Re: Thank you for keeping DIA going.

2019-09-17 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Sun, Sep 15, 2019 at 10:05 PM rhkramer--- via dia-list <> wrote:

> On Sunday, September 15, 2019 03:57:47 PM Mirko Vukovic via dia-list wrote:
> > I second Robert Schuler's sentiment.
> +1

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Re: Dia development info

2019-08-12 Thread Alejandro Imass
The move to GTK3 and general modernization is a good idea, BUT...

Is it too crazy to take the core values of DIA and think about a
collaborative and/or Web-based version? Lucidcharts is very rapidly
spreading and there doesn't seem to be an open source of free software
alternative. An Open Source collaborative diagraming tool that could also
produce code (like dia2code) I think would be a way to revive this. If not
a pure-web version, at least think about the way Apple Productivity tools
have done it: native apps, that allow real-time collaboration AND also
provides a Web component for people that are non-Mac users.

For mainstream use, collaboration and the seamless integration with other
widely used tools such as Attlasian Confluence is essential. The concept of
stand-alone desktop tools is rapidly fading, at least IMHO.


On Mon, Aug 5, 2019 at 8:53 AM A. D Masiakos via dia-list <> wrote:

> Thanks for the info.
> Where dev takes place?
> I see the project both on Github [1] and Gitlab [2]
> As you said on your previous email, we track Gitlab [2] i suppose.
> [1]
> [2]
> On 8/1/19 11:32 AM, Zander Brown wrote:
> On Thu, 2019-08-01 at 11:14 +0300, A. D Masiakos via dia-list wrote:
> On 8/1/19 2:14 AM, Zander Brown wrote:
> On Thu, 2019-08-01 at 00:51 +0300, A. D Masiakos via dia-list
> wrote:
> Zander, thanks for your answer.
> So, what exactly "modernization" means ?
> It there a established or at least discussed development road map
> ?
> There isn't a roadmap as such
> But basically what's meant here is to move past 2005! Even at the
> last release almost a decade ago Dia used long deprecated
> components and outdated libraries
> Fast forward to 2019 and not only has gtk2 been replaced by gtk3 we
> actually have gtk4 right around the corner
> Dia also lacks consistent code style or naming making it tricky to
> maintain
> Thus I've been slowly working my way though Dia enforcing some kind
> of consistent style more inline with that used across GNOME as well
> as preparing to move to gtk3
> This should make Dia significantly more maintainable (allowing for
> easier feature work) and generally ensuring it's continuing
> existence, distros like Debian had stated they may have to stop
> shipping Dia due to use of outdated libraries
> Hopefully that makes sense
> Yep, thanks Zander. This makes sense.
> So as i understand, the focus (and priorities) are:
> migrate to gtk3 --> pool of contributing members is needed
> establish a coding standard across the project --> can come from the
> above pool's experience
> Well so far the limit is more my time to do it well, I've already done
> a prototype port that "works" but as a prototype various functionality
> was missing
> secure that Dia will remain at significant distributions such as
> Debian --> update usage of deprecated libraries, maybe through the
> transition to gtk3
> On master the main offenders (libgnome, libart) are gone, at this point
> it's largely just the gtk2->gtk3 move (an obvious exception here being
> the current python interface which uses python2)
> I think we must streamline somehow this development, what is your
> opinion (list wise question)?
> Not sure what you mean here? Now we're on GitLab and use meson
> development is far more streamlined than this time last year
> PS: do we know how many people are subscribed to this mailing list ?
> Not a clue, not really a fan of mailing lists and unfortunately don't
> have access to the admin panel
> On 7/28/19 8:07 PM, Zander Brown wrote:
> On Sun, 2019-07-28 at 13:41 +0300, A. D Masiakos via dia-list
> wrote:
> Hello Dia community,
> My name is Apostolos. I'm a Dia user for quite some time now
> and also
> a
> developer.
> I'm sending this email to say a Hello to everyone here and
> secondly
> to
> ask some info about the development status of Dia.
> Is Dia under active development? I've hit the mailing lists
> of the
> Kinda
> past
> few months but what i see there are topics related to mostly
> troubleshooting questions.
> Dia is already a great tool to accomplish a variety of tasks,
> and
> could
> become so much better.
> I'm having some ideas about feature development and i want to
> check
> out
> whats going on to the community as well.
> Is there am active pool of people contributing at feature
> development
> No
> on
> Dia at this moment  ?
> At the moment work is on modernisation rather than features
> Thanks! :-)
> ___
> dia-list mailing list

Re: Dia does not start under MacOS 10.14.2 (Mojave)

2019-06-03 Thread Alejandro Imass
I just use the standard MacPorts version and start XQuartz first, open an
xterm and type dia from the command line. Works every time, on every
version of Mac since I started using Mac back in 2011 and I use DIA every

On Mon, Jun 3, 2019 at 6:12 AM János Bánk  wrote:

> Thanks a lot! Worked for me, too!
> > Am 02.06.2019 um 21:37 schrieb orang Aumori Jepun via dia-list <
> >
> > - Original Message -
> >> From: János Bánk 
> >> Hi,
> >> I tried to install Dia on my Mac OS 10.14.2 (Mojave) Notebook using the
> installer from and
> installing Unfortunately Dia started only for
> the first time. From the second time on the Dia icon just bumps a few times
> and nothing happens (no error message, no startup info).
> >> What could I do to fix this problem?
> >
> >
> >
> > This tip might help:
> >
> >
> > i downloaded Dia-0.97.2-7.dmg and checked
> >
> > then found it looks  same as the one on above link. Though i don't
> understand why Dia started for the first time.
> >
> > ___
> > dia-list mailing list
> >
> >
> > FAQ at
> > Main page at
> >
> ___
> dia-list mailing list
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Re: Open and Read .dia-Files from PyDia Interface

2018-12-18 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Tue, Dec 18, 2018 at 4:51 AM Stefan Günther  wrote:

> Hi all!
> I'm currently working on a PyDia Code Generator für Finite State
> Machines (target Code is C), based on Dia UML diagrams. I've looked into
> existing solutions, but could not find anything that suited all of our
> needs, so I decided to go for a new one.
> As we need some compatibility with our old system (that needs to be
> replaced sometime), we need to use "nested" diagrams. As there's no
> native support for that in Dia (if I understand correctly), I decided
> to use UML-Objects in the diagrams to provide a name and a filename (or
> path) for a diagram that should be embedded in the StateMachine.
> To do that, I would need to parse a (previously not opened) file from
> the PyDia Interpreter, so that I could pass the 'data' object to a
> recursive call to begin_render() in my Generator. Unfortunately neither
> the code (implementation and plugins) nor the documentation I found
> could answer my question. Is there a way to do that?
> I appreciate any comment that helps with the solution I asked for or
> other useful hints on using PyDia or Dia in general for this purpose. I
> really see great potential using Dia for FSM Code Generators (especially
> in the field of embedded electronics or machine controllers, that are
> often still written in plain C) as there are only few alternatives that
> all have their own drawbacks.
> Thanks,
> Stefan

Hi Stefan,

I would advise you to take a look at the source code for dia2code original
C code (not the new C++ port), especially at the logic for SQL DDL
generation. It will show you how to traverse a class diagram with
associations and you can probably extrapolate that to your needs with state
machines. Moreover, the dia2code C code already has some routines that are
common amongst the different code generation options.

One interesting feature you will notice is that objects are traversed first
and then the associations on a second round for ALTER statements. It’s a
practical solution which does not require to figure out the associations
beforehand. One unintended feature of this which I think you will find
interesting (and that we use extensively) is splitting the class diagram
into different DIA files. So for example if we have a 400 table database,
we can split the diagram into “realms” of tables. By putting an empty class
(just the class name with no attributes) we can “connect” to the actual
class defined in another diagram, because the generator will not generate
DDL code for the empty class but will pick up the association, thus
generating the foreign key. I noticed this “ feature” whilst I was
contributing to some patches to the SQL DDL part of the dia2code project.

May I suggest that instead of starting off a new project, that you reach
out to the dia2code guys and contribute to that project instead.


> --
> Stefan Günther 
> ___
> dia-list mailing list
> FAQ at
> Main page at
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Re: Maintaining / Helping out on Dia

2018-12-05 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Wed, Dec 5, 2018 at 7:36 PM Andrey Repin via dia-list 

> Greetings, Alejandro Imass!
> > No reason at all. Just thought that since the effort is relatively big to
> > modernize DIA to GTK 3 it would be worthwhile to at least discuss it.
> > Moreover, I think a future Web-based interface to DIA (even if not the
> > primary/native one) will be important for the long-term survival of DIA
> from a product standpoint.
> This raises a completely different point, actually.
> Dia as a [base for] an application server.
> And I can see it working quite well, given Dia's limited set of basic
> actions.
Right now DIA has the ability to create information from a diagram. Imagine
the opposite: take information and make a diagram and/or animate a diagram.

Some time ago I built a POC using SVG to demonstrate how easy it was to
build SCADA type screens by animating SVG produced from Inkscape. It was
just a POC and not too practical but proved a point of how JS was already
(back in 2012 or so) to manipulate SVG on the Web.

Imagine DIA for making IoT dashboards, SCADA screens, etc. whether it's an
output format that can be easily manipulated (e.g. SVG) or maybe through an
engine/API. In other words, change a property of an object and see how the
drawing changes. Example: a tank object has a level property from 0 to 100
that animates the liquid level.

Anyway, I think we can all agree that DIA is much more than a drawing tool.
The concept that the templates can produce structured objects with named
properties is probably the most important aspect of this software. We use
it extensively for UML to SQL DDL but I can think of so many other
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Re: Maintaining / Helping out on Dia

2018-12-05 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Wed, Dec 5, 2018 at 2:04 PM Zander Brown  wrote:

> On Wed, 2018-12-05 at 12:59 -0500, Alejandro Imass wrote:
> What I was thinking is that we could channel some funds to a University
> and have them work on it. My native country (Venezuela) is in pretty bad
> shape but top-notch Universities are still operating despite the crisis.
> This would be a win-win IMHO.
> Worth investigating

I reached out to a professor I know in one University to see what the real
possibilities are.

> Not sure directly competing with would work especially well
No, but it is the closest competitor AFAICT.


> Personally I'd like to see Dia remain a 'native' application (which seems
> to be the general view of others on the list as well) and plugable
> interfaces generally get very messy very fast (esp when we do a lot of
> custom rendering) so I'd rather Dia remains true to it's roots as a Gtk
> application
That's fine. My idea was just to stir things up a little and see what would
come out of this discussion.

I think the main objective is saving DIA from being shunt out of the Linux
distros and see how to maintain the Windows and Mac binaries.

BTW, IIRC Steffen's widow received some revenue from the Website so I think that even if Gnome takes over
the maintenance of the Windows and Mac binaries somehow, perhaps they could
still be distributed through in coordination with
her, in respect to Steffen all the years of effort that he put into
maintaining these binaries all by himself.

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Re: Maintaining / Helping out on Dia

2018-12-05 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Wed, Dec 5, 2018 at 12:25 PM Zander Brown  wrote:

> On Wed, 2018-12-05 at 11:34 -0500, Alejandro Imass wrote:

> You seem to know exactly what needs to be done to get through the GTK 2
> bump, and it awesome that at least someone does and understands the urgency
> to AT LEAST bump it up to GTK 3. We use DIA on daily basis and don't want
> to see it die. So we could cough up some cash and finance some of this
> effort.
> I'll investigate what the policy for that is (don't want to get anyone is
> trouble esp myself)
What I was thinking is that we could channel some funds to a University and
have them work on it. My native country (Venezuela) is in pretty bad shape
but top-notch Universities are still operating despite the crisis. This
would be a win-win IMHO.

