[Developers] JIRA upgrade

2009-09-21 Thread Nico Klasens

Hello All,

As some might have noticed, we have upgraded the jira installation on 
http://www.mmbase.org/jira/ to the latest version. This took a little 
longer than expected, but now we have full subversion support. All 
issues now have a tab with the svn changes.

Let me knwo when something is not working for you with this new 


Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] Changes in source visible in MMBase Jira

2009-08-05 Thread Nico Klasens


The current jira version (3.6.5) does not have the subversion module yet.

I just check the administration section in Jira and 4 account are 
administrators at the moment.

1 admin, which had an...@finalist.com as emailaddress, but I am not sure 
if he still knows the password.
2 mmbaseleader, which has the same password as the mmweb ssh-account on 

3 Henk
4 Nico, me

IIRC an...@finalist installed the jira instance with the jira ssh-user 
(we both don't remember the password). I imported the bugtracker issues.

j...@mmbase requested the open source license.


Michiel Meeuwissen wrote:

On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 13:19, Jacobjob Kosterjacob...@finalist.com wrote:

So we need an upgrade of Jira first. Can Vlamea do this, or should somebody
with a login on the Confluence site do this?

I don't know.


Henk was talking to me, after I mailed the list. He said that he probably
hand over his admin rights on the Jira, if you guys don't make objections.

You mean hand over to you? I at least have no objections. I'd very
much welcome the link between JIRA and SVN.




Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] jstl dep. in example-webapp

2009-04-20 Thread Nico Klasens

Hi Ernst,

Guess you are using the mvn2 build.. I saw the error last week, but 
didn't had the time to investigate. If the jstl.version is wrong then we 
should go back to the version which was also used in the maven1 build.


Ernst Bunders wrote:


I had to change the jstl dependency version from 1.2 to 1.1.2 to make
the webapp to work. There is now a discrepancy between the jstl and
the standard libraries. This couses ClassNotFound exceptions on
javax.el.ELException, even when this is on the classpath.

Changing the jstl version to 1.1.2 and rebuilding the example-webapp
fixed it for me. Should i commit this, or is there a reason for using
jstl version 1.2 (i couldn't find a matching standards jar)




Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] Maven2

2009-03-08 Thread Nico Klasens

Michiel Meeuwissen wrote:

On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 13:09, Nico Klasens mmb...@klasens.net wrote:

Hello Michiel,

I have been playing around for some hours the last weeks with my preferred
maven2 build structure. I commited the head to a subversion and started
moving the files in the way I wanted it. See

Big advatnages. Simple poms which use the provided mojo's instead of our
own. Any level of rhe build can trigger a multimodule build.
I creatwd two mojo's. 1 for the INDEX files (copy of yours) and 2 an
RemoteGenerator for the rmmci build.
A lot is also usable in the current structure, but I would prefer somthing
like mine.

I think your proposal is preferable above what is now in CVS. Though
on one hand I find some merit in our current, less complicated
directory structure (src, blocks, template, config, vs. src/main/java,
src/main/webapp, src/main/config), on the other hand this default
maven directory structure is used more universally so probably more
readily understandable. That using that structure also simplifies the
pom's and largely obsoletes the Mojo I deviced is an argument too,
though I must say that I found the amount of code to arrange
everything quite modest.

The big disadvantages of changing the directory structure is that you
can't simply move things in CVS, so it would be best to migrate to svn
first, and that it would be silly to try to keep the existing build
scripts working, so I'd propose to simply drop those. These are hardly
technical probems though.


Just committed some maven stuff which was in my structure and could be 
applied to the current one. It is now possible to run a full multimodule 
build when you run mvn inside the mmbase all checkout/maven directory. 
I don't mind the directory strucuture how it is in /applications The 
ugliest part of the build is that the mmbase.jar is build in the root. 
This prevents that the modules sectioncan be added to the /pom.xml. I 
put it now in the /maven/pom.xml. The /maven-base/pom.xml is still the 
master pom with overall project information.
When the snapshots are installed in the mmbase.org repository then it is 
even possible to only checkout a small project and build only that one.

I think from now on I will only use the maven 2 build for the head. 
Still 2 things are missing: 1 our integration tests and 2 documentation 

Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] http://www.mmbase.org/mm/documentation

2008-08-06 Thread Nico Klasens
The documentation in the maven build is generated when the site goal  is 
called. The build calls maven sdocbook:generate-html when a 
documentation directory exists. The only thing I am not sure about are 
the docbook version and xslt's which are used.
The problems seems to be the generation of the href on the a-tag a = 
target=_topHow To Use XML/a.


André van Toly wrote:

The documentation builds fine with 'ant documentation'. I have no 
idea  how to build it with maven. The nightly build generation (uses 
maven?)  skips generating links right after 'MMC Mission Statement 
Document'  which has a link in its path with a dot in it, namely: 
 Maybe this is the cause and is it a maven bug?


Op 5 aug 2008, om 21:52 heeft Michiel Meeuwissen het volgende  


Does anybody have any idea how come most links in the subject's URL
are missing? I suppose this is a maven artifact of the 'maven-site'
directory as peformed by the nightly build, and evidentely something
is going
wrong with it. I have however no idea what, and right away, I don't
know either how I could debug it.


PS, I also made a JIRA issue about this

mihxil' http://meeuw.org
nl_NL eo_XX en_US
Developers mailing list

Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] Performance tuning, slow query's

2008-07-02 Thread Nico Klasens

Hallo Winfred,

For all our mysql installations we do the following. Binary fields are 
slow when you do a orderby or table scan on a MyIsam table.  The full 
record is read with an MyIsam which kills your perfromance when you have 
MBs stored in a column. A MyIsam table is more suitable when you do full 
text searches.

alter table mm_attachments ENGINE = INNODB;
alter table mm_images ENGINE = INNODB;
alter table mm_icaches ENGINE = INNODB;

Very important too are the indexes on the relation tables (insrel, 
posrel, *rel, etc). This is how a show create table mm_insrel; should 
look like

| mm_insrel | CREATE TABLE `mm_insrel` (
 `number` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
 `otype` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
 `owner` varchar(12) NOT NULL default '',
 `snumber` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
 `dnumber` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
 `rnumber` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
 `dir` int(11) default NULL,
 PRIMARY KEY  (`number`),
 KEY `otype` (`otype`),
 KEY `snumber` (`snumber`),
 KEY `dnumber` (`dnumber`),
 KEY `rnumber` (`rnumber`),
 KEY `mm_insrel_relation_idx` (`snumber`,`dnumber`,`rnumber`)

When the mmbase application is written well then the index 
mm_insrel_relation_idx is always used. You only get this when the 
application is very specific what it wants.
mm:relatednodes type=attachments role=posrel orderby=posrel.pos 
searchdir=destination will use this index, because it specifies type, 
role and searchdir
A mm:relatednodes type=attachments will give you very bad 
performance, because mmbase will not use any of the indexes. The sql 
query created will do a where clause with an OR which can never be 
resolved with 1 index. Usually the database decides to do a full table 
scan (which is not nice when you have 100.000+ relations).  Mysql 5 
sometimss uses an index merge of snumber and dnumber, but then you are 
lucky. A change to mm:relatednodes type=attachments 
searchdir=destination will remove the OR part and will give you some 
benefit of an index.

Another thing which kills performance is the usage of single node in 
list retrieval. Below is one of the many examples which can trigger this
mm:list path=sometype fields=sometype.number max=100 %-- list 
query to the database --%

   mm:field name=sometype.number id=sometypeNumber /
   mm:node number=${sometypeNumber} %--query to the database which 
retrieves one record 'where number = 1234' --%

This example will do 101 queries on the database This is done in 
sequence, because it is only one thread. This will give slow response 
times no matter how fast your server is  I have seen mmbase sites doing 
2000+ queries in sequences on a database for one request, The customer 
was complaining that their fast machine was serving pages very slow :)

Just add this to the log4j.xml and see the horror on your site :)

   logger name=org.mmbase.storage.search additivity=false
 level class=mmlevel; value=debug /


Winfred Peereboom wrote:

We are running mmbase 1.8 and i am busy with some performance tuning. 
When i look to the different query's that are produced i notice that 
there are not very efficient (example not using joins but where 
statement to join). Besides that I see in my mysql proces list that an 
update query on the bp_pos table while lock most of all other query's 
. The tables are MyIsam. My question now is if someone has some 
experience to change tables to innodb. And if he/she knows if i need 
to change anything in mmbase conf.

Thanks for any anwer

Met vriendelijke groeten,

winfred Peereboom

Developers mailing list

Developers mailing list

Re: Betr.: Re: [Developers] Performance tuning, slow query's

2008-07-02 Thread Nico Klasens

Hallo Winfred,

If your database supports InnoDB then this is the only thing you have to do.

I assume that switching to innodb will not help in your lock issue, but 
you could give it a try. How locks are treated depend more on the 
isolation level of your connection. I never investigated issue with 
mmbase and mysql lock so I don't have a lot of suggestions on that.


Winfred Peereboom wrote:

Thanks for your reply Nico,

I worked out a couple of things and hope to see (in the near future) 
the some results. i added some indexes and changed some related nodes 
tags as you explain.
For setting the mm_images and mm_icaches table to innodb, are there 
any other changes for this to make it work. Or just give the alter 
command ?

One other question is, how do you think of changing the bp_pos (or 
other relation table) to innodb, because when our editor changes 
something the table will be locked. Other query's have to wait before 
he finished updating. Or is this something i need to fix somewhere 
else so the table would not be used.

Met vriendelijke groeten,

Winfred Peereboom

Van:Nico Klasens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Aan:Discussion list for developers developers@lists.mmbase.org
Datum:  02-07-2008 10:24
Onderwerp:  Re: [Developers] Performance tuning, slow query's

Hallo Winfred,

For all our mysql installations we do the following. Binary fields are
slow when you do a orderby or table scan on a MyIsam table.  The full
record is read with an MyIsam which kills your perfromance when you have
MBs stored in a column. A MyIsam table is more suitable when you do full
text searches.

alter table mm_attachments ENGINE = INNODB;
alter table mm_images ENGINE = INNODB;
alter table mm_icaches ENGINE = INNODB;

Very important too are the indexes on the relation tables (insrel,
posrel, *rel, etc). This is how a show create table mm_insrel; should
look like

| mm_insrel | CREATE TABLE `mm_insrel` (
 `number` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
 `otype` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
 `owner` varchar(12) NOT NULL default '',
 `snumber` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
 `dnumber` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
 `rnumber` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
 `dir` int(11) default NULL,
 PRIMARY KEY  (`number`),
 KEY `otype` (`otype`),
 KEY `snumber` (`snumber`),
 KEY `dnumber` (`dnumber`),
 KEY `rnumber` (`rnumber`),
 KEY `mm_insrel_relation_idx` (`snumber`,`dnumber`,`rnumber`)

When the mmbase application is written well then the index
mm_insrel_relation_idx is always used. You only get this when the
application is very specific what it wants.
mm:relatednodes type=attachments role=posrel orderby=posrel.pos
searchdir=destination will use this index, because it specifies type,
role and searchdir
A mm:relatednodes type=attachments will give you very bad
performance, because mmbase will not use any of the indexes. The sql
query created will do a where clause with an OR which can never be
resolved with 1 index. Usually the database decides to do a full table
scan (which is not nice when you have 100.000+ relations).  Mysql 5
sometimss uses an index merge of snumber and dnumber, but then you are
lucky. A change to mm:relatednodes type=attachments
searchdir=destination will remove the OR part and will give you some
benefit of an index.

Another thing which kills performance is the usage of single node in
list retrieval. Below is one of the many examples which can trigger this
mm:list path=sometype fields=sometype.number max=100 %-- list
query to the database --%
   mm:field name=sometype.number id=sometypeNumber /
   mm:node number=${sometypeNumber} %--query to the database which
retrieves one record 'where number = 1234' --%
This example will do 101 queries on the database This is done in
sequence, because it is only one thread. This will give slow response
times no matter how fast your server is  I have seen mmbase sites doing
2000+ queries in sequences on a database for one request, The customer
was complaining that their fast machine was serving pages very slow :)

Just add this to the log4j.xml and see the horror on your site :)

   logger name=org.mmbase.storage.search additivity=false
 level class=mmlevel; value=debug /


Winfred Peereboom wrote:

 We are running mmbase 1.8 and i am busy with some performance tuning.
 When i look to the different query's that are produced i notice that
 there are not very efficient (example not using joins but where
 statement to join). Besides that I see in my mysql proces list that an
 update query on the bp_pos table while lock most of all other query's
 . The tables are MyIsam. My question now is if someone has some
 experience to change tables to innodb. And if he/she knows if i need
 to change anything in mmbase conf.

 Thanks for any anwer

 Met vriendelijke groeten,

 winfred Peereboom

[Developers] [Fwd: [MMBASE CVS] config/builders/core insrel.xml]

2008-02-15 Thread Nico Klasens


What is the scenario that this change is necessary? This change means 
that all databases have to be altered to prevent VERIFY wanrnings.I have 
no issues with creating an migration script, but I did not have any 
issues with it earlier.


 Original Message 
Subject:[MMBASE CVS] config/builders/core insrel.xml
Date:   Mon, 11 Feb 2008 17:43:37 +0100
From:   Michiel Meeuwissen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To:   developers@lists.mmbase.org, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization:   Publieke omroep

Update of /var/cvs/config/builders/core
In directory james.mmbase.org:/tmp/cvs-serv10958

Modified Files:
 Tag: MMBase-1_8
Log Message:

snumber, dnumber can temporary be null

See also: http://cvs.mmbase.org/viewcvs/config/builders/core

Index: insrel.xml
RCS file: /var/cvs/config/builders/core/insrel.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.12
retrieving revision
diff -u -b -r1.12 -r1.12.2.1
--- insrel.xml  5 Jul 2006 15:21:17 -   1.12
+++ insrel.xml  11 Feb 2008 16:43:32 -
@@ -41,13 +41,11 @@
-  input-1/input
-  search1/search
  datatype base=node xmlns=http://www.mmbase.org/xmlns/datatypes; 
-required value=true /
+required value=false /

@@ -64,17 +62,15 @@
-  input-1/input
-  search2/search
  datatype base=node xmlns=http://www.mmbase.org/xmlns/datatypes; 
-required value=true /
+required value=false /

-field name=rnumber state=system
+field name=rnumber state=system readonly=true
description xml:lang=enThis relation's type 
description xml:lang=nlObjectnummer van het relatietype van deze 
@@ -87,9 +83,7 @@
-  input-1/input
-  search3/search
  datatype base=reldef xmlns=http://www.mmbase.org/xmlns/datatypes; 
@@ -97,7 +91,7 @@

-field name=dir state=system
+field name=dir state=system readonly=true
description xml:lang=en
  Directionality of this relation, can be uni or bi-directional (0 or 1)
Cvs mailing list

Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] RC1 Re: MMBase 1.8.5

2007-12-03 Thread Nico Klasens
Same here. I made an MMbase version with maven for the CMSc on 
30-11-2007 and have not heard anyone developing on the CMScthat 
something is brolken.


André van Toly wrote:

I would say: Release it! I've used 1.8.5 (or its preceders since  
1.8.4) in several webapplications and haven't found any major problems.


Op 28 nov 2007, om 19:44 heeft Michiel Meeuwissen het volgende  


I hope we are about ready to release now.

Release notes for 1.8.5 wil look like this:

mihxil'  http://meeuw.org
nl_NL eo_XX en_US
Developers mailing list

André van Toly
MMBase development  Userfriendly webdesign

W: http://www.toly.nl
M: +31(0)627233562

Developers mailing list

Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] Please help me: I got a error when I tried to use rmmci

2007-10-29 Thread Nico Klasens


The important line in your stacktrace is

It actually says that it could retrieve the CloudContext from the 
RMIRegistry, but it failed to get a connection to the stub object.
The RMIRegistry only stores an url to the stub. This url is usually your 
hostname with port one higher than the rmiregistry port. It seems you 
can't connect to that one. The RMIRegistryServer in rmmci.xml was 
intended to make sure what the hostname was, but I found a small error 
in the RMMCI code the other day which fails to do that. The 
RMIRegistryServer should have set the system property 
java.rmi.server.hostname, but that does not happen. This will happen 
when the mmbaseroot.xml hostname is set or when it is passed to the jvm 
with -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=localhost. The latter one should always 


Zhang Xiaofei wrote:


I met a troublesome error which cost me two days. I still don't get 
method to solve it now. I am really confused.
When I use RMMCI module in my own pc, this error appears as blow. but 
when I connect to my friend's pc with 
tomcat5.5+mmbase1.8.4+mysql5(which is as same as my computer), it 
works very well.

Could you give me some suggestions about this error, and how to solve 
it. Thank you:-)

Hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes.


The Error generated by eclipse:
Exception in thread main org.mmbase.bridge.BridgeException: 
Connection refused to host:; nested 
exception is:

java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect
at org.seaba.scheduler.jobs.mail.EmailSenderTest 

at org.seaba.scheduler.jobs.mail.Test.main(Test.java:5)
Caused by: java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host:; nested exception is:

java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect
at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPEndpoint.newSocket(Unknown Source)
at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPChannel.createConnection(Unknown Source)
at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPChannel.newConnection (Unknown Source)
at sun.rmi.server.UnicastRef.invoke(Unknown Source)

... 2 more
Caused by: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(Native Method)
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.doConnect (Unknown Source)
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connectToAddress(Unknown Source)
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(Unknown Source)
at java.net.SocksSocketImpl.connect(Unknown Source)
at java.net.Socket.connect (Unknown Source)
at java.net.Socket.connect(Unknown Source)
at java.net.Socket.init(Unknown Source)
at java.net.Socket.init(Unknown Source)
at sun.rmi.transport.proxy.RMIDirectSocketFactory.createSocket 
(Unknown Source)

... 8 more

Developers mailing list

Developers mailing list

[Developers] position calculation in editwizard lists

2007-08-10 Thread Nico Klasens


For a long time, I struggled with position calculation in lists. The 
xpaths we used never worked nice. The issue was that the position was 
caluclated on all lists with the same role and not the one where the 
item was added to. Finaally, I found one which works so I thought I 
share this with everyone.

?xml version=1.0?
!DOCTYPE list PUBLIC -//MMBase/DTD editwizard 1.0//EN 
list role=posrel destination=urls minoccurs=0 maxoccurs=* 
orderby=[EMAIL PROTECTED]'pos'] ordertype=number

   action type=create
   relation destinationtype=urls role=posrel
   field name=pos{sum(//[EMAIL PROTECTED]'posrel' and 
@lastitem='true']/[EMAIL PROTECTED]'urls']/../[EMAIL PROTECTED]'pos'])+{$pos}}/field

   object type=urls /

Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] Module#getInitParameter.

2007-04-27 Thread Nico Klasens

Michiel Meeuwissen wrote:

2007/4/25, Pierre van Rooden [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Michiel Meeuwissen wrote:
 That will have the effect that you can set any module property in
 web.xml or in context tag (e.g. server.xml or the specific
 context.xml) of tomcat..

This already exists (in 1.9).
Parameters are read from the applicationcontext (overriding xml
configuration) during startup, using a module's loadFromContext().
The context name of a module is mmbase/modulename, i.e. 

