applications
are a good example of how the port of your Flex application to Royale can
look like.

You can support this project on Patreon [7]. Your contribution would
definitely allow me to spare some time, which I can spend on creating new
content for the repository.

I encourage you to dig into the code and maybe find something useful, which
will save your time when porting your Flex applications to Royale.

Please say hello to *TranspiledActionScript*! :)



Piotr Zarzycki

Patreon: *

Re: Removing the * selector

2018-02-22 Thread Carlos Rovira
Hi Andrew, this is new for Apache Royale since is how to deal with CSS and
how browsers manage it.
So maybe not much relation with Flex in this case



2018-02-22 13:27 GMT+01:00 Andrew Wetmore :

> Is this a migration issue for Flex apps, or is this specific to Royale?
> On Thu, Feb 22, 2018 at 5:29 AM, Alex Harui 
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > On 2/22/18, 1:12 AM, " on behalf of Carlos
> Rovira"
> >  wrote:
> >
> > >Hi Alex,
> > >
> > >I think this is a very good change since I had many problems with MDL
> and
> > >have to use the exclusion on CSS to make it work properly.
> > >
> > >If I understand ok, I should see fonts at 16px, that I think is nowadays
> > >the standard for "normal" text, so good.
> > >
> > >What I don't understand is what basic should making any change. From my
> > >point of view basic is as the name says...basic, and I don't like to
> make
> > >fonts 12px.
> > >I only expect in basic to see the wiring of beads like views, models and
> > >controllers. But I think almost no CSS rules should be there, hence the
> > >basic point at the lowest level, where users only have the basics of
> what
> > >royale provides without any customization.
> > >
> > >That's how I see it
> >
> > I think I agree.  That's sort of where I was heading by creating a
> > separate theme in basic.css.  Basic.css is separate from the defaults.css
> > in Basic.swc.  Maybe we should give basic.css a different name.  The goal
> > of basic.css was to give our examples and anybody else building the
> > smallest app on Basic a more Flex-like look.  I just don't think Serif
> > 16px looks good.  It is true that more traditional CSS visual styles can
> > be moved from the Basic defaults.css to whatever we call basic.css.
> > Someone else can do that work once we see how this change affects Vivid
> > and other themes like MDL.  I'm not sure if every component set should
> > have a separate theme file or SWC as well.  Or if there are a few visual
> > styles in that should remain in Basic's defaults.css so that other
> > component sets don't have to repeat that information.
> >
> > -Alex
> > >
> > >
> > >2018-02-22 2:43 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :
> > >
> > >> Hi,
> > >>
> > >> Royale has been using the universal selector for a while now to set
> > >> defaults for Royale apps.  However, that caused problems with other
> > >> third-party CSS.
> > >>
> > >> I just pushed changes to the compiler and framework so that we don't
> use
> > >> the * selector.  Instead we will be using the * selector properly if
> > >> provided by the users CSS and we are using a special selector called
> > >> "global" as the "browser defaults" and the final selector in the
> lookup
> > >>we
> > >> manage.
> > >>
> > >> This should eliminate the need for other component sets to try to
> > >>exclude
> > >> the defaults.css from Basic.
> > >>
> > >> You may find that text that once looked nice now is 16px Serif.
> That's
> > >> because we are no longer using inheritance to set the font-family on
> all
> > >> components.  The browsers do not seem to deploy a default font-family
> so
> > >> the SWF side shouldn't either.  IOW, if you just put some plain text
> in
> > >>an
> > >> HTML file it shows up as 16px Serif.  If you see 16px Serif, let us
> know
> > >> which component is showing that by default.
> > >>
> > >> However, we don't really want to make 16px Serif the default font in
> our
> > >> examples, so I created a CSS-based theme in themes/Basic/basic.css and
> > >>put
> > >> 12px Sans-Serif as the default for a bunch of type selectors since
> that
> > >> was what our examples were using.  I did not create a default font for
> > >> Application as that would become the default for other component sets
> > >> mixed into a Royale app unless otherwise specified.  Component sets
> with
> > >> different looks can use a different theme and get different defaults.
> > >>
> > >> So, in sum, without any theme, we want the SWF side to look like the
> > >> browser and have 16px Serif.  But the royale-config.xml will specify
> > >> themes/Basic/basic.css as the default theme giving the examples and
> most
> > >> people's unstyled apps a more Flex-like look by using sans-serif.
> More
> > >> type selectors may need to be added to themes/Basic/basic.css in order
> > >>to
> > >> get sans serif everywhere by default without putting font-family on
> > >> Application.  That way, when you switch to another theme, like the
> Vivid
> > >> that Carlos is working on, there should be fewer, if any, default
> values
> > >> that screw up the other theme.
> > >>
> > >> Thanks,
> > >> -Alex
> > >>
> > >>
> > >
> > >
> > >--
> > >Carlos Rovira
> > >
> >
> > >Fcarlosrovira&
> > 7C5807444789504e2f3d8c08d5
> > >79d46f81%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%
> > 7C636548875665083262&s
> > >data=MjSAbOXuFPTLeafKWOYuDDbc8oMn4YbsZ6pzwxYA6pg%3D&

Re: Removing the * selector

2018-02-22 Thread Carlos Rovira
Hi Alex

I hope that vivid work let us know much more about all of this. Right now I
don't dare to adventure how this should be...

2018-02-22 10:29 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :

> I think I agree.  That's sort of where I was heading by creating a
> separate theme in basic.css.  Basic.css is separate from the defaults.css
> in Basic.swc.  Maybe we should give basic.css a different name.  The goal
> of basic.css was to give our examples and anybody else building the
> smallest app on Basic a more Flex-like look.  I just don't think Serif
> 16px looks good.  It is true that more traditional CSS visual styles can
> be moved from the Basic defaults.css to whatever we call basic.css.
> Someone else can do that work once we see how this change affects Vivid
> and other themes like MDL.  I'm not sure if every component set should
> have a separate theme file or SWC as well.  Or if there are a few visual
> styles in that should remain in Basic's defaults.css so that other
> component sets don't have to repeat that information.
> --
> Carlos Rovira

Re: About Royale MDL Examples

2018-02-22 Thread Piotr Zarzycki
Since I have already committed that to my repository and there are some
plans in my head to that example. In that case I won't probably commit
anything there if you put it to the royale-extras. No objections from my
sight. :)

Thanks, Piotr

2018-02-22 8:41 GMT+01:00 Gabe Harbs :

> What do you think about putting the example in Royale-extras?
> > On Feb 20, 2018, at 11:49 PM, Piotr Zarzycki 
> wrote:
> >
> > MDLExample landed in my repository [1] and live [2]. It will be improved
> in
> > the next weeks. :)
> >
> > [1]
> >
> examples/Examples/MDLExample
> > [2]
> >
> > Thanks, Piotr
> >
> >
> > 2018-02-19 23:07 GMT+01:00 Carlos Rovira :
> >
> >> that would be great! ;)
> >>
> >> 2018-02-19 20:26 GMT+01:00 Piotr Zarzycki :
> >>
> >>> Ok let's leave it as is. I will take MDL to my repository. I don't want
> >> to
> >>> fight with Legal about that.
> >>>
> >>> Carlos I will look into the Vivid soon. :)
> >>>
> >>> Thanks, Piotr
> >>>
> >>> 2018-02-19 20:23 GMT+01:00 Carlos Rovira :
> >>>
>  Hi,
>  as Alex said, Dave and Piotr understand my word incorrectly. Maybe I
>  express incorrectly. So bad for myself.
>  but anyway, I'm with Alex that we as "Apache Royale" should take
> >> priority
>  for our own UI set, and I prefer all the time that we could spend in
> >> MDL
>  examples will go to make our own set looks beautiful.
>  In the end, whatever we interpret, is that Piotr can upload MDLExample
> >> to
>  their GitHub so make it accesible to anyone.
>  That's my opinion on this, although I invest lot of time in MDLExample
> >> a
>  long with Piotr, my intention was to catch eyes and people for the
> >>> project,
>  but in the end I see clearly that any *imported* UI set (MDL,
> >> Bootstrap,
>  etc...) are not the way we should take. Our future depends in making
> >> our
>  own UI set.
>  @Piotr, after testing with Vivid, I see clearly that we can mimic the
> >>> same
>  MDL looks, maybe not 100%, but very closely...and seems a doable task
> >> if
>  anyone is interesed as a theme, and with only one compilation
> >> parameter,
> >>> we
>  can make the entire app looks completly different...I think that
> should
> >>> be
>  our goal! :)
>  thanks
>  2018-02-19 17:33 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :
> > @Dave,
> >
> > I agree that you could interpret Carlos's words the way you did, but
> >> I
> > also think it is possible that Carlos was referring that the two MDL
> > examples we are discussing aren't as important as some other things
> >> on
> >>> VP
> > Legal's to-do list, which is fair and probably true and why I haven't
> > pinged VP Legal.
> >
> > @Piotr,
> >
> > As Dave says, the way to escalate is to add a comment to the JIRA
> >> issue
>  or
> > ask politely on legal-discuss.  Again, how important is it?
> >
> > My 2 cents,
> > -Alex
> >
> > On 2/19/18, 8:23 AM, "Dave Fisher"  wrote:
> >
> >> Carlos,
> >>
> >> Please stop with the meme that the ASF doesn’t care about projects.
> >> It
>  is
> >> not helpful and it is not true.
> >>
> >> There are hundreds of projects. I suggested that you politely query
> >> on
> >> legal-discuss@.
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >> Dave
> >>
> >> Sent from my iPhone
> >>
> >>> On Feb 19, 2018, at 6:52 AM, Carlos Rovira <
> >>
> >>> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Hi Piotr
> >>>
> >>> my bet is that, as that projects are of no interest for ASF, you
> >> can
> >>> upload
> >>> to your GitHub account directly without any word about it.
> >>>
> >>> my 2cnt
> >>>
> >>> 2018-02-19 11:48 GMT+01:00 Piotr Zarzycki <
> >>>
> > :
> >>>
>  It's been several weeks since w have asked about advice. There is
> >>> no
>  response. How can we escalate this question higher ?
>  Thanks, Piotr
>  2018-01-30 19:58 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui  >>> :
> > I created
> >
> > https%3A%2F%2Fissues
> >
> > 7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.c
> > om%7C38e5360cf20847b34cd508d577b572dd%
> >>> 7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178de
> > cee
> > 1%7C0%7C0%7C636546543554938163&sdata=
> >>> cDHQDyV2kJw53r7ZQKODy3Itqx2bjl
> > leb6
> > f28MJeDgE%3D&reserved=0
> >
> > -Alex
> >
> >> On 1/30/18, 8:48 AM, "Piotr Zarzycki" <
> >>
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >> I think since release has bee

Re: Removing the * selector

2018-02-22 Thread Alex Harui
Well, it might be a migration issue in the sense that you could use a
selector called "global" in Flex and it would become the default value for

Flex and Royale CSS has non-compliant CSS in it like "cffHinting" or
"focusSkin" in Flex or "IStatesImpl" in Royale.  Non-compliant styles are
not emitted to the final .css file since the browser has no use for them,
but are kept in a data structure used by ValuesManager.  If you use
"global" for non-compliant style properties, it will work in Royale like
it did in Flex, but if you use "global" to try to set the fontFamily to
Gothic everywhere in your app it will not work in Royale as it did in Flex.

Until this change we renamed "global" in the final CSS to "*" so it would
have a more global effect, but I took that out because I'm not sure that
"*" is the equivalent since "*" actually has precedence over Type
Selectors.  I'm not quite sure how to create the true equivalent of Flex
global styles.

We could rename what I'm currently calling "global" in Royale to something
else like "royale" and go back to renaming "global" to "*", but I think
that will end up with complaints.  I think it might be right for the
migration docs to mention this and offer alternatives like moving some
styles from global to "*" if they understand the impact of doing so.
Also, everything is currently a child of the Application so setting
Application styles should have a global effect, but I think both will
still override type selectors.