> In your opinion is is too crazy to suggest separating the UI/UX from the
> logic and salvaging the C code, templates and all the other non-UI stuff
>  as a "backend".
> It seems reasonable to have a more formal split between Dia & libdia but
> I'm not sure it's worth reimplementing the UI in JS.
For sure not right now, and it's quite obvious to me that a straight GTK 3
upgrade is the logical next step for DIA. But if we work towards the goal
of at least foreseeing that additional UIs to be able to bolt-on, then I
think it would be great for DIA. Especially a web-based version that
competes with

> To implement the UI in anything other than C/Vala would make the build
> quite complex and we would lose the advantage of compile time checks
> however we should be able to somewhat simplify the UI implementation by
> taking advantage of GtkBuilder (once we make it to Gtk3) to define our UI
> in XML but until the Cairo port is done we are largely talking
> hypotheticals here
> Was there any particular reason you wanted to see Dia's interface reworked
> in JS/JSX?
No reason at all. Just thought that since the effort is relatively big to
modernize DIA to GTK 3 it would be worthwhile to at least discuss it.
Moreover, I think a future Web-based interface to DIA (even if not the
primary/native one) will be important for the long-term survival of DIA
from a product standpoint.
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Re: Maintaining / Helping out on Dia

2018-12-05 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Wed, Dec 5, 2018 at 8:40 AM Andrey Repin via dia-list 

> Greetings, Alejandro Imass!

> In the contrast, I can use Dia on my netbook with just 2 GB RAM
> comfortable.
> And not just starting and closing. The diagram I'm working with contains
> 1336
> objects.
> All it takes is… about 70 MB RAM. Two orders of magnitude less than
> anything
> you can name.
Thanks for the insight and it's a good benchmark to compare to.

But that doesn't mean that a stand-alone App developed with Chromium and
Node.js would perform any worse and require that much more resources.

For example the Atom editor uses around 100 MB of RAM on my Mac.
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Re: Maintaining / Helping out on Dia

2018-12-05 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Wed, Dec 5, 2018 at 3:50 AM Zander Brown  wrote:

> On Tue, 2018-12-04 at 22:20 -0500, Alejandro Imass wrote:
> The Gtk3 -> 4 transition should be much smoother, just a bit monotonous
> I have heard of people suggesting to use JSX for GTK 4, so not sure why
> the "shit" comment about React earlier. In fact, React would probably be
> the best bet of survival or rebirth for DIA. But heck what do I know, right
> ?
> That's more of a general play with GObject and is unrelated to Gtk4 (And
> nobody is seriously suggesting we scrap Dia and start again in JavaScript
> are they?)
Well, actually I did suggest that, at least that we discuss the different
options and listen to the users to where they want this product to go next.

My comments are just general and I haven't honestly looked into the
technical details and up to this point.

You seem to know exactly what needs to be done to get through the GTK 2
bump, and it awesome that at least someone does and understands the urgency
to AT LEAST bump it up to GTK 3. We use DIA on daily basis and don't want
to see it die. So we could cough up some cash and finance some of this

In your opinion is is too crazy to suggest separating the UI/UX from the
logic and salvaging the C code, templates and all the other non-UI stuff
 as a "backend".
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Re: Maintaining / Helping out on Dia

2018-12-04 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Wed, Dec 5, 2018 at 12:14 AM Alejandro Imass  wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 4, 2018 at 11:58 PM timothy b via dia-list 
> wrote:
>> The question isn’t so much as to what utilities that Día uses, nor what
>> platform is managing the code.
>> The discussion should be about is there anyone that wants to maintain Dia
>> for Windows, and who is prepared to maintain Día for Linux.
> Also, you are forgetting the Mac binaries. Although the MacPorts version
> works flawlessly at least up to High Sierra. Not sure who maintains the
> MacPorts version but it could be derived from the FreeBSD ports (not sure),
> and these distros are compiled so they are generally easier to maintain
> that installable binaries.
> Linux versions would be generally no-issue since they are mostly
> maintained by the two main distribution sources: RPM and DEB.
>> Until those to questions are answered, any other discussion is academic.
> Disagree. I don't think that maintaining the Windows and Mac binaries
> solves the underlying problem here. Maintaining those binaries is probably
> very tedious and people will avoid this like the plague. Precisely the
> problem is aging technology (e.g. GTK2) that may eventually prove
> impossible to maintain.
For reference. One day, in the very near future we may wake up and find DIA
has been removed from Linux distros altogether:

"As announced [1], we do not intend to release Debian 10 "Buster" with the
old libgnome (and related) libraries. These libraries have been deprecated
and unmaintained for several years."

So it's not an academic discussion. DIA as it stands is really on it's way
out but no one seems to understand the severity of no releases since 2010.

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Re: Maintaining / Helping out on Dia

2018-12-04 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Tue, Dec 4, 2018 at 11:58 PM timothy b via dia-list 

> The question isn’t so much as to what utilities that Día uses, nor what
> platform is managing the code.
> The discussion should be about is there anyone that wants to maintain Dia
> for Windows, and who is prepared to maintain Día for Linux.
Also, you are forgetting the Mac binaries. Although the MacPorts version
works flawlessly at least up to High Sierra. Not sure who maintains the
MacPorts version but it could be derived from the FreeBSD ports (not sure),
and these distros are compiled so they are generally easier to maintain
that installable binaries.

Linux versions would be generally no-issue since they are mostly maintained
by the two main distribution sources: RPM and DEB.

> Until those to questions are answered, any other discussion is academic.

Disagree. I don't think that maintaining the Windows and Mac binaries
solves the underlying problem here. Maintaining those binaries is probably
very tedious and people will avoid this like the plague. Precisely the
problem is aging technology (e.g. GTK2) that may eventually prove
impossible to maintain.
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Re: Maintaining / Helping out on Dia

2018-12-04 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Tue, Dec 4, 2018 at 10:20 PM Alejandro Imass  wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 4, 2018 at 6:12 PM Thomas HARDING 
> wrote:
>> Hi, all !
>> So,
>> Le 04/12/2018 à 11:21, Eduard Nicodei via dia-list a écrit :
>> So, I think that's a good start point : why Dia, an unmaintained
>> software, has *no* competitor /on its segment/ ?
> DIA is very unique I give you that. But is a huge risk for DIA
> and similar programs, and that's just naming one.
> [...]
> Obviously, Dia could _also_ work networked, in the future, or produce
>> fancy views, MS-Visio like, when you need to impress commercials (we can
>> imagine a toggle button "turn on fancy"), or at option use/produce other
>> data structures such as Json.
>> But keep in scope to keep the tool simple, stupid and powerfull.
> Yeah these things are important. But there are other problems. For
> example, GTK2 is completely obsolete. GTK 3 was released in 2011. I mean,
> seriously?
> The port to GTK3 is probably not straightforward (and never mind 4 which
> should be quickly approaching) , so again, IMHO it would be a good time to
> re-think where people want to take this project.
> I have heard of people suggesting to use JSX for GTK 4, so not sure why
> the "shit" comment about React earlier. In fact, React would probably be
> the best bet of survival or rebirth for DIA. But heck what do I know, right
> ?
Just for reference:

So why not think in this direction or node-gtk or something along these
lines and get some fresh blood in here.

Not so "shit" now, eh?

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Re: Maintaining / Helping out on Dia

2018-12-04 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Tue, Dec 4, 2018 at 6:12 PM Thomas HARDING 

> Hi, all !
> So,
> Le 04/12/2018 à 11:21, Eduard Nicodei via dia-list a écrit :

> So, I think that's a good start point : why Dia, an unmaintained
> software, has *no* competitor /on its segment/ ?
DIA is very unique I give you that. But is a huge risk for DIA and
similar programs, and that's just naming one.


Obviously, Dia could _also_ work networked, in the future, or produce
> fancy views, MS-Visio like, when you need to impress commercials (we can
> imagine a toggle button "turn on fancy"), or at option use/produce other
> data structures such as Json.
> But keep in scope to keep the tool simple, stupid and powerfull.
Yeah these things are important. But there are other problems. For example,
GTK2 is completely obsolete. GTK 3 was released in 2011. I mean, seriously?
The port to GTK3 is probably not straightforward (and never mind 4 which
should be quickly approaching) , so again, IMHO it would be a good time to
re-think where people want to take this project.

I have heard of people suggesting to use JSX for GTK 4, so not sure why the
"shit" comment about React earlier. In fact, React would probably be the
best bet of survival or rebirth for DIA. But heck what do I know, right ?

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Re: Maintaining / Helping out on Dia

2018-12-04 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Tue, Dec 4, 2018 at 5:22 AM Eduard Nicodei via dia-list <> wrote:

> I don't think we need to argue.  Alejandro's comment however raises an
> important issue: "what are Dia's competitors"?
> I think actually Dia can live alongside online diagram editors such as
> and formats such as XML/SVG have nothing to do with it.
> The reason why I have used Dia in the past is that I could not find any
> other solution for the following requirements:
> - be fully offline ( & co fail this - plus I'm not trusting them
> with any work-sensitive material!)

The main advantage for DIA IMHO is being able to integrate the drawing into
another workflow. For example UML Class diagrams into SQL DDL or imagine
Ladder Diagram to IEC 61131. If the purpose is just to vector-draw with
templates, then DIA has little hope for the future. IMO it must focus on
the ability to turn the diagram objects into other information and provide
APIs to this. That is why I’m suggesting a complete revision on both the
purpose and the architecture.

React is not “ fancy shit” but a way to write JS that can create complex
and maintainable apps. Why JavaScript? Well the reasons are obvious, and of
course it could work “off-line”. But better than that is that it would be
truly universal and run in any JS container. The back-end should be clean
and portable, and perhaps it could also be JS. The idea of the back-end is
to provide a consistent API into the information contained in the diagrams
and integrate those diagrams into a live system. Imagine for example an IoT
dashboard built with DIA.

Lastly, XML May be a strong foundation but it’s quickly becoming obsolete.
Besides, if DIA was so XML formal it should have had formal XSDs and things
like dia2code should have used XSLT a long time ago, but all of those
technologies are quickly fading away.

Look, you can sit here and argue all you want and be blind. But the truth
is that anywhere we try to push DIA in our customer’s workflow we get
pushback and is providing all these things and more, and it’s free.
It would be great if DIA could evolve into an OpenSource or
something even better.

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Re: Maintaining / Helping out on Dia

2018-12-03 Thread Alejandro Imass
Just my $0.02 Background: I have been using DIA extensively since the 90s.
I use DIA and dia2code for UML and even do all my database modelling in DIA
with class diagrams and then create the DB models based on that. I have
even contributed to dia2code on enhancements that we've needed over the
years and we just give for free to the dia2code community.

The reality is that DIA is an amazing piece of software but it's old and
the diagrams it produces are ugly. I know this doesn't sound very technical
but people love eye candy and DIA has been falling short on this for a
while now.

IMHO maybe a fork is required to take DIA to the next level and separate it
from GNOME even if you decide to keep using GTK and move to 3 or whatever.
More than the actual graphics library I would look into taking the things
that are really valuable from the current code and perhaps think of a
complete re-write with React, Anguar, Ember or whatever. I would get out of
XML and go to JSON and re-write the app into a React front-end with a
corresponding backend and API. IMHO the greatest long term existential
threat to DIA is not Visio or Omnigraffle, it's

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Re: dead?

2017-11-08 Thread Alejandro Imass
Problem is "eye candy". If a project is stable and good then it's
dead. Quite the contrary, I think A LOT of people use DIA from their
Linux distros and don't even know about this list 'cause it just

So sad that we have this mentality that if it's not shiny and new then
is shit or "is dead". Consumerism and Edward Louis James Bernays at
he's best.