Is this actually the same? I think I need Resource en ResourceParam
and what not.


Hello Michiel,

Some modules are adjusted in the 1.8 and head to load parameters from 
the context. I experimented with this to get some ideas on how we can 
use it in a general way. In tomcat you can put in the server.xml or 
context.xml. These are similar as the  env-entry in web.xml

   Environment name=mmbase/mmbaseroot/datasource-context 
value=java:comp/env type=java.lang.String /
   Environment name=mmbase/mmbaseroot/datasource value=jdbc/cmsc 
type=java.lang.String /
   Environment name=mmbase/mmbaseroot/basename value=live 
type=java.lang.String /
   Environment name=mmbase/imaging/ImageConvertClass
type=java.lang.String /
   Environment name=mmbase/imaging/ImageConvert.ConverterCommand 
value=convert type=java.lang.String /
   Environment name=mmbase/imaging/ImageConvert.ConverterRoot 
value= type=java.lang.String /

   Environment name=mmbase/rmmci/port value= 
type=java.lang.String /
   Environment name=mmbase/rmmci/stubport value=1112 
type=java.lang.String /
   Environment name=mmbase/rmmci/bindname value=live 
type=java.lang.String /
   !-- if RMIRegistryServer is not set RemoteMMCI looks for a 

   on the host defined in the mmbaseroot.xml module. --
   !-- Environment name=mmbase/rmmci/RMIRegistryServer 
value=localhost type=java.lang.String / --


Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] Dove and exception catching.

2007-04-23 Thread Nico Klasens

Hi Michiel,

I don't have any objections against it. Error handling is one of the 
most annoying things in the editwizards.


Michiel Meeuwissen wrote:

A long time ago I already did it, but I never checked it it, because
there was a project to improve on dove/editwizards. But we don't hear
much on that terrain.

I just found a bug in my application much, much easier by firstly
removing all try/catch-blocks from Dove.java again. Dove only catches
Runtime-exceptions, and then tries to encode those in the
response-XML. But then, Editwizards make an exception of that, which
is often considerably less clear, because dove, editwizard sometimes
make assumptions about the cause of the exception which are not

So, my proposal is to remove all try/catch blocks from Dove.java (in
HEAD). How do we feel about that?


Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] copy/clone a Node

2007-02-23 Thread Nico Klasens

Hello Leon,

You could do something like this 

The cloneNodeField method is a mmbase 1.7 version. A 1.8 version would 
be something like

public static void cloneNodeField(Node sourceNode, Node destinationNode, 
Field field) {
 if (sourceNode.getNodeManager().getField(fieldName).getState() 
!= Field.STATE_SYSTEM) {




Schaeps, Leon wrote:



I want to create a function to copy a node in the Editors.

Is there a default function I can use to copy a Node with all its 

Or is the best way to create a new node and loop the fields of the 
source node and copy the values into the fields of the new node?


Kind Regards,




Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] Re: Didactor source to MMBase CVS

2007-02-22 Thread Nico Klasens

Hello Johannes and Henk,

I have created the didactor project in Jira. Users can be added to the 
Didactor group to give permissions on the issues in the didactor 
project. MMBase committers are also allowed to change issues. We can 
turn this off when prefered.

Jira also monitors the didactor cvs directory for commits.

Just let me know when something does not work.



Henk Hangyi wrote:

Hi Johannes,

Congratulations! Maybe you should tell something on the next developers
meeting (March 8) on how to use and develop with Didactor.

Nico, could you create a jira project for Didactor (or show me on how to
do it) ?

Regards, Henk.

Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] Re: [MMBASE CVS] src/org/mmbase/bridge BridgeList.java

2007-02-14 Thread Nico Klasens

Michiel Meeuwissen wrote:

2007/2/10, Nico Klasens [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Created subBridgeList method

-public BridgeListE subList(int s, int o);
+public BridgeListE subBridgeList(int s, int o);

I don't understand why that is better. We 'covariant return types' in
java 1.5 so why not use it?

Don't really know anymore why I did it. Might be that one of the 
compilers (Eclipse or Sun) did not like the normal sublist.


Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] jira question

2007-02-03 Thread Nico Klasens

Michiel Meeuwissen wrote:

2007/1/29, Nico Klasens [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Resolved means that developer has fixed the code.
Closed means that the reporter has verified the fix.

I think so too. This gives us a horrible job though, because at the
moment there are 1135 issues with status 'resolved'.

Perhaps we should consider bulk-changing them all to 'closed', and
start freshly. Scheduling 140 open issues - and eventually fixing and
verifying them - seems doable, but verifying the fix for 1135
solutions, on the other hand, seems sheerly impossible.

I think we can easily close all issue which are resolved with fixed 
version  1.7.x. This will reduce it by half.

For the rest we have to figure at a practical way.

Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] jira question

2007-01-31 Thread Nico Klasens

Hello Ernst,

What really confuses me is the version head in the MMBob project. What 
do you want with it?
In Jira you are always working towards a release with a real version 
number. Iow creating a roadmap which shows which issues are solved when.
The head of cvs is not a version it will become one when yoy branch or 
tag it. Cvs head will become version from jira over time.


Ernst Bunders wrote:

Nico Klasens wrote:

Hello Ernst,

Sounds like the issue is not solved or you want a clone of the issue 
for head (See left side operations).
See jira documentation 

yes, let's read the documentation for a bit. I must say I like jira a 

I may have some questions in the end, but perhaps I give you a ring.




Ernst Bunders wrote:

hello Nico

thanks for the answer. I have another question. Initially I have 
added bugs in the following way: I set 'affected versions' to 
'unknown' and 'fix versions' to '0.9'. that should have been to 
'head' as well. So, then I fix it for 0.9, and I go to 'resolve 
issue'. I have to chose for a 'fix version' again. Logically I would 
think that would be the version that has actually been fixed. But it 
seems I am in fact resetting the original 'fix version' from the 
issue. so when I choose '0.9' I remove this issue from the 'fix 
version' list for release 'head'

That's not right, I would say. I have been playing around with it. 
but I can not get an issue to be fixed for 0.9, and not fixed for head.

What goes wrong? am I thinking along the wrong lines here?



Nico Klasens wrote:

Resolved means that developer has fixed the code.
Closed means that the reporter has verified the fix.


Ernst Bunders wrote:

what is the distinction between 'resolved' and 'closed' for issues?
when should i use which?


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Re: [Developers] mmbob in bugtracker

2007-01-11 Thread Nico Klasens

Three people at the moment are jira-admin.
Me, because I setup the jira system
Andre van der Elsrt, our sysadmin at Finalist whowill maintenain the 

Henk Hangyi, he plans to setup the release and roadmap for MMBase in jira

The MMbase commitors have rights on the MMBase jira project. I created 
different usergroups for the other projects. Iow. the contributions can 
get their own community around it.


Ernst Bunders wrote:

I see there is an mmbob project too now. pretty neat. Is there some 
kind of administrator for mmbase jira, or is everyone supposed to do 
as they please?


Nico Klasens wrote:

I have setup the MMbase project in a special way and would like to do 
it the same way for other projects



Nico Klasens wrote:

Maybe it is an idea to create a new jira project for each 
contribution. The mmbase project will then only contain issues which 
are maintained by all mmbase core commitors. We then can use the 
mmbase project as a roadmap for mmbase. A contribution jira project 
can then be used as a roadmap for that particular application.

My idea is to move the CMS Container jira project at finalist to the 
mmbase.org in the near future and we already use it as a roadmap.


Ernst Bunders wrote:

Hello all

I have just created a new Component in mmbase jira for mmbob 
related bugs. It would be nice if known bugs and issues would be 
registered there.


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Re: [Developers] mmbob in bugtracker

2007-01-10 Thread Nico Klasens
Maybe it is an idea to create a new jira project for each contribution. 
The mmbase project will then only contain issues which are maintained by 
all mmbase core commitors. We then can use the mmbase project as a 
roadmap for mmbase. A contribution jira project can then be used as a 
roadmap for that particular application.

My idea is to move the CMS Container jira project at finalist to the 
mmbase.org in the near future and we already use it as a roadmap.


Ernst Bunders wrote:

Hello all

I have just created a new Component in mmbase jira for mmbob related 
bugs. It would be nice if known bugs and issues would be registered 


Developers mailing list

Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] mmbob in bugtracker

2007-01-10 Thread Nico Klasens
I have setup the MMbase project in a special way and would like to do it 
the same way for other projects



Nico Klasens wrote:

Maybe it is an idea to create a new jira project for each 
contribution. The mmbase project will then only contain issues which 
are maintained by all mmbase core commitors. We then can use the 
mmbase project as a roadmap for mmbase. A contribution jira project 
can then be used as a roadmap for that particular application.

My idea is to move the CMS Container jira project at finalist to the 
mmbase.org in the near future and we already use it as a roadmap.


Ernst Bunders wrote:

Hello all

I have just created a new Component in mmbase jira for mmbob related 
bugs. It would be nice if known bugs and issues would be registered 


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Re: [Developers] DelayedGetter/DelayedSetter

2007-01-05 Thread Nico Klasens

Michiel Meeuwissen wrote:

Nico Klasens wrote:

1 User layer - thiu layer is user-centric and every action is based on 
this user, his role and the security constraints. You could say this is 
the bridge, because the cloud has a user and it applies the securtiy 
2 Repository layer. This layer is used by all users and exposes all that 
is in the repository. This layer maintains the model: builders, 
typedefs, reldefs typerels oaliases, etc. Data which is in this layer 
can be seen by all users. Data in the User layer can be specific for 
that user (local modification).
3 Storage layer. This layer is responsible for pesistence and retrieval 
of data. The repository layer uses this to store and retrieve nodes. 
This layer decides how and when to interact with the persistent store 
(database). It could use a cache instead of the trip to the persistent 

At the moment, the processors are called in the bridge which is 
user-centric. A procesor should work just for one user and one request. 
The loop example is executed for in one request and could be a local 
modification until it is saved to the repository layer (this is what a 
transaction does).

What my processors actually did was simply having a small static storage in
memory for those fields, and simply translate every change in 'don't change
it', and checks it on every get. One can find that an odd location, but it
is rather pragmatic, because it is shallow, and easy to implement.

iow, a quick fix :)
As a perfomance fix I would make sure the application spends as little 
on the poll click. For a mmbase poll this means never cache poll data. 
The queries (select and update) are fast enough for the database to 
handle. You just have to configure everything else to stay in cache :)

I think that whay you say can actually be interpreted as that the current
loop in DatabaseStorageManager#change(MMObjectNode, MMObjectBuilder), to
check if there are changed fields, is wrong in the first place, and the
'change' method should not have been called at all then, and that you could
more easily agree if I moved the check from there to MMObjectNode itself to
make getChanged ignore these kind of bogus-changes. Correct?

MMObject.setValue(String fieldName, Object fieldValue) altready has such 
a check. I don't know if this still works correctly.

IMO it is a quick fix, because it solves somthing in the wrong position 
of the system When it is really desired to delay the database call then 
the storage layer should make this decision. The processors are just to 
high on the chain to be able to make a good decision. With MMbase we try 
to reduce the load on the database, because mmbase can easily create a 
starvation on database resources. But I don't think this is the database 
killing example. It is more the many small select statements which use a 
new db connection which kill the database. This update example is just 
being nice for mmbase itself (caches and events).

We cache db-connections, don't we?

Yes we have a connection pool, but have you every looked how it is used? 
A StorageManager is a wrapper around a connection. For every select we 
request a new StorageManager from the factory which means get a new 
connection from the pool. Add this to the log4j.xml and see how many 
select queries MMBase creates.

   logger name=org.mmbase.storage.implementation.database 

 level class=mmlevel; value =debug /
 appender-ref ref=logfile /

It is probably more then you would like  I have seen many mmbase 
applications in production doing 500+ queries to get one page.
This obvious puts some heavy work on the cache and many queries are 
dropped with concurrent users. After some days of tuning, it might be 
possible to run only on caches.  Many people don't realize which queries 
are done when you use the taglib or bridge.

Just an example I came across this week in an article template

mm:node number=${elementId} notfound=skip
   mm:field name=title /
   mm:field name=body escape=none/

   mm:countrelations role=posrel searchdir=destination 
id=secondaryContentCount write=false /

   c:if test=${secondaryContentCount gt 0}
   mm:relatednodes type=article role=posrel 
orderby=posrel.pos searchdir=destination
   mm:relatednodes type=gallery role=posrel 
orderby=posrel.pos searchdir=destination

   mm:relatednodes type=faqitem role=posrel 
orderby=posrel.pos searchdir=destination
   mm:relatednodes type=newsitem role=posrel 
orderby=posrel.pos searchdir=destination
   mm:relatednodes type=page role=posrel orderby=posrel.pos 
   mm:relatednodes type=attachments role=posrel 
orderby=posrel.pos searchdir=destination

Re: [Developers] DelayedGetter/DelayedSetter

2007-01-03 Thread Nico Klasens

I like to see MMbase in three layers.

1 User layer - thiu layer is user-centric and every action is based on 
this user, his role and the security constraints. You could say this is 
the bridge, because the cloud has a user and it applies the securtiy 
2 Repository layer. This layer is used by all users and exposes all that 
is in the repository. This layer maintains the model: builders, 
typedefs, reldefs typerels oaliases, etc. Data which is in this layer 
can be seen by all users. Data in the User layer can be specific for 
that user (local modification).
3 Storage layer. This layer is responsible for pesistence and retrieval 
of data. The repository layer uses this to store and retrieve nodes. 
This layer decides how and when to interact with the persistent store 
(database). It could use a cache instead of the trip to the persistent 

At the moment, the processors are called in the bridge which is 
user-centric. A procesor should work just for one user and one request. 
The loop example is executed for in one request and could be a local 
modification until it is saved to the repository layer (this is what a 
transaction does).

In my previous reply I made a small difference between StorageManager 
and storage layer. The StorageManager is the accesspoint to the 
persistent store and also seen as the access point to the storage layer. 
In my defintion above this should not be the same. When you tell the 
persistent store to change (StorageManager). then it has to update. No 
matter what tha value is. I thought that MMObjectNode has code to 
determine that the value is equal and should not call the storage for 
this field.

IMO it is a quick fix, because it solves somthing in the wrong position 
of the system When it is really desired to delay the database call then 
the storage layer should make this decision. The processors are just to 
high on the chain to be able to make a good decision. With MMbase we try 
to reduce the load on the database, because mmbase can easily create a 
starvation on database resources. But I don't think this is the database 
killing example. It is more the many small select statements which use a 
new db connection which kill the database. This update example is just 
being nice for mmbase itself (caches and events).


Michiel Meeuwissen wrote:

Nico Klasens wrote:

It sounds a wierd hack to me.

Why would a delayed update be 10 times faster than a normal update? I 
would have expected it to be a little less. It can't be the database 
overhead so it must be code in MMbase. My guess is the eventsystem and 
cache updates.

I mean that if you change a field a very often, that it may
be enough to write it to the database only once per 10 seconds. Especially
if it is no big deal if a few updates are lost, if in those 10 seconds the
system happens to crash or so.


The example is not very realistic too. A poll will be updated by 
different users, which means different cloud sessions. Every cloud 
should commit its changes to the system before it finishes the 
request. A Transaction object would have worked to speed up the 
loop-code too. The setValues and node commit are delayed until the 
transaction commit takes place.

Of course, the example is a bit silly, because I update in one loop the
same field very often. But it would not have made any difference if it
would have been  very many requests, with very many sessions and so on. I
don't understand how a transaction would have helped, because I would have
very many transactions then, too. The idea is to summarize several updates
on the same value in one database update with the last value.


And yes, a change on the StorageManager should mean an update on the 
database. It is called a 'storage layer' for a reason :)

I mean: if I can predict that nothing will really change, should it still
happen then? If i know that in the database is '1234' and I get the
instruction to update that to '1234', can I be so free to do nothing at
all? It is possible that in some situations that would give issues, but I
don't see it yet.


IOW, it is a quick fix for a more fundamental problem or it can be 
achieved by already existing code.

You may be right, but you didn't really convince me. The more fundamental
problem is I think 'mmbase persists everything to the database immediately,
while that in some cases it not worth the overhead'. Since I cannot think
of a generic algorithm to determin in which cases some update-collecting
can be acceptable, I thought that simply indicating it like I proposed with
these 'processors', would not be so wrong.

Btw, I don't foresee that the poll I just implemented, will actually be
that much visited that something like this is essential, so for the moment
it is rather academic to me, but I can imagine situations where it is
important to spare the database a bit like this.

For many updates to different nodes I would like to use database

Re: [Developers] Memory leak in QueryResultCache

2007-01-03 Thread Nico Klasens
I have checked in a fix this morning, but I don't know how bad the 
performance will be, Some parts of the new code tries to optimize, but 
it looks a little ugly.
Now, I have spend some time in the cache code and I think MMbase could 
use its caches better when it uses more regions which match the purpose 
of the query. More specialized caches should be able to flush better. 
The NodeListCache and RelatedNodesCache are not just QueryResultCaches. 
They are used on special occasions and can be flushed based on those rules.


Nico Klasens wrote:

Hello Developers,

Yesterday, I came back from a nice long christmas weekend and was 
confrontend with the fact that one of the cmsc demo instances had ran 
out of memory. I checked the access log files and this instance wasn't 
used for more than a week. So it could not have been this issue 
I didn't understand why it was complaining about memory after a week 
doing nothing. The jmap Object Histogram of java 5 showed this 
result. The jvm hosts 2 mmbase war files

SizeCountClass description






I was suprised about the fact that there were almost 25000 
NodeSearchQuery instnaces in memory for each mmbase instance. We still 
use the default caches.xml which has max values of 300 entries. After 
some experiments it turns out the cache is filled by queries with a 
timestamp which are executed by a cronjob. More suprising is that the 
code explicitly sets the CachePolicy to NEVER. It turned out that the 
NodeManager.getList() did nothing with the CachePolicy which is easily 

I did some profiling and found the problem. The QueryResultCache 
registers observers and adds queries to a map which it should remove 
when nodes of a specific type change. The CacheImplementation, which 
is used by the QueryResultCache, can decide that queries are unsued 
and can be removed. This is what the LRUHashtable does. The query is 
still in the observer map after the CacheImplementation removed it.  
In other words, the QueryResultCache observers queries which are not 
cached anymore.

As a side-effect, the performance of the cache release is bad, because 
more queries have to be evaluated than actually cached. In my case it 
was even worse, because the fields inside the query (selection, 
constraint and sortorder) are not updated often which will keep them 
in the observers.

At the moment, I am investigating how to solve this issue. Suggestions 
are welcome.
I have created an issue in jira: 


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Re: [Developers] Memory leak in QueryResultCache

2007-01-03 Thread Nico Klasens

Ernst Bunders wrote:

Nico Klasens wrote:

I have checked in a fix this morning, but I don't know how bad the 
performance will be, Some parts of the new code tries to optimize, 
but it looks a little ugly.
Now, I have spend some time in the cache code and I think MMbase 
could use its caches better when it uses more regions which match the 
purpose of the query. More specialized caches should be able to flush 
better. The NodeListCache and RelatedNodesCache are not just 
QueryResultCaches. They are used on special occasions and can be 
flushed based on those rules.

hi Nico

With this idear in mind i have created the querycache flush rule 
plugin architecture.
The idear is that you can easily implement different rules for 
flushing queries.
I suppose you could also take cache policies into account in custom 
cache flush rules.
I don't think anybody has created 'custom' rules yet or added usefull 
generic rules, but this framework is supposed to help you out. If not, 
it should perhaps be modified?