My 2 cents,

On 2/22/18, 7:44 AM, " on behalf of Carlos Rovira"

>Hi Andrew, this is new for Apache Royale since is how to deal with CSS and
>how browsers manage it.
>So maybe not much relation with Flex in this case
>2018-02-22 13:27 GMT+01:00 Andrew Wetmore :
>> Is this a migration issue for Flex apps, or is this specific to Royale?
>> On Thu, Feb 22, 2018 at 5:29 AM, Alex Harui 
>> wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> > On 2/22/18, 1:12 AM, " on behalf of Carlos
>> Rovira"
>> >  wrote:
>> >
>> > >Hi Alex,
>> > >
>> > >I think this is a very good change since I had many problems with MDL
>> and
>> > >have to use the exclusion on CSS to make it work properly.
>> > >
>> > >If I understand ok, I should see fonts at 16px, that I think is
>> > >the standard for "normal" text, so good.
>> > >
>> > >What I don't understand is what basic should making any change. From
>> > >point of view basic is as the name says...basic, and I don't like to
>> make
>> > >fonts 12px.
>> > >I only expect in basic to see the wiring of beads like views, models
>> > >controllers. But I think almost no CSS rules should be there, hence
>> > >basic point at the lowest level, where users only have the basics of
>> what
>> > >royale provides without any customization.
>> > >
>> > >That's how I see it
>> >
>> > I think I agree.  That's sort of where I was heading by creating a
>> > separate theme in basic.css.  Basic.css is separate from the
>> > in Basic.swc.  Maybe we should give basic.css a different name.  The
>> > of basic.css was to give our examples and anybody else building the
>> > smallest app on Basic a more Flex-like look.  I just don't think Serif
>> > 16px looks good.  It is true that more traditional CSS visual styles
>> > be moved from the Basic defaults.css to whatever we call basic.css.
>> > Someone else can do that work once we see how this change affects
>> > and other themes like MDL.  I'm not sure if every component set should
>> > have a separate theme file or SWC as well.  Or if there are a few
>> > styles in that should remain in Basic's defaults.css so that other
>> > component sets don't have to repeat that information.
>> >
>> > -Alex
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >2018-02-22 2:43 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :
>> > >
>> > >> Hi,
>> > >>
>> > >> Royale has been using the universal selector for a while now to set
>> > >> defaults for Royale apps.  However, that caused problems with other
>> > >> third-party CSS.
>> > >>
>> > >> I just pushed changes to the compiler and framework so that we
>> use
>> > >> the * selector.  Instead we will be using the * selector properly
>> > >> provided by the users CSS and we are using a special selector
>> > >> "global" as the "browser defaults" and the final selector in the
>> lookup
>> > >>we
>> > >> manage.
>> > >>
>> > >> This should eliminate the need for other component sets to try to
>> > >>exclude
>> > >> the defaults.css from Basic.
>> > >>
>> > >> You may find that text that once looked nice now is 16px Serif.
>> That's
>> > >> because we are no longer using inheritance to set the font-family
>> all
>> > >> components.  The browsers do not seem to deploy a default
>> so
>> > >> the SWF side shouldn't either.  IOW, if you just put some plain
>> in
>> > >>an
>> > >> HTML file it shows up as 16px Serif.  If you see 16px Serif, let us

Re: Removing the * selector

2018-02-22 Thread Carlos Rovira
Without know nothing about the solution I want to share a though: I think
the implementation of all the things related to visuals (and css is one of
them) is completely different in Royale to what it was in flex, so maybe we
should not be worried that CSS is not following main flex rules.
For me UX in royale must be done from scratch, if someone is migrating, we
can only provide some basic *structure* similar to what Flex was. But
that's only some kind of guide and could mean around 5-10% of what they
must to migrate. So this is the opposite to things more related to
"business" (like the ArrayCollection disscussion we made some days ago), in
this case, there's very few to save from a flex codebase point of view, and
CSS is one of the things I don't expect to reuse if I come from flex

2018-02-22 17:27 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :

> Well, it might be a migration issue in the sense that you could use a
> selector called "global" in Flex and it would become the default value for
> styles.
> Flex and Royale CSS has non-compliant CSS in it like "cffHinting" or
> "focusSkin" in Flex or "IStatesImpl" in Royale.  Non-compliant styles are
> not emitted to the final .css file since the browser has no use for them,
> but are kept in a data structure used by ValuesManager.  If you use
> "global" for non-compliant style properties, it will work in Royale like
> it did in Flex, but if you use "global" to try to set the fontFamily to
> Gothic everywhere in your app it will not work in Royale as it did in Flex.
> Until this change we renamed "global" in the final CSS to "*" so it would
> have a more global effect, but I took that out because I'm not sure that
> "*" is the equivalent since "*" actually has precedence over Type
> Selectors.  I'm not quite sure how to create the true equivalent of Flex
> global styles.
> We could rename what I'm currently calling "global" in Royale to something
> else like "royale" and go back to renaming "global" to "*", but I think
> that will end up with complaints.  I think it might be right for the
> migration docs to mention this and offer alternatives like moving some
> styles from global to "*" if they understand the impact of doing so.
> Also, everything is currently a child of the Application so setting
> Application styles should have a global effect, but I think both will
> still override type selectors.
> My 2 cents,
> -Alex
> On 2/22/18, 7:44 AM, " on behalf of Carlos Rovira"
>  wrote:
> >Hi Andrew, this is new for Apache Royale since is how to deal with CSS and
> >how browsers manage it.
> >So maybe not much relation with Flex in this case
> >
> >Best
> >
> >Carlos
> >
> >
> >
> >2018-02-22 13:27 GMT+01:00 Andrew Wetmore :
> >
> >> Is this a migration issue for Flex apps, or is this specific to Royale?
> >>
> >> On Thu, Feb 22, 2018 at 5:29 AM, Alex Harui 
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > On 2/22/18, 1:12 AM, " on behalf of Carlos
> >> Rovira"
> >> >  wrote:
> >> >
> >> > >Hi Alex,
> >> > >
> >> > >I think this is a very good change since I had many problems with MDL
> >> and
> >> > >have to use the exclusion on CSS to make it work properly.
> >> > >
> >> > >If I understand ok, I should see fonts at 16px, that I think is
> >>nowadays
> >> > >the standard for "normal" text, so good.
> >> > >
> >> > >What I don't understand is what basic should making any change. From
> >>my
> >> > >point of view basic is as the name says...basic, and I don't like to
> >> make
> >> > >fonts 12px.
> >> > >I only expect in basic to see the wiring of beads like views, models
> >>and
> >> > >controllers. But I think almost no CSS rules should be there, hence
> >>the
> >> > >basic point at the lowest level, where users only have the basics of
> >> what
> >> > >royale provides without any customization.
> >> > >
> >> > >That's how I see it
> >> >
> >> > I think I agree.  That's sort of where I was heading by creating a
> >> > separate theme in basic.css.  Basic.css is separate from the
> >>defaults.css
> >> > in Basic.swc.  Maybe we should give basic.css a different name.  The
> >>goal
> >> > of basic.css was to give our examples and anybody else building the
> >> > smallest app on Basic a more Flex-like look.  I just don't think Serif
> >> > 16px looks good.  It is true that more traditional CSS visual styles
> >>can
> >> > be moved from the Basic defaults.css to whatever we call basic.css.
> >> > Someone else can do that work once we see how this change affects
> >>Vivid
> >> > and other themes like MDL.  I'm not sure if every component set should
> >> > have a separate theme file or SWC as well.  Or if there are a few
> >>visual
> >> > styles in that should remain in Basic's defaults.css so that other
> >> > component sets don't have to repeat that information.
> >> >
> >> > -Alex
> >> > >
> >> > >
> >> > >2018-02-22 2:43 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :
> >> > >
> >> > >> Hi,
> >> > >>
> >> > >> Royale has been using the universal selecto

Re: Removing the * selector

2018-02-22 Thread Alex Harui
Your point of view is valid, but it might depend on the kind of
application.  Some might have 100's of views to port, others might only
have 2 or 3 views and a million lines of business logic.

In another thread I mentioned the -api-report option I added.  It would be
interesting for folks to try getting API reports on their Flex apps so we
can see what folks are using so we can use that in making decisions.

My 2 cents,

On 2/22/18, 8:39 AM, " on behalf of Carlos Rovira"

>Without know nothing about the solution I want to share a though: I think
>the implementation of all the things related to visuals (and css is one of
>them) is completely different in Royale to what it was in flex, so maybe
>should not be worried that CSS is not following main flex rules.
>For me UX in royale must be done from scratch, if someone is migrating, we
>can only provide some basic *structure* similar to what Flex was. But
>that's only some kind of guide and could mean around 5-10% of what they
>must to migrate. So this is the opposite to things more related to
>"business" (like the ArrayCollection disscussion we made some days ago),
>this case, there's very few to save from a flex codebase point of view,
>CSS is one of the things I don't expect to reuse if I come from flex
>2018-02-22 17:27 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :
>> Well, it might be a migration issue in the sense that you could use a
>> selector called "global" in Flex and it would become the default value
>> styles.
>> Flex and Royale CSS has non-compliant CSS in it like "cffHinting" or
>> "focusSkin" in Flex or "IStatesImpl" in Royale.  Non-compliant styles
>> not emitted to the final .css file since the browser has no use for
>> but are kept in a data structure used by ValuesManager.  If you use
>> "global" for non-compliant style properties, it will work in Royale like
>> it did in Flex, but if you use "global" to try to set the fontFamily to
>> Gothic everywhere in your app it will not work in Royale as it did in
>> Until this change we renamed "global" in the final CSS to "*" so it
>> have a more global effect, but I took that out because I'm not sure that
>> "*" is the equivalent since "*" actually has precedence over Type
>> Selectors.  I'm not quite sure how to create the true equivalent of Flex
>> global styles.
>> We could rename what I'm currently calling "global" in Royale to
>> else like "royale" and go back to renaming "global" to "*", but I think
>> that will end up with complaints.  I think it might be right for the
>> migration docs to mention this and offer alternatives like moving some
>> styles from global to "*" if they understand the impact of doing so.
>> Also, everything is currently a child of the Application so setting
>> Application styles should have a global effect, but I think both will
>> still override type selectors.
>> My 2 cents,
>> -Alex
>> On 2/22/18, 7:44 AM, " on behalf of Carlos
>>  wrote:
>> >Hi Andrew, this is new for Apache Royale since is how to deal with CSS
>> >how browsers manage it.
>> >So maybe not much relation with Flex in this case
>> >
>> >Best
>> >
>> >Carlos
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >2018-02-22 13:27 GMT+01:00 Andrew Wetmore :
>> >
>> >> Is this a migration issue for Flex apps, or is this specific to
>> >>
>> >> On Thu, Feb 22, 2018 at 5:29 AM, Alex Harui
>> >> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > On 2/22/18, 1:12 AM, " on behalf of Carlos
>> >> Rovira"
>> >> > 
>> >> >
>> >> > >Hi Alex,
>> >> > >
>> >> > >I think this is a very good change since I had many problems with
>> >> and
>> >> > >have to use the exclusion on CSS to make it work properly.
>> >> > >
>> >> > >If I understand ok, I should see fonts at 16px, that I think is
>> >>nowadays
>> >> > >the standard for "normal" text, so good.
>> >> > >
>> >> > >What I don't understand is what basic should making any change.
>> >>my
>> >> > >point of view basic is as the name says...basic, and I don't like
>> >> make
>> >> > >fonts 12px.
>> >> > >I only expect in basic to see the wiring of beads like views,
>> >>and
>> >> > >controllers. But I think almost no CSS rules should be there,
>> >>the
>> >> > >basic point at the lowest level, where users only have the basics
>> >> what
>> >> > >royale provides without any customization.
>> >> > >
>> >> > >That's how I see it
>> >> >
>> >> > I think I agree.  That's sort of where I was heading by creating a
>> >> > separate theme in basic.css.  Basic.css is separate from the
>> >>defaults.css
>> >> > in Basic.swc.  Maybe we should give basic.css a different name.
>> >>goal
>> >> > of basic.css was to give our examples and anybody else building the
>> >> > smallest app on Basic a more Flex-like look.  I just don't think
>> >> > 16px looks good.  It is true that more tra

Re: Removing the * selector

2018-02-22 Thread Piotr Zarzycki

It would be great to get that report from your application!