On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 5:07 PM, Rob Wortham  wrote:
> There have certainly been emails since 2013. I use Dia and develop Python 
> scripts for it too.
> Rob
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 8 Nov 2017, at 16:44, Ulli Horlacher  
>> wrote:
>> Is dia (and this mailing list) dead?
>> I have subscribed in july and have not seen any mails so far.
>> The newest entry on
>> is from 2013!
>> On
>> I read:
>> "Rotation support in the upcoming Dia version 0.98"
>> When will 0.98 be released? After GNU Hurd? :-}
>> --
>> Ullrich Horlacher  Server und Virtualisierung
>> Rechenzentrum TIK
>> Universitaet Stuttgart E-Mail:
>> Allmandring 30aTel:++49-711-68565868
>> 70569 Stuttgart (Germany)  WWW:
>> REF:<>
>> ___
>> dia-list mailing list
>> FAQ at
>> Main page at
> ___
> dia-list mailing list
> FAQ at
> Main page at
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Re: dead?

2017-11-08 Thread Alejandro Imass
It's such a great and stable product that nobody has any issues ;-)

I use it every day at work and have been using it for over a decade,
in real production heavy use.


On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 11:44 AM, Ulli Horlacher
> Is dia (and this mailing list) dead?
> I have subscribed in july and have not seen any mails so far.
> The newest entry on
> is from 2013!
> On
> I read:
> "Rotation support in the upcoming Dia version 0.98"
> When will 0.98 be released? After GNU Hurd? :-}
> --
> Ullrich Horlacher  Server und Virtualisierung
> Rechenzentrum TIK
> Universitaet Stuttgart E-Mail:
> Allmandring 30aTel:++49-711-68565868
> 70569 Stuttgart (Germany)  WWW:
> REF:<>
> ___
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Re: Bad Spanish translation

2016-09-14 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Sat, Jul 23, 2016 at 10:48 AM, Miguel Dell'Uomini 

> Hello!

> If there is a way through I can help Dia Development translating it,
> please let me know how to do that...
dia-list mailing list
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Re: Resize component

2016-09-14 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 8:13 AM, "Albrecht Müller" 

> Hello,
> I'm trying out diaw.exe 0.97.2, unfortunately the component-diagram can't
> be resized,
> all the others' size can be changed.

Try document scale. Not sure if you are referring to the diagram as such or
the objects of the template sheet you are using.
For example, the UML objects do not resize either but if I want to fit more
objects per page I just change the documents scale. For UML 40% works
pretty well for most diagrams in US Letter.
dia-list mailing list
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Re: Discussing the Dia Tool

2016-09-14 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Mon, Aug 8, 2016 at 4:51 AM, Supreeth vk  wrote:

> Respected Sir/Ma'am,
> A couple of friends and I are researching the Dia tool and are
> trying to look through its implementation. We would like to take a look at
> the source code and try to separate the presentational layer from the
> implementation layer. It would be great if your team could assist us by
> indicating where we should start.
Start here:
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Re: Dia Discontinued

2016-09-14 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 5:00 PM, Chris Daley <> wrote:

> No, you'd have to really be stretching it to come to that conclusion. The
> questions were fair and reasonable given that the application does indeed
> appear to no longer be maintained and the maintainer(s) no longer appear to
> even be subscribed to or monitoring this mailing list.

Actually not. The OP seemed assuming, starting with the subject of the
If you want to work with Open Source then ask questions correctly:

> Dia is quite obviously abandoned, the engineering effort required to
> modernize it to GTK and Python 3 being either beyond the interest or
> abilities of its maintainers.
DIA is stable and doesn't need any active development, I use it every day
in OS X for real-world work and it's used worldwide in several platforms.

> In all fairness there should be a disclaimer on the website saying that it
> is no longer being actively developed and will probably stop working
> altogether in a few years. That way unsuspecting users won't invest any
> more of their time in learning a program that has no future.

Please stop the FUD. If you think like this what are you doing in this
list? Put your money where your mouth is and fork it to GTK and Python 3 if
you think your abilities are better. There is nothing stopping you.

Alejandro Imass
dia-list mailing list
FAQ at
Main page at

Re: Dia stopped working on Mac OSX 10.11.3 (El Capitan): when trying to launch, xterm launches.

2016-03-04 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Fri, Mar 4, 2016 at 9:51 AM, Alejandro Imass <> wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 3, 2016 at 11:35 PM, Katrin Schweitzer <
>> wrote:
>> Dear list,
>> I just recently started using Dia  on Mac OSX 10.11.3 and it seemed to
>> work fine.
>> However, suddenly it won't start any more.
>> The problem started, when I minimized Dia and couldn't get the windows
>> back.
> You get the window back through the XQuartz menu, not through OS X icons.
> In other words, all X11 apps run inside the XQuartz container so to speak,
> so even though the OS as such sees the process, then native OS X Windowing
> system only knows about XQuartz.
>> I force-quit it and trie to restart. Then, I received an error message
>> that seems to be typical with many Mac applications "The application
>> is not open anymore" and that supposedly is fixed by a reboot.
>> After rebooting, Dia won't start either.
>> When I try to open the application now, xterm launches. Nothing else
>> happens.
>> Can anyone kindly point me to what to do (or where to research further)?
> 1. Locate (usually in /Applications)
> 2. Show contents (or use a terminal shell to cd to the directory in the
> following step)
> 3. cd to
> 4. Edit the file dia
> 5. After line 39 add the line export DISPLAY=:0
> 6. Save the file and exit
> 7. Close XQuartz if it's running
> 8. Start DIA again and it should start, if not restart computer and should
> work
> If it doesn't work, please post the modified dia shell script here.
> Best,
> Alex

Also make sure you have the latest version from Sourceforge, not the older
binary that came directly from dia-installer. The new dia-installer page
should redirect to the SF download site. But you still need to edit the
file as described.
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Re: Dia stopped working on Mac OSX 10.11.3 (El Capitan): when trying to launch, xterm launches.

2016-03-04 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Thu, Mar 3, 2016 at 11:35 PM, Katrin Schweitzer <> wrote:

> Dear list,
> I just recently started using Dia  on Mac OSX 10.11.3 and it seemed to
> work fine.
> However, suddenly it won't start any more.
> The problem started, when I minimized Dia and couldn't get the windows
> back.

You get the window back through the XQuartz menu, not through OS X icons.
In other words, all X11 apps run inside the XQuartz container so to speak,
so even though the OS as such sees the process, then native OS X Windowing
system only knows about XQuartz.

> I force-quit it and trie to restart. Then, I received an error message
> that seems to be typical with many Mac applications "The application
> is not open anymore" and that supposedly is fixed by a reboot.
> After rebooting, Dia won't start either.
> When I try to open the application now, xterm launches. Nothing else
> happens.
> Can anyone kindly point me to what to do (or where to research further)?
1. Locate (usually in /Applications)
2. Show contents (or use a terminal shell to cd to the directory in the
following step)
3. cd to
4. Edit the file dia
5. After line 39 add the line export DISPLAY=:0
6. Save the file and exit
7. Close XQuartz if it's running
8. Start DIA again and it should start, if not restart computer and should

If it doesn't work, please post the modified dia shell script here.

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Re: Project Status?

2016-02-25 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Mon, Feb 1, 2016 at 7:10 PM, Byron Goodman 

> Is anyone actively developing Dia? Is there a road map of features? If no
> one is leading this project, I would consider taking it over.
We've been using DIA for many years now and wonder the same thing. Sadly we
don't have the economical resources to do it but it does need some work for
sure. I recently evaluated all the UML tools out there (and their ability
to translate diagram code into something valuable akin to dia2code) and
frankly none of them impressed us too much so we are still using DIA.
Although we are considering Astah.

DIA is really a great tool, and surprisingly stands up to most commercial
counterparts, and to me it's a shame to move away from DIA but it's also
sad to see a project with so much potential fade away or with such little
active development.
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Re: Loading a dia file using java

2015-06-09 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 10:39 AM, Luis Villa wrote:

 I'm trying to create java code from a workflow diagram. I'll look into
 dia2code, but the person that asked me to develop the utility wants it to be
 in java. Anyway, I'll look into it and, if I arrive to any conclusion, I'll
 share it.

Well that sounds like a pretty wild request and I believe there must
be some misunderstanding on the requirement.

Usually you don't translate Workflow to code directly (e.g. Java) but
rather to some declarative workflow definition and is usually in one
of two forms: EPC or Petri net.

So for example you would take a UML 2 Activity Diagram (similar to a
flow chart) and translate yo some Workflow XML such as:

I can't speak for the Java world but there are surely some standard
off-the-shelf Workflow engines that work much the same way as the one
above. I mean it would be very hard to develop a workflow code
generator from  scratch and is not even practical or useful.

The actual (e.g. Java) code should already exist in the actions
themselves as atomic procedures that are re-used in your workflow. In
Bonita for example the action itself is usually a Groovy script or a
call to an API of some sort. Same concept here.

Just as an idea a good architecture to deploy such a Workflow in Java
would probably be OSGi, where you could have a SOA model in JVM. So
individual actions are modelled as services and the workflow just
calls these services with IN/OUT params specified in the workflow
OSGi would make it easy to add/evolve services without even restarting
the engine. Would surely beat the crap out of many commercial WF
engines I have played with.

Alejandro Imass
dia-list mailing list
FAQ at
Main page at

Re: Loading a dia file using java

2015-06-09 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 3:22 AM, Luis Villa wrote:


 I'll look at dia2code, to see if this solution meets my requirements, but
 I'm not very confident. I think, I'll be forced to implement my own java

What is the application? Why not just use and/or contribute to
dia2code instead of forking or reinventing yet another transformation

Alejandro Imass
dia-list mailing list
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Re: Loading a dia file using java

2015-06-08 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Mon, Jun 8, 2015 at 1:51 PM, Andrey Repin wrote:
 Greetings, Luis Villa!

 I want to create a java project that must read a dia file, extract the data
 and transform it. Is this possible from inside a java program?

 Of course.
 Dia file is a flat or GZIP'd XML file.
 Use any XML mapper you are familiar with to retrieve the information

To transform it to something else you don't need Java just use XSLT.
If you are generating SQL or some other case-style application don't
re-invent the wheel and use dia2code.

Alejandro Imass
dia-list mailing list
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Re: Parse-Dia-SQL foreign key

2015-05-30 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 10:40 PM, wrote:
 I created two UML classes (tables) and gave each several attributes (columns).

 I created an association between them, but the foreign key is never
 created in the SQL unless I make it the primary key of the one-side

 Is there a better place to ask Parse-Dia-SQL questions?

Hi Paul,

Which version of dia2code are you using? There is a dia2code list IIRC
and I made some patches to the SQL module some time ago. But there was
a bit of a glitch between 0.8.4 and 0.8.5 which I have never come
round to fix but is a perfect time for me to recheck this and also do
some work on DIA which I have put aside for far too long.

The sql converter uses the direction of the association. The pk and fk
columns need to follow the surrogate key convention where the fk
field needs to be named foo_id and always point to the pk of the other
table which must of course be named id. The name of the association is
also important. I will try to post some complex examples on the
dia2code web site. The pk is determined by setting class scope to
the pk attribute or attributes (it supports multiple attribute pk)

DIA and dia2code is REALLY powerful and we use it on a daily basis. I
have maintained complex models for Pg with hundreds of tables. Maybe
we have an old project somewhere that is no longer active and I can
publish the whole process.

