Re: [SailfishDevel] Sending SMS via Telepathy: Error "Channel Dispatcher .. does not support interface CD.I.Messages"

2015-08-13 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi All

I now have a working work-around: My app can (finally) send SMSes via 
Telepathy again.

Previously I was using ContactMessenger object. Now I have found a 
vector using the ConversationChannel object. It took a lot of hacking 
around due to my weak understanding of c++, but in the end I hit on a 
solution that required minimal change to both my code, and to 

I grabbed the code below:
then pimped it slightly so it that on a successful sendMessage, it emits 
the signal "finished"

Previously, using ContactMessenger my code was

void TelepathyHelper::sendSMS(const QString &contactIdentifier, const 
QString &message)

   Tp::AccountPtr acc = 

   messenger = Tp::ContactMessenger::create(acc, contactIdentifier);

Now (temporarily) using ConversationChannel my code is:

void TelepathyHelper::sendSMS(const QString &contactIdentifier, const 
QString &message)

   ConversationChannel *conversationChannel = new 

   //this works! SMS is sent yippeee !!!



Am 2015-08-12 14:26, schrieb

Hi Matt
My main focus now is finding a code approach that works with the
current installed packages. I think I have found a vector, but need to
do some more coding to know for sure.



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Re: [SailfishDevel] OS X SDK install fails

2015-08-12 Thread christopher . lamb

maybe there's a problem with 4.3.30?

I am running successfully with 4.3.26 on Yosemite (10.10.5). However 
both the SDK and OSX have been through several upgrades / re-intalls 
over the past few years.


Am 2015-08-12 14:02, schrieb Michał Radwański:


I can't install SDK on OS X Yosemite.

I got VirtualBox 4.3.30.

After running last version of SDK installer, I get information about
aborted installation:

Any ideas?
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Re: [SailfishDevel] Sending SMS via Telepathy: Error "Channel Dispatcher .. does not support interface CD.I.Messages"

2015-08-12 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi Matt

I went through the release history using this link:

Given that the numbers of the releases in Git are very similar to the 
number scheme of the packages on my device, I assume (always dangerous) 
a link.

My main focus now is finding a code approach that works with the current 
installed packages. I think I have found a vector, but need to do some 
more coding to know for sure.

One thing that did not "click" until this morning is that the telepathy 
code in the Collabora git is C, while the equivalent in nemomobile is 
C++. I wonder how is the one "translated" to the other?



Am 2015-08-12 10:48, schrieb Matthew Vogt:

Hi Chris.
You can browse the commit history of projects in github by clicking on
the little 'clock' button at the top of the project page:

Or, by using the commits URI:

Unfortunately, it's not so easy to map from commits in the project
history to releases...


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Re: [SailfishDevel] Sending SMS via Telepathy: Error "Channel Dispatcher .. does not support interface CD.I.Messages"

2015-08-11 Thread christopher . lamb
Answering my own (academic) question: The package install history can be 
found in /var/log/zypp/history

[root@Jolla nemo]# cd /var/log/zypp/
[root@Jolla zypp]# grep -n "telepathy-qt5|" history

Then looking in github once again: telepathy-qt5 0.9.4+git2-1.6.2 
installed to my Jolla on 2014-12-29 is probably when the problem 


Am 2015-08-12 07:12, schrieb

Hi Matt

thanks for taking the time to have a look as well.

In the meantime I have opened a bug report in the mer / nemomobile

Our of pure academic interest I am curious to find out the change
history of the telepathy packages installed on the device - to see
which update "broke" the interface between the 2 packages.

On a more practical vein, given that the Jolla SMS app also uses
Telepathy, and is able to send SMSes, it must be taking a different
route through the Telepathy code: so I am now digging through the
nemo-qml-plugin-messages to better understand this.

They seem to use the textChannel.send() method, whereas I was using
the contactMessenger.sendMessage()


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Re: [SailfishDevel] Sending SMS via Telepathy: Error "Channel Dispatcher .. does not support interface CD.I.Messages"

2015-08-11 Thread christopher . lamb

Am 2015-08-12 04:52, schrieb Matthew Vogt:

Hi Chris.
Although I can't speak with any authority on Telepathy, I agree with
your assessment.

I think that nemomobile issues are handled using the Mer bugzilla
these days, at


[] on behalf of []
Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2015 1:09 AM
Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] Sending SMS via Telepathy: Error "Channel
Dispatcher .. does not support interface CD.I.Messages"

Hi Matt

Having spent some hours pouring over the nemomobile TelepathyQt /
Mission-Control code in Github, it looks to me like
TelepathyQt and MissionControl master branches are out of sync (and
hence the packages on my Jolla will also be out of sync).
still has the interface in draft form
(Channel_Dispatcher_Interface_Messages_DRAFT.xml), but in TelepathyQt
the equivalent is now Channel_Dispatcher_Interface_Messages1.xml (i.e.

I have also had a peek in the collabora git for
telepathy-mission-control, and find these 2 commits that undraft the
interface on the mission-control side.

Hi Matt

thanks for taking the time to have a look as well.

In the meantime I have opened a bug report in the mer / nemomobile 

Our of pure academic interest I am curious to find out the change 
history of the telepathy packages installed on the device - to see which 
update "broke" the interface between the 2 packages.

On a more practical vein, given that the Jolla SMS app also uses 
Telepathy, and is able to send SMSes, it must be taking a different 
route through the Telepathy code: so I am now digging through the 
nemo-qml-plugin-messages to better understand this.

They seem to use the textChannel.send() method, whereas I was using the 


I guess that the Telepathy modules previously on my device both had the
interface in DRAFT form which explains why the code previously worked.

What is the best way of reporting this? ?


Am 2015-08-10 02:15, schrieb Matthew Vogt:

Mission control appears to implement the
interface now - see:

Perhaps your telepathy-qt packages and your telepathy-mission-control
packages are not in sync?


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Re: [SailfishDevel] Sending SMS via Telepathy: Error "Channel Dispatcher .. does not support interface CD.I.Messages"

2015-08-11 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi Matt

Having spent some hours pouring over the nemomobile TelepathyQt / 
Mission-Control code in Github, it looks to me like
TelepathyQt and MissionControl master branches are out of sync (and 
hence the packages on my Jolla will also be out of sync). 
still has the interface in draft form 
(Channel_Dispatcher_Interface_Messages_DRAFT.xml), but in TelepathyQt 
the equivalent is now Channel_Dispatcher_Interface_Messages1.xml (i.e. 

I have also had a peek in the collabora git for 
telepathy-mission-control, and find these 2 commits that undraft the 
interface on the mission-control side.

I guess that the Telepathy modules previously on my device both had the 
interface in DRAFT form which explains why the code previously worked.

What is the best way of reporting this? ?


Am 2015-08-10 02:15, schrieb Matthew Vogt:

Mission control appears to implement the
interface now - see:

Perhaps your telepathy-qt packages and your telepathy-mission-control
packages are not in sync?


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Re: [SailfishDevel] Sending SMS via Telepathy: Error "Channel Dispatcher .. does not support interface CD.I.Messages"

2015-08-10 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi Matt

I have now added the debug packages to the device:

Am 2015-08-10 02:15, schrieb Matthew Vogt:

Mission control appears to implement the
interface now - see:

Perhaps your telepathy-qt packages and your telepathy-mission-control
packages are not in sync?




After that I get the debug output at the bottom of this post.

It strikes me that the error is returned very early in the process

b.t.w, checking through sent SMSes proves that the code worked back in 
November 2014.



[D] Tp::Debug::invokeDebugCallback:146 - tp-qt 0.9.4 DEBUG: Creating new 
[D] Tp::Debug::invokeDebugCallback:146 - tp-qt 0.9.4 DEBUG: 
ReadinessHelper: new supportedStatuses = QSet(0)
[D] Tp::Debug::invokeDebugCallback:146 - tp-qt 0.9.4 DEBUG: 
ReadinessHelper: new supportedFeatures = QSet(QPair("Tp::Account",3) ,  
QPair("Tp::Account",2) ,  QPair("Tp::Account",1) ,  
QPair("Tp::Account",0) )
[D] Tp::Debug::invokeDebugCallback:146 - tp-qt 0.9.4 DEBUG: Creating a 
new SimpleTextObserver
[D] Tp::Debug::invokeDebugCallback:146 - tp-qt 0.9.4 DEBUG: Client 
registered - busName: "org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Client.TpQtSO__1_145_0" 
objectPath: "/org/freedesktop/Telepathy/Client/TpQtSO__1_145_0" 
interfaces: ("org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Client.Observer")
[D] Tp::Debug::invokeDebugCallback:146 - tp-qt 0.9.4 DEBUG: Observer 
"TpQtSO__1_145_0" registered
[D] Tp::Debug::invokeDebugCallback:146 - tp-qt 0.9.4 DEBUG: Contact id 
requires normalization. Queueing events until it is normalized

[D] TelepathyHelper::onSendMessageFinished:70 - 
[D] TelepathyHelper::onSendMessageFinished:72 - Error sending message: 
"org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotImplemented" - "Channel Dispatcher 
implementation (e.g. mission-control), does not support interface 

[D] Tp::Debug::invokeDebugCallback:146 - tp-qt 0.9.4 DEBUG: 
ObserveChannels: account: 
"/org/freedesktop/Telepathy/Account/ring/tel/account0" , connection: 
[D] Tp::Debug::invokeDebugCallback:146 - tp-qt 0.9.4 DEBUG: Inserting to 
factory cache proxy for 
[D] Tp::Debug::invokeDebugCallback:146 - tp-qt 0.9.4 DEBUG: Creating new 
[D] Tp::Debug::invokeDebugCallback:146 - tp-qt 0.9.4 DEBUG: Connecting 
to ConnectionError()
[D] Tp::Debug::invokeDebugCallback:146 - tp-qt 0.9.4 DEBUG: Connecting 
to StatusChanged()
[D] Tp::Debug::invokeDebugCallback:146 - tp-qt 0.9.4 DEBUG: Connecting 
to SelfHandleChanged()
[D] Tp::Debug::invokeDebugCallback:146 - tp-qt 0.9.4 DEBUG: Creating new 
HandleContext for "/org/freedesktop/Telepathy/Connection/ring/tel/ring"
[D] Tp::Debug::invokeDebugCallback:146 - tp-qt 0.9.4 DEBUG: 
ReadinessHelper: new supportedStatuses = QSet(2, 0, 1, 4294967295)
[D] Tp::Debug::invokeDebugCallback:146 - tp-qt 0.9.4 DEBUG: 
ReadinessHelper: new supportedFeatures = QSet(QPair("Tp::Connection",2) 
,  QPair("Tp::Connection",5) ,  QPair("Tp::Connection",4) ,  
QPair("Tp::Connection",7) ,  QPair("Tp::Connection",6) ,  
QPair("Tp::Connection",1) ,  QPair("Tp::Connection",0) )
[D] Tp::Debug::invokeDebugCallback:146 - tp-qt 0.9.4 DEBUG: Inserting to 
factory cache proxy for 
[D] Tp::Debug::invokeDebugCallback:146 - tp-qt 0.9.4 DEBUG: Creating new 
[D] Tp::Debug::invokeDebugCallback:146 - tp-qt 0.9.4 DEBUG: Creating new 
Channel: "/org/freedesktop/Telepathy/Connection/ring/tel/ring/text16"
[D] Tp::Debug::invokeDebugCallback:146 - tp-qt 0.9.4 DEBUG:  Connecting 
to Channel::Closed() signal
[D] Tp::Debug::invokeDebugCallback:146 - tp-qt 0.9.4 DEBUG:  Connection 
to owning connection's lifetime signals
[D] Tp::Debug::invokeDebugCallback:146 - tp-qt 0.9.4 DEBUG: 
ReadinessHelper: new supportedStatuses = QSet(0)
[D] Tp::Debug::invokeDebugCallback:146 - tp-qt 0.9.4 DEBUG: 
ReadinessHelper: new supportedFeatures = QSet(QPair("Tp::Channel",1) ,  

Re: [SailfishDevel] Sending SMS via Telepathy: Error "Channel Dispatcher .. does not support interface CD.I.Messages"

2015-08-09 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi Mat

Am 2015-08-10 02:15, schrieb Matthew Vogt:

Mission control appears to implement the
interface now - see:

Perhaps your telepathy-qt packages and your telepathy-mission-control
packages are not in sync?


Sounds interesting.

These are the telepathy packages I have installed on the device:

[root@Jolla nemo]# pkcon search name telepathy | grep Installed

I just tried to do a pkcon update on the telepathy-qt5 and 
telepathy-mission-control packages, but there are no update candidates 
(currently) available.

b.t.w I am on SailfishOS (Björnträsket) (armv7hl)

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[SailfishDevel] Sending SMS via Telepathy: Error "Channel Dispatcher .. does not support interface CD.I.Messages"

2015-08-09 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi all
I am revisiting a Sailfish OS app that I have not touched for over a 

Despite many Sailfish updates in that time, most of it still worked, 
apart from its most important function: sending SMSes.

The SMS functionality was achieved by a few lines of C++ calling 
Telepathy. The code is at the bottom of this post.

I now get the error
[D] TelepathyHelper::onSendMessageFinished:72 - Error sending message: 
"org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotImplemented" - "Channel Dispatcher 
implementation (e.g. mission-control), does not support interface 

I am a little stumped by this: At the moment I guess either something in 
Telepathy /used by Telepathy has changed. or I am missing a library that 
was previously on the Jolla (perhaps installed by me).

Any ideas?







namespace Tp
class PendingOperation;

class TelepathyHelper : public QObject

explicit TelepathyHelper(QObject *parent = 0);
Q_INVOKABLE void sendSMS(const QString &contactIdentifier, const 
QString &message);

void stateMsg(const QString &statemsg);
void errorMsg(const QString &errormsg);

private Q_SLOTS:
void onSendMessageFinished(Tp::PendingOperation *op);

Tp::ContactMessengerPtr messenger;



#include "telepathyhelper.h"


TelepathyHelper::TelepathyHelper(QObject *parent) :



void TelepathyHelper::sendSMS(const QString &contactIdentifier, const 
QString &message)


Tp::AccountPtr acc = 

messenger = Tp::ContactMessenger::create(acc, contactIdentifier);



void TelepathyHelper::onSendMessageFinished(Tp::PendingOperation *op)
qDebug() << "TelepathyHelper::onSendMessageFinished";
if (op->isError()) {
qDebug() << "Error sending message:" << op->errorName() << "-" 
<< op->errorMessage();

emit errorMsg("Error sending message");

Tp::PendingSendMessage *psm = qobject_cast*>(op);

qDebug() << "Message sent, token is" << psm->sentMessageToken();
emit stateMsg("FinishedState");


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Re: [SailfishDevel] pageStack.pop() - send paramater to prev page

2014-06-06 Thread Christopher Lamb

Hi Michael

I agree with that, in fact that point  was covered in the paragraph 
starting "The downside is ...".  Rather than lazy-loading pages, I 
lazy-load page-content where requried (i.e creating the page takes a 
noticable time). So the Page is static, but lazy-loads its child elements.



On 05.06.14 17:28, Michael Neufing wrote:

Hi Chris,

one problem I see with your solution is that the App could take long 
time to launch, when there are a bunch of Pages that have to be 
initialized at launch (depending on the structure of the Pages).

So I would prefer lazy loading Pages, which will be initialized when 
it is needed.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Michael Neufing

Christopher Lamb  schrieb am 16:40 
Donnerstag, 5.Juni 2014:

Hi Markus

In my app I chose to instantiate all my Pages in the same place. Each 
of the pages has a declaration in a separate qml file (e.g. 
MainPage.qml, AreaSelectionPage.qml).

With this architecture none of the declarations need to know about the 
previous or next page. It is not their concern. Instead they emit 
signals NextPage, BackPageWithInfo, and Cancelled. In the signal 
handler in the page instantation I do the actual pushing and popping, 
and because all pages are instantiated in the same scope,  they are 
all available to be pushed / popped to. (see code example below).

The downside is that all the pages are created on startup (regardless 
of if they are ever visited). For lightweight pages this is not a 
problem, but for some pages this might be a problem. For these I 
dynamically create the page content when the page is visible.



ApplicationWindow  {
 id:  appWindow
 initialPage:  mainPage
 MainPage  {
 id:  mainPage

 onNextPage:  {
  if  (pageType  =="SMS")  {
 console.log("smsType  is:  "  +  smsType)
 if  (smsType  =="Default")  pageStack.push(smsPage,  {lati:  
mainPage.getLati(),  longi:  mainPage.getLongi(),
  alti:  mainPage.getAlt
  i(),  area_id:  area_id,  template_id:  template_id,  msg_status:  msg_status,  
lastPage:  "mainPage"})
 else  {
 AreaSelectionPage  {
 id:  areaSelectionPage
 onBackPageWithInfo:  {
 mainPage.areaSet  =  true;
 mainPage.area_id  =  area_id;
 onCancelled:  pageStack.pop(mainPage);
 SMSPage  {
 id:  smsPage
 onNextPage:  {
 pageStack.push(contactSelectionPage,  {area_id:  area_id,  
template_id:  template_id})
 ContactSelectionPage  {
 id:  contactSelectionPage
 onBackPageWithInfo:  {
 console.log("About  to  pop  smsPage;  contactName:  "  +  contactName  +  
",  contactPhone:  "  +  contactPhone);
 smsPage.contactName  =  contactName;
 smsPage.contactPhone  =  contactPhone;
 smsPage.lastPage  =  "contactSelectionPage";
 onCancelled:  pageStack.pop(smsPage);

On 05.06.14 14:43, 
<> wrote:

Thanks for your inputs!


PreviousPage.topic = "MyTopic";

gives me a ReferenceError: PreviousPage is not defined.

PreviousPage.qml and property string topic do exist.

Thanks for your patience!


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Re: [SailfishDevel] pageStack.pop() - send paramater to prev page

2014-06-05 Thread Christopher Lamb

Hi Markus

In my app I chose to instantiate all my Pages in the same place. Each of 
the pages has a declaration in a separate qml file (e.g. MainPage.qml, 

With this architecture none of the declarations need to know about the 
previous or next page. It is not their concern. Instead they emit 
signals NextPage, BackPageWithInfo, and Cancelled. In the signal handler 
in the page instantation I do the actual pushing and popping, and 
because all pages are instantiated in the same scope, they are all 
available to be pushed / popped to. (see code example below).

The downside is that all the pages are created on startup (regardless of 
if they are ever visited). For lightweight pages this is not a problem, 
but for some pages this might be a problem. For these I dynamically 
create the page content when the page is visible.



ApplicationWindow  {

id:  appWindow


initialPage:  mainPage

MainPage  {

id:  mainPage

onNextPage:  {

 if  (pageType  =="SMS")  {

console.log("smsType  is:  "  +  smsType)

if  (smsType  =="Default")  pageStack.push(smsPage,  {lati:  
mainPage.getLati(),  longi:  mainPage.getLongi(),  alti:  mainPage.getAlti(),  area_id:  area_id,  
template_id:  template_id,  msg_status:  msg_status,  lastPage:  "mainPage"})


else  {





AreaSelectionPage  {

id:  areaSelectionPage

onBackPageWithInfo:  {

mainPage.areaSet  =  true;

mainPage.area_id  =  area_id;



onCancelled:  pageStack.pop(mainPage);


SMSPage  {

id:  smsPage

onNextPage:  {

pageStack.push(contactSelectionPage,  {area_id:  area_id,  
template_id:  template_id})



ContactSelectionPage  {

id:  contactSelectionPage

onBackPageWithInfo:  {

console.log("About  to  pop  smsPage;  contactName:  "  +  contactName  +  
",  contactPhone:  "  +  contactPhone);

smsPage.contactName  =  contactName;

smsPage.contactPhone  =  contactPhone;

smsPage.lastPage  =  "contactSelectionPage";



onCancelled:  pageStack.pop(smsPage);



On 05.06.14 14:43, wrote:

Thanks for your inputs!


PreviousPage.topic = "MyTopic";

gives me a ReferenceError: PreviousPage is not defined.

PreviousPage.qml and property string topic do exist.

Thanks for your patience!


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Re: [SailfishDevel] pageStack.pop() - send paramater to prev page

2014-06-05 Thread Christopher Lamb

Sali Markus

I would also love to see a pop() method with parameters so I can pass info back 
to the previous page, jus like the push()

As a workaround I just set the page's properties directly immediately before 
the pop() call e.g:

   AreaSelectionPage  {

id:  areaSelectionPage

onBackPageWithInfo:  {

mainPage.areaSet  =  true;

mainPage.area_id  =  area_id;



onCancelled:  pageStack.pop(mainPage);




On 05.06.14 13:48, wrote:

Beginners follow up question


while transfering parameters works fine with

pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("nextPage.qml", {topic: "myTopic"}))

there seems not to be any method like this in


How can I give back a parameter from the top of the stack to the 
previous page?

Thanks for you inputs and patience!

Markus Fischer


I tried:

Page {
id: onTopOfStack
property string topic
Column {
id: column
Button {
id: myTopic
text: qsTr("MyTopic")
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
onClicked: {
topic: "MyTopic"

Page {
id: previousPage
property string topic
SilicaFlickable {
id: mainFlickable
Column {
id: mainColumn
PageHeader {
id: header
title: qsTr(topic)

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Re: [SailfishDevel] sporadic bouts of "Could not connect to MerSDK Virtual Machine. Timeout waiting for reply from server."

2014-06-03 Thread Christopher Lamb

Hi Juha

I am now on the train. Deployment also works with WiFi active, but not 
properly connected.

This means that - at least in my case - adding SailfishSDK to the 
/etc/hosts is a good fix for this error.

I think this is one for the Known Issues page.

I guess that (without the entry in /etc/hosts) active networking is 
required for "SailfishSDK" to be resolved. Of course I could SSH in, 
because I was using localhost as the machine name to connect (ssh -p 
 -i ~/SailfishOS/vmshare/ssh/private_keys/engine/root root@localhost).