Thanks, Piotr

2018-02-22 18:17 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :

> Your point of view is valid, but it might depend on the kind of
> application.  Some might have 100's of views to port, others might only
> have 2 or 3 views and a million lines of business logic.
> In another thread I mentioned the -api-report option I added.  It would be
> interesting for folks to try getting API reports on their Flex apps so we
> can see what folks are using so we can use that in making decisions.
> My 2 cents,
> -Alex
> On 2/22/18, 8:39 AM, " on behalf of Carlos Rovira"
>  wrote:
> >Without know nothing about the solution I want to share a though: I think
> >the implementation of all the things related to visuals (and css is one of
> >them) is completely different in Royale to what it was in flex, so maybe
> >we
> >should not be worried that CSS is not following main flex rules.
> >For me UX in royale must be done from scratch, if someone is migrating, we
> >can only provide some basic *structure* similar to what Flex was. But
> >that's only some kind of guide and could mean around 5-10% of what they
> >must to migrate. So this is the opposite to things more related to
> >"business" (like the ArrayCollection disscussion we made some days ago),
> >in
> >this case, there's very few to save from a flex codebase point of view,
> >and
> >CSS is one of the things I don't expect to reuse if I come from flex
> >codebase.
> >
> >
> >
> >2018-02-22 17:27 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :
> >
> >> Well, it might be a migration issue in the sense that you could use a
> >> selector called "global" in Flex and it would become the default value
> >>for
> >> styles.
> >>
> >> Flex and Royale CSS has non-compliant CSS in it like "cffHinting" or
> >> "focusSkin" in Flex or "IStatesImpl" in Royale.  Non-compliant styles
> >>are
> >> not emitted to the final .css file since the browser has no use for
> >>them,
> >> but are kept in a data structure used by ValuesManager.  If you use
> >> "global" for non-compliant style properties, it will work in Royale like
> >> it did in Flex, but if you use "global" to try to set the fontFamily to
> >> Gothic everywhere in your app it will not work in Royale as it did in
> >>Flex.
> >>
> >> Until this change we renamed "global" in the final CSS to "*" so it
> >>would
> >> have a more global effect, but I took that out because I'm not sure that
> >> "*" is the equivalent since "*" actually has precedence over Type
> >> Selectors.  I'm not quite sure how to create the true equivalent of Flex
> >> global styles.
> >>
> >> We could rename what I'm currently calling "global" in Royale to
> >>something
> >> else like "royale" and go back to renaming "global" to "*", but I think
> >> that will end up with complaints.  I think it might be right for the
> >> migration docs to mention this and offer alternatives like moving some
> >> styles from global to "*" if they understand the impact of doing so.
> >> Also, everything is currently a child of the Application so setting
> >> Application styles should have a global effect, but I think both will
> >> still override type selectors.
> >>
> >> My 2 cents,
> >> -Alex
> >>
> >> On 2/22/18, 7:44 AM, " on behalf of Carlos
> >>Rovira"
> >>  wrote:
> >>
> >> >Hi Andrew, this is new for Apache Royale since is how to deal with CSS
> >>and
> >> >how browsers manage it.
> >> >So maybe not much relation with Flex in this case
> >> >
> >> >Best
> >> >
> >> >Carlos
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >2018-02-22 13:27 GMT+01:00 Andrew Wetmore :
> >> >
> >> >> Is this a migration issue for Flex apps, or is this specific to
> >>Royale?
> >> >>
> >> >> On Thu, Feb 22, 2018 at 5:29 AM, Alex Harui
> >>
> >> >> wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >> > On 2/22/18, 1:12 AM, " on behalf of Carlos
> >> >> Rovira"
> >> >> > 
> >>wrote:
> >> >> >
> >> >> > >Hi Alex,
> >> >> > >
> >> >> > >I think this is a very good change since I had many problems with
> >>MDL
> >> >> and
> >> >> > >have to use the exclusion on CSS to make it work properly.
> >> >> > >
> >> >> > >If I understand ok, I should see fonts at 16px, that I think is
> >> >>nowadays
> >> >> > >the standard for "normal" text, so good.
> >> >> > >
> >> >> > >What I don't understand is what basic should making any change.
> >>From
> >> >>my
> >> >> > >point of view basic is as the name says...basic, and I don't like
> >>to
> >> >> make
> >> >> > >fonts 12px.
> >> >> > >I only expect in basic to see the wiring of beads like views,
> >>models
> >> >>and
> >> >> > >controllers. But I think almost no CSS rules should be there,
> >>hence
> >> >>the
> >> >> > >basic point at the lowest level, where users only have the basics
> >>of
> >> >> what
> >> >> > >royale provides without any customization.
> >> >> > >
> >> >> > >That's how I see it
> >> >> >
> >> >> > I think I agree.  That's sort of where I was heading by creat

Re: Removing the * selector

2018-02-22 Thread Alex Harui
Isn't Moonshine also a SWF-based app?  Could try it there too.


On 2/22/18, 9:31 AM, "Piotr Zarzycki"  wrote:

>It would be great to get that report from your application!
>Thanks, Piotr
>2018-02-22 18:17 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :
>> Your point of view is valid, but it might depend on the kind of
>> application.  Some might have 100's of views to port, others might only
>> have 2 or 3 views and a million lines of business logic.
>> In another thread I mentioned the -api-report option I added.  It would
>> interesting for folks to try getting API reports on their Flex apps so
>> can see what folks are using so we can use that in making decisions.
>> My 2 cents,
>> -Alex
>> On 2/22/18, 8:39 AM, " on behalf of Carlos
>>  wrote:
>> >Without know nothing about the solution I want to share a though: I
>> >the implementation of all the things related to visuals (and css is
>>one of
>> >them) is completely different in Royale to what it was in flex, so
>> >we
>> >should not be worried that CSS is not following main flex rules.
>> >For me UX in royale must be done from scratch, if someone is
>>migrating, we
>> >can only provide some basic *structure* similar to what Flex was. But
>> >that's only some kind of guide and could mean around 5-10% of what they
>> >must to migrate. So this is the opposite to things more related to
>> >"business" (like the ArrayCollection disscussion we made some days
>> >in
>> >this case, there's very few to save from a flex codebase point of view,
>> >and
>> >CSS is one of the things I don't expect to reuse if I come from flex
>> >codebase.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >2018-02-22 17:27 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :
>> >
>> >> Well, it might be a migration issue in the sense that you could use a
>> >> selector called "global" in Flex and it would become the default
>> >>for
>> >> styles.
>> >>
>> >> Flex and Royale CSS has non-compliant CSS in it like "cffHinting" or
>> >> "focusSkin" in Flex or "IStatesImpl" in Royale.  Non-compliant styles
>> >>are
>> >> not emitted to the final .css file since the browser has no use for
>> >>them,
>> >> but are kept in a data structure used by ValuesManager.  If you use
>> >> "global" for non-compliant style properties, it will work in Royale
>> >> it did in Flex, but if you use "global" to try to set the fontFamily
>> >> Gothic everywhere in your app it will not work in Royale as it did in
>> >>Flex.
>> >>
>> >> Until this change we renamed "global" in the final CSS to "*" so it
>> >>would
>> >> have a more global effect, but I took that out because I'm not sure
>> >> "*" is the equivalent since "*" actually has precedence over Type
>> >> Selectors.  I'm not quite sure how to create the true equivalent of
>> >> global styles.
>> >>
>> >> We could rename what I'm currently calling "global" in Royale to
>> >>something
>> >> else like "royale" and go back to renaming "global" to "*", but I
>> >> that will end up with complaints.  I think it might be right for the
>> >> migration docs to mention this and offer alternatives like moving
>> >> styles from global to "*" if they understand the impact of doing so.
>> >> Also, everything is currently a child of the Application so setting
>> >> Application styles should have a global effect, but I think both will
>> >> still override type selectors.
>> >>
>> >> My 2 cents,
>> >> -Alex
>> >>
>> >> On 2/22/18, 7:44 AM, " on behalf of Carlos
>> >>Rovira"
>> >>  wrote:
>> >>
>> >> >Hi Andrew, this is new for Apache Royale since is how to deal with
>> >>and
>> >> >how browsers manage it.
>> >> >So maybe not much relation with Flex in this case
>> >> >
>> >> >Best
>> >> >
>> >> >Carlos
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >2018-02-22 13:27 GMT+01:00 Andrew Wetmore :
>> >> >
>> >> >> Is this a migration issue for Flex apps, or is this specific to
>> >>Royale?
>> >> >>
>> >> >> On Thu, Feb 22, 2018 at 5:29 AM, Alex Harui
>> >>
>> >> >> wrote:
>> >> >>
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> > On 2/22/18, 1:12 AM, " on behalf of
>> >> >> Rovira"
>> >> >> > 
>> >>wrote:
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> > >Hi Alex,
>> >> >> > >
>> >> >> > >I think this is a very good change since I had many problems
>> >>MDL
>> >> >> and
>> >> >> > >have to use the exclusion on CSS to make it work properly.
>> >> >> > >
>> >> >> > >If I understand ok, I should see fonts at 16px, that I think is
>> >> >>nowadays
>> >> >> > >the standard for "normal" text, so good.
>> >> >> > >
>> >> >> > >What I don't understand is what basic should making any change.
>> >>From
>> >> >>my
>> >> >> > >point of view basic is as the name says...basic, and I don't
>> >>to
>> >> >> make
>> >> >> > >fonts 12px.
>> >> >> > >I only expect in basic to see the wiring of beads like views,
>> >>models
>> >> >>and
>> >> >> > >controllers. But I think almost no CSS rules should be there,
>> >>henc

Re: Removing the * selector

2018-02-22 Thread Piotr Zarzycki
Yep. That's what I suggested to Alina, because she was started to use
Moonshine. I think it's doable also through the VSCode. In the end it is
all about passing that argument as additional compiler options.

2018-02-22 18:36 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :

> Isn't Moonshine also a SWF-based app?  Could try it there too.
> -Alex
> On 2/22/18, 9:31 AM, "Piotr Zarzycki"  wrote:
> >Carlos,
> >
> >It would be great to get that report from your application!
> >
> >Thanks, Piotr
> >
> >2018-02-22 18:17 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :
> >
> >> Your point of view is valid, but it might depend on the kind of
> >> application.  Some might have 100's of views to port, others might only
> >> have 2 or 3 views and a million lines of business logic.
> >>
> >> In another thread I mentioned the -api-report option I added.  It would
> >>be
> >> interesting for folks to try getting API reports on their Flex apps so
> >>we
> >> can see what folks are using so we can use that in making decisions.
> >>
> >> My 2 cents,
> >> -Alex
> >>
> >> On 2/22/18, 8:39 AM, " on behalf of Carlos
> >>Rovira"
> >>  wrote:
> >>
> >> >Without know nothing about the solution I want to share a though: I
> >>think
> >> >the implementation of all the things related to visuals (and css is
> >>one of
> >> >them) is completely different in Royale to what it was in flex, so
> >>maybe
> >> >we
> >> >should not be worried that CSS is not following main flex rules.
> >> >For me UX in royale must be done from scratch, if someone is
> >>migrating, we
> >> >can only provide some basic *structure* similar to what Flex was. But
> >> >that's only some kind of guide and could mean around 5-10% of what they
> >> >must to migrate. So this is the opposite to things more related to
> >> >"business" (like the ArrayCollection disscussion we made some days
> >>ago),
> >> >in
> >> >this case, there's very few to save from a flex codebase point of view,
> >> >and
> >> >CSS is one of the things I don't expect to reuse if I come from flex
> >> >codebase.
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >2018-02-22 17:27 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :
> >> >
> >> >> Well, it might be a migration issue in the sense that you could use a
> >> >> selector called "global" in Flex and it would become the default
> >>value
> >> >>for
> >> >> styles.
> >> >>
> >> >> Flex and Royale CSS has non-compliant CSS in it like "cffHinting" or
> >> >> "focusSkin" in Flex or "IStatesImpl" in Royale.  Non-compliant styles
> >> >>are
> >> >> not emitted to the final .css file since the browser has no use for
> >> >>them,
> >> >> but are kept in a data structure used by ValuesManager.  If you use
> >> >> "global" for non-compliant style properties, it will work in Royale
> >>like
> >> >> it did in Flex, but if you use "global" to try to set the fontFamily
> >>to
> >> >> Gothic everywhere in your app it will not work in Royale as it did in
> >> >>Flex.
> >> >>
> >> >> Until this change we renamed "global" in the final CSS to "*" so it
> >> >>would
> >> >> have a more global effect, but I took that out because I'm not sure
> >>that
> >> >> "*" is the equivalent since "*" actually has precedence over Type
> >> >> Selectors.  I'm not quite sure how to create the true equivalent of
> >>Flex
> >> >> global styles.
> >> >>
> >> >> We could rename what I'm currently calling "global" in Royale to
> >> >>something
> >> >> else like "royale" and go back to renaming "global" to "*", but I
> >>think
> >> >> that will end up with complaints.  I think it might be right for the
> >> >> migration docs to mention this and offer alternatives like moving
> >>some
> >> >> styles from global to "*" if they understand the impact of doing so.
> >> >> Also, everything is currently a child of the Application so setting
> >> >> Application styles should have a global effect, but I think both will
> >> >> still override type selectors.
> >> >>
> >> >> My 2 cents,
> >> >> -Alex
> >> >>
> >> >> On 2/22/18, 7:44 AM, " on behalf of Carlos
> >> >>Rovira"
> >> >> 
> wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >> >Hi Andrew, this is new for Apache Royale since is how to deal with
> >>CSS
> >> >>and
> >> >> >how browsers manage it.
> >> >> >So maybe not much relation with Flex in this case
> >> >> >
> >> >> >Best
> >> >> >
> >> >> >Carlos
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >> >2018-02-22 13:27 GMT+01:00 Andrew Wetmore :
> >> >> >
> >> >> >> Is this a migration issue for Flex apps, or is this specific to
> >> >>Royale?
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >> On Thu, Feb 22, 2018 at 5:29 AM, Alex Harui
> >> >>
> >> >> >> wrote:
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >> >
> >> >> >> >
> >> >> >> > On 2/22/18, 1:12 AM, " on behalf of
> >>Carlos
> >> >> >> Rovira"
> >> >> >> > 
> >> >>wrote:
> >> >> >> >
> >> >> >> > >Hi Alex,
> >> >> >> > >
> >> >> >> > >I think this is a very good change since I had many problems
> >>with
> >> >>MDL
> >> >> >> and
> >> >> >> > >have to use the exclusion on CSS to make it work properly.
> >> >> >> > >
> >> >> >> > >If I understand ok,