Anyway, is a perfect opportunity for me to retake some of this work
and maybe fix the small issues in 0.8.5


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Re: Parse-Dia-SQL foreign key

2015-05-30 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Sat, May 30, 2015 at 10:24 AM, Alejandro Imass wrote:
 On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 10:40 PM, wrote:
 I created two UML classes (tables) and gave each several attributes 

 I created an association between them, but the foreign key is never
 created in the SQL unless I make it the primary key of the one-side

 Is there a better place to ask Parse-Dia-SQL questions?

Hi Paul,

Here is the dia2code list:

Let's take the discussion there and I will coordinate with the current
maintainer if there any fixes pending to patch to the SQL module.

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Re: python interface

2015-05-17 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Fri, May 15, 2015 at 5:57 PM, Björn Lundin wrote:
 Hi !
 I am all new to Dia and I like what I see so far.


 But it is in mysql fashion, and I use Postgresql instead.
 So I changed that to export in sql that postgresql
 understands. So far so good.
 But I want more 

You could try UML Class Diagrams and transform them to DDL with
dia2code. It supports Pks and proper relationships is you use a proper
surrogate key model (id to xx_id in all your relationships).

Alejandro Imass
dia-list mailing list
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Main page at

Re: Dia, I love you

2015-02-14 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Sat, Feb 14, 2015 at 4:48 AM, Nico Rikken wrote:

 Today is a great day to spread some love to free software:

 Roses are red. Handles are green.
 You’re the finest diagramming software I have ever seen.
 Always there to help me out.
 And you ask nothing in return.
 Creating things together is all I really yearn.

 Dia I know we will be a great team.
 We can work together even upstream.
 So let this be my tag line:
 Would you be my Valentine?


+1 to that!

Alejandro Imass
dia-list mailing list
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Main page at

Re: DIA export to svg without my extended attributes

2015-01-08 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 11:23 AM, Doru Motas wrote:

 I intend to use DIA as graphic editor to create the graphical interface for
 a SCADA like application.

Wrong tool. Use Inkscape for this or extend/contribute to DIA so that
you can somehow control the Element Id.

On Inkscape you can view the SVG portion of each object and take note
of the SVG Element Id and then use this Id to manipulate the object at
will. I think you could actually change the Element Id and it would
save it but is useless anyway because is hard to maintain. I found it
much easier just to take note of the IDs of the animatable/mutable
portions of the drawing and just use the default IDs. Is mostly the
same amount of work than when building screens with Fix, Onspec or

I have a working proof of concept IoT/Web-based SCADA HMI built with
Perl Catalyst and PostgreSql that uses jquery_svg library and shows a
simple tank level change when the value changes in the DB. If you are
interested contact me off list.


Alejandro Imass
dia-list mailing list
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Main page at

Re: / Steffen Macke

2015-01-05 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 3:37 PM, Yasemin Yilmaz

 Hi all,

 thanks for the support you are offering.

 I am not so familiar with programming. I have to look for the source
 codes. I am sure, they must be somewhere.
 Maybe I have to ask a friend to look for it.

If you don't find the sources not to worry. Maybe Steffen maintained in a
git repo somewhere. If you can find them better, If not, that doesn't
matter either. I'm sure I can reproduce the installer image from any recent
DMG file.

 Will you keep the website? I think, I would like to do
 it. How will it work with the uploads? Maybe I just need some
 explanations to understand completely how your support will be.

I see no problem in maintaining the web site. We just need to define a
process to upload the binary images there.

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Re: / Steffen Macke

2015-01-05 Thread Alejandro Imass
Hi Felix,

Whilst not an expert I can surely get up to speed with the Mac
distribution, not the Windows one though.

Let me know if nobody else offers to maintain the Mac installer and I will
pick it up.

Alejandro Imass

On Sat, Jan 3, 2015 at 2:00 PM, Felix Natter wrote:

 hello dia developers and users,

 as you may have read in a previous post, Steffen has died last year.
 Steffen maintained which consists mostly of:
 - a windows installer (including dia portable)
 - a mac installer
 - Debian and openSUSE packages
 - dia shapes repository + installer
 - documentation
 - ...

 His wife, Yasemin, told me that she has administration rights for (and most probably also access to his source codes).

 It would be great (and probably satifying for Yasemin and Steffen's
 familiy/friends) if someone could pick up things like the windows/mac
 installers (maybe by Windows/Mac experts who also use dia) or other
 parts like the shape collections or keep running or ...

 Unfortunately I cannot do this, as I work on Freeplane, Debian and
 GTypist already and am running almost exlusively Linux.

 The good news is that some of his probjects are available as
 official Debian packages: (not from Steffen himself I

 Best Regards,
 Felix Natter
 dia-list mailing list
 FAQ at
 Main page at

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Re: Dia will not load on MacOS X yosemite 10.10

2014-12-01 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 4:58 PM, Duane King

 The download link at
 gives an image with a binary that does not work on my 13 inch mid-2012 i5
 powered macbook air.  It starts, is shown on the doc for a second where it
 bounces once or twice at the most, and then its gone as the app silently

 Dia and dia2code are a critical art of our dev process (I use a hand
 created ERD, then use dia2code to generate the models used in the build
 from that ERD) and need to install both dia (for management of out ERD and
 dia2code (to get the build working locally).

 I tried to find a solution but only found this thread: .. Where
 nobody responded with any solutions or actual answers.

You would get better answers if you ask a better question, please see:

How is your Mac model relevant to solving the software problem? What is
your OS X version? Did you really search the archives lately? Your
reference is from 2010!! and this topic has come up several times just in
the past month. Here is a solution I posted just a couple of weeks ago:

Also, FYI the maintainer of the OS X binary distribution ( apparently died recently, rest his soul,  so
unless you want to take over it is unlikely it will be fixed any time soon.

You can use the MacPorts or Homebrew versions and they should work just

 How do I fix this so I can get some work done today?

Use MacPorts or Home brew and forget about binary distributions of Open
Source in general. Especially if you are using a Mac.

Alejandro Imass
dia-list mailing list
FAQ at
Main page at

Re: Dia, a wonderful app

2014-12-01 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 8:29 AM, Rick C. Hodgin

 I just wanted to drop a line and say I came across Dia yesterday.
 It's one of the nicest diagramming apps I've used.  Thank you for
 writing it.


I am not involved in the writing or maintaining of DIA but I am sure is a
welcome comment to the guys that actually maintain it. It is a wonderful
tool indeed.

Alejandro Imass
dia-list mailing list
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Main page at

Re: dia does not work on yosemite

2014-11-12 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 7:57 AM, Ezequiel Domínguez

 Hello everybody.

 since last update on mac with osx yosemite, dia doesn't work, doesn't
 open: x11 opens fine, and when dia is loading then its icon desappears from
 is there another version (where can i find it?) or have we to wait for new
dia-list mailing list
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Re: Dia and OSX 10.10

2014-11-06 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 10:47 AM, Austin Anderson

 It seems that Dia is no longer running under 10.10. When I try to run Dia,
 X11 starts and gives me a normal command prompt, but Dia itself does not
 run. It simply bounces a few times in the dock and then quits before the
 prompt opens. Any help would be appreciated!

This DIA binary for Windows and OS X is maintained by

I have written the maintainer of this package 2 times w/o response, yet.

You can download and build latest DIA via Macports without deleting your
previous binary and then perform this trick to keep
launching from icon. This procedure will emulate the binary package which
runs integrated window, etc. Anyway, this works for me until maintainer
decides to publish new package for Yosemite, or you can keep using the
MacPorts version this way for ever.

   1. Install dia from MacPorts
   2. cd */Applications/*
   3. mv dia dia-old
   4. Create dia file from content below (is a simplified version of the
   5. chmod 555 dia
   6. rm -Rf ~/.dia*

# Author: Aaron Voisine
# Modifications:
# Michael Wybrow
# Jean-Olivier Irisson
#   Steffen Macke

CWD=`(cd \\`dirname \\\$0`\; echo \$PWD\)`
# e.g. /Applications/
TOP=`dirname \$CWD\`
# e.g. /Applications/

# Brutally add many things to the PATH. If the directories do not exist,
they won't be used anyway.
# People should really use ~/.macosx/environment.plist to set environment
variables as explained by Apple:
# but since no one does, we correct this by making the 'classic' PATH
additions here:
# /usr/local/bin which, though standard, doesn't seem to be in the PATH
# newer python as recommended by MacPython
# Fink
# MacPorts (former DarwinPorts)
# LaTeX distribution for Mac OS X

# Check for X11
if [[  == $DISPLAY ]]; then
  export DISPLAY=:0
startx=`which startx`
if [[  == $startx ]]; then
 if [[ ! -e /opt/X11/bin/startx ]]; then
   osascript -e 'tell app System Events to display dialog X11 (XQuartz)
is not installed or not running. Would you like to visit now in order to download and install XQuartz? with
icon 0'
   if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
osascript -e 'tell app XQuartz to launch'
for i in `seq 1 30`; do
  if [[ `ps aux | grep -v grep | grep startx | wc -l` -lt 1 ]]; then
sleep 1
if [[ $DISPLAY =~ /tmp ]]; then
  if [[ ! -e $DISPLAY ]]; then
export DISPLAY=:0

# Setup PYTHONPATH to use python modules shipped with Dia
PYTHON_VERS=`python -V 21 | cut -c 8-10`
export PYTHONPATH=$TOP/python/site-packages/$ARCH/$PYTHON_VERS
# NB: we are only preprending some stuff to the default python path so if
the directory does not exist it should not harm the rest

# No longer required if path rewriting has been conducted.
export DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/local/lib

#export DIA_LIB_PATH=$TOP/dia
#export DIA_SHEET_PATH=$TOP/sheets
#export DIA_SHAPE_PATH=$TOP/shapes
#export DIA_XSLT_PATH=$TOP/xslt
#export DIA_LOCALE_PATH=$TOP/share/locale

mkdir -p ${HOME}/.dia-etc

#export FONTCONFIG_PATH=$TOP/etc/fonts
#export PANGO_RC_FILE=$HOME/.dia-etc/pangorc
#export GTK_IM_MODULE_FILE=$HOME/.dia-etc/gtk.immodules
#export GDK_PIXBUF_MODULE_FILE=$HOME/.dia-etc/gdk-pixbuf.loaders
#export XDG_DATA_DIRS=$TOP/share

# Handle the case where the directory storing Dia has special characters
# ('#', '', '|') in the name.  These need to be escaped to work properly
# various configuration files.
ESCAPEDTOP=`echo $TOP | sed 's/#/#/' | sed 's//\\/g' | sed

# Set GTK theme (only if there is no .gtkrc-2.0 in the user's home)
if [[ ! -e $HOME/.gtkrc-2.0 ]]; then
# Appearance setting
aquaStyle=`defaults read Apple Global Domain AppleAquaColorVariant
# 1 for aqua, 6 for graphite, inexistant if the default color was never
if [[ $aquaStyle ==  ]]; then
aquaStyle=1 # set aqua as default

# Highlight Color setting
hiliColor=`defaults read Apple Global Domain AppleHighlightColor
# a RGB value, with components between 0 and 1, also inexistant if it was
not changed
if [[ $hiliColor ==  ]]; then
hiliColor=0.709800 0.835300 1.00 # set blue as default

# Menu items color
if [[ aquaStyle -eq 1 ]]; then
menuColor=#4a76cd # blue
menuColor=#7c8da4 # 

Re: Any future updates to your application?

2014-11-04 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 7:12 PM, Michael Lam wrote:

 Hi Dia team!

 You guys have done a wonderful job just making it really simple.  The last
 version was several years ago updated.  Do have an update when this will be

There is a common misconception that putting out new versions regularly
gives some sort of reassurance that the product is alive and well. This is
somewhat true with proprietary/commercial software as new versions usually
mean active development and staying ahead of competition. In the open
source world it is usually quite the opposite. There is no need to put out
new versions to stay ahead and new versions are the product of small
contributions that eventually find their way to a new version.