It is not helping me out. The ReleaseStrategies have to analyze all 
queries in the QueryResultCache. Which is fine for MultiLevel queries, 
but a NodeList query is only concerned about one type. The NodeListCache 
contains queries with reuslts of nodes of one type.  When a node of a 
type changes then it is almost certain that it should remove all queries 
for this type. At the moment. it has to analyze all queries in 
NodeListCache, but with better regions it could just flush all queries 
of a certain type. I haven't put this idea in the fix, but if I find the 
time then I will give it a try to implement it that way.

Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] DelayedGetter/DelayedSetter

2007-01-02 Thread Nico Klasens

It sounds a wierd hack to me.

Why would a delayed update be 10 times faster than a normal update? I 
would have expected it to be a little less. It can't be the database 
overhead so it must be code in MMbase. My guess is the eventsystem and 
cache updates.

The example is not very realistic too. A poll will be updated by 
different users, which means different cloud sessions. Every cloud 
should commit its changes to the system before it finishes the 
request. A Transaction object would have worked to speed up the 
loop-code too. The setValues and node commit are delayed until the 
transaction commit takes place.

And yes, a change on the StorageManager should mean an update on the 
database. It is called a 'storage layer' for a reason :)

IOW, it is a quick fix for a more fundamental problem or it can be 
achieved by already existing code.


Michiel Meeuwissen wrote:

I was busy with the 'poll' contribution, and figured, that for real good
performance, the updating in the database could better be 'collected'
during a certain amount of time, before actual persistance occurs.

Turns out that something like that can be quite easily achieved using the
'getprocessor/setprocessor' paradigm. I've checked in some experimental
code in the poll contribution:


These are used on the 'total_answers' field of the 'answer' builder:


I also need a change in mmbase core though:

~/mmbase/head/src/org/mmbase/storage/implementation/database$ cvs diff
Index: DatabaseStorageManager.java

RCS file:
retrieving revision 1.174
diff -r1.174 DatabaseStorageManager.java

   Object value = node.getValues().get(key);
   Object origValue = node.getOldValues().get(key);
   if (value == null ? origValue == null :
   value.equals(origValue)) {
   // no actual change, ignore that.
   } else {

In other words, because 'setValue's are still called, but the processor
simply returns the old value in stead, the storage layer must be so smart
to not actually perform an update query if nothing actually changed. I first
thought that the 'changed' flag of node would do here, but it doesn't
because that it set with any 'setValue' also if that sets it to the value
it already had. That last thing could also be changed, but it seems rather
more complicated, while DatabaseStorageManager already had the necessary

The following jsp:

 c:forEach begin=1 end=1000
 mm:node number=731 
   mm:setfield name=total_answers${_node.total_answers + 

executes about 10 times faster now (using mysql 5), while having no latency
in mmbase bridge (because the 'get' procesosr ensures the correct value is
returned), and latency of only 10 seconds (the 'delay' parameter in the
builder xml), in the database.

I think these 'processors' can serve much more general use, because they
could be used on any field which would possible change very often.

Should I make a hack-proposal to do that change in DatabaseStorageManager
and add those processors to mmbase.jar itself? Perhaps even for 1.8?

Any other remarks? Should I have anticipated that there can also be nodes
of which all fields change very often (which can of course all be done by
one sql update)? Does anybody know if it is essential that an actual update
occurs if you call the 'change' method in DatabaseStorageManager?



Developers mailing list

[Developers] Memory leak in QueryResultCache

2006-12-28 Thread Nico Klasens

Hello Developers,

Yesterday, I came back from a nice long christmas weekend and was 
confrontend with the fact that one of the cmsc demo instances had ran 
out of memory. I checked the access log files and this instance wasn't 
used for more than a week. So it could not have been this issue 
I didn't understand why it was complaining about memory after a week 
doing nothing. The jmap Object Histogram of java 5 showed this result. 
The jvm hosts 2 mmbase war files

SizeCountClass description






I was suprised about the fact that there were almost 25000 
NodeSearchQuery instnaces in memory for each mmbase instance. We still 
use the default caches.xml which has max values of 300 entries. After 
some experiments it turns out the cache is filled by queries with a 
timestamp which are executed by a cronjob. More suprising is that the 
code explicitly sets the CachePolicy to NEVER. It turned out that the 
NodeManager.getList() did nothing with the CachePolicy which is easily 

I did some profiling and found the problem. The QueryResultCache 
registers observers and adds queries to a map which it should remove 
when nodes of a specific type change. The CacheImplementation, which is 
used by the QueryResultCache, can decide that queries are unsued and can 
be removed. This is what the LRUHashtable does. The query is still in 
the observer map after the CacheImplementation removed it.  In other 
words, the QueryResultCache observers queries which are not cached anymore.

As a side-effect, the performance of the cache release is bad, because 
more queries have to be evaluated than actually cached. In my case it 
was even worse, because the fields inside the query (selection, 
constraint and sortorder) are not updated often which will keep them in 
the observers.

At the moment, I am investigating how to solve this issue. Suggestions 
are welcome.

I have created an issue in jira: http://www.mmbase.org/jira/browse/MMB-1367


Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] Memory leak in QueryResultCache

2006-12-28 Thread Nico Klasens

Michiel Meeuwissen wrote:

Nico Klasens wrote:

At the moment, I am investigating how to solve this issue. Suggestions 
are welcome.

I have created an issue in jira: http://www.mmbase.org/jira/browse/MMB-1367

IIRC there is code to remove observers, but perhaps it is not (any more?)
working correctly.   I don't have any immediate suggestions. Would have to
dive in the code myself then too. Perhaps things are removed from the cache
in an unanticipated  manner (not using the remove-method or so).

Good luck :-) 

Happy Hollydays, btw. Also to the rest of the list.


MMBase 1.8 introduced a CacheImplementationInterface to support OSCache. 
The cache does not extend the LRUHashtable anymore The LRUHashtable 
calls the remove method for the least recently used key.  This was the 
remove method of the Cache in 1.7. In 1.8, it is just the remove method 
of the LRUHashtable and it does not know that it is wrapped by a Cache.

I am working on a fix, but don't know what the performance penalty will be.


Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] jira as issue management system

2006-12-12 Thread Nico Klasens
At the moment only the ALL module is monitored. Every jira project can 
monitor one CVS module.
The component framework already has a jira component it is only not 
visible in the list, because it has no issues assigned to it.


Henk Hangyi wrote:

Perhaps there should then also be JIRA entries for MMBase projects?
E.g. how about all check-ins related to components-framework? 
Should we

perhaps simply make a jira entry 'components project'?

Hi Michiel,

Yes i think also MMBase projects (and or subprojects) should also be added
to JIRA.

Probably the only commits which which we want to exclude from labelling are
those from the speeltuin and from those from the contributions for which the
JIRA is not used as issuetracker. Ok?

Regards, Henk.

Developers mailing list


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[Developers] Maven repository

2006-12-12 Thread Nico Klasens

Hello Developers,

This morning I updated the CMSContainer contribution with the latest 
sources. This week we are going to switch all developers to use 
mmbase.org, but for that the CVS files are not enough. We alos require a 
maven repository which is not finalist internal. Current files in 
cvs.mmbase.org still point to a maven repository on our intranet server. 
I would like to have one on mmbase.org which will contain the mmbase and 
cmsc binaries. So how can we set that up?

Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] Maven repository

2006-12-12 Thread Nico Klasens

André van Toly wrote:

Hi Nico,

Op 12-dec-2006, om 13:01 heeft Nico Klasens het volgende geschreven:

Hello Developers,

This morning I updated the CMSContainer contribution with the  latest 
sources. This week we are going to switch all developers to  use 
mmbase.org, but for that the CVS files are not enough. We alos  
require a maven repository which is not finalist internal. Current  
files in cvs.mmbase.org still point to a maven repository on our  
intranet server. I would like to have one on mmbase.org which will  
contain the mmbase and cmsc binaries. So how can we set that up?

Do they need to be on cvs.mmbase.org or is www.mmbase.org enough? If  
the latter, please state what you would prefer and what would be the  
most convenient set-up?

Just a dir on www.mmbase.org is enough eg 
(http://www.mmbase.org/maven/). A maven repository is just a directory 
on a webserver which follows a certain layout.  It is enoguh when I can 
add files to this dir.

Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] developing mmbase applications independently

2006-12-06 Thread Nico Klasens

Hallo Ernst,

Exactly for this question I moved to maven a year ago and only use maven 
in the cmsc project.

The big picture of a cmsc project is

CMSC core
CMSC optional modules
CMSC optional portlets
Nijmegen project

I don't want a developer on the nijmegen project bother with the fact 
that I upgrade the project to a new mmbase or cmsc version. At the 
moement, when the developer does an update on the cvs nijmegen project 
the maven files are renewed. The maven files contain the new version 
number and the maven build will download the new files.

The technical lead of the cmsc project follows these steps to create a 

1 cvs update cmsc project
2 cvs tag on cmsc project
3 run clean maven build
4 deploy artifacts to remote maven repository
5 change version to the next version (maven builds will use the version 
for the binairies.You don't want to override the final tagged build in 
the maven repository)

6 checkin new version

We use different version dependency strategies for each layer.
MMBase - All jars have the same number (x.x.x)
CMSC core - All jars have the same number (x.x.x)
CMSC - optional modules - - Each jar can use the a different number, but 
must use the same major and minor  number as the csmc it belongs to. (x.x)
CMSC - optional portlets- - Each jar can use the a different number, but 
must use the same major and minor  number as the csmc it belongs to.(x.x)
Nijmegen - all jars and wars have the same version number. This number 
is based on the release to the customer.



Ernst Bunders wrote:

Hello Developers

We at Dynasol are asked by Kennisnet to do some development/bugfixing 
for MMBob in the near future. They specifically requested that we 
should develop in the mmbase cvs repository, and build a specific 
Kennisnet release on top of the files produced by the mmbase 
contributions build.

A requirement for us is that we can make releases that can be 
reproduced. it should be possible to branch from a previous release. 
To document what changes belong to a specific release.

The trouble is that I can not think of a release model other than 
following the mmbase releases. Because the applications/contributions 
are dependent of mmbase and version tagging/branching follows mmbase.

It is not a very good situation if we fix a number of bugs and than 
have to say:  you can have the new version in three weeks because than 
a new mmbase release is being made.

We could tag the mmbase repository for mmbob releases. This at least 
would give us the chance to recreate a release. The problem of this 
approach of course is that mmbase might at such a time be unstable 

So, the crux is that an independent development model for applications 
is completely missing. I can not think of a way to do it right. I 
suppose maven could be used to disconnect the 
applications/contributions from mmbase as it is good at defining 
dependencies. But that is not the current situation.

I wonder how other people look at this issue. is there something I miss?
Can anybody suggest a way of working that would allow us to meet hour 
requirements apart from following the mmbase releases?

I am looking forward to some reactions on this.


Developers mailing list

Developers mailing list

[Developers] CVS at mmbase.org

2006-12-05 Thread Nico Klasens
Is it just me or does the ssh login on cvs.mmbase.org fail for everyone? 
I can access cvs though pserver, but it fails with my ssh connection.

Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] Bugtracker now available at www.mmbase.org/jira

2006-11-28 Thread Nico Klasens

André van Toly wrote:

The urls http://www.mmbase.org/bug and http://www.mmbase.org/bugs now  
both jump to this location. With this the project of moving the  
bugtracker has finished (thanks all!) except for the small  
functionality that lists the weekly new and resolved bugs at the  
homepage. Does Jira have a functionality, like f.e. rss, with which i  
can rerealize this?

Yes, jira rss is turned on by default.
- go to http://www.mmbase.org/jira
- click on Find issues
- clik on button view
- See link at top right XML
This link represents your current search in a RSS feed.

Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] question: constraints on boolean fields

2006-11-27 Thread Nico Klasens

I really would suggest to use the query object. I think this works.

NodeList nl= SearchUtil.findRelatedNodeList(pageNode, pagina, 
posrel, pagina.tonen, true, posrel.pos, up, destination);


Ernst Bunders wrote:

I have a simple question, and i must say I'm quite surprised it seems 
to be an issue.
I am using the new datatypes for the first time and i find it a 
problem to create a constraint on a boolean field.

I have a field like this:
guiname xml:lang=nltonen/guiname
xmlns=http://www.dynasol.nl/xmlns/mmbase-shorthand; base=boolean

dt:default value=true/
type key=false notnull=false size=50 


this translate to a bit field in my (mysql) database:

mysql desc mm_artikel;
| Field| Type| Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| number   | int(11) | NO   | PRI | |   |
| otype| int(11) | NO   | MUL | |   |
| owner| varchar(12) | NO   | | |   |
| naam | text| NO   | | |   |
| intro| text| YES  | | NULL|   |
| tonen| bit(1)  | YES  | | NULL|   |
| aanmaakdatum | datetime| YES  | | NULL|   |
| door | text| YES  | | NULL|   |

so far so good, but when i create a constraint using this field, ik 
get errors:

 NodeList nl = cloud.getList(null, object,posrel,pagina,
object.number= + pageNode.getNumber() +  AND 
pagina.tonen = 1,

up, destination, false);

 sqlConstraint = object.number=112 AND pagina.tonen = 1
 exception: Invalid value for BOOLEAN field: 1.0, of type 

i also tried:

AND pagina.tonen
AND pagina.tonen = true

but nothing works (or, it works, but in legacy mode, and an exception 
is thrown each time.

I havn't tried creating a Query object, because I am too lazy to do 
that. I think it should work like this...

can anybody help me?



8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Developers mailing list

Developers mailing list

[Developers] Bugtracker to JIRA

2006-11-24 Thread Nico Klasens

Hello MMBase community,

After several bugfixes in the migration software I am happy to announce 
the transition to JIRA. All issues and useraccounts from the old 
bugtracker are transferred to Jira. Everybody should be able to login 
with his old username and password. Jira can be found on the following 
url: http:://www.mmbase.org/jira.

Some of the features in Jira are not working yet. We are going to 
configure these in the upcoming weeks. Please let me know when something 
does not work for you.

Kind regards,

Developers mailing list

Re: [Users] Re: [Developers] Bugtracker to JIRA

2006-11-24 Thread Nico Klasens

Henk Hangyi wrote:

Hi all,


- I find that the comments are a bit chaotic. E.g.
 I think everything is present twice? But not everything?


I did some research: the way this bug is presented now in jira follows the
way the bug was stored in the bugtracker.

E.g. http://jira.vlamea.nl/browse/MMB-246

is bug 4850 in the old bugtracker (= MMBase node 1282).

This node has a description and a rational field containing the most
recent bug description. Next to this, node 1282 is related to
bugreportupdates 2832 and 2350 containing the history of the description.

The bug with its related bugreportupdates is exactly what you see on page

It would have been better if the information from the bugreportupdates was
migrated to page:


What are we going to do with this? Leave it the way it is or ask Ryan to
remove the history from the bugs in the bugtracker when migrating to Jira?

I propose we do the first and leave it this way or is it to big a nuisance
to live with?

Regards, Henk.

Imo, we have to leave it like this. The bugtracker and Jira handles 
changes differenrtly which results in this.  In Jira you can only add 
Comments.When you observe the comments then you can see what has happend 
over time. The History page only displays the actions on the issue not 
the content. Now we have all the info from the bugtracker and in the way 
jira prefers it.

Developers mailing list

[Developers] Object with id was already registered

2006-11-22 Thread Nico Klasens

Hello developers,

Today, I tried to use the last version of MMBase 1.8 in my cmsc projectm 
but I get the below stacktrace on this piece of code.

 mm:field name=number write=false id=number/

javax.servlet.jsp.JspTagException: Object with id number was already 
{cloudusername=admin, number=1739}

at org.mmbase.bridge.jsp.taglib.FieldTag.doStartTag(FieldTag.java:311)

at org.apache.jsp.editors.dashboard_jsp._jspService(dashboard_jsp.java:254)

I geuss this is caused by the fix for #6914 (tomcat 5.5.20, and 
tagfiles. If tag used in mmbase list tag, in the tag mmbase variables 
are not compatible with EL any more.)

Any ideas?

Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] Should we release 1.9 as MMBase 2.0?

2006-10-30 Thread Nico Klasens

Michiel Meeuwissen wrote:

Nico Klasens wrote:

A little late, but I was just too busy with other things.

imo a major release is justified when we do a good implemtation of java 
5. The api will change drasticly which makes it impossible to create a 
drop-in replacement.
A good implementation should remove many of our convenience classes in 
the bridge. E.g. a NodeList should just become ListNode and not 
NodeListNode I played around with this at the component weekend and 
realized that it is impossible at the moment. The NodeList 
implementation does also some conversion of objects. You can add any 
object to the list and the NodeList will try to convert it to a Node. A 
good discussion on the API is required I think.

I agree that it would be actually better to drop all List interfaces from
bridge. But I am uncertain if something like that can be done, because it
is obviously backwards incompatible. A thing which is, very in the
bridge, undesirable.

I see other options:
- leave it (approximately) as is. NodeListNode is a sillyness, but you
 don't need to use it. You can still write simply NodeList.

- roll it back. We simply don't support generics in bridge. Because of
 prior choices, that proves to be an impossibility.

One can fear that stalling the release until a good discussion has taken
place, may stall it a bit long. But anyhow those were my first 2c.. :-)

On the other hand, '2.0' is only an arbitrary marker. Its main goal would
be to sound better than '1.9'. It is not necessarily a mayor backwards
compatibility break. If we want to do that later, we can also call it 3.0
or 4.0. There's plenty of room in that direction.


I  thought a little more about this and I realized that the scope for 
1.9/2.0 is not clear to me. The abstract of the release plan would be 
transition to java 1.5 and  first version of mmbase framework and 
component infrastructure. The above makes it sound like a minor change, 
but I believe it are big ones.

At the component weekend we discussed a new config directory structure 
which would be much more future proof. When we are going to use that one 
then all webapps have to change. We are than not backwards compatible in 
respect to file locations. Source, build and deployment will change for 
all webapps.

Transition to java 5 is still a scary thing when not well prepared. 
Does it mean only transition of the mmbase internals to java 5 or is it 
also exposed to the outside world? When only the internals are changed 
then it is not a major change for webapps, but when the api exposes java 
5 then it is.  Telling people to just use the erasure of our generic 
list type is stupid. The compiler will even warn you for these stupid  
statements. A generic type guarantees that only certain types can go in 
and out of the class. The NodeList does not have this constaint, because 
you can throw in a list of mixed types and retrieve only Node objects.



Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] build broken?

2006-10-27 Thread Nico Klasens
It looks like the taglib does not depend yet on the new resources 
application. This application will contain all sources related to 
images. attachments, urls. iow the component resources which is now 
hidden in the core.


Ernst Bunders wrote:

hello guys

I try to build mmbase for the first time in a while, and something 
seems to be broken:

It seems that the classes in org/mmbase/util/image are removed.