Thanks for your help and forebearance,


On 03.06.14 17:15, Christopher Lamb wrote:

Hi Juha

I have edited my /etc/hosts to look like this:   localhost SailfishSDK broadcasthost
::1 localhost
fe80::1%lo0 localhost

Now in the office, with WIFI turned off, and no ethernet plugged in, I 
can deploy as RPM successfully! So for the moment it looks like 
editing the /etc/hosts may be enough.

Later this evening on train on the way home I will try with WiFi 
activated but no proper connection (which means it will probably 
default to the SBB/Swisscom WiFi which requires a logon to properly 



On 03.06.14 11:24, Juha Kallioinen wrote:

Hi Christopher,

the changing networks may play a part in this problem. Did I already 
sometime earlier ask you to modify your Mac's /etc/hosts file?

It has helped in some cases to add the name for the MerSDK virtual 
machine to /etc/hosts like this: SailfishSDK

Or if you already have the there, just add the SailfishSDK 
to the end of the existing line like this: localhost SailfishSDK

Could you try this and let me know if there's any improvement? 

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Re: [SailfishDevel] sporadic bouts of "Could not connect to MerSDK Virtual Machine. Timeout waiting for reply from server."

2014-06-03 Thread Christopher Lamb

Hi Juha

I have edited my /etc/hosts to look like this:   localhost SailfishSDK broadcasthost
::1 localhost
fe80::1%lo0 localhost

Now in the office, with WIFI turned off, and no ethernet plugged in, I 
can deploy as RPM successfully! So for the moment it looks like editing 
the /etc/hosts may be enough.

Later this evening on train on the way home I will try with WiFi 
activated but no proper connection (which means it will probably default 
to the SBB/Swisscom WiFi which requires a logon to properly connect).



On 03.06.14 11:24, Juha Kallioinen wrote:

Hi Christopher,

the changing networks may play a part in this problem. Did I already 
sometime earlier ask you to modify your Mac's /etc/hosts file?

It has helped in some cases to add the name for the MerSDK virtual 
machine to /etc/hosts like this: SailfishSDK

Or if you already have the there, just add the SailfishSDK 
to the end of the existing line like this: localhost SailfishSDK

Could you try this and let me know if there's any improvement? 

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Re: [SailfishDevel] sporadic bouts of "Could not connect to MerSDK Virtual Machine. Timeout waiting for reply from server."

2014-06-03 Thread Christopher Lamb

Hi Saija

In my case restarting the VMs does not help. I think (from memory) that 
rebooting the whole laptop does help.

It is possible that the same reported error may have a number of 
different causes - in my case it seems to be when my development host 
loses its network connection (though as with all sporadic problems it is 
difficult to be sure).


On 03.06.14 09:02, Saija Saarenpää wrote:

I get the same error often when developing with Windows 8 64-bit, never on Mac 
OSX 10. They are both always connected to the (same) network. It helps to close 
and open the virtual machine, the  it stays reachable for another while once it 
does the same again.

- Saija

Lähetetty iPadista

"Christopher Lamb"  kirjoitti 3.6.2014 kello 9.58:

Hi Jarko

Still on the train, now with the Jolla Wifi Hotspot active, and I can build 
without problems.

This indicates that I get the problem when no network is connected. In this 
case I am deploying to the Emulator, so no network should be required 



On 02.06.14 10:23, Jarko Vihriala wrote:
journalctl -fa

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Re: [SailfishDevel] sporadic bouts of "Could not connect to MerSDK Virtual Machine. Timeout waiting for reply from server."

2014-06-02 Thread Christopher Lamb

Hi Jarko

Still on the train, now with the Jolla Wifi Hotspot active, and I can 
build without problems.

This indicates that I get the problem when no network is connected. In 
this case I am deploying to the Emulator, so no network should be 



On 02.06.14 10:23, Jarko Vihriala wrote:
journalctl -fa 

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Re: [SailfishDevel] sporadic bouts of "Could not connect to MerSDK Virtual Machine. Timeout waiting for reply from server."

2014-06-02 Thread Christopher Lamb

Hi Jarko

Have got on the train, started deploying, and get the problem. Below is 
output from the SDK and QtCreator.

I am starting to wonder if the problem is related to networking in some 
way. This morning I successfully deployed at home - connected to the 
home wireless network.

Now I am on the train - when I deployed / got the error) I was not 
connected to any network. (I have just opened the Jolla hotspot to send 
this mai).


SDK journalctl -fa output

Apple-Pip:~ christopherlamb$ ssh -p  -i 
~/SailfishOS/vmshare/ssh/private_keys/engine/root root@localhost

Last login: Wed Apr 30 07:00:35 2014
[root@SailfishSDK ~]# journalctl -fa
Logs begin at Tue, 03 Jun 2014 06:00:29 +.
Jun 03 06:48:07 SailfishSDK sshd[10191]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session 
closed for user mersdk
Jun 03 06:48:07 SailfishSDK sshd[9470]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session 
closed for user mersdk
Jun 03 06:48:07 SailfishSDK sshd[9447]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session 
closed for user mersdk
Jun 03 06:48:07 SailfishSDK sshd[9447]: syslogin_perform_logout: 
logout() returned an error

Jun 03 06:48:07 SailfishSDK systemd-logind[143]: Removed session c36.
Jun 03 06:48:07 SailfishSDK systemd-logind[143]: Removed session c32.
Jun 03 06:48:07 SailfishSDK systemd-logind[143]: Removed session c33.
Jun 03 06:48:25 SailfishSDK sshd[10683]: Accepted publickey for root 
from port 59953 ssh2
Jun 03 06:48:25 SailfishSDK systemd-logind[143]: New session c37 of user 
Jun 03 06:48:25 SailfishSDK sshd[10683]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session 
opened for user root by (uid=0)
Jun 03 06:48:54 SailfishSDK sshd[10702]: Accepted publickey for mersdk 
from port 59955 ssh2
Jun 03 06:48:54 SailfishSDK systemd-logind[143]: New session c38 of user 
Jun 03 06:48:54 SailfishSDK sshd[10702]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session 
opened for user mersdk by (uid=0)
Jun 03 06:49:00 SailfishSDK sshd[10707]: Accepted publickey for mersdk 
from port 59958 ssh2
Jun 03 06:49:00 SailfishSDK systemd-logind[143]: New session c39 of user 
Jun 03 06:49:00 SailfishSDK sshd[10707]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session 
opened for user mersdk by (uid=0)
Jun 03 06:49:01 SailfishSDK sshd[10707]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session 
closed for user mersdk

Jun 03 06:49:01 SailfishSDK systemd-logind[143]: Removed session c39.
Jun 03 06:49:01 SailfishSDK sshd[11124]: Accepted publickey for mersdk 
from port 59960 ssh2
Jun 03 06:49:01 SailfishSDK systemd-logind[143]: New session c40 of user 
Jun 03 06:49:01 SailfishSDK sshd[11124]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session 
opened for user mersdk by (uid=0)
Jun 03 06:49:04 SailfishSDK sshd[11124]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session 
closed for user mersdk

Jun 03 06:49:04 SailfishSDK systemd-logind[143]: Removed session c40.
Jun 03 06:49:04 SailfishSDK sshd[11423]: Accepted publickey for mersdk 
from port 59962 ssh2
Jun 03 06:49:04 SailfishSDK systemd-logind[143]: New session c41 of user 
Jun 03 06:49:04 SailfishSDK sshd[11423]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session 
opened for user mersdk by (uid=0)
Jun 03 06:49:04 SailfishSDK sshd[10705]: dispatch_protocol_error: type 
128 seq 5
Jun 03 06:50:07 SailfishSDK sshd[11426]: dispatch_protocol_error: type 
128 seq 8
Jun 03 06:50:07 SailfishSDK sshd[10705]: dispatch_protocol_error: type 
128 seq 6
Jun 03 06:50:07 SailfishSDK sshd[10705]: Received disconnect from 11:
Jun 03 06:50:07 SailfishSDK sshd[11423]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session 
closed for user mersdk
Jun 03 06:50:07 SailfishSDK sshd[10702]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session 
closed for user mersdk

Jun 03 06:50:07 SailfishSDK systemd-logind[143]: Removed session c41.
Jun 03 06:50:07 SailfishSDK systemd-logind[143]: Removed session c38.

//Qt Creator Output

08:49:00: Running steps for project beertent...
08:49:00: Starting: 
-r -spec linux-g++ CONFIG+=debug CONFIG+=declarative_debug CONFIG+=qml_debug

Executing(%build): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.Abqi8B
08:49:01: The process 
exited normally.
08:49:01: Starting: 

Executing(%build): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.vaeuWx
mkdir -p translations && lupdate 
/home/mersdk/share/SailfishProjects/beertent/beertent/qml -ts 
Scanning directory 
Scanning directory 

Updating '../beertent/translations/beertent.ts'...
Found 7 source text(s) (0 new and 7 already existing)
lrelease /home/mersdk/share/SailfishProjects

Re: [SailfishDevel] sporadic bouts of "Could not connect to MerSDK Virtual Machine. Timeout waiting for reply from server."

2014-06-02 Thread Christopher Lamb

Hi Jarko and Juha

Right now QtCreator is deploying as RPM without a problem - whereas last 
week it was consistently giving the error. I am sure it will rear its 
ugly head soon, so I will report back then following your advice.

In the meantime, some more background info.

I am on OSX 10.8.5 on a MBA. I am running the very latest SailfishOS 
SDK, but have had this problem with previous versions to.

I have lots of applicaitons running on the MBA, including QtCreator 
Lotus Notes, MS Office, Thunderbird, Chrome, Safari, Terminal, a VPN 
etc. I almost never shutdown / restart unless forced to. . I move 
between various networks - at home, office, hotspot on Jolla, VPN to 
office etc. I do a lot of Sailfish Development mobile - on the train, 
and thus often open and shut the laptop lid during development

The problem can occur out of the blue: i.e. 30 seconds previously it 
successfully deployed - I make a small one line change to the code, try 
to redeploy, and bingo: the problem occurs. The progress bar for the 
build was at about 50 % complete or more. The timeout comes after 
seconds rather than minutes (but I need to reproduce it again to give 
more accurate timings).

During the problem I have been able to ssh into the SDK and Emulator 
with no noticeable problem.


On 02.06.14 10:23, Jarko Vihriala wrote:
when that happens, have you tried to SSH into the MerSDK from command 
line. We have seen issues where the SSH key exchange takes long time 
for some reason , currently that's under investigation. If you want to 
help in that,
- you could do a SSH session inside MerSDK and run journalctl -fa in 

- run deploy commands from Qt Creator
- observe the output, is there a +10s timeout in the log somewhere 
(looking at timestamps)?

thanks, Jarko

[] on behalf of Tone Kastlunger 

*Sent:* Saturday, May 31, 2014 11:28 AM
*To:* Sailfish OS Developers
*Subject:* Re: [SailfishDevel] sporadic bouts of "Could not connect to 
MerSDK Virtual Machine. Timeout waiting for reply from server."

Hi I for once happen to get the issue every once in a while even 
during binary deployment.


On Thursday, May 29, 2014, Christopher Lamb>> wrote:

Hi All

I am still suffering from this issue, and getting more and more

Right now "it" is refusing to deploy as RPM to the Emulator.

Is anything I can do to better debug / understand this issue?

The timeout settings previously suggested are probably
red-herrings, as they apply to the device (phone / Emulator),
whereas the error is a timeout to the SDK.

All help greatly appreciated.



On 28.04.14 08:01, wrote:



I found a well hidden {1} timeout setting in the preferences /
devices and increased this from the default 2 secs to 10 secs.
This does seem to help, but as always with sporadic problems
only time will tell if this is a fix, or if the problem is
just dormant for a while.

What I don't understand is, given the error says "Could not
connect to

MerSDK Virtual Machine" why should a timeout for
connecting to a Jolla device play any role?

Is the error misleading? is the problem actually in connecting
FROM the MerSDK to the Jolla?


{1} when the preferences pane opens, at least on my OSX host
the timeout setting is "offscreen" in an embedded pane with
scroll bars in the middle of the preferences pane. Only if you
scroll down in the embedded pane are further settings
including the timeout revealed. Truly a wonderful bit of UI
design 8-)

Zitat von

I believe the  timeout setting can be adjusted in
QtCreator where you set up your mer device(ssh password,
etc). By increasing this value you can probably prevent
the timeout issue altogether. I don't have the SDK in
front of me to give you the exact menu you need to open,
but it isn't too hard to find once you know what you're
looking for.

On Sat Apr 26 2014 13:41:20 GMT+0100 (BST), wrote:

Hi All

I am suffering from sporadic bouts of the error:
"Could not connect to
MerSDK Virtual Machine. Timeout waiting for reply from

One moment I can be happily hacking and deploying code
to my Jolla
without error. Then I ma

Re: [SailfishDevel] sporadic bouts of "Could not connect to MerSDK Virtual Machine. Timeout waiting for reply from server."

2014-05-29 Thread Christopher Lamb

Hi All

I am still suffering from this issue, and getting more and more frustrated!

Right now "it" is refusing to deploy as RPM to the Emulator.

Is anything I can do to better debug / understand this issue?

The timeout settings previously suggested are probably red-herrings, as 
they apply to the device (phone / Emulator), whereas the error is a 
timeout to the SDK.

All help greatly appreciated.



On 28.04.14 08:01, wrote:



I found a well hidden {1} timeout setting in the preferences / devices 
and increased this from the default 2 secs to 10 secs. This does seem 
to help, but as always with sporadic problems only time will tell if 
this is a fix, or if the problem is just dormant for a while.

What I don't understand is, given the error says "Could not connect to
MerSDK Virtual Machine" why should a timeout for connecting to a 
Jolla device play any role?

Is the error misleading? is the problem actually in connecting FROM 
the MerSDK to the Jolla?


{1} when the preferences pane opens, at least on my OSX host the 
timeout setting is "offscreen" in an embedded pane with scroll bars in 
the middle of the preferences pane. Only if you scroll down in the 
embedded pane are further settings including the timeout revealed. 
Truly a wonderful bit of UI design 8-)

Zitat von

I believe the  timeout setting can be adjusted in QtCreator where you 
set up your mer device(ssh password, etc). By increasing this value 
you can probably prevent the timeout issue altogether. I don't have 
the SDK in front of me to give you the exact menu you need to open, 
but it isn't too hard to find once you know what you're looking for.

On Sat Apr 26 2014 13:41:20 GMT+0100 (BST), wrote:

Hi All

I am suffering from sporadic bouts of the error: "Could not connect to
MerSDK Virtual Machine. Timeout waiting for reply from server"

One moment I can be happily hacking and deploying code to my Jolla
without error. Then I make a small change to the code, try to deploy,
and bing! the error rears its ugly head once again like a scandinavian
troll from under a bridge.

Project ERROR: Could not connect to MerSDK Virtual Machine. Timeout
waiting for reply from server.
14:02:28: The process
exited with code

Error while building/deploying project landed26_QT5 (kit:
When executing step 'Rpm'
14:02:28: Elapsed time: 00:27.

When the error occurs, there seem to be at least 2 variants:

1) It will successfully deploy "As binaries" without error, but will
give the error on "deploy as RPM".

2) Any kind of deploy gives the error.

The strange thing is, that despite the error, it does seem to
(sometimes) deploy (or possibly partially deploy) code.

Right now I am getting the error in constellation 1), so according to
the error a "deploy as RPM" should fail. Yet the test below indicates
that it is at least partially deploying code.

[root@Jolla javascript]# pwd
[root@Jolla javascript]#
[root@Jolla javascript]# ls -ahl
total 52K
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root  180 2014-04-26 13:56 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root  110 2014-04-26 13:56 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4.2K 2014-04-26 13:55 jsonpath.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.3K 2014-04-26 13:55 jsonSupport.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  349 2014-04-26 13:55 landed.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.2K 2014-04-26 13:55 message.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 8.4K 2014-04-26 13:55 readDataModel.js
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 8.8K 2014-02-03 08:32 settingsDB.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5.2K 2014-04-26 13:55 writeDataModel.js

//create new file testDeploy.js in QtCreator, then attempt deploy as
RPM. Error is generated. Repeat attempt to deploy as RPM. Error is
generated again.
//but testDeploy.js is now on the Jolla!

[root@Jolla javascript]# ls -ahl
total 56K
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root  206 2014-04-26 14:01 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root  110 2014-04-26 14:01 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4.2K 2014-04-26 14:00 jsonpath.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.3K 2014-04-26 14:00 jsonSupport.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  349 2014-04-26 14:00 landed.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.2K 2014-04-26 14:00 message.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 8.4K 2014-04-26 14:00 readDataModel.js
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 8.8K 2014-02-03 08:32 settingsDB.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   38 2014-04-26 14:00 testDeploy.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5.2K 2014-04-26 14:00 writeDataModel.js

So it looks like that after a second failed deploy, the file is
actually deployed!

During bouts of the error, QtCreator seems to get out of sync the true
status of the SDK VM (indicated by the VirtualBox GUI). So QtCreator
may show the green "Start SDK" status, even though the SDK is already
running. Or QtCreator shows the same button grey.

So far I have not found any lasting solution to prevent the error in
the first place. Sometimes it goes awa

Re: [SailfishDevel] Acceptable Behaviour Guidelines - you decide

2014-05-27 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi Stefano

Sorry If I distracted the line of argument with the forum vs. ML vs.  
TJC thing...

To directly answer your / David's question: I have been in the ML  
since pretty early on, and I have never felt "oh I wish this list was  
moderated, get me out of here ...". Indeed I have welcomed the wide  
range of topics from intensely technical through to Jolla's take on  
Open Source.

Equally I have never felt "he / she should be summarily booted off the  
M" (though I can't exclude the possibility that others may think that  
in my case ...).

The past few days have been very different from the norm, and we  
should not make massive changes based on them alone.

However it is possible that as this community increases, and becomes  
less of a small intimate family, then the need for moderation may grow.


Zitat von "Stefano Mosconi" :

It seems that the original topic was a bit forgotten in favor of the  
forum vs. ML vs. TJC (which is a good and intersting topic but no  
matter what tool we use we will have to go back to the main question).

Just to try to steer the boat back on the original journey this the  
question that David was asking at the beginning:

On 22/05/14 17:18, David Greaves wrote:
We need to be careful about over-policing discussions but there is  
such a thing

as under-policing too.

How would we (community, not Jolla) determine the line? and what  
measures do we

think should be taken?

Lorn pointed to this as a useful document:

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Re: [SailfishDevel] was "Acceptable Behaviour.." --> Forum

2014-05-26 Thread Christopher Lamb

Hi all

I am pleasantly surprised at the volume of traffic resulting from a 
thread that I innocently kicked of that the weekend. Thanks for the 
active and balanced discussion.

I probably won't be able to take an active part in the IRC meeting this 
afternoon, as it is during the Swiss working day, so here is a summary 
of some key points from the thread so far.

There is a strong wish to avoid fragmentation of channels: That implies 
that anything new should be instead of / integrated into / a refinement 
of an existing channel (e.g. TJC)

We currently have the following meeting channels of some interest to 
developers, each with a different focus.
1) (TJC): Q/A site mainly concerned on the phone + 
bugs and flames. So far no dedciated area for development issues.
2) Talk.Maemo.Org (TMO): A forum, strongly used by app developers and 
their users. Unlike other channels. this is Jolla independent.
3) This mailing list: used by developers to developers (both inside and 
outside Jolla).

4) IRC Chat. similar purpose to 3) above.
5) Other non-Sailfish-dedicated developer forums (StackOverflow, Qt 
Project etc.)

We heard from both supporters of mailing lists and forums. The one side 
will probably never convince the other. I suspect that "I am used too…" 
and "personally I prefer …" are more important as anything else.

Both tools have their plus points and weakness. Here are main ones..

Mailing lists (with the appropriate mail client) appeal to those who 
like the structure of tree views.

There is a certain charm in the simplicity of mailing lists (KISS) which 
do not have all the extraneous functionality / bells and whistles / 
baggage / bullshit (you choose) that forum or Q&A sites do.

Mailing lists do require a powerful properly configured mail client to 
be used properly. In a Forum you get that "for free" in a web client 
(but can't do much to customise it).

Mailing lists aggregate communication in your mail client - avoiding the 
"yet another thing I need to visit .." syndrome.

Forums allow editing of previous posts to correct typos / make 

Forums typically have extra functionality: e.g."like", formatting, 
stickies, the dreaded karma…

Privacy: Some forums use avatars, and allow you to suppress your 
personal email.

Forums support sub-forums. At the moment we are talking about splitting 
the list into "development" and "other", but what happens when we want 
to split it further? (Jobs, C++, QML, Silica, OpenSource etc.).



On 26.05.14 21:43, wrote:

Hi all,
   I think Norman is bang on with the fragmentation issue. To address this I 
propose a possible solution. Why not convert this mailing list to a 'virtual' one; 
By that I mean move all discussion to a devel section on TJC  and have the mailing 
list be another frontend or interface if you like for the same content(yet better, 
keep all mails and posts with their metadata in the same database and create an API 
that both ML and TJC can call thus eases applification too, kind of like MVC). To 
accommodate this TJC (or at least the proposed devel section) would have to be 
changed/improved to have a treelike structure alongside its Q&A nature so that 
OT answers and its children can easily be tagged and filtered out in both TJC and 
ML interfaces. OT tag should be available for every poster to tag their 
answer/comment. To achieve  this  there should be 2 scripts one that converts each 
mail to mailing list to a new question/answer/comment retaining  the treelike 
structure and one other sc
  ript that posts entries from TJC to ML setting the subject correctly as it is 
now; Perhaps with an x minutes latency to alllow for editing post.
   If one wants to use a different email address for the mailing list that is 
set for TJC a setting should be available.
   Further to this subsections(Qt, Qml, news, politics, ads, jobs etc) could be 
introduced making  it easier to filter or subscribe to selected subsections 
only; This could benefit both interfaces.
   Having this approach I believe would give users/developers the flexibility  
to choose, mix and match the best way(for them) to interact with fellow 
developers whilst not fragmenting the community.
   The obvious tradeoff is some developer hours, but doing it in the open could 
reduce that somewhat especially when it comes to maintenance.
   Please do comment on what you all think about my proposition, be it positive or negative.