If you like the software and it gives something to you, then you could also
give back by contributing in any way you can and help drive new versions:

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Re: Dia

2014-11-02 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Sun, Nov 2, 2014 at 3:44 PM, George Georgalis wrote:

 On Sun, Nov 2, 2014 at 11:27 AM, Alejandro Imass

 Clipboard actually works, just locally to DIA, to make it work beyond
 that would require specific target OS clipboard implementation for example
 what is the expected interchange format between those apps in that
 particular OS, probably WMF, WEM, or something like that.

 I achieve this functionality by selecting the desired object/group and
 copying it into a new temporary document. Export the tmp document as the
 desired file type, load the png or pdf file into the other app and discard
 the temporary document.

 An export selection option in the save as dialogue would be of great
 conveinience in this regard.

Yeah I think that's what the OP wants to avoid. In any case you are correct
and it would need to be something like export [to clipboard if they want to
avoid the intermediate file].

One way to accomplish this is to just add a trigger to save and process
the DIA file (which is just zipped XML) with an XSL transform into some
temp file and pick it up from there. DIA also works with a de-compressed
version of the DIA file and we use this for source control of what has
changed in a diagram. One of the actual most valuable features of DIA is
the structured objects that can be transformed into other things with tools
like dia2code. But you don't really need dia2code because any XML/XSL
programmer can easily do a lot of magic with just XSL and a some generic
parser like Jame's Clark XP or libxml2.

Another option would be to extend export into something like export to
clipboard in some known exchange format for that platform (Windows Enhance
Metafile?). Maybe GTK2 has some features/facilities to interact Win

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Re: Dia

2014-11-02 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Sun, Nov 2, 2014 at 10:54 PM, George Georgalis wrote:

 Yes, I appreciate the OP request, and I'd like to emphasize, my post was a
 feature request to support export selection the rest was simply verbosity
 of the workflow that feature would simplify.

I c what you're saying.

Yeah, Inkscape has that feature and is really useful. I find myself
creating one small DIA diagram per figure for a doc whereas with this
feature you could have a single diagram with all the figures and then just
export selection the individual targets in whatever format. A simple
checkbox/dropdown saying export to clipboard would kill 2 birds with one

For the OP's requirement I think they would also need to add export to WMF
and they would be done. Pretty sure the GTK clipboard can interoperate with
Windows clipboard but not sure how. I wonder if the current Windows port
deals with this.

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Re: Does everyone make large objects, or is it just how I am using Dia?

2014-07-28 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Fri, Jul 25, 2014 at 9:37 PM, dunn wrote:


 Very good advice on the 40%.  I tried that but for my multi-page diagram,
 Dia still printed the same 6 pages to pdf with the 40% part at the upper
 left of each page.

That's odd. Can you post (or privately send me) an example? What OS and DIA
version are you using?

We have been using multi-page diagrams for years, first in Linux and lately
on OS X. We use landscape mode and the printing is so good it actually
allows to tape large models together. Printing starts at top left sheet and
moves to the pages on the right, then row by row, so our diagrams usually
start on 0,0 and we grow them down and right from there.

 So I tried importing the svg into Inkscape set to cm, but it then printed
 the text at 1/16 instead of 1/8 (Inkscape does not do well with
 measurements!).  So just exporting an svg and shrinking it will be the way
 to go, as you say.

As with any tool you need to figure out if DIA is the right tool for you.
It's not a CAD tool for precision but it's an awesome modelling tool. For
example we model in UML class diagrams and then export the DDL using
dia2code. You can parse the DIA XML with basically any tool perhaps even
with XSL and a standard XML parser.

 What I'm after mostly is nice svg files for the web anyway. Printing will
 work itself out :-).

If you are looking for a generic CAD-style SVG editor perhaps Inkscape is
better suited or maybe even a combination of both tools.

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Re: Does everyone make large objects, or is it just how I am using Dia?

2014-07-25 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Fri, Jul 25, 2014 at 2:44 PM, dunn wrote:


 I am just learning Dia and was about to try my hand at making some shapes.
  I notice the shapes I have used in Dia are very large, the borders are
 very thick at 0.1cm and the font is also large at 22.68pt (5/16).

 As I make my shapes, I would want to make them so they fit 9 pt font size
 (1/8 tall), which is what I consider to be the perfect size (so studies
 say for us CAD users), and the borders would be 0.5 mm thick instead of
 0.1cm.  This means I would make much smaller shapes.  Would anyone be able
 to use those shapes, or want to?

Just scale the page to whatever you want I use around 40% for UML diagrams
and works pretty well but YMMV

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Re: consulta

2014-07-09 Thread Alejandro Imass
2014-07-09 9:54 GMT-04:00 Rey

 problema,cuando se desea exportar el archivo en formato .png lo realiza de
 forma normal, pero con muchos errores en la exportanción es decir que la
 imagen las letras se distorsionan, por lo que no he podido solucionar este

Usa: PNG (anti-aliased)
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Re: thanks for nothing

2014-01-29 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 4:53 AM, Beatrice Nilsson wrote:

 I installed your program yesterday in hope of finally having found a nice
 modeling program for free.
 1. I didn't understand at all how I should use it.
 2. When I uninstalled the program, it also uninstalled EVERY other program I
 had installed on my HDD.

 Thanks for nothing and every inconvinience you've caused me.


DIA is probably as intuitive as any other diagraming tool like Visio
or Omnigraffle and nothing in DIA can cause it to uninstall all of
your programs.  So I'm guessing you probably downloaded some malware
posing as DIA, or your operating system is broken, or your machines
is infected with some virus or other software that caused this
behaviour. DIA is downloaded and used on a daily basis by hundreds of
thousands of people around the globe and has been around for many
years. If you came here seeking answers you should specify your
operating system and version and where you downloaded your DIA package
and the steps you took that caused this problem. Ranting out against a
community of volunteers that provides such great software for free is
not the smartest or productive move. I for one have used DIA for more
than a decade and for the past 7 years I use it to model complex UML
Class Diagrams that convert automatically to SQL DDL. So please don't
come here bashing out something that is really practical, works just
fine and open and free.

For more information refer to this FAQ:


Alejandro Imass
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Re: Any chance of changing to a less-crap name?

2013-10-06 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Sun, Oct 6, 2013 at 12:09 PM, Steve Litt wrote:
 On Sat, 05 Oct 2013 22:15:10 -0400
 Gene Cash wrote:

 So... I just tried Googling for a Dia sheet containing a DPDT relay
 component, and that was basically a total waste of time since dia
 is so short and generic.

 Is there any chance of changing the name to something that might be
 useful in a search?

Hi Gene,

Perhaps you should start by explaining what you're trying to do. If
your expectation is schematic diagram drawings Dia (or Visio) are not
the best tools for that. Dia is a general purpose diagraming tool, as
in not specialized. If your expectation is ladder for example, then
DIA might fit the bill but there's also some open source IEC 61131
tools that may be more appropriate.

Asking on this list is agood place to start but as Steve mentions the
tone of your question is rather annoying so you won't get much
collaboration that way IMHO. Framing your question correctly will get
you a lot of support from Open Source projects:


Alejandro Imass
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Re: Export to PDF?

2013-08-30 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 5:22 AM, Peter Senna Tschudin wrote:

 Are there any plans of making dia export to PDF? If not, can I ask it
 as a new feature?

It currently does. What version and OS are you on?


Alejandro Imass
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Re: Export to PDF?

2013-08-30 Thread Alejandro Imass
If your working with Latex perhaps PNG or EPS is better than PDF, IMHO

On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 12:34 PM, Peter Senna Tschudin wrote:
 Hi Michael,

 Thank you for the help, but the print to PDF do not work for me. I
 want to include the PDF in Latex documents and print to PDF do not
 work, due formatting issues.

 Print to PDF is different from export to PDF.

 But maybe I'm in the wrong place... Should I contact Fedora package 


 On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 6:09 PM, Michael Ross 
 No, think it will make a pdf just like it would print  - segmented as shown
 by the page breaks.  If you scale the dia to fit all within one page,
 whaterever size you choose, then you will get exactly  that.  BTW, I had to
 look at that export list twice myself to see the pdf output and I knew it
 was there.

 On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 12:05 PM, Peter Senna Tschudin wrote:

 On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 6:00 PM, Michael Ross
  In the event this does not work there are PDF printers well for Win
  You can google that.

 This is not the same thing. Printing a file to PDF makes the content
 fit into a page, not to the diagram size. So if my diagram is a singe
 letter, the print to pdf will generate one entire page(A4/Letter) with
 a single character instead of generating a pdf with only a letter a.

  On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 10:04 AM, Alejandro Imass
  On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 9:58 AM, Peter Senna Tschudin wrote:
   It currently does. What version and OS are you on?
   Fedora 19.
  I meant DIA version _and_ OS version but assuming you installed via
  the Fedora packages you should have the Cairo dependency. So go to
  File - Export and at the bottom of the dialog you should see PDF via
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 Put this question to yourself: should I use everyone else to attain
 happiness, or should I help others gain happiness?
 Dalai Lama

 To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk.
 Thomas A. Edison

 A public-opinion poll is no substitute for thought.
 Warren Buffet

 Michael E. Ross
 (919) 550-2430 Land
 (919) 576-0824 Google Phone
 (919) 631-1451 Cell
 (919) 513-0418 Desk

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Re: Export to PDF?

2013-08-30 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 12:47 PM, Peter Senna Tschudin wrote:
 It is funny that nobody cares about my original question. So please
 focus on my question. Let's start again:

First of all you start by asking the correct question:

 -- // --
 Are there any plans of making dia export to PDF? If not, can I ask it
 as a new feature?
 -- // --

 Now I'll add:

 -- // --
 If it is already a feature and it is not present in Fedora 19, what should I 
 -- // --

You did not state up to this point that this particular feature was
not present in your Fedora version. I told you specifically that you
should have the Cairo option and you never answered saying it was not
available to you or not.

Since you mentioned Latex later on one of your answers I believe there
are far better options to embed your images in a Latex document than
using  embedded PDF. That is exactly what EPS (if you want to maintain
vector), SVG, PNG and other more embedded formats are for. Using PDF
is not the most optimal way because PDF was designed for another
purpose, namely printing much like plain'ol PostScript.

PDF and PS __are not__ graphics file formats and should not be used
for embedding because their are targeted to a page, not a predictable
bounding box. EPS is exactly designed for this task[1], but most Latex
nowadays will support PNG and many other graphics formats. PDF is
actually the worst choice for this task because Each PDF file
encapsulates a complete description of a fixed-layout flat document,
including the text, fonts, graphics, and other information needed to
display it.[2]

Nevertheless if you are using pdflatex (which you don't mention
either) it does not support EPS which is actually very stupid IMHO,
but teTeX distribution includes a tool, epstopdf, to convert EPS files
to PDF. pdflatex notwithstanding does support JPEG and PNG directly,
but scaling, anti-aliasing and choice of export font requires some
additional effort to get right.

You can also use EPS directly in your LaTex doc by following by using
DeclareGraphicsRule much like the recipe here:



Alejandro Imass
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Re: Shema for DIA format

2013-08-30 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 1:30 PM, Andrey Repin wrote:
 Greetings, Alejandro Imass!

 On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 4:33 AM, Tveritinov, Alexey wrote:
 Hello all.

 Is there an XSD describing DIA file format ?

 Excellent question. I don't know of one and would probably be hard to
 manage because of the different modules (UML, IDEF0, Flochart,etc.)

 You're confusing structure with functionality.
 XML Schema describing the document structure, not document contents.
 UML, and whatever else, is part of the same structure.