 [echo] mmbase build dir: 
[mkdir] Created dir: 

[mkdir] Created dir: 

 [copy] Copying 2 files to 

[mkdir] Created dir: 

 [echo] java version: 1.5
 [echo] copying to 
 [copy] Copying 10 files to 

 [echo] compiling
[javac] Compiling 197 source files to 

package org.mmbase.util.images does not exist

[javac] import org.mmbase.util.images.*;
[javac] ^
cannot find symbol

[javac] symbol  : class Images
[javac] location: package org.mmbase.module.builders
[javac] import org.mmbase.module.builders.Images;
[javac]   ^
cannot find symbol

[javac] symbol  : class Dimension
[javac] location: class org.mmbase.bridge.jsp.taglib.ImageTag
[javac] public String getOutputValue(int mode, Node node, 
String servletPath, Dimension dim) throws JspTagException {

cannot find symbol

[javac] symbol  : class Dimension
[javac] location: class org.mmbase.bridge.jsp.taglib.ImageTag
[javac] public String getBaseAttributes(String url, Dimension 
dim) throws JspTagException {

[javac] ^
cannot find symbol

[javac] symbol  : class Dimension
[javac] location: class org.mmbase.bridge.jsp.taglib.ImageTag
[javac] public Dimension getDimension(Node node, String 
template) {

warning: [deprecation] getGUIType() in org.mmbase.bridge.Field has 
been deprecated

[javac] show = field.getGUIType();
[javac] ^
warning: [deprecation] getContextContainer() in 
org.mmbase.bridge.jsp.taglib.util.ContextCollector has been deprecated

[javac] return collector.getContextContainer();
[javac] ^
cannot find symbol

[javac] symbol  : variable Images
[javac] location: class org.mmbase.bridge.jsp.taglib.ImageTag
[javac] return node.getFunctionValue(cachednode, new 
Parameters(Images.CACHE_PARAMETERS).set(template, template)).toNode();

cannot find symbol

[javac] symbol  : class Dimension
[javac] location: class org.mmbase.bridge.jsp.taglib.ImageTag
[javac] Dimension dim = getDimension(originalNode, 

[javac] ^

Re: [Developers] history.go(1) in editwizards

2006-10-24 Thread Nico Klasens

Hello Mischiel,

I can vaguely remember that I wrote that part. It depends which version 
of the htmlarea you use. The default (/htmlarea/) has still this issue. 
It removes all listeners already attached to the window onunload. The 
xinha editor (bug fixed htmlarea) does not have this issue anymore. The 
xinha editor does it through dom-calls and preserves the old listeners.

history.go has been in there as long as I can remember. I believe it is 
IE specific, because Mozilla browsers don't understand it.


Michiel Meeuwissen wrote:

This implementation of editwizards to avoid that people push the 'back'
button of the browser is annoying me. I find that it breaks the browser,
and that there are better solutions to solve the issue. (bug #6810)

I would fix it, were it not that in javascript/editwizard.jsp the following
warning is present:

function doOnUnLoad_ew() {
// This code is still here to document not to use the onunload event handler
// Since 1.7 a new wysiwyg editor (HTMLArea) is installed which replaces the
// onunload handler with one of his own. It is hard to override that one,
// because a timer is used to wait a while before attaching it.

Does anybody know more about this? Why does htmlarea _replace_ the dounload
handler rather then attach one? It is actually true?


Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] Should we release 1.9 as MMBase 2.0?

2006-10-24 Thread Nico Klasens

Hello Michiel,

A little late, but I was just too busy with other things.

imo a major release is justified when we do a good implemtation of java 
5. The api will change drasticly which makes it impossible to create a 
drop-in replacement.
A good implementation should remove many of our convenience classes in 
the bridge. E.g. a NodeList should just become ListNode and not 
NodeListNode I played around with this at the component weekend and 
realized that it is impossible at the moment. The NodeList 
implementation does also some conversion of objects. You can add any 
object to the list and the NodeList will try to convert it to a Node. A 
good discussion on the API is required I think.

Here are some informational PDF's to understand the java 5 migration 
issues better.


   * enums
   * Java 5 Features - Part II
   * Java 5 Features - Part I
   * Generics in Java - Part III
   * Generics in Java - Part II
   * Generics in Java - Part I



Michiel Meeuwissen wrote:


In the light of the progresses in the 'component framework' project, the
idea rose to release the next version of MMBase not as 1.9, but as 2.0.

So an abstract of the release-plan of 2.0 could then be:

- transition to java 1.5
- first version of mmbase framework and component infrastructure

plus of course bugfixes, and other small improvements.

Completion of core changes ('core 2', see also 'MyVision'), would then
e.g. lead to an MMBase 3.0.


Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] MyVision on MMBase

2006-10-11 Thread Nico Klasens

Thanks Wouter,

Your mail explains from a web developers point of view how I see MMBase. 
My focus is at the moment at installation, maintenance, security and 
performance on a conceptual level. How should we functional change 
mmbase to get these areas better. To put an idea in code has never been 
a problem. The problem is to let everyone have the same idea. Hope my 
document will accomplish this.


Wouter Westendorp wrote:

Hello Nico and other developers,

I've been following MMBase mailinglist and meetings for a few years 
now. During these years, I've seen many discussions about 'what is 
mmbase' :) I am a web developer in some way that I know PHP, SQL some 
Java and so on, but what is intresting me the most is the world of 
Content Management. I've been playing with several CMS systems like 
EZPublish, Mambo and Drupal, but MMBase is somehow my favorite.

In my opinion, MMBase is in first case like a database abstraction 
layer. In the end, we all need some kind of data storage for our news, 
stories, projects and so on every time. Technically speaking, it is a 
Java layer we work on, while the RDBMS keeps our data safe and 
searchable. We don't have to speak SQL thanks to our editors, and we 
can choose any kind of DBMS manufacturer we want. Free choice, that's 
always nice.

The best thing of MMBase however, is in my opinion the possibility to 
create our own object model. Every implementation has its own 
requirements to maintain data. What data needs to be stored, how we 
name it and how it interacts is a domain specific question. It is this 
part of MMBase which makes it very flexible and thereby a tool to use 
in many implementations.

Take with that all the extra stuff like image and upload handling and 
all other technical advantages we can use and we have a lot of out 
ingredients for a complete CMS. Ready for tweaking of course. :)

However, due to some things, it is in my opinion not a CMS, but as you 
name it a 'data repository'. That MMBase is not an Out of the Box CMS, 
is a result of its 'open domain model' which we have to implement our 
selves of course. As this is one of the MMBase selling points, this 
should be a tradeoff we cannot omit.

But as a webdeveloper who want his site to be ready yesterday, I am 
still missing some features which distinguish it from other cms's 

First of all is a more sophisticted security mechnism. Today's multi 
user webapplications demand some kind of role based security system, 
where we can define who is allowed to access or perform changes on 
what kind of data. MMBase currently lacks objecttype level or 
fieldtype level authorization.

Internationalization. I am writing web sites, so they are available 
world wide. So my content should be localized! I know there is a lot 
possible, but a generic way to translate or localize content is up to 
our imagination.

Workflow, what's that? :) I know, better skip this one.

Performance. Reading data is most of the time very fast due to caches 
and so on, but updates suck. Updates need to travel a long way trough 
all bridges and caches, so its not a surprise that this takes some 
time. However, for applications with a lot of updates, it is a weak 
point were our end user has to live with! Okay, we need a phat server 
for MMBase, true. Your proposal for snapshots may change this probably?

Installation and maintenance is also quite diverse. One needs in depth 
knowledge of MMBase internals to get it running the way we want. 
Thanks to that, many of us have a full time job, but as a novice user, 
I just want to hit 'I Agree, Next, Next, Finish' :)

Well, so far my complaints right now. I agree I should take a crash 
course Java programming and start developing MMBase 2.0 right now, but 
study duties prevent me from that.

Till this time, I'll use MMBase as a meta-data framework editor over 
my content repository database system :)


Nico Klasens wrote:

Hello Developers,

Just before I went on vacation, a month ago, I wrote a document with 
my thoughts on MMBase. I just added some additional stuff to it. I 
like to start a discussion how to restructure and improve the MMBase 
system to get ready for the next stage. We don't have to implement 
things right away, but it could be a goal in the far future where we 
all can work towards.



Developers mailing list

Developers mailing list

Developers mailing list

[Developers] MyVision on MMBase

2006-10-10 Thread Nico Klasens

Hello Developers,

Just before I went on vacation, a month ago, I wrote a document with my 
thoughts on MMBase. I just added some additional stuff to it. I like to 
start a discussion how to restructure and improve the MMBase system to 
get ready for the next stage. We don't have to implement things right 
away, but it could be a goal in the far future where we all can work 



MyVision on MMBase.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document
Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] Re: [MMBASE CVS] src/org/mmbase/module Module.java

2006-09-11 Thread Nico Klasens

Pierre van Rooden wrote:

 An advantage is that a war tested on a development system can be  copy
 onto a production server without any changes.

I can see the usefulness, specifically for modules such as sendmail or 
jdbc. I would advocate to make it more generic by having Module apply 
it by default, rather than needing to call it for each module.

I would rather experiment with it for now where it seems to be useful. I 
want to have a well thought design decision before we release it to the 
public. When everyone is going to use it we are stuck later on if we 
want it in some other way. I can imagine that you want to support the 
components in the future with the same feature.

Perhaps your explanation is best added in 
documentation/administrators/configuration.xml, or perhaps a separate 
file in the administrators documentation dir.

I will see if I have  time between my vacation preparations to update 
the documentation.


Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] Sun Application Server

2006-09-08 Thread Nico Klasens
Easiest way is to  zip the contents of the mmbase-webapp and call it 


achillea wrote:

Dear community members,

Below is a step describing
how to deploy mmbase under Tomcat.

4. Copy the subdir mmbase-webapp into the servlet-engine's webapps
  dir, or point to it in a configuration file (e.g. server.xml of

I would be very grateful if someone could answer me how to deploy
mmbase under Sun Application Server 9.0 which doesn't have server.xml
and servlet-engine's webapps.I can install mmbase using tomcat, but
it would be waste of memory and ports to install tomcat if Sun App
server is capable to run servlets, Ear-s etc.

best regards,
Nikola Radakovic

Developers mailing list


Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] CALL: Cloud.getPossibleContexts() / Authorization.getPossibleContexts()

2006-09-04 Thread Nico Klasens

Pierre van Rooden wrote:

CALL FOR: Cloud.getPossibleContexts() / 

START OF VOTING:   2006-09-04 11:30
END OF CALL:   2006-09-07 11:30

[_] +1 (YES, in 1.8 and 1.9)

Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] 'command server' (VOTE)

2006-09-04 Thread Nico Klasens

Michiel Meeuwissen wrote:

START OF VOTING:   2006-09-04 15:00
END OF CALL:   2006-09-07 1500

[_] +1 (YES, in 1.8)

Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] mmbase aselect samaccountnames

2006-08-05 Thread Nico Klasens
Sounds like a SSL handshake problem. Do you use your own signed 
certificate on the server? In that case you have to let the client know 
that it is a trusted (root) certificate.Something like

  java -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=testStore 
-Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=testPassword YourClient

for more info.
A last note, do not copy the keystore from the server to the client to 
use it as a trustedStore. The server keystore file also has the private 
key in it.


Nico Klasens

Ferdinandus, Humphrey wrote:



Anyone experience with configuring mmbase aselect using samaccountnames?


Keep getting “An communication error has occured, root cause: Remote 
host closed connection during handshake, Cause: simple bind failed”


Any suggestions


Kind regards,



Developers mailing list

[Developers] presentatie: Portlets en de CMS Container

2006-07-20 Thread Nico Klasens
Several times during the year we have some presentations at Finalist to 
inform others about new technologies or projects. We will have some 
presentations in august which might be interesting for mmbase users and 

I am going to talk about portals and portlets in general. I already held 
this presentation on the mmbase meeting at Holland Open so you have a 
second change to view this. The other presentation will explain how the 
CMScontainer works and how it uses portals and portlets.

Below is the dutch version of the email invitation on our mailinglist. 
You are welcome to join us on one of the below dates. Please send an 
email to Sander van Leeuwen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) when you like to attend.


Nico Klasens



in augustus zullen Freek en Nico een presentatie geven. De volgende data 
zijn gepland:

  * Rotterdam: woe 9 augustus
  * Amsterdam: woe 16 augustus

Het onderwerp van de presentatie gaat in op de portlet technologie en 
meer specifiek de CMS Container die deze technologie inzet. Het 
programma ziet er als volgt uit:

  * 18:00 - 19:00 ontvangs en maaltijd
  * 19:00 - 19:45 presentatie 1
o About portals
  + What are the problems a portal can solve?
  + The different portal responsibilities
  + Portal features at a glance
o About Portlets
  + What are portlets?
  + Basic portlet concepts
  * 19:45 - 20:00 korte pauze
  * 20:00 - 20:45 presentatie 2
o Overview
  + Probleemstelling (waarom de CMScontainer?)
  + Korte uitleg over concepten
  + Bibliotheek (content beheer)
  + Pagina beheer
  + Rechten structuur
  + Workflow
o Demonstatie
  + Dashboard/admin functies
  + Bibliotheek (Content beheer)
  + Pagina beheer
  * 20:45 - 21:00 discussie/afronding.

Ben je geïnteresseerd in het bijwonen van een van deze sessies, of wil 
je collega's meenemen, mail mij dan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). Vermeld 
daarbij lokatie en geef aan of je aanwezig zult zijn bij de maaltijd.


Sander van Leeuwen

PS - als je bang bent dat een presentatie errug uitloopt dan kan ik die 
angst wegnemen. Tegewoordig wordt er flink geklokt zodat het programma 
binnen de tijd wordt afgerond.

Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] Re: [MMBASE CVS] applications/taglib/src/org/mmbase/bridge/jsp/taglib CloudTag.java

2006-07-17 Thread Nico Klasens

Michiel Meeuwissen wrote:

Nico Klasens wrote:

Download the war from http://cmsc.finalist.com and put your taglib jar 

So, I took the opportunity to try it out...

Which gives me a list of remarks about CMSC first. Perhaps they're
interesting, because I'm a naive user:

The remarks are very relevant. What we try to reach is a point where we 
can drop a war into a configured installation without changing anything 
in the war. Every installation will tell the war what is expected from 
it. All remarks are on my wishlist, but don't have a high priority.
The war you downloaded is the one which is running on cmsc.finalist.com 
and is not yet a drop-in war or even a demo war.

- it took me quite some time to get it working. The installation notes
 are in the other download.
 I tried to get it working on hsql/jdbc.xml but did not succeed, but
 perhaps the problem was in something I later solved.

The cmsc uses a datasource configured in tomcat. This datasource is 
installed the first time the war is deplayed in tomcat. The war contains 
a file META-INF/context.xml which is copied the first time to 
The default is currently for mysql with cmsc as db/user/password. tomcat 
also requires the libs for the conection pool in commn/lib

- logging is configured so that configuration errors in the data-source
 appear in the SQL log. Which was not the file I was tailing, so I was
 flabbergasted for quite some time..

 logging is overly specified anyway, because it is a hard job to set
 logging back to service. Also it  may be better to leave logging on
 stdout in such a general download. ../logs did not exist for me.

Logging is one of the things I want to move out of the war. The location 
and requirements of logging are always different on every system and 
environment. Developers like it on stdout and sysadmins in a daily 
rolling file in thier logs dir.

- It depends on xerces. It was running tomcat 5.5 on java 1.5, with no
 xerces. This gave very very, huge, errors from AJAX in the editors,
 essentially saying that org.apache.xml.serialize.OutputFormat was
 missing.. Very irritating. I needed to place xercesImp.jar and
 xml-apis.jar in common/endorsed to get rid of it.  I'd suggest to
 remove the dependency, which would make installation a bit easier.

One of the things which are inherited from sources of old projects. I 
haven't found a solution yet to do it in a java standard way which 
supports all options. I haven't been looking very long.

- If something goes wrong during start up, it remains in an eternal loop
 which is supposedly 'waiting for mmbase' (according to a
 thread-dump). On the front-end no 503 are reported, during this
 waiting, but requests are simply stalled.  Also e..g the
 tomcat-manager is unreacheable during this (eternal) time.

This is also a point which should be addressed, but there is not a nice 
solution present which can be used easily.

- After a restart I needed to login again. I think that is not necessary
 any more, because the cloud object in the session is serializable.

The tomcat context file defines a PersistentManager which turns of the 
session save feature. No good reason for doing it other than that the 
server starts in a clean state.

Anyhow, finally I saw your problem with the locale. A replacement
taglib-jar which is just checking the request property does not cause
it, so I will add that, because it would make me happy too (I only want
to set the locale in the outer-most JSP, perhaps even with mm:content

So, I suppose the cause is somehow related with the checking for the
parent ContextReferrers, because that is the only difference now. I
think you added that at june 7, but I never quite got why.

No, the issue is that it should not set the locale in the CloudTag to 
the mmbase locale when nothing is found in surrounding tags. It should 
leave the locale untouched.
Okay, I know now how to refactor it nicely. I have to extract another 
method which only checks that the locale is set by something in the 
current request. The getLocale method will then call getDefaultLocale 
when the locale is not found by the new method. CloudTag.checkLocale 
will then only call the new method.

Calling ContextReferrers is necessary to find the closest tag which can 
provide a locale. A CloudReferrer can then return the locale from the 
cloud. In this way you could use the cloud to keep track of which 
language the user has selected. It is just one of my attempt to figure 
out how to do localization with mmbase.


Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] Re: [MMBASE CVS] applications/taglib/src/org/mmbase/bridge/jsp/taglib CloudTag.java

2006-07-17 Thread Nico Klasens

Michiel Meeuwissen wrote:

Nico Klasens wrote:

- it took me quite some time to get it working. The installation notes
are in the other download.
I tried to get it working on hsql/jdbc.xml but did not succeed, but
perhaps the problem was in something I later solved.


The cmsc uses a datasource configured in tomcat. This datasource is 
installed the first time the war is deplayed in tomcat. The war contains 
a file META-INF/context.xml which is copied the first time to 
The default is currently for mysql with cmsc as db/user/password. tomcat 
also requires the libs for the conection pool in commn/lib

I understood how it should work, but it didn't because I didn't
immediately realise that I had to put stuff in common/lib. Happily I had
an old tomcat installation lying around which had them. It would be a
bit annoying to have to find them first. Pointers to where you can
download them would have been welcome :-)

I made a start with a maven project which should generate a zip which 
constains the files to patch tomcat. Didn't finish that.

Logging is one of the things I want to move out of the war. The location 
and requirements of logging are always different on every system and 
environment. Developers like it on stdout and sysadmins in a daily 
rolling file in thier logs dir.

We use the trick to specify the log-dir as : 
!ENTITY logdir ${catalina.base}/logs/ 

No complete solution, and tomcat-only, but at least in our situtation it
helps a bit to make the same web-apps work in different tomcat

That is a solution, but not what I have in mind. For instance, log files 
on linux/unix are usually stored in /var/log/. Good hosters have 
maintenance tasks running on that part of the filesystem. What should be 
logged is also different per environment. In development you want to 
know a lot, but not in production.