Re: Removing the * selector

2018-02-22 Thread Gabe Harbs
I think Alex was suggesting to run it on the Moonshine *codebase*.

> On Feb 22, 2018, at 7:39 PM, Piotr Zarzycki  wrote:
> Yep. That's what I suggested to Alina, because she was started to use
> Moonshine. I think it's doable also through the VSCode. In the end it is
> all about passing that argument as additional compiler options.
> 2018-02-22 18:36 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :
>> Isn't Moonshine also a SWF-based app?  Could try it there too.
>> -Alex
>> On 2/22/18, 9:31 AM, "Piotr Zarzycki"  wrote:
>>> Carlos,
>>> It would be great to get that report from your application!
>>> Thanks, Piotr
>>> 2018-02-22 18:17 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :
 Your point of view is valid, but it might depend on the kind of
 application.  Some might have 100's of views to port, others might only
 have 2 or 3 views and a million lines of business logic.
 In another thread I mentioned the -api-report option I added.  It would
 interesting for folks to try getting API reports on their Flex apps so
 can see what folks are using so we can use that in making decisions.
 My 2 cents,
 On 2/22/18, 8:39 AM, " on behalf of Carlos
> Without know nothing about the solution I want to share a though: I
> the implementation of all the things related to visuals (and css is
 one of
> them) is completely different in Royale to what it was in flex, so
> we
> should not be worried that CSS is not following main flex rules.
> For me UX in royale must be done from scratch, if someone is
 migrating, we
> can only provide some basic *structure* similar to what Flex was. But
> that's only some kind of guide and could mean around 5-10% of what they
> must to migrate. So this is the opposite to things more related to
> "business" (like the ArrayCollection disscussion we made some days
> in
> this case, there's very few to save from a flex codebase point of view,
> and
> CSS is one of the things I don't expect to reuse if I come from flex
> codebase.
> 2018-02-22 17:27 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :
>> Well, it might be a migration issue in the sense that you could use a
>> selector called "global" in Flex and it would become the default
>> for
>> styles.
>> Flex and Royale CSS has non-compliant CSS in it like "cffHinting" or
>> "focusSkin" in Flex or "IStatesImpl" in Royale.  Non-compliant styles
>> are
>> not emitted to the final .css file since the browser has no use for
>> them,
>> but are kept in a data structure used by ValuesManager.  If you use
>> "global" for non-compliant style properties, it will work in Royale
>> it did in Flex, but if you use "global" to try to set the fontFamily
>> Gothic everywhere in your app it will not work in Royale as it did in
>> Flex.
>> Until this change we renamed "global" in the final CSS to "*" so it
>> would
>> have a more global effect, but I took that out because I'm not sure
>> "*" is the equivalent since "*" actually has precedence over Type
>> Selectors.  I'm not quite sure how to create the true equivalent of
>> global styles.
>> We could rename what I'm currently calling "global" in Royale to
>> something
>> else like "royale" and go back to renaming "global" to "*", but I
>> that will end up with complaints.  I think it might be right for the
>> migration docs to mention this and offer alternatives like moving
>> styles from global to "*" if they understand the impact of doing so.
>> Also, everything is currently a child of the Application so setting
>> Application styles should have a global effect, but I think both will
>> still override type selectors.
>> My 2 cents,
>> -Alex
>> On 2/22/18, 7:44 AM, " on behalf of Carlos
>> Rovira"
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Andrew, this is new for Apache Royale since is how to deal with
>> and
>>> how browsers manage it.
>>> So maybe not much relation with Flex in this case
>>> Best
>>> Carlos
>>> 2018-02-22 13:27 GMT+01:00 Andrew Wetmore :
 Is this a migration issue for Flex apps, or is this specific to
>> Royale?
 On Thu, Feb 22, 2018 at 5:29 AM, Alex Harui
> On 2/22/18, 1:12 AM, " on behalf of
>> wrote:
>> Hi Alex,
>> I think this is a very good change since I had many problems
>> MDL
>> h

Re: Removing the * selector

2018-02-22 Thread Alex Harui
Yep.  It would fun to see what APIs Moonshine itself uses.


On 2/22/18, 9:48 AM, "Gabe Harbs"  wrote:

>I think Alex was suggesting to run it on the Moonshine *codebase*.
>> On Feb 22, 2018, at 7:39 PM, Piotr Zarzycki 
>> Yep. That's what I suggested to Alina, because she was started to use
>> Moonshine. I think it's doable also through the VSCode. In the end it is
>> all about passing that argument as additional compiler options.
>> 2018-02-22 18:36 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :
>>> Isn't Moonshine also a SWF-based app?  Could try it there too.
>>> -Alex
>>> On 2/22/18, 9:31 AM, "Piotr Zarzycki" 
 It would be great to get that report from your application!
 Thanks, Piotr
 2018-02-22 18:17 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :
> Your point of view is valid, but it might depend on the kind of
> application.  Some might have 100's of views to port, others might
> have 2 or 3 views and a million lines of business logic.
> In another thread I mentioned the -api-report option I added.  It
> be
> interesting for folks to try getting API reports on their Flex apps
> we
> can see what folks are using so we can use that in making decisions.
> My 2 cents,
> -Alex
> On 2/22/18, 8:39 AM, " on behalf of Carlos
> Rovira"
>  wrote:
>> Without know nothing about the solution I want to share a though: I
> think
>> the implementation of all the things related to visuals (and css is
> one of
>> them) is completely different in Royale to what it was in flex, so
> maybe
>> we
>> should not be worried that CSS is not following main flex rules.
>> For me UX in royale must be done from scratch, if someone is
> migrating, we
>> can only provide some basic *structure* similar to what Flex was.
>> that's only some kind of guide and could mean around 5-10% of what
>> must to migrate. So this is the opposite to things more related to
>> "business" (like the ArrayCollection disscussion we made some days
> ago),
>> in
>> this case, there's very few to save from a flex codebase point of
>> and
>> CSS is one of the things I don't expect to reuse if I come from flex
>> codebase.
>> 2018-02-22 17:27 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :
>>> Well, it might be a migration issue in the sense that you could
>>>use a
>>> selector called "global" in Flex and it would become the default
> value
>>> for
>>> styles.
>>> Flex and Royale CSS has non-compliant CSS in it like "cffHinting"
>>> "focusSkin" in Flex or "IStatesImpl" in Royale.  Non-compliant
>>> are
>>> not emitted to the final .css file since the browser has no use for
>>> them,
>>> but are kept in a data structure used by ValuesManager.  If you use
>>> "global" for non-compliant style properties, it will work in Royale
> like
>>> it did in Flex, but if you use "global" to try to set the
> to
>>> Gothic everywhere in your app it will not work in Royale as it did
>>> Flex.
>>> Until this change we renamed "global" in the final CSS to "*" so it
>>> would
>>> have a more global effect, but I took that out because I'm not sure
> that
>>> "*" is the equivalent since "*" actually has precedence over Type
>>> Selectors.  I'm not quite sure how to create the true equivalent of
> Flex
>>> global styles.
>>> We could rename what I'm currently calling "global" in Royale to
>>> something
>>> else like "royale" and go back to renaming "global" to "*", but I
> think
>>> that will end up with complaints.  I think it might be right for
>>> migration docs to mention this and offer alternatives like moving
> some
>>> styles from global to "*" if they understand the impact of doing
>>> Also, everything is currently a child of the Application so setting
>>> Application styles should have a global effect, but I think both
>>> still override type selectors.
>>> My 2 cents,
>>> -Alex
>>> On 2/22/18, 7:44 AM, " on behalf of Carlos
>>> Rovira"
>>> wrote:
 Hi Andrew, this is new for Apache Royale since is how to deal with
>>> and
 how browsers manage it.
 So maybe not much relation with Flex in this case
 2018-02-22 13:27 GMT+01:00 Andrew Wetmore :
> Is this a migration issue for Flex apps, or is this specific to
>>> Royale?
> On Thu, Feb 22, 2018 at 5:29 AM, Alex Harui

Build failed in Jenkins: royale-asjs #370

2018-02-22 Thread apacheroyaleci

[...truncated 940.34 KB...]
 [java] Feb 22, 2018 6:35:34 PM println
 [java] WARNING: [http]:23: WARNING - accessing name require in externs has 
no effect. Perhaps you forgot to add a var keyword?
 [java] var events = require('events');
 [java]  ^^^
 [java] Feb 22, 2018 6:35:34 PM println
 [java] WARNING: [http]:24: WARNING - accessing name require in externs has 
no effect. Perhaps you forgot to add a var keyword?
 [java] var net = require('net');
 [java]   ^^^
 [java] Feb 22, 2018 6:35:34 PM println
 [java] WARNING: [http]:25: WARNING - accessing name require in externs has 
no effect. Perhaps you forgot to add a var keyword?
 [java] var stream = require('stream');
 [java]  ^^^
 [java] Feb 22, 2018 6:35:34 PM println
 [java] WARNING: [http]:252: WARNING - name module is not defined in the 
 [java] module.exports = http;
 [java] ^^
 [java] Feb 22, 2018 6:35:34 PM println
 [java] WARNING: [https]:23: WARNING - accessing name require in externs 
has no effect. Perhaps you forgot to add a var keyword?
 [java] var http = require('http');
 [java] Feb 22, 2018 6:35:34 PM println
 [java] WARNING: [https]:24: WARNING - accessing name require in externs 
has no effect. Perhaps you forgot to add a var keyword?
 [java] var tls = require('tls');
 [java]   ^^^
 [java] Feb 22, 2018 6:35:34 PM println
 [java] WARNING: [https]:84: WARNING - name module is not defined in the 
 [java] module.exports = https;
 [java] ^^
 [java] Feb 22, 2018 6:35:34 PM println
 [java] WARNING: [net]:23: WARNING - accessing name require in externs has 
no effect. Perhaps you forgot to add a var keyword?
 [java] var events = require('events');
 [java]  ^^^
 [java] Feb 22, 2018 6:35:34 PM println
 [java] WARNING: [net]:219: WARNING - name module is not defined in the 
 [java] module.exports = net;
 [java] ^^
 [java] Feb 22, 2018 6:35:34 PM println
 [java] WARNING: [os]:112: WARNING - name module is not defined in the 
 [java] module.exports = os;
 [java] ^^
 [java] Feb 22, 2018 6:35:34 PM println
 [java] WARNING: [path]:97: WARNING - name module is not defined in the 
 [java] module.exports = path;
 [java] ^^
 [java] Feb 22, 2018 6:35:34 PM println
 [java] WARNING: [punycode]:74: WARNING - name module is not defined in the 
 [java] module.exports = punycode;
 [java] ^^
 [java] Feb 22, 2018 6:35:34 PM println
 [java] WARNING: [querystring]:66: WARNING - name module is not defined in 
the externs.
 [java] module.exports = querystring;
 [java] ^^
 [java] Feb 22, 2018 6:35:34 PM println
 [java] WARNING: [readline]:22: WARNING - accessing name require in externs 
has no effect. Perhaps you forgot to add a var keyword?
 [java] var events = require('events');
 [java]  ^^^
 [java] Feb 22, 2018 6:35:34 PM println
 [java] WARNING: [readline]:23: WARNING - accessing name require in externs 
has no effect. Perhaps you forgot to add a var keyword?
 [java] var stream = require('stream');
 [java]  ^^^
 [java] Feb 22, 2018 6:35:34 PM println
 [java] WARNING: [readline]:84: WARNING - name module is not defined in the 
 [java] module.exports = readline;
 [java] ^^
 [java] Feb 22, 2018 6:35:34 PM println
 [java] WARNING: [repl]:23: WARNING - accessing name require in externs has 
no effect. Perhaps you forgot to add a var keyword?
 [java] var events = require('events');
 [java]  ^^^