Ps: I'd prefer Q&A, but mailing list has been more effective in my experience 
so far.

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Re: [SailfishDevel] was "Acceptable Behaviour.." --> Forum

2014-05-25 Thread Christopher Lamb

Hi Thomas

Thanks for your input.

I suspect the whole "mailing-list vs forum" thing will be a matter of 
taste and experience. Both have their plus sides and downsides.

I am now trying out Thunderbird, but will hold of commenting until I 
have got used to it.

On 24.05.14 19:32, "Thomas B. Rücker" wrote:


* Private Messages

I'm not sure if you are serious.
Did you hear about this thing called … email?

I counter with "have you heard of this thing called privacy?" In some 
forums your email is suppresed by default. Other users only see your 
avatar, and thus pms are used for "back-channel" talk instead of email. 
In a small intimate community like this one, privacy (or invasion 
thereof) should not be a problem, but that might change if the community 
were to mushroom in size.



B.t.w my Pizza has to be the classic Napoli ...

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Re: [SailfishDevel] was "Acceptable Behaviour.." --> Forum

2014-05-24 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi Lauri

That is an interesting perspective: my feeling / experience was  
exactly the opposite: the chief weakness of mailing lists is that they  
have no usability whatsoever: I get just a flat list of unorganised  
mails swamping my inbox.

That of course may be down to the weaknesses of the web-mail client I  
use. I would welcome advice on "best-practice" tools for consuming  
mailing lists. I am (mostly) on OSX, sometimes on Windows and Linux.  
To quote Churchill "give us the tools and we will do the job".

From my point-of-view, plus points for usability of forums over  
mailing lists are (in no special order):

* Stickies
* Sub forums
* Search
* Private Messages
* Edit previous posts (I could have used that today when I  
inadvertently clicked send too early)

* Thread based perspective
* Does not fill my mail file
* Visible metadata such as number of replies, date of most recent  
reply, number of posts etc.

Downsides of forums are:
* yet another user/password to manage (although a forum could be  
integrated into

* yet another site to visit regularly (in addition to my mail client)
* karma: so distracting, I prefer the simple egalitarianism /  
meritocracy of mailing lists



Zitat von "Lauri Nurmi" :

24.5.2014 13:56, kirjoitti:
My suggestion is that rather than splitting into multiple mailing  
lists, which does not really cure anything, you replace the mailing  
lists with a forum. I agree it would be crazy to have both.


Is there any forum platform whose usability is not totally terrible  
compared to mailing lists?

First of all, to be able to keep track of who has replied to whose  
post, and which post, I want to see the posts as a tree. But  
offering such a tree view seems to be very rare on forums.


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Re: [SailfishDevel] was "Acceptable Behaviour.." --> Forum

2014-05-24 Thread christopher . lamb

Ignore my last - I absentmindedly clicked "Send" before writing the content!

My suggestion is that rather than splitting into multiple mailing  
lists, which does not really cure anything, you replace the mailing  
lists with a forum. I agree it would be crazy to have both.

Martin points out that I could simulate the same with rules and  
filters: but that is post-fact, so if somebody starts spamming the  
list from different threads and sock-puppets, then I need to  
continually add new rules / filters. I prefer to spend my free time  
programming Sailfish apps, not rules in my mail client!

While there is, that serves a different role: it is an  
independent forum (as opposed to one owned by Jolla); and the Sailfish  
part has not divided into more focused sub-forums yet.


Zitat von

Hi Iekku

Zitat von "Iekku Pylkka" :


We have been pondering the idea about forum. Truth to be told, we  
are too small company to follow and contribute to that as well. We  
are following/contributing to several IRC channels,, this mailing list and I'm bombing our technical  
developers with questions I can't answer  
and can't find easily (below 30 minutes). And we have huge amount  
of work to do :) Yes, we could have trusted community members as a  
moderators in forum, but we would love to contribute and _read_  
those posts coming to forum.

Iekku Pylkkä

[] on behalf of Martin Kolman  

Sent: Friday, May 23, 2014 10:39 PM
Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] Acceptable Behaviour Guidelines - you decide

23.5.2014 21:21,

Hi Jarko

before we jump to splitting into multiple SF mailing lists, I wonder
has any thought been given to replacing the lists with a developer'

I fear that multiple lists would not really help - I would end up
subscribed to all of them (both those that I am very interested in,
and those that I am sometimes interested in), and thus my In-box would
be just as full as it is now.

A forum would be divided into sub-forums, and being thread oriented
(as opposed to post-oriented) I could freely choose which sub-forums
and which threads I chose to dive into, and which to ignore.

Well, roughly the same thing can (and usually is by people subscribing
to mailing list) achieved by setting up mail filters and redirecting
email to per-mailing-list folders. I can't even think about all those
email directly ending in my
main inbox...

Regarding a forum - well, is currently basically filling
the role of the main Sailfish forum and this seems to work just fine, so
I don't really see the need for yet another forum instance (anybody
still remembers ?).


Zitat von "Jarko Vihriala" :

We're looking into splitting the discussions on SF mailing lists.
But, let's not make hasty moves and keep the technological part alive.

thanks, Jarko

[] on behalf of Ville M. Vainio
Sent: Friday, May 23, 2014 9:45 PM
To: Sailfish OS Developers
Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] Acceptable Behaviour Guidelines - you

Some of the discussions here have been borderline illegal;
discouraging such behavior even with absence of 'technical' moderator
tools (like you have even on barbaric environments like phpbb) is not
necessarily a bad idea.

On May 22, 2014 5:53 PM,>> wrote:
Seconded. I could not have put it better myself.

Since the early days I have enjoyed the very open nature of this
forum where pretty much anything goes that is vaguely Jolla / Qt /
Open Source / technical.

From my recollection the number of threads that struck me as
"definitely better elsewhere" has been refreshingly small. Many of
the threads have been helpful or and or insightful.

Keep up the good work


Zitat von "David Greaves">>:

There's been enough noise on this mailing list recently that some
people have
felt they don't want to participate.

We need to be careful about over-policing discussions but there is
such a thing
as under-policing too.

How would we (community, not Jolla) determine the line? and what
measures do we
think should be taken?

Lorn pointed to this as a useful document:

FWIW I personally don't think there's anything happened recently that
I would
actually take action over. My delete key works fine and history shows
sometimes cries for help come in strange forms.


PS This thread is for generic guidelines - please keep any specific
issues out
of it.
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Re: [SailfishDevel] was "Acceptable Behaviour.." --> Forum

2014-05-24 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi Iekku

Zitat von "Iekku Pylkka" :


We have been pondering the idea about forum. Truth to be told, we  
are too small company to follow and contribute to that as well. We  
are following/contributing to several IRC channels,, this mailing list and I'm bombing our technical  
developers with questions I can't answer  
and can't find easily (below 30 minutes). And we have huge amount of  
work to do :) Yes, we could have trusted community members as a  
moderators in forum, but we would love to contribute and _read_  
those posts coming to forum.

Iekku Pylkkä

[] on behalf of Martin Kolman  

Sent: Friday, May 23, 2014 10:39 PM
Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] Acceptable Behaviour Guidelines - you decide

23.5.2014 21:21,

Hi Jarko

before we jump to splitting into multiple SF mailing lists, I wonder
has any thought been given to replacing the lists with a developer'

I fear that multiple lists would not really help - I would end up
subscribed to all of them (both those that I am very interested in,
and those that I am sometimes interested in), and thus my In-box would
be just as full as it is now.

A forum would be divided into sub-forums, and being thread oriented
(as opposed to post-oriented) I could freely choose which sub-forums
and which threads I chose to dive into, and which to ignore.

Well, roughly the same thing can (and usually is by people subscribing
to mailing list) achieved by setting up mail filters and redirecting
email to per-mailing-list folders. I can't even think about all those
email directly ending in my
main inbox...

Regarding a forum - well, is currently basically filling
the role of the main Sailfish forum and this seems to work just fine, so
I don't really see the need for yet another forum instance (anybody
still remembers ?).


Zitat von "Jarko Vihriala" :

We're looking into splitting the discussions on SF mailing lists.
But, let's not make hasty moves and keep the technological part alive.

thanks, Jarko

[] on behalf of Ville M. Vainio
Sent: Friday, May 23, 2014 9:45 PM
To: Sailfish OS Developers
Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] Acceptable Behaviour Guidelines - you

Some of the discussions here have been borderline illegal;
discouraging such behavior even with absence of 'technical' moderator
tools (like you have even on barbaric environments like phpbb) is not
necessarily a bad idea.

On May 22, 2014 5:53 PM,>> wrote:
Seconded. I could not have put it better myself.

Since the early days I have enjoyed the very open nature of this
forum where pretty much anything goes that is vaguely Jolla / Qt /
Open Source / technical.

From my recollection the number of threads that struck me as
"definitely better elsewhere" has been refreshingly small. Many of
the threads have been helpful or and or insightful.

Keep up the good work


Zitat von "David Greaves">>:

There's been enough noise on this mailing list recently that some
people have
felt they don't want to participate.

We need to be careful about over-policing discussions but there is
such a thing
as under-policing too.

How would we (community, not Jolla) determine the line? and what
measures do we
think should be taken?

Lorn pointed to this as a useful document:

FWIW I personally don't think there's anything happened recently that
I would
actually take action over. My delete key works fine and history shows
sometimes cries for help come in strange forms.


PS This thread is for generic guidelines - please keep any specific
issues out
of it.
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Re: [SailfishDevel] Acceptable Behaviour Guidelines - you decide

2014-05-23 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi Jarko

before we jump to splitting into multiple SF mailing lists, I wonder  
has any thought been given to replacing the lists with a developer'  

I fear that multiple lists would not really help - I would end up  
subscribed to all of them (both those that I am very interested in,  
and those that I am sometimes interested in), and thus my In-box would  
be just as full as it is now.

A forum would be divided into sub-forums, and being thread oriented  
(as opposed to post-oriented) I could freely choose which sub-forums  
and which threads I chose to dive into, and which to ignore.


Zitat von "Jarko Vihriala" :

We're looking into splitting the discussions on SF mailing lists.  
But, let's not make hasty moves and keep the technological part alive.

thanks, Jarko

[] on behalf of Ville M. Vainio  

Sent: Friday, May 23, 2014 9:45 PM
To: Sailfish OS Developers
Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] Acceptable Behaviour Guidelines - you decide

Some of the discussions here have been borderline illegal;  
discouraging such behavior even with absence of 'technical'  
moderator tools (like you have even on barbaric environments like  
phpbb) is not necessarily a bad idea.

On May 22, 2014 5:53 PM,>>  

Seconded. I could not have put it better myself.

Since the early days I have enjoyed the very open nature of this  
forum where pretty much anything goes that is vaguely Jolla / Qt /  
Open Source / technical.

From my recollection the number of threads that struck me as  
"definitely better elsewhere" has been refreshingly small. Many of  
the threads have been helpful or and or insightful.

Keep up the good work


Zitat von "David Greaves">>:

There's been enough noise on this mailing list recently that some people have
felt they don't want to participate.

We need to be careful about over-policing discussions but there is  
such a thing

as under-policing too.

How would we (community, not Jolla) determine the line? and what  
measures do we

think should be taken?

Lorn pointed to this as a useful document:

FWIW I personally don't think there's anything happened recently that I would
actually take action over. My delete key works fine and history shows that
sometimes cries for help come in strange forms.


PS This thread is for generic guidelines - please keep any specific  
issues out

of it.
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Re: [SailfishDevel] qt5 ?

2014-05-23 Thread christopher . lamb
The more accurate question is when will SailfishOS be based on Qt 5.2  
- or dare I say it, 5.3  8-) ?

If I recollect correctly the current Qt level is "not quite Qt 5.2"

Zitat von "" :

Wow thanks for the info, plenty of good news!
I'm impressed by how much u r bleeding edge .. kernel 3, qt5 based  
UI, btrfs, wayland!!!
It is a strange feeling to have much newer technology on the  
smartphone than on the laptop (debian wheezy)

and still it's very stable, rock solid!
Thanks for your hard work!

On Fri, 23 May 2014 15:38:52 +0200 (CEST) wrote:

- Mail original -
Envoyé: Vendredi 23 Mai 2014 15:29:34
Objet: [SailfishDevel] qt5 ?

> Hi sorry if missed this previously on some announcement or mailing list,
> are there any plans / ETA to move the sailfishos SDK to qt version 5 ?

Hello ! Trying to not post with webmail client (not sure of the result)

The SDK uses Qt 4 to display Qt Creator, however you are already using Qt
5 to develop. Indeed SailfishOS is based on Qt 5. So technically, SailfishOS
SDK is already on Qt 5.

> Also, do you know if QML on qt 5 is much different from the current one ?

Developing with QtQuick in Qt 5 should be quite close to Qt 4. However, you
won't be able to develop apps like on Symbian or the N9. The API used on
SailfishOS for their UI components is called Silica, and you have the
documentation here:

> btw I love the phone and I love to develop on it, QML is very relaxing!
> I have a neo, my primary phone is an n900 from years,
> had a firefox os (cheap htc) but is currently, sadly, very  
flawled by hardware and software problems

> and the jolla, I think, is the natural evolution of the neo and the n900.
> I loved it from the first moment, I'm very impressed by it,  
everything worked out of the box,

> which for a techie power user is not to be taken for granted.
> Also, the battery duration is from another planet, I don't know  
how you did it :)

> True that I don't use it with a sim card but it lasts ages!
> Btw number 2, sorry .. what about lte support ? :)

LTE support is coming with the next update, as stated in this mailing list

> I work with phones, as many of you I had dozens, from the first  
StarTac ones :)
> The Jolla phone and Sailfish OS beats, destroys, pulverizes,  
hands down, everything else I've used and > I use now.
> The usability (gestures) is genius, very quick and natural, and  
still power user.

> And it is OPEN .. so fresh and inspiring!!
> Thanks and have a nice day, pls stop the drama!

Have a nice day !

> Mike
> ___
> Devel mailing list
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Re: [SailfishDevel] Right to silence / General Mailing List

2014-05-23 Thread christopher . lamb


Zitat von "Panu Artimo" :

I'm starting to think this whole thread is another instance of the
problem that caused the initial problem in the first place. +1 plus
for creating a "general" mailing list for subjects not directly
related to software development and technical issues.
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Re: [SailfishDevel] Acceptable Behaviour Guidelines - you decide

2014-05-22 Thread christopher . lamb

Seconded. I could not have put it better myself.

Since the early days I have enjoyed the very open nature of this forum  
where pretty much anything goes that is vaguely Jolla / Qt / Open  
Source / technical.

From my recollection the number of threads that struck me as  
"definitely better elsewhere" has been refreshingly small. Many of the  
threads have been helpful or and or insightful.

Keep up the good work


Zitat von "David Greaves" :

There's been enough noise on this mailing list recently that some people have
felt they don't want to participate.

We need to be careful about over-policing discussions but there is  
such a thing

as under-policing too.

How would we (community, not Jolla) determine the line? and what  
measures do we

think should be taken?

Lorn pointed to this as a useful document:

FWIW I personally don't think there's anything happened recently that I would
actually take action over. My delete key works fine and history shows that
sometimes cries for help come in strange forms.


PS This thread is for generic guidelines - please keep any specific  
issues out

of it.
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Re: [SailfishDevel] Some problems since 1.038+ update.

2014-04-28 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi all

There was a thread on this way back in December last year:



Zitat von "Luca Donaggio" :

I think you should use QScopedPointers in your main:

QScopedPointer app(SailfishApp::application(argc,
QScopedPointer view(SailfishApp::createView());

Covers (and pages as well) can see all your ApplicationWindow (ie: their
parent) properties.

On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 10:14 AM, Gabriel Böhme <> wrote:

 Hi sailors,

I have released my app "Freiertag" in the days Jolla started. It worked
pretty well, but now some updates later (since 1.038 and later) I'm facing
a problem, I can't find a solution for.

Starting the app first time works, but on the second try it crashes. After
some inspection it seems the problem is, that the app is don't quit
correctly. I can use the gesture in Emulator or press and click the X, in
both cases it's still running, after a kill via SSH, it can be started
again. The strange thing is, that it worked earlier.

Thats the code from main:

#include #include "FreiertagCom.hpp"

 int main(int argc, char *argv[])


QGuiApplication *app = SailfishApp::application(argc, argv);

QQuickView *view = SailfishApp::createView();

 //create a new ListModel for the results

FreiListModel *freiModel = new FreiListModel();

//create a new instance of our object that is doing th
 e most work

FreiertagCom *frei = new FreiertagCom(freiModel);

 view->rootContext()->setContextProperty("frei", frei);

view->rootContext()->setContextProperty("freiModel", freiModel);



 return app->exec();


 Another thing is, that I've set my cover and QML pages in this way:

import QtQuick 2.0import Sailfish.Silica 1.0

import "pages"

import "cover"



id: mainApplicationWindow

 MainPage {id: mainPage}

StartCover {id: startCover}

ResultPage {id: resultPage}

 initialPage: mainPage

cover: startCover


I was doing it, to set text and other informations on the cover(s). But
now that seems not to work anymore. So how can I "talk" to a cover, if I'm
setting it via Qt.resolvedUrl for example?

Thank you very much! :)


___ Devel mailing list

Luca Donaggio

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] sporadic bouts of "Could not connect to MerSDK Virtual Machine. Timeout waiting for reply from server."

2014-04-27 Thread christopher . lamb



I found a well hidden {1} timeout setting in the preferences / devices  
and increased this from the default 2 secs to 10 secs. This does seem  
to help, but as always with sporadic problems only time will tell if  
this is a fix, or if the problem is just dormant for a while.

What I don't understand is, given the error says "Could not connect to
MerSDK Virtual Machine" why should a timeout for connecting to a  
Jolla device play any role?

Is the error misleading? is the problem actually in connecting FROM  
the MerSDK to the Jolla?


{1} when the preferences pane opens, at least on my OSX host the  
timeout setting is "offscreen" in an embedded pane with scroll bars in  
the middle of the preferences pane. Only if you scroll down in the  
embedded pane are further settings including the timeout revealed.  
Truly a wonderful bit of UI design 8-)

Zitat von

I believe the  timeout setting can be adjusted in QtCreator where  
you set up your mer device(ssh password, etc). By increasing this  
value you can probably prevent the timeout issue altogether. I don't  
have the SDK in front of me to give you the exact menu you need to  
open, but it isn't too hard to find once you know what you're  
looking for.

On Sat Apr 26 2014 13:41:20 GMT+0100 (BST), wrote:

Hi All

I am suffering from sporadic bouts of the error: "Could not connect to
MerSDK Virtual Machine. Timeout waiting for reply from server"

One moment I can be happily hacking and deploying code to my Jolla
without error. Then I make a small change to the code, try to deploy,
and bing! the error rears its ugly head once again like a scandinavian
troll from under a bridge.

Project ERROR: Could not connect to MerSDK Virtual Machine. Timeout
waiting for reply from server.
14:02:28: The process
"/Users/christopherlamb/.config/SailfishAlpha4/mer-sdk-tools/MerSDK/SailfishOS-armv7hl/deploy" exited with  

Error while building/deploying project landed26_QT5 (kit:
When executing step 'Rpm'
14:02:28: Elapsed time: 00:27.

When the error occurs, there seem to be at least 2 variants:

1) It will successfully deploy "As binaries" without error, but will
give the error on "deploy as RPM".

2) Any kind of deploy gives the error.

The strange thing is, that despite the error, it does seem to
(sometimes) deploy (or possibly partially deploy) code.

Right now I am getting the error in constellation 1), so according to
the error a "deploy as RPM" should fail. Yet the test below indicates
that it is at least partially deploying code.

[root@Jolla javascript]# pwd
[root@Jolla javascript]#
[root@Jolla javascript]# ls -ahl
total 52K
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root  180 2014-04-26 13:56 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root  110 2014-04-26 13:56 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4.2K 2014-04-26 13:55 jsonpath.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.3K 2014-04-26 13:55 jsonSupport.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  349 2014-04-26 13:55 landed.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.2K 2014-04-26 13:55 message.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 8.4K 2014-04-26 13:55 readDataModel.js
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 8.8K 2014-02-03 08:32 settingsDB.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5.2K 2014-04-26 13:55 writeDataModel.js

//create new file testDeploy.js in QtCreator, then attempt deploy as
RPM. Error is generated. Repeat attempt to deploy as RPM. Error is
generated again.
//but testDeploy.js is now on the Jolla!

[root@Jolla javascript]# ls -ahl
total 56K
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root  206 2014-04-26 14:01 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root  110 2014-04-26 14:01 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4.2K 2014-04-26 14:00 jsonpath.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.3K 2014-04-26 14:00 jsonSupport.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  349 2014-04-26 14:00 landed.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.2K 2014-04-26 14:00 message.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 8.4K 2014-04-26 14:00 readDataModel.js
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 8.8K 2014-02-03 08:32 settingsDB.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   38 2014-04-26 14:00 testDeploy.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5.2K 2014-04-26 14:00 writeDataModel.js

So it looks like that after a second failed deploy, the file is
actually deployed!

During bouts of the error, QtCreator seems to get out of sync the true
status of the SDK VM (indicated by the VirtualBox GUI). So QtCreator
may show the green "Start SDK" status, even though the SDK is already
running. Or QtCreator shows the same button grey.

So far I have not found any lasting solution to prevent the error in
the first place. Sometimes it goes away on its own accord, and
sometimes various combinations of restarting VirtualBox, the VM,
QtCreator or my development host help for a while (but rarely for long).

What exactly is the timeout? Is this a property that I can increase?