- If something goes wrong during start up, it remains in an eternal loop
which is supposedly 'waiting for mmbase' (according to a
thread-dump). On the front-end no 503 are reported, during this
waiting, but requests are simply stalled.  Also e..g the
tomcat-manager is unreacheable during this (eternal) time.


This is also a point which should be addressed, but there is not a nice 
solution present which can be used easily.

There are some classes like MMBaseStarter en MMBaseStartThread which are
used by the MMBase servlets themselves. I don't know if they are useable
in this case, but they might...


I have to wait until the mmadmin module is ready. I don't want to start 
mmbase. Leaving it like this will remind me that I have to fix this 
nicely in time. A poor fix will very likely not be replaced by a good one.

- After a restart I needed to login again. I think that is not necessary
any more, because the cloud object in the session is serializable.


The tomcat context file defines a PersistentManager which turns of the 
session save feature. No good reason for doing it other than that the 
server starts in a clean state.

Ah, that's the reason. I only later realized that that line in the
Context-XML may have been the cause :-)

No, the issue is that it should not set the locale in the CloudTag to 
the mmbase locale when nothing is found in surrounding tags. It should 
leave the locale untouched.
Okay, I know now how to refactor it nicely. I have to extract another 
method which only checks that the locale is set by something in the 
current request. The getLocale method will then call getDefaultLocale 
when the locale is not found by the new method. CloudTag.checkLocale 
will then only call the new method.

Calling ContextReferrers is necessary to find the closest tag which can 
provide a locale. A CloudReferrer can then return the locale from the 
cloud. In this way you could use the cloud to keep track of which 
language the user has selected. It is just one of my attempt to figure 
out how to do localization with mmbase.

I think i'm going to make a few demo-jsps for this in
mmexamples/taglib or so, which will at least define the behaviour. I may
ask you to review those then.

That okay.


Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] Re: [MMBASE CVS] applications/taglib/src/org/mmbase/bridge/jsp/taglib ContextReferrerTag.java CloudTag.java

2006-07-15 Thread Nico Klasens

Michiel Meeuwissen wrote:

Nico Klasens wrote:

Update of /var/cvs/applications/taglib/src/org/mmbase/bridge/jsp/taglib
In directory 

Modified Files:
	ContextReferrerTag.java CloudTag.java 
Log Message:

When The ContextReferrerTag is the CLoudTag then return null for the default 
locale otherwise return mmbase locale

But why?. It can break the on line 847:
   ResourceBundle bundle = 

ResourceBundle throws NPE if getLocale() would return null. So, it
should never do that.

I'll remove getDefaultLocale from CloudTag for now.


Okay, I have reverted the CloudTag back to revision 1.135. I didn't have 
the time to look into it why it broke every locale logic in my app and 
came to the fix I checked in. Spend too much time today to track the 
real issue. Your simplification on checkLocale forces the cloud locale 
to be the mmbase locale. When you need that fix then some 
cloud.setLocale prevention should take place somewhere, because I am not 
going to pass around my locale on the request all the time.


Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] Re: [MMBASE CVS] applications/taglib/src/org/mmbase/bridge/jsp/taglib CloudTag.java

2006-07-15 Thread Nico Klasens

Michiel Meeuwissen wrote:

Nico Klasens wrote:

Update of /var/cvs/applications/taglib/src/org/mmbase/bridge/jsp/taglib
In directory 

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Reverted the checkLocale method, because it breaks the locale setting of the cloud. The simplification forces the cloud to set the locale to the mmbase locale. 

I just wanted the cloud to pick up the locale, even in a dynamic
include, withouth the need for yet another mm:locale. So, I was mainly
interested in it picking up the
javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.fmt.locale.request attribute, which is one of
the functions of the default getLocale method. I don't realy undertand
how this would break the locale setting of the cloud? Would it perhaps
have something to do with also checking the parent ContextReferrer? I
noticed nothing going wrong with locales, so perhaps your test-case
somehow differs from mine. When excactly did this happen?



Download the war from http://cmsc.finalist.com and put your taglib jar 
in it and click around in the bibliotheek Everything is in dutch 
except when strings and values are requested thought the cloud (node 
manager names and field names). When everything is in english then you 
have to turn on the dutch language in your browser, because we support 
two languages based on the accept-language http header. In the future we 
might provide the possibility to select a language so I want to set the 
locale at one point in the code.
I don't want to use the mm:locale tag all the time for two reasons. One, 
I don't want to pass around the locale the user is going to select in 
every request (easy to forget) And two, the mm:locale tag is a jsp only 
thing and I am not always using jsp to render pages.


Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] VOTE: Xinha editor in editwizards

2006-07-11 Thread Nico Klasens

Pierre van Rooden wrote:

I'm in favour of dropping htmlarea for a version which we don't maintain
ourselves.  Honestly, I did not succeed to get xinha working in
editwizards, but I trust that it will simply work fine after you're

I tried xinha but it totally broke the wizards.
The xinha javascript throws the error : xinha_config not defined'.
After that, the cancel button doesn't work, nor does calling a 
subwizard. The area doesn't show either.

Some help here is appreciated.

okay, I made a small error in the my-htmlarea.js in the xinha editor. I 
didn't notice it, because I forgot that I was overriding it in the build 
process to extend the functionality.

Btw, I also get errors from the datepicker javascript, and for some 
vague reason the datepicker image is blown out of proportions and 
takes up the entire screen. I don't think it's related, but I am 
pretty sure mister Tang Lin never grasped the concept of semicolons 
(whose absense causes some of the issues).

The datepicker works for me agian after the xinha editor fix.
This css line should have prevented the full screen icon
editwizard\templates\style\layout\wizard.css - input.calendar { width: 
17px; height: 17px; }


Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] Xinha VS. htmlarea

2006-07-11 Thread Nico Klasens

Hello Nadia,

I think that xinha offers some nice functionalities for editors. But
what happens with MMBase CMSs that already have a big content database
with htmlarea? I see in the mail of Nico that the migration is 'not very
hard' - but how hard is that? What are the wizard.xsl's? I cannot tell
our editors to compare any wizard.xsl's... The only thing I know is that
if we upgrade to the new mmbasexinha in the future that there is a
possibility that people will try to open an old article and that it will
not look exactly the same as it looked in the past. Then I will have to
know what to advice them - of preferably know well in advance a lot more
about the exact differences between htmlarea and xinha so that I can
understand the impact of such a change.

My main reason to propose xinha instead of TinyMCE or FCKeditor is, 
because everyone is familiar with the htmlarea. Xinha does not treat the 
html differently than htmlarea. Xinha is a big bug fix version of 
htmlarea. Xinha is finishing the work the htmlarea people started with 
In some cases Xinha reacts differently on user input than htmlarea.
How hard the migration is, will depend on how much custom code you have 
in the htmlarea. The CMScontainer has extra icons to include content, 
attachments and images as inline links. I rewrote this code, because 
xinha has a more robust version to insert links. When you don't have 
custom code in the htmlarea directory then it is a drop-in replacement. 
The wizard.xsl is for rendering the html and only includes a different 
htmleditor. Xinha is started with less lines of javascript code.

Will the htmlarea editor remain as an option, or is it the idea that it
is not anymore part of a future release? In this case there should be
clear guidelines for existing users on what to do when upgrading
existing sites. I think that this matter should be also posted in the
users list and maybe it's the best to involve the users as well in this
decision making.

The htmlarea will still be in the distro. 1.8 should be a stable release 
where we are not allowed to remove functionality without a VERY good reason.
Based on the reaction in the other thread it is better to postpone the 
decision and provide some alternatives and let the users decide which 
htmleditor they like. I am a little afraid that in the end the 
developers which create the application will make the decision instead 
of the end-users.


Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] VOTE: Xinha editor in editwizards

2006-07-11 Thread Nico Klasens

André van Toly wrote:

Hi Nico,

Op 10-jul-2006, om 16:50 heeft Nico Klasens het volgende geschreven:

Pierre van Rooden wrote:

To make things a bit easier for people to test: the wizard.xsl for  
This assumes tiny_mce (as downloaded from the site) is employed in  
its entirety under the mmbase/edit/wizard dir.

Okay, let's cnacel the vote and rething about a nice way to support  
all these editors? Maybe by providing extended wizard.xsl files?

Maybe your right, but would that not be a lot of work that maybe is  
not needed? What are your main reasons for choosing Xinha? I was a  
bit put off by it when I tried to integrate it in some JSP editors I  
was working on. Then someone pointed me to TinyMCE, since I had not  
enough time to evaluate both I have I haven't looked any further.
I believe everybody agrees we should drop HTMLarea but I think it is  
a better idea to choose one new one in stead of supporting several.

First, I like TinyMCE and many others too. It is used in many big (cms) 
projects. TinyMCE is very well maintained at the moment.  Why is took 
Xinha? because it is the htmlarea code base. The code is cleaned up, but 
is still is in the same files. It is not another editor it is still the 
htmlarea only more stable. The code I have seen made more sense then the 
old htmlarea version which had hacks on hacks. Migration to the xinha 
editor is easier then to TinyMCE when you have custom code.
Providing both options might be a good start to let the users decide 
which editor they like best. In Mambo,  the admin user can decide which 
editor will be used in the edit screens.


Developers mailing list

[Developers] VOTE: Xinha editor in editwizards

2006-07-10 Thread Nico Klasens

CALL FOR: Xinha editor in editwizards

Last week I added the xinha editor to cvs as a replacement for the 
htmlarea. The xinha editor is a much better version of the htmlarea code 
so I want to make it the default in the editwizards. Migration to the 
xinha editor is not very hard, because it is still the same htmlarea 
codebase. Just compare the wizard.xsl's
Several patches we did are nicely solved in xinha. The editor has 
numerous fixes to work in IE and FF. The current htmlarea is a bit buggy 
in FF.

START OF VOTING: 2006-07-10
END OF CALL: 2006-07-14 11:00

[_] +1 (YES)
[_] +0 (ABSTAIN )
[_] -1 (NO), because :


Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] VOTE: Calendar-contribution

2006-07-10 Thread Nico Klasens

Michiel Meeuwissen wrote:

[_] +1 (YES)

Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] VOTE: Xinha editor in editwizards

2006-07-10 Thread Nico Klasens

Michiel Meeuwissen wrote:

Nico Klasens wrote:

Last week I added the xinha editor to cvs as a replacement for the 
htmlarea. The xinha editor is a much better version of the htmlarea code 
so I want to make it the default in the editwizards. Migration to the 
xinha editor is not very hard, because it is still the same htmlarea 
codebase. Just compare the wizard.xsl's
Several patches we did are nicely solved in xinha. The editor has 
numerous fixes to work in IE and FF. The current htmlarea is a bit buggy 
in FF.

START OF VOTING: 2006-07-10
END OF CALL: 2006-07-14 11:00

[X] +1 (YES)

I'm in favour of dropping htmlarea for a version which we don't maintain
ourselves.  Honestly, I did not succeed to get xinha working in
editwizards, but I trust that it will simply work fine after you're

I suppose you want this for 1.8.1? Or 1.8.2? Or 1.9? 1.8.1 must be
release very soon, I think.



It should go into a 1.6 release. Xinha does noet have frequently 
checkins, but the last checkin was last week.
I will check the xinha editor with the distro when I check in the new 


Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] VOTE: Xinha editor in editwizards

2006-07-10 Thread Nico Klasens

Michiel Meeuwissen wrote:

Nico Klasens wrote:

It should go into a 1.6 release. Xinha does noet have frequently 



IIRC That is where we introduced the htmlarea? But 1.8 is also fine :)

checkins, but the last checkin was last week.
I will check the xinha editor with the distro when I check in the new 

Is there no possibility to actually depend on xinha code, rather then
copying it to our CVS?  Perhaps with an automatic checkout or download or
so? I think it is easier to profit from up-stream bugfixes then. The
situation with htmlarea was not very optimal.



Actually I don't like that, because we then might distribute a broken 
version. The xinha editor is not released yet, but already more stable


Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] Maxlength: int or long?

2006-07-06 Thread Nico Klasens

Pierre van Rooden wrote:

I am reworking fields and datatypes so that you can redefine a field 
by describing it's datatype instead of using the db tag.
This should be in a next release - the old way will still work, 
ofcourse, but it is an additional option that is primarily ment to 
make builder xmls cleaner.

The idea is that you can specify a field as follows:

field name=mydata
  datatype base=eline xmlns=http://www.mmbase.org/xmlns/datatypes; 
required value=true /
maxlength value=255 /

Which would automatically deduce type (STRING), size (255), state 
(persistent) and notrnull (true, dependent on required).

You van override state and readionly status as field tag attributes:

field name=generatedinfo state=virual readonly=true

and override type, size, and notnull using the storage tag:

field name=mydata2
  datatype base=xml xmlns=http://www.mmbase.org/xmlns/datatypes; 
maxlength value=255 /
  storage type=STRING size=1024 notnull=true 

(the example may not make much sense, but there could be situations 
where this is needed.

I didn't want to use the db.type tag, as it has a lot of other stuff.
So I added a storage key that overrides a datatype's default (or 
defines the datatype if you do not define it).

Anyway, when working on trying to determine size using a 
LengthDatatYpe  maxLength propery I found this:

- Field.getMaxLenth() is an int
- LengthDataType.getMAxLength() is a long

Both are (as of 1.8) part of the bridge.
This means that to solve the conflict between the two is hard to do 
without breaking backward compatibility in the bridge.

I was wodnetring what should be done?
I now downsize the long to int, which works for the 1.8 release, but 
should we change the type of either method?

And if so, when? In 1.9? Or asap?

I don't care when.

What disturbs me is that there are already plans to introduce migration 
issues from 1.8 to 1.9 even before the 1.8 release is secured in a branch.
I already spend a lot of time to convert builders from the old 1.7 to 
the 1.8 format. Builder files are one of those things which should be 
stable, because everyone must use them. Changing them every release will 
make it much more difficult to upgrade. Do we really need a new version 
again? If the sole argument is to make it more cleaner then I think my 
argument outweights that. When there are other argument then put them in 
a document so we can discuss it before implementing it.



Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] Re: [MMBASE CVS] src/org/mmbase/datatypes/resources datatypes_en.properties dirs_en.properties iso639_en.properties weekdays_en.properties

2006-07-05 Thread Nico Klasens

Pierre van Rooden wrote:

Michiel Meeuwissen wrote:

default locale is not necessary en, so _en files must be available 
too. (perhaps the normal .properties files can be removed?)

IIRC the normal .properties files are used if no file can be found for 
the given locale.
So even if you have a system with, say, default locale 'es', if you 
specify 'en' as a locale, and it can't find the _en file, it should 
use the normal property file instead.
So why do we need an _en file if the default file contains this value 
and the system defaults to it? It only sounds like more work.
And leaving the normal property files out means that systems with 
different default locales fail to load even the default (english) 
values, unlesh you explixitly specify 'en' or make custom localized 
property files.
Anyway, I *thought* that's how it worked. If not, maybe you can 

Yhis is the way ResourceBundles work. getBundle will try to match the 
locale as close as possible (language, country, variant). When no bundle 
matched the locale then the default will be used.
It is sometimes hard to reproduce this behavior in your browser when you 
have multiple languages in your preferences. All languages are send to 
the server in the http accept-language header. The server will try all 
languages with the ResourceBundles in the order they arrive. Some 
scenarios to make it more clear

Scemario 1
User semds en_US amd nl_NL
Server has resourcebundles:: names.properties and names_nl.properties
Response will display values from names_nl.proeprties

Scemario 2
User semds en_US amd nl_NL
Server has resourcebundles:: names.properties names_en.properties and 

Response will display values from names_en.proeprties

Scemario 3
User semds  nl_NL and en_US
Server has resourcebundles:: names.properties names_en.properties and 

Response will display values from names_nl.proeprties

Scemario 4
User semds fr_FR
Server has resourcebundles:: names.properties names_en.properties and 

Response will display values from names.proeprties


Developers mailing list

[Developers] Editwizard htmlarea

2006-07-05 Thread Nico Klasens

Hello Developers,

Last week I found a project which improved the htmlarea  we are using in 
the editwizards. (http://xinha.python-hosting.com/) I like this xinha 
editor, because it fixes several issues which annoyed me for some time. 
One of these issues was the focus behavior of the htmlarea.
I checked in a wizard_xinha.xsl which uses the xinha editor for others 
to try out. When others like it too then I want to replace the htmlarea.


Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] mysql, strings and blobs

2006-06-30 Thread Nico Klasens

Mihxil' wrote:

2006/6/29, Nico Klasens [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I haven't used the jdbc.xml for a long time in favour of the external
datasource  so I missed the new comment.
I gave it a try and it semms to work.

New idea. We create two mysql files in the database dir. One for utf8
and one for latin1. The utf8 version could be the default to match with
the mmbaseroot.xml encoding. The latin1 version could be used to switch
to the old behavior

I think the mmbaseroot.xml encoding can be ignored with new versions
of mysql, which actually do support Unicode. So I think the default
mysql.xml must be cleaned up from all hackery on this terrain
('database-force-encode-text' or so). It could also contain your
proposal. It sounds good, but I don't know what were the original
reasons not to do it like that in the first place.


Most old databases are in latin1 which will not work anymore when we 
switch the default to utf8. Switching from blob to text did not change 
our default.

I have the new files ready for commit.


Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] mysql, strings and blobs

2006-06-29 Thread Nico Klasens
I haven't used the jdbc.xml for a long time in favour of the external 
datasource  so I missed the new comment.

I gave it a try and it semms to work.

New idea. We create two mysql files in the database dir. One for utf8 
and one for latin1. The utf8 version could be the default to match with 
the mmbaseroot.xml encoding. The latin1 version could be used to switch 
to the old behavior


Kees Jongenburger wrote:

On 6/28/06, *Nico Klasens* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


In several projects I have come across the same issue. I want to fix
this in the mmbase code  Searches on fields with case-insensitive
queries fail, because rhe column in the database is of type blob. The
lower function does not work on blobs.  I know that there are some
issues with mysql and enoding which mmbase works around by adding
to the database in iso8859-1 format. I don't want to change this.

actualy I performed some extensive test with mmbase and mysql with 
mysql configured to use utf-8
and setting the database character encoding to utf-8 (see jdbc.xml 
from mmbase_head)
The result wat that the database really contained what was expected 
and that searching also worked.

This will create colums with type text to mysql which makes it
to use the lower function. I have tested this change and didn't find
side-effect. Euro signs and other chanacters still work.

If I remeber correctly mysql only really searches the first 256 
bytes/chars of the stream. just to you know.

Anybody objections for this change?

No, it will just help to do mysql full-text search on the fields.

Developers mailing list

Developers mailing list

[Developers] mysql, strings and blobs

2006-06-28 Thread Nico Klasens


In several projects I have come across the same issue. I want to fix 
this in the mmbase code  Searches on fields with case-insensitive 
queries fail, because rhe column in the database is of type blob. The 
lower function does not work on blobs.  I know that there are some 
issues with mysql and enoding which mmbase works around by adding bytes 
to the database in iso8859-1 format. I don't want to change this.