Hi Andrey,

I phrased it wrong. The structure is actually pretty basic but depends
so much on the type of object (UML, etc.) that a schema would be of
little use to extract or transform to anything useful without knowing
how the module implements the structure. That's what I was referring
to, not that an XSD itself would be hard to manage.

Alejandro Imass
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Re: Shema for DIA format

2013-08-28 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 4:33 AM, Tveritinov, Alexey wrote:
 Hello all.

 Is there an XSD describing DIA file format ?

Excellent question. I don't know of one and would probably be hard to
manage because of the different modules (UML, IDEF0, Flochart,etc.)
Don't give it too much though and just dive in and get what you need
for your particular scenario. We transform DIA and use it natively in
our software development process. For example we use dia2code to
transform class models to DDL and we also extract info from the dia
file itself to create Docbook tables to document the data dictionary,
and some other uses as well.

What are you trying to do?


Alejandro Imass
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Re: UML 2 shapes and/or related tools

2013-07-18 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 10:35 AM, Stuart Rossiter wrote:


 From: Alejandro Imass

 What exactly are you missing for UML 2? We use the UML 2 standard with
 DIA (albeit not religiously a la OMG/Rational) but we are very fluent
 in V2 and we use DIA for all our work. Can you provide an example of
 what you are trying to do?

 Alejandro: a fair question. Unfortunately this was a bit of a
 'fire-and-forget' post, as the UML modelling work I did that brought up some
 apparent shortcomings was quite a long time ago. I'm in the middle of some
 other work and don't have time to go back over it (I'm not even sure which
 particular diagram types I had frustrations with), but I appreciate that I
 probably can't expect too much help without more details!

 I may also not have 'thought laterally' enough in terms of adapting existing
 shapes for my needs.

 If/when I have time, I'll go back through everything and post again. Out of
 interest, what are the normal set of diagram types you use and where (if at
 all) do you need to use shapes outside the UML set? (I know that, in
 principle in UML 2, these are not rigid divisions...)

We are not UML experts by any means, being a small and dynamic shop so
we only use about 5/6 artifacts in most of our work:

1) Use Cases: extensively used during requirements phases and also
internally to discuss scope, etc.
2) Activity Diagrams: for business process definitions, specifications
and also scoping.
3) Communication Diagrams (prev known as Collaboration Diagrams in UML
1): we use these extensively for design, to count components,
packaging work and planning. Perhaps we abuse Communication Diagrams
because we are probably combining Object and Component in a
behavioural view but they have been very useful for us since UML 1.
They are easy to understand by everyone so we bend the rules here.
Besides, we use UML as a guideline not as religion.
4) Class Diagrams: we use these twofold. Sometimes for software design
or to emphasize some particular design feature, though not common
because we program full iterative + TDD so class design is mostly on
the fly. However, we do use Class Diagrams extensively in database
design and we create the SQL-DDL scripts directly from the diagrams
using dia2code. This also allows to document any triggers as methods
on the tables though it's only informational. All comments on
properties are used to automatically create the data dictionaries for
documentation simply with an XLS sheet that extracts this info from
the DIA file.
5) OSD: Only in cases where timings are really important we use OSD.
6) Package Diagrams: we have used them but usually #3 above does the
job for most of the development we do.

I have used DIA since about 1998 with UML 1 and then switched to UML2
style probably around 2010. Actually it's a funny story because we
wouldn't have changed anything if it wasn't for a customer who
happened to be a university professor and rejected all our documents
because they were all wrong. We were in fact somewhat updated to UML
1.4-1.5 at the time, but he forced us to adapt to UML 2 so we forced
to catch up. In reality though, our problems had nothing to do with
UML versions but rather was abuse of use cases (as we would violate
the requirement - design frontier) and that we didn't use Activity
Diagrams at all, things we could have corrected using UML 1, but we
had already read-up on the new stuff so we upgraded.

For our work the impact was very low and we found no limitations with
DIA to keep up with the new UML 2 styles. If you do find them, let's
discuss theme here and see if we can contribute together to solve


Alejandro Imass
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Re: commercial use of Dia

2013-06-11 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Tue, Jun 11, 2013 at 4:01 AM, Agnieszka Jedraszak wrote:

 I'd like to use Dia programme for commercial use. It is a base for Genealogy
 programme with clip arts made by Tomasz Steifer ( What
 are the terms if I'd like to use his programme with yours Dia in it in a
 commercial use? Well, it will be just me making those family trees, so it
 won't be some kind of mass production. Still, I'd like to have everything

As it is stated in the Dia Homepage, it's licensed under GPL 2

In general terms and based on our experience (as I am not qualified to
offer legal advice) you may use it for anything you want (including
commercial purposes) unless you plan to re-distribute the program. If
you plan re-distrbute the Dia program as such, you must follow the GPL
2 license which is also referenced in the above link. Just read the
license and follow it. If you have any specific legal questions about
the GPL 2, you can write to the Free Software Foundation
( or consult with an Intellectual Property lawyer.


Alejandro Imass
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Re: How to change the UML line width attribute ?

2013-05-02 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 11:26 AM, Maxime Lecoq wrote:

 I'm using Dia for making UML diagrams. I did success in changing the line
 width of an UML class : double click on it (it opens its properties window),
 go to the style panel and change the line width attribute (still wrote in
 english in my french version by the way). This works good. Now, I would like
 to do the same thing with line beetween 2 classes (inheritance,
 implementation...). When I double click on a line (or do a right click and
 select properties), there is no line width attribute... How could I do ?

No can do in the associations currently. Since the primitive lines are
able to do this, my guess is that you could hack the UML sheet and add
this attribute and possibly contribute it back to the project as a


Alejandro Imass
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Re: How to change the UML line width attribute ?

2013-05-02 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 2:14 PM, Lecoq Maxime wrote:
 Ok, thanks. So I did git clone and saw that it already has been done
 (apparently since 2010-09-18 :
 It is possible to set the line width attribute on UML lines using the Dia
 git version. Why this feature isn't available in the default Dia package
 (I'm under Debian) ?

Debian stable usually ships with very old versions of everything.
Testing is a bit better and unstable is not very useable IMHO. Anyway,
I'm using the binary package 0.97.2 on a Mac and UML lines don't have
that attribute. We have people using the MacPorts version which is
usually more up to date and it doesn't have that either, so I'm
guessing it's not in the 0.97.2 version at all.


Alejandro Imass
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Re: DIA 0.97.2

2013-04-29 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Sun, Apr 28, 2013 at 10:32 AM, Sylvie  Louis Montgrain wrote:
 Good morning,

 I am writing to report the software will not allow me to print my org chart.
 I can print using other software.

Dia runs on many platforms. Printing is one of those things that is
very OS-dependent so please specify the exact Operating System and the
steps necessary to replicate the problem. There are probably other
users of Dia on the same OS as you that may be able to offer some
help. Usually, a sure bet is to export in PDF and print from your
Operating System's PDF printing tool (whether is Adobe or not) and
that will usually print perfectly.


Alejandro Imass
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Re: dia-list Digest, Vol 108, Issue 24

2013-04-26 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 6:07 PM, Andrey Repin wrote:
 Greetings, Marshall Feldman!

 A very good reading to understand, how real economy works.

Brilliant! Especially: Shores of Hazeron does not implement any form
of currency. Who would fall for it?

Made my day :-) !


Alejandro Imass
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Re: Shape export issue

2013-04-26 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 2:24 AM, David Arnold wrote:
 On 26/04/2013, at 8:13 AM, Andrey Repin wrote:

 Hi Andrey,

 Thanks for your reply.


 I have now played a little with using Inkscape in this role (manually hacking 
 its plain SVG output into a Dia shape file), and the results have not been 
 especially encouraging.  I think the resulting SVG is a little too complex.

 What do people recommend?

Inkscape, two hands down!

You can select any object and view the SVG XML on the spot for that
particular object. Furthermore, you can edit the properties right then
an there and see the changes graphically; I guess you already figured
this out ;-)

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Re: Copy text from any flowchart object

2013-04-25 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 1:00 PM, wrote:
 Dear all:

 i am new user of dia and found it very useful.
 I face one issue that i am not able to copy portion of text from any flow 
 chart object.

 So my question is, is this not implemented or there is some method to do this.

You are correct. Text selection in objects seems to be a missing


Alejandro Imass
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Re: Question about Dia

2013-04-24 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 12:08 PM, Daniel Trujillo Viedma wrote:
 Hi guys!!

 Firstly, thank you for that great software.

 I have a trouble. I'm trying to do a UML diagram, which has a class that
 contains a lot of references (like the object class in this example:
 and I need to know: Is there any way to keep all these lines attached to the
 class?, or I can only attach lines to the points specified in the rectangle?

Yep, you can only connect to the connection points on the classes. On
some element you can add extra connection points (e.g. the basic line
primitive) but not on the UML class. Tip: the UML class will create a
new connection point on each side for each attribute or method.

If you are going to post-process your diagrams, say for example to
create SQL DDL from UML classes using dia2code then you must take care
of creating correct associations so the foreign keys and indexes
generate correctly. Note that FK relationships are akin to UML
associations not aggregations or compositions.


Alejandro Imass
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Re: How to change page size to selection size SOLVED WITH WORKAROUND

2013-04-11 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 12:26 AM, Steve Litt wrote:
 On Wed, 10 Apr 2013 23:43:02 +0200
 Hans Breuer wrote:

 At 10.04.2013 20:48, Steve Litt wrote:
  On Wed, 20 Feb 2013 17:31:43 -0500
  Steve  wrote:
  Hi all,
  In previous dia versions, within dia I've been able to set the page
  size of a drawing to a selection of all objects on the drawing.
  Then, a simple export to svg would give the exact sized graphic in
  svg form, ready to put on a website. The new dia version I just
  installed has no random resizing capability, restricting the user
  to a predefined list of page sizes.


I think you are referring to the page scale factor:

File-Page Setup

Look at scale and fit-to sizes. If you want your objects to fit in one
page you can use fit-to 1 by 1 or play with the scale factor until you
get a satisfactory fit in the pages you want. I typically use a scale
factor of between 20 and 40 for the UML sheet but of course YMMV.


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Re: Questions re. Dia created on MAC and readability on PC

2013-04-09 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 6:44 PM, Andrey Repin wrote:
 Greetings, Yvon-Charles Beaudet!

 I have created a series of diagrams on Dia on my MacbookPro with your Dia
 version for MAC and I have version dia-bin 0.97.2

 My client to whom I delivered the diagrams in Dia form for his future
 modifications tell me that they can't open the files apparently because they
 have been created on my MAC and they use PC with Windows?

Dia files are compatible across platforms. Maybe they are using a
different program or trying to double-click the icon or something like
that. It's a user error for sure.

Good luck,

Alejandro Imass
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Re: Fonts are partially cropped

2013-03-09 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Sat, Mar 9, 2013 at 3:58 PM, wrote:
 Hi, I have the following problem with dia 0.97.2 under debian linux.

 If I ckick on the T icon, click on the diagram, and type a letter, say I, then
 the loweb right part of the character is not shown.

It could be a simple refresh. Try moving the screen around and see if
it refreshes. I used DIA extensively in Linux, specifically Debian,
and never had any problems. It could also be a font problem, but what
can happen sometimes is that the screen does not redraw properly, so
all you have to do is scroll inside the diagram and it refreshes.

Alejandro Imass
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Re: Opening dia

2013-03-06 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 11:48 AM, Sylvia Gillpatrick wrote:

 Thank you for creating this tool. I downloaded it and opened the EXE file. 
 However I cannot find where the application is stored and thus,  cannot open 
 it. I am using a MAC.

Hi Silvia,

I believe the EXE is for Windows.