The "known issues" page of the Alpha (Qt4.8) SDK suggests:

VBoxManage modifyvm MerSDK --natdnshostresolver1 on

But that has not helped.

I am running the very latest versio

[SailfishDevel] sporadic bouts of "Could not connect to MerSDK Virtual Machine. Timeout waiting for reply from server."

2014-04-26 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi All

I am suffering from sporadic bouts of the error: "Could not connect to  
MerSDK Virtual Machine. Timeout waiting for reply from server"

One moment I can be happily hacking and deploying code to my Jolla  
without error. Then I make a small change to the code, try to deploy,  
and bing! the error rears its ugly head once again like a scandinavian  
troll from under a bridge.

Project ERROR: Could not connect to MerSDK Virtual Machine. Timeout  
waiting for reply from server.
14:02:28: The process  
"/Users/christopherlamb/.config/SailfishAlpha4/mer-sdk-tools/MerSDK/SailfishOS-armv7hl/deploy" exited with code  
Error while building/deploying project landed26_QT5 (kit:  

When executing step 'Rpm'
14:02:28: Elapsed time: 00:27.

When the error occurs, there seem to be at least 2 variants:

1) It will successfully deploy "As binaries" without error, but will  
give the error on "deploy as RPM".

2) Any kind of deploy gives the error.

The strange thing is, that despite the error, it does seem to  
(sometimes) deploy (or possibly partially deploy) code.

Right now I am getting the error in constellation 1), so according to  
the error a "deploy as RPM" should fail. Yet the test below indicates  
that it is at least partially deploying code.

[root@Jolla javascript]# pwd
[root@Jolla javascript]#
[root@Jolla javascript]# ls -ahl
total 52K
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root  180 2014-04-26 13:56 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root  110 2014-04-26 13:56 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4.2K 2014-04-26 13:55 jsonpath.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.3K 2014-04-26 13:55 jsonSupport.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  349 2014-04-26 13:55 landed.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.2K 2014-04-26 13:55 message.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 8.4K 2014-04-26 13:55 readDataModel.js
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 8.8K 2014-02-03 08:32 settingsDB.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5.2K 2014-04-26 13:55 writeDataModel.js

//create new file testDeploy.js in QtCreator, then attempt deploy as  
RPM. Error is generated. Repeat attempt to deploy as RPM. Error is  
generated again.

//but testDeploy.js is now on the Jolla!

[root@Jolla javascript]# ls -ahl
total 56K
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root  206 2014-04-26 14:01 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root  110 2014-04-26 14:01 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4.2K 2014-04-26 14:00 jsonpath.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.3K 2014-04-26 14:00 jsonSupport.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  349 2014-04-26 14:00 landed.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.2K 2014-04-26 14:00 message.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 8.4K 2014-04-26 14:00 readDataModel.js
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 8.8K 2014-02-03 08:32 settingsDB.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   38 2014-04-26 14:00 testDeploy.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5.2K 2014-04-26 14:00 writeDataModel.js

So it looks like that after a second failed deploy, the file is  
actually deployed!

During bouts of the error, QtCreator seems to get out of sync the true  
status of the SDK VM (indicated by the VirtualBox GUI). So QtCreator  
may show the green "Start SDK" status, even though the SDK is already  
running. Or QtCreator shows the same button grey.

So far I have not found any lasting solution to prevent the error in  
the first place. Sometimes it goes away on its own accord, and  
sometimes various combinations of restarting VirtualBox, the VM,  
QtCreator or my development host help for a while (but rarely for long).

What exactly is the timeout? Is this a property that I can increase?

The "known issues" page of the Alpha (Qt4.8) SDK suggests:

VBoxManage modifyvm MerSDK --natdnshostresolver1 on

But that has not helped.

I am running the very latest version of the SailfishOS SDK, but had  
the same error with previous versions.

Any ideas?


___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] SailfishOS SDK April update available tomorrow. [update:all installers and repositories are online]

2014-04-18 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi Juha and Mikael

For what it is worth, to kill some time while a batch of beer is  
brewing, I installed Kubuntu 14.04 in a VM, and then the April SDK.

In my case the Emulator does work in Kubuntu 14.04 - though it does  
take inordinately long to do so (maybe down to the multiple layers of  

The mother host is an Mac Pro 2008 running Mavericks and Professional  
Version 6.0.3 (1747349).

In that I did I fresh install of Kubuntu 14_04 64 bit.

Into this I installed VirtualBox 4.3.10 for Linux (package for Ubuntu  
13.04 ("Raring Ringtail") / 13.10 ("Saucy Salamander") AMD), and the  
April SailfishOS SDK.

Having installed everything, the Emulator starts, and I eventually get  
a GUI, and am able to deploy a demo "Hello Sailors" app.



Zitat von "Juha Kallioinen" :

On 17.04.2014 23:55, Mikael Hermansson wrote:

Reinstall from scratch did not solve the issue.

I guess kubuntu 14.04 have to be blacklisted for now since emulator  
don't work


Let me know if someone else got similar issues.

Btw. the "touchpointer" is shown.

Hi, I installed ubuntu 14.04 (not KDE) to my Mac vmware Fusion and  
the SDK into that - I'm seeing the same problem here now.

What's your host machine and how do you run the SDK in it? I'm just  
trying to collect more info to figure out what's common in our  

If I set all the environment variables correctly (from  
/var/lib/eviconment/compositor/*.conf) and run lipstick from nemo's  
console it crashes to a SIGILL in the end.

Best regards,
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Re: [SailfishDevel] OSX sdk issue (was maces sdk issue)

2014-04-17 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi Juha

This evening I did an SDK uninstall / install on a box running OSX Maveriks.

The old SDK was 13 Dec 2013. This time the VMs were fully removed as expected


Zitat von "Juha Kallioinen" :

On 17.04.2014 12:08, wrote:
Note on OSX, even if you do a clean uninstall & reinstall as  
recommended in the release notes, the "old" SDK and Emulator VMS  
are not deleted.

However this is not a real problem, the installer installs the new  
VMs next to the old, and the old VMs can be easily removed using  
the VirtualBox GUI

Hi, I have not seen this happen in any mac where I've tested (three  
different macs). The old virtual machines definitely should get  
deleted in the process. The uninstaller does need some work to make  
it more robust.

Best regards,

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] problem with package dependencies

2014-04-17 Thread christopher . lamb


Have you tried creating a new (throwaway) project that has nothing  
other than the dependencies in the .yaml / spec files?

I have just done this, with only BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(sdl2), and  
the app builds and deploys without error to the emulator. Both SDL2  
SDL2-devel packages are installed.


Zitat von "Iosif Hamlatzis" :

Yes I have for all libs (sdl2* and glesv*). And by logging into the engine
either as root or mersdk user and checking of installed packages I see an i
(installed) left of the libraries' names

I also have shutdown the engine and the QtCreator IDE and tried it with
same results, even when I rebooted my system.

On 17 April 2014 14:12, Kalle Vahlman  wrote:

2014-04-17 14:03 GMT+03:00 Iosif Hamlatzis :
> I have un-installed previous SDK and did a clean installation of the
> SDK. I then went inside the engine machine and installed (zypper install
> ) the packages I need for my game such as SDL2, SDL2_image, SDL2_ttf,
> SDL2_mixer, GLESv1 GLESv2

Did you install the -devel packages too? Though I think the SDK build
should automatically install the deps if they are in the spec...

Kalle Vahlman, Movial Creative Technologies Inc.
Porkkalankatu 20, FI-00180 Helsinki
Tel +358 9 8567 6400
Fax +358 9 8567 6401
___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] OSX sdk issue (was maces sdk issue)

2014-04-17 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi Juha

before you ask, I am fairly sure that the VMs were not running during  
the uninstall ...

I probably would not even have noticed, had I not got into the habit  
of having the VirtualBox GUI app open all the time (due to sporadic  
SSH Timeout problems that will be a subject of a later thread ...)

I am using an MBA on 10.8.4


Zitat von "Juha Kallioinen" :

On 17.04.2014 12:08, wrote:
Note on OSX, even if you do a clean uninstall & reinstall as  
recommended in the release notes, the "old" SDK and Emulator VMS  
are not deleted.

However this is not a real problem, the installer installs the new  
VMs next to the old, and the old VMs can be easily removed using  
the VirtualBox GUI

Hi, I have not seen this happen in any mac where I've tested (three  
different macs). The old virtual machines definitely should get  
deleted in the process. The uninstaller does need some work to make  
it more robust.

Best regards,

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] OSX sdk issue (was maces sdk issue)

2014-04-17 Thread christopher . lamb
Note on OSX, even if you do a clean uninstall & reinstall as  
recommended in the release notes, the "old" SDK and Emulator VMS are  
not deleted.

However this is not a real problem, the installer installs the new VMs  
next to the old, and the old VMs can be easily removed using the  
VirtualBox GUI



Zitat von "Juha Kallioinen" :

On 16.04.2014 19:52, Nicola De Filippo wrote:

updating the sdk on MacOS i have 2 issue:

1) when the maintenance tool execute/usr/bin/VBoxManage createvm  
--name MerSDK --register --basefolder  
/Users/nicola/SailfishOS/mersdk and i resolved removing MerSDK.vbox  
and pressing retry in the dialog

2)  when the maintenance tool execute /usr/bin/VBoxManage createvm  
--name SailfishOS Emulator --register --basefolder  
/Users/nicola/SailfishOS/emulator and i resolved removing  
Emulator.vbox and pressing retry in the dialog

Hi I think this can happen if you chose to update your SDK (instead  
of a reinstallation) and the MerSDK and SailfishOS Emulator virtual  
machines were in running state. I need to add more checking to the  
installer in the update case.

In the worst case you will be required to uninstall and download the  
full installer and reinstall from that.

Same goes for Mikael.

Best regards,

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] Two prolblems: #1 Telepathy qt5 and #2 OpenSSL

2014-04-16 Thread christopher . lamb


Many moons ago I wrote a blog on installing additional packages

My project also uses Telepathy on Sailfish, so this may also help.  
Here is a link to the yaml file which included Telepathy stuff.



Zitat von "Yuvraaj Kelkar" :

Hello all.
I'm trying to port my application from Maemo/Harmattan to Sailfish.

Problem 1:
One of the dependencies is telepathy-qt.
In Maemo/Harmattan this used to be installable/searchable as

From what I understand, in Sailfish, I'm supposed to use telepathy-qt5.
I ssh'd into the mersdk VM and did a "sudo zypper install telepathy-qt5"
As I had assumed, this doesn't install it into the sb2 environment of course.

I added a "PKGCONFIG += TelepathyQt5" to my pro file (found out from Google).
However that didn't work either.

I then entered the sb2 environment and tried to install telepathy-qt5.
This too didn't work: No root privileges.

What do I have to do to be able to use libtelepathy-qt5 ?

Problem 2:
Based on more Googling, I figured out that Sailfish does NOT provide
its own openssl library and expects users to use the statically
compiled version on their own.

I have since then gotten the non-heartbleed openssl, compiled it in
sailfish sb2 for static compilation and managed to link it against my

The question is is this really the correct way to use the openssl library?
It seems unfriendly.

I really hope the answer to #1 isn't "compile it yourself and use it".
I can do that, but then I'm not sure thats the right way of doing

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___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] After April SDK Update Existing App fails on RPM deploy to Jolla Device: Possible rights problem

2014-04-16 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi Mohammed


The varied permission on the qml / js files on my host probably  
reflect that the project originated in pre-sailfish days, and thus the  
files have come from various sources / versions of Qt Creator / edited  
with different text editors etc. since then.

I have now set all qml and js files in the project on my development  
host to chmod 644

-rw-r--r--   1 christopherlamb  staff   7,7K 24 Feb 17:20  

Are these the correct permissions? It is how a new demo project sets  
the permissions.


Zitat von "Mohammed Hassan" :

You don't need executable permission (x) for js files. Read bit is  
enough so the SDK is correct here.

I noticed that the missing scripts do not have read permission set  
which is the problem.

I have no idea how it happened though.


Sent from my Nokia N9On 16.4.2014 15:39 wrote:
Hi All

I have just installed the April SDK update, and have opened an
existing app, and am trying to deploy to my Jolla.

The app worked with the previous SDK release, and is already installed
on the phone.

If I deploy as "Deploy by copying Binaries" then thinks work as
expected, and the app successfully deploys and starts on the phone.

If I deploy as "Deploy as RPM Package", then I get the error below in
QtCreator, and a "white screen of death" on the phone.

[W] unknown:72 -
file:///usr/share/landed26_QT5/qml/landed26_QT5.qml:72:5: Type
MainPage unavailable
  MainPage {
[W] unknown:9 -
file:///usr/share/landed26_QT5/qml/gui/MainPage.qml:9:1: Script
file:///usr/share/landed26_QT5/qml/javascript/landed.js unavailable
  import "../javascript/landed.js" as LJS
[W] unknown:-1 -
file:///usr/share/landed26_QT5/qml/javascript/landed.js: File not found

I also get the white screen when trying to open the app.

Via SSH on the jolla device I can find the file is present:
[nemo@Jolla javascript]$ pwd
[nemo@Jolla javascript]$ ls -ahl
total 48K
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root  152 2014-04-16 14:31 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root  110 2014-04-16 14:31 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4.2K 2014-04-16 14:31 jsonpath.js
-rw--- 1 root root  349 2014-04-16 14:31 landed.js
-rw--- 1 root root 1.2K 2014-04-16 14:31 message.js
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 9.4K 2014-04-16 14:31 readDataModel.js
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 8.8K 2014-02-03 08:32 settingsDB.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5.2K 2014-04-16 14:31 writeDataModel.js

However the access permissions look very strange. I suspect that all
the js files should have rights like -rwxr-xr-x


___ Devel mailing list
___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] After April SDK Update Existing App fails on RPM deploy to Jolla Device: Possible rights problem

2014-04-16 Thread christopher . lamb

Zitat von "Juha Kallioinen" :

Hi Juha

On my host the access permissions were

apple-pip:javascript christopherlamb$ cd  

apple-pip:javascript christopherlamb$ ls -ahl
total 72
drwxr-xr-x  7 christopherlamb  staff   238B 22 Feb 22:01 .
drwxr-xr-x  9 christopherlamb  staff   306B  8 Feb 19:57 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 christopherlamb  staff   4,1K 22 Feb 22:01 jsonpath.js
-rw---  1 christopherlamb  staff   349B  8 Nov 15:56 landed.js
-rw---  1 christopherlamb  staff   1,1K 11 Feb 19:33 message.js
-rwxrwxrwx  1 christopherlamb  staff   9,4K 22 Feb 19:47 readDataModel.js
-rw-r--r--  1 christopherlamb  staff   5,2K  8 Feb 17:29 writeDataModel.js

I am not sure why the files on my host have such wildly different  
permissions. This probably reflects the different ages / sources of  
the files. Until now the permissions set on the host was not an issue  
I had to think about.

I have now done a chmod 777 *.js

That got me a little further, it next complained about missing qml  
files, so we have a similar issue with the permissions of .qml files.

Having gone through all my qml file in the project on my host with  
chmod 755 *.qml the project now deploys successfully to the device.

So it looks like, that (at least on OSX) the permissions of files on  
the host are important and need to be set correctly as expected on the  
end device. Something for the known issues page?



Hi Chris,

I've changed the way the shared directories are mounted to the  
virtual machine. This might be caused by that. Previously the shared  
folders were mounted with 777 rights and all files were shown as  
read/write/exec for all inside the virtual  machine. I've changed it  
so that the rights are as they are on your host filesystem.

But there's really no reason for those two files to have only root  
access and the others have more access unless there's some root  
cause with your source files.

There's no code anywhere in the SDK that checks if a file is named  
'landed.js' and modifies its access rights :-)

What are the source files' permissions in your Mac's filesystem when  
you list them?

Best regards,

___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] After April SDK Update Existing App fails on RPM deploy to Jolla Device: Possible rights problem

2014-04-16 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi Andrey

Thanks for the fast answer

Given that we are talking about cross-platform development -  
developing on one and deploying to another I am not sure that is  
always possible. What if my development host was Windows?

And as a developer I want to worry about writing code, not all the  
arcane rights that all the files need to work when deployed

In fact my main development host is OSX which has unix like  
permissions, the same as Sailfish. Having a look at the files on my  
host, it looks like the files are now deployed with the original  
(strange mix of) rights from my host.

However in previous SDK releases this was not an issue, As far as I  
can see the SDK took care of permissions.

In the meantime I will chmod the files on the host and see if that helps...



Zitat von "Andrey Kozhevnikov" :

IMHO you should manage file permissions yourself before deploying?

16.04.2014 18:39, пишет:

Hi All

I have just installed the April SDK update, and have opened an  
existing app, and am trying to deploy to my Jolla.

The app worked with the previous SDK release, and is already  
installed on the phone.

If I deploy as "Deploy by copying Binaries" then thinks work as  
expected, and the app successfully deploys and starts on the phone.

If I deploy as "Deploy as RPM Package", then I get the error below  
in QtCreator, and a "white screen of death" on the phone.

[W] unknown:72 -  
file:///usr/share/landed26_QT5/qml/landed26_QT5.qml:72:5: Type  
MainPage unavailable

MainPage {
[W] unknown:9 -  
file:///usr/share/landed26_QT5/qml/gui/MainPage.qml:9:1: Script  
file:///usr/share/landed26_QT5/qml/javascript/landed.js unavailable

import "../javascript/landed.js" as LJS
[W] unknown:-1 -  
file:///usr/share/landed26_QT5/qml/javascript/landed.js: File not  

I also get the white screen when trying to open the app.

Via SSH on the jolla device I can find the file is present:
[nemo@Jolla javascript]$ pwd
[nemo@Jolla javascript]$ ls -ahl
total 48K
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 152 2014-04-16 14:31 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 110 2014-04-16 14:31 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4.2K 2014-04-16 14:31 jsonpath.js
-rw--- 1 root root 349 2014-04-16 14:31 landed.js
-rw--- 1 root root 1.2K 2014-04-16 14:31 message.js
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 9.4K 2014-04-16 14:31 readDataModel.js
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 8.8K 2014-02-03 08:32 settingsDB.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5.2K 2014-04-16 14:31 writeDataModel.js

However the access permissions look very strange. I suspect that  
all the js files should have rights like -rwxr-xr-x


___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list

[SailfishDevel] After April SDK Update Existing App fails on RPM deploy to Jolla Device: Possible rights problem

2014-04-16 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi All

I have just installed the April SDK update, and have opened an  
existing app, and am trying to deploy to my Jolla.

The app worked with the previous SDK release, and is already installed  
on the phone.

If I deploy as "Deploy by copying Binaries" then thinks work as  
expected, and the app successfully deploys and starts on the phone.

If I deploy as "Deploy as RPM Package", then I get the error below in  
QtCreator, and a "white screen of death" on the phone.

[W] unknown:72 -  
file:///usr/share/landed26_QT5/qml/landed26_QT5.qml:72:5: Type  
MainPage unavailable

 MainPage {
[W] unknown:9 -  
file:///usr/share/landed26_QT5/qml/gui/MainPage.qml:9:1: Script  
file:///usr/share/landed26_QT5/qml/javascript/landed.js unavailable

 import "../javascript/landed.js" as LJS
[W] unknown:-1 -  
file:///usr/share/landed26_QT5/qml/javascript/landed.js: File not found

I also get the white screen when trying to open the app.

Via SSH on the jolla device I can find the file is present:
[nemo@Jolla javascript]$ pwd
[nemo@Jolla javascript]$ ls -ahl
total 48K
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root  152 2014-04-16 14:31 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root  110 2014-04-16 14:31 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4.2K 2014-04-16 14:31 jsonpath.js
-rw--- 1 root root  349 2014-04-16 14:31 landed.js
-rw--- 1 root root 1.2K 2014-04-16 14:31 message.js
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 9.4K 2014-04-16 14:31 readDataModel.js
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 8.8K 2014-02-03 08:32 settingsDB.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5.2K 2014-04-16 14:31 writeDataModel.js

However the access permissions look very strange. I suspect that all  
the js files should have rights like -rwxr-xr-x


___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] Warning: File `Makefile' has modification time 0.51 s in the future

2014-04-15 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi David

As we are in danger of taking this thread in a direction that the OP  
CDW probably did not intend I'll keep it short(ish) 8-)

You are right that NTP is very tricky when VMs are involved. VMs need  
exactly the right NTP config to work properly (e.g. to jump the time  
quickly after a suspend).

The ultimate crime is to run an NTPD Server in a VM. The less said  
about that the better.

For those in the need of some nerdy bedtime reading there is an  
excellent document on the topic from VMWare:

While it specific for VMWare, much of the content is relevant to other  
virtualisers (e.g. VirtualBox)



Zitat von "David Greaves" :

On 15/04/14 07:07, wrote:

Hi Thomas

Earlier this year in addition to my normal day job I took over  
for a server farm of over 50 servers both real and virtual. Their  
clocks, system

and hardware were all over the place. This lead to strange knock on effects,
like Samba not being able to authenticate users via SSSD / LDAP.

In order to git the clocks under control again I was forced to find out much
more about clock-skew {1} and NTP then I cared for. As a result I  
can be very

boring on the subject. 8-)

While ntpdate is a valid pragmatic workaround, it remains a workaround, as a
properly configured ntp daemon should automatically keep your  
system clock in
sub millisecond sync. Be aware also that NTDATE is deprecated {2}.  
Instead you

should use ntpd -gq

Personally I think you should use a virtualisation specific solution to time
sync if possible - it tends to cope better with virt specific issues like
suspend and migrate. eg VMs running on laptops. In this case the VM  
may not even

know that it was suspended since the virt layer does it, not VM pm layer and
hence cannot trigger special-case timesync handling.

Running ntp on all guests is required in some situations though (eg  
older xen).

Happy to hear any counter-arguments though

nb - in farm situations this also means that you simply run ntp on  
the physical

hosts and that's one less config pita on the guests :)

However if the time is already "too far off" the NTD may never be  
able to catch

up (as normally it only makes small jumps {3), or even give up altogether.