The only thing I want to change is the mysql.xml.

   type-mapping name=STRING min-size=1 max-size=255 
type=varchar({0}) /
   type-mapping name=STRING min-size=256 max-size=65535 
type=text /
   type-mapping name=STRING min-size=65536 max-size=16777216 
type=mediumtext /
   type-mapping name=XML min-size=1 max-size=255 
type=varchar({0}) /

   type-mapping name=XML min-size=256 max-size=65535 type=text /
   type-mapping name=XML min-size=65536 max-size=16777216 
type=mediumtext /

This will create colums with type text to mysql which makes it possible 
to use the lower function. I have tested this change and didn't find 
side-effect. Euro signs and other chanacters still work.

Anybody objections for this change?


Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] MMBase and IRA

2006-06-26 Thread Nico Klasens

Johannes Verelst wrote:

The issue metioned in this thread and some others are fixed.
The new export is available again on http://mmbase.finalist.com

I must say, it looks very good. Kudos to those involved in the
conversion. And I'm a big JIRA fan also :)

So when will we abandon the old bugtracker en have jira running on
mmbase.org? I vote to do that asap.

I have asked Jo to request a license for MMBase. This will take about 
two weeks. When we have the license then we can install jira. The last 
step is to create the import jelly script from the bugtracker and import 
it into jira. Sounds to me this should be possible within a  month


Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] Lucene and extended objects

2006-06-26 Thread Nico Klasens

Ferdinandus, Humphrey wrote:



Lucene is giving a java.lang.NullPointerException. I have extended 
builder B from builder A. A is part of the lucene index.

When adding a B node to the database the error occurs.


What could be the problem? The mmbase my editors show node B in the 
nodelist of A. When selecting node B from the list, it gives me the 
editor for builder B. This is normal functionality. Could Lucene be 
confused by extended objects?


I hope I am making sense here…..


BTW: I am using Lucene 1.7.1 and MMBase 1.7.4


Kind regards,




Could you paste the Exception to see what is going wrong. Or you could 
try the 1.7.9 release from http://sourceforge.net/projects/mmapps/ which 
has many fixes


Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] MMBase and IRA

2006-06-23 Thread Nico Klasens

The issue metioned in this thread and some others are fixed.
The new export is available again on http://mmbase.finalist.com


Nico Klasens wrote:

Hello Developers,

As some of you know we were working on a tool to export bugtracker 
data to jira. We have finished the tool and the result is on 
http://mmbase.finalist.com. imo, it is a great success  You can login 
with your own bugtracker account. If you don't have one then login 
with nico/mmbase
We want to replace the bugtracker with jira and this is now possible 
within a month.



Developers mailing list

Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] MMBase and IRA

2006-06-22 Thread Nico Klasens

Daniel Ockeloen wrote:

On Jun 22, 2006, at 10:27 AM, Kees Jongenburger wrote:

On 6/22/06, *Nico Klasens* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello Developers,

As some of you know we were working on a tool to export
bugtracker data
to jira. We have finished the tool and the result is on
http://mmbase.finalist.com http://mmbase.finalist.com. imo, it
is a great success  You can login
with your own bugtracker account. If you don't have one then
login with
We want to replace the bugtracker with jira and this is now possible
within a month. 

are we allowed to use jira?
if so I think it's a great tool
The import looks good, there is a small issue with charencoding

Nice to see the convertion worked, Jira is free for opensource 
projects i think as

a project you just have to request a license.

Jira has an open source licens. When you request one and provide proof 
of being an open source project then you will get one for free (as in beer)
I will have a look at the char encoding. It could be a conversion issue 
or it went wrong while migrating from development to this jira instance.


Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] MMBase and IRA

2006-06-22 Thread Nico Klasens

Kees Jongenburger wrote:

 Nice to see the convertion worked, Jira is free for opensource
 projects i think as
 a project you just have to request a license.

Jira has an open source licens. When you request one and provide proof
of being an open source project then you will get one for free (as
in beer)
I will have a look at the char encoding. It could be a conversion
or it went wrong while migrating from development to this jira

How did you do the conversion? I think it might be  interesting  for 
other two.

It is a small program which opens a connection to the database and reads 
the tables which are involved. The data is send to velocity templates to 
generate a jelly script. This jelly script can be imported into jira.


Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] CALL ENDS: Contributions CMSContainer

2006-06-12 Thread Nico Klasens

Pierre van Rooden wrote:

Call result:
Vote succeeded.
CNS COntaienr will be added to the contributions branche.

Sources are added to cvs.
Build documentation is not fully up to date.
I know how to write windows batch files so those are present for the 
build. There is a very old build.sh script, but I don't know if that one 
still works.


Developers mailing list

[Developers] CALL: Contributions CMSContainer

2006-06-06 Thread Nico Klasens

Hello Developers,

Many dev meetings are already filled with things about the CMSContainer, 
but it is not yet a 3rd Party Package for MMbase. This mail is going to 
change that. There are two reasons to do this.

1 We want to provide more insight in what we are doing with the cmsc and 
get some feedback on the direction we are going.
2 The cmsc could be an example implementation of the mmbase component 
framerwork which will be defined by the project started last week.

The CMScontainer is an mmbase application which extends the mmbase 
product with functionality required for a repository based web application.

Supported core committer: Nico Klasens
Maintainer: Finalist IT Group
License: MPL
Build system: maven
Coding conventions: Finalist codiing standards. These are only in detail 
different from mmbase. mmbase standards are allowed.

The infrastuctural requirements are:
- Space in the cvss contributions module
- cvs account for finalist.Over time many finalist developers will work 
on the cmsc and one account for all provides ease of use.

START OF VOTING:   2006-06-06
END OF CALL:   2006-06-10 00:00

[_] +1 (YES)
[_] +0 (ABSTAIN )
[_] -1 (NO), because :

Nico Klasens

Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] CALL: Contributions CMSContainer

2006-06-06 Thread Nico Klasens

Michiel Meeuwissen wrote:

Nico Klasens wrote:

[X] +1 (YES)

Of course, in the long rung I would even rather see this thing to be 
'community' maintained and as
widely used as possible and therefore an 'application'. This is not a reason to 
be against it being
a 'contribution' though.

Future will tell how many others will work on this project. At the 
moment. Finalist wants to have the lead in this project and that is why 
it is now a contribution. When it shows to be value to the mmbase 
community then a new status will be discussed.
The finalist cvs account will be used accoding to the 3rd party package 
rules which means that it does not have core comitter rights.

What happened to the name 'karma'?

Several reasons, but the main one is that it does not match with the 
objectives anymore. It is still a repository based application, but it 
is going to use the mmbase component framework.


Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] CALL: Contributions CMSContainer

2006-06-06 Thread Nico Klasens

Johannes Verelst wrote:

- How do you see MMBase committers work on the cmsc? How will
communication be done between finalist developers working in one
building and oher committers working from their place? Do we need
infratstructure (mailinglist) for that? Should there maybe be a mmbase
project to facilitate this?

No thoughts went into this yet. We need some time to redefine the 
development process. The current development is agile with an informal 
This vote is to honor the request of last week to give more insight in 
the work in progress on the cmsc.


Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] CALL: Contributions CMSContainer

2006-06-06 Thread Nico Klasens

Daniel Ockeloen wrote:

On Jun 6, 2006, at 1:03 PM, Nico Klasens wrote:

Hello Developers,

- Space in the cvss contributions module

My guess is the cmsc name or karma or ?


- cvs account for finalist.Over time many finalist developers will  
work on the cmsc and one account for all provides ease of use.

I think asking for this is a valid question what i personally would  
like to see is that this account will be used like the vpro used the  
acount. That its nice to add your name to each commit line so we have  
some idea of who did it and once you on a regular base commit code
to other projects you will ask to become a full commitor (as several  
of the finalist people already are) this will be less confusing.

The account has committer status as described in 
http://www.mmbase.org/mmdocs/3rdparty.html. It is not a core committer 
account. The usage in restricted to the CMSCointainer space. This is 
different than the wwwtech account.

START OF VOTING:   2006-06-06
END OF CALL:   2006-06-10 00:00

[X] +1 (YES)

I do think there are a few smaller issues like package naming and  
build process but feel we should solve/discuss them in the upcomming

component meetings and should not have a effect on this vote.

Shouldn't affect the vote at all according to 


Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] CALL: Contributions CMSContainer

2006-06-06 Thread Nico Klasens

Pierre van Rooden wrote:

Johannes Verelst schreef:

- contribution is fine with me, application would've been my first
choice, but maybe that is something it can grow to.

It is important to note that while contributions are the 
responsibility of the maintainer, it is also the priviledge of the 
maintainer to determine the product's course.

Making it an application includes relinguishing control.
It is therefor not up to use to propose it as an application, but up 
to the maintainer.

Right. The first version will be a contribution which should be a base 
to build on. There is still some functionality missing to call it 1.0. 
The intention is to change it into an application before 2.0. Of course, 
only when the core committers want to maintain it. On the dev meetings 
it seemed like this wasn't the case, but the responses now indicate 


For the people, who haven't seen the demo last week on the status of the 
cmsc, the latest version is running on http://cmsc.finalist.com

Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] CALL: New project: MMBase framework

2006-05-30 Thread Nico Klasens

[X] +1 (YEA, and I want to be project member)

Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] RFC: MMBase frameworks

2006-05-28 Thread Nico Klasens

Daniel Ockeloen wrote:

On May 27, 2006, at 3:08 PM, Nico Klasens wrote:

Hello Ernst,

The below email makes me believe that your answer on 'What is  
mmbase?' is different than mine. This greatly influence how we use  
it and what we expect from it.
If I have to answer that question then I like to rephrase the  
question to What issue does MMbase solve? My answer is the same  on 
both questions

What issue does MMbase solve? I already wrote this in my previous  
mail. MMbase solves the domain of a data repository which is backed  
by a database. MMbase has many data management features a data  
repository requires. Examples of these are: search, notification,  
access control and type, object and relationship management. A data  
respository consists of a repository engine and an API to interact  
with the engine. The engine has to solve every aspect of the issue  
like storage, configuration, object model, security, search,  events, 
The mmbase solution for this issue can be found inside the  
mmbase.jar. 'What is mmbase?' For me, the mmbase.jar and not the  
full distribution

Hai Nico,

Your proposals allowed for both models, Its clear that you and  
Finalist have a different view on 'what parts' of MMBase make sense.  
Ive tried over the last few replies to define that but you found that  
to be too confusing, fine. But clearly here you only point to what  
you think MMBase is or should be but its clearly not how we all feel.  
I think this discussion should focus on how we can be so damn smart  
that we allow both models since we define components that we _demand_  
run in all these and can itself be implemented in all ways needed to  
match the  framework of choice.

Let me be clear for me i expect to use a framework (no idea which)  
that will mostly use the taglibs or alteast ideas based on them. I  
expect i can abstract many of the heavy work into functions  
implemented in java. And i hope and expect that the components i  
build or update to become components to be able to run in mine but  
also the other (pluto/portlets) frameworks and i expect the same from  
all other components that claim to be follow these specs.

What needs to be done is to create a few examples (even if they are  
not working examples) of what a component looks like so we can all  
check and get a better feeling if they would work for us and fit in  
our model(s) of working.

The goals of the soon to be project is to start defining interfaces  
above the bridge so for the first time we have a real shot at  
creating components that we can share. This is both a techinical  
issue and a management issue (the will to share) lets not forget that  
upto now (as pointed out by Johannes in the proposal) this was almost  
impossible and allmost nothing was shared as a result above the bridge.

Lets stay focussed on these components instead of how MMBase should  
be used...

Hello Daniel,

My previous reply was an attempt to scope the issue of components which 
we are solving in this thread. Every issue which you solve has a scope. 
Every solution should stay in that scope. The issues, which I described 
in the reply and solved by mmbase cvs code, are totally different from 
the component issues. The scope of these issues are completely different 
than the component scope. The taglib solves the issue of rapid and 
scripting-like access, but that is not one of the issues described in 
the document of Johannes. There are two main issues (with sub-issues) in 
the document and they both have a scope.

1 What do we need to define a mmbase component.
   This is quiet easy, because the applications module and Didactor are 
both examples of this.

2 How can we easily integrate a component in (existing) systems.
this is a lot trickier, but it has a limited scope. We have to make 
a list of current existing systems and compare them. Every system solves 
a big issue namely the customer requirements. Some of the sub-issues are 
solved by mmbase. Others like the templating issue are custom solutions, 
because mmbase does not solve those issues.
Ernst writes about a system (you call it a framework) which should also 
be able to use components. Some of the issues in that system are solved 
by mmbase. In scope is how that system can integrate a component, but 
not how that system will implement how a component.is integrated. The 
systen of Ernst provides solutions for issues/wishes, but they are again 
not the same issues as we are discussing now.

Maybe it is just me, but I just don't understand what the models are. 
It can't be the way we develop web applications in our organization, 
because that is not even on the horizon of the components scope. My 
guess is that it is the templating mechanism. The templating mechanism 
is not about displaying nodes. It is about how to aggregate html 
fragments. This can be done though jsp-includes, leaf/tree-includes, 
portals, etc. This is already in the document of Johannes

Re: [Developers] RFC: MMBase frameworks

2006-05-28 Thread Nico Klasens

Daniel Ockeloen wrote:

On May 28, 2006, at 4:42 PM, Nico Klasens wrote:

Daniel Ockeloen wrote:

Hello Daniel,

My previous reply was an attempt to scope the issue of components  
which we are solving in this thread. Every issue which you solve  has 
a scope. Every solution should stay in that scope. The issues,  which 
I described in the reply and solved by mmbase cvs code, are  totally 
different from the component issues. The scope of these  issues are 
completely different than the component scope. The  taglib solves the 
issue of rapid and scripting-like access, but  that is not one of the 
issues described in the document of  Johannes. There are two main 
issues (with sub-issues) in the  document and they both have a scope.

1 What do we need to define a mmbase component.
   This is quiet easy, because the applications module and Didactor  
are both examples of this.

ehmm 'mmbase cvs code' you mean mmbase as we build it now i guess,  
the issues are the same as the component issues since are are trying to
extend 'mmbase cvs code' in a way that it allows the use of  
components. With this project we are trying to extend what we see as  
mmbase i hope.

Yes, mmbase cvs code is all the zips files we currently have.
No, we are not extending mmbase.jar. We are creating something which 
will help to let different customer systems look like the same. If they 
look the same then it is easier to intergrate a component inside those 
systems. When the systems look the same then it is easier to define 
rules where components should adhere to.

2 How can we easily integrate a component in (existing) systems.
this is a lot trickier, but it has a limited scope. We have to  
make a list of current existing systems and compare them. Every  
system solves a big issue namely the customer requirements. Some of  
the sub-issues are solved by mmbase. Others like the templating  
issue are custom solutions, because mmbase does not solve those  issues.
Ernst writes about a system (you call it a framework) which should  
also be able to use components. Some of the issues in that system  
are solved by mmbase. In scope is how that system can integrate a  
component, but not how that system will implement how a  component.is 
integrated. The systen of Ernst provides solutions for  
issues/wishes, but they are again not the same issues as we are  
discussing now.

I only call it a framework because you call it a framework in the  
proposal, there is talk in chaper 2 of frameworks like didactor and  
karma. So thats the reason why i talk of frameworks that can run/use  
these components if that is the wrong word for it please tell me what  
i should call them.

eh, yes that isn't smart, calling that we are going to build an mmbase 
framework and then calling systems a framework too. The problem is that 
the mentioned  systems are not real customer systems. You have to 
configure them to get a customer system.

Maybe it is just me, but I just don't understand what the models  
are. It can't be the way we develop web applications in our  
organization, because that is not even on the horizon of the  
components scope. My guess is that it is the templating mechanism.  
The templating mechanism is not about displaying nodes. It is about  
how to aggregate html fragments. This can be done though jsp- 
includes, leaf/tree-includes, portals, etc. This is already in the  
document of Johannes.

This is the last time ill comment on this part because i think it  
takes away from the real questions, models of developement its clear  
that there is more than one view inside the community how todo this.  
I for one would like to talk to the bridge as little as possible and  
do indeed in some ways see mmbase as a scripting language in the form  
of the tags.

In my opinion you are solving two issue in development. Issue one is a 
data management issue, because you want to store nodes. You use the 
mmbase.jar for this to solve it which is, in my opinion,  mmbase (we 
never going to agree on this). Issue two is that you don't want to use 
the api and like to script away. The solution for this is the 
mmbase-taglib.jar. I have the same issues and use the same solutions for 
it. I also have some other issues. So where is the other view?

But ill repeat my core point if i understand the components correctly  
any component following the specs should work in any of the  
frameworks without changes right ?

yes, preferably.

My previous email is also the way I view at the software world.  
Every piece of software is a solution for an issue someone had.  When 
you know the issue you also know how big its scope is or  should be. 
I know a lot of people don't view the software world in  this way. As 
I mentioned in an earlier email, I am still searching  and this is 
the way I can understand and decide where to use mmbase  jars. And to 
stir up some more, most sucessful open source products  are clear on 
which issue

Re: [Developers] RFC: MMBase frameworks

2006-05-27 Thread Nico Klasens

Hello Ernst,

The below email makes me believe that your answer on 'What is mmbase?' 
is different than mine. This greatly influence how we use it and what we 
expect from it.
If I have to answer that question then I like to rephrase the question 
to What issue does MMbase solve? My answer is the same on both questions

What issue does MMbase solve? I already wrote this in my previous mail. 
MMbase solves the domain of a data repository which is backed by a 
database. MMbase has many data management features a data repository 
requires. Examples of these are: search, notification, access control 
and type, object and relationship management. A data respository 
consists of a repository engine and an API to interact with the engine. 
The engine has to solve every aspect of the issue like storage, 
configuration, object model, security, search, events, etc
The mmbase solution for this issue can be found inside the mmbase.jar. 
'What is mmbase?' For me, the mmbase.jar and not the full distribution

The community provides additional functionality which makes working with 
mmbase easier. Every added piece of functionality solves another issue.

Generic editors - solves the issue of easy access to reporitory data.
Editwizards - solves the issue of user-specific and task-based access of 
repository data
Taglib - solves the issue of rapid and scripting-like access to 
repository data
Clustering - solves the issue of several system working with the same 
repository data

RMMCI - solves the issue of remote access to repository data.
... - ...

MMbase is not a scripting language. A scripting language solves a 
different issue. You choose Ruby or Python for a different reason then 
you choose for mmbase. The taglib address some of the same aspects of 
the scripting language issue. Funny to hear that code obscurity is 
easier introduced in a type-safe languauge then in a scripting language. 
I always thought it was the other way around. You could create something 
which solves the same issue as Ruby on Rails does, but then  you are not 
solving the same issue as mmbase does.

If you think this way in development then you should ask yourself with 
every issue: does mmbase solve this issue. In a lot of cases the answer 
is no and there is always another product which will solve it. The cmsc 
is a good example. I have content and want to store it somewhere. MMbase 
solves this issue for me, because it solves data management. I also want 
to create html blocks which are aggregated to one html page. MMbase does 
not solve this issue for me. Pluto does solve this. I want to make these 
html blocks configurable and store this some where. This is data 
management again so MMbase could be used.