Re: Removing the * selector

2018-02-22 Thread Piotr Zarzycki
Ahh that is what you mean! :) Good idea. I will try in the next week play
with that! :)

Thanks Harbs for clarification :)

2018-02-22 18:59 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :

> Yep.  It would fun to see what APIs Moonshine itself uses.
> -Alex
> On 2/22/18, 9:48 AM, "Gabe Harbs"  wrote:
> >I think Alex was suggesting to run it on the Moonshine *codebase*.
> >
> >> On Feb 22, 2018, at 7:39 PM, Piotr Zarzycki 
> >>wrote:
> >>
> >> Yep. That's what I suggested to Alina, because she was started to use
> >> Moonshine. I think it's doable also through the VSCode. In the end it is
> >> all about passing that argument as additional compiler options.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> 2018-02-22 18:36 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :
> >>
> >>> Isn't Moonshine also a SWF-based app?  Could try it there too.
> >>>
> >>> -Alex
> >>>
> >>> On 2/22/18, 9:31 AM, "Piotr Zarzycki" 
> >>>wrote:
> >>>
>  Carlos,
>  It would be great to get that report from your application!
>  Thanks, Piotr
>  2018-02-22 18:17 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :
> > Your point of view is valid, but it might depend on the kind of
> > application.  Some might have 100's of views to port, others might
> >only
> > have 2 or 3 views and a million lines of business logic.
> >
> > In another thread I mentioned the -api-report option I added.  It
> >would
> > be
> > interesting for folks to try getting API reports on their Flex apps
> >so
> > we
> > can see what folks are using so we can use that in making decisions.
> >
> > My 2 cents,
> > -Alex
> >
> > On 2/22/18, 8:39 AM, " on behalf of Carlos
> > Rovira"
> > 
> wrote:
> >
> >> Without know nothing about the solution I want to share a though: I
> > think
> >> the implementation of all the things related to visuals (and css is
> > one of
> >> them) is completely different in Royale to what it was in flex, so
> > maybe
> >> we
> >> should not be worried that CSS is not following main flex rules.
> >> For me UX in royale must be done from scratch, if someone is
> > migrating, we
> >> can only provide some basic *structure* similar to what Flex was.
> >>But
> >> that's only some kind of guide and could mean around 5-10% of what
> >>they
> >> must to migrate. So this is the opposite to things more related to
> >> "business" (like the ArrayCollection disscussion we made some days
> > ago),
> >> in
> >> this case, there's very few to save from a flex codebase point of
> >>view,
> >> and
> >> CSS is one of the things I don't expect to reuse if I come from flex
> >> codebase.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> 2018-02-22 17:27 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :
> >>
> >>> Well, it might be a migration issue in the sense that you could
> >>>use a
> >>> selector called "global" in Flex and it would become the default
> > value
> >>> for
> >>> styles.
> >>>
> >>> Flex and Royale CSS has non-compliant CSS in it like "cffHinting"
> >>>or
> >>> "focusSkin" in Flex or "IStatesImpl" in Royale.  Non-compliant
> >>>styles
> >>> are
> >>> not emitted to the final .css file since the browser has no use for
> >>> them,
> >>> but are kept in a data structure used by ValuesManager.  If you use
> >>> "global" for non-compliant style properties, it will work in Royale
> > like
> >>> it did in Flex, but if you use "global" to try to set the
> >>>fontFamily
> > to
> >>> Gothic everywhere in your app it will not work in Royale as it did
> >>>in
> >>> Flex.
> >>>
> >>> Until this change we renamed "global" in the final CSS to "*" so it
> >>> would
> >>> have a more global effect, but I took that out because I'm not sure
> > that
> >>> "*" is the equivalent since "*" actually has precedence over Type
> >>> Selectors.  I'm not quite sure how to create the true equivalent of
> > Flex
> >>> global styles.
> >>>
> >>> We could rename what I'm currently calling "global" in Royale to
> >>> something
> >>> else like "royale" and go back to renaming "global" to "*", but I
> > think
> >>> that will end up with complaints.  I think it might be right for
> >>>the
> >>> migration docs to mention this and offer alternatives like moving
> > some
> >>> styles from global to "*" if they understand the impact of doing
> >>>so.
> >>> Also, everything is currently a child of the Application so setting
> >>> Application styles should have a global effect, but I think both
> >>>will
> >>> still override type selectors.
> >>>
> >>> My 2 cents,
> >>> -Alex
> >>>
> >>> On 2/22/18, 7:44 AM, " on behalf of Carlos
> >>> Rovira"
> >>> 
> >>> wrote:
> >>>
>  Hi Andrew, this is new for Apache Royale since is how to de

Jenkins build is back to normal : royale-asjs #371

2018-02-22 Thread apacheroyaleci

Re: Removing the * selector

2018-02-22 Thread Piotr Zarzycki

So in my css I cannot do such things ?

global {
   IStatesImpl: ClassReference("org.apache.royale.core.SimpleStatesImpl");

2018-02-22 19:38 GMT+01:00 Piotr Zarzycki :

> Ahh that is what you mean! :) Good idea. I will try in the next week play
> with that! :)
> Thanks Harbs for clarification :)
> Piotr
> 2018-02-22 18:59 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :
>> Yep.  It would fun to see what APIs Moonshine itself uses.
>> -Alex
>> On 2/22/18, 9:48 AM, "Gabe Harbs"  wrote:
>> >I think Alex was suggesting to run it on the Moonshine *codebase*.
>> >
>> >> On Feb 22, 2018, at 7:39 PM, Piotr Zarzycki > >
>> >>wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Yep. That's what I suggested to Alina, because she was started to use
>> >> Moonshine. I think it's doable also through the VSCode. In the end it
>> is
>> >> all about passing that argument as additional compiler options.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> 2018-02-22 18:36 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :
>> >>
>> >>> Isn't Moonshine also a SWF-based app?  Could try it there too.
>> >>>
>> >>> -Alex
>> >>>
>> >>> On 2/22/18, 9:31 AM, "Piotr Zarzycki" 
>> >>>wrote:
>> >>>
>>  Carlos,
>>  It would be great to get that report from your application!
>>  Thanks, Piotr
>>  2018-02-22 18:17 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :
>> > Your point of view is valid, but it might depend on the kind of
>> > application.  Some might have 100's of views to port, others might
>> >only
>> > have 2 or 3 views and a million lines of business logic.
>> >
>> > In another thread I mentioned the -api-report option I added.  It
>> >would
>> > be
>> > interesting for folks to try getting API reports on their Flex apps
>> >so
>> > we
>> > can see what folks are using so we can use that in making decisions.
>> >
>> > My 2 cents,
>> > -Alex
>> >
>> > On 2/22/18, 8:39 AM, " on behalf of Carlos
>> > Rovira"
>> > 
>> wrote:
>> >
>> >> Without know nothing about the solution I want to share a though: I
>> > think
>> >> the implementation of all the things related to visuals (and css is
>> > one of
>> >> them) is completely different in Royale to what it was in flex, so
>> > maybe
>> >> we
>> >> should not be worried that CSS is not following main flex rules.
>> >> For me UX in royale must be done from scratch, if someone is
>> > migrating, we
>> >> can only provide some basic *structure* similar to what Flex was.
>> >>But
>> >> that's only some kind of guide and could mean around 5-10% of what
>> >>they
>> >> must to migrate. So this is the opposite to things more related to
>> >> "business" (like the ArrayCollection disscussion we made some days
>> > ago),
>> >> in
>> >> this case, there's very few to save from a flex codebase point of
>> >>view,
>> >> and
>> >> CSS is one of the things I don't expect to reuse if I come from
>> flex
>> >> codebase.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> 2018-02-22 17:27 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :
>> >>
>> >>> Well, it might be a migration issue in the sense that you could
>> >>>use a
>> >>> selector called "global" in Flex and it would become the default
>> > value
>> >>> for
>> >>> styles.
>> >>>
>> >>> Flex and Royale CSS has non-compliant CSS in it like "cffHinting"
>> >>>or
>> >>> "focusSkin" in Flex or "IStatesImpl" in Royale.  Non-compliant
>> >>>styles
>> >>> are
>> >>> not emitted to the final .css file since the browser has no use
>> for
>> >>> them,
>> >>> but are kept in a data structure used by ValuesManager.  If you
>> use
>> >>> "global" for non-compliant style properties, it will work in
>> Royale
>> > like
>> >>> it did in Flex, but if you use "global" to try to set the
>> >>>fontFamily
>> > to
>> >>> Gothic everywhere in your app it will not work in Royale as it did
>> >>>in
>> >>> Flex.
>> >>>
>> >>> Until this change we renamed "global" in the final CSS to "*" so
>> it
>> >>> would
>> >>> have a more global effect, but I took that out because I'm not
>> sure
>> > that
>> >>> "*" is the equivalent since "*" actually has precedence over Type
>> >>> Selectors.  I'm not quite sure how to create the true equivalent
>> of
>> > Flex
>> >>> global styles.
>> >>>
>> >>> We could rename what I'm currently calling "global" in Royale to
>> >>> something
>> >>> else like "royale" and go back to renaming "global" to "*", but I
>> > think
>> >>> that will end up with complaints.  I think it might be right for
>> >>>the
>> >>> migration docs to mention this and offer alternatives like moving
>> > some
>> >>> styles from global to "*" if they understand the impact of doing
>> >>>so.
>> >>> Also, everything is currently a child of the Application so
>> setting
>> >>> Application styles shoul

Re: Removing the * selector

2018-02-22 Thread Alex Harui
On 2/22/18, 11:49 AM, "Piotr Zarzycki"  wrote:

>So in my css I cannot do such things ?
>global {
>   IStatesImpl: ClassReference("org.apache.royale.core.SimpleStatesImpl");

That will still work, because IStatesImpl is not css-compliant, so it is
only available via ValuesManager and ValuesManager knows to use "global"
selector as the default.