When I encountered a server with clock(s) "way off" I used the set  
of commands

below to get it back in line.

hwclock --show
service ntpd stop
ntpd -gq
hwclock --systohc --localtime
service ntpd start
hwclock --show

After that, if NTPD is properly configured, then NTP should be able  
to keep the

server's system clock in line.



{1} the root of all evil
{3} by my measurements about 1.7 mins per day

Zitat von "Thomas Tanghus" :

On Monday 14 April 2014 14:49 Chris Walker wrote:

I installed the ntp client and it now picks up network time. I'm
assuming therefore that there is some time 'slip' between the host
machine and VBox.

I had the same problem and now run ntpdate from cron.daily. Turns  
out my PCs

clock loses ~5 seconds(sic!) for every 24h :(

Med venlig hilsen / Best Regards

Thomas Tanghus
___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] Warning: File `Makefile' has modification time 0.51 s in the future

2014-04-14 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi Thomas

Earlier this year in addition to my normal day job I took over  
responsibility for a server farm of over 50 servers both real and  
virtual. Their clocks, system and hardware were all over the place.  
This lead to strange knock on effects, like Samba not being able to  
authenticate users via SSSD / LDAP.

In order to git the clocks under control again I was forced to find  
out much more about clock-skew {1} and NTP then I cared for. As a  
result I can be very boring on the subject. 8-)

While ntpdate is a valid pragmatic workaround, it remains a  
workaround, as a properly configured ntp daemon should automatically  
keep your system clock in sub millisecond sync. Be aware also that  
NTDATE is deprecated {2}. Instead you should use ntpd -gq

However if the time is already "too far off" the NTD may never be able  
to catch up (as normally it only makes small jumps {3), or even give  
up altogether.

When I encountered a server with clock(s) "way off" I used the set of  
commands below to get it back in line.

hwclock --show
service ntpd stop
ntpd -gq
hwclock --systohc --localtime
service ntpd start
hwclock --show

After that, if NTPD is properly configured, then NTP should be able to  
keep the server's system clock in line.



{1} the root of all evil
{3} by my measurements about 1.7 mins per day

Zitat von "Thomas Tanghus" :

On Monday 14 April 2014 14:49 Chris Walker wrote:

I installed the ntp client and it now picks up network time. I'm
assuming therefore that there is some time 'slip' between the host
machine and VBox.

I had the same problem and now run ntpdate from cron.daily. Turns out my PCs
clock loses ~5 seconds(sic!) for every 24h :(

Med venlig hilsen / Best Regards

Thomas Tanghus
___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] Warning: File `Makefile' has modification time 0.51 s in the future

2014-04-14 Thread christopher . lamb


you should clarify what you installed ntp on: your rebuilt workstation  
or in the sdk?

I am assuming the former, but from David's "suboptimal" answer I  
assume he assumes the latter ...8-)



Zitat von "David Greaves" :

On 14/04/14 14:49, Chris Walker wrote:

On Mon, 14 Apr 2014 14:26:58 +0100
Chris Walker  wrote:

Can somebody help me with this one please?

I've just rebuilt my machine and have reinstalled QtCreator etc. I
never had this problem before so I'm guessing it's something I've done
but each time I rebuild my project, I get this error.

I've googled it and several people suggest that it's because the build
system is on another machine. I suppose it is here as the build is a
virtual machine, but as I said, it didn't happen until I rebuilt the
box (64 bit Mageia 4) and I'm struggling to fix it.


I can't move on with my project until I solve it so can anybody
suggest what I could check please?

Physician heal thyself!

I installed the ntp client and it now picks up network time. I'm
assuming therefore that there is some time 'slip' between the host
machine and VBox.

This works but is suboptimal.

Make sure
  /usr/bin/VBoxService -f
is running in the guest; it manages time sync.


Finally check your host is running the correct services and has all the right
modules built.


___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] No QSerialPort

2014-03-27 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi Wim

Sailfisch made me smile ...



Zitat von "Wim de Vries" :

Thanks Chris and others,
Indeed I need to use an external USB GPS and some other USB sensors.

All communicate via serial ports.
I gave the dmesg output txt as it is on other linux/MeeGo devices to  
show that I am not talking rocket science (simply plug in and use  
ttyUSB0 for (qt)serial communication).

Never heard about OTG, and never had to use it for my app.
Don't know why is there a difference between Sailfisch and MeeGo.

My questions are now:

Can I enable power on the USB port? (escape would be a battery  
powered USB hub)
Will Sailfish automatically set a up a /dev/ttyUSBsomething when the  
device (like an external GPS) is plugged in?

I will rephrase my question about adding the Qtserialport as a more  
general question on howto add Qt modules (also in the final package).


On 03/27/2014 07:06 AM, wrote:

Hi Philippe

From this and other threads going back to the very early days of  
this mailing list it is very clear that Wim wants to connect an  
external GPS unit to his Jolla via cable (usb / serial) for use in  
the cockpit of a glider.



Zitat von "Philippe De Swert" :


As this is getting very confused and we are mixing connecting  
devices to the Jolla and connecting the Jolla to the pc.

So which one is it?

On 26/03/14 22:11, Wim de Vries wrote:

Thank you guys.
Indeed devel-su works.
I have attached the devices, but the first problem is that the
connection does not supply power (the devices stay dead).

So you connected some device to your Jolla?

As far as I know, a usb connection should always have power, but it is a
bit beyond my kowledge. Do I need another plug?

This is not true. All depends on context, what you plug into what etc...

In general if you plug in a device into a USB host (like your  
average USB port on your pc/laptop) you should be able to expect  
power from it.

In the case of a phone this is usually a USB device, so it expects power.

And in the OTG case it gets complicated. Here the device is able  
to switch between host and device mode. And will supply power if  
it is playing host.

On other linux/MeeGo systems there was always power...
and dmesg would give:

[   31.959468] usb 3-2.1.4: new full-speed USB device number 7 using
[   31.977423] usb 3-2.1.4: New USB device found, idVendor=10c4,
[   31.977434] usb 3-2.1.4: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2,
[   31.977440] usb 3-2.1.4: Product: CP2102 USB to UART Bridge Controller
[   31.977445] usb 3-2.1.4: Manufacturer: Silicon Labs
[   31.977450] usb 3-2.1.4: SerialNumber: 0001
[   31.992330] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial
[   31.992343] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial_generic
[   31.992355] USB Serial support registered for generic
[   31.992361] usbserial: USB Serial Driver core
[   31.992942] usbcore: registered new interface driver cp210x
[   31.992955] USB Serial support registered for cp210x
[   31.992991] cp210x 3-2.1.4:1.0: cp210x converter detected
[   32.063473] usb 3-2.1.4: reset full-speed USB device number 7 using
[   32.079934] xhci_hcd :00:14.0: xHCI xhci_drop_endpoint called
with disabled ep 8801debc38c0
[   32.079947] xhci_hcd :00:14.0: xHCI xhci_drop_endpoint called
with disabled ep 8801debc3880
[   32.080450] usb 3-2.1.4: cp210x converter now attached to ttyUSB0

Use Qserialport on ttyUSB0 and ready you are.

This looks like plugging in a serial device into a PC. Do you want  
your Jolla to expose a serial port? That is definitely possible  
and easy.

Do you want your Jolla to read data from some serial port with a  
serial to USB adapter then you're getting in a very complicated  

Unless you can explain what you actually want there is little we  
can do to help.



___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] No QSerialPort

2014-03-26 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi Philippe

From this and other threads going back to the very early days of this  
mailing list it is very clear that Wim wants to connect an external  
GPS unit to his Jolla via cable (usb / serial) for use in the cockpit  
of a glider.



Zitat von "Philippe De Swert" :


As this is getting very confused and we are mixing connecting  
devices to the Jolla and connecting the Jolla to the pc.

So which one is it?

On 26/03/14 22:11, Wim de Vries wrote:

Thank you guys.
Indeed devel-su works.
I have attached the devices, but the first problem is that the
connection does not supply power (the devices stay dead).

So you connected some device to your Jolla?

As far as I know, a usb connection should always have power, but it is a
bit beyond my kowledge. Do I need another plug?

This is not true. All depends on context, what you plug into what etc...

In general if you plug in a device into a USB host (like your  
average USB port on your pc/laptop) you should be able to expect  
power from it.

In the case of a phone this is usually a USB device, so it expects power.

And in the OTG case it gets complicated. Here the device is able to  
switch between host and device mode. And will supply power if it is  
playing host.

On other linux/MeeGo systems there was always power...
and dmesg would give:

[   31.959468] usb 3-2.1.4: new full-speed USB device number 7 using
[   31.977423] usb 3-2.1.4: New USB device found, idVendor=10c4,
[   31.977434] usb 3-2.1.4: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2,
[   31.977440] usb 3-2.1.4: Product: CP2102 USB to UART Bridge Controller
[   31.977445] usb 3-2.1.4: Manufacturer: Silicon Labs
[   31.977450] usb 3-2.1.4: SerialNumber: 0001
[   31.992330] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial
[   31.992343] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial_generic
[   31.992355] USB Serial support registered for generic
[   31.992361] usbserial: USB Serial Driver core
[   31.992942] usbcore: registered new interface driver cp210x
[   31.992955] USB Serial support registered for cp210x
[   31.992991] cp210x 3-2.1.4:1.0: cp210x converter detected
[   32.063473] usb 3-2.1.4: reset full-speed USB device number 7 using
[   32.079934] xhci_hcd :00:14.0: xHCI xhci_drop_endpoint called
with disabled ep 8801debc38c0
[   32.079947] xhci_hcd :00:14.0: xHCI xhci_drop_endpoint called
with disabled ep 8801debc3880
[   32.080450] usb 3-2.1.4: cp210x converter now attached to ttyUSB0

Use Qserialport on ttyUSB0 and ready you are.

This looks like plugging in a serial device into a PC. Do you want  
your Jolla to expose a serial port? That is definitely possible and  

Do you want your Jolla to read data from some serial port with a  
serial to USB adapter then you're getting in a very complicated world.

Unless you can explain what you actually want there is little we can  
do to help.



___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] show/hide pulley menu items

2014-03-11 Thread christopher . lamb
It can be very difficult for the beginner to distinguish if a given  
QML element if "pure Qt", or from a component set like Silica. I  
remember struggling with this in the days of Harmattan.

It would be very helpful if the Silica documentation linked the Qt  
Documentation, and showed inherited properties etc.

Yes there is a danger of link rot, and it is not that hard to find the  
same information via google, but a direct link to the correct version  
of the Qt Docs would make life a little easier.

Zitat von "Andrey Kozhevnikov" :

Its QML basics
Silica reference cant explain all standard properties and functions,  
you should learn it yourself.

On 11.03.2014 01:43, Vivian Brégier wrote:

Thank you, this works just fine.

And I always have at least one menuitem visible, so there is no  
need to hide the menu itself, but it is a good thing to keep in mind.

Strangely, does not reference this  

2014-03-10 13:05 GMT+01:00>>:

   There is the visible attribute that can be set of each menuitem.
   In addition, don't forget to put the visible attribute of the
   pulley menu itself to false if there is no visible menuitem, to
   avoid empty pulley menu.


   À Mon Mar 10 2014 11:29:13 GMT+0100 (CET), Vivian Brégier a écrit :
   >I am trying to have the pulley menu of my app depend on the app
   >I want some menuitem to be hidden when a certain condition is false.
   >I did not find any attribute in MenuItem class to do this.
   >Is it possible to do it in qml ? Maybe using javascript ?
   >Thank you for your help.
   >Vivian Brégier
   ___ Devel mailing list

Vivian Brégier

___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] slow app building

2014-03-11 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi Mike


How are you building?

If you are using QtCreator, then there are 2 methods:

Build by Deploying as RPM Package.

Build by Deploying Binaries.

According to previous posts the second of these should be faster, and  
is recommended for use during development when you may be frequently  
cycling between coding, building, deploying and testing.


Zitat von "" :

Hi All, first post here!

I'm using the SailfishOS SDK to build apps and run them on a Jolla device.

The whole building and deplying process takes about 35 seconds,  
mostly on building.

Do you have any hint to speed up things ?

Thanks for supporting,
___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] Starting point for building packages

2014-02-27 Thread christopher . lamb

"Jolla Harbour currently has very strict rules" would be even more correct ;)

Zitat von "Thomas Tanghus" :

On Friday 28 February 2014 00:20 Artem Marchenko wrote:

Also sailfish has quite strict rules on what can be used from where and
what can be deployed where

Jolla Harbour has very strict rules would be more correct ;)

Med venlig hilsen / Best Regards

Thomas Tanghus
___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] QtContacts: phoneNumbers.length attribute gets lost when copied to ListModel

2014-02-27 Thread christopher . lamb

Hoi Matthew

Thanks. I have now raised this bug report:

Funnily, at least one of reasons "lost in the mists of time" is a  
previous bug report I raised at the start of the year:



Zitat von "Matthew Vogt" :

Hi Chris.  This sounds like a regression in the (unfinished) qtpim  
module of Qt 5, which reimplements the functions provided by  
QtContacts in QtMobility.

You can report bugs against this module here:


[] on behalf of []

Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2014 8:09 PM
To: Sailfish OS Developers
Subject: [SailfishDevel] QtContacts: phoneNumbers.length attribute  
gets lostwhen copied to  ListModel

Hi All

I have come across some strangeness using QtContacts 5.0 on Sailfish.

For various reasons partially lost in the mists of time, I copy
contacts (or rather a subset of contract roles) from the ContactModel
to a a normal ListModel.

One of the roles copied is "phoneNumbers". This has a child property
"length" indicating the number of phoneNumbers available for the

phoneNumbers.length is available (defined) direct from the
ContactModel, but is undefined when I try to use it from the
ListModel. So the console.log in the function appendContact() gives a
valid result, but the console.log in populate() gives undefined.

Other properties, including the phone numbers in phoneNumbers are
defined when accessed from the ListModel.

Equivalent code works in Haramtatan / Qt 4.7.4 Mobility 1.2

import QtContacts 5.0

ContactModel {
 id: phoneContactsModelInternal

ListModel {
 id: localContactModelInternal
 function populate() {
 for (var i = 0; i <
phoneContactsModelInternal.contacts.length; i ++) {
 console.log("checking number of phoneNumbers: " +
 function appendContact(contact) {
 localContactModel.append({"contactId": contact.contactId,

   "phoneNumbers": contact.phoneNumbers,
 console.log("appending: " + contact.displayLabel.label +
", numbers: " + contact.phoneNumbers.length)

Any ideas?


___ Devel mailing list
___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] Starting point for building packages

2014-02-27 Thread christopher . lamb

Sali Tobias

The Sailfish SDK / Qt Creator does much of the hard work for you.

Dependencies on other libraries are specified in the .yaml file. In  
the archives of this forum you will find many posts on this issue.

I suggest you start with a default Sailfish project, then gradually  
move in code from you ownCloud app.



Zitat von "Tobias Brunner" :


I'm new to the SailfishOS SDK. I'd like to build the ownCloud client  
for SailfishOS and create a RPM package for easy installation at the  
Jolla. The documentation on how to build the ownCloud sync client is  

But now I'm looking for a hint on how to build software for  
SailfisOS. The SDK is up and running, and now? The howto's are all  
about how to create a new software, but not about how to build and  
package an existing one.
I know how to build software on linux: ./configure; make; make  
install. (And resolve needed dependencies). How can this three  
commands be mapped to the SailfishOS world?

Thanks for any hints on getting started.


___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] QML C++ Integration not working in Sailfish

2014-02-27 Thread christopher . lamb


Can you provide a code example, and the exact error(s) that you get.


Zitat von

Yes, it helped thanks.

My problem now is different.

I have some private attributes in my C++ object.

When I call the first tiem I can modify the attributes, but in the  
second call the attributes dessapear.

Is there a way to solve this problem?

(The attributes a new C++ Object not declared as QObject)

El Jueves 27 de febrero de 2014 12:32, Stefan Brand  


On 25.02.2014 15:06, wrote:

An I try to connect this with my sailfish application with the code:

  QGuiApplication *app = SailfishApp::application(argc, argv);
  QQuickView *view = SailfishApp::createView();
  Bloomfilters * bloomfilters = new Bloomfilters();
  return app->exec();

But this is not working.

Someone have any idea about what am I doing wrong?

You can use qmlRegisterType to pass the Info of the C++ class to QML
like this in the cpp:

#include "bloomfilters.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   // Get App and QML-View objects
   QScopedPointer app(SailfishApp::application(argc,
   QScopedPointer view(SailfishApp::createView());

   // Register Bloomfilter Class
   qmlRegisterType("harbour.myapp.Bloomfilter", 1, 0,

   // Prepare the QML

   // Run the app
   return app->exec();

Afterwards you can create a Bloomfilter-Object in QML:

Bloomfilter {
   id: bloom

and use the methods with


I hope this helps.


Stefan Brand
___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] How to debug Julla

2014-02-27 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi Jonni

I have just found an option "Automatic update" under Settings/Time and  
Date. Selecting that has jumped the time to be within seconds of real  


Zitat von "Jonni Rainisto" :

Yes, usually you get accurate time from your GSM network depending  
on your operator. Sometimes users do start the phone without SIM  
attached, and in that case people can forget 1970 or some other  
wrong year in the device. In future updates there are improvements  
to automaticly fetch time also from ntp servers (don't remember if  
that was already included in

re, Jonni

From: []
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2014 2:26 PM
To: Sailfish OS Developers; Jonni Rainisto
Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] How to debug Julla

Hi Jonni

In my case getting rid of the latency in my home network seemed to do
the trick. Having got the latency down to normal levels, I was able to
upgrade the phone, use the store, activate developer mode etc. without
a hitch.

Interestingly though, the phone is more than 1.5 mins behind real
time. This raises the question, what is supposed to regulate time on a
Jolla? Should not reasonably accurate time be available from the GSM

PkCon shows that ntpdate is available, but not ntpd (and given that
the phone will not always have an active udp network, ntpd would
probably not be much help anyway).



Zitat von "Jonni Rainisto" :

Few things to check:
- date and clock is current. https connection will fail if clock is
even a minute behind real time.
- you haven't touched SSU button in developer mode, if you have then
you need to switch your domain back to sales.
If nothing else is helps then setting time and doing factory reset
might do the trick as last resort.

re, Jonni

[] on behalf of []
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2014 11:48 AM
To: Sailfish OS Developers; Tony
Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] How to debug Julla

Hi Tony

I initially had great problems upgrading my Jolla, installing stuff
from the store, and even activating developer mode.

After lots of hunting around, experimentation and measuring, I
concluded that the problem was high latency in my home network, and
the Jolla's poor tolerance for this. (Other similar devices could
upgrade no problem). I stripped my home network down to the bare
essentials, the latency issues vanished, and hey presto I could
install developer mode, upgrade my Jolla etc.

Maybe you have a similar issue?


Zitat von Tony :


My Julla ?s system version is I tried to upgrade the system
, but system mentioned that is the newest version.
Besides , I also tried to start using development mode. The system
noticed that development package install failed.

Do you know how to debug it ?

___ Devel mailing list
___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] How to debug Julla

2014-02-27 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi Jonni

In my case getting rid of the latency in my home network seemed to do  
the trick. Having got the latency down to normal levels, I was able to  
upgrade the phone, use the store, activate developer mode etc. without  
a hitch.

Interestingly though, the phone is more than 1.5 mins behind real  
time. This raises the question, what is supposed to regulate time on a  
Jolla? Should not reasonably accurate time be available from the GSM  

PkCon shows that ntpdate is available, but not ntpd (and given that  
the phone will not always have an active udp network, ntpd would  
probably not be much help anyway).



Zitat von "Jonni Rainisto" :

Few things to check:
- date and clock is current. https connection will fail if clock is  
even a minute behind real time.
- you haven't touched SSU button in developer mode, if you have then  
you need to switch your domain back to sales.
If nothing else is helps then setting time and doing factory reset  
might do the trick as last resort.

re, Jonni

[] on behalf of []

Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2014 11:48 AM
To: Sailfish OS Developers; Tony
Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] How to debug Julla

Hi Tony

I initially had great problems upgrading my Jolla, installing stuff
from the store, and even activating developer mode.

After lots of hunting around, experimentation and measuring, I
concluded that the problem was high latency in my home network, and
the Jolla's poor tolerance for this. (Other similar devices could
upgrade no problem). I stripped my home network down to the bare
essentials, the latency issues vanished, and hey presto I could
install developer mode, upgrade my Jolla etc.

Maybe you have a similar issue?


Zitat von Tony :


My Julla ?s system version is I tried to upgrade the system
, but system mentioned that is the newest version.
Besides , I also tried to start using development mode. The system
noticed that development package install failed.

Do you know how to debug it ?

___ Devel mailing list
___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list

[SailfishDevel] QtContacts: phoneNumbers.length attribute gets lost when copied to ListModel

2014-02-27 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi All

I have come across some strangeness using QtContacts 5.0 on Sailfish.

For various reasons partially lost in the mists of time, I copy  
contacts (or rather a subset of contract roles) from the ContactModel  
to a a normal ListModel.

One of the roles copied is "phoneNumbers". This has a child property  
"length" indicating the number of phoneNumbers available for the  

phoneNumbers.length is available (defined) direct from the  
ContactModel, but is undefined when I try to use it from the  
ListModel. So the console.log in the function appendContact() gives a  
valid result, but the console.log in populate() gives undefined.

Other properties, including the phone numbers in phoneNumbers are  
defined when accessed from the ListModel.

Equivalent code works in Haramtatan / Qt 4.7.4 Mobility 1.2

import QtContacts 5.0

ContactModel {
id: phoneContactsModelInternal

ListModel {
id: localContactModelInternal
function populate() {
for (var i = 0; i <  
phoneContactsModelInternal.contacts.length; i ++) {

console.log("checking number of phoneNumbers: " +  

function appendContact(contact) {
localContactModel.append({"contactId": contact.contactId,
  "displayLabel": contact.displayLabel.label,
  "phoneNumbers": contact.phoneNumbers,
console.log("appending: " + contact.displayLabel.label +  
", numbers: " + contact.phoneNumbers.length)


Any ideas?