Ernst Bunders wrote:

Nico Klasens wrote:

Hello Ernst,

hello Nico, and all others who have responded to this thread

Let me first say I'm quite happy with this discussion. It is not my 
intention to put anybody in the hot seat, but i think it is positive 
to get to know each other a bit better in this way, and also perhaps 
get a more clear idea about what we are all doing and where the whole 
thing is going. 'What is mmbase?' is an unanswered question and that 
seems to be one of it's prime features. Still i like to hear from 
other people how they look at mmbase, what they see in it and where 
they want to take it.
Secondly, let me state I'm not against any kind of development. Mmbase 
is flexible enough to support different methods of application. For me 
it is important many people use it, which ever way they see fit. This 
does not mean i think mmbase is equally suitable for all purposes, on 
which more later.

Your perception on what Finalist thinks of MMbase is not the same as 
we (or at least I) think of MMbase. This email is my personal 
writing, but I am confident Finalist is on the same line.

In the past years we (Finalist) have selected frameworks and products 
to use in our custom-made applications. The selection process is 
based on what customers want, what we think can help in implementing 
quality applications and eases development. We have seen that MMbase 
is not always high-quality, but it is versatile and that is what 
customers want. It is also very flexible which makes development easy.

MMBase is NOT a fancy database. It is a data repository which is 
backed by a database. A database lacks many data management features 
a data repository has. Examples of these are: search, notification, 
access control and type, object and relationship management. In the 
java world you can choose now between a pojo based persistency 
framework (EJB/hibernate) or a data repository (MMBase, Jackrabbit).

One of the weaker points of MMbase is that it does not communicate 
which concepts are used, which design decisions were made and how it 
prefers to do thinks. Some of the answers can be found in the code 
and some in the community. I am involved for a few years now, but I 
am still searching. I am happy

Re: [Developers] Re: Lucene module with MMBase 1.8

2006-05-26 Thread Nico Klasens
Sorry, I had read your mail and forgot to ask Wouter what the status was 
of the 1.8 version of lucene on sf.net. We got the lucene module working 
on 1.8 a while ago, but we didn't had the time to incorporate it in 
sf.net. Don't know if Wouter found the time later.

Wouter, can you let me know what you have done with the changes for 1.8?


Ruud Prein wrote:


But with maven the module as it was downloaded from sourceforge does 
not compile anymore...

groet, Ruud

Ruud Prein wrote:


   I am trying to install the Lucene module 1.7.9. After following the
   install instruction i get the following error:
   2006-05-23 23:27:23,333 INFOorg.mmbase.module.Module - 
Starting module

   2006-05-23 23:27:23,334 FATAL   
org.mmbase.servlet.MMBaseStartThread -

   Could not instantiate the MMBase module! java.lang.NoSuchMethodError

   2006-05-23 23:27:23,334 ERROR   
org.mmbase.servlet.MMBaseStartThread -



   at org.mmbase.module.Module.startModule(Module.java:125)
   at org.mmbase.module.Module.startModules(Module.java:317)
   at org.mmbase.module.Module.getModule(Module.java:360)
   at org.mmbase.module.Module.getModule(Module.java:334)
   at org.mmbase.module.core.MMBase.getMMBase(MMBase.java:534)
   It looks like the module is not compatable with mmbase 1.8 ??

Seems like that. It probably only needs recompilation. I think the
'getModule' method of Module returned Object, which was very silly, and
therefor changed to return Module now. This gives no compile time 
problems, but sadly,

it does give this kind of run-time issues


Developers mailing list

Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] RFC: MMBase frameworks

2006-05-26 Thread Nico Klasens

Hello Daniel,

The thing I don't want is limiting the versatile and flexible nature of
MMbase. This is a reason we chose MMbase in the first place. 

We have done many mmbase projects now and asked ourself where the
issues in these projects are which limit our productivity. We came to
the conclusion that project startup time and re-implementation of
functionality are among these issues. We always 'clone' a project which
is similar to the new one and bend it until it fits. We don't wamt
that. because it always gives a problem later in the process. MMbase is
the starting point of our projects. With application functionality you
can work on top of MMbase, but this is not an application issue we are
dealing with. These are project issues and MMbase does not yet help to
solve them. The proposal changes this situation. When only half of what
is in the proposal is implemented then we will be a step closer to the

The proposal also tries to fill the gaps between several applications
which are build on top of MMbase. Some functionaities are
re-implemented in these applications. It would be nice to extract those
to get robust code, because many people use them. Johannes and I (and
others) discussed this and we came to the conclusion that this
extraction process could go easier when we add some thing to MMbase
.Maybe, Johannes and I got carried away by the idea and added more then
is required, but on the other hand it shows how realistic we think it

I don't think there are 2 views on MMBase. It is more a question: when
do you use what in the implementation of an application. In several
cases scripting is better suited then java code, but in other cases it
is the other way around. I like to use the taglib and jsp to present
the content. I don't have to write a lot of custom tags to get it done.
Most custom tags are just a replacement when I have to write many lines
of jsp code over and over again (jsp tag files are also great for this).
When I write business process logic then I like java code more, because
you can explain with method names and class structures what you are
trying to do. For me it is very important how easy it is to read and
understand what code does. Maintainability heavily depends on this.
Writing maintainable code in a scripting language is much harder, but
not impossible.


Daniel Ockeloen wrote:

  reposted it myself since i made even more
language mistakes the normal sorry :)
  We don't want to change MMbase to fit the
cmsc. We also don't want to change the way you can develop with MMbase.
We are only suprised that you can more easily develop with the taglib
then with the bridge.
  Thanks for the reply Nico, i will have to
read it a few more times to let it all sink in maybe ill reply a second
time but this line stood out to me and
  i wanted to make a point and question
about it.
  First the fear of not adding some rules to
how to use MMBase (the principles and reason for components) resulted
in a flexible product but
  also had the result that allmost nothing
above the bridge was shared or shareable. This effort is all about us
the mmbase developers starting to
  add rules (or atleast guidelines) on how to
use MMBase. And we are hitting a topic that has been hidden (or we
didn't want to admit it) for a few years now and this comment points
to that i think.
  I like the fact that the proposal is make
components that are shareable over mutliple frameworks and they can
themselfsbe implemented in several ways because i think there are 2
main ways people use/see mmbase :
  1) We make easer scripting tools so that
others can make websites with it. taglibs/functions,objectbuilders,
defining all in xml instead of sql or java codeare examples of this.
Its felt dat non java programmers should be able to make or atleast
change the products created with it.
  2) All should be made by writing in java
(or as you say talkto the bridge) this means there are no 'tool'
builders but graphics designers and java programmers who make the
needed code/interaction where configuration creates the wanted
  Is this a valid view ? and a correct way to
explain it to managers ?
  Now your proposal's main point is we might
not be able to share frameworksn based on these2 models and we might
not even implement the components made for these frameworks in the same
way but by adding a few interface concepts we can atleast demand they
are shareable and if we make them configurable very useable in all the
  Is this a fair view ?

Developers mailing list

Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] Re: Lucene module with MMBase 1.8

2006-05-26 Thread Nico Klasens

I will give it a try right now. Could you post the error you get?


Ruud Prein wrote:


I know what needs to be done, but I dont get it to compile with Maven. 
My knowledge of Maven is limited.


Sorry, I had read your mail and forgot to ask Wouter what the status 
was of the 1.8 version of lucene on sf.net. We got the lucene module 
working on 1.8 a while ago, but we didn't had the time to incorporate 
it in sf.net. Don't know if Wouter found the time later.

Wouter, can you let me know what you have done with the changes for 1.8?


Ruud Prein wrote:


But with maven the module as it was downloaded from sourceforge does 
not compile anymore...

groet, Ruud

Ruud Prein wrote:


   I am trying to install the Lucene module 1.7.9. After following 

   install instruction i get the following error:
   2006-05-23 23:27:23,333 INFOorg.mmbase.module.Module - 
Starting module

   2006-05-23 23:27:23,334 FATAL   
org.mmbase.servlet.MMBaseStartThread -
   Could not instantiate the MMBase module! 

   2006-05-23 23:27:23,334 ERROR   
org.mmbase.servlet.MMBaseStartThread -



   at org.mmbase.module.Module.startModule(Module.java:125)
   at org.mmbase.module.Module.startModules(Module.java:317)
   at org.mmbase.module.Module.getModule(Module.java:360)
   at org.mmbase.module.Module.getModule(Module.java:334)


   It looks like the module is not compatable with mmbase 1.8 ??

Seems like that. It probably only needs recompilation. I think the
'getModule' method of Module returned Object, which was very silly, 
therefor changed to return Module now. This gives no compile time 
problems, but sadly,

it does give this kind of run-time issues


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Re: [Developers] Re: Lucene module with MMBase 1.8

2006-05-26 Thread Nico Klasens

Actuallu, I meant the maven error.
There are some things before you get a compiled 1.8 version.
   First, you need a working mmbase 1.8 maven build, because you have 
to install the mmbase 1.8 jars in the maven repository
   Second, the mmbase dependency in the project file of the lucene 
module should be set to the mmbase 1.8 jar
   Third, you need the lucene-core-1.9-final.jar and 
lucene-misc-1.9-final.jar from lucene.apache.org and install it in your 
local maven repository.

I did this and placed my result on the maven repository on 
mmapps.sourceforge.net. I haven't tested the result so let me know if it 
is not ok.

The files are at
http://mmapps.sourceforge.net/distributions/mmapps/jars/ (only the jar)
http://mmapps.sourceforge.net/distributions/mmapps/mmbase-modules/ (zip 
archive with all required files)



Ruud Prein wrote:

The error: The return variable of the getModule has been changed. I 
think thats all that need to be changed. Further more, the project.xml 
of Maven does not work anymore.

  I am trying to install the Lucene module 1.7.9. After following the
  install instruction i get the following error:
  2006-05-23 23:27:23,333 INFOorg.mmbase.module.Module - Starting 

  2006-05-23 23:27:23,334 FATAL   org.mmbase.servlet.MMBaseStartThread -
  Could not instantiate the MMBase module! java.lang.NoSuchMethodError

  2006-05-23 23:27:23,334 ERROR   org.mmbase.servlet.MMBaseStartThread -


  at org.mmbase.module.Module.startModule(Module.java:125)
  at org.mmbase.module.Module.startModules(Module.java:317)
  at org.mmbase.module.Module.getModule(Module.java:360)
  at org.mmbase.module.Module.getModule(Module.java:334)
  at org.mmbase.module.core.MMBase.getMMBase(MMBase.java:534)

I will give it a try right now. Could you post the error you get?


Ruud Prein wrote:


I know what needs to be done, but I dont get it to compile with 
Maven. My knowledge of Maven is limited.


Sorry, I had read your mail and forgot to ask Wouter what the 
status was of the 1.8 version of lucene on sf.net. We got the 
lucene module working on 1.8 a while ago, but we didn't had the 
time to incorporate it in sf.net. Don't know if Wouter found the 
time later.

Wouter, can you let me know what you have done with the changes for 


Ruud Prein wrote:


But with maven the module as it was downloaded from sourceforge 
does not compile anymore...

groet, Ruud

Ruud Prein wrote:


   I am trying to install the Lucene module 1.7.9. After 
following the

   install instruction i get the following error:
   2006-05-23 23:27:23,333 INFOorg.mmbase.module.Module - 
Starting module

   2006-05-23 23:27:23,334 FATAL   
org.mmbase.servlet.MMBaseStartThread -
   Could not instantiate the MMBase module! 

   2006-05-23 23:27:23,334 ERROR   
org.mmbase.servlet.MMBaseStartThread -



   at org.mmbase.module.Module.startModule(Module.java:125)

   at org.mmbase.module.Module.getModule(Module.java:360)
   at org.mmbase.module.Module.getModule(Module.java:334)


   It looks like the module is not compatable with mmbase 1.8 ??

Seems like that. It probably only needs recompilation. I think the
'getModule' method of Module returned Object, which was very 
silly, and
therefor changed to return Module now. This gives no compile time 
problems, but sadly,

it does give this kind of run-time issues


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Re: [Developers] RFC: MMBase frameworks

2006-05-26 Thread Nico Klasens

Hello Daniel,

You can't make make a hard line between 2 groups of mmbase users (I am 
not talking about users which work with application build on MMbase).  
You can only divide users based on technical skill level. On one side 
are users who work/change/rewrite taglib pages or add javascript, flash 
or other  parts. On the other end there are users who are working for 
companies like Finalist. Most of the MMbase users are somewhere between 
these ends.

The end with less technical skills is covered by MMbase, but there are 
still some wishes from the point where I am standing. The proposal 
grants some of my wishes. It is not an xor situation where we have to 
take away something from the other side to fulfill my wishes. What makes 
thier life easier applies for me too.
Didactor shows how some of my wishes could be granted. This is what is 
in the proposal.

The proposal also address the issue with exisitng templating mechanisms 
currently in use and how to support them all. I don't think all users 
will going to use one templating mechanism  Everyone will choose his 
templating mechanism based on his technical skill level and what is 
comfortable for him. MMbase only has to provide an infrastructure where 
all technical skill levels can do their thing. It will actually be much 
easier to meet customer requirements when you can choose between 
templating mechanisms. A lot of projects at Finalist will probably use 
the portlet templating mechanism, because that meets our customer wishes.

MMbase only has to realize that many new customers who select the 
product are willing to accept higher costs for hosting. Java hosting is 
much more expensive than php. There are many php cms implementations 
which meet customer requirements when the customer doesn't want to pay 
for java hosting. This means that MMbase belongs to the more expensive 
applications and that customers in this segment demand more from their 
application. This also applies for the templating mechanism in their 


Daniel Ockeloen wrote:


Henk, Nico,

I won't copy all the comments since i think it will make it more  
confusing to read. My main goal in trying to say there are 2 views  
was to make the discussion more clear on why you propose what you  
did. You seem to point out its more complex and its not the reason  
why you will allow multiple
frameworks but with compatible components. Since it seems to make in  
more confusing ill drop this way of explaining it.

Let me repeat myself i fully support the plan and think its a great  
starting point, I agree with Nico that you want applications in java  
but i personally like to bring them to the frontend using taglibs. Im  
not sure yet where i start in the portal stuff but i fully agree that  
we need one for people who want to work in that model.

I don't fully agree with Henk in that there are many people who for  
example never used a ant compiler or changed a class file but who do  
work/change/rewrite taglib pages or add javascript, flash or other  

MMBase sofar was build from zero or reuse what you used before, this  
also means that by design it exclused alot of people if you don't  
have atleast
access to a programmer. But i can see more people being able to  
change (on all levels) things in something like didactor. It might be  
just settings that change what components are on/off and in what  
'mode' or changing stylesheets. For others it might be changing a few  
simple jsp's or adding some views (these small html parts) they don't  
all need to have the same level of programming and i for one think  
its our task to think about it.

Nico i tried to explain the 'why' i guess i failed, can you give me a  
idea of how you think this will evolve over time ? Do you feel we  
will merge to one

framework over time ?


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[Developers] images/attachments filename state

2006-05-26 Thread Nico Klasens


Today, I noticed that the filename field is not filled anymore when you 
use the editwizards. The reason for this is that Dove marks the field as 
non-editable. Dove does this, because the state of the field is not 
persistent (The state is system). This has been changed in februari so I 
wonder what it should be. I thought system means set and maintained by 
mmbase. This is not the case for the filename field, because only the 
upload jsp can extract the uploaded name.

Any insight in this would be great.


Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] RFC: MMBase frameworks

2006-05-25 Thread Nico Klasens

Hello Ernst,

Your perception on what Finalist thinks of MMbase is not the same as we 
(or at least I) think of MMbase. This email is my personal writing, but 
I am confident Finalist is on the same line.

In the past years we (Finalist) have selected frameworks and products to 
use in our custom-made applications. The selection process is based on 
what customers want, what we think can help in implementing quality 
applications and eases development. We have seen that MMbase is not 
always high-quality, but it is versatile and that is what customers 
want. It is also very flexible which makes development easy.

MMBase is NOT a fancy database. It is a data repository which is backed 
by a database. A database lacks many data management features a data 
repository has. Examples of these are: search, notification, access 
control and type, object and relationship management. In the java world 
you can choose now between a pojo based persistency framework 
(EJB/hibernate) or a data repository (MMBase, Jackrabbit).

One of the weaker points of MMbase is that it does not communicate which 
concepts are used, which design decisions were made and how it prefers 
to do thinks. Some of the answers can be found in the code and some in 
the community. I am involved for a few years now, but I am still 
searching. I am happy to hear what the 'mmbase way of things' is. (+1 
for the principles)

The current cmsc demo includes these mmbase dependencies: mmbase.jar, 
mmbase-cloudcontext.jar, mmbase-dove.jar, mmbase-editwizard.jar, 
mmbase-email.jar, mmbase-rmmci.jar, mmbase-taglib.jar. Some others will 
be used when we add some things from the wishlist.
The cmsc makes a clear distinction between content repository and site 
management. The sole reason for this is to be able to use the content 
repository and another site management implementation.

We decided to use pluto as the base for our small portal product. We 
have considered to use one of the other portal products (Liferay, 
jetspeed, jboss portal, etc) which would push MMbase in a position as 
external information system. These portal products provide many advanced 
features which some of our customers might need. We decided to use pluto 
and a stripped portal implementation to reduce complexity to have a 
better change of acceptance in the mmbase community. We also made sure 
that the mmbase taglibs could be used inside portlets. At the moment, 
MMbase is the base library in the cmsc. All other libraries are just 

The initial and still the main goal of the cmsc is to solve several 
development issues. It is nice that it has also benefits for our 
customers. We are spending time on this MMbase framework, because it has 
some of the same goals as we have set for the cmsc. The cmsc can be a 
test case for this framework. The framework is a success when we and 
someone else are happy in the way it works. It is a great success when a 
jsp based webapp and our cmsc can both benefit from it.

We don't want to change MMbase to fit the cmsc. We also don't want to 
change the way you can develop with MMbase. We are only suprised that 
you can more easily develop with the taglib then with the bridge. Many 
of us expected to have a mmbase engine with an mmbase api. The api 
should allow applications to interact with the engine. All other tools 
(taglib, editors, etc) only makes it a better product to choose it as 
the base for a custom-made application. Many of us know how to apply 
other frameworks to solve specific issues. Not being able to use 
features (because they are only implemented in the taglib) makes MMbase 
a less interesting product for us. If MMbase prefers the taglib above 
the bridge then it should communicate that. We will accept that decision.

As I understand from the below email, MMbase should more rely on code by 
convention? Then MMbase and Java are not a good fit. Java is a very 
type-safe programming language. Especially now in java5 with typed 
parameters. Not using the strong points of Java is a loss to me.

I think, it is very narrow minded to say that default builders will be 
enough to solve all component type issues. It is also a lot of work to 
migrate a database to integrate the default builders. Currently, several 
organizations have invested a lot in their mmbase systems and they are 
not going to like it to convert them. Ease of collaboration is still 

The development meetings about this subject did send us a clear message 
that what we visioned was not the same as what the mmbase developers had 
in mind. This is one of the reasons that we dropped the name karma. We 
will contribute with feedback to the mmbase component framework to make 
it a success. Next to this we continue to set out a repository standard 
in the mmbase world. We like to deliver several mmbase components which 
together create a base system for a content repository application. The 
first is important to you, the second is important 

Re: [Developers] Call for new committer: Henk Hangyi

2006-05-23 Thread Nico Klasens

André van Toly wrote:

CALL FOR: Making Henk Hangyi committer

[_] +1 (YEA)

Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] RFC: MMBase frameworks

2006-05-22 Thread Nico Klasens

Hello Johannes,

Good idea to put this document out in the draft phase, now everyone can
contribute. So here are my additions and clarifications which could be
incorporated in the document.