>2018-02-22 19:38 GMT+01:00 Piotr Zarzycki :
>> Ahh that is what you mean! :) Good idea. I will try in the next week
>> with that! :)
>> Thanks Harbs for clarification :)
>> Piotr
>> 2018-02-22 18:59 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :
>>> Yep.  It would fun to see what APIs Moonshine itself uses.
>>> -Alex
>>> On 2/22/18, 9:48 AM, "Gabe Harbs"  wrote:
>>> >I think Alex was suggesting to run it on the Moonshine *codebase*.
>>> >
>>> >> On Feb 22, 2018, at 7:39 PM, Piotr Zarzycki
> >
>>> >>wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >> Yep. That's what I suggested to Alina, because she was started to
>>> >> Moonshine. I think it's doable also through the VSCode. In the end
>>> is
>>> >> all about passing that argument as additional compiler options.
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> 2018-02-22 18:36 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :
>>> >>
>>> >>> Isn't Moonshine also a SWF-based app?  Could try it there too.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> -Alex
>>> >>>
>>> >>> On 2/22/18, 9:31 AM, "Piotr Zarzycki" 
>>> >>>wrote:
>>> >>>
>>>  Carlos,
>>>  It would be great to get that report from your application!
>>>  Thanks, Piotr
>>>  2018-02-22 18:17 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :
>>> > Your point of view is valid, but it might depend on the kind of
>>> > application.  Some might have 100's of views to port, others
>>> >only
>>> > have 2 or 3 views and a million lines of business logic.
>>> >
>>> > In another thread I mentioned the -api-report option I added.  It
>>> >would
>>> > be
>>> > interesting for folks to try getting API reports on their Flex
>>> >so
>>> > we
>>> > can see what folks are using so we can use that in making
>>> >
>>> > My 2 cents,
>>> > -Alex
>>> >
>>> > On 2/22/18, 8:39 AM, " on behalf of Carlos
>>> > Rovira"
>>> > 
>>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> >> Without know nothing about the solution I want to share a
>>>though: I
>>> > think
>>> >> the implementation of all the things related to visuals (and
>>>css is
>>> > one of
>>> >> them) is completely different in Royale to what it was in flex,
>>> > maybe
>>> >> we
>>> >> should not be worried that CSS is not following main flex rules.
>>> >> For me UX in royale must be done from scratch, if someone is
>>> > migrating, we
>>> >> can only provide some basic *structure* similar to what Flex
>>> >>But
>>> >> that's only some kind of guide and could mean around 5-10% of
>>> >>they
>>> >> must to migrate. So this is the opposite to things more related
>>> >> "business" (like the ArrayCollection disscussion we made some
>>> > ago),
>>> >> in
>>> >> this case, there's very few to save from a flex codebase point
>>> >>view,
>>> >> and
>>> >> CSS is one of the things I don't expect to reuse if I come from
>>> flex
>>> >> codebase.
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> 2018-02-22 17:27 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui
>>> >>
>>> >>> Well, it might be a migration issue in the sense that you could
>>> >>>use a
>>> >>> selector called "global" in Flex and it would become the
>>> > value
>>> >>> for
>>> >>> styles.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Flex and Royale CSS has non-compliant CSS in it like
>>> >>>or
>>> >>> "focusSkin" in Flex or "IStatesImpl" in Royale.  Non-compliant
>>> >>>styles
>>> >>> are
>>> >>> not emitted to the final .css file since the browser has no use
>>> for
>>> >>> them,
>>> >>> but are kept in a data structure used by ValuesManager.  If you
>>> use
>>> >>> "global" for non-compliant style properties, it will work in
>>> Royale
>>> > like
>>> >>> it did in Flex, but if you use "global" to try to set the
>>> >>>fontFamily
>>> > to
>>> >>> Gothic everywhere in your app it will not work in Royale as it
>>> >>>in
>>> >>> Flex.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Until this change we renamed "global" in the final CSS to "*"
>>> it
>>> >>> would
>>> >>> have a more global effect, but I took that out because I'm not
>>> sure
>>> > that
>>> >>> "*" is the equivalent since "*" actually has precedence over
>>> >>> Selectors.  I'm not quite sure how to create the true
>>> of
>>> > Flex
>>> >>> global styles.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> We could rename what I'm currently calling "global" in Royale
>>> >>> something
>>> >>> else like "royale" and go b

Re: Removing the * selector

2018-02-22 Thread Piotr Zarzycki
Another question. I build one of my example with newest royale package. I
have following static getter [1]. This code previously was working [2]. Now
this Array is not being assigned to dataProvider. My dataProvider is

Can you say what could change, if not I will prepare small example.


Thanks, Piotr

2018-02-22 20:55 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :

> On 2/22/18, 11:49 AM, "Piotr Zarzycki"  wrote:
> >Alex,
> >
> >So in my css I cannot do such things ?
> >
> >global {
> >   IStatesImpl: ClassReference("org.apache.royale.core.SimpleStatesImpl")
> ;
> >}
> That will still work, because IStatesImpl is not css-compliant, so it is
> only available via ValuesManager and ValuesManager knows to use "global"
> selector as the default.
> -Alex
> >
> >
> >2018-02-22 19:38 GMT+01:00 Piotr Zarzycki :
> >
> >> Ahh that is what you mean! :) Good idea. I will try in the next week
> >>play
> >> with that! :)
> >>
> >> Thanks Harbs for clarification :)
> >> Piotr
> >>
> >> 2018-02-22 18:59 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :
> >>
> >>> Yep.  It would fun to see what APIs Moonshine itself uses.
> >>>
> >>> -Alex
> >>>
> >>> On 2/22/18, 9:48 AM, "Gabe Harbs"  wrote:
> >>>
> >>> >I think Alex was suggesting to run it on the Moonshine *codebase*.
> >>> >
> >>> >> On Feb 22, 2018, at 7:39 PM, Piotr Zarzycki
> >>> >>> >
> >>> >>wrote:
> >>> >>
> >>> >> Yep. That's what I suggested to Alina, because she was started to
> >>>use
> >>> >> Moonshine. I think it's doable also through the VSCode. In the end
> >>>it
> >>> is
> >>> >> all about passing that argument as additional compiler options.
> >>> >>
> >>> >>
> >>> >>
> >>> >> 2018-02-22 18:36 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :
> >>> >>
> >>> >>> Isn't Moonshine also a SWF-based app?  Could try it there too.
> >>> >>>
> >>> >>> -Alex
> >>> >>>
> >>> >>> On 2/22/18, 9:31 AM, "Piotr Zarzycki" 
> >>> >>>wrote:
> >>> >>>
> >>>  Carlos,
> >>> 
> >>>  It would be great to get that report from your application!
> >>> 
> >>>  Thanks, Piotr
> >>> 
> >>>  2018-02-22 18:17 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :
> >>> 
> >>> > Your point of view is valid, but it might depend on the kind of
> >>> > application.  Some might have 100's of views to port, others
> >>>might
> >>> >only
> >>> > have 2 or 3 views and a million lines of business logic.
> >>> >
> >>> > In another thread I mentioned the -api-report option I added.  It
> >>> >would
> >>> > be
> >>> > interesting for folks to try getting API reports on their Flex
> >>>apps
> >>> >so
> >>> > we
> >>> > can see what folks are using so we can use that in making
> >>>decisions.
> >>> >
> >>> > My 2 cents,
> >>> > -Alex
> >>> >
> >>> > On 2/22/18, 8:39 AM, " on behalf of
> Carlos
> >>> > Rovira"
> >>> > 
> >>> wrote:
> >>> >
> >>> >> Without know nothing about the solution I want to share a
> >>>though: I
> >>> > think
> >>> >> the implementation of all the things related to visuals (and
> >>>css is
> >>> > one of
> >>> >> them) is completely different in Royale to what it was in flex,
> >>>so
> >>> > maybe
> >>> >> we
> >>> >> should not be worried that CSS is not following main flex rules.
> >>> >> For me UX in royale must be done from scratch, if someone is
> >>> > migrating, we
> >>> >> can only provide some basic *structure* similar to what Flex
> >>>was.
> >>> >>But
> >>> >> that's only some kind of guide and could mean around 5-10% of
> >>>what
> >>> >>they
> >>> >> must to migrate. So this is the opposite to things more related
> >>>to
> >>> >> "business" (like the ArrayCollection disscussion we made some
> >>>days
> >>> > ago),
> >>> >> in
> >>> >> this case, there's very few to save from a flex codebase point
> >>>of
> >>> >>view,
> >>> >> and
> >>> >> CSS is one of the things I don't expect to reuse if I come from
> >>> flex
> >>> >> codebase.
> >>> >>
> >>> >>
> >>> >>
> >>> >> 2018-02-22 17:27 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui
> >>>:
> >>> >>
> >>> >>> Well, it might be a migration issue in the sense that you could
> >>> >>>use a
> >>> >>> selector called "global" in Flex and it would become the
> >>>default
> >>> > value
> >>> >>> for
> >>> >>> styles.
> >>> >>>
> >>> >>> Flex and Royale CSS has non-compliant CSS in it like
> >>>"cffHinting"
> >>> >>>or
> >>> >>> "focusSkin" in Flex or "IStatesImpl" in Royale.  Non-compliant
> >>> >>>styles
> >>> >>> are
> >>> >>> not emitted to the final .css file since the browser has no use
> >>> for
> >>> >>> them,
> >>> >>> but are kept in a data structure used by ValuesManager.  If you
> >>> use
> >>> >>> "global" for non-compliant style properties, it will work in
> >>> Royale
> >>> > like
> >>> >>> it did in Flex, but if you use "global" to try to set the
> >>> 

Re: Removing the * selector

2018-02-22 Thread piotrz
Above problems are with MDL version of this example [1], but I compiled also
Basic version where I don't use anything from MDL and have the same issue. 




Sent from:

Re: Removing the * selector

2018-02-22 Thread Alex Harui
I may not be understanding you.  In theory, nothing has changed that
should affect your code, but I did have to replace some public vars on the
Binding classes so maybe I messed up there, although DataBindingExample is

In this last link, which my email server has obfuscated, appears to be
your app.  In the lower right is "User Roles" and a dropdownlist.  For me,
I can see in the debugger that the dropdownlist is populated but the
dropdown is disabled.  So I'm not sure where else in your app the
dataprovider was not being assigned.


On 2/22/18, 12:08 PM, "piotrz"  wrote:

>Above problems are with MDL version of this example [1], but I compiled
>Basic version where I don't use anything from MDL and have the same
>Sent from: 

Re: Removing the * selector

2018-02-22 Thread Piotr Zarzycki
Link with non working version [1]. Select one row and see what is in the


Thanks, Piotr

2018-02-22 21:26 GMT+01:00 Piotr Zarzycki :

> Link is to the old version which is working. I can deploy somewhere non
> working version if it helps. Let me do this and I will provide you link in
> couple of minutes. DropDownList will be available once you click on some
> row in the DataGrid.
> 2018-02-22 21:20 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :
>> I may not be understanding you.  In theory, nothing has changed that
>> should affect your code, but I did have to replace some public vars on the
>> Binding classes so maybe I messed up there, although DataBindingExample is
>> working.
>> In this last link, which my email server has obfuscated, appears to be
>> your app.  In the lower right is "User Roles" and a dropdownlist.  For me,
>> I can see in the debugger that the dropdownlist is populated but the
>> dropdown is disabled.  So I'm not sure where else in your app the
>> dataprovider was not being assigned.
>> Thoughts?
>> -Alex
>> On 2/22/18, 12:08 PM, "piotrz"  wrote:
>> >Above problems are with MDL version of this example [1], but I compiled
>> >also
>> >Basic version where I don't use anything from MDL and have the same
>> >issue.
>> >
>> >> 3A%2F%2Fapache-ro
>> >
>> basic_ed.png&dat
>> >
>> 3010a9%7Cfa7b1b
>> >5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636549269209330303&sda
>> ta=m1jnTWt%2BSJ
>> >sN1KticJzCbn%2F4N8xUutdSgSZruAYpMVs%3D&reserved=0>
>> >
>> >[1]
>> >
>> 3A%2F%2Ftranspile
>> >
>> ata=02%7C01%7Ca
>> >
>> 7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794a
>> >ed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636549269209330303&sdata=v%2B2s1d9G
>> MJGSYTyqFlbh1L2
>> >gPfs9jnCrMMSoDCeXCNk%3D&reserved=0
>> >
>> >Piotr
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >--
>> >Sent from:
>> >
>> 2F%2Fapache-roy
>> >
>> %7
>> >C19c9d7eb3b97431cb5fb08d57a3010a9%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c
>> 178decee1%7C0%7
>> >C0%7C636549269209330303&sdata=dJyhSipAH2oQxwYFLhv8lNAGlGoif
>> bl3kI5kgEZa2dU%
>> >3D&reserved=0
> --
> Piotr Zarzycki
> Patreon: *
> *


Piotr Zarzycki

Patreon: *

Re: Removing the * selector

2018-02-22 Thread Piotr Zarzycki
Link is to the old version which is working. I can deploy somewhere non
working version if it helps. Let me do this and I will provide you link in
couple of minutes. DropDownList will be available once you click on some
row in the DataGrid.