___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] How to debug Julla

2014-02-27 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi Tony

I initially had great problems upgrading my Jolla, installing stuff  
from the store, and even activating developer mode.

After lots of hunting around, experimentation and measuring, I  
concluded that the problem was high latency in my home network, and  
the Jolla's poor tolerance for this. (Other similar devices could  
upgrade no problem). I stripped my home network down to the bare  
essentials, the latency issues vanished, and hey presto I could  
install developer mode, upgrade my Jolla etc.

Maybe you have a similar issue?


Zitat von Tony :


My Julla ?s system version is I tried to upgrade the system  
, but system mentioned that is the newest version.
Besides , I also tried to start using development mode. The system  
noticed that development package install failed.

Do you know how to debug it ?

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] QML C++ Integration not working in Sailfish

2014-02-26 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi Antonio

This works for me:

//Start BloomfiltersDemo.cpp

#include "bloomfilters.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

QGuiApplication *app = SailfishApp::application(argc, argv);
QQuickView *view = SailfishApp::createView();

Bloomfilters  * bloomfilters = new Bloomfilters();
view->rootContext()->setContextProperty("bloomfiltersdata", bloomfilters);

return app->exec();
//End BloomfiltersDemo.cpp

//start bloomfilters.h

//#include "svn/bloom-read-only/bloom_filter.hpp"

class Bloomfilters : public QObject

Q_INVOKABLE  void generateFilterInvokable2() const ;
explicit Bloomfilters(QObject *parent = 0);

void generateFilter() ;

QString _k;

//end bloomfilters.h

//start bloomfilters.cpp
#include "bloomfilters.h"

Bloomfilters::Bloomfilters(QObject *parent) :

void Bloomfilters::generateFilterInvokable2() const {
qDebug() << "Blooming Magic";
//end bloomfilters.cpp

//start FirstPage.qml
import QtQuick 2.0
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0

Page {
id: page

Component.onCompleted: {
//end FirstPage.qm


Zitat von

Hi Andrey,

The output is: ReferenceError: bloomfilterdata is not defined

I am calling it from a .js

Some idea about how can I  make that this is also defined there.


El Miércoles 26 de febrero de 2014 12:18, Andrey Kozhevnikov  

start app in terminal and show output please

On 26.02.2014 17:15, wrote:

Hi Thomas,

I did both modification but the code does not work yet.

Here is the new code:

    QGuiApplication *app = SailfishApp::application(argc,


    QQuickView *view = SailfishApp::createView();

    Bloomfilters  * bloomfilters = new Bloomfilters();





    return app->exec();

El Miércoles 26 de febrero de 2014 12:01, Thomas Perl  

On 2014-02-26 11:48, wrote:

I tried this:

        QGuiApplication *app =

SailfishApp::application(argc, argv);

        QQuickView *view =


        Bloomfilters  * bloomfilters = new





        return app->exec();

But it is not working yet.

Two things:

  1. Call setContextProperty() right before before

  setSource(), so it's

already available when the QML content is loaded.
  2. Use lowercase for context property names

  ("bloomfilters" instead of

"Bloomfilters"). In some places, QML interprets IDs

  starting with an

upper case letter as a type name, and that won't work

  then, therefore

stick to lowercase.

HTH :)

___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] Gui and Kernel app

2014-02-25 Thread christopher . lamb


Zitat von Randolph :

Hi there
one question for sailfish. When a Qt app with gui and kernel are compiled
to android, then android has two apk installers, one for gui and one for
kernel. But both cannot communicate in android, as this OS does not allow
the communication of one app with the other.
Qt 5.4 might solve this problem to it was told.

Not the same question for sailfish, is it here the same? does the RPM for
kernel and RPM for gui will be able to communicate or is this prohibited

Thanks for a feedback

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] QML C++ Integration not working in Sailfish

2014-02-25 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi Antonio

Here is a simplified example from one of my projects, showing a number  
of ways to expose C++ to QML.

I tend to use qmlRegister when exposing C++ objects with methods,  
and SetContextProperty when I want to expose simple stuff like global  
constants only.

I do things that way because it works for me ...





//#include "landedtorch.h" //harmattan
#include "gsttorch.h" //sailfish
#include "satinfosource.h"
#include "operatingsystem.h"
#include "windowingsystem.h"
#include "telepathyhelper.h"
#include "landedtheme.h"
#include  "jsonstorage.h"

//HELPER Functions getting system information which will be exported to QML

bool isSimulator()
bool simulator;
#if defined(QT_SIMULATOR)
simulator = true;
// real device or emulator
simulator = false;
return simulator;

int getOperatingSystem()
//C++ representation of the OperatingSystem enumg
const OperatingSystem Os;
int OSId;
#if defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN)
OSId = Os.Symbian;
#elif defined(Q_OS_MAC64)
OSId = Os.Mac64;
#elif defined(Q_OS_UNIX)
OSId = Os.Unix;
#elif defined(Q_OS_WIN32)
OSId = Os.Win32;
#elif defined(Q_OS_WIN64)
OSId = Os.Win64;
#elif defined(Q_OS_WINCE)
OSId = Os.WinCE;
#elif defined(Q_OS_SIMULATOR)
OSId = Os.Simulator;
// other OS
OSId = Os.Other;
return OSId;

//END HELPER Functions

static QObject *theme_singletontype_provider(QQmlEngine *engine,  
QJSEngine *scriptEngine)


LandedTheme *landedTheme = new LandedTheme();
return landedTheme;

static QObject *jsonStorage_singletontype_provider(QQmlEngine *engine,  
QJSEngine *scriptEngine)


JSONStorage *jsonStorage = new JSONStorage();
return jsonStorage;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
bool simulator = isSimulator();

//expose an enum of operating systems types to QML
qmlRegisterUncreatableType("OperatingSystem", 1,  
0, "OperatingSystem", "");

int OperatingSystemId = getOperatingSystem();

qmlRegisterSingletonType("LandedTheme", 1, 0,  
"LandedTheme", theme_singletontype_provider);

QScopedPointer app(SailfishApp::application(argc, argv));
QScopedPointer view(SailfishApp::createView());


view->rootContext()->setContextProperty("simulator",  simulator);

return app->exec();

Zitat von "Andrey Kozhevnikov" :


contextProperty should be set BEFORE loading QML source.

On 25.02.2014 21:33, wrote:


you should set the context property after loading the QML source.  
Then it ought to be available from QML.


Am Tue Feb 25 2014 15:06:39 GMT+0100 (CET) schrieb


I am trying to do a simple Sailfish aplication that uses a c++  
library.  I try to connect my qml code with the C++ code.

First I create QObject extended library:


#include "svn/bloom-read-only/bloom_filter.hpp"

class Bloomfilters : public QObject

   Q_INVOKABLE  void generateFilterInvokable2() const ;
   Q_INVOKABLE  void generateFilterInvokable(const QString  
&cadenaK, const QString &cadenaM) const ;

   explicit Bloomfilters(QObject *parent = 0);

   void generateFilter() ;

   Q_INVOKABLE void insertElement(const QString &cadena) ;

   Q_INVOKABLE bool checkElement(const QString &cadena) ;


public slots:

   bloom_parameters _parameters ;
   bloom_filter _filter;
   bool _filter_charged;
   QString _k;


An I try to connect this with my sailfish application with the code:

   QGuiApplication *app = SailfishApp::application(argc, argv);
   QQuickView *view = SailfishApp::createView();
   Bloomfilters  * bloomfilters = new Bloomfilters();

   return app->exec();

But this is not working.

Someone have any idea about what am I doing wrong?

Best Regards

___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing

Re: [SailfishDevel] how to get qml debug output to file

2014-02-23 Thread christopher . lamb


This may be related:

I haven noticed that using journalctl to view system logs on the  
device, QML and C++ debug output is reported differently.

Below is an example extract:

C++ debug is reported with the application name.

QML debug is reported as lipstick

Feb 23 13:39:39 localhost lipstick[971]: about to getPrimaryContact:  
area_id: 3, template_id: 1, any: 1
Feb 23 13:39:39 localhost landed26_QT5[27558]: [D]  
JSONStorage::openDatabase:20 - Document Path:  "/home/nemo/Documents/"
Feb 23 13:39:39 localhost landed26_QT5[27558]: [D]  
JSONStorage::openDatabase:22 - App Name:  "landed26_QT5"
Feb 23 13:39:39 localhost landed26_QT5[27558]: [D]  
JSONStorage::openDatabase:24 - "Full path:  

Feb 23 13:39:39 localhost lipstick[971]: about to pass DB to JSONPath


Zitat von "Artem Marchenko" :

I found message handler working just fine (both for QML console and cpp
qDebug() messages) is emulator builds, but not for when code is running on
device. Go figure.

Could it be so that on device exactly QML engine is somehow always used
separately from your c++ execution context.. no it doesn't make sense.

It would be nice to have some logs-to-file way working in production with
both QML and c++ logs indeed.


On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 4:58 PM, Robin Burchell  

On 04 Feb 2014, at 22:37, Tero Siironen  wrote:
> Andrey Kozhevnikov  kirjoitti 4.2.2014 kello
>> This is messages handler i'm using in my projects:
> This doesn't seem to make a difference for me, the log file still
contains only c++ side debug prints, qml prints (like console.log()) are
not handled with messagehandler.
> Actually I found out that even if set in pro-file:
> I still get qml debug prints printed out to console, so it seems that
those prints from qml are not handled via normal debug handling at all?
> I would like to get no debug printing at all, or then just to file.

DEFINES in qmake adds additional defines (-D) to the cflags used to build
C++ affect code compiled with them. QtDeclarative was not compiled with
these defines, so your adding them won't affect console.log (whose C++
implementation lives inside QtDeclarative).

If you don't want debug prints, you need to install a message handler (you
say you've tried this and it doesn't work, I can't answer why that would be
the case, it should work, as it uses the same infrastructure).

___ Devel mailing list

Artem Marchenko

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] Hidden information to ListView

2014-02-22 Thread christopher . lamb


It is very easy to add multiple roles / fields with the same append command.

Here is an example culled from one of my apps:

var db = DB.DataModel();
var rs = db.getContacts(area_id, template_id);
for(var i = 0; i < rs.rows.length; i++) {
   contactModel.append({"name": rs.rows.item(i).name, "phone":  
rs.rows.item(i).phone, "primary_contact":   
rs.rows.item(i).primary_contact, "contact_id":  rs.rows.item(i).id});




Zitat von "Jukka Heikkilä" :

I'm creating page which shows some information which is returned from
local storage. I have successfully created the next code which will

Page {

Component.onCompleted: {
//External Function which return the items from Local Storage
items = DB.listItems();

//Adding items to list view
for(var i = 0; i < items.rows.length; i++){

SilicaListView {
id: listItems
model: listModel

VerticalScrollDecorator {}

delegate: ListItem {
id: contentListItem

Label {
text: itemValue

ListModel {
id: listModel

I would like to include some hidden values (e.g. DB row ID) for later
usage, but is there possibilities to include extra data with same
append command to the ListItem? I know the properties, but I haven't
managed how to pass the variables in it.

I would be grateful for your help.

Kind Regards,
___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] Python and Qt Widgets development possible?

2014-02-16 Thread christopher . lamb

Maybe prolonged death-throws would have been more accurate??

There are decidedly mixed messages on the Qt Project Website.



Zitat von "Marcin M." :

Death? The folks on qt project said that qt widgets isn't gonna be dropped.


2014-02-16 16:40 GMT+01:00 :


Sailfish is very far from being QML only.

Sailfish like all other platforms based on Qt5.X supports a rich mix of
C++, QML and Javascript.

The exact mix is up to you, and depends on your own experience,
preferences and predilections, and of course on what you need to do.

The death of Qt Widgets is nothing to with Sailfish, that is q Qt5.X thing.



Zitat von "Dietmar Schwertberger" :

 Thanks for the hints.

I've come to the conclusion that for me it's not yet time to make the
switch from N900 to Jollaas main device.
(The main blocking point is lack of calendar synchronization with
Outlook on a PC.)

So I will probably have enough time to learn QML...

But IMHO restricting GUI to QML only is a mistake.
Such a limitation of tools stops software frombeing ported, written
The unique selling point of Jolla / Sailfish OScould be thatit's as
versatile as a PC. But "QML only" reduces this very much to being
just another Smartphone platform.If the N900 had been QML only,
then I would have bought an Android device instead.
Of course I understand that the resources of Jolla are limited and
that priorities are somewhere else.



___ Devel mailing list

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___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] Python and Qt Widgets development possible?

2014-02-16 Thread christopher . lamb


Sailfish is very far from being QML only.

Sailfish like all other platforms based on Qt5.X supports a rich mix  
of C++, QML and Javascript.

The exact mix is up to you, and depends on your own experience,  
preferences and predilections, and of course on what you need to do.

The death of Qt Widgets is nothing to with Sailfish, that is q Qt5.X thing.



Zitat von "Dietmar Schwertberger" :

Thanks for the hints.
I've come to the conclusion that for me it's not yet time to make the
switch from N900 to Jollaas main device.
(The main blocking point is lack of calendar synchronization with
Outlook on a PC.)

So I will probably have enough time to learn QML...

But IMHO restricting GUI to QML only is a mistake.
Such a limitation of tools stops software frombeing ported, written
The unique selling point of Jolla / Sailfish OScould be thatit's as
versatile as a PC. But "QML only" reduces this very much to being
just another Smartphone platform.If the N900 had been QML only,
then I would have bought an Android device instead.
Of course I understand that the resources of Jolla are limited and
that priorities are somewhere else.



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___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] Page Status code

2014-02-12 Thread christopher . lamb


I also use onStatusChanged with no problems.

Is it possible that the event is being called earlier than you expect?  
(e.g. during app startup?)

I would put a console.log in the onStatusChanged handler - outside the if:

onStatusChanged: {
  console.log("Page XXX: onStatusChanged: status: " + status);
  if (status==PageStatus.Activating){
...more code here...


Run the app, activate the page, then search the application output for  
the text you have in the console.log()


Zitat von "Chris Walker" :

In the past (Harmattan code), I would have done this sort of stuff :-

onStatusChanged: {
if (status==PageStatus.Activating) {

but there is no 'onStatusChanged' option now. So what do I use now?

I've looked here - but
it doesn't mention that status directly.

Any help appreciated.
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___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] Sideload Native App To Sailfish

2014-02-04 Thread christopher . lamb

No rooting (or jailbreaking) pr verboten-hacks required.

Just put the phone into developer mode. In theory any user can do this  
with a few clicks.

Then you can install anything that will run.

However this route does imply that the user has some idea of what they  
are doing, just a a user installing on a Linux desktop will need some  
idea as well. It might not be a route for a stereotypical grandma.

Apologies in a advance to all the  
non-stereotypical-Linux-savvy-Jolla-wielding-grandmas who are part of  
this mailing list.



Zitat von "Network Nut" :

Hi All,

I have what I imagine to be a very common problem:

1.   There will be billions of people who own smartphones.

2.   I have a 100% native Linux C++ app that I would like a few of those
billions of people to use. These are my future customers.

3.   I do not necessarily want to use an app store of any kind, if I
choose not to use any.

4.   I would like for my customers to decide, at their own discretion,
whether to side-load my native app onto their smartphone by going to my web
site, and not an app store.

5.   I would like to avoid having my customers call my tech-support line
and listen on the phone for 30 minutes as one of my tech-support
representatives tells him/her how to root their phone so that they can
side-load my app.

In other words, I would like the same situation that exists now under the
desktop model, where anyone who owns a desktop computer has full discretion
of what they do with their computer, without (significant) restrictions from
the OS vendor.

I understand that Jolla allows 100% true native C++ apps, but I was unable
to determine, with a quick search on the WWW, whether Jolla allows 100%
native C++ apps under the acquisition model above.

Can anyone clarify? Is it true that the owner of a Jolla smartphone will be
able to determine for himself/herself whether to side-load a third-party
native application without jumping through hoops to bypass restrictions
created by the OS?



___ Devel mailing list

[SailfishDevel] Recommended way to populate a LocalStorageDB from an external source

2014-02-03 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi All

An architectural question: What is the the recommended approach (and  
harbour friendly way) to populate a LocalStorageDB on the Jolla with  
data from an external source?

Some background to the question:

My app Landed depends on a LocalStorageDB. It was always clear to me  
that Landed would be a readonly client of the DB, and the business of  
populating the DB would fall to "something else". Until recently that  
something else was a companion app LandedSettings.

But I was never happy with that solution, and it now seems to me that  
a Qt Desktop app would be much better suited to configuring /  
populating the DB. (more screen, better keyboard etc.).

This raises the question: How best to transfer the data populated in  
the Desktop app to the DB on the Jolla?

The Jolla's Documents folder (or a sub directory thereof) could  
clearly be used as as staging area. This is the approach that Wim  
takes with his Harbour-approved Checklists app.

But exactly how should this work? I see several possibilities, all  
with pros and cons.

a) The Desktop app creates a LocalStorageDB, and the entire DB is  
transferred to the Jolla. This means that Landed would have to deploy  
the DB on a file level, then access it via the LocalStorage api as  

b) The Desktop app dumps a human readable exchange file (csv, xml,  
json) which is picked up by Landed, parsed and converted to SQL  
INSERTS then called via the LocalStorage API

c) The Desktop app dumps an SQL script (a list of INSERT INTO  
statements) which Landed then executes

d) The Desktop app dumps an SQL script in the form of a javascript  
file, which is then dynamically loaded by Landed using dynamic QML

e) something I have not thought of ...

As further background, I tend to favour QML over C++, but use the  
latter where necessary (and am beginning to feel uncomfortably  
comfortable in that language ...).

I am aware that for any kind of file manipulation from QML I will  
probably have to resort to a C++ plugin. (Even this  
example from Nokia which sets out to provide file access without a  
plugin describes an implementation that is to my mind a c++ plugin!)

At the moment I favour option b) as the most likely to work and be  
accepted, with option d) as the wildcard probably wont't work, but  
might turn out to be the easy option.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts,


___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] When does Jolla give us an API?

2014-02-03 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi all

my experience is that are a vast amount of apis out there: There is  
all the Qt stuff, the Qt add-ons, Nemo packages, and lower-level stuff  
like telepathy and GST. The problem is not the lack of APIs, but the  
choice of APIs. Which is the best one to use?.

Then if you hit on a likely API, and find some good examples on the  
interweb, then it is not sure that that API will fully work on the  
Jolla (although this is likely to improve with every update as the  
Jolla matures).

And if the chosen API works from a technical point of view, then that  
does not mean that harbour will permit it ... although this too should  
improve with time.

On the whole I have found the Qt documentation to be very good. Where  
things get a bit shaky is using esoteric things like gaining device  
resource permissions (e.g permission to use the LED, or to access the  
phones contacts). For this sort of thing I often have to resort to the  
source code (which at work we call the ultimate documentation .8-) )



Zitat von "David Greaves" :

On 03/02/14 15:29, Putze Sven wrote:

Hi there,

during Fosdem I spoke to some people about this, even to Carsten Munk from
Jolla itself (not in the depth and detail of this mail, I must admit) and he
suggested to write this in the mailing list, so those of Jolla who should be
concerned have a chance to answer this question and I really would like to
hear some official statements here.

Did you manage to get to the round-table event? - we spent a fair bit of time
talking about APIs there; we also openly discussed the issues we face.

I know that the community people there wanted to continue the discussion.

What does a developer need to write quality apps? An API and a documentation
of such.

So far there is a quite limited API available and therefore we don't see too
many apps out there. How will you write a sophisticated app, if the API is
not available or it is not allowed to use or is only known to those with
Maemo/Meego history?

A quick response: we support the Qt API and rather than developing our own
proprietary one we're working hard to support the open one as it grows.

The Qt documentation is extensive and superb :)
Using it in Sailfish Silica apps is less well documented but is  
improving (and
honestly is mainly a tutorial issue for new developers - not an API  
docs issue).

Yes there are some APIs in the mobile space that are not part of the  
Qt release

yet - Qt 5.2 will introduce more.


___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] QGeoSatelliteInfoSource in Sailfish

2014-02-02 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi Aaron

Adding that information proved easier than I had expected: it just  
took a few minutes during breakfast!

void SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated(const QList  
&list) {

int newInView = list.count();
if (newInView != _satsInView) {
qDebug() << "satInfoSource.cpp: onSatsinViewUpdated: " <<  
QString::number(newInView, 'g', 2);

for (int i = 0; i < newInView; i++ ) {
qDebug() << "satsInView: id: "  <<  
list[i].satelliteIdentifier() << ", system: " <<  
list[i].satelliteSystem() << ", strength: " + list[i].signalStrength();

_satsInView = newInView;
emit satellitesInViewChanged(newInView);

The for loop is new, and gives the following output.

[D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:59 - satInfoSource.cpp:  
onSatsinViewUpdated:  "23"
[D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id:  1 ,  
system:  0 , strength:
[D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id:  3 ,  
system:  0 , strength:
[D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id:  6 ,  
system:  0 , strength:
[D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id:  11 ,  
system:  0 , strength:
[D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id:  14 ,  
system:  0 , strength:
[D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id:  17 ,  
system:  0 , strength:
[D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id:  19 ,  
system:  0 , strength:
[D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id:  20 ,  
system:  0 , strength:
[D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id:  22 ,  
system:  0 , strength:
[D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id:  27 ,  
system:  0 , strength:
[D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id:  28 ,  
system:  0 , strength:
[D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id:  32 ,  
system:  0 , strength:
[D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id:  74 ,  
system:  0 , strength:
[D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id:  66 ,  
system:  0 , strength:
[D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id:  82 ,  
system:  0 , strength:
[D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id:  73 ,  
system:  0 , strength:
[D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id:  80 ,  
system:  0 , strength:
[D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id:  65 ,  
system:  0 , strength:
[D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id:  88 ,  
system:  0 , strength:
[D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id:  87 ,  
system:  0 , strength:
[D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id:  81 ,  
system:  0 , strength:
[D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id:  67 ,  
system:  0 , strength:
[D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id:  72 ,  
system:  0 , strength:

Interestingly neither system nor strength give expected output.