Chapter 4
There are actually 2 issues with object types. First is semantics and
the second is naming collisions.

We haven't discussed the naming collision and prevention in our
session, but it might be nice to mention it. The semantic issue is more
important for component sharing, but mmbase should deal with the naming
collission too somewhere in the future. Naming
collisions can be resolved by introducing namespaces like xml has. In
namespaces are used to mix elements and attributes from different
sources and
applications. Every element or attribute name can be prefixed by a
string which
is mapped to a namespace URI. The URI namespace is universally managed
provides universal uniqueness of elements and attributes.
This will have a major impact on the source code of
mmbase and will also have impact on applications on top of mmbase. How
name collisions occur in practice is not clear.

4.1 should clarify that the only way mmbase component currently
can operate on models by defining several base types in the inheritance
tree. The base types are usually hard to integrate in existing
applications and will most likely contain fields which are not used by
all applications.

4.2 describes nicely how mmbase mixin types could be used. The example
is similar with an existing issue in the email application. The email
builder has several properties which define in which builder and field
the email address of a user is stored.
This sections should also make clear that the concept of mixin types is
from jsr-170, but that mmbase applies it differently. Mixin types in
jsr-170 are always in addition to the primary node type. MMbase uses a
mixin type to map several fields to a standardized node type which is
not possible in jsr-170. A mixin type in jsr-170 is assigned after
creation to a node. In our proposal the mixin type is assigned to a
primary node type to map fields. Considering these differences it might
be wise to drop the usage of "mixin type" as name.

5.2 The cmsc already has something in place like this. A portlet is
also not allowed to know how a url looks like in the browser. A portal
is allowed to provide a base url or a string which can be replaced in a
post process to the real url. The cmsc uses two tags for this. The
renderURL tag can be used to generate a url to tell the portal to call
only the render method of a portlet. The actionURL tag is used to
create a url to tell the portal to call the processAction and render
methods of a portlet. Both tags can have paramters which should be
added to the url.
A PortalURL consists of global and local navigation elements. The
global navigation elements are used to retrieve the page the portlet is
on and the local navigation elements are to find the portlet on the
page. For example, global is /news/2006/may/ and local is position_poll.
To clarify, the new tag might be similar as the mm:url, but than
without the page attibute. The page attribute should be retrieved from
the application framework.


Johannes Verelst wrote:
Hi all,
As some of you know (and probably others don't), I have been busy
together with Nico Klasesn to see if there is a way to create an
"MMBase framework". The reason is simple: many companies have spent
huge amounts of money for custom MMBase implementations, and
components in those implementations are never given back to the
community. One of the reasons is because of the 'lock-in' to their own
framework which was built on top of MMBase.
With many frameworks already in existance, and the need for "generic
components", I looked with Nico at Didactor, the EO site and to
finalist's Karma/CMSC. The result of this session is now a word
document that I attach here (html version also added).
The main suggestion is: don't enforce a "great unified mmbase
framework", but work the other way around: define some interfaces that
frameworks should implement and components must use. That way every
framework can keep its own way of doing things. So, don't enforce
people to use either tree-include or leaf-include, but create an
interface for creating URLs for which the EO will write an
implementation for their framework which generates urls based on
Next week, on the symposium organized by Jo, I will present this
proposal to parties interested in a mechanism to share components
between parties. Currently it is "my" proposal (together with Nico),
but I would hope it could be "our" proposal. For that I need your
comments, insights and possibly even flamewars :).

Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] DateParser and calculation as offset

2006-05-18 Thread Nico Klasens

Michiel Meeuwissen wrote:

  Nico Klasens wrote:

I like to write the following functionality and I was wondering if the 
DateParser can help with thus.
I want to write a CommitProcessor on a datetime field which sets the 
value based on another fields value minus an offset. I like to give the 
CommitPorcessor a param almost like the defaultvalue of a datetime field 
(e.g. param name="offset"2 weeks/param). Can I use the DateParser as 
is or do I have to (re)write some stuff.

I think you can use the DateParser 'as is'. You first must take the
existing time and present is so that it can be parsed again.

I think e.g. 2006-05-18 14:53 will do.

Then you can add the string '- 2 week' (units are always singular!).

Didn't test it, but I suppose it would work.

Great. I tested it and it works. Saved me some time digging through the
DateParser code

Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] MMBase 1.8.1, 1.9.0 and beyond

2006-05-12 Thread Nico Klasens

Kees Jongenburger wrote:

On 5/12/06, Ernst Bunders [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Kees Jongenburger wrote:
 -Hybernate is better in performance but less flexible in it's 


 it's the opposite

you mean it's performace is worse but it is more flexible?

Sorry , I was talking about the flexible datamodel. Hybernate is more
flexible in it's data model.
It can even use existing database. wana try modeling the mmbase model
in hybernate ?

This is exactly the point in which MMbase and Hibernate made different 
design choices. The hibernate guys will tell you never to use 
many-to-many relations anywhere. There is always a better alternative. 
MMbase uses many-to-many relations everywhere. But they both solve the 
persisitency problem


Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] MMBase 1.8.1, 1.9.0 and beyond

2006-05-11 Thread Nico Klasens

Hello Michiel,

The below is all very focused on code rhings. I am not sure that we need 
a CoreNode and CoreNodeManager and that we have to drop MMObjectNode or 
MMObjectBuilder. I rather would take a step back and observe MMBase from 
a distance. There are many parts in MMbase which are bloated with things 
that don't match the initial goal.
The bridge is a very good example. It was added on top of the core to 
streamline many templating languages, but now it takes over some of the 
features the core should do. This is okay, but then we have to redefine 
what the responsibilities are of these parts.
Another thing I don't like is the changes set and oldValues in 
MMObjectNode. All users are sharing these collections and can commit the 
MMObjectNode. The TemporaryNodeManager and the bridge are doing some 
magic stuff to prevent some of the issues which arise. I am vague on 
this, because I have never figured out how it exactly works and that is 
the real issue.
Another one is the difference between MMObjectNodes, VirtualNodes and 
ClusterNodes. How can VirtualNode extend MMObjectNode and not be 
persistable? It inherits a feature and removes it? It is also not clear 
in the bridge which type of node (MMObjectNode, ClusterNode) is returned 
in lists, because they are both wrapped by a BasicNode. This gives a lot 
of confusion for application developers.

The above are not examples of things that are wrong, but things that 
show we need more then the old concepts are providing. We should analyze 
them and design a solution which includes them in a nice way.

When we do a step back and view at the ugly things then we should also 
look at other frameworks how they handle them. MMBase is a persistency 
layer with additional services and features. Hibernate, EJB3 and jsr-170 
have some concepts which might be appliable to MMBase.
For example, Hibernate makes a clear distinction between POJO's and 
RowSets. A POJO is our MMObjectNode and the ClusterNode matches more or 
less with a RowSet. We also could make that distinction instead of 
Another example is the workspace and session concept of jsr-170. You 
login to the repository providing credentials and a workspace name. This 
all sound very similar as the ContextProvider and cloud login. jsr-170 
returns a session. MMBase returns a cloud. The only difference is that 
we don't have a well defined concept for what a cloud is. When I try to 
explain the mmbase cloud concept I usually use the vague phrase: 'it is 
almost like .., but then with ... and without ...'

IOW, I am not going to work on something which is anticipating what we 
need in a good architecture. I would love to work on something which 
promises me a good architecture. When you know what you are going to 
build then it is easier to refactor in steps.

I also doubt that our end-users (the application developers) would wait 
for all the features you mention for 1.9. I think they rather like to 
see a less confusing architecture.



Michiel Meeuwissen wrote:

Since 1.8.0 is out, we can now think about what we can do for upcoming

If I may start making suggestions:

 - bugfixes (also when related to performance only)
 - loose ends on datatypes (XML presentation and javascript,
   commons-validator wrapper, LIST db type?)
 - loose ends on applications and contributions.

 - dropping support for java 1.4, dropping backport-concurrent,
   using other java 1.5 features in the code. Evaluate what we must do
   with things like 'NodeList' (should it not become ListNode?)
 - 1.8 has made a start with a new org.mmbase.core package

   We must discuss how we progress with this. CoreField suggest that
   also  CoreNode, CoreNodeManager may follow. We may introduce these
   in 1.9 already.   

 - Changes necessary for the upcoming application/portlet
   framework. E.g. to accomodate versioning, workflow and
   application-packaging features more easily.

 - 1.8.0 is shipped with succeeding junit test-cases.
   1.9 must be shipped with standardized bench-marks for performance of
   core, bridge, taglib etc.  I feel it is a problem that must be
   addressed that we don't well perceive performance regressions or 

Something like that seems to be enough for a new major release. It
should not take over 2 years again.  I'd say we must strive to a release
of 1.9 in 2006.

And after that:

2.0  (yeah! core2, finally!, after so many years ...)

- Completing of the 'code clean up' (optimization project)
  - Dropping MMObjectBuilder MMObjectNode, in favour of more bridge
like interfaces all around (as we may have anticipated in 1.9 by
filling org.mmbase.core..).

- ...

Please, comment and contribute.




Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] For discussion changes the Contributions README.txt as placed in cvs

2006-04-11 Thread Nico Klasens

André van Toly wrote:

Op 11-apr-2006, om 16:31 heeft Daniel Ockeloen het volgende geschreven:

On Apr 11, 2006, at 4:15 PM, Nico Klasens wrote:

Daniel Ockeloen wrote:

In the vote on principles it became clear that we lost the rules  
on  what makes a contributions. To have something ive placed
the following file in CVS (in the root of contributions). Please   
correct any language errors ive made in this fine and place
comments on the dev-list if you don't agree (i am doing this  from  
memory even google count not fine the rules anymore).

google: MMBase 3rd Party
and the first hit is

well i asked 4 developers on irc (all commitors) and they didn't  
know. The document is not very clear either that we are talking
about the contributions cvs.  If these are the rules fine but then  i 
don't really see how for example the lucene got abstrain votes.

we need to make this more clear im a commitor and i didn't get it.  I 
want to share things i make with others and this is not helping.

I believe the confusion on irc was about 'contributions' and  
'applications'. The term 3rd Party packages maybe another one that  adds 
to the confusion :-) allthough the document Nico refers to is  quite 
clear that is neither a community application nor a contribution.


See http://lists.mmbase.org/arc/developers/msg11785.html
Later in the thread it has been decided to call the CVS module 
'Contributions'. iow contribution == 3rd Party packages

Later in time, I tried to start a discussion what is suitable for this 
CVS module, but never had a clear anwser. So everything which is not 
community maintianed is eligible for proposal in this CVS module. Core 
committors decide if it is suitable.

-1: it is NOT suitable
0: it might be suitable
+1: it is suitable


Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] For discussion changes the Contributions README.txt as placed in cvs

2006-04-11 Thread Nico Klasens

Daniel Ockeloen wrote:

On Apr 11, 2006, at 5:15 PM, Nico Klasens wrote:

André van Toly wrote:
-1: it is NOT suitable
0: it might be suitable
+1: it is suitable


Thanks Nico, i hope you don't mind i added the readme ill update and  
link it. One thing i really don't like is the gray areas in these  
rules, I want rules
that are so clear a +1 can be expected if you follow them. Only if we  
feel its 'important' and 'maintained by all' we should have a deeper  
discussion and

move it from contributions to applications.

We must not forget that contributions are done by people who would  like 
to share what they have made in the hope it will help someone.  In 
return they will get a 'free' cvs system to make working and  sharing 

Quoted from the document A 3rd party package should be useful for 
others. A package which is highly customized for one person is in most 
cases not interesting for others. This is very vague, but you can 
probably judge better if it should be shared then we, as community, can.

I don't think we should have very hard rules to guarantee a +1. This CVS 
module is created to make it EASIER for outsiders to contribute. The 
vote is just to ask the core committors if they think it is in the 
boundaries of these vague rules.
An abstain can also mean that you don't have enough information to judge 
that, but don't want to be in the way to let the vote pass. Other 
committors may have the required information to judge. If the vote 
didn't pass, because all abstained then the next step is to explain more 
why you think it is suitable.


Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] CALL: Contributions / Lucene Module

2006-04-10 Thread Nico Klasens

Pierre van Rooden wrote:

START OF VOTING:   2006-04-06 14:00
END OF CALL:   2006-04-11 14:00

[_] +1 (YES)
[X] +0 (ABSTAIN )
[_] -1 (NO), because :

Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] MMbase multicast

2006-03-23 Thread Nico Klasens

Hello Arjen,

One vital piece of information is missing in your post. Which version of 
 MMBase are yoy using. The multicast configuration changed during the 
1.7.* releases.

In 1.7.1 the settings were in the config/modules/mmbaseroot.xml file. 
Based on the info of your post I ttink you found the properties in this 

1.7.2 and up moved the properties to config/utils/multicast.xml and the 
mmbaseroot.xml has a property sharedstorage. In 1.8 this is renamed to 

in 1.7.1 and previous release the logging of multicast was all on debug 
level. It didn't even mention that it was starting. 1.7.2 and up echos 
the settings from the config in the logfile on startup.

When you use 1.7.1 add a logger for class 
org.mmbase.module.core.MMBaseMultiCast with debug in the log4j.xml and 
you should see some messages passing around.

Another thing nice to know is: are the machines on the same wire or are 
there any routers/switches between them. The implementation uses a ttl 
of 1 which means that the packets won't leave the wire.

Nico Klasens

Arjen Roodselaar wrote:

Hi all,

I'm trying to setup MMbase to run in a cluster environment. So far I failed 
however and I'm running out of options to try. Maybe someone reading this 
will be able to point me in the right direction.

The relevant part of my MMbase configuration:

node 1:
property name=machinenameou.work2/property
property name=multicasthost226.0.0.2/property
property name=multicastport9119/property
property name=hostwork2.esp/property

node 2:
property name=machinenameou.work3/property
property name=multicasthost226.0.0.2/property
property name=multicastport9119/property
property name=hostwork3.esp/property

To avoid confusion, work2.esp and work3.esp do resolve to a valid IP address 
(we're using a private tld's inside our cluster)

The weird thing is that I don't see any MMbase multicast traffic going over 
the wire when sniffing, using tcpdump ip multicast. I do see muticast 
traffic coming from both Tomcat processes, but it's addressed to port 8012 
which seem to be some default value.
Multicast is active on the OS layer as ifconfig is telling me my NIC is 
running in multicast mode and I'm able to ping and receive a 
response from all machines. 
I've a feeling I'm missing some sort of master switch, which I need to turn 
from false to true to enable MMbase clustering.

Something I noticed in the log when editing nodes (which should trigger 
multicast traffic):

2006-03-23 11:34:14,382 WARN  mmbase.module.core.ClusterBuilder 
addRelationDirections.1656  - No relation defined between educations and 
images using RelationStep(tablename:pos2rel, alias:pos2rel, nodes:[], 
dir:destination, role:498) with direction(s) BOTH. Searching in 'destination' 
direction now, but perhaps the query should be fixed, because this should 
always result nothing.2006-03-23 11:20:04,826 FATAL STDERR println.258  - 
2006-03-23 11:20:04,827 WARN  STDERR println.250  - at 
2006-03-23 11:20:04,827 WARN  STDERR println.250  - at 
2006-03-23 11:20:04,828 WARN  STDERR println.250  - at 

I'm told however this is should not be directly related to my multicast 

Somebody who has an idea of what I'm missing?
Thanks in advance for any input!

Arjen Roodselaar

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Re: [Developers] Node loss during conversion

2006-03-15 Thread Nico Klasens

Didn't comment on this in my previous post.

Or you are missing the typerel for allowed relation 
learnblocks-pos2rel-images or the application does a call for 
relatednodes which is not possible in the current model.

First case is configuration. Second case is code


Arjen Roodselaar wrote:
2006-03-09 22:37:18,467 WARN  mmbase.module.core.ClusterBuilder 
addRelationDirections.1656  - No relation defined between educations and 
images using RelationStep(tablename:pos2rel, alias:pos2rel, nodes:[], 
dir:destination, role:51130) with direction(s) BOTH. Searching in 
'destination' direction now, but perhaps the query should be fixed, because 
this should always result nothing.
2006-03-09 22:37:18,930 WARN  mmbase.module.core.ClusterBuilder 
addRelationDirections.1656  - No relation defined between learnblocks and 
images using RelationStep(tablename:pos2rel, alias:pos2rel, nodes:[], 
dir:destination, role:51130) with direction(s) BOTH. Searching in 
'destination' direction now, but perhaps the query should be fixed, because 
this should always result nothing.

While I'm at it; does anybody know what the ClusterBuilder error means 
exactly, whether this is a code of a configuration problem, and how this can 
be fixed?

Developers mailing list

Re: [Developers] Node loss during conversion

2006-03-15 Thread Nico Klasens

It could also be a newer version of the mysql driver which causes this.

The code I patched receives a list with partially loaded nodes and 
converts them to fully loaded nodes. It uses a select fields from 
table where number in (numbers);
The old code just adds all numbers from the passed-in list to the 
numbers. Newer versions of mysql remove duplicate numbers and return 
the records only once. Older version just returned duplicate records.
The code checked if the passed-in list size is equal to the size of 
records returned from the database. This was correct for older version, 
but is a wrong assumption.

To verify if it is the above problem, you could change the logging for 
org.mmbase.module.database.MultiConnection to debug. This will log all 
sql queries. Just look for the queries with the same signature as 
mentioned above.

What you also could try is replacing the WEB-INF/lib/mysql*.jar with an 
old version. For example use the jar from the old didactor application.

When the errors go away then you don't have to worry other then that the 
logfile will be spammed. An easy fix for that is to change the log4j.xml

When the errors still appear then you are in trouble and the database is 
inconsistent. In that case some records in the object table don't match 
records in other tables. It could also be that the insrel table has 
numbers in the snumber and dnumber field which don't exist anymore in 
the object table.


Arjen Roodselaar wrote:


Thanks for your input!

On Wednesday 15 March 2006 13:28, Nico Klasens wrote:

let me guess. You have upgraded or started using mysql 4.1. This version
returns an optimized resultset which filters out duplicate nodes.

We're currently using MySQL 4.0.18. The test/staging and production databases 
are currently running on the same MySQL server. The only difference between 
the test/staging and production environment is the Didactor version. A 
developer did mention however that they did something with the storage layer 
and since this particular database has been running (and migrated) for quite 
some time now it could be we're currently looking at plain old database 

Could you please explain, from a developer perspective, what piece of the code 
is triggering this error so I can have one of our developers look into this?
The one question remaining is: how serious is this error? What happens when 
this piece of software is put in production without fixing what's causing 
this error?

Or you are missing the typerel for allowed relation 
learnblocks-pos2rel-images or the application does a call for 
relatednodes which is not possible in the current model.

First case is configuration. Second case is code

This could be the missing typerel. I'll have a look at this.

Thanks again!


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