2018-02-22 21:20 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :

> I may not be understanding you.  In theory, nothing has changed that
> should affect your code, but I did have to replace some public vars on the
> Binding classes so maybe I messed up there, although DataBindingExample is
> working.
> In this last link, which my email server has obfuscated, appears to be
> your app.  In the lower right is "User Roles" and a dropdownlist.  For me,
> I can see in the debugger that the dropdownlist is populated but the
> dropdown is disabled.  So I'm not sure where else in your app the
> dataprovider was not being assigned.
> Thoughts?
> -Alex
> On 2/22/18, 12:08 PM, "piotrz"  wrote:
> >Above problems are with MDL version of this example [1], but I compiled
> >also
> >Basic version where I don't use anything from MDL and have the same
> >issue.
> >
> > http%3A%2F%2Fapache-ro
> >
> 2Froyale_basic_ed.png&dat
> >
> 10a9%7Cfa7b1b
> >5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636549269209330303&
> sdata=m1jnTWt%2BSJ
> >sN1KticJzCbn%2F4N8xUutdSgSZruAYpMVs%3D&reserved=0>
> >
> >[1]
> >
> https%3A%2F%2Ftranspile
> >
> data=02%7C01%7Ca
> >
> 10a9%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794a
> >ed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636549269209330303&sdata=v%
> 2B2s1d9GMJGSYTyqFlbh1L2
> >gPfs9jnCrMMSoDCeXCNk%3D&reserved=0
> >
> >Piotr
> >
> >
> >
> >--
> >Sent from:
> >
> http%3A%2F%2Fapache-roy
> >
> %7
> >C19c9d7eb3b97431cb5fb08d57a3010a9%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178de
> cee1%7C0%7
> >C0%7C636549269209330303&sdata=dJyhSipAH2oQxwYFLhv8lNAGlGoifb
> l3kI5kgEZa2dU%
> >3D&reserved=0


Piotr Zarzycki

Patreon: *

Re: Removing the * selector

2018-02-22 Thread Piotr Zarzycki
Maybe there problem started to occur because the getter of RoleEnum is
static [1]


2018-02-22 21:32 GMT+01:00 Piotr Zarzycki :

> Link with non working version [1]. Select one row and see what is in the
> console.
> [1]
> PureMVCEmployeeAdminBasic/
> Thanks, Piotr
> 2018-02-22 21:26 GMT+01:00 Piotr Zarzycki :
>> Link is to the old version which is working. I can deploy somewhere non
>> working version if it helps. Let me do this and I will provide you link in
>> couple of minutes. DropDownList will be available once you click on some
>> row in the DataGrid.
>> 2018-02-22 21:20 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :
>>> I may not be understanding you.  In theory, nothing has changed that
>>> should affect your code, but I did have to replace some public vars on
>>> the
>>> Binding classes so maybe I messed up there, although DataBindingExample
>>> is
>>> working.
>>> In this last link, which my email server has obfuscated, appears to be
>>> your app.  In the lower right is "User Roles" and a dropdownlist.  For
>>> me,
>>> I can see in the debugger that the dropdownlist is populated but the
>>> dropdown is disabled.  So I'm not sure where else in your app the
>>> dataprovider was not being assigned.
>>> Thoughts?
>>> -Alex
>>> On 2/22/18, 12:08 PM, "piotrz"  wrote:
>>> >Above problems are with MDL version of this example [1], but I compiled
>>> >also
>>> >Basic version where I don't use anything from MDL and have the same
>>> >issue.
>>> >
>>> >>> %2F%2Fapache-ro
>>> >
>>> asic_ed.png&dat
>>> >
>>> 3010a9%7Cfa7b1b
>>> >5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636549269209330303&sda
>>> ta=m1jnTWt%2BSJ
>>> >sN1KticJzCbn%2F4N8xUutdSgSZruAYpMVs%3D&reserved=0>
>>> >
>>> >[1]
>>> >
>>> %2F%2Ftranspile
>>> >
>>> ata=02%7C01%7Ca
>>> >
>>> 1b5a7b34438794a
>>> >ed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636549269209330303&sdata=v%2B2s1d9G
>>> MJGSYTyqFlbh1L2
>>> >gPfs9jnCrMMSoDCeXCNk%3D&reserved=0
>>> >
>>> >Piotr
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >--
>>> >Sent from:
>>> >
>>> 2F%2Fapache-roy
>>> >
>>> >C19c9d7eb3b97431cb5fb08d57a3010a9%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c
>>> 178decee1%7C0%7
>>> >C0%7C636549269209330303&sdata=dJyhSipAH2oQxwYFLhv8lNAGlGoif
>>> bl3kI5kgEZa2dU%
>>> >3D&reserved=0
>> --
>> Piotr Zarzycki
>> Patreon: *
>> *
> --
> Piotr Zarzycki
> Patreon: *
> *


Piotr Zarzycki

Patreon: *

Re: Removing the * selector

2018-02-22 Thread Piotr Zarzycki
I did a bit more experiments. I've declared variable like that:

public var comboList:Array = RoleEnum.comboList;

compoList was changed to get/set in JavaScript. I've placed breakpoint in
setter and it didn't raised.


2018-02-22 21:44 GMT+01:00 Piotr Zarzycki :

> Maybe there problem started to occur because the getter of RoleEnum is
> static [1]
> [1]
> 2018-02-22 21:32 GMT+01:00 Piotr Zarzycki :
>> Link with non working version [1]. Select one row and see what is in the
>> console.
>> [1]
>> mployeeAdminBasic/
>> Thanks, Piotr
>> 2018-02-22 21:26 GMT+01:00 Piotr Zarzycki :
>>> Link is to the old version which is working. I can deploy somewhere non
>>> working version if it helps. Let me do this and I will provide you link in
>>> couple of minutes. DropDownList will be available once you click on some
>>> row in the DataGrid.
>>> 2018-02-22 21:20 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :
 I may not be understanding you.  In theory, nothing has changed that
 should affect your code, but I did have to replace some public vars on
 Binding classes so maybe I messed up there, although DataBindingExample

 In this last link, which my email server has obfuscated, appears to be
 your app.  In the lower right is "User Roles" and a dropdownlist.  For
 I can see in the debugger that the dropdownlist is populated but the
 dropdown is disabled.  So I'm not sure where else in your app the
 dataprovider was not being assigned.


 On 2/22/18, 12:08 PM, "piotrz"  wrote:

 >Above problems are with MDL version of this example [1], but I compiled
 >Basic version where I don't use anything from MDL and have the same
 >Sent from:

>>> --
>>> Piotr Zarzycki
>>> Patreon: *
>>> *
>> --
>> Piotr Zarzycki
>> Patreon: *
>> *
> --
> Piotr Zarzycki
> Patreon: *
> *


Piotr Zarzycki

Patreon: *

Re: Removing the * selector

2018-02-22 Thread Piotr Zarzycki
I think the best example would be the simplest one. Please look into
the MDLDynamicTableExample or MDLDynamicTabsExample and see how table/tabs
looks like.


2018-02-22 22:10 GMT+01:00 Piotr Zarzycki :

> I did a bit more experiments. I've declared variable like that:
> [Bindable]
> public var comboList:Array = RoleEnum.comboList;
> compoList was changed to get/set in JavaScript. I've placed breakpoint in
> setter and it didn't raised.
> Piotr.
> 2018-02-22 21:44 GMT+01:00 Piotr Zarzycki :
>> Maybe there problem started to occur because the getter of RoleEnum is
>> static [1]
>> [1]
>> 2018-02-22 21:32 GMT+01:00 Piotr Zarzycki :
>>> Link with non working version [1]. Select one row and see what is in the
>>> console.
>>> [1]
>>> mployeeAdminBasic/
>>> Thanks, Piotr
>>> 2018-02-22 21:26 GMT+01:00 Piotr Zarzycki :
 Link is to the old version which is working. I can deploy somewhere non
 working version if it helps. Let me do this and I will provide you link in
 couple of minutes. DropDownList will be available once you click on some
 row in the DataGrid.

 2018-02-22 21:20 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :

> I may not be understanding you.  In theory, nothing has changed that
> should affect your code, but I did have to replace some public vars on
> the
> Binding classes so maybe I messed up there, although
> DataBindingExample is
> working.
> In this last link, which my email server has obfuscated, appears to be
> your app.  In the lower right is "User Roles" and a dropdownlist.  For
> me,
> I can see in the debugger that the dropdownlist is populated but the
> dropdown is disabled.  So I'm not sure where else in your app the
> dataprovider was not being assigned.
> Thoughts?
> -Alex
> On 2/22/18, 12:08 PM, "piotrz"  wrote:
> >Above problems are with MDL version of this example [1], but I
> compiled
> >also
> >Basic version where I don't use anything from MDL and have the same
> >issue.
> >
> > %2F%2Fapache-ro
> >
> asic_ed.png&dat
> >
> 3010a9%7Cfa7b1b
> >5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636549269209330303&sda
> ta=m1jnTWt%2BSJ
> >sN1KticJzCbn%2F4N8xUutdSgSZruAYpMVs%3D&reserved=0>
> >
> >[1]
> >
> %2F%2Ftranspile
> >
> ata=02%7C01%7Ca
> >
> 1b5a7b34438794a
> >ed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636549269209330303&sdata=v%2B2s1d9G
> MJGSYTyqFlbh1L2
> >gPfs9jnCrMMSoDCeXCNk%3D&reserved=0
> >
> >Piotr
> >
> >
> >
> >--
> >Sent from:
> >
> 2F%2Fapache-roy
> >
> >C19c9d7eb3b97431cb5fb08d57a3010a9%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c
> 178decee1%7C0%7
> >C0%7C636549269209330303&sdata=dJyhSipAH2oQxwYFLhv8lNAGlGoif
> bl3kI5kgEZa2dU%
> >3D&reserved=0


 Piotr Zarzycki

 Patreon: *

>>> --
>>> Piotr Zarzycki
>>> Patreon: *
>>> *
>> --
>> Piotr Zarzycki
>> Patreon: *
>> *
> --
> Piotr Zarzycki
> Patreon: *
> *


Piotr Zarzycki

Patreon: *

Re: Removing the * selector

2018-02-22 Thread Alex Harui
MDLDynamicTabsExample looks ok to me.  What do you see wrong with it?

On 2/22/18, 1:21 PM, "Piotr Zarzycki"  wrote:

>I think the best example would be the simplest one. Please look into
>the MDLDynamicTableExample or MDLDynamicTabsExample and see how table/tabs
>looks like.
>2018-02-22 22:10 GMT+01:00 Piotr Zarzycki :
>> I did a bit more experiments. I've declared variable like that:
>> [Bindable]
>> public var comboList:Array = RoleEnum.comboList;
>> compoList was changed to get/set in JavaScript. I've placed breakpoint
>> setter and it didn't raised.
>> Piotr.
>> 2018-02-22 21:44 GMT+01:00 Piotr Zarzycki :
>>> Maybe there problem started to occur because the getter of RoleEnum is
>>> static [1]
>>> [1]  
>>> 2018-02-22 21:32 GMT+01:00 Piotr Zarzycki :
 Link with non working version [1]. Select one row and see what is in


 Thanks, Piotr

 2018-02-22 21:26 GMT+01:00 Piotr Zarzycki :

> Link is to the old version which is working. I can deploy somewhere
> working version if it helps. Let me do this and I will provide you
>link in
> couple of minutes. DropDownList will be available once you click on
> row in the DataGrid.
> 2018-02-22 21:20 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :
>> I may not be understanding you.  In theory, nothing has changed that
>> should affect your code, but I did have to replace some public vars
>> the
>> Binding classes so maybe I messed up there, although
>> DataBindingExample is
>> working.
>> In this last link, which my email server has obfuscated, appears to
>> your app.  In the lower right is "User Roles" and a dropdownlist.
>> me,
>> I can see in the debugger that the dropdownlist is populated but the
>> dropdown is disabled.  So I'm not sure where else in your app the
>> dataprovider was not being assigned.
>> Thoughts?
>> -Alex
>> On 2/22/18, 12:08 PM, "piotrz"  wrote:
>> >Above problems are with MDL version of this example [1], but I
>> compiled
>> >also
>> >Basic version where I don't use anything from MDL and have the same
>> >issue.
>> >
>> >> %2F%2Fapache-ro
>> >
>> asic_ed.png&dat
>> >
>> 3010a9%7Cfa7b1b
>> >5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636549269209330303&sda
>> ta=m1jnTWt%2BSJ
>> >sN1KticJzCbn%2F4N8xUutdSgSZruAYpMVs%3D&reserved=0>
>> >
>> >[1]
>> >
>> %2F%2Ftranspile
>> >
>> ata=02%7C01%7Ca
>> >
>> 1b5a7b34438794a
>> >ed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636549269209330303&sdata=v%2B2s1d9G
>> MJGSYTyqFlbh1L2
>> >gPfs9jnCrMMSoDCeXCNk%3D&reserved=0
>> >
>> >Piotr
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >--
>> >Sent from:
>> >
>> 2F%2Fapache-roy
>> >
>> >C19c9d7eb3b97431cb5fb08d57a3010a9%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c
>> 178decee1%7C0%7
>> >C0%7C636549269209330303&sdata=dJyhSipAH2oQxwYFLhv8lNAGlGoif
>> bl3kI5kgEZa2dU%
>> >3D&reserved=0
> --
> Piotr Zarzycki
> Patreon: 

Re: Removing the * selector

2018-02-22 Thread piotrz
I'm building them using JSonly Royale and Moonshine. Tomorrow my time I will
try Maven build.