Sometimes I get garbled output like:

[D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:59 - satInfoSource.cpp:  
onSatsinViewUpdated:  "21"

[D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id:  1 , system:  0
[D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id:  3 ,  
system:  0 Updates requested, but no satellite info source available
[D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id:  6 ,  
system:  0 ates requested, but no satellite info source available
[D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id:  11 ,  
system:  0 Stop Updates requested, but no satellite info source  
[D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id:  14 ,  
system:  0  Updates requested, but no satellite info source available

[D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id:  19 , system:  0
[D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id:  22 ,  
system:  0  requested, but no satellite info source available
[D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id:  27 ,  
system:  0 ates requested, but no satellite info source available
[D] SatInfoSource::onSatsInViewUpdated:61 - satsInView: id:  28 ,  
system:  0 Stop Updates requested, but no satellite info source  



Zitat von


I will have to write some more code to spit out the sat ids to the  
debug console. At the moment my SatInfoSource declarative plugin is  
ultra-simple, it just exposes the numbers of Sats InView and InUse,  
nothing more.

At the moment my hypothesis is based on the circumstantial evidence  
that new newer devices (Jolla and Galaxy) show roughly double the  
number of older GPS only devices (N9, Garmin).



Zitat von "Aaron McCarthy" :


On Sat, 1 Feb 2014 10:37:59 wrote:

A slight correction to my previous post

I think that the high number of Sats in View shown on the Jolla means
that it is showing both GPS and Glonass Satellites, and thus gives

Re: [SailfishDevel] QGeoSatelliteInfoSource in Sailfish

2014-02-02 Thread christopher . lamb


I will have to write some more code to spit out the sat ids to the  
debug console. At the moment my SatInfoSource declarative plugin is  
ultra-simple, it just exposes the numbers of Sats InView and InUse,  
nothing more.

At the moment my hypothesis is based on the circumstantial evidence  
that new newer devices (Jolla and Galaxy) show roughly double the  
number of older GPS only devices (N9, Garmin).



Zitat von "Aaron McCarthy" :


On Sat, 1 Feb 2014 10:37:59 wrote:

A slight correction to my previous post

I think that the high number of Sats in View shown on the Jolla means
that it is showing both GPS and Glonass Satellites, and thus gives a
figure almost double of that I was used to from the Nokia N9 and
classic GPS devices.

Comparing various devices I get the following readings:

Sats in use / Sats in View / Device / Technology

6 / 9 / Nokia N9 / GPS only

5 / 20 / Jolla / GPS and Glonass

15 / 21 / Samusung Galaxy Note 3 / GPS and Glonass

9 / Garmin GPSmap 60CSx / GPS only

So the Sats in View figure of the Jolla is plausible.

Interestingly the Jolla's Sats In Use figure - at least in the tests
on my terrace this morning - is consistently lower than that displayed
by the other devices. I show 15 for the Galaxy above, but have seen
readings of 18 and 19.

What are the satellite identification numbers for these satellites.  

65 to 88 are GLONASS. Others are GPS. Does this match your hypothesis?


Aaron McCarthy
___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] QtContacts and Calendar access doesn't work after update.

2014-02-02 Thread christopher . lamb


I connect via ssh as user nemo by calling the following from a  
terminal on my development workstation:

ssh -p 22 -i ~/.ssh/jolla_rsa nemo@

See the link below for more details how to connect:

Once connected as user nemo, I change to user root by:


The password is the one shown on the Jolla under Settings / Developer  
Mode / Developer Tools.

Once connected as root execute the following commands:

  cd /usr/share/mapplauncherd
  cp privileges privileges.old
  echo /usr/bin/landed26_QT5,p >> privileges

replace landed26_QT5 with the name of your app.

The "p" permission is for "people"



Zitat von "Matthias Barmeier" :

Could you please give me a link hon how to connect to the phone
with permissions that will allow me to edit this file.


Am 01.02.2014 13:02, schrieb Bernd Wachter:

Andrey Kozhevnikov  writes:

same here for QtContacts:

contactsdatabase.cpp:1028 static QSqlDatabase
ContactsDatabase::open(const QString&): "Unable to create contacts
database directory:

Add your application to /usr/share/mapplauncherd/privileges (this will
be overwritten on system updates, and only suitable for use on your
phone, not for harbour)

___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] USB developer mode icon moved on

2014-02-01 Thread christopher . lamb
And it is compounded by the fact that the icons are displayed for a  
very short length of time. They should remain displayed until the user  
prods one, or unplugs the USB again.



Zitat von "Tone Kastlunger" :

+1 to this, this was quite a puzzle for me as well

On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 10:57 PM,  wrote:

Hi all

After I could no longer connect via USB in developer mode.

I was in the middle of writing one of those  

emails, when I had another go, and realised that the icons shown on the
jolla screen when plugging in the USB have moved.

Previously the developer mode icon was in the middle. Now it is on the

I had got so used the position, that I was just prodding the icon in the
middle without reading the label.

If I prod the correct icon, developer mode works as before.

But why the move?


___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] QGeoSatelliteInfoSource in Sailfish

2014-02-01 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi all

A slight correction to my previous post

I think that the high number of Sats in View shown on the Jolla means  
that it is showing both GPS and Glonass Satellites, and thus gives a  
figure almost double of that I was used to from the Nokia N9 and  
classic GPS devices.

Comparing various devices I get the following readings:

Sats in use / Sats in View / Device / Technology

6 / 9 / Nokia N9 / GPS only

5 / 20 / Jolla / GPS and Glonass

15 / 21 / Samusung Galaxy Note 3 / GPS and Glonass

9 / Garmin GPSmap 60CSx / GPS only

So the Sats in View figure of the Jolla is plausible.

Interestingly the Jolla's Sats In Use figure - at least in the tests  
on my terrace this morning - is consistently lower than that displayed  
by the other devices. I show 15 for the Galaxy above, but have seen  
readings of 18 and 19.


Zitat von

But SatsInView jumps straight to 17 and stays at 17. This figure  
seems less plausible to me.

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] QGeoSatelliteInfoSource in Sailfish

2014-01-31 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi Marcel

I can confirm that I am getting QGeoSatelliteInfoSource info too.

SatsInUse is changing, before levelling out at 4, which is plausible  
as I am sitting inside.

But SatsInView jumps straight to 17 and stays at 17. This figure seems  
less plausible to me. It maybe down to a bug in my code, but if so I  
have yet to find it. (Tomorrow I will test outside, to see if that  
makes a difference).



Zitat von Marcel :


just a small note if everyone else is waiting for this:
QGeoSatelliteInfoSource is working since Sailfish

The only problem here is what the system (GPS/GLONASS) is not set, it is
QGeoSatelliteInfo::Undefined. But this shouldn't be a real problem to nearly
all apps.


Am Sonntag, 12. Januar 2014 schrieb Marcel :


I'm trying to get satellite information using QGeoSatelliteInfoSource, but I
cannot create a default source. Is it not implemented in Sailfish? I know


Sailfish is using Geoclue, and there is a commit in Qt for supporting the
Geoclue Satellite interface:

Is this missing in the Sailfish-Qt-packages? Is the satellite interface
missing in the Sailfish-Geoclue? Is it another problem? Can I access the
satellite information in another way?

Another small partly related problem I found then using the GPS is the
following: If you use QGeoPositionInfoSource the VerticalAccuracy and the
HorizontalAccuracy are always the same, is this normal behaviour?

___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list

[SailfishDevel] Fwd: Re: ListView with SectionDelegate (Strange Behaviour)

2014-01-31 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi Norbert

Thanks. I can confirm that this bug seems to be fixed. That is good.  
(I was trying to port a Qt5.2 Declarative ListView to Sailfish when  
the update arrived, so I can happily abandon that effort.)

However the app in which I originally discovered this bug was reading  
the phone's contacts.

Previously reading contacts did not work when launched from Qt  
Creator, but did work when the app was launched from the phone.

Now the app cannot read the phones contacts at all (subject to further  
investigation ...)



- Weitergeleitete Nachricht von -
 Datum: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 21:32:35 +0100
   Von: "Norbert Wenzel" 
Antwort an: "Sailfish OS Developers" 
   Betreff: Re: [SailfishDevel] ListView with SectionDelegate  
(Strange Behaviour)

Cc: "Sailfish OS Developers" 

Sorry for tofu, I'm not able to manage the Google webmail reply interface
correctly, and I don't have my Thunderbird with me atm.

I just wanted to say that since updating to the new Sailfish version
( the problem seems to be gone. I can't confirm that for the your
test, but the page I made in my app and tested on my device shows
correctly. The only problem is that the comparison is case sensitive, I
don't know if that is the intended behaviour, but I assume that can be
specified/fixed in QML.


On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 7:09 PM,  wrote:

Sali Norbert

thanks for your confirmation.

I have not filed a bug report with the Qt-Project, as my tests on Desktop,
Android etc indicate that this is not a general Qt 5.x bug, but a Sailfish
specific one. (Despite my expectations, I got expected behaviour on those

My understanding is that this is currently the best place to report
Sailfish development bugs.

If there is a more appropriate place, then I will gladly report it there.


Zitat von "Norbert Wenzel" :

 On 01/29/2014 07:56 PM, wrote:

This time it is a ListView / SilicaListVew with a SectionDelegate based
on FirstCharacter.

For the items initially displayed this works well, with the section
headers exactly where I would expect them[...]
But as I flick up, I then a section header between each item (e.g
between Gargantua and Gilbert).

I can also confirm that behaviour. In your example and also in an app I'm
coding myself.

Did you already file a bug or are you still investigating?

___ Devel mailing list

- Ende der weitergeleiteten Nachricht -

___ Devel mailing list

[SailfishDevel] USB developer mode icon moved on

2014-01-31 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi all

After I could no longer connect via USB in developer mode.

I was in the middle of writing one of those  
"one-step-forwards-two-steps-back" emails, when I had another go, and  
realised that the icons shown on the jolla screen when plugging in the  
USB have moved.

Previously the developer mode icon was in the middle. Now it is on the left.

I had got so used the position, that I was just prodding the icon in  
the middle without reading the label.

If I prod the correct icon, developer mode works as before.

But why the move?


___ Devel mailing list

[SailfishDevel] Fwd: Re: ListView with SectionDelegate (Strange Behaviour)

2014-01-30 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi All

Just a minor clarification: The bug occurs (on Sailfish) both with  
SilicaListView, and with the bog standard ListView elements.



- Weitergeleitete Nachricht von -
 Datum: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 23:57:23 +0100
   Von: "Gabriel Böhme" 
Antwort an: "Sailfish OS Developers" 
   Betreff: Re: [SailfishDevel] ListView with SectionDelegate  
(Strange	Behaviour)

An: "Sailfish OS Developers" 

Hi again,

I can add, that the append/insert "bug" is also happening in Qt 5.2. But
maybe it's not really a bug, because appending means -> okay add it at
the end of the list. With a model coming from C++ side, it could be
possible to order it, the way you want it, every time a new item is
added. But for QML only models it seems impossible and should maybe
added, so a feature request is maybe the better choice in this case? :-/

But Chris' problem seems to be really a bug, but I've also checked the
Silica QML files a bit, but can't see what cause the issues. Maybe Jolla
modified the Qt 5.x sources, so maybe there is a bug?

Cheers, Gabriel.

Am Donnerstag, den 30.01.2014, 19:09 +0100 schrieb

Sali Norbert

thanks for your confirmation.

I have not filed a bug report with the Qt-Project, as my tests on
Desktop, Android etc indicate that this is not a general Qt 5.x bug,
but a Sailfish specific one. (Despite my expectations, I got expected
behaviour on those platforms).

My understanding is that this is currently the best place to report
Sailfish development bugs.

If there is a more appropriate place, then I will gladly report it there.


Zitat von "Norbert Wenzel" :

> On 01/29/2014 07:56 PM, wrote:
>> This time it is a ListView / SilicaListVew with a SectionDelegate based
>> on FirstCharacter.
>> For the items initially displayed this works well, with the section
>> headers exactly where I would expect them[...]
>> But as I flick up, I then a section header between each item (e.g
>> between Gargantua and Gilbert).
> I can also confirm that behaviour. In your example and also in an
> app I'm coding myself.
> Did you already file a bug or are you still investigating?
> Norbert
> ___
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Re: [SailfishDevel] ListView with SectionDelegate (Strange Behaviour)

2014-01-30 Thread christopher . lamb

Sali Norbert

thanks for your confirmation.

I have not filed a bug report with the Qt-Project, as my tests on  
Desktop, Android etc indicate that this is not a general Qt 5.x bug,  
but a Sailfish specific one. (Despite my expectations, I got expected  
behaviour on those platforms).

My understanding is that this is currently the best place to report  
Sailfish development bugs.

If there is a more appropriate place, then I will gladly report it there.


Zitat von "Norbert Wenzel" :

On 01/29/2014 07:56 PM, wrote:

This time it is a ListView / SilicaListVew with a SectionDelegate based
on FirstCharacter.

For the items initially displayed this works well, with the section
headers exactly where I would expect them[...]
But as I flick up, I then a section header between each item (e.g
between Gargantua and Gilbert).

I can also confirm that behaviour. In your example and also in an  
app I'm coding myself.

Did you already file a bug or are you still investigating?

___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] Different behavior when starting application from QtCreator or Launcher

2014-01-30 Thread christopher . lamb


Is it possible that your C++ object is not defined? (and therefore the  
length > 0 test is failing?)


Zitat von "Luciano Montanaro" :

Hello everybody,
maybe someone may shed some light on this odd behavior:

I have implemented an active cover in my train timetable application,
where the action is enabled when a certain property in a C++ object (a
string) has a length different from zero. This property is set by the
application when loading data from a station.

The odd thing is that this works correctly if I launch the application
from qtcreator or fingerterm, but does not when starting it from the

The only thing that may be different is that the application is
invoked differently...

Maybe it would help me to understand how the laucher invoker works...
Can anybody give me some pointer on how it works?

Best regards,

Luciano Montanaro

Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on
no account be allowed to do the job. -- Douglas Adams
___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] ListView with SectionDelegate (Strange Behaviour)

2014-01-30 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi Gabriel

Thank you for taking the time to reproduce this issue. It is  
reassuring to know that based on the admittedly slim evidence of this  
issue alone I am not going completely mad!

I agree that the 2 issues sound related (I will have a poke around  
with your code later today).

Based on the assumption that this is probably a Qt issue rather than a  
Sailfish issue I was about to open an issue on the Qt Bug tracker.

Then standing on the platform waiting for my train to arrive I  
thought: How difficult could it be to fire up my Qt5.2 installation  
and create a Desktop version of this project to reproduce this issue?

By the time the train pulled in I had my first ever Qt Desktop project  
running! I had expected to see the same sections bug, but unexpectedly  
I got the expected behaviour! i.e on Qt 5.2.0 desktop I cannot  
reproduce this bug.

My next thought was: "Maybe this is still a Qt problem, but has been  
fixed in Qt 5.2.0?

Luckily I have an old Qt 5.0.0 installation lurking on my laptop. So I  
added a Qt version and kit for that, and launched the project as  

Again no Section header bug.

Then I turned to Android with Qt 5.2.0, and once again got expected  
behaviour (no bug).

So to cut a long story short, this behaviour appears to be limited to  
Sailfish (or the particular Qt version used by Sailfish)

I can reproduce it on the Emulator and real Jolla Device.

I cannot reproduce it on Harmattan Qt 4.7.4 (from which I am porting the code)

I cannot reproduce it on Qt Desktop (5.0.0 and 5.2.0)

I cannot reproduce it on Android Qt 5.2.0 (Emulator and Galaxy Note 3  
with KitKat).



Zitat von "Gabriel Böhme" :

Hi Chris,

I can reproduce this behavior with the code you posted and it seems to
be a bug.
I have encountered some days ago also a problem with section handling.
If you are appending a new Item to the list, while you use FullString
section headers, it's creating a new section, even if it is already
there. The expected behavior should be, that the new item is sorted
under the right section. Especially in my intended use case, it's a
problem because I want to fetch some data from an online source and sort
it in different sections. But how to do that, without appending? Insert
is also not possible at all, because it's varying always. Even if the
model is set after, appending (again) - it's not working. Also a code
example added at the bottom (just modified your code). The new
person/item with name "Tom" should be displayed in Boss section, but the
ListView creates another "Boss" section at the end of the list.

Maybe both are relating to each other?

Thank you very much.


import QtQuick 2.0
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0

Page {
id: page

SilicaListView {
id:  contactList

anchors.fill: parent
model: contactModel
delegate: Label {
width: page.width
} "section"
section.criteria: ViewSection.FullString
section.delegate: Rectangle {
height: 50
width: page.width
color: Theme.secondaryHighlightColor
opacity: 0.5

Label {
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
text: section

PullDownMenu {
MenuItem {
text: "Add a person"
onClicked: {
// comment out to set the model again, but thats not 
working at
all. :-/
// contactList.model = emptyList
contactModel.insert({"name": "Tom", "section":
// contactList.model = contactModel

ListModel {id: emptyList}

ListModel {
id: contactModel
ListElement {
name: "Achim"
section: "Boss"
ListElement {
name: "Ana"
section: "Friends"
ListElement {
name: "Bezelbub"
section: "Friends"
ListElement {
name: "Billy"
section: "Friends"
ListElement {
name: "Boris"
section: "Friends"
ListElement {
name: "Carrie"
section: "Friends"
ListElement {
name: "Cassie"
section: "Friends"
ListElement {
name: "Eziekiel"
section: "Family"
ListElement {
name: "Gargantua"
section: "Family"
ListElement {
name: "Gilbert"
section: "Family"
ListElement {
name: "Giles"
section: "Family"
ListElement {
name: "Gog"
section: "Workgroup"
ListElement {
name: "Mabel"

[SailfishDevel] ListView with SectionDelegate (Strange Behaviour)

2014-01-29 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi all

I have come across some more strange behaviour.

This time it is a ListView / SilicaListVew with a SectionDelegate  
based on FirstCharacter.

For the items initially displayed this works well, with the section  
headers exactly where I would expect them (e.g between Anne and Babs  
in the code below)

But as I flick up, I then a section header between each item (e.g  
between Gargantua and Gilbert).

The code below demonstrates this on the emulator.



import QtQuick 2.0
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0

Page {
id: page

SilicaListView {
id:  contactList
anchors.fill: parent
model: contactModel
delegate: Label {
text: model.displayLabel
width: page.width
} "displayLabel"
section.criteria: ViewSection.FirstCharacter
section.delegate: Rectangle {
height: 10
width: page.width
color: "lightblue"

ListModel {
id: contactModel
ListElement {
displayLabel: "Achim"
ListElement {
displayLabel: "Ana"
ListElement {
displayLabel: "Anne"
ListElement {
displayLabel: "Babs"
ListElement {
displayLabel: "Barnie"
ListElement {
displayLabel: "Barry"
ListElement {
displayLabel: "Bezelbub"
ListElement {
displayLabel: "Billy"
ListElement {
displayLabel: "Boris"
ListElement {
displayLabel: "Carrie"
ListElement {
displayLabel: "Cassie"
ListElement {
displayLabel: "Charlie"
ListElement {
displayLabel: "Chris"
ListElement {
displayLabel: "Diana"
ListElement {
displayLabel: "Donald"
ListElement {
displayLabel: "Doris"
ListElement {
displayLabel: "Egbert"
ListElement {
displayLabel: "Ethel"
ListElement {
displayLabel: "Eziekiel"
ListElement {
displayLabel: "Franzi"
ListElement {
displayLabel: "Freddy"
ListElement {
displayLabel: "Gargantua"
ListElement {
displayLabel: "Gilbert"
ListElement {
displayLabel: "Giles"
ListElement {
displayLabel: "Gog"
ListElement {
displayLabel: "Mabel"
ListElement {
displayLabel: "Magog"

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] App own C++ plugin equivalent to Silica Theme

2014-01-28 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi Thomas

I was hoping you would answer 8-)

The .js route did occur to me, but I initially decided to make that "Plan B".

As the list of UX constants will be used by most of the QML files in  
my project, a shared js script (i.e. defined as .pragma library) would  
seem to be the way to go. But I was put off by an earlier thread that  
implied that .pragma js scripts could not access QML elements.

If that thread was correct, then I could not use a .pragma js script  
to access Sailfish Theme constants. This implies that if I want the UX  
list to be able to access Sailfish Theme, it cannot be shared.  
However, I guess that the true hit on memory use is in making such a  
library non-shared may not be so important, but I need to do some more  
reflecting on that.

In the Qt Project link that your provided, there is a cryptic comment  
that I find interesting:

In particular, this may be useful in order to access functionality  
provided via a singleton type; see qmlRegisterSingletonType() for more  


How is the Sailfish Theme registered?

I am also intrigued by the fact that in the early SDK Alphas we had to  
import Sailfish.Silica.theme in every qml file using Theme properties,  
but now Theme has become globally available without any need for an  
explicit import. How is that achieved?



Zitat von "Thomas Perl" :

On 2014-01-28 10:59, wrote:
I would like to create a C++ plugin for my app to export common UX  
settings as constants to the QML side (Things like font sizes,  
margin sizes that reoccur throughout the app.)

In essence I want something very similar to the functionality  
offered by by the Silica Theme.

After some experimentation I have hit on a solution that both  
compiles and works. This is pasted at the bottom of this mail.

I have 2 questions:

1) Is there a more elegant solution to achieve the same goal?