On a Mac you have to download the Mac installer here
Install like any other Mac package. Then the program will be available
in your Launchpad like any other application.


Alejandro Imass
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Re: Wonderful program, but......... [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

2013-02-01 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 12:50 AM, Justin Wood wrote:
 G'day nice people who built Dia,

 I am moving away from Corel Draw due to my organisation being no longer
 willing to pay licence fees and think that Dia is a decent substitute. Do
 you have any plans to include grabable guidelines? Also being able to select
 a tool and it staying selected for multiple lines, etc would be nice as well
 (double click like format painter in word?).

Hi Justin,

DIA is a great tool for making diagrams with pre-defined sheets, and
it's especially useful if you'd like to convert the drawing to
information to be used by other programs. In our company we use DIA
UML sheets and transform the diagram into information that connects
the diagrams to other parts of our development process. For example,
our UML Class Diagrams are converted to SQL DDL automatically and thus
drives our complete development model.

BUT, if you are looking to replace Corel Draw, I don't DIA will fit
the bill because it's not designed to do so. For that sort of
application I think you will have better results with InkScape:

Good luck,

Alejandro Imass
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Re: Grid Box Issue

2013-01-27 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Sun, Jan 27, 2013 at 3:41 PM, k p wrote:

 If a 2-dimensional Grid Box is in a group, you can still change the
 number of columns or rows.

Hi I just tried this on 0.97.2 on a Mac and if it's in a group it won't let
me change any properties.

 Double click on the grid and change the column or row.

 However DIA shuts down instantly

I grouped, ungrouped and tried again and it works fine.

 Can Also add text to a Grid when in a group

I wasn't able to touch anything in the grid when in a group.

 Grid is is the Misc Library

 Using Linux Mint latest version

You forgot the dia version!

Usually when objects are in groups they shouldn't be editable. Maybe that's
the problem, I mean it would seem that the bug is that is actually showing
you the grid properties when it's grouped.

Does it work if you un-group first? I'm not familiar with Mint but perhaps
you can remove the binary version and try compiling a source version from
your distro.


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Re: Support with Dia

2013-01-17 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 11:12 AM, Luigi Bossio wrote:
 with Dia for the first time (it’s a fabulous program) but now I need to
 export that diagram to my MS Word 2010. I tried by doing it with exporting
 but either I didn’t do it correctly or it just doesn’t work. I need to
 export that to Word otherwise your program is useless to me.

You can export to jpeg or png and then insert the picture into Word.
Word is not particularly stable when handling linked images (or too
many images) so I would recommend opening the exported image with any
Windows program than can read-it and has a copy to clipboard function
and then pasting the image as a Windows Metafile (using paste-special
in Word).

Back in the days I used Windows I used to keep a companion PowerPoint
presentation with all the images contained in a doc. This is because
Word would sometimes freak out and lose all the images with a crossed
X and I would lose al my images. Once I lost 2 months of work and
backups did not help. With a companion presentation it is easy to
import images and then copying a slide and pasting it as a windows
metafile in Word. It works pretty well and you can keep your images
somewhat stable in one place that is NOT M$ Word.

Fortunately I haven't used Windows for many years and I now code my
all my large docs in Docbook directly keeping everything organized.
For short documents and small manuals I used LibreOffice but it sucks
just as much or more than Word or any WYSIWYG Word processor for that

Good luck,

Alejandro Imass
dia-list mailing list
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Re: Development

2013-01-10 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 1:53 PM, wrote:
 I like what I see.  Tested on my MAC and Window 7.
 Is there any new development happening or is the project closed?

I've been using dia since very early versions and IMO it's alive and
well. We use it production every day and we are *very* happy that it's
not a feature-creep-style project and in fact it has been very
positive for us that it changes slowly. All good software should be
like that: simple, practical and slowly changing if it works well. We
use it on Linux and Mac every day.


Alejandro Imass
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Re: Couldn't find Composition symbol in UML in dia windows while aggregation is there.

2013-01-10 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 7:13 PM, Michael Ross wrote:
 Hi Sujit,

 So, now you are experiencing open source software.  We all hope you get you
 moneys worth ;-)

 Whoever created the symbols for the UML sheet apparently did not need the
 composition symbol.

Sorry Mike but that's wrong.
If you double click the aggregation symbol you can change it to a
composition. In UML it's the same symbol just filled.


 On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 12:04 PM, Sujit Kumar wrote:

 While creating a UML , I couldn't find the composition symbol with filled
 diamond but only aggregation symbol is there.



Alejandro Imass
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Re: Couldn't find Composition symbol in UML in dia windows while aggregation is there.

2013-01-10 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 1:02 PM, Michael Ross wrote:
 Ahh, the secret sauce is revealed.  As well, my ignorance of the UML shape

Hahaha. Yeah, I have an unfair advantage because I've been using DIA's
UML set for far too many years now ;-)

We dome some really magical stuff I would like to publish one day.
Well in fact we have, for example I made some contribs to dia2code in
the SQL DDL generation but we really have to publish this very
interesting end-to-end methodology we have with DIA. From use-case to
actual model and documentation in Docbook tied directly with the code.
Really neat. 10x better than any attempts to do the same with Rational


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Re: DIA - Labeling arrows

2012-12-16 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 12:34 PM, Jim Johnson wrote:


 Any way to add labels to arrows in dia?  It's a pretty critical function.

I attach text labels to lines. You can connect them in the middle node. So
the procedure is this:

1) Create your line
2) Create a text object and when you finish editing you should see the
connector on the bottom left corner of the text.
3) Click on the connector (will not work if you drag the text itself, only
drag by the connector)
4) Connect the text to the middle of the line (should turn red to connect).

It's not perfect but it works for me.

Alejandro Imass


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Re: DIA - Labeling arrows

2012-12-16 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Sun, Dec 16, 2012 at 8:33 PM, wrote:
 On 2012-12-15 04:34, Jim Johnson wrote:


 Any way to add labels to arrows in dia? It's a pretty critical function.


 I use UML associations and messages for this. It's overkill and a bit ugly,
 but it works.

Interesting. We discovered the attaching of text labels to simple
lines because in UML use cases we needed simple straight lines, and
simple lines with labels for extends, includes, etc. We could have
used UML messages with the simple message type, but it would only
work for include, so we decided to stick with simple lines and
attached text labels because it works for all cases and gives us more

We've wondered why there are no connectors for use cases in the UML
sheet. Anybody know?

Alejandro Imass
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Re: Connect two lines?

2012-11-26 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 2:09 AM, Ohto Nordberg wrote:
 I can connect a line to a box, but not line to line. I am trying to draw
 graphs like this:

All lines in DIA have 3 connection points: on each end and in the middle.

Alejandro Imass

 I would like to draw graphs like that easily, not sure if Dia can do that?

 Thank you,
 Ohto Nordberg

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Re: Connect two lines?

2012-11-26 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 11:50 AM, Michael Ross wrote:
 I don't believe you can connect two lines end to end.  I think that is what
 the inquiry was about.

Michael, you are correct. My last email was incorrect, only one
connection point that can receive connection in the middle.

 But if you have a connection point the you can move that point around and
 the two lines will follow it.  Seems like the perfect solution for the
 diagram he is trying to make.

Yes. If you add a few they will get close enough to the end.

If the ends of lines can connect (i.e. are connection points
themselves) why can't they connect to each other?? it seems like
something easy to fix...

Alejandro Imass
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Cool feature UML and text labels

2012-11-23 Thread Alejandro Imass
Hi folks,

Just wanted to share something cool. Since AFAWK  there is no formal
connector for use cases we use ordinary lines. But for includes and
extends it had become cumbersome to move manual text labels around
with lines. Today we discovered you can actually connect a text label
to a line so the text moves when you move the line. It works quite
well for UML use cases.


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Re: Dia: Cannot delete

2012-11-19 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 12:36 PM, Somnath Mazumdar wrote:
I am facing very stupid issue. I am using dia 0.97on my Mac OS X 10.7
 but using backspace or Edit--Delete option I cannot delete anything. Please
 help me to solve it. I reinstall it also bit no changes happen.


 I am using Dia (V-0.97).app for my mac os.


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Re: Export image size/dpi

2012-11-14 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 4:04 AM, Harold wrote:
 On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 6:15 PM, Andrey Repin wrote:


 The good browsers (Firefox, Chrome) do, the ugly (IE) don't. Saving
 the schematic and viewing it offline is a b*tch too, you'll need a
 separate svg viewer on the ugly again ;) (Windows)

Yeah well then don't use IE, is that simple! The same shit was when IE
didn't support PNG well and you had to use some ActiveX filter to get
transparencies to work. If we don't push them to support it better
they never will. And besides, who cares about IE anyway?

In any case, there is a very cool JQuery Plug-in that can help you
fiddle with the SVG on any browser.

I think this library is awesome for manipulating SVGs on a Browser.

Alejandro Imass
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Re: Export image size/dpi

2012-11-09 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 11:05 AM, Harold wrote:
 On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 4:53 PM, Alejandro Imass wrote:
 On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 9:56 AM, Harold wrote:
 On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 3:48 PM, Alejandro Imass wrote:
 On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 7:34 AM, Harold wrote:
 Dear list,


 Tell me if it works.

 Found it!!!

 I had to select PNG (anti-aliased) in the export options to get the
 second dialog, all the other export options lack that dialog.

Yeah, sorry I forgot to mention that ;-)


Alejandro Imass
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Re: Export image size/dpi

2012-11-08 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 7:34 AM, Harold wrote:
 Dear list,

 I made a part of a schematic which looked quite alright on a A4 grid
 in Dia, but when exporting it, it was really small ... I found a
 workaround by printing it to a pdf, and then saving that pdf as an
 image, but I'd rather just export it as an image in Dia.

DIA version?

Exporting to what format?

 A single A4-format Dia sheet only exports to about 470x300px, which is
 way too small to show all details.

 Is it possible to increase the exported image size?

When you export, at least to PNG you have the option to select the
image size. But you should try to export to a vector format so the
final images can scale and/or print correctly. Try EPS if you want to
embed these output images in other documents (e.g. DocBook, Libre
Office, etc.). For printing, use PS or PDF or print directly from DIA.

Alejandro Imass
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Re: Export image size/dpi

2012-11-08 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 9:56 AM, Harold wrote:
 On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 3:48 PM, Alejandro Imass wrote:
 On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 7:34 AM, Harold wrote:
 Dear list,


 It's for publishing on the internet so I just need a simple image
 format like png, but I never get an option/dialog to specify image
 size anywhere?

So when you do File-Export, choose png and click ok you don't get a
smaller dialog asking for the size of the export???

Close DIA and open it again and you should get the second dialog (PNG
Export Options). I'm not sure if this is a bug or what but once you
select the export size once it doesn't show up a second time for that
same diagram. I'm using your same version on a Mac but we use it
extensively on Linux and I think it does the same thing.

Tell me if it works.

Alejandro Imass
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Re: SADT H-V-H Activity flow

2012-10-20 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Sat, Oct 20, 2012 at 12:05 AM, tamouse mailing lists wrote:
 I am just beginning to learn Dia, with the interest of making some

What version? What OS?

 SADT/IDEF-0 diagrams. I have loaded the shape sheet SADT, but I only
 see on kind of activity flow: Vertical-Horizontal-Vertical. How do I
 make the Horizontal-Vertical-Horizontal flow arrow that will be like
 the VHV arrow? I read about deleting/adding segments, but then I can't
 figure out how to make HVH shape work like the VHV shape (greying the
 shape and arrow head) nor can I make sense of trying to get that new
 HVH shape actually saved in the SADT sheet.

1) Take the flow arrow and connect it where you want it. For example
from activity box 1 lower right connection point to activity box 2
upper left connection port. The arrow will be pointing downwards and
you will have one segment with a yellow square and the two end should
be connected by showing red squares.