If I have this:
-compiler.exclude-defaults-css-files=BasicJS.swc:defaults.css Example looks
like that:


If remove this:
-compiler.exclude-defaults-css-files=BasicJS.swc:defaults.css looks like


Thanks, Piotr

Sent from:

Re: Removing the * selector

2018-02-22 Thread Alex Harui
Isn't that a different problem?  I thought you were having problems
getting a dataProvider assigned?


On 2/22/18, 3:34 PM, "piotrz"  wrote:

>I'm building them using JSonly Royale and Moonshine. Tomorrow my time I
>try Maven build.
>If I have this:
>-compiler.exclude-defaults-css-files=BasicJS.swc:defaults.css Example
>like that:
>If remove this:
>-compiler.exclude-defaults-css-files=BasicJS.swc:defaults.css looks like
>Thanks, Piotr
>Sent from: 

Re: Removing the * selector

2018-02-22 Thread Alex Harui
I moved more styles from the framework to the theme to deal with the wrong
layout in MDLTabsExample.

MDL also needed to turn off default layout in the Grid.

The data binding static variable issue turned out to be the
remove-circulars code which is now on by default.  I fixed that as well.

Thanks for reporting these issues.

On 2/22/18, 3:40 PM, "Alex Harui"  wrote:

>Isn't that a different problem?  I thought you were having problems
>getting a dataProvider assigned?
>On 2/22/18, 3:34 PM, "piotrz"  wrote:
>>I'm building them using JSonly Royale and Moonshine. Tomorrow my time I
>>try Maven build.
>>If I have this:
>>-compiler.exclude-defaults-css-files=BasicJS.swc:defaults.css Example
>>like that:
>>If remove this:
>>-compiler.exclude-defaults-css-files=BasicJS.swc:defaults.css looks like
>>Thanks, Piotr
>>Sent from: 

Build failed in Jenkins: royale-asjs #373

2018-02-22 Thread apacheroyaleci


[aharui] no commas in classname list

[...truncated 61.17 KB...]











   [delete] Deleting directory 

   [delete] Deleting: 

   [delete] Deleting: 

   [delete] Deleting: 

   [delete] Deleting: 

   [delete] Deleting: 

   [delete] Deleting: 

   [delete] Deleting: 

   [delete] Deleting: 

   [delete] Deleting: 

   [delete] Deleting: 

   [delete] Deleting: 

   [delete] Deleting: 

   [delete] Deleting: 

   [delete] Deleting: 

   [delete] Deleting: 

   [delete] Deleting: 

   [delete] Deleting: 

   [delete] Deleting: 

   [delete] Deleting: 

   [delete] Deleting: 

   [delete] Deleting: 

   [delete] Deleting: 

   [delete] Deleting: 

   [delete] Deleting: 

   [delete] Deleting: 

   [delete] Deleting: 

   [delete] Deleting: 

   [delete] Deleting directory 

Build failed in Jenkins: royale-compiler #110

2018-02-22 Thread apacheroyaleci


[aharui] handle static bindings in removecirculars

[...truncated 329.39 KB...]
[junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 1, Time elapsed: 
0.016 sec
[junit] Running 
[junit] Tests run: 37, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 3, Time elapsed: 
0.188 sec
[junit] Running 
[junit] Tests run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 
0.297 sec
[junit] Running 
[junit] Tests run: 10, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 1, Time elapsed: 
0.281 sec
[junit] Running 
[junit] Tests run: 18, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 3, Time elapsed: 
0.672 sec
[junit] Running 
[junit] Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 1, Time elapsed: 
0.125 sec
[junit] Running 
[junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 1, Time elapsed: 0 
[junit] Running 
[junit] Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 
0.25 sec
[junit] Running 
[junit] Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 
0.141 sec
[junit] Running 
[junit] Tests run: 8, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.5 
[junit] Running 
[junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 1, Time elapsed: 
0.016 sec
[junit] Running 
[junit] Tests run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 2, Time elapsed: 0.5 
[junit] Running 
[junit] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 
0.187 sec
[junit] Running 
[junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 1, Time elapsed: 0 
[junit] Running 
[junit] Tests run: 18, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 1, Time elapsed: 
0.907 sec
[junit] Running 
[junit] Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 
0.11 sec
[junit] Running 
[junit] Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 
0.11 sec
[junit] Running 
[junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 1, Time elapsed: 0 
[junit] Running 
[junit] Tests run: 13, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 
0.438 sec
[junit] Running 
[junit] Tests run: 7, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 1, Time elapsed: 
0.172 sec
[junit] Running 
[junit] Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 
0.188 sec
[junit] Running 
[junit] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 
0.297 sec
[junit] Running 
[junit] Tests run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 
0.718 sec
[junit] Running 
[junit] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 
0.531 sec
[junit] Running 
[junit] Tests run: 27, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 6, Time elapsed: 
1.39 sec
[junit] Running 
[junit] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 
0.266 sec
[junit] Running 
[junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 1, Time elapsed: 0 
[junit] Running 

Jenkins build is back to normal : royale-asjs #374

2018-02-22 Thread apacheroyaleci

Jenkins build is back to normal : royale-compiler #111

2018-02-22 Thread apacheroyaleci

Re: Removing the * selector

2018-02-22 Thread Piotr Zarzycki
I pickup latest build and  MDLTabsExample doesn't look like it should be. I
would like to understand what I need to do in order to get the look back.

What do you mean by that: " MDL also needed to turn off default layout in
the Grid."

I see that you have created that file [1] which simply force usage of some
fonts for the components, but that's probably not the problem. Question is
do I need to still use that command after your changes?



Thanks, Piotr

2018-02-23 3:19 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :

> I moved more styles from the framework to the theme to deal with the wrong
> layout in MDLTabsExample.
> MDL also needed to turn off default layout in the Grid.
> The data binding static variable issue turned out to be the
> remove-circulars code which is now on by default.  I fixed that as well.
> Thanks for reporting these issues.
> -Alex
> On 2/22/18, 3:40 PM, "Alex Harui"  wrote:
> >Isn't that a different problem?  I thought you were having problems
> >getting a dataProvider assigned?
> >
> >-Alex
> >
> >On 2/22/18, 3:34 PM, "piotrz"  wrote:
> >
> >>I'm building them using JSonly Royale and Moonshine. Tomorrow my time I
> >>will
> >>try Maven build.
> >>
> >>If I have this:
> >>-compiler.exclude-defaults-css-files=BasicJS.swc:defaults.css Example
> >>looks
> >>like that:
> >>
> >> http%3A%2F%2Fapache-r
> >>o
> >>
> tabs_1.png&data=02
> >>%
> >>
> ccd2%7Cfa7b1b5a7b
> >>3
> >>4438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636549392636721475&
> sdata=Mc8qtEBLO1%2FhT4
> >>U
> >>P%2FBhKlpgH9r8HwU52TNDCY6Kjw2I%3D&reserved=0>
> >>
> >>If remove this:
> >>-compiler.exclude-defaults-css-files=BasicJS.swc:defaults.css looks like
> >>that:
> >>
> >> http%3A%2F%2Fapache-r
> >>o
> >>
> 2.png&data=02%7C0
> >>1
> >>
> ccd2%7Cfa7b1b5a7b3443
> >>8
> >>794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636549392636721475&sdata=
> b03fFYkV9eo903c08FEm
> >>o
> >>Y9h5QpDL3oTsfE5Kb14l%2Bs%3D&reserved=0>
> >>
> >>Thanks, Piotr
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>--
> >>Sent from:
> >>
> http%3A%2F%2Fapache-ro
> >>y
> >>
> %
> >>7
> >>C6738a7e848f94f4807f908d57a4cccd2%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178de
> cee1%7C0%
> >>7
> >>C0%7C636549392636721475&sdata=aAkqWaUnolHEe1pHN8RXBB%
> 2BV9Ug2ZcEIwesdmbYmR
> >>e
> >>M%3D&reserved=0
> >


Piotr Zarzycki

Patreon: *

Re: Removing the * selector

2018-02-22 Thread Piotr Zarzycki
By turning off you mean something like this ? ->

2018-02-23 8:48 GMT+01:00 Piotr Zarzycki :

> I pickup latest build and  MDLTabsExample doesn't look like it should be.
> I would like to understand what I need to do in order to get the look back.
> What do you mean by that: " MDL also needed to turn off default layout in
> the Grid."
> I see that you have created that file [1] which simply force usage of some
> fonts for the components, but that's probably not the problem. Question is
> do I need to still use that command after your changes?
> -compiler.exclude-defaults-css-files=BasicJS.swc:defaults.css
> [1]
> frameworks/themes/Basic/basic.css
> Thanks, Piotr
> 2018-02-23 3:19 GMT+01:00 Alex Harui :
>> I moved more styles from the framework to the theme to deal with the wrong
>> layout in MDLTabsExample.
>> MDL also needed to turn off default layout in the Grid.
>> The data binding static variable issue turned out to be the
>> remove-circulars code which is now on by default.  I fixed that as well.
>> Thanks for reporting these issues.
>> -Alex
>> On 2/22/18, 3:40 PM, "Alex Harui"  wrote:
>> >Isn't that a different problem?  I thought you were having problems
>> >getting a dataProvider assigned?
>> >
>> >-Alex
>> >
>> >On 2/22/18, 3:34 PM, "piotrz"  wrote:
>> >
>> >>I'm building them using JSonly Royale and Moonshine. Tomorrow my time I
>> >>will
>> >>try Maven build.
>> >>
>> >>If I have this:
>> >>-compiler.exclude-defaults-css-files=BasicJS.swc:defaults.css Example
>> >>looks
>> >>like that:
>> >>
>> >>> 3A%2F%2Fapache-r
>> >>o
>> >>
>> s_1.png&data=02
>> >>%
>> >>
>> d2%7Cfa7b1b5a7b
>> >>3
>> >>4438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636549392636721475&sdata=
>> Mc8qtEBLO1%2FhT4
>> >>U
>> >>P%2FBhKlpgH9r8HwU52TNDCY6Kjw2I%3D&reserved=0>
>> >>
>> >>If remove this:
>> >>-compiler.exclude-defaults-css-files=BasicJS.swc:defaults.css looks
>> like
>> >>that:
>> >>
>> >>> 3A%2F%2Fapache-r
>> >>o
>> >>
>> png&data=02%7C0
>> >>1
>> >>
>> 7Cfa7b1b5a7b3443
>> >>8
>> >>794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636549392636721475&sdata=b03fF
>> YkV9eo903c08FEm
>> >>o
>> >>Y9h5QpDL3oTsfE5Kb14l%2Bs%3D&reserved=0>
>> >>
>> >>Thanks, Piotr
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>--
>> >>Sent from:
>> >>
>> 3A%2F%2Fapache-ro
>> >>y
>> >>
>> >>7
>> >>C6738a7e848f94f4807f908d57a4cccd2%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2
>> c178decee1%7C0%
>> >>7
>> >>C0%7C636549392636721475&sdata=aAkqWaUnolHEe1pHN8RXBB%2BV9U
>> g2ZcEIwesdmbYmR
>> >>e
>> >>M%3D&reserved=0
>> >
> --
> Piotr Zarzycki
> Patreon: *
> *


Piotr Zarzycki

Patreon: *