Not sure if it's more elegant, but back in the Harmattan days with  
gPodder, I just collected all constants in a "config.js" file and  
imported that in QML:

From QML (assuming it's in the same folder), you can then do:

import "config.js" as Config

And if you have "var blubb = 123" in your config.js file, and you  
have imported it like above, you can then use "Config.blubb" to  
access that value.

2) From the C++ side, can I access the Silica them UX constants?  
e.g to set some of my constants based on Silica constants?

If you go with the JavaScript solution, you can import the Silica  
Theme class and use it in your JS, you can do this with something  

HTH :)
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___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] Interacting with the Sailfish Software Input Panel from code

2014-01-28 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi Pekka

thanks, that's it!

Now using I have found this documented as a 4.8  
to 5.0 change.

I think it would be helpful if the Silica documentation of the  
TextArea component also referred to the SoftwareInputPanel and  



Zitat von "Pekka Vuorela" :

On Tue, 2014-01-28 at 17:14 +0100, wrote:

Hi all

Is there any way to interact with the Jolla Software Input Panel
(Visual Keyboard9 from Code?

Are any signals emitted when it opens / closes?

Are there any methods to open and close it?

Harmattan had things like panelOpen and closeSoftwareInputPanel();

So far in Sailfish all I have found is that from a QML TextArea
element onClicked and onFocusChanged are emitted, giving an indirect
indication that the keyboard has opened.

QInputMethod class, QGuiApplication::inputMethod(), and in QML etc.

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___ Devel mailing list

[SailfishDevel] Interacting with the Sailfish Software Input Panel from code

2014-01-28 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi all

Is there any way to interact with the Jolla Software Input Panel  
(Visual Keyboard9 from Code?

Are any signals emitted when it opens / closes?

Are there any methods to open and close it?

Harmattan had things like panelOpen and closeSoftwareInputPanel();

So far in Sailfish all I have found is that from a QML TextArea  
element onClicked and onFocusChanged are emitted, giving an indirect  
indication that the keyboard has opened.



___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] White screen and no errors

2014-01-28 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi Marcin

How did you deploy?

Have you checked the QtCreator compile output as well as the  
application output?



Zitat von "Marcin M." :

You mean unclosed brackets? With the MeeGo components such thing always was
being reported in the log...


2014-01-28 Gabriel Böhme 


but an error in the QML file - *should* throw an error message on the


Am Dienstag, den 28.01.2014, 15:25 +0100 schrieb Luciano Montanaro:
> On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 2:51 PM, Marcin M. 
> > Why can it happen?
> Something similar has happened to me when a QML file cannot be parsed.
> Check those curly brackets! :)
> Luciano

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___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] SailfishOS SDK January update 2 available today

2014-01-28 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi Juha

On the first attempt I got this error:

Operation Failed
finished: Updating SDK Engine - exited with status 4

- File './noarch/sdk-harbour-rpmvalidator-1.3-10.6.1.jolla.noarch.rpm'  
not found on medium  

- Can't provide ./noarch/sdk-harbour-rpmvalidator-1.3-10.6.1.jolla.noarch.rpm

Problem occured during or after installation or removal of packages:
Installation aborted by user

Please see the above error message for a hint.

On the second try a few seconds later, the update worked properly.


Zitat von "Juha Kallioinen" :


another minor update to the SDK Build Engine was released today.

The update concerns again only the SDK Control Center, which gets  
some performance improvements, layout changes and provides a "Check  
for updates now" button in the Updates page.

You should see updates available for the Build Engine in the SDK  
Control Center Updates tab after your build engine has been running  
about 10 minutes. Please do not visit the Updates tab before the 10  
minutes has passed, otherwise the updates will show up later. The  
'Check for updates now' button was put there to avoid this wait  
period in the future.

As always, if you have any questions, you can send email to this  
mailing list  or write it up on and tag your issue with 'sdk'.

Happy hacking,
Jolla SDK Team.

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___ Devel mailing list

[SailfishDevel] App own C++ plugin equivalent to Silica Theme

2014-01-28 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi All

I would like to create a C++ plugin for my app to export common UX  
settings as constants to the QML side (Things like font sizes, margin  
sizes that reoccur throughout the app.)

In essence I want something very similar to the functionality offered  
by by the Silica Theme.

After some experimentation I have hit on a solution that both compiles  
and works. This is pasted at the bottom of this mail.

I have 2 questions:

1) Is there a more elegant solution to achieve the same goal?

2) From the C++ side, can I access the Silica them UX constants? e.g  
to set some of my constants based on Silica constants?



//start landedtheme.h
class LandedTheme : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(int MarginSmall READ MarginSmall CONSTANT)
//many more similar Q_PROPERTY declarations here
LandedTheme(QObject* parent = 0) : QObject(parent) {}
int MarginSmall() const { return 10;}
//many more similar variables here
//end landedtheme.h

//in the main .cpp file

#include "landedtheme.h"

static QObject *theme_singletontype_provider(QQmlEngine *engine,  
QJSEngine *scriptEngine)


LandedTheme *landedTheme = new LandedTheme();
return landedTheme;

//in the main function

qmlRegisterSingletonType("LandedTheme", 1, 0,  
"LandedTheme", theme_singletontype_provider);

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] Qt Creator Code AutoCompletion in QML for C++ declarative plugins

2014-01-26 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi David

Thanks, your guess is correct. I had not seen the option under Tools / C++.

Unfortunately it does not help either.

During breakfast I have found a solution: closing all projects and  
QtCreator, then reopening gives autocompletion with the correct  
updated properties / method names.


Zitat von "David Greaves" :

On 26/01/14 16:23, wrote:

Hi All

My app exposes chunks of functionality to the QML side from C++ declarative

On the QML side QtCreator gives me automatic code completion for elements
exposed from such plugins, suggesting property and method names.

So far so good.

The trouble is, I often refactor the C++ code as I add complexity  
e.g. renaming
properties and methods as better names occur to me, or reflect a  
change in purpose.

The trouble is, back on the QML side, QtCreator code-completion  
still suggests

the original names long after these have been renamed or eliminated.

Is there any way to "flush" / update the code completion so it reflects the
current state of affairs? Cleaning does not help, nor does "Reset  
Code Model".

Just guessing but this ^^ option is under Tools => QML/JS ... have you tried
Tools => C++ => "Update Code Model"


___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] Qt Creator Code AutoCompletion in QML for C++ declarative plugins

2014-01-26 Thread christopher . lamb

Hoi Sven


The "problem" (and it is a small one only) is limited to the  
auto-completion. Code builds perfectly well enough.

QtCreator's clean function wipes out the moc files, but seems to have  
no effect on auto-complete.



Zitat von "Sven Putze" :


try to build/run qmake from the menu and if that does not help,  
throw away the Makefile. The property binding depends on the Qt meta  
system, bound to the Q_OBJECT macro. Often recompiling does not  
start the needed steps to recreate the moc files and things get  


The trouble is, I often refactor the C++ code as I add complexity  
e.g. renaming properties and methods as better names occur to me,  
or reflect a change in purpose.

The trouble is, back on the QML side, QtCreator code-completion  
still suggests the original names long after these have been  
renamed or eliminated.

Is there any way to "flush" / update the code completion so it  
reflects the current state of affairs? Cleaning does not help, nor  
does "Reset Code Model".

___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] LED Flash functionality on a real Jolla: using policy engine

2014-01-26 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi Mohmammed

following your suggestion earlier in this thread:
"You will also have to make use of resource policy engine to arbitrate  
access to camera."

I have updated this demo:

to do so using nemo-qml-plugin-policy. As far as I can tell from  
testing with my torch app and the camera app, it works.

I chose this approach because it seemed the easiest and  
best-documented (basically the readme at was enough).

I considered writing C++ code to directly access libresourceqt, but  
baulked at the code I would have to write just to get permission for  
the LED.

My question is: is using nemo-qml-plugin-policy to get resource  
permissions a valid method for Sailfish apps? Or is there an even  
better way?

I have found no documentation on the topic of Sailfish and resource  
policy engine, other than source code ...



___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] Qt Creator Code AutoCompletion in QML for C++ declarative plugins

2014-01-26 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi Andrey

Zitat von "Andrey Kozhevnikov" :

writing qmltypes file can help you :)

Thanks. How is that best done with the Sailfish SDK? It does not  
include a qmlplugindump tool.

I have found copies of qmlplugindump in other Qt installations on my  
workstation, but have not got them working properly.

Come to that I have not found much documentation on the topic, other than.



___ Devel mailing list

[SailfishDevel] Qt Creator Code AutoCompletion in QML for C++ declarative plugins

2014-01-26 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi All

My app exposes chunks of functionality to the QML side from C++  
declarative plugins.

On the QML side QtCreator gives me automatic code completion for  
elements exposed from such plugins, suggesting property and method  

So far so good.

The trouble is, I often refactor the C++ code as I add complexity e.g.  
renaming properties and methods as better names occur to me, or  
reflect a change in purpose.

The trouble is, back on the QML side, QtCreator code-completion still  
suggests the original names long after these have been renamed or  

Is there any way to "flush" / update the code completion so it  
reflects the current state of affairs? Cleaning does not help, nor  
does "Reset Code Model".



___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] Binding weirdness on Jolla device after deploy with screen locked

2014-01-26 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi Ove

That's pretty much the behaviour I get, and the swipe to multitasking  
and back fixes things.

The behaviour 1s 100% reproducible  when the screen is locked during  
deploy, and never occurs when deploying to an unlocked screen.

That the problem to do with bindings is only a wild assumption on my  
part, it could be down to the screen not updating as you suggest.



Zitat von "Ove Kåven" :

Den 26. jan. 2014 13:42, skrev

Hi all

I have come across some weird behaviour on the Jolla:

Bindings don't seem to work immediately after an app has deployed when
the screen is locked.

Are you able to tell the difference between something like this, and  
the more straightforward issue of the app display simply not  
updating? I frequently experience the latter immediately after a  
deploy. If I click anything, or try to use the pulley menu, I can  
hear the sounds and get the console logs, but the display doesn't  
start updating before I swipe out to the multitasking view and then  
reactivate it. Everything works otherwise.

___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] Python and Qt Widgets development possible?

2014-01-26 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi Dietmar

Zitat von "Dietmar Schwertberger" :

Switching to QML/Qt Quick seems a major effort and especially, it is  
very un-pythonic to use this mixture of two languages.

There is only one language here, QML, which is an extension of javascript.
Qt Quick is a set of components used by QML. This component set is  
further extended by the Sailfish Silica component set.

I did not find QML itself that hard to learn, and there are lots of  
examples and tutorials on the interweb.

The mix of 2 languages comes when need to do some heavy-lifting and  
have to fall back to C++. Having said that C++ and QML are well  

Zitat von "Dietmar Schwertberger" :

...there's quite some effort to stay compatible over
multiple platforms 

You have hit the nail on the head. Multiplatform coding is not easy,  
especially if you want to keep native interaction, and look and feel.  
We know that Sailfish is quite a bit different from any other  
platform. Multi-platform is not impossible, but it does involve  

I have been working for some while to port a Harmattan app to  
Sailfish. For the most part I have got it working, but not without  
some obstacles. Off the top of my head (and without going into  
detail), here is a list of differences I found between these 2 platforms

1) Qt Version  4.7.4 --> 5.x

2) QtQuick version 1.0 --> 2.0

3) Mobility 1.2 --> Qt 5.0 equivalents

4) Project Template Files C++ main function, Pro file

5) Project structure

6) Sailfish look and feel, user interaction

7) Sailfish Specials: e.g Cover

8) Missing QML Components / Extra Components,

9) Component Property differences

10) Library differences inc. Bugs

11) Niggly Technical Stuff

11.1) How a javascript file imports a second javascript file

11.2) Location of LocalStorage DB

12) Harbour rules (somethings are technically possible, but not  
allowed to be harbour compliant)

13) etc 



___ Devel mailing list

[SailfishDevel] Binding weirdness on Jolla device after deploy with screen locked

2014-01-26 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi all

I have come across some weird behaviour on the Jolla:

Bindings don't seem to work immediately after an app has deployed when  
the screen is locked.

To demonstrate this I have created the code snippet at the end of this  
mail. To reproduce, create a default Sailfish project, paste the code  
into FirstPage.qml.

My code has:
1) an Item "dummy" with an enabled property bound to applicationActive.
2) a BackgroundItem with an enabled property bound to dummy.enabled
3) a Label in the BackgroundItem with with text property bound to  

When the app is active, the label should display "Correct Label"

However, if the app is deployed when the screen is locked, on  
unlocking and activating the app
the label text shows "Oops Wrong label" even though console.log output  
suggests that the text has changed to "Correct Label".

Also, when the backgroundItem is clicked, the highlight colour is not  
shown (but an onClicked event is generated).

The app behaves as expected (label correctly displayed, highlight  
colour shown) when:

a) The app is pushed to the left, and then reactivated,
b) The app is deployed while the screen is unlocked (immediately shown  

c) The app is opened from the app icon direct on the Jolla,
d) The app is deployed to the Emulator.



//Start FirstPage.qml
import QtQuick 2.0
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0

Page {
id: page

Item {
//represents a much more complex object (e.g. c++ plugin)
//reduced to item here for demo purposes
id: dummy
enabled: applicationActive
onEnabledChanged: console.log("QML dummy onEnabledChanged: "  
+ enabled);


BackgroundItem {
enabled: dummy.enabled
onEnabledChanged: console.log("QML BackgroundItem  
onEnabledChanged: " + enabled);

width: parent.width
height: 160
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
Label {
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
text: dummy.enabled ? "Correct Label" : "Oops! Wrong label"
onTextChanged: console.log("QML text onTextChanged: " + text);
color: Theme.primaryColor
onClicked:console.log("BackgroundItem clicked")
//End FirstPage.qml

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] LED Flash functionality on a real Jolla

2014-01-25 Thread christopher . lamb

Mohammed et al

I have just posted the code of my demo Flashlight app to Github

This uses Gstreamer, and in its current form is far from Harbour compliancy.

It exposes a torch to QML using the Jolla LED flash that can be turned  
on and off, and changed from Beam mode to Flash mode.

So far the main focus is on the "back-end" c++ part, as I require this  
functionality as part of my main app.

As and when time permits I will enrich this demo including:

* use of resource policy engine to arbitrate access to camera
* expose flash rate to QML as property so it can be changed from GUI  
(e.g. with a slider control).

Have fun


Zitat von "Mohammed Hassan" :

I am glad it worked for you :-)

Perhaps I should start working on an open flash light app.
Would anyone like to contribute to such app? I have already 2 apps  
to maintain

and I can't easily fit a 3rd.


On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 09:43:54PM +0100, wrote:

Hi Mohammed

That's it!

It's strange how things go. Yesterday was one of those days: At work
I spent hours fighting with a recalcitrant Confluence installation
that refused to start properly, and the evening I could not get the
GST code working properly.

Today was very different. I discovered that that the mysql database
under the Confluence was corrupt. Once i found that, it more or less
fixed itself. Then this evening I see from your mail that my GST
code only needs one character changed to work!

Zitat von "Mohammed Hassan" :
>g_object_set (G_OBJECT(src), "mode", 2, NULL);
>That should do it for you. Works fine here after changing mode to 2
>instead of 1

It really does work, both in developer mode from Qt Creator, and
once installed from the Jolla itself. Thank you! I will integrate
this functionality into my core app this weekend.

Zitat von "Mohammed Hassan" :
>Those errors are harmless. Just ignore them. They decrease with each
>update as we implement more camera features ;)

Looking forward to the update(s)! 8)


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Re: [SailfishDevel] Harbour compliant way to read contacts

2014-01-25 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi Sven

I am equally curious:

Reading and rereading Bernd's mail I see

" ..contacts synced to the device from some third party services..."

I entered all the contacts on my phone myself (most via bluetooth from  
the N9). No third parties are involved at all. So surely my apps  
should have full readonly access.

If the source is an issue, then the source should be an attribute of  
each contact, thus allowing apps access to kosher contacts, and  
barring access to those from third parties.

Surely what an app does with the contacts is more important than the  
source of the contacts?

e.g. if an app "phones home" with a list of all the phone's contacts,  
that is not on.

But just displaying contacts, or using a contact to setup a call or an  
SMS seems legit to me.



Zitat von "Putze Sven" :


could you please shed some light about this issue? What kind of  
service agreements? Between whom? Was there some hidden hint in the  
fine print I did not read why I bought the phone?
Or to put it in some more provocative way: those contact data is  
*my* data and *I* want to decide what information is shared between  
which apps.


On 21.01.2014, at 18:04, Bernd Wachter  wrote:

Short answer: Right now it's not allowed for legal reasons: We are not
allowed to pass contacts synced to the device from some third party
services through to other applications.
(i.e., contacts not tied to some service

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] LED Flash functionality on a real Jolla

2014-01-24 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi Mohammed

That's it!

It's strange how things go. Yesterday was one of those days: At work I  
spent hours fighting with a recalcitrant Confluence installation that  
refused to start properly, and the evening I could not get the GST  
code working properly.

Today was very different. I discovered that that the mysql database  
under the Confluence was corrupt. Once i found that, it more or less  
fixed itself. Then this evening I see from your mail that my GST code  
only needs one character changed to work!

Zitat von "Mohammed Hassan" :

g_object_set (G_OBJECT(src), "mode", 2, NULL);

That should do it for you. Works fine here after changing mode to 2
instead of 1

It really does work, both in developer mode from Qt Creator, and once  
installed from the Jolla itself. Thank you! I will integrate this  
functionality into my core app this weekend.

Zitat von "Mohammed Hassan" :

Those errors are harmless. Just ignore them. They decrease with each
update as we implement more camera features ;)

Looking forward to the update(s)! 8)


___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] LED Flash functionality on a real Jolla

2014-01-23 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi Mohammed

I have been trying to implement your suggestion, but am still having  
problems ...

The Nokia code quoted in my original post did not have an explicit  
sink (and on the N9 worked without one). But following the tutorial in  
the link below I have added one to the my code.

The code compiles and runs, but the LED does not respond. On startup I  
get errors like:

(GSTTorch:14916): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: Object class  
GstDroidCamSrc doesn't implement property 'scene-mode' from interface  

(GSTTorch:14916): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: Object class  
GstDroidCamSrc doesn't implement property 'noise-reduction' from  
interface 'GstPhotography'

...more of the same ...


I confess that I have not yet fully understood the Gstreamer  
architecture, so my code is very much "best guess" attempt.

thanks for your help,


//start gsttorch.h
#ifndef GSTTORCH_H
#define GSTTORCH_H


class GstTorch : public QObject

Q_PROPERTY(bool status READ status WRITE setStatus NOTIFY statusChanged)
explicit GstTorch(QObject *parent = 0);

void start();
void stop();
Q_INVOKABLE void toggle();

bool status();
void setStatus(bool on);

void statusChanged(bool on);

GstElement *pipeline;
GstElement *src;
GstElement *sink;
bool mStatus; // true = on

#endif // GSTTORCH_H
//end gsttorch.h

//start gsttorch.cpp
//thanks to:

#include "gsttorch.h"

GstTorch::GstTorch(QObject *parent) :
QObject(parent), pipeline(0), src(0), sink(0), mStatus(false)
//gst-launch-0.10 droidcamsrc video-torch=1 viewfinder-mode=1 ! fakesink
gst_init(NULL, NULL);
src = gst_element_factory_make("droidcamsrc", "src");
sink = gst_element_factory_make("droideglsink", "sink");
pipeline = gst_pipeline_new ("test-pipeline");
if (!src || !sink || !pipeline) {
/* Build the pipeline */
gst_bin_add_many (GST_BIN (pipeline), src, sink, NULL);
if (gst_element_link (src, sink) != TRUE) {
qDebug() << "Elements could not be linked!";
gst_object_unref (pipeline);
g_object_set(G_OBJECT(src), "video-torch", 1, NULL);
g_object_set(G_OBJECT(src), "mode", 1, NULL);
gst_element_set_state(pipeline, GST_STATE_NULL);

void GstTorch::start(){
qDebug() << "START";
gst_element_set_state(pipeline, GST_STATE_PLAYING);

void GstTorch::stop(){
qDebug() << "STOP";
gst_element_set_state(pipeline, GST_STATE_NULL);

void GstTorch::toggle(){
qDebug() << "TOGGLE";

bool  GstTorch::status(){
qDebug() << "STATUS";
return mStatus;

void  GstTorch::setStatus(bool on){
qDebug() << "SET STATUS" << on;
if (on){
emit statusChanged(true);
} else {
emit statusChanged(false);
mStatus = on;
//end gsttorch.cpp

Zitat von "Mohammed Hassan" :

On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 08:29:19PM +0100, wrote:

Solution 3)

Via a Gstreamer QML Plugin.

I dug out some old code that worked on Harmattan, basically the code
from this link to create a qml plugin

On Sailfish this compiles, but gives the following error when I
start the torch.

(GSTTorch:708): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_element_set_state:
assertion `GST_IS_ELEMENT (element)' failed

This is not the recommended way but it's the only way to get flash  
light to work but I have to
warn you that it wil prevent your app from entering harbour. You  
will also have to make use
of resource policy engine to arbitrate access to camera. Failing to  
do so will lead to breaking

jolla camera app.

Simply replace subdevsrc with droidcamsrc and use droideglsink as  
the sink and

it should work fine.

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___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] Cannot ssh to device in USB developer mode

2014-01-23 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi Damien

congratulations on "getting in"!

There is not such thing as a stupid question, only stupid answers 8-)

Now that you can connect things by SSH, if you want to do so using an  
RSA key in the same way that you can connect to the emulator, here is  


Zitat von


Selon Graham Cobb :

On 23/01/14 14:01, wrote:
It sounds like you are connecting to the ssh on your own machine.  To
test that you could try logging in to an account which exists on your
own machine (or check the hw key, or set up a banner message).
Thanks, I've understand my mistake. It's working now. Thanks a lot  
and sorry for

the stupid question…

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