2) Drag the current segment upwards by clicking on the yellow square
until it passes the top of activity box 2 (which in IDEF0 will usually
be bellow box 1). Now right click on the vertical part of the line
that is sticking out of box 2 and select add segment. A new yellow box
should appear on that vertical line, and the line should turn black
because it's now a horizontal flow.

3) Click on this new yellow box and drag it to the left. The new
segment will grow to the left and the arrow should now point correctly
to the right. To change the flow style double click on the line to
open it's properties. Don't know too much about IDEF but AFAIK
horizontal flows should always be black, and the only option (at least
in DIA's SADT/IDEF0) is to grey the vertical ones, but if you want you
can force grey the whole line by changing it's colour in the object's


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Re: export code visual to flowchart to dia

2012-09-19 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 10:51 AM, alain.lecoze wrote:

 I bought code visual to flowchart, but the export function allow only
 microsoft software.
 Can you give me a advise to try dia ?

What is your application of the diagram software?

Alejandro Imass
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Re: Lingua italiano diaw.exe 0.97.2

2012-09-14 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 4:19 AM, Ale Strooisma wrote:
 This mailing-list is international, so please use English. Most people here
 can't read italian, and therefore can't help you.

 However, for the other folks, I believe your question is: how to install dia
 in Italian on an English OS.

The question is actually changing the language of dia on a Windows 7
OS in English

 Kind regards, Ale

 On 09/13/2012 04:04 PM, wrote:

 Buon giorno,
 ho istallato il programma diaw.exe 0.97.2 su un sistema operativo seven in
 lingua inglese e il programma non mi permette di cambiare lingua in

1) Dia is translated into many languages including Italian. It uses
the common gettext method and po files for this. I noticed that the
Italian po file seems quite old and it's ISO-8859-1 whereas most
others have already moved to UTF-8.

2) I'm not really sure how Dia works on specifically on Windows so
maybe some Windows expert can fill in the gaps. But I would suspect
that GTK on Windows is ported in a way to understand the current
user's regional settings and this should get Dia to work automagically
in the language that the OS is in. In other words if your Windows is
in Italian then most probably your Dia will show up in Italian as

So to answer your question it may be as simple as setting your
regional settings in Windows to Italian and that should get Dia to
work in Italian. Maybe there is a way to keep your Windows in English
and to set some environment variables before launching Dia to get it
to display in Italian. This means that the language variable in your
OS has to be something like it_IT.ISO8859-1

The locale must be available and the underlying C library must see it.

As to how easy or hard is to get your Windows to work in Italian you
have to check with Microsoft.


Alejandro Imass

 mi potete aiutare ?



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Re: dia - database sheet

2012-09-10 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 7:51 AM, yanf50 wrote:
 Hi, are the FOREIGN KEY constraints supported?

Yes, but dia2code is a separate closely related project.

Primary key: properties that are class scope. Just set it to class
scope and it will generate a foreign key. It supports multiple-col PK.

FK: Make an association from the owner of the data to the class that
uses the FK. In that direction only. Example:

Person -- Role (Role class references Person class and FK
is named person_id).

1) Select the UML association tool. Click on center of Person (the
owner of the referenced key) and drag it to the center of the Role
class. Name the association person_id. The surrogate key model is
assumed so the Person table has a serial id and the Role table has

2) The id on Person should be  class scope

3) Run dia2code -t sql -sqlx fkidx mydiagram.dia

This will generate the DEFINITION.SQL DDL for all tables. Then you
should see the alter for the primary key and and alter for the FK
something like:

CONSTRAINT  FK_role_person  FOREIGN KEY(person_id) REFERENCES person (id);

Associations are processed last as ALTERS to avoid dependencies on
tables. So the basic DDL is done first and associations are done last.

The -sqlx fkidx will also create the indexes for the FKs.

You will need late dia2code 0.8.4 or 0.8.5


Alejandro Imass

 thanks and regards

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Re: Dia 0.97.2

2012-08-31 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 7:28 PM, Carlos Herrera wrote:

 I have a Dia software 0.97.2, but I can see the section Cisco - Switch, I can 
 say as add or if you need some template gift decargar the disclaimer?

Hola Carlos,

Como han dicho otros, puedes postear tu mensaje en español sin
problemas y alguien tratará de traducirlo un contestar. Por favor usa
formato texto simple en tus correos para no ocupar espacion en la
lista y que la gente que no usa MUA HTML puedan leer y contestar tu
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Re: dia...latest version (version #....???????!) for ubuntu.

2012-08-31 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 3:51 PM, William N. Murray wrote:
 Hello Dia,
 I've been using dia for a long time, mostly under Redhat. i just recently
 downloaded the (probably newest) version
 for Ubuntu and i had some comments.

What version?

 It LOOKS nicebut I find it much harder to use than previous versions.

Which ones? Please specify.

 International symbols and icons are all well and good,

(my comments for 0.97.2)

I disagree. The new integrated/mdi interface is sleek and much easier
to use, especially if you are working with several files at a time.
The new versions are _a lot_ better that olders ones and I have been
using DIA since circa 1998 when layers were new.

 but only the two rightmost of the topmost icons NAME THEMSELVES on
 mouseover: toggles object snapping, toggles snap to grid. I still have

Yes, the tooltips are not working for most buttons. But I am baffled
that is your way of judging how good or bad the new version is
compared to older versions.

 no idea what the icon between print and cut is supposed to do. It
 actually took me quite awhile to recognize that the icon to the right of cut
 is paste. Fortunately, I remembered that ctrl-v was
 pasteUnfortunately, I had to remember it.

The tooltip is broken, but the icon matches the menu option so it's
not like rocket science to figure out what the icons mean. Besides, in
previous versions you would have to use the menu anyway, so what is
the big deal with the tooltips?

 It's not obvious how to get to help (or version number!) and it's
 certainly not obvious how to look up the fact that ctrl-v=paste or that
 ctrl-z=undo. I seem to remember lots of keyboard shortcuts exist but I
 see no way to look them up. That is not good. Some of us prefer written

I'm guessing something is seriously broken in your particular version.
You need to specify exactly what versions you were using in RedHat and
what version you are using in Ubuntu.

Help is in the Help Menu and About is there as well.
All shortcuts are clearly listed in the menus

Ich spreche vier longxvojn pli-malpli bone kaj he estudiado
 algunos de otros.
 I consider the previous sentence in German/Esperanto/Spanish, to be much
 more comprehensible than the new all-intuitive
 control interface for dia.

Is that supposed to be clever? Why don't you start by reading this and
see if it's comprehensible:


-- Alejandro Imass
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Re: How to make Mac OS Dia open a file on desktop following double click

2012-08-23 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 6:41 PM, Vipin Asopa wrote:

 When I double click a file on the desktop on Mac OS, Dia program
 opens, but does not load the file.

 It would be useful to know how Dia can be made to open a file please.

It always helps to specify the versions so that package maintainers
can figure out what's going on.

I can confirm the issue using the package for Dia
0.97.2 on OS X 10.7.4

 Also - if I try and open a .dia file by another program, same thing happens.

It seems the MIME to the OS is working OK because it launches DIA, but
the launcher misses the clicked icon parameter for some reason.


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Re: Improvement request

2012-08-20 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 8:36 AM, Thomas Kocourek wrote:
 DIA is a great program. But after using it, I have noted two ares where
 there is need for improvement.

 1) When DIA saves out the information in the native format, layer
 information is lost. I would like to see the native DIA format support
 saving layers just like the GIMP program. That way, if I save a works in
 progress, I can reload it and edit the layers as necessary.

 2) DIA automatically opens a saved file in a best fit mode. If I have a
 works in progress and want to expand the canvas, my only option is to resize
 by zooming to a smaller scale and adding the new layer. Eventually, that
 scheme will run out of steam because the objects will become too small to
 properly manipulate. I would like to see a expand canvas option which
 would retain the current zoom level, but add more canvas accessible by the
 scroll bars. Plus, one should be given the option of specifying which
 direction to expand into.

Not sure if I fully understand this particular limitation you are
referring to in point #2. Some objects are able to scale and some not
(e.g. UML) so you can just scale the page by using File-Page Setup
and look at the scale field. When you reduce it (e.g. 40) it will
allow for more non-scalable objects to fit on the sheets.

We've been using this mechanism for years and our diagrams scale quite
well by reducing the scale mentioned above.

Alejandro Imass

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Re: Dia won't run on mac

2012-08-09 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Thu, Aug 9, 2012 at 2:05 PM, jmarch wrote:

 I have just downloaded Dia and Dia shapes from

 but it won't run on my macbook air !?

I have ran both the MacPorts version and am currently running the
binary from

I run Mac OS X 10.7.4 and it works perfectly

 I downloaded the from the mac osx link and installed it into my applications 
 folder but when I click on it to open the program nothing happens!

 Please help


 Jason March
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Re: marvelous.

2012-07-31 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Sun, Jul 29, 2012 at 1:27 PM, Oliver Tatlow wrote:
 This is an absolutely superb piece of software.

 I was considering buying Visio when I found this and have saved 100's of £s.

 As far as I can tell Visio isn't any better. Great work.

Yep. We use it in production for over 7 years and we transform UML to
code everyday, especially UML Class to SQL conversion using dia2code.

Alejandro Imass

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Re: blank space

2012-07-31 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 4:07 PM, jose mejia wrote:
 I finish a diagram but it does not occupy the whole canvas
 How to adjust the canvas size to my diagram?

File-Page Setup and modify the Scale field

 I use File/Page Setup - Fit to 1x1 pages
 but the diagram still shows a blank space under it and the canvas
 when I save the diagram as EPS and I display it in other app it appears that
 blank space under it.
 how can I get rid of that blank space?

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Re: Question

2012-07-31 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 10:48 AM, Octavio Alvarez wrote:
 On Tue, 19 Jun 2012 09:05:29 -0700, Jen Golden wrote:

 I want to know if I can send a copy of the diagram by email to another

 Export it to PNG (beware that there are more than one PNG export filters)
 with a fairly good resolution and attach it.

Or, a vectorial version (SVG, PS, etc.) that can scale

Alejandro Imass

 That's what I do.


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Re: Dia layout drawing

2012-07-10 Thread Alejandro Imass
Basically yes, but if you need a lot of precision you should evaluate
a more CAD-style solution, though Dia is pretty decent once you lear
to use it.

Open File-Page Setup

And the first thing is to decide the paper size and for your
application you probably want to select the horizontal layout as well.

Then look at the scale factor which is the scale relationship between
objects and the paper size. The smaller the scale the more objects fit
on a screen, that is, when using the object templates[1], but in your
case you need to figure out the grid scale versus the paper scale just
like using a scale rule.

[1] Some template objects seem to have a fixed relative size and grow
automagically (e.g. the UML template) while others allow for you to
scale them, so keep that in mind.

Assuming you are using USLetter horizontal, then your page will be
21.6cm 27.9cm and the default margins will be 2.54cm on each side,
which is 5.08 that is not visible on the grid. This means that the
actual grid, starting at 0,0 should go from 0 to 22.82 on the
horizontal and 0 to 16.52 on the vertical. This is for the first sheet
and the rest is a continuum so you can actually print and then tape
the sheets at the margins. Most printers will require 1 margin anyway
so the default 2.54 margin is safe.

Finally you can tweak the grid properties in File-Diagram Properties
but the dynamic grid will work well for most applications.


Alejandro Imass

On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 2:20 PM, Mike Cola wrote:
 I have been testing the Dia app for layout drawings such as floor plans and
 was wondering if its possible to set and display dimensions of lines as well
 as set a specified scale for the entire drawing